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George Floyd Death, Racism in USA Report

Background Information: Previously information was

searched on New York Times news’ web page. An article was
the main source where it was taken a reported accident: “How
George Floyd was killed in Police Custody”; this news
headline was published on May 31th, it is explained George
Flyod death triggered by American Cops because of their
On the other hand, information about riots and looms around
USA was taken on BBC web page. The article “George Flyod
death: Unrest spreads across USA” was used to inform the
events after the American black men murder.

George Flyod Death: On May 25, Minneapolis polices

officers arrested George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, after
a convenience store employee called 911 and told the police
that Mr. Floyd had bought cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill.
Seventeen minutes after the first squad car arrived at the
scene, Mr. Floyd was unconscious and pinned beneath three
police officers, showing no signs of life.
By combining videos from bystanders and security cameras,
reviewing official documents and consulting experts, It was
reconstructed in detail the minutes leading to Mr. Floyd’s
death. The video shows officers taking a series of actions that
violated the policies of the Minneapolis Police Department and
turned fatal, leaving Mr. Floyd unable to breathe, even as he
and onlookers called out for help.
The day after Mr. Floyd’s death, the Police Department fired
all four of the officers involved in the episode. On May 29, the
Hennepin County attorney, Mike Freeman, announced third-
degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges
against Derek Chauvin, the officer seen most clearly
in witness videos pinning Mr. Floyd to the ground. Mr.
Chauvin, who is white, kept his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for
at least eight minutes and 15 seconds, according to a Times
analysis of timestamped video. 

Racial Manifestation: Violence erupted in the city where

George Floyd died, but was also seen in New York, Atlanta,
Oakland, Dallas and many other cities across the country. The
greatest anger among protesters remains in Minneapolis,
where people defied a city curfew.
The city was accused of not deploying enough police and
National Guard on the streets. State Governor Tim Walz
accepted responsibility but said simply "there's more of them
than us”.

A number of fires were started in Minneapolis, and fire officials

said it was too dangerous to reach all of them. Mr Walz said
the protests had morphed into chaos and "wanton
destruction". Several areas saw looting of shops. But the
protests were far wider than previous nights since Mr Floyd's
death on Monday. Police in Washington were out in force
outside the White House, which was briefly locked down.
Police fired pepper spray to keep protesters from the building.


Juan Pablo Fuentes López. 22/06/20


No. WORD P of S* Equivalent Document (title)

1 bigotry noun intolerancia

2 caucasian adj Caucá sico ‘
3 collusion noun Conspiració n ‘
4 inclusion noun Inclusió n ‘
5 ethnicity noun etnicidad ‘
6 internalized adj internalizado ‘
7 minority noun minoria ‘
8 intersectionality Noun interseccionalida ‘
9 opression noun Opresió n ‘’
10 prejudice verb perjudicar ‘
11 racialization noun Racializació n ‘
12 equity noun Equidad ‘
13 restorative adj Reconstituyente ‘
14 settler noun Colono/poblador ‘’
15 Privilege noun Privilegio ‘
16 Supremacy noun Supremacía ‘
17 whiteness adj Referente a ‘
18 praxis noun Prá ctica ‘
19 loom Verb/noun saqueo ‘
20 riot noun revuelta ‘
21 clash noun enfretamiento ‘
22 Unrest/rioting noun Disturbio ‘
23 bias noun parcialidad ‘
24 mon noun multitud ‘
25 leftwing adj Izquierdista ‘

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