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Previous Guidelines for Interpreting

Background Information: All preceding research was taken by three videos about
voice mangement and previous doings before an interpretation. The first one called
“Curso de locución y oratoria Clase 1” is related to broadcasters and people who uses
the voice as main work source; The second one named “La correcta impostación de la
voz” is based on a sound technic used in order to improve the quality and volumen of
the voice; Finally, the third video chosen is “Interpretación simultánea desde dentro”
where is exposed a roughly view of interpretation conference and some issues that
interpreters face regularly as well as how deal with them.

The voice is the most important tool for interpreting work since without it the
message in source language could not be rendered in the target one. For this reason
voice management must be concerned by interpreters and its correctly use learned.
On the other hand, prevising other problems such as anticipation in field to interpret,
do a sound check and prepare all the handly material is up to the interpreter.

Voice Modulation
The phonetric is the study and treatment of organs involved in speech production.
According to this science the voice is produced in larynx along with other body parts,
that can be modified and amplified depend on the volumen intensity used. Every
human has its own tone as the fingerprint that is one-off.
There are some issues in the voice that can harm it such as aphonia, dysphonia,
phonostenia, dysoenia, etc.
Warming-up the voice before a conference results profitable to support it for a long
period in use. A great technique is to pronounce the letter “O” for 10 minutes always
from diaphgram.
When we use a correct treat of the voice it is essential know the air operation from the
abdominal area to lumbar cavity toward rib cage where the sound is expelled to creat
a good quality of the tone. Gesticulation take an important place since set the diction
in words improving a better understand in the message given. Morefuther, it is always
important having a good voice projection according to the audience and the place and
cricustances we are on.
One of the most important things when it’s our turn to speak is the intonation we add
up in the speech using raise and downs, make the pause and take a breath when is
due. A bit of advice is whisper everytime we paraphrase.
Locating in good opposite of the microphone o locate the microphone in front of us
can be unnoticed and ruinning our speech, the vast majority of the microphone are

Voice Projection
The voice projection is the act of set up the voice in a place and keep it there. To
achieve this the head must be used by humming and established in larynx. We should
not confused the voice projection with speaking weird.
A technique used for projecting the voice is count by putting down the chin in the
chest then bend down the body by counting again and return at the same position for
counting one more time and so on. Try to place the sound on the nose. Using this
technique it is possible to get a bightness and more hummping in voice.

Anticipation before the Interpretation

Previous days before the event, the interpreter must have studied and researched the
subject and create a glossary of the most common words used. If it’s possible trying to
get the slides or audio-visual material before the event.
The interpreter also must be concerned that has the work supplies are ready such as
notebook, memorycard, glossary and post-it notes to stick the current words and
relevant notes.
Some of the interpreting services own its technical equipement like microphones,
receptors and portable cabins, however, some interpreters work by their owns and
the equipement must be gotten for apart.
The most convenient way to work is teaming up with other interpreter by roating
shift every 20 minutes, whilst one is interpreting the other one can help in searching
words, write down figures, etc.
The speakers should be aware that they are being interpreted and try to not speaking
fastly, use-well the microphone and have good diction and coherence in his speech.


Juan Pablo Fuentes López. 22/05/20.


No. WORD P of S* Equivalent Document (title)

1 Modulation noun Modulació n

2 phonetric noun Foniatría ‘
3 larynx noun laringe ‘
4 One-off adj ú nico ‘
5 asphonia noun afonía ‘
6 dysphonia noun Disfonía ‘
7 phonostenia noun Fonostenia ‘
8 dysoenia Noun Disodenia ‘
9 Warm-up verb calentar ‘’
10 diaphgram noun Diafragma ‘
11 Rib cage noun Caja torá cica ‘
12 expelled adj expulsado ‘
13 unidirectional adj Unidireccional ‘
14 hummp verb vibrar ‘’
15 Voice projection noun Impostació n de ‘
16 slides noun diapositivas ‘
17 Memory card noun usb ‘
18 Post-it notes noun Notas ‘
19 Roating shift noun Rotació n de ‘
20 figures noun Graficas ‘

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