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Background . Neonatal jaundice is a clinical condition in infants characterized by jaundice /

jaundice staining on the skin and sclera due to excessive conjugated bilirubin buildup . Based
on 2007 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data on causes of neonatal death, hematologic /
hyperbilirubinemia abnormalities is the number 5 cause of neonatal morbidity with a
prevalence of 5.6% after breathing problems, prematurity, sepsis, and hypothermia. This
study aims to know the determinants of neonatal jaundice, include sex, type of birth, post-
natal care (length of stay after birth), stimulation of early breastfeeding (IMD), formula
feeding, fever during treatment after birth, amniotic color, birth weight, birth length, weight
loss, gestational age, and APGAR scores at Muhammadiyah Selogiri Hospital, Wonogiri.

Method. This is a quantitative research using the approach of case control . The sampling

technique is using total sampling . Case criteria in this study were patients with a diagnosis of
neonatal jaundice and control criteria who were not neonatal jaundice . The data were
analyzed by chi square and analysis of multivariate with logistic regression to determine the
determinant of jaundice cases in Muhammadiyah Hospital Selogiri .

Result. Based on multivariate analysis length of stay (hospitalization) (p value: 0.001; OR:

4.582), Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (p value: 0.002; OR: 5.146), Formula feeding (p
value: 0.000; OR: 0.319), birth weight ( p value: 0,000; OR: 35,352), Body length (p value:
0.047; OR: 0.499), Weight loss (p value: 0,000; OR: 2.795), Apgar score (p value: 0,000;
OR: 0.030) . Based on logistic regression analysis non-vaginal delivery (p value: 0.027; aOR:
7.372), normal body weight (p value: 0.000; aOR: 122.372 ), no asphyxia (p value: 0,000;
aOR: 227,589 ).

Conclusion There is a relationship between the type of labor, length of stay, Early Initiation
of Breastfeeding stimulation, body weight, and weight loss on the incidence of Neonatal
jaundice. Infants who was born by non-vaginal delivery have risk of 7.372 times compared to
vaginal delivery infants. Babies who were discharged < 3 days had a risk of 4.582 times
greater. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding stimulation related to exclusive breastfeeding has a
5.146 times relationship to the incidence of Jaundice Breastmilk and Breastfeeding Jaundice
jaundice . Normal infant weight is at a risk of 35,352 times related to the length of treatment
after birth and the incidence of normal Jaundice. Weight loss in newborns is 2.795 times the
risk of experiencing Breastmilk Jaundice and normal Jaundice.

Keyword:  Neonatal jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia, indirect bilirubin

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