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Chapter 4 Areas and sectors of LSS applications

Chapter 4

Areas and sectors of LSS applications

The contents of this Table have revealed that, LSS has found wide applications. As shown in
Table, the implementation of LSS has been reported in as many as 14 areas and sectors. Atmaca
and Gireness (2013) have enumerated the papers in which the implementation of LSS in different
sectors is mentioned. This enumeration has shown that, LSS has been applied in aircraft
subsidiary, battery industry, and casting industry. In recent times the LSS framework is being
tailored to fit into particular industry and has produced tangible benefits.


Vikas and vinodh (2016) had shown the deployment of LSS framework into a automotive
industry and realized improvements in organizational performance, in terms of costs and process
parameters. Vinodh S. (2011) had done a similar type of study in an automobile component
manufacturing company and identified various benefits of applying LSS framework. Some of the
applications of LSS is shown in table 4.1 in manufacturing sector

Table 4.1 Manufacturing sectors

S.No Areas and sectors Papers reporting

the implementation of LSS

1 Automobile Vikas and vinodh (2016), Vinodh, S. et al. (2011)
2 Iron ore Garza-Reyes et al.(2016), Sri Indrawati et al.
3 Aircraft Ediz Atmaca S. and Sule Girenes,( 2013)
4 Pressure Switch Assembly Vinodh S., et al (2014)
5 Battery Ediz Atmaca S.and Sule Girenes, (2013)
6 Casting Ediz Atmaca S. Sule Girenes, (2013)

Chapter 4 Areas and sectors of LSS applications


The success of Lean and six sigma philosophies in manufacturing sector prompts various
researchers and practitioners to find application in other sector also. Besides manufacturing, LSS
has found application in IT and public sectors. Furthermore, LSS has found applications in
service sectors like insurance and call centre sectors. Awkash modi et al (2012) explains how
these two philosophies can be applied in IT service delivery system, what will be the challenges
and how to overcome them.

According to some authors, the general LSS framework is not compatible for implementation
in small-sized companies. Research has been done by some LSS practitioners in order to develop
a customized LSS framework which facilitates the implementation of LSS in small-sized
companies. Similar types of research have been done in various fields like healthcare and
financial industries. This work does not include the comprehensive study of applications of lean
and six sigma principles in Non Manufacturing sector, but some areas of application and the
related study has been listed in table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Non Manufacturing sectors

S.No Areas and sectors Papers reporting the implementation of LSS

1 IT sector Awkash Modi (2012)
2 Publishing company Joshua Chan Ren Jie et al.(2014), Koning et al.
3 Financial services Delgado et al. (2010)
4 Small-sized companies Kumar et al. (2006)
5 Insurance sector Ediz Atmaca S. and Sule Girenes,( 2013)
6 Communication industry Barnes and Walker (2010), and Psychogios et al.

7 Healthcare environment Chiarini (2012) and Schattenkirk (2012),


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