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SOClA.L LE.Gl·SLATION 1 -~ (!:II --·~.:


_The general purposes ot workmen!s compensation

leg·islation; therefore, are:·(l"OT-PI)
........___ s_b_c....;IAL-.--·w_·E_L_F
. ~·
_· ._: 1
- · 1.. To [mprove ·th~ economic ·status ofthe workers;
2. To Qbviate the uncertainties,. delay, expense, .
'and hardships attendant upon. the enforcement
I. . ''•
ofcourtremedies; : . . .. ·.
· Social Legislation ,. . 3. To Iransfe"r .from the worker to the industry in
Refers to those laws that provide particular-kinds. of which he ts employed, ·. and ultimately to the ··
.protection or benefit~ to .so.cfety'orsegments the.reof . consuming public, a. greater pr.o'pqrtlon. of the .
. in furtherance of soclal justiqe· (1 l,ZUCE/VA, supra ecoriornic loss due to industrial acoidenta.and
: at 10). · : . ·. ·
. injuries: . .
TITLE TWO: EMPLovees ·caM.PENSATION AND 4 .. To frq'(ide, riot on.Ly foremployees aremedy ·
· STATE'1~isuRANCEFlfND . ·· .: . · ·. ·. which is both expedltious and Independent of
: proof. qf fault. but also for. employers a lia_bi)ity.
.: CHAPTER I; POLICY ANO DEFINITION . v,,_tiich is lirnlted and determinate; and ... · ...
· ·· · --5 .. To Improve the relations between. employers
Workmenis Compensation .. is a. ger:ieral and . and 'employees by· avoidlnq or reducing the
· comprehensive term applied to those laws providin·g ·· . friction Incident to litigation (1 AZUCE!NA, supra
. fo,r compensation for loss resultirtq "from tne ii:ijury~,~...:.: at"516). · , . · · ·
.disablement .or : death. of .. a· .workm?tn..;,:,tb16r:igh
·: industrial · accident, casualty,' or- .,~is·«;las~ (1
u· ;~,.__ · . :. '·
. ; "·· l ;." .. · · .
. .:
AZUCENA. supra at _5_14):- . ·. -~<""· !"."'\:.,,;.....o=-=:=,."'" ~- ·P /' ~MPLOYEES · .
Th~ p~lmary-. purpose • of j\(~~ Y~s~= ~{q~PENSATIO~ ~D ..
compensatlon.ract ls .to p1ovig~l.-~~~1ia'h.f~~ jj~- :S<=.FA~E>NSURANCE·FUND
disability · or death . resultiri.ef ·tra~/occi;lpation.~l. ~ ~ · ·.;. · t\ "\:; J-,..&- · \ • · · •
injuries or .di~ease~, or· 1;1c~\di!ntal.inJJ:lry 1o$,.or _deat~·,e: .?~, · · ·. ~ ·
1 ,',,(. : \\, · · · · .·
i1r::- -~-r - ;. . ,ri~ . . ·,
of employees: ~h~.statute 1~Jl-~e~1al on~-el.'la_eteC:J-"ili'-' . . .
__primarily for the beneflt of tl];
v,,tio wolks l~e-~ , I · ..- {!;;::: -: n . . Mr ..aa,OYEES .
<' \ - .. ·
pursui~s._subject to.lts proviti~~~l.~~s-~ortflW·benfili{ .;-, ~CotPENS~1I!ION LAW (ECL)
of the ,n1ured _empro.yees ~rir~t.i¢!_J~urecrei~_}~Y'e(~~~
(1 AZUCENA,.supra at 51_5), ·· · 11""'\\i ~"J' ~- ,, • 0 .1, · . ~-
:B·.mN:~ · ·_62
i..): &.-PoEA:.SEc·
~ ~'). ~-..:,-.,·r. · . · . ~ . .·..
. .. · · iu, fl"' ~ :il
· · /<:::! ;· . ,;jo10 · · --- ,
'The. Principle 'of\.So_C?ial.·~):u~ity\ls r3p'l1~ ,.)Jri$ e~·'..', '°-# .. :.(f if ."· .~-: · : ·
. Emplo~eE:s'. Cpm~e~s.ation C, ~E~~:fi ·· . ' . ::AY. · I · :. , ." ·: · . · , ·.. ." · . · . . ·
. Comm1ss1q~ adm1n1s_ter:s ai:icj s~ttles. <:_laim_s f(b~.~~e.&ens.~1ionm,. ans . all pay'T'~nt~. made 'for
fun~ under its e_xclus1~~ c~ny-o!. l'~e !3mpl9~~~ t:ftt.~~J E.N,1fueon;i.~~~t;Jefits..i~~d. medical or related l;>enefits
·. · not interveri~ in.the,compen~ation p~~~e~lan,9)tcb.~~~---,=;>-.fM/3~~R. CQb'fl.f)\rl. 173 (o)).. . _ ·.. . . _.
n_C?'·· as .!n me:p;3st, ?ver ~'.3~en~oA1cleJi.ts.·1i,--,-,.. i... ~~-\..'\./J· ·' .. - . . . ·.. : . · . ·
A covered· cla1~i:in! .suffering from a_n .o~~t.lQ.~t6nal j\}1f·S~~~,,§f6fCompensat_•<?n:. . . . · , ·, , . .
disease is at:1tomatically paid his b~nefits (De Jesus~...::,i-fflfect.P_ay~en.t - provides for th!3. paym_ent of ·
- v. [;CC, G.R. No: L-q6191, May 27, 198"6;-.0rate· v. · · the c6,mpens13tion·by,the emp!oy~r cjir.e·ctly '(6 the ·
· c.A; G.R Np:f.:)276.~,, 20~:J).· .-· .. . 9.mploye~;-an_d · .. ·,. ·
. 0 BERS . : . ADVISERS··
... · ' -. MARY c~u. c. syMAi-JQur· ·'.i<RISTJNA . D. ... CABUGAO 'JOHN llENE~ICT·M. RlVE}l.A, . ATIY'. JOYRICH . . M.
- · Over-all. Chairperson, ~~c1·. Subjectc:;'halt;·VICT6JU<ENNER ., RA~·.]ILLIAN D .. BIA$CA,: GOLANGCO,'.:Att'y. MARLON-).
. MA,ln;:. VISTA Chairperson for · S: -G,µ.ANG.. ,.Nsi.stant 'Subject . Cl:lRIS'l'l.AN -MJµUE LYNN P, .· .MANUEL· an_d ATT'i.." PETE.Re.
:BARB~O Chairperson forHo.ref . Subject- . Eledtronic .. o;,ta . PAD);UD, STEPHA!'lffi. NICO!.E. .. .. . ..
-- Operattons,JHELSEf\L9YJSEB., .. Processing, NA~~- A.· M 11..ACAD. and ANN MARY .
· . DIMAANO Vice Gbairp~rson-Jo.r · Ql)IJANO Labor Standards, BEA . MICHEll_E B. RUALO
. Secretarial, EAfU. ··JUSJ;IN :M. PAUUCIA G. DANG.i\Zo Labor ·, · ..
YAMBAO· Vice Chalrper.son."/or·· Rela_itons,, and.: JUZME~ ·
Operations,. MA. ANCELIC,O. B: : FRANCEZ UiERESE · M.
l)E" LEON'. ·.Vice. _Chclirpersoli for AB~IAMJurlsdfr:tion an,dSpec{al
Finance, ARRA OLMAYA ] ..' ,La",'S.
B:!',.DANGAN l'ice Chairperson.
. _ ,,
. '
for Audit,.JQRJ)!tl( N. CHAVEZ
Vjce Chalrperwn for EDP. ~z
DARI\YL . D.Til.l. · Vice
Chairperson for Logistics; and . ·
Vice Chairperson.for Membership
•• I ~ •

socui, LEGISLAllO'.N.·
. SAN 8£DA LAWC£N!Rl'\~1,?EO 8All OP£FIATION_S'-.M£M'Q(!Y AID 20;9_

insurance Statt.Jtes - require the 'employer to 2. ..B_uilt throug(:1 ~oritri~utions of th~ employers .
take out insurance elther with an insurance qased or:i the sal~ries of their employees; .
. bureau operated by the state· or with a private 3.. · C.on'ti·overslori to· the right to compensation by
" company.' or to contribute to a compensation " 'tiie e~plo.iees'is nofreql.iire.d. Opposition by the

r· .
.. fund, and If ari employee is injured, the empl_oyers {s. likewis'e discarded; . . . .
,., ,. · 'eompensahon.Ispaid by thelnsursr or from the 4. Rule on ~ggro:!vatiOf'1 of lllrie~s is· removed;
-cornpensatlon fund (1 AZUCENA,supra·at516). _ .fr. Einpi~yers' ·duty. is only ·to. pay · the regu.lar
monthly eremiums to the sch~m,e; al"\d
i;:. Enactment' . . . . 6. Empl9yee.s' Gompen~afion C~mn'ii~sioh .(ECC;)
f'.P·.o. fl!o. 62~ ?.i' _the. Em_ployees' Compensaflon administers and Settles fron'I a fund
~; Law (ECL), issued· on December. 27; . 1974, under ,its:exclusiv~ control. The employer
·:;. · amended extensivety the· Labor Code provisions· on. 'not :rntervepe, ·as. i,n .th'e .past, .. over 'Jjayment of .
:{::. f:'mployees' -Cornpensation and. $tate Insurance · : b_et'lefits (Sarmientov. ECG, G.R. Nd. L-'65680,
.f :~
fun<J (.1'AZUGEf'/A,.~~pra at 518) ..' : ..
.' .. . . -. . . . ..
. .· Mf,y·f.1,__1988). . · .. ·i · .
i. RD.. l'.JQ .. 626 took· effect on January 1, 1975 and
t . 'applies . prospectively.. Thus: it applies, oi:ilY. to · ..' :.·V\Jork;men's Compen.sailon ~- Empl·6yees'
: . C.ompens.ation/Stateln.Sl,lrance Fund
.-: illnesses -co·ntracted · 011 -or after -that date. The · . - •,. . . "'. .
f Wor.kmen's 'Compensetlon Act c,i{CA).· applies to .
illnesses .. contracted · 'before · -thar date. The -
Workmen!$. Compensatlon Comrnlsslon was fin.allYcVi1).
aboltshed on March 31, 1976·(1 AZUCENA., s·~pqf~f(,:~\ , .
, , .518).
· · . · · I>:·· ;~, ·,
Ff"'" · ~"t Act No 3428
~-· . ARTICLE 172: POLICY . . . . .. . . ~ /.::, -~:·r . : . . ·
. ,'['i
. The· Sta~e .~hall .pr~mote ';1.nd develop a t~~~~~em~iQ'[;!~ f!.t~~·r:t .
employees'. compensation · .. progra~---:.,,.wher.eby, ~1 . , , • • • • • • • • 1
employees 'and their dependents, irf.Jhe.~evt¥rit_gt:~tl -, . . ;J • I\ · . . _.. ·
work-connected disability· or death, ffl~Y.iPrbr,¥"'.- l There is ii' Ji,esump,tion Presurnptlori
. secure -adequate income b~nef!j,~;;i,:foJ- ;~e'dical r.~ - . ·. of
·.of compe'~~<)'~iljfy,·,onc~ cornpensablllty in_ fav<?r
f·· ,. related benefits (LAB~R. CO~re·rf.~s~~~., ~~ r::i .
:~j~~;,~~~t~~~~t~~= ~~ol;~~~ ·:x'?;~~ei~.. t~! 'I,

W St~te_l,rsura~ce.Fund ... ~ { =~.J;··ti ~..,.. . ~;·:1 ·. in '..:. t![i;1{;.:e,q.1:frse-t;P of case .of polic.~men and I·
~' . The Labor Coc!e.adopts the compensttl.C}':1;'!"~1.n?,ty,J)~{ t',,,r emplo~e·µ,legal members· .of· the AFP

~· ~IJ' c_overed employers are re9ffil'f~9-:;,r1~'t. ~o ia· · !1.f . pres·4m·ption, , . iri · the sui:;h t.hat the, moment. an
J:·,. . 9ommof.i. f~R9. ~ mor:it~ly c1;mtn~otictn...,eciui~~lent 'to · I ?rt;.. -pb~ence· of substantial AFP·. ~13mber suffers.- a
~- 1% of the monthly salary 9red1t of e:~~IY:>overed . /r,·.,t' evtaetllce_ · lo ·. the ,contingency, · .. · · the
{- . en,,ployee. Th~ employ_ee pa~~ no co'r$.J~ution5.~,,~'"1..,t::...:t.:~c/S~fr~~as .that.. 'the pr~sutnption is th~_t it _is .
~, . fund. Any_ agreement to.
!hE'.l c-qntr.ary,!~ pro?~l>J!ed, claim·· for' compens.a!ion ·~ec;ause of the r:rature 9f.
f. Tbis. ;makes up . the Stat~. ·lnsurano~.:£ttl~d' (1. ca,:n? . ·, .
wit~in .... the. ~i.s wo~k . (Ecc· Board
i:... .Afµ6Ef:IA supra at/5,17). . prov,~r.ons of.· · ttie: .f;?f!SO/uti,;m No~ 39Q8):
f. · · .- · ·. · · · · . · · ·· · : • compensation .law'· (1 ·.
~ . Mechanics of S.tate-Jnsui:anc!:! Fund ..· AZUCENA' . .. · · ·. t
.:.· . A sta(e insural)ce fund is)>uir~· Lip_ by the cont_ril?~tibAf .. ,,20) : ; ., • . s_upra · ~
o· ·· ··q(' employers. ba.sed o.n. th_s : salaries·: -o.f .. their v· - : ·
":: . · err,P1oyees. :The . injured w.orker · ~oes not. hav~. tO .~ ·
: litlg'ate hi~· 'right. to. cai'l)pensatlon. H~··sifr1ply files a· ,
· claim, with ·the .... new neutral... ·Employee's· No re'ed.. tq pre.sent Proof. of
causation is
Compensation°onwhic~ then deMrn'lines· · p'(oof ..of c~u·satibn ·(1 needed:'if.the disease is
whether or. not. compensation . may . be paid. (1 . AZUCENA, supra_ at ~qf listed (1 AZU9~1'/A,
:POQUJZ, sup,:a at' 507j.. ': . . . . ; -520); . _s'tJpra·at 521}: ·.:.
. ·: N~~~re of . th~ . ~tale'. insurance .Fi;l.nd, '(SIF):.
(C3APS) .. . . ·. . . . The.burden ~fpr.oo{that' Un.der th1;3 present ·,aw, ·.
. 1: P,resul'f1ptlon of ·,g,.om_p_ensabili.tyin· fav<?r. of the_ the' illness did nor arise 'for a ;:in . emplbye_e. (o l?~
.. ·:··workmen· is abolished.(Sa'rm/entov.. E(:c,·.G.R.: out of employnienl, orat entitled' ti:> -~ickness or
··:No,. L.,~65680,.. May 1.1, 1988); except in .the case least ~ggrav~ed 'by it, death benefits, . the
. of policemen-and members of the ·Arn'lep-F~rces .
· ....... of the .Philippines (Ar:;:P), the. pre'sumpUQnarises.' .
fEill.-on the employer\,. sickness . or . death
shou)ders. The re~ulting therefrom. must
· from· the nature of · their wo.rk provided·· th!3t-: en:1pl_6yeehas .no·duty_to be, or mus_t have resulted
'evide_ntiarydi9taJls:of injury or d~ath:are clearly - .show: . causatlon : (1. fro!'fl:.
established (ECC-Bo~rd _Resol~tionNo. 3908); · .

. . : .: 2019
.. 261 ·
• e Ml@MtMI @flhXMii Mi 4 ¥WHR4sd43Pi Mi·ld&·151

AZUCENA; "supre at ·1. A~y illness definitely . . Abo.llshed cbncepts under the EG!- .
520).. accepted. . as an While the pre·sumption.of compensability and theory
.occupational dlsease .of aggravation· un~er the Workmen's Compensatipn
' llsted.: by ' the .Act.may have been abandoned under the New Labor
Comrnlssion:' or Code,. it ·iS significant that the liberality of the la~J.°in
2. Ariy iliness causedby ~ME!ral in ~avo~ of the w9rkingman still subsists. _T~is
. .the . · .. employment rnterp·retat1on applied Art. 4 of th,eLabor Code .,vhrch
subject" to · proof . that provides that all do'ubts -shcJII be resolved in favqr of
the risk oLc:ohfractii'ig labor (La"Z;ay. ECC,·G.R. No. 78167, June 18, 1990):
. the same is" increased
by WQrkin_g.cond!tions ., .Pr~si.lmptia'n of .
compensability provides that·
., . (t-·AZU.CENA, .supf;J .. 6nce -ihvas proven that the injury or disease arose
. · tlt-_521) .:. . in the of· employment, the legal presumption-,: .
'in tne . absence. of substantial :evidence. to·. the
contrary, was thaqhe ,claim. for eQmP.el'lsation came' ..
· within. the .provision~ of. the .compensatjon law (1·
. AZUCENA, sµpra·_at 520). · . .

. . •.. t . , • .. . " •. :
·u· of· · aggr-avation
"-c:ompensabillty 'may be established if, by substantial
. .. . . : ..:.levid~~c~. it ca_n be demonstrated that_ the w~rking.
provides that

- . . · . .. .. · ·-/.;.· ,~·. ·•. 1 -~, :,:.-::-.~onq1trons aggrayated or at least contributed in the

: The · erriploye_r s~ould. _srnce t~.cla1~0J4:J~_e · .' ~dvaiic~m·en! ~f the employee's illness (J_ep_sens
co~trovei:tor dispute !he emplo~e\:-h.,: ~'..-,,,J~t. :r,~.-.,,Mantime,-lnc.· v.. Babol; GR. No: 204076, 'December ·
claim.. tor .compansatlon coml?e~~gtr&w1f"9irecrn1 . 'l\""' .4 2013): ···~ ?() '\ . . . . . . .
-within'.1,4 days fC<;J~ t~e _ag~ih_s'~~V-1ff Sf.. th!1 :4Jj~ .&l . \. . \ {~ .\ · ·.. . .. .. ·
dat": of the dlsabillty; or ernJSl?ye.r's;loes -~ot _have ./( ~-,. .C_ompen·sabih\y{o,f!'Ji'l~,mbers of the Military .
within 10 days .after: he to/,cer:1~9"[irtthel!,l_a1m-_(.:1 .. -1f'r~·uesp1te!',he e><<t!u~[!m \?f ihe members. of the AFP.
had : ... _ac~uire~ _AZ.I;~.'
· sufra~:;l:)\ 11 <_~~eJ _NP 'fr~p'(t~.,l1verageof GSIS, they are
. k_nowle,9.Qe thereof, 52.1)~ U .'f, .. st1 · =-Still cov, red _un~e,,..,.~;1 168 9f-P.D: No. 626, as
otherwise, he would be ~ ~ , \\·
considered' 'to have- .s . _;;:,.~
..-<~ '
-!: · ~-IDl!!JllamendJ~cc :f;irculafiNo.06-709). · · · .. · · ·
~ ·. · · ~ f;{!:17
· .. 1(1-,;::,:f-~ . '. . . , · · · ·
·v-:aived . his ri~ht, to· . \ ()I. ) ·. . . ~ , :-(._: _· J~ ,: :e~ rtfil,Ru1~,l ·o~i -~!Jmptive e.ompenS'abWty.
d1~pute. the cla_rm an~ · ,~ . \, ~[~ ~"!~~follo'w;ng 1,/..nces, the diSability o, death
will_ be· Qrde.~~d Y?. pay_ · ·\ . . · ·,. -:~~ ~/~~iV.a.··9)-tfmber- pf ~he_ m[litary · is ~eld to :·_be
. _the ... cornpensat1<;>n (1. \ · \.~ { Sr ~--;~l~:c'ompef!.'s~bl.e:f~A_P) . ; · . .. . . . · .
'A'Z._UCENA, supra at · · .. · ~~~ 1I.::.t~3/vv~.!l~~~Jd1~r-1s on fiest-·and')'ec:ea~10~,
5~1). . . , 0 . --==~--· -'<1"\,.,hJ.c~>:IS ·consrdered part of ·the. soldiers.
...... _}...~ \~'ii~ry
r., "'\,...\
i~ ~,.,., .adi~ities, . after t~e soldier h:;i_d . gone
. .. . . .. . . . . .. •:-~ . . ~ ·. J.. !',... ~oi1:acty~jc0,nbat-doty, as.duly certified to by·
Payment, . of ·. ··the PaYrnent · ·. of .·· 't!1"er~~ the p(op·i;;r corriman(!ing offic$r.coliceme_d';
compensation.-'is. madE;i compensation is ·m!:3de . b_ . While' the ·soldier is on. ·Acad~mic leave,
by · · ·. b~. ·, tt]e · · SSS/G$1S . . provided thafthe·parti_cular field 'of ~tll_dY. had . ·
·· · · · tt:iroug!)_.. .the State . been· approved and· Pc!id for by the-military, ·
lnsprance.l ·Fund.' .. The· or . other··. agencies ·the·· .military··· 'had··
·E".)P_loy~t's.·O~ligation ·is · . ·{anctio·ned officially; .· .. .. ..
n:i~r~ly to _pay_·hi~_cqunt~ ..c.: When a sol~ier is: ".on'f,ass" for a period not
c.ontfibutiontb the·S~S. · ·exceedi,ng 72 hours .. · If, the. $oldier · y;,~s ·
. . . unable fo :teport himself or hers.elf back' for :
. d.uty fr9m. a duly ·autiii:>r.ized -pas$ Within: the
If.. ah . a·ilment ..ofi ,an- .The. rill~ on: aggravation .. 72-hour per~Qd, it must have' tJeen for some .
ei')1ployE:ie .. ··wa~ of iiln~~s which tJives: rise legitimate·. :and· valid .reason . such . as
. (:lggtavated by ,his work, to .. -emplo1e(s. liab.ility .. fortuit9us.''.rorce ~ajeur.~( prpvidejj
the·erri'ploy~r is .liabl~ f()f was · 'abC>lished . (1 lhcit n'o·unjustified or: .unr~asonable· dev\ation.
corripensatlon .· . '(1 AZUCENA; · . supra· : ~t ·rrQrn the condltjon for Which. 'the 'p.ass ljad
AZUCENA, supra :at 521). b.een iss.:ied. · had been comrn.itted· (ECC
.52i) .. ,· · Boa';-crkesoh,.1tion No. 0~02.00.14). · ·. .
'2. In the following instances, the disa!:Jility or dea~h .
. · of a· rri'emb~r . of 'tt]e -JT1ilitary · is deemed riqt
' .. c.~mpe'n'sahle:WuCC·S-LA) . ' . .• .


,, : ..

•• 1!49 'h-1 iff±..ZIWMDNM&MSWl?ew,&s~ .. . +wiffl!R&F.&4~'

a. . \l'.Vhile the soldier is on Furlbugh or On- Bas.le Fea'tures ·. of the New · Employee's
.· leave, he or she is considered absent from Compensation F>rogram: (12 - PW~R)
military service, .. .,,.. . 1. · !ntegration of Benefits .- Compensation
b. \/Vhile the soldier 'is on .G_or:walescent, benefits for work-connected· injury, sickness,
·.. ~ompassi6rfate or §.ick leave, except when. disability, and death have been integr~ted With·
the leave had been dueto work-connected · those· of the GS IS/SSS and PhilHealth
illness or injuties; ... . . simplifying and . facilitating the -processinq cit ..
c. While the.soldler is on m~t.ern)fy, paternity or claims. · · · . . . ".
gradu:ation·.!::eave; and. . . 2. Increase . in Benefits - Allowable income . ·
'cL When the s'ol.dier is considered on :'AWOL" benefit has been considerably lncreased.death
status . ((=CC Boi:i'rd. 'Resototton 03-No. and permanent total disability .. benefits now
.. 020014). .. ·' . . . consist. of .a lif~time 'pension. Burial expenses
/.IES have also been increased. .·· . . ,
-. ·
3. of
frompt payment· lnecrne benefits - Does
'1.' · When the ·. dis~bitity or · death is . caused by .awax with· . adversary . proceedings. The ·,
L ' circumstances creating a l_egal Iiabllity against.a third employer will file·. the . claim in . behalf of thee.
1"" patty, the disabled orthe dependents,' in· employee. .
'i:,, case ot.hls death, shall the System.'(.GSIS 4: Wider Coverage·.:. it includes employers wiJh at
,;: . .or SSS, as· the casemaybe) .. In case the benefit is: least one employee · arid regardless . of. the .
· pald, t~e
,system ·sh.ail be subroqated to the rights of ;;,.~:\ . capitalization and the type -, and nature of thelr
the disabled employee or the dependents,' ii'l-CaSE;?1,9(1;:.J;c business. . '. .. . . . . . .
his- d.eath, in ·ap9ord.ance·. with the general/~~/'''\ 5. begal Services Dispensed With - Under the .
. (LABOR CODE;, Art._180 (a)).· .. · l't·F; .:. ':,, · n~w yrog~~m. ther~ is· less e~pense because
. . .: . , .. . .· . :; (· '.'. '.;;l,,.. --. leg_al s~i:yrce,s are dispensed with, .
excessive Recovery . ,$- ! :. · · r(.;.:... ..6;;.:~or,,anc.ed. Rehabilitation· Program - It
Wt:iere th~ systemrecovers from ·suc;:11)b!fd"party~_; f! ·er1a6fesJ,~emian!3ntly. disabled 'el'f'!pJoyees to
· damages. in· ex~_ess·.of _those:paid or 1a1J~w.,.,~<:und41r\::>J
l . avail tt-i1~\~1ves of reha~ilit~tion¢es 1Jnder
the law .... such excess sh al.! be. delJy.§lir,-~· to· t~·- !.;\ . the E?JPIPYve's Comp_ensi'lt.1on Prog~ar:r, (ECP)
?isable<;I!~yee or ot~er perso~,~;~tit!J:ft!.ta·efreto,.. !';., ·. whi_ctiJ...cafi _h~)P tl1em _regain c.1s. soon_~s p0ssible
after d~ducfmg. ·tt,e:,. cost· gJ4roceecttngs;;7anp,__. p} th_el~jph)1f.1Cc!\~apac,tyto the _:max1mun,: _IE)~el.
.exp_enses of the .Sys!em,(vig~~ COf!:F;i,_Art. 1~0.'' i'".\ .p1s_9bl~~per~~n,~ c~uld therefor~ rem?m ?s
(b)). .: . . . . . . .. ~r'. "'-'<'~2;·0 . -~.,, . ;~: ! &~ffil::~~Nwt~9f,,SOc1etyand regain. their self~
'. , · -.. '"-•· h:;;',f) v·-,,4 1 •.. j confu:ieQ.1,_e_;al'ld self-respect (.1 .PQQUIZ, supra
Prohibitio!) Against Do~ble ~edcwed./",,,'\_ . ·JI ~,.; . at 499). . . , .
The injured employee ca~not claim\P,~ym~i)Jtwice ! 1$sT,.,,...;~ . · · · . · . ·· ·t
f9r the same inju'ry from'both the thir'cfpaq:v;~_ridfr9m · /,; !, . ~-~)_".!~}-~ 1 a2: EMP!,.OYEES' COMPENSATION
·the.. employer (Alba v. BU/aong, G.R. ct;(os.:
;· . and L-10$85-88, April 30, 1957). . _(';~ ~. {/',./.. Strucrure:
·. · ·· ··· · ·, · , : ',-1._r·>.[.) · .. 1. ·Chairman: DOLE Secretary·
~' ARTICl.;E W1: DEPRIVATiON OF BE;N'eFiTi . 2. Ex~Officiq Merribers:. . ·
f; · .. Ex'cept as.·otlierwfse pto~ide:d 'under_ :this Title, no. a. ·-_SS$.Administrator;
~ . contract•. regulation, : or d_evice shall ' · ·p. · GSI~ Gen,~ral Manager;
'Operate t~ deprive .the. eg-.ploye_e or his.:~ep~ndents·
of any. part of th:e· income· benefits,, ahd ·medicat or
C, EC.C. Executiv? Director;_
d. Me11care C.ha1rman; an~ ...
r· relatec;l· services g'rantetl. under .this··Title :(uti16(? e. Two. appointive mernbers, one of· whotn
f, CODE, Art.·
~81); .. · , · ),haH ·repre~ent ·the ernptoyee.~. ·.and one
i · ,.· · other, the employers, to be appointed by tt)e.
;f. _Rules.or;i·._!:,i·~~ltan,;ous Re:c~ve.n,: . : _ ..... · . President (LABOR _CODE, Art: -182). '
i· . · 1, $imultaneous· recovery un.d:e·r the Labor Code · : · .. · · · · .. ' · ..
. . . ·'and .the Civil Code· cannot be
made: The action, Thrus(~of ·employees Compensation Prog'ram.,.
(ECP): (CCP) ,. · . . .
· · · is· sele'ctiv~.· and- the emplqyee
· · · · · · ·
!l'ay choq_s~ io file ·: · .
the claim · Bu:t once .the,election. is. ·1. .Qompensative. Thrust ...:.. . ECC thrpugt:i ·SSS and
·, t.he cla'irriant. · cann,cit opt'.Jor. the oth·¢r. : · · 'GSIS pays benefits 'to the workers who suffer
. remedy. (Ysmael Mantim(!!, ·corp., v: AvefiiJo, work-connected contingencies. In case' of death,·
. . the btmefits. are given to the· beneficiar,ies..
: ·- G.R, Np. 4:3674, June. 30; ·1987).
2.- Simultaneous. reco.very' undsr. the Labor. Code·
c · t'IVe· T.hrus·t.' ~ t re.a
2 · ~Ura · t · t.h · .k ·
s e SIC f!eSs or !nJury
· ··
'.? .
ai-.d the SSS .cari be made;since·.P.O. No. 1921 trni.t.a worker may suffe.r . · .
h~s lifted the ban .on .sim.ultaneous · recovery 3. Preventive Thrust '- to minimize and ··control
(DOJ Op,inion No. -a, January 12, 1990)'. · hazards in the' ·wqrkii:,g · e'rivironm.ent (1
A_ZUCENA, supra at 598-599). . ·.


. •,



The ·state Insurance Fund- shall be .compulso.ry a: . Employer: on the first da_y of l')js operation ·
,upon: . ·· b.. Employee:: on ·the 'first_ day of.employment
: 1, ·All employers; . (LAB.OR COPE; Art. 116; Amended Rute.s
. 2·. Employees not 60 y_!3ars old; . · . . on Employees Compensation (2014), ·. Rule
. 3 .. Employees over ~O years old and 'payi'ng I, $ec. 6). .. · · ··
. contributions; · . ·
. 4. Employees coverable. by both· the GSIS and Rules 011. Conipen~abi(ity· ·
·. . SSS shall .. be compulsorily covered by both 1.. For the injury and the resultin~j' dlsabllity ordeath ·
.·Systems . (Amended· . Rules on · t.=mploye·es' to. be compensable, the injury must be theresult
· : Compensation (2014), Rule I, Sec, 2); and of an accident arjsing out' ofand In the-course' of·
.. 5. · Flliplno employees employed abroad subject to' the employment (Ecc·ResolutionNo. 2.79g,july
.. regulatiOr)S as 'may be prescribed (LABOR -25, '1984);·· · ·. . .' . . . . ··
'. · .. CODE,.Art. ·175)'. . · . 2. For the sickness and .the res,ultii1g·.disability or
. . deathto be compensable, ~he sickness mustbe
. ·_..,._Note:··Liability. of .the. ECC through SSS/G$1S.shall the result. of an. cccupatlonal disease listed
. be exclusive ·ari9 in place ofall other-Habuitiesof the under t.he Rutes with the condlttons set therein
.. employer to the 'employee, his dependents oi: . .. .satisfied, 9~herv.iise, . .proot rriust be: shown th~t .
. ~nyon~ · otherwise entftled. to receive d~magE:~.,9.f.1..,,.;... ..., ==..~:therisk _of cohtra·c!i~~ the ·d.isease ts lncreased ·
Bet,art iof the employee.or his dependents :(J[?,J¥offhe· '[, T i\ . .,:by,..tb_ewo~Jng conditions; and' ·. · . . -:
LABOR CODE; Book IV, Rule IV, Sec:,,J.fii)). :~
· .· . · ... ·. .
- .:r°V OJ;ilyi~~l')jury: or- slckness that occurred on or
. / :{....,..~ C .~::o~, ..,,~~.•}1fter,1Ja_p.u~~ 1, .1975 and the resulting disability
The payment _of compi:m~atio.n.u9.9jr-,E9'~,;~{l;ia1fno(.' . . . . . ·0~~tii~~'IS)1a~ be compensa~le . under these,
-bar the recovery of benefits as 91:ovt~c;t1.tpf!!J,,_Gthe~:'°'":'"'.o....~e~ "((Arhe,f\.<!_ed Rules . on· .,Employees
laws whose benefits.are . - adniini~1~-e~ b.fthefSyst~
,r,.., ,.. 11, ·1:.. J{"' )% Co,p~saJi~m(~14), RULE Ill,· Sec: 1). .
or by other agencies· of tl;je gQ¥ernmeA ,t ..(E .,t -~
· . -: .·~. . · · . · · . . · · · . :· ·. · .
~ •

Resolution No. 2799, July 25?J1984; ',lmendedRules ~l\f'\ Note: !tie er ,fl<!l(~\t for compensab1hty 1s the·.·
_or ff},
Employe_es Compensatkfi.,,'"(7J)·1 Ru/,-117;'._S~9.:-~ al . --~jcisten_cf:ot.e~p1_6'yet~l!IPl?yee relat_i_onship which
2(b)). .. ..· · . . u pl::._i ~I . . ·\ .: ·";-~~")l,. ez1s11;l~ J~1~d1ctiop~J1ou1~d~~1on,.for.t~e ·~e.covery of.
, A • •• • g "~·~, . ,\ f
f-~.. : ~2.rnpe~at1on. ~-~-'il!e .relat1onsh1p h_as,alr~apy
CJ,\_.:· . ',
C_crvered -!=mpl~yees:

sha!("be·covered: {PPO)
~l ~-.; f. .
Emplo~e_es belonging_ to :anyiQitfj ~JlovftP~!lJ:,s~i::~9~ ·.
.. \\ V ~ : '\"C..1,;~,
t~.,p~iR· fdJ~.
~~een s.~'iift.,, ,- ltj,e·proV1~1ons of t_h.(,rla~w111· no~ apply

\:· .· · ~1 ..,~.!};,).';,'/A.. . JI ·.. :",r

~UR[~gt,,57.'l). . · ·
ff . ·. . · ·
· . . · ··· '.·
· ·
· ·

1. The fub!ic :s.ector consist~ of: .. ·~\ · ~tP ~ ~- .~ 1e)1 i:~g . o~ppmp_e1;1s.~b1l.'ty·. . :· .
a. ·Employed.workers wli~are c.o~ered~bftlt~ ..~~r~>*'8:1eJ$~ess~e.:tilt1ngm:
· GSIS, including. the me(!'.lbers ~f: the(Afj!~~:f:;:::r.~\.;. ~1s~ll~y;.. · · : · . . ·
· : (EGG CJr-cular ~o. 06-709~/y21~~~)/~;~,fil~!-~a~.,_e!'!l..p_?rjr: Total D(~ab(li.ty;
· b_. .El~cliye who a're receiv.!~}eQ~'1I1r-rc.,:::~~4-~fS-1'1f.e}jD:iJ1ent.T.o.~~I D1~_a_b1h~y;and -': ..
. _. '. . .' salary; . · . · . . .·· :· -~~, Llj . ~ IJ A.2\_~. }P-~~~e-~!partial D.1sab111ty'. ~r.·
c.: Thos!:) ·employed as ~a:sual, ~ontt:ag~al·, ·l\l:.V2~ 0 UT:· .. · . .. .· . · .
. Emergency,· Temporary., ..or-· ·substitu~~=-=~: ·· · ·., · · · ...
.- . - .,· · · · - . ·1nJUry . .. ..
~ . . -~rnpJ.oyees .(C2ETS) (LABOR CODE, Art,. ·I · . , :. · · ·..., · ful . h · · ·.-· · .h h : . ·
... , 1-7.~(g);· Amende'q .Rule,~·:··on 'f=rriployees .· r)JUry,:mea_~s any.,.,ar:m. c .~r:ige__ 1n ~ _.e· ~m~n .
·. · Compensation · (2014): RULE ~r. . Section . orgarns_m{rom _any ~~c1d_ent arising out of and 1r:i the .
. . . -- . 4(1)); ,_.. :·. .. . · ' ·. · ' · . · · course:~f e01~loyn;_e~HLAt:mRp?DE;, Art. 173(k))..
·2. ·The:frivate·sector coriiprisinQ aWthe.:employed' .. .-.. ·,'Arising.. out of"·.refers .to th~·origin 0·· ·.O ftli
. work.ers who are· cqvered by. the SSS (LABOR. .. · · . . , ,i , · .· . . .. . . . . r ca~se e
COD£,.. Art. .17~(g): Am,ended Rules on . '. . ?~c1dent .. Ji:1. t~e .~ourse of, ei:n~toyme~t ·, ri:t~rs to .
: E_mploye,e·~Compen~alion (.2014), RULE./, Seq. .mJury . that takes. place .. within.. !h~· pefl<?d .... of .
. 4(2)).. .. :, · : · . · · .. : . · ·: · , .. ·... . .. .. :· ... · . el'T)pl~YIT)t?nt, at: .th~ pJace. whe~e. tl')e. emp_loyee
3 Overseas Fil'1P"ino w k (O'f=W. ). . ., . ~ea.s_onaply n:,ay b~,.~nct_wt,11': fulf!lh.~g '11s-dut1es or. .
· .- , . . · .. .0r.. ers ··. :·s •. name 1 Y_· . - ...... 1s engaged. in ..doing. soi:nething inc1~ental thereto.
~·.. F1hpino . seafa~er~ co,n:ipul~or.ily vOV€!r_ed (llo'ilo Dock'& Engineering· Co. v. Wee, GR:·No t-
.. under: the .SSS, and · ·. . .· 26341 November 27 19681 • . • . •· •
b. .r,.. and"'based ·contract' wor~ers provided that ' ., :,. · r· ; · ..
. : fh~ir ,,em'pioyer,.- najur,al or: juriqic~I; is N(>te: Employment ins:!udes· 'not o~ly. '.'tti~.actual_ .·
engaged.1.n a_ny tra~e;· !~du.stry ~.i: busm:~~ doing of the work;' but qlsb a reasonable margin of . ·
undertaking _in· the ·Ph1hppme:>; oth~n,v1se, ·· time and s·pac~ J')ecessary to be.·_used· ir)'passing. to
they &hall not be covered by the ECP ·(? · - · and. fro·m the place .where the:work is to l>e done,.
CHAN, .supra at '450-_451). where. ,he latter ls ·.~1<pl'es~ly, ._of impliedly Included· !n .


21w&4+e· hlM Ne MIUW 11¥ gp IW@AN±

_:the terms ot' employment (1-AZUCl::NA, supra at Note: ECC Board Resolution No. 3914-A, issued on
.i;-529). . . : . July S', 198~. extends the compehsable coverage of
~-. . . . .. off-premises.injary.from near-the up to the'
~t. . Basic Guidelines on Compensable Work:Related residence oJ the .employee. ·It provic_les an·injury
i Injury: (WOE- I) .
\;,: 1. Employee must havebeen injured at the place
- . · .' . . . . or death of a covered member in an accident while
he i$ going to, or coming frt>m, ·the workp.iace, s.hall
where work requires him to·be (Workplace); . . be compensable. provided the 'following conditions
~: ·2: · Employee must. · have.. been performing his are ·established·definitively: ._. ·· ·. ·
~l-, . offi.c.ial functions (Qfficjal functions); 1 .. Tha.act of the emp'ioyee of to; dr coming
:~,,':· 3.. lf..irijury Is sustained elsewhere, the employee · from, . fhe workplace, must ' have been a
. · must have been ·executing an order 'for .the continuing ac~, that is,.~e had .not·be.en diverted
; '. employer ;{!;xec!Jticin of. order) (Belarmino v. . . ' .. there'froni by any other a~tivit.y, and he had .._not
· ECG, G.R. No. 9.0201, May 1-1, 199.0); and .. departed ·from his usua~ ·route· to, or from; .his
The. injur:y.. was not ': due. :"to the employee's- ... . workplace: and. - . :-. . . . . : . .
jntoxtcation, willful [ntentlon to injure or -kill · 2. • When ah employee is on a spe'cial errand, the··. ·
+umself JJr another, notorious ne·glige'nce or as · special errand must have· been officia~ and in
otherwise provided under , this Title. (LA BO,R 0
connection witt:i"his work.. : . .
CODE,·Art. 178).. . .
,. This eompensability ls.sometlmes called the "Street
~' Note~ Injuries. incurred by_ a ·pubfic~health worker./}.} · \_eril Principle" (.1 AZUCENJ(s'upra at 540).. . ·
.t while _doing overtime: work sh.all .be presumed wq~l<f;.)~ · .· . . .
,. connected (R.A. N<;,. 7305! Se?·. 28). . l<,(p:;· :;,
- : ~ffect of Deviation from ~01,1te., Schedule, or
. .. . t·r-~' p(-' ...,A -Mode of-Travel . •,
.Accident Is an· .unintentional -and unfores~E!ri',; r·t;',i Jll~b.ether S':JP~ deviation 'ts compensable depends
. . . ' . . .

1: occurrence which happens by cha1.1s;ei. lf..'1s)f~_G.di..dJ.n:arily,,.J_J?~~ the extent, purpose, or effect thereof.
{ ·. fort~itousiy without intention and design' ~pctwfi1ch is\U r( .An upa'utti'or[z~d'deviatlon may preclude recovery of
;;.. unexpected, unusual and. _unfore_sef1!v(Sunga.y)\ J~
J,: .. Virgen.Shipping Corp., G.R. No:. 198ff)_o,(,(Apr!J,
'.:: 20.14) .. · .. . ' ·. '.: · _.,-,.'!;:, ff=.:--~
l\ comperisati§~··;i,or'

.. , . · __perio? .of/qeiatipn,.-1
an injury caused. by an added per.ii
2.i.;-;-~··1f, to which th~ e P,l9yee is exposed during the
but the oompensabllity of -an ,
,F . · · .. ,4,/. ·.'t({::::::,;; c: . · 'l . injury pcf;:urri.!!Q·after ,t)e· deviation· has' ended .an\:I
'·1 t"'
f>-' . P I R ·· 1 . . / .,,r"· '
Direct ·!em ses u e. •... ':J-;,'-1.' q.'r;,, · '"' [:' ";'"
,.:,:;.,"' : ... e . eg,p_oy_e~-~s.rl~a,.n
ft I ')• . ~\. . . th
·~ e .course o · 1s
f . h' .
[(_ . TIJe acc1d'eht' should haVt;l OCGtf(red::'afll;l~J>lac~o_f. · ,,XJ emplefyM'~ryb,sf•.~t.(·,Ortjmarilyaffected .thereby. (1.
~; work to be compensable_.·.· . ~~- , .. ::iS"'f2'1) [.t:.
~~!'.): ,: AZUCEN1.i<,,.'§.__t1f:/J:.a.-a~50). . · · · · ·
. . . ·. ' .. · ~_;_:-,·~\ . 'fl . ·,: ". . . . ., . . .
· ~~neral. R~le! Going a-r:id. ·comln~f:-~u)e p) in ufe ·:·;l . . ~
absence bf 'special circu.mstances:, 1~.~ployee .,"!i;j.J • ,~.. , .t,, . .
iAjured·ln. going to .coming from, higlf1a1,eot-'ir&i:k~~:..J~_'IDurii(ig.:11r.iauthorizeddeviation · No
i$ ·excluded · frc;im_ -~e beri~fit~_ ~ti{
'('O_rl{f)Ti'eh's ·. . After i:mauthorized deviatron and Yes.·
compensallon acts·(l/01fo:Dock &_ Engmefl(!.Q;yo.v. . b.~ck iri.the course of'employmer:it
W9C, G.R.·No. L-2634;1, November.. 27, nq8). · · · ·
. . : . No deyiatior:i; act is.continuous · Ye:s
Exceptions: The injury i.s compensapfe,:(W.ISE) .· · ..,.:.,...,..,...,.....--~·---·--,--·-·--=-cc··-----,.,.....---~-~
"•. 1. Whep the lnju· sustained when the·.employe.e (1 ·J:,ZUCE.N,A; -~Up(a ?l 550). · ..
. is proceeding to odrom:his work in the premises· · Positional a_rfct'Lo~al Risk~·oodrine • · · . .. ·
. ; ·of th~ employ~r;· . .. . . .. : If an·employee oy reason of his 'd1.,1ties:js expesed to
2. !rigre~s:..Egr~ss/Proximity Ru.le ·_ .whe're the a-special or pec.utiar·danger frotri'the.elements, that
~, ··employee is apo1,1t to ent~:r or .apout fo leave the· is; one greater _tha'ri ~hat to' whic~. ottfe~ _persons in,
p,remise$ of his employer·'by ·way-of the excfusive· · .. · the· ·community. are · e):(pO!ied, arid ·.-an. un~xpecte9

:·-' ..
~~· .

3 ..
or c.ustom'ary means c;ir ingress and egre;;s;
Special Errand Rule :... Wh.ere the employee
charged,'whiie on his way to or from his place o(
'employment or. ';!It -~.ii. horhe, .. oi:. duri,ng his
employment with some duty·or ~peplaf errarid
. . .cfonnected with -his employment'; or :.
4. . Extra. Premises Rufe/Shuttl~ ··sus Rule - where
. th'e employer,· as_an inc.ident to the .employment, ·

: ·
injyry . ~ occur~, the .'·.injury·. · 'is.' 'compe'nsable

Other R.eievant'Docfrjnes

1 .. Proximate.Cause Doctrine
at 5!)2-5,53). .



·. The ·proximate l_eg.€31 cause fs _that" acting first and.

. producing the . iilju,IY either. im111ectfatefy or·. by .
setting othe'r eveht.s in 'mofio·n.They constitute
c1 ·.

r~ - .
. . provides the mea'ns of trtmspo_rtation'to_aild from a naturai and continuous chain of events, each .
. . the place · of employment.- (lloilo . Oock & · having· :a· ·erase· casual. connection · with· its
-Enginef?ring Co. v. Wee, . G.R. No. L-26341, . immediate. p!'edecessot (1' AZUCENA, supra.·at
Nqve:mber.27, 1968)~ ·: · · 529/,. · : ·

I .
.... ll!l?~-1m
.. m111a:1Ama .. lll!lmwaaz11mPDJ1&!!&'.I
.. IIGll!llllmlllilllllll1Bi1111m:11111lilitrmmm:a·+i!aa
. Where .primary injury is shown to have arisenin · .. e. Acts done to further the Goodwill of the
the· course. of employment, every .natural· · . b_usiness (1 AZL!CEN~. supra at 5!13).
. consequence that ·flows. from. tlie·injury likewise ·
arises out of the employment, unless it ,is the Acts of Mfnistration
result· of an independent .intervening cause Those done · by. a person for .. the purpose· of
-attriqutable "to claimant's 'own. neglig·e.nce.. or satfsfying the call ofnature, such as: quenchmq
misconduct(Bela,:rnino v. ECG, G.R. No: 90204,. his thirst, relieving himselrby way of urlrration or
·May.1-1, .1990). · : · excretion, .etc. They. are deemed incidents. of
employment, so that lnjur'ies sustalned' thereby ".
General -~u'I~:-: Proximate: cause ·resu.lting to are· held compensable (1 AZI/C,ENA, suprs .et ·
· injury ls an 'injury arising out _of theemoroyment. · 543-544).. . ·.

,Excepilon: ·When·. independent intervel'l!ng .-·.Note: Acts. performed by the .employee within
cause ensues.attributable to 'claimant's fault.. .the ti[!I~ and space _limits of. \he .empl'oyfTl~nt· to
., . . ~. .· . rninlster to personal. · comfort; ·. -such as
2. ·. 24-Hour Duty'Doctrine·: ·. ·. · satistactlon ofthirst, ti.unger or' other physical ·
.. Unde.r fh~ ·, 24--hour duty doctrine; members of . · · · ·. demands .or to .proteci oneself from ·excessive-··. .'
tire national' police- by the. nature. of their . . cold or heat, shall 'be deerned.Ipcidental 'to the
tunctlonsare technically on a daJ!=_,,......,....,,,,~ employment . and. infuries, suffered in ihe ·
.• e~c7pr whe_n-th~}'. _ate.
_on -~acation. le.ave.::ire~!h11 . i 1. ~l\t~{!:11anceof s_uch. _aqts sh'all .be cons!der-ed
arisu:1g from police S!,!rv1ce,. alth_.9~h.~t JI} IL.) .1\f
COfnP.~11~aple· and, ·arising out of an.d m _the
· officlal .. line.: pf· ·auty ·.· is .' c9-tJ1Mn~b]ji;;JJ:.-.--=x:c-~-opur~~...0f.~mployment (~cc; Circular No. 03-
A°f.UCENA, supra at 535). -_/;,/' . V/ : ~~.idul.Y...2s,\~oo9). ·. .
. . ' . f,:.,~';)lf ...-~- -~'{";!' \·. . .
. Fo~ ~he purppse ~f det~11J)l!:l)D'g,,c1~eirs;bili~yl cf . :'{( .~P1~~p.\ .'
of inJury or d~ath sold1elS aRt:,l~~~hcer·'d .&ii~ j~ . The\fact {ti~t an 'ym'ployee ·Un_intentlona11y falls
.· ·. :·: .· . . .
even firemen by'the nattff~ of'th~rr wo,r· may be-! . . _asle;p wh11~0/t)$trestingat·a proper time ·and
, considered ?'n . duty ro~rtitt-r11c1oc~:1 etrC:tli'!
i.. ~P,Wc' .. does\~ngJ..,._!!.~.~?ss~rily:_de'p~i~e .hirn of_ the-·
d9ctr1~e. wh_it~ ,t re1~~~~fffie~~brk0p1a9.e:t~C?'. ;.._
r 9
t;(.,~;.ng~~ to. c~rwf::~n,a~oo for· an. ,~1ury. received
doe~ !lot d_1spen:=,e ~w1fh)tw·f.wo_rk~c?~n~ct1~n,..~ .......-:-"':;:, · wh1~ so sl~~pmgr1e;J,ccE:pl~~-en his du~1es _are of ..
reqLJ1s1te. (GSTS v. :· C1
<,§J~~gr:~. .>R• .J:!6:~.:.:...~~~;.uretas .. to.:~fquire-tilm_ to remain ,awa!<e, ·
.128524,-Apr'i/_20,_ 1_999}:\(f)\:-. "~ ~\:/\ij, ~ ,jf}ii,1t~i~~,l?fia
7 watc;t,i:nan '.1 A7:7-'£?E:NA, .
·. r.:,~onligMing,.·or· rei"nderinb:_~E;irvi&es. t ·~r~~e~~-". '~~""'~~- .;! . . ; ··. .· .. ·
· part1es r~sultif'!Q_ in· iryjufy\f:>r _d~a,th'Whe~~(~t~e'~~~Vnch ,!'. ·.. j · · . .. . · ··~ . · · · . . ..:
. s~me 'is nQtwork~con~ftcted~~r;i'ot t~ReiJ~J;l~~Cq~nsa~ble '#hE':n injµry c:iccurred during·IUn(?h ... ·
. (G.S/$. v. CJ,\ & _Alegre, G.R: ~ 1-2!J,?J..4~?!~-~->~et[oo~:~~tier:~e .. :~~~ng ?f the· lunch o~
_.20, 1999).: I,,' ' . . . ·•(:Slurli'}'
~ ~. ' ~ enupJ,_p es; Was With ,,the em~!oye_rs,
. : . · .. . . · . · .· • .. -~<~' 'i.
.· . -~ A. -t'kbo~g·e.~-~d CQ~Sel').t, · ~xpr-_e~s.' u'r .-implied,·
N.ote: Tbe 2+hour duty d9-ctnne s))'>f,1.Q!..._~ lV...i.r-,.."".~e"ept ~tien 1t results from·~n ~nde_pendent act

. swe·eping~y applied . to ----"-ef

ail' . · aets ancJ?"' . the -er:nployee h~V(l'\g no CQfihection With his ·
, .. circutrlstari.ces causing the.. _qe~th of · ~ •. pqlice.. ·, 0ork or' m,earl or if.t~'e,employee at-Ule. time was , ·
.offi.c~r but O.fllY to tnose which,. althoughi not'· . i'ri a piace .wh~re .he had. rii:night .to,be. (Id.),.
official: ljne 'of·.duty, :'are·nonetheless' basically· , •' , I ·.· "- , ' , '

police ,s~rv.ic~··ih {J:"an9inco. 'v.' GS/S; : .. ·. Union Me~t111g · · .....

G.R, No-:.1n91{?;November ~6, 2001).· .·· .. · · fojury rec::e)ve(:f :at un''etfng .is· n.ot
compensable, not being· an !nJur.y arising. out'of
,- . '3.,. Incidents of.Employment Doctr:ine .. .'·· , a·nd in the course·ot.em'pl9ymeht'('/AZ.UCENA,:
.,. .. Injuries_ sµ· connectfoi:) wt°th aqti; wl')ich supra at-5~6)._ .· · ·. .. · .
"are reasoi:iably incicjental to ttie employment are
deemed. 9.Ut.of SU_CIJ. employmenJ;· ttiu~ . : .· • . Acts'°for the. B'erieflt ·oi the Em.ployer . : . . .
compem;a~1e·. Such.. im:idents· include: ' lnjury-.arising. out: of anc( in the~·course of his
(PD-B~G)' · . . . ... ·, .... : . , . ._em()foyment. . is.~ C~m·p_E'.ln~able . bec.a\Jse. the .
a .. · Acts: of .fersonal ministrali.on for.the! comf_ort .. ernployee's. :act ·el'.lha,nqes the prestige 'of. the · ..
or·conv,eniel"leeoflt,e employe~:·. . .... . -em_ploy,e'rand resuits· !n incre~sed 'patronage of· .
,b: S!ight];le,vi.ationfwm .work, curiosity or.. , th·e service·ot his employer (1 AZUCENA; supra,.
otherwise; . . . . .. . . . . . . . .at_54_7f .· ·· · · ·. · .. ' · ··
· :c .. · Acti,_for-the. .!;! !3mpl9yer, ·
d .. Acts.In §merg_enqiei,; and .. · ..


6 Ac#i4U& Wi .

i1M meis
* AGIPBIES Mbi&MM • 5 ADMWW M#fSll&is1tA&ffi AF q
D'oing Work at.Home 2. When an employee's. trip tends· to serve .b?th
rt is compensable when injury is· sustained from · buslness and. 'personal purposes," ' it. is
work at home done pursuant to the terms of' the considereda 'persons! trip if the employee would
contract, express or implied; or pursuant to the have- made· such a trip in spite of the failure or
direction cir. request . of the employer, except; absence .of the' business or offiCic!I purpose; and
when . work at home is done voluntarily by. the . if the employee would not have made the hip
employee for his own convenience (td.), . ' . because· of the failure of the' private' purpose
· · .. . : thereof, and the non-fulfillment 'of the. business
·Acts during En:re'rgency. ·.. . . purpose. ...- · .
Injury sustained while.doing an act outside ttie However, if the employee.would have made the
. SGOpe of his usual duties where such. act was . tfiP. nonetheless despite- the failure 'or absence
. reasonably necessary or·incidentai to his regular .: of the private .purpose thereof, the trip is held a.
work, partlcularly it an emergency existed. And . · ·busin'es,strip;'erid · . ·· -,: · . . .
a·lthoughno ··emergency.or reasonable necessity 3. Wliether a trip to pe'taken employee in the
existed callin'i:J for the performance of such act, . ·.. 'interest of both the employee and his or her
workman is-allowed compensation was done employer is to be regarded as the latter's, so as
in the furtherance-of the ernptoyer's.businessor to' warrant allowance .or . compensation for
. pursuant tohabit or custom (1 AZUCENA, supra · injuries the employee may suffer· in the course
at 547-"548). . .... ' . . . .. . . there9f,.od'1e' employee's interest, is in a sense
?· · /')' . a question - of fact. Such a questlon must be
':".r 4> Spaciaf Engagement Rule .. i"(~'.;)l
· determined by the application o( some. legal
i.·,;_. . 'special Enqaqernent Rule covers . field· t,nP,S,i'/t·,o:,\ tests or.standards '(1-AZUCENi,'supra at 550-
outings, lntramurals and. plcnlcs when initi~\fi~ .. : \t;,\ . 551). · ·
· and sanctioned Q.y the employer · (The ES.Pp, { ,_. ,,-i rz:»; . _...., . '.
. Joumei, Vol. II, Nos._ 1 and 2 (1990), p. ~§J{.7. c.:.:::.'f;-;:f,IU::&9ll~!:!/r~(~Jeure _ _ ..
·- . · , · -__...-"';:/' ~ tJ, · Gene'ral;R.ule: .Employer is· riot responsible for_·
Where __ an· employee is · injur.(g,,.·rwhile af.l:-:Ji. accidenij~rising· from.ecte of God, hence not
recreation.durin~ .a temporary ces}.a,JJo~.of:~o,~~,,-,..,···1,\, comp~~s-al>~f (1 AZ4;JCENA,siipre ";:it 5q2). ·
1hEl injuwis compensa.ble. as:,~,}ng}lwt.:of an.d ·. I;! Jl · ·~ · · . _ · · . . . . ·.-
. .' · f
. in , th~_: co~rse ._' of. ~~p~~Jfllent ~~~? th~\: .t:\ Exc_w.titjp: . \: .
= · · ... · - . . : . . : . -

.. recreation_ ·inqul_ged · m{/~'f.l}S !~t~,red".an?'•, l":'5. · . Po~on~.'--~~~~ca.1nsk~ do_ctrme . .. .

ei::icourage~. f?Y ttJe emPJAyerc--:to~(]l)eno:.:;:9f: ·t-;,1_ . ~t~~n]fr.i!i1.·m·~fi~i.'courseof. his· e~ployment .~
efficiency.of their service·(1'~U9f!tf1'.·,-~upt:li'i!J- - [-;~_J reas~~a!Jl~.:r.~'qi'· at a particular P.lace at . ,
551-552)' : _ .'<:.~!'Y''°:,\. · 'j/ ;.;/. . ·a particular t1~e'::!n<;I ther~ meets _an·accident,
. - -. JJ
,~ r:, •· - .· .J~,w, one)Nh1~h.any.other_pe~son then and·
5. o'ual . Purpose·· and Mingling of<Rurposes .J'::~.~·,r\,11there pre.sent woulcl have met.irrespective of his
O'o<?t.rjne .. -_ ·- . . . . . . . t'Y'. . . /~/.:X::.t.;~~:.:d~.cen{j,f<:1~ent,. ~hat_accide,nt i~ o.~e aris_in,g out. of
Dual·. Purpo:s~ Do.ctnne . C'C(~S.!derslt..;
as. -.... t,hl';' .employmeh~ 1f'the ,person IS so Injured· (1
. compensable a11 .injury that an<,i~m~loyee A?l:JCENA,supra at552-5{53).
,sustaii:is while . on .a .. tri'p undertaken'.1for ttie' ·· · · ·
benefit. of .the e.r.nployer eyen if in the 6,ou~se · As~ault of-an Ernpl~'ye~·May. Be C'o~sidered
th.ereof the en;iployee.-pi!rs~~s. also a persona.I . ·an Accident .· . . , .
purpo~e (1·1ZU.<:;ENA;-supia.<'!t 55()}.' . . . An.· :·"assault,." although .... resulting from a_ ·
. . 'deli~rate act of the .s.layer,. is. considered .an
·.· _. ·. ~est: If th~·;_,.,orkof.the e·mployee tends to'freate . :. ~ac_cident''within 'the meaning of tlie law. since ·.
-- nec(;!Ssity for'tra_vel, e:mployee··is deemed in the
. .
the word !accident" is. intenoe'd. to . indicate that . '
-"the a6t CciUSing the in)ury s.hall be p-~sual in the .-
.•:··. . · . cou.rse "9f_ employment, ,albeit' Elmployee serve$
~>- at the'same. time person'al purpose. The· . :sense of being uriforeseer:i·i,!nd one for which .
· req1,1irement is'that the servic~ of the empl9yei' . the. injur.ed. party is not. leg'ally responsible'; (1
· is at least ·a. concOrrerit c:ause of.the trip of the ·AZUCEN~. $Upra at 554).
etnploy~e - (EC.C:Reso'tution No. 9!1-08-0469, .The death•.ot·an employe-e due. to a mu~deraus . :
1<-ugust;11•. 199[}). . .
assal!Jt . is, co_m~ri~able . when .the .same··
· ' occurred in the course. of the performance ·of
The Appli'catio~ of. this Po.c.~rimfls subject lo t-he
official fun<;:tions (ECG ·circula/.No: 03-709, II
foilowing guideline_s: . : .
. (a); ..J~}Y22; 20~9). .
1: . A. aori(ingehcy or' injury an . employee. suffers·
· a trip t~a.t ~erves both business and The motive ot assault need not be establi~hed it
.. personal-purposes.·is deemed 'Withinthe c,ourse . the covered employee susfaineo . the (hju ry
of'empioyment; . . . ·.. : . . .. . . while: .


• ' *!' we+. a MAIW&J -~

socui, LEGl"SLATION·
. l

WWiN t. I W#IHICN . . 4+ I AMt:JbtxitfiO&t +¥9HP21

. a. Th·e employee was ·. p.t- th~. No Compen~ati:on if · the Injury, Death, or

assigned/designated workplace; or Di~ability ls the Result of the Employee's:
b. · The .. employee was ~xecuting. orders· of . (WINO) .
~mployer, regardless of the time ahd place 1. · Willful in~ention to . injure or kill : hlrns~tf- or._
bf the-incident (l=CC G/fculaf No. -03--709, 11 - another; ··
(P), July 22, 2009): . 2. Intoxication; .
3. t:l_otorious negligence;: cir .
. M,otive Of assauli is important in C?Ses where the· 4·. . Qlherwise· provided by the Labor Code ((ABOR
covered employee was on vac.atlon leave, 'pff-. ..CODE, Art: 178):: •
duty, or was at . home when . the· .. incident .
happened. Qisclosure. of the .motiye 1s "an aid. in · l"ntoxjcation ·
determining t_he causal c61i'neclion between tbe The "intoxication" w_l:lich· will preclude compensation
incident·and. the employmerit ·(~CC CircularNo .. for-injury res.ulting ·t(:lerefrom ·consists in be;'ng under
03-709,· 11. (c).,.July22, 2009).·. ·; · · .·: · · the: influ·ence ~f into_xicating liquor to the _extent-that
. . . ~ . ... . . . ··.. . . : . one is· n·9t_ entireJy himself or sb _that hi.s ju_d_g_ment is·.
Rules on· Injury· or .:Death hf the -Cotirse o°f . impaired, ·B;nd his c!ICts, words, ~r conduct is visibly
· Assault: . ·· · . . . .· · . · · impa_ired. _(1 AZUCENA;supra at 587). ·
: a. When . the. _injured:. was the· .. urilawfu·I · .
·· aggressor,:·- not: compensable (Ma,buhay __ : ~ lntoxlcatlon · which _:does not incapacitate the·
· ShippinrJ Services, Inc. v. NLRC; $.fi,f"'N6.-:-;-
9,4167, Jan~ary 21, 1991);_ anc&:?"':.·~ LJ0 . ·
9, When· the ·injured was .tt,~;::v,J,~fift\·p~th~---=.:Jli\~ghJtli~-\t[1to.x1cat1onmay be a contrlbutory ·
· from followinq '.his occupatlon · is· not
the_ recovery of -compensation, .

assault and it occurr.7d-.J~!~et~is~f ·. · ~u~" oJ,~~-;~j~ry (GSIS v. Mec_ey,e;-G.R. · No..

perf~rmance of -~fffcrajt g _}..tin9~s.,..-~J'h""';d.~18~,~~l~.:1.~~07)._. · . . ·
·· compensable ·(Lente;a jv,.~e<,f G'fR. N~~ nr; .. , °:"i\ '\"'""' ..?"'\ 't!I . . -,
· · , 89168, May 14, )99.1J ,-,~,,/}!:
. . . . l . A' _ ..
l ·.
JI. .
·Jr .:t~~d1ti,f1S'~'?;_t~r\ lntoxicatlon ~- _-t~ .. Bar
:-l.-ompe'l:satio~fJPl'1~) . . ,. . .
7. · Violati~n-?f. the E1"1plgfe"'"JJ:.~U_lg_afed»Rule~. ~,.,•.t....;tbei~ry,u~t\p7-t!~rowof actual Intoxication;
. Act~ ~1th!n the :~Ph~ref'l·p--hUmployrrent~.~t....,,. ,.-~P1~-1ntox,c~tif,lA""m*stbe _[extrer.neJ _10 s.u,ch a
carried ou_t · tn· _.YIOl;:ltl{n oJ,,f~Orne, ,erplo~~_,~ ~ ~de.grfe ~at tr.i~-~. . fll ~1.oyee~IS [ncapacltated ~r.<:Jm
. promµlgat~<;i rules· are q?fr.l~,i;i~ablr'wil: f·. ·:-- v= . su~sft~allyfj ·'eng_~~ing m employment and
a. The violatiqn of -the'-ruJe1,ts~lf aid- . o(btiJ1~ c:-P·e 9: ,}n_gW~f{f . .. · .
. about the cause hf -~~'~iaJc~, en~- roP-1ee Y1~~-- rri.tox1_c,1on"~.ulstbe the,-Ero~tmate cause of
· .,• .. · the fact that the- dnv\r· of .a ',t(ucl<\~~.,Jst.i. ~~ ~Jury .5J( d~~tn/and ·. . ·· .. _
· family· al~ng an. offici~~riP;, i,':, iolatl{{(l -s:_~, . ~ _ mto};tc_a~o~·lust·not only be the prqx1rnate
sta~dlng company reg.ul1;1,t1on, d~._ot... e~s:1~-....::--~~ _u~e ~r th~ lnJ,WY but the er:nploymE\nt must n_ot_
.· .. c.ompensatlon; . · .. '\.._. /~-:;.- ~-:-l£N"~b .-:~'.1'~g~tnbuMgcause (1 POQUIZ! supr._a ·at
_b ... There_ w~s. ~~~bt _th~t .th,e.e~lqy~Ef~:lit0~-::"':~~\,;:)()/_.. . . . · .. · ·. . ·.
. of the proh1b1t1on. ~1olatron th~F.ebf ~J"hot. 1· ~ 1stcf.t~\~ 1$te'd')n]4rles
.. d::3te.~t c~r:n1?ensat1on'.. ·._espe~,;if~..::_"the: .. V.ll:L'.f.b.~jt.jfy ~Ost be intentior:ially ~elf-inflict,ed, w~ich
and Suicide~· · · . .

. viol~t,?n d!~ not _cause_l~~ a?c1dent; .arnf"~ontemplate~a delibera_te · intent on· th~ paft of the
c. The .violat,o_n "."'as..not.1nt_ent.1?n~)-but due to ·. · employee, not a failu're oh his part<to · realize the
c~.relessn_<:ss .: or, n~~hgence, .-· pa.mpl~:.. : . probable consequences' to himself ·of his foolish act
. v.,,he(e. the efJ.l_ployee_ v1olateq a pohcy of the· · · (1 AZUCENA, supra :at 587). · · · --
er)'l_P!oyer,. oil otders of t_h~ mp.nager uh.def· . . : · · .· . . ··· . · · . · · ,
. w~om .fie ·worked, the ·,resulting injury .was · · Note:'~ufficient pro<;>f qt insanity or mehtal sickness·pe.n_sabie {1 AZl:l.CE!yA,. suprt:i"·at·!J60-. · · ·. may be pres~nted to .negate the _require'ment of
.'·.·. 56·1). · · · ·. · · ... · ·willfulnei,s _as .a .matter··ot. ·-e.ou,nter7~efense./Agile
. · MaritimeRespurce$Inc. v.·Siador; G.R. No. 191034 .
8. ·Bunkhouse· Rule . · . -·:.. · .. . -~ Qctobe_r1, 201·4). · · · . · · . · · .... · '
Wher,e·-the employee': is required tb. stiiiy.. in .the·
premises o_r Jn quarters. furnisbed by the -G~netal R.ule:. No· cC:impen~atlon for. djsa.bility-and
employer, .'injuries:susfained .therein are in the death resulting fr9ni a deliberate or willful act ori his
.... co"urse 'of el'!'lployment regardless ofthe"tir:ne the . ? (M~buhayShippingSetvices, Inc., v. NLRC, ·
· _ · sam1;1.occurred (ECG c;irc'ular'No. ·03-709," I (d),· .G.R. No. 9_4167, January21, 1991) .. : ·
.. JUI}' 22, 2009).. · . · · . . .. · · .
.· ... _ 1. By the.;lnl · of-' the j),ar:ties (NAESS
Shippiri"?} PHL .Ii. · NLR.C,: G.R. No:. 73441,
September4,, 1987.).;• and ·

268 201s SANl;iEDA ~w CENTRALizEo BAR oPERAt10Ns

~f' -'- ·


~;~~ . M d ~7RALIZED BAR;:.:z~:u~~-ORYAID 2

. . SAN BEDA 019
.x·.2. Wh~n the employee was no longer in complete . The deg~ee. of proof [Ei'quired is merely substantial
··~·. · . control of his rnentat faculties prior to his death -evidenca, which· means "such relevant evidence as
if•: . (/n(e;orien_t Maritim_e Enterprises v. Pineda, G.R. . 'a reasonable· mind might accept' .as· adequate to
~J.·:._,-. No.-.1154-97). . . support a,.conclusion .. It is· sufficient .that the
· hypothesis on which the workmen's claim is based
1~.:-.Not9.riQus Negljgenc;e is.:a dellberate act 'of the is probable since probability, not' certainty. is lhe.
; .empioye~· to" disregard his own personal safety (1 . touchstone (Castor-Garupa· . v.: ECG, ·. G.R. · No.
:· AZUCENA,.-supra at.589). · .. . 158268; April 12; 2006) .. ·. . .

./. General· .. Rule;. Not6rious'· negl_ige~ce resultin'g in . C~nc1itio11~· for Comi:>ens'abilify.of Occupational
·~: 'serious ·ir,ju~y or death. of. the , employee is not plsease and . ·Resultlr,g Disa~ility. or. Death:
.: : compensable · ($.olidum v. .GS/S; ECO: Case No. · · (REEP) -, · · .··
} ·. ·'406{ November_23; ·19[}8) .. · · · · , -. 1: ·Employe·e'.s work and/or.the.wo.rking conditions
, must inv?lve · the·. B)skls_ that .-paused the
\'i · Exceptions; · • development of the; . . ·
eit;:. · .) . Latk of imo.wJedge or awareness. of .the peril or 2. The disease w·as contracted as a result of the
fr tfie seriousness or the exisflriq danger; dt employee's .!;xpos.ui'e'to thedescribed risks: ·.
f: . 2, . 'The unexpectedness, under. tJie circumstances, 3. The diseasewas contracted withl°n-th~ period. of
"~-: · · of t~e accident'(1 AZUCENA, supreet 589-590). gxposure ~nd under such factors necessary-to
..; :
• •
_., ·. .


, .
-,c •••
,/"'-,- .
• t ·1 lt; d
ron rac ! ; ah . . . '. · .. . .
SICKN~~S AND OCC_UPATIONAL_DISEASE /;:;:--;_( 4. There was no ~e.hberat~ act onthe part of the
: . ·.. . . . · . . . . .. · · ( , -{ / · · "-. . · . employee to. disregard the safety mea~ures or
Sl<;kness i$_ ~ny illhess d1;3fin_itely accep,ted as: \'.f:'0 '· ' .\_,'.'\ . ignore -~st<;iblished · waming ·.. or '_precaution
1 .. Qccu_p_ati.on~Idisease listed by.the .' . ;, (<.'.:d~;.~,--.:.(Amen<J.f;d Rules orrEmployees' 9orilpens.ation_
.. · Co~_m1ss19r-1;·_or ·. . .- . : : . . ..(;/.(;: _ _.,-j;,:~:".:t1•:i?(?O.J:/!lt'ffqnex A, p. -27). · . · ·. · · ..
2.· Cau,sed ~Y employment, ~ubJect to pr6cif'that'-.J J( · --·~•!.!......,;t::t "" · ·' . . . .· ·
,. _ : the n:51< of conyac;;ti_ng:the..same i~-:J(e~eased·by\ __ 1 . · E_xampl_es W~!«~cr~ased Risk" Jops: .(_PG-CLIP)· ..
~:. . · ·work!ng cond1t1ons (LABOR COfi!J;,f71rt: 17~-J':..J\S 1. eeacei~~ef?i~gJobs:: · .. : · .. ·. · . . ·
,:,_ '. 'par. (/)). . · . ·· . . . . ...,,tf~c1.::=:;,' ?_ [;l? .. 2.. .)ob ?f)§~1ar~tngp~OpQity;_ . . . .'. . ·,·
·~. . - ·1 ·· ,...17' f~~ ,. , fi\ 3_. Job· ·fvol1ving,~atTylngOf· .1110iley and valuabf<::i's; .
...,_. .· ·unctei-:., ~ec. 1 (~). ~ule._-111, ii].il'l:!l~~en.tifo~.P.D. N&~·- ),::\ 4. J~~px_po~ing~e employee contact v.,.ot~
}"- · 62_6, ai;.am.~n~ed, for the deat_hl~t9o.e.~1::~iP.~~s~J~-- ~;;~ : ~~~~~~~':;J~~-~fl\.l;i(1.e. b~rte.nder,. bµs .or- tax,
-/. · clatmc'!n.ts must prove·that: . -..i. . {("..:..-:<;"t· ~t·}· fF-; · dnv-E~!,r~9Hqy,$J.or)(BaJf!ngas, -r:ransportation Co,·
,: ... 1. ·H_i~ sick~ess was)he"result~ffr.11;9ccft~atlon,rl · t':J · · v. Ve/a Oi:FRiv~ra, G.R_, ~o·: L- 7_65?, N!ay__8, ·.
h · d1~ease ·Hst_ed \mde_r· ~nex. A~§f·th~ Ryles 'of :· t,;._ : 1gsf?); . . . · : .- . ·.. , .: ·. :-
~! ~roployees Comperisatiqn,:or . · ("c._,_~~. . · ,t:,!i·,.,~ l:),,~·~,J99 _exposm~ the employee ~o !llr:iess; and . . .
(. · ·.2. · The · risk: · of · co_htracting ·'the tdi.sease· ..:W<}~~,.,,,•9 ~-~~~~!l1_\1'.9l:ving frolo~ged .sittlng:down -a11d putting
·': .· . . ···i1:1cr~as~d .by his,wor.king. conditio1~·~ (Bar.qo.l v. _off _urination (B_arrios,.v: EC:.C, G.R,:f\Jo,· 148089,
f. . · : E~C; G._'~:.No. _148089,-M~rch _2_4.~~~tj. ·. Ma~ch ?4, _200_6). · . _ .
~ ·occu'J)aFo~~I D'is'eas~is on·e which,res~·ltst'roh'i the· Test qf Cbrripensa!)il.ity, · . · : .< ·. · , ..
· .:natl;Jr~. o~ , the. :employrnet;it· _1;3y. n-at_1.:1r.e.· is 1rieant . What the law·requi~e~)s reasonabje\vC?i'.kcorinecti<;>n .
conditions. 'to. wflich _c;11f' employees of.' a·· ciass are· · . and not a dfrect causat' relat.ion.: l.t is -suffident that .
subJe'ct, ~nd· ttie disease· as a ' . the hYPottfosls on·· whic:h .ttie. workmen's ·claim, is:
ir:iclden'tofa partict1iar:occup·~tiori:(1 PO QUIZ, supra:· . based. is probable "since .probabliify, riot certajnti, is
. fit5.osr . . '. . . . .· . . . . . the' touchstone (Castot-G'anip!:Jv. ECG, G.R.- No:
158268, · April 12, 2006)_. ... . · · ; . :_.. · '
. Theory bf Increased.Risks".·. . .
.If. the ··ailmen( ·-is ·not . induded in'• 'the 'list 'of . Ther~ must'be a proof of causal cori'nectio'n'betwe~n.
f . occup~tional diseases, the 9laiinanJ has. the. 01,irden} the disease and his work. The· claim'ant "Cannot ,
· ot proving that the.11ature. of the!' werk 'increas'ed the me'.eiy: rely_ on. p're_s1:1ry,ptio:n of-.c·auiality in favor bf
risk of.c1;mfractiqg·tf'le_disease'(GS[$v.. CA. .G.Ft No. · cqmpers~bility of an lll(less without' estabiishing Qr.
1 ~{208;:Ja.nuary '28,.200l3). . · .. even mentioning the risks that cot.Jld.have·caused or
/.:. .,, ·. . . . .: . . at lea'st. contributed to - the disease·. contracted
i . For: ·i~cr:e;:ised"risk f~eory ·to -~PPIY. in ,.CO'!'Pei.)s~tion, (Talo'sig·v. United PH l;.ines,, Inc., $.R: No. 198388.
·\ · .ca~es;· ·there must be· a· reasonable· proof. that tbe July 28, 2014): · ·. · '.' · · · ·
;~ . : empfoyee.'s. worf<ing e<;>ridition, .· incre~ed his. risk pt .
Note': Where the cause, of the d.isease is unk(lown,
, contrac;tlng. -~· d~$e1 .or that there. is: a ~nnecUen
the .:theory of increased .risk becomes applicable
\ · between his wo·rl< and~ caus~·ofthe disease (G$/S v.
(PfJnotes- v>ECC, G:R. No, L-64802, September ~3;
Bf!sita_n, -G.R.·.No. 1·78901, _Novem~_er23; .2011).
1985). .


. - . AW 2019

su·mmary of.Ernployees" Compensation Benefits Extent of Services. ·

1. Services · . The.employee is entitled only to ward services o(a.n
, a. Medical services (e.g .• ward:services) .. . accredited hospital and accredited physician. If an
· · Note:· ·The medical services are' limited to .. · employee chooses an accomrnodatiorr better than
. Ward services of ail accredited hospital and ward: services. the eXC9S.S Of the total amount Of
accredited physician {Amended Rules on · expenses incurred over-, the benefits, ·shal(be borne
Employees' Compensation (2014), Rule by the employee (Amended Rules on· Employees'
.Vlff); : · ·· . . ·: . Compensation (2014); Rule.,Vf/1,.:Sec.3). . ·· .
b. Rehabilitation services. (Amended Rules. on · ·, · · · · ·· ...
~mpfqyees' Compensation.(2014), 'Rule IX, Note: ·-'.Ward" · '1means a hospital that · can
· as ariu~nded:byECC. Board Resolution No. . .accornmodate 6 or more patients (Ainerided Rule«
14-07-19, series· of 2014; February 19, on' Bnployees,. Compensetion (20.14); RuU/.illll,
· 2014); · . . . . . . . Sec. 3/ · '.
c. · Physical tehab.ilitatiqn ·. (e.g., physical · ,. · ·
· therapy) (ECC B,qard Reso1u(ionNo. ··14.-07, The System nas the authority to choose or order a
February 19, 201.4);' · · : · · . chanqe of. physician, hospital .or. reh~biliti1tion f<'.)cility ·
d. · Vocational . assessrnent/traintnq . (e·.g.. . "for the employee and shall. ricit be liable· for
. . Vocational education) (Id.) and · compensation for any ag·gravation9f the employee's ·
· e .. Vocational placement'(~.g:, job plac¢m~,,_.,J!]~ or· -sickness ' resulting ·from· .unci~thorize!;i
. · · . . (Id.). · . .,,/-' · if. ;· ·.ihap1Je~y the employee pf-'· medical services,
2. · Cash lncom.e. Benefi~s (Lossfi·· ~time \_ )l:j~~l_i~f'CE:?~is~~pli~s. hospitals •. · .. rehabilitatlon
. Benefit} due to: . <""\ ;,.
~·/"" ~.1'.....="',.;.-,,:a:;f~1li1iesor pliy~1c1ans
a: Temporary To~I D(sab(li\lt' . ~~~. ·_ .' : '::-~ .. ~')> ·.. . · . · ·
(LAB QR C,ODE; .~'!· 1.92).
. · . "
. b. · . Permanent Total D1sab~J ; ~.;r .
' -, c.· . Permanent Partial DisJii?l[JY-1,.apclf:;,r
.,....,,-,..:~~_,....._DISJM31clt(~~Y' · , -~
.'r!'J} · 'lf': ~t!t.'1~_a"!tflo~i:9i;}lr;ij1\1!m:ient
' .
of aphysicalor mental
d. : Death. . , J.l V.·f . .ff . 1r.' %J~ ..fl~mcti9n\resu~!'19 f!Olif.l mj1Jry ·or ~lckn~ss (LAEJOR
... 3, .Carer~s allow~nce"- ·pr~vided ~ an ~mploye.e
· who .suffer~ from a· wor~-b2Pl1icted pi'rf,:icJneii'l'..•. 1 •~1 ·, .\ ,__.,..41
·&~ CODE, 1rf. .J78.(@f) \

. P.~rtfai'and pe~man~nttcj,tat:di~<!'bility,~ ,d.caAr,rc>'t_?jf{(!~is:~bii.ty compe'ns41ti~m,'i~

· . ·
_ is.!°lo.t the.inj_ury which
. :: aUl;lnd to their n~eds ("F,£f;i,llffe;>Drcl. R.,.solulkJf~ef.m.iL1iwt~rr:Pn.saJe~.tb1:1t:r.al1e.r·1t 1s th~ mi;:ap~city to w~rk_ .
No,. 90,·12-0JJ90 ,n re1,i~15.f.,....,t~:EtOJJ.fjp, 1!4~<re~ulti,!'l,i:t,J~~ 1~n.>'s~arnmQcapacity
. (20·/3)).. . .' . . . i\ t,. !(Vj, ~\: . }'...£":3i ·I , ,i{[iT-ffi ~hipP,/n~.;,6bJ.Unc., · .v, .Ba/a{;fCJ, -G.:R No ..
4 .. Dea,th ~e,:ietlts ~ gmnlur\o l:lt:N~fi~14t~\},t~.1~ 1¥-..:.f.9~~3~ , . s.rc{Jf3,~d1A1 ;., . · . . .
employ.13~ 1~ the event of\ork-co~nectetl"tiec:ll~ ~k~Y.
... ,.. ·1 ·.if· . ·. , ... · ·. ·.. . ·. · ·
.. Pei:ith·.'~_nefi~S ~ha,11. ~rs,9.\_~e g,1}~te_d"t~(t.~,.Aa-rejr6rie.~~of.D1sa, 1htr · , . . · · . .
. .b1:mefic1a.nes in .c.ases wh~r~ the ca~~~ .0r 4\fi"'e"J~\:~l'er:rJ!X>ral'.}'. Tof'.il Q1~a~~hty. · . . :-. ' .
~.eattt-.·of .th,.e:ef!lployee is_ .<'.)~on;iph~ti~~r-..cI ~';b'i'!?a:r~IJ,,!!of.«nJury:or_s1<;:k~ess, the ~mployee 1s
. t1at.u,:al· c,onsequence of h1s/he~,~of{i~f.~~le<:1~-":'4.rf@l,)t~~rfor:m any· gainf.ul .'l?c::cupation for a
. permah?.),t'. tqtal · disability · (£@~.;.;......t:J_,<jard· ]\ f,l\:l,~n~~e!,Js·perfod .rio.t exc¢eding.'120 d<:1ys (1
. ·. R~s.olu~onN(!. "1.0-09~116, Septerqber.'2'i.~Zf?Jf1i~ .:.:._~-tJCEt:-JA;sqpra at ~11 ). :. · , . ·: . . ·
P.O. No. 626; as amended,Art. -UJ4,par. (b)). · .. . .. . . · . ., · .
' ·· · . . . . , . . , The :continuot1s,inability to work dul'l to- a· Wo'rk-'.
. . Jll!edical .Be~efits· . . .. ·: . related,illne~s ~or ~·peri<;>dof mote·thtm.140 days...
·• . Immediately after an employee contracts sickness or. . , rieed. not l:>Ef .qualified by a. d!3clafation of fitness
.. sustains· an. ,injury', he shall be proyided.·.by. ~t,-e... . . ·to work by a com'pany,design~tectphy~idan for
. System ·au ring the subseq\Je.nt,period of his disability : · .. it'to: b~.consider~~- a~.a per.~anen! total d\sability
. medical. s.ervices and appliances 'as·tt:ie .(Barko)nte.mfltlOnal,.lrc., .v. Alcayno, G,.R.. No, .
. -nature.-of 'his s.lckness or.injury .and 'pr-ogre~s ot his. . 1,88'190, April 2.1, ~()14). :.. ·
...reco·v'ery may.i:equire·(LABOR . CODE, Art 191). ·: · t-··
. ~ .. . . .
Peri~d-.o°fEntitle.merit . . · ·: · .' . '. · . .
. . ~erio~ of Entitie~·~nt · . , . . • . . ··The lntoir,ie benefit ·Shall, b~ p.aici.'begi~ning ora
. The. s!;)):v.i9e.s·stJall be pr:~vided.'to.the. e~p!oyee: .: .. .. the'first day, pf such.disabUity. If i:aus.ed by an
. · 1. ~he first day.ofinjury-or sickness; .. · injury.or sicknes~. it shall not·be p:,:iid Jongehtian
: 2 ... During the sut>sequent period of d.isabil)ly; and . ·120. cohse.c;;uii,ve d~~ ·except.where.s.uc.h injury
3.. · As the prdgf~SS of . hl~ 'recovery ·may. req1,Jire '·. .. or. sicknei;s stiil . re.quires'. r'riedical 'attendance
(Amen{le<! Rules on Emplpyees'.Compensation ~eyond 120 days' ~ut nano exceed '2.40 days· .
(2014),Rule Vlll,'$eo. 2).. · . from t~e' of ctisabiliW,: in which· case, ..
· · b1meflt for ten:iP.orary· .total disability.':shall be
. paid. However. the System may dec;larethe,fotal
~nd pe~a.nent statu& at any time ~ijer 1~0· qays


soeui. L·EGI.SLATIOf\t .. ·

continuous temporary' . total.

(AmendeJ:IRules on, Employees.' Compensation

disability ·
7 MEMO~Y.Aip,.2019. ·.'

. ,. : . \

assessment, a thira do~tor ~ay be agreed jointly

between the employer. and the Seafarer. !he·
(i014), Rule X, Sec. 2, (a)) .. · third 'doctor'sdectston shall· be 'final and. biridin~
on both parties (North See · Marine Sentices
Effect .of Relapse Corp., v.·Enriquez, e.s: N. 201806, August 14,
After. an employee· has.fully recovered from an. 2017).' · '. ' .
· illness as' 9u'ly · certified to 'by ttie··· attending ·
physician, the-period covered by any relapse he 'NQte: If the .. 120 days initial period is.exceeded.·
suffers, or recurrence of his illrtess, .whfch 'results and no' declaration of' the worker's ·fitness or
in. . disability . and is determined . to be' permanent dlsabllity to -work. is rnede because.
compensable, ·sh.all be considered independent : the seafarer requires further rnedical attention,
of, and separate from, the period covered by the· . · then the temporary totaldisabillty p.eriod may be·
oriqinal disability in. the computation.. of 'his . , extended'upto.a maximum of·?40 da-ys;·.suqject
· income benefit· 'for - temporary total ~fsabili.ty ·· to the right of tha.employerto declare within this
(E;CC ResolutionNo. 1029.;·August jQ, '1978) ... ·
- . . . - . a
period .that' -psrmanent partial or total disapility .
> ~ I already exlsts ('TUfaPingv, MST Marine Services'

·When Temporary Totaf DJsablflty Becomes · .Phils., t}R;·:No. 202113, June 6, 2cJ.18). · ·
Permanent' Total-Disabllity- · .· ·
An employee's ·disabil(ty becomes permanent . . Amount of Benefits·: · .l
and total when: . -· . . . .. . . . . . >~} . . lncome.benefit equivalent to 90% of his average
a. Declared·.' by· the . company-de~ignaj~efi%\. .. . .~aily-salary·credit subjecttothe following: ·
· physician (within the 120 : or .. 240{q~tl;j,;\ · a: . Benefit shall not be- less than _p19 or more
trea~rrient period);·or- · .. ·· · .. {f'..>:'·;·~·: ;~::.;j . · .
-thari P??~;·.hor·pa!~ longer _120 devs, ·
. b, In case of:absence .ot S':]Ch ,a ·declaraJJ.q~~-- ~ ."··.:~~------ un~ess .lJ1JUry. ~r sickness requires more .
. eithe.r of fitness or permanent total 9isab11lt~.l'} ir'·' .. ·:.:
tf}h1~1;?.XlE:J'tsive treatment that lasts beyond 140
. upon· the lapse- of the. ·120: 9r.~2;{6-day""· [- · --...:_days·'.~or·exc.eeding 240 day.s from the onset .
: tr~atm~n~ pe~iod, ".°"h.ile. ·th,e:ye"!;Pl<>yeei~·t
d1sabihty_ -i;;on!1nues -and he_),1~1
engage .m· ga1pf~l .ernployn:ier:i~d).{.f~~1-sucll
9r~t?-~·JP'·":- r~ .
·.of di~~tility, in Which c_ase h~ sh~!' be.p~id
bepe~~t /or te!:Tlporary tot:31 d1sab1hty dunng
. efaer},<ie\_penc;>g (P1 Q.00 - P200.00 per day, .
peric,>_d'. .. ·and: the · JpJi1p_any:q,e.srgrtat 7~ ;, faxil7iµfr\_29 days)·. (f,,:r,encf.'ed Rules: oh .
phys1c1an ·fails to t~fc!i'¥.~ ,ab)-<!, ~efirn~e-~ _) - _Jtlff(1..!?{9Y!!.ei. Co!71~ensat,on·(~~14), 'Rule _X,
assessment of . the. ·~l)Jpl9-ye-('P.}~~esst::or. . ~~ '· . · <;",;'~\ .~e:~g)~\~lfj-if . : · · ::
_ disf3bjlity (Alpha-ShiP:.lvt~f!aggt.nJ1,,jf.,Cor~}~·
·Cal9,. ~.R. No, .192034, ;Jf:1~1~,\2014)1 : • : .
,' r·t b: "B~e.nfksh"all b·e -suspended, if: employ. ee -.
failed t.o :5ubmit monthly-' tned1cal · report
. ··:· ' ·,. . .. . . '·. ,1' .. :1~ /. . ~......... . . <,,ertified by'.. aiterrdi~g .phy_st~ian' (tim.r/ndeq
Note: The mer~ ia.pse of the ·1£Q-d.a~Yperiod .. Jt.·~.;,,,·~~ . ..Ftu/esOTJ Eipployees'C.orripeµs'atl9n.(2Q:14),
itself. does .. not ·~ut.Om\:ltl~c)llY:ff1.arran\(ti!J1'if.>!::~.,z.i,:..~;:.:'~"-'"::':,q°W~.JY,·Sec. 5): .' · . · , ... :·_. . .' ... ·. ·
,pa'yment ~f. permanent. total disalj>-mlY.·.b.e,:t?fits. · ··
(9.SG·Shipmaoagement Manila v. P~l~;'M.~.R. 2. · Pe.r'r'nanent Total P.isabiiity . ,, .
. N,d 1983,67,August 6, 2014). · It. m~an~." incapac)ty. ~q._
peqorrii· g:a)~.ful · W?rl< · .
.. : · .. .. · · · .: · · · ! ·· · whic~ is expett~d·-to·.be.=.peffhanent. TliiS· st~~Us .·.
Qisagree-m!int .. · be.tween' '·~ C.on'lpany- . dO(;}S not' a con'ditfon qf 'CO!Tlplete ..
D~s.lgnate·d .: . Physici~n .aod .. : . · EinplQy.~e~ . tielplessnesS:. Nor. is it .. affected . by , the
Designa.~ed ·Phy~ic1an ·· .' . · perform<lhce of occasional odd JObs (AbaY;:1. v~
If a .doctor appointed by.the.seafarer disagrees ... · ·.· · .ECC. ~-R· N0.. 64255, August 16, 1Q$9); .
· ~with the.'assessinent of the c9rhJ)any'd~sign~ted · · ·· · · · ·
doctor.: a. third. doctor. may qe - ;rgre~d · jpintly- There· IS' per!TI.ane~Ltot~f disability. if as result a
~etween lhe employer· a·na·the·seaf~rer, ar:id U}e . of tlie injury or sickness, the employee is·unable ·.
. third doctor's decision:shal! t::)e filial and .bind(ng· · _ to pe~Orl"fl. ·.:_any :ga_irifui· ,.OCCUpat19ri: for· . a
.. on 'both· parties (Bahia· .$hipping Setyices v.: copti,:iuous period : ext?e~ding · .12-0 :d_ays : (1
. · . .Constantin9;·G.R. Ne. 180343; July 9, 2{)_14r · AZUCEN,i;,.; ~t.ipra at 612). - .. · · · ....
··- . ' . .
·'When a Thir~ ·o6ct~r May'.Agre~ ·. · . °Th~ following disabilities shall. b~ de.emed
· Seotion '20(B) ·of the· POEA,SEC ·provides, that · . :'. -'total:ancl .per.manerit::(TEL~PIN!). '., ' . .· .
,, the ·sEfafar:er is: 'entitled.· to ·sickr19ss: .~ilow.ince . a. Iemporary· , . total · : disab,ility ·•· lasting
•,, until he is declareq fit to w.ork. or:' the degree:of · continuously for.more:tlian"120.days, ·except
.,. · permanent 'disability.has been assessed by the . as otherwlse provided for in tlie Rules; ·.
company-designated physician !)ut .ih .no case b. Complete loss of sight' of bot~ gye.s; .
r:- · ',shall, this period 'exceeo 120· days. If a doc.tor c-. loss .'of two Limbs at or above the. ankle or .
·appointed by. the se~farer disagrees with: tl:l~ wrist; -· · · ·
.. _ ... ..
'i' ··:·.... ·.'; ...... ~. .
.• v~
H iii IIZ&ifM eet %;.sutWNfiilMiffi AC aen&+-ciwwsa I

d. Permanent complete f~ralysis of two limbs; Note: Benefits tfue an employee due to work·r~lated
e. · Brain injury resulting in Incurable imbecility sickness 'shall· be· provided until he . becomes
or Insanity; and · · gainfully employed,: or until his re;::o\iery•. or' death
f. Such :cases ·as determ,ined by the Medical . (Manioso v. GSIS, G.R '!o. 148323, April 29,.2005}:
Director ·of the System and a'pproved by·-the.
Commission (LABOR CODE, Art. 198, par. As disti'nguished from Permanent tofal
.. (c)).' . . . TM . test ·of whether an:· employee .. suffers from ·
"permaneni · total disability" is ·
a .. showing of tt1e ·
Period of Entitlement· . ·capacity of the e'rl)ployee to conunue performing his
the monthtylncome benefit -shait be guaranteed · work notwithslanding the disability' he incurred .
for: 5 -years, .. and shall be suspended if' the . . (Vicente v. EGG, G.R. . No. · $5024; . Jan1.1a1J1 23,
· employee is· g.ainfully. employed, or ·recovers. 199J). . ,' . . . ,• .
· from · his permanent total· dlsablllty,· or. fails to
· present himself for .exarnination atleast once a. E~tning. ·capacity May· Still Be Impaired Even if
. year .upon .notlce 6y the System, .. except as . ,Earri\rig.,is Higher:After the lr:ijury:" . .
, otherwise provlded for in other:·.laws,aecrees or · . An·
employee .who.recelves highe(. wages ~fter the. · ·
LettersJ:>flnstructlons (LABOR (;QDE; Art. 198 . injury than what he,. earns _l?efore rnay .st1!1 have.
(b}). . . ' . . · suffered an impairment of.earnlnq capacity (General
-=-~~:_arera.bgri.Pedro v, O.e-L'ebii; G:.R. No. L-1~036'..·

. . . · .. . . . . . . .
.. N_Qt~:: ~n. employe.e !S e~titled to·perm~.~~,nt-1ot~I
~1s~b1l1\ybenems_1fth~·f1t-t~::wor,1<~9,e!ft~c_a~~n1s b
· . • . ·,.e::~:
.vu"'·J\{ -f)ecen:!._Q,fJr.28, 19.~7). · · ' ·
i' ~,~~ . . .. · .. · · .. · . . . . .·
. · .

· issued more than :.120 ~ay~ fro~r!'us(repptJJ~~..99,.""-= ...=-~jg!~S J~;-·'tJ'?,Jth an.d. d1sab1h!y· benefits are
, . (Valenzona · v.. Felr Shipping pgrno"ttiJl';}l);:f'G.R. · ·. . . gover,qfcl.b¥,-,P\e\~ontract. of'employ~ent-as long
No., 176884, -Ociober .19, 2ilv-~t~<~-.,,,...:~~S"°-;W~c'Q~tr_ary _tq,~aw, m~ral~. public order, or
· · ·· .., ,f.l,~h ·"' J. · .· i0 f ~,ubhc-~011~.~j \\ . ·.. . .
suspenston of Income 'enefitsl / 1.r .. .J~ .: .1~e em, (oyme~t of ~~afarers, including claims for
Monthly incom"E: b~nefjr can 1Pe.: s4spended · ~ death a:~ ~di~lii.!!jy°}l:l'enefits, is· qoverned by the
under: ~ny of the followl ·. ~qJfions: (fM~~.t . . . - c2~f!:a~ they .'~r~g"?-~~~ry_. ti~e
· th~y ar.e-·.h)r~d or·
a.· Failure of the_empl . qJ presel'\t hims..~fn. .;_"fefiired,pna as ~ong ~s~the stipulations therein are
for l;xaminatioti' at jeast<b~ce §l }.'.!ar_upbn_~J:!lWhit
',notice by the ~ystet,;1'..;t.~t -.n~i
I;> •. · F;ailur~ to.s_ubmit a· .~~erlif M~Jl; :il+repq, ,pi.
convary to 1.~w....iora1s; public order, ·o~ public
i·. ~--.::::::. policy.Jtf~aveltheforce 'of law between.the parties
;{<]:~:f ~:;,§hip fMaDag,~meryt /ntematidnal, Inc. v.
certifie.d by the atten~11\l_g ~h'5(sicia ;~~·,?;~ ~{ff:,J%."':t_"1 No:!175119,f,· 10, 2012). . .
\t' ,...,\y / · ·J · . .·
c. ~omple~e- or . ·full i,recov~'1v · fr~)
. pe,rmanent disability; or; · · · :·'\.~ · -. ·.
d: . Upon Qainfully ~ployed ·f~m n~o,;fiTN"ff(~act~.ef'during.J,Jie
..-"N~fo/Itmus1 be·sh5>,W,:i-thatthe injury or illness was:
term of.:the employment. The.
Rules on Employees'-Comp)~atio!],:'Rul~i,~-tfrrgy_atiff~ppra,se·· "during_ the term". covered 'flll'
" · Sec. 2). . . · · . '...../G0"7~-=ift]ur:if$...;~~!lie-tses occurring cfµring the lifetime of
.- . ·. : . . .' .. : -- . . ,~. V..(., .
3. · 'Permanent Partia] Dls~bility:_ ·
a~~Q.,o'htr99.(" (Wal/em Maritime S,eru{ces, Inc .. , v.
~~~"_,:.· . -1" li~§if, G.R. ·No .. 160441, August 29, 2012). ·. .
A disabi.lity is.partial and.permanent if as$'ulf""''---=~"" · . : .· .' . · ·, • ·
o(th'13 lnjury or Sickness the employe~ suffers a . . .. Recelpt·:of.Djsability.B~nefit .Claim for ·
·p~r:marient. partic1l'los~ of.the Ul?e of any part..of.-. of F:utl:ire. Ea·rl')ing~; · . · · .. .
. his body (Abaya ..ii. · ECG, · 'G.R. No.' 64255,: · (:)nee . given disability ~o.mpe'.n~ation for loss . of
August 16,: 1.98!>). ·earning.·capacity, arl additional award·.for loss of
.. .. . · - · ea(,lre:earnings:)' no ·10:nge:(i\~s; otherwise, .
Period ·of.Entitlement. . . . ·it will r~sulf in double recovery (Magsay~§Jy·Maritime .- :
. The·.:bene{lt ~hall be ·paid ·for no mor~ the Corp. v.. _Chin, J{;; G.R No. ·199022, April 7;· 20·14).
period. the-following schedules:
Reimblirseinenl fo~ Medi~~·,· .Expense~ S~parate
- Effe~t of Gainful Em'pioyment . and Di!?finct from.Disability Benefits :. ·. · ..
. ·•· For the purpose· of e~titiem~nt to.income benefits for .Under' ~ection ~0-B o{POEA:,.SEG,employ~rs mµst .
. pen:nanent par:tia_l· 'd,isability,·, a···covered :~mployee . 1.. Pay the se~farer sickness allowarice equivalent
st}all continue ·lo receive· .the beriefi.ts· provided . to his basic· wage. in additiqn to· the· mediCl:I! . ·
thereuqder even. if !:le is. ,gainfully empfoyed. and ·. . treatment that tiiey must' provide the seafarer .
re.ceiving his wages or sal~ry (Amended'R1,1/es· on : .. with artheir cost;,and . ·_ ·.. . . . · .. '
~mployees' .Compensatio·n, Rule XII;' Sec. 1.,.par. 2 ... ·compens;:itethe seafarer tor
his permarier::it total
·(b)J.. . . . ·: o{ partial 'disability as finally cl~terrriined by :the ·
· compariy-~esignated ph:{sicia.n.. · · ·


rf lolllllm-ll'l&••m•mi•n•••= ' SJ..N'BEDALAW CEN'rRAUZED BAR OPERATIONS- MEMORY AI0.2019

Note:· These liabil.ltles· of the employer are 'separate. ·

. IZil!Mlmlb:IIIIMIIIB#IDMCZi:1izrim11m-ea&mani:miltl
. ~EE-IIEl2:4411&Pi!E!'o!:l49.4PmilmlillMll!IU

Classlficatlc;ms of Dependency: (PTAL)


;;._ and distinct-from one another (Javi.erv.PH tnc., G.R; ·. 1. the amount; · · ·
r~ ; .· No. 204101, July 2; 2014):. a, fartial dependency - a partial dependent
is a person who .has some means or income
of his own' arid who receives- tess than all of·
. his. .support from the employee .. If the·
contributions from the employee enable him
· Loss of. work or inabiiity L9ss of ·t11e use bf. a11y m,~- to in accordance-with his .station in life, ·
. to 'perform _usual work. · partic·u1ar anatomical . _11,'ithout . whlch he .. could ,, not .live in .
part of hi_s body. · accordance. therewith, such person is a
'partial dependent. · ·.
. (LABOR CODE, Art. 198·& Art. 199). · .b .. Iotal dependency r: a total dependent is
. . .. .. .· .
one. who has no means of support and
entirely depends .for· support upon the
. '. t:;ossof Work°.or inability perform. P!3rmarient ...
'contribution from the employee or one who
may hays· an Income from other sources.but
usual wor.k . .. , . -. · . : Total· Pa'rtial .the amount of which: is too small and
. insiqriitlcant a_s wouldenable hi~ to support·
Loss··· of the . use _'of:_ any Permanent · himself wlthout the major support from the
particular -anatornlcal part of Partial . -· /"' . employee: ·. . -: .
· ,·._ 'Dis~bi.li_ty ..-;//?(° 2.·. 'As.tostatus:'. _ . _ .
1-------r-------"'"·--.--'"-_~-·. ..,<~: ...\v~t:'Jt\ a. :_1ega1-- ~epen,dency - 1eg_a1_ dependency
. Loss of Vl(Ork or Nor: ·exce.ecii,ng Temporary { ({,, ·i,: .. '}) . . proceeds ?om 1h~: mandate or .oP.eration of
· in_al;>ility--· .. ·., ·to '!20day_s_ · Total .. V C.,-:::',..;.t:.:-,.c--.,. ,. tht}-;/~w. lrrespectlve otfhe-tabllity of the

· · perform .work .:-- .. . · ---.::~- .1··ri·.;J·~~~1;:t.: ~}l!~9-~~)~dent t~ supporthimself, lt:li~ type of

··(total) . Exceeding . 120 PerJJ.!atieht . 1;.;< /- . ~.idepi;_n._dency, having· been established hy
. . 'days T~~f....- · ~i--:-+J · ·op~fttwn of law, is conclusive.· ..
.. . . . , ..\, /{_' _ . )f-""..jl . b. _.8\~u~I*1epend_ency - under. this type qf
(LABOR CODE, Aris_. ·797-199) .. ,,. . .-/. kn_c=7 r:~ · . . . -. d,rP:D1d_fi[l~c~;the reasonable ,expecta_tionof
·. . · - : ·· · . ... . . >$,_,,., )("-~ . ~ IJ!. ., _. . · Qonttgu1fr support appears to be the .
QE_ATH 'BENEFITS· • l-C:>~ . .
.' C.;">:t. ·_ · "' Jtj a
,_jjene,tal ,d i~ortanf criterion: to· c~;>nsiaer..
. ~e~th_ i$_ the lqss, of Hfe .ret~ltin.g-:::rrcwi··1iJ1jUry..3~'I
s1cknes_s·(LABOR CODS, Aff: 1~JJ!clff:!{dtf).1. -c,,--.,,.·i
l~J1 .-1:
~<:i\.~f~W,'itf.JThnd~nt, one ':"ho.
- for. Sl,!PPOfl, partially_
. . .. · ·'. . -: .. }\~-'"'\r\·· . f _. . ri/ . . orwholly~(t Ct-'~N, sup_ra at.4(!8-469).· i
. Th_e syst~m_.__shall pay to the pnmar.yr..~en~tlpianE;is · t~·-·-:-rr-.,:.:\ . _· . ·• . , · · .. · . ' ·. . . . . · ·. .
· upop the d~ath_ of t_he c,o:v~r~d employE;)p-,stn°·am~1;1nL,)f:i'l.1~~l'.~~en?,?Js:.(ASP.); ;- · . , . .. ·
.equivalent 'to. h1s·mcmthly inco~e-ben~~f,_plu_~jl~%J·-:~·11.-:-l!!e§1tlfl'late, .le:g,ttmated,. legally--:_~d~ptea .. ?r
thereof e~?h dependent child, but•Ait"~~S~~dmg . ackno~ledg_ed.natural_child ':';'ho is unmc:1.rnea,
. fiv~•. ,.Qe~;!'nning . w1tb_ ·. the. youngest . a~,:~thout not gq1nful)y e_mp\oyed.and.not over i1 years of
.'subsij_ti.Jtion.·inccinie be('Jefif_sli~IJ be·gu'a_rc:1n~eed . ·age or_OV_E;)r 21. yearsof_~geprovide_d that he is·.
for.'5 years.(LA~OR CODE, Art.· 200, (a)). . inepp_acitated·and· .incap~bl~ of self~suppo'rt·due
. '· ·.. · . · . · .· . . . · · · to a ptwsical or,mef'11al def~ct which is congenital-
. ·o,!'pe~den~y does not in~an ~b?oiute dependency . qr as:q·u1red aunrig minori.ty; . · ·
for~~ n~'cessities of life; but r_att:ie'r.that ttie plaint_iff 2: · .tegifiinale"§pause . living wifti_ the . employe·e; .
looke:i:r up to· and relied. on the contribu~io_n of the . pr.o~ided that she/he has .not remarriep; and
.deceident in ·whole ·or. in· part, -as a· means 'of ·3, .earerits of said 'employee wholly di;3penden~
· . -supporting and maitJtainir'ig'· her~elf 'in 'accor$:lance ... · ~pan him for regular ~!,ipport { 469).
·. with h0f·.life. A person ·may be ~epe!nd~nt . · · .·· .
· c!_lthcii.Jgh :~ble · \b .. maintain .--hers.elf without any. l\lotedf the dece~se_d·emplo; a·n ~d_o.pted·chiid.
. 8$Sisfance ·trbni .. the dec~dent (1 (;HAN~·stjpra at . _the . death.' b¢fiefits : under· . .'the· Employ,ies'
·_467-468)".'.· ·. · · ·: :- . ··· · ' · · · · · ... · ·compensation p·rogram:"shall accrue sblely to· the
. biological.. par.ents·. if the- parents· by adqption. are
· · l;he:t~st of .d~en<;lency is· .o6t whether ci1imants · already dead (Bartolome -v. SSS,. G.R. No. 192531,
could.-supp'ort life without contributions;-bu.t -whether .. November_ 12; 2014).. . · .. · . · · . .
they depe11dori -such contributions as part of their
income or mearis of living ·(1 AZUCiEN_A, supra at
624). ... .


0 0

IHS MPS e ;+ ,, ••

BENEJ:=ITS· i~. Contracting of .§.igamous marriaqes by

Death Benefits . . the covered emptoyee, · whether. in the
· Paid in the forni of cash monthly pension: .or abroad;
·· 1. i=or fife to -,the -primary beneficiaries; guaranteed x. · §exl:lal ..infidelity· or perversion of the
· ·. for five 5 years; : · .· . .. . . covered employee; . .
2. · l_n . the' absence . of · primary beneficiaries, to · xi.. The covered employee's act of allowing
. secondary beneficiariesv , · · the surviving "spouse, . common
3. Total.ceneflts.shall be at least P15,000 (LABOR child/children or· child/children of the.
CODE, Art. 206, par... (a)). ··· .. · · spouse to be subjected to acts of
.r ·/ .· • .
baseiviqusnes~; or _.,. . . '_
Beneficiaries . · xii. .The covered 'employee's contraction of,
Beneficiaries'°shall be determined a't the time of th~· serious sexually transmitted : Disease
employee's death (Amended ·Rules on !Emp'ioyees' . -~ extra-rnaritany.' (EC_G Boar.d Re;o/ution'.
· · Compenseiion(2014), ,Ru/(! XV,-Sec.-1,-par. (a)).·
.. ' . . . ·. -. No. 97:..09;0500, Sept~mbei-:4, 19_97):
1. Prim~r'y Benefjciai:i~;:·(SC).'.. ·.· . - b. Leqitirnate, leqitimated;: legally· adopted or
. , ~--. Legitimate .§~pose until: he remarries. · ·ackl)ovvledged natural ~hildren, who are
. ·. . . . . . ' . . unmarried nor gainfully employed, not over· ..
~<:>te: ·,:i,e,_survi11in~ spouse fou·n.!:1-nqt !o~;.,cn:r--:,==,_ . 21_. ~ears of age,: or _ov~r ·21 y~ars of. age
·1iving w1!h t~e.c~~ered employee_at~s-fir'ne YLJ:Y }' --~~ov1ded that. he rs tncapacltated.. and
the ernployee 'died ~hould- .b~~titt~,._d,' to T.
' ·\\ 1,- 19,,0.~!?a~le of self-s_u~port:<Jue to physical qr
em~loye~s· co~pens.ation b~Flef!Ts:'IJr~.v~q~~"..,r . rt;ient?t; d~f~et. w_h1c~- rs c':mgenital . or
that the separ~t1on:0ccur~ef'k_o~1.rt~,,t'9~any.of_ . . ~ijet(~e{-~un~g-mmonty;provided, further;
. the following circumsta,r;ii::e~S'.,f(R~·SVl~.,,BJ2t~."':ib-~~ tt;iat-z~, deP.endent acknowle~ge~ natural
.. _81:>D). · : · . . : .. ll)F"\ Y, · 1f
tf".·: ~ , J ·•. ·cw .. ~,ch1t~·~:&~1.Ji~e-·comiidered a primary- =.
' 1. . ffef~sal C?f. the .i{ov:ere/d-f."€:,tnl:ifoy,ee_ ~-=.Ji~ .. L&. .. · )~neft?~ary -,~ly ~hen tl:ier~ a_re ~-o other
conbnye hv1ng v.:,r.t~...!_hes~rv1vi1"1~ spouse./£;;,,.,. . cl~p_en_ge.n~q!itJ,dre~ ~ho are quahf1ed and·
.. ··or the empl<'.>ye1:1's c!B'apdonrnnf'orll'i'Ei'•· l:~:~~-~--=-~hg1ble'-f~m~n~hly mcorne benefit; provi<;fed
· said spause,.w/tl:i6'11.t.-,j~stifiabl ~i?r'jafi~_r ~1-~Jl';P 1·nally, ~lliaT"'1,f~ there ,ar? fy.o ·qr njo'~e
.. ca"t!_se; . , · · ~ ·... ;;A It . _ . · f~ r:c?l . ·· . cknowl~,g~.d!J.Jatur?l.· children; they shall

. aga_mst the hfe·~!t11.r~. rvi~~rfg}SR,OU~~·""i..... ~

... ;comm<?n·?hild/E~ti~erl . fJhe~p]\l)t,: 1\ · 0
. . . ii; · . ~tt~mr;,t ·of. t~e'".;..&Q~;r~f~ •. ployl~?:!,:::.._ :- /~J_pu11fe~fr&f · the_ youngest. an? ~ithout
~Stityjtp.(l_~ )?u~ not . ·ex_ceedlf!g... Jive_
-tf-:w"~-£M}m~11,lJed -:-i IRL!(e.s . on . ' Ef!lployees.'
11~.· · _co~m!~s1on of ~·\ aGt of}gextl\_(!j3~~~ -~~'/.~~Of!1Jfen.sattol/(2014), Rule XV, Sec: 1, p_ar,.
ag_atn~t_.t~e SUf.\.'1.01:l_~ ·_spo~·~~::_co12m~V. (b!J!', . · .. _/ . . ·. ·· . . : ·. , : . :
ch,1ld/.ch1ldren or - cf.li4,d/ch1idre~ of.Ji)~~ h,J . ~./ . · ,f· . . . · ·· . · . .. . ·
· . ~pousebythe_co\ierei;J emp_lo/yee;~~.J;.~~n~!rylJenefic~ar,e~; (~C) ·· ·. · .. , ··. ·
_. iv. _:_-Th~ _-covered 'emplo~~·s( if~e.ri~l'lt~-~~~'\~h!t -~-g1!Jmate ~ar~rits wholly. dependent.
· .. : ..
· qorilmisSior.i · of_ phy~ical ~..i.olefuk~.or 1\ · if &.~\ ~..o~o-th~. ~mploye.?f9r r~guiar sup8o~: or - .
. -.-·. .. gro~sly ;;it)_usive _cpr11;i1;1c.t. ag~tist.~.ticE:J·· 1v.u.~~?.fl~_leg1t1mate _cfesc_e_ndan~sand 11J~g1~,mat~
· _s~rvivi1:-rg . spc_,u~e.. . . co_mrncih""":"-~'": · · ~h1Jd_ren: wh~:. ~r~ lil)rn.arned,_ ~C?t .ga1nfoll>'. ..
.. . -.. . child/children or- child/ childr.en·.bf the · emplo_yed,.and -~ot over 21 Y,ears'of age, or.
··spouse.- · . . . . . over·2Fyears 'of'age prqvided''that he is
. V.' The" G~\ier,ed·..emp_loyee's·. lnfljction of ineqpac[tated and."ir19apablE{ ofselt- support·
. · Ph¥si¢ar viole!')c_e, or ir:np.ositfun·9t m.or~i d_ue. · to physica1· ·or ·.r:nentai_. detect which· is
. _-·. dure~~·- to comper the· ~uryi"'.Jhg spa.use, cor:i.genital .. or · ·acquired · :during .mino~ity
. · .common qhild/chil~r..en o_r.·child/.children- {Amended. Rules · on . Emp/oyf:!es'
of-.the.. spouse.. ch,=i-n~e· tliei_r religious·. . Compensatfor;(20,14), Rule XV, Sec. f/paf.
or pol_iti~araffiii,ation; . . . . . : .. , . . (r:;)).·. . .
vL · Attempt of IJl!:!. covered· :~mploye_e. to:·.. · ·• '· ·· · ·
. £orrupt,.o.r induce the surviv.i.n.9-spouse;
.·. · common·child/cl;lildre·n or child/ ·children. · ..
. . o't the spous~ to engage ji, "prostitution; .•.. ' .monthly i~co"me Totaf. Benefits
·or to. make. them ·.conniv~ with. the. . . . .benefit · ·shail-not be· less .
em p!oyee fn.such an act of borruptio~ or '--~--~~ ttian. 1=>1
. ·ind11cem~n"t; . . · · · .· _.
. '!ii.-< Qrug addiction-or l'lab(tual.alcohblism of
-... the cpvered employee; . . . .
(Amended Rujes. on · Employees' Compensation-
viii. !,es~ianisn:i or- ~Qmosexuality :ot· the (2014), Rule XV, Sec. ·3j. · · ·
col(e.~ep employee; · . . ' .


. j . • •• •
·~ ·
socrxt, LEGIS.LATlON
.:f:. ....
.'~.· . . W W A .4aw1 MRSI•~
----- .-
·, w

:~ · Priority Rule . . . . . . . ·or PTD (Amended Rµ~e~ on . Employees'

1~::· '.Pri,:n~ry beneflclaries shall have .Priority. claim 'to Compensation (2014), RULE XIV, S~c. 2; ECG.
} death benefits over .secondary beneficiaries. Board Resolution' Nos. 14,0.6-2[t and 14~06-30,
l· Whene',t~r thereare primary beneficiaries, 'rib death l:!o(h dated June 6; 2014). ·
,'.., . benefit shall be paid to-secondary beneflclaries. .
:,1 ; If there are no primary. Q~n·eficiaries at the time of Jurisdiction. Over Settlement.of Claims
;: ·. ·death,. the death benefit ·sh13II .. be paid to his Ttie.GSIS, in case ofttie public sector, and the $SS,
't secondary benetlctarles. . . in case 'of the private_.s·ectd.r, shall have original and
~1' .
exclusive jurisdiciicm to settle· any dispute arising .
from the 'law (f::CC) and, its IR'R with respect'to
f', 'it tn.e deceased·employee:ha~ .no.beneficiaries at the
.tirT)e' of his d,eath, the de'ath benefit snail accrue 16 coverage, entitlement' ··to. b'ehefits, ·collection and ·
payment of contributions and ..penaltieS._the~eon, Of
the ·em·plpyees' Con:ip~risati.oli Fund. ·(Amsrided
Rules on .Employees' c;ompen~affon (2014), Rufe any othe.r-matte.rrelated thereto (Rule of Procedure .....
XV, Sec .. 2;. · in. the· Filing.J:mcf bispositlotj. ':Jf the. Employee.s'.
·.· .. Comp·en,sationClaims1 RU!-1=·2,. Sec. 1-:(i3)). . . ·
Guid.elin'es·:on the .Graiit· of D!3ath' !3enefits to·
., Qualified Wives, and- ·.children BeMficiaries of . Who may file.: (EDBA)'
~ . Muslims: . 1. .The covered !;rr'iployee;
,,: .. 1.. The. basic rnonthty 'pension. shall be .divlded - 2. His.Qeperidents; ·
· equally artio(lg the iiurviving; . _..,/:'.'>' 3. The §en.efici~ries de.fined ·~y law; ~r_.. . ...
2. Upon the death or. re-rnarnaqe of any of tll~, r r: 4. In cas.e_ of th err abseric~ o'r.1ricapac1.ty, therr duly
. : wives, her. basic ·. monthly. pension. .shall(.J~'~\ ~uthonzed ,repre~~~t.~~v~(.(l.mended Rules on.
equally the remaining wive,;;;,:.,,. \ Employees Compens8:t1on (2011),. Annex E,
. "and: · :. . · · ; . . .· \1 /; . . '.::_;} _. . .; RUtE 31:Sec. :/, Seftem~er21, 1995)...
'.. · · ·, 3:: The .q~ali~ed .d~pendent cliildren hot ~X,S.E:(Jlns~ )r,i::..\;iji~~e'";'fo·t.~;~. . . . . , . ·
5 ?e~Jn~rng "'.-Ith the Y.0u~gest ~r~;:.,w,ttioutt 1.1. .. All EC.. ciai~i:j\maybe file.ct· by the,clafr~1a.nt at his
.. ~ut>s~1tub~>n, who are not.entitled \~1~0.~,endent~ ;,;-;:.., I option in th_f~~gional Office/Br.a~ch of the ~ystem
pens.1o_n,: shall . be ~o~nted tron\-stt~on.g t~.e r i nearest to .fhel pt~ce of work or.residence. (Amended,
_colleqt1ve numbe~ of. ch1ld~.<;m~t;!.6e.ty1.~~hfn not. . j Rules on/m'ploy!:t,e~'Compenseiiorr(2014), /J(nnex
. c.oun~ed from tJ:ie ch1ldre~ pf1,,;~ach ~es:::-ef th,~ . ,«l ·E, RULEi!3, Se». 3 .sepfember.21 1995). ·

>.Muslim (~CC Board Ref?f!!iJ~!i!,Py:.'{+o~~3~;"-
July ~8, 201f). . . \.( ~,prdr')',j ~y,., ·. r, •·/
Per1ot:t~Jr~y,~.u~tlgJ1 ·
· . .
:l. .~;, _:' . ·:·· · ·' . · ·: ·
: .
,; . ., . ·:. .. .· . · ~,:.,., . Pit:~
_'·'')'!. !:..·~ . The GSIS~i:i~:SSS shijll ~vah.,iate ~m Eq c,lairn
Fu_neral.Ben~f1t ·:. · . ·,,,.tc,..\') . fl ('! witliin fhe.folloy., perioq: :- . . .
.Z.· . Persoo.s.·.Entitled Jo. Funer~I Ben~t!t~.· .. ~ · . J
.. ~j:or'J:TI, Claim ·for death· benefi\s - within 1 O working·
f A fuqE:ral b§nefi~of f'.20,00~ '(!=CC .86')'!~-~jbSOIUfl0!;__/>·'"'1'~:;i <::O~Y,S ·. . .. . . - . .
; · No. 16-(!5-28) shall~ !;le- paid upon ·lli;9t'a~a!'Y-.9!ra.,.,.~ ........~laim~r.dis~bilft¥ berief.its:.... . .' .· ..
. COV~~ed .... e.mpJoy~e... or .p~r~~nen(f{~ .d)~i9';!l~d . . · a. Sickness.-c within 5 working days. ·,one..ofthe fQllqwrng: (S~9)~':l::i ..~ . ·, . .b. -lnjurjes ..:.,within 5 working da'ys ·
1. · Surviving :fu)<>.use; · · ,r ·. · .. ·. ·
:2.·. 'tegitiroate £hild.whoipent fo.r.funeral services; In ali ca~es,' the coutitihg 'of ttie'. pres6rib~d .Period:
: . or . . . . . . . . . :. . . . snail commence from !he submi~ion' ofall.required .
;3:!)n ~hQ s.!iow inco.Atrovertible . dpcuments (Rules qf.Pr.occdure''1n the Filing and
: pr.oof .of" havl!'ig , bprnEf the '..funeral; exp.~mses . . Disposili.Ori of . the . 'Employees' Coinpensatfon
. · : (Amended Rt)lf)s.ori ~mplo'ye~s'Compeo;sation . ·claims, RULE IV (1-995), 2, as af'(le,nded f:!y Se.c:.
(2014), Ruf~Xf'V, 'Sf:)c. '1). ·'.. Board Resolution('10:··10-09-115). . .
. .. . . -: . ~ ·• . !. :. ... . . •. • . .. . :.

''Condition to Eritltiemerit : . App·ellate Juris<:Jicti'on :

The 'EC, funera'i 'benefits· sti'all. be· granted after the. The ECC Comn)isSion &hall . hav.~ ·appellate
. SSS .or'"the G~IS h'c3~ dedared ttie ·followir)'g.In the · · all a.wards·an'd -dedSLOns,·orders or
. evaluation of-claims ·for EG d.eath b.enefit~; resolutions of tl'1e GSl'S and p·ss, (Amended Rv}es .
t.· Death' due to sickness- ·ca1,1sal · re'ialio,nstJip on ·Emplqyees' Compensation '(2011),· Ann~:x E, ·
.. '. .between the death anci.the·working conditions of. Rule 2; Sec. 1. (b)).: . , · .
. . the:covered rtJ.ember .. • . . ·;, ·.. . . . . . '1
i. ·, ·. Death di;ie to injury-.causal re)atlonship between · to File .. . .. . .. . . .
... the death ;3nd tbe work~related accident. The claimant shall file with the GSIS. or the SSS, as .
'3: Deatti. due to.Pe'rmanent Pa.rtiai'bisabllity (PPD) · the case may ..)e, a
notice of. appeal within ·30
. or Permanent Total-Disability {PTO) pensioner- calendar day~from receipt'ofthe decision (Amended
'the.. cau&e of.death is a complication-or natural. . Rules on Employees'Comp~nsapon.(2014), ·Annex
. ~o·r'lse'quence.of previously. compensate·d PP!) . E, Rule 5, Sec. 1). . .

~ . .
. .

W *"1 ifflt WIMN F BPI &A!CW A 41 . -#GiWWM

Upon :receipt of. the notice of appeal, the: GSIS or· ART 207: Prescripflve Period· . .
s·ss shall transmit the entire records o( the. case to Despite ·the·· 3-year prescriptive period expressly
the· C.ommi&sion within 5 working days fro()'l receipt provided. ir:i' Art. 201, a compensation .claim may be
there9f · (Amended . Rules on'. filed beyond·this but before the lapse of thE) ·1 om· year
Compf!nsation (2014); Arinex ·E, R.ule V, Sec. 4). from accrual. of the. caµ~e of action, applying
. . . . . . . .
Art. '1144 'of the ·'Civil ·code (Manila·.,~aflro{Jd Co. v.
''Grounds Per'e.z, G.R. No. L~21071, Ju~e 29; 1965)..
The· .appeal may be entertained only on · any of the
. .following grou.nds: (SPQ) . ., . . .. '. 'Th~ ~ year;·. have to be counted'. from _the ~irti the e
; 1. ·. If §erious errors in the finding of facts are raised : employee losthis earnjng cepaclty.not frotn the time
which, if not corrected, would »cause grave ·· .. the illness was discovered {ECC v. Senlco, G.R. Nb.
... irreparable darnaqe 'or injury to the appellant, ·134028, December 1.7, 1-999). · ·
2: If. there ls, a Prima iaC1e·. evjdrerlce·of abuse. of · · · ·.· · · · · ·
,:. "discretion on the part-Of the Sy!item,' and ·~ott:i: Th~:em.ploy~ris e~topp~d to raise-tf1e·
3.' If made purely ori Question 'of law (Amended o(prescripli¢nif he ordered the. claimant to wait for
Rules· on Employees' Compensation (201'4, .. · the lapse of.the period provided for in: tne Civil Code
.. An'?ex E, Rule 5,. Sec. 2,. Eiep.tember.21, 1995).. . in cases of presumptlvedeath (P.antol/ano·v.: Kotphil
.. . Sh{pmanagem~nt'and Man,r.,ing Corporation, G.R .:
Period to D~~i<;le · · . .. , · - · .
Wil,hin. 20 Working days from receipt of an.,,.~.P~i!(aled
. case, the Corrimission shall review·an,<;l,~~.cld~aid ,
u· ~·,· ~~.,. . . . . . : . . . .: ·
. -~:~=--"~;169575;March·~o. 201-'!), ·: · ·. . .·. ·

. ~pnjtioffq!."missing person" for. purposes of

. ·

.case. Four affirmative votes shall dyrelqe·t~e,.c~~..---,=~bt! gran,f ~~benefits·: . . : .

.. However,. if only a quorum o~~.:,:,~e)ol=?~o/s""are · f~~a.i·~Vfos~F~·~sing: refers to unknown fate or:
pre~ent,.3 affirmativ~vot_e~ sha1kf'd~l'!)¢'c~~->:N·o-=~:~-!Q~f~~~~'o t~~e;,e of W~E!re.abouts of a worl<7r,
.. motion for i:.econs1derallon 1Pf()h~';'decision .. ~f, 'Jl. ''WT e~,.1.oy~~'\re unltormed personnel· while

·'· entertained' (Amended R,iJles·

. '.""
Compens?fUOn, RU!f! XIX. Stid:Jp,1'' .
·· .
~r:esc~iptlon ·.
resolution of the. Comrnissi9,,i;i er.'l•tb'anc ffi;hall. tie .ui~ A· hetsre is\1rf the ~erformance of his/her 'duties
Er(Jployees' r').l"'!. ·. . duri!:J;g, cat:'J~i~o):fatal ~vents;

· . · · ff "'~--1i/ · . J1 ."'~t:r ,
-~1:lierorket~!r1.PLo\,ee,.orunifor!')1e'd personnel
ii! ~:"-:'was1l1otse~.f Or· hp~rd .from ·~fter the lapse of 4
. . . • ff ,...:::/'4 ~ . ·. , \, · ¥_. filn~· yea(s from twe:oc<jur,ence.o!.the i~cident;. .
- · .No cla,m Io, compeosabon ~all<>~lJ"'..,..-~.course;'§i 3. ··'fh/Jl)sjlppe,ran"',Pf•he w,,,k~,•. employee, o,,
.. ualess said cJaifl'l ii, filed·.w~ly,tJr9.11Sy$~~,>v;il'fn~~·J,h..,') • UJilli~ed !e'i:sQnnel~iv~~· r(se to p~esumption.· ..
. . years fr9m the' time the :cawl,e 0t\1ctio(~}~~e~ ,~@r_At-~~~fh~.a;d .. "1{ ::., ;: ....
(A(Qende<f.. Rules. on, EmploX._ees'··'Cii;,mp"eaJ~tlb~ I ~~eM~ ~9.'.the ':Nqjker, emp(oye~. Qr (.!niformect
.Rt.ile:.v'II, ?,ec:;6; !=CC R_eso/utiO(l·/\JO. ~~~9{. ··,. ,~-_E.~fs~el ·.arises ~~t of a9.9,. i[l: the· course· of.
.. . . . .. . . ~~ .. ,, . ' . Sc1~E.... ~~\~~.P.PJ0Jl:>~~~ (E,9C.f~Jteu/ar No: 15-,0·J-20), .' .
.. Rfl':konrng, qate of the. T~re.e~~ar P[~s~r.{'2,.~!~~~ ... ~ ·p .. ·. · . . ·:. · ·'. .. . . ,.
Per-1od . . . . ... · · ·.'...(.~/""·.~~-"'EC ·~~1_m~g.e6i1;1d ~1led a.lor:ig .with cla1ms·for:
1. Si~k.,:iess-: fr~m the time thE? ernp]Q~~~~P~lhis ;I
.·~J:t\ f§stsiss~diathor:(lisabilify 'benefWcl~im . . -:
·.. earnmg .cap~c1ty aad not when .the 1llne-s~rst. '- .ilCl.§IJ.~ funeral benefit .~rn;fer. Pp.:. No. :626, a$.
· · . ·' qecaine . . manifest· (Amended Rules· ~-=--"a'i'ne.nded, which was fited·after me lapse of·~ o years
· · Employees'Compensation, RuleVII, Sec. B(b. 1) · .· . by. the : petitioner :who had earlier ·filed a claim for
. B.[?: No:
. . as .amended by 11-04-.10)'. · . , -_ · . ,.· ·. . . death. bE:l.l')eflts;· had not prescribed. ·:.When:· the
. 2: ·Injury·.,_ from the time. ,t was ·s1:1stai'ned · (ECG . . : . p~titi6n~rfileqJ1er·clc::111TI for·d.e?1th ~enefit~ .under .ttiE:l.
e,rcµlar'No. 03-769). · : •, .' "·: .·· ·.· ·. s~s lawi·Sti~ had a.lready nqtifie9'..\h~·~SS of-her.
· 3•. · Death :- from. tt,·e time. of death. of th,e c9ve~ed . : ,.emplo9ee_~·compensatfon clf!iiri'r.!).ec.ause·.theS~S is
·empl9y~e (ECC 'Ci,:cular:No.03-7,09). . . the very ·satne agency wh.ere claim(,· for payment of
"' . ·sicknessldi~a'biltty/deaJh benefits (Jn'der P,D: ·.No:,.
~ate: in ~ases of·c~vered workers ·Gr ·em~i0~es . 626'are,filed (Mesa v. -SS$,:<;;.R. No. '160467, April
· and ariiform.~ personnei. who· had .beei:i · reportecl. · · 7,?r/.09). · · · : . ·:. ·:. ,.'< · · : . .'. . ·. · · ..
"mlssfrjg''. while theywere~in·the p·erformance 6fthe1i ... _
. '1':
duti~s.during c.alarriities.o(ffllal ev.ents such as. but. .··.
·nof li.~it~d'. . to p~lice ·. or· military · op.eraticin, ... ·-
.,earthqu~ke, typhoqo, · and volcanic .. eruptidn, the ·
qe·neficiaries ma·y file.1heir .claims for EC ·i:ie.ath with .
fun~ral ben~fifs .wi~hin·the.·3-year.prescriptiVe periqd ..
. frbm the. time: "tl:'l~ ,missing person ·has 'been· ·
·presumed dead after thE? l~ps·e of 4· years from tfie
_occurrence·. of the ir'.l.~ident (ECG B.R. · No, 1,f':.ot ~2'0, .
. July 28,.2014).. · · · ·

'27ij · I ~019· s~N SEDA LAw'c;:ENTRAUZliD BAR'OPERATtONS

r.f,; . llf,iliMNWWW ii Fi
SOCIALLEGISLA;ro~ , :,,, .,, - -
t\ .
(Based on POEA Standard Terms and eonditions· G~Verningthe .Employment of Fi/fpino Seeterers On-board
[~: ~ . · . 1 : . · Oceen-Golnq, sntoe (201_0)! Seq. 20) . · . ·
•·· Within.3·WORKl~G DAYS FROM ARRIVAL-~f1be seatarer . ·
fr~ atthe point of hire;:the.COMP.ANY PHYSICIAN determines
whether: . . . . . . .

6', ·1 .. The nature of the. inj~ry/sicknesi( is \emporar:y,. total, or·
(;., · . permanent; and ·
f- .
2. The inj~ty/si~kness is com~ens~ble.

f r.


[.tc . .
ff-• ... · ..

I .
.-- ....

. . ·:-.

-~. '.

·. .·:/. '/ .. ·. , ...
'• <,
\ . ':'-
. . . tndepend~rit.P~ysician .... . :: Jndepende.n! .Physici~r.i.

: deterrnjnestnat
t • • •
the ·.. .:. ·· . determines
. ' .
that . ..the ' . ·, ..
, injury/sickness i:>. . iniu.ryisicl<n~ssIs
~. .
';'. . · NOT COMPENSABLE · . : · · . ·. ,'COMPENSABLE; .
. •,
. . '-....___._ __ ._.-··-'-,------./. .

/ • • • • """'I

A third. doctor may tie·,.·· ·

' .. _, agreed jointly b~twe~n Jhe ·,
employer and the seafarer,
NO . COMPENSA'riON. · .. and ·the third doctor's ·.
decision shall .be·~

• I . . • . .: • •. , .


:so·c·IAL· LEG 1:SLAT'I-O.f\{·


-(Based on POEA Standard Terms and eonatttons · Governingthe Employmentof FilipinoSe~farersOn-board
• . · 1 . · . Ocean~Going_Ships (201_0), Sec. 20) . . . . . . .

·,. , ..
Within. 3 WORKING DA V'S FROM ARRIVAL of the seafarer ·
at the point of hire.-the·COMP.ANY PHYSICIAN determines
whether: · ·
1. The "nature of the .inj~ry/sicknes~(is \e~porar-y, totai-. ~r
permanent; and
2. The l_njur:y/~icknessis compens~ble.

~. . '
\ ·...
Company Physician
. determines that the
. in)ury/sic~ness·is .

/ ..

· Independent .Physician ·: .lndependent Phy~foiaci

determinesthat the .. determines that the : .
, .. ·
I i~j~ry/~iCk~eSS. is. injury/si_ck_nessis.
\•. :
. .

r. :

. ,, .
t ·j.

A thi~d 'ooctorrnay be'.· .• ·
agreed jo1ntly between the ·.
employer and the seafarer,
NO:COMPENS'ATiON· and the third doctor's ·.
·.. . . . ~ .. decision shall be ·FINAL·

. I . , ,


'Ull&SWA· wary . . SWAM HAI HIPI# . Jtsi+SWP41

. - home, in:cludi[lg other areas that the HR. may

designate, . and . to the . members. of . the
employer's - household, and who. receives.
{R.A. No~
116-1; AS·AMENDED compensatlon forsuch services.
. BY R~A;:No. 82:-82) . 3. A Filipino seafarer, upon signing of the standard
employment contractand.actual deployment by
the rnanolnq ·agency and ths foreign principal,
As of its date. ef(ectivity (February 22, i019), RA. , .. who ~re considered as the employers.
4. A · worker · of · a foreign ·government . or
No. 111·99, a/so.known as ''Sociai Security.Act of :
2018," repea.JedRA. 11.61, as ariu:inded by.R.A. No: · international organization; or its Wl)'olly-:'OWned.
82.82.' . . -lnstrumentallties, · with an approved
. Adrrtlnlstrative. J,greem~nt with the. SSS (SSS
(R:A: /\JD: 11199 is NOT covered by the.·2019· bar . .G'uidebook (2017), p.4). .
syllafiys; nonetnetees, for: putpos0s··Of.di5cUsSio·n, a . · · · ·.
.tab/Et. bf comparison is,prcivided at the erui.}:' · . -~elf.Empioyed (SE:) .
. ·.. . ·· · ·· . . ... Any -person. whose. lncome is .not derived from
Declaration of ~cilicy . . . . employment; shall be the employer and employee at
It. is· the' policy .of the. State- to establlsh.: develop, ·. · ·. the:Saf!l.e time. (RA Nd. 82.82; Sep. 8, pars. (sand
pro~ote; an·? p~rfe~ta:~o~nd ';'ndvi~ble !ax-e~tnpt;.-,:e-:··=9~ .: .· . '. . . . . . . . . . .
social security' service su1ta~le to· the n~~~s""§f the 1f T · J~ · ;r -~-,.,"'°-= ~ · • ., . . .
people . throu_gho~t: ·_tl)e P_hilippin~s;j,wj)J_fh.l~Rall lJ
jlfl,R}U1ldr;~tl..lnotllm1tedto, are the following: (S:A2F-
promote social JUSt1~e and · pro~,(~me'alii11§tul.e:=-~"....-=:;l,Q.~!,t . Ii i,.~ .. · · .
· protection to members and · n1~r'<b~.ri~fiefaries_· __ · 1. '"Al~.§E'p~~~ionals; ·. ·
~gainst the hazards of disabilit',\.-!ick~~~.frtj~teF.rlify,"''''31;;.,..'-~ ..Ji?.~.,_rtn~{~~r?d_}~r:igleproprietors of businesses,
old ag~, death, and·contin~giis're{ulting 'i:M' ! ·1r,< an'\ D1r-~,to~J 0.J: Tru_stees. of. the Board of.
loss of mcorne or fiJ')an~1a!.bu~/e·n: l'~Wardstthis enf.' · ~ .t.c\\· corpprat1~.pit- 'Wlyt._ reqlstered with appropriate
th.e St~te s}:lall e_ndeavor to~y~tendfsoc;iat~~~D'L~,j, · ..,..,9.~V_\J,'1mer\f~~e}liou~s:.. . .· . ·, ..
protection to workers .and ~"JrE#'eficia['~s,(8;A..;_· ,~m ~ ~~tois ard~~~ffe~. directors, scriptwriters,
. No. 8282, Sec. _2). . J _--, N: ·
'"'"J .)~ !{~ -~ ~nd ,r1ew~p~.rrespp~~dent~-Wh<?do not fall within
· . . . . ij <:t<{1 ~ · ff .•
ifjj/:-. fhe J!~!!_ri1~orS ¢>f711:l_ .~e[m "employee" under Sec.
Employer ~ . ~i . ~ _ . .:·. -~-- . . . . . · 8, f;)s')t<,YJ or.A: 9J· 82821 · " •
. An any person. \'f'Qj~\s,:.a"~~l?.!N?rij]'- "'."~~{.e~-91oncit-~thre;es,. c;oaqhe_s.. trainers, and
· the ser.vices of anot~er pe(~on in'(sany ~t~irte'Ss~fl . ~ .:J~t~~ · '<) ' . . .
trade, ind_ustr.y, or undettaki.n'g\ : .. \. · · 0''~ci.'· . ;i;-:/.;t~'i11d,llaj1.Earmef1.'. :and fisher folks;·- .
-1~ A soci';"I;·· civi<;;, profes~id~al; ··chaEifo~le~(!.q_~~Or~e'?''in.lhe Jhf~xmal sector·so_ch as _market
other non-prom o~ganizatfo~ that~h,~e~t@:[£1:,.fr\~"1<!?a'f!,!fvendors;watch-you~-car-boys,

'2. A
"ERs,. • ·· . , .. '--<
ser:vices of employees .are ·~also 9<5n$l''l;#9rker_s,

f?r~!~n goverrimen~ Of •. 1nt~.r,.rla{@nal )\/{ J~~\ a Contract of Service

and.those similarly situated;.
j.Jf1 'I ~-""'7::..,..,,_q'\ritr.a~~Jil"andjob· order perso'nn~I engaged by
· ?rg.;m1z:ation: . . qr. · its wholly~OWJ.:>~~__..~.-Jalilcl'.wh<;> are not coverable.under the GSIS Law;
instrum.entaht1es, . ~uch ·as a1:r. embassy in :U:ie · ·. and. . . .. . .. . . .. . . · ·, · · ..
-PhilippiQ.eS,.· ·With an ·approved Adrni'nisfratiye . 8. ·.-8ny othei:_perso:r1 by the Social·
Agre~ment ·with the SSS fc:lr the· cove(age of its .. · · .: Sec~rity Commission 'un·oer' such ,·rules ·and
Filipinow~rkers. . . . .. .. . - - . . teg,u!a~oti.s·~s it n:iay_prescribe '(SS.$Guid~bbok
3. · A housetioid.employedHR):is ()n·e who.:~se~ihe: · _(201-7).- p, 4;_5).. ,: . ,. ', ( ·. · .
. services Of a, hQUSe :help.e'.; Whomeyer·pays the · · . . . I
-compensation for _sµch services.- whether the · · · .. __ Dependents:. (SCP.)., · · .. , ·. . ,. . . .
husband, wife, aUlny other· per:son. ..:.·· : 1 .... The 'legal §.pause . f!llllitlecl . by.· law .. to·· receive ·
de~me:d the HR($'$.$ Gu(debbok·(2017), P.- 4). · · su·r;,port fr~m lhe·m~m_b_er.;. . · ·· · .. .
.. · ·. ·· . · · ~ · · · ·· · · 2. The legitilflate. legitimated 'or legally' ,:adopted
Employee ·· · ar:id illegitimate·· ~hild who· is unmarried · nc:it .
. ~.· 1. A w.Rtke~· in t~e.·_priv'.3te· sector, regifrdles~ .of. . gainft.iliY- .employed and has· .not reached. 21
status . of. employmeint, .'Wh~ther pe,rmanent; .·. y'eSrs C?f-. ~ge or. if 21 · y~ars-:·O{ age, .. he .is ..
tempora_ry, or provis.ional, wno•' ·is not' over 60 . congenitally incapacitated or while ·still a '-mfnor, ·
,. years pf a·ge. _(up ·t_o 60th . birthday;. if initial · he .has been permanently ·.incapacit~ted and
coverage). . · . . . · .· ·. . . .· . ific;ap_able, of . self.,-~upp9rt,. physically . ·anci
2t .A house ~elper who is not over:1:m years of age m_en_tally; andThe ·farenf wlio is . recei-.:ing
(up !O 6Qth birthday', if Initial coverag·e). A house : r~gul'ar support _from ·the member (R.A. No.
· -any person who renders domestic or · ·· 82.82,.Sec. B; par. (e)). · · · · ·
househqld servites exclusive1y ·' in : the· HR;s


. ·..,

1'··~ . '•
·. ... ·:

-mMHe.,. .., ·- I AH++sw+nF&iHSiiefF
.. · · .*
r . contribution ·. . . ... ·. Rules on·Depende.rit.!lleg.itimate _children: .

·:. · The: amount paid to SSS by and on behalf of the accordance with Section 18 o{R.A. No.
»: · 8282 (R.A. No. 8282, Sec;_. ~. par. (i)).
·· 1. Concurring :W.ith l.~gitimate, legitimated qr legally
adopted children -·shall be entitled to 50% of the
share. of th'e legitimate, le~itimated or legally
adopted children.· ·. ". · . . · .
Notet- Regular courts: do. not' have. juris<;liction: over . 2. With ·no legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted..
~ · .. the. matter of .SSS contributions, As between ·the child - shall be entitled to 100% of the benefits
i ·· parties (employer-employee), Art. 224($) ·(4) of the · (R.A. No .. 8282, Sec. 8, par. (k)).•
f Labor Code is. aj:>'plicable·-(AMECOS.-fnnovatiohs, . I

.~ · . Inc, v, Lope,i G.R. No.17805.5, .Jf..!lY .,2, 2014). . Note: A wife who is .afready separated de fac,to}ram
i '• . ·.her ;husoar:id· cannot be said to be "dependent for,
Cqmp~nsati9n · .. . . . support" upon the husband, absent any showinq to
All a·ctual remuneration' "for employi"hent, Including. the. contrary.. Conversely, i( it is proved that the
,,. · ttie mancfated·cost-of-living allowance,.a.s wei1·as the· husband and wffe were.:stilr°living·together at the..time ·
~ .·. cash value of any-r.emuneration paid in' any ·medium of his death,. it. would be safe t.6 presume· that · she
·",.·. .other,than cash. except of the· remune~atfon. . was dep~ndent on the· husband' for support, unless
-J.. in excess·. of the maximun:i Sl:llary (R.A:- :N9. 8282, it is shown that she is capable of providing for herself
Sec. 8. par. _(f)).: - . · • •. : ·: · ···- :· (SSS v. Aguas,. -G.R. No. ·165546, Febrµary 27,
· .2006)c . ' . . . .
. Empl_oyment . . . . . ·. ·· .•,,/';)° · . . .
~·. A,r.iy · service· performed , by an employee for .t.Jis'.·./.l.l Secoridary Beneflclariest ·(PO) · ..
·f " · except: (~:AT_.G2) .. . -, . . ('·.::(( :).\. 1. ·. In \he. absence of .tt:ie_ primary .. beneficiaries, the
\ · .1. Employment purely ·_g_as!Jal and not .forftll·~ ·· ·,.,1°1 · Dependent ,Ear.ents; or , . .
~ · purpose -of oocupafton or -business of )th~: ,, '. '(;Lee?·:,, In the _?.Q.l?!:mce of all .the foregoing, any .Qther
'< empl.oyer; · · . - . ' . ·. · . · :>:f: t~::·;.,i~;,'.'.~.1hj~~{fB-'f,:~~tsJ!;Jnatedby -the _covered employee -
2. Services performed on or lf1 ,connestip~w,th an'.J !·I (R':A-:-No;,..?28?~ sec. 8, par, (k)).· . ; · ,: ., _ . , .. . .
f:· · . Alien Vessel by .an employee if hc-(js--employe~fc.JJ · ·Yli~ · ·. ·. · · · . ,
,,. ·. whe~·such vessel i_s outMde the F?}S!!iJ?R'ne~; ;.,;..?-·lt · Contin~e?f6Y,! r~fers to. the: _(RD:DISM( ·:, ~ .
i' 3 .. ~.erv1ces.performed by.Iempor.a!',y>effli\Jt6yee~ •.. ~; ·1.· .!3.etire)'ne,ljlt ~ .. · · .· .:· · -.: ,,
J; . ·· . _which be _exclud_~<;i~.,~~egura((?~~f ·!t;i~'. I•·\ 2. Q~a}.~~.. U :. \ · .. ' .. : . ··:"·· ---.·. .. ·· ·. ·:.;:..: :".
{. ·· Comn,1s131or1: . Employe~~~<7 of '51"qna · ft!'-!~ t: ~3.· Q1s,~b1htyt . \\· · . · · ).· .\·.· · ., .. ,.-··.:~.,:
t, . . · . independent contractor's~s~all·"Fll:>-Y,.!$e~:,oee~.d . · 1,.: :i 4. · !RJ'u'i;yor·:~Jq~!}~}>~f~nd , . , . · .. ·: ··.; _,, ~--=. ;_\;:.~_f'~:·:
.. employees of the employe(eri_gagjl:1-g;~~serw1!:;~ .-.- l::j. 5. Malefro.i.W.:Qf:.th_e'memb1:;r (R:A.:f'!f~~~S'?;,.f~?_:;fJiff.t
of said contractors; ·
· 4. Service perforined.'in· the -,~ploy).'.~(
· '.°"'~P:-.'l"'/:1. · · ·-?,. ·; t;f
t~e ~~.. -...
p~r. (/)). . · · , · · · ::. : :·- · · . - ·'. '. ·. "-'. : . ·: ':!:/:~ i):.f:t
· . ·. . ·. ·, . -~· .·-. :. ;- . :~.;-/.:· /~'\f)fo:;-?:

,t,··r. · . ~-·. .
... Philippine .. Qov:ei:nmehf! . · ir'lstru~~?.tall~y ~r_ .....
. agency thereof- aAd . . · ·
{::::_.~<;:ff·~~~!!;~ · , ·. _.".. · '. '·. . · · .'., '.. ,.,: ·::<_. }':7-)-~
~.=l -_.,.,.......,.-'J-:--'-"'Comptllsory:
~. ·. ·:- -.: ···.· ..... :·-"i -·
, •.., ·: .,
• • • J

·s. Service· the emplo'y,,0! a ·1t9reign

',.,. •

a.· Emp!9ye_e~.~ (P..H~.F)· •. ..;-

t • ' •

.-.: · · .~J.:, .',.,<, -:-,-

... ·Qove~nme.nt;·lntern.ational organiz~t'i~·~f..thei~ . i .. Al~ frivate sector ··ernplqyees, ·y,.iti1t.l'fe,r·.-·~
: ·wnol[y,oWned :·instrume11tality_ '(R.A. ·.JVb. 8~/32, .. .,- .· . perrn.~n.ent, ·temporary._ or provisional, ...
·... S~c. 8, 'pBt. ~"{j}). · . .. . ~ho a·re not ayer 60 y~ar.S o! ~ge (~ ..A.~.. ~ .
.. . • .·. NQ.' 8282, Sec-. 9);·· . : : .. :.
Prirt1ar:yBeneficicf,:ies (SC)· . . .. . ii. .t!buseh'old· 1-(elper. who)s not over 60_.-
:. f. Th~ de1:1e.nde,:it. . .§.pous~· · until·. ~e : .cir she. ·. ·. . . . · · · · . - years of age .with a . r:rionthly inco'me of · ..
•, .. rem'arries; an.a·· , ... : : : ·. . .. ·· . • not less than P1 ,000. (R.A.. No. 828?; · :.·
•. · ·2 .. Th·e:depehdent 1~·gititnate. legitimaJed. or legally.' ' .. Sec.- 9, ·par .. (a)) c(nd has render~d .at· ,
·, .. :· .· .adop~ed .and. ill'egitimate ~hildren: (R.A:" No. least: 1° mon'th'··af. service· (R.A. No. -
~282, S(}c: 8, pa~. (k)).,· · 1q3q1; Se~. 30);. . . . .. : .4
;:. · iiL A Filipino .§.eafc1(er, · upori signing of. th.e .
Note: Although .. the· ·sss ts . rjot irit~ins1cQlly _standar.d .employment. contr:act "and .
!'.' ... validity of marrlages;it . ·actual deployme:n't by the-,·mannir,g
l.- . is··requir~cHiy Sec. 4:par. (b) (7)"0f ~.A.· No:. .8_282 to · . agency and· ·fne. fQreign· principal,. who
:: : : · ·examine ·available statistical arid economic 'data .to ·~re considered .as the employers (SSS
'.. .. ensure.. that" the. benefits· 'tall into the:; r!ghtful · . Guidebqok(?017),..P· 4); Bf!d :·. . .
·:. · . beneficiaries ·(SSS v:
Azote,·G.'R .. ·No. 209741;·April . .
~- . :· ·15,.20_15).· . · ·. · . ·Note:' Under the -new SSS l~w. all sea-
based ·and land-based OFWs are no~
compulsory covered (R.A. No. ·t.1199,
Sec. ·9-B). ·

:r- . .. ..

. iv. All employees . .9f a foreign government, iv. Th~ private .benefit plan . which the ·
. international · organization, or ·· their· · employer shall continue for his·
. · wholly · owned lnstrumentality which · employees shall remain under· the
entered into an 'agreement with the .§mploye(s rnanaqernent and control
,Philippin_e government for the lnclusron unless there i_s an existing··agre~mentto
of such employees lnthe SSS (R.A. No. the contraryand · · · ·
8282, Sec. ~· par. (j)). v. . Nothing in this Actshall be c,9nstrued as
, . .. . . a I.imitation ·or:i: the riQht 6f employers and
.· b. Er:npioyers: (PSGE) employees to.' agree -on .and adopt.
i. . Any f.erson · who ··tarries . on Ir:, the 'benefits ~icl':i. are _.Qver and . above
Philippines .. any . trade, bustness, -thoss providedunder this Act (R.A, No. ·
industry," undertaking, 'and 'uses the 8282, Sec: 9, p~r'. {a))., · · ·
.servlces-of.another person, except the, . '.
':G.~i:~rnment (R.A.' No. 8?82', sec. _a, 2. Vo!u.ritary: (NOV)' . . '' .. · , ' ,. ''
par. (c));· ... · . .. a. -Non-wor.king.spo1,J$e .(NWS), who is legally
· 'u. .' .§ocia~;-· civic, professional,· charttable, . ·married to a. member ..wl:!~ haaat least 1 .
: · . andether non-prom organizations which · .: posted contribution, who devotes full time to
. ' hire ..the- services. of employees' are . ·. ·- rnana_gi~g_the·hoµsehold._an·d f~niily aftatrs.'
and has never beenamembsr ersss (R.A. .
_co~sidered · · ~employers"· · _(~~-..:__""""-=-~
. Gµ1debpok (201-7), p. 4); · ... ~~- lT J )\ .,,,~o: 11~9,9, .sec_9, par: (b));. · · :
iii. .A.n.Y foreign §oyei:n1Tiel')t;.,.,iJ:i~_r'n<ftl9hal{, · ..[,~.(b ..» $~rs~as_-based .~ili~inos · (OF'v:') being

· organization, . or. their_,1whi:_~ll~\~]£9=='==.-::£.

..$trumenta1Jt,'. whic9r~Atere,9.,;:!_~to·.. an .
.J ~p5uit~~m the f:~ll1ppmes by fo,r~1g11-based
··-.."'i~em~Y~... tor. employment abroad, or
· agree,ment ,_-wit~. JJ;;'e~~~·~S.!:,.,,.Jru:i""·T~~--=··n~t{l.§1"· a ;,ou~c~. ?f income in. a fore~n
· · coverage of its FtlplJl~em'f~loyees·(R.iJ . J,..(' ~· . 1_co°'t~~1'j§r~f1d1n~permanently m a foreign
.. No. 8282, Sec. BJipar. '(j}~f~nd/ .!l. .u.fJ} ./!~ .· fO~n.twf?e?'.\~;p_ar. c.); . · · .· ·
. iv.. A household· gffi,plo'yer,:,who [en~ages ,r{',c,i!·\. . _if ,(ff')\ ·. .
\ .
.· a0d· 9ontrols the($~1'_rc{s of a ~'om!s!.!_c-"lf~tr'""'·~--:-:--:!fi!ote.:. con:ipu.lsq~y covered
.. -10-~{);"f._1,. .:3,""~':7:JL:r~ '
work€!~: {R.A_. Seo. JR_.A. Nq/JJ1.11.1r·?ec.'f:)-8). ·. .· . • .
.r . . .. (fJ)r
. .
. .. ·
~~r a\ ~:J:~~--"~
-.. ·- 't .: ''"-<I ·
· ; .Efwti_m'ipj}~ I. . ' ~ ~-" ·. . . . . . ' ' ' .
c. J~taw NJS~ber . {VM) or a. pe,:son
· q. ~~inl!~t.ion~:(E2-C~O,). rr"'\\ ·. .\~~, ;; :' F-l"O i ~.;. ~- : :viouqLy.os~~4redas ai:, S~~ ~ember_ who ..
_,. AnY. ben~fit: &ar~_(l,d! b'Y'4.he-.~~~y~f{~ )f~/~js·at,1east_1'_pqst~d contnbut1pn and 1s,no
und~r pn':'ate. be@~fit P!~Us ~~~frtg. ,~.!)'--..,f '---;/,./1".._\~ongeJ'VfO.r~in.og as·.M,h~r a.fl.EE, SE ?r OFW,. ·
.. ·the time.~f_t~e ap~~yaloft.t~e Aet,s~ll,,V~ or l:)~s l']Q·!p~oi:n~ _!or:a·:g1ven ~e.r-1~d·~·~nd ,
.. no.t , _be d1.scont1n1:1ea. re~e(l sre. rEr.:rt'\.~Y· 9rft'.'s: to. s~mtin~e·· .p-aymg.. contnb1,Jtions . to
::·. · of~~rwise i!'flpair~~l; _'\.,, · . A'. ,.. . _~~~""'~n')~~r::itai,2ftiis ··right t<;>: fi!II ~-enefi~s .(SSS
n._. i,_vt,1'?h are~~si,t<3~~·1R~-~~~ ·•-.:\.~id~1!oolf·(2017),pp:_5-6)._.. · ... ·;· ' ,··
.. · force.· at the .. tim~ of ·,~mp.Jj1I;)ory '~. Ar /,.N;.. -.J!-.f,fP· , . . . . ...
· .covetage ·_shall p_e integrated.:~i.tti:!~ lV.JUJ>t9.\JdfntF.uhd. Est<:',bli.shedunder t':1,e SSS Law
·plan oft.lie SSS in-such a w~y-where ttW'.==~-'fneSodal Securjty C0.mmissior-iis'.empowered by
·: ·em.player's ·COA,tribution to·. his private· : .the iawl ' . :. .. . . . ·_, . . .,
· · · · plari is_'ri:icir~ tha·n.that n;:,.qui'r.ed. of '1iqi in ·. .' 1. To ·est~bli;;h. ·a: i;;r.ovide-~t fund· for the .members 0

· _.. · this Act, he.sha!l , the SSS only the . which ..wllf: c;onsist °9f .v.plu~tary coritrib_ut,i_ohs of
.: .. c0ntribll,tion requlre.d·_ofhim and he·shal)· ·emp( and/a~ . empl9yees, ,sel,f-employed
". ' 't::ontin!Je. ~is conVib,1,_1~ion to .such private, .and volurit~ry· memb~r.s Md' their earoings, for.
·, plan·less/·thE!' . the.·paymen~·of·benefits to such members or.·
... that, the. employer's total .contrlbuti_brl'to '. "their benenci;;iries, subject (9': suoh rules arid ..
: 'his),enefi.t pl~n· S$.S shall_b·e'· 'regulations a·s it)nay. pro·mulgate arid approved .·
· ·. ~e $ame· as : his: contributjon to· his . . by the Pr~sident ~f. the .Ph)lippiries; and · ..
: . ·. pr:jv~~e · penefjt .plart· befor_e. · thE:1· · 2. · To m't3intaln a provident ·fund .which.'.consists of .
. . '. oompulsory_coverag·e: . . · contributions made bY. both. ·~~-S. and iis
'iii. Any · ~hanges,. ·· .· ·adju.stments, officials and employees and ·.their- earnings, .tor ·
'rr,odjtrcations, ' . elimihations· .: .. or.. the payrn~nl of bene'fits·. to 'such officials and ..
jmproyements if!: .the, ,ben~fits qf. the: 'er:npJoyees 'or their· hei'rs ~nde,r such'terms ·arid
remainitlg PfiVate · ·plan_ after tlie . conditions. as it inay prescribe (R.A: No. 828t
... integrati.on · ·snc:111: b~ ..subje~t · to· Sec. 4(2) & (3)). . · .
.,.· agreements between ttie·· employers :.. · · ·
"and . .the empioyees . concerned;''
. '

.. . .. ~
.. .


. ...

Effective Date -of Coverage_ . . _Bene.fits: (MR· SMS:DJJF)

1: ·compulsory Coverage 1. t4qnt~ly Pension Retirement Benefits
a, Employer on first day he/she hires the first
· 2·.. .§1ckness .Benefits : .· . · .
employee (SSS Guidebook (2011), p. 7); · · · 3. Maternity-Leave Benefits
b. Employee - on the ·first day of employment 4. g_alary Loan ·. . -.
(SSS Guidebook (2017),·p. ?): . · · . 5-. ~errna'n'ent.Disability Benefits .
c. ·self-employed - on the month and. year of .. 6. ·• Q.ependent's Pension .
.first monthly contribution> provided is: · 7 ... Death· Benefits
not earlier. than the declar.ed "Start of: . .&. -funeral Benefits
Business" (SSS ..Guidebook (201°7), p, 7i._ : .
Note:· The new sss
la\\! includes a-new provision Oil
N9~e: It is. retroactive on .the applicable µ or Involuntary separatton.
month .and ·_year 'of the first contribution . benefits .(R.A_. No. 11199, see. f4~B). (Refer. to the
. payment, upon: approval of .his late ·· table provided at the. en·d of the' discussion for the
registration as: a· self-employed member . ·-requiremiinis . to eveit, of tnts . new 'separation
· (SSS .Guidebook (?017), p: 7). : . . · .. · benefits) .. · · .. · · ·.
. . . .

d, Dornestlcworker uponrendering at least 1

c- l\llonthly Periston .
· month 9f service (R.A. No. 10361,. 'Sec: 30) -. · · Morith!y pension shall be the h_ighest of the following:
·. · ·. ·~h{l 1. P300 plus 20%·of aver.age monthly salary credit"
Voluntary C~verage ·. ·.: . :;/ .. ,'ifa. .
(AMSC} plus 2% of AMSC for each-credited year
a. ·OFW --:. upon ·first payment of:-e:ontriby(iprj;(;.·,;'\ . of ser.vice in_excess of10 y_ears; or
. based on the payment deadline for .Offy?IJ:';.;,{i f:j' 2 .. 40% of AMSC; .. or . · · .·
· whf~h ~ay be . earl!er · t~an the datej p.f,:;,J!;.,;,.~~·p.1 ,00<}.(&.A: No. B282, Sec. '12(a)).
. . .reg1str~t1on (SSS Guidebook, _2017, R;_;'1);./__,:,f/~t1,i;!;,,=t::-:·.,j . . :· · · . . . . .
· .., -.: · · · . . -._,,r<--::f:' ·. . \.J .. fl
_Note:'T-h.-e·.".}Of't!ily pension shall)n no case be paid
· ·_Note:.Under· S~S l~~···'~F;Ws ar~·~',...,_!i;\:.: for an.agg;~~?,te 'amount of less than- 60_ months
. now .~on;ipulsory coyere_d,},'.B~!:tce, · i_QP--,.,...1\ (R,A No. ~!2~['2,fjiec._ 12(a)) ... · . . .
effectivity date·take effect 9p-Jh'.eflr:~~y 9f r.1 , . . . ";( J, ~\ .: . , . . . ,.
his employment·(R.A. ~9-;.:.1·119i(pi?c710);_ ·~·,1
Mlnimu!jf _Pe siJ~ · . ·· . . .. . . . ,.. · ! I

. ·. .· . ·. : '·,. · (.~~;, "5),i::::: .. :, . :.~~ r/,1. ·1,-.~1,2_00 Jl!!?r_~e.m~~ with at least 10.,years
b; Non~workmg spouse·.~__.-,,-:on~·tn\~~;-,'ijphc~!~,.r"1 · cr{i~\~~1i$7 JP.· · ·. . . ·. . ·
· · i'rlont.?· a_nd. year of _tK~..,!if%t:-::P.~Y-i;nenF~ · (J
·.2. P2-;-4:QQ::._..;:,fo~men;ibefs'with at l~ast.;20:year~
. _ ... -~_ontnqut!on (SSS Gt11debq_01j:.:,Z@~'<°/>.P· 7);;_ ... [-.'{ . cred1ti:id -~ervi9e (f?:A No_. 82_82, ·s_ec. 12. (b)). ·
9. Separat13d member_":"' _on tl'l'e rr10.~t9,.,pe!she ·. l·~m . . . . .· · . ·: . . . ·.. · . '.
res~med ··paym_ent of contn.l;>t.1t.J_.ow (SSS_.Jt-:~l·fl.~tt,=~f... P.J:~v!.s1on·on.~dd1tl0nal·~e_nef1t Allowance 1s.
_ ~wdeboof$, 2017;_p. 71,_ .· · -'{:{ . .r(Y'-:--~~-m0l1:1def:!Ct1ri~er:the .new ~SS law,(R.,1. No.-_ 11_199,
· ·. ·. · · .. , . · ,,., ;1 •.f. .' Sec_..1-2 (c)}. . .. . . . . . .·
Withdrawal.of MembE!rship_ . · : . . . ~~'--.:!;,:', ' . · ·.
An:iember cannot withdraw his membersl,)ipwith the·· Depende~t'-'s -~en~i<>n . . · · ' .·. . .· . ·
SSS. s.ince: rheniber~hip with· the.. sarne -is fc;>r. life.. 1:. There·is:monthly pension. payabli (:H). accoµnt of
Howevlalr, a ·.111!:lmber who ·,was· i:iep_arated· fforh. .d~ath; p~rma·nenttotal d~sat)ility.:or".retirement;'.'Or ceased to .be a ·self~employed ·or ... 2. Equivalent to 10% of monthly pension·or:?250.--·
OFW. has the op.tion , to continue · paying· SSS . · . is higher; ·. . . · . . ·. .. . .' · .'
¢ontFibutions,as·a voluntary m'emb.!; m~ntain the 3:.· Payal:>le .to. each depend.ant child conceive-clon... ·
· right to· full-. benefits provi~ed bx the SSS (SSS. _· or before .the date· of the con~ingenc·y but no~ · 1
. Guidebook (201-7), p. Bf. : . . . .. . · ' . . . · exc-eedjhg .l?, beginning with the :youngest and
·without .. siJb,stitutidri, . with .· pieferen9,0· · on.
· . Effects.' :of lnte,rruptic:m: 'of· .. ~usin~s.~ · : or. legitimate -child~~~ {f?_.A t:Jo. · 828-Z, Sec:· 12-A) .. , ·
·Profes.sfonal lnC011"1e ·of-Self-Employed lodivldu'ai .
· 1 :·· H.e' s11an ·not be requir:,ed·tc:i pay cqritributions for : · .. N'ote; The monthly . pensi6ri and ·dependent's·
·that month:: .. · · . ~ . ' · ... 'pehsiQr:tshall be· silsp~nded.upon .the re·employrt1ent.
2. : He·niay, however, be ailowlald to'contir.iue paying . . or.r!;}S!Jmp~ionof self·employ·ment qr the recoyery of
. contributions under the sarne .· · the· disabled· merri.ber · frorn.. his· .permanent total
a ·separated cov.ered employee member. disability -or his failure to .. present hirnself for.
No reJroactiv~'payment of c911tributions shall be - examination at least once a year upon· notfoe by tHe.
allowed .other·than as pres.cribed under Sec.i2-· 'sss (R.A.. No. 8282, Sec: 13-A.(c)). .
A of R.A. No. 8282 (RA No. 8282; Se.c,. 11:·A) ..
. . ·-- ..


t M IE kM Miit Mil

»:fSWMW\W fhW¥APA MtfU aw WW>R.liifl il#tSWWi; I 1-$ MIPMWti!li

Retirement" Benefits . Death Benefits

it is a cash benefit paid either in monthly pension or Upon death .ot a member, who has paid at least 36.
as lump SUffi' to a rliel'nber who Call no. longer work .' monthly contribution prior to the semester of death:
. due to old age (SSS Guideoook (W17), p. 70). · 1. His primary beneficiaries as of the date of his
retirement shall" be entltled lei" · the monthly
Requirem.ents: -' .. . .. . .. -oensfomand ·· · . .
· 1. A member who has· paid at least 120 monthly. 2. rt he hasno primary beneficiaries, his secondary·
· contributlons prior to-the semester of retirement benetlclarles shall· be: entitled to a, lump -sum
shall be entitled to monthly pension as lonqas · . benefit equlvalent . to · 36 times · the, monthly
he llves.vprovlded that: .< · • · • • _pensi_on.. (R.A.No: 8~-82, Sec.. 1_3). ·
a. · He has reached the age of 60.. ye.ars and ·is ·· · · ' · ·
already separated fromemployment.or has Upon death of a member; 'who has riot" paid' the
ceased to be self-employed; 'or · . . , : .. required: 36 monthly contribution, his primary qr
b. · He has reached the ~ge of 65 years·.(R.A. secondary .beneflciaries shall be a lump·
. No. 8282 ; $eci 12:...B);or . . . . sum' benefit equivalent to the monthly pension times.
c. ·He is a. surfaceor underqreund rnineworker the number of monthly contribution pald to jhe $SS_
whose date of a9Jual· re~irement is not earller .or ·1 ~- times the monthly pension, whichever is·higt:ler
·than April 21, 201'6 (SSS.Guidebook (201.7), (R:A No. 8282,·Sec: _13)" . · · ·
at 70);
. or .. : .· · - · · . _
~-=-----···~ . .
d. A total.· disabili~y ~~nsione~:· ~h,9,,..,-.ffas.·,r .-Y ·rto"t~ti~~-rderfor-the beneficiary of an..E_1mployee to .
recovererHrom:d1s_ab1l1ty and ~s1~fiea~t 60 LJ, /el'},litle~JR death benefits: under t~e the $~.?·
yea~s old (SS$ (3wdeb9ok{,.~ff?,"'{lt f.~.. ,:~.,,==~~~s~_of~d~tht9fthe; must bea sickness
., • ·· ·· ~;!'' · ~),,:;,~ _ hste·~i\!g~n.pb~'be:~t1ona1·disease by E?~; or: any .
..~ot~. The member ha5. the_~~Uo~t9;fce1_;'.,;-""D!.~"'=:Jr="'"other.~,~-~~~~us1a{ _employment, ~u?!~c;t to proof
first 18 ,:nont~~y ~ensi_oh~f~J.llrtJJP§.l!.A'l.. at~ .,7, 1Rat the"r'.s'ktfl\<::~!~~fl•i:,gthe same is lncreased by
pref~rential rate of. !ntere,,aN.~~fmm(<!by, tlj' ~ ]~e worf<ing ·co.id1t1oqs (Banez v. SSS, G.R. No.
SS$ (R.A. No. 8282, S~<;, 1 Z-8).7 B ·' · '- 18957 4 'Uu/y 1~\o(yf\d.t. · ·· . .
,. " II
2. A co~ered h,emb~~.wh~(~(f:y.~ar-s·olf but,;a. .
.· '~- l . .·. .· . . . .
·~t . 'r!'\JJ
' r; • :P'~\
1:9t ~bl~.' to -~O~_tribute~ ~e,~t _1.2.0\!'1onttY...; '.> .~®_'lit,y·aene~t~. :i_ !i · . ·. .· ,. . ..
. . _co~tneution~ . pr_,o~ tq K·ta.,f'\,ern~1~\of ·.~•~Tu.~~p~mi ·!t:e 'Y,"1rl~ -My')\lth ~rg_amzat1on s_ defm1t~on
retirement _shall still betent,tte~:to_'9,,.J~rnµ.sum:~·"'=of •..?.!!ii!J~t}' ;;i~ anyAt:estnction or lack_ (r~~~lti~g ·
be.nefit ~qual _to the Jot~:-c~nyjputib~~~~"i::iji;l,·bY:.'5\1 J.,.··lfo~na.1t.fne11l~o~~Jl1ty t~ perform_ an. act1v1~y·1n .
him . and ·on his· behalf, wo~ed, \e _is ~#a~lefi ~;::It~e)~~Defr.O.lj?yv1t~mf·t)ie·range, c?ns,der-e~ nor~al.
from employr.nen~:and r~_iiO! conti~\t_ing t,~9ient·· . . .~o~~~r:iJ!1~g, t~fs~s red~s,gned th~ W?ntmg ·
of contributions to the sss~~n his ow.a
(R:¥'.,~S,,./~~~~~~-~<? rts ~~ml:lers. w,th th_~ ?bJect1~e _of.
. . 8282, sec.' 12~8 (b)j. • . ~-. ~: Q.CJ~ff1~prov1,n~::·th_ei13l1ver~ of servi~es wJthout
· . · _ . . ·.' · . · .-·. . . ."' . : /i :·~.:~edtfpi:t'!Jfos1,rilg~Jl-'i.E: · need .. t~ 'thai !he
Other Tern;is a!'Jd Cond1t1ons for . ~ti~--'l~yoF--'....::.;ti'-~~~~n~~),-~J.sab1l.!ty benef1t.1s pai~ to desE:rvmg
Undergroun~_or S!J·rface.Minewo_r~er~ ll..1..(_ . }\/f-j~er-~~r~.S$S Gutdebook-(2017), p. 62). . _· ,
. 1. An, undergr~un~ or su'rf.ace,,mineworker-,~~~ ':.,,,~~ . · . ·.. . . · .... ,: . · . ·. .-,_ ,
; · . · have been ·employed .as'suqh fc;>r at least·5·ye_ars. .'.· - -:=sc!llen~ Fe_atures,af th_e.New· D1sab1hty .Prograr:n. · ·.
·(eitheF continuous or 'accuim.Hated}'prior:to the . 1. · l,Jse of, th.e·, new Manual. ·on. Meqical. Ben.efits-
. semester .-of reffrement.· as . certified , by. his . . · : (Disabilfty,: Sicl<r:iess apd Ml;)ternity) wtiich .is a
elllployer,. . regardless ·. if . ei'npfoyment · as . . . . compilation of :3-' m.~dfc.arbeneti_t;CgrljlQted bi,,
underground o"r surfa_ce· is.hfa last or · S$S to ·its membets. !t,atlop_t!'> the lr.iterpational·
· not.· ·. . · . Classification of Diseases ·arid Rel~\ed ·Health
2. T.he··ce.rtification m0st i~dicate th~ underground ., . Prog"rams c~qes (l<;D~ 1.0). and inctucies·the most
or ·.. · su·rfa.ce :-. ·: · · position . - recenfmedicarn:ian~gern_shtof lllr\e$ses/injurl~s
title/designation arid°jJrop.erly"·supported by. the . and their . correspqnding ratir~s. · It :.nas · b_een
·worker'1> jqb description;·. · .. . . · . . .· ·, valida!ed·.. internationally· ~nq locally bY· .'the .
. 3. -The e_niploy.e'r niu$f b·e duly registered ·with ·tli'e . · · differenn~)e"dicalsocietie~_. .;_ · ·
Mines ,and.. Ge_6$9ie,:i.c~s Bureau :as. ·miriin_g. 2. · 1he .eva{~ation _guid.e!in~s .of. i.llnesses/inJL!ries·
company or .. contractor,. perrnittee:· Qr -permit . also _consider the state of the
holder (~SS Guicl_ebdok..(2017), p. ·7_1). ·· rn_ember:Jhus! ~llowiiig :several .cla!m~ _tq be·
· evaluated first ·based on .supporting·document$·
:-Suspension of Mont!lly flensi~·n : . .. . : ··(SSS G11idebopk.(2017), p. 62). · ' ·
The monthly pension shall be· susp·endad upon the ·· . · ·.. .
.re-employm_er:itor-res~mption of seif-employm~nt of.' ..
a retired. employee. who •js less ttian 65 years old
(R.A. No. ~282,. Sec: 12-B·(c)). . .


.,. . HM . . ,....,
~ .. ,

°C;i°4alified. Person. fo~ D.iSabllity ~enefii under the

l&Wi@Mii#iY>tjiA't &A&P
s.e awe;'.
It shall be paid in .lurnp, sum if the'. period is.
·/t · New Program .. · . · ·· · less than. 12 ·months (R.A: 8282, Sec. 13-A
~\· A member Who ·suffers 'partial qr total permanent .(h)). . . ·
}:: disability;_with at teastt monthly contribution paid to b. For multiple 'partial disabilities,' they.shall be
t· the S.SS prior to the semester of ,contingency, is additive when related or deterloratinq - the
f. Aualifif!lc:I (SSS C3qicJ.e.b,o_ok-(2017), p. 62) ... · percentage shall-beequaltothe number of
·~·. · · months ··the. partial dlsablllty is entitled to
f;- The disabl~d: member shall .~gain. 'be subject. to. divided by if) months. (e.g, loss· ofsiqht in ·
t· compulsory· .coveraqe and .considered . a new· ope eye .7 25/75; 'loss of arm 7.·50/75; 'if
t ·.member if: , . · .. . · . . . · both occur due ta same cause, 'then 25/75.+
;s· -.!·· Hehasreceived alump Sl.11!1 benefit; and· · 50/15 .. =. 100% sq "treated as ft it- wer~
.1 ·: 2. . Is· reemployed qr has: resumed ·setf-employm~nt · permanent total. dis.abilily) (R.A.' 82/32; Sec.
;· ·· not earlier than 1 · year: from the date of his . ·· 13°A (g)) · · · · · · · ·'
.-.},;.·· d.isa_bility .(R.A' No. 8?,821° $ec •. _1·3~A/. . 3.. · 'J\~ide · from" disability· benefit, a supplemental
, · allowance·of _PpOO ls paid to -the total .or partial
,',;~: lnjurie.s:oeem~d as:Pe,:mai:ient Total Disabilities: .:di~pility pensioner to-meet the extra needs
":; . (ELPIS) ... · · · . . . · · . .. · . arising from . his disability· (SSS· Guidebook
1: ·1:· Conipleteios~·ofsightofboth.§yes; .·. '. (2017);p. ~sj_.·_. .... :._ .; ... . .: .
*i. ·2.· . Loss of 2 Limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;· :'4. Total 'QiS<!bility pensioner is entitled to 13th month
:· 3. ·. Perm~nentcom·pJete.faralysis of 2 llmbs; .,-,"'I ·.t>.ension payable every·Qecember andin case of
4.: Brain injury/esulting to incurable· imbecilil~?(/);( partial disabtllty pensioner, a 131h month.pension
. : !n_s~nity;and· .. · ·· . . · f.._-..f./:·:'!'\ $haHbe paid; p~vid_ed.! the pension.duration
5. ·_such cases as deter.minedand approved by·IIJ¢.'; .:~i'.tl · is at ljlast J2 months.(SSS Guidebook (2017), p.
~: §.SS (A.A. No .._8282, Sec:. p-A (d)): · :· ') (./.,; ...-.:y'f~~6~). (.1, . .... · .. ~:.' ·. .. . ·. . ·. ·: ·
. ·. . . . . .. · . . . . . · .,,-,}- '(,.,...,,1p~~s.~.-.,As-:-of,:..!.Ja,nuary ~, 2017, · all t9tal .d1sab1hty
· l~j_uries Oeeme.d as.f>e.rniarre!ltParti~,-~-!~a6iliJy:\.,,/. ,rr. . ,pefi~ioA~fi~.a~e.. a)~o . entitled. ·10. an·.·adqitio~?I
A co~pl~te. and perrtranent loss qf ustofanyof th~~~:-'::;{ · . · P1·,0~0 jl'ie£1efi!011. top . of:_th?rr com puled ba_s1c
·}...'.),/!., . .,,;/ r\
fol!qWing.b9dy parts:'.
1. ··., 0 ne. t.h tim. b';_, ,
4:. · on.e.big t9e; .·. ·. · -~/
. • . . ... .. ,,.-d-,-:> ·I
,• ".i':z#

vrx:.'?" · .c:~,. f,;1

,; ;._t,• ·55a '/, 1·
., . .
mpnlhly iwlt,sron_ (S..SS Gwdebook (2017), p.

· i · r1 ·
. · · .
· · ,·~~·~'i'!~
3. . One index.finger;. . {?~--7 .. ~'): "- '. ·~. )•:.\ ~]
.4 . · One· . . . hand·
. . '. . . \:'·..J:/ ·=-.:f";J:.,.._.
.. j}. ., ·. , ..:$?. ,..,, .·· f;,,· I .
5 ... One middle finger; ·,,.." . .c,,.y;,•'.l . <r"\~J ,· i•"(
··6. One arm· . . ''-1":''-d/';•,· !; : ~~1
7.: : o_ne';·_ '•
8> One·foot; ... ·. · ·
. ~\ 't) ~ '• Its
. · .,~.....;i..- :
Geath . : ..
i' 1 ·• ;,.• z',r.7;ril ·
9, ·· One:rittJe·finger·· ·· (.1:i-''' ;,~;r,.:::r;i.1!'1···• ·:u!:.'.;,.d!~i:\ ·
, t~/
r}, ·. {7'v .. · ·
, · ' I • .(rf
·10. One.leg;. .

,.. · '12.
1,:i-: He~,:ing .~f. .1 e~r; . ~: ·
-One ear, · •
,.~\'!..). .' · · ~e:n~er.tia.s'pald·at:least ,S6·ntributi9ns
· .,· t · tti ··· · · t

f 'd th · · d' ·bn,1 (1

,_ . · 1 j, He~ring\:if both ·iaar.:;;·.' . _pnqr. o .. _e · se_m.es_et .o ea ~r 1sq · 11 .,. .
!~. · · .1.4: BC:'.ltl:i·:ear.s; ·... · .' ·: . • CHAN,·s_upra fil~20 & 42:J)..
t-~ 15. Sigh! ot'1 :eye (S_SS G_uidf:borik (2()17); p. 6_2).

.:... Perl'ri;:t~~nt · bisabili.ty . ee·ne~.ts ... E'llgi.bility

;:· ·~e·quirEiments ··. =. . · • . _ • •. _

'; . ·. ·. MemEier·shall nave '36 .o,onthly contributions prior to

.th~ semester' of, disabil.i.ty; sam~ death benefit;.~s. ·, .Primary beneficiaries: : Membe~ (t.CHAN,"s1ipra
If·· · none, · ·. secondary ~(423); . ·. ': ... · .
only '· that the, p' paid 'dire~tly to
be·nefici~r,ies·are· er:ititled
the _memt:>er(R.A.-.82821 Sec .. 13-A (a)). · ·. · to . a'. lunip sum 'benefit'
· ·equa'J to .36 times .the ·. · ·
t ·. ·. S~i'teflt's: · . . ., :· . . · .. . . . monthly. · .. pension . (1
i;' · .· 1 .. .,in .case. 111,e .permanent1y·dis·a.bled.memJ:>er.c;l!es; CHAN, suprii at.'4.20)._- ·
~:' . . . . : it WC>Uld be given the. same tr~atment a'S a· retiree
,: dying. . · .. .' ·. . · ·· · ·
· 2. For. permanent P,artiar·9isab\lity, the pension is
not lifetime (e.g: loss· o.f thumb entitles m'3n,ber
.Ben~fits: sbaf be a lum'p sum equal. ~he mon~hly to
pensi9r:i ti'!les·the n·iimberof mon.thly contr,ibutior:is
. to only.1°0 'months of penslOf'l, 'While los·s Of arrri pal.~· to SSS'..or :1~ times the·-moi:,th_ly ·pension, ·
,.to 50:m<?.fl!hs). \ whi.chever ts hlghe((1 CHAN, supra ·at 420 &,423)-'

. . . '• ,.


. . .. . . . . .· .·,,/\:·.::~~i~fi~i
:1:YIMWffeEI -· . M SiiflEtEEIEMMI

. Funeral Benefits . 3.. Where the claim for rembursernent Is made

The funeral grant is. the amount .gi~en to wh'omever after 1 year from· the date o(confineme_nt (R-A.
pays the burial expenses of the deceased member No.· 8282; Sec. 14).
or pen~ioner (SSS r;_uideb~ok (2917), p. 99).
· Maternity Leave Benefits . .
Note: ·Starting P..ugust 1, _2015, the amouht pf the A female member who has paid .at least 3 monthly
. . funeral, grant· was- increased to a .var)able amount contributions in.. 'the . 12-month period immediately
ranging from a minimum.. of P20,0,00. tc>" a maximum . ·preceding the semester · of . her childblrth or.
'of P~o,ooo;_; depending on the 'member's' · pald miscarriage shall· be ."paid a daily maternity .benefit
contributions and credited -years of service (C.YS) _- . equivalent to 1 OQo/o. Of her average daily salary credit
(S~S_"Gufdebook (~017); p. -99), ·· · · . for 60 days or 78 days: in .case of. caesarian dsllvery
(R.A. Nq.:8.282, 14-A): ,
siekn.ess Bem~fits. .
l.t is a·d~i!y·cash ailowance·paid for the number ·of-
: days a member is ui:ia.ble- to work: due to sickness or
. · Qu;litic~tions · tor:. irit1t1ement .. ot · Maternity
.Bc:1nefiJ: (M~N-P3) . . . · . . .. .
· injury ($SS :Guid_ebook (4017),' p. 40). .- · ·. · 1·... Thefemale membershouldbean-Saa Member;
+Requlrements: ·(u4:P3-AN) ·.. 2_. . Shemust be ·gmployed at tlie time of delivery •
.. A. member ls qualitied to avail of this benefit if:. . . ,•: : -.: · . miscarriage or a~ortion; . . . .:". : . . . '.
1. ·. He: is !,!nable to work due· to slckness or"j_nj.1,1r:y_,,;.,...,;,-:~d_,~·She must have_ g!ven the r~qµired ~0~1f1ca\1on to
and conflned either in a hospital ·~.r .~..t.-l:l'6"'~efo_r U· "' ~":t].1'1~~SS. !hru her employer; ~n.d 1• •
. at least 4 days; _. . · . . £.~· P\..· .f, ':"l!llr .eTo~J_eyer mus~ h~ve ~a1? ~t least ~ months.
2: He has·'e_i:iid at least imonth14>f~tr:ib~j_oi:is~~~..;:..-,,,;;_oJ1:1J.t~[litY.·CX?ntnbut1ons w1th_m the 1.2-_mon~ .
within the 1.2-~ontn p~riq~ ~r{~if11'efy;8ef~~~-"" .1 · 'ilEll:!?'<r i~~¢at~ly before· her sen:iester of_
"the semester of sickness or,1~lJ'Yt,.;./ ~·"~ ... ~~ ~-.c..g~m.~~cy . ~ f20_19 DO Le Handbool_< on
3. · He hasused up ~II currenifcori:(!)'a~(sJak r~ave.s . "r ~ Woii<ert~i ~"$Rt"q _Mo~etary-8en~fits, ~- 28).
with pay; and · fl,· i' "Y;f. ,· f . JJ; 1J~ ~~- \. \I[~·.~ t .. ·.. - .. .
, sss-. w ·separa~ed fromf eg;ip\'tyment. ~01uofl?t¥
m"e"f!lbe_r or· s_e_lf-ernplwecr.:·"r~gat:din{·.hi~ttj\iQ. ·
~f"<'. 2-----'
- _· 4. He has Notified the. eipBJ.Qler or di&..m_ly,,:•.tti...e..L:.V~ Rul~~ on_ AvatU~~:,t~e\jBenefits. _(~P-~f-RW)
i'fe'rmp10Yi~~~ have f':!obfieq her employer·
1f--.1Sf _h~r_ pre911;ancy"'tas_1_dthe probable date_ of ~er
~ick,:i_e13s·.:0r ·!njury ·(S,$~. G-Jifdflboo~.~1.7), ~~ . 'JJJJl, .~ -ch1l9b1rt~.~-1 t~h"-~qpce shall_ .be transmitted to
· 40). . .. · .· · ·. ~ ~-~ ~ . .·..,:.¢~ __;,,;;;_;;..: --if!!: ·,~. !~ a<?co~ija~ce ~1th .. the ruJes an~
. . . . . ~- i
I" f) ~\; · ,:, ·.-~. ·,n . ·reg[l~ons imW,11,tov1de;.. .. ,. · .
Notificatio.n Requ_irement ,J. · i; <"bi~~.-~-·'*-~@~ ;rf~ll:-';:)~~":~~f~hall _be· '.a_d"'.~n-ced- ~y the
1. ·-,By ~h.e Employe.e:: : ,', · '\: JO
~~~ · ·· .. ::,;;--0~plb_Y_El.9,1w1thm_da~s. _f~om ~he filii:ig·of_·the
If conftnetl at home, . h~ shoufch~:noti ~tl.i'.~'-~«',: ~,1;fa!er'i]~l_ea_velP~hca_t1on, . . . . . _. ·
.. er:n~l?yer, usi~·g the Sickne~tJotific,a~iQ~.~<i.&i§fi:,W~~_;;P'<fyrhen! gt daily maternity benefits_ ~h~il be
w1_thm 5 calendar._ d_ays ~fter'\'i~-~tJ~~-Sr-:-:=~~~"'~~>- to( the _.. ~ecovery-. of ~1ck~~s13
. coi:,"fir:iem~nt, _u~le~ such- conf11T~~.Dtai~l1~ , ~~"1~t~:~&'1~e~by th1s_-~ct for t~e same penod
r · · hospltal or the ·s_mployef!. l;>"icame}i~'o(JI.a,~. )t.. ·.;cf· J\ ~<f~tw6Jen~daily. m?terrnty benefits_ have b,een .
injll:e~ -.vhJ_le workit1g or,wifhin premfae's,~ot..~.ll,~e(l~~; . · · .. · · . . :. ·. · . ·
empJoyer· In whieb.. ~se, notification t1:1 · Jh.e · ~ The maternjty .benefi~ under U~1s _section shall - .
emplc;>yer is NOT NE;CESSA~Y·(R.,4, No, 8282,· , ~-- bE: p_ai~ ?i:i!( for· t_he first. fpur deliv.eries or
-Sec, til. (3)). · · . _.., :· · ·. _m1sGa_rnages;·. · · . . . . . . .
· ·· · 5.. . The·· SSS .shall immediately: Reimburse, the
-rf ·6onfii:iecJ · at the. hospital, ·r.1qt1iieatior:r" is· n~t · · ·ot
·emp-1oyer -1.oqo/o ot'ttie amouriLot-·maternity
.. necessa·c,y (R.A. NO.· 8282; Sec> 1-4.{3)).: . . "b~nefits. a?Vanced to. the' emplpyee .. by the
: · · :, ·. -' · · ' · · · ·· ·. : ·.. ei:npl9ye_r· upon .receipt of sa.tisf.adtory _proof of
2. By tl")e Ernpl<?Y.~r .::. __ .· . . . . · . s-uch-p_ay_ment"<!nd legality th~reof; and .. ··. ·
The· mu~t : Sl,l_bmi.L'.th~ .. · Sickness . · 6.. _If. ·an. !=!mpl_Qye~ member .""sh9uld- give birth or· ..
. Notitica,tion Fonn to SSS within 5 calenaar days :suffer... mis·ca·l'ria"ge Withou"t . the _·.· required·
after Its rec¢ipt to· avoltLpe.nalties..foflata fiJing . coritributi9n~ hi:!Vi!")g been remittec;I for ti_er·by her
. (SSS GuicJ.eb9ok° (2017), }:,. 42).. . . · . employer to· the· SSS, or-"without the'-latter having.
. · ·. . . . . - . .. . .. · been p.revf1:1us1Y:notified ·by the:employer: of-the ..

. The ·~m-ployer of the u"employe~ member has no. . · . . .. tim~ pf_th(;l pre·gnancy, the· eniployer.-shall pay"to
dght to .recover·:.,, .. :. . : · ·_. . ·. . .. . :th:e SSS .. damages. equivalent: to· the ·ben.efits
·_ 1.; . Wha"re empl9y_er ·failed "to -notify the SSS -0.f ·: .
the confinement; · . · ·
which said empfoye€/ member would otherwise
· ·
- i. In the case o( the .tmemploye.d, where he failed . ·· · have been entitled to (R.A. N_o::8282, S~c. 14-
. . .. to ·send the' notice to the _SSS. except wliei-i 1he · · . A). : . . . . . . . .-· .
: .... in a· hospital; and· .
.. . .. . . . ~-


Uil&M I IW,'11 & SPCINl*!fiiRMH HB·BiiHM(jR? 'Sti&f',NI
.,·~.· mm~
n . . .
~'.~. No~e: The preceding discussion of. Maternity Leave N()n~Transferabii°ityof Benefit~- .
~:. · Benefits is based on the old. SSS law (R.A. No. 8282) .the SSS shall promptly paythebenefitsprovlded to ·
l and )he. 2019. ·.pQLE Handbook · on Workers' persons entitled thereto in accordance with this Act,
-,· . _Stc!_tutory · Benefits. for the )=xpanded Maternlty under the· following: conditions: (DFBI-MNL") .·
/ -Leave under R.A No.11210, refer tothe separate 1. The SSS shallpay the retirement benefits on'the ·
~-. .
discussion .under the ·Special Laws.' .'
. ..
. day of contingency to qualified members .who
have submitted the necessary ·Qocurrtents at
"\. . The · 201.f!. DOl,.E Handbook-orJ-· Workers' Statutory least 6 months before; • · ·
...·: . Benefits is NOT withinthe coverage of the 2019 Bar,
i:' 2. The beneficiary who is a national of a Foreign
•· nonetheless, · for the purpose~ of uniformity,· the . country' which does not ext~rid benefits. to. a
t · Citations are updated to. the. 'tetest version: Rest ·. Filipino beneficiary reslding in the Philippines, or
i: essured. thet tne contents hereincited tromth«· 2019 which is not recoqnized by 'the. Philippines, shall .
~ DOLE Heruibcok is iM· same as those ·under-the · not be entitled to· recelve any benefit under .this
·:~.. 20.1.8 .
version.. Act; . . . . .·
\. 3. ,Where the: .!;!e$t [nterest of the sss ~Ill be ..
Salary Loan . · , .· · . . served, the Commission may direct payments.'
1 !t . is . a · loan privjlege _'granted by s~s . to· eligible. . . without rega.r9 to" . nationality or country of
·~, . · members to meet their. short-term .needs · (SSS . residence; . . . . .
·{ Guidebook (2017), p. 115), · . 4. · If. the recipient is a M-lnor or Incapable of
1- . ·-/'1 administering his o-..m.-·affairs, the Comrnlssion
{.. Persons Qu~lified: (EGADU) · ·. . . ,;"\(",.(\._ . s_hall _ . appoint . a · representati~e.... Such
. ·1 .. All currently· .§mplo¥ed, c~rrently cont~1b1JJ~~v-, ."!~) ap~.o!ntm_ent shall not be ~ecessary !n c:.:\~e the
n- . :·,se\f-emp~oyed _or voluntary mem~er. · . ·. f!.l:: ':·:;} ·.t recipient rs under the custody of,or._hvrng.wrth t_he·.
~ ·· a. For a .t-rnonth loa_n, the mernber-~9rr~fr[:;,',.,.;,~-,1~J?i:lrent~j>f ~pouse of the member__,n whrch case
-''.° ..•. · · m1,1st have 36 posted mon.thly contnl;l!..(\Jon~f-'J!,1~:i:..'..;.}he.-9,en~fltsshall b~ .paid to parent~ ·.or

.· 6 of which ·should.· be within··Jhe_;)lst ·12','./' f ( sp'6use'!?"las· · representative payee .. of the
. months prior. to., the . montta(J1'if".filing i;,f.\J< recipientf)'~ . . . . . . .. . . '·
~-; appllcatiort · · : '. ·.·\f;,jf. · ),';-:rtl 5. Such b~net\Js.are Ncit transferable and. no power
b> _. For a .2-month loar.r." .t~e· ~.t~#lb~;,B~tfQwe.r · i'.~ of att9"¥n~~.o~oth~r document ex~cuted by \hose
~-- . : must have 72 pos_ter;i ~-~~~(r .COl')_,t_ri-150,ti~n~~-l ~\ entit!tld_t~ere~~ i? favor of any ag:nl, c1ttprhey or
.6 · of wh_lch .should. '!i>e~..,,,th,~h-:_e.· last· 1 ?'\. i-'·i anY,l'qt~etyer~on for the collectron ·thereof on
. mon!hs._-''pri~r ·10 tt$' ,.1nio~h ,i;H~:jilin!J{;i9f_· · 1;,;1 , m:_~r1>~ 0a1~~~~_!pbe recognized, .except when
... api:ihcallon. ·· '. '. :-,.,~ P_2,~'f) ·. f'-.. . \~ .. Vil. tht::y·a·£¢,,J;ltiysically unable to collect per.sonally.
2. Jh_e,rr:,em!·pot')':~b'.eer{~ran,te,<;I·:: su~h bene~ts; · · . .
fin~I SSS ber,ef!t.(i.e. tota! f?e~ri:ia9ent·.~.~s~bilify,_ .\~;,...-?,,--,hi c_~se of· deal~ bene_fils_. if·_-no benefjciary, .
~- · rebreme~t•. or- death)... ~owever, rff~a;it-'benefit__.-;/,..,,.',-!( f1q1:1a-'.\f.Les und~r this APt, s~1d · benefits shall be
. was cancellea · due ' to re-ern:qioyment1:'or_.;~-~..:'.'..l:laiiH6~-the Legal heirs in accordance· with· the
ff.:.· reco.vetyfrom di~abitity, the friem~tJ-shali;,iag~in . . . .. law·of succession.(R.A, No. 8282, Sec: 15). .
~- be quali.fied,.subject to the ter~s-an'c:lt-QH.\"S!!Jibns.. . . . · . · · : . ·. · . . ._-
fir; 3., · The.member-borrower must be under 65 years·. · Dµ·Qf.the l<:AN) . ·· . · ,
~:· . . or Age at_!he.lime\~f appltC?tiOri. · . . .. ·. . ·. . 1 ... Pay ~mpJoye_r.'s?O.ntij~ution in acoorclari~e with

4. ··The-.member-bc;> not been Disqualified .
·due-to frr;tud·cornfr1it~ed:agaihsl'the SSS:. :
the sc.hedule pr.ovided in this Act (R.A, No. 8282,
St;{C.' 19-(a)}; . . :. . . . . : .. ·.

5. ·. Th.e. -~R 'of ttie member-borrower must·· be.". 2..· To Qed.uct'and to remit ernploy.ees'.conlributions .
•.. ·. !,!~ated. {n th~ paymehf.0f· ~mployees' SSS.· . ·(R.A. No; '8?82, Sec.· 22 (a));.· · · · .. ·
;i ·contributioh!3· · and. lo~r'i · remittances. (SSS 3.- ~ ,Beqµire, as a cqndition to. ·employment, Uie
ffi_.:: . ·Guidebook (20.1i), p. 115): · · ·. · . · · presenta!ion.of a registration r1um1;>e_r seeured l'>Y. ·
~ . . . .. . . . the. prospectjye employe~. from, the SSS ·in
, LQanable Amount" · . . . · · ·accordance. with such, prqced\.rre as 'tiie ·s$S
A 1-montti salary loan is ·aq~ivalent to .the· av.e'rag·e·· . may.adopt (R.A. No. '828?, Sec: 24 (e));·. ·. - .
of·the.member-borrower's latest 1-2 Mont~ly_ Salary · 4. lmme<liateli Report. to .the SSS the .naines,.
t.,. ·. Cre<_lits.(M.S.Cs), .rounded to the /1i9hest MSG, or tl\e - ages; civil. i,tatus, . occupatiofls·, s.alafies . anti·
... applied·for;-whicheveris lower, · ·. . · d·ependentsof all his employees wl)o are. subjeGt ·
· · · · ·· ' - t~ corpplll~ory coveraQe {R.A·;· f:1.0. a.282, Seq. ·24·
t~. A
2~nionth salary Joan.· is -eq' twice th~ (-a))· · · · ·-
..... av.e~age of
the. member~b6rrower's. latest posted s. _!Se~p true and accurate work· records for such
l' · MSCs, roufided to the next higher MSC, or.· the period and containing .such· information as.:the
\.~ .· am"ounr appiied for, whichever is" IO~er. bu~ n_ot to . · · ·commission may prescribe (RA. No. 82(12, sec.

/:· exceed P24,000 (SSS Guidebook (2017), pp. 115-.
116). · · · · · .
,· 24 °(b}); .· . · · - · ·. ·

201s sA~· si:oA LAW cer,ffRALIZED ~AR OPERATIONS 1 2as

. .. - . -~

·s. ~dvance . the full_ payfl)ents of ~h~· · maternity Remedies · for Failure. to Pay Required
. leave benefits within 30 days from the filing of · Contributlon; (<;;AWJ. .·
,:the mat13mity·leave applic.~tion (R.A. No. 8_282, 1. If shall be .Q.ollected by the SSS in the. same
:Sec, 14.(b)J;·afld · manner as taxes are made collectible under the
1. J:!qtify .the ~s'$ ot the confinement within s N,ational lnternalRevenue Code (R._A. No. 8282,
. ·calendar days after receipt of the ·notification Sec. 22, par. (b)); . · · .
·. '·, · from .the· employee member (R.A. No. · 8282, 2. By an Action in court by the Commission, which
Sec. 14 (c)). shalt hear and olspose of the. case in preference
to any other-civil action- (R.A.- No. 8282-& .R.A.
.: Liabilities of the Employer: (PD) . . · No: 1-11-9,9, .sec. 22, par. (c) (1)); and :
· 1.. -P~y a fenal~y thereon of 3% per month from the 3. _~By issuing a Warran.t ~o )he Sheriff of any
: : ~ate the contribution falls due until paid, for his province .or city cornmaridlnq him to levy upon .
failure 'to deduct 'and remit contributions (R.A. and sell ·.any real, and personal property '·of the .
: N6>a2a_2,.'sec. ·22.(a)); · · ._ · debtar. .-The She'riffs' sale ·:)Jy. virtue of 'sald
·i~ · The employer sha.H. pay to the SSS .Qa.mages for . :y.rarrant. shall b.e governed .bY fl;le . same·
.... his failure. t~' remit the· required contributions, Qr procedure prescribed for executions · against
.. . . tor ·.his failure to report on matters required upon .. property. upon ·ju~gml;ints by. a. court· of record
. hlrn., 9dor.·his misrepresentation of the true date . (R.A. No. B282i Sec. 22,: par. (c:.)(2)): ·
· . of ~mploymentof.the employee member; · -~=..,...-=r.-=~ . _ · _ .·· , ·.. ·.
·, _.~- . . - ,. . · . . · ·--~~ '· · 1f 1. ~~eilrt1~~ns.fromT~; '-:~g~I P~ocess, and_L,en-
Note; ::fhe. ngh~_of the ~mploy,ee tOflP~!·t~i:the t ../
necessary actio_n against th~~Rl9~ef>._,i).o.:::===--""-""'-~Q.o.nt~1;»t10_~
}_1··-q\~e~:S~~andall its assets a_nd p~ol:_lert1~s_,.,a11·
c_oll~cted and all_ accruals thereto
refuses or neglects to remit . ar:icl 1hcome,ir-.1nvestment-eamingstherefrom as
commenced \Nithin 20 yeari!e"tia:i&'t!Ye"' ...'?;;.,..;,,,,""~~~~al(~pplies, · equipment, papers, 'or.
delinquency is known orJ';t@-·;i{.!!~s~fu~n.t1~. "ir' ,·;;;· .docvm-e.[t~;::,il,)alibe exempt from' any tax,.
-made- by the. sss, __or rrofo. thi-~!tneth~ b~n~fit j~
ac~ru.e.s, the· case mh..:.~!l,_;phe ·pr~~E!:!e!.l~~,t'':1,f'''\
1~>\\. .ass ssm~pt, fe,ff:,-'~charge,
__ d,ut!'~and :\ (ff ) ,
.or :customs. or import
- . ·
. penod,does·not comme,rce.,wh~n-tt:ie 6bligation 1IDr 2. 1>.rr 1.'.>,enefit f?.aY.,ffi;~ ts m?de by the SSS shall
to p~y tt\e Pt:~milJmS acru~(:l.J{~· v.. c~.\G.R~:?i·ij~ t-("""'~Jik~~-iseb~ iitem~t1 .rom'all kind~ o~ ta~es·, fees,
. . 128~67; December 17, ,19f).9)!
· · >· ·. · · · · ~ ~\~
.An emplt>yer w.ho·fails to r~~o:rrfjis e ,, I)~'.
i·· . '" ~Ilim/i'B
. \'. ·. r,;J. or fCharge~ri~an1 ~ ~hall. ·not be hable to·
b':.....1:-/. aft.;i·cf@.j:ents~ga,rnishments', lev~\·or seizure by
~e .f<;>f)Ji' I ')"""'~.ofl'.bl®~r or
fahlJ.<fe'/J~r ~quHable . process
social security covefag~ is li~'hitq: l~u J~ ~~' .=;~ -·'~-1:,~~7.f'~~veJ. eitheibefore or after receipt by the
.1. P_ay the ~e.n«::fi\s ·of th9~e.:_wh~ie,~~ ··· ~:'. . ,$,". ..t~onor::?ersonife!lliiledthereto, excepttopay
..· d1sabled;_get l,1ck·or reac_h:retireme~age_~~- ~J'Yde)}f ~t thE::pnember to.. t_he·~$S (R.A. ,No.
2. ·. Pay all Y,npai_dcohtributions)>~s a p_E}naltY..C:l,. _fl3~Jl,"'1...r-f\~)2~¥'~eq. -16tf _.· ,. ·. , ·_ . .: ·
· .per. mo·nth• and· ·· · '\., ..1"~....: ~:.- / ~..-._ ff' . . · ', .. ·
3.·· E!e heJd·JiJbie'for a Qrimfnal offeh$e!p-'1s~l~-==-"'_R&"oii.';!_0J;.~*:'Exe.i:11ption: i. . '. . . ·: .
· by ~n.e·1:frtcf/or impris_o1:urient.. · _·· .;'-.VJ..· /f · -~ [.J;~~~i~-;:'lo~~;ir-ofthe_ state is e~ercised J6r-.'the
... _.,. _.,, _ .. . · ·: .- ~-....:. ~'. ll:'-p~of.r'.31s1ng,.'.eve_nu~s. :l::iowever, -~mder our
N.ote: Ail._ etnploye·e. is still :entitled .to ·social -securii';"'=-=--s_o·c1at-Security Law,· the e1:1p~asisis .tnor~ ·on .the.
b~nefit~ even· if t:,is employer fails ·or'r-eflises to remit . .. promotion. of th~· g·~nerat .welfare. The Act is ·not a . ·
n)s cqntribution.lo the·-sss '(Gapayao v. Fu/o, G.R. .. P<;1rt. of our· lntern'at ~evenu.e Code ·nor..are .the ..
· NQ. 1. 9349$, ·June 13, 2013). . · _ . · · . :· contri!;>utions and premiµms. dealt with and ·provided
· · · for, crillectibleJ>y the E!IR.- The.Junds confributed·to'.
:-:,' . ·, .. Co~tributlons' . the SystElm.belong to·the.rhemb~rs.who will reeeivEi
. . •· -~- benefi'ts, a:s a- matter c:if righ(wO:en~ver·the 'h~zards
prQv,ide~by the law occur (CMSEstate;'Jnc.v. Social
·sec.urity System, ~.~; ·No. L-2fn9BJ S,epteinber28,
,1 :··-. . Within .. the_..- first R~m_it qlia'rterly 'on such 19~4). ' . . .
. 10 days ofeach calendar dates· and sahedules as
month : . 'toil.owing : . th~ ·the )::o'mtnission. may
month for which they are p_rescribe
·a'pplicable; or . . . · ·. · . · ·.
·2. · ~ ... Within such time . . . .
· · as the Commission may =' · · .
. prescribe . . .. . .
. \ . ·. . ··( .
. (R;A.·No: 8282, S~.22(a)).


:· ~ - ..

. · SOCIAL LEGlS·LAT.IC>'N : : ,
~- .: ... ffi¥W H:3fkf.b I ¥ &IE a see -ia
"!,'.· Jurisd;ctipn ... Gornparison .. between· R,A: 8282 as amended
·f . Cases Covered and, R.A. No. 1f199
;i~· -Any dispute . arising under · this Act shall be .·
· \ · · cognizable by· the Social Security Commission· ·

*. ~ .
::· (SSC), such as with respect to: (CB-CPA)

Benefits- ·

-:f .3: Contribu,tions;

f 4. eenalty; and . . . · Fi°lipinos r~cruited· .. by- Coverage . ln.. the ·. $SS
•• 5.. ~ny matters related thereto (R.A. No. ·S2.B2,.sec:. ·foreign-bas.ed· .; . -. 'sh~II be . compulsory ·
.5 (a)).: employers · · for- upon ·all sea-based and
employment .. abroad :1and~ba~ect · . · .. or=w;
Procedure . , ... may· be covereg by the provlded . that . the'y . are ·
· 1. Filing; determination, and settlement of disputes : . SSS· OR·. a voluntary not over 60 years of agE!
. shall be' goyer'ned 'by the rules and regul,ation_s basis .. (R.,A. ·No. 8282, (R:A No .. 11199, Sec.' 9- .
: prornulqatedby the cor'nmission.(~..'A. No. _8282, · . &~~~~- ~ . .
..Sec:5 (a)); . · , · ' ·
2. Shall be heard by: · ·
. a·.. ·The commission; . ·None· · · ... An . a'dditional. '.moC1thly
b. Any ofits members; or. . .. · . · · · · /.") :
. ben~fit ·. . allowance
· c. H~arl_~g . officers. dtfly authonz_ed .by }?f;1{ . ·amounting to P1, .000
comrrussion (R:A.. No. 8282, Sec.. 5 (a)),~'·' ·i,'! .<i.,.1\ -, ~hall be·· given t6' all
Sltlall· be· decided within 20 days afte.r.( ffii!3, :~; ;i.i:.j . . . ·
retirernent, death ·aAd
subrntssion of evidence (R.A. No. 828?, Sel]f-./5:: ~.,, ,.,,f_:...,,.,,.. · · . 1,..,.,_
disa_bility. ·.. · pensioners.
~ (a); an.<:J .. · . : . . · . ·, . · ·,rJf.. t•.-,·.,·!';;."~ ~?~',,,,,..._:.....~:1i;\ ..
receiving. monthly
4. sneu be final and executory if no ae~
1ea'Hs filed'..Y·:f ~ ....-b':-1/:~.
pensions. ih or after .
withi~ 15 days from notice ofj~dg(IWnlJR.A Nq~~. 1 · _ -. ifl\ /an'uary 2017 (R.A. No.
8282, Sec. 5 (b)).
. .
· .. ) .'}./J..
: ',' I· ~-.-',' , .
!,, y
. //ii ~' .\\',
. 11199,:sec.
.. ·12.(c)):
. ..
. . . ·?",J ~5-~ · r. ~,r · · ;t =. . ·.'Mi ..
Judic;i~_l"Review.: . .· . /,;:!,, : : 1r,~ ,~· ',',~· ·
1. Per~itted.only w.~~n.all a.~~fr.ii~t.rat~~p[~rn~di~~ ·• . ~A
" · before the C.omm1ss1onl'l~t,t;"b~r~'!'(e:x,ry._,uste:g:2-
2. · Court of Appeal~ has . JU.r.t_,~dlctJO:Jc>:<f.°> rev1j~ .= I, ,1
. ~J .P: member .,;.h~ is· NOT
decisions·bb~h on questions of[<!IG~Slar(a,1awl:1Jt.:, J,; · . · . · · over 60 ag13 ~rid
. if. only ·questions of law. are invalvfd, .§\ · t.~7- , . .;.~ · . · · has ·paid · 36 months'
·court .ha$ jur.isaiction; \,""-;::»"'. . . . /:.,~!{. ,.. ~~:·rr.:u_~~. ·,1-2° moriths
· 3·,· c!E; be a' partf . · ;,;.~,.:::.~....:. J:'!'.:s:t.1.U:iill.~ · . pf, w.hlchshoul~ be-in the .
4:, Hei=ird in a su·mmary manner;: · lz\ .
{tf. 18-,month · . ·. period
· s: · Take~/' precedence . over .. any .. · c~s'e.~c_ept im_rnedi~t~ly . preceding . Cqse·where life-imprisonmenf'or.death the .. . involuntary ..
penalty is imposed:· · . ·. ·,:· unemployment . oi- .
6. No. a pp.eaI bond· shall· be.·required/ and~ ~.e_paratibn;shall'°be paid.
. · 7 .. No appear shall act·as a supersej;/ea.s·ora st13y benefits in· the· form 'of- .
. : "Of the. order· .of the 'l;;'on)_l'!lissiori . \Jnle5$ .·the·. ,monthly' casti ·.
payments .
· Commissioh· itself, or the Cou~ of App~als or.the 50%. of ~he.
Supreme.Court;. order (R.,lf.:No. ·8282, . .,
. . Afy1?C for ma~_im~m of'2
. Sec. ts,,(b). and (c)). . .. . .., . ·.- mon.ths (R.A...No.. 1.11!(!9,·
~ :,,.·_ · ~er:,. 14~8).: ·

The emp_h;,ye~is 'liable

pay a. penalty of 3.%,per
to 'emrifoyer.
The· . · . -,d~linquent
snail . pay · a ·
month from the date the P.enalty 'of 2% 'pf)r mqpth ·.
coritribl,itiQn. ·falls due frofri . ·the·. date . ·the ·
until ,p;:iid;· f~r his· f~ilure .contribution . falls d.ue
to dedu~t and remit until paid (R.A. .No.
contribu.tions· (R.A. No. 11199, Sec. 22 (a)), ·
8282, Seq.· 22 (a)): '


. ' . . . ~·':·=.· . .·. '

.\ -·
2. Members of the-Arm.ed ForC$S of the Philippines
(AFP), subject to· the condition that they must
GOVER~MhNT SERVl~E settle first their financial obligation with·· the
]NSURAN:C;E SYSTEM GSIS· Contractuals who have,no employer and
(R.·A. No. 82·9:1) empl~y~e relationship_ wfth ~e agencies they
serve; ..
3. Uniformed personnel . of · the :§.weau of. Fire
Coverage · · ; .. Protectkin (~FP); · . ,
· 4.. Uniform.eel pers.onnel . of the §:ureau · of· Jail
Alf gove~nment.. 'personn"el; .whether ele~tive. or
• Management and. Penology (BJMP); . . . ._.
·appointi\t"e, irrespe_ctive of ~tatus· of appointment! '
5. · §arangay and Sanggunian 0.fficials who are nol
providecl . they . .. receiving· fixed ..· m_of!!hly .
r~ceiving ·fixed m~mthly compensa~jon; and .' .
compensation· and .hav~ hot reached:the mandatory
Q. ·gmployees. who do not ha_ve montl'ily reguJai
. retirement"age of 65 years·, are. con:ipulsorily-covered·
hours.' of work· and are. ··not receiving· fi?(ec
as members- Of the GSIS (/RR· c,f R.A. No. 8291, ~u/e
m.onthly :compensation (/RR of R.A No. 82_91,
11; .Sec: 2.1 ): . = Rufe ·1l .Sec. 3). · . . , .·, .'
.. N9te: · Emplqye~s · wh~. 're~ctied the: :mandatory ·. ·scope of Be~efits. . · . · · . · :
· retlrementaqeof 69 shall· becornpulsorlly covered ~ . General Rule: All members ofthe GSIS shall have
and required to pay -~oth. ljfe. a11~ ,re~;~~t~:··-:=l[re-:.;-J~rance,retirement, ~nd-· .c:11 _othe:. 'soc!a
premiums under the f.oll9~mg sltuattons: ~- t* . '. !Tu1 · . 5·ec'\.Jricy)}r~~ectionssuch .as d1sabihty, survivorship
1. A,n elective cif!iciaf who ~t the timJ:~·~J::ct;f~o--=,,.;.. ~e'6~ati~]i.)nS unemployment· benefits (R.A No
public office is.~e!ow 65 years 9~,!lg~"a~~1t0,,e- - ~~.§fi.'a:"3,fia""-2). · :: · · . . . ·. .
65 yearsor more·at t/1!3 end 9fr6~)~[~~Qf·offl5~__..,.......,,#"'=• .. -~~:~-· ~> ~ , . . _ .: . . .
.includlnq th_e perio,d/~:of_l}i~/e-1~i_~ti~l'l~~j')Ell511c. ~~=- ~~cep.tlot;t~'-'~it~f3._r.rs_ . of , _the Jud_1c1ary al~if-~
. office thereafter without int~r@P.t~j.,'(.an.~: · TP-> )/( "~}mstiti.?i1on~~'6&m~!ssions· sh.all.·. have .,
2. Appointive offici~ls _.~ho/befo1/,!;,ac'hing. tti_e f~~- :1), oril~(B.!f'ff·8291, ?ec. 3, par. 2). ,
· mandatory _.'age ,-. of 6~~~~/r. appolpJed· tu~¢ ·. ~ · \\ljl 1 _. . .
· government poslflon byk~.~1:1ris1denq:md~~Lt:J.·
. ··.remain in 9.ovemmept_s~ry~at age b~yo·n.~"tt;s_,,::i.
:r · --~j~~.sesjo.f .iyie,'1?1?-ersh'\P· ..
.. l~' 1~·Re9~!<;1r M~~,_,ber~lare_th_ose.7mploy~~ byt/1<
.. . .

· · ·
·. No.:. . · . · w~.i c
· (/RR ot R:A. 8?91,' ~ul~/-se_c .. 2.-.2)... ~:- :;g-, .....~""'irl _·gov~!l,

. Contractuat amplo)l9•• oncl'1!JJAW,'!.•ua'f ~t~nriljf rv:-,~

-~~~~,orjn'.~ repub!I~ of t~e, P:hih_~~l~es
¥:\,,.;.::_;~..;-~-c:-..,._,.oi:.J~~"?fleg~~l~~god1e.s/=i~C:~_s·.~i~ ?n~ma
cfla ,!;/n, :.JOv,;r,p~~ant financo~I . lristitutiom
employees with ·an empJoy~~gove"\nme~;,~ncy,-ru:~.!l!.,.;(t.,r":1~1sj. e1-,cept .\Jrnformcd pcrsohnel · of the
. .. i'_elations~iP..afe.·aJso comp~_IS~flly cov~eq,f>~,~-d ~~A~ei/ ~rC?~:o~'{hePhilippJ_ne~. the _Philippine
tt,ey_ are· rece1~mg ~~ed mon!H1¥ comp~nsatlor;fil~~::_y·~t1orisfl'?9.l_1c.e,)3urea.u of Jail Man.~gemeht ~n_r
. rendeli~g-the required_ number of work1~~iir~r'f~~~9,c:iloi;iy"(BJ,f>'!I?) ar:i?. ~ureau of Fir~· P;ot_e_cti91
, "the month (/RR.of RA: No. 8291~/e 19,~Co.:..~-:-:= --=·=fB'=e),\~.b~re: r~quir.ed by law to te.m_it reQufa
· .· · . .- .. · ·· ~•. ,<('._Y/l ~~·rolntp~tpontribulio·nsto the·.Gs1s.-· ....... ·
.. .. . Re~~otl_ .f<:>r : t_he . . Ret1_~~~v!.[of 1V1},.S's"\>t~ia'( 'Mem!Jers·. · -. · are . consi1t~il?nc
Go_vern.'l'!entEmpl~yee. ·· .... · ; , ~~,.; . . . ~ ..-e-6fnmissibners..! members· of the ju~.1~iar~
Iris fou'nd.ed on pubhc_pohcy .which ai111s ·to main~~ including those with equivalMt ranks, _who- ar,
efficien¢y in_the go_vE:mn;E:nt ~e'Y;i~·ant! ·at the ·saQ1e . .' . req!,Jired 'by law .. to. 'remit..: regular_... month_!
· time giv~ ·_- to the , rE:,timm .publ1_c ~erva'nts ,,h~· . · contributions for. life insuran~. pb!icies t9 ttii
· opportl.i!')i~y to enj~_Y. during_·the ·reni~mcj_er o~ the~r GSiS ln order to answer.for their. lifeJri.suranc,
.. lives the ·re~or:nperi_se,. _inad_equat~ l?e"l'~a_p~ f?~ their . ben~tiis defiAed ~l']der R·.A.".·No. 8~fh (/RR. c
. · long service al}d.devotlon·tq the g~wernm.e,nt,.in_ the . R.A. No. 8291, Rule If Sec .. 2.4.1).- ·
' form "ot ·comparativ.efyeasier ._life, freed ,from ·the .
·: · .rigg~s .~f .civfl ·serVice disciplir:ie:-~nd tne ~x~icttn? · :Statu.s ~f Me;,..!Je-!ship -': . .- ... · ·.· . ·.. . .·
· · oerri ands .that the· nature _of t_he1r. wqrk and -their · 1. ·: Active. member - ~efers· to· a mE'.lmbe~ of th
.. ."relations .with. theft 'superiors· as ~ell 'as ttie. pU~lic' GSIS, whether regular or special, wlw ii stiU i
w.ould inipps~ upo.n the.111, (Betoni/1~· v: -GS/S, 'G.R. . the· ·goven:ii:nent service. and .together wi~l:l th
No.· L-1.1723.Novefn~er'26, 1970). . ., .. . . gov~_rnme'nf ag~ncy. to' which ~~ ·oelongs·, i
req~ired tci pay "tne r.n.orithly contribution.: .. . . .
Exce.ptl9n~ _:to the Co~p.~J.soiy Cov'7ra~e:_· (PAC!'
B3E) . ·. · . ·: .. .. . .,·. . 2. Inactive T{lem.~e~- a m~mbe:rwho js s~par~~e
t. · Members·. of· the.' fhilippine: National Police · . from tbe service · either · by· resignatior
(PNP), subject ':to tl:!e' condition. th~t th$y must retiremint, disabilfty, dismi~sal froi:n·the.Servi.Cf
setue first their financial obligation·. with the retrenchment or, who is deemed retired from th
GSIS; . . .. . service· tJnder this.Act (!BR qf _R.A. ,No; 82Q·
Rule II, Sec.·.2.4.2). ·


I'" '-':':.. • • .... .- •

,;t socrxt, · l:..EG·1·st·At1.t1t~i".

. .~r· .........
'f!f; ·.
._ .
,l · Effectivity of Membership. , .
*&Nil IN . ;;; MM M
contiilgeiJcy includes: (SRD2) .

f', The effective date of..membe'rship shall be the date . 1. §e.paration from the service;
:'[> of the member's assumption to duty on his original · .2. '.!~e.tirement: . -
~~- appointment or election to publicofflce (!RR of R.f,. 3, Qeath; or , ·
.{ No. _8291_. RULE.fl,Sec. 5). . · .. · 4. Qi~abjiity (!RR of·R.A: No.. 8291, Rule'], Sec.
. .· .1:15).
{ .. Effect of Separation from Serv(ce .
~ .. The . . member 'shall- continue
. to be a member . -and . Disability. is any loss: or impairment of the normal
ii, ·: .. entitled to whatever benefits he has qualified .to in functions· of the physieal and/or. mental faculty of a
'Y/. 'the. e~ent:'?hiny contingency compensable under : member, . which .. reduces' .or . elirntnates his/her
Ji: . this Act (R.A. No .. 8291, Sec: 4). .. , · capacity to .. continue . with· his/her current -gainful
~-~ . . . . . . occupation pr- eng~ge in any other· gainful.
{ · · Note: 'Ihis ls.without prejudice to the application of occupation (R:A. No.. 8'2,91, Sec. 2(q); !RR .ot R.A.
s ttie Limited'P.ortabilityLaw (R.A. No, 7699).
. . No. 8291, Rule 1; Seo.·1.2.0), ·· · ·

.Deflrrltlons. . . . . · Total. ·Disability is···itie. c6~plere lncapacity to

The Emp'loyi{inctudes the national goverr)ment, its' ·· conunuewtth'present employment-or engage in any
political subdlvlslons. : branches,', ag~ndes or . gainful occupation due to the loss 'or impairment of
instrumentalities . including GOG Cs · and financial . · tbe normal: functions of the physical _and/qr mental
institutions wltn original .charters, .theConstltutfona! · _..{':). _fac,ult! the 'member (R.A.No. §1291, Sec: 2 (r)).
Ccrnmlssiohs.and the Judic1ary (RA. No -. 8291, S~_i:}J,?1.,i . · · . · . · :· .. · .. ·
·2(c)) ... ·,. · -. · ··.. .. . .: . ·. .: (/~/(.,,;:A,'.wh~n
.' · · . ,· · ..' . .· -. . · tf,.;;:,:':i.,1;,~1· recoylc'lry. from. the impairment or .·d1sab1hty· 1s
The Ernp!?ye~~l\t!e~ber rs.. any pers.o~ recel)'Jf}~;/:.r''.·'f~{?:~,e1callyr~mote (FfA: No. ~291, _Sec. 2(s)). .
c9Q:1pensation w~1l.e, m the s_erv.1ce of_ ~n. e~pjPYe-!J,~~;·1.·1.-:;.:.;!......·,..:~~1,Sf!~r .: . _. . . · ... : . election or-appointment, 1rr_§isp,,-ective of;'l !:J ' Temp·orary1i<?li;tl.Dlsab1hty,:iccrues or anses·when-
tMe status ·9f appointmen.t, including 19.arahgay an,q':...,.tJ:.. · impaired "p1,}!stcal...,and/9r mental faculties: can b.e
_,. S~nggunia9 offic_lals: (R.A. No. 8291,
.. · ·. _ , .. · . ·
j_19./~ ,.1..,. -~f\
,.,,::,,,-_ }.•·,f.,.,,
1 rch_rl~ili.tnt9.;di,tt~g_/br · re_sto.red_· to their .· normal
funchonsfR.1. 151.o. 8291,-~ec .. 2(1)~. . ..
. Depende.nt~: (SCP) . . . . . A~,;;)>' ·.,_ ;-W'-7 ·o,
t~:1 4' ·J . 'ti:
1'. · The' legitimate ·-spouse d~rtaj:ldelilt?-for·support"-· ~1~ Pcrrri;:ujent :P.artilltl 'Disability siccrues. · or mises
~ . . .. . . . ..
tipqn the' i:n~mber or- peniiiQtrerf'~:-:::t;). ·'~~~- .::::.~ . ur.nnt.l~~r.1fiij'(a6~9ss9r impairment_ of 'certain

rrr"i ·.
.. .
2..: .: The 1egit1mate •.. 1egit1mat~cJ"" 1ega!1yfi~_dopt~ . portion1i;\:ol'1-tte.~1Wsica.1t~~utties. _despite .~hich the
... Qhild, including th!:} illegitimate@_l}iLd/wh'q is;· j.. . ,:nen-:iber is able ,o purs,ue a gainful occupa,tion'(R.A.
a.' Unmarried,· not.g~infully err.iii!l9y~d.~pt ovet i·~t.,,.;N.g~18~91, Sec. Z(u)):· . ·.. . . ·. · · · : ·.
_t_h~ age ?f majority; or . '>~~;/ . · __.;1)·,~-!-~~iffi'D.-, · · · . · . · · · .
'· b. Is over th.e ag1;i of majo~ity buti,~·capaci!a.leit~...: ~:!~Ben:efits:<'{NISUR-P2TS-FuLL)
arid ..lncapable·; of ~elf-suppoi due{,·id a · ·1. ~Monthly Pe·nsion{ _ . .. .·
. . . . mental ·or p_hy~ical (lefect acqui~~or to ' 2,. · §eparation Benefits . , . .
· - . . . .. ag~ of majority;.. · ·· 3. - . !J.nernployment or'·· Involuntary .. Separation
·3_ Parents dependent · upon · the member · for" : ·senefits · · · .
. . , support ( No. 82~1,: Sec. ·2 ff)).- . . . 4 .. .Betfrement ~enefil!:1. .
· · · .. 5 .. _fermarient T9t~} pisapility.f?enefits.
-Pri~ary.Beneficiary ln.cludes the iegal depend.~jit e., ferJ'T'!MentPa~1al D)sability:B.enefits
.spQusa· .4ntil he/she ·rem.qr:rie.s and the- depender=it·. 7:- Ieooporary Total Disability· Benefits
:.children. (R.A: No. 8291, -Sec: 2. (g)j.. · · .. : ·· . 8,: .§urviv¢,r~hip Benefit$:
~ .. ' : .· ·: . · · ·. ·. .>.. ·... ' . . . , •.... ·. · .. •.. . · · . . . 9. Funeral Senefits· .. .
:- .· .-. -~econ~aty Beneficiary includes the .dependent_ 10. Lif!HrisLirarice Benefits
· parents·. arid; .. S\lbje~t to the. restriGtions on· the· . ' ·11 .. :i:oan ·Gr.ants. '
dependent children', the fegitimate descen'danfa .
· {R.A. No. 8291-; $ec . .' ?(h)). · : .. ' ·. :. · · · · 'Monthly Peilsion: · ·.
.. Jt is equal to : . ' - . .
corilpen~atlon·is ;t~e b~siti'.°pay or ~alarf received' 1. 37.5% ·of. the ·re-valued average . mo.nthly
by·, ·. an' . employee,.. pu,rsua_nr ·. to . . his . ·compensati_on; P.11.!S . . . .
· e'lectlon/appoii:itment, ... exdudfng _ per : di£ims, · 2. . 2:5% of . s.aid re'"'.Valued · average .monthly
·bon0s~s. overtime pay, Moi:ioraria, allowances and . compensati9n for ·eacfi yec1rof Sel"\'.i.ce-·in exces~.
any other emol.uments 'received ih addition. to t.tie . of ·15 years p'rovided that · the ba$iC monthly
basic. pc1y.whlch·are not i,ntegrated inti;> the bc;1si6 pay · p~nslon shall"' not exceed 90~ of the average exi~ting l~ws (R.A. No:, 8~91,. 2(i)). · . · m~mthly compensation (R.A No. ·8291, Sec. _9).
... ....


·-. ii . . .
· Note.:_ A member separ;3t~d from. the service shall
continue to be a member and shall ~e ·entitled to
90 years of age or Cash payment of· 100% of : . .w.hatever benefits" he· tias qualified to. in the event cif
$ep1:1rated . . from average · · monthly . any contingency· c;ompensable""under this·,Act. (R.A.
service with. at least 3 compensaticm · for. each · No: B?-91,
. .
Sec.,, 4). ·· ·
years ·but. not over 15 year of service . (so .
. years of service (RA_. No. 8291, Sec. 11).
essentially_.., :.. tl1e total
amount of ·all -contribution~ Proc~siing 'of Separation Benefits of Me.mbers
:paid) . or · P12, 000. '. whodied while their claims are being processed
! .. : Whichev_er is higher.-:· · · · If the member dies cturing the pend ency of his claim
for separation benefit and ne· has rendered at leas!
"Bel.ow 60,years of.age Cash. p~ym~nt ·equivalen}. · 1 $ yearsof creditable service, his Jegal heirs shall be.
but at .leasf15 years _to 1.8x (m9nthly pension)'c;!t ." 'entitled ·to "receive cash payment equivalent Jo 1.8 ·
of service . the tirne of- resig_nation· or times the· basic monthly pension; plus accrued. Basic
. separation plus an oid-age . .-Mo.nthly Compensation, -if any, ·up :to. the ·aate_ of -,
· perrsion beriefit equal to . death of the. 'member. Thereafter, the primary
.basJc;;·montfily_pensl_on.... benetic:iaries'shall be entitled to survivorship pension
. (IRR'q_h:i.A. No.·829-1, 21.4.1) ..
Note: Th~ basic_ ~(,>n.lhltP!3nSi?n.may be_j!.djus&fcf1n"1ii~erober dies duri9g the p~~denc/of.hi~ "claim .
upon the recommendation .of. the ~a_enb-.G'!nd_\\..) ~drsepar~lil:.-.eenefitandhe has rendered less than
General" Manager o!·~he_ GSI~ and ~pr{v~v~,..E;~-;:,.""-=::s:.15!.Y./arsle,f,&e~~ble service, hi7 legal heirs shall be
President of the Philippines '". _a~;~oan~~(i-1: t_he. _ ___. e'ntitlet:1{0~, ~.t;i. .,"flayment. eqwvalent _to 100% of
rules and requlations j:)res~f!_!Jed'~~J}Jl~b~-SISt1E-A'v1:frage ~ ·, 6_p.thl~,.~o'!'pe_nsation for each year of
-Provlded; . . t'~ 'f ·
.'ID) ·Jf'·"Cre<;1ital:fles ~Jt~titnotlesstharrP1.2,000(/RRqf
· . 1_. _The basic r:n~nthly p~p~i~~»tilln,~ bt: leliS.,: Jlfu; /f?':A._No\829~'\Seq..:..2\4.2). · ·
than P:1,300, and If.. . . g . R · ;,,.. . ~- · -~ . . . ~ (,# .l u · • -,

hA.VP. mnciP.rn.rl At_ 11~1-zre~

2: The- basic tnof'.lth1y.lpe'l$~01_f~r t_~~ir::wtt . . :_.:~ip1>J~ym~Q\~v?luntarySeparation · _ .
P.A~S . S~Pl1$P.;r- "J'.""'<. . 8~1:icf1_t$' . ·. . i\" . . l ~ ,.
after'°the:"efte~tiyity of_l~$. Act·_Sh? I_ not &~~j;.i>nditi_lms;. tl l==j )l . .
. · '. · .
.· . · ..

, less than P2,:4-00 :a1m0Q!, (R. .. 1JA_ -~~~ff:,~1_~~-~J~~ was_·~~pkr~~nent employee a_t th,e .
· · S~G- 9(b)).·
- . . . ·
.\\ ~"' · · ~~\'\. ·
. · ()) ,, \:' :(),\ ~/~l,l,.J l~~~·
_t1m;,t~sep»\~~0rl;K · . : · . . .
q{'p)efyee·-,s·mv~#it~ry separated frorn s~~!ce
. ..
. S~pa~alion _Be~efit~ : \. · . . . :<-'tp~ ~: ~~~vto·tlfe. ~bo~~9~-:"of _offi~e- or . position
· l_t shall consist of:. . . \_ · . 6.: · . -~ .1 ·,·;,;;;,_.,J/ -~. :ually/esulting«ro.mreorgarnza_t,on: <\Ind ... ·
L ·_ca$h payment _equivalen~~t~. 10 .-Yo_. P :~~~b e·!Y1's.Qaen r:>,.fying integF~tt3.dcontributio~s for
. _av~rage m.or:it~ly CC?tn_pei:i_sati_e..nfor e_af.:h~Y~~1ENJ.~~"fra~t1<" ~effr:but .less t_han ~ 5 years prior to ·
.. se~ice he paid ~ontn1:>at1ons, ~~-n~~/)lha~~ ~~~lio._!jl?fk.A:·No.~291, Sec. 12) · ..
. P!?,0.00;; · . ~ . ,: . ~""'- v.[·: \ilJ~~w ·. , · . . . ·. .: .
~onditio'ns":. .. . ·,: • . ·. • ·.· I .'"'.'-~""."'c:i-=.:,;'ts'of ~0%.of average mcil)thly
.. a. Payable _upon.reach!og the, age ~f·6? Y~_ars;- · · . : .. 9o!'iipei:isati9nfor a.dLirc)~ior:,; whicf:!- is prop~rtional to: .
or . ; . . .. . - .. ·.:: ·... . :_ .
,· .t:i; Up1;m .. ~ep.arat10.n:. wh1_ch.ev,~r.comes later<-,.
-< . .
y,e~rs r.e_n.d~~ed, rcin$ing from,2 mi;>nths fo 6 months
(R.A. No.:829J,.See;:12).. .·. / . · .. · · ·.
and· · · ·· . . · · · · · · · ' ·
6. ·... Prov.icfed.he. has ·rendered at i"E;Jas.t 3 _"years, · e;M-' ~.·!·:;°lf'neropoy,m~n·
.,,.·t·:, .,i:·1<.·, t'1 ·,-.,,\,'fEfrt'°'tf
e e1s 1s'~'\:j~'j'· o. e ue,:·-;~- :·;,:H;~j. .
· put less than" 1.5 years of ser:vic._e; ... : .. •~ •·:\ ..--.~~. ~"i'f .. ·; ._... / -:.-. '~.··-:=(~,-:. -,-. ··=- <;7l.~f.;-:··~... J;J,! ...t •• ·:_, ...,.:._:~:. •:- \.:.~~1l
~ . .. . . . .. . . \_ : . : . "'. '1.!,;'c c'onttWutiQ~s.:Made: : ;:'.··~Bei:\efitpiJiiiiJon:l
·~~. :.r.a:t,.,, ··;",.,.. . ~ ... ,.l\ ,•. ~ •• ·
2. Or· payment e·quivalent. to .18-··ti_m_E;ls his
... ~..., .. ,. \ 'J .: • --~·,:• •• \.-.~- ~,.........

, .. basic monthly p.ensiori ·at tl'le.tirrie. bf resignation_ · f \iear.-but·l~ss -th_ari 3_ y¢a·r_s•:·_, . 2 months
.. or Sep9ration;"pfus· ~h .. Old-agE(pension. ben~fit, . 3 or more·y~ar~ -but ,~ss . 3 r:nontii's
_·· . eq· to the· basic-monthly.pension. · , , , ·· · · th.arr 6 year$- ·. ·• . • ·
Conditions:.,_· . . . . . ., 6 ·or m.6re years but less ·4:,months
- a. Payab.le monthfy.. upoh re_aqhing· the· age of . _t.han 9. years·
·6Q¥ears; · · .··. · ·, · .· · . . .. 9 cir !)'lore years but less· 5 months
··, b.. He bas re~igned"or.~eparated frolJl service; : th·an 11 y.ears .. ..
and:, .·. . . : -. 6 (lionths .. ·.
11 or niQre year$ but less. :.
c. Has rendered. at least.-15 years of service _than 15 years' . ' · . · .
°(R.A. No. 8291, S~c. 11): · ·~ . ·. . ·
~ : . . .(R.A. f:,lo .. 8291, ~ec. 12)..

. . , . .
.·. ·. 290 2019 SAN SEDA !-ft.W CENTRALliED BAR,OPERATIONS: . .
CRiii C&WM 2Dfffi Hi9Wttb¥1

Retlrement Benefit~
Retlrarnent.beneflt shatl-be.etther: .
without nolice· and opportunity be het,1rd (GSJS v. ·
de Leon, G.R. No. 186560, November 17, ·2010).
1. Five-year lump sum pciyment equivalent to 60
months' of .basic monthly pa'y;· 'payable upon Effect of Re-~mployment
retirement plus . an old7ag·e perision benefit When a retired/separated member is re-employed.or
,.,., payable monthly for life,'starting on 'the tst day reinstated in the service, hisiher previous·service:;;
,;.' ',.
( .. . of the· month following the expiratlonof the 5, . credited at the tinie of tiis/her retire'menUseparation
:.: year' guar~!'nt~ed. period- covered ·by the. lump· for. ·which a co'rresponding · benefit had been
sum.-or · ·awarded, shall b'e· excluded in the ·computation 'ot
·, 2. . Cash.payment equivalent to 1'8 months of his . · service: In effeci. he/she shall be con'sidered a new·
·., basic.monthly monthly'pension for entrant (/RR o; R.A. No. 8291, RULE 1v:. Sec ...
*.:· lif~ · payable . immediately with no 5-year. 20.6._1). .
guaranl~e .(R.A. No, 8291, $ec. 13). . . '
. - . . ' . . Permanent'D,isability Benefits.
·.Conditions: . .. .. . , -General Conditions: (MN-1:fK)· ·
~ .. He has rendered at _least 15" years bf service; · A member who suffers disabilify. not due to his: .
· ·2. He is ··at. ·least 60 years of age at the time of. . .. · 1. · Grave Mis.conduct; .
. . retirement: and: · . - : : . '. . 2. Notorious ~egligence; '
3. _ He. is not .rE;!celving a 'monthly pension -, berieflt . ·3.. Habitual. Intoxication; .and .. ._
-frorn perm~r:ient total. disability_ (R-.A. /11._o. 829_7-,jf} 4. Willful intention to ,Kill himself or.another shallbe
Sec-, 1.3-A). . . · · . . · .' · /" .. .J·l . entltleo to
permanent total disability beneftts
. . . · . ·,. . . · . . . ·; . f'. /f..1...-/\ · (~.A. No.·8291, Sec. 15). · ·
. Note: .Retlrementls 'compulsory .upon reat::t,lirig''65,, · ··)~'~. .
!;: - . years of aqewithat least) 5 years of service. ~9\~k:' :·';!,,)~!.'!~s· of.P/w1ianentDis~bility ·
, · he has rendered [ess than ~5 _y_ears of s·erv[G~-; Ii§;:· i\~~•.d:~_;:_:l?er;mqne?tTotal· Oisability; and ·
{ may·b~. a!lo_~~d to.complete !he said ~1~~/.- _)cJ~. · 2. ~erm~nJptPa~ial Disa_t:iility. -. . . ·. .
.f T~~ G$1S shall: ~ay th~__ retirement -~~~f~ts.. to t.lJY:J\ Permane11f 1;o\*. Disa~ility Benefits . · -- .
~. employee ,011 Jus · last ··;day;' of, ~Sft!~15:tf~t-i?'. the .. •;[. · Th~ men;lrertshl\~ receive: . · ·. ·- · ·
r. gov.emment: P;:ovjdec:j, tl)at aU4equitl;i~·ents·ar>3_ . b., 1. Mo11Jhly i~co111e benefit for life equal to the basic
,L·. submitted .to ~he GSI.S withirl~r.easo'etable·penq_a~ 'F•·\. mo~thly.fFperi~ion .·provided 11:ie' ·following
·r :· .
~- . .
'{!RR ofR{t No. 829.1/ Sec.
. . . · . _.
~~ti-~~» ·_,· ·~> _-
~ .,...,.,_,~~, ". t~ . ,, •
r:.::J . . -~Jf~~n..
~.:;ftifti'e_t,effective frbr:n. the dat(;! .of
. . . ._ . . .
-Retiremlj3n.t benefits ~iven,t«? ~o.ver~~rft:,eQjploye1~·: t~'/-: ·a:. ~e is!"' service at the.time_ ~f disability;,_ ._. _'
111 effect_reward them for g1vmgthet)';year;{'otth_eir· hL--,--.-b. If he 1s ~ep~rate.dfrom ~erv1ce; he has.paid ·
iivel? t~-the servic~ qt theircou,ntryiThi~'\~-<.es~ci~lly~-p-~w-·:,;.~;};,,~d1J,.l_east 36 monthly ·con~ibutions within the,
true "."it~ those in gove~nment servi~·.,,9cc4gyftrg~t!...."1 ·":' ";-··5-year . p·ariod immediat~ly
pbsitio.ns · of. leader.ship or positio~ reA.uiJ'ing. , · · ·· disability, or has paid a total ·ot at lei;\st.1 a:o
. -··
skills qecause
the years
.• ~:.ti:,·~
to· ' - · ·.monthly contributions
. •
. •
to'the-disability; . .
,gc;>Ver~me_nt-service could bf:! spent rii_ore profit~bly. c, · lfl:ie .is in service.-arid hal? paid a ~otal of.at_
. in h,Jcrative app~intments fn: the'·private' _sector.. In ·. rleast' 1 ~o· mc:int~ly cb_htributior,s. ·he · shall
~:,ccl;iange'for.thetr;selfless dedioa~ori to g6vernmeAt . receive ari addit(OA9I cash :pc;1yr:nen~ of 18
.· service,··. tney·.enjoy -security. of. tenure an,d · · time~ his basic rTI0!1f'11y.·pensioh; and.

t ·
· ensured of a r.e~sonable amoun.t·of support after-
they leave. 'th_e gqvernment. 'The'· basis· fo( lh_e·
•. "provision ofre_tJrementberiefi_ts is, therefore., service
d; .~Member -.caf1not enjoy monthly income
. b~hefit ·and -- · th~ old-,a'i:1e· retirement - ·
simultaneoi.isly (R:A,.Nd. 8291, Sec.·16 (a)).·
?: g(>vernme~t (GSJS it. CSC; :G.f?. Nos. 9[!39'5 ;_ 4. Cash . payn:i~rit equivalent to 100% · of. _his
·10.244f;},._June 19, · 'ffJ95);-- . . .. · : average monthly compensa.tion.Jor·each yet,1r of
' .. . . . . . . . · . service but not less tn~·n. P.1·2,000 pr~vlc;led the
·whe:;, 'Be~effts: becom:e:~ Vested 'Right . . .. . . following conditions .are met .
Where the en:iploye·e··~etfresancf me~(sJhe 'ellgibility-_ a .. Member.· do'es not satisfy ttie conditions.
. requireinents,.he.-acquJres·a vesfod'-right td .benefits·. under the.p~eceding numbe'r; and · ..
that is p.rotec_;ted by the .due process.clause, Retirees . , .. b. Has rendered at: least 3 years··o( service· at . ·.·
enjoy·a prote·c.ted·prpperty· interest whenever th'ey . · · . · the time of di.sability (?.A. Nb. 8291., Sec.
act1u'ir.e·.a; right 'tq' imm,edi~te payment ..undet pre~-- :· .. '.16(b)). . .
exlst,ing Jaw .. Thu~;--a -pensioner acquires, vested a
.right to benents tfiat liaye becpme due -a~ provided
.. u.ride.r·.the terms of the· public e[Tlployees'.. pension
· .. statute. NO· law can deprive -such ·person of his
_pension, r[gh_ts without _due p'rocess of l~w. that is,

't .
i : • 7· ~ •.

lnju~J~s· Deeml;)d as P~rmanent Total" Dls~bii°itie~: service and paid at least 6 ."monthly contributions·
(EL-PIG) . in the 12•month p·ei-Joq jmmediately:.preceding ·
~ . . Complete loss of sight of both gyes; the disability; · . · :
2. ·· Loss of :two !:,imbs · at or .above the ankle or 4·. Member cannot enjoy.Iemporary_totat disability
·wrists;.· . .. benefit-and sick leave pay simultaneously;
3. .Perml:lnent complete.-.!:~J,1ralysis of two limbs; .. 5. If . the :_ disability requires niore . gxten.sive.
4. Brain injury resulting to incurable Imbecility or. treatment ·t.t,at lasts b~yond 120. days, the·
lnsanity; and · · · · · • · of
. payment the temporary total disability benefit
· 5. s·uch other ca~es as determined and ap·proyed ·maybe e.xtended by.the GSIS but not·to·exceed
bythe.§$1S (IRRofR.A. No. 8291, Rt.i/e,/V,-Sec. a total· of 240 days; ano · . . . .
.i3.2.1). . : . . . · 6. · Such. benefit .shall not be :less· -thai:) P.70 a day ·:
(R.A,.Nb. B-i91, S~~: 18).
. Suspe~sio_nOf qisability Beneflts: .(RRf.)
. 1. . He i~ !3.e-emp!oyed; '. _ . . . . Exten~ion.o(Payment ·of Benefit. . · ·
·· ' . 2. He Recovers.from-disability; or. · If the 'disability· requires
0 120· more extensive .treatment
. · ·3.·· H~---:-failed -to present hims.el( for medical . that. lasts b·eyond days, the .payment of the
· · . examination when required . ~Y the G~ IS (R.A. . temporary total disability·benefit niay be.extended by ·
. . · N.o. 8291;..Sec. 16 (c)). . ·· ·the GSIS hut-not to exceeda total of-240-tjays (R.A.
.; .· . . · ·· · · ---'~- 8291. Sec. 18):· '>. •• •

Pe~manent Partial Disab!lity Beneflts . -~,::.:,<-·~-~ 1f ··J· -:~~~ . ·.. . :_ .·:. . . . . · ·. . . . .

The member. shal! r":ce1ve -~· oa~h,4pfymtizi_tm ll.:.., P-i,n~c~~~,E!:Dlsa_bihty'_ . .-· . . .• ·
accordance with· the -schedule .of c!J~ab\1IffesJJo1~b.h.-"" _,.:.,,"{pr ~Jun~~o~llnes_ses rl;)st,1lbng in .a disability not
prescribed by· the G.SIS, providE~Jfthat),~,..._hlitisfies -lisfe~i:i!tne f.~~-9u1e···of partial/total disability, as
either conditions. {1) qr (2) _of R. j,- ~~BJgc:1:-;-·~~t"':1'&-,~pf0.l4~e~irrtfie. ~?If> law, the GSIS. shall determine
(13), to.wit: · . . I,(}-", 'i' ! IT..». ··( .-t~e.n~re~i~irtqt§abllity _a·nd ttie correspondlnq
1. _He is. in the service at thEi'lime·-qf ffisabJlity or .ll... ~ ~laenefitsiheref~({RA\N9.8291, Sec. 19). . ..
· ?· If lie is· separated .fron:i·~~ice..{h~h8t~J>a~~!- (Ii,!\ . .. .. J · . · \. _(
least 36. monthly oontr1but1ops.;;$1thint~e-S:year 1:!'rffofe:'?X~y.
fl-~~- · · . .·.
d1sa~1nly q.rtl Jury as a result of, or due-to
'· "period trnmedlatety preMetfiFi§idisabil_itt, or-; ~gr:~ve m ,sc'ol"ldi.l,l;1>~ pipatiori_ in· riqts1 gross and .
. · .: 'paid-atotal of at least ~80.rn0n,ihly conttibuti_op·~ 1i1 .7i)ri?3xc1,1s qle .ne Uger:ic~ •. under" the influence of
·. · - prior to· the (:llsabilify (if?.':A~d.. 8.291Jf~ec. f!:2_~dmgs!/rff.eJ5rlho:or Wil~ul -lntentlon to .injure or kil!.
· · ·. (a)). · · ·. · ¥.. ,,;:if)~ ~-"".~,-,.. \ fi_.,f·
;_'. 1 ,61'i1mseJf ~ncith1Eir,.;..stfa 1. nQf .be.compensable (IRR
.· , . .: . . · · ~·u \..1f
, . ,·\ ·· y~~- • ~ ,,.,....._~ • • ,J ~ 7 " ., 1
"-..:.< ~ ~-- .~eil'i · ,F-_,ifjj-1)1,/'fi.9· 82lf1, Rul!/V Sec: 23. 2A).
_Pen'nane_nfarid Partial Dlsa"f~JUties:,~ -- . (S"' ·s:I'~ '~,,.. __~';,i :/.:. . f.. _-. . . · .... ' . .
1. Complete a11d P~~manent t~.:>s of tit~ use.~~#~.·f!(i,V:ors_wp_.B~n.~pt · . ·, .. : . ..:. . .
' .. a·;. Any.fing1?,_r;. ·' ·. ·, . ~- · . :SctcN~t;Jla~._l;;ienef1t exJ~nded:!9.·quah~1eq ~ep,e_r:identsof
: . b. Any toe; ·. · ·· · · " . )1""""-~ -- ._r,_1:ee~sewd !'" S!§:". pens.19ner or member. The
~- _·e. OheJm:n;. . . , -~~.<--9ii"'~=~~.v~·J1ij~-nsfoi:-i·shall-co·nsisfo~:·.: .·
.. ·., . cv One hand;· · . . . . ~, .iv l A
""r·:. f\..\:~~si.;rs"Eirviv.orship.perislpr:i,ich is· 50% qf the
' e.: . One foot; . · . _. ~ . \! 1.["1:.:.:'.:;l?..as1c.m?hthly pension;.ar,id ·: . . · · · .. ·.: ..
... f. · "One leg;·.. ·· · ·~,~~·pependentchirprer)'spehsipnequivale'nMo 10% ·
·g. ·,One or botH.eais;:. . .. ·.:of.the basic monthly. per:isloiffor.each· chli_d not .
. 1:1. -~H~arin.9 of 1:or b9tt,i ear.s;" and ·· · . exceeping ~0% of-·tt,e.' bas1~ monthly pension
l. · .. Sight of 1 eye; . · : . ·(R~ ...No: _8291, -Sec. 20).· .:·· · ·
·2,. Such 6ther.-cases·as, deterrnine<;I by the GSIS·. . .. · ·. ·.....
(R.~ .. No.-.829·1, Sec, · 17(b)): . . ·co_n.~Htiorj"sfor !:nti.tl_em~nt...
·The primary -and. __ see::bnd~ry beneficiaries, ~xcept
:Temp~~a·ryTPt~I-Disability Be~efits deperide.nt _chilpren, shall. be entitled· to:applicable ·
· The· ~eriibe:r shall be e.ntitl~d to. 75% ofJhe·current survivor.ship benefits, . sul:>ject. tq ttie . following:
daily compensation-_for eactJ day or fraction ·thereof : (BIR~LC) :' ·. ·. · · .·. . . . . - . .· .. · .
of ternp.oraiy -~isk!bility (R.A. -Np_. ~29°1, .Sec, 18). · ·.1. Nbt gainfully"·.§.usinei,s or.economic·
. : .. a~tivity (seJHmiployeq); ·· : : · , .. ·· .•
¢onc.fli1ons~ (120,ESTE-70) . · · · . . 2. · a'bU$iness or 1;1conomic ··
· ·1, .·suqh benefit· shaJI not .exceed 120 In 1 activity b.u~ receiving !ncor:ne less. "than Jhe.
·.· calendar year; .. . .. . ' ~ :minimu.m: · _compensati9n · ·qf . government··
.2,· Employee. has gxhausted all "his .si~k leave ... ·· ·.employees; . · · · . . : · : . .. .·
· . credits and coll.ectivtfbargaining.agreement sicll- 3: Not Beceivi,:ig._any other· pension ·fror.n:th~ ~Sl.S
. lec;1ve benefits•; : . . : . . . or another · local or · foreign institutton · .or- ·
. 3. . He is in ·§ervice the tjme of his disabili~y-; or if · · Organiz;;ition; · ·. .. · . . ·
sepa·rated, he· has rendered_ at leasr 3 .years of


...... iiif. . UWEME
~ r

"' . 4. Not engaged in any gainful Qccupation as · 2. · When only dependentchildren are the s~rvivor~,
1" . defined in-Sec. 2 (p) of RA 8291; · · ·. ··· they shall be 'entitled to the. basic survivorship .
5... The . surviving spouse and .the· deceased- - .
member were Living ·together as husband and
·. pension as ·long as they are qua_~ified, plus t~e ·
. dependent children's pension eqwvalent·to 1 O Yo
1?·· wife; and · - ·· · · of ·th·e basic monthly pension . for every
'i/-· 6. In the .case .of the ·dependent."spol,!se, payment . dependent child riot exceedinq 5, counted.from
:r. - . of the basic survivorship pension shall f.ontinue ·the youngest and without substitutton. . .
f. when .he · remarries. cohabits, or engages in ·3. When the .survivors are the dependent spouse
,,_. common-law relationsnlp (/RR of R.A. No. 8291, and the dependent children, the dependent
Ri./le /.V, Sec. 24.5). spouse shall .. receive the basic. survivorship
. pension for lif~ or until he/sni:) remarriei,, and the .
_Note: The for.egoing conditioris;except.the ohe- ·. 'dependentchildrenehatl receive the dependent
must be present immediately preceding the death of . _ct)ildcEi'11's pension menjiorredinthe immediately

f.f -the ·member or pen~ioner,-(/RR of R:A No. 8291,

_Rule W, Sec. 24.5). . . ·
· · .·. precedi.rig paragraph ·2 hereof (R.A. No: 829J, .
· . Sec.. 21 (b)). ·' . · .· ·.·. · .. , · · : ·.

Death ot.a M~mber . .

:;,:" · . If ·.there are ~o. primary_ beneficiaries, :secondary
t Upon a ·dea!h of a member, the primary b_enaficiar:i_es 'beneftciaries are e·nti" · '. . · · : ·
~- . shall be entitled to only one of the following: · .' · 1. Cash. payment equivalent to 100% of his
;,. 1 ... surv.ivorship Peinsion; · . . · . »< average rnonthlyccrnpensation for each year/of.
~'. C .. d.It·, - . . . .
on ons ·
· '. ·. . /~·:rd .
.. . 13
/ · • /,(·.'",
service he .·pafd>contribtitions, but 'not -less. than
·· · h · · b ' ·
·a: The ..-de~easedwasiotheseNrce.atth~/i~~/<4\ .. P12,_00Q;_Provided, t~at t e mern_e_r_was in
· f h: d th' · · · . -:--- · · · v1<.:,·? 1; l . if·\ service at.the time of his death and has rendered
IS ea ,.or ti fa._y { erv'ce·a d .
b. If separated from the service, "he· ,.nas· ·:·-,...·~·..--<;r~..
·\·f /J ,,. ,}
t e.~s,0; •• ears O s. 1 • ~ ·. . , .
ren.dered at: lea~t 3 years o( selviqe;l'!Yuf'e(ff~..t{2.1.;,,~~je~ce
t1.r;ne_ o
·f h. · .d th
1s ea
d · 'd ~~r,,;:,00-lhly· rr
an pa, r.:1';',Y" .. , ::i. n .
contributions within- "·the . 5:-Y.e.:\i;; · periof!:.-;1 .... 8291' 5,··:· 21 c · ·
·· ·il
· benefits
l'fi ,
pf seco~d?ry benefi~1anes! such
be pafd to his legal heirs (R.A. No.
f )) . · ·. · .
· ·
immeaiately preceding his de~tn-;for.,· 1 / f.;\ · . I! :tit :\ · : . .
If l df rvlce· h 1-i ,)shaidii total ;_ I,;,( Note•. F9r !Utf]OSes of surv1vorsh1p. benefits,
c, · fs_etplar~te18'0°m .. Jt.,,,.bat.''f,r-..,,-:::
1 .t rrA. iegitlmatii chi 8re~· · shall include legally ad6P.ted and
o a eas . mon _>:;conn u rons pnor o~-· 'l 1 .. ·· .,rd • ild (RA ·N . 8291 ·5· 21·1d") .
. de~· th. ·(RA £.,j3.,,.1 )(1)' '' .. , .. · . f '" c
h 1s__ N ndg·"·-"S
. . . . o. ~r.-, v ,.fil;;:,:.<-J\ 1•.a _:,.,. . {,i . "-F..-/;,"':'o.-.,,z.'/;jr:.,,•, :9. . . . o. ·
eg1t1m~e re , ec. · 1, 1 • .

· -.SUN.ivorship
· . · · Pension
. ·,s «-<!)-- ·~ V. ~'(~-,"'-:/,<//'X/,..J
p1U$.,._,~~Frz)l?ayn"\e~r· ·i:,1 _.Fun~ral·~~t~.
11 · ··
. .
· . : ·. · .
. .-

.. equfval.ent -to 100%· _of )~is ::--?.¥~9e{h101"1tqly . t;ci . :In a~ an:,oun_t_f1~ed~y the GSIS ~ules and r~gulat19ns
compensation for every year of"ser;vice;}df . t/P:. . ,p4t~should not be l.ess than P12,~00, to be ~ncreased
· ·
. C!)_ncfi.tions:
· . : · . f*'~ ·."
· .
",/' · : ~:?~.--~·elei?tti_~f~f~.SPR)· : · ·
P18,000 atter·s years!.p~ya~le upon the
, . · . ·
a. Employe·e .was in service af·dh.,.,et,itrie'-of ·. L · An·8ctive ~ember; .. .
death; a·rid · . .' · · . · ',';)';/J · · · 2.. A. mecnber wh_o has .been . .§.eparated from th,e
b. i-tas rendered at teast 3 ·years 'br· service· · ··, buf who may be : entitled to . future :-
(R,A. Nb. 8291, S~c. ·21 (a)(2))-;°.. . .· : benetfit~. . . . .
· .. ....._ . . · ,. · . . ·· · ·. · . .. · . . · .. . :. 3. , A f emiion~r; 9r . . . .
:~· 3. Cash payment _equivalent to · 1.00%.. of his.... 4. A Retire~·who at.tli!3 tim!a of his·reljremen~·wa·s : .
"£. , . average morithly ·G·ompe.nsatio·nfor eact,i· year of. of pensionable-age but Who opted to retire under .
· service he p<;1id.contributions,-b'ut not less than· RA. No. 1616 (R.A"N°o: 829"1, Sec: 23). .
P12, 000. . . . . ··, . '·. . . · · .
·. N·~te:.The-a·moun"t_~ffuneral benefit is currently fixed.
Condition~: . . . . · at P30,QOO (G_SIS_News/etler',"ls§JUB·NO. :(-2015)..
-a. :· E,np_Jox_e~i_·has rer.idered at feast' 3_ years .of
. · servis;e· prior to his death; qut . '· fun~~al Benefits ·a're. payabl~ ··,to· any qua.lified .
. b. He· failed to qualify undeF items .1 and 2 · ·-individual; in accGrdance ~ith the"(ollowing·otder of
··mentioned above (RA No. B_?.91, Sec. 2.1 priority: · ·
(aJ(3)}." . ·· · · : ·. 1. ·; Legiti~ate spouse; .
2. L~gitimate child who -spen~ . for the funeral.
Payment of S.ur:viyors_tiipPe~sion . .
. servi.ces; or -. . .
The survivorship pensio,:i shi:111 be· paid as folloi,ys:
·,: 3. ,o;ny._ot_herperson wHo c~n show incontrovertible
·1. Wheri "the dependent · spouse is. · the . only
. ·survivor,, _"tie/she . shall . i:eceive- the basic ·proof that'he sl'l~ulderei:I the funeral expenses of
the de.ce~se,d. (/RR ofRA 82~1, S~c. 25.1). ·
. survivorship pension for' life or until he/she


Life Insurance Benefits make findings. of . fact. ard submit
1. Compulsory·L'ife Insurance . . . recommendations thereon. . · .
Compulsory "upon · all. . employees. except 2 .. The hearing officer shall submit.his flndings an,d
, members of the. AFP and the PNP (R:A, No ... · recorrimendatioAs, together with i:!11. the
8291, 'Sec: 24). · , .. . documentary .i:ind tes.timooial evidence to. the .
2: Optional Lif!:l.1.nsurance .. Bo.ard within 30 working days from .the. time the
S1,ibject·to. th~ rules· and. regulations 'prescribed _parties have closed :their respective· eviden.ce .
by the GSIS,a membermay apply for insurance and 'filed their last pleading. ..
and/or : pre-need coverage embracing life, 3. Tile Board shall decide. ~he case within 30 days
.. health, hospitalization,. education;. 'memorial -fr,om ·the receipt of the· hearing officer's ·f~ndings · ·
plans, 81'.Jc;:I such other plans as may be desiqned . and recommenqations: . . . ,•. .
by the GSI$;· for himself and/or his dependents.. 4 .. · The. heard c;l\rectl}i' bY. the Board shall be
Ariy . employer. ni'ay _ likewise . aP,ply for group . · decided within 30 working days. from the· time
insurance coveraqe ', for- its . employees. "The . , · th.ey are. sqbmiitei:I by. the parties fc:ir deci?ion ·
payment of . the . premium~/in.staflm~nts· for ·(:R.A. No.' 8291, Sec. 30) ... · ·: . . . .
optional insurance and pre-need.products may·
'be·m~de by. theinsured.or hisemployer and/or Appeal .' . . . . .
.any person acceptable to the G$1S. (R.A. No. .1. · Under- Rules 43 arid ·45 of.the Rules of Court of
. : 8291,'Sec: ~6)... : · '··. ·, .- · . · :_:~,,..,...~99?; .. :· ··. ·.. : · ... · · .· ·
· : . . · · ·. '; : · . ·· . ·. · . ._/'~ . y 1 K .;cc1s.,~spen~i'ng_ before the effectiyity of the.1Jl97 .
AutomatlcPolicy Loan:(Y,L) :-:. ,i-K-_. . i~ l.J
J-\/RJle~0{,,Courtshall beqoverned by the rules in
The AP'7 is a feature ot.a GSIS· life iosu~nc1eW6l!;s:Y"'"=---:u-s'<'.-,,~,fQrc1faµh~.time;_ . . .. . . . · . :. .
· that k~ep~the poll.<:Y[n force-in c;a~e\!'1~~~B~Yllien.t· ~- . -·- . 3.._::;(\~!af. J:?'~1ake pr~ceden.C?~ . o~!:)r. ~riy· case_
Of prE:~lUf!JS _by t~k1ng. O.Ut a. foa~!m~~~$!9~!.f.!~t.-tt:te•""Jt~~,e.?,<~ept~,'2fnl~r\c~ses wher~. f!fe. jmprlsonment .

R.A: No. 8291, Rule- JI, se« rl)..

. · · · · .1
unrestricted portion > :of t_h~ · ;:&°),fY~·J3ccum1,ilat~e, T··, '*J? · or 9:ec1tX'or;~i:f.]/L!S.(On
Cash Value (_QV) or Termma~~,n~luf (7VJ (/RR .'/ff jf~ ~ Appwa.1 sl\c;1lf~oJ~~ay _th,e ex_ecut_1_on of the order ~

·?~. . . ~-----:--
The· ~p~ sh~ll gnly be. apph~e:-"Jttt~ pohcy·~as:~r--~
i . .. "
perpetue is_ •_mposed; . ·. · .

. · or a,ward·\~Pjl~)~~rderE!d by the Board of

.. of_w:i~~,S,by·the C_o\Jrt of.Appeals.,·.
the ,$Ug>telT)!3 t: ourt: :c!~d. . . . .' ...
. .-1 .. An·unpc!ld pi:-e~ium·~fte~tQ_es@~acepenfd; anf~l.:l·ApP,ealsha~IJ~e,..yrtf,i~~t fireJUdtce to tt,e special
. 2. f;am~d 'sufficient cy o~!W.ftqJovrJ~unp~~~: -- -S:.....:..-9.!. ~l./'%9,P!'<Jll f ce1i~'rar.i.wh~A · (R.A. No.
l·l . ~1~(~?ec.1191-JK '(,t
.. : :. · · . ·
. prem,.~ms or a frac;t,qn t~~t<'h°\~rn ~tt~)tro~~.::~rt. 1
mclucjmg corr~spond,ng \~terest<.ther_·. \..~· -_~;oA
. R.A.No. 8291,.Rule_l': Sec. 7.1):,. i..P ~,;· . . ,~.7:tl t. ~~:..d _
3~~- .. ifo.-.i~r. ,, . :If . · . . . . .· · :

rcf'. . . . :. . . . .
: · ·,. · ·· .··· \ . . ·"".,~- .. A'Jfl' . c~1~.or,awar shall .be·executed-1n the same.
. Loan G_r'ant . : . . . ~'. ' . -~ Sc1E- '-'1,.11·it1'a!)er 9S'ir:r' th~ ~ c. . •.. . . . .' .
~SIS funds may b~ inve~ted: · . ·.. , ..,·,'~ ;::::~·~...J.bilB~r.i;!~s the ·power to .i.ssue to'.th~ city or
1 .. rn· dire.ct housing· roans· to rr:iem ~rs(~rgiqa~Rf'd1~n9ia_1s~e.r:iff'.or its..appointed shetiff w.rits of
' hp~$ing ,P~ojec!s secLJr~d. · by.)i~~c.'Jct~_lge,- 1--: 11.1\-\~e~ylierifor._the el)forcem,ent of su_ch decision
, g1v!.n9 pnonty to:th~ low.1ncome-~foups~~ L'J:~_9b:a@ard.. · · ·. :. . . . · _.:. : .. .
2. In .short and med1u1:tHerm .loans to :~emll.~rs--~, _Any.person·wno. falls or refuses to·co.mply after
. such as s~lary, policy; ed\ic<1tional, ·em!3r.gerjcy . ~~ . bein:g r~quired fo, do ·so sha·11; · upon application .
. . s~ock . purchase·. 'plan. and·. otfier 'similar..' loans by the GSI S, be punisf.led for.contempt-(R.A.-No.
. .
· (RA No. 829.1, 'Sec.. 36f . · . . .:82J)t,'·$ec.. 32). · .. ' . ' .. , .
:· Adju~ida~ibn· ·.. .of • Claims ' ahd · ·mspute.s. · ·Exemption from Tax, L!;)gal Proce~s and Llet:i
. · ··of Claims.:· : . . Tf:le GSI$, its assets, revenues ·and- bene~ts paid
· Shah · p.rescrip.e . after ;4 · ye!:)rs from date of shall be exempt from all taxei,; assessrner:,ts• .tees, · .
. ·. contjrigency, . except lffe .and.:·'retir.ement, benefits . : Gharg~s .or cl uties ·.of all kinds (R,,4:. No. · 8291,. Sec;
.(R.A.'No, 8291; Sec. 2.Br .· . .' . · . . ' , ·. · 39). . . .
· J1,1risciiqtion. : .. .:-· · . .
· · . . GS.I~ has original.-and exclusiv~ jurisdictfon to s~ttle .Viol~tions:oftbe GSIS 'taw with'l?enal Provisions ..
-any dispute arising uhder this Act an.d'any oth~r raws l. . Commitfed·by Private 'rndi:viduals: (POF).
· administered
. .. . by·theGSIS
. :·. (RA·No.
. . 8291,-Sec.
. .
30). \
a. '.:Earticipating directiy or· Indirectly In the
.·of:fr~ud, do)l!,Jsion.~.falsifit:atloh; :.
· .. Procedure .or misrepr~s'eti~\ion iri any transaction' with
·1-,. The Board may·designate,any·:rnember the of. 'the GSIS whether for the perpetratoror fo·r
Board, ·or.ol'.flcialofJhe GSIS:who is a lawyer, to :·som~·other persons; ·
act as HEARING OFFICER to receiv~_evjdence,


so·c1AL LEG:rSLATl:tl·Kf ·. · :·_'. .-·. ·:·.<·/i ... ·.·. :_·_,:,
MN IPWiiff±M . . . • .
. .
b. Qbtaining or receiving any money· or ·check
invoking any provision bf this Act or any
;3greement · thereonder, without being LiMITED. PORTABILITY' LAw.
entitled thereto with the intent to defraud any :, · (R~A ..
.- ";
No .. ·7699) · ·.
· member, anyemployer, _the G$1S, or any
\ ..
. third party; or . ·
c .. ,!:ailing . or: refusing ··to comply with the . Ari Act institutirig,U,;,ited ..Portaf)if!fy •Sch~me in. the
, provlslons ·of .this' Act Of the rules and : Social Sec;urity insurance Systems by Totaliiing ·the
. · regulations-adopted bythe GSIS. Workers'.· Cred[tap/e. ·services· or. Contribµtions. in
Committed·. by Officers and. Employees of the · Each of_the·systems.·
GS:IS: (RAMP) ·. ,.: · .. ·. . . · ·
a.: 8$Ceivin'g or' keeping by ·any employee. or ·. 'Note: R.A.' No: 7699 -institutes'· a 'scheme for
· member·.· fund "or property peii;mgirig, '... .totalizatjan a~d- portability Of so~i~I security benefits,
p·a'yable or. deliverable to· the · GSIS and . . .. · ·"' . · _ . . .· . · ..
· appropriatinq the same, or taking or" A covered worker who-transfers employment from
· rnlsapprepriatinq or u~ing the same to any onesectorto'enother oris employ~.d·!cr both eectors
· · purpose other- .than that ·authorized by thls shallhave his· creditable services or contributions in
Act; or 'p13rmitting another. 'person to -take, . both Systems cre.difed-.fohis service or contributi'on ·
.· misappropriate or.use said fund or property record lireach_.ofthe·systems·and shalt be-totalized
. • by. expressly eo,:isentfng ~hireto, or through__/") for the. purposes of-olct:-~ge',. disability, survivorship,
·: . _abandonment or negligence, or ptber.v,i.l?e'/1,) and other benefits in casethe covered member does·
· - · g~il~ of t~e misapp~op·ri~tion of sai~ f.u~c:l· ~r/{ ;;?, n':'t q·u_alifyfo,i ~uc~ benefits 1~ either or both Syst~ms
. . p~~~~rty, I~ Whole _or in part: .· .. · . . -rJ•·\! 1•0 d.•+ without.... totah.Z:8bon:. -.ProV1ded.,. however, • ~hat
b. ·Failing. lg include m the. ~r.mual budget) ~e_,_._. •'A ilL;.P.Y,~,!:}apping-renods of membership shall be. credited
· . _amount corresponding to 'the -e'!lploY.,e~~an.91,:,·,·!Ii ~i.~'.-01:1f~<.i;9Re-t9tJotalization '(R..A: No: 7699, Sec.3).
· employee contributions, oF failil"\g,~fusing,"'' lif . ,, --..::...ti.!!.y.!\- . . · · · .
~r delaying·,by more thaii _30 ·!'.J_~ys".fromth<,e~.-n. _Policy of t~~J\tate: (~!T) · .. . _.
. t1m~. such. amoun_t- .~ecom?~/RueJ,a~,::..:-}.·1.. 1. ~ro_rn~10~~f·.worl<er~· re9ognizing
d~m-~nd~bl.e,or;deduct_1ngJtJJll' tti~Mll~nthly .• t.'J . th_e1_r:~ffo~ts_11;t,productrv.eencte:~v~rs; _ .·· ...
f.:. · . _c:::o~!nbutions ~f the,~my.Jp'.yee; · ~~-·~ .,;_~ . ,~) · 2. !mpr9verqen~t.workers'co! prqv1dmg .
~.\ ...--.. _ c, .. Fa1hrg t_o re~1t ~he ~~-~~ply :.9~-•n.?.ut1oi=:13r."
L· . . 1oan amort1?at1on · \tr.onr.-=-a.;.,,,~,e".".~r:~ ·
:·~ ·. . ~!!?,~;JP~~~~~g.yearso! contnbu!mn to the ·
n1,JtJQt,1ai~~!=:9f.l0';!:p,and, · · .· . · · ...
· 'compensc1tion··by any '~aiploye-~(.~ith1~9:· :;r · 3.· ·Iotalitrump~a·na. portability: of· so~ial. security .
-day,s from 1he_ date they'sno.Y,.td-'ha\e·_bee'n \ 1.,,:; . ben~fifs with the view '(if establi'shing. within_ a.·
. i-f::rryitt.~d u~d·er, ~ec. 6(a) ~l'lil111 -~~~s_un;1'd: [!;.;,--:y.:-;cea~nable· period :·~,:· u~itarY.. social se..GQr.ity ·
· to.have been rn1sapp_rppnatedfp~ ·. ,,, :._,,.,.·i~··-'"~:J:i:tJ.syste~ (RA,.No. _'('6_99;-Sec. 1).
d:. -Failinp~. refusing, or delaying1,l),r fa~~(.11F-"..--;--~~ : · .. · ·. · :
· turnover, _.remittance., ·or dE:li~ftY t>j"Jthe · ·.eoverag~:-CTR) .. ·.·- · . .- ·· . · :_ . . .
l')eads: · of. the. bffices· . of.· -th~®ional · . All '.worker~meml;>ers-of.tre GSIS and/qr-!;,SS: . ) .
g_overnment, its political 5.u!)ai.visions, · 1-. . _Whq Ir.alisfer from · ~ectcir'to anqther; arid · . ·
... bl'anches, _agencies· and'- h1s~'tfrn'ent~lit1es, ·2. Who.wish_ to Bet~in. thei.r'meiTI_b,ership in bcitl)
. · .Jncluding government-owned p~ controlled . . · ··systems (IRR'.of R.A: No. 7699, Sec.A). · · .
. ' corporations 'and.: ·government·· finaricial:, .
. ins'tftuti.ons;· and:Ahe ·~persor:iriel ·of' supt:, ~9_,:itrib~tio11s\ef~.rto .thaf. p'aid by Jhe ·$mpJ~yer or
. offices who are involved. in the-collectio·n of· wc;,rker eithe.r to f~e GSIS or the SSS_ on a~countqf
*' . ;·: · ·. ~remi~m .coiJt~ibutions, · toari ·.amorti_zatiop· · 'the workers membership (RA /Yo. 7699, Sec. ~(a);
"' . an.i:l. other accounls due the·. GSIS ~ithin 30 · /RR.of. R:A. N~.' 769!{~u{eJif,_·sec. l(~?.)· · · ··
f. .. days.from th~ time that the· same shall.have ·

r. . . . <
-:1 , • • . . ·. been _due and 'ctemandable :(R.A.' tfo: 8291,
52t - . . .
f · :VVho·.n:i~y fi!e a O_rimih~I Ac.tlori . · . .: . . · .
. . .. . . . . ·. Totalizati~ri Jeter~ to t~e p~qcess of adding· up·_the .
periods'ef cre'ditaqre·~ervices:or .cof-!trib,utions.under.
13ach of-the· _syst~cri~-.'for purposes· of ~ligibility and
computation ..of !Jehefllif (R.A. No'.· 7699, Sed, .2(e);-
·,/ ._: ·Criminal· actions arising from· yiolations .of R.A. No. . · :. '/RR _ofR,.A_'. No. 769~; Rµ/e Ill, Se~. 1·.(e))... ·. ·. ,~.
•: 8291 . and · 'these. ·. ·lrn'plernenting · Rules and
-~ Regulatjons, .m.ay. be .'initiated· by 'the aggrieved Portabjlity·'refers to the·. transfer. of·funds ~o~· th'e·· .
J, · ·. mel'T)b_er, .e1ther. und:er the ·pfovislons. 9f .R.A. ~o .. ~ccount and benefit' of a worker w.ho transfers from
~ :· .8~91 itself or, as -_app'ropriate,·under the Revised -one system ~o thE3·. other iR.'A;.No: 7699, : Sec, 2(b)
. ·:P.enal Code (RA No. 8_291? $ec:._5? P9r IRR of R.A No, '7699, Rufe Ill, Sel;., 1 {b)).
. ·.



Creditable .Services 6 .. §.uch other· benefits common to both Systems

For th~ public sector, the· following. _sh~II. be that may. be availed of through totalization (/RR
considered ·creditable services; (ACS-OP) ot R.A. No. 7699, Rule /II, 9ec.10)).
1. All .prevlous -servlces . rendered : by , an
official/employee pursuant to an AJ)pointment· · · ·· Totallzatlon shall · apply In the · follow1ng
whether permanent; provisional Qr temporary. instances:
2. -All' · _previous services · . rendered · by · ~in .1. If a not qualified for any· benefits from
officfallEHTlployee pursuant to a c;!uly approved . : both-Systems; . .
appointment to· a. position in the· ~ivjf Service 2. · · If a worker in the public sector- is not quallfied for
·with comperisatlonor salary; . . · ,· any benefits In the GSl9; or . ··
3. · The:' period during which 1:1n offlcial/ernployee 3.· · ·1t a worker in the private 'sector is not qualified
was ·on 'authorizad §lck leave of absence without , tor any benefits from· the SSS (R.A. No. '7699,
· · pay not.exceedinq-t year: · · : '.' . Rule \(, Sec. ·3).
4: the period during·w.hich an offlclslcr employee c' ,

· : . was 'Qut of, the service as· a result of illegal ·. Fqr the. purpose of computation of beneflts,
· termination· of his service as 'finally decided .t:>y -totalization shall apply in .all cases so . that. the :
the proper: authoritiesjand .,.. , . " .. : . contributions made by the worker-member 'inboth
5: All :Rrevious services· with . cornpensanon or Syst~ms shall -provide maximum benefits which .
· · , .salary r.ertdered byelective offlclals (!RR of R.A.~,;,..oJherwise will riot be-available. In no case shall the
· No. 7699,./J'!le 1/f;~ec. 1(0)._ .··~:
. . .· ..
.. .,~··
. . _ · · 1>-.. ., .
~~l~_tion__be lost or· fof~eited (!RR ae»: No .. ·
Sec. 3). .
Period·of Contribution · . . · ·. ·<"."· ):'t';,;...=---==,., ._:; .{ ff: ,...,~~-, · . . · ·. . ·· ·
·. For -the, private sector, the ·peri~9€l.r-of Cj),A{pl=>1:ltl'on . · .Not~ -YJI~ qualifies· for benefits in both
· · · shall· refer to the. periods during ~·(fs,~~,~i:.s91'f""""'"~yst~m~i~t~izati~ 4 shall not apply (/RR ot R:A. No.
renders ·se"".'ices f?r an.e_mplo~fc®tti ?'pinp. nsati'li!)J '"1.F ~?1399, Rule'~t~1%· · .. · ·.
· or salary and dunng_ which c,9ntnbt1tlr;ms ere.paur -,61~ · Lt~ \ . · \, { . . ~: ·. . . . .
·to, sss:· For" the purpose o,f. thi~ fectio?,, a sel,f. , . If after tq,talizalioe-_tfi.e'wor'ker-member still d0es,not
.employ~d _person shall be frn~Toj~ ~1?,'a~i!yf~r-·any \~Q.!}:fl\]~t~d. the member will_ then
and el'.l'.)ployer at,the same~Hime-;(;RR o.t'r.[?:A:-,i!fp':-:-:i e:;::ff~U·'wh_?teve~ 1Bene.\1ts ,correspon<;l to· ~his/her
· 16~~· _Rule Ill, Sec, 1"-(g)) ..:_ ;· <F··,: : ._. . ~ t :"· .p~JT@).:tin!rib~ion '.n ·e11gie,::9,rHbot~. System~. (IR~ of RA
. . . t t....i·t ( j\ ... , ~-~-No. 76j/f:_cf?};lte )r, _Sec.t1· . . .
The .'creditable services or1;1c.o'"lt~i~uti~Q~\~~~n~~- ·· .i·~~.. : 7~~(· if~<_f , ·. · . ·. · ·. . .
syste"?s shaU be: '(GT)... \.V .,, \ .. ~~\; ..;: · · ~(~e;jP.~61h~f.ottHek· · . . .

·. · each of tr,~ SY$~ems; and_::)~: .'l'~ ~-r~

1 .. ·w~dited fo their se~ici:; o\_c;<jntri~ti~Q'.r~~r~iQ_:1 . ·'-~':~gl'S.~l),JI·the

2, Io~a_lized _for purpose·? of®t,_;[E1'>.f-.f{~r:l".loe~<and/or

S~S shal!. be,responsit:,le f~r t!J.e.
t_/r(eori;lfng.pnd docttf01entat1on of tbe. creditable.
. Biriods . of contr_ibu·uons of ·the .
,.. sµrv1"'.orsh1p and. _other beneflts 1n-µs~.,..!ti~:::J:..:.".,~-m~rri.Pers-f,e~,ge9tfvely (!'RR of R.A.. No. !699,. Rule
covered rnem~':'r_ ?Oes ·not qua!~;f~;:,-.S~~>ar-~,,,.,,\1/~~e-i\lAccfred_ltat!on
~SI~ ~l')efits lfl either 9r_ both sys!~~~1.W,out.
·. · t~t~l1:zat1on (RA_.-~o. 7699, Sec: '3).:· · ~~,
c;,f·services or,·perio~~ .of
'1FJ!',ut~~ft!'Je ~empers shall be. ur,ic;:lertaken'by
.for the publtc sector .c!hd b.y t~e SSS for t~e .
, · . .• · . .. .. · . . . ,. . . , """"1fr1vate sector (!RR .of R.A,. .. .No, 76[)9, Ruff! VI, Sec. ,
Note:. In. case of ~~erlapping periods of me'mbt::rshlp, . · · 2). . · . ..· · · ·.. . . . ·. . · · · ,· ··
it" ~hall l:>e ·credited. only.. once for· purposes of · · · · ·
totali~ajioo::(R.A.·No. 7699, Sec. 3): .. · . . : l?ro·porti(?l"!aiify·.of Be!lefits. ·
· · · -, ,., · · · ." Benefiis · to·.. be p:aid by 'the. system·.' shall be in
,,-overlai:ip.lng ot-"periods . . .Proportion Jo _the n\,lmber .ot, contribution.s actually
··Period~·. during· · fl ·worker .. sJmultaneously·:, remitt~d to that system (R.A,. No~ 7699; Sec.·4). .
contributes to. bdth Systems (/RR' of ~.A. No: 7699,." · · ·· · ·.· · · · ·
'Rifle./[!, -~:ec.· 1 (i)). . .. . . . N~te: All · conlriputiorls· paia .. t;>y · s~ch ··mSmber :
.p.ersonally; anq )_hose that were,' paicf .b.y his ·
. Ba~efi~s:· (0.DS-SMS) :· employe(s.,t~_both.s.ystems (SS$ and GSIS) s!
. · · 1. Qld-age b~nefit; ... · cons_idered in the processing· of benefits .which he·
'2. · .Qisability ben~fit; .. ·: can. dairri .fro111~ eitl:u~.r or- both systems (R.A. No.
. ~- . §.urvivors~jp ·benefit; · _ .. :. 7699, Sec. 4). · ., .. · · · ·
· '4. : · :§.icl<ness benefit;" .
·5, ··Medicare benefit; ..provided that 'the member.
·shall claim said .be.nefitfrom the System where · ·.
he _was a la:>~ nie-mber; a.nd : .

. I . 2019
296.' . LAW
.. ... ..
f1''o& ... mul!B.__........... .a .. m::1..i.. 1m1sam11~,11111~11:11rmam.11111
.. . I .all9ilill:marmi.....~.:c:~~~I
.. 21111111

j(. .
, ,wtaeci.. A EM ··~WNisw+& '"·tai-1wse12siw«w. NF
the govemme~t branches, military or police
.,· :NAT1'.0NAL H·EALTl-i . force, . political. subdivisions, agencies 'or.
.· INSURANCE AC1''0F 20.13 instrumentalities, lncludinq . govemm~nt- .
owned ·. and-controlled corporations, .-
;. .. '(NHlA) .. financiai institutions with· original charter,
;'. :. . (R.A~· No; 7875·, AS Constitutional Commissions,. and . is·
occupying either an elective. or appointive
-AMEN'DEP. BY :~.A:.. N·os .. 9241 position, regardless , of · status of
· · . & ;to __6-p6) · appointment. . . , .
b. Privafe Employee r an employee who
::.. renqers services In any of the-followlnq: ·
( ·R.,A. No. J.1223orihf! '.'UN/VERSALj-lEAL..TH·CARE i. . Corporations, · partnerships, or . single
· ·ACT" took· effe.ct on· F'ebru.ary'20, 2019. R,A.' No. . proprietorships; . N.<;,Os, -, cooperatives, ·
,·· 1122~ wi/1.,NOTbe CQ(/E1;_red qythe 20_19 bar. syllabus, . non-profit orqanlzations, social, clvlc, or·
'· ·nonetheless, tor purposes of discussion;· an.outline professlonal or. charitable institutions.
. of sigri;t,carirchanges of'ihe new·law fs ·provir:J'@ a.t orqanized and based- .in the· Philippines
the,..end. · · · including those.forefgn-owned; ...
. ·ii. · Fo'Feign governments · or: ·
Stat~ Policy · . . .. . , : · · organizations with quasi-state status
:-. It is declared ,th~ 'policy of. the State to adopt,./::-- based in the Philippines· which. entered .. ·
::.. an integrated -and comprehensive 'approach t0 Y).( .into· an ·agr.E!ement with the P.hilHealth
. . . health ..development. whicp shall endea~or to l'T}~l<e{r '}\ (Corpor~ti6~f to_' cqver.. their: · Filipino
"essential- good~·. health _and other social ser't!R~f ,.:··.>·1; .. employees m Ph11Health;, arrd
· available to all the people at, affordable cost an~, tq ·.. · i 9 · -r- • iii. -~orelgn business organizations based
'. provide tree medic~! care_ to .pau~e'rs. Jo';N~r<!~1'lh!~·::·\- ·0:~!.:~.:?'''r-' 1,-(a§>roa~• "Yith ~gree·ment . ~ith_. ~he ·
·· .. end, .the Stpt~ shalr·p~~v!de compr~hens}V~1!i~altli~_;-:i'1-( ~-:----1~-~?rpo~atio_n to: cover. their . Fllipino
care servi_«?es to all Filipinos .throug~·;f~oc1al1zeclJ,.\,....c_;-I . · ,6~P~i:>loyees in .Phi1He<;1lth. ; . . . . .:
h~al~~ . i_n:5-u~a,:ice. ptogram _· (Progra,,r]:l.t(~:t1at__w~ ·'-f\ c. Al!:i ©l~f::r . workers renden~g services,
prioritize the .. h~91th · care n~e.g_s·1. -'of-;;? tl'fe ['.;1 w-liiet'frertm government or . private offices,
underpri~il(;l~ed,. ~ick, ·. eld~r!r~per~?,R[\::, wit_~- f 11 . . §'{iohr,asj~~. oraer·project-based '·
disab11i1i_es-: (PWD-;?);. wom~~:/7.~p~ ~_i~ren . an~_ (·r- _{contr'{l£_to':i~~}1d the like( , · ·. '
.ptovlde free healt~ care serv1Qe!i,:to.J.1:,1.d19~~~(IR-ff.R!· · t'.i · a0·.~rj)~~:S.J?.:.·~1cro EnJerpns~s; · ·. . ·. .
R.A..fYo: !()75, T1tfe J, Se~. 1, 'if!;.,!me[!E.,e~.. _ ·,;;,;_) .''. f/l ·e. ''©.W.Ds).ffi.l,of §mall, · Medium and Lar~e ' j
'· . ·· . · ' · '"2";-,;..,~-:f<t · 17- h:J . Enterp'rises· .: · . · I.

Gener~I.Objectlves... · .. · ·~ .: '\!\' . Jt t'.t."7,'r.-:\ f. .. !:!9U:sehold Help-'- as ~efiried i{l,Republic_Act_ i

,, Th§' NH.f,:'·seek$ t<:> ?Chieve the fo119~i{g.-_9~ctives: ,51;
_j 1.~ ~1':7;-:l.O~q1 or "Kasambahay Law"; and: _. . . ·
(PEP) · · · .. · .. (~·._..r· ·· ,f' ..1.::::.:......:..-.1...:..:,u........:..;:w,,,,_,Family·Pr1vers(tRR of R.A. N0.·7875, Title
i: a.11 ·citii~ns ·of. the :Phillpp~!1es.:w.iifi;}~e · · · NJ, Rule.I; Sec.:·5, as amended), · · · · •·
.. .. mec~ariism...;to ,galr financial. ac~e~~:t~;1ealth . . · · :·
services; '; · . . . · . · ... -u. · . 2: ·Me~bers .in the. ' . E~on€>my ~ 'this .· ..
. . 2. · . Establi$h the· Program ~o serve· asJb.e means· to. .. · . sector would· includ~ but. are. n6.t limited to t.he .
. tielp the people pay.for health c.ate s-ervJces; and following: (MIS-DNP) . . ·. . . . .
3 .. Prioritize· and ·accelerate the provision of hea!tn .. ·a .. Mi'grant Worl<e'rs - .':documented ·._or ..
. · .-services to ·an i=ilipinds, ·esj:,e'ci;3lfythat .segmenL undocum·ente'd'Filipinoswho are engaged.In :
·of· the. , ·.population· who:· cari'not afford the SB a remuner:ated acti-{lty in another c.~>'untryof.
'services .. (/RR ·or R:A ... Nq. }875, · Title I,, Sec. 2, whi~h tt:iey ~r~ riot dti?en~; ... · . . .. ·. . .
as amended).. · . ·. .. · .. b. Informal Sector - to tti1s · sector belong, .
amorig" oth~rs'; . street . hawkers;-'. ,:nark~t ·...
c·over~ge,·. . \ . . . . .- · .. : ' .... ·.. · . ." .vendoi's,J:>edicab, anc!,.tricyclE;l drivers.small ..
The.Pr.ograrn Shall m.embers and ·. construction 'workers.,.- .~nd . hom!,l-base.d .
t_heiq:fepende!_l~s:, ·._. . .. · . : .. -.,-. . ·· ·: ' 'industrjes arid services; . .. . . :
. 1. · Metnbers:in tt,e Formal.E~on.omy.- those with c: §e.lf·Ea'rnlng lndi~iduals '- .individuals who .
. f6rm;;i1 cotitrect~'a!')d fixe'd terms 'o.f.employme'nt. ' render s.ervices' or sell goods as a. mean·~ of ·.
··including workers ii'l the gpv~rr:iment.and private · ·liv~lihood out~ide' employer:empfoy'ee
·. 'sector, ·whose premium· ci:>ntributiori payments· re!atl9nsh.ip br as .a ::rhese. include
are equally stiar.ed. by .th.e employee and the professional practitioners 'includi~g buf not
·einp)oye.r:·(GPOMS;HF)': . · .· --... · .· , · limited ·to. ·9octors, layvyers; engineers,.·
·a. .Government Eihploy~e - an··e~ployee of· artists;architects and, businessmen,
·· 1_he·_.go¥e.rnment, wheth,er r,egular, ~asual or. . ~ntrepreneurs, actors, actr!:)sses a.nd 'ot_her
confractl,lal, who renders servi'?es in .anY. of . perfot.n:,er's, . hews correspondents,


.' •-~· ~,ifi:.~'!:!

• IN&- SS a
HWi M4W44ifiMIAMIISit3¥15 PiiWIIM&f EliWl9iUt¥il

professional athletes, coaches, trainers, and contrib'utions (/RR of R.A No. 7875,
such other individuals; . . Title Ill, Rule], :$ec; 5, as amended).
· d. Filipinos with Qual Gitizenship - Filipinos b. Retirees/ Penstoners fro'm the. Private
· whoare also citizens-of other countries; · . Sector . .
e. Naturalized :Filipino· Citizens -. those .whb i. SSS Pensioners prior to M1arch 4, 1995.
have become : Filipino citizens through. . · ii. · .SSS Permanent .. Total Disability .. ·
naturalization · · as governed . · by· Pensioners prior to March 4, '1995; .
Commonwealth Act Ne. 473·or the Revised. jjf. :sss !Death/ Survivbriship Pensioners'
Naturalization Law; and · prior to March 4·, 1995; and . .
f, · Citiciens of: . Qther countrle's · workln·g ·iv ... S$S .· Old-aqe . Retirees ·who. have ...
.ani:f/or ··residing in the Philippines ·.:... reached t.he·ag~ of retirement on or after
to.reign. citizens with valid. workjng permits :fv'i~rch.4/1995 and have at feast 1?0 ·
a·ndior Aliens· Certitlcate of Reglstr.~tlor-is months' PhilHe~!th '. . premium.
·(ACRs) ·.·work,· and/or r_asiding in the · c , · contributions (/RR of R.A: No'. 7875,.
Philippines (lf?R of R.A. No. 7875, · .Title 'ttt, ' : . Title. °JJJ; Rute f, Sec: 5,· as a.mended):
Ruf~ J, ·Sec. 5, 'as amended). · c. 'Unifbrme<f Members. of ·the·. AFP, PNP,
3: lridlgent- .a person who has no 'visible means . BJMP. and BFP... . ':
'of income.ior whose _insofficient for . . . L '. :uniformed. personnel of the AFP,. J=>NP,
. family subsistence; as· identified. by t),e DSWD,.,..-sx=-=-
· .. based 01'.l specific Criteria set fOr this pur.p~_s-e'fn
accordance. With the guiding piinciP.l~efj~rth .
u rI\
· BJMP and BFP 'who have. reached the·
1+i -~, · compulsory ·a$e .or .retirernent before
},r t,<-)Une 24, 1997, and' retirees under. P .D .
. in. Article I of I\IHIA (/RR of_R.A',JV"6.(IBff,~·T1J.{~-,,..= ...-~- '{f•.;f 'fl. :Ji'.lb~ 4P8'; and' . · · . __ . . . .
Ill, ~qle J, Sec. 5, as amend1fl7· 'Y/-"' .· . · ~~ ~pi~~med. members of the AFP; P_NP,
.. A. Sponsored Memt?e.r ·.:.. -~ ·m(11J9yr ·_J}'j;los~-~7....._.._~ ,~:$~M~\in.d BFP·w~o ha~e reached the
contribution is being paid J?-Y,anel~$!r in€1ividu~ · '.'J.C V,... · \ .\~qr; of tetlremant 6n or after
. goverr:iment .agency; Or· 8fvat~erytityc/itcordidg ~~ .ti',\.-. 21,
1( J)i¥ '\f97., bein,g-tti~effectivity date
.. to -the rules' as ·may Ji~ prefcribe1' by the · ,.. · · . ~ •of\~fAg'~ot 8291, Which e):(cluded•them
. Corporation (!RR of R/•'ifN'o;_.¥ffl5, TitlfiTll;'Ra'Je--:-'~
/, ·~ec. 5, as amended)· /!-'~ K · . :\ '°'/i'f''~
---4_ · G~i
K 1~'. : j ·
iri tt)~!go _)uls~r.y :m~mbership · of the

. . · · · · · .· f!' _..~ h · · · ~ l~f1.~t-.. ,m,"j.fti

a.n . \t)av9: .at l_ea~t. 12? · months .
L Ph~~eali · ~rem1urncontrrbuttons (JRR ·
5. ·ufetlni~ Me~ber..:. a'm'i=imt1~.p~h0"\~r~~~,9.,\~~~ _._;., __ / P:/Z>ff'%J:: .: ·.}fB~5, Tjtle)JJ, Rule:/, .Sei,. 5,
. · tt:ie age of retiremer:it uni~i_9f.-\f~t~w~ff'R~.P~1ct:,~- i ef':,. ·. J~Ja.sfpnerrr:fe/;J).··..
at .least 120 monthly, i:>!emram. _cor'f<ciB*iopp~ ..'~&-.F,1:d ~eml;l,7rs of\~]111Hec1lth \o\lho have re~ched ,
·, .. ·.. · . I:
, .. ~if<?time : rqembers_. s(:lail\_includ\t bu~t~t~·
·. t:t,e'followrng:. ~
a., Retirfes/ ·. Pensione~
. ·~:· . -.A ';p1"'':h.
.frB{.!'f ( .!:ft,~((~..)
,,.S.),,'theaJe6f r-ewe~ent as provided by la"'.1 and·
'#\/.. ha'J:EY . mep:, the .. _reg_uired; '.premium.
·,¢ntributiol;!s of- al ··J!:1,ast ·-~20 · months,

· . ":3overnment·S~ct~r . '\'\.· . )'.;. '"3..~~~.~~e~§)~.glepf of th.eir. ~mp1oyeif~··or·sponsor's

·r. . Old-:age re~re,es. .and peti~en'~e~xn#~._:·-{\~~ie~1r~ cOnlnbutrons··cl~d rs n~_t include:<!
.· . GSIS, ,.rncludJng no~unif.¢rned p /l [}.. ~ 'J.1nJlie-spor:1sor'ep Program nor declared as
· personnel of-tlie 'AFP, P.N.P, 'Ei~'MP~rld: .'1.'V!L -~ ~c! by tl')efr spoµse or childr~n (!RR
· · . BF..P 'who have rE!a.chedthe compuJs6"r1"'-~F-..:P._ · ·'olf?.A_. No: 7875,. Titf~.'J(J,: Rule· 1, .$-ec. 5, as
age.0f retirement.b~fore June 2~, 1997; . ' ' ·:. amipnded). · · . · , .. ·: ... ·. · . •
. arid .under· Rr.e.sidential .Decree ·
No. -4oa; .. . · · · · . sPec1F1c,RuLes coN!'.=E;:RN1NG covERAGE oF
..,. ii: - ·GSIS Disability prior ,tp EMPL.pYEES IN.TH~ FORMAL Sl:CtOR .
March 4;c19S5;. . . .
m,.:·.,GSJS··who have reached the ~egistration o(·.the Fortn'al..S~.ctor
ag~ of ~etirer;nent on or.';:ifter March 4, · ·All government- ancl : private. sector .employers are
1995 and have at least- 120 ·monlhs· · r¢quir.ed to: -register with the Corporation ·and. ~ach
', . '. ·. ~~',ii4ealth 'premium:contriJ~u~idns; •... :· shall be iss_ued a ~eir~anerit' and unjque PhjlHeal~h
·iv. Retirees·- ;;md ·Pensioners who. ·ar~ . Employer Numb~r' (PEN)' (/RR of R.A~ No.'.' 7875;
.men,beis of ·the Judiciary who. have. . .Title J/J,· Rule'liJ, Se¢,: 1°8,-'a's am~ndf!d) .. · . . . . . · .
. : .'rea.cheQ the-age bf r:etirer,:ient and'have
·. ·at. Jeast ·120 months ': PhilHealth · Employers may regl$te·r with 'the- P.hiJip,pine Business
. contributions; -and ·· Registry {PBR). If. registered the. PBR, the .
y."··· who ···-are · · me'mbers . of· . corporation sha.11· riq .-longer.·. require submi_#i9n of. ·
Oonstilutional Corrimissiofrs. and : other documents from employer'~. Should.the ·employer be
. Constitutional · Offices · who .'. have : . unable to register through the· PBR, .the corporation
'reached th'e age of retirement and have . shall . require tliei ·. following ... document~ry
at least· 120 months. Phil Health · r.equireme11ts;._whichever is applicat)le: •. : . . .·



1. For single proprietorships - Department of' i, . The monthly ·premium contribution of employed
Trade and Industry (DTI) ·registration; members shall be remitted 'by the employer on
,2. For partnerships and corporatlons - s_ecurities P( . before the date. prescribed . by the
and Exchange Ccmrnlssloh (SEC) registrc;1tion:. Corporation. ·
For ·foundations· and other non-profit ·3. The remittance· of premium contributiqn by the
-, orqanlzations « SEC registration; . . · employer shall be supported by a Remittance-
4. · For cooperatives - Oooperatlve ·Deyeloprnent .' be submitted-regularly to the Corporatlon.
Authority (CDA) registration; or ·~ 4. The failure of the employer,to. remit the required
5.' For backyard indostrtes/veruures and micro- contribution and ·to submit .. the required
. business enterprises - Baranqay Certificatiop : .re.mittance list shall makethe employer liable for
and/or Mayor's Permit (/RR· of R.JJ,. No. ·78.75, reimbursement of payment of a· properly filed
Title-Itl, Rule Ill, Sec. 13, ~s emended). . · claim.· in· case .. the concerned .ernployee . .or
. . .of
.. dspsndent/s.avalls Proqram'benefits, with.out'
O.bligatfons of Ei:nployers .. · . ·: . · · . prejudice to the impositionof other·p~naltle~·as
All government and private employers· are required . provided for in,ihese.Rul~s .. ·· . · ', · : . . .
to. . . . 5,, For..govein'mert aqencies, it sp~fl· be rn'ar.idc!\Orf.
1: ,Regi1?te.r their . em ployees ·. and ·: thelr. qualified · and compulsory tor the employers to include tli'e
dependents: by submitting a . list .of their . payment of contributlons in.· their ·: annual
employee's complete with their salary base and .. appropriations. The use of ..said- funds with~eld ,
other documents as may be required; .' .
2 .. Report ·to the Corporation )ts · n.ewly-hiJ.,~f'X;I[
· _:..,,;,-.,. · · 'by government agencies other· than · for the

employees within 30 calendar days · ~ro~rf'-/·y-:, :· . hold ·the .erring govern01ent employers liable.
purpose of remitting Program contrfbutlenswnl ·~
assumption · too ffiice;: . . . . .-n~~: ·;, :.
· ·· . J, u ',.,' ~·1·-- . . under. the pertinent . · . prov1s.1ons . . f th. -R . d
0, . e ev1se
· 3: Give notice to ..the Corporation of an employ~~;s,, ., ;·.'7 ;.--~···· Penal C.o~e.· : . : . · ·: · · . · .
separation' .within 3_0 calendar day~,..c;froe: .:ttil:'.11?~:'t"!il_uj,i:~rtd/or-, refusa~·of theemployer to ~e~.uct
saparatton; -. . · . · . _..,,.~7- · ·. '..;" ~t ·.. ort-t!.rem1~, ·.the .. complete.. ·eroptoye~s . and
4. 'Ke~p true and. a~c~r~te. wor~·.rerf~~/for S\J~P\Jj. em~loYnW~p~emiu·m·.c~ntrib_ut,onsh~ll .not be a .
penod anp .contammg such 1~forJ:11<;1t~oh:, as. ttir. il .basis fpr~~1al of a pr.Qp~rly filed cla1rn.·lri such I
Corpo~ation ma~p·r~sc~b_e; an~,l~);~, ~'· !:~ ·. c:i .(?a~.<\the}. <:;orpor?tion· ~hall . .b'e. er'till~c!: to :·
5. · A,llow,the ipspect1on-~f 1ts_.PJ..\:l.fl11S.~S.1f\f.lU.~g~s -1,~i : . reil'll~urs~me\t of clan:l'l'~ p_a1d:fro~ t~~ erring or
. books a,n_d: o,her pertment~r.~9ord~~ff~RQf FJ.:A~ -~~'· .n~J:1;1!9,.e~tt'e'!l]~Y,?i''. "'.'Jlth~~t ~_reJ~~1ce to the i

· . _No. 78!5,. Title Ill, Rule)ll,,§ec.•,:'l:.5_)~bi:', \~· · t;;j . . ~~f{Jl"P.r:ey::e_~u.!t~n an.d ot~e_r.hab.1hties, as·may
.. , · ·. . .• ' . • ·• ·<{. ·?·'-'":"-<.,( .,41:l·\:J. J,.:[- · _herea~~t.J:i~'prpv1ded_by_ this RuJes,- . • .
·Rate.of Pr7m_,um C_ontrib.ut1on~-;-'_-:-:;:.>'."':'..~.· :. ' .. f.iy. 7: ,:he .la_st . complete .. record. 9f_ .··monthly.
Members. in th~ formal -~-~On?mXi Sliall :,r~rtin . · p,"'.,.;.;,,=, contributions . ppid · .bY.. the ·empl9yer or the
paying the month!>_' contnbut1.on~ t~ ..1?,.~.;:,shar~9 _,ti.,,;;; -:..~!.~'?;€!(ageof.the!'ltr.ibutiof!s paid .during
. eq~all~ . by .~E! · employer ·and_. er~pJ.ef?e ;f~:;~:,.....U:!..:.~:·".n,tl1e<=:pa'it~ .years as of th~. date of filing_ of .the·
prescribed.rate set by th~ Corp9rallo.n ~qt excr.~~l.og action for collection·sha.11 be be the
5%-of.ttwir respecth,:e.15.asic)ri?nthly_sa~t/t?/f~Rof·:· n:ionthly coriMtiuti9iis payab.le 'by and due from.:
RA . No. , 787.5, Title 111, Rule. J/1, See:~ /1:6, · as · the ~rT!ployer to Jhe C_or:poratiori for-each of_ the·
.amended).. .. · unj::>~id-. rhontti, \.mless ·... contradicted . and.:
Mandato.'ry ....... , . of Pr~mium_: . ove'rcome by other evfden.ce:·Provided, that the.
Contribution 'tor Governmeiit • Agencies .. . · dowor~tien . .shali'· tru barred. Jrom · ·..
It Sh.all b~ mandat.ory·f.or ali g''.encie_s. to . dete(rriining and col!ecling,the e c;1nd c,:;orrect:
contributi.ons · due it av.en aft13r fuli 'paynier'it
inclu'de the paymenfof premium contribution ·in their . ..·'pursuant tp'this ·farovislon;,nor sh~ll the·employer·
respective annual appropriations: Any' im,rease in:,. . -·· be relieved of his' li.ability'(/RR ofR:A.· No:]~75,
.the premium co~tributlbn of.the national gove_rf')ni'eht.' Tiffe)II; Rule lit, Sec. tB, as"i:imend,EJd)'. . . :
a~ employer snail Ol'.'IIY b~cotne e~ective upon . ,·· . . , . . .
inclusion .of said ·amount in th~ annual General. . Remittance. o'f PfE:rhiutns ~f 'Employees With
Appropriation: Act (GAA) (/RR.of R:A. No.. 7875, · a.~ .. · Income Gaps . . . . .
Amende<f,_'Sf!<:· 17). ·· · · . · ... - ·· .. : · · ·· l;:mplo'yees .with no incdin.e for. particular tnonth/s
· .
Payment . ..of· i:>reniiµm
' · Con~n"b.ut1ons •· · ·. · .· .· ,..due to non.-renclitio.n of servic~ 6r;·for s_uch ,i:ther .·
f .. The. member's monthly·. contribution .shall be, reasons suc:;h as those.whq a·re:ori leave without pay
· · · · deducted and . w.itht:leld automatically by the . ot on extended leave, includJng membe·rs ·engag.ei:J
· in· seasonal- ·employment; .shall· 'contir:iu'e· to pay'
employer from the. former's salary •. wage · or premiums· 'to the· ·Prpgram to· ensute :_c¢ntfnuous· .
earnings.·. The· prernium. co11trlbuted shall be entitlement to be.riefits (IRR o.f RA No.·. 7.FJ75{Titfe ~
'divided e·qualiy.between the employer and.the
employed. The employer';,_·counterpart shall not, II{,: Rule.l/1, Sec. 19,. as a'me~del:J).. : .. .'.. ." :
in any m_ann~r be charged tp \h~ employee.

2919 SAN SEDA ~W ~ENTRAUZED .BAR ~~iRATioNS j '299


'Premium · Payment -of the Government. and to·ensure continuous entitlement. to benefits (/RR of ;
Private ·. Employee Members · with Multiple R.A.. No. 7875; Title ·Ill," Rule V, Sec. 24, as
Employment· .: . . amended): · ·
Members engaged in multiple" employment. in the
government and 'private.-.sectors whose aggreg~te• Retroactive Pay~ent of Premium ·c'ontribU:tion
monthly premium· contrlbutlon exceeds · Hie. · A ·· member who · has · mtssed/unpatd premium .' '
maximum rate in the . prescribed . premium . . contribution 'shall be allowed to pay retroactively-as
. contrjbutlon schedule may request for adlustment of prescribed by the corporattcn (LRRsm». No. 7875,:
· persona! share·subject to the guidelines to be issued Title .111, Rule 'V, .Sec. 25, as· emenaed);
I • • • • ~
· .
by the Cotpcratlon (IRR·of R.A. No .. 7875, Title Ill, .
· Rule If I, Sf/c._ 20, :as amended). · · SPECIFIC RULES·CONCERNING"COVERAGE
INDiGENTS . . . .
H:oliSEHOLD HELP OR KASAMBAHAY . ldentlftcatlon and Enr.oli~erit ofJndige~ts ..
Ali ·_indig~nts ldentifled by the DSWD under ·the'
. Registration .of Household Help .or..K.asambahay . 'NHTS and .other such acceptable '·filelt,ods:. shall
To .ensure that - Philf-iealtti "member~hip :·of the · ~µtomaticany· be enrolled and. covered under the
househotd help·. or kasambahay is .sustained., . Pr0gram 'f!RR of R.A:· No.. 7'f375, Title Ill, Rule vi;
employers are required to:-· · . · . ,;..,~~--f:i~c.'27, as emendedt.. . · · · ·
·, 1. Regi~ter-fneir kasarnbahay with the Cogl6ratfon-1T ]· 1-:-~- . · : , .' ', · ·
aii~ . the _kasam'bahay·s: .q1:1alifie~_;,d{perfg;nt~1l_ }~~Yll1~·n'f,;f~fre~iumC~nt_ributions . . .
under their P.~N; -; . . ~~:7~( ""::i r
~~L-,:;g!:em.!urnp~1ft~Ut1ons for indigent members shall be
2. Report to the Corporation t~r- ka~a.W.biil:fay · · -f1,1~s.1Jb'sijji2'*1,b_y the National Government. The·
within- 3_o· calendar days upqf~f1l~Q,yp.ienJ;_.aAEt'"'~'f"--arn0.\!!J!~~6'~~~5..1Y, shall ·be included in the
3. G.!ye_ notice to the.·forpor51.f~2,i}.-up~~paFati~D, "'\"''. ippropri.atio115,.fqf}~ ·poH under the annual GAA

of the kasarnbahay and ija'Y tn~)mrr~pbAdir.ig 1.(l/i?R of~.A. N,.bf 7875t Title Ill, Rule VI; Sec. 28, a~
Ph_i_lHeal~h P~E:miu!l) . ·90~!:Jb~Jlons [!:>,.i:__~~~- ,. , .. amende_ql- · " \ (j?) 1 -· , ·· · -
l!~!•.- ·., ., J_ .: \\ ·,._.-:.-4.\ . _: . . :,
· . as
- rendered services unt1lk~e,J:late of _sepa~a,12n
. (/RR of R.A. No: 7875,
_amended). ·_ : I ·.ef'-4·~- '.i ·
(i=?ul~ 1v},seo"!~,r,?: t~gmen.asPrim}ry M,mber;s
~'.·~Awl~e felJlale. 's~Llse,,,-p~ the· familie~ 'ide.ntified by
· ·.

· •• _ 1 · ~-4 ij ~:.,~. ~ · ~~~-::::. DSWDJ~e-.!~slgn~ted as the· pnma~y member

No~e: : Empl?yer~ of hou... ~l:lqJd1.~~lp ·i,2·(ITT~v:_~ ~~i.og;a~/IRE(4!fjf.A.-No. 7875, Title Ill, Rule
, re~1stered with the· ~ss· pnqf.-te ~U!Y 1, '[91;.,,.._~rlr~~l.#.~r.[t/rJP.:i{:J'ii;a_s,1ameno,fid). . ..
consldereg automatically re!iJ·~tere~:they ~l""lt1i>;tl· <W~~ J.' // .. · . .. ·. · ·
· required to updat~ their. cecords~ith·th~orJ?.-~-~«,~""/'69r~meny·.of . CJJ:fzens of Other , Count~ies
(GM) (/RR pf R.A.-NoJB.75, -Ti~e Ill, Rul<#)V! ~~l-~N-1-~o.!¥inJ!,ih t~e Pp,,irippin~s . . . · · .,_- ·
-21, _as amended)'. ·. . , . ., · -~;;-:,,,_~;,__--~Gfti_?'.~Aro:'\¢.ti-e~,po1:1nt'rfes working in .the Philippines
·· · . . _ · .- . ·. · . - . · ·, .,(]).y·)~~':n'l°]fy.-b.'ef\~,w~ff- coverage in- the Program 'providE:ld'
, Premium Payment ofJ-f.ousehold Heli~~!J ! .1\ ~' A-Ra}~tllle.11;,P.'countries have : ·existing. reciprocity
· ·The annu_al premi'm11 "contribufio~s· of· lioas~~d !VI1agr~jrne'nts . with t~e. · P"!iJiipJjines,. _s~oject . to
helps- shall be fully pf!id in· accor;~anc~ with ttie~=--ifi:fchtional guidelines as may .be the.
prov1s1on.s : . of • RA · No. -·.1036.1 . · ~or -·~Batas: Gor"pqratii:m (/RR of_i=<_A· Ns. 7875; Title Iii, Rule II,..
Ka$arri?bahay" (/RR of.$.A" No. 7875,Title JI/,. Rufe · . Sec.. Z6, as. amended).· · . : .. ; . . . . ·. . .
/v; Sec. 22r- ... ·. - . . . . .. .
. sP.EciFi'c· Rl)Llis° coNcERNING cov.eRAGE oF
· . · Payment fo.r Sponsored Mei:nbers' Cont~ib.utlo.ns. ·
Payment qf·C~ntribu~ions .·· . .. ·.. The premium payment for. Spon_soredMembers shall'
Contributions ,of memb·ers in the inf9rma·1 economy be §i.s fc;>ilows:_ . . · _ .. . · . .
shall be· based ·pnmarily cm
hous~hold earnings and _ 1. · .. Me.mbers of· the .informal ecori'orriy· from.'.the
assets··(/RRof R.1',.'. Np.-.7875,.~s_amende~,Sec;' 23)_. lower incon:ie segment-·who do not qualify for full•
.. subsidy..l!hder the ruJe.·of tiw D~WD.
· 'cessation · from Formal . En'lployi:nent or · shal! _be subsid_i~ed bYthe LG Us odhrough cost
. Coverage, as· Indigent, Sponsored Mem.ber, or as . · .. · sharing mechanisms betw_een/afnong L,GUs,
Migrant Workers . . .and(or legislative sporjsors. and/or . other:
.A .m.emqer separated ·frorri formal emptoymen.t or .. sponsors . "arid/or the "me~ber, including. the
whose cover~ge as
a ·sponsored m~mber:or ·as cin. · National G·overrim¢nt; ·
:.Indigent or as·a·migrant. worker:has ceased s.hould
-pay the required- premium as
self~earraing iridivi~uals

. -
*' +.
2. The premium contributions ·. of orphans, BENEFITS: (ln-01,1t-E-HO) . . . · ·. .
abandoned and abused minors, out-of-school · · Members· and their dependents are entitled· to the
youths, street children, persons. with disability follO\yin·g · minimum services, subject to the ·
. (PVVP), · senior citizens and battered women Iimltations specified in the Act and as may be
.. under the care of the DSWD, or any its of determined b.y the Corporation: . . .
:.. accredited institutibns run by ·NGOs or any 1 ... In-patient care: (R~D.U-Pres-HE}
.. nonproflt private 'orqanfzattons, shal( be paid 'by a .. Room and board; . -
the .D.SW.D and. the funds .nl;?'Ces~ary for .their b .. §erv!ces.of health care professionals; .
-Inclustonln.the Proqram shatl be included inthe c .. Qiagnostjc, laboratory; and .other rnedicaf
annual.budqet of th~·1DSWD;.
3; The needed
· · . ·.
premiurn contributlons- of all -
· d ...
. examination services;
!J..seof surgical qr 'medical. equipment and .

·.. baranqay 'i.vqrkers/ nutrition .scholars, facilities; : . . . . .

.: ):)arangay tanods, and. other baranqay workers e. _ Prescription·. drugs and bloloqicale, subject
'and volunteers ..shalf be fully 'borne by the LG Us . .to the ,limit~ti<fns of the Act; and, . . . - . · _
,,, · concerned; . . . . . · .. r.' Health Education. . . . . .
~f ·. 4. .Fhe annuat required premium ior·tl:le coverage 2.. ·out:Patien·t- Medical and .Surgical · .care:
v of up-enrolled women.who are about to give.l?irth ·· : .. (St;:)PPH) . · ,
R!: . shall ·be fully borne by the National Govet.nmi;lnt . a.:. §.ervices of health 'care proresslonats:
" a.nd/or'.LGUs·and/or' l~gisl.ative sponsorsorthe . . b.' ··Qiagnostic, laboratory-and other medical
PSWD if such woman is an indigeot as,./~ ,·... services; ', . • · · ·
determined throuqh means test (IR.R ot R.A. .fj/r.{,)'J{ c. · fersonal preventive services; ·
7875, TitleIll, Rule .VII, Sec, 31, as amende8p7~,{,·,\ ·,.. , d. .frescription 'drugs and biologicals, subject .
. . .. _ · · _. · !,
1.,!{:" -\;t!\r( · · . t~ the limitations of the Act; and :
- SPECIFI_C RULES CONCERNIN.G COVERA~~,P1P;.:}f...-;:-:T:,;,.e·. .!::!e,~,t~ Education .
.LIFETIME·MEMBERS z<:Y' ·t~:;-i,_,}~:..3,0..:~!r!$~1;1(iY·and transferservices;
. , . .· . . . _ · ;,r-.,;,,/ . . ;,"' b4. flealtll"S:O~cat.ion Packaqes; an~ . - .
Requ1,re~·... Numb~r . ~f. ~o~thl.('i/."'. p.rerrimf]f;~::d! 5. Such 2fir hea~t,~, .care . services !hat .the
Cont~~but1~ns to .Qu~.hf.y as ·L1fetim'7,,~e.~~!· ? ...- ;t. Corpo.~tW'\.80d Uie qoH. ~hall determine to· be ..
·Any perso~ Who hc1s re<!l~h~d tre .~9_!>~~~!J~em~nt · 1;.J ...:appropr~a}e ~nd .cost-eff~ctive (!Rf? of R./J.. No.. ·
aRd ha$,Pa•d at lec;!s(·120 mont.~_IYf_oontri.b.QJrorfS:"'Sh~~~ . ,!\ . · · 787!/f· T1tlb
p},1.,·R.u/e·/, Sec. ·37, as. ame.nded). ·
bE1 qualified as- a· Lifetime M~l:nber: ThJ!,:number ;of" · ... { -·, : · I · ·, H · I)..- . . · . _ : _ ·.
monthl:y tontribµtion5 require(~.~-~'.Ei~trn.te;\Memq~J :}J
.'')fote~~~~~Q'$es )md-: pac;:kages; shall. b'e·incre~sed i~. acc:>rda_r-ii:;,twitJil:!:?-rt:ictua,ri:f'Ji·· Pi
revie~ed~oon_uailt. to. determine it.~.: fina_ncial.
stu9y to SUsta1n tt)e f!n~.r:c1al V\8blttf9;._g!,::the.,wograr.·. . i' tr ·. S~stc;11.ru3b1hty. an? re!evanc~ to health._ 1.n~ovations:.,
(/RR ?ff~.A.No.. 7875, T7tle m, R_ule~VJ/!, Ser;~32, as. ¥f,;.:W..•t~.the en~ m ,y1ew of·quahty assuran.~e, mcre~sed
ame,:,ded). . ·. . _ · . . . . yr-·-;,~.,;.:. ~~:'.'::'/~:'~ J?.:~~"-~~:W!d re~~ceq o~t-ot~p~c;-ket e~pend1ture:
''':·.. · · _ .. - _ - . ·. \if _ ·. ·. >J;,»~,.~Lseci'f'.·rev11=1(V sh.all. 1.ncll!de actuanal (IRR·of
t.: · Lifetime Member.with Current So.urciofii:r6&Jne - . ' . R.A._No.'7875, TitleIV,'F?ulel Seo: 37,;Jed)..
;: . A Lifeti~e fylember who·obtains a,regul~l}gg~ce of·· - . . . . . . . .- . -
f. . incorrie from em·ployment, · practice cif profes1ion anq · · ·. .E!1fitierne~t. to. ··Benefits . . . . . .._, .
other·· means. ·~hal~ r'esu-me . p·aying lhe "requirecf. ..Members·· and/or.· their :dependents :.are entitled to
monthly pr!;!mium. con.tribution until fi_nally' ceasing to . 'avail of thE3 benefits if' either of th~ following is met:
earn;' j:m:>vided, that: s?id in~orri~· is above lha poverty .. (PP~PF}' · . ~ . . _ · .. · ·
threshold (/RR of R.A~. No .. 7875, Title Ill;.. Rule ,VIII, , . ··1.'· .e.aid .frern_ium. conf,ibution..Jcir .at least ·3 months
Se.c. 33, as amended). · · ·· - : wif~i.n the .. 6 mqnths pri.0r: .to .the. 1st day of
·:. . . avaiJrTlent; ot . . .
lr/· . .' Coverag~·.is ~a Requisit'e. for ls.~'Uance 2, _ "Eaid. in· full: the .required ·pte!T)iUrl). 'for. th~:
,:· ··.or R~neVl(al. ·of License/Permits . .. .· _ . · c~lendar· (/RR of
R.A No,; 7875, }We JV,
. Among.the pow~rs and.-f1..1nctions ~fthe Corpora,tion Rufe:/;Sec.' 39, as amend~d).· · . . .
arid. notwithstafidil)g any .,aw
't:Q.. the contrary, all . . ··. .· # • •

government' erititles -. ind.udfn"g ·· LG Us. jssu'jng .i'11: addition: ·the ine.~ber is- ~ot. curre!)tly .st:ibject to··
professional .or.. b.usiness license· or· permits; s~all l~gal· penalty 9f suspensioh as provjded Jor ·in Sec.
require all applic.,mts to sabmit a certificate or p'roof · 44 of .(lie· Act and has· ·paid· the premium· with
o(payrnent of Phi!Health premium.~Ciritributions as a sufficient regularity .. The . Corporation· ·may . issue·
pre-requis.ite to · the issu,;ince or· ren~waJ · qf .SU.Ch . otfier. requiremen.ts .f0r· entitlement to.· benefits ·as it
i1 license or permit (/RR-of R.A.No.1875,'·Tit/iill(Ruie : deems appropriate (!RR of R.A. No.
7.875, Title IV,
t. .ix; S~c. 34, as amerided). · · · · · R.ule/, Sec.- 39, as amended}; · · .· ·



.·. L 3~_1,,,;~.

. . . .
The followiAg need not pay the monthly contrlbutlons 2. ~ertification of the attending physician as to the
to be -entitled. to the program's benefits: (RP-NGE) final diagnosis, period of confinement and
1. Retirees and .Pensioners o,f the SSS and -GSIS services rendered.
pr1or to. Mar:chA, 1995; and . · .. ·
. 2.. Members of.
Phil Health who have .teached. the ·!he benefits· to _be 9~an_ted shall be 'paid .to -the ,
age ·of retirement as provided ·tor''by" law'. ·.No\ · member in the equivalent locaf rate based· on the.
Qainfl:IIIY gmployed or continuing their practice . Level 3 hospltal category with 'the applicable case-
as.- professional and. have·- met· the . required· · rate_p.ayment'(/RR ot RA. No. 7-875, .Title IV, Rufe·//,
premium -contdbutions- of al' Ieasf 120 .rnonths' . Sec. 41)>
·(lf?R of.R:.4.. No. 1.875, Title IV, Rule. J,.'Sec. 39,
es-emended). ·. . . . Outline of the Significant Chang,es under the
,·. •.
. . . . HEAL
..~ .. . . . ACT
. . . ·
Dependents . . . . ..
The legaJ dependents of
a; member are. the: (LU- . · Coverage. :. · .
21F;60P) ·.. · . .·. . ·' · · .. .. . '. Ev~ry Filipino ·citizen automatically inclu~ed .
· 1. · ,begitil'T!ate spouse who 'is 'not a member; -: . . · . iri .the: National:.Heaith Insurance· Progrc!m (N!:IIP)
. 2. !,!l'.)marned . 'and . unemployed legitimate, _(R.A'. N.b.-11223, Se<;. 5). . ... · : . ,
. ··. l_egitlm~t~d.: acknowledqed, n.I¢giJjmate cli'iidren
·•. . and legally .adopted oi-· .step~hUqr9,_n belo_w_Jl...~~=:J!~~of Mem'~ership: (R:A. No. _11223, Sec. 8) of ag_e; · . - . · · . ;:P'· · -·u· f.· -sir~ct Contributors · · . · .
3, _Children. who. a~:.21· years· old ~o~o~'e~but . {\. la:Jc· -WO~ewho have capacity to pay premiums,.
. . $Uff~riT\,9 from- ·eoogenital ·d~(b,t!!~ ffejff'IJf..[P..-:=-~! ·j . <N'eA!~i~JullY.employed and are .bound 'by an .
. physical or mentat, or any dis~_lfffilx_a:<:9~Ef(~at . _ ~, eriJP1C?.Y~~fmploye~relationsfilp; . ·
. · renders them totally depen.~~n-r'o,t!')ie.,.~ber~"":.~...J:l.-~~~~"'arnfp'.Q;. , .. ·. ·: ..
for support, as determinedtfiXU;iE\ ,Ce>rporation~, ~r ·,w .
4 .. foster c;;hil_d as· defirieq_fin¥RljfN.cJ!··.t01.6.5 .u,f-.;• .&~ .d. Mig~QtfworK~rs including. their" .ctualified
' . .

otherwise 'known as tl')e··19~ster'q~reA~t of 2012; · . ~epenct~tt~~;)}~d.' . · . '. . · , ·

5. Parents wbo ·are · 60.:iar])e)lf·o'r ·a'i°ve, ":ff6f'.G
·. otherwise an. enrolled; iemb~r;1 w.ho~~·~ort{5iy·-:-.ill
·. fricome-is.bel,owan amcyun!Jd P,e defe · ined~~
·{f)).. , ¥'-:· 'Q il ·._
(R.,4·. N9. ·11223, Sec, 4.
. . · .. · ·
lndir,ect Con ribt1tq~ - all 9t_hers.not included·,as
· t~e Corporation in a.cco'l-~i!\~¢~y.,itl' ;guiding'; '#!!' ·" 'dirlW9ntrjputor~.Hi:is·well a~ fi1eir. qualifi~·
.. principles sePorth·in. th~>}cira~l'.1: ~~ \·· .!"" fu"" . · 1 f.!"-t.~· · -~~tjel")t~j'J-;,.""wt!if,e.· premium .. -shalf' ·. be
6. f_arents with p~~rnanent,d1sab1~~-re ~ ~~\~.o~. £~" ~~!'},~ti~n~I·g?vern':1ent_ in<:lud~~g-
·age a~ determin~d by \\he-:Co{pora ~\~~~ ~~~7~wh§ sups1d1zed as .a. result of special
renders· them totally dependent 01~t!he m~;nQ.~~lq~s(~/A- N9. 111223, (o)). · .:. : , · ·
·' for _subsisten.ce,·(/RR of·R.}!t:\:.No: .7~7,5 "FiJ.!.<f.>J.!!'1·r.;N1'' h: .). / . . 1 - . . . . . .
. . · . , . ·. ·. . · · , ' · . ,,; ~»n
.· .. ,~ec .. 3(n),'-as_ amf}n~ed):.:. ·. ·""~ · . ·y~~~~$5.Jc·~~~~a · e (R.A. No .. 11~4~, S~c 6) · ·.. ; .
~·~E;:~t;yf.1w~Q-flaU ,be 9".3nted 1mme~1ate eh~1.b_1ll~
: Co1Jtinuation:of .. Enbtlemen! .to .Be~e~,t~ •rLS.ase. ·1\. A' ·.fci~~~...;~~'7.l . t_Q·. pre~e~tive,. ·pro.rnotili~,.. cu.ra!1~e.
·,.or.Death oJ'M~rpl:>eT . · . · · . :,: . ~- ...... l.V.!:.lri;h~~Jli:tabve cJnd· paihat1v~ care for medical, cj~ntal;
. In case 'of death· Pf'. the.mem~r·, the·Qep~tjden~cff~=rnental,·and ~mergency health s_er.vic~~• .-de!ivered
the a~c~ased. i:n~mber shaU.c(?ntinuet<;> ~vail of·the· .either·as: . . ; ' ·· · .. '.. · . . . .
ben~fits for the ~nexpired po,i:tlon.of. tbe coveriige or 1~ ... P.opulati·Oll-~asedhealth .sEiNices,. , .·. . .
urifil th.e en~ .of-tne c;;,aleridaryear, ·whiche·ver. ·corn13s · lnte.rventioni, such as· ~~aIth pr9motio.n,di~e,ase ·
~. ·. first·(IRR.t;,f R.,4, No. 7.875; Title IV.. Ru.lfi.· /1, Seo. ·40)':., . . surveilfance, . and vector. c.ontrol, which have.
'. . . . . . . populatioi::i.'groups as (Scipjent (F;?.A. No~.11223, .
. ~eh~fits' of M~moe~s· .a~ci···.the·i; ··_Dependents ·.. Sec. 4 (q)): . '
·C~nfin~d ~ro~cl,· ..... ·· . : . . .· ·. .· . ·
Membi;?~~·.a'!dlortf:!eir. '.dep¢.nd~l'1ts§)~aft.b~ .eligib.Le·to' .. Fin~nceq 'by° the 'Nationa,I .~ov~mm~rit {hrou~h· · .. ·
. ·m,aff oL· benefits· ,for confine.rrientls out.side· the . U,e DOfi and provid.ed:'free_of charge ·at poirifc;>f
· ·. . .country:·i=>r9'1,:i<led,'t11at the-co1ditiins tot-ehtit1ement .,.. ·.service .tor: all Filipinos'.(R,A. _No. 11 ;223, _se:c:. 7
under·. this. 'Rule~ are . n:i~t and . 'the: following .. (a))- . . .. \ . .
. requirements ·arfif ;'submitted ·:within: '180.:·Galendar . . . .
. dl,lY~ fror'n the date of diiicharge: (00) . · .· : : . . · : · · . · , e. ··alth servie::~s i . .
. 1, . ·.Qfficial receipt or: any-·p,roof of ·payment. ~nd/or. .. Serv.i'ces which can be accessed'
statement' of' accoont froro the' 'tiealth. care facility or remote.1y·th1;1t cahb~ definitively tJ:aced
instituti9n ""!her~· the' me'mbe.r/dej)endent.was· .. ·back to one recipient, has limited. effect at. a
·. confined: and . . .. -
.. . .. pop,ula\iqn le~el, '·and d~s riot alter. the
µndeclying cause of illness (R.A. N_o. 11223, Sec
,s (p)). . . . .


AM ?CT&P2b &lh&f eee+¥ .
. ..
Financed ~rim_adly. ··.throu:gh prepayment all suppHes, equipment, pap_ers .or doo.uments shall
mec_hanisms such- as social health insurance be ex~mpt from any tax, assesi,ment, fee, charge,: or
private. health ··insurance, , and. HMO plans t~ _.customs or import duty; and all bf:mefit paym~nts
ensut~ predictability · of health expenditures . made by the Pag~lbig· _Fund ·shall likewise·be exempt ·
(R.A.. No. 11223, -Sec. 7 (b)). ·· from all kin'ds·of taxes, fees.or charges, and shall not·
'be liable to . attachments, garnis.hments, levy or
seizure. by or. under any or equitab)e process
..i·:· . w~atspever, eithe'r before or after receipt · by the
;_f: . IIO:ME. DEV_E.LOP·M·E~T AND person or persons entitled theret<:>, except to pay any.
·debt of the member to the Funq. ·
i .. M.:utu'AL_ f.u.Nn .Liw oF. 2 o o 9 . . . ~
'.fi.;·· .-· ,_·.. (R~A.d.~:io~ 9679)_ ·. .-· _ . No tax .measqr~ of whatever nature· enacted shail .
apply_-to· the··Fund, Li°r!less ·i_t ·~xprEis!SIY ·revokes' the
declar~d_-poU-~y Section 2 "of RA No:'
£.. . . '· .. . . .. . 967~ granting_ t~x exemptiqn to the·F~nd.-,Any tax
../ .. The ~O!ll~ D~velopm_ent."Ml.itual.·, otherwise a.s!':,eSsmer:it against_ th!= Fund-shall be r1ull a'nd void ·
f' . Jmown·· · as: _· Pag01BIG · ..(P.agtutulungan' 'sa · (/RR bf ~:A. No. 9679, Rule JV; _Sec.··.:,_:,y.. . · · . .
'!/: · kinap.u_kasan:lkaw;Bangko;tnoustnye at Gobyerno)
-, : Fund_is-a·govemmeril:financial-ihstitutici.n involved in ·
:t° . :- rri(?biii~ng 'provident funds · primarily . for -shelter .. COVERAGE-
t( ·.fina~ce:\_lt.·i~ .a-' _r,atipr:iwi9e · tax-exernpt . mutua!J"~;.:) Mar:i.datory . Goverag·e. ·and; Membership _.of.
'° ,.· provident ~avmgs ... system for ,. private ar:1'€1 ,:/t•\ Empl.oyees . · · . ., · : · . .· . .
\ ~o.yemment employees and other. earning' gro(..i"p_i{-; • \ Coverage under. ~nd_ membership· in the Fund shall
._/ sui:portec:I b.~'f!latclji~g m~n?atqry co~t:ibutio~~;"-- f, -: 9 J. _be manda!ory for the following:_ (CIYIU~) ·. . ·
;I- . !he1~ re~_pectry.e· ~!11~1orers m the spirit . of ·~o~!~I ·. , :· .:/---!·:-;_-/~II
emP,l'iW'ee_s~ho. are··f.ompulscnly covered by
~~-' . JUStlce and _the pursutt of._national developrT}_~!Jf(witti(:)1'r·-·~.:...!~E:-~91%; Prov1_ded,. that -for : purposes. of
{ . hotJsing as the pfim?ry jnvestrb,ent (IR!ff'd'£.l~.A.No.~.· . ':1andat9r:y_cov_~rag~in the-fund of persons who
~ . 9679; Rule IV, 'Sec.t) ... · , . . -<)(~/,, '<(.;:;::.,'i are· coj'p)Jlsonlycovered by the SSS, . the
. ' . .. ' . . . ·. \ \,~·c.(}<,..-:,•. ..d-:_ r\ .term ~rP.10\~~ shall b~ understood the manner
_I: -.P~hc~ ?f th~ ~tate . . . · ._ -!-:::!/. .J.- . . .\::::~ · . . r'\ by w~1c~Lit~~iSSS _defines._it'.°·an~ shall include,
ff; . It ~& the pohcy _'9t t_he Slate J!;>;_'.;estab,U.~JiV ae·velop~_ t'> but jot h'lf'Jteot\to:·(_Ptl-FS-SeP) . . ,· .
·t. _, p~omo~ •. and mt~rate. a ·rf~,tiJ:>)i'!".i_~~:f.<:>u~d~r:id. ·. :"1 ':;._/A:.,J~~~ya~~ 1;,~-~plo~e_e,whetlre: permarent,
-~ ... v1aple tax,-exempt mutual pro'.'ieferit.savin'g~ sy§t~ffl (\: ~':t1:;r.i;p,.9[~!-~,'?.M~ro:v1s1onal, _wJ:.io_1s nor over 60_
·~· $uitable .to .ttie n~ecjsi of _the eropJoYEfJ:a~d- .otfi'ir.'° !····1 · ·"ye.a.rn:mdY-- .. · . · ·. · . . · _: -' · ·
;~-- · · earn ii)~-- ~rouP.s, an.a fo' mpti~atEi. th~~io' i;,):_(ter'pl~'n.·; ),:/ . b. A .t!_ous~ho!_d-helpe~·~atning at.leas.t:P-~ '.000
.. an_d_prov1d~- for their ~01,1_s1ng~needs';:b.y,.r:ne~ership. j ;,.-,-...-i. . . a mon~h. ·. . .. · .. ·. · '. · . ·
1- .· -rn theH?~~ De.":efc:ipi:n~n(M_utuai Fui:lc((.fun<:l).-~it.~.,....:-..;-·.)-·.;:.;:~~--µ\.Eilipino§ei;ifarer !JpOn. the-signing the . ol
I·. man1.~~~ry.con~nb?,!qr_y sup'port of th~(e,mpl~>Y.~rs,.rn -...-,~- -~-'S1~fldard.. contract of emp_loyr:ne11t betwee~ .
;_,... . the SPJrlt ·of. SOCJal JUSt1Ce. an·d the. tiurslJjt of national the seafarer and j.he manning agen_cy Whicti, . , '.
. ' developrr)ent '(!RRof R;A. No.·:9679,Rur~ll/-Sec:1).' to~etner with the forei,gn shipowner,. -act as .
t . .: · · · : · . · ·. · ' · · er)'.ipfqyers, a)'.ld, . · _
i,,~ · _ Pro.vlderit:Characfe,r· . . . . . .,; . .· . d.- _A _.§.~lf-~ruployed :eerson;" regardless·· of
\ · . The _F4~<;l ~liaJI .be priva"te_in charact~r•. pwni9d wholly· · trfide,, bu::,i[less or;· occupation, With . an
t.:· . _by the .members, administered in trust and applied . inc.ome of at lea~t P.1,000. a month .. and not ·
Y exclusiv~ly for ·P,eir benefit. AU" the perso.nal arid _60. yei:fr$ old. ··rhis .includes but not
f · · ._emp.loye,:_.cqntri~utic;msshcill·l)e_fully credi'ted to.each . limited to; · · · _:·. : .· · :-- · · ~ · .. · ,:
r' .. !11ember;acc~unted .for-individua'lly'.and transferable i, . ffelf-employeci"professi6na1s· ,• ·
'\ 1!1 ca~~ of change ~f _employm_ent: · ·. · !i. · Bus_iries& partner;; · · · ' . · .·
\ : iik Single· proprietors and ~.oard directors·
~; , . Th~Y. _Shall ea_m d.ividends a; providecf- .tci:;
ill. t_he iv:. Actors, · :_. actresses, ·. · direc.tor~
Rules .. The" said. ·-amO\Jnts shall . coris'titule the· ~criptwriters· .arid n'ew_s· reporters" wh.~ ·.·
.1· . 'prpviden_t fund o(~ach"rriem(;jer: to l:ie'pajd to hi~ or. . are_. ·not ·under an employer-employee
·, :her, . his- or .her. estate'. or_- b"en"eficia'ries upbn . . relatio·nsh_ip;. . .. . . . . ' . ..
)\ . termination ·ofinemeership,'or.trom Which perlptieral · v .. Profei;;sional athletes, tqaches, trai~ers·,
~:, . ben~fits".fcir the.member mayo~ drawr{(iRR of $.A. · · and jockeys;· ;· · · · ..
If: · N<;>~ 9679, Rule /V,.Sec. 2).. · ·· . · ·. ·. · vi. Farin~r~ pnci'fisherfolks,'arid • .
}.. · · · · vii. Workers io"_lhe"infomia1' sector·
·f. · · E~empt~on (ro~· Tax;· (~~al P.~o~~s~-~~d Li.en
, : · ·· Tlie Fund· ai:id all Its assets- and properties,· all
cigarette vendors, wat~h-yout-ca.rJ:)oys,.
among.bthe_rs. · · · .. . .
;., . contr(butior:is collected and ..all-accruals the.reto·and
l_nconie o~ investment eam"ing~.therefrom, as well _as


. ':' ..
. '"{i
. "\
~~~ .... ll'l!lllll.. 8'1.. !Jllllm121...1:1111.. ![llmm:&mll•.1m:1m11111111.-li·11111111m:·m·iaii'
.. ~gll!II_RWZ11illlllim!DMl.lll!ll!D··MAP
-i ... l.mlllz :

.Not.a: Actual membership inthe SSS stiali a Note: Full-time· spouses who volunteer to be .. ~
condition precedent for mandatory coverage in the· ccveredby the Fund as- provided for under these '. ·
Fund.Jt bei_ng sufficient that the person oug~t to be Rules, · shall 'adopt as a basis . of monthly ·j
covered compulsorily
. by the·, SSS. contrlbutions 1/2 of the monthly compensauon, ;-
income of the employed spouse. _The .full-time .'.
. 2. All· employees wtio are subject .to Mandatory spouse· shall" not be jequireo to pay the · .;
·coverage . by the GSIS, regardless of ·their . employer's 'contrfbiltlon (/RR of R.A No. 9679, ·;
empfoyrnent s!atus. · _ .. Ruie VI, Sec. 2}.·
. 3.. !!niformed members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP), the Bureau of FlreProtectlon ·.- 2. Fil.ipino employees of foreign government or
(BFP). the Bureau of Jail. Management and ,international_ ~rgariiza_tion, or their wholly-owned ·
·. ·. Penatogy- (BJMP), and-the Philippin_e National ·.. . . instrumentality based in lhe Philippines, .in the
Police_(PNP·}.' ·· . · · · absenceof an administrative agreiementwiththe
4. Filipinos .employed . .by f.oreigh-b.ased · Fund; · '
employers. Coveraqe under' the i::-und shalt be · s. · ··Emplqy~~s otan employerwho. _is granted a·
• mandatory .for Filipinos employed. ·by 'foreign- · waiveror suspension ·ot coverage by the Fund.
based employers .whether deployed. here "or · under RA. 9679; . .. . . . . .
: . abroad, or a combination thereof, but whose · 4:. Leaders. ahd° members ofreliqious groups;
. : respecnve 'employers. ·are' exclusively bas~,,........,.....,,,.,;.~-.· A member-separated from 'employment, local or.
outside 'of the Philippines. The employ.3t.s•sfia1~ "f, ..,. -~~b~d_; .or'. ceased. to }:>e · ,self-employed, but.
: . • .n_ot °:e subject to mandato~ cover~,g.e?:ProPJ..ded, l). J "f:.W9tilc;f•m~ttocontinue payi',:i~ his or her per_sonal
. . that' 1f the _e(Tlployer rnalntalns °81]..-offtce~r,ta~p!""""==-::::.-.-~ . cJ>nt~Jb.J!ti~·Such nif::mber may be a pensioner,
· in the Philippines :~~r lwi~~n. :. . .
effe9Jiy,:e1x_ -~~~~tor~r:-\l)Y
employer of the· F11Jp1no, \9en~ut9(offi~~...Q",..--~·==-,..-...u;i.corqe:;-gr?;
o~~er _lndivi_dual with passivl3'
agent-shall' be de_emed·.a~~l'ilployp,'sl!.loject ,!i)~ L"Ji ~r "PoBJic~~G~~-\or_ ·.einploye~s who -~re._ not.
nianda_tory· coverage ~1.y./~67.9/ (!RR of i$'£. A'u. co~1{ed \o}f' ·!~·\1__GSIS,. such as Saran~ay
R.A. No. 9679, Rule V, ?ec.1). f · R :11it»''ts Offlc1,als~ \~ (J) "'ti:icludmg ·. · · . Barangay
.. ·.- · .· . · . r~ ·1. · r.---;:-~.!j'l)fl '"'.'--.-cn-±i1men;-'Baran,.q'\~ · .. Council M1;1mbers,.
MandatQry Coverage of Empt~~~[~ . ~ ''.;;~1~11 r.·-~.hai, en: \r"~~9~iiu·niang _Kabataan, and._.
. Cove~age und~r:the Fund s_1a_!!,,tie:(Tlandato for k~m.f.mi~tc:1 Ba ,, ngay S]Clr.etaJi~~ a['id Treasurer~; and•.
following;. ,.. . \l ~~~ ~ C":]: -~ :·. ~-;-:S:. 7.. .Su,C:ff?'~ttieg. earnLhg . groups. as may -pe
· · .1. Employers of employe,es c~mp_~1sc)~;1i·1~r.e
· by the SSS .. ~hese_ ~f1;i~w- lbclu~? ~~~~it ~1
"ff .,.. gs'\ cJet~r~hed,~Jby?"'.'t.~e Board· · 1;>y rul~s. and
J.,.,.@~~;::f~~ tiomf!(JRR:6t!
~mployer_s ·prey1oµ~ly -~.rc!nte}\ .wa~. ~··.1 ~~r-•.,,..,. ' · .#. · · · J!
R.A: No. 9679, Rule \I,·. Sec.·
· - ·. ·· . ·
suspef!sion 'of coverage ,or. what~er r~~~ f · ~ ·.. /. . J.7 _ . . .·· · , ..
·under f'-D. No: 1752,_ as am~~d~d: Tli~ m_aQ~9:'[ '\\. ,.-r""Nl?W.. _:,/;_if.y:· f~r~J(r:i: ··go"'.emment,. internatio~al .
. ·agencies together with the tot.~gn·_.sh1~~f~_Er :.i 1Jr~zat10'l}-,,W ,Jtieir. wt10lly-oymed mstr.umentahty.
· shall be : corisicfered ·jointly· and: s-~efa§iia~e.e:=<.:',..el)iplp~~g.)W2J:i<f:rs 1~ · the· Phi!ippines · or employing
.ernploy.ers offilipino· Seafarers. Pr:o'v1~~dJi~· 11y, -~/(i.J!)l1riJ~ps·9.1;1tsTd~q~the Pt,ilippines, may enter ir:ito an
that . a . self-em·plo}'ed.. perspn-·:. sµoj~~ to_. p,li~~~~ml!i°nt 'A!ith the Fund _tor:. the in~lusion of their·
compulsory coverage. by. the SSS shall· ·e-:-,.-=:"",..emptoye_t3s _as m~ertlb'er~of_-the Rund (/RR of-R..A:No ..
freat_ed' by: lhe Fund as '-both." e_mpJo'yee and . 967f); Rule V, Sec. 3). · ·
,: .... ei:riployer at'the same time; ' .. ' . . .
· · , .. 2, · Employers ·of_'employees -subject of mandatory . Eff~ct1".:r~ ·O~te. ·-._"~t. Marida't9ry. and . Voiunfary
. . · · coverage-by fhe:GSIS·; and · . . Membership:and Coverage . :· . . . .
. .· .' ~--. ·.The AFP; the BFPtthe BJMP, and the PNP (/RR... : ~and~ory: 'coy~r~ge'. of _th~ -'er:nployer shall take·.
· ·: _ . · o,t R.A. No:· 9679, Rule. V, Sec.. 2). · . . . ·. · effect qn tlie Jirst' da'y'of:),is. bu'siness'operation, an<! ·
that of "the· employee· on the "date, of'hls or her.
:·v.01.untary coverage . . .. - employment~ P.~vided) that ~or:. '. . ' . .
· Pers~ns .who ~~e-.~t.least 18 yeats olcl· but"not more · . · ·1 .... · Er:nploy.ees and·eniP.loyers .who are not ~ubject
than 65 -years old and ~re not su~ject t9 mandatory . cif,m·~ndatory·coverage· prior to· R.A 9679 and
coverage . may . _be 'c_c;>yered· .by. -the f:Uf""!d:· Oh· ~ the$e Ru_les,. inclucl,i'ng the unjfortried members
vol.i.mtary.basis,subject to such:terms and .conditions . '. . .of the AFP, th~ BFP,-the BJMP, and the PNP,
stafe<lin these Rules cir as ·the Board.may impose, and ·thelr. 'respeciive employe.rsi as w!311 :as
and shall i_nclude; but not be lim_ited to; the follcswing: ·Filipinos employed by foreign-basec;l employers,
1. Spo_tises. who devote full ~rme· to managing the mandatory· coverage .•:,hall take . effect on .
household and family a·ffairs, unl.ess Jhey also January 1, 201 o·, unless ·a different date i's set· by ·
engage.· In· another· v.ocati_on _or. employme:nt the Boar~ by'.,resol.utian·;. . . ,. .
. . is subject to mandatory
. coverage;
. . .



2. · Employers · whose· coverage had · been. -Terminati~11 of Membership: (MDR-PTbl-DTO),

. previously 'suspended or waxved·.for whatever Membershlp in PAG-IBIG shall, be .terminated
reason undar P.O. No. 1752,.their coverage-as anytime upon the occurrence of any of the following,
. w~II as 'that of their employees shall take effect provided that the member's financial obligations with
atter the· expiration ·of their respective the Furid are first fully settled. ··
suspension orwaiver' ot coveraqe:' and- 1. Membership Term Maturity;. · .
3: Voluntary members; coverage shall comme'nce 2.. Death;
on the actual date of reqlstretlon (IRR of R.A
No. 967-9, Rule V, Sec. 4). • ·
3: Retirement; . .
4. _e:ermanentIotat Qisabllity or Insanity; ·
5. Perrr.ianent_Qepartlire fror'ii the country; .
Note: Tlie· actual' membership .in .ihe Fund .shall 6. ·rerminati<;in from the servlce. by. reason of .
commence only upon remittance- of: the initial health;and
contribution and not at polntof re'gistration (/RR of 7. Q.ttier causes as may be .provlded for PY :u-i·e
R,A. No, 9679, Rule v'. Se~. 4):' · · · • z , Board ofTrustees ·(/RR of'R.A. No. 9679,· Rule ..
v, ?ec. 9).: · , : · . . · · .. ·
Registratjpri of Employers · . . . . .
AJl·new .empJc:iyers·shall firstreqlster with P.AG~tBIG · . Note_: Occurrences other than -the .above, -such as
prior ·10 the start of their businessoperations. : .: · . - . resiqnatlen; lay-off or suspension from employment,
. . shall not constitute a for. terminatlon.. of
· All 'employers who are not s,ubject- to ·-m~nda.tory ;-r:~ -mambershlp, 'Such occurrences shau only ..result, to .
.. coverage prior to RA. No. 9,Et79 and these Rut~,S.{.<)l suspension of contributions..· · · ·
shall register forcoveragebefore- January ·1. 20~-e-~.,,-, I\ ,, . . _ .. · . . .." · ·

unless ·a different .date is set·_·.tiy. th~ . ._Boar<!.'.}tiffe:i·'.'./\ In the event the member· .after membership
resoluti_o!1 (JRR. ot R:A. ~o.' 96~9;.Rule V, Sec.
· ·.· · ·
. Registration ~( Employe.e.~ . .
· .· · :, ,pSJ.· r,;
~.;.;._·~;tJe_':lrinat_i_on,c~p~inu_es or subsequently pl~ces himor
.1y.:'fl(i,,. ....the~)i1f'°'u1,,~,1.s1tuat1on which :would_ ··subJect, hlrn or-
\.; r . herseJt·to···M~ndatory.- coverage, thei:) the member.
It_ ~hall be the:du~y·.of a~l_employersto r,e.'Qisferau the}(\:-;:.1 ··- shall c~mtin\.(~i~~-be man~a!O:rily the ~~nd
employees. l'!UbJ:ect ·. or
mandatory (i)<?_.\(~age, £Yj':' t~--and hts or,f~~r,:,!3mployer.IS mandated to coritmue t!)e Fund al! data ah.g~~6rii(aliP~~that ,i(_· de~ucting:fa~ct· 're'mitting the employee's_ }.Squired
it m~y·in_relatjon· h~e -~-P,:}P.l~ye~~~-ietp·e'cti':'tl !~fl cqntribuijl5n 1! tog)th:r with_ _.ine c~>rresp?nding.
businesses and employe_es, ~(HJJf) 30.,0:i:iy,~from·t~.e~. Pl( employ,tfr's qpritriltut,on pursuant to these Rul~s
start of their"busines.s.operati~!1s( ·.=:::::'?/fl\ · ~~ ,._ ·. F'1: _flRR bfR.A. ·No_,_Q.frl9;_Rule y,·_seq. 9) ..
. . . ,. ":~~ :u'.'1-'=-~:,( . "~~(~} ,· -~,.~1 ~ . ~~;·,!'~,. : . . . . ..
For, new!y° ·hired. ·employees, tffeT'~rJf~l'l1v.~r- .. shJit,'., {;i .
Retirement .~:....._ . . . . ·. ·.:. -: · ..
regii;;ter them with th!:! Furid within -'30 ·gaysYtom.the, !'~~~Y
member _shall be· <;ompulsorily retired undedhe
start of. their employment (/RR of R.f't-. ·,Vej.· 9679, .:r."·11~1r.unC'ilt.t.lROn reaching age,. 65. The 'niember may,
Rule y; Sec. ~)... ·. · :. · ~Z· _'i,(r.:'.:.~:.,. .-ti'&W~~t'Efr~~tto retire earlier uncfer tfie. Fund upon ,
. ·. ·
. Reg_i$t~atior1 ofthe_Se_lf-e:mplore.d . ~Q;.::~1
. · ~t.
··J/V . , .the ·-occu_rrence of any of. the following=·events·,
. _proyided the. metnber is not·.a member-borrower:_
..The,self-ernployeq who ar.e_ subject. fo:compuls.ory · (Ar~-~~}. .. · · : · · . · ·- · · .
coverage sh'all. register with the Fur.rd. with1,n30. days 1. ·8ctual re.tir'emer:it-fron1.the SSS or GSl's,. or from
.from 'the date he or she "start.ed:to-~es~ff.aemployed. . ,government s·~rvic~ by- provision of ta:w; .·
··. · . ·· . · . '.· . ' . ,. 2. R!:!tirem¢nt. under. a .§e.Qarate· .. ECJ1ployer
if the -~elf:employe.d shail b~--recj~ired to obia/n the ·: · Providei:,~ or !~tirement-plari. _proyJded, that the ..
. neces'sary· permits···and/or licenses, other than 'the .·· member is at.least45 of the time._of·
.·· ,required·.· ·for .· prf,!CliCing a p_articular =retirement; ~ · .. ' .
. profession, prior tc:i the. pr~ctice of his o"r.he·r .$elf- 3. \Jpon · reachi119 the ami of .60 (/RR of
R.A. Nb. ·
employment, he or sl'ie shall regjs_te_f wit11. trie· Fu.hd 9679, Rulf:J_ V, Sec. _10):
prior to .engaging in·sVch (!RR ofR.A. No. 967.fJ,· Rule·
v_,'sec: -7). · · . · · · : Note~·
In U,e.event·the ·~embe"ropts·to retire earlier
· from the Fu rid for reasons ·Stat~El. under items .2 and .
Membership Term . 3 above, and therea_ftei' continues or_:s1..1bseq1,1ently .
Membership. in. the Fund $h_all be· fo( a period ·of 20 · places him or· herself· 1r.i ci situatfon wtirch . would .
years commencing. from the-first day of tl'!e.·.month,to .. subject .him or hers'elf to manq,;1torycoverage, :then ..
.wt:iictr the 1T1eh1ber'~ initial contribution ·tb the F.ucid · the· member. sha)L,continue to be. mandatorily.
applies~.. Provided, ·that. th~ rriem9~r·· shall. have· covered ·by. the Fund· and his.· of. hef · emplqyer is
· · conb'ibute(l a total of 240 monthly contributions at .. mandated. to contin'ue·.deducting and remitting 'the
tl:ie·llme of maturity (/RR of R.A. Nq. ~'679; Rule V, · empl0yee's _requlr.ed ccintri~ution -together with the
Se9.-B). '. . correspol}ding erriployer!s contribution pursuant to ;
~· . . these Ru.Ies (/RR of,R.A. No. 9679, Rule V, Sec. 10).


.,,._ .
a. ~ ·sOCIAL_· LEG°I.SLATIO·N,,11:111·•••••••·
SAN'BUJA LAVI CENTRALIZED 8AR OPERATION$· MEMORl; AID 2019'.I-MWmi1111wm••-=111+ma1mmmeE111aa\ll
. -•
Permanent i".ota1 Disabil(ty . Effect · of Reslqnatlon. or· Separation. from
The fpllowing·disabilit~s·shall be. deemed total and Employment .
permanent: (TD-C-L2:.P2-13-S) · . . · . In ihe event a member-saver r~signs or is otherwise
1.. Temporary Iotal Qfsability .lastinq continuously separated · from employment,· the member-saver's
for. more than· ·120 days; monthly contribution together with the corraspondlnq
· 2. _g_ornple_te) of sight of both eyes: . employer's monthly contrjbutlons to the Fund shall
3: Loss of 2 limbs at or over the ankle or wrist; . cease. Such .mernber-saver may. opt to continue
'4'. p~rrnaner'lt complete faralysis of 6 limbs; · . · ' paying -andremittinq "to the Fund directly hisor :tier
5. · Brain .lnjury ' re~ultiog .ln [ncurable"[mbecility. or · monthly contributions together with' the employer'
.!ri~a.nity;_an_d -; . : counterpart to be shouldered by hin:{orher. .
6.. ~1,1ch other easeswhlch are .adjudged to be total
and .. permanent di~ability" by a 'duly licensed "A member-borrower, ·. on ih.e . other hand; ·Shall
'pbyslclan .and ·_approved by .the Board (/RR of . continue to-pay and rerriit directly to _the Fund his or, .
F{A)N~. ·9679, Rule ~: Sec-:-~ 1). · .· . · · ·. : . her monthly contributions and- loan arnortizatlons or
· payments. The dufy of .111:e employer. :to deduct ·
.. Einpl~y~r•s·Flduci~iy O.bfrgi,ttion· . .. m,:mthly arnertlzattons.or payments for. the.member-
The employer assumes 'a fipuci~ry relationship wit_h · . borrower's' : outstandlnq . loan · with the "Fund as
both the Fund and· the -rnember concerned · as · ,.. provided for under" Section: -2 of this. Rule-'-'shall
regards }he - let~~r·~ . contribuflon and the. r6:q·""""l~.~~·oise cease:,_ . . . . ... . . .. ..
employer contribution, as· the rer;p1Wclnce y ··y 1' ~~ · . . · .: ·
. thereof to the Fund. . . . · · . . . p;_? 1~·.· .Q. ) .tl\ of the employer to jnform the Fund
. · . · . ~. ·. /~·J· -~:;~.f:.i1J.@. h~~~9n'cl._~on.orsep?ration-immediately·upon.
The employer lik_ewis~ a~s.umes.~·wsa~~i!911Cfary · nolic'ektpereqr-N;il!IJr:iot later.·than. 30 days from the
· relati6ryship with both the Fun-9"1-ah't:l~th~~.!""""."'~ffru:;tlyit'5t:-9fsai<l /~sigi:1'3tio.hor separation (/RR o-,

.·. of the ·1ati~r's:lo~n.·amorti~ati9Jsci"fy~ym~~tsto ttl:~ . :l& · . ·i ·. rr \·.

concerned as rega~d$ the· col!_efct1<~1,i;,~if're,.nftta.nG,~~ · .R.A. No.·9679, Rule_'fll,: S_ec: 6):
~i' . .. . . .
f ur,:d_ ~hen t~e: ..s:ame-. i;i trr,ade''Jhr~ugr ~J.-~(~!_Y. B~ne~!!~t .\ (_JT) \;\ : . -- · ·. . . . ..
.deq.uejion;, :3s ·pr,O\fld~.d ll1 t!;le·§l'.J:C(il.~edmgJse_clions-!J• . "'"'f..!'.1"eru11!!1.9ffer~1its merl;,ers the followmg bene.fits:
· o{thi_s Rule'(IRR pf ~.A'..No. fJQ79, Ri.Jlf!·V/~~ Sec. 1)');. r.z(~D~}j ~~; ~ :·· . · : . · : ··
· . · · ··
: _Effect qf Leaye~Witliout P~ytc,~~sp~~
· ·Employment, · ..
U •.-A fi: . . \
fr?,':J ~ffe~.· ·. §h~![rt '~m
{ ((."\\ .\~\.\·j,_:'~1m· 1~ .. _0ij~'iu-.Prgx1Fa__ms;f·
,1?.fft;n=;',: -·il8 §av,hgs;. /I t.,,-=i ~ : ·.
~oa_n \rw;gr.ams;
. · · · .

~z;,Jtlr #i,t!)· !nti.ts;a'nd · · . •

In the even.t ~- mefTlber'.save\~oes'd.[1 lea&'~~fl;!o~F.;;1
_pay or ,is subject.~d.t(? discJplln~!Y~ctl~n wh'13~}'h~(t?.
. Sµspended.ffC?ffi wprk;·the me~ber~sav,_~r's ..r'ilQ~t~.Y-1o.~//.~~-
· . ~,~~v,rd'~ndp· . ,_. !I . · · ·..
. .,;.., .... / , · . . .-. ..
. · .·
_: . .

. . cqntribµtloo .t99ethet ·With · fQ._e·. · cornt~po~~E-'1''.f(§~'lig~r Prov_lgent s~~i.ngs Program is-a fast,
·. . , employer's l')lonthly · · epntribu\19..n's . pn'alb~)"ir__;j.:::..-e\.~~~ Mf$'dp61eway. for a. member :to. s·ave f9r
.. , : suspended for ·the duralicin of 1he Je~~~J%ut J:?°i3)''~~":'h'is...~tl,!i~fo~es.T~e contributions that a member.
· · ·. · · or s~~pe~siqn f~or.n, wor~·. ·. " ·. . ·· -~;v J ·. "i',· 1,' L~1ik~,t09.etJ,~r-.wi~: th~.·ei:n pl9ye! counterpart are
\ : .... · ,.· · .. ·.. : ...'.. . '. '. .· .. . ':~-. .v',..!.l;;cr~~cffo his Total Accul'!)ulated.Valu_e_ ('fAV) ... ·
· The memtier.~save~ may opt to continue. paymg:afio'~~""' . . . . . ·. · ·· .:
.· · · . ·remitfil,g to 'the. directly his ,Or h~r r_norit~y ;" ·. A ... member ·.·coot.ributing' . '2°1o-. ·of hi$:,. montl'lly
: contributions tog.ether wil.h the ell}ploy~r counterpart.. : · ·. ·. · compensation dout:>.Jes his savfngs imme9,iately with
.to be shouldered by_hirn or.her: ·. . . . . . . .... · / the . ~ddition '·of.:!_ "the employer . coi.Jnterpart
. . . ·' · . ~oritribution. Meanwp_ile, a· membe'rcontributing 1%
. A. member-borrower,. pn the- other" -h~nd,: shall . ·Of.his" monthly GOmpensation·trit:>les his savings as
·... -~or.itinue_to pay a1:1d: remit-'.qire· ttie·Fu-r1,d his.or. ,. the employer counterparhe'mains at 2%.· . . . . .
. her .monthly cofi.tributions and. loan amortizations or . . . :. . . . .. . . . .. . '. . . .
'·p.ayme~~s. r1:,.e ·duty of the employer"Jo·.P.educt . A!?ide;from beirigC:t~'i1y·gu~-f~ntee"!1 b.y· the natio~~I
· . ';atioils·or payn:iertts·for the 111emb~r-. · government, rnemtiers' ~co.r:itribl.itions are· deducted·
borr.o_wer's. · o_utstanqiflg: -loan_: \ft{ith · the ·.Fund .as . from the gtos_s-..incor:n~ prior to .computat(on.9f the-.-
. prpvided for, ·u'nder.. .2 of the I RR· shali be . income fax._ Members' . sav.ings ·earn:· ann·ual .
· suspehde_d for :u,~. dt1rqticiri'_of.the' l~.a.vewithout pay ··:- .
or sLlspensic;m from"v.:on<:' . . ... . . . ; . .. . .. .·. .
dividends .that are -als.o ,tax:tree·. The· dividend rate
. . . vades':dep~nding -on· the net' income 'of the i::ur:'ld ;:it·
-ye:~rend · (201.9 · DOLE . 'Handbook . on._- Workers'·
It ~hall be the:.d.uty·ot.the ~rri'plpyer_(o_:infor;,,.the i::un·d· . ·: Statutory Monet~ry_ Benefits,. supra at 64).. · '
. of ·the member'!?- l~ave. withb'-1t ·pay.. ·or .suspens.jon ·
• I
· from work within.'3.0- days from the first day. of such . '
lec3ve ·or suspersi~iri (JR~- of R.A No. 9679, Rule v.11; ·
Se.c. 5). . . .


. ,;
1 ~ ..
~Ji'·.·Short·Term Loan Proqrarns are meant to provide d, Refinancing of an existing mortgage,
~4 : assistance to Its 'members·•. provided they are active. . speeifieallya lot loan, with construction of a .
and have made at least 24 monthly. contdbutions. · · ·residential. unit thereon (2019 DOLE
-There are two short-term. loan · programs that a ·. Handbook on Workers' Statutory Mi:>nlf)fary· ·
member may avail of when the need 'arises: . ~ Bf§ne[its, supr« at 64-65). .. . '
1. : Ml_.Jlti-P4rpose Loan _f>rogrc!m is designed to .
. . help fin_ance me.mb~rs'.. immediate. medical, . -Under th~ rJiagaang Pabahay, Dise.n'teng Buhay
f:. .. : ~du_cati0nal. or. lfvelihood peeds;. ~ino·r home l:'rogral'r'!, a qualified member may purchase an . ·'··,
·;r,:.. ' improvement, . purchase of _. appliance and. acquired.asset of the Fund either in cash qr through
·: · · : furniture, and other related· needs; and · . a housing· loarr-at very reasonable, prices. A 'buyer
j... · 2 ... CiiJaniJty t.oan" Progi:am ·is extended to who purchases an acquired asset iri cash is· entitled.
·· · members ·who have been. affected. by a· recent _: : . to- ·a 20% discount orr the .. property's .sates prip:e,
calamity, as proven-by a declaration of calarnity · ·.. while-a buyer who purchases thrpugh a housifrg loan ,
. in: the,ir· .erea of .resfdenc~ (20.19 .. DOLi{= .. · .. 'is entitled toa :15%·.discount. on.the property's sales
Henabcok · or:: vvorkers', Statutory ··Monetary. Price (2019 DOLE H~ndqook on -\1\1'.orkers's't;:itutory,
Benefits,sup,ii at 64).. · · · · · · ·· .. Monetary 9:en,efits,·~upra at 6_5):.

H'~·usi~g Programs· . . - Eligibilit/R~qulrem.ent~for Housing.Loan·:·

Ar:re.ligi!)lemember may avail of housinqloans in the . . : (M-Not65,L_S~No,-Not-Up) .· ... ·. . · .
"form~ of either the l;nd.-Uset Financing .Prcqrarn or,../'). :_ 1'. Must be:~a _Member under the Pag-lBIG for at
. the Magaang Pabahay, Dlsentenq Buhay Progrij_~:·/{.{ - . lea~t ·24 months, as e_videnced by the remittance
. . (2019_ DOLE· Hendbooi: · on , Workers' Stafl(-lot)?\,~;.;\ ... · . of at leas~ :24.month_lycontr.lbutions at the-time of ·
l .·.
~ .
Mon'etary-Benefits;.~s~praat 64-65.)- , . · .· : 'tY~~ ., ._~ 1;,J: .
:. . . . , . . . · ...
Joan .apphcallon. . , · ·. .
.), , ,.~.,, 1;~.,--~·.,.,~ Not. m9.f,~ than 65 years· old at the date of loan
. . . . . .

f . . · N.ot~: Under ttie. ~~d-,,: Financla~ ~ro~r,am, \si',:~P,Pl!cati9~ an~ .. rri,ust l;te insurable; ·p_rovided ·
·if· ·. mem~er may avail of. a -loan .to finc)n<;_e.·>.~p}··ifthe~-· [j · · .fufther1t9.~,~he 1:3 not more t.h~n 70 years old at ..
. h · follow1:1g, . . . .. · . . . (··.t": : /~1:} · · 1.Cilar m~}~rity:;. · . · , . .. . .
&," · 1 .. Purchase of .a full~ de,Veloped lot.Ji,C?!.~cee;pip,~---);.~\' 3.. Has-~hj'~-i;j, ~cguire a.nd encumb~r-
~- . 1,000 square meters, ~9)0_tjl.~'}',Athin a h real ~p~rty;;._ . : ·. · ··.
: · · residential.~rea;. · ·. · ·. j./., · .\~..,, .·. ~ -!~:\ )i .. ~as1 ass;ed-Sati~fac.tory bac~~round/credit a~d
: ·2. Pwchase,. of a, r.es1~e.r~17 l)ou~~,.-a_n~ · }.f?.t,." t,:.}' : ~)TI_j_oy~~g,~1,:,es,s ~hec~s conduct~d. by the_
·; · . to~n~ouse:or condom1r:ullo/lll'lltfCir'w_\i's1ve"qf;t . i:':/;. .. -~~~~fr~':}f..t!Jff,Pag-lBIGFund; : .
f .parkmg s_lot The.unit may 11~,JOrY'!~);;:-~ .. ('7-,'!i: It~' .9· i:~s-u.No·t~~~ra.~di!1g, Pa97fl3f<:3· h?using loan,'
( . , a .. · Qld 9r brand .new; · . . . ,-~v.r--:,:;;\· :·· y: · t,1 . either as a pnnc,pal bom;:>w~ror- co- borrqwer; .
r· . b. A property _Mortgaged \'l,'ith~e.Fun0\~0r. ·. ;it~6·, · Has Not.avaif~d_of:.a Pag~IBIG housing.loar that.
J' .·.... · · <;°. ·.Ar\. 8Gquir~~- asset,..:wtii~b. :is-;;~~~os~d,,.of~~·:~;::!~~~.Mecl_ose~'~ricelled' . .:?-ought back due. to
~,· · · .. · . through sea!ed public q1ddin~t, r:ie9G?!1a~~-:--·~::~efau~.- _or s~bJecte_d to·da_c,o_ri,:en pago, ':'~'.c~
.: . · · .-sale, ,or the Rent-to-0.wnProgfa'm.·. ·. '•ru . . .: · · shall· include .cases where the borrower, 1s no·
~- ... -3 ... ConS:t!'}ld!on-or<9ofnpletion-·bf a re1\~~1.unit ·. . . ·1o_!°lg~r. _ihte'reste.d'·to pursue the. loan . and .
·i;m a-lot,th'ennember; · ·; and. , · · . . :
:4, . ·Home' imprpvem·en.f. ·i.e.· any alte_r:,atiorr in· an. '.?. ,May' -pav~·· c1n outstanding·: Pag-lBIG. -mul~i-
exist\ng· r~side_ntial, · ·.unit··. by·. : a · purpose roi;in·but,which is .!!J2d~ted in payments·
homeowner· to'.b~ ~- perrpa_nent integral -p~rt- of· o~
· aftt:ie'\ 19an application:, A :mem.t>e~·wnose ·
._. .• th~ . prope'rty; which wil~ ~nhance' its durability multi.::P4fPOSe,i:.arrears 'shc;1II be required
i. '·;, · .... , ,' · '· .. • ·/·:'.-,._ '.·to·pay tJis.a'rrears'O)/erthe.countertoµpd?te his
.: 5 .. Refinanc;ll')g 9f an ·existirig<_mortgage.. lf,'jth kin . accoun~. (20.19 DOLi= ·fela'ric{booJs:on· W.orkers'
ili.stitu!ion acceptaJ:>)~ to.the, Fund,·~frovioed. lhat: . Stail!.l9ry. Mon.e!ary· B.e.nefits,· supra at' pp. ·65- .
.a. The. Joan. is not in d~fault. within ··the: 1-Z · . · 66). · · · .... .-. ·
... . . . : · months_ p~iodq_;the dat_¢ ~fappl!catloil;.· . .. I
t . .. · b.. The said:loaQ has a.·repayment history of at · Death Benefits· . ·; · ,
r .. . .~ ··:two 'yea'ts..V,:ith. t'he· original mortgagee. . '.' · .. · upon t!1e death .of a ri'>e'r,l)is or her beneficiaries .
-Com.binciuo:n·_of_ loan. purposes, ...wtiich. shall be . sh'all be. enti.tled to death be'ne_flts ln an. arri'gl,In! to _be
limited to the.-foU-Owir:ig:· .· : . ·. ·. ·. · determin~~ by the. B.oard: ii') adqitio~ ·_to th~ Total..
1;1,. · Ptir~t1a!3e of · a · fully ,· d~velop.ed. lot not · .· . Accumul~ted Value as mentione_d. provided for under
. :-exceeding 1,000. squa·r;e· rhete~s-:, and; · ... . in Section··5 hereof (/RR .of R.A. No,. 9679; _Rule' IX,·
. · .. ·. construction of a residential unit' thereon; : . Sec. 1 O}. · . .,.. .· : '
b. Purchase:of a re~identi~I _unit, whether old . ··, · .
or new, with home improvement;··
'< c. ·Refinan.cing of ah.. e~isting mortgage with ..
·.. home im_prov~ment; · · ·· · ·

.. .
,?' •.
20:rs SAN ·sEoA ~w c:ENTRAuzEo sAR.oPERATloNs i 307 ·
OtsMW ow HMM ¥ ·, IPW9¥WW1MYie+ee6stwwtldtQQIM Fil H'M

Dtvldends . . said member has. ho- outstanding housing ·1oan :.Vith

.The Board shall set aside annuallyan amountwhich the. Fund atthe time of withdrawal.' , · .
jn shaf] be less than 70% of theannual net
income of the fund, to be paid 'in the form of· of
The· exercise this option by the member 'shall not·
'dividends to members .. · . . be considered as a g~ound to terminate his ·.
· membership y;ith · the Fund-. The member shall
The member's ~cintrib~tions, inclusi~e of employee's . -continue rnandatorily covered by the Fund and
.and employer's. contributlons, shall earn .dlvldends 'his or her employer . is mandated to continue
which· shall· be. distributed annually and creditedto . deductin·g and remitting the .ernployee's required
his. or. her r,AV.) · · ·. · · · contrlbution .' together with . the correspondinq
· employer's contribution . pursuant: to· these. Rules
.Only' memb~rs .:Vilh.. outst~n.din~'TA'.ic; year-end.. (/RR ot R.A: No .. 96.79, Rule .IX, Sec;·9). :·· ': · ·
shall be. entitled to· dividends 'declared .forJhat .--
. 'particular·year. All dividend earnings shall be tax- Pag~tBIG . C.ontribution$ are -Excluded from· the
·fre~ (/RR of R.A..No, 9679,. Rule IX,. Sec. :4)::· · . Cornputatlon'of ·the Gross Income . . .
. ·. . . . . . Pursuant to .Section 32 (B)(7)(f) of the 'National
Mandatory . Contributory :Support' of. -the Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended, Pcig~ · · · ·· · · IBIG .. · Contributlons a(e exeluded· · from · the
In ·the . spirit _of social justice and . the pursuit __ 91;.,.,,~-==,.9.2_mputatibnof fhe gross income and shaf be
· nations] development, ·the member's contrig..ution'to "Jj. ,~xey'!i,>t,f.romtaxation.(IRR of R.A. No. 9679, Rule IX;
. tl')e f'!_ b~ wit~ th~- ina.~clatorf P;,~fitril)h1tory,~' J_Sf!,C. 125:';''"-\ . ·. . . ·
support ?f the employer ~$ prov1ae~:;.f6r~nay.rlJ'h~--·--"'""'~£r tf. ~~- ·
Rules or as may'be.provided for 9Y2'~ Bg_a~q,~.?' . Pay.m~,pt~GlaJ~s·and _Benefits .. .
,. . . · · · . · · ·;f '-1:)/_;>_.c,.,,,.,,,, - ...,....,_,.r""7'T-h~E_untl::sfiall PCO!flptly pay the. benefits provided
Notwithstandi,iig.' any contract}~;tJ;ie'.'.f6f1Vary,aB_i -=£· w,,r.· in .R1.ile{tt~·,Q!1'ftl-e~lRRto the member .. or to "sucf.l
.empl~yer.shall n.ot·cteduct, dirfct1y:i:>(V1dire8t1y,-frol3i .~I\. .l,),arsons\as rr.f~f b~ ~ntitled thereto in accordance
~~ -compensation .~f ils e~11eff~e_e~,ioverf~---~-the 1r(/~· witl) ~he Jprovi~~q.!1sf9f+faid. Ruf~ provider! lhnt t.he ·
Fund, or ,othe,w1se rec1ver,~flj? 1fie'""""II , · i1~~ssaJiY· supl()oitlt)g f.dpcuiue11l~. ,ue submitted
employ~r.·s 'contri.bution.wit~r~pe.e.~ to:·SUC~(/RR "o!;r.Ji . ~ag:~herf,wi~h th~ ?:ippii'.f~!ion f6_f pr.~vident Claims. In
~.A. _No, 967[}, Rule IX, :Sec; 11,.""A _U · . ' . . ,,b_ ~fillr~r~t1onllieretq,ijUri~·"f ~ref Exe.cutrve Offic.e~. shall.·
· · ·. , · · . · · ~ ~---t U · r-1( . · ,:: ·: ~ssue Jb~ecessaiy5rules and · procedures,- to
Acts of the ·.Employer. st\al! ir,r~ Pr'e~t·~@di~~~~-:f. t;,~lffit~~l),i.. pijGe~si'r~~ and payment of the_ l)aid · · _. ~ _\\l..v \\ <lf).· ,:: ·[iJ· i£i,P-\;Jl1,e rts g}rld claims· {t~R.pfRA. No. 9679, Rule x,
. failur~. or refusal of.t.he \~y 6 {\S"f,mift ·1 ~~e\!'W. }1·· . / · · ·· . . · · ...
. the contributions rerei,:i:-pr:esc,;ibed, o~~,s--m~-fi~:,~ · Y.. I .. ..Jf . . · . . _ ·
~rovided.for by t.h~ Board; sb~\nc;>t ·pfej~d(o'~Jh_~~~ju~i?~tf.on· ·_an·9'-Settlement· of. Cl.aims and:
. nght of tJ:le covere_d e.mployee ·to .~,e ben~Jili;,.\lQcle~~i~);ltes ""'~ j_f. , · : . ·.
. R.A. 9679 ,and~ the~e ~\J)es. (/RR_ b'f:ft?~_Af~;if.9'.~~.,.,"'sc="'"F~e""\~~f; ,~alt hav~. o~iginal:.. anq . exclusi"'.e
·· Rule IX,· Sec.. 2). ·. · · . ·. 1: ., - (J.'.t_ : . 1'i { ·,t1f~dip11.9fr..;:6ver_all clar~ns· and, d!spytes .o.n any
.· ., · · · · · . · .· ·- .· . lV.n..KmalJ,t:rPl'etative . to ihe imptementc;1tibn of the
Return of Cohtrlbut,ons . . . ' :~~'pf'gvisiori's .. ·oLRA.- No. 9679 ·and these .Rules·.
A member. shali<b~ entitle~. to._receive· ·his Total : . affecting the.rights anc;I interest of the ·.mE!mbers. ·
>A.ccumul~ted. .· Va_h,1e . 9p'on-': tertniriati<;m . of. ·. . . · ·.. . · . . . .: . . .·
··.membership;. less 'any and all .penaing· oolig~tiqns. ·me: decision .of the Cl"iief Exec~tiv~ o'tticer of·the
.· with the Fund: In tlie event of.death·; 'the· member's · Fur:id·s!la.11 ~e final ane::I e?,<ecut6ry1 _i:mless. ~i.:fpeal~d
. h~i.r$ shall likewi$e' rec~iiie t~e-s·am~·less .any.ano all. to the :a-o~~d;- after the. lc!P~e of ~o· days from .receipt .
pending ..oblig~tions with th~ Fund ·(IRR"of R.A. No.·.. by,.· the aggrieved 'p?irty. of· suc_h.. 9e~isioi) .. The
'~ . ~679; Rule· IX,· Sec. 5). . · · · c;teclsiOri -of the f?oafd shalf.,·. Unless ·app0~1ed . to· a .
. competent court,"become final ·and ·execul9ry after
.P.o$bility of M;mbership · ·. .: . ··. . : . · : 15· ~:lays fri:,>m receipt
. . : o.f. . . d~cislon.
. .
·.: · ·
,. A member .who'.tra'n.sfersto another ~mployer or'who . - .
·.pecomes s.elf-employed· carrie~ .with "him·his· Total' . T~e .Chief Executive ()ffjc,er~hall ptesc~ibe the fo.rms·
. '. Acci,u:nul~ted Value (/RR iJ:A: No.. 9.§.7~. 8ule IX, to be used .and the procedure& to be followed In· the
· ·sec. 8): · · · . · ',-- .·· .. · . · . . ... - •' aciJudi~ation . and_ settlement of the ·claim;:; and
. ·dis~utes (~~R o_f f?.A No.. 9679, f~ule X; _Sec 2). · ·
· o·pti,orjal Withdrawa·l ·of;Contrinution~ .:
Ttios~ who become m~mbers ·of the· Fund .after the
. l;lffe~tivity of ,F.~:A. No. 961!:hihail have .the option tq ..
- .. withdraw his or her Tot<i11 Accumulated Value. on the
· · 1Sth·year'of continuous membership .. Provided, that

.3·os· 1 .. 201s ~ SAN BEDA.LAWCENTRAuzED

SP-ECI.AL GR6ups . .

Note: 'Full pay consists of basic salary and

PATERNITY.LEAVE mandatory allowances:fixed by the. Regional Wage ,
{R.A~. No. 81.87) . Board, if any (2019 Handbookon worker'sMon.etary
Statutory Benefits, p. 29). · . · . ·
11°·. . ·
{t ··:M_eanl~g of Paternlty Leav~ . : · . Conditions for Entitlement · ·
i, Paternity Leave refers to the benefits granted to a The married male employee shal! be .entitled to
~y married male .employee.allowing him not to report for paternity leave benefit provided that h'e has met the'
f work fors~veri'.(?) days' but contlnues to earn the ·rollowing-.condition·s: (£-CAB). · ·· · ·· . ·. .
/ . compensatlon tberetor/on the condition that his 1 .. He ls an !;.mployee ~t the 'time of the d.elivery of
t . spouse . has . delivered : a child or. suffered ·a . his child' . . . . .
\. .l"f'!)Sca~(i.age for· eriabllnq . hlrn to eft:ectlv.ely lend 2., He is ~~habitingWit~:his SpOU$~. et the time sh~· .
.·~ .. sepport'to his _wife lrrher period recovery and/or in gives birth .at suffers ·a tnlscan:iaga;... . ..\, ·:. :.: :: '<· .
J-. th.e.nur~ing-o.Mhe·newly-bprn.c_hild (R.A_.. No .. 8187,
.:·, Sec. 3). : . :
3 .. ·He has·.~plied. for. pat~rnlty .le~ve y.;iffr:l'iis ~;.·
· employer; . : ·. ·. -.-:... ·: . . ... · .: , . · · :. : :·. ·
.{; · . :- . . . 4. His. Wi!.e · has · given . ~frth· "or..
$Uffer~cf;-'--:a·· .
::'. Purpoae: . . mf~carr-iage (R{!.vis~d JR[?· a.n.« No:.. 818-7 for .
;.} .. The· purpose. of this benefit ·is: to allow ·the husband . the Private Sector, Sec, '3). . .
'( :·to -le~d. support to 'his. wife clllri~g. the 'period of . . . . . . ·. . . ·. .. . . . . . . . ..
·,. recovery and/orin the rtursjh'g of the newly born chilc:J.::('.--;') N_ote:. Cohab1t~ng ·· the .. obli~ation ·.of. the,
(2019 Handbook. on Worker'~ Monf)tary St~tu(tiJ&, ·/::,, husband ~nd w1_fe_t? hv~ together.. If the spo~_ses are . · .
Benefits, p. '2~). . . .. · r ,· ·.'(/., :';.,__
not physically hvirrg together because · of the
':. '· . ,:. · . . · .. Lsr:-.:1;. ,·,;,,•! workstation or occupation, the male.employee is sljll
·coverage·' :. ·'. . · . ,. . . . ):· 1.i· = ,q'.!_ .• e,r:J1i,t~ed lorthe paternity· leave. ben(,)fit .' (2019
it· · !h8: Patern:(tYi.._e.ave is g_ra~ted to male e'!}P}.9feJs{)1~:.:::!1f~_1f~~~~3;W9rker's _Mon~tary Stc1tutot.y_Behellis, · ·
in b.oththe publ_1~rnnd:the.pnvate sectofr~.f.ius: ~ 7jl p.29).. =-.;\ · · · '
1. ,-EyefY,- ma~r.i~d _male employee .w_.,t~.Er .'pfiV~tlef ~,· • jf;{'\ ,,' · , : \ · · .· ·
. s·ecto,r· sha,11·: 'be . entitled to P.at13r-,i)tY.•.Jr.aid< (,~. Th_e term JP
1f~~e · ref~rs to the la~I wife, which ·
. - benefits for the first. fot1r ..(4)_,.9jfiverJ'e'.~f.!?yhis O. mE!afls thf,wima~who 1s l~gally m~rr,ed to the mal.e ·
· 1awtul spou·se· under_:such t~,msar;ia ~ondi.tiori§~ .. t, :l
emplo~er.o/coicerq_~d (~ev,se.dIRR.o_f R.A. 8187 for
·a~· provide_d:ti~_ law (Rf!.fsi,:'cjLfir.F$.;,6,f~ftA.No:_"'· ijthe P~1;:,f!te .~.':!?!/!l~c;_
1(d)). . . .. · -: .
8187'forthe_Pn_.v_ate·_sectot..JSec,. ~i..'f~l).1).~ ... L·{ . ·' ~,,~r-ir•~.rt~··:;JP ... , .
Go~er~ment employees are~l~9"·~r;iTif!~~to·fti~' .' !-+i? Apph~at .~oJoc6;9a_ter-nity._L~ave. . .. . ..
. . p~tem_1ty l~ave beriefjt. Th~y s~a'!J.Che')~yetned f:/ The m~~ned_f)'lal.e employe_e~hall _apply for pat~m1ty
by.th13_ Civil Serv,~e Rules. (201'9 (i!._an<{'?j_ok on . p~J~f'!e.with h1.s .employer w1l\1m a· reaso~able period
. · Worker's·A:f.q,netarfStiJ.tµto_ryB,e{lefit~/'P· 29};, _,,,_,;,:,;,,:·!-~f;,tJ~~ fr~~the expe?t~d._d~t~,of ~el1v.ery by th~·
.• . :. · .. . ·, · . . • · <,,,,f_ . ,;·. c,,;.-.__.....pF~gnaflt,,.sJ:1Uuse, or '1,Vltlirn such penod·as·may be.
· ·l.~·~,.;~· Benefit:· . ,:·· · .. :·. ·.·. .. : .\L,·. fr\!.~· provid~d bY.. .coi:npany rules :~n~·: f~g-~lati9ns.'or ~Y .·
..J,h~.p,aternity_ !~aye-sl)all-be_ f9(seven (7)_:~}i with cqll~chv_e l;,arg_a1n1ng: aweem~~\.-pr.o":'d~d_ th_a~:prior
.fult P.~Y, _availa_b!~ 011ly for th_e first (Qllr deliveries pf. a~pl1cp~on..for leaye?hall ·hot. be ·r.equired m pase of:
thE! legitirpate· spouse with .wt)orn :he is cohabiting m1~c~mag~ (Rev,se~ l~R ofR;A. No... 818! for the
(R:A.'-Nd._8187:_,S~c. 2}, . Pnv~te Se·ctor,Sec.. 4) ... · . · ·. · .. : · .

. '
•. -~~currvi C<;)MM.rITE}:i... SUBJECT C::<;)~'ITEE ~.BERS . ADVISER:$ . { .
'Overa{lll 9iiairperscm,: ERICA.·· Subject'Chpir,·VICTOR KENNER RA]EEN jILLIAN D: ,BIASCA •. ·GOLANGCO, Atty. MARLON) ....
MAE .O.sVISTA Chairperson for $ .. GALANG Assistant Subject CHRISfIAN MARJE LYNN P. MANUEL and ATIY. PETER-·
Ac~ciemlcs,, ... ,B~· 'REI , &. . Chalr;.MISHAEL R OCCIANO SOLIS, JO.ANNA PATRICIA R JOEY B. USITA . . .
·B~~O Ch"airperson.for Hotel .Subject '. F,~ectro.nic . · Data PADRID,,STEPHA.Nm NtcciLE . · · ,· .
OpcratiOTJS, ]~A LQUIS!!,B ..• Proc~sing. NA~AEL. A. M. ILAC:::AD,. and ANN MAl,l.Y .
. I?~O. Vice Ch'.'-irperson for. QUIJANO ,1:.a/Jor Sta'i1dards, BEA MICHELLE B. )WALO ...
,.;, . . Y.f\MfJ.A.0 .Vice. Chairperson for Relations, ;and JU~ND
· ,Qperations, MA. .MJGEilCA,B. FRAN:CEZ TiiERES.S M.
t DE 'i.EON Vice Chairper:son for . : ABRIAM J urisdictlon' and Special ·.. ·
?., .. : · Finance, . ~ OLMAYA' ·).'. . Laws
'.1:. ·. BADANGAN _Vice .Chairperso'.'
f·· forAudit~JORDANN.~~
. Vicep!iP,,rperson for. EDP, HANZ·
Chairp.ersonjor Logii.itcs, and'
Vi"ce Chairperson.for Membership

Paternity leave benefits shall be · granted to tlie


. ' - ME!.fORYAID·:2019
. .• .


qualified employee after the' delivery by- .his· wife,
without prejudice to an employer allowing an
(SECTION·.14-A·.()F R.A~ No ..
emp)oyee to avauot the benefit before or durirg the .. . 1i61,.ASA_MENDED BY R.A -.
delivery; provided, that the total number of days shall . .. .: · :No. 73·22,.FURTHER .
not exceed .seven (7) days for each delivery
(Revised. iRR of. R.A. No. 8187 ·f.or the. 'Priv,ate AMENDED BY R..A. N9."8282)
. /

Sectot; Sec. 5) ..
' Noti:1:- ·The for.e'·discusslon provides; for the
· Non-conversion to Cash . . maternity, leave. benefits · under ·H.A.· 1'161, as'
Benefits riot availed of.shall not be converted to cash .amended by RA. No; -7;322-a!')d R.A. 8282 .. · . ' ·
and shall not be cumulative .(2019 f!ar:u;Jpook'on
Worker's Monetary Sfatu~oryBenefits,P, 30):' R.A. . 11210, ,'. ofheiwise kr.1~wn .'as. the °Expanded
··· · . Maternity Leave (EML) Law, became effective only
. Crediting of Existing Benefits:. . _· . .·. ... -on March 8, 2019 (15.''f}ays· after comptetlon'ot. ifs a.. 'male. employee · is already, enjqying: the pubticetion in the· Officia( Gezetie 'on.Pebraery 21;· ·
. paternlty lea_v~. benefits._ by · rea~C!~ of· contrac!, _ 2019~. f;urlhf!r·amendmen.tsPfov{de':'by R;A. 1121 ()'
c.?mpany policy or. coll~ctrve barqaininq, agreen:i~"'a,:e.;c{fJ,$CU$Sed
these rules sball apply. , ,. . . ,.-:P"
1- If the exi~ting pat~rnit~ .1l3ave _benij,itJ.fs':g~~ter' '. ·4
, u }~{¥
, . ·~- at the end of the section:
~"";,Tu.· -· . . . · . . .
1;e~ye Benefit. . . . . . . -, ,·. · · :

: thah .the .ben.efit ,~~reu:i. prov1~~.d~~~~1J:.e~~=-:~=.,,~·,.ft.tilal{)P~~b~r. who .has paid ~t least three (3)
r :
. .. . be.nefit.s~,a!I preva1!, _ · ... ,,Yf Y/. ~- · . mont,ti'ly.·~cop~~ut.\,.ons. m the twelve · (1-2)_-month
2. ·. If th';l ex1sbn\'.J .1?.atemrty l~a~e~s~ft~i~tt;iat='=ii;-=p~rii;>c4j~egjatel,X~J>recedin'g the seme·ster·of. her .
pr<?v1oed. herein, such ex1t!,.1;1)'~E:iElt1t,l:lha.11 ..9BJ
adjusted to the ex ten~ of ,e. d1ff~~encej
J ·- -~(:lildbirth ~--r;nffo~arqage.'. shall be . paid .a .daily
· · lf-' . :" · ffl'atemi1 b~il¥i.ll't;quJV..~?leryt to. ~ne. hu~dred_ (100%) .
. ·· . · / ~~:..... ff. L ·=-- rt" - .of her av:13rage~ij~Js.tJflrY cred1t'for sixty (6,0) days
·. Howe~er•.. wher~ ..a contra~t;.,;J<,Or?frpaf.l_Y f01J~Y....;,~ 9.f.f-~V~l]ly~eigti\,G]:8)\ ~ays. in case of caesarian
· .. colle.ct1ve bargam1n§J ag~e'qme·AtfiP_r~y1der foi''-.@n~ -~efivery J~.A..N!f 828j,\iSec. 14--A).. · . . .
· emergency ·or :contrngencyg .le,!'l).l.e~w1thout\speG.ifi · ~. J, · . U ~.ff · · · ·. • : . · ..
. pro.visi'ons o.n paternity .1.ea".'~/ti<i~fteriQ~~ave::as:~~---..9.,~,,1~ s ft~o·~.. "l;htjtlem~t' _ . of: 'Maternity
· herein provided shall apply,,11, f~lli'@~VIS_;J~~~'fu
. R.A. N?~ 8187 for the Privat#~eitbr\se?~t~{ 5t ~ ·1 · . .
~ . ;{ . . N-f3-~ J ·. · .
al~mem~jr s~ould .be an s~s:M~rilber;"
· · ·
. -· . ,.· :. ~ ~tr"-.:~~... ~p.oye9fat the w-(1'~of dehy.ery, m1sc~rrr~ge 9r .
>P.enal.ty . · . : · .... \ ~~W,oi:tjo!')! ... L_ .... · , ·. · .. · . ":. · . -
.Any '.f:~e~scin, . cc:iwo~ati~n. ttust:.~firyrri,.~~e~~T!:.'·,:rrlf".!She,~.s~ ~.a;-1.e~g)ventf1e .req1,1ired..Notificatjon to_
a~soc1at101'l ·or ~ntrty found. vlol~tirig~ny p~~r?-lon"o~~ .id'.::f1n~·~:s~t?-':!Pru-if;er -~mployer .(2019 ·Han.dbopk·on.
tt:iese( Rules ·.~hall.· be. penalized ·nv._ ~ (tib'e~=~lf~j\ep-'fs.~getary -Statµt.'?ry Benefi,tsi p.. 28);
· exc~~ding P25,\s~~an
. 30 days nor mqre than 6,mon~s,. , ... · . ~~

· ;)~b~~ ·0•· • ·
,.!l.q_.~1:i~r~m~!emember r:nul;?t nave. f'a'id .~t least
_. . :- •

·· .:", · ·· - . · · · · ... : ·. .· · · . · · · .~ ......,...::~-··· three ffi lr!Or'lths of maternity eontributior:isJh th~·.

If the vicflation js committed by·a-corpor~tion,, trust_or .. · . . · twel\ie (12}-month period lmn')~tjiatety°beforeth~
firm, paryn~rship;-association·or .any o·th,er.i.ntlty, the·. ·· semester· of .he~ ctjildbirth. oi"_miscafriage (R,A.
penalty of imprisonment shall· b.e imposed· on ·the. No~8Z82,·sec. 14-A). ·
_entity's.r.esPOrlsible officers, if'.)clUding bu.t not~l!tnited. ·. . .. ~ ··: · . . ~ .: ·· . · .- ·.. ). . . .. ..
. ·to; the: pr~sideqt, v,ice. ·pres1d~nt, · c;hief execptive . . : "Every pregparit vvoma_n is eri~itled to:materni\y'leave.
offi~er,' ··general mc\lnager, . managing. director· or··. . b·e.nefits. rei;iar.dl0$S .. Of her>" .~iV!f Status, : wl')etl)er ..
P..artner d)rectly responsibl~ lf:leref9r (Revised.,fRRof . T1Ji3tried.·or u:rmarried·. . . .
R.A. Nb:·81-87 for the PrivateSedor, Sec. 10). ... .. . · ' · : ' · ·· .
· · · · · ·. . · · · .. · .. Maternity. beF\'efits·are granted _16.·em.pioy~e~ in lieu.,
., ·, · · of wag~s · i;t.l'ld,.· me·r~fore,.·may' not,·be included in ·
C,6mputfng the employee'.s 13\llTmc:mth. pay for fhe
. : .. c.alendar yea.r '(201.9 .. Ha.n.i:fbbdlf ··.dn_ ,Wor~er's
· . ,Monetary:statuto(YBenefi(s, p.2!),· : · -, :.. . .'
·. ·- . . . ... . .
. Conditfons.: (~P-BF;RWC) : : ·. . · ··. · . . ' _'
·t. Th·e·employee shall have· NoiifiecJ. h·er. 'Elmployer .
.of.her pre·gna.ncy a.n~.thS probaQ.le di:ite of her
childbirtti,· whic~ ·notice shi311 be·..transn:,itted .to
the SSS . ii') accordance with . tlie ruJes and
reg'ulations it m~y provide; . / . .
.-. ·.
JW- HO I 4SM .MB& --~·PAA

The full Eayment shall be advanced by tne instance· · of pregnancy, miscarriage . or

employer within 30 'days from·.the filing of the . ernerqency · terrnlnation . of ', pregnancy,
,.,_. . maternity leave appltcation: regardless of frequency (R.A. No. 1-1210, Sec.
•//"· 3. The payment of daily maternity benefits shall be 3): . .
~'!.; · · a ~ar to the· recovery of slckn'ess·· benefits.· 2. Applicability to employees in the public sector s-
provided by.this, Act for the same .. period for Since R.A No .. 1'1210 extends to workers in the
which· daily. rnaternlty benefits' -have been go.vernment: it additionally provides : for
· received; · . .·. · · .·. . ·: · · .. \ qualiticatlons for:.entJfleme'ri! of female workers
4, The maternity .benefits provided under .. this in the public sector; (Go-N6) . . . .
section shall· be . paid only for the first four a. Fem.~le,- worker should be· in Gov.ern.nwnt
-detlveries ormiscarrtaqes: ~ ·.· · . ·. . .· . service, in Natronat-Governrnent Agencie~ ..
5. The SSS shall in:un,· ,Reimburse" the l,.ocal . Government . Units. Government-
employer of. 100%. of t.he amount ·of maternity Owoed.'or-,G6ritrolled C6rporations; o'r State .
. benefits advanced to· the 'employee by 'the . -, 'Un'iversiti'es a'rid Goll~ges.. . .. : -v. •. · .... .'· . . . .-
. employer upon receipt of sati~tactoi:y. proof of b. The head of the .agency· shallbe given d.u~
such payment.and ·legallty thereat 'and . Notice, irf writing, afteas\:.45'day$ bef6re.:the
6. ·. If an .employee- member should. ·give· birth or end of the maternity leave·(R.A. No. 1'1210,.
.suffer : 'miscartiaqe Without · the . required Sec. 4).· . . .
~ontributior:,s. having been remltted. for .her, by 3: ~Maternity leave 'shall be· granted·. to female
her employer ~O the SSS,. or wtthouf the latter ~...D workers : in . ever:t lnstance+of pregnancy; _bee.n previously notified ·.l;>y U:,e- ~m·p10,ri~t \;~'!.:( . · miscarriage .or- emergency termination· of
of the. time. of the .preqnancy, the ~mplo¥er.~11,f!Jl;1,~ 1;,; ;\ • rxe~n.a_ncy, re~ardJ9:ss of frequen~y; . .·. .
· pay t? the. SSS ..damages· equivalent .tol .tii~:.~"'•.i '.'.} 4 .. Allocatlon ?f Mate~ntty L~ave Credits -Afemale
bE!~efit~· which said empl<;>yee· member. ~~/JI~;.,· .._.~l:,r;~.wo~ker.~n,t1tled to mat~rruty.leave b~mefi.ts, ~ther.
. .ott:ier:w1se~ave been,:mhtled .<Sec, to .5~JrN'i?r:.:·/r-~~~P1i~~f a!~oc.ate .up .to 7 d~y.s ~f said benefits ~o.
· :1-12.10). . . .· .· .. . . ..,-<;,./ .. ,.. if .. . the. eH1ld.·s, father, wh~ther qr not the'!le 1s
· . · . ·... · ~.?;' . : ,A... ,.,~, marriedtl'~\thefemale worlser: ·Provided: that in
Under .the Magna Carta. of "Yomen'. }.V9Jlil~n. iii· t~·-:1{. the .deJti\! ~ps'ence; or incapacity of the former,.
milita~y .• po,lice 1:1.nd other servi~es·s~!l.l:~-~~~d .to... 1:t the: ~fne 1t q;_iay .be anocate~.-to ~n: alt~rnalivf;
lea.vs ben.efits such as matern1ty.J(ave; c3{fp."ro:v1q~.d,. ~~1 ·.. · careµ,!ve. wh\may be .a rela~1ve_w1thin tl:leJourth
for by .existing laws.(R:A. No.,if,p_g,Se~·:(5). · i·. ·'-:\. Ir:,\ : .. · ~egf~e oU:_comwnguinity or·the current p_~rtrier of Ii.
. ·. ·. . . · · · · · · l~'/y>..-:::,::---'7,)·j-~~· .'~it:.. : · !;,.: . · ~,rern.~l~~ork~fstiaringthe same hou~ehold, l
. It is no~ ~ec~ssary that a:w~111a11!t~~ ilJ)P[~(oat~tllq~ .. ,n,!· .!ffi'si.2Jile t;:tio~of the mother ~aking into
~.er1eg!t1mat~spouse. lt1s1m.1;1aterm1~.t30:m~fat~;r.- r,;.1. . : .aq:ounqhe b.~s~.mterE:st of the child (~~c ... 6;
· 1s .. Every· pre:gnaht .. woman ..;in ·theJ,ppvat~~;1>ect0_r-.·... '!'~~- ~·~R.A'.No. 11210)., · . . · · . .
lh'het.her marrie_d· or unrnamed, is· ~~.ti~tiYto: th~..-).~:~~: •. :.,.,~~7-'--~· ·. , . . · ·. . ., . . _-. .
· materni~.: leav~. be11.efits. Being.·. ~t ·unm~rrl.¢0\u,...·.:......:;_N?,te:.:.:f.lie9matemit_yleave. ~~~,!:!fits g_rai:ite.d ·pnder
.. woman. 1s not an ob.stacle ..for .th~ .~r~nt'·qf,1s.uc.h · . ·Act sl')all be enJoyed by.a female wor~e~ 1n. the
· . benefits. to the less fortunate (1 POQUl?.>~r.a at · · gov~rnm'ent s~rv1ce·and in· the pr:iv'ate·sector even if .
. ·300). · . · .' · .. · · · ·· · -~~ . ·. . :she. ·!'las· a· pe~ding ;3dministra,tiye ·case ( $ef. 12, ·
{" . . RA.No.11210). .
i,' impott;ant Changes. under R.A 11.21 otherwlse o,: . 1 •, •
. knq.wn: afthe' Expanded :Maternity Leave.·(EMLJ · .': ·... R:~ ~o. 7322:v.' ~·.:.~),1o·.. 11.~~ 0.'
· Law .. · . , : :. · · ·
'· ·1. ·.E~pahded coverage~ RA. No.'112'1 Q expanded
J'. its cov.erage. All .. cov'ered·. _'f!;)male workets. :in
government :an~ the pFil,atE{ sector.. i.ncluding
tlios~·· in- -the. inform?~· Eicq11omy, :re'gardl~S$··of .·. , 'A covered femafe Ai.I ... ·covei~cf . : .f!;im.ale ··
.civil sla}us 9r .the legitimacy1ofher cl'lildr~n shall· . -employee who h~,1i ·paid wqrk¢rs · _in . g(?,V!3h:lment
be· paid a .. datlY maternity ,benefit .eq~ivalenMo at· least· three· rhonthty and · the pri,;,ate ..sector;
100%-of her.'ave.rage·dally sala(Y. credit for·)0.5 ·ms:iternity' ., COJ1fributi9ns· iric'luding th,ose In. th·e
days for chi!9bJrth,. whether.Mr-ml;!I or·.c~esarian in the 't.y.elve-llionth informal 'econoniy.. : . ,.
deliyery, · or.· .·60 · dqys .' .for : or period .. 'p.receding : 'tt1e · .
.. - emergency termination, with an .option to,exterid_ sern·ester . ·or 'her
· · for an addf.tional 30..days.witliout,pay ... pr9vide9, c!,ildbirth, . ·abortion· :or
.that in case the worker q'ualifi!3.s:as a solo parent .. ' rtjiscarriagt;? ·and· wh9 is.
under the. •isolo Parents'. ·.Welfare' Ac.t•, the currently employed· ·
worker Shall, be ·granted aa addit\onal 15_ 'd~Y,S
· maternity leave with full ·pay. Maternity leave
·shall .be· grant~d to fema.le ·wor-1:<.ers in every ·


s·PE'·CIA·L caouss
G 4 . @ e•&ltiGRM :ee 4
. . .
5. · Parent left solo or· atone.with the responsibility of .
parenthood due to· legal .§.eparation -or defacto
Sjxty · (6.0). days for One h1:mdred ·t,ive -(105) asparation from. spouse for. at least 1 r year, as
n~xmal . . . ··a_elivery, days for childbirth, long as_ he/she is entrusted with. the custody pf
emergency termination, whether· normal .. or the children; · · ··
dt·rn.iscarriage. . . :caesa·rian delivery. 6. Parent left solo-or alone. with the responsibility of
. ' pa_~enthood 'due . to declaration 9f ,h!ulljty or.
.Sev.enty-eight (78) days Sixty_. (60)' c1ays for annulment. o.f marriaqe as. decreed by a court or
. ·f?r caesarian deliver-y. miscarriage or by ·a' church as Jong 'as he/she is entrusted with
. emergenc:;y twmination,. . the custody of the-children:
With an option to· extend 7. · Parent left solo 6r alone wit.h the·resporisibili.ty of
. for an additional thirty parenthood due to ~banaooment of spouse for · ·
· (~O) days .wlthout :pay. at'Ieast 1. year.;.· ·. .· . · ·
. Provided, thar in case . 8,·· . llnmarrjed rnother/tather who has preferred to
'the worker quallttes as a ·. keep and rear . her/his ctiild/children ·instead· of'
solo . parent . 'under the having. others care for them or giv~ t'ti~m u'p to a
. '. .~·solo Parents' Welfare . welfare institution; . - - .
Act", the workershall be' 9. Any Qther person who solely. provides-parental
· grant~,q an _addi!L~i;ial, :-~==.:;carean_d· s~pp~rt to a child or ·children·. pro~icjed
fifteen (15}.days,.#.,... Jv ~lf
\\ L \JD1.~W..f?.~~
~~!l1!).e,1s ..duly hcens.ed as a fol?~e.r parent -~Y.the
~uly appointed guardian by the co.urt;
• . • • • • •• • ~---~-~~ny gE..~~!lY · mernb~r . w~o, -asaurries the
. , , ,,-: . . ,,,_;·-·= r:e~ol'.fs1?i)1ty,~f head. of family as a result.of the
May Wlocat,\!}!J?)~-~~~en.- ·.::I::: .-~-d ...~~~~,;.:_al:la_Q~~nment;.. disappearance or
(1) tx...~e~ ,1.fl ~ene'.1.t ~~ lf' w.· prof~ng~a\~~f11n~e
. .c..-:.:_..Ja ~~: ~
of th.e parents C?r solo
for a~ lea'\t~ ~a~(R.A. No. 8~72, Sec. 3, par.
. .. . . . f
. ! 1·--~ : -·-4f'il.--'~). i ., (J) '\ ·-: . . . .
. .__ .
t 7:J~
Ti~~ ·F· · ·~R·, . "-;::~ ~~Ye:.A ;~~~~ge~~m~~s}~tusor circumstance ot'the
; -~~~~\ . 0. · .t:.:r ~\\.~parent 9la1mm.g ~b.erietJI~ under. this Act, such that
·::SOLO P.ARENJ.'~ {Rl\A.<s1\2).:.:. . ~--..c:"'he~he/~~lcin~~r· re~p?~~ibi,lfty.

. · ·
\. · 1nJ.~ 'e~~'\. :-,,;
·· .\ ·. \ · : ~~~~
paf;9f:ftj bd, ,~n~le,~mmatehis/her ellg1b1hty for ,
....~w . fits JR.A. @'. 8972, Sec. 3, par. (a)).

- .. Meanjng'of ~arent~l.(~oto P~{ent) ~~ave· (f ~{ ,;;;(ilf. . ~"'

. l : . l .·. . . . . . . . ,. : __
P~rental leave ~h~ll 1;1ea~ Jeav'~be'nefifs~.g'rante1t~~3~ .n}tJp~e hvmg with ·and depen~ent
a &?lo parenqo el]able h1m/her t~, p~rforrri'\eatebt~fEN'11!lB;~h7.s~o pare.ptfoi: support who ar~ unmamed,

. . . . . . · · . · . ·. . . . . '"°'-·
~1Jt1es ~nd ~esP.on~ibilitie~ wh.ere p . sicajl'~Fef:ie~~~~e9i,,tmJ/iot
1s requireu-1/RR of R_.A. No. 8972, Se . ,6(g)?V't) ~~-e.~1\.~t:;,;,P,Jtfats

.Pefin1tion of Terms
$c:>(o· Parenf refers t~ .any individlic!I who falls uncjer .
.i_ . · lVf
·· ·
m.or.e~han age, or
but are me:a~ab1.e of self-support_
bt~·a~s~;,Wf'mental~nd/or '~hys1(:aJ def~cUdisability
. . ·. . : .. · >~'''"'"""<=};;.J!;;,~. .. 3, par. (b))...
· · ·
. .. ·· , .

any. of. th.e f(!llowin·g. categories·:·. (RaDe-DiSNA·· · ·, L~ave 6enefit . . . .... . . .. . . . . .

UnQF) . . . . ' · . . . In.. add.i~on.t~rle,ave· privileges under existing laws,
f: A womar-\',who_f1iVes :t,irth clS. a l'esµlt ot'Bfil)e.and · pare_ntarJeav~ of not .. m9re 'than seven (7) WOfkihg
,:.. Other crimes against:ch~fstify;i3Ven.Without a -final· days_ every year·.snall .be. granted. to ·any solo pa·rerit ·
· .. c6nviction··of'the o:ffonder: i:>rovicled,: That the ernploye:e.who has rendered :servic:e·:of at'least 1
. rrtother:keeps·ancfrai~esthechild;·' ·. :· . y~ar, The ~even-clay par~ntai'leave shalLbe non.;.
. 2 .. -..:Parentleft solo or:'alone·with.ihe resp9_nsibiiity·of . · · c1,.1mu_lati'·fe(/RR_ of.R.A. No:·'8972; S~c. ·18).'. .' ,
. · .Parenthood due ~9 ·oea'th Of ~fpouse; ·. · ··-=- ·. · . . · · · · · · · .
~. ;P~rent l~ft solo oi:-alon~.with the responsibility of . · C.ondition~·for .entitlemi:mf of Parerital Lea~~:
.. parenthood while th~ spouse is Detained or :is ·(·1~No~Pre) · ·. ,. · ." · · · · · . .· · · ·,
. - · . serving"sentenc~ 'for ~ criminal conviction:·for at 1 ... 1he solo, par~nt mus.t render at least 1.ya'ar of
.. '. ·1east'1 year; . ·. . . .. · service, whether continuous or.broken· · ·
A: . Parent left solo'o'r alMe with the respor'isibiflty af. ?'0 ·"The solo. par.e.nt mu'st N·otify the erriplo~er ·of the.
parenthood ·due ·t9 physical--. arid/or rrrental . .- avqilinent ther~of .within a reasonable period cif
!ncapacity 'of spouse as certifiec! by .. a publtc.. · time; . · · ·
medical practi,tioner; . . 3_. The solo parent ·. -most Present his . · 'solo ·
ld'entifica}icin Card to the employer (/RR R.A..
N9.. 8972, SeC ... 19)~ ·· . ..,.


. Non~ Conversion· to Cash . . . . . 4 .. M_edleaf. Ass1stanc~ .(or ·_Essentiai H~&lth
· 1n the event that the parental leave is not availed of, Packages). ··The . DOH shall ·. develop a
· said leave. shall not be· convertiblato cash unless comprehensive· 'health care-: program for solo
'speclflcally agreed upon previously. However, if·said parents and 'their children (R.A. No. 8972, Sec.
leave were deriled arr'erriptoyee as a result of non- .-~ ·, ·.11):. . . .
compliance wit~ the provisions of. these Rules-by an.
employer, the-aforementioned !'eave may be used a.· ·
-- .

basis for the computation of damages (/RR 'of R.A:

No. 8972,. Sec. 20). · . · .. LEAVE.·FOR VICTIMS OF··
~ Credi~lng _of f:?<isting Leave . . 'v10LENcEAGAINST
{'- lf there is 'an ' existJng or -slmilar. benefit under ·a.··. . WOMEN ANil.THEIR
iv company .. -poltcy, or . a· collective. 'bar:gainfng
#, · ~.9reel'T)ent or c:olle~t)~e n·egptla~ioh.,aqreernent th,e . · . . .CHILDREN(R:A. .'
.. No>9262)
t-, same shall be credited as such. If· the .same rs ·
;': . -greater'than.-the ?·days provided-for in theAct, the
f. .greater benefit shallprevail.
;. . . .
. . . .. . ·.·Violence· 'A~ainst Women and· Their Childreri
refersto any act or a series of acts committed by any
. Emergency or. CO(lti!')gency leave provided under a. persorr against a woman who is his Wife, former wife,.
~-:· compenypollcy ora collective bargainiflg_ aqreernent _,.. ._ or ;agajhst .a woman· with. whom the person has er
·i st:iall_ not b~ credited as compliance with the p·ar~nt~i;;f,jJ had a sexual or al:iting relatlonsblp, or with whom he
5 Ieave provided for under the Act and these ·R!"r~s., z-; )-. has a common child, or against her child whether or
·.. ·. .(JR~ RA. No. 8972, -Sec. 21). . . . . . f c.Y~,'.
j',c!, _su'ffer,ng,, or. ·e~onomic abuse i~cluding threats of
.· .. ·.. · · : ·, . ' . . . .. ,J.1_. . ,. :,.,~~) ~\JCh-ac;:ts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or·
;;· .· Prohibitlon on Work .o,s~r~mmabon. .. . . ,.z l..,.,::.,r·1:- of 1.!b~rty (R.A leqitimate or
l:_ No _-employer _shalJ ?'.scnm1_nate agarn~t J~fl.~J sol~\ •.l'rr.iiie'giu~-at~~1~1)i~?r-wittfout_th~._family_~bode, which
\· pare":!~. employee · with . respect to:"_.t,r,n,_s.,,and~L)l : result in· orli!S~-h~eJy·to result in physical, sexual,
;_ ·. con1:ht1ons .pf employment .on ,acco~f_i!.<Jl. his/h_e(,,.-)l ·-psychologicii!h'arm. No. 9262; Sec. 3(a)).
t' status (R.A. No. 8972, Sec: 7).
. t- . . . .
. . ·· ,,_,.,,{·".,.:. ~ /
. .. .
O~her B~.nefits of a Solo P-~rey,,.,.,.... ~ if~
/,::,..--) J-!~c .lt\ ·
. 'f'i. .
/! U
· . "'· ·. It:~ , : ~e~ye 1¥ne~ t
f \tl
· ,~ . . : · · . : . .
- ·. · ·. ...
. .
;. · The-Solo Parents' Welfare Ag(slGGords:~elp.parenf~ ·.·•·t . At_ansr_»J~e ,ij _rln~~fhe i:IPPh~tlon of any ~~otectton
~ . the following·benefits: ~.'-(. ~ ...6!t\ ~...!'-,· [:,J
o_r~e~.1?~~t11.~n?!i/Prosecution and/o:, trial_ of the.
sf. ·. ·1, Flexible Wprk Schedule.:'1:Q~ emol~~er s'n~if -~ .': cnm1nalq;~~?;:.?:...v19tfrn.o_f. VAW_C who 1s ~mplqyed ..
'; · · ... provtde·-for· a flexible. work \efrte«tlledor· sqto ·-1A . s!lall ~e en!1!le~ t~. a __pa\c\ _ lea"'.:e of up ~-o (10) ~en
-,~. . ·. par~nts .. The schedule: stioula..·Qgt, flawever, . · ~j.7~f}'-S·1n add1~1~n to·.qt~er p;=ud le~ves under,!~e Labor
'':'- · affect the individual and company ]J'El~~c'tiyit'{ . ),·•; .•'.~~8E;;il~ .G1v1l_.s_er:11ce-.R~les. ;,md_ ~~gulat,ons ~.nd.
;:. . . . · . . ,' . ·. . . . : '<-t .,(•r-7'"4:.:other.:ex,stmg_ laws ~nd ~mpany p,_ohc1e~; ex~~n~_,bl~-
f No~e:· The ·employer· .may, how~5t!", _rtqigest . whe~ ~he . ~e.p-ess1ty: anses_. __as_--~pec1,fied .. 1.~· }h.~.:
Elxemptior;i from th~ aboje re,quire,u_~oJ~.f(o~ .protection ~rder (!RR of. R.A'. ·92_62'. S~c_. 42),. ..: .. ,
· the.. DO.LE on c.~rt.ainme.r!to'fious g·rourrd,S:''lntlie · · . ·- · ....
cas~ .of ·employees in the government se,:vice.' ·. :··R:~qyireme'rit for.Erititle~e.n·t . , . . . ..
:°flexible working: hoti_rs:,wili .qe -subject Jo the . To:-be· ·entitled to lhe. le.ave benefit, t.he ". ohly ;
.. , ~(scret_ion·of. the hec,i,d'.at the!'Ji::Y.: In .no ca~e. · fc>r the Victim~tnployee lo present to ·
shall ttie-weakly working tiour_s be reduced ii'! the . her· empl6y~r ·a, :c1;1rtification. trom: .the Punong
. event: the. agency.·adcipts the flexibl_e·working . Barang~y or'kagawa9-or pr.9s.ecut,or or the·c1erk of
.. hours schedule f9rmat (flexi.-fin:ie). In- the_: •. Court, as the:case may be, that an·:action re!atlve·to. ·
· · ..adoption of'tie~i-lime, the ·c.ore working hours . the:m·atter .is pen.ding· (2019 Handbook··oo Worke/s
·.' ihall be P,rescribed taking into consid~rqt[on'the. . .!Yfor:ietr~ 'statutoiy 'I;3enefits,p, 34). . . ·.: . . '·: ..
. needs of the service (/RR" of R'."A.,No. 8$72, 'P.o.rt. · ...;· · ·
V,: Seq. 16).. . . . . :.N:ote: Th~··cartification shail be'ect at no ~st'to

Jhe·wo,rnan (IR.R b{R.A. 9_26.2;R.ul~VJ,.:s'ec/·42).;

·Educati~nal aenefits: • • •

The"DepEd; 'CH.ED-and_· .. ·

1:.ESDA s·haJI provide·_sct,o).ar.ship p;rograrn·s in . .Fo~· go'v·ernrn~nt.:employee~. in. a'ddition . to" 'th'e' :
· institutions-of basic, tertiary aAd technicc11/skills aforementioned.,. certification,.·. ~he . employee ..
. ' . e:oucalion ~md non7formal education programs concerned must'tile aii applica'tion.for leave-citing as
app'i:opria.te tor:. solq pa'rents and their children ·basis RA. No. 9262 (/RR-of R.A. 9262, -Rufe VJ, Sec.·
(!RR' qf R.A. 89'72;-Att. V, Sec. ·2_2). . · '42). . . . . .
3. Ho~sing.B~·nefits. E!igible s?'l6'pare,i:,tssh_1;11l be·
· . pr9.vided with· ,liberal-' terms of :payment Qh
government low-co!;,t· housing proje.cts.(/RR of ·
R.A. 8972,: Art. \1,-Sec. _23).· . : .


. .
awu •+asasccmse,
'* Leave Benefit


· Usage ofthe Beneflt . .

The availrnent of the ten (1 O}-day leave' shall be at _The· employee is ·entitled -to two (2) months -leave
the option of the wornah.employee, which shall cover . with full. p.ay based on her gross . monthly ·
the days"'that slie has· to attend to medical arid legal compensation following surgery. due lo·
.concerns. · Leaves- ·. no] · · availed · of are· non- gynecolo~ica·I disorders (R_.A. No .. 9710, Sec: 18). !- ,
cumulative and · n.di convertible to· cash (/RR of R.A.
92_62; Rule_ Vl, seo. 42). · · · . Note:. Gross monthly compensation .refers to' the:
. monthly basic pay. plus 'mandatory allowance fixed .
.Juriadictlon : . by the . ~egional . wage boards (2019 Handbook on '
·rtie . ·actmin_istrative enforcement, of this _leave · W(?rker's Monetary Statutory Ben~fl_ts, p:37).. :
:·entitlement shallbe considered withirfth!:i [urlsdlctlon . -v
-of.the R_egional Director :o.f.• the DOLE under Article· . · Conditions for Entitlement
.. 129 · of the Labor Cod~ of -the Philippines, as . The· female employee must meet t_!ie . foll9wi·ng
amended, tor.employees 'iri·t~e private sector; and. . . conditions: .
the Civi_l Service" ·Comrr,isslon, for gover.r;irflent . . 1.. . She has rendered · at . least ·six (6) months
employees (JR~ of R.,tt !!262, · Ru}f!" VI,. Sec. 4i). : continuous aggregate employment service for,
. · . . · • · - •. , the last.12 .months prior to· surgery;·. · · .
__ Penalties .·. . . . ·. . . ·· . . .

· ·. y1ct1m-s~rv1vor ~r any ~or · assi~Jin_~ ~'· I°.:"

··u .'
. . . 2.~· In . the 'event that an· extended leave · is .
-· The·. e~ployer/ · ~gency head who d7'1.l.7S .. th_e : ·~_,,..,... · necessary, the female employee may use her
_ap~hca.t1~:>n_ for leave, and ~ho shan, wei.u~pp...:s-th~ .:_,,.e~r.oed"leave credits; a-rid . .. .
· i\}t-, ~haJtl:>.~
. · ..
non-cumulatlve and non7conv.e~ible· to
! '
-emplcyee wh_o 1~ a. vlc;l1m.~s~rv1~_or_):JA'ae:-~~h:~ ~~t~..;.,,_3-· v cashl(!ftl(f JS."ef R.A. No. 971.0 sec. 21).
shall be held.liable for d1scnm1nat101;fanclwrotai19ricnl
. · .
R.f\ ~O: 92~2 ... · ·
. . ff',{' :-i-
· ~::.~: !i
.· . · /.- ~~-,......,,.~=-Note_;..~{1(~s1~J9)
--':· '
--~ , · '
· ·
· . ·.
· .
monJhs COfltin~Qus\1gg~~gate .·
T~e .Provisi.~n. of _the L~~or,{o~~1~nd·.fi_e ·Ci-?,i.l) ~\. '.~ployi:re:in~¥J-Y!£e{or.the l¥1st 1_2 moriths pnor; tq i
. service ,RutE;)~ and Regu{atLelfl.~' sff_@!I govern tl1t? ~
-penalty to·oe imPQsec:I on .th~~qld eg,ploy/r..lage.n,gy.._,t·\J-~nave
head' (.'JRR of RA 9262 Ruli lli~if;ef/d·.421 r,\,.
.snrgery ~m~a~t(t~aJ,.,l~~-woman ~.mplo'yee s~ouid,
b~n w1t~ttl~;cJ>r;ppany for 1~ month~ prior to
tl'ie surg~ry (D. @:jy__g,,, ~ 12-A, Senes of 2012,. Seq.
. .: . . , . ,. Jr~ y . ,, ,1,1\."':'~ IB ~1fgJf. . ,; . ~J

~ p-- , ~ . , .. . . ·. l
. ·. . . . ·· -. [~~-. ·. ~,· ?.-~-%_~ · 1~- ijt~"4{;··'. . . . . ..... •. i

· · · .
L~· ·
: ·: ~.J
. : ii,
· "ttJ:~FO~~\':";,
}'VOl\f :·N.
.,.... ,.
¥< •
\.,.. "'; .

'".::~~~ ·. ··.
· ~ , ,. ~_).'; ,. . ,..
I ._:........,__~requ!;!r)p~ f ~ya,lmept
r ~ w~~~r
. · .
pl9':le·~'1¥,h~vail of. the··.speda1· I.eave
>'"'. ~ J{~1-1eJI/ f9r· ev,ery rli~tance· of su·rgery due, to
a maximum total period.of.·
. . . . . : · . (IL.A. N 0~ · :9'~:1o) "'- . · ·.. ·, ~?~?~~p1~,. tns per i~ar. (D. 0. No, 11.2-A, s_eriesof
· · . - . .. . . · ~. . "· . · S IE"~f\<t,1..2)$e . 6). - /J . · . . · ·
· · · · · · · .· ·. ·. ·. , ( · ·. 7r ~·~;:;---L.~;,.,. ,. , · ~·-· ,(?.: · · · · ·. · · · · · · .' ·. ·
· '. M ea~ ing o! Spe~ia·I ~-eave :Benefit .. · ,r't:Wor.te)·· ~~x:;=~~~,:1~~~~1~~i_~n101Cash . ' _. . · ..
Special ~eav~ Benef~t for Wom~n means:,.~0~er:/~1.e. Jv'f./leJ:e);a~Jtde. ·The s~ec1~I _leaye . slJa_l~ be . non- .
employee's leav:~fen,,tlement.of two ·(2)'montils·,.w~ "'. C~JJJat1 ~ and non_-conv~~1bl_eto cash.. .
. f1;1ll _pay· frp1Jl_.11'3r .~mployer" -011: qe! ~ross. ·: - ":"' . • . · .·.· . . .'· • .-·. ·
111ootlily'·cori:lpE1n·satipn,sllrgerY- cau$ed li>Y. ·. Exc~pt1on.· Unless. o.therw1s~ provided-!n the CBA
. , gy(iecolo_gjcalc:flsorders .(D. 0 .. No. 11_2-A_:$1:1rie~ of . (D: 0 .. No. 112-A, Serie~ of 2012,.__ See. 12). ·: ·
2012• _Sec:.1).i . . '.. . . . . .: ,. . . . ·., . · Special Leave.. B¢~~fit· Vis-A-Vi~ sss: itckness· ·.
·Note:":Gynecological ois.ord~rs.-r.e.fe~·to diso·rci.ers tliat :. ~ene_fit. . ·. · ... . . ·· .. . . . '.
woiJ!ci re(Juir.e surgical" procedures ·swcti as; b1.1t not :The· the employer in apc~rd~oce
limited to, diletation=· and"·· curettag·e .ana. those with R.A._ No. 9710.. The 1.?tte.r is. given. and.
involving ·female. reprodut:ti:ve. organs s~dh. as tl'le · .edministered· in. :accofdMce ··with R.A.. ·82S2 (D.Q~
··vagina·,· cervix·... uterus, "fallopian· tubes,· ·oVarres.' N_o. 11_2-A, ·s.(~ries·of~012, s_ec. 7), . : . . .
·'·Qreast,: adnexa _and _peivic ·nc;,or, 'as
cer:t!fl~d; by· a :
··· _Lea°\•~ ... Benatif ..Vis~A-Vis ·.. Existing .
compe.t~nt. ·physician.··: It · s1J·a1t . · also. incl.ude. · ·
·hysterectom'y; ovariectomy, and.mast~cton'iy (/RR of St~tutory L.,eaves . · . ·
R.A .. t:Jo: '9710, S,e<;.:!(mjJ.- ·. · · · ... · ·• The. form~ercanno~ be taken fro'm existing -st~tutory
leaves. The benefit is corisidered an addition·to ·the. .
.Coverage.- . · . . . leave ·benefits gran"ted _llnder.".existing laws arid.
·. Any female'.. employee. in the pt,1blic and . private sl)ould· be adde,·d on top of said statutory leave·
.sector; regardless.:of:'ag.e,and civil status, -is entitled· o:
entitle me ht$ (D. No. 112~A•. Series of 2012, Sec.
· to a. spec;:ial le~ve benefit (/RR of R.A.. No. 9"(10, Sec. · 8). . .
. . . ~ .. , .·
.· . · ·


·r Sp~·~i~I Leave Ben,afi~ Vis-A-Vis Mat~mity-L.eave
./;'., aene~lts : .. .·.
!'tote: Lactation '.si~t;~~
·(or'. nursery) is .a 'private,
clean r .sarntary, and we,11-ventilated room~ or ar~as
t,,. : 'Wt,ere the woman . employee . had ur:,dergone in the workplace. or'. pu,blic 'places ·where nursin~
f surgery. due to gy(' disorder .during her mothers carrwash up.tbreastfeed or express their
};;'; maternity leave; she is emitted only to the difference milk, comto'ttabiy and
'store this afterward (R.A.
??~: between the SLB andrnaternity leave benefit (D.0. 1002$, Sec;, a' (p));.. .
t -No. 112~A, Series of·2.012,.Sec.. 9). ·. ' . .: 'If the women are able to .obtain better ierr:cis and
·. ·of: l;:xistlng
· · orSlmllar
.. Benefits· . . conditions .through_.·.negotja.tions 9r
, voldnta(Y. grant.
§'. If there are existing or similar benefits under 8. than what are .Pr'ovided·therein, .. the sameerenot
.g, . companypollcy, .. practice or CSA providing similar or ·. prohibited (/RR of the Labor Cod_e, Book, I/J, RµJe X/J,.
:(· equal benefits to what is mandated by law.jhe same. . Sec._ 12).... . . . ., .
;.:.:. shall" be: considered . a;;; compliance; unless the ART.ICU: 131'::MATiRNiiY'·LEAV,E 13EN°t;F.IT$ · ·
:.t -cornpany policy, . practice or CBA · .. provides
~· otherwise. : . :·. ' . . . '
Maternity leavEt under- .(he~:S·$S,-.l..aW·.(Refef'to:tne-:
discussian · undec MAtE~N(TY:. @:t=f':J.i{frtS.·.:LA:W.
r./: -: · · ·· · · · ($E_G!ION'1i4-A OF''R.A:No'. .1jff1,.'AS AMEf,JDEp ,
\ In· 'case the 'company ·policy, · practice . or CBA 8Y R.A. No .. 7322, FIJRlH~R AME{'lbED BY R.A:
·c. provides lesser benefits'. the cornpany.sfrall grant the No: 8282))... ·. ·... . . I . . . . •

j·,·. ditference. · · · . - . . . . . .
jf'. · · . · . /'-) 'ARTiCLE '132: :FAMl~Y. PLANNl~G SERVlCES;
:-'i< Mote liberal exi$\i~g or similar benefits cannot)~r(~i(,. iN'GENT)VE~· ·. : .; .... · · ' .. · .. · .· ..
', withdrawn o.~ ~edµced .by reaso!') Of the manda}e, .of:.<·.'.'.;\ :Employers who .hat:Jitually- empJoy more than. 200
:t·:. RA 9Z1Q. ", ::· -, -. · . · .. · .. · · '·· .\'f"r. ·::.~~,1; worke;s in i;ll'.IY Jo~ality,''.shall' .provide fr-!=le fl:l".)1ily-
·:;j. . . · . .· · .. · ·. . . . :, 5J I: · / ·: '.L·,frming· .~~rvices ·'id. t.h~ir, em.ployees ·. anq. their.
:f' :.. Note:."'Sini}l~r or equal-.b~l:Jefits" refers to,_:!¢aJ~.'·;'I,1::;:::..5"p'8u~~9P·shali inclup~/but, not·IJ!Tiited tc\the
· ·b'enefits wh1c.h are of the.same nature -~n:!,1Jarpo$e;.-,H applicatior.i. s(c}·of.contra_c~.pi1ve...pills· c;1nd ·.intra-
. as. that of. the St!3"(D.
. 0.
. . No. 11_2-A, 9·e(nes
\' . f of 201 ?,,c,\.-.J•t
'v-t · uterine
. ·de.~·ctf,,~\.
.. (!RR ·9f'the• Labor . Code,. .Book /II,
Sec.10) .. · ·. . _ · .... : · · ·. )}...,{'-:.:.~ j ·ir:l' _Rule-Xll,.rc11 :t · ·~:·_:. · :· ,\'. : . ·.,-<_: . ·. ·
. ., .. · , . . . ~,5,>·. ·. <'rpcs· · ~.;~- ARi-1c!:al1~f 6t~cR·1_1v11."'A:r19.N.·_~R·?~.,~,!~c.
: c:;·,~ ': -; 1~:.
~' . .
· _
·. ·. . .SPECIAL GRO;f'TP-SJ0:l\
.. : . :
· . : · .. ·· . ;..~"'il

. "'(;:""'~. i?',)
~i< .
.v.t;'J f.d
rt ~~~l?i~!!!~.:V!~!~~a~_Y' d1.scnf"!"ll")ate ·
aga1ns.t,aAyi:'WQ17i'~,!)~¢.mploye·e w1t1;1-respect.t~·.terms.. .'
a_nd cori'ai_'til:icis..~of'-emplo'ynl'eht.:rolely:on account .of
-r. · · ElM?-LOYE~~:;~r:,(\ . j! ; .. r:vt .her<sel!(, (LAB.OR:.C?~~~.Ar\ 1,?3). · . , . . .
t··· . ·>: . . . ·:: . . . . . CONDITIONS
.,; · ·.· ' . :-'0.':'°$PEC!A~.--::t'~.{
: f\~ · ..) ::/'. . -· J~,)~A~fSl"O. fDlscriiiiin'iitiori
: against Wci°men: :'(P.WC-
f · TITL.E lll; WORKIN~;'jM~°1~") · . ,: : · .... , .'. . '. . ·. ·> · . . . .
,:,:. 'G~0UP.S OF'E.Me1.:oy~~s. .·.-: .}';, .. i)ef . :· 1 .. oiscrlminatic:m'. io ·.e:ar .- · paym~r:rt '.of le~ser .:.
1;'" . . .. , . '. . ... ., ..· . '. .. . • •. "',\;>,/\ .
cornpens.ation,_to a·fe.fl'1?!e. ~1Tfplox1:e _as- ~~~tnst. .
. ·CHAP.TERI: EM~.LqYMl;::!',J,T:OF.-WC?MEN.,,.~ . a nial~ eul'plo.yei3'.for. w~r.!< ~ equ.a!.. v~l~e;.
· ..
;~ ·. - .. ·· · · . . .. .2., Discriqiination.'ii'! Wor.k ·o'pp.ortl)nity.-. favqririg a. ·
r.: · ARTICLI:' 1·30:. FACILITIES FOR. WO IVIEN: . · male :empl,oyet;i.. ov~r a 'fem~l.e;;eiJ)Ploy.~E!,.
• · .. Tlie··secretary of Labormay :req.uir.e employers to:· .· .respect' ,tp pror:riqtiofl,'.. as~gf.l,:O!:!nt,;_..· ·
(STAN) : ' . . . .. tl'c!ining OPP,O,q.UAitie:s •. : S,u~y :·.ai;id .. scrolarship .
..,-: ·1· .... provide .§~c'!1S p~ope~:for .women·.}_nd _per~rt:· grants.solely'pt:i accm.i.n~of.their se)(e~ ..{LAl;!QR
·~, · · ·...them tci use the·seats when .they are free from. ·.. CODE, Art.13;3);· .. ~ · . · · .
- ·... work' br during offfoe 'hours .·proyided- the 'quality : : . 3: . A.ny _.
§en~er-bcised.· dis!inction:, :' exclusion, 'or :
. · of the work ·will not be. COl1)P.r.<'>m,ised;· .. · :· ., ·: . · ' restriction which. has the effect or purpase of
2.: ·~stablish Separate Joilet topms. and. l.avatw1es .. .irf)pairlng ' or· rJUllif'yihg. the: · reco.9.nition;.
· , for men and· women . anp .provide· ~t least a . enjoyment, or .exereis¢ by womel'),:Jrre~pective ..
. dress'ing rool")1 forwomen; ... ·. . ·,. . ... . of their marital 'status. on ·a basis .of equality of
.3_. -.,Dete.rmlne·:appropri~tia::riJinlmum ~ge ~nd other.. ··m~n .and . w.omen, of ...human rights= and
· · standards for' retirement or term inati<:m in ~pe,cial · . fundamental freedoms ·in th~ pojitjca1; economic,
oqcupations such. as. tho.~e. of. )li~ht' ~ttend.a~~s "' social: cultural. civil· o.r any ot):ier. fi,eld;: . . . ..
·.. .iind th._e like; aod · .' . ·. .· . 4. Any ~ct or omission, if1cluding. by law, P91.icy, :
·A. Establil;ih .a:<Nur.s~ry in the establishment . .. administrative rn.easure,.or.practice,'that directly· ..
· (LABOR CODEz, Art 130). 'or indirectly excludes. or restricts· .v,,omen· in the
recognition. ano ·promotlo·n,qf their' rights arid
ttieir acc~ss to and ·ei:iJoyrnent of opportunities;
. benefits or privil.eg_~.s; . ·


·~' . . ·,
II .
--11£:MORY AID 2019'
• aaaw WW MU Pila&·; IS SAi¥ I

5:. A Measure or practice of general application that · Bon·a . Fide Occupational Qualification Rule
fails to provide-· .for mechanisms to offset or (BF0Q) . . . . . .
· address sex or gender-b~sed ·disadvantages or ·. If it,e . employer can prove that the reasonable
limitations of women. as a result of.which women dem~i°nd.sof t!'le bu~iness requi~e a distinc~iori baseq
are denied or restricted in the 'i:ecognition and ·on·marital status·and there ls no better availabh:1 or
· protection of their rights an_d. .ifl 11:ieir. ~ccess to acceptable policy Which woulc;t better ac~orriplist, the
and. ·:enjoyment of opportunities; benefits, or bi.Jsjness pwpose (Star Paper Corp~ v. Simbol, G.R.
. privileg·es; or -WOm(;lrr,· more 'than. r:n.en, are·. No. 164774,.April 12._2()06). ' ·
shown .to have .. suffered Hie. greater adve.rse
effects'of t1:i·ose measu_res or practices; and · · . : Requtsltes of.BFOQ . .
6,° Discrimination .£ompounded by or intersectin'g_.· To justify abona fide occupational qualiflcetton; the
with' other grounds,· status. or pondition'. such···crs employer must provetwo factors: .: . . ..... ' ' .
ethnicity; age, poverty'Or religion (R.A'.No. 9710,..- . ·1. · · .That the '.eniployrri~nt qualiflcation is reasonably. .
. . -Sec:4(b)) - .. , '. . . · related to· the essential operation 'of the job
lnvolved: and. · . . · · · · . · · . . .
.' .. :Weight Standard~ of Airline Companies . 2: -Thatthere is a-factual basts for believlnq .that ail
An 'employee may be dismissed the moment he is·. or substanttally . all persons :i;neeting the
unable. to comply with his ideal weight as prescrlbed: . ----·qualjfioatio,:i. _yvciuld .. be . unable to properly
by the. weight. standards since this 'serve·s 9S .-.,,~~~~-pertorin the duties ot the job (Star Paper Corp.
· continuing qualiflcation for .his position. ~pjlu~'fo.1f T }:;. ~-~~iJ!!.bol,G.R. No. 164774, April 12, ?006). _
meet this qualifying standard is a gro~(nha,'t:3:f5=11ls \.__.,.. t 'i.l }'..; ;;.'~, · -· - .- ·. . · . .
under Art. 282 (now Art, .2f!7), par.1Efettl'rf;! J::'~~f.:.:-=::':::::.-.:8~TJ~Lli 1)S!'-~ROHIBITEP·ACTS ·.
Code (Yr?suegui v. Philippine·Afrf{f!ep;/n~~$.,ff.'1ifo.. . -f~\ · P-rb~fiia;,_i~,tf Against · vyomen Worker.s:
168081, October 17, 2008). J'.: -~, v'A==]~==(~m-1:!~l~{,; .. \. . . '. · . .
· . f .~/")~> J - · '!!."\) 1(. "'M' To a1s~,a_rnf~"¥woman employed by him for
Qualifying standards are riofms'1h,a,t,app1/prior to .
and.'after_ an employee is hi·r;~~:Tlr~f app_ll'prior to ;r-\f .. ·:· .al ·the \urpMel""'of ..!:!~eventing such woman from
empfpyment because these ;~rfjt:Tef(~tandatcls'1:ljo6....e."F.¥;\ic{&d~~-derthe Code;
enJoWng t~,~~~rr.i_ity.le~ve,facilities and other
· _-
.. applicant - must· initially_-. nl': E;?"Eib_~~ · orq.e\ to-1;1Je-_..r J1~L~~1"o 1~ch$r~lf~"w'qMatie~ploye!:l on acco~nt ?f
hired . .Th«::Y apply after hirin · be.p.a~se an e ploY.~:e.m.fa-fuw'll'~·her ,,e..,!;~gn_aJlCY1-~Qr . wh 1_le. on leave · or m.
:"lu~t continue to mee! t~e.s sfara1(l~rd~w. on·tne :=:_ -~ · _ c~~1!'~wen~~.ue~bJier:pregnancy; . :

Job in order to keep-his Job (.\Yt;?stip~w \?. p~net!t!f. · ,~ T;rD~.O.Yan:{woma,ei the benefits of employment
Airlines, tnc., G.R. No, 16808.;J\.,bctober 1·,. .,.·"~!@8)."e ~~· ir'.;,~l;ler~t~tu_to)f.,}b?nefits ~ndet ~tJe law~ by.
. .· . · \ . --~. ·. IJ'·~·<.: . _an _o~~e~ ~e~f.age, eth_rnc_ong·in or bel~e!s,
134: . · STIPUL~TIO~\~ AG~~-
.. ~---
.r,~ .,~-x.o reJat~<1ns;.e1_tl;),~r by affinity or consanguinity
~ · . ~'(y~~?-(\j>i.,(lA?¢'R(?ODEff\rt. 135); . · · . .
It shall be unlawful for an en;ipJoy}r,·{Cose,~ .. ~-::lYdis'c.t)arg~or.refuse ·the admis.sion ·of ~-
1. T_o ,:equi~e as a Con~ition fo~pJ~iii)~r"'~~.,..,,lt(<:l~!)~f?.O!,! returning'to her'work for.fear.that
· contmuat,on of. employment -that~a w.Jtan_ n..·1·fi!S·stJ.~·:f'!)~-fb~pregnant;. . .. ·. . .
. · emP,loyee ~hall not g~t r:rfarried;' · · . ~~- lV !.5:_~"'dischargeany ~oman ot child or ~r1y other
2;_ .. To .§tipulate ei.<pressly;or tacitly1h_atuP.on-g_etting""'~~-· fo.r having_filed a complaint o~ having
married· a · !':}m p_loyee _s!,all. be: dee-meq · ·· . . . . · testified -or l:ieing'.a boufto-testify µnaer the Code; ..
·resigned or_sepa"rated; and. . .. . . . . . . _.·. . and. .·... : . •. . . . ' ... : ·.. . ' .. .·.
· 3.- · To .Jicfually dismis·s. ·discharge, -discriminate or . 6. · To J3eq'uire- as a condition for a contin~ation of
otherwise p_rejudice a womarr employee-mi:lrely . . . . .. employi'rlent that a. woman emJ::iloyee ,.shall 80t
by ..reason·.of her ·marriage~ (LABOR CObE; 'Art. • . . get miirried -or··to .stipulate· that ··upon gettfr1g·.
13'4). · ·. . . . . . . marr.ied, · she sbali. be· deemed .-resigned .or
separated (JRRof the t.ABOR CODE, Book Ill,
No~Spouse 'EmplQymen~P·olicy·.. · : : . : .. . : Ru1e XII, ~ec: f3J .. ' -~ : . ·. . .
0 .
. ·j :_ . ~olicy bai)nrri'g ~>nly spo1,1ses. from: wbr_king in the
. .- .. same c·ompany.· . . . .. .
2. May not facially violpte _Article 136'.of the babo·r:
·.. . . 'Note: The.. e~ployee"/iaifure;o forrri~1iy: into;m:: fie; .
, empipyer-of her pregni;in¢y Carinot be cons.idered_as .
· Code but it ere.ates·a disproportionc:1te effe~t and . grav.e m_isCOr)dU<:;t <:Jirectly connected fo. 1-Jer Work as
the or:ily way it co.Lild .pass ]uditlaf scrutinyds · a . to const.it1,1te- jul?t cause .of .her· s~paration (l.:.akpue
·showing ·that it is . reasQnable . d~spite- ·u:ie · .. Drug~"lnc.·:v .. Befga; G.R. No. 16$:J79;_ October 20,-
discriminatory · albeit _ disprop_ortionate . effect ·2065) ....
·. (Star Paper Cqrp. v. Simbol, G.R. No_. 16477.4,
April f2,,2006). . . ·

. '


ARTICLE 136: CLASSIFICATION. OF CERTAIN 3. . W,hen a Measwe or practice of general
WOMEN WORKERS : .. , application fails to provide ·for meehantsms to
Any· woman who is permitted·to work or suffered to offset or . address sex · or gel')de·r-bas!=3d ·
y,,ork, with or without compensation, in . any night. disadvantages or. limitation's of wom.en, . or ·
club, _coektail·lounge, -massaqe clinic, bar-or .similar women, more than· meh, are shown- to nave.
· establishment, 'under -. the effec.tive.· control or · suffered the greafer adverse effects of_ those
.supervlsion of the employer for a-substantial period · · measures or practices; and . .
of time. as determined by the· Secretary'of ·Labor,··. · 4. Discrimination Intersecting witti' or compounded
shall be- considered . as an . employee of such · by other grounds, status, or, conditlon, such as
astabllshment for · purposes of labor . and . soclal ·.. ethnicity. ag\3, poverty, or religion (R.A' 9710,
legisl;3tion (LABOR,CODE, Art. 13(;).:. ·.·· .. ·. Sec.'.4(b)): -
Definition of Terms . . . .,
Marginalized tefeFS -to· th·e basic, disadvantaqedcr'
vulnerable' persons or _groups, Who are m9st)y livjrig
in poverty and have .l!ttle or no.access \P land and:
.. ' other resources, ·basic·social and economic services· '
.·. · M.agna ·carta of Women.· is- a comprehensive 'such as health care, education.water and sanitation, .
?~- .wornen's human rig!lts .law that seeks to e,llminate -. ·_eniJ?lc>yment_.:and liveli~ood_ opp_ortuni~i~s. _f:lo~sirig, · ·
·· ·. discrlmlnation against _.women _by recognizing, . · ~ fOc~al :_ security, physical infrastructure, and t~e.
. p~~t~ctlng,·_ fulfillirig an~ pro~otin~. the ri~hts.pp_~!{ · Justice system (R.A No. 9710, _Sec. 4(d)). :
-Flliplno w_omeri.,. especially those ~.n_ marg11Jalj~~<t,_,.. ~:~\ Ttiese in~luc!e, but are not limited to, women i~ the
sector (Q & A,-Magna Carta of Women, PSA Ge~KJ@.f ·1 ·:·:. , ·following sectors and groups: (WWW-MYMUSSIG·
Sensitivities). ·
· · ·
· ·
· ·.
/''H '':°'
. .
./,'' 1'·ii~:;"',
~ •'· ;,._.,..____
. ~~J\
~ · . ·
· .. ··
· ·• • -.. 2 ~ . •. • "\i!Itt1_-:_1-:-'4S_f:@~ffir'(Tiersand Rural Worke"rs;
·.;;f,/ · ·
Polley of the State. (D~ .PA_) . ·.,.4.-?. . . ,(\ 1' .2: Worker~'!,~the.Formal Economy;_
1. _Q.evelop pla~s,._,Pohc1es, prog~a~s,~me.asure~;·;-..;-J 3. · _WorkerJ'l'.f~the l)'lformc1I Economy;
. and mechanism~. to address .d1scr,lr~Jrit1on a~ ~'> . 4 ·. Migrar:rt-~o'rkers· . . : .
·lnequalitr in the ~conornic, PO.!~i5~~. s~.;9.€'if-~hd ~-sl.
. cultural tife.ofwomen-and roeJn~. ~'"'~
Yoi:ittl. ~ \' ' · · .. ,
,. · ~.1\, 6 'Mor:'<'. ·ii - t..
: '

2. gn~u_re·the su_bstantive ego~ty Q~w9r:nen- ~ti~~ 7 .. ·1~; · urt1f~ eJbr- \_ · l

f~lf.·~;,:·. a: .
... m~n;_ . · , · : · ~- --~..!-~ · .~S : se"ntirG1tit;;;:-!i}P ·.
3.. !;nsuce equal· access _to {~~o~;-~~if,aq_~"j~. 9.· _§olrf'af~ntsf~·. . .. · I-
, d~velopment r.e_sults an.1.Clutco~~jf V\_ t,' ·. '-. 10. Indigenous Peoples;, . !
4. ~romote empo~~erm.en~of -wo~_an~;,pursue ·. :,-;.~fu~ildren;. . . . ·. . . .., .
equ;3I o~portu~1ties for w~meri,, j___;,,,,.p. · -<~~:.,,/''1if~~-u,sh~."!.5>lk; and · . : .
,; . -5. ~~rm th~ role ofwom.en.1r nat1on-,a;111dm~:1-(0F--·---~13-:-'tSis~oled person (/RR of R.A. No. 97.10,. Sec.
,,.,..· 6. -Abolish· ttie · u·nequal structural? ~d -prrftices · · l(o)) . · . · · · ·
l. . that _pe~petl,Jate 'dis?rim1nation an'~~~lities . .. . . . . .
(: (R:A {Vo: 9710,.Sec.·2):, ·. . . W9me~: -E°~p~wernJ&nt . /~roviae~' . provision.
f:2. Principle~·of Human R\ghts ·of Women (UP)
. . Human rights are: .· .· .
·. !:~\~~~'.ty~n::!se~~~~!i~~~\u~fa/ii:~u~g~;~
. . ·.
«:?nab le. y.,o_men to. ~ctively-participate. arid cor:iJribute · .
'If' ' 1. · Universai arid inalie.nable; ·. . . . , ·· . , to- the·· poljtical,- ~coil.omicJ social,.· ·and. cultural
i'. · 2. !odivisible; . : · · :· . · , ' pevelopment.'of the nation as well -as ·those- which ·
3. !hheren.t to the dignity ot,.eve'ry human :beirig: ·. ·. shan provide them·
equal Jo ownership,.
and : . . .. . . , . . ·management, and · control_ of production; and of ·
'!nte"rdependerit.and int~rrel!3ted (R.A.No. 971 (), . material:anc! infortnation~I·in··
Sec:3). . • . .. Jhe fami!y; comm.unity,.arid socie.ty (R.A No. 9710, ·.
, •. ,' ' . · · sec: 4(a)). . . . '. . . . .
Dis.·cri,minati-on ilgalnst_ Wom~n~ (G.AMJ). · · .. .. . . . . . . .
· 1. Any . §ender-bas'ed· distinction;. l3Xclusion., or .... .Substantive : Equality.· is . tiie . full - ·and·. equal
· .. _.. f'.0$triction wf:lich impairs.the e'xerc.lse by-women · -enjoymentof r:ights· and freedorns.dt enc;;ompasses ·
' . ' of hl:!m'an rights and fundamental freede>ms; .aejare arid· _d9 fa.~to 'equalhy .a~d also· equality·.in.
-2. Ani.tict· or .omission, ·inclu9ing by law, poli~y. outcomes _(R.A. No. 971.0; Sec. 4(e)). · · ·
. .. ..
. measure, or practice, that directly- Gender···Equality is·. the' . princlple. a~sE1rting ·:~hr_·.··
. ' -or indirectly excfu'des or restricts women in th~ . ' ', equality of men and women and their right to, 0;~0r;-.'.'
recognition ari'd ··proinotioi:i. of their rights a'nd . · eq'ual conditions. and contri~l,lting to and t;>el'l.e ~~~,i-__j;
: their _a'cce_ss to .and enjoY,ment of ·oppor:tun'ities, . from the results ofdevelopment (R.A: No'. 9_710,_ .·i:/.}'~i.;
benefits, ·or _privile_g_es; ..
4(~)- . ,, ' . ':-~~f!Jr.~ '.i

0 8AR
- ..

Gender Equity .·fnclud~s polldes,. instruments, . . National°· Commission on the Role of F°ilipino
· programs, services, and actions that address .tne .. Wo_men (NCRFW),. r~named. as · the Philippine
disadvantaged position of women in society by. . 'Commission on Women·· (P.CW), is th~ primary
providing prererentlal' treatment and affirmative. policy-making and coordinating body of. the _women
· . action (R..A. Na. _9710, Sec .. 4(g))... · · · and gender equality concerns under.the Office of the
. Pr~sident. Ttie POW shail'be"the overall monitoring
Gend~r aild···oev~iopment (GAD) refers. to th~ : body arid oversiqhtto ensure theimplernentatlcn of
development perspective -~~JI. process _th~t · is .. · theMaqnaCarta forWomen (R.A.-.No: 9710, See.
'participatory and empowerinq, . equltable, · 38): · · ·
sustalnable, free from violence, respectful .of human ·: .. . . . ..
rights, . and · supportive. of. self-determination and . · ... Human ,Rights of Women .. ; . . . · . . · . ·. · ,.
· aclualization ·of human potentials (/RR of R.A. No. . All r.ights in the Constitution and under lnternatlonal ., .
971p, S~c. 7(h)).. : . ·. ' · ·. · · inS:~~u.~ents.. _d\JIY .. _signed.: and '_rat!fied by ·. t~e.
· ; · · · · · ·· . ·. Philippines (R.A. N_o, 9710, Sec. 8)... . .:
G"ender: Mairiiitreaming ts a strategy .fo.r making .,.
. . women's . as . well ·. as men'a.. conce_m~ :and EconoiTli~ R.ig':lts: .(Si-:{El..f=~W},· .,._ , . , .
· · · · · ~xper!e-!lces an· integral dlrnension of .the.·d~sigr:i. . 1.·. ·Social Protection (R.A. No. 9710, -Sec. 27);
· . im~l~m¢n"t.:,ition, ·. mo_~i~onng;· _a_~d .-.evaluaJi?n . of . 2.· Righi. 10 · t.ocatlzed, .Accesslble, Secure· _and .
societal .spberes so that women and. men.J.1-~efif' 17 J.
equ~!y; :and· _-inequality is· not perpetu;..~~ea:f~,:'A. \l
1·. .
. polt?1es and pr.ogram_s rn ail polltlcal, econorruc•. and ,...,.;._;"---=~"=-· AffordableJ:!ousing (R.A. No:.9710, Sec. 21);: _ .
:'Rigbt to Education and .. Training for Migrant
\J~MJrk)):~R.A:No. 9-710, Sec. ·.24); . . . ..
. ~'.10, $~c. 4(i)}. : .
·· .. ·· · · f
j/.<~-r.:;,.,-:::===4-"'- :
. ·.
:1;;..11- . , ./. ..,rth t ·
~~h~ J.o~ivelih~qd, .Credit,· ca.pitaJ ·. ·and
"f~cJ-friolqg.'y.]R.A. No. 97-10, Sec. 23), .
. Affirmative ~ct_ion re ers .o-. ~l.1>.~t~Y.1aGJton ..,.,.;..-~'&.--......J:oo'c!:.seBtirii~eind
.. favors marg1nal1zed . groups , 11y ei?C'E}~~! .;t: ·
sr.oli:as · .
Productive Resources. {R.A.
w· ~0~,gjf{( S.~2fV:.. · ·. . . · · · . . . . J
. w~me:n.: . ·· , . , /-: "f~f · j ... k-D) ·. Ai~ }~ RigtV, td ll.~G~n: W~rk _(R.A. No. 9710, ~ec. 22).
· Note: It is -a special measure~/~~ it i$li1o.t cq~~~9 ,.,- . t · .. \ <_l('f~ · . · ·1
· discriminatory since · it · ail'.n~;:to1~cc~l1f~te..J.t\.~ F?!~tical'f~i:1•.~ 111;1aJIBr:11l(PR)· · · - . I.
attainn,~rit"·,o~ ·equality _of_"iorii'el;i Th'e -~Vir~'at~e ·. c;_,1~r?trct1on_ frp~ 301i9.nce (f::'.~: No._ 9!10, Sec'.
action must be discqntinuect ~.l;J,n~he ob ~tives, :. . ,. ::..vJJq. 1,3 9), .f., ...... ·
, eqt.Jal(.ty." of opport~nity }mci t'f:e·atf\:ien(i,.
-1· t,,--= ~ 11,;. • ·
}\..._)?e:e_r11-. .., 2._ · P~!&1P~tlon1,~nq: k.!Sepresen~~t1~n. _(R.f*. No.
- · • _..
achieved (IRR.'?f R.A. Nb. 9l1P,~'$Jl "?{: ff'}.\!,,;·_.:- 1£{. ' .J.;.f~
. . \"""°' ,, qt",--·@;~- c~~/~7
9/lf~ec. · . .;
· 1¥ ·,
:. ..
· . . . _: i

.. Tempor.ary Special Measure~·var_ie.t\ of le~i8 t~~A~ i' -~~o'oJ,.a}l~~g~IJU~nts;,~P4TA-S3.HI)... .· !·

~x~utive,. ··admi_r1isqatiye, ••·· an'd \ re_gil~~,~~~6tecjJ9.n.JrpJ'f!~trol~n.ce (R.A. -No_. 9710,:Sec._- ·polici!')S, and p ctices ~c![l'.lf:JQ.._~~,~);/.._· .-·j . .· . . · · . :
atcel~r.ati~g. this· de fac_to·· _eq!-Ja ity _ofj>'.6mi~ir-i"'-:--d~~~c,e\~9. t)~v~lo_pme_nt. (R.A. ':"o. 9710, Sec.
specific areas. · · : -~ ·-~(9A ~=-~9("'\,")·,..:1;1'- · · :· · ·· · · · .·. · · ·
· ·. · ·· · · ·.. :··,lt-· ·VI -~ If foi~dtepJiori.of..Girl--:fhifdr~n- against all_forms of
Note': The .-me~sures ."shall be·. abolisr:i'ed,•.,.Q'n9e -1_-V'.L, <:.: J;!iseriminatjon .·· iQ. Eduocjtion, Heafth and.
~ egualitY is achi"eved· (!RR· of _R.A. No. · 971 O,~c!:"-'"""""~"""""N.utr1~i6n,· and Skills· · DE!velopm_imt .(R.A. · No...
7(v)).· · .. · · · .. .. 9710;-Sec:·JZ);·. . . .... -:.-. · :.. . . .
. . ' ' • · · . ·4 .. Erotection of Women_.Sen_lor Citizens.. (R.A. No:
: Wo~en'_in.·the Military; .Pol_ice.. ?nd ()th~r Slmlla·r·." · 9710,'Sec. 33}; ·· ... ,. . ·. ·
$ · ernpl.oyed_ in. the milit?lry, . 5. Equal"!reat_mentbefate the Law.(R.A. No 971 O,
b9th in·t11e·rnajor anq·te~hnic~v~·ervices .• who_are .. ·· -. ·Sec .. 12);: ._..:. :" _'.. :· : .. : . .. : .. · .
· . ·.perfor(TliJJg, ce>mbat ~ind/or . i:ion,co.rnbal_ functf~ns, 6. Equal ,8eces~-and Elimination of Discriminc;itiori
.1· prov_i~ii1g· security to t!=Je _State, .ar:id protecting tt)e . · -· in Educatibn, $cholarsh!ps and. Training. (R.A.
· ._pebple from va·rious forms of th_r,eat:,"lt also Jn9ludes · No>97.1o;_ sec. 13); , · ·, ·
. : wom~n. ti.aiiiees i1fall military tr.aining in$titµtlo_ns.· 7.. ~pecial _leave Benefits (R.A_."No: f.")110, Sec .
. · . _(JR.R Fj.°A.: No. 9-7-10,. Sec.: 7(~)).. .. •. -:. . 18)\· · . .· . · · · ·. ·, .. ·
.·. · · VVo~"e'n.. 1~ .t;s"p.eci·.illy -·:Oiffi.~ult. Circ'lim~t"ances' a.' "§02~1 Protectiqn (RA .. No .. 9710;_ $ec.. 27);
. . (WEDC) .. are "\iictjms · and· s1,.1rvivqrs of sexual ~met . 9 .. Right to'.§el'vices an_d· Jntervent!on.s fo(:VV~men ·
.• · ·. ·: pfiysical ab"usel". illegal. recl'l!ilmen"t. . pros~iulio"n, .. ·.. in ·Especially Pifficult Circumstances or WEDC
· . trafficking, ..armed· ~oiiflict, womerj in detention; . (R.A No. 9710,-Sec. 31),, · . •
victims and survivors.of ~pe and' incest, and ·such 1.0:: Right to.!:!.ealth·°{R.A No. .9.°710, Sec:. -17); and
. other>. related·· circ.umstances. Which . hc;!VE! 1 1. Righfto lnfoir'ria~ion (RA- No .. 971o, Sec. 26t
. "incapacit~led·them fun_ctionally (f:?.A. No. 9710, Sec.
33) ..
. ....


": ... r:
.... ..
. ........ ': •.··

. S~Ec.·1AL·GR-OOPS· ,· -. -

}.:Rights of Women in the Marginallzed·Sect~rs: 1. . Women in Development and Nation Buildinq Act
tt (C.R) .
J: . Aft ·civil,
. ·
· political, social, and economic rights
. (R.A No. 1192); · . .
2. · ~pecial. Protection of. Children Against Child
·• recognized, prornoted.iand protected under' existinq · Abuse, Exploitation and Dlscrirnination Act"(R.A.
1aws.are.nereby_.gu_aranteed ir)Cl~din9 the rights to: ·. No. 7610); . .
1: Recognition and preservation ot,_g_ultural identity . 3. . Aflti-Sei<ual- Harassment.Act 'of 1.99·5 (R.A No.
and integrlty _not discslmlnatory ·to women (R.A. .. 7877); -· . . . . .
No. 9710, Sec. 28); and · .. . · 4. Anti-Rape Law of 199-7 (R.A. No. 8353);
2. _Bepre-ser\ta!ion and .. participation ·in·· policy- 5. Rape Victim As:slstance and Protection Act of
. . · making. or decislon-makinq bodies (R.A. No. .. 199B.(R:A.'No . .Bp05); · . .
·. · 97_10, s'ec. 25). . · ·. · · · · 6. ·. Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (R.A. No.
9208); and · · ·
coverage · 7. Apt_i-Viole()cef.,:Agains_t ·.:worrien- and . Their·
- Implementation of the rl;Jles: -~nd. regulatipns .Ctiildre~ 'Acfof 2004 (n»: No .. 9262)(R.A: -No.
includes: · . . . . . . , ·-97UJ_;-Seo. 4_1); • · · ·
1 .. All concerned National" Government Agencies ·
.· :::(NGAs),. Bodies, Instrumentalities, .lncludinq ' : If_ violeh:c~ has 'been proven \o be perpefratedby
. . ·GO.CCs.; . . . , agents· of the State including; but not limited to,
,2.· -Private Ehtities (PE); · ·. . . extrajudicial killinqs, enforced disappearances,
-3 ... Local gqvernmeht' units (LGUs); · · · . ,.. ...-.;;,· . torture, .>and internal displacements, such shall be .·,l".l
4. · Private and state .Urilversitles . and · Colreg"M:',::;~?. considered aggravating offenses with corresponding
. (S-U~s), al'fd_~rN~te and p~blfcScho?ls; anf~;,f~/~\. penalties d_ependi~g on the severity·of·the off(:!nses_
(: · 5. Equ11(alern.~n1t_s Autonomous Region: (~6),..-::'.i!';~j
(lfi.R ?,fR.A. No. 9710, S~c. 42(5))._ · . .
. (!RR ot R.A. No. 9710, Sec. 4),.
. .... . ~ · .
~l l~H'~:· ~·r.;::-~~- . ~,.,_ ·
~ ff 0;~ .} • •••
. ,·.
,.at.,16• ~
... · C;,t:... _\ . "\ _
t. ·Primary [;)uty .of the .~t._it~ ih Rel~tl~!J.:)J,;'1%man~f(r-. "-~~/~. . · · .: . . ·
;.~. Rights of Women: · . ·. · ('T _ 0• !.W, . ANTij,;w:~xuA:i ~ARASSMENT

}·· Tt1e-~tate'. as .the pr_im_~l)'.-_du~y-Qear~r.{*-.!1a!f::
i-: ·
~, . ,
1._. -~-efra_!"!'! .d~s~rrn11-':ratm9)aga1.r..§t·
. violating their rights;. . ·.
,<-7:' . ·v-~ · -~
t;. /~~,·~ : .. . _· ~ Mcli--'(R..A~ No. 78-7.7)
'ff . fi. . " · ·
'~k'. . \j: \ ..
· .. .
.' .
,•. ·, 2:· Protect.women.against tj1~.<.Q.f1110a~,g_?,-apdfrop-;r~. !:'"' Oeclar ....!.~.J?f.Pol1_c_y. . . · · .,
~-:_.. . · · viol_a_t~on ,of ~e~r _rights bY~privat.e:c_grp.'QratlQ.@.~{·. i,,~-~ . T~.e
. . :entit,es ancj_md1_v1duqlS; anc!,,; t~i,~. · cl!i~.~ : .. r~-··I
t~~·:.~u~,,~:<,.94!;:M. .
1. 'Value-.:tl:lli.:.Q1grnty ot·every md1V1dual; . . . .
. .. ..
,~. · .. 3. Promot~ and 'fulfil the righ~o{::..,-4.'om;e~ ·i.n ~Ii ·._- 1\1 . 2.- ·.. Upholg the· QJg_nity_ of workers, emplqyees,
:} spheres,· il')qhJ'ding· their··rights;\t9 · sti~tariti~e p:7¥-...:···i~pplicantsfor emp!oyll)ent: _students:_or 'those
't}. . · equality ~nd non,<1isci'ii')'lination ·(~:4--t'J.o{ g:f!,0.~~~':''t::"~~:~\-gr:t~d~~!-9~i~~ t~fr:iirig, i_nstruction or'e~ucati"on. ·
\ · . : · Sec: 5)-, . .· · ·. · ·. .. . , ·.. 1:(. . . faf},-,.-·..-,~L_~:...'t.l;'nhanc_e. the ~e:'elopment of' _. ,ts .!:!.u,ma~ .
, · · · · · · ··· · · · · t..iA · · • · f'f\i · '· .- · .- . resources, and · . . . · . . ·
Spe,cifjc Res.ponsibiliUes.'pf t~e. Gov~~~t .. .. . .4. Guarc1ntee-full.respect.for .!:!.urrian fights. . . _.-,
The Magna Carta of WornE;?n ·mandates; ·.. · . . . . . ·. · · :·., .. 1
.• · • •
1: ·-rhe·, adoption of· g·~nde~ mairistrEfoming· as' a Note: All· f9rms :of. ·sexual h~rassment in ttie
··strategy for im.plement)ng· the:lc1w and attaining employm~nt, education. Qr training envirorimert-c!_re
its obj~dives-; · .-. :· · · ... _,, hereby deqlarichinlawtul (R.A.-No>-7.fJT'r, Sec. 2)..:
2. T-Jie· · planning,' ·budgeting,. monitoring · a.nd · . · .· . . , :·. · . ..
evc!h..lation for gender and deyelopm.ent;_ · · · , : WhQ. M~y· commit,:ffl~·ME2-ACT~-AIMD) .
~- The creation and/bl" strengthening "of gender ~nd . . 1-:'" Teacher;· . . . · ..
developmen.tfocar po in.ts-;. and. . ·.. · ·. · 2 .. ~ instructor;·
4.: .-The g'enefratio.n and m<c1i1~ten~ricE;? of gecld~r ·. · 3.. :erofessor;·
f · . · ·. · ·
,,, . .
statistic.s ·and ·sex-disagg~e9ate'd databa~es to_
. aid. in: planning •.. progr.amrning ah.9 . policy
4.'. gmployer;
5.- . smploy(;!e;·· \
;/ · , . ·.formulation. (Q & A;. Magna :Ga(ta .of Women; 6. Manager;.'
f-: . PSA ·Gender Sensitivities): . .. . . ·r · .
~gent;,of the emploxer · .
8 .. Coaeh· ..
Note:··Filing a coropl~int un~.e°r .this Act -shall -not . 9. . Iraino~; · . · ·· .
preclude the offe.nded party. from. pursuin'g 'otl:ier 1·0. §upervjsor; .. ·.- .
retnedies' available.. under the law and to invoke ahy 11. Any · other .pe.rsoi:1 . who, havJng. ~uthority,
of. the provisions bf existing: 'iaws. e·specially·· those Influence·. or Moral ·aifoendancy (AIM) ·over
recently·· . enacted. laws . protecting·. women . and. . another; or -
children· in_cJudin_g the:.. · ·


I ;31~ .. ··
.·. ·'··
t :, ~-;~-'... ~;~~
IINH i 4&ess a eaac I

12. Any person who Q.ire.cts or induces another to 2. In an educatloh or training environment,
, -comrnit any act of.sexual harassment -as herein sexual harassment iscorrirnltted: (CEC-iHO) ·
defined, or who cooperates in· the commission . a. Against one who is uncter..the.,£are, custody
thereof by another, without which. it .would not or supervision of the offender; ...
have been committed, shall also be. held liable . b. Against· one. whose · ·gducation, training,
'under this Act (R.A. No. 787_7;_Sec. 3). · apprenticeship-or tutor.ship is entrusted to .
. . . the oftender; .
Gravamen of the Offense . C, When· the sexual·.favor is made. a ~onqition ·. ·
The gr.av.amen· of the offense in· sexual .hara~sment to the §lying of a. passing grade, or the :
· · js not. the.vlolatton ·of the· employee's, sexuality but granting .of
honors and scholarshlps; or the ..
the abuse of power by-, the employer. Any employee, payment of a stipend, 'allowance.. or other
. male. or..female, n;iay rigtitfully cry "foul" provided the .benefits, privileges or considerations; and ·
. 'claim: is well -substantiafed (PH ...Aeolus AiJtom9tive· d. When- the sexual . advances . result. in an
Unitecl ·Corp. v, NLRC; .G.R. No.. 1'?4617;-~pril 28, . . · !ntimidatfng,: a . .!::!9,stile . · ,oF · QffenSiVe. :
2000).. ', . : · ··.· . .. · .·· · .. environment for the result, . · trainee· "or ..
"apprentice · (I HO) . (R.A No. 787.?,-. Sec .. 3;
Wh~n,.Sexuai Hai'assme~t·Punisha~le/ (WET) . par. (b)). ·· ·
f · Work-related;· ·: '. ·.- .· . · · ·
.. 2 ... · .sd~.~~tiolli--(ela.ted; .and
3. .Iramtng-,refa!ed (R.A. No. 7877, :3_ec3~~s- ii'
· · · . • ·
·. . . .

. . ' ~;,

,-?·. ·· ~· · ~
""""==::._Note: Any ~erso.n who ~ire.cts:or induces another or
~er:&tesin ~t-le cernrmssion of sexual harassment
· . ~{tfoqj-ii~Qit would not be committed, shall also
How Committed· . • • · · ',1< ,-.. ./.__ -~· · '
---=·=--== _,,be,·' ~u ,....., 1·IJl.O!ft
~bl '-YDA
·!'!.~· • No. 7877 . , Sec: 3''1• · ·
.: Demands, requests or . otherwist}~.r~qu~e~;~f'iy-. · ·""'~~ .f,~:-· ·fv . . ·. . · ··
· sexual fa~orfrom the othe~ .regar~lis~pt}1~fner~J-,~~~~E>ucy.,;_~f'tq_~<(tnpl~\er a
~r .~ead ~f Office ~ Work-
dema,:id, re9uest o~ requir~~~.f-H~r ~9J:Sml,5Slon is . "iP .g91atecf:,· ~~~ctt~n or Training Environment:
a9cepted by the obJe<?t. of sa!f.1· aet,{~fA.. ~f'. 787f.' Jft\ · .,tPu,r-e,Prq2-Qi~Co)"''';· \ _ . . .
Sec; 3). .
"' t ·11 · · t
:. :if;,.,_ · /f
.: . . . : We . , -fL~, It is the wuty 6\!h~f~Jilployeror hE::c!d ?f office in a.
·· th lf.1;th.,.""J/ . · d. . -,..- t . ;1~~1 -work"Zret~ted•. e~~atJo~ or training environment to:
\id•,.,.,,.::..\·W · · ·· · ' f · ·
, ·· · t f ,.,,-..rj ·
,.o e: IS· no necessary .a .• µq ueman , requ~.s,'-, : , 1.-
or reqwremen O . a se~uaI 1,8)/0r ... a, uCU .. e. IJ1".:8.~~~~.::,, ·-i'al
.ll, · r t d:,;;,. •\ c. i ·' , . . . ·pPre:v.ent ·
or , eter. e .comm1ss1on o acts of
·h~ras"sm,:,ra\·, · _a. . .. · '
:c;;ategorical· t>raJ. ·.or writtej·.state eht._Jtl~mayp\i\m:rr.L:li.1Pt\ .. ~ex; - ·~ ,·- '. di . · . .·
d .1sceme 'ct 'th·
, w1 equa 1 .ce
• i..."""'t·"i;~ tti< ·, t:<,i. ~4-Ji. .. ,;z-:.2_';2.· Pro t1,~;th01. pro~f)ldures for the Fesolubon,
ue, , ..., ~~ .......u....i.ue· 910~? t /I . f f

. . · 1• · I I•

offe'nder. It ·is enough thatforer.:e;pon" €~' ~ °'<>i:)nor.\C!') ,·~. S.7'7~ n. _pi:,.,,pr.o~e~u1-ion O ' acI s O sex,ua ';
· • · • · · ·~1~···· •· ~ ~" '"1ii... .~,.·~~1ffissmerit·'-'JI · ·
result In creating, hoslile o. reo~''v~~ e'(,,~!..,/~'.:~ ~· · ~~( 'i ·d , r ··
~XB" ·,,
· ~ ..U 19~ appri~ ia 1~~es an . regu 1a 1o~s in I.
·environment for the employe~tbomi~~v.
G.R. .,Vo. 155831.·Febru'a.ry 1aidooar· · : .
·. · ... ·... · . . • ·. · ! .. :
'.. \'.. . : .. , . ~c'•f~\he)
~o~sul~~tlon w1t_p. ':i!'ld. JOl~U~ a.pproved by th~. ·
or P,UdentS Or tr~inees,.th(O?~h t_he1r ... I·
·'Spe~ific~lly: :_. .'·. ·. · , . • '\.. · }', ·~~~yJ~ .d~.s~n.ateq repre~.entati~es,_pre.scribing the· i·
1·, In a · w.ork-related ~r,~rfiJildf~$!rtf~.r.:-=-~P(tc~dlj'~/tor the ·11westJgat1on 9_f. sex.~a.1
. · envir~mment, sexual barass1r1ent:is',~r'im.~ted. t, Af Al~tJ;l_~f.rAE.:.nt .ca~~s.. and .· thE:.. administrative
. "."h~r((CRlm-lHO) -:.. .: . , ~~~;""",;.!~ ;;~~r:iet1o~s_.ttierefpr, :. · .· . . • . . . · .. ·
a: The sexual fc!-vor JS made· as a·£0.ndihon: . . .~-. p1ssem1!1ate or. post. ij cOl?Y of this. Ac.t for the
·i. . In the hiring:odri the employment;· :; . · 1nf.ormat10A ~fan co~cerned; .an_d , · ..
if ·.R~;_·emplo,Ymenr . ·. or , continued 5. ~reat1 ~ .. C~rnm1)tee ... on d~corum.. -an9
.. emplo.yment of said i(1dividuc1f; or: . · . ... ~nvesbgat1on of[)' s~xual har~s~mentto
· : .. :. iii. Jn .. gr_;:mting,··sai<J··· lndividual' favorable· mcr~as~.. underst.andmg ar,id·.pre~~ntlrlc1.~entsof: ·
· c6mp~risatlon; , terms; . . conqitfons, .. sexual. harassmen~ (R·.~. No, 7.,f:177,S.ftb.. 4),
. . . pro.motions·or. privileges. . ,. . . . . .. . . .. .. . ..
b n-h R f h · If · · ·1 · · · Note: Administrative sanctions shall a bar to
. . ; '• e _e usal t.o granN e sexu;:i .. avorresu ts.· .. prosecution in the.P.rOP·.e.'r.c.ourrs for unlawful ac.ts of
ii:'i limiting; $egregatlng or. cl~sslfying· the ·
.. . employee : wt.iicti·· ilJ . any:· .-way .. wouid. sexual harassrri~nt (R,A:.No. 7877; Sec. .'_4j.' . .. . .. ·
•.. . . . . discriniiriate, '. ·deprive . or.· . diminish.. . .. . ·. . . . ;· .... ,, . . .. ' . ,. '· ·. : . .
. : .. employment' opporturi'iti'es ·or:-. o\herwis1;1 Liabjlity. of: the .Employer· or: H~ad of Office;·
. adversely affect said erriploye~;· · . Edocational'or Trai'ning lnstituuo·n. · : · ·.· ·
, .•. c .. ·.'fhe·· abm.1e · acts· .. woald Impair the $hall .be sp_lidarily lfable for dama.ges ·arising frqrt{=-
·.. .employee's . .rights· ?Ind pri,.i'ileges und~r. thE1 acts: of sexual harassment'· committed· in the·
existin·glabor Jaws; ·and. . · emp!oymE!nt, i~du.catiOl).Or train·ing erlvironinent:ifthe ·
d. The. above.· acts ·would result in··. an. employer or head:ot:office, educatiori<!_l.or training .
. · ~-!ntimidating, .. · !:!O.Stile. . ·or . ·.Qffensive · institution is infOFmed ·of SUCh' acts by .the offended·
~nviro_nment ·for the .employee: (IHO) (R.A. . pilrty and n9 immediate ?Ction is taken thereon'(R.A. .:
No . . 7877, ·s ec-. 3., pa r., (a)) . ·· 78Tl, Sec. 5). ,

. .


r. :)?·;·.t.t:tflt%7.~~]~~~f~~ftlt:'·~(
·: •
.t. L ,• : ~

t~ ·' ··.·. S.PE.CIA.L'GROU'P:S·:-..·f.:~· .:'·.~}7°'.··'?::·:;:·\·:,

BAR OP.ERATIONS.- M.~qR~ AID 20.i/:- i . . . . . · . ::· ·:
i{.. F A Mi SF&ij,W?MIMWttW Eibd Kifi_E@7*1 Mi 4H;_ · .. !.: ·. . 'ttm'!f

i'.· Independent Action for Damages ·' children a~d enh·a'nce'tliefr:Qpp~rtunitie$ fora useful
~- · Nothing in this Act-shall preclude tne victim of work, and happtlife. (~.A N'o;.9231, Sec. 1). . ·
·; education or training-related sexual harassment . 1
., ·. .
.-. · from instituting a separate · and Independent action Definition ·of Terms . . .. ,
~· .for- da'mages. and other affirmative relief (R.A. No. Chiid is a'i,y p~-~sori'under .18 years of age (D.O. No.
. 7877, Se_c. 6).. . . 65-04, Seq. 3(a)). '

Perialtles . Chlid.··.Labor .is any· work or· 'economic activity

Any per-son who :vi~l~tes the provisions of this Act · . performed by a ct\ild thl=!t. subjects hit:1/her to· any.
;: - shall, : upqn · conviction, be · penalized · by form of exploitatioh 'ot Is harmful to :his/her-health .
imprteortmentof not tess'tban frncnth nor more than. and safety or physic·a1,_inental·. or psychosocial·
:'. - Six (6) mOnths,.or a fin0 of nortess than P10,000 nor . development_to.o. No. $5-0f,I,. Sec: 3(P)).··· · . ·.
. more · than P20,6oo, · . or both such fine and
,, ·. imprisonment 'at· the discretion of the court (R.A. · Working'... Child ·-r~f~r~; to any ·.child ~pgaged as ..
;; · ', 7877, S~c. 7). · ·- ·. . · . · · follows; :. . . ·. . · ...
~·· :. · · 1'. · Wheh~the child is below 18 years· of'.aqe, in a.
;, . .'. Prescrtptton: · -. . . . . . . . · work or. economic . activity . that . does ·· not ".
!: . ·. A.ny action arising from the violation of the provisions. constitute child labor; and. . .
~ :'of this Act ~h'all prescrtbe in-three (3) years .(R:A. No. 2 .. When the child below 1 yearsof age: o
f': 787~, Sec. 7)·. ·. /)/j3,/.. a._. ~::~~ri!~:~~er~f~~f~f;e~s ~~·;i~~Li~1ei~~~-
-, .... · l l.,; 1.A gua~difitn _and where- only members of the .. ·
:· , . . · . l, i"~ ; ~; ·<) .. child's ~amily ar~ employe~; or· .· .
. /7'
iIt t,,.-r ,i·•:.; · · b..
.-·,•:.-;-;'~.. . ___
·. In public
entertainment or information (P:O.
3'1 ,\) .
L..--~;,_ .....;.-.--..:.-.--.--,.....-~-'~·· ..., ;f• .',c;.~·.,.,i..':'-.~;.,//1}.of, ..,~ 4, Sec .. ·.
( .r.'!,-,/ ,, \ / Yi" . . --......~£_., ../ . 1c.1.
Ii, .. . . . ' ,-" .;,- ' ,_ l..,j . • 4\ . •. . ·. . . -
i> . CHAPTER, II: EMPl,.OY_MENTOF Ml~.gRs · . /L,./j ·, Public·· ·entf;f{j;!i'Ol')'lel'.lt. or. Information refers· to·
~ ·· · · . · ·. · · · ·y'.,_ 1-1 · ·)>"~\~ artistic:· litfr~r9it· 'an·d ·cultural·. performances ·tor
f AR!ICLE 137: MINIMUM_ l:MP~OY ~-~,i;:)f;;c. 9.~
jd televisionjst:i,? progra':11, cinema ,.or film,
i The-niinimurn employa\:)le age;Js::.1-5' yee,~:~age,. ,;:~ . theater; 6om1JT1er&a1· advertisement, public relations
fv., ~ubject only,o exceptions (Ll}.~0B CO.@.£;/ Art. 137r.A, L·1 ·
activitiel or·c~ir1p~Jgns·,.'print,materi~ls, internet and

!;t · ·. ·. ·· !(_'-// <-::z..:~:J~~ .. -~ .0 .}) .othei:~1-1~i~~(q:~(&o:

NC?t.e: The law·governing the e~plo'y~~~V.of mil).o.~s; ,{} · ·
6p-04, Sec.,3(nJ))..
,.t_;1,;::.'bf!.:/· · · · · .. . ·
is R.:4-. · 92~1•. 53s .~rnen.d:e(1.,(otn~~1~~1~~.~wn cl';,. :.J
Spec.1~1.f~r9t~Ct1on_of.?h.1ldr~n l\gatQ,sfCh11~,:fb.us1e,...
E_!flployment of C.h,il~fre,h. . .,
i-L . ·
.::L:..... Gener~I Rule:·Childrel"! below 15 y.ears·of age
(\ .. , Expl~1ta.tron:an~. D1scnm1~_at1onAd);: -f~?:.; · . i_,)r·;.,r'.' Fi"
f~ \• • • . • . .. • . / •_/ . .,...-:"'?..-
.. ~sh,~1!1:iotb~ emp!oy~d (RA.
6.l ,:,1.J.!..4-. ~::D • .
9?3·1, ~ec. 2). Wo.
~-. r·=-- -:-:
I ' • ~ • "
)~·....-· . . !..!'/ . . ,

l:. . . (P.SR)
!;'.· be. the.policy:o~ti~-:~~fi_o:.
... ·.. . . . . . .,. . .. .. ~ .. .
- ;~-~~~~0 ;!\,~J;d
work¥ ·
~espom~1b1l.1ty o'f his/her J:?arents or· legal
1( ·1.: · Pr<,>v.ide special'-frote<?tion to. cl)ildren· fr<?m all gui,lrdian and where only· members··of his/
~: '.. fonris 0f"ab1,1se, neglect, cruelty, ~xploit!'ition and ." her fam.ilyare emjlloyed;. . . _-· . ·
t .,
dis.9rir:ninatiq_n an·d~ther ':9n~iti~ns.prejudi~ial .to .
'their. development mclud,rng .child labqr and· its
. · ;
Conditions· . . . .
·· ·

,l .· .
ts:: · · · · worst forms; · · · · .
~·.:.. 2 .. P.toVide ·Sanctions ·for. the.i( commission an'd

Cf,lrry' . 0'4,. a . program ·fpr . prevention af')~
',deterrence of anq sit\)a~ions
.·.'of' c.hil_d·ahuse, e'ip_loiJ~tion.and ·mscrimination;
· · i. . That .. hi~/tier ·.. emproyrnent neither
. endangers his'.life, safety, healt.h ar19.
morals, . Ji.or ... i,:npa[rs '. his hoi"mal . ·
dev~lopmerlt; ·a,~d . . . ·.. .. . .
ii. That tt:ie parent· guardia·n shpll .

[I( anq provide ·.the said minor child with ·tne' -, .

~; .' . 3.. 'Ph:#ec.t . ~nd . ,Behab.i11t.:1te -~hildre.~ .: grayel/ . • prescriped . primary: and/or :sec:'ol'ldary ·· . ··
't· threatened or: endangered by cir¢umstanqes ed1,1tatfon (R.A. No .. _9231, Sec.. 2). · .. ·. · ...
" which .affect' or will affect their survival' and
: :norr:nal deve.lopm_ent·1:1nd over ~hich' they- nave.· b. Where the . child's _e.mployment'· or
i:· . no control.. . 'pa,rticipation. 'in. public··. ·entertainment or.
"/. . :· .. . .. . . . . . . ·..
.. ..
informatiol') through 9lnema', the?ttet, radio,.
't·=:·. The best interests of chiloren shall be the paramount television · or o.ther forrri~ ot -m.edia . is
·, ·. consideration.In aU actrons concerning them. !::very essentiaL· .
. effort shall be ·exerted to pro,:note · the. w.elfare of
Conditions: 4 ... 'Has. been SE)Jectedfor a froject after undergoing
'l. That. the employment· contract is auditiqns, workshops or VTR screenings;· and .
'concluded bythe child's parents or legal··. 5: Has been se'lected as Semi-finalist· in a .contest
guardian with the express agreement of for-a telev!slon show.(o-:d. No.'2-18, item 1).
the child concerned, if possible, and the
approval of the DOLE; 'and . . : · A ·wptk permit is. not required.if a child below 1"5 years
ii: That the following requtrernentin'atl . · ofage:··(S3A~°CGF) . . . . . .· . .
instances are strictly complied with: . . 1. ts a' .§.pot extra or is cast outright en the day of
1) · The employer." shall. ensure· the · : filming or taping of a· project; . ·
protectlon.. tiealth:. safely; morals 2. · Is a partlclpant iri §chool-related performance;
.. and· -norrrral development- of -the- a
3.. ls participant in 2P.Prts ~ctivities,.trainin'gs or
child· . .: . .. ,. . . < workshops; . . . .
.2) The ' · employer · sh.all -ihstitute .·.. , 4. : . Is c;i contestant'. 9f. a 2inging;' dance or talent
.measures to prevent .the child's contest for a butnot as· a semi- .
. exploitation· or·discrimination taking . finalist; . . . . . . .. .
into account'the system and level-of . "5. ·Will Join ~uditions 'or VTR screenlnqs; .
· remuneration, arid the .duration-and. · · '6 .. -1~,ea.r:t ofthe audience of a live televtslonshow
arranqernent of working time; · · ·. · · .. unless his-participation is expected:
. 3) . The employer formulate -a~_._--=sk Is .chosen as a Contestant from the audience 'of
· · implement,.. subj'ect to th~. ~pl=)fcfval 'T- . 'J\ ~~,iv.~television; show; . ·. ·
and supervlsion.. ·?f-1"'.:-ifom~teot
1 ·.}'>~;,,.f,s)J r~~iRJ.~nt of §ift-gi.ving activities in television;
. 'authorities, ·. c\: con~i,~G~r~ii;~~"-\¥ill ~e je_~~redin a documentary material ·
for training ·and s~i!Js·;a~!)~jJion of · (D. e.~~1-JJf1•)[1:z.m1). · · . . · .- . ·
the child _(R._A_-lfJo~'?-31:ri'S,..~ ..,...z);-~~--..,,,_~::(:-· ·_\: .... · ·. . · ·. . .
and . -, / ;:j'= j'7.' . ; · ·
· 4) The ch_ild is-,rov1cl~'Wit at· leasl · .!~ $ith0ut \ wor._'k(: p'ermit
mi .. T -~pte: r-pr c~tQ.r.~_ll')~peanngm .a singleproject and
yet, t.h.e :-, DOl.:.E
~he .-mand'ft10!Y ·. ~fern~~~a~c or ,Ay~~e_g~?nal{,~~id Office ·stiall issue ~ group
-·. seconda': ~~?tic;Jn.(D:Q~ N~ ~~,-_J>~~lfTra:C. No~2{1_§;;,1(e.m_ 3): .
. ·. ·.
. ' ·.
04, S~c._7,.!fi:fr. f~Jt . . \
·.. 11 ..;--:"',tff.. · ~. ·
~,.r , ~ ).:,,/. 1: ... \ c.J . . . . . . . . . , .
{;ff:-#, 1 G:tound,! for · s,p~-pe~~,on and·. Cancellation. of.
.·.· . ·

Note: A wo~k · ·p~rrmt ~ rrblh~ prn£] ust ~-~-r...;:~2,!:..k R~9':@t:· (ff,TErnP.10) · . . <. · . ·
pr~cured firsr before .ef.!g:t,~:·i~~~aJ5oV.I".:;~ . .-~~1~~1·0Yr.e9-t0r !hall. ~uspend_or cancel tt,e
exceptic;mal cases .. · . · \ l \ '\.~~\\;~. ·. . · ~Jv;,;~l';,!_'.lit·i~Jue~~fq,lfa· working ct:iil~ under the
. . . .- ~ . . -~ _. ~~~f.1 l(i.>~n3f'mstances..:. J. . · ... . .
· · · For pur~os·es of this Articl€!',:_!l)eterm, ·c~ili:R.~~J~, , .1 ~f;thfr7/(s:·:1;rauo· o~ misrepre_sentatio~ in th.e
apply to all ~etsons·und_er_.1 ~ears &~g~<'lqtf~f'w~~a~ion
. No. 7610, as amen.ded by R."J\__ No. ~3"4~~
. :?-.!.
wort<._ --~ermit . or ·. ~ny: :pt . _it,s.
§JlpportJJ;l9..~0~uments, . , . . ,
·. · · 12).-
· · . .

Vali'dity ·ofWo_r~kPerini~ . · .
. ·. -~· ,.
.Z· - . . · -~~~
·.'J\ /J ··l\~J!>l~1:it· co.n_tract-. and/or · .. employer's
.VA('~·::1,1.ade",rt.ak_irig'havtibeei:i viol_ated; ·
_s~t t_he child's

· ·· ..
Th.f!·Work s_hall state the ·period o( its v_alidi\~~lfthe. EmP,foyer fails to···institute measur~s to·
. bas.ed on. the employm~ht cohtrE1~t"9r'the appli,caticm ; ·. • en~ure ·t_hE:l.. prot~'ction; '1~alih,- safety, m.orals,
for work permit, as the case m.ay."be. However; the , ·. and norm~l·devel6prnent,ofthe .child;.'· ·· . .
pe.fiod of validity ·shall .in ·no cas_e .e~c,eed one .yei-ar · . ·:· 4. ·. I~ t.he fo'rmulate.and ·implemerit '.
. · (D.O.No.,6_5~04, S$c.''1?),:' .· . a Er-ogr.amfor·the eaucation,.'tralning·and.skills ·
· ·· · · . . ij.c.quisitl.~n 'o{lhe child~ or._:. · ..: . · : :·
· C~)!er'age of Working· Child · : · ·. · · 5:' ·u .a child ha~ been· Qeprived_ acce~· formal,
~·~ork pem:iit_is· required·if'a ct,ild be.low 15 years of . · · · J'.IOli-formal ·or allemative learning systems ·of
age: (FREPS) . . . ,.·&1.uc~tion ,(D.o: N_o.:)>q-04,Sec .. -22): .' · .• ·.
. f. .ls foreign nati9'.nal ,ana, wiif pe engaged: in . \ . .. . . .
public erjt~rtaininent: or !nformation 'In the" . -: .·Hoµrs of Work of a Working Child' .
.. . Philippines; . . .". . . . . · / ·.. · . · . ·:. It include&:·. ,··. · . . : · .· .. ·.. .." _ .
2·. · Wi!f be er19ag.ed as a Regular ex~ra or as part.of- 1·. · Alrtime"durlrig which a· child is required a.t
.. . a .. crowd and is. included in the script .or a· ptescribed workplace: ~i:itl . · ·· · . ·
· . ··storyboard;·. : · ·. · · · ·. · · : · ' :z. ·Alf time :during :."which .. ~-. child · is suffe.rea·.9r '
· 3. Will .be gngaged · ill .public· entertainmei'it or . permitted .. to · wc;irk .. ···it : .is inclusive-·. of
. informa:tion. regardfess qf !')is/her. roie ·in a· wardtobe/costum·e fittiiig, make7up· appliya.tlon,..
. · · projeCt. This~ Jnt)ud~s proj8·9ts . which. a·re oon- · · ·· , ·
.profit; . advocacy .. materials qr political. '.
ad_v~rtisements; '·


. . SPEC·IAL G:ROU.PS · :· .' . - . · . ,.-:·.·:,·:· ..
. , . I .
. · iii 5 ± ; MB.WM &Mt en . H
practice or rehearsal while fn the w_orkpla~~:.· Con.dition:-Thatnot more thari ·20% of the child's, .
. including.Wf;:lititig time (D: c. No. 2-17, item 2:2) .-incorn.e may b~ usedfor the. collective needs' of the
·r - . family'(o.o. No: 65,~.·4, Sec. 8) ....
.1{ Note: Sleeping time as well as· travel lime of a child
ff: .engagecj irj. public entertainment or informatlon from Noter-Collective .Needs of·the:Farnily.includes .food;
l his residence to his workplace shall not be Included shelter;·iigh~ and water, ciot!iing·, .~ducat.lon/me~ical,
~; . as hours worke.d wHhout.ptejucliqe to the applicatton ·, transportation , and other expenditure items.
{:, ·ot'existing rulssonEmployee'sCompensatton (D.O. · .necessaryfor.the survival of (he family of ihe child
J '. N('). 65-04; ·.Se.c.. 15). · · : ·· · (D. 6. No. 65~04, .sec: 3(i)). ·

{··. M~ximum N.u~b;r of Hours ~f-Work: . . 2. Th~· income of the working child .andl~r. th~:
1.:··'..··.·: 1. A fhjld below fifteen· (1'5)' years of ;:ige ·may be · .Property thet. work o(tlie·child
, allowed to. work fornot morethan twenty'.(20)' · .. shall be. administered by· 'bo h parents. Irr the
hours. a.week and more· th~n· four (4 ): hours at · . absence or \1.1capacity of either parent, the other
any·given day;: ·· .~. . parent shall administer the same .. ln case both ·
·2. A, chUd fifteen .who i,s·.~fte.en (15). years· of parentsareabsent or.incapacltated, the order of
-anc'.f below eighte~n· (18) shall not bl:l allowed to · 'preference on parental c1ut~ority, as provided for
-worktormore than eight (8) hours aday, 'and in under theFamilyCode snail apply axo. 65-04;
. no case beyond f.drty {40)'hours a w.eel<;:a.h.d . · Sec. 17). ·
3. No child below fifteen (15)· years. of agE;!. shall be.,/['/ . .
'allowed 'to work between.eight(~) o'clock·iri ihl·,/ir. · Preservation of the Working G.hildts Income ·,.
ev~ning and six·(6) q'cipc.k in tbe morning ·oft~~'/~':'! .'The.·ir'ICOf"!le of the working c~ild shall b~ .depc;,sifed
·. following, day .an~ .no· child fift~er) (15) yea(~fPJi ::·~!·:\. ·.in.a Tru?t-Fun.d.or~avings ":'~CO\Jnt setup or..operied
a~e ;;ii:id .below eighteen .(1 {!) yea~s of age s~~l)·,~ ,~~;;~..,,~2'9..~rhis. nJl.f,Qeby t~.e~dr-rn,n1strator of suc.h mcome,
. be allowed fo wor.k' between ten (1.0) ·o·~tG?rc~ !D.' Yt~~-~t~,t.0:,.tt:lejcond1hon.s, under Sec. 18 of D.O. 65-
, the eveni~g flnd:six (6) o'clock in t~~;f))fri[nfJof-.,. f. · 04·arrd't,he·~~yilCode: The following rules apptr.
th~.follow11.1~ day·(D.O. No_. l!5-04,;:Seo:,15). ,1\-)~ · , 1. Whe.n.A~~1prne · !S. at )east P200,000 .- the
. · · ·: ·. · ' . . · .. .'. r· \J( . · /.,.,.,,\ · · adminis·{shall .s~t up a Trust J:und for tt:ie
R,est perio~s of $hort dura~i~IJ;;?f!!i.1~f~prl<,l~{ child_JJfo~r.e'a~. leasqO% .. of ·Sllc:'1 ~mount shall:
. hour~ shali b~ counted as .hy.urswoiJ<e<t:fD;~ . h. be.d,epo~1ted\ ; . . · . . ···,:- ..
f. .. N(:.: 95_~04, Sec.'·3(k)): !,~.,, ·. ·~~ ·.. ~· .:~) ~:) ·2 .. ·.~'lfn!~~~~is IE:ss.than P2QO,OOO.~ at. l~ast

... . . : . · : ·::· .\,;.?' ~~>;)_ ~,, · ·
Llm,tatioFJs on Wqrkmg·~~ur~:P-!-·~ij!!c~ . ··~ .·
t·t:,·.:j·.. . J.WgT.-?J;~7i,.~.l;\.~e .~ay. pe df p9s1te~ in a
~avn' time the ch.1ld rece1~es an
r.::.. . f:7 . . .
~-::-;...... .-,, .. ,.., . . _':.: IOCQIT)e. The. accumulated:. savn-;igs ·shall , b:e
~ • ' .. , i.,,.:,...;;....:_,.;trar-isferred to· the, Tru~.t Fund . should the tqtal~ _
r.;'.,.'.i ·N··0·t· · Not m··0-re c:1,9:.rh·.tv(·S\:· .... :.,h,.,,"~'.:;·:gross ~ricome. for a 'given ·.yea·~· js,. at leas~.; .
~ · · · • :. 1\,;f ·• . v~~:~..:.:L:;:.-~:~i;i:200'.'too· (D· o · 65-04 · Sec··.18)· ··
than fo~r . .. than :i:lm tp/&Ix'( · _ . . . , · · . · · , · , · . ·, '. . : · · . · .
(4) hqu~s. ·:. .twenty <29): 'LW,-~rn.f'f
· ··
r~!J: :-·
P. owing· against-Worst i=orms·of.Chi.l.o.Labor·
''vyor;,t forr!Js' o(~h\ld l.abor•· ~ha\l -refer to:'1;1ny of.
l!'le·folfciWing:· .·· .. · .. . . .
-~-'--~-~---'~-+-d_a_y_·-~·---1 . . · L·.AJI forms.of slavery;.as.deftneq urfderthe ."Anti..':.. ·
. , .. .. Not mor~ ·. Te.o.(10) . . 'Traffi~king .. of Pe,;sons. A.ct of 20p3'.'.qr- practices .
'than eight. Jhari'forty pm·to six.· sirhilarJo slaver.y'suct) as;· ,. ·
(40) hqurs . (6) ani ·of · ' a: : ·
.•. Sale( ,;1oi:l'traffickfng-qf c;;hildrep;
the b. · Debl bondage and ·serfdom·; and ·
. .. following: -:.. · .:· :t: ··.,Forc~.d. \>r . compuls·tiiY.. l1:11)or> .irieludipg
day . : ,.·· . . .. ·re:cruitrnent:of chi_lpren· fo"r ll~e . in armed ..
EL~----'----~-'-·----·___, , . ·.conflict;·.. . · . · . ·: . :_ · ' ·, · · . ·. · ·
· '· .. · · · · ·: · · .. -. : · · · 2~ Tlie ,use, procuring,. offering.. or. -e~po~ing· or a
Own~rship, ),!sage and· A~i;nihisti-atio·n of. the· · child for: prostitution,· ;for ·th·e.. pro.tlu.ction-. :of
. Working '.Ctiilct's 'irico~e '··. · · · · . · : ·' · porncjgraphy.or fo~ pomqgraphic perfqrma·nces;,
1 ... Tiie.w~ges,.sal*ies;·eamlng~ a.ndc;,lher.incqme. 3;. The use, procufiflg; 9.ff.ering'or-.exp.osing of a··.
of the. wprking. child sl')all belong to:him/her in or
child for .illegal illicit activitieq,. including' the :
· ·ownership ,;1no shall be set asid~ prlmarify·.fbr ·production and· trafficking of'·da·ngerous drugs
.his/h~r. suppoi:t. edLIGc!tior'l' or 'skills ·acquisition and . volatile· ·SUbstai:ices . probibited. unqer:
and s~concjwily to the colled[ve needs of .the ~xisting'.Jaws,; or '
family. · · ···

. '



WI 4& I . 4 ¥&¥ R>-ISH *te &i&ittt

4. .Work w.hich, byits nature or the .circumstances . trust Fund fro:m Fines and Penalti'es
· .in which it is carried out, is hazardous or likely to The fine imposed by the· court shall be treated as a
be . harmful to the. health; ·safety.' or morals· of: :Tn,!st ·Fund, .administe(ed· by.b'OLE ·.and disb_ursed ·
. children, such that it: . · exclusiveJy.. for the needs,· including. fhe cost ·of
· a.' : Depases, degrades or demeansthe intrinsic rehabilitation and ~eintegration iatq me: m~instrea_m
'; worth. and dignity of a child as. a human of socie.ty of the working·children who are·victirns of
. being;: · · · · vi.olation's.-of this Act, and for t_he· "programs and .
. b. Exposes. the-child to physical, emotional or projectsthat will prevent acts of chlld labor (R.A. No.
. sexual abuse, or - is found to be hi~hly. 9·2;H1:S~c. "7). · . · . . .· . · . ·
. stressful. psychologically or .may. prejud_ice
.' ·· .morats.. . . . .. . ·.. Wh.o may·File.a·C~mplalnt-on.Cases of UnlaWful
c. Is performed underqround, underwater, or. . ActsCorrimltted Against-Children .
·. .'at.dE1ngerous ~eights; ·. . . ·. · · . · ·.1, · Offendedparty;" · .. · . · ·
·d .. Involves .the use .of dahgerous. -machlnery, 2: .'. Parentsor quatdiaris.. .. .
.· . . equipment and tools such as power-driven 3. Ascendants or collateral relatives wlthlrr the third
.. oc. explosive. power=actuated tools; . . · . : .". (3jd) degree bf cbns.ariguinlty; . · . . . · -
, · ·er.· Exposes 'the child to. physical danger such· . 4: Officer,' social worker or .. representative .. of a
'as but not .lirnited to the danqerous feats Of licensed Child caring lnstltutlon:

. . which" requires _the manual transp(:1eof
· heavy load~; . . . · Lf~· t!\.:
. balanclnq, physical strength:or contortio~·or,_,.=..,~~ Offfcer:or. social worker of DSW.D;
tf :.'.f::~E.~_r-igay chair,:n_an -of the. plac~ wh~r~ the
l\/¥19ta~0pccurrsd,~her~ the chJld rs resldlnq or .

. · .... t Is, performed 1n an unheal~l}f;erwwojl1Ti3P..k---=:o~~-efup!py~~,Qr· ·. . .•. . .· . .· .

. e~po~!hg 'the child· to ·_t:rW,rdo~~~01King .,.,; . 7. ;''J:\l~l'?~-st 3f'ep§:fr~ed_.responsible citizens where
. conditions, elements, tf. sOb~~n,..ce~,,.,.~·~e:r-'-"'~9,~-=- . . . ,,.tpe vi~l-aJi'bri qc~gurred "(RA No. 7610, Sec. 27
agents . or pt'ocesse~/li"OjVIJ/9 jonizingn '°K' ···~i a~mJ'nllelJJiy :A.. No. 9231, Sec .. 8). ·
. rapiation,' · fire, . flamm~&l~;.f. su~~tance.s, kl~ L&. ~t1 ~H< ~· · · . .. . · ..
. noxious ·component{ and tfe lik:e,. or: to·/{}~ JIJris:dic ion \ ( () t, ·. · ·. . . ·. ·
. ·. e~trer;ie .te!J1peratuJ:~,lise.. LJlWls~o·r 1r-:-T~r:a.A ~ly· CC!'t1~~~.t,~IIhav~ origin_al jurisdiction .
· . -· v1bratio11s;_ · ff~-, · . . ,· _'ltz~l'"':7-· . ,~er-fallffa:=:es 1r-volv1q ·<:1~~h~es purnsha.ble under
. g. · .. Is P~_rfor~ed . unorrAa l[ic.ul_arl~1·.. d1ffic~J\Wm:~his Act/VJ:A fl/q. l:'7'~1P~.Sec. 1.Q:A as_ a17Jended ~y
..cond1t1ons.. . -~-~ ~ ~.Al\---·-'·''p':......,;__R.A.N9J~~~1. Jee. 9}.H. · . . . , ·
.. h.. Ex~~e~ t~e.child t?~b}';)JogWa1·'l{_~~~~rm~- _c1; '. f.P,J .¥.~if· . _' · . .. ·.
. a~ bact~~la, . fungi! l'•tli'u~e~·•. p~~oaosl~ .~Jo!z~~J.ies .9f provJ'1beswh~re t_here are no f_arruly
· .. ·.· 1.1ei:n~tode_sanq ?ther~~arasif~i;,or\..-<;.p~~.~~~)~'Yet, :t~~ ~~CJ . and· t~~ MTCs .. ~halt· h~),le
.. ~-. :. Involve~ th~ manufaC!!J~ o(~andho.(i~r~i0:~RC!,l~ent .p:msd1~~n ·dep~ndmg ·on )he pena_lties.
. ··. ex~losi":e_s _and_ oth~r _p~techrne::\~~~~~~£:~~1~<.ffo_r thE;_pffens~ charge_d.(R.A._ No. 7610, .
. . . (R:A_No_,_9'?3~. Sec. 3)... :, /. L tx~d~c! ?·~;
~_)i.J.;r~_ -~y _N·q: 9_231, :~f!C·__ 9). .

.. ,Pr:ohlbitlon. on the !;mployrrienf of.'G~/c}j in, ~,·. if· ~~~~lmmediat~Legal, M~dical and Psych9·
CertarnAdvertisements. . . · · . . .- ~~;.,;__ 1V!Us'ociala1S'etv1ces.. · ... - · ·.: · . · _,· . ·
No· ··c.hi_ld shalJ be empl~yed ·as· a model ir anr=:=~fw9rking phild_ sh~i1 h_a),le. t!ie: right to .f~~e· Jegal,
-~~vertisem~nt, : directly or .indir~ctly, . .. · m·e'dica! .an_g ps_ycho-so_cial services:to: b,e··proyi_d.ed.
alcoholic ~ver:ages; · intoxicating ·,:drinl<s, toba~cq. by the State ihrou·gn·agenci~s.,m.andat!:?d to·proyide
·and its' _by-products,. g~mbling ·. or a·ny form····of .- _slich .."services·: (R.JJ.: 'No. · 76.10, Sec.· 16-A,. a~·
·yiolerice porn~grap~y (R.A:Noi 9231, ·Sec:5).. · amended by: R:A No: .9231, S~9,9J: _: .
Ac·cess-to Education·.and·'TYainlng· for Working ; H~alth · seivices. i~clude.d p~l~ary or·_pr~ye,riti~e.:
.Chll~ren . ·. :_ .· . . .. , · ·· : se.con~ary f?i' curative; and. tertiary or.r~~abilita,live
No child shall b_e -deprived of fcirma[, .non-form'al ·or: . services, or"such s~rvices ·as .may be n"e·ceS$~ry_t_o
.alter.native -learning syst~ms o.f -educauo·n. · lh .. 'all.. addrei,~ phys\cal, psyc~olqgical. probl.ems··
:cases where· the ·child . is allciwed ···to. ·work, the . ~rising from ·child labor. (D:O. No. 65-04," Sec.·20t .
em'ployei- s·h8ff provid.e. the child witb -acce$s ·to at · · · · · ·· · · · ·· ·
- least e_lementaryand/(?.r seqondary-education. ' ·..

--~~--~~-~loye,r sha.11 ma'ka" a __c~:i;d_w~fk during his/her.

·school.hours arid hinder his/her access·to education.
<_:Jurin~ _sc.~ool days (o:o.
'No: 6'5-04, 9ec.' 19 (a)):


SP.·l;CIAL GRo·ups·· . ·.
· - .MEMORY.
· I ll019.

Not~: The. foregoing ·shal.1. be .the 'standard

.EMPLOYMEN.T OF. · requirements when the ·employment of the domestic
worker Is.facllitetedfhrouqh the Privat~ Emplbyrnent
Agen·cy (PEA) (R.A. No.. 10361, Sec. 12).

CHAPTER Ill: .·.... ·.EMPLO.YMEi:.i/. OF

The east of.·
'the· standard pre-employment
requirernents··,shall be- borne by the. prospective
HO~SEt-JELPERS employer or the· agency, as the case may be (/RR,
lliote: ~hapter 111 has be~~. express,;. fep.eaied by · ~.A. No .. 10.361, Rule //;Seq: 4): .
Domestic Worker's .Act .or- Batas Kasambahay RA Reg.istrationof'; Domestic Workers·. · .
No. ·.1.0~61 approved. on January· 18, 2013 ·and. The. employers shall r~gister all domestic workers
·be.came_effec~l_ve:on. Apri.1 30,. 201-3 (1.5 days· after. under their employment in the Registr.y of D.omestic
·complet1on....9t its pubtlcation), .» • •
·.-W9.rl<ers j~. the. barangay .wnere the. emp.!9-yer's
D.omest~c Worke.r or. "kasarnbahay" tefers. to any · .. located .(R.A. No. 10361, Sec .. 17)..' ·
person er\g13ged in .dornestic work -within " an · · ·
employment ralatlonship 'such as, but not limited to · · .. .N.ote: Jn cases where the employment of· the
the following: ·(G2LA'NCo)' · · •- ' domestic·worker is .fac;:ilifated throuqh a PEA, the
,; .' 1.. ~e.neral househelp: . r-: · -sald ·f:'EA shall .keep a copy 'ot all· employment.
2 ... Nurl:>emaid of"yaxa;" . . r»; c~:m~,;3cts o.f domestlc workers and shall be made·
~-· ~= £2?k; . . ,,;;/rf. ·a':';31labl~ for verification and inspection by the DOLE
45•.. .§arden~·r;· • . . (;>10'.'f.'>) . (~·~· .f:J6:· ;tQ361,. ~ec. 11, par.. 4). ·. . . · ·
_baun~ry;pe~son;and , - . . (" it!/;·~'!.!:\ . ·. .. . . · .
·. 6. /5.f)Y. P.erson · who, reqularly · performs dom~lii6~; ,·i8:, Rec~1tment.and Fin de.r's Fees
i:· .

.. .. ;
: work in ~me.housetiold occupationalb:s;Js.; .. ·~1;.1"';~fg?:1;dlesi.79!w~et.h~r the domestic worker was·
. · · (/RR,. R.A..· No: 1036-1, Rule. t, Sec. 2),~y · _; (!f !}~1.r.e9.Jm:.~f~~·rp~1vate empl'?!'ment agency or a thlrd
. . .- ' . . . . : . . . . · . . .~..-:,.. . ~: r·l . party·, no sfi~ff ,m the recruitment or_. fin'de(s 'fees
. ··Excluded from .the· definition: (FAC~(\~ ~.;J · ·. ·Shall be chafge,dagainst the c;lomestic worker oy the ·
. 1,. family driver~; . . /~ft;:r,._d.
. · :. _ · t;; .,r said' priv~1 eln't:>loyme~t agency or third p~rty.'(l~.A.
r . :. 2 .. ~Y .. othe~ . persoi:i ~ho~,i;:P!:lff0~~2:;.7work
qccas1onstlly or l?porad1~l-y an<!· not·· on- an\ f,.,1-
r\,· . · NO.. 103t._:·1eq\1-3). ,.
/,. ··• -1·L · \.
· . . · . . ·.
f · occupational· ·. ·. I•;:-,;, . ·:;:J;,..:-:,,._. · ·.' ~. ~);1 · Deployr;nent..Expe.,1~1ses
. .. ·
- . ·.
f· 3. . .~h.ildren,UFl.d~r foster fam1fy{ar~~J6e'~t:·a~'~j , ·j, T~e '°{(il,l<::Y.!/~r..,~~er.the . kasambahay i.:> hired 11.
t. 4.- §.er.vice pr:ovid¢rs (iRR; R.A~:No/fPi6~· Ru'fii:W; Yt,! · ·d~r.ectly, e~:fui:g,ygt:I a -P~A. shall pay the expenses
. Sec: 2)-. . .'. .. . . . \'.~¥· },~\. f! ~· W{ ·: 01rectly used for his/her transfer from place·'!! origin
· - · . ·. • . . . . . · . -. "--\ ."' . • /.c::'J
,): . · . ;·:.,.-.:,!oJhe
·~~·Jr ·ri,1- place ~. of work. . , · .
HousehoJ.d refers t~ tl')e.immedlate
t 7\
·m(':!jveers ·of)lj~,I,.<
. family or.the occupants QMhe,house-~tiR1are.d.if.~9u9£.""L.::Ji.:...::l;fi~ro_plo)'ermay. r~cover deployment costs fr?m
.. ,) .. ,~iifPll, · · :· . ·
..'·,. .. at1d regl:llarty provi.ded.servicel3 .py th.e1,~a?am~lfhay,· . .the. ' .~as~m?a,har .. whene"':er. the. empl?~m~nt.
(/RR, R.,4.. No. ·10361;,.Ru/e 1,-se.c. 3-(g)).l!t'ii):.. · ·'?~h11;> 1s.,termin.ated w1tl'.11n.. 6 months without
. . . · . · . .. . JUSt~u.;:;e (R,A. No .. 10361, Se~. 32)... ··.
Employment c;;~mt~act: :' ·. :· .. . . . . ... . . . · ·. 1· · · · .: :· .: .· .
·. -A cuntri;ict-e?_<ecu.ted· by, and the dom·estic . · · . Rtghts ~·nd Privileges of a Kasainbahay:
·v-:orkef and th.iii ernploye~ b.efor.e\he· commencement : , The ·ri_gh_t~and privll,eges.oh3' kasambahay. are the·0r.dialect·u,ntle~toodby fqllowmg; (S2BC-G92-,WaLTE2~2-F13:) . · ·
both t~e ~omestiC?· IJ/or:ke(and ·t.he em.player (R.A. . · 1 i . §.tandard of .T~eatment..,··,The employer or any
No. 10361i Sec. 1.1): · · .. , · · ·!?'ember ,.of the ·hous(;lh.old shalr.not subjed· a
.,· ' .. . ,-pom':stic.~oi:~er.or k?Js.ambahayto ar:iy _kind of.
Pre-Em~lqyment..Requi.rements· · . . · .. ~\:n,isenor mfhct.anyform of physical violence br
. P'rior- .to the execution of .the .employ,nent contract;· · harasstn~nt .or-.ariy act .tending. to degrade the
th~ ·employer may r.i:1.g1:1ire the· follo-.vjr,ig rron:i- ,he · ·· .. Qignity of a· domestic Worker (R:A. No-. ·io361
kasamb.ah~y:(MCN~) . . . . · ,· · . . Sec.-5);·. ·.. · . · · . ·. . ' ·
1~ Medical certificat~ or a·heaith c~rtificate· issued · 2.· ...Ji!O?rd, Lodging, ~nd Medi<::al Atte'ridance. - The .
by. a locat govecnmerit tiealth :officer;' . . . · en:iployer sha)I provide for th~ basic necessities
2:: · B~rang·a,y and· police Cleararice· · of.the·domesJic.worker to include: · : .
. Bµreau ~·6f .ln.v.e~t.ig~tion · (NB1)
~·.• . 3 .. National clearance;·and: · .
. a:. At IEiiast. three (3) adequate rriea!s per day; ·.
· ·. b. · Humane sleeping arrangements'.thatensure·
4. · : D.lily a'uthen_tie;3ted· · ~irfr) certificate · or if not. safety; an·d · · · ·
availa.bJe, :any;dOCL!m.ent.shoy.riog th'e age - C. ,Appropriate : re~t ancf. a·s$istance to the.
•. l.. of ·. tt,e d~miesti9 :work~r such as vbter's , domestic worlsl;lr. of illnesses and
identifi~tion.'card; ~aptismal rec~rd or paisport. injuries ·sustained ·.during. service without
loss 'Of benefits (R.A. No. 1031)1, S.e~. 6); .


~. .
.. .
¥ C&ftt§ WINUl&IC M NHAiMt&+tMiifiW ?MfiilKM + s'tdStii

. 3. :§.uar.ant~e of Privacy. - Respect,for the privacy any unused portion "of s~id ah~u~I leave shall
of the .domestic worker shall be guaranteed" at all not be cumulative or carried . over to . the
times ·and.. 'shall extend to all- forms ·.of succeeding years. Unused leaves shall not be·
communication· and per~onal·effects (R.A. No. convertible to cash (R.A. No. 10361;-Sec. 29);
10361;- Sec:Zf . . .. . . . 8. 1 J1h Month Pay. - The kasambahay who. has
·4, '. Access to'; Outside Communicaflon. ...,. · The rendered-at-least one· (1) month of service .ls
. ·employer". shall g"rant the ·..domestic . worker entitled to a thirteenth-month pay which shall not
· · access to outside comrnuntcatlcn <;luring. free be less than 1/1,2 of his/her total basic"-~ialary
· time: ProvidfJd,· that ·-in caae of emergency,· earned in a calendar year ..
access to comrnuriicatlon shall beqranteo even 9. ,§ocial a_rid.Other Benefits. - A domestic worker
· ·during work· tlm~, should. the· do·m~stic·worl<er who has rendered at least one (1) · month of..
.· · .. · make.use 9f'the:_employer's·l.e_iephone'or·other service shall 'be .covered :by ·uiij·:Sss· .. the.
. ." ·. comrnuhlcatlon facilities. "the · costs "shall be Phil Health, and the Home Development' Mufual
'. ·:' borne. by the domestic .worker..' an less· such Fund.or, Pa~IBIG," and 'shall-be ·emtitled to. ail the ',
: ·. c9c;1rges are waived ·by. .th~ employer {R.A No; beneflts in· . accordance witti_ the pertinent .·
· . ·10~61. Sec. '8); . . . , . · .provlsions provided by· law; (R.A." No .. 10361;
5. Access· to Education· and Trafnirig - ·The · Sec. 30),'. .. . · · - ·
. employer "shi311 ~f,ford the.. domestic worker the . · . . . .
. a_.11.?IN._- acce_~~- fq alternative_ 1~.arnlng.~ems Tu.
.. OPJ?..9riU".iW _to "fini~h basi°? :educ~ticm and ~ID.'."1'"'==-'7:}y_""'-~ote: Premiu~ payments.or cohfributions_shall:
1\ _:be.c~tm~lqeredbythe en:i~l.oyer. Ho_wever:tf,the
arid,_ as far. as· practicable, h1_glier,~~cat&..~ or \ . j}/d9f1~'stt~<worker1~ receiving a ".'V~ge_ of ~5,000.
~ec~!lical and vccational traini~gt?i.~~e¥1j}ioJJb-_....."-'7--"::1·~(ld·11'~e~r m~mth·. the domestic worker. s_hall
. shall. adjust the work schedulf_1lf "tha d'o[T:festic . ""P~ 1.llie ·9i:...qp9rt1011ate ·share ·in tpe. _prerrnum
. WQrke(·~o --~llow ~;"uch ·$cce,jl. fo(.:i~~-er'.""'1'r':,-...~a.Fe~S\~"l' c~ntributions, ~s _provided _by law;·
"Jraining_withoul hamperi~91,tl}_~e,rv),ces
by the.empk>yer (R.A. Na;Y.167!6:f:f?ec.f,9), !
,fe~uire~~. Jr %( (~:'"~~({Pf8./\Sec.
,tiJ,"11. ,!Jl0. R" h't t F·>- f · . 1
30)._ · ·. ·: ·
·, t I b
· · ·

. · · ... ; , ·.· · · .,!~.·.'if .,R' : · ,(·\, •. 19 J. o_y~~·•f'!''.torass1s·a or_o_rgarn_zat1on

Not~: ,:he ~~ployer-1s -110l"";q1i1_ir~<;I- t~-,,.rov1ae4'P---<J~B~_RA. ~p;i'6?,;f.$ule IV, Sec. 1(j)), · ·.
· financial assistance f.2rp:,~ifi.~. educa~on '"~~-~ ~ml· ~1~~191'.lfto be ~r~111ete~.a -9?PY of the §mpl_oymen_t
' .. trai~i~gofthe.kasa~ba~~Y.:-~ essto·~~u~f!QEY"""-;""~=:e?i-~ c~niJ.act (IRiff:->f:l~J ~036.11 Rule JV;Sec. .. t(k));
· may mclude _financial as.:r;is~Di. attth~(optioi;i,d~f:Z!12.
· ·the Elmployer (/RR ofR.-Y...--S~c.~16, ~if,-l.2r.--
. . ·: ·. . · \-U .) \ . .
6. Be~t period. - ,The do~stic ,w~rker..if\)il~~~ ""ey
~'\.,~v'•.., ,~
R1g,~~k)~-\Qent1fica_te~.of e~~l?yrnent .(/RR,_ R.A.: .
-#)'aff.?~JRule.1~'{.,§.e;~, 1(1)), : . ·· · ·
l~l1'"'~.J~~·~fi0o.}'.efmina¥.1·th_e employment· (/RR,._ R.A.
Rt.le ./V,.s,{c: 1 (TJ1)); ·. ·. · . · · · .. ·


·entitled to ari·aggtegate dajfy r_estp~rioioJ.?~...,>.,~-~~""R1gptto/xer¢}~~,;theirown Eeli~iou_s beliefs and

; (8) hours per d_ay (R.A. No ..~0391, ·sf!!?.:· 2(>);~~C -:::-----\,~~yltU!:,<jll. pracllcf!)S (/RR, R.A. 1036.1, Ru(.e, fV,,
· · · · · ·· \· · · '"' ~ 1El~Se9r1(JJ1)· :,I. · · ..
'. T~e-.<Jon:,esti.cw0tker;,~aU_als~~e.~~tf~l7-a~t~--.:,;~_,,!5:""'r~fi{l(~uJc,"o/~~e - l:t1e ·minimum wa~e. of
_- .. -~e~st f~_enty:-four (2_4) ~~t· .·,," ii,. ~q~ft!_es~workers sh'alJ n0t be ·less. th,an · the
.. , 1n · a_. w~ek. Tb_e: emploY.eir· <;'_nd_ th_e~·i,{e_st1c · l\rtf''\_)folJ~ing·:., .. · ·· · · · .. ·. · ·
, : · · . · ""'.~rker'S!lall'c;1gree _iri _writing _ori ,the scheat1le,..Qf=.-c--~~ · . ·• ·• . ~- · · . · . .
: the: wee.!dY.·.rest".day pf- the. ·~qm_e$tiC.worker: . · · · ·MinimumW~ge,ofPc;,mestip Workers .
·Provided;: . empldyer shau'_ resp~ct the · · .. ,. . . . : . . ·, ,.- .. ·: · .. · . • . · . . ' ..;, .
. p_refe_reQ~e ;Jfle,.: doniesti.C?.:work~r-.·as . tp" . th~ .
·weekly r.est diw.When.such·prefeterice is based
9ti t~iiglous ·grounds. N0thir1g ·in. "NCR. (Wage-Qrder No. :P3;SQO.
_st\aU :·d~prive ·-t~ ~orriestic· "i._vor~er _a!lc!. the .. . NCR-DW-o'1) .
. emp(pyer from.agreeing. to the followjng: · .~~~+-~~~-=-~~~~
: . a.·.· Offsetting a day "of absence 'wflh particular . a Chartered,.citi~s & Tifst' ~·
class· mtinicipalities · ·. :
· · ··--! ·: _..• ·
P2, QOO ..
· . . rest day; : .: ·. · . : : · · · .. · · . .. . . ~· . . . .
· ·· b. · Wai,;,)~g a_ partic~l~~ ·(" in _r~tur, ·
. ·. equivalent daily rate of pay; Otl)~r r~·{unicipaiitie~' \ .. · P1 ,500 : ·· .. ·
· . '. · . . . . . .. . . . ~
_ : . c;:· A<:_cun;i~iating resi days riot exce~ding five (R.~. No. fQ361, ...Sec. !4)., . ·_- .·. ··.
. . . · . (5} 9ays;: or. : ··. . . . . :. ·. : .. · · · .
· • · ·' d::. ·other. slm.i!ar arr~ng!3'!)~nts · . (R.A. . No. Note~ The·foll;wing rule~ ~~RjY f6~·the p~yment ·
···.. . ·10361, Se.c. 21);_· · · ._ ·. :· . . of wage.s..... ·. ':_··.: . : -. .. . . . . · ..
-a. Payment ),f wages shal.l be made· oi:i time ·
·7_: . ~ervice- Incentive Leave.·- A qom.estic worker
direptly to tl=le aomestfo w<?!~er to whorn they
. ~-- who ha$.rend°ere~f leasfor:i~(1.) year.of SerNice· are due in Gash at least oi:ice-a month (R.A.
shall be.entitled to an anriual ser.vice iriceritive '25)~ . '·. .. .
·leave· o~ five ~5). days,wi~ pay: Pr9vided, that
No. 10361, :Sec. . . -

326 1 · 201~.SAN BEDA LAW CENTRALIZEf? BAR ·oPl:8,t\TION~


b'. No· .ernployer shall pay the wages of .a 4. The domestic worker shall be entitled to at least
domestic worker by means of .promissory . 2~· consecutive pours of rest in a week.(R.A. No;
notes, vouchers, coupons, ..tokens, tickets, ·. 10361, Sec. 21).,
.· chits, or·,,,ny object other than the cash wage
· (R.A. No. 10361, Sec. 25);· · . · Not.e: The employer. and .the domestic.Worker
c. ·.lt:st:iall be unlawful for an employer; directly shall agree in writing on. the schedule of ttie
· ... or indirectly, -to, withhold the wages of -the . wee~ly .res.t day' of )J:ie domestic work~r. The
domesticworker (R.A No. 10361, soc. 28); employer. shall'· respe,ct the :prefer~nce or the
and. · .· ·dome$.tic.worker as to the day when·
~- It shall be. unlawful for the employer to .su.cb·pr~ference is ~a~·ed dn .religious. groun't!s .
interfere' with ·the freedom of 'the (R.A.N<i. .103611• Sec. ~1);.c1nd· ··
' · .. • kasaml)ahay in. the disposition·. ofhis/her
wages) such as: . . 5 .. The d~me;tio· worker shali. ~· entitled to' an
. i;. .- Forcing, compelling, or . obliging. 'the _aggregate Qa~y rest.period ~f eight°(8) ho~rs per
· · kasamb~h,W to.purchasemercttandlse, day (.R.A. No . ._10361, .Sec. 20). .
· commodities. o~ other properties . from · · ·. · · ' · · .. -; · ..
·tAe employer or from anyother pers9n;. . .Pr~hibitio.n on DepQsi.t for LO.SS or. Damage
or . 1!. shall be unlawful. for the. employer -or .any other
· ii. : any store or. services. of person ·ID'· require a : domestic worker ta make
, ... . - such employer" or 'any other. person· A deposits. from wtifoti deau~tions shall be· made for.·
·"". ·, '. (Piohi/Jifion· on. lnteiff;!t.eT?ce.. 'in t(!('/},( .. the 'reimtiursem,ent of. 'joss or dc3ri')age 'to fools,
·... Disposal ot . Wages) .(JRR_, R.A.. ·1~9/,f.~?il jnatenals.• furniture a·~d equipment in the househotd
\. . .. 1036t Fju/e. /V, Sec. fJ). .: · . '. · -l+·tJO :,·'.,). (R.A., No.· 1_()361, Sec, 14). . . , .
',:· . e. The employer shall at all times prov1de'<t~~,,,,.···';'t...-:-, . : .,,-.., . .. . .. ·. · · . ·
{ ,kasambahay with .a. copy of. the ~~yf$1!Ji1i;:•.jf:.',c:.e~~~iJ,l~_IY~gains.t Deductions . · ..
(F\Xm BK-2) containing the ·c1m,J?g_!'J,-pa1dm;.- hi
casti every p~y. day! and (;iDdi~tihg ~11,;-,~l·
Gh~i:ieraFr-utw.. Other than those n:iaodated by la..y,
t. ~ em.ployirr:s;tiallnot.deduct any amount from the
\ deductions made, if-any. The.,i¥m~J\l?Yer-~h2,11,.,.)..l;j.. wage of .ttieli~~sainbahay. wittiout his/her'·written ·

·., . ·.· ·.·..·

;keep. c<;>pies of the pay slie,s>tpr ij! •p;er.lbd·.of
. ·. .
three (3} years (/RR, R.A(<#"o. ftJ3'€f.1:,;;;rRu/0
v J·· ~'
1. l[ : \
consent o7(fa{i_th{')ri'tation (!RR of R.A. 'No: 103!51,
Sec. 6 ;j .
'I II · ' r ~
·.'> ·. ·.
't; . . . · . · . . · .. _
· . ·.
: ·. .
. _
·\: . .,' ... · ·. ... . . . ·
V, Sec. 2).
0 . · 'Y,-,-:,· ·,~''ri. ·· · ·,:·:.N ,.;, · ·i/ , .. 1 ·
. ~:/v ~:i:-?)~~) . ~J~1 riis: '. .Exce_~!}~!)~v,R.w.~11~irigcie~ucti?nS ~re allo"".ed:'
.16. Th.e dom~s·t,ywo~~e~~hall!'ff!'.~11Ol~~..~. r.::.4 1.. · Dech:!cli.Qn§ ~ll.9wed !f tl:iere JS. a wntten
.·. b.en~fits .un.der. ex1s.ting rawit.·ff!-(6"!.!'(V9\\1036J11: .r;;J · · _ agree.~e~t to.suc~·detlucti?.n;· '. . . :
· Seq. 30); · · . <..., · \ .. ljt· . · , ·):·~:,.:~~ Co.n.tr1bu~1ons ti:> .SS~!. Ph1!Health o~ Pag~l~IC3
( • • J • ,1T1t .. , · · .r-Q,A No · 10361· ""ec· ,.,,0,1.· · ·
· . ~ . . .. • . ~ · -~~ ..... - : : _.,- .: :,'-·.-: ... ft.";ili".'"~ ~ ... · .· 1 u~ ·; ~ /I .. : ~ . -· .·
· ;1:-enns and.Conditions of Emplo¥me'.nt:.. /:'~·~a:.!!.;..t@~Fo.f)J.ocm~ the employer may de.duct the loans
. ···f: · Tb~.·employ>er spall saf(:!'gliard. the~'rtiealth,'.\~nd. · .. - , provided: · ... · ·. :· ·. ~ ·· .
: · . ·,S~fe~f o~·..the .c!omestic worke~· in :~~lr~anc~ . . . ·· ·~·: , There !ihould be a wntten'sgr.eeme·nt;~·and._ .
· with laws,.· and.· regulat1or:i.s. ~ith:,due .b.: The·amountd~doctedshall.notexceed·20%. '
., ... . . the 'peculiar nature of dome~tic· · ,· - of tt,i;ka$amlfahay.' salar.y: (iRR of·.
µ·:. . . . ~ork· (R:A.·(:Jo: 10361,:.Sec. 19);' ,. . .. . .. .· ·· RA./liq.·103{}1, Rufe IV, Sec:.·f1);. •
;· • 1 • 2: .. E;x1ent ·of!Y -· The doines'tic worker and ·the . · ·· · · ·"
' · .. ~mployer may mµtuaJly: agree for th·e former to : ~ote.:.Th.ep~ov'.islo~on lo~~ a_ssi~*irice·does nbt ·
' temporarily· perform a task . .that .is ·outside_ the. .' apply _to ·work_lr:ig' children (/RR of- R.A. . No.·. ·
· latter's· household ·tor the ben.efit of anolh~r .. 103~·1,-Seai.10).. · · ·. · ·
. ·: h6usehold'{R.A. .No: ·10361, '.Sec. 23j..
... ·, . . / ~ ··· ..
: 4:·. For loss.ancf damage.: .the em.ployer maydeduct.
· ... ,N,pte;.~Any .liability\~a~ will b·~. in~urred ·!:>,,.-.the · · as. ]ong ·c1s. tt,e ..conditions· are :met:·
domestic· ·worker on account ;.,of such · (~QAD) . .. : .. ·· . · .·· ·. . . ·
.. ·.~ · .: ar'rangei'n~nt . 'shall be borne by the·. 9rigihal .· a. The· kasatiibahay' is clearly ·sl' be .
. :·:employer·(R:A. N9. ·10361, .Se,e.. 23) .· .. · . . ·. ·.B,esponsible for. the:lo~s or;da·mag.~; . · ... : _.
... . ,, . .. . . ;. . . . . . ·.· : ·:-.. . ·. . . . . ~- .. . b.~ .The Xa.sambaliay is .'.9iven' .)easonaole.
· :3.:.Assignment to: Household··Work ~ No domestic · . Qpportunity .to sMw. i,yhy. dedi.JcUon ·sliquld
. . worker shall be: assigned . to. work .. ·jn ·a i:lot be made; . :· . . . ~
. ·· c·omn,erci9i, .ir.iduitrial -or agricultural ·enterpFise c. · The total Amol:Jnt of such deductio.ns is fair.
. at a ·wage·.rate 'lower th:an· that 'provided for and reasooabre· and shall. not excee.d. the .
.. : actu~r l.9ss or· dam.agef; and· .
. agijcultural or nonagricultural .worker (R.A. No.
10361, Sec, 22); and · · ·
'· . . . ·,
· ..



d. The deduction from . the wages· of the 2.·· l('uration lsnot determined, the employer
'kesembettey. Qoes not exceed . ·20%,
his/her wages in.a month (/RR of-R.A._ No. ·
or : or kasambqhay may give 'notice to end the
relationship five (5.) dayl:; before. the Intended
_ 10361, Ruley, Sec, 6j:· terrnlnation of employment (R.A No: 10361,
: 'Sec. 3-2). ·
·Prohlbition on Debt Bondage
It shall-be unlawful for the e'mployer or any person . Te;mination qf - Em_ployment by. the . Domestic
. acting O!) beha.Jf :of the employer'. place th~ lo · Worker:· · · · .... · . · · . _.
domestic WOrkE1r under debt bondage (R.A, _ !'Jo. .. · Tfil:l · Kasarnbahay _ may terminate the employment · ·
10361, .Sec. f5i . · .·. '· relationship 13t ·any time before the explratlon of the
contractfnrany ot.ttiefollowinq causes: (VIC~VAO)
Note·: Debt · Bondaqe refers 'to. the' rendering · · of ·· a. · ~erbal or emotional .abuse of the .. domestic
servlce' by the -, domestic: worker as security or · . worker by the employer or any member of
payment. for . .. a. debt. where .the
. ·lengtl)_ and nature . of . th.. e· house· hoId ;·. · . .. .: . . ·
· serv!ce i_s ~ot clearly d~finE:d 9r_wh~n the val\;l_e 0_f_the . . · · -b, · [nhuman treatment including physical abuse
service rs·n_?t reasonably appl.1~d in the paym.e_ntof : · ·. of the-domestic worker by the employer or ·
the debt (R.A, Ne?;_ 1036_1, Sea.. 4(a)J.. . _ _ .·· . anymember c;,f thehouseholo.. ·
Rights and Prlvileqes of Employer; '(r;:>ERT) . r • . • . _c.. ~ommi~sio~·,of 'acnme or offense agaiil~t...
, 1. To require submission by the ~asamb'fJha~of:=~~"""-- .the domestic worker·b}'.·th~ e.mpl.oyeror any
2 ..
pre-employment Qocuments; .:
recover deployment,?. · ~. . \(_ ..•
-~ , 1f J· f:.V,
.,.\ £'~m.elT)~er of the household: ·
d:f ¥~0J~t1on~Y t~e -~mployet of the terms and
· · . .:

. 3. .To demand,,Beplacement; and,,f.': ,.~,-~ ·.....~,?"·i;..~......_~.9p991l~-.Rs of the er:r]ployment-'.(?o~tract.and

4. To Terri')inate employment ,.§fBR· of~ .~"':" No. _..: .. · -~~otne;.-ft~~:~c1r.ds ~.et_f~rth under this law, ·.
10361, Rule v, sec: n. ff·,~ ,;_,,,,,,.~ .. '.'"~•.,,..e-:,.;)~t~J\~!&_ec\S~ preJudrcial_to t~e health of th~
. · ·· . ·f t::J.-...., ;. ·. {/. · ID) . JF "'W" . \do.me_s\iQ VKOtker. ·. -~he erf.lployer, . or
f" .. '?!-
frivlleg~d. Information ·;/
All commu.nioation and ln_for~l~~-.qertainfj)Jlto the
employer or membets of. t,liie.Jlous_~.hold~shall_ b~ '.:".,..
treated· as t>~vi.leged·and ·c9,h'ffa-ei:1tfa1;·and if~aif~

be publicly · ttfegd3>~:~sti9w~~r;i:11J"ril'\g:~itmat':-~te;,

ir -~~': A:·
rF'.f~,. · .
~i-A. U"em'·~.hls tbe he>usehol~; ?Ind_ . - ·
f. ~ther ;~~~e.,&'\rnalogousto tne foregoing

, 1 ,~,?' · · · : . i \ . : } . ·•
JJ~i· f'J~· Soc. 33). -
.- : .

. . ·_ .
- · ·: · · ·
f=: ,!!!!! W,'fh~V~~1s_t!fi~d- ._Any_.ur:ip~r<-! sal;:1ry_· ·
and af~er·emµloyrnt;int. SUC'J? T1tivll~9M Y.Jt~\JJ.atifill·":;...-.C: due. not·?~~- tdi~rr!he~e.~uryalentof -1~·days,~hall·be
shall be inadmissible in ·eviq;e;Fl~~cep'.'~~b~t ij\'e~· j ~rfei~j .... me Jempl0~er my rec9ver · from . the
s~it involve~ th~ -~~ployer .i\..~ny·tt1em~~~tti,~~)- 10!J.~_sP1P.... 9!!;9 y_.t~~ ...d~pl~ me~t ~xp~nses, lf any, if the ..
house.ho!~ m a.}:l'!me p~a,n~,! -p.ers'h~~; ~~); :. ..:; ] ,;P,,Z·{~t~as~termrnat,~- w1th_m~1x (6) rnonths from_-
. persoa_al ~iberty ~nd ·sE:c;:un~ •. and ~hasll\¥·fR' _.. ~~- "'e ·f'!/
fm~')}~R.A 1036.1;s_ec: 32). · _ .. _ :

10361, Sec. 10), - , · '\.. · .,, · . 1:-,- /_ : /._,~ · - . - .

.. . 1 •• •• • .• ·-. cs;:,~ . · J' ,-i:~ · ·-. . .,.__, (!.i~ati\rJ...!,.~ate'i:tby·the Employer · · ·. _ .:_. .
Renewal_of CQntra~~ . · . ~~..(...;,,Q.t.,~-~=-""'!-~~:{~!n.e.\9~.P. may· te~lriate ·the. _e~ployment
· Th~ parties ~ha!I· ex~~J.!.te a ne.w corltr~ct~~[b.e:.1'.~. ,fl', ~l~t~~~~at.apy, tin:re .before the .~xpiratron·of the
- reg1st~r.ed with. th~ cqncem.ed baraoga~'l~!l;l_ey l V jJc~u~cf·for-.any:.of the foll9win~. cause.s~ .(MGFC~ ·.
mutually agree to . _cohtinue their emj)loymen1=~'\7,AO). · ·: . ., .. · .
..relatiqnsh_ip(JARofR.A No. 10,Jf;J, Rule.11;.'Sec. 8)'.· :. · · .. a.. Misc_:_6riduct.::6r ·willful diso.bedience ·. .by -the ..
· · · · -· · ·dorrie.sti~, wor!<er of th.e lawful . ord¢r ·of .. -th~ .
I( the p·artie.i;;fail. to .exec;:ulea new contract, .the ter~s empl9yer in connection.with tl)e ·for{Fler:'swork; .
and_ eondifions of .the 'orig1nal ... c9nfract :arid, ·other b.· .. ·Gross·'.or habitual ·n·egl,f?Ct·,Orinefficier.icy by the·.
improvements granted during. th'e. effectivity of safd . :domestic.worker-in the performance·of duties-;·
·contract are.deemed-renewed (IRR.ot'R.A .No. c. fratld oi-'willful breach of-thefrust
1.0361,· ~q.19. ll ... Se"b. _B)~. · -. .4' •. . ·J· .t~e _emplOyer-011 th;e .donie.s.tlc WOrker.~ -_.; .. ·
. Note: Domestic ,work~rs cannot acquil"e r~g~larity of . . d. . ',&cim.missjon of . ~ .. crime ..or. offens~ l:?Y. the.·.
'employment. All the '';ndi'cia .of regularity.·remain dOTl")eslic,.worker' agajnst ,the perSOl'.f·.Of ttie>
employer. or ·any 'immediate_ m·ember Of' the.
abs.entJn· :.t~e E;mpl_oyment pf -don:iestic ·helpe'ts . emp[oyer's"f~mily; .... ·· _ .. · . ,.. · , . _
(CH.Al:', f?ev,e.weron tabor Law). · . . . · _ e. ~iolatioR _by_ the dom,estic worker of the ·terms
Pre•T~rmin~tio.:, ·o'i Empi°oy,n~nt: . . . _. .and-·conc;litioris of the. etnploYJllent confr.apt and- :.
1, If thEf p~fiOd· of .<imploym~'rit-is specifi'<:id in tfle ·other standards set forth .u·nder'thi°$.law; · _· · ·
.·.co~tract. the parties may ·m.utuany- agree upon t: - &ii ·disease ·prejudicial tc;, · ttie ·health of .ttw
. notice to ~en:ninate' the' cont'ra¢t··of-emplpyment domestic 'worker. the 'emplo.yer: or'n,ember/~ of
before'.- the · expiration of the · term .(R.A: No. the househoid; and ·. · ·... . ·
10361, .Sec. 3'?), g .. Qther ·causes ·analog'~us ·to ·the foregoing. (R:'A.
· .· No. 10361, Sec. 34). . ·: . . • . ·


-· . .....


Note: Effect When Unjustifit:d.:... Employer shall pay.

the kasambahay the earned compensation plus
.. Motion for
Rec~riside~~tion . .
Ariy aggrieved party may. file to the Reg_ie>~al Director.
indemnity.iri .. the amount equivalent to.15.days work .. a. MR from the compliance order ow1fh1h ten (.10)
(R.A. No. 10361,_-Sec. 34}.. · daysfrom receipt thereof (/RR of ~.A. No_. 10361,
RuJe·x1, $ec. 3). · r: · ·. . . •.
~mploy~r's Unlawful Acts: (C2D3W)
~· · TJ:l~ following ..a~t~ are dee.lared ~nlawf~I: · · Appe'al . . .
". ·. · · 1. Employment ·of ~hi.ldren below 15 years of ·age;- Issues unresolved· through .. settlement shall be
k 2.- ~harging. 'aoother houifohold for temporarily .. referred to ·the proper D.OLE. Regional Office for·
f perfO!lfl~d task~ . . decisions. Th~ resolution ·of ·t1\e. MR 'may . be
-;, 3. · lnterference-lnJhe of ttie wages of the appealed to the Secr.etary of DOLE Within 1.0 'days
tr,_. . .. ~asambahay; ·: . . · ., . from receipt thereof .. The .decision of the Secretary
~- A. 'Requiring Qeposits fot leis~ damage; · . · : or .. of OOLE shall be final andexecutory (/RR oi n»:
t . s·. Placing the Kasarnbahay.llnoer:Debt tfondage; : . · No. 10361; Rufe.Xi, Sec. ?J.: . . .
~ ·. '6. ·· Withhol~ing of Wages.a~ the 'KasambatJaY:(IRR
i·· · ·


No. f0361,

Rule XII, Sec. 1). I •
·. · other Case.s ·. · . .
'f Ordi nary crimes or, offenses committed· by either
·{· .· Rescue and. Rehabilitation. of Abused. Domestic party underfhe RPC and other -speciat :penal- laws .. e- • . • • • • . . • shall be filed with tne:a.ppropriate courts .-(/ R.11.. ·
Any abusedor exptojted domestic. worker ,shall be· /~ . No. 1.0361,' R4/e XI, Sec. 3). · , . .
immediately rescued. by a municipal ~r city socj;:i(';;:J ·. ·· . · · :_ , ..
.welfare. o!(icer ?.r· ~ ·
so_c(a1. we!f~re offic_edr.omf t~~r'f-i-:1,\. . · .. · . . . , · ·
. D$yYD m 'coordination _with the· c_oncern.ed_bara~Q~t~·tJ'(\ . . · ·. · .. · · · : . ··
officials_. The.. DSWD .and the DIL~ shall·dev.el~p ~-=.; ,·:·;l, .,~": ~PLOYM.ENT OF.
standard operating. procedure for the. resc1:,~,ar{9p'fl";,-11; ~.c~:,;:,,--,?f,fOMEWORJ{ERS:
· rehabilitation of .abused .domestic work~_r-s'_,(.1and· in:;,' f'il. · · . · . ll · . . . ~-.., _ : .. ·
coordination with the DOLE. for possit,il{(c;ubsequerµ_kD ,f ., y,, · . .

' . ..
[ob placement (f:?.A.
_··~ec_h~nism f.or s~t~lei~e~t ~f~~~es·;~~
/lf0· }036t'.:Sf!c.. ftl~11.__ '·
~}' ~ Ti~-\l~_-. ' .·~-~O~E~};
. . 61'~ ~

·... ,.fh :_
CHAPTE°J ~'\·IV:·.


. · .· .· '. :_ · .. .' ·


: .
. A11· 1a.1?o.r-r~lated_ d1:>p,~tes. _Shf!1~E!e·.me-:cJ::,p.etore tt}y.~.·
D~LE F.1eld/Provmc1~1/R~g1011a( ·=Offl~e~.-h~!!),9. ·
-··HOMBWO.RW:,EiR~"~~r ··
r~ , . ..
t;i. · · · :-,..,·. ,,~,,· •:..f;: .
jurisdictiqn ove.r ttie workplace"/Sych~i$p~1es.sf.i~lt;
. go through . J.tie -~0-day. mandtton,;::69tj'.~ilialiool :( r ·
'I. rnd_us.tria~ ffomework IS a. ,sy~tem of. product1~n
. 111ediati.ori·Jo exhaust all .efforts·toP--se~~m~t (!RR ~: ~f-un~_~r .which_- work. for a.n empl_oyer or_ co~tract_cJr_1s_ ...
· .

· ofR A ·No 10361. Rufe xr:·sec 1) , !.;\.-·/~. ·: · :·

.,~"~.l~S:t out-by a . .hor.newo.fker _at h1s/~er. hpn:ie.
• • .' • : > •• : • . • • ' • :· •• _.'· ~ :.·. _ .... ~! ;:.~·-
'.61;~.1tt'.·g~t.~ri31~:t·!J1.~~- or 'may .. npt __ be ·.fumishect .by the :
Note, Th.e Regional birector has Jurll!ictioi\i'Q"ver : ·: ·. employ~r or c~mt_ractor~. lt,d1ffer~ n:or;.n reg~lar tae:tory
. simple: money . claims· ·:of
·a .·J<asari{~Ji~f not . . pmdu9t1on ,ppn_c1p1:1Uy· IO.:·lhat. ,)\ I~ <-'.' ·cjE:,e,entrah~~d · .
, ....
cXCeculngA.M· · ·p5·0· 0·0· . ·. a·n· a·: th,_c; com p 1-al·0r":---a·•0.,..e·s·
n Ot.· · form· of. _product1or.i
. · where
.. there· · 1s ord1nanly
: · very
· ·. · little
·· ·
. ·· 1 · d · · 'tat-emen't
me u __ e reins _ : ,. ""
t.tABOR-CODE Ar{ 12- r .
. . , .. ,.. .
superv1s10n or· reg_ulatiqn _of methoos of work (D:O.
/Vo: t}$-g2, $ec. 2(a)) ....
.~ompliance ..Qrder ·.. : . .
· In' ca·sa·. the·· parties .. fa1I to :reaGh,-a seWemenva ·
",JiOIJle .is any ~OOrTI.: ·house;--ap.:ir!IJ'ler:i_t Or .othe~_·.
·premises. u~ed rt;!gularly. iri whole ·or· \n .part,· as
. mandatory:coriferer,ce .not :exceeding 30 da.ys' shall·
. dwelling. place·, . e><cepf those' . situated·· within. th~.
b.e,.. · :_.' 6on_c;t4cte~ .... · ·;. ·by_. ·. . . the.. ·.. bbl~
Field/Provinci~I/Regional Office "fro'ni the ·referral .of · ·
'premis"es ·or cpmpound of -~r
·enrploye.r; ·contractor.:.
· S!,!b-ccintraC:tor, and· ttie work . performed: therein .is. . .
t~e. u_ns~ttl~d· di~p.!,,jfe (iRR ~-A, No. 10361, Rule . of ~he
XI, S~C, 2)- .. · · · . . .. , . · · i. : · Under qCtiV~ personal' superviSion:by or. fQf' the .
. · latter (lf{R ofl.AB9R.· Cb[!E,. Boo~ I~/, Rule Xl\(,. s_ec. ·
2(c}). .. : · · · . · . ·. · . · · ·
N~te: T~i3_-30~d.ay.perj;d.n~fer$ ·toJhe time'Within . .· •\

which the mai"ida_to·ry confei:~nce shall.b~. _c9.nd1,1ct1;1d

·' N,ote: .. Ruie stiali appiy to E!ny. homeworker ....,ho .
from referral;· af)d· not the· length/duri:ttioli of. the .
< •• . '. ~r(orms, in. or. about tiis home, ·any P.rocessiri_g· of\
. cori{erencEritself.{L.k No.· 17-'18, 'item VJ). ·: .. - .
?·' . . \ . . :: ... ·goods··or rtlateri~ls, in whole or !n part, whlch'.have
. The " DO~E.-Re'gional Director ·shall. · issue a .
bee·n fumished,"directJ.yor indire<;tly, by an employer
anc;I ttiere~fte·r to .be returned: to the· latte·r .'(tRR of
z.: . C6mp.liance Order within 1.0 days suai:nission from LABOR- CODE_, BO_OK°III,Rule Xiii; Sec. 1), . .
J.; Of the case for resol!,Jtion (/RR, R.A. No. 10361, Rule·
if;'.. XI, Sec. 2).. · . . . . - .
,· . ....
'::"·> ..


WI PRil &IJFIIWH ·e- Ofl&ei

S'PE.CIAL caouos .
) . tsia+9 M Wfi . . !S3P8i47 VMPf UiilGWNiPGWl~IMW AC t&i@I 92512

Househelp~rs-~; Hol'l'.leworkers - grant~d .by_law to legitimate lal;>or 9rganizations ·

. ..
• ( • #

upon issua11ce of the certificate of. ·regi~tration

.. .~ : : .~ (P.O. No. 05-92, Sec. '4); and. · ·
.. '
A ~hous·~-lielper. mirJ.iSters A 'homewoiker perform~
to the personal. needs ·rn or aboufhis-home any 3. P<!ymenf f~r. Home.woFk' ...: lm_mediately upon . ·
and c;b,mfort of his processing.or f.abricatipn · receipt: 'bf. ttie firish~d goods-:-or articles, the
employer in,. the fatter'~ of _good_s 9r rnaterial_s, !_n employer· shall pay for tl'\e ·wor.k.perform_ed. less
hOme (/RR .of.the Labor whole· .or. io pa,t, · ':"'hich c9tres.por)ding homewo.rkers', share of SSS,
<;ode,.'Book Ill; Rule XIV, hayEi . oeeri .fu.rnis'hecl:' . MEDICARE, and ECC ·premium contributions
sec. 1, pa'r: bJ. directly· or .indirectly by . . . . . which shall ·be "remitted by the· emp1·o"yer to "the0

an · .. emplpy.~r .. ' and . SSS With the'eirnplpyers'. share" (D.b. No. 05-92,
Sec. 6). _· . . .. .
·thereafter · sold or
returned ... {o . the latter
(iRR dfthe Labor Cod.e; Note:· Homeworkers shall· recei\ie not less than
E'oqk OJ; Rule XIV, Sec. ·ther prescribed' rnlnlmurn. wage rates ·U~d~r 'the
.2(a)).· . . · · ·· Regional Wage Orders for normal wor:king hours
which shall not exceed eiglit.(8).tiours a day or
. ? · proportlon : thereof ,'(201.9: Handbook . on
· ,· · . : · - . . . . . · __ · Worker;s Monetary Statutory Benefits; P- 10}.
~Where· Co~pl_~ints sh_ould be .filed : ....
1. : Money cl~1ms:·.bf homeworke~
~:,,:.t~~-.--;=u-.~~~~.. ·. . '.: . : .
n~e~CElj~pmg · ., .· =b)slu$t_iqps.,~ .
·. · . . , . · .
<: . . .··. . .
. pq,000 per homewor~er 7 .Reg1.~fQ-~~ftt.or.,:.="';'~£ fi!TIPJO~r~~f?.ontrador, or ~ubcOntractor ·shall
. · 2. · Beyorid_P5,000 7 t-:JL.:RC: (D.9r;ff· Q~2rSec.· . ·.. dedtl~_fr(e"!TI t-.ip.~'.e.wo~er!searnings for the v~lue o_f
.. 10). . · . · . . ·fr_¥')/~~. .~--: -mate~r..!?IS\._~1-lh~~-bee_rrlost; d~str~yed. sorl_e_d or
. , - .·Homework
· .: · . · f./'J:.F" :~.
·t·. · J'oJ ·. i .. -~Jberw1'~<3'~~~~. · nless _the .follo\\fmg conditions
"'~;:)!f'·. f. . I· ... · 1 1tt£finet:\ · .· \·f . ·. -'. : .· · ·
!':JO homework _sh13II· be pertofm~d .~f th·~· i0ilowrng: .
).. The ~ome"¥-Qfk,~cRncern~d'Is clearlyshown to
(DEO~.: ·. . # ,..-7;:lf.· .· r,- . 6e~spons1bl(~~!'e loss·or:damage; .
1 .. Qrugs ~nd p~isons;. · /f"r4:;·U: .· .. · "\~"'.,_r. L
. 2~~1hif8 h~"!li~ork,ri is ·g1ve_n. ·. reason~ble:_
2. _sXplOSJVeS, fireworks a1:d,S_!,I.Ujlff art1clef; ar:if{. . - _ opp9~rnty .!]0'~St-j8W cause- WJly _dedUCbO!']S
3. Q', t~e i:iroc~ssi~~-f w~iclJl:requ,_r,~~5~,- ; .. ~h9-W.9J>tb~·r:r)a_d,·e :'__ . .' . ·. .
. e.xposur; tq tox,c subst~qef( _R ':J.ifi/r.t:E;,'f',ij· ;'!r'11ie~ou,t~~,:;sc,;h deducbo~. 1s fair and ,
.. · C~<je,:B~Qk.111~, Rul~Xl~\~-c~:~- .. -~~-~-.
AR"f-lCJ;E 152: ~EGULATIO~._OF'.'~~R 7 .·~~
decrtfction_: { made·-}lt·s~cti rate 1bat th~
:··1r ~~~:e~ce~~-the ~~:ual los~

. OF .LABOR _· . . .. . .. ''.\, . . ~- · ,<."'r:~E·;~ ~t\ ~§hi·o~f dedµcti!d ~~~s._not:e?(o~ed-2.0% of the

T~e ·rilles ancj_rngylatlons to .b.e~1ssue.'d,;$b,~!l~~Rji>fl)e~,Jket~eamrngs rn a.week (D.O,·No. 05-:.
dE:s!g.n~d to ~ssure _the· m11:1mtl~: ,.t6~~!;:2{~e ,..,- Blf'. .. . . ·. .· . ·.-~. · · .. · · ..
· tc;mditions qf employment apphyable~t.Q,-:ifl'~sp:1al.. 1,, 1,f ,\. \~_\.~ ;:/~ . . .. . · · . , . , . .. . . ·..
·homeworkers -1or field. persori_nel ihv.olveq':'(-~.~.QR.. J:v ~jJ,£-~ 53:'QISTRIBUTIOl>I -QF. HpM_l;WORK ·
f9DE, Art .. 152) .. : ,·. :. ::· ·. . ·.. · ';. :'.~"°"""~~ployer,. ~f:'·Hom_eW~rkE:r$-· 1s, any- n'.'1tu_ra! :?r .
. :··. _. · . · . · : .. : · .. · . ·.. artifjgii:ll pers·an_whQ, for·tils'.oyvn·account.or bene.f1t,_·;·
·Rights and .Benafit_s· of.Homewor'!<ers ... · · ; · ·. · or _on behalf _pf_ any ·person ·r~sidfn·g ou~side-Jhe
V :Right ,t<?. ·seff,Organiza~ion. - Ho.meworkers.' . · PhiliJ>pin~s.- qirecuy.: or• indir~ctly,_ pr· through any .
. . . shall :·have· the ·rigrt ·,~() form, ,join .. o~:· ~ss~~t,.. . employee.~agent, CO!""!th;ic.tor,; or ~ny.
· ·organizations.~ oJ th~ir. ··Own-. choq$mg, ·,~ .. other petsor,: . · . .. . · .
· ac.cordance,With!aw;. : · . · .. . . :1-,. Delivers. -or caus~S·· -to· be deliv.ered any ,goods,
•; ••• • • • • • : '· • •• • • • : '· •• ' • • < articles or· maferials:to ~e prci.cesse<J;)n or about .
· . ·:: Note: D.O. No.-05-92,.repfacil)g Ri.!le XIV-pf.the a, home,",and thereaflE1J-to "!;,e. returned or to be
.. ~tiles lrnplemer:itlng· Boo_k.IJ l"cif'the labor' Cod_e. : . . . . 'disposed,of:or .disWb.U!~d in accordance with his ..
· ·. · . · -. _authQri:i"es the.formatio.n_an·d registr~tion qt labor , .dii:ecW:m";_ or·. .. ·
• • • organization ·,o_findlistrial, hom•eworkers.Jf als9 • I - • • • , : • , .

· . ·. :. · .· make's·explicit-' the ··etnpl,oyer's duty ..~Q _pay~an.d·... ···2. , Sells, any _goods. arti9le.s "or ·~a~e'riaJ~ ·fo_r ,ttie_
... .r.eh1itSSS,.PhilHealth and.EC.C pr~rt11u_ms 1D:Q. . · • :· pUfP95'3 of· having. ~l!9h.· goodi, · or .articles-
. · ..No .. '.05°9.21 Sec. 3). ··. ·.. · · · processed,.·in · pr abo~t: ~. home, and then.
~. · repurchases them ·.himself or .. through another · .
. 2; : ·Registr.ati~n of -Hon:ie""".orkers' Organizatia!"'·
.. ~ 'Any ·applicant home.worker orgar:iiiatio~· or·.
after ·such· prc:icessihg ·(O.O. No. 05-92,. Sec,
· ·2(d)). ·· . ·· · · · · ·
.association ~hall acquire legal personality,, .. and · ·
.shali be entitle·d.- tcHhe ·.rlgnts · arip .Pr1vifeges

330 I 2019 SAN.SEDA

.. LAW
. .
. .
-. ,..

2. Facility for ~ating with potable d~ntsing water;

EMPLOYMENT OF NIGHT 3. Lactation station in required companies; . .
.t~·· '
' .·_wo.RI~ERS.. ,· ' 4 ..
5. ·
Separate Toilet fayilitles·for men arid women;
.§Je·eping 6i- resting quarters in the ·establis_hment
(R.A. No. 101·51, Sec. 4); and . · ·
£:. CHA.PT~R V:
. · . · · .
··6. · Transportation from the work premises .to the
.nearest .point of their residence (D.0: No. 119-·
· 12, $ec. 4). . · ·
$:,.. 'Sec. 4 0/ R.A_' 10,1{51,. entitled #An Acf/~/lowing the
{. · Employment of Nig,ht .wort<ers, Thereby Rep.ea/ing · Right~ of Night'·W~rkers: (HTC-~2AD)
}t '. Articles· 1"30 and t 31· ot tire Labor· Code,· provides 1.. ~ight .to free .!:!E;?alth,.~sse.ssment:..
l : that a
new chapter is hereby insei-ted .att~r Book a: . Before· ·taking up assiqnment as · night
";!( . Three, _Title llt.. · worker.: · '
b. At regu'lar'intervals.during such asstcnment;
.AAT.ICLE.·1·54·:: coVERAG_E· . · arid · · ·
, ;A.ll;j:iersons. iivho shall 'be employed or P,!'lrmitte.dor · c. · If they experience health: problems during
'.t: ' 'suffered to work at night during_ a period of not less ·. such an asaiqnment wh'icti are not caused: ·
·t' - tha~ sev"en (7) · consecutive hoLJrs •. .including the .. ' . . by 'factors ·other than· the, performance ,of
·interval. from midnight 'to five (5) o'clock i.~ the . ·right work (LABqR.COpE, A.rt~·155). ·
morning. Excepttho.seemployedIn: (FAMS).. . ,.._... · . · · · ... · . ·· .
1. fishing; . .. . I •-. • • • : • r;.-; 1'i. . · Nbte: With ~he exceptio~· of ·t~e fi.~dit:)g of
2, · ~gric.ulture;· · . ·. ... ·/'.''."\<t·.\ · · . unfltness for night work, .the fo:Jding of such
3. ·Maritime transport and inland navigation; ar,td··t;,' ~. ,,. \
4. §tock raising·{LABO/'.? CODE., Ait. 154).
· · -: , · · · . · · . .
v·,~~--'· <} · assessments shall be confidential and shall no;
be USE!.~0 their detnment, subjett_ to_ applicable
.f., ,../ '•·•n,·r-...,:~ompa.ny.,p61i¢ies.· (D.o:·No. -119-12, Sec. 3) ·
. . t ,.,../ 7,,,1~7', "r·~ . .- _·:f~"t'J,:-:-,-...~··,,; • . . . .
N1ghtWorke_r re ers to: . . · · . _,.,,,.._.., . '\j 1.-1 · ·~~· . .p,.-j· . . . , . ·. · ... · .
1. J;.ny' employ~d' person whos.e ~o~;,·(eqt,iire~t--J . . 2. Right 10..;:t-t_~e·Iransferred. to a s1m_1lar. !?b wh1_c~
· · _per:torman~e o(_ a substantial nurrl9efrof hoors q~,;.:'-i i they_ aJr Uf\ t~, wt)enever praGt1c~t;>le,. 1f
night wor.k .-.ytiii:h · excee'ds· a sp.e9tlj~ilin,~T,Ms 1,:) found liu?fit\',for w9rk du_e-. to health /ea~on~ .
. : iimitsh~II befix.ed by the :3e~1~efr-yof.J,:ji~,,after_
consulting the workers ..r.epresentallves/lapo'i'~ , .. ·\
T,} wo\~·.
N 't" If j'· hh'tt
Ar(. t57), . . ..
f t · -1
~ '
· b ,
. '·:.'

· · .. · ·. :· • · 1 /.,(s, ..- i, ,4.tJ'oR·cGDE= •1 o e: sue. , rans er. o a s1m1 a( JO . ,s no '
. .orga~1za!1011~ .and .em8 ?{Ers·:ib:~-}. -:.~~·:
f:::i pi:"~(c'@tl}tq~~\,vorke_rs shall be. granted the I

• d · :·. · ·h·;,.. .;'=r<fc·o~v'ersfiti'~' .f'H!

r· AA.rt,
{:· · . 2·. · · ny emp oye person w o_,~wo,,I\' ,ct r . , ,., . same•beraeflts'as.
. rk other worke(s who are unable
· · t d ·· '" h
• d f
. peno ram en
· · t · · {10)
• lock ·
. in,<X .
e i :9;,.,ve·'·n:hg· tOi.1.6·
·x · · .·. •·:, 1. :1 . to wo
.· · • or to
·. _secure ervip 1 oymen unng sue
' · . · · · '
f, l;
. o'clqck the. fQl_lowing f110rliing proti~~C!Jiiatthe_· 1t-~:;~-~~:o~<:D.~· : 19 _12, Sec_. 5•. pa~. 2) ·. _ . . . ·
~ ·· worker perfqrm.s . no · Jess. t_ha[!.,...:SevenA(-7');.::J.~:i.ruJ?~Rlg~~Safe and working conditions and. other
. ·.c.Qn$e~utfve ho~r:9··..of ·work .(D.Oft;;Jo. 1/'?f2, · mandatory.facilities (UBOR CO[}E, Art 156); ·
· _.Sec. 2). . : · ·.·. ,.. · .. · · ~.:.Y..._<1l . . ··
' . .. · . •.-.,.,-._.. . , · · . . Note: The employers are ,required 1.,1hder the l~w
ARTICLE 155:: tlEALTH:ASSE.SMENT. ·.. ' . ' ' ' to pfqvide'.thE;? foliowing_,;SUbject 'to expeptions-:as '
At ·their' r~quest;" wciti<ers shall tiave ttle right to.···· : ·may ~e. provided by DOLE::·· . ,. . · . . . ·
undergo :a" h~a_llh.a·ssessinent wi~h<;iur charge: . . a, . $uit~ble ·. first~aid and emergency, _facilities_
:t. · · Befqre ,faking _up a~sign!lle·nt as a nighty.,orker; · : : · . ·. (LABQR CODE, Art. 156);
2. At-regular 11'.ltervals.during·su~t:i an-assign_m·e.nt;, · ·. - b,. Lact~tior'l,station iri :r~quire~ c;,o!)'ipanies;·
3.' .If they ~xperie.n:C,e ·'health :problem$:during -such c. · Separate. to'ilet facilities for men·and women;
··. . . a·n· assignment-which: are hot .caused ~y; d. Facility for e·at,ing with potable :drinking wa~ei'
'.°; :· · .• oth~rthar/the·peirfoinia·~.ce.ot·night"work.:(D.Q.·. , .(O.O.'No.119-12,.-Sec.·4); ' ... · ..
!'.· . · No.: 11-9-1,2/~.~c._ 3). ·. ·.. · · .' .... ·: ·.. . · .. · ·' e. · Sle'eping .· ·.or-· resting· ctuarter.s in.. !he
. establishmen,t;,and. · .
..NotJ: With the ex9Jpt(o~.'0¥ fin~lng of!nl;)S~ f~f .. ' f. . Transport.atiori. from the . .wo~k· premises to
i,'. . ' night work, the findings o( suc_h as~essmerits _stlall . · lhe nearest point of their residence (lAE~.OR
' riot 'b~ tran'smltted :to otl'iers .. witlic:iut the worl<efs' ·CODE, Art. 156):. '
·c·orisent ·and· sh~il 'tiot-:b.e lJSecljo their d!;3tiiment' ...
. (f:ABOR 90DE, Art: _155j. . . · . . . 4.' . .Right of Piegnari.t' women-t~'81t~matjlies to nig,t1t·
·'i. work·: · . . : ....
:~ ,•,.
'ARTICL.E"1i6~:MAN[)AT0°~Y FACILn'IES .. _: ' ' p. _Right 9f pregl')ant· women. against. .QJsrnissals
Th1:1 ·efnploye·rs·~r~ required. under the law to provide arid diminution'- of :benefits on· acoount of .
. the'. follow11' )g; . subject fo. exce'ptions as: may· be pregn'ancy, ' child. _birth, . an,d childcare
provided by·the,QOLE: (F~LT-5_T)· : responsibi.lities (LABOR CODEi,. Art. 1'58);
1. Suita~le (irst-c;1id facllltie~; .

'<; •

6. Right. to ·§:ocial Se.curity ·Benefits such as paid Non-Diminution of M.~ternity LeaveBenefits.

maternity leave· in accordance with R.A. No. Nothing in this· Rule shall be construed to authorlze
8282 anc;I .other existing company· policy or diminution or reduction of .the protection and benefits
collective bargain[ng agreement· (D. 0. No: 119- connected. with- maternity leave under existing law
12, ·.sec. 6); and,- · . · (D. O. No. 119-12, sec: 7).· ·
7. Right of Regular Workers to· be ~onsulted
before introduction of : Night · Work (LABOR .Protectlon Against Dlsjnls sal a·nd Loss· of
(;Q[.JE, ~r(161),. . . . ... Benefits . . . . .. · .
Where no alternanve work is· available to woman
. AR"flCLE.157: 'rRANSFER .. ; employee Who is. not i~ 'a positlon · "render hight . to
Night· workers who _are ceitifie<;I as unfit for night work, she shall bealtowed tc:i go leave or extend cm
wo_r.k, due ~o health "reason;:;, shall· b§l, maternltyleave, using her earned-leave credits, · ·
Vl(nen~ver ptacti<::able,- to-'a $iil:iilar }ob for"'which they
are fit to work. . A worriarr employee shall .not be dismissed· f;r-. ·
reasons .of pregnancy; :· childbirth and childcare •
. lf·suc:"fi transf~r-to: a 'sfmilar job is _not practicable or · tespo~sibilltie.s: She shall. hot l0s~ th~ . ~en.e}its.·
ttie wo"i"k.ers. are: unable to; render·.' night work . .for 'a regard~ng her e~pJoy'!lent statas, sery1onty• 'and .
coonnuoue 'period ·of not l_es"i. than 6 . months upon a~cess to pro~~t1on·wh1chmay her.regular
· certification of a competent public health authO"rit~==~~~t_wo!kpos,tion_(.q.o. N~: 11~-12, Sec. BJ_. ·.
t~e wor-ke_rs shall be(gr~l)te~ the same·~~fi~s u! ~7~~59:.COMPENSATION. . .·. . ,-
?th~r workers who ~:e ~na_t?le to wo~ iye
A night worker certified _as__tempora~l~ u~f1t ~o,;.n~J;l!~--~a~ng
J~ 1~-~ss. "'-~ -;!Tl)! ~ompensation for night workers: in the form of
tirJle';.-~ar. orsirnllar benefits shall recognize ..
w_ork for a penod of less _than 6 m_opt6"ssha,!!,~!1),~fven the e~~Qtion<ll'tr~tureof night'worR·(LAJ30R CODE
the .sarne protection aqainst di~~-~.19!tfi§..~9-eM,;f=--;;~=;\'n."'1'5S]J~Z°,.}' .~:'\ .· · . ... · . .'
dismissal as other workers!,;v.,~~entedfro1rb )f' · ~r. \ '\\. "<""''''§:) \ · ,. · . ·
. working-for re~sons of health ~D. O:"l¥p/11pf $0~·\J\L
~)._ . .
· · · · -1:·- . f
. , . · · . · . '.,? 1, • · ii
1 ~. Se.(!;.,. ,t1iN, lRTl~L~ 160\l;,

·, .
/. ·
Ar.i;iroeri~te so~i~U,;seb\,ices shall b~ . provided for
· niQ!,it wofk.ers ~'r\<!_,,.,"'v,,,h."erenecessary, for workers ..
· :.

Pregnant and:Nµrsing ~m l(;;ye~i \ · _"1:~/ ~e"WB'rmhjlg.nightMork-{[iABQR CODE;""Art. 160).

Measur!3s shall be- uhd~rtak' ~~;,J>tovide.aA\ernati¥.~-~· ii:if'}J
to .night·work for 'pregnant ~nd•'.Q\Jns]n~iVP.IOyeas~ARTIC.~.e'a§,1:
f . ·· !J J'""""""i U , · · · '...
.'· - .. . ·
who could oth~rwis_e ~e-.c:;~ll~dj.JP,ori~o'p ~t:'l~Mc ,'€l. tz'~~~e~~-~lt-0?u9n'g.,:{~Ofk schJ!dules _requiring th·e.
work. These measures may 1~blu~~:; : ~J~~t ~ ,1,~,,£~ 1'V16~ f rng~f wor.k'eFs, t~e empl~yer shall cons_ult
, 1. ·.:r~ansfer to day ·,wo.rk·_-i,,_Pregnc\~to "M1~si~~rP'1 -,;.:~~9 kers:f repre5,;~tabve~/labor organii~tions
·. • ert'ployees- . shall be . ass19ned t~~day ~e~:•~c~~"! ned gn the_ d_etai1s of such ·schedules~and the
.. before and after childbirth. fo\at.least~16Y(e~-5\JJ."" J°1'.f€~ of~~ganizafJb!) of -night \h'.Or'k that i:lre bes.t

· ch1ldb1rth..
· . . . ·
. . -
. ·
".: ,/, r)v
: · to.·.be.?ivided between_the·um9\-!?~for~"h-4}ft~'-!.~'•·..;ac{a'f3!eftq,tl_\~

·. ''..')., ~~ i·/
:,""''=.-. .
,. ~ ~
~(a~lis~':'ent.an9,its persc;tnnel_. as
~ .
l>-. 1J :~?€la ·'>-'Services.·· which
health measures .
?re: · required.. In

Note: Medical cer,tificate issued. by cqmJ.'e4!nt fV..Ue~kb:tistfrnents· . _ ElJTIPloying· night · workers, .

· '· .. j:i_h'ys_idans"is neces~ary f_or.the grant of: ,~....,;-:=-·: --.-,,cc5_nsultation·"shail . take· place., regular!'{: (LAB.OR
· ; a .. Additional periocfo· of ·assignmenl to· d<,1y .· . ·C.ODE; Art.'.1°61). . .
work for. not more. the.~ '4· weeks or for a · · ··
lo'nger period as- may l:>e agreed-upon; .. '
.. b. Extension ofm~ternity. leave;·and ... ·
. c. Clearance
. .. to 'render
. . r'i'ight'
.. work.•·
. .. • Ex-PANnnn
·. Acj:'{R~A;
SENio-~ CiT1z~_N's·:
. 2. · Pr~visiQ,,- pt -s~ciafseeuriti benett~- - ~~6iai , . . . ... : . . .-

security ben~fits,- .s~ci,:"as pa_id._rn'i::1ternity 'leave

· . shall ··be provided··: women . Workers ·. in · .-Senior.Citizen or Elderiy . . . . .. .
accord_ance with R.A. No. ·{3282 (Social Security. .· Any · re~iderit. citizen of the Philippines at ·Jeast · 60
Act qf 1997) and· other .~xi~tii,g coi.npany' polfoy .. . y~ars· old {R.A. No. 999__4;. ~~c. 2(~))......
orCBA; .. · .. . . . . .. ' ..
3:. E~ten.si_on·of m~te-rnitY,_ leave ....:: where transfer... · Discount and VAT Exemption· .
to work is impossible, a·\voman elJ'lployee_ rnay . Senior -~itize~s entitled to, _the .grant 9f ·20%:
l?e a.llowed to ext~nd her maternity-leave witho~t discount and ·eJ5empti.on·from VAT; if applicable, on
pay·or using earned ·,eave credits .of the" worker,. . the follqwing: · ., ·. · · ·
if any (D . .Ci: No. 119"-·1-2; 6) .. ·,sec. 1: .,Sale of and services:· ,
a'. . Medi.cine and dru'g purchases - generic or
branded drugs,: inclµding influenza. ~nd


·. . ...
. .
.., ' -:.,· ..- .... _,;,. . :

SPECI.AL G.ROlJPs.·:_· .: · . -

pneurnococcal vaccines, and vitamins and sirilila~ places bf cu.lture/leisur.e7amusemeot

mineral supplements medically prescribed. such museums/parks (IRR· of R.A. No.
by physician; · f}9'94, Rule JV, Art. 7,:-Sec. 4-~J. . _
b. Essential medical supplies, accessories and . .
equipment .; include eyeglasses, he.aring 4. Funeral and Burial Services: .
alds, dentures, .prosthetics, 'artiftcial bone · Such· services include p:urchas·e of caskeVurn.
- replacements . e.g. . crutches, . walkers,' embalming;hospital morgue, transport of body
· wheelchairs;' canes etc., __ geriatric-. diapers to burial site. . .
. and other. essential medical supplies"/
accessories/ equipment; · ··· . · . · · Note: · The beneficiary or'· p~rsoo who -will
'c, Me.~ical · and dental services in private shoulder the expenses shal~ claim the discount
.f.~cilities - includlnq.diaqnostlo and lab tests . upon presentation of death---certificate . (IRR of
· , · ,, e'_.g._x-rays, blood.tests thatarerequested by :R.A: No. 9~{)_4, Rule IV, Ar( 7, Sep. _6j. .
·.- physicians' · · as · needed · · . for
-~~ . diq.gnosis/treatrnent; · · · ·No· Double Diacounts . .z,
·-~·- d. Professional fees' of attending physiciaris - iri · _the . purchase of . goods and services on.
~- private · hospltals; medical facllitles, promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail pf
outpatient:' clinics and home heaith care the .establlshrnent's offered discount or "the· 20%.
facilities; . .. .. . discount provided by ·law,. whichever is higher aod
e. Protesslcnatfees of licensed health workers . /~ · · more favorable·(/RR of R.A: NQ. 9994, Rule IV, Art... ·
· ·providing home health care services (IRFJ-pt;i-;l/; 9). .
R.A. No. 9994, Rule/\(, Art. 7, Sec -. 1). f' ,!r;:,· f ~). .
. ' . '. . ·i+.. ·
r ,-'>; f Other Pr1V1leg~s
:.. . _

~ot_e: ·. If the medical or. -~~ntal s.eryices "f.~Ji,~ r- 1; J,.-.~;c-~~-lawal~o_,~rovi_desfor the follo~ing_·privileges: ..
• . · •
: . ·
. .· .

.availed, In gov~rnment facllities.. the 'law.,,.sJat~}{i_(j ..:,!;.,..~l~!.{]Jf~~a/:}/f}.tjtrninlmurn _y,,ag~. earner, the seruor
that such services shall be free of cJ;ia(~e. The";, ,.f . c1tizel'l""'i$\ .entitled to individual income .tax
: . professional fees shall likewise qe(tr'Eie'·(/RR qf\.~H . ex~mptjpi·f/',(IRR ·ofR.A. {>Jo: 9994; Rule IV, Art.
. . R.A- (Vo. 9994, Rule Art. 11, S~{::,.,.~1: ;;.;·:-r\ ·.· ·11, se;._ )~'i. . . . , . . .. . . . .. ·
._. · · _ . · . · . ,lf,.;. ::,.:~.;::,-:- .. - f,r ·. 2, T_he s,~nr ·r c1~1zen ,s also exempt~d from trammg._ .·
2".. -Dom~stic transpo_rtation: · >;,'? \J~ it-- f;},·. ~e~_s;fo.r s· cioi~<? by .
. . a ... Air . and ·..sea ·_transporJat_,n .:. ..t:t,9r" donies~tc\. ~;iJ. pn~~te.o~go~~fnment agencies (JRR ofR.A. No.
. · ··. . trav~I~ only . . .. \-·'i ·-..::::--..?,dJlf.1 t~~ .. l:,,.! 9~J!{ft!'filfJfi,l})._t'f. 1_1_. _Sec: 2); :· - ·.· . __
. b. P~bl!c l~md transportat~~ -:- [.a5~,~}r _p_u~JN· ;: r;.Y;; 3·. F.onnd1~~senf0r c1t1zens, they·_&hall bl; ent1tl!=ld
railways e.g. lRT,' MRT,"'l?N~;.:ancj.1fares}( _t'i . to: :_ . · · · ·. .. .. ,, jeepneys;· taxi and\.fh_uttle's~rvice& ·.· ~ ··r· · a. Free . v~ccinqtions against influenza ~nd
"(/RR of R."A. No. 9994, Ruie JV.,AP:,'!.. Sec:·· /~:/~~e\.lmococcal · disease," . ~dministereld by
· -.· 2). , .· • . t. >. · · / 1~.:'.i:.t.,...1.t:..f..!i;a!±!:'..:-D@H(/RR ofR.A No. "{i994; Rule IV. Art. 11,

3. ServiC(;ls of Hqtels; _.R"es1au·ranti1~ecr.~cUion ..· • · . . Sec. 3); .. · · .. .

· . Centers-an.ct Places of Leisu·re: "·:J!-,,. :,.(,\ _b. A 1:1onthly. stipend· of . PhP.5(?0 for daily
;:i. Hot~ls an·d --other · similar --~dgir:ig ·, ·sul;lsi$ten~e··and pth'er JT)edical needs (/RR
i ...
·r.•. . establishments -· for· room accommodation . o(R.A. No. 999.4; Rule .V, Ari. 20; Sec. 1); .
.. , .. and other amenities; . . . ·and. . . .
...-.b. ·-Restaui'ants ·-:·-fooq, drinks;.·dessert and c .. , Mandatory PhilHeaJth coverage; sourced
,. :_ · . other consum~ble "iterl')S,' provided: .. from·LGL! funds. (JRR~ofR.A_: No. 9.994~Rule
i:_ For-pe_rsonal consu'rnptiori only. · V, f>.rt. 20, Sec. 2).: ·. . · ·, ·
.. :. ii. Must be personally availed; no'proxy or .. . .
·.representative . .:.. .:.-· · ' - · . Note:"R .. A.."No.. 10645f~rtheramende"cl,.R,A:
lil. Process· separately as: independent' · , · · No. 9994, providing· for. the·: mand_atory
. . . transa.ctloi:,.frdrn·F1on.:S1igible·ers . · Phil~_eal~h ·coyer~ge·for all. seniO~ citizens..
_ iy ... Apply, Most ·E~pensive · Meal""! · ·.
.Combi.natiorl · . (MEMC) · - ~mount d.· · Death benefit as~istahce· ~f ~ minimum of
corresponding to ..the··cornbination of the ·. · PhP2,000 shall be given to riearest"surviving
•·;, . . mCist expem;ive, anti . biggest single- .. relative ·-who took c'are af"senior" citizen.
. serving meal with bever.a"ge served in a Althoug~ .the rules say that th.e ~enefit shall .
· · . ·. · · ·quick servi"~e · restaurant (iRR of R.A.. apply to i~dlgent .senior citizens only, ·such_
. No. 9~9{ _Ru_ie JV, Art.. 7, Sec." 3); · limitation does not· preclO,de tt.,e LG~s. from
c. . Recreation Centers -~ fees(charge_s/rental. giving th·e s-ame ~6 non-indigents (IRR of
·fqr sport.s.·facilities1equjpm,ent or venues; · · R:A. No. !)994, Rule V, Art. 20,: Sec:4). _ ·
· admissidn fees for theaters, cinemas_,.
. ·concert halls, -Circuses, carnivals and ·othe~

. .

4. Qualified . senior. citizens shall · be -, granted · determined . by · the National Statisti~I

educational assistance · to pursue · post- · .Coordination Board (NSCB) · of the National
secondary/tertiary as .. well as Economic and Development Aµthority (NEDA)
.vocational/techriical education in both private. for that year (/RR of.R.A. No. 9994, Rule -V, Art.
and. public schools thru scholarships,. grants, 13, Sec. 2"). · · ·
financial aid; subsidies etc.. (/RR of. R.A No. - ·
9994,Rule JV, Art: 11, Sec'. ·s). · . ··· · .·· · · The Depa;tment of Labor a nd.Employment (DOLE), .

5. As far as practicable. and. fE)asibla; the .senior in ·_coordination with other qovernrnent agencies
citizen' shall be grante<:1 continuance .of same 'such· as, but not limited to, the T~chnol~gy and .:
·behe'fits;and privileges· by GSIS; SSS and. PAG- · _Liv.elihood Resource . Center (TLRC). and the
. IBIG asthose in .actµal service (/RR ot R.A.:No, Oepa~ment of Trade and, Industry (DTI),· shall
9994, Rule !V, Art._ 11, Sec. "6), · · . . · · assess, desiqn and. implement traininq programs
.: 6: ,·As· far as possible; -the govemrrienf'may·grant : that will provtde skills· -and· welfare or. livelihood
special discounts on- sp~ial. · programs on :. · support "for: senlor' citize,:is (/RR of R:A. · No. 9994, .
· purchase ' of . basic necessities- ·_arid pr_inie·. Rule V~ Sec: 3),
'commodlties (/RR ofR.A. No,..!J9f!4; Rufe IV, Art. . . ·· · . .: · . '·. •· . . .· · ·
-11; Sec. 7).· . · . · ·- · · .... Office.for Sen1,or_C_i:tlz~ns ~ffa1rs (OSCA) .
. 7. Accessfble express lanes, or: priority lanes, in all~ The~e. :S~~II. · be t;!Stal::!l_ished in all. ~itiE:S ·-a~_d
. · establishments (/RR of R.A. No: 9994; Rule 1.v._;_>=c-.:::-~1:m•cip_alttiesan OSCA t~ .be headed ~Y ~· seruor.
·A11.·11, Sep.Ji). · . .... . . · ·-:~ 1T -, ~•\L:~.Q.,~ho·.st,all-~e appolnted _?Y th_e mayor_tor a
8. Grant of a minimum 'of 5% di~t;oui;it1_"re1atite;to. \ ) }~.f:l1 ~f:~~~arsw.1.tho_utr~ap~o1nti:n~nt but ~1thout
the· monthly 'utiltzation 'of water.c.3Rf('e1e!trleI_ty._;;~~~1·c~jtop~xt~ns,on 1f exigency so_ requires.
supplied by the public utilities~ovidedt ~ .
f!. The individual meter ts _r.e'gis'!'.'"~r--tf.le~I~.:~p~~.,~~ll
. h'~ '--~, '.~~- .
be chosen from a ltst of t~r~e (;3)
. ·t·"1 .. ·.a.Y.-';i!"_,tf"· . • ">l>,, nominees ~s.,ec9n'h-nen'1ed by. a general assembly

: . : . . . t~J _ · r·
name .o f th e senior ct '6e,.q]e~19.1ng q1ere1n_1w h "of· ., --\~T -~ J'j,,' ·· · · · · · · ·
b. · Moh.~hlyconsuinptio~oes:~91-e~cfeeg 1'uh g~\ . .ffib ~~!'l'i~ l_.lZ;ll- o~an_,zah~ns. in th~ · city ,or
k.V':'h of-elect(icity an<9~ cu)f of~pter (IR.R..:....'ri.~7>,• . "1:~~~l'1~ (~-£lfft · · . ·. · ·
ofR.A. No. ·9994,:RU1' !1MJi'< 1_2, '!!!!'" Tho . O~C.e J>t.\the .M•yor shall exe,dse
. ·. . .
"<:;;~~-.· ~~i>E!rvi:;,ibn·ove~:ffi'°e -~9CA. relative to plans, . ·
Ava1lment ~f Benefits -~n~~~'iJt~g~.s : · . - i:;_., ~l]J);gtf~\ivitie:f·~nd pr~~i'.IDf;!~"tifr·.senior. citj:zeris· (/RR of
For t~e ava,lm_ent of _ben~~·u~ ~!l-Qlpnv~~~~ndens::::c:::-R;ANJ. ~ 4, Fiule \i'l,QArt. 21. Sec. 6). ·· . · ··
the Act l:lnd Rules, .the sern<?{ 9.~ti,ten, or--t\~~~ d~!Y.~ ~ .- ,- ?- . . . .'H /i...~?,t ii · . · . · .. ,· ·.
a~t~~r!Zed repre~entat,ive, s.~fllfpfel{l':~· a~~.Q~!°~ _)( 17 J-:/;£;- · . If . ...,, /:'· ·.. . · . .. .
eltg1b1bty, a '(a1td· ahd ongmal SefillOr. ~l!)zS!.~t f-: ,;:.(~ ·, . ,41 · · :· · .
. ldentifi_catio_n,,Card_iss~edby tlte·Heacr-:~th~-9ff~ ,(~OB-T~tF;PHILlPPlliES ·
of Senior C1hzen_sAffairs.. (/Rf: ?~~A. ·No.,_.~94..._~mn \ ~-.) ;./''.'· ,. ' . .. : . . · ·
. 6,_ Sec. _1},: ·. . . .. . ·. : ·. · ~~"~ ~~~~J . ·~· N~. 108~_9) · · ._
E_rti~i~y~ent of Senior ~itize~s._~. ~- ·· .V / . .
l\.· ;f J\ "\~ • ;-'/. ·. . · ... ·· · . · . . · . . · · . : ,. . . . . .
·: Senior.citizens, wh?· ~a'(e ~e cap_ac:;,ty a~ oe~1e·to 1V !tN;~.t~.f~:JC-N_o,.10869 Y_t~S ap_p~oved_ on· Jur'le 29, ..
work, or: be re::-empl9ye~; .shall .. be .provi<tErc:r--,----=2.!:l~ , · .· _ . · · , . :· . , ·. . •·
infqrmatlon,and r.natchi11g·;:;eryices to·enable-tnem·tq. · ··· ·
·. be. n:iemp~rs . of. soc\ety,: .. Terms·· of . Meaning of Job.start. . :
·emploY.ment shall conform witft·t!'}e provisions·otthe . · . .Jobstart Ph_ilippines. refer~.t6 .the 06tE;s'.prcigh:01i · .
labor Code, as amended, and other.laws,.rules ~nd . desi_gneQ'lo enharii:;e 1he. etnploy~bility of' ~t:risk · ·
regulations·(/~R 9(R.A. No, 9994,.Rt.iie v,·Art: 13; · ·yoJdh to irpprpve:.their··integratiqh :into ·produdive
S~c. 1)."· . . =. · . · • . ·_··. .. • , ·. ·· · · .empJoymerinhrou·gh ti:,e provision ofttie full cycle.of
. ·. ,. - employmentf~cilitation ~etvices inch..ii:lin·g job se~rch
··n~nti~es to.impl9ye_r. · · .. · · · . . :assfs_~nce; .free: te~hriical· and lit~ "ski_lls' t~a_ining, _
_.Private· ·entitie~. that. wili"'einploy senjor citizens: as pla.~ement in· internships- and _jot,>_ referral~·- from
employees . st,all . be· entitled · to ·an additional°· PF;.S.Os. -(D.o:· No. 179, Rule-2,-~c::"17k)).. · . ··
·deducti<J~ -frqrrj' their gross ".iricofyie" e~uival_ent to· ,· · · · : · · · ·· · · · · ·· ·
. 15% of th~ ~otal -arj'lo'tmf p~id as..s~laries and wag~s :N~{e: ·At-iis1<-x0Ulh· yo~~g adtfit~ _"who are.
to_seriion':ltizens, $Ubject-lo"the provisio_n of Section less likely .to· transitiQn sliccessfu_lly fron:i· schopl_ to.
.34 of _.the NIR~ •. _as arpe11de(f · To . ~vail ·of. the vyork, .: an·d · tfr · be :·fin~mcialiy· i.ndeperi.dent and
·deductions.; it is· nece~ry th~t~ econ<:1rriically_active members of comrnunity. This ·
1: Such :empl_oyment.$hall. continue for a period of · includE:!S y,outh fro"m. low-income· ·household, ··with
at least 6 tnonths~ and.. . . ., :·. insuifici~rit training and educatiqn,al, .background,
2. The annual inco~e of the senior..citiz~n does not ana .who are unemptpyed (D.'O.· No,' 179; Rule 2
exceed the lat~st pov~rty .; threshold as Sf:c.: 1(a)). ., · ·· · · ·'

334. · I .2019 SA!'! SEDA

. ~ .
~· ··:. . ..

·sPE.C·IAJ.. :G.Ro.u·ps· .
!-', ..

. Full·Cycle Em.ployment Facilitation Se.ivices .. work shall b\? .ouly credited· to. the _trainee's
The JobStart Philippines shall incl.ude )(ull cycle number of training hours (0.0. No. 179, Rule 3,
employmerit facili~ation .· services·· such . , as Sec. 6(a)). · ' ·
registration; client assessment, "life skills training
with qne-on~~>ne ca"reer coaching; training, QUALIFICATIONS : . . .
. internship, orfor employment (D.O. No.. _179, Rule 3, . To.qualify as a JobSt;;irt trainee, a person shall: (Fil·
Sei;: 1). . . : 18-24- Hlg~-Not- No.wQrk)·
1.. · Filipino-citizen;·· . , ·· .
. ·;-h·e Full · Cycle E~ployroent . Facilitation Services 2. 18-24-yearsold at the _tim~ _of r~gistr,ation(those ·
;j, · Include: (R.eLl-:Job~te.cijl_n) .·· ·. · · . who are.J? .year~_old .n:iay _registerfd proYided ..
,, 1, Registration and client assessment · · . . · : they will be ·18 before technical .training stage);
?. Tlie DOLE and.PESOshall advertise the.:date cif 3.. .At.least (1::t year or Grade 7); ,..
'-:: . t · reg.istration,. venue; .and ihdi.catil(e· schedute of 4. Not in education, employment or training atthe
· • · • program activlties. Tl'i.e·registration pr0cess shau . time ,of reg:istra~on;-arid. .· . . .
. 'tie in a first-come.' first-served ·basis·. At-· risk .5. . No work experience' or less .than · 1 year · of.
youth v,;iho . are beneficiaries of . _,::antawicj . . . accumulateq._work (.D._Q. No. 1"79, Rule.4, Sec.
· Pami/yang.PilipinoProgram.(4Ps) and DOt:E's .. 1):. . .. . ..
. 'Special. Prograrri for Employi:nent of Students. . . . .. . .
. . (SPES) are encouraged to be given priority. The; Note: The JobStart registrant shallbe consideredas ·
_P.~SQ shall ·s~reen· and list potential trainees·:,,,.;) a trainee and notas"_an e_mploye~of.th_eparticipating

(.P:?· No: 1~~...-~ule3, sec. ·2J. ·.. . ·
. · . . . . ·:. . ..
A{:%~.. .
/".:,l4 ~.. .,:..
employers for the duration of the_ tra,mng program
(D.O. N.o. 179<RtJ!e_4, Sec._. 3)~ . . .
~- -, ~!fe_~Kill;, .trau~ing. . . .· . . . . 1., ;,.,. i.f-l{i•••~ . . . . . _ . . . . . .
Au:ns to _develop · and . enhance pers~r~1.. .",.i{iV.. ~Q}Jalificati~ps of Partner-Bmployers: .
· C()':')pet~nc1es and e~e~tive work hab,~f<t~,-··t•µ?";-rj;~follo~f~.~ar~the qualifications of the Jobs.tart
foundations for profess1o~al success. L~~~~all o_~,:.l i( part~f-tJfitpl'oyers: · ·· · ·· ·
conducted -for 1 O· df!~~· with at le<!st·-¢,e llf~ ~ki~tJ~ ·1. Legitima'ft1'b~sihess·operating within the· LGU's
-being taugh! _in ~act!· ct-:iy of tti~fp~qgram... ·~;,;=t~ ',. area;./ l~ \. · . .. :· . · .
· · ,t.ralhe~ s~a!! r_ece1ve a da1Jy allo~~JJC~.q~_S,?d 0n ~-4 2: · .. COG .V 0~ :\eneral . ·., Labor Standatds , and
f. . ·.
actu_al daily ~t!endante.(?-<?..-: ,#o._ 1~k'!!.Yle3,. ··-r.-•\ ··occyiat_i*nal~ Safety .... an~ . Health (OSH) .
,~ .
: Seq. ~).
=- · •
. .
· ·
_7 , f5:'1-r~· . y~ C:~\ Staff.dar~; .. \-_ · .· .
;,__--:;;-'<._..lfJ.~' ~-~ t J,.,1 3. · e~a~1Jy~~m;~i'de,_in case of an.o-1.n-~ouse
. . · · .: . :· ,
_3.- · .Job match_m~ and referral~/. .. , ·· •,(:-f:,:t)..i. ~·-1 arrJrig{imeb.lix:>ffacilitate; in of .a thirc:J.:p~rty.
· Th,e pu~pose ,s.t() find the. be~.~.P~Yittenl~r ;·. f?t train).ng.. provider,_- .. a : tec_hoical . V()c'ation~I
.• ~in~e s pref~rence and the -~~ployef.r s~U ~ .' (;( · ·educatro.n anp training·. (TVET.J . to;· J(?i:1Start·
.. requiremen~~- Best fit ma~,. me~p a~~ssi~_~e ,;,;; .•.~"'.i>'.~trainees and to,arrange. for the disbursementof
... · ·.iocation_ v,.,hil_e otl:ler ·':lay see~)cP-sp~,e_!P.c.:.~1.;.U,oi..:::~iiirernship stipend; .. · : · · . .. , :
· occup?tion/t,.1~e·of w~rk,_ md1.,1stry,Breer 9;~f1~ . . 4. . Capacity to provid~ for ~P to three (3) months
. ·.·J)~tenbal, qr a cor_nb1~at1on of.'.thes·f#.~\<fh~· 'fl/9. · . . ·-internship· _or · woTk .e.xperieri_ce to. JooStart
17fj, Rule 3, Sec. 1). ·. ~,..._ · · . ·trainees, with ·a. ·commitment-: to ·pay least
~-': ·- · 4: i'e~~riical .t,:aining. : ·. _ · .·, .• ·. . . : . . s~venty-fivepe,rcent (1.5%) cifthe d~lly minim1:1m.
·,.(. ' . ·, It -may. b~· co·ri(!u!}ted ·in 'a )\11 · registered-_wi~ . ·. wage for ttie ·r,el~\'ant city or ·municipality;· .' ·
. ·.:. TE~DA; · an indu~try · r~ulc~Jed prograi:n or· ·a : a
5. · Capacity to develop "tr~inlng plan to .b~ .l~wned
. ·. :customiz?di,:i_-ho1-1se train)ri.9 pr9graf!1 ~esigMd· .and applied· by the trainee In the.i3stab,lisiirtjen~ .
. tiy JobStart' eryiplpye~s. ·or withil"! the. a,v~ilable .6. Capac!ty. t~ ·m~htor.·aFld .r_nonit~r _.a· JobStart· ·
f~cilities of the. LGU; .. . trainee's·perfo~m~nce·;.and· : · · .
· i. Interest' ~nd· willingness: to. ·a,bsorb or. offer
». . Tho.jcch.nicai ( period.
st,ali beior,a,period . · possibl~ . regular· employment .to JcibStart
'f. : · .Pf.up t9 600 liours.(3 months). T!le-trainefshall ·. gra(14ates (R.A. No". 10869, $~c; 14) .. ·
. .· ":. ...:. . . . . : ..
. receive semi-monthly . allowance . bas.ed qn .
·"~ ..
}I)' •• •
. actuar daily atte·n<;lance (D,0. · Nq.·: 1-79, "f.?ule
·s~c. 5(bjJ. . . . · . . · ·. ·
3:. :
Te~-~inaticin T.:aining Co~t~·ct.
.The)raining q:>ntract may be "terminated:
,..~- •. . .. . .
( By the employer: · · . · · · ·. . ' ' · . ..
5. . ·internship . . . a. Habitual absenteeism· of.t!)e tf?i.hee; · .
:· .The- p.erio·d sha.11· b~: at l~ast 400 ·~ou~s .(two , . · b. · Willful disobedi~nce· by- the .lrc!inee of the
months)· but".not more· than· 600 hours ·(three .. .. ·.establishment's. rules, or insubo"rdinatio,... of .
' rnorith.s).... The daily intem.ship·"trainirig may be . ,i"lawfuf'ord~rqfa"superior; ~. :-. .: ...
beyond up "to eigh't (8): hours ·a day provided that c. / Theft. or: mal~ious destr.uction of . tl)e ·
said. overtime shall. not ·,exceed two· (4) "hours .. es~bl_isl:linent's: property or... equipment by
The time Sr?ent. on. oyertir'ne -stay an~ ho.liday . · fr/e trc!inee; ·

. .
. ' . . ·.. .
, .. Mi

d . ." Engaging in vio"lence or: other forms of

misconduct in the

training . '. or
r+aM++ fl Aki

Coveraqe · .


The rule" shall c!PPIY to all business enterprises which

M1 A


_establishment's premises by the trainee; includes: (SMC) · - . .

a·nd · . · . . 1. §.~lf-er:nployed or own-account workers;
.e.. Inefficiency or poor trainfng perform.imcefor :2.. Micro; small and medium enterprises; and
a prolqngef;I. period pespite warnings· ·duly· 3. .fommur'lity-based .business · enterprises and
given to ttie trainee. · . cooperatives (J;J_._Q_: No. 180, Rule 2?. ·.
2. · .By the JobStarttrainee:·
· a; Substandard or harmful working Q_oridltions Incentives . .
. ... within the establishment's premises; . . : The .followin"g "incentives. shall· be. provided to
b. Crue"I and "inh'umane treatment; and- . qualified buslness enterprises-to encourage them to .
c. ·Prolonged or 'continuing iilness (R.A.. No. _generate·ad sustain-green jobs: (TaExBuSFi)
-10.869, Sec.'_.16). · · · · · ·· . · .Y Tax:ded.uction .. . .. . ·
Equivalent to 5.0% of total· expense for skiils ·
Grievance Committee . t~ainirig.<and research . development; such
lt:·shalk have the initial· .responslbility o"f settling deduction shall be over and above the all.owable
. differences· in .caee of any violation of the trainlnq. . -ordjnary and necessary business deductions-for
agreement or uporr.the filing of a complaint by an said expenses under NIRG (D.0, No. 180-, Rule
.aggrieved party, The Committee shall investigate.,:-_,,,-..=,,.,.,,.. 3; :S~c.. 2(a}). : · • · · · ·
and render a decision· pursuant to pertinent Wfe-S~ l)u· -.2~~-Ex~gip~importation of capital equipment
·- regulat_ions. In case, of "failure by t~;'P~rle~~,i;ice. f, .L\.JlN'lr.c)~st~.r'rr duties and taxes, pro_vided. such
Co~~1ttee to set~e t~e i~sue ~r r'.e.~el(a'f!esJs1~,::s,"'~~.:.--~u1~mjl1~ shall:. be act~a~IY, direc~ly and,
or _m case the co~plamt rs: agam}f:~mtm~~~l:ff°ihe ·-e~fl!h~~eJy~~._ed ,_n promoting, generating and
Gne~ance Commlttee.ithe c~se,~ha,11:-~,El.J.E!f~ed~o""-=-~-=-.,.g_~sl'ai.J:!l~~g'r.E;~A Jobs (D:O: No. 180, Rule 3,
the D01,;'=:08LE for -~~propnc1J~(~ettdr {FfA. N~ ·j{' -w.,- S~\ 2(lfl_!;_,.cf{j ·. .
10869, Sec. 17). . , · fr ~/ _f ·· lt .6~ JX . I. -~A If· . . · . . .
, . JI. · t, [ .; &-_"~ . N~t,: T~/~e,r111;1_ahfied for_, tax .• ,n~entlves,
P,~ymffnt of Ad.!11inistrat1ve,t:e~}:",f · ,,-----.t?~SeG:-JJtary ~t'Clr~atf Chanqe C<?mm1ss1on ~hall'.
· Pc\lrtic1p~~ing"einployers.sha,. l~e;J} an a~ooat::l'[~r--;; 1~~er~1ft ~4s1i~s5:-·~iiterprise~ with green JO~s,
. month per JobStart trainee t~,9.e~~r admi~i~tratiq:rfuf..,...,.,.;:;,-;:)"~ ~ep~'"!ment.~~.!;.t!'.!l~ce, thru BIR and BOC, shall
. cost ·in. managing "the train_ eN>t..11.ih ·a{fioiji'lt to b,~.:~.._8~~":i'~itm~ter tlfie gralilwD.0. f':lo. 180,_ Rule 3, ,Sec.
determined by the DOLE (RY{',,;.N.o,lto8l5!~,.6~~-1"8f.'I!P. l~.1,1,.J,,,.?'/1:4'3·.
.. .
. .
'. · ·
· ·
.· . ~' · \
: . ._ ,}. .. · . .
\i.I...Ji .,. \ · . (),~'\,:,'>~
... ~"':>
ff ."-. :
i,~ · £:), ,1P.o..~ ll . .
~I . ;, 't H . . : . ·
"''<_;§'!.,,. · _1;, es~ Nh.eloprfient s_upp()rt .-

w.iJ~supp~f t~rl:' prot?fypmg/modelling of

. ..

GREEN JOBS AC'F. · . ·S-:;; '.'~~~hn5.>Jd'g~es,.cjnduc~mg_assessm~ntto mateh

. ·. . · -~ · ~ C :E1-...I.£\i:.;:WiJ¥-1olog1~v(. n~_ds : and deman<!s,
(R.A. NO. 107'%1) ./ n ~~ ...:..=,.-7'~~1:t.OfO~a~§il !<:> ·.develop clean.
•• · · ~- , • -'· ~ • .,.., N ~E{chr:i,o.tqg1es,prov1dmgtechnical written guides,.
:.. ·. . · ·· · · · : . . · : \l-:"'-::;-l · . 1+J.t! t\.\13f.~t~d\Jres/ir:istructions/training o.n .. clean.
Note: R..A. No. 10771 was apf)roved on ~prlt.~~.=,.,!L,~(!!c~nology·(.o._o:No: 180'; Rule a, Sec. 6). ·
2016. · - · · · · 4. §pecial business facilitation· program_ · ,
. . . . · · : DT-1 thru· · N,egosya- Centers shall ·. develop .
·-Meaning'..ofGreen Job.s, .. . .. . pl_aris/progr~msfo_r dev¢1.6pmentof green 'goods ·
· Green jqbs,en:iplciy'ment ttiat contfibutes: to (D,O. No.·.180,.Ru/e.3; S_(jc. !). .• .
pres~rving_.· "6r ':.restoring_· .. the, ·. ciuality .. cif: the 5. Financial a~sistarice pr.ograrri ...
environment,·. oe·. it in _the agricu_ltu:re, industry .or PrElf¢rential_, · ~ finc3ricial · pc\lckages'.. · from
,.... · service~ sector..Gre~.n jobs are oecent jabs that ;:ire. "Government ) .. Finan:¢iar . "Institutions,- in ..
productive,. respect. the rights .of \:'Jbrkers, a·eliver a · ·. consl!llation wit!J BSP (D:9. No: 180, Rufe 3,
fair :income;- proyide. security ih fh~ Workplace pl'l~. Sec. 8). . . ·- ·" ·. · · . '
soc_ial .P,r;qtection··tor families, a·nd 'prqm_qte social 0 M.9nit?r!ng
d_ialqgue·. This ir:iclu<;lesjbbsft1at· Mlp-to: · · : • and E;aluation System ·
. · 1 :· . Protect ecosystems and biodiversity'; . . "The DOLE, in coordi11ation with .the ·,PSK" ·PRC·
2. · R:edlice.. .energy;-: ·mate.rials ·. ,md water· TESDA,.DepEd,.CHl;:D, DOST, DTI, and DOF-, shali
. consumptiqn" thru hig,h e.ffi_ciency strategies;· a
develop ancl;-(Tlaint.air,i da,abas~ Ofl green careers,·
· 3. Decar'bpr:iize the'ecqnom.y; and·_; . . professi911s, skins and list of emerging busii:iess
4. · Minimize qr. altogelner ·avoid.. generation of all enterprise tharger1erate. and si,Jstain green jops as
f9rtns of waste and pollutiorf(D.O. No.· 180, Rule well as. business. enterprise which have availed of·
,1, see:. 3(p)), ·· · · · · - tli-e.incei)tives._granted underthe'·1aw (D,O. No. :180, ·.
· Rule 5,: Sec. 1). · ·
.· .. . .


. :SPE.CIAL :G~OUPs.:·-:.:· ·.
\. ".


·2. ·Alt lands· of the Publlc domain ir:l -excess of th~
. ·AGR.AJUAN LAWS·· specific limits as determined by Congress. .
3. All other . lands owned· by the Government ·
devoled toor suitaQle for agrl~ulture. ·
Agrarian· raw refers to. the distribution of pubiic 4. ·All Private 'tands devoted to or suitable for
agricultural lands, large estates, and .regulation of . agricultu're·, of products (R.A No..
the relatlonship between· the landowner and the. 6657, Bee. 4).
farmer who work.& on
the land •. It embraces ~ii laws.
relating to l~n.d pr to' the .ownershlp orvdivlslon The SC declared unconstitutional the· inclusion of·
. thereof; . governs· and. requlates the .rights and .. lands devoted to raising of livestock, poultry; and
relationships. over ·agricultural lands between · swine within the terms "agriculture": The reason ls ·-

landowners, tenants, lessees.or ag,ricultu'raf workers
. ,. . ·:··(2.013)!
(UNGOS1 Agrarian Law and Social· · tegisiation
p,..1) [here/hatter,UNGOS].. ·
bacause in livestock,. poultry,· or swine. farming, no tilled and no crop 'is harvested. ·Land is not ..
the primary resource iri raising of 'livestock, poultry
·Or even .swine .. Livestock, .'poultry, or 'swine do. not
sprout .fro in the land, hence, they .are/ not "fruits of
the ·land" (Luz Farms vs. Secre'tary of Agrarian
. 'i;iE·COM~~NSIV;E/· .: · ~eforin, G.R. -No.86889; December 4, 1990). · ·

AGR:A.RJ..A:N REFORM: LAW'· ."" N~te: · The law exempts · ancestral ·. land from
.· · · .
. · .. .·
.:)1/ coveraqe. Theto · right
· ·. : J,· ./ ~;/& ·:cornm_uoity their
·of each indigenqus cultural
ancestral lands shalt be
.bY R.A._No. 9790) ...
~1}~,; •. ,\~;{~: protected. and the systems of land ownership, land
· . _ · ·.· · . . ·. .;, (,, ....:,,.iL...u,s,Efand
se.tu1ng 1and disputes must be recognized
. · - · · · · •1"•·J.#1,,s· d't. 6t"ct (RA N 6657 S . 9) · .
· Not~:··.$ec 7.· provides· that land ··acqui~tli9-'f a&:J~~j~r---;,.J).I.L!~2::1{ ... ·0· " ·' e~. ·. . ..
. distribution shall be completed ·~y J~r,~;.:i9, ~Q14_,t)J "Retention i,.1'r1\its · ·. .
Nev':l~heless, the L~w au~ho~zes \,t1eflDA~ 1 2::--; ·
The landoin~r'~hall have the right to retain not.more
c_onll~ue·~o proce~-~··?nng. ~o final.\tt a,9,,e~E;,~¥}.~a~~ . },) · th,3°'n. fi,ve·,5(5~ If~· ctares of his landholdings. T:he
cai,e .oq~roc~edlng mvolvmg t~~J~p!ent~.At·1A9°·0f .. ·i'!\ retainedlre~ ne 'd not be personally
the.agranan r-eform law·a1reacjy:.pend1Qg ·~s of Jut(fJ-\ !:,!, 1t .] ·
t '·m· hu the. 1an~9wn11r. Cl'.J t1vat1on can e one Indirectly
b d 'l·" . · ·
30·, 20 1 4 ,· · even b eyonu :· .'•t.o ·b
· '"' ·. · .,,.. , d iiw·
sa,~,~- a '"':l·"'o usu t'· .. th··'i7it'.~...-""··--..-,--,. (RAN
A .. it .
i DAR 'G R N 2·iff_ N ''v'i!'mb 481J. •·t:f9 . :~:,~
rou::1.'.'11'~y,q,r,;1;i~JU!.~•ra. 1·,ion.. . . ' s·ec.
: .... . o:. 6657
J. ·. 2. g;1gy
. :,,
ura v.. ·
' ... · .o:
. .
. ~:"""-'!)>''~,,. .
}I ·, ,~,
9): .
·.. .
:, . .
. ·. . . .

. .

CHAPT.ER 1:· P·RELIMiNARY CHAPtriR }) · : . · .. ~ 1,.,:,.-T-bEi children

of. ·the ·,an.downer entiiied to three ..
: . ·. . . . : · · . · . . ' . · _. ~~ ~:::p.. . c::...Ai·!\.,;~~1.!'!~<;t~~es.each.
If t~e.lando"Yner owns more than

· Definition of Te.rms . · :
1 }! ·
/.~--:--:-...,.."::li.f1v9-t~~ares of agricl!ltural .land, the excess ,;'lre-:1 ..
Agtariiin reforr:n involves redistributiei?.[\ o!,1aqct{to. n:iay be awarded to the childrei:i. provided ·that s.ah;I

lr. . .
• . farmers· and. regular farmwork~_rs w~o· a,~~1.ess:
. • .· ·includes - altematjve, arrangements. s.u~f.i..'as labor
child should tie:
1. · At least.15. y~ar~ olq; ;;ind
· .
·· .·

f admirii~tration, profit-sharing and stoo~ dis~rib.utiori

(~:A: 6657,.~ec, 3fa)). · .
2. Adually, tilling or directly :m.anaging the farm
·:· .· · · ·.:~ . · (R.A. No.. 6fJ57, Sec.6, par:.. 1)...
Agricultural· ljind refers: . to land: devoted to The right'to choose the. re~ained .area belong. to the
;, ... ·agrlcul(ur.a~ .. acti'!ilY and n.ot dassifled as"mjneral,. lanc:lown~r. subject .to the.condition that the retained
:, · fore~t,.: residential;. con'im!:)rcial,. · or Industrial· [!:Ind area:·· .
. (R.A. 6657, Se.c. 3.(c)) .. ·. . .. . . 1. ·: S.hould be. compact and con'(ig1,.1ous·; and
;. . CHAP;~R ;I: ·'co~~~GE 2. · Do!:)s .not exceed· the ·five:tiectare' limit..

Sccfpe· :· . . . Note: JHhe sel~eted· area Is tenanted, such: teriant

R,A.·Ji.Jo ... ·6q57 applies Coniy ·to a·gncultural !ands, 'shall have.the option to choose wt,,.ethet:· ..
~- . whe'tf1er public :or. privat~ .. It . does: ·n·o.t i'(lcl.ude 1. Tq r!:) ther!3in -. t"ie will· tie aonsid.ered as .
. residential,. 't::bmmercial, industrial, mineral and . · leaseholder,. tful,s, he 'shall. lose the right to be a
·. foi:~st' rand (R.A. No:
6657, Sec. 3(c)). .· '· ·: · .. : ti!:),:ieficiary.
2. To be. a· beneficiary in the same· or another .

;. ~pecificafl.y, the following lands are.cover~d; (AIDI- agricul,tural land with similar. 0( · comparable
Pub-Gov~ PriV!ate) . · · . . . :. .· features - he shall lose ,hi's.right·as leaseholder ..
1: 'AJI Alienable and Di~posable land~ of the· pµblic (R'.A. No.· 6657, Sec,. 6, par. 2): .
. . . domain cievo~ed or suitable for agriculture. ·.,.

2019 SAN
. . . I· 337
&WM :M d&FH+t G IS§ 2M·4@ WA A

Original · ho~estead grar:itees· or 1heir direct If all factors are present:

· compulsory heirs .ef Iands shall. retain the same CNI :x 0.60 + CS x ·o.30 + MV x·0.10 ~ l.and'value;
areas as rong as. they continue to cultivate the
homestead. Accordinqly, the tights.of homesteaoars ' If GNJ is not presem: .
. are superior to the rights- of'tenants.(R;A. ·No. 6657;_ CS x D.90 + MV x 0.10 = Land value:
Sec. 6, par. 1). · · · · ·
If CS fs not present: .
. -<;;NI .x OJ)O ·+ MV x 0.10.= Land.value; ..
. . I~ case ot.spouses, tlik extent. of the right to, retain
· depends Ori the property regime· as follow.s.: If both CNI arid CS ere notpresent: . .
·1 .. If absolute ·comrtturiity or conjugar.partnership -
; the Sp'OUS.e$ can only retain up .to 'five. {5)
x .=
MV 2 Land value (1 ·uNGOS,. supr_a at 52).
hectares; . . . ' . .. . . . . . Rec~oning . Point. in..· D~te.rmi'riation·: Qf Just
2. If :separatio.r.J. cof . property ., each. spouse can Cornpansation . : .. . . . ·. . , . ' . . . . .... _.
· retain five,-(5) hectares {UNGOS, supre at 17).·_ ·. Generat Rule.: The value ofthe property' at the t11T)e
'. of taking shall .he the· basis. If possesston is taken
Commer:cia,I Farms . . . . .. prior; toexprcpriation proceedlnq, the vatueshculd
'Commercial farms shall .be subject · to immediate beat the time of taking possession and.not tlme of
compulsory acquisition and · distribution after 10 filing of complaint . _ .
years from effectiyity of the law. In case of ne~~--"-•=,...:'"'- . . .
farms, the reckoning point is the ·first_,,)',ea:t'·of
commercial production and operation. ~ !l~
Tu . ·. .
'l;;xi;epti.QJ.!: Whel'l' there· ls undue delay in payment-
~ _ .!..t:JhetE;)rl tl)~>~luebf tne property at th? time of full ·

-; · , _ . ' .>/
=(. "-'l ....~~-x==p~'yJ!$nl(s_n..c\ll!9~...the basis and not the time of tak1r,g_
Note: Commercial farms · ~~e.- .P,p~te ~.9~JJJltoral : · (R.A:"N¢'66§~~(lf:-1.7).. . ..
lands devoted Jo saltbeds, frujt f~'r:~jJ:Yors_,IJ9r:d~='""fe'.""~•=,,...._,,~:-..'\.'(
..;· . ··\. : . . · .
vegetable and cut-flower farfY!p;~o,!;l:IC<;IQ'i cqff~IJJ "t'.
·~roce~"£re'f~r;;'£?£te~!"mat1onO,f J~st
and rubberp_1antatio~s (~.A._ "Jlo:
6~,TsecJ11). __ i( -~-~ .0ompe'\sauo~ f.) \ . _ ._ . _ . 7
- . ..
Agrari~n . r~forrn' . benen[icl~"J;>/( for f;a'cq1:r~~q;~f-~ ;~cts' i:ik (LE!\)°,aetl:!r~ines,the·valu'e'aft!i'.elands.
com~~r~ial farms. :mu.stt'1fiav~d the _ifollo'W1.Ljg)ift_ ~': . · ~- ..... ; :~ -~ . ·· . . _ .
quahf1cat1ons:(~ 8-W•IEmp)i ..;,,;r~ R
.. 1. ·At:least 18 year.s old at , i'e•UtqEr: of PP,ll.C~~nf;~
-"ttl , ~-rr;,-
-rfifflfcl . '}
.. f
y, ,,.,...,, ~ i
,C:':i"'.i',.· . ·
- :
· ·
2. With Willingness, .aplit\id.~-,\'and '".;a';:~- .~ ::-t1si_1r9,r~.iv~ a~l'1;!~}he D~partment of Agrarian
. . If t-.- d . . , l \..JI ~, \\ ·a~ ( {f t~eJ9_AA:,fuA . ' maK~f/ an o~er to the land.owner. If
· 3. r ~~~~;~:~,th~.c~mmef~Jal farrri~etw"~~ ,. ~~ ~~3!%1'11ow2,,~rf?je<;f~the. pffer, _DAR conduct~. a
. . '15, · 19aa'arid June :1'5, 1~~. or _up"b,r. e~ii;,at©~~~./ J§,~~ry,:Jiclm~nisyative·prpc~edu:ig to. qetel1]11Jl(:}
.' ·of deferment (UNG(?S'. supr~~t .40).~ · .(_~C'IEN~ ,Jti.~ .
o.zi:p~nsati~~Jor t~e 1-~~d. ·· . ~.
· · ··· · · · · ·· · '~.· Jr.~... -.::.-~.,,4.~/ .o 6pq:7,,;:$ec 17) · ·
c;~AP_TERy; LAND ACQUISI.TIOni,, '<(..J)A~::'-==::•""· ~-~\.}-/,.:..··. . .·. . . ·. '
· · .· . _ : . · · · 'VJ-·. . 'l\/f
Modes of A:cqu1s1tion· .. '. .. .
foi~U=ij.~JE~tiv_e Deter.minat_ionof ~ust
: ,~;~;..,,,_;.;,;.cp._mp<ens~tion· · , .· :.. . . . . ·, . . ..
Th.e . following are the · mode~ 0f acquisition . . · The - summary ,:a'dmm1sti:at1ve proceedmg shall b,e ·
recogn.ize~;l:_l;!nc;l~rCAR~·; (VoCoD1) cond.ucted'by.:. . . . < . . . • • . ·•
1. Voluntaiyoffer to seJI_ · . : 1-. PARAD ..- ifinitial valuation is·less. than 1 o million.-
2., . Compulsory acqufsitioh (·· 2· RARAD- if inltiai valuaticin· is'.1'0 millibn to 50
3: .. Dire9t'J?~yinents'cheme · · . ·~·million, _' . : · : ·. · . · · .:.:: :·:, · · ·' ·
. , . . . ·' i .DARAS ··~ if initial .-valuation· ·is :more than' 50
0 . . . milliqn (2909 DARABRples· of pfo_cedi1te, Sec:
. compensati'on. is:the fu11 and ,fair equivalent va1u~ 1) ..
. _ of. the pr0perty. Just-compens·ation is not on_ly lin;iited ..
. . .to the correct determination- of. the ·amount 'but c'ilso 11.'lodes of Payment .. . . . . .
·· .. · .
. .
pijyment. (UNGO$.,
supra at. 50)... · The following :are the rec;og'niz!,ld modes of payment:
. ' 1,. :Cash · .. ~hd. : firiancial ... ·in.strurnents< of ·. ff,e.
· Factors Used- in· LandValuation ' . · goyernm!,lnt;. '. : • . .. . . .
. The following are th.e . factors'. in the valuation of 2: . Shares · of . stocks· ii"i" gov_e·~n!11ent-6w'ned: o_r.:. .
. lands:·,{CCM) . . . . . ·-· ' . . . · · controlled..corporatiops·, preferr~d shares of. _the
1. : Capitalized .Net lnc_ome (CNI); . Land Bank; physica\ as'sets. pr.' other qualified
.2 .. Comparable.Sale); (QS);. and investments;. . · : · .. . ; : · · · .
3. ·MarketValue (MV) (R.A No. 6657,.Sec.17). 3. · Tax 'credits· which can be used against 'tax.
liat;,ililies;.and . . .

·· 338 201s SAN ~EDA LAW cgNT~1zED a~ .OJ?ERAr191\Js ·


4: · .Land Bank Bonds which shall mature every year

441 I


• I

have Obtained , substantially

until the 101h year (RA. No.6657, 'Sec. 18). · . equlvalent employr:nent, i.e. any employment or
.. profession from which the applicant-farmer
-.Tti°e landowner cannot insist in -cash payment only 'derives income equivalent to the ·income bf. a is not sanctioned by the agrarian reform regular farm .Worker at-the time identification.
law. The Iaw says that the just compensation shall. _screening, and selection.of the beneficiary;
be pa°rd partly in· cash and the remaJnder by means. · -·' 8. Those who have Retired or voluntarily resigned
of bonds, government financial,.shares.. from thelr' employment; . ..
of stock'. in government:. owned or controlled · 9. Those who have Misused the land or. Diverted
corporation, .. tax credits · or Land Bank· .. bonds · the financial support services extended by the
·(Assoc1ationof. Sinai/ Landowners v, Secretary ot go"l(ernment; · · . .- . · . · ·
·. Agra.rianRetotm, G.R. No_. 78742,.July 14, 1!}89). · . ro. l;hose who have-Misrepresenteo material facts
f .- )in thei(basic qualltlcatiens: •! . ."" . ' : . .

l ···cHAPTERVII: LANO·RE;OISTRIBUTiON.·. . . U. Thosewho have Scld.Dleposed or Abandoned

C The landscovereo by the CARP be distributed : .. the lands awarded to.them by the government;
i·.· .as much as.possible to landless resldentscof the 1:2: Thosewho have Converted aqricultura] landsto
t. same barangays. or in the absence thereof, landless ncn-aqrlcultural use wiV,out.prior approval of the·
, residents of.the same municipality··(R.'A. No. 6657, .: . PAR: : . . · . . ·
i· · · Sec: 22). · 13,, Those· who 'have been finally adjudged Guilty pf .
· : · • · · = :- .,.,c:
1 · · forcible- entry or· unlawfut' deiainer over the
> • • ~ote": "Landless" me-ans- a farmer or tiller wtio o'1rf)::'j<· . property; and · . ·. . · ·· . . · .
·_less than 3 hectares of 'land (R.A.. No. 6657, f~r£(::;;;., 14. !-hose who _have Vi9lated. agrarian retorn:i. laws·.
25).. . . . . . . Fr. .
,! .. f-'""''\ and requlations (DAR A 0. No. _2, series of
. · · .. . · . . · ,t !,.\'"Jt.l,.\{ · 2009).. · ·. . . · ·
.QOalificail~n of-Agrarian R~forr:n-Be_neficia_iy7· t:.:.:· :-1:r~~~t·.~0~. _'.
The follo~1ng are._the .quallflcations ot(_;;i(,farmer.-~JfJ . · Orderof-'E>1stnbut1on . . · . . _. .
. benef!:i~ry: (~i_Re-15-<;u)-.· . _ ·:.,~">":_. : · _J.'\J~ Cpild!~f'! o_f 4~i\
landowner enloy · first _prefere~ce · in
),< ....jrl the d1stnbuJ1qp.'q>fthelandholding. After the children,
1. F1hpmo.C1t1zen; · . . \.\/.t 0

· ,the 1an·dholdi~g is._ located: :-yl . . .~ .... . . rr~

2. ·,Resi9_e~t of tM bcirangay or mu(lic!p_~!~Y.-:-'i9her~ . "':~ the cove~,d Uan-t~~ldihg· will: b~ distribµted to the
;,--:JY',;/ . tonowinQY ~ ·~ . . . · .
. 3._ · At teas! 15 years old _i\lt ttie'.!).'JJe o!:~.e~tificatic_n\;\,.,:·:·} 'I:'· .:_Ag~t~~~r;;~~~~~e-~~
: .
~nd sh.are tenc1nts; ·.·
· · . . ·.

. screening·ar:id selection; ~cf' ~).;'/) \7,,~·· ," 2:· . ·-RWgul~pJ~rrnw_oJ_f<-ers : , · ·,

· 4., WillirJ.g, -able am1-1 eq4ipjJ~!.!..-wilb~P,:iftud~~~: t:;.
1 Jf tfi~je~~·teriants.~nd·regular,farmwork~rs
· Cultivate and make the lano{f}f09-Lict[,;,~ (R.,. j, 1~1 · hav~. ~lre~dY:.receive9 :~eir th_ree (3).hecta.n~·~•
. ;:" "!~· 6_6~7; ~e~•.. 22). :. . ~ .
. ,
· .., ,.,,
-.· ·i:i,<,,-~.,,·,~1,~•
·: :-'. _)1~.;-~;?,l!~~. rem_ai11irm p~~i~n of l~nd ..will·be. distri~'ut~d·
·1-~r; .. .-~-::. • · ·
~ote: No qualified ben-eficiary -may owt more"'t, •pA--~-~-a-.-·-Se'asonal'farmworkers;··. . ,. . . ·
.three·bectares· of agricultural "(R'qj. .No/6($57, . · b: . Other-farm workers· ··
SfE:C. _i.3). '.. ·,. ··,,. ~!~,;:l.,.\ - .
C. :~d~al"ti_ll~i'~·Of OCC~pants of public··1ands; _
·d. =. Cbll.ective's or ·cooperatives. of ··tlie above:
Dlsq~alificatl~n~ as Benefici_ary •. '.. . .;. and . : .
1.: Thdse who do not meet the bas.ic qualifications;
2. ,·Those'who. have Waived their:"right "t<t become
-: e: .
Others direc:t(y working ·on the land (R.A.
. ·. -No: 6657, Sec,·!?2-A).. . · ..
an agrarian reform :beneficiary in exchange· fqr ,·· .
~ornpensation, provided tl:iat the.waiver ·lias not .
beeri .. questioned ... in- · tile ·P.roper . g9vernment .
A~ard Beneficiaries ':. . . . ; : . ' ' .
entity;·· · . · _ . . · lfis th_e mi_nisterial d1..1ty of the ~egiste_r_of Deed to
rE;igister.the ·title of the .land in ·the. name:of registered .
3. · Those who haite Not Paid an aggregate o( 3 . person after the. °Land s·ank of' tli.e. PhiJippines has
. . an'nual airiortizations;· -
certifie·d ·that ·full.-paymen( ~Ith due no·uce · to the
-4: . Those who have Failed. to exercise right of laodoWher .has beeri made, lo register Cei1ific'ate of
.. : redemption/ 3. yea_rs. r~s~tHng
Land. Ownership Awar~ issue·d·to beneficiaries, an·9
·. jn the foreclosure.ofmortgage by tl']e.La,nd Bank.
to.cancel . ·previous
. . 'titles
.. "(Sec. 24, R,.A.
. No.
. ·66~7).
· . · of the .Philippines of a previously.awarded ·land; ·

·. § .. ·Thbse·: who · ·to.· pay: 3 annu?I

·. G~oulids for ca~cellatj~n..of CLOA: (Ab.Ne·g-Fail
. . amortizations' for land·· - acquired thro.ugh
f>ay-Mis'-Sale-lllr : . . · . · · ·· · . '. : . ·
voluntary· larJd·,. transfer or . ·direct Pl;!Ym~nt .
.. 1. Aban·donmentof Jan:d; . ·
' scheme, resu'lting in. the· ~e'possession ~.Y .the
2.: Neglect· or misuse of land;
landowner; . 3. Failure to Pav 3 annu~l.amo.rtizations;. ·
5;·, Those wlJo have been Disfriisseo for cause;
4. _Misu"se or ·diversion of ffriancial· and support


1&65151·& mm4aw
5. ~. transfer or conveyance of t_he tlght use to leasehold, tenancy, stewardship or otherwise, over
the land; and lands devoted to. agriculture, including disputes
6. filegal conversion of the land· (R.A. No. 6657; concerning farmworkers' associations' or ·.
Sec,24).. · · · representation of person's . in· neqotiatinq, fixing;
. maintaining, cha_nging, or seeking Jo arrange the
. Titles.for Beneficiary , · terms and conditlons otsuoh tenurial arrangements
· General Rule: The land should be awarded to.the · '(R.A. No. 6657, ·sec .. 3(d)).
ind.ividual fan,er-beneficiary ahd ·shquld,be cove'red
by an individu.;31 title: · · ·. Specifica.lly, the·. cases. are within. the
jurlsdiction.of DARAB; .
Exceptjon; If v,·~. beneficiary opts f6t c9llective .1. · · -Rights and obligations of persons jnvolved;
ownership, such as farmers' cooperative, 'coliective· '2. . Preliminary administrative deterrninatlon of just
ownership title may b'e the name qf the .co..· compensauon: . · ·
· owners or ttie. collective organi2ation '(R.A N,o.665.7, . ·3., .' -Annulrnent or rescission· · .of · lease
Sec. 25).;- · · ·· , . contracts/deeds of sale, or.their amendments;
4. Ejectment · and . · -dlsposseesl on . · . of
Prohibition on Sale or Transfer of Award!3d · · ·. tenants/leasehotders: . . .
. Lands . 5.. Sale, alienation, -pre-emption, redemption of
Aqrartanreform beneficiarlescannot, .wittiir( a pe®-~.....:......~
of. 10 years,. sell or transfer own~rship.~f;:."(a-nd
awarded to them, ~xcept: . ,1;:Y i>.~
u-, . · .1. covere~ a~rk:ultl.iral, l_~hds; . · ··-· ..
- partltlon, _ 1ssuan~es
~Jrewo,lJ.!_1:J!1onof EPs an~ CLOAs reg1st.ered·W)th

1. ,:-rro~gh hereditary succession/-'~

2. To the Government · ?_,,/" . V/_,?" . ·
r. -~"'""---~-" b~·II . ~~ _
· 7~~~1~W:ot;i~~ehold rentals;
·· .· .
. ·
3. To the land Bank of the ~~,MfPP~ih1 s ·/J ..
-,."":'=-~--=8.""".Q.~)i'e9,!io/l'l0f'~~,?rtizatiori payments, foreclosure
· 4. To 'other ·qualified benefic~rj&f. .';ff.'Np.6657r» ·--,r' ""'7 ar.icl\si.mi(?{r?!~p~es; .
Sec. 27). . .· Jl . ~~- j - ,1 · .It J~
41 ~11. _Bou1~dary;,p1sp~te\;i over covered lands; .
. - . I .. ii. . . '!: ~ _;..((~.
-10 .. Cas1s unMrrqt19i~,aland exclusive jurisdiction
'fitd'4~,J{ . .
XII: : .'~JNIST~TIVE'........._,,...,»,
defui\;~Ayr~· ,
agrar~rr"""va's s. referred by Secretary of
. ·
. >i4'4 · · · (d~ ~D"t:_r/.·(~_D09 f.i)~ ew Rule.~ and f'roce'dure).·
Department of Agrarian R forf.Q1 r--~ . " · :· ,-::: · · ;'JTc;;:i ;f j . . . .
DAR is _vested with primary Os~;Gli9n fi@i\"{m'I' rt<!~~A~ .. pnot_ entertain a petition for ..
and adJud1c?te ai:ir?na~ r?f~...~ _mafer~1o,~~a ,(,:~~VO~j!Y ~JP~ ~:;?granan reform bene'.1c1anes .
-~ave. ~xclus1ve. original Jun~dift!on· OY:~r-. al~"a~~ .: ~~~~~nl3d)9>1mng· lclfid~wr:ier.becau~e the issue of.
involving the 1~p]ernentat1on'?f ag~~1an _'l'~(Orn:p, . -,.:,,/a~9!!V:'Of~~'ij 0:e~~e~~nt·.oyer pn~'?'t~. ~~~p~tty
~xcept those falling _ur:ider the _e)(cJus1v_e)~dic@~N· rr ..11Jl11ttJ.oJJt.t~p-anc~ re~i1ons 1s outside thf} JUnsd1cti,on o( ..
of DA antl ~ENR (R,A: No: 6657,~ec. 50),_ ~ -...;;;:~,e1?.foRA~~{.~agpJ?a Estat~s v. Court of Appea~s,
· . ·. · . "-:·'-t'.0.11"-...-..,.,.,.~R."\\di. 1fffel~F. 5, 2000}. . . . :
.. · Note: Sl!ch j.urisdictiolJ of· the· DA~~s;;/l]ter.~ A:. A"!if'~·p,~~r . ... · .· ·
delegated (to the ,PARAS and to the DAR qecie.@ty). · J.Vl.Lf\lee~arify; in the exercise of quasi-judicial. powers, '
.. Thus, the jurisdiction: qf .the 'DAR ·undet -tli·~..-:&'Af-iABJs'.authorizedt9_: . . . · , ..
.. aforequot-ad_ . provision 'is: · ·.t\."{O':folc:l- . The·. first ·is. 1, Summ~m y...itnesses; ·
essentiaJly· executive · ·and .. - pertairis to the 2 .. : Administ,exoaths; · ·
ei"lfor'c~mei:itano ~dn,inistratibn ofthi3~aws·; carrying · - 3. Ta~~ te$4m9py; · · . . • . .:
them ' practical o'peration and enforcing their due. . 4_. :Recjuir~ submi~sioil of reports;'
observc!nce, ·whTle the second is j4diciai and.involves · "'· 5. lsstie subpoe.n·a·; :; .' .. · ·. .
· the- determination of :rights and· oblig'.atioris· of the 6. Issue-writ~ o:t.execution/p_ossessiortetc.; .·
parties (Soriano . .v. ·_ar~vo; G.f?.. Np. 152086; 7.: Pupi$h' direcVindirect contempt (1 ·.UNGOS,.
Deceml)ed5,·.2010).. · . . · . . supra _at 112-113). ·
, I .. ·.,
Depart,ment ·~t. Agrarian .Adjudication'.· Board .. - .•. DAR ~ecr-;;tary or his authorized,repre.sentative· .
(DARAB) ' . .. . . . .... · .. . . Tlfe. Secreta.ry of.. DARY;. or his ..' duly autl;lorfzed .
. The. Board shall . hav~. primary exciusive ·r~presentative,' . h~s . the.. pr,imary. jurisdiction to ..
jurfsdiction, bo'th original and appellate, to'det1;irn:iine determine and ,adjudicate agrarian reform matteis.
a~d . a<;:ljudicate .. ' all ' - agrarian . disputes, cases,. . (RA. No.C657, Sec. 50-A). . . . .
·.·. . . .. :
c.ontrqyersies, and matter or incil:ients invof\iing the
implementation of)he "CARP (2.009 DARAB New Note·: Should a·.party d,irect!y file
.a case ,.,.;ith the.··
Rule~ and Procedure}. - · ·. regul,ii'r court_ ancj P.leading alleges .that the· 9ase is ·. ·
Note: Agrarian Dispute refer~ to ·aJJy controversy: agrarian in nature and orie:of'the p:arties is a farm·er,.·
relatin~ 'to tenurial'· _arrangements, 'whether farmworker,
or tenant,. ·the Court should· .
not dismiss'



. . .
the case. lnstead, it should refer the matter to the Note:'.A mere· r~~ia~~ifkation of an agricultural land
DAR for the· purpose of· determining whether an does· not at,1ton:i9.ilci:1IIY allow the landowner to
agr_~ri~n dispute 'exlsts (1, UNG(?~. supra 122). a( change its use. H,e has to Ul'"!dff~O the pr9CeSSOf
conversion ·bMo"re· he . is permitted to use the
T,he ·. following cases . fall° within . the .' exclusive" agricultural farid for other' purpo~~s (Jd.). . .
[urlsdictionof the DAR Secretary: . ·
. 1. Classification ·and identification of landhold]ngs · The . ·following . :~·fe ~bsoiutely prohibited from
forcoverage; · · · · .· . conversion: (Prolr_Fi:iPri) · · ·· · . . . ·.
2: ldentiflcation of_.qlialified benefitjaries; 1_ . Agri~ultural tands v.rithin· Protected areas.
· i . Subdivision surveys bf covered lands; . 2. . All ![rigat_edlands. . .. . .
~. 4. lssuance, recall or cancellation ·. ot. Cl Ts 3. All iirigabl·e lands. .already covered by irrigation
incJudiflg -EPs and CLOAs; __; projects.wnn Fuiiiding commitments. . ".
5.. Ri~hf,ofretentic:>noflandciwner; .4. All i=.igdcolfural · lands: with '. irrigation' 'fadlities-.
. 6. · Appllcation for exemption; . . . operated · by · Private . · orqanizations · (DAR
7. '. Application for conyerslo11; .AdirJiri[stra.tive Order No:'01-9.9, Sec. 4). . ~- .
1L. 8 .. · Right to hornelots; . .. · · · ·
9. Dlsposltlon of excess area; The- following 'areas' are' highly .restrleted · from
10 .. 'Irarisfer, surrenoer: or abandonment of c_onve_r:5io_n:(lrAgro-Htigti-Val-Cdt_ic'.31). .
· iarrrihoidings; · ·. 1. !rnga~le land_s no covered by irng~tton proJec~s;
11-.. Increase of awarded area;. . . . .,".::--. 2. - ~qro-1~dus_tnal_.croplands,or lands planted with
12. Conflict in claims in . landed , estates aod~;/:i:i' .: . cr.o~s; . · ., .
: settlements (Rresidentlai Decree No. 946 Sefb°'f.("'(\,,. 3. H1ghl_an~s or areas located m elevations _of 500
· 12). · · _ ' ~-·!.~·_v..i: _~'(\ · ' meters ?r above; . . _ .,
· , · . . . \l JL-~;~:J. ~Land:>. ~sued. with notice. of valuat100 and
Judicial Review ·
Any decis_i~m. '?rder, award or ruljng_9
. . .,c~:l
!.J?.ef.J?~R on~./
}J·'t~~i:}~q,~~~m~;:' .
! '."1 · ·. .
.. -:--i?Q.'i!fQD:l,~mlallycrit1cal -, areas. det~rmmed by
· r,

. any agra~an_.~1sp~te.or:o.n any m:attei~pettammg \?'L._j .". DENR.{~\ . .._ . . . .

!~e _apphqat1~n, J?1pleme~tatJon, enl<;>tf(~e~~ .,9r"'l:.~ ,Note: !.t1f~fl \ands ar13 _hig~ly re~~ricted f~om.
,. mtE3r~retatJQn of this .~.ct a_n9other_J>.~"'f.tlf!,r.ltJ~son I~.· .conver.$io'n· qeca\ise .t.~ey ·requ1r.e, a_part from the
awanan reform_ mc;1t b_e . brQ~_.stJf,,fo.
i_ :~e_rGou~ 9t: 1~} 7
~ti'!n,dari_'.frecigirerlr,rnts, ~ p~oject fea ibility._study ad
,; ~PP~~ls ._by. _e~c~pt ~1;;,~.t~~t provide~ i•Jl ·. env,~Wf'P.!lJ~1-~cl>-?).Pha_nce .. · ce"rt1ficate · (DA/'? .
;. 6657'.Se_~i{?. ,:-~~- -).1~ / iiir
_1_n.th1s act_<R.:A. _Ne:·: ·Admmt.~!t:1t~;.fflf/~Pfvo. 01-f}9, Sec: p). •'. .
.· . ;:ri~::g;:~~;, c:a~?.!.~;~;i~;;~r.;c~}~ o~{~;,. ·J~f~J;;-;~;~~~:i:r~5p~_ni_~ha,bJ~by. j~p-~so~~~~t 61 si~·.
t. j··
,-_.. · pet1t1ons.for·the deJermmabon of J_ust S?.~.P.~n~a~o~ '..,-/~'f~._l~~)7,@°f-~,:~,ml one .(1) day to _1.2 year~. or a. fine .of !
to land_own~rs. a!'d the prqsecut1oni9:f(all.criiJ:i'ir,[aJI,'·!i~i~pfip2G0;900-Php1",000,000"_or, both: . ·:. ·. , · . ·
offenses· Ul')derthis Act (R.A. No. 6657t,1~Sec. 5,7-ff 1. 'Conversion . of· agiic\.,iltural "land .. to void .
·. : · . . ; . · . '\~}ti~ . . application_ot CAR,L; ·... . . , .
. Note:. The. Supreme. Court shall ,designate at least -2. . Prevention or obstruction · · of·. · CARP
·. -one·R"TC_br~r:)-Ch withi,:i_·_each p~ovH,ceto act as.
SAC.. implementati"on;. . '· ·
In exercising its ju·~sd.iction,-the .SAC may-_app.oint 3.. ·Sale, tra_nsfer,.conveyance cfr .change of nature
-one or·mor~ comrnissiohers to _examine, investigate : ·oflands.outside urban· centers· and , .. · . ·. ·
. and)ispertain facts relev~nt to ·the. dispute.. Jf.a party. . -4 .. 'L:Jndll~ delay i_n ce.rtlfy{ng!attesting·or fal~ifying.
disagrees fo" fhe findings· of. fact, he: may file. an . ,.·certification. · .. · · ., ·
· objecti_on within .10 :days (R.A. No. 6657,. Sf:?: 56). : . . . . .
. . . Trie· punfsh~ble ·PY i~prisonm~nt of ~ ..
· Co1wirsion._ofL-arid , . . · . . ·. . · years and 1 day to 6 "years .br a.
fine of. P50,0.00~ · ·
. c_o~ve'l"sio,11·is the act qf cti~nging.t~~c~rrent use 'of . P150,000, _pr both: . ' '. .

f .· . a piece- of agricu!tural land· ihto some other l:1se 1

UN(!OS, supra at. 134". · ·. · ·· · : · · :·. ·.
1,·· 0Wl'!~rship/posses~i9n··of _agricuitura.l land~ ifi:"
. · excess of r.etention limits; · · · ·· · · · ·

f.f · Reclassiffo.ation. is· the . act of ·sp~_cjfying ht>W ·

· · a,9ricU.t.tUrallandS. she:tll be u,mze·d for rion~ag"ri9~1tural ·
2.. Forcible entry or· illegaL detairier of unqu:alified.
. . . benefici~ries; ·. : ,
. 3.· . Sale, transfer, conveyance . of. right to use ·or
. . .

t · .... ' uses·such as resideDti~I; fndustric!I, and commercial; . .other usufructuary right; . . . . . . . . .. .
l as,. ~mbodies in: :the. land use plan; subject to the . 4. · :unjustified,willfu( ·m~licious· ad .of responsible

~ .requirements·. and'. proc,edure·s . (or laJJd 'use - of
cbnversiori (la.); •. .
officer;: · ·· ·
5. Undue delay or failure,.!bmit required report

r jhvolving CARP implementation:(R.A. No. 6657,

Sec.74). · · ·· · · ·

i&C· MM~.·


·EMANCIPATION.LA w· RE'.Fo.RMs (R.A.. ·No~ 3844)
Note:· . :.R.A. No. 3844 supplements . the
P.D, 27 supplements the Comprehensive Agrarian Comprehensive Agraria.n Reform -Law, Its main
Reform L~w. It applies only to· private, agricultural objective Js t? cr~a_te srstem of owner-cultivatorship .
lands prima~ily deyoted to rice and corn under the · and econormc famlty-slze farm (1 UNGOS, supra at . ·
159J. .· . . ' . .
share tenancy· ·iea~e-tenancy '(1. UNGOS, supra
151)- . '· .•

Stages·of,Land. Transfer · · . . . and

T.he land transfer under· P.O. g7 is effected fri :two
staqes, namely; · · · ·



1 ..

.. '.
. -.-

~ .. . . . -·. .
. {1 UNGOs,· supra_ at 160) .

. ~ighf ~f)>re-e~ption · . .
·.-_ The agricultural lessee has the preferential' riglll to.
· '""·. . . :If bu'y tlie' - land actually cultivated by tiim under·
ttie landowner :h~s- 'if · ·. · the. · ·. . lanc;lowner
already . exercised h°is chooses': to retain :.5 . -~~-,~
reasonable terms .and ·co'.ndhions · (R.A._· No.· 3844,
. . . .. · .
. right· of· retention . in P_D.. ti'ect.~re:{ :l!l)der: CARL, . · :
'4,7 .he, can ·no ·lot:19er the .. T. ·, hectares' Right of Rec(ernption . .
exercise. retention· ri~ht' previously. r~fa1ned· · by . · : If the Janel .was. sold . to a· . th.ird .person without the
' under ... the .~ARL him;' under PD _27 shall . knowl~dge of.the agric;u'rtural iessee: thelatter shall
However, he can. keep 'be "placeo" lmrnedlately .. •. have the right to redeem the same at.a reasonable
t~e 7-hectare retention under the coverage-. of .. price: arid co.nsideration to the extent -'of t'he 'area
limit granted under PD the CARL · .
. ~ . him (R.A. . . .
No. . 3_844, Sec.
27:' . . .- .


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