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9¥!i5iiiiii Ht HiF· SWISH!

Ut«i!.SE£WiM Aft R\E#M i:'45PAPPlf!iS_i~ ·l\&W-i#,i: 8¥tlWM11tiAQ&ti&me .»;ii¥WH~ Z7.i~
is a real party-i n-)hterest. Although both,are directec;l, · d_omlnlon on behalf.of the principal ,:1uthorized.
towards. . eosurin·g '.'th:j:iJ· o_nly cert.sin parti~s · ·can by a special power of attorney . An agent's authority
maintain an action, the conc.ept ofs tand ing ,requ,ires to fill;)suit cannot be inferre d from his i:iUlhority to
an1;1lysi s of broader policy conce/ns (1 RIANO, supra · · coUect or. .rece,ive payments; the grant . of .special ·
at 220) . . · . . ... . . ·. · .· : . . .· · powers · cannot· be. presumed fr0m .· the grant · of
· · · , gene:ra1 powe rs, IVjoreo.ver, the ·authority' to exercise
Cl~ssift~atiori of Part1es'in lnteres·t specia l powers must be duly ·establistied by
1. indispensable parties ..:..ThOse without whom evic;lence, .eyen though it need not be in writ ing (V-
. _:no final determination ' can be· had·of'an ,action:. Gent, Inc. v.Morning S(atTral/e/.&, Tours , Inc., G.R.
:.2: Necessary ·parties - · v,ibo ·' are riot ·f.Jo.18630$, Ju/y~2;2015 ). . ·
. indispensable but oughf to .P¢join~d :a~ part ies if . .. . •. . .
c;ompl.ete nffeiiefis to .be. accprdeq 1;1s those · to Note: Respondents claim to be the successors-In-
.. : alrea dy parties, or for a .c9mplete:determinatibn inter .est of th e subjecf'lc!nd just ._pecause , ttiey are
·.orsettlement ofthe claim subject ofthE;1action; . Udiaao :•s ,grandchildren. ·Under ti:\~. law, ·npwever, ·.
3 . . Rep'r.esen~ative parti~s •."7 May be .a trus.te~·.qt respondents _will onfy. be deemed-to. have a r.naietial
a/ · ti:'ll'st,..a guardi;:1_n,.· a,n or interest- over the subject land ...,___ i;md. tti'e rest. of .
adm .ii,istra tor,· or a .party authorized by-la-..ior- by ·· Udiaa:n's esta te · for . that ,matte(~ i( the right - of
·the Rules'; . . ·· ..: . . . · . representa 'tioo ,Provjded under- Artiple 970 in re lation .
4; · Pio .for.i71a ,p,arties·.- :rhos .a who are .requir eq_to to Article 982 Of the ·Civil Code is•available fo th~m.'.
be Joirieo ·.as co-p a:rti~s in· suits by or against .,.., ~:·•1 Jh this · sitQatior.i, representatives will . be -called to the .
another · party as may be . provided . by Jli)( ;<)i ·. ·succ es sion by the .law and riot by the . person ;
· .appiic~~le .,su~s tantiv e law .?r , pi'o?_edu.r91 ~ul e,f,(:{ \ · r,epresented; . and the · .reP.r!:l~entative ~9es . not .
· . (e:g., J.OIQ _der _qf -,spou;,es or :in.'cert1_oranc:Jc;tiqra~ •·': ' •· '.) suc;ceed the per.son _represente<:I but the· one.who m
, ·'!'he rein the ~ourt or_l:lgenc'.),' wh?$e a'djud,ic~i lqh:t: '..;;t,..;J~ --P...e ted would h~ve .su,c;cee?ed (Ang
• · 1.s · c,l)alftjl;nged · is'· ll!Jpleade d as. .-.the _:.J~ :l!l_bl.15\ Jt,,. ,... fJR
~~.v..~P.q_c,y.1;1.a?,No, _208928;-Ju/y.._8, 2015).
. . respqnd.ent): -.anq_ . · :. ,~/ :;,r · { (I . · · --:-··":,;.\ . · . '.· ·-.' · · ·
· 5. . quasi partie~"' Th?~e : in ·whoSe (i£e·half a clp_s t;ij'. :H ·. SECTION 1?'R\?.OUSESAS PARTIES · ·. . .
. · ·dr representative s.u,t 1_s ~rought OtR.E-GA0PPY[:' . ii lj \\ · · . . .·
!'.: $~pra~t . 8~)::.< ·· · · . . ..,.d!: :·.·.. i- . J
>_){7-:~ 1
Husband ,.~ndiw _ 1~~·shall sue o~ be s ued j!)l~~ly: . . ·
· · · · · .. · · ·
SEC:Tl0~3. REPRESEJ'(I'A r,t\f~ ~--~;;i !?tRTl1f
.r'Y · 1r '·---~ · \ .r -l~.!1
Ii \I
~i!.~~~e.!~~~ -~:.,~
~e Fami'ly 'code: . . . .
· ,

· . ,. • . .- •~J( : '·~ ~ · .1)·. \ -';',-

(~j .
i., 1•;1· . 1.. ,l\\~P.?l:l~~"":~o,.9j ,]u~tc~~seabandon~th~oth~r
f:,.Repres~ntati:ve may be·aJru .stee ,;<5~,;,xpJ\'e~~ ,. : ~r fa1ls!.toic:ofl!ip ly vv1thhis or her ol;>hgat,ons to
trus't, a gµardia ·n; •an ·executor, or ·a.qr;nir.\lstr-.i~or, ·orj a · · 1 . t.-ti')e family with. respe _ ct to the marital, pareotaT or ·
party.·authorized by law or by ·the 'R\:ile~. -;L
1.. ·.
1 · -· n-::.,
,n --:i,lrope rty -relations· (Ffi.Mlf,:Y CODE, ·Arts. 101 & ·
, , , l, .' ~;-.,.a.d,,1t-' • .,J,,.: •,. ytt ,;,,_f
/·08).;-~ . . .'' ·., .
. ·.Where . the . action is ·allowed· fo be p~dseci.Jted~0f![1 -~-'.....,. 2.':'u.
1.~,~i.p0tlse of . age m'ay mo~tgage, encumber,

defende.d: by~ ·represent~live 'O.rsome'.,9t1~:a9.faif 1n · alie.9ates . or otherwise dispose of . l:lis or. her
fidu ciary capa dity;-the l;)e,iefii::iary shall'-l:ie':iD.'.<1!ud!:ld . excli.J~ive property, witho'l1t _the cons ent of the ..
in_the :~ltl~
?f!hecase ariti' shall':be 'q6eriiedJo _be-the
real -party-m~interest ,· = ·
<?the't_ sp?u ·se; :a~d.· appear. alone ..
lltlgate with regard th~ same (F.Atv?ILY. cop£;
court , to lr
,. · ···. ·· · · · · · Art.. 1f1);ahd ,. , . . ' .. ,. ·. .
. Ah ,agent:~~ting :lri his own 'name :~:n'd for the b.~n.efit ·. $.' Ttie regime of ' separation pf :property govern's .
· ·:an· uncfisclosed ·prlnc:ipal · may sue be' si.'!ed' or · the pr.operty, relat)ons· of.the spO\,!ses (FAMILY
. withotit j(:iin,ing .the princip 'al. Th¢ prindpal; l'ioweve .r, · QQDE, Art. 145; .1 FERI A,' supra at:26.9-270). ·
· s~o(Jld ·_be jol ried When the co11tract ln_vo!ves : things SE:C·T . ·-.·.·N.· _. ·M · . ·.R.;J. N.·c·.._..M
._.·N.OR·- : .·PET:~:N ..T·.' .
bel~ngirig to ,the_prirjcipaL · · · · - · '· · 10 5 1 O 0 .,.
. • -,. . • •! -·

Note: It: a.po rn plaint is 'fi!ed fqr and iii beinalf of the ·. .. , Aminor.'or incompetent may su ~·'o~ b!3:~ued. He c;i~n.•
. • plaintiff [by ·oa~J who is not authorized fo: do so, ,'the be . a . pa·rty but with the assistance. of his' ·-father,
. · · .!po_iTlpl.:iint is. not .deemed . :filed. 'An unl=!uthoriz.e:d . mother,:guardian ; or if t!e has .. ncJne,
a :g(Jardi~ri.·ad
.: complaintdoes .·hot produce :;i_ny'.legal effEich ljence, ./item. ' ·.. .: ·· · · . ~ , . : · · : ·• .. : . ·
. . the co.urtshoµlcfdismiss'the conipiaihfon:the gr,ound . . . . -

. . -that it has·no juri~dlc tio n ·over the c9mp! alrit arid the · 1~is sbfficrent that his •incorri' be all~ged jpthe
plaintiff (Palff!iano-$at vad or · Ang~Jes, G:R:. No . corresponding .'p_ leadings ..and tt,e · trial court ··may ·
1.71219,:. Sep'feinbei 3,' .~0fZ). . ' . ·. pa·ss, upo_n the truth ,and ·effects thereof. 'l)nder th e .
- .
fo~rner Rule_s,.it was ,nec ess~ ry tt.ia irn;;ompetenf
The · filing qf suits is·an act of
strict domi niorJ. l)nder must have · been .·judicially declared . as·. such ·( 1
· . Arficle-1'8 .78 .(15) of the .C~vi/Code, a .duly<app:oli:ite<J . 'REGAJ.:ADO ,'·supra at 90). · . .
..age,iit has .no power to,.e~ercise ·any- ·act qt strict ·•


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