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iiitMi-11 J5WMS¥Ph iltt , •. +a WM Sii♦P&;;Mts+w1eeH+&HhinMryee-e . BMRIMUt ~:l ,lZ.
. .
thereof, (Brgy. Pi<Jpi v. Talip, G.R. No. 138248! ·with the Clerk of Court, without taking into account
Se:Pte'i~Jber.-7, 2005). · · ··· , the isst:Jance and service · of surrimons (Gabrera v ..
Where the demand is in the alternative, as In an . . Tiano, G. R. No. L-17299 , Jufy.31, 1963).
-action ,to 9ompel_the·defendant to deliver .t!'Tehouse.
by compl.eting its construction or to pay the sum of · Dockef Fees . · ..• ·
P.644.31, the ac\ion is one that is capable . cif A :case is deemed filed Or;ilyuppn p~yment of the
pecu.niary.estimation (Cruz v. Tan, G.R. No. L-3448, of
docket fe~ regarc:!less actual date of fiting in .court
No.vemoet 27,, 1950),. (Marichester b1iv ·'t Corp. v. QA .G.R. ·No. ·L-76919,
. ·May 7, 1987')_:
. . .
:. ·sE~i"l~N 4. · IN.Wl;IAT CASES NOT APPLl~ABLE
, Ttie payment ·of docket fees j· the Rule of. strict
.General , Rule: These· ·Rules shall not ·.apply to:·. . COIT)pliance ·fn the setvic~ ofsunimc,n .s; is nofa mere ·
. (NICOi.!::) · . 1 technicality ·of · procedure but · is .an : essential
1. ·. Naturalization cases; requirement of due process: I~.c;:in oniy be re Iaxed .
2 ..· ~solvency proceedin _gs; , for the mos~ persuasive of reasons wh,ere a litigant's
3. Cadastral -cases; • . degre_e of nohpompliaric~ :with the rules is seiverely
4: Other-'6ases not hEfrein.provlded; •· :disprciporti9nate tothe •inJµstice he is bound to suffer
· 5 .. . kand rE,!gistration;and ·· as .a cons ecfuence · ('7107 Islands Publishing; lnc:·.v.
· 6. !;lection cases . · -The . Hou,se P..rinters'·Corp:; ' G.R. :.·.No. · 19~420,
· · . .. · ' . ·. - . ·:". r.-::
Exception: The Rules may apply to the abov.e ca~rl✓,1;.i ' ' .. . . . . . .. . ..
':}9l?ber14 ;20 15), ... : _· -< " . · : ·.·.·
. . . . '. . .
by•(a) analogy ?r.(b) in ._ a sup·plet_ory char_acter l ;i~1{,, ;\ · In SunJnsurante Office, Lt,;l;.v. :Asunc,?n G.R_.Nos .
y,,heriever. prac_ t1cable and convenient .(ROG, Rt.i/tfJil,;}, }!·'.1, ·7~9,3.7:38, February ·1.3, 19~9• ._the Supre~e <:;o~rt
$.ec. .•'f>·-. · · .. .. . '. )j (;
.. 1~.;
:!X!_l[:.- ~8.)q,qq:,vn tn~·} f?llo~lng rule~. -. . · · :. . _· .
l .li
ry~ 8 11
. 'se~+1~1-Ls.
COMM ~NC.EMENT:6~ 'A . c~i~1f_l_,~i ;1~abi~:~b~~~~~~n\~;
· . .. · . .'·. • · •::0::· .
A c1v1I. action 1s .comm enc. ed by the ··.f_1Ju
fg of t~!'f,.,,.
:~1 · . .'payi:iie9f /p{1,th? yr~_s".~,b~d_docke~fee that v~sts
jl. . a . tnalJ,c~u~ w,th ]llr1sd1ct1onover the subJect
orig. tnai ~orrfplaint iri c_ ourt . · ,.,.~{pS 1•~}1:_:i:: \ .c • : }. ·,.matt4::r,.or~nat1:1re of.theac.t\on. Wher~ the filing of .
• _:: ·. · · · :.' • · . ·'..· ,¢/P;. , iy-,.l!:\:,:- .. ~ . l~;\ , the.,. itiat9r'y~JeadinQ I~ r:iot accompani~9 ·t;,y·
This : provisi?n > c1~sun:ies· si@ii.can ~~:;:~s~ecial]y'\ l\l · . : eaY-.-~~ttphl_h~d<:,ck:e~f~e'. the cpurl -may.af_low
whrr 7 prescnp~t9~J~ raised as:i?tqefl:'i'f.lte.:a~~uns\Jq .e [iii. · P.~., :e.~r!,otW,~;fee w1thJnthe_~easo_nabl~ time ·
cJa1mof:ttJe plamt1ff-m the compf~ Q! ('!t~J~J?. .f.LA-0.(?) · ·1i!1 but·•.,.,1~~._
-J,o..~.~ase beyond the applicable
-~upra a[.67): . ·. . . . Y1t~f,./\~ Jr:- .. ~\l •. prescr ,ptl .ye•penod; , ;• . . . . ..
· · · ··.• ·. . . ·. '1,~l . }ii. •: . . -i,1~,.,..- -·,~t.1.i\The sam ~ Ru[e applies·. to · •per,m1~s,ve_ •
Acivi1 :.actlor1 is· commenced by: • 'l~0.J • .· , h 1fd\:;;~1,.-'c:oi!Jr:iterclaims, third-party . claims >and similar ·
1. . 'The fillng of the ·complaint; and .·<'• f" . .·"'_r: ,?,1.t,~~u!!\~:.: i: .;;'1;;ciclihgs-which shalt not considered i.tiled
2.'. The paymer:it bf prescri _be.c,ldoc;:kel1~~s. {{ i/ ,:.. ~~tir~nd un_lessthe filin~:fee··prescribed therefpr
· · · · . ."'?.:;:f~:•\
j • 1s·paid. The c;ourt may · al.low: payment.<of.
· .Filing of .Complaint . . said feewithin a reasonableUme .but .also in no
•Such - :actf9n· · m,~Y ··l;>e commence~ . by fil)ng the cas1;1 be;(bnd its. applicable . prescriptive . or .
. complair:itby._registerep ·mail.(1 R~GALA.DO, supra ·.·r~gfetnent~ry"perio~; ·and : . . ·.
· at 67) . .T.he. date of filing· is detet minable :trO:ni two · . _c. ·.Vyhe_re the trl~I cou~ acq·oires jurl~clicti~n ove,r a
·.'sources, , . . : . .. . ; ' ·.. . . . - .. . daim ·-by the -filing of the appropriate pfe.adlng
1 ;, From t_l1e post c;>ffice.stamp .on.t/1eenvelope; or:.· . . and : payment of. the. prescribed . filin·g f~e. but .
2. :from -the registry receipt. .· . . . . . subsequently , the·judgmenfawards .a claim ncit
· • specified in ther pleading; .or .if specified: · the ·
1.f t!le d1=1t~ stamped on one i~ earlier than.,the other , · · . . sam:e has · l;i.e~n.Jeft.' for determihation .·by .the
tti.e fofmef m~w be ,:1ccepted as the date offilin.9 (1 · - court, ~he additional filing fee · therefor shall ..
··Rl'ANo;st:ip'JI_ at 28/S) . ·· ·· · · ct'.:lr;istitute..
a_li\3nc;inthe judgment. It shc1llbe:the ·.
•· . . 0
- . - . responsibility ·of the Clerk of Court or his 'duly
. ·.: If a~'• actditiorial d_ efood im( is. ·,rnplead~d in··;,\' later authorized · depuiy to -enforce said lien ' and ..
-______ pleading, •Jhiid1ctlqnjs .commenced .'with regar.d to .._. . . ··.... -· ass~ss .and__collect .the additi'?l_'lalfee .. -.. _. , . .... .
. him on Uie•dat!3 of ttie filing· of such later pleading,
lr'respeclive of whether. the moflon for jtJ, admission. . An complaints: petiiions, ar:iswers a.~d other similar
·;f necessary, .is dEif}ied by .the 1::ourt (ROC , Rule ·1, · .pleacUrigs.should ·specify .' ti)~ amount of damages ·
_Seq.5).. -..,. · · beingpraY.edforno _tonly ·inthe .boqy6fthepl~adlng.
but al;m -in the /prayer (Manchesff!r Dev 't . ·cotp. v. ·
N~tet Civil actions are · deemed· comrne~ced from CA, GR; No .. 15919, May 7, 1987). . .
the date of the filing ana docketing ofthe _compl~lflt



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