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Persons Who Can Sue and be Sued for Tort:

1. Plaintiff .:...natural orartificial persons injured by
I a. torlio'us act; can sue 'the tortteasor arid are·
entitled to damages
Damages, supra at 23).
(AQUINO, Tor(~ and·

i(\n unlawful ~iolation. o.f-a private right, not create9 qy Tortious Act i- A wrongful, act. Jr· is 'the
contract, and which gives dse to - ah ~ctioi:i f_or commission/omission of an act by one, without
damages (A.OU/NO, To,ts anrJ'Damages (2016), p.1 right;- · whereby . another ·receives· .sorne
[herfJinafter AQUINO, Torts andE>a,mag,es])._ direct/indirect ·injurY., in persqr:,,. oroperty, or -.
reputation (Id. eit). ·
It is a "tortious liability" which arises fromthebreach · · • ·. · ·
of a duty primarily fl.xed bylaws; such duty is toward Except in .. cases. where 'an injury to one person
persons, generally, and its breach is redressible ~.Y operates· injury to 'another, e.q., darnaqes
I • ·.~
an.action.Ior.imlfquidated damages (At;.BANQ, Torts · sustained by a parent arising from· tJ1,e. injury
and Damages (2.016), p..1 .·'[hereinattw AL/3ANO, _ suffered by his/her child; an action for.damages
-»: Torts a_nd D~magf!.s])."·. · ' · .· . · can only be maintained -by- the "person directly
. . -. · .. :, .. · ·.- - --- · · ,-.. . ~ ·injured, 'and-notbv'one alleging a·cbllat~rali·inju.ry
Note: Tort. law is nol.concerned with ·the separat:: ·(Id. at'16).· · ·
issue of criminal responsibility (DE LEON, Comments . . .. . · . - . · .' -. .
& Case~ on 'rorts;·,and_ Damages ...Jj012}f;y.12
[nereinettet [!E LEON, Tojts.etui Damages]). ~)..._ ·
U ·~-ls ..e,vejal~~rsons are.wronqed by the sa,:ne-a_c_t,
-f"·~erson irijl,!red may-sue (ldt_ · · ..

~a~ic _PUrposeS oi forts LaW: h~ ~-;,r {. ~ D~fe:;.np lat~r~t;irtindOt per$ons ;;t\O. m,ai · "
l /)\ .- . · .
1. To provide, a P~cl.C~f_ul m.~12s~~r,J~J!;]St1ng, t~ l:l~eld }~~le (A'~/NO; Torts and· Damages, -.
, rights of the_ part1e_s ~ho- !1'1Q0t oiperwrei! take tne Jj\. · }'[ suprj at 24['{:'.: , . . . . . .
law into their ,own han~s;{.
2. To deter wron~ff:JI pondu.ft,--:,._ . . . ]:.:! Tprtfeasqr . ,~ . :.
J·(J) · . , ;. : _·: .~' ·· _. · . _ ...
~- . To encour_aoe socially. re~fl~~I~ le Qeh y1or1,i!J'.lck~. !'.,I'. ~j::vgr.y'_p~r:son. !E!._allr·r,s;ponsirle. !s liable fo~ a lorl_

.. condition. inscifa( a:> Jre:. la\W·:ra~[R.O .. ~Dl~!$f ··an
: (ALBANO( Tprt~·an.d Df1~f!.9f , sup~~t'·t:>1-1).~ ·
:ts~ [o anot~Jr
.,pamag rJJ/pra 1...1a;~f-. . '-; ·
~Of=. .~EQN, Jort_s'.·
·. ~:,:· · · · ·. ·
> ·
· · . .· U) ~-t-"h -.!~~ fvt;,\~;-wh ,y.. · ·.·.~/.' , · · · · ·· · · ·. ·.' · ·
G·ener~I Cl.asse~- bf 1ort~=:.,. , · . ~}1'_'-.l;t~ ':"(~;s,~~o v}ariou~-~~bjlity; a :corpwat.i6~.'~~y: be
·1. . P;rop~rty Torts - .. mJu_ne\..· and damag~~t~'- ! "'.'ff~7~iril'C:!IY,j~9 primarily li,?b[_e .for tortiqup ~c;ts6f i_ts .. _.: · ·-
realfper?onal P.r<?P~_~y. ··. :.~ .. .. , · 'C.~ffi'c(:)fsor-employee((A.QU/[VO, To.rts:a.nd'Dam.ages,
2. P~~sonc!l Tort~. ~JnJUJ1es to P.ersor:i, ~.e.~ l?~d_y_J£.N_~J-~fa::at64~~8 (. CA, G:R No.· L~21155; M~:iy 1.8, ·· ·
reputation .. C~§lf?cter ~rJeelirig.~(DE,k1??Jvfo1s=. . ..- if.gj'if i,_"\.·J ~ · .·· ,., '·i' : : · - .: . ; .· . -,~

_an_d.~a~-~g~s'._$l!Pr8:,at·7~\:··. -~·MA-~-~-~:/·/, :_. ;: '. '.'.·.·: ·::.-:.:~ .

,_. ·. '~··· ".·:' .. · . --; -·: ~ \·•. . ..
. E'xEcuTIVE col\o1M.1rnE ·. ·_ ·sUB)E_cT coMM.ITIEE iVIBiVIBER-s··. · ·. . ·.,. . :ADVIsElls . -.. . · . ·
MARY c:YRIELL,c: suMANQUI MA.'-- crusTINA · o.. ARROYO . ELt.Al:N c. PEPiTo,MtRRYi ·. .1 o~an:ED VlNCENT s. ALBANO,
Over-ail. ·Cbairpers~fl,. 'Ji.RICA ·Subject Chai;, 'MARY CHER.WYN . KIUSTIE .. tvi. ': FRANCiA, ... Di~filPIA:NO P: SARMIENTO:
MAE c. VJSTA Chairper~on for 1E.
. L.i . CASTRO· /\ssista111 . S11~ject CID\fil:'lj.E R?SE:_o~; R.::· ._m.: Ally.' ~t·f cAs~o.·
Apadeiiiics;' BEN·. .~I , 'Chair, . JAYSON P. HI QUIANA • RO/vlANO, . · . . JANINE: · fl tty. 'Dl).NTE· 9:· :Q.Er:A. CRUZ:
BARBERO Chairperson for Hote(' St(ojei:'t Elec'iro11i~ Data Prate.sing, ·CAMELLE T .. GASCON, MA, . Aity .. ROWEJ:t·>o,. ·IT.AGAN, .. ,
'Operatioi1s; JHELSEA LOUISE ii: . MA1ill\ ANGELICA R. · LOVERIA ' CHERIE ·. JANE. . ~·. G. . Atty: )OSEP!-f.~FERDIN.ANt>' M.
DIM~NQ Vice Chairperso,; Jcir ; C~nfti.ct ... of.\.Laws, · ·. SOPH~ Li,\BANGC();:~l,;AM4 ,DEC.HA~.z. •.. Nfy .. Ti:ffiRE?A :.:~
Sec~etariat, E~ .)USTIN"M .. YJCTO_RIA,E. MlNA_-Person~;and 13., · ~- )'£~ .z .. Gfil,ffim~·Nl.J:!=,VF:.-<;9, : . ·
YAMBAO. Vice-Chairperson for Fa11!ily..: Relations, . JOANNA .QYALE,S, · "BENISE . . D. . .. , · ,--·-· ... . . \• ·· .
Oper:aiions; MA .. AN'GELii:::A:~, .... ELlZABEjH .. · KAMLA _. c. MADM'IBA: .DONN.1H<RJS; . •,.• .· ... .., ' . .i . ·, . .., ..
DE LEQI:-1. Vice Chairperso(I for. . MAI-CONTENTO Pr:dperty' and 13 . ., ' . , GS)MEZ, : JA.SON ,
,, ARRA. IJLMAYA·'.iJ. - . Land Titles· and Dee'ds, KEVIN JEREMIAI;I . ·c. ·, RUNES,
BADANGAN .Vice ·Chairpf!rson CHRISTIAN A. - P.AS'roN . GERJ\RD. CE/\SAf,t . s: .
for AudiJ, JORDAN N. CHAVEZ· .. Succession,- JAMIL. P .. DALID1G . BAGUIO; CAMILLE .. C .
. · Vice{:h~irp'ersonjorEDP,Hf\NZ · Ob~i;gali~ns . and· .Contracts, CE~zo;·M!)R.RJS $.D~L_·r;.:···. , ·.
· DARRYL 'B. . TIU ·. :Vic~ KEffiVIN ANTIIONY 13., VIAf)O · SOLANO, 'JOSE. M;A.JJRICE . ·. ,·, · ·
. ' ChairpersonforLogistics, and : Sale~ an'd Lease, KOIUNA.CES M. ROMEO v.: SAL\fACION,
. DOHN ALFRED E. AQUILI,ZAN CUE\(f\ .Partnersfiip and Agency, LOIS. ip3NEE_. R.."'TUBON,
, V(ce ChdirpersoriforMembe~hip MARIA ·. ANA . ANGELA . T.. C~KA. JOHANN G. 'c;:p,_ . ,, . .
. ' ' SIMPAO .credit Tra,isai:tions, JEANNE. PAULINE · ·F. ... : .· ·: :. '.
; . . . CRISTOBAL . .

. l •.
. . .
aw•# ·CM~*:SM 1¥ @Mt*** tffei :SSS'it ry@tt«zaa_,c t:SM ¥ ¥ SAA 5 ma,ewa aw


Joint Tortfeasors · injury to a third pers9n, it "is impossi.ble to

Two (2) ror more person.s . acting · together in determine in what proportion"each"contributed to the,
com miffing a wrtjng, or contri~ut_ing t.o its commissiof"),· injury a·nd either of them·is. responsible for tfie whole
or assisting· or pa_rticipating· therein actively and yvith injury (People V. Velasco, G.R ...-No. "195668;-June 25,
_q_om-mon intent, so·that injury a third person 201,4). . .
ther(:lfrom. (DE LEON, Torts .and Damages, supra at·
·18): . Join.t tortteasors
1 • v- . '
are j~ln.tly
. . .
. - •
for. the
,- fortwbich they commit- The persons injured may sue
Jest:_ . . ' - a
. all-of them or· !3[1/ number le·s·s ttJan ail._.~~Ch is _llable
. 1. . Whether plaintiff has a ?inglef cause _.of ac_tion for. the whole damages caused by all.ano all tggether .
, agains.t 'such tortfeasor's; 0( , · are jointly liable for.". the :whole damage: it. is no
··· defense- for· one· sued ·alone, that "the - others who
2. -Whether plairiliff has .several causes- of action
_ ~gai~st each of tortfe~s·ors (Id.' ~/ {BJ: .
:. • • .
· . participated Tn· the wr9ngful actarenot jqih~p ;,;,;ith fiirn
_ as. oefendants; nor is. it any' excuse .for ~irT),_th'al:his
A'paym~~l. iri'-full.for the da.mage &ine,; by 9ne o(ihe - . p~r.tJcip.atibn;irfthe·tort was ifl?!gnificarit a? compared.
joi_nUortf(;)asors; ·of'c9urse sati~fie~ any.claim to· that. of the others' (Sing v, Li Seng. Giap &. $qns
· might exist agaihst the ·others .. There· c~n· "oe but . tnc.. G.R. iva:·}70596; November 28; 2008).· ·.
' . .. . . .. ·; .. . .,, ·' ..\

. satisfacfi0n. The release of.onifof the joint 'tortfeasors . /~

· '· . b9 agreement. generally. operates: ,lo· discharge_: c:ill -~.oncurrenf N-egligence . . .. , .

(tafaige · Ce.ment Philippli)"es, Inc. -v. · Cp_ntineh(al. If refers to negligence of two or more persons acting
Cerrienr Corporatia·n, .G.R ..· No. 155173, November independently (AQUINO, Torts and·bamages, supra
23, 2004). . , at116). .' · ,. · ·· ....... ·
."". r•.• • ..
-\. ' ' - . :. I . '/ . •

Np actor's neglig.ence ceases to be . a . pr6~i-rvate WqJ~r~. the. ~1nc\1rr~nt or-successive n_eglig~ni cicis or
.. cause · merely because 1t does not exceecJ..- the omissions of ~b 'or more persons, although aetinq
; neglige~ce of . other ==
. . . responsible tor. the entire result and ts liaole · a~
_·Each; "."/0~dqer-· .. is, .: ind~~e_n9_ently\are; !n ._
comb!h~tion,. th~-r?ir~d an_d
· ·proximate.cause -of .asinqle in11,1ry_ to. a third ·person
. !hO~Qh._hi.s ~Ct~ V{ere the. spl~}clt1~e Of'\!J.e1(nju/Y, (~pr. _: ~: and i_t is in:ilo}'siqfe !O' _d~term_i~e ln wha(, p"ro.~·o.~tiOh .
Eastern. Sh1ppmg .v. (/,I. G. f?. . No.: .t·7.94jrJ,,t_·J,:m!~Ary· '" . ~;:ir.h·,r.ontq.~u_te..d)o the .1n1urv,..~1(hef is responsible for
., -. t:o; 201)): ·,. ._ _ :.- '~- :· ~ ·. · :_···:::_the wh-¢11in1uf'. e\e~ th?~gh.hjs ac~.cllone.iJ)igbt n_ot
, .· ·· ·· ·. .... . -- • - ·. · h~ve.cau?ed·th~. e tire inJuryr or th~ same;darnc1g~
· · ' ·· Alth~ugh the e'.'1ployer is ~ot.the(9b'fual t.9Jl.f~~s~r·, l~!:l ... _might~sCiltea7frprn the acts o( th.e: q_the_r
'. la~ makes him1 vicario1,1~ly liabl~~". tpe:11?asis- of.-the ·tc;,rtf.easor: (fl.NCG).1.1:"CA,G.R. No. .1'5.fJ270, August 22;
. c,;ivil _l_aw. prinfiP.l_e-_._of -~~/er. far,:11/ja; tqt Jl_o. 2005). ~: .. · _:, .. ,>-;. .·:.' _'·: . . . .. ,.". . . ·--;,
exerc1se:due care and v1g1lance.over. the. acts of one's . · .
·_ · .. ~ubpr~jnate.s lo 1/,"damag~. tp :anoi,ti~r: \~).~.e : . In <?lheri words, w.~er~ .theif: co_n9_urri~g. negligence ..
· l~sr paragraph'of ArtiGle 2180 of lh_e Civil C.ode~tfie resulted in,_ 1r;ijJJif: .~r. dar.i,age "to a.Jhi~d p~_.rty.. ,tn~y· . .·
"employer may in'-iol<e _the defense' ttiat he._otls~rved. . 1become :joint _tortfe"a·so.r.$~cind Jlre .solidarily lia~le.Jor-
.al~ tt)~ dilig_·~~ce C?f· a·goo·d f9th~r. ora ta~11tto·et~_ye~t ·: th_e.-r:e:stiltin~f cfafnag·~).n~~:r ~rfis1e ?'1 ~~ ·.a·f.~he.: ,Givj1·
di:lmage (Flfcar Tra.nspor/ v. Jqse Espinas; ·'Code (L,o,admast~rs CiJstoms'Se'rvices;)ric.'v, Glddel-
G·.R, No. 174156, June 20, 20{2). ' Brokerage Coirpoiation, G.R. -No.· 179446, January
' . ', -: ... ·.-: ... ·.· - :-.''.·· · . > .. _10:20.11)". ··.:- .·.·,--:: .. • .·· .. ,: \ . - ·· .. ,.. · -:.• · ·
_Solidary Liabi'lity;of Jbint Tortfeasor.s . _ . _ . ·,. · : · · ·. ·,

The· r~s·parisibility' of two. o(-more perso"i1s. who ··are ·; - _· In~ ·.case .of .i~ju"ry t~ ·a .. passe~~ier d_u·e to- the
.·-. "ljaJ:51eUor a:_quasi-delict is' s,61idary,(C/VIL,.: GODE, (lit. ·negligeF1Ce· of th_e.· driyer oJ tt(e(bus' on: wHicti he: vJas
. , :· ~~94).' . <. . . . ·' . . : . "-rid!rig.~._an·d .th:i" drlver:of th~_other vehicle, .the °d_rivers ' '
. _ . , . ~ ' , . · '.' . anq . 6'!,'ners~ of ' the f~o vel)i,cles' ar_e. joi_ntly a·nd
Und.e.r Article_ 219,4.of t~~- _c;:ivil Cc;,ae,.joint tortfeas,ors ·.: ·.. ~~verr,1Hy lipble· for·damages (Constr;ucfion-Dev.-·Corp. ·
·. we solidarily l_iable'fo"r th~ resuJtilig ·.damage. In other . ·. of .the. Phils:·.iv. 'Estr.e~la;- et .. · al.,_ G.:R. No, ;147791;
W.Qfds·! joint are _ea:ch.liable-as principals,· ··i ·$eptember·B, 2006). · · ··· _. '-..: . · '
to tre .same ·extent and_ ih the" sarn!';) ma oner .as, if th.ey .. · '' .
. h_ad'" the;-wrongful ad. them'selves (Pe<;J°j:Jle · · 0here. tne "o.bl_igatiol) .of Jh~·
p~tti"~~·i~ $Olid°ary, ei~he·~ ·
· v. Velasco, GR No. 19566.8, June "2.5; 20.14). · . · . . of the .parties is indispe.nsaq!e\. anq tlie o_t~er is_ nor
• ·. · '· · :< ·_ .'"° · • ·· ·• . . . ·everi:.~·. necessary part/because, compl~te_..relief is
.T_here ·is._. .. no-_con~ributio11. between.-joint tprtfeason:? . ayaila~le from _either .(Cer~io \/.".Tuazon, .G.R/ Na:·
\:".'.hose li~biljty is solidary sin.ce· ,both Of tliem-:afe·. · ·141538, M?_rc~. 43, 2004).. . '._. . •. . . · r. ·
'fo(,_ t~:tal· d~_mage: <_!~~--- cor,ic~·r.i:.e.?t o\ .
succ~ss1v~. negligent acts or. om1ss1ons of .two or · ..-:·.
·more persons, ~aHho~gh_attin!;J independ_ently; iire in. '·'· ·, .. 1• . · '".

combination the direct and proximate cciu_se of. a ..

I. '.)()10
C::i\~I OCr\i\
I i\\A/ rc~JTOJ\1·17C:r""l'Oi\D
. . .
f""\nCDJ\Tlf""\~IC::. I 7Q.1
· ~\\1®38 •~;£ ,u:;,1:;xs Pi ;;a;tt' ! Nr:P" 13;;;m•t a-,; ¥?, ,' 'efa i5td ·;·§ i¥ ii iS:ik# zc :?5US ti#5d' 4'5- SR i ¢41 4 ::: m tX + iZi.2 iJ

Remedies for Torts: Materiality of Motive

1. Compensatory - actions for sum· of- money for Where motive is material under the circumstances of
damaqes suffered (AQUiNO, · Torts and the particular case, a.bad motive, in connection with
Damages, supra at 26). conduct which violates plaintiff's rights, has beerrheld
2. Preventive - prayer for injunction, and awrit of to' render the' conduct tortuous (D_E LEON, Torts
preliminary .· injunction· 'and a . temporary . Damages, supra-at 39).' ,
restraining order,' to enjoin the -defendant from
. continuing. the doing of the tortious conduct (Id.).--: . A bad motive is occasionally important in cases
3. · Rastitutlon - · to ~ disgorge gairis that 'the .lnvolvinq certa in. economic torts, e.g., interf~rence·.
defendant wrongfuily obfained_by't'art (DE LEON, with business opportunity without physical threat cir'
Torts· and Damages, supra at 14). · harm and claims for punitive damages °(Id: at 39). ·
.. '
Cause of Action in Tort -. Materiality of Intent
. Test: Wbeiher the ·deferidant'ow~d plafntiff. any legal Liability in tort for an injury is determined by conduct,
duty to do sornethinq which detendant' wro'ngfuily did· and.can 'ari~e}egardless of the mental stateor intent
. not do, or-not to do something· which.·h~ wronqfully tocornrnit an unlawful act (Id. at 41), . .
did; in violation of plaintiff's legal· right or rights _(o'E · . . . . .
LEON; Toris and Damages, supra .c!t 28-29). . . . Proscription ·on Double Recovery . .
· :·~4ftno'ugh single act .°: omission !11ay give rise to two
. . ·
Elernents ; (ROW)
. ., · ·
· · · ... '. .
,LJ).._ : U
.trfefe~t-c~uses·_ofactibn,-the- plaintiff caqnot recover
1, A legal .!3.ig_ht in favor of~ pe~son,(p~fntfJ;~ages.,tw]..G.~for the same ~ct oromission of the
2. A, correlative legal. Qt;>l1Qalton~i:i . t_µ.~par_t . of . . deferidant-(C~\ Q;OOE, ~_rt. 21.77t . : . . . .
. defer:,dant,to.respect ornot ilv-iot~te srch-_.ght~~--.............~'\.; ~. .. . . . .
· and.
· .
· :. '
'.'""'I . ·
.. . · ID) f
\Rv9s_mu~~ · !3S, fi~ hapility co-exists with_ crimi~al ·
Jr ~ ·~e~ponsi5llity'i'r:i.~egligt.i,ce·cases, the offended party
Note: .Moral rights and du tie~ - ~ lh9~se dµties ~\ has:the -~~-ti_~inB~t::;,~n\an. ·ac.ti~n for enforce~~nt of
which. are dic~ated _m_er_ ~g0~d. m9ral_s ~~ f:~-' --·~v1l l_ili51li~- ~a-~eo ~lf?a ·cnm!nal under Arli~le 1 ~O
hum?rie'coris1~erat1o~s·ra~e~n0tw1thin t~,_d<?~~~'~
of tt,e law (ld.··at 30),_, :_ :~ . r-41•· · ··· •
itl ?~o!~fie. I
~ey1:3ed,~enc11. Cod_e ~~d a,n a~lion . for
~.mEJi~~m.?gei q,~s~d 0n--c,r,aYi aqw/Jana under; Article
. ' . ·. · • ~ .· \~~ · .. · "';:'.:1....:..c?'2177.f!JJ~t .e~~ivil €ode. . · ·
3·. ·f'::. Wrong, ~.e., anifucton o~s's1cin_ irifi.q~tion 9rn ·~') .jJ:ll. · J ~ .: . . . :. " . :·
sajflegal !.ight a_nd duty_w~·t_H c~n'sseque Lt\!~ . ,~ "-~!!)~. ~::ofciyilJ1abil_iti(s are 9i~~incfaJ:1d_i~depe,ndent
· damage· to th~·plaintiff {Id. at 29). cP',.· .-· ·~ ·5 ~fc.ti1'11L!ie1'.the'-faillr~ to·recover. in one '.Yill not
. . ·. . . . ·. . . . . . . . . ·... · ... (,.· · . · ~~ ,. . l~(ar.i_iY, ~r'E(clud~:fecoy·e~y',i~·-t~~ o~he:r W:eop~~ V..
Note: Qa:.nage__ incurred with:o~t ,be_:pres';.- ce._ }~~_b.?JEN:J3~pes)~~~anjl, ·G._R: N~, :1149p~~6f3,-Jan_uary·.
ot~El.r _elemen,ts does.,_not cpnst1tut~~~µsr~r.-ac~6~~0.,2{. _[Equ~~I~ ~easing C::~rp. v. Syuo,m, ~-R· .
beJng .-merely qamn'!.f!! abs_que: -1n1un1 '::t~eJ',INO, 'l... ·i
'&~,8t,Jj}-epte,:nber5, ~002). .. . . . ·. ·. _-
Tortf an_tl_ ~~mages}µ~ra at 76~)- . ~ '-!:f. _·· ~:~~\.~ . . . · :·:·. : ·. · ·:. · · : : . · .· · ·,
.,. , ; . . . . .. · ·:~l!mds of Tort L1ab1llt1es... .. _ ..
Concurrence 'of AcU<:>n: .. . . . 1.' 'Nigli_gent. : T9rt : (NeiJligence) .. --~- ·.l_nvolve·s ...
. 1.·_' A:singl~ act 'or 9mis:s!011.~ay give_ risf3·. t9 two __ or. ·v619:Qt_~_ry_ ~~;ts ~£ orni~?&ns tha\{e_S\JI{ in J~jury \o. _·· · ·
more ·_causE;Js of. actJCin,: ,.e., bas.ed · on, dehct, ..... Qthers·-,. W1thqut._int~n~ing .t~ caus~ the sam~:T_h~ ., ..
··quasi0d~lictal'}d cqnfr?c~;. -- .... : :· : ·.-' _a-ct.or faiJs.· to: ~.xerd~e. du_e .,care: ir.i pefforin_in~f ..
2, ·. T'#_o persons· µ,ay·~be liable for· ori·e act c:i.r: : .. sucti, c!Gts ~-or·,,otnissions '(AQUINO;· Toits and
·. omis_sio~;thal caus-es the in}ury; ·. . · Damages: ·; ~- . . ' . : ..
3. There may" be._a·c' ot-cfdiqns ·even\.if . . . . . . . . .. · · .. ·
. only Ofle_ per~on _is sougbt·to,oe held li~ble:·(id. qt. 2: lnJe-~t_ional· tort -:Tort. is intentjdna(if' ~Hi actor ·.
· 42-43). · · · · · ·' · · . · d,esires to·'bause,the·consequences0of.liis ·act or
. he believes .that the conseql!erices of his.acts ·are
Cht>lce of'rei:nedy io coritl!rrernce.of-ca°uses·ofatti~n . ce-rtaiii'.to .'cause ·-d~ri'lage tb~ari'oih~r (ALBANO'.
pertain's ·to p/o"cedLrar'~nd ··jurisdicti~ria'I rs~u~s o'i .. :1orfs. an~ Damages
. . .
supra'at 2): . . . ..
·,.... •.. -
action. T[ie rem~dy_ .may' be based _on a delict: or,. ... ...
qt,iasi~delict._ A quasi~delict :.action· niay-_ 1:>roceed It_ i'ncludes assa·uh, battery:- faise irnprisonrhent,
in!'.feP,.ender:itty from th_e criminal a~tion (Bciir(!do_.·v. :C:fefamcition,'in~·asi'on·ofpriv.acy, and ir.iterff3rehce
Garcia, GR. No: L~48.0Qf5,, July B; 19.42); bu_t- it. ls.· ·of property (AQU7NO,.'Tofts ·iftJrJ.bamages supra
· subject to th~ pros.cdption ag.a1nsf double recovery at 2)_. · _· __ • · · .... _ : · '.' · · .· ·. . . · •
(CIVIL COD!j=; Art. 2177). ., . . .
. (


t&f#}i"hi%W'WP@.'frH4=*:ry&5*!3•3f$f!te:.wz:•.e;s, §k *"'\· M'i<fK«!bS'.t If C-t?'t5.f¥%*4fi!i!63L~SU,.

~-· Strict Uability in-Tort·.:.. Th~-person is. made Guipa criminal v. Culpa aq'ujliaria
. _ liable ~indepenaent :O( fault or negligence upon · ... ,.;_ ci:i_lpa--c~n'tra~'t°u_a! · ·. _ ..
submission :of proof of certain facts: The co_i:1cluct
... is generally nol wrongful jn _itself but \he wrong
. consists in causing harm: by engaging in certain
'types "of risky activitie's' (la.). .

Existence of °' or · · . Obligation ·

a law clearly r,eglige:nce. arises frqm the
. . IL- N_E_·
_G_L_i_o_E...;.N_c_E_~ __.I pi.inish1hg tl)e res.ulting in · . brea"ch-of the
ac;;t iNu_{(um_ . damage or: injur-y· contra"ct
N.egl_igence_ · ~ . . ··crimen sine to another . . _; becat:Jse of
. '·The faultor negligence of the obiigor the . 'leg~f (CIVIL C.QDE, ' . d'efen.c;larit's'
. omission 'o.f· that" diligence whicb is" r~,qu\red by.the- A:;!, 2176)_. fail(ifE/to
·· eXerCise.due
nature. of- the'. obligation. and. corresponds with . the .
.. . .. . / care in_ its ' ·. ·
. circumstances "of. pe_rsons, place arid time (CIVIL .
CODE, Aft. 1173) -. ltis the failure to observe for- the ·
-~ (Ci\.(/L CODE,
• c- · · · protection ·of the . interests of another 'person the

· Art.'1173)::.
i:l~g~e 'of care,_pre~autio_o. __ and vigilance, 'whic~, flie
_circurnstarie~s Justly demand,. whereby such .. other,"
person 'suffers injury ·(fNR v:-cA,: G.R -. No.15w_5p, ,
Negligence i's ·
October 15; 2007, v. CA, . -R- rnerelyincident
No~ 129792,- b~cemb~r 21, 1999) .. r,» . . . •
to·tlie' ·: .
pefformari'ce of
.· ~~-~re .i~ ~~- ~'ard ·:a0d--f~st: r~le. wh.~rJ~y ·S\J<>h -d~~fetr~
?,_f·care = vigi!an"c.~. is: c~l.ibr_at_<=:d;: it is' dew~-~nt
upon=the .circumstances :111 i wh1c~a. p_erson finds
an obligation
already exisJjng .
b:ecau·se of. a- .
. ~irn~elC. All. itu~t.. the _lpw. {~res.4 _.that. i~_ , is,.·.. 'contra¢t .(Huang.·
perpetually compellinq upon a t~~t ct~ v. -Philippine
and ?iligence expected of _.s~n,sible'_men u~~r , Hoteliers, Inc.,
_cq_mparable .: circumstances, (~NR~-- C , _Gf.: G.R.No: ..
No. 157658, Octoper _15, 2007). . . .,ijo; ·
Detembef."5 . . .
. ~he. ~~;:ste~~~ of; ~_eglig·en~e i.~ ·a_.ciiv,e,.-~as~ ,i~t~ot,;..·.,.;.._....,_..;....-..::~ 2012). :· .. ! .
:det~rmined by reference to-the persona judgfo.~nt of
· the actor in · the situation before hiQl. rffe · law ·
considers· what would be reckless, blameworthy, ·'or
- ~egi'igent jn the_. man of ordinary intelliqence -and determines· liab[lity. by that "(Picart v..
-S.mith, ·J_r-:; G.R. No. L-,12219) March 15; .1918/ · ·
-· :: . ' }
-'.. . . ·: . ' . ·. - " . ..···· ,• . _.· Pi-qof. bey~~d Prepbnd~r~nce - 'pr'~pon_derance: '.
·· M'otive NOT'tnaterial· . · .. . reasonable · .. of : . ·evidence ·of evidence ·
· : tiAoiiver ·is nrit material· in;._.iiegil"g~nce cas· ~ ~;:-° The · _doubt_· · : .. ': ·(RUL~s. · -·. CF (RULt='S. · · · · oF ·
. • • , • I. .
. : d_ef~ndant m~y still be held li?bLe even if the act.was (Barredo v."· COURT,·: Rule .COURT,, Rule
meant" to be .a pr:a,ctical j9~e (AQUINO, To,ts and Gar,<;:ia, · G.R. 1.33, Section· ·1: "i-33,· ·section ·1, .
.· . Damages; ~upra .at 53): ;~ .. ~:. .· . . .. . No. F48006; Casupanan- · .. v:- Barredo ·. : ., l.(.; .
July 8, 1942). Laroya; G.R. Ne/ .Garcia>G."R."~No ..
·· · · ;. .;.:i<:ihds:. · . · . , . 145391·, '.·August L-48006, .July ,8; '
1. Culpa criminal; . 26;" 20Q2 ): ' · '1.942). . . · .
. ' ·:-- 2.,·. ,Culpa aquiliana; a_nd.· i .
3., ·fJulpa eontractual {ld.--at 29)._ .

No ·-.pre-existing, Th~re is' ··pre~

obligation. . -~xis ting . ·.,. . . .
. (except..th_e duty obligation'' (a
.to 'be 0areful in contr~ct, either
all b·um~in express or'

::irnq c:t1r-.1 ~Fnt1· 1 t1,111,FNTPA1 f7Fn RARnPFRATIONS 1 783

, . :@+a:e= P !f i ryZ.·'*2#4 gs @®i4ffltf'$ ;w-#Yd t:ZM ;494< 'AS?: ftlk& ss;;•es; fJP; if#3 9Sii'W?S3HW¥~::laz3

actuations) imP,lied) . (HU8!]9

I ,
· (H.~arig: .. X· .
.!::'.- ·, ·;phlJippin·e
. . .,., Hoteliers, · Inc.,
Hotetiers, Inc., G.R. -· No. uvcutpe .
. J. G.R. No. 180440, contrsctuet; the
180440,· .. December ·'5, ·plainiiff only
December 5; :20-12). needs to ..
2012). e'stablis'h the
existence of.the ·

· Not.a proper.". A complete and Not a complete ,· .

..r- defensei". . ·. proper-defense . .and .proper .·. J • .' • ~

(AL,BA"fO, .as regards · defense in the

Torts·arid · '. 'vlcarieus ·liability . selection ·ancl',.. ,.

. ·:

. .,..... . . . :;...·

,. I: ·.' :'


•, ' .

.~s .·Jr.;;~~-Pti~~ Th~···:.·
.... .-

-~n:;~·:· . ·.::;i···::· ... =·

inno?eflC§ of . Of; .. :.negiig~nc~. prE)SlJ_mp}j9n .of:
. theaccused>" l{ljwed · .party .riegligerj:ce -, ·
:- is presumed < must.iprove :'th'etin ciupe ; : -
~ntil;the :· . n_eglige(lce.of ihe. cbntrac.fu?JI, .
. : . defendant . i.r:n.cnedi~teJy' ..
proven. (C9ngc:o ., .. ,. v. a.
.. Manfla Railroad failure of the . .
. ·. ·. c;'oinpanr>".<iR. coveriantor its . .-.
··:_;.·.No.:·. ·~-12191, t~i,?f:(~Gi1; ... · ..
. · . ·October. . 14, Insurance ·
·, ... , .: .: .. :\.: . 1·91.8). > ., ::: -, ·
·co'rpofation .! ·v: ·1'~. quasl-dellcts •. exe,njpl?3ryidaryiages may be: .
~--- ... · ' .G.P. Sermiento granted if: the . defendant acted . with .. gross .
. --. f rucking.' .· . liegijgence.(CJV/{ CBDE,·Art. 223_1); .
'G,R .. No ..
. .,~ ·.

. . . ' . . . ~,.-
· 784-J 201s s~N 1;3EpA LAW c.ENT_RA~1zEo BAR _o~ERATI.ONS
m: ¥&SA.Y&&2 v, 22& " s E¥ a . s1es vmc • =se ,s Iii hiSxAAI

a; }4 f!'%§4t.Qt_f:*'4f:t:2##·Pffl: &;:sN~w: -Pi§:£ 2:2 i:
t:¥ t'A#H {Jiffe@U 1 tit :B~d :N } @??; i\ Wi: :Zi&fi'i&1S:+~U:tte¥: ::;:l24Uio,
· Liability of. engineer,· architect · or"
, contractqr.if the damage is· the res.~lt ofa
.Defi_r:,~s:quasi--~elict ~nd its requ.isjles.··
defect in. the con_sfruction. . . , .
Civil liability arising from. a quasi-delict.v.'
Head of the. family's._ liability for ,,falling . ,
. . . from
. delict·
. .· 9bjects. .. . ', , .
.Articles._ 1172~ 117 4 are applici:Jb_le: to
1~~"~1 quasi-delict. · · · · Solidary __ liqbility, when there are two or
more persons who are joint tortfeas9rs
Effect of plaintiff's own negligence as the· antj they are guilty of only one 'qua?i-
~;iwl,!'~.1· immediate and proximate cause of tlje d~lict.. ·
inj!.Jry. · ·
- ,J"
·Defines, 'the re.sponsibility .of !:_alher . or'
Culpa Aqui/iana or Quasi-Delict
mother; Guardians; Owr:iers/Managers ·of lt,is _an act or omission· which ·causes damage to
·· establishments; ·. gmployer; · '. · ~late;
anothe'r, th_ere, 'being fat,1lt or negligence ~nd there
Teachers/Heads. of Establishments· of. being .. no · pre-~xisting · contractual.· _relationship
'Arts ·and _Trades (FGO~EST).·. between the p,arties'(CJV/1::-CODE, Art._.2176).
1~~:i:.~.,,.1· FGO-EST's· reimbursement. for wha{ "tttey . . . . ' .. . . .
paid ,' for damages cause'd ', _tiy their T:he c·oncept of quasi~delict jn
Art.· 21'16 is) broad; it
dependents'or em'ployee~·. . ' . . includes n_Qt only injuries to persons butalso damage
States iii_e re~uirements< in order that to pro'periy (Cinco ·v. ·.can,<?noy, G:Ff ;No . .L-33171,
J,.t,.;,1~,,.!l>I ·minor or insane ,person's 'pr_op~rties m1iy May 31, 1979). . ' . . ·. ;
' be'swerable. , :- , , . ·.· ,
The possessor. or'
user _of animal is li°a.9le
Req1:1isi~es: (ANICC). ·' ..
1. An Aaf or emission;· .,
for the damages it.may c;rnse. · · / 2. -rhe-:.._pTusence 9f :fau1t:. or,;·Neglig!;lnce · in:- the·.
' •. The ·owner· of,' the'., motor vEihicle' IS' ,' performance or npn-perfqrmanc,e.of an act; .' . ,
··Sol),qarily liable with. his d'rive;ru"nless the
QWner. W~S-not"iri! the vehkle. ._ . ~ ,> I
1njury; I . .· . ~ ·.
, fausal conr.1\ction betwee'n,_the 'negligent act and
-. . . ·
(rhe driver is' _pres~in~d- neglig_ent~l)}le ~ ,. tlie and the inJury; arid_ -· , . . . ' ·,. ·
5 .. : Nb .. p e-existing Contractual relation (St.· Martin
.~~;;~~o-:et;~la~_~;.a~'.h~-~a~olfu.tin.~ a~{ v
. . .. RQlyclinic, ine, L,WV. Construction ·corporation,
: ~_-G.R. .No. 21742,(5(Dec'ember'4; 2Q17}.' ·.
. -
owner . of. a-~ vehicle
. shaif
...... . file a bona. • " l ••.•

(CTPL.yt9 answer for,- aamage? 'to third · · · ·

persons. · """ -~- Two.Views:·
~. _ ~jority view :_ Article 2176 '_inclu_des intentional
Imposes. Jiability to tnanufactu(ets ·and .. · ·· • · . · ·
possessors offoodstuffs.dri ifs:'etc;:.~iftne : 2 .. ~:s~rity. view ~ Article 2176 is -1imit~a'. to
dealb bi: injury. is' caused. by th~ noxi<5us . ·. negli~enc_e: "1ntenti1:mal and nialici~us acts are
substances \lsea by them. ., , ·- ·;,:governed. qy. ·u;e . ._l~evised· Penal -Code, while ,
Primp fade pre·surripticin. of;defen·dan't's .. · .·: .. - :,n·egligerit +acts ··a·r ornisslons are" covered -, · by .j ·
_neg)ig~n~e if.~e~tti· or
inju'ry···resuits' from. · . Article 2176. of. the~Ciyil Code: (AQ'UINO, Toits',
'his. possession of dangerous· weapons or . •' . a_nd parn'a_<jes,-_'supr~ a/8~1.0). ; ·.. ··; . . .
siibstarices.. except when possession or . . ' . , '; -;
use of the .sarne LS intfispensab]e in: his · ··: . Note: Even.prior-to "the .enaclment of-the New Civil
oce:upat)on or' bus)n~s·s. . ~--- , ' . -·. . .. , Code.j the Supreme Court _had already ~~opted,, in
Provinces, .cities, and ··rri'unicipalities ·are '. _so~e of itsdecisions, a: ~road con~ept·_of'torts using
. liable for· damages .for. deathor injuries _A_rticJe:1902 of the ?)d C1v!I C?de. It 1~ no1~w<:?.~hy that
.. caused .: to .: .. any . person .: because . _of , . .: . tti~ 's,ar:ne. broad · .1nterpr_etat1on of q?~s1~~ehct ba?
defective public works, under their controt . be~n g1ve_n to Art1_c~e -~.1:~?··
th~ prov1s1?n 9.R quasj-
-and supervision." . · .. · deh9,l· uod~r the_ Nevy C1v1I- C.ode. The Swpre,n:ie Court
.· . · _ · .· · _ ,. . --· · . observed 1n .a numb~r. of cases· that .Article 2176 · -
. ··' . ~·ue.-. to.' lack,' of .'nec;:tss_ary' rep_ai~s •.. th_e iriell.lqes ihtenticfrial, acis-(ld: at'B~!)j'. : , ·. ·_. ' ·•,;
, owner of_ th~ · building/structure .. 1s . · · · ... , · ·
- : resp,onsible _for t_he ··damages~ caU$e.d -by· ··. · · An, action for qua"si-delicr can be~ ma1ntained even if
'c!I,,: its collapse.' , , ·. , . , , , .r:- , . , there 'is' an e~isting contractual relatio"n bei0eeri :th~
P.r6prietbr's . other . re$p'onsibilities Ori .parties, pr_o:yidecl thafffl _all s-0ch elements
'explosion ' 'of- m~chinery; , . excessive .:, of quasi-dE!lict are present and, the-, existence-'of ,
. 'smoke, "f~lling trees,-and emanation from . ·.C<;i°~tracl is· merely in_cideiltal (Id. 31). . at
tubes', etc. .



To~ v. Q~.a?i-Deli~t -Cases'where Article 2176 is NOT applicable:

~~~e5i.'ll!i;' a. Wher.e ~here was a pre-exisflnqcontractual
relationship of employer .and employee
Includes negligent and· It ·is whhin the concept between the parties . and there . is: merely
intentional . . criminal of Art 217.6 of'thercfvil. breach. of contract, except when the 'act -ot" ··
acts . ancf assault and Code arid is· limited ·to breaching the contract-is also tortio_us; . .
battery,· . false negiigent acts b. When the 'fault or· neqliqence is punished by
fmprisonment or deceit (ALBANO; Torts ·and law as a crime where Art. 100 'of the Revised
·(ALBANO, "Torts:- and Damages, .:supra- at . Penal Code will be applicable; . · •
Damages, :supra · ai 13). . c. · When · the action . is .. already. )>arred< by
1~. . prescription i.e. the action for quasl-delict is
instituted after four (4) years.fromthe accrual
Burden ofProof . . . of the cause· of action; ·
General RuletNeqtiqence is defined as the failure to . d. .The injury suffered by a person. is the .result
observe for the protection· of the· f~terests .of another of -a · fortuitous. event··. without human
peFs~i:1,Jtiat degree of care, precaution and vigilance / intervention; . . . . - ·~ ·
which t_h_e circumstances ·justly demand, whereby e. If there is-no darnaqe or ·i_njury, caused .fo
'such .. other: person· suffers injury. The negljgence or . anotherparty; and ·
fault should be clearly established as it is the basis-of- .... . f. Where there is .. no breach of contract; nor
t_~~ action· .. J.he burden ot proof is upo11JJae~\ntiffT T x_ :+."-P.roof that · a.n airline acted in wa~t?n,
(St. Martin Polyclinic, ·Inc. v, -LWJ15.ConsfrucJJ.on ..._) J.·V/fr'}l;l_~ulent or malevolent m,anner,-t~er.e·1s no
Corporation, G.R. No. 217 426, Decemb~r 04)-2017-):_....,..~ ~~s):S'fe~h_e a'.:"a~ of any form of d_a.1:1_a~es.
· -_ · . ,· · · · .l_.{.> ·o/'_. . . .- ~ --····lPlt_VED1,'{o.rtsa{ld Damages (200~);~P,-. -16~
Ex~eptions: When th_e rules .. ~ thE) 19-$Jjpr9_vide"1~~f~"1_heref:after . PINEDA,. Torts· and
cases-when.neqliqenceis presu~AQU/NO,. rops ;( -I( . D\a ~fs)L:~ .· .- _ ,.. ·
and Damages, supra at 135~/36) ... ~/ · }~ : ~ ( ·."!"'. ..
. . . / ~ /. . · f'r~ 2. ~e:_ ~a Lp~ttJr . ..,. , ... .:
· 1. ·Qi:5put~bl_e_-Px~sumpti~~! t)Jegligetice,.'r)·- :/U · ,,......-r.;:, ~lie lthmg o'\t~s~c,t1or:1speaks for itself. ~
a. -.Mot~r.yeh!.cle.Mishaps-.a
. ~~ghgent _If ~e~: ... -<Cl · ..r. · . ~ JG
driver is P.r.~sum~t::'

. !· _ ~as ,found. gU1~y·,of'."'t\ckl~d'r,('?fr :

JV . :· l. 1 .
\.'§:ill7.Jg' ~ The i hm~•~_f.lJ~ed ,the mJ_~IJ, :v:'1t_ho~.t :t!'le
:.. .

fa_0!~~ tnJ~red'.:i1j uncjer:._t~~ ex_clus!~E: contr~I

. . : . . .

·. ·.. v1?l~t1ng traff~c ·re9-t(a!!ons atr_J.~t twic~ · l!)" oy91;Jefetlan:t.a~d ·the l~Jury 1s_ su_~h ·th~_t .1~_
: .. · w1th1n the pre9;mg two (2)~~nth~ c~wgQ,1#7n<;:>t_;.:ave iscurred if.· he,· hav_mg .such
. · (CIVJ.L COQE; A . 2184;.Flar. fJ;(fir _ ~ I 7~tfol,.us~d- (ALBANO;. Giv_il Law_:·
· ii, "!'as vi9la'ti_hg ~r)Y·. a.ffiq r~g!:latfp~ e~f;!fiewy.(2pf8)_[p._._934) [her~inafter ALBANQ, .
time of the m1.~~.aP. .l<:;IVIL t§)~~1..;,fif.flEt:kNTT...,.-\\rf>-.~C/Vtl Law Rey1':f.'er]. , .. , . ·. ·.:~·· ·
2185)' · --- · ~- ·'1· ~~" ~/·: · · · ·: -..
. ·.: . · ~ :· · _·- . ,: . . , ·. ..(JJA . T.hl.~~~e .o(ref -ipsa., l;quitur is· ,.sirf!ply_- a .
. Note:· =R:~. 4136. ~~~~d Tran~6tion MA)e\o~t1on.of the pos~l!late.,t,h?t: ~s a matter- of -
_ · ~ ai:,d .Tr.a.ff1c_ Code) ,provides_ for ms.t~nGes,. ,,...£9f!lm,~:in ~r:io"'.'le~g~·- _and· e_xP.ene~ce, . .th~ v.ery .
: 9f_ !raffic r~les·· ~ommo~ly vioJated. by: .. ryaw~e of c.e_r:ta1n.;typ~~ o.Jo.,cc,urr~.nces!?.ttf.Y. . .
· dnyers,. such · ~-s e)!:ceeding r:.egisterea an ·_mfer~nce . ot Qegl.19ence· on. th~ part 9f .the · ..
. ~capaci(y,' arid obstn..iction of traffic ... ·-- person: i,yho conrrols' the 'instrtl'm~ntal,ijy' c_ausfr:i:g ' .. -
· b, . Po:ss_e~~ic;m · of..... daogerous .. ·_w_eappns-·,Q·r· _the i~jury i~ the absenc~ of ~omee><"pl~n~tioh:by
· · . su_bstanc~s. su.cti as fkearms aijd poiso'n that · ·~he_· ~ccu?ed-appellant · :Who ·is·· charged:· with . ·
: ses41ts.-·i~ de~t.h·:or)njury, except' .whe~ the' .. ne~l.igen~e·. It i~ grou''SUReri"O('.log,ic{of
·: .. P?sse~sion or use there.of. is. indispen.sft~Je in. · . ·. -ordinary. hu.m_an ~x~erierice ·and, on _the .b·as'i's ..of
·. ·: his __ oce:u.pation or business (CIVI~ CODE; . · · su:c~ .. e~~en~r:ice ·_ or : ·c~mmoq · knbw!e9ge, .
·. Art. 2188):'.. . · , ·. . . . , . .neghgenc·e. may b,e, deduced from 'the' me·re
. I:
c .. . Comm'on ~arriers are ·. preiu~ed 'to have . . . . occufr~n-ce of ttie. acci.d~nt.if~elf. Heri't~; 'ie/l,osa'
. been faul\ or acted .negligently of . Joquituci,s appli,ed in. conjtinctibn' with:the dbctritie
. ;death 'or 'inJur.i~s t? 'pa$sergers, ~nless 'th~y common:
. ?.f,. . .·. - _.:_ ' . .·· · . ·' ·., :_:· ' .. : ~--
'. P~9ve that · they obs~Ned extraordinary . · ··.. · ·· ·· · >·
dtllgence ... prescribed in. .Ai:ticles -1733 The do.ctrine .. is no.t. meant. to .·~nd doi~;-~ot
1,75q. (Cl'(IL . (;_ODE=, . Art. 1756 SANG CO · d_ispense with. tKe ·.,requirement .of. prqbf bf_
To~s. and .· Dam~ges (1984); p.· 10.?j. culpqble negligenc~ ·~gainst-th~ P?r.ty cfi9'rge:d°,
[ SANGCO, Torts.and Damages]. '" . rattier, it mere_ly determir)es a_ntj_.regi.Jla'tes. what · ·
,· · · _,. ·sQaJI ~~-P.rim8 _IB~"ieevid~nce )h·e~e.o(_an_cflieJP~s ·
the ·.plaintiff.' in. proving· a breach cif the d.uty.

. .
. . .


. .
(Solidum v. People, G.R. No. 192123, March 10, Tests of Foreseeability:
2014).' ·1. Unre_asonaole or.Undue Risks , ..
This risk is. dariqer which is apparent; or. should
Th~ .doctrine is an exception to the 'rule that in be apparent, in theposltion of the actor. It
quasi-delict cases, the burden.of proof lies in the 'is a risk that is reasonably toreseeebte (AQUINO,
plaintiff to show neqliqence of the defendant. It {.arts.and Damages, supra at 50) -,
has been resorted towhere evidence
" can be presented .as to prove Ihe. liability of a. 2. Probability ...., "
person (ALBANO, Torts and Damages, supre at . There is neqliqence if a prudent· man in the '
57).· positlon of the tortfeasor would :have foreseen .
th!;tl the harmful effect was .sufficiently probable'
to warrant his conduct- or. guarding against its
consequence ·(Picart v. Smith; Jr., G.R. f;lp. L-
. 12219;· Man;h · 15,:··_1918).__ If there. is a great
: · 'pr,ob~l?,ility and risk that - damaqe: will result, .a
· · 'person is neglig'ent if he did not 'exercise due
. diliqence in the face ·of such great probabillty
.(AQUINO, Torts and'Da_mages, supra a/50).
c. '''t

· E~ein ff there it a 1esser..i:leg~ee of.probability that

darnaqe _'(Jill result, ttie darnaqe may still be ..
· considered foreseeable (ld.-:?t 50).· .

'Calculation .of Risk: . · ·.,...

..J. Rlsk-Bendfit -Analysts - Balancing the risk, in .
.-·_ .:'oci~_I valueof the interest''t_hre_ate~ed. ·.
· andthe P,r~ab1hty and extent of the harm ,:rgainst .
· . · the va1ut8f.the interest which. theactor is seeking ·
't<? profectl an.d ·_th.e )exp~d}~nce_·. o_t the· course
pur~u~d:·J . '. i_-. · _ · .'. _. ·. ·. . . ·. . : .
TJollowifigcircum'?tances should therefore be · ·
.. considia~~ . -: - ·. : : ". . . . _ · :
I, a. ··Gravity. of the. harm tobe.avcided; · . ·. .
!:?,;" _.Util.ity·of_.cori;:h..1dorthe·=social' value it seeks 1,
' ~varice;' .~nd . ~ . : . ·
v, ••
_, .........._ __&.--Alt~rnative· course of action, .danqers, and .
advantages: to the person or propertyof .the
actor-hi~elf alld· to ·ot_hers. (AQUINO;. To[fs
.• .. · an_d Dainag~s,.supta at,57).· ._, ·
. • ._... \ r-,.
Test of Negligence
Foreseeability · .. . . . .. 2. , _Th·e· Hand Test - Reduced the risk be'nefitto a
Tl1i.s. is. the. fundamental - -test or - neg.ligence. · 1n ·- _. ·. neglige·nce form\Jl~1: If the ·pro_b.abffity·be. call~d ..P?
deteirn'.linirig whether the· a.clor was .n~gligent,· th·e · . . lhe injury· L;· and the b'urden. B~ 1.iabi,lity depends
court Will place· itself in the aGtor.'s ·position to:se¢' if a . · : upon whether B is less tha·ri l ·multiplied,.by. P ·
prudent .m<:1n could Nive f0re$~en ·the.'resulting harm · ·· (AQUINO, 'forts· ahd Damage_s/.sUpia at. 59). · -
.if-· the. conduct "is· pursued (AQl:J/NO, :Torts and
-· -Damages, 'supra ·af48).. . ·: .. · . ·.: . . .. . _. . Risk· . .·:_ -- ..
. _ • • · ·1. .Da,!1:ger-.whfch i$ ~pparent or sh~u-l_d be ·appafent .to· . ·.
· .·

Even if injury- was not ·foreseeable,. risk is still . . the- actor;· it··· 'is ·. unreasonable risk :'(Phoenix
fore~eeably if p()$'Sibility 9f1njury is .fore?~eable_.-(/d.:'- Construction. V•. /AG, G.R. No .. L-652,99;' 'Marc/, 10, ..
. at ~8). To:be_negligent;a:defenclant inust. have acted 'J.987). . .. _ ... : · · - . . · . · : . _: -
. or .failed · t9 ad in such .a.· vy_ay ·:that - an ordinary ·· · ·
reasonable .man·would.-have· -realized ·that certain _'. Circum~tances Tha_t · Affect M~y·_ . ·::
the ·.
interests: of . ·certain·:- person; :were . tH'lieasonabfy Determination of Negligence: (PEST-GAP)
· sut;,jected to·a general but definite·c1ass of-risks.(R 1. · .Eerso.n exposed to'ifie:ri~~ · .. · .. · .
."F.ransport G_orp. v: Yu, G.R. No. 1.74161;,February 18, · Higher _degree of diligenc·e required if ·a cl')ild is '
2015)., . . . ·.in_volved; even if a tre.s'passer, because entry of
children_ in vacant lot may be foreseeable .
. (AQUINO, .Torts and [?amages, supra at 68).


M?i4.t:7pt,f :f:t!s%f'.!£ftf?i¥£iiW#t
$ ;:;u ;< 5&:!:-:?1-:'A-i:=f 7k1n:fJ'! 'HM¥w;12¥ht,b @:£;:e,M ?¥ 1 Cfi5Mi

2. smerge_ncy . 'Standard of Care

Emergency -Rule or Sudden Peril Doctrine . Diliqence of a Good Father of a Fami)y (Pater
General" Rule: An individual Who s·udden'1y" finds Fa_milias).:(C/VIL CODE, Art .. 1173 in relation to Ail.
_himself in a.situationof danger andis required-to · 21_78).
_- act without much time to.consider Ihle-best means ·.;·

. that -f0ay be adopted to avoid' the impending It is he· who, in the performance ·of an act should·
- danqer is no.t,guilty 'of neqliqence if. tie· fails .to foresee.the ·consequences .of the same. if he does,
undertake what subsequently and uponreflectlon he, is· not ne!:)ligent. (ALBANO, Torts an_d Damages,
.rnay appear to be .a 'b·etter solution (Id. at 63, · supra at · 34). What should· be · determined in
/' _ Maka ti Auto Line Transport· Corp_qration · v. negligence .cases is what is foreseeable to a good
. People; G.R: No. 152040, March 31, 2006). . fattier of a family- (AQUINO,. Torts and D$mages,
suore at 70). · · ·
Reason: A person who is confronted- with a
sudden emerqencymay be left with no tinie for · · A gooa father of,·a family_ is also referred to. as the ·
thought and mustmake a speedy declsionlarpely reasonable man, l man of ordinary intelligence- and
upon impulse or instinct '(AQ.U!NO, · Torts and prudence; orordinaryreascnableprudent man (Id.). ·
Damages, supra at 6.3).·· .. /. ·. ·.. · · ... 1. '. . . . : • •• -- : . · · . , · . . . .

. . .. ·' ·. .: . .. . Th~ law requires a man to possess ordinary capacity

· Exception: 'The ernerqertcy rule . cannot tie· · • ·10· avoid harminq his neiqhbors unless a clear· and .
.. invoked if the person invokinq it _fo.und).itn_~lf mu· . ~fe~t inc~pacity is sliov:'n; bu_t it d0~~.-~o't generally
danger whichhe.himself _creat~d thr0ugh_ ~qwn · ~o\'[
.~1':1~ !table,< f~r u_ri1ntent1on_al .rnjury- unless,
gg;;tuction,. =.
negligence,. (Dolsen. Tra(lspory(.,(c: 9n~__.....~e!st~g/s.
G.R. N~re~4¥JdoDer 1,
uch eapacity.. _h~ might· and ou~ht to
. ,1, ha~e~~\O d8ri,9,er (Id, al ;2):, · . i ; ·. .
3 §;~ial va1Je cir utility of.~,~}((
Any act . s.ubje_c_ting ,. al
'.Jl> · i
innocent m=irson to ,,.():-,',. by tne ria ure on !~ligation ano .corresponds with .
~ts~'l~~\~~/~;f J;~;~inb~:;,°v:~~~~( /!~:i;~~ 5

unnec,es·sary risk is· a {iJ°gli~e/t :act 1r:ttfo .2.~~lli_~_-cir~tl~stanc1s~h\e., person~~ time,' ·and place
outweighs t_t1e advanta9e~c~ruing· to~he~a%tor.:Jl.5(C~IC_ c~_qE,: A_1 ,11_71'\ · . . _ . ..
·and even- to . the_ inr~n:tlp~rs0n ·. 'hims.eJtr1 '-ifif.'iin- ·· t,. . . ~ . ··I·. . . · · : ,. .
(AQUlf1!0, '..orts -a_nd bam_a~.e~1
· · - · · . ,__ (T'i · . \~
s~f~. 67). ~-:i~Uribute~!}a G}ood F_athe_~·c5f a Fam,il_y
ffi'i: MG0.~_~:Fa1tby. ~J-:- , . . . . . . . . . .. · ,

..' .
'. 4. The _Iime .. of t~e day m'ay?"affect.. tnej1~enct~~ ?t~~n;is:
required·. ot · the ·.'?ct9.r (Cl\{/L'CC:;JQE,),.ttt5N{~:Jt}-~1. . ·co~o
~r , i.nj.e.Qtio(iflr,. hone~t _. la~~,- infent. .It
~ .. _. ~eedom I _-from . .. knoy.ileqge al)d'
e:9! niqre ~ruc,lence is _re~ired (w~en:-~i~~-'- · §r~ an~~.w~ic_h ~u~ht_'to·pu_t a pe~s_o_n:.i~ _i~qu,iry. ·
night _(AQU/NO:>Torts and, Dama[!e.E})~su12.r~TEN,\t§,0q_d',fa1t~. ttle~e~'e_x1s!s:·_an -hone~t. mt~nt1on· to ..
61) .. '. · .... · .. · .... ' ~- '.,.··-'J .·-~ao~efr9_rr..s-a~gyri~~ris~ie~tio~s. adv~~tag~·-of .
. · . -. _ · ._- .-.._-·- :-. , . ~:,('_9/1: ... '.,;mE_th~i:'~~AJ.'i\R,; ·rorts_and.O.f!mages s1mpl1fie.d. .·
5. Qravity q.f the ~~~m to,b(;l_a~oide~.. . l/J M
. f=_ver .If the odds t~at an-.tnJ~ry Wiii r.e?ult a.r~.t..::.!:!?t!A?.ge's]).. . :_
~'.{_0) \pJ37 (hereinafter_ ARALAR, Torts· . and ·
·.. _:, ·, ' ' . . ..
. , high·, h§lrm·may still be considered foreseeable 1f. . . ··... ~- . - _ · · · ·, · ·,_ .. :~ · ·. . . · .··
,!be. grayity" Q/; o.arm::J6-. bei _9vciided-- is great... . Te?_ts tq D,Eltermi°j, ~xis:tence qf Negligeri._ce:~.
(fi.!QUINO/Tort~ and Banfages,·.supr9: at-64). '\ ·. · ~. ·· Did -tl:,Er defeqda(lt-in 9oin'g · the· all_eged-r1egligent-' ':--'.·
.... ,· . . . . ' . :. ~- . . . ,.,._~. . .. ·act._._y_s~·/easbna_b_l~ ·c.~i:e a·nd ·cci~ti_o?-~til~h :an . . .
6. Alternatl'.ie'·coLifS~S of. action:.· · ·... _ · .. ·,-- · . ~. · ordinarily, p·rudent persoo. WOUld·have.used•tn ·the .
·:···. ·"jf'tfi'e" ·ait~rr.iJ1tive:, pr~s-~rile'd ·!3 ·'.actor is io'o· · .· .same sit'uatiori? 'if-oot, -there is neglige·nce- (Picart ·. -~. ·
co.stli .the·.,1tl:,.a(malresult may"·s.tiii. b~.. . . x.'SmJth;.~G'.R: No:t:_1g219,,March.1~._.·1978f •· ..
· c_6nsi?ered (mfor~_seeable to.a re·~~on~~le· nian. 2. Could a p·ruderit ·.man,·· il'l . the case under
· .. ·More .s.o-,if:there-is ,no. a1ter11~tive ther~to. f/,q;· at ·co'nsiqeratiorj; foresee haon·\is. a result'.o(the .
I. .· · 6q-6_6Y: .. : , ·- ·. '. ·. ·: .•. ··.:,. ·. · ·:. · . · -_. · .·. ··~· ~oufse pursue9?tlf-~o:it\Nas)he duty of the pC!or
· -'- .-. :. .. · to tak~ ptec~~uc:in.s to guard·against harm (Picart
7. Place· ' -.,. . . . . -,._· "v,,Smith; ·G.R.No.,l.:.t22:19;Ma,:eh:1 ..5/t918).: ·
The. place. wnere. the actcir is located 111ay ittect .. · ·'. · ::.. , .. ·... · ·· ·
the d_ilig~nce.reqµ_ired from:.hfi:n. _e.g· .. ordin'aripr. . . co:;,d~~t is -.neg_l1g.ent whefl a .in the
'· reci'sofiaple :,ca·r~ ·)n,.,:Qi,e; .op~~atiqn · ·of,,~ .. r,rj6t9r . . . · P,OSi(fbn. of t_l:ie ~ortfe<;IS<?f','!'.{OU(cJ have fore;,eer'dhatao
v~hic!e at an.intersection. 0oulg naturally r~quire . ¢ffecfl-)armful to a.notherfwas-suffieientfy
mor:e preca\;ltiPn. thc1r::i is:n~cessary, when. dri~ing '{{arrant bis: disreg?Jrd·, 9f .-th!:! co·n·cj1.1c~,pr 'guar-d_ing
else'A'.here i_n_<;I·.. st.r~.~f .or" hig~wQy (Cam/n'oi v. ·aJjai,:ist its_ ~q_nsequentes· (Ptcart ii.· $'G'.R. No: :
.:P!9.9/:ile; 0·.R..-_No.-·147.437,.M.aY:B, 2_009). >. ·. · .. .L-:1221,9,·March \
· ·

16$155 4, * 3 4Biii6& S 1C: + _Blffii H f ;;& Mi¥ffi¥ » s11m, +>AK a a a ii&fa:HFBWb &: Vi



"Diligence before the fact". s·ome. activities by nature . impose d uties to 0

The conduct that should be examined in-negligence. exercise higher degree of dilige.nce; e.g. banks
cases is conduct prior to the injury or the aggravation are r_equiretl. to exercise. the •highest degree of
.. thereof (AQUiNO, Torts and Damages; supra at 53, . diligence in the. conduct bf its ·affairs ('Rr(Jdf?nlual
St. Francis: High .:School ·V ... CA, G.R. · No. 82495, Bank v. Rapanot, .G:R. No. 191636, January 16,
February._25, J9'9}). . · .. · · · . ", ·. 2017) and common carrier:s. from_ the na)tu_re _of·
their ·busines·s .a.nd f_or .r,easool? of public policy,
Note: The stateof mi~d.of the actor is not irnportant.: are bound· to observe extraordinary diliger:ice· in
.Good-faith or useof sound judqment is im.m.atehaJ the yigilan~e oyer'·ttie·gciods.antf_ fof the safety of
... (Pica.ifv•$mith; GR. _No:L~12219, Merch 15, 1.91B\ the passengers _transported ·by the_m, according
to: all the. <;irclimstances of each ·.c;:ise ·{CIVIL-
·: Only-juridical-fault is subject to liability arid not moral COOE,i•,rt. 1733). . . ' . : .
· fault /AQUINO, 'Tons and:· Demeqes, :
supra at .
. .• · Note: . Distrib.ution utilities are, pupJic uljliti~s
·· Note: ThePhilippine- concept of.reasonable man is . vest~ci VyitA pu_blic;interest, and t~_usi are held to
·a_.higher-degree .of :di_l_igen.ce· (Manila·°f~lectric C_o.
. with; t_he above-quoted:
. . .. ~. . .
·, . ~ .The v. Norder:;_ Pnilippines: G.R. No:··1.96020, Apr.ii 18, ·
law considers what would be reckless, blameworthy
qr negiigeqt · in the· man·,; of ordinary intelligence and 2018).. .
:- .....
. prudence (Id.- at 71): ~- ~- .. . ·.. . .. . .' .
'· ,.. 4 .. _!;xperts and Professionals · ··, · ..
Ci_rcumstances:-; .: ··Ma!erial in. _.A.n,e.xpect should exhibit the.d1re1and _skill
Neqliqence: {WINE-PICK) .' . ordinarily skillea in the pa'rticular fi!:)lq that he is in
1._W<?_men. .'.: · · . . (AQUINO, Torts andpamages;_ supra: a.t·91): ·
· ·- Whether··:. the 'passenqer.: acted prudently. or-
recklessly .=-:the:·c!9~f S~?,(,· ano physi_9al c6Aditi!;),.n
of the passenger are circumstances n·ecessanly
.. affe~tirig' the' safety of .ihe· pass~nge(should b~
f .

fh;ysical .IDjs'ability .·. . ·. . . . . .
General Rule: A weak or accident-prone person
. must. rrie}t
. )

_the'- standard of ~ reasonable man,

. considered {jd. at 101)., ·. · -.. - , ?·. ),': _ othervvisel!:ie will.b~ consideredasneqliqent (Ld.
.. : :.·1,
I~ V;l~~z~ela v.. CA,(G.R.-N~-""11502i, [2ebruai,·_:_
7, 1996), the.Court held. that a womap driving~
. _ .·at -~:-1. . : . _ ._ - . : :-. ·. : ,: · _· ,. ·: · . : - ·
., Exceptio ·: If the defect amounts to a .. real '.
: .. · . · vehicle suddenlycrippled by1a·tlaJ· Jr~·on a'trainy · · ·disaBiiity, ·file stantl~rd of conduct -isl that of a·~
· riig_hf "':'i'll_~~ot be fq_uJt~~ fqr~togpi~g a~ ·p?.int f
reasoncl.Q.lg_pe,rson under. like-diiiability, e,g. the
.. i · which. is beth convenient for-~h'"er. to dS. so apd · · standardof-conductfora blind persor: becbrries
which . : is ·. not a_ h,azard to otg,e~{ m~tori~ts., · _that of' a rea_soriql;>le persb_r:i. :,whp is:. blind
However; 1t can also be reasonaoly.,argued that · '(Franciscq· · 11.- . (f:hemica_l ~; · $.ulk ..· Carriers
.• t~e sar:rw· COr)clusion ,-can be 'r-~aGt,i,ecl.if. it.,was._a----ln6orporated, <G/r :'No. 1-9~[?77, · S(;pff:lh1ber· 9,
, • ·, man. who was in·the position ·of th~f(l6. at 2011). · .. · · · ·

. i.
.. : - ~
Intoxication·. ·. . a
i. ::. . · -> - . · · . · .; .
:~. · . ~: "'~:
·.!risar:iity ,..-·. ·· " . . . .
. . ..
:·· ·. ' ..
Ucid'er·~the 'Revised·· ·Penc!,I · Code,. ·an -io"i3ane
>. . . Rule: . Mere ._. ;intoxication is not .. . .: person is exemp~ from
-criminaJ- liabiiity. bu.t rnay
riegligen9~:r:ior e.s\ablishes warit of ordinary'ca_re. ,·~ ... : not be··exer:nr:fted front
dvll 'liaQi)ity· (AQUINO; ..
But i_t n;iay _be one-.of. the cifcumstanG.e~ to. be ·Torts a'?d'ages,,st.J.gra at 99),) ·. · ,_ '. ·
. ·c9nsid.ered:to prove');1egligence_ud/aU;16;, Wright · ·
_ · v~·Man/fa El_ectric,Railroad ·& _Light Co:',_ G.R: .No. . .. ; :'_- Uhder·· the :C::i,;il Cci·~~~ the0'i~~anit;:: ·of~ person-
. ·, 7760, ·actober (.1914). . . . does not excuse him o'r his. guardian fra°m liability
' . ,, < · • . .. ·~ .. ba.sed <;>n.'{JU asi-delicdbv1t CODE, Arfs .. 21.80 .

, Excepti911:. A. person· driving. a· m~to~ vehicle. i; . an.d 21,°82). · · --~ .

.·. pre_s'uin~d h9~Jigent. if .tie is ···-:ariY. fraffiC ·. . · · ·· · · · · , . .
~:, . ._·. ·regulati9n _qt th.e: :time · of. -thE;. mishap ; (CIVIL· .. Base.s·for H9lding an lnsan·e P~r~~m Liable ... ·
.' · COpE, A,rt.· 2·185). · · · · · .. · · · ,· ~ , ·for His_ .T c;>rt: . ' · · · . · . · ... . . · . .
' · · .. · · · . a. Between t_wo,· j;,r10cent persobs, the loss.
' ~- Natu-;e·oi Activity·· should be _borne _by th:e-·qne_ who. occc3.sionea.·
· When pe_hi."ons impose ypon themselves -'certain ,. ,. it···· ·· · -· __ ;_ ··
.. · -.. · · ,obHgatipns; · n9n-com·p1iance. .111.erewith .wi11 ;. be. · b.: To induce those interested i.n the- estate o"f ··
.. considered. negligence; ·e.'g. railroad company .6n ·. ' the:,insane p!:!rson:to re~tr.ain and co}1trol him;
_. .having a g9te. at a railroad·, . and . . . . . . ·. . ..
. Toijs ana Damages, sup.ra ad)5). _ • ·· · c. The' .fear .that .. insanity wouid. l~ad. to.:false
., . claims of. : insanity and . avoid liability

(AQUINO, Torts and Damages, supra at limit) (AQUINO; Torts and Damages, supra
JOO). at 1:13-114). -··

7. ~hildren Exceptions: (US)

The- care .and, caution required ·. of a child is -J.
· When !,!nuswal· conditicns occur and
according· to his maturity _and capacity only and . strict observance may defeat the
this is to be·" determined in each case by- the , purpose of the rulethat may even lead to
· .circurnstances bf. the' case (Taylor v. Mera/co, adverse results: or -
G-.R No. ·4977, March 22, 1910). _ ~ ii. When the ~tatute . provides that the
, .- .,I . ' ,• . violation merely establishes a
. . .
Art. 12(2] of the Revised Penal- Code had been presumption of n·eglig~nce (AQUINO,
- impliedly repealed by the "Juvenile Justice and Torts and Damages, supra at 115-116,
Welfare Act of 2006" (R.A. 9344), wllich raised Ted/a v.. Ellman, 280 N, Y.. 124; 19 N.E.
. · · the age of absolute irresponsibility from nine (9) •. 20 987 (1939).' . .. ·.
to fifteen '(15) years of age. R.A. 934~. Sec. 6
provides tor child fifteen (15) years of age or· b.
Administrative Rules
. under exemption from criminal liability .. -Violat'on- . of . i . r.ule . .. promulgated' by
. admlnistrative agencies is riot negligence per
Liability Without Fault .·. · . . _ : se, ·.but may be evidence of neqliqence ·
, A c~il? ~nd~r fifte~n '(1.5) years .. ca~still~u
subsidiarity liable with his pr9p~y:lt'(REf!~EO , .J..
. P~NAL CODE, Art. ·100),. AbsenM.of7iegBgence ~
T (M~.r(ndu_q,uetron Mines ~gents, lnp. ·~· :he
Wfirk£!:f?ns Compensetion Commission,
~ G/?_,;Nb.c:8110, June 30, 1956). -- ·
.., d6es'not necessarily mean,abs{nce·oj,~bili1°y.' · · ·. ~ A····.- ·. · · . ., . ·
. ". . . . /~/.~c.,Private:.r'~lesofConduct. ..
·. If. the child is legally·i_ncapaole"of,diseern~nt, tt,l,~ 0Jk "¥i '. · :(iolatiofl'!.9f._ . rules: · .lmposec by· -private
.parents of. any persor/- ~er~~ihg paren'tal ~ I&: . indivitlu<\ls ~-9-, employers) is merely a
authority over him may/~ill be/liable if proper/(}:,,., · · ~pssiblf(j.JV{dence : of' · neqliqence
diligence 'in superyif;i~Qe/ child wa_s:not I',! (1QUIN©,~s and Damages; supra at
. observed. The actor ~ir.s.elf-ti~_liable up.'~Ci>,'.~e~
. :ex~ent ·of his propep.ies~(QU/('JO, Torts an6,.
.c : • . · .. -, ·.
JU). . . ~-· t·. . ·
_ .:·, - · •. ·. ·
. . ·· . ..
Demeqes, supra at-80).\ ~ \ -(Jl\ ~.'.:c. d. · P~Jma e ca se. · · ·. · . · .
.: · •. -r-: , · ( .() • ~ ·. ·ffff · l') · · - eljrs t~)lhat'lct!Jse; which,. in natural and -'
8. )Snowle~ge anc:! Exper!~l-G~:o th~_Y\c <?,>- -~ ~· ~Jit!~u~u.s -~e.~u.enc.e:, . l,l_nbr~ken .. hy.. any
. ::· .· There are matters wli1c~ a pr~dentf@a~~_,,J '"" ~ fffc1_eD -· mt_el)'.ernng .·.c~rnse, ··.pro.duce;:;. th_e .
Concll)Si:"~ly · presum_ed· to ·..~no~ -~-sec;;!~ n . · · · .· inj~y(~_rrd yV~DOUt.-which ,t~~ result WOUl~_nof · .. ·,
knowledge and expec1ence, e:g. farn1hantJoclJ,elEN1;\h· .. ha:ve occurr~d (People v VIiiacorta, G.R. No ..
.. place· .mE!afls_. kn·owl~dge of lhe · ma~eyj~_r;-~ .Aa6;~. stpt~rhber 7; 2011 ;_· VQM. Trading;
s;;u:n_e ~rea; or the b~sic laws of.:natu~.e~p~Y.srcss~~tf Y
Cc!r:u_ngC:ong,_· ·G.-R.- ·No .. 206709,
(/d.. a~73r : _ : ~-. · ..._ ·: ~-~toa:1.6~2019).: · ._·. :_.: .... · .
Other F?dq_rs Jo Consider-: 111 Determining tfie ... Ru.l_e: Plaintiff must present proof .
·.. Pr~serice ofJ:Je·gJig¥!1ce,:, -· .. · < -. ·I • · t9at .... ·:: .. ·: -·· , .·._ ·,: :_,... : .- ·: ,
1. :·yi9lati9r\.of:Rules ancr~tatutes.· . · L: .. The·negligen~~·of the. defendant'is the ,
a.. $tatµtes a_nd Ordinances · ,p'r_ox[\'Dc!te ·'· of.injui.-y; anp · .
Gen.era.I .'Ruie: . ,Violation. of ? .statutory ·~uty: -~ ii. . ··Th~·re was, ·c::·ai:isal·:'co.rinecticif}. between '
is \1egligeh.ce pe}. .'!ie· (Gipr{aoo;v. c;A/ G..R. : .... the r\eglige'nce _or-vjolati(?'1i'.of·the,statu:te ..
'NQ. ·10°?968, :Qdotier _3Q/ 1996). Vyhen the- . a·nd the injury (Anonuelio v:'cA G.R. No'.. ·
.liw .. marid~tes. that 'ja' cert'airi dE3gree. of •-130003, Qc;_tpber 20,. 20Q4). ·. -
dilige~ce be'·.'obser:,;~d: the'}taridartj o( 'care.. . . . ·. . ' - ... ·: ·.,. -j -·' •

· required ·is· .-no -longer. y.,haf.- a· .reasonably· Exce·puo·11s: .-: ..,·· ·. · ,. _.'. ·
_ · prudent ··mai:.- would_ 'd_o~ but:wJiat th·e law i. · .Proof ·of violcjtion of .a s.t.atute and
· requires. , ·· · • . · d.alll.c!gE(· ~to· , · t~e: {>Jair:itiff maY:- · itse'lf
. · establish· pro'ximate ·cause · whefre the
·· . ·.: Ncin-co~piiance with statutes is .not a sine da'mage'fo plaintiff: fs·the"aainage':sought
. qua non. of ·ne.gligence. on'e ·cannot avo_id a . t0·b~~i:fre'vented by the sta.tute· (Teague ir:
· charge._of-negligeri.qe by showing tha.t the act · Feinande_z, · G:R.-·Na.;· .L:29745,· June 4;.
. or omission was of.i.tself lawful or not violative ·1Q7.J);~and- · · ..
'_ of ao'y ··statute· or ordina·n·ce .(e.g., liable -for. ii. there ·~xists an efficient · intervening
ne,gligence. ·e.v~n if driving· below .the speed cause.



2. Practice and Custom_. c. A reasonable pr~dent ·person who .w~uld

Compliance/non~cQmpliance with the same does have Concluded such peril·or appearance of ·
not neces$a'tily ·mean · that \he · actor wa·s peril e;istent; and . .
negli'genUncit negligent_, resp~ciively (AQU/NO, d. The rescuer: Acted with reasonable care in
Tor!s ?nd._Dam_E)ges, sup·ra at' 122). - effe.CILjalihg th,e ·re$CUe (Id. at ·156). .. .

A practice· V\!hich is danger.oul, "to human· life 2. Duties qf Owners,· Proprietors · and
cann'ot' ripen ·into' a .custom w~ich will protect Possessors of Property
anyone \.\(h_o · .follows ·· it (Yamada . v. · Ma;nila General Rule: _The· owner has n·o duty-_.tb,_take . .,.
. Railroad, G.R. No. 1007~,--Deceniber 24, 1915). · reasonable care iowards. a trespasser fo'r his
protection or even to protect him from 'concealed
Affirmative Duties anc,I Activities: da~ger (Jd._at· 160),.
1. · Duty to Rescu_e
·. Duty to the Rescu.~r . . · . . Exceptio.ns: (VATS) · ·· ·;.-
Gene~al ·Rule; A p'erson _who refl_!ses to render a. .'{isitor$;· _ .
· 'assistance is'not jiabfe.. · Owners of b"uildings_qr· pre.mises owe: c! duty
of care, to 'visitors (Cabigao Universiti of v.
·. Exceptions:· .. the East; CA-G.R.. No. 3J5q4~R;.Aug.ust 2{:
Limited rescue . 'J 973;'. · co·mmQ[l. c_a"rr.iers rpay be held ·liable
a.: . .- In cases specified . in Article· 275· of. the .. for negligenc~ to ·-persons ·who- stay in:. their·
'Re~ised· Penal Code: · premises even if tpey _are. nor passengers .
i. Tei render ··assistance to any· wsiunded (AQUINO" _Torts fJnd Daf)1ages,· supra at
·. person orin danger _of.dyjng,_found~n\.an 1~~' . .
uninhabited place, when assistance can . - . ,/

· be rendered, withou] .d?nger to h(ins~. · l5., · Doctrine of Attractive Nuisance; · ·

· 'unless such· omission shall corislitute a .- · An owner. who maintains, on his.:premises
_more serious offense; .' · ·. .;'~ j: .
. . dangerous .instrumenialities or.appliances bf .
ii. · To· .render assistance· Io prn~tner 'whom a .cpa~acter likelx .to attract chil9ren _in pl_ay;
. . orie has accidentally WO~,dea·o inj'u~d; ana fails. 0 exercise orqinary ca're to prel,'.~nt
·. . . . jji. '. w deliver a~- . ab.?~don¢d'.. g,jla~under . ct(ildren from _playing therewith
-~:J~eiret~. is~ iable to -a chiJd of'.tende(·years.
'or 'resorting \.
·. seven years of ag~to the authorities ~.
· ·.. ·. -~is family cWtaKe\hip\"te,a~fe plcjce.; -; · ~~l'.io is:;injtlfed' ther~fiy; even·. if- (he- ..child_ is
b. _ _. No ?river of-·~ motor _v~~~ .,co cerne?~if\,a . tecbnically/a trespasser· in· the· ·premises
..., · vehicular accident ~h.all l~a~ hE\ scene;of · . (Hidalgo Enterprises, ln_c. 'V. BalaHdan,~ G.R .
the .accident without. aiding !lie victim unless No. t-1422,'June-·13, 1952) .. · · .. - .. :.
he is excused· frorri dc:ing· s~ (R.,f:·413'6,·
Land Tra_n_sportation-and-:-Traf[i<:lCode,(See·~. -----_.Note: This is: generally· no1 .applicable to.
Is·.·.Lr·e· .._d· . b·y·.· l.a.w·.: t.orca<e·;·c·a·re·· f_.
q:(J· · bodies of artificial or' natural 'wafer ·in~ the·
C. '-t r. 0: absence, of- some: :':un~su'al: ";co.ndition or.
·· · · · .: another person.'e.q., parents to their ch:ildrerJ' artificial feature: other than the mere water· ..
. or 'guardians to: their wards; and ·. . . . and its. location (Hidalgo Enterprises;' 'inc. V:.
· .: d. · -The defendant fn special. refationships (e.q; Belenden, .G.R., No. C:..3422, June. -13,- 19.52j: . · .
Common: Cemer-pessenqe«; innkeeper-· ·•. · ·' · ·. .. -. - . . .
gµest) (AQUINO, Toits_and Darr.ages,-supra .· c. "_Ioler~ted.Possessi~n ..•.. ·: .
'at 158--159):· .. ' · ! . · · · . . . ·The.awrier i~ still liable if the plaintiff is inside
his property by "tolerance or" by implied
.. Nbte: One vyho·was hurt trying to·i-~$CUe-another. 'permission (AQUINO,. Torts· a_nd Damages,· .
. who.was i.r'iiur.ed t~roug~·ne·gli_genc~{may'recover- _._supra at 160). · · · ·. · · ..
damages from the p'ersoh w~o··origim~lly_caused ....
• th~ injury (~ot. the re~cued:·pefson) (Id.·_ at· {54): · . d .. §.tate of Necessity .(CiVIL c6o_1;;,Art. 432) _:
: A situ·atib8: of- present ,__ danger · to legally
. ·:R~~'~rsi;es.·t~: M~k~- a T~rtf~asof-' LiaplE:i°t~ the . prptected.inte"rests,,wher"eJhe.only r.em'edy is'
,:---: Rescuer: (NICA)- : · . , . . . . ,injuring anothet's .. also. : legally ... proti/cted
a. The to'rtfeasqr was ·Negligent to -the person interest (ALBERT,' ai!d· Exempting
. rescued and ,such~ negligenc'e ·caused' the _. Circumstances -- under: our .. Penal Code,
peril 'or:the appearance of-peril to tne 'person reprinted in:AQIJlNCJ;. .Torts: SLipfa at 167).
_... 1 •
. .. . : . . . ~
. · rescued· . . ....
b: The pe;il ·or· the.· appearance· of pe~ii. was Fdr ·the defense··. o ( st~te ofnecessity .tq be·.· ·.
· !mminent;" · availing, the greater injury_feared sh.ould not
h~ve been brought about by the nei'gligence ·

. · ..•

or-impr_udence, more so, the willful inaction of may be due to the negligence of the employer in
· the actqr' (Ty v. People, G.R. No. 149275, the.maintenance of the wq_r.kpiace .. In sucti cases,
September 27,. 2004)... ·. the· employee will be saddled with the burden of
proving .negligenee on -the part .of.the employer
· 3: Duties .of Proprietors of Buildings (AQUINO, forts and. Damages,_ supra at 27):
· The proprietor · of a building o·r structure is
· re·sponsible - foe tr,e damages resulting from · its Collateral Source Rule partial collapse; i{ it should bt:1 due to the If an injured person ··receives compensation for
··1ack of nec~ssary repairs (CIVIi:: CODE, Art. his injuries frorn a source 'wholly independent of
_2190). the . tortfeasor, · the · payment.' should _not· be -
deducted· from the darnaqes · which ·h~ would
Proprietors . shall also be _ responsible for otherwise collect from the· tortteasor · (Mitsi.ibi~hi
damages caused: '(EEFE) . . Mqtors ·Philippines Salaried Employees Union v.
a. By.the·sxplosion of.machinery which hasnot Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporetion; G.R..
· been taken care of .\ivith-'.due diligence, and - No. .17577~1 june.-17, 2013):·~ · '
· the .jnflainnlation of ··expJOsi\l.e "substances .- ··
·.". Which :haii.~· 'riot been ·kept. ·in a safe an:q · .. Employees . \ _ . .
. ') .. adequate place; r . • : . . ~mploye~s are bound to the
b. -By g!(c;;.~ssiye smoke.whlcri may be harmful
. TJ·
- performance of their functlons for the employers.
_to p~rsons ~r property;- _ ·L ·.L:' ~a~ed·on:(iegli~ef1Ce ~ornmitted
c. ·-sy. the falling· of. fr~es. s1tu~~t:J. at or near
.hig~way's or lan~s, 1f not cau~\bY .fo~.£
rnareure: an?· '. h'\.'·~
. ·-d. _ By,-.!=m?o.atidns ffom.tubes,janals_tsewei:s·or~-..,'-·K_r.\~.
· d_~posits- of inf~~ticiu~I ~att~/;;p~uct,ij

)f' ·. _-
A, ·: .
f\/'v'f11le~ the performance :of -~he ~ut1es _9f. the
~rppl~y>-e ('AQ_UIN,01 T?rls and:Dama~es'. supra
· a 173) ..'
· -_· -r : ;' ·
An e'{nfjrGye~~li~ble f~r ?.. tort when he neg_lects


_ ...

· .

without precautions $J1tab1ifro · he pla'cEl ~ ][_to perfo_rm 'Fiis-dutre~ the damage of

. ··_ . (C!VfL CODE, A_~:-2!i191).

'>·,1 · ': r
· .,r,-;'t\ ·. - the fir,m of. w~'Fi)ne··-~a. ~ .an officer. H is.. q~ _no
, i'--· moment.,that lie occup1,ea· a contractual posltion _
I~ dama_g~ refet're~ to._in t e tw9-jreced.i~g._~rti~J~~fil c.z:_~as thi1. ex(ste~~~ \ontra_ct bet"."een. the -~art~~
should ~e · tt:ie . r~~ultf ·~.1,.?l')Y d~f.ect m ·~-~:-', • 'jm1~is ~o · ~~r, _t~Hhe commiss(on ·of a tort anq· t~e
. cons~rur:;t1on ·1:-1eq!10.necq ,n~'.~.,rt! :_ 1 \~·te,e ~~~? t7 . 1 c£1ffei~~n~- ~rcoveH of qar:nc!g~s·.(
. per~o.n. s4!fenn_g . d~m.a21s1.~~y Pi:_w::~~a on!Yrn· ! ff\ _JO)'j~GJR:.f'JO~~,n,_,M24,c1>:.197 4) .. ·. •\
· ;,against-the errg1peer or-arcl'l1tect or co11:~tqr 1n~ d:.~! '.(4-z' ~ /.' ··" ,., . · · · · . .
,.·.. - . :accordance .with. sai'd a·rticle, within t itl',5eridJ.:;; '...'5: .0a,re,$· of#s·a_nks:. . .'. ·. . : .. ~ . :
therein fi~t;d'(6:':VIL COD~\A~t:.:2192)... _ . 'i . . · ~i-~g1.1s 'a -~~usin~~-s ·~hat is: i~pr.~~$ed wfth ;
. ·; . . · .'. -;' : . , . ::,- . rE;::-
· . Se rt'\ t?:Pqb[ic/mteresVWh_,!1p~1ne. -Nat/Of'Jql . Ba(IIC v. ) - ,
l.:.iabilitle~ of th<f EQgin~·er at:1d: c_ortractor: ..,1. N t.:J; -San1os~f9..;f. q:· 2_08.2$3,- December 10(:.2014)- · •.
· · .1:l=le. engineer or arcl')itect,.,or·th~ ~ontfa~or;,~liall~~'o~s· lire e~pee:ted.· _r9 · exercis_!3~the · highest ·
be·.r~spons·iti1e for damag~s .if trre oµifailg;Which
,... they._b·u,lt shal,l,.~jthir:nfift~er]'..(15)
·1v1 A"'t0eg\~e' of -in . th:e $election ~- and ·
y~a~.s frQ~p~rvision -ehtheir' ·employees·, (89nk:~of ·the
cm:npletion of.Jli~~structure, ,r:;oll~p~e- for.r.easons· P/1ilippine-. l$fansJ.f-:v. ·. C:JAL:.-·G:R. ,Nq., 1.023{3,3,
9~ribi.Jt~bie t_o.. !h~ir r.ietilii:1~.ri~~-.: .· ).. · ·. . '· · . . . ·.-_Novem~~(",26,>1-9.9.?) _as.weJ{a.s i.~. t~e ~on:d'ucfof
· :· · : . , .. . .. ,.:· ·its affaifa.(Prudeptia/ 8ank:V: R'apariot,.',G.f?. No.
:lf..-:the erig'in~er'l or", ar~hit~c/ supervises the . _{9·1?36: Ja'nuary.1:6, ..2017)/ ·, .· ,. ·. . ., · ·
·con'struction; ne'shall·be ~olidaril.y·liable.w(th the . . ':. !' .' . .. ... -. . . .-·' · , . ·.· : _., - .·,
· co_nti-a~~91' (CI_VIL_ C.ODE,-Att.' ·1'1-23 Par. 1).: · · .A-bclflk's.gross-negl,igenc;e in'dishonoririg-a '.Nell~ ·.
- . ' · ·· . funded ·Check;-.~a'ggravated qy:its: unfeasorif:lble;; · ·. ·~:
:~ote: :- A~·<;;'eptari~e .·of·: .. the _'. building .. aftw . d~1ay:in _repairiog :fne; error\:ca11s tor .a'r, award ot . ,·"
. c·ompleti.on, ·does nofimply __waiver of any'of the .. moral .. ang .. e'xe~plary.:darrJ~'ge.~: .: Th~ ·r.esultihg ..
·. calise ;of', action': ·by. ·reason' of. any' defect injury (qJh~ c;fiesk:writ~r.;s repu,tatiori·~nd:p~as;e.
rrieriUoniia ..· in.: th~-: ~ifeceding · paragra·ph. The· of . mind n·ee'ds to .. be recognJzed .. and·
. actiin _mys~~ ,be- .. tfrciu~ht· \i-J.\lhin I t(:ln" {1'0)· years .. _. comp,enslifed{{$olidbank' <;;or.p.:: if..) SfJs. Ar.rieta~
following; the· collapse · bf :-~he. building . (CIVIL ' . G.R:·No::·1:52720,. 'Ff!br.uary.,{7;°'2Q05/ ...
. ·c-· CQD_E,··-Art. 1723, __ par.,·2 &.-3).; ~ ·
.... .. ',·. ·. .

fl..6ut~~ ~l CoJiim,oh\~~-iieri .. : ~:;. · ": · ..

4. o·uties-of Empfoye_rs··anp-Empfoyees_
. . . . I . '. ..
8qmrhqn· , _ carti(;lrS· ·are: ;.·r~q·uire{ to exe,rcise
. Em'ployers : : · · · ·· e,ct~aord_ina1Y. diligfa!ri.Ge:. in:_the: v!gilan.ce pyer
·In .corr\"rnori · . law,· :~mii'l0yees· : . can. . clalm . :their. '1 . passehg'ers l
." and ·transpo'rted
.. .
,·. good"s,
.compe.nsation from' thelr e_mplqyers:df the latter ·according to .all tbe circumstances of.each case
·cornrf1ifre'ci.tor:tio'us.a~ti6_ris:againsr:the'm: Liability- (CIVIL ·cQDE, Art. ,173_3).' ." .


i 1Mi;${¢;t M£¥ dWi!l ;J:ffi\\Mi$it I 18tt,M2%fAf@ I' 2#4\M(·.t·Ci4@!.tu \ttti1 im
1@¢AA".:ef"'i»:t4' 1 ,li!fli.ft:tl\l'f''!Gti:lrt;'.**?·7*:Wlfl/

. A contract, to transport passengers is different in . · or injury· ordinarily P.~s~ess, regard being in the
kind . and "'deg"ree ·from< any othef. contractual st_ate of scientific knowledge at that time- (Id.).·: .
relation because of the relation which· an air-
Cl:lrrier" sustains· with. the - public.·- Its · business js · Captain of.
the Ship Doctrine h
mainly with the'trav~ling p1,1blic.-·lt invites P,eople · . The operaling surgeon· is the person in complete
· to avail bf the comforts and advantages i\ offers .. charge of. the- .. surgery and all personnel .
1h~ contract o( air ca_rriage generates ...a relation . connectecl with _the .operation. T!)eir .duty is to
.. attende~ . with- a public duty". · Negle_ct o,r,: · · · obey hi.s, ord.ers. (Profess.iona,l Services, Inc. v.
malfeasance qf the cl:lrrier's · employees ·is a · Agana, G:R." No. 12629_7., Ja0uary 31; 2007) ..
ground f9r an action for' damages (Air France v, : .
;Carrascoso, G:R. No.· L~21.438.; .S~ptember 28,. · · rh'e head -~urgeon· is rilade li~'ble· for; everything:
-1966). . . . that go·e~ wrong -within tl'ie:'four corners ot>the
. \.., · 'roperating r'.opm·(AQUJNQ, Tons·-andDama·ges,
Arj airline· passenger wa~ ill~gally ousted . . .-supra at 208) ... · ".' . .
~ . .. .•. •
_, I . . -.
. from his· first-class 'accomrnodatioh ,"de'spite ".
his- first-class. ticket. He was' compelled· to. - . · ·The".,
f~~t. that---there ·. is .a: trend· in.: American
take aseat in .a tourist compartment. C~n the _. . ' jurisprudence awaywith the Captain-of-the-
·airline be held liable for damaqes?: c1 :- , •• _.. ' ·. · Ship doctrine does rro"t mean.that this court 'will
, -- Yes, '_the -wronqful expulsion· of. the passenger' . ~ ipso-facto follow· ~aid trend. The 'court must still
. was a breach of a public du~y by the· ~ir'."carrie,r. . . give 'due .fega'rd forthe peculiar circumstances
A_lthough the relation between a passenqer and· a , . ·. obtaininq iri° each. case to justif/the application of ·
. canter is contractual both in oriqin.and hatur/;the - the'doctrine\(Rarho·s v. CA,·· G.R.'-1243!?4, April ..
act thatbreaksa contract" may also ·be· tort (&,ir a
. . _11; 20.02). . .. · ·. .
France ( v. Carrascoso, G.R.z N. L-21 38, - -.. · ·: · · · · · - '
-Septembet ?8, :1966/. . · . · .· ..,,.....-...
- -=Elem'~~t~~f Me~ic~I Ne~lig~nc~.: ic:;~_Br.lP) ·
•. ·· ·- ;,. . .. · . :. · : . a .. -Quty,,-l~f ~se at leastJ_he sa_me ,level ?f: care ..
Lirnltatlonof Llability'r-> ,. ·· . · ._: ~ th/:_t_j8J1.Y--- r_ea·~onab_ly:pru.denl' doctor would ..
Con.~ract,of'Carriage of Goods · { ·- ·· ·, usl' to treat=a condition. under the same ·

. · -: ;t~~~~t~~no~~;~;; li~r~-~;r~~;a~i!i~~f-~~~-, . b:::·-~i~1;,,}ue~s~ ;rJfe:s1s1~~~,·~~t~·o·;. i~~ro~er.

; , :·for~_er-for. the·loss, destruction, 9r €leten_orat10Q- o}\ . '.Iferforman!e thereof; · · · ·. . · c: / ··-
.. -- .. •· the .goods to .a 'degreeL less ."than~xtraordinaiy . c. 'Mi~fr'is 'ca.~ed _to_ the P.~tient,: con~~ifl~tin~
, dilige,:ice . shall be .va[id, prov.i9ed...,lJ"be: · . . ' a~l1Qr.iable·malpracllqe; and . . -,
a. In writing, $igr:ied. f?y the snip8.§_r..or. owner; . ·- .. d: The·· .~oc~or!s Jactlons ~wer(!l the{ f_ro~i~~te
· b.,··· su·pported' by a valuable ·consteraron· other,: ............,_,··.· ca1,1~e of lh_e pc:1tient's 'irijl,Jfl{.'{Li -v: SAouses.
; . than 1the serxi"ice· rendered by the e~omn:ion··. · ·.,soJiman;.G.R:,'No. 165279, June:7~ 2011). ·
·carrier;and·' ·.,. : .--~ : ·.' · · · .- .:.'· ·· .. \·. ~- .. · ·-·-,.··
:· .:"_C!. R.easo,nable, j~st'a~d- not cqntrary to PJ,li,c i\v'o•Pronged .-: -:' ,· .. - .. · ' ... ,_
. \ .· ., ·, · policy (GIV/1.: COQE, A'rt. 1744): . ·.·.··a.- ·:"EVidence :a~ to-·\ti~·recognized·standards of.:::
(.·. ~ · . ,: ... •• · . . ·. . .. ., _ .. -· · .. ,. ...: :i-'' ·. :: . :: ::: · the me'dica.1,"comrt)uhity: [n·tlle:_particular kind ·
· , :7 . Dutiesof-0.oct!-'rs·, ., . __._,_. ,:. . .,:ofcase;'ancl" ·~::---~: :,-.·--··.·· .. , .:· .. ··.
,. · General Practitioner .:.. The standard· of .care I?", ... A -shqv,,,iri'g · th9t:. the_. "physidari- · n'egligel')\iy ,
'. demahdea. is b·rdinan/ care and diligerfr:e in' :the I. 'dep~_rtld from -~hls.,starida/d. in hi~. tr(!latment
.. applic9tiqn· of. his·· khpwledge. and skill- in· hi.s- . : . {Garcia-R(!eqa·/'_v .. Pascasio, .. , G_:R: N_o.. ,
·.,·P.ra9.tice i)f the profession, ~e o_ught to apply to " .... 118141,,Septerriber 5, 1997 ciflng.Oavis V, .. ·
·,. ,._ his ·patient . .what othe.r gerier-al pra9titioners will ·: -- .. · Virginian R,ailway Company, 361 US 354). ·
· . apply \Nb.en· con.fronted. with· )imila·r·· situation · ·. -1 . : • . · ' ·. > ·' · · : · . . '
'. ·.
· (AQUiN9, Torts and _bah?ages, -supra' at 183). \ Not~;· It is a matter of expert opfnion. ·whether a .
. . . . . ,-, ··:'.:.·· . . · ,;; -.·. physici9n·." or.-. a·,surgeon. has .'exer.otsed'_·the_·
, .$peci~list ·-:.-The le-gal 'duty to . the patient is requi~ite aegree·:of tkill -th_e trea\ment · ·
. ·. ,,generally ... ·cq]isi9Elred-.: tci._·.be . ·th9t '·of-;<!n- 'av~rage . : o_f '~i,S. ,Pa.tie~t ··.(G_rqz_ v: .CA, ·.'G:R, ·Na·.. , _1214~5; ·. ;
· ·.. speciaUst; not th'at. of- an ~iv$cage -.p~ysici_an_. IX.. Nov_ember 18; .199'7J.. ~ ·, · ·
"physician who~- holds·. himself. put as h~ving
·_speciahnowledg"e"and skill in tne tceatm"ent qf a A medical< ~:E!i"gligence case ,cari:--~rosp:er ir' the
. paiiicularorgan-or disease Or injU!)' i_~· required to ··") ·. · patierit 'ca'n present. so.lid p'roof.that:_the·· doctor;
· · · bring to ·the· .d.ischarge of ,his· duty' th·ai: special·· :' . ·e. ithe( faii~d. t6 do· something which a reasonably
.. . ·degre'e . of. -~kill ·a_hd . care·.· which physj_ciahs·, .. pruaeiit doctor .would have d,;me,_o~ tliat he "did'
: . similarly situated. who· devote specie)! study and '·something that/a rEiasbnablS( ·prudE'int :doc\or:
: attention
to the
. treatment of such
") .. organ, disease, .
.· "w.ould not .
have done,
~ . an'd" sucn failure or· action


0- ·

caused injury to the patient (Cruz v. Agas G.R. Liability of Hqspitals

No. 204095, June 15, 2015) ... For . the purpose of' allocating . respimsib.ility in
medical . negligence- cases, ar.i er)lployer-
Res ipsa loquitur.·applied: . empJoyee. relationship in effect exists between
.. , a.·. In· medical · iieg!igence,. res .ipsa '/oquitur hospitals ar.itj their . atten'ding . and visiting
'allows the mere existence of an injury 'to physi'cians (Professional ·services, Inc. v. CA:
justify-a presumption.of negligence on the G.R..No. ·1262Q7, February 2, 2010).
part of the person · who controls the.
instrument' causing the injury (Cf'J,:ilre v, Sps. -- Where employm~nt relation~hip exists, ttie
· Go, G.R. No. 160889; Apri(27, 2007). hospital may be ,held vicwipusly liable under
b. -Medical malpractice can be established · by Article 21-?6·in relation to Article 2180.of the Civil
res ipsa loquitur. It is limited to cases where. Code or the, · principfe of respondeat
the court, ·from its common knowledge, tan superior (Professional Services, Inc.·, v. CA, ·G.R. ·
determine the· standard .of care or.where an ·_No.' 12_6297; Febru_ary·2, . .2010). · · . ·
ordinary layman can conclude that there was
. : neqliqence oh
the part of the doctor (Solid um. Doctrineof Apparent Authority
· v. People, 'G.R,. No .. 192123,_ March 10; · · - Wher:i no employment relationship exists but it is
2014). , .. ·'. · , : . - , · , _. · :.. ; · ·_. . shown that the·hospital holds-out to the patient
c: The doctrine is not available in a !Tialpractice · : that the doctor isits aqentthe hospital may be .
.suit if the. only showing is that ~dc§sir°e'du )t}ica~sly liable underArt, 2176 in relation to Art.
result of an operation or trea.!,PJenl vtas· not . J. ..\J..143.1 {m,d: Art, 1869 of -the Civil Code . or. the
· accornplished. (Solioum -~- ;,eo~pJR. No. ·. p.d_~t!f!;;> o~apparent · authority (Protessionei
. ·1921?3, Ma~ch
Doctr.ine .of lnformed ·Conse-nt)
2014)1'.,( >-~
·.. .· . .. .

Ur:!!ess excused- the· 'd<ft~ust .s· ewe ·?{?)e· ffi11.

"7f · · . -:':,. .\
. . . . Ser:v1ee~.J/1C,;,.v. CA, G.FJ. No. 126297, F_ebruary
~ . · · · ·· .· -
Doctrine · ,p( <Corporate
·. . , .
consent. of 'his patient, :expres~{or im~liea, to a-/-1:"' · Gorpbr?.te N~gJiQJ'nce , . · · ·.
. partlcular.treatmentor c!.[~
ifwestigc=:i_tive. proceoD_r.e . ; · :,;-~pital ~\~ duty· to ·see that it meets the
(A.?Ulfl/0; Torts and.Da. trgff,sf?~Pra at·1~9f."-:".1 J!ri-r~sfa~q~rds .o~ rns~Jnsibil_ities for the care of. ·
-.. . . -;" ; .,,A; ·=.t\ 1
'·1:;,;mrnn; ~pat! ~ts. · .. ~~~~ a~.tY,__ _ includes ~·th,e · proper

>:\· . '\'(),;;,· ·. 1.
':· .... ~:
El_ement.~: ess~n_tjal, in~~rq~Jpra,~ actio:n'· ·.'..l.i'-, .. - s';EP~~i:i •.~f the~~emb.ers·.of its-medical.staff
.l?~sed. on th~ doctrin 9f.~nf6rme~co~e~_ -1.~.o'ls· (P 1oria7'1s~r:Jices,· Jn.c., v. GA, G.R, · No_.

'a.: Tne >c:
_ - ·.
.· :V.
has,_ 'Qu.ty. to .disc[:g's ~\..-:,.(
t ..e., {·· "~ l
. /('..;.__~ In
~;; · ·. , · .
.~t 92°9', February'i2f 201_0). . · · ·.
· .. . ' · ·. ·. .
: .
·- matenalns~~.; : ,."·:· .- .: '\.: _,-· .. . .... · _ ~.9~.rdlesp .of th .. osp)ta1;.s·re}ationshipw.ith_th.e
b.- ~.he .:.. physJct?~ .Eatlea t?- )1tscl~ ·~to}JE \''\\.~.-.,do_c.t?ef:Jf~ay.t3;~h~ld dtree:tly ltab_l~ tp the pat,e~t
_1nade~uat~!y·d.t~clO~~d tt)e~sks;z .-.~1?~ h'~1'i:-,..r1"

- c. As a .?1rect ~n_d proxtm~~e ·resulM-!1B'r~at ur~ta"hli~~standard-.'?f. co~~uc_t . to wht~h.':' t~. ·

t,,o~ry)1eg.hgence. \X_ . .fatlure to !?llo~.

to .·. d1sclps!3, th~· pat,ept· .. ¥onse.nJe_,.. Jo M· ,\~st19°blif9nform. ·as a ·cprporat1_on_ .(Professional.

treatm~nt_ ..she; C>tli'ef"'.Vi~e ~.ould · qo~e - .. I'\:-~A(ice_s,Inc., ·v.'GA, G.R. No .. 1]6297, ·February
c:;onsEEnted to; c=;m.d .· · · · . : ·. 2;. 2010). ·
· : JL Th~ .'plafntiff. was. !njured '.by 'th~ proposed. · · · ...,,
tre,ai_ment (Li y,. BpOU$eS·Solirnan; G.'R.. No·; Nurses ·: ·
. · : 1'65279;.Jum(l'..· 201":1); : - . .. . A'nurse who assumes· the care of-a,patie.nfmust
·; ·-.. ; -· exercise th~t degree of.s~m, care'and 1<n6w1~9.tre
,Cas~s · When: There.'. ls !'Jo :Duty_ 'tp- Di.scloie' · . ordinai:ily . ppssehs~cr ~y othef.'·nu.rses utj.9er ·tne
(ETUT)· _-.: . ._ . . . . . same circumstances·. · · :·.: · · ·· . · · .
· a:· J;mergency ~itQations; , ; :._,- · ,,._ · ·· -~ :. ·'
b. .Tirriei'is or:the essence;- . . . ·A - hurse must. uphold fh(:)_ ,st~ndards · of safe
. C: Wher~·. ·tffe,· .patient-_ Ls !;!n~OIJ.SciOU$ :.or .__·._ .'..
0 :nwsing ·pri:idic§ ·(S.ecflqn:.2(otB:A No. ~i73).'c·apable:of cons:e·nting.andlharm . · The standard is a national.standard (AQUINO,
from failure-- to :-treat· i:3'.· imhilnent< and ·-: ·,::. TcjiJs arJ~p~inag'es,'_supr_a'a(218}. : , . _ · · ...
outweighs . ahy -harm·. •threatened -·by ·-'the· .....
proposed treafrnent; .and, . _..
00 . .' - .· .• Examples.of .Ne.glig~hce. of Nur-ses, .
. d. ·. Use of !berapeut\C ·privil~ge . .For: in~tanc~ •. a. . Medication e'rror,... A preve.ntable event that
- · Ori ~9rr\e. o~casib.~S ~· candid anc;l tqoco.ugt, . ma'y caus·~ of ·1easj ·)oAnapprop.riate use _or
disclos~~e. of')n.forr,:iati.on_ ·will· .h.aye. an patient ·narm:'while ·the medicatio.n is in- the
ad,;,iers.e 'effect, on 'the, patient'.s condition_ or co·ntroi. cif the" ·health care. profes.sfonal,
.. . :_health (AQUINO; T,orts:and Damages,.s/.Jpra · .patie.nt
f .
. . .
· '. . . · ,· .
at 204°'205). . .

794·. r 201ff SAN BEDA LA w cENJRAuzE6 BAR .OPERA r10N.s

QA=P$:*I-i##' ¥ c:;e;;b#·]iMtt£!EA?3:ikC:lWa.ttA ? R%tt:t!M& @ 'Hz :~,@ fy_5\!tk":_*Sb 4*'!'1.?_7_A:Sif0F,tetSZ( t:tit"G·b?'k '!W -- MS WY47

b. . Burns of 'Patients ., Burns by. hot-water human life may not constantly be exposed t.9 the
bottles, sitz baths and, heatinq pads .as a dange~ flowirig. from the sub$titution of _deadly · ·
result of negligence. · · . poisons for harmless medicines (Mercury.Drug
c. Assessment and Mo nitoring· Error~ 0 Corporation . v:--De Leon, G.R.·. No. · 165622,
d. l.eavinq ·F.oreign Objects - For nurses, October 17;·
. .
· · ·1 · ·

. leaving a foreign object inside the body of the

patient after the surgery is· a clear case of l_n the pur9h;:ise of drugs, the buyer arid
.. n~gligence. . seller do not starid at arrn'.s length.- There exists .
e .. Failure to Protect - The nurse may be held an imperative duty on the seller or the· druggist to ·.
liable for quasi-delictif the patient take precautiorjs to p'reyent death or injury to any
· ·· · his. bed because the nurse· failed to make persc;m who -relies on one's absolute .~onesty and
· sure thebed railsare up (Id. a(21B.:222): peculiar l~arning (Mercury Drug·,Corporation v.
De Leon, G.R. No,-1-65624;· October 17, ."2008).
.' • . •.. · I
. '.
. \
. Note: In cases where the negligence of thenurse I

concurs with the negligence of the doctor, the .. two· In Mercury Drug Corporation V. Baking, Baking
of. them. are. jointly· and severally liable as was given a:. potent ·sleeping tablet,.: instead. of
tortfeasors {Id. at 208). . · . medicines· to stabilize h_is- .. blood ·sugar: On the
~.--. . . third day· of taking the .wrong medicine,'Ba.king ·
. · , .. , Owners .arid -Operators . of . 'clinical figured in a_ vehicular 'accident. · Htdell as'leep--
'Laboratories . while driving.· . The' . proximate cause. of the
. Test ofExlstence of Neqliqence. acddent was the gross negligence· of the.' ewe provider: : ph'armacist·. Who ·.gave· the ,-_wrong-'.rriedicine. to
a. ·Fail to do· somethinq which a· reasonably · Baking.(M~rcwy prug Corp. y. Baking, G.R: No.
: .. :-prudent health care provider would . hla)le :156037, Mf!Y 25, 2007).. . .
: -done. O! do sornethinq -~hich- a re-aso~Q!Y care _;prqvid_e~.would:ncf ~ave Duties· of,Lawyers
· done· and· ~ . ~ . :I An . attoj':~·y is· · bound to exercise;. only a ·
b .. )hft_f allure o'. action c_aus~~ in~dr~ i~ tpe -reasonable ,degree of'·care and ,skill,. having
:. . · patient (Gar~_,a, Jr. v: SafYfJ,~; G.R. No:, ·,eferej'I:~~ \he': business he_ undertaKes_ to do .
16~{) 12,. Mc!,rC~ 20;-200:,j,,r
. . ,' ... ··- ,
·. II..

D~ty of· Owners an:d~ 0Rerators..;..o ·. Clinical ·:

1 .~ 8\
. (A'~[e.J~l:d~ba! ~: Ci· N?. -~~:,·· J~ne- 27 ;1 ~!8~.
. Note:,,, Tne.~lawy~-'s liabili_tx ri:a~ not· be base~_.

~ab:oratori_es ·• .. 1 · :. · . , P5 _· : . . :: solely~oJJ:!,,faGt · that. his chenf lost the case .

Th~y ha_v~ t~e_.d.!!_ly_to co~plyV:11th~~tatut,s, r_ul1s, . · (fi:OUiNO, Torts a'nd.£?f}mages, supra· at 2_31r .
-arid· regulc1t1ons, promulgated . to p~otect. and~
. pro]l1ote the health of. the people by·p.r-Jve·npng ·. '" .... 9, •.••. [2uti~.s of Experts. · . ·. . . : . · · . . ·.
. th~ ."Qperair6n . ·._ of substandar ·. · _impropeffy · . Ari·expert should exhibit.the c~re and skill ·of one ·
: managed:
. . and ..inadequately
·· ... laboratories_' . by.. improvirig
... '
·.· s'upported
. '
thf:!· ·~tra!Lty .. of-
' orqinarily skilled in tbe particul_ar field_:that he is in
. . (Cu/ion· Ice, Fish .. & Electric., Co. v.. Philippine.
perforrJiance ·
. . : l of clinical·
.. 1aporatoiy
. . . exa(ninations.
. .
.· .
G.R. No:326'11,
. . ~
er . 3, 1930):
: ·.
.(Garcia·;- Jr:y. Salvador,· G:R .. No. '.168512;
; . 20; . .
2007).. ·
- .
,,- - The rul~ ~ppijes· to profe;sionals, ·j"r~e "ci~,ct~rs,
_•• • •• f :· ~pilots. and- others' who. have 'underqone formal .
Standard' of D_uty · · . _ ·, . . -e-, • , education {F<i]rn.ando v. cA G.R. No. 92087, May . ·.
Their business is impressed with 'public interest.' . . ~-- . 8, 1 ~92}. · . '_- : . ·' - .· . ' · · . ·
}ligh· sta:ntl§!r8s', pf performance .are expected .. . - ; .
from them (Garcia; Jr.. v, ·saJV,a,ddr, G.R. No. Persons Made Responsible f~r.Others .
168~l2;· fvtarch ?O; 2007).· · · · . . . . The· obligation' h,fpqsed: PY Article ?176' of. th_e ~i.vil
. · _Code ·on·· qui:l'si-9_~1ic~ ·is ~emandable.-, .n'c:>f onli _for.
-Need for Licensed Physician ; . 6rie!s owri acts or oniii;sions,. but, also' for··those: of .
. ·· ., A .clinical laboratory must be .administered: .person~ for whom on.eJs respons_ible fClVIL -CODE~,. .
. · directed .. and supervised-by alicensed physician Art. 2180).. · a .. •. . . .
. ·-· Secretary of Health'(Garcia, Jr.
v, Sa/~a_dor, G;R. No:··168512, Mafch_,20, 2907). . T_he basis e>f liability is pater fa,nf/ias· Of th~. failure of.
the personi mentioned ~herein to exercise.d_ue care
D~u~gists/Drugst_ore Business: . . . and vigilanc·e ovJr. [he acts.of.subordinate? to prevent_ .
. "They must exercise the highest deqree of care, the damags·_{Filcar Transport Services v.· Espinc1s,
dlliqence; prudence and vigilance; and .the most G.R. No. 1741.56;'June 2'0, 2012). ' . · • ·
._, · exact and reliable safequards consistent with.the
reasonable conduct ·_of the. business, sci that

.. r·


.,.... -.. MEMORY AID 2019
. . . . .
i1!utlit!h M--si••t-
.. . a EB-+ was Id
.11tt:e:;;;;tw•Mf >4®-t»~: eSGM#1
. . . .
ii$ /b5S&N$iW,•B,{W@*MSH4W%t'&ft'G$
~ 4UQMS:2S#,:ZI

Persons Vicariously Liable To sustain the-liability of the father or the mother

One is not ofily liable for his own quesi-deliciuet acts in proper cases, it is ne_cessary that: (BTL)
. butalso for those persons for whom he is responsible 1. The child is· ~elow twenty-one (21 ).years:
under the law (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2180). · Except: Deep Pocket. Tbeory (see discussion
·. 1. · persons· liablefor acts .cornrnitted by minors: below) · .. , , . . .
2. Guardians; . · 2. The child committed a Iortious act to the darnaqe
3 .. owners and .rnanaqers .. of an establishment or and prejudice of another person; 'and ... · .
· · entejprise; - 3. The child :.!:,.ives: in. the comR_any of the parent
4. Employers; concerned whether sinqleor married (Libi v. /AC,
5. 'State;· · . . G:R. No:70890;,September 18,.1992).
6':· Schools.Jeachers and administrators; and · · ·· .., ·
'· 7. -Other personsvicariously iiable: Note: Th~ liability of both father and mother-is now
-a. Innkeepers and-hotelkeepers: · primary (or solidary with the child) and not subsidiary
b. Partnership; and (AQDINO, Totts-eiu: Qarr,agesL supra at. 616) .
. · 'c. §po~ses. . . · . . . .
,. Under Article· 221 'ot the _Fi3rhily Code. parents are
F>7rs..9~~· ii~b.le for Acts Committed by Mlnors: princi'pally-.and~prfrnarily.liable, or omissions bf
<·: - , . ,._ .,their·. rnin'or.ic~i)dre_n ·r-e_sulting in -iniuries to others .

. (ROS) .
. 1. _earents.; (CIVIL cppt;, Art. 2180,_ Par. 2) · __:..,-~~\/,er, fo~ liab!li~y orfth~. p~~ o~ the parE;?nts to
2. Those exercising; parental ·authority. Qther tfian. -.~~c ~he mm?r child.must be li~mg. 1~.t~·e1r co~pany
parents. .. . -: . • .., · ~ / ~ · · J.n. u~de~ tl;1e1r.. parental authority _(L1b1.. v. /AC, G.R.
a..' Adoptersj.or · .· . LD r:

b. Court'-appointe.d.g_uardiansf_{<SLVJ.l.~,ePBl;';Arl. ' .
r~ . . No. 7.Q890,-.$'?ptember_ 1-~,. 1992). .
·~~:t\,. . . >,. .
. . · _
: .. . . - .·: .
,?182). . . ·, . ,Lr"()7.'~'fbe~q1~1l·lit1l!ytt?.\e p~rim,~~:-for9nmes_comm.1t\_ed·
· > -: ! 3. ..Those exercistnq §uq§t1tute ,~re,ntal authonty1tl). · - rT · qylthe!r\mmor.,..c~~en .1s·'d1r€lc~ a.nd pnm~ry,- .•a,nd
a. Su[VJving:grandparenJs:(F{'·M/L'( CODE, Ifft. ~\ · stlbjec_n~ the-~~f,ense of. la~~.6.f_fa'ult __ or_.~egligei:,ce_
}\ .. · 214);: ·"_·· f., / ·J .. ·· ·-~"'}\,opthe1rpart,0that~~eexer~1se.of.the·d1hgence __ ofa.

.·'· ••• 1
b. Old~st, si~li_ng, over 21~a~s oJdjless ..~!fi~ j:11· .9~~cl~!atnpr p_f ~ Jc1mi~~·(t:ibi v.. IA~, GR. /Jo. 7089.0,_
• _.or_d1s_qua~f1ed_·(FA1t~~.ODE, A~ .~Jq, ~ ~~..~f.tem~e'i 1_8; .19~2,Y ll . ~ ... : · .· .. ·

:·;. ·. . c. 2~if~!s a~t.~ai · c~?t~ct~l~~e;(:ii . ~~rs ·a1ll\llilllll1il;;s;;n/lf.r°isin~~;,.nta1 Authority othe, than. . .

.. : ·
.· __ ~nl_~~ss u,nf1t .m.;~1s·q
Arl.,216,,p,ar. 3),.
qtt5( (f.A. "~. GOD~Sf
.. ~fi ID.I
~J f .· : ·. , -. . ~·,· · . ·; , . .
'\. . :', ' ' . : - . .- :,-. ;. : : . ·, . . . -~. . .. ~u-~ ·_. t;r.i , ... -~- >r.t!i~<;:_qur .· ·~oes ~.<?t. consider that retroa~t!ve
.. :-,· · . ·u<!~ility:· S'ubsidiary .· . , .. : , e .e~t:flJf. o.e ·g(yln:to t~e decree· ff- ~clop(\on s~..
'' i,;:: \· ,~-. .· · . - · · _· . . .· · .· · . S -~. -. \~s:l t~p:ose-~ J.!ab!lity.t,J_pon. the adopting· parents I

· 'i the~ch!ld .. ,: ·.· , _· .· _· . _ -·~@J· _ _. -j1)·.J;t.:,· :·t· ·-.~ .··, . · " . .' , . _ . .-
. 4. Tho~.e- spe~i~I· .par~nta!··-autug!_ty: M~~~!.~b..1~;f?r:d_a-~a~~s.caus.~2··qy__~in~·rs.or_
(SAT.I) .. · .. , . . ·,in.capa~itgfed-P.ersci.n!:> (even iUhey.-c:1re already of _
~- ·. · a1,:§Gh0ol;_ .· --:.· .. : :.·: = r'\·.- ._: · ~ ·: a'ge)_under:..:th,~ir· c\U:thoritY~.and in tbeir.·-· · '
· l;i'·-·-~dm.ihistrat,ar$; ;·.·.= ,:.· ·. : ... y=·· .·_·compa~y: ... · · · ·''·.· ·.-
, '.. c;,., Te~',c}1e_rs;,or. _ . . -,,, . . . ·. - .. , -.· · . ,..,-. , . ... . .-:.'·- ·,, ., ·: . . _
· · · · · ' d::. !ndividual, en_tity or. ,eQgqged in · · · . ·-1:hE;? legal .a_u_thority t~ferred tg.~in ·Articl!:l. 2180 is · · '.
\ ·~ ·'. .... ·· ch_ild ca~e "Ct'!'·MIL Y. ~OpE, Art)2f8). :·: · ~. , · :·· -·leg~l.~u\h.oFi.ty ?~f~t.~~ p.~:rs?n 'pf: the.' ":-'.ar:d· antl ·
" • -- •• - •• ,. ·:·-:- -:. ~-, • -. .: _-. ~,.:':.-' ··= ·. ·. . •· ... ·· not ·legal ..,·autn-or1ty only with.: re$pect to. the·
,F~aren_t~- Th,e.,_ fath~.r. ,c;in,d. ·in·, C9S~ .of ~i,s_ death dr. . :..:; . R_!"Op'erty. ~fa :persor.i · d¢ciw~ci' a~,_1n2ornpetent_
- inf·ap.~~it_Y., .; U:i_.e :.rnotheft. af.e'. _lia.p!~ fo~ any ..'- ~ · .although of'_.rJ:aj_orit( ag~. (AQµJNO; Torts ;;ind·
.- Q9~~~.~~::_tpc\~/!l~Y¥~e._q~.u~.~Q by the. m1n~r..9h1l~Jr~n.· .. · ·· ~ .Dqm9fles; $.Ul}fc!:cf(-.6~9) . .:~ .~;. . .. ~
who live·in their·c;:on:tpany'(C/V/L,CBDE, Art. 2180).· · · · · · · :,·. ·. . . . . · · .. : ·
... · · . . . ..., , ,.:,:.·.·: •... :· .-'· \ ·.:. .:· :,.,.:. ,;'_ ·..,''., ... _· ·-·.: Nqte:)Acorfipe,tepfifJ'clud_es·. pernons-·suffering· ·:. ·•··
,Reas·!ty_ is· a n~cessa.ry c·on~s.e.quence_of .· :· .. : . t!le.-: pe~~IJy . of .?iyil. - in.r~rdicti9..r ·.- or --W~Q.: are - : ~
th~:;parent~I. <3:~t1i~rity:,tl,'lfY··~x~_r9is~ ~VElE· th~m.:J.he, · ·- . . · hospitalized,. l~pe·r~. _prqdigal~.: ahd~· dump ·.
· lia_~llitY..: UQdJ'?.r .thfs_'. artJ:91~.:'. e~tend? ,to ot~er · · ,· · .. - . \Vho ~r,~ unable. t9 r~ad ~nd yvrite_,. thos~ who are ·
p~r?ors exer_c=;_i~if.!\:f:°parentc!I: authority like -judici'ally.. of ·uns.ound mind,_ even. th'o'ugh they have, lucid'
c!PpoJ9_ted ·guar9ja.n,s a,ng.::ciu;jopteri (AQylNG, .Torts. .:. -~ intE:Jrv,i:!I~. aij_d p0erson's: ~ot .being .of. -.~rl$0und :· :
·an_d0amages,:supra·a(614}: · ,, mip.d,-but ~y.r~a.s9r:,_of,·.a_g~. ~ise~~~· y.,e?k'mind, · _
and ~1rn1lar .cau$es; cannot,, w1thout·_o4tside
ai_d, take care o(th'efm~elves ·and_n:ianage their
. . . ·-......

.... . .
'·\{ . .. . . . . . ..
• . . I
. . . .
.... _, t•Mt£•¥$!t!lt2+i~#Wi!M: &_ff1}t,j t 4:!SM':&¥%:2: @&4+¥ffik:t: ¢!P4f4k·WW?£. ar;::~:s,2;5r e;;;&'S .. tt%iSS$1Wtflz;:!;:x.....,,.-3.uo.~'"!'lio'-"'i

property,· qecoming ·thereby an. easy prey· for A child who is above twelve (12) years of age up to
deceit. and exploitation (RULES OF .'COURT, fifteen. (15) years of age and who· corrtrnits-parricide,
Rule 92, Se.c. '2). · · .. ~. , murder, infanticide, kidnapping and serious illegal
detention where the victim is killed. or raped, roobefy,
··Extent of Special Parental Authority1, .-. . with homicide or rape.. destructive arson.: rape, or
It can be e;xercised only over minors while· u'nder their carnappinq where the driver or occupant is killed or
supervision, ·instru_ction or custody,. including .while in ., raped or-otfenses under Republic Act. ,No:. 9165
authorized activities-·whether inside or" outside. the (Comprehensive Danqerous Drugs .Act of 2002).'
'sch~ol,. entity,. or 'institution· ·(AQU!NO,-_f ort's ind.
punishable' by more than . -twelve (12) · years of .' ,
imprisonment, .shall 'be dee'})e,d a· neqlected ' child
Damages, supra clt 630). ·. . ··
under Presideritial.Qecree No .' 603,=as arnendeo: and-
<;;ustody _::.. tti~ protective arid:.}LJpervisory custody ' shall be rnandatorily placedin a special facility within
that the _school and- its head-and teachers 'exercise . . ~h·e yol,lth care faculty .or 'Ba.hayPag-:as~· catled the
over the pupils and students fo"r, as lonqas they are · Intenslve Juvenile Intervention and· Support Center
' in attendance "in the school; including- recess time. (IJISC) No .. 10639, Sec. 20:~). · W.A ·
(Spouses Pelisoc v. Bril/anf_!}s/. GR.. N_o.. l:.~29025,. · · · ·,. · , · -r . · : - · ·
Octobera, 1971-; Selvose v. lntetmediete Appellate , ·owners and Man.agers of-Establishments · .
' Court; G.R. No.70458; -October5, 1988): · Jhey are liable· fpr '<darnaqes . caused by. their
__ i · . · .· . · . .• ~. -. employees i~· the service of the branches-in which :
As long as it canbe shown that the student-is ·in·~thefJ{: · .they ·are .. employed, or on the occaston roL(hei~ .
sc~oo! .pre~ises in 'pu~~uanc~_c:1f·a ·1_,igiti.mat~ $_tudent functi~n,s. It no_t 7_xtend t~ ac~ts of .stranqers ~ho·
objective, in the exercise of a Jeg1t1mate. right, an committed. unauthorized. acts and m doing so, caused
even I in the enjoyrnent " of- a:' leg_itif!1atf. stnderit .darnaqes to others (C!_VIL-'C_ODE.--Ai1:.·Z.180 far. 4.).
privileqe, the responsibility 'of the-school authorities · ·· · · .· ·
over the student continues (Amiiqora v. CA;- G.R: No. who.hires an independent con.tractqr but cq~trols
L-477 45, _April 115, J 988). . . ·: the l_~tter':3.wor~ is responsi?le. for.his negligence
· · .. ·· · .. (Cwson v: NoHon and Hamson Co., G.R. No. 32774,·
· o_~t~ber 14/93~:-:. : . - .._· ..· _" , . : . . : . ,· ... r
-:~~~~~:.· ~~~~~:~r1i·"!~~:~y~r~~1~n°\~~'
f ;.
·co.ntemplatio of''U~~~abor -Code-is· not a' ma.r:,age'r.,
· ·referred t0 ~- ~180 becaus·e he himself-may b_e..
r~gardel·.aS cJ.n ifmployee. cir: 'c;fependiente of- the
employer ,(P/1i/1ppine Rabbit Bus Jin~s; Inc. v.. Phil.
fl.merican Forwarder~; lnc.,-GR.No. L~25142,. Marc.h
. 25 1 9 :-,5:1'J •
I . '/ • .
. •
' ; .. .
l. . •,
: ~ ., '•
• '
"·· i

:,-~ ' .•
~ .. \ '
: . .

• .-- •, - •' • - ~· I • ~- ·: • • • ·~: • • • , ; ."'-.

);3o-employees are noJ.liabl~ ev~r) if they·superyise,.

-Deep Poc~et· Rule under: RA. 6809 in relation to the e~ployee_. (AQVIN9; TQrts am;J Qainages; siJpr~·. ·
. Art 236, ot' ti-1e Family Cocfo. . -. :... : : ' · · :.· . : . '. a_(61_6J.'· .. . . ·. ,_·· .. · ·, ... ·: : · .· . -~ . ~.. : . :_.-:-<>/ ·
. : ·. J. . A. teacher in. charge ·i~·-~till}c!bi!:! :.fop..\he a·cts of ..
; iheir:stu.dents·even:if ine minor student reache"s .... l..iability undei-' Arti~·le 21.80.(4) of the· ci~il .C'bd~
the ag_e· <?f maj?r.ity; · · · · · . . , applie.s to· all,·_,those .. ;~ho,:_by; their~ ·indust_ry_ .. pr
profession. or.:other enter'pris.e, have other persons in
..... . Not~:. ~aref.\t~i. ·aµthoi:it~/is nofih.e: scile. ba~is·. _of. their· service or. under their'.~\Jpervisio~ (PINEDA,
liability (AQUINO, Torts.and Dainage·i, supra ·at Torts.and barnages, .s.upra at.89)>, . .- · · · · ·.
618). > -~. . · . · , . ' .. , , . . · .:--. , .
. . ,·
.· ·:::-
·' · 2. T_h~ pa_r~nts. or g~~rdi~ns.,c~Fi still b_.e.. he.JdJ_iabie'. Employer? ._ . . · ·.··· - ,:··:.· ·
., . even 1f :,the·. l}l!nor 1s . already .ernanci(lpted .· Li~6f'e .for. damc1gei ·c?.us~d; b/their•.emP.lciyee~ and··
provi_d~c:l-!3Mi°E~. ,i_s·_9_elow (2-1 )_.ye9 household helpers :actil'.lg within th.e scOpe of .. the,ir
·ot ~-9~. (Id): .. =·'. · •. · · assighe.d tasks· ev~m- though·· the \employer · [s not
• j •• •
engag~d- in any;~l! or.:industry-.(C/V)L. CODE,
Rule under~Art.. 101 of the Revised ·Penal Code. Article 21_80 Par:--._5}: .- · ··· · .. ·; :·· · ·. · ..
A c~ild fift~eri (15). y~a'rs o(age or.
Linde~, at tt1e 'ti;;:,e ··!

ofthe C(?mmis~io~ of ·lne_'offense .shall he

,.exempt ;Although the.E;)mployer is:"Dotth~. actual tortfe~~or.,.lhe·
from.. ·criniinal - liabi[ity. However, .the' child,· shali ·be _ law rn~kes. hjm' .vicari6u?IY. liaqle on the· basis ofth'e
· subjecfed. io an interve(l~ic;m ,J;Jr9gram:·.· to civil Jaw· P,fi!lcip_le of. ,pater· (ami/ias ·.to( failljr.e . to
Secti_on 20 of this Act. .(R.A: No: 10630, Sec. 6f . . exercise due care and ·vigilanceoyer the one's··
.subor_dinates t? _wevenf.:dc1rnage. to. another (Fi/car



Transport SF;rvices . v. Jose Espinas, G.R. No. Criminal Negligence

174156, June 20, 20"12). Article .103 of. the Re.vised ·Penal Code .goyerns the
. . vicarious liability of the employer for the crimina_l
· Requiihes-ofEmployer's Uabilfty: (CSA) . negligence of his: employee (AQUINO, Tads and·
1 .. rhe · employee was ~ho'sen by the employer __ Qamages, supra at 675). ·
,· · . personallY:or thr.9ugh another; : • I

2. The Service is to be· rendered in accordance with Employee's conviction of crirninat negligence proven
orde'rs which the emplo_yer·has i~e _auth_6rity to . in a' criminal action is. sine "qua non for employer's
giye at all times; ar,d- . . . subsidiary 'liability· to attach. -Emplqyee's criminal
3. The illicjt -:Act of the employee was on the negligence conclusively binds the employer .to be
ocdsion or-by reason of the ·functions. enfrust'ed . subsidiary liable fqr the damages awarded (Fernando
to him (Spouses Jayme v. Apostol; G:R. No. -v. Frenco, G,R. No. L~27786, Jah_uary-30; 1971). The
1.63609, November 27, 200~). · defense that the employer exercised due diliqerice in
the selection. arid supervision-of the' employee is hot
· Note: ft is' necessary to ~stablish: available herein. · ·
'a. · The employer-employee relationship: and .
b. That.Jhe 'employee was· acting ·within the Wh!;)r~. the security agency, ·as here, recruits, 'hires.
· 'scope o{ his assigne.d task· when the tort and- asslqns.the. work: ot it~ watchmen or-security
complained of ~as· co'.'1~itted (Car~. -Q~s. the a_genc_y_i~_.the e~pl~yer of SL!C~-?uards
Trevel and Tours lr1tf!rnat,on_al, l.nC.)I, AbeJa!•lLJ andi"~at..chrnen.. L1ab1hty. for :il_legal~ or har~!ol acts
G:R No. 179631, Febiuery 10, _2016)~.- . c"om!!11tte~b'.J! th_e_ security _g~ard~ attaches to. the .
. :· · · . ··· . ./~ -~~nJ.plof~r -ageney, and not to the clien ts or customers
.. Defense of Empto~er, · /,t'.. \.-:'.'.
·_. . . · of such 1afe~~YN~·_a'.:~ene_ral 'rule, a: client ~r- ..
· Wh~n the -~inp~o.yee .caus.~s da1age$J.~t?.!Jis~own~c.ust~~ ~~~- s1cur1ty agencY._ has _no. hand· in . · ..
. · n~g11gence;_ wh,1~. perforrninq. p~Q~_n.1dut_1ps. th%J
anses ·the Juris -tentum presumpt1em that
tfue ~
\~)ecting~w.n~ a~~he poo1 ~~(~ecunty -:g~ar:ds·-. or
watchmen em1:ifoye_d·b1, the aqency shallbe as~1gne·d
.. employer is negligent, r~butiable c!n1y b~ proof of ;,r{~ tp it; the J~ty to diliqence of a good father
observance of · the diligenc4 t"p·· ~ood f~tl'ieror !3ji' . of-afafij'ily in the selection ofth~ quards .cannot, in
_family. To · rebot . the presumpti~:)n of n~gligeodr;!\ -l'\ t~~r~imrry cm.irsfq"~vf~ts, be_ demanded from·the.

e"ri1pJ~yer, must prov~. tv-.;o· thin~s:J first,. ttfat i_~ n'a_~t~?~sli~rif·V'!~~se :~re_~isesf or prope;rt~ a~e _pretected by
.· E:!Xerc1sed · dµ:e· · - d1l1get1ce~1Q \· ttye?elecflon o :,.,..:_ -'th_e securlty;ouardf (Spo'-1ses Mamar(I. ys .. Boy Scout
employee~;·a·1'1~.se_c'ond/th~t afte~l'liri~g'1:?)~~
~-r.np_l?ye_r. .· h~d - ex~r.c1setiJ_ due
,n supeN,!s,~g,them. · . ·. \
51 .
. oyees~
1J ~en_c~~! ,~~,9./3). {}
_IL '~~
iJ) ..
J·· ·

· · .
:Bf ·J~nuary. ·14,
No .. )79382,
":'<· , · ·. . . · · · ·· : . :.
. . · ·:. · . . ·. ·
1_n· . o:~-er" tha:. _:.~ti(_.ovy~~r~·- -?t·.
-·cons,_d~re_d· c1s h~v1ng_. exerq?e_d_an._.d1l1g~ce
ve~i_c_1e mct~JJeIE}f\~;:/~~tr: :~~~f~~/-~:ti~!/~e~:f
o~-(IC.E)~---~ 'J;.__~ _. .-
'.~~i~. ·
. ·. _. . · : ·. , .. : · ,·
g_o?d fath~r. ?f a._fam1ly. he: stJ?~ld\not(5v~en-·~~E!f@~eyl!nsolvent; .·". ·• _··:. _ .
sa~t1~fi.ed w1_th-_t~e. mere. posse~sl?.n ~f a ~~~onal .). ,{ 1'.)mploy~e .wa:>· fonvicted · · of . the offerise
dn.Ver S ·. . hcense; .he ·. ·sho.uld'· , have. c·ar~Jully .1VJJ~~co~ittedin the discharge pf his'a_uties; and . ·
examin.~d.the·applic~nt for employm_ent as, to _his"~ • 3~Emp:ioyer 'is-.!;,ngaged, rn. any ,·l<ind~ o(ind'LJStFy ·.
qualifiq~tiqns, his .e.~p~rien~e and.::. req>1:d · of , · (Philippine R~'tibit 'aJs Lif)e$: 'inc.'-.;:- Pi§ople; G.R.
service. .. . .. '.· ---~.- . No..147703,~Aprif11, ~~O~!'- . - .
. Due.diligence in .the s~p~rv_is.ion of.e_mploye~s. oh-the . .S~ate .... · . . .· . .. . . . _ -.
-other hand;· includes.'the'·for:n,ulation of suitable ruies. _Gener~) rule:
. . ThefState:is . n'ot vic;ariously
. . ........ .
a_nd regulation_s for-the guidance, of. employees. and
. . . ;

the iss~ance·or proper ·instructions- i_ntended for the

prote9tioli of the' public. ·and persqns wit_h 'whom the
. Reason; It is basic constituiion;I rule .t.hat-tbe State: ..
cann'oi be ·su:ed without its· consent. consen't=ot. the- .
ejnployef. h~S '7elcition~ through-his or.
it~.'e'mploye1qs · · t~
· _· ·st_ate ·b~ sued.·can .be.1:1anJf~steq throL:Jgh:a i;pe:~1a1.'
a_nd. 'the impositfo'n of . ne_Cl?Ssary. dis1::iplinary law-: or. general Jaw allowing 'the St.ate to be sued
mea~ure's up9n:·employees in case. of-breai::h''.or.•as . (AQU_{iVO, _Torts. and qamages,· sup-ra_ at 68LJI,'
'niay-be'warra1"1ted fo.'ensur.e the p~rformance·ofacts.
indispensa'61e to the· b.usiness of. and beneficial to Exc·epti·on.S: · ""' · ..
their .em·p1oy~r. A 'ct~a1 . implementation·"· ~nd 1.· Spec_ial Agent -:- .o.n.e-sp·e9ifically -~~mimisqioned
monitoring oJ consist'ent.· with. said .rule's. .. tb ca.rry··o~t the .. ads complained of -outsidE:! ·of.
should be. ttie'.· constant· ·concern . o'f the· enip)oyer, . $\J_Ch ·,a_gef')t's regular dutie_s (Rep't)blic· Hon. .'!:
acting through dependable~·supetvisors.· 'who' sho'u.Jd. Palacio, G.R._ No: L-2~322; May.'29, 1968).
regular'ly report on theh',supe_rvist>ry fun~tions. (Reyes
v. D,9c~olei6;1 G:R. No; 1.85.597; ;.:ugust 2, 2p17).

. ' .
' '
m:t;;:%ff:&49iiii@Mf¥UU¥M:ffift'#1 ft#?% #%Mhl¢ @£aa:&#t'.#4i¢; :§f ¢;"#1.*!2- 1
·l¢\fWA1t & §f ft?4't&:#Mf; i • 3# t• 4$1
& '. !4¥Si)R'. ,1

The responsibility o(the ?late is limited by Article It : is not n~cessary' lhat the pefen~ant
1903 qf the Civil. Cqde 'to the case wher~in it ·under.Article _32 should- have acted with
acts .through a special agent (and a spec::ial agent malice or bad faith,· otherwise, it would
is on·e who rnceives a definite and fixed order or defeat .-its main purpose, which i~ the
C~mmission, foreign fo the-exercise.of the d~liE{S effe.ctive protecti.on · of individual. rights. It
of his offi'ce if he ii a speclal official)"so that in_- . ." suffices that" there. is '.a violation of the
r.epresentation of the state ·ah.d being boun5fto constiiu_tional ' of the plaintiff (Silahis
. act as an agent thereof,_. he executes the tri.J_st · · International Hole/, Inc. v. Soluta, G.R. No .
co.nfided.-to hjm. This concept _does not apply. to . 163_08_7, Febru.ary ?O, 20_D6). . ..
any. executive .agent who is an employee of the
actin'g · administration · arid who on· his· own ·.. The mere fad- that a p·ublic officei isJhe head ·
J~Sponsfoflity performs \he fuoctions Which are Of an agerrcy.:doe's not-neclc!_Ssarjly mean tha~
inherent in and. natur;:illy pertain to his office and . he is the party ultimately' liable in case of
which are regulate"d by law ancf the regulations . 'disallowanc;:e of expenses _for questionable .
: . (Merrit{ v: · Government of'the Philippine_ Islands,_-_ transactiot1s of his ag~ncy (A/6ert v. Gangan,
· G.R. No. 1·1154, March 21, 1910). · · · .G.R.
....· 126557, Mar"c;h 6, 2001).
2. Governme.nt .. ovJned .. and Controlled · .' 3. .
Judg;s ·.:"".not li_atir;
for damag~s 'for. errors in_ .
Corp.o'rations - ,Not all: goverpme'nf en.titi~s. . .. '. deciding' case·s .(Barrosq f!.rche, AC. NQ. 216- v.
whether corporate-or nqn~corporate, t:fre-immune· .. : . CF(September 30, '1975). ·
.··from · s·uits. Immunity. rs determined by.j}11e :
. charac.ter of the objE:cts for which the entity, w~s ·Sc_hools, Tea~hers and Administrators · •
organiz~d (Philippine National Railways v. IA~C, '{hey are. liable for damages caus'ed by the pupils and
GR. No. 70547, January 22, 1993}-r:· stude"nts Q( appr~ntites in.their custopy, instruction or
sypervisiori, ~hether a_c::ademic.:. or nori~a~ade~ic .
(AC)UIM9, 'foits and Df!mages, supra at 630):_ .
Note: Arti~e 2,18. ·it. ihe.
f:amily' ·Code 'expressly
provides tpat the responsibility-and authority of. the
',school ..c:il}:a otf.ier ·P,(r~o.r:i~..e~ercising special-parental
.,. · authp~~~haTI _apRIY. !o,.al.L authorized ·.activities
··i..i~~flity of_ Other Public . .'e·6rp.g.rat!o~s ·. or wh~tlier insiae':oor,.0ill~ioe thepremises of the school: ·
Officers . . . ·. ., . . . . .. . : ~_ritity, _or ir.i~.ti1Y1io.n-(ld,:q,t 6"32). . · ·. ·'.. , ., .. · . . ··
a. Mlinlcipal_ Corporations • Prcivir;ices,cities ·. · . ·. , . ,
and municlpalities shall be lia.ole for tlie:de~ih · 'When·. an academic institution accepts students for
-, ' of,' or· injuries suffered, l)y. ~IT/ pebm·. by .. enrollmli1J1 there is establ_ish_id a contract between
. · reason of .the- defective cond1~n- of r~ds! Uiem'i"':"resulting: i~ bilateral obliqations' which.parties
. streets, bridqes.. public buildiqg\ _and other are -bound to comply with. For its· part,' the school
public .. work:s . under ··.. their ~1:>~I . ·o( : undertakes: \ci· provide the student with ar:i; education ·
·- _ supervision·(C/VlL_ CODE,=Arf.' 2:189). . thatwould 'presumablysuffice- toequip him with the
. - .. --· .. ', . . . '.- ' .. necessary toolsand skillsto pursue· high_er' education.
b .. 'Public Officers s- A'public officer is by law. or a· .. profession.. On the·' otherjiand.: the. student
. not immune from darnaqes ·_-in his/li~r'" . covenants .to'_ abid!:! ... by:.·_the-,_scho_ol's·· academic
per~onal' capacity for acts done· in bad faith .. · re·quirerpents and· observe its· rules. and regulations·
, ~hich,iibeing· outsiqe · the . ·'pe,~.of. . his . , · · (Rhil/ppine Sqhool of-Business. Adm,nistfatiori v. CA,.
aLitho(ity, ~te.'ria· longer _prot_!:?tt~d: by:. the . G:R. No. 84698,'•f=ebruar.y 4; 1992; St. Luk.e's Coll~ge·
~ . ·.. mantle . of immunity. for .. ·. official . actions· · ·· of Medicine-William· H.: Quashii Memorial Foundation
(Vinzons: ,~ Chato· 'v. · FoJu-;;e Tobacco . \I. ·spouses Perez,. G:R, f:t.o.-2227 40,- September 28,
. Corpor§Jtion;. GR. No, -14.1309,' June 19, · ·: 2016). ·. ·
. -2007J". . .. I..... . ,: :_:. . .. ' '"

.. . -. - · . ,.Statutory ·Basis· of Li~bJHty:··~

Article 32 of the-Civir Code spe~ifies iri clear 1 .. · Article.,~19 ·of th_e Fa'tjlily applies if the _
... · . an~hm,equivocal .terms particular spede of .. student fa cl mirier. . .. . .. ' . . .. - . .
. an "act". that may give rise to· an action for ' . r •
. damages against a 'public officer, arid that·is, . P~rsohs Liabl~: .
. a tort for impairment .0f rights and liberties · . a. Schoo!; admini:;;trc1tors, te·a_chers or
. (Vinzons . - .. Chalo. ,v.- Fortune Tobacco individual;. institution engag·~chn child care·
Corporation; G.R. No. 14i30.9, ·. June 19, -(e:g. Day.' care· center) -'. principally arid .
2007).' · · · . solidarily Hable. ·

.. ·..



Note: Proof. of exercise bf proper diligence student _privilege, the responsibility of the school
required under the particular circumstances authorities 'over the student 'coritinues. Indeed, even
may be a defense. if the student should be doing nothing more ·than.
: > • relaxing in th'e . campus in the. company of his
.. _. b. Parents . and those exercising substitute classmates and friends and enjoying the ambience
parental .. authority - subsidiarily · liable and' atmosphere of the school, lie· is still within the
(FAMILY CODE;, Art~-2-19). . .: .. custody- and subject to the discipline -of the school
Art, 2180 ~f \he- Ci\,'il " ~- applies even if authorities under the provisions .·of Article 2180
2. . . (Amadora v. CA, G.R. No. L.~47745, April 15, 1988).
student is NO'longer a minor ·(AQUINO; Torts and . . · . ' · ·
Damages, ·suprc1 at 635/ " .: · . . .' Rule on Acts Committed Outside School.
Persons llable;" · ·" There are instances where the school might be called
a. T~acher~ or ·heads ·0f eslabllshrnentsof .. arts upon. lo' exercise its power over its. student for· ads
ano trades -:- liable for· damages· caused by· committed outside the school premises and beyond
their ~tud,ents Sb 'fong 'as tfrey re.rnain in their school hours in the followlnq: .
· custody. ·-- ·.. · · ·. · ·1. In . cases · of violation or school policies or
b: B y way · , o f-exc::ep
· · on 1 y th e_ h ea d of th e·.
t·.1qn, -11 ·1s regulations· oc·curring
. . in '. connection
. . . .with. school.
ol ~wno· :is liable "where" th.e"· iniuf

u4\/'y i1;t,,~.~nt:PL~~;~~tf;~t~';o;r;g;i)s
is sponsored activtty off~c~~pus, or , · . ' :. , ·
· s9 o · ·d· . · : . . h. ·f : . · , dJ d
t 2. In cases where· the· misconduct of the ·student
·· cause . in a sc oo 1· o ar 1·s an 1 ra e. . . ·=: · . d . ff 'th
(Ama.dorav. CA- ·G.R. 'No. D47745,Jtrij 15 Jr +n.v0Jves his :~talus as. a- stu ent or a ects _ .e

3. A,!!;~8%3,of }.he ~e,;se:~•.~,~~h~ 0

subsidiary liability' of the emplo~f: unckr- Article -A t

. ,f6.2, 'shall
· ~ommi e
.also -~pply. !6.: te1:(cher9)for f~I~
····tr d b fh ·
Y, ei: pupi _si
·1 ;:/J;;Ji•:.,'"/
The P.hrase !'~o Ion~· as. (tlie students) emain in
·""11(. ·.
r . .
j~, c u~ I 0 t. ~0~\ . .. __ xemp . rom. la I I y .
JW 'l!i.. Tb,e minor, ward, employee, special. 9gent,. pupil,
L ·• -:#'~ s16derit· lnd a\~~tice who actually com.milted the
· NOT-E · t'f

delictual.-'a.cts anf fgt exempted by the law from

L' bTt

th~ir ~ust~dy" ~e'ans the ·pi~~~, 9 an ),~Pe.~s?,ry__ jl ,?e!s<;,.nar~es~on\ioili_ty, ~h_e_y ~ay be -~ued_ ancf ll)ade
cust9dy that the s.chool _9n~ 1tfhe,,.ads and .t.~a~~~r9.'r-\ J! i.:.t~i_.~)e ~lo.~e as
W1~~ ~hf~ ICanO_L(S\.'.eS
·., • ..' e~er~ise _ov~_ r the ·p~pi!_~ ·a (ltth_e ' stude_nts ·as. l~ii~ll.W,7'f~~"exerc,
as tlie.y.:are· at .. a).!en?~~~-ei~the·~~cli~~cl1udin92.:-cJ~E LE©,8ifrso~s1af}~_E)amages.'.supr?J a_t
re·cess llroe. Nothing.1_n1the 1avr-rt9i~es~J:\l0{.St,JCR11· .µ1,) :
1 . s

'ffi? ., J.>f::J
:d' . t he· i 1l1ge~cr.

. . . ..
3~~r .
of a g~od· fat_her,,of a ,farrnly

.: . . .
liabi_lit~ t~ altach, -t~e ·pupil~ro.itfeaso(m~~~l}.'.~antQ~ "t~~:~t~r,7.~.leSJ?.O~~l?I~~~ O~ V1~~-fl~~:· O~ll~or.: ..
bo_ar~.'- i~ th_e schqol (SpousJs Palis~-c v.. Bri}l'ii'irices;···· . ;'ji! C!J1~l~J1ty .. ~I~~ _v1~fl! 1ou_~ ob~~~~1 1")~~1n1a.~y.. an.~I · .....
G:R.,Nq, _L~29025,· Gcto~(!r.4,' 197.1).· . \~"'-- r ~ai~cr(-'~O-~_su~~1.d1WY:: !~IS' res_pons1~1hty. IS . not ..
" ·· : .· '··. · :. :-··· .··. - '· . ·· : <....._~p~9Joned".'µpon·;re insolvency or pno_r. recourse
. While_.-the: custbay r~qu_ire'meri~ 'do~s ..;no}}.mear.i ·th'~JE~-~~nsi,tfe~n~ljgenf -tqrtfeasor (De Leon' Br,9keiage
the student_~ .rr:_iust· ·be . ~oardin~ 1.w1th~Q§)/~cfiool~€o~f\1'\9~,W"R .. No. L-~152~7~ February,_ 28, 1962).
~~tt:i_orili!:_~_; it doe!3 sigriify ._that the s~u'd'e_rl~I1_0.~li-1?e MtA.. \_~ ~¥'
w1th1n _·th~ · -~?n\(ol ·and· un~E?r: _t~~" influe.~c.e~O~P-~rso_ns.Y•c.anou_sty lia,ble · · . ·.
,.· : :.· :. : ' .: . · · . - · _. . _·

· ~c::h·ool authoripes:at. th.e,tim,e:of,the o~~~rre1:1ce.of Iii~· , 1. _ lnnkeejier.s ·ar,d 1:1<:>te_lkeepers· . ··- . ·
jnjlir'i/ T.his-- does·' not necessarily' mean that .$Lich, , Civil Liability ·...:: F:cit crimes· cciminitte_d in their :·
. custody ,be·. ci.citerrr.iinou~.:'.. with':· the;, :sem.ester; ... ·, ·:; . esiablishm_iin'ts:in c~se_ota violation of m~nidpal .
beginni,Qg wjth ttie sta.~t·o(claS$es and E:P.ding \ipon· . qrdir;i1:!nces' ·of sprrje _gener~ll° :91: :~pecial(p9lice ;_
the' dose :thEfo=iof,: and· exclodjng, the,·tin;ie 'before qr regulat_iori'c;orhmitted by them .or their. emplo,yee.s, ·
. after sucfr.oi;:>eriod;-such"cis' the ...pei:iod::bf.or:egistratiori/ ifi; default 'o(pers'ons crimina.lly~Jiable' (REVISED .
and-:in'.· itie 'case<of grad~ating' s.tudents>tne 'per1od . . .. ;. PENAL: CODE, A'rt. :1.62).°; '
befor~-·the· .cqmn:,~nt'ement 'exe.rcisef I~ the·yie""'._ ci'f( . . .
, th·e C0urt, the stud~nt is in the .~ustody of the. school ·· . /. Su~sii;lit.fry° L.iabi(ity'- for t~e r.estitu!jon. of go~ds-
. authorities as long ·.as he is· .under- the· control arid ·.·-' · . tak~i, by ropbery .br th.eft within- their-:h6.uses from .
. inJluence··a·f· the schhoL'~1rid wfthin .iti· premises, -~ QLi°ests 'lociging .therein,• or ·for p~ymenf Of the
. wh'etlj~r· th~ - seme~t~r ::t1.a!5. [\Ot-Aye_t. t;>eg1.i'nJ:>r 'ha? . . .. value .ther~of,- ,provi9e''d .'that: . .. ~' · .. ~· ·. .:
.( al~eady engE:.d (/Jm?Jdor.a,.-v. CA, ·G:R . .No: ,L,47>-7_45, .. a .. · or !ti~ perscin·_;repr.esenting .
-Apri{1.!j, 1988). - . . .~im vyas"n·otifi~91i[1.pdyance of tne d!;lp_osit of.
.. •. . '·' .. ' . . such goods,within !tie· inn{·ahd - . ' ...
·As long as it cari be sho.wfi .. ~!~P!3nl is ir:i the·' b. ·: The glle$t·has_toil_owed . the 91rectiorn~ which··
sct,ocii .pr~rj,ises i.n p)..frsµ~Jwe .of-.:a. legititnate :3tude~t .. : . such innkeej:>er or. his representative. may
objec:Ov~.,.'in th~ exerc;;ise· of a· 1egitim9te.sti.Jdent-right, . . , . have '·given witti. respect-' to~.tb~· ·2are ,a.nd.
and ·evert .. in· the enjoyn)!')nt· 9f:· a·~leg_itimat~. student vigilance over the,goods (fl,QUINO, Torts and··
right, :_,and· even iri the. enjoyrne;nt· ·of ·a · 1egitimate Damages,. supra_at 6.81), . .


t ?:$ $e ;u:,:y, #fti e+fytif::ttt' £\tS' ' ~ ·t'2_ :;y:zm; 2 _6tlt\ £? uu: •,:±. : .• e 4,. :.e r ,;;S:Hffi51. i ·!2@-'S RtM.·f 4 54Ulrll!ifl''m~~
,. (
2. ·. Partnership : . · The .driv.ei- was.' ·found The driver is disputably
· . · Vicarious liability is similar to. the common law gLJilty of recJ<IE;,SS drivinqor presumed· negligent.
.: rule on _respondeat superior (Id.· at 6.82). . . . violating traffic.regolatiqns
. { .at · least twice: within the· . \,
· Liability is-entirely imputed, and the partnership next precedinq, two ,·
cannot obviously invoke d_iligence in the selection- months ·!5ef-9re the
··and.?upervisi~n of the partner' (Id.). - occident: .
- -
·-rest of Li.ability··· . , . . . .- The owner. was not in the Article.2180 applies.
. . Whether· the. wrong was. committed· in· behalf of motor vehicle at the time x,
- .. -
. th,e paffrer?tiip and within "fhe reasonable scope of the accident.
of its business, and jf so, the partners are all liable·. ..
as joih.t'tbrtfeasO!'_S (Id.) . . . .· . (CIVIL CODE, Art.' 2.184).
~ . . ·. . . .. ~ . - . .
3. Spouses--:- _ -~ . -Note: It refer.s 10· ownerS··Of/vehicles who··are not·
··a .. · Abscilute· comiylt:i°nity of property. · . ·includ~d in the terms of Artic1e21 sci as :·owners of an
· It is answerable· for liabilities incurred· b'y. _establish'ni~nt or ehterpris~ .. " It is· inter.ided,. to cover
-~ilhe"r" spouse- by r.easo.n· of 'crime:' or quasi" owners'of vehicles for private use· (DELEON, Torts
. dJlicl in: case of -~bsence: or. i~sufficier.icy·
0 of and Damages;-supra at 404X, · · · · · -·
,..,.the exdusive prope.rty of the debtor~spouse ..
· 'Paymenls 'considl:ired ··as· ~dvanc~s · fo11'b~ _There is 9 rebt.ittable · presum.ption that a d"river of -a
deducted from t~~ share of. the. debtor- . motor vehicl_e has )Jeeri'" negligent if at'the time of the(
. spouse upon liquidation: .of· the commoqily · . mishap, he.was ·violating any fraffic··regulation (CIVIL
,, "t. ... · (Ff.:,MIL Y G_OOE, Art .. 94,par. 9). . .COPE, Art: 2185) .. ' · .. ·· , .. ·.. ·. . c•

· Sµqmissi0n"'.'."0f .. Compulsory !hird Party Liability.:.,

lns~rance (q.~Ff
I) i~. a prerequisite to registration of
all. motor· vehicles. ·Apparently, -the-purpose of this
requjreme,!]'t- it t9 :, for, ,,damages to. third
persons (y;lVli.C0DE, ArJ.. 2186}::· ·,.. : -; ·
. . ,·./, ·.1 . \ :·
f{eg1stered~Q»'1.1arJ~ul~· ..
1. ·. Li~ility . , .. · ··-· · : . ' .... ·.
The ·regisJer·e,cl . own.~F of a y~ehic,le is.· prlri)arily
____ ,..resp6nsibl.e. to.thepublic Ior whatever. damage or .
inj1:1ry- the vehicle rnay. 'cause .' even 1(he' had
""'"_._.;...._alre..a.dy~61d. it to someone el~e (Erezo i(. jepte:
. ,·· G.R, No: f-96Qfj, ,Septernb_er_:30; 1957). ·..
. . ·. ,. '. .!; · ... ,1· .·. -.. · , "~. ··. . : .
. Wher.e the registered;owrier "is allowed .to 'evade
. '} .- . . ni~pon$,i_bili_ty PY _p:r9\iing,. who. t_he. · ~;uppos~.9
, transferee o~· owner ·is, it wo_ul9 be. e;:isy_.fpr·him,
· c. Sepa_rau'on qf Property Re~i-me · :. . ~(co!lu~ioh With others or. ottierwise; to· esca_pe
, _ . . Each ." s·pous~ '. is •. resp_p~sible-~ for· -
his/her' . said r~sponsibility~ ~y transJerjing th$ sarry~ to an·
.. · - .. ·sepa.ra~e. obligation· (Id.). .. ·. · . . .· ·· · · ' · ., indefinjte,p~r~on::.who posses~es no prqperty with .
-, . . ·which· to r.e.sponcf f1n.~1Jciii1y far. tl1e: 'dairjage.·or ·
. inju~y- c;lc>"ne. The· _' b~b-ind ~ t~e: vehicle_· .
regis,tration :1s the easy.identifkation of tne ciwner.
'·~·r··.t····_,,",, · .... ·.:..
... who can .b.e 'held case of accident,
·. ·. ' damage ()~ injurY, caus.eq: oy .the vi_hicl~. so as n'ot
The :-P~oer _:1~ (ns\de ~ the: The o~ner. ·fs ·soJid~dly . '- to i_nconve_ni~nce or pr_ejudjt~ a third. party injUfE;JP
·· .vel)ic;I~ .at the ti111e of-:the. liable with his driveri> ... by 9'ne whos_e .. id~ntity ccinnot · be, secur'ed
. ·ac¢ident. He could have;- . . : ·. _. ~- . .
· (Ca_diente.v .. Mcjcas, G.R: No: 161946, November
by" the .use of diligence, .Ratio:.The owner-'s' own · 14, 2008).. . . . ·':. : ., .
pr~ve(i~_ed th~ misfqr1_un~_ omisi,ion js a.'cdricurrir:ig
'b.ut.. ,·did . not . do i,o pr_oxir.nate ·cause .of the Ndte.: It" is. irii.perative to. ap· ... the: regi~t~;el
·(flNEDA, .. T_6rts . . · and injury. ' · . owner rule·· .in' a ·manner.ln~t-- harmonizes it with
. D.ainages, svpra:at 126). ' . Ar.tides i176 ,an.ct i188 of the ·Civii..Code. k~les
ITJUSt be. construed·: in . a manher that ·will
. . harmonize.
. .
them . ·with. other
rules' so
as to form
•'. . .

-. . -
~t3V*4@ St· 4i4biiSfW5@i.J'ii4 ·,' •a:~::t'5fttfS:§Nffii¥ !frri> ff_ Jt! PM?@ =iU'z. ti!!& ,M&F e@@;;, ;e-,3 i }t§·tW ;.s;c;2:;4,g

uniform and. consistent system of jurisprudence. relatio_nship. between the driver .and· the present
In lig~t ofthis,. the w9rds used in Del Carmen are owner-buyer-l'essee (w_ho. is· deemed the registered
·particularly notable. Th.ere, this court stated that. owner) and'the"driv!:)r.must have caused the injury .in
Articl.e · 2180 "should def$r ~o" the registered- the performance of his functions (AQUJNO, Torts and
. owner rule. It never stated that' Article 2·130 · Daf11ages, supra. at 67.1).
.. " .
should·be totally abandoned (Caravan Travel and
Toujs lnterna'tional, -inc. V. Abejar,. G.R. - 'No. ·. Ciyil Liability of Registered Owner
170631, February 10, 2016),
.-· .
Therefore, the appropriate approach is that in 'If ··._the . a_g.gri~ved
· party lfihe .cprriplainant see~s
cases where both the registered-owner rule 'and' seeks refief based on a relief based on· a quasi-
f\rticl(;),2180 apply, the plaintiff must first establish -. delict or crime . under delict under Articlt?s· 2176
that.the employer is the registered owner of the . AJjicles 100.and--103-of and 2180 of Civil Cod(;).
vehicle . jn · question: Once 'the 'plaintlff the Revised Penal·Code: ·'·
successfully proves -ownership, there arises a
. disputable presumption 'that the requirements. of .
Article · 21'80 · have been proven. ·As a Note; Even if a_ sale has been executed before a·
·.. _ ... consequence, ·:the· burden ·of proof· shifts to the -- .tor.:tu_ous incrde~t. the .. s·.a1e,; i(.:unregist~r~d. has n_o
.. defendant to _show that no .. liability under A~,>a ef!:ct as to ?f the public and third-per~ons_.~o
2.180 . has arisen · (Caravan Travel ~d Tour~. r,~ct?:'.e~om the reg1s~ered own_~r .(PC/ Leesinq and

7 "Q r \- -r. ~v~"-

tnterrietionet, Inc; v, A,bejar, ·G.R. No. 1fi)631·, U1 · 1j1.1ancf;, Tfc;,,:: UCPB Gen.era/ Insurance, Inc., (!.R ..
F~b(uary.10, .2016) .. _ ... ··· ~~08):.. :....
2. Leased via,ic_les. /~~::;''."'CuJRa. ©rimiti,al· ·::C\I'· . Cri,minal. Negli?ence (see
, · The regi~tered. ?wqe~ o[ aJry'3eh~.e-ven. if 11S3t lf' f?EVf.Sc_D P~NAl..ti€@0E, Art .. 365)_ . ·
.,, for · public .servrce, rs Pjlmanlyf'lial:>IJ to th1ra ff;;-l _ '.];[ . \. 'fr: \
l . persons for deaths, injurts, and~ama~es that it;(}\_.,, Eleme_ntt (~-V~~f~ \ ,. .· .. · , ·.
caused. The rule applies~enl\f the \venicleis""~1. 1-.-=r-t:ie-~f(ender ~oe§. ~r fails to do an act;
leased to third persons 7fif;{:f;intinceC01pqra'l[b'n"A 1· 1 :.;2',1i.!:he ~bing or\t~~~s1:l~~re to _do !he ac~ is .Yol'u_ntary; · ·
v, 'CA; G.R.· No. 94566, ~ulx; 3,. 1992)..
.: . . . . - --\~ . ~ .
· ~,~:' ,...,~1JM.The~:t· f
or b~lf~ on e without __ mal!ce;_ ·
~&IJ~~-.··.-~a!f}Jf};)~~r;ra~e]/r:esul_ts .fron:i · the. re~kless

3. Stolen Veh_icles () · . .,:,,: -, · · " ·. . . 1mp~;J_~e;k911~ . . .· .

,. · _Howev_er,-th~·registere_a e'n~r is not l~~~w~eltTI J~11,.,9j,~,-JS,mix~usqbJe Tay~ of_ ,Ere~aut1on .on _the_
an aCCJd~nt wa·s cause_(:! By the person ~;ti"&i~~e], ~ . . a{\?f
. th~l.'offen_d~l, cqns1denl")g .t:us ~rnployme_nt
' jt (buavit v. G_A,"G.R No. 8'2318, ''ltay 18,. t B ~- - · . <'\'.i.,.9~~1:1j~tio~. _cf,.gree · ?f ifltellig~n.ce,. physi:cal
. .. . · . ~-:' ., ·(Sic· . . . -fS§<?J1d)M,-On· :3_r.1d Othe_,:1 CJrCumst;mces· .r_eg!3rd1ng
_ 4. !{abit Syste_m' · , _·,.. · _ .T~ IENt\
. p~on:h,t~~ln_d.pla~e ,(Cruz v. ~A, G:R .. No.
· · .Tt:ie. "registered 'owner"~ rule. is ap~lic~e:, - Th~\~i4<1?l_N,,9,vember1.8, 1.997;- .Semi. v. · People;
·.. r~gis~~r1~ owner wh? _is _s~~ght' t~ beli~.J_i ~?r M'· /\J..~·,,.}Jj/1929-11,·January-11, 2016). .
· .. quas1-dehct.~a.nnot be allowed_ to prove tn~~al.. D-~: . · . . · - . . · · . . -. . .·
.' opefator-·of the· ·vehicle· involved in· the· acci8en~ulpa Gontrac~ual or Gontracfoal_Negligerice· (see

G,_R No:
(~im_-v: CA,
.- . .
12?8.17,' 16, ·2002/.
·~ .
CfVf.L SODf,Art:r 1170 tp 1:174).'. · ··
.- Recours·e ofthe-.Re~istered Owner · • · ·. ~ · .. . ·.·:.those _w_h9', in \i~:
peif~~~,;;~·c.e~~-f ~t,eir ;;,~Jigation·s ·
. l'he. liability to his righ(o.f recburse'· . are gu1[y of. fraud,. neg[1g~oce pr delay; 9nd those
the drat,sfere.e -'or:. b·uyer' .(AQUINO, . Torts.-. and . who' in a.oY manner contravene the te'nor·thereof. are·
Dariiages, -supr3: ai'6f35). .· ' . . · _ . . ,' . i'iabl~ for da_ni_age_s (~'tViL. COQE, Art/117'0}: · ·.- · .

· Not~:' Tbe ·policy ca~not be ;pp lied pla.intiff .is · ·N-~!~::jh~,. ·.ri~:i~.-.
Qf:. flOh:·-~oo.tra'c:t~al. ob(i~{at'ion~ . i?_._
. the person ~ho fa a·ll~geply invol\ied, in_ such ~ystem . br9ader ·,tlian that bf contractual. obligations·. it
(Lim v. CA, (;A; G._R. Ni;J. 125817,·Jahuaiy.16, 2002): cornpriiei· the_ whole ext~nt ·af 'jurfdical hu~an
. . . . . _ . . . fE)latior1s (Cangco v.
Manila Railroad Co:;- G.R:: No.
.Empl9yer-.E.mpl~ye·e Relation.~hip: · ··· . , - • 12'.91, O_ctober11, 19/8/_. :. : '. . - ·.•.
Th~ registered OWn!:?r .o.f the motor 'vehicle is . ,
~OJ"!~i_d_ered:as:_the .. empfoyer of the tcirtfoasor..:dr[yer, .,.-It is: s~ttl~d that iri .CUip~ c~ntra~tu'_al, the m_~r~ 'pmof·
arid .is_ made p'rir:na.rily liable for the' tort conin:iitted by ·of the existence of 1he co-ntract'.ind the failure of its·
\re ·1atte'r under Article 2176·, 'in relation-:with. Artlcle. com_pjiance justify, 'prim.a'fafie, a corresponding. ri£jht'
2180, of th!:) - Civil.· Code (Metro Manila.·: .Transit- · pf relief (Saludaga v. Far Eastern Univer#iy; 'GR: No .
. Corpciration v.. Cu'evas;···G.R. N<i 167797;~ June -15, . '179337, Aprit:30, ·2008);' '
2_01.5) .. There .. must-. be . ai:i_.": emplo'y~r-employ·ee
. I

,, .
. 80~- I 2019
4¥i&SN #f A 11¥


Defenses i11 Negligence Cases: (FAV-P21C)

1. f.ortuitous event; · · '
2: ~ssumption of risk;
3. - yiolati9n of statute by the victim;
4. -.Er~scription;
5. _Ela1ntiff's own neqliqence.: _. Doctrine of Contribl;Jtory ~egligence
If the negligence of the- plaintiff cooperated_ with the
.6. - . Involuntariness; . ... ,
7. _Q_ontribl!_tory negligence (AQ-UINO, Torts ettd - negligence of the' defen'darit in bringing about "the
Damages, supre §1(262-299). · _ accident causing' the. injury cory,plained of, such
negligenc~ of the plaintiff.would be an abs_olute bar to
recovery.'lf the .neglige·nce of the plaintiff. was merely
Kinds· of Defenses: :'. .
1. Complete· . - completely. bars' recovery (i.e .. . contributory to his injury, .. the. immediate ~rid
Plaintiff'.s own .neqliqence as· theimmediate and proxi.mate cause of the accident causing. the injury
·being the defendant'~ negligence, s_uch'. neglige:n·ce,
proximate cause he cannot recover damages) .. ·
2. .Partial .:.._· mitigates 'liability. (i.e._ 'Contributory would ·.not be. a bar to recovery, but· .the. amount
. recoverable sh.alLbe mitigated by the. court.(Phoenix , ·
.. n·egligen~e)_·(/Q'~ at 262)_. ·.·. ·
. -~-. .Construction v. /AC, .G:F{ No. L-65295, March. 10,
1987); .. . ' · .· ·· .. ·. · :~' ·
Principle of Demnum A~sque lijjuria · v, -
There can - be damage w(thout· injury in those
Contributory N~glige_~ce. . _ ;• . ,, , ,_
instances irl"which·the. loss· or harm was· not the result
of a violation of 'leqal duty. ( Sps; .. Custodio v. CA, _
Contributory negligence is conduct .on the part of the
· injLJred. party;' contributing as_"a .·legal ~ause to .'the
·G.-R. fio. 11_6.100; i=e~ru?ry 9, · 1996)~ .' · ha.rm.he has suffered, which'falls.below the.standard .
to which·'he. is _:required to cohform for- _his own
In e~ery -situatlon . of·
damnurri:.. absque . injwria,
·proteiction (SP.blises Vergara·· v: · Spouses· Sonkin,
therefore., the injured person alone bears_ t!J_e
G.R. No_ 1ft.,,3,659;_.:June;.}5,-2(J15)..· . · '
consequences. because .
the .law. affords no,remedyfor...-
.. ·" ·
damages resulting from an act that does not amount Tt)er~ is contrib~ory n~-gligenc~ .wheh ~h.e pa.rty's·~ct_.
. 'to a legal injury. or wrong (Sppuses Ca1bone'11;v r: show.ed lad of: 9 · diiiary care arid J9resight th~t su~h
.Met:OP~_IJ!an _Barik- i:in·d Trust Cb;P-,f°N_o, 178467,
Apnl 26,-_.20.17) .. _ . .-< . ~ . _ 4'.
. a~t could .ca_u~e ~i:i:i- harm sir' ~ur-.his_ life_ in danger. .·;
·(Estacior/.v._ Bernardo; G.R No. '144723, Fepruary ·
-27 2006),:
,.. .. ' - . - · . · .. . . . -.. .: . . . . . · . · ·
IQ Custodio v. CJ:I, ~~~
Go~rt r,~ite@ted _the.--
. mere fact that the plaintiff suffe ed losses does not. . A collecting guilty ot contrib~tory ne.g1ig~11ce
giv.e :ris~. toa right to recov~r:d~i_ml3'g~.f'~0\warri~t when it: a·cc~pte~ .'for :·d~posit ·:a 'post-dated ctieck:
the. recovery' of damages; there. musJ be .~oth a ·right notwithstanding tnat- said.' check had been· cleared b,y
.. . .ofactionfor a legal wrong inf!icted by lne,..gefendant., t~_e· .ar.a~e:> ba'nk. wfiicli .fai)ed to-. returri.··u,~. ch~c;k
and darnaqe resulting .. lo the . 'plaintitf.-therefrq'm. : w1t~in the 24-hour_ .r~gle_m.entary peno~- (Allied
w.rong_ without. damaqe.ror d~m~g~- "':'ith'o_utfrr,on~, . B_anking Corporation· · v. . ..B.ank: c}f.. ·t_he. Ph(!if1pine
, .. does.riot constitute a cause of !3Ct1on,··s1rc~- dalrrages islands, G.r:
. :No. 188363,.
.. 27,.-2013).
. . . ·:
are merely 'part ofthe 'remedy a_llowed fo( the injury .
-caused 'by.a breach 'or wrong ·(sps. Custodio. v. CA; Th~· und~ri9.lng ·p;~·2epfori coiitr.ib~fo~ .. ~e~;i~ehce ·is
G.R:'Nq. 116100,' February 9, '1996). · ·' .. that a pl~intiff who is Rartly° 'responsjble fo'r. his ovyn
injury·shoLtld. not be enti\led to recover damag·es in
, Injury V.:- Damage v. Damages . full but must bear. !_he con§equei:,ces. of his .. '.own
. •"":·~· -, . • • ' .:; • , I ,., ~ • negligence. Tlie defeii'dant ·riiust lhe'refore :'be h·eld
'licible _only.for !tf.e'damages'·ac_tually caused.·by his
negligerice-.(Spouses Vergara v, Spouses: Sookin,
1(1egai': IC>SS, . The Th~:recompense or ; G.R. No. 193659; June, 15,'2015). ':., · ·' . ::., '
invasion . hurt, o'i> . .": comp~__nsation awarded for
pf a legal . .harrn which the damage suffered :· , l_n ivta-ao Sug_af ce'ntra[ _Co., Inc:: J:.
'CA, the Goui:t
right·::. results- - : :(Custodio v. CA, G.R. Nb. ruled th~( the:·pelltioner' coo,pany ¢an11of excuse i'tself
. - -from the 11.6100, February_:9; 1996; from its failure. fo · .properly· maint~in - the= \A!ires ·by
injury . _: D'e.Peralta v. Philippine .. aUributing the victfrr;'_ The re·~ponsi~ility. -
Commercial International of maintaining the rails-for the purpose of -preventing.
Bank, G:l~-:No: 184440 derail~entaccidents q_elonge.d. to:u,e c6mpc1ny: The
(No(/ce/ July 3, 2017). company _should .. _not' have been neglige1;1t . in
_, ... .
. ascertaining th~t ttie.·rails were fully -~ohne~ted tha·n·
to wait until a ·life was lost due to an -accident (Ma-ao
.. Sugar. Central .Co., Inc .. v. CA, · G.R. No. 83491, ..

Augu_st 27,· 199_0).


. .


' . ,' . . .

' .
The defense of contrib1,1tory rie.gligence does ·n.ot different rule. The effect would de8,elid on whether·
apply. in criminal casEls committed through reckless the vici_latio"n is:· · · . ·
il"l'.)pi'udence, since· one cannot allege the negligence 1. Meirelicon"tributory negliger:ice -. partial def ens~; evade the effects of his own neglig!;lnce ·2 .. The proximate,

of-·. the . loss ·- complete
l .
·(Manzanares I(. _.Peop(e, GR·. Nos. 153Z60-61, defense; or . . . _.,
October 12, 2006), · · 3. Neitheri c·ontributory nor the proximate. cause of
• t.. · .. '

th~ loss·- prnof of causation required (AGUINO,

Th·e -fact that a ·"p.racticaf joke" is, the cause of an supra at 278-279). · ·
injurrdoes'not excuse the perpetrator frorh iiab1lity in
damages for· injury sustained (52 A.M. .Jur., · Torts,. Note: Contributory negligence Js conduct on the part
Sec. 9pJ; ·.. · of- the ihjurea party, contrlbutinq as a regal cause 'to .
· the harm he has .suftered. which falls. b.elow the
"Horseplay'". ·. _ standard· to which he- is required to conform for his·
When one 'does an act which proves injurious to own .protection. To- ·.hold- a:-,person as-,·hayir:,g
another, ~i'ri action in"·to~· arises for the injured person. . contributed to his injuries, it-must be· shown that ·he
althouqh the· act was done without rrialide .and no performed an act ·that brought-about .his injuries -in ·
in1ury was interia$d (Makovicka Lukes, 153:N. W.2d v: disr~gai-d qf warn_iog "or.sim1i of an imp~["!ding:danger ..
. · 733 (1967)). -. · ,, . . to healthand bodyr-To provecontributory negligence,

0?~_1,r:}n~ _or_c9mp~rative N~glig_~_n.ce .

Th:e :el?t1ve: deqree 0~ _ ~egl1gen~e, of ~he p_at!ltS IS

cons1?ered m det~rn:1n_ing~ whether~ncl'\tg. _wha.t~negiig~nce rs, cijon~nbutixy

: . , ~I ne,c~_ssaryJo' establish a causal link, although .
A . ·.-. n·~t gr~~imate_, bet~e~n. the .neqliqence ofthe: party
i._nd( twe')~cceec;J1~g ·!nJWYi ln. a ~e~al ~ens.e~ . ·
only when 1~ .c~ntr!l:Jutes .

r, ,
dewee·,- .·. either. ;-s~ould
n_eg(ig~nc~ (apportionment :of ~{.m"'a~ps

be resjfur:1siblp,ijo~s

Torts a_nd-D~ma'ge~, supra.at_26,¥J;~ l( _

. 1 · :~. . r. ·.·,D). ·
The rules involve.apportionnjent of damages. Under/:';.~ Fortuitous Eve f(€1so FoHuito)-
1f' I
: pro_x1,:n_ate1i1t,il\e injury, and not simply a· condition
· (AQ_UIN_f!., - sl :for•it~~~_urr~~c·e !>i&e/a 'Cruz_ v. Octaviano, G.R. No. -
l.: 2_4,~649,\Ju~-2~,r,17).__ :
~ \ . ,.., \
· .',
. .
. ..

. , · · : _-
. •. •
., ..


-tre "pure" l~P.!3 "q( c~_mplr~tive 'negli~In~ce';"7"tn~7\n . eventJ_v;;hicH ~uTd ~ii.qt. be foresee_n, or "which
.p"laint_i_ff~ co~t_ributory ·~¢gl_ig~npe·d!e~··~6t W.P.e~t~}~'\ j;jj; t~tn'~·gh. f?rese~n-. ~~t·ne.vitable {CIVIL ,CQDE, Ar(.
b~r _h_i.$ _cec~~ery-?lt?g~_ther ~-~t d.des serye ~Q r~d~c~~Sfu7JiJJ1·Z4).
. :h1s·dam_.~ge 1n ~roport1on lofl~cf~ltJ!? ~' .. 6'.267)~';::)--c:'IJ .
,h.JR?2.· . _ ·. . J· · .·
t._ . _:
. _
·. . · _. · : -
• ·.• · ...
· ·. .- . . ·. \-.r ()\'- .. _\~ · ·)'ffi UGene2yffe.Je. ~ , . . . 0
·< \~ _ ~

J, \. -... 1.0)P~!e~ C~n!(Jbut_~~}': N_eg!iJ!~n~e\ ~1t!ti~'.J,;0,plete aefen_~.;.-.a~d-a_.P~rson ·i~·_not-liable-i_f · ·-·.

Ne_g!1ge!1ce_:1p_1~puted 1f _ttt~raGtor 1s:<;f.1fferen s:f5o . e • . "-~ /~~- of/1h_.e :d~!J"l.age was,,a. "_fortuitous. event .
· .. ·:·.~. ·P,_e~pn,_w~o);i·.~~i~g m,~PE:,li?ble_(ldLa~?·7!L ·::- -;~V.tu1<DDE,:l\7t1:17.4}:·._ · · . · '· ' . · · · · .. .-
·,. ·.." .·. .Si,nc_e-a;master- rnatbe hel~ftcK~is servant's Wl'.~Q'gf1,1lr -,· -r\~;_)-· /' . . . · . - -~,. - ' . · .. :. . . . . . : - ..
· ~- ,9Ct,;l~e_la~ .. in1pµt_es,"e. ma'~ter -~he;~ct~tl:re,EN_R'~c.epti9ti:~ .· .. ,··; -~··· · · .. : '·:. ., ... -.:

:s~0(~A,~ and,_if (ha!. ~ct._ i~. n~;1lig~ri.t ~r ..wi£.9,f~I ~.Dd-f!..~,.f!ta\l~efe~e
. pro:e.1mat.~ly. .re.s:uJts .!n". mJ~r.y. to a. t_h1;§~gerso.6[the M - ..
~~~9r~ou,~ ey.ent .1s not the -sole .ca~se of}he · ·.
neglig_enc_~ or wrongful 'conduct is the:·n~ghgeUfLOr l. v..J..,mjery_..ancHhel." ~ourts:' ma_y mitigate the damage i(thef
. · ·· ..: -: . . . .· . · · . :- .

wr.9"~gfu[Bondµ~t"~~t~i:. for. whieh"re)~ l~~lts's wciulq ~ave rns'ultep fn· any ~\ie~t (C(~IL c9~E,
(PfJ1/. ·Gomrr·f1r.c1aUnternat1on·a1 Bank .v. CA, G.RJNQ. ·: Art. 22.15). ·· •. : 1" !
121413, Jan'uar,y 29; .2001).·- · ·: . ·:. . : .· · · -· ~ · . '. .,
. . ,._.. . ·_:. ' ·, . , ~;seri~ial ci;:aract~r:istl~S~·.(C°t)FI). ·. ,_.· . . . '
Effect:' Jhe "de)fendc1nt-1,yill· be $U.bje~~ to·. ~.iiigat~d . : '.; ·1.. : .Q_aµ_s~;",.of, ~h~.-:unf9re_§~l;l_n., -~l')d_,L!fJeXR~.ct~d ~,'
. li~!:>iUtY- 'eve iii, tt:u{p1af ntiff. was ·not hirnseff r5er.sonqlly . :·._s ,., "octui-reWce, r.or :·
of::th'e.".6f.- XRe ·d~bfoi-:·fo ·
r:ieg[jgent .., the,/neglig.enc.e·· of anot_t:ie_r. _is. 9
. ·;_ ~0Klp1y ·vXith· tiis:'obii at(o_n/in[i·~1 be· in.dep;n'aEi~t.-· _..:
·i~PW!efto th~_plaintiff:(RE.YE,S0['!.0P"i.JNO, 0utline . of._t~~-hu,man\i.ifll;: :':':··. . , ·- .... ·._ <'·.·.
. , _oUHe Ph_il. pvH·Law;- Vol.. ff P- . ."169). [her_f]inaft~r, 6· 2.·, .The, occ,u.rrei'ft~ -must- b~,.~uch as:·
to rE3nd~r-. it
'. ·. · REYES AND PUNOJ _·, .' · - '; . · - · · , .:: impo~_sibl~ fbr tl'li,rdebtoi- to fu)fill his· Qblig:a"fion· in
' . i7 _.., . · . .. '. . . . a n0rmar·fnanne"r'' :.""·. ·: . ..' . ·· .

Appl!c~bility: If ttie: neglig'en_ce_ wa_s on th~ p~r.rof tli.e · · 3:'. The. ,oJ::iiigo/mu$t\i°e(Eri~ fro.m any ·," .
pe"r-sori ··.for, whom 1h~. plaintiff is·: respohsibfe, :~tid · · : . ·· ,n .t~e .aggravat_bn ·of the inj~jy \e~lting to. th·e .
~.espeoia[ly;· !?Y. neglig~_nce __ bf~-·~r\ .associate·· in' ttie' .. . . credltoF i,ind . : .... · · .. :. ·. .. . .. • .· -- : .
t~~bsac\ion wh~re-he_ was_ injure~!: (fd.): . · ·... ,. · ';__ -~. . 4 ... It rt1:u~!"~e··!inpo$~i.t5je to:.fo_resee the eve·nt which : .
.. / . . ·. . constitutes "ifie .,
fortuito . or "if h. ca·n be.
Vio"latiin of -Statut~ p·;
Ii is •tr:e.!fted ·gen.eran1 ·as~Qegligehce.per·
. .
. ..-- .. fore~~en, .. it · must . be.. frrip.o'stil)le, to avoid
"(Sp9tises.-Cr~z v:· ·sµn-Holidays, - Int., G:R. l\/6.
when the-. law; ·or rules specifically pr.ovide- for, a 18_{?312,. ~une 29, 2010):



Acts ?f. God - Events which are totally .indepen9ent - . Dodrine ofAss\Jrnpti~n.of .Fi~k· · . . .
of the will of every human qeing (e.g. earthquake, A plai!)tiff_ who voluntarily assumes a' risk of harrn
lightning," eruption of volcan.o) (DELEON, Obligations arising from the negligent ·o.r reckless conduct ·of the
c!/ld Conlrcicls, supra at 77). · ..... . defendant cannot recover for such harm (SANGCO,
, . . . . .Torts, .supra :17.0).' · ·
Acts of Man _;·Events which are independent of the·
will of the obligor but-no~ of othE;lr human wills e.g .. w;:ir, !=iements-: (KUF) . .
fire, robbery, in~urr_e_ction (id.). 1. The _plain!iff must Know that t~e risk' is pr.esent;
2.· He. mus·t !!nc.ierstand its· natu(e; and :_.
Foi-·a· person ·to be. exempted from liability due to 3. · His- choice fo incur, it is .E.ree. an9 voluntafY
fortuitous eveht,,the latter- must be the~p"roxim.ate .. ancf (AQl)INO,· Torts.aod Damages, supra at-281).
. .. . . -. . ,,
-only. cause· of the loss or dal)lage. -The 'act' must be
ohe· occasioned exclusively by·the violence of nature . Exceptions:· , .
and hl)rnan . agencies are , to · be excluded . from' . The- plaintiff is free from liability if: .
creating or entering' into:. the: -cause of the· mischief . 1. :An ernerqency isfound toexist] or
· (At._BA,NO, T.orts andDa(!lf)ge:s suprfl _at 52). -: .. · · 2. · .Jhe,life·or"property" of another-is in peril.when he
: · : seeks to rescue his endangered. property, (uocos
Nbte: A_ fortuitous event may·e.ith.eJ,Qe-an actof God,· . · ': None Electric . Co. v. -cA, .. GR: No. L-53401;
• r or natural occurrences such as floods or typhoons; or. ':f!.ovemb~r 6; 1_989).· .• :, . .
an.act of man such as.rlots.rstrikes or wars. However, .,; · ..'. ·:.· .·
.· when the'· loss is found .. to be partly- the result. of a votenti Non Fit tnjuri« · , .
, person's .participafion . .:.:. . . whether 'by · active . :''That _whicti a person assents are not esteemed ii:,
intervention,· neglect or failure to act .__:_ -tpe .wh9le .)aw_ as injury," One is not lega)ly injured' if he ha?
.. occurrence ishumanized and removed from 'the r.iles co~ented ·10 t~e·act complained of or v{as will(ng that
. applicable, to a· fortuitous. event }.l\,sset Privatiz6(i8f1 it ~ho\.Jld. occu_c.. .. \f\/hen the defe_rise of assumption of
• -c Trust v, T.J. Enterprises; ,G.R. No. 167195, .May a,. . , . /isl<_ i_s ba~~~_oh this maxim; it negat~_s_n_e,gligence -~r
. : .?OO~)- . .: . . : _. w . hap1l1ty.on)he! ~he_9e_f~ndan!,~even t~o~gh his
· · · · · · . ' . · · . . · conduct wou191otherw1se have constitutedactionabie
. _'.°ire. _i~ not ._:a natural C9lamity_ as it c;irises . afrnost . , _ne~li~e.r:icif a~~ ~it)lou~ ·r.egard_ to .the fact .-thg,t the.
· mvanably from.some actof m9n orrb(t°iuman means.
. .. . ., ,. , . * .. . .. " . . .
_.plamt1ff may have acted·m·du!3 care (SANGGO, Torts,
< lt does. not fallwithin: t~e so-called ,~Gts .of God,''.~ · Sl.jpic;J;!:2).:::._ · ' ··· ·,·-·
e~·c~pt.·"."he_n · cpu_sed · by lightni9g (Easf.§r~ S/Jip§J.J?p . · ~ -
_Lm~s,. Inc .. v. !AC, _(1 _ _f}_: No, L-69.041, rMay __ 29,. 19·8/lJ.. _· -Illustration; eetitio~·eis , discontinuance fro·m .
· !~aching ~a~ .. her: 0wn choic_e_,_ Whil~ the respondent~.:.
This Coci"rt- wil) no i.o_n.ger qelve _o_n~ tt:ie issue_ of.'.. --admihedly ·. wanted . ~er. ~.'~rvice )ermina.ted,. they
whether or not. the fire .which causea'Y' the loss of actually did.mq_thing to ·physic911y pr.event t)er from·
_ a·nd/or d~rpage io .respondent';, p·e(sbnal effecisj,s · a . rea~suming, her. po~t. _a;,-._prd1re:d _by" the school's
f~rtuito\JS -~ve ..rit.~s!n~e .JJot.h'.- th'e. trial _c~urt jlildf~he .... _B~_ar.d ~f. Dire9tO:rs. !~at·the. sc_ho~l._pri~~ipal and .F_r. ~. '·
Gour! of Appe·aJs cor~ectly ruled that" tt:ie fire w.b1ch . · .· .W1ertz a1sagre_!3d .with~ the Board's dec1s1on to retain
,-, OC C~rred in this case. ~annot·be'.consiclere~ .ar:i acf~f .. ·. ·h~,:
0 a~d· S?[Tle, teachers· .. al)~gedly".threatenep :-~~. -·
. God since the same was not caused by ligh!nirig o·r a · reslgn_ eh. ·masse; even if· \rue;' did· not make them· .
. · natu.r91 disaster·o~ ·ot_he(cafamity ·not aitr"ibqfoble. }o . . _liable·. ·10_· he·r, _for. · damage?> Tf:!ey · were simply
·_ · h:omcfri 'agenc_Y, (lnterriatio_nal . ContaJn~r Termina~. · ·. exercising their rig hf of free -speech, or their. right
Services; Inc: 'ii .. Chua: ··G.R: .No: .f 95031,. March 26, . ·.·to di.ssent from the ~oard's dedsion. Their. acts
2014}: . ,·' . . . . ·were· n·ot co:ntra1y to. iaw: morals.,··goop' ~usto-ms
· ·. · · .. -~ · ' · · ·.· '· · · . oi: puplic policy: Th'ey·di.d .not "illegally di~miss". her .
. A~~id~n~ · , .. . ... ,, ~· :. . . , .... · · for the. Board's deciSion~ to refa.iri.= She .
. ' An· accident pertains to an u_nfqreqeen event.j~ wnich · . · was ordered to repo.rt. fo( work· on July 5; .1982, -but

no fau!t_ or negligence· 9tt~c;:nEis .io i.h.e defenpc;ii,( It is·, . - she .. did. not. cop,ply. wit_h . th.sit cird.e'r. C_onsequ_ently,
!'a fcirtuitoc:i~ circ~mstante.,.· eve·nt or: bappenihg; a'n whatever lo"ss,she :rna'y"h~ve incurred in the forin· of
. event happeni~g.,with.ou!· ariyi hun:ian".. ag,e.ncy, oUf - . lost·eamlngs was self-inflicted."(Garqianq v. CA, ·G.R.
happenirfg ';','.)lolly or partly ttirciugh.J:1urnan c!gency,. an:, Nb. 961°26,,A!;lflUSt 1 O; 1_99?~- . }
event-wtikti 'under the circum.stahces· is u'nusual or
~n~xpecied qy'tlie p.erson to whom it. happer:is·i. (Jarco.' . It.does· NOT apRly: ..
., . ··Mwketing' Corp_or?fion· v. CA,. 'G.R: No.-:_1297'92, .~ Where.-one p.~rsorr createa a daAger ancl anotheir ·
De~e.f!Jber-?1~ 1999).·.: . ·c ,:.. : person, 'with ·_knowledge .and ·1.appreciatio'h of its.
e~istence, voh,intariJy assumes . •the risk of sucti
-.: : danger but is ·.not injured. by it _even though . he is.
injured in somEl other way_ in· attempting ·to withdraw
. from the scene after the degree of 9anger in~rea?es,



the defense of assumption of- risk cannot be made · Illustrations:

available ~SANGCO, Torts, supra at 171) .. i. The employees. assume the ordinary
Tbedefense ofassurnption of risk is not available to risks inherent in the industry in·which .he
the 'employer :in cases covered by. the vvorkmen's · . is employed (Id. at 2{39):
Compensation Act. Here, the burden . of risk. of In abnormal risks arising fr~m
industrial accidents has been transferred by the law conditions, it is a question of fact and .
from the- employee to the. employer. Under the said there .must be coqent and convincing
act.s.the -ernployer is liable (or .darnaqes or evidence of such consent (Id.). ·
compensation to theemployee for any injurieswhich . ii'.J When a passenger boards a 'common
the employee may suffer from any accidentsartslnq . carrier,. he takes the· risks incideriial to.
oLit of and in the course of his employment or. other the rnode.of travel· he has taken (Yobfdo-
illness · directly caused .. by · "such employment v. CA; G.R. No. -113003, · October 17,
(P1NEDA, forts and Damages, supra a/·74). 1997). .
iii. In casethe plaintiff was employed by the
Kinds:. _ ~ _ defendants as ', caretaker .of· their
1. Express Waiver of Recover (CIVIL· carabaos, he was gored to death by one
.· COPE, Ait: 6). · · · _ · · . of these carabaos. The Court held that if ·
There is .assurnption of risk .if· the plaintiff in. .w~s the caretaker's .business. to ·try to .
advance has · expressly waived his right to
. recover. damages for.
the neglig~r:it
defendant (AQUINO; Torts an.sJD~rr,ages~supra
?.6f"'~U N1
._ ·
: prevent the animal-from causing injury or
dama~e- to anyone, includinq .~~mseJ.L
E\etng 1~Jured ~y the .saic a~1maJ w~s one
_ . . .


et 282-283).. . ~ o~· the risks· ~f the occupation,. which _he

_ _ · ·- · -LL:>. Y. · : . · had~oh,mtarily assumed and for . which
t9 _<it · 1 • -~m.~s~take t~e cbnseq_uences (Afi?Jld.a
E~e~t-~ of: Waiver.
f',.legllgent Act::.. . ·..
··a. Before =lnvalid as it is prohjoifed.
I /:r;, 1.r
· . ·-lf" ~
(.·.lb"} V!. ·
I&. .:
v. -~1sole, G.R: No. L-20l5, Novemb,er
29· ~~- · ·

. ·
2. ·implied Assuf!1ptions
. .· 1~ · , . -
b. ·Aftet- v~lid; condor:i~tion orf obligation .(Id). v~

~ . ~~
· ·. . . . . \: ( J) . . . ·.
~ c:-D•c;in_g_er~~.:. ~qv1ties -
l:l!J ~1JJ/· p•~rt1c1pa~ng m dangerous act1v1t1es assome
· . ··.' ·.
Pers?~~ voluntarily

a:- Dal')g~roui C~nditi~~i- A person wb0~~ 1.r·e risk? 11.s~~!)j pres.ent [n such .activities.
!_noyving that _h~ is exp0s}d to(a]a{1gerou,~ ·emB:pro a\hletes -(AQUINO, !orls_
conditioi;i an?,. Volunlafi! n_q.,.., -. -~· .. !tf9;qam/qg~,~/s"upra at ~90). /
recqver from th;eidefeAdan~ho~~W~n~g:',. ,..~,t(l'.:;y' /{{_y.- ., "f -.' · .. · · .
such.dangerous· conditions·(/ci. at 28J.:i2 4Jrfi, ~:v ~~!~~,Sf~nt_s. J~egh_genc.e .- Wh!,m . the
. '·.· . ·. ·. . . . · :·. ~ __ .-·., ~· . ····\ p!a1.1;JJff 1s ;a.wa_re .~!Jhe nsk ·.c~~a.ted .by t~e. ·
~inds.o_t-Da~~erous_:C.ondition~· · . '.-"-~C . . . 'ft\h . d~~TJ?JJ.nt;s/neghgence, but ..h_e .. ~o)!y.
·. I.- ·Those _wti.J5::,h-are,1n.h~en~ly djnger:o ~;...../dec~d. ~pr?~~e.?· tQ er)~Oun_te~ 1t, .there 1~
'ii:.. Those .. wh·~re a ·p~rs·on Rlac_(s4a-1~il'rg~.;,'(~
whic.h-. is not - danger0us rn~·tsJJf/,Jm·
dang~_r'ous po~it.ion. - . .
. . .
M . .,. _--y~~~.'P1~t~
A. !
~\" unsafe (Id.). .
adm1ss1on e.g. Pl~1[ll_1ff .assui:nes- u~safe pro?u~t 1( he kne~ 1t to
. . .. . . . . . . . .
··.iii.·· Those~, _in~olving · ·product~· and ot~er · . :· • ,-: . ·· · . '. · · . . · · · . :· ; .
things. 'whiCh<_are. 'dangerous'. qecal!Se ' P!
. Pre.~.c~1 10n .. ··. ; . . . .. . ' . ' . . ·c.. . ,.
. . :- _/ Jbe.y. are d~JeGtive. . . : . . .. ·-- ~ An .. a~tlOrJ b13~ed.on quas1-de.l~1?t· ~~~scribes m four. (4) ·
. ·. · . • · . · years from the date qf \h~ accident (CJ.Vil,. COOE, ·Ari·.
,. lllustr~tiOf)S:: ···: ,~ _ .. , . :.,;- ·1146) - fo·l:Je· counle'd fr'om the last· element'of the.
i. .. A' hous·e placed .nea'r· a ·railroad,· track :Com.mjS$iOh of an act or omission violative of.the· right
- assumes JI,~ u·sµal :dangers .attendant to . .. . of the plainti_ff.
the~oReration of a locomotive. · ·. . . R ,~ t: · ·s·· . 1-. D · t · · .. . :· ..
. . ·· . ··. -..,. ::. · · . · · · . .·. ea ions aci-- oc rme · ·
. ii, ·Spectators·atspocts.event;·customers at ·A··· ta· '..,t · ... ..: · ·· · ·d· ~ ·
. amusement. parks; and ciest who· find : v , ... n ac , o_ne a .. one 't1m~ 1s,cons1. er~d b~:D.C!IO~ ~f l~w ..
. q~rige'rous· conditions. w~en · they· enter . -- to ha~e_ 9een. done at s~rne. antec.ed.ent-pen~d (Allied .
. bi:Jsiness':preniis'es}ldi at 283-284). ·,_ · .. · . · .Ban_k!n_g.sorp
.. .:_ . . ·· · ., . .: - · ·
~-:.S!\ G,..F?; ~o. ~-858_6~,,.(!c;tober, 13,
1989). The pres.cnpt1ve period should· commence to
. r~n only 'u'po"h discovery b(the}njµry'(AQUlflO;f611i .
. b. Coot.ractmil: Relatioris --: .There may. be
'. andL}amage.s:~upra at'296): · · .. '·· ··
implied ·assumption :of ·risk .if· the plaintiff
:entered' into ·a . contractual relation with· the · lllustratio~: A doctor.negligently t~ahsftised
defe~dan·t' /Id.{ , · a patien~ that was contaminated 0ith HIV:.lf-the effect.
.: b.eG~.m~ apparei:,t only after .fiv~ .(5) years, the 4~yea~
· prescriptive 'period· sh9uld. commence .ohly when it
.w_as discovered (Id. at. 297). · ··

.. .
.> • • • ' ,
C %fffyi!M#@SS#it'4Ui$ify'8m #?@,JitM§§Stji4 t¥#®#ifS-Mt&'fi§ 48 t ¥# I #!UP i! M$1st12aw ,ht t#d?Mi¢ Mf§i£4UP VS?» bfi''#l0:#f&MU/ ~

Involuntariness I~ Philippine Bani< ~f--Com~erce. v: ·CA. (G.R. · No.

. It is a complete defense in quasi-delict cases and the' 97626, March 14, f9[!7), the doctrine of last dear
defendant is therefore not liable if force was exerted chance was applied to a banking· institution. The
on hin:, (l,;J: at 298).· Supreme Court ruled that ihe bank, thru its.teller. had
·the last clear op·portunity to avert the·irijury incurred
· 111u~tration: \i\lhe~ the defendant\vas forced to drive. by its· ·client,..simply by faithfully observing their self-
hii vehicle by~?~med"men who were-escapinq from . imposed validat_ion procedure .. , .
· the policemen: the.: defendant cannot be held liable if
a_ ~](_stander is hit as ·a consequence (Id. at Id.). · · . .Cases whei'l:the doctrine ""(as held inapplicable:
· Persons uslnqvlolence or causing-fear are primarily - 1. If the plaintiff wa$ not.neglig~nt;
liable for. acts . committed "by third persons actinq" 2. Th~ defendant is.required to act "[nstantaneously,
'under irresistible force or uncontrollable fear. _If.there · and if the injury cannot be··. avoid¢p' by the
.be no. such persons, those doing the act shall be· application of all the 'means at hand after thi:l peril
liable secondarily (REV/SEO PENAL CODE, 'Art. is.or should have been discovered; _:_ . .'
101). ..:· · . ... '. . · 3.-·· -If defenqant's'negligenc'e is' a:· concurrent cau~e
.._ ~
. and'which_-wai;still in ope-ration up to the:_time the
Doctrine of Last Clear ·ch~nce · ' ' inj1,1iy was· inflicted; . . '•' _-· .
.This principle ·states 11,at 1he contribufory negligence . ·4·_ Where the plaintiff, a passenger, filed an ·action
of it\e per.sor:i · injure.ct will· not .defeat·:u,e· claim. fO.f·- again'st a carrier ba~ed on·'contract; arid . ·
.. d~mages if it is shown· that the aefenda.nt might, bY.· ·s . lf'the . actor, though·.neglige·nt,. was not aware of
' the exercise of r~as·o·rab,l_e-:-care <;1nd prupence, h~~./? the- d anger or risk brought about by the:rprior.fral,ld
. avoided the consequences of the, riegligen~e of tl'i&/ _q'r negligi,mf act:' (Bank ·or the Philfppine Islands
. . injLi"red party·(ALBANO,. Torts and 09m_gges, ·su12ra. a.t v.: CA, G.R: No. :102~83, Nove'inber 26, 1992) ..
40). · - ' . . -
'-u""'rn_,d ...~-- the· ~tri~e·:of ~ast· Clear ·C.hance, th-~ o_ne ·
uri'cter this doctrine, the n~gligent act e1na~ates Wli6 fiastthe"1ast reasonable opportunity tO .avo,id the I
. originplly_from·tl:ie pJaintiff but the defenaant is av..,arJ . impending ha~!\ and fails to: do ·so is charg~a-~le .wi~h
.. Of . that pEfril,' tq wh°ich th._e piair)tiff f':las b(ee~ expos~d the conseq~ences·, with9ut. reference to- 'the· prior
. . . . ·. .-,; ,. .
. · tq·.~_yet.-he does·. not perfo_rm 'an. ac to av.01a: the · · . negligencefof.~hi\othEfr party (Gla[I_ People'? Lamper
·.accident.-. The-~: defEir,_.c;lant is·).iaole· .for, aarnages, ·Hard_w_arf... /AC, -~·Ff-·NO. 70493, May 18,.198f}). .
. b~9aus·e he has not- exercised ttre _required degree of• The. Doctnnef of h.ast Clear Chance .. ~annal be · ;
diligence .(Id.). ' · · · · · · exten~ 1nte<:rne~fi~9);bfjoint torttei:is~rs ·as .a test of ..
. .. · \,\/hether.ooly..;.9~0hhem-sh9uld
injured p~rson ·arid it· t;:ahhot .be-.'invoked- as. bet~een :
be held liable·to the .
Sometimes· referred to·as: . .
_ 1.· .. bisco~ered_ Peri.I (~QUINO, .To s an? Da/!}aqes;. : d,efendants· ~qncurrently' _ _negligent- '(Bustam·ante v.
. . .supra. at 34_7); . . . . . '?"::!:. . · ~A,~:__.~- 8988_0, i=eb~'u?Jry.~,-rn91), ··'. :
_2-.. Ooctrine. of ,~µ~e-rvening' Negligerfc;§l (Sing1,, b~, : .. ~~
. Senq G1ap _&.:Sons, -_Inc., . G.R. c1.Jo. 170.596, Other .defenses: · ·
· . Nov_ember ?8, 2008)-; or · · 1 .. Mistake . ..
. :t .. Hurrian'itari~n Negligence l)ocfrin.e. · . : . As a. rule., torts :are. committed 'l:>y -onewho acts
. rortiand 6a,r.ipg~s,. supra
. .
at 58). ·. · under a'rnistake of law or [eqal fight;,; however;" if
the defendant .acts' under .a" mistake· that· -a
Even~ tt:iough.a ·p~rson'.s o0h- acts riiay·have_placed_. reasonable 'person would 'make 'under specific
- hi_m ,iri a_ p~sition_ o.Lpe,ril;0.and .an injury re~ults, the · 'privileges protecting the. defendant. in-such act,
injure,d person is· ehtitlE?d to recov:ery (,ft.QUINO, torts .. then mistake is" at least relevant in determining.
arid-Damages, supra af ;348). - . . . . whether the· defendant acted· as- a reasonable
. . .. persqn (DE LEON, Torts 'endDemeqes, supr~ at
Elements: (f>oL_KA) · . . . . . _: . . 58). ·. . . ... ': ·. . .. . :· . · . · . . ... · :· ·
. , . · 1. ', Plaintiff ~as:._i.n. a ·P·a;itiori of dange~-a~d. by his . ·. . . . _. ..
_ own-r:i~_glige!')ce_-, became unable to escape from ' ; . · 'Illustration: In case of self-defense, the
. · ... : such position by the .. use of ordinary care; · . .• def¢hpan't_ . is. · privileged to: _ respond. ::wfth
· 2.· Defendant .! that . th~· plaintiff: was in· a· · reasonable .arnount cf forcein self-defense. It is.'
'position ·of danqer or in the-exercise of ordinary the objective reasonableness of his conduct that.
. 'careshould have known such; · . , relielies him from liability.: ... ·._ ., .
. · 3. Defendant had theLast dear chance fo avoid the
. accident by the - exercise of ordinary care' but . 2. · llle~-al Trans'adion · · . . . .. · -- · . .
. : 'failed Jo exercise suet, last clearchance: and . · · ' Although the-.court·s do not ·permit the plaintiff"to ·
4: . The ~cciderit'oc~urrea as a proximate result' of · take c1dvantage of his own.·wmng br iniqu(ty, an
- such failure (o~· LEO{:J, Torts and Damages, action mcJy . still lie if the uniawful act. ·of the
. supra at:249-250). -, · .yrongdoer
. .
is one which. the . recognizes . .

having causal connection .with the injury

complained of (Id. af..59).

Necessity or Self-Protection .
In gener.~I. acts pertaining· to public ·-welfare,
'Proximate Cause
convenience, necessity or safety which conflict
That cause . v./hich, in natural .. and ·coritinuoµs
with private rights are not tortious. However, a
· sequence •. unbroken by any efficient. intervening
subsequent exceeding one's "authority may
cause-, produces the injury, without which ·the result
constitute one a-trespasser ab initio.tki. a(60). :.
. would.not have occurred (Dela Cruz Vi~no, G.R. .v.
Hlustration: .Defense of life or property: self-
No. 219q49,.July 46, 2017). . . . .

, defense; destruction of. plaintiff's property: to

Remote Cause
prevent spread ·of fire (Id. at 60).
. . .
4. When the' act is In the exercise of a ~ig~t or the
Thar. cause which 'some. independent force merely
took advantaqeof to accomplish som.etning noi.the
naturaleffectthereof (AQUINO, Torts and pairiages,
performance of. a duty, unless there· is abuse
supra at 30?).. ·, ,. . . ·
(CfV/L C_QDE, Art. 19). . : .' , . ..... .: -· ·' \ .I • .•• • • • ••. \ •. • •• .~ • '.

·.:·· ....


· R!!u"'J# k!###Bt •a::it;.tZ1%P1%5@45$!&:&4#,t4;titt9S: Piftffi Wli!i%·df-&ii,:th\iM#dt ,1St#-: i@ fP&i!*'t'M *!=' S1§@¥'·W, :~t47

There:is no etfic;:ient intervening. cause if the force
c;:re.ated by tM negligent 'act,. or omission have E:ither: INTENTIONAL TORTS: HUMAN I ,

1: .Remained ·active itseH; . . . ·RELATH)NS·

2. Created another force which .remained active-
. dfrectly,~aused the result, or ,· r. . ' ' ,

3.. Created.a new active risk of being acted upon by Catch All Provisions (s~eC/VIL CODE, Arts: 19-2°1,
. th·e.acilve includes Arts. 2~ 36). ·.,. . · . ..
·. force : that.caused th.~: result (Id_. at 334). 0
. .. . .. . ·. 9_f:Suttidiei:ic;:y: . . ' (. .. ..; , , Articles" 19, 20, and 21'. are provisions on human
1. · ~t. must. be).new and, inde~en~e,nt and ~ot under relations that'"were,lntendea to expand the ·concept
.the control of the wronqdoer, or one which by the of forts iri this j0risdi¢tion ~y
exercise of reasonable, foresight· and. diligence, ·remedy forthe untold .nurriber of moral ..wr.ongs which
he should haveanticipatedand guarded aqainst · is· impossible for human· specifically
.it: : . : . . I . . provide. in tt,e~. statutes.v. (AQ!JINO: ''.' Torts ·and'
2.' 1( must break '-the · continuity of. the causal Damages; supra at _7}:'_ . .
. cohne'cti~.n· between the 'cirigina'i.- n~gligent act . .: . . . . -:;·,.
and ornissiono'and . .'-...:- · . · ·: · . . .. . . Abuse of
Right . ~i ·-: ': · ,.,,. · ::: . : . -: . ·, · ·....
.. -, ·' th
3 . .Th e inJury so. a . ~- or . t ·u1 · 't mer cannot . be· said to Standards in the exercise: of one's:
. rights and.. in Ihe .
have been the efficient cause .of the latter (la. at . performance of one's. duties:' '',
.. · 33.4-335): - .: _... · . . 1. To act-with jusflce: . ' . ': . . . ..
-, · · 2. To give e.veryone his due; and .,.. · ._ ·· ·' ·
For'es·eeable lritervenlnq" Cause . 3. To.observe honesty and good f,aith (CIVIL COD~.
·.,.This considered as a s·utticient·intervening Ait. 19).· . ,. '.· . · ''
. causetbecause there .' is c;1'n opportunity to' guard
aqains] it;(fd, at 337). : . ' Jhe ~eipl~ of
abuse <?f right_~_ i?_ basep' o_n the
. · . .· . .. . .· . . . · . . · · . ·-. , ., . famous maxim suum 1us_ summa m1una (tt,e abuse of-·
Note: If the· i_ntervening cause is a recurrent feature . a right is. t,1}8 gte:ate:=,t .. possi~le wrorig)._ (~r/egu( v, ·
.of t_he enyironr:nerit; it,is not-an· efficirnri~~tervenj,p@ Court of Agpeals G.R. No. ·12643_];. .M9rch.6,:20Q2;
. .ca.~~·e_~~eq.~__u_s'.e .!.t .is__ .fo~-e~:e.e__ab_l_e (~,- 'a_/..;.~.37)'. . _· · · . Gonzqles J:'P~1i/ippii1e_·C6nimer¢ial ~n_d _lnterna~iC?.nal
• ~ _,. Bani<, G.P.t No. 1 BfJ257, ,Feb(u.ary,._23,. 2011 ).' · ·
, A .t.?rtfeasor .:i!>.. liable ··for/me,._ c~~9-ue~~e o~ - , · ·· · ..• · .· ·. · ·._· ·, ·
-: m1st;:ike qr-.lack of sk1!~01:a_p~¥s1.c1~or A riglit,. th,ough oy it~lf.l,!3,9al(~ecaus~ r.~cogn_ized
· .. ~~rgeon ':"'hOS!:):_tr~~in,ent- ;'~911.~~!~9 tfiiongl~fl . or w~n!e~ b¥ l<:lW;~·~:_such;_m.ay-n_e_v,~rt,h~le_ss_beson:ie ·
inJ!.lry·. ·Jlie. same ·1s cons1derea a norm a) · and • the ·source' o_f sorne-,1ll~gahty-(Ard1e~te. v. Sp~: J_av,er
forese.eable risl({/d.-at 337). · · · · ... -, ....· · • -'· · ·· and.:.Ma: Theres'cJ Pastorfic{e, G:R. No. ·161921; July_
• •. : •• : • :...0 ·. .· . . . ' • . 17, 2013). . -:- . . . . .
The;ciriginal. fortfea.~~r-·is ;not lic'!b le 'where. the' inJtireil------
0 ~·
pc;1rty failed .to exercise)~a~onable' carJ if) s·tcuring Wh~n a.right' i!(~xen;:jsed i~· a J'Jl·'r°wh.ith_doeiinot'
.the.'s~rvice's: c;>T. a c9mpeteJ)_t sur:gecln 0r PliY.Si¢.ian.. coriform· to these· standards and· results.Jn'damage to.
Such c·an .be· con.s1d!:)red as· ar\':'e~~ient'intervehing . another,.a legal yvrong is thereby'mitted.fdr wh1ch
cause:(Ufbano !AO.-, GR No. ·1'87926, Fiebiuary 15, · .the wrongdoer must .be tie Id. responsible ~Arclient.e v.. : .
,:-2012).~ · .. ·: ,':' ·.· ... _ ...-·. .: · .. ~"· (, ... ·· '· .... :.. · . ', Sps."Javier:and)vta, '·Ther.esff:PasforMe,-~G.R'. No.".·
:_ · 161921,Jiliy17,'2013);°'_:··''.'° :.. , .. ,·~~·::.··:.· :.· · .
The intervention· of. 'an unforeseen and onexpecied
Ga~-~e· ·. ·
. . • , • • • .... < / · -:--:, ·_'
' Wh_en is. there :a.buse ofright- · . : ... · ·. . . ,, .
. · . "'. ,
, · : . cai.ise is not sufficient 'to'.th.e wrongdoer frQm. .There is aouse .of right wh~n 'it is .exercise'd;only for-
. ~onsequences, of:. negligence . if' SIJ~li ·, regligence . . the' P'L!rpbse.of p~ejudicifig or iiijurif'lg arioth~r: .. <3oqa , ..
direotly- and· · prqximately. :cooperates,. with. : the - 'fait.h is P.res~n:ied .·and thf bLirderfoFP,r\iving:bad__ :
.'. indep~cje·nt cau$~ in the .. resulting injury. (Africa v.· ' reits . ljpon .-the. party·. al)egin·g . it. '.'(AL°BANO,: · .
Caltex;'G.R ... fyo. L-129.ljtJ; Match 3·11966Y,: · ,; ' -:. Reviewer,'·suprJat 32).' ~ ·, · .... , ..... · ·.·,. -·''., .
' . • / . • . •.
.• .... ., . . . . I ~ •• ~
. .:.· . .
. . ,
. . ... . ~·,.._..• . . . .

An µn,fcice.s~E?n· and Linexp~ct~d ·act:'b(a third"pers.on' EIE,iments: .. ,.... · · :. ·.:- ,

may not b!::! COl)Sidered·an effjcientintervening cause .' . 1. 1h~re is a·legal ,right of duty;;.· :· '. .. "~-· '. · ..
· . if it is.~_uplicative .iD .Jlature or if if merel{'~ggravated 2 .. yYhich· is exercised .in b·a·d faith; ~mcl' . .
th.e injury. that res1;1ltea .because of the prior cau·se.· .3.· For.- the ·sole· intent_ of: prejudicing· m· injuring
The. same GOnc[usibn · can 'be reached if .'the third. .- ano.the·r (Ses/;)reno v. GA, G.R. No.'·'f75540, April
person's act is"p'ari of the.causal.set, togetherwihthe . 7, 2,014).' . · .... : . . . " . , ; ... ·, .. ·
;·-'defend;:;mt'irnegligen9e, 'that operated to cause the
injury (AQUl~O; 'T6rts and.Da!Tfages; supra .at 339). ·
'( .. ,,



Good Fafth refers to the state of mir:id which· is b. Social humiliqtion cause.d to orie of the
mani.fested by the.acts of the individual concerned. It · parties (AQUINO, Torts anc/-Oamages,.supra
· consists of the intention· to .abstain from taking_ an at38~: ' · ·
u·nconscionable and . unscrupulous advantage of
another (California. Clothing Inc. v.. Shirley" G. c. Where th.ere was m9ral seduction (Id.}:
· • Quinones, G.R. No. 17582_2, October'23, 2013) ...
Moral seduction,· although not punisha.ble,
Malice or Bad Faith impli~s a conscious and connotes ih'e idea of 'aeceit,.' enticement,
intentional design to,do a.wrongful ;3ct for a dishonest . supe,rior po~er.or a~us~ of confidence on the
·purpose .o"r'moral- obliquity (California- Clothing Inc;. v. part of the. sed.ucer to which. the woman ha_s
Shir_ley G. duiiiones,. G.R. No. ;_1!5842, October 23, . yieided (Baksh ._:v•. CA, G.R. No. ,97336,
2,013). Febr_ua;y 19; 1993). ·

Acts Contra_ry to Law (CIVIL 90DE, Art. 20) . No dati:iages c·ah be recovered und~r Art. 1 ~
This article speaks of the general sanction for all. · arid 21 .where the sexual intercourse is a
. other provisions of law, whi~h do not .especially . product -of voluntarir.iess :ind· mutual desire
provi<;ie 'for thei_r qwn sanction (DE LEON, Torts and ·. (Constantino v. Mendez;_ .GR.· No. 57227,"
Da((Jages,-·supra ·at 77). · · . May 14,° .1~92). .

N~t~: ·Art. -20 does not .distingui~h;~h(;l

ac ·mar'6eu· 2r:~exual . . . . .· -: .. ·. .
done-willfully or negligently (Id.). .· r\... . . J>voete_na. antis ~able forall'forms o,f sex_uc!I a.?s~u.lt_.
. ,' . · ~ f ~ . TJ{es{i9-~d~ the ~ti.m_es defined in,t_~-~· R~_v.1sed
;. Acts Contrary to _M.oral~. or Act~ContraAo.nµs . · _ P_e~·Code:1uch as rape, acts of lasc1v1ou~_ness,
Mo(e's (C?IVI~ C.Of?E,Art. 21) . T .~ / ~. ·
__T_h~s article .. rs d_es_1gned to fill_in_~e,~~f.t~e's_s gatBT. T :w supra
. ·. :.:fc .
~81:) · . ., ·
.= . . . . .Damages, .

· . · -, . . . . l~ { . a : ·
inthe statutes.which':manY,!\t:1ctJms of mofal ~ · 11\\. . \ .: \ · : ., . ·
·wro~gs helpless- even thofJh thqy·· havf actuaily A?,, Not~.Def~n,d5'F}s iable ev~n if-h~_.satisfied his
suffered ma_teriar and moral inj~>(/d. at 78). _ =· ~!~; l~st i_thout\P.r~slng 16 ~~rry. the ~ff~ndea
~~"~;::.11(11 ,.,.....,-1:] party. _It may ~ot eve, ma~ter tn.~t the plaintiff and ·
· Ele~en~s_).L~q) _ · ·:. -~ . . !ef~~S°ttJe.~efe. n.. danU:1res~f h~ sameqender (Id.).. . . .
1. Act whichis- Legal· ~ ~--.,-c:' Jffiiil· J · · . . · ' .' .- . · . ·
·2. jhe ad i~ ontr~ry to ~orals go~.c~9ms.;· ·. ,_3:-m;1 2~~-ctiinh)~UlUiiies . . . _' .' · . . · ·
.. public orqer or public polidy!a . Aa~ . \~~- J¥:., -, J::&),,1_,~;,cc:ise a_person..·!.'}ils:to, pay \of 2 bills
3. - ...T_~~ act is Qon~ with inte~t to. iriju':f (M_eJzy~{~ · I .-~~a~~onsjfiuent_!j h,i~ line gets , disconn~~t~d
·. ·--~-$poys.~s Gone!, ·G.,_R. No . .1£5,01. 1);30, ,!& .~~.
· , .-~~out_Jp~r no~e; th.e SC: rµ!eJ.I. that:the·state.
. 2Q14). . . . ~-,. . .• :. ScJEN'f\~D1~~2gulate(~S·iCh~s· done thrbugh:·Section· 97
. : · .. . ·· 7 - . · · _ ~tm~ ~s.eEI 0rder No. 1 of the'PLiblic·Servics)
Not~: D~n;ages ?fe r.ec_overqble e e-ti ii!n9),p9~fi.'?'e .....-.-,Cfr{J~,s~t~e.,~on_d!ti?ns.~_ri,der 'A'.hich ahd lh~.
lc1w._ was.x1ol~t~9· (DI; -~EON, Tgrts :flrt~~a!J1!1_9. l. ,f /\.. 1 m:~nr:i_fili,loywh!ch_a e~, publ1c:y.t1hty su·ch a~ M~ralco

supra at-:361).·.
• • • •
. • •
. I
· ·. '
lVJ.n. y'.°"effect a .. d1sconnect1on ,;.Jof service
• • ' •. • • • ' ' • '• ' •
\• •
· . ·-:- ._.. ·/ . ;.· .·~ . : ·· · · · ·· · · · · d~li.nq~ent cu~to:mer. ·Among .oth~js, ·:a· prior· ·.-
~inq_?: {BAp-STAMPID.). written notice to_Jhe c·ustom~r-is re.quired before,.-~ _:,
. 1 .. · . .§.re<?ch of Pro"r~i~e t? Marry . ·, . . ··. _ _ :-. d_i~_conneption '<?.f .tfie ;5~rvice.· Faiiur~ tc)give such
General Rule; Breach of prom1se-to .. marry by.. prior _nollce :amo1,mts ·to a-:torL(Meralco.·v. CA; ·
· its~_l_f_ is.: not. actionat;,le, (i\QUJNb;. ..Tqrts· and : . :·,..$.f?. No-.).-:}901.Q,_Jariuary 22,-1f/88}> ·: , ... , .. _··.
Damages, s_upra at 382). . · .. · · ·· .· :... · -~ · . .' ~·· '= .' · . · · · : .: . ,
. .. . . . - . . . . 4: §eciucti~-riWitho~"t.Breach'.~f°Pr{im'is~ to riirry : .
·.·· .. · : Exception~: .;_In ca~es where. there is·. an act _ Seduction:. by. it~e.lf,. is. also_ an act- contrary to·,
. ir:,depencl~nt of th'e'· qf pro~ise to' m~rry :. .morals'i good .. customs . and . -pubiic. polit'y, ..
which gives rise. to liability:. · -·· · · . (AGJUlfjO, -Tor(s·-a_odDa_mag~s; s·up~~ af:~87). . .
a. Cases whe;e there was fihan6iai°_damage (Id.'
at 383). . : ·. .· . .. .. . . · .ThEf'de(e.ndant·i~-.Jiable· if .he .employed gec;;eit; .
T9;· torm~ily-sEit a _wedding: and::go. th.rough: .. gnUc;ernent;. :·-~uperipr · p,owS:r·; .or. ~,2buse ··. of
a_n9 s·R~.ndJor au. th~ wed,di!')g_p,r:eparations ·· conf)demce·(PE$A):in ~qccessful_ly
ar:,d.puoJicity, oni~ t_o walk out.of it when the ij,te'rcourse. with· ~nottiec even if he -saljsf!~d tiis
n:iatr_imony was ·about to tie ·solemnized is .. lusr wilh,'out. promisi_n·g .'to· ·marry.·the offend~d
· palpably a6d unjust\fiably. ~ontra; to 'g~od . party. .. ·. ·· . _ . . ·, .. ·
·custqms.. fqr · which the defendant. is · . ~ ..
·answerable tor damages {Wassmer v.-Velez, It may not evei:i m_atte( _!hat the plaintiff and th~
_·G.R. No.' L-20089, December26, 19"64). .· defendant ·are of .'the same _ge_nder {Id.).


fbWM:UWW$t&mtS ;;mesm••er"t!tiW25£:dff!ibS*WZB4w+A
~ . SebtfoiiMPa,·&
S?iSi, .i,st:1¥'::!fSfvf!i# **'*
M'd5tfH#MW !iii¥*' !&!ilfl('Ct,

In the case of Baksh v. CA (G..R. No. 97336, · Illustration:

February 1'9, 1993); the 'Supreme Court held that 1. Petitioners, 1n. the case of Magbanua v,
the existing rule is thata- breach of promise-to /AC, were-deniedirriqation water for. their
. marry per · se is not. an actionable wronq. But farm lots ii') order to make them vacate
where a man's promise. to marry is in.fact the . their landholdiriqs. The 'defendants
proximate cause- of the acceptance of his love bf violated .the _plafntiffs' rights· and caused
a woman and his representation, to . fulfill ,!hat · · prejudice-to the Latter by the unjustified ,
promise thereafter becomes· the proximate cause ·. diversion of the water. Thus, petitioners"
of. the giving 'of herself unto him in' a· 'sexual. are entitled to· damaqes. (Magbani.Ja v,
.conqress.. proof that -he ·had. in reality, no . iAC, G.R. No. L-66870~72, June 29,
1985).. . . .
intention of marryinq li~r and· that the· promise..
. was only a subtle scheme. or decepnve'device. to
entice orinveiqleher to accept him and to obtain · -". 2 .. · A group of ddvers took .over all jeapneys
of a transportation company as well as
. . .-
. the'
. .
. . act, could 'Justify
·.. . . the
~/" .: .....
.· .tbe operation of . the service in the
award. of damages pursuant to Article. 21 not
- because of.suc_h pr.omise to marry.bµtblicaJJs_e1 of " company's .route . without autfiority. The
. the fraud and deceit behind it and the willful injury . : Supreme 'Court.declared that the act was
."to . her' honor' and. "reputation . \;Vhic_ti . followed .
r :
in .v(olation· of Alticle. ~1 (Cogeo .:.....Cubao
_thereafter. It is essential," however, that such. · .Operators and Drivers Assoc[ation v: CA,
/ 'injury should havebeen committed in a. manner G:R No:·100727, Mar~h 18/1992). ·
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy.'. ·
5. :_trespass and Deprivation.of Property 6. Abortion' and, Wrongful Death _ · ,
.. Damaqes may be recovered by both spouses if: .
. ~ .... • a. The abortion was ' .caused through the . ·
- a. ·p_tiysician's. n_egiigence~ or ..
_Was _pbne·int_eiitionally_without their consent. .
-A d~ct0r who. pertorrns an illegal abortion _is
crimjn\llY. liable under Article 259 · of the
R}tis~d 'iD.~na.l ~od_e .. .- · . _ . . ·
under th_e Re~i~Od ,P,on'a)CQcl£:-.anO· f:rticle
451- of ·the Crv.rl G_o?e to ·~ttagj ('AQJ!JJNO,
Torts.and Dg.mages, suwa_ alj388).
' · - . : · .
N~ action for damages is al p_wed "Y~~re. he _
·- :·
1 _ ._ .
< · :· ..:.J21.4b~d,of

·~ woman who voluntarily.
_- · _-'."I5focurea nl2~9rtron: r:na_y:rec.over d.a.mages·
frqm.J~~~ysrc1an,w~o ,caused th~ sa~e. on
·. _ acco_unt Qf:-distress and. mental anguish
.. · . att.e~dant to the lciss of. th~ unborn .child'.anp ·
. pu1lder, planter, or sower actea_ in good faith·; the·,. disappointm~nt of · his · parental
TJ:le. !andpwner .. _ is'· limited ·fol,the;:"-?r:>t~ns~, -~·. ,·.~expecJation·?Ge/uz v:- ·~A, -G.R. (\Jo. L-f6439,
·. provrded for under Article ~4.8_ (€/VIL t:;QpE, . · . ·,, . ·. · . JuJy.20,: 1961 ) .. : ·. ·
Arl:44{3;·456).· ·. .·,_-·. . . . ··. :.. -
· ' · .· 7. Mali~ipus pr~s.ecutio'n (see .. C/VJL CODE, -Arts.
A builaer in acted negligently · ·1~-21, 26, :3?, .3.3, 35/?,217, 2219,' Par. 8) ::" ... -
·maybe .ti_eld li_able under 'Article ·2176. An action foF damages br0ugl)t by one ·against
· ,_. . '- . · . another,,· against. 'whom. a· crimina_l. prosecution";
b. ·. Tr~spass -. to 9r dep~ivation . of personal · . , ' .. GivJI.' suit, or other legal pr6ceeaing. ba.s been -
. property. . . . i~_stituted malici9usly · an~ . with_out ·. prob~ble
. cause, after-the termination.of such pro$ecutiori,
.Theft or robbery. of ·personal· property-: Js · . .suit or·. proceedil)g in' favor. of the I defendant
trespas~, ' · · · ' · . :« therein :(Ma?}l)µnua v..· Juns~y, G.R. No. 132659.,
'February. 1~; 2007). · · · .:..:...,. ·
·. In the. field,- c/
tor:t. trespass· extefids '-to..'all ·~ .
case.s whete a per~on · is depriveq bf· his . _It· is. for, the me'fe. purp~s'e. of vexati~n· 9r fnjury
persoiial ·property '.even-. in. the abserice of · c:-4,
·(Driton v::
Np:_,1070'!.9,_March 20,-1997). · ·
. ·. ,,
criminal ·liability.·· ·(AQUINO, ·. ·-rorls: .. and
. supra
. at 390).. :._ . .· · Elements: .
\... . ;

a.. 'fh~ fact .of th'e~ prosecution. ar:id" the .furthe'r

N9te: ,, It. rnay -(::Over ·. . v/here· · the · .. fact (hat the defendan( was . himself . the
-_-·defendant was.d~prived of!:)rty pr<;>secutor;_ and that the actiori" was finally
,,-- . for the purpose .of obtainin·g possessi~h of terminated with ah acquittal; . . ..
. real pr6p.erty (Id.) . · . . .·


;-:: -: ::: ·«: ;-:1: o>:a ' :ze :• es e;s: wa:: SAA9C t z.~ s s w

b. · That in bringing the action, the pr~secutor Illustrations:

acted without probable cause; and . a. False . imputation of misdeed .. to j!JStify
. c. The prosecutor. was actuated or impelled by dismissai (Quisaba. v. Sta: 'Ines Me/ale- .
. legal mal(ce-(AQUINO, Torts and-Damages, Verieer and Plywood Inc., G:R .. No.. L-38088,
supra ·at 393-3.94). · August·3,0, 1974). . .
b: The ·ground relied· upon .is a .figment of ·
·· ··Presence of prpb13tile c~~se·\signifies. ·absence of '-employer's imagination (Globe Mackay and
. .
. ·malice·(ld.). · · -- ,_ · . Radio Corp. v.·. GA, G.R. No. 81_262, Augus(
?5, 1989). ~
. Note: Probabl_e· ca1:1se is. the existenc~ of such
facts and circumstances as . woul.d excite the 10: Desertion by A Spouse.
· belie~.of the pro'secutor that the pe~son cjl~rge'd . · A spouse has a legal obligation to live with his/her·
is guilty if the·crim~ for- which he is prosecuted spouse. Failure of spouse to perform duty-to the
:- ({d.). . . other' entitles the other to damages, for such
omission is: 'contrary to law: morals'. . good
· Absence of malice signifies goqd faith on the part - customs and public policy. (AQUINO; ''supra et
, -of the defendant: good faith-may even be based. ·,, 387)-,
. on·mistake.ofJaW0(id.):., ··.,: ... : : ·'-·.,. : ,,.:-· . :·· .
· . .· · . · · · : . .' . -~g~nt_ drlvlnq not a l_egal ..~ct_ _ . ·. .· . .
Acquittal.presupposes ~hat c~1m1nal informaticn 1su · l~an:~ar~ly be sa1d._that.Me~doz_a s negl1gent::d~1vin~
, filed in' .court a~d ,rmal Judgm_;,.nt're~red .
2nf1olat1r;n of tra~1c_ laws· are leg~! acts. Mo~~o~_er,
dismissing th_~. case.oprior: ac;:qujtc.Jl~y--).D~~E!. ~,l wasf n.ot!_ tha~ Me~doza intended :to
·di~".nissal by the,:· pros~cytor.1tter. p~im1~a~y. .. Pe~e~aL 1fl~s,0rl1cle 2.1 fin~_s no application to
. investiqation (;Globe Mackaffen~dio,J_orp'!"_rr.'"·: .'Ji-'. 'the . . case at ·b~r(M~en(jo?_a,v. soouses Gomez, G.R. _
. _.pA, _G.R: ~o._81262, _Augil~~2?,;!198f, ·Ma'l~? .Jf
f¥/J-,1601f0, Juf.e 1·8, ..201'4).. . · . · . .·
.: Gas Corp v. °-A, GR Ne/_L "44;J.90, Oetobe( 3b, .!E::i. .•.. \ 1~
•• ( _ . . ,
1.980). f _· .J· . : -· · .. · {)·:;-"-- Sol.~t10 lndeb1.~\6ll_~?ODE,Art:.22, 23_an~·2154). ,

8. ]"ublic H urniliation · ', . fZ · · , ~)' l:i ~p1ijµ1lt En richlT)'! nt

\. . ·,
, Ulu~tr:ation: The ·defena~Was held Jia!,iletfo.fu,' ;-rr:-;~e:tlpe_rs9'n can clairl!"'"'1'riat._ is not validly and Ieqally
· . .

-·· darrraqes-under Articlet21 ... 0.4'the. C::iS.U:~ode.:for~~,~is:· r-le .,sfci°g}d,,rnpt. undul¥ profit on. something whjch
'. slappinq the ,prqi_nti~; (a, P,rie~t 1~p~l?lf~Pa. TIC!?,-{! . him ·ff~IVIL CODE,
· · · v. f-jo·n.. Oscar- Leviste; @~R.: Nq\.. L-5.1B8~· pr,i!i 4.~,/tr.!.-:--,?.r?~fA.MjRIA),Rersons ·an·d Family Relations
. - ?6; 1Q89l- . - . ' ·. :· ... \ ,:·_. · .. '··~·· J">' !lill . '-'i!J,f{$f5lJ04):f P.'_ 4P, rt~!'f?inaft_er, STA . MARJA!..
' .)'.. · :'. · ·. ·· ~ .:..,., .. '.-1 ·.·· ..:· ,: · .. · ··'-\.. . . .. , P :sG>fS.:;an5J,F.?Jm1/yj.elat,ons Law]). .:: .. · , .
· .·.,S_lander by De~d :...-sinjilat.acts ptmishaq.l ,~&Je~~b:J ',r:·,. · /. . . · . : . ' · . · . · ·. ·
Art. 3.5~ pft_he.'Revis'e_d:Penal~Co9ei~Jnmitt'eq!:.Q.~.-Jiv~pwf\eri~~ ;ct -'Of .e"'.ent causing dam~ge· to ..
·by. one who.performs an act of-d1su.or1<?:~.)~istreclit . · anoth'e\'\.9'ro_g.erty ·was,. not·: du.e: !o 7 the; fault or

pres~n~~ of other per$Or-1-or:p~rS<:Jrir

'Pf=f:JAL()QDE, Art. 359),.- . ~ · · .~ · · · . ·
or .. cQnt~mpt upori. th.El · offended~art/i:.;i~T.the :M·~g(ig\Q~of'the defe~da_nt, th~· latter ~hall. be _liable"

J-2-de.mnity )f. throug~. the 'cfCt_ ~r e_v~nt h~-:< -.ya,s ..
5enefited·(C/VIL 600.E,:Art. 23)., .. ··· .. . · .. · ·

~. ·.!I.leg.a; E>~~·m·i~i:aL· ·. ";_: :: \ ,' .·'· :_. .,, :··;, . .·. f .'-IU~~fr~~io~~ .. A'~ 'ca;;~ w~s--~·;v~~/after ha.Ving:~i~~
· The ·r[ght.of the enwloyer to di_smiss.'.an ~mployee. , ·dr:iv,en. by fiood,)o. B's cufti_vated tiighland.:·.A should
· '·sh.otjld j':)·ot- be confused· With the manner iri·.WliiGh · 'ind~ryinlfy'B. fo'r tfie destrtk:tio_n of th:e lafter's-'crops .. · .
. · ,t_h.~.: right,. is.. ex,e'fcise.-~'>.a.rid .. the' ,eff~qts·~flQWJng · . I . , , . . ..

·:.there.fro'm (AQlJ.IN.Q;Jbrts-and'Da{[lages, supra .. , p·a"y'ment by Mistake .. · . . :

,at392):•' ..... · .... , .. _.·. :.. ·.: ·,· lf.? w~en,ther!:J·.is no ~jghtlo.
·' · ·-:' ;..· 9emand· it,.. and·: it· was .·unduly d~!ivered· -through
}f t~~ 9\s~_is.~al ~"°:,~~don~ oppressiye.iy_or. in_ .§3. ~istak_~·. 'lh¢ .. -bblig~ti_on. to r.etutri',it ar.is_es: (C/V/t: .
· .m~mne~. contrary to· morals;, good. 'cus,to'fns an'd - CODE, Art: 22). · ·· . .' - . -- . .
. p·ubliq p'oli'cy, ·.the efrnployer-should be deemed,to . .. ~ .. ·, . . . . , · · · .. ·· · :. ·'..;· .. · ·· .. ·. ·., .
. have violated ·Art.' 17.01. ·of th'e· Civil 'cod~; ~hi2h. . ' Artides iitd·36 ~f the, Civil' C6de· se;/as! basis 'c)f
.prqhibits ·a~ts bf-oppression, by ei.ther..:capital -or · . a~_y. irh~g_in9b_le tort. ·a.ct ion;, ·th.ese aj~ .. pr.(?yis'jo~riS Ori .. :
. ·. laqo'r agaihst·f~~ other,· ~bdiArtide 21 'of the .. Ci\'.il_ ·. · · human·.relations that "wE!re intended to ·expa·na · the ··
(}ode (/dJ,' ·_. . - . COrlGept, . of tC>rtS 'jn · thi$ j_Lirispi¢tion-" )y/graiiting
. . . .~ -· ·- adequafe,l~gal reme9y:fcif. t.he untoJd number of moral
: w~origs which is imp·ossible for human .for.es19ht ·to
., s'pecifically_ provide ·in . the·, statutes (Philippin~

. . ~-
. ·.

. a·12 .. 1 2019. sA..N BEDA LA

. . .
. . '
~ .,. . ' .. 2019 . ...
,w w 1eaee •m t ggz,,;.1•-sewsr•t; i!{_&:u:e ,vtn'S··f PJ"'#tRH4.2P: "$1h?i##@#it ff4h·Ht ss, 2i44-#f:l'Zi:~"

National Bank v.· CA, et al., G.R.-No. L-27155, May Exce'J:>tion; ..-The. rig_h.t against unreasonable
1{3, 1978): searches and seizure can be. invoked by a
. . . ·· juridical entity·{Bciche &'= (Phils.), Inc. v. Co.
. TORTS AGAINST HUMAN D.IGNITY (see CIVIL Ruiz;. G.R. f.J.o. L-32;409; February 27;· 1971) .
. . -
· CODE, Art,,26) . ·. . .
Torts against h1Jman·djgnity, personality, privacy and b. Gene,ral Rule: Right to P.rivacy is purely
peace .of mind of his neighbors· ·~rnd oth~r pei'sons1 personal ln nature,,hence:·- --
thqugh the'y may not gonstitute a .criminal offense, . i. : It can be irivoked only .by· the perso11
shall ,produce a c·ause of action for, damages, ·- whose "p~ivacy rs ciaimed to have been
:-preven~)~n a~d othe~~elief .. : ·· , · violated.· :. · · ·
.. · ii, It can be .subject to wai~er of the p.erson
1. Violation of the Right of Pr:ivacy ~··privaci·.is sought to ~-e intruded
· The essence. of privacy is th.e right to be left alone into.. '"
(Op/~\/.· Torres, G.R. No. 127685; July 23, 1998). iii. The right ceases ·upon the death of the
. person· (AQUINO, Torts and Damages,'
Reasonableness of Expectation of Privacy . . ·. ~upra at,416}:· >' . .. ·' ~--
. ·, l.vto-P~rt.Tesf:: .. - . : .· . ;. I ... •, . . '---' . ·... ,~...... . •/' •,

. ..._ q·. .Whether by ·his conduct, th~ 'in.d1vid.ual hc:is. . E.~e·ptjon:. A privilege .. may. b~ given I? the
exhibite·d,an exp.ectation of privacy; and · surviving rela\ives o~ a ·deceased person to ·
b .. vyhether this., expe.~t~Jion- is one that t~~ , ·. , . prot~ct his m~mory·bLit the prjvil.ege exi.~ts for
society ·recognizes a.s reasonable (Opie v. · the .benefit··or: the living,· to· pt_otect. their
Tdm~s, G.R:Nd: .1.27685, Juiy23, 1998). ' · feelings arid to prevent the v.iolation oJ, their.
.. , own rights in the.:chara.cter and memo.ry of
:the deceased (Jd.
. ~. . 416X' - at
. . .

.. Illustrations: ;: ' '. :, . ~ - ' ...

· i. .. ·'ifIn some·
··• .
cases, the .·
law. ... allows. .• the heirs
of tl'Y§·de.cease<;rto,enter into 'a licensing ,
· .> .• • : ?~re~r.-ent for the depiction ot the 'life of .
_. / the deceased- (Lagunzad · v:- Vda. .' De.
· Glaza1e{·GR 'No: L-32066/:A.'ugusr (
.--- .....1.9,%9).., . . . -· ·. ' · .' : .... ·. ·-
.ii. C0u tl . li.av·e allowed. :. recovery of.
. . : . darnc;iges;.for- the 1,.(na't,.1thcirized use of. the:
-------- . , ·. nameor picture of a deceased person for'
. ~. . .advertlsjhq ·or trade purposes ·(AQUINO, .
especially with respect to c~rrespondenGe, .. ·· ···- ·. . ·' ToHs"and Damage~,. 'supra ~(.416). · , .
; . conversation, and records: ... ;' . . . . .. . . . ·.. : .,.
c: -Ri:.op'rietary .privacy:~ lirnil~: the !JSe · elf'· a :~. : . . Foux· Types of l~vasiO:n·otf:rivacy_:_._(F,>fFA) ..
. . ·pe'rson's· narne.. l_lkehe.~s.: identity, 'Of other · · · . a: ·R_ublicatio.n,- of·· Emb}m:a,s.sing· Private
·. . c;,1t~rib4tes_, ' ·or':, ider,tlty and. exclusive ·. · · ... , -, ·· Facts , .- . · · · :. · . ~ ·, ... _. · . :-
. - · p6ssession · . , r: .. Consists of a 'cause of action· in ·pub.licity, 'of a
c:J:: Privacy .tn .a decisional sense .: .denotE?S·; · -. : ·.· :,'- .highly,.objettio,nable· kihd/:gi.ven 'IQ private.
. libertv,' free'doin, ch.oice, or. autonomy .in . ·.· ... :· -mforrnatlon about .the,plainti.ff,,~ven thouqh it
.,._:.d§!cision.'.·making· about- sex, reproduction, ·· :; ';is true·.and n.o·actionwb1Jld.liefor'defamation ·
. - mwriage,'family, (AQUINO, , . ,. ··
.. :. ' Torts a:1d· _[)arri_a~e's; iSUpra at 4 H,412). .The int~r~st- so~·ght t6 b~ pr~t~~ted is ihe'··
.. . .· right to:. be fr.efe lr6r:n .ur,iyVarra~ted. pubiicity, -
.• .Basis .·of ..1,\1bi'lit{;ft>·r Damage_s (see. CIVIL .. : .'. · · .. :'fr~m-:1th¢ wro~·gful. P.Ubl.i.<:;i:?:ing of ,the pr.ivate .
. CODE;Art.·32)'_· .: .-. : ·. · · .:.affairs ·and .. activities.; of ·an. individual-~wHich ·
,....... ~ .. :.:: .. )' ·.. are outsi~e thE;f: realm ·of l~gitimate· public. ·
.,wh:cicc)n'·in.v_oke:' :-... -..... :_: ··: ... ·:·;· . concern·. (AQUINOf-. . T:orts:. and. Damages,
.a,· ,.General Rule: T:_he ri°ght :to privacy can be · ,supra. . at 438):- . ..... · ·
· · invoke.d .or:iW bY. 'nafu.ral. persons ... Jurj9ical ·.:
· ·· · - ·. persons ·c~nnot invoke' s~cb right. beca.use Requisites: ·· .. . ·~ .
.- ... the_ entire:basis pf· privacy is an. injury · . 'i. · · Publicity. is given to any private ·or pu'rely
IQ the· fee)ings and'se.nsiqilitie~· .of a· party; a·. · personal iriform~tio,r:i: apout ·a p~frson: ·
:coq:~ci~atlon .would have. no,,su·ch ·ground. fo"r · · , ii. . WiJ~9ut the_ latter's ~ons-ent and
relief ('!lalr:nonte,. v,.., Belmo()te, . G.R. No. · iii. That the publicatio·n was/made with
14930, Fe_piuary 13, 1989). · · intent_ .of gain or for commercial. and



business purposes . aggravates the concern and not one which relates to his
violation . of the . right, regardless of · being a private citizen f.ld. at 431) .
. whether. ornot such publicity constitutes
a criminal offense, · like libel or R.A. ~200 or the Anti-Wiretapping Law .
defamation (Id ·at .438.). . It is illegal for any person not authorized by
all the parties to any private communication
N.ote: Because of the· i_nterest they generate to secretly record. such communication. by
. ·an·d their newsw.orthiness, pu_blic · figures, means. of a tape recorder (Remirez .v, CA,
most especially those holding· responsible - G.R. No. 93833, September 28, 1995).
pos.itions ·in government enj9y a more limited .
right. to privacy. compared . to or.din"ary·. T.he use · of a telephone extension .. for
· · individuals (Aye,: Pro_ductions ·v. Capulong,.· purposes of . overhearing a. private
. G.R. !°!o.
82380; April 29, 1988).

conversation without authorization does not
violate· R,.A.· .4200 as it cannot be placed in
Rule . on Publication · of. Official the same . category as . a _..dictaphone.
: Proceedings '-- dictaqraph or the other devices enumerated ·
The publication of .facts derived from the. . in. Section 1 of RA No. 4200 thus -the use
records of official· proceediriqs ..which -ar~ 11().t . . · 'thereof can not ~i:r-cqn·sidered.-·as· "tappinq"
otherwise de_~lar~d by law ·as_ co~~d~~ the wire or cable of a telephone line.(Gaa~an
.cannot be ccnsidered a. tort1ou~conclucl'J T' A. -i-"~C, G.~. No. L-69809, October 16, 19.86).
(AQUINO, Totts and· Damages, _s·u[:Je at U V. r I: Ji"'- ·. · · ·
-~43). · . . _· / .("'""\ j_ ~ . .J ·. Limitatiqn_s onthe Information:
. · '· · '·
1 .fL:x..'v..
b. · !nt_r_u'\;ion · u?on ~lai_~Ji~:s~ec_l ;J.p-~--o~ .,~ - ....~:. . c1~
. . -:. -. i.Vi'tJ.:~ite9 _to matters of p~blic coricern..
.,,~. _: '. . _. . . · · · · .r . ·
S~htud~ o_r into ~1s Pr,1x_ate1~iri': 11», jr' W·,. IL. l~~/!~Ject to such hm1tat1ons 'as may be
It tsnot limited to case's wlte1Y.l~e defendant ~ Le~ . pr0v1tled By law· (Sereno v. Committee
physically frespa{Ped . :)nto" '{another's _ _,-~ . -. . . brr iraq~a~dRelated Matters; G_ -.R_. No.
-- property. _It· incl.u1e~c~_~es lne~_·:~~e t:lj ·. 1752a~~bru_ary 1, 2016)_-· · .
defendant mvacles one s-m'hva~y by locils.inw:, .j,i ~~ ·, \ . \ · . · . _.
f:o~ outside: (e.g.;f_ie~1n~-tonj) Jrd is{o<6b·\\l@f't:i · ~ule on r.~s~-~~~e~'s_B-~ggage_ Search .:
limited . to... C?Se$ wfi~4; ,t'\"E(T<;lefendari · · . · [~C_Ontract-1orcar~1ag·e~ a- passenger _IS ·,,
physically trespass ti J"nto~oti\~~~~p~rl~ . ~1. . rwyecht.~rLva1 and c·ann?t be· ~u-~jecte.d·t~y·
Jf:-[?UINOi Tort~ _and7 _Damag6)~ sup~~fJ= -.<&,>: -y ~1'Jsual"'<searc~., _Inquiry. may o_nly be
,· .... ... - at._,f-24-425). : .- · ·.. \ .·-. \: .- ~o> . .H!'.1,! · : W ~ · _ad?a~e-tball/ as' to the ~ature of' ~is ..
,,· ..
~he~ ,._:, prot~cts O~~~e,\',i~~!~{~~ m~;/~:on~~~f~~t
plaintiff 1s popular or not· (Id: a_t.42§~ · : __ , · ... ·. CollQ,~~s _are already

dan·g_er of b~m·g
: ·· : . · -"'- ...( ~ r-) . · · · ~'\\1r.f1QSgie~Sl?,d·(Nocum·~- .~ag_una ,Tayabas
?eneral ~ul_e:.-~_o invasion of ~~ .. p~ri?c!cy,·li,A: ~..,,,.\.....-;.B~(Company, GJ:· No._ L-23733,_ ~ctdb_ej .
whei:, a ·iou~m1hst ~e~_ords, photo.g_rap s ~3"1, 19.69; G. V. Florida_ Tra·nsport, Inc. v. Heirs
writes ab9ut somethi_ng that _occtirs in p_u6 IC . . . · ''or Batt,ung,.:J,::; G.R. No: 208802,. Oc;tober 14,' .
. . . places (Id. fl!:42!?)_. ~ · · · , )015).. . · --~- ·
, .. ' ... ~-
Reason:· . People in publiC' places . must . . lntq.1si"on in the ·internet . . . -
ass"unie "theY: migh(_be photographed .ot . . · ,· :· · . .T~eri:i- wilr be' iritrusi9n through the intern.~t if. ,'
_recorded_ (Id: at 425).
'.· ..... ..,.., ,,·
- -, ·.-: . .-.<. a_ persory is ·eng~gep~in,.what-:.[s, knp"."n. as, ..
·: · · · :Jml.a""'.ful acce~it' con.t~mplat_~d" unde:r. the
EXC!;!pti.on_: IJl{he~t the acts._ofthe'. journal(sris · Electronic Con:imerce· Act, to Wit: · . ·
. '. ·to such extent-that it constitutes harassment . .

. Of OV~rze::Jlo_i:JS .. shadowing ([d at"_426). ' .. "Access, to. an electrohic. file. or.: an .el~;irori°ic .
. signature of ~n electronic data message or
. ·· . . . .
·No.intrusion·.when::· -. . . ~.... .elettrqni~\Joc0men( sha1fo·o1y be'authorrzed .
i. ·An ·employer inves,ti'gates. an ~mpl~yee . 9nd,' . enforce'd
.. .... ' _;in . "favor:
~ of the
individual or
,or. vyhen . u'ie: .school . investi!;iafes. its .. . ··. ~r;it1t1r:·hc1vin~(a- legal righrto the possession-
student (Id. af--426). .. ·, · . · · ,. . c:irthe us~ ofplaJrit~~t. el~ctro_nic sigriat~re or
ii. · The infori-nat_ion sought' are. m.qtters: of -f)le or.solely ~or.I.he· authorized-purposes. The
yubli_c,record (Tig(if to ·inforrria.tion). This .. \ •0 · el_ectrc;mic keyfor·idef\lity:·9r.iritegrity ~hc!II not
. includes matl(;lf"S tnvolvirig pOblic officers . g_e._mad.e available 'to "any person or· 'party
but o_nly:_when'·the matter''is of- public ·. withqut ,he consent 6f the indivicluc;1I or. e.oti~y.
,, ~ .

-814 I 2019 SAN SEDA LAW CE~TRALIZED B.l\R OPERATl~NS · ·. "\.

kit '24 : • I ¥.P2>.@A•;;;. ;; i HBIPM i-t-·&&' K . \ . 4 :,,,;;; ti!! c:::1>¥St'n#b >! it> $1® & " c·. i #sz;;: S afei? ij tg4tb-¢f.tt4Sq;;,3,. jf/Jl.W!'E~

in lawful possession of that electronic. key 2. Interference with Family-and Other Relations
(R.A. 8792, Sec. 31)." It may be:'
a. · Alien.~tion of affection of spouse
c. Publicity which Places a Perso.n in a False . b. ·DisturbiQg family relations· (Id. at 456-459).
· L.:ight in the P·ublic.Eye -
What . is protected. is the Interest- of the Alienation ofAffection · ·
indivldual .in not being made to appear before This. consists· of depriving one spouse of the
the· public in an .objectionable false ·light or affection, society, .cornpanionship and comfort of
false·position·(AQUINO, Torts and Damages, the other (ld . .et 457), ·

~ . supra at 452). .- ·
It-extends· to all case~ of wronqful inJ~rferenc~ in
. ·. Illustration: Publishing an unauthorized the family' affairs of others whereby one spouse
biography -cif a
famous baseball player, is induced to leave the other spouse or-to conduct
exaqqeratinq his feats. on the baseball field, himselfor herself in such a way that the comfort
portrayinq him as·war hero (Id. at 4?3). . · 'of married life is destroyed (Id. at 45!)- . ·
. . ·.
Note: In many' cases, the publicity given to"' · There is no evidence that the parents of Vicenta, ·.
the plaintiff is defamatory, 'hence an action for out of improper motives," aided and abetted her
libel is also warranted; the action for invasion o"rigin"al suit for annulment.' or her subsequent"
of privacy wili afford an alternative remedy divorce; .she appears' to' have . acted
(Id. at 453). · . . ' independently, and being of-age; she was entitled
to judge. what was best for her and ask that her
Putti~g False Light v. Defamation decisions be respected. Herparents, inso doing,
certainly cannot be charged with alienation' of
affections in the··absence of malice or unworthy
motives;··wt)i"ch'have not·beei,.-shown,(gpod faith
being jways pr~sumei:l .until the · co11trary i~
provedb~~a'nj~nco· v'. ~.R. No.· L-18630,-
, ·. 0~~7. --~ /?· ~~~6).
D1stur~rng Fam1!y Relations

.>.,.. :_ >.·_· _ -~ .· ~- ~ ·.
. •. · -· · · ·
. Pi. 12erson m~y be..tJ!eiq Ji~ble. if h_e di?turb~ 'family
~elations (QYI~ CODE,_Art 26).

f. courier service may be held_liable· for def~y in

th~ transmittal·· ·of· a-. ·
t_elegiam , (Radio
Th·e.. statement st:io.uld be Publicati~n is sati~fiea~if Communic.atio{Js of thfl - Philippines, · Inc v.
actually.made 1n publit: . 9 letter is" ,sent. to a. trnrd . ·:Ver_che,z, G.R. No. 16~3'49, January 31, 2006).
· · ' ' ' person.. . · ·
_The· law recqgnjzei the ~ight of ·the parent to ·.
ad_vise the· ~ori 'or·daugnte'r: . · · · . · . ·
- . a. -W~en the a_dyice was giv~nJn·g_ood faith; and ·
Defendant may •. _stiil be What is pdblished 16wers -·. ' re~ul_ts i_n separation; the. act does .no"t · give
v. lield liable; even-, if the the .esteern in 'which the .... · th~ injure<;l party the right o·f action.. ,
statement~. tell something "plaintiff. · is · held (Id.. at ·. b. .Malice must. _b·e. '.eslablisheq, and .it must
good about theptairuitf .. 453). : ' · . ·. · . !3ppear ··that defendaril's 'acts1• were "the.
controlling cause of the loss of 'affection to
: -.·. r. rec.o"ver .d.afnages (Terichavez :_;.. Escano, .
d:· _!.:;ommer~ial ~ppropriation .of Likene~s ... G.R. No: t-1$671; Novem6er 29; 1965). · ·
.., . . ..... .. ... .~ '
The unwarranted publication of a person's
name .. or the . unauthorized us"e o(" hls 3. Vexati.~n and Humili~ti9n '·
· photoqraph or: likeness .to·r 'commercial Vexation . ._. . . . . _
. purposes is ·an invasion . of. privacy (Id.. at This-refers' act of ~nnoya·nce'or irritation
.. 454) '; : ' · . ·. . · . that caLJ~es· :or . .c,!gitation (MVRS
Publications,· Inc. v: lslmaic Da'Wah, Council
,~·It is an invasion of privacy to film
another's· . of . thf Philippines, Inc., . et. al., G.R> No ..
life or the· Jife of, a deceased Without his . 13530=6, Janua,x-28, 2()~3).
consent or. the consent of therelatives the as
case .rnay be (Id: at 454).


- TO-Rt.S.-ANp
May Consist Of: ' c. Sexual Harassment
a.; Infliction of Emoti'onal Distress The special law on 'sexual.harassment is RA
Requisltes: (MICE) . · No .. 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act
- i. Plaintiff's Mental distress. was..extreme 6f1sss .. • · ·
and severe: .
. ii. conduct of the defendant was [ntentional Kinds ofSexual Harass'me.nt:
. · or- in reckless disregard of the· plaintiff; i. Quid Pro a'uo cases - when sexual
iii. . g,ausal connection between defendant's· : favor ismade as a condition in the hiring .
conduct and plaintiff's mental distress; . or employment or when sexual favor is
and . made a condition to the. giving of a
. iv. Conduct was gxtreme and outraqeous >- · PclSSing:gra.dB or granting of honors and
beyond all possible bounds of decency'; . scholars_hips((R.A. No. 7877;· Sec.: 3) ..
.reqarded as atrocious, · and · utterly IL . Hostile environment cases - when the
intolerable · in civilized· society .(MVRS · employees-or 'students work orrstudy in
Publication, tnc. v istemic ·_Da'wah . offensive ... or· abusive :_ environment
Council, G.R. No. 135306, ·January 2_a; (AQUINO, Torts and Damages, supra at
. ~20Q3) .. 4.8.3): ', ·. -·. . ·. . . : ... :. . · :., .
-, •.• ·,


·p"f~-intif( ls ril~~ely 'i-equir.ecr' t6 :- . .

,pr.qvt:/ . hjs :'.;)~Y ... · '):~se m:~"r~'. ·. ·. i_
, prepo11~ier'an~e of e~idenc'e.:,.: · ·.. -··: ·,
~~IH,,.. t'·.)·.: .::: ··c ·-<::" ;:'··._:)_,:::~'-:· .. ::·'.'.'.:.z/.
,c.. • ;.

.. : . : ·h_:· or~sfi_minati.on
-....._.. / •. ··\.

. ·. .

• .>
. . ·' ' .
- ,,.
1 ··,':· ~l , <r : •
,'''·;' -
' ...,
~~~-'.Thipe·~'~i~g-~-i~11c~drori~~nai1;b~ -: -- : .. •
.· •:::.','

. . . _· Different · forms .of :· di~cr,i!llin_auon. ·. :susperi'd~d fri: 'wMtev.ef'stag'~ ft · . ' .:

.... "'_exi;ir!;issly proltiblted under theexistmq-laws lfnay?f ~e\ fou,nd~:·· .. until' :/fln~.1 . _:· ··
.· .. . . ·in_t~is-i,urisdiction' (td>at 4-?0j.
. . . . .... -..
. :
. . \' . ~ ...
. . '
~~~~··. jµdgr:nent irf·!f:ie cri_m·inal?actioi1· <~· .
• •• •• •••


p~li~9> ~S·;~.fl~Ct'ed in·.:ih/c0~-~tit~tion·.;: .. ,. ·,~~~}'~,enrih~dehia.· ·: \ ,·. :; :'"::-~:' · .... _, ,

. · . and .statues, 'abhors _discrin:iinatibn (!cf-Jal'. -The, ,evidenFe:. preseriteci a.nd
'"i:170-471}.· . : ,' . . . . .
~a.mittedjri:tlie_ cjvil. ~~tio,~·:sh~II .·
. ', .. .' - - . _b~· >;deeme'd ,.; :"}, automatically· .
l1l·u~tratiOns: . . · ~ . .. . """"'",,.;.,t~);t""
1·jeproeluc~~f ·. ;'n .. thi;? .. criminal ·
L : -;,Discriminatfqn
. . ' ' . . .11-iorkfb'r'ce,o(.LABO'F~. c"ObE('Art:)3§); '·
aqainsf :(women·· in··. the
1~~~,m~~~-l a_<::tio_ri/Witti.oJi'-pr~ju;aic~·-'tci :tne . ·.. ~ ·
l~~~~~~if'l·adniissio.n:: 'of·. th·e fadditlo'na·I .•.
iii ( .Q_i~cr.iniinafion of.dTsab).ed·-·P.ersdris,(RA .". i3vid!:!nce·,any ,_p·arfy_ .-:rtiay " _. · · '
. .1No.' . ·. ·-7277/ Magna/ Carta: .tor. Disabled ... I •. .

wi~h · to · pre!:ient: The- criminal.

. • J.. .

Persons); and·. . · '·. =: : ~- .: · . •

. and·civil'action shall be tried arid

,\ .. .- 1 •. • •••

iii, . Dis_cri'rnin;iiiion: u-ri'cjer Magn_a /C-~rta . for . · · , oecid~·d jbint1y .... : · ·" -:. ·· · :
. . . . .. ~ - .
Wpmen (R:A: No. 9710, Magna Carla of .. ,·

·'n). . - · · · · · . · ,· ·

,\ :.,. .
.,,.·. :· · ..
) ... \.
816 1 2dis sAN sEi:?A U;I w cENTRAllZED BAR oi:>ERA TJoNs.
(. ,.
. .
44GW, k·A_Wlff@t:',,!5, ~s&-?=33~ M<# Et ... £::fr4#¥i .,~tt:,c~S-W#W2%~::t'%£lff15fY'Ua?ri ~
. .
Art. 3_0. v. Art. 31. b. · the requirement of proof beyond reasonable
doubt. often prevented" the appropriate ·
punishment. .An independent civil action
. ;
Thi~ refer~- to separate. This. refers 'to · ·.an
would afford ·.the proper.' remedy. by a
preponderance-of evidence.
civil . action which is indeperident. 'civil action c. Direct' .an·d open violationsof the =Revised
9as~_d on . the criminal based on obligationan · Penal Code trampling Jpon the freedom
liability of the defendant. arisinq from other named are not _so frequent as those subtle,
. .sources such as· law, cleyer and indirect ways which 'do,riot come
... contracts, ._·. : : . quasi-
·vyit~in t_he pale of the penal law (lei: at 498).
contracts and quasi. ,. . ~
delitts. .., , , ·. Persona Liable
'. A person. ma/ be held liable whether his ..
. : participation is director indirect (Id. at 500). -
H?RTS . V'JIT!-1 INDEPENci°ENf Cl\ll~ /ACTIONS. . . . . . .. '.
. .......
(C/VI~ CODE, Art:·31, 33 erio
34/ · ·. . . ,·· . ' · . a. Public Officers or'Ernpl~yee~
- ~ : -:..
, A distinetiorishould-be made with' respect to
)'niepend.en_t"Civil. Actions include': (~D~Fi,N~i.17? 0) •
those acts· done within the scope of official ·
1. Yiolatio'n of'civil and politicalriqhts (Ait.32)/ ·, ·. authority and acts done without or· in excess
.. ,2. ·. Qefqmatiqn (Ari. ~:J);. , . ·· . -: . of_9ffi~ial'authority._A supertorofflcer may be
3 .. J:raud (Art. 33); . ' ,· ., . .,_ · .. held ', liaq17- · for · the' violation of his
.I :4. · Physical [njuries (Art. 33);. · ', · , subordinates. I

_.q: .. ~egle·ct.of9.LJty·9y p.u.bli,c Qfficers.-(Art. 'j4J; and ·

. .--' ·5_ . _Art. -~1'77-.of the Civil Codt=)in c~se of1gwasi-tl~licf
. . · (A_QUfNO;. Totis and [)amages, supra at 491).' · l.ocatqovernment units and their ~fficials are
· ,· · . , . . . .· · . · , -· 7 . not .e~mp(frqm li~bility for deatli or inju_ry to·.
B~sis.~f L[abilit; '_ ·· . ,· · · ·~ ·' · . -?'- .· · . persqns-or ·damage to ·property· (R:A. No.
Two views·:· .. . .·i ·. .. . · · ·.: .. _--t;: ·.· .' l\o·
_ 7.1_.6/0
.. ~al_G_over_n.m~nt:G_o9e,_S_e_.c1.·24f. . :
1...: r.oienun·o _,_ Th~·ci~i1.actipn which tn~ ~i.vi1· coae . ff
·. P!~yision~ all~w 'to be fil_~d. (partj..culariy Artlcle ~3) ·. : b .. ·. Private lndiv:iduals . ,-
·, . .is ·-~~..cqeflcto... · t.hat~~.i$, ~iy~li~_bili.tY. arising 'fron'.\ - ·.~ote:.1.-': l?e.:ions . . indirectly ... violatirig.
delict. - · . · :~ · ·. · · · ~~ut!qnal ·<
J:g_hts . i_ndude p_ersons
2. 'cagufoa....: The)ability sought t~ be e~forc~cri~ : inst1gat~.v101a_tion.
: ,.indepe~d-~oj ci~jl _ac:tion~ g(a:c,~<;id_· uoder.' 1>:rtic:les
: 3~. 3~ and 34 1s:not the .._civil l[abilit{?J~ising.,fro"'m .. . Art. 32· spe~ks of an offic:~·r ·~r .. employee··:or
.. crime~. The basis :is ·said t?: be \:>~UC>l.iS _actions. . : .per.son "directly or lndirectly" respoqsible for-.
. : . FryQ~~ - of the: rature . oJ. ~.u{pa:. i9!'i~i~h~nd,. . ~ vi9latiori 6fth.e. cons'titutional. rights' and
· t~~r.efofe: ,S'?.p~rate:and. d1stinc.t fr©m. Cl~il liabili,..ty.,_.,i....;........,.-.. - . ..L" Of aripttier~'·ifis· nc)l° the -~Ct~r -' .
. arising from c'rime ... : . . .. . .. •· .. alon_e (i;~., th_e ·one directly iespons(~le) who
. . •. , . ... :,' •1 . . . . · . .. · ~.- • . . .· . must·answer for damages under Ari. 32·:the
· ·iris ·believed .Jnat. the latter ·view is ·lii~i be her· view. . :.'pfi~sqr:i · in9_ire.~tly · r~sponsible has,:· als6 to ·
becaus~ even the, Report .of- th'e· C'bd~; Coriimissi~~ ' .. · ~riswer tor. the dama_g~s injury c~:4sed to or·
· cit_ed. iri"M~deja v: '.Car.o, refer~ -to·_civjLactions that are: . . ' the. aggri.evea. party:(Aoerc·a y. Ver, -GJ~.: No.
· absol_utely sepJ:lrate·· an-d '_in9epericl_e.n((G.R. :No. L- ·. ~ .. 69866, ;A°pru· 15,· :1988; Silahis intern~tional
. ~1.18_3,., D_ece'!'. 2·1; f98_3; 'AQUINO. 'Torts and · Hotel;· Inc. v. ·soluta, ·G.R. No.. 163087;
· OafT]ages, s_upra at 578) · · · '. : - · . februwy 20, :29p6). · · : . , , - ·
. -:.. .- . . ~ . ':"

1 .. Vi.61_a~i.o·~ of Civi1::;nd, ·P6Ji'ti~~I Ri.ghts: (~I-VIL ·

. CQDE, Art: ';32) ·;.. . · . ._ ... ·.. : . ;... ·~- " . . ·aInvalid Def~nses:
: . Statelnill'!U~ity ·"" . .
: '.. : · . :. · · ·. ·
. > _Th.i~ maY, ·f?e coi:ninitted :_ by intentional a·nd ' . · · Reason:- Offic.~rs ·do. not'act withfr:i'the-a~bit.
·. negligent.a.cfs · and _do . .'r:iot rec:j'uir'a'malice or-b~d ,: ·. . of.· their .. powers .;: if< they . viol,i'te : - the
': f<?!th ri?:~! 4~9( .·: · .. · .· . ·' · . . . ·• ... ·, -~onstitutionaL .._ri_ghts :of .·persons (AQUINO,
. , T_orts arjd p~mages;·stJpra.at504);_: ~ .·
. b. ,-suspen.sion_ ~f the writ of habeas''corpus
· c.aflf)Ot be used ·as· a.>
defense. in ·
r .'. · ·invo(virig._Article 32 of the Civil Coci°e (Abe.rca .
. . v. Ve(! G.R_. !vO.· _6986~, April._ 1E!, 19.88). · 1


. I



2. Defamation (CIVIL CODE, AH. 33) . c. It must be Malicious; and

'Defamatlori, which· includesvtibel an_d slander, Existence of malice in fact maybe shown by
means the 'offense of .. injuring·. a' person's extrinsic evidence that the defendant bears a
"character, fame,' or reputation through false and grudge against the offended ·party, .or that
. malicious statements (MVRSPublications, Inc. v. · · "th,e°re is rivalry or' ill f~eling between triem (Id .
tstemlcDe'wenCouncii of the Pbils., lnc., G.R. at 5?5). · -
No. 135306, January·28, 2003).:
d. It must beqiven ~ublici[y.
It· is that" which tends to injure reputation or It is not required that publication isrnade in
· dirnlnisf the 'esteem, respect, qeod will, .or the media publication. Cqrrimuf')ication to· a
· confidence in the plaintiff.or to excite derogatory single individual ·:is sufficient 'publication:
feelings or opinions about' the plaintiff· (MVRS· dissemination to a numberofpersons is not
Publications, Inc. v. Islamic Da'wah Council of required. .
the PfJils:,. Inc.; G.R.. No. 135306, .January .28, No liability will result if·the defamatory matter
2003). · is not seen· or heard by ·.ii'nyori~ except the
0 defendant and. plaintiff (Id: a{523) .
. Itls "the publication 0J~c1hything ·whi~h is. injurious . _ . ". .
. to 'the-qcod .narne or_ reputation of another or. Testin Determlnlnq.the Defamatory Character
tends to .bring .him . into -disrepute . (MVRS.-' · ofthe Words.Used - . - - . · __ .
.Publiceiions, Inc. v. islamic Da:wah .f;»lln'tfr'ofr 1 J\ ~ charge is sufficient· if the words are calculated
the Phils., _Inc., GJ:?. No. 13~306 qanu~. 28, V 1. \Jto lf1duc~earers: _· · . -
2003).· , . · · , ~~·~ -..,.,._,, a,,( 1}.,_;~uppose and. understand .. that .. the.
· · I' ~ , . · perso]/:> against whom tqE?Y· were uttered
!t. is an. invasion" ~f. a -relatw.nal i¢!,ey . t ~Jl.c~· i~ ~e~~-il~~ of .a ~erta/n~ oft'.e~~~; . . · .. - ...
involves: ._the.. opmion wfl~otne_rs[ .in t~ r::_ ~
b: \re s~fflc!$1}'to·1m.peach their honesty, v1rt~e
community.may have, orf.fend'(\cf ha\!e, of . t~e ~ it,\ .or reput~f1on;.or . . · .-·-· .
pla(ntiff.. '(MVR~ Publicitfo~_s, "l[nc.. J.
_ls[arr:ic · -~ c. ~o holo. t!:Ef'p~soi:i/s ~p to pub!ic_ r(di~ule
Da Wcih - Council of the! Pnilslf-lnc_._,
•135306, Janu~w28,'200BN · .. :_- ~>
'f'll<;J. ·
1;'r;.t: 1996). ,~ l :.
- _ , _ (jc1zon t,_ CA,~ 13,R. No. 12071.~~ -M_arch 29,
_. - _
· ~E:~s~-~ .for ··iiabinty:.
T~~sire ~i~c~ ~, tg"t~ No~l7i_r;ji~a~e m~ust-put hiip~e_lf in.. fl~~ ~~~es-_of
r~_putat1on _of eve_ry. md!v~d~~J (AO'Q/fJO~o ,~ · ri- . e /~r':ge/~ead?r, a_nd .~ef1d_e:· w.~_eth~r su_ch·.
andipan:iages, supra ~t 5\1,0).. x,-<:J:-'-.-. ~ k,:~"'[l!~~O.U40 lnt~ri et, the m~s~age ·qs !1b.elous

··;..:· . _:.-.. -- . · ··.·. _:- .·;'§:J.~ --.· ~ ~~IJJNOJT?rt!a 'dO_am~ges·;si!pra a~~14). ·

·" Re·qu1s1tes Jor: __ · One to be· LJal:5le o ·. . : /. .. · · . . . . ·
·_ bef~tn~toi:y·t111puta't\ot:1s: .. (E>IMR)°'· 8(~1-
· .• · ,~,.-r\ .· . ·: .. .·· _ .: . _.. ~ . . .-
.. - a. It must be Qefamator:y; '- . '1'. - ~VII must. be words which· are
.. }he st~.tement'is defc3:rr,atory as(~~tter_ ~f~,\~~i~~ultingcir~ nq_f actionapl~ as· n~el or: .
:· la~ where ir:11¢.utatio_n·is·_the com°:11sJJn7of a M /\.::.,. _~ :sl~d~er per. se,.-and mer~ wo~?s nf Qeneral. '.
9n~.e.; th~ aefa!11at10~ 1s so. pl~th~c!· · ~ow~v1::r Qpp~o~no~s. ·111-Q;:itu.r,ed;. or .
·· charge:is aLitomaticalJy·deetned libelous .. ·. · - - . . vexatious, whether, written or spq~en, do n6t -..
.. ' . . .•.. -';--· ,-.:.. ' . ···constitute'a'bas[s..fqranacfkin.fo_r'defamatlon· '.".":
.'!f°the statement-' is "not defamatory as a matter in .·th_e absen~¢- o(an 'a)legat,io"n,: io_~ "special
of law,':. the Court -m0st then: mak.e - a: d~n:i~~~~- The '·_..f9ct _ t.h_at }~e !an·guage ,f~_ _
· .determinatio'n._d"n,the:·d~fa'rnatory.capability·of . off~r:1s1ve to,. the ;plaintiff does _not make· 1t .
the .·statement. ·:(AQUiNO, ':-Torts . and .. ·a.CtionaBle,by_it_self (MVRSPub/ications, Inc., .
.Dam.ages, sup!a _at'{,13) . . . ' et /1~. . v. lsiwr/c·. Of:i'w.a,h : Coupci/. :Pf .-.!he.
• J Ph(lippines, Inc.; ·et aJ., .G.R.' _ No. 135306, .
b~· i:he victim must.qe ,!dent1fiaple; - · . . . January. 28,. 2003),:. .· · .. , · ·
- ,· .H~ ·-. ~ust '· _esjabli~h_., th~t/'th_e .. 9~fama.toiy b.: : P~ti;"onal: hwrt ·or em·barras.smen·t :or.-offerise; - ··
. statfiment referred ·to him.'alttiough it is ·n_dt even _if rea1:·is ·notaCtomati¢ally equ_\vai~nt .to .·
neces!,,ary .. that he ,be. ha'med. Ttie:-. plaintiffs . . defamation .. .The 'law, agains"t' defamation ..
· in.clud,e-b:Oth:natw_a.J'-arid joridic9l·pers0ns. 'proteqts orie's .. interest i~' a~q'uiring,:retain1n'g,c
··-' •L, •• ••• •• , 'L - artcJ.:.,eojoyirig-.a reputation '_as: gciolas one.'_s .
lt · is · i'ri'suffi~ien~ : that-. the- offe~dedi · party' .. _.c~ar_acter., aqd ·- iori"duct . w<;1rra11t:· ~he ... ·
:recognized himself as the·person att~cked or· .. conimlinity,_lt_is l):ie, comm~nfty, nqr,oersonal . .:'_ ..
. defamed. 'it must be .shown 'that·:·at leas.Ca" standard$, ·wtiicb is taken into account io _ -
. thircl person csiuld identify_ hiin as. the object . evaluating an'y .. alle.m:iti6ns -of liber'and any
. of the· libelous·. publication (l<f. _af"527)_. claims for-damages on account thereof (GMA
. ' '

.= .•


. F·,c;·'=i\l#lW ti r# #fit4&~ : %'#¥# }'4 t Q ,$6 Jc; ·>SQ; $tit&e&!?
b a;vw·: g Q5t42bP, 'i'fr&iS&iS:,» a;: t!M~_fy#A « :.+&;,t:t1fflftl1~

Network and VidGJI. v. Bustos, G.R. No. 'oelivered rn said proceedings or of any other
1.46846, October 17, 2006). · act performed by public 'officers 'in the
· c. · Alleqed defamatory statements· should. be exercise of their functions (REVISED PENAL
taken -in :their. entirety. and the statements . CODE;_ Art. 354): '
· should not be interpreted by taking the words
uttered one out of context and giving Cases. . . ,
· .. . . them twisted meanings (AQUINO, ·The a. The exceptions refer to, a qualified privileged
.· Re.vised ·penai Code ''(1998),· p.f?-14 · communication, the character of whichis a
[hereinafter AQUINO, The· Revised Penal matter of defense. that maybe lost by positive
Cotje])._ · . .. ·. · proof. of express malice on the part of the
d. Slight unintentional errors will be excused. 'If . · accused. -Qnce it is .establishd that the:
. ' : a 'writer in the- course' of temperate and a
article ls.of 'privileqed character, the onus
leqitirnate criicism falls into error as to some of proving· actual rnal lee rests-on the _plciintiff
. detail; 'or draws an .incorrect.inference from . who must then 'convince the court, that the
facts :b.efore him and. thus goes beyond. the. . oftender was prompted t5y malice or· ill' will.
~ . . . . limits of strict'lruth, such inaccuracies·will·ncit Wheri "this ls -accompushed. the defense of
.... ·.:cause j'udgmen't' to go· ag<?inst him. (Flor V. privileqe . -beccmes un·a:vc1ilirig (Santos'.· v.
People, GR.. No. 1399.87, March 31, 2005). ,· :~Court of Appeals,- G.~. No. L-45931; October
. e. ,:Me~e assertlon'that a person failed or refused· 21-~. 1991). · . · . ·. . .

=».·, .
to perform a· contractual obligation does not, : - b. · f o be considered malicious .. the libelous
in.and ?n itself, injpre _the pet~on;s. t;>~sine~ 7 statement must' .be · shown to have been
reputation or deprive 0 h)m . of public 'or
Written publlshedwith knowledge tha,tlh.ey
c~-~fid~nce (lnsula,: Life I'd. . . : are false or lnreckless .disregard of whether
v . . Serrano, .G.R. No. 163255, June 22, .they'are.false or not. Reckless disreqard of
. 2007j.' ; ..
», ' •. • . • . • . • •• •• · • whii f!{f~'ise -o"r'no't° means thatthe author
: f. _.A publication claimed to· be defapiatory must . or pub~$her ..entertains _s_er(ous. doubt. as to.
.. be read and construed·in theeser.ise in whieh h (_)f. t.~e pubhc?t1on,· or th9t he '
· Jhe '.i~aqer~. to whom it· i; ad~~s~ed wo.ul?.- . pqssesses. a :h.igh ·. c!ewee of awar\~ness_· of ·
:- ~rdina_ril_Y- u~d?tsta.~d it.. So, f~e ·~~ it~m, · .. _t~~~ ?/'?b\"J?le falsity ( YfllapuevfJ v. Pbi~qpine I
:inf!uding_ d1s_play~_1_1n_~s:._~h?uld~ _r~_ad a~ . {J)a1/y V]_qu!rer;. ef: c!f._,"f'G.R: 0}0, _1.64_437; May
tons!rued togetfi'er . and! J!§.-~eaning~d· . . ·· •1srr2009}; · · . ,, .·, · · . . ·
. signific~tion_ tJ:ius 'detlrminect=(Arafilem. .. ~- .. Every c~ _o:r_sourse h~~ th_e· ~~jo~
., ... ·.Philipp_ine'!ournalis(s:"f~c,, G1J)N6. 1502f6, ·. ·a gooo.r,a_me _r~pµtat1on, butwe d~ not
. . .Marcf'!. 25, 2004). . . . . cor:i.sider' tliat t_h~ ·_respondents'; una~r. the_ . ·

. .<
' g_. . In, civil a_cti_.?n for ..d_arriclQeS, no H~Jity_ will .
r~.sulfif thtf,def~Q,-atory·i:11aJteyis not
- or. l)eard .. by anyone excee,t.ttie defendant
~,o_ circumstances of this,case,::i,ad viola'ted said .-
t;ig_iit or abused __ th~ . freed_Orl)· Of th~ p?ess.
Newspap~rs shq!,Jld ·be given -sucb leeway
the ' .
. .
. . .
... . .
characJer . - .or · · .
a·nd· ~ .' tolerance
~ .. ~. . a$·· to·-:- enable·. . them . to
. . .. · .. repu_tation ... of the _plaintiff ··is· the estimate · .. · · · · :·:;.. ·;courageously;, and effec\iyely perform th~ir
, . wh1ch ·others '.hole! him and riot , whci"t . he. . . ·irhportarit: role in. our . democracy. In. the· .
· ··. , himself thinks '(Peopl~ v_. ${/vela; G.R. No. L- preparation. ofstodes, ·pr~s·s .reporters ·and
· 1.0610,· Majl'26;·1958). ·. . . · . ·. [eaitor.sJ:... usu·a11.y .. r-i1-:ie ._tc:i. r<,:1ce'.-w.ith their ..
. .. - .. ·. . lines; ·ana: consistently with good faith :
Preslimptiori··~t'M_alice. and reaspn~bl~·care, t~ey s.h.ould no~ be held.
,Gen.efal' .Rule:. Every.,defainatory". imputatio'n is' to ."account;·--to a "i:>oint 'of suppression, -'.fo'r .
. presun:,ed to be malicicius, ev.en· if it is tr~e; if no . : nonest mf;takes _or.imperf~ction iri 'ihe choic~
·. good ii:,tenti9ri or.justifiable moti'{e for making il isr .., . ,. of wo~d~ ·(Ara files·: v. Pni/ippine~ Jow~nali~ts
. · .-...shown· (Malic~Jn law as· contemplated in Article . 'lric., G.R. No.-1-5_025_6,' March 25, 2004) .....
." ' ;354·ofth_e Revised-Penal Code).·· . . . . . .,
-~·L.. . . Kin_d~·-~f~afi~·e:_ ·.,. , ·.·J _ ·._ .. · .... = .. , ..
. : . '·: ,.- Ex:teptip~~: ·. . a. _Mans·e' in. (,aw. is. a;,p_r~s·umpti9n, of law.'· It
·a. - A· private .. communicatio.n ·. m·ade· by ··any . ··. dispenses. wit~. the proof of maiice when ·
. . . person to another in ih~ ·performance ·_of any' : . :words that raise tlie··presumptiqn are shown
,.··,.h~gai; mo(af or-social duty;' and . . ,. . . .. 'ta:·have been .uttered:' It is also.:khown 'as .
. b: . N fair ·and true .te.port, mad_e. in good,_faith, cq.nstructive 'm·a!ice, legal malice:; or .implied
. wi.tho'u_t·any .. comments,.or remarks, of .9ny . m_alice (AQUIN.O, Torts anif Oa(n?ges, supra
~ .·judicial,"' . legislative or·.· - other . :official at 526). . ,. ·
proceedings ·which are not· of c·onfidentia1·.
nat1,1re, or of any ~tatel"(lent, report, or·speect\ .



b. Malice in: Fact is ,a positive desire and Two Kinds .of Privileged Cqmmuriication:
intehfion to annoy .and injure. It is also called·. · a. Absolutely Privlleqed - not-actionable even
express malice> actual 'malice, real malice, ' if- 'the author acted in .bad faith · (Manila
true malice, or particular malice (Y.uehengco . Bulletin Publishing Coro.:v. Dominqo, G.R. ·
v. · The. Manila ·Chronicle Publishing No: 170341, July 5, 2017). ·
'corporation, 'G.R. No:. 184315,. November·~
25, 2009).' Illustrations:
r i. . Allegations and .averrnents in .. pleadings
Group Libel filed .in court .as long as: relevant ano
.Requisttes: pertinent to jhe issues., : · ·
a. Libel directed aqainst a fc!frly large g"roup; ii. A member of the Congress is exempt
b. Libel canreach beyond the mere .collectlvity . from liability for any speech or debate in
to . _do dam_age. ·to an jndividual qroup- 'the Congress or any Committee thereof
member's reputation: and - .- ·(CONST. -Art. ~I. Sec. 11). .
c. jh'e" ·.statgrne"nt .. is,.:so sweeping .and all- ) ... ' .-
embracing as to apply to every individual in b, Ouallfiedly Privileged - riot 'actionable ·.,
that .group. or .that he.can bfing the . unless '..found , to ha5,e_ been made without
. :-good _intehtio_i:, .~f justifiable - f):~~i~!:l. (Manila

. _ . · .: _ - ~ u
. action separately]f necessary _(Nf!W,Sweel<, ·
Inc., v. lAC, G.R. No L-63559, May?P, 1986)~ Bu/letm Publlshmg..,_~fJrp .. v. Dom11;go; G.R ..
A. j- No._170341, July 5, 2017). .
In _or9er to· escape .liabil)ty, _th,' .f\J J"· ~ . -. -r . . ..
cl~i.m. that the ~1at.ements __ r:nade~re. Wiy,ileg~cf~ .( -~Jasse_s:· · .. · .. ; · . .., . . ~ . · .
(A_QUINQ, Tort_s_an_d Damage:(~;JP~a;c_at-537) .. - r · : • 1.~.A.private c_o~m_un_,c.~t,o~ made ~y any
.. · : ..... ·.- _ .. · ~{. ,:v; 7 ~- 'p'~so1to,,another m-t~e performance of
Declarat,o~s m;:1ae_<?bou~_jfi~g~ol~_s ?f p~<:> 11,. \v/ ~ a~y1_1%al, m~ral_ or soc,~I du~y;, . , .
?a~npt.b~ in(e~P;r~ted t_o aav.e_r()~~:1dint1~~dltr ~ .U-"l. •. ·i~ A,_fa1r :n~ tru_e·-rep9rt, ma~e_in_ good _fa!!h
, 1d_ent1~able l[l_~Jv~dual. __ /Ab'9~nf_ circuh'lst~nces f~/-~ .
:s?POCJ_frca_lly pomJ!ng' or gap
Jhg to'.~
m~_m_b(_: ?r of.~ pias}.,.no. ivem~trfor~~-u~h c:;1a~
ar r,'rtl~UF
. .. .
~1t~~~ljQY-C?1I1~.ents, or_~e,n:,cjr~~;·of_a~y.
jOd 1c1au.~1sl~tJV~ or. othef offlc1al ..
s·7!( _. _ 1
proc e_ain_gs wh,~h- ar(;! n.o~ ?r co11fiden.t,a1 ..
: ... a_n~~t'.o~.~c\!on W)thouj_at alJ-,_~P-~J~1r:ig t ,f-~qu'a11~2fp~ · · . na\ure~~-~ _of a~~ s_ta~e~e~!;}eport_ or
-. ,_,
de_mand1ng· right, of f~eel,, es~ion ---2: . · . C..:J . e,ef~· de~1Y-ere~ .in ?a,d· P[Oceedings, ~r
.•' . · (~~~=t;·~-a;:~;lr~~~: ho~,~6;~~~i~,g~:~/ i~ , ~~~iI~~~;·e~~ri::i-~~hee~:Z_Ji~~1 t'
1';, ••
' :-
<-. _ ;. 2'.'. 2018). ·. ·. ·1. : ·. : , .• ·• =_ · '.· _\'·\: :<'-J:. _1r!~ ... -..:w -~~1.i_i:·· fjif-co_m_m_en~ar!~~- orf't!1~ff:r~. of pub(\c
·.. _ .. -· ... _ . : , .. , _ -,- . . ... . .· ) . :·:'\:_ _._- ~.. . . . . _. . ..•.. _ .. ~oi:ic_e~n -/(Yw::~enflc;o_ -~i. T,f)~--- M?Jmla
· . _. An 1nd1~1dual ryl~shm ha~, ~rer,ut?lton -.t~{!::>[~~~ · · ·,Chr?mr:e P~'b.l!~hmg _C.orp_orat19n;'G.R.
. . . ·."p,ers~nal, 5.\':~·ar_~_te and_ dJfltpct~t~_e;~~ty:-_ . · ~ .",. · ' .~~~ }8.'4315, Noyem'ber.~5; 200~)- ·
-<..\"\J.\r .· · '. ;: . · : .-. · · : . . _.
_; , _ · ~ach reput~t1on '?- per_so~~J:in·_c~a,Lac~1:o--;.e~
· _., p:erson_ ... T~~eth~r._· the_ ryi:u_slim_s.:.9~~otln~le _a,
•1• · , single·. con_,_n:,on rep~tat1oifthat \v1JI g1~hm)L a
M . '.
1'.1A..,_\o~lain. t ag~,-~st.p~l)hc offi~,.~ls .. add. re_s.~e~·t_o
· ~~?P,er.. author!t1e_s ·. ,?· _.qualJn~qly . pnv,l,~g~d
1 \ .... :

. ¢omn\c;iri o_r ge_fierc;!l._inte·re~t iri,Jl\e\·suoje,ctmc1lter1 • ~.-· , }A_qUIND,''Tort:3~8f/9 D.amages, supra 'pt:54p) ..

·. . .(?f the ·CO~ltrQve"rsy ' . ;(tvtVRS-'Pllblic_ations;--lnc~ v.· .. ·· .. ·' '-i·. _< ' _.:. "/. . ..
· .. ,... , .. _. _ _.' . ... . . ·.( '. '
_,__ ;J_siamicDa'wah G_bun.cifd(the. -P.hils";.lnc;,,.·G:R.: :· =[e.&_t: G_o9d·Faith .. . ". ·, ·.- · :... . .
· · · ·No:·13f?$06, ·J_ani{ary'"28, 2QQ3J;° , :,.·.:· : , · · · ' · ..Even.if ,the, stater:nen1 is. un_true, t~e same:m·ay not .
. • . . < ' - ... ' • ·- ·. :, -~ ' b.( consiq~rec::t d.~rarn~tory. u'rrder; tti~ : said: test .
· · .· Dec·eas'ed . ' ...- . . . · . · -: - <. . · (?_once, v. :,Legaspi; C{R.- ·No:. - 7.91'84;. :May 6! . · .
Relative's··d~ce·ase·ci c~m·file an.action-f~r . '>:.
1~92):"': ·: · ~- ,,·. · . . , · '. ..
· - : daniage.'to the rep_utaticin"ot-the_'.i~ii~t.: ixritc1e ~53 .· · ·. . . , . . . .- , • - .- . . . , -. . -
of the: Revised· Pe"r)al .Code_. expressly·.irovioes · ·. · - : __ Doctjirie ...o_f'Fair Cor:nrn.ent·: -~--' ·. - - ·,
. th-~t- d~f9-inatory;statements ir.iclud~ thpse .W,hich. . Fair _con:imentarie,s ·on_;rnagers qf pub.Iii .int~rest.
teiid ·to_ bfacken th~ ·memory°c;,f, on'e'.wtjo,is.·deal · ·are i:irivi)eged and constitute·a ~alia defe'nsei (nan.
;(AQUJNb}ToitsB[ld."bamage~;,suprf!.~(53~) .. ·.·. __ ··: ~c.tion for_ li_bef 'ci'r. sl~ri9~(,:T~.w di~cr-e_djta_ble , .
.- . ,. .. . . . ·. ( ~ . . . .. . a
. imp_~tc;1tio_n djre_cted· aga_il)s,t public-person·iri nis-<
co·rporalion ··. . : .. ",'. ,: . . . P0t?)ic :cap?9itY;'i{hoffle(e's~aril:(ai;ti9nab1e. In .
(\rt\c~~·353: 9f. the'"Revi~ed_.l?enal -d~de exp:r_e;sly . _ · b[ tha~. such .9iscredi\qble irhRu~aiion_· .to a·
r~cognjzes· that c! juridioal ,person ca·n be a :victim . ..". p~pli_c O~cial ~ay .p.e actiqoabl~, jJ IT.ll!St. ~ith~f be
·, :of . lip-~I. .":·H,~[l_Ce.; -_:,a: C.~rp,oration · ~(:In .be :..-'?'. , .·, a:false allegatiot;HJf.fact ·or- a ·cor:hment based' on
complaif]ant "of a _libel case. 'f:he"cor'porc,i:fe can file ... : ·_: _'ra"lse: suppositio.n (Bo_rja(I(,. QA:· G:R, i.10:. {26466, .
a-case .if its reputation a·s an entity was defamed · , ._J_anu9ty 14, 1-999).
(-Id. a( 535): · '. . ' . .


iP 41' 4 l&itF ##AU NMi,Fit dt


. .
· The doctrine· of fair comment means that while in e. Defendant-must have intended that the false
qeneral ev.ery" discreditable _imputation publicly . repre~entation·should'be acted on; and
- · \ ..' . made is deemed false,' because ~v~ry man is f. Pl_aintiff suffered damage as a resuit of acting
presumed innocent until- his guilt, is judicially .Qn thi:i° false "rep·resen_tation (~QUiNO, To.rts ·
: proved: 'and every false imputa:tion is deemed ·and Daf:lages, sl.jpra at_ 561) .. ' _ ·
malicious; nevertheless, wheri - the. discreditable.
,. . .·imP,utaliori is directedaqainst a public· person in. Rule on Opinion -.
'his •. public . capacity, it , is 'not necessarily General Rule: A mere.matter of opinion does not
actionable. In, .order . that· such' discreditable signify 'fraud"(id. at 563)..,' , · .
imputation 'fo: a· publlc official may actionable,be .. .r ..
it. musf either::b(). a
false alleqation ·of -Iact. or a Exception: When made by a'n expert and the
COnJ!11ent -based on. a false. 'supposition .. If the - other- party reJie~ · "on th~ _for_mer's. special
. comment is a'il·
expression of opinion, based on , · knowl~dg.e(CIVIL GODE/Art.. 1_341); · .. 1 .
established· facts; ,th.en it .. is immaterial that the . . .. · . _· . . . ·.. . . . . -~ . ·.. : . :
. , cipihkiri. happens-to be· mistaken, as long as· it . 4. Physical lnju_ries· (CIVIL· CODE, Aii 33) . :
. might· reasonably be iriferred from ~he .tacts Battery - an intentional inflict1on of a har.rnful-or
. (Manila Bblletin. Publishing Corp. v. Domingo, · - · · offensive. bodily 'contact (AQUINO, "Torts. and· - ·.
-.G:i?>_No ', 1,7034:1,·J~ly5, 2017). -:. . .., bamages,·_su,pra,_~t 5~4) .. ·.: ·· : .' .: ·.- '. . .
N~te: In Supreme Cou~ Memorandum .Circular 'Offensive-·· ·Bodily·. C~r:itact· .:... offer,id~ a
.Nci,)8~20b8; ihe Co.u"rticl_arified the liberal poficy . . reasonable--' pEf~son's . sens.e 'Of dignfty. ev~n ,.
in:the'·impositio!i.of penalti~s in libel cases .. The' · though it is. intended -only as 8" joke or .a .
Court" iii said "circular cited cases" "where . compliment· (Id. 1it 564). ·. . · -. , ..., .
. . . .. - . . . "it. OP.tea
! ; .
-to impose ONLY .a fine on the person .conlliei:ted, . ~ .
qf/~: cri_me_ ~f lib:I_:> · ·; -.. : . : · i: ·. _ / . ~ssa'ult...;l iotentional conduct,: by' one -person · . ·
directe_q- ,~t '.;anoth_~r '. placirig. .the; l~tter.' in - .
3. -Fraud (CIVIL CODE, Art. 33) . - . . apprehension of . immediate.' bo'dily :.harm' cir
. Th.ere is-fraud when,' through· insidious'"wqrds-"'.or · offensive. a& It· inclu.des: bodily injuries causing
. . '. ·. machinalions-of :bne "bf. the·. contr,{cting~ptirtie"s, j ••
. 'd_eath (ld}at564),° . ~'. - ., ;. . ., '.· < •
. . . . the other
. . . . .
IS ."indu-cedto
.. . . .
ente'r. into~·contract;which,
.' I . -._
: ' . without them, -he; w.olild not have· agreed .to . , · ~-h;s{~i lj:ls ·re~~/u·~g ', negligenc~ ·or
·. . . ·:. (TarfRe~ ·il:b~vel?Pni,1n{ B~nk ofith~f,.hllipP!f7es; ·_. ·1·: . . ifn(roaence- 1sn°tt'iiicluded in Article 33; _th~y are · .
. , ·. G_.13._Ne+ 1?:1A28,_Nov'?f11~.e~3). ·, . - · ". a!reaay,,ed'by Article 2'17q, .Thus,'.the,crirrie .
. . ci( homicide· d~'e to~· reckJess ihlpcudenc~·-js -~ot: .
:· .-< F:r:~~:·: -u~d~r-:.;~~ic-;e,;33- ~f .th"e divii c~-d~ ··_. :· ·-c~v_!:Jre_d 'bY: f'1~~Je,-3f~~t-py ~~-!cl.~ -~1!f.c5f. th~
: ..includks."t"be':f9J(owing: .., . ' . , ·. . . . : €1v1I Code (Id. at. 567); . ·• : . · · ~-. . ,.. ·. , ...
a·. _,Estafa ·u_naer·.the Feri,aVCo.d.e;· . . . • :.:· ,, - -' C ·: ;" :1 :<. ~ C<;'. <: :· :"'.,_>. I~ ••:· ..... :i .•. :· ·
b::. - Violation df_th~ Anti-Trust Receipts.·La'w: and 5 .. : Negl~ct · of Duty by-.· J?olice ·officers: (C/VIL ·
... · . ·:, · c. . H~lf.:truths;"i°r t0.e witti~o-ltji_nQ of th\-a~ichJs~ . .· C:ODE;Art.34), ·. ·.. :'·. ~-:· <· .·
):, .. •. ~cit state9 ·. ·makes '_-,that 'whjch IS . stated . .: ·\ .Intended \to· :·afford. -~j remedy '__ag$.insJ:~poiice
· ...__._. · - · abs_olulely fl:llse. / . ·· · ·
. ·,·: ·. . . ~ , ·.. .~. .
. :, . ·
,· .. - . .offio_Efrs, l\yhg. 'sonnive -:with .b~·o .. e.lenier,its·;:~are
afraiq. of ·them. or ar~-'sirnply.- indifferent "to dµty''. ..
. ·_ .. ~:l~rn,~nts o/".. . . . :. . . . (AQµlflJO,Jorts
. :·' .. arid_b.~mag¢s,.supra·c1t-5.67).:
. . ·. . .
· .·
' a. ·.:Defendant made false re.presentation to the·
>·. plai~ti_tt" t~rougti: · · · · . : · ·. ·. · Su6·sidiary '.. Liabiliiy .. oh:::, _ Citie$_.· . and
i:" Written or ~RO~en words, or . . · .,- ._ ··: -M_fi.nicip~lities · in,pose9 ~ so. tba't" . they:· ·will .:
./ -ii. .Conduct;- .. : . · .- · .. :exe_r~ise:. , . . .. '. · ·,. ;, . :· -· . ·. . : . ' ..
·' .: ~ ·,· .
. / . . ·:, .. ::, . . .. - . . . . ~ . ·. ' . a·. · Gteat :ca_r.e. ,in ., conscientious and ...
b..: 1he repr~fent~tiqn !11,ust, be one .Cif. fact; , . : . . , : duly qyali.fie1 poli~er;nen; an'fj. : · '.. · ·. ~ · _ ·.
. . . . . . . . . . . •. \ ... · . . .; p. · Supe~isiori. bver them in tl:le per(qrman<>e: of·
· ~eason:. The :vi~-«-. ttiat propositions. qf law . .' tl:leir duties (I~. ~t)67). · , , : . · · ·. ·. .. ·
:·:., ' ~re. gen,e_rally":,:i,atters of p.Litilic. record.)i:i ..
'.. ,~ .. .. .
which the-pfain_tiff\md_· defe.ndant have ·equal 6. :· ~i~bi_i;ty~~~isin.g _t;o~-
oefi~t<. · .:.... : (·:. .
· access:- ' · · · · ·· - · - Basi~:. Ev.e"r'y-person cr_iinihally'lia.ble for fei6ny is
· ·al$ci c;ivii'ly- liabie (REVISED PENAL COOE, Art:
c. · - De·f~ndant know~ 'that the represe~tation' i~ · 1aeJ. . · ,: · · · · · ·
false_g_r about.whether·i.t_is :false;. ~
· d:: .Plai11tiff. .. ·must have. aded. on the false G:ener~I ~uie:,°crimes_give,rlse to.bqth criminal
. representation; . .and·civil liability {DlialC.haracfer.of Crim·es) . ·· · ·
.... · . . ' . .




a. -Criminal Liability .: An offense against the

b. Civil Liability· - An offense .aqainst the
private person. injured (DE LEON, Torts and
5. In . cases .. · of
· Damages, supra at 520). . . '. . · : lndependent. civil
, actions . (CIVIL
Special Criminal Laws
CODE, Art. 32: 33,
The- dual character of crimes is present not only . and-3.4); ·
in felonies defined under the Revised Penal Code
6. In civil actions under
but also. in casesqoverned by special laws such ...
. -- : Article 2177 of the
as: . ·
Civil Code: a~d - ·
. a.: R.A. 9262 - . Anti-Violence Against Women 7. When acquitted in · a
-an_d Their Children Act 2004; .criminal action but.
b. B,P: 22 - Bouncing Checks Law: and ·
c. · -Rule' 10·· of A,M .. ·No. 09-6-8-SC~Ruies of
. .'the court r~nci~~,ed a.
:ciyil liabil_i_ty. ·
. .Procedure of Environmental Cases.


. 822
·. . . . . OPERATIONS
·, .
GihffoliWlii@iflij,!blliA!d;Ml4iiiiSSl1¥@\ @MIZl:·'.itllCWWlilMWiMAA:#8:WMrWtMI ·etl&@I •1pn1s71MSi&fi'lt't',i"i'&i¥1±4*l!W,.,,

Obligations, under .. the C.ivil Code, fare

or. 'Evil) lawful· act. with Pardon does not
9fase. . Civil ' extinguished by· I payment, loss: of the thing,
(REVISED due . care,
liability . (Id. · a{ condonation or remission of debt," 'confusion or
PENAL CObE, causes an
merqer of the riqhts of the debtor and creditor,
iirt. un; ·
inJur.y: by. mere 584).
compensation, novation and prescription (PIVIL:
· accident · /

without . facih or .. COD_E, A.rt.- 1231).

: •• .. J _,
intention· · · of
. causing · · it · Effeet of-Pardon' .
· . Pardon does nof erasecivil liability (Monsanto v. · _
Fecioren, G.R.· No. 78239, February 9, ·ui_89). It
Code, · Art. · 12,
. p~r..4J; . · - . is not one ofqrourids recognized under-the Civil·
. '. ·. <Code that extinguishes civj] _liability _{AQUINO,
'b. · By - .any
.Toiis endDemeqes, 'supra at 584).
person ... who"
falls to .perform ·. Effect of Death:- . ·, .
arr act required a. after Final Judgment: Extinguishes _
: '; : by law •. wrien'. · 'criminal liablllty of the person liable but will
, prevented · by · notextinquish the civil liability: (Id. at 582).
some lawful ·or
,' .. : insuperable, -~ b_,_ Deattf before Final Judgment_:·· _'.
cause · General Ruie:·. Defendant' is relieved from .
. .' (REViSED . : cri~fr1al a~d . eivii'. Uability arising From the
PENAL CODE, _otrenst (lg) .. ~ · ' .
Art. 121 Pa(. 7)_. ·; ..

Ther~· ·1s- strict. "liability _;f · :_ci-~e is. -~·age ;)~~le
indepenqerit .of· fault. negligence or_" i!)tenL ~fter:_
-· ' :establishing,....certair_, facts . specifiea by law. ?trict ..
.· · · . Separate
. ~11d s~i:isid_ia~-
- . Liability·.·
' . ·/ ..
.. _ . . . liabll)tY to_~ car be co~mi~ed ~ven if re~rsonaqle,ca!e- -·
. Tne .. .court may.·fix-' the .arnount for Which the . was exercis.ed .regardless of the state of mi rid of-.the · ·
. prfn"cipal· is ·primarily' liable ;~n.d determine. a. acior ar.that time· (AQUINO, -Tort~ and Damages,,:
. . · separate .arnount of liabHity of the": accessory. - · supra at 694). .. · . · · . ·.. · ·
. _~- : E:9ch ofthem shall be subsidiarily' lia_bl_~ fof the- • I •

.,. , . '':·

· · other's share in caseof. the latter's .lnsolvency ._T.ypei:_' . . : . . . _._. _ ._

· ... ·_(AQUINO, Torts a9d~Darj,'572). . . 1 .. Animals (C,VIL' CODE, Ail: ?183), . . .. .
. . .' ·.~- ·.· . ; . . . ...
-. Gerier~I· Rule:. The pc:issesS:pr of an .animal or
: Wf:lat is Included in.Civil L.ta!:>i(ity: ... · · . ~ .whoever niaY,;) m:ake'<' use of the - s~me is
. - ; a:". ~istitt,1fion. '(REVISED' PENAL'· CODE, Art. responsib_le fqr tne:damages which_it_m,ay_cause -
··,'. 105)'; . . ' . . . ,·,g~ it·may_ escap~"or be.l_ost: :· : -~ . .
b.'--: Reparation. (FiE;VISEIY"PENAL -__cqpE, Art .. :...> ..-

... 1Q6); and · . . · -~. -· : ·:. Exceptio·n-s: When th_e_ da~agEf was· caus'eo:
: . c, _. · lndemniflcation (FJE.VISED Pf NAL CODE, _ .. a:: · ByJorce ma}etJre;.:or : . · · ... · ·.. · :.. .
-· Art. 107). ·,.. . .. · ... .· b. · .By· th~ person who. sufferesJ the damage
. •·. . .
.. . _:. (AQUINO,: .-Torts .and· b~inag,esi ·s1,1pra- at
Extiriction. and .Surit.ival·_of Liability ·.: 694). ·. . · ·, . .
·civil [iabllity undertlie Revised Penal Code shall
be extinguished in ttie . same -manner as. '. Note: T~-~ law "us~d the gerie~ic t~rm ·ani~al. It .
.·: - ·.obligations·, in . accordance with Givil: ·La~ ·: . -. covers all kinds of animals· (P_!N!;DA,. Torts and
. . .supra·at 122). '
. . . ··. .. . . Art. . )12). . .


~&iiMtW) m·~¥!'.f#iAJL9Mfi'ffiMW '};:z: ; t:"SW:t-1:;.2;;,: ;:;:: ·,.$j,:.¢f§M
1 $\i'C· .. · ·,a@fi?¥4Wif$NA~ ;e ~,a•5:t2&1:a: § tri ·'

· This is applicable whether.theanimal is domestic, · Rules qn . Empl_oyer's Liabllity for lnjurles

domesticated or wild (Vestil v. /AO; G.R. No. caused byFellow-worker: . .
.' 74:4_31;· November 6, 1989),·. : a.' If the death or injwry:i$.due to the n_egligence
·of a .fellow-workrrian the latter and· the·
Note: Wild :~·nimpls are possessed only, whiie employer shall . b(f. solidarily . liable for
they are under one's control; domesticated or corripensatiorij-and . . .
- tame animals-are considered ddmestic or tame, b. If. a fellow-worker's intentional· or malicious
- if they retain the habitofretuminq tci the premises act is the· only cause- of
the death ot injury,
of the po_~sessot (C:,VIL. GODE; Art .. 560). · the .employer shall not be. answerable unless·
ii should be shown that the latter· did not
Possessor or user is. still.liable even if damage is exercise due-'diligence in the selection .or __,,_
· caused by the. negligenGe. or fault of third person supervision of the' plaintitt's fellow-worker
., unless 'equated with torce mejeure (AQUINO, - (CiVIL CODE, Art. 1712) ..
· Jcrts an·,;J Damages, si.Jpra;~f .~95J: ·


. '1 .

. I

·,·../ ..\ . ~.
l • GS JS9ff&¥S&W P ¥¥Sf¥ 5 & &:<* iS Ni Nii iih11 5& 8 f- ¥¥9


A nuis~nce may also be classified as to ·wn~thei- Proc:f uct ancJ ~ervice Liability
it is susceptible toa leqalsumrnary abatement, in Product Liability Law. ·
· which case, it may· either be: (a) a· nuisance per This··g·civerns the liability o.f manufacturers an.c:!.'sellers
se, ~when. \t affects the irnrnediate safety of for damage's resulting from. defective products •.
.persons and property, which may be· summarily · ~ (A.QLJINQ;,-Torls. and Damages, supra at 712)
;._ . .. .
. · abated under the undefined. law of necessity; --:---
.3'6or, (t:>) a., ··n!,Jisa.nce .· per accidens, . which . . ·Liabi)ity for .defective· products_ may be based on.
"depends upon certain · conditions _and fraud.- ~arranty, negligence -or: stri_ct liability (Coca-·
circumstances, and its existence being a Cola Bo{tfers Phils. v.. CA, G-.R..No. 110295; October
. questiori of fact. it cannot be 'abatedwithou(due · · ·18, 1993)._ -. ..
.: - he~aring thereon ln'a tribunal authorized todecide
. whethersuch a thing does-in law constitute a Consumer Act . . ,. . . .
· nuisance (Cruz. v.. Pendecen Hiker's Club, lnc., A lqv./ lhat is . meant to protect the consumers _by·
. _.·. G. R.: No. ·188213, Jfinl!lary 11, 201'6/ . , . .. . providing for certain. safe~uards when. they purchase
or use co.nsu'mei- prodt..icts.(R.Ji. Na.· 7394, Consumer
. Liability of Succesaive Owl]er or Possessor . AC:,f - . ·_ . . . . ' . . -~-·. . . . -· .· . -.
:.r . . '
. · Every successive owner or possessor of property . · ·· ·. · · · ·· · · · · ·. ·
· Gvho fails .or refuses to abate a nuisance in. that . A1te·rn_ati~'e ;t11~'o;ies. that ~~Y be "us.ed ta 'justify
_proper.ty started-by a former' owner. Of possessor product irability:·.' . . - . - ...
- ·'_is ii able therefore inthe .sarne manner as the one 1, Fraud' gr Misrepreseritat19n .
who.created it.(CIVIL 'coot; Art..q~6).- . Ge'· Rule': i'Jot allexpressions of opinion or
usual . exaggerations. in . trade _are actionable .
. Note: i'An · action lb abate · nuisance s misrepresentations if'they 'aJe be :
. imprescriptible- (AQUINO, Torts and Damages, inaccurate. . . .
· ·.·· · .: ·supra'-~t ..:706). ·. . .... - -'· / ~-,----_-Exce~tioJ:.·An ac;~r- ~racti;~ shall be deemed:·
Ariy person injured by a private· nuisance may · : · . · · de·ceptive1penever the producer, manufactu~er.- __
abate -it- by;. removing, or· ·if ·nec~ssary, )y · .· _sup_plief ~(\seller, throuqh conceal,ment,. false
destroying · the · thing_, which, d,,hstit1ttes the ·· _. ~epre~inJatid'q or . fraudu_l~n_t ·. manipul.ati0n,
.· . , r. nui~anc_~ .. wi.lho~t. cq,nmityrig~ .(' brd'aclu:cif t~ i . · :inql,!9es atcon,ume,r to enter into a sale. or' leas~
peace or doing. u.nnecessa,fyirij_ury.. H~.ever, it isi · ·· · ·trans~c.tiom of any consume~- proc;luct or service
in'dis_pensable .. that·the .pro~~dure- for,.~~.!fajuai~al . No..
_· (R."A. 7:39'1-,. AJf." 50).' · ... ' ·
al;)~t.e_[l')_e?t of·.Q ·. public,nCilsanc~~x-f P:.ivate· · ~: ·· .;n be followed (CIVIL C.ObE~,-P.,70fj); /. 2: .• Warr~nti~s · ·. ' . . . .. . · ., ·
.. 1 ••. . . . · - E.~force.ment . pf ·:.Wa~ranty ·Righ~s- -:--· · ·sy·
. . 5:. ·Prdputt. Liability. by M<!nufactur.e,:s (CIVIL · preseritme, 'of cf ·C)~im. It_., is .sufficient for toe .
. . :- . A1-
·. . - CC?,PE.,, _2_1 ~~) .. :: .. - . : . . . .
· · -Manufacturers
.C-: . . "' .
and pr,oce.?sors1 of fo.otlstuffs,
purnha~er.'. ~o ,.present·. to. _th.e . im'm~diate,.,_seller .·
eith~r.tti~· i.yarranty. card 'or- the ··officia1 receipf .
. .'"drinks;_ toilet.arti~les·_·and similqr goocls sh~II be "'along·'e·procju.ct· servfc_ed or re.turned
. · .. ·_: liable"for. death.or ihjurjes caused by. any noxious_· . ·. to ttie i(l11T)e9iat_e seller (R.A No. 73:94, Art.· 6.8). ···
.; .· o'r.. harmful" <su~stances>.~s'ed,' _alt~-6L1gh .'no. . · · . .. . .....
. : /cqn_tracttfal. relati_on_/:~istf . . . .- : .. - . . . ·. S~b~idi~ty .:u~bflity ·of _R«;=!.ta1l~( --' Retaih,:ir is·
· · · : · ·,. ·. :-. · ~ubsi_diarily Jiabie unde_r' the'\v~rranty. _in ·ca·se of
Requi~ites-~ (MUNIF)' · '·· · ·. _... faih.1~e o(both the manufacturer'and dis.tributor to.
a. : . Ttier :defenda~t,. is th,~. · M.aril!fqctur~~ _ or · ,:_ · · ~-o~or'"_.. tli_f :.-w~fraiity .:' (AQUJNQ, .·· .-T_oris . and
., ·.· pr9cessor of -_foodstuff; dririks, ,toilet •a'rt1cles · 'Daina?~\ siJp/a :at. 720). ":, . \. · ·
. . ·:, a_n/simila_r. ~9ods invcilye·d; ~. •. . . 1 • . . - . -
b. · _Plaintiff_ 1!.sed: ·or. con.sumed such ·woduct . privily otco~tr~c;t is n9t necessary in.'~u~cess~ully
, . unaware .of. t.he· i,njwioo;, · condition 6f :tf:ie · - pursuing an ai:;tionffor' breach·of warranty or in
·. : '. _<'· .. pfopuct;:) . . ' . . - erifbrcfng-.t,tie-sam.~ uri'der_'th'e Con~u~e~,Act (Id.) ..
: :· c·.. 'rtii:L defendant used ·-Noxious· -or ·harmful · ·. · ' · · · · · · · ... ·
substa'nceS" _:in, - the .. -:-~ahufacturing- ··or .. G9v.~rnin~ Law: T_he provi~ions ~fthe'Ciy°il'Co'de' ...
·prbcessing of ··the· f66'dst1:Jff; drink. or toilet on cdn'ditions and _warranties shall govern all
: articles'.and· similar goods;: . '.: .· . . . : <?,ontra<;:;ts' of sale with. conditions arid wa_rranties
d .. · P_lair1tiff'$ Jnjury'or deaih-w'as caused'.by .the 1
. : . (R.A: No.·- 394, ,(1,rt. 67). ,.. -··
· . ,product used··or consumed; and
~- :the .Eorms: or ·k,nds 0f darn~gis suffereq and
· .. ·_· -· ; . ~.
· tbe. amount thereof (PINEDA :Tort's· ·and
. ·. Damafles, stipra at .132f, . :..:


q\1\Jlt¢::iMB4ffit * { 32it.f: 616 W!CS!foitS Bbi;#f ;u:e~ttetlMl'fi f 'WAA@ W??Hi© dttlMi6iMSl#!$Fii5t'3£#6§f S Si 51,iii9,@!Mt&il&,k4&1
. ' . ' . .
Warranty Under the-Consumer Act b. Any person who attaches his own br~nd
In addition to ·the Civil. Code provisions on sale name to the. consumer ·, products,
with .: warranties, the following · persons shall manufactured, assembled, or processed for.
gov~(n the sale of consumer products with him {Id.). . ·
warranty: . ·
. a. Set forth the terms of-warranty in clear and .Defective Produ.ct _ or Servi_ce -=-When it does_ not
'readily understandable language and clearly offer the safety the consumer may. rightfully
ldentify'hlrnself as the-warrantor: expE:_ct of it (R.A. No. 739.4, Art. 97; p_ar, 1).
b. Identify the party to .whorn the- warranty is
extended; · Kinds of Defective- Product's: (MD-PA)
c. State the products or parts covered;' . · i. Manufqtturing <defect · ·- . 'resultinq from .
d. State the warrantor will do in the event of a . manufacture. assembly and erection;
_, defect, malfunction or ·failure· to conform· to :2.' ·Design defect ._ r·esultir\g from design;
. the w~itten·warranty .and at whose expense .· 3. Presentation defect - resulting from handling,
e. State what the consumer must do to avail od, making up, -pt~sentation or pc,1_cking_ of the.
the riqhts which accrue to the warranty; and , products; or . · · . . . ·_ . . .· . .
.f. - StiR\J.l~te · theperiod, within 't'8)f!\ ~ft~r· n'oti~e . · 4,-: · ·~bs~nce ofappropriate ~~~oing -· r.esultin~ from

· ··:
of defect, malfunction orfailure to conform
with the written _yv~_rranty,. the ~c!~~(6t~wi.1Lj-u·
. pe~osm any obliqation under th~ "".'arra~ty
(R.A. No.-7394, Sec.-6~8.
· .', . · . · _ · 0;.::._~
-~ ~
r , •• _.,...

• • -,.Not~,:
'the insufficient or inadequate information on the.
~s.~d hazards .of-the products (A.Ql.f/NO, Torts·
ges, supr~ at 733). :
. . ..
_D.efec~-.tidJ ·.r_esul_te,d . because of th~ ..
_ .
. ..
·3_ Neghgerrce · .. . '. · .. · V.. . .; ~PJ(IGkagmg a_nctrpre$entat1on .of the product, can _be ,,
It is considered negligenc PJ.!}Sy_,.i is/anac~er
omission in violation oft- · . ¥,[_:.- .. - ·- -Jr' .
iil_uqea~una~.,_t~l:iroad concept of.rnanufacturlnq-
defect or de~ign pefec (Id. at739). . . · ·
·_\\j) \ · · . : ·.
· :. L_1'.3b1hJy statutes; . J ~[ ·
-·.a .. T_ho~~ expre.ssly . P.rohibitecl' 'bYi. Proquct ~.

b. St<;1ndards. in:1pose J ·~-~~eci_?I Jars,: ~

· : .· . __ . :-__:_\. .
[!,.~§'1l_1ty \or Def~<#Ye~ Rroduct or Sery1ce:·
;~ i r1.:i:-Manufacturer ~ liibility_ shall- be .imposed upqn ·
. .'

~nd_ ~egula_t1ons f~_-irofer>gwer~':1.~\!fili_IDlJ;;.']7 manp~orer,~t,.m?rPiendent . qf ,Jau_lt . (R.A_ .._ · Nq.

. ageric1es :with res pf cl~ t01Prof u0 \L1ab1hty, · · - · · 739 f~,,r.5s.,_9fand 9j)- .. · .. · · · · ..
law (AQU/f:JO, Torts,ncfIDam_a~~ _;,fl.a~., g2, Tradestna~o~Sffi~er .--' 'ndt gen~r-'ally. iiabl~ .-for'_
. .- ...... · · - 721). : · ·.. · ~-\· :~. · .---~-· ~'.'d'a~~ca_~s~d~ydefec\iveproductsunderthe.'· .
· · · · .. · ·;'\· _ ·r~·. • · ~¥urn/ A7t":o "R.A:1394". . · · . .
Liability· attache; 'if· tj~~ _care' of0• a.{ ~r~.i'n r[l_~K_\ . / · : · : ·· .' · '. '. . . . -~ ·. . · . ··
· pr_ude~~-n:ian was n9_t exe)'~i~d _i~:ma_~.j altu_:~xc~g~ns: · ·.. · :.· . . .. ~ · ·~-- . ·:
pack_ag1ng,~ marketing·. _or.· d1.stnbu~g") 0. ··the ·-a-l\1sy10~oss1ble to 1de.nt1fy .th.e m1:1nufa~ture~ .
. pr~.du~t.(la.1021),. _ ..- . . . YQ'}. · "l .,f /\~~t;!~f, Wpdu<:~r.o!.ir:1:~:~rter;, .· : . ··, .. ,
. . . · · .. · · · . 1VJ.r'-'.b-. I8e · product .. 1s . st,Jpphe9, without .clear
Delict . . :. . ' . , iden~ificc1tio;l' of th~ ni13nufacture,r,' producer,
Basis of L_iabi.lity: . . - . · . : -. . ,. . . . ,· ·. bu1lcler o(irriportei:... : ;-..,. . . :.· .. ' . ·. .
a .... negligence uncler the· Revis'eciP.enaJ' c .. · He.tloe's not adequately 'preserve p_eris.hab.lE? : ·
C.ode; and·.' . ., ·.. ... . . .. _goods.(RA. ·Na. '7394; Art. 98):. . -
b. Violation ~f 9ny spicial law: even. in the . .' . .
absence ofi,ntent.(id: a(l42).· _ . ·:.,, · pon'sym·~~J::xpettati9t1.T~st:° . .. . . . . .
·' ,· . Un_der the. consurner_ expe.ct.atron test,,a p'roquct.'irf9y ·.· .. ·
5._ - ·strkfliabi,lity .. b'es_. found' . defecti.v~ in :design, .... if: the: plaintiff.
. It is .. imposed : on in_a-nufacturers 'under' .the de-monstrat~s tl']ali·the. ·pro9uct .failed:to perform ·a·s
Con.SL!mer .Ait and·- p~1vjty .. bf -c~)r~·:ttis" r:iot safely,as _an,ord}n§i'i.y consu):ner:~ould.~xpe~t wh~n ..
required (Id. -at 723). . . u~ed· i[l an· inte'nqed.: or · r easonably foreseeabie . '
. .• ..
. ·'·' 'rn·anner:(B{lrker:v. Lull l;=ngineering, S:F.· No. '23519,· .
If. doe's · not .·preclude· a~ action. basefd, on'·- . Jal)uary~·f6, }978) .. : · ··
· oegligence lquasi~delict)·-'for· the· ~arne~ aGt ·at. .
usin_g noxious oj harmfuJ.sub$tances (Id. ar·l.23). · ·fi:?'st. under.
.... .
i:ne·. coi-isu·me.r - Act. . ·,.
The Consumer .. ·Act · adopts the '.'Consumer
Manufacturer·. · · Exp~ctatiorr- Test" ,iri ·cie'termining-what is"' defective.
·a: · Includes any person, who. manufactlirei, (AQUiNo; Torf$ a'ndDamag~s, supra at ,7,35).·: ..
• • •• •• ·,* .. • •

a's,sembles o'r processes ccinsume~ products;

and 1• ·_ · . · . ·. - ·



Defenses · Exceptions: .
1. !Vlanuf~cturer, · builder, producer, or importer a. 'Stipulation in favor _of third person;
shall not be-liable when it proves: - b. 'Contracts ·· intended · to defraud creditors
a. That. it djd not place .the product on· the . , (CIVIL CODE, Art-1313j.
. ·.··.market;· .
. b. That although it did place the product the on It is tortuous because itviolatesthe riqhtsof the
.. market SUGh product hasno . defect; and - . contracting parties to fulfill the contract and to
.c: Thatthe consumer.or a thirdparty is solely at have it f.ulfilleq, to reap .the profits resulting
, :· · :faulf (_R.A. No. 7394, Art. gt). . . therefrom, and to-compelthe performance by the
other party (AQUIN_O, Torts and Damages, supra
2. · Supplier of. the services shall not be liable ai 748-749).. . · ,_
when 'jt lsproven:">, . .
_a.·· That. there ls .
no .defect in the service Elements: ..
rendered; ~rid · _ -·a. 'Existence. of a yali_d contract:
-.'. b. · Thatthe consumer or a.third party is solely at
· · - ·. fault (R.A. No. 7394, Art. 99). , · · Note: No· action can b~_maint~inep_ if co11!ra~t
[s void (AQUINO, T.orts,a09 Damages, supra
Requisites for Enforcinq. Liability. against· the. 75_2). · · .
betendant . . ..
. The-plaintiff should alleqe 'and prove that: b. Khowledqe on the part of the -third person of
Theproduct was· defective; . . . . . the existence.ofthe contract; and - .
2 .. · The. productwas mahufactured by the defendan ;
. . and· . : . . -~-·. . . . .. . . . -, . -: . ,. ..
-3: _)h.E) defective.product was th1 cause. in.ta;.P~fhi~ r ---..
injury (AQl)/NO; TORTS and DAMAGES, ·sLJpra,,I .__,...
... , - · fl( 745f. · . . · · · .r • frite·r,e,ence of the. third pe~?on without legal .
)ustjfi~ation (Go v. . Cordero,. GR. . Na;·
Biistness Torts 164703, May4, 2Q10}r · -.·'. ' · ,. . ·
: · · Ki rids': · · :
·,lJ··~.rld~ mu~t· occur ~~.c~use at' .the '
allegecl act ~f~terference .(Bun\v. C~ G:R.
No._1_205.Q4, September 21., .1999): ·.
.. . ..... : " .. ~ .. .. . -·
.._ ......-~tlenients ot·P-~ivilE::9; .toJnt~_riir.~:· . . . . _
a .. The defendant's purpose rs a justitiable one; .,
,.....,._._. ......__..·-and · .. , · :.
. _b ... "fl_1e actor~ ·not empl?Y r]ieans of_ fra~d

.· _
deception, . which ·are regarded as; unfair
(f!Q(!INQ, .. iind Damages, .. supra at .· .
~55)... ·

- . ::-::..
2. lnterf~renc_e- ofcContrads :
· ··: Extent'of.~ia.bili1Y=:.. .
. a. The· ex.tent.of the ·ii ability -for the breach .of.'a
··-·-:- -:-,•

:- · __ · c.ontract mus~ be. ·det~rmirie9 in the light' of

. Statutory ·Basi.s~ Any. third. person who induce$ _, ., the situation in existen'ce 'at· ihe time .. the·
·another t0 violate'his.tontract iiable: for ...
. ~amageii to. th'e other conti-ac;tin~· p·arly (CIVIL ·. ·. .
'confract i~·niade; ·and the
damages ordinarily .
·.·' · CODE, A_rt. 1_314) .. . · ·. . .. . recoverable· ar~-in .au
events limited !'o;such.
as :might · be reasonable . are·· in _all· events
limited·_ to; sucli as . might . b.e . reasonably
. , General .Rule:·:Only the parties to contract a~e . ;- ">. 'foreseen ln:the !ighrof the:tac\s'-theri known
..·. p9tind .by ·tb¢Jerms · 9f ·the·.' cor\tr_act )nd: oply 'a· -. ·· to _the.:·.c·ontracffrig parffe~··(Daywalt .. v: La
. party can file ·an $ction for' breach of contract ·or
Corporacion, G. R. . ,Yo. L:13505;. F~b,:uary :4;
.. for rescission oi . ·1mn.ulment ·:·\liere-of '_{CIVIL ·- '1919); -. . . . .. . . . · .· · · .-
,CODE, Art. ·1312).. .
b·.· Defend.aot cannot 'be held. liabl'e fpr ri)ore
than :t~·e amoun·t ..for which the ccin.tra~ting
. ... ·. party who was 'induced 'to break the .contract .
can be held liable_; and · · ·



c. · Rule under Articles 2201 and 2202 of the· Cases included: (P.IMM)
Civil Code. a. Eassing off and disparagement of products;
b. Jn.ter.fere-nGe; · · · - .,
If in bad faith: "Defendant ·is liable· for .. all Unfair cornpetitioh includes; cases involving
natural and. probable consequences of his the tort of ·. interference. with .. contractual
act. qr omission, whether the .sartie . is . relations ~nd in.tedere"nce with prospective .
foreseen· or unforeseen ·(Go v. Cordertio, advantage'. . . . .
G.R: No. 164703, May 4, ~010). . . c. Misappropriation;
r ·. Unfc!ir competition' is likewise present if the
If in. qood-faith: Defendant-l5° liable only for '- defendapt . committed . . f_raudulent
consequences, that can be foreseen. . misappropriation aqains] a competition.
I. d. ME?nopolies and predatory pricing ·(R.k No.
8293,. S_ec;: .168). . .

• i.·· ..

'. ,..


', I


.. -
. ,'•


• : ·.· I'. . •. • • \ ••• ·. .:


Noter Both restitution-and injunction are occasionally

' . ..



. .
. ·. "\·. . . "
• ·.·. . ·. : :. · _· : .. av~ilable in tort cilses_l(d. at '613).

:Aw.ard must be Monetary . :

'1n. actions· for damages, courts 'should ', aware an
_ .· :

The. provisions on Damage~ fou~d in Articles 2195 to .

amount to the winni_ng_ party and not its equivalentin
2235 of .the .. c"ivil. Code ar.e applicable~to ·a(I kinds. of .. property. Th~ money value of such __damaqesmust be
-obligations-'{Arl. {157)wha.te.ver-rnay be· their .i5ource~ ' · . awarded :{AQUINO, Torts and Demeqes, supra at
· (CJVIL.CODE, ArJ.'21fJ~): · . . . 769).· . . . - .
. .
Damage · -. ' ~ . . -, Qamnum Absque.lnjuria (Damage without injury)
This· refers to the detriment, lnjury-o~ Joss which are ·· Under this pririciple,' .the legiti!Tic\te._exercise .. of ~· ·
occasioned by reason of faulf of , another -in. the person's rights, even if it causes loss to another, does
· property or person (AQUINO; ·-rqrts end Damag~s, · . riot automatically _result in an actionable injury: The
supra at _768)..' . . . . . . . ·.: .. , ,l :. . Jaw doe's not prescribe· )3 remedy for- theloss (Ambnor,
I'" Damaqes ·._·.
-. .
. ·.• ,· · .. ·.·;, ..
. ,.;_ ,
. ·· ·
. v -,
Gutierrez, G.R:·Nd. 140420, February·15;2001;.· .
.../. . . '; ' .v: , · ..
, ,- . The .. · pecuniary . compensation, ·., recompense, or . HEince,. ir{the .cise of Setetino v." FEB TC· {G.·R. Ne{.:
satisfactiorr 'tor · ari injury sustained, :·a( as ci\he-~isf · ... 171845; Octobertt), 20·1_2); the- Supreme Court-ruled .
_,.exp'.-~ssef thEfl:~ecuriiary_ c°~rise~u_ences W~i~~. th/. that in. the absence ?f any positlvaduty Qf.
law. 1mpose_s for" the breach of. some· duty or' the ·· · ad.verse claimant thece could. b~ no breach that
, viola.iici~ of some· r.fghts -(People_ v. Bal/ester~s, G.R . , entitle; ih_e latt13r- t~ rnor~I dam.ages.
No... t20921;:Janu.ary 29, 1"998,' People .v. Oan·dasan, . .: '· .'.
· jr.;. G.R:' No.: 194605, ·Junei'f4; '2a1'6J: · .'::· ·'~ . · Pec_un'ia,-y Los?.' .
,· . toss' of nidney or som~thing by which m.~i:i~y or ..
Dani·age vs~.lnjury ,,. · . . . .. , ·: · .· . . ~om_ething~f money .valu¢ may be yicquired .(f?E
· th.e,,io.8.emnity r~co_verable--by' a pers'on
O· · ·
who. has· sustained. an injury .either, in· person,' or /-~ _
fY, . .FOf!jS\s~prf!. ati624)-. · _ ·. ·. ;_ • . :_ _- .-: .. ::.:·.'. · ~.-.
, -'.~~lsi~iv~ ~ight~}!Jwugt:i"the: actco(d¢fault ~ l~6j:~!,t·.
_.. 1s tt,e !nJury or los_ s_, f~r.:wh1c_h·_c_qmper.i_§at1qn 1s:_soyght ,
" ~
§\ er~ ju__d_g_rnert_fo_ r_da. mag,_~$. w... hetr¢_r _ .
ih f th It f
'c{ b arif:iing fr:{at -b~eao~ b cor:itr~ct or ,e resu o ~or~\~ ,.
. · _(B2uvier'?'s ''Law.·. PJctionar.y, 7 -4g· 0
-75 c!te: ,'..' ·, Y . _provision of, la'f'. , mus, t rest· upon sa.t1s_fact6ry pr0o__ f. of.·
· A__ LBANO, sup_ra.a.t--4.00). .. · ~ + ·;;-·: ._ .'·
'the __damag~s alJeged to beeri - suffered {Id,_ at .
. ' l~jury°'i~ th_e.wr~ng.fui·act ort&rt'Whlcn causes)i,~~ 'to. . ·. , .625).. ' _· . . . · -:· . . :"; . · · . ·
-: anb~-~~i . .T~e_.~9r~ .. '.'i~jury"- de1:io~~s· tlilrn-e.gc?t~E!;·:tpf·: . ,:. , . :" .· . · ' -: . :. · · : · · .:. · . · · '
. term· '.'aamag_es" means. the· ~um recoverable. \:Vhl.~h ·. ..Note:·. G,redence_ can· b.e given· or:ily. to dqim? .. '.9~.IY ..
'am.ends for°th·e. \j,jrong_ (ld. a( 401). . . ' " :- · . · sup o"rted .-by -receipt~ (Comsa·vin~s. Bat;~ \-:·Sp~- .·
.. . _.: ·. · ·_; ·. ·~-. · .. : \. ,, · _-· · Ca istrand, G.R. No. -17094,2,./wgust 2a;:2q_t-3). ·.:,
. D~m~ge ·v. Injury v. ·Df11J1ages· . . . ~ . ·. ~ .. ·. . · · · :. · . ·-.·"\ · . : .- · . . ·. . . ·.i - .. ·: ·.
oain'age is. ttie.·1~·s;1huft, o.( harm V-.:hipli"res'til.t.~.Jr9m ·. . ··.Exteptfon'~ .1.n~:..~~~e :or
moral.. no'.,:nfna1,._· te'n::i"R~raf~.;
_tne injury; l_nju_ry i~· inva_§ion of a legfa) rig~t_;· , ··-liquidat~.d or
exemplary da_m"pgef.s (CJVl!-,.CQDf, Art:"·
_. .. ~n'd·Dam·a:ges~a~e.'tbe rec<;>mp_ense _o{co"nip~~s_aticin: 2216/'.:.:~Being. inca·p_~ble . oL -e~act" pecuniary,_
. aw.arded "(cir the· <;lam;:ige st.iffered~(Fpr East 1$,~JJ)_fan~ . ·· estimation,. the ;3S$e·ssrnenJ qf·s.uc;:h damagesi·.except
· v.
. ·Trust:9,o,j,pady P,adlan,.'Jr--:;:G:F{.N_o. 1°$73)/t;"July · .. ·'f9r.liquidated damages parties·{hern$~Jves.
-29; 2005): ··' · ~ \ · ~-- · · · · · · · · · fix, .. is".leftto the_sol.lpd·discretion·oufi"e comt:(f..~bp_J~ ·.
· ·- : . . · · ~ ·. · · ->·> . . ·.. -,\1.-Qiilnos, ~-.R: No~-_f19$_1'1, Octqbei~7~-.199S).~.h· · ·
N.qte:_A cornpia"ir1J,fo'r damages is a personah,i"ction .,, · · · · ::- '··. · ..
(AQUlf"/0,. T(?rts, and:'Dat7J.ages;:su_p~a. at. 7.6f3);: /:. ·• ·. o~mages. a~ .a~tj oy.~~ay of comp~~~atl6111s· ba_"secl;"
: . ·: .. D_a-~.i~e~_v: Re;t.itijtiol)~ v. lnj\.n\°i;~·j°c5~ /' ::· .. ':: h'C>w~ver, not: oQiy°;on-what t~.e plai_ntiff clpill'JS tO'"_t;>e .
. · ,. .., . ·, ·;,-. .. '. · .· '.· ·.. ·. ,_ ·-~·· . ,;·: ,,, .. ··· just._ib.ut also :oo .wt;1~t rn~Y:be:·deemed con;:;ci(:)naRle
'considering the. situation -.of t~e · defendaoJ .c!nd:· the
evidence ··oh. ·t;and (SUAREZ, Torts :.and .D.amf!fifts· ,
. : :· Money . _". ·.. g~_quir~S:t~e- . F~roi.ds<. ::..... . (2011}, . p:151-. "[hereihafter .. SUAREZ,.·-: T~its" and · .
·ayVarded1o ~he. defendant ta··• thr~atened ··. · · · ;_ Damages]): ; . :. ·:' ... · ..
. .. person injured ,' "resto,e"'aoy .·' ' ·'.. ·actions; fe'quir.e's : ·:.4·.
. . "py the ·tort 9f- . gains'he. m~de . -the "defehcfr(nt·t6 .. ~: Kinds of Dam~ges': (MENTAL) ... ,:· ... ;:-
/rn'6ther (DE- : ·ir:i _a tran;:;ac!ism: ·alter harrrjfµI '.· . 1._, Moral; . ' _., . . -~ . : . . . . . ·
·, .
.LEON, Torl_s cir .by. his·act or conduct or . ·
.. ·
2.. .s_xemplary or eorrecti\'.e; · · ·
and D;:image~;:· omission (Id. ·at · repair.its ·.. ·.- 3. · Nominal; · .."., .. \
: . . . ;··

. sµpra at 612) .. _ 613):

. .
· · .
. : -~ (lc!i ~t 6_{3): ·.
4_. re.mperate or
modei:ate·: - ,
B. · ~ctual or Compensatory;
. ?·
.!:iquid~t~d· (CIVJL CODE, Art. 2197).



.. -
·Damages·awarqed to a person 'as compensation or Spea~s of dar:nag·es_ in contracts and
indemnity fa(such pecunia_ry loss suffered by him as -q·uasi-c6r1tracts:. ·
-he has ...duly
. proved
-._ .(CIVl(CODE,
.. . .. .
Art.. 2199~2215)
- .... 1. Obligor in Goop:Faith ·
' Liable : for ·n.atural. a'rid probable
. Purpose: To repair th'e wrong th~t h~s been done,'to. 'cohseque-rices of the breach of. the
. compensate for the injmy inflicted .ar,id·not'to irn'pose . obligation and which the· parties ·have·.
penalty (PNOC Shipping and T-ransport Corp. v. CA, foreseen or could _hav·e .reasonably
GR.·N_p. 1Q7518; October$; 19_98)._ . . been fore.seen at the time the obligation .
was constituted ...
Res_tituiio' in lntegrum. . . . 2. · Obligo{in Bad Faith ...,. ·.
... The amount to _be: awarded to the plaintiff.shoi.JJd ·be 'liable ~or all damages which may· be
that sum of mon\:)y WQi~h v,,,ill put the -party Who has reasociably attrib0ted . · to . ttfe · non'~
b~en lnjun~d or. who has -~uffered in the. same position performanc'e of th'e obl1gation._. .
- as. 'he' would 't'iave been ifhe _ _h.iid. not sustained the- ' \ .. · . ..
r ,. M' O • '•• '

wron'g for .which h~ is'_now g~tti6g .hi~ compe'n~ati9~'. sp·eaks of: Dam· )n Crim~s · and
or- reparatiori- (AQU/N(J, .Torts and,bamages, supra 'Quasi-delicts'. .. . . .. .
. , a·t ·7_75/ · · - · · · ·· · · · He is'_1iab1~ :fp( a1i d_amages which, a~e the
natural and. probabie-,corisequences o_f_the
, The· primary object 6f'a"fl·._award of a civil aGtid,r'i; andu ·acts_ or:'.oroissjo.r:i complain_ed of, _It i~. r::ior ,
' the' ft,Jn?i:iITientai_.'prindpl~ or)he_or.y; ~~f~t-'is : . . "ce~!5ary t,lwf such da.niages h~ve _been
. ~ based, rs Just compensation, 1ndem~1t5t<or repprat1or.i~ [OJ,~~ qr c_o~lq_ · hav_e ·. r.ep.s9pab)Y.. been·
-. . f~·r.J~-~ _1ossor inju; (Id, = 775~:n61e>,-V~ . n ._ br~~'~r.i,at:-thE?'. ti~_\:) the __ obliga~1on._ .was_
. -·
. By,~~ay_
. . . L.v7~
9f. ~jc~ptio_n,; qar:na~EiJ_~~mtc;isurtd bY,ti0 -"'"l\-: .f :\~'.!~\- .· .· . . :. :. : ·.· , . _ . : ·.·
_b~i:lefit 'th.~t _has _accru:~d' to t~e-'d.efJg!J<jil1t 11n. certain .
:. cases:(e'.g. · The fntelf~ctual jroperlyfode.~/9ws !f!F\ v= flt~ i?ctlr~~ ~,~oi_dab_l~ :~~ns~~-~~~-~e.~:.
l_nJUre~ wt1_m,}h9Ve a respOrlSlb_1hty to·~ct -
. : ·: ~:- C~fo,v,~ry_. q_f: the · emoum maf;paf ecrcne·crbr, J[ie -~~soJably~ct !imit 6r' · rii!~igate ,. ,loss'es
· -- . p/
.1er~nd_wJ.! wno iri!ringe_d th~f r,igh(•• the' oWner.'r:Jfl}jfie,>:. t:.. . ~cu·rrE:\!'Failut. to:._mitigate th_e. injury will
. ' ~~-~!- (~d;).'· .. · · _- , ·<t:f. · ·~.- . ' . ~-~::_~'t~----C:
.. , ;c;:; ot h~lor.-_th'EJ ~:e_f~~?q_nt· fc?r . 1n!':re_meri,tal
: §,/_~~-~that ...oz· erw1~e- c~uld ·_h.ave_·· bee_n__
-~laihtiff _

·,·e~tit~e~-~,~~~~~u_ate~1_{' i,.:.· --~:.

~~-1d/e· ~~-. . . . . ,... . . . . . . .. ,
~ . '··
p9mp~nsatipr:i·,.?,nly\for: pe<;iupiarr{l69.s h4 n1 ~' IJ\':,her~i a~. ~:jpri~eqtl~_ric~'.;Jf th~- re~~'sal-pf <
~5,~,~Elre_~}~~tvv.?.1ch nt:h.~s·~ rrdv~~- . ·, :.!~rij~reclJ.fb _ suqhJ{t9; ~11: Qper~tio~! ~a .
.. ::.-•' ..; . .,. ,
~series pfjirifections,:eiisue·d .aha required
i _d;·am~-~~
CJassi_t~catio-~s: ot"a~it:\_ f -s...

:c_~sJ~(ai:i9. ex~~rJ~i_ve n:i'e:cl!c_al tre8;t.i:n~rit · ·

:1 ... Dano. .emerge,nte, .,~r- /damnuJJJ.. · .· ·
i. emerqetis -~-·i'o·ss 0(wh~_a1-Yv@1~ori ··M·w< 02vera_l.y,i;_l~r~; Uj;e c!efe~d_ant_$h?Wdr10~
e -chargec!::W,1th. t_he ·ex,p.~nS!:?$. (L? v.
.: already possesses: . ·, , '. ,:~ · . . ·
Smith, G.R._-Np.) [!495,)=ebi:i.Jary.,2, :1.9.24);.,
i2. '°'L:efcro_. . ces~anle ; ·;of-' :. g~n-acias, . ·, · ' •. ·~ •. . •· • .• •. .• • • --1.. : ~: .:. . ; ' . • .• •

Itustredes: .:,. . failure to receive as- a . ~A ·:·~e.rsqn·. who·. ;ea§or1i3biy att~m.pts'.

. b:enefit: that' Which /would :- hav~ · :)'ninimize his' .dam~g'esCcan
--~to · .
recove~- _the _: .~ :·
, ·. · per:tained':to him (¢tvii.. C0D~, .Art. _ex~enses th;;ihe inturred. . . ' . . . .. . · ..
: ·: :__ 22'05.)' . v , • • •• - •• - • • • :: •
. ·~ . ,,....,.. .. ·-· .·:;-. ~ '.· . ~~;.::
_a·.··. Loss or. impairment- of. earninq -. ·
/ .capacity 11'1 'cases 'of. temporacy 'or ·

'tnqre·~se_ ..oi-· R~d.uctiorf·'ot .. oamagei.:in

·Crim·~ ... -.-.-._· .. : :·,-:· ... · . _,_ .·.
permaneril'persorial injury; or '.-: ' '.
· 1aJUfy 'to,:the{plaintiffs.- business . · :fM'e'.- ,li_ab.iJi,ty ·. tor . :darilag~s .· may ' ~e
.· stan~_i)'.lg:o(commerci<?r·cr?dit. . . :respettfvely ·•:'.iricri:ias!;id•.- ·: 01' _; . lesser(ed
... · .. .. . ' . ;qepending cm t_be'pr~se"nee:-Ci mitigating_or,
:~~iote:: . Restituti6 ."i~, lntegru;,; - ~Amo~'nt aggravatir:ig·drcumst,qnces,
. ·. ··:.~--~ . . ~· .. ...: ... ,· . \ ..
_ .
-·-~ ......
\ihpdid be ''.vhich wd~ld.-put p!aiotiff in ·
:the same positki_ri' as tie y,rou1d:have been '_Mitfo'atio~:of Li'~bility rciviL COQE; :Aris:.
Jf h_e had nqt,sustained·the·wr9ng. fqrwhich :2203;'2204; 2-214, 2_2/5): ·,,_. . . '
.he: is [JOY,., getting )iis ·compensation, or
r,ep.ara;ticin (AQUINO,. Torts andDamages, .
'supra atl/4-775):. ·· . - . · · ... ';-. · · ..
~ . ';. : .

,· ...

Doctrine of Avoidable Conseqtien~es v. ,. · Whe,re .. howe·yer, it is reasonably 'certain that injury

- Contributory Negligence . consis,ting of .faHure to _realize otherwise reasoAably
expected profits had been incurred, uncertainty as to
- ll:l~ preci~e amount of such unrealized profits will
NOT prevent recovery or the award. damages or
.- (T_alisay~Silay · Milling · - Co: v Asociacion de
~~!Sil!~~~~~~~~-~-~~ . Agricultores de Tal/say-Silay, In~., _G.R. 'No. ~i 852,
: Acts·._9f the plaintiff occur Plaintiff's ad or omission . - Aug.ust 15, · 1995), - · ·
after the act or omission occurs before. or' af. the
time o(- the'·· act : or

of . the . defendant May.Actual Damages be
Recove(ed on the Basis
(AQUINO, Torts · and omission ··: of · · the of Mere Testimony, . . .
Damages, supra a.( 813). defendant (Id. at 813).- No. The Supreme Court ruled in Fuentes;_ CA (G:R
. . - . . . - - r .
.No. 111692, February.9, i.996). that as there is no
· tanqible document up'qn which the actual darriaqesls
: injured ' victim .·has . a '.¢ontribufe.d to causing ' based: actual damages cannot be recovered on the
. responsibility · to act .t_he:. accident responsible basis of. mere .1;:5timony.1To seek recovery fo·r actual
· reasonably to limit or for the injury. · . · · damaqes, ifis essentialthat the injured: partyproves '
. ./ rnitiqate losses incurred , ·. . .. the actual amount of loss· with. 'reasonable deqree
(Id. af.8.14). · :· - - - premised upon .cornpetent proof and on the best
- . - . .. . · • ~ - ev_id~~ce·available (JURADO, supra a_t 1279).

Ge~er~I Rule: Actual da~a~es- m~-st ~e ·-proved ~/{. . Doctrine .of Foreseeable or · Anticipated
a reasonable degree Qf certainty. A courtcannot rely, Consequences .
qn speculation, conjecture.sor guesswork as tlthe "0nl'S:< thos.e injuries - which could have· .'been
fact ·and amount of damages but. must' d<:;Jpend.:on r~asonably. foreseen. by the, parties at 'the time· the
... competent proof that" they have sufferecf,' arid o,t · contract was· entered· into. are recoverable ·contract
. ·evid_ence of the actual amount thele.fa · {fi?!?il1f'P.loe damaqes (SAMSCO; Torts 'end Demeqes; supre 'at
. Nat/Ona/ · Railways v. Brunty, ~o. 169891, _952)/ -/· _.. \ .• • .' · . ·. . , :· . .
November 2; .2006; Loa<;Jstar}iti1pping to.,.
tnc . .Jf· - _ ~· -- . · .:\ • ->. ' · - . . . . ; - •
': ·Malc!xan · Insurance Co., _tnc.f..,ti.R.FN0.·1855§.5, - - If· there f°9.S
a ~tip~ated. date of delivery of'-qoods,
November 26, 2014). · ·-. . . da_ma·g:es may cqrt1e-i11 the form of- the ditference
· · · '- . between. t_b.e. valJ.!e~ the _goods at the time· they
Exceptions: (PLLaFDI) · ,- __ . should have been delivered and al the time of actual'
.1 .. : _Whe'n a Eer:ialty.:clause' is. agreeitl!PO~··iri the. . d~~i~~~ (Uy ~h?coy. A.d_mi(a/Une, GiR.- No. 2J1'34, -
_ contract between the parties (C/Vlb e,GDE,.-Art. . 0ctol}e'i.J!~ · 1924); ·(ALBA,YO, Torts and·Damages,
1226); ... .,. · supr'a-at,4·19).:. · · ·
2: Wh_e9 th~ bi~iiidated . C:famages ~ - ~een .. .
cJQr_e_ed L!POrl (Cf.VIL CODE, Art. 2226); . :. . . _ · in a ouilding ·eontract, ·if there is um~ frame wiihin·
. ' .-· 3:··,!;qss:i~)'resurhed as·_wh~n··a·c~ild.'·or'. y.,h(ch tcfcomplete the 'repafrs construction; ·rn case of
· · .· · ·spouse ·d1es._as· a.result of the act or. ornis'sion.of · of d!:!lay,. the contractor:mwi _be' lipble for .damages
: : . a person. (Marizanates v. Moreta,. G.R.- ·No. 't..-· ·. (ALBANO, Torts and Damages, ·sµp',:a. at 420;'. -
• • • ·, .. ,···-. c • • : •

. ·12309, Qcrober:22, 1918); -_ · - - .. - :· ~ .. , ... .

4. .E.orfeiture of bon_ds .iri· favor·of the gover.nmehl for . Dam~g·es in Case of Death
-.t~e_purpose of.proflioting publi~·po.licy or interest-: _The··amount of dam~ges-faused by a crim_e or quasi-
9elic'Lsh'all be at,fea?J Php:·3;000:00; e"ven- though
· "(Far .E?.stern Surety. and :lrisurar,ce Ca. v.. (;A; ·
there . may have .. been~ mi_tigatihg . cjrcumstance~
G:F{~Nq. L-:12019,_ October.'1,6; 1998); - ~ _
. ~.. 5. "Dc:images.for Qeath .c'aUS.ed by _a .Crime or delict" . (CIVIL .COQE,-Art. 2206; See Summary of Damages·
.wnic:::h can be awarded forthwitli"fr, the beirs ofihe- purst.Jant to P~ople· v. ·Jugueta; G.R. No. '202124; .
'April 5, 2016 below). · ·· · - - .
.- victim ~y proc;>f alo0e~~f su'ctf faf! of.-ct°eath; c)nd .
_ 6-. · D.~magE:!s !ll)Pl_i~d _by-law (~.g. ihe complai~ant_in-
- .. 'libe.l cases is n9.t required to introduce evidence
J.n Pepple 'V. Asis et-~/., the Su.pre~'e. Co1.1rt said that ..
of actual. dam'ages _afle_a~t. wtiefthe 'amount of . when·:the .death occyrs_ que to:c3 crime, the following .
{h_e award is rriore m·less nominal: The irijuryto .. ,.maybe-awarded;-(1) civil indemnity ex delicto for.the·
degth o(" the vidir,; (2) · actual . or compensatory
the rep_utation is . a natural and probable
'da-.=nages; (3) ... rrioral .damages; (4) exempiary.
consequence. of the libel (Quemel v.- CA,' G.R. ·
daniag~s; (5) tempe·rate damag~s (G.R. No. 177573,.
___ No: L~22794, January 16, 1968). . · - ·
Julyi, 201,0 cited byALE!M.NOsuwa:at 410):


In addition, the defendant shall be liable for: 2/3 x (80~21) (~ge of victimettime of deeth):> 39.33
1. Loss of the earninqcapacity the. deceased: ·oi . .
to be paid .to the heirsof the deceased; p3,2o2.50 x 12_ = P39. ~ ~~.00,(Gross.annual Salary).
Exception: ·.if· the -deceased.. had· no.: earninq . ,. . . . ,
capacity at the time of his death. . . f.>3.~.·15·9 . 00 x_0:5p (afldcafioh ot'1iving ekp(:)nsesj=
2.: · The recipient of support who is not an heir called P19.575.00 _(Nel Income) · \. .: 0

to· the decedent's inheritance by the Jaw of testate ., ~- '<' ,.;

or intestate succession," may demand support Loss of Earning· Capacity ·
from the person, .causing .the death, for a period = 39:33 x P19,575.00
not.exceedinq 5. years, the exact duration·to be = 769.884.75-'
fixed bythe court; and -·. . - . ( .. . . .°' . r ", • •

3., The spouse, · Jegitjinate · and illeqitimate , Ascertairilnq the Amount of Compensation:
descendants and ascendants. of. the 'deceased 1. Determinatlon .. pf · the extent to· which such
rnay demand moral darnaqes ·(CIVIL CQDE, Art. · ·, capaclty.has.been.diminished< · • ·;·l.
2206).· . ' . ·. 2. Determination . pl the, permanency e, of the .
_ ,. decrease ;[n,earn_ing_ <;:apacity;_:and . _ ·. - ··
Loss of. Earninq Capacity-(CIVIL CODE, Art .. 2205, 3. Tlie':fixing of. the amount-of. money' which will
pa/ 1 L..'· ' . . , . · ~ · .···. '.· .· · .
.comp!3n$.atlfo~·th~ .dete'rmiri'~·ci extent and Je.ngt~ -
. . .... ~ ~- . .. . . . ··. . . qf._impairmenr,' in~luding a reductfon of the award .
Forr:nula:, · . · .·. · . <.: (\ . J\
-u... . lo__. ·\~Rrese_nt 'worth (DE- :LEQ_N,. !oi:Js. and ·
(2/3 x (BO-age of.death)} x monthl,;r ea nmqs :x,,12.: .
. . . r '\,J_L. - ..,.--
VDamc;1geS) supra at. 675).
·. {_
. . / - ·

_;4".·:.! t wd);,-' ~!~i~i;~ ia b; e~~loyOdaf

· (A~UI~~,
· · · .:. · · and·D~fu~·;e~s,
\.. ·. ~~- . · . · .f ·f~. 6! ne~~.
· ·.s.~.y:ia;th;
a .i,
the iiff!e ofi,.th~rljur.y for the--,_~ourt lo· be able t<:>
Varia_bles consid_e_r<:!~·.ar.e: . "~ ..... ·- . 1.P. ~ ?filr,pe_n~te}'.J{{P/bo~t\!qr thEl· __ yaJue,.of. th_e:ti~.e Jqst
1. L1~e ~xpectancy, •cornp1:1t~d-as:. : · . ··. . .M
af~er.the 1~JUI)' a~d·be)or.eJhe tqal.and th~ 1mpa1rrnent ..._
at deat~~}f(~UINO,' erts-a~d--,m-l" 1t~h(s:eapacity.tb ~arn}oneii~--th:e_ future (Id. a(678-
{213' x (80'- age
. [?amages, supra at 790[;.and,- f - .· { . , ~ ,
I c..._672.)-;,· J \ ~- .. \ ·· · :
2. )~et (ncome/ea_rni~g~ --~th~ _tg!al, ?.f __th:\ec;1rni.Q.g~~.W ;. ~:;;}~ .. _ . / ·. _ ... J ....J · _· .·, ·: .-.>, . :·.
less expens,es,necessa~•e crea®i,of suc~@ndem.~~~or:i for'.JosJ of ~arnmg_~apac1ty must be.
. . earniJ'}gS -and. J_ess . _li_yi~~ -~-r,.,\·~tJe~i-,a<lolm~IY. )'.i''f'e&' ,y ipartaqes·:lh_e.:.~a1Ure of a,~lua!

, expenses(/~. at79~):- ·_ }J,)
. . · .· · ~- · .'·. :· . ·" ·,. _
, \(-<?&'. : . ~
· . . ·'. ~&~ · .·
a ~( r~J~rs t&<1e ner 1i;i_~oi:n_e,.,.e,,. _h1~ t':)~al.
·m;o ~·-r,Jet''ofJXpen~se; (Peof?lf:J 1.1. -~'!~nc91:G.R: No.. ·
·. ·.. , The C~ui:t son. ~ider.ed a,~· ,~n'. i~p:or:ta,nt.·ele~· ~ i l~)"/.'~81 ~!a'}1.?/Y·_?9;·2_oo2r .·_ , .· ·._ .. _ .- _·. ,
measuring th~ :Joss of.·-;l'arrill'.l~ic.ap.ac1 y:; ,tl;iz'-~~t;lE~~:;:;;;n:h: i .,,~ ,:. ~ ·I.,\ . . . .-, . __ \. . . . . . ·
E!a_~nir)~S:· of the_ d~c1ase~,' :~-S .,.W~- as 0:P'\e _Ja,ller!~~l~';..,~~ulJ_rw~h)lros~ of· e~rni~gi' capaci_tt 9f _tt1e_
po~ent1~.h_tY,·and ~ap_ac1ty to:.mcr!3ase'_lits fl1t~1ry;-9me-~1e_!!~(8>e':7J:~!?.ctor~ -~~~-, ~o_~s1~_e:-~?- b~s19~.~ _t~~
_ . (Villa Rey_Tran?,t v. ·cA, ~R. !\Jo: L~25499 :,F.ebjyary_·M ~the~~t1c,al_-computat10~ of; c;1nr-iuat _mc;:.ori:_~~- _times·, .
. 18,.1970).· .-·· ! : •.. ·, .. • .• ·, --1~~;,c?e'citancy. Allow.ances ·are .·made.·, for_
, ·.· -' --.-- ... ·. · ::· :·-,,' .; .,···; ·: ,:.·.·.· -~:.-- .. :._ .. ·.c1rc.uri;ii.tanie~-whlch,c~Lld.redu.c~Wlccim~tedlife.:_
._· . •· . . ! ,· ' . . • ' .,--'-~ ·' • . •• ••• ,. ~-··· •• .. .. •••. • ·,·. ···'· .. • ...... ~ --·-. '',,. •

... The pl?intiff is- als0. entiged.-to. c:larjJ_q"Q!3S_for· loss· of·. , e~p¢~t,!fncy. 9f fhe. viqtinj! .e.g., nc3.tur_~ ~f. the wor~i_hi_s.
earning . _capadty · when' th~· ,defendar:irs· act or .· . .- life -_style-,-_age,-and stat~ jf healfh.J>r.ior.JoJ1Js' death
?m.i~~ioti' ri:isult~d in his, p~rniarient:inCpJ?a,ci.!Y:/rh,us;· . . Vi!:-_B.1.NP;
~llprq at-:~~O). :. _.I.. _· I ~;:·; ·:. . . i.
1n . BorrQmeo.v.. Ma'nila-Electrii:;' Railro}1d:&::Light1Cd. ,.. ·: . ',!· · ... ·. ...... ·:,. ,, ,: ' ,_ •.. _ .. ·. ·_i-.. · ,._
. ( G~R: No .. 1·831{5, ·Dec~!nb'~r 5~ }t/22), ;tHe-,SLipreme · .~aY-tlie-F.ina.~cj~I., 9~P.~-~ltx° C?-!:..a''r;9'ef~n~a11t-·
•, Cou·~ av..iarqe-d, "in" favqr.of t_he,pll;li~ti~~an' ?3mou-nt Hir . . . bEfCons!d.er_etJn.._t?e .f.".'f.a~_d;?tP.~n:i~ge~7.-· '; ....
his J.o.?s,of-earning ·ccipadty beta:us~ he· l.9s.t- tiis left .· .. Yes. Ttie}nc;1~~1al cap~,f}tY 9f th~_-qarn_err!lay not _be:..
Joo~;~b9 _be~au?$ of su~~-iqss·; h~ :e9u1d no_
loji"~fer !'.le- . · · ·nec~s~a~fiD-?~!<:rrrij~i~$/w~¥.~h~(~r."not it.J~Jifble;._ .: ·
employed ... as a·· marihe .. engineer~ on .any . .ves?el. . but_ }>UC~. fina.r1c.1;:iJ ,capac1ty. ~~?ori,e~ reley1m~ a_~,d .. ·
(AQUINO Torts and Damages supra at 7.Blj. . · Q_e_c;,~s?~ry ib d(:)l¢imi6ing._ a· r~~~-o'ni:!bh;{Q( eqyitaole
:: · '• ._.,-'\ .. ,-.··, ._ ... · . · /'. : c· < - ; ·"·:· .: ·. '>··_:~ .· .. ··· -~~~:10'.n_Vo(cgm'p~_n¢~~Lo·r·-bt~~i;Ja~~~)~a(,M~y:~~:·' ..
Illustration:· . . . . ,., . . ... ·. · : . .. a·wajQed '\6 Jh_e ..v19ti_m~.~h.oultj t~~ _'c;:9~1.!ii:iced
I~ :P~bpfe.·~- · Gc;1lvez 'JG:R,. N_o.' _ 1.3~79.0;:·· March ?6, that tf)e car.tler!:!(ld at 43~): ·: . . . "I · l;.
200·1),. deceas~_a died ~a_t · !fief· ag·e; pf -2-1° ·and' was . · -'°..~ . ~: . . . ·: · / · · · · ·. ':,, \ . _.·:. \· ·· . :_ . .
working as a' constructloh worker 'with ·a monthiy G·ener_al. Rule: . Docum~ntary · ~vidence. ·:Should
. iric9n:ie of P3~262.5.0.: · .:· · ·. .:. ·. ·. · . si.Jbstanti'atEi'itre. ciairrf for damag·e~ fo~ los{o,f earning - .
capacity (AO.VINO, To'its ·:and Damages, 1supra . at' ..
., .'
z94)."'. .. .
. :-,{
.\ • •• j

. 8_32 . I ?019 SA~ SEDA LAW C~NTRAUZED BAR.OP~_Rt: T~O~.S.

t--t4Ni:*'WJM#®te>5 &·i44t&:·Sf:#Ait&fi'liA®J41PI'« we ~4¥4$MS1& h1w= 't.«&S»z:: SvM :&.£:WP~1&,w,2a:,47@1e>#@,:&1s:Al1tiAllllfE"
No!e: Nothin_g in tt1e Rules of Court requires that o.nly · Attorney's Frees: ·
documentary evidence is· allowed in civil cases. All 1. Ordinary·.-- t~e attprney's fee is the reasonable
·that is_ required is th'e satisfacibn of'the -quantum _of· · c6mpeosation- paid· to a lawyer by his ·.client for ·
evidence, th·at is, . preponderance of evidence. In · . , the iatter . ,'
the legal services he ti'as rend~m:fd'.to
. · addition, tf-te· civil CoJ:le. cioes ·n.ot prohibit a claim for .,,
. . .
_ loss of e'arning capacity' on the basis that it is not:. . Basis: the. fact of his-e~plbym~rit by and hi;
pr;oven ~y: · documentary evidence. , Te~timonial. a~reement wi_th .tbe. ciient (Trad~rs · Roya}_ 'aan.k
: evidence; if n0t qu~stioned for credibility.~'bears the . Err_ployee_s Union v. NLR.C; G.R .. No. · 120!5n,
san::ie weight .as aocumentary evidence (Torreon V. March 14,~.1.997). -. · :,
Agarra, J_r., G.R. No. 188493, December 13, 2017).
• ~ • ... • • .• • ., #
l·· · Ex~raordininy ::/ .th~ attorney's fee 'is an
ind~mnity·for 'dam~ges orde(ed by-the to_uif to b·~
·paid ~Y ·the losing ·party in· a_)itigation· to the
1. The awar.d of temperate damages .for loss of
prev~iling party. ·
· .. · earn!ng.capacity ir lieu of docurnentaryevidence;
· 2,. t';lon·-worl<ing victims· · · . · · · < :.. . , ·' · · ..
3:,' Th e°d~ceased _is self-employed ahd earninq less:
0 · Attorney's fee·~
may J:>e>awarde9 =when·-~-- _party is
· than the minimum wage under current labor laws; compelled to 1\tigat:e,or incur expenses· to-protect 'its
and . . . interest; or when _the' courtdeems it just andequitable ..
4. , 'wtien' testimonial evidence (Dprban Aparlments'.Gorp::.v. Pioneer-ln.surance and
. 'establlshes the' loss (AQUINO, Surety' (!bip.,}~R~No._ 179419; January tz, 2011). ' '
Demeqes, supra at 794).
. \. . . . . ,. . . . Ari. _av,:arq of attorney's fees :-is th~ -exce'ptioh rather
· : Loss of Earriinq 'Capacity of Non-worl<ingNictims· than therule.tas theyar'e·riot always awarded every
· Earninq capacitymay be impaired .even .if no a_ctual -tirne a)qrtY,wevails in.,a suit.because cifJhe· policy
. earAing is tostin the meantime. In number of cases a that no-premium shall be placed on the litigate
. the ·supien:ie Courtreboqnized t~e· entitlement' bf th~ (Financial Buil&ing- Corp v.: ~ul:ilir1 'tntemetione! Cqrp,
h~_i,r.$· of the 'deceasedfor loss ·of- ~arnih(' ~i:i°~acity ~ . · et et., GR. Nto1186; October 4, 201 Of
the', deceased even if the 'said. deceased · was no ·· I
· · ·. · . .. : · · .. · · . .
<forking· at'th~ time' ~(t~e. _a~:~ide.r,.k\yh~~ is im~;irtarit . 'Paya bl,~ ~r,c/.tCJt.t_he l~°wy_ei-_ but l~ \h_~ client, ~n~ess-they.
.. 1s)~at there ~s proof C>f los~. ~J¢.arrnng,.....caJac:;1ty_a~d
not necessarily actual loss of income ,(/q .at-79Z). "'""·
. . h9v_e. ag~eed _t_~at t\e,
award, sha.11 pertain to !lie lawyer
·-as · _add1t1on~. co~nsat1on _.or part· thereof·
, · .: . .. . · .. ;J; · (Beneilicfov. v'illaflores;:GR: No: 1EJ5020, Oclober ·_-
. Can the ·_c.pµrt Award _lnd~hlriification for, Loss of 6,'20'10). · ,. _ _.·. , : . . .. · ·,
· ..__ ,:-·:Eafn{pg.J:'apa_d_!Y ~itho~t ~d~q~a ~e Pr9of. '. l '. · .::ti:i~
• ·. ,· - · · · ·~-- .· ·,. · .·. · · · · _:; '. ' '· ·
. :· . No. Well setfled IS th~nule-that the·1r)d!3mn[fication for ·. }aw' alio~s ''pa_r:tieS',:to rec;'ov_~~ 'attorriey's··'fees': .
los~ ?f e~~ni~g capacit/ must be. duly ~roven. r:lence~ 1:1nder,; a ·wr-itten . agreem~nt. ·In Bwons Marketing
· ~he ,tJ.are test1m·ony _of .tlie,·brother of the~eceasea is. ~ Gerp. ".' SA t_G,:R_.~No: ~26486, Februa,Y-9, '1.998), the ·
-_n_ot_su~_cie~·f proof:!~jem~ificf~ion for·1ot~ of,ec!/njng. . Court ruled··tl{at t~~ ~tto?n_~·y·s / prov_ided_- in }he:.
capac1fy partakes of Jhe :nature. of actualjlamag!:ls· · · c~mtract ate }n)he ~ah.{f.e of liquidated damages and ·
·'1hich f!l·~st b~ ~GI¥ proven. f:. self=serviQg st~teajerit,. :tl:)e_,st,pl.i_lati9~ therefor)$ ·aptly callee;! a.'pena:r clause ..
bei!1g·l!nr,e.liable. is QOt enoygh .. Sut fo'r the. lost ir.icom'e .! .so:10ng ·a;=;"such' stipu.iation-'dois:iiot oontraVEJne law, : .·
to be recovere·a; tliere- ml.isf be iikewisi:r an ..unbiase'd· . motals; 'o"i p_ublic_·order/it is stri,ctiy biQdirig~_0pori' the · ..
proof of .!he de"c'Eia$ed's average; ~ot" just gross, . defer]dan1;. :·· ·' ·' . . · ·,
. - in.come (P,eople v. J:uenco, G.R: No_.· 143.819;
. J.anuaiy 29, ·-2~.0?J: / . ·.P,la,i_ntf h)~s.f ail~~e "t~e·. b9s_i{of hi_s· 'claim for
... · ....
Loss_pf-Profits > . • .
· _Oetermine9_:by· consid_ering the average profit fpr the·.
~< _· . , . . attorne.y'.s. fees in the _complaih'f (A~UINO;.,Torts and
Dama_ge:3,'~l!Pra _at 807r
.· .··:"" .. ) '
. ,". . .:
··. . . ... · / ..
., :· ·. : . . .
: ..
~ -· ..
. ~-

. --preceding years multiplied. by )h~ 'number of .Vear.s . ~asJs_:.Any"_b.f.t~e ~af~·s.provid~d by[aw where ~uch
. · the~ bU$iness. was. -~ffec~etj ·by ''ihe . a_ward: cap qe. m~de; SU.Ch as tho'se authorized: in Art.·· .
·. Wr~t:!gfu}. a_ct_9r_ b:e~~~ , (Id.. at 801) (Cpt]_§olidated .
pf :y
22~8 • 'ire iyif Ccicl~; .(Cons(ruction'.o'ev~loprrieni'.
mi,ry Pr?du_cts et al. v.I:CA; G.R. f\Jo. 100401, ;?.ugust· Corp. v.; Estrella_{ .GR. :No. ·1477.9.1,. SepJem.bef. 8, : '
2_006). ·_·· .·. . . . : . -.:- .
24,--1-992)... ~ . . . . . '( , _ ~- .· . . ..
lnju~t.o·business:standing · ·· . · ·. ·. : ·~ - :'

lf'a ·suit7'i_S filed by Ofle agajrist a,nothet- in bad faith ·

\ ·.. ·
· resuifing in -besmifched rep.utation :which a{fected th~ '.
-. I . ._~·.

l~tter's 'business standin_g, an award. of .damages' is . .. \ · ..

. prop_er (ALBANO, supra at 424).




Grounds for claiming attorney's fees: .(Sl2UM-

b. No interest shall be adjudqed'on unliquidated
. .
D20W2G) .· claims or damaqes.. except. when' or until
1. In a §.eparate civil action to recover civil liability demand can be established withreasonable
arising from acrlme: .. certainty. . , .. .
2. When defendant's act or omission compelled the· c. Where the .. demand is established with
plaintiff to .bitig~te_ with.third. persons or to -incur reasonable certainty, the interest shall begin
· expenses to protect his interest;. to· run-from-the time· Lhe claim ·is made·
3. In actions for .begal support·;
4.· In a clearl/!J.nfo_unded civil action or proceedinq
. -· judicially or extrajudicially (Bernal v. Villaflor,
G.R. No. _213_617; April 18, 2018). .
against the plaintiff; ·
s. lri criminal cases of Malicious -prosecution . Interest- dtte shall .earn ·interest not frcim default but
aqairist the plaintiff; . . . . from the time of (ALBANO, sup~a 'at.
6. When exemplary Qamages are awarded: 452). . . . - -
7. When at least Double judicial costs are awarded;·
8. · In any Qther case where the' court deems it just. Brief Ru Ii rigs on-Co~pensa.tory Damages: :
and equitable that attorney's fees arid expenses 1. Actual.
must be i;pecificaliy_pleaded
. '
of ljtigc:Jtfon should be recovered; · ..- ·. :i . :·.·. .· prayed for (DE ~~ON, Torts .arid.Q.amags:s, sl!pra.
9. In actions forthe recovery of Wage_s 6f household et 636). . . . . . . .
· helpers, laborers and.skilled'workers; · · · ·· 2, .. May _be -executed. pending .appeal but riot a11
10. In actions "for indemnity'. under· W.ork~u·· -~ _a ·~~for rnora" or exemplary darnaqeswhich
· compensation 'and employer's _liab~~w~r : 1. '\jt"cfrjnot b,e reg'a~ded ci'(fixed until there ls 9 final
11. Where defendant acted irrQros?andevidfnt:~u,ggm~~(~d~oCommuniceiions of the Ph_ils. ·
· !aith in refusing to. s_atisfy}he /,~iJ:! · _7'f!e-.~};. Lailt'f\.q_._R. No. L-59311, -fa~uary 311 · •.
and demandable claim (CIVjf 90~0 · ,, ~1.)208)~ ~\-, -.,1~). ~, ..._'\ _ . ·: :- . .
. . . ·- · . ·/~ . 1·. ~ ·. i" 3\v.r'They,..siri:J.P{Y:t1nake ·QO<?d . or replace the loss
Note: In all cases, the attorney's fe~s and-,expen5:es ~J/~ ··I& c"al:J~ed b\ \~ wrong (PNOC Shipping _and
of _litig_ation must .be r_eason!ble·.(C/Vll. q_ooE .A~.. ~ . Tran$gort v. <5-fJ:).~G.R: No. 107518, _ October
2208). The amount to be!~rdlcL is lrft-rot. e. · ?;'[998). · · \'._...,.l ' . .. . . .
discretion of· the courts _ -(AQ.t)rO; . Tr,&•orts"1it:._[n'rl-··c4:lJlnter4s~ r::iay.~e reco it ered f~r fail~re to ~ay a sum
Da1J1a_ges, supra·at·807). -~ .. ·· ·.. _ · "b-~~~·9f. ~Y. (Syn LJ"te /nswanc~ Co .. v.: Ru~da
. . . . . . · ~ ·. C:\t · · /:-ler 1i}.DQ's Go., 6, . No .. 12{)05, March 21,
\ ··.' When Attorney's fees maYi no~q recov'ere'tl. · . S . · 1~ [})<)1 }'~ ·.- · '. · -· ·
f . When it is ·sho1n .. l~at t~fo~-~~en~~~"a~·tor _di,®\.: .1i~1 c~¢;:e r~s~tiqg f;oin ·a '1oss of a home .or
~~t c~im~ to _co.urt w1_th c;:l~an. hancls1 an~ ·. ~~ . "$! -"'-~~fitim.i.;9t~[_v~lue
1 fp t~~·ov,,n~r- i~ q_ot a prop-e!
2. · When there 1s· !"JO ev1d,E;)nclof frau\a~~f~~~a)! - . : · e\~m~n~of. clcim_a/e (Reppblic v. '"-ara, G.R .. N_q.
on th~ part oft.he tortfea~_qrlf a_c~~n.~ana~"59~~· ~fi35(F8,P{N6verTJ,.J!er _2.9, 195.4) .. , - . ·. ·, .. < ·
GR no. ~2~51, July ~9, 19~5). · . ~~}&Th~Ja?~~a}tnem?!h_erJ>f t~e murd_ere(l.\iictim
Interest . . . - : . ·. · · J'gv~
'. , . ·. - -r~;~1~~!31:\01.,mtJ~om,1nsur?_~ce -~Ill not ~_ff,e~t.
(CIVIL_ CPDE,__Art .. ?20fl, 221.0. ~n.rf. 2212) '].- · M·Nh~ ~ward o_f-act~a_! dai:n.a_Qe.s· (Catu,za. v. :Pe~ple,
·· h. f" · • · . · , • - f. . , f ·· . G.~o. L-204.55, lyfarch 31, 1965).. ·,
1 ,·· B. reac o ob 1,,1_ga_t1oq CO.f\l?l~t,ng···o ;:_,·pc1yn:,ent~q ~ ~.' . · · · : - · '. · ·. · - - · . ·.: •;. · . -~
.. s0rn ..of- ~or)ey· (e.g., ,·a. l?fn. or forb<!ai-an_ce_ pf .. . ¥0.RAL D'.AMAGE~- (9IVIL c'odE; Ai1s. ·22j 7- .
money):-·· , . . . , 2220)- · · - · · · : ·· · '
. __ a.· The due is that stipula!ed 'in.:writing · . _; .. · . _' . .. .·,· ·:' · . , .
: · )m·d the ·ir:itere~t dl,l<;l shall itself earn _l~gaJ- · . ..: M9ral,damage·s· in.elude: (BMW-F~PMS3) .
, . · . 'intere'sl.- fro"m> · t~e . tfrri~ iL 'i~ , judicially'. ...-·1. ~·_g_esmirC~E:,ld reputati9"i:J;. . : . . · -'
. . . derri'anded_. .. . . .) ... -~ : . ·,. . . . ...... '• ." ·:.:·, 2.. Moral shock .. , .
.. . b. The rate of interest ·shall be· 6% per a[inurn", - · · 3: . Woundetl- feelings;
. ·,:·
· in the apsence of~XRre~.s.contrad as to .s.u~b '·: 4. ·.- £right; · · · _,
-. rate. of'inlere"st, inq!uc; the allow~d-_)fr \ _. . 5. fhys(cal suff~~ihg;:
.j~dgrri~nfa'.(,$SP Gin No, 799, _series'of 20.13). · 6.: Mental anguish; · -~ · · ··· ·
,· cproputed from default,. _i.~,; .frof!1.)udicial oc . . 7.. §.~'rioi.Js _am:<1e_ty;. , .
ex1r~~judic.ial·demand.subj~c:lto Art. 116~9 .of·:.· 8 .. Social humiliatiori · <. . . ' ·•
. the Civil Code, ) ·: . .. . "9 ... ~frnilar injury.(CIV/L .c.opE, Ari. 221'7).
• ' • - I .. • : • ·~ • ,::. •

2. Breach of obligation not constituting loan or: a Article 22·17··. of .the Civil. Code states wlfat· are
forbearance of money: · · rrich.ided . in moral · damages- while Article'·: 2219
a. An.lnterest on' the amount of darnaqes lo b~ e~~rrierat~s thecases wtie_re th~y-may·be re99)ered ..
awarded may be imposedat.the discretionof .: .:·· .
the the rate b_f six percent (6%) per ..
·annum ..

. r 2019
~ . . ..... . OPERATIONS
. . . ..
C!B>¥8Sh2WS%ii\2 UiS;,J?JMet?_: 19:t-2¢.J de:•&#*$ &43:t9§ fe*:%%1 f# :4iSf4Ec:%PtaXAL#' #5% gix

Note: Th_e _. cases when . moral . <;famages may be Proximate Result

aw.arded are spf.:)cific. Unless the case falls ·under the- Such. darnages '° _be the proximate' result of a
_enumeration ·as provided in Article 2219, which is . wrongfui act or omission the' factual basis of .which is'.
·exclusive, a.nd Article 22·20 of· tne Givil Code' moral sci'tisfact~:>rily established tiy_ the .ag_grieved. p_ar'ty (Lim
_damages _may not be a1ward.~d (Coca-Cola Bottlers v. Go'JleZ, G.R. No. _160110, June 18, 201.4). ·
Phils., Inc. vs:}Meiiez, G.R:No. 2099061 November -~eneral ·_Rule: The plaintiff n:iµst alleg~ an_d prove:
22_, 2Q17}. . .. · · r ·.: ·, '. , .
. .
_ • ·
. 1.. The factual basiS"fOr mora.1 dama_ges; a"rid
2.. Its causal relatioo to-· the defendant's· act
The -award . of moral damaqes is designed to · (AQUINO: Torts and Damages, sup/; at 822).
comperisate.the claimants for actual injury and is not '
meant ~o enrich-the· complainantat the expensect the . . Exception: Moral damages may be awarded':to .the
defendant, The grant of moral damages is· based on vi~tim in proceedi11gs-.with9ut · the 'nE~ed fqr
"the ancient maxim "wherr there is a wr~ng there is a pleading of proof of the basis !_hereof (Id. at 822).
remedy'.' .(AQ.UINO/Torts· and Damages, suore a't
~1_9) .. : .'. . . ... : ; .
~"- : )
. . :---~
. . .
Among Irie. factors ,·u:iat · can be· considered· in
assessinq m~r~il.. damages is the . '. of . the
offended. party, in the-community, or,i the one hand,
. , · · and ~th~ financial, capability .of.thf offender, upon the·
other hand, without either being preclusive of other
circumstances e-ven perhaps more primordial, like the·
gravity of injury and.the .wrong causjnq it, ~hat.mayJ;ie
attendant to each case (Parmer Mayor 8(/gido,- Sim6n a. . A .crimina_l ...· offense . resulting . in .. physical
Jr. v. Martinez, G.R. No. 156025, Jenuery 31r·2.dov. . injuries; , · . . .
. , · · . . . . " ~- . · ··· o .. Ouasi'delicts causing physical injuries;
Nature and Purpose . . c. Sed~c~tif>n,· . abduction, . rape, or other
.•. -. ~-o~;:il. camaqes are 'not pu~itive' and not inte~de~to . las~v~ous acts: . . . . r ,

<, enrich __ .the ,c.on:iplamant in. order ta .p1,1h1str• the d. Acfo1lte[/'or.con·cub.iQage~ -_ .. ·.

defendant, fhE:,Y., we for ·re13ar~~n ·of_ toe spiritual e.' .. IIJ!g_~I ~r_.a{q~t_r~ry d~tenti?n or arrest:
steius qoo a17(e; a_ means ";_to~.~s.sua'ge the -morall. · f.. 11re9al seamh; : . ·
-sufferinq' :of _.,the .... _co1;1ple:3in·a~t(~ro_a!1nt abo&t by· · · -~- · gr-$i1Del, slal')~er or: any .other, ' form of .
_defendant~ · c~lpa~l_e . action (M.,?nila ·· Ele"ttr~c. . d~~t" . .. .· · ·
Compenyv, .Ma, y,ctona~.Jose; '@.R/No. 152769, · h. 'Mahclousprosecution: or .
. Febrµary 11, 2007; _Manila,Elecfric_Co.:v. Spoufes r --...,i. Acts mentioned in Art. 309;·c:1 actions·c'.
•._G_:_R.:·;_·_No_._·,· ~e.. b.r~fJ ,6).· .
.. ry ..-1·0!'2_a_ . .. .. in Ar.r. ir. 26,:27', 28;·29, 30, 32,-.
_ . ~....:..;~.....:. referr.ed~to
.Aaf/Ji:r... 3],, and 35 (DE .LEON,. Torts-~nd Qamc:1ges,
Proof. and. Causatron, · .· . · ·· . : · sup~c! a_t 774).. ··
No proof"of.pecuni.ary .'l9s~ is he·c~ssaiy in.. 0rdedhat :· · · '':>·
m~~aL· qarrif9e:s,.... may be . adjudicc;1ted: :.- The ·- M?r~I Da~~ges .in. C_ulp~ (;on.t.raitua[ : .._ . . ~: .
· assessment pf.such damages is .left:tci"ihe discretion · In. culpa.toi]tractuaf, tn()_ral .d'?mages.~re.recover9ble
... of .the court accqrding· tb the circ.unista"nces of each only if the·defen_d_ant acted fraudulentiy or 'iri b,;:id faith,
· easer. Ho"wever; th.ere must b.e.'pro.of that defendant or is found__ gDilty.t;>fgross negligerfoe' a.m.o~nting 'to.
di"use<;f phyS-ical_ suff~.[!.').g; mental.~angllish,. fright, b,ad "faith, or in wanton aisregatd'·of.his contractual
se_rib\JS .. anx_iely, be:3t')1irched 'reputation, Wounded ooligatio1Js: The "breach :·must be wanton·. reckless ..
feeling!,, moral st:iock, so~ial humiliation, similar.injury· •. _"ryiali_c(o0, .. or. in'. bad . faith; .. oppr~ssiv~. ~r.
abµsiv~· .
to t11e plainliff. (AQUINO, 'Tort.s·and Damages, at 822) · · (Emm_anuel B. Aznar_v. ·Citibank; t:J.A., (Philippines), ·
·. · · G.R. No. 164273, March 28, 200_7). · .: w _ .. ••

. ··Amo"~htof.M6ra1'.t>a~·a~es"·Awarded: ·.... · . ·.· · · · . . ' . ·

.- It .. must be . COIT]~e'' to. the . -suff~ring or . _: A ·conscious or. intentional design\ne.ed n~.t alway;;be.
propo~ionate t_o the wfonQ c~mmittecj (Manila ·Electric . p·resent- since regllgence ·· may. bccas.ionally be s·o
Cpmpahy ·v. Jose, G.R. No.' 15U-69,· February. 14, gross as to arT)9unt to malice or b'ad faith. Bad faith in-··
2007). . --. ·. . .. ·.· .. : ·, . tne 'Gontext .of Article 2220 .o(the" Civil C6de"·iriclu8es
gr~ss.:negligence (B?nka_(d, file. II. FeiicianQ, G.R:
~ . ... . . .
·No. 141,761, Jufy:2°8, 2906).- · · . · .
Factors·i11 Deterf'T')ir:tingAmount: (EPS)
1. ~gxterit of Hvmiliation;. . . -. .
Mor~I. darn.ages rnay also be . ~-warde~ , in ca~e · ~h~
2: Eain :andisuffering; ·~nd .. . .... · ·
3. Offidi:11/: political,. sociai and. financial ·§landing
: de~tr :·of. a passengefr results . froni a. breach . of .
_coritracf. of carrjage (CIVIL rCODE, Art.·· 1764· fn
(A?UINO, Torts and Damages;-supra at 830).·.
relation to Art. 2206): · · '


1 :i!.\\1WW e:r 1%· :»e stitfflP.Sttum aw; :¢t k?·Z!#f : 12
:a~1 'tfi ; &:. Q etst-,; t::n:ct }&s:W{;r;et i&4S·W-d£Wt,, E4i.Jt» *¥?
Mo.ral 'darnaqes in case· of physical injuries are A slap·on the face is an unlawful·aggression .. The face .
recoverat:,ie\c:inly by the party injured (Manila Doctors personifies' one's diqnity.and slapping it is a.serious
Hospital v. ·so _un· Ctiu«, G.R. No. 15oj55,' July 31, personal affront: It is .a physical assault coupled with
200'[5). ' .. · a ·willful disregard. tothe 'integrity of one's person
(ALBANO, supra a_t 493). ·.. ·
A patient can . leave . the hospital despite. non-
paymentsof bill? 'but 'the hospital can pursue other 'Persons who· may Recover M_oral Darnaqes .
. . remedies (A:fanf/9 Doctors Hospital' v. So- Un CIJua, ' General Rule: Only the victim can recover.
G.R_. No: 150355, Ju(y 31-; 2006). ... -. .•'

Exception: The follo,wing relatives of the victim may

Mor~!' Damages'in Quasi-delict .. . . recover: ·.. · .. .. · .. : '· ·
When 'an.act.oromission caUS!:)S physical .injuries or 1'; . The· spouse, legitimate and : illegitimate.
_:,where thedefendant is Quilty of intentional tort, moral descendants. and ascendants of the deceased
damages may be 'aptly recovered (DE t:.EON, Torts (CIVIL CODE; Art. 220!;!).: ... .
and Damages, supra ·at 7,!5):,:> . . . 2 .. The parents of female seduced, abducted, a·,
. _ . ·. raped, or abused (CIVIC·coo~;'Art. 2219 par 3)'.
, Moral Dam_,!9esj'n Crimes or Felonies· .. . . · 3 . .>the spouse: ···d_escendarit~i.: ascendants, 'and
It could be. ·lawfully due:.when· the. accused· is found . brothers and sisters,' in the order.narned.iaqainst
·._.:guilty b~'I:ihysic.~i injuries, ias?ivious·.agts,:~dult~~ny prrson ~licrshOv:,'S ~i_sJespe:ct t9,t~e dead, or
con~ub1~ag_e, .1l_ll:~~t-or ·arb~tr~ry_' ~etent1QD,"."~I_J~gal T
. arrest .. or : search,· 'defamation A""malic1ous
Sllf~Ogf~lly interferes' . m the funeral · pf the
1, \/Jeceased. · r ,
·J.,- , h.

.. ~;o:e~~~~~;·~f:~1vi1 _ i~·d.~m·~i.ty. is ~a~.}~~~~-<-~l?m~1so·~1Juer/ne_nta_1 anguish: .?eri.o_us

.. need of proof other than the con.)mit's~,,m~ , •anx1ety..i.. w~~a.ea·/eelrngs, moral ~hock and other

.-~ .• ·
· ;,

· ·- : .. ·
(People v:·'.Gredo, G.R_._~No_. 19}3~,"'{uly 3, t2Q13).1b) )f s~tilar injuries (f€:W'tNq, Torts ahdDamages/suprfJ
. · .t > • - •

Though R:A 9346 · pro~ibit~jthe· imgos.iti?~f death-~~\

n- Jh.\ cffil337) .,.
• :·· ,- ....;1 . . :-f r ,

..;J '.

r( fr\ · · · , · .·, · :"-:· ·
·, ., · · '.
.-. ._-- penalty,.the civil:in9emnity is p~~re~/because it 1s"not ,: Note;,liowever, tia~~-righf to claim damages by the
,... ~ d~pen~.ent ori_, the· ?!,° \lie ~dta_h~ l_:!;·t.zSi~J;J~s·(1~roth·~riand1siste~s) is !fmited only to !h_e
<::;, penal.ty bul on the fac~ th·at:~!..la1Jf¥rng· c1rcumstant.e( ...- · ~-tl:m,~ enumeratron:~+=len·~e, rn: the cas~ qf 'Sulp1c10
.· ..
war~ant_ing_· !he,-, im-~o~iti?nt. b1-l.:~~·
atte,n~ed .. the cornmrSSl!?!"l' oi tbe,.qff~nM;~~eop
penaltY,~1~#'L~nes -~ai.
~t .~1..,. i~e-~up~em~:~q~_rt ·~o_le.d:_{hc!f
e .\C"f I~- r~:r);fr:f'@s1blmt1s o(Jp~S$enger dunng_.a·y?yage
!~. ·
·'?Z~~(7. 7009-
·.;· . Cre_d.o, G.R. No .. ·197:}60, _-Ju/\f.@/ 2013):_.·\0,~ · · ~ -<-tJI._ffL~'(zg,siP,/'~irzmoralJdamag~s beh_alf ··of the
,:· .·
; .... • . . . . . . ,· .. ,:.· __, .."'. · · ,. ·.:\ · .. ·'.. :. /~&{j)~~.J ~b:. 1 ..M~rch .1!, 2Q10J:. . .-: .

: ~ '_.\' . ~~~;~~:;:J,e:~m(ftt.g:n~c~r;~:Pt:%;f1eli\~EW-'~r210~9-rai\01~ag~~.
._t~ o;~ . . . :
·· · _Brec!"cti ·of Pr9~ise,~? Marr.y? ·. . . · , : ·. .f~~G.! ~t1l'4 A~~porati_Qh_ not :b!=l -~""'.arded\ 1:1-~1
. No .. ·_m9ral dar:nages. and ~~e~plary:?~a~ arj·~~t~~~rc1"drrci~}le ~ ·b~Jl'}_9_ a JUnd1c_al.persop; 1t ,sa.nnot
recove~c1bl~ 1~·, .·d51~~9.~·. .,a?t1o~s. yrecliG@_!e~}o_r_. _a
.~r~a,·~~- qf.,emm1_sg~ t~·l)'.1arry:_Th~-.r~as9.ri"Ta~1:?

su~~!'Ir_om ounded feel1n~~,:.s.E;)n?~.s·anx1e~y, ~eQt~I
- ·,~g~li. Of: m9r~l_:shock. ·(M~nila .. El~ctn~. Co:."'.:
clear.· The..,mere ·9re,c1ch: qf.~prorn1se ·to_ r.narry 1s ,flo( . . . T,E.A.M.':Gorporat,on, :G.R: No.. 1-31723,JJ(Jcember
· actii:>n~bhf~ N'6(fa~irfg·'actl6Y1a b!e.- tli.ere cc'.iif:be ·no 0 . 1·3,.2001). · .· ,.. , ,_, y, .. :·. :'. ; : : . ,.:, , . -· :· ·v },·
· P.os'sioie 'oasi{for:'a'r-1 awcifd'.fof:-darri'age(.:~hether . . · .:.'· ·: · / . ·0 · ••• ··: ·...- · • • < · '
. rrr.~r~[ ~f..exehiplary ... , . . .... · · ... · · : ... · · ·:·· · · . Eicep_tio'f{:. l!ibel, sland(:ll"·· or · any .. bth~~ ~j .fqrrr\:
·. · . · ', ·.,:, . ,.. ·, . ' ·· - '; ··. derama'iion: But'there m'Qst be~~v1den.te t6.-prove'"';t;to . .
It. iot:ild·· bi/ d'fttere~t. however.;·jf" the --~~t '.ihe o(
. ju's{ffy' ·.~he. awar'd\civii:.: CODE;'Art._;-227-g_··par .. 1: . . .
. :·qef$ndi:1n(in. ·bric1~inl)1.i~'. pr6'niise~.)!? niarry-' is Filipinas 'Brq?Jdca.stfng.Nt;Jiwdr'/f,)nc, A'go·:Medical ~ . . · :v:·
accompani_ed·_by' any
of tt}e ·act~ ·~numerate8 in Art and. Education·a( Cei?fef '--Bicq/"Christian College· of. / '
. -2~19 .. : 9f th~ _Giyil _g:9.a~ .. · In: ·.suer ·i;:ases, IJ'l~rcj_l Medicine>GR .. Nb:0.f4199.4f,JahUary, fl; 2005) .. - . · ·
:.·,a~fr1-~9f~·,m~y}~."re'~h~~-~ed.J?~t·;:ev~~0Jl{·_!~~- l;ici,~i-~. . / ... · '·:.. ·. ·. _·:.:/ :: ./· ··::· -~.: ·'(. _. . ·:.. '-"'<'.,.
of r_ec.overy will ·not' qe· of- pr0m1se to marry NoJe;'ln Manila Electric Co .. y. T.E,A.M, Corporation
(~/..!B:4DO,;: ~ufJ~<! .a('qq!)· .. ·". . ..·, ."-· , _ · · -_.;,.. / {supra}, ."tti<:!. Co'~~ cjeElm,eq · it-· ~roj?}ilr, tci :d~lefe)h.~.
· .. ', ·"··. .. · . ., . : . .·:"· . .: .. ~ · .. · · ·:~ . ·. - · award_,9f moral 9amages: TEC'~ cla1m.was:r?r!=lm1sea. -.
Ma}ta·:~ers'on Wh.o, ~laP,p~d.Ari~~her··oriJhe Fae~ · · . allegedly on "th~: dat.nag·e t<:> ._. its .:go9d','fill 'and
: be Held Li~bl«?. for parl)c1gis?. ·:, · ; .. · .... , .:· ·repu~ati~::i_t is,essential·t6Pf-0Ve'.the e.xistence:of.'the·
· ~es.·' l;,he _act ',gf,.,~l_app}n.g an~~hkr .. ill t~e.. fpce is . factual ba?is pflhe damage 'c!.n..r.fits causal· relati9n tq, . '\
. c'ontr~rx to mq_r.a.1~, ah~:~9:<=lOp ,Sl:,l,!~t()~S .·?Ind_ LHJder:. th~ ": peti_tio.nets. a.els ... lq the·s.~,jhe.f¢.c9rq.s c1re
circlir,sta·nces·, c<:>uld .not .but tiave caus~d tt"\'e 'latter . bereft:of..ahy evidei:fce that- ttie name or re'pUfation of. ·an.~iuish_, ·morai'ishock,,. wcit:irJded. TE.C/jpC :: has .J?e.e:n. :a.~bas~d'. as a .. result ot,
.. social'humifiation. · , petition~(s ads:. Besides,. the trial court simply

: . . ,. . . . . .. . . . .

awarded moral damages in the dispositive portion of H_owever:

its decision without statf~g the basis. thereof. . . . 1. In·· cases where the r_esulting injµry might ti.e
.. continuing and possible fwture complications
NOr.:'!INAL DAMAGES (CIVIL CODE,_." Art. 2221- . , directly c;1risi"11g ,from th~ injury, while certain' to
· 2223) . . · ,occur are difficult to pre.dkt, temperate damages·
They. are. those recoverable a if?gal ri~ht is. ca[)· and should. be awarded on top of .actual 'or.
technically violated and must be: vindicated against · . compensatory,damages. · In such cases, there·js.
. an invasion that +ias produced ·no actual present loss · rio incombatibility_ betwe.en ~ctual and temperate ·
of any kjnd, or .where, from. the 'nature of thecase, damage·s ·when.both are provided; or
there has-been spme.inj1.:Jr.y"a(isi"ng froma breach oj, 2.) In , cases of .additional,· damages to .cover
· ': contract or legal duty the. amount thereof. has not· _: · .cosi·_o( proper c;;are whei:e it ·
been or cannot be-shown .. . would· not be equ_itabie fol'lhe victim to constantly
come to. coL\rt -~nd invok'e their aid. in seek(ng
Purpose: In 'order that a ~ight .of the plaintiff.lwhich · - adjustments to· the .compens'at_ory" daroage?
· has been violated or invaded by. the defendant, may .pr."e;v(ously awarded,. temperate d·ainages. are
· be vindicated or recognized. It is not for the ·purpose·. · .appropriate/(Ramo~. ··v:~ QA G~R. tyo. t?4354,'.
. 'Apn/'f1,'.200?). ':' ,· .. : · ·'.,
.of lndemnlfylnq the plain~iff for _any loss suffered .by.
.hin1,(C/V/L CODE, Aft. 2221.)." .: ..: .
. _, •. . . ·_-.• ·. . .~ : ..
'. . ·',. ~ .) .,.

. ·i-leirsJof· the victim -. of murder . are· entitled h

However, the -~rant of nominal .. damages is. a. bar tp .Php:50~000 a·~-ci~il"indemnity, which. i~ m_andal<?ry,ar,9·
_recovery · of actual 'or compensatory, moral, · .or . granted ;without need of. any evidence or. proqf of·
temperate darnaqes (-DE LEON, Torts and Oamageli .dam.ages other than the commissjon;'of. the crim_e
supie at·814).- . · · .· · . ,· · · (People ·v: Gabinan; G.R. :.No. --176158, March 27,. ·
. . . . ·. ':. .• . 2007}'. . . ' . .. ' -
. The l~w . presu,:n_es _d!:Jm?ge_ alt_hough : ~et,\:!,al .. or J

compe~satory. darnaqes are not p~oven- (G~nzales \i'.'.. · Te_mperate-E>amages· in_Lieu of Actual Da~ages · ·
. People,-, G.R. No. -15.9~50," February 12; 2.007). · · Sin.c.e.the hei~undeniably ihcurred·el'.(p.ens~s.for, the
wak'e ·. andjburii:il·, - the ·supreme ·Court awarded
. ~empera.te/g~a9~s~ .in-.-·tbe . ~~o.u~t>.Qr .
• pursuant to prf~~1lmg Junspr_ude~nce_, 1n: 1.1eµ of..actual
damage·l as i~uld be unfair-to" the victim's heirs to.•
get n~wh~~sgite~Hi~ .ae·afo of_ thei_r kin, ·f~r'r.eason ...
· alone t~a~ tl}gy c:arfrfot _pro.duce receipts ,(E/ji!ippine.
Na.(iprj'al.failVf?YS V.. EtherBrunty, qR; Np." 169891, .
' ovember 2,· ioo6J. · · ·,·' · ·
'- . . .· "·

. 'i-~e ,l?du~f dJ~' ~~t aw9rd'·,a6t413_I a~m~~e.~;-d·~·e;t; ·lack

pf. procif- of "actual /expenses;. but. instea'd grantea .
..fe!ll·P~r'tite. cfah)ag_es, in .the· ~rp'o·µnt_;of f:'50,000, .
. J .' ·. temperate '·da.m9ges ·may be.. recovered· ... wlien ~
·Li°nd,er .· A_rticl~ 2224, of the ·~_ivi,I ,Cod·~·. ·tem'~e;~t,~·- -.:._, pecuoiarY loss 'Has· ·b'een. suffered" but iis.-,amouni .
• • • ... • •• ' .... ~. • J; ...... ~. • • ... •

. ·;·damages•may be recovered.when the court fii:,d~ that · ca11not b~ ·provecj w_itti certai~ty'(People -v: Berondo; ..
some pecuniary loss "rias . been. suffered tiut its 'G.R .. No .. 177827, March.'S0;:2009) ... :. . . :· .
. . : ,' ··~ . . - ...... _ . : . ·._;. .: .
amount. cannot-frorn .the: nature of. tbe~·e:ase, _pe
proved w.ilt"1. certainty. . ' ... ~. · ..;i· . · . : · ·· .. \Vhen the _crime. i~ heinou·s, the. ·S"uprem·~ ~OLJrl .
i.~¢rea~~d the,"award for, rtlaridatory- civjl ·ihd.efm'flity fo :·
~~·e~~ -~~e ,'~~;~-~g~s;-i~ibh · a~e mo~~--tha-~\bmi~~I . 1?75,0QO:Ob '.· to·._;confcimi:)o-., recent Ju_r.isprtJderic·e
but less than. c_ompensat,_o"rx,·?nd. may b.e-~lt9'.Ned. in- . (Peopie ii. Ver_gara, G.R.· No .. 177.7f33//uly 3; 2013) .. '.
• - r • • • ' • I •

cases where from the nature of the case, 'definite

.. proof of p~cuhi~r/l~s~ cannot be·.addu¢e"c;( althqugh" ')JQU!OATED..· DAMAGES. (~e.e" CIVIL. CODE,· Art_;
the court is . ·COrWif)pecj_'-'that ·. the '.agg'rie\ied. party . 2226-2228} . . . . .. . ~-- -. _ ,
. suffered . ~pfne ·pe_cur:ii~ry· lo~s·: (!?,cirlano::_-v. .. LasfJla, . Thos~ agreed
upon bVthe'par.ties·
. . ' . . in . ., a.contract,. to be' .
~G.'R. No. 1.97842, October 9,: .?013). ·; · ~ '- paid in case of breach thereof. ·,
. . . . ...... . . - \. .
· .

Temperate, 'and . aCtU91 · ·a~·mages ~i'r.e. m~tvaliy: . · P_urpo;e>r~ .pr~ven.t bfeach ot"~-bligatiorts. ~etween
"exclusive in thatboth mayno('be awarded at ·.the : · the contracting parties. · ... · · · · · ·
<. . .,J .- • ':··.

sarrie" time.{P<zople V.. Gutierrez, ·-G.R.· No. "18_8602, ·. , .. ... · · .. · ,•.

February 4, 201 OJ. : · :_ · -,- . . . · · -


. '

Liquidated darriages, whether· intended as an circumstances, which makes the- amount grossly
indemnity or a penalty, shall be equitably reduced if · disproportionate to the .damage .sufferec by the
they are iniquitous or· unconscionable (CIVIL COQE, creditor.' In such cases, the court may reduce the
. !',rt.· 2227). amount. of penalty·(ALBl\NO, supra
. .
at 512) .

Liquidated damages are· those. agreed upon by the Exe_mplary or Corrective Damages (CIVIL CODE,
parties. No proof is necessary. It is not subject to any Art. 2229-2235) . . .\ . .
contingency or determination as.. it is already agreed Imposed. by Way of example or correction for the ·
upon. The reason why thereis no ·need·for proof to· public g·ood, ih addition to· the· moral, temperate,
recover liquidated damaqes is because · the. liquidated or compensatory damages. It is required by
agreement is the law· between the parties (ALBANO, public policy to suppress wanton acts (AQUINO; ·
supra at 512). Torts and Damages, supre at.855). · r

·. Liquidated· Damages v: Penalty

. ~ . . .. •• '.·. • J •
. _. '\ ...'. , , .... ~t •
.; ' ,. ".[• j.•.: :-~ ;';' i '.• " .~•,\"

Exemplary · . AIHi6ugh· · · th!3 Agreeme.nt

Should" the : _.p.rin~ip.a! :. ribligaHbn b~ 'void,' the damaqes cannot. amour)! . . .· . . ·of to, -, renounce
stipulation on· liquidated darnaqes.witl -also bevoid: . .be. recovered as
exemplary .. ···~ -: ·,. rierppl.ary ·...
both damaqes beinqaccessory 6blig'a'tfons to ·the ...
principal obiigation (CIVIL C()DE, Art. _12_3,0):
.a matter of r]gbt. .damaqes'need damaqes . in nqr
.: ....~~ . ...
·. '-
. ·T~}_s. /rJ:18)' · :-.8~
beproved, pfc1int[ff. yldV~f.lCf , :: .. : ·:
granted: · at . the· rnust show that he 'shall b~ · null
The amount of-penalty is liot'c;te_termined ~y.the.injury · discretion of the' lsentilled lo m6raf 'and void. · . the· creditor, b,ufby' wjlat_.ha_s. b:eer'i agreec! . _t~Urt 'even
.if ri'ot'_te~·P,E}ate . . d~ . · .. · ·-·
upon by· the parties· who aie
free to determine 'st.kb .~xpressly . . , . t:Qmpe11s.atory ·
arnount.Trie limits.of good.customs; however, should . 'pleaded.. ··..or- damc!ges. .
not be infringed. Apenalty would becontrary to good p~yed for. · · · ·
customs if it would occasion ilie economic ruin· and
represent an
unoueexploitation ofthe debtor. It may
also. be iniquitous by a. superveninq . change of
a• • • I

838 I 2019 SAN. SEDA

• - • ' • •
• • •
J • ..
• •

Other- Kinds of Darnaqes ·(RAL v. Ci\ G..R. No_- L-54470, May S, 1990;
SUAREZ, Toils and Damaf!es, supr_a at -1-7).

. Suriima_ry of Demages:
Compensation · for_ This· covers · damages In People. ·v. Jugueta: (G.1R. No.. 202124, April 5,
Workmen and - other awarded_ when there is 2016), the Supreme Court 'provided a· summary of
employees.-- no proof 'at pecuniary damages. · · '
loss. This ·is left to· the
T.his·coyers damages for discretio_n of the 'court, 1. For those crimes like Murder, Parricide,
workmen · · and other according · to the · - Serious· lntentional Mutilation, 'Infanticide,
employees in case· of ·circumstances of each and other crimes: involvinq' death ·of a victim
death,· injury or illness. case (e.g. damages ~here 'the penalty consists of indivisible
. under special law. (e.g.' arising from tort or penalties:' , . . . .;-
. ind~_mnity for\~orker). ~ crime).
. . ' . ~· . . .
a: Wh-~re the -penalty .imposed "is death but-.
· · reduced to reclusion perpeule- because of
' ·· · ·.. R.A.~9346: ··
When.May Exemplary Damages be imposed? .. . i. - Consummated: '. · .. :_: .-·. .
1. ·: in-criminal offenses, it maybe imposed when the - · ·1.)"-:Civil"lnde,:nnity- P100,0_QO.OO' ., ·
crime was: committed with one or more'< 2,Y Moral Damaqes'-- P100,000.00'•
. aqqravatinq circumstances; . ·3.) Exemplary Damages - PfOO,OOQ.00
2. In quasi delicts, it may be. imposed . if the · · r v .
. defendant acted with-gross-negligence; r ii. Frustrated: .
· 3.._ In. contracts and. quasi-contracts .. it may. 'be 1.) Civil lndernnity-> P75,000.00
· imposed if defendant acted in wanton, fraudufent, 2:-)- Moral Darnaqes ~ P75,000.00 .

reckless,. oppressive, or_ malevolent m~nne,: 3j E_xempla1y_Darriag~s ..:_P_75.QOO.OO _
(JURADO, Givil La'k_ Reviewer, supre at, 1315). · · ·
-' · -iii. Attempted· ·· . : · · .-.. ..
Factors Considered jn Determinin°9 Damages ·in Civil lndemnity - p50,000.00 .
Case ..ofDeath; · · · .,, .· : 2,L_ ~orc:JI· Da_n:iages_--=:l50:000,00· ., .
1. · Loss of earning caoactty--. - · · 3.J. :E ernplary Darnaqes - P90,090.oo ·
'· a. The ·court "can .. consider the nature of ·. • .. . . · r: - - • . · ·
: '. · · deceased's .: occ gation,.;_~ . educational . b Where--· the PJrialty imposed is ,:ec(usion
.. attainment-and the stit~ of his.'.HeMth at-tfi'e . '~erpettJa, ~er than theabove-rnentioned:

GR N 0: 79050 51
1989); ·. ·
· ·
.. ·
. ·.
~ '
_· time ~f death (Pantr'a~co N.orl!J Exp,:e;s (.
ovE:m er '
. I. Gcqnsumrriated_: .
1,) Civil-lndefyrnity-
.· .. .. : ...
2.) Moral .D._arnages.-- oo.
. b. ·considenng .the circum~tq_,nces: of· ti.le,..
__ ,_ ._3,)' ·Exemplary_ 0:=3mages :-- P75,000.00 .
. pthetitdi~.rn~r!?,
.. !dheir:dnuthm~~ra~ dteP•• ii. F.p.istrated; .. '- _ . . ..
. e ecea,s_e , an e1r ·anx1e y lu sea re mg ·' · 1.) c,ivit. indem. nity -'_P5Cl',000·.00 _ .
·· 'tor~ tbeir ·par~nts. am.ong_ the· survivors· and. :
corpses recovered from the sea (Mecenas v~ . . 2-) Moral d·amages..::.. P50,000.00·
· · · 3.) .Exemp.lary dam9ges - P50,000,00
. CA, G.R. No. 88052,_ De~ember 14,--1989). · . . . : · . .. -·
c. ; Under Art. ·.1764. in relation -to Art .. 2206 of the · ·... · ... iii. 'Aft~i11pt~d: .. ·· · ·..
Civil ·code: the ·amount o( P3,000 is.. now . 1.) Civil indemnity- P25,ooo:oo· ·

: .· incre13s~~- to. P75,000 (People v. Dela c'r'uZ:.
• G.~. Nd. 171272,· ·:June-7;·2007). · · ·,
: . · _.: · 2,) Mora!~darr;iag_~s f P~S;09Q.OO ...
:::. ·, 3:)'.'-~xemplary'da~ages ..!..:._r'25,opo:oo·
2 .. , The· earning cap13city . of 1he deceased, his· . ..

qpligation to support dependents, and the moral, · . 2. For.Simp!e Rape/Q~alifi~d_- Rape: -~ _,

damages 'suffered' by his .kin are.·also considered . ·. · '· a_. Whe·re t~e~penalty· i_mposed is Death ·but
,(-AQUINO, Tort_s andDa17?ages, .sup'ra-at·,793). .. . . 7 . Te.duced. t~ reCl(!Sion:·1ferp~tua beG~lJ~·e:..of
. 3 .. If the financial capacity of the Garrier enable.s-it to 'R:A. 9346: · . · :~ ·.·
pay mQr~. q gr~ater .sun, ;sh·oul_d. be, :give,n . i. ~-- ~9nsummatE:lp: :: · . .
· (12..~ntranco v: Leg~_sp;," G._R. · /Yo. L-20916~·17, · 1.) Civil indemnity-_ P100,000:'00
December.2:), 1964). · . <"" .. · 2.) ·damages - P1 oo_._ooo.oo-- ·
4. Life' e_~pectancy of the decease_d (AQUINO; Torts .. · 3.) Exemplary da~ages :--P100'.o'OO.OO _.
and Damages, supra at 791). · · . .
5. The rate 9f. inflatiO['! .that depleted the VplUe of the i_i.. Attetnpte{. · ....
judgment wa.s con.sider.ed iri:imposing _legal rate .'. · - 1.)--"CiviJ·in~~ninity...:. P50,000:00
· ·of interes! on tbe· _indemnity due the deceased · . . . .2.) M9rai dcimages..:. P50,ooo.oo
3:) Exemplary damages - P50,000.00 .


SANj}EDA 1..AW-CENTRAl:!Z~D.~R'..o_pER/\.TJONS - MEM.OR_Y AID'2~19 ..
~yo. f9Si##.'4#t t&!tA4m•:aaa•5w:tN CitkE-#¥1,~ 3:2$Mf!!2i x•&:ti~4'5?{£Sr+.fllPW# #&fif, ... fa%?E§iA!?'I fNIIWf\!*\$&:titil

b. W~ere .the penalty imposed reclusion ii.. fn Robbery· with· Intentional Mutilation,
perpetue, .other, than.the above-mentioned: ·the amount of damages is the same as
i: . Consummated: . . : t~~ abo_ve·i\he'Reralty:impbsed is Death
1..) Civil indemnity-. P7,5,000.0.0. .. . buf reduced to r:_ec/usi&r. -oerpetue
. 2.) Moraldarnaqes - P75,0QO.OO. . althouqh death did notoccur:
3.) Exemplary damaqes-'- P7~iOQO.OO. , · iii. , For.the victims .. who suffered mortal/fatal
# ' • ..,. •

wounds and.could have died if not.for a

timely medical intervention, the following
shallbeawarded; ' . -, '
1.). Clvil indemni~y..-·P?.5,000.00 -
2:) · Moral damages.- P75,bOO.Ob
3-.) Exernplary.darnaqes -. P75,,000.0.0

. ;_- ..
.. .;" ..

. . . .
# • • ' • • ~ .. ... ' .. ' •
.. . . . ' .
. . . ,( ._ '

entitled to the same damages 'unless the .other . ·.·

crimes of rape are treated as- separate crimes; in 7. In all of the abov~ insta'nces, when no
. w.fiiph,.' cas.e, t~e. dam'a_g~s:' awarded t,o-- slmple. documentary e,i'id~nce of·. buriill. or .fun~r'al '
·raP.e/qu.alifiedJape shall apply. ·. · ·, ,- · .: ·expeilses·'js pre'sented in colirt,.tlie amount of ..
. PS0,0°00.00 as tempei:ate ci.~mag~s .shall be
ai.varded . "°;• • ,. i
5. 'In btli~~ crimesfhat.result in the deatti of·a .
• • c .• ... ·: . •
'\. . . l .
victim and the penalty consists of divisible
.penalties,. i.e_;, <: Horntctde;' :" Death , under. Notef-Arl'. 2206. of·the Civil -Code· provides: that ..
Tumultuous Affray, Infanticide-to concealthe . the minimum amo.unf for awards of civH indemnity
. · dishonotir. , of', the offender, ''Reckless · ·· is P3,ooo:oo; but does not provide ·to/a· ceiling.··
Imprudence Res~·li(ng·-' to Homicide, .- Duel, Thus; altho~gh the minimun:i ,am9unt for the·
Intentional .. • i Abortion and 'Unlritentiorial a~a·r~ cannot be changed, in~rErasing the amount
Abortion,' etc ..':. . . a:wardep cis civil indemni_ty qan be validly
·a.:. Whei're: the·crfme·was consummated: -' " modified' . and : increased .. when ; the present
:., 1.) .Civ1I fndemnity ":- P50,000 ,·. , · · circumstance wa·rrants · it (People' v:~ Jugueta,
. , . GR.''No. 2021-24, April . 5, 2016): .. \ · .
. . · 2,.) Moral
. ., damages--:
. . ... RS0,8'00,00
. . . . .. .

. . .. .·. .. ·•· ; . . ' .

-··. b. ·where·· the crime committed was 1101- .. ":'.:
. co~surilmated,' except' those,.crimes where. _;,, .,.. .
. . '·tlie~e . are" no .; stages;:·· i.e.,. Reckless.
lrrtprudence :and_: Death· under tumultuous
· affray/ · · · · · · ..
. - · i: · Frustrated:· · ·. ~ : · .

; .
. . . 1.)° Civil indemnity·_:.. P30-,000.00
:2.) .·ry, da[llages :- P.30;ooo;oo ·

. ii. .. ,
· ...
l-:1' •. ·.
:-,; ''
.. ·... , ·. .-·

: .'4 •• : .. : •. ':. - ; ·..•

t..: .... . .
. . ~. /
·I .
". ~-. . ...
. ....
., .....
.... ;. ~: ....
-:; '. \ ,,
. s:'·-1ii 'th~· cri~/ot.Rebeilrdri . -. ..... ' .. ,·. ;

' . .. . ·_ .~::. \iyhere _· the .iriiposaole 'penalty ·is reclusion

... ,.
• ,'.', a
·< < . ( \ ·~: :" .
t •

: ...
· ' · perpetuir arid death occurs in. the course of .. .
. · : . · the ref)ellion?d,e- h'efrs~i:>tfhose \~ho ..diedare ~ . · .. :. .....

." entitled-tothe' following: . . .. - ,_.,.. . '. · ., . (

\'. / • • ,, • • • • ~· •• ; ' _. >'

· 1. ·. C1v1I indemnity - P.1'00,000.00
·-· ii. .. Mora{da:m~ges ,-:,P100;0.00,00···.' ..::(_.' .. :,. ":·• ...
. . ·' ·.... · . lll.' Ex~rriplar:y damages - P1 OO;OOO(QO . · · . · . .. :">·
.. ·.·. - '• . - -,,, . .
. ..
. ··~ ....
.~- b. . Fe>r th~ ..v!~tim~- .
who (·_suffered. fJlOct~l/f~t~I :-, ·. · .. ' .,.

wounds.ln the ·course(·of.the rebellion arid . .. . ·. ,.:.

.. ·.:,
• I - oo • • • \ • •

, could have. 'died if not for a timely medical · · . · ,.

. . . . . : ; · .. _ ·.··intet;vE:?iition.~th~Jolj~wing' sJ1all be awarded: ,.. . ', .

. i. · Ci~il.i~dem11it/~.'p75,ooo:oo· ,.. - " .. _._ . ...,

· ji. 'Moral darnaqes> P75,M0.00 .: . ..-:·. ·.
· ' iii. .~~Eimpla.ryt damage~,;;:- f;'75,0,p0.,00 . , . . . _.-.· ' .· . •, ·.•
.: .
. . ·.· .: ~ : . :, ·.: _)_ ..., .. r-. •,· ...

' c. - For th~:vicii~s who suffered non-mortal/non- .

. f?,ta! (njurie~,:- ... _· . . . ... . . '
· -- . · i. · Givil'in1demriity·-·p50, · '• ·. · . ..._ .. ~ ·: : ...

· ii. Morakdamaqes - PSO,q_00.00

· iii, Exemplary damages - PS0,000.00


~1%t,Sffi •e.-e e 5 5#6 $W$!P4t #%!#t5h&5Ei s Bi ,HJ'i?H s,! ;e =SMlZt?t#:*4·,i:tnt-t:i,.92'!8 ·&%512wa;{$#·,S:U§ t',i

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