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Style installation instructions


In Mendeley Desktop, go to the "View" menu, "Citation Style", "More Styles..."

Drag and drop the downloaded style onto the style list

You can also use Mendeley's own version of this CSL Editor at //, where Mendeley will host your style, install it directly to your computer and help you share the style with other CSL users.


Go to "Preferences...", "Cite", "Styles", click the "+" button and select the downloaded style.

See also the official Zotero documentation.


See the official instructions for Papers 3 for Mac or Papers 3 for Windows.


Copy the downloaded style file into Docear4Word's style folder. This folder is usually located at "C:\ProgramData\Docear4Word\Styles\".

If the folder "C:\ProgramData\" isn't visible, you need to configure Windows to show invisible files. To do so, open the Windows Explorer, press Alt, select "Tools" -> "Folder Options..." -> "View" -> "Hidden files and folders" and
select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".

See also the official Docear4Word documentation.


Open Paperpile
Go to "Settings > Citation Styles > Custom styles", click the "Upload CSL file" button and select the downloaded CSL file.
The newly added citation style will be listed in the "Custom styles" section on successful upload.

1 of 1 17-May-20, 11:43 PM

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