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Skill — Reading Comprehension Nome: Giant J ellyfish Invasion By: Ruth A Musgrove Ace aliens atfocking the Sea of Topan? Not exactly. But these gigantic blobs ore unwelcome visitors from enother place. Called Normure’s jellyfish, the wiggly. pinkish giants ean weigh up fo 450 pounds (204 klograms) - as heavy os mole lon - and theyre swarming by the millions. The sxpersize soa crectures ~ normally found of the coasts of China ond North and South Korea = cccosionclly drift east into the Sea of Tapen fo feed on tiny orgorisms ealled plorkton, But now one hundred fimes the usual qumber of jellyfish ore invading Topanese waters. And local fishermen are feeling as if they are under siege. The fishermen's nets are getting weighted down, or even broken, by hundreds of Nemura's: The jelles crush, sime, and poison valuable fish in the nets, such as the tuna ond salmon that the fishermen rely on to make a living. No one knows for sure what's causing this jllfish traffic jam. It's possble that oceans healed by global warming are creating the perfect jelifish breeding ground. Another theory is that overfishing has decreased the numbers of some fish, which may allow the jelies to chow down without competition for food. For now, all the fishermen can do is design special nets to ty fo keap the jellies out. Sorne of thern hope to turn the catastrophe into cash by selling jelyfish snacks, Peanut butter and jellyfish, anyone? Fost Focks “Baby Nornura’s jellyfish change from the size of « grain of rice to the size of washing machine in six months or loss. “Tellyfish are 95% water. “Tellyfish aren't actuclly fish, they're invertebrates - animals without backbones Grade 5 © Text By: Skill — Reading Comprehension Nome: Giant J ellyfish Invasion By: Ruth A Musgrove Read the story. Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. |. The Nomura jellyfish can weigh up to 450 pounds, which is as heavy as a A. Zebra B. Motor boot C. Male lon D. Lerge whale 2. What does the Nomura jellyfish mostly feed on? A Selyfish B. Phorkton C. Sonal fish D. Pecple 3. Why might the fishermen in these waters be upset with the large amount of jellyfish? A They ore way foo big B. They crush, slime and poison the fic in their nes C. They taste very bod D. They ore hurting people 44. What can fishermen do fo keep the jellies out? A. Design special nets to keap thern aut B. Fish somewhere elee to go fshing C. There is no woy to keep the jellyfish out D. Use efferent bot onthe fishing pole 5. Jellyfish arent actually fish, they're invertebrates. What are invertebrates? A. Animals without legs B. Animals without backbones C. Animals that eon swim D. Animals without fentocles Grade 5 © Text By: Skill — Reading Comprehension Nome: Giant J ellyfish Invasion By: Ruth A Musgrove ANSWER KEY Read the story. Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. | The Nornura jellyfish can weigh up to 450 pounds, which is as heavy os a A. Zebra B. Moter boot C. Made lon D. Longe whale 2. What does the Nernura jellyfish mostly feed on? A Telyfish B Plonkton C. Small fish D. People 3. Why might the fishermen in these waters be upset with the large amount of jellyfish? AA. They are way fo big B. They crush, slime and poison the fic in their nets C. They taste very bad D. They ore hurting people 4. What can fishermen do to keep the jellies out? A. Design speciol nets fo keep ther out B. Fish somewhere else to go fishing C. There is no woy to keep the jellyfish out D. Use different boiton the fishing pole 5. Jellyfish aren actually fish, they're invertebrates. What are invertebrates? A Animals without legs B. Animels without tentacles C. Animals that eon swim D. Animals without backbones Grade 5 © Text By:

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