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HOMEWORK FOR 30-6-2020

Task 1: Write the correct hobby under each picture.

diving, surfing, hiking, fishing, stamp,

collecting, karting, knitting, chess.

Task 2: Write the correct form of the adjectives (comparative/superlative).

1. Sam is the …………………….. runner in this race. (good)

2. Your dog runs ………………………. than my dog. (fast)

3. Today is the ……………………….. day of my life. (bad)

4. My brother is ………………… than my father. (tall)

5. Too ……………………. rice is bad for health. (much)

注: 学习材料版权归属于华盛顿美语不得再传 翻版必究
6. This road is ………………………. (dangerous)

7. The French book is ………………….. than the English book. (thick)

8. Tania is the ……………………….. girl in class. (smart)

9. Father is as ………………… as Mr Sam. ( strong)

Task 3: Learn the masculine and feminine animals.

Cut the pictures and stick them in the correct place

注: 学习材料版权归属于华盛顿美语不得再传 翻版必究
注: 学习材料版权归属于华盛顿美语不得再传 翻版必究

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