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Primary Midyear
Name: WenYing (Quentin) Sun
Year: 6
Tutor: Mrs M Herbert

Dear Parents/Caregivers

The report that follows is designed to provide you with information on the academic progress and
work habits of your child over the semester.

Yours sincerely

General Comment
Quentin is an enthusiastic student during lessons; he is always polite and courteous, and applies
himself well in class. Quentin’s confident nature results in him making lively contributions to class
discussions. Quentin shows interest in everything we learn, and is able to concentrate well.
Quentin’s written work is always exceptionally neat and accurate and he takes pride in his work.
In all areas, Quentin is characterised by taking responsibility for his work and effectively
managing his time. Quentin was committed to Virtual Learning, attending most Zoom meetings
on time and completing a majority of the tasks set to a good standard.


Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Arrives at school on time
Subject: Year 6 English Teacher: Mrs M Herbert

Studentship Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Effort in Class

Reading Level: At Expectation Writing Level: At Expectation

During Semester One students studied the novel Kensuke’s Kingdom and focused on
developing a deeper understanding of three genre forms; Recount including Biography,
Persuasive Writing and an introduction to Poetry. They read and interpreted text and studied the
specific grammar and language associated with each genre form.

Quentin is a hardworking student in English who has made steady progress throughout the
semester. He is methodical in planning his writing outlines and has improved at editing his work
to check for spelling errors and to enhance his message. Quentin has learned to group ideas
succinctly into paragraphs with a main idea and is making good progress with punctuation. To
further develop his writing, Quentin is encouraged to pay attention to structural features such as
syntax, structure and grammar. Another relevant area for future improvement is for him to
deliberately vary his sentence types to promote rhythm and a stylistic flow in his work.

When reading, Quentin’s comprehension is improving. He demonstrates skill at locating literal

information in a text. When writing responses to questions, it is important that he expresses his
understanding by answering fully and clearly, drawing examples from the text to support his
viewpoint by giving specific detail. Quentin’s next step in Reading Comprehension is to identify
the underlying messages in a text that are not explicitly stated, to look for implied or inferential
meaning and assimilate subtle clues, especially in fiction texts.

Subject: Year 6 Science Teacher: Mrs M Herbert

Studentship Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Effort in Class

Quentin is a keen participant in Science, especially with practical activities in which he willingly
shares his ideas and observations. He demonstrates a sound understanding of the complexities
of feeding relationships in the animal kingdom, making thoughtful predictions as to the potential
outcomes that could arise if food chains were threatened. He enjoyed exploring the effects of
friction and air resistance and could comment on the differences between mass and weight.
While studying Electricity concepts, Quentin was able to define, describe and explain static
electricity in detail. He could differentiate between conductors and insulators and sort materials
according to their conductivity. Quentin achieved well in the end of unit assessments but must
ensure that his responses are succinct, precise and consistently contain topic-specific terms.
Subject: Year 6 Mathematics Teacher: Mrs M Herbert

Studentship Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Effort in Class

Numeracy Level: Above Expectation

During Semester One the Mathematics programme developed students’ knowledge and skill in
the areas of Number and Measurement. Problem solving skills were practised in association with
each of these curriculum areas. Students’ speed and accuracy when recalling basic facts were
tested weekly with the online ‘Prototec’ programme during Virtual learning.

Quentin is a meticulous student in Mathematics who has grasped new concepts quickly this
semester. During Unit One, Quentin displayed a secure understanding of place value knowledge
and could order, compare and round numbers including those with decimal or negative values.
He would benefit from further revision of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, as well as
concepts relating to the calendar. Quentin demonstrates fairly good accuracy when adding and
subtracting in columns with whole numbers, but further revision of adding and subtracting
decimals in columns is an area which requires revisiting.

In Unit Two, Quentin displayed excellent accuracy and understanding when working with
measurement. He was able to convert and compare different units of measurement. He has
good ability when using a range of multiplication and division strategies. His next learning step is
to apply his excellent mathematical knowledge to problem-solving scenarios which involve
multiple steps. The focus would be to ensure that he correctly interprets the wording. Quentin
demonstrates a good knowledge of geometric shapes and can name and sort them according to
their properties. When exploring the properties of 3D shapes, Quentin could confidently identify
them and create nets. Quentin achieved a pleasing result in the second unit test due to his
progress, his perseverance and his attention to detail. Quentin is to be commended on his
excellent attitude.

Subject: Year 6 Humanities Teacher: Mrs M Herbert

Studentship Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Effort in Class

Quentin has participated in Humanities lessons with a keen level of interest and curiosity this
semester. He enjoyed studying the lives of famous, influential New Zealanders from recent
history. Quentin could make clear links between the ACG Values and the character traits that led
to these individuals being successful. When learning about refugees, Quentin could accurately
describe the main reasons why people become displaced. He demonstrated empathetic thinking
when considering some of the possible challenges refugee families could face upon arriving in
Auckland. He prepared very well for assessments, however further practice with question
interpretation and answer construction would be advantageous. Quentin’s next learning step in
Humanities is to continue to develop his critical thinking skills by considering different
perspectives in more depth.
Subject: Year 6 Art Teacher: Mrs M Herbert

Studentship Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Effort in Class

Quentin developed confidence to take risks in his artwork and generally worked well throughout
the semester, often seeking feedback to improve his skills. He displayed good perseverance
when completing his self-portrait in the style of Chuck Close, using a grid. Quentin worked hard
to successfully add light and dark colour combinations in the patterned designs he drew within
his portrait; producing a pleasing piece of art.

Subject: Year 6 Physical Education Teacher: Mrs M Herbert

Studentship Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

Effort in Class

Quentin has been an enthusiastic, active participant in Physical Education this semester. He
demonstrates excellent determination and is well coordinated. Quentin performed very well in
Athletics, showing good natural ability. When playing team games Quentin contributes well. He
offers different strategies for a successful game outcome and works to encourage his
teammates. It is pleasing to see him listen closely to the suggestions of coaches.
Academic Transcript Primary Midyear 2020
Name: WenYing (Quentin) Sun
Year: 6
Tutor: Mrs M Herbert
An indication of the level of attainment in relation to other students in the same year at ACG
Parnell College is given by providing the mean for both the examination and term work which is
based on assessments throughout the semester.

Year 6 English
Term Mark: 53% Term Mean: 57%

Year 6 Science
Term Mark: 80% Term Mean: 68%

Year 6 Mathematics
Term Mark: 80% Term Mean: 70%

Year 6 Humanities
Term Mark: 72% Term Mean: 59%

Year 6 Art
Term Grade: 3 Term Mean: 3

Year 6 Physical Education

Term Grade: 3 Term Mean: 3

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