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Susi: Good Morning miss Tamara Oyarzun, How Are you? Nervous?

Tama: Good morning, Great, thanks. Yeah, a little nervous.

Susi: relax we are just going to talk a little, so, tell me about yourself…
Tama: well, I’m a very empathic person, I’m also creative, punctual and hardworking, good at meeting
deadlines and strict.
Susi: I saw that you are an engineer on mines. What else should I know about your academic profile?
Tama: I’m studing mining engineering. I worked 3 years in an undergound mining. I have a magister in mining
fortification, and taught two years in the geomechanical field.
Susi: that speakes very well of yourself. What would you say your strengths are?
Tama: I think that to be honest, I always am with the truth up front. Commitment is very important in a job ,
also responsibility. I’m a very responsible, committed and honest person.
Susi: and what is your greatest weakness?
Tama: I’m very impatient.
Susi: so, you are applying to the topographer job, but what would be your dream Job?
Tama: I would like to be in a relax area with nice coworkers, I love working in a group or team, and solving
other people’s problems.
Susi: how do you feel about leading a team?
Tama: actually, I enjoy leading a team, I can deal with all types of personalities.
Susi: that is great. The company is looking for someone that can do a land survey.
What do you know about the type of work we do?
Tama: well, I know that you are a prestigious company in the construction area, I would really like to work
with you, I think I could be a great contribution to the staff, but tell me what’s the job about exactly?
Susi: the job is for a topographer, mainly on the administrative area, create spreadsheets, use a total station or
GPS, leading a team, using a computer and speaking in public.
Tama: with my work experience I feel capacitated for a Good development in those areas.
Susi: Do you have any more questions?
Tama: yes, what is the job’s Schedule?
Susi: the workday is from 8am until 6pm, from Monday to Friday.
Tama: that’s sounds great, and what’s the salary?
Susi: for the job you are applying the wage is nine hundred and fifty thousand pesos$ 950.000 monthly.
Tama: and how long is the work for?
Susi: the project is ongoing, and it’s done in approximately 5 years. If you achieve the goals, your contract
would last until the project is over. To finish, if you had a choice, would you prefer to work alone or in a team?
Tama: I’m good at leading teams, I quite enjoy it.
Susi: so, last question very important, are you from the city or another region?
Tama: I’m from the city, but I don’t have problems with the transfer
Susi: great, don’t worry about it, the company has approach buses. Any more doubts?
Tama: how do I know if I got the job?
Susi: we will let you know on a Email and if you gave your phone number, you must be pending. Thanks for
approaching us it was very nice to meet you, hope to see you soon.
Tama: thanks so much for letting me apply, I’ll be expecting your answer then, nice to meet you too, thanks,

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