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classification : plunger Tip control APPROVED BY CHECKED BY PREPARED BY


Operation name :  Plunger Tip life judgement  Manufacturing section MADE ON 27/03/10 Suresh

№ operation procedure used tool Standard Operation point. Target saftery point

Check the flash on the tip of the biscuit at the time of Visually No flash
confirm that flash is coming with the Biscuit as shown
Fig -1 Fig - 1- 1 Fig -2  Gauge casting. in drawing 1-1

Confirm the thickness of the flash coming out with the biscuit, Gauge and when using the Gauge, if The flash is going in the gap of
1-1 if it more than 0.4 mm change the punger Tip. 0.4mm If above
(If Gauge is vernier
Than NG tool as shown in Fig 2-2 than its OK , if not its NG. ( if
not available , measure it by vernier Calliper ) Calliper judgement NG change the plunger Tip).

pick up the flash of the biscuit and the flash under the Stop the machine and pull
injection and measure the width and Length of it by scale    width 80mm   when the judgement of the measruement of the width out the key Before going
1-2 scale Length 50mm 
          (width 80mm & Length 50mm above is N above NG and Length of the flash by scale, change the plunger Tip. under the injection area to
G) pick up the flash.

when high speed injection speed, is out of the Control limit, injection when Going to out of control range, after contacting to
speed If out of control engineer, change the plunger tip。              
2 but due to tip cooling & tip lubrication it comes in normal measuring limit NG         (when engineer is not there sub leader will
condition.     equipment do the judgement)

Fig - 2-2 Judge the plunger tip NG, when abnormal noise came at the
3 time of injection out and return time.。but, tip cooling & tip However, Plunger cooling and tip lubrication is OK.
lubrication makes it in normal conditon      

after the NG judgement of plungertip, judge the changed one , according to the plunger tip reuse procedure operation
is there any possibility of reuse standard sheet.

Flash that falls under the injection area is measured ,

judging NG by above items, after changing the plunger tip ,
☆ under 3000 shots if abnormility occurs, change the plunger
width and the length of picking up Flash are measured
Measure the flash on the scale (80mm in width 50mm or more in length is
sleeve judged NG. )
thickness from the
injection area If flash is going in the
gap of 0.4mm than OK

Length 50mm , If
more than NG Measrue the flash
Length / width by scale

width 80mm ,If

more than NG

Drawing of flash thickness measuring Gauge

№ Date Revision article Approval in Charge № Date Revision article Approval in Charge
onal protection

Specified personal protection
helmet saftey leather glove saftey shoes ear plug arm cover Apron Cotton gloves confiramtion
glasses sign
株式会社アーレスティ 浜松工場        作業標準書(汎用タイプ) ’89/5制定、’89/12改訂1、’96/12改訂2、’01/4改訂3

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