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Utilization of Social Media as Online Business Marketing


E S Soegoto1, and M N Huda2*

Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


Abstract. This research has the aim to identify the influence and benefits of social media in
the world of online business. To support the research, the writer uses descriptive analysis
research method, which presents the complete data. The results of this study indicate that social
media is very useful for online business activities, when used in the right way. The results were
obtained based on the case study that the writer did on one product brand. This research was
conducted by discussing effective marketing ways to increase sales made using social media. It
can be concluded that social media can make it easier to do product marketing and make
product sales increase.

1. Introduction
Social media is currently in great demand by various age groups, including in the field of marketing,
namely as a business marketing medium, especially online business that is currently being carried out
by businessmen around the world. If in the field of online business, social media must be able to
attract the attention of potential buyers, so they can buy the products we sell and we provide in
business. If used properly, we can use social media for business purposes. Social media is a platform
that is basically used to communicate between organizations, communities and individuals [1].
Therefore many companies want to use social media as a medium for marketing their products.
Research conducted by Paul A Tess explained that social media has a very important role because
social media can be used as a source of information for seekers of desired company products [2].
Whereas Stephanie et al. explained that social media is increasingly known to people as a component
of marketing strategies and marketing goals. Before social media is used as a marketing medium,
entrepreneurs must think that funding in marketing must be detailed and minimalistic, and that is
difficult. Now with social media, business people can minimize marketing costs and facilitate detailing
[3]. In addition De Vries et al concluded that social media is the best strategy to build relationships
between customers and business people, by updating or uploading products on social media or social
networks, business products can gain popolarity and indirectly increase revenue [4]. Another study
was carried out by Chakraborty and Bhat who explained that with social media, consumers can get
knowledge about products of interest from different sides [5]. Zhang et said that social media is an
important tool in corporate marketing in attracting product customers [6]. Social media has an
important role in many aspects of business, especially in information retrieval, consumer behavior in
making decisions, and product promotion that must be interactive with consumers [7]. T Siswanto in
his research concluded that social media as Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is able to
provide a competitive advantage for business people through communication to existing customers
and attracting new potential customers [8].
This research has the aim to identify the influence of social media in the world of online business,
and the benefits of social media itself in the business carried out in the present era is the era of
information technology that is developing very rapidly. To support the research, the author uses data
analysis and descriptive research methods, meaning that it presents the complete data in its entirety.

2. Method
The method used in this study is a method of data analysis and descriptive analysis methods on the
data on social media. Case studies are carried out on product marketing and promotion to investigate
the effectiveness of social media and use previous research related to online product marketing
through social media. So that it can analyze how much influence marketing through social media in
the business world. The focus of the study took a case study on marketing a product called "Keripik
Pedas Maicih" (Figure 1).

Figure 1. “Keripik Pedas Maicih”Product

3. Results and Discussion

A. The Development of The Internet and Social Media in Indonesia

Referring to the situation that took place at this time shows that the results of the survey on the use of
the internet in the field of lifestyle in 2017 shows that the Indonesian people are very utilizing social
media. Evidenced by the results of the survey shows the use of social media is 87.13% of all internet
users in Indonesia. Then followed by the use of the internet to download music, watch movies, read
entertainment and hobby news, read stories, play games, and read sports news. Social media is at the
highest position in internet utilization because everyone needs social media as a place to socialize, see
news, and even seek information. All that is on social media. With its high usage, business people
must be able to take advantage of this moment to market their products properly in order to attract
consumers or potential customers (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Results of the Survey on Internet Use in Lifestyle in Indonesia 2017.

Social media is in the second position in services accessed by all people in Indonesia, which is
87.13%, a very large number. It is very clear that the use of the internet, especially in the use of social
media is very influential for business people or companies. Because the community at this time has
relied on technology to facilitate everything done (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Results of Survey of services accessed in Indonesia 2017.

The internet is used mostly to find prices. However, those who use the internet to buy online are quite
a lot, which is 32.19% of the total population in Indonesia. On the contrary, most people still do not
use it well in using the internet as a tool to sell goods or products online. This is an opportunity for
businessmen to start selling their products online because from the survey, there are not many online
sellers (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Results of Economic Survey on Internet Utilization in Indonesia 2017.

After it is known that the internet is mostly used by the community to play social media, and the
opportunity to sell online and market products is still very large because there are still few who use it.
Now we must know which social media has the most users so that it can increase product sales
because the marketing process is seen by all people in the world. proven that youtube social media has
the most users in Indonesia. followed by Facebook users who still exist today, WhatsApp, and
Instagram users (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Results Social media surveys are most commonly used in Indonesia 2017.

So it can be concluded that the opportunity to sell and market products online is very large and
effective. It would be great if we use social media as a product marketing medium. Because the use of
social media is very large and even the largest in the survey of internet use in the field of lifestyle. It
must be used well for business people. And the right social media for product marketing media and as
a product promotion for now is YouTube and Instagram.
B. Implementation of Social Media as Online Product Marketing Media
Saravana said that good social media users are users who use it to find creative ways to get the desired
results [9]. In the previous survey, social media like the users were YouTube and Instagram. Social
media is very appropriate to market products and promote products that business people offer.
Businessmen must also provide clear and detailed information in product posts so that consumers can
be clear and know the product they are buying.
E S Soegoto believes that marketing means the entire system of business activities in which there
are planning and implementing concepts, determining prices, promoting and distributing products and
services that can make buyers satisfied and attract potential buyers [10].

a) Planning and Implementation of Concepts

The first thing to do is planning about the product to be sold. The case study is a food product that
is “Maicih Keripik Pedas” which is the largest spicy chips company in Indonesia and is well
known in Indonesia and even in the world. The concept of “Maicih Keripik Pedas” is to make
spicy chips with a special recipe by an old woman named maicih and native to the Indonesian

b) Determining Price
After determining the product to be sold, then specify the price set for each product. For "Spicy
Chips", priced at Rp. 16,000 for one level 10 chips. Here is a price determination example made
by Maicih for the e-commerce in Indonesia. (Figure 6)

Figure 6. Determination of “Maicih Keripik Pedas” Prices in E-Commerce in Indonesia 2018.

c) Product Promotion
Product promotion must be considered which platform to use. because in the survey most social
media users are YouTube and Instagram applications. So better we promoted its products through
these two social networks. It can be seen that users of Instagram and Yotube accounts as
marketing and promotion media are very easy and effective to be used by business people like
this. With 11.7k Instagram followers and Video Viewer on YouTube up to 100,000 times, and just
uploading product photos interestingly and uploading videos about products on youTube can all
attract consumers' attention. Consumers can also review products in the comments column to
attract potential customers who have never tried a product to buy. (Figures 7 and 8).
Figure 7. Maicih’s Instagram Account.

Figure 8. Maicih’s YouTube Account.

Social media plays an important role in the promotion of products in Indonesia. Many people find
a product only through social media. Likewise for business people must also pay attention to the
social media account of the product, do not let the product not up to date and do not still keep and
publish products that have been sold out. So you must keep updating the latest information
regularly. If our products are consistent in presenting their products, consumers will slowly trust
the products we sell and make repeat purchases.
d) Product Distribution
Product distribution is the next stage after product promotion. How distribution of products that
have been purchased by consumers to get into the hands of consumers safely and without defects.
Maicih uses shipping services throughout the world. Of course, with shipping costs the courier
determines. So if there are overseas buyers, they can buy these products from their own country
(Figure 9).

Figure 9. Distribution Product of “Maicih Keripik Pedas”

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that social media is very instrumental in
marketing a business online. Because the presence of social media businesses can reduce marketing
costs specifically on product promotion because social media is free and can be owned by everyone. Is
an important target in product marketing. Social media can also be used as a place to search or see the
desired product just by typing the product name in the search field. Don't forget that social media can
be used as a tool to get information about the latest products.

Thanks to our campus, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, especially in the information system
department which has provided various benefits and conveniences for us, as well as various facilities
in conducting this research.
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