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High Temperature resistance materials
Non-ferrous Metal
by Stanford Advanced Materials | Sep 16 2014
Rare Earth Element

CATEGORIES BY FUNCTION The high-temperature resistance metals are designed for such applications where temperature is sufficient to melt a metal. This type of
metals is very important today because we are completely surrounded with electronics and nobody knows when and how anything may
Micro & Nano Materials
catch fire due to several reasons. A racing car driver can easily die in few minutes if the car catches fire. Also, the fire-fighters may get
Graphene injured if such high-temperature resistance materials are not used in their clothing. These are a few examples of applications of such

Optical Products materials, but this list is not exhaustive.

Ceramic Material
High-temperature resistance metals are also known as refractory metals. These metals are much harder at room temperature and usually
Laboratory Equipment have a melting point of above 2000 degree Celsius. The term 'refractory' is used for these materials in specific fields including
engineering, material sciences and metallurgy.
Sputtering Targets

5 High-Temperature Resistance Metals

INFORMATION Normally, we refer all the metals expect a few as resistant to high temperatures. This is because typical metals have high melting points.
However, there are only five metals which actually are high-temperature resistant. They can survive in temperatures more than 2000
Dodd-Frank Certification degree Celsius. These metals are as follow:
• Niobium
What You Should Know
• Molybdenum
about Molybdenum Alloys
• Tantalum
Terms and Conditions • Tungsten
• Rhenium
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Some Properties of High-Temperature Resistance Metals:

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Firstly, these metals differ in physical properties because they all belong to different groups. The main characteristics and applications of
Glossary of Material Science these metals are somehow linked with their high resistance. For most metals, the melting point is around 200 degree Celsius whereas for
- SAM refractory metals, the melting point is more than 1500 degree Celsius.

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This metal has an alloy named titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy which is widely used. This alloy shows the extra-ordinary strength
and creeps resistance in high temperatures. Molybdenum is resistant to corrosion by liquid mercury because it does not form amalgams.
The most common use of molybdenum is to strengthen steel in alloy form.

Tungsten alone is not so much good in terms of heat resistance but almost 22% of Rhenium is alloyed with it to improve its high-
temperature resistivity. Tungsten is mainly used in those industries where there is working with high-temperature materials.

Niobium Alloys:
Niobium is the least dense from all the materials. It is alloyed mainly with tungsten to make different high heat resistant projects such as
aircraft gas turbines, nuclear reactors etc. Due to its properties, most of the uses of this material are in medical and surgical fields.

Rhenium and its alloys:

This material is recently discovered in the list of refractory materials. One of the reasons of alloying this material with others is that it helps
to produce ductility and tensile strength. One of the main properties of rhenium is that it acts as a catalyst in many chemical reactions.

So the above-described metals are the main refractory/ high-temperature resistant metals. Other metals do not fall in this category
because they can't bear more than 1800 degree Celsius temperature. However, as described at the beginning of this article, those metals
are used in different industries to make burning resistant products.

Keywords: tungsten,rhenium
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