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PSYC 385 – Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being Spring 2019

Experiential Learning Activity #3 Due February 25th

Experiential Learning Activity #3 Instructions

General Instructions
This is the fillable PDF form for the Experiential Learning Activity #3. You have until February 25th @
3:20PM to submit your responses. There will be NO extension. Below are the steps to follow:
1. Use Acrobat Reader to use this form. If it is not already installed on your computer, you can
download it for free at:
2. Read carefully the conditions of completing the activity (below) and indicate your agreement.
3. Use the textboxes to enter your responses. Please note that the space is limited, but you are not
required (or expected) to fill in all the space. You can also format the text (e.g., bold, italics,
4. Ensure your responses are saved in the form before submitting.
5. Do NOT include your name or V00 on the form or in the filename.
6. Submit the completed PDF on CourseSpaces under “Experiential Learning Activity #3”. Do
NOT change the filename of the pdf file.

The quality of the answer in terms of understanding of the concepts/theories, ability to connect and
apply them, and succinctness (expressing a great deal in just a few words) will contribute to the mark
(see the bottom of the last page for the marking rubric). Do not forget to properly cite your source within
the text (incl. page numbers if from the textbook) and place the APA reference in the textbox on the last
page. The space is limited, but you are not required/expected to fill in all the space; you can also format
the text, e.g., bold, italics, underline. You are responsible for being able to access to Internet at the time
of submission. You are also responsible to have a web browser and computer fully functioning. In case
of uncertainty you are strongly encouraged to submit the form while on the campus and using one of
UVic's computer labs.

The objective of this activity is to evaluate your own ability to understand concepts learned in class,
synthesize the information, and apply the theories and concepts to explain a situation and/or a behaviour.
Therefore, in order to make a fair evaluation of your abilities it is important that you respect the
following conditions and UVic’s Academic Integrity Policy. “Academic integrity requires commitment
to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.” In addition to the respect of UVic's
Academic Integrity Policy, you are required to commit to the followings:
• You will use ONLY your textbook, your class notes and journal articles (when applicable) listed
on the class outlines to answer the questions.
• You will NOT share the questions and responses with any other persons (incl. students, other
instructors, TAs, tutors, staff, family members, etc.), during AND after the completion of the
• You will NOT consult/collaborate with other students or any other persons list above to answer
the questions.
• You will NOT share the questions and your responses on other website or social media.

✔ I accept these conditions and commit myself to respecting them.

Prepared by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019 1

PSYC 385 – Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being Spring 2019
Experiential Learning Activity #3 Due February 25th

(Created by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019)

Using your own words, describe the three components (or phases) of self-regulation. How does self-
control relate to self-regulation?
Self regulation involves three phases. The first phase forethought, includes setting goals and implementing
them while making intentions to achieve the particular goal. Phase two is action and performance, which
involves basically making an effort to work towards the goal while making sure all the needs of the goal are
being met and self control is practiced. The third phase is reflection, in which one is to monitor and evaluate
their progress. Self control is a component of self-regulation as the last two phases would result in chaos
without it and one would not be able to regulate their goal striving process without compromising certain
privileges or desires.

According to Baumeister’s limited strength model (1998), why do people sometimes fail at self-control?
What are two different ways that people can improve the likelihood that they will be successful in their
self-control attempts?
The limited strength model hypothesizes that self-control is present in individuals in certain limited amounts and
that it is possible to use it up. This means if an individual tends to practice self-control a lot, they are weaker at
controlling themselves. This explains why sometimes people fail at self-control, since they have to end up using
it more often which increases the chances of them failing at it.
An individual should make sure they are practicing one goal at a time(or however many depending on
self-control strength) so they don't run out of self-control . Also using more glucose helps as it is the main source
of fuel for the brain.

Prepared by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019 2

PSYC 385 – Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being Spring 2019
Experiential Learning Activity #3 Due February 25th
Describe one long-term goal that you have, and two means you use to try to attain your goal.
My current long-term goal is to quit nicotine, by slowly tapering off of it(reducing nicotine levels in vaporizer) and
keeping track of how many smoke breaks i take in a day and slowly decreasing it.

Discuss the extent that your is self-concordant and coherent (both vertical and horizontal).
I think that my goal s pretty self-concordant as i have tried other methods of quitting smoking but none have
worked for me and i am determined to make this change eventually. In terms of coherence, my goal is pretty
vertically coherent. I am able to save a lot of money ever since i have cut down on smoking, but my other long
term sub goal related to quitting smoking, was improving my health, especially cardiovascular fitness where i can
see significant improvement. The only horizontally coherent factor is school where i need nicotine to concentrate
and the withdrawal impact my ability to study or focus during class.

What are two difficulties or obstacles you face when trying to achieve this goal? What are two different
strategies you could use to improve the likelihood that you achieve your goal? In your response, be sure
to use concepts covered in class and/or in the textbook.
The main obstacle is withdrawal which effects almost all parts of my life including sleep, mental health and
school. Strategies to improve the likelihood that i achieve this goal is to divide the goal into separate parts and
visualize each step as it comes.

Prepared by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019 3

PSYC 385 – Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being Spring 2019
Experiential Learning Activity #3 Due February 25th
Explain how satisfaction of a person’s psychological needs can make successful self-control more likely.
Several factors such as willpower, motivation psychological health influence self-control and self-regulation to a
high degree. If ones basic psychological needs are not met, they are in energy deprived state where their body
will always give preference to their most basic needs which will impair the self-control process.

Some researchers have suggested that many problems in our society are a result of poor self-regulation
and self-regulatory failures (e.g., crime, violence, car accidents). Explain whether you agree or disagree
with this statement, and why. Do you think research on self-regulation could be applied to help solve
some of these societal issues? Why or why not?
I agree to a certain extent because alot of these factors can be partially effected by poor self-regulation.

Prepared by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019 4

PSYC 385 – Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being Spring 2019
Experiential Learning Activity #3 Due February 25th
In the space below list the sources that you have cited in your responses.

Below is the marking scheme and evaluation of your submission.

Understanding: Understanding of self-regulation and self-control (1.5 points)
Application: Application of self-regulation concepts (1.5 points)
Analysis: Analysis of self-regulation & self-regulatory failures (2.0 points)
Writing: Succinctness, organization, clarity of responses, appropriate use of readings and other
references using APA style (1.0 point)

Prepared by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019 5

PSYC 385 – Motivation, Emotion, and Well-Being Spring 2019
Experiential Learning Activity #3 Due February 25th

Prepared by Myles A. Maillet & Frederick M. E. Grouzet © 2019 6

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