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Ship Design and Construction

Written by an International Group of Authorities

Thomas Lamb, Editor

Volumes 1 and 2







Published in 2003 by
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
601 Pavonia Ave • Jersey City, NJ • 07306
Copyright © 2003 The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
ISBN 0-939773-40-6

The opinions or assertions of the authors herein are not to be construed as

official or reflecting the views of SNAME.

It is understood and agreed that nothing expressed herein is intended or

shall be construed to give any person, firm, or corporation any right,
remedy, or claim against SNAME or any of its officers or members.

Design and production by Andrew MacBride.

Printed in the United States of America by Sheridan Books.

This book has a great heritage, namely, the earlier editions building industry operates in a protected environment, and
in 1955, 1969 and 1980. However, the needs for a new edi- as long as it keeps out of the international market, it is not
tion derive not just from the time that has past since the last directly affected by world pricing. However, today the U.S.
edition, but because of the exciting and challenging situa- shipyards are facing a dilemma. With U.S. Navy new ship
tion that ship designers and shipbuilders, not only in the orders decreasing well below the level to keep the U.S. ship-
U.S. but around the world, face today. The demand for ships yards fully occupied, they must find other markets or face
has never been greater and the associated commercial as well closure. In the past the Jones Act provided a demand for
as technical challenges are worthy of any vibrant industry. commercial ships and at the time of writing there are tankers,
However, there are many problems. RO/ROs, cruise ships and a container ship being constructed
Shipbuilding is a global industry and one that can be in- in U.S. shipyards. This is a welcome development and one
troduced relatively easily into developing countries. Be- that should continue for some time as the existing Jones Act
cause of this and even more important, because it uses ships are becoming quite old and in need of replacement.
significant numbers of workers, it is often used by devel- This in turn creates a demand for educated and experi-
oping nations as a way to develop an employment and in- enced ship designers and shipbuilders not only in the U.S.
dustrial base as well as to attain a foundation for balance of but in the developing countries, for obvious reasons, and
payments exports to pay for the technology imports they also in the traditional shipbuilding countries where demand
need to develop. is falling, as the existing knowledge and skills are lost due
Even with the higher demand for ships the world ship- to industry scale-down.
building capacity is still greater by more than 50%, with new All the above creates the need for this book, as it cap-
shipyards still being built. This results in fierce competition tures existing knowledge from around the world on best
and, unfortunately, low world shipbuilding prices. The ship ship design and construction practices, provides a readily
prices are set by the lowest cost shipbuilders, often in de- accessible record of this knowledge, and thus provides a
veloping countries, where financial support is given to the way for students, as well as inexperienced ship designers
industry to attain national goals. This can upset the normal and shipbuilders, to acquire the knowledge they need in
competitive forces and result in some traditional shipbuilding their learning and work.
countries having problems in meeting the low prices and Many outsiders do not perceive shipbuilding as a “high-
even having to exit shipbuilding, as was the case of Swe- tech” industry. However, it does use specific high technol-
den and Britain in the 1980s. ogy in its processes to design and construct ships and other
The situation in the U.S. is somewhat different in that it marine equipment, which can be among the most complex
has not been a player in the international commercial ship- products in the world.
building market since the 1950s. Also, as the U.S. ship- It also does not change as quickly as some other indus-

xiv Preface

tries. That this is so is demonstrated by the fact that the pre- other state-of-the-art publications from groups such as
vious edition of this book is still a useful and relevant ref- SNAME, the National Shipbuilding Research Program, and
erence book for students and practitioners of ship design the USA Shipbuilding web site.
and construction. Also, when talking of shipyards, the one Specific changes are that the new book does not include
U.S. yard and most of the Japanese shipyards, built in the chapters on Load Line, Tonnage, and Launching that were
1960s, are still considered the new shipyards. new in the 1980 edition. Nor does it include individual chap-
Nevertheless, much has changed since the publication ters on Cargo Handling—Dry Cargo, Transport of Liquid
of the last printing of the 1980 edition of the book, and it and Hazardous Cargoes, and Trials and Preparation for De-
is time for a revision. Actually this edition is not just a re- livery—topics that are covered in other chapters. It was also
vision but a complete re-write and significant format change. decided not to include a glossary, as there are many others
Another change is in its authorship. Shipbuilding is a global already published and even some available on the Internet.
industry and the U.S. is not currently a leader in commer- The new book focuses on the fact that there are many
cial ship construction. It was therefore appropriate to seek ship types and within each type many variations. Therefore,
the best authors from the shipbuilding world, not just from each major ship type is covered in a separate chapter in Vol-
the U.S., especially as the U.S. has not been involved re- ume II. In addition, a chapter on Offshore Production and
cently in some areas of the commercial ship design covered. Drilling is included. For the first time chapters on Naval
It is being published in two volumes for the first time. Surface Vessels and Submarines are included. This allowed
Volume I contains the generic ship design theory and con- the aspects of ship design and construction that are generic
struction information without application to specific ship to be placed in Volume I.
types, except where it is necessary to completely describe New topic chapters have been added in Volume I, such
the application. Volume II contains chapters on specific ship as the Marine Environment. It has always been a puzzle to
types and the special design issues applying thereto. The the editor how ship designers could design products to op-
Book Control Committee decided the contents. erate in the oceans of the world without any knowledge of
An obvious change is the impact of computers and in- the oceans. So this chapter gives an introduction to this im-
formation technology on the design and construction of portant subject. Others are The Marine Industry, The Ship
ships and marine vehicles. There has also been a number Acquisition Process, Mass Properties, Simulation-Based
of new ship and offshore platform design types that have Design, Computer-Based Tools, Design/Production Inte-
appeared since the publication of the previous book. gration, Human Factors in Ship Design, Reliability-Based
It is the intent of this edition of Ship Design and Con- Structural Design, and Machinery Considerations.
struction to cover the changes and provide an instruction The symbols used throughout the book are in accordance
and information book that will be useful well into the 21st with the international standard. Units of measure are all
century. There is so much information to cover that the prob- metric and the past practice of displaying corresponding
lem facing the Book Control Committee was not what to U.S. customary English units in parentheses is not used.
include but what to leave out. Rather than repeat informa-
tion that is readily available to U.S. readers, it references Thomas Lamb, Editor

A Word from the President ix

Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments for Volume I xv
Acknowledgments for Volume II ix
Author Biographies for Volume I xix
Author Biographies for Volume II xv

Chapter 1 I N T RO D U C T I O N
T. Lamb, University of Michigan, The Department of Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering, USA
1.1 The Purpose of This Book 1-1 1.2 Need for Integration 1-1 1.3 Globalization 1-1
1.4 What is Design? 1-2 1.5 Difference Between Design and Engineering 1-2
1.6 What Do We Mean by Design Process? 1-2 1.7 Impact of Computers on Design 1-2
1.8 Design Approaches 1-3 1.9 Ship Construction 1-4 1.10 Production Engineering 1-5
1.11 Role of Naval Architect 1-5 1.12 Skills Needed by Naval Architects 1-6
1.13 Safety 1-6 1.14 Human Factors 1-6 1.15 Risk 1-6 1.16 Ethics 1-7
1.17 Putting It All Together 1-9 1.18 References 1-9

Chapter 2 T H E M A R I N E E N V I RO N M E N TG. A. Meadows and L. Meadows, University of Michigan,

The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, USA
2.1 The World’s Waterways 2-1 2.2 Important Fluid Properties 2-5
2.3 Ocean Optics and Acoustics 2-6 2.4 Ocean Currents and Circulation 2-10
2.5 Wave Mechanics 2-17 2.6 Astronomical Tides of the Oceans 2-26

iv Contents

Chapter 3 T H E M A R I N E I N D U S T RY T. Colton, Maritime Business Strategies, LLC, USA

3.1 Introduction 3-1 3.2 The World Fleet Today 3-1 3.3 The Marine Industry Today 3-16
3.4 Summary 3-28 3.5 References 3-29

Chapter 4 T H E S H I P A C QU I S I T I O N P RO C E S S C. Cushing, C. R. Cushing & Co. Inc., USA

4.1 Introduction 4-1 4.2 Planning 4-1 4.3 Design 4-4
4.4 Commercial Activities 4-10 4.5 Production 4-16 4.6 Closure 4-26

Chapter 5 T H E S H I P D E S I G N P RO C E S S P. Gale, JJMA, USA

5.1 Introduction 5-1 5.2 Design Phases 5-6 5.3 Design Procedure 5-15
5.4 Design Development 5-22 5.5 Design Topics 5-28 5.6 References 5-38
5.7 Bibliography 5-39

Chapter 6 E N G I N E E R I N G E C O N O M I C S H. Benford, University of Michigan, The Department of Naval

Architecture and Marine Engineering, USA
6.1 Nomenclature 6-1 6.2 Introduction 6-2 6.3 The Time-Value of Money and Cash Flow 6-3
6.4 Taxes and Depreciation 6-13 6.5 Leverage 6-17 6.6 Measures of Merit 6-20
6.7 Constructing the Analysis 6-27 6.8 Building Costs 6-31 6.9 Operating Costs 6-33
6.10 References 6-35

Chapter 7 MISSION AND O W N E R ’ S R E QU I R E M E N T S M. Buetzow, Chevron Shipping, USA, and

P. Koenig, Office of Naval Research, Asia
7.1 Introduction 7-1 7.2 Top-Level Mission Requirements 7-2
7.3 Other Owner’s Technical Requirements 7-11 7.4 Ownership and Operating Agreements 7-16
7.5 Shipbuilding Contract Price and Total Project Cost 7-20 7.6 References 7-23
7.7 Useful Readings 7-23

Chapter 8 R E G U L ATO RY AND C L A S S I F I C AT I O N R E QU I R E M E N T S G. Ashe, ABS, USA, and

J. Lantz, USCG, USA
8.1 Introduction 8-1 8.2 Classification 8-2 8.3 International Statutory
Requirements 8-6 8.4 National Regulatory Requirements 8-19 8.5 Regional and Local
Regulatory Requirements 8-20 8.6 Certification and Enforcement 8-20

Chapter 9 C O N T R AC T S AND S P E C I F I C AT I O N S K. W. Fisher, Fisher Maritime Transportation

Counselors, Inc., USA
9.1 Introduction to Shipbuilding Contracts 9-1 9.2 Formation of the Shipbuilding Agreement 9-10
9.3 Formation of Contract Specifications and Plans 9-26 9.4 Management of Contracts During
Performance 9-40 9.5 References 9-46 9.A Appendix 9-46
Contents v

Chapter 10 C O S T E S T I M AT I N G L. Deschamps, SPAR Associates Inc., USA, and J. Trumbule Naval Surface
Warfare Center, USA
10.1 Nomenclature 10-1 10.2 Introduction 10-2 10.3 Types of Cost Estimates 10-3
10.4 Design and Costing Strategies 10-3 10.5 Organizing the Cost Estimate 10-5
10.6 Cost Estimating Relationships 10-6 10.7 Use of Historical Costs 10-7
10.8 Impact of Build Strategy 10-8 10.9 Cost Adjustments and Forecasts 10-9
10.10 Cost Risk 10-14 10.11 Cost Estimating Systems 10-15 10.12 References 10-16
10.13 Suggested Reading 10-16

Chapter 11 PA R A M E T R I C D E S I G N M. Parsons, University of Michigan, The Department of Naval Architecture

and Marine Engineering, USA
11.1 Nomenclature 11-1 11.2 Parametric Ship Description 11-2 11.3 Parametric Weight and
Centers Estimation 11-21 11.4 Hydrodynamic Performance Estimation 11-28
11.5 Parametric Model Development 11-38 11.6 Parametric Model Optimization 11-43
11.7 References 11-46

Chapter 12 M A S S P RO P E RT I E S W. Boze, Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding Company, USA

12.1 Introduction 12-1 12.2 Managing Mass Properties Data 12-3 12.3 Moment of Inertia and
Gyradius 12-4 12.4 Determination of Component Weight and Center of Gravity 12-7
12.5 Margins and Allowances 12-9 12.6 Mass Properties Management 12-11
12. 7 Computer Applications 12-16 12.8 Risk and Risk Management 12-16
12.9 Mass Properties Validation 12-18 12.10 References 12-19

Chapter 13 C O M P U T E R -B A S E D T O O L S J. Ross, Proteus Engineering, Division of Anteon Corporation, USA

13.1 Nomenclature 13-1 13.2 Introduction 13-1 13.3 Computer-aided Design 13-3
13.4 Computer-Aided Engineering 13-4 13.5 Computer-Aided Synthesis Modeling 13-6
13.6 Computer-Aided Manufacturing 13-7 13.7 Product Model Programs 13-8
13.8 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 13-11 13.9 Computer Systems Integration 13-13
13.10 Computer Implementation 13-16 13.11 Future Trends 13-20
13.12 References 13-22

Chapter 14 D E S I G N /P RO D U C T I O N I N T E G R AT I O N
T. Lamb, University of Michigan, The Department of
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, USA
14.1 Introduction 14-1 14.2 Engineering Approach 14-2 14.3 Design for Production 14-10
14.5 References 14-69
vi Contents

Chapter 15 H U M A N FAC TO R S IN SHIP DESIGN S. R. Calhoun and S. C. Stevens, USCG, USA

15.1 Introduction 15-1 15.2 Human Factors 15-2 15.3 Human Capabilities and
Limitations 15-6 15.4 Human Sensory Limitations 15-11 15.5 Ship Motions: Vibrations and
Acceleration 15-17 15.6 Other Sensory and Environmental Limitations 15-20
15.7 Fatigue 15-21 15.8 The Design of Human Machine Environments: Who Does What
and How? 15-22 15.9 Where to Go from Here 15-26 15.10 References 15-26

Chapter 16 S A F E T Y R. L. Markle, President, Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, USA
16.1 Prevention 16-1 16.2 The Human Factor 16-2 16.3 Fire Safety Construction 16-3
16.4 Fire Fighting Systems 16-7 16.5 Escape 16-11 16.6 Muster/Assembly Stations 16-12
16.7 Evacuation 16-13 16.8 References 16-21

Chapter 17 A R R A N G E M E N T AND S T RU C T U R A L C O M P O N E N T D E S I G N B. Boon, Bart Boon Research

and Consultancy, The Netherlands
17.1 Introduction 17-1 17.2 Structural Arrangement Design 17-2 17.3 General Approach of
Structural Design for Strength and Stiffness 17-3 17.4 Functions of Structures and
Their Components 17-3 17.5 Material Selection, Including Material Forms 17-4
17.6 Thinking In Structure Models 17-7 17.7 Transfer and Transmission of Loads 17-8
17.8 Failure Mechanisms and Structural Objectives 17-12 17.9 Concepts of Structural
Components 17-13 17.10 Overall Structural Arrangements, Including Midship Sections 17-39
17.11 Structural Areas 17-50 17.12 Structural Details Examples 17-53 17.13 References 17-55

Chapter 18 A NA LY S I S AND DESIGN OF S H I P S T RU C T U R E P. Rigo, Institut du Genie Civil, Belgium, and

E. Rizzuto, University of Genoa, Italy
18.1 Nomenclature 18-1 18.2 Introduction 18-1 18.3 Loads 18-4
18.4 Stresses and Deflections 18-21 18.5 Limit States and Failure Modes 18-35
18.6 Assessment of Structural Capacity 18-36 18.7 Numerical Analysis for Structural Design 18-60
18.8 Design Criteria 18-69 18.9 Design Procedure 18-70 18.10 References 18-73

Chapter 19 R E L I A B I L I T Y-B A S E D S T RU C T U R A L D E S I G N B. M. Ayyub and I. A. Assakkaf, University of

Maryland, USA
19.1 Introduction 19-1 19.2 Ship Structural Components 19-3 19.3 Reliability, Risk, Safety,
and Performance 19-5 19.4 Reliability-Based Structural Design Approaches 19-8
19.5 LRFD-Based Design Criteria for Ship Structures 19-15 19.6 Examples: Design
and Analysis 19-27 19.7 References 19-32

Chapter 20 H U L L M AT E R I A L S AND WELDING V. Bertram, ENSIETA, France, and T. Lamb, University of

Michigan, The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, USA
20.1 Introduction 20-1 20.2 Material Properties and Tests 20-2 20.3 Structural Steels 20-5
20.4 Nonferrous Alloys 20-9 20.5 Welding 20-13 20.6 References 20-23
Contents vii

Chapter 21 C O M P O S I T E S A. Horsmon, ATC Chemicals Corporation, USA

21.1 Nomenclature 21-1 21.2 Introduction 21-1 21.3 Basic Materials 21-2
21.4 Design 21-7 21.5 Manufacturing Methods 21-11 21.6 Repair 21-15
21.7 Summary 21-16 21.7 References 21-16

Chapter 22 G E N E R A L A R R A N G E M E N T D E S I G N , H U L L O U T F I T AND FITTINGS H. Hofmann,

M. Rosenblatt & Son, USA
22.1 Introduction 22-1 22.2 General Arrangement Design 22-1 22.3 Accommodation
Arrangement Design 22-7 22.4 Closures 22-13 22.5 Anchor and Mooring Arrangements
and Deck Fittings 22-22 22.6 Pilot Boarding 22-31 22.7 Hold Sparring, Ceiling, and
Dunnage 22-32 22.8 Deck Covering 22-35 22.9 Joinerwork, Insulation, and Linings 22-39
22.10 Furniture, Furnishings, and Steward Outfit 22-39 22.11 References 22-45

Chapter 23 S H I P P R E S E RVAT I O N M. Kikuta and M. Shimko, M. Rosenblatt & Son, USA

23.1 Introduction 23-1 23.2 General Principles of Corrosion and Corrosion Control 23-1
23.3 Improving the Performance of Preservation Systems 23-7 23.4 Cost-Benefit Analysis 23-12
23.5 Recommendations for Design and New Construction 23-13 23.6 References 23-15

Chapter 24 M AC H I N E RY C O N S I D E R AT I O N S A. Rowen, SNAME, USA

24.1 Nomenclature 24-1 24.2 General Considerations 24-1 24.3 Diesel Plants 24-12
24.4 Gas Turbines 24-18 24.5 Steam Plants 24-20 24.6 Construction Considerations 24-21
24.7 References 24-27

Chapter 25 T H E S H I P BU I L D I N G P RO C E S SM. H. Spicknall, University of Michigan, The Department of Naval

Architecture and Marine Engineering, USA
25.1 Introduction 25-1 25.2 General Production Approaches 25-1
25.3 Ship Production Approaches 25-4 25.4 Summary 25-17 25.5 References 25-18

Chapter 26 S H I P YA R D L AYO U T AND E QU I P M E N T T. Lamb, University of Michigan, The Department of

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, USA
26.1 Introduction 26-1 26.2 Brief History 26-1 26.3 Shipyard Layout Requirements 26-12
26.4 Shipyard Equipment 26-19 26.5 Typical Shipyard Characteristics 26-31
26.6 References 26-31
Chapter 2
The Marine Environment

Guy A. Meadows and Lorelle A. Meadows

2.1 THE WORLD’S WATERWAYS ily skewed toward the Southern Hemisphere. This produces
an excess concentration of landmass in the Northern Hemi-
The oceans, navigable lakes, inland seas and rivers of the sphere and a correspondingly large ocean mass in the South-
world comprise slightly over 72% of the earth’s surface. ern Hemisphere. Figure 2.1 demonstrates that the surface
These world waterways are extremely important to national of the earth can be divided into a land hemisphere with its
and international commerce, with approximately 95% of pole centered in France (47% land and 53% water) and a
all goods being transported by water. Oceans, lakes and water hemisphere with its pole near New Zealand (90%
rivers are characteristically broad and relatively shallow water and 10% land).
with extremely large aspect ratios (the ocean being equiv- The vertical distribution of landmass and ocean basin is
alent in aspect ratio to a piece of loose leaf paper). Hence, also asymmetric. The mean elevation of land above pres-
it should be anticipated from an applied ocean physics point ent day sea level is only approximately 840 meters. Of this
of view, that stresses acting upon both the surface and bot- region, the continental plateau, which accounts for ap-
tom boundaries of these basins should control the dynam- proximately 20% of the land portion of the earth’s surface,
ics of their circulation, motion, and internal structure. Fluxes is at an elevation of only 270 meters. Similarly, within the
of momentum, mass, and heat across these boundaries (sur- oceans, the deep-sea bottom, abyssal plains, occurs at a
face, edges, and bottoms), are largely responsible for the depth of approximately 4420 meters, while the mean depth
internal dynamics, which result in motion in the marine en- of the sea is approximately 3800 meters.
vironment. Hence, the volume of continental landmass above pres-
ent sea level is less than one tenth of the volume of the
oceanic waters. Alternately, the mean sphere depth, or the
2.1.1 Oceans mean elevation of the entire earth, is located 2440 meters
The world’s oceans collectively comprise approximately below current sea level. Hence, water would cover the earth
72% of the earth’s surface area. The ocean can be divided to this depth if we resided on a purely spherical planet.
into three primary basins, the Pacific (33% of the earth’s A typical cross-section of an oceanic margin is presented
surface area), the Atlantic (16%) and the Indian (14%). in Figure 2.2. The continental shelf is a nearly flat plain im-
Smaller seas such as the Baltic, Bering, Caribbean, Mediter- mediately adjacent to the shore. The bottom here slopes
ranean, and North Seas, as well as the Sea of Japan and the gently at an angle of about 0.5 degrees. The width of this
Gulf of Mexico occupy the remaining 9% of the aquatic terrace ranges from a few kilometers along the Pacific coasts
surface area. A valuable summary of the area of the major of the Americas to more than 1000 kilometers in the Arc-
ocean basins and marginal seas is presented in Table 2.I. tic. The sea bottom steepens appreciably at the shelf break,
The geographical distribution of this ocean area is heav- typically at about 130 meters of water depth. At this point,

2 -1
2-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the bottom slope increases to 1 to 4 degrees. Seaward of the to 2 kilometers, making them one of the deepest landforms
shelf break is the continental slope, where the 4 degree bot- on earth. The continental rise is a long shallow sloping ap-
tom slope is maintained over a horizontal extent of ap- proach to the deep abyssal plains of the ocean. It may ex-
proximately 50 kilometers. The continental slope is the site tend for more than 500 kilometers where bottom slopes
of the submarine canyons of the oceans. These canyons flatten out to approximately 1 degree. The deep, almost flat
have steep sides, V-shaped profiles and vertical relief of up and featureless Abyssal Plains exist at depths of approxi-
mately 3000 to 6000 meters and separate continental mar-
gins from mid ocean ridges in most basins. Mid ocean ridges
TABLE 2.I The Approximate Physical Characteristics of are volcanic mountain chains on the sea floor with relatively
the Major Ocean Basins and Marginal Seas steep slopes and rugged topography. They can be of suffi-
cient elevation above the deep ocean floor to provide sig-
Area Depth nificant impediments to ocean circulation and exchange
Body of Water (106 km2) (m) between basins.

2.1.2 Lakes
Pacific Ocean, proper 165 4280
Many of the large lakes of the world are navigable and sup-
Pacific Ocean, including adjacent seas 180 4030 port immense ship-borne commerce. The North American
Atlantic Ocean, proper 82 3870 Great Lakes, comprised of Lakes Superior, Michigan,
Atlantic Ocean, including adjacent seas 105 3330 Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are perhaps the best known of such
Indian Ocean, proper 73 3960 systems (Figure 2.3). This vast “inland sea” system spans
more than 1200 kilometers from west to east and forms the
Indian Ocean, including adjacent seas 75 3900
largest fresh surface water basin on earth.


Arctic Ocean 9.5 1530
East Asian Seas 6.0 1210
Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico 4.4 2170
Mediterranean and Black Seas 3.0 1460


Hudson Bay 1.23 130
Red Sea 044 490
Baltic Sea 0.42 55
Persian Gulf 0.24 25

Bering Sea 2.27 1440
Okhotsk Sea 1.53 840
East China Sea 1.25 190
Japan Sea 1.01 1350
North Sea 0.58 94
Gulf of St. Lawrence 0.24 130
Gulf of California 0.16 810
Irish Sea 0.10 60
Figure 2.1 Longitudinal Distribution of Land and Sea (Gray region
Bass Strait 0.07 70
represents sea)
Click here to view

Figure 2.2 Typical Cross-Section of an Oceanic Margin

Figure 2.3 The North American Great Lakes

2-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

In addition to commercial shipping, these freshwater ment the Great Lakes system is closed to shipping between
seas also provide water for consumption, transportation, January 15 and spring “break out” on March 15.
power, recreation and a host of other uses, see Government
of Canada and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1).
The connecting channels of the Great Lakes are an im- 2.1.3 Rivers
portant component of this system. The connecting channels Navigation and marine construction in rivers often poses
are composed of a 97 kilometer waterway flowing from unique and challenging engineering problems. In addition
Lake Superior to Lake Huron. The St. Mary’s River drops to the obvious physical conditions of varying flow rates,
from the surface elevation of Lake Superior at 183 meters seasonal migration of bottom features, periodic dredging re-
above sea level to that of Lakes Huron and Michigan (176 quirements, debris, constricted navigation channels and
meters above sea level). The St. Clair and Detroit Rivers con- varying water levels, rivers often offer new challenges as
necting Lake Huron to Lake Erie drop a corresponding 3 well. On the positive side, they have historically provided
meters over their combined length of 143 km. The Niagara safe refuge from the sea as well as convenient access to land
River falls an additional 99 meters between Lakes Erie and based facilities and transportation routes. In recent history,
Ontario over its short 56 km run. Finally, the St. Lawrence contaminants, both living and non-living provide a special
River completes the system and the journey to the sea by level of concern for the contemporary Naval Architect and
falling the remaining 74 meters over its approximately 2600 Marine Engineer.
kilometer journey. A physical description of the Great Lakes For example, the spread of non-indigenous species
System is presented in Table 2.II. through vessel ballast water exchange is of worldwide con-
Navigation in and through the large lakes of the world cern. During vessel operations in “fresh” river systems, or-
is often complicated by drastic environmental effects, in- ganisms and contaminants can easily be spread by the
cluding severe and rapidly developing wind-generated seas, enormous ballast water exchanges of typical modern vessels.
with significant wave heights in excess of 10 meters. Envi- In riverine environments, large suspended sediment con-
ronmental effects also include a variety of secondary wind centrations can lead to the introduction of abrasive materi-
effects such as large wind driven oscillations of these en- als into pumping systems and the eventual accumulation of
closed basins. Water elevation differences between oppo- large quantities of material in ballast tanks. For a more com-
site ends of Lake Erie have been recorded in excess of 4.8 plete description of this problem, see National Research
meters. These hydrologic forces can cause momentary cur- Council Committee on Ships’ Ballast Operations (2).
rent reversals in the connecting channels as well as signif- Typical open ocean seawater density is 1026.95 kg/m3
icant nearly “instantaneous” water level changes. During the (ocean water at a salinity of 35 parts per mil or ‰, tem-
winter months in these mid-latitude seas, the formation of perature of 10° C and at atmospheric pressure). Freshwa-
both shore fast ice as well as ice floes produce another sig- ter at the same temperature and pressure has a density of
nificant challenge to shipping. Hence, by international agree- 1000 kg/m3. Hence, a 2.7% change in density should be an-

TABLE 2.II Physical Dimensions of the Great Lakes as Modified from The Great Lakes Atlas (1)

Superior Michigan Huron Erie Ontario Totals

Elevationa (m) 183 176 176 173 74

Length (km) 563 494 332 388 311
Breadth (km) 257 190 245 92 85
Average Depth (m) 147 85 59 19 86
Maximum Depth (m) 406 282 229 64 244
a 3
Volume (km ) 12 100 4920 3540 484 1640 22 684
Water Area (km ) 82 100 57 800 59 600 25 700 18 960 244 160

Measured at Low Water Datum.
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-5

ticipated when traveling from seawater into a fresh water ume as the phase change occurs. This increase in volume
region. Hence, vessel displacement will also vary by this and corresponding decrease in density allows the solid phase,
amount (2.7%). A vessel drawing 10 m at sea will draw ice, to be less dense than the liquid phase at slightly greater
10.27 m in a freshwater environment. Care must be exer- temperature, producing the necessary buoyancy allowing ice
cised in this transition. to float. If it were not for this peculiar behavior, the oceans
and fresh water bodies would freeze from the bottom up, thus
resulting in a massively different marine environment than
the one to which we have become accustomed.
Water, salt, ice, and air are the four major constituents of im-
portance in the marine environment. The water, which com- 2.2.2 Salt
poses approximately 96.5% of the fluid filling the ocean As dissolved salts are added to fresh water, peculiar and some-
basins (normal ocean dissolved “salt” content is approxi- what unique physical changes occur. The density of water in-
mately 3.5% or 35‰), is perhaps the most unique substance creases with increasing salinity, with the density reaching
on the planet. It has amazing physical and chemical prop- approximately 1.025 grams per cubic centimeter for normal
erties, which have resulted not only in the development of seawater at a salinity of 35‰ and 20° C. It is interesting to
life on this planet, but have allowed this fluid to become the note that both the temperature of maximum density and the
major transport medium of our world’s commerce. Water is: freezing point of water decrease with increasing salinity and
that the temperature of maximum density decreases at a
• highly incompressible,
greater rate than the freezing point. Neumann and Pierson (3)
• has an extremely large heat capacity and thermal con-
provide the following relationships for the temperature of
maximum density, Tρ max , and the freezing point of seawater,
• is largely opaque to the transmission of electromagnetic
Tg, as a function of salinity, S, respectively
energy, particularly in the visible part of the spectrum,
• is almost totally opaque to the transmission of electro- Tρ
( ° C ) = 3.95 − 0.200 S − 0.0011S 2 [1]
magnetic energy in the radio and radar frequency part
of the spectrum. Tg ( ° C ) = −0.003 − 0.0527 S − 0.00004 S 2 [2]

Freshwater and seawater are both, however, extremely These relationships are shown graphically in Figure 2.4.
transparent to acoustic energy providing an extremely valu- These two lines intersect at a salinity of approximately
able mechanism for both long range interrogation as well 24.7‰, far “fresher” than that of normal seawater (35‰).
as communications through this fluid medium. The implication of this fact is that ice formed from sea water,
at salinities of 35‰, will experience its freezing point at a
slightly warmer temperature than the temperature of max-
2.2.1 Fresh Water
Perhaps one of the most unique properties of fresh water is LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
its density dependence upon temperature. Above approxi-
mately 4° C water behaves as a normal fluid, expanding
when heated and contracting when cooled. However, be-
tween approximately 4° C (the temperature of maximum
density of fresh water) and 0° C (the phase change point for
fresh water between liquid and solid) water expands when
cooled and contracts when heated, thus producing a point
of maximum density at approximately 4° C. This tempera-
ture of maximum density results in the potential for density
driven circulation patterns primarily during the spring heat-
ing and fall cooling periods of large fresh water bodies, such
as the Great Lakes. At the point of phase change, approxi-
mately 0° C, water undergoes a significant structural change Figure 2.4 The Variation of Temperature of Maximum Density and Freezing
into the ice crystal lattice, producing a 9% increase in vol- Point of Sea Water with Salinity
2-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

imum density. This further implies that the temperature of moderate climate is now only beginning to be fully under-
maximum density would occur in the solid (ice) phase, thus stood. There is significant evidence, for example, that the
hypothetically rendering ice denser than the surrounding presence of the Great Lakes in the continental interior or
fluid supporting it. It is obvious that this does not occur in North America is responsible for the modification of climate
the real marine environment. This is due to the fact that as within a region approximately 1600 km beyond their bound-
the solid phase ice lattice forms, salt ions are precipitated aries. In addition, the phenomenon known as El Niño, a re-
from the ice structure, into the underlying fluid. This process gion of unusually high ocean surface water temperature off
renders the solid phase nearly fresh in salinity, and buoy- the coast of Peru, plays a significant role in the climate of
ant relative to its surroundings with anomalously high salin- our planet. The details of air-sea interaction and the ability
ities directly below the forming ice sheet. Since fluid density of the earth’s atmosphere to generate both circulation and
increases in the marine environment with increasing salin- wave motions on large bodies of water will be more fully
ity, these precipitated salt ions form a denser fluid and cause examined in Section 2.4.
an unstable stratification resulting in vertical, density driven
motions (mixing) below the ice sheet.
2.2.5 Density
The salinity and temperature of seawater are important in
2.2.3 Ice the marine environment in terms of defining the character-
The often-rapid loss of heat across the air/sea interface can istics of a particular water body and in the determination of
result in the formation of ice. In the open ocean, ice origi- the seawater density, ρ. Seawater density can range from
nates primarily from two sources, sea ice and glacier ice. about 1021.11 kg/m3 at the surface to 1070.00 kg/m3 at
The formation of sea ice depends upon not only the surface 10 000 m depth.
salinity, but also on the vertical distribution of salinity and As discussed in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, the density of
the water depth. seawater is dependent upon its temperature and salinity. In
As shown in Section 2.2.2, at a seawater salinity of ap- summary, the density of seawater decreases with increas-
proximately 24.7‰, both the temperature of maximum den- ing temperature above the temperature of maximum den-
sity and the freezing point correspond at approximately –1.33° sity, and increases with increasing salinity. In addition, the
C. Therefore, water bodies with a bulk salinity less than density of seawater increases with increasing pressure.
24.7‰ will tend to cool uniformly to the temperature of max- The vertical water column can be divided into three zones
imum density for that particular salinity. Continued cooling in terms of its temperature structure: an upper zone ap-
at the surface results in the development of a thin layer where proximately 50 to 200 m in depth where the temperature is
ice will begin to form once the freezing point is reached. The similar to that at the surface, a middle zone where the tem-
ice formation process begins earlier over shallow regions and perature decreases dramatically from 200 to 1000 m in
requires longer development time over deeper regions. For depth, and a lower zone where the temperature changes
water bodies with bulk salinities greater than 24.7‰, cool- slowly. The middle zone is referred to as the thermocline
ing must progress to lower temperatures, again from top to and represents a region of rapidly increasing density with
bottom until freezing commences at the surface. depth as well. The depth and gradient of the thermocline
For a detailed description of sea ice conditions and its varies throughout the world’s oceans, but remains a per-
affect on marine structures, see Chapter 35 of this book. manent feature in the low and middle latitudes.

2.2.4 Air
The fluid overlying the oceans, lakes, and rivers is air. It has
a density approximately 1000 times less than that of water. To first order, the equations and principles that describe
Under most conditions it is responsible for the transport of both the propagation of electromagnetic (light) and acoustic
enormous quantities of momentum into the sea surface, the (sound) radiation through the sea are sufficiently similar to
exchange of heat out of or into the sea surface, and the ex- warrant a combined approach. It must be noted, however,
traction of moisture, or mass, from the sea. This interaction that electromagnetic propagation is based upon transverse
is responsible for a major portion of the control of climate wave theory (particles moving perpendicular to the direc-
on the planet and the intense modification of climate in local tion of wave propagation) and acoustic propagation is based
communities bordering these bodies of water. The extent to upon longitudinal wave theory (particles moving parallel to
which the oceans and inland seas of the world modify and the direction of wave propagation).
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-7
Click here to view

2.3.1 Ocean Optics

As electromagnetic radiation from the sun (for the purposes
of our discussion, light in the visible part of the spectrum)
passes through the atmosphere of our planet, this energy is
absorbed, reflected and transmitted, to varying degrees,
through the medium. The degree to which these three
processes occur depends upon the wavelength (color) of the
light and the composition of the atmosphere. Absorption of
incoming solar radiation is mainly attributed to water vapor,
carbon dioxide and ozone in the atmosphere. That portion
of the incident solar radiation that is absorbed by the at-
mosphere is transformed into heat and contributes to the
heat budget of the atmosphere. Reflection occurs primarily
by scattering of solar radiation by air molecules themselves,
as well as by airborne dust, water droplets and other con-
taminants. Similarly, that portion which is scattered by the
atmosphere, may reach the earth’s surface, 72% of which
is covered by water, in the form of diffuse solar radiation.
That portion which reaches the earth’s surface as direct ra-
diation, transmitted directly through the atmosphere, ac-
counts for approximately 23% of the total incident solar
radiation on a global scale.
Figure 2.5 provides a comparison of the spectrum of Figure 2.5 The Approximate Solar Radiation Spectrum at the Top of the
solar radiation available at the top of the earth’s atmosphere Earth’s Atmosphere and at Sea Surface (4)

Click here to view

Figure 2.6 The Energy Spectrum of Incident Radiation that Penetrates a Clear Ocean to Several Depths (5)
2-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

and at the sea surface. Similarly, the spectral attenuation of

(I z )λ = (Is )λ e −αλz [6]
incident solar radiation at the surface and various depths
below the sea surface is provided by Figure 2.6. As can
Note that although an average extinction coefficient may
readily be seen, the total quantity of solar radiation (area be defined, representing the total energy of penetrating light
under the curve) decreases markedly with both depth in the in the water column, the spectral composition of light
atmosphere and depth below the sea surface. For all prac- changes significantly with depth below the surface or with
tical purposes, no incident sunlight remains in the sea below distance from source to receiver.
a depth of approximately 100 meters under the best of water
clarity conditions. In coastal and turbid waters, the loss of
solar radiation is even more intense. 2.3.2 Ocean Acoustics
Both mechanical (acoustic) and electromagnetic waves Just as in the previous case of electromagnetic propagation
are refracted when passing from one medium into a second in the sea at optical wavelengths, Snell’s law is also utilized
medium with a differing density and, thus, propagation ve- in the case of acoustic propagation. In the acoustic case, vari-
locity. For isotropic media, Snell’s law adequately describes ations in the speed of propagation are brought about by
the refraction. changes in both the compressibility and density of the
Figure 2.7 depicts the refraction of an incident light ray medium. Hence, as salinity, temperature, and pressure
approaching the water surface at an angle of incidence, θ1, change, either vertically or horizontally in the ocean envi-
and refracting through the interface at refracted angle θ2. If ronment, so also does the speed and direction of acoustic
c1 and c2 are the velocities of light in air and water, respec- propagation.
tively, then Snell’s law provides The velocity of acoustic propagation, V is given by
sin ( θ 1 ) c1 1 M
= = n 21 = [3] V= [7]
sin ( θ 2 ) c2 n 12 ρ

where n12 is the relative index of refraction. For pure water where M is the bulk modulus of compressibility and ρ is
at 15° C and a wavelength of 0.5876 microns, near the peak the fluid density. In the case of the acoustic propagation in
of the visible part of the spectrum, the index of refraction the sea, both M and ρ are functions of salinity, temperature
is 1.333338. The index of refraction for seawater increases and pressure.
with increasing salinity and decreasing temperature. The velocity of sound in water is much greater than in
The extinction or loss of incident solar radiation with air, due to the much smaller compressibility of water. For
depth in the sea is the result of both absorption and scat- typical open ocean surface seawater, at a salinity of ap-
tering. Both pure water molecules, k, and suspended and proximately 35‰, and temperature of 30˚ C, the speed of
dissolved material, kw, cause absorption. Similarly, scat- acoustic propagation is 1543 m/s. Sound velocity in the sea
tering is caused by water molecules, ε, and suspended and
dissolved materials, εw. All of these components, which de-
termine the extinction coefficient, are wavelength depend-
ent (different for each color of light). Hence, the extinction
coefficient, α, must be defined for a specific wavelength of
light, λ.

α λ = k λ + k wλ + ε λ + ε wλ [4]

Hence, for a beam of parallel incident electromagnetic

radiation with total energy intensity, Is, at the sea surface,
the corresponding intensity of total energy, Iz, at any depth
z, below the surface is given by the relationship

I z = I s e − αz [5]

where is the extinction coefficient averaged over the wave-

length. And for an individual wavelength Figure 2.7 Schematic Diagram of Snell’s Law
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-9

Click here to view
increases with increasing temperature, salinity and pres-
sure. Within the typical ranges of these oceanic parameters,
the speed of sound is dominated by the effects of changing
temperature. The effect of pressure is also substantial, chang-
ing the speed of sound by about 200 m/s between the sur-
face and deepest ocean depths. This effect must be accounted
for in order to obtain accurate depth information from echo
Analogous to the optical case, acoustic energy is also ab-
sorbed and scattered by the aquatic environment. As a re-
sult of the viscosity of water, and the associated suspended
and dissolved materials, a loss of kinetic energy of the prop-
a b c
agating sound wave occurs. As kinetic energy is converted
into heat, a decrease in the intensity, I, of the sound energy, Figure 2.8 a) Typical Mid-oceanic Temperature and Salinity Profiles,
proportional to the distance traveled, dx, is realized. Hence b) The Correction to Speed of Sound Due to Temperature, Salinity and
Pressure, c) The Resultant Speed of Sound Profile (6)
I = I 0 e − υx [8]

where I0 is the initial intensity at x = 0, υ is the acoustic ab-

sorption coefficient, and x is the distance traveled from the
source. speed of propagation produce a corresponding change in the
From the classical theory of Stokes and Kirchhoff the direction of travel of acoustic waves. Acoustic refraction
absorption coefficient for water, υ, is obeys Snell’s law and is given by
sin ( θ 1 ) V1
16 π 2 η = [11]
υ= [9] sin ( θ 2 ) V2
3 λ2 Vρ
where η is the dynamic viscosity, and λ the acoustic wave- where θ1 and θ2 are the incident and refracted angles in
length. medium 1 and medium 2, respectively. Similarly, V1 and V2
The propagation distance, d, from the source to a point are the sound velocities on medium 1 and 2, respectively.
where the sound intensity has been reduced to a value of Under typical ocean conditions, with a warmer surface
1/e or 37% of its original intensity, I0, is given by layer overlying a colder deeper layer, acoustic energy will
be refracted downward (toward the colder water region).
3 λ2 Vρ 3V 3ρ The same principles apply to horizontal acoustic propaga-
d= = [10 ] tion through cold core eddies, with refraction of the acoustic
16 π 2 η 16 π 2 n 2 η
waves toward colder water and away from warm water.
where n = V/η, the acoustic frequency. As depth increases beyond about 1000 m, temperature
Hence, as the frequency of the acoustic energy increases, changes very little and pressure begins to play an impor-
the distance traveled to reach 37% of the original intensity tant role in the determination of the speed of sound. This
decreases. If long acoustic propagation distances are de- results in the potential for the velocity of sound to increase
sired, low frequency acoustics must be used, a technology with depth beyond this point. As this occurs, the sound
expertly employed by whales. However, low frequency prop- waves may refract back up towards the water surface. Fig-
agation is not problem free and it is advisable to use high ure 2.8 shows typical temperature and salinity profiles for
frequencies, up to 10 000 cycles per second, for the pur- a Pacific Ocean site. The center panel shows the corrections
poses of echo sounding. As an example, at an acoustic fre- to the speed of sound due to temperature, salinity and pres-
quency, n, of 10 000 CPS in near surface sea water at 35‰ sure, and the third panel shows the speed of sound profile
and 10˚ C, the dynamic viscosity, η, is 13.9 × 10–3, and V exhibiting a minimum at about 500 m of depth.
equals 1487 m/s, providing a propagation distance, d, of The combined effects of downward refraction above and
465 km. Actual measured oceanic absorption rates tend to upward refraction below result in the potential for sound
be much greater than this simple theory suggests. This is waves to be trapped in a “channel” and transmitted over
primarily due to the scattering of acoustic energy. very long ranges. This “channel” is referred to as the SOFAR
Again analogous to the optical case, variations in the (sound fixing and ranging) channel. It permits long-range
2-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

detection of submarines and other underwater devices de- speed. Hence, a 10 m/s (20-knot) wind blowing across the
signed for search and rescue. water surface will produce a current in the general direc-
tion of the wind of approximately 20 cm/s in magnitude.
It should be noted that over long time periods or large
spatial distances, the effects of the earth’s rotation must also
be considered.
When the wind blows across the water surface, approxi- Objects floating at the water surface with significant
mately 97% of the momentum that is transferred from the windage (protrusion above the water surface), such as a
wind into the fluid goes into generating the large-scale cir- human in a life vest, wreckage, or debris, generally move
culation of the body of fluid (currents). This leaves only 3% with a greater percentage of the wind. Approximately 3%
of the momentum from the wind for the generation of sur- of the wind speed is commonly used.
face wave fields. On human standards, this mere 3% results For material moving with the water fluid, such as con-
in an enormous manifestation of energy capable of sinking taminants, spills, or oil at the water surface, generally 2.0–2.5%
ships, destroying harbors, and transporting huge quantities of the wind speed is the accepted value for estimating motion.
of sediment along the shorelines. We will first consider the Since wind speed and direction often changes over open water,
generation of ocean and large lake circulation. The follow- the correct prediction of surface motion is the vector combi-
ing section will consider surface wave motions. nation of 100% of the current, plus 2–3% of the wind.
Momentum from the wind, which is imparted to the fluid
surface, is transferred vertically downward into the fluid
2.4.1 Air/Water Interface body primarily by turbulent motions of the fluid itself. Al-
The longer the wind blows across the water surface, the though the surface magnitude of the flow (upper few cm)
greater the depth of penetration of the current into the body will remain constant for a given wind speed, the velocity of
of water. As can be seen schematically in Figure 2.9, the the underlying flow will continue to increase until a steady
surface waters respond relatively quickly to the shear stress state is obtained. In reality, this steady state is never actu-
imparted across the air-sea interface by the motion of the ally attained in the ocean, and is relatively rare in large bod-
wind. The approximate rule of thumb is that the upper few ies of water. Hence both the oceans and inland seas are in
centimeters of fluid move at approximately 2% of the wind a constant state of readjustment to varying wind conditions
on a global scale.
LIVE GRAPH Since ocean and large inland sea circulation occurs over
Click here to view
relatively large spatial scales, the effect of the earth’s rota-
tion is a major factor in controlling the direction of ocean
currents. Hence, when we examine the equations of motion
for ocean circulation, these equations will reflect sources
and sinks of momentum, (primarily occurring at the bound-
aries, surface, edges and bottom), terms which reflect the
transport of momentum due to turbulent motions, and the
effects of the earth’s rotation or coriolis force.

2.4.2 Equations of Motion

The equations, which describe oceanic motions, originate
from the application of Newton’s second law relating force,
mass and acceleration

F = MA [12 ]

Since, in the ocean environment, variations in the field

of mass are extremely important, and the forces acting on
Figure 2.9 Current Velocity Profile with Depth for Wind of Three Duration the fluid can be numerous, it is more convenient to express
Periods Newton’s law as
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-11

proaching zero at both poles. Figure 2.10 shows that the

F= MV [13 ] transverse velocity of all particles are approximately 1400
km/hr at 30 degrees north and south latitude, and 800 km/hr
or the sum of the forces equals the time rate of change of at 60 degrees north and south latitude. A simple and useful
momentum. The most general three-dimensional form of this way to view the effect of the earth’s rotation on fluid parti-
equation, incorporating viscous effects, is known as the cles (ocean and atmosphere) is to visualize an object (parti-
Navier-Stokes equations for a compressible fluid on a non- cle of water, moving ship, moving aircraft) traversing the
rotating earth and is given by Lamb (6) as earth’s surface from the equator to the North Pole. As the
object moves from the equator, with a transverse velocity of
∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u 1 ∂p
+u +v +w =− 1600 km/hr, to 30 degrees north latitude, it is encountering
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ ∂x a region where all particles are in equilibrium with the earth’s
1  µ  ∂2u ∂2v ∂2w   µ 2 [14 ] rotation at a speed of 1400 km/hr. Hence, our moving par-
+   + +  + ∇ u
3  ρ  ∂x 2 ∂y∂x ∂z∂x   ρ ticle (mass of water, ship, or aircraft) will possess a trans-
verse velocity greater than those particles in the region into
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v 1 ∂p which it is moving. As viewed from space it will appear to
+u +v +w =− move ahead of those particles at 30 degrees north latitude,
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ ∂y
or experience a deflection to the right of its velocity. Simi-
1  µ  ∂2u ∂2 v ∂2w   µ 2 [15 ] larly, if we were to continue our journey poleward, ap-
+  + 2 + + ∇ v

3  ρ  ∂x∂y ∂y ∂z∂y   ρ proaching particles at greater latitudes, deflection would
again be to the right of the particles at the new location. It
can be readily seen that the rate of decrease of transverse ve-
∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w 1 ∂p
+u +v +w =− −g locity increases with latitude and hence, the intensity of the
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ ∂z
Coriolis deflection to the right, also increases with latitude.
1  µ  ∂2u ∂2v ∂2w   µ 2 [16 ] Including the effects of the earth’s rotation (Coriolis
+  + + + ∇ w
3  ρ  ∂x∂z ∂y∂z ∂z 2   ρ
 force), the Navier-Stokes equations become

∂ ( ρu ) ∂ ( ρv ) ∂ ( ρw ) ∂ρ
+ + =− [17]
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t

∂ ∂ ∂
∇2 = + 2 + 2 [18 ]
∂x 2 ∂y ∂z

µ is the fluid viscosity, u, v, and w are the velocity compo-

nents in the x, y and z directions, respectively, p is the pres-
sure, g, gravity and ρ the fluid density.
The earth is an oblate spheroid, with the equatorial ra-
dius exceeding the polar radius, rotating on its axis in a
counter-clockwise fashion when viewed from above the
North Pole. The rotation rate is 1 revolution in approxi-
mately 24 hours, or an angular rotation rate, ω, of 7.29 ×
10–5 sec–1. When viewed from space, this results, at the
equatorial radius, in a transverse, or easterly velocity of all
particles (solid earth, fluid earth, and atmosphere near the
earth’s surface) of approximately 1600 km per hr.
Moving poleward from the equator, the radius to the
earth’s surface from the axis of rotation decreases. Corre- Figure 2.10 Variation in Tangential Velocities of Particles at Rest on the
spondingly, the transverse velocity also decreases, ap- Earth’s Surface with Latitude
2-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ance of the planet. Atmospheric winds and oceanic currents

+u +v +w are responsible for maintaining this heat balance.
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
In equatorial regions, as intense solar radiation supplies
−2 ω ( sin φv − cos φw ) [19 ] heat to the earth surface (most of which is covered by water),
1 ∂p heat is transported from the earth’s surface to warm the
=− + F ( x ) + D( x )
ρ ∂x lower regions of the atmosphere. Additionally, water vapor
is evaporated from the earth’s surface, and also supplied to
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v the lower atmosphere (a sea to air transfer of mass). Since
+u +v +w + 2 ω sin φu =
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z heating is more intense in equatorial regions, the air masses
1 ∂p [20] directly above the equatorial regions of the earth become
− + F ( y ) + D( y ) heated and buoyant relative to the air masses at higher lat-
ρ ∂y
itudes. Hence, these air masses begin to rise relative to their
surroundings. Since these air masses are heavily laden with
∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w
+u +v +w − 2 ω cos φu = [21] water vapor, the rising air masses eventually cool and ini-
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z tiate the condensation of water vapor into the formation of
1 ∂p intense clouds and precipitation. The subsequent release of
− − g + F ( z ) + D( z )
ρ ∂z latent heat, in the form of the phase change from water vapor
to liquid water, provides a secondary heating mechanism
∂ ( ρu ) ∂ ( ρv ) ∂ ( ρw ) ∂ρ to the equatorial atmosphere. Since gravity prevents the ris-
+ + = − [22] ing air mass from escaping from the planet, these rising air
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t
masses spread in the upper atmosphere towards both the
where the terms on the right hand side, F(x) and D(x), rep- north and south poles.
resent the external forces and dissipative forces, respec- Once in the upper regions of the atmosphere, (Figure
tively, ω is the rotation rate of the earth, 7.29 × 10–5 sec–1 2.11, point A and A'), intense radiative cooling occurs in the
and φ is the latitude. atmosphere. This poleward bound air mass becomes dense
relative to its surroundings, and sinks toward the earth’s
surface while continuing its journey. Since the air mass is
now almost totally devoid of moisture, it is a very clear, dry
2.4.3 Atmospheric Circulation air mass descending toward the earth’s surface, creating the
The circulation in the atmosphere is controlled by a balance high-pressure regions associated with the mid-latitude
of the earth’s rotation and thermodynamic forcing. The deserts of the world. Continuing its journey poleward (Fig-
strength of the wind on our planet is controlled by the cor- ure 2.11, point B and B'), once again in contact with the
responding strength of the equator to pole temperature dif-
ference. Through geologic history, when the equator to pole
temperature variance was greater, so too were the winds.
Figure 2.11 provides a representation of the general circu-
lation of the atmosphere.
Atmospheric circulation is driven by intense solar heat-
ing in the equatorial regions, balanced by a corresponding
deficit of heat in the Polar Regions. The resulting surplus
of heat in equatorial to mid latitude regions and a deficit of
incident solar radiation in mid-latitudes to Polar Regions
require a redistribution of heat on a global scale. Hence,
Polar Regions receive less than the amount of heat required
to maintain the heat budget and lower latitudes receive more
heat than that required to maintain the heat budget. A bal-
ance between the required amount of incoming solar radi-
ation, to maintain the earth’s heat budget and that re-radiated
back to space, is achieved at approximately 38 degrees north
and south latitude. Hence, enormous equatorial to polar heat
transfers must occur to maintain the overall global heat bal- Figure 2.11 General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-13

Figure 2.12 Major Surface Currents of the Ocean

earth’s surface (again most of which is water), the air mass to the ocean surface circulation (Figure 2.12) provides a
receives both heat and moisture fluxes from the earth’s sur- striking similarity between force and response.
face. These fluxes induce a buoyant air mass, rising at ap-
proximately 60 degrees north and south latitude. Just as at
equatorial regions, this rising air mass stimulates the air- 2.4.4 Geostrophic Flow
borne phase change from water vapor to liquid water, pro- The simplest theoretical form of ocean motion is referred
ducing intense cloud cover and precipitation along the region to as geostrophic flow. Geostrophic flow is the balance be-
of the polar front. Continuing its journey poleward, the air tween the Coriolis and pressure gradient forces, all other
mass once again sinks in polar regions and returns south- forces being negligible. It is a steady horizontal flow (no
ward now along the earth’s surface rising again at 60 de- variation with time) and closely accounts for the flow within
grees north and south latitudes, cooling in space, and the interior of the ocean, away from surface, edge and bot-
descending, thus completing the cycle at 30 degrees north tom boundaries and their associated effects. Hence, this
and south latitude. Hence, the mass of the atmosphere is con- simple flow accounts for approximately 98% of the ocean
served, and this thermodynamically driven circulation re- volume.
sults in winds along the earth’s surface flowing north and The governing equations for this flow are:
south, in the absence of the earth’s rotation.
1 ∂p
With the addition of the effects of the earth’s rotation, 2 ω sin φv = [23]
these north and south flowing winds are imparted with an ρ ∂x
east-west component. With rotation induced Coriolis de-
1 ∂p
flection, to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the 2 ω sin φu = − [24]
left in the Southern Hemisphere, the prevailing surface wind ρ ∂y
patterns are derived. Between the equator and approximately
1 ∂p
30 degrees north and south latitude, the trade wind easter- 2 ω cos φu = +g [25]
lies reside (winds blowing from east to west). Between 30 ρ ∂z
and 60 degrees north and south latitude the prevailing west-
erlies exist. In high latitudes, the polar easterlies dominate. ∂ ( ρu ) ∂ ( ρv )
+ =0 [26]
Comparison of this general atmospheric circulation pattern ∂x ∂y
2-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The geostrophic balance of forces for the Northern Hemi- flow in an unbounded ocean. This flow is subject to Corio-
sphere is as depicted in Figure 2.13. The pressure gradient lis and frictional influences only.
is directly opposed by the Coriolis force, which is to the right The most striking feature of this theory is that the wind
of the velocity. In this situation, the current flows parallel induced, surface current direction is 45 degrees to the right
to the isobars (or lines of constant pressure) with high pres- of the wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere (to the
sure to the right in the Northern Hemisphere. The geostro- left in the Southern Hemisphere). Ekman’s theory also sug-
phic balance in the Southern Hemisphere would again have gests that once the surface layer of the ocean is placed in
Coriolis force and pressure gradient opposed (equal and op- motion by the frictional coupling of the wind above the
posite), with the Coriolis force directed to the left of the ve- water, each successive layer below will be affected through
locity. Thus, in the Southern Hemisphere, the current again vertical turbulent mixing. There will be a corresponding de-
flows parallel to the isobars, however, high pressure is lo- crease in velocity, as well as a turning to the right in the
cated to the left. Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemi-
In the interior of the ocean, away from the surface, edge sphere with depth. The resultant current structure is de-
and bottom boundaries, the resultant horizontal circulation picted in Figure 2.14. The velocity decreases exponentially
is a large gyre continually turning to the right, or clockwise with depth to the depth of frictional influence (the depth to
in the Northern Hemisphere and a corresponding left turn- which the constant wind can effectively place the ocean in
ing or counter-clockwise gyre, in the Southern Hemisphere motion).
Ocean. Figure 2.12 provides a schematic of general ocean As a result of the constant turning of current direction
circulation demonstrating this effect. to the right (in the Northern Hemisphere) the direction of
flow at the bottom of the Ekman surface layer is 180 de-
grees from that of the surface current, or 235 (45 + 180) de-
2.4.5 Ekman Flow and Vertical Current Structure grees from the wind.
The deflection of ocean surface currents relative to the wind Vertically integrating this flow over the region from the
was first observed by Fridtjof Nansen in the late 1800s. depth of frictional influence to the surface, produces net
Nansen allowed his wooden oceanographic sailing research flow 90 degrees to the right of the wind. Hence, passive
vessel, FRAM, to freeze into the Arctic pack ice (Norwe- contaminants mixed in this upper region of the ocean will
gian North Polar Expedition, 1893-96), and recorded its be transported at right angles to the prevailing wind direc-
drift, relative to the wind, for a period of approximately two tion (to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left
years until the ship could be freed. His observations were in the Southern Hemisphere).
placed in theory by Ekman (8), resulting in the classic trea- Below the depth of frictional influence, and hence below
tise on oceanic wind-driven circulation. In this theoretical the reach of the surface layer (typically at a depth corre-
flow field, a uniform wind stress at the sea surface drives a sponding to the base of the thermocline, approximately

Coriolis Pressure
Force Gradient

High Low

Figure 2.14 A Projection of the Vertical Wind Driven Surface Current

Figure 2.13 The Geostrophic Balance of Forces for the Northern Hemisphere Structure on a Horizontal Plane (8)
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-15

100–200 m), the flow is generally geostrophic. This mid- ample, the bottom current would be offshore and down
depth region of geostrophic flow extends vertically down- coast.
ward through the bulk of the interior of the ocean until again With this mid-depth geostrophic flow moving down
reaching a region of frictional influence near the bottom coast, and a net mean bottom transport offshore and down
boundary. Just as in the case of the surface layer, an Ekman coast, objects placed at the surface of this flow would tend
bottom boundary layer is also formed. The bottom layer is to move onshore and downcoast, contaminants floating with
driven from above by the geostrophic flow of the interior the mid-depth water would be transported shore parallel
of the ocean and is modified by both the increasing frictional and similarly, objects near the bottom would be transported
influence of the approaching bottom and the earth’s rota- offshore. The opposite would be true in the Southern Hemi-
tion. This combination of forces again results in turning to- sphere.
ward the pressure gradient, as friction is increased
(approaching the bottom boundary) and decreasing magni-
tude of the current. A schematic view of the bottom layer
is depicted by Figure 2.15.
Combining these three components of oceanic flow, a
bottom layer, a mid-depth interior region dominated by
geostrophic flow, and a surface layer, results in Ekman’s el-
ementary current system (Figure 2.16). This relatively sim-
ple flow, being driven by the wind and balanced by pressure
gradient forces and frictional forces represents the basis of
horizontal ocean circulation. It should be noted, as the dia-
gram depicts, that the current experienced at the surface is
the vector addition of the underlying geostrophic flow and
the Ekman surface layer circulation at each particular level.
As an example, along an infinite straight Northern Hemi-
sphere coastline, as depicted in Figure 2.17, with the wind
blowing parallel to shore (from right to left) and (a) is the
pure drift current at the surface, (b) is the actual surface cur-
rent, (c) is the geostrophic current, and (d) is the bottom cur-
rent, the resulting net mass transport in the surface layer
results in a transport of fluid onshore. This produces an off-
shore pressure gradient resulting in a mid-depth, geostrophic
flow also parallel to the coast (from right to left). In this ex- Figure 2.16 Vertical Distribution of Ekman’s Elementary Current System

Figure 2.15 A Projection of the Vertical Current Structure on the Sea

Bottom on a Horizontal Plane (8) Figure 2.17 Vector Diagram of Ekman’s Elementary System
2-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

2.4.6 Upwelling, Downwelling, and Seiche port of water perpendicular to shore. If the water is trans-
One additional class of wind-induced motion is worthy of ported offshore, an upwelling occurs bringing nutrient rich
consideration. As the wind blows across the water surface, deep water into the photic zone and enhancing biological
water is transported in the general direction of the wind. This productivity.
In the case of a wind event over an enclosed basin, when
produces a piling of water along the downwind shoreline
the wind weakens, the water, which has been forced to one
and a depression in the thermocline (region of rapidly de-
end of the basin, is released and the basin effectively sloshes
creasing temperature). To conserve fluid mass, a general
back and forth at its natural period of oscillation. This phe-
offshore flow along the bottom boundary is created. Cor- nomenon is referred to as a seiche. As an example, Lake
respondingly, on the upwind side of the basin, subjected to Erie located in the temperate region of North America, which
the strong influence of the wind, one would expect to have is relatively shallow in mean depth and has its long axis ori-
onshore flow along the bottom, offshore flow at the surface, ented into the prevailing westerlies, is noted for experienc-
and an elevation of the thermocline, or the accumulation of ing great seiches. The longitudinal seiche period (natural
cold water near the coastal region. Hence, the upwind coast period of oscillation) of Lake Erie is approximately 14.2
is referred to as an upwelling coast, and the downwind coast hours. The maximum water level elevation difference,
as a downwelling coast. recorded between Buffalo, New York on the east end of the
This phenomenon also exists on oceanic scales when basin and Toledo, Ohio on the west end of the basin, of
the wind blows parallel to a coast producing a mass trans- some 5 m occurred during a December storm.

Figure 2.18 A Sinusoidal Surface Wave Propagating in the Positive x Direction with Underlying Particle Velocities and Acceleration Shown
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-17

2.5 WAVE MECHANICS tional and incompressible, and the wave heights are as-
sumed small compared to wavelength. Given this set of as-
As the wind blows across the sea surface, large lake or bay, sumptions, a remarkably simple solution can be obtained
momentum is imparted from the wind to the sea surface. for the surface wave boundary value problem.
As previously discussed, approximately 97% of this mo- This simplification, which is referred to as linear, small-
mentum is used to generate the general circulation (cur- amplitude wave theory, is remarkably accurate and is the
rents) of the water body and the remainder supplies the standard for many naval architecture, ocean and coastal en-
development of the surface wave field. Although this sur- gineering applications. Furthermore, the linear nature of
face wave momentum represents a small percentage of the this formulation allows for the free surface to be represented
total momentum, it results in an enormous quantity of en- by the superposition of sinusoids of different amplitudes
ergy on human scales. and frequencies, which facilitates the application of Fourier
Waves on the free surface of a body of water are the decomposition and associated spectral analysis techniques.
combined result of a disturbing force (that which is re- Hence, we will now concentrate on characteristics of lin-
sponsible for the creation of the deformation), and a restor- ear, progressive, small-amplitude waves.
ing force (which attempts to restore the surface back to The equation for the free surface displacement of a pro-
equilibrium). Surface waves are generally characterized by gressive wave is given by
their height, length, period and by the total water depth in
which they are traveling. A two-dimensional sketch of a si- η = A cos ( kx − σt ) [27]
nusoidal surface wave propagating in the x-direction can be
seen in Figure 2.18. The wave height, H, is the vertical dis- where the wave amplitude, A = H/2, the wave number, k =
tance between the crest and trough of the wave. The wave- 2π/L, and wave frequency σ = 2π/T. The dispersion rela-
length, L, is the horizontal distance between any two tion, which relates individual wave properties and local
corresponding points on successive waves and the wave pe- water depth, d, to wave propagation behavior is given by
riod, T, is the time required for the passage between two
successive crests or troughs. The equilibrium position used σ 2 = gk tanh ( kd ) [28]
to reference surface wave motion, still water level (SWL),
is at z = 0 and the bottom is located at z = –d, where d is where g is the acceleration of gravity.
the local water depth. The celerity of a wave, C, is the speed From equation 28 and the definition of wave celerity C,
of propagation of the wave form (phase speed), defined as it can be shown that the wave propagation speed as a func-
C = L / T. tion of local water depth is given by
Most ocean waves are progressive, which implies that
σ gT
their wave form travels at celerity, C, relative to a back- C= = tanh ( kd ) [29]
k 2π
ground. In contrast, standing waves, whose wave form re-
mains stationary relative to a background, occur in the and similarly, the wave length by
simplest case from the interaction of two progressive waves
traveling in opposite directions and are often observed near gT 2
L= tanh ( kd ) [30]
reflective barriers. Progressive, deep ocean waves are os- 2π
cillatory, meaning that the water particles making up the
wave do not exhibit a net motion in the direction of wave The hyperbolic function approaches useful simplifying
propagation. However, as waves enter shallow water, they limits for both large values of kd (deep water) and for small
begin to exhibit a net displacement of water in the direction values of kd (shallow water). Applying these limits to 29
of wave propagation and are classified as translational. and 30 results in expressions for deep water (tanh (kd) ≈ 1)
2.5.1 Linear Wave Theory C0 = [31]

The free surface water elevation, η, for a real water wave
propagating over an irregular, permeable bottom is quite and
complex. However, by employing several simplifying as- gT 2
sumptions, the mathematical problem becomes much more L0 = [32 ]

tenable. In general, viscous effects are assumed negligible
(concentrated near the bottom), the flow is assumed irrota- where the subscript, 0, denotes deep water.
2-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

A similar application for shallow water, where tanh (kd) It can be seen from equations 36 and 37 that the hori-
≈ kd, results in zontal and vertical particle velocities are 90° out of phase
at any position along the wave profile. Extreme values of
C= gd [33] horizontal velocity occur in the crest (+, in the direction of
Hence, wave phase speed in shallow water is dependent wave propagation) and trough (-, in the direction opposite
to the direction of wave propagation) while extreme verti-
only on the water depth with all wavelength waves travel-
cal velocities occur mid-way between the crest and trough,
ing at the same speed. This phenomenon is known as non-
where water displacement is zero. The u and w velocity
components are minimized at the bottom and increase with
The normal limits for deep and shallow water, respec-
distance upward in the water column. Maximum vertical ac-
tively, are kd > π and kd < π/10 (d/L > 1/2 and d/L < 1/20).
celerations correspond to maximum horizontal velocities
Although modifications of these limits are used in practice
and maximum horizontal accelerations correspond to max-
for specific applications, the region between these two lim-
imum vertical velocities. Figure 2.18 also provides a graphic
its (π/10 < kd < π) is defined as intermediate depth water summary of these relationships.
and requires use of the full equations 29 and 30. The particle displacements within a progressive wave
A useful relation for calculating wave properties at any are obtained by integrating the velocity with respect to time
water depth based upon knowledge of deep water wave and are simplified by using the dispersion relation 28 to
properties, is: give a horizontal displacement
2 πd 
= tanh 
 L 
[34 ]
H cosh k ( d + z 0 ) )
sin ( kx 0 − σt ) [40 ]
2 sinh ( kd )
Values of d/L can be calculated as a function of d/L0 by
and vertical displacement
successive approximations using
2 πd  (
H sinh k ( d + z 0 ) )
cos ( kx 0 − σt )
tanh 
d d ζ= [41]
= [35 ] sinh ( kd )
L  L  L0 2

Wiegel (9) has tabulated values of d/L as a function of d/L0 In the previous equations, the coordinates (x0, z0) represent
as does Appendix C of the Shore Protection Manual (10) the mean position of an individual particle. It can be shown
along with many other useful functions of d/L. by squaring and adding the horizontal and vertical dis-
placements that the general form of a water particle trajec-
tory beneath a linear, progressive wave is elliptical. In deep Particle motions and accelerations water, particle paths are circular and in shallow-water they
The horizontal component of particle velocity beneath a are highly elliptical as shown in Figure 2.19.
linear, progressive wave is given by

H cosh ( k ( d + z ) ) Pressure field

u= σ cos ( kx − σt ) [36 ]
2 sinh ( kd ) The pressure distribution beneath a progressive water wave
is given by the following form of the Bernoulli equation
Similarly, the vertical particle velocity is given by

H sinh ( k ( d + z ) ) p = − ρgz + ρgηK p ( z ) [42 ]

w= σ sin ( kx − σt ) [37]
2 sinh ( kd )
The corresponding horizontal and vertical particle acceler- where p is fluid density and Kp, the pressure response co-
ations are, respectively efficient, given by
cosh ( k ( d + z ) )
∂u H 2 cosh ( k ( d + z ) ) Kp = [43 ]
ax = = σ sin ( kx − σt ) [38 ] cosh ( kd )
∂t 2 sinh ( kd )
and which is always less than 1, below mean still water level.
The first term in equation 42 is the hydrostatic pressure term
∂w H sinh ( k ( d + z ) ) and the second is the dynamic pressure term. The dynamic
ax = = − σ2 cos ( kx − σt ) [39 ]
∂t 2 sinh ( kd ) pressure term accounts for two factors that influence pres-
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-19

Figure 2.19 Particle Trajectories Beneath a Deep, Intermediate, and Shallow Water Wave

sure, the free surface displacement, η, and the vertical com- Likewise the average kinetic energy per unit surface area is
ponent of acceleration.
ρgH 2
A frequently used method for measuring waves is to Ek = [46 ]
record pressure fluctuations from a bottom-mounted or rel-
atively deeply moored pressure gauge. Isolating the dy- and the total average energy per unit surface area is
namic pressure (PD) from the recorded signal by subtracting
ρgH 2
out the hydrostatic pressure gives the relative free surface E = Ep + Ek = [47 ]
displacement 8

PD The unit surface area considered is a unit width times the

η= [44 ] wavelength L so that the total energy per unit width is
pgK p ( − d )
ρgH 2 L
where Kp (-d) = l/cosh(kd). It is necessary, therefore, when ET = [48 ]
determining wave height from pressure records to apply the
dispersion relationship equation 28 to obtain Kp from the fre- The total energy per unit surface area in a linear progres-
quency of the measured waves. It is important to note that sive wave is always equi-partitioned as one half potential
Kp, for short period waves, is very small at the bottom (-d), and one half kinetic energy.
which means that very short period waves may not be meas- Energy flux is the rate of energy transfer across the sea
ured by a pressure gauge. A summary of the formulations for surface in the direction of wave propagation. The average
calculating linear wave theory wave characteristics in deep, energy flux per wave is
intermediate, and shallow water is presented in Table 2.III.
FE = ECn [49 ] Wave energy
Progressive surface water waves possess both potential and where
kinetic energy. The potential energy arises from the free Cg 1 2 kd 
surface displacement and the kinetic energy from the water n= = 1 +  [50 ]
particle motions. From linear wave theory it can be shown C 2 sinh ( 2 kd ) 
that the average potential energy per unit surface area for a
free surface sinusoidal displacement, restored by gravity, is
and Cg is the group speed defined as the speed of energy
ρgH 2 propagation. In deep water n ≈ 1/2 and in shallow water n
Ep = [45 ]
16 ≈ 1 indicating that energy in deep water travels at half the
2-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 2.III Summary of Linear Wave Theory Wave Characteristics

Relative Depth Shallow Water Transitional Water Deep Water

d 1 1 d 1 d 1
< < < >
L 20 20 L 2 L 2
Same as for H H Same as for
Wave Profile transitional water η= cos [ kx − σt ] = cos θ transitional water
2 2
L L gT L gT
Wave Celerity C = = gd C= = tanh ( kd ) C = C0 = =
T T 2π T 2π
gT 2 gT 2
Wavelength L = T gd = CT L= tanh ( kd ) L = L0 = = C0T
2π 2π
1  2 kd  1 gT
Group Velocity Cg = C = gd C g = nC = 1 + sinh( 2 kd )  ⋅ C Cg = C =
2 2 4π


H g H cosh ( k ( d + z ) ) πH kz
Horizontal u = cos ( θ ) u= σ cos ( θ ) u = e cos ( θ )
2 d 2 sinh ( kd ) T
Hπ  H sinh ( k ( d + z ) ) πH kz
1 +  sin ( θ )
Verticle w = w= σ sin ( θ ) w = e sin ( θ )
T  d 2 sinh ( kd ) T


Hπ H 2 cosh ( k ( d + z ) ) π 2
a x = 2 H   e kz sin ( θ )
Horizontal ax = sin ( θ ) ax = σ sin ( θ )
T d 2 sinh ( kd )  T
π 2 H 2 sinh ( k ( d + z ) ) π 2
a z = −2 H    1 +  cos ( θ ) a z = −2 H   e kz cos ( θ )
Vertical ax = − σ cos ( θ )
 T  d 2 sinh ( kd )  T


HT g H cosh ( k ( d + z ) ) H kz
Horizontal ξ = − sin ( θ ) ξ=− sin ( θ ) ξ = − e sin ( θ )
4π d 2 sinh ( kd ) 2
H H sinh ( k ( d + z ) )
1 +  cos ( θ )
z H kz
Vertical ζ = ζ= cos ( θ ) ζ = e cos ( θ )
T d 2 sinh ( kd ) 2

Subsurface cosh ( k ( d + z ) )
p = ρg ( η − z ) p = ρgη − ρgz p = ρgηe kz − ρgz
Pressure cosh ( kd )

speed of the wave while in shallow water energy propagates wave encounters varying water depths. However, wave
at the same speed as the wave. celerity decreases as a function of depth and correspond-
ingly the wavelength shortens. Therefore, the easiest con-
servative quantity to follow is the energy flux (given in
2.5.2 Wave Shoaling equation 49), which remains constant as a wave shoals.
Waves entering shallow water, with the exception of minor Equating energy flux in deep water (H0, C0) to energy flux
losses due to breaking, conserve energy. This is in part due at any shallow water location (Hx, Cx) results in the gen-
to the fact that the wave period remains constant as the eral shoaling relation
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-21

Hx  1 C0 
1/ 2 First, as wave rays converge and diverge in response to
=  [ 51] natural changes in bathymetry the KR term in equation 54
H0  2n Cx 
will increase or decrease, respectively.
where n is calculated from (50) and C0/Cx, can be obtained As a result, energy will move along the wave crest from
from equation 34. Thus, by knowing the deep-water wave areas of convergence to areas of divergence. It is, therefore,
height and period (H0, T0) and the bathymetry of a coastal necessary to consider the effects of both refraction and dif-
region, the shoaling wave characteristics (Hx, Cx, Lx) can fraction when calculating wave height transformation due
be calculated at any point, x, prior to breaking. One limita- to shoaling.
tion to equation 51 is that it does not directly incorporate The fundamental equations used to carry out diffraction
the effect of deep-water angle of approach to the coast. calculations are based on the classical Sommerfeld relation
η= cosh ( kd ) F ( r , Ψ ) e ikCt [ 55 ]
2.5.3 Wave Refraction g
It can be shown that a deep water wave approaching a coast where
at an angle α0, and passing over a coastal bathymetry char-
acterized by straight and parallel contours, refracts accord- F( r, Ψ) = = K′ [ 56 ]
ing to Snell’s law Hi

sin α 0 sin α K' is the diffraction coefficient, HD is the wave height in the
= [ 52 ]
C0 C zone affected by diffraction and Hi is the incident wave
height outside of the diffraction zone.
Since the phase speed of waves in shallow water de- The second, and perhaps most important, application of
creases as depth decreases, application of Snell’s law to a wave diffraction is that due to wave-structure interaction.
plane parallel bathymetry indicates that wave crests tend to For this class of problems, wave diffraction calculations are
turn and align with the bathymetric contours. essential for obtaining the distribution of wave height in
Considering two or more wave rays (orthogonals per- harbors or behind engineered structures in either deep or
pendicular to approaching wave crests) propagating shore- shallow water. There are three primary types of wave-struc-
ward over a plane parallel bathymetry, it is possible to have ture diffraction important to ocean engineering (Figure
the rays either converge or diverge. Under these conditions, 2.21): (a) diffraction at the end of a single element (semi-
the energy per unit area may increase (convergence) or de-
crease (divergence) as a function of the perpendicular dis-
tance of separation between adjacent wave rays b0 and bx.
Using the geometric relationships shown in Figure 2.20,
equation 51 can be modified to account for convergence and
divergence of wave rays as
1/ 2 1/ 2
Hx  1 C0   b0 
=    [ 53 ]
H0  2n Cx   bx 

also written as

Hx = H0KsKR [ 54 ]

where KS is the shoaling coefficient and KR the refraction

coefficient. This expression is equally valid between any
two points along a wave ray in shallow water.

2.5.4 Wave Diffraction

Wave diffraction is a process by which energy is transferred
along the crest of a wave from an area of high energy den-
sity to an area of low energy density. There are two impor- Figure 2.20 Geometric Diagram of Wave Refraction Over a Planar Sloping
tant ocean engineering applications of diffraction. Beach
2-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

infinite); (b) diffraction through a pair of structures such as tion of the resultant wave field due to refraction and diffrac-
a harbor entrance (gap diffraction); and (c) diffraction around tion involve the approximate solution of non-linear partial dif-
an offshore structure. ferential equations by various numerical techniques (11–15).
The methods of solution for all three of these wave-
structure interactions are similar, but are restricted by some
important assumptions. For each case there is a geometric 2.5.5 Wave Breaking
shadow zone on the sheltered side of the structure, a re- Waves propagating into shallow water tend to experience
flected wave zone on the front or incident wave side of the an increase in wave height to a point of instability at which
structure, and an illuminated zone in the area of direct wave the wave breaks, dissipating energy in the form of turbu-
propagation. lence and work done on the bottom. There are three classi-
In most natural coastal regions, bathymetry is both irregu- fications of breaking waves. Spilling breakers are generally
lar and variable along a coast and the techniques for estima- associated with low sloping bottoms and a gradual dissi-
pation of energy. Plunging breakers are typically present
over steeper sloping bottoms and have a rapid, often spec-
tacular, explosive dissipation of energy. Surging breakers are
associated with very steep bottoms and a rapid narrow re-
gion of energy dissipation. A widely used classic criteria
(16) applied to shoaling waves relates breaker height, Hb,
to depth of breaking, db, through the relation

H b = 0.78 d b [ 57 ]

However, this useful estimate neglects important shoal-

ing parameters such as bottom slope (m) and deep water
wave angle of approach (α0). Dalrymple et al (15) used
equation 57 and McCowan’s breaking criteria to solve for
breaker depth, db, distance from the shoreline to the breaker
line, xb, and breaker height, Hb, as
2 /5
1  H 2 C 0 cos α 0 
db = 1/ 5 4 / 5  0  [ 58 ]
g κ  2 

xb = [ 59 ]
2 /5
 κ
1/ 5
 H 20 C 0 cos α 0 
H b = κd b = κmx b =   [ 60 ]
 g  2 

where κ = Hb/db. Dalrymple et al (16) compared the results

of a number of laboratory experiments with equation 60
and found that it under-predicts breaker height by approx-
imately 12% (with κ = 0.8). Wave breaking is still not well
understood and caution is urged when dealing with engi-
neering design in the active breaker zone.

2.5.6 The Nature of the Sea Surface

Within the region of active wind-wave generation, the sea sur-
Figure 2.21 Three Examples of Wave Defraction Patterns face becomes very irregular in size, shape and direction of prop-
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-23

agation of individual wave forms. This disorderly surface is e w = ρgσ 2 = ρgE [ 63 ]

referred to as sea. As waves propagate from the region of ac-
tive generation by the wind, they tend to sort themselves out Because the spectral area is proportional to the wave en-
into a more orderly pattern. This phenomenon, known as dis- ergy, the variance spectrum is sometimes referred to as the
persion, is due to the fact that longer period (or wavelength) energy spectrum of the sea surface.
waves travel faster, while short period waves lag behind. Swell The difference between sea and swell spectra is shown
is a term applied to waves, which have propagated outside the schematically in Figure 2.22. Note that the sea spectrum is
region of active wind wave generation. These waves are more typically broadly distributed in frequency while the swell
regular in shape with a narrow direction of travel and are char- spectrum is narrowly distributed in frequency, tending to-
acterized by a narrow distribution of periods. ward monochromatic waves.
Given these distinctions between sea and swell it is rea-
sonable to expect that the statistical description of the sea
surface would be very different from place to place and over
time. The wave spectrum is a plot of the energy associated
with each frequency component of the sea surface.
Perhaps Kinsman (18) has best described the ocean wave
spectrum. In his classic treatise entitled, Wind Waves: Their
Generation and Propagation on the Ocean Surface, he en-
titled his chapter on ocean wave statistics:
“The Specification of a Random Sea… in which we dis-
cover a viewpoint from which chaos reveals a kind of order.”
This subheading implies that a statistical order may exist
in a seemingly chaotic sea surface. This may be attempted
by evaluating the amount of energy associated with regu-
lar components that are envisioned to comprise the irregu-
lar sea surface. Hence, the assumption is made that the total
energy, E, per unit area of an irregular sea is adequately rep-
resented by the sum of the energies associated with each of
the chosen regular wave components. The accuracy of this
assumption is obviously dependent upon the number of reg-
ular wave components chosen to represent the actual irreg-
ular sea surface. Hence, the sum of the variances from still
water level, of the component waves, is combined to ap-
proximate the total variance of the irregular sea. For wave
recordings (records) of finite length the variance of the
record is given by
E = σ2 = ∑ ζ 2i [61]
where ζ 2i are measured values of deviations from still (mean)
water level and N is the total number of observations con-
tained within the record. Equivalently

E = σ2 = ∫ S( ω ) dω [ 62 ]

where the total area of the spectrum, S, provides a measure

of the severity of the sea surface. As will be seen later, the
energy per unit area of the sea surface is proportional to the
variance. When multiplied by the fluid density and by grav- Figure 2.22 Wave Energy Spectra Showing a Typical Distribution for Sea
ity the total wave energy per unit area is given by Versus Swell
2-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The directional distribution of wave energy propagation 2.IV (19). Note that based upon the assumption that the
is given by the two-dimensional directional wave energy conditions of the sea state under investigation remain sta-
spectrum. Just as in the case of the one-dimensional wave tistically stationary, expected heights of the highest waves
energy spectrum, the two-dimensional spectrum provides a in the series may be predicted. This is a very powerful tool.
plot of wave energy versus frequency; however, the spec-
trum is further defined by the direction of wave propagation.
Actual recordings of wave propagating in the open sea 2.5.7 Wave Prediction
reveal a significant order to an apparent random process. The wave height and associated energy contained in the
The vertical displacement from the peak of the wave crest wind generated sea surface is generally dependent on three
to the bottom of either the preceding or following wave parameters: the speed of the wind measured at 10 m above
trough is defined as the wave height, H. Many studies from the sea surface, U10, the open water distance over which the
many locations worldwide have demonstrated that the dis- wind blows or fetch length, x, and the length of time the
tribution of wave heights most closely follows the Rayleigh wind does work on the sea surface or duration, t. The growth
probability density function. The probability density func- of a wind driven sea surface may be limited by either the
tion of apparent wave height, p(hw), is given as fetch or duration, producing a sea state less than “fully
arisen” (maximum energy) for a given wind speed.
hw  − h 2w 
p( h w ) = exp   [ 64 ] One-dimensional wave prediction models generally con-
4E  8E  sist of equations, which estimate wave height and wave pe-
riod at a particular location and time as a function of fetch
Hence, once this probability density function of the sea
length and wind speed. Three examples of one-dimensional
surface has been accepted, it is very easy to define many
wave prediction formulae are provided in Table 2.V. It should
important and useful statistical properties of the open sea.
be noted that the wind speed utilized in these wave predic-
Perhaps one of the most useful measures of wave height is
tion models must be obtained from, or corrected to, a height
the significant wave height, H1/3 or Hs. The significant wave
of 10 m above the water surface.
height is defined as the average of the one-third largest
A widely used approximation for correcting a wind speed,
waves of the record. For engineering practice, this simple
measured at height z over the open ocean, to 10 m is
representation of the sea has acquired wide spread use.
These are the most significant waves in the design of ships
10 1/ 7
and harbors and in the prediction of near shore sediment U 10 = U z   [ 65 ]
 z
transport. A useful compilation, based upon the Rayleigh
distribution, of these statistical measures is provided in Table If the wind speed is measured near the coast, the expo-
nent used for this correction is 2/7. In the event that over
water winds are not available, over land winds may be uti-
lized, but need to be corrected for frictional resistance. This
TABLE 2.IV Common Statistical Wave Height
is due to the fact that the increased roughness typically pres-
Measurements, Based On Rayleigh Distribution
ent over land sites serves to modify the wind field. A con-
cise description of this methodology is presented in the
Common Name Symbol Relation
Shore Protection Manual, see U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(19) and a comparison of several methods is presented by
Average apparent wave height Havg 2.5 E
Schwab and Morton (20).
Significant wave height Hs or H1/3 4.0 E Since the natural sea surface is statistically complex, the
Ave of (1/10)-highest waves H1/10 5.1 E wave height is usually expressed in terms of the significant
Highest expected wave in wave height. The significant wave period corresponds to
50 waves 6.0 E the energy peak in the predicted wave spectrum. Other ex-
pressions for wave height which are commonly used in de-
100 waves 6.5 E
sign computations are: Hmax, the maximum wave height,
500 waves 7.4 E Hrms, the root mean square wave height, Havg, the average
1000 waves 7.7 E wave height, H10, the average of highest 10 percent of all
5000 waves 8.6 E waves and H1, the average of the highest 1 percent of all
waves. The energy-based parameter commonly used to rep-
10 000 waves 8.9 E
resent wave height is H10, which is an estimate of the sig-
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-25

nificant wave height fundamentally related to the energy well as from interior walls, can be a significant problem in
distribution of a wave train. Table 2.VI summarizes the re- some harbors. In addition, wave transmission through semi-
lationship between these various wave height parameters. permeable breakwaters (rubble mound) may also add to the
When predicting wave generation by hurricanes, the de- interior reflected wave activity. When the interior dimen-
termination of fetch and duration is much more difficult due sions of the enclosed harbor or entrance channel match the
to large changes in wind speed and direction over short time incident wavelength (or an integer multiple of the incident
and distances scales. Typically, the wave field associated wavelength) harbor resonance may result. Resonance is the
with the onset of a hurricane or large storm will consist of constructive interference of successive waves resulting in
a locally generated sea superimposed on swell components enhanced wave amplitudes. Hence, when the incident wave
from other regions of the storm, see U.S. Army Corps of periods match the natural period of the harbor, or some por-
Engineers (10). tion of the harbor, large amplification factors may be real-
ized. This can result, in extreme cases, of larger waves inside
the harbor than outside.
2.5.8 Harbor Resonance In general, the complication of solving the governing
As waves from the open sea propagate into coastal regions, equations for harbor resonance, subject to the boundary
and into harbors in particular, significant wave-structure in- conditions of irregular geometry, variable absorption, re-
teractions can occur. As sea waves encounter coastal struc- flection and transmission at the walls, variable water depth
tures, proportions of the incident wave energy are reflected and a realistic incident wave spectra, requires a numerical
from, absorbed by and transmitted through these coastal solution be employed. Such numerical schemes are avail-
fortifications. In the case of harbors, the relative portions able in the literature. For example, see Mei and Agnon (21)
of these three processes determine the degree to which the or Xu et al (15).
harbor provides a safe refuge.
Reflected wave energy within the harbor entrance, as
2.5.9 Internal Waves
Just as waves freely propagate at the air-water interface, so
TABLE 2.V One-dimensional Wave Prediction Formulas also in a stratified ocean do waves propagate at sharp den-
sity interfaces. Typically, at the base of the thermocline or
 0.42  halocline internal wave motions are common. The frequency
 gx 
H s = 0.283 g U tanh  0.0125 
−1 2

 (or period) of these wave motions is controlled by the rel-
 2
 U 10   ative strength of the vertical stratification, with the frequency
 
of wave motion decreasing with depth below the density con-
SMB   gx 
0.25  trast or with weakening stratification. Also, analogous to
T= 7.54 g −1 U tanh  0.077  the surface wave problem, the degree of deformation of the
  2  
  U 10   interface (wave height) is a measure of the potential energy
residing in the wave. In the internal wave case, since the
H s = 0.0016 g −0.5 Ux 0.5 density contrast across the interface is much less than that
T = 0.286 g −0.67 U 0.33 x 0.33

H s = 0.00366 g −0.62 U 1.24 x 0.38 ( cos φ )

TABLE 2.VI Summary of Approximate Statistical Wave
Donelan Height Relations
T = 0.54 g −0.77 U 0.54 x 0.23 ( cos φ )

Definitions Hs = significant wave height (in meters) H Hrms Hs H10 H1 Hmax
T = peak energy wave period (in seconds) –
H — 0.89 0.63 0.49 0.38 0.33
U = wind speed at 10 m height (in meters per
Hrms 1.13 — 0.71 0.56 0.42 0.38
Hs 1.60 1.42 — 0.79 0.60 0.53
x = fetch length (in wave direction for
Donelan formulas) H10 2.03 1.80 1.27 — 0.76 0.68
φ = angle between wind and waves H1 2.67 2.37 1.67 1.31 — 0.89
g = 9.8 meters per second Hmax 2.99 2.65 1.87 1.47 1.12 —
2-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

across the air-water interface, internal waves can grow to one revolution about the earth, relative to the sun. This is
enormous heights in representing the same potential energy the time for the moon to appear to pass through all of its
of the deformation. However, internal wave propagation phases as viewed from earth. During this time the distance
speeds are slow. The phase speed for internal wave propa- between the earth and the moon varies from 357 000 to
gation in arbitrary depth water is given by: 384 500 km.
Since, the earth rotates on its axis in the same direction
( ρ ′′ − ρ ′ )( g k )
C 2i = [ 66 ] as the earth-moon system revolves around the sun; the moon
ρ ′′ coth ( kh ′′ ) + ρ ′ coth ( kh ′ ) passes over the same point on earth a little later each day.
The length of the lunar day (diurnal) is 24 hours, 50.47 min-
Where ρ is the fluid density, h is the water depth and
utes, which is the dominant tidal period.
´ and ´´ represent the upper and lower fluids, respectively.
Finally, the plane of the moon’s orbit about the earth is
Internal waves are now known to be common phenom-
not in the same plane as that of the earth about the sun. These
ena and propagate in specific ocean regions. Their propa-
two planes intersect at an angle of about 5.1 degrees. Hence,
gation is important to vertical mixing within the ocean and
it should now be apparent that a significant number of unique
to submerged vehicle operations. It is believed by some that
but related periodicities must be combined to reproduce a
the loss of the U.S. Submarine Thresher SSN 593 off the
complete picture of the astronomical tidal forcing.
east coast of the United States in 1963 was the result, in part,
The resulting tide producing force, for both the earth-
of internal wave propagation. This region of the North At-
moon and earth-sun systems, generates a bulge of fluid on
lantic, near Georges Bank, is now known as a primary breed-
ing ground of storm induced internal waves. The heights of
these internal waves have been recorded in excess of 150


The astronomical tides of the ocean are caused by the grav-
itational attraction between the earth and moon and to a
lesser extent, the earth and sun. Since the earth rotates on
its axis, which is tilted at an angle to the plane of its orbit
about the sun and the moon revolves about the earth, it is
necessary to first understand these astronomical relation-
ships. The gravitational attraction between these bodies re- LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
sult in tidal motions in all large bodies of fluid including
the oceans, large lakes of the world, atmosphere and earth’s
The earth’s orbit about the sun is a nearly circular ellipse
with the sun located at one foci. The earth is closest to the
sun during Northern Hemisphere winter and farthest away
during Northern Hemisphere summer. An entire orbit of the
sun is completed in one tropical year, 365 days, 5 hours, 48
minutes, and 45.7 seconds and the distance from the sun to
the earth ranges from 147 to 152 million km. The axis of
the earth is tilted 66.5 degrees to the plane of the earth’s
orbit and the direction of the earth rotation on its axis is in
the same sense as its direction of revolution about the sun.
The moon and the earth rotate about a common point,
located within the earth, with the moon also revolving around
the earth in the same direction as the earth revolves around Figure 2.23 A Schematic of the Earth-Moon-Sun System and Resultant
the sun. Hence, it takes the moon, one synodic month (29 Tidal Ranges for Various Celestial Configurations over the Course of One Lunar
days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 28.28 seconds) to make Month ( 22)
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-27

both the side of the earth facing the corresponding body as We have established that the dominant, open ocean, tidal
well as the side facing away. As the earth rotates through period is 12 hours, 25.235 minutes, which corresponds to
these bulges, this results in the time between encountered two tidal bulges on opposite sides of the earth. Hence, the
high water equal to one half of the lunar day (semi-diurnal) corresponding wavelength of this tidal wave is half the cir-
or 12 hours and 25.235 minutes. Twice per month, the bulges cumference of the earth. Therefore, even in the deepest por-
associated with the earth-moon system will align with those tions of the ocean basins these waves, by definition, are
created by the earth-sun system to produce large, spring shallow water waves.
tides. Similarly, twice per month these two tide-producing
forces will be in quadrature, producing a low tidal range or
neap tide. Figure 2.23 shows the relationship between the 2.6.1 Tides in Shallow Water and Tidal Currents
earth-moon-sun system and resultant tidal range over a 30-
In addition to the periodic rise and fall of water levels, tides
day period.
in shallow water can also produce substantial tidal currents.
In predicting the elevation of the sea surface for a
In the linear approximation, tides are shallow water waves,
particular harbor, the practical problem reduces to one of
obeying the linearized equations presented in Section 2.5.1.
considering ten semi-diurnal components, six, diurnal com-
The shallow water of the continental margins serves to mod-
ponents and five, long period components.
ify the propagation characteristics of these tidal bulges.
Due to the phase of these primary components, as well
Tidal heights and horizontal particle velocities (tidal cur-
as variation in the ocean basin geometry and depth, the tide
rents) are of most interest.
experienced at any location will vary substantially through-
Tidal heights in confined bays may reach extreme ele-
out the lunar month. This may include shifting from a dom-
vations. The classic examples of the Bay of Fundy and Cook
inance of semi-diurnal to diurnal components. Figure 2.24
Inlet, Alaska are well known worldwide. In the Bay of
provides a comparison of tides at four different locations.
Fundy, in particular, spring tides typically reach a range in
LIVE GRAPH excess of 15 meters. During these episodes tidal currents
Click here to view
can often reach velocities in excess of 8 knots (16 km/hr).
Tide prediction tables are available for most parts of the
world. In the U.S., both tide height and current prediction
tables are available from the U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
National Ocean Service, Washington D.C.

2.6.2 Wave/Current Interaction

Waves propagating on, or across a current, can experience
substantial modifications and exchanges of energy. Phillips
(24) discusses both weak and strong interactions between
waves themselves and with the environment through which
they propagate. Weak interactions occur, when the time
scales of evolution of wave characteristics is large com-
pared to the individual wave periods. With these weak in-
teractions, wave properties change slowly in time or space.
The cumulative effect over large scales, however, may be
drastic. In contrast, strong interactions occur almost in-
stantaneously and include the phenomena of wave break-
ing, the deformation of short waves riding on swell, and the
rapid response of waves interacting with an abrupt change
in an underlying current. These latter cases are of particu-
lar interest in navigating in shallow coastal waters.
Given a train of short waves with wave number k and
Figure 2.24 Tides at Four Locations Showing a) Dominant Semi-diurnal intrinsic frequency ω, the steady kinematic conservation
Tide, b) Mixed Tide, and d) Fully Diurnal Tide (23) equation is given by:
2-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

∂k 3. Neumann G. and Pierson, W. J., Principles of Physical

+ ∇( σ + k ⋅ u ) = 0 [ 67 ]
∂t Oceanography, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1966
4. Knauss, J. A., Introduction to Physical Oceanography, Pren-
where u, is the near surface horizontal velocity of the fluid. tice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978
Conservation of wave action provides 5. Sverdrup, H. U. M., Johnson, W., and Fleming, R. H., The
Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry and General Biology, Pren-
∂ 
E tice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1942
 σ

(  )
E 
+ ∇ ⋅  u + Cg    = 0
[ 68 ]
6. Pickard, G. L. and Emery, W. J., Descriptive Physical
Oceanography An Introduction, 5th ed., Pergamon Press,
NY, 1993
where E is the energy density of the wave train and Cg is 7. Lamb, Sir H., Hydrodynamics, Dover, New York, NY, 1932
the wave group velocity. 8. Ekman, V. W., “On the Influence of the Earth’s Rotation on
Inspection of these results provides some interesting Ocean Currents,” Ark. F. Mat., Astron. och Fysik, 2(11):1–53,
cases. For a current with velocity varying in the direction 1905
of flow, u=u(x), such as ebb flow from an estuary, two cases 9. Wiegel, R. L., Gravity Waves, Tables of Functions, Engi-
neering Foundation Council on Wave Research, Berkeley,
exist. For waves traveling in the same direction as the cur-
CA, 1954
rent, u>0, the wave number k is reduced (wavelength is in-
10. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Shore Protection Manual,
creased) and the wave height decreases. For waves CERC/WES, Vicksburg, MS, 1984
encountering an adverse current, u<0, their wavelength is 11. Dalrymple, R. A., Kirby, J. T. and Hwang, P. A., “Wave dif-
shortened, their group velocity is decreased and they become fraction due to areas of high energy dissipation,” Journal of
less able to propagate against the current. If the current is Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Eng., 110:67–79, 1984
of sufficient strength, wave blocking may occur and the 12. Kirby, J. T., “Higher Order Approximation to the Parabolic
waves appear stationary in space. The energy density of the Equation Method for Water Waves,” Journal of Geophys.
wave train increases and is limited by wave breaking. Res., 91: 933–952, 1984
A similar set of conditions can be evaluated for the case 13. Ebersole, B. A., “Refraction-diffraction Model for Linear
of waves encountering a shear current, u=u(y). In general, Water Waves,” Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
for the case of waves propagating with a component in the Eng., 111(6), 1985
direction of the current, wave direction will refract to be- 14. Panchang, V. G., Cushman-Roisin, B., Pearce, B. R., “Com-
bined Refraction-diffraction of Short Waves for Large Coastal
come more aligned with the current, wavelength will in-
Regions,” Coastal Engineering, 12:133–156, 1988
crease and wave energy density will decrease. For the case 15. Xu, B., Panchang, V., and Demirbilek, Z., “Exterior Reflec-
of wave propagation with a component adverse to the cur- tions in Elliptic Harbor Wave Models,” Journal of Waterway,
rent, refraction will turn the wave train more normal to the Port, Coastal and Ocean Eng., 122:118–126, 1996
current with a decrease of wavelength and an increase in 16. Dalrymple, R. A., Eubanks, R. A., and Birkemeier, W. A.,
wave energy density. “Wave-induced Circulations in Shallow Basins,” Journal of
Similar phenomena have been observed for tidally driven Waterways, Ports, Coastal and Ocean Division,” ASCE,
flow interacting with bottom topographic irregularities. As 103:117–135,1977
a spatially variable current (tidal rip) is established over a 17. McCowan, J., “On the Highest Wave of Permanent Type,”
submarine feature, surface wave variations should be ex- Phil. Mag., Series 5(38):351–357, 1894
pected. These variations in the local wave field can be se- 18. Kinsman, B., Wind Waves, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
vere and pose a potential hazard to navigation. NJ, 1965
19. Zubaly, R. B., Applied Naval Architecture, SNAME, Jersey
City, NJ, 1996
20. Schwab, D. J. and Morton, J. A., “Estimation of Overlake
Wind Speed from Overland Wind Speed: A Comparison of
Three Methods,” Journal of Great Lakes. Res. 10(1):68–72,
1. Government of Canada and U.S. Environmental Protection 1984
Agency, The Great Lakes: An Environmental Atlas and Re- 21. Mei, C. C. and Agnon, Y., “Long-period Oscillations in a
source Book, Great Lakes National Program Office, U.S. En- Harbor Induced by Incident Short Wave,” Journal of Fluid
vironmental Protection Agency, Chicago, IL, 1995 Mechanics, 208:595–608, 1989
2. National Research Council Committee on Ships’Ballast Op- 22. Anikouchine, W. A. and Sternberg, R. W., The World Ocean,
erations, Stemming the Tide: Controlling Introductions of 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, NJ,1981
Nonindigenous Species by Ships’ Ballast Water. National 23. Defant, A., Physical Oceanography, Pergamon Press, Lon-
Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1996 don, 1961
Chapter 2: The Marine Environment 2-29

24. Phillips, O. M., The Structure of Short Gravity Waves on the Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Benoit Cushman-
Ocean Surface, in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar for Roisin, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Oceanography, Johns Hopkins Oceanographic Studies, No. Introduction to Physical Oceanography, John A. Knauss, Pren-
7, Johns Hopkins University Press, Laurel, MD, 1981 tice Hall, 1978.
Principles of Ocean Physics, John R. Apel, Academic Press, 2000.
Principles of Physical Oceanography, Gerhard Neumann and
2.8 RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Willard J. Pierson, Jr., Prentice Hall, 1966.
Shore Protection Manual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
The following titles are recommended reading for further de-
CERC/WES, 1984.
tails pertaining to the topics presented within this chapter:
“Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists,” Rogert G.
Dynamics of the Upper Ocean, 2nd ed., Owen M. Phillips, Cam- Dean and Robert A. Dalrymple, World Scientific, 1991.
bridge University Press, 1977. Wind Waves, Blair Kinsman, Prentice Hall, 1965.
Chapter 3
The Marine Industry

Tim Colton

3.1 INTRODUCTION 1. cargo ships—self-propelled, commercial, oceangoing

ships that are primarily designed to carry the world’s trade,
The goal of this chapter is to describe the industrial context 2. passenger vessels—self-propelled, commercial, vessels
in which ships are designed and built. While some under- that are primarily designed to carry passengers and ve-
standing of the history of the marine industry is essential, hicles,
because much of what drives the industry has its roots in 3. naval vessels—self-propelled ships, boats and craft op-
history, it is believed that adequate coverage is provided in erated by navies, coast guards and other military or quasi-
other publications (1–6). Because the unusually long eco- military agencies,
nomic life of a ship creates a business cycle that lasts for 4. other self-propelled vessels—ships and craft used for
over 30 years, the structure and practices of the marine in- catching, processing and transporting fish and fish prod-
dustry are always influenced in some way by the events of ucts; ships and craft used for the offshore exploration and
the preceding 30-plus years. In fact, many events in the his- production of oil and gas; tugs and towboats; and all
tory of the past 58 years, since the end of World War II, are other commercial vessels that do work rather than carry
still relevant. cargo or passengers, and
Although the marine industry in the United States is in 5. barges and other inshore vessels—oceangoing and in-
some ways isolated from those of other nations, the marine land barges, self-propelled river-trading vessels and a
industry as a whole is both international and multinational. range of miscellaneous floating structures.
As a result, it is also necessary to examine the structure of
the industry worldwide. The various types and subtypes of ships and craft in each
This chapter is divided into three parts. Section 3.2 de- of these categories are discussed in the next five sub-sections.
scribes the universe of ships, boats and other vessels that are The structure of the fleet as a whole is summarized in
designed, built and operated by the marine industry; Section round numbers in Table 3.I.
3.3 describes the marine industry itself; and Section 3.4 sum-
marizes the current state of the marine industry.
3.2.2 Cargo Ships
Cargo ships can be described in three categories:

3.2 THE WORLD FLEET TODAY 1. liquid cargo carriers (tankers)—ships that carry liquid
cargoes such as oil, refined petroleum products, chem-
3.2.1 Introduction icals and liquefied gas in bulk,
The world fleet of ships and other floating structures can be 2. dry bulk cargo carriers (bulkers)—ships that carry dry
defined in five broad categories: cargoes such as grain, coal and ore in bulk, and

3 -1
3-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

3. general cargo carriers—ships that carry cargoes in other ating flexibility defined by a ship’s ability to transit the
than bulk forms, that is, packaged, palletized, con- Panama Canal, but in the number of shipyards that have the
tainerized or wheeled. ability to build or to drydock a ship of this size. As will be
seen in the next section, there is a marked distinction be-
Table 3.II summarizes the world fleet of cargo ships at
tween the relatively small number of shipyards that can
the beginning of 2002, in numbers of vessels and in ton-
build or drydock ships that are wider than Panamax and the
nage (both GT and DWT) (7).
relatively large number of shipyards that cannot build or
In the discussion of the structure of the fleet by type that
drydock ships that are wider than Panamax.
follows, a distinction is made between ships that are greater
Attention is also drawn in the ensuing discussion to the
than Panamax in breadth (about 32.2 m) and those that are not.
average age of each sector of the fleet. As a generalization,
The significance of this distinction lies not in the oper-
naval architects design ships to last up to 30 years. The av-
erage age of the world cargo fleet is 18 years, which sug-
gests an average life of over 30 years. In addition, the growth
TABLE 3.I The World Fleet as a Whole in the number of ships in the fleet means that there are more
younger ships in the fleet than older, so the average life of
Ship Type Category Number a cargo ship must, in fact, be well over 30 years. This means
that, if the fleet never grew in total size and there were no
Cargo Ships 40 000 cyclical fluctuations in its composition, about 3% of its ca-
Passenger Vessels 7500 pacity would be renewed each year. Since the fleet does
Naval Ships and Craft 26 500 grow, however, its average age ought to be less than 18 and
more than 3% of its total capacity ought to be built new
Other Self-Propelled Vessels 42 000
each year.
Barges and Other Inshore Vessels 238 000 In addition to this continuing requirement to renew the
Total 354 000 fleet, the size of the fleet grows over the long term at about
3% a year, measured in GT, and at just over 2% a year,
measured in numbers of ships. This growth, which is illus-
trated in Figures 3.1 and 3.2, results from the inexorable in-
TABLE 3.II The World Fleet of Cargo Ships crease in world trade, which is driven by consumption,
which is, in turn, driven by population growth. The signif-
Ship Type Number GT (mm) DWT (mm) icant difference between the rate of growth of tonnage and
the rate of growth of the number of ships is a reflection partly
Liquid Cargo 11 083 196 334
of the increasing size of all types of cargo ships and partly of
Dry Bulk Cargo 6476 168 297 the increasing efficiency of the shipping industry.
General Cargo 22 739 157 175 Cyclical fluctuations in fleet renewal result in variations
in the average age: if the age of one particular sector of the
Totals 40 298 521 806
fleet is above average, for example, that sector is overdue
for renewal, and vice versa. In addition, if the average age
of a particular sector is decreasing, its renewal rate must be
TABLE 3.III- The World Fleet of Tankers increasing, and vice versa. An examination of these two
trends provides a helpful indicator, at a macro level, of ship-
Ship Type Number GT (mm) DWT (mm) building market opportunities.

Crude Carriers 1793 131 242 Liquid cargo carriers

Product Carriers 5191 25 42 Ships that carry liquid cargoes in bulk, or tankers, are clas-
Chemical Carriers 2598 19 30 sified by the cargo they carry, which generally determines
their internal design. The four main categories are oil car-
LNG Carriers 128 11 8
riers, chemical carriers, gas carriers and others, but the oil
LPG Carriers 1025 9 11 carrier and gas carrier fleets include two distinct subsets
Other Types 348 1 1 and there are some gray areas in the breakdown.
Table 3.III summarizes the world fleet of liquid cargo
Totals 11 083 196 334
carriers, or tankers.
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-3

The oil carrier fleet is really two fleets. Most large tankers also carry chemicals, so many of the simpler chemical car-
are relatively simple ships that only carry crude oil, while riers can also carry refined products and some of them also
most of the smaller ones carry refined products and have carry LPG. Of this fleet, only about 1% are of at least 60
much more complex cargo-handling systems. The dividing 000 tonnes and potentially more than Panamax in breadth.
line between the two groups is in the region of 60 000 tons, The average age of the fleet is about 14 years and rising:
which also corresponds roughly to the dividing line between the renewal rate in 2001 was about 6.0% and falling.
ships that are more or less than Panamax beam, but there Companies in Norway, Japan, the U.S., and Greece dom-
are exceptions to both these rules. In addition, many of the inate the ownership of chemical carriers.
more sophisticated product carriers, especially the smaller The gas carrier fleet is really two fleets—liquefied nat-
ones, can also carry chemicals. ural gas carriers, (LNG carriers, or LNGCs), and liquefied
At the beginning of 2002, there were 1793 crude carriers petroleum gas carriers, (LPG carriers or LPGCs).
in the world fleet, with a total deadweight capacity of about At the beginning of 2002, there were128 liquefied nat-
242 million tonnes and an average size of about 135 000 dead- ural gas carriers, with a total capacity of about 14.3 mil-
weight tonnes. Of this fleet, about 25% are of less than 60 000 lion cubic meters and an average size of about 112 000 cubic
deadweight tonnes and are probably not more than Panamax meters. Virtually all the LNGCs are more than Panamax in
in breadth; about 50% are of at least 60 000 tonnes but less breadth, almost all of them being of about the same size,
than 175 000 tonnes, and about 25% are of at least 175 000 around 125 000 to 140 000 cubic meters in capacity. The
tonnes and are referred to either as very large crude carriers average age of the LNGC fleet is about 14 years and steady:
(VLCCs) or as ultra large crude carriers (ULCCs). The aver- the renewal rate in 2001 was about 1.0% and rising.
age age of the crude carrier fleet is about 13 years and rising: Companies in Japan and Bermuda dominate the owner-
the renewal rate in 2001 was about 5.0% and falling. ship of LNG carriers.
Companies in Greece, Japan, Norway and the U.S. dom- At the beginning of 2002, there were 1025 liquefied pe-
inate the ownership of crude carriers. troleum gas carriers, with a total capacity of about 14 mil-
At the beginning of 2002, there were 5191 product car- lion cubic meters and an average size of about 13 800 cubic
riers in the world fleet, with a total deadweight capacity of meters. None of these LPGCs is larger than Panamax. The
about 42 million tonnes and an average size of about 8000 average age of the LPGC fleet is about 16 years and rising:
deadweight tonnes. Of this fleet, only about 2% are of at the renewal rate in 2001 was about 4.8% and rising.
least 60 000 tonnes and potentially more than Panamax in Companies in Norway and Japan dominate the owner-
breadth. The average age of the fleet is about 22 years and ship of LPG carriers.
rising: the renewal rate in 2001 was about 2.2% and falling. At the beginning of 2002, there were 348 tankers of other
Companies in Greece, Japan, the U.S., China, Russia, types in the world fleet, with a total deadweight capacity of
and Singapore dominate the ownership of product carriers. about 0.8 million tonnes and an average size of about 2200
At the beginning of 2002, there were 2598 chemical car- deadweight tonnes. None of these ships is more than Pana-
riers in the world fleet, with a total deadweight capacity of max in breadth. This category includes several small sub-
about 30 million tonnes and an average size of about 11 types, such as tankers that are specially designed to carry
700 deadweight tonnes. Just as many product carriers can water, fruit juices, molasses, vegetable oils, wine, asphalt

Figure 3.1 Growth in Tonnage Figure 3.2 Growth in Number of Ships

3-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

and molten sulfur. The average age of this fleet is about 24 fleet is about 16 years and rising rapidly: the renewal rate in
years and rising: there is currently very little renewal of this 2001 was only 1.0% and falling.
sector. Companies in Norway and Greece dominate the own-
Companies in Japan, Norway and the U.S. dominate the ership of combi carriers.
ownership of other types of tankers. At the beginning of 2002, there were 171 self-unload-
Tankers are relatively simple ships to build and virtually ers in the world fleet, including the Great Lakes ships, with
all that are Panamax or larger are now built in Japanese, Ko- a total deadweight capacity of about 6 million tonnes and
rean or Chinese shipyards. European yards still build some an average size of about 33 000 deadweight tonnes. Of this
of the higher-value, more complex types, such as chemical fleet, only about 10% are greater than Panamax in breadth.
carriers, gas carriers and the special cargo carriers. In ad- The average age of the self-unloader fleet is about 26 years
dition, the smaller sizes of tanker are more likely to be built and rising: the renewal rate in 2001 was 3.3% and rising.
in shipyards located in the same geographic region as their Companies in the U.S. and Canada dominate the own-
owners. ership of self-unloaders.
Design information for liquid cargo ships is presented At the beginning of 2002, there were 1104 bulkers of
as follows: other types in the world fleet, with a total deadweight ca-
pacity of about 9 million tonnes and an average size of about
Chapter 29 – Oil Tankers
8200 deadweight tonnes. This category includes special-
Chapter 31 – Chemical Tankers
ized designs that carry such cargoes as cement, wood chips
Chapter 32 – Liquefied Gas Carriers
and urea. None of these ships is more than Panamax in
breadth. The average age of this fleet is about 18 years and Dry bulk cargo carriers rising: the renewal rate in 2001 was about 2.4% and rising.
Dry bulk cargo carriers, or bulkers, are classified by the Companies in Japan dominate the ownership of other
cargo they carry, which generally determines their internal types of bulkers.
design. The four main categories are standard dry bulk car- Bulkers are the simplest of ships to build and virtually
riers, which carry coal, ore and grain, combination carriers,
which can carry either dry bulk cargoes or crude oil, self-
unloaders, and others.
Table 3.IV summarizes the world fleet of dry bulk cargo TABLE 3.IV The World Fleet of Bulkers
carriers, or bulkers.
At the beginning of 2002, there were 5000 standard dry Ship Type Number GT (mm) DWT (mm)
bulk carriers in the world fleet, with a total deadweight ca-
pacity of about 268 million tonnes and an average size of Standard Bulkers 5000 150 268
about 53 600 deadweight tons. Of this fleet, about 70% are Combi Carriers 201 8 14
of less than 60 000 tonnes and probably less than Panamax Self-Unloaders 171 3 6
in breadth, while about 20% are of at least 60 000 tonnes Other Types 1104 7 9
but less than 125 000 tonnes, and the remaining 10% are
very large bulk carriers (VLBCs) of over 125 000 dead- Totals 6476 168 297
weight tonnes.
The average age of the bulker fleet is about 14 years and
steady: the renewal rate in 2001 was about 7.5% and ris- TABLE 3.V The World Fleet of General Cargo Ships
Companies in Greece, Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Ship Type Number GT (mm) DWT (mm)
South Korea dominate the ownership of standard bulkers.
At the beginning of 2002, there were 201 combination Break-Bulk 16 446 53 75
carriers in the world fleet, with a total deadweight capacity Containerships 2756 67 77
of about 14 million tonnes and an average size of about 71
Refrig. Cargo 1407 7 7
900 deadweight tonnes. Of this fleet, about 40% are of less
than 60 000 tonnes and probably less than Panamax in Roll-On/Roll-Off 1871 28 14
breadth, while another 40% are of at least 60 000 tonnes but Other Types 259 2 2
less than 125 000 tonnes, and the remaining 20% are of over
Totals 22 739 157 175
125 000 tonnes. The average age of the combination carrier
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-5

all that are Panamax or larger are now built in Japanese, Ko- ship fleet is about 5200 deadweight tonnes or about 6700
rean or Chinese shipyards. Only the smallest sizes of bulker cubic meters capacity. Virtually all the ships in this fleet are
are likely to be built in shipyards located in the same geo- under 15 000 deadweight tonnes, or about 19 000 cubic me-
graphic region as their owners. ters capacity, and there are none that are larger than Pana-
Design information for dry bulk cargo carriers is pre- max. The average age of the reefer ship fleet is about 19
sented in Chapter 33. years and rising: the renewal rate in 2001 was 2.1% and
falling. General cargo carriers Companies in Japan and Greece dominate the ownership
General cargo carriers are classified by their configuration. of reefer ships.
The five main categories are break-bulk cargo ships, which At the beginning of 2002, there were 1871 roll-on/roll-
carry cargo in packages, in bundles or on pallets; contain- off ships in the world fleet, excluding passenger-vehicle fer-
erships, which carry cargo in standard-sized boxes loaded ries, with a total deadweight capacity of about 14 million
in cellular holds; refrigerated cargo (reefer) ships, which tonnes and an average size of about 7300 deadweight tonnes.
carry perishable cargoes in insulated holds or in insulated Virtually all the ships in this fleet are less than 45 000 dead-
containers in uninsulated holds; roll-on/roll-off (RO-RO) weight tonnes and there are none that are larger than Pana-
ships, which carry wheeled cargo; and others, which in- max. The average age is about 17 years and steady: the
clude ships that are specially designed to carry livestock, renewal rate in 2001 was 2.4% and falling.
barges and unusually heavy loads. Table 3.V summarizes Companies in Japan, with over a third of the total ca-
the world fleet of general cargo carriers. pacity, dominate the ownership of ro-ro ships but Norway
At the beginning of 2002, there were 16 446 break-bulk and Sweden also have significant fleets.
cargo ships in the world fleet, with a total deadweight ca- At the beginning of 2002, there were 259 general cargo
pacity of about 75 million tonnes and an average size of carriers of other types in the world fleet, with a total dead-
weight capacity of about 2 million tonnes and an average
about 4600 deadweight tonnes. Of this fleet, about 75% are
size of about 7800 deadweight tonnes. The average age of
of less than 5000 deadweight tonnes, designed essentially
this fleet is about 25 years and rising rapidly: the renewal
for short sea trades, and there are none that are larger than
rate in 2001 was negligible and falling.
Panamax in breadth. The average age of the break-bulk
Companies in the Netherlands and the U.S. dominate
cargo ship fleet is about 22 years and rising: the renewal
the ownership of other types of general cargo ship.
rate in 2001 was about 1.3% and falling.
Container ships are relatively simple ships to build and
The ownership of break-bulk ships is concentrated in
virtually all that are Panamax or larger are now built in
China, Greece, Norway, Germany, Russia, and Japan.
Japanese, Korean or Chinese shipyards. European yards
At the beginning of 2002, there were 2756 container still build their share of the other types, however, and the
ships in the world fleet, with a total deadweight capacity of smaller sizes of general cargo ship are much more likely to
about 77 million tonnes or about 5.3 million twenty-foot be built in the same geographic region as their owners.
equivalent units (TEUs). The average size of this fleet is Design information for general cargo carriers is pre-
about 27 800 deadweight tonnes or about 1930 TEUs and sented in:
increasing. Of this fleet, about 12% are of over 4000 TEUs
and probably more than Panamax in breadth: these post- Chapter 27 – Multi-purpose Cargo Ships
Panamax ships represent about 32% of the total fleet’s ca- Chapter 28 – Reefer Ships
pacity. The average age of the containership fleet is only Chapter 35 – RO-RO and RO-LO Ships
about 10 years and falling: the renewal rate in 2001 was Chapter 36 – Container Ship
about 11.5% and falling.
The ownership of container ships is dominated by com-
3.2.3 Passenger Vessels
panies in Germany, with almost 25% of the total capacity,
but Taiwan, Japan, Denmark, Greece, the U.S., China, the Passenger vessels are classified by the type of service that
United Kingdom, Singapore, and South Korea all have sig- they offer, which generally determines their internal design.
nificant fleets. There are four main categories:
At the beginning of 2002, there were 1407 refrigerated 1. cruise ships—ships that carry passengers only, operat-
cargo ships in the world fleet, with a total deadweight ca- ing oceanic services that are determined by the tourism
pacity of about 7 million tonnes or about 9.4 million cubic market,
meters of insulated capacity. The average size of the reefer 2. deep-sea ferries—ships that carry either passengers only
3-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

or both passengers and vehicles (cars, trucks and trail- passenger liners in the world fleet. The business of carry-
ers), operating on regularly scheduled services and pro- ing passengers by sea for any distance that requires more
viding overnight accommodation, than a single night on board ship has been entirely elimi-
3. short-sea ferries—vessels of conventional design that nated by the universal and relatively inexpensive availabil-
carry either passengers only or passengers and vehicles, ity of air travel. There are a few ships in the cruise fleet that
on regularly scheduled services but not providing started life as liners, most notably the Queen Elizabeth 2
overnight accommodation: these ferries are not gener- and the Norway (ex-France) and both these ships still un-
ally oceangoing and have speeds that do not generally dertake North Atlantic crossings, a route not normally as-
exceed 25 knots, and sociated with cruising. In addition, Cunard’s current
4. fast ferries—vessels that are specifically designed for newbuilding, to be called Queen Mary 2, is designed to be
high-speed service and carry at least 50 passengers, at a liner as well as a cruise ship. Very few of the transatlantic
speeds in excess of 25 knots. passengers on these ships are traveling from Britain to the
U.S. on business, however, or purely to get from one coun-
Table 3.VI summarizes the fleet of passenger ships (8).
try to the other: they are on vacation.
At the beginning of 2002, there were 372 cruise ships
At the beginning of 2002, there were 2973 deep-sea fer-
in the world fleet identified by Lloyd’s Register, totaling
ries in the world fleet. The ships in this fleet vary a good deal
about 9 million gross tons: the average size of this fleet is
in size: they average about 5 000 gross tons, with a passen-
about 24 000 gross tons and the average age is about 23
ger capacity of about 300. They have an average age of about
years. Industry sources counted 255 large cruise ships at the
22 years which has been rising, but the sector’s renewal rate
same point in time, with a total of 244 250 berths, an aver-
is about 7%. Deep-sea ferries generally operate in markets
age capacity of about 950 berths per ship (9).
that are relatively well protected from the incursions of other
The average size of the cruise ship fleet is increasing
modes of transportation. These markets include those for
rapidly and the average age is falling, for two reasons. First,
low-cost transportation services to remote, less developed
the new ships that have been added in recent years and that
islands and territories, and those for regional cruising. In the
are under construction are much bigger than in the past, av-
first case, the availability of economical and reliable trans-
eraging 60 000 gross tons and 1500 berths, and reaching up
portation to outlying areas is a necessary part of regional de-
to as large as 140 000 gross tons and 4000 berths. Second,
velopment. In the second case, ferry services that also serve
the cruise industry’s growth rate in recent years has been
vacationers enjoy a unique and growing market niche, linked
about 10% a year (9): the older ships are now being retired
to tourism and recreation rather than to transportation. This
and these ships are mostly much smaller than the new ships
construction market is also highly concentrated; many of
that replaced them.
these ships are European-built, but Asia is increasing its mar-
Companies in the U.S. dominate the ownership of cruise
ket share.
Companies in Greece, Italy, and Japan dominate the
A feature of this market sector is the concentration of its
ownership of cruise ferries.
construction: there are only four major builders of large
At the beginning of 2002, there were at least 2710 short-
cruise ships—all in Europe—and their combined output is
sea ferries in the world fleet. This figure may understate the
only six or seven ships a year.
size of the fleet, however, because many small ferries are
It should be noted here that there are no longer any true
owned by government agencies, which do not have to reg-
ister the vessels, and many small ferries are so small as to
escape counting.
TABLE 3.VI The World Fleet of Passenger Vessels The vessels in this fleet vary a good deal in size, rang-
ing up to as much as 20 000 gross tons but averaging only
Ship Type Category Number about 500. Passenger capacities range up to 2200, with an
average of about 200. Their average age is about 20 years
Cruise Ships 372 and steady, as the renewal rate is about 2.3%. Most of these
vessels provide low-cost transportation services in compe-
Deep-Sea Ferries 2973
tition with land transportation modes. As these ships are
Short-Sea Ferries 2710 relatively simple to build, the market for their construction
Fast Ferries 1400 is universal: short-sea ferries are built everywhere.
Companies in Indonesia and Japan dominate the own-
Total 7455
ership of short-sea ferries.
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-7

There is no reliable single source of information on the tributed, geographically. Most of the development of cata-
structure of the fast ferry fleet. Excluding the many hydro- maran and monohull technology has taken place in Australia,
foils built in the former Soviet Union, most of which are a country not generally thought of as on the leading edge
still extant but no longer operating, over 1600 fast ferries of maritime technology, and Australian shipbuilders are the
have been built since the tecnhnology was introduced. As- major builders, extending their influence to other world re-
suming that the older vessels have been scrapped, there are gions through licensing arrangements. The leading devel-
probably still at least 1400 active vessels, including about opers of hydrofoils, however, are in Russia and Italy, and
700 multihulls, about 300 hydrofoils, about 250 monohulls, these two countries still dominate their construction.
and about 150 surface-effect craft (10). By contrast, although the surface-effect ship was a British
In general, the vessels in this category have much higher invention, its subsequent development for military appli-
performance characteristics than either deep-sea or short- cations was mostly in the U.S., and for commercial appli-
sea ferries, which are conventional in design. This higher cations was in the Far East.
performance takes the form either of higher speed or of Design information for passenger vessels is presented in:
more comfortable ship motions in offshore operating envi-
Chapter 37 – Passenger Ships
ronments, or both.
Chapter 38 – Ferries
Fast ferries do not vary much in size, ranging up to about
Chapter 44 – High Speed Surface Craft
2500 gross tons and averaging about 300. Their speeds av-
Chapter 45 – Catamarans
erage over 30 knots and their passenger capacities about
Chapter 46 – SWATH and Trimarans
250. This fleet represents the cutting edge of marine tech-
nology and its average age is only about 10 years. The na-
ture of these vessels implies some extension of the passenger 3.2.4 Naval Ships and Craft
transportation markets that are served, either as an exten-
The world fleet of naval ships and craft includes not only
sion of vessel capabilities to serve a larger or more distant
warships of all types and sizes but also those non-military
region or as an improvement in vessel performance to cre-
ships and craft that are owned by the world’s navies and by
ate or improve market share in competition with other modes
other quasi-naval government agencies, such as coast guards,
of transportation. In the case of hydrofoils, the nature of the
customs services, immigration services and fisheries pro-
technology effectively limits the application of these ves-
tection services.
sels to more sheltered waters and thus forces them into
There are about 26 500 naval ships and craft in the world
closer competition with these other modes. The largest con-
fleet, in eight major categories:
centration of catamarans is in China, Norway, and Australia,
hydrofoils in Italy and Greece, monohulls in Japan, and 1. aircraft carriers,
SES craft in China and Hong Kong. 2. submarines,
The construction of high-speed ferries is unusually dis- 3. large surface combatants,
4. small surface combatants,
5. mine-warfare ships and craft,
6. amphibious-warfare ships and craft,
TABLE 3.VII The World Fleet of Naval Ships and Craft
7. seagoing auxiliaries, and
Ship Type Category Number 8. service and other craft.
Design information for all of the above naval ship types
Aircraft Carriers 30 except the last is provided in detail in Chapter 54 – Naval
Submarines 600 Vessels and Chapter 55 – Submarines.
Large Surface Combatants 800 The world fleet of naval ships and craft is summarized
in round numbers in Table 3.VII (11).
Small Surface Combatants 8150
The totals shown in Table 3.VII are conservative, for
Mine-Warfare Ships and Craft 1070 three reasons:
Amphibious-Warfare Ships and Craft 5200
1. there is considerable uncertainty concerning the dispo-
Seagoing Auxiliaries 1700 sition of the former Soviet fleet,
Service and Other Craft 8900 2. it is very difficult to count the numbers of smaller ves-
sels and service craft in some navies, including some of
Total 26 450
the largest, such as that of China, and
3-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

3. it is always difficult to determine which vessels are ac- The non-nuclear submarine, although spurned by the
tive, which are in reserve but could be reactivated and U.S., is increasing in popularity elsewhere, as an effective
which are beyond reactivation or have actually been and economical method of coastal patrol. There are now
scrapped; it is particularly difficult in the wake of post- over 40 nations with non-nuclear submarine fleets, includ-
Cold War downsizing and in the case of many of the de- ing three in Africa, ten in Asia, one in Australasia, two in
veloping economies. the Middle East, six in Eastern Europe, eleven in Western
Europe, and eight in the Americas. The fleet totals over 400.
It should be noted also that there is overlap between the
Construction of non-nuclear submarines, both conven-
different ship type categories. Some navies tend to overstate.
tional diesel and air-independent, is more concentrated: at
A World War II-vintage tug is described as an offshore pa-
the beginning of 2003, at least 40 boats were under con-
trol vessel, for example, or an 8 m launch as a patrol boat.
struction, by shipyards located in 13 countries—Brazil,
As a result, the values presented in Table 3.VII are no
China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Pak-
more than an indication of the size of the world fleet.
istan, Russia, South Korea, Spain, and Turkey (12). Aircraft carriers Large surface combatants

Aircraft carriers are the only naval vessels that can be de- With the end of the Cold War, the need for large surface com-
scribed as very large. They are designed primarily for the batants—battleships, cruisers, destroyers and frigates—has
projection of naval power over wide areas, an objective only dwindled. The battleship is no more and the cruiser is going
the United States and the former Soviet Union have at- the same way: there are only three ships so described outside
tempted since World War II and the Soviet Union preferred the U.S. and Russian Navies, one each in the navies of Italy,
to invest in submarines. The only significant carrier force Peru and Ukraine. At the beginning of 2003, there were no
today is that of the U.S. Navy: the only other navy with a longer any cruisers under construction anywhere in the world.
nuclear-powered big-deck carrier is that of France, which Similarly, only 21 navies now count destroyers in their
also has one conventionally powered big-deck carrier and fleets and the total fleet is only 240 ships. Four of these 21
one V/STOL carrier. The Indian and Brazilian navies each navies (Egypt, Mexico, South Korea, and Taiwan) operate
still have a WWII-vintage ex-British carrier to help them 20 WWII-era ships, while another eight (Argentina, Aus-
control the Indian and South Atlantic oceans, respectively. tralia, Chile, Greece, India, Pakistan, Poland, Romania) op-
Vertical/short take-off and landing (V/STOL) or jump- erate another 20 ships made excess by either the U.S.,
deck carriers are increasingly popular in the second tier of British, or Soviet Navies since WWII. This leaves only 12
the world’s navies: there are now 10 of these vessels oper- navies (Britain, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
ational or under construction, six in Western European Italy, Japan, South Korea, Romania, Russia, and the U.S.)
Navies, two in the Russian Navy, one in the Indian Navy, operating 200 purpose-built destroyers.
and one, specially designed to be able to undertake multi- Frigates are more popular, although the number of this
ple missions, in the Thai Navy. type is also declining: there are about 520 such ships oper-
At the beginning of 2003, the only countries with air- ated by 56 navies, the greatest concentration being in Eu-
craft carriers under construction or planned were Britain, rope, whose navies collectively operate 170, followed by
Italy and the U.S. China and the U.S., each with about 40.
Construction of large surface combatants is fairly con- Submarines centrated: in early 2003 there were about 55 destroyers and
The alternative Cold War means of power projection was 65 frigates under construction. The destroyers were being
the nuclear-powered submarine, whether in its strategic built in Britain, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, South
form, as a carrier of intercontinental ballistic missiles, or Korea, and the U.S., while the frigates were being built in
its tactical form, as a hunter-killer. With the end of the Cold Australia, Brazil, Britain, China, Denmark, France, Ger-
War, the number of nuclear submarines has been greatly re- many, India, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Tai-
duced and is still declining: the current figure is 187, but wan, and Turkey (12).
this is almost certainly over-stated. The only nuclear-pow-
ered submarines other than those of the U.S. and Russia are Small surface combatants
those of the other three permanent members of the Secu- Small combatants are employed in a variety of roles, both
rity Council, Britain, France, and China, and these are also military and quasi-military. Corvettes and guided-missile pa-
the only other countries with nuclear-powered submarine trol vessels are generally employed by national navies in force
building programs. projection and national defense roles, but because of their
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-9

relatively small size, rarely go beyond a nation’s home wa- ships are used to find and/or to clear mines that have been laid
ters, including the extended economic zone (EEZ). Smaller in a navigable waterway. They are not normally used for lay-
and less sophisticated patrol craft are generally employed by ing mines, which does not require a special vessel type. Some-
national navies in coastal, inshore, and riverine areas, and by thing approaching a state of war must generally exist between
law enforcement agencies such as Coast Guards, immigra- the layer and the clearer of mines, although the layer may be
tion services, customs services, and police forces. a terrorist organization rather than a warring nation. A na-
The number of craft that an individual nation requires, tion’s need for mine countermeasures capability depends on
and their degree of sophistication, depends on such factors the size and nature of its seaborne trade and the impact that
as the length of the nation’s coastline, the number of major any disruption of this commerce would have on its economy.
ports, the size of the offshore area and the nation’s percep- While the technology of mine warfare is constantly
tion of the value of its offshore resources, such as oil and evolving and new and more sophisticated mines continue
gas reserves or fisheries. The nature and volume of com- to be developed, it has been said that no mine is ever obso-
mercial shipping within the offshore area also contribute to lete. As a result, mine hunters and clearers must be equipped
the demand, as do the nation’s relations with its neighbors. for even the most primitive contact mine, which remains ef-
There are about 1400 corvettes, offshore patrol vessels, fective today and requires much the same clearance tech-
large, missile-equipped patrol craft, and similar ships in the niques as the most modern mines.
world’s navies. The concentrations are in the fleets of Japan, There are about 1070 mine-warfare vessels in the world
China, Taiwan, the U.S., India, Mexico, Germany, South fleet, including about 75 that are either under construction
Korea, and Greece. or the subject of specific construction plans.
There are about 6750 small combatants in the world The vessels in this fleet range in size considerably, but
fleet: these cover a broad range of sub-types and include nu- only a very few are over 1000 displacement tons and the av-
merous vessels that are classified by their owners as patrol erage size is about 550 tonnes. The average speed is 14.5
craft but are, in reality, no more than small boats. The ves- knots and the average crew size is 40. About 42% of all mine-
sels in this fleet also range in size considerably. The great warfare vessels are made of wood, about 32% of GRP, about
bulk of them are smaller than 1000 displacement tons and 13% of steel, and about 13% of some combination of mate-
the average size is about 265 tons. Their average speed is rials. The average age of this fleet appears to be over 20 years,
over 30 knots and the average crew size is 25. The average but as with patrol craft, this figure may be misleading.
age of this fleet appears to be close to 17 years, but this fig- The concentration of mine-warfare vessels is instruc-
ure may be misleading, because the year of build of many tive. The largest fleets are those of China, Sweden, Ger-
of the smaller vessels is not always known and, in some many, Hungary, Japan, Turkey, and Romania. By contrast,
cases, only a range of years of delivery of a large class of many countries with major ports seem to be significantly
vessels is known. under-protected. Several Middle Eastern, Central and South
Small combatants are, of course, found everywhere: for American countries have no mine-warfare vessels at all.
about 50 countries, this is the only type of vessel that they As with other types of naval vessels, the construction of
possess. The largest fleets outside the U.S. are those of North mine-warfare craft is concentrated. At the beginning of 2003,
Korea, Thailand, Venezuela, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, China, mine-warfare vessels were under construction in Germany,
Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Greece, Taiwan, Iraq, South Italy, Japan, Russia, South Korea, Spain, and Turkey (12).
Korea, Turkey, Argentina, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and Thai-
land. By contrast, many countries with extensive coastlines Amphibious-warfare ships and craft
seem to be under-equipped for coastal patrol duty. Amphibious-warfare ships and craft include both the large
Construction of corvette-sized vessels is fairly concentrated; assault ships and the landing craft that they carry. These
at the beginning of 2003, there were fewer than 20 under vessels represent a specialized form of military transporta-
construction, in Brazil, Germany, India, Italy and Malaysia. tion capability that was developed during and after World
Construction of small surface combatants is much less con- War II for use in amphibious operations. The nature of this
centrated but is still dominated by a small number of com- function necessarily implies that their purpose is offensive
panies: at the beginning of 2003, about 150 boats were under and, in the current geo-political environment, there are few
construction in about 20 countries (12). scenarios for which a major nation might feel the need to
be prepared to mount an amphibious assault. As a result, Mine-warfare ships and craft there are few countries apart from the U.S. and Russia that
Mine-warfare ships are highly specialized types of ships used operate significant numbers of large assault ships.
almost entirely in defensive roles. In general, mine-warfare There are about 340 assault ships in the world fleet, the
3-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

largest fleets being those of the U.S., the countries of the fleet, about 70% of which are operated by Russia, the U.S.,
European Union, and Russia. the countries of Western Europe, and China.
The construction of assault ships is highly concentrated: As with other large naval ship types, the construction of
at the beginning of 2003, ships were under construction, in seagoing auxiliaries is fairly concentrated: at the beginning
Britain, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, and the of 2003, large ships were under construction only in Britain,
U.S. (12). Germany, India, and Japan (12).
Landing craft are much more versatile than their parent
ships and can be used for law enforcement and other police Service and other craft
functions, and for inter-island transportation, especially in Service craft constitute an even more varied miscellany than
countries which have scattered island systems, or which auxiliaries. There are more than 100 specific types, the prin-
have piracy or terrorism problems. cipal ones including:
The level of technology associated with landing craft is
1. buoy tenders,
not high. Although the U.S. has invested in large numbers of
2. fireboats,
air-cushion vehicles for this mission, the resultant craft has
3. lighters,
not made all other designs obsolete, because of its high cost.
4. tugs,
There are close to 5000 landing craft in the world fleet.
5. drydocks,
The vessels in this fleet do not vary much in size, because
6. rescue craft,
many of them were built to standard designs: the average
7. floating cranes,
size is about 500 tonnes, the average speed is about 18 knots
8. floating repair shops, and
and the average crew size is 18. The average age of this fleet
9. launches and motorboats.
is apparently about 25 years, but as with patrol vessels and
mine-warfare craft, this figure may be misleading. The total number of these craft in any particular coun-
The geographic distribution of the ownership of landing try varies generally with the size of both its navy and its
craft is instructive. The largest owners of landing craft are economy.
the U.S., Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, It is possible to identify close to 9000 service craft in
North Korea, and Britain. About 75 countries own at least the world’s navies, but since about 3500 of these are oper-
one, but most have only a very few, suggesting a lack of ated by the U.S., a figure of 5500 for the rest of the world
confidence in their usefulness. It is interesting to speculate is certainly understated. The vessels in this fleet are of every
as to why a navy would own just one landing craft. size and configuration, even within each type: many were
Many countries that might be expected to appreciate built for missions unrelated to their present roles. Their av-
their value seem under-equipped and some, particularly in erage age is about 19 years.
Central America and the Caribbean, have none at all. Most service craft are of relatively simple design; their
The construction of landing craft is much less concen- construction is almost universal.
trated than that of the larger ships: at the beginning of 2003,
at least 100 boats were under construction worldwide (12).
3.2.5 Other Self-Propelled Oceangoing Vessels Seagoing auxiliaries The world fleet of other self-propelled ships includes four
Auxiliaries include a variety of ship types, most involv- major groups.
ing vessels that are slow compared to the combatant types
1. vessels employed by the fishing industry,
and generally unarmed. Their functions include:
2. vessels employed by the offshore energy industry,
1. fleet replenishment and other combat logistic support 3. tugs and towboats, and
activities, 4. all other types, including dredgers, research vessels, ice-
2. oceanography, hydrography and surveying, breakers, cable ships, etc.
3. surveillance and intelligence gathering,
Table 3.VIII summarizes this fleet (13).
4. icebreaking, dredging, buoy tending and similar activi-
ties concerned with navigation channels, Fishing industry vessels
5. fisheries research,
Fishing industry vessels fall into two categories—fish catch-
6. ocean towing, salvage and rescue services, and
ers and fishing industry support ships.
7. military sealift and other logistic roles.
The vast majority of commercial fishing vessels are fish
There are at least 1700 seagoing auxiliaries in the world catchers, of which there are about 23 000 that are over 100
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-11

gross tonnes. The average size of a fish catcher is about 450 Design information for fishing vessels is presented in
gross tons but this is heavily influenced by a small number Chapter 41.
of large vessels: roughly 45% of the fleet is under 200 tons
and another 35% is between 200 and 300 tons. The aver- Offshore industry vessels
age age of this fleet is now about 22 years and rising rap- Offshore industry vessels are categorized by Lloyd’s Regis-
idly: the renewal rate in 2001 was less than 1% and steady. ter as either offshore service vessels, (OSVs), or other off-
The balance of the commercial fishing fleet consists of shore vessels. In addition, many offshore industry vessels
about 800 ships that process and transport the catch. The escape Lloyd’s Register’s net because they are either non-
average size of this fleet is about 2000 gross tons. Its aver- self-propelled, such as most mobile offshore drilling units,
age age is about 20 years and rising rapidly: the renewal (MODUs), or because they are too small, such as crewboats.
rate in 2001 was negligible. At the beginning of 2003, Lloyd’s Register identifies
Commercial fishing is universal but the concentration 2655 offshore service vessels in the world fleet, a figure that
of ownership is in the countries with the largest popula- is somewhat lower than that of about 3200 found in offshore
tions—the U.S., with over 3250 seagoing boats, Russia, industry directories, probably because in recent years a sig-
with about 2000, Japan, with about 1500, and South Korea nificant portion of this fleet has been laid up. In addition,
and Spain, each of which has about 1100. the lower limit of size of 100 GT utilized by Lloyd’s Reg-
The construction of fishing vessels is almost universal; ister excludes most crewboats.
most are built in their country or at least in their region of The principal types of OSVs are anchor-handling
operation. Activity has been stagnant for several years, as tug/supply boats, (about 1100), conventional supply boats
a result of over-fishing in some regions and of some species, (about 900), anchor-handling tugs (about 300), crewboats
and fewer than 200 vessels a year have been built in recent (about 150), and other types (about 750) (14).
years, a renewal rate of less than 1%. This figure is in- Anchor-handling tug/supply boats (AHTSs) are preferred
creasing, however, indicating the possibility of a recovery to separate tugs and supply boats in offshore oil and gas fields
in demand. Any major replacement program is unlikely to where distances are long and conditions can be severe. They
be on a one-for-one basis, however as the industry is ripe are also the equipment of choice in the offshore oilfields that
for the development of fishing fleets that are both more ef- have been more recently developed.
ficient and more environmentally friendly. There are about 1100 AHTSs in the world fleet. The ves-
sels in this fleet do not vary much in size and there are large
numbers of vessels of standard designs. AHTSs range up
to about 3500 gross tons in size, with an average that is just
TABLE 3.VIII The World Fleet of Other Oceangoing Vessels under 1000. The installed power ranges up to 12 000 kW,
with an average of close to 6000, and their speed ranges be-
Ship Type Category Number tween 10 and 17 knots, with an average of about 13 knots.
There are no old vessels in this fleet: ages range up to 30
Fish Catchers 23 106 years and average about 16 years. The ownership of AHTSs
Other Fishing Vessels 842 is concentrated in the U.S., where activity is moving into
Sub-total Fishing Industry Vessels 23 948 deeper water, requiring much larger vessels; there are over
250 AHTSs in the U.S. alone (15).
Offshore Service Vessels 3200 Conventional supply boats without anchor-handling
Other Offshore Vessels 975
capability are still employed in preference to combination
anchor-handling tug/supply boats in offshore oil and gas
Sub-total Offshore Industry Vessels 4175 fields where distances are shorter and conditions are rarely
Tugs and Towboats 9044
There are about 900 conventional supply boats in the
Research Vessels 846 world fleet, ranging from large platform supply boats to
Dredgers 1121 small utility boats. The vessels in this fleet do not vary much
Other Types of Self-Propelled Vessel 2824 in size and there are large numbers of vessels of standard
designs. Supply boats range up to 3500 gross tons in size,
Sub-total Other Vessels 13 835
with an average that is just over 1000. There are some old
vessels in this fleet, with ages ranging up to 40 years and
Total 41 958
averaging about 17 years. The ownership of supply boats
3-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

is concentrated in the U.S., which has over 500; no other somewhat lower than that of over 975 that is found in off-
country has a significant fleet. shore industry directories, because many of these vessels
Anchor-handling tugs without supply capability are still are not self-propelled. The principal categories are offshore
employed in preference to combination anchor-handling drilling equipment, offshore construction equipment, and
tug/supply boats in offshore oil and gas fields where dis- offshore production equipment.
tances are shorter and conditions are rarely severe. Offshore drilling equipment includes drill ships, semi-
There are about 300 anchor-handling tugs in the world submersibles, jack-ups, submersibles and drilling barges.
fleet. The vessels in this fleet do not vary much in size and At the beginning of 2003, there were about 650 offshore
there are large numbers of vessels of standard designs. An- drilling rigs in the world fleet (16).
chor handling tugs range up to about 1750 gross tons in At the beginning of 2003 there were 39 drill ships in the
size, with an average that is just under 400. The installed world fleet. Most drill ships are ship-shaped vessels with
power ranges up to 8700 kW, with an average of close to full-scale propulsion that allows them to move freely be-
3500, and their speed ranges between 10 and 16 knots, with tween drilling locations. They have dynamic positioning
an average of about 12 knots. There are a few very old ves- systems and the latest can drill in water depths in excess of
sels in this fleet but generally ages range up to 33 years and 3000 meters. The average age of this fleet is about 17 years
average about 19 years. The ownership of anchor-handling but falling rapidly. New drill ships have been built in recent
tugs is concentrated in the U.S., which has about 150. years in Britain, Spain, and Korea.
Crewboats are used to shuttle personnel to and from off- At the beginning of 2003, there were 171 semi-sub-
shore work sites close enough to shore to make the boat mersibles in the world fleet. Most semi-submersibles are
more economical than the helicopter. very large rectangular structures supported by truss-con-
There are only about 150 crewboats in the world fleet nected columns and pontoons, with only enough of a propul-
that are over 100 GT. There may be considerably more that sion system to allow them to move around within one drilling
are smaller. The vessels in this fleet do not vary much in location. Many now have dynamic positioning systems and
size and there are large numbers of vessels of standard de- the largest can drill in water depths in excess of 2000 me-
signs. Crewboats range between 42 and 56 meters in length ters. The average age of this fleet is about 16 years but is
and carry up to 80 passengers at speeds up to about 32 knots. expected to begin falling as the offshore exploration in-
There are a few very old vessels in this fleet but generally dustry enters a period of rapid expansion that requires new
ages range from 15 to 25 years. The ownership of crewboats rig construction both for growth and for replacement.
is heavily concentrated in the U.S. Many of the older semis have now been upgraded for
There are about 750 other types of OSV in the world deep-water operation and the first few vessels of a new
fleet, including survey vessels, of which there are about 250, generation have entered service. Semis being both large
and stand-by/rescue vessels, of which there are about 220. and complex, the construction of this new generation can
Survey vessels are used either by the major offshore ex- be expected to be concentrated in large shipyards with
ploration companies or by the governments of nations with proven capabilities. In recent years, new semis have been
significant oil and gas reserves in their exclusive economic or are being built in France, Germany, Korea, Russia, Sin-
zone (EEZ). gapore and the U.S. The economics of this business are,
Stand-by vessels are a fairly recent development, re- however, driving this market to shipyards in Korea, Sin-
quired in the North Sea and other European waters for only gapore and China.
the past three years. Most of the first stand-by boats in serv- At the beginning of 2003, there were 380 jack-ups in the
ice were converted fishing vessels and a definitive design world fleet. Most jack-ups are triangular structures sup-
of stand-by boat has yet to be developed. Companies in the ported on three legs, with only enough of a propulsion sys-
U.S. dominate the ownership of the other types of OSV. tem to allow them to move around within one drilling
U.S. shipyards dominate the construction of OSVs. In location. The largest can drill in water depths of up to about
the boom of the 1970s, U.S. yards built more than 75% of 150 meters. The average age of this fleet is about 17 years
the world fleet; although many of those yards have since and, as with the semi-submersible fleet, is expected to begin
closed, the key players are all still active. At the beginning falling as the offshore industry simultaneously expands and
of 2003, there were about 80 boats on order, about 60% of replaces its older rigs. In recent years, new jack-ups have
which were on order from U.S. yards, with the remainder been or are being built in Korea, Singapore and the U.S.,
divided between Scandinavian and Far East yards. but as with semi-submersibles, the construction of a new
At the beginning of 2003, Lloyd’s Register identified generation of jack-ups can be expected to be concentrated
629 other offshore vessels in the world fleet, a figure that is in large Asian shipyards.
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-13

At the beginning of 2003, there were only 7 submersibles economics of shipbuilding ensure that most of these ves-
in the world fleet, most having been converted into semi- sels are built in Asian shipyards.
submersibles. Submersibles are rectangular structures sup- Design information for offshore industry vessels is pre-
ported by truss-connected columns, with only enough of a sented in Chapter 42 – Offshore Support Vessels, and Off-
propulsion system to allow them to move around within shore Drilling and Production is presented in Chapter 43 –
one drilling location; the largest can drill in water depths of Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels.
up to 25 meters. This fleet is now redundant and can be ex-
pected either to be converted to semi-submersible configu- Tugs and towboats
ration or to be scrapped. A tug is essentially a tractor that floats. Most tugs are de-
At the beginning of 2003, there were 52 non-inland drill signed and built to minimize the weight and cost of the hull
barges in the world fleet, most of which are designed for structure that is wrapped around the engine. Specialized
work in Venezuela’s Lake Maracaibo. Drill barges are rec- tugs are generally larger than general purpose tugs because
tangular vessels with no propulsion capabilities and are de- they carry larger crews and more equipment. Oceangoing
signed for operation in water depths of up to about 40 meters. tugs are designed primarily for deep-sea towing or salvage
The average age of this fleet is about 17 years and is falling work and are larger and more powerful than inshore tugs,
rapidly, as several new units have been built in recent years. which are designed primarily for mooring and escort work
The construction of non-inland drill barges is heavily con- in harbors and protected waterways. There is no breakpoint
centrated in U.S. shipyards. in the scale of size or power, however, above which lie
Offshore construction equipment includes derrick barges, oceangoing tugs and below which lie inshore tugs. The num-
pipe-lay barges, and related vessels (17). ber of tugs with the same propulsion power declines fairly
At the beginning of 2003, there were about 170 offshore consistently from the most popular size, which is about
construction vessels in the world fleet, divided between 1000 kW (18).
about 80 derrick barges, and about 90 pipe-lay barges. The The geographic distribution of the ownership of tugs is
fleet grows by about 10 units per year. Although the basic universal. There are tugs wherever there are ships, and no
hull form is quite simple, these are increasingly complex particularly significant conclusions can be drawn from the
and sophisticated vessels, construction of which is con- ownership structure, except that there are several large in-
centrated in Asian shipyards. ternational tug operators.
Offshore production equipment includes floating units General-purpose tugs are employed primarily in harbor
that engage in production alone (FPUs), production, storage, work. They are short, simple and rarely have installed power
and offloading (FPSOs), and storage and offloading (FSOs). over about 2600 kW. On these vessels, bollard pull is more
At the beginninig of 2003, there were about 155 float- important than free-running speed. Twin-screw propulsion
ing offshore production vessels in the world fleet, divided is standard. The use of azimuthing or cycloidal propulsors
between about 70 FPUs, and about 85 FPSOs and FSOs, is increasing. Oceangoing tugs are larger, with more free-
many of which were converted from other types of equip- board, larger crews and crew accommodation. High free-
ment, usually large tankers. This fleet grows by about 20 running speed is more important than bollard pull.
units a year. Offshore production vessels are both very large Twin-screw propulsion is standard: the use of controllable-
and very complex; in addition, their mission requirements pitch propellers and nozzles is common.
often involve lifetime service without dry-docking. As a re- There are about 4300 general-purpose tugs in the world
sult, construction of these vessels is concentrated in the fleet. The vessels in this fleet vary a good deal in size and
more sophisticated Asian shipyards, but they are still often there are large numbers of vessels built to standard designs.
outfitted in the U.S. or Europe. General-purpose tugs range up to about 3000 gross tons in
The ownership of offshore exploration, construction and size, with an average of about 250. Their installed power
production equipment is dominated by companies in the ranges up to 9000 kW, with an average of 1400, and their
U.S., Norway, Britain, and Brazil, reflecting the concen- speeds range between 5 and 22 knots, with an average of
tration of offshore activity in the Gulf of Mexico, the North about 11 knots. There are large numbers of old vessels in this
Sea, and Brazil. fleet. Ages range up to 111 years and average about 23 years.
The great size and high value of most offshore explo- General-purpose tugs are, of course, found almost every-
ration, construction and production equipment means that where. There are general-purpose tugs registered in at least
their construction is dominated by major shipbuilding com- 143 countries. Major concentrations are found in Britain,
panies that operate large, sophisticated shipyards. Although Canada, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Nether-
this includes a few shipyards in the U.S. and Europe, the lands, Russia, Singapore, and the U.S..
3-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

There are about 750 firefighting tugs in the world fleet. Design information on tugs and towboats is presented
The vessels in this fleet vary less in size than general-purpose in Chapter 47.
tugs and there are large numbers of vessels built to standard
designs. Firefighting tugs range up to 1100 gross tons in size, Other types of oceangoing vessels
with an average that is just short of 300. Their installed The principal types of seagoing vessels not addressed in the
power ranges up to 6700 kW, with an average that is just preceding sections and sub-sections are dredgers, research
short of 1870, and their speeds range between 8 and 17 vessels, icebreakers, and cable ships.
knots, with an average of about 12 knots. There are the nor- At the beginning of 2003, there were 1126 self-propelled
mal number of older vessels in this fleet. Ages range up to dredgers in the world fleet. The vessels in this fleet vary con-
58 years and average about 16 years. siderably in size. There are essentially two dredger fleets;
As would be expected, firefighting tugs are also found the larger vessels being designed to store and to transport
almost everywhere: there are firefighting tugs registered in the dredge spoil, while the smaller ones are designed only
at least 92 countries. Major concentrations are found in- to dredge, with the dredge spoil being transferred by barge,
Australia, Britain, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, pipeline, or other means. Self-propelled dredgers average
Russia, and Spain. around 1800 gross tons in size and have an average age of
There are about 400 tractor tugs in the world fleet. The about 21 years, which is rising; in 2001, however, the re-
vessels in this fleet vary less in size than general-purpose newal rate was a healthy 3.8%.
tugs and there are large numbers built to standard designs. The operation of dredgers is a requirement of every coun-
Tractor tugs range up to 1100 gross tons in size, with an av- try with a deep water port or a river shipping system and
erage of 300. Their installed powers ranges up to 5200 BHP, this is reflected in the broad international distribution of
with an average of 2110, and their speeds range between 8 their ownership. The importance of dredging to the efficient
and 14 knots, with an average of about 11 knots. There are operation of ports is reflected also in the heavy concentra-
few old vessels in this fleet with ages ranging up to 35 years tion of their ownership among governmental bodies, par-
but the average is only about 12 years. ticularly including port authorities.
Tractor tugs are a relatively new development and are The geographic distribution of the ownership of the
much less widely distributed than general-purpose or fire- dredger fleet is consistent with this logic. By far the largest
fighting tugs. There are tractor tugs registered in only 42 concentration of dredgers is in the Netherlands, and in Japan,
countries. Major concentrations are found in Britain, Ger- each of which has close to 20% of the world fleet. This re-
many, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S. flects the extent to which these land-poor countries have
There are about 400 salvage tugs in the world fleet. The created land from the sea through dredging. Other countries
vessels in this fleet vary a good deal in size and there are with large fleets of dredgers are China, Belgium, and Britain.
fewer vessels built to standard designs. Salvage tugs range The construction of dredgers follows their ownership,
up to about 5250 gross tons in size, with an average of just the leading builders being concentrated in Japan and the
over 700. Their power ranges up to 18 650 kW, with an av- Netherlands.
erage of 3846, and their speeds range between 8 and 20 At the beginning of 2002, there were 857 research vessels
knots, with an average of about 13 knots. There are large in the world fleet. The vessels in this fleet vary considerably
numbers of old vessels in this fleet with age ranging up to in size, there being essentially two research vessel fleets, the
78 years and average about 21 years. larger vessels being Government-owned and designed for
Salvage tugs are found in most maritime nations. There worldwide service, while the smaller ones are privately owned
are salvage tugs registered in 55 countries. Major concen- and generally designed with only limited operations in mind.
trations are found in China, Italy, Japan, and Russia. Research vessels average about 1500 gross tons in size and
There are about 50 tugs of other types in the world fleet. have an average age of about 23 years, which is rising rap-
The vessels in this fleet vary a good deal in size and there idly. In 2001, the renewal rate was only 1.5%.
are few vessels built to standard designs. The tugs in this The operation of research vessels is a characteristic of vir-
miscellaneous category range up to about 1600 gross tons tually every country with a significant deep water economic
in size, with an average of 273. There are large numbers of zone, a significant fishing industry, or a significant offshore
old vessels in this fleet. Ages range up to 80 years and av- oil and gas industry. These characteristics are reflected in the
erage about 18 years. international distribution of their ownership. The importance
The construction of tugs is almost universal; most are attached to ocean research is also reflected in the heavy con-
built in their country or at least in their region of operation. centration of ownership of this type of vessel among gov-
At the beginning of 2003, there were about 100 tugs on ernmental agencies and academic institutions.
order worldwide. The geographic distribution of the ownership of the re-
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-15

search vessel fleet is consistent with this logic. By far the probably also includes some commercial vessels that have
largest concentration of research vessels is in Russia, which been converted to quasi-military uses.
has 142, and in the U.S., which has 133. Other countries The ownership of these miscellaneous vessels is con-
with relatively large fleets of research vessels are Norway centrated in countries with extensive coastlines and large
with 57, and China with 56. numbers of developed ports, particularly Japan (420), the
The construction of research vessels follows their own- U.S. (238), and Russia (212).
ership, the leading builders being concentrated in the U.S. Design informing for the vessels covered in this sub-
and Russia. section is presented as follows:
There are about 100 icebreakers in the world fleet. Ice-
Chapter 40 – Ice Capable Ships
breakers do not vary much in size, averaging about 6000
Chapter 50 – Dredgers
gross tons. The average age is about 25 years.
Chapter 53 – Oceanographic Ships
The operation of icebreakers is necessarily a require-
ment of countries with coasts and rivers adjoining the Arc-
tic or at least experiencing Arctic weather, the solitary 3.2.6 Barges and Other Inshore Vessels
Antarctic application being in Argentina. The world fleet of barges consists primarily of cargo-
The geographic distribution of the ownership of the ice- carrying vessels, although there is a small number of other
breaker fleet is consistent with this logic. The largest con- types, such as are used in marine construction or as float-
centrations of icebreakers are in Russia, which has 28, and ing accommodation. The U.S. fleet in this category is fairly
Canada, which has 18. Ownership is heavily concentrated well defined. In Western Europe it is less well defined and
in national governments. in the former Soviet Union it is much less well defined.
The construction of icebreakers is dominated by Finnish Elsewhere, sources of data are few and unreliable. As a re-
shipyards, which have historically built almost all the ice- sult, the discussion in this section is confined to the barge
breakers in the Russian fleet. Additional expertise is found and inland operations of the U.S, Western Europe and the
in Canada. former Soviet Union.
There are about 60 cable ships in the world fleet. The Other inshore vessels include inshore fishing vessels,
vessels in this fleet do not vary much in size, averaging small ferries, passenger vessels used by the tourism indus-
about 4300 gross tons; their average age is about 21 years. try, small tugboats, and many other categories of small craft
The operation of cable ships is a requirement of a de- for which insufficient space is available here for an ade-
veloped country, for which reliable intercontinental com- quate discussion. In the U.S. alone there are over 55 000
munication is a critical factor in the conduct of its craft in these categories on record by the USCG.
international politics and business. While it appeared pos- Also not addressed here, for reasons of space, is the
sible for a time that satellite communications might make pleasure craft industry. The USCG estimates that there are
undersea cables redundant, the developed countries of the over 75 million pleasure craft of different types and sizes
world have continued to maintain ocean cable connections in the U.S. and there must, therefore, be at least three to four
and even to develop new ones for fiber-optic cables. times that figure in the rest of the world.
The geographic distribution of the ownership of the cable Table 3.IX summarizes the world fleet of barges and
ship fleet is consistent with this logic. By far the largest other inshore vessels. The figures in the right-hand column
concentrations of cable ships are in Britain which has 11, of this table are purely speculative.
Norway which has 8, Japan which has 6, and the U.S. which
has 6. Ownership is mostly held either by national govern-
ments or by the larger telecommunications companies.
Finnish shipyards have dominated the construction of TABLE 3.IX The World Fleet of Barges and Other Inshore
cable ships in recent years, but there is additional expertise Vessels
to be found in shipyards worldwide and several Far East
shipyards have recently begun to target this sector. Ship Type Category U.S. Other
In addition to the various ship types discussed in this
section, there are about 2824 seagoing ships of unspecified Oceangoing Cargo Barges 2500 500+
type in the world fleet. This group averages only about 1100
Non-Oceangoing Cargo Barges 25 000 45 000+
gross tons in size and its average age is 21 years. It consists
predominantly of vessels used in coastal and harbor serv- Other Inshore Vessels 55 000 110 000+
ice, such as buoy tenders, passenger tenders, disposal ves-
Total 82 500 155 500+
sels for dredge spoil and sewage sludge, and crane ships. It
3-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Oceangoing cargo barges system, although how many of these are actually operating
There are about 2500 oceangoing cargo barges in the U.S. is not clear. Almost all are of mass-produced designs, the
as registered by the USCG, most of them tank barges em- largest of which is about 3000 deadweight tonnes. They in-
ployed in the distribution of refined products along the U.S. clude general-cargo ships, tankers, a combination type that
coast line. The remainder includes small numbers of dry bulk carries liquid cargo downbound and dry cargo upbound,
cargo barges, multi-deck trailer barges, container barges and the remainder is of miscellaneous types.
and deck cargo barges.
Oceangoing barges are popular in the U.S. because U.S. Other Inshore Vessels
laws make them much more economical to operate than The USCG records show that the other inshore and non-self-
self-propelled ships of the same capacity. This is not the case propelled vessels in the U.S. inventory include about 25 000
anywhere else in the world and the number of oceangoing small commercial fishing vessels, about 5000 small tugs
barges outside the U.S. is negligible. The only country in and towboats, about 10 000 small passenger vessels and
which oceangoing barges are used in any number is Japan, about 15 000 small vessels of miscellaneous types.
where geography makes them economically advantageous. The number of other inshore and non-self-propelled ves-
sels outside the U.S. is hard to assess. In general, if the Non-oceangoing cargo barges economies of the other OECD nations are collectively about
The USCG records show that there are about 25 000 non- twice the size of the U.S. economy, it may be reasonable to
oceangoing cargo barges in the U.S., almost all of them em- expect them to support an inventory of comparable pro-
ployed on the Mississippi River system. The largest type is portions.
the hopper barge, of which there are about 22 000, followed Design information for lake and inland vessels is pre-
by the tank barge fleet, of which there are about 3000. Almost sented in Chapter 39.
all these inland barges are 60 meters long by 10.7 meters wide.
Non-oceangoing barges are popular in the U.S. because
of the topography of the Mississippi River system. Other 3.3 THE MARINE INDUSTRY TODAY
regions have similar river systems and also have inland ship-
ping systems. Most other inland shipping systems, how- 3.3.1 INTRODUCTION
ever, have developed very differently from that of the U.S., The structure of the international marine industry today can
with emphasis on the use of specially designed, self-pro- be defined in five categories. The first three of these five in-
pelled river-trading ships. The principal system in Western dustry sectors are those that are primarily concerned with
Europe is based on the Rhine River, although there is also ship design and construction, but no discussion of the struc-
cargo shipping on a smaller scale on the Rhone River and ture of the international marine industry would be complete
on the Danube River, while the principal system in Eastern without some consideration of the other two:
Europe is based on the Volga River, with cargo shipping on
1. ship design—including firms of consulting naval archi-
a smaller scale on the Don and the Amur Rivers (19).
tects, university schools of naval architecture and clas-
There are about 16 000 vessels on the Rhine River sys-
sification societies,
tem and on the lesser systems of Western Europe. They
2. ship construction—the shipbuilding industry itself, in-
range in size from the traditional Rhine barge, which is
cluding not only the relatively small number of very
rarely larger than 500 deadweight tonnes and is now a dying
large shipbuilders but also the much larger universe of
breed, to modern self-propelled river/ocean traders, which
smaller shipbuilders,
are usually of either 1000 or 2200 deadweight tonnes. These
3. marine manufacturing—those companies that manu-
newer vessels have 900 kW power and do about 11 knots
facture the machinery, equipment and outfit that is in-
when loaded. The fleet is growing fast as trading into the
stalled in ships.
Baltic and the North Sea becomes increasingly attractive and
4. ship operation—the increasingly complex sector of the
with the opening up of connections to the Danube River,
industry that is concerned with the day-to-day operation
which provide the potential for trading into the Black Sea.
of ships, and
There are about 4000 vessels on the Danube River sys-
5. ship repair—those shipyards that concentrate on the
tem. They are somewhat larger than on the Rhine River sys-
maintenance and repair of ships and that have dry-
tem, the average being about 3000 deadweight tonnes. Trade
docking capabilities.
has suffered in recent years from the effects of political and
economic crises in the region and the fleet is not growing. These five industries are supported by numerous smaller
There are also about 25 000 vessels on the Volga River industries, not addressed here, that are primarily subsets of
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-17

other industries, such as maritime and admiralty lawyers, from all over the world. Of the roughly 125 companies in
marine insurance brokers; ship brokers; shipping agents; North America that describe themselves as consulting naval
ship chandlers and bunkering companies; port authorities, architects, only six provide the complete range of services,
terminal operators and stevedores; pilots, marine surveyors from concept design through detailed work packages for
and other providers of technical services, and finally, of use in the shipyard.
course, ship breakers. This trend is now being seen elsewhere. The number of
Table 3.X summarizes the structure of the international naval architectural firms in Western Europe has ballooned
marine industry in terms of numbers of companies or or- in recent years, as the indigenous shipbuilding industry has
ganizations and numbers of employees. These figures are declined and shipyard engineering departments have re-
very approximate but they provide an indication of the major constituted themselves as consulting companies. Similarly,
role that the marine industry plays in the world economy. there is an increasing number of naval architectural firms
in Asia, and Australasia: the figure shown in Table 3.X al-
most certainly understates the true state of affairs in that re-
3.3.2 Ship Design gion.
The design of ships is the profession of naval architecture. It should be noted here that the difficulty of counting
Other disciplines are involved, particularly that of marine naval architectural firms is exacerbated by several addi-
engineering, but the fundamental responsibility belongs to tional factors. For example, many firms that provide naval
the naval architect. architectural services also provide other types of marine
Naval architects and marine engineers work in all sec- consulting services, such as marine surveying and indus-
tors of the marine industry, including those discussed in the trial consulting. There are, in addition, hundreds of small
following sub-sections, but there are three types of estab- firms worldwide that are active in these areas but do not de-
lishment where significant numbers of them are employed sign ships. There are also hundreds of individuals—naval
and where they are primarily concerned with the design of architects, engineers of many disciplines, retired ship-
ships (20) (see Chapter 5 – Ship Design Process , and Chap- builders, retired merchant mariners, a host of retired gov-
ter 11 – Parametric Design, and the individual ship type de- ernment employees, both uniformed and civilian, and
sign chapters in Volume II). others—who offer various types of technical services as in-
dependent marine consultants. Naval architectural firms There are only a few large naval architectural firms: most
There are at least 250 naval architectural firms worldwide, have fewer than 25 employees. Allowing for the large num-
as shown in Table 3.XI. These figures are very approximate, ber of single practitioners, the number of people earning a
for the following reasons. living in this sector is probably in a range between 5000 and
Outside the U.S., most new ships are designed either by 10 000.
their prospective owners or by their builders. As a result,
most firms of consulting naval architects are quite small,
concentrating on the provision of specialized services to
shipowners, operators and builders, both in the private and TABLE 3.X Marine Companies and Employment
in the public sector, that have limited internal capabilities.
In the U.S., the reverse was true until fairly recently. Companies/
Most ships were designed by a naval architect working Organizations Employment
under contract to the prospective shipowner, but a few
Sector Min. Max. Min. Max.
shipowners or shipyards developed original designs. In re-
cent years, however, an increasing volume of design work
Ship Design 350 450 25 000 35 000
has been done by shipowners and shipbuilders, and more
designs have been acquired by license from European or Shipbuilding 450 500 335 000 400 000
Asian sources. Manufacturing 800 1000 500 000 800 000
At the same time, technological advances have made the Ship Operation 2000 3000 1 750 000 2 250 000
exchange of data so simple that there has been a prolifera-
Navies 400 450 2 500 000 2 750 000
tion of smaller naval architectural firms, including many
sole practitioners who work at home, and even the small- Ship Repair 500 600 100 000 120 000
est shipbuilders and shipowners have found it possible to
Total 4500 6000 5 200 000 6 355 000
obtain access to designs and other technical information
3-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Universities 3.3.3 Ship Construction

Most countries that have a maritime industry have at least At the beginning of 2003, there were about 540 shipyards
one university that offers bachelor’s and/or master’s degree worldwide actively building ships for commercial or gov-
courses in naval architecture, Britain, Japan and the U.S. ernmental, that is, non-recreational clients (22). These ship-
have several. There are about 65 universities worldwide as yards can be divided into three categories that reflect not
shown on Table 3.XII.
The teaching of naval architecture has been a growth
area in recent decades. Prior to World War II, this table
would have counted only about a dozen institutions world- TABLE 3.XI Naval Architectural Firms
wide. The growth and increased geographic dispersion of
the international shipping and shipbuilding industries since Region Number
World War II have created an increased demand for naval
architects and hence for schools of naval architecture. In ad- North America 125
dition, the university business itself has grown exponen-
Western Europe 85
tially, with many small and local colleges increasing the
scope of the courses that they offer, and this growth has it- Eastern Europe 10
self fed the demand. Asia and Australasia 15
It should also be noted here that, in addition to schools Other 15
that offer bachelor’s courses and/or graduate degrees in
naval architecture, designed for students who plan either to Total 250
practice as naval architects or to enter shipyard manage-
ment, there are many other establishments that teach naval
architecture and/or marine engineering as an adjunct to re-
lated studies. Prominent among these are those focused on TABLE 3.XII Universities Offering Degree Courses in
the training of ships’ officers—naval academies, merchant Naval Architecture
marine academies and cadet training schools—but they also
include not only schools with ocean engineering depart- Region Number
ments, but also many junior colleges and vocational train-
ing schools that are located in areas with marine industry North America 8
activity. South America 3
Universities are not large employers of naval architects; Western Europe 25
the number of people earning a living in this sector is not
Eastern Europe 8
likely to be more than about 1000.
Asia and Australasia 20 Classification societies
Total 65
There are 23 classification societies worldwide that are ac-
tively engaged in reviewing and approving the design and
construction of ships, as shown on Table 3.XIII. Of this
number, 12 societies are members or associate members of TABLE 3.XIII Classification Societies
the International Association of Classification Societies,
(IACS), which classifies over 90% of the world fleet meas- Number
ured by GT, and more than 60% measured by number of
ships (21). Region IACS Other
The major classification societies are also major em- North America 1 0
ployers. The largest, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, has about
6000 employees and even the smallest have several hundred. Western Europe 6 4
Based on the figures provided by those societies which pub- Eastern Europe 1 3
lish them, the number of people earning a living in this sec- Asia/Australasia 4 2
tor is in a range between 20 000 and 25 000. Other 0 2
A discussion of this topic is provided in Chapter 8 –
Total 12 11
Regulatory and Classification Requirements.
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-19

only their size, but also the scale of their investment in the and the markets in which small shipyards operate tend to
facilities required to be a serious international competitor: be not only domestic but also localized. As a result, small
shipyards open and close with frequency. In addition, their
• major shipyards—those that build ships that are larger
activities are not as widely reported as are those of their
than Panamax in breadth,
bigger cousins.
• medium-sized shipyards—those that build oceangoing
Table 3.XVI summarizes the inventory of small ship-
ships of Panamax or less, and
yards as best it can be counted at the beginning of 2003.
• small shipyards—those that only build small ocean-
going and non-oceangoing ships and barges.
Shipbuilding is still a fairly labor-intensive industry and
TABLE 3.XIV Major Shipyards
shipbuilders are major employers, although an increasing
proportion of the industry’s workforce is now employed by Region Countries Yards
subcontractors rather than by the shipbuilders themselves.
About 335 000 people earn a living in shipbuilding, about North America 1 3
30% of them in the U.S., which, despite its low ranking in
the output tables, has the largest shipbuilding industry in South America 1 1
the world measured in terms of employment, the largest Western Europe 6 9
being that of China (23). Eastern Europe 1 1
Asia 4 25 Major shipyards
At the beginning of 2003, 39 shipyards, in 13 different coun- World Total 13 39
tries, were actively building ships that were larger than
Panamax in breadth. Of these 39 shipyards, 17 were in
Japan. The distribution is shown in Table 3.XIV.
It should be noted that all these companies also built TABLE 3.XV Medium-sized Shipyards
medium-sized ships.
It is also noteworthy that 16 of the 39 shipyards are Region Countries Yards
owned by very large multinational corporations, for which
shipbuilding is only one of many activities. Eleven, in China, North America 1 6
Croatia, Italy, Romania, Spain, and Taiwan are state-owned, Western Europe 8 23
and three, all in the U.S., are owned by large, publicly traded Eastern Europe 4 7
defense contractors. Only one shipyard outside Japan is Asia 5 40
owned by a privately held company—Odense Steel Ship-
yard in Denmark. World Total 18 76 Medium-sized shipyards

In the beginning of 2003, 76 medium-sized shipyards, in
18 countries, were actively building oceangoing cargo ships TABLE 3.XVI Small Shipyards
and naval vessels of Panamax breadth or less. These totals
do not include any of the major shipyards listed in the pre- Region Countries Yards
vious subsection, all of which also build medium-sized
ships. The regional distribution is shown in Table 3.XV. North America 2 36
The leading nations in the construction of medium-sized South America 5 13
ships were China with 18 yards, followed by Japan with 16 Western Europe 14 144
yards, Germany with 9, and the U.S. with 6. The remain- Eastern Europe 8 37
ing 27 yards are spread over 14 different countries.
Africa 2 10 Small shipyards Australasia 1 10
It is very difficult to count small shipyards. The facilities Asia 11 110
required to build small ships, barges and other craft are
World Total 43 340
much less capital-intensive than those of the major shipyards
3-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The companies included in this summary all build ships, Marine diesel engines are categorized as slow-speed,
large barges and other commercial craft, of less than about medium-speed or high-speed, depending on their speed in
10 000 tons and primarily employed in coastal, inshore and rpm:
inland activities. In addition, this summary includes those
1. slow-speed diesels have speeds from about 75 to about
shipyards that have been consistently in the business of
200 rpm and develop powers from about 700 to about
building ships for an extended period, and does not include
6000 kW per cylinder. They require no gearbox and are
those for which shipbuilding is only an occasional activity.
the preferred machinery on almost all large cargo ships.
The leading nations in terms of small-ship shipbuilding are
As a result of mergers and acquisitions during the 1970s
Japan, which has about 38 small shipyards, followed by
and 1980s, there are now only three builders of slow-speed
China and the U.S., each with 32, the Netherlands, with 28,
diesels, although the size of these engines requires each
Norway, with 27 and Spain, with 21. The remaining 169
to have licensees worldwide. Many of these licensees,
are spread over 41 countries.
such as Hyundai, now produce many more engines every
year than do the original designers/manufacturers.
3.3.4 Marine Manufacturing 2. medium-speed diesels have speeds from about 500 to
about 1000 rpm and develop powers from about 100 to
Shipbuilding is an assembly industry. The art of shipbuilding
lies in the ability to buy a wide variety of semi-processed and
fully manufactured material and equipment from other com-
panies and to combine them efficiently into a finished ship. TABLE 3.XVII Propulsion Machinery Manufacturers
The value of the material and equipment that a ship-
builder buys is, in fact, much greater than the value added Typical Products Major Manufacturers
in the shipbuilding process, although the actual proportions
vary from country to country and with different sizes and Slow-Speed Diesel M.A.N./B&W
types of ship. Mitsubishi
As a result, there are many times more marine manu- Wartsila
facturers than there are shipbuilders. In addition, relatively
few marine manufacturers confine their business activities Medium-Speed Diesel M.A.N./B&W
to marine markets and any tabulation of marine manufac- Niigata
turers inevitably becomes increasingly non-marine. Pielstick
In this sub-section, therefore, a brief review of the major Wartsila
manufacturers of uniquely marine components is all that is High-Speed Diesel Alstom
realistically possible. The principal categories are propul- Bergen Diesel
sion machinery, propulsors, cargo-handling systems, steer- Caterpillar
ing and mooring systems, and navigation systems (24). Cummins
The difficulty of defining precisely the structure of the Daihatsu
marine manufacturing industry also applies to the problem Detroit Diesel
of counting its workforce. In general, if the labor-material Deutz
split in shipbuilding is in the region of 40-60, it is not un- MaK
reasonable to suppose that the marine manufacturing in- M.A.N.
dustry employs 1.5 times the number of people that the MWM
shipbuilding industry employs. This would mean that the MTU
number of companies in the industry is at least 800, and sec- Wichmann
ond, that the number of people earning a living in marine Yanmar
manufacturing is in the region of 500 000.
Steam Turbine Alsthom Propulsion machinery manufacturers General Electric
The single most expensive item that shipbuilders buy is usu-
Gas Turbine General Electric
ally the ship’s main propulsion engine. This is almost uni-
Pratt & Whitney
versally a diesel engine, although there are small numbers
of ships that are powered by either steam turbines or by gas
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-21

about 1000 kW per cylinder. They require a gearbox and Europe, the major manufacturing companies are also con-
are the preferred equipment on smaller cargo ships, on centrated in this region. Many of these companies are now
naval ships and on passenger ships. There has been ra- primarily engaged in design work; the manufacturing itself
tionalization in this sector also, and there are now only is distributed worldwide, by means of subcontracting and
five major manufacturers of medium-speed diesels. similar technology agreements, as the developers of the var-
3. high-speed diesels have speeds from about 1000 to about ious technologies take advantage of lower manufacturing
3000 rpm and develop powers from about 40 to about costs in less developed countries.
400 kW per cylinder. They require a gearbox and are the The major manufacturers of shipboard cargo handling
preferred equipment on all small ships and craft. This systems are shown in Table 3.XIX.
sector has been more stable than the other two and there
are still about 12 major manufacturers of high-speed Steering and mooring system manufacturers
diesels. A high-speed diesel being not too different from Steering gear and mooring systems are almost all manu-
a large truck engine, this sector is dominated by large factured by companies that are specialists in the field. As
companies that are better known in other industries. with cargo systems, these manufacturing companies are
Steam turbines are used less and less, as diesel technol-
ogy allows the construction of ever-larger slow-speed en- TABLE 3.XVIII Propeller and Thruster Manufacturers
gines. There are three groups of ships which are still operated
by steam turbines: very large tankers built prior to about Typical Products Major Manufacturers
1990, LNG carriers, although even these are changing to
slow speed diesels, and nuclear-powered warships. Propellers Nakashima
As steam turbines have become increasingly rare, gas Rolls-Royce
turbines have become more common, but their application Wartsila
has so far been largely limited to warships. The gas turbine
manufacturers are, however, beginning to penetrate the mar- Propulsors and Thrusters ABB Drives
ket for high-speed vessel types and cruise ships. Aquamaster
The major manufacturers of propulsion machinery are Brunvoll
listed in Table 3.XVII. Hamilton Jet
Omnithruster Propulsor manufacturers
Marine propellers are mostly manufactured by companies
that are specialists. There has been considerable rationali-
Voith Hydro
zation in this industry in recent years and there are now
fewer than 20 major manufacturers worldwide: they are
concentrated, as might be expected, in the regions where
ship construction is concentrated.
In addition, there has been considerable growth in re- TABLE 3.XIX Cargo Handling System Manufacturers
cent years not only in the use of azimuthing and other types
of steerable propulsors, but also in podded, external propul- Typical Products Major Manufacturers
sion systems.
The major manufacturers of propellers and thrusters are Liquid Cargo Systems Framo Pumps
shown in Table 3.XVIII. Hamworthy KSE
Svanehoj Cargo handling system manufacturers Dry Bulk Cargo Systems InterSystems
Cargo handling systems take different forms: tankers re- Seabulk Systems
quire cargo pumping systems, bulkers require grab cranes,
Cranes, Ramps and Other Hagglunds
conveyors or vacuum systems, general cargo ships require
General Cargo Systems Hamworthy KSE
cranes, sliding doors, hatch covers and ramps. Most of these
systems are made by companies that are specialists in the
Since much of the technology in this field originated in
3-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 3.XX Steering/Mooring System Manufacturers 1. navies and other governmental agencies,
2. government-owned ship operators,
Typical Products Major Manufacturers 3. major multinational corporations,
4. independent ship operators,
Steering Gear Hatlapa 5. owner-operators, and
Jastram 6. ship managers.
A world fleet of about 47 000 commercial cargo and pas-
Mooring Equipment Clarke Chapman
senger ships must support 550 000 to 700 000 seagoing bil-
Hydralift lets. If each billet requires, on average, 1.5 seamen, the
Rolls-Royce seagoing workforce must be in a range from 825 000 to
1 050 000. Allowing for shore staff, the total must be some-
where between 1 000 000 and 1 250 000.
There are close to 100 000 other commercial vessels of
TABLE 3.XXI Navigation System Manufacturers various types in the world fleet, including both the ocean-
going and the inshore categories. These vessels, being gen-
Typical Products Major Manufacturers erally very small, provide fewer crew billets and employ
fewer seamen per billet. A conservative estimate for em-
Integrated Bridge Systems, Alstom, Kongsberg,
Collision Avoidance Cegelec, Furuno, ployment in this sector is 750 000 to 1 000 000 jobs.
Systems, Alarm and Control Norcontrol, Radio-Holland, Finally, there are about 400 navies, coast guards and
Systems, Communications Raytheon Marine, Simrad, other government agencies, operating about 26 500 vessels
Systems, etc. Sperry Marine and employing over 2 000 000 uniformed personnel (27).
The U.S. Navy employs about 1 civilian for every 2 uni-
formed personnel, but most other navies manage with much
lower ratios: the number of civilian employees in the world’s
navies could nevertheless be over 500 000.
heavily concentrated in Northwest Europe and Japan. The
major manufacturers are shown in Table 3.XX. Navies and other governmental agencies
Every nation with a coastline or with a national boundary Navigation system manufacturers that runs across a lake or along a river has a navy of some
Navigation systems are almost all manufactured by com- kind. It may be very small and it may not be called a navy,
panies that are specialists in the field. These companies are but it involves vessels that are owned by the national gov-
heavily concentrated in Northwest Europe, North America ernment, that are armed, if only by small arms, and that are
and Japan. crewed by uniformed personnel. There are 181 such nations
The major manufacturers are shown in Table 3.XXI. in the world.
If a major navy can be categorized as one that operates
at least one large surface combatant or submarine, there are
3.3.5 Ship Operation 58 major navies. The number of truly large navies, those
In early 2003, there were over 40 000 shipowners and with aircraft carriers and sufficient strength to operate cred-
operators worldwide actively operating ships (25). This fig- ibly outside their immediate geographic area, is still only
ure is misleading, however, because many shipping com- five, the U.S., Russia, China, Britain and France, but sev-
panies are legally structured to be responsible for a limited eral 2nd-tier nations now have considerable fleets, notably
number of ships, just as most ships are owned by corpora- Turkey, which now has the third largest navy in Europe,
tions established only for that purpose. However, economies Italy, India, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea.
of scale apply in shipping as elsewhere, and one operator The structure of the world’s navies is shown in Table
will generally be responsible for many ships, even though 3.XXII.
it may use several different names and operate ships for
many different owners (26). Government-owned ship operators
Ship operating companies can be divided into six cate- The principal reason for a national Government to own and
gories that reflect not only their size as companies but also operate commercial ships is to control the transportation of
their involvement in the industry: the country’s critical commodities: for developed nations,
TABLE 3.XXII Navies and Other Military Forces

Uniformed Large Other Total

Region Category # Personnel Combt. Vessels Fleet

N. America Major 2 594 591 244 5239 5483

Minor 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 594 591 244 5239 5483

C. America/Caribbean Major 2 39 500 8 324 332

Minor 26 10 248 0 393 393
Total 28 49 748 8 717 725

S. America Major 8 154 490 92 1449 1541

Minor 5 9160 0 125 125
Total 13 163 650 92 1574 1666

W. Europe Major 13 322 890 351 5585 5936

Minor 14 9766 0 285 285
Total 27 332 656 351 5870 6221

E. Europe Major 6 227 480 167 2572 2739

Minor 12 12 560 0 256 256
Total 18 240 040 167 2828 2995

Middle East Major 5 46 200 19 627 646

Minor 8 15 470 0 334 334
Total 13 61 670 19 961 980

S./SE. Asia Major 9 184 000 118 2671 2789

Minor 5 44 419 0 488 488
Total 14 228 419 118 3159 3277

Far East Major 5 297 300 367 3420 3787

Minor 1 2600 0 94 94
Total 6 299 900 367 3514 3881

Australasia/Oceania Major 2 15 572 26 348 374

Minor 12 1272 0 37 37
Total 14 16 844 26 385 411

Africa Major 6 47 187 37 438 475

Minor 40 19 118 0 360 360
Total 46 66 305 37 798 835
Total World Major 58 1 929 210 1429 22 673 24 102
Minor 123 124 613 0 2372 2372
Grand Total 181 2 053 823 1429 25 045 26 474
3-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

this should mean critical imports, while for developing na- TABLE 3.XXIII Government-owned Ship Operators
tions, it is more likely to mean critical exports. The best ex-
amples are the oil and gas producing nations. For the U.S., Region Major Operators
critical commodities are defense materials. A secondary
reason is the prestige associated with the maintenance of a North America Military Sealift Command (US)
shipping company flying the national flag around the world, South America CSAV (Chile)
comparable to the maintenance of a national-flag airline: this Docemar (Brazil)
is much less common today than it was 20 or 30 years ago, PDVSA (Venezuela)
especially with the current worldwide trend to privatization
of state-owned companies. Western Europe None
There are now few government-owned shipping com- Eastern Europe None
panies of any significance, as shown on Table 3.XXIII.
Africa None Major multinational corporations Middle East Abu Dhabi National Tanker Co.
Multinational corporations whose operations require the Iranian Islamic Rep. Shipping Co.
availability of large quantities of ocean shipping capacity National Iranian Tanker Co.
understandably seek to protect themselves from the uncer- Kuwait Oil Tanker Co.
tainties of the market-place by controlling as much of their United Arab Shipping Co.
requirements as they think necessary. This usually takes the Saudi Arabian Nat’l. Shipping Co.
form of direct ownership of half or more of their require-
Asia China Ocean Shipping Co.
ments, although much less for oil companies, long-term Petronas (Indonesia)
chartering of some part of the balance and short-term char- Malaysian Int’l. Shipping Co.
tering of the remainder.
There are now fewer than 20 such companies worldwide
with significant fleets, as shown in Table 3.XXIV.
This category includes companies that are directly in- TABLE 3.XXIV Major Multinational Shipping Companies
volved in the production or consumption of natural resources
such as crude oil, agricultural products and mining prod- Type of Company Major Companies
ucts. There used to be more large tanker fleets operated by
major oil companies, but the oil majors have in recent years Oil Companies BP
turned over their shipping operations to ship management Chevron Texaco
companies in order to distance themselves from the liabil- Exxon Mobil
ities associated with oil spill clean-up legislation and liti- Shell
gation, particularly in the U.S. Agricultural Commodities Louis-Dreyfus
Also included are some of the major international trading
companies with worldwide shipping and trading activities, al- Mined Products BHP
though there are not as many of these as one might expect. Corus
Krupp Independent ship operators Trading Companies Hanjin
The history of the international shipping industry is revealed Hyundai
in the number of large independent ship operating compa- Kawasaki
nies. These companies are almost exclusively based in coun- Mitsubishi
tries that have been actively involved in ocean shipping not Mitsui
just for decades but for centuries, such as Britain, Norway,
and Greece.
With the sale of Sea-Land to Maersk, of American Pres-
ident Lines to Neptune Orient Line, of Lykes Line to CP Owner-operators
Ships, and of Farrell Lines to P&O/NedLloyd, the U.S. now Most operators of smaller ships, including fishing vessels
has only one independent liner operator in foreign trade. and many offshore supply vessels, are owner-operators. This
Some of the major independent ship operators are shown category also includes many small cargo ship operators, es-
in Table 3.XXV. pecially those engaged in coastal and other short-sea trad-
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-25

TABLE 3.XXVI Geographic Distribution of Ship

TABLE 3.XXV Major Independent Ship Operators Managers
Region Major Companies Country Number

Western Europe Bergesen (Norway) North America 93

A.P. Moller (Denmark)
Wilhelmsen (Norway) Central/South America 48
P&O NedLloyd (UK/Neth.)
Western Europe 484
Asia OOCL (Hong Kong)
Eastern Europe 183
K Line (Japan)
Mitsui Overseas Line (Japan) Africa 19
NYK Line (Japan)
Korea Line (Korea) Middle East 38
Neptune Orient (Singapore)
Australasia 24
Evergreen (Taiwan)
Asia 309
World Total 1198
ing. Notable in this category are the numerous small con-
tainership, break-bulk cargo ship, and tanker operators still
to be found in northwest Europe and the Baltic.
TABLE 3.XXVII Major International Ship Managers
There are many more such companies worldwide: they
are concentrated, as might be expected, not only in the re-
Country Major Companies
gions where shipping activity is greatest, but also in regions
where coastal, inter-island and feeder services are required.
Norway Barber Ship Mgmt. Ship managers Cyprus Columbia Ship Mgmt.
Professional ship managers are a relatively new feature of Seatankers
the international shipping scene. The use of ship managers
Monaco V Ships
has grown considerably as some owners have tried to dis-
tance themselves from the risks and liabilities of ship op- Hong Kong Wallem Ship Mgmt.
erations, particularly in the oil industry. Other owners simply
Switzerland Acomarit Ship Mgmt.
seek the economies of scale achievable through the use of
a contract operator. U.K. Northern Ship Mgmt.
Many ship managers started out as independent ship-
ping companies, while others were created for this purpose.
The business is dominated by British companies, because
of the availability of expertise resulting from the decline in Ship registries
the British fleet, but there are several other nationalities in- The concept of a flag of convenience was first developed
volved in the industry. by U.S. shipowners seeking relief from the high costs of
There are now about 1200 ship management companies U.S. flag shipping as well as from U.S. tax laws. The orig-
worldwide, although many are regional subsidiaries of large inal flags of convenience were those of Panama, Liberia,
companies and many others only manage one or two ships. and Honduras. Other countries have been attracted to the
Ship managers are concentrated, as might be expected, in business by the success of Panama and Liberia and by the
those countries which encourage them, primarily Britain, prestige and international exposure that a flag is presumed
Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, the Nether- to bring.
lands, Norway, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, At the same time, the shift in economic advantage in the
and the U.S. international shipping industry from the developed coun-
The geographic distribution of ship management com- tries of Europe to the less developed countries of Asia forced
panies is shown on Table 3.XXVI and the major companies many European shipping companies to seek alternative flags.
are listed on Table 3.XXVII (28). Switching a national flag fleet to a flag of convenience
3-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 3.XXVIII Second Registries can create political problems, however, and many shipown-
ers sought a flag with the right political connections, such
First Registry Second Registry as that of a former colony or overseas territory, giving rise
to a second tier of alternative flags, the so-called second
Belgium Luxembourg registries. Where a former colony was not available, an in-
Britain Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Isle ternational registry was created by law to provide the equiv-
of Man alent benefits.
Denmark Danish Int’l. Register (DIS) The principal second registries are listed in Table
3.XXVIII. The leading flags of convenience are listed in
France French Antarctic Territory Table 3.XXIX ranked by size of fleet. This table includes
Netherlands Netherlands Antilles the second registries, in order to show their sizes (29).
Norway Norwegian Int’l. Register (NIS)
Portugal Madeira 3.3.6 Ship Repair
Spain Canary Islands At the beginning of 2003, there were about 2400 drydocks
available worldwide for the repair of ships belonging to
U.S. Marshall Islands commercial or governmental, that is non-recreational, clients
(30). These drydocks can be divided into four size cate-
gories, as follows:
TABLE 3.XXIX Flags of Convenience 1. very large—those drydocks that are designed to ac-
commodate ships of “post-Panamax” breadth; these have
Registry Type GT (mm) a length of at least 215 meters and a clear breadth be-
tween wing-walls of at least 40 meters,
Panama FOC 122.4 2. large—those drydocks that are designed to accommo-
Liberia FOC 51.8 date ships of Panamax breadth; these have a length of at
least 185 meters and a clear breadth between wing-walls
Bahamas FOC 33.4
of at least 32 meters but not more than 40 meters,
Malta FOC 27.1 3. small—those drydocks that are not large enough to ac-
Cyprus FOC 22.8 commodate ships of Panamax breadth but can lift most
NIS 2nd Registry 19.0 other ocean going vessels; these have a clear width be-
tween wing-walls of at least 20 meters but not more than
Marshall Islands 2nd Registry 11.7 32 meters, and
Saint Vincent FOC 7.1 4. very small—those drydocks that are not large enough to
DIS 2nd Registry 6.6 accommodate ships with a breadth greater than 20 meters.
Isle of Man 2nd Registry 6.1 The term drydock is used in this section in its generic
Philippines FOC 6.0
sense, as a facility that is designed to allow work on the un-
derwater portion of a ship: drydocks include graving docks,
Bermuda FOC 5.3 floating docks, ship lifts, marine railways, and slipways.
Antigua FOC 4.7 Employment in the ship repair industry is difficult to de-
French Antarctic 2nd Registry 3.1 fine precisely, because so much repair work is now per-
formed by companies outside the structure of the industry.
Cayman Islands 2nd Registry 2.1 Based on one reliable source, that portion of the industry
Belize FOC 1.8 that is concerned with ships of over 10 000 DWT has total
Canary Islands 2nd Registry 1.6 revenues of around $6 billion and employs about 85 000
people. This estimate covers about 14 000 vessels, totaling
Vanuatu FOC 1.5
close to 500 million GT: average expenditure is, therefore,
Luxembourg 2nd Registry 1.5 about $450 000 per ship, or about $12 per GT. If $12 per
Neth. Antilles 2nd Registry 1.2 GT is also valid for the remaining 70 000 vessels in the
world fleet, which total only another 45 million GT, total
Honduras FOC 1.0
repair industry revenues should be in the region of $6.5 bil-
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-27

lion, with employment in the region of 100 000 to 120 000. TABLE 3.XXX Very Large (Post-Panamax) Drydocks
In fact, expenditure per GT increases as size decreases, so
these figures are conservative. In addition, no provision is Region Countries Docks
made for employment in naval shipyards.
North America 2 27 Very large (post-Panamax) drydocks Central/South America 2 2
At the beginning of 2003, there were about 265 drydocks Northern Europe 11 42
in the world with a length of at least 215 meters and a clear Mediterranean 11 25
breadth of at least 40 meters. Of these, about 100 are used Africa 3 3
primarily for shipbuilding and about 165 are used prima- Middle East 3 9
rily for repair, although there is some overlap between the South Asia 2 2
two groups. The geographic distribution of the 165 repair Southeast Asia 3 17
drydocks is shown in Table 3.XXX. Far East 5 37
Most of the ships that require a very large drydock are
Oceania 1 1
tankers, the major trade routes for which are from the Per-
sian Gulf to Japan, the U.S., and Europe. Repair activity in World Total 43 165
this size group should logically be concentrated in these re-
gions. In practice, however, repair yards in Japan, the U.S.,
and Europe are unable to compete with those in Singapore
and the Middle East. TABLE 3.XXXI Large (Panamax) Drydocks
Very large drydocks located in other regions are rarely
Region Countries Docks
utilized to their full potential. Very large tankers trading to
the U.S., for example, lighter from offshore and are too big North America 2 21
to get into the ports where the very large drydocks are lo-
Central/South America 7 11
cated: as a result, the primary users of very large drydocks
Northern Europe 12 50
in the U.S. are cruise ships and offshore drill rigs. Many very
Mediterranean 9 20
large drydocks in North America and in Europe are idle,
some because their age and cranage are unsuited to the needs Africa 2 2
of the modern ship repair industry. Some very large drydocks Middle East 2 3
in South Korea were built for repair work, but have been South Asia 1 4
converted to ship construction, while some in Japan were Southeast Asia 2 4
originally intended for ship construction. Far East 3 13
Most of the drydocks in this category are graving docks, Oceania 1 2
which are generally more economical in terms of con-
World Total 41 130
struction cost than floating docks in this size range. All the
remainder are floating docks. Large (Panamax) drydocks

At the beginning of 2003, there were about 175 drydocks ern Europe, are under-utilized. In addition, it should be noted
in the world with a length of at least 185 meters and a clear that most of the shipyards that operate very large drydocks
breadth of at least 32 meters but less than 40 meters. Of these, also operate at least one Panamax dry-dock and often one
about 45 were used primarily for shipbuilding and about 130 or more smaller drydocks of various sizes, in order to be
were used primarily for repair. The geographic distribution able to serve multiple markets as efficiently as possible.
of the 130 repair drydocks is shown in Table 3.XXXI. Most of the drydocks in this category are floating docks,
Ships that require a Panamax drydock are of all cargo which are generally more economical, in terms of con-
types, the trade routes for which are worldwide. Repair ac- struction cost, than graving docks in this size range. All but
tivity in this size group should logically be broadly distrib- one of the remainder are graving docks.
uted. In practice, however, repair activity is relatively low in
developing nations and concentrated in the major ports of Small drydocks
the major trading nations. Despite this, many drydocks in At the beginning of 2003, there were about 810 drydocks
regions with relatively high costs, such as the U.S. and North- in the world with a clear breadth of at least 20 meters, but
3-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

less than 32 meters. Of these, about 235 were used prima- other types in this size range. The remainder includes a few
rily for shipbuilding and about 575 were used primarily for small graving docks as well as several ship lifts and marine
repair. The geographic distribution of these 575 repair dry- railways.
docks is shown in Table 3.XXXII.
Ships that require a small dry-dock operate worldwide Very small drydocks
and are of all types. Repair activity in this size group should At the beginning of 2003, there were at least 1500 drydocks
logically be broadly distributed and it is: most of the busi- in the world with a clear breadth of less than 20 meters.
ness in this size range is contracted regionally. As in the pre- This figure is misleading, however, in three different ways:
ceding category, it should be noted that many of the
shipyards that operate large drydocks also operate one or 1. the drydocks listed in the principal sources are clearly
more smaller drydocks. under-counted in the U.S., the former Soviet Union, and
The great majority of the drydocks in this category are China,
floating docks, which are clearly more economical than 2. many of these small drydocks can be used for either re-
pair or construction, or a combination of both, and it is
often hard to tell which, and
3. many of these small drydocks are transfer mechanisms
TABLE 3.XXXII Small Drydocks and serve multiple repair positions, thus being effec-
tively equivalent to multiple conventional drydocks.
Region Countries Docks
The geographic distribution of these 1500 drydocks is
North America 2 89 shown in Table 3.XXXIII.
Central/South America 15 44 Ships that require a very small drydock operate world-
Northern Europe 18 198
wide and are of all types, including barges and other in-
shore craft. Repair activity in this size group should logically
Mediterranean 16 81
be broadly distributed and it is: almost all the ship repair
Africa 13 17
business in this size range is contracted locally.
Middle East 5 7 The drydocks in this category are of all types; floating
South Asia 4 18 docks, marine railways, ship lifts and a few small graving
Southeast Asia 7 45 docks.
Far East 5 67
Oceania 3 9 Other ship repair facilities
World Total 88 575 In addition to those full-service ship repair yards, which op-
erate, some kind of drydock, there are three other groups
of repairers, none of which can be easily counted:
1. there are thousands of boatyards that handle small ves-
TABLE 3.XXXIII Very Small Drydocks
sels with a crane or other mechanical device;
Region Countries Docks 2. there are hundreds of topside repairers that work on ships
at a cargo pier or mooring, possess no drydocks or even
North America 4 110 any permanent facilities at all, and concentrate on meet-
Central/South America 17 145 ing a ship operators’need to minimize time out of service;
Northern Europe 17 600
3. there are hundreds of manufacturers that provide main-
tenance services of various types directly to ship oper-
Mediterranean 17 105
Africa 24 80
Middle East 10 30
South Asia 4 45
Southeast Asia 9 185 3.4 SUMMARY
Far East 5 145 The world fleet of ships, boats, barges and other craft owned
Oceania 5 55 by commercial and governmental organizations numbers at
least 350 000, of which over 100 000 are ocean-going. These
World Total 112 1500
vessels are of at least 35 different types and countless sub-
Chapter 3: The Marine Industry 3-29

types. They range in size from tugs and patrol craft to ultra- on/roll-off ship, the reefer ship, the cruise ship, the offshore
large crude carriers and cruise ships, and in complexity from drilling rig and the fast ferry did not exist. It is impossible
an inland hopper barge to a deep-water drilling rig. to imagine what life would be like today if the marine in-
The marine industry involved with this fleet is structured dustry had not achieved these technological advances.
in five major sectors; ship design, shipbuilding, marine man- There has been remarkable change in capacity as well
ufacturing, ship operation and ship repairing. Each of these as in the development of new ship types. Fifty years ago,
sectors is managed by people with a marine education, the largest general cargo ship was about 13 500 tonne DWT,
whether in naval architecture or some related discipline. compared to containerships of 105 000 tonne DWT today;
It is very difficult to assess the number of different com- the largest tanker was 38 000 DWT, compared to 550 000
panies and governmental organizations in these five indus- tonne DWT today; and the largest passenger ship was 85 000
tries, but it must be at least 5000, even excluding all the GT, compared to 140 000 GT today.
thousands of single-vessel shipowning entities. In addition, It is interesting to speculate where the marine industry’s
these five major industries are supported by numerous skills will take it in the next fifty years, especially consid-
smaller industries, not addressed here, that are primarily ering the acceleration in the rate at which technology can
subsets of other industries, such as maritime and admiralty be developed. In 2050, will there be an economic alterna-
law, marine insurance brokers, ship brokers, shipping agents, tive to the ship for ocean transportation? What new ship de-
ship breakers, and many others. signs will be developed? How big will ships be and how
It is also very difficult to count the number of people who fast will they go? Will the break-bulk cargo ship have dis-
are employed in the marine industry. Including all the pub- appeared completely? Will the fuel still be oil? If so, what
lic-sector and private-sector personnel involved in all aspects will drilling rigs look like? How will the fishing fleet (the
of the industry, it appears to be at least 5 million. one sector that has not changed much in the past 50 years)
The marine industry is often thought of as declining. have developed?
This is a mistake that the industry itself needs to correct. When we take the long view and consider the marine in-
Not only is the marine industry a growth industry, it can do dustry as a whole, we see an industry with a remarkable
nothing but grow for the foreseeable future.Three basic facts record of achievement. Unfortunately, there is also a nega-
underlie this statement: tive side. The demand for shipping does not grow at a uni-
form rate in every sector: it can be wildly cyclical. Although
1. the demand for shipping is driven by trade, which is this affects the stability of the shipping industry, it has a
driven by consumption, which is driven by population. greater impact on the shipbuilding industry. The high lev-
As a result, the demand for shipping grows at an annual els of capital investment required for efficient shipbuilding
rate of about 3%, measured in tonnage, and 2%, meas- and the relatively long time required to build individual
ured in numbers of vessels, ships make it very difficult for shipbuilders to operate effi-
2. the average age of the world fleet is 18 years. This fig- ciently in an unpredictable environment. As a result, the
ure has not changed much in recent years,although it shipbuilding industry has an unfortunate record both of eco-
ought to decline because the number of vessels in the nomic failure and of dependence on government support.
fleet grows. On average, therefore, at least 3% of the The shipping industry, for its part, has serious problems of
fleet needs to be replaced every year, and crew training, safety, environmental consciousness and pub-
3. The combination of 2% for growth and 3% for replace- lic relations that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
ment means that at least 17 500 new vessels are needed The great challenge for the marine industry in the 21st
every year, of which about 5000 are ocean-going. century is not, therefore, technological; the technological
challenges can and will be met. The challenge is economic:
In the absence of any economic alternative to the ship, Can the marine industry meet the growing and changing
therefore, the marine industry will continue to grow and it is needs of its various markets and simultaneously achieve a
this indisputable requirement that drives the industry’s con- reasonable level of internal stability and security?
tinuing worldwide effort to develop more efficient ship de-
signs, more efficient construction methods and more efficient
operating technology. And it is this force for change that
drives those who make their living in the marine industry. 3.5 REFERENCES
For an industry scorned by Wall Street as low-tech, its 1. Fassett, F. G. Jr., Ed., The Shipbuilding Business in the United
record of development is impressive. Fifty years ago, the States of America, SNAME, 1948
containership, the bulk carrier, the gas carrier, the roll- 2. Pugh, P., The Cost of Seapower, Conway Maritime Press, 1986
3-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

3. Whitehurst, C. H. Jr., The United States Shipbuilding Indus- 16. Data on the world fleet of offshore drilling equipment are de-
try, Naval Institute Press, 1986 rived and
4. Todd, D., The World Shipbuilding Industry, Croom Helm 17. Offshore, various issues
Ltd., 1985 18. Data on the power and speed of tugs are based on informa-
5. Bergerson, L., “Shipbuilding and Shipbuilding Management, tion provided to the author by Lloyd’s Maritime Information
1943–1993,” SNAME, 1993 Services in connection with a consulting assignment.
6. Benford, H. Ed., “A Half Century of Maritime Technology, 19. Data on the European river systems was developed in con-
1943–1993,” SNAME, 1993 nection with a consulting assignment
7. Unless noted otherwise, the data in Section 3.2.2 are derived 20. Unless noted otherwise, the d ata in Section 3.3.2 have been
from World Fleet Statistics 2001, published by Lloyd’s Reg- assembled piecemeal from numerous sources
ister of Shipping, 2002 21. International Association of Classification Societies
8. Unless noted otherwise, the data in Section 3.2.3 are derived 22. Unless noted otherwise, the data in Section 3.3.3 have been
from World Fleet Statistics 2001, published by Lloyd’s Reg- derived from “Ships on Order,” Fairplay Publications Ltd.,
ister of Shipping, 2002 December 2002
9. Cruise Industry News 2001 Annual, published by Cruise In- 23. Association of Western European Shipbuilders
dustry News, 2000 24. The data in Section 3.3.4 have been compiled from a wide
10. Fast Ferry International, January 2003 range of directories, as well as from the author’s own sources
11. Unless noted otherwise, the data in Section 3.1.4. are derived 25. The List of Shipowners, Managers and Managing Agents,
from Combat Fleets of the World, 2000–2001, edited by A. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 2002
D. Baker III, and published by Naval Institute Press, 2000 26. Unless noted otherwise, the data in Section 3.3.5 have been
12. Sea Power, Navy League of the United States, Proceedings, compiled from a wide range of directories, as well as from
Naval Institute Press, and other periodicals the author’s own sources
13. Unless noted otherwise, the data in Section 3.1.5 are derived 27. Baker III, A. D., Ed., Combat Fleets of the World, 2000–2001,
from World Fleet Statistics 2001, published by Lloyd’s Reg- Naval Institute Press
ister of Shipping, 2002. 28. Register of International Ship Managers, Lloyd’s Register
14. Data on the structure of the OSV fleet are derived from of Shipping, 2002
Lloyd’s Register and from the Offshore Service Vessel Reg- 29. The Official Guide to Ship Registries, International Market-
ister, published by Clarkson Research Studies. ing Strategies, Inc., 2002
15. Data on the power and speed of OSVs are derived from 30. The data in Section 3.3.6 are derived from The Maritime
Lloyd’s Register, from the ABS Record and from the US Guide, published by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 2000
Army Corps of Engineers.
Chapter 4
The Ship Acquisition Process

Charles R. Cushing

4.1 INTRODUCTION such as speed, capacity, etc., and the limitations in the se-
lection of machinery and outfitting. The method truncates
The acquisition of a new ship, from the buyer’s or the competitive bidding process and possible loss of com-
shipowner’s perspective, is a major capital expenditure un- petitive technological advantage over competitors. Advan-
dertaking. It should follow a four-phase process, namely: tages may include a lower price due to series-built,
1. planning, multiple-ship economics at the yard, proven design and pos-
2. design, sible faster delivery. Also, government procurement meth-
3. commercial activities, and ods (particularly naval vessels) may involve different
4. production activities. procedures. Design-Build is a currently in-vogue approach.
However, for new merchant ships, the process provided
There are a number of different paths to obtaining new, herein is a proven, traditional, conventional and effective
expanded, enhanced or replacement marine transport ca- approach.
pacity. These include:

• new ship construction,

• secondhand purchase, 4.2 PLANNING
• lease or chartering (bareboat, time or voyage),
• ship conversion (jumboizing, re-engining, etc.), 4.2.1 Introduction
• contract of afreightment, and Planning has always been an important part of any major
• ship-sharing or pooling tonnage. project activity. However, it was not raised to a management
science until the twentieth century. U.S. industry started
This section will focus on new ship acquisition or ship using rudimentary management strategy procedures in the
design and construction. However, many of the methods 1920s and 1930s. During World War II, the U.S. Govern-
suggested here also apply to ship conversion projects. ment developed the process into what was first called strate-
The four-step method described here is a procedure that gic planning. It became a management science in the U.S.
has worked well in countless projects. However, the reader during the 1960s and spread worldwide during the 1970s
should be aware that there are other procedures, which and 80s. It further evolved during the 1990s to become a
might, under appropriate circumstances, be preferable. One part of strategic management. However, the fundamentals
such approach is to eliminate the design phase and some of of strategic planning have remained the same.
the commercial activities and, instead, purchase a standard This first phase involves strategic planning which has
vessel from a shipyard. The disadvantage of this method is been defined as The continuous process of making present
that the vessel may not exactly meet the shipowner’s needs, entrepreneurial (risk-taking) decisions systematically and

4 -1
4-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

with the greatest knowledge of their futurity; organizing Market Description

systematically the efforts needed to carry out these decisions; a. commodities, and
and measure the results of these decisions against the ex- b. fluctuations in flow; that is, seasonably.
pectations through organized, systematic feedback (1).
Trading Pattern
Elements of strategic planning can and should be ap-
a. pendulum (that is, back and forth),
plied to the new ship acquisition process. However, the prin-
b. round-the-world,
ciples are the same for other types of major capital projects;
c. multi-leg (that is, triangular, etc.),
the construction of a port, oil refinery, bridge, building, fac-
d. direct,
tory, etc.
e. land bridge,
The strategic planning process begins with an assess-
f. tramp, and
ment of the environment associated with the enterprise being
g. other.
considered. This environment includes both the internal
environment within the organization undertaking the ac- Competitors
tivity, and the external environment in which the ship will a. number,
function. b. market share,
c. strengths and resources,
d. potential alliances, and
4.2.2 Environmental Analyses e. service factors (that is, delivery times, reliability
The internal environment will consider the organization’s of schedule, etc.).
strengths and weaknesses, such as:
Technical Resources a. freight rates,
a. engineering, b. rate trends,
b. research, c. conferences and their rules, and
c. patents, d. potential for rate wars.
d. innovative attitude, and
Physical Environment
e. willingness to undertake technical risk.
a. distance,
Financial Resources b. sea and weather conditions,
a. assets, c. channel and harbor depths,
b. cash position, d. canal and air draft restrictions,
c. debt—long and short term, e. tides and currents, and
d. profitability, and f. vessel traffic controls.
e. financial stability.
Port Conditions
Human Resources a. berth availability and priorities,
a. number and types of personnel, b. cargo handling productivity,
b. project management skills, and c. longshore labor availability, productivity and sta-
c. capability to staff the new project. bility, and
d. cargo availability.
Management Resources
a. project control, Barriers to Entry
b. communications, and a. conference system,
c. organizational structure. b. government restrictions, tariffs, grants, cargo reser-
vation, etc.,
The external environmental analysis looks at threats and
c. rate cutting,
opportunities and depends upon the nature of the trade. It
d. excess shipping capacity, and
essentially looks at the trade and competition. It will in-
e. shipper loyalty.
Market Size
a. volume tonnage, cubic, number of passengers, etc., 4.2.3 Strategy Development
b. market growth and trend, and After a thorough analysis of the external and internal envi-
c. potential for new markets. ronments, planning enters the second phase, namely Strat-
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-3

egy Development. The corporate objective must be identi- the fleet, the chartering in of existing tonnage, or whether
fied. While it is often assumed that profitability is the sole a vessel is even required. The development of each option
objective of a firm, in reality corporate objectives have to should be complete enough to include market share estimate,
be set in a number of other areas (see Chapter 6 – Engi- required corporate resources and financial pro forma. If
neering Economics). These can include: computers are used, it is possible to carry out simulations
and sensitivity analyses more easily (3). In addition to test-
• profitability,
ing the options against quantitative financial requirements,
• return on investment,
other criteria should be considered such as minimization of
• market share,
risk, optimal use of corporate resources, and the impact of
• growth,
unexpected changes in forecasts.
• stability,
The threats to any strategy that is developed should be
• product or service quality,
identified. Napuk (4) urges this step to be an integral part of
• customer satisfaction,
the planning process for two reasons. First, if the risks are
• meeting the market needs, and
too great, the project can be aborted or modified to reduce
• competition.
the risk. Second, if the project doesn’t materialize accord-
Drucker (2) feels that objectives have to be set in eight ing to plan, an alternative plan will be in place.
key areas in a business: A fundamental part of the implementation of the strate-
gic plan is the development of a plan for its commencement.
1. marketing,
This entry plan addresses such issues as the timing and se-
2. innovation,
lection of a starting date. It calls for scheduling and a timetable.
3. physical resources,
Definitive coordination between all segments of the corpo-
4. financial resources,
ration and external organizations, which are effected by the
5. productivity,
plan, is essential. The marshaling of resources such as per-
6. human organization,
sonnel, capital, equipment, etc., is part of the entry plan. Gov-
7. social responsibility, and
ernmental actions, permits, licenses, etc., and political support,
8. profit requirements.
where necessary, must also be anticipated. Such an entry plan
It is often difficult to get management’s consensus on the is useful in coordinating the various business plans discussed
objectives of the firm. Since objectives are the fundamen- below.
tal strategy of a business, every effort must be made to get No less important is the development of exit plans. This
agreement on the objectives. should not be regarded as defeatism. Rather, it is prudent to
A statement of the company’s mission is required, con- consider as many options as possible in the event that the strate-
cerning the markets to be served, the services to be pro- gic plan does not develop as anticipated. A variety of alterna-
vided, and how the company’s resources will be used to tives are possible depending upon the nature of the unforeseen
provide those services. events. These could include committing additional resources,
Strategic objectives should consider the future and how shifting priorities, even reducing effort or withdrawing com-
the company’s resources will permit it to succeed in that en- pletely. These exit options may also consider totally scrapping
vironment. The strategic objectives provide measures of the the plan or selling, swapping, merging or gradually with-
success in meeting the mission of the company. drawing. The benefits and drawbacks in these plans are avail-
Strategy development is the phase in which the courses able to be considered while the strategic plan is in force.
of action are developed, which will meet the strategic ob-
jectives previously identified. MarAd recommends devel-
oping a number of strategic options, which can be tested 4.2.4 Implementation
and compared. This usually requires the preparation of pro The first two planning phases are transformed into practi-
forma financial projection for each alternative. Each alter- cal and concrete business plans, capable of being executed.
native is then analyzed against the corporate objectives. The Strategic planning should not be mistaken for business plan-
alternative then may be optimized to achieve the best pos- ning. Strategic planning involves the entire organization
sible value. whereas business planning may only involve one specific
With regard to technology, it should be kept in mind that aspect of the strategic plan. A business plan usually involves
up to this stage the decision has not yet been made as to a program for the implementation of one of the objectives
whether the vessel to be acquired would be a new vessel, a resulting from the strategic plan.
second-hand vessel, a conversion of an existing vessel in The various implementation plans for the marine in-
4-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

dustry and transportation services may be treated in the compendium of information necessary to design the vessel
same manner as in more traditional strategic plans, such as and criteria to test its economic feasibility.
manufacturing. These may include:
Marketing plan: the identification of specific market seg-
ments, customers, their needs, and sales methods to be used. 4.2.6 Economics
Competitor plan: the actions to be taken to overtake, by- Throughout the entire ship acquisition process, the use of
pass, forestall, overwhelm, join or otherwise counter the engineering economics is essential. During the strategic plan-
position of competitors. ning stage, economics are used to develop and evaluate strate-
Operations plan: the detailed operational plan for car- gic alternatives. Engineering economics are also used in
rying out the strategy, including the sequence and phasing developing the technology, financing and business plans.
of such actions. The mission statement should also address the objectives of
Financial plan: the budget and controls to be used for the firm, including the financial objectives and criteria.
the business plan, including cash flow projections and cap- During the designing phases and especially in the con-
ital requirements. ceptual and preliminary design, engineering economics are
Technology plan: the plan for the development or ac- used both to optimize and select alternatives. As the acqui-
quisition of new and competitive techniques and equipment; sition process proceeds, the project manager should contin-
that is, ships, handling systems, etc. uously update the economic model developed at the outset.
Organization plan: the detailed organization structure During the commercial stage of the ship acquisition
and the use of the company’s human resources to carry out process, economics are important in evaluating various fi-
the strategic plan. nancing alternatives and shipbuilding proposals. The final
Corporate development plan: the plan for integrating contractual terms also give the project manager an oppor-
and coordinating the strategic plan into other plans within tunity to update the initial projections.
a large organization’s other plans to best meet the corpora- While shipbuilding economics are less important to the
tion’s overall goals. shipbuilder during the production phase, it is still essential
The final step in strategic planning is the implementa- that good economic procedures and methodology be fol-
tion of the plan. The effective communication of the details lowed when the shipyard proposes design alterations. Also,
of the plan to all participants is an essential step. The progress during the production phase, there are many opportunities
of each of the business plans in meeting goals and criteria for the budget to go awry. There is constant pressure by the
must be monitored and corrective action applied, not only shipyard to charge extra costs. Operating personnel in the
to plans which are failing to meet goals, but also adjustments shipowner’s company tend to make changes and to use the
to meet differences from forecasts. latest models of equipment, which are put on the market after
The complexity of researching, designing and building the shipbuilding contract has been signed. The project man-
a vessel is apparent. The criteria to be used for the design ager must be diligent, if not somewhat hard-nosed about
and acquisition may involve hundreds of factors. For the sake maintaining budget and schedule. Chapter 6 – Engineering
of good order, and in order to communicate a common stan- Economics, covers many of the principles that are impor-
dard to the entire team, it is essential that these criteria be tant in the ship acquisition process.
set down in a mission statement. At the end of this phase the shipowner will have a com-
plete Requirements Definition as described in Chapter 7 –
Requirements Definition.
4.2.5 Mission Statement
The principal results of the Technology Plan should form a
part of the mission statement. The objectives of the firm or 4.3 DESIGN
shipowner and key elements of the company’s strategic plan
should also be embodied in the mission statement. 4.3.1 The Design Process
A second purpose of the mission statement is to prevent The second major phase in a ship acquisition program re-
the unintentional or accidental deviation from the original lates to design. Design, while having many meanings, in this
objectives. When and if these early objectives change, the context means to prepare calculations, technical model/doc-
mission statement records these modifications. The mission umentation (drawings), specifications, and to support these
statement becomes a control document that aids manage- with experimental testing as required. The design phase
ment and the vessel acquisition team. forms a transition from the requirements of the planning
Therefore, the mission statement becomes a centralized phase. It lends form and substance to the mission statement
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-5

by establishing a configuration, shape, dimensions, layout designer and in explaining the working of the device or sys-
and other characteristics, which can be represented visually, tem. These written explanations may take the form of sim-
which can be presented on paper or in a computer as a 3D ple or extensive notes on the drawing, or in the form of
product model. Chapter 13 – Computer Based Tools ad- written specifications in booklet or book form.
dress this topic. It is the point at which the center of effort There is a popular misconception in the marine field that
shifts from management science to design, particularly, specification preparation is an independent, non-engineer-
naval architecture and marine engineering. ing activity and can be prepared by semi-technical or non-
This design and engineering phase of the ship acquisi- technical personnel. Often, technical writers, with little
tion process progresses through distinct and increasingly marine experience, or no formal engineering education will
more definitive stages (5). These are: undertake the preparation of a shipbuilding specification.
The modification or reuse of specifications originally
• concept design,
prepared for other designs is a bold and imprudent approach,
• preliminary design,
sometimes with disastrous results. This sometimes also oc-
• contract design, and
curs when managers attempt to save legal fees and avoid
• detailed design or production engineering.
consultation with lawyers by reusing previous contracts as
It should be noted that the fourth design stage, the De- a model and write their own shipbuilding contracts.
tailed Design, wherein the working drawings are prepared, The written portion of a design may also take the form
is usually executed after the shipbuilding contract is signed. of reference to industry standards, classification rules, gov-
The shipbuilder usually prepares the working and shop draw- ernmental regulations, manufacturers’ specifications, or
ings. There are rare occasions when a shipowner may cause shipbuilders’ detailed standards. These then also become
the detailed design to be carried out prior to contracting with an integral part of the design. It is very important that the
a shipyard. This is more likely to be done for smaller ves- designer incorporating these materials be thoroughly fa-
sels such as tugs, service craft or specialized vessels or where miliar with such documents in order to avoid ambiguities
the shipowner may purchase a set of working drawings from arising from the existence of alternative approaches or fea-
a designer or from a shipyard. The shipowner may buy the tures which may appear in those documents but may not be
working drawings for an existing ship. He may do this be- intended by the designer to find their way into his design.
cause the shipyard he is contracting with may lack the nec- It is also essential that reference be made to the most cur-
essary skills, it may shorten delivery time or he may want rent issue of those documents as they are usually under con-
to duplicate ships already in his fleet. stant review and revision.
However, the more customary procedure is for the ship- It must be borne in mind that drawings and written spec-
yard to prepare the detailed drawings during the production ifications are both integral and intertwined parts of the de-
phase, and hence this fourth engineering stage will be dis- sign. They are meant to explain each other. They both
cussed in Section 4.5 – Production. represent engineering effort and as such need to be prepared
There is no question that ship design is engineering work by and thoroughly checked by engineers (see Chapter 9 –
and as such should be carried out by professional engineers Contracts and Specifications).
trained in naval architecture and marine engineering. En- The design effort might also involve modifying, ex-
gineering may be defined as the application of science and tending, or otherwise building on previous designs, or syn-
mathematics by which the properties of materials and en- thesizing other designs. Hence, another necessary design
ergy are made useful to people through the creation of struc- activity involves research into both previous specialized
tures, machines and systems. work in the field, and current or state-of-the-art develop-
The process of designing involves conceiving, planning, ments in the field. While it is reasonable to assume that the
and calculating, and then sketching, drawing and/or mod- designer is well informed in these matters, it must be rec-
eling the concepts to give them graphic form. Yoshikawa ognized that the accelerating pace of technology, world-
(6) explains design in another way, as a mapping from a func- wide, and the proliferation of research and technical
tion or specification space to an attribution space. The de- information makes it essential that the designer be current
sign effort is supported by carrying out whatever and up-to-date. The prudent designer will also be aware of
calculations, model testing, research, development and ex- the requirement that the design-build-implementation
perimentation are necessary to assure that the engineering process is a lengthy process, and the ship being designed is
effort is sound. expected to operate and compete effectively for as many as
The design effort may also include the preparation of 20 to 30 years after delivery (for naval ships often up to 50
written materials, which aid in conveying the ideas of the years). Hence, just being up-to-date is not sufficient. The
4-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

designer should also be aware of the status of research and Buxton, Rawson, Atkinson, Eames, and Drummond, Gilmer,
development, worldwide, and be alert to potential break- D’Archangelo, have also used the design spiral to illustrate
throughs in the many disciplines in the marine field. the process. In all cases, the spokes of the spiral represent
The designer must also factor into the design the man- parameters or steps in the process, arranged in what the de-
ufacturing or shipbuilding processes and procedures so as signer considers a logical sequence. The design proceeds
to create production-friendly features in order to assure that by progressively improving each parameter, while holding
the vessel construction costs will be minimized. This re- all other features constant.
quires a strong appreciation, by the designer, of the most U.S. Naval designers depict the same design activity
current and advanced procedures used by shipyards. The model in a graphical sequence of block diagrams, which they
same applies to machinery and material selection (see Chap- call Current Design Sequence. These stages, briefly, in-
ter 14 – Design/Production Integration). clude:
Research and development are also part of ship design
• definition of requirements,
process. Pugh (7) states that “research and development are
• mission analysis,
mutually exclusive but interactive activities, each having
• concept formulation,
completely different characteristics” and that “research is
• preliminary design
a necessary and vital part of ship design, so is develop-
• contract design, and
ment.” In the research phase, engineers seek new principles
• detailed design.
and processes using scientific concepts, experimental meth-
ods and inductive reasoning. Other designers use bounding, step-back and set-based
The art of applying knowledge and scientific principles design which are all based on finding the most effective
to useful purposes is the essence of design. Design requires way to design (see Chapter 1 – Introduction, and Chapter
the imagination to conceive original solutions to problems, 5 – The Ship Design Process).
and the ability to predict performance and costs. The fun- Prior to 1970, an immense amount of labor was required
damental task of design is problem solving, a process which in order to achieve even one circuit of the design spiral.
involves analysis of the stated problem, establishment of Work done at the conceptual stage was often crude and ap-
methods of solution, restatement of the problem in elemental proximate. It was based on common relationships and ra-
questions or terms, and answering these questions or solv- tios, and was only a first approximation. The search methods
ing these problems by deductive reasoning from existing sys- or number of circuits of the spiral at the latter stages were
tematized information, knowledge or principles, or in the also constrained by available resources.
case or original or new systems, by creative synthesis. Syn- The availability of high speed computers, and design
thesis prevails at the conceptual design stage whereas analy- software packages or modules such as for structural design,
sis is more prevalent in the detailed design stages. Buxton sea loads, speed and power prediction, HVAC, pipe flow,
(8) tells us “design is the essence of engineering.” heat balances, etc., have raised the possibility that more ef-
Design is the step in engineering where shape and form ficient optimization methods may be applicable. However,
evolve, where structure is defined, where materials are se- the availability of such computers and software has not pre-
lected and components to be assembled are identified. cluded the necessity of following the fundamental ship de-
The engineer is usually faced with solving problems with sign sequence.
conflicting requirements. These may be physical (minimum Each stage serves a purpose, has its unique characteris-
weight), economic (minimum cost), social (maximum tics, and is essential in an orderly ship acquisition program.
safety) environmental (minimum impact), etc. The engi- The process of ship design and the purpose of each stage
neer must resolve these conflicts and search for optimum are discussed fully in Chapter 5 – The Ship Design Process.
solutions. The optimizing is done with regard to the objec- It will be briefly covered here to give a complete under-
tives of the firm, which were identified in the planning phase standing of the ship acquisition process.
(see Chapter 5 – The Ship Design Process, Chapter 11 –
Parametric Design, Chapter 13 – Computer Based Tools).
Since 1957, it has been customary to describe the ship 4.3.2 Concept Design
design process as a design spiral. J. Harvey Evans, a pro- The step in the design process that follows data gathering
fessor at MIT, used the spiral to explain the design process and development of the mission statement is the Concept
as an iterative or repetitive stepwise method, moving from Design stage. It is the point where the project starts to de-
a general set of requirements to converge on a detailed and velop form and dimension. The Concept Design stage in-
definitive final design. Numerous other authors, including volves the transformation of a qualitative set of requirements
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-7

into an early design configuration, with some of the prin- The preliminary design also provides sufficient detail to
cipal characteristics defined. The Concept Design effort permit a reasonably accurate operating cost estimate to be
usually results in a sketch or drawing, partially or fully di- made. The operating cost estimate relies on such informa-
mensioned, and may also include developing a written de- tion as number of crew, fuel and lubricating oil consump-
scription of the concept. It will normally include one or tion and an estimate of maintenance costs based on the
more design alternatives. outfitting and coating systems used.
The Concept Design stage has unique and distinctive The preliminary design also provides sufficient infor-
characteristics, which differentiate it from other phases of mation to permit estimates of the revenue generating capa-
ship design. Assuming that new ships are being considered, bility of the vessel to be made. These calculations rely on
the concept phase is one where synthesis, the combining of deadweight or other cargo capacity estimates and trim and
conceptions into a coherent whole, takes place. Before analy- stability calculations.
sis and optimization can take place, it is necessary to have The preliminary design also permits an assessment of
models to analyze. the technical feasibility of the ship. The compatibility and
The Concept Design stage requires a small number of stowage of cargoes can be verified. The ability of the ves-
engineers and these people should be highly creative and sel to operate at various conditions of loading, including the
innovative. Gilmer estimates that the Concept Design stage ballast condition, can also be reviewed. The defined level
often takes between 4 and 80 man-days. While it is very dif- of automation can be correlated with the assumed or planned
ficult to put such bounds on the amount of time required for crew size and designations.
conceptual design, it is agreed that conceptual design re- Prior to the advent and widespread use of computer in
quires one to several orders of magnitude less effort than preliminary ship design, each iteration or circuit around the
preliminary or contract design. design spiral was costly and time consuming. Design short-
cuts, approximations and rules-of-thumb were standard prac-
tice. While the accuracy improved with successive iterations,
4.3.3 Preliminary Design there was less likelihood of achieving precisely optimum
The second design stage in the evolution of a ship is the Pre- designs. Also, the limitations in scheduling, manpower and
liminary Design. The preliminary design is an engineering financial resources for design often truncated optimizing ef-
effort, which builds on, and provides much greater detail forts or restricted the exploration of design alternatives. The
than does the concept design. It is a second iteration in the extensive use of computers now permits greater accuracy
design process. For those who think of ship design in terms and more alternatives to be examined, all with less effort
of the design spiral, it is the second circuit of the spiral, and in a dramatically shorter time. For this reason the tradi-
which is meant to converge on a more accurate and im- tional design spiral approach as a search technique for con-
proved set of vessel characteristics. verging on a feasible and optimal design may be replaced
The preliminary design is also meant to provide a greater by other optimizing techniques. For example, a matrix or grid
level of detail, especially identifying and defining those fea- approach is possible, wherein a large array of design alter-
tures, which have a significant effect on other characteris- natives can be quickly explored.
tics of the ship, including cost. For example, a calculation
of the longitudinal strength of the hull and the development
of the midship section permit a more accurate calculation 4.3.4 Contract Design
of the weight and center of gravity of the vessel. This, in The third design stage involves the preparation of both the con-
turn, permits a more accurate calculation of draft, dead- tract specification and the contract drawings. The primary pur-
weight capability and stability, etc. pose for preparing contract specifications and drawings is to
The preliminary design should provide sufficient detail create a set of documents which accurately describe the ves-
to permit the verification of both the technical and economic sel to be built, and can be used as a basis for agreement be-
feasibility of the ship. tween the buyer (or shipowner) and builder (shipyard). The level
This level of detail is sufficient to permit a new build- of specificity at this stage is not fixed by industry practice.
ing or construction cost estimate to be made. This usually Rather, it depends on a number of factors, including the size
requires just the principal dimensions, weight estimate and and complexity of the vessel, the presence of novel features,
type of main engines. Any special features of the vessel, the contractual risks in dealing with certain shipyards, etc.
which significantly affect the construction also, need to be The level of detail in the specification and drawings
identified. These could include such features as cargo han- should be just sufficient for both parties to fully understand
dling equipment, tank cladding, stabilization systems, etc. the requirements of the other; that is, a meeting of the minds.
4-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The specifications are meant to be a companion document ally form a part of the contract package. However, if pro-
to the contract plans and the contract itself. In the event that vided to the shipbuilder, they should be treated formally,
there are contradictions between the contract, specifications carefully checked and documented and kept with the design
and drawings, the generally accepted hierarchy is that the package. While many shipyards or preparers of the working
contract terms prevail, followed by the specifications and design drawings prefer to re-do these calculations, some do
lastly the drawings. This is usually explicitly stated in the not, and therefore in their case, the calculations are useful
contract and specification. in simplifying or verifying ongoing design work. As most
There is no generally agreed upon format for specifica- contracts place full responsibility for performance of the
tions. The U.S. Maritime Administration’s standard speci- ship on the shipbuilder, it is essential that they re-do the cal-
fication has been found to be thorough and logically culations for their own protection. If they do not and the per-
arranged. When given the opportunity, Japanese and Korean formance is not met it often becomes the basis for claims.
shipyards prepare their specifications, divided into three The use of guidance drawings is a practice often en-
volumes, namely hull, machinery and electrical. The Nor- countered. The purpose is to convey to the shipyard some
wegian Ship Research Institute (Norges Skipsforskn- of the engineering effort that has been carried out, leading
ingsinstitutt) has organized their standard specifications so to the contract design. However, since the guidance draw-
as to simplify design, purchasing and manufacturing. Each ings do not carry contractual obligations, they often lead to
section of the specification is coded to a standard. The U.S. misunderstandings between the buyer and the shipyard.
Navy breaks down the components in their vessels into their Both parties need to be very clear regarding what their ob-
Ship Work Breakdown Structure System (SWBS). This clas- ligations are with respect to guidance drawings. The use of
sification system, a military standard, MIL-STD-881A, is guidance drawings should be avoided, wherever possible.
used to integrate design, engineering, production, and lo-
gistics. This is a three-digit preliminary and detail design
system. An expanded five-digit SWBS system enhances the 4.3.5 The Role of Vendors
purchasing, maintenance, cost accounting, storing, and over- Machinery, equipment and outfitting costs can represent be-
haul procedures. tween 50 and 70% of the cost of a ship and as high as 75%
The specification and drawings should be prepared to in the case of naval and passenger ships. The importance of
thoroughly describe the vessel and those features which the manufacturers and suppliers in the ship acquisition process
shipowner truly needs or desires. However, the shipowner cannot be over emphasized. The shipowner and/or his naval
should realize the excessive specificity could inhibit the in- architect should work with the vendors early in the design
genuity of a builder, and in the end, produce a more costly stages. The vendors are in a position to provide up-to-date,
vessel, for which the shipowner will pay extra. At times it valuable product information to the ship designers in at least
is desirable for the shipowner to specify machinery or equip- the following areas:
ment by brand name. This is a normal and sometimes nec-
• physical dimensions,
essary practice. However, where it is not necessary, it should
• weight,
not be done because it constrains the shipyard in its price
• capacity or capability,
negotiations with suppliers. If the suppliers know that they
• preliminary cost or list prices,
are written into the specifications, they will be reluctant to
• power and auxiliary service (air, cooling, water, etc.) re-
provide their lowest prices to the shipyard.
Engineers should prepare the specifications, since many
• maintenance, service and spare parts requirements,
of the features described in the specifications involve or im-
• installation drawings, and
pact upon engineering decisions. There is prevalence on the
• noise data.
part of many shipowners to have non-technical operating
staff prepare the specifications. This is to be deplored as it The last item is important today because of the growing
can lead to serious mistakes or weaknesses in the design. awareness of industrial health environmental concerns.
A second reason for carrying out the contract design is to Vendors are also very helpful, if not somewhat biased,
increase the amount of detail and improve the accuracy of in defining the technical capabilities of their products, and
the design. This, in turn, permits the designer to continue as- contrasting them with those of their competitors. Keeping
sessing the economic and technical feasibility of the design, this bias in mind, the designer is in a much better position
but with increasing accuracy, greater reliability and less risk. to evaluate the relative merits of alternative types of equip-
During both the preliminary and contract design efforts, ment, and like items from different vendors.
a great many calculations are performed. These do not usu- A shipowner may already have a relationship with cer-
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-9

tain engine manufacturers and other suppliers, and there- agencies, which shipowners and ship designers will have
fore, have preferences, which should be recognized when to deal with, can include:
preparing the design and specifications.
• U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
It is sometimes useful for the shipowner to engage in ne-
• Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
gotiations with key suppliers, at an early date, even though
• U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS)
all parties know that the yard will purchase the materials.
• U.S. Maritime Administration (MarAd)
Of course, in some cases it is possible for the shipowner to
purchase some of the materials and furnish them to the yard Indirectly, the following may have an impact on U.S.
as shipowner–supplied-items. However, in doing so, the commercial ship design and operation:
shipowner takes on liabilities regarding delivery and unit
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
performance. When things go wrong, there are often large
• Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
claims by the builder.
• U.S. Navy
Some of the areas beneficial to the shipowner, which can
be negotiated beforehand, include dealing with the vendors in: U.S. ships may also have to comply with U.S. State and
municipal regulations, particularly with regard to air pol-
• providing crew training at low or no cost,
lution, collision avoidance, mooring and other areas. When
• assisting in the installation drawing plan approval,
operating abroad, U.S. ships may also have to comply with
• providing factory representative or installation engineer
local national and industrial rules and regulations such as
through start-up and testing,
Australian Harbor Workers Rules, Indian Factory Acts, etc.
• providing annual turnkey maintenance contracts at com-
U.S. vessels will also face port state control to assure that
petitive rates,
they comply with international conventions.
• establishing service centers and fully stocked spare parts
It is in the shipowner’s best interest to assure that his de-
warehouses convenient to the shipowner’s areas of op-
signs meet the latest regulations (and even anticipate im-
eration, and
pending regulations), before negotiating and contracting.
• favorable warranty terms.
To this end, at the very least, the designers should confer
The shipowner must be aware that the efficiency of the with the cognizant regulatory bodies and class during the
shipbuilding process is tied to good shipbuilder supply chain design period. The regulatory bodies and classification so-
management. If the shipowner is overly specific, it may re- cieties can be very helpful in suggesting technical alterna-
sult in a higher contract price because of possible disrup- tives. As such, regulators and class should be regarded as
tions to shipbuilder-supplier long-term agreements, part of the ship acquisition team, rather than as adversaries.
inventory, scheduling considerations, etc. The shipowner
should be prepared to be flexible, where possible. One mech-
anism frequently employed at the pre-contract stage is the 4.3.7 Model Testing
agreement on a vendors list, with up to three vendors or
The confirmation of power predictions at the preliminary and
models, in each category, from which the shipbuilder is free
contract design stages can be carried out with towed and self-
to choose when he is ready to order. The vendors’ are def-
propelled tests at independent experimental model basins.
initely part of the shipowner’s vessel acquisition team.
These are especially useful when new or novel hull forms are
used or the vessel’s speed and power levels are high. Doing
4.3.6 The Role of the Regulatory Bodies and this testing at an early stage precludes expensive and dis-
Classification Societies ruptive changes, for power deficiencies, after contract sign-
ing. Other testing, which can be carried out, depending on
The nature of regulatory bodies and classification societies
the intended operations of the vessel, and the size and com-
should not be confused. The regulatory bodies derive their
plexity of the size, cost and number of ships, can include:
authority from statute. They publish and enforce regula-
tions, such as in those found in the Code of Federal Regu- • power prediction in still water,
lations (CFR). Designers and shipowners should also be • power prediction in regular waves,
alert to the periodically issued USCG N.V.I.C.s and notices • power prediction in irregular waves,
of proposed rule making. The USCG permits some of their • power prediction in oblique waves,
regulations to be administered by the classification soci- • optimum trim tests,
eties. Foreign governments will sometimes permit classifi- • steering and maneuvering,
cation societies to act on their behalf. The U.S. Federal • seakeeping and deck wetness,
4-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• ship motions, • preparation of pro forma contract,

• wake field, • negotiations,
• separation of flow, • financing, and
• streamlines, for bilge keels, • contracting.
• tests in ice,
Each step, except financing, should be carried out in se-
• mooring loads, and
quence. The financing efforts may begin long before the
• propeller load, vibration and cavitation.
Commercial Phase begins, even as early as the Planning
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has proven use- Phase. As the project proceeds through the Commercial
ful as a substitute for some model tests. Wind tunnel tests Phase, price, delivery, financing terms and other vital de-
are also useful, in some cases, for stack exhaust, ventilation, tails become better known and more precise. Throughout
wind load and superstructure streamline considerations. the Commercial Phase, the project should be continuously
Some of these tests can be carried out after contract. In measured against the original objectives and the mission
fact, having the shipyard participate in the final resistance statement. Any departure should be deliberate and for good
and power tests, gives them more comfort with their con- cause. The project and any deviations should also be con-
tractual speed guarantees. The propeller tests may be car- tinuously measured against the agreed upon economic cri-
ried out together with the propeller manufacturer selected teria.
by the shipyard. Responsibilities for the costs of the vari- This continuous review may indicate that changes should
ous tests and technical performance should be carefully de- be undertaken in the design, business plans or other aspects
fined in the specifications and/or contract. of the project.

4.4 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES 4.4.2 Selection of Yards for Invitation

There are over 500 shipyards in the world capable of build-
4.4.1 Introduction
ing ships of at least 5000 DWT in size. Obviously, it is im-
The third phase in the ship acquisition process mainly in- practical to invite every one of these to participate in a
volves commercial activity. It includes soliciting bids, ne- shipbuilding bidding program. It is therefore necessary to
gotiating, contracting and financing. This third phase limit the number to be invited. The reasoning used in mak-
requires the expertise of professionals in these areas. The ing such a selection may be based on a number of factors.
extent to which the shipowner may need to reach outside These attributes of the yard include:
for assistance depends on the skill levels and experience
within the shipowner’s organization. It is likely that, on a • facilities,
very large program, the shipowner would need, or at least • technical capabilities,
benefit from, the talents of experts in these different disci- • experience,
plines. It is not usual for a shipowner or his staff to acquire • order book position,
a few vessels over a short span of years. However, an ad- • geographical location,
miralty attorney, naval architect, or a purchase and sale bro- • financing capability,
ker probably will be involved in a greater number of new • customer satisfaction, and
building transactions for many clients in the same period. • labor or political unrest.
Hence their breadth and depth of experience will greatly ex- The number of yards to be invited will depend on the
ceed those of a typical shipowner’s staff. On the other hand, size or value of the order, with the larger number of ships
the shipowner’s staff will be much more familiar with the or complexity, usually requiring more yards to be invited.
shipowner’s needs and methods. Hence, a team approach,
using the talents of both insiders and outsiders, tends to be
a more effective overall solution. 4.4.3 Request for Expression of Interest
The Commercial Phase essentially consists of the fol-
This step calls for making a simple, brief inquiry from each
lowing steps:
of the selected shipyards. The inquiries, which have been
• selection of yards for invitation, sent by telex, but more recently by facsimile or e-mail, out-
• request for expression of interest, line the shipowner’s intended order (number, type, and size
• invitation to bid, of vessels). It asks for the shipyards to respond and state
• bid analysis, whether they are interested in bidding on the project.
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-11

4.4.4 Invitation to Bid The next step depends very much on the type of bidding
The next step in the commercial process is to formally re- procedure conducted. In the event that procedure calls for
quest proposals from eligible shipbuilders. The invitation sealed bids to be publicly opened and award is based solely
to bid is sometimes called a request for proposals (RFP). on low price, which is often the case in the procurement of
The necessity for carrying out this step formally includes a government vessels, the analysis is simple and the result is
consideration of the fact that the relationship between re- evident, almost by inspection. However, the commercial
quester and bidder has legal liability implications. Also, un- buyer more usually opens the bids in private and reserves
less the responders submit proposals in a consistent manner, the right to select or reject any or all bids, at his discretion.
such as on a standard form, the analysis of the bids becomes After shortening the bidding list and carrying out the ma-
extremely complex. The formal request for proposals also trix analysis, the shipowner next creates a short list.
helps the project managers to maintain a consistent and re- Courtesy and fairness dictate that the other bidders be
liable schedule for the commercial phase of the acquisition notified at the earliest possible date of their rejection, so
process. that they don’t reserve building capacity for orders that will
It is customary and prudent to give the bidders sufficient never materialize.
time to prepare a well thought out and studied proposal. It is not only courteous and fair, but also good business
Too short a bidding period will cause the bidders to have to practice to thank each bidder, in writing, and to advise each
take short cuts in their design calculations and to estimate, bidder why his proposal was rejected. When treated fairly,
rather than calculate their costs with the necessity that some yards will be more willing in the future to put effort into re-
margins will be included, resulting in higher bids. sponding to other RFPs. The short listed bidders should also
On occasion errors in the design or specifications are be notified, advising them that they are on the short list. Ne-
found during the bidding period. Also, the shipowner’s re- gotiations can then begin.
quirements may change during the bidding period. These
may require sending out an addendum or addenda to the
4.4.6 Negotiations
specifications and/or revisions to the drawings. An exten-
sion in bid due date may be appropriate. The next step in the process involves negotiations. Unless
The shipowner may want to encourage bidders to use the bidding process calls for a public opening and award
their ingenuity to propose alternative design features or based on low price, commercial bidding more typically re-
other ways to enhance their proposals. However, for pur- sults in the selection of a short list of bidders for further ne-
poses of consistency and to simplify analyses, each bidder gotiations. This short list can be as few as one, and is
should be required to include, with such changes and in- typically two or three, namely a primary candidate, with
novations, a basic proposal strictly in accordance with the one or two back-up bidders. There are several reasons for
bidding documents. having more than one bidder involved during the negotia-
tion stage. The first is to provide a back up in the event that
the negotiations with the primary candidate reach an im-
4.4.5 Bid Analysis passe on some issues, or that in the course of the negotia-
Upon close of bidding, the shipowner should promptly an- tions, hidden issues cause the real price to rise or the bid to
alyze the proposals received. The analysis phase can be become less desirable than originally presented. It is also
complex if the bidders have not followed the formal pro- possible that because of other business opportunities, (the
cedures laid out by the shipowner. The analysis can be fur- shipyards may be bidding on several other projects) the pri-
ther complicated if the bidders take exception to any portion mary bidder may withdraw its bid.
of the design or contract; or provide alternatives; or propose A second reason for having back-up bidders is that it is
complex financing schemes. important from a psychological point of view. If the nego-
If there are a large number of responders, the initial cut tiating efforts are to further reduce price or improve terms,
can usually be accomplished by ranking the proposals by it is helpful to the buyer for the primary bidder to know that
price. Those that are obviously too high are rejected. Nev- his competitors are waiting in the wings.
ertheless, every proposal should be carefully read before re- In a buyer’s market, the buyer must use his advantages
jection. A pricey proposal may contain other features, which judiciously, and not push the bidders below a level of fair-
are important and desirable to the shipowner. Some bidders ness or reasonable profitability. Of course, it is difficult for
may intentionally provide a high price for the shipowner’s the buyer to know at what point in the negotiations the bid-
design, but a much more competitive price for their pro- der reaches a non-compensatory price. Therefore, it is in
posed alternatives. the buyer’s own interest to enter into the negotiations care-
4-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

fully prepared with as much knowledge of not only what • buyer’s market (shipyard or export credit).
he can afford to pay, but also with a knowledge of, or best • companies with large earning power, strong predictable
estimate of the bidder’s cost factors, including worker wage cash flows, asset quality and financial leverage below
rates, projected inflation allowances, worker productivity optimal capital structure suggest debt financing, and
(such as man-hours required per ton of steel produced or • companies whose stock price is extremely low, given fu-
per compensated gross ton), the steel of ship (both plate ture expectations may consider hybrid schemes.
and shape; both mild and special steels), steel and main en- (see Chapter 7 – Mission and Owner’s Requirements)
gine prices, etc.
The pitfalls in pushing the bidder below a point of rea- Debt financing
sonable profitability and more importantly into a loss-mak- Debt financing is the least expensive, but most restrictive
ing contract include the possibility that the bidder will form of ship finance. The more usual way to finance ships
bankrupt itself during the project, or that the candidate may is through commercial or government loans. These tradi-
attempt to find ways, during the construction, to reduce the tional loans are almost always secured or collateralized.
quality or performance of the ship or otherwise avoid its con- The shipowner, in addition to granting a mortgage to the
tractual obligations. The probability of dissatisfaction and bank on the vessel, may also pledge one or more of the fol-
litigation during or at the end of the project increases dra- lowing as collateral:
matically as the losses of the builder increase. The buyer is
• assignment of earnings,
certainly not responsible for errors, which the builder may
• insurance proceeds,
make in preparing his bid price or for unforeseen cost in-
• corporate guarantees,
creases, which occur during the project. However, he does
• pledge of shares, and
play an important role in assuring that all participants in the
• personal guarantees.
project emerge with a commercially satisfying result at the
end of the project. Lending institutions seldom lend more than 90 percent of
The negotiations usually dwell on the contract terms the vessel acquisition or building cost. They prefer to have a
(price, delivery and guarantees) and on the specifications. portion of the cost provided by the shipowner. There are two
reasons for this. First, it ensures a more serious involvement
by the shipowner when he has his funds invested. Second, the
4.4.7 Ship Financing lender is more likely to recover his full investment in the event
of a liquidation of the assets. In the event that the primary
There are four principal sources of funds for shipbuilding,
lender does not make available sufficient funds, the shipowner
may find a second lender who will accept a second mortgage
1. debt (one that is inferior in rank; that is, which is paid out only after
2. leasing the first mortgage, in the event of liquidation.)
3. equity, and The ship mortgage serves several purposes; namely it
4. government grants. provides a public record of the lien on the vessel, the de-
gree to which the vessel is subject to prior liens and the pri-
Within these four categories, there exist a great number
ority of the lien. It also is the basis for an agreement between
of variations and combinations. While the commercial bank
the lender and the shipowner concerning operation, main-
loan (debt instrument) remains the classical method for fi-
tenance, insurance, and trading areas, etc.
nancing ships, there have been major changes over the last
Loans can be made on a fixed interest rate basis or a
two decades in this traditional method. First, the availabil-
floating or variable rate. Fixed rates from commercial banks
ity of government grants through direct and indirect subsi-
are rare since they depend on sources of funds that are them-
dies, guarantees, etc. has declined. Second, the use of equity
selves subject to variable interest rates. One method of ar-
markets has grown steadily.
ranging for a fixed rate is to have the lender arrange a swap,
Factors which affect which type of financing to seek,
which is an agreement with a third, party to exchange
streams of interest payments. The two parties, which re-
• availability of funds in each finance sector, which can spectively have excess funds at variable and fixed rates, are
vary cyclically, able to achieve a balance. Such swaps will cost the bor-
• availability of unused tax depreciation suggests leasing, rower a higher rate than he would pay for a variable rate.
• companies with excess debt (that is, all borrowed up) or Another way for a borrower to protect himself against
which are potential business risks suggest equity, rising interest rates is to pay the bank an extra cost to pro-
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-13

vide a cap. A cap is an agreement by the lender to pay all A second method of selling shares for shipbuilding fi-
interest exceeding a certain specified level. nance is through the private placement market; that is, to such
Another form of debt financing is the issuance of bonds institutions as property and casualty insurance companies, pri-
by the shipowner, such shipbuilding bonds being certifi- vate and public sector pension funds, mutual funds, and fi-
cates of indebtedness for long term loans for a specific pur- nance companies. The funds available in the private placement
pose, with specified interest rate and payback terms. market are enormous. The key to access to this market is for
a shipowner to find an agent or advisor with a strong record Leasing of success in this field, and to gain acceptable credit ratings
Leasing is a method for increasing assets without equity for the shipping transactions being put forward.
input from shareholders. It is also a method for a shipowner
to trade away tax advantages, such as depreciation, which Government grants
he is unable to use. Financing assistance from government sources is done to
There are two types of leases, operating and finance aid and stimulate domestic shipbuilding or domestic ship-
leases. The ship-operating lease is a time or voyage char- ping. Such assistance takes many forms and these include,
ter whereas with a finance lease, the lessor is only respon- but are not limited to:
sible for finance; the lessee is responsible for insurance and
• government loans,
all operating costs; that is, a bareboat lease.
• subsidizing interest rate,
Most new ship leases are leveraged leases where in-
• cash grant to shipowner,
vestors provide funds (equity portion) for a portion of the
• cash grant to shipbuilder,
ship’s cost and the debt portion is secured by a mortgage
• cash or credit to allied industries,
and assignment of lease payments. Lease payments cover
• operating subsidies tied to shipbuilding agreement,
the debt service and a return to the investors, who also may
• favorable taxation incentives
receive tax benefits and a residual portion of the vessel at
a. lower or no taxes,
the end of the lease.
b. deferrals,
c. write-offs, Equity financing
d. accelerated depreciation, and
Another source of financing funds is from equity (equity in
e. tax-free reserves.
the sense of shipownership in or shares in the profits or fu-
• guarantee of private loans,
ture value of a business).
• favorable loan terms
Hence equity funds for ship acquisition might come
a. low interest rate,
b. long grace period,
• retained earnings, c. little or no down payment,
• cash flow, d. more than 40 percent financing,
• sale of assets, e. repayment out of profits only,
• sale of stock, f. long loan term,
a. Preferred, g. balloon payment at end of loan, and
b. Common, and h. little or no security required.
• limited partnerships. • write-off of previous losses,
• moratoria on debt repayment,
The sale of stock to the initial public offerings (IPOs) is
• training funds,
a difficult and complex undertaking and becomes realistic
• custom duties waived on imported materials,
only with larger ship owning companies or in large ship ac-
• shipbuilding research and development funds, and
quisition transactions. In most countries, the sale of secu-
• vessel scrapping subsidies.
rities is controlled by strict laws, for example, in the U.S.
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires
rigorous accounting methods (GAAP – generally accepted
accounting procedures), disclosure requirements, etc. The 4.4.8 Hybrid Schemes
floating of a stock issue is expensive, time consuming and There are a number of hybrid ship finance schemes, which
requires government review and approval. Nevertheless, do not fit under the simple debt or equity categories. These
many shipowners, particularly tanker and cruise line methods work for companies whose stock prices are ex-
shipowners resort to this opportunity. tremely low, given future expectations. They include:
4-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• convertible debt, However, some contracts are oral. Some are even formed
• debt with warrants, by merely the actions of the parties, such as occur during
• three-tiered limited liability partnerships, the bidding or negotiating stages.
• tax incentive systems for small investors, Letters of intent are sometimes used to expedite mat-
• blocked currency schemes, and ters. However, because of the complexities just mentioned,
• barter-trade deals. they should be used with great caution. It is for these and
other reasons that the prudent shipowner and shipyard will
Large shipping companies with well established bank-
avail themselves of the services of attorneys skilled and ex-
ing relations are usually experienced in ship finance, and
perienced in shipbuilding contracts. This advice and assis-
are able to use their banking connections effectively. How-
tance should be sought (and heeded) early in the program,
ever, smaller shipowners, first-time buyers or large compa-
when the commercial phase begins. The lawyer is often a
nies with limited financial capabilities find it convenient to
useful participant during the commercial negotiations, and
use ship finance intermediaries. These professionals search
is essential if a pro-forma contract, heads-of-agreement,
out financing sources, make introductions, and assist in the
and/or letter of intent is used.
preparation and the presentation of finance documents. They
There is often the temptation by the shipowner’s tech-
are primarily based in the large commercial banking cen-
nical staff to use one of the deceptively simple standard
ters, such as London and New York.
form contracts by merely filling in the blanks. Even worse
is the re-use of earlier contracts, without consulting attor-
4.4.9 Contracting neys. Changes in law, tax regulations, differences in juris-
The next step in the ship acquisition process involves the dictional interpretations, etc. can lead to serious errors.
establishment of a legal relationship between the buyer Fisher claims (9) that over the last 20 years, he has seen
(shipowner) and seller (shipyard). This relationship is the a surprisingly large number of contracts, which could at best
shipbuilding contract. be termed amateur. “Ship construction contracts developed
A detailed discussion on Contracts is presented in Chap- by amateurs are the ones most likely to result in contractual
ter 9 – Contracts and Specifications. Again only a brief cov- disasters and exhibit the result from poorly prepared con-
erage is presented herein to complete the understanding of tracts, namely delays, cost overruns and litigation.”
the ship acquisition process. Regardless of under which jurisdiction the contract is
The contract to build one or more vessels is a very com- made, there are several fundamental requirements for a con-
plex undertaking, and as such should be approached with tract to be valid. These include:
great care. It is complex because:
• There must be an offer by one party and an acceptance
• it is usually an international transaction, which may in-
by the other. The offer and acceptance, which are prom-
volve the laws and regulations of one or more countries
ises, form the basis of the agreement. Depending upon
or jurisdictions,
jurisdiction, for example in the U.S. and UK, the agree-
• it involves an agreement to construct (and hence embod-
ment need not be in writing (although it almost always
ies some features of construction or building contracts),
is) to be a valid contract. It may be oral or it may result
and the provision of services and the sale of goods, all with
from the actions and intentions of the parties. Therefore,
different implications under the law. In the U.S. there are
it is of vital importance that all action taken by the par-
some who regard the shipbuilding contract as a contract
ties during and after the tendering process be treated
for the sale of goods, whereas there are others that regard
with utmost care and with expert legal advice.
it as a contract for the sale of services or a combination of
• There must be some consideration. On one hand, the
both. The goods are viewed as future goods (as they are
builder (seller) commits himself to build and deliver the
yet to be constructed). The Uniform Commercial code,
vessel. The shipowner (buyer) makes a financial com-
which applies to goods, which are moveable, while adopted
mitment and usually makes a down payment upon sign-
by all 50 states, may vary slightly from state to state,
ing of the contract.
• the transaction may involve more than two parties, es-
• The third requirement is that the parties must intend to
pecially depending upon the complexities of the vessel
create a legal relationship. In some non-shipbuilding ac-
financing, and
tivities this is an important distinction. However, because
• the contract involves a considerable amount of money.
of the many steps taken, previously described, and which
Shipbuilding contracts are usually in written form, and occur during tendering and negotiations, the intent of the
in fact, some jurisdictions require them to be in writing. parties in a shipbuilding project are usually clear.
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-15

Shipbuilding contracts are expressed contracts (stated in • price,

writing or orally) rather than implied contracts. They are • delivery,
bilateral contracts, where both parties mutually promise, • guarantees,
one to build and deliver a vessel and the other to pay. • test,
In order to form a valid contract, several other elements • procedures for changes,
are necessary. • right of rejection,
They include: • default,
• title, and
• the parties must be competent, • legal jurisdiction and dispute resolution.
• the parties must express definite assent in the form re-
quired by law, A shipbuilding contract should identify the shipyard in
• at the time of contract, it must not be impossible of per- which the ship will be built. Most contracts do, but the SAJ
formance, and is silent on this point. The shipowner wants to be assured
• it must not contravene law or public policy. that the ship will be built in the yard he reviewed and se-
In a multiple ship order, it is customary to have a sepa- lected.
rate contract for each ship. The contract should state the builder’s hull number, and
The written contract may take one of several forms, most do, because the shipowner wants assurance that the
namely: builder will not substitute a later order ahead of his.
The contract should describe the vessel, even if briefly,
• a specially drafted contract for the transaction by the including the type, the principal dimensions, registry and
shipowner’s or builder’s attorneys. Such contracts usu- classification. A more detailed description is included in the
ally are biased in the direction of the party preparing the specifications and contract drawings, which should be made
first draft. The party preparing the first draft of course a part of the contract.
bears the legal expense of such an effort. Also, in some An important part of the contract should deal with the
jurisdictions the court places a burden on the party prepar- shipowner’s right to inspect the vessel and approve draw-
ing the first draft. ings, appointment and rights of shipowner’s representative
• the shipowner’s or builder’s usual form of contract. and facilities for them to be provided by the shipyard.
Where either party frequently enters into shipbuilding Every contract provides for guaranteed speed, fuel con-
contracts, they may have a form of contract, which they sumption and deadweight tonnage. Some contracts also in-
customarily use, but which should be carefully reviewed clude a guaranteed cubic capacity (AWES and Norwegian
by that party’s attorneys for applicability to the current Form). It is not out of order to require the builder to guaran-
types of ships, locale of yard, and/or recent regulations tee other features of the ship such as cargo deck area, verti-
or legal rulings. cal center of gravity, LNG boil off rate, pallet capacity,
• a shipbuilding standard contract form. There are several lane-meter of vehicle space, number of passenger berths, etc.
in common use, namely: The guarantee section ascribes penalties for shortfall,
a. SAJ Form – The Shipowners Association of Japan and the right to cancel the contract if the deficiency exceeds
Form of January 1974. a given amount.
b. AWES Form – The Association of West European The contract will provide a delivery date, an effective
Shipbuilders Form of July 1972. starting date, and penalties for late delivery. AWES provide
c. MarAd Form – The U.S. Department of Transporta- for premiums for early delivery, although most shipowners
tion, Maritime Administration, Marine Subsidy elect not to include such a clause.
Board – 1980. The contract will state the contract price, currency in
d. Norwegian Form – The Association of Norwegian which payment is made payment methods, installment pay-
Marine Yards and the Norwegian Shipowner’s As- ments and procedures for extra costs. Provisions may also
sociation Form of October 1981. be made for escalations in the contract price based on wage
Regardless of which form is used, any shipbuilding con- and/or material cost increases. Generally such escalation
tract should contain a number of basic elements. These in- clauses, where they do occur, are tied to industrial or gov-
clude: ernmental indices.
Force majeure terms are usually the subject of much dis-
• identification of the parties, cussion. Some force majeure clauses remain among the
• description of what is to be done, most arcane to be found in law, for example, restraint of
4-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

princes, letters of marque, etc. Nevertheless, other terms of the project at the shipyard, or lead yard in the case of a
are very important and have a reasonable likelihood of oc- multi-yard project.
currence, for example strikes, riots, civil commotion, earth- The duties of the shipowner’s representative usually in-
quakes, hurricanes, floods, etc. It is reasonable to include clude:
events, which are totally out of the control of the shipbuilder.
However, shipyards will often ask that clauses referring to • represent the interests of the shipowner,
failure of suppliers to deliver materials on time, be included. • endeavor to keep the project on budget,
It is not in the shipowner’s interest to include such a clause • endeavor to keep the project on schedule,
since it relieves the yard from a penalty for poor planning; • supervise the inspection team,
that is, lateness in ordering material, or failure to press the • monitor the construction progress,
suppliers for timely deliveries. • assure safe and healthy working conditions for ship-
owner’s staff,
Liquidated damages for late delivery should not be set
• control and approve the change order process,
so high that they make the shipowner whole, but they should
• receive, analyze and report to the shipowner progress
be at least high enough to create an incentive for the builder
against schedule,
to rectify his lateness, and to compensate the shipowner for
• identify, report on, and to the extent possible, resolve
interest on his progress payments. production problems,
• monitor and record conditions, which may be used as a
basis for force majeure claims,
4.5 PRODUCTION • look after the welfare of the inspection team and other
shipowner’s employees on site including assisting in
4.5.1 Introduction housing, transportation, visas, taxes, finances, insurance,
The fourth phase in the ship acquisition process involves medical issues, repatriation, replacement, training, etc.,
Production. Immediately following the signing of the con- • manage the field office and its staff including secretarial/
tract, the initiative in the process shifts from the buyer clerical staff, office equipment, furniture, computers, com-
(shipowner) to the seller (shipyard). While the center of ef- munications, petty cash, expense accounts, vehicles, etc.,
fort lies with the yard, nevertheless, there are a number of • monitor the inspection of workmanship, materials, tests,
important tasks, which a prudent shipowner must carry out and trials,
or participate in during construction and immediately after • monitor the yard’s quality, quality assurance and safety
delivery. These include: programs,
• maintain custody of test instruments,
• shipowner representation/contract management, • confirm that the shipyard has met payment milestones,
• inspection/quality control, • assure that shipowner-furnished equipment and supplies
• plan approval, are received, inventoried, stored, and protected in ware-
• crewing, storing and fueling, houses before placement on board,
• delivery/acceptance protocol, and • coordinate with or supervise the plan approval team,
• positioning. • coordinate with shipowner’s finance, insurance, legal,
personnel, and operations departments,
The contract should clearly spell out the responsibilities
• assist shipowner’s marketing, sales, and public relations
and rights of both parties during this production phase. Even
departments concerning press releases, ceremonies, vis-
greater detail, in this regard, is often included in the shipbuilding its, display models, photos, etc.,
specifications. It is essential that all parties who have respon- • coordinate crewing and crew-related requirements at the
sibilities should be familiar with the terms and details of the shipyard,
contract and specifications. It often has been found useful to • assist in the initial storing and fueling of the ship, in-
extract those portions of each, which apply to them, and dis- cluding lubricants and lube oil.
tribute these to members of the shipowner’s inspection team. • coordinate with the shipyard’s guarantee engineer, after
The shipowner has a number of obligations under the delivery,
shipbuilding contract. In order to handle these duties in an • assure that all documents and certificates are provided
orderly manner, it is customary for the shipowner to ap- by the yard,
point a Shipowner’s Representative. It is usual for the • accept delivery of the ship on behalf of the shipowner,
shipowner’s representative to be domiciled for the duration and
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-17

• provide for an orderly shut down of the project, includ- under the shipbuilding contract, both explicitly and im-
ing resolution and closing of accounts, repatriation of plicitly. Implicitly, because the shipowner reserves the right
crew, organizing and shipping of files, plans and docu- to inspect all work in progress, and engineering work is in-
ments, and providing a written summary of the project. cluded in this. Explicitly, because both parties to the con-
tract find it useful to articulate the entire drawing review
4.5.2 Shipowner Plan Approval The plan review usually calls for multiple copies of the
The term plan approval in the shipbuilding process refers detailed plans and other documents to be sent to the
to the shipowner’s review of detailed drawings, calcula- shipowner or his naval architect. The receipt and handling
tions, field sketches, test agendas and results, vendor draw- of such drawings should be carried out formally and care-
ings, purchase orders and other technical documentation fully, since the shipowner’s responses, and in some cases,
developed during construction. The principal activity re- failure to respond may have cost, delivery, warranty and
lates to a review of working drawings, which are usually legal implications.
prepared by the shipbuilder’s engineering department. There can be as many as one thousand first issue draw-
A significant difference between the concept, prelimi- ings developed prior to or during construction. It is useful
nary and contract design work, on one hand, which we may at the outset for the shipowner or his naval architect to re-
call the basic design and the detailed design on the other view the proposed plan list and identify those drawings,
hand, is that the engineering work in the former case may which he wants to approve, or which he wants only for in-
be regarded as developmental and may be subject to con- formation purposes.
stant change and improvement. The engineers preparing the It is customary for the shipowner to receive all revisions
detailed design must make sure that their work conforms to to the first issue drawings also, for approval or re-approval.
the contract drawings and not make changes, except in strict The purpose of the plan approval is not to improve upon
accordance with the change procedures in the contract. the design or continue its development. This may occur nat-
The detailed design and engineering work that the ship- urally, but it is not why the procedure is included in the ship
builder is responsible for and which the shipowner may re- acquisition process. The purpose is to assure that the ship-
view includes some or all of the following: builder complies with the terms and intent of the contract
when details to the design are developed. In the course of
• working plans,
the preparation of details, ways to improve the design may
• finished drawings,
occur to the shipowner, or changes in his requirements may
• posted plans,
suggest modifications to the design. However, these must
• vendor drawings,
be regarded as changes under the contract and may result
• field sketches,
in increases or decreases in contract price and/or changes
• shop drawings,
in the delivery date. Such changes requested by the
• schematics,
shipowner may also result in a lessening in the liability of
• drawing changes,
the builder or a diminishment of his warranties, depending
• operating manuals,
on how the changes are requested.
• safety manuals,
In the course of making comment on drawings under re-
• maintenance, repair and trouble shooting manuals,
view, the shipowner’s comments sometimes might unin-
• test agenda,
tentionally be regarded as requests for changes. It is therefore
• test result analyses,
important that the contract (or specifications) include a
• technical specifications for component procurement,
clause requiring the builder to call the shipowner’s atten-
• As Built drawings, and
tion to the fact that he regards such comments as requests
• training manuals.
for changes, and state what cost or delivery implications
In the process of development of the detailed design, or such changes would have.
to suit differing yard standards or procedures, the yard may Transmittal letters should accompany the receipt and re-
find it necessary or desirable to modify the contract design. turn of reviewed drawings. At the very least such transmittal
This should be done only with the approval of the shipowner letters establish a time record, since certain of the shipowner’s
and in accordance with the contract procedures. It is the re- rights to review are usually limited to a certain number of days.
sponsibility of the builder to obtain regulatory body and This drawing review period is subject to agreement between
classification society approval for such changes. the parties and is recited in the contract. It is a certain num-
The right to review detailed drawings is usually reserved ber of days, usually somewhere between 10 and 21 days. It
4-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

will depend on where the plan reviewer or reviewers are lo- increased accuracy, improved documentation, and a short-
cated; that is, at the shipowner’s offices, the naval architect’s ening in the time required for review.
offices, or the shipowner’s field office in the shipyard, the When the naval architect or shipowner’s new shipbuild-
complexity of the design, the shipowner’s need to review ing department is carrying out the plan review, it is impor-
some drawings with the operating department or potential tant that they coordinate the ideas and needs of the various
charters, the ship delivery schedule, etc. The period is usu- other shipowner’s departments, particularly marine opera-
ally based on date of receipt by the shipowner, date of re- tions. Other interested departments may include sales, pur-
turning by the shipowner, and the intervening number of chasing, stevedoring, insurance, safety, chartering, etc.
working days. A typical contract clause might read: In reviewing drawings, a number of factors and objec-
tives should be kept in mind. These would include:
The CONTRACTOR shall send to the PURCHASER, or
its authorized representative, for approval three copies of
• do the drawings comply with the contact?
the drawings and the technical information for machinery
• does the design meet regulatory body requirements?
and equipment, for which such approval is required by the
• does the design meet classification society rules?
Specification(s). One of the three copies so submitted shall
• is the design “first class” and does it reflect “good work-
be returned, either approved, or supplemented with remarks
and amendments, to reach the CONTRACTOR within 14
• does the design reflect modern practice?
days from the date of receipt by the PURCHASER or within
• is the design safe?
21 days after dispatch by the CONTRACTOR, whichever
• have human factors and ergonomics been considered?
is the shorter, and if this is not done within this time limit
• does the design have the appropriate features to protect
the drawings and technical information shall be regarded
the environment?
as approved, unless additional time is specifically requested
• is the equipment maintainable?
in writing by the PURCHASER and agreed in writing by
• is the structure or equipment accessible for inspection,
maintenance or repair?
If the drawings and technical information are returned
• is there continuity of structure?
to the CONTRACTOR within the said time limit supple-
• is the structure aligned, configured and sized to resist the
mented with remarks and amendments by the PUR-
CHASER and if the said remarks and amendments are not
• have margins and safety factors been used and are they
of such a nature or extent as to constitute modifications
under Article 3 hereof, then the CONTRACTOR shall start
• are structural butts, seams and joints clear of highly
or continue production on the corrected or amended draw-
stressed areas?
ings and technical information provided that if such re-
• has compensation been allowed for cutouts and other
marks and amendments are not clearly specified or detailed.
The CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to place its own in-
• is the design free of stress concentrations?
terpretation on such remarks and amendments in imple-
• have the correct welding symbols and materials been
menting the same.
• are the correct materials and alloys called for and are they
It is also possible, in the interest of saving time, that field compatible?
changes, sketches, test memoranda, calculations may be • has drainage been provided?
sent and returned by facsimile or by e-mail. • are there ladders, scaffolds, or platforms, or other pro-
With the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) draw- visions for frequently inspected or maintained equip-
ings, it is possible to store, reproduce, and transmit such dig- ment?
itized drawings electronically. The storage of technical • will the accidental release of liquids (water, oil, etc.)
information can be made on CD-ROM, hard drives, floppy from pipes, joints, tanks, overflows, etc., spray or flow
discs, and other devices. onto electrical equipment, hot components or otherwise
Some classification societies (ABS and Lloyd’s Regis- cause a problem?
ter) currently, are prepared to receive drawings in electronic • are the quarters, working and public spaces habitable,
format, review them on screen, store and return marked-up sanitary, maintainable and comfortable?
drawings electronically; that is, without resorting to paper. • do the design and details meet the company’s standards?
Within the near future, shipowners and/or their naval ar- • are the equipment and its components interchangeable
chitects should be able to do the same. This should lead to with other equipment in the fleet?
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-19

• are all corrections and changes clearly marked? all aspects of safety, economy, efficiency, maintainability,
• are penetrations in watertight bulkheads and decks sound habitability, esthetics, etc. Shipowners should not confuse
and watertight themselves? the roles played by classification society and governmen-
• are the pipes passing through watertight boundaries fit- tal inspectors with that of the shipowner’s inspectors. Some
ted with non-return valves, where appropriate? shipowners are shortsighted enough to forego their right to
• are the ballast and fuel tank vent pipes, vent heads and inspect the vessel and defer to do the class and regulatory
the absence of paint on the flame screen adequate to pre- inspections. Obviously, the latter bodies have no responsi-
vent over-pressuring tanks? bility for and very little knowledge of the commercial in-
• are pressure vessels, pipes and equipment under pres- terests of the shipowner and are focused on safety issues.
sure fitted with the correct appliances? Matters such as life of coatings, the appearance of the ship
• are the ship’s structure and fittings, and particularly the (style), the comfort of the crew, the cost of operation of the
bottom and forward structure substantial enough to re- ship, the speed of cargo handling equipment, etc. are mat-
sist slamming, plunging, boarding seas, etc? ters which are of vital concern to the shipowner, and which
• are the quarters, equipment, structure and personnel pro- are beyond the scope of classification and regulatory body
tected, where appropriate, against ice, snow, rain, sand, inspection. Furthermore, U.S. courts have held that a
wind, waves, sunlight, heat, moisture, noise, and other shipowner cannot delegate the responsibility for assuring
environmental factors? that his ship is seaworthy.
• are the drawings correctly labeled, dimensioned to the Most shipyards have quality control, quality assurance
correct scale, complete, corrected, numbered, dated, and/or quality programs in place. Such programs are in-
signed and contain sufficient and correct references? and tended to produce ships, which meet the intended level of
• can the ship or its features be made esthetically pleas- quality defined by the contract and specifications. Ideally,
ing at no additional or at an acceptable level of cost? the builder would, because of his quality programs, deliver
a ship free of defects. Unfortunately, some such quality pro-
It is customary for a shipyard to incorporate many repet-
grams contain defects. It is apparent that there must be a
itive details into the working drawings. These are usually
series of safety nets, commencing with the builder’s qual-
printed into a booklet of yard standards. They may be sep-
ity control; and including the shipowner’s inspection team,
arated into booklets of structural details, piping, electrical,
the classification society and the regulatory bodies; that is,
HVAC, furniture, etc. These standards may vary consider-
flag state control. In some cases such as passenger ships,
ably from yard to yard. Therefore, it is essential that the
tankers, gas carriers, an additional safety net, in the form
shipowner closely examine the yard standards prior to con-
of port state control exists, particularly in the U.S. with for-
tract. He may not see them again until they are built into
eign flag vessels trading to U.S. ports.
the ship, as the working drawings may not show them, but
Another reason for the shipowner to have his inspectors
merely incorporate them by reference.
in place is because not every detail of construction is, nor
or need be, shown on the drawings which are sent to the
shipowner for approval. However, often, the small details,
4.5.3 Inspection which emerge on the scene, are of great importance to the
Under the terms of virtually all shipbuilding construction shipowner, and may affect his operations.
contracts, the shipowner reserves the right to carry out in- During the construction process, it is commonplace, for
spections of the work in progress and to witness tests and reasons of improved efficiency, for field changes to be made.
trials. These may apply to fasteners, brackets, arrangements, etc.
The specifications are often more explicit in the inspec- The local inspectors can approve these field changes, if they
tion procedures which are to be followed. are not of a significant technical nature. However, the plan
The purpose of shipbuilding inspection by the shipowner approval agent should be advised of such field changes to
is to assure that the vessel is constructed in accordance with assure that there is not conflict with other plans or processes.
the contract plans and specifications, and that the work-
manship and materials meet the intent of the contract. Hull inspection
It is intended that the scope of the shipowner’s inspec- The hull inspector’s responsibility is the structure of the
tion program be unrestricted by the shipbuilder, that free and ship. On a very large project, a welding inspector would as-
ready access is provided, and that it covers all materials and sist the hull inspector. On small jobs, the hull inspector may
work entering into the construction. It may extend, at the also handle coatings, deck machinery, superstructure out-
shipowner’s option, to every detail in the ship. It includes fitting and other duties. Regardless of the size of the proj-
4-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ect, a ship’s new construction team will always have at least sion and monitoring is necessary if such long guarantees are
one hull or structural inspector. Large, complex or multi- given. Therefore, often the paint manufacturer will have his
ship projects may have more than one hull inspector and representative on site. Nevertheless, on large projects, as-
might also have a welding inspector. signment of a shipowner’s coating inspector is prudent.
It is the responsibility of the hull inspector to inspect The test instruments most useful to the coatings inspec-
and follow the progress of the fabrication of the ship’s struc- tor range from the simple thermometer, hygrometer and
ture. This work commences upon the arrival of steel plate anemometer and wet thickness gauge, to more sophisticated
and shapes (profiles) at the yard. It continues as the steel, electronic dry thickness measurement devices, surface pro-
or other materials such as aluminum, wood, plastic, etc., is filers, etc.
prepared (straightened, dried, blasted, primed and marked) Many factors have emerged in recent years to make the
for cutting, forming and joining. assurance of correct coatings vital to the shipowner. These
The hull inspector follows the structure through the fab- include:
rication shops; that is, plate shop (two dimension), and block
• the desire for extended dry-docking periods (5 years),
shop (three-dimension) and at the platens.
• the high cost of recleaning and recoating,
The hull inspector will continue to follow the blocks into
• the reduction in crew size and unavailability of person-
the building (graving) dock or onto the launching ways,
nel to perform onboard chipping and painting,
where they are assembled into the ship. His work contin-
• fast port and shipyard turnaround, inhibiting the use of
ues through launching and trials to delivery.
shore side coating workers,
• the sheer size of many ships, especially VLCCs and Welding inspection ULCCs,
A welding inspector (in the event that if there is no weld- • the never-empty nature of containerships, inhibiting ac-
ing inspector, then the hull inspector), shall ensure that: cess to cargo hold,
• the types and sizes of welds, and the edge preparation • the use of high strength steels (HTS), whose corrosion
are appropriate and correct for the application, rates are the same as thicker mild steel structures, and
• welding sequences are proper and do not create locked hence waste away soone, and
in stresses or deformations. • the reduction in structural design safety margins, and
• all structure is properly aligned and spaced before weld- use of computers resulting in smaller scantlings, which
ing, are subject to more rapid wastage.
• welding is carried out in accordance with agreed upon One should refer to ASTM F1130-93, Standard Practice
standards, codes and good practice, especially with re- for Inspecting the Coating System of a Ship. Hence, it be-
gard to absence of spatter, porosity, undercutting, strikes, hooves the shipowner to give very careful attention to the
excessive crown, cracks and other irregularities, selection of a good coating manufacturer, proper coatings,
• welding rods are of the correct type and are kept in a dry an effective specification, a long guarantee and good in-
environment, spection.
• selection of welds, castings and forgings to be specially
inspected by non-destructive test methods or for tensile,
impact or fatigue tests, Electrical inspection
• witnessing tests and results of radiographic (x-rays), mag- The electrical inspector is generally responsible for the in-
netic particle, ultrasonic, and dye penetrant tests, and spection and witnessing of tests for the following:
• assist the hull inspectors, as required. • electrical generators,
• switchgear, switchboards, distribution panels and asso- Coating inspection ciated instrumentation,
On small projects the structural inspector may handle coat- • transformers, regulators, circuit breakers, synchroniz-
ing inspection. However, on larger projects a coating spe- ing equipment,
cialist may be engaged, as part of the inspection team to • motors, brakes, electric clutches,
carry out this work. In some cases, the coating (paint) sup- • wiring, buses, wireways, wire, and cable penetrations,
plier will give guarantees of five years or more for his paint. • lighting,
Since the effectiveness of such systems is highly dependent • electronic equipment,
on the surface preparation, environmental conditions during • communication equipment,
application and thickness of the application, close supervi- • automation systems,
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-21

• impressed current system, • the systems are energy efficient,

• electrical insulation, • the equipment is user friendly, properly marked and pro-
• monitors, sensors, alarms, annunciators, vided with instruction books, operating guides, trouble
• antennae, wave guides, transducers, shooting information, parts lists, etc., and
• electrical and communication shore connections, • the machinery and equipment meets performance spec-
• computers and their networks, and ifications.
• fiber optic systems.
It is generally accepted that effective shipbuilding ma-
Because of rapid advances in electronic equipment, es- chinery inspectors are former ships’engineers (usually chief
pecially computers and automation equipment and the dif- engineers) who have a specialty in the type equipment being
ficulty in finding electrical inspectors with expertise in both installed, such as steam, diesel or gas turbine propulsion
electrical and electronic fields, it is sometimes necessary to plans. Where possible, it is useful to have machinery in-
split the tasks between two specialists, one electrical and spectors who have taken various manufacturers’ training
the other electronic. courses.
It is customary to have the machinery inspectors’ work Machinery inspection very closely with the vessels’ chief engineer, who usually
Machinery inspectors are required to inspect and witness arrives on site later in the program. Often, one of the
the testing of all mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic shipowner’s senior chief engineer’s is assigned to the lead
equipment and their related instrumentation. These include, ship and may arrive at the yard early in the construction
but are not limited to: program (such as when the main engine is on the test bed
at the engine plant).
• main propulsion machinery,
• shafting, bearings and propeller,
• auxiliary electrical generators,
• heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, 4.5.4 Test and Trials
• refrigeration and dehumidification, One of the most critical periods during the production pe-
• rudders and steering gear, riod, and one where the shipowner bears important respon-
• cargo handling equipment, sibilities involves tests and trials. Testing occurs throughout
• auxiliary machinery, and the entire construction period. It begins with testing the basic
• deck machinery. materials, for example, classification surveyors testing hull
steel at the steel mills, or castings and forgings, or with ma-
In addition to assuring that such equipment is correctly
chinery manufacturers testing and demonstrating their ma-
installed and connected to other systems, the inspectors
chinery on test beds at the factory, and continues through
must assure that such equipment and systems:
the construction period at the shipyard, culminating with the
• are assembled correctly, successful completion of sea trials.
• are installed according to the manufacturers instructions Classification society surveyors, regulatory body in-
and good practice, spectors, and/or shipowner representatives, may witness the
• are arranged to provide safe access for operation and tests. In some jurisdictions, the failure of the shipowner to
maintenance, participate in certain tests may invalidate future claims
• sufficient room is left for opening, inspection and/or re- against the builder.
moval, Since testing and trials are usually disruptive to the con-
• the equipment is not a hazard, through malfunction to struction process, it is essential that they be well planned
equipment in its vicinity, and scheduled. The shipowner and his representatives should
• the foundations are appropriate for the equipment, be cooperative in this process.
• the equipment has the correct size or capacity for the serv- Many tests are prescribed in classification society rules
ice intended, or governmental regulations. The builder and his quality
• the equipment is free of abnormal vibrations, control department will routinely have his schedule of tests.
• the equipment does not generate abnormal noise, Additionally, the shipowner should include in the specifi-
• the equipment or systems are environmentally sound es- cations any other tests he may require.
pecially with respect to oil spill, solid waste, or sewage These should be described in detail or by reference to
water pollution, air pollution, toxic fume generation, ex- industry test standards, such as SNAME, ASTM, ASME,
cessive noise, etc., ASHRAE, IEEE, together with the test number and date of
4-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

issue, etc. Where the shipowner may require such special • hatch cover operation and tightness,
tests, he should be prepared to provide copies or be able to • for LNG, gas trials,
direct the shipbuilders to sources for the latest editions of • for reefer ships, refrigeration, air circulation and insu-
these, before the time of contract. lation tests, and
The more important tests should be described in detail. • hose and/or pressure testing of watertight bulkheads, wa-
For example, a containership shipowner will be interested tertight doors and other closures, tanks and hatch cov-
in stability and, therefore, the inclining test should receive ers to demonstrate tightness and structural adequacy.
particular attention. The passenger shipowner may focus on
noise and vibration tests, the gas carrier on the gas trials, the Late in the construction program and prior to sea trials,
reefer shipowner on insulation and refrigeration tests, etc. but after all machinery components and systems have been
In most cases, failure to meet certain important tests will tested, it is customary to carry out dock trials of four to eight
be keyed to penalty or cancellation clauses in the contract. hours duration. These are low-power tests conducted with
Therefore, it is of extreme importance that the tests be very the ship securely restrained at her berth. Care must be exer-
carefully and completely described. Pass-fail criteria must cised before and during dock trials. Damage to the propeller,
be included. In the event of disputes concerning the con- ingestion of mud and debris, strength of moorings and fit-
duct of the tests or the results, many contracts will contain tings, and scouring of the berth should be considered when
simplified dispute resolution clauses. establishing the power levels and propeller RPMs to be tested.
It is customary for the shipbuilder to prepare a test sched- After all construction is complete and all machinery and
ule early in the production program. The schedule will include components are in place and secure, an inclining test is car-
the components or systems being tested, projected starting and ried out to determine the vessel’s vertical center of gravity.
completion dates. This schedule is useful to the shipowner’s All loose gear, debris, garbage, scrap, scaffolding, welding
representative in planning his manpower requirements. It also machines, portable blowers and any other material not be-
serves as a measure of the progress of the completion of the longing to the ship must be removed. For the results of an
ship. Test memoranda or procedures are prepared and agreed inclining experiment to be valid, there must be no slack liq-
to, describing the tests to be carried out for each component uids in the vessel. Bilges and holds must be dry. Tanks con-
or system. These memoranda include such information as: taining liquids must be stripped or pressed up with no voids
or air pockets remaining.
• applicable drawings, During the inclining test, work on the ship is suspended
• design and performance data, with no workmen, and essentially only a watch and testing
• pass-fail criteria, personnel on board. Excessive wind can result in inaccu-
• pre-test inspection procedure, rate healing moments. Snow, ice, or standing water from
• detailed procedure to conducting the test, rain will cause inaccuracies. Drafts must be able to be read
• forms for recording test and results, and accurately. The vessel must be freely afloat, away from the
• post-test procedures. dock, and not unduly restrained by its mooring lines. The
The principal tests in a shipbuilding program include: procedures for conducting an inclining experiment are given
in USCG NVIC No. 1-67, or in ASTM F1321-92.
• material tests – physical and chemical, The deadweight survey is a very accurate determination
• shop trials – components (see SNAME T&R Bulletin 308 of the lightweight of the ship, conducted in the same man-
Code on Installation and Shop Trials,) ner as above, but without inclining the ship. Drafts are read
• welder qualification–classification society, at multiple stations along each side of the vessel, to deter-
• welding – destructive and non-destructive, mine the deflection of the hull. After accurately allowing
• piping – pressure, temperature, flow, etc., for water temperature and salinity, the light ship and dead-
• electrical – voltage, resistance, grounds, etc., weight of the ship are determined.
• pressure vessels – pressure, Pre- and post-trial drydocking is usually carried out, es-
• instrumentation – calibration, pecially if the hull has been in the fitting out dock or wet
• machinery and components – performance, basin after launching, for an extended period of time, or is
• lighting equipment – performance and load, in a warmer water area. The purpose of the pre trial dock-
• HVAC – flow, temperature, humidity, etc., ing is to assure that the hull and propeller are clean and free
• lighting – light levels, of fouling, the intakes are clear, that there are no pits from
• container cell guide clearances and reefer container improperly grounded welding, that the coatings are intact
power and monitoring systems, and there was no damage from the launching or dock tri-
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-23

als. The post trial drydocking serves the same purpose in a. turning circles,
addition to assuring that no damage occurred during the sea b. Z-maneuver and spiral maneuver,
trials. In multiple ship orders, the pre trial docking may be c. emergency (crash) stop, full ahead to full astern, and
dispensed with after the delivery of the first vessel. vice versa,
Sea trials are carried out when the vessel construction is d. directional stability,
substantially completed (usually one or more weeks before e. astern run,
the scheduled delivery), and the dock trials have been per- • emergency steering gear tests,
formed successfully. • bow and stern thruster tests,
Sea trials involve a large number of people and consid- • anchor windlass tests,
erable expense. Therefore, they should be planned and • vibration measurements (see SNAME Code C-1 Code
scheduled with great care. The shipowner should be repre- for Shipboard Vibration Measurements, Code C-4 Code
sented by an experienced naval architect and marine engi- for Local Structures and Machinery Vibration Mea-
neer, as well as key members of his inspection team. He surements, and Code C-5 Acceptable Vibration of Ma-
should also have the designated master and chief engineer rine and Gas Turbine Main and Auxiliary Machinery
on board as observers and for familiarization purposes. Plants,)
Not every vessel in a multiple ship program needs to un- • noise measurements,
dergo every trial test. For example, usually only the first • compass and radio direction finder calibration, and
ship in a series will undergo the standardization (speed) • navigation equipment tests, during endurance trials.
trial, the economy (fuel consumption) trial and the collec-
A post-trial conference should be conducted while the
tion of data for the maneuvering placard and booklet.
ship is at sea, at the conclusion of all tests, wherein the ship-
The trials should be conducted in accordance with a well-
builder should be made aware of all deficiencies observed
defined trial agenda. SNAME T&R Bulletin 3-47 Code C-
by the shipowner, class surveyors or regulatory body in-
2, Code for Sea Trials, is a well-known and widely used
spectors. This will give the shipbuilder the opportunity to
guide to the execution of sea trials. SNAME’s T&R Bulletin
take corrective actions and re-test the vessel. The ques-
No. 3-17, Recommended Practices for Steam Power Plan
tionable performance of any machinery or systems should
Trial Performance, is another useful document for steam
also be identified at this time.
plant trials. Also refer to ISO TC8 Guidelines for the As-
A formal report of the sea trials results should be pro-
sessment Speed and Power Performance by Speed Trials.
vided to the shipowner by the shipbuilder.
Sea trials, which are usually conducted in open, deep
water are meant to demonstrate and quantify the vessel’s
performance (such as steering gear and wind class tests),
and to satisfy certain contractual guarantees (such as speed 4.5.5 Crewing, Storing and Fueling
and fuel rate). They are meant to provide useful operational The initial crewing of the vessel is a shipowner’s function
data (such as maneuvering characteristics). Allowances are and may involve considerable expense and effort. It is ob-
made for current wind and sea conditions by running re- vious that the shipowner will want to minimize the costs
ciprocal courses. associated with this activity. Therefore, he will want to delay
The tests that are usually performed include: the assignment of the officers and unlicensed crew mem-
bers until the last possible moment, consistent with many
• standardization trial – speed trials, establishment of other considerations. For this reason, it is essential that the
speed/RPM relationships, correlation with model test shipowner’s representative work very closely with the
predictions, shipowner’s operating department, vessel managers and/or
• endurance trials – conducted for four hours to eight hours, crewing agents to keep them informed of the shipbuilding
unattended (if the vessel is automated) at normal power schedule, and particularly of any factors which may delay
and four hours at maximum power to demonstrate the delivery of the ship.
performance of the power plant and propulsion system, While it is customary to assign and position the crew
• economy trials – to measure the fuel consumption, usu- members before delivery for familiarization and training,
ally conducted during the endurance trials, certain key crew members may be assigned even earlier.
• maneuvering trials – to demonstrate the maneuvering On the other hand, the shipowner may furnish the ini-
capabilities of the ship, measure its characteristics and tial supply of foodstuff, linens, navigation charts, extra spare
to prove the steering gear, rudder and other related ma- parts, cleaning materials, and other consumables. He also
chinery. The maneuvering trials include: may elect to furnish portable computers and their software.
4-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

If these shipowner-furnished items arrive at the shipyard or identified (as the goods referred to in the contract). In
before the ship is delivered, they must be inventoried and other countries, title may pass when it is in a deliverable
warehoused in a dry, climate-controlled, and secure place state, or when both parties agree, or when the vessel is reg-
before placement on board. Many shipowners find it use- istered, or when it is physically delivered.
ful to accumulate, transport, and marshal many of these Other complications arise regarding third party rights,
shipowner’s items in sealed, steel intermodal shipping con- ship ownership of shipowner-supplied materials, which are
tainers. incorporated in the construction or items, owned by the
It may be necessary for the shipyard to put consumable builder, which are not physically part of the ship. It is for
stores on board for the trial trip. It is mutually advantageous these and other reasons that the prudent buyer of a ship will
for the shipowner and the yard to agree, in advance, for the seek the assistance of a lawyer. It is convenient for the ship-
shipowner to take over appropriate unbroached stores. builder and shipowner to agree upon the conditions prece-
Similarly, the vessel will require fuel, lube oil, hydraulic dent, and method for the delivery to take place. It is
oil, greases, and other lubricants in order for the yard to customary for the necessary certificates and documents to
conduct tests, dock trials, and sea trials. In some cases, for be identified in the contract.
tax reasons, the place of delivery is distant from the yard.
This positioning also requires fuel and lube oil. Since the
quantities and value of this may be considerable and it is 4.5.7 Deficiencies and Unfinished Work
very impractical to remove the yard’s fuels and lubricants While the ship acquisition process mainly involves four
to replace them with the shipowner’s, it is customary for principal phases, namely planning, design, commercial and
the shipowner to take over, and pay for the fuel and lubes. production activities, there does remain a fifth phase which
In this regard, it is important that a very accurate inventory occurs after a vessel or vessels are delivered to the buyer.
be taken immediately prior to delivery. This last phase involves the completion of outstanding or
Since the fuels and particularly lubes of some manu- incomplete work by the shipyard or the correction of de-
facturers are incompatible with those of others, the usual fects, which become apparent through inspection or test-
practice is for the shipowner to specify to the shipyard which ing. This unfinished work may be of a minor nature or not
brand of lubricants to be used in the initial charge. consequential enough for a shipowner to want to delay tak-
While it is seldom done, it is prudent for the shipowner ing delivery of the vessel.
to ask for a laboratory analysis on the fuel remaining on It is customary for the inspection team to compile a list
board at delivery. A spectrographic analysis of the lube oils of unfinished or incorrect work during the project, and
in the various systems is also useful in establishing base- check off various items as they are completed or corrected.
line condition for future analyses in any predictive mainte- Such lists are known by different names, such as punch
nance program. lists, deficiency lists, etc. As the project draws to a close
and delivery day nears, the lists of each inspector are
merged into a master list. The shipowner’s representative
4.5.6 Delivery and Acceptance must work very closely with the shipyard’s project man-
This phase of the effort is the raison d’etre for the new ship ager to prioritize the items on the list and assure that all
acquisition process. It has many important aspects: logisti- work is completed.
cal, financial, but most important, legal. It should not be ex- It is of considerable importance that nothing should re-
ecuted without proper legal advice and guidance, since many main on the list, which would affect the seaworthiness,
of the seemingly unimportant or trivial tasks and events sur- safety, or reliability of the vessel nor impair the vessel from
rounding it, in fact, have real significance. performing its mission.
The protocol for delivery and acceptance are usually de- At the delivery of the vessel, the buyer should take ex-
tailed in the shipbuilding contract. The standard forms ception to any remaining deficiencies. There should be a
(AWES, SAJ, MARAD, etc.) are varied in their approach. clear understanding of the nature of the items, when they
Custom written shipbuilding contracts tend to be more de- will be corrected, where (return to the builder or at a remote
tailed, as they address the peculiar complexities of the yard or by riding gangs while vessel is in service), who will
process. pay for the work and whether any additional compensation
In the U.S., under the Uniform Commercial Code, title is due because of possible disruption to the shipowner’s
passes when the seller completes his performance with ref- plans. These items, after discussion and agreement between
erence to the physical delivery of goods, although the buyer the parties should be reduced to writing and made a part of
may obtain a special right in the ship when the ship is marked the delivery protocol.
Chapter 4: The Ship Acquisition Process 4-25

4.5.8 Temporary and Permanent Documents areas remote from the builder’s yard, the guarantee engi-
It is frequently the case that governmental authorities delay neer acts as the builder’s representative in negotiating and
executing the official documents of the vessel. In such cases, settling repair costs. The guarantee engineer is also in an
governments will issue provisional or temporary certifi- excellent position to judge the reasonableness of the
cates. It is the responsibility of the shipyard to deliver the shipowner’s claims. Most warranties are limited to failures
vessel fully documented (there are some exceptions, such under normal wear and tear. If the equipment is abused or
as the issuance of a radio license in some countries). There- if the new crew lacks training or skill in operating the ma-
fore, it is necessary that a designated person in the shipyard chinery and this is the cause for breakdown, the guarantee
monitor and expedite the completion of this work. engineer, is in a position to dispute the claim and document
In some cases, the shipowner’s final payment, typically the reasons.
two or three percent, is withheld until all permanent cer- It is usual for the builder to pay the wages of the guar-
tificates and other paperwork is completed. This is a harsh antee engineer, whereas, the shipowner provides quarters
but effective procedure in seeing that this remaining work and subsistence aboard ship.
is not ignored.
4.5.10 Closing the Project
While this final step is often omitted in ship acquisition
4.5.9 Warranty projects, it is nevertheless an important one and deserves
Corley and Roberts (10) define Warranty as “an undertak- consideration.
ing, either expressed or implied, that a certain fact regard- There may be a number of open issues at the time of de-
ing subject matter of a contract is presently true or will be livery of the ship or last ship in a series. These might in-
true.” The word relates to quality. To warrant is to assure clude unfinished work, mistakes requiring correction,
that a state of fact exists. Rothenberg defines a warranty as incomplete or temporary documents, unpaid accounts, un-
an agreement to make up for any damages that result from resolved insurance claims, open personnel matters, etc.
a false representation of the facts. The term guarantee (some- Some of these items do not need the services of the acqui-
times spelled guaranty) is more explicit, in that it is defined sition team, and can be attended to by the shipowner’s ad-
as “a statement by a producer that his product meets cer- ministrative or operating personnel. Therefore, it is important
tain standards, and that if it proves defective, he will make that the shipowner’s representative provide an orderly and
restitution.” Warranty has many meanings, but in the law well-documented turnover of all open items to those who
of the sale of goods it means the obligations of the seller will inherit them.
with respect to the goods sold. In the case of ships and their The project manager should settle the question of per-
equipment, expressed warranties are provided to the sonnel reassignment or termination. This includes settle-
shipowner in the building contract and are given to the ship- ment of wages, expense accounts, advances, medical claims,
yard in the purchasing documents by the equipment sup- termination of leases, repatriation and similar matters.
pliers. These equipment warranties are transferred to the The closing of the project office also includes culling and
shipowner at the time of delivery of the ship. Consequen- organizing the files. A complete set of construction draw-
tial damages or loss of earnings are seldom provided for in ings, calculations, vendors’drawings, progress photographs,
expressed warranties. certificates, etc. should be indexed and neatly boxed for re-
It is important that the shipowner use every effort, be- turn to the shipowner’s home office.
fore the signing of the contract, to assure that the yard will It has been found to be of great use for the project man-
obtain vendor warranties that commence at the time of de- ager to prepare a project completion report, which should
livery of the ship rather than at the time of delivery of the include a summary of the major events and milestones, key
material at the yard or at time of installation. In the former progress photos, a summary of the construction costs, and
case, the warranty can nearly run out before the equipment other project costs as measured against the original budget.
is ever put into service. The closing reports should identify and give credit to per-
During the first months of operation of a vessel, and es- sonnel who made important contributions to the project.
pecially the lead vessel in a series, the majority of failures The report should include a section with recommenda-
of equipment will occur. During this intense period of break- tions on improvements in the project planning, project de-
down, claims and repairs, shipowners and shipyards alike sign, project procedures, and/or project management. These
have found it useful to assign a guarantee engineer to ride suggestions can improve the process when the ship acqui-
the ship. Since the ship usually will have to be repaired in sition process is repeated.
4-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

4.6 CLOSURE 10. Corley, R. N. and William, R. J.; Principles of Business Law,
9th Edition, Prentis Hall, 1971
It is clear that in managing the entire ship acquisition process
(planning, design, commercial and production) and partic-
ularly the shipowner representative functions, that good 4.8 RECOMMENDED READING
project management skills are essential. It would greatly
benefit the prospective manager by taking a short course or 4.8.1 Planning
reading a book on project management. The importance of Boxwell, R. J., Benchmarking for Competitive Advantage, Mc-
good communication and personnel selection, and proper Graw-Hill, N.Y., 1994
budgeting and scheduling cannot be overemphasized. The Goldberg, B. and Sifonis, J. G., Dynamic Planning, Oxford Univ.
success of the ship acquisition process depends upon it. Press, N.Y., 1994
Hunt, E. C. and Butman, B. S., Marine Engineering of Econom-
ics and Cost Analysis, Cornell Maritime Press

4.7 REFERENCES 4.8.2 Design

Langenberg, H., “Methodology and Systems Approach In Early
1. Cleland, D. I. and Kernzer, H., A Project Management Dic-
Design In A Shipyard,” Proceedings, First International Ma-
tionary of Terms, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., N.Y., 1985
rine Systems Design Conference, London, 1982
2. Drucker. P. F., Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Prac-
tices, Harper & Row, N.Y., 1973
4.8.3 Commercial Issues
3. MacCallum, N. J., Creative Ship Design by Computer, N.
Holland Publishing Co., N.Y., 1982 Paine, F., The Financing of Ship Acquisitions, Fairplay Publica-
4. Napuk, K., The Strategy Led Business tions, Surrey, 1989
5. Lamb, T., “Engineering for Ship Production,” National Ship- Morton, R. J., Engineering Law, Design Liability and Professional
building Research Program, MarAd, 1984 Ethics, Professional Publications, Inc., Belmont, CA
6. Yoshikawa, H., “General Design Theory and its Application Dunham, C. W.,Young, R. D., and Bockrath, J. T., Contracts, Spec-
to Categorization of Ship Design,” Advances in Marine Tech- ifications and Law for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1979
nology, Trondheim, 1979 Keyes, W. N., Government Contracts, West Publishing, St. Paul,
7. Pugh, S., “Systematic Design Procedures and Their Appli- MN, 1990
cation in the Marine Field – An Outsider’s View,” Lough- Clarke, M. A., Shipbuilding Contracts, Lloyd’s of London Press,
borough University of Tech., IMSDC Proceedings, Lyngby, London, 1982
Denmark, 1985 Fleischer, M., et al, “Marine Supply Chain Management,” Jour-
8. Buxton, I. L. “Engineering Economics & Ship Design,” 3rd nal of Ship Production, Vol. 15, No. 4, Nov. 1999
Ed., British Marine Technology Limited, Tyne and Wear, 1987
9. “Amateur Contracts Bring Needless Risks to All Parties,” 4.8.4 Production
Fisher Maritime Transportation Counselors, 22 September Storch, R. L., et al, Ship Production, Cornell Maritime Press,
1995 1995
Chapter 5
The Ship Design Process

Peter A. Gale

5.1 INTRODUCTION process (albeit that the role of science is steadily grow-
ing at the expense of art), and
5.1.1 Definition of Design • The fact that creativity and teamwork will always be
Design can be defined as the activity involved in producing cornerstones of the process.
the drawings (or 3-D computer models), specifications and
other data needed to construct an object, in this case a ship. This chapter covers both naval and commercial ships.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the process fol- Where appropriate the differences are described. However,
lowed in creating a ship design, in full recognition of the to do this for every aspect throughout the chapter would
fact that the process varies, to some extent, depending on have resulted in a very complicated text. It was decided to
the type of ship being designed and the personal prefer- take the high road; that is, the greater level of design in-
ences of the design team leaders. It is also true that, as this volved in naval ships has been described. It should be noted
chapter is written, the design process is being scrutinized, that for most commercial ship designs the clear definition
and in some cases modified, with a frequency and intensity and use of the design phases become blurred and that the
never before experienced. This is primarily the result of the design phases omit many of the described steps.
opportunities presented by the accelerating advance of com- This is only possible, however, for shipyards with good
puter technology, coupled with the competition of the global current ship design and construction experience. For com-
marketplace, which causes all enterprises to constantly re- mercial ship types that are new to a shipyard or are of high
view their processes with an eye to improving efficiency. complexity, such as cruise ships, more design phases, phase
Thus, there is no single ship design process today and content and scope will be required and may approach the
the generic, typical process described here will certainly level applied to naval ships (see references 1 and 2 for typ-
change somewhat in the years to come. What will not change ical commercial ship design practice).
significantly, it is believed, are:
• The objectives of the design process, 5.1.2 Objectives of Design
• The need for the designer to understand the shipowner’s The primary objective of the design effort, besides creating
requirements and, at the same time, to help the shipowner the information needed to build the ship, is to satisfy the
to refine his requirements. (See Chapter 7 – Require- shipowner’s requirements at minimum cost. A ship’s life cycle
ments Definition), cost includes the design, construction, and operating and sup-
• The time and resource constraints imposed on the port (O&S) costs. For designs that incorporate new tech-
process, nologies [and hence research and development (R&D) costs]
• The fact that both art and science are reflected in the and/or significant disposal costs, these also must be included.

5 -1
5-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

One of the responsibilities of the ship designer is to make equations, which can be solved directly. Instead, educated
the shipowner aware of design options that might increase guesses are made as to hull size, displacement, etc. to get
acquisition cost but accrue even greater savings in O&S the process started and then the initial guesses are modified,
costs over the ship’s life cycle. There are other design ob- as better information becomes available. The design spiral,
jectives as well. The specifications required to test the com- first described in reference 3, has been used to characterize
pleted ship and demonstrate that it indeed meets the the design process. Figure 5.1 is one of many possible ver-
shipowner’s requirements must be developed. Regulatory sions of the characterization. In this visualization, the ship
body and classification society requirements must be satis- designers’ move through the design process in a sequential
fied. (See Chapter 8 – Regulatory and Classification Re- series of steps, each dealing with a particular synthesis or
quirements.) Beyond these objectives, the designers must analysis task. After all the steps have been completed, the
make every effort to create a ship that the shipowner will design is unlikely to be balanced (or even feasible). Thus a
be pleased with. This means that it must be safe, reliable, second cycle begins and all the steps are repeated in the same
and as economical, to operate and maintain as possible, sequence. Typically, a number of cycles (design iterations)
within the constraints imposed by technology and the are required to arrive at a satisfactory solution. Anyone who
shipowner’s budget. has ever participated in a ship design knows that this char-
acterization leaves much to be desired. In practice, the process
is not sequential, unless the design is developed entirely by
5.1.3 The Nature of Design one person. Even then, the steps often will not be performed
Ship design is an iterative process, especially in the early in a prescribed order but rather the naval architect will jump
stages. (See Chapter 11 – Parametric Design.) The ultimate from one spot to another on the spiral, as knowledge is gained
result is postulated and then analyzed and modified. The and problems are encountered.
modified result is re-analyzed and so on until all requirements In fact, the design process in the early stages is rather un-
are satisfied. The reason for iteration is that ship design has predictable. Once a baseline concept has been identified and
so far proven to be too complex to be described by a set of defined in sufficient detail for it to be understood and used

Owner Cost:
Requirements R&D
(cargo, mission systems) Construction
Operations & Support
Baseline 1
Hull form and hull size
(principal dimensions) Auxiliary Machinery
and Electric Plant
Baseline 2

Baseline 3

Space and Propulsion

Arrangements Plant

Weights Structure
and Centers

Freeboard and Trim Speed-Power


Figure 5.1 Design Spiral

Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-3

by the principal design disciplines, for example, structures, computer model that all design team members have access
propulsion, electrical, general arrangements, weight esti- to by means of a network, but that can only be updated with
mation, etc., then design work in these principal disciplines the approval of the team leader. When a major problem is
will generally proceed in parallel, as shown in Figure 5.2. identified soon after a baseline update, the design team must
For each discipline, a series of tasks must be performed decide how to approach its resolution and, when a solution
and there is usually a preferred sequence for the tasks. As has been found, whether to issue an unscheduled baseline
each task is completed, the products of the task can be shared update immediately or to wait until the next planned update.
with the other members of the design team. The downside of waiting is that additional work will have
This may sound rather orderly. In fact, major problems to be done. The downside of an immediate update is that in
are identified in the course of design and the act of resolv- some disciplines, the work stop/restart may delay the dis-
ing these problems typically perturbs the design effort in a covery of another major problem just around the corner.
number of design disciplines, requiring restarts or reworks
of tasks previously completed. The number and severity of
the problems identified are generally greatest early in de- 5.1.4 The Design Environment
sign; they tend to decrease in both respects as the design is
Ship design takes place within a surrounding environment
developed in greater detail.
that can have a significant effect upon the process. Factors
A major design effort is planned so that formal updates
in this environment include:
of the design baseline occur at regular intervals. At these
milestones, the current hull form and general arrangements • economic trends,
are formally issued to the other members of the team and • current and pending government policies and regula-
they are directed to shift to these configurations in their sub- tions,
sequent work. • the status of international regulations on matters such as
Today, the current configuration is likely to be a 3-D pollution control,

Baseline Baseline Baseline

1 2 3

Configuration External Configuration

General Arrangements

System Design Mission Systems




(weight, stability,
Total Ship Analysis cost, etc.)

Figure 5.2 Design Development Process

5-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• the breadth and depth of the vendor base for major equip- specialized expertise regarding the systems and equipment
ment items, they offer. Even commercial ship designs may require other
• the management of the organization within which the de- specialized expertise, for example, computational fluid dy-
sign team works and to whom it reports, be that organ- namics (CFD) analysis, finite element structural analysis
ization a shipyard or a design agent, and (FEA), propeller design, acoustic analysis, reliability analy-
• the prospective shipowner—his foibles, preferences, sis, or human factors engineering, which might be obtained
modus operandi, etc. via consultants. If the new ship is to be certified by a clas-
sification society, liaison with that society is established
For naval and other government ships, additional factors
early in design. Hydrodynamic model testing is still the
come into play, including the congressional budget process,
norm during the pre-contract naval ship design process, but
the terms in office of key decision makers in the Executive
not for commercial ships, and representatives of the selected
Branch and Congress, and political considerations.
model basin can provide invaluable assistance to the design
Projected economic trends not only affect the viability
team. It is essential that cost analysis expertise be represented
of a proposed shipbuilding program, but also affect the trade-
on the team; one or more shipowner’s representatives are
off studies and design decisions within the design effort it-
also important team members.
self. An example is how the projected cost of fuel will affect
the decision on propulsion plant type and prime mover. The
double hull tanker rules, which resulted from the OPA 90
legislation, are a good example of the impact that pending 5.1.6 Design Tools
government regulations can have on ship design. Ship designers rely upon extensive databases for previous
How will top management interact with the design team? designs, together with lessons learned from operational ex-
How frequent and how detailed do they want status briefs perience with the ships built to those designs. (See Chap-
to be? To what extent do they wish to participate in design ter 11 – Parametric Design.) Increasingly, such data is held
decisions? The last three questions apply to the prospective in the computer, in a form, which is readily accessible and
shipowner as well. Good relationships between the design easily manipulated to suit the needs of the designer. The de-
team, the shipowner-to-be and the design team’s manage- sign team uses a myriad of other design tools. These tools
ment can foster mutual understanding, speed up the design generally exist in the form of computer software used to
process by getting critical design decisions made more model the ship geometry or perform analyses of various
quickly, without second guessing, and produce a better prod- types. (See Chapter 13 – Computer Based Tools.) Increas-
uct with less stress. Poor relationships between the design ingly, these ship design and analysis tools are being linked
team and either of these two groups can cause high stress, into integrated design systems. These systems can speed up
burnout and, ultimately, a poorer product. the design process by eliminating much of the time and ef-
fort spent moving between individual computer programs
that are not efficiently linked. More often, use of these so-
5.1.5 Design Participants phisticated systems does not save time but instead permits
the designers to explore more alternatives in greater detail
One person can develop the design for a relatively small,
in the time available.
simple ship but typically ship design is a team effort. The
team size will generally grow as the design is developed in
progressively greater detail. For a small, relatively straight-
forward ship design, the team size might start at one and 5.1.7 Design Standards
ultimately increase to five or six. For a large, complex war- Design standards, as the term is used here, refers to a broad
ship, the design team size might start at 25 to 50 and ulti- category of second tier design, construction, inspection,
mately grow to many hundreds, assuming that the combat and/or test requirements which are normally imposed on a
system design integrators are included. new design. They are distinctly different from the
Core team members will always include naval archi- Shipowner’s Requirements, which are typically top-level
tects, marine engineers and designers with CAD skills for performance requirements, such as, cargo capacity, speed,
3-D modeling using the computer. Structural, mechanical, and endurance. If the ship is to be classed, the rules of the
and electrical engineers are also typically represented. Ship- designated classification society are a form of design stan-
yard personnel with expertise in ship construction and pro- dards. There are national and international regulations per-
duction planning are needed, as are equipment vendors with taining to matters such as personnel health and safety, safe
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-5

navigation, and pollution control. These regulations are a Frequently, drydock, pier, harbor or canal limitations cre-
form of design standards. Shipowners with large fleets will ate constraints. Hull dimensions and air and water drafts are
typically have design standards of their own. For example, affected most frequently. Bridge or overhead cable heights
a shipowner might specify the use of a certain propulsion may limit air draft, the height of the uppermost point on the
prime mover to achieve standardization within his fleet. ship above the water surface. Harbor or canal channel depths
Government agencies such as the U.S. Navy, NOAA and often establish the limit on water draft, more properly the
the U.S. Coast Guard have standards or preferences that navigational draft, or this limit may be set by the sill height
they apply to designs for new ships that they will operate. in drydocks to be used to maintain the new ship. Hull length
Design standards, as defined previously, can have a signif- and/or beam might be limited by canal lock, drydock, or
icant influence on a new design, and even on the design building way dimensions. The available length at piers the
process itself. For this reason, it is very important for the ship will moor to might also limit hull length. These are just
design team to identify all the applicable design standards some examples of operational considerations that can im-
at the beginning of the design effort. Failure to do this can pose physical constraints on a new ship design.
result in major problems downstream, including delays,
wasted design effort and added expense.
5.1.9 Design Philosophy
A design philosophy is a weighted list of desired design/ship
5.1.8 Design Constraints attributes that is used in the evaluation of design alterna-
tives. Examples of such attributes include:
Every ship design must satisfy a purpose and this is usually
defined in the Shipowner’s Requirements. While the • first cost,
shipowner’s requirements are not really constraints they set • operating cost,
the boundaries for the design. • manning,
Constraints apply to every ship design, both the process • producibility,
and the product. Time and cost are nearly always constraints, • operability,
applied to both the design itself and the delivered product: • maintainability,
the ship. Other examples of design process constraints might • reliability,
be the unavailability of sufficient skilled design personnel • mission capability,
or required computer software, hardware, or network ca- • sustainability,
pability. • supportability, and
Physical constraints might be applied to the design it- • risk (cost, schedule and technical).
self for any one of three reasons: the need to build the ship
Each attribute should be measurable in clearly defined
in a specific shipyard and then get it to sea, the need to main-
units; the shipowner should agree to them all. The design
tain the ship during its service life, and the need for the ship
philosophy is a guide used by the members of the design
to visit specific ports.
team as they perform trade-offs and evaluate design alter-
natives during design development. The need for a design
philosophy increases when the number of design participants
is large and/or when the design team is physically (geo-
Weight Attribute
graphically) separated. A risk in large design teams is that
individual members of the team might apply their own per-
1 Cargo carrying capacity sonal priorities as they evaluate design alternatives and make
1 Acquisition Cost decisions. The design philosophy is an attempt to keep all
team members marching to the same drummer as they make
2 Energy conservation
1 = 10 points design decisions. Figure 5.3 is an example of a design phi-
2 Manning reduction 2 = 5 points losophy that might be used during a new ship design.
2 Reliability 3 = 2.5 points In practice, the design philosophy is tailored to suit the
3 Minimum risk specifics of each trade-off study to which it is applied. Not
all elements of the philosophy apply to each trade-off de-
3 Standardization
cision and many trade-offs will require unique performance
Figure 5.3 Example of Ship Design Philosophy measures to be evaluated.
5-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

5.1.10 Degree of Uniqueness sults are much less certain, that is, there is a higher degree
New designs cover the gamut in terms of their uniqueness. of risk in the results of early stage studies of unique de-
Some new designs are very similar to existing ships with signs. This uncertainty can be partially compensated for by
modest changes, for example, somewhat more or less propul- the use of larger design margins as discussed in Section 5.7.
sion power or payload. Other designs reflect significant
changes from current practice in specific respects, the
propulsion plant type might be an example, but in all other 5.2 DESIGN PHASES
respects they are not unique. At the extreme, and quite rare,
is the design that is very different from anything considered The design process is subdivided into phases. One reason
before. The rare unique design is not only an exciting chal- for this is that the nature of the work done, the design skills
lenge for the naval architect but it affects the approach to required, the number of persons participating in the design
early stage design as well. effort, the level of detail of the design deliverables and other
For designs that are well understood, that is, similar to features of the design process change over time as a design
what has been done in the past, the design team will have is developed. Design management is facilitated if the effort
access to a multitude of data for similar ships. This data can is divided into phases separated by intervals, which permit
be used in early stage design to make quick and reasonably design reviews to occur, along with planning and prepara-
accurate estimates of the principal characteristics (Chapter tion for the next design phase. Another reason for phasing
11 – Parametric Design) and costs of alternative concepts a design effort is the major milestones in the typical ship
for the new design. This may be done using ship synthesis development process. An example of such a milestone would
models, discussed in Chapter 14, that contain estimating be the point at which the budget for the new ship must be
relationships derived from parametric analyses of the body established. Another typical milestone would be the point
of data on existing ships. The parent ship approach may at which specifications and drawings must be completed to
also be used if the database contains one or more ships that solicit shipyard bids for the detail design and construction
are sufficiently similar to the desired new design. In any effort. Note that this milestone might not apply in every
case, the large body of existing data pertinent to well un- case; for example, if a ship design were being developed
derstood designs simplifies early stage estimating and makes on speculation by a shipyard.
it possible to readily examine the effects on performance The number of design phases and the names applied to
and cost of a large number of primary design parameters, them vary and this is a source of confusion. For this dis-
for example, speed, endurance, payload, etc. cussion, the approach developed in the early 1980s as part
On the other hand, for the unique design, the database of the IHI Technology Transfer, and defined in references
on existing ships is of little or no value. The naval architect 1 and 2, which divided the design and engineering effort
must fall back to reliance on first principles to laboriously into Basic Design and Product Engineering, is used.
develop a small set of point designs, that is, conceptual de- Basic Design is further subdivided into four phases, des-
signs that cover the ranges of the primary design variables ignated as follows:
of interest. More technical experts will have to be brought
1. concept design,
in to develop these point designs and they will generally have
2. preliminary design,
to develop more design detail than is typical in the initial
3. contract design, and
design phase. An example would be the development of a
4. functional design.
point design for a high-speed multi-hull with a unique hull
form. The estimate of required propulsion power is critical The latter two phases are often referred to collectively
to sizing the hull and estimating its cost. Power at the re- as the “System Design Phase.”
quired top speed is, in turn, a function of the full load dis- Product Engineering is subdivided into two phases:
placement. Lacking weight data on similar designs, in order
1. transition design, and
to get a reasonable weight estimate, a considerable effort
2. workstation/zone information preparation.
might have to be expended on an initial structural design.
This, in turn, might require a major effort to assess the an- During Basic Design, the ship is designed in its entirety,
ticipated hydrodynamic loads on the structure. The point de- on a system-by-system basis. During Product Engineering,
signs, once they have been developed, can be used as parents the ship design is translated into a form suitable for mod-
to explore the effects of parametric variations in other, sec- ern production techniques and necessary additional infor-
ond order parameters. For the unique design, early stage mation is developed. Some experts consider Functional
design progress is slower, more difficult, and the design re- Design to be part of Product Engineering but it has been in-
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-7





Figure 5.4 Ship Design Phases

cluded here in Basic Design since it remains systems ori- past. Another effect has been to largely eliminate the tradi-
ented. The first three phases of Basic Design must be com- tional overlap between detail design and ship construction.
pleted before the award of a contract for detail design and The current philosophy is to resolve problems in the detail
construction. Note that the traditional detail design phase design package before cutting steel. The extra time and ef-
has been divided here into three phases, namely, functional fort spent on detail design is more than recovered by a more
design, transition design, and workstation/zone informa- efficient construction effort, as can be seen by very flat learn-
tion preparation. ing curves for multiple ship construction in Japanese ship-
Modern techniques for modular ship construction per- yards. That is the benefits of learning are obtained because
mit extensive pre-outfitting and pre-testing of ship blocks mistakes and rework on the first ship are eliminated by bet-
prior to ship assembly. This improves efficiency and saves ter and completed design.
cost by reducing on-way or in-dock time during ship as- Figure 5.4 depicts the design phases and the increase in
sembly and by maximizing the amount of advance work detail as a design progresses.
done in better working conditions at vendors’ facilities or
in enclosed buildings at the shipyard. Use of these tech-
niques increases the time required for detail design as well 5.2.1 Concept Design
as the level of detail and completeness of the detail design This first design phase, referred to herein as Concept De-
package, which is now up to 20 to 30% larger than in the sign (CD), is sometimes referred to in the naval ship world
5-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

as the Cost and Feasibility Study phase, or simply the Fea- racy. Collectively, the set of alternatives must illuminate the
sibility Study phase. The principal objective of this phase capability versus cost versus risk trade-offs of interest to the
is to clarify the shipowner’s requirements, that is, the ship’s shipowner. At the conclusion of this process, the mission of
mission and principal required performance attributes, which the new ship will have been defined along with the principal
reflect the desired balance between capability and afford- ship performance requirements, that is, required ship capa-
ability. (See Chapter 7 – Requirements Definition.) bilities. In addition, a feasibility study will have been created
Another objective is to develop a concept design, which which represents an initial solution to the stated requirements.
satisfies the requirements, as well as a cost estimate and a Normally, near the end of the phase, this feasibility study is
risk assessment. From the designer’s point of view, the ob- developed in greater detail to become a concept design. This
jective during this phase is to work with the shipowner to is done to reduce risk, improve the cost estimate, refine and
understand and define the ship’s mission, that is, to help the validate the most important derived ship performance re-
shipowner decide what it is that he needs and can afford. quirements, and establish a baseline for the start of prelimi-
When this has been done, a concept design is developed nary design and its major trade-off studies. The products of
which reflects this mutual understanding. a typical naval single feasibility study and a concept design
At the outset, the shipowner will know that he has a need are listed in Tables 5.I and 5.II, respectively.
for a new, converted or modified ship and will know in gen- Figure 5.5, based on a figure in reference 4, classifies all
eral what functions the ship must perform. However, the seagoing ships in two broad categories: transport and non-
shipowner often will not know specifically what the per- transport, with three and four sub-categories, respectively.
formance requirements are for speed, fuel endurance, cargo The above process description generally applies to all of the
capacity, etc. If the shipowner does have some specific val- sub-categories.
ues in mind for these variables, the shipowner may not know
whether they are compatible with the budget. Thus a sys-
tems analysis is required which couples mission analysis
with economic analysis. Ranges of each of the key ship pa- TABLE 5.I Feasibility Study Products (U.S. Naval and
rameters are explored in a systematic way, ship feasibility Government Ships)
studies are developed for attractive combinations of the pa-
rameters, the cost and performance of each total-ship al- Feasibility Study Report, documenting the following:
ternative is estimated, a cost-benefit analysis is performed, Essential performance requirements
and feedback is obtained from the shipowner as to his pref-
Principal hull dimensions and hull form coefficients (Cp, Cx)
Typically several cycles of synthesis and analysis are Area/volume summary
performed, punctuated by interactions with the shipowner, Configuration sketches: inboard profile and main deck plan
during which the range of options studied is progressively Payload definition, for example, space, weight, critical
narrowed. Through this process, a consistent set of per- dimensions, adjacencies, required support services
formance requirements is established, which can be satis- Description of mission-critical systems and features
fied by a practical ship design solution and is within the
Weight/KG estimate, 1-digit level
shipowner’s budget.
The role of the design team is to perform parametric stud- Propulsion plant type, installed power, and number of
ies that sketch out the design alternatives of interest in suf- propulsors
ficient detail that the cost (capital and operating), Installed electric generating capacity
performance, and risks (cost, technical and schedule) of each List of major equipment
can be assessed and compared. The alternatives are often re- Manning estimate
ferred to as feasibility studies because the feasibility of each
postulated combination of the major design requirements Speed/power estimate
must be established, that is, is there a viable design solution Endurance fuel estimate
for each case? Where there isn’t, that combination of re- Intact stability check
quirements can be rejected. Where there is a viable solution, Estimates of critical performance aspects, as required, e.g.,
that solution can be input into the cost-benefit analysis. radiated noise or seakeeping
Because performance, cost and risk are being compared
Cost estimate
among the alternatives, relative accuracy and consistency
among the alternatives is stressed rather than absolute accu- Technical risk assessment and risk management plan
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-9

In the case of ships designed to transport bulk or gen- TABLE 5.II Concept Design Products (U.S. Naval and
eral cargo from point to point as elements of a larger trans- Government Ships)
portation system, analyses of the overall system, including
its land-based elements, are typically performed. For the Concept Design Report, documenting the following:
ship portion of the system, the fundamental decisions to be
made are: number of ships, payload (carrying capacity, in Performance specification (initial draft)
both weight and cubic terms), and speed. Computer mod- Body plan and appendage sketch
els are applied to simulate the operation of a single ship or Area/volume summary
an entire fleet. Such models range in complexity from sim-
Concept general arrangement drawings (space blocks allocated
ple deterministic models to complex time domain simula-
by function)
tions. They generally incorporate simplified design models
with the ability to quickly generate ship characteristics cor- Topside arrangement sketch
responding to various combinations of payload and speed. Payload definition
The models estimate the capital and operating costs for each Description of mission-critical systems and features
alternative. Optimization techniques can be applied to the Weight estimate
major variables to compare alternatives and search for the
optimum or graphical output of performance metrics can Concept midship section
be shown for the study option space so that a human deci- Propulsion plant description
sion-making selection can be made. Machinery arrangement sketch
It is more difficult to apply the classical systems analy- Electric load analysis and generated selection
sis techniques to ships in the non-transport categories. For
Simplified one line diagrams
the latter types, the number of critical mission characteris-
tics is generally greater and the ability to analyze and com- Master Equipment List (MEL)
pare mission performance as related to these characteristics Speed-power curve
is more difficult. For example, it is more difficult to predict Manning estimate
the ability to detect and catch fish than it is to predict the
Endurance fuel analysis
speed of a transport ship. In a multi-mission warship, arriv-
Estimates of critical performance aspects, as required
Cost estimate
Technical risk assessment and risk management plan
Self-Propelled Ships

Inland Waterways Seagoing

Transport Non-Transport

Bulk General Passenger Industrial Service Military Other

Cargo Cargo
Fish Catcher Tug Carrier Yacht
Fish Processor Icebreaker Cruiser
Fisheries Supply Vessel Destroyer
Liquid Dry Break Unit Ferry Cruise Research
Bulk Load
Oceanographic Crane Ship Frigate
Oil Tanker Bulk Research
Cargo Liner Container
Liq. Gas Carrier Reefer RO/RO Hydrographic Crewboat Submarine
Chemical Heavy Lift Ship Car Carrier Survey
Barge Carrier Dredge Diving Support Amphibious
Ocean Mining Fire boat Patrol Craft
Carrier Drill ship Pilot boat Mine Craft
(ore/bulk/oil-OBO) Seismic Salvage Ship Support Ships
Cable Layer Training Ship
Pipe Layer
Figure 5.5 Ship Type Categories
5-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ing at a single figure of merit is challenging since it is gen- developed at the feasibility study level of detail or may re-
erally scenario dependent. quire greater detail. An initial design baseline is established
early in the design phase to serve as a point of reference for
the trade-off studies. This initial baseline is generally the
5.2.2 Preliminary Design concept design created at the end of the previous design
Design work, for the specific ship, begins in earnest in the phase. Usually the design baseline is updated several times
preliminary design phase and the size of the design team before the end of the preliminary design phase so that the
and the cost of the design effort take a big jump. The fol- results of major trade-off studies can be incorporated as
lowing are the objectives of this phase: they are completed.
The preliminary design is developed beyond the initial
• validate the top level ship performance requirements and
concept design in all technical areas, regardless of whether
develop second tier requirements,
they are subject to formal trade-off studies. In design areas
• establish ship size and overall configuration,
not subject to the investigation of design alternatives, a rea-
• select major ship systems,
sonable baseline concept is selected and defined to the ap-
• quantify ship performance,
propriate level of detail. For many ship systems, this is the
• reduce or eliminate major technical, cost and schedule
identification and approximate sizing of major system com-
ponents and the development of a simple one-line diagram
• refine capital and operating cost estimate, and
of the system. System alternatives will be studied in the fol-
• develop draft version of the Build Strategy (see Chap-
lowing phase.
ter 14 – Design/Production Integration).
The Build Strategy for the ship (5,6), reflecting zone
Since the eventual cost and performance of the new ship construction, is drafted during this design phase, if not ear-
will be established largely by the end of the preliminary de- lier. Production considerations are reflected in the design
sign phase, the work done during this phase is very impor- work to the extent practical. For example, in the develop-
tant. A feasibility study or concept design that satisfies the ment of the hull form and superstructure configurations and
performance requirements developed in the previous phase in defining the locations of decks and bulkheads within the
will be available and this forms the starting point for the ship, maximum use is made of flat plates and readily formed
preliminary design effort. During this phase, formal trade- shapes. If a shipbuilder is developing the design, the ship-
off studies are performed on design issues that will have a yard production specification (Shipbuilding Policy), which
major effect on ship size, overall configuration, perform- defines the design processes and production methods and
ance, cost or risk. The study of issues that do not have a major processes to be used to build the ship, must be developed
impact on these parameters should be deferred to the fol- during this phase, if it does not already exist. This specifi-
lowing phase. Failure to do so can waste resources and di- cation will influence the contract design effort and the par-
vert the attention of the design team. allel completion of the build strategy. If the design team
Some examples of pertinent issues for trade-off study in does not know which shipyard will build the ship (as in the
this phase are: case of a build competition), the Build Strategy may have
to be generic, that is, suitable for all potential shipbuilders.
• hull proportions (L/B, B/D, etc.),
Major emphasis is placed on predicting performance to
• hull shape (transom vs. cruiser stern, bow bulb vs. no
validate that the stated performance requirements have been
bulb, topside flare vs. tumblehome, etc.),
satisfied. These predictions might include ship speed, sea-
• general arrangement,
keeping, station keeping, ability to traverse along a defined
• propulsion plant type (low speed diesel, medium speed
track line, acoustic performance, cargo on-/off-load rates,
diesel, gas turbine, integrated electric, etc.), (Often ad-
or the ability to perform critical missions in a seaway, as
dressed in Concept Design phase),
typical examples. If the hull form is unusual and hydro-
• deckhouse size and location,
dynamic performance is of critical importance, limited
• mission-critical payload features, (hardware components,
model testing may be done to validate performance esti-
space allocation, arrangement, etc.),
mates. More often, model testing is deferred to the fol-
• hull structural configuration, and
lowing phase.
• crew size.
Risk identification and reduction is another area of em-
The ship impacts of some issues studied in this phase phasis. Major risks must be identified and alternative ways
will be so large that whole ships must be wrapped around to reduce them explored. These generally include fallback
the candidates being studied in order to get valid assessments design options with lower risk but less performance. The
of total ship impacts. These whole ship alternatives may be objective is to reduce the risks associated with the completed
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-11

preliminary design to low or, where this is not possible, to TABLE 5.III Preliminary Design Products (U.S. Naval and
develop a clear and detailed plan to accomplish this by the Government Ships)
end of the next design phase. This must be accomplished be-
fore the next design phase is entered. The products of a typ- Preliminary Design Report, documenting the following:
ical preliminary design are listed in Table 5.III. Performance specification
Note that the preceding discussion has assumed that a
Lines drawing and appendage sketch
new ship is being designed. Frequently, ship conversions or
modernizations are also evaluated as possible solutions to Area/volume report (req’d vs. actual)
the shipowner’s requirements during this design phase. General arrangement drawings (to individual compartment
Topside arrangement drawing
5.2.3 Contract Design
Line of sight analysis
The principal objectives of the contract design phase are: Payload definition
• confirm ship capability and cost to the prospective ship- Descriptions of principal ship systems and features
owner, Weight report (3-digit level, KG and LCG)
• provide a meaningful and accurate bid package for ship-
Structural midship section
builders, and
• provide criteria for shipowner acceptance of the ship. Preliminary scantling drawings
Propulsion system analysis
Extensive additional engineering effort is required to
Machinery arrangement drawings
achieve the first objective. Emphasis is placed on the de-
velopment and refinement of ship systems across the board. Shafting arrangement
Trade-off studies deferred from the previous phase due to Preliminary propulsor design
their lesser ship impacts are now performed. The technical Electric load analysis
portion of the bid package is developed by the design team HVAC load analysis
and consists of a ship specification, drawings, and other
One line diagrams
ship descriptive data, for example, the weight estimate.
For each ship system, the following tasks must be per- Typical space arrangements
formed: Deck systems arrangements
• derive lower tier performance requirements from the Ship control and communications systems analysis
higher level ship performance requirements, Preliminary Master Equipment List (MEL)
• develop and evaluate alternative system concepts (where Preliminary ship manning analysis
this has not been done in the previous phase), Stability analysis, intact and damaged
• make system selections,
Speed-power curves
• complete engineering work on the selected system, and,
finally, Endurance fuel analysis
• develop system specifications and drawings. Seakeeping and maneuvering analyses
Model test plan
The ship hull form, including appendage definition, and
general arrangement are further refined. Formal configura- Other performance estimates, as required, for example, radiated
tion control is often invoked near the mid-point of this de- noise
sign phase. Arrangement drawings are developed for many Preliminary availability analysis (Ao)
of the ship’s internal spaces and for topside system instal- Maintenance concept
lations, for example, anchoring and mooring, boat handling, Supportability concept
communications and navigation, and helicopter facilities.
T&E plan (draft)
As the ship systems are designed, careful attention is
paid to the integration of the ship systems and their human Preliminary safety analysis
operators and maintainers. As part of this effort, for naval Build strategy (draft)
ships, the ship manning requirements are refined and train- Shipyard production specification (Shipbuilding Policy)
ing requirements are defined. Reliability, maintainability, Cost estimate
and availability (RMA) analyses are performed, as are stud-
Technical risk assessment and risk management plan
ies and design work related to the ship’s maintenance and
5-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

support requirements, often referred to as Integrated Lo- how to specifications, the latter reflecting the shipowner’s
gistics Support or ILS. preferences and the shipbuilder’s preferences if the speci-
The ILS effort addresses issues such as: fication is prepared by the shipbuilder. It includes the test
and trials requirements for the new ship, as well as accept-
• the ship maintenance philosophy (for example, what
ance criteria for each test and trial requirement. These cri-
maintenance work will be done at sea by the ship’s crew
teria must be met for the shipowner to accept the ship. The
vs. work done in port by shore-based personnel),
ship specification also contains requirements for the docu-
• the repair parts required to be stowed aboard ship,
mentation that must be delivered with the ship, documen-
• parts commonality and interchangeability between ships,
tation necessary to properly support the ship throughout its
• re-supply of the ship with stores and repair parts,
life. Because of the importance of the ship specification and
• approach to ship configuration control and the tracking
the drawings referenced in it, it is carefully reviewed prior
of maintenance actions,
to the completion of the design phase. In the review process,
• the required shore-based facilities for ship support in-
specifications and drawing integration is emphasized, to en-
cluding spare parts stowage and maintenance facilities,
sure that there are no conflicting requirements between sec-
tions of the specification and/or the various drawings.
• planned maintenance strategy and schedule (restricted
Obviously, the specification language must be unambigu-
availabilities, overhauls, and dry dockings).
ous. Table 5.IV lists products that may be included in a con-
The Build Strategy drafted during preliminary design is tract design.
validated and approved during this phase (5). It includes
the design and engineering plan, and the block and zone def-
initions to be employed during ship construction. The ship 5.2.4 Functional Design
production plan is also developed. It includes the key event This design phase, and the other two that follow, are only
schedule and the selected approaches to advanced outfitting briefly described herein. See references 1, 2, and 7 for ad-
and ship assembly and construction. ditonal detail and other references.
Technical specifications required for the advanced or- During Functional Design, the Contract Design is de-
dering of long lead equipment and materials are developed. veloped further to complete the design on a system-oriented
All aspects of ship performance are analyzed and the stated basis. The products of a typical functional design are listed
performance requirements validated. A full program of hy- in Table 5.V. All design calculations and configuration def-
drodynamic model tests is typically performed for naval inition are completed and all design decisions still out-
ships, some of which support the propeller design, which standing are made.
is also typically developed in this phase. Final tests of the Detailed naval architectural calculations are performed,
design propeller mounted on the final hull model may not including structural and vibrations analyses. The sizing of
be completed until the following phase, however. all structural scantlings is completed. All hull outfit is de-
Traditionally, critical ship systems and spaces such as fined in detail, including the complete definition of all ma-
the anchor handling system and the navigation bridge were terial. All marine engineering and electrical design
modeled using small or full-scale physical mockups to en- calculations are completed, as are system arrangement draw-
sure correctness and to permit review by the shipowner. ings and diagrams.
Today, however, 3-D models with simulation and walk- System arrangements (drawings or computer models)
through capabilities, developed by computer, are replacing are prepared for systems such as the mooring system that
physical mockups. If land-based testing will be required for do not lend themselves to diagrams. Sized distributive sys-
essential elements of the ship, these tests and the associated tems are shown on the system plans. The completed dia-
site requirements will be defined during the subsequent grams for piping, electrical and HVAC show pipe, cable
functional design phase. and vent duct sizes, cable types, bills of material and sys-
The ship specification is perhaps the most important tem routing in assigned wire ways or system corridors.
product of contract design (see Chapter 9 – Contracts and Typical sections are indicated for pipe and vent duct
Specifications). The specification is, of course, essential if runs. The first revision of the budget control list is issued,
the shipowner plans to have shipbuilders bid for the detail which advises all concerned of updated material quantities
design and construction task. However, even if a shipbuilder and weights. Manufacturing drawings are prepared for all
is developing the design, the specification is required in long-lead-time items that are to be built by the shipyard. Pur-
order to acquaint others in the yard with the work required chase technical specifications not developed earlier are com-
and to arrive at a valid estimate of the anticipated build cost. pleted. Shipowner and regulatory body comments on and
The ship specification typically is a mix of performance and approvals of the completed design are obtained. Vendor se-
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-13

TABLE 5.IV Contract Design Products (U.S. Naval and Government Ships)
Ship specification HVAC load analysis and design criteria water, self-propulsion, maneuvering,
Lines drawing Ventilation and air conditioning systems seakeeping, etc. and performance
diagrams assessment reports
Appendage drawing
Piping systems analysis Stack gas flow analysis
General arrangements (outboard profile,
Diagrammatic arrangements of all piping Evaluations of other aspects of required
inboard profile, all decks and holds)
systems performance
Topside arrangement
Fire control diagram by decks and profile Availability analysis (Ao)
Capacity plan
Maintenance Plan
Mechanical systems arrangements, for
Weight report (3-digit level, KG and
example, deck, hull and ship control Supportability Plan
LCG, 20-station weight distribution,
systems Crew Training Plan
Living space arrangements (berthing, T&E Plan
Structural design criteria manual
messing, sanitary, recreation, etc.)
Midship Section Safety analysis
Commissary space arrangements
Steel scantling drawings (decks, Procurement specifications for long-lead-
Pilot House, Chart Room, and other time and other important outfit
bulkheads, shell expansion, typical
working space arrangements components, for example, main
sections, deckhouse)
Interior communications system diagram propulsion engines, diesel generators,
Machinery control system diagrams reduction gears, anchor windlass
Master Equipment List (MEL)
Propulsion and auxiliary machinery Models and Mockups
arrangement drawings (plan views, Preliminary ship manning document
Cost estimate
elevations, and sections) Pollution control systems report
Technical risk assessment and risk
Propulsion shafting arrangement Loading conditions management plan
Propeller design Floodable length curves Initial regulatory body review
Electric load analysis Trim and stability booklet Building plan
Electric power and lighting systems - Damage stability analysis Budget control list (estimated weight of
One line diagrams Endurance fuel analysis all required material by material
Fault current analysis Hydrodynamic model test results, for family or cost code)
Navigation system diagram example, resistance, propeller open Production plan

lection is completed and vendor drawings are approved. paper or by 3-D modeling in the computer. Zone design
Advance equipment and material is ordered. composite arrangements are developed from the distribu-
tion system routing diagrams developed in the previous
phase. The zone design arrangements show all visible items
5.2.5 Transition Design seen from the viewing plane, no matter how small. All el-
During transition design, all design information is transi- ements are included. The required zone/unit material quan-
tioned from systems to block and zone orientation as com- tity is also developed. Interference checking occurs as the
plete block and zone design arrangements and the ordering work proceeds. All working, maintenance, and access re-
and assigning of all materials are completed (7). Drawings quirements are checked.
and product models also indicate subdivisions and material- Structural design work is completed and structural draw-
ordering zones. The Shipyard’s Shipbuilding Policy and the ings for each block are developed, each with an accompa-
Contract Build Strategy will define how the ship will be nying bill of material.
built; for example, how major machinery items will be
loaded, how auxiliary machinery and other components will
be fitted, what work will be done on-unit, on-block (before 5.2.6 Workstation/Zone Information Preparation
and after turnover), and on-board. The breakdown of each During this phase, all drawings, data and other information
zone into sub-zones is also defined. required by the production and other service departments to
A virtual prototype of the ship is developed, either on construct the ship are prepared. This includes drawings,
5-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 5.V Functional Design Products

Hull Rudder and propeller lifting gear Electrical
General arrangement- Compartment and arrangement Electrical Load analysis
access (C&A) drawings Anchor handling arrangement One-line diagram
Outboard profile Mooring arrangement Short circuit analysis
Lines drawing List of motors and controllers
Life-saving equipment arrangement
N.A. drawings, for example, List of feeders and mains
hydrostatics, cross curves of Hull piping system diagrammatics
Electrical equipment and installation
stability, docking drawing Purchase Technical Specifications (PTS) diagrams
Block arrangement and list Advanced Material Ordering (AMO) Switchboard drawings
Frame body plan (based on faired lines) Lists List of Portable electrical equipment
Structural block drawings with scantlings Steel List per block Electrical system weights
Major foundation drawings Purchase Technical Specifications (PTS)
Welding plan Machinery and Piping Advanced Material Ordering (AMO)
Hull fitting drawings Machinery arrangement Lists

Hull weights, centers, and block Shafting arrangement HVAC

lifting data
Stern tube arrangement Heating and cooling analysis
Lists of hull outfit
Machinery space and wheelhouse control HVAC diagram and equipment list
Lists of hull fittings console arrangement HVAC insulation schedule
Nameplates and Notices
Machinery piping system diagrammatics HVAC system weights
Summary paint schedule Purchase Technical Specifications (PTS)
Diesel exhaust arrangement
Summary deck covering schedule Advanced Material Ordering (AMO)
Lifting gear in machinery space
Summary hull insulation schedule Lists
Furniture list Machinery and pipe insulation schedule
Production Planning
Plumbing and fixture list Unit and equipment foundations
Work station information plan and
Galley arrangement Machinery and foundation weights schedule
Accommodation arrangement Purchase technical specifications (PTS) Block outfitting and erection schedule
Steering gear arrangement Advanced material ordering (AMO) Zone outfitting schedule
Rudder and rudder stock arrangement Lists Tests and Trials schedule

sketches, parts lists, process instructions, and production aids broken down into separate workstations. Again, the worksta-
such as templates, marking tapes, and software to control ro- tion information is complete, the worker needs no other in-
bots doing plate burning/marking and pipe fabrication. The formation to complete the job, and no unnecessary information
work required to produce an entire zone is broken down into is provided. The workstation information is provided on A4
many work packages, each defining a much smaller task. A or letter size sheets and typically consists of sketches and a
typical guide for work package size is that no more than three parts list. The sketches show the work as the worker will see
workers can complete the work defined by the package in no it; upside down, for example, if the work is to be done upside
more than two weeks, or no more than 200 work hours. down. Structural workstation/zone information is developed
Production planners size the work packages and either use for: burning plate, cutting shapes, processing plates or shapes
the information needed by the workers, prepared by Engi- (bending, flanging, or drilling), subassembly construction, as-
neering and develop it further to complete the package. Only sembly construction, block construction, and block erection.
the information needed to complete each work package, in- Block assembly sketches are developed; these permit the de-
cluding production aids, is included. Each work package is signer to consider block access requirements during con-
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-15

struction. Planning and production personnel also jointly de- sonnel. Because of the dominant effect of the carrier’s flight
velop work sequence sketches. They define in considerable deck and hangar on its design, initial design effort will focus
detail how the ship will be put together. Outfit work sta- on the flight deck and hangar and their configuration.
tion/zone information is developed for shops, assemblies, In the case of the containership, the number of contain-
blocks and zones. For the shops, workstation information for ers to be carried is critical. Initial design effort will focus
both processing and assembly is developed for hull fittings, on the arrangement of these containers. How many will be
pipe, sheet metal, foundation structure, joiner, paint, and elec- stowed in the hull and how many above the weather deck?
trical. Workstation information also is developed for machin- Based on the container dimensions, what are appropriate
ery installations on units. hold lengths and what are sensible hull beam and depth pos-
sibilities based on the number of container rows and levels
to be stowed in the hull?
In the case of the buoy tender, buoy handling will be ad-
dressed first. Will buoys be handled forward or aft of the
In the preceding section, the design process was described deckhouse? How will the buoys and their anchors and chains
in terms of the design phases that a design normally passes be lifted on and off the vessel?
through as it evolves. In this section, the nature of the work In the case of the inter-island passenger/cargo ship, the
done in the early design phases is described in more detail. required beaching capability is addressed first. What beach
Again the focus is on naval design. slopes are anticipated and how much cargo weight can be
The early design phases are the most mysterious to, and brought how close to the shore line for various combina-
most misunderstood by, those who do not practice the art tions of hull dimensions and fullness coefficients? Once the
of ship design. A generic step-by-step procedure is outlined ship is beached, how will passengers and cargo be moved
for developing a single ship feasibility study, the first step from the ship to the shore?
in the design process, and a single conceptual design. Then, These examples demonstrate that the design approach
broader aspects of the subsequent design development is influenced by the ship’s mission and payload or cargo
process are described. Emphasis is given to the trade-off characteristics, as well as by the attributes of the ship itself.
study process, the concept of design baselines and their up- The ship designer will initially focus on gaining a full un-
dates, and the design integration process. The reader is re- derstanding of these requirements and characteristics and
minded that normally many ship feasibility studies are formulating, in their mind, overall ship concepts and con-
developed in the process of assisting the shipowner to de- figurations that will satisfy them. In doing this, the required
cide on the major requirements for a new ship. Several con- ship design speed will be a primary consideration. Many
ceptual designs may also be developed as major design concepts suitable for relatively low speeds will not be fea-
alternatives are explored. sible if the required speed is high.
The naval architect will also judge whether the design
will be weight, volume, or main deck limited. In a weight-
5.3.1 Getting Started limited design, the buoyancy required to float the weight
Once the major performance requirements and constraints of the ship and its payload establishes the ship’s principal
for a new design have been established, design work can dimensions. In a volume-limited design, the internal space
begin. Initial attention is focused on the mission(s) of the required to accommodate the payload and other ship func-
ship and its payload (weapon suite) or cargo requirements. tions establishes the principal dimensions; thus space
These two parameters will have a dominant effect on the analysis is of major importance from the outset. For
size, configuration and key features of the completed de- weight-limited designs, space requirements need not be rig-
sign, as well as on the process used to arrive at the design. orously addressed in the initial design cycles. In a main
To illustrate, consider the design of an aircraft carrier, a deck limited design, the objects to be carried or built upon
containership, a buoy tender, and an inter-island passen- the deck establish the ship’s length and/or beam. The air-
ger/cargo ship that must beach itself at ports of call with- craft carrier is an obvious example. The lengths of most
out normal pier facilities. surface combatant ships are determined by the so-called
The primary payload of the aircraft carrier is its air wing. stack-up length, the sum of the deck lengths required for
The primary mission of the carrier is to support the air wing: weapons, sensors, propulsion air intakes and exhausts, avi-
to house, maintain, fuel, arm, launch and recover, and pro- ation facilities, anchor handling and mooring equipment,
vide command and control functions for the aircraft in the etc. (see Chapter 54 – Naval Vessels). Today most ship
air wing and to care for the pilots and other air wing per- types are volume-limited.
5-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The development of a ship feasibility study is the first step C p , C X , PROPULSION PLANT TYPE, MARGINS, ETC.

in the design development process for naval ships and is

often performed by shipowners for complex commercial 2. ESTIMATE WEIGHT AND VOLUME OF PAYLOAD
ships. Four primary physical criteria must be satisfied by
any ship design, in addition to the requirement that the de- 3. ESTIMATE LENGTH, DISPL., PROPULSION POWER
sign elements must be packaged in a feasible overall ship
configuration. These physical criteria are, available inter-
nal volume must equal or exceed the total required volume,
weight must equal buoyancy, there must be satisfactory in-
tact stability, and the installed propulsion power must be ca-
pable of propelling the ship at the required top speed.
These four criteria must be addressed in the initial de- 6. SIZE HULL AND DECKHOUSE

sign process. A typical sequence of steps followed in de-

veloping a feasibility study is shown in Figure 5.6. The four
primary criteria are noted down the left side of the figure. NO
The steps in the generic design process are numbered in the VOLUME REQ'D. VOL.
L, B, D
figure and are discussed below. ?
It is important to note that the sequence of steps depicted
in the figure is not inviolate. A different sequence is often
better suited to a particular design problem. Also, there is an 7. ESTIMATE WEIGHT AND VCG

interaction between the analytical process described below

and the process used to define the external configuration of
the ship. Some designs lend themselves to the very early WEIGHT = NO
definition of some features of the external configuration. WEIGHT BUOYANCY L, B
When this is the case, it can affect the steps in the analyti-
cal solution procedure. Regardless of the sequence used, the YES
same solution should be arrived at, if consistent assumptions
and decisions are made as the iterative process unfolds. Each
step will be described in the following sub-sections.
NO Principal performance requirements STABILITY GM T ≥ 
X 
 100  L, B, D
At the outset, three principal performance requirements
must be known or assumed. They are, payload (cargo dead-
weight and stowage factor), maximum or sustained speed YES

(design speed), and fuel endurance (design voyage distance). 9. CALCULATE REQUIRED PROPULSION POWER
Values for these can be found in the different ship type
design chapters in Volume II of this book. In addition, as-
sumptions must be made for certain ship characteristics, in- POWER
cluding the ship type, hull type, propulsion plant type, POWERING REQUIRED = INSTALLED
principal hull form coefficients, and the design margins to POWER

be applied. The effects of varying the latter assumptions

can, and often are, explored by performing additional fea-
sibility studies. DESIGN OK

By ship type is meant the overall hull configuration and

method of support, for example, conventional displacement SKETCH ARRG'T
monohull, SWATH, planing monohull, catamaran, trimaran, ASSESS:
hydrofoil, air cushion vehicle (ACV), or surface effect ship
(SES). As the term hull type is used here, it refers to major - RISK
features of the hull form: transom vs. cruiser stern, flared
vs. tumblehome topsides, bulbous bow vs. no bulb, etc. Note Figure 5.6 Feasibility Study Process
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-17

that the procedure outlined herein applies in principle to porated in the feasibility study. The ship designers are re-
any ship type. The specific steps followed will vary, espe- sponsible for the selection of D&C margins; they must also
cially for the non-displacement ship types. provide for all shipowner-specified service life allowances.
The propulsion plant type might be medium speed geared
diesel, low speed directly connected diesel, geared gas tur- Payload weight and volume estimation
bine, or geared fossil fuel or nuclear steam turbine, all con- Payload weight (cargo deadweight) and volume are esti-
nected by shafts to propellers in the conventional manner. mated. The definition of payload must be clear and con-
Electric drive or integrated electric drive plants might be con- sistent with the estimating relationships described later.
sidered, with a variety of generator prime movers. Combined The term payload as used here refers to weapons and the
plants such as Combined Diesel or Gas Turbine (CODOG) equipment, supplies and crew to support the cargo and/or
might be considered as well as various propulsors, includ- other items directly related to the ship’s mission. Ship en-
ing conventional open propellers, water jets and podded durance fuel, fresh water, provisions and other consum-
propulsors. To develop a single feasibility study, a single ables are not included. Some might define this payload as
plant type must be assumed. Other propulsion plant alter- consisting solely of variable load items carried to perform
natives are often evaluated with the aid of additional feasi- the ship’s mission. For ship sizing purposes, however, it is
bility studies. probably best to take a broader view and define payload to
For a displacement monohull, the principal hull form be any built-in ship systems and spaces that directly sup-
coefficients are the longitudinal prismatic coefficient, Cp, port the ship’s mission, in addition to the variable loads
and the maximum section coefficient, Cx. For many com- themselves. An example would be the scientific gear and
mercial ships with Cx about 0.98, Cb is used instead of Cp. laboratory spaces on an oceanographic research ship, as
Together these coefficients establish the block coefficient, well as the equipment used to raise and lower the scien-
Cb. Cp has a major influence on hull resistance and hence tific gear overboard from the deck of the ship. In this ex-
powering. Cx has a major effect on the vertical center of ample, the payload consists of a number of installed systems
buoyancy and on the vertical center of gravity of items and shipboard spaces, as well as scientific supplies and
stowed low in the hull. Hence it has a significant effect on equipment that can be loaded onto and off of the ship. Pay-
intact stability. Both coefficients affect the space available load weight and volume estimation is relatively straight-
in the hull as well as the buoyancy provided by the hull. Ini- forward for commercial ships such as crude oil tankers,
tial values of these coefficients are selected based on the de- bulk carriers or container ships where the entire payload
signer’s experience and judgment. Alternative combinations is cargo, although variable cargo densities can complicate
of values are often studied later. the task. It is more difficult for payloads that include in-
Design and Construction (D&C) margins, also known stalled ship spaces and systems. Note that the payload vol-
as acquisition margins, are applied to early stage design es- ume, which must be provided within the hull and/or the
timates to account for unknowns, errors in prediction tech- deckhouse, must be distinguished from payload volume,
niques and the likelihood of design changes as the design which will be carried external to the hull envelope, such as
requirements are refined during design development. Con- containers loaded on deck.
struction margins are applied to compensate for growth dur-
ing construction. In some acquisitions, the shipbuilder will First estimates of principal characteristics
not be known during the early design stages; nor will the Initial estimates are made of hull length, full load dis-
many vendors who will supply equipment. These uncer- placement and installed power. Almost any values can be
tainties also translate into weight and KG uncertainties that used for the initial estimates but the closer they are to the
are addressed by margins. It is expected that D&C margins final result, the fewer iterations will be required to get to
will be depleted as the ship design and construction process closure, when using the spiral design or similar single point
unfolds. Typical margin categories include weight, KG rise, design approach. These estimates are generally based on em-
ship service electric power, HVAC loads, hull resistance, pirical plots or equations derived from a statistical analysis
space and accommodations. Design and Construction mar- of existing ship data for the particular hull type and ship mis-
gins are separate and distinct from service life allowances, sion being considered. Displacement might be estimated
which some shipowners require to be provided in a new from a plot of payload weight versus displacement (or Dead-
ship at delivery. The latter allowances are provided in an- weight Coefficient for commercial ships), length might be
ticipation of growth during the ship’s life of attributes such estimated from a plot of length vs. displacement, and in-
as weight, KG, and required electric power. Appropriate stalled power might be estimated from a plot of power per
D&C margins and service life allowances must be incor- ton versus Froude number.
5-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Determination of manning/accommodations from a plot of hull steel weight versus LBD/100 (cubic num-
requirements ber), machinery weight might be based on a plot of ma-
The total number of accommodations to be provided is es- chinery weight versus installed power for the assumed plant
timated. This is generally based on a manning estimate (pro- type, etc. Living space outfit is generally a function of crew
vided by the shipowner for commercial ships), increased by size while hull outfit might be a function of LBD/100. Light-
an allowance for transients and perhaps a D&C margin ship KG is generally estimated by using KG/D factors for
and/or a service life growth allowance. the individual weight groups based on data from similar
ships. Load items are estimated or computed. The variable Estimation of required volume portion of the payload weight estimated in Sub-section
The total required internal volume is estimated. Initially, is known. Endurance fuel weight can be estimated
this is a gross figure that reflects the payload (cargo) vol- initially, and then computed once a speed-power curve has
ume plus the volume required for crew living, propulsion been estimated in Sub-section Load KG is esti-
machinery (total machinery space volume, including air in- mated by assigning KG values to the individual load items
takes, exhaust uptakes, and shaft alleys), tankage, stores, ac- based on the naval architect’s vision of the ship configura-
cess, ship control spaces, voids, and other miscellaneous tion and data for similar ships.
spaces. For the initial estimate, an empirical plot of total in- At this point, weight is checked against buoyancy. Since
ternal volume versus payload (cargo) volume is often used, L, B, Cp, and Cx are known, the draft required to float the
based on data for ships with similar missions and hull types. ship’s weight can be computed. If it is too great (navigational
More detailed estimates will be made in later iterations. draft constraint exceeded or freeboard too low, based on ei-
ther required regulatory freeboard or empirical criteria de- Sizing of hull and deckhouse rived from successful designs), L and/or B can be increased,
The hull and deckhouse are sized to provide the required which affects available volume and weight. Hull depth might
internal volume. A split between the hull and deckhouse be reduced in an attempt to avoid excess volume, if adequate
volume is chosen. This might be based on a factor chosen freeboard could be achieved. Deckhouse size (volume) also
from previous designs, or it might be based on a tentative might be reduced. Note that Cp and/or Cx also could be in-
deckhouse sketch with an associated deckhouse volume. creased at this point to reduce draft but the naval architect
Deducting the estimated deckhouse volume from the total may choose not to, seeking a solution at the selected Cp and
required volume yields the required hull volume. Hull Cx values with the idea that other Cp and Cx combinations
length, beam, depth and block or prismatic coefficient, are also will be studied later. If the calculated draft is too low,
adjusted until the necessary hull volume is provided. Em- perhaps not enough draft to swing a propeller of reasonable
pirical plots of hull proportions such as L/B, B/D, and L/D diameter, L and/or B could be reduced; D and/or deckhouse
for ships with similar hull types and missions are often used size would have to be increased commensurately to maintain
as a guide in this process. Extreme proportions will often adequate internal volume. Again, note that Cp and Cx could
lead to problems: too great a L/B ratio and too low a B/D also be varied in the effort to find a solution. At this point,
ratio could result in deficient stability, and too great an L/D weight and volume have been evaluated. Bear in mind that
could result in adverse hull girder strength. Large object displacement weight must equal buoyancy, but that the avail-
volumes with specific minimum dimensions to be accom- able volume may exceed the required volume. If the avail-
modated within the hull, must be considered when select- able volume must exceed the required volume in order to
ing the principal hull dimensions. Examples might be an provide sufficient buoyancy, this is an indication of a weight-
engine room, a large cargo hold, an aircraft hangar or a mis- driven design such as an Ore Carrier.
sile magazine. Large object volumes typically have a ver-
tical height that exceeds one normal deck height; they may Stability check
also have an unusually large length or beam. The transverse metacentric height, GMt, is estimated to
check initial intact stability. Note that initial stability at large Weight and center of gravity estimates heel angles and damage stability are evaluated at a later
The full load weight and Vertical Center of Gravity (VCG) point in design when the required design detail is available.
(KG) are estimated. Lightship weight groups and load items To estimate GMt, estimate KMt and subtract KG, mak-
are treated separately. Lightship weight components are ini- ing a reasonable correction for tankage free surface (see
tially estimated in major groups, using selected parent ships Chapter 11 – Parametric Design). The two constituents of
or empirical plots of data for ships with similar missions KMt, KB and BMt, are each estimated based on the known
and hull types. Hull structural weight might be estimated quantities L, B, T, Cp, and Cx, and the results summed. The
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-19

transverse moment of inertia of the waterplane, It is esti- sustained speed, the speed-power estimate in Step 9 will in-
mated from the waterplane coefficient, Cw. Cw is estimated clude the endurance speed so that a refined estimate of fuel
from Cp, recognizing that a transom stern significantly af- weight can be made. This is a common situation for fossil
fects both Cw and It. GMt/B is computed and compared to fuel naval ships that cruise much of the time at fuel-efficient
a predetermined criterion of acceptability, generally rang- speeds and spend very little time at high speeds.
ing from 3 to 10%, depending on the ship type and its in- This completes the description of the nine steps listed
tended mission (lower for cargo ships, mid-range for in Figure 5.6. Even if a tentative solution has been achieved
passenger ships, and higher for warships). If the criterion in the first pass through the process, it may be repeated start-
is exceeded, the result might be accepted, at least tem- ing at the step described in Sub-sections or,
porarily; if the criterion is not met, corrective action must using more refined estimates for the various parameters.
be taken. Either KG must be reduced or KMt increased. KG This greatly improves the quality of the study and reduces
can be reduced by reducing D or deckhouse size or by low- risk. Required volume, weight and KG are prime candi-
ering weights within the ship. At this early stage, reducing dates for refinement.
KG by lowering weights is not really feasible since indi- An arrangement sketch must be developed in order to
vidual weights have not yet been located within the hull. validate the tentative solution before the study can be ac-
Reducing deckhouse size yields small gains and reducing cepted. As a minimum, an inboard profile and main deck
D may be infeasible due to freeboard requirements or large plan view must be depicted. A typical transverse section
object volume dimensions, for example, the required height through the ship’s midbody would be the next priority.
of a low-speed diesel engine room. The most effective way Even if it were not required for validation, the customer
to raise KMt is to increase beam since BMt varies as B would want to see a sketch anyway. The term sketch is used
squared, and this is generally the approach taken. Length deliberately. Detail is not desired, only a simplified outline
may be reduced at the same time, if possible, to avoid ex- of the hull and deckhouse boundaries and the principal in-
cessive hull volume. ternal subdivisions: decks and bulkheads. Large object vol-
umes should be located and identified. The primary reason First estimate of propulsion power for the sketch is for the naval architect to ensure that a sat-
The power required to propel the ship at the desired maxi- isfactory ship arrangement can be developed within the se-
mum or sustained speed is estimated. This estimate can be lected principal dimensions. In profile, does the selected
much improved over the Subsection estimate since hull depth permit a satisfactory allocation of deck heights
the hull dimensions and form coefficients are now known, to be made with adequate space in the overheads to run dis-
along with a better estimate of ship displacement. As- tributed systems? Can the heights of large object volumes
sumptions have been made regarding the general charac- such as the engine room be accommodated efficiently?
teristics of the hull shape at the ends, for example, whether Does the selected hull length permit a satisfactory arrange-
or not there is a transom or bow bulb. Bare hull resistance ment of main transverse bulkheads? Can the lengths of
is estimated using one of the established techniques; for ex- large object volumes such as the engine room and cargo
ample, a standard series, a regression analysis, or test re- holds be accommodated efficiently, considering the re-
sults of a similar hull. The principal hull appendages are quirements for collision and after peak bulkheads? Can one
identified, permitting an estimate of appendage drag to be or more deckhouses with the required total volume be sat-
made. Overall propulsive coefficient is estimated and shaft- isfactorily located on the hull so as to provide proper align-
ing and reduction gear losses are accounted for (or electric ment with the engine room below deck, for example? Is
losses in the case of an electric ship). The resulting required the main deck length (and beam) adequate to accommo-
propulsive power is compared to the installed power as- date all of the required topside functions? The minimum
sumed in Step 3 of Figure 5.6. If the installed power is equal length required to do this in naval ship design is referred
to or somewhat greater than the required power, a tentative to as the stack-up length. The stack-up length often sets the
solution has been achieved. If the installed power greatly hull length in ships with cluttered topsides such as surface
exceeds the requirement, it must be reduced. If it falls short combatants or in ships with specific topside cargo stowage
of the requirement, it must be increased. In either case, the requirements, such as heavy lift ships or container ships.
assumed propulsion plant must be modified and the process After a practical arrangement sketch has validated the
repeated, starting with Step 5. The revised propulsion plant study, capital and operating and support (O&S) costs can
is likely to have a revised engine room volume and hence be estimated. Risks also must be assessed. Unique aspects
the total required volume will change. If the fuel endurance of performance, beyond the usual calm water speed and fuel
is specified at a speed other than the specified maximum or endurance estimates, are sometimes evaluated, albeit in pre-
5-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

liminary fashion. Ship motions and maneuvering predic- improve the estimate of project cost, refine and validate the
tions are examples. major ship performance requirements established previ-
Countless versions of the feasibility study development ously and, not least, to establish a baseline for the start of
process outlined above have been programmed for speedy preliminary design and its major trade-off studies. In de-
execution by computer. These programs, termed synthesis veloping a set of feasibility studies, emphasis is given to rel-
models, differ primarily in four ways: level of detail, de- ative correctness, that is, to establishing the correct deltas
gree of tailoring to specific ship types, approach to user in- between studies in the set. In developing a concept design,
teraction, and solution approach. Some programs are quite emphasis shifts to absolute correctness, that is, how large
simplistic and contain only rough approximations for es- and heavy is this specific ship really going to be and what
timating relationships; others are very sophisticated and will it really cost?
estimate parameters such as weight and space in consid- Concept design, and all the design phases, which follow
erable detail (see Chapter 13 – Computer Based Tools). it, is really a parallel process, as depicted in Figure 5.7.
Some programs are finely tuned to deal with a particular Three critical steps, as shown in the figure, initiate the
type of ship, for example, a container ship, and a particu- process.
lar hull form type such as a cruiser stern hull with bow First, the exterior envelope of the ship is defined for the
bulb; others are much more flexible. Some programs run first time. This consists of the hull and deckhouse bound-
without user interaction after the necessary inputs are pro- aries. The assumptions reflected by the selected feasibility
vided; others permit the user to interact with the program study are translated into a specific initial shape for the ship.
and steer the computer towards a particular solution. Graph- These initial assumptions include parameters such as the
ical interfaces that permit arrangement sketches to be de- principal hull dimensions (L, B, T, D), principal hull form
veloped on-line are becoming more common. Some coefficients (Cp, Cx), freeboard and deckhouse volume.
programs iterate and converge to a single solution inter- For the initial hull form, an existing hull may be used or
nally; others produce a huge matrix of solutions and point a new one developed from scratch. The existing hull may
out to the user which ones fail to meet one or another of be modified to match the desired dimensions and form co-
the prescribed acceptance criteria. efficients. Techniques for doing this are well known (8) and
The advantages of a synthesis model include speed, re- today are integrated into naval architecture software pack-
peatability, relative accuracy, and the ability to capture the ages, such as TRIBON and FORAN. The initial deckhouse
best thinking of all the experts in the organization devel- configuration must reflect the desired volume and also nu-
oping the model. Relative, as opposed to absolute, accu- merous practical considerations such as realistic molded
racy is essential in the early stage design process. When deck heights, sight lines from the bridge, provisions for
alternatives are being evaluated and compared, capturing the propulsion air inlets and exhausts, and maintenance of the
true delta between the alternatives is of paramount impor- required working deck areas. Even in this initial definition
tance. In the past, parametric studies were done manually, of the hull and deckhouse, production considerations should
often by different individuals. The true deltas between al- be given significant weight.
ternatives were often lost due to differing assumptions or After the hull and deckhouse boundaries have been de-
round-off errors. fined initially, the principal internal subdivisions must be es-
On the other hand, synthesis models are costly to develop tablished. The process of doing this is sometimes referred to
and require continuing care and feeding to keep up with ad- as decking out the design. Deck locations within the hull and
vancing technology. The primary use of synthesis models deckhouse are defined, as are the locations of the principal
is in the concept design phase; that is, to develop ship fea- bulkheads, both transverse and longitudinal. The naval ar-
sibility studies. They also are used in later design phases to chitect performing this task uses judgment based on experi-
perform trade-off studies, for example, study the effects of ence plus knowledge of the numerous influencing factors.
varying hull proportions, form coefficients, etc. and to as- These factors include considerations such as realistic molded
sess the total ship impacts of subsystem alternatives; for ex- deck heights (at least 2.6 m today) necessary to achieve de-
ample, alternative propulsion plants, habitability standards, sired clear deck heights, practical double bottom depth, de-
margin policies, etc. sired frame spacing for efficient structure, and the transverse
bulkhead spacing needed to meet cargo stowage, floodable
length and damage stability requirements. Production con-
5.3.3 Concept Design siderations and the need for structural continuity are given
A concept design represents the further development of a high priority in establishing the internal subdivisions. Ad-
specific feasibility study. The work is done to reduce risk, vice may be sought from experts in these areas. At the same
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-21

time, it is important to remember that this is simply a start- After the decking out process is completed, an initial
ing point, and that all design decisions tentatively made at general arrangement drawing is developed. The drawing
this point will be thoroughly reviewed later in the design depicts all so-called large object volumes such as the en-
process before they are locked in. The decking out process gine room and cargo holds. These are spaces whose heights
may require small changes to certain of the input parame- are greater than a single normal deck height. Smaller spaces
ters. The hull depth, for example, may be adjusted to pro- with normal deck heights are not individually defined at
vide the desired number of internal deck levels in an efficient this point. Rather, blocks of space are allocated by function,
manner, that is, without either inadequate or excessive tween- for example, crew living, office and administrative spaces,
deck heights. Hull or compartment length might be modi- navigation and other ship control spaces, workshops, etc.
fied slightly to equate to an even number of frames at the In the process of defining the initial general arrangement,
desired spacing. it may be necessary to modify deck or bulkhead locations
or even the deckhouse boundaries.
After the initial hull envelope and general arrangement
have been defined, parallel design development can pro-
ceed in a number of functional areas, as depicted in Figure
Selected Define Hull Form
5.7. The parallel design development effort extends beyond
Feasibility and Deckhouse
the concept design development and, in fact, continues
Study Configuration
through all the remaining design phases. The ensuing de-
sign development activities can be classed as design and
analysis activities, as depicted in the figure. As system de-
sign and total ship analysis proceeds, conflicts with the ini-
tial hull envelope and/or the general arrangement will be
Locate Decks Initial
identified and must be resolved. Resolution may necessi-
and General
Bulkheads Arrangement
tate changes in either the hull envelope or the general
arrangement. For example, development of the propulsion
plant, including the initial machinery arrangement, may in-
dicate the need to lengthen the engine room, which in turn
will require a change to the general arrangement.
Figure 5.8 is a depiction of the concept design task cat-
Configuration Development: egories after the initial configuration definition (Baseline 1
External Configuration (Hull Form/Deckhouse) in Figure 5.7). Additional detail is provided. There are
and General Arrangement strong interactions between both the ship envelope and the
general arrangement and three of the eight areas of system
design activity noted in the figure. These are structures,
System Design and Analysis: propulsion plant and mission systems. Similarly, there are
Mission Systems strong interactions between most of the areas of system de-
Structure sign activity and the eight analysis activities noted in the
Machinery upper block of total ship analysis tasks. For example, most
Outfit areas of system design will contribute products to the
area/volume analysis, the weight estimate, the electric load
estimate, and the Master Equipment List (MEL). The top-
ics listed in the second block of analysis tasks have equally
Total Ship Analysis:
strong interactions but with fewer system design tasks. There
Weights and Centers Capacities
are strong interactions between both the hull form and the
Trim and Stability Availability
Electric Load Manning
weight estimate and the hydrodynamic performance and
Hydrodynamic Performance Cost, etc. stability analysis tasks. The general arrangement also has
a strong interaction with the damage stability analysis task.
Noise and vibrations analysis tasks are strongly linked to
the general arrangements and to the principal noise sources:
Baseline 1 Baseline 2 Baseline 3 propulsion and other rotating machinery and the propulsor
Figure 5.7 Naval Ship Concept Design Process itself. Fuel weight and volume are linked to the required
5-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

propulsion power at the endurance speed, as well as to the (O&F), fluid systems, HVAC system, and auxiliary ma-
efficiency of the propulsion and electric power generating chinery/mechanical systems. For concept design, there is
plants at that speed. insufficient detail to develop a manning estimate based on
As design development proceeds, interim products are workload considerations. It would be premature to spend
produced in each of the system design and total ship analy- much effort defining O&F details. Design effort in the sys-
sis task areas and fed to other areas that use them as inputs tems task areas mentioned above might be restricted to se-
or as information updates. Frequently, updated information lecting a reasonable baseline system concept, describing it
will reveal problems or disconnects in the design that the by means of a highly simplified 1-line diagram and, for that
team must set to work to resolve. For example, the damage concept, identifying major system components and esti-
stability analysis may reveal the need to change transverse mating their sizes by ratiocination from similar ships.
bulkhead spacing at the after quarter point which is at odds
with the general arrangement. Such disconnects cannot be
predicted in advance and the skill of a design team may be
measured by how quickly they can be identified, addressed
and satisfactorily resolved. In this section, the design development process, subsequent
Figures 5.7 and 5.8 are generic in that they are applica- to the development of an initial concept design, is discussed.
ble to the entire system design process once the initial hull This process occurs during the preliminary, contract and
envelope and general arrangement have been defined. In functional design phases.
concept design, not all of the tasks identified in Figure 5.8
will be performed; others will receive varying degrees of
attention, depending on the design problem at hand. 5.4.1 Overview
Tasks emphasized are those with the major influence on The design development process is a parallel one, performed
overall ship size, cost, performance and risk. Examples of by persons with expertise in the various design disciplines.
tasks not performed in concept design might include the These persons develop their portions of the design in par-
availability, noise and vibrations analysis tasks. Tasks given allel, exchanging data at appropriate points in the process.
minimal attention might include the manning analysis task The initial concept design provides the data that is needed
and the following design tasks: Outfit and Furnishings to start this parallel development process. It is the initial de-


Ship Envelope General Topside Appendage

•Hull Form Arrangement Arrangement Configuration
•Deckhouse Configuration


Mission Structure Propulsion Electric Fluid HVAC Auxiliary Outfit

Systems Plant ( incl. Plant Systems System Machinery & and
Propulsor) Mechanical Furnishings


Manning Area/ Weights Availability Electric Master Cost Risk

Volume and (Ao) Load Equipment •R&D
Centers List (MEL) •Construction


Hydrodynamic List, Trim Intact Floodable Deadweight Fuel Noise Vibrations

Performance and Stability Length and Capacities Weight •Airborne
•Speed-power Freeboard Damage & Centers and •Radiated
•Maneuvering Stability Volume

Figure 5.8 Concept Design Task Categories

Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-23

sign baseline. The design development process generally re- Issues that have a major impact on ship cost, perform-
flects the classical systems engineering process with two ance or risk should be dealt with early in the process while
principal objectives: to optimize the total ship system at the issues with lesser impact can be deferred. It makes sense
expense, perhaps, of individual subsystem optimization, to do this since studies done too soon may have to be re-
and to address production, operation and support aspects worked if there are significant changes in the design base-
too often neglected, for example, producibility, reliability, line. Issues with a significant impact on ship size and/or
maintainability, supportability, operability, life cycle cost and configuration must be dealt with at the total ship level, that
human systems integration (manpower, personnel, training, is, these impacts must be evaluated. Issues with little or no
safety and health hazards). impact on overall ship size or configuration can be dealt
In each design discipline, the development process con- with at the individual system level. Issues with significant
sists of the following generic steps: requirements derivation, impacts can be subdivided further into those with effects
synthesis of alternative concepts, evaluation of the concepts, so dominant that they require alternative ship concepts to
selection of the preferred concept, and further development be developed and evaluated vs. those whose impacts can
of the selected concept. This may lead to the exploration at be assessed without deviating from the baseline ship con-
finer levels of detail of additional alternatives for elements cept. Some issues can be studied by a single design disci-
of the parent concept. Thus, after the initial requirements pline while experts representing several disciplines must
derivation, the process consists of a trade-off study followed address others.
by design development effort. This cycle may be repeated In planning and executing the design development
several times before the design is fully developed. process, these categories should be considered and greater
The development effort in each discipline is referenced attention given to the more important ones. In general, the
to the overall ship design baseline in order to keep the over- highest priority should be given to multi-disciplinary stud-
all effort on track. The design baseline represents an inte-
ies with significant ship size and/or configuration impacts.
grated total ship design, at the level of detail to which the
These studies should be planned in greater detail and per-
design has been developed. Periodically, the design base-
formed as early in the process as possible. By so doing,
line is updated and reissued to the design team. The up-
the overall efficiency of the design process is maximized
dated baseline reflects interim design decisions, which have
and the chances of major downstream perturbations of
been made in the various disciplines as result of the on-
the design baseline are minimized. Formal trade-off stud-
going trade-off study and design development process.
ies are necessary to achieve a near-optimum design so-
The design team leadership must ratify all such deci-
lution but they require time and resources. Thus the
sions before they are incorporated into the baseline. Sev-
eral design baselines might be developed and issued over number of such studies undertaken must be tailored to
the course of a single design phase. As noted in Figures 5.7 the available design time and resources. A few studies of
and 5.8, some design development tasks are purely analy- critical issues done well are always preferable to many
sis tasks. These are referenced to the current design base- mediocre studies of lesser issues. The shipowner will often
line. The orderly process outlined previously is disrupted identify specific issues that he wishes to see formally stud-
when design problems are identified which involve more ied. The products of a trade-off study of several design
than one design discipline. The affected design disciplines alternatives should typically include the design require-
must work together quickly and efficiently to solve such ments, descriptions of the alternatives, and estimates of
problems and minimize the disruption to the overall devel- the following attributes for each alternative, relative to
opment process. the design baseline: design and engineering cost, if there
are significant differences, procurement cost, operating
and support cost, weight, space, electric load, manning,
5.4.2 Trade-off Studies
reliability, maintenance requirements, support require-
Trade-off studies are an essential element of the design de- ments, training requirements, operability, risk (technical,
velopment process. The challenge is deciding which design cost and schedule) and pertinent aspects of performance,
issues must be subjected to a formal trade-off study and for such as speed or seakeeping. The list of attributes to be
those, deciding when the study should be done and to what evaluated is tailored to suit each trade-off study (see Sub-
level of detail. Design issues can be categorized in various Section 5.1.9).
ways, including: The recommendation of each completed trade-off study
• impact on ship cost, performance, and/or risk, must be reviewed and approved by the leadership of the de-
• impact on ship size and/or configuration, and sign team before it can be incorporated into the next update
• multi-discipline vs. single discipline. of the design baseline.
5-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

5.4.3 Design Integration there are organizational interfaces that are related to the in-
Total ship optimization is the primary purpose of design in- terfaces between ship system elements. Certain principles
tegration. Other objectives are to: must be adhered to when organizing for ship design if de-
sign integration efforts are to be effective. They are:
• ensure ship feasibility,
• satisfy the shipowner’s requirements and constraints, • assign responsibility for complete functional elements
and to a single, lowest-level organizational unit,
• facilitate ship construction. • assign responsibility for closely interacting functional el-
ements to a single organizational unit,
An optimized ship design is a balanced ship design. A • distribute responsibility evenly between organizational
balanced design is not optimized at the system or sub-sys- elements,
tem levels, that is, give and take has occurred between el- • assign a manageable number of organizational elements
ements of the design. An optimized total ship will typically to any one supervisor,
not have optimized systems and sub-systems. • establish one organizational element responsible for
In this regard it may be useful to view the ship as com- whole-ship characteristics (tests and trials, manning,
prising different levels. Level I is the total ship. At Level II RMA, safety, cost, etc.) and for system engineering of
are the major ship systems such as hull, machinery, mission areas which cut across several organizational elements,
systems, etc. Level III comprises elements or sub-systems for example, ship control,
such as structure, propulsion, electrical, control, commu- • staff with a high percentage of competent and experi-
nications, and auxiliary machinery. Level IV consists of enced engineers and designers,
components such as prime movers, generators, reduction • keep the total design organization small, and
gears, shafting, and propulsors. Design integration is nor- • avoid the introduction of organizational elements whose
mally focused on the interfaces between elements at Level sole responsibility is the review of another organiza-
III and below. tional element’s work.
Interfaces are classified as either functional or physical.
Functional interfaces refer to the service transfers between The first two principles avoid introducing organizational
various functional elements of the ship (electric power, cool- interfaces where hardware interfaces do not exist. The next
ing water, communications, data, etc.), while physical in- two principles assure a manageable workload for the vari-
terfaces refer to the spatial relationships between ship ous levels of supervision so that decisions involving sys-
elements. Functional interfaces are most critical during the tem compromises can be made in a timely and efficient
early design stages and must be resolved by the start of func- manner. The fifth principle assures proper attention is given
tional design. Physical interfaces are dealt with at all stages to the total ship system characteristics. The last three prin-
of design, but receive the most attention in the later stages ciples are necessary for efficient performance.
of design, when issues such as alignment, physical support, An experienced design team will effectively address their
interconnection, and routing are addressed in detail. interfaces with a minimum of direction and control from
Six critical areas receive special attention during the de- management and, the smaller the number of personnel in-
sign integration process. They are: volved, the fewer will be the number of communication
channels and the more effective will be the exchange of in-
1. weight vs. buoyancy and draft, freeboard, trim and list, terface data. Frequent, rapid and effective communications
2. stability, are a key to efficient design integration. Communications
3. hull girder strength, are essential, and a challenge. A collocated design team fa-
4. space balance; that is, required vs. available internal vol- cilitates communications. Modern communication tech-
ume, and deck area, niques permit virtual collocation of the members of a widely
5. ship energy balance; that is, required vs. available en- dispersed design team. However, virtual collocation is un-
ergy of each type (electric power, steam, compressed, likely to ever equal the effectiveness of face-to-face ex-
air, cooling water, etc.), and changes of data and opinion.
6. ship control; that is, the interfaces between the ship con- In the initial concept design phase, the design team is
trol system and every dynamic functional element of the small and communications are frequent and informal. The in-
ship. dividual team members perform design integration as they
Ship design is performed by engineers and designers, typ- work. Integration is an interactive and iterative function, and
ically organized along functional lines. Elements of the or- this is facilitated during concept design when the design team
ganization are responsible for elements of the design. Thus is small and, normally, collocated. As the design proceeds
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-25

through preliminary and contract design, the integration func- work effort in each task area must be defined, including the
tion is no less important, but proves more difficult. Integra- approach to be taken, the inputs required from other task
tion is important because during these phases decisions will areas, the deliverables or products to be created, the work
be made on systems, sub-systems, and possibly even equip- schedule, including the dates for inputs, outputs and inter-
ment that will determine the cost and performance of the mediate milestones, and finally, the labor hours and re-
ship. The integration function is more difficult because as the sources required. Resources could include computers,
design matures it becomes more detailed and complex and, facilities, funds for model construction and testing, etc. The
as a result, the size and diversity of the design team grows. DIT must take the lead in creating an overall, top-level de-
For a complex warship, it has been estimated that as many sign schedule. This must address intermediate project mile-
as 40 different engineering disciplines ultimately may be in- stones at which the design baseline will be formally updated,
volved, although not all on a continuous basis. as well as the dates for major reviews of the entire ship de-
For complex ship designs, it is, therefore, common to sign. The individual plans for each task area must be inte-
create and empower a Design Integration Team (DIT) in the grated with this overall plan and with each other. Emphasis
preliminary design phase or shortly thereafter. The DIT is must be placed on the interfaces between the various func-
focused on total ship design integration and its members are tional elements. These interfaces must be identified and rec-
dedicated to that task. Typically, the DIT is staff to the ship ognized by the affected parties on both sides of the interface.
design project manager and is empowered to act in his/her The dates for the exchange of interface data must be sched-
name. The members of the DIT are typically senior engi- uled such that there is sufficient time to complete the de-
neers with broad experience and with a total ship perspec- sign of the affected elements of the design. The DIT must
tive. Collectively, their experience covers the full scope of identify major design issues that can only be addressed by
topics and issues to be addressed during the design. Spe- the joint action of two or more functional areas. The DIT
cialists in the functional design organization perform syn- must lead the effort to develop action plans to address these
thesis, analysis and trade studies. The DIT’s objective is to issues and see that they are incorporated into the overall de-
achieve that combination of subsystem features and per- sign phase plan. The DIT must also ensure that the design
formance that provides the best or optimum combination of phase plan includes the effort to produce the design prod-
total ship cost, performance and risk, within the bounds of ucts that that it needs to do its job.
economic and technological constraints. In some engineer-
ing organizations the functional groups are quite strong and In-process control
independent, and resist oversight and direction. This has led The second design integration activity is in-process con-
to unbalanced ships where one function or element has been trol. The DIT plays a key role in controlling the effort of a
emphasized at the expense of others. The key is to make all large design team. The DIT continually assesses the devel-
decisions on what is best for the total ship. The DIT must oping design, but periodic meetings and design reviews are
be empowered by top management to make the tough deci- held as well. Minutes are taken and action items assigned
sions. And, of course, they must serve as honest brokers. and followed up. The DIT can employ several design con-
trol techniques. One is to formally update the design base-
line at regular intervals during a lengthy design phase. A
5.4.4 Design Planning and Control six-week interval is typical. The interval can be shorter for
The objectives of design integration have been described as smaller teams and those working to an accelerated overall
well as its nature. The concept of the Design Integration schedule. Formal updates of the design baseline help to keep
Team has been introduced. Turning now to the design inte- all members of the design team working on the same de-
gration process, it can be described as three sequential ac- sign. They also serve to keep the current design baseline rel-
tivities for a specific design phase. These are up-front atively up to date and reflective of recent design decisions,
planning, in-process control and formal reviews at the end made since the previous baseline refresh. This reduces the
of the phase. amount of rework that must be done by the design team
members as they shift their own work to the new baseline. Planning If the update interval is too short, team members must stop
The first and perhaps most important activity is proper plan- work and shift to the new baseline too frequently. If the in-
ning of the design phase. Many designs are started on a ca- terval is too long, team members spend too much time work-
sual, ad hoc basis and there is little or no opportunity for ing to a badly outdated baseline. Shifting to the new baseline
formal planning. For each subsequent phase, however, for- when it is finally issued is a major task and too much costly
mal planning before the start of the phase is essential. The re-work is required.
5-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Another control technique is to require formal approval the overall goals. On the other hand, if the approach is ap-
of changes to specific elements of the design baseline such plied too rigidly, a great deal of work can be wasted in fu-
as the lines drawing, the general arrangements or the Mas- tile efforts to reach an unobtainable goal. In the case of
ter Equipment List (MEL). Since the MEL can go down to attempts to save weight, this not only wastes engineering
a very detailed level such as the 5-digit Extended Ship Work effort but also generally drives up ship cost as well since
Breakdown Structure (ESWBS) level, and is constantly lighter weight systems and materials generally cost more.
changing, formal approval should be reserved for the big- A very effective control technique is the in-process de-
ticket items. The hull lines and the deckhouse or super- sign review. At these informal reviews, the individual re-
structure configuration define total internal volume. The sponsible for a specific element of the ship design presents
general arrangement drawing or 3-D arrangement model the design approach, status and current design configura-
defines the subdivision and spatial arrangement of the ship’s tion. A typical design review agenda is shown in Table 5.VI.
enclosed volume. These drawings can be used to control In attendance are the DIT and other members of the design
overall ship size and internal arrangement by controlling the team responsible for the design of elements or subsystems
changes made to the drawings as the design is developed. that interface with the element under review. Frequently,
The design team leader may delegate change control au- misunderstandings regarding the interfaces between ele-
thority to the DIT or may retain this authority but look to ments are identified and resolved on the spot; in some cases,
the DIT for its recommendation on each proposed change. the design approach is modified as a result. The DIT has
The power to control changes must be exercised judiciously. the opportunity in such reviews to verify that the subject
Two important issues are when to apply formal change con- design effort is on track and that no attractive design op-
trols and what features or parameters should be controlled. tions are being overlooked.
If formal controls are applied too early in the design effort, During the design development process, unanticipated
they can stifle innovation, burn up valuable resources in
managing the effort and destroy design team morale. Morale
plummets if it becomes too difficult to get approval of
TABLE 5.VI Design Review Agenda
straightforward changes intended to improve the design or
solve a recently discovered problem such as a physical in- Major design requirements
terference. On the other hand, later in the design process, Trade study results (if applicable) and documentation
formal configuration control procedures become manda-
tory to avoid the devastating ripple effects if one person or Area/volume requirements (vs. space allocations)
functional group unilaterally makes an ill-advised change Compartment arrangements
without adequate consultation with design management and One-line diagrams
the other affected parties. Performance analysis results
Design resources can be controlled to some extent by a
Specifications status
technique called design budgeting. For example, the DIT
might establish a light ship weight budget with each ele- Status of MEL inputs
ment assigned to the functional area with cognizance, such Cost (current estimates vs. allocations - design, construction,
as, structure, propulsion, O&F, etc. Each functional area is O&S)
then tasked to attempt to stay within their allocated budget Manning (current estimate vs. allocation)
as the design is developed. The estimated or calculated Weight (current estimate vs. allocation)
weight is compared to the budget value at regular intervals
and the trend is tracked over time. This approach also can Producibility considerations
be employed with other design parameters such as electric Test and Validation requirements and status
power load and other support services, system availability, Risk assessment and status
and manning. The collected trend analysis results for each Logistics support
parameter are updated and distributed among the design
Reliability, maintainability, and availability
team on a regular basis. The allocated budgets for any pa-
rameter can be modified with or without increasing the over- System safety
all budget, if during design development it becomes clear Status of formal deliverables
that re-allocations are indicated. This technique is useful for The way ahead (plans to complete work)
sensitizing the design team to the importance of certain de-
Review of assigned action items
sign parameters and for enlisting their aid in efforts to meet
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-27

technical problems are often identified that must be promptly then combined by an experienced team composed of experts
addressed by the design team. When these problems involve in each discipline. These experts optimize the combined
issues within the purview of more than a single organiza- system designs, eliminating interferences in the process.
tional unit, the DIT is chartered to take the lead in seeking The product is a single master overlay drawing for the con-
a solution. Oftentimes, an ad hoc working group (some- trol area. Hole control drawings are the results of a proce-
times called a tiger team) is formed if the problem or issue dure implemented during detail design to ensure that the
is particularly complex. Members are drawn from the or- structural penetrations required to run distributive systems
ganizational units most directly affected by the issue. En- do not impair the strength of the hull and superstructure.
gineering effort may be required to synthesize and analyze Composite drawings are another means of performing
one or more alternative solutions to the problem. physical integration. A composite drawing is a single draw-
The DIT must quickly develop a plan of action in con- ing showing all of the system runs, equipment and other
cert with the affected parties and then manage the resulting obstructions in a control area in multi-views. The master
study in parallel with the on-going mainstream design ef- overlay drawing described above is a single view com-
fort. The study results must be reviewed before a recom- posite drawing. Composites are more accurate than over-
mendation as to the best resolution can be made. lays but overlays are simpler and can be produced more
The preceding discussion of the design integration quickly and cheaply. On some designs, composites are used
process is primarily applicable to the system design phases selectively to supplement the overlays in particularly im-
through contract design, when the focus is on the identi- portant and congested areas. The Interface Control Draw-
fication and resolution of functional interfaces. Physical ing (ICD) depicts selected features of two or more
interfaces are addressed in the early design phases also, interfacing items to ensure compatibility between and
but at a fairly high level, in terms of space, weight and sup- among them. ICDs are developed after a local area has
port services requirements. Space assignments, adjacen- been designed to control the resulting configuration. The
cies and access requirements are addressed via the general ICD permits subsequent design activities to proceed inde-
arrangements drawing. One-line diagrams define support pendently and concurrently with assurance that the speci-
services. In the functional design phase, the focus turns to fied interface previously agreed upon is adhered to. One
physical integration, which must be addressed in com- example of an ICD is a drawing of a section of deck struc-
prehensive detail. During functional design and beyond, ture showing the distributive system penetrations. The ICD
two major activities occur. One is the development of as- defines the physical interface between the distributive sys-
sembly and installation (A&I) details, that define how each tems in the area above the deck and those in the area below.
piece is mated with another, for example, a stiffener to the Another ICD example is an Outline and Mounting (O&M)
adjacent plate, or a piece of equipment to its foundation. drawing that defines the physical interfaces between a piece
The other activity is the entire process of physical inte- of equipment and its foundation, support system connec-
gration. The A&I details are important to the shipbuilder tions, and adjacent ship structure, joiner work, equipment
but the physical integration process is a much greater chal- and other systems.
lenge to the design team. This process concerns the Physical models and mockups are built when drawings
arrangement of all the items in an area or zone of the ship are not considered to be adequate for full evaluation and
so as to optimize performance, producibility and cost, as physical integration of the design. These situations are typ-
well as eliminate all interferences. Typical items in a zone ically portions of complex, high value ship designs that are
are structure, joiner work, insulation, distributive systems especially congested, such as the propulsion machinery
(for example, power cable, vent ducts and piping), equip- rooms, Navigation Bridge, and ship control spaces.
ment, furniture and other outfit items. To remain compet- As was previously mentioned, today the drawings and
itive, it is mandatory that an efficient physical integration physical models and mockups described above are giving
process be employed. way to the computer-based 3-D geometry model. As the de-
Traditionally, 2-D drawings and physical models and sign team develops the physical details of the design, they
mockups have been used to support the task of physical in- are captured in a single 3-D model that steadily grows in com-
tegration and to document its results. Today, computer-based plexity. Members of the design team can view the model at
3-D geometry models are replacing these techniques. any time and from any point of view. The computer can be
Overlay drawings are transparent, multi-sheet, plan view programmed to identify and flag each physical interference
drawings for a control area showing the deck arrangement, to facilitate their elimination by the design team. Slicing the
overhead structure, lighting arrangement, and the optimum 3-D computer model with any desired intersecting plane can
run for each distributive system. The sheets are overlaid and readily produce any drawing mentioned previously.
5-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Formal design review overall system effectiveness within cost and schedule con-
The third and concluding activity is a formal design review straints, albeit at the expense of sub-system optimization.
performed at the conclusion of the design phase. During this The SE process transforms an operational need into a com-
review, all elements of the ship design are scrutinized to en- pleted system design employing an iterative process of func-
sure that they are complete, fully integrated, and collectively tional analysis, design synthesis, system analysis, evaluation
describe a ship design that meets the shipowner’s require- and decision, and system documentation. Per the Interna-
ments, is producible, and is economically viable. The DIT tional Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), as
plays a leadership role in the final design review. If a specifi- quoted in Table 2 of reference 9, the SE process focuses on
cation is included in the design deliverables, it is also care- defining customer needs and required functionality early in
fully reviewed for completeness, technical accuracy, and the development cycle, documenting requirements, and then
consistency, both internally and with other elements of the proceeding with design and system validation. The SE
design package. After the specification has been completed, process integrates related system technical elements and
it is distributed to all concerned parties for their individual re- ensures the compatibility of all physical, functional, and
views. Comments are collected, collated and again distrib- program interfaces. The SE process embraces technical dis-
uted to all concerned. Finally, a reading session is held to ciplines that cut across the traditional functional discipline
which all parties are invited. At the reading session, the com- boundaries as key elements of the total engineering effort.
ments received on each specification section are reviewed and These disciplines include: reliability, maintainability, sup-
consensus is reached on the disposition of each. Failing con- portability, safety, manning, human factors, survivability, test
sensus, the design team leadership will make the decision. To engineering and production engineering. During system de-
save time, when a difficult issue is identified, it is assigned to velopment, the SE process gives great weight to customer
an individual and taken off-line for further consideration of needs, characterizing and managing technical risk, transi-
the comments received, debate on the issues, and develop- tioning technology from the R&D community into the sys-
ment of a specific recommendation. The recommendation is tem development effort, system test and evaluation, system
then brought back to the reading session for final discussion production, and life cycle support considerations.
and approval. The recommendation may necessitate changes Per reference 10, the objectives of the SE process are:
to other parts of the design package. A specification reading
• ensure that the system definition and design reflect re-
session typically lasts for several weeks. The time is well
quirements for all system elements: hardware, computer
spent, however, since the session is an invaluable opportunity
software, personnel, facilities, and procedural data,
for everyone with a vital interest to voice their concerns and
• integrate the technical efforts of the design team spe-
also hear the concerns of others. The resulting specification
cialists to produce an optimally balanced design,
and design package is greatly improved by this interaction.
• provide a comprehensive indentured framework of sys-
tem requirements for use as performance, design, inter-
face, support, production and test criteria,
5.5 DESIGN TOPICS • provide source data required to produce and test the sys-
The ship design process is undergoing significant change.
• provide a systems framework for logistic analysis, inte-
This includes the adoption of new tools, new processes, and
grated logistic support (ILS) trade studies, and logistic
new management practices. These trends are briefly dis-
cussed in this section. Some are essentially stand alone top-
• provide a systems framework for production engineer-
ics, but others describe approaches that build upon and
ing analysis, producibility trade studies, and produc-
support each other.
tion/manufacturing documentation, and
• ensure that life cycle cost considerations and require-
5.5.1 Systems Engineering ments are fully considered in all phases of the design
process. Description
Systems Engineering (SE) is a formal process for the de- It should be noted that reference 10 is the source of much
sign of complex systems to meet technical performance and of the information presented in this section.
supportability objectives within cost and schedule con-
straints. The SE process involves both technical and man- History
agement aspects. Its principal objective is to achieve the The development of formal SE processes is linked to the
optimum balance of all system elements so as to optimize development of increasingly complex systems utilizing ad-
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-29

vanced technologies and incorporating human operators as system! The principal steps in the process are shown in the
well as computers in analysis and decision-making roles. figure. Each step is briefly discussed below.
Increased system complexity has increased emphasis on the Initial Requirements: Initial requirements are needed to
definition of requirements for individual system elements start the system development process. Typically these re-
as well as definition of the interfaces between system ele- quirements are contained in an initial draft system require-
ments. A formal hierarchy of linked requirements is devel- ments document. They reflect an operational need and consist
oped, spanning the gamut from top level total system of mission objectives, environments and constraints, and the
requirements down to requirements for the smallest ele- relevant measures of effectiveness for the new system.
ments of the system. Increased system complexity has also A detailed description of how these initial requirements
seen an explosion in the effort required for computer soft- are developed is beyond the scope of this discussion. Gen-
ware development relative to hardware development. Today, erally they come from the customer for the system with
the software development effort for complex systems may major inputs from the operating forces that are potential
equal or exceed the hardware development effort. Increased system users.
system size and complexity has forced expansion of the en- Functional Analysis: Functional Analysis (FA) is a
gineering workforce required to develop and field the sys- method for analyzing the initial top level requirements for
tem, as well as increased specialization within the workforce. a new system and dividing them into discrete tasks or ac-
Collectively, these trends have inevitably forced the man- tivities. FA defines the essential functions that the system
agers and integrators of complex systems to expand and must perform based on the system mission requirements.
formalize their development procedures and processes under FA consists of two activities: the identification of system
the systems engineering umbrella. functions, and the allocation of system requirements. FA is
The origins of SE go back to well before WW II. How- performed in parallel with the second step in the funda-
ever, the SE process for the development of complex systems mental process, design synthesis, since there must be in-
was first formalized in the mid-1950s in connection with US teractions between the two activities. FA starts with the
Government ballistic missile programs. MIL-STD-499 was
issued in 1969 to provide guidance on SE principles and
processes to the US defense industry. MIL-STD-499A, is-
sued in 1974, has been a foundation document in the devel-
opment of the field. INCOSE was formed in 1990 to support REQUIREMENTS
SE practitioners with guidance documentation and sponsor-
ship of workshops and symposia for the exchange of inno-
vative ideas. MIL-STD-499B was drafted in 1994 but never
issued. In its place, EIA/IS-632, an interim commercial stan- FUNCTIONAL
dard, was issued in June 1994. This document has since been ANALYSIS ITERATIVE TRADE-OFFS
formalized and issued in Jan 1999 as EIA-632. Process DESIGN

The SE process is, in fact, a collection of processes. There SYNTHESIS

is a fundamental process, almost a philosophy, which is sur-

rounded and enhanced by a number of other processes that
complement or focus on particular aspects of the funda- SYSTEM
mental process. Examples are processes for risk manage-
ment and requirements development and allocation. The
fundamental SE process is depicted in Figure 5.9.
The process is iterative; it is repeated in increasing de- EVALUATION
tail in each phase of the system development. The funda- DECISION
mental process is also utilized by many elements of the
design team in parallel. It is followed at the total system level
by those with overall responsibility for system integration
while, at the same time, it is being followed by the devel- DOCUMENTATION
opers of individual subsystems, elements and components.
Remember that one person’s system is another person’s sub- Figure 5.9 The Systems Engineering Process
5-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

identification of the top level system functions and then pro- flexible format. Performance requirements may be qualita-
gressively allocates the functions to lower levels in the sys- tive or quantitative. The personnel requirements for all tasks
tem, for example, each top level function is subdivided into are defined. Design constraints such as dimensions, weight,
several second tier functions, each of which is further sub- and electric power are defined and documented in the RAS,
divided, and so on. There is a dramatic increase in the num- along with all functional and technical interface require-
ber of functions to be performed at each lower level. A ments. Some performance requirements or design con-
decimal numbering system, applied to each function, is used straints can be allocated to lower levels of the system, for
to maintain traceability between the functions identified. example. weight. A technical budget is established when a
There are five system element types: hardware, computer design or performance parameter is allocated among the
software, facilities (for production and service life support), system elements.
personnel, and procedural data. Each identified function is Design Synthesis: Design synthesis is sometimes called
assigned to one element or to combinations of elements. conceptual design. It provides the engineers’response to the
Each function is described in terms of inputs, outputs, and requirements outputs of functional analysis. Its goal is the
interface requirements. Functional Flow Block Diagrams creation of a system or design concept that best meets the
(FFBDs) are used to document the results of function iden- stated system requirements. Technology options are com-
tification. The FFBD depicts the sequential relationship of bined in a creative process that is constrained by the laws
all the functions to be performed at one level, that is, the of physics. Inputs from all functional areas (engineering
time-phased sequence of the functional events. Some func- specialties) that significantly affect the result are utilized.
tions can be performed in parallel and this is reflected in Typically, several possible technical approaches are postu-
the diagram. The FFBDs are developed at several levels. A lated and, for each approach, several system concepts. For
single function block at Level 1 is subdivided into many each system concept, several design concepts are typically
blocks at Level 2. For some time-critical functions, time synthesized and assessed. Two tools are used to document
line analysis is used to support the functional analysis and the resulting candidate design solutions, that is, the overall
design requirements development. configuration, internal arrangement of system elements, and
Requirements Allocation: Requirements Allocation (RA) principal attributes of each design concept: the Schematic
proceeds after the system functions have been identified in Block Diagram (SBD) and Concept Description Sheet
sufficient detail and candidate system design concepts have (CDS). SBDs define the functions performed by the system
been synthesized. RA defines the performance requirements and the interfaces between system elements. As the concepts
for each functional block depicted in a FFBD and allocates that survive the screening process are developed further,
the functional performance requirements to individual sys- SBDs are developed in greater detail. Ultimately, they are
tem elements (hardware, computer software, personnel, used to develop Interface Control Documents (ICDs). For
technical manuals, or facilities). The performance require- attractive design concepts, physical and analytical system
ments are stated in terms of: 1) purpose of the function, 2) models are developed later in the synthesis process. These
performance requirements, 3) design constraints, and 4) re- models are used to support the subsequent system analysis
quirements for aspects such as reliability, human perform- by means of simulations, for example. The CDS is the ini-
ance, safety, operability, maintainability, and transportability. tial version of the Concept Design Report, a technical re-
RA decomposes the system level requirements to the point port that documents the completed concept design. This
where a specific hardware item, software routine, or trained report includes drawings and technical data such as weights,
crew member will fulfill the needed functional/perform- MEL, etc. The results of system analysis for the concept,
ance requirements. RA is complete when further decom- described next, are also typically included in the report.
position of the functions/tasks does not result in additional System Analysis: Once a design concept has been syn-
requirements for hardware, software, facilities, or person- thesized, its mission effectiveness (overall performance),
nel. Supporting analyses and simulations may be required costs and risks are analyzed. The assessments may be either
to allocate system level requirements. RA is the logical ex- quantitative or qualitative, depending upon the attribute being
tension of the initial functional identification; it is gener- analyzed, the number of candidate concepts, and the extent
ally done prior to completion of preliminary design. to which the concepts have been defined. As the design de-
The end result of RA is the system specification and velopment proceeds, the number of attributes analyzed and
lower tier specifications. RA results are documented using the sophistication and level of detail of the analyses will tend
a Requirements Allocation Sheet (RAS) or the equivalent to increase. Early phase analysis typically consists of quick
commercial computer software. Both performance and de- quantitative assessments using empirical data based on past
sign requirements are captured in the RAS, which has a designs and reflects many simplifying assumptions. For a few
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-31

critical aspects of performance, more detailed qualitative as- tem Analysis). Then score the overall mission capabil-
sessments might be made. In the later stages of develop- ity vs. cost. Calculate the cost/capability ratio (or its in-
ment, much more sophisticated modeling and simulation is verse) for each alternative.
done, coupled with physical model tests in some cases. It is • Step 7: Perform sensitivity analysis. Assess the sensitivity
often very difficult to evaluate overall mission effectiveness of the resulting overall score to changes in criteria,
for complex, multi-mission systems. Instead, the aspects of weights, and utility functions. This enables a more in-
performance with major effects on mission effectiveness are formed judgment to be made as to whether one alterna-
identified and analyzed individually. Development, produc- tive is clearly preferred over the others.
tion and operation and support (O&S) costs are typically an-
System Documentation: The system design must be doc-
alyzed for each option being considered. Risk is assessed
umented as it evolves. Traditionally, this has been done on
using standard procedures. Two parameters are evaluated:
paper by means of documents such as specifications, draw-
first, the probability that a failure might occur, and second,
ings, technical reports, and tables of data. Today, this is in-
the potential impact of that failure.
creasingly done utilizing integrated design systems and
Evaluation and Decision: Trade-off studies are an es-
producing the desired documentation on CDs. In the future,
sential part of the systems engineering process. Once sev-
Smart Product Models will contain all necessary design
eral alternative design concepts that satisfy a set of
documentation; see Section 5.5.2.
requirements have been developed and analyzed, the results
of the analysis must be evaluated and a decision made. This Relationship Between Systems Engineering and
is typically done using a standard trade study methodology
Traditional Ship Design
that provides a structured analytical framework for evalu-
van Griethuysen (11) has stated that:
ating a set of alternative design solutions (candidate con-
cepts). There are seven steps in the standard methodology In many ways systems engineering is no more than a gen-
as discussed in reference 10. Each step is briefly described eralized model of, and framework for thinking about, the
below. engineering process, which needs tailoring to be applica-
ble to a particular product and project. It is, therefore, self-
• Step 1: Precisely define the objectives and requirements evident that marine products have always been designed
to be met by the solution candidates (the Functional and produced using a form of “systems engineering” even
Analysis step described previously). if those particular words were rarely used. It is also true
• Step 2: Identify the solution candidates and screen out that much of naval architecture and marine engineering
the obvious losers (Design Synthesis). concerned with design and management is undoubtedly an
• Step 3: Formulate selection criteria and, if possible, de- example of systems engineering.
fine threshold and goal values for each (minimum ac-
It is true that the traditional ship design process is an ex-
ceptable and desired values, respectively).
ample of SE and that naval architects designing ships are
• Step 4: Weight the criteria. Assign numerical weights to
systems engineers. It is also true that the rigor of the SE
each criterion according to its perceived contribution to
overall mission effectiveness. Mathematical techniques
can be used to factor in various opinions as to the pre-
ferred weights. 1
• Step 5: Prepare utility functions. This is a good tech-
nique for translating diverse criteria to a common scale,
for example, comparing speed vs. endurance vs. cargo Shape TBD
Utility Score

capacity vs. on-off-load times for a sealift ship. The util-

ity score for each criterion varies from 0 to 1, repre-
senting the threshold and goal values, respectively. The
utility function is a curve on a 2-D plot; a notional ex-
ample is shown in Figure 5.10. The shape of the curve
must be defined based on a judgment as to the relative
value of incremental performance improvements at var- 0

ious points in the threshold to goal range. Threshold Value Goal

• Step 6: Evaluate the alternatives. Estimate overall per- Criterion
formance and other required attributes such as risk (Sys- Figure 5.10 Sample Utility Curve
5-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

process is required to design a successful modern multi- plemented gradually and gracefully; an all or nothing ap-
mission warship or complex commercial ship such as a proach is required.
cruise liner, with all of its hardware, software and human Implementation of CE requires moving from:
factors complexities. The fundamental SE process differs
• department focus to customer focus,
from the traditional ship design process primarily in the
• directed individual or group to coached team,
functional analysis step, including requirements allocation,
• individual interests to team interests,
and, to a lesser extent, in the system analysis step. Naval
• autocratic management to leadership with empowered
architects have not traditionally performed a complete, rig-
followers, and,
orous functional analysis for each new ship design because
• dictated decisions to consensus decisions.
it was not necessary. The ships being designed were not
complex enough to warrant it; the functions to be performed, Such changes are clearly difficult to implement. They re-
the associated performance requirements, and the links be- quire the expenditure of time and money. Perhaps an even
tween these performance requirements and the system el- greater challenge is changing the culture of the organiza-
ements were well understood. Nor have naval architects tion. Top management must understand that CE is not a
traditionally performed the complete system analysis re- quick fix, but there are potential long-term benefits. CE is
quired for complex systems, including the formal and com- not the flavor of the month. Managers and workers at all lev-
prehensive assessment of overall mission effectiveness. The els may be fearful of giving up some individual authority,
functional analysis and rigorous system analysis steps are but they must recognize that change is necessary in order
second nature to combat systems engineers but are not as to remain competitive in a world economy.
familiar to most naval architects and marine engineers. Naval Why then should CE be adopted? The primary benefit
architects and marine engineers who are members of the is improved design and production productivity and design
multi-disciplinary team designing a modern warship must quality (12). This can lead to increased market share. This
understand and actively participate in these processes. is achieved by:
• understanding the customer’s requirements, both qual-
5.5.2 Concurrent Engineering and IPPD itative and quantifiable, and the cost impact of satisfy-
ing these requirements (see Section 5.5.5).
Concurrent Engineering (CE) is the totally integrated, con-
• an objective appraisal of one’s own (current) products
current development of product and process design using
and those of the competition (bench marking), and,
collocated, cross-functional, empowered teams to examine
• minimizing the time (and hence the cost) from initial
both product and process. The essential tenets of CE are cus-
design through production and fielding.
tomer focus, life cycle emphasis, and the acceptance of de-
sign ownership and commitment by all team members. It A basic premise is that the ship designer has many cus-
reflects the view that design, whether it is art or science, tomers. These include the shipbuilder who must take the
should not occur in isolation. products of design and turn them into a ship. It also includes
CE, with its focus on consensus, has its greatest value those who will operate and maintain the completed ship
for developing systems which require widest acceptance through its service life. Experts on crew training and lo-
for their success, such as those that directly impact the sur- gistics are also customers, particularly if the design includes
vival of individuals. This success is also its greatest weak- new technologies. Finally and foremost, the prospective
ness resulting in design by committee and groupthink. It shipowner/operator is a customer.
must be realized that CE is not a science but a human art, These different groups view the ship design from dif-
which cannot be quantified. ferent perspectives. They have different goals and objectives,
In the past in the U.S. there has been widespread em- and they bring different experiences and expertise to the
phasis on work specialization, and the result often has been team. The basic premise of concurrent engineering is that
a stovepipe organizational structure. These walls impede the early involvement of all these different customers will
communications and the transfer of information. CE is not produce a better product. Expressions such as Integrated
new; many of its techniques and tools have been around Product Teams (IPT) and Integrated Product and Process
much longer than CE, but CE packaged them into an inte- Development (IPPD) are now widely discussed. The word
grated philosophy. CE was invented to remove the walls dis- integration is significant. Coupling process and product is
cussed above. Its implementation, therefore, goes to the very also worthy of note, since it recognizes that if you hope to
structure of an organization and its management philosophy improve the product (the ship), you must first examine and
Experience has shown (12,13) that CE cannot be im- improve the processes used to design and build the ship.
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-33

What then does the application of CE mean to the ship 5.5.3 Collocation
designer? In the past, ship designs were often developed by The decision to collocate the design team should be non-
a stove piped design organization without the direct, early controversial since it leads to better integration and com-
participation of the future ship’s builder, shipowner, oper- munications, and those intangibles such as teamwork, a
ators and maintainers. Nor were specialists in unique but sense of ownership, and esprit de corps. However, in a large
important disciplines such as manning, cost, safety, relia- engineering organization, many designs or products may
bility, and risk analyses involved from the outset. When be being pursued at the same time, and/or the functional en-
these and other groups did get involved, after the design gineering codes may have other tasks: Research and De-
was largely complete, it was generally in a review and com- velopment (R&D), In-service Engineering (ISE) for ships
ment mode. By this time, changes would be difficult to in- at sea or in overhaul, and fire drills. The argument against
corporate without cost and schedule ramifications. In collocation is that dedicating resources to a single project
addition, an us versus them relationship might exist. would dilute the total available resources. Thus, colloca-
In contrast, a design team that employs CE principles tion can only be justified for high priority, high visibility,
also includes experts in: or high-risk programs. Top management must resolve the
• requirements analysis benefits of, and the counter-arguments to, collocation as it
• cost analysis (acquisition and O&S), sets priorities.
• the Ilities (reliability, maintainability, availability), In the past, collocation referred to physical collocation
• manning, including training, and up to 100 percent dedication. While, it is believed that
• manufacturing/producibility (production engineering), there is still no substitute for face-to-face communications,
• material procurement, today shared computer networks, shared electronic data-
• tests and trials, bases, video teleconferencing, and even e-mail, can allow
• marketing, and the design team to virtually collocate. In some recent ship
• in-service support. acquisitions, ad hoc industry teams have been formed, with
different and, often, new partners. Team members are usu-
A shipowner’s representative is also a team member. ally separated geographically, as well as organizationally,
The basic premise of CE is that it is better to make design and electronic collocation is a given. In such a distributed
decisions (at all Levels) based on real time (or near real time) design environment, communications, database manage-
feedback from all who have an interest in designing, produc- ment, and security must receive a high priority in planning,
ing, marketing, operating, and servicing the final product. maintenance, and operations. If a key communications sys-
This approach has a common-sense appeal, and CE, IPT, tem goes down, productivity quickly suffers. Face to face
and IPPD have achieved a certain vogue in the US, within meetings should still occur regularly. The design manage-
both industry and the Government. These approaches are ment plan must ensure that sufficient resources are provided
adopted in order to get disparate groups to communicate bet- for the tools needed to support the virtual collocated team,
ter and thus to eliminate the stovepipes. They are, there- and for the necessary travel.
fore, a means to an end. Of interest, some other shipbuilding
countries have seen no need to take such measures, having
a successful tradition of getting groups to work in concert 5.5.4 Integrated Design Systems/Modeling and
without the need for formal, ad hoc CE teams. Simulation
The term concurrent engineering is sometimes confused The application of computers to the ship design process
with concurrent development. The latter primarily refers to continues to evolve. In the (not that distant) past, a design
warships where new systems (combat, weapons, and propul- site could be recognized by:
sion) may be developed simultaneously with ship design de-
• many engineers working with pencils and paper, hand
velopment. This presents a unique set of risks and
books, mechanical calculators, slide rules, and trig ta-
challenges. If new, fully defined, systems are frozen too
bles, and
soon, they may prove to be obsolescent when the ship is com-
• a large number of draftsmen laboring over drawing
pleted years later, particularly electronic systems. Yet, if se-
boards with T-square’s, triangles, French curves, battens
lection is delayed to permit the concurrent development and
and batten weights (ducks).
maturing of new systems, these systems may prove to be
difficult to integrate when their ship impact characteristics Perhaps the first computer applications used computer
(space, weight, kW, manning, etc.) are well defined. This programs written to solve discrete, math-intensive prob-
topic, however, is beyond the scope of this chapter. lems in order to save labor and achieve more consistently
5-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

accurate results. This required adapting physics-based mod- chines that performed very discrete tasks (for example,
els (PBM) to the computer. Languages were rudimentary milling machines). Later, computer lofting was used to di-
by today’s standards, data was input by punch cards and mensionally describe structural plates and shapes and, ul-
batch processed on a mainframe in non-real time (often over timately, to direct cutting heads and shaping rollers.
night), and output was typically tabular numerical data; Eventually, shipyards developed 3-D computer models to
graphical output lay in the future. As local PCs became aid in interference checking between systems competing
available (and later, powerful engineering workstations), for space within a compartment. Previously this had been
turnaround time was reduced. These engineering programs accomplished by overlaying 2-D drawings on a light table.
(there are scores in the marine field alone) were developed Shipyards procured commercial CAM programs, or devel-
by engineers (and organizations) to suit their specific needs, oped their own, or created hybrids. There were no industry
often on an ad hoc, stand-alone basis. Accordingly, many standards; indeed, the shipyards viewed these programs as
different computer languages were used, documentation proprietary.
was often meager, and the various programs could not talk Essentially all of the CAE, CAD, and CAM programs
to each other. Over time, commercial programs were de- discussed above were developed independently, some by
veloped in the U.S. and overseas. This field is described as Governments (navies) and some by industry. These stand-
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) (see Chapter 13 – alone programs solved discrete problems. Standards and in-
Computer Based Tools). terfaces were poorly defined. There was little or no linkage.
At the total ship level, computer-based ship design syn- What has been described thus far represented at best a
thesis models have been in use for several decades. They federation of a myriad of programs. The next step was to
permit a large number of concept alternatives to be gener- develop a truly integrated design system (Figure 5.11).
ated quickly. Such models are only as good as their data- CAD programs describe the geometry of a system or,
bases, and thus are not as useful when an entirely new (novel) even the total ship. A natural extension to the use of CAD
design is being considered. They provide answers that are has been the relatively recent development of 3-D digital
relatively correct, which is adequate for making compar- product models. In addition to providing an accurate geo-
isons. metric description, they also include product characteristics
Soon, the computer also started to be used to generate such as mass, material properties, electric power/cooling
2-D lines drawings using commercial software. Even with requirements, and manning requirements.
a skilled practitioner, establishing the initial baseline was Originally conceived to facilitate communications be-
relatively slow, but subsequent changes and revisions could tween design team members, product models are becom-
be incorporated much more rapidly than in the manual ing the primary vehicles for transmitting the ship design
process. The next evolutionary step was to 3-D computer description to the shipbuilder. This has the potential to elim-
drawings (or solid models). Preparing 3-D drawings by hand inate the need for the shipbuilder to develop its own 3-D
required art as well as science. Technology enables the rapid model. This reduces time, cost, and the introduction of er-
preparation of 3-D computer drawings based on an avail- rors. Issues such as interface standards and protocols must,
able 2-D baseline. This field is described as CAD (Com- however, be addressed. In addition, upon ship delivery, the
puter Aided Design; see Chapter 13 – Computer Based as-built 3-D product model will provide the basis for con-
Tools). figuration control and managing changes throughout the
In the 1980s, drawings (analog or digital) described the ship’s operational life.
ship’s geometry. Interference checking in highly congested CAE programs describe the behavior of a system, or
areas of the ship was very difficult, labor intensive and time- even the total ship. A natural extension to the use of nu-
consuming. Many times problems would not be discovered merous CAE codes has been the relatively recent develop-
until ship construction started, resulting in costly and time- ment of dynamic (vice static) physics-based models.
consuming rework. Today, highly congested areas of the In a recent U.S. Navy design of an amphibious warfare
ship can be modeled in 3-D (solid modeling). This might ship, dynamic physics-based modeling was used to quan-
include piping systems, structures, installed equipment, ven- tify the forces placed on the boat crane when handling boats
tilation ducting, electric power cables, passageways, doors, in Sea State 3. (The seakeeping analysis for the selected
and ladders. Potential interference problems can readily be hull form was imported into the program to provide ship
identified and resolved. motions). The program was used to evaluate commercial
Independently, shipbuilders (and others) were applying cranes to see if they could satisfy the requirement. Perfor-
the power of the computer to manufacturing (CAM). Ini- mance parameters were then used to specify system re-
tially this was restricted to NC (numerically controlled) ma- quirements in commercial terms, and eliminate the use of
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-35

the typical multi-tier military specification. This is an ex- and provide feedback to the designers. Virtual prototyping
ample of the application of an Integrated Design System has been used to mimic the loading and off-loading of
(IDS) where the geometry model and the engineering analy- tracked and wheeled vehicles from a sealift ship.
sis models can readily communicate with one another. The ultimate goal is to be able to conceive, design, build,
When a 3-D product model and physics-based models and test the ship in a computer long before any manufac-
are married, the result is a smart product model (SPM). The turing proceeds.
SPM can also include bills of material, manufacturing
processes, maintenance requirements, and cost analysis
tools—the list is endless.When the SPM is combined with 5.5.5 Risk Analysis
state-of-the art visualization and high-speed computers, sim- The dictionary defines risk as a chance or possibility of dan-
ulation based design/virtual prototyping (SBD/VP) becomes ger, loss, injury, etc. Risk is part of life. It results from the
possible. As is well known, ships are rarely prototyped be- inability to accurately predict the future, and a degree of un-
cause of the time and cost involved. There is no real fly be- certainty that is significant enough to be noticed. Any key
fore buy. As a result, in series production many ships may factor that is unknown represents risk. Risk is therefore tied
be under construction before the lead ship delivers. To min- to knowledge or, more accurately, the lack thereof (see
imize risk, developmental systems may be tested in land- Chapter 19 – Reliability-based Structural Design).
based test sites or at sea. This, however, is expensive and, The synthesis and analysis of an engineering system
for naval ships, occurs late in the ship development cycle. often involves the development of a model. Today this fre-
The ship as a whole is not tested until after delivery. It is quently means a computer-based model. In fact, however,
only then that the actual performance achieved can be meas- a model is simply an abstraction of reality, and engineers
ured against the desired capabilities established many years have always employed them (a sketch of a ship or a system
earlier. At this stage, schedule and cost considerations pre- or a mathematic expression or formula is therefore a model).
clude correcting all but the most severe deficiencies. SBD/VP Model uncertainties arise because of simplifying assump-
offers the opportunity to short circuit this process by the use tions, simplified methods, and idealized representations of
of virtual ship prototypes in a virtual environment. real (physical) behavior and performance.
In the deck crane example mentioned above, experienced At the beginning of the design process, knowledge can
deck seamen were able to operate the crane in real time, be categorized three ways:







Figure 5.11 Integrated Design System

5-36 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

1. that which is known, qualitatively described. The design engineer has tradition-
2. that which is unknown, but known to be unknown, and ally been primarily concerned with technical risk (perform-
3. that which is unknown, and not known to be unknown. ance), but should also be concerned with cost and schedule
risks since design decisions may influence them. There are
An example of something that is known is the body of also secondary risk areas such as the market place, national
knowledge. This might be publicly available or unique to and world economic trends, energy crises, availability of
the team (proprietary). There should be no risks associated labor, legislation, etc. Risks are identified after an analysis
with applying this knowledge. of the customer’s requirements and constraints, and an as-
In the ship design process, however, not everything can sessment of the needed technologies and capabilities.
be known at the beginning. During the early concept stages, After the risks are identified, they are prioritized so that
for example, simplifying assumptions are made based on management attention and resources can be focused on those
experience, parametric studies, or databases of similar ships. risks that are most important. A common approach is to es-
As the design matures, analysis, detailed engineering, and timate both the likelihood of an event (probability of oc-
model tests will confirm (or modify) the earlier assump- currence) and the associated consequences. The probability
tions. This is a part of normal design development, and mar- of occurrence will range from zero to unity. High proba-
gins may be applied to ensure that the performance bilities will be assigned, for example, when the required
envelopes are not violated. Typical margins include technology is pushing the state of the art and is untested.
speed/power, weight and VCG, but may also include kW Conversely, a low probability of occurrence is assigned
and HVAC requirements, and manning (accommodations). when using proven technology or off-the-shelf equipment.
It also may be prudent to develop fallback positions. Since Next, for each risk the severity of consequence is estimated
the genesis of risk is uncertainty, applying additional engi- (severity could also be ranked on a zero to unitary scale).
neering resources may be appropriate (for example, apply A high number is assigned if the program is threatened (ei-
resources to accelerate model testing, or the development ther from a performance, cost, or schedule viewpoint). A
and testing of a new system). As the design matures, the low number is assigned when there are fallback positions.
known unknowns will move into the known category and When the two numbers are multiplied together, an overall
risks will be reduced. risk ranking is produced.
In ship design development there are also unknown un- While is it impossible to avoid value judgments (that is,
knowns. By definition, they cannot be quantified, and are dif- bias and preconceptions), the assessment should be as ob-
ficult to anticipate. History tells us, however, that on a jective and consistent as possible.
statistically significant basis they will arise. Examples in- Commercial software programs are available to assist in
clude an unanticipated change in shipowner requirements or these tasks. The more sophisticated might explore the prem-
a new shipowner or major decision maker for government ise that probabilities are not unique but, rather are distrib-
programs, major cost or schedule changes, loss of key de- uted (a rectangular or triangular function might be assumed,
sign personnel, an energy crisis or labor unrest causing loss or a bell shaped curve, or a skewed curve). Monte Carlo sim-
of productivity during construction, new national or interna- ulations can be applied in a computer model a large number
tional regulations, a technology breakthrough (or a technol- of times until the pattern becomes evident. These programs
ogy failure), and a major vendor leaving the business or are also useful for conducting sensitivity analyses.
ceasing production of a line of equipment. Another example Risk Management is the process of selecting alternatives
that falls into the category of an unknown-unknown is human and deciding how to mitigate an assessed risk. For purposes
error. Anticipating such risks is obviously quite difficult since of this discussion, the designer is primarily concerned with
it can only be done subjectively, even if by experts. engineering risks, but risk management involves consider-
Design has been defined as the selection and integration ation of a variety of factors including engineering, tech-
of systems and subsystems to meet the requirements and nology, economics, political, legal, and even cultural
constraints. Risk, whether technical, cost, or schedule, must considerations. Risk mitigation can be designed to either re-
be of concern to the design team. Every effort must be made duce the probability of occurrence of a risk, or the conse-
to identify risks and work to reduce them during the design quences, or both. After alternative risk mitigation actions
and construction process. This activity is termed Risk Analy- have been developed and the cost to execute them estimated,
sis. Risk analysis consists of three major components: risk senior managers decide which to implement.
assessment, risk management, and risk communications. Risk Communications is the process by which informa-
Risk Assessment is the process of deciding how signifi- tion is exchanged about risk. During the course of design
cant a potential hazard is. First, the hazards are identified and development, risks must be tracked and reported. Risk
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-37

should be an agenda item during all design reviews. If there tributes, weights, etc. The latter three methods all represent
are a large number of risk areas, periodic risk reviews can improvements over the traditional weighted sum technique
be held to ensure that all risks are being managed, that the at the expense of added complexity. Including risk and un-
assessments are current, and that the mitigation plans are certainty in the evaluation is desirable; however, doing so
achieving their desired results. If new risks are identified, adds further complexity. The reference presents a quantita-
they must be assessed as described previously, and mitiga- tive method for performing cost-effectiveness trade-offs
tion plans developed. using the DDG 51 as a ship design example. The impor-
tance of evaluating cost and effectiveness separately in per-
forming such trade-offs is emphasized. They are independent
5.5.6 Decision-making qualities. If the cost and effectiveness FOMs for each al-
Decisions must be made at every stage of the design de- ternative are plotted, the design team may be fortunate
velopment process in the course of choosing among the enough to find that the optimum solutions plot along a rough
technical alternatives that are typically available to meet curve. In this case, the best of the optimum solutions will
functional requirements. There are two classes of decisions generally lie at the knee of the curve.
(14), namely when: Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a management
tool developed by a Japanese shipbuilder in the late sixties
1. technical alternatives are finite and available (as in a cat-
to support the design process for large ships. QFD is a
alogue), and
method for structured product planning and development.
2. alternatives must be synthesized.
It translates customer requirements into requirements for the
Traditionally, it has been assumed for both classes of product development team. QFD has also been defined as
decisions that the technical requirements are mutually com- a system for designing a product or service based on cus-
patible. Thus feasible alternatives can be developed, selec- tomer demands and involving all members of the producer
tion criteria (an objective function) established, the criteria or supplier organization. QFD is a planning and decision
applied and a selection made. No real decision-making is making tool; it is a good example of concurrent develop-
involved. However, when the requirements governing a se- ment. QFD enables the development team to identify the
lection are in conflict, which is often the case in design sit- customer’s wants and needs and then to systematically eval-
uations, the designer’s priorities will determine the solution. uate each potential product attribute in terms of its contri-
In such cases, the decision-making process is as important bution to satisfying the needs. The process involves
as the facts upon which the decision is based. Multiple Cri- constructing one or more matrices or quality tables; see Fig-
teria Decision Making (MCDM) methods (15) are designed ure 5.12, from reference 16. Matrix 1 in the figure is termed
to address this kind of problem. The MCDM approach clar- the House of Quality (HOQ) due to its shape.
ifies the trade-offs between objectives and permits them to The first step in the process is to identify the customer’s
be manipulated; better decisions are the result. requirements such as wants and needs, likes and dislikes,
There is a large array of methods that deal with multiple termed the WHATS. The customer is defined as any user of
criteria problems. Four Multi-Attribute Decision Making the design. Thus there is typically more than one customer,
(MADM) models are described, evaluated and demonstrated for example, the shipowner, the ship operators (future crew),
in reference 15. They are: the shipbuilders, the future ship maintainers, etc. The needs
and desires of these customers are identified, based on con-
• Weighted Sum
sensus, and then prioritized (weighted). Many representa-
• Hierarchical Weighted Sum
tives of each customer group might be polled to assist in
• Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
this step.
• Multi-Attribute Utility (MAU) Analysis.
The next step is to develop the HOWS, that is, the de-
All of these MADM methods simplify and clarify the sign requirements (technical measures of performance) that,
design decision-making process by transforming multi-di- if met, will produce satisfied customers. There must be at
mensional decision problems to a single criterion, a Figure least one HOW for each WHAT and there may be more.
of Merit (FOM), which is used to indicate the overall de- Also, each HOW will typically influence more than one
sign goodness for each alternative. All the methods allow WHAT. The HOWS and WHATS are then correlated by
subjective assessments to be translated into quantitative val- means of a 2-D matrix, the WHATS along the left side and
ues for evaluation purposes. The quantification process does the HOWS along the top. This matrix, the HOQ, is an ef-
not make the decision process objective, but it does allow fective aid in untangling the complex web of relationships
the design team to explore the effects of their choices of at- between the WHATS and the HOWS. The HOWS associ-
5-38 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

HOQ: “Hows” 2: “Hows” 3: “Hows”

2: “Hows” Priorities
“Whats” Priorities

“Hows” Priorities
HOQ: "Whats"

HOQ: “Hows”

2: “Hows”

House of Quality Matrix 2 Matrix 3

HOQ: “Hows” 2: “Hows” 3: “Hows”

Priorities Priorities Priorities

Figure 5.12 QFD Matrix Chain

ated with each WHAT are noted in the appropriate boxes opment process. The brief outline above is intended only to
of the matrix and the strength of each association is esti- give the reader an indication of the basic QFD goals and
mated. By this means, the relative benefits of each HOW approach. In addition to providing design guidance, QFD
can be expressed numerically, that is, the HOWS can be shines at facilitating self-interviews within the design team,
prioritized or weighted. In addition, the HOWS can be cor- consensus building and improving communications among
related with one another and the strengths of the relation- the stakeholders in a large project.
ships noted. This is done in the attic of the HOQ.
Strong positive correlations indicate synergy and possi-
bly duplication. Negative correlations indicate conflicts and
opportunities for trade-offs. Ultimately, the HOWS are quan-
tified by “how much,” that is, specific performance objec- 1. Lamb, T., “Engineering for Ship Production,” Journal of Ship
tives expressed in measurable terms. In more sophisticated Production, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 1985, pp 254–295
analyses, the cost of each HOW is estimated (design de- 2. Lamb, T. “Engineering for Ship Production,” NSRP Pub.
velopment, construction, and TOC). This can be combined 0219, Jan 1986
with the weights (relative importance) of the WHATS, and 3. Evans, J. H., “Basic Design Concepts,” ASNE Journal, No-
vember 1959
the development team can see what the cost vs. perform-
4. Buxton, I. L., “Matching Merchant Ship Designs to Mar-
ance actually is. kets,” Transactions, North East Coast Institution of Engi-
Typically, the HOWS in the HOQ (Matrix 1) are not suf- neers and Shipbuilders, 98, pp 91–104
ficiently detailed to be used directly in product design. The 5. Lamb, T and Clarke, J. “Build Strategy Development,” Ship
matrix chain depicted in Figure 5.12 is provides the required Production Symposium, Seattle, WA, 1995
definition. In each successive matrix, the WHATS are the 6. Wilkins, J. R. Jr., Singh, P., and Cary, T., “Generic Build
HOWS from the preceding matrix and the HOWS repre- Strategy—A Preliminary Design Experience,” Journal of
sent a more specific, detailed decomposition of the per- Ship Production, 12: 1, February 1996, pp 11–19
formance measures, attributes and characteristics of the 7. Storch, R. L., Hammon, C. P., Bunch, H. M., and Moore, R.
product being developed. C., Ship Production, Second Edition, SNAME, 1995
In each successive matrix, correlations can be identified 8. Lackenby, H., “On the Systematic Geometrical Variation of
and the strengths of these correlations can be judged. By Ship Forms,” Transactions, RINA, 92, 1950, p 289
9. Calvano, C. N., Jons, O. and Keane, R. G. “Systems Engi-
this multi-step process, the customers’desires can be linked
neering in Naval Ship Design,” ASNE Naval Engineers Jour-
to system features and the relative importance of various nal, 112: 4, July 2000
system features can be assessed. This knowledge can be 10. Defense Systems Management College, “Systems Engi-
used to influence the allocation of design resources and the neering Management Guide,” January 1990
numerous trade-off decisions that must be made during de- 11. van Griethuysen, W. J., “Marine Design—Can Systems En-
sign development. The QFD approach and philosophy can gineering Cope,” Proceedings of the 7th International Ma-
be applied to numerous other aspects of the product devel- rine Design Conference, May 21–24, 2000, Kyongju, Korea
Chapter 5: The Ship Design Process 5-39

12. Lamb, T. and Bennett, J., “Concurrent Engineering: Appli- Miller, R. T., “A Ship Design Process,” Marine Technology, Oc-
cation and Implementation for U.S. Shipbuilding,” Ship Pro- tober 1965, SNAME
duction Symposium, Seattle, WA, 1995 Mistree, F., Smith, W. F., et al, “Decision-Based Design: A Con-
13. Lamb, T., “CE or Not CE? That is the Question,” Ship Pro- temporary Paradigm for Ship Design,” Transactions, SNAME,
duction Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 1997 Vol. 98, 1990, pp 565–595
14. “IMDC State of the Art Report on Design Methodology,” Sejd, J. J., “Marginal Cost—A Tool in Designing to Cost,” ASNE
Sixth International Marine Design Conference, Newcastle, Naval Engineers Journal, December 1954
England, 1995, 2. Penshaw Press, Cleadon, Sunderland SR Spaulding, K.B. and Johnson, A.F., “Management of Ship Design
6 5UX, UK at the Naval Ship Engineering Center,” ASNE Naval Engineers
15. Whitcomb, C. A., “Naval Ship Design Philosophy Imple- Journal, February 1956
mentation,” ASNE Journal, January 1998 Tibbitts, B. F., Comstock, E., Covich, P. M., and Keane, R. G.,
16. Cohen, L., Quality Function Deployment, How to Make QFD “Naval Ship Design in the 21st Century,” Transactions,
Work for You, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, SNAME, 1993
1995 Tibbitts, B. F. and Keane, R. G., “Making Design Everybody’s
Job—The Warship Design Process,” ASNE Journal, May 1995
Watson, D. G. M., “Estimating Preliminary Dimensions in Ship
5.7 BIBLIOGRAPHY Design,” Transactions, The Institution of Engineers and Ship-
builders in Scotland, Vol. 105, 1961–62
5.7.1 General Watson, D. G. M. and Gilfillan, A. W., “Some Ship Design Meth-
Andrews, D., “Creative Ship Design,” RINA, The Naval Archi- ods,” Transactions RINA, Vol. 119, 1955
tect, November 1981
Andrews, D., “An Integrated Approach to Ship Synthesis,” RINA,
The Naval Architect, No. 4, April 1986 5.7.2 Systems Engineering
Andrews, D., “The Management of Warship Design,” Transac- Arnold, S., Brook, P., Jackson, K. and Stevens, R., Systems Engi-
tions RINA, 1992 neering—Coping with Complexity, Prentice Hall Europe, 1998
Andrews, D., “Preliminary Warship Design,” Transactions RINA, Blanchard, Chestnut, H., Bibliography of Systems Engineering
1993 Methods, John Wiley & Sons, 1967
Bronikowski, R. J., Managing the Engineering Design Function, Duren, B. G. and Pollard, J. R., “Building Ships as a System: An
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc., New York, 1986 Approach to Total Ship Integration,” ASNE Journal, Sep-
Brower, K. S. and Walker, K. W., “Ship Design Computer Pro- tember 1997
grams—An Interpolative Technique,” ASNE Journal, May Goode, H. H. and Machol, R. E., Systems Engineering, McGraw
1986 Hill, New York, 1959
Brown, D. K., “Defining a Warship,” ASNE Journal, March 1986 Hoclberger, W. A., “Total System Ship Design in a Super-system
Brown, D. K. and Tupper, E. C., “The Naval Architecture of Sur- Framework,” ASNE Journal, May 1996
face Warships,” RINA, The Naval Architect, March 1989, p 29 Karaszewski, Z., “Application of Systems Engineering and Risk-
Clarke, H. D., “Cost Leverages in Ship Design,” ASNE Journal, based Technology in Ship Safety Criteria Determinations,”
June 1956 U.S. Coast Guard, Arlington, VA
Eames, M. C. and Drummond, T. G., “Concept Exploration—an Lake, J. G., “Unraveling the Systems Engineering Lexicon,” Pro-
Approach to Small Warship Design,” Transactions, RINA, ceedings of the International Council on Systems Engineer-
Volume 19, 1955 ing, 1996
Erichsen, S., Management of Marine Design, Butterworths, Lon- Maier, M. W. and Rechtin, E., The Art of Systems Architecting,
don, 1989 CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2000
Gallin, C., “Inventiveness in Ship Design,” Transactions, North- Proceedings of the International Council on Systems Engineer-
east Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Vol. 94, ing, April 5–8. 2000, Reston, VA.
Harrington, R. L., “Economic Considerations in Shipboard De-
sign Trade-off Studies,” Marine Technology, April 1969 5.7.3 Concurrent Engineering and IPPD
Johnson, R. S., “The Changing Nature of the U.S. Navy Ship De- Clausing, D., Total Quality Development—A Step-by Step Guide
sign Process,” ASNE Journal, April 1980 to World Class Concurrent Engineering, ASME Press, 1994
Lamb, T., “A Ship Design Procedure,” Marine Technology, Oc- Cote, M. et al, “IPPD—The Concurrent Approach to Integrating
tober 1969, SNAME Ship Design, Construction and Operation,” 1995 Ship Pro-
Leopold, R., “Innovation Adoption in Naval Ship Design,” ASNE duction Symposium
Journal, December 1955 “DoD Guide to Integrated Product and Process Development (Ver-
Lyon, T., “A Calculator-Based Preliminary Ship Design Proce- sion 1.0),” Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acqui-
dure,” Marine Technology, Vol. 19, No. 2, April 1982, SNAME sition and Technology), June 1996
5-40 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Huthwaite, B., Strategic Design: A Guide to Managing Concur- tion & Virtual Prototyping Conference, Arlington, VA, June
rent Engineering, Institute of Competitive Design, 1994 24–26, 1996 (Proceedings available in two volumes)
Keane, R. G. and Tibbitts, B. F., “A Revolution in Warship De- Boudreaux, J. S., “Naval Ships and Simulation Based Design,”
sign: Navy–Industry Integrated Product Teams (IPTs),” Transactions, SNAME, 103, 1995, pp 111–129
SNAME Ship Production Symposium, 14–16 February 1996 Jons, O. P., Ryan, J. C., and Jones, G., “Use of Virtual Environ-
“OIPT-WIPT Information Guide,” Office of the Under Secretary ments in the Design of Ships,” ASNE Naval Engineers Jour-
of Defense for Acquisition Reform, March 1996 nal, May 1994
“Rules of the Road: a Guide for Leading Successful Integrated Ross, J. M., “Integrated Ship Design and Its Role in Enhancing
Product Teams,” Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Ship Production,” Journal of Ship Production, 11: 1, Febru-
and Technology, November 1995 ary 1995, pp 56–62

5.7.4 Integrated Design Systems/Modeling and Simulation 5.7.5 Risk Analysis

Baron, N. T. and Newcomb, J. W., “Modeling and Simulation for Karaszewski, A. J., Ayyub, B. M., and Wade, M., “Risk Analysis
Integrated Topside Design,” ASNE Journal, November 1995, and Marine Industry Standards,” 1995 Ship Production Sym-
p 29 posium
Billingsley, D. W. and Morgan, T. P., “Assembling the Modeling Walsh, S.P., “An Improved Method of Risk Analysis for the Naval
and Simulation Puzzle,” ASNE/SNAME Modeling, Simula- Ship Design Process,” MS Thesis, MIT, June 1985
Chapter 6
Engineering Economics

Harry Benford

6.1 NOMENCLATURE L resale or disposal value

LCC life cycle cost
6.1.1 Economic Terms M million, also compounding periods per year
A uniform annual amounts, annual returns, annuities M&R maintenance and repair
A´ annual cash flow after tax N a number of years in the future, life of an invest-
AB annual payment on a loan (capital plus interest) ment, also number of identical units
AAB average annual benefit NPV net present value
AABI average annual benefit index NPVI net present value index
AAC average annual cost OH overhead cost per year
ACR annual charter rate P principal, initial investment, present worth, present
a cost of the first unit of a series value
BCP benefit cost ratio PB amount of a loan
CA compound amount factor PR residual debt
CC capitalized cost PBP payback period
CR capital recovery factor PW present worth, present value, also present worth
CR´ capital recovery factor after tax factor (single payment)
CV$ constant-value dollars Q tax life, depreciation period
CVA annual amounts in constant-value dollars r discount rate applied to constant-value dollars
D annual depreciation allocation rl effective annual interest rate
d general inflation rate per year, also days in transit rM nominal annual interest rate with non-annual com-
DCF discounted cash flow rate of return pounding
ECT economic cost of transport RFR required freight rate
F a single future amount SCA series compound amount factor
FV$ face-value dollars SF sinking fund factor
FVA fixed annual amounts in face-value dollars SPW series present worth factor
g a gradient SYD sum of the year’s digits (depreciation)
H period of a bank loan t corporate tax rate
IB uniform annual interest payments on a loan v unit value of cargo
i interest rate (usually per year) x a maverick inflation rate
i´ interest rate after tax Y uniform annual operating costs
iB bank interest rate per year YD daily operating costs annualized

6 -1
6-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

YV voyage costs per year its of other solutions. Conversely, if there is a choice between

Y cumulative average cost for a series of sister ships two or more alternatives, concentrate attention on their dif-
Z a special non-annual expense, also years remain- ferences. Those factors that are the same can more or less be
ing in a cash flow ignored. Take, for example the case of choosing between two
difference between two uniform annual amounts different kinds of machinery for a ship. One type may re-
quire a larger engine crew than the other. If that is the case,
careful thought should be given to engine crew wages, but
6.1.2 Ship Terms little time should be wasted on those of the deck crew.
B ship’s beam To summarize, engineering success depends largely on
CN cubic number economic success. Every design decision should consider
D depth how that decision would affect the overall economics of the
DWT deadweight unit in question. Moreover, history shows that many suc-
L length cessful engineers eventually move in to positions where
VK speed in knots business decisions are made, and some advance to the top
WE empty weight, lightship of the managerial ladder. As they move up that ladder a
knowledge of economics becomes ever more important.

6.2.3 Systems
6.2.1 Engineering Economics Defined When making a decision one should be sure that in bene-
Typically one talks to scientists in terms of physics and fiting one component, others are not overly degraded. To
mathematics, but to business people in terms of economics. avoid such sub-optimization the overall economics of the
This chapter presents an introduction to engineering eco- entire system should be analyzed.
nomics. An important step here is to use care in defining the sys-
What is meant by the term economics? The usual un- tem that is to be considered. The boundaries should be drawn
derstanding is that the subject deals with the wise use of in such a way that any given decision will not cause an ad-
scarce resources: human power (whether mental, physical, verse impact on components outside the system.
or both); materials; available physical facilities, such as ma- The following examples illustrate this principle. Each
chinery; and money to spend (commonly called capital). case involves the transport of iron ore.
Thus it can be seen that Economics is not just about
Case 1: The size of the ship is fixed by the locks of a canal.
money. Money must, nevertheless, be brought into the pic-
The aim of the study is to choose the best kind of propul-
ture. Why? Simply because in deciding how best to use all
sion plant. No matter what plant is chosen, the cargo han-
those scarce resources (in their disparate forms) it is nec-
dling costs and terminal costs will be the same. In this case
essary to find some common unit of measurement for
the system can be defined as the ship itself. Optimize the
weighing the importance of each. Money is that common
ship and ignore the terminal.
unit in whatever monetary unit is appropriate to the pre-
parer of the analysis. The subject of finance deals with rais- Case 2: The ore is to be moved in pellet form. It will be
ing and repaying capital and it is briefly considered in loaded and unloaded at proposed deep offshore terminals.
Section 6.6. There are no locks to be transited and no real limits on ship
Finally, then, engineering economics can be defined as size. There are appreciable benefits in making the ship as
the art and science of making design decisions that meet big as possible. Those benefits, however, will be offset by
society’s needs while making the best possible use of scarce added costs of providing the correspondingly larger termi-
resources. nals. There will be no effect on the inland legs of the move-
ment. The system can now be defined as terminal gate to
terminal gate.
6.2.2 Engineering Economics as a Tool
Case 3: The question is whether to move the ore in its raw
Engineering economics provide a means of making rational
state, in pellet form, or as a slurry.
decisions. However, remember that decisions are between
alternative choices. If there are no alternatives, no decision Now the system must be expanded to include not only
is required. If your client gives you detailed requirements, the complete source-to-destination transport, but also the
there is no need to waste time in weighing the relative mer- processing equipment and operation at each end.
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-3

6.2.4 Systems Analysis equipped with a selection from which to choose and a ra-
Systems analysis is a methodical approach to decision mak- tional basis on which to make the decision.
ing involving these distinct steps:

• a clear definition of the system, and its objective stated 6.2.5 More Real-life Complications
in functional terms. For example: move 500 000 tons of In Subsection 6.2.4 it was stressed that economic studies
coal each year from Newport News to Yokohama, should concentrate on the differences between alternatives.
• a clear understanding of the constraints on the operation. A second basic principle is that the differences in cash flow-
For example: flag of registry, labor union agreements, ing in or out of the enterprise as a result of the decision must
loading and unloading facilities, port and canal limits, be predicted. A corollary that follows is that the past can be
• a clear definition of the economic measure of merit to ignored, because the past is common to all alternatives.
be used in choosing among alternative proposals, Related to the above is the rule that lost opportunity costs
• a menu of all conceivable, but technically feasible, strate- must be given as much emphasis as real costs. Passing up
gies for achieving the objective in the face of the con- an opportunity to gain a thousand dollars is every bit as bad
straints, as making a decision that leads to a thousand-dollar loss.
• estimated quantitative value of the measure of merit This is one of the major points of difference between engi-
likely to be achieved by each of those strategies, and neers and accountants. Lost opportunity costs never show
• a summary of additional, intangible factors that should up in the books, and so are ignored by accountants.
be considered before making the decision. Another difference to keep in mind is that accountants
focus on past results whereas engineers look ahead. Other
In applying these steps the following should be kept in differences will be discussed in later sections.

• the constraints observed in second step may be consid- 6.3 THE TIME-VALUE OF MONEY AND CASH FLOW
ered as subject to relaxation if good enough reason can
be found, 6.3.1 The Human Logic
• there is no universally agreed-upon measure of merit, The subject of time-value of money is not confined to infla-
• generating the menu of alternative strategies is the truly tion or deflation. Primarily it is concerned with the natural
creative part of this procedure. No two engineers are human instinct for finding more pleasure from money in hand
likely to produce the same selection, today than the firm expectation of acquiring an exactly equal
• note that strategies are considered rather than simply de- amount, corrected for inflation, at some time in the future.
signs. This is because not only the hardware must be For example which would a person rather have today: a
considered, but also the method of operation, $1000 bill or a legal document entitling a withdrawal of
• the word estimated is stressed in the fifth step because $1000, plus increment for any inflation, from a bank a year
the figures one derives are based on best estimates about from now? Most people would select the first alternative.
future costs and conditions, Carrying this analysis a bit further. Would a person rather
• if the aim is to maximize human satisfaction, one must have $1000 now or the firm promise of a million dollars a
recognize that some important considerations cannot year from now? Again most people would surely have
readily be expressed in dollar terms. Pride in owning a enough patience to wait for the million dollars. So what
good-looking ship surely counts for something, as one specific amount to be received a year from now would leave
example, and a person hesitant to decide? If that figure happens to be
• finally, because of the above intangible factors, the alter- $1200, then that individual’s personal time value of money
native that promises the best value of the measure of merit amounts to twenty percent annual interest. Interest, is in ef-
will not necessarily be the best choice. It is probable that fect, rent paid for the use of money. It is commonly ex-
the key decisions will be made by the responsible busi- pressed as a percentage of the initial capital, with rent falling
ness manager rather than the engineer. The engineer’s due at the end of every year.
task, then, is to reduce the list of alternatives to a modest
menu of choices each of which promises close-to-maxi-
mum value of the measure of merit. To this should be ap- 6.3.2 The Financial Logic
pended a few sentences discussing the various intangible So far the discussion has concerned the logic of interest in
considerations that come to mind. The manager is then purely human, psychological terms. One can also think
6-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

about it in cold-blooded financial terms. Let us consider the rived rate of interest. Most nations impose a tax on busi-
case of a person who inherits a million dollars. One possi- ness incomes, so one must differentiate between returns
ble investment might be an apartment house that costs ex- before and after tax.
actly a million dollars and promises clear annual profits of
In all of the above, the important thing to remember is
$50 000, amounting to, five percent of the investment. If
to weigh the time value of money by the exact same math-
some reliable bank offers six percent annual interest, that
ematical expressions in all three cases. Another important
might be considered a superior investment.
rule in engineering economics:
In deciding between alternatives, one must consider for
each not only how much money flows in or out, but also
6.3.3 Relative Merits of the Two Approaches
If one recognizes that the ultimate aim of engineering is to It is important to clearly understand that throughout this
provide products that satisfy a social need, then it can be chapter the discussion is about compound, as distinct from
argued that the psychological rationale discussed in Sub- simple, interest. In the former, the interest payments are due
section 6.3.1 is really more important than the unemotional at the end of each period. If they are left unpaid, they will
tools of financial analysis discussed in Sub-section 6.3.2. be added to the debt. Thus the debt would increase expo-
But, the psychological approach is weak in that any indi- nentially over time. With simple interest, no payments be-
vidual’s personal time-value of money will tend to change come due until the debt is paid. That is less logical and the
from day to day or even during the day depending on the plan is seldom used.
fluctuating state of various influences. Nevertheless, despite
their weaknesses, subjective feelings will dominate in per-
sonal decision-making whether by ordinary individuals or
6.3.5 Cash Flow Diagrams
by wealthy entrepreneurs dealing with their own cash.
Corporations, on the other hand, must be more coldly Cash flow diagrams are an important convention that engi-
analytical and base most decisions on strictly financial mat- neering economists use in communicating their ideas. This
ters. There are, it is true, psychological influences at play refers to simple schematics showing how much money is
because the overall satisfaction of the shareholders must be being spent or earned year-by-year. In them, the horizontal
considered when deciding on dividends. In short, then, both scale represents future time, generally divided into years.
elements have their roles in weighing the time-value of The vertical scale shows annual amounts of cash flowing
money. in (upward pointing arrows) or out (downward pointing ar-
Part of the convention is that work is simplified by as-
6.3.4 Three Ways of Thinking about Interest suming that all the cash flow occurs on the last day of each
year. Whatever inaccuracy this throws into the calculations
The time-value of money can be thought about in three dis-
tends to warp results to pretty much the same degree for all
tinct settings:
alternatives being considered, and so should have little ef-
1. Contracted interest is the kind with which most people fect on the decision.
are most familiar. Savings deposits in banks, loans from Figure 6.1 shows a typical irregular cash flow pattern.
banks, mortgages, and bonds all carry mutually agreed- Other common patterns are shown in Figure 6.2.
upon interest rates. The single-letter abbreviations used in the diagrams are
2. Implied interest is appropriately considered when funds standard notation used by most engineering economists and
are tied up to no advantage. If a person hides money defined in Section 6.1.
under the mattress, that action is in effect costing at least The diagrams are drawn from the perspective of a lender
as much as the interest that could have been earned by or an investor. A borrower, on the other hand, would pic-
putting the money in a savings account in a bank. (This ture the arrows reversed, but the method of analysis would
is an example of a lost opportunity cost.) and be exactly the same.
3. Returned interest is a measure of gain, if any, from risk Ships have long economic lives, usually at least twenty
capital invested in an enterprise. This is called by vari- years. It is therefore justifiable to treat cash flows on an an-
ous names including internally generated interest, in- nual basis. For shorter-term studies, briefer time periods
terest rate of return, or simply yield. It is one good can be used, perhaps months. The basic principles and math-
measure of profitability, expressing the benefits of an in- ematics remain the same. See the end of the section for more
vestment as equivalent to returns from a bank at that de- details.
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-5

Knowing the initial amount, P, and wanting to find the

Annual cash coming in
future amount, F, multiply P by what is called the single pay-
ment compound amount factor (usually shortened to simply
0 compound amount factor). If the time period is but a single
Yrs. in future year, the future amount, F, would equal the initial amount,
P, plus the interest due, which would be i × P. In short
F = P + iP = P(1 + i)
Annual cash going out If the time period, N, is some integer greater than one,
Figure 6.1 then the debt would have compounded as a function of that
number of years, leading to the general expression
F = P(1 + i)N
The factor (1 + i) is the compound amount factor. It is
abbreviated CA and, when associated with a given interest
0 rate and number of years, the combination is indicated by
the convention: (CA – i – N). Thus the single compound
P amount factor for 12 percent interest and 15 years would
be shown as (CA – 12% – 15).
Single investment, single pay back This new concept, the single present worth factor, is
often shortened to present worth factor. This being the case,
the abbreviation P can now be taken to mean present worth
A A or present value. The terms are used interchangeably.
or Reversing the process, if it is desired to obtain a single
future amount the equivalent initial value can be found by
multiplying the desired amount by the reciprocal of the
P compound amount factor
P = F / (1 + i)N
Single investment, uniform annual returns
Figure 6.2 Two examples will illustrate these concepts. First, sup-
pose a person has $100 spare cash and decides to put it into
a savings deposit with a bank. The bank offers 7% annual
interest. If the $100 is left in the bank for two years, how
F much could be withdrawn at the end of that period?
This calls for the use of compound amount factor
F = P(CA – 7% – 2)
= $100 (1 + i)2
= $100 (1.07)2
P To derive the numerical value of the compound amount
factor interest tables such as 6.1 (A) can be used. It is the
Figure 6.3
reciprocal of the present worth factor shown in the table. In
this case the PW factor is 0.8734, so

6.3.6 Six Basic Interest Relationships F = $100 × 1 / 0.873 = $64.50

All of the 6 basic interest relationships apply to three sim- Simply stated, if $100 were put in the bank today and
ple cash flow patterns. These are as follows: allowed to compound at 7% per year, that would allow a
withdrawal of $64.50 two years hence. It could be said that, Single-investment, Single-payment given a time-value of money equivalent to 7% interest, $100
First, is the single-investment, single-payment pattern shown today is equal in desirability to $64.50 two years from now.
in Figure 6.3. Conversely, then, the firm promise of $64.50 two years from
TABLE 6.I (A) Interest Factors—Single Present Worth Factors (PW)
N i = 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 10% 12% 15% 20%

1 .9901 .9804 .9709 .9615 .9524 .9434 .9346 .9091 .8929 .8696 .8333
2 .9803 .9612 .9426 .9246 .9070 .8900 .8734 .8264 .7972 .7561 .6944
3 .9706 .9423 .9151 .8890 .8638 .8396 .8163 .7513 .7118 .6575 .5787
4 .9610 .9238 .8885 .8548 .8227 .7921 .7629 .6830 .6355 .5718 .4823
5 .9515 .9057 .8626 .8219 .7835 .7473 .7130 .6209 .5674 .4972 .4019
10 .9053 .8203 .7441 .6756 .6139 .5584 .5083 .3855 .3220 .2472 .1615
15 .8613 .7430 .6419 .5553 .4810 .4173 .3624 .2394 .1827 .1229 .0649
20 .8195 .6730 .5537 .4564 .3769 .3118 .2584 .1486 .1037 .0611 .0261
25 .7798 .6095 .4776 .3751 .2953 .2330 .1842 .0923 .0588 .0304 .0105
50 .6080 .3715 .2281 .1407 .0872 .0543 .0339 .0085 .0035 .0009 .0001

Note: Single Compound Amount Factors (CA) are the reciprocals

TABLE 6.I (B) Interest Factors—Capital Recovery Factors (CR)

N i = 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 10% 12% 15% 20%

1 1.0100 1.0200 1.0300 1.0400 1.0500 1.0600 1.0700 1.1000 1.1200 1.1500 1.2000
2 .5076 .5155 .5226 .5305 .5376 .5455 .5529 .5760 .5917 .6150 .6545
3 .3401 .3466 .3534 .3604 .3671 .3741 .3811 .4021 .4164 .4380 .4747
4 .2564 .2625 .2691 .2755 .2820 .2886 .2952 .3155 .3292 .3503 .3863
5 .2062 .2121 .2183 .2246 .2309 .2374 .2439 .2638 .2774 .2983 .3344
10 .1056 .1113 .1172 .1233 .1295 .1359 .1424 .1627 .1770 .1993 .2385
15 .0721 .0778 .0838 .0899 .0963 .1030 .1098 .1315 .1468 .1710 .2139
20 .0554 .0612 .0672 .0736 .0802 .0872 .0944 .1175 .1339 .1598 .2054
25 .0454 .0512 .0574 .0640 .0710 .0782 .0858 .1102 .1275 .1547 .2021
50 .0255 .0318 .0389 .0465 .0548 .0634 .0725 .1009 .1204 .1501 .2000

Note: Series Present Worth Factors (SPW) are the reciprocals

TABLE 6.I (C) Interest Factors—Sinking Fund Factors (SF)

N i = 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 10% 12% 15% 20%

1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
2 .4975 .4950 .4926 .4902 .4878 .4854 .4831 .4762 .4717 .4651 .4545
3 .3300 .3268 .3235 .3203 .3172 .3141 .3111 .3021 .2963 .2880 .2747
4 .2463 .2426 .2390 .2355 .2320 .2286 .2252 .2155 .2092 .2003 .1863
5 .1960 .1922 .1884 .1846 .1810 .1774 .1739 .1638 .1574 .1483 .1344
10 .0956 .0913 .0872 .0833 .0795 .0759 .0724 .0627 .0570 .0493 .0385
15 .0621 .0578 .0538 .0499 .0463 .0430 .0398 .0315 .0268 .0210 .0139
20 .0454 .0412 .0372 .0336 .0302 .0272 .0244 .0175 .0139 .0098 .0054
25 .0354 .0312 .0274 .0240 .0210 .0182 .0158 .0102 .0075 .0047 .0021
50 .0155 .0118 .0089 .0066 .0048 .0034 .0025 .0009 .0004 .0001 .0000

Note: Series Compound Amount Factors are the reciprocals

Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-7

now has a present worth of $100. This mental exercise of interest rate and number of years it is designated thus:
converting future amounts back into present worths is a (SPW – i – N). For example, if the interest rate is 12% and
valuable tool in economic analysis, and one that will be ex- the number of equal payments is 15: (SPW – 12% – 15).
ploited frequently in this chapter. This relationship is useful for situations in which the
Second, assume a given individual has a personal time size of future uniform annual returns from an investment
value of money amounting to 12% interest. What should he can be predicted and one wants to find out how much one
be willing to pay for a financial document that promises to can afford to put into that investment.
pay $1000 five years from now? Applying the present worth It should be noted that, unless otherwise stated, it should
factor (PW) always be assumed that annual amounts and annual inter-
est rates are used.
P = F(PW – 12% – 5) An example involving the present worth of a future uni-
= $1000(0.5674) form annual cash flow is as follows:
= $567.40 A company that commonly earns 10% interest on its in-
vestments has a chance to buy an existing ship with a re-
Now suppose instead of 12% interest, the decision is
maining life of 5 years and estimated annual clear profits
made to use 20% because that is what is promised by an-
of $750 000. What is the maximum price the company
other investment opportunity. This leads to
should offer for the ship?
P = $1000(PW – 20% – 5) The decision maker should use the series present worth
= $1000(0.4019) factor (SPW) to convert an expected annual cash flow of
= $401.90 $750 000 for 5 years into an equivalent single amount today
Comparing this new present value of $401.90 against P = $750 000(SPW – 10% – 5) = $2 843 000
the previously found $567.40, one can see that the higher To be realistic, it would be better form to present the
interest rate has reduced the present worth of the future above as $2.843 million.
$1000. In short, ascribing high numbers to the time-value Again reversing the approach, suppose the initial amount,
of money, diminishes the importance of future benefits. This P, is known, and it is desired to find the uniform annual
fact is important to keep in mind. amounts of equal present worth. This is the common situ-
Throughout the rest of this chapter, to save space, the ation in which one borrows money from a bank in order to
numerical values of the various interest factors will not be buy an automobile and must make uniform periodic re-
shown. It will be assumed that they are built into one’s com- payments that incorporate both return of the initial loan and
puter, or that one knows how to derive them from a table. interest on the residual debt. In that sort of loan the pay-
ments usually fall due every month, but the principle is still
the same as with annual payments. The relationship is now Single Investment, Uniform Annual Payments
The next set of interest relationships apply to a single initial A = Pi(1 + i)N / [ i(1 + i)N – 1]
amount, P, balanced against uniform annual amounts, A, as The component i(1 + i)N / [ i(1 + i)N – 1] is called the
shown in Figure 6.4. capital recovery factor and is abbreviated CR. When asso-
If the uniform annual amounts, A, can be predicted and ciated with a given interest rate per compounding period, i,
one wants to find the present worth of them, P, one can use and number of compounding periods, N, we show it as
this expression (the proof of which can be found in stan- (CR – i – N).
dard texts) As another example:
A proposed fishing boat is estimated to cost $2 500 000.
P = [(1+i)N – 1] / i(1+i)N
The owner has a time value of money as 12% annual inter-
The component [(1+i)N – 1] / i(1+i)N is called the est. The life of the boat is expected to be 20 years. In order
series present worth factor. When associated with a given to justify the investment, what is the minimum annual cash
flow the boat should be able to generate? Now the owner
can use the capital recovery factor (CR) to convert the first
A cost of $2 500 000 to a uniform annual cash flow of equal
desirability (A)
P N A = P(CR – 12% – 20)
= $2 500 000 (CR – 12% – 20)
Figure 6.4 = $334 700
6-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Uniform annual deposits, single withdrawal this predicted cash flow? The cash flow diagram is shown
Our third pair of interest relationships apply to the cash flow in Figure 6.6.
pattern shown in Figure 6.5 The approach to such a problem is simple. Each indi-
A strange quirk about this pattern is that at the end of vidual amount is merely discounted back to year zero using
the final year we have arrows pointing in opposite direc- 10% interest and appropriate values of N.
tions. This is done to simplify the calculations. In truth, of For $100 one year, hence
course, in real life the net amount paid would not be F, but
F minus A. Another possibility is that within a business set- P = $100(PW – 10% – 1) = $91
ting the annual amounts would actually comprise continual For $50 two years, hence
cash deposits during the year. One may nevertheless as-
sume single year-end amounts. P = $50(PW – 10% – 2) = $41
If the uniform annual amounts (A) are known, and it is For nothing 3 years, hence
desired to find the equivalent single future amount (F) that
can be withdrawn, multiply A by the series compound P=0
amount factor (SCA) For a loss of $100 4 years, hence
(SCA – i – N) = [(1 + i) – 1]/i P = ($100)(PW – 10% – 4) = ($68)
For example, if $100 is deposited each year into a bank For $200 five years, hence
account paying 7% annual interest, how much should the
depositor be able to withdraw at the end 10 years? P = $200(PW – 10% – 5) = $124

F = $100(SCA – 7% – 10) = $1381.64 Present worth = net sum of the above = $188

If it is desired to reverse the procedure and find out how As may be noted in the above, negative cash flows are
much must be deposited each year in order to build up some placed in parentheses.
specific future amount (F), one would multiply that future The analysis should be laid out in a neat table exactly as
amount by what is called the sinking fund factor (SF), which an accountant would do it, as shown in Table 6.II.
would of course be the reciprocal of the series compound
amount factor
6.3.8 Gradient Series
(SF – i – N) = i / [(1 + i)N – 1] There may be cases where it can be predicted that future
Say it is desired to build up an amount of $15,000 five cash flows will be increasing by a fixed amount (abbrevi-
years from now so a sailboat may be bought. The decision ated g) each year.
is made to place annual amounts in a bank offering 8% in- The present worth of such a cash flow could be found
terest compounded annually. How much must be deposited with a year-by-year analysis just as shown in Figure 6.7.
each year? A more sophisticated (and usually easier) way would be
to first find the equivalent uniform annual amount (A) by
A = $15 000(SF – 8% – 5) = $2556.85 means of the following formula
A = A1 + g / i – Ng(SF – i – N) / i
6.3.7 Non-uniform Cash Flows
Suppose one predicts cash flows of $100 in year 1, $50 in
year 2, nothing in year 3, a loss of $100 in year 4, and a
gain of $200 in year 5 (the end of the project’s economic
life). If the interest rate is 10%, what is the present value of $50 $200
0 4
F 0 year
1 2 3 5
A $100
Figure 6.5 Figure 6.6
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-9

The present worth could then be found using the appro- cash flow started, for example, year 5, and then to discount
priate series present worth factor that to year zero using the single present worth factor
P = A(SPW – i – N) P at year 5 = $175(SPW – 10% – 15) = $1331
P at year 0 (today) = $1331 (PW – 10% – 5) = $826
If the pattern shows a uniform downward slope, then the
equivalent uniform annual amount would be Another logical technique would be to compute the pres-
ent worth of $175 per year as though the cash flow occurred
A = A1 – g / i + Ng(SF – i – N) / i
throughout the full 20 years, and then subtract the present
For example, find the present worth of a cash flow that worth of the first 5 years, in which it did not occur.
starts at $1000 the first year and then increases $200 per
P = $175(SPW – 10% – 20) – $175(SPW – 10% – 5)
year for the next 4 years (i.e., g = $200 and N = 5). Use
= $1490 – $663 = $827
15% interest.
To solve this, first find the equivalent uniform annual This is in reasonable agreement with the $826 found above.
amount, A As shown later, the second method is often neater and
easier to use.
A = $1000 + $200 / 15% – 5 × $200 (SF – i – N) / 15%
Another example involves two levels of uniform annual
= $1334
cash flow. In this case one can predict an annual cash flow
Then convert that to its present worth of $140 for each of the first 5 years of a project and $100
for years 6 through 10, after which the project will be closed
P = $1344(SPW – 15% – 5) = $4505
down with no residual value. The intent is to apply an in-
and that is the answer. terest rate of 10% to find the present value of the predicted
cash flow. Figure 6.8 shows the cash flow diagram.
Start by finding the present worth of the $100 cash flow
6.3.9 Stepped Patterns over the complete 10 years and then adding the present
Another common variation involves cash flows that remain worth of the difference between $140 and $100 (i.e., ∆ =
uniform for some number of years (or other compounding $40) over 5 years.
periods) but then suddenly increase or decrease. In real life
this might come about because of the peculiarities of the
tax laws, as one example. Assume a simple case in which Slope = $g per year
there is no income for the first 5 years and then uniform
annual amounts of $175 are expected through the 20th year.
The object is to find the present worth based on 10% in-
One way to solve this problem would be to analyze the A1
cash flow year-by-year in a table, but there are easier ways.
One would be to use the standard series present worth fac-
tor to find the equivalent value at the year just before the
0 N
Figure 6.7

N = year Amount (PW – 10% – N) Product

1 $100 0.909 $91 $140 per year ∆ =$40 per year

2 $50 0.826 $41 $100 per year
3 0 0.751 0
4 ($100) 0.683 ($68)
5 $200 0.621 $124
0 5 6 10
Total present worth: $188
Figure 6.8
6-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

P = $100(SPW – 10% – 10) + $40(SPW – 10% – 5) Eliminating that final Z expense would produce a cash flow
= $614 + $152 such as shown in Figure 6.11.
= $766 This will require that the Y value shown above be reduced
by a uniform annual amount equivalent to the Z spread over
The same logic can be used in situations where the uni-
the entire 20-year life. That uniform decrement will amount
form annual amounts increase, rather than decrease at some
to Z times the sinking fund factor based on the full 20 years.
point. Repeating the previous illustration, but reversing the
The equation now becomes
cash flow pattern, can show this. Now one may assume uni-
form annual amounts of $100 for each of the first 5 years, Y = X + Z(SF – i – 4) – Z(SF – i – 20)
and $140 for each of the final 5 years as shown in Figure 6.9. or, Y = X + Z{(SF – i – 4) – (SF – i – 20)}
Again, start by finding the present worth of the second
To illustrate this with a simple example, suppose the
series ($140 per year) and then subtracting for the incre-
ship’s life is projected to be 25 years. An interest rate of
ment (∆ = $40)
12% is specified. The uniform annual costs of operation
P = $140(SPW – 10% – 10) – $40(SPW – 10% – 5) are expected to be $800 000. Every fifth year there will
= $860 – $152 be special survey expenses of $1.5 million. This special
= $708 cost will be waived during the final year of the ship’s life.
Find the equivalent uniform annual expense. The cash
This second outcome, $708, compares with the $766
flow pattern is shown in Figure 6.12.
found in the previous study. The same total amount of money
came in, but the present value in the first case would be
greater because more of the money came in during the early
years. The quick buck is the good buck.
∆ = $40 per yr $140 per yr
The analytical technique developed above can be applied
to cash flows that involve more then the two levels of income $100 per yr
shown. The same technique can also be applied to negative
cash flows or combinations of positive and negative flows.
5 10
Figure 6.9

6.3.10 Periodic Discrepancies

Over the life of a ship, typically 20 years, there will usually 4 8 12 16
be periodic special expenses for planned maintenance work. uniform costs of $X per year
These may occur perhaps every four years. The projected op-
erating cash flow pattern might then consist of uniform an-
nual expenditures (which we shall abbreviate X) plus special
increments, Z, every fourth year, as shown in Figure 6.10. special expense of $Z every fourth year
How can such a pattern be converted into equivalent uni- Figure 6.10
form annual amounts? The unsophisticated method is to
discount each of the special expenses (Z) back to the pres-
ent, summing those amounts and then multiplying that sum 0 4 8 12 16
by the capital recovery factor to find the equivalent uniform
annual amount. The sophisticated method is to convert each
Z amount into its equivalent uniform annual amount by mul-
tiplying it by the sinking fund factor appropriate to the num- Z
ber of years between the occurrences of the special expenses. Figure 6.11
The equivalent uniform annual operating cost, Y, would
then become
Y = X + Z(SF – i – 4) 5 10 15 20 25
X = $800 000
However, it is unlikely that maintenance will be per-
formed during the final year of a ship’s life, so this approach Z = $1.5 million
is not precise as it does not take that into consideration. Figure 6.12
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-11

Y = X + Z{(SF – 12% – 5) – (SF – 12% – 25)} sumptions as to the rate of inflation and time-value of money.
Y = $800 000 + $1.5million{0.1574 – 0.0075} Remember that i incorporates both time-value of money and
Y = $800 000 + $225 000 inflation. One way is to start with the simple case in which
Y = $1 025 000 a given category of cost is floating up right along with the
general inflation rate, d. That being the case, although it ap-
pears to be increasing (in FV$), it is really holding steady
6.3.11 Inflation in real purchasing power. That is, it is always the same in
This section explains how to analyze monetary inflation, CV$, so we can ignore inflation and say
particularly how it may influence decision-making in ship
design. It will be shown that in most cases the effects will
be trivial. There may, however, be special situations in which Next consider the case in which one category of cash re-
inflation should not be overlooked. mains fixed in face value dollars during a period of general
If one can assume that a shipowner is free to raise freight inflation. A fixed charter fee might lead to such an arrange-
rates commensurate with any future inflation in operating ment. Some tax calculations also involve fixed annual
costs, then all financial and economic factors will float upward amounts. In any given year
on the same uniform tide. If that occurs, the optimum ship
FVA = A0
based on no inflation will also be the optimum ship in which
inflation is taken into account. Inflation need be of concern Correcting for inflation
only when some major economic factors are expected to
CVA = FVA / (1 + d)N = A0 / (1 + d)N
change appreciably faster or slower than the general trend.
Money does one no good until it is spent, and if its pur- And
chasing power is rubbery, one should admit as much. If a
P = CVA/(1 + r)N = A0 / (1 + r)N(1 + d)N
good meal in a restaurant costs $15 today and is expected
to cost $30 in five years, one would be foolish to ignore that That is, double discounting is employed, once for the time-
threat. To clarify thinking in all this, one must train oneself value of money, and again for the declining real value of
to think in terms of constant-value dollars. In short, do not the dollar. In short, where costs remain fixed in FV$ one
try to analyze long-term cash flows without first adjusting may use
each year’s figure according to its purchasing power rela-
i = (1 + r)(1 + d) – 1
tive to some convenient base year.
The constant value dollars are the ones corrected for in- Finally, consider the case of a cost factor that changes
flation and are the ones for which an engineer should de- at an annual rate, x, that differs from general inflation. In
velop an affinity. face-value terms
The question then arises, how best to convert mislead-
FVA = A0(1 + x)
ing Future Value (FV$) into reliable Current Value (CV$)?
There are two alternative methods. Both are based on the Correcting for inflation
same principles and, if correctly carried out, should produce
CVA = FVA / (1 + d)N = A0(1 + x)N / (1 + d)N
the same final outcome and resulting design decision. One-
way is to prepare a year-by-year table in which all cash and, converting to present worth
flows are entered in CV$. The analyst is then in a position
P = CVA / (1 + r)N = A0(1 + x)N / (1 + d)N(1 + r)N
to apply standard interest relationships to find the present
value or equivalent uniform annual cost of this CV$ cash So, where maverick costs are concerned
flow in the usual way.
i = [(1 + r)(1 + d) / (1 + x)] – 1
The other approach, as might be guessed, is to start with
FV$ and apply a discount rate that has built into it adjust- This final expression may, in extreme cases, produce a
ments for both inflation and time-value of money. This method negative interest rate (equivalent to paying the bank to guard
can be handled by simple algebraic procedures and does not cash). This will lead to a present worth exceeding the fu-
require the time consuming, error-prone, year-by-year tabu- ture amount. This is perfectly reasonable and a calculator
lar approach described previously. It allows one to find the will handle it automatically.
present worth (corrected for inflation) of a future cash flow Table 6.III summarizes the interest rates that help us find
that is subject to predictably changing dollar values. present values in CV$ in times of inflation.
The task is to derive the value of i for any given set of as- The following example illustrates the concepts explained
6-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

above. Over a four-year period there are predicted three Other: These costs float up with general inflation, so :
concurrent cash flows as follows.
Wages: Fixed by contract at $100 000 per year (FV$) i = 9%
PW in CV$ = $80 000 (SPW – 9% – 4)
Fuel: Starting at $120 000 per year and increasing at 16%
= $259 000
per year
Total: The total present worth in CV$ will equal the sum of
All other costs: Starting at $80 000 per year and rising with
the three components derived above:
Total PW = ($249 + $423 + $259) × 103 = $931 000
General inflation is expected to amount to 12% per year
and the time-value of money is set at 9% per year. Table
6.IV shows how this problem can be handled in tabular
form. An important but less-than-obvious point is that the 6.3.12 Non-annual Compounding
initial amounts are taken at year zero, not year one. In most ship design studies engineers are in the habit of as-
Turning now to the algebraic approach, these values are suming annual compounding when weighing the time-value
first noted of money. There may be instances, however, when other
compounding periods should be recognized. As the reader
Time value of money: r = 9%
may recall, the standard interest formulas introduced at the
General rate of inflation: d = 12%
start of this chapter are applicable to any combination of
Rate of inflation for fuel: xfuel = 16%
compounding periods and interest rate per compounding
Then, analyzing each cost component in turn shows: period. Take, for example the standard single payment com-
pound amount factor and apply it to a $10 000 debt with
Wages: These are fixed in face value terms, so
12% interest compounded annually over a 20-year period.
i = (1 + r)(1 + d) – 1 = (1.09)(1.12) – 1 = 22.08% What would be the total debt, F, at the end of that period?
To find the present worth in CV$, apply the series present F = P(CA – i – N)
worth factor for 22.08 percent interest and four years: = $10 000(CA – 12% – 20)
= $96 450 (rounded)
PW in CV$ = $100 000 (SPW – 22.08% – 4) = $249 000
Fuel: This inflates at its own rate, so:
TABLE 6.IV Handling Inflation with the Tabular Approach
i = [(1 + r)(1 + d) / (1 + xfuel)] – 1
i = [(1.09)(1.12) / (1.16)] – 1 = 5.24% a b c d e f g
PW in CV$ = $120 000 (SPW – 5.241%–4) year Total (PW – 9%
= $423 000 (N) Wages Fuel Other Costs – N) PW

1 89 124 80 293 0.9174 269

2 80 129 80 289 0.8417 243

TABLE 6.III Interest Rates Applicable During Periods of
3 71 133 80 284 0.7722 219
4 64 138 80 282 0.7084 200
Cash Flow characteristics Interest Rate to be
Applied to Initial Total present worth: 931
Notes: See text for details. Cash amounts shown in the table are in thou-
Floats up with general i=r sands of CV$. Notes below pertain to the corresponding columns.
inflation b. In CV$, wages, A0/(1 + d)N = S100 000 / (1.12)N
Fixed in FV umits i = (1 + r)(1 + d) – 1 c. In CV$, fuel cost = $120 000 (1.16)N / (1.12)N = A0(1 + x)N / (1 + d)N
= $120 000 / (1.036)N
Changes at annual rate, x, i = [(1 = r)(1 + d) / (1 + x) ] – 1 d. In CV$; other costs remain fixed at $80 000
other than general inflation e. Column e = sum of columns b, c and d
rate, d f. (PW – 9% – N) = 1 / (1.09)N
g. PW = column e mulitplied by column f
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-13

Next, suppose the terms of the loan called for the same For Banker B
12% interest, but compounded quarterly. Now the number of rM = 6.5% and M = 12,
compounding periods will quadruple to 80, and our interest
rate per compounding period will be cut to a quarter, or 3%. so
F = $10 000(CA – 3% – 80) = $106 400 (rounded), rM / M = 0.96% = 0.0096
which is more than 10% greater than the figure based on
annual compounding.
Clearly, when changing the frequency of compounding r1 = (1.0096)12 – 1 = 12.13%
one also changes the weight given to the time-value of Comparing the two effective rates, it can be concluded
money. This is common sense; the more often repayments that Banker B offers a slightly better deal; that is, a lower
fall due, the more desirable is the arrangement to the lender, effective interest rate.
and the less desirable to the debtor. In order to make a valid The equation for effective rate, r1, can be rewritten to pro-
comparison between debts involving differing compound- vide this expression for deriving a nominal rate per com-
ing periods, we need an algebraic tool that will assign to pounding period from any given effective rate
each repayment plan a measure that is independent of fre-
quency of compounding. rM / M = (1 + r1)1 / M – 1
The usual approach to this operation is based on what is One important rule to keep in mind: Never use a nomi-
generally called the effective interest rate, abbreviated t. nal annual rate all by itself. Always convert it into its cor-
This is an artificial interest rate per annum that ascribes the responding rate per compounding period.
same time-value to money as some nominal annual rate, rM,
with M compounding periods per annum.
For example, suppose one loan plan is based on quar-
terly compounding at one interest rate, and another is based 6.4 TAXES AND DEPRECIATION
on monthly compounding at a somewhat lower rate. It is
not possible to tell by looking at the numbers, which is more 6.4.1 Perspective
desirable. If both nominal annual rates are converted to their Today, very few maritime nations impose an annual tax on
corresponding effective rates, however, those values will corporate earnings of shipping companies. The U.S. is still
tell which is the better deal. The question then arises, how one that does. Therefore, naval architects involved in the de-
does one convert from a nominal annual rate, rM, to effec- sign of a commercial ship for U.S. shipowners and flag
tive rate, r1? The simple key is should have at least a rudimentary idea about the applica-
ble tax structure. In many cases a proper recognition of the
r1 = (1 + rM / M)M – 1 tax law will have a major impact on design decisions. In
For the derivation of this equation, see any standard en- other cases, as shown later, taxes can be ignored. In any
gineering economy reference. event, a naval architect should understand enough about the
To illustrate, consider the following example. Suppose subject to discuss it intelligently with business managers.
banker A offers to lend money at 12% compounded semi- Tax laws are written by politicians who are swayed by
annually. Banker B offers 6.5% compounded monthly. B’s pressures coming from many directions and are changed
nominal rate is lower, but the compounding is more fre- over time. As a result tax laws are almost always complex,
quent, so one cannot readily tell which is the better offer. and continually changing. Thus, most large companies em-
What is needed is to convert each nominal rate to its cor- ploy experts whose careers are devoted to understanding
responding effective rate. the tax laws and finding ways to minimize their impact. No
For Banker A attempt is made here to explain all the complexity of cur-
rent tax laws; but some simple tax concepts are outlined
rM = 12% and M = 2 and their effects on cash flow explained.

6.4.2 Tax Shields
rM / M = 6% = 0.06
In most traditional maritime nations, in contradistinction to
and so-called open-registry nations, corporate tax rates run
around 40 to 50 percent of the before-tax cash flow minus
r1 = (1.06)2 – 1 = 12.36% certain tax shields. Principal among these are an annual al-
6-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

location for depreciation and any interest paid to a bank or 6.4.5 Cash Flows Before and After Tax
other source of income involving fixed payments. The im- The bar diagram in Figure 6.13 shows how annual revenues
pact of bank loans is discussed in Section 6.5. For now it is are treated when figuring corporate income taxes. It is as-
assumed that the owner is able to pay for the ship with his sumed here that all factors remain constant over the N years
own capital. This is called an all-equity investment. of the project’s economic life. (This is what economists call
a heroic assumption, but it is frequently good enough for
design studies.)
6.4.3 Depreciation
The bar diagram shows that the annual cash flow after
Depreciation is, in a way, a legal fiction with roots in long- tax (A´) is related to the cash flow before tax (A) by this sim-
established accounting practices. When a company makes ple expression
a major investment it exchanges a large amount of cash for
a physical asset of equal value. In its annual report it takes A´ = A(1 – t) + t P / N
credit for that asset and shows no sudden drop in company or, turning it around
net worth. Over the years, however, as the asset becomes
less valuable for various reasons, its contribution to the com- A = (A´ – tP / N) / (1 – t)
pany’s worth declines; that is, it depreciates. An important thing to note is that all of our rational meas-
Depreciation is a legal fiction to the extent that the tax ures of merit are based on after-tax cash flows, not profits.
laws treat it as an expense in a time period other than when In short, one should not use profits to measure profitabil-
the money was actually spent. Remember the rule: accu- ity, but use cash flows instead. Profits are misleading be-
rate economic assessment recognizes not only how much cause they are polluted with depreciation, an expense that
cash flows in or out, but also when. Another fictitious ele- is misallocated in time.
ment is found in the fact that few nations allow owners to
recognize inflation when figuring depreciation.
In summary of what has been covered so far, it has been 6.4.6 Fast Write-off
shown that the tax collector’s target is not the company’s In the preceding section the assumption was made that the
actual annual cash flow (income minus costs), but a dis- ship’s tax life coincided with its economic life. This is not
torted version of that cash flow. Depreciation allocations always the case because owners are sometimes permitted
recognize capital investments, not in the year they are made, to base depreciation on a shorter period. It is called fast
but rather distributed over a period of years. The principal write-off. It is advantageous to the investor. This is so be-
objective of this chapter, then, is to explain some of the cause it provides a more favorable after-tax cash flow pat-
major schemes for assigning annual depreciation alloca- tern. Over the life of the ship the same total taxes must be
tions and their effects on tax liabilities. paid, but their worst impact is delayed. Remember, money
today is always preferable to money tomorrow.
Some nations allow shipowners freedom to depreciate
6.4.4 Straight-line Depreciation
their ships as fast as they like. In that setting the owner can
In its simplest form, the ship (or other facility) is assumed make the depreciation allocation equal to the cash flow be-
to lose the same amount of value every year until the end fore tax. That will reduce the tax base to zero, and no taxes
of its economic life. This is called straight-line deprecia-
tion. It is found by dividing the depreciable value by the
number of years of life
D = (P – L) / N Depr Tax Base or Profit Before Tax = A – P / N
In most cases one is justified in ignoring the disposal Profit After Tax
value. It is typically less than 5% of the initial investment; Annual Revenue
it is hard to predict; and, being many years off, has little im-
pact on overall economics. Thus, for design studies, straight- Y A´ = cash flow after tax Tax
Annual = A – Tax = A – t(A – P / N) = t(A – P / N)
line depreciation is usually taken as operating
costs = A – tA + tP
D=P/N = A(1 – t) + tP/N
A = Cash flow before tax = Revenue – Y
Figure 6.13
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-15

need be paid during the early years of the ship’s life. After During the initial 12 years
that, of course, the depreciation tax shield will be gone, and
A´ = A(1 – t) + tP / Q
higher taxes will ensue. Again, however, the total tax bill
= $ 2.4M(1 – 0.40) + 0.40 × $24 / 12
over the ship’s life will remain the same, unless they sell it
= $2.24M
before the expected life.
More typically, the owner will not be given a free hand After that, with no tax shield
in depreciating the ship. Rather, the tax life, that is, depre-
A´ = A(1 – t)
ciation period, will be set at some period appreciably shorter
= $ 2.4M(1 – 0.40)
than the expected economic life. This will result in cash
= $1.44M
flow projections that feature uniform annual amounts with
a step down after the depreciable life is reached. Here is how The cash flow pattern is shown in Figure 6.16.
to handle such a situation. The present worth of the cash flow is
First, give separate attention to two distinct time peri-
PW = $1.44M(SPW – 12% – 20) + $0.80M(SPW – 12% – 12)
ods. The first of these comprises the years during which de-
= $10.76M + $4.96M
preciation allowances are in effect, the final such year being
= $15.72M.
identified as Q.
The second time period follows Q and extends to the Consider next the case where fast write-off is not al-
final year of the ship’s economic life, designated with the lowed, i.e., where the tax life and economic life are the
letter N. Assuming straight-line depreciation, the cash flows same: N years. Given that assumption, the after-tax cash
before (A) and after (A´) tax will be related as shown in Fig- flow, (A´ ), would be equal to
ure 6.14.
A´ = A(1 – t) + tP / N
Now, recalling how stepped cash flows were handled in
= $ 2.4M(1 – 0.40) + 0.40 × $24M / 20
Subsection 10.3.9, the present worth of the above can be
= $1.92M
found as follows:
so PW = $1.92M(SPW – 12% – 20) = $14.34M, which
PW = A(1 – t)(SPW – i´ – N) + (tP / Q)(SPW – i´ – N)
compares with $15.72M attained with fast write-off,
This concept is clarified with this numerical example. as shown above, nearly a 10% advantage in favor of fast
Assume that an owner expects a ship to have an economic write-off.
life of 20 years, with negligible disposal value. The tax de-
preciation period is 12 years. The tax rate is 40%. The ini-
tial cost is $24 million. The annual revenues are $3.2 million
and annual operating costs are $800,000. Find the after-tax Economic
cash flows during years 1–12 and 13–20, then find the pres- life
ent worth of the cash flows using 12% interest. Figure 6.15 Depreciable
is a schematic of the cash distributions. life
A = Rev – Y = $3.2M – $0.8M = $2.4M
0 Q = 12 N = 20
Figure 6.15

A' = A(1 – t) + tP / Q A' = $2.24 million

∆ = tP / Q
∆ = $0.80 million
A' = $1.44 million
A' = A(1 – t)
= P / Q) (No
0 Q N 0 12 20
Figure 6.14 Figure 6.16
6-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Next, one may compare the total tax amounts paid over shorter period. One may thus find accelerated depreciation
the life of the ship in each case. With fast write-off the an- combined with fast write-off. In any event, the total taxes
nual tax during the first 12 years would amount to over the asset’s life will once more be the same. The pri-
mary advantage of such schemes is to offer the enterprise
Tax = t(A – P / Q)
a more favorable earlier distribution of after-tax cash flows.
= 0.40($2.4M – $24M / 12
= $0.16M per year
The annual tax during the final 8 years would amount to 6.4.9 Some Other Complications
Among other entangling vines in the jungle of taxation is
t(A) = 0.40($2.40M) = $0.96M per year
something called the investment tax credit. When a gov-
The total tax over the 20-year life would be ernment finds the economy slowing, it will want to en-
courage business managers to spur the economy through
Total tax = 12 ($0.16M) + 8($0.96M)
new capital investments. The obvious way to do this would
= $1.92M + $7.68M = $9.60M
be to lower the corporate tax rate. Political leaders may lack
Without fast write-off, the annual tax during each of the the courage to do that, so they look for less visible ways.
20 years would be One such way is the investment tax credit. This allows the
organization to reduce its first year’s tax on a new project
Tax = t(A – P / N)
by some modest fraction of the initial investment. This tax
= 0.40($2.4M – $24M / 20
reduction in no way reduces the depreciation allocations
= $0.48M per year
and gives business managers added confidence that they
The total tax over 20 years would be will be able to get their money back in a hurry.
How are the depreciation calculations handled when the
Total tax = 20($0.48M) = $9.60M
system under analysis includes components with differing
which is the same as with a fast write-off. depreciable lives? An example would be a new container-
The two outcomes, being the same, show that fast write- ized cargo transport system. There one might find invest-
off does not reduce the tax burden; it merely gives it a less ments in real estate (infinite life), ships (20-year life), cranes
onerous distribution. (15-year life), and buildings (50-year life). The answer is
clear: Each such component must be analyzed separately.
The principle is simple and so are the calculations; they just
6.4.7 Variable Tax Rates look complicated when taken in total.
In some nations the tax laws assign one tax rate against tax- When dealing with shipowners naval architects will likely
able income that is turned over to the stockholders in the form have to talk to accountants who know all the tax rules and
of dividends, and a much higher rate against income that the want to apply them to the design analysis. Naval architects
corporation retains (probably in order to expand operations must of course pay attention to what these people have to
or simply overcome inflation). There is logic in assigning a say. But they must also realize that they are usually safe in
lower rate against dividends. The government will get its applying massive amounts of simplifying assumptions, at
due from the individual income taxes paid by the share- least in the preliminary design stages.
holders. If faced with a dual tax rate setting, it is necessary It should be known that some managers use the simplest
to ask the shipowner how the company’s profits are usually sort of analysis in choosing projects and in deciding whether
split. Alternatively, assume a 50/50 distribution, leading to or not to go ahead with them. This is so even though they
an average tax rate applied to the entire taxable amount. intend to use every possible tax-reducing trick if the proj-
ect does indeed come to fruition. This suggests the wisdom
of using simple methods, for example, straight-line depre-
6.4.8 Accelerated Depreciation ciation, in the early design stages when dozens or hundreds
Some tax laws recognize that straight-line depreciation is of alternatives are under consideration, but then, having nar-
based on an unrealistic assessment of actual resale values rowed the choice down to half a dozen alternatives, letting
of physical assets. This leads to various depreciation the accountants adjust the chosen few to satisfy their needs.
schemes that feature a large allocation during the first year Starting with gross simplifications enables looking ahead
of the asset’s life and diminishing allocations thereafter. to the effect of the more elaborate tax schemes by recog-
These declining amounts may continue over the entire eco- nizing that their net effect is to produce some modest in-
nomic life, or they may lead to complete write-off in some crease in present values of future incomes. This may be
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-17

taken into account by assuming a slightly lower tax rate. As an alternative to applying to a bank, managers may
Alternatively, future cash flows can be discounted with a choose to raise capital by selling bonds. As far as one need
slightly lower interest rate. be concerned here, the effect is the same: the debt must be
repaid at some agreed-upon rate of interest.
Section 6.4 explains how depreciation plans affect the
corporate income tax. In the United States, at least at the
6.5 LEVERAGE time of this writing, the interest paid to the bank or bond-
6.5.1 Perspective holder is treated as an operating expense and so it, too, re-
duces the tax.
This subchapter examines various ways in which a
Bank loans are popular with managers because that source
shipowner may go into debt in order to expand the scope
of capital usually implies a lower interest rate than would
of operations. It is noted that the interest payments incurred
be demanded by owners of common stock. But, as noted in
may reduce the tax base and so they must be recognized in
Subsection 6.7.6, increasing reliance on bank loans carries
assessing after-tax cash flows.
increasing risk.
Increasingly complicated loan arrangements are consid-
ered. There are times when a naval architect will want to apply
simple schemes. There will be times when he will want to 6.5.2 Cash Flows Before and After Tax
apply complex schemes. In general, in the preliminary de-
The bar diagram shown in Figure 6.18 is like the one shown
sign stages, when dozens or hundreds of alternatives are
in Figure 6.15 except for the complication of a bank loan.
under consideration, one should be satisfied to use the sim-
The bank loan period is now assumed to be the same as the
plest schemes. At the other end of the scale, when the choice
ship’s economic life (H = N). Straight-line depreciation is
has been narrowed down to half a dozen, the naval architect,
also assumed, with depreciation period equal to economic
the client, or the business manager, can apply many more
life (Q = N). A final assumption is that the before-tax cash
realistic assumptions if considered necessary.
flow (A) remains constant. For many design studies these
In general, the more realistic (complex) assumptions will
assumptions are reasonable. A subsequent section treats
slightly reduce the impact of the income tax. In the early
cases where N, Q, and H all differ.
design stages, when assuming simple loan plans, the naval
In analyzing the cash flow distribution shown in Figure
architect may recognize this effect by adding a small in-
6.18 one more simplifying assumption is used, which in-
crement to the actual tax rate or to the interest rate. The
volves substituting a uniform annual value of the interest
same thought applies to assumptions regarding tax depre-
payments (abbreviated IB) for the actual, ever-diminishing
ciation plans. By using such adjustments, the optimum de-
values. Figure 6.17 shows the real distribution between prin-
sign as indicated by the simple assumptions will closely
cipal and interest as well as the simplification
approach the optimum as indicated by the more realistic
Shown in Figure 6.18 is the distribution of the annual
and elaborate assumptions.
revenue when both bank loans and straight-line deprecia-
Many, if not most, business managers have ambitions be-
tion are involved.
yond the reach of their equity capital. This leads them to
An examination of the diagram leads to this expression
leverage up their operation by obtaining a loan from a bank.
relating cash flows before and after tax
The same is true of individuals who want to own a yacht.
It is also often true of governments who sell bonds so as to A´ = A – Tax = A – t(A – IB – P / N)
finance a share of current expenditures. In nearly every case = A – tA + tIB + tP / N
the lender requires repayment of the loan within a given = A(1 – t) + tIB + tP / N
time and at a given interest rate. Typically, the repayments
are made in periodic bits and pieces comprising both interest
and some reduction in the debt itself. In short, the periodic
payments are determined by multiplying the amount of the AB = PB(CR – iB – N) AB = PB(CR – iB – N)
loan (abbreviated PB) by the capital recovery factor appro-
priate to the loan period (abbreviated H) and the agreed-upon ∆PB = AB – IB ∆PB = PB / N
interest rate (iB). The typical repayment period is monthly,
but for ship design studies one may generally assume an- IB IB = AB – (PB / N)
nual payments (abbreviated AB). In short
0 N 0 N
AB = PB(CR – iB – H) Figure 6.17
6-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

IB (P / N) A – IB – (P / N)
Interest to bank Depreciation Tax base

Annual Revenue

Y AB A0 Tax =
Annual Return to bank = Owner’s cash flow = t[(A – IB – (P / N)]
operating PB(CR – iB – N) A′ – PB
A′ = cash flow after tax

A = cash flow before tax

Figure 6.18

Further, the residual annual return to the owner, A0, will IB = AB – PB / N

be = $5M – $50M / 25
= $5M – $2M = $3M
A0 = A´ – AB
Next, one needs to find the annual cash flow before tax
A = revenue – operating costs
AB = PB(CR – IB – N)
= $8.25M – $1.25M
Consider the following example: = $7.00M
Assume a ship that cost $75 million has an expected eco-
which is the answer to part 3.
nomic life of 25 years. The owner uses $25 million equity
Now one is ready to convert to cash flow after tax
capital and the rest comes from a bank loan payable over
the 25-year life at 9% annual interest. The ship is expected A´ = A(1 – t) + tIB + tP / N
to earn annual revenues of $8.25 million against operating = $7M(1 – 0.45) + 0.45 x $3M + 0.45 × $75 / 25
costs of $1.25 million. Assume a tax rate of 45% and straight- = $3.85M + $1.39M + $1.35M
line depreciation. Find these four annual cash flows: 1. to = $6.6M
owner, 2. to bank, 3. before tax, and 4. after tax.
which is the answer to part 4.
The first step in solving this problem will be to subtract
The analysis found the annual payment to the bank as
the owner’s equity from the total cost of the ship; that will
the first step in finding IB = $5M.
tell how much must be borrowed from the bank
Finally, the owner’s after-tax cash flow will be
PB = P – P0 = $75M – $25M = $50M
A0 = A´ – AB = $6.6M – $5M = $1.6M
The annual payment owed the bank is
which is the answer to part 1.
AB = PB(CR – IB – N)
= $50M(CR – 9% – 25)
= $5M (rounded) 6.5.3 Differing Time Periods
which is the answer to part 2. To this point it has been assumed that the period of the bank
Then, the approximate value of the annual interest pay- loan and the tax depreciation period both coincided with the
ment will be: economic life of the ship. Next it is appropriate to analyze
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-19

cash flows before and after tax when those periods are all present worth of the after-tax cash flows by means of that
different. Initially it will be assumed that the loan period, relatively simple equation.
H, is shorter than the depreciation period, Q, which in turn
is shorter than the economic life, N. The cash flow diagram
would then contain three segments as shown in Figure 6.19. 6.5.4 Residual Debt
During Period A the cash flows before and after tax would Imagine this situation. Five years ago someone took out a
be as developed in the earlier part of this section except that $150 000 mortgage on a new house, agreeing to repay the
care must be taken to identify the differing time periods: H, bank in 15 equal annual payments with interest set at 12%.
Q, and N. The annual payments were found as follows
A´ = A(1 – t) + tIB + tP / Q AB = $150,000(CR – 12% – 15) = $23 023
During Period B the interest payments would no longer Now assume that a relative has died and left the person
be a factor, so the only tax shield would be the depreciation half a million dollars who is now in a position to pay off
allocation the mortgage and enjoy a debt-free home. The question then
arises, how much is still owed? This answer can be obtained
A´ = A(1 – t) + tP / Q
from the bank, but it is possible to calculate an independ-
During Period C there would be no tax shields at all, so ent check. The approach is direct and easy; at any point dur-
ing an ongoing series of payments the residual debt is simply
A´ = A(1 – t)
the present value of the remaining payments. In this case,
Putting these individual cash flow back together leads 10 payments are still due, so the residual debt, PR, will be
to Figure 6.20.
PR = $22 023(SPW – 12% – 10) = $124 438
Applying the techniques in Section 6.3, we can find the
present worth of this cash flow as follows To generalize the logic developed above, let X = the
number of years since the start of a loan period of H years
PW = A(1 – t)(SPW – i´ – N)
at an interest rate iB.
+ (tP / Q)(SPW – i´ – Q)
The remaining years, identified as Z, will then be H – X.
+ tIB(SPW – i´ – H)
The residual debt will then be found this way
Thus, if there are uniform cash flows before tax and a
PR = PB(CR – iB – H)(SPW – iB – Z)
stepped-pattern of cash flows after tax, one can find the

6.5.5 Balloon Mortgages

Economic life A shipowner faced with a heavy mortgage on a new ship
may have difficulty in meeting the periodic payments, par-
Depreciation period ticularly where the loan is a major part of the total invest-
Loan period ment, that is, heavily leveraged, the repayment period is
relatively brief, and the transport business is still newly de-
0 A H B Q C N veloping. Under those circumstances the shipowner and
Figure 6.19 bank may agree on a mortgage scheme that will require the
owner to pay an appreciable portion of the debt by perhaps
the ship’s half life, leaving the owner responsible for pay-
A ′ = A ( 1 − t ) + tI B +t ∆ = tI
B ing the rest in a lump sum when that time comes. If at that
time the owner cannot produce that amount of capital, there
P are two major options:
A ′ = A(1 − t ) + t ∆=t
Q Q 1. sell the ship, or
2. obtain a new loan from the same, or other, bank.
A ′ = A (1 − t )
This kind of an arrangement is known as a balloon mortgage.
One logical way to set the amount of the residual debt,
0 H Q N the balloon payment, is to apply the technique explained in
Figure 6.20 the previous section. Consider the following example:
6-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

A shipowner wants to borrow $35 million to help pay marine design, and several have strong adherents among peo-
for his proposed ship. The bank offers the loan at 10% an- ple in authority. They are placed in three categories depending
nual interest payable over 6 years. This leads to an annual on whether the analyst wants to assign, versus derive, a level
payment of $35M(CR – 10% – 6), or $8.04 million. The of income and assign, versus derive, an interest rate.
shipowner is worried that he might not be able to generate There are only three primary measures of merit; the other
enough cash to pay at that rate. The bank then offers to base ten are each closely related to one of those three. Most of the
the payments on a 10.25% interest rate and a 10-year sched- rest of this sub-chapter is devoted to explaining the mechan-
ule, but with a balloon payment due at the end of 6 years. ics of each measure and when it is most suitably applied.
The annual payments, AB, will be This introductory part is confined to the four most im-
portant measures of merit. These are the three primary meas-
AB= $35M(CR – 10.25% – 10) = $5.75M
ures shown in the middle column of the Table 6.V (net
At the end of 6 years the residual debt will equal the present value, yield, and average annual cost) plus required
present worth of the remaining 4 years of payments, each freight rate. The rest will be discussed later.
of $5.75 million Marine literature contains many cost studies based on
questionable logic. Perhaps the most common variety tries
PR = $5.75M(SPW – 10.25% – 4) = $18.15M
to minimize the unit cost of service. That is, someone looks
As an alternative to balloon payments, some lending for the alternative that minimizes the cost to the shipowner.
plans allow a period of years before the first payment falls This is technically called the fully distributed cost. It is
due. This leads to some extra risk to the lender, which will something like the required freight rate, but ignores corpo-
have to be balanced by an increase in the interest rate, or rate income taxes and applies a rock-bottom interest rate to
an addition to the total debt. total capital, perhaps as low as six percent. By ignoring
taxes and minimizing the time-value of money, this crite-
rion is almost always misleading. Remember, what really
6.6 MEASURES OF MERIT counts is minimizing the cost to the customer.

6.6.1 Perspective
Up to this point this chapter has been confined to the basic 6.6.3 Net Present Value (NPV)
principles of engineering economics. It has shown how to The net present value, commonly abbreviated NPV, is a good
assess the relative values of cash exchanges that occur at place to start. It is by far the most popular of all these eco-
different times, and how to analyze the impact of taxes and nomic measures of merit among U.S. business managers. It
interest payments on cash flows. Now comes the critical is also one of the easiest to understand and use. As indicated
question of how to apply all of the foregoing to decision- in the table, it requires an estimate of future revenues and it
making in ship, or other marine product, design. assigns an interest rate for discounting future, usually after-
The first thing to be stressed is that there is no universally tax, cash flows. The discount rate is usually taken as the min-
agreed upon technique for weighing the relative merits of al- imum rate of return acceptable to the decision-maker. As
ternative designs or strategies. Business managers, for exam- implied by its name, NPV is simply the present value of the
ple, may agree that the aim in designing a merchant ship should projected cash flow including the investments.
be to maximize its profitability as an investment. But they In the simple cash flow pattern, shown in Figure 6.21, A´
may fail to agree on how to measure profitability. Likewise, represents a uniform annual level of cash flows after tax and
government officials who are responsible for designing non-
commercial vessels, such as for military or service functions,
have a hard time agreeing on how to go about deciding be-
tween alternatives. The truth of the matter is that there are TABLE 6.V Three Major Categories of Measures of Merit
good arguments in favor of each of several economic meas-
ures of merit, and the designer should understand how to han- Required Assumptions
Primary Measure Surrogates or
dle each of them. That is what this section is all about. Revenue Interest Rate of Merit Derivatives


6.6.2 Menu of Measures of Merit
yes no Yield CR, CR´, PBP
Table 6.V identifies thirteen measures of merit, each based
no yes AAC LCC, CC, RFR, ECT
on sound economic principles. Each is of potential value in
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-21

P represents a single lump investment. Given that pattern, actual expected interest rate will be something higher than
the net present value is found by subtracting the investment the minimum rate used in the calculation. Instead of apply-
from the present worth of the future cash flows. In short ing that minimum acceptable rate, one could look at the ex-
pected cash flow pattern and derive the interest rate implied.
NPV = A´(SPW – i´ – N) – P
Take, for example, the projected cash flow analyzed just
With more complex cash flows, perhaps involving multi- above. There is some interest rate that will make the NPV
year investments, the NPV can be found using a year-by- equal to zero. When that is found it will be the yield, some-
year table. Consider, for example, a project that is expected times called the Internal Rate of Return. The mechanics of
to involve the investments and after-tax returns shown in the process are to start by selecting some arbitrary interest
Figure 6.22. Assume an interest rate of 9%. rate and using it to find the corresponding NPV. If the num-
The NPV of $21.30 derived in Table 6.VII(a), being pos- ber comes out positive, the assumed rate was too low, and
itive, would cause the proposed project to be looked upon another calculation is made, this time with a higher inter-
with favor. Of course it might not be accepted if some al- est rate. After about four repetitions the results can be plot-
ternative project promised an even higher value. Had the ted (NPV vs. interest rate), and the interest rate where the
NPV turned out to be negative, the project would be given NPV is zero can be determined. That will be the derived
little, if any, further thought. yield, and an excellent measure of merit. Today a spread-
Table 6.VII(b) shows what would happen to the NPV or sheet could be used to either iterate the results or to use the
if the minimum acceptable interest rate were to be raised. Goal Seek function.
Suppose one doubled it to 18%. Most preliminary ship design economic studies will prob-
As the NPV is negative, the project would be rejected. ably not be afflicted with complex cash flow patterns, but will
What has caused the change? The answer is that the higher rather consist at a single investment, at year zero, and uniform
interest rate has strengthened the time-value of money, thus annual after-tax returns. Take, for example, a ship with an ini-
reducing the apparent benefits of future incomes. tial cost of $30 million and uniform annual after-tax returns

6.6.4 Yield
TABLE 6.VII (a) Net Present Value Calculation
An important fact to understand about NPV is that it is found
by discounting future cash flows at the decision-maker’s Year Cash flow PW @ 9%
minimum acceptable interest rate. Because the predicted
value of an acceptable project must always be positive, the 1 ($50) ($45.87)
2 ($60) ($50.50)
3 $30 $23.17
4 $60 $42.51
5 $80 $51.99

0 Net present value $21.30


P TABLE 6.VII (b) Net Present Value Calculation

Figure 6.21
Year Cash flow PW @ 18%

1 ($50) ($42.37)
$60 $80
$30 2 ($60) ($43.09)
3 $30 $18.26
0 4 $60 $30.95
5 $80 $34.97
$50 $60
Net present value ($1.28)
Figure 6.22
6-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

of $4.5 million. The economic life is expected to be 20 years accept the promised $200 right then or the promise of $300
and the disposal value can be ignored. What is the projected in another year. Applying the NPV criterion, the benefit of
yield? The cash flow diagram is shown in Figure 6.23. accepting Proposal B instead of A would be:
From the three values of initial investment, uniform re-
NPV = (PW – 20% – 1)$300 – $200 = $250 – $200 = $50.
turns, and period of years, the interest rate can be derived,
which turns out to be about 13.9%. Otherwise, a plot on Those numbers lend quantitative evidence to what should
graph paper of capital recovery factors versus interest rates have been obvious: the second alternative is the more de-
with contours for various numbers of years can be used. sirable. However, suppose yield was used as the criterion.
Having derived the interest rate, or yield, of 13.9% by That would lead to these calculations. For Proposal A
whatever means, it should be checked to see if that it will
F / P = $200 / $100 = 2.00 and N = 1
lead to the projected annual returns
The corresponding yield = 100%.
A´ = P(CR´ – i´ – N)
For Proposal B
= $30M(CR´ – 13.9% – 20)
= $4.50 million. F / P = $300 / $100 = 3.00 and N = 2
Yield is a logical measure of merit. The popularity of the The corresponding yield can be found thus
concept is reflected in the many things it is called. Among these
(1 + i)2 = 3
are; Discounted cash flow rate of return, Internally generated
1 + i = 30.5
interest, Rate of return, Profitability index, Percentage return,
i = 73.2%
Investor’s method, and Equivalent return on investment.
Some advocates of NPV point to situations where yield This shows that the yield criterion would favor Proposal
may be misleading. A, which is clearly less desirable to anyone whose instinc-
One of its shortcomings may show up if one is faced with tive time-value of money amounts to 20% interest.
a cash flow pattern that shows a year-by-year mix of money Being a little more sophisticated it could be asked, Sup-
coming in or out. That being the case, it may turn out that pose a person were to accept Proposal A and at the end of
there is more than one interest rate that will bring the net the year reinvest it in an equally profitable way? That means
present value down to zero. In short, the analysis has pre- doubling it again, so the initial $100 would grow to $400
dicted more than one yield and no hint as to which to be- at the end of the second year. But, if reinvestment is as-
lieve. Fortunately, most ship economic studies involve simple sumed for A it must also be assumed for B. These rein-
cash flow patterns in which that dilemma does not arise. vestments might, in theory, go on forever. Now these
A more serious flaw is that yield is fundamentally a less imaginary investments can be compared on the basis of their
accurate measure of human satisfaction, which is what en- cumulative present worth’s. To find those values, divide
gineering economy is all about. Suppose a person’s instincts each average annual cost by the interest rate, namely 20%.
are such that they cannot decide between having $100 today Again, the initial investments being identical can be dropped.
or the firm promise of $120 a year from now. That estab- For A the cumulative present worth for $200 per year
lishes the individual’s private internal time value of money going on forever
as being equivalent to 20% annual interest. Now suppose
PW of A = AAC / i = $200 / 0.2 = $1000
someone offers the person two mutually exclusive oppor-
tunities to invest $100 today. Proposal A will return $200 a For B one would first need to convert $300 every other
year from now. Proposal B will return $300 two years from year to an equivalent annual amount by multiplying by the
now. Since the $100 investment is the same in both proposals sinking fund factor for 20 percent interest and two years.
it can be ignored. Then the person could look a year into Then divide that by the interest rate
the future and ask whether at that time it would be better to
PW of B = (SF – 20% – 2)$300 / 0.2 = $681.82
Now Proposal A looks better. From this one can conclude
A´ = $4.5 million
that yield may be superior to NPV if continuing reinvest-
ments at the same level of profitability can be assumed.
What does all this prove? One reasonable conclusion is
20 years
that each measure of merit is as worthy as the other. As
P = $30 million someone once observed, those who prefer NPV want to
Figure 6.23 make money so as to exist. Those who prefer yield exist to
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-23

make money. This reflects the different philosophies of the Consider another example: A survey ship is expected to
corporate executive and the entrepreneur. cost $17 million. Its operating costs will come to $2 million
in the first year, $3 million in the second and third years, and
$4 million in the fourth year. After that it is to be sold at an
6.6.5 Average Annual Cost (AAC) expected net resale value of $9 million (leading to a net in-
The next measure of merit is useful in designing ships that flow of $5 million in year four). An interest rate of 15% is
are not expected to generate income: naval vessels, Coast stipulated. The cash flow pattern is shown in Figure 6.25,
Guard vessels, and yachts immediately come to mind. Now together with a table showing year-by-year present values.
the cash flow pattern will feature only money flowing out. Notice in this case that any positive cash flow, such as that
When that is the case, a logical and popular measure of resulting from the resale, is treated as a negative cost.
merit is called average annual cost (AAC). The simplest Another approach is to develop a new effectivness metric
case would have a single initial investment (P) at time zero, such as days on patrol/ships inspected. Then a cost-effec-
and uniform annual operating expenses (Y) for N years tiveness ranking can be derived by dividing the effectiveness
thereafter, as shown in Figure 6.24. metric by the AAC or vice versa.
In the preceding example, the average annual cost would
be found by converting the initial investment, P, to an equiv-
alent uniform annual amount, which would be added to the 6.6.6 Required Freight Rate (RFR)
annual operating costs, Y Suppose two competitive designs promise the same average
annual cost, but vessel B promises to be more productive than
AAC = P(CR – i – N) + Y
vessel A. Clearly that should tip the scales in B’s favor. This
The interest rate should be some logical measure of the difference is quantified by relating the AAC to productivity.
decision maker’s time-value of money. In the case of a gov- In the case of cargo ships this is done by dividing the aver-
ernment-owned ship it might reflect the current rate of in- age annual cost by the tons of cargo that could be carried
terest paid on government bonds. each year on some particular trade route. This gives us the
Whereas in using NPV or yield, one seeks the alterna- required freight rate (RFR). The same concept could be ap-
tive promising highest values, in using AAC, the lowest val- plied to other measures of productivity such as automobiles
ues are desired. per year for a ferry, tons of fish per year for a trawler, pas-
Average annual cost also may be applied to commercial sengers per year for a passenger ship, and so forth.
ship designs where all alternatives would happen to have
equal incomes.
For example, find the average annual cost for a proposed
oceanographic research vessel that is projected to cost $12 $5M
million to buy and $3 million per year to operate. The ex-
pected life is 25 years and an interest rate of 12% will apply.
1 2 3
Using the equation developed above, we have 0
AAC = $12M(CR – 12% – 25) + $3M $2M $3M $3M
= $1.53M + $3M = $4.53 million
$17 million
For more complex cash flows, simply discount everything
back to year zero, (including the initial investment), then Year Cash flow PW @ 15%
multiply the total figure by the capital recovery factor. That
will produce the average annual cost. 0 $17M $17.00M
1 $2M $1.74M
2 $3M $2.27M
N 3 $3M $1.97M
4 ($5M) ($2.86M)
Y Total present worth $20.12M
P AAC = $20.12M(CR – 15% – 4) = $7.05 million (rounded)
Figure 6.24 Figure 6.25
6-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Assuming a single invested amount (P) at year zero, uni- first cost is $40 million. Its economic life is set at 20 years.
form annual operating costs (Y), and annual tons of cargo The tax rate is 45%. The annual operating costs are esti-
(C), the equation for required freight rate becomes mated at $2.5 million. The owner stipulates a yield of 12%.
What is this ship’s required freight rate?
RFR = AAC / C = [P(CR – i – N) + Y] / C
Start by finding the after-tax capital recovery factor based
Choosing an interest rate here is tricky. Assuming free on 12% interest and 20-year life
market forces at play and all competitors facing equal costs,
CR´ = (CR – 12% – 20) = 0.1339
the interest rate should be just high enough to bring a bal-
ance between demand for transport service on the trade This leads to
route in question and the supply of ships capable of pro-
CR = (CR´ – t / N) / (1 – t)
viding that service. Higher rates would attract too many
= (0.1339 – 0.45 / 20) / (1 – 0.45)
ships; lower rates would drive ships to other services. Adam
= 0.2025
Smith called this the natural rate. It is closely akin to what
economists today call the shadow rate. and finally,
What is the significance of RFR? It is the rate the
RFR = [P(CR) + Y] / C
shipowner must charge the customer if the shipowner is to
= ($40M(0.2025) + $2.5M) / $3.5M
earn a reasonable return on the investment. The theory is
= $3.03 per ton.
that the owner who can enter a given trade route with a ship
offering the lowest RFR will best be able to compete. Having found the required freight rate, the problem can
A key step in finding RFR is to convert the initial in- be reversed by starting with the RFR and deriving the at-
vestment to an equivalent uniform annual negative cash tainable yield. Here is how an accountant would handle the
flow before tax. These annual amounts must be large enough job:
to pay the income tax, and return the original investment
Annual revenue = $3.03x3.5M tons $10.605M
to the owner at the specified level of interest. In short, a
Annual operating costs $2.500M
suitable value for the capital recovery factor before tax
Annual cash flow before tax $8.105M
must be found. To do this, use the basic relationship be-
Depreciation: $40M / 20 $2.000M
tween cash flows before and after tax explained in Sub-
Annual tax base $6.105M
section 6.4.5
Tax @ 45% $2.747M
A´ = A(1 – t) + tP / N Annual cash flow after tax $5.358M
After-tax capital recovery factor 0.1339
To make this non-dimensional, divide through by the
Corresponding after-tax yield 12%
initial investment, P
which agrees with the initial specification.
A´ / P = A(1 – t) / P + t / N
This bears out the soundness of the way shown above
But for converting from an after-tax yield to a before-tax level
of income.
A´ / P = CR´, and A / P = CR
Remember that the after-tax cash flow is found by sub-
which leads to tracting the tax from the before-tax cash flow as shown in
the preceding table.
CR´ = CR(1 – t) + t / N
Then, solving for CR
6.6.7 Net Present Value Index (NPVI)
CR = (CR´ – t / N) / (1 – t)
Despite its popularity, net present value (NPV) can lead to
This, then, is a simple way of converting an after-tax in- faulty decisions unless used with care. One weakness arises
terest rate to a before-tax capital recovery factor. It assumes from it being dimensionally-dependent. As a result, it will
an all-equity investment and a tax depreciation period equal always tend to favor large proposals even though smaller,
to the ship’s economic life. More complex relationships are more numerous proposals might well lead to greater cu-
discussed later on. mulative NPVs, assuming that the supply of investment dol-
To clarify this consider the following example: lars is limited. To correct that weakness, simply divide each
Assume a proposed ship that can move 3.5 million tons proposal’s NPV by the investment: NPV / P. This may be
of cargo over a given trade route each year. Its estimated called the net present value index, abbreviated NPVI.
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-25

6.6.8 Average Annual Benefit (AAB) 6.6.10 Capital Recovery Factor After Tax
A second weakness of NPV is that it makes unfair com- As pointed out in Subsection 6.6.4, in most preliminary de-
parisons between long and short-term investments. Con- sign studies it is usual to assume the simplest possible cash
sider a new ship with a projected life of 20 years that is in flow pattern: a single investment made on the day of deliv-
competition with a secondhand ship with a projected life ery, and uniform annual after-tax returns. Such a pattern
of, say, 10 years. If the new ship’s NPV is estimated to be hinges on several other assumptions:
$20 million, and the second-hand ship’s $15 million, what
• the tax depreciation period equals the economic life of
does that prove? The comparison is obviously unfair be-
the ship.
cause the secondhand ship, after 10 years could presumably
• taxes are based on straight-line depreciation.
be replaced with another old ship and that would add to the
• the ship’s net disposal value will be zero.
NPV of the second-hand ship option. The standard approach
• there are no bank loans or bonded debt. That is, an all-
to such comparisons is to develop the NPV for a succession
equity investment.
of identical units. In this case we should add to the first
• no working capital is required. For example, temporary
ship’s $15 million NPV the present worth of a like amount
cash paid out, but to be recovered later – like a key de-
10 years in the future.
The approach outlined here is easy enough when the
• no fancy tax-softening schemes, such as, tax credit or
competing lives have some neat common multiple. But sup-
tax deferral are used.
pose the secondhand ship has a projected life of, say, 8
• revenues and operating costs will both remain uniform
years? That being the case, a valid comparison can be made
throughout the economic life, after adjustment for in-
by converting each projected NPV to a uniform annual in-
come stream of equivalent value. To do this, simply multi-
• there are no major components, for example, cargo con-
ply the present amount by the capital recovery factor (CR)
tainers, with an economic life that differs from that of
appropriate to the unit’s expected life and the interest rate
the ship.
used in finding NPV. This uniform amount is called the
average annual benefit (AAB). Note it’s exact parallel to Admittedly these are exceedingly bold assumptions. Yet,
average annual cost, AAC. Moreover, like AAC, it auto- in the majority of ship economic studies they are reason-
matically corrects for differing life expectancies, because ably safe because the errors induced tend to be the same for
each succeeding unit must be assumed to have the same av- all alternatives. Remember, in choosing between alterna-
erage annual cost on into infinity. tives, it’s the differences that count. As mentioned before,
some shipowners and/or their accountants will want to em-
bellish the naval architect’s estimates with all manner of
6.6.9 Average Annual Benefit Index (AABI)
elaborate complications. Under those circumstances, the
The NPV’s two weaknesses can be overcome simultane- naval architect is well advised to seek a compromise. How-
ously by dividing the average annual benefit (AAB) by the ever, the analysis should start out with the simplifying as-
investment to give the average annual benefit per dollar in- sumptions that lead to the neat cash flow pattern shown in
vestment. This is called the average annual benefit index Subsection 6.6.4.
(AABI). Given that simple pattern, the yield can be found, as pre-
These three variations on NPV are such obvious com- viously explained, by first finding the capital recovery fac-
mon sense corrections that they are commonly used with- tor after tax
out attaching names to them.
When comparing two alternatives where initial in- CR´ = A´ / P
vestments are unequal, some analysts consider what use
would be made of the savings if the less expensive option and then, finding the interest rate corresponding to that cap-
were chosen. Similarly, if lives differ, they would project ital recovery factor and the assumed years of life. That rate
the cash flow arising from the replacement of the shorter- (i´) would be the investment’s yield.
lived option. This kind of approach allows reliance on A cursory look at interest tables will show that the al-
NPV without the corrections involved in NPVI, AAB, or ternative design promising the highest capital recovery fac-
AABI. Although reasonable when comparing limited tor after tax will automatically promise the highest yield.
numbers of alternatives, such approaches would be ill fit- In short, CR´ is a valid surrogate for yield (if all the above
ted in preliminary design studies involving large num- simplifying assumptions are accepted) and is just a little
bers of choices. easier to find.
6-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

6.6.11 Pay-back Period (PBP) If all alternatives have equal lives (N), and since the tax
Another related measure of merit is the payback period rate (t) would be the same for all, it becomes clear that the
(PBP), which answers the entrepreneur’s invariable ques- alternative promising highest capital recovery before tax
tion: how soon is the investment repaid? Assuming uniform would also promise the highest capital recovery factor after
annual returns, the answer is easily supplied tax. Further, then, it can be concluded that capital recovery
factor before tax is a valid surrogate for yield, as long as all
PBP = P / A´ those standard simplifying assumptions hold true. In short,
This is the reciprocal of CR´ and so incorporates all that the simple ratio of before-tax returns to first cost can serve
criterion’s strengths and weaknesses. Its main problem is as a reliable measure of merit
that it has often been misused (ignoring comparative cash CR = A / P
flows that may occur after the pay-back period) and has ac-
quired an unsavory reputation. It does not provide any more
guidance than CR´ or yield. 6.6.14 Economic Cost of Transport
If the ships under study are to carry a high-value cargo, then
the required freight rate (RFR) could be adjusted in recog-
6.6.12 Life Cycle Cost (LCC) nition of the inventory value of the goods in transit. If this
In non-income producing projects, some analysts use a cri- is done, the faster ships will receive deserved credit for re-
terion consisting of the initial cost plus the cumulative value ducing the time the merchant’s investment is tied up. This
of the discounted future costs. This is usually called life adjusted freight rate is called the economic cost of trans-
cycle costs (LCC). With uniform operating costs port (ECT). Its value can be derived from this expression
LCC = P + Y(SPW – i – N) ECT = RFR + [ivd / (1 – t) 365]
Whereas average annual cost (AAC) totals all present
and discounted future costs and then spreads them out into 6.6.15 Capitalized Cost
a uniform annual stream of equivalent value, LCC simply
This is a measure of merit that is seldom used in maritime
brings everything back to the present. If all the alternatives
studies, but was once popular in civil engineering circles
have equal lives, then LCC and AAC will lead to the same
and is sometimes mentioned in the literature. It assumes
conclusion as to which alternative is best. If lives differ,
that each alternative, as it is retired, will be replaced by an
however, LCC will be unreliable. Life cycle cost is inferior
exactly identical unit, and that all costs (both capital and
to average annual cost in range of applicability, which sug-
operating) will remain forever the same. Called capital-
gests that it not be used.
ized cost, it is simply the present value of the perpetual se-
Some people have trouble telling the difference between
ries of cash flows stretching into infinity. One might think
NPV and LCC. There are two important differences. NPV
that an infinite stream of money might add up to an infi-
applies to cases where incomes can be predicted. LCC ap-
nite amount. And so it would were it not for the time-value
plies to cases where either there is no income, or all alter-
of money and those discount factors one must apply to the
natives have equal incomes. NPV discounts future amounts
future amounts.
based on a minimum acceptable interest rate. LCC use a
With a little analytical thought one can conclude, cor-
somewhat higher, target rate.
rectly, that the capitalized cost of an infinite stream is sim-
ply the average annual cost of the first unit divided by the
6.6.13 Capital Recovery Factor Before Tax as a interest rate used in finding that AAC.
Measure of Merit
Subsection 6.6.1 shows that under a set of commonly as- 6.6.16 Yield and NPVI: A Special Relationship
sumed circumstances the capital recovery factor after tax
Most preliminary design studies apply the standard sim-
(CR´) could serve as a reliable surrogate for yield. One of
plifying assumptions that lead to simple cash flow patterns
those common assumptions was that the tax would be based
like that shown in Figure 6.26.
on straight-line depreciation with tax life equal to the eco-
Given that the above pattern applies to all alternatives,
nomic life. Given that, the capital recovery factors before
then the best chosen on the basis of yield will also be the
and after tax would be related as follows
best chosen on the basis of net present value index. This is
CR´ = CR(1 – t) + t / N explained by the following analysis.
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-27

A' should take a long-term view and not try to save money by
neglecting maintenance and repairs.
Figure 6.26
6.7.1 Perspective
Having assimilated the principles of engineering econom-
By definition, the NPVI equals the net present value di- ics, the naval architect/designer must next develop rational
vided by the investment methods for applying them to real-life. While there are few
NPVI = NPV / P immutable, all-purpose rules that can be laid out (1–7), an
effort should be made to develop a feeling for constructing
but engineering economic comparisons that will lead to wise
NPV = (SPW – i´ – N)A´ – P decisions in choosing between design alternatives. How-
ever, there is no substitute for learning to think for oneself
so and the intent here, is simply to provide a starting point.
NPVI = [(SPW – i´ – N)A´ / P] – 1 In working through the innumerable steps involved in
economic analyses it may become all too easy to be so over-
but whelmed by details that the central aim of the study is for-
A´ / P = CR´ gotten. As already stated, naval architects may find that they
are dealing with accountants who require more complex in-
therefore vestigation (1). They may also appear to want unreasonable
NPVI = (SPW – i´ – N)CR´ – 1 accuracy for the profitability of each alternative. In con-
trast, the naval architect/designer wants principally to rank
Since the interest rate (i´) and years of life (N) should be the alternatives, that is, to show which ones promise to be
the same for all alternatives, it follows that the series pres- most profitable. In most cases relatively simple approaches
ent worth factor (SPW) should also be the same. Thus the will suit such needs. Accounting elaborations will tend to
best alternative will hinge on which one has the highest after- confuse the situation and needlessly burden the analysis. The
tax capital recovery factor (CR´), which will automatically logical compromise is to use simple, qualitative methods to
be the one producing the highest yield. This shows that NPVI narrow the field of contenders, and then satisfy the ac-
and yield will lead to the same design decision. This ex- countants by applying their quantitative methods only to
plains a nice peculiarity of NPVI: it shows the same point the more promising candidates.
of optimality regardless of the discount rate assigned. Most of what follows stresses the design of merchant
As pointed out in Subsection, SPW and CR are ships. Much of what is said, however, can be modified to
reciprocals. This might lead one to look at that last equation apply to all manner of engineering concepts.
and conclude that NPVI should equal one minus one, or
zero. This is not the case, however, because as here defined,
CR´ is derived (from estimated values of A´ and P), while 6.7.2 Know the Goal
SPW is based on an assigned interest rate, which would usu- The aim in all this is to sell to some prospective shipowner
ally be something less than that corresponding to CR´. some strategy, say a ship design, for maximizing the prof-
itability of his or her investment. Right from the start, learn
the owner’s preferred measure of merit and be ready to deal
6.6.17 Ships in Service in those terms.
If financed on credit, as is most common for commercial Along with learning the preferred measure of merit, the
ship loan repayments, the interest may exert a large influ- shipowner’s functional needs must be determined and under
ence on ship operations in the early years of a ship’s life. what constraints the project must operate, as described in
However, once a ship has been paid for, the first cost (P) is detail in Chapters 4 and 7. There are other details to be
no longer a variable and should therefore be ignored in mak- learned from the owner: tax rate, depreciation plan, inter-
ing decisions about its operation. Maximizing profitability est rates, perhaps charter rates, and so forth. If any of those
now hinges simply on maximizing the annual difference figures are confidential, the shipowner should still be will-
between income and operating costs. In doing this, one ing to bracket them in upper and lower values.
6-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The shipowner should be explicit as to the form in which ature includes many published studies where this common
the cargo is to be moved, bulk, break-bulk, on pallets, in sense rule is ignored.
containers, etc. The details of the pertinent port facilities also In optimizing the design of a merchant ship, the logical
must be obtained. If these do not yet exist, the definition of procedure will hinge first of all on whether the size is to be
the system should be expanded to include the design and limited by external constraints (allowable draft or limits on
operation of the terminals as well as the ships. This leads overall dimensions) or by the availability of cargo, passen-
to the next sub-section. gers, or whatever the ship is to transport.
Consider first the case where cargo comes in virtually un-
limited supply. Examples include most bulk commodities such
6.7.3 Define the System as crude oil, iron ore, and grain. In ships for such cargoes the
To reach proper decisions logical boundaries of the system cardinal rule is the bigger the better. There are all manner of
must be set. They should be chosen so that design decisions economic benefits in making them as big as external con-
would have little if any effect on the rest of the enterprise straints will reasonably allow. It is wrong to start with an ar-
(or the outside world, for that matter). For examples return bitrarily established deadweight or cargo capacity. Those
to and review the iron ore transport problem outlined in characteristics should drop out at the end and not affect think-
Sub-section 6.2.3. ing along the line. In most bulk trades the same is true of sea
speed. Frequently the only important external constraint will
be the allowable draft. That being the case, maximum values
6.7.4 Be Prepared of length, beam and depth will be determined by reasonable-
For a successful career in design it is necessary to contin- ness of proportions. However, certain ports and transit of canals
ually strive to collect data on weights, building costs, oper- can set length and beam constraints. Chapter 11 describes
ating costs, and income potential. Naval architects/designers how the design of the ship can then be undertaken.
must also learn how to use such data to predict the prof- The economics of each combination will need to be pre-
itability potential of competing design alternatives. How to dicted. Keep in mind that most liner operators like to offer
use such data is the purpose of this section. easily remembered sailings, such as every Friday or every
other Friday, from a given port.
This brings up the matter of the economics of speed in
6.7.5 Selecting the Structure the liner trades. Today Freight Agreements are most com-
By way of preface to this topic, it appears that, in general, mon, which set the freight rate. Some liner operators still
the more important the decision; the less applicable are so- belong to ocean conferences (cartels) that set freight rates,
phisticated analyses. This does not mean that rational de- and these are fixed regardless of quality of service. Com-
cision-making methods should be ignored. Rather it only petition comes, then, in trying to offer the best service, in-
points to the logic of selecting an appropriate degree of so- cluding speed of delivery. Thus, high speed, although
phistication. fundamentally uneconomic, may be highly profitable. There
There are situations in which only two alternatives need is little the naval architect can do to make an issue of opti-
be considered. An example would be technical feasibility mum speed under such conditions. The shipowner will have
studies such as coal versus oil for ship propulsion. Here fea- the desired speed as one of the requirements.
sibility may be established by comparing one well thought-
out challenger (coal) against one equally well thought-out
defender (oil). In doing this, select an operating environ- 6.7.6 Selecting an Interest Rate
ment that favors the challenger. Then, if the challenger fails Some of the valid measures of merit require an assumption
to measure up to the defender the decision maker is prob- as to interest rates. In real life some business manager may
ably safe in deciding against the challenger. If the chal- dictate what that figure should be. On the other hand, a naval
lenger looks good under those favorable circumstances, then architect may have to select the rate. So, the question arises;
one can seek to expand the operating environment in which what is a reasonable rate? Under U.S. economic conditions,
it offers promise. a ship operating company that wants to attract equity capital
In more thorough feasibility studies the naval architect through the sale of stocks, or borrow money from a bank at
should seek to optimize both challenger and defender (by minimum commercial rates, probably will aim for a mini-
considering many alternatives in each) and then let each mum yield on total capital of ten to fifteen percent in constant-
camp be championed by its own best contender. If this seems value terms, although the current international shipping
too obvious to be worth saying, note that the marine liter- economics does not support such high levels. Captive fleets
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-29

with secure sources of income might favor the lower figure; incremental investment. There are settings where this ap-
common carriers might favor the higher. proach is satisfactory; there are others where it is not. Its
Even the federal government should recognize the time- fundamental weakness shows up perhaps most clearly when
value of money. The exact figure is hard to pin down. Some NPV is the criterion. If one keeps increasing the first cost,
experts base it on the interest paid on government bonds, the NPV of the differences will be large at first and will di-
which is remarkably low when corrected for inflation. minish as one advances up the scale. When at last it shrinks
If net present value is the criterion of choice, the analyst to zero, and that point on the design scale is selected, it will
will want to select a minimum acceptable interest rate. Busi- in effect settle on a design that promises minimum accept-
ness managers usually base this on the average cost of cap- able profitability. But that is not what NPV is all about.
ital. If they raise half of their capital through selling stock NPV aims to find the alternative that will exceed the mini-
(on which they hope to pay dividends of twelve percent) mum acceptable level of profitability by the greatest mar-
and half through bank loans (on which they pay eight per- gin. What this means is that the incremental approach will
cent interest) they might take the weighted average of those almost always lead to overdesign.
figures and thus discount future amounts at ten percent.
They might also add 1/2 to 1% for margin.
Do not go overboard on trying to lower overall interest 6.7.8 Planning Horizons
rates through extensive borrowing. The fact is that the more Naval architects may need to analyze the economics of com-
one borrows from a bank, the greater is the risk being placed plex systems that incorporate a variety of facilities, each
on both the bank and the equity holders. Both, then, have with a different economic life. An example is a container
the right to insist on higher rates of return. The net effect is transport system involving terminals and their cranes as
that overall rates should remain about the same regardless well as ships and containers. Life expectancies may vary
of source of capital. from 10 years for the containers to 20 for the ships to 25
Keep in mind that that these considerations are all in for the cranes to 50 for the buildings to infinity for the real
terms of constant-value dollars. It can be considered, in ef- estate. To find the complete system’s NPV, for example,
fect, that inflation or deflation will not occur. As long as the how far into the future should one look? Most economists
shipowner is free to change freight rates to reflect chang- will simply select an arbitrary cut-off date at some inter-
ing costs, that is a reasonably safe assumption. mediate time, perhaps 20 or 25 years. If the analyst is trou-
bled by the thought of dropping the curtain 25 years from
now on a replacement ship that will then be only 5 years
6.7.7 Analyzing Differences old, the ship’s potential resale value could be introduced as
Suppose it is required to choose between two alternatives a positive cash flow at that time. Remember that those fu-
both of which have equal annual incomes, (including the ture cash flows are going to be severely discounted, so gross
possibility that both are zero), and the alternative with the oversights need be of little concern.
higher first cost will have lower operating costs. The ques-
tion then arises: if the one with higher first cost is chosen,
will that higher cost (∆P) be more than offset by the future 6.7.9 Residual Values
savings in operating costs (∆Y)? If taxes are involved, the At any point during the life of a ship it has a residual or dis-
annual saving in operating cost will be reduced by the posal value. For example, how much hull and machinery
amount of the tax, but tempered by the increased depreci- insurance should be applied to an old ship? Enough to buy
ation allowance. The net gain in annual cash flow after tax an equivalent new ship? The original cost of the old ship?
(∆A´) will then be Neither of those. The insurance should be high enough to
cover the present worth of the projected after-tax cash flows
∆A´ = ∆Y(1 – t) + t ∆P / N
over the presumed remaining years of life. That is all that
Some economists apply the same concept to multiple- is needed to protect the investment.
choice situations, such as optimization studies. To do this, The same kind of thinking should be applied to negoti-
they rank the alternatives in order of ascending first costs. ating the sale price of an existing ship.
They typically use NPV to analyze the benefit of going from
first to second alternative. If that meets their standard of
profitability, they go on and look at the benefit of going 6.7.10 Replacement Analysis
from the second step to the third, and so forth until the in- When should a shipowner replace a capital asset? Shipown-
cremental cash flow is no longer great enough to justify the ers should ask that question from the moment the con-
6-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

struction contract is signed. During anticipated increases in A´

demand, some speculators sign contracts with every intent
of selling them to a less far-seeing owner before the ship is
even built. As the ship enters service the owner should at 0 1
least once a year ask the question, should the ship be sold
today or should a year go by before repeating the question? Po Z
If the owner decides to keep the ship, the owner will be
Figure 6.27
foregoing the immediate net (after-tax, etc.) income, a lost
opportunity cost, abbreviated Po. That may be justified by
the expectation of receiving a net after-tax income a year off cash flow will no longer be enough to offset the advan-
from now. That year-off income will be made up of three tage of immediate sale.
components: There are other approaches. In one of them the analyst
predicts future cash flows and tries to find the total years of
1. the after-tax cash flow from one more year of operation: A´,
operation that will maximize the average annual benefit.
2. the net income from selling the ship a year from now:
Another uses dynamic programming to analyze possible
L1, and
cash flows in a massive decision tree with a time base stretch-
3. the hidden after-tax costs of inferiority: Z
ing over many decades.
Inferiority has four components: In real practice the exact time that a ship will be disposed
of is influenced by anticipated major repair costs, such as
1. deteriorated condition of the existing ship leading to:
at the second or third five-year special survey.
lessened income and increased operating costs,
2. lost opportunity costs of not owning the better ship avail-
able today, 6.7.12 Uncertainty
3. increased income potential, and
Economic studies are built on a foundation of estimates of
4. reduced operating costs
future costs, incomes, and operating conditions. Nearly
The shipowner could visualize the cash flow pattern as every element of the analysis may prove wrong in actual
shown in Figure 6.27. fact. This leads to the conclusion that any complete economic
Now the shipowner is ready to decide whether keep- projection should consider the impact of various alternative
ing the ship for another year is worth doing. The measure assumptions about future conditions. The concepts of risk
of merit will be NPV. If it comes out positive, that would and probability are used to take the uncertainty into account
encourage keeping the ship for at least another year; oth- and to provide better information on which the decisions
erwise it should probably be sold. The general equation can be made. Standard texts on business management may
will be be consulted for details.
If an economic study considers large numbers of alter-
NPV = (PW – i´ – 1)(A´ + L1 – Z) – P0
natives, the analysis would normally start out using only sin-
Several other analytical techniques have been proposed gle most likely values of each parameter (this is called the
by others, but the one outlined above is the simplest and, deterministic approach). The more elaborate procedures
quite possibly, most satisfactory. Needless to say, it involves mentioned above would be applied only to the final few
a lot of educated guesswork about the future, but that is a contenders. This is simply a matter of keeping the compu-
feature of nearly every element of engineering economics. tational load within reason.
Spreadsheets can be used, which allow the user to specify
a statistical function for any value, such as freight rate. Re-
6.7.11 Predicting Economic Life sults will then be presented as a range of metrics, say NPVs.
The preceding sub-section talks about deciding on a year-
by-year basis when to retire an existing ship. But, in de-
signing a ship, every economic criterion requires an estimate 6.7.13 The Benign Influence of Flat Laxity
of how long the ship should last. That is a more difficult The term flat laxity refers to the characteristic shape of typ-
task, but, fortunately, a less critical one. One method tries ical ship optimization curves. These show that one may se-
to look ahead to the changing patterns of the various com- lect a design characteristic that is several percent above or
ponents entering into the replacement analysis explained below the theoretical point of optimality with only negligi-
above. It then tries to predict at what future time the year- ble loss in economic efficiency. This leads to the conclu-
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-31

sion that intangible factors may be allowed to push the de- categories: functional capability such as deadweight and
sign well away from the indicated optimum without great speed, or technical characteristics such as major dimensions
loss in economic benefit. One can also conclude that advo- and power. The second family of techniques is usually bet-
cates of different measures of merit should be able to agree ter suited to design purposes and it is on them that most of
on compromise decisions. The exception to this comes in this discussion will be concentrated. But, to start, a brief look
cases where abrupt discontinuities are involved, such as a at the first group is appropriate.
switch from single screw to twin screw propulsion, or in fea-
sibility studies involving differing technologies.
6.8.4 Functional Capability as a Costing Basis
Among shipowners, a popular estimating rule of thumb is
to talk about shipbuilding costs in terms of so many dollars
per ton of deadweight. This answers two questions of para-
6.8.1 Perspective mount importance to the prospective owner of a merchant
Engineering economic studies almost always involve an es- ship: how much can it carry and how much will it cost? The
timate of invested costs. Indeed, the first cost of a project estimating technique may take a form such as
is usually the single largest, hence most important, factor P = C1(DWT)B
entering into the study. Although shipbuilding costs may be
estimated for several different reasons, this chapter will con- where C1 is a coefficient, B is an exponent typically about
centrate on only one, which is to help make rational deci- 0.7 to 0.8, and both are derived from known data on simi-
sions in preliminary design. For detailed discussion on Cost lar ships.
Estimating see Chapter 10. Needless to say, such methods will be highly unreliable
First, an important disclaimer: this section is not a cook- unless confined to ships closely akin to those that served as
book that can be used to predict costs. It is, rather, an ex- sources of data. They lack the versatility needed for most
planation of how one can structure a procedure for estimating preliminary design studies.
the costs of alternative design concepts. Naval architects will
need to complement what is explained here with appropri-
6.8.5 Technical Characteristics as a Costing Basis
ate real-life data collected from many various sources. A few
useful publications are given in the references (6,7), but even Perhaps the simplest technical characteristic to use as a basis
the best of them go quickly out of date (8–10). for estimating cost is the light ship weight (WE). That, after
all, is the single most basic measure of what the owner buys.
Aeronautical engineers have concluded that the cost of al-
6.8.2 What is Important? most any kind of vehicle could be approximated by means
In preliminary ship design naval architects normally want of the simple expression
to predict the economics of large numbers of alternative de-
P = C(WE)0.87
signs (see reference 1). This means that the estimating meth-
ods should be relatively simple. Also the data on which they Again, such a simple approach has its limitations, but
are based should be easily collected. The alternatives under can be useful in situations where returned costs are rare, such
consideration usually exist only as imaginary concepts about as in newly developing kinds of vehicles.
which few details have been established. This, too, suggests As discussed in Chapter 10, when shipyard cost esti-
that the techniques must be relatively simple. Moreover, ex- mators prepare a bid for a proposed ship, they, too, look at
cept in rare cases, it is not necessary to worry about exact unit costs based on technical characteristics. But now, rather
costs; relative costs are what matter. This suggests that the than basing their work on a single characteristic, they look
estimating methods should strive to emphasize differences at one part of the ship at a time and try to predict both ma-
in costs between the various alternatives. Absolutely accu- terial and labor costs for building each part. Typically, they
rate costs are seldom necessary and are difficult to predict. may make individual estimates for about 200 physical com-
ponents of the finished ship. Most of their unit costs are
based on weights, which can be fairly accurately predicted
6.8.3 Two Common Bases during the bidding phase. In preliminary design work, how-
Most cost estimating techniques boil down to questions of ever, not enough is known about the ship to go into such
costs related to some understandable characteristic of the detail. Some simplification is needed. Some examples are
subject under study. These characteristics fall into two major given below.
6-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

In the early design stages, before any drawings have been TABLE 6.VIII Simple Cost Estimate
prepared, the alternative designs are in the form of concepts
about which nothing is known beyond perhaps the princi- Ship Labor
pal dimensions and power. The ship can be broken down component Material man-hours
into two parts: hull and machinery. Hull costs can be based Structural hull $375Ws 80(Ws )0.90
on the cubic number (CN) and machinery costs on power = $375 × 3900 = 80(3900)0.90
(usually BHP). This might lead to this expression for first = $1.46M = 136 000
cost (P) Outfitting and $3500WO 95WO
hull engineering $3500 × 1800 = 95 × 1800
P = C1(CN)E + C2(BHP)F = $6.30M = 171 000
where Machinery $6000(BHP)0.7 + $3M 200(BHP)0.7
= $6000(12 800)0.7 + $3M = 200(12 800)0.7
CN = L × B × D / 100 = $7.50M = 150 000
TOTAL $15.26 M 457 000
C1 and C2 are coefficients, and E and F are an exponents,
all of which are derived from previous similar ships.
Again, such simple methods become wildly inaccurate Ws = weight of structural steel (net) = 3900 tonnes.
unless narrowly confined. Confidence can be increased if WO = weight of outfitting and hull engineering = 1800 tonnes.
one applies techniques that are considerably more accurate BHP = maximum continuous rating brake horsepower = 12 800.
and yet require no more knowledge about the alternative Hourly labor rate = $10; overhead cost = 85% of labor cost.
ships than what is implied above: main dimensions, power, M = million.
and perhaps block coefficient. To do this the naval archi-
tect could break the ship down into three major parts,
namely: structural hull, outfitting plus hull engineering,
and machinery. In addition expenses can be divided be- TABLE 6.IX Summary of Costs
tween material, labor, and overhead. Labor rate should in-
clude allowances for benefits and other indirect costs.
Normally, material and labor costs for each of the three
Material $15.26
major components are estimated, to which overhead is ap-
plied as a single, overall cost. Labor at $10/hr $4.57
The first step is to estimate the structural hull compo- Overhead at 85% $3.88
nent weights based on the cubic number. Cubic number is SUB TOTAL $23.71
also used to predict material and labor costs for hull and
outfit including hull engineering. Machinery material and Profit at 10% (arbitrary) $2.37
labor costs may be based directly on BHP. Appended costs 1
Tables 6.VIII and 6.IX, taken from reference 3, is a typ-
ical example of a cost estimate based on the sort of tech- Shipyard bill $26.58 (say $26.6 M)
nique described just above.
Its degree of elaboration is sufficient to give reasonably 1. Appended costs include classification society fees and similar costs
accurate estimates, and yet simple enough to allow one to that the shipyard normally passes on to the owner without mark-up
analyze hundreds of alternative designs (assuming access for profit. They also include tug and drydock charges based upon
to computer). standard rates that already include profit. The figure used here is ar-
bitrary and might well be omitted in preliminary design studies.

6.8.6 Estimating Overhead

What is meant by overhead? This division comprises all
costs necessary to running the shipyard, but which cannot Something else to note is that what is usually called ma-
be associated with any particular ship under construction. terial costs should more accurately be called costs for out-
Examples include salaries for administration staff and man- side goods and services. Many shipyards, for example, use
agers, cost estimators, and watchmen. Bills for electricity, subcontractors to do the joiner work or the deck covering.
real estate taxes, income taxes, and depreciation also are in- Consulting service bills would come in this category, too.
cluded. Naval architects will seldom be called upon to delve into
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-33

detailed estimates of overhead costs to be assigned to a ship repetitive work. There are also savings in material costs be-
being bid. They should, nevertheless, have some under- cause suppliers, too, may experience savings.
standing of the difficulties involved. To begin with, there The overall effect of labor learning usually results in cu-
are two basic kinds of overhead, those that remain much mulative average costs that decrease in a log-linear fashion.
the same regardless of how busy the yard may be: fixed These are costs for each of so many units, not the cost of
overhead, and those that vary with the level of activity within each additional unit. The general equation for the cumula-

the yard: variable overhead. tive average cost (abbreviated Y ) is then
This leads to the conclusion that overhead costs taken –
Y = a / NX
as a percentage of labor costs (which is the usual estimat-
ing technique) will require a prediction of what other work where
may be under way in the yard while the proposed ship is
a = cost of the first unit
being built. Clearly, these estimates are outside the naval
N = number of identical units
architect’s knowledge, but are the management’s responsi-
X = an exponent which will vary with the complexity of
bility. It is enough to know that overhead costs, as a frac-
the ship and workers’ experience.
tion of labor cost will drop if the yard is in a period of
prosperity, with several contracts on hand. A good many years ago it was concluded that a value of
about 0.10 was appropriate for cargo ships built in Ameri-
can shipyards.
6.8.7 Shipowner’s Costs It is worth noting that with log-linear savings, the rela-
The total invested cost of a ship is more than the shipyard tive drop in cost remains the same every time the quantity
bill (see Chapter 7 – Mission and Owner’s Requirements). is doubled. For example, if each of two ships costs 95% of
The shipowner has some appreciable costs of his own that the cost of one ship (first ship 100% and the second 90%),
would never arise had the ship not been built. Peter Swift then the cost for each of four ships would be 95% of the
(8) cited these figures for a large merchant ship built in cost for each of two.
Spare parts $600 000
Owner-furnished materials $250 000
Plan approval $1 000 000 6.9.1 Perspective
Owner’s supervision $1 500 000 The aim in this section is to provide a basic understanding
Administration & legal fees $400 000 of the various components that go to make up the annual
Total $3 750 000 costs of operating a ship, including both voyage costs and
daily costs. Unfortunately, there is no practical way to pres-
On multiple ship orders some of these program costs ent a tidy handbook of actual quantitative values, but there
can be distributed over the number of ships and are thus sub- are a number of useful references (11–14) that present some,
stantially lower on a per ship basis. but they quickly are outdated.
The breakdown of costs discussed represents standard
accounting practice in the U.S. marine industry. Perhaps
6.8.8 Duplicate Cost Savings the first thing that should be said about these accounting
Some prospective shipowners ask shipyards to quote costs practices is that they can be misleading. As an example, the
for building alternative numbers of identical ships. Such maintenance and repair category includes only money paid
bidding is usually in the form of cost for one ship, or each to outside entities, usually repair yards. Maintenance or re-
of two, each of three, and so forth. Experience shows that pairs carried out by the ship’s crew are charged to wages;
unit costs go down as the number of identical units go up. and materials used are charged to stores and supplies.
Why should this be? There are two categories of reasons.
The first is the matter of non-recurring costs. These are costs
required to build the first ship but which need not be repeated 6.9.2 Schedule Analysis
for follow-on ships. Examples are engineering, plan ap- In predicting operating costs a basic step is to project the times
proval, and preparation of numerical controls for fabrica- involved in a typical round trip voyage, sometimes called a
tion. The second category consists primarily of labor proforma voyage. Typically, such an imaginary, representa-
learning: the increased efficiency workers acquire through tive voyage would include, in sequence, estimated times for
6-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

proceeding down a river, through a harbor, and out into the a voyage profile: a table showing for each segment the hours
open sea, perhaps some time in passing through a canal, then required, the horsepower required, the fuel rate per horse-
more time in the open sea, followed by time in speed-re- power-hour (which is usually higher at reduced powers)
stricted waters of a harbor, time to unload cargo, time to shift and the resulting amount of fuel required. The total fuel
to another pier, time to load cargo, and then perhaps a mir- needed for a single round trip can be derived from this in-
ror image of all of the foregoing until a complete round trip formation. Multiplying that by the round trips per year to
is completed and the ship is once more loaded at the first yield the estimate for the annual main engine fuel require-
port and ready to leave. Factored into this must be some rea- ment. Multiplying that number by the unit cost of fuel pro-
sonable allowances for port and canal queuing delays and vides the estimated annual main engine fuel bill. This is
speed losses in fog or heavy weather. Time may also be lost also performed for lubricating oil.
in taking on bunkers or pumping out holding tanks. Next, repeat the steaming profile exercise to come up with
The total time for the proforma voyage, when divided the annual costs for generator fuel. This step should be kept
into the estimated operating days per year (typically separate from the main engine estimate because the amounts
350–360), will give the estimated total number of round required follow different patterns and perhaps, being a higher
trips per year, which need not be a whole number. quality fuel, may have a higher unit price.
The other components of voyage costs (port and canal
fees, tug service, pilotage fees) vary widely and are hard to
6.9.3 Other Applications of the Voyage Analysis generalize. Some port costs are on a per-use basis, others
These scheduling calculations serve other purposes as are on a per-day basis. Pier charges may be based on ship
well. In bulk ships where deadweight is critical, they are length. Pilotage may be based on draft. If one wants to re-
used to establish the weight of fuel that must be aboard late these cumulative costs to a single parameter, Net Gross
when the ship reaches that point in its voyage where draft Tonnage could be used, but the cubic number might be as
is most limited. In this phase of the work, one should give good as any.
thought to the relative benefits of taking on bunkers for a Another important cost is that of cargo handling, which
round trip versus only enough for one leg. And one must of may or may not be included in the contract, depending on
course add some prudent margin (often 20 or 25%) for bad the trade. If it were to be included it logically would be treated
weather or other kinds of delays. as a voyage cost. Associated with this may be brokerage fees
The days per round trip estimate can also be used to es- and cargo damage claims, hold cleaning, dunnage, rain tents,
tablish the weight of other non-payload parts of total dead- and other miscellaneous cargo-related expenses. In some
weight that are a function of days away from port: fresh studies cargo handling costs will be the same for all alterna-
water, stores, and supplies. Finally, all this may lead to that tives, in which case they can be all but ignored.
critical number: the annual cargo (or passenger) transport
capacity. That estimate of actual annual transport achieve-
ment should be tempered by some realistic assumptions as 6.9.5 Daily Costs
to probable amounts available to be carried on each leg of The other major family of operating costs comprises those
the voyage. In the bulk trades, that might amount to 100% that continue more or less year-round regardless of the voy-
use one way, and return in ballast. In the liner trades, one age. Principal among these, usually, is that of crew wages
might typically assume 85% full outbound, 45% inbound and benefits. There was a time when crew numbers were
but this varies greatly depending on trade and route. closely related to hull size and horsepower. Now, however,
In more advanced studies the naval architect may need with rational schemes for reducing personnel, crew com-
to make adjustments for minimum allowable freeboard plements are nearly independent of ship size and power.
changes brought on by geographic or seasonal requirements. Numbers now usually vary between one and two dozen, de-
Ice operations may also be a factor. pending on union agreements and shipowner’s willingness
to invest in automated equipment, more reliable compo-
nents, and minimum-maintenance equipment (better coat-
6.9.4 Voyage Costs ings, for example).
Voyage costs are those that are influenced primarily by the In addition to direct daily wages there are many bene-
particular voyage in which the ship is engaged. fits paid to seafarers. In some instances there may be crew
The biggest such expense is usually that for fuel although rotation schemes so that crew members are on year-round
today lubricating oil costs are also significant. With the aid salary, with vacation times that may amount to as much as
of the proforma voyage the naval architect is ready to make a day ashore for every day aboard. There are sick benefits,
Chapter 6: Engineering Economics 6-35

payroll taxes, and repatriation costs (travel between home A final daily cost category covers overhead and miscel-
and ship when rotating on or off). These are major incre- laneous expenses. This would have to absorb a prorated
ments that must not be overlooked. share of the costs associated with maintaining one or more
For general studies, not specific to any owner, it is nec- offices ashore. Shore staffs may number anywhere from
essary to set up a wage and benefit equation that recognizes what can be counted on one hand to bureaucracies border-
that total costs are not directly proportional to numbers be- ing on civil service multitudes.
cause automation and other crew-reduction factors tend to It was mentioned earlier that the conventions of ac-
eliminate people at the lower end of the pay scale. The gen- counting practices can be misleading and that true costs of
eral equation may take this form maintenance and repairs may be considerably higher than
shown in the books. Similarly, the division between voy-
Annual cost of wages, benefits, etc. = f1(NC)0.8 + f2NC
age costs and daily costs, as defined by time charters, may
where NC = number in crew, and f1 and f2 are coefficients also be misleading. Clearly, a voyage involving frequent
that vary with time, flag, and labor contract. round trips and lockages will increase repair costs, yet M&R
The cost of victuals is a function of numbers of people is treated as a daily cost. Another example is the not in-
aboard and operating days per year. Compared to wages, considerable cost of lubricating oil. That will surely be in-
these costs are modest, and most owners consider the money fluenced by the hours of full-power operation (a function
well spent as a key element in attracting and retaining good of voyages selected) and yet it is by tradition entered under
seafarers. stores and supplies, a daily expense.
The annual cost of hull and machinery insurance is based
on the ship’s insured value and size (underwriters use a For-
mula Deadweight, which is effectively the Cubic Number).
A typical figure might be one percent of the first cost. First 6.10 REFERENCES
cost is a rather illogical basis for fixing insurance premi- 1. Buxton, I. L., Engineering Economics Applied to Ship De-
ums, but the marine insurance business is marked with such sign, British Marine Technology, Wallsend, 1987
irrational practices. 2. Stopford, M., Maritime Economics, 2nd ed., Routledge, Lon-
Protection and indemnity insurance (protecting the owner don, 1997
against law suits), usually based on Gross Tonnage of the 3. Goss, R. O., Studies in Maritime Economics, Cambridge Uni-
shipowner’s fleet, may add an annual cost of about 0.5% of versity press, London, 1968
the first cost. The two kinds of insurance costs are frequently 4. Hunt, E. C. and Butman, B. S. Marine Engineering Eco-
lumped. Their annual cost, then, may be estimated as 1.5% nomics and cost Analysis, Cornell maritime press, Md, 1995
of the first cost. 5. Chrzenowski, I., An Introduction to Shipping Economics,
Fairplay Publications, Surrey, UK, 1985
Annual costs for maintenance and repair (M&R) can be
6. McConville, J., Economics of Maritime Transport: Theory
estimated in two parts. Hull M&R will be roughly propor-
and Practice, Witherby & Co. Ltd., London, 1999
tional to the cubic number raised to the two-thirds power. 7. Evans, J. J. and Marlow, P. B., Quantitative Methods in Mar-
Machinery M&R will be roughly proportional to the horse- itime Economics, Fairplay Publications, Surrey, UK, 1990
power also raised to the two-thirds power. A refinement on 8. Carreyette, J., “Preliminary Ship Cost Estimation,” Trans-
this approach is embodied in the following approximation actions, RINA, 1978
9. Benford, H., “Ships’Capital Costs: The Approaches of Econ-
Annual cost of M&R = f3(LBD)0.685 + f4MCR
omists, Naval Architects and Business Managers,” Maritime
+ f5(MCR)0.6 + K1 Policy and Management, Vol. 12 No. 1, 1985
where MCR is main engine’s maximum continuous rating 10. Mack-Florist, D. M. &. Goldbach, R., “A Bid Preparation In
in kW, f3, f4, and f5 are coefficients that vary with kind of Shipbuilding,” Transactions, SNAME, Vol. 104, 1976
ship, owner’s policies, and so forth, and K1 is a fixed amount 11. Ship’s Costs, (Ship’s Costs Conference, UWIST), Special
Issue of Maritime Policy & Management, Vol. 12, Number
regardless of hull size and engine power.
1, January–March, 1985
The annual cost of stores and supplies would consist of
12. Benford, H., “On the Rational Selection of Ship Size,” Trans-
three parts. The first would be proportional to the ship’s size actions, SNAME, 1967
(mooring lines for example). The second would be propor- 13. Benford, H., “Of Dollar Signs and Ship Designs,” Proceed-
tional to the horsepower (machinery replacement parts, for ings STAR Alpha, SNAME, 1975
example). The third would be proportional to the number 14. Swift, P. M. and Benford, H., “Economics of Winter Navi-
of crew members aboard (paint and cleaning compound, gation in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway,” Trans-
for examples). actions, SNAME, 1975
Chapter 7
Mission and Owner’s Requirements

Mark R. Buetzow and Philip C. Koenig

7.1 INTRODUCTION • rules and regulations,

• service speed,
The specific technical requirements demanded by the mis- • endurance,
sion and the shipowner must be identified early in the proj- • design environmental conditions, and
ect to allow development of suitable vessel construction • vessel design life.
specifications. Similarly, many commercial issues must be
considered before deciding the contractual arrangements in A numerical example problem is worked through which
acquiring a vessel. This chapter broadly considers these per- illustrates the key issues involved in determining the eco-
spectives and their impacts. Two Sections, 7.2 and 7.3, cover nomic speed for a new merchant vessel.
technical areas, while Sections 7.4 and 7.5 cover commer- Section 7.3, Other Owner’s Technical Requirements,
cial requirements. In this way, a complete picture of the provides a discussion of more detailed requirements in the
shipowner’s pre-contract requirements definition activities areas of:
is presented. • propulsion plant,
Volume II includes chapters on each of the major types • electrical plant,
of vessels, rigs, and craft. In these chapters information on • electronic navigational and radio equipment,
individual requirements peculiar to the various vessel types • automation,
will be found. In most cases, however, these requirements • manning and accommodations,
were not developed from a clean sheet of paper. Supporting • hull structure,
the type-specific requirements is a foundation of principles • quality standards, and
and guidelines, which are generally applicable to any mer- • maintenance and overhaul strategy.
chant shipowner’s requirements formulation process. These
principles and guidelines are the subject of this chapter. Section 7.4, Ownership and Operating Arrangements,
The purpose of Section 7.2, Top Level Mission Re- outlines major commercial requirements that are consid-
quirements, is to introduce the technical and economic areas, ered when entering into shipbuilding contract. Topics cov-
which form the basic definition of the commercial ship ac- ered here are:
quisition project. These are the initial issues addressed in • tonnage acquisition alternatives,
the technical requirements setting process. Subjects cov- • operating and other management agreements, and
ered include: • vessel financing.
• outline of a typical new construction specification, Section 7.5, Shipbuilding Contract Price and Total Pro-
• cargo type and capacity, ject Cost, provides discussion of project cost elements and
• principal characteristics, their importance to the owner. Included in this section are
• additional port requirements, sample:

7 -1
7-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• shipowners costs for acquiring a large commercial trad- to provide is necessary prior to specification development
ing vessel, and and contracting. For instance, a tugboat could be designed
• list of typical owner-furnished equipment (OFE) to provide one or more of the following services: ocean
towing, harbor and river towing, ship mooring assist, ship
escort, harbor firefighting, and pollution clean up. For each
service intended, requirements must be developed. Most of
7.2 TOP-LEVEL MISSION REQUIREMENTS the principles discussed in this chapter apply to vessels in
the marine service industry.
7.2.1 Overview
A thorough understanding of the key mission requirements Marine transportation
is essential to the development of suitable contract specifi- The overseas transportation of goods plays an important role
cations and more importantly, is the cornerstone to ulti- in the global economy. Throughout history, incremental and
mately delivering a vessel, which will prove successful in step improvements in the technical efficiency of marine trans-
service by fully meeting the owner’s needs. Ascertaining the portation have created economies that have enabled dramatic
best overall approach to determining and satisfying those increases in trade and global economic development. Al-
needs is the primary responsibility of the operational, tech- though this ship category encompasses a wide variety of ship
nical, and financial experts on the staff of the shipowner. At types and designs, the basic techno-economic requirements
appropriate stages of the ship acquisition project, these in- of commercial marine transportation follow certain princi-
dividuals are assisted as needed by independent naval ar- ples and guidelines that apply across trades. These principles
chitects and marine engineers, commercial consultants, and guidelines are the main subject of this chapter.
financial institutions, classification societies, model basins, Ships built for marine transportation (marine commer-
and others. Shipyard involvement and assistance can and cial trading) carry a wide variety of raw materials, inter-
should begin as early in the process as practical. mediate goods, and products (1,2). A fleet breakdown of
The shipowner’s needs depend on the service that the merchant vessels greater than 1000 deadweight tonnes is
vessel is intended to perform. Vessels are procured for three given in Table 7.I (see Chapter 3–The Marine Industry).
overall purposes: national defense, marine services, and ma- Key impacts on vessel requirements due to its commer-
rine transportation. For each of these three general ship cat- cial mission are discussed below. The relative importance of
egories, specific requirements definition considerations apply. the various elements will vary significantly depending on the
type of vessel. At a high level, the key items are largely com- National defense mon across different types of ship projects and there are
Warships are not built to earn a commercial return and there- many elements that are investigated regardless of the ship’s
fore their requirements setting processes do not follow the service. The intent of this section is to highlight the most
principles and guidelines outlined in this chapter. Formu- significant general requirements and discuss their potential
lating the principles behind naval vessel requirements is a impact on the vessel and its specifications. These require-
significantly different problem than the equivalent topic in ments are included in new construction specifications prior
the commercial sphere. In addition to technical and cost to signing a contract for the construction of the vessel. Table
factors, warship procurement projects are subject to over- 7.II shows typical headings of a new construction specifi-
riding considerations of geopolitics, national defense, and cation for a commercial vessel in outline form.
industrial policy. Therefore, in the case of naval ship ac-
quisition, the project requirements setting process must be
handled on a case-by-case basis. The reader is referred to 7.2.2 Cargo Type and Cargo Capacity
Chapter 54 and 55 for information on naval vessel project The type(s) of cargo to be carried and the cargo carrying
requirements. capacity are fundamental defining characteristics for most
ship projects and are usually known at the outset. Cargo Marine services and cargo capacity largely determine the type, configura-
The primary mission of many vessels is to provide marine tion and physical size of the vessel. Trade and port re-
services. Towing, dredging, icebreaking, fishing, harbor quirements often set limits on principal particulars, which
firefighting, rescue, oil drilling, oil production, and pollu- impact the vessel’s cargo capacity. Shore storage capacity
tion clean up are a few examples of marine services for may also pose a limit to the vessel’s cargo capacity.
which special vessels are designed and built. For these ves- Commercial trading considerations can also be impor-
sels, a complete understanding of the services the vessel is tant in determining the vessel’s cargo capacity. For exam-
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-3

ple, regional or international trading patterns will establish last, which generate no revenue. On the other hand, requir-
market demands for different sized vessels. Vessels smaller ing a ship to have the ability to handle various cargoes or
than those typically engaged in a particular trade will usu- cargo grades can result in serious compromises in design
ally operate at a higher net cost per tonnes of cargo deliv- and cost increases. For instance, an ore-bulk-oil carrier can
ered. In a particular competitive trade, the shipowner’s gross carry a wider variety of cargoes but will cost more to build
receipts per tonnes of cargo are set by the market conditions and operate than a conventional oil tanker. If a container ship
largely irrespective of vessel size. Therefore, the profit mak- is to be capable of carrying both 40 foot and 45-foot con-
ing potential of the vessel can be highly dependent on its tainers, then some cost increase and some loss of cargo hold
capacity and the trades in which it is engaged. space utilization can be expected.
In many cases it is desirable for the vessel to be able to
carry multiple types or grades of cargoes. Depending on
the trade and service, being able to carry different types or 7.2.3 Principal Particulars
grades of cargo can significantly improve the vessel’s flex- In many trades or services, restrictions are imposed on one
ibility, utilization rate, and profit potential. For example, if or more principle particulars, which in turn strongly influ-
a different cargo can be carried on a back-haul voyage leg, ences the vessel’s design. These trade restrictions, and their
the vessel will have the potential to avoid voyages in bal- resulting impacts on related aspects of the vessel’s design,

TABLE 7.I World Ocean Going Fleet Breakdown

Number by number Deadweight Percentage by Gross Tons Percentage Average
Ship type category of ships of ships tonnes (millions) Deadweight tonnes (millions) by Gross Tons age, years
Bulk dry 5000 10.8 268.1 33.0 149.6 27.4 14
Crude oil tanker 1793 3.9 242.5 29.8 130.8 24.0 13
Container 2756 5.9 76.5 9.4 66.8 12.3 10
General cargo 16 466 35.5 75.4 9.3 53.2 9.8 22
Oil products tanker 5191 11.2 41.6 5.1 25.2 4.6 22
Chemical 2598 5.6 30.4 3.7 18.6 3.4 14
Bulk dry/oil 201 0.4 14.5 1.8 8.3 1.5 17
Ro-ro cargo 1871 4.0 13.7 1.7 27.5 5.0 17
LPG tanker 1025 2.2 11.1 1.4 9.4 1.7 16
Other bulk dry 1104 2.4 9.1 1.1 6.8 1.2 18
LNG tanker 128 0.3 8.0 1.0 10.8 2.0 14
Refrigerated cargo 1407 3.0 7.3 0.9 6.9 1.3 19
Self-discharging bulk dry 171 0.4 5.7 0.7 3.3 0.6 26
Passenger/ro-ro cargo 2634 5.7 4.0 0.5 14.2 2.6 21
Other dry cargo 259 0.6 2.1 0.3 2.0 0.4 25
Passenger (cruise) 372 0.8 1.3 0.2 8.9 1.6 23
Other liquids 348 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.1 24
Passenger ships 2710 5.8 0.5 0.1 1.3 0.3 20
Passenger/general cargo 339 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.6 0.1 31
Total cargo carrying 46 373 100.0 812.9 100.0 544.9 100.0 19

Source: Lloyd's World Fleet Statistics 2001

7-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 7.II Outline of Typical New Construction Specifications for a Commmercial Vessel

Part 1: General Provisions Part 2: Hull Specifications Part 3: Machinery Specifications Part 4: Electric Specifications

Intent General particulars Machinery particulars Electric installation in

Rules, regulations and Hull structure Main engine general
certificates Cable installation
Navigation equipment Shafting and propeller
Material Deck machinery Steam generating plant Electric generators
Buyer’s supplies Mooring outfit Electric generating plant Transformers and batteries
Ship’s form Masts and cargo gear Pumps Switchboards
Trim and stability Electric distribution
Hatch covers, manholes, and Oil purifiers
Determination of deadweight doors Air compressors, fans, and air Motors and starters
Inspection and testing Ladders, rails, elevator, etc. reservoirs Electric lighting
Trials and test at sea Windows and scuttles Heat exchangers Electric interior
Vibration Ventilation and air Piping system in engine room Communication equipment
Noise conditioning Piping schedule Electric nautical equipment
Life saving appliances
Plans Insulation and lagging Radio equipment
Firefighting system
Units Miscellaneous equipment Entertainment equipment
Hull piping
Control and instrumentation Performance monitoring
Cargo handling system system
Spare parts and tools
Refrigerated stores Spare parts and outfit
General tools
Hull wooden work
Joiner work, deck covering,
and insulation
Accommodation furnishing
Commissary outfit
Stores and lockers
Corrosion protection
Ship’s identification, etc.
Spare parts and inventories

need to be fully understood before a proper specification Limits on vessel length are set by berth restrictions at the
can be developed. Following is a brief discussion of com- ports the vessel is intended to serve. Beam may be limited
mon mission impacts on certain principle particulars. by deep-water channel widths and canal widths. For exam-
Port limitations on maximum vessel draft commonly ple, ships transiting the Panama Canal are restricted to a max-
pose the most critical dimensional constraint for a vessel’s imum beam of 32.31 m. Cargo handling also imposes beam
design. This applies to a wide variety of vessels including limits in some cases. Not all container terminals are able to
river tugs, barges, ferries, naval vessels, cruise ships, tankers, load and unload large post-Panamax containerships because
and others. Draft restrictions in turn influence other aspects of the limited reach of their cranes. Similarly, the ship’s depth
of the vessel’s design such as length, beam, speed, propeller can be limited by loading and offloading facilities at ports of
diameter, power, seakeeping and ultimately, construction call. Finally, air draft (extreme height of vessel above water-
cost and operating cost. The deeper a vessel’s draft, the line) can be an important design limit due to bridge clear-
fewer ports it will be able to call at. Vessel trading flexibil- ance restrictions. This can restrict the number of levels in the
ity, profit potential and resale value is thus impacted. deckhouse and require the use of fold-down antennas.
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-5

TABLE 7.III Vessel Design Requirements Commonly facilities at the port. Many docks require a minimum length
Impacted by Ports of flat-of-side (flat area of side shell in midship region) at
ballast and loaded drafts that permit proper berthing against
Maximum displacement
dock fenders. Some ports have very specific requirements
Maximum cargo capacity for the number, type, and location of mooring wires or ropes
Maximum length overall to be used for mooring. Enhanced maneuvering capability
Maximum beam by use of thrusters may be necessary or commercially de-
sirable in certain ports in order to minimize tug usage fees.
Maximum draft
Environmental requirements are becoming increasingly
Maximum projected transverse sail area (for windage) strict. Emissions of noise and air pollutants (vapor, partic-
Maximum air draft ulates) are coming under closer scrutiny and this is having
Minimum ballast capacity to meet freeboard requirements of a greater influence on ship requirements setting. Some ports
port’s cargo loading and unloading facilities require that all ballast taken on in other port locations be
Shipboard cargo loading and unloading systems, arrangements, exchanged with ocean seawater to minimize port-to-port
and locations transfer of aquatic plant and animal life. In these cases, the
vessel must be designed to allow this mid-ocean ballast
Mooring arrangement, number of winches, types and number
of ropes and wires
water exchange. Table 7.III provides a checklist of com-
mon port issues affecting ship requirements.
Minimum length of flat-of-side
Ballast exchange capability
Maneuvering capability 7.2.5 Rules and Regulations
Bunkering and lube oil transfer arrangements Chapter 8 presents a detailed discussion on Regulatory and
Classification Requirements. A brief description is presented
Fresh water transfer arrangements
in this chapter in order to provide an understanding of the
Storing arrangement owner’s considerations of this matter. Rules and regulations
Sewage disposal affecting ship project requirements are promulgated and en-
Engine room slop disposal forced by the following types of bodies:
Garbage disposal • the International Maritime Organization (IMO),
Engine exhaust emissions • the national government of the country in which the ship
is to be registered (the flag state),
Noise emissions
• the port state, and
Odor emissions • the classification society.
On board oil spill containment and clean-up equipment (for
tankers) A vessel’s flag of registry, its classification society, and
the ports where it trades will establish the laws and regula-
Cargo vapor recovery (for tankers)
tions with which it must comply. For instance, a bulk car-
Underkeel clearance in channels rier built to operate on the U.S./Canadian Great Lakes will
RO-RO ramps be governed by a significantly different set of laws and reg-
ulations than a similarly sized vessel built to carry a simi-
lar cargo in unrestricted ocean-going service between ports
in multiple countries.
The flag state (country in which a vessel is registered)
7.2.4 Other Port Requirements determines the underlying laws and regulations that apply
Certain ports-of-call impose additional restrictions, besides to a ship’s design, construction, and operation. Most flag
limitations on principle particulars, that must be complied state technical and operational requirements originate from
with. These requirements impacting the design and speci- the country’s enactment of global protocols adopted by the
fications of the vessel should be identified early in the de- International Maritime Organization (IMO) of the United
sign process and incorporated into the new construction Nations. For certain subjects, IMO has established general
specifications as appropriate. guidelines but has delegated the determination of specific
For instance, the cargo loading/unloading arrangement requirements to the classification societies. Furthermore,
of the vessel must be compatible with the cargo handling some countries including the United States and Canada have
7-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

promulgated supplemental regulatory requirements that are more voyages per year) is more productive than the slower
more demanding than IMO regulations. In some instances ship. If the throughput capability of the faster ship is con-
these address areas not covered by IMO. sidered to be the reference point, then for any slower ship,
The classification society chosen by the vessel’s owner it will be necessary to obtain additional tonnage via acqui-
can also impact the ship’s design. Classification societies sition or charter to make up for the loss of cargo through-
may stipulate requirements that exceed those of the flag state. put compared to the faster ship.
Furthermore, classification rules are usually prescriptive,
whereas IMO regulations tend to be more general. When Cargo inventory carrying cost
this is the case, the specifics of an actual requirement are ef- In addition to delivering more cargo per unit time to the
fectively delegated to the classification society or the flag destination point, faster transit time reduces inventory-car-
state to establish within the intent of the general IMO guide- rying costs. Between the loading port and the discharge
line. Variations in interpretation on the part of the different port, each consignment of cargo is in storage on board the
flag states and classification societies makes it possible for ship and is not being productively employed in its intended
vessels meeting different specific rule sets to all be in com- end use. The financial value of the cargo and the time it is
pliance with overarching international requirements. onboard represents an opportunity cost, which is taken into
Individual ports are controlled by port states (national, account in the selection of the speed of the ship.
state, provincial, and/or local governments of ports) and in
many cases their specific regulatory requirements impact ves- Capital cost
sel operation and design. Some port states enforce unilateral Faster ships usually incur higher capital costs due to their
requirements on all ships, regardless of flag or class, which more complex hull form and powerful machinery plants.
call at any of that country’s ports. In some instances the re-
quirements imposed by local governments are stricter yet Annual fuel cost
than those of the national government of the port state. The Once in service, annual fuel consumption and fuel cost will
United States is a prime example of a country having enacted be higher for the faster ship due to the higher required horse-
such unilateral rules, ones that in some cases conflict with power.
IMO requirements. At a minimum, port states randomly in- Which of these four factors is dominant, depends on the
spect vessels for compliance with international requirements trade. In trades involving high value cargoes (consumer
and check for adequate onboard documentation covering clas- goods, fresh foodstuffs) or vessels with high construction
sification, insurance, safe manning levels, data entry per cer- costs (LNG carriers), there is typically a wider range of as-
tain IMO protocols, etc. Port State authorities also may detain sessed optimum speeds than found in trades in low value
ships for gross or dangerous infractions of international or cargoes (grain, iron ore). The length of haul also has an ef-
class requirements (see Chapter 8 for a further discussion of fect on optimum speed. As the distance between ports of
Regulatory and Classification Requirements). call decreases, the proportion of time the ship spends in port
increases. If port time dominates, then the economic impact
of at-sea fuel economy and vessel speed is reduced. Care
7.2.6 Service Speed
should be exercised in specifying a speed markedly slower
For marine trading vessels, optimum service speed is that than usual. Vessels have long economic lives and under
which minimizes the overall cost of marine transportation. speed vessels will incur a penalty if they have to be sold for
The analysis is carried out by studying how capital and op- further use in a longer trade.
erating costs change as the speed is varied. For a given trade, Other factors can have an overriding effect on the de-
an increase in ship speed will: termination of optimum speed. Scheduling requirements
• increase cargo delivered per unit time, drive vessel speed requirements in trades that place a pre-
• decrease cargo inventory carrying cost, mium on maintaining tight schedules (for example, LNG
• increase capital cost, and and container liner operations). Generous margins on serv-
• increase annual fuel cost. ice speed may be advisable in these cases in order to en-
sure that port or weather will not delay the overall voyage Amount of cargo delivered per unit time schedule. Some vessel types or vessel trading patterns may
For a given ship, the amount of cargo delivered per unit not have readily available alternative transportation options
time increases with speed, as the ship is able to complete (LNG carriers, ice-strengthened vessels, and specialty ves-
more voyages (or fractions of voyages) per year. If all other sels). In these cases vessel availability is a paramount con-
factors are kept constant, a faster ship (able to complete sideration.
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-7

Consider an example optimum speed calculation. In this Maintenance costs do not have a significant impact in
case, the shipowner is planning the acquisition of a 155 000 this example and are not considered.
deadweight tonne tanker to operate in a 6000-mile one-way An engineering economics analysis is performed to de-
trade. The basic information is shown in Table 7.IV. termine the optimum speed (3–6). For a detailed discussion
In this particular trade, the owner has found that most on Engineering Economics see Chapter 6. Tables are de-
ships have service speeds in the neighborhood of 15 knots. veloped to assess the various impacts at each half-knot in-
Therefore, a range of speeds from 13 to 17 knots will be in- crement within speed range (13 to 17 knots in this example).
vestigated. 13 knots will be taken as the baseline for the cal- Then, the operational cash flows are combined into a net
culations. annual incremental operational savings. Finally, the inter-
As discussed above, within a given speed neighborhood nal rate of return (IRR) method is used to compare the ini-
there are four primary economic effects as speed is incre- tial capital expenditure of installing increased horsepower
mentally increased: to the net annual incremental operational savings over the
twenty year life of the ship. The calculations are shown in
1. operational earnings due to increased amount of cargo
Tables 7.V through 7.VIII.
delivered per unit time,
An increase in horsepower represents an investment, which
2. operational savings due to reduced cargo inventory car-
must earn a positive return for the owner. In this example,
rying cost,
each half-knot increment in speed has a decreasing IRR. The
3. increased operational cost due to increased consump-
owner’s optimum choice is, therefore, determined by a mar-
tion of fuel, and
ginal analysis: speed is incrementally added until the point
4. increased capital cost.
is reached where a further marginal speed increase results in
an IRR which is less than the minimum acceptable rate of re-
turn. Figure 7.1 shows that for an owner with a 15% cost of
capital, 15.5 knots is optimum speed for a 6000-mile one-
TABLE 7.IV Input Data for Optimum Speed Case Study way trade. For a 10% cost of capital, 16.7 knots is optimum.
Determining the cost of capital or minimum acceptable
Vessel life 20 years
rate of return on investments in ship speed (or on invest-
Operating days 355 days/year ments in general) is discussed in standard texts on corpo-
Cargo per voyage 150 000 tonnes rate finance (7) and engineering economics (8,9). Another
Marginal freight value of additional $8.98/tonne1 complex issue is tax effect.
cargo carried The example problem shown here does not account for
Fuel cost $100/tonne tax considerations. These will vary from situation to situation
and must be included in an actual business assessment. Com-
Marginal cost of additional horsepower $800/bhp2
plex tax situations are often created in merchant ship acqui-
Average port fuel consumption 19.1 tonnes/day sition projects and tax issues must be taken into account.
Crude oil value $146/tonne
Time value of money 10%/year LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view

1. This is the shipowner’s cost of transporting incremental cargo by al- 30.0%

ternative means and is used in Table 7.V to calculate the savings re-
alized by higher transportation throughput as speed is marginally
increased. As speed increases, the ship’s increased productivity will
20.0% IRR = 15% at
allow the owner to reduce his chartering expense—the owner can re- 15.5 knots
lease a certain amount of chartered tonnage for each 1/2 knot increase

in his own ship. The $8.98 figure is calculated by the shipowner based
on technical and market research. It includes the capital cost of the 10.0%
vessel assuming new construction. In this case it is based upon pro-
viding alternative transportation on a 15-knot vessel. 5.0%
2. Includes the installed cost of the larger engine, longer engine room
length, larger auxiliaries and increased fuel capacity. This constant 0.0%
800/HP is an approximation since this cost is a step function as in- 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0
creased horsepower results in increasing number of cylinders or en- I/2 KNOT SPEED INCREASE
gine size. Figure 7.1 Internal Rate of Return for Incremental 1/2 Knot Speed
TABLE 7.V Annual Operational Savings Due to Increased Amount of Cargo Delivered Per Unit Time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cargo Cargo Cargo
per year, increase, savings/
Avg speed Round trip Port days Total days Voyages thousands each ⁄2 knot,
(knots) sea days per voyage per voyage per year of tonnes1 1
⁄2 knot2 $1000/yr2

13.0 38.46 5.50 43.96 8.08 1211.3 — —

13.5 37.04 5.50 42.54 8.35 1251.9 40.6 364.6
14.0 35.71 5.50 41.21 8.61 1292.0 40.2 361.0
14.5 34.48 5.50 39.98 8.88 1331.8 39.8 357.4
15.0 33.33 5.50 38.83 9.14 1371.2 39.4 353.8
15.5 32.26 5.50 37.76 9.40 1410.3 39.1 351.1
16.0 31.25 5.50 36.75 9.66 1449.0 38.7 347.5
16.5 30.30 5.50 35.80 9.92 1487.3 38.3 343.9
17.0 29.41 5.50 34.91 10.17 1525.3 38.0 341.2

1. Cargo per year = ship cargo capacity × voyages per year = 150 000 × Column 5.
2. Cargo savings for each 1⁄2 knot increment = cargo increase per half knot × market freight rate of additional cargo carried = Column 7 × $8.98 per
tonne. The result represents the savings due to not having to move the incremental cargo by other chartered vessels.

TABLE 7.VI Annual Operational Savings Due to Reduced Cargo Inventory Carrying Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sea days Sea days Inventory
Loaded Cargo req’d to req’d on in- Sea days savings
Avg speed sea days replacement move 1000 chartered Total savings for 1⁄2 knot
(knots) per vessel1 tonnes (1000)2 add’l tonnes3 vessel4 sea days5 for 1⁄2 knot $1000/yr6

13.0 155.3 314.0 0.111 34.9 190.2 — —

13.5 154.5 273.4 0.111 30.4 184.9 5.3 31.8
14.0 153.8 233.2 0.111 25.9 179.9 5.2 31.2
14.5 153.1 193.4 0.111 21.5 174.6 5.2 31.2
15.0 152.4 154.0 0.111 17.1 169.5 5.1 31.6
15.5 151.6 115.0 0.111 12.8 164.4 5.1 30.6
16.0 150.9 76.3 0.111 8.5 159.4 5.0 30.0
16.5 150.2 38.0 0.111 4.2 154.5 5.0 30.0
17.0 149.5 0.0 0.111 0.0 149.5 4.9 29.4

1. This column shows the number of days per year in which the ship is at sea with cargo on board. For the 17-knot case, there are 29.41 sea days per
round trip (Table 7.V, column 2). Half these days are loaded; half are in ballast. There are 10.17 trips completed per year (Table 7.V, column 5).
Therefore, days per year with cargo on board = loaded sea days per trip x trips per year = 1⁄ 2 (29.41) × 10.17 = 149.5. For the 16.5-knot case, we
have 1⁄ 2 (30.30) × 9.92 = 150.2, and so on for the other speeds.
2. For each speed, this column shows the annual amount of cargo that needs to be made up by in-chartered tonnage to make up for each 1⁄ 2 knot speed
decrease below 17 knots. The 17-knot case carries 1525.3 thousand tonnes per year (Table 7.V, column 6). The 16.5-knot case carries 1487.3 thou-
sand tonnes per year (Table 7.V, column 6). The difference is the cargo replacement tonnes, 38.0 thousand tonnes.
3. This column shows the number of days at sea required on an assumed 15 knot in-chartered ship to handle the required make-up tonnage for each
⁄ 2 knot speed decrease below 17 knots. The 15-knot ship does 152.4 loaded sea days/yr. (column 2) and 1.37 million tonnes cargo per year (Table
7.V, column 6). Sea days required to move 1000 tonnes of cargo on the in-chartered vessel = 152.4 / 1371.2 = 0.111
4. Sea days required on the in-chartered vessel = column 3 × column 4.
5. Total sea days = sea days on project vessel + in-chartered vessel = column 2 + column 5.
6. This column shows the annual finance charges saved due to sea days saved. Value of cargo = 150 000 tonnes × $146/tonne = $21 900 000. Time
value of money = 10%. Finance charge for the cargo = ($21 900 000)(10%) / 365 = $6000 per day. Column 8 = ($6000/day) × column 7.
TABLE 7.VII Increased Annual Operational Cost Due to Increased Consumption of Fuel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fuel Cost of
Fuel at Fuel at Fuel in increase fuel incr.
Avg speed sea, tonnes sea, tonnes port, tonnes Fuel per for 1⁄2 knot, for 1⁄2 knot,
knots bhp1 per day1 per yr per yr year, tonnes tonnes/year $1000/year

13.0 11 262 32.7 7167 848 11 015 — —

13.5 12 612 36.7 11 131 877 12 208 1193 119.3
14.0 14 066 40.9 12 577 905 13 482 1274 127.4
14.5 15 627 45.4 13 907 933 14 840 1358 135.8
15.0 17 300 50.3 15 323 960 16 283 1444 144.4
15.5 19 089 55.5 16 828 988 17 815 1523 153.2
16.0 20 996 61.0 18 423 1015 19 437 1622 162.2
16.5 23 027 66.9 20 110 1042 21 152 1714 171.4
17.0 25 184 73.2 21 893 1068 22 961 1809 180.9

1. BHP and fuel consumption per day at sea verses speed are determined by engineering studies.

TABLE 7.VIII Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital cost Net incremental IRR for
Avg speed bhp increase of bhp increase, operational ⁄2 knot speed
(knots) bhp1 for 1⁄2 knot $10002 savings, $1000/yr3 increment4

13.0 11 262 — — — —
13.5 12 612 1350 1080.0 277.1 25.3%
14.0 14 066 1454 1163.1 264.8 22.4
14.5 15 627 1562 1249.2 252.8 19.7
15.0 17 300 1673 1338.4 240.0 17.2
15.5 19 089 1788 1430.7 228.5 15.0
16.0 20 996 1908 1526.0 215.3 12.9
16.5 23 027 2031 1624.4 202.5 10.9
17.0 25 184 2157 1725.9 189.7 9.1

1. BHP verses speed is determined by engineering studies.

2. Capital cost of BHP increase = BHP increase × $800/bhp from Table 7.IV.
3. Net incremental savings = savings due to cargo delivered (Table 7.V, column 8) + inventory savings (Table 7.VI, column 8) – increased fuel con-
sumption (Table 7.VII, column 8).
4. Internal rate of return for one time capital cost increase (column 4) and 20 years of annual net incremental operational savings (column 5).
7-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Benford, and Hurley and Johnson (5,10) give recent ex- • structural loads and fatigue, which may warrant enhanced
amples of how tax considerations can affect engineering structural analyses, enhanced construction standards,
economic analysis. There is an increasing use of Tonnage and more conservative structural design criteria.
Taxes, such as introduced in the UK, which effectively
Design ambient air and seawater temperatures influence
means that trading operations are not taxed. Instead an an-
features that maintain adequate habitability and operabil-
nual Tonnage tax is applied depending on fleet size not
ity levels. If the vessel will regularly operate in hot ambi-
ent conditions, the capacity and redundancy of the air
In the preceding example the owner knew the size of
conditioning and machinery cooling systems needs special
ship and wanted to determine the optimum speed. Many
times the owner wants to know the optimum number, size
If the vessel will operate in arctic conditions, attention
and speed of ships to transport a given quantity of cargo from
needs to be given to:
one port to another. Computer design synthesis programs
are available to perform this number-crunching problem • steel material grades for ice belt structures, exposed shell,
(see Chapter 13), and many more economic analyses have and main strength deck structures. Special grades of steel
been published (11,12). with higher toughness may be required for ships oper-
ating for long periods of time in low temperatures,
• stability reduction and weight accumulation from icing.
7.2.7 Endurance Excessive icing can be especially hazardous to smaller
The endurance is the distance the vessel can travel without • forebody and upper deck design to minimize accumu-
refueling or replenishing stores. This design requirement lation of freezing sea spray,
must be established early enough in the project to ensure • insulation and heating systems for manned spaces,
that adequate fuel oil capacity and provisions stores spaces • de-icing equipment such as steam lancing and hot water
can be provided. The required endurance is dependent on wash equipment. These systems are used to clear accu-
trade requirements and also on bunkering and storing strate- mulated ice from mooring and other deck equipment,
gies. On many long-haul trade routes, bunkers are less ex- • suitability of deck equipment for sub-freezing condi-
pensive at one end of the voyage than at the other. It can tions and the need for equipment insulation or steam
then prove advantageous to take on enough bunkers for the tracing, and
entire round trip at the more economical port. For such • protected work areas for personnel.
cases, the owner may require round-trip endurance.
When specifying the endurance, margins are usually in- If the vessel must operate in ice-infested areas, structural
cluded to ensure adequate fuel capacity in case of adverse ice strengthening and ice class notation from the classifi-
weather or other circumstances that could increase fuel con- cation society may be specified. Selection of most suitable
sumption. For instance, an endurance could be specified as design criteria and ice class notation is based on the region
20 000 nautical miles at a speed of 18 knots plus a 15% sea and associated ice conditions (first year ice, thickness and
margin and an additional 4 days reserve. Fuel quality also concentration of ice cover, multi-year ice) where the ves-
is specified as this impacts fuel consumption. sel will operate. The level of strengthening also will depend
on whether the vessel is intended for independent naviga-
tion in ice or for navigation when escorted by an ice ice-
breaker or an ice strengthened vessel.
7.2.8 Design Environmental Conditions
For further discussion on Ice-Capable Ships see Chap-
Proper consideration of environmental conditions in the de- ter 40.
sign stage will ensure that the vessel is fully functional in
its intended trade. Environmental conditions can impact
many areas of the vessel’s design. Operations in areas of 7.2.9 Vessel Design Life
high sea states suggests special consideration for:
Establishing the design life of the new vessel will allow de-
• forebody and upper deck design, vessel lines and sea- cision making on quality standards that can impact the ac-
keeping model tests or studies, tual economic life of the vessel. Higher standards for
• sea margins for propulsion power and service speed, durability, and associated higher costs, can be justified if
• personnel safety features, and the vessel is expected to operate over a longer period of
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-11

time. Ocean going international flag vessels are typically Quality of machinery and equipment
designed for a 20 to 25 year life but are operated for as short Quality factors here mirror those of non-machinery outfit-
as 7 to 15 years. A prospective owner of a relatively ex- ting above. That is, more durable design, improved oper-
pensive LNG carrier might opt for a 25-year life, especially ability and lower maintenance requirements due to improved
if the owner has a long-term contract to supply LNG. For materials, and/or vendors that provide reliable long-term
owners facing less certain long-term market demand, it is after-sales support. Selection of manufacturers and model
more difficult to economically justify the allocation of ad- types for onboard equipment can be highly impacted by the
ditional capital to build a longer lasting vessel. vessel’s specified design life.
Some key specification items that are typically impacted
by the vessel’s design life are the quality of coating systems,
structural design standards, outfitting standards, and qual- 7.3 OTHER OWNER’S TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS
ity of machinery and equipment.
7.3.1 Overview Quality of coating systems The intended trade or service of the vessel, together with
This is especially important in ballast tank coatings. Future classification society and regulatory requirements, will in
maintenance costs can be significantly minimized by up- most cases largely determine the primary design require-
front expenditures on: ments of the vessel. In addition, the shipowner will likely
have additional technical requirements that are based on
• high quality coating materials,
one or more of the following:
• coating-friendly structural detail design,
• rigorous surface preparation, and • safety,
• extra care in the application of the coating system. • environmental protection,
• improved cost effectiveness (typically involving in-
Investment in more durable coatings can lead to the re-
creased up-front capital expenditures that reduce future
alization of future cost savings in the form of:
operating costs),
1. lower cash outlays for coating maintenance, and • operational needs (examples are fleet standardization,
2. positive revenue gain due to reduced time required for improved habitability, and ease of operation), and
repairs. • charterer’s requirements.
See Chapter 23 for a detailed discussion on Ship Preser- The intent of this section is to highlight some common
vation. issues that are not necessarily requirements of the trade,
classification society or regulations. Issues such as those Structural design standards discussed here will need to be resolved between the owner
If the vessel acquisition project calls for a long life vessel, and the shipyard before contract specifications can be fi-
then structural reliability considerations become increas- nalized.
ingly critical. It is especially necessary to take account of
the potential for fatigue failures in the ship’s structure as it
ages. It may prove necessary to specify increased corrosion 7.3.2 Propulsion Plant
margins, more extensive structural analysis, and improved Capital cost, fuel consumption, reliability, type of service,
structural details to ensure longer fatigue lives, as discussed and the owner’s experience are usually key considerations
in Chapter 21. when specifying the propulsion plant. The reader is referred
to Chapter 24 for a more complete discussion of machinery. Outfitting standards
Higher quality outfitting standards may involve more durable Type of main propulsion plant
design (see Chapter 22), lower maintenance requirements The majority of large ocean going ships utilize a single, low
due to improved materials and reliable long-term after-sales speed, diesel engine driving a fixed pitch propeller. There are
support. For instance, more costly copper-nickel piping may many alternatives including medium speed diesel, gas turbine,
be specified for engine room sea water systems, rather than steam turbine, and electric drives in single and multiple pro-
less expensive but less durable galvanized piping. Use of peller configurations. Fuel efficiency and annual fuel cost are
extra heavy wall ballast piping and stainless steel fasten- many times the governing influence in determining the type
ings on the upper deck are additional examples. of propulsion plant for commercial trading vessels.
7-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Passenger ships, naval vessels, and service type vessels, An important electrical plant decision is to determine
often have special requirements, driven by design con- how many generators are required in reserve, considering
straints, such as severe volumetric limitations or operational in port and at sea electric power demands. For instance, if
needs for special machinery performance characteristics. one diesel generator is out of commission due to mainte-
For example, extremely quick machinery responsiveness, nance, should the vessel be fully operational if one more
additional redundancy, and high electrical load require- generator were to fail? In addition, switchboards, motors
ments). These special requirements can drive the selection and circuits may have to be duplicated if the loss of their
of an alternative type of propulsion plant. function cannot be tolerated. Auxiliary systems design and automation Fuel quality

strategy Although more costly initially, most medium speed engines
The level of redundancy and sizing of auxiliary equipment can operate on the same lower cost heavy fuel as the slow
such as HVAC units, fresh water generators, boilers, pumps, speed engines typically used for the main propulsion plant.
heaters/coolers, control & monitoring systems, and fuel However, infrequent power requirements, lower emissions,
treatment equipment reflects systems design principles and and longer frequency between routine maintenance may
specific owner preferences based largely on in-service ex- dictate that a higher-grade fuel oil be used.
perience. Equipment and level of automation are chosen to
fit the experience of the operators and level of manning. Allowance for growth
Some allowance for growth in electric power demand is Fuel quality
usually provided because it can be very expensive to install
Outfitting the machinery plant to handle lower quality fuel
incremental electrical power capacity after construction.
increases capital cost but may also reduce annual operating
Some electric demand increase can generally be expected
costs and increase operational availability due to cheaper
over the life of the vessel.
fuel and increased flexibility regarding the location where
bunkers are purchased. Therefore, to select the fuel type, it
is necessary to perform a trade-off analysis, such as that Generator sizes
presented in Chapter 4. Generators of particular or differing sizes might be required
to operate efficiently under all the modes of operation the
vessel will commonly meet (at sea, in port, maneuvering,
7.3.3 Electrical Plant cargo handling, etc.). For example, the owner may not want
The major electric plant issues to be considered include large capacity units operating in low load condition for ex-
electrical power source, the level of redundancy, fuel qual- tended periods.
ity, allowance for growth, and generator sizes. The reader
is referred to Chapter 24 for a more complete discussion of
electrical plants. 7.3.4 Electronic Navigational and Radio Equipment
Beyond the basic navigational and radio equipment required Prime mover by regulation, there is a wide range of electronic naviga-
Alternatives for supply of electric power typically include tional and radio equipment installed according to owner
high or medium speed diesel generators, steam turbine preference.
driven generators, and propulsion shaft driven generators.
The type of propulsion plant, electric demands at sea and Redundant equipment
in port, and fuel consumption will be critical factors in de- Electronic equipment needs frequent servicing. Often it is
ciding on an electric plant. better to have a spare unit on board rather than depending
on shore-side service people to be available where and when Level of redundancy it breaks down.
Component and system redundancy should be specified in
the context of a complete analysis of the ship system of Extra communications equipment
which it is a part. Redundancy is a means, not an end and Special equipment is often installed for electronic data ex-
if the goal of total ship reliability can be achieved through change, access to head office, in-port communications,
improved systems design then costly redundancy can be crew’s messages to home, etc. Recently the U.S. Navy has
minimized. provided Internet service onboard many of its surface ships,
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-13

so that the crew can participate in distance learning courses • storage spaces,
while at sea. • sanitary facilities,
• laundries, and
• arrangement of control spaces. Equipment for navigational safety
Operators of ships involved in high speed, close quarters
maneuvering, or carrying hazardous cargoes usually install Number of cabins
additional navigational equipment, often complete inte- Once the crew size has been determined, it is necessary to
grated navigation systems which put all information and decide the number of cabins. This will depend on whether
controls in the reach of a single operator similar to an air- single or multiple occupancy is required. Single cabins are
craft cockpit. This is partly driven by the desire for one-man almost universal on ocean going ships today. Thus, the
bridge operation. owner’s input will be necessary to establish the cabin count.
The number of cabins will be dependent on factors men-
tioned previously. Equipment for manning reduction
Reduced manning can be achieved by equipping the vessel Accommodation outfitting standards
with redundant radio equipment, automatic steering sys-
Crew motivation and morale can be positively or adversely
tems, integrated navigation systems, etc. Classification so-
affected by accommodation standards. Important factors in-
cieties issue special notations, such as one-man watch to
clude the size of spaces, quality and type of furniture, floor-
certify that the vessel is safe to operate at a reduced man-
ing material, and size and layout of windows. In times of
ning level.
crew shortages and competition for proficient crews, higher
standards may be advantageous. Accommodations should
be as noise and vibration free as possible. IMO standards
7.3.5 Automation
exist for acceptable levels of noise and vibrations in each
Automation ordinarily is added when justified by increased type of accommodation spaces.
safety or a reduction in manning, overtime costs, or shore-
side maintenance costs. Various levels of automation may Type of cabins classes
be specified in conjunction with a vessel’s classification,
For large commercial, ocean going vessels, there are a va-
such as bridge control, unmanned engine room, dynamic
riety of classes of cabins, such as captain class, senior of-
positioning, etc. On a smaller scale, individual systems or
ficer class, junior officer class, petty officer class, ratings
items of machinery generally have various levels of au-
class and dormitory. Each cabin class will have its own stan-
tomation available as options. Since the advent of the mi-
dard for room size, layout, and furnishing. For instance,
croprocessor, such options have become more widespread
captain and senior officer cabins typically have both a day
and cheaper.
room and a bedroom. Depending of the composition and
nationality of the crew, traditional practice might be to sep-
arate the licensed officers from unlicensed crewmembers.
7.3.6 Manning and Accommodations
Although the modern trend is toward more integrated ac-
Determining the accommodation requirements requires commodations (such as containerships which can in certain
close coordination with the shipowner’s operating organi- cases sail with crews of less than a dozen) the cultural
zation. These requirements are influenced by manning lev- makeup of the crew could dictate a certain degree of dif-
els, crew nationalities, level of standards, and visitor needs ferentiation. For smaller service type craft, the cabin re-
(such as for port officials, temporary maintenance crews, quirements and crew makeup are usually considerably
home office visitors, cadets in training). The primary ac- simplified. Although there are national regulations for min-
commodation issues include: imum cabin areas and other accommodation requirements,
• number of cabins, such as number of toilets per crew number, they are gener-
• accommodation and outfitting standards, ally exceeded today.
• type of cabin classes,
• public spaces, Public spaces
• messing facilities, The type of service and duration of voyage will largely in-
• galley and provision stores, fluence the requirement for public spaces such as lounge,
• arrangement for ship’s offices, exercise room, library, swimming pool, and sauna.
7-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Messing facilities Laundries

Depending on the size and composition of the crew, one or For most ocean going vessels, laundry facilities are required.
two mess rooms may be required for large commercial ves- Typically, heavy duty, industrial type laundry machines and
sels. As in the case of accommodation, social practice on dryers should be provided for washing bed linens and table-
board ship could call for separate mess rooms for licensed cloths. For personal laundry, separate facilities should be
and unlicensed crewmembers. For vessels that are inherently provided for officers and for ratings.
dirty, it is a good idea to provide one or more duty messes
so that the crew may have mid-day meals or coffee breaks Arrangement of control spaces
without the need to change from work clothes or coveralls. Control spaces should suit the type of vessel and nature of
the service. Typically good visibility of the control boards and Galley and provision stores operating areas should be provided. A convenient worksta-
Galley facilities are tailored to the size and national com- tion design with office type furniture and computer stations
position of the crew and duration of voyages. Provision should be considered. Control rooms typically require fre-
stores are best located on the same deck as the galley. When quent consultation of instruction manuals and operating pro-
this is not possible, provisions lifts (dumbwaiters) are pro- cedures. For these, ample storage shelves and cabinets should
vided. Provision stores are sized appropriately with respect be provided, although today many drawings and manuals are
to the size of the crew and duration of voyages. Because being replaced by computers and information databases.
ships are making increasing use of pre-packaged foods,
ample storage shelf space should be provided.
7.3.7 Hull Structure
Classification society rules are very prescriptive regarding Arrangement for ships offices
hull scantlings. However, enhanced structural requirements
Offices on board should be tailored to the service of the ves-
may be appropriate based on environmental conditions of
sel and type of operation. Typically, offices are provided for
the intended trade, past experience, reliability expectations,
the senior officers. Current practice is to locate these offices
and maintenance philosophy. Common enhancements in-
away from the quarters. As part of any office complex, care-
clude advanced structural analyses, limiting the use of high
ful thought should be given to storage of ship’s plans and
tensile steel in the hull structure, increased scantlings, in-
reference materials. Modern offices include computer work-
creased corrosion margins, special quality coatings, im-
stations and vessel-wide local area networks. A conference
proved structural details, and improved accessibility.
room may also be provided with adequate tables, seating
and file storage. Advanced structural analyses
The owner may opt to specify additional structural analy- Storage spaces ses such as finite element, fatigue, vibration and dynamic
Typically storage spaces within the accommodations are at load calculations to identify and correct structural weak-
a premium and should be described in the contract specifi- nesses. As a result of these structural analyses, critical areas
cations. They are provided for crew baggage, linen lockers, can be identified and special attention be given to them dur-
consumable stores, paint locker, etc. ing fabrication and inspection during the vessel life. This
can be an effective approach to minimizing the life-cycle Sanitary facilities cost of the vessel.
In large commercial vessels, crewmembers are typically
provided with single cabins with private toilets and show- Limiting the extent of high tensile steel
ers. This practice is not always followed in vessels where used in the hull
accommodation space is limited such as in smaller service Unless otherwise constrained by the specifications, ship-
type vessels or in vessels with large crews. IMO regulations yards will often make extensive use of high tensile steel to
restrict the discharge of liquid and solid wastes and certain design a more efficient structure, resulting in reduced light
port states have their own requirements. Accordingly, care ship weight and correspondingly reduced construction cost.
is needed when specifying sewage retention, treatment and Although this approach can be effective, high tensile steel
disposal facilities. For disposition of solid wastes, off-load- can be more susceptible to fatigue failures. Also, lighter
ing ashore may be suitable for short voyages, however for scantlings associated with high tensile steel directly affect
longer voyages trash and waste oil incinerators are com- structural flexibility and buckling strength, which need to
monly specified. be carefully evaluated during design. Therefore, more in-
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-15

tensive effort in structural design analysis may be appro- Examples include using environmentally friendly coatings,
priate if high tensile steel is used extensively. systems to reduce engine stack emissions, and cargo vapor
recovery systems for oil tankers. Bunker tanks can also be Increased scantlings located away from the vessel’s side shell to reduce risk of
Base on prior experience, some owners require that the oil spill in the case of a collision or side shell crack.
scantling thickness be increased over that required by the
classification societies. Construction standards
Fabrication deviation limits in most shipbuilding standards Increased corrosion margins are based on the shipbuilding state of the art of the late
Depending on the expected life of the vessel and the serv- 1960s. The applicability of these standards to modern ships
ice, it may be worthwhile to specify corrosion margins over built with higher tensile steel is questionable. A more strin-
and above those required by the classification societies. gent standard may be required by the shipowner for criti-
cal and highly stressed areas of the hull. Specific structural enhancements
More severe design criteria (such as longer fatigue life), more Regulatory standards
stringent construction tolerances, or more robust structural
Especially in the case of international maritime regulations,
details can be specified for historically troublesome struc-
it can take several years for new regulations to become fi-
tural details. Typical areas given consideration are hatch cor-
nalized and effective. When contracting and constructing
ners, web frame longitudinal cut outs, chocks, brackets, etc.
new vessels, the owner should consider requiring compli- Improved access ance with anticipated regulations not yet implemented, but
Structural arrangements can be provided that allow im- that will be in force before a certain date or stage of con-
proved access for inspection and maintenance of all struc- struction.
tural areas and also allow removal of injured personnel
carried on a stretcher. 7.3.9 Maintenance and Overhaul Strategy
Incorporation of the owner’s maintenance strategies and
7.3.8 Quality Standards philosophy into the design of the vessel will allow the owner
The shipowner often will find it necessary to require higher to operate and maintain the vessel as intended. Some key
quality standards than those initially offered by the shipyard, maintenance issues that can affect the design include:
required by regulations, or required by classification rules.
Quality standards impact many aspects of the vessel, some Maintenance while operating or when shutdown
of which are discussed below. Maintenance of auxiliary equipment during normal opera-
tions may require additional redundant equipment to allow Safety standards operations to continue. For example, the number of auxil-
Providing a safe working environment is a key element in iary generators may be impacted if maintenance of these
proper ship management. There are many opportunities for units will take place while the vessel is operating.
applying improved safety standards throughout the vessel
and they are discussed in Chapter 16. For instance, improved Riding crews
emergency escape access for enclosed spaces such as bal- If maintenance work will be carried out periodically by spe-
last tanks and machinery spaces can be provided. Railings, cial riding crews, then sufficient additional accommoda-
gratings, and ladders of improved design can be specified tions must be incorporated into the design. Tools and
and non-skid coatings can be used in high traffic areas. Ad- equipment such as air compressors and blasting equipment
ditional or improved lifesaving equipment can also be pro- for paint work, or specialized tools for machinery work,
vided. Firefighting systems can be enhanced by providing must be provided to handle jobs for which the riding crews
additional water spray systems, fire hydrants, and fire de- are not expected to bring their own equipment.
tectors. Specific noise and vibration standards can also be
required to enhance habitability and safety. Spare parts in excess of classification society
requirements Environmental standards If these are to be supplied by the shipyard, they must be fully
The shipowner may choose to build his vessel to higher en- described in the specification. The quantity of spares to be
vironmental standards than required by rules and regulations. provided can be influenced by remoteness of the ports of
7-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

call, availability of parts and service, reliability require- ment agreements (13). Besides those discussed below, there
ments and criticality of service. are many other commercial and legal issues, which can be
important depending on the particular nature of the con- Spare parts stowage tracting arrangements and situation (14,15). In this context
The spare parts philosophy will impact onboard storing space it is assumed that shipping is a for profit business subjected
needs. Certain spare parts must be carried on board; others to competitive market forces. The following discussion,
may be stored in strategic locations ashore. For many spare therefore, precludes such important shipping activities as
parts, a complete set is needed for each ship. If the owner’s military support, subsidized research & development, and
fleet includes multiple ships sharing either a common total other government-regulated shipping (such as those activ-
design or common design elements, then there are potential ities falling under local cabotage rules), as these do not op-
economies that can be realized by jointly sharing certain erate in any sort of traditional commercial sphere. In
major spare parts with other vessels in the owner’s fleet. This particular, there are major commercial issues involving ship
last strategy often is used for spare parts, which are expen- ownership arrangements, operating and other management
sive, and cumbersome yet infrequently needed (propellers, arrangements, and vessel financing should a long-term com-
tail shafts, and anchors are typical examples). mitment or outright purchase be appropriate. These issues
are discussed in turn in the next three sections. Overhaul location
Sailing a vessel in ballast to a location remote from its trade
route is costly because the ship incurs full operating costs 7.4.2 Tonnage Acquisition Alternatives
while making the trip, but earns no revenue. Because of the Chapter 4 discusses ship acquisition strategy. The follow-
high cost of such repositioning voyages, the trade or area ing discussion builds on Chapter 4. Several standard forms
that the vessel operates in restricts the location of shipyards of ownership arrangements have developed in the long his-
that can be effectively used for dry-docking and periodic tory of maritime trade. In the context considered here, own-
overhaul. These repair facilities can pose limitations on ership is meant to be synonymous with tonnage acquisition
maximum beam, maximum length-over-all, and maximum of any sort. That is, acquisition should be interpreted to
draft in docking condition. cover the gamut of how one might acquire tonnage to move
cargo (including passengers) for profit whether it be an out- Overhaul frequency right long-term acquisition via purchase of a ship at the one
The normal frequency of overhaul and dry-docking is dic- extreme or acquiring tonnage for a single voyage via a spot
tated by classification requirements and can impact certain charter arrangement at the other extreme. Within this range,
key elements of the vessel. For instance, if the vessel will several new approaches have developed in recent years (such
be drydocked very infrequently, such as every five years, as freight service agreements and strategic bareboat char-
then anti-fouling bottom coating must be specified that is suit- ters) to address ever-changing requirements by both
able for five years duration. Also in this case, the classifica- shipowners and charterers. Table 7.IX summarizes some
tion society may require interim underwater surveys for key elements of Tonnage Acquisition Alternatives, span-
which special location markings are required on the outer ning the spectrum from shorter-term/lower control modes
hull to enable survey divers to determine their location. like spot charters through to the longer-term/higher control
modes represented by bareboat charters and outright pur-
chases. This is by no means all-inclusive, as different seg-
ments of the maritime industry have developed many
7.4 OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENTS different products to meet the needs of both owners and
charterers. Key questions in deciding what the right arrange-
7.4.1 Overview ment is for any given situation are:
Sections 7.2 and 7.3 consider typical technical requirements
that must be understood and specified prior to contracting Term of commitment
and constructing a vessel. The intent of this section is to pro- Is a short-, medium-, or long-term commitment to tonnage
vide background information on common critical com- the most appropriate? The answer depends on several fac-
mercial requirements that must be resolved before, during, tors; among them being the duration of vessel need, one’s
and after contracting for the construction of a vessel. These outlook on the market, and the availability of tonnage under
issues are typically incorporated into commercial agree- the various alternatives. An economic evaluation of the var-
ments such as charter party contracts and vessel manage- ious alternatives against a market expectation can form the
TABLE 7.IX Tonnage Acquisition Alternatives
Acquisition Mode Operating Costs
General Specific Typical Term Capital1 Fixed2 Variable3 Revenue Key Features
Spot (or — Single Owner Owner’s Owner’s $/MT or • Covers a contractually-specified voyage or range of
Short- to Medium-Term (Lower Control) Commitments

Voyage) Voyage Account Account lump voyage options

Charter sum • Begins at a load port at a contractually-specified time
• Ends at a discharge port at the completion of the
Consecutive — A series Owner Owner’s Owner’s $/MT or • Same as a single voyage, but followed in direct
Voyage of single Account Account lump continuation by a contractually-specified series of
Charter voyages sum additional voyages
Freight — Evergreen Owner Owner’s Owner’s $/MT or • A looser form of voyage charter agreement whereby
Service Account Account lump an owner has first right of refusal to provide tonnage
Agreement sum for a given voyage; if unable or unwilling to provide
tonnage under the agreement, then the charterer is
free to follow other alternatives
Contract of — 6 months Owner Owner’s Owner’s $/MT or • A commitment by charterer to move a given volume
Affreightment to 5 years Account Account lump of cargo in a given period of time
sum • Owner to make tonnage available against contrac-
tually-specified parcels, voyages, schedules, etc
Time Charter Short- to 1 month Owner Owner’s Charterer’s $/Day • Similar to a consecutive voyage charter, but
Medium- to 10 years Account Account provides the charterer more flexibility for
Term worldwide trading
Time Charter Long-term 11–25 Owner Owner’s Charterer’s $/Day • Similar to a consecutive voyage charter, but
(or Full years Account Account provides the charterer more flexibility for
Payout) worldwide trading
Bareboat Short- to 1–10 Owner Charterer’s Charterer’s $/Day • Essentially a short-term (operating or true) lease of
Charter Medium- years or Account Account the ship, with fixed & variable operating costs for
Longer-Term (Higher Control) Commitment

Term Lender the charterer’s account

Bareboat Strategic 7–11 Owner Charterer’s Charterer’s $/Day • A modification of a medium-term bareboat whereby
Charter years or Account Account the charterer has one or more options to terminate
Lender the charter after the initial fixed term & in doing so
sheds residual value risk back to the owner
Bareboat Full Term 20–25 Owner Charterer’s Charterer’s $/Day • Essentially a full-term or full payout (capitalized or
Charter (or Full years or Account Account finance) lease of the vessel
Payout) Lender
Outright New Full life of Owner Owner’s Owner’s N/A • The owner may use the ship for his own account or
Purchase building vessel or Account Account arrange for any of the aforementioned contractual
until sold arrangements with the charter market
Outright Secondhand Remaining Owner Owner’s Owner’s N/A • Similar to the outright purchase of a newbuilding
Purchase life of Account Account except it’s used tonnage
vessel or • Introduces the ability for asset plays or commodity
until resold trading of tonnage by speculators in the market
• Also note the hedged asset trader, a speculator who
acquires secondhand tonnage for the purpose of
asset plays, but is backed by a short-term charter to
provide a known cash flow in the near-term

1. Capital Costs: Includes the purchase (contract) price, capitalized interest dur- usual competitive forces & volatility of the market. To the extent that mar-
ing construction (if any), depreciation tax credits which accrue from the ac- ket forces allow it, freight revenue will be such that providers of tonnage
quisition, net of any residual value which the owner receives at the end of the recover their operating costs, can service their capital costs, and earn a
acquisition. profit commensurate with the risk of their business. In an unhealthy mar-
2. Fixed Operating Costs: Includes seagoing labor, consumables such as ship ket, however, revenue may not allow a return on investment and may not
stores, maintenance & repair costs including periodic overhauls & position- cover some or all of one’s fixed operating costs. But a floor on revenue will
ing, insurance, an allocation of shoreside (home office) overhead, and other always exist at a level to cover variable operating costs, below which own-
miscellaneous fixed operating costs. ers will sell, lay up, or otherwise idle their tonnage. And of course, to the
3. Variable Operating Costs: Consists primarily of port and fuel cost, but may extent that entry into a given shipping activity is relatively easy, unregu-
also include costs to transit the Panama or Suez Canals, lightering costs at lated, and/or inexpensive, an effective ceiling on revenue will develop as
the load and/or discharge ports, and other miscellaneous variable costs spe- unusually high profits will attract additional market players, thereby in-
cific to the voyage at hand. creasing the supply of tonnage and drawing down freight rates (unless the
4. Freight Revenue: Generally set by the market and therefore subject to the demand for tonnage otherwise grows alongside the supply of tonnage).
7-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

basis for beginning to address this question. A large fleet 7.4.3 Operating and Other Management Agreements
may include vessels comprising many different terms of Once a mode of acquisition is decided (or mixed modes for
commitment. a large integrated fleet of ships), an owner (again defined
in the broadest sense) faces decisions regarding operating Depth of commitment agreements and other management agreements (e.g., com-
Is it enough to have a call on a pool of tonnage under, for mercial management and technical management). For the
example, a freight service agreement or a contract of af- purposes of this discussion, these may be generically cate-
freightment, or is a deeper commitment to a specific ship gorized as follows:
or a specific owner more appropriate? Among many factors,
the answer depends on one’s valuation of long-term (on- Operational management
going) business relations and their role in contributing to a Entails day-to-day running of the ships, including bunker-
venture’s success and the ability to manage operational risk ing, port activities, voyage orders, manning, insurance, ship
across pooled ships verses specific ships. A large fleet may stores, etc. Includes operational administration of any con-
include varying depths of commitment to different ships. tractual obligations accruing to the owner. Degree of operational control Technical management

Is control of the deployment of the ship adequate to meet Really a subset of operational management, but more fo-
the need? If so, then a consecutive voyage charter or a short- cused on technical engineering and maritime expertise, such
term time charter may be best. If control over on board op- as new construction supervision, vessel conversions, main-
erations is needed, then a bareboat charter or outright tenance and repair, upgrades and retrofits, emergency re-
purchase might be more appropriate. This is largely a risk sponse, etc.
management issue with the added consideration of strate-
gic value (if any) arising from controlling the operations in- Commercial management
house vs. outsourcing them to an independent third party. Arranges for commercial employment for the ships, seek-
Once again, a large fleet may consist of varying degrees of ing to maximize daily return, vessel time or space utiliza-
operational control across the ships in the fleet. tion, or some other commercial or financial measure of
merit. In most cases also handles accounts payable and re- Level of market exposure ceivable, as well as commercial claims like demurrage,
Is exposure to shorter-term spot market volatility accept- cargo contamination or loss, insurance claims, etc. Includes
able or is it more desirable to lock in a longer-term (per- commercial administration of any contractual obligations
haps fixed) freight component via term charter accruing to the owner. Several alternatives readily present
arrangements? This is first and foremost a business deci- themselves:
sion. Does one have a view on the market and is one will-
• in-house management,
ing to take a position in that market? Or is it sufficient to
• one-off subcontracts for specific management elements,
pay no more or no less than market on the assumption that
• ongoing outside management by a third party special-
that’s what the incremental competitor is paying? Of per-
ist, and
haps secondary importance are questions such as: does one
• any mixture of these alternatives across the entire spec-
have other market-based cash flows in his/her business port-
trum of ship management activities.
folio, which can act as a natural hedge against marine freight
rate volatility? And does exposure to at least some portion There are several issues that drive an owner to one or
of the market allow one to attract equity financing which more form of management agreement. Most have to do with
he/she might not otherwise be able to attract? Finally, is one project control and risk management.
willing to take on medium-term spot market exposure in an The basic issue is to determine an appropriate degree of
acquisition vehicle like a strategic bareboat, which allows operational, technical, and commercial control. This usually
him/her to shed residual value risk back to the market at a comes down to a risk management decision, vis a vis how
later date in the charter? These are all key issues for any much hands-on control of the various aspects of ship man-
asset management strategy built on long-lived commodities agement is necessary to manage the risk and exposure from
such as ships. a mishap. Additionally, a shipowner must address the degree
to which more or less control of the various aspects of ves-
sel management provide strategic value to the company or
venture at hand. That is, how much control is one willing to
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-19

divest to the outside and how much does one want to retain probabilistic techniques wrapped up in decision and risk
in-house and out of the hands of outsiders or competitors? analysis (D&RA). Assuming that these economics favor ac-
Very closely allied to this issue is quality assurance. To quisition, then a prudent owner will always look at taking
what extent does one feel that in-house management pro- advantage of the lowest cost of finance balanced against
vides higher quality service than does outsourcing one or any perceived benefits from taking on other higher cost fi-
more vessel management activities? Larger integrated firms nance alternatives. The basic factors in the decision are:
may very well answer this question differently than smaller
• asset management and long-term forecasts,
niche or specialized owner/operators. No discussion of con-
• equity verses debt financing,
trol and quality assurance would be complete without men-
• weighted average cost of capital vs. debt rate,
tioning the “vetting” process by which one assesses the
• credit ratings and the cost of finance,
quality of third party shipping assets and vessel manage-
• leveraging off project credit or joint venture partner
ment. An inspection program, whether in-house or third
party, may be used to assess the vessel, its hardware, and
• private verses public financing,
its crew and onboard operations. A shore-side assessment
• shipbuilder financing,
program may also be in place for assessing the quality of
• discount rates,
home office management and quality control systems.
• lease vs. purchase (equivalent interest rate of a lease),
Figure 7.2 summarizes in qualitative fashion the relative
• inflation rates,
levels of exposure to risk associated with different modes
• foreign exchange rates, and
of tonnage acquisition.
• tax effects.
These issues are reviewed in the following paragraphs.
7.4.4 Vessel Financing For more detailed information, see Chapter 6 and any of the
Whether buying a ship outright or chartering it in some fash- standard texts referenced throughout this chapter may be
ion from another owner, a ship must eventually be built. At consulted.
the risk of stating the obvious, without the cash, there is no
ship. Raising the cash (financing the project) is therefore a Asset management and long-term forecasts
very, if not the most, important step in a successful new- Decisions around long-term asset management necessitate
building project. In the classical sense, any long-term ac- the use of long-term forecasts, both on the operating cost and
quisition of tonnage should be justified on the basis of an freight revenue sides of the equation. This is because long-
outright purchase compared to the spot market. In this re- lived assets such as ships require large amounts of capital to
gard, many analytical techniques are available to help an build and/or acquire. The owner will only put such capital
owner in coming to a decision: discounted cash flow (DCF) into ships if he believes that long-term revenues will exceed
analysis, including net present value (NPV) and rates of re- costs including a return on capital employed. This is very
turn (ROR), or internal rate of return, (IRR), as well as the difficult due to the fluctuating ship demand. Equity vs. debt

In general, cash may be raised either as:

Voyage Charter • Equity with a return generated as dividends derived from
Contract of Affreightment market performance or from receipts upon sale of the
Exposure to Commercial Risk

(Freight Market Volatility)

Charter asset in question, or

Time Charter Freight Sensitive
Agreement • Debt with a fixed return based on interest rates at the time
the debt is issued. Equity is generally more costly than
debt, but will be available to share more of the risk in a
New-building Purchase given venture than will debt. The obvious comparison
Purchase here is in the U.S. capital markets where New York Stock
Exchange equity issues (i.e., stocks) compete for funds

with fixed rate U.S. Treasury debt issues and corporate

Lower Higher commercial paper. Also of note are the many European
Exposure to Operational/Technical Risk
and Far Eastern stock exchanges and floating rate
Figure 7.2 Relative Levels of Exposure to Commercial Risk LIBOR-indexed debt issues.
7-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Weighted average cost of capital vs. debt rate from a third party v. funding its acquisition with internal
This concept is both an issue of the cost of finance as well resources. In a classic lease/purchase analysis, that discount
as the right discount rate to use for project economics, both rate which equates the NPVs of leasing cash flows and out-
of which are addressed in Subsection right purchase cash flows is called the EIRL. If it is less than
an owner’s debt rate, then leasing is attractive. If more than Credit ratings and the cost of finance an owner’s debt rate, leasing is unattractive.
Agencies such as Standard & Poor’s (S&P) or Moody’s in
the U.S. will assess the credit risk, that is, the risk of de- Inflation rates
fault to investors, of a given equity or debt issue or of a Whether high or low, inflation always should be taken into
given project or venture. The higher the assessed risk, the account in any economic analysis of tonnage acquisition
higher the cost of finance, be it equity or debt. Barring such alternatives. In the most general sense, cash flows should
a formal credit rating, the financial markets will do their own all include the effects of their own escalators/de-escalators
assessment in the way that they price the relative financing as anticipated over the life of the asset. To the extent indi-
of various ventures or ongoing business concerns. vidual escalators/de-escalators are unknown or difficult to
forecast, then a more general measure of inflation, such as Leveraging off project credit or joint venture a national price inflator/deflator or gross domestic product
partner credit inflator/deflator, should be used. In any event, the correct
As a subset of the preceding discussion of credit risk, one discount rate (constant or then-current dollar) should be
technique for reducing the cost of finance is for individual used when running DCF economics.
participants to combine their strengths in a joint venture (or
project) and to thereby possibly improve the overall credit Foreign exchange rates
rating for the benefit of the joint venture partners (JVPs). For cash flow analyses involving foreign currencies, a fore-
This technique requires a high level of cooperation amongst cast of exchange rates should always be used which is in-
the JVPs as well as covenants to protect the JVPs and cred- ternally consistent with relative inflation and interest rates
itors in the event of default by one or more of the JVPs. In among the countries at hand. To proceed otherwise is to in-
particular, the JVPs quite probably will have to address the troduce distortions into the analysis, which might otherwise
issue of taking on joint and several liability to cover defaults incorrectly direct an owner to one acquisition mode vs. an-
by one or more of their partners. other. Private vs. public finance Tax effects

Whether one raises money in the public or private capital Since tax payments, and credits, represent real economic
markets, or takes it out of retained earnings in the form of payments to (or benefits from) central state tax authorities,
working capital, is really a question of the cost of capital; they should always be included in any rigorous economic
its availability in the various markets; and the capital mix analysis of tonnage acquisition alternatives. Of course, as
of the company vis a vis return to shareholders. As such, for inflation, the correct discount rate (before- or after-tax)
the approach to the capital markets for a given shipping should be used when running DCF economics. It should be
venture will be unique to the venture at hand. noted also that, to the extent that tax laws or tax rates may
change over time, sometimes suddenly and drastically, tax Discount rates effects may introduce a large area of uncertainty, and thereby
The rate at which a DCF model determines the NPV of a risk, into long-lived projects like tonnage acquisitions.
set of cash flows is generally dependent on the relative risk
(or level of uncertainty) of those cash flows. Generally, the
higher the risk (or uncertainty), the higher the discount rate.
In this sense, then, contractual or relatively certain cash
flows such as term charter revenue or loan payments should
be discounted at lower rates than, say, port and fuel costs, 7.5.1 General
fixed operating expenses, or spot charter revenue. Section 7.4 outlines the myriad of methods that can be used
to acquire tonnage. If a vessel is to be constructed for an Lease vs. purchase owner, then the shipyard and vessel owner will first agree
The equivalent interest rate of a lease (EIRL) is a measure on the terms of a shipbuilding contract (14). Amongst other
whereby an owner may assess the benefit of leasing an asset obligations, this document compels the shipyard to build a
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-21

vessel that meets the technical specifications and contract instance, the payment terms of a contract may specify 25%
terms (such as delivery date) and obligates the owner to pay due on contract signing, 25% when the keel is laid, 25% on
for the vessel at the agreed upon price. launching, and 25% upon delivery. Opposite extremes of
Chapter 9 covers contracts and specifications in detail payment terms would be 70% due upon contract signing or
and shows a typical table of contents for a shipbuilding con- alternatively 70% due upon vessel delivery. Earlier pay-
tract. The shipbuilding contract will typically refer to agreed ment schedules will usually reduce contract price but an
upon ship construction specifications for all technical re- after-tax net present value analysis is necessary to determine
quirements of the vessel. The shipbuilding contract will in- the best payment terms from the owner’s perspective.
corporate the commercial requirements of the deal. The If a foreign shipyard is used, payments in foreign cur-
owner will have specific contractual requirements that will rency may be required and the owner must then recognize
be important or critical to a successful project and a suc- that the final cost in his local currency is dependent on for-
cessful operation. These important commercial require- eign exchange rates at the time contract payments become
ments will vary from project to project although total project due. This cost impact due to future currency valuation is
(acquisition) cost is almost always critical. known as exchange rate risk. Exchange rate risk may be
An acceptable project cost should consider life cycle mitigated via the foreign exchange forward market, the cur-
cost considerations such as fuel consumption and mainte- rency futures market, or other financial strategies. However,
nance cost control measures as discussed in Sections 7.2 and these actions do incur costs. For further details the reader
7.3. This section provides background information on typ- is referred to a standard text on financial markets (15).
ical cost elements that make up the total project cost for con-
structing a new vessel.
The reader is referred to Chapter 10, which covers pric-
ing and cost estimating. TABLE 7.X Sample Owner’s Costs for Acquiring a Large
Acquisition cost is critically important to the commer- Commercial Trading Vessel
cial shipowner. Shipowners who acquire vessels for a lower
total cost than their competitors enjoy a commercial ad- Shipyard contract price
vantage for the life of the vessel. Refer to Chapter 4 for a Base price U.S. $60 000 000
discussion on acquisition methods the owner may use to Contract alterations 300 000
help ensure a final competitive shipyard price. Total acqui- Performance incentive adjustments 500 000
sition cost includes many items in addition to the shipyard
Liquidated damages <0>
contract cost. This total acquisition cost will typically form
the basis for a project budget, which will be controlled dur- Owner-furnished equipment 450 000
ing project execution. Table 7.X shows a sample summary Delivery and registration
of the owner’s costs for acquiring a large commercial trad- Registration fees 50 000
ing vessel. In this example, the owner’s total cost to place
Shipboard personnel training and transportation 100 000
a new ship in service exceeds the shipyard base price by 8
percent. Naming ceremony expenses 50 000
Positioning costs 900 000
Project management
7.5.2 Cost Elements
Pre-contract engineering and administrative 350 000
The individual cost elements are discussed as below.
Post-contract engineering and administrative 580 000 Base price of vessel Field supervision 1 200 000
This is typically the largest of all the cost elements and Guarantee
therefore the one that attracts the most attention. This is the Guarantee Engineer 30 000
price the owner will pay for the vessel not including any
Guarantee administration 20 000
other adjustments that may be necessary under the terms of
the contract. Because of its importance, much effort and Other
time is spent negotiating this cost. Duties 0
It is customary that the owner pays the shipyard the full Others 0
base price in payments spread out over the duration of the
contract. Payments are triggered by certain key events. For
7-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Contract alterations TABLE 7.XI Examples of Owner-Furnished Equipment

During engineering, plan approval, and construction work
it is common for the owner or shipyard to request changes
from what is specified in the contract specifications. For in- Charts
stance, the owner may request that the shipyard provide a Chemical supplies
recently developed underwater hull coating system that was Christening gifts
not available when the contract was signed. Such a change Cleaning gear & housekeeping supplies
is a contract alteration and if agreed, may result in increased Clothing allowance
or decreased cost. Payment for alterations is typically due
Communication equipment
when the vessel is delivered.
Company forms Performance incentive adjustments Computer hardware
The contract may include performance incentives that re- Computer software
sult in increased or decreased payments. For instance, if the Copy machine
vessel is delivered earlier than the contract delivery date, a Electrical supplies
performance incentive clause in the contract may call for
Entertainment equipment
the owner to pay an additional fee to the shipyard.
Exercise equipment Liquidated damages Firefighting, lifesaving, & safety equipment
Under the terms of the construction contract, liquidated Galley equipment
damages may result in reduced payment to the shipyard due General maintenance stores
to under-performance compared to what is specified under Immigration & customs forms
the terms of the construction contract and specifications.
Laundry equipment
For instance, liquidated damages may apply for late deliv-
ery, insufficient speed, excessive fuel consumption, or in- Lubricants
sufficient cargo carrying capacity. Lubricant & fuel test equipment
Machinery diagnostic systems and equipment Owner-furnished equipment Machinery spare parts
The owner will usually provide some equipment or outfit- Medical stores & equipment
ting items depending on the terms of the contract. Exam-
ples of owner-furnished equipment are shown in Table 7.XI.
Depending on the vessel’s mission, the owner may also Mooring wires and ropes
choose to furnish major pieces of specialized equipment. Nautical publications
Navigation & deck supplies Registration fees Navigation systems
The owner will need to pay registration fees to the flag state Office equipment & supplies
Packing & gaskets Shipboard personnel training and transportation Paint & painting supplies
The operating crew will require transportation to the deliv- Pilot hoist
ery location, which is usually the shipyard. In addition, they Pipe, valves & fittings
may require training for operating new or unfamiliar equip- Portable tank ventilators
ment and systems on the vessel.
Registry forms Naming ceremony expenses
If a naming ceremony is to be held, there will be associated Rope & line
owner’s costs. Steward equipment
Tools, hand & power Positioning costs Training equipment & materials
The constructing shipyard may not be located near the re-
Welding supplies
gion of operation for the vessel. The time and expenses as-
Chapter Mission and Owner’s Requirements: Engineering Economics 7-23

sociated with positioning the vessel after delivery can be a 3. Hunt, E. C. and Butman, B. S., Marine Engineering Eco-
significant cost element to the owner. nomics and Cost Analysis, Cornell Maritime Press, Centre-
ville, Md., 1995 Pre-contract engineering and administrative 4. Stopford, M., Maritime Economics, Routledge, London, 2nd
This cost element covers the owner’s efforts leading up to ed., 1997
the signing of the construction contract. Engineering work, 5. Benford, H., “A Naval Architects Guide to Practical Eco-
specification negotiations, and contract negotiations usu- nomics,” University of Michigan, Dept. of Naval Architec-
ture and Marine Engineering Report No. 319, October 1991
ally constitute the majority of these costs.
6. Buxton, I. L., “Engineering Economics and Ship Design,” 3rd
ed., British Marine Technology, Wallsend, 1987 Post-contract engineering and administrative
7. Brigham, E. F., and Gapenski, L. C., Financial management:
Home office project management costs are captured in this Theory and Practice, 6th ed., The Dryden Press, Harcourt
cost element such as engineering studies, plan approval, Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, Fort Worth, 1991
management reporting, and record keeping. 8. Thuesen, G. C., and Fabrycky, W. L., Engineering Economy,
6th ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1984 Field supervision 9. Grant, E. L., Ireson, W. G. and Leavenworth, R. S., Princi-
It is common for the owner to have a team of representa- ples of Engineering Economy, 7th ed., Wiley, NY, 1982
tives in the shipyard during construction. These represen- 10. Hurley W. J. and Johnson, L. G., The Engineering Econo-
tatives monitor progress, inspect workmanship and may mist, 43, no. 1, Fall 1997, pp 73-82.
also provide project management functions. 11. Beenstock, M. and Vergottis, A., “An Econometric Model of
the World Tanker Market,” Journal of Transport Economics Guarantee Engineer and Policy 23, no. 3, 1989, pp 263-280.
For ocean going vessels, the shipyard may be requested to 12. Zannetos, Z. S., The Theory of Tankship Rates: An Economic
provide an on-board Guarantee Engineer to ride on the ves- Analysis of Tankship Operation, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1966
sel for some limited period of time (such as three months 13. Gorton, L., Ihre, R. and Sandevarn, A., Shipbroking and Char-
or more). The purpose of this shipyard supplied Engineer tering Practice, Lloyd’s of London Press, London, 1995
14. Mack- Forlist, D. and Goldbach, R. A. “Bid Preparation in
is to facilitate rectification of post-delivery technical prob-
Shipbuilding,” by Transactions of the Society of Naval Ar-
lems and the settlement of guarantee claims. chitects and Marine Engineers Vol. 84, 1976, 307-336.
15. Maxwell, C. E., Financial markets and institutions: The Guarantee administration global view, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, 1994
Administration of guarantee claims during the guarantee
period and final settlement can incur additional labor costs
for the owner.
7.7 USEFUL READINGS Others 7.7.1 Periodicals
Each vessel acquisition project will usually have costs that Fairplay International Shipping Weekly (Coulsdon, Surrey, U.K.)
fall in this category such as duties due, legal expenses, fi- Lloyd’s Shipping Economist (London)
nancing costs, and bank guarantee fees. Lloyd’s Ship Manager (London)
Lloyd’s Shipping Index (London)
Marine Money International (Stamford, Connecticut)
1. Farthing, B., International Shipping, 2nd ed., London: Lloyd’s 7.7.2 Other Information Sources
of London Press, 1993 Drewry’s Shipping Consultants (London)
2. Kendall, L. C., The Business of Shipping, 7th ed., Cornell Mar- Japan Maritime Research Institute (Tokyo)
itime Press, Centreville, Md., 2001 U.S. Maritime Administration (Washington)
Chapter 8
Classification and Regulatory Requirements

Glenn Ashe and Jeffrey Lantz

8.1 INTRODUCTION dated upon all shipowners and operators of marine systems
and, therefore, a complementary process which is govern-
Verification that a system complies with mutually agreed-
ment driven has been established. This is because marine
upon criteria is at the heart of any successful contractually
commerce represents such a significant portion of world
established acquisition. Ordinarily, these criteria are docu-
economy, touches almost all nations and is dynamic in na-
mented in a contract, which conveys to the supplier the ex-
ture. Thus, it has been found necessary to include baseline
pectations of the purchaser. In addition, these criteria can
acceptability requirements in the set of criteria that repre-
then form the basis of a through-life maintenance plan and
sent the expectations of society (the general public) inso-
can provide an indication of proper stewardship of the asset.
far as the protection of human life and the environment is
Clearly conveying these expectations to those who must
meet them is a challenge and, as acquired items increase in concerned. These criteria are regulatory in nature and are
complexity, the probability of misunderstanding or vari- established and implemented through conventions, treaties,
ance in interpretation of requirements increases. Oftentimes, laws and regulations. Most governments recognize classi-
a mechanism, which employs third-party certification agents fication as sufficient for satisfying a large portion of these
without inherent interests to verify compliance, is imple- requirements and a close relationship between classification
mented to verify compliance to established standards. societies and governmental marine safety organizations has
In the marine industry, there are three primary groups developed over the years.
into which the criteria, which define the acceptability of a Finally, there is a large body of requirements, which
vessel or other complex system, can be placed. These are do not necessarily fall into either of these categories but
classification society rules, regulatory requirements and is of paramount interest to the shipowner (see Chapter 7—
shipowner requirements. Recognizing the responsibility of Mission and Owner’s Requirements). These include char-
stewardship that should be assumed by the ship owners and acteristics, which affect the mission performance or
operators of such a complex and pervasive system, the in- economic viability of the asset such as speed, cargo
dustry itself has established a process called classification throughput, crew habitability as well as many others. These
by which standards related to the safety and fitness of the can be grouped as shipowner requirements and are usu-
system to meet its intended purpose are maintained and ap- ally conveyed as specific requirements in the contract.
plied. This process is truly unique and includes participa- Usually shipowners rely upon classification society rules
tion from all aspects of the industry ensuring that the and governmental statutory requirements to form the core
standards and the processes for applying them are compre- of the criteria, which will define their vessel and add to
hensive without being punitive. those the shipowner requirements, which will shape the
Participation in this classification process cannot be man- vessel to its specific mission.

8 -1
8-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

8.2 CLASSIFICATION fication as an attestation that their vessels are built and main-
tained to a level which protects their investment; government
8.2.1 Background administrations look to class societies as partners in carrying
Classification Societies trace their roots back to a decision out their duties as flag and port state marine regulators; and
made by a number of leading underwriters in a London cof- the remainder of the marine industry relies on classification
fee house name Lloyd’s in the year 1760. At that time, due standards as the baseline for assessing vessel fitness for in-
to the emerging need to better assess vessel risk for the pur- tended purpose. Over the intervening years a number of such
pose of determining adequate insurance premiums, the lead- classification societies emerged to satisfy the increasingly in-
ing underwriters established an organization, which would ternational nature of the emerging marine insurance market.
look at the sailing ships requesting coverage and provide a The leading societies, being involved in very similar work, es-
subjective assessment of the strength of the vessel for the in- tablished an association (The International Association of
tended voyage as well as the capability of the Master. The Classification Societies) to better standardize their applica-
organization was named Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. In the tion of technology and methods of operation.
course of conducting these assessments the company recorded
pertinent findings, subsequently grading the vessel accord-
ing to a numerical system which provided an indication of 8.2.2 International Association of Classification
the relative risk involved in underwriting the ship. Societies (IACS)
These records were published in a volume referred to as The International Association of Classification Societies
the Register and the contents therein were made available to (IACS) can trace its origin back to the International Con-
all participating underwriters. Recognizing the value of this ference on Load Lines of 1930, which recommended that
developing process of industry self-regulation, the British classification societies recognized by governments under
government provided a number of governing principals in- Article 9 of the Load Line Convention of 1930 should con-
tended to ensure the fidelity and integrity of the process, fer from time to time…with a view to securing as much uni-
which remain in force in most classification societies today. formity as possible in the application of the standards of
One of the most important recommendations was that the strength on which freeboard is based…
governing body of the classification society should include In 1939, the first conference of international classifica-
members from all sectors of the shipping community; tion societies was hosted by Registro Italiano Navale in
shipowners, shipbuilders, and underwriters. This helped guar- Rome and was attended by representatives of the American
antee the impartiality of the process and ensured that deci- Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas,
sions would take into account all relevant viewpoints. Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, and
There were three other key points: Nippon Kaiji Kyokai. During this conference it was agreed
that cooperation between classification societies should be
1. classification should be assigned in accordance with es-
further developed and conferences should be convened as
tablished rules,
deemed desirable. There was no formal organization at that
2. the classification society should have a permanent, qual-
ified staff, and
The next conference was held in Paris in 1955 with Bu-
3. the society should not be governmental.
reau Veritas as host, followed by meetings in London, 1959
This last is important in that it meant that politics would not (Lloyd’s Register); New York, 1965 (American Bureau of
govern decisions, which should be made on technical merit. Shipping); and Oslo, 1968 (Det Norske Veritas). It was dur-
This process became commonly known as classification, and ing this Oslo conference that the establishment of an Interna-
hence the organizations, which came into existence to sat- tional Association of Classification Societies was agreed upon.
isfy such needs, became known as classification societies. The International Association of Classification Societies
Although it is rooted in a service to underwriters, the was formally established in 1968 with three main purposes:
process has become much more. The mission of a classifica-
1. to promote improvement of standards of safety at sea,
tion society is to promote the security of life, property and the
2. to consult and cooperate with relevant international and
natural environment through the development and verification
marine organizations, and
of standards for the design, construction and maintenance of
3. to maintain close cooperation with the world’s maritime
marine related facilities. The basis for a class society’s suc-
cess in carrying out this mission rests in the recognition by
the marketplace of the value that it adds to the assets in ques- Membership in IACS is held by ten leading classifica-
tion. Thus, shipowners and their underwriters look to classi- tion societies:
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-3

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) hull structural steel, established in 1957. It produced Uni-
Bureau Veritas (BV) fied Requirement No. 1 for hull structural steels.
China Classification Society (CCS) Following are the general responsibilities of the work-
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) ing groups:
Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
• to draft unified rules and requirements between the mem-
Korean Register of Shipping (KR)
ber societies,
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR)
• to draft responses to requests of the International Mar-
Maritime Register of Shipping (RS)
itime Organization (IMO) and to prepare unified, inter-
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK)
pretations of conventions, resolutions, guides, and codes,
Registro Italiano Navale (RINa)
• to identify problems related to the working group’s area
In addition, the Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS) of activity and to propose IACS action, and
and the Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) are recognized • to monitor the work organizations related to the expert-
as associate members. ise of the working groups and to report to the council.
The government body of IACS is the council, which con- The following topics are the responsibility of individual
sists of one senior executive from each member society. The working groups:
council meets regularly once a year to conduct the activi-
ties of the association. Meetings to deal with matters of im- • containers,
mediate concern may be held more frequently and at short • drilling units,
notice. The principal objective of the council is to establish • electrical systems,
the general policy of the association, to solve any policy • engines,
problems, and to plan for future activities. • fire protection,
The council also considers and adopts resolutions on • gas and chemical tankers,
technical issues within the classification societies’ scope of • hull damages,
work. Numerous unified requirements (URs), and unified • inland waterway vessels,
interpretations (UIs) of international codes and conventions • marine pollution,
have been adopted by the council. Typical examples of IACS • materials and welding,
unified requirements are: • mooring and anchoring,
• pipes and pressure vessels,
• minimum longitudinal strength standard, • strength of ships,
• special hull surveys of oil tankers, • subdivision, stability, and load lines, and
• loading guidance information, • survey, reporting, and certification.
• use of steel grades for various hull members,
• hull and machinery steel castings, Since 1969, IACS has been granted consultative status
• cargo containment on gas tankers, with IMO. A representative of IMO has since then attended
• prototype testing and test measurement on tank con- IACS Council meetings, and IACS representatives have reg-
tainers, ularly participated as observers at the meeting of the Assem-
• inert-gas generating installations on vessels carrying oil bly, the Maritime Safety Committee, the Marine Environment
in bulk, Protection Committee, and different subcommittees and work-
• fire protection of machinery spaces, and ing groups of IMO. Recognizing the importance of a mutual
• survey of hatch covers and coamings. relationship between IACS and the increasing contribution of
IACS work to IMO activity, in 1976 the IACS Council ap-
Between the regular meetings of the council, the gen- pointed a permanent representative to IMO.
eral policy group, a subsidiary body of the association, meets IACS is the only nongovernmental organization with ob-
to deal with current affairs and progress of the IACS work- server status at IMO able to develop rules. These rules, im-
ing groups. plemented by its member societies, are accepted by the
Working groups are established by the council in ac- maritime community as technical standards. In areas where
cordance with the character of the association. They include IMO intends to establish detailed technical or procedural
both permanent working parties and ad hoc groups. Long requirements, IACS endeavors to ensure that these re-
before the formal foundation of IACS was established, a quirements are easily applicable and as clear and unam-
number of working parties existed to carry out studies of biguous as possible.
specific topics. The first of these was the working party on IACS liaises with international organizations for ex-
8-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

change of views and information on matters of mutual in- surveying the vessel throughout its life. In Africa, Asia,
terest. This ensures that the views of the industry are taken Europe, Australia, and the Americas—wherever ships are
into consideration in the work of IACS. Examples of such being built, repaired, or operated—the surveyor is on call
international organizations are International Marine Insur- twenty-four hours a day.
ers, International Chamber of Shipping, Oil Companies In- Engineers conduct systematic evaluation of the hull and
ternational Marine Forum, Society of International Gas machinery plans for a vessel to determine the structural and
Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd., International Stan- mechanical adequacy of the design according to the Rules.
dardization Organization, and Economic Commission for Engineers are strategically located in offices around the
Europe. world enabling them to maintain person-to-person contact
with shipowners, designers, and builders in the develop-
ment and evaluation of plans. Through the years, the tech-
8.2.3 Organization and Management of the American nical staff has increased its sophistication and technological
Bureau of Shipping resources in handling new designs and in sharing its ex-
The American Bureau of Shipping has no capital stock and pertise with the maritime industry. It is this expertise em-
pays no dividends. It is a nonprofit, non-governmental ship bodied in its staffs of surveyors and engineers spread over
classification society. The income of ABS is derived from six continents that enables the classification society to main-
fees for the classification and survey (periodic in-service in- tain its unique position in the marine industry.
spection) of marine structures. All funds are used solely for The primary means by which a classification society pur-
the performance of services, and any surplus of receipts in sues its mission is through classification of ships and other
any one year is used for the extension and improvement of marine structures. Classification is a procedure involving:
such services.
• technical plan review,
Management responsibilities are vested in the Board of
• surveys during construction,
Directors and Council chosen from the some eight hundred
• acceptance by the Classification Committee,
members of ABS. The members—whose purpose is to pro-
• subsequent periodic surveys for maintenance of class,
mote and support the mission of ABS—comprise shipown-
ers, shipbuilders, naval architects, marine engineers, engine
• the development of standards, known as Rules.
builders, material manufacturers, marine underwriters, gov-
ernment representatives and other persons eminent in their
marine and related fields of endeavor. None of the mem- Technical plan review
bers receive any compensation for services rendered. Or- When a shipowner first requests that the vessel or structure
ganized and managed in this manner, and with this wide be classed, the shipyard or design agent presents design
spectrum of interests involved as members, the American drawings and calculations to the class society for a sys-
Bureau of Shipping provides the industry with a recognized tematic detailed review for compliance with the Rules. En-
organization for self-regulation. gineers review the plans to verify that the structural and
As an international technical organization it is essential mechanical details conform to the Rule requirements. In
that ABS be current with marine-related developments this way, the classification society is able to determine
worldwide. ABS accomplishes this through a general com- whether the design is adequate in its structural and me-
mittee structure consisting of individuals eminent in marine chanical concept and, therefore, suitable for production. Es-
and related industries. The general committees also serve sential to maximizing the “value added” potential of this part
as a forum for ABS members and management worldwide. of the process, the engineering staff is available for contin-
uous consultation with the shipowner and designer.

8.2.4 The Classification Process Surveys during construction

Classification societies apply this process today for the After a design has been reviewed and found to be in con-
world’s shipping community with their surveyors carrying formance with the Rules, field surveyors live with the ves-
out continuous surveys on a vessel from keel laying to sel at the shipyard from keel laying to delivery to verify
scrapping to ensure adherence to the Rules. This encom- that: the approved plans are followed, good workmanship
passes such duties as witnessing tests of materials for hull practices are applied, and the Rules are adhered to in all re-
and machinery items at the place of manufacture or fabri- spects. During the construction of a vessel built to class, sur-
cation; surveying the building of the hull and its machin- veyors witness, at the place of manufacture or fabrication,
ery, boilers, and vital auxiliaries; attending sea trials and the tests of materials for hull and certain items of machin-
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-5

ery, as required by the Rules. They also survey the build- marine field and who serve without compensation. These
ing, installation and testing of the structural and principal committees permit the society to maintain close contact
mechanical and electrical systems. Throughout the time of with interests in various geographic regions and with vari-
construction class surveyors and engineers maintain an on- ous technological and scientific disciplines. The commit-
going dialogue with the shipowner and builder to make sure tee arrangement has the distinct advantage of allowing all
the Rules are understood and adhered to, and also to assist segments, including the governments, of the industry to par-
in resolving differences that may arise. ticipate in developing the various Rules. As a result of these
procedures the Rules are both authoritative and impartial. Sea trials/class committee
When completed, a vessel undergoes sea trials attended by
field surveyors to verify that the vessel performs according 8.2.5 What Classification Represents
to Rule requirements. The vessel’s credentials are then pre- The responsibility of the classification society is to assure
sented to the Classification Committee (members who are that the ships and marine structures presented to it comply
appointed from the maritime industry, statutory body rep- with Rules that the society has established for design, con-
resentatives, and class society officers), which, based on struction, and periodic survey. Classification itself does not
collective experience and recommendations from the class judge the economic viability of a vessel, neither is the so-
society staff, assesses the vessel’s compliance with the Rules. ciety in a position to judge whether a vessel is ultimately
Provided all is in order, the vessel is accepted into class and employed according to the stated intended service for which
formal certification is issued. The vessel’s classification in- it was classed. Nor can the classification society assume re-
formation, characteristics and other particulars then are en- sponsibility for managerial decisions of a shipowner or op-
tered into the class society Record or Register—the registry erator concerning crewing practices or operation of a classed
of vessels classed. vessel. It records, reports, and recommends in accordance
with what is seen at the time of a vessel’s construction and Surveys after construction subsequent surveys.
Though a new vessel may be granted classification and Through its classification survey procedure it is the in-
thereby judged fit for its intended service, such status is not tent of the society to prevent a vessel from falling into a sub-
automatically retained throughout its service life. As the standard condition. If a vessel should be found to be in such
rigors of sea can be wearing on a vessel’s hull and ma- a state and the recommendations of the classification soci-
chinery, the society conducts periodic surveys to determine ety are not followed, then the society has no choice but to
whether a vessel is being maintained in a condition worthy suspend or cancel classification.
of retaining classification status. As specified in the Rules,
shipowners must present their vessels on a periodic basis
for survey of hull and machinery items. Also, should there 8.2.6 Naval Classification
be any reason to believe that a classed vessel has sustained Increasingly, navies are recognizing the need to leverage
damage that may affect classification status, it is incumbent successful commercial mechanisms in order to accomplish
upon the shipowner to so inform the society. Upon request, necessary roles in a more cost effective manner and have
surveyors would then survey the vessel to determine whether begun to investigate the application of classification society
it meets the Rules and, if not, recommend appropriate re- processes in their vessel certification efforts. This currently
pairs to maintain classification. is being implemented to varying degrees in several navies
around the world and it is yet to be determined how the final Classification standards models will evolve. Several classification societies have
As is clear from the previous information another essential Naval Ship Classification Rules in place. The general vision
aspect of the classification function is the development of is a continuing partnership between the navy and the clas-
the standards, known as Rules, to be used. The Rules are sification society for the purpose of establishing, husband-
established from principles of naval architecture, marine ing and implementing the collection of standards against
engineering, and other engineering disciplines that have which the acceptability of naval vessels will be measured.
proven satisfactory by service experience and systematic The exact nature of this partnership will have to evolve but
analysis. will be set up so as to take advantage of the skill sets and
Classification societies ordinarily promulgate and peri- expertise available. Thus, the classification society would
odically update their Rules through technical committees focus on the areas where it has traditionally been a technol-
composed of individuals internationally eminent in their ogy leader—hull, mechanical and electrical (H, M &E) sys-
8-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

tems—enabling the navy to concentrate its resources in the the high seas. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly,
areas unique to naval vessels including interface with those they also provide assurances to the world’s countries that
primary to the class society. Integral to this will be the input, this same minimum level of safety and environmental pro-
review and counsel of shipbuilding industry technical experts. tection will be provided in their national waters when these
In essence, a virtual classification society for the navy would oceangoing vessels, regardless of flag, operate in their ports.
evolve with: Today, international standards are developed, agreed upon
and implemented through the International Maritime Or-
• standards development and maintenance provided
ganization (IMO).
through a technical committee structure with navy lead-
ership and industry participation,
• design review and approval (where proposed by indus- 8.3.1 International Maritime Organization
try or required by the navy) carried out by a team of en-
The convention that founded the International Maritime Or-
gineers drawing from the class society and the navy and
ganization was adopted on March 6, 1948, by the United
other subject matter experts as might be necessary to en-
Nations Maritime Conference. The convention was then
sure acceptability,
known as the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Mar-
• selected system level certifications being conducted by
itime Consultative Organization, and it entered into force
the class society as the Navy’s trusted agent, and
on March 17, 1958, thus establishing the IMCO. This new
• construction oversight and approval accomplished by a
organization was inaugurated on January 6, 1959, when the
team like that previously described.
assembly held its first session. The name of the organiza-
Through-life survey would be modeled in a similar tion was changed to the International Maritime Organiza-
manner. tion on May 22, 1982, in accordance with an amendment
It is understood by all involved that the navy, just like to the convention that entered into force on that date.
its commercial shipowner counterpart, will retain technical When the United Nations Maritime Conference first met,
authority and ultimate responsibility for the fitness of its as- it recognized that the most effective means to improve the
sets. The classification process and the resources that come safety standards of the international shipping community
with that will function, just as they do in the commercial would be through an international forum devoted exclu-
world, as a tool for the shipowner (in this case, the navy) to sively to maritime matters. Hence, the purposes of the or-
carry out the responsibility as a steward of high value as- ganization, as stated in Article 1(a) of the convention, are
sets and the environment. The classification process will to provide machinery for cooperation among Governments
provide an established, time-tested and documented mech- in the field of governmental regulation and practices relat-
anism for certification—a yardstick against which vessel ing to technical matters of all kinds affecting shipping en-
acceptability can be judged and a consistent baseline for in- gaged in international trade; to encourage and facilitate the
dustry to build upon. general adoption of the highest practicable standards in
matters concerning maritime safety, efficiency of navigation
and prevention and control of marine pollution from ships.
Because the IMO is an international forum and not an
executive body, it has no powers of enforcement or initia-
As mentioned earlier, in addition to classification societies’ tive. Instead, its member states have the power to initiate
standards or rules, there are also governmental or statutory proposals, to conduct or commission research, and to im-
requirements to protect the interests of society and the gen- plement decisions made with regard to maritime standards.
eral public with regard to safety and environmental con- The IMO Secretariat is limited to encouraging member
cerns as they relate to the marine industry. These standards states to address issues raised with the IMO.
exist primarily at the international and national levels. How-
ever, there are instances of regional and local standards. It Organization
is necessary for any maritime business to be aware of the The organization consists of an Assembly, a Council, and
various standards and ensure that compliance with all those four main committees: The Maritime Safety Committee
that are applicable has been achieved. (MSC), Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC),
Internationally accepted standards are generally only ap- Legal Committee, and Technical Cooperation Committee.
plicable to oceangoing vessels operating between different There are also a number of subcommittees of the main tech-
countries. As such they provide a minimum level of safety nical committees, as well a Facilitation Committee.
and environmental protection for vessels when operating on Given this structure, the Assembly is the highest gov-
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-7

erning body of the IMO. It consists of all member states vention or any duty within its scope of work that may be
meeting every two years in regular sessions. Extra sessions assigned to it by or under any international instrument and
may be held outside of the regular sessions, if necessary. accepted by the organization. It also is required to consider
The Assembly approves the work program, votes the budget, and submit recommendations and guidelines on safety for
and determines the financial arrangements of the IMO. The possible adoption by the assembly.
Assembly also elects the Council. MSC also operates with several subcommittees appro-
The Council is the executive organ of IMO and is re- priately titled with the subjects with which they deal: Safety
sponsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work of of Navigation (NAV); Radio communications and Search
the Organization. The Council, between sessions of the As- and Rescue (COMSAR); Standards of Training and Watch
sembly, carries out all the duties of the Assembly except for keeping (STW); Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Con-
making recommendations to governments on maritime tainers (DSC); Ship Design and Equipment, including life-
safety and pollution prevention, which are the sole respon- saving equipment (DE); Fire Protection (FP); Stability and
sibility of the Assembly. The following are the Council’s Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety (SLF); and Bulk Liq-
other functions: uids and Gases (BLG). In April of 1993, a new subcommittee
was formed to deal with the numerous problems flag states,
• coordinate the activities of the organs of the organiza-
particularly those associated with third world nations, ex-
perience when implementing the regulations of the various
• consider the draft work program and budget estimates
conventions. This new subcommittee is called the Flag State
of the organization and submit them to the Assembly,
Implementation Subcommittee (FSI).
• receive reports and proposals of the committees and other
Like MSC, the Marine Environment Protection Com-
organs and submit them to the Assembly and member
mittee (MEPC) is also composed of all member states. How-
states, with comments and recommendations,
ever, MEPC is required to consider any matter within the
• appoint the secretary-general, subject to the approval of
scope of the organization concerned with prevention and
the Assembly, and
control of pollution from ships. These duties include the
• enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the
adoption and amendment of conventions and other regula-
relationship of the Organization with other organiza-
tions and measures to ensure their enforcement. The sub-
tions, subject to approval by the Assembly.
committees reporting to MSC also report MEPC when
The Council consists of forty member states elected for addressing pollution matters.
two-year terms by the Assembly. The IMO Convention re- Because of the legal issues involved in the organiza-
quires that when electing the members of the Council, the tion’s activities and work, the Committee on Technical Co-
Assembly shall comply with the following three criteria: 1. operation directs and coordinates this activity with the
ten shall be states with the largest interest in providing in- Legal Committee. These two committees are composed of
ternational shipping services., 2. eight shall be other states all member states. Simplification and minimization of doc-
with the largest interest in international shipping, and 3. umentation in international maritime traffic is the respon-
twenty shall be states not selected under (1) or (2) above sibility of the Facilitation Committee, a subsidiary of the
that have special interests in maritime transport or naviga- council. Participation in this committee is open to all mem-
tion, and whose election will ensure representation of all ber states of IMO.
major geographic areas of the world. As stated earlier, the IMO Secretariat is limited to en-
The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) is the most sen- couraging member states to address issues raised with the
ior technical body of the Organization. All member states IMO. The secretariat of IMO consists of the secretary-
are part of the MSC, and the functions of the MSC are to general and nearly three hundred personnel based at the
consider any matter within the scope of navigation, con- headquarters in London, United Kingdom.
struction and equipment of vessels, manning from a safety
standpoint, rules for the prevention of collisions, handling IMO codes and conventions
of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and re- To achieve its purposes of developing the highest practica-
quirements, hydrographic information, logbooks and nav- ble standards in matters concerning maritime safety, effi-
igational records, marine casualty investigation, salvage ciency of navigation, and prevention and control of marine
and rescue, and any other matters directly affecting mar- pollution from ships, IMO has developed and adopted nearly
itime safety. forty conventions and protocols as well as hundreds of codes
MSC also has the responsibility to provide a mechanism and recommendations. A committee or a subcommittee nor-
to perform any functions assigned to it by the IMO Con- mally does the initial work performed on a convention. The
8-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

committee’s work, a draft instrument, is then submitted to Although the first version of the SOLAS Convention
a conference to which delegations from all states within the was adopted at the 1914 International SOLAS Conference,
United Nations system (including states that may not be it never entered into force. Yet, four other versions of SOLAS
IMO member states) are invited. The conference adopts a were developed, adopted and eventually entered into force.
final text by general consensus rather than by vote. The final The second version was adopted in 1929 and entered into
text then is submitted to governments for ratification. force in 1933. The third version was adopted in 1948 and
A convention enters into force after fulfilling certain re- entered into force in 1952. The fourth version was adopted
quirements that usually include adoption of the text at a in 1960 and entered into force in 1965. The latest version
United Nations conference followed by ratification by a was adopted in 1974 (SOLAS 1974) and entered into force
specified number of countries. Generally, the more impor- in 1980.
tant the convention, the more stringent are the requirements Each version enhanced the previous version’s safety re-
for entering into force. For example, some conventions stip- quirements and was based on the latest technology or ma-
ulate that 50% of the world’s shipping by a minimum num- rine accident investigations. For instance, the 1912 sinking
ber of countries must ratify the conventions before they of the ocean liner Titanic led to the development of the 1914
enter into force. Amendments to conventions are usually SOLAS Convention, which then was amended in 1929.
ratified differently. They enter into force through a tacit ac- Moreover, significant improvements to subdivision and sta-
ceptance process. Member states are assumed to accept the bility standards, emergency services, structural fire protec-
amendment unless a specific reservation to the contrary is tion, and collision regulations were included in the 1948
filed with the IMO Secretary. If rejections have been re- SOLAS Convention.
ceived within a specific time period from member states The 1960 SOLAS Convention was the first SOLAS Con-
representing a minimum amount of world tonnage, the vention developed under IMCO. Numerous technical im-
amendment will not enter into force. provements were made for cargo ships requirements,
Observance of the convention’s requirements is manda- including emergency power and lighting and fire protec-
tory for the countries that are party to it. On the other hand, tion. Six sets of amendments to the 1960 SOLAS Conven-
codes (e.g., gas or chemical codes) are resolutions (i.e., rec- tion were adopted during the eight years following the
ommendations) adopted by the assembly and are not as convention’s entry into force. These amendments included
binding. Resolutions normally invite or urge participating safety measures specific to tankers, automatic pilot re-
governments to enact the contents through their own national quirements, and ship borne navigational equipment re-
requirements, preferably in their entirety and not partially. quirements, among others.
Of the forty conventions and protocols adopted by IMO,
the four that have probably had the most profound effect on SOLAS 1974
international shipping with respect to ship design and con- At the present time, the convention that is applied is the
struction are the International Convention for Safety of Life 1974 SOLAS Convention. The following discussion pro-
at Sea (SOLAS), International Convention for the Preven- vides a brief summary of the 1974 SOLAS Convention:
tion of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), International Con- Chapter I provides the format of the certificates that are
vention of Load Lines (ICLL), and the International issued to signify compliance with SOLAS as well as the min-
Convention of Tonnage Measurement of Ships (Tonnage). imum survey periods. This chapter also empowers the port
state to carry out port state control, which ensures that ships
calling at their ports possess valid certificates and are in
8.3.2 SOLAS Convention compliance with the SOLAS requirements. If ships are not
As discussed earlier, IMO is principally concerned with in compliance, this chapter allows the port state to take ap-
safety at sea and mitigating the possibilities of marine en- propriate action to detain the ship and notify IMO.
vironmental pollution. Of all the international conventions Chapter II-1 addresses minimum extents of watertight
addressing maritime safety, the most significant is the In- integrity and subdivision governed by a probability of col-
ternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea lision criteria. Extensive requirements for electrical and ma-
(SOLAS). As will be discussed, the SOLAS Convention chinery installations and control systems also are included.
has undergone and will continue to undergo numerous re- These requirements ensure that services essential to the
visions. Generally, the SOLAS Convention provides re- safety of the vessel and its crew and passengers are main-
quirements that address six main categories of vessel safety: tained under normal and emergency conditions.
navigation, design, communication, lifesaving appliances, Chapter II-2 contains detailed fire safety provisions for
fire protection, and safety management. various types of vessels based on the following principles:
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-9

• maintenance of thermal and structural boundaries, craft at any point within its route within four hours and it is
• separation of accommodation spaces, limited to craft with a passenger count of not more than 450.
• limited use of combustible material, The requirements for Category B recognize the need to pro-
• fire detection in zone of origin, vide sufficient refuge for passenger safety and the need to
• fire containment and extinction in zone of origin, be able to proceed to navigate safely. Chapter X was adopted
• protection of means of escape or firefighting access, in May 1994 and entered into force on 1 January 1996. A
• availability of firefighting appliances, and new HSC Code was adopted in December 2000 and it ap-
• minimizing the possibility of cargo vapor ignition. plies to craft built on or after 1 July 2002.
Chapter XI-1 includes special measures to enhance mar-
Chapter III provides requirements for the amount and itime safety and clarifies requirements relating to authori-
location of lifesaving appliances specific to each type of zation of recognized organizations (responsible for carrying
vessel, as well as details concerning the capacity and con- out surveys and inspections on behalf of Administrations);
struction of the different lifesaving appliances. enhanced surveys for bulk carriers and tankers; ship iden-
Chapter IV provides for radio equipment specifications tification number scheme; and port state control on opera-
and operating obligations of the crew. tional requirements.
Chapter V provides for navigational requirements di- Chapter XI-2 contains special measures to enhance
rected at the coast state as well as requirements for ship maritime security. This chapter applies to passenger ships
borne navigational equipment and pilot ladders. and cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, in-
Chapter VI provides stowage provisions when loading cluding high speed craft, mobile offshore drilling units
grain. Stability criteria particular to each loading condition and port facilities serving such ships engaged on interna-
are included, taking into account potential shifting of cargo tional voyages. It invokes the International Ship and Port
and heeling moments. Facilities Security Code (ISPS Code) and includes re-
Chapter VII delegates to contracting states the manda- quirements that ship and port facility security assessments
tory responsibility to adopt procedures to handling dan- are carried out and that ship and port facility security plans
gerous goods. For this purpose, this chapter refers to the are developed, implemented and reviewed in accordance
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG). with the ISPS Code. It requires Administrations to set se-
Chapter VIII gives very basic principles concerning curity levels and requires ships to comply with require-
atomic radiation safety on nuclear ships (except ships of ments established by Administrations and Contracting
war) and refers to the International Atomic Energy Associ- Governments for the security level. It confirms the role of
ation for special control in ports. the Master in exercising professional judgment to main-
Chapter IX requires that specific vessels and their shore- tain the security of the ship. It requires all ships to be pro-
based operating company meet the requirements of he In- vided with a ship security alert system, which when
ternational Safety Management Code (ISM Code), which activated, initiates and transmits a covert ship-to-shore se-
is contained in an assembly resolution. The resolution, based curity alert to a competent authority designated by the Ad-
on the appropriate sections of the ISO 9000 series, calls for ministration. The chapter also covers providing
periodic inspections and maintenance of conditions to pro- information to IMO, the control of ships in port, and the
vide for safety and environmental protection. specific responsibilities of Companies.
Chapter X makes the International Code of Safety for Chapter XII contains additional safety measures for bulk
High-Speed Craft (HSC Code) mandatory for high-speed carriers. It includes structural requirements for new bulk
craft built on or after 1 January 1996. A high speed craft is carriers over 150 meters in length built after 1 July 1999
defined as a craft capable of a maximum speed in meters per carrying cargoes with a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above
second equal to or exceeding 3.7∇0.1667 where ∇ is the craft’s and also includes specific structural requirements for existing
displacement in cubic meters. It applies to passenger craft bulk carriers carrying cargoes with a density of 1,780 kg/m3
that do not proceed on voyages for more than four hours and and above - these include cargoes such as iron ore, pig iron,
cargo craft of 500 gross tons and above that do not proceed steel, bauxite and cement. Cargoes with a density above
on voyages for more than eight hours from a harbor of safe 1,000 kg/m3 but below 1,780 kg/m3 include grains, such
refuge. Two principles of the code are used to categorize re- as wheat and rice, and timber.
quirements for the type of passenger craft as either Category
A or Category B. A reduction in passive and active passen- Amendments and protocols to SOLAS 1974
ger protection is permitted for Category A craft on the basis The 1974 SOLAS Convention has been amended several
that sufficient rescue resources are available to evacuate the times by protocols and amendments. The following para-
8-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

graphs provide a brief, chronological summary of the sig- tion supplied to the master, and required periodic (five-year
nificant changes: intervals) lightweight surveys, based on the Herald of Free
Enterprise disaster.
1978 Protocol was adopted at the International Conference
1988 Protocol, which entered into force in February
on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, which was con-
2000, introduced a new harmonized system of surveys and
vened in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-
certification (HSSC) to harmonize with two other Con-
1977. It made a number of important changes to Chapter
ventions, Load Lines and MARPOL 73/78. This alleviates
I, including the introduction of unscheduled inspections
problems caused by the fact that as requirements in the
and/or mandatory annual surveys and the strengthening of three instruments vary and ships may have been obliged to
Port State Control requirements. Chapters II-1, II-2 and V go into dry-dock for a survey required by one convention
also were improved. Inert gas systems were required for shortly after being surveyed in connection with another. By
new and certain existing tankers. All tankers of 10 000 enabling the required surveys to be carried out at the same
gross tons and above were required to have two remote time, the system is intended to reduce costs for shipown-
steering gear control systems and two or more identical ers and administrations alike.
power units and the capability of operating the rudder with November 1988 Amendments completed almost twenty
one or more power units. In addition, it included the re- years of work concerning radio communications for the
quirements that all ships of 1600 gross tons be equipped Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
with radar and that all ships of 10 000 gross tons and above and entered into force in February 1992. These amend-
shall have two radars, each capable of being operated in- ments base communication capabilities on the vessel’s area
dependently. of operation (rather than the vessel’s tonnage) and phase
1981 Amendments rewrote and updated Chapters II-1 out Morse code, utilizing more advanced technologies of-
and II-2 along with important changes to Chapter V. Fol- fered by satellite communications.
lowing the AMOCO CADIZ disaster and the 1978 Proto- 1989 Amendments reduced the amount of openings in
col, duplicate and separate steering gear control systems watertight bulkheads and required that power-operated slid-
were required for tankers. The fire safety provisions were ing doors be fitted in all new passenger ships. Safety im-
strengthened for cargo ships that were based on the princi- provements in fire extinguishing, smoke detection, and
ples of: separation of accommodation spaces from the re- separation of spaces containing fuel were included.
mainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries; 1990 Amendments changed the philosophy of evaluat-
protection of means of escape; early detection, containment ing damage stability and subdivision for dry cargo ships
or extinction of any fire, and restricted use of combustible from the “deterministic” to the “probabilistic” method.
materials. Other amendments included provisions related These amendments provide a more realistic damage sce-
to halon extinguishing systems, special requirements for nario based on statistical evidence.
ships carrying dangerous goods, and inert gas systems. 1991 Amendments extended Chapter VI (Carriage of
Changes to Chapter V included requirements for specific Grain in Bulk) to include storing and securing other car-
navigation equipment to be carried on the ship’s bridge. goes, such as timber. Fire safety provisions to accommo-
1983 Amendments provided requirements for separa- date new passenger ship designs were also included.
tion of accommodations from machinery and other high- April 1992 Amendments were somewhat of a landmark
risk spaces. Significant changes were introduced concerning for IMO since they required significant improvements to
lifesaving appliances including their design, capacity, and be made to existing passenger and passenger—RO/RO
the use and placement of partially and totally enclosed ships. Notable among the new requirements is the need for
lifeboats. Requirements for immersion suits and improve- sprinkler systems and smoke detection systems in all ac-
ments in locating ship’s survivor (EPIRBs, additional re- commodation and service spaces, stairway enclosures, and
quirements for lifebuoys and lifejackets) were introduced. corridors; requirements concerning emergency lighting,
The amendments also introduced into Chapter VII a refer- general emergency alarm systems and other means of com-
ence to two new codes (Gas Carrier Code and Bulk Chem- munication; requirements for additional fireman’s outfits;
ical Carrier Codes). requirements for portable foam applicators of the inductor
April 1988 Amendments focused on maintaining and type; and requirements for a fixed fire extinguishing sys-
monitoring the watertight integrity of passenger – Ro/Ro tem in compliance with Regulation II-2/7 in machinery
vessels in light of the Herald of Free Enterprise sinking. spaces of category A. These requirements, which are ap-
October 1988 Amendments furthered requirements for plied in stages between 1994 and 2010, came to be col-
damage residual stability, expanded the stability informa- lectively known as the “retroactive fire safety amendments.”
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-11

December 1992 Amendments primarily concerned the regulations also require all existing bulk carriers of 150
fire safety of new passenger ships (that is, those built after meters in length and above that are of single-side skin con-
1 October 1994) carrying more than 36 passengers. They struction and that are designed to carry solid bulk cargoes
made mandatory automatic sprinklers, fire detection and having a density of 1780 kg/m3 and above have sufficient
alarm system centralized in a continuously manned remote stability and strength when loaded to the summer load line
control station that includes provisions for the remote clos- to withstand the flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all
ing of fire doors and shutting down of ventilation fans. Also loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory con-
included were new standards for the fire integrity of bulk- dition of equilibrium. Other highlights of the new chapter
heads and decks along with improvements to standards for include regulation 3, which lists the implementation sched-
corridors and stairways used as a means of escape in case ule of regulations 4 and 6 for existing bulk carriers (con-
of fire. Emergency lighting to identify escape routes was structed before July 1, 1999) as well as regulation 9, which
made mandatory. contains requirements for existing bulk carriers not capa-
1994 Amendments added three new chapters to the ble of complying with the damage stability requirements
SOLAS 74. Chapter IX requires vessels and their opera- of regulation 4.2 due to the design configuration of their
tors to meet the requirements of the International Safety cargo holds.
Management Code; Chapter X introduces the High Speed 1998 Amendments mainly concerned Chapter IV.
Craft Code; and Chapter XI addresses special measures to Among the changes was the requirement that contracting
enhance maritime safety, which include requirements for governments ensure that suitable arrangements are in place
enhanced surveys on bulk carriers and oil tankers. for registering Global Maritime Distress and Safety Sys-
June 1996 Amendments, among other items, extensively tem (GMDSS) identities, including ship’s call sign and In-
modified Chapter III of SOLAS 1974. Requirements for marsat identities, and to make this information available
marine evacuation systems are included in the revision as 24 hours a day to rescue coordination centers. Also in-
are requirements for anti-exposure suits. The requirements cluded was a change to Regulation 15 of Chapter IV that
for free-fall lifeboats also were thoroughly revised. Addi- addresses testing intervals for satellite emergency position
tionally, the regulations in Chapter III that dealt with de- indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs). They also added a new
sign and approval of lifesaving appliances were removed regulation 18 that, if a ship is properly equipped, it must
from Chapter III and put into a separate, mandatory code, automatically provide information regarding the ship’s po-
the International Lifesaving Appliance Code. sition in the event of a distress alert.
The June 1996 Amendments also require all oil tankers 1999 Amendments amended Chapter VII to make the
and bulk carriers built on or after July 1, 1998, to have in International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Ir-
place an efficient corrosion prevention system in all dedi- radiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Ra-
cated seawater ballast tanks. dioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code) mandatory.
December 1996 Amendments are notable for the re- The INF Code sets out how the material covered by the
quirement for every tanker to be provided with the means Code should be carried, including specifications for ships.
to enable the crew to gain safe access to the bow even in The INF Code applies to all ships engaged in the carriage
severe weather. The amendments contain extensive revi- of INF cargo regardless of the build date and size, includ-
sions to Chapter II-2, Construction—Fire Protection, Fire ing cargo ships of less than 500 gross tons. The INF Code
Detection, and Fire Extinction, and also the adoption of the does not apply to warships, naval auxiliary or other ships
International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures used only on government non-commercial service, although
(FTP Code). it is expected that Administrations will ensure these ships
1997 Amendments added a new chapter to SOLAS 1974, comply with the Code. Specific regulations in the Code
Chapter XII, Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carri- cover a number of issues, including: damage stability, fire
ers. The effective date of this new chapter is July 1, 1999. protection, temperature control of cargo spaces, structural
Regulations 4 and 6 in the chapter require all new bulk car- consideration, cargo securing arrangements, electrical sup-
riers of 150 meters and above in length that are of single- plies, radiological protection equipment and management,
side skin construction and that are designed to carry solid training and shipboard emergency plans.
bulk cargoes having a density of 1000 kg/m3 and above to May 2000 Amendments amended Chapter III, regula-
have sufficient stability and strength when loaded to the tion 28.2 for helicopter landing areas to require a helicop-
summer load line to withstand the flooding of any one cargo ter landing area only for RO/RO passenger ships. Regulation
hold in all loading conditions and to remain afloat in a sat- 28.1 requires all RO/RO passenger ships to be provided
isfactory condition of equilibrium. The aforementioned with a helicopter pick-up area and existing RO/RO passen-
8-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ger ships were required to comply with this regulation not 2, applies to passenger ships and cargo ships of 500 gross
later than the first periodical survey after 1 July 1997. tonnage and upwards, including high speed craft, mobile
December 2000 Amendments were significant and offshore drilling units and port facilities serving such ships
amended a number of chapters. A revised Chapter V (Safety engaged on international voyages. It enshrines the Inter-
of Navigation) brings in a new mandatory requirement for national Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS
voyage data recorders (VDRs) to assist in accident inves- Code). Part A of this Code is mandatory and part B con-
tigations. Also included in this chapter was the require- tains guidance for complying with the mandatory require-
ment for ships to be equipped with automatic identification ments. It confirms the role of the Master in exercising
systems (AIS), capable of automatically providing infor- professional judgment over decisions necessary to main-
mation about the ship to other ships and to coastal author- tain the security of the ship. It contains other regulations
ities. The date by which a ship is required to be equipped which require all ships to be provided with a ship security
with VDR and AIS varies depending on the type of ship alert system, address providing certain information to IMO,
and the build date. provide for the control of ships in port, and specify re-
Amendments to Chapter X (Safety measures for high- sponsibilities of Companies. The Conference also adopted
speed craft) make the High-Speed Craft Code 2000 manda- modifications to Chapter V (Safety of Navigation) for a
tory for new craft, which are those built after 1 July 2002. new and accelerated timetable for the fitting of Automatic
The original HSC Code will continue to apply to existing Information Systems (AIS). Regulation XI-1/3 was mod-
high-speed craft. The 2000 HSC incorporates changes to ified to require ships' identification numbers to be perma-
bring it into line with amendments to SOLAS. nently marked in a visible place either on the ship's hull or
A revised Chapter II-2, Construction—Fire Protection, superstructure. A new regulation XI-1/5 requires ships to
Fire Detection and Fire Extinction, as well as a new Inter- be issued with a Continuous Synopsis Record, which pro-
national Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) were vides an on-board record of the history of the ship and con-
adopted. Chapter II-2 was revised to be clear, concise and tains information including the name of the ship, the State
user-friendly while incorporating substantial changes in- whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, the date on which the
troduced in recent years following a number of serious fire ship was registered with that State, the ship's identification
casualties. The revised chapter includes seven parts, each number, the port at which the ship is registered and the
including requirements applicable to all or specified ship name of the registered owner(s) and their registered ad-
types, while the Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code, which is dress.
made mandatory under the new chapter, includes detailed In addition to the SOLAS amendments adopted at the
specifications for fire safety systems in 15 Chapters. Diplomatic Conference, the MSC also adopted amend-
ments to Chapter XII (Additional Safety Measures for Bulk
A new regulation was added to Chapter II-1, Construc-
Carriers) by adding two new regulations, XII/12 and XII/13,
tion—Structure, Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and
to require the fitting of high level alarms and level moni-
Electrical Installations, that prohibits the new installation
toring systems on all bulk carriers, regardless of date of con-
of materials that contain asbestos on all ships. There were
struction, and to require the means for draining and
also amendments to the Code for the Construction and equip-
pumping dry space bilges and ballast tanks for any part
ment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (BCH
forward of the collision bulkhead to be capable of being
Code) relating to ship’s cargo hoses, tank vent systems,
brought into operation from a readily accessible enclosed
safety equipment, operational requirements and amend-
space. A new regulation was added to Chapter II-1/3-6 that
ments to the Code for the construction and equipment of
requires permanent access to spaces in cargo areas of oil
ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (GC Code) relating
tankers and bulk carriers for the purpose of ensuring these
to ship’s cargo hoses, personnel protection, and operating
vessels can be properly inspected throughout their lifespan.
Associated Technical Provisions for the means of access
December 2000 Amendments included changes to a num- for inspections are mandatory under this regulation. In Part
ber of chapters in SOLAS. The most significant change C of Chapter II-1, a new paragraph was added to regula-
was the addition of measures to enhance maritime security tion 31 to require automation systems to be designed in a
on board ships and at ship/port interface areas, which were manner which ensures that a warning of impending or im-
adopted by a Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Secu- minent slowdown or shutdown of the propulsion system is
rity. These amendments created a new SOLAS Chapter XI- given to the officer in charge of the navigational watch in
2 (the existing Chapter XI was renumbered to XI-1) dealing time to assess navigational circumstances in an emergency.
specifically with maritime security. The new Chapter XI- There were also amendments to Chapter II-2 to reflect ear-
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-13

lier action that made the IMDG Code mandatory and Chap- of 70 000 tonnes deadweight and above, and compliance
ter III to require liferafts carried on ro-ro passenger ships with side and bottom damage standards.
to be fitted with a radar transponder in the ratio of one Annex II contained discharge criteria and measures for
transponder for every four liferafts.” control of pollution by noxious liquid substances (NLS) car-
ried in bulk. Substances were divided into four categories
according to the hazard they presented to the marine envi-
8.3.3 MARPOL Convention ronment, to human health, or amenities. Retention span
During the early 1900s, various countries introduced meas- and toxicity levels were used to categorize over 250 sub-
ures to control and deter discharges of oil within their coastal stances. Moreover, the regulations in this annex were
waters. Attempts had been made in the mid-1900s for in- weighted based on the substance’s category, and they ad-
ternationally accepted standards for controlling oil pollu- dressed onshore reception, onboard retention facilities, dis-
tion, but the World War II interrupted progress prior to an charge limitations, and tank arrangements.
agreement being reached. Based on the growing concern Annex III (optional annex) addressed ships carrying
about the amount of oil being transported by sea, the United harmful substances in packaged form, such as containers,
Kingdom organized an international conference on the sub- portable tanks, and rail tanks. This annex provided re-
ject in 1954. The conference culminated in the adoption of quirements for quantity limits, packaging, marking,
the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution stowage, and documentation of harmful substances cate-
from Ships (OILPOL Convention), which was transferred gorized by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods
to IMO in 1958. The 1954 OILPOL Convention with amend- Code (IMDG Code).
ments in 1969 and 1971, prohibited deliberate discharge in Annex IV (optional annex) prohibited sewage discharge
special areas and within fifty miles from shore, limited op- within four miles of land unless it was treated by an ap-
erational discharge elsewhere for tankers (15 ppm and 60 proved treatment plant. Furthermore, any sewage dis-
liters per nm) and other ship types (100 ppm and 60 liters charged between four and twelve miles from land must be
per nm), and limited the size of VLCC tanks to provide some pulverized and treated prior to discharge.
oil outflow limits in the vent of collision or grounding. Annex V (optional annex) provided minimum distances
for the discharge of domestic and operational waste, other
than those wastes previously addressed by any other annex MARPOL 1973
of the MARPOL Convention. The discharging of plastics
Concerned over the enormous growth of maritime oil trans-
is completely prohibited under Annex V of MARPOL.
port and the adequacy of the 1954 OILPOL Convention,
IMO decided to convene an international conference in 1978 MARPOL protocol
1969. In 1973, an entirely new convention was adopted,
The 1973 MARPOL Convention never entered into force
which was to enter into force twelve months after receiv-
due to technical difficulties associated with implementing
ing ratification from fifteen states constituting 50% of the
Annexes I and II. Because amendments could not be made
world gross tonnage. The convention contained adminis-
to a convention that had not entered into force, a protocol
trative articles and five technical annexes. Annexes I and II
was developed. The 1978 MARPOL Protocol, which en-
are mandatory, but the remaining three annexes are optional.
tered into force in October 1983, absorbed the 1973 MAR-
The following paragraphs summarize each of the annexes:
POL Convention, while changing the requirements of Annex
Annex I reduced by 50 percent the operational oily discharges I and allowing a three-year implementation period for con-
to l/30 000 of the cargo. Similarly, it stated that bilges from tracting states to solve the technical problems associated
machinery spaces has to contain less than 100 ppm of oil with Annex II. Because of this action, the 1978 Protocol and
and could not be discharged within twelve miles from land. the 1973 MARPOL Conventions are referred to as one
Discharge of oil was expanded to include sludge, refuse, and treaty: MARPOL 73/78.
refinements, and discharge of oil was completely prohibited The changes made to Annex I by the 1978 Protocol in-
in ecologically sensitive special areas. Furthermore, equip- cluded limits on hypothetical oil outflow requiring segre-
ment requirements were placed on all ships of 400 gross gated ballast tank (SBT) arrangements to protect cargo tanks
tons and above such that they were required to have oily- in the event of collision or grounding for all new tankers of
water separating equipment. Constraints were also imposed 20 000 tons deadweight and above (previously 70 000 tons
on tankers and their arrangements, thus requiring onboard deadweight.) Existing tankers allowed the use of crude oil
residue retention facilities, load–on-top operations, tank size washing (COW) as an alternative to SBT, provided an inert
limits, segregated ballast tank (SBT) arrangements for tankers gas system is used during washing operations. A second in-
8-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

terim alternative to SBT or COW allowed existing tankers ure of the oil discharge monitoring and control system, the
to use dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT) for two to four defective unit shall be made operable as soon as possible.
years (depending on the vessel’s size) after MARPOL 73/78 These amendments also prohibit any piping to and from
entered into force. CBT arrangements required the identi- the sludge tanks to have any direct connection overboard
fication of dedicated tanks to solely carry ballast, but trans- other than the standard discharge connection. Finally, these
fer of ballast could be made through cargo piping systems. amendments require ships (oil tankers of 150 gross tons
and above and other ships of 400 gross tons and above) to
have a Shipboard Oil Pollution emergency Plan (SOPEP) Amendments to MARPOL 73/78
on board, and they revised the format of the Oil Record
Like the 1974 SOLAS Convention, MARPOL 73/78 has
been amended on several occasions. The following para-
1992 Amendments added new regulations 13F and 13G
graphs chronologically highlight the significant amendments,
to Annex I. These regulations are perhaps the most signif-
some of which have had a far-reaching impact on shipping.
icant changes to MARPOL 73/78 yet.
1984 Amendments affected Annex I of the convention only. The first new regulation, 13F, applies to new tankers,
The significant changes it imposed included providing oily- as defined by these amendments. New tankers of 5000 tons
water discharge and monitoring equipment provisions to deadweight and above must be fitted with either a double-
limit or restrict discharges; permitting carriage of ballast hull or a mid-deck design. Other methods of design and
in cargo tanks under emergency conditions to ensure ade- construction of oil tankers may also be accepted as alter-
quate strength; reducing slop tank size from 3% of the oil natives to the aforementioned designs, provided that such
carrying capacity of the ship to 2% under certain condi- methods ensure at least the same level of protection against
tions; limiting discharge of oily waste from drilling oper- oil pollution in the event of collision or stranding and are
ations to 100 ppm; and strengthening of damage stability approved by the committee, MEPC.
requirements to enhance a tanker’s survivability. Regulation 13F also sets minimum wing tank widths
1985 Amendments recognized that the end of the two- and minimum double-bottom heights that are dependent on
to-four-year grace period for implementing Annex II was the tanker’s deadweight. With some minor exceptions for
nearing and that changes would be needed to facilitate prac- short lengths of piping, this regulation also prohibits bal-
ticable application. These changes included harmonizing last and other piping, such as sounding and vent piping to
survey requirements with Annex I, further restricting the ballast tanks, from passing through cargo tanks and pro-
carriage of category B and C substances, requiring pre- hibits cargo piping and similar piping to cargo tanks from
washing of cargo tanks, mandating compliance with the In- passing through ballast tanks.
ternational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG The requirements of regulation 13G, effective July 6,
Code), and mandating compliance with the International 1995, apply to crude oil tankers of 20 000 tons deadweight
Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code). and above and to product carriers of 30 000 tons dead-
1987 Amendments, October 1989 Amendments, and weight and above. Non-segregated ballast tankers must ei-
1991 Amendments further defined ecologically sensitive ther comply with the requirements of regulations 13F not
special areas under Annexes I and V, respectively. later than twenty-five years after their delivery date or be
March 1989 Amendments mandated compliance with phased out. An additional five years or operation may be
the Bulk Chemical Code, which is applicable to existing gained if the vessel has SBT and COW or 30% of the cargo
ships, although it was not mandatory under SOLAS 1974. block is protected with wing tanks or double-bottom spaces
Also, substances listed in Annex II were again updated. that are not used for the carriage of oil.
1990 Amendments harmonized survey requirements of Again, other structural or operational arrangements may
MARPOL 73/78 with the SOLAS and Load Line Con- be accepted as an alternative to the double-hull require-
ventions. These harmonized survey requirements are known ments, provided such arrangements ensure at least the same
as the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification level of protection against oil pollution in the event of col-
(HSSC). Unlike the latter two conventions, which required lision or stranding and are approved by the flag adminis-
a protocol to introduce this harmonization, an amendment tration.
under the “tacit” approval regime will enter these MAR- Finally, Regulation 13G requires an enhanced program
POL amendments into force six months after the similar of inspection during special, intermediate, and annual sur-
amendments (protocols) to the SOLAS and Load Line Con- veys to be implemented. An oil tanker over five years old
ventions enter into force. to which this regulation applies shall have on board a com-
1991 Amendments now require that in the event of fail- plete file of survey reports, scantling gaugings, a statement
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-15

of structural work carried out, and a structural condition must communicate their intention to do this to IMO. The re-
evaluation report. vised regulation also identify three categories of tankers:
As can be seen from the above discussion, the 1992 Category 1: An oil tanker of 20 000 tonnes deadweight
Amendments will have a profound effect on tanker design and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or
and construction, and especially on existing tankers in the lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30 000 tonnes deadweight
years to come. and above carrying other oils, which do not comply with
1996 Amendments concerned the provisions for re- the requirements for protectively located segregated bal-
porting incidents involving harmful substances contained last tanks (commonly known as Pre-MARPOL tankers).
in Protocol I to the Convention. The amendments included Category 2: An oil tanker of 20 000 tonnes deadweight
more precise requirements for the sending of such reports. and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or
Other amendments brought requirements in MARPOL con- lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30 000 tonnes deadweight
cerning the IBC and BCH Codes into line with SOLAS and above carrying other oils, which do comply with the
amendments. protectively located segregated ballast tank requirements
1997 Protocol formed a new annex to the Convention, (MARPOL tankers).
Annex VI, Air Pollution from Ships. The amendments in- Category 3: An oil tanker of 5000 tonnes deadweight
clude requirements for fuel oil quality, use/discharge of and above but less than the tonnage specified for Category
ozone depleting substances, machinery discharges of ni- 1 and 2 tankers.
trogen and sulfur oxides, incinerator discharges, and re- At the same time these amendments were adopted, the
ception facilities. Annex VI will enter into force 12 months IMO also passed a resolution adopting the Condition As-
after being accepted by at least 15 states with not less than sessment Scheme (CAS) and as an additional precaution-
50% of world merchant shipping tonnage. As of Septem- ary measure, a CAS must be applied to all Category 1
ber 2001, only three states have accepted this Annex. IMO’s vessels continuing to trade after 2005 and all Category 2
Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) has vessels after 2010. Although CAS does not specify struc-
been tasked to identify any impediments to entry into force tural standards in excess of the provisions of other IMO
of the Protocol, if the conditions for entry into force have conventions, codes and recommendations, it provides for
not been met by 31 December 2002. more stringent and transparent verification of the reported
1997 Amendments addressed concerns over oil pollu- structural condition of the ship and that documentary and
tion from persistent oils, which are considered as severe as survey procedures have been properly carried out and com-
those involving crude oil. Consequently, regulations ap- pleted. The Scheme also requires that compliance with the
plicable to crude oil tankers were also applied to tankers CAS is assessed during the Enhanced Survey Program of
carrying persistent oils. Related amendments to the Sup- Inspections concurrent with intermediate or renewal sur-
plement of the IOPP (International Oil Pollution Preven- veys currently required by resolution A.744(18).
tion) Certificate, covering in particular oil
separating/filtering equipment and retention and disposal
of oil residues were also adopted. A third amendment was 8.3.4 International Convention on Load Lines
to Annex II of MARPOL by adding a new regulation 16 In 1875, English legislation passed a requirement that a
that requires a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan mark be placed on the vessel’s side to prevent overloading.
for noxious liquid substances. As accident investigations came under increased scrutiny
2001 Amendments reflect a heightened worldwide con- and monitoring, underwriters and the Lloyd’s Register of
cern over oil pollution from single hull tankers due to the Shipping became concerned with issues such as reserve
ERIKA sinking off the coast of France. The amendments to buoyancy, watertight integrity, hull strength, stability, and
Annex I established a new global timetable for accelerating safe working conditions on deck for the crew. Subsequently,
the phase-out of single-hull oil tankers resulting in most sin- two governments (British and German) established rules
gle-hull oil tankers eliminated by 2015 or earlier. Although embracing these principles. Other maritime nations soon
the new phase-out timetable sets 2015 as the principal cut- adopted their own sets of similar standards. Britain, seeing
off date for all single-hull tankers, a flag state may allow for the increase of international trade during the early 1900s,
some newer single hull ships registered in its country that invited maritime governments to participate in a conference
conform to certain technical specifications to continue trad- to develop international standards for all vessels operating
ing until the 25th anniversary of their delivery. However, any internationally. However, due to World War I, the confer-
Port State can deny entry of those single hull tankers that ence’s objectives were not met until 1930, which saw the
are allowed to operate until their 25th anniversary and they completion of the first International Convention on Load
8-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Lines, 1930 (ICLL). The concerns previously mentioned requirements that address water ingress and sufficient
were covered by this convention and served the maritime amounts of reserve stability in terms of intact stability and
industry for thirty-eight years. Taking advantage of IMO’s subdivision requirements, the objectives of the minimum
wealth of international and technical expertise concerning geometric freeboard may also be satisfied by a more real-
marine safety, which was not available during development istic assessment of the vessel’s stability characteristics. This
of the 1930 ICLL, maritime governments set goals to de- is presently seen in IMO’s development of dynamic-motion-
velop a new convention on load lines to consider the almost response-based guidelines that assess the amount of water
four decades of technological advances that had occurred shipped for containerships without hatch covers.
in the marine industry. This culminated in the development
of the 1966 ICLL under the management of IMO. Amendments to the 1966 convention on load lines
The 1966 ICLL has not been amended which is, in part, due 1966 International convention on load lines to fact that the ICLL can only be amended through the pos-
Three areas can categorize the principal provisions of the itive acceptance process. Amendments can be considered
1966 ICLL: survey requirements, conditions of assignment, by the Maritime Safety Committee, the IMO Assembly or
and minimum geometric freeboard. by a Conference of Governments; however, the amendments
The survey requirements included in the convention, can only come into force 12 months after being accepted
which call for initial, annual, and renewal surveys, ensure by two thirds of Contracting Parties to IMO. In practice, this
that the vessel’s structure, fittings, and appliances, as ad- has resulted in amendments that were adopted in 1971,
dressed by the convention, are maintained in an effective 1975. 1979, 1983 and 1995 never receiving the necessary
condition. Furthermore, the convention issued the conditions acceptances to enter into force.
of assignment that must be met prior to the vessel being as- 1988 Protocol was adopted primarily in order to har-
signed a freeboard and issued a Load Line Certificate to monize the Convention’s survey and certification require-
embody the following areas: master’s information, weather ment with those contained in SOLAS and MARPOL 73/78.
tight integrity, and protection of the crew. All three instruments require the issuing of certificates to
Information to be supplied to the master consists of a load- show that requirements have been met and this has to be
ing manual to assess the vessel’s stresses and longitudinal done by means of a survey that can involve the ship being
bending moments as well as a trim and stability booklet that out of service. The harmonized system alleviates the prob-
assesses the stability of the vessel for various loading condi- lems caused by survey dates and intervals between surveys,
tions. Weather-tight integrity provisions address the closing which do not coincide, so that a ship should no longer have
arrangements, minimum sill heights, and structural integrity to go into port or repair yard for a survey required by one
of the closure for ventilators, air pipes, companionways, Convention shortly after doing the same thing in connec-
hatches, scuppers, and other openings that penetrate the hull tion with another instrument. Unlike the ICLL, the 1988 Pro-
and provide possible sources of water ingress. Lastly, pro- tocol can be amended through the tacit approval process.
tection of crew addresses requirements necessary to ensure Revision of the 1966 ICLL, as amended by the 1988 Pro-
safe passage of the crew about the main deck. These re- tocol, is currently being done by IMO’s Sub-Committee on
quirements include location, spacing and height of guardrails, Stability, Load lines and Fishing Vessel Safety (SLF). The
gangways, and lifelines. Requirements for sufficient acces- revision is focusing on wave loads and permissible strengths
sibility to crew accommodations also are addressed. of hatch covers for bulk carriers and other ship types. The
A major part of the ICLL is the regulations to determine first draft of a revised Load Line Convention is expected to
the minimum geometric freeboard for a vessel. The crite- be presented to the Maritime Safety Committee in 2002.
ria is empirically based considering several geometric and
hydrostatic parameters of the vessel relative to providing
sufficient reserve buoyancy to resist capsizing and allevi- 8.3.5 Tonnage Convention
ating the buildup of water on deck to minimize the poten- Virtually all flag states require that before a ship is regis-
tial for water ingress. These requirements have remained tered, it must be measured in accordance with its national
intact since their inception. Yet, there is movement at IMO tonnage regulations to ascertain gross and net tonnage. De-
by some members to reconsider the requirements compris- termination of a vessel’s tonnage is necessary since the fig-
ing the minimum geometric freeboard and perhaps use an- ures are used to determine the applicability of international
alytical simulations and model tests to determine the vessel’s and national regulations, port fee charges, manning re-
seaworthiness (in terms of water on deck for certain sea quirements, and ship’s identification.
conditions). Given the other convention’s (SOLAS 1974) Existing national tonnage regulations were derived from
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-17

the British Moorsom System of tonnage measurement which 27, 1969. In seeking a universal system, the Conference
dates back to the British Merchant Shipping Act of 1854. decided to eliminate the system of exemptions and deduc-
As many maritime states adopted this measurement sys- tions from gross tonnage. Moreover, the Conference
tem, conflicting interpretations and amendments unique to adopted a formula that would yield gross tonnage closely
individual states led to considerable differences worldwide approximating those of vessels measured under existing
in its application. Reciprocal agreements among some mar- national rules without exemptions for shelter tweendecks,
itime states alleviated some of the differences but not all. deck spaces associated with tonnage openings, passenger
Consequently, various attempts were made to standardize spaces, and water ballast spaces. On the other hand, the
a system of tonnage measurement that could be used by all Conference decided to maintain the net tonnage advantage
maritime states. The need for a fair international tonnage enjoyed by shelter deck vessels and to extend that advan-
measurement system was evidenced by the fact that under tage to other vessel types having low draft to depth ratios.
various national rules exempted and deducted spaces are As a result, some charging authorities shifted their assess-
treated differently. For example, small ships of identical ment basis from net tonnage to gross tonnage.
size and form could vary from 200 gross tons to as much The Conference adopted the International Convention on
as 1000 gross tons. The variations in tonnages caused in- Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (the Convention),
equities in the assessment of charges and in the application which the delegations felt largely met the intended criteria
of provisions of treaties and laws. for a satisfactory system. On July 22, 1980, the Secretary
The League of Nations initiated studies on the unification General of IMO announced that Japan accepted on July 17
of tonnage measurement systems as early as 1925 and a draft and consequently, the Convention entered into force on July
convention with regulations was drawn up in 1939. A con- 18, 1982.
ference to consider the draft regulations was postponed until The Convention applies to vessels, except warships, of
after the end of World War II and the regulations were adopted nations that are:
on June 10, 1947 at Oslo, Norway. The Oslo Convention
came into force December 30, 1954. The Oslo Convention • party to the Convention,
afforded a degree of uniformity in tonnage measurement • 25 m and greater in length, and
among its adherents. However, a provision requiring unani- • engaged on international voyages.
mous acceptance of any amendments to this convention made For these vessels, an International Tonnage Certificate
it necessary for the adherents to follow recommendations (1969), showing the gross and net Convention tonnage as-
which lacked the force of regulations. In spite of this work, signed to the vessel, must be carried.
there still remained many differences between the different
national systems that needed to be resolved Particulars of the 1969 tonnage convention 1969 tonnage convention Gross tonnage as defined in the Convention is a function of
The Transport and Communications Commission of the the total volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship. No ex-
United Nations addressed the issue of tonnage measure- emption of enclosed spaces is permitted although there are
ment. After IMCO came into being in 1958, it took over the certain partially enclosed spaces that are excluded. The for-
task of developing a universal system of tonnage measure- mula for gross tonnage GT is:
ment of ships. Against this background, IMCO formed a sub-
GT = K1V
committee of its Maritime Safety Committee in 1959 to
study the problem and to draw up recommendations for a where V is the total volume of all enclosed spaces in cubic
tonnage measurement system suitable for worldwide ap- meters and
plication. The intent was to develop a system, which would
K1 = 0.2 + 0.02 log10 V.
be just and equitable between the individual ships and ship
types, would not hamper ship design or seaworthiness and All volumes of enclosed spaces are measured to the inner
would take general account of the economics of the ship- side of the shell or structural plating in ships constructed of
ping industry. metal and to the outer surface of the shell or to the inner
Over a period of years, the subcommittee and its work- side of structural surfaces in ships constructed of any other
ing group considered a number of proposals for a universal material. The volumes of certain fixed hull appendages are
system of tonnage measurement. Finally, the International included, but the volumes of hull spaces open to the sea
Conference on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, was may be excluded.
held in London during a four-week period beginning May Net tonnage, as defined in the Convention, is primarily
8-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

a function of the volume of cargo spaces and the number ticle 3(2). This Article grandfathered vessels built before July
of passengers. The formula for net tonnage NT is: 18, 1982 by allowing them to continue to use their national
tonnages to meet the requirements of the following exist-
NT = K2Vc(4d / 3D)2 + K3(N1 + N2 / 10)
ing international conventions:
in which:
• International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
Vc = total volume of cargo spaces in (SOLAS),
cubic meters • International Convention on Standards of Training, Cer-
K2 = 0.2 + 0.02 log10 Vc tification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), and
K3 = 1.25 (GT + 10 000) / 10 000 • International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
D = molded depth amidships in meters from Ships (MARPOL).
as defined in Regulation 2
As the date approached when the Convention was to
d = molded draft amidships in meters
come into force, many nations voiced concerns about the
as defined in Regulation 4
impact of applying Convention tonnage in lieu of national
N1 = number of passengers in cabins
tonnage for ships to be constructed in the near future. In
with not more than eight passengers
response, IMO developed the concept of interim schemes,
N2 = number of other passengers
which extended the Convention grandfather provisions to
N1 + N2 = total number of passengers the
certain categories of vessels that were built between July
ship is permitted to carry as indicated
18, 1982 and July 18, 1994. IMO Resolutions providing
in the ship’s passenger certificate
the specifics of the various interim schemes for those
In applying the formula: treaties are:
• the factor (4d / 3D)2 shall not be taken as greater than • SOLAS: Resolution A.494 (XII) dated November 19,
unity, 1981,
• the term K2Vc(4d / 3D)2 shall not be taken as less than • STCW: Resolution A.540 (XIII) dated November 17,
0.25 GT, and 1983, and
• NT shall not be taken as less than 0.30 GT. • MARPOL: Resolution A.541 (XIII) dated November
17, 1983
The draft to depth ratio permits a reduction of NT for
those vessels with high freeboards and in effect maintains Each country party to the Convention is free to deal uni-
the shelter deck or the tonnage mark concept under the na- laterally with problems arising from tonnage thresholds re-
tional systems. In some vessels with high freeboards, the lating to national laws and standards. As a long-term
effect of squaring this ratio is excessive, therefore the NT solution, countries have raised some of the legal tonnage
is not permitted to be less than 0.30 of the GT. thresholds or replaced them with other relevant vessel pa-
The Tonnage Conference adopted the coefficients K1, K2 rameters. Also, some countries continue to apply domestic
and K3 in order to produce curves reasonably representing laws and standards based on national tonnage.
plots of molded volumes against national gross tonnages and In 1986, the United States adopted a measurement sys-
of cargo space volumes and numbers of passengers against tem based on the Convention as its primary measurement
national net tonnages. The statistical data for those curves system for vessels 79 feet and greater in length. This sys-
were furnished by IMO members during studies held be- tem is called the convention measurement system. How-
fore the Conference. ever, the previous United States national measurement
system, called the regulatory measurement system, was re- Retention of national tonnages tained and could be used for both new and old vessels to
Much of the resistance to the Convention was from coun- apply domestic laws.
tries representing shipowners or operators of ships utiliz-
ing tonnage reduction techniques. Such ships would have Canal tonnage
higher gross tonnages under the Convention than under Vessels that transit the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal are
their national systems, which would cause them to exceed measured according to the rules of the respective canal au-
tonnage thresholds if the Convention replaced the national thorities, which are referred to as canal rules. Canal author-
systems. ities find it relatively easy to accommodate their interests and
In anticipation of such concerns, the Conference estab- for that reason find it easier to maintain rational tonnage meas-
lished the application provisions of the Convention in Ar- urement rules. Canal authorities do not have ships in com-
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-19

petition with other ships and each time the relevant canal ton- press purpose of IMO is for the different nations of the
nage is used as a basis for assessing transit tolls, the vessel world to come to agreement on internationally agreed upon
is available for tonnage verification. Therefore, there are com- safety and environmental protection standards to which all
paratively few options to be considered by the designer. countries adhere.
The Suez Canal Authority recognizes and assigns ton-
nage based on the regulations recommended by the 1873
International Tonnage Commission (Constantinople) for the 8.4.1 United States National Standards
purpose of assessing Suez Canal tolls and service fees. The The marine safety and environmental protection standards
Suez Canal tonnage measurement system is based on a vari- for the United States are contained in the Code of Federal
ation of the Moorsom system and the unit ton is 100 ft3 or Regulations (CFR). The development of federal regulations
the metric equivalent, 2.83 m3, and it is generally applied is specifically provided for in the Administrative Procedures
by the Suez Canal Authority to all categories of vessels. Act, which requires that the public be given notice and the
In 1994, the Panama Canal tonnage measurement sys- right to comment on any proposed regulation before it be-
tem was changed from a Moorsom-based system, with the comes final. The U.S. Coast Guard, as the agency respon-
unit ton being equal to 100 ft3, to a system known as the sible for maritime safety and environmental protection, is
Panama Canal Universal Measurement System, referred to responsible for developing and maintaining these regulations
as the PC/UMS system. The PC/UMS system is very sim- (see sub-section
ilar to the 1969 Tonnage Convention, in that a vessel’s gross The regulations most pertinent to designers and builders
tonnage is determined using logarithmic function based on of ships are as follows:
a vessel’s volume. Effective on January 1, 1997, a Panama Title 46, Shipping, Parts 1-199: contains safety require-
Canal Commission rulemaking required that a portion of a ments within the areas of structure, stability, lifesaving, ma-
vessel’s on-deck container carrying capacity be included in rine engineering (mechanical and electrical), fire protection
its PC/UMS net tonnage. (active and passive), and equipment approval.
Panama Canal tolls and service fees for commercial ves- Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, Parts 151-
sels and naval auxiliaries, such as transports, colliers, hos- 159 and 164: contains the pollution prevention and the nav-
pital and supply ships, are based on the PC/UMS system. igation safety regulations.
However, tolls and fees for warships, as defined in Canal When first developed, these regulations established the
regulations, are based on vessel displacement or weight ton- requirements for U.S. flag vessels, both those that operated
nage not volume tonnage. solely within the national waters of the U.S. as well as those
that operated internationally. In the past, these regulations
were generally considered to exceed the international re-
quirements. However, the U.S. recognized the international
standards as the appropriate standards for vessels of other
National standards or regulations are developed for three rea- nations that called at U.S. ports. In the recent past, many of
sons. The first, and most common reason is to address those the international requirements have come to be incorpo-
vessels not covered by the international requirements, i.e., rated into the U.S. national regulations such that for ocean-
those vessels that only operate in their national waters. A going vessels, the U.S. and international regulations are
country may choose to develop entirely different standards considerably harmonized.
or incorporate, where possible, the international standards. There is a specific and notable example where the U.S. has
Second, national regulations are developed to supplement the unilaterally applied a standard that exceeds the international
international regulations that are not felt to be sufficiently standards. These are the double hull requirements for tankers,
prescriptive or leave details of application to the discretion which were as a result of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA
of the administration. This too is not uncommon and it can 90). In this instance, the U.S. Congress, in reaction the Exxon
lead to conflicts between administrations over the interpre- Valdez grounding and resulting oil spill in Prince William
tation of some elements of the international standards. Last, Sound passed legislation requiring the phase-out of all single
national regulations are developed when a country feels that hull tank vessels to be replaced by double hull tank vessels.
the international standards do not provide an adequate level This was an instance where the U.S. felt the international stan-
of safety or environmental protection and determine it is nec- dards were not sufficient and took the action it deemed nec-
essary to unilaterally apply higher standards to vessels op- essary to provide an adequate level of environmental protection
erating in their national waters. Fortunately, except for for U.S. waters. In 1992, the IMO subsequently adopted sim-
notable exceptions, this does not often occur since the ex- ilar double hull requirements for tankers with two differences;
8-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the phase-out of single hull tank vessels is not as aggressive is usually based upon the vessel’s size/tonnage or geo-
as under OPA 90 and since IMO determined the mid-deck de- graphical trading areas,
sign was equivalent to the double hull design, a shipowner • representing its nation at international maritime forums:
could opt for it in lieu of the double hull design. To date, no In carrying out this role, the flag administration repre-
mid-deck designs have ever been built. sents the maritime interests of the nation at such forums
In addition to the regulations, there are policy documents as the International Maritime Organization,
that amplify and provide interpretations concerning both • maintaining its registry (e.g., registering vessels): Ves-
vessel designs and vessel inspections. The two most promi- sels that qualify for entry are duly registered and docu-
nent bodies of policy documents are The Marine Safety mented by the flag state,
Manual (MSM) and Navigation and Vessel Inspection Cir- • applying regulations to registered tonnage: After vessels
culars (NVIC’s). are duly registered, the flag state administers applicable
regulations to those vessels,
• providing inspection/certification service for registered
vessels: The flag state must provide certification serv-
8.5 REGIONAL AND LOCAL REGULATORY ices directly for its vessels or delegate the authority for
REQUIREMENTS these services to a capable technical body, such as a clas-
In addition to international and national standards, a fairly sification society, and
recent development has occurred whereby regional groups • acting in accordance with relevant international regula-
of individual nations such as the European Union have begun tions: The flag state must abide by international agree-
to use their authority to establish and enforce requirements ments to which it is party or signatory. Such agreements
related to the marine industry. In addition, within the United may require the flag state to provide an auditing function
States, some states have imposed their own requirements over its inspection and certificate function as well as com-
on the maritime industry, usually within the environmental pile and share information related to fleet statistics, ac-
protection arena. cident investigations, and interpretations of regulations. Delegation of authority

Most flag states delegate the authority to survey vessels,
8.6 CERTIFICATION AND ENFORCEMENT issue international certificates and certify tonnage to qual-
As was stated earlier, the IMO has no power of enforcement ified technical bodies. Usually, classification societies are
for the criteria it establishes but must rely on implementa- the recipients of such delegations, and this delegation of
tion mechanisms of the individual signatory nations. En- authority is then recorded in a formal document that spells
forcement is carried out through two separate and distinct out the specific responsibilities of both parties. The classi-
elements: the flag state and the port state. fication society, as delegated party under such an agree-
ment, is expected to provide timely, professional service,
using criteria determined and interpreted by the flag state.
8.6.1 Flag State The degree of latitude that can be used by a class society
Maritime administrations represent the interests of a sov- as well as reporting obligations are usually contained in the
ereign state for the purpose of regulating shipping and ship- delegation of authority.
ping-related activities. Nations that have a mechanism for
registering tonnage, called a registry are commonly referred Flag state relationship with IMO
to as flag states. Hence, the maritime administration of a Of particular interest is the flag state’s relationship with the
nation is responsible for determining what regulations apply International Maritime Organization (IMO), the body of the
to vessels in its registry and for effecting inspection and United Nations charged with regulating oceangoing ton-
certification of those vessels. nage by consensus means. Member states are those flag
states that are members of the IMO and hence subject to its
binding agreements. Nonmember states are those flag states Role of flag state
that do not hold membership at IMO but that may follow
The flag state is responsible for the following:
proceedings as observer states and may voluntarily adopt
• developing and determining maritime regulations: Mar- IMO criteria as part of their maritime regulations. Signa-
itime regulations can be of domestic origin (national tory states are those member states of IMO who have signed
laws) or international in nature, and their applicability into force IMO conventions and are thus bound by the con-
Chapter 8: Classification and Regulatory Requirements 8-21

vention’s provisions. Non-signatory states are member or ulates the conditions to which the classification society and
nonmember states of IMO that have not signed IMO in- the Coast Guard must adhere as well as any supplemental
struments placing regulations into force, but have often vol- national requirements, which are in addition to international
untarily adopted IMO regulations and standards as part of and classification requirements, that the classification soci-
their maritime requirements. ety must verify during the review and survey of a vessel. As
of April 2003, the Coast Guard had delegated the authority United States Coast Guard to issue international certificates to the American Bureau of
As the agency responsible for maritime safety and envi- Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas,
ronmental protection in the United States, the U.S. Coast and Germanischer Lloyd.
Guard is responsible for developing and enforcing the rel-
evant statutory and regulatory requirements. The U.S. Coast
Guard is generally recognized as one of the premier mar- 8.6.2 Port State Control
itime safety organizations in the world, not only because of Port state control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in
its size, but also because of the breadth of its responsibili- national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its
ties and activities. It traces its origin back to the Revenue equipment comply with the requirements of international reg-
Cutter Service in 1790, and over the last two centuries has ulations and that the ship is manned and operated in com-
continually broadened its responsibilities as new laws have pliance with these rules. It is a natural and complimentary
been created in response to developing national and world control to that exercised by the flag state. Many of IMO’s most
issues or as various other governmental entities have been important technical conventions contain provisions for ships
merged with it. The official name of Coast Guard was cre- to be inspected when they visit foreign ports to ensure that
ated in 1915. With approximately 40 000 military and civil- they meet IMO requirements, as seen by the following list:
ian employees, the Coast Guard is the largest organization
• International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
in the U.S. Department of Transportation and exercises the
(SOLAS), 1974, its Protocol of 1978, as amended, and
traditional flag and port state responsibilities of the United
the Protocol of 1988, (SOLAS 74/78/88),
• International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
The certification process of U.S. flag vessels is how the
from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978,
Coast Guard verifies compliance with the applicable safety
as amended (MARPOL 73/78),
and environmental protection regulations. This process cul-
• International Convention on Standards of Training, Cer-
minates in the vessel receiving all applicable international
tification and Watch keeping for Seafarers 1978, as
certificates and a Coast Guard Certificate of Inspection.
amended (STCW 78),
There are two major components in the certification
• International Convention on Load Lines 1966, as
process; namely a technical review of a vessel’s design, and
amended, and its 1988 Protocol, (ICLL 66/88), and
a survey by Coast Guard marine inspectors. During the serv-
• International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
ice life of a vessel, it is subject to periodic inspections and
Ships 1969 (TONNAGE 1969).
renewal of its certification by the Coast Guard. The techni-
cal review of a vessel’s design is carried out by the Marine In recent years, PSC has become more prominent and
Safety Center (MSC). Marine inspectors stationed at over increased in importance within the maritime safety and pol-
40 Marine Safety Offices in the United States carry out ves- lution prevention regime. Although it is well understood
sel surveys. In addition, the Coast Guard has marine in- that the ultimate responsibility for implementing and en-
spectors in Rotterdam and Japan in order to carry out vessel forcing the provisions of the conventions is left to the flag
inspections outside the United States. states, port states are entitled to control foreign ships visit-
Like other countries, the Coast Guard has delegated the ing their own ports to ensure that a minimum level of safety
authority to issue international certificates along with the and pollution prevention is maintained within their ports.
commensurate technical review and vessel survey on their Because many port states have concluded that shipowners,
behalf under a the Alternate Compliance Program. Under this classification societies and flag state administrations have
program, the Coast Guard uses the product of the reviews failed to adequately ensure that ships comply with the re-
and surveys done by the classification societies as a basis quirements of the international maritime conventions they
for issuing the Certificate of Inspection. Prior to receiving have dramatically increased their port state control pro-
authorization to conduct this work on behalf of the Coast grams and increased scrutiny of foreign ships calling in their
Guard, a classification must satisfy certain criteria and enter ports. This has resulted in port state control becoming a
into an agreement with the Coast Guard. The agreement stip- more active partner with the flag states to enforce compli-
8-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ance with the international safety and pollution prevention from delay by unnecessary inspections. In addition, the data
requirements. collected can help to target flags, companies and individ-
When conducting a port state control inspection, the ad- ual ship that have poor safety records.
ministration may use its own government inspectors or other The first regional agreement was created in Western Eu-
inspectors (such as class society surveyors) to whom it has rope in 1982 by means of the Paris Memorandum of Un-
delegated authority to act on its behalf. The flag state where derstanding on Port State Control, commonly referred to
the vessel is registered may be notified of such inspections, as the Paris MOU. IMO, in 1991 adopted Resolution
as may the class society with which the vessel is classed. A.682(17) Regional Cooperation in the Control of Ships
Initially, the PSC inspection generally consists of a visit and Discharges, to promote the establishment of other
on board to verify that necessary certificates and documents regimes in the various regions of the world following the
are valid. The initial visit also gives the inspector an op- pattern adopted by the European region through the Paris
portunity to judge the general appearance and condition of MOU. Since then, other regions have adopted PSC MOUs
the vessel. When certificates are overdue or expired, or and as of 2001, the following regional MOUs exist:
where they appear to be reasons to suspect that the ship
and/or its equipment may not be in compliance with the rel- • Paris MOU (Europe and North Atlantic region includ-
evant convention standards, a more detailed inspection is ing Canada),
usually undertaken to determine whether or not the ship is • Acuerdo d Vina del Mar (Latin American region),
in compliance with the international requirements. In ad- • Tokyo MOU (Asia-Pacific region),
dition, grounds for carrying out a detailed inspection may • Caribbean MOU (Caribbean region),
consist of one or a combination of the following: a report • Mediterranean MOU (Mediterranean region),
or notification from another authority; report or complaint • Indian Ocean MOU (Indian Ocean region),
from the master, a crew member (or any person or organi- • Abuja MOU (West and Central African region), and
zation with a legitimate interest in the safe operation of the • Black Sea MOU (Black Sea region).
ship or in the prevention of pollution); or the finding of de-
ficiencies during the inspection. The United States has an active and aggressive PSC pro-
During an inspection, if deficiencies are found that af- gram. While not a member or participant in any regional
fect safety, health, or the environment, the port authorities MOU, because of the number of foreign ships calling at its
will ensure that the deficiencies are rectified before the ship ports, the United States has had a significant impact on PSC
is allowed to proceed to sea. If necessary, they will some- activities worldwide. Additionally, as part of its PSC pro-
times detain the ship for that purpose, notifying the flag gram, the United States, initiated QUALSHIP 21. QUAL-
state of the action taken. Additionally, differences of opin- SHIP 21 is a program that recognizes and rewards ships
ion as to the interpretation of international regulations may that over time have demonstrated full and complete com-
develop. In such instances, the flag state where the vessel pliance with the international safety and pollution preven-
is registered should be consulted for their interpretation of tion standards.
any applicable requirement. There is one additional MOU that has and will continue
to have impact within the various PSC programs and that PSC memorandums of understanding is the European Quality Ship Information System (EQUA-
PSC inspections were originally intended to be a back up SIS) MOU. EQUASIS was established in May 2000 for the
to flag state implementation, but, as just noted, experience purpose of making merchant ship information available to
has shown that they are extremely effective in reducing sub- maritime organizations. The information is provided by the
standard ships. However, instituting a PSC program involves Paris MOU, Tokyo MOU, United States, IACS Classifica-
creating an administration, a team of surveyors and in- tion Societies, and P&I Clubs members of the International
spectors, which can be expensive. By combining with other Group of P&I Clubs. It includes the following items: ship
countries to form regional PSC agreement these costs can particulars (IMO number, name, flag, type, gross tonnage,
be reduced and the effectiveness of the inspection program etc), classification society, information on Safety Manage-
increased. There are a number of other advantages. A ship ment Certificate (SMC), P&I club covering the ship and
going to a port in one country will normally visit other coun- port state control inspections (list of inspections and de-
tries in the region before embarking on its return voyage tentions, summaries of deficiencies for each inspection, de-
and it is to everybody’s advantage if inspections are coor- ficiencies that led to detention). Clearly, making this
dinated to ensure that as many ships as possible are in- information transparent is important in the world maritime
spected but at the same time individual ships are prevented community’s efforts to reduce substandard ships.
Chapter 9
Contracts and Specifications

Kenneth W. Fisher

9.1 INTRODUCTION TO SHIPBUILDING CONTRACTS the classification organization that will be involved during
design development and construction. In addition to those
9.1.1 Decisions Required for a Shipbuilding Contract decisions, the shipowner’s organization must select:
A contract for the construction of one or more vessels is the
logical outcome of a decision by a shipowner to acquire the • the means of financing the construction of the ship,
new ship(s) to further the objectives of the organization. • the means of financing the mortgage for the completed
Possible objectives include: a favorable return on invest- ship,
ment; a public service (ferries, search and rescue, etc.); a • the basis of comparison of offers or bids from several
captive transportation link as a component in a larger lo- shipbuilders,
gistics system; a military or security capability; environ- • a shipbuilder from among the responsive bidders,
mental monitoring and preservation; scientific research; and • the format of the shipbuilding contract, and
recreation (cruise vessels and large yachts); among other ob- • other non-technical decisions that need to be made just
jectives of ship owning organizations. to initiate the acquisition process.
Once the decision to acquire the new ship is made, mul-
tiple follow-on decisions are necessary. Many of those de- There are hazards associated with each such non-tech-
cisions are reflected in the technical specifications and plans, nical decision, which hazards are in the form of risks asso-
or drawings, which define the physical ship that will satisfy ciated with the relevant experience of the naval architect,
the requirements of the shipowner. The development of those the locale of the shipbuilder, the applicable law, financial
technical requirements in the form of Contract Specifica- guarantees, and the relevant experience of the shipowner’s
tions and Contract Plans is discussed at length in Section 9.3. staff that is managing the ship acquisition process, among
However, many non-technical decisions are needed also other factors. The process of developing the contract for
(see Chapters 4 and 10). Some of the non-technical deci- ship construction and the letting of the contract by the
sion involve selecting a naval architectural firm to develop shipowner is, accordingly, an orderly sequence of risk eval-
the technical requirements; the extent to which the design uation at each step along the way, followed by action that
will be developed by the shipowner; the identification of minimizes the relevant risks or considers other factors if a
qualified shipyards that will be invited to submit bids or slightly greater risk is found acceptable.
proposals; the format of the request for proposals or invi- For example, from a shipowner’s perspective, retaining
tation to bid; the flag of registry for the completed ship; and a naval architectural firm that has designed many similar
vessels may present a lesser risk than utilizing the services
© Copyright 2001 by Kenneth W. Fisher and The Society of Naval Ar- of one that has only designed other forms of vessels, though
chitects and Marine Engineers. the risk differential may be minimal. An adverse outcome

9-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

of such risk may be the need to negotiate a Change Order into documentation that is used for each subsequent ship
to achieve a partial rearrangement of several items to en- acquisition. However, such documentation is a rarity in
hance operating efficiency, based on the operator’s experi- the marine industry, with the notable exception of large
ence, which experience was not appreciated by the naval government agencies having numerous documented pro-
architects for whom this was their initial design of this ship cedures and sub-procedures. But even if acquisition guide-
type. If the shipyard is accomplishing that level of design, lines and procedures are documented, they still have to be
the shipowner may be similarly concerned about the expe- implemented by the Purchaser’s staff, which implemen-
rience of the shipyard’s design staff. tation may result in new interpretations of the same pro-
The decision as to how much of the design is to be de- cedural language.
veloped by the shipowner’s naval architects and design en- Similarly, it can be appreciated that a first-time ship-
gineers, and how much design development responsibility is owner can, in fact, have the benefit of prior ship acquisi-
to be assigned to the shipyard, is an important one. For cer- tion experience by using, as employees or consultants,
tain vessel types, such as tankers and bulk carriers, shipyards persons having directly relevant experience. It is important
may offer standard designs at attractive prices. Shipowners to stress the word relevant, since non-relevant experience
must recognize that such standard designs are generally op- is often the basis of false confidence or misunderstandings,
timized from the shipyard’s production perspective, and may leading to difficulties in the ship acquisition process. Some
not result in the best operational, economic and maintenance ship owning organizations have occasionally used persons
considerations from the shipowner’s perspective. from other industries to oversee a ship acquisition process,
The considerations and processes leading to those non- leading to difficulties arising from the significant dispari-
technical decisions are almost always unique to each ship ties between procedures and expectations between the dif-
owning organization, thus precluding the possibility of a ferent industries.
comprehensive discussion of them. Consequently, while The same perspective is also valid for shipyards; the per-
this chapter will occasionally refer to the outcome of most sons involved in the development and negotiation of ship-
of those non-technical decisions, with one exception, they building contracts on behalf of the shipyard can unwittingly
are not a point of focus within this chapter. The exception create situations which are more likely to lead to contrac-
to those non-discussed, non-technical decisions is the last tual difficulties if the experience of past contracts is not ad-
one mentioned, the format of the shipbuilding contract. This equately translated into the new contract development
subject is thoroughly discussed in Section 9. 2. process. For example, a shipyard having considerable cata-
maran-building experience contracted to construct a SWATH-
type vessel using estimates based on its prior twin-hull
9.1.2 Learning from Experience experience. However, due to width restrictions at the water-
A new ship for most ship owning organizations is just one line, the SWATH construction was far more costly than com-
more in a series of vessels in its possession, but sometimes parably sized catamaran vessels.
an acquisition of a new ship is a first for an organization The Chief Executive of the Royal Institution of Naval
that is just getting into ship owning. Initially, it would ap- Architects in 1998-2003, Mr. Trevor Blakeley, introduced
pear that ship-owning organizations that previously have that organization’s biannual courses on the management of
acquired ships possess the experience to undertake the ac- shipbuilding contracts by stating this:
quisition process without difficulty due to that previous ex- “We have all heard of disasters involving ships, ships
perience. Conversely, it would appear that first-time ship that have run aground, broken in half in severe storms, im-
owning organizations likely would encounter greater diffi- pacted vehicular bridges in fog, or even experienced fires.
culties due to the lack of relevant experience. However, nei- But there is another form of disaster involving ships; namely,
ther of those statements is necessarily true. contractual disasters, situations in which the shipyard and
The only experience a ship owning organization can shipowner are both terribly harmed due to mismanagement
bring into a ship acquisition process is that of the indi- of the shipbuilding contract.”
viduals involved on behalf of that organization. If there The primary basis of this chapter is past experience, not
has been a turnover of personnel since the last several ac- a theoretical approach to the development of contracts, agree-
quisitions, all of the learning that came into the organi- ments, specifications and plans. The avoidance of the second
zation through those acquisitions was lost to that type of ship disasters, contractual disasters, is the educa-
organization if key personnel departed. In other words, tional intent of this chapter. Thus, in a sense, it is a form of
there is no corporate memory unless there is no turnover documentation of lessons learned from prior experience in
of key personnel or if that experience has been translated the development and management of shipbuilding contracts.
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-3

9.1.3 Perspectives, Not Standards cial security, title, risks and insurance, default and termi-
It is recognized that some persons reading this chapter may nation, among other non-technical subjects.
interpret it as establishing a standard for appropriate ship-
building Agreements, Specifications, Plans and contract man-
9.1.5 Contracts and Technical Managers
agerial duties for ship construction. It is not intended that
this chapter establish such standards. This chapter is for in- While this chapter focuses on new ship construction, nearly
structional purposes only, intended for those persons who all the elements of it are also applicable to major ship con-
do not yet possess experience sufficient to make the deci- version projects, and many of its elements are also pertinent
sions that are needed in contract formation and management. to ship repair. Agreements and Specifications for both ship
The fact that in actual practice an organization may not ad- conversion and ship repair will need to be supplemented by
here to the ideas and perspectives set forth below is not nec- other elements not described in this chapter, and some of the
essarily an indication of inadequate contracting and elements described herein would have to be deleted. The rea-
management. Rather, the ideas and perspectives presented son for the inclusion of this chapter in an otherwise techni-
in this chapter are intended to bring to light various possi- cal book is that the contract is the mechanism that conveys
bilities and lessons learned in both contract development the technical, as well as non-technical, understandings, ob-
and contract management. The relevant experience and qual- ligations, rights and responsibilities between the shipowner
ifications of each party’s contract management team, cou- (or Purchaser) and the constructing shipyard (or Contractor).
pled with the specific nature of the project, and influenced The contract is the instrument that allows the intangible
by market, financial, regulatory and classification factors, product of the designing naval architects and marine engi-
may singularly or collectively be superior factors, relative neers to become a reality; without a contract, the design
to this chapter’s recommendations, for the establishment of would never be translated into a tangible object.
an appropriate contract and form of contract management. Some vessels have been constructed, it may be said by
others, without a contract. What is really meant, however,
is that the vessel was constructed in accordance with an oral
9.1.4 Contract Development and Management contract, not a written one. While this is altogether possi-
There are three aspects of shipbuilding contracts and spec- ble, it means that the risks associated with the vessel con-
ifications that are relevant to the context of this book and struction were not addressed, so both parties were taking
which also are central to the interests of technically-ori- great risks over financial and technical aspects, hoping that
ented persons who are likely readers of this book: 1. for- the outcome would be satisfactory, but having no written
mation of the agreement – the keystone of the contract; 2. commitment to that objective from the other party. Thus,
formation of the specifications and plans – the key techni- there is always a contract, but in some rare circumstances
cal components; and 3. management of the contract during it may have been an oral one, not a written one.
ship construction. It is essential that technical project personnel have over-
Each of those three key areas is addressed as sections, all responsibility for the development and implementation
below. Prior to considering them, however, some funda- of a shipbuilding contract, rather than business managers
mental understandings of shipbuilding contracts are re- or lawyers, since the ultimate purpose of a shipbuilding con-
viewed. It will be seen, the title of this chapter not tract is to develop and deliver a technical object, not to de-
withstanding, that specifications are just one of several parts velop temporary business or legal relationships. Each of
of a shipbuilding contract. The word “specifications” is in- those, temporary business and legal relationships, are a ne-
cluded in the title of this chapter to emphasize that this chap- cessity, but are not a sufficient mechanism for achieving the
ter is not a discourse on contracts that is suitable for the legal delivery of a new ship from Contractor to Purchaser. Fur-
profession; rather, it is specially intended for project per- ther, in addition to the technical personnel and the lawyers,
sonnel other than attorneys. a wide range of professionals within both the shipowner’s
Reference 1 is a treatise on shipbuilding contracts that and the shipyard’s organizations occasionally will be re-
addresses legal issues. Per the Foreword of it, the purpose ferring to the contract, though not managing it on a daily
is to “present the law relating to shipbuilding contracts in basis. These include persons in the areas of insurance, ac-
as wide a perspective as possible.” It was initially compiled counting and finance, among other areas.
by a sub-committee of the Assembly of the Comité Mar- In the last section of this chapter, it will be shown that
itime International, and subsequently edited into a uniform the on-site contract management team is responsible for
format by Malcolm A. Clarke, Ph.D., Fellow of St. John’s management of the entire contract, including the Agree-
College, Cambridge. The book addresses matters of finan- ment as well as the technical requirements. Accordingly, it
9-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

is important that those technical project personnel who will The assignment of risks does not end, however, upon
constitute the contract management team be familiar, if not contract execution; each Change Order that may be exe-
conversant, with the Agreement to the same extent they are cuted later as an amendment to the contract also may carry
with the technical documents of the contract. Further, in with it risks which must also be assigned. For the Contrac-
order to ensure that the Agreement gives those technical tor, usually there are the risks of cost and/or schedule over-
personnel the rights and responsibilities they need to ef- runs for fixed price contracts or fixed price Change Orders;
fectively manage the contract, and assigns to the other con- for the Purchaser usually there are the risks of performance
tracting party the balance of the responsibilities necessary of the basic or altered elements of the Contract Work Scope.
to achieve the final product (the ship and all its documen- The assignment of those risks, however, can be different
tation), those technical personnel must participate in the de- for each of the design and performance parameters and for
velopment of the Agreement. each subsequent Change Order, as the parties may agree.
If the technical requirements and technical obligations The form of a contract determines which party is ac-
expressed by the contract are not set forth in a comprehen- cepting, to some degree or other, the risk of cost overruns.
sive document that is entirely suitable for the objectives of In the fixed price form of contract, the contractor is obliged
the project (developing and delivering a ship), a risk is taken to complete the ship and the other deliverables all for the
that financial and/or legal issues will control the project, contractually-defined fixed price, as may have been sup-
rather than having those issues support but not control the plemented by agreed-upon changes. However, when a new
technical project. ship type is being created, or when new technologies are
This chapter is not a substitute for more detailed educa- being implemented, it may be impracticable for a shipyard
tion in the areas of contract formation and contract man- to offer a competitive fixed price since there are too many
agement. It will, however, make the reader alert to the need unknowns. In such instances, potential contractors may not
to look into matters surrounding contract formation and be willing to accept the risks of offering a fixed price con-
contract management, rather than merely leaving those mat- tract within a range acceptable to the shipowner. In order
ters to persons who do not have the same project perspec- to obtain the vessel, the shipowner may offer to use a cost-
tives that are appropriate to the formation and management plus contract, in which the shipowner will pay all costs in-
of shipbuilding contracts. curred by the shipyard, and in which the plus payable to the
shipyard is determined according to either a formula or a
fixed amount per the contract language. It is also possible
9.1.6 Purpose of Shipbuilding Contracts for the parties to use a contract form, which leads to the shar-
A shipyard and a shipowner enter into a contract for mutu- ing of cost overruns. Other variants on contract form are also
ally-beneficial reasons; namely, the shipowner wishes to possible, but infrequently used. The important point is that
acquire a ship which is suitable for the shipowner’s needs, the form of contract determines how the parties allocate the
and the shipyard wishes to construct, for payment, a ship risks of cost overruns.
within its shipbuilding capabilities in order to earn a return
on its investment in shipbuilding facilities. The shipbuild-
ing contract is the manifestation of those mutual intentions; 9.1.7 Defining Contractual Relationships
that is, the purpose of a shipbuilding contract is to achieve Typically, contracts are written documents, which address
the development and delivery of a ship from the shipyard all, or nearly all, of the potential elements of the contrac-
to the shipowner. From the time the parties agree to that tech- tual relationship. Sometimes, however, the shipbuilding
nical objective until it is achieved, the parties establish a tem- contracts are oral to some extent, with certain elements of
porary business relationship, shaped in part by legal the contractual relationship having been established orally,
obligations and constraints that are intended to produce a while other components of the same contract may be in
satisfactory technical outcome. writing. It is not uncommon for written contracts to be in-
More formally, the purpose of a shipbuilding contract is complete; that is, some of the components of the contrac-
to define the entirety of the temporary relationship between tual relationship remain undefined at the time the contract
the Contractor and the Purchaser. Essentially, the contract is initiated.
in its entirety establishes the rights, responsibilities, rules If the two contracting parties have mutually decided to
of conduct and assignment of risks between the two parties not reduce all of the potential components of their con-
pertaining to all foreseeable technical, cost and schedule tractual relationship to writing, it indicates that they are
matters, as well as questions or disputes that may arise be- each taking a risk if an un-addressed aspect of the contrac-
tween the parties. tual relationship becomes important at a later time. For ex-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-5

ample, if a contract requires that the Contractor ensures that within, say, the Contract Specifications. For example, sup-
the new ship achieve a speed of, say, 28.0 knots, but in fact pose a contract requires that the design of a ship achieve
the vessel can achieve only 26.2 knots, the parties will have compliance with a particular classification organization’s
to look to the contract to understand what remedies are rules. Suppose, further, that those rules refer to the ASTM
available to the Purchaser and what rights remain for the standards for ship construction, which ASTM standards in-
Contractor. The Purchaser’s remedies may be financial dam- clude minimum dimensions of handrails for inclined lad-
ages or the right to reject the ship; but if the contract did ders. The ship, then, must comply with those minimum
not address what remedies would be available to the Pur- handrail dimensions, even though none of the first-level
chaser, neither party can be certain of what will be the out- contract documents expressly identify that particular re-
come of the almost-inevitable litigation. This is addressed quirement. In other words, all of the standards and regula-
further in Section 9.2 in the part on Liquidated Damages tions are equally binding upon the parties whether directly
(Performance, Design). or indirectly referenced.
As another example, suppose the Purchaser is not forth-
coming with several progress payments. If the matter is suf-
ficiently severe and creates a critical cash-flow problem for 9.1.9 Agreement
the Contractor, the Contractor may wish to take some ac- The Agreement is often miss-labeled as the contract, but as
tion to minimize the consequences of the lack of contrac- illustrated in Figure 1, the Agreement is only one of the
tually defined progress payments. To the extent that the major components of a contract, though it is unique to each
contract addresses the rights of the Contractor under such particular contract. Because the Agreement is the largely
circumstances, the Contractor has a clear understanding of non-technical heart of the set of documents comprising the
what can be done to deal with that lack of progress payments. contract, its formation is addressed separately in Section
If, however, the contract does not address that potential as- 9.2. The Agreement should clearly identify each of the other
pect of the relationship, then there is no predictable out- major components of the contract in a non-ambiguous man-
come to the consequential dispute. ner, by using author, date of publication, a revision number
These limited examples are presented to illustrate that or other unique identifying number, if applicable.
many potential aspects of a contract may never have to be The Agreement is also the primary document in the hi-
defined, but by failing to define those components of the
contractual relationship in advance, the parties may have ac-
cepted risks. Thus, it can be appreciated that it is preferable
to have a contract anticipate and address reasonably poten-
tial sources of dispute so that the parties have, in advance,
a clear understanding of how they must act in the event a
potential dispute arises, and to understand their contractu-
ally defined choices in courses of action.

9.1.8 Components of a Contract

The beginning of this chapter listed the three elements of
contract support services that are considered herein: For-
mation of the Agreement; Formation of the Contract Spec-
ifications and Plans; and Management of the Contract
During Performance. In order to put those three contract sup-
port services into context, eight major components of a con-
tract are illustrated in Figure 9.1.
Those components, and possibly some others, as dis-
cussed below, constitute the contract. If any component of
the contract refers to other standards or other regulations,
then those other standards and/or regulations are also part
of the contract. The fact that a requirement may be included
in a contract by indirect reference does not give it any less
validity than a requirement, which is directly identified Figure 9.1 Major Components of a Commercial Shipbuilding Contract
9-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

erarchical list of the of components of the contract, with the When the ship is being designed by the shipowner, how-
hierarchy being stated within the Agreement to set an order ever, the shipowner’s staff, or outside consultancy, devel-
of precedence in the event of inconsistencies between the ops the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans in
various components of the contract. An example table of advance. Extreme caution should be used by shipowners
contents of a commercial shipbuilding Agreement is illus- who allow their staffs to continue developing those Speci-
trated in Table 9.I. fications and Plans after the requests for proposals have
Several organizations have standard forms of agreements, been issued to bidding shipyards, since subsequent modifica-
but they may refer to them as contracts. tions to the Specifications and/or Plans may have a signif-
Those forms are the starting points of negotiations and icant impact on the shipyard’s price and/or schedule.
development of the final form of the Agreement. The As-
sociation of West European Shipbuilders (AWES), the
Shipowners Association of Japan (SAJ), and the Norwe- TABLE 9.I Commercial Shipbuilding Agreement Typical
gian Shipowners Association (NSA) are among those or- Section Headings
ganizations that have such standard form agreements. In
the United States, due to significant government involve- Introduction
ment in many shipbuilding contracts, the U.S. Maritime Ad- Entire Agreement
ministration has had standard form agreements, too. Of Coordination of Contract Documents
course, major government agencies also have their own
Definitions, Abbreviations, Interpretation of Terms
forms for acquisition of their own ships.
Delivery of Vessels
Options of Additional Vessels
9.1.10 Contract Specifications and Plans
Project Schedule
Two other major contract components are entirely unique to
Scope of Work and Representations
each contract, the Contract Specifications, and the Contract
Plans, which may include schematics and diagrams. Because Intellectual Property Rights
they are entirely unique, they are prepared in advance by Materials and Workmanship
one or both of the contracting parties. Often, the Contract Regulatory and Classification
Plans are considered to be a subpart of the Contract Speci- Industry Standards
fications, but that is not necessary. Further, if the parties in-
Contract price
tend that the Contract Plans be superior to the Contract
Specifications in legal precedence (hierarchy) of contract Unit Price
components, the Contract Plans cannot be a part of the lower- Delivery of Vessel(s) to Purchaser
level Contract Specifications. Because these components of Liquidated and Actual Damages (Delivery)
the contract constitute its technical focus, the formation of
Liquidated Damages (Performance, Design)
them is addressed separately in Section 9.3. When a ship-
yard offers a standard or semi-standard design to a shipowner, Representatives of the Parties
these two components of the contract are usually well de- Examination of Plans
veloped in advance by the shipyard. The shipyard may at- Inspection of Workmanship and Materials
tach to the specifications a maker’s list identifying the
Changes in Specifications, Plans and Schedule
manufacturer and model number of the equipment items that
are to be installed. The shipowner may seek alterations to Adjustment of Contract Price and Schedule for Change Orders
the shipyard-prepared documents only in selected areas, Extension of Time
which are of particular importance to the individual Final As-built Drawings and Calculations
shipowner, such as cargo handling or docking and mooring Operating and Technical Manuals
arrangements. The accommodations areas of otherwise stan-
Test and Trials
dard ships may also be subject to variation due to the dif-
ferent nationalities of the operating crew. Further, for Warrant Deficiencies and Remedies
purposes of fleet standardization, a shipowner may negoti- Progress Payments
ate for particular brand names of equipment components, Contract Retainage
rather than allow the shipyard to select from among several
Special Retainages
manufacturers of that equipment.
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-7

Caution should be used when Guidance Plans, or Con- acquires ships. If a term or condition has to be unique to a
tract Guidance Plans, are included in the contract docu- particular contract, it would probably be best to include it
ments, as distinct from the Contract Plans themselves. Some in the Agreement, not in the Terms and Conditions
shipowners’ naval architects add such Guidance Plans to However, some governmental agencies must select spe-
the contract packages because it is intended that those Guid- cific provisions from a list of potentially applicable ones.
ance Plans have a different contractual significance than the In some contracts, the Terms and Conditions are integrated
Contract Plans. Unless the difference in contractual signif- into the Agreement. In any event, prior to finalizing the form
icance is clearly communicated within the contract pack- of the contract in its entirety, the Terms and Conditions have
age, it is likely that the Purchaser and the Contractor will to be reviewed to ensure their relevance and applicability
have differing interpretations as to that significance. A fur- to the project. An example table of contents of a commer-
ther discussion of this issue, along with other drawing-re- cial shipbuilding contract’s Terms and Conditions is illus-
lated issues, is presented in reference 2, as well as Subsection trated in Table 9.II. If the Terms and Conditions are
9.3.24, below. integrated into the Agreement, the consolidated table of
contents of the Agreement would include all of the com-
ponents of Tables 9.I and 9.II. When contract packages are
9.1.11 Non-Unique Components being assembled, a review of recent, prior contracts may in-
Four of the components of the contract, as shown in Figure dicate that certain Terms and Conditions could be adjusted
9.1, are not unique to each contract in any regard, and thus to achieve more-meaningful compliance or easier-to-un-
do not require any pre-contractual preparation. They are the derstand requirements.
International Regulations, the Domestic Regulations, the
Classification Requirements, and the Other Referenced
Standards. The exact editions, revisions or selections of 9.1.13 Contractor’s Technical Proposal
those components must be unambiguously identified in the Some shipowners seek technical proposals from bidding
Agreement. The inclusion of non-applicable regulations or shipyards, which proposals show the shipowner how the
standards in the contract can be as harmful to contract ful- bidding shipyard’s offered ship will satisfy operational
fillment as can be the absence of otherwise necessary reg- and/or performance requirements set forth in the shipowner’s
ulations or standards in the contract. Periodically, persons request for proposals. If such a procedure has been em-
who are assembling contract packages should review the ini- ployed by a shipowner in the process of contract develop-
tially identified regulations and standards to ensure that they ment, the successful bidder”s technical proposal is usually
are all the latest versions and that they are applicable to the
particular ship which is being acquired at this time.
When distributing copies of the contract package to
prospective bidders, it is usually not necessary to copy and TABLE 9.II Commercial Shipbuilding Terms And
distribute the non-unique components of the contract to oth- Conditions
ers. However, bidding shipyards should not hesitate to ask
Typical Section Headings
the shipowners for copies of those components of the pro-
posed contract documents that are not already in the pos- Care of Vessel(s) (Purchaser Default)
session of the shipyard; bidding a job without having Access to Vessel(s) Disputes and Claims
reviewed all of the requirements is a recipe for unexpected
Responsibility for Shipyard Consequential Damages
costs and schedule impacts. Equally, shipowners’ staffs Work and Risk of Loss
should not list any documents within the contract package Assignment
Insurance requirements Successors in Interest
unless they have been obtained and reviewed by qualified
personnel for applicability, timeliness and general mean- Responsibilities and Liens
ingfulness in the contract. Indemnities
Contract Security
(Performance & Payment Title
9.1.12 Terms and Conditions Bonds) Permits, Licenses and Taxes
The Terms and Conditions of a contract, none of which are Termination of Work Applicability of Law
unique to a particular shipbuilding contract, are often stan- (Contractor Default) No Waiver of Legal Rights
dardized by Purchasers, especially if the Purchaser is a gov- Termination of Work Computation of Time
ernmental agency or commercial entity, which frequently
9-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

included as a specifically identified component of the con- the Purchaser by the Contractor. Numerous details, which
tract. It is also listed in the hierarchy of contract documents, are not initially defined in the Contract Specifications and
but below the other components. Contract Plans, may have to be developed after the contract
The purpose of including the Contractor”s technical pro- is executed. The contractual identification of applicable reg-
posal as a component of the contract is to legally bind the ulations, classification rules and standards will largely shape
Contractor to fulfilling its proposal, but in such a manner many of the developmental micro-design decisions that need
as to ensure that the shipowner-developed Specifications to be made to achieve the completed ship. However, there
and Plans are superior to the technical proposal in the event will also be numerous developmental micro-design deci-
of an inconsistency between them. sions that are not controlled by the contractually identified
regulations, classification rules and standards.
When the parties executed the shipbuilding contract, the
9.1.14 Integrated Contract Package authority to make those decisions was passed from the Pur-
Project management team members should review all the chaser to the Contractor, unless the contract gives the Pur-
components of a proposed contract package prior to execu- chaser some residual decision-making authority. This is
tion of the contract to ensure that they are applicable to the unlikely, however; most contracts give that authority ex-
project, that they are consistent with the project, and that all clusively to the Contractor, modified only by the necessity
the components are fully integrated with one another. of allowing the Purchaser to review detailed plans before
Often, organizations have allowed the Agreement to be actual ship construction (2). This matter can become a source
developed by their legal staffs, and have had the Contract of disputes; it is discussed in greater detail in the Section
Specifications and Plans developed by their technical staffs. 9.3 on Formation of Contract Specifications and Plans.
This is not an unreasonable utilization of special skills if it
applied only to the Terms and Conditions of the contract.
However, it creates certain risks for both Purchasers and 9.1.16 Government Contracts
Contractors if that philosophy is applied to formation of the The form of contracts issued by government agencies is
Agreement. It is not unusual to find, after contract execu- often different from commercial contracts, but the general
tion, that there are inconsistencies between the Agreement, nature of the components of them is the same as the com-
on one hand, and the General Section, or other sections, of mercial contracts discussed herein. There are more forms
the Contract Specifications, on the other. of government contracts than there are government agen-
The hierarchy clause in the Agreement typically will cies; many agencies utilize multiple forms of contracts for
dictate that the Agreement is superior to the Specifications various reasons.
in the event of such an inconsistency, so there is no con- The form and content of contracts from government
tractual ambiguity. Thus, in the presence of an inconsis- agencies must comply with the procurement regulations ap-
tency, the full intent of the Specifications may not have to plicable to each particular government agency. Thus, it is
be fulfilled by the Contractor, thereby leaving Purchaser expectable to see differences between federal contracts, on
with a less than complete set of contract deliverables. one hand, and state or provincial contracts on the other.
In addition to possibly missing out on otherwise antici- Some quasi-governmental agencies are also shipowners,
pated contract deliverables, there is a more significant rea- such as port and canal authorities; and they may have forms
son to have the Agreement drafted or controlled by project of contracts that are different again.
technical personnel and later reviewed by the legal staff. Even within a federal or national government, different
Namely, such personnel understand what can go wrong or agencies have different procurement regulations applicable
be overlooked during ship construction, and can thus build to them, and have evolved their own particular forms of
into the contract several mechanisms to significantly reduce contracts to suit those regulations. Within the U.S., for ex-
the likelihood of such occurrences. This is discussed in ample, contracts for the Army’s supply/logistic support ships
greater detail in Section 9.2 on Formation of the Agreement. are different from the contracts issued by the Army’s Corps
of Engineers, who maintain dredged waterways. The Navy’s
contracts for combat ships are a different form than those
9.1.15 Decision-Making Authority used for auxiliary ships. The National Oceanographic and
The contract documents, especially the Contract Specifi- Atmospheric Administration’s contracts for its ships are dif-
cations and Contract Plans, used in conjunction with the ferent from other federal agencies. Coast Guard contracts
other components of the contract, define certain technical for its front line cutters are different than for its support
aspects of the ship that will be developed and delivered to ships, such as small search-and-rescue craft.
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-9

Non-maritime regulations may affect the forms of con- 9.1.17 Government Role in Commercial Contracts
tracts from government agencies, such as requirements for There are several reasons why there may be direct or indi-
minority-owned or women-owned contractors, contracts set rect participation by a government agency in a contract in-
aside for small businesses, the need to comply with equal volving a commercial shipowner and a commercial shipyard.
employment opportunity laws, or contracts set aside for eco- One possibility is that the vessel is being constructed for
nomically-depressed areas, among other possible constraints. long-term charter to a government agency, so the agency
Most government contracts are awarded based on either may have technical representatives in the shipyard or ex-
lowest bid or best value bid that fully conforms to the re- amining shipyard drawings in parallel with the commercial
quirements of the contract. The criteria to establish best Purchaser’s representatives. In that situation, while there
value vary among the agencies. In contrast, a commercial may be no direct contractual relationship between the gov-
shipowner has the flexibility to award the contract on any ernment agency and the shipyard, but because it is hard to
basis it wishes, not necessarily lowest bid or best value. ignore an elephant in your back yard, the management and
The administration of government contracts is usually administration of the contract will be affected.
bifurcated; one part of the government agency has techni- A more common possibility is that a government agency
cal oversight and responsibility, and another part of the same is providing some form of financial support in order to en-
agency has fiscal oversight and responsibility. This bifur- courage the domestic shipbuilding industry. That financial
cated contract management means that a contractor has to support may be in the form of a mortgage guarantee, per-
interact with the government agency, as its customer, in a haps predicated on the ship’s construction meeting certain
manner which is different than the way that same contrac- criteria.
tor would interact with a commercial customer. Another form of governmental financial support may be
When government agencies send out requests for pro- a direct shipbuilding subsidy, where the agency pays for a
posals, invitations to bid, or similarly named bid packages, certain percentage of each progress payment, again perhaps
the packages usually include the Agreement and the Terms predicated on the ship’s construction meeting certain crite-
and Conditions under which the contract will be awarded. ria. A third form of government financial support may be
The opportunities to negotiate the clauses of the Agreement an indirect subsidy, in which the government agency has a
or the sections of the Terms and Conditions are more lim- relationship with the shipyard in order to help offset some
ited than for proposed commercial contracts. Pre-bid ques- of the shipyard’s costs. These last two forms of financial
tions posed to the government agency may result in a support (subsidies) are, of course, hotly debated within both
re-examination of parts of the proposed Agreement or Terms domestic and international political arenas.
and Conditions, but usually the agency will not consider al- Nevertheless, it should be appreciated that any form of
tering those components of the proposed contract due to governmental financial assistance, direct or indirect, or other
procurement regulations imposed on the agency. government role in a commercial contract may affect some
The administration of a government contract by a com- of the clauses of the Agreement and some of the Terms and
mercial shipyard is inevitably more complex, and thus more Conditions of the contract, and may impact the administra-
costly, than administration of a commercial contract. There tion and management of the contract as well. Shipyards must
are multiple reasons for this phenomenon, but experienced be willing to accept those additional burdens, however, if they
shipyards take those extra costs into account when prepar- wish to be eligible to secure the shipbuilding contract.
ing their bids for government contracts.
Despite all those differences between commercial con-
tracts and government contracts, the fundamentals are the
same. Whether given different titles or other nomenclature, 9.1.18 Charterer’s Role in Contracts
the components of a government contract are the same as il- In the previous section, the possibility that a government
lustrated in Figure 9.1. The purpose of a shipbuilding con- agency may be the vessel’s charterer was included as a po-
tract involving a government agency remains the same as tential form of government involvement in a commercial
described above for commercial contracts: defining the tech- shipbuilding contract. Similarly, a commercial vessel char-
nical aspects of the products to be delivered and establish- terer may be involved in a shipbuilding contract in which
ing the rights, responsibilities, “rules of conduct” and the Purchaser is a separate corporation.
assignment of risks between the two parties pertaining to all When a charterer, either commercial or governmental,
foreseeable technical, cost and schedule matters, questions is present at the shipyard, or otherwise looking over the
or disputes that may arise between the parties, all for the in- shoulders of the Purchaser’s representatives while the ship
tended delivery of a ship and the associated documentation. is being constructed, certain risks may arise. While the Pur-
9-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

chaser has willingly entered into back-to-back contracts, 9.2.2 Contract Deliverables and Communications
the Contractor’s performance under the shipbuilding con- During formation of the Agreement and other components
tract may affect the viability of the charter contract. For ex- of the contract, a fundamental principle of contract man-
ample, if a charter requires the new ship to be available for agement should be borne in mind:
first cargo no later than a certain date, a delay by the ship- “Contract management should commence the moment
builder may result in cancellation of the charter. This situ- a contract is contemplated, not after it is signed.” (3)
ation has occurred several times, leaving the Contractor and The significance of that principle during Agreement for-
Purchaser to figure out what becomes of the ship, if that sit- mation is that it reminds the parties that any contract rights,
uation was not already addressed by the contract. obligations, communications or inspections, among other
Another possibility is that the Charterer will seek changes considerations, that either party may wish to be able to ex-
in particular items of equipment or in stateroom arrange- ercise during contract performance, have to be built into the
ments to suit the experience or nationality of the crew. Other contract documents from the outset. After the contract is
changes may be needed to suit the specific ports and dock- signed, it is too late to ask the other party to give you con-
ing facilities that will be used. tract rights that are not already spelled-out in the Agreement
These situations, and others that may arise due to the in- or other components of the contract.
volvement of the vessel’s charterer during ship construction, Every contract has a set of contract deliverables, in ad-
usually result in change orders, with the Purchaser being dition to the ship itself. Some of these deliverables may in-
caught in between the needs of both the charterer and the clude drawings, correspondence, comments, inspection
Contractor. In many of those instances, it may be best to reports, calculations, test results, and similar documenta-
have those changes made after ship delivery from the Con- tion. Other deliverables may be spare parts, manuals, or other
tractor by a separate, topside contractor instead of a full- hardware-related items, in addition to training of vessel op-
service shipyard. A riding crew can accomplish some of the erating personnel on the use of ship-specific equipment. It
changes so that the vessel is not delayed in its initial posi- is essential that the parties anticipate what the entire set of
tioning voyage. Other forms of solutions to the problems contract deliverables is to be prior to contract execution. The
that arise due to the charterer’s involvement should also be creation of each contract deliverable has a cost associated
explored for minimum impact on cost and schedule. with it; and it is impractical, if not unreasonable, to expect
one of the parties to agree to produce a deliverable that was
not already included in the contract’s work scope. Thus,
every form of contract communication and deliverable that
9.2 FORMATION OF THE SHIPBUILDING will be developed under each party’s contract management
AGREEMENT staff has to be identified in advance of contract execution.
9.2.1 Introduction
Major components of a shipbuilding contract have been il- 9.2.3 Introduction of Agreement
lustrated in Figure 1 and discussed above in Section 91. It This component of the Agreement first identifies the parties,
was pointed out that there might be additional components their corporate names, the legal form of the organization
of a contract, such as the Contractor”s technical proposal. (corporation, partnership, privately-held, non-profit, state or
In this subchapter, the elements of the Agreement as listed federal agency, etc.), the jurisdiction of their existence, for
in Table 9.I are discussed, including their purpose and, if example, incorporated in the State of______, and the nature
appropriate, special considerations that should be given to of their business as it pertains to this particular contract.
them during formation of the Agreement. This section of the Agreement goes on to describe the
The order or sequence of the components of the Agree- nature of the project which is guided and controlled by this
ment are not important, as long as they tie into each other, Agreement (new ship construction, ship conversion, etc.),
do not create variances with one another, and are supported and then describes the general role of each party. The prin-
by the other components of the contract without inconsis- ciple location of the work is also included, but this does not
tencies or ambiguities. This presentation assumes that the necessarily bind the Contractor to performing all work at
Terms and Conditions as listed in Table 9.II, mostly legal that location.
issues, are a separate component of the contract, although The role of the Purchaser is, of course, primarily finan-
they need not be. Some drafters of contracts, especially cial, in addition to having certain rights of inspection, draw-
commercial shipbuilding contracts, include the terms and ing review, etc., which rights are spelled out in other parts
conditions in the Agreement. of the contract documents. The Contractor, of course, will
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-11

be described as capable of constructing, testing and deliv- lower price if the blue paint can be used instead of some
ering the vessel. One element of this description, which is other, as yet unidentified color. If the parties agreed in writ-
often left out, but which is essential, is that the shipyard is ing, in advance of contract execution, that the bid price
obligated to complete the design of the vessel from the sta- would be reduced in exchange for acceptance of blue paint,
tus of the design as represented by the other contract doc- then that pre-contract understanding constitutes a binding
uments. Ordinarily, a shipyard will understand that it must interpretation of the contract language, because the con-
produce the detail plans and working drawings, which are tract language does not preclude the color selection being
necessary to achieve construction of the ship. But often accomplished prior to contract execution. Both parties are
some design development efforts are needed between the benefiting from that pre-contract agreement, and it is not
Contract Plans and Contract Specifications, on one hand, inconsistent with the contract, but rather serves to interpret
and the detail plans and working drawings, on the other. the otherwise-ambiguous contract language.
This part of the Agreement should mention that the Con- Clearly, however, if any pre-contract agreement or un-
tractor has responsibility to complete the design, as neces- derstanding, whether written or oral, is in distinct contrast
sary, thus implying that its engineering and drafting to a contractual requirement, that pre-contract agreement
responsibility is not limited only to producing detail plans or understanding is of no consequence and has no value in
and working drawings, but begins where the Contract contract interpretation.
Specifications and Contract Plans leave off.

9.2.5 Coordination of Contract Documents

9.2.4 Entire Agreement This section of the Agreement primarily identifies all of the
This section of the Agreement reminds the parties that only other components of the contract with the greatest speci-
this Agreement and the other documents to which it refers ficity available. Do not state, for example, that the Contract
constitute the binding contract; and that any pre-contract Specifications are the most-recently revised edition; rather,
agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, have identify the authors and give the exact date of that revision
no standing with regard to this contract. However, it is not because there may be later revisions that are not widely dis-
quite that simple and straightforward. seminated.
First, underlying all contract law are legal requirements Persons who prepare this section of the Agreement must
that the parties cooperate with each other, and that the par- ensure that all of the identified components of the contract
ties always take actions to mitigate damages in the face of are applicable, current, up-to-date, and easily available to
untoward events, regardless of which party will incur those the other party.
damages. These underlying legal requirements, among oth- Another facet of this section of the Agreement is the hi-
ers in different jurisdictions, are binding, though unstated erarchy clause, which states in essence that in the event of
in any commercial contract. an error or inconsistency between different components of
Second, it has to be appreciated that pre-contractual the contract, certain identified components shall be supe-
agreements or understandings may, in fact, serve to inter- rior to the others. The Agreement has to address the possi-
pret, but not add to, the current contract, as long as those bility that the Contract Specifications may require less than
other agreements and understandings are not in conflict with is required by the identified regulations or classification
the current contract. Pre-bid correspondence between bid- rules. To cover such situations, it is best to state that it does
ders and the Purchaser, as well as pre-bid meetings, may not constitute an inconsistency, but that the Contractor must
form the basis for development of a common interpretation comply with both of them; the ship shall include the greater
of an otherwise-ambiguous specification requirement. If the of the two sets of requirements.
contract documents contain an ambiguity that is not re- This section of the Agreement should also state that the
solvable by reference to a component of the contract listed inclusion of information in one component of the contract
in the hierarchy clause, it may already have been resolved and its absence in another component does not, in fact, con-
in advance of contract execution, in the form of an inter- stitute an inconsistency or error; rather, it shall be inter-
pretation or an expression of the intent of the parties. preted to be equally present in all components of the contract.
As an example, suppose the contract documents state
that the final hull color shall be selected by the shipowner’s
representative; but during contract negotiations, the parties 9.2.6 Definitions, Abbreviations, Interpretation of Terms
have already agreed that the shipyard can paint it blue be- In order to ensure that there are no misunderstandings of
cause the shipyard has excess blue paint and is offering a how certain terms or words are intended to be used, it is
9-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

common to have a section of the Agreement which states sister ships). The parties must agree as to how much vari-
the interpretations and definitions that are contractually ance can exist without calling such variance to the particu-
binding. Typical definitions, interpretations and abbrevia- lar attention of the Purchaser, and if there are some areas
tions are listed in Table 9.III. Some of the technical defi- for which no variance is acceptable.
nitions may appear in the Contract Specifications instead If there is a minimum number of vessels, with options
of the Agreement, which does not present a problem as for additional vessels, the appropriate dates for those op-
long as there are, no inconsistencies between the two lists tion vessels also need to be defined. These other dates would
of definitions. include the dates by which successive options must be ex-
As an example, the word Install can be defined to in- ercised by the Purchaser, the official start of construction
clude the requirement that the item of equipment also be for each option vessel (as it affects progress payments), the
furnished or provided by the Contractor, even if such in- number of days allowed for construction of each option ves-
clusion may not be apparent in non-contractual language. sel, and the Delivery Date for each option vessel.
Install or Installation—When the Contract Documents
state that the Contractor is to install an item, the Contrac-
tor shall be responsible to Furnish the item and for providing 9.2.8 Scope of Work and Representations
all labor, tools, equipment, and material necessary to per- Usually there are two major aspects to the statement of the
form such installation, and for which the Contractor shall Scope of Work, and several lesser ones. The first major seg-
at no additional cost to Purchaser:
• provide all appropriate structural or other foundations,
electrical power, water service, piping, lubrication, light-
TABLE 9.III Typical Subjects for Definitions,
ing, ventilation, operating fluids and other facilities or
Interpretations and Abreviations
means required for the installation,
• shall effect any and all connections to electrical serv- According to FCC
ice, water supply, drains, ventilation, and structural or ANSI Furnish
other foundations, and Approval Good Commercial
• shall deliver to Purchaser complete, tested and opera- ASHRAE Shipbuilding Practice
ble machinery, equipment or systems, including operat- ASME Guidance Plans
ing fluids. ASTM IEEE
AWS Install, Installation
Other interpretations, definitions and abbreviations Builder Or equal
should be considered to ensure that there is no opportunity Buyer Owner
for misunderstandings between the contracting parties. CFR Owner-furnished
Classification Organization, Equipment (0FE)
Agency or Society Owner-furnished
9.2.7 Delivery of Vessels, Options for Additional Compliance with Information (OFI)
Vessels Contract Progress Payments
This section of the Agreement establishes the Delivery Date Contract Change, Change Provide
of the Vessel and the place of delivery. Sometimes the place Contract Documents Regulation(s)
Contract Drawings, Regulatory Body
of delivery is other than at the shipyard in order to address
Contract Plans Requirements
taxes, operational limitations, costs of delivery to the region Contract Price Regulatory Bodies
of intended use, or other factors. In the event a single con- Contract Retainage SOLAS
tract covers the construction and delivery of more than one Contract Specifications Special Retainage
vessel, it must be clearly addressed within the Agreement. Contract Time, or Contract SSPC
If the number of vessels is fixed but more than one, the con- Period Surety
struction starting date and the Delivery Date for each will Contract Work, Work The Vessel Design
have to be defined. (The price for each additional vessel Contractor UL
must also be defined in the section on Contract Price.) Date of Delivery, Delivery Date USCG
Whether or not the Contractor has to submit separate Day(s) USPHS
drawings for the Purchaser’s approval for each vessel must Documentation Warranty Deficiencies
be considered and addressed. Sometimes details for sister Excessive Vibration, Noise Working Plans, Working
Excessive temperature levels Drawings
ships are not the same (they are not identical twins, only
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-13

ment focuses on the creation of the “hardware” aspects of the Contract Work at no additional cost to Purchaser whether
the ship construction project. It assigns certain responsibil- or not they are otherwise indicated in the Contract Specifica-
ities solely to the Contractor, with Purchaser having no con- tions and/or Contract Plans. Some Purchasers seek a spe-
current responsibilities. These include the provision of all cific warranty from Contractor, to the effect that Contractor
engineering, labor, equipment, materials, fuel, lubricants, warrants that it has reviewed all of the Contract Documents
electricity, energy, machinery, facilities, services and and all other documents and materials which it deems nec-
supervision necessary for the completion of the design, the essary or advisable to determine the nature and scope of the
construction, outfitting, completion, testing, delivery and Contract Work and has determined that the Contractor can
documentation of the Vessel in accordance with the re- complete the Contract Work by the Delivery Date, all at no
quirements of the Contract Documents. It should be clearly additional cost to the Purchaser. However, this may not be
stated that Purchaser has no responsibility to provide any appropriate if the regulatory or classification requirements
engineering, labor, equipment, materials, electricity, energy, exceed those of the express language of the Contract Spec-
machinery, facilities, services or supervision, unless there ifications and Contract Plans.
is some well-defined shipowner-furnished information
and/or equipment. Further, it can be stated that Contractor
shall be responsible for fuel and lubricants needed for tests, 9.2.9 Intellectual Property Rights
trials and filling of all operating systems and piping upon A sometimes overlooked aspect of contracting is the mat-
Delivery, but not for filling of reserve and supply tanks. ter of ownership of the vessel’s design or selected aspects
The second major segment of the Scope of Work ad-
dresses the non-hardware, or documentation, aspects, which
are a vital part of the completed ship. This part addresses
TABLE 9.IV Typical Certifications Provided By Contractor
the necessary and/or requested certifications, documents,
booklets, letters, drawings, calculations and other contract International Load Line CertificateUSCG certification and
data deliverables that are to be provided both during con- documentation
struction and upon Delivery of the Vessel by the Contrac- ABS Certificate of Classification, Maltese Cross, Full Ocean
tor, again at no additional cost to the Purchaser. It is Service
important for shipyards to appreciate that the development
Safety of Life at Sea Convention Certificate (SOLAS)
and acquisition of this documentation must be carefully
budgeted, because it can account for a measurable portion USCG Stability Letter
of the total contract price. A list of typical Contractor-pro- ABS Stability Booklet and Loading Manual
vided certifications to be provided with the Vessel is shown USCG Approval of ABS Stability Booklet
in Table 9.IV. Other contract data deliverables are not in- ABS Certification of all pressurized tanks
cluded in that list (see Table VII in Section 9.3, Specifica-
USCG Safety Equipment Certificate
tions, for a suggested list of such documentation).
The secondary aspects of this section of the Agreement FCC Certificate of Radiotelephone
can include supplementary requirements for fulfillment of USPHS Certificate of Deratization
the work scope, such as that all engineering, labor, equip- USPHS Certificate of Sanitary Construction
ment, materials, fuel, lubricants, electricity, energy, ma-
ABS Certificate of US Regulatory Tonnage
chinery, facilities, services and supervision that may be
reasonably inferred from the Contract Documents by pro- ABS Certificate of International Tonnage
fessional ship builders/repairers as being required to pro- ABS Certificate of Suez Canal Tonnage
duce the intended result as contemplated by the Contract ABS Certificate of Panama Canal Tonnage
Documents shall be supplied by the Contractor, whether or
Builder’s Certificate in customary form
not specifically called for in the Contract Documents, and
Purchaser shall not be liable for any increase in Contract Safety Construction Certificate (SOLAS)
Price or Contract Time as a result therefrom. Further, this Safety Equipment Certificate (SOLAS)
section of the Agreement can state that any items of design, MARPOL Annex 1 (SOLAS)
engineering, purchasing, manufacturing, installing and test- Stability Certificate (IMO)
ing that are necessary to satisfy the Regulatory Body re-
Equipment Certificates (engine, gensets, pressure tanks and the
quirements, the Classification requirements, and/or the
like as required by Regulatory Bodies
performance and design criteria shall be incorporated into
9-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

of the vessel’s design that are not already controlled by • the flushing of all piping,
copyright laws and/or patents. Some aspects may be as gen- • the provision of all working fluids in systems,
eral as the basic ship design or the hull form, or may be as • the provision of all fuel for testing,
specific as the design of the computer hardware and soft- • the installation of safety guards around rotating and slid-
ware for either the propulsion control system or the dy- ing equipment,
namic positioning system. Many other aspects of the ship’s • the use of only materials and equipment approved by the
design may also have been initially developed for this par- designated regulatory or classification organization, and
ticular vessel, but could be used for other vessels as well. • the use only of certified welders; among other possibil-
The Purchaser may expect that it has sole ownership of those ities.
intellectual property rights because the Purchaser paid for their
This section of the Agreement could also state that the
development through the contract price. On the other hand, the
failure of the Purchaser to discover any non-conforming
Contractor may expect that it has sole ownership because it has
materials or workmanship does not constitute a waiver of
invested more than the design portion of the contract price into
any contractual rights or requirements.
the development of those features. The parties should ensure
that these matters are addressed in the Agreement.
Some commercial agreements have stated that the Pur-
chaser owns the title to the Vessel Design, but Contractor can 9.2.11 Regulatory and Classification
use it for other purchasers provided a royalty fee is paid to The Agreement should state with which particular sets of
the Purchaser for each additional vessel constructed for other regulations the design and construction of the ship must
purchasers, thus recovering, in part, the portion of the Con- comply. These regulations will usually include both do-
tract Price for the initial design costs. If a shipyard’s sub- mestic and international requirements; domestic because
contractor is involved, this matter may be more complex and the ship will fly the flag of a particular nation, and interna-
difficult to resolve, but it is best addressed in the Agreement, tional because the ship will be trading with other countries,
rather than allowing it to become the subject of litigation. for which port entry is keyed to compliance with certain in-
ternational regulations. The Agreement generally does not
address, however, matters of financial responsibility for po-
9.2.10 Materials and Workmanship tential environmental damage, training of watch standing
This section of the Agreement typically sets forth the re- crew, or other similar matters which are solely the domain
quirement that all materials, machinery and equipment fur- of the ship operator, charterer or shipowner.
nished by the Contractor and incorporated into the vessel shall The Agreement also should clearly identify under which
be new, of current production and currently supported by classification organization the ship is to be classified; and
spare parts available in a designated geographic region. Addi- if that classification organization has more than one set of
tionally, the Contractor warrants that all design engineers, rules, identify the particular rules with which compliance
workmen, subcontractors and others, engaged by the Con- is to be achieved by the Contractor.
tractor in the performance of the Contract Work possess suit- These two segments often are then supplemented by the
able professional skills and are appropriately certificated. requirement, if it is not an unusual contract, that all engi-
This section usually addresses several other aspects of neering, all arrangements for plan approval, all arrange-
the materials and workmanship, including, among others, ments for inspections and any other requirements of the
the Purchaser’s right to reject, and the Contractor’s obliga- regulatory agencies and the classification organization are
tion to correct, at no additional cost, any materials or work- to be carried out by the Contractor, again, at no additional
manship whenever found to be defective, or otherwise not cost to the Purchaser.
in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Doc- If the ship is a newly developed form or will contain in-
uments. If no specific aspects of the Contract Documents novative technology that has not been previously approved
provide such a basis for rejection, published industry stan- by either or both regulatory agencies and classification or-
dards sometimes may be used as a basis for rejection. Note, ganizations, the Purchaser’s designers may have to remain
however, that if Purchaser cannot point to a documented re- involved in the plan approval stage. This serves to compli-
quirement as the basis for such rejection, the materials or cate matters of schedule, payment of fees, and perhaps even
workmanship cannot be summarily rejected. warranties.
Broad requirements pertaining to the materials and equip- Some regulatory agencies have agreements with one or
ment can also be addressed in this section of the Agree- two classification organizations to the effect that the clas-
ment. Some of these may be: sification organization can perform some of the regulatory
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-15

approvals. The intent is to streamline the regulatory ap- tractor, the Agreement should state that the identified stan-
proval process as well as reduce the workload of the regu- dard should be treated as obligatory for this contract.
latory agency. Purchasers should be aware that sometimes Other standards may address aspects of design, selec-
the relevant regulatory agency may not have a regular, work- tion of materials, or quality of workmanship. Some other
ing relationship with the nominated classification organi- examples are: welding and brazing; electromagnetic inter-
zation; this may create delays in approvals, likely require ference; coatings; lighting and illumination; audio noise
additional submittals, at extra cost, and may result in un- levels at various locations on the ship; vibration levels; air
expected adjustments to the Contract Plans or Contract circulation in selected spaces; labeling of cables and pip-
Specifications. The Purchaser should investigate and, if nec- ing; means of inspecting or testing components; and re-
essary, resolve these matters prior to contracting. silient mountings for machinery components, among others.
As regulatory and classification requirements are often in- Often, shipyards will be familiar with particular standards
corporated by reference, the Agreement should address the po- in some of those example areas, in which case it probably
tential for conflict between the express language of the contract would be reasonable to negotiate to accept that standard in
documents, on one hand, and the referenced requirements, on place of a comparable one otherwise selected by the Purchaser.
the other. For bidding purposes, the Contractor is allowed to The selection of which standards for detail design, ma-
rely on the express language of the contract documents as terial selection and workmanship should be made from this
being consistent with the nominated regulations and classifi- perspective: if an aspect of the Contractor’s detail design,
cation rules. If, however, the Contractor finds that it has to in- the quality of Contractor-selected materials or the work-
corporate a greater content in order to comply with the manship of installation is going to be challenged by a Pur-
regulations or classification rules, those extra costs are usu- chaser’s inspector, there must be a documented standard
ally for the Purchaser’s account. However, if the express lan- which supports the challenge. There can be no dispute as to
guage of the contract documents is silent about certain matters, whether a standard applies if it is specifically named in the
and the Contractor makes an erroneous assumption for bid- Agreement. As mentioned previously, however, including a
ding purposes, the Contractor will have to absorb the cost non-applicable standard will only serve to confuse issues.
consequences of that erroneous assumption.
These two matters, regulatory and classification are ex-
amples of why the Agreement should be developed prima- 9.2.13 Contract Price
rily by the project technical personnel, not the attorneys. Under fixed-price contracts, the price for the Vessel has to
Knowledge of classification rules, relevant regulatory agen- be established, and the currency in which it is payable has
cies, procedures for obtaining their approvals, the existence to be stated as well. Working under a fixed-price contract,
of working relationships between them, and similar matters, the Contractor has accepted considerable risk; but as dis-
all are essential in the development of the Agreement. If those cussed below, there are other alternatives. Some contracts
matters are not addressed with adequate precision, there is a will include additional protection for one party or the other
strong likelihood of misunderstandings at a later time. in the event of large currency fluctuations; that is, there may
be some mechanism to share the risks of currency fluctua-
tions if the Contract Price is payable in a currency not nor-
9.2.12 Industry Standards mally used by one of the parties. The payment of the
Any standards with which compliance is to be achieved in Contract Price is separately covered by the Agreement’s
the design and construction of the ship, other than those in- section on progress payments, as discussed below.
cluded within the regulatory requirements and classification If the form of the contract is other than fixed-price, such
rules, should be clearly identified in the Agreement or in the as cost-plus-fixed-fee, the exact mechanisms or procedures
General Section of the Contract Specifications. It is not too to determine the total of all payments must be described with
important as to whether they are listed in the Agreement or specificity to avoid later disputes. Whether or not the Pur-
the Contract Specifications, but it is important that they ap- chaser has the right to audit the Contractor’s books to con-
pear only once, since listing them twice will likely result in firm such final pricing should be stated as well. The use of
some inconsistencies; and then misunderstandings will arise. a form of contract other than fixed-price essentially alters
The types of standards, which could be invoked, are, for the assignment of risks to suit the needs and acceptances of
example, IEEE 45, a recommended industry standard for the parties. When the ship incorporates experimental or new
marine electrical installations. Note, however, that unless technology about which the Purchaser has knowledge su-
otherwise mentioned in the contract documents, it is only perior to that of the Contractor, it may be reasonable for the
a recommended standard. If it is to be binding on the Con- Contractor to avoid specific risks associated with imple-
9-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

menting that technology; but in such cases, the Purchaser Of course, the Contract Price will also be subject to ad-
may also wish to exercise greater oversight in the imple- justment as the result of Change Orders, as discussed later
mentation of that technology. in this subchapter.
It is not uncommon for the Contract Price to be subject
to automatic adjustment, without formal change orders.
There is no risk associated with this provided the mecha- 9.2.14 Unit Prices
nism for the automatic adjustment is clearly stated. For ex- In anticipation of possible growth of the Contract Work
ample, if the quantity of a special material is not known Scope, negotiated through Change Orders, the Purchaser
with precision at the time of contracting, because the detail will have to utilize additional materials, subcontractor ef-
drawings have not been completed, the Contract Price may forts, engineering and production labor. Further, extensions
be automatically adjusted upon a material take-off after of the project schedule may necessitate the provision by the
completion of the detail design. Contractor of additional days of shipyard services. If there
The Contract Price includes allowance for the acquisi- will be significant shipowner-furnished equipment, the ne-
tion and installation into the Vessel of [W] thousand pounds cessity of such additional items is more likely.
of [material name], and shall be adjusted at the rate of [X] The cost impact of a Change Order may require negoti-
dollars and [Y] cents per pound in excess of that estimated ation of at least nine elements:
weight, or eighty-percent of that rate of adjustment per
1. material costs,
pound if less than that estimated weight, upon completion
2. subcontractor costs,
by Contractor of detailed, as-installed, material take-off,
3. additional engineering hours,
subject to approval by Purchaser, which adjustment includes
4. production labor hours,
both material and labor costs.
5. mark-up of material costs,
The provision of spare parts may also lead to automatic
6. mark-up of subcontractor costs,
adjustment of the Contract Price, if the quantity of spare parts
7. hourly rate for engineering,
which Purchaser wants is not known at the time of contract
8. hourly rate for production labor at straight time and over-
execution. Often, a Contractor will provide a list of recom-
time, and
mended spares, and Purchaser will then determine which
9. daily cost of shipyard services. (Indirect effects of
ones and how many are to be acquired. Because the Con-
Change Orders, expressed as additional labor hours or
tractor did not know that quantity in advance, the price of
other cost allowances may also have to be negotiated.)
the spare parts is added to the Contract Price, but the cost
of acquisition and loading them aboard the ship are already The first four items will depend on the details of the
included in the basic Contract Price. Change Order itself. However, items 5–9 should be uni-
Some Purchasers may wish to have the Contract Price form for all agreed-upon Change Orders. Since those five
stated in several components, but for new ship construction items will have to be either competitively bid or negotiated,
that is best addressed in the progress payments section of it is best to include their specific values in the Agreement.
the Agreement, as discussed later in this section. For ship This avoids the necessity of negotiating them repeatedly or
conversion or repair, line item pricing is often used, so that of negotiating them when other variables have to be nego-
if the entire item is canceled, the adjustment of the Con- tiated as well.
tract Price is known if cancellations are limited. In ship conversion and repair contracts, there may be a
If the number of vessels is fixed but more than one, the greater array of unit prices, such as for steel work, for pip-
Contract Price for each additional vessel must also be de- ing, for blasting and coating, due to the increased likeli-
fined in this section. When the construction of a series of hood that such changes will arise in those types of contracts.
vessels being purchased under a single contract will extend
for several years, the parties may agree to an escalation
clause. Typically, after agreeing to the portion of the total 9.2.15 Delivery of the Vessel(s) to Purchaser
price which is labor-based, material-based and subcontract- The place and condition of delivery of the completed ship
based, the cost of labor can escalate over time in accordance should be identified in the Agreement. Usually, the place of
with an appropriate index, and the cost of materials and delivery is alongside the shipyard’s dock; but sometimes
subcontracts can similarly escalate in accordance with per- for tax or financial reasons, the place of delivery may be at
haps a separate index. Usually the indices on which the es- another location. If the vessel is not designed for open ocean
calation clauses are based are government-determined and service, it may require some temporary, contractor-installed
widely published. modifications to sail to the place of delivery. Also, some gov-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-17

ernment agencies, in seeking competitive bids from geo- the schedule, but rather should confer with the Contractor
graphically diverse shipyards, will require delivery from to establish dates that can be agreed upon, after which the
the successful bidder, wherever located, to be at the agency’s Contractor may have to further revise its schedule.
service dock. Fourth, this allows the Purchaser to plan any necessary
The condition of delivery is usually that of a warm ship; variations in the staffing of its inspection staff and, ulti-
that is, one that is not cold with none of the auxiliaries run- mately, the ship’s crew.
ning and no heat or other services already in operation on Some agreements call for a Key Event Schedule. Key
the ship. For smaller vessels, such as tugs or other service events could be the start of engineering, start of fabrication,
craft, this differentiation is minor; but for larger ships, es- start of hull erection, launching, sea trials and delivery
pecially if steam powered, it may be more significant. Some agreements authored by government agencies pro-
vide detailed requirements for the content and form of the
project schedule, while some commercial shipowners are
9.2.16 Project Schedule
intentionally vague about the schedule’s content and form.
The purpose of a shipbuilding project schedule is to give The choice of Gantt charts or the use of a critical path net-
the shipyard a project monitoring and control mechanism. work (CPN) is one of the possible elements of this section.
If properly developed and maintained (updated), it will en- However, it may not be productive to require a shipyard to
able the shipyard to see where it needs to redeploy its re- develop a CPN for a simple project, especially if the ship-
sources in order to keep the time-critical activities on yard is not used to developing and using a CPN. Whether
schedule, and not inadvertently give priority of resources a Gantt chart or CPN is used, there should be four separate
to non-critical activities. groups of activities indicated on the schedule: engineering,
The Agreement usually requires that the Contractor de- purchasing, production and testing. Any blending of those
velop a detailed project schedule within a certain period of separate types of activities leads to risks of loss of project
time after contract award, and that the Contractor provide control.
copies of it to the Purchaser. Thereafter, the Contractor is
usually obligated to update the schedule both periodically
and if there are significant impacts due to Change Orders, 9.2.17 Liquidated and Actual Damages (Delivery)
and to timely provide copies of the updated schedules to the The purpose of this section of the Agreement is to set forth
Purchaser. This requirement in the Agreement is sometimes an acknowledgment by the Contractor that if the ship is de-
supplemented by some technical details in the Contract livered later than either the original Delivery Date or any
Specifications. The maintenance of a project schedule can agreed upon contract extensions, the Purchaser will incur
become quite important if the Purchaser is going to allege financial damages; and the parties agree in advance that the
Contractor default as evidenced by comparing the actual damages are approximated by a certain sum per day of delay,
status to a planned schedule. payable by the Contractor. For legal reasons, this is not nec-
Whether or not this clause is within the Agreement, the essarily a penalty clause, although it may give the Con-
Contractor always has a duty to complete the ship by the De- tractor similar incentive to achieve timely delivery. If,
livery Date stated in the Agreement. There are several reasons, however, it is phrased as a penalty clause for late delivery,
however, to include this requirement within the Agreement. then there should be a bonus clause for early delivery. If it
First, by putting into the Agreement some minimum is phrased as a liquidated damages clause, a bonus clause
scheduling and updating requirements, the Purchaser is as- is unnecessary. Some contracts may include a clear state-
sured that the Contractor has allocated within its budget the ment that the Contractor is not entitled to any bonus for
resources for those actions. early delivery.
Second, this assures the Purchaser that it will be entitled Another way of looking at this same clause is that it pro-
to see copies of the schedule and all updates. tects the shipyard in two ways. First, the shipyard knows in
Third, this enables the Purchaser to identify the Con- advance that its liabilities for delay in delivery are limited
tractor’s interpretation of latest requested dates for the ar- to the liquidated damages; and that the Purchaser cannot sud-
rival of shipowner-furnished equipment or materials or for denly claim significantly-greater damages if the delivery is
other shipowner-responsible actions. The dates in the Con- late, provided it is within the cap on liquidated damages,
tractor’s schedule for shipowner-responsible actions may not as discussed below. Second, the shipyard can view the daily
be contractually binding if they have not been separately amount of liquidated damages as the cost of buying a day
agreed upon at a prior time. However, the Purchaser should of contract extension when it is not otherwise entitled to a
not ignore those dates when advised by receipt of a copy of contract extension. In some instances, that daily cost is less
9-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

than the cost of accelerating the work to complete the ship unilaterally extended by the Contractor, without Purchaser’s
on time. agreement, beyond a stated number of days; in which case
Some shipbuilding contracts include several levels of the Contractor refunds to Purchaser all progress payments.
liquidated damages. One form is to have a lower daily rate
if the delay is identified to the Purchaser several months in
advance, so the Purchaser will not incur costs of prema- 9.2.18 Liquidated Damages (Performance, Design)
turely preparing the ship and its crew, or committing the ship The Contract Specifications and Contract Plans may pro-
for a charter or voyages. In that instance, the higher daily vide target quantities, amounts, or dimensions for various
rate would apply if the delay is not identified until the last aspects of the ship. Many of them will undoubtedly be
several months of the contract period. achieved because of the design process. Some of them, how-
Another form of multi-level liquidated damages is to use ever, may not be exactly achieved, such as maximum trial
progressively higher daily rates for each successive groups speed, minimum continuous operating speed, fuel con-
of days. For example, each of the first ten days of delay may sumption rate at design speed and draft, maximum dead-
be at a specified rate; each of the second ten days of delay weight, draft at maximum deadweight, or liquid capacity
may be at, say, 125% of that rate; with similar progressions in certain tanks, among other possibilities. These possibil-
for several other groups of days, until the maximum num- ities are more likely to arise if the ship incorporates a new
ber of days for which liquidated damages accrue is reached. hull form, new technology or significantly greater power-
This is illustrated for other percentages in Figure 9.2. ing than routinely installed in a similar ship, or if the ship-
The liquidated damages may accrue for a stated maxi- yard has not previously constructed a similar vessel.
mum number of days, thus placing a cap on the liquidated The essential point is that while the process of ship de-
damages. The existence of a cap on liquidated damages sign and construction continues to advance, in some tech-
does not, by itself, limit the damages that a Purchaser may nical areas there are still no absolute assurances as to the
claim from the Contractor if the delay extends beyond the net result or outcome that is built upon numerous engi-
number of days used to achieve the cap. neering and design decisions. This matter is discussed more
Unless further provisions are stated, the cap means that thoroughly in (4).
the Contractor is exposed to additional, provable damages When the completed vessel does not achieve all of its
that the Purchaser incurs after the cap is reached. The con- intended design or performance parameters for which the
tracting parties may wish to negotiate on this matter, pos- Contractor was responsible, the Contractor and Purchaser
sibly eliminating such consequential damages for the have to negotiate a resolution to the discrepancies because
Purchaser if the Contractor is similarly prohibited from the requirements of the contract strictly have not been ful-
seeking consequential damages due to the actions of the filled and the Purchaser is not getting all that was bargained
Purchaser. for. Absent a harmonious negotiation, litigation is a distinct
Occasionally, shipbuilding contracts will allow the Pur- likelihood.
chaser to not take delivery of the ship if the delivery date is To avoid litigation, the Agreement can identify liqui-
dated damages that would be payable by Contractor to Pur-
chaser if the specific design or performance parameters are
not achieved. For example, a certain sum of damages could
be payable for each one-tenth knot less than the intended
trial speed for up to a half knot deficiency. Then twice that
amount per tenth of a knot for a speed deficiency between
a half-knot and a full knot. Similar progressive liquidated
damages could be stated for greater deficiency.
The Purchaser may insist, however, that if the trial speed
deficiency exceeds a stated amount, the Purchaser has the
right to not take delivery of the ship and to be repaid all
progress payments. The Contractor can be offered a bonus
for achieving a higher speed, but the bonus may be limited
to a modest amount, regardless of the extra speed achieved,
because the operator cannot use that speed or cannot afford
the fuel to achieve it. A graphical illustration of this form
Figure 9.2 Daily Liquidated Damages (adjust days and $$$ as appropriate) of performance-based liquidated damages is shown in Fig-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-19

ure 9.3. Similar progressive, or linear, liquidated damages one who can negotiate and accept amendments to the con-
and bonuses can be assigned to other key design or per- tract in the form of Change Orders. Each Change Order
formance parameters, which are the net result or outcome may modify the contractual statement of work, the Con-
of numerous engineering and design decisions. tract Price and the Delivery Date. Of comparable impor-
tance, the Agreement can also state that no persons other
than the indicated representatives have any authority to mod-
9.2.19 Representatives of the Parties ify the work scope, price or schedule, or accept design de-
The matter of identifying in the Agreement the person who cisions or the workmanship of the Contractor.
constitutes the official representation of each party for con-
tract purposes appears to be a fairly straightforward matter.
However, during the completion of the design by the 9.2.20 Examination of Plans
Contractor and during construction of the ship, numerous It is customary to arrange for the Contractor to give to the
communications between the parties will be necessary (see Purchaser copies of its detail plans and working drawings
Section 9.4 for identification of the types and management in advance of their need for production. This allows the Pur-
of those communications). chaser to examine the drawings and inform the Contractor
Each of the parties may wish to designate a single per- of any comments or suggestions that may be appropriate,
son to be the recipient of legal notices and other higher-level prior to the use of those drawings by the production de-
communications; but may also wish to designate other per- partment. As simple as that may sound, there are a signifi-
sons to be the recipient or authority for technical matters. cant number of issues that will have to be addressed,
For example, one person may have the decision-making preferably within the Agreement, although some contracts
authority pertaining to engineering and design develop- address such matters in the general section of the Contract
ments; another may have authority to accept or reject the Specifications. The following discussion is a distillation of
Contractor’s material and equipment selections and its work- a thorough discussion of this subject in (2).
manship; and another may have authority to approve or The purpose of the Purchaser’s examination of the work-
negotiate progress payment invoices. There are additional ing drawings or detail plans should not be mis-stated; it is
functions, which can be assigned to other decision-making important to not give more responsibility to the Purchaser
authorities for each party. than is appropriate, nor to relieve the Contractor of its
Perhaps the most important authority to designate is the responsibilities through that drawing examination process.
Some words used in contracts to describe this function of
the Purchaser have been: audit; examine; review; or ap-
prove. The use of the word approve should be avoided be-
Penalty cause such approval of a working drawing could be
interpreted to relieve the Contractor of responsibility for
any errors in the drawing or any inconsistencies with the
Contract Work Scope as already defined by the Contract
Plans, Contract Specifications, and other components of the
contract. If the Purchaser has approved the drawing, the
Contractor may assume, among other possibilities, that the
Purchaser has compared the drawing to classification rules,
regulatory requirements, the Contract Specifications, or the
Contract Plans, and that the Purchaser found that the draw-
ing is in full compliance with all those requirements. The
Contractor has already been assigned that responsibility in
the Agreement; so the Purchaser should not relieve the Con-
tractor of it through an approval of working drawings.
Agreements typically state a maximum number of days
for the Purchaser to examine a working drawing before is-
suing any comments or suggestions to the Contractor per-
taining to that drawing. The inclusion of that particular
maximum duration in the Agreement ensures that the Con-
Figure 9.3 Trial Speed Bonus or Penalty tractor either will not start the related production work until
9-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

taking into account the comments and suggestions as ap- tractor, the Contractor may wish to implement work which
propriate, or may start the production work but at the risk appears to achieve the intent of the contract design but
of having to revise it to accommodate the comments and which, in fact, strictly requires a change to the Contract
suggestions. The Contractor also must allow sufficient time Specifications or Contract Plans. Agreements usually state
for regulatory and classification reviews of its drawings. that a Change Order or waiver affecting the Contract Spec-
The Contractor usually is required, per the Agreement, ifications or Contract Plans cannot be authorized by Pur-
to provide to the Purchaser in advance a drawing schedule, chaser’s acceptance of a detail plan or working drawing,
listing the drawings that will be developed and passed to which incorporates such a change. This ensures that a change
the Purchaser for examination, as well the approximate dates in the Contract Specifications or Contract Plans is not ef-
by which those drawings will be completed. The schedul- fected through the drawing review process, but only through
ing of the completion of those drawings must be consistent the formal Change Order procedure.
with both the periods of time for examinations by the Pur-
chaser, classification and regulatory bodies, as well as the
timeliness requirements of the physical production depart- 9.2.21 Inspection of Workmanship and Materials
ment of the shipyard. When the Contractor is selecting major items of equipment
As discussed previously, the Contractor may have the au- to satisfy the Contract Specifications, the Purchaser may
thority to develop interpretations, design and details that wish to include in the Agreement the creation of a review
are not already spelled out by any of the Contract Specifi- process that occurs before the purchase is executed by the
cations, Contract Plans, applicable regulations, the nomi- Contractor. In that case, the Purchaser would have an op-
nated classification rules or identified standards. The portunity to examine in advance the technical aspects of the
Purchaser must avoid using the drawing examination process Contractor’s purchase order, but not the pricing. The Pur-
to second-guess the Contractor’s decisions that have been chaser should have to return any appropriate comments
exercised within its authority. Any attempt by the Purchaser, within a specified time so the Contractor’s purchasing of
whether intentional or not, to micro-manage the design de- the equipment will not be delayed.
velopment process in areas for which the Contractor has One issue that often arises is the Contractor’s selection of
that sole authority likely will result in extra costs, delays or equipment which is identified in the Contract Specifications
disputes. Perhaps the Contractor will accept an occasional with the notation that the Contractor can select that partic-
preference by the Purchaser, but more extensive imposition ular item of equipment or its equivalent, or its equal. That se-
by the Purchaser will be burden that the Contractor need lection is subject to review by the Purchaser in the same
not accept. The drawing review process is not intended to general manner as other equipment acquisition, which is sub-
be a mechanism for the Purchaser to direct the remaining ject to advance review by the Purchaser. However, there are
development of the detail design. several often-disputed aspects of the use of the or equal word-
This brings out a significant lesson that Purchasers have ing, which are discussed in greater detail in Section 9.3, For-
learned. The authority for design details that are not spelled mation of Specifications, and in particular Subsection 9.3.10
out in the contract documents is typically given to the Con- on Review of the Contractor’s Equipment Selections.
tractor. When multiple solutions to a detail design re- The right of the Purchaser to inspect work in progress,
quirement are available, there is no basis to expect that the not just completed work, should be clearly stated in the
Contractor will choose a solution that is exactly the same Agreement. In further support of that concept, either the
as desired or anticipated by the Purchaser. Accordingly, if Agreement or the General Section of the Specifications can
a particular aspect of the vessel’s detail design is impor- establish a mechanism for inspection, or quality, deficiency
tant to the Purchaser, it should be completely addressed in reports being issued by Purchaser to Contractor. The Agree-
the Contract Specifications and/or Contract Plans. It is not ment or Specification may require that once such a report is
realistic to expect the Contractor’s engineers and design- issued by the Purchaser, the Contractor must respond within
ers to be able to read the minds of the Purchaser’s operat- a defined period of time as to how and when the Contractor
ing staff as to what those details are to be if they are not will correct that deficiency. Related to this is the matter of
defined in the contract documents. Clearly, the process of Special Retainages, discussed in a later part of this section.
examining or reviewing the Contractor’s detail plans is not An important aspect of the Purchaser’s inspection and
the mechanism the Purchaser should use to impose on the possible rejection using an inspection deficiency report is es-
Contractor details that are not already defined in the con- tablishing, in the contract documents, the basis for such pos-
tract documents. sible rejection. This is discussed in greater detail in Section
During development of the detail design by the Con- 9.3, Formation of Specifications, and in particular in Sub-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-21

section 9.3.12, on Inspection of Contractor’s Workmanship. sign of the foundations, supporting structures and connections;
The necessity of understanding all the possible problems as- but the actual production costs essentially will be the same
sociated with equipment selection and review and with inspec- for the transversely mounted generators as for longitudinally
tion of the Contractor’s workmanship presents another mounted. Thus, if accomplished in a timely manner, an en-
example of why technical personnel, not lawyers, should be gineering Change Order would be appropriate with no pro-
the primary developers of this aspect of contract documents. duction cost or schedule impact.
The Agreement establishes the mechanisms needed to
formally achieve the Change Orders. First it has to address
9.2.22 Changes in Specifications, Plans and Schedule the matter of the request by the Purchaser for a change pro-
A Change Order is a formal amendment to the contract, posal from the Contractor. The Agreement must consider
which may incorporate changes in any of the Contract Work whether or not the Contractor has a duty to make a change
Scope, the Contract Price, the Delivery Date, the Terms and proposal in response to a change request from the Purchaser,
Conditions, or procedures set forth in the any of the con- or if it can decline to make a change proposal. The Agree-
tract documents. The area of greatest concern is that of ment must then indicate the normal period of time allowed
changes to the Contract Work Scope, along with the asso- for the Contractor to prepare the change proposal after re-
ciated cost and/or schedule impact. ceipt of the change request.
When dealing with a government contract, it is more dif- The period of time during which the Purchaser has to
ficult to amend or change anything but the work scope, price accept, cancel or negotiate the proposal after the change
and schedule, since many of the other facets of the con- proposal is given to the Purchaser should be defined by the
tractually defined relationship are controlled by procure- Agreement. If this is not a defined period of time, a risk de-
ment regulations with which the government agency must velops that the Purchaser may accept the proposal much
comply in its contracting procedures. later than the Contractor anticipated when developing the
This section of the Agreement is intended to define the price and schedule impact of the proposed change.
procedures and mechanisms by which the parties can im- The Agreement should also provide that the Contractor
plement a change to any of the Contract Specifications, Con- can also make an unsolicited change proposal. Thereafter,
tract Plans and/or Delivery Date. The three parts of the the same procedures and mechanisms would be utilized to
process are the request by the Purchaser, the proposal by convert that change proposal into a Change Order.
the Contractor, and the bilateral Change Order, which ei-
ther accepts the proposal or results from negotiations over
that proposal. 9.2.23 Adjustment of Contract Price and Schedule for
Sometimes, but rarely, work scope changes come about due Change Orders
to requests by the Contractor, usually on the basis of being Agreements almost always require that the Contractor
able to reduce costs if the shipyard is allowed to alter some not proceed with the changed work until there is a bilat-
aspect of the Contract Specifications and/or Contract Plans. erally signed Change Order authorizing the change to
Primarily, work scope changes come about because the the work scope. Thus, both parties will have had to con-
Purchaser has requested them. That request is usually based sent, in writing, to the revised Work Scope, the impact,
on the Purchaser, after the contract was executed, either chang- if any, on Contract Price, and the impact, if any, on De-
ing its mind about some features on the vessel or having con- livery Date. This section of the Agreement defines the
tracted before finalizing decisions about what it wanted. Some process of achieving mutually agreed Change Orders.
changes come about due to errors or inconsistencies in the This sounds simple in theory, but is often difficult to im-
Contract Specifications and/or Contract Plans. A separate plement. This section of the Agreement may also define
textbook could be written about Change Orders; but the in- that if the Contractor proceeds without such agreement,
tention of this section is to describe only what aspects need it is at the Contractor’s risk.
to be addressed by the Contract Agreement. There may be circumstances in which it appears to make
It should be noted, too, that some Change Orders have no good sense from a ship production perspective to begin im-
impact on work scope, but may require additional shipyard plementing the change to the work scope prior to formal
engineering, which is accomplished through a Change Order. authorization of a mutually agreed upon Change Order. Pro-
For example, assume the Contract Plans show that a pair of ceeding in good faith with the change work, assuming the
generators is to be transversely mounted, but before the work parties will eventually agree upon price and schedule im-
begins the Purchaser requests they be longitudinally mounted. pact, may create significant risk for either or both parties.
There may have to be additional engineering to alter the de- Some government contracts define the government’s
9-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

right, as Purchaser, to direct the Contractor to proceed with events, such as unusually severe weather, acts of the gov-
change work even when there is no agreement as to price ernment, riot, strikes and labor disputes, among other possi-
and schedule impacts. The idea behind this is to ensure that bilities. Some Agreements do not allow supplier failures or
the government will not be abused by a Contractor that may subcontractor defaults to be the basis of such excused delays,
be perceived as trying to take advantage of the necessity of while others may allow such a basis for excused delays if the
the change work. The intent, as may be defined by the Agree- Contractor can demonstrate a direct impact on vessel com-
ment, is that at some later time the parties will negotiate the pletion schedule. This section of the Agreement also identi-
price and schedule impacts; and if that negotiation is not fies the communications, which must be accomplished by
successful, the Contractor can resort to other mechanisms the Contractor if a force majeure delay is appropriate.
to seek compensation for the work. Other mechanisms may Some Agreements also address possible schedule im-
be a Request for Equitable Adjustment or the use of the Dis- pacts resulting from interpretations to the applicable regu-
putes Clause within the Terms and Conditions. In some gov- latory and classification requirements. This is likely to be a
ernment contracts, if the parties cannot agree as to price focal point for disputes, because these problems may not
and schedule impact, the government agency will unilater- arise from changes or alterations in the applicable regula-
ally assign a price and schedule impact in order to have a tory or classification requirements. The problem may be in
basis for making progress payments for that work; but the the third-party inspector’s interpretation of those require-
unilaterally determined price and schedule impacts are in- ments. It is recommended that impacts arising from inter-
evitably less than those sought by the Contractor. pretations, but not from changed regulatory and classification
Some commercial contracts, especially in time-sensitive requirements should not be a basis for extensions of time,
projects, include a similar right of the Purchaser’s represen- since the Purchaser has not defined any specific interpreta-
tative to direct the Contractor to achieve some previously un- tion in advance. In such instances, any interpretation by the
defined work before agreeing on price and schedule impact. third party, whether expected by the Contractor or not, is
If a Purchaser, whether it be a government agency or still consistent with the Contract Specifications, the Con-
commercial entity, directs a Contractor to proceed without tract Plans and the referenced documents.
prior agreement, even if the contract gives the Purchaser the
right to direct the Contractor to undertake the change work,
the risks associated with costs and schedule impact have to 9.2.25 Final As-Built Drawings and Calculations
be considered. If the Agreement does not otherwise clarify The as-built, or as-fitted, drawings and the final calcula-
which party is assuming which risks when there is a di- tions and test data form an engineering database for the
rected change, most likely the risk is being assumed by the ship. Most Purchasers’ require, through this section of the
party doing the directing, namely, the Purchaser. In view of Agreement, that the Contractor is to provide such informa-
that, the inclusion in an Agreement of the Purchaser hav- tion as to form that engineering database.
ing the right to direct changes should be carefully consid- These deliverables from Contractor to Purchaser have
ered, and probably rejected, from the outset. to be defined to ensure that the Contractor allows for their
Changes, which come about due to regulatory, or classifi- development in the project’s budget and schedule. These
cation requirements that must be achieved but which became may be defined as a combination of:
enacted after the contract was first executed are considered a
• various certificates to be issued by regulatory or classi-
basis for a price and/or schedule adjustment. This section of
fication organizations,
the Agreement defines the conditions under which such ad-
• standard calculations in formats defined by professional
justments may come about. In actual practice, the interpreta-
societies such as SNAME, and
tion of such regulatory or classification requirements may
• documentation that is unique in format or content to the
change, causing the Contractor to incur extra costs, but the
particular contract or ship. The Agreement should also
written requirements may not have been altered, in which case
define whether each element of the documentation is to
the Agreement usually states or implies that the Contractor is
be transmitted only in hard copy (on paper) or if it also
not entitled to an adjustment of price or schedule.
is to be transmitted electronically in computer-readable
format. The Agreement may refer to a particular section
9.2.24 Extension of Time of the Contract Specifications for the detailed format of
those calculations and drawings.
This section of the Agreement addresses extensions to the
Contract Delivery Date due to events beyond the control of The timeliness of delivery of those documents from Con-
the Contractor. These are sometimes known as force majeure tractor to Purchaser should be defined within the Agree-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-23

ment; otherwise the Contractor has little motivation to ac- 9.2.27 Tests and Trials
complish them promptly if its engineering resources are There are a significant number of tests and trials to which
temporarily needed for other projects. Part of that motiva- the vessel must be subjected in order to prove the work-
tion may be generated through the progress payments sec- manship and the operational capability of each component,
tion, as discussed below. and then each system, and then finally the entirety of the
Some Agreements provide a schedule for delivery of the vessel. Many of these tests and trials are needed to obtain
documentation in draft form to the Purchaser, and then deliv- regulatory and classification approvals, but others are needed
ery in final form after the Contractor’s correction of the docu- to give the Purchaser assurance as to the satisfactory com-
mentation in accordance with comments from the Purchaser. pletion of the work by the Contractor.
It is not uncommon for disagreements to develop over Each test and trial has cost and possibly schedule im-
the quality and/or accuracy of the as-built drawings. In pacts. In order to include each of them in the Contractor’s
order for those drawing to be accurate, personnel from price and schedule, they have to be defined in the Agree-
the shipyard’s drafting department must go on the com- ment or, by reference, in the Contract Specifications. If spe-
pleted ship to ascertain how the production department cial instrumentation or equipment is needed to accomplish
had to vary from the production plans in order to rem- the tests, it should be stated that Contractor is to provide
edy interferences between structure and the various dis- those items, such as water bags or test weights for crane load
tributive systems, if composite drawings were not used. tests and load banks for generator electrical load tests.
Typically, not wishing to incur those extra costs, ship- For some of the more complex trials, a definitive, draft
yards will provide as-built drawings that the shipyard trial agenda should be developed by the Contractor in ad-
deems as adequate and of sufficient accuracy. If the Pur- vance, provided to the Purchaser for review and comments,
chaser expects to receive accurate as-built drawings, ap- and then finalized prior to those trials. The Agreement should
propriate controls over the process have to be included establish the schedule and mechanisms for such develop-
in the contract documents, including use of the progress ments. Several organizations, including SNAME and ASTM
payments clause. as well as the Navy and Coast Guard, have standard test and
trial agendas which may be the basis of the specific agen-
das developed for the new ship’s trials.
9.2.26 Operating and Technical Manuals
The details of any tests and trials, as well as the stan-
The Contractor must also know the extent of operating and dards to be used for test and trial agendas, should be in the
technical manuals that are to be provided with the ship. Contract Specifications, but the necessity of them, espe-
Some Purchaser’s are content to accept the manuals that are cially those in excess of regulatory and classification require-
provided by the equipment manufacturers only. Other Pur- ments should be identified in the Agreement.
chaser’s, however, require system manuals, that is, manu-
als for the concurrent and inter-dependent operation of
groups of components that form a system. Whatever the 9.2.28 Warranty Deficiencies and Remedies
preference of the Purchaser, it must be defined in either the The warranty clause of the Agreement must address sev-
Agreement or, by reference, in an appropriate section of the eral specific issues, but the order in which the issues are ad-
Contract Specifications. dressed is not significant. It should be understood, however,
Absent such a requirement in the contract, the Contrac- that a warranty claim can apply only to an item which was
tor may perceive that it is not required to provide such tech- working or completed at the time of Vessel Delivery, and
nical documentation. If system manuals are required, they subsequently broke or ceased to work sometime during the
usually have to be developed by the Contractor or a spe- Warranty Period. An item which was not working or not
cialist subcontractor, either of which may represent a sig- completed at the time of Vessel Delivery may be corrected
nificant cost to the Contractor. or completed during the Warranty Period, but it is financially
Government contracts, especially for Navy and Coast treated in a different manner, as described below in the sec-
Guard vessels, may require even greater logistic support tion on Special Retainages.
technical documentation for which the cost of development The duration of the warranty period should be defined.
may be a measurable percentage of the cost of the physical Related to that, the warranty clause should address how, if
vessel. If these requirements are not defined within the at all, the warranty period pertaining to some equipment,
Agreement or, by reference, within the Contract Specifica- or perhaps the entire ship, is extended if that item or the en-
tions, it may become impracticable for the Purchaser to ob- tire ship is out of service due to a warranty defect.
tain them at a later date. The warranty clause must also define what is subject to
9-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the warranty: the Contractor’s workmanship, the materials It is in the best interest of the Purchaser to ensure that
and equipment supplied by the Contractor, or both. Further, progress payments are made only for work already com-
the warranty clause must define which entity is giving the pleted or materials and equipment already received by
warranty on each particular aspect of the ship. The clause the Contractor. In some instances, all progress payments
may allow the Contractor to pass through any manufactur- have been linked to purely physical construction, but that
ing warranties from vendors, such as pump manufacturers is not recommended due to the risks it creates. The engi-
or coating suppliers, and provide that the Contractor does neering, the component tests, the system tests, the dock
not otherwise warrant that item; however, the Contractor al- trials, the sea trials, and the certificates and documenta-
ways warrants the workmanship of installing or applying tion to be provided with the ship all require expenditures
those items. This may present some risk to the Purchaser if by the Contractor. If progress payments are made on the
the manufacturer’s warranty expires before the balance of basis of physical progress only, the Contractor has re-
the contractual warranty is to expire. duced incentive to fully and timely complete all of those
If an item of equipment is subject to the manufacturer’s tasks, which are not direct production work. Thus, an ap-
warranty, the Purchaser may find, subsequent to a break- propriate part of progress payments can be linked to those
age, that the manufacturer identifies the cause as one of im- aspects of the Work Scope which are not physical pro-
proper installation. That is, for the Contractor to remedy, duction of the ship.
and the Contractor identifies it as a manufacturing defect, Consistent with Mr. Blakeley’s words cited in the intro-
that is, for the manufacturer to remedy. This will create for duction to this chapter, there have been major contractual
the Purchaser a potentially unsatisfactory situation, which disasters brought about due to premature physical con-
is best addressed by a contract retainage, as, discussed in struction of ships; in the extreme, some resulted in scrap-
Sub-section 9.2.30. ping of the ship after construction but before ever being put
The matter of which party is to expend resources to cor- into service. The construction was premature due to incon-
rect a warranty item must also be defined. This can be com- clusive or incomplete models tests, research, engineering
plex since it must allow for: calculations or other activities affecting design development.
Progress payments can be used as a mechanism to dis-
• emergency repairs,
courage premature physical construction which might oth-
• possible remote location of the ship relative to the ship-
erwise be undertaken prior to completion of activities, which
are best, completed prior to the start of physical construc-
• timing of notification by the Purchaser to the Contrac-
tion. For example, the Agreement can state that no progress
tor of the existence of a warranty defect, and
payments associated with physical construction will be made
• location at which it is possible to effect the warranty cor-
until the delivery to the Purchaser of a satisfactory, detailed-
but-preliminary trim, weight and stability booklet. On some
Subsection 9.2.30, Contract Retainages, addresses pos- vessels, damage stability may be more relevant. Similarly,
sible use of those retained funds to effect warranty repairs. progress payments against any electrical production work
can be subject to completion of satisfactory electrical load
and fault-current analyses. Other linkages between non-
9.2.29 Progress Payments production work and progress payments may be appropri-
A shipyard needs progress payments to cover the signifi- ate, depending on the specifics of the project.
cant cash-flow requirements that are incurred by the ship- Non-production work items that do not have to precede
yard during ship construction project. The cash flow relates production work, such as completion of as-built drawings,
to the regular payroll for all those working on the vessel’s tests and trials, among other functions, can have their own
construction, the subcontractors, the vendors and suppli- progress payments associated with them. Simply, if the Con-
ers, as well as for a portion of the overhead costs for the tractor has received all the progress payments prior to de-
facility and organization. The shipyard’s need for progress livery of the as-built drawings, for example, the Contractor
payments is not eliminated if the Purchaser decides to fi- has reduced incentive to apply its resources to proper up-
nance the construction by a mechanism which is separate dating and completion of those drawings once the ship has
from the final vessel mortgage financing. Either the Pur- departed the shipyard.
chaser or the institution providing the construction financ- The amount of the progress payments is based on con-
ing will allow the Contractor to draw down against the tractually defined mechanisms. Some contracts break-down
arranged funds on a progress basis, which is pre-estab- the total work into small percentages for each structural
lished in the Agreement. module, major components, mechanical or electrical sys-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-25

tem, and for each major part of the distributive systems tor or other party which has contributed to the construction
(supply piping, return or drain piping, HVAC, electrical dis- of the ship but has not been fully paid by the Contractor. To
tribution). The parties then periodically agree as to the per- minimize the likelihood of such liens or claims, the Terms
centage that each of those systems has been completed, and and Conditions usually require that the Contractor certify
a progress payment against that percentage completion is that the Vessel is being delivered free and clear of all liens,
paid. This methodology for quantifying progress payments claims and encumbrances, and certify that all suppliers, ven-
may not be accurate near the start of the project, but typi- dors, and subcontractors have been fully paid.
cally becomes fairly accurate near the end of it, as long as For commercial contracts, the amount of the retainage,
the non-production activities are being paid separately by as a percent of the Contract Price, is negotiated during con-
their own progress payments. tract formation. On new commercial construction, it is usu-
Other contracts use well-defined milestones as the basis ally no higher than ten percent, often five percent. Some
for progress payments. Depending on the nature of the ship Purchasers do not require any contract retainage. The ab-
construction project, a total of thirty to one hundred sepa- sence of any contract retainage creates a risk, however minor
rate milestones may be defined, each having a particular it may be, that the Purchaser will have to disburse money
percentage of the total Contract Price associated with its for warranty corrections that properly should have been ex-
completion. At the end of every month, each of those mile- pended by the Contractor, with no cost-effective recourse
stones, which are 100% completed within that month be- to recovering that outlay.
come eligible for the associated progress payment. The For government contracts, the amount of the retainage
non-production activities have their own set of progress is established in the request for proposals, or solicitations.
payment milestones associated with them, too. For exam- Some government agencies require more significant re-
ple, a particular progress payment may be for the structural tainages, which, in practice, may only serve to cause bid-
machinery space module; another may be for receipt of all ders to seek higher prices in order to deal with the impact
the tonnage and classification certificates. on cash flow that such large retainages may have. From a
The developers of the Agreement must have a clear un- government agency’s perspective, a larger contract retainage
derstanding of the ship construction process, both production allows longer payout for the ship; but in fact it may only
and non-production work, in order to develop an appropri- serve to increase the cost of the ship.
ate set of progress payment criteria. This is another basis for The Agreement defines when the Contractor will receive
technical personnel to be controlling contract formation. the balance of the Contract Price, provided the Purchaser
Sometimes is appears that the Contractor wishes to negoti- has not spent part of it in a manner allowed by the Agree-
ate into the Agreement earlier payment than the Purchaser is ment. The Contract defines a temporary business and legal
willing to allow. Although the cash flow requirement for the relationship. From the outset, it is intended that the rela-
shipyard may be essential to its financial ability to timely fin- tionship will terminate upon the end of the warranty or guar-
ish the project, there is more risk to the success of the proj- anty period. Thus, all contract retainage should be finally
ect if payment for not yet completed work is allowed. paid to the Contractor no later than the end of the warranty
Some contracts provide that half or some other portion
9.2.30 Contract Retainage of the contract retainage be paid prior to the end of the war-
Many Agreements provide for the Purchaser to retain a de- ranty period, and the balance paid at the end of the warranty
fined percentage of each progress payment. Thus, at the period.
time of vessel delivery to the Purchaser, assuming all the
deliverables other than the ship have also been completed,
the situation is this: the Purchaser receives the ship and 9.2.31 Special Retainages
100% of the other deliverables, but the Contractor has re- It is not uncommon that some items on the ship are in-
ceived a lesser percentage of the total contract price. complete or not fully functional at the time the ship is oth-
The purpose of the contract retainage is to provide for erwise ready for Vessel Delivery. If those items do not affect
the circumstance in which the Purchaser may have to pay ship safety, the ability of the ship to achieve its mission or
for a warranty correction when the Contractor is not able perform its service, and if the correction or completion does
to timely accomplish it or when the Contractor allows the not require the presence of the ship at a full-service ship-
Purchaser to effect that correction. Another purpose of the yard, the parties may agree that the delivery of the Vessel
contract retainage may be to protect the Purchaser in the will not be delayed by those deficiencies.
event of a lien or claim by a supplier, vendor, subcontrac- However, this creates a situation that is inconsistent with
9-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the intent of the contract, which intent was stated above, When a set of contract documents is being developed,
namely, at the time of Vessel Delivery the Purchaser re- the Agreement and Terms and Conditions are usually built
ceives the ship and 100% of the other deliverables, but the up from a previous set of similar documents. If, however,
Contractor will have received a lesser percentage of the total the nature of the vessel acquisition is going to be signifi-
contract price per the contract retainage. In other words, the cantly different, then the use of the prior documents as a
Contractor is implicitly seeking a waiver of the requirement starting point has to be addressed more carefully. For ex-
to deliver the ship in a complete and fully functional con- ample, if the prior acquisition was for a ship of the Con-
dition. In that case, the Contractor should not receive all the tractor’s standard design, and the new acquisition is for a
funds that otherwise would have been paid at the time of unique design, there are many aspects of the Agreement
Vessel Delivery. that will have to be modified. If the contractor has never con-
The Purchaser may grant that implicitly requested waiver structed a ship of the type being acquired, a more-rigorous
if the contract retainage is ample to cover all of: set of checkpoints may have to be incorporated into the
Agreement and the supporting Specifications.
• the correction of those deficiencies,
Essentially, besides establishing a temporary business
• all warranty corrections, and
and legal relationship between the Contractor and Purchaser,
• any possible liens or claims by subcontractors and ven-
the Agreement and the supporting documents should iden-
tify potential risks (technical, financial and schedule), as-
However, such granting of a waiver creates risks if the sign responsibility for avoiding those risks, and address the
Contractor does not correct the outstanding deficiencies. consequences if those risks are not satisfactorily avoided.
Under other clauses, the Purchaser may not have the right Thus, the nature of the technical project and the risks as-
to use the contract retainage to rectify items which clearly sociated with its achievement are the most important fac-
were not warranty items, because they didn’t break during tors in the creation of the contract documents. The entire
the warranty period. set of contract documents must be integrated and consis-
It is recommended that the Agreement allow the Pur- tent with each other, but primarily must be appropriate to
chaser to create a special retainage for each such uncor- the technical aspects of the project.
rected pre-delivery deficiency in order to give the Contractor
incentive to have that deficiency corrected during the first
half of the warranty period. At the end of the first half of 9.3 FORMATION OF CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS
the warranty period, any such special retainages are paid to AND PLANS
the Contractor if the corresponding deficiency has been cor-
rected. If it is not corrected by that time, the Purchaser can 9.3.1 Introduction
use those funds to have it corrected during the second half The Contract Specifications and the Contract Plans are tech-
of the warranty period. The reason for that time limit on the nical documents which are non-ambiguously identified in
expenditure by the Purchaser is, again, that the temporary the Agreement by those titles. The purpose of those docu-
business and legal relationship is expected to conclude at ments is to define the technical products or deliverables
that time. which the Contractor is to provide to the Purchaser. The
Agreement, or perhaps, but not preferably, the General Sec-
tion of the Specifications, identifies the regulatory require-
9.2.32 Technical Project as Basis of Agreement ments and classification rules that are to be satisfied by
The previous sub-sections of this section on Formation of incorporation of certain design and construction features
the Shipbuilding Agreement have discussed the purpose and into the vessel. Those design and construction features aris-
concerns of a number of the clauses of a typical commer- ing from regulatory requirements and classification rules,
cial shipbuilding agreement. Other clauses may also be ap- however, essentially are generic, not unique to the vessel
propriate if they are not already included in the Terms and being acquired under a specific contract. Many of the de-
Conditions of the contract documents. Government contract sign and construction features identified by the Contract
forms will vary considerably among the many possible gov- Specifications and Contract Plans are unique to the vessel,
ernment agencies (federal, state, local, educational institu- making it different from other vessels. These documents
tions, quasi-governmental agencies, etc.), but will all contain may also define other features that are not necessarily unique
the equivalent of the clauses discussed above, as well as pos- for this vessel, but are not included in the regulatory re-
sibly others that are required by the agency’s procurement quirements and classification rules.
regulations. Thus, the Contract Specifications and the Contract Plans,
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-27

as components of the contract documents, define the heart 9.3.3 Identifying the Required Type of Specification
of the project and possibly make it different from other ship In general, there are three types of specifications:
construction projects to the appropriate extent. This section
first addresses the intent and limitations of those documents, 1. design or end product specifications,
and then generally addresses the components within those 2. performance specifications; and
documents as well as special concerns associated with sev- 3. procedural specifications.
eral of those components. This subchapter, however, is not Each of these three types of specifications leads to a dif-
a substitute for a course of study either on specification ferent assignment of responsibilities between the Purchaser
preparation or on the development of plans. and the Contractor. A typical Contract Specification will in-
clude, for all the different aspects of the ship, more than one
type of specification, and may even include all three types.
9.3.2 Non-Included Features The type of specification used for the hull form, for exam-
The Contract Specifications and Contract Plans define the ple, can be entirely different from the type of specification
unique features of the vessel and other non-unique features used for the ballast pumps.
that are not already addressed by the appropriate regulatory A design or end product specification is a representa-
requirements and classification rules. It was pointed out in tion, by either drawings or verbal descriptions or both, of
Subsection 9.1.15, under the topic of Decision-Making Au- what that aspect of the ship should look like upon comple-
thority, that numerous details which are not already defined tion. The use of a Contract Plan for the hull lines serves to
in the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans, will have define the form of the hull from which the Contractor can-
to be developed by the Contractor after the contract is ex- not vary. The hull form may be subject to variance if con-
ecuted. Except for unusual cases, when the parties executed firming model tests are to be conducted by the Contractor.
the shipbuilding contract, the authority to make those ad- Another example of a design or end-product specification
ditional decisions as to the form of the numerous details was may be for hull coatings. The Contract Specification may
passed from the Purchaser to the Contractor. The Purchaser’s define the type, composition and color of the coatings, as
naval architects and marine engineers who are developing well as perhaps the manufacturer, and then go on to define
the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans must keep the thick nesses of each of the primer, undercoat and top-
in mind that they will have yielded to the Contractor the right coat. That is, the final configuration of the coatings, layer-
to make those decisions. by-layer, has been defined by the Contract Specifications.
Thus, if the exact form of any lesser details is important An associated procedural specification, as discussed below,
to the Purchaser, the Contract Specifications and Contract establishes the criteria for appropriate surface preparation
Plans should describe them to an appropriate level of de- and material application.
tail. If such details are not already incorporated into the A performance specification, on the other hand, does
Contract Specifications and Contract Plans, generally the not in any way describe what the object will look like, but
Purchaser will have to accept the Contractor’s solution to instead will describe how it is to perform. A specification
those details. The Purchaser’s staff should bear in mind that for the ballast pumps on a ship, for example, could state that
it is most likely the Contractor will be seeking minimum- the two ballast pumps shall each separately be capable of
cost solutions to those technical details when working under pumping into and out of the ship’s ballast tanks a certain
a fixed-price contract. number of tons of ballast water per hour. Thus, the shape,
The Purchaser’s naval architects and marine engineers material content, and weight, among other parameters, for
should not use the drawing review process as a mechanism each of those pumps will be selected by the Contractor pro-
to impose on the Contractor a more-expensive solution if the vided that each can pump the required number of tons of
Contractor’s solution is in all regards consistent with the ballast water per hour. Note, too, that a loosely written spec-
contract documents. For example, if the form of mounting ification for two ballast pumps of equal capacity may even
an item of equipment on a deck is important to the Purchaser result in two different brand names; it is all at the discre-
for reduced noise transmission, that form of mounting can- tion of the Contractor under a performance specification.
not be announced after the Contractor has prepared draw- The Purchaser can write a tighter specification to avoid that
ings or even after the contract has been executed. Rather, two-brand possibility. See Subsection 9.3.9, following, on
because the form of mounting to minimize noise transmis- Brand Names or Equal to supplement this discussion.
sion likely will cost more than another form of mounting, A procedural specification usually supplements one of
the Contractor should have been given the opportunity to the two other forms of specification by defining part of the
consider it before developing its bid price for the work. procedure that is to be followed in achieving the other part
9-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

of the specification, either in the design process or the con- bers should not be used. Other widely used standard spec-
struction stage. An example of a construction procedural ification headings can be used as well. A major benefit of
specification pertains to coatings: the design specification starting with a standard is that is reduces the likelihood of
for the coatings, as described above, may be supplemented inadvertently omitting some specification items. Additional
by a procedural specification that requires the Contractor sections for special shipboard features can be added by
to apply the coatings in accordance with the practices rec- selecting section numbers that are not already used.
ommended by the coating manufacturer pertaining to sur- As to the actual content of the sections, distinct from the
face preparation, air temperature, steel temperature, relative headings, it is noted that generic guideline, example or stan-
humidity, direct sunlight, wind speed, etc. dard specifications also have been developed and published
An example of a design procedural specification may by many organizations worldwide. Sometimes those pub-
relate to power and signal cables. The design of the cable lished specifications are quite helpful to persons developing
trays may be solely at the discretion of the Contractor, other specifications for a particular aspect of a ship for the first
than regulatory requirements and classification rules. That time. A review of such publications by specification writers
is, the cable trays are defined by a performance specifica- will help assure that salient points will be addressed in the
tion. However, that performance specification may be sup- new specification, though it is not necessarily as suggested
plemented by an applicable design procedural specification by the guidelines. When the ship type, or the system within
which may state that when designing the cable trays, the the ship, is innovative or represents a new application of ex-
Contractor shall also comply with the requirements of an isting technology, the final specification may have only faint
identified electro-magnetic interference (EMI) standard to resemblance to the previously published specifications.
ensure that the EM emissions of power cables do not in- The U.S. Navy, for example, has used its Gen Specs,
terfere with the signals within the control, alarm and mon- being general or standard specifications for defining par-
itoring cables. ticular aspects of the intended product in naval construc-
The naval architects and marine engineers who develop tion. With rapidly developing materials technology and
the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans for the Pur- innovative design concepts, however, those Gen Specs do
chaser can select whichever form of specification best suits not appear to be as relevant to each new class of vessel as
the needs of the project for each item and each aspect of the they once had been. Since the mid-1990s, the U.S. Navy
ship. However, it is their responsibility to ensure that all of has been relying less on these Gen Specs and more on spec-
those specifications are compatible with one another. For ifications developed for the particular vessel design, mate-
example, if the EMI procedural specification requires two rials technology and application concepts being employed
levels of cable tray to avoid the interference, the ship’s basic in the development of its newest ships. That Gen Spec should
design by the Purchaser’s staff will have to provide ample not be confused with the section of general specifications
space for those two levels; otherwise the requirements im- contained within most contracts.
posed on the Contractor may be impossible to achieve. The U.S. Maritime Administration has published Guide-
line Specifications for Merchant Ship Construction. The
most recent edition (1995) is intended as a helpful generic
9.3.4 Standard Forms of Specifications package for ship operators and shipbuilders who will de-
The technical Contract Specifications can be arranged in sign specific commercial ships. That publication states,
nearly any sequence; but there are standard sequences that “These specifications can be used as starting points for the
have been used by industry in various countries. In the preparation of construction specifications for any type of
United States, for example, the U.S. Maritime Commission ship. . . . [They] are intended to provide guidance to the
in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by the U.S. Maritime Ad- maritime industry for the preparation of specifications. . . .
ministration in more recent years, developed and used a They cover all aspects of potential contract work, but may
standard set and sequence of section headings, as indicated require modifications, as appropriate, to the ship design
in Table 9.V. Each of those section headings includes mul- being contemplated.”
tiple standard sub-headings (not shown herein due to size Recognizing that the value of such specifications has di-
and number). minished due to numerous developments, the U.S. Mar-
The value of using a standard group of headings and a itime Administration no longer intends to update its
standard sequence is that both shipowners and shipyards published specifications.
have become accustomed to using those standards. Of Because published specifications, from any source, are
course, many of the section headings in Table 9.V may not only generic, guideline, example or standard, the contract
be applicable to every project, and thus those section num- specification has to be more supportive of the exact ship type
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-29

TABLE 9.V Possible Specifications Section Headings

1 General 53 Main Shafting,Bearings, Propeller 79 Ladders, Gratings, Floor Plates,

2 Structural Hull 55 Distilling Plant forms & Walkways in Mach'y
3 Houses And Interior 56 Fuel Oil 80 Engineer's and Electrician's shops,
4 Sideports, Doors, Hatches, 57 Lubricating Oil Stores And Repair
5 Hull Fittings 58 Sea Water 81 Hull Machinery
6 Deck Coverings 59 Fresh Water System 85 Instruments and Miscellaneous
7 Insulation, Linings And Battens 60 Feed and Condensate Boards—Mechanical
8 Kingposts, Booms, Masts, Davits 61 Steam Generating 86 Spares—Engineering (Crating And
9 Rigging and Lines 62 Air Intake, Exhaust and Forced Draft Storage)
10 Ground Tackle 60 Feed and Condensate 87 Electrical Systems, General
11 Piping--Hull Systems 61 Steam Generating 88 Generators
12 Air Conditioning, Heating and 62 Air Intake, Exhaust and Forced Draft 89 Switchboards
Ventilation 63 Steam and Exhaust 90 Electrical
13 Fire Detection And Extinguishing 64 Machinery Space 91 Auxiliary Motors and Controls
14 Painting and Cementing 65 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration 92 Lighting
15 Navigating Equipment Equipment 93 Radio Equipment
16 Life Saving Equipment 66 Ship's Service 94 Navigation Equipment
17 Commissary Spaces 67 Cargo Refrigeration—Direct 95 Interior Communications
18 Utility Spaces and Workshops Expansion System 96 Storage, Batteries
19 Furniture and Furnishings 68 Liquid Cargo 98 Test Equipment, Electrical
20 Plumbing Fixtures & Accessories 69 Cargo Hold Dehumidification 99 Centralized Engine Room and Bridge
21 Hardware 70 Pollution Abatement and Equipment Control
22 Stowage & Protective Covers 71 Tank Level Indicators 100 Planning And Scheduling, Plans,
23 Miscellaneous Equipment Stowage 72 Compressed Air Instruction Books,
24 Name Plates, Notices andMarkings 73 Pumps 101 Tests And Trials
25 Joiner Work and Interior 74 General Requirements For Machinery 102 Deck, Engine and Stewards
26 Stabilization Pressure Piping Equipment and Tools,
27 Container Stowage and Handling 75 Insulation—Lagging For Piping and 103 Requirements For Structure-borne
50 Main And Auxiliary Machinery Noise
51 Main Diesel 76 Diesel Engines Driving Generators
52 Reduction Gears and Clutches—Main 78 Tanks—Miscellaneous Appendix A: Owner Furnished Equipment

and the newest materials technology to achieve the intended paying the Contractor not only for the ship itself, but also
result. Also, because published specifications try to be ap- for numerous other deliverables. Without many of those other
plicable to multiple ship types and multiple situations, it is deliverables, the ship by itself is not completely usable or
likely that the contract specifications could be briefer than maintainable by the shipowner. Some of those deliverables
the published ones. Specification writers should be cautious, are defined by the applicable regulatory requirements and
however, regarding the goal of achieving brevity in their work. classification rules. The rest have to be defined by the Agree-
It sometimes appears that due to the absence of information ment, primarily the financial deliverables, or the Contract
deleted for the sake of brevity, such shortened, and thus pos- Specifications, primarily the technical deliverables.
sibly ambiguous, specifications may lead to disputes. The contract deliverables, other than the hardware of the
ship and spare parts, will take many forms. Some of the de-
liverables will be engineering calculations, trim, weight and
9.3.5 Contract Deliverables stability calculations, finite element analyses, fatigue
At the beginning of this section it was stated that the pur- strength calculations, electrical load and fault-current analy-
pose of the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans is to ses, heat-load and heat-balance calculations, among others.
define the technical products or deliverables which the Con- Some will be drawings, detail plans for review,
tractor is to provide to the Purchaser. Note the use of the plu- classification-approved plans, as-built/as-fitted drawings,
ral of “technical products or deliverables.” The Purchaser is and others); some deliverables will be copies of shipyard
9-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

correspondence with classification and regulatory bodies; the specified work shall be deemed to be part of the speci-
some will be certificates from classification and regulatory fied work whether specified or not.” This was an attempt by
bodies, and possibly from others. Some deliverables will be the specification writers to convey to the Contractor the
test and trial agendas and subsequent reports, and some will responsibility to make everything complete and functional
be warranty forms from vendors and others; and some at no extra cost to the Purchaser. However, such wording is
deliverables may be shipyard scheduling information, haz- too broad to be usable for estimating and pricing, and thus
ardous waste disposal records, insurance information, among likely could not be enforced in court.
many other possibilities. This list is by no means complete. The intent may have been to include, for example, the
The completion and delivery of each of those deliver- unspecified supply and installation of remote motor con-
ables from Contractor to Purchaser represents a source of trollers for some of those electrical motors defined by the
costs to the Contractor. If each of them is to be accomplished, specifications. But inasmuch as the specification writer had
the Contractor must know about them prior to bidding or pric- information particular to the specified motor, that writer
ing the work in order to have the budget available for each was in a better position to know if a remote motor controller
of them. Accordingly, the persons developing the Contract would be needed. When estimating the work scope, the Con-
Specifications for the Purchaser must ensure that each such tractor would not automatically know that a remote motor
deliverable, hardware, drawings, calculations, correspon- controller would be required, and thus the cost of it would
dence, computerized files, etc. is identified as a required not be included in the fixed contract price.
deliverable in the documents made available to bidding ship- A Purchaser should not rely on requirements such as first
yards from the outset. All of the deliverables, besides the ship class marine practice or best marine practice or other ill-
itself, have to be defined by the contract documents or they defined phrases in order to ensure quality of material selection
are beyond the work scope requirements of the Contractor. or quality of workmanship. Highly subjective requirements,
phrased as those, are not conducive to quantitative estimat-
ing, and thus cannot be included in the price of the ship-
9.3.6 Defining the Complete Scope of Work building contract.
In addition to the ship, the spares and all the other contract It should be remembered that, in soliciting bids or re-
deliverables, the entire scope of work which the Contrac- questing pricing from a potential Contractor, the Purchaser
tor will have to undertake needs to be defined to the extent is seeking quantities, quantities of production hours, mate-
that there is sufficient information in the bid package or at rial costs, subcontractor costs, facility and equipment costs,
the time of contract negotiations such that the Contractor and schedule days. Accordingly, all aspects of the Contract
can identify and estimate all sources of costs. In other words, Specifications and Contract Plans must be suitable for trans-
if an shipowner’s requirement for any information, materi- lation into such quantities. Broad concepts, such as the neg-
als or special tests will cause the Contractor to incur costs, ative example given above, are not directly translatable into
such items must be separately identified in the contract doc- quantification prior to accomplishment of most of the re-
uments as a Contractor responsibility. maining design development, and thus do not constitute
Some examples of such items are: well-defined specifications.
• the payment of fees for classification and regulatory ap-
provals, if needed, 9.3.7 Shipyard Schedule and Updates
• confirming model tests if they are to be accomplished
Many requests for proposals or similar solicitations by
after contract signing,
shipowners from bidding shipyards require that a prelimi-
• maintenance of a detailed weights-and-centers spread-
nary schedule be supplied with the bid to ensure that the
sheet for every item of equipment if appropriate,
bidder has an understanding of the work scope comparable
• rental of testing equipment if it will be needed (test
to that of the Purchaser’s staff. It is common, but not nec-
weights, electrical load banks, etc.), and
essary, for the contract documents to require that the Con-
• any special testing requirements on shipowner-furnished
tractor provide the Purchaser with a detailed schedule within
equipment that the Contractor has to perform.
a stipulated period of time after contract execution. There
There are some aspects of technical specifications that are many reasons why the Purchaser’s staff wishes to see
cannot be glossed over without increasing the likelihood of that schedule, some of which have been discussed in Sec-
some consequential disputes. A negative example, one to tion 9.2 (see the subsection on Project Schedule) and some
be avoided, is illustrated by the following wording taken of which are discussed in Subsection 9.4 on Management
from a recent specification. “All work necessary to perform of Contracts During Performance.
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-31

The Contract Specifications may present more detailed from undertaking significant design development. This does
requirements for the project scheduling to supplement the not mean that a Purchaser must allow the Contractor to avoid
general requirements of the Agreement. The more detailed that responsibility, but it does mean that the Purchaser, through
requirements may address, for example, the use of separate the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans, must ensure
activities for each of engineering, procurement, installation that it is perfectly clear that the Contractor will, in fact, have
and testing for each item of equipment. The necessity of pro- those responsibilities as appropriate to the project.
viding the Purchaser with updates may be supplemented by Accordingly, the Contract Specifications or the Agree-
stating that such updates shall be made periodically, the pe- ment must clearly define the Contractor’s responsibilities
riod depends on the particular project, or more frequently to perform all the engineering and design development tasks
if major changes have been agreed upon. necessary to translate the requirements of the contract doc-
If both the Agreement and the Contract Specifications uments into material procurement, equipment procurement,
address the Contractor’s responsibilities regarding project detail plans, working drawings, and production plans, all
schedule, it is essential to ensure that they complement one of which are then used for ship production. If the Purchaser
another and do not conflict. is not going to be providing any additional engineering or
design support for the project, it might be best to clearly
state, rather than merely imply, that no additional design in-
9.3.8 Engineering Design Responsibilities formation is being provided by the Purchaser.
In Section 9.1, Subsection 9.1.15 on Decision-making Au- When the Purchaser is assigning to the Contractor such
thority pointed out that between the Contract Specifications responsibilities, the Purchaser’s technical staff should be
and Contract Plans, on one hand, and the shipyard’s detailed mindful of the fact that they will no longer have control
plans or working drawings, on the other, numerous devel- over those decisions. If the Purchaser’s technical staff is
opmental design decisions likely will have to be made. Some concerned that the Contractor may find means of making
of them will be guided or controlled by the regulatory re- the ship construction too economical to suit the Purchaser,
quirements, classification rules or identified standards, such then tighter or more-detailed specifications should be de-
as industry standards or Mil Specs, but many others are not veloped for those particular aspects of the ship that are of
so guided or controlled. In almost all shipbuilding contracts, greatest concern to the Purchaser. A Purchaser’s technical
when the parties executed the shipbuilding contract, the au- staff should be cautious when responding to a Contractor’s
thority to make those decisions was passed from the Pur- request for additional design information by means of clar-
chaser to the Contractor. The only residual decision-making ifications. This may be symptomatic of the Contractor’s re-
authority that the Purchaser retains is indirect confirmation luctance to undertake the design effort that it is contractually
through review of the detail plans or working drawings. obligated to accept. Further, it may lead to allegations by
From the shipyard’s perspective, however, that decision- the Contractor that the design information, if provided by
making authority is a mixed blessing. It is appreciated by ship- the Purchaser, implies a greater work scope than otherwise
yards because it gives shipyards the authority to seek least-cost required, thus necessitating a Change Order.
solutions to ship production. In contrast, however, it puts them
at a disadvantage when bidding the work because each ship-
yard does not know with certainty how much economy, com- 9.3.9 Brand Names/ Or Equal
pared to the Contractor’s competitors, it will be able to build One mechanism that is often used in Contract Specifications
into the vessel though the use of such opportunities. developed by the Purchaser is to identify a particular brand
A shipyard is put at a further disadvantage when it has name and model number of an item of equipment, and then
responsibility for significant design development because state that the Contractor must provide and install that par-
it must use or hire naval architecture and marine engineer- ticular item or equal. The intent, by the Purchaser, is to en-
ing design staff or subcontractors to accomplish that design sure that a certain quality is achieved. While this may be a
development. This creates risks for the shipyard because worthwhile effort, it may not lead to the Purchaser’s ex-
the naval architects may be more likely to perfect the ves- pected results for any of several reasons.
sel’s performance attributes or operational efficiency in- When an or equal mechanism is utilized in the specifi-
stead of making the ship more economically producible (see cations, the specifications usually reserve to the Purchaser
Chapter 14–Design/Production Integration). the right to accept or reject the substitution proposed by the
The Purchaser’s staff, when developing the Contract Spec- Contractor. The Purchaser can minimize the likelihood of
ifications and Contract Plans, should bear in mind the ship- a misunderstanding of what will or will not be acceptable
yard’s general wariness at having to incur such risks arising by giving greater definition. In particular, the Contract Spec-
9-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ifications could define what parameters are going to be con- 9.3.10 Review of the Contractor’s Equipment Selections
sidered when determining if a shipyard-offered substitution In Subsection 9.2.20, the Purchaser’s review of the Con-
is truly equal. For example, the parameters that could be tractor’s detail plans and/or working drawings has been dis-
important for a motor/pump combination on a high-speed cussed. In a similar manner, some Purchasers may seek to
passenger ferry likely would be different than those being review the Contractor’s selection of major items of equip-
considered for a large tanker. Table 9.VI presents a partial ment that are not already identified by brand name and
list of parameters that might be considered in such situa- model number, or are not covered by an or equal clause, or
tions; other parameters would be appropriate for other forms are not included in a maker’s list. The purpose of the Pur-
of equipment. chaser’s pre-purchasing review of the Contractor’s purchase
Another mechanism used in shipbuilding contracts to technical specifications that will accompany a purchase
limit the choices for equipment that will be made by the Con- order is to ensure that the Contractor’s interpretation of the
tractor is to negotiate or include a maker’s list for various Contract Specification’s requirements pertaining to that item
items. The maker’s list identifies the brand name and model of equipment is compatible with the Purchaser’s interpre-
of equipment that is included in the base-line design. tation. If the Purchaser seeks to have this right of an advance
Some maker’s lists will include more than one possible review of the purchase technical specifications for selected
brand name and model for several particular items of equip- items of equipment, the contract documents should create
ment. Whether or not the Contractor has the right to seek that right, remind the Contractor to provide the purchase
an equivalent to the items on the maker’s list must be de- technical specifications on a timely basis so as to not delay
fined in the contract documents; without such clarification, the schedule, and indicate the period of time that the Pur-
the Contractor may interpret that it does have such rights chaser has to conduct such review.
and the Purchaser may interpret that it does not. As with the review of the Contractor’s detail plans and/or
working drawings, some Purchasers may try to use this re-
view process to persuade the Contractor to adopt the Pur-
chaser’s interpretation when, in fact, alternate interpretations
may also be valid. When the contract was executed, the Pur-
chaser not only gave the Contractor the responsibility to se-
TABLE 9.VI Selected Parameters for Determing lect that item of equipment, but also gave the Contractor the
Equivalency of Combined Pump/Motor right to select it to maximize the benefit to the Contractor.
Maximum Continuous Rate of Output The burden of demonstrating that the Contractor-selected
item is not compatible with the contract documents lies with
Maximum Peak Rate of Output
the Purchaser. If the Purchaser can show that the Contrac-
Pressure at Various Rates of Output tor-selected brand name and model does not satisfy the con-
Materials of Construction tractual requirements, the Contractor must revise its
Weight purchase order to achieve such compliance.
In some cases, the process of such review may lead the
Audible Noise
Purchaser to appreciate that, although the Contractor’s se-
Vibration Transmission lection is consistent with the contract documents, the Pur-
Mean Time between Failures chaser now sees that such a valid, alternate interpretation
Metric or Non-metric Fittings of the contract documents leads to a less-than-satisfactory
Electrical Feedback Characteristics
equipment selection. The Purchaser may then seek to use
this review process as a basis for requesting a Change Order
Controllability of Rate of Output to achieve a more-satisfactory equipment selection. How-
Power Requirements and Efficiency ever, this action by a Purchaser may result in higher costs,
Availability of Spare Parts delays, impacts on drawings and engineering, and second-
Availability of Tech Rep’s ary impacts on other contract deliverables.
Proven Marine Experience
Manuals in the Selected Language 9.3.11 Resolution of Interferences
Ease of Maintenance Composite drawings present isometric views of spaces or
compartments within the ship, including scaled representa-
Commonality with Purchaser’s Fleet
tions of all structure, equipment items and distributive sys-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-33

tems. If prepared in advance of physical construction, com- sufficient information to provide a non-ambiguous basis for
posite drawings can identify physical interferences that would determining if the Contractor’s workmanship is adequate.
result from the use of unmodified Contract Specifications Certainly the workmanship must satisfy the applicable reg-
and Contract Plans. Today 3D product models can perform ulatory requirements and classification rules. The work-
the same function. It is not a common practice for the manship must also satisfy any applicable standards that are
shipowner’s naval architects and design engineers to prepare identified in the contract documents, usually in the Con-
composite drawings of the structures, items of equipment tract Specifications or in the Agreement. These referenced
and distributive systems shown in and/or described by the standards may be marine industry standards, professional
Contract Specifications, Contract Plans or other contractu- society standards, such as SNAME standards, well-distrib-
ally-defined standards. Thus it is possible, if not likely, that uted government standards, such as U.S. Navy Mil Specs,
interferences between elements of the contract design will or even standards that are applicable but not necessarily
result from a strict interpretation of the contract documents. unique to the marine industry. The Agreement or the Gen-
In the event that the resolution of such interferences has eral Section of the Specifications typically contains express
an impact on the productivity of the shipyard’s crafts, the language requiring the Contractor to correct, at no addi-
Contractor may look to the Purchaser for compensation for tional cost to the Purchaser, any workmanship or materials
that rework or temporarily-reduced productivity. To avoid which fail to meet the standards.
that situation, either the Agreement or the Contract Specifi- The lack of an identified standard against which work-
cations could advise the Contractor of the possibility of such manship can be judged creates risks for both parties, which
interferences, require the Contractor to not undertake phys- risks may result in disputes, an unsatisfactory product, re-
ical construction until the possibility has been examined and work and delay. Thus, the developers of the Contract Spec-
addressed, and further require that the resolution of such in- ifications should take the time and effort to include therein
terferences are to be achieved by Contractor at no additional the standards against which the on-site Purchaser’s inspec-
cost to Purchaser. In ship conversion or repair, the Contrac- tors will determine the acceptability of workmanship that
tor could be given access to the vessel for a pre-bid ship is not already covered by applicable regulatory require-
check to identify potential interferences if the Contractor is ments and classification rules.
responsible for the correction of them at no additional cost.

9.3.13 Identification of Item’s Entire Work Scope

9.3.12 Inspection of Contractor’s Workmanship This is the heart of technical specification writing. It is a
The Agreement, as discussed in Section 9.2, usually in- fairly complex matter, and not to be undertaken lightly or
cludes a clause which establishes the right of the Purchaser’s by unpracticed personnel. The history of risks and conse-
representatives to have access to the vessel and shops, in- quences that are associated with incomplete or misleading
cluding subcontractor sites, and to inspect work in progress. specifications is a sufficient basis for many books; these are
The use of inspection deficiency reports, or quality defi- the previously mentioned contractual disasters. As a foun-
ciency reports, has also been addressed in Subsection 9.2.21 dation for discussing this subject, four points that have been
in the section on Inspection of Workmanship and Materi- already discussed are brought to the forefront.
als. Inspection deficiency reports should only be issued if First, at the beginning of this section, the three basic
the Purchaser’s representative can point to a part of the Con- forms of specifications were discussed: design or end prod-
tract Specifications or Contract Drawings with which com- uct; performance; and procedural.
pliance has not been achieved. Second, the desirability of avoiding too-broad speci-
Many Contract Specifications state that the Contractor’s fication language was also discussed. The negative exam-
workmanship shall be adjudged by the Purchaser’s repre- ple was given, all work necessary to accomplish the specified
sentative, and only that individual shall have the authority work .....
to make a determination of satisfactory workmanship. How- Third, the fact that the Contractor is given rights, not
ever, if there is no other identified standard against which just responsibilities, to make decisions about details and
the workmanship will be measured, the Contractor is ef- materials after the contract is executed has been discussed
fectively being asked to work to the unwritten standards in several times in Sections 9. 2 and 9.3.
the mind of that Purchaser’s representative. This is often an Fourth, the shipyard’s decision-making authority gives
unsatisfactory mechanism, since the Contractor cannot know it the right to implement least-cost solutions in design de-
in advance what standard will thus be applied. velopment and materials selection as long as it remains con-
Accordingly, the Contract Specifications should include sistent with the Contract Specifications, Contract Plans, the
9-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

defined regulation, the selected classification rules and the specification, but rather due to an alleged intransigent atti-
identified standards. tude by the shipbuilder. This pride of authorship has no
The identification of the entire work scope for each item place in a professional engineering environment; if the word-
requires that those four points be kept in mind when each ing of a specification has proven unsatisfactory in the past,
element of the technical specifications is developed. For instead of pointing the finger of responsibility at some other
each element of the technical specifications, the specifica- party, the wording should be changed, based on a lesson-
tion writer must be able to express in words and in support- learned analysis of the disaster or near-disaster.
ing sketches or drawings what is important, and therefore
stated unambiguously, and what is also to be included but
is not as important, allowing the Contractor to make detail 9.3.14 Technical Documentation Requirements
decisions. In addition to the hardware of the ship itself and spare parts,
Each technical specification must reveal whether the per- Purchasers usually require substantial, supporting docu-
formance is important to the shipowner, or if the form/de- mentation. This documentation is additional to the certifi-
sign/configuration is more important. If the specification is a cates from regulatory agencies and classification, which
design or end product, generally the Purchaser is responsible have been described in Table 9.IV, with a sample listing of
for performance. A contract which includes a design certifi- them.
cation process by the Contractor may serve to alter the as- Some of the required documentation is short-lived, such
signment of certain risks. Precisely which risks and as megger readings after installing (pulling) electrical cable
responsibilities are different from the usual form of contract or steel and air temperature readings when applying coat-
will depend on the specific wording of the section of the Agree- ings. Once ship construction and testing is satisfactorily
ment which describes the design certification process. If cer- completed, no one will be interested in that documentation.
tain procedures and/or standards are to be used or achieved Other components of the documentation are long-lived, such
in the development of details or the execution of the work, as the sea trial results for all the machinery, forming a life-
those procedures and standards must be clearly identified. time engineering database for those items. Examples of the
The writer of technical specifications must also under- types of documentation which may be required are listed
stand what decisions the Contractor may be able to make in Table 9.VII.
with respect to each technical aspect while still being con- The development of each of those items of documenta-
sistent with the contract documents, and determine whether tion represents additional cost to the Contractor. Some of
a possible least-cost solution will be acceptable; if not, a those documentation items may be generated by the Con-
more tightly defined solution is to be specified. tractor or its naval architects and design engineers in the
All of the elements of the workmanship and materials course of obtaining regulatory and/or classification ap-
must be adequately defined to enable a shipyard to trans- provals. For those documentation requirements which are
late the technical specification into quantities, labor hours, not needed for such purposes, the Contractor cannot be ex-
material costs, and subcontractor costs, or the performance pected to prepare them unless the need for them is clearly
capabilities of the technical item must be translatable into stated in the Contract Specifications, or in the Agreement,
such quantification after the Contractor’s suitable pre-bid so that they can be included in the Contractor’s budget. Even
design effort. for those documentation items generated in the course of
There is no single style or form of technical specifica- obtaining regulatory and/or classification approvals, the
tions that is superior to other possible styles or form. Each Contractor may not be obligated to go the extra step of pro-
organization developing Contract Specifications and Con- viding them to the Purchaser unless they, too, are identified
tract Plans should use the style and form with which it is in the contract documents as being deliverable to the Pur-
most comfortable, provided that such style and form has not chaser. If any of those documentation deliverables are to be
resulted in prior contractual disasters or near-disasters. In- provided to the Purchaser in computerized form, the Con-
dividual styles or forms should give way to corporate styles tract Specifications should clearly state that requirement in
and forms, so that a Contractor is not confronted with dif- order to avoid disputes over interpretation of what consti-
ferent styles or forms in the same Contract Specification. tutes usual practice.
A specification-related risk that is too often encountered
is that of pride of authorship. Even if a contractual disas-
ter or near-disaster has previously resulted from the use of 9.3.15 Common Problems with Specification Language
a particular wording of a specification, the writers of it may The work scope of shipbuilding contracts is sometimes beset
continue to believe that the troubles were not due to the by problems with grammar and word usage. The idea of
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-35

using a common language between the Contractor and Pur- use sometimes have significantly different meanings. For
chaser is to ensure complete understanding. Contract doc- example, Americans pull cable when installing it, whereas
uments between, say, a European shipowning organization the British pull cable when removing it. The point made here
and an Asian shipbuilder may be in English because both is to avoid colloquialisms for which others may not have
parties are reasonably fluent in English as well as their own the same working definition.
language, but not fluent in the other party’s language. Once Words and phrases such as workmanlike, first-class ma-
a common language is selected, it is important that both rine practice and good shipbuilding practice cannot be re-
parties use it in the same, correct manner. lied upon and should generally be avoided. The very
Significant problems have arisen over colloquial word subjective nature of these phrases, coupled with the differ-
usage when involving two parties that both use English. For ing perspectives and expectations of the Purchaser and Con-
example, when a project involves a British naval architect tractor, effectively renders such phrases useless; they do not
and an American shipyard; both parties speak English as adequately support the Purchaser’s interests or bind the
their native tongue, but in fact the colloquialisms that each Contractor to any meaningful extent.
The words any and all are not equivalent. Any is an in-
determinate number or amount, which may mean one, some
or all. It is usually better to use all or any and all to pre-
TABLE 9.VII Examples of Documentation Required by clude the shipyard from misconstruing the work scope. In
Shipowner for New Ship Construction ship repair, phrases such as as necessary, as required, to suit
and as directed must be used with extreme care in order to
Hull Model Test Results P.O. Technical Specifications avoid ambiguities. Those phrases do not lend themselves to
Propeller Model Test Results Responses to comments on development of estimates of quantities, which is basis of a
Propeller-induced Vibration drawings bid and contract. In cases where the extent of repairs can-
Studies Finite Element Analyses not be known beforehand, the specification should be care-
Preliminary Weights and Fatigue Analyses (Structural) fully drawn and a procedure should be implemented to
Centers Reports Heat Load Calculations handle open and inspect items and other conditional work.
Preliminary Trim, Weight and Electrical load Calculations
Stability Fault Current Analyses 9.3.16 Shipowner-Furnished Equipment
Final Weights and Centers Inspection Deficiency Reports
Reports The decision by the Purchaser to supply shipowner-fur-
Responses to inspection nished equipment (OFE) to the Contractor for installation
Final Trim and Stability Reports
Reports aboard the new ship may be based on any of several possi-
Temperature/Humidity during
Damage Stability Analyses bilities:
Tank Capacity Tables Megger readings (electrical • long lead time procurement requirements,
Correspondence with cable) • already-stocked by the shipowner’s organization,
Classification Organization Noise Level Readings • absolute control over equipment selection;
Correspondence with Test Results (numerous types) • potential savings, and
Regulatory Agencies Vibration readings • easier procurement than by shipyard,among other pos-
Detailed Initial Schedule Crane and Trolley Test Results sible reasons.
(engineering, procurement,
production and testing) Dock-trial Test Results Regardless of the motivation and/or reasoning by the
Updated Schedules as Sea-trial test Results Purchaser, which results in the use of OFE, none of them
appropriate and per Operational Placards on the can guarantee a risk-free relationship between the Purchaser
contractual requirements Bridge and the Contractor.
Working Plans Safety Placards throughout the The incidence of disputes and/or misunderstandings as-
ship sociated with OFE is far too common to dismiss as an aber-
Detailed Drawings
Progress photographs ration. Rather, analysis of past OFE-related disputes
Production Sketches
Component Manuals indicates that there are six aspects of OFE that often are not
Drawings submitted to
System Manuals adequately addressed in the specifications, thereby causing
Final photographs disputes and/or misunderstandings: content, form, place of
Drawings submitted to
delivery, schedule of delivery, vertical integration, and hor-
Regulatory Agencies As-built (as-fitted) Drawings
izontal integration.
9-36 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Each of these elements of OFE are discussed herein to ally responsible for correction of those damages or condi-
promote an understanding of the potential problems that tions, and the Contractor becomes responsible for any subse-
must be circumvented by appropriate specification language. quently noted damages.
The content of the OFE needs to be defined with suffi- In order to plan the work appropriately, the schedule of
cient precision so that the Contractor knows what is and delivery of OFE must be communicated to the Contractor
what is not being provided. The Contractor will be respon- if it is not already stated in the Agreement. If the schedule
sible for supplying all of the necessary fixtures, fittings and of delivery is not identified by the contract documents, it
connections that are necessary to incorporate the OFE into may be established by the Contractor and communicated to
the ship; but the Contractor must base its bid price on an the Purchaser through development and transmittal of the
understanding of what hardware it has to provide. Consid- detailed project schedule. If this occurs, the Purchaser may
eration of the interface hardware provides examples: foun- face OFE delivery commitments that cannot be achieved,
dations; conversion fittings (metric to imperial units); in which case the Purchaser must advise the Contractor of
connector cables and hoses; and resilient mountings; among more appropriate OFE delivery schedules before the proj-
others. Some Purchaser’s have supplied the entire propul- ect is substantially underway.
sion system as OFE, in which instances questions arose Vertical integration of OFE refers to the process of in-
over which shaft bearings and which foundations were also tegrating each item of OFE with all those parts of the ship
to be OFE. One shipowner thought the rudder and its con- which the Contractor has responsibility to supply. This in-
trol mechanism were part of the propulsion system that was tegration may include consideration of piping and electri-
being purchased separately from a vendor. Other shipown- cal connections, air and exhaust connections, fuel and lube
ers have mistakenly thought that the governor is always part oil supply, water and steam connections, the structural foun-
of the shipowner-supplied diesel engine; this is not neces- dation, as well as the control, alarm and monitoring systems.
sarily correct. These examples are mentioned to illustrate Before the physical integration takes place, the design in-
that what is going to be supplied as part of the OFE may be tegration requirements have to be addressed by having the
obvious to one party may be far from obvious to another. Purchaser supply to the Contractor all relevant connectiv-
The form in which OFE will arrive at the shipyard should ity and interface information. The vertical integration also
be communicated to the Contractor by the specifications to addresses the need for component, system and ship testing
ensure that all costs and schedule impacts arising from the as appropriate. The Contractor will need to know, for sched-
OFE can be included in the bid price. The extent of assem- uling purposes, if the vendor’s technical representative will
bly work that will be required if the OFE arrives in pieces have to conduct independent tests to ensure proper instal-
is important to the Contractor. The need to provide tempo- lation as a basis for issuing the vendor’s warranty.
rary protective covering or other maintenance services prior Horizontal integration of OFE refers to the process of
to shipboard installation may also be a cost basis to the Con- integrating each item of OFE with other items of OFE, as
tractor. Any other aspects of the form of OFE that may re- appropriate. When the Purchaser is supplying multiple com-
quire labor or materials to prepare the OFE for shipboard ponents of a system as OFE, responsibility for the compat-
installation should also be addressed in the specifications. ibility and connectivity of all those components with one
The place of delivery of OFE is usually addressed in the another usually rests with the Purchaser, not the Contrac-
Agreement, such as the Contractor’s warehouse at a spe- tor. For example, if the OFE includes a diesel engine as well
cific street. However, if it is not addressed in the Agree- as a torsional coupling, the compatibility of the physical
ment, the point of delivery should be included in the mating of the torsional coupling to the engine’s flywheel
specifications. If some of the OFE is being delivered at a may have to be assured by the Purchaser, not by the Con-
near-by seaport or airport, and other OFE is being delivered tractor. If hydraulic cylinders as well as a hydraulic power
to the shipyard, that differentiation should be made. If the pack are being supplied as OFE, the hydraulic, electrical,
Contractor has to provide transportation of the OFE from control and alarm connections between them need to be ad-
a remote (non-shipyard) location, the Contractor may wish dressed, since the Contractor may otherwise believe that
to include those costs in its bid price (drivers, insurance, the Purchaser is supplying and arranging for all those con-
truck rental, etc.). nections to be completed by the vendor of the equipment.
The Contractor is usually required, per the Specifica- Accordingly, specification writers must thoroughly in-
tions, to provide to the Purchaser a report on the condition vestigate, understand and communicate in the written Con-
of the OFE upon its delivery to the shipyard, identifying any tract Specifications all aspects of OFE that may cause the
damages or unexpected conditions. The Purchaser is usu- Contractor to incur costs and/or schedule impacts. If any
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-37

assumptions have to be made by the Contractor to price the 9.3.18 Compartment Closeouts
OFE-related work, the specification writer should realize that During the process of ship construction and testing, every
the assumptions will be “least-cost” ones, placing a greater component and system will have been tested, all the structural
burden on the Purchaser and the vendors of the OFE, at the work will have been inspected, and all of the coatings, deck
expense of the Purchaser unless clearly stated otherwise in finishes, and overhead closures will have been inspected. How-
the Contract Specifications. ever, those inspections and tests will have taken place while
the shipyard personnel were still active in each space or work-
ing on each deck area, and while shipyard equipment was still
9.3.17 Identifying Necessary Tests and Trials
widely distributed throughout the ship. Compartment close-
The process of conducting any test or trial represents a cost outs are the inspection activity by the representatives of the
to the Contractor. In order to prepare a complete bid, the Purchaser to confirm that the shipyard has cleaned-up and
Contractor has to know in advance the nature and extent of withdrawn from each compartment prior to ship delivery.
all tests and trials that need to be conducted. Thus the Con- For these purposes, a compartment is any of the fol-
tractor must be able to ascertain from the contract docu- lowing: tanks, void spaces, each level of sections of cargo
ments, primarily the Contract Specifications, both the nature holds between deep web frames or bulkheads, control rooms,
and the extent of the required tests and trials. The necessity equipment rooms, reefer spaces, store rooms, accommo-
for tests may originate with regulatory agencies, classifica- dations, heads, galleys, sections of passageways, chart room,
tion organizations, the Purchaser’s additional requirements, interior bridge, bridge wings, steering gear flat, paint rooms,
or the OFE vendor’s requirements. chain lockers, shaft alley, each level of each of the ma-
Many of the tests and trials will have to be conducted to chinery spaces, bosun’s locker, each section of the weather
satisfy the regulatory requirements and the classification deck, and every other type of area that may be appropriate
rules. If, as is customary, the Contractor is solely responsi- to the individual ship.
ble for obtaining all regulatory and classification approvals, This section of the Contract Specifications could require
the Purchaser need not spell out each and every such test that the Contractor to prepare each such compartment for a joint
is within that part of the work scope. However, if the Agree- inspection after the shipyard has completed and withdrawn
ment doesn’t already state it, the specifications should clearly from each compartment. This would include, but not be
state that the Contractor must perform all inspections and limited to, removal of scaffolding and ladders, withdraw-
tests necessary to obtain all the approvals and certificates from ing of welding leads and gas hoses, removal of temporary
the various regulatory agencies and the classification or- lighting and ventilation, paint touch-up where temporary
ganization that are listed elsewhere in the contract docu- clips have been removed, picking up papers, cans, welding
ments, all at no additional cost to the Purchaser. rod stubs and other disposables, clearing out all bilge suc-
The more challenging aspect of this section of the spec- tions, disposal of all temporary protective materials, and
ifications is to address the Purchaser’s additional test re- confirmation of the placement of labels on cables and pip-
quirements and the OFE vendor’s test requirements that are ing, if required by the specifications, among other possible
supplementary to the other, already-addressed tests and tri- aspects of these compartment close-out inspections.
als. There is no nearly universal set of tests that falls within To avoid having the Contractor present all the compart-
this category. Every ship type has differing requirements, ments on a ship for close-out inspection at the same time,
and within each ship type, every Purchaser will have dif- the specifications could require the Contractor to present in
fering requirements. The Purchaser’s and OFE vendor’s test advance a list of all the compartments and a proposed close-
and trial requirements are shaped, in part, by their percep- out inspection date within a few weeks prior to vessel deliv-
tion of what is needed above and beyond the regulatory and ery, which schedule would be subject to negotiation if
classification tests and trials. It should be noted that the du- needed. Certainly many of the compartments can be closed
ration or extent of tests and trials is also an important cost out prior to sea trials, and the remaining ones closed out in
factor to the Contractor. If, for example, there is special orderly fashion between the conclusion of sea trials and
equipment aboard the ship due to its particular shipowner Vessel Delivery.
and mission, some Purchasers may require a full 24-hour
heat run, and others may be content with a 4-6 hour test;
the Contractor must know the extent of those tests and tri- 9.3.19 Disposal of Hazardous and Toxic Materials
als in advance of bidding, perhaps by references to appro- The process of ship construction may occasionally create
priate SNAME, ASTM, or other standards and procedures. waste materials that are deemed hazardous or toxic ac-
9-38 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

cording to environmental regulations. For example, in ment to be provided within those facilities. Unless the con-
some jurisdictions, empty but wet paint cans are hazardous tract documents, usually the Contract Specifications, indi-
materials. Ordinarily, the Contractor will be solely re- cate the type, size and furnishing of the facilities, only
sponsible for the proper transportation and disposal of any minimal facilities may be provided, if any.
toxic or hazardous materials resulting from the construc- Thus, this section of the Contract Specifications should
tion process. indicate the requirements for each of the following:
If the delivery to the shipyard and installation of OFE cre-
• total area to be provided,
ates any toxic or hazardous materials, the handling, trans-
• number of different rooms within that total area and ap-
portation and disposal of them has to be carefully addressed
proximate area of each room,
by the Contract Specifications. First, the specifications have
• the fact that the rooms should be located contiguous to
to identify them by type, constituents, and quantity. Second,
one another,
the specifications have to assign to the Contractor the re-
• the number of desks and chairs to be in each room,
sponsibility for containing those materials to prevent con-
• the capacity of the conference table (if required),
tamination of the shipyard or the ship itself. Third, the
• the size and number of drawing tables,
specifications must call for the Contractor to provide safety
• the number of telephone lines in each room and number
and health appliances for employees as may be appropriate
of connection points for each,
and consistent with health and safety regulations. Fourth, the
• the total number of telephones to be provided,
specifications then should address the need to transport those
• the total number of fax machines to be provided,
materials over public highways by carriers who are licensed
• the presence of a xerographic copier of a nominated
to do so, and fifth, to dispose of the materials at landfills, incin-
copying rate and document reproduction size,
erators or by other means at facilities that are licensed to un-
• other features that will facilitate the obligations and work
dertake such disposal, all at no additional cost to the Purchaser.
of the Purchaser’s representatives, and
• proximity of the offices to the ship before launching.
9.3.20 Work Performed by OFE Vendors For reasons of security, if considered appropriate, the
When the vendor of OFE sends a technical representative specification could require that the phone and fax lines for
(tech rep) to the shipyard to direct or oversee the installa- those offices be run directly from the street and not go
tion or start-up of OFE, the Contractor may have to pro- through the shipyard’s centralized phone system. (Cellular
vide support services to that tech rep. These services may phones are not a form of secure communications.) For rea-
be limited to the provision of temporary lighting and ven- sons of convenience, the specification could require the
tilation or scaffolding and ladders. Sometimes the OFE shipyard to temporarily provide a certain number of pagers
vendor’s tech rep may require the assistance of several of for use by the Purchaser’s representatives.
the shipyard’s mechanics or other craftsmen for a period
of time.
For each instance where the OFE vendor’s tech rep will 9.3.22 Development of Contract Plans
require shipyard support services, the rendering of those Throughout this section on Formation of Contract Specifi-
services will be a cost to the Contractor. Accordingly, the cations and Plans, the emphasis has been on the wording of
Contract Specifications could advise the Contractor of the the Contract Specifications, and only occasionally have the
need to provide such support services and indicate the na- Contract Plans been mentioned. This is not to lessen the
ture and duration of the manpower and equipment needed importance of the Contract Plans, but rather recognizes that
for such support services. If this matter is not adequately the Contract Plans are usually considered to be part of the
covered by the Contract Specifications, the Purchaser may Contract Specifications, or at least to be below the Contract
be asked later for a Change Order to cover those costs. Specifications in the hierarchy discussed in Section 9.2, on
Formation of the Agreement.
The purpose of Contract Plans is to convey to the Con-
9.3.21 Facilities for Shipowner’s Representatives tractor the spatial relationships, the configurations, the
Most shipyards have rooms in their office buildings set aside arrangements and the appearances of the various parts of the
for use by the Purchaser’s representatives during the de- vessel that are not capable of being conveyed solely by writ-
sign, construction, testing and trials phases of the ship con- ten words. By identifying them as Contract Plans, the intent
struction project. Some shipowners’ organizations require is that they are non-alterable except by a formal Change Order.
more space than others, and some require particular equip- The contract-level design expressed in part by the Con-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-39

tract Plans can vary considerably; some contract-level de- ships may be different from normal shipbuilding standard
signs will include only a few drawings and be sparse with tolerances.
details; others will include a large number of drawings, each
of which contains considerable details.
From the outset of the project, the Purchaser and its naval 9.3.23 Interpretation of Contract Plans
architects and design engineers have to decide what design In order to avoid misunderstandings that arise later, it may
configurations pertaining to the ship must be controlled en- be advisable for the Purchaser’s naval architects and design
tirely by the Purchaser (these become the Contract Plans), engineers to seek regulatory and/or classification approvals
what design configurations can be determined from regu- of the anticipated Contract Plans before the contract is ex-
latory and classification requirements, and what design con- ecuted. Problems have arisen in the past due to the fact that
figurations can be determined by the Contractor so long as the Purchaser’s naval architects did not interpret the classi-
they satisfy all other contractual requirements. The phrase fication requirements in the same manner as the classifica-
design configurations is used here because that is the type tion organization itself. Pre-contract approval of the Contract
of information that is best contained in plans rather than Plans, however, does not eliminate the need for further ap-
specifications. In other words, development of the list of provals of the more-detailed plans that are to be developed
drawings that will be Contract Plans is the output of a risk- by the Contractor after contract execution.
decision analysis. If the configuration of a certain aspect of The Purchaser’s naval architects and design engineers
the ship is not included in a Contract Plan, the final con- should appreciate that many objects shown on Contract
figuration will be determined by the Contractor in its search Plans are representations only, and do not indicate with pre-
for a least-cost solution. cision the dimensional proximity of structures or other items
If the presence of inclined ladders in a particular area of of equipment. This means that the Contractor will have a
the ship is important to the Purchaser, for example, when reg- window of placement of that item of equipment. If clear-
ulations would otherwise permit vertical ladders, that require- ances around that item of equipment are important, it would
ment may be best communicated to the Contractor in a be best if the drawing noted that requirement, possibly with
Contract Plan. The shape of the hull may be considered too reference to an appropriate Contract Specification item.
important to be left to the discretion of the Contractor; but if Both parties have to recognize that the notes contained
the vessel is a low-speed barge, only general guidance as to within a drawing are as much a part of that drawing as are
the bow and stern configuration may be necessary, thereby the graphical representations. If the note states that the di-
allowing the Contractor to design it as a least-cost solution. mensions and linear weight of a stiffener is typ. or typical
Once a decision is made as to what information will be for a group of stiffeners, the Contractor cannot pretend that
conveyed to the Contractor by the Contract Plans, the Pur- the information was lacking. On the other hand, the Pur-
chaser’s naval architects and design engineers must ensure chaser’s naval architects need to appreciate that shipyard per-
that the Contract Plans are not misleading. For bidding pur- sonnel cannot read the minds of the persons preparing the
poses, the Contractor is allowed to rely on information con- drawings. Thus, the working rule should be that if there is
tained within the Contract Plans as being consistent with any doubt as to how someone other than the author of a plan
the nominated regulations and classification rules. If, for will interpret part of it, then more information is better than
example, the Contract Plans include a schematic ventilation less and more notations are better than fewer, even at the
plan showing 14 fire dampers, the Contractor is allowed to risk of making the drawing look too busy. If it is necessary
rely on the fact that only 14 fire dampers will satisfy regu- to refer to a second Contract Plan to fully understand the
latory requirements. If a lesser number is required, the Con- first, it is best to not assume the Contractor will examine
tractor is still obligated to install the indicated 14 fire both plans concurrently. Rather, the first plan could refer-
dampers; but if a greater number is required, the excess ence the second one, and vice-versa, to ensure clarity, with-
above 14 may become the basis of an essential Change out which risks are being created.
Order. A previous sub-section of this section addressed the sub-
Tolerances that are to be achieved are often implied by jects of composite drawing and the resolution of interfer-
reference to a standard, in which case the standard should ences. Naval architects and design engineers who have not
be reviewed for applicability before citing it. However, if prepared composite drawings prior to the execution of the
tolerances for certain elements of the ship are of special contract should anticipate that likely there will be interfer-
concern to the Purchaser, they should be expressly stated ences arising from a strict interpretation of the contract doc-
in the relevant Contract Plans or Contract Specifications. uments. Accordingly, those persons should be prepared to
For example, the tolerances within cell guides for container accept variations from the Contract Specifications and Con-
9-40 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

tract Plans that need to be altered to eliminate such inter- For example, the phrase Guidance Plans can be defined in
ferences. Again, it can be expected that the Contractor will the Agreement to mean plans from which the Contractor may
seek to eliminate those interferences in a least-cost manner. vary, at no additional cost to the Purchaser, only if approved
If the Purchaser’s naval architects and design engineers in advance by the Purchaser.
are not going to be receptive to Contractor-determined Another possible definition of Guidance Plans could be,
resolution of interferences which arise from the contract for example, plans which must be adhered to in all respects
documents, perhaps they may wish to undertake the devel- except that the exact dimensions shown or implied therein
opment of composite drawings prior to contract execution. may result in physical interferences with other components
However, this would be meaningful only for those situations of the ship, which interferences are to be resolved by the
in which the Purchaser wishes to control nearly all of the Contractor at no additional expense to the Purchaser. There
spatial relationships, configurations, arrangements and ap- are, of course, many other possible definitions of Guidance
pearances through the use of a large number of Contract Plans; but failure to define the term, when Guidance Plans
Plans, which is fairly common for naval combatant vessels are included in the contract package, may lead to confusion
and passenger ships. at best, or serious disputes at worst.
Contract Plans generally should not include quantities
of materials, though they could indicate types of materials
in a Bill of Materials at the top of the drawing if the types 9.3.25 Newbuilding, Repair and Conversion
are not already identified in the Contract Specifications. The Although this chapter is intended to apply to new ship con-
presence of exact quantities on Contract Plans may lead to struction, certain aspects of it also apply to ship conversion
allegations of extras by the Contractor, resulting in an oth- and repair. It should be appreciated, however, that this sec-
erwise unnecessary Change Order. tion on Formation of Contract Specifications and Plans is
If the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans are avail- least applicable to ship repair, and a slightly greater portion
able in computerized format, the Purchaser can provide them of it may apply to ship conversion.
to bidders as long as a contractually binding hard (paper) For ship repair, the specifications address each repair
copy, produced by the original developer of them and not item individually, although the general section of the Con-
by another party, becomes the official contract document. tract Specifications may be somewhat applicable to repair
as well as newbuilding. Ship conversion, which involves a
significant amount of new steel and/or new arrangements,
9.3.24 Use of Guidance Plans may appear to be more related to newbuilding than to ship
Some naval architects who develop and/or assemble the repair. However, ship conversion specifications are even
technical documents for a shipbuilding contract incorpo- more difficult to write than newbuilding specifications. The
rate into the contract package several Guidance Plans in ad- reason for that greater difficulty is that in ship construction,
dition to Contract Plans. One possible reason for the the specifications and plans must only define the final prod-
differentiation between Guidance Plans and Contract Plans uct, but in ship conversion, the specifications and plans must
may be that the naval architect has in mind a different de- define both the starting point (the ship before conversion)
gree of required compliance by the Contractor. as well as the end point.
Another possible reason for the inclusion of Guidance These points about ship repair and ship conversion spec-
Plans is to give the Contractor a starting point for its own de- ifications are included only to caution the reader that those
sign development responsibilities. A third possible reason for types of projects are quite different from new ship con-
incorporating two different types of plans in the contract struction. Accordingly, the formation of Contract Specifi-
package is to encourage the Contractor to seek alternative, cations for ship repair and the formation of Contract
lower-cost means which will lead to savings for both Pur- Specifications and Plans for ship conversion will be a meas-
chaser and Contractor. There are several other possible rea- urably different process than discussed above.
sons for including Guidance Plans in a contract package.
The realization that there may be any of several reasons
for using Guidance Plans in addition to Contract Plans points 9.4 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTS DURING
out a potential cause of contractual difficulties. Namely, the PERFORMANCE
Contractor may attach a different significance to the Guid-
ance Plans than intended by the Purchaser. The means of 9.4.1 Introduction
avoiding such difficulties or disputes is to either avoid using The purpose of active and responsible contract management
Guidance Plans, or to define the use of the word guidance. is two-fold. First is the necessity of monitoring your own
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-41

team’s responsibilities and managing them through the use age the contract more aggressively to get the Contractor’s
of your own contract management team’s resources and actions into alignment with its contractual responsibilities.
through the timely redirection or re-allocation of those re- Similarly, from the shipyards’perspectives, it sometimes
sources as appropriate. The second purpose is monitoring appears that shipowners expect the shipyard to modify the
the other party’s fulfillment of its responsibilities and noti- Specifications and Plans to suit certain more-costly inter-
fying that party when the potential or actual failure to ful- pretations of the shipowners’ representatives, but without
fill its responsibilities arises. formally changing the Contract Price or performance pe-
The responsibilities of each party are defined by the con- riod. Sometimes Purchasers’ engineering staffs try to use
tract documents, primarily by the Agreement, the Contract the drawing review process to micro-manage the detail de-
Specifications and the Contract Plans. The preceding sec- sign decisions that were ceded to the Contractor. From the
tions focused on the development and formation of those shipyards’ perspectives, any such behavior by shipowners’
documents in a manner that provides a contractually-bind- representatives undermines the right of the Contractor to se-
ing foundation or basis that will ensure the Purchaser gets lect the means of achieving compliance with the Specifica-
the product it has bargained for, and the Contractor has to tions and Plans, all at a fixed price. If that situation is
produce no more than it is being paid for. developing, the shipyard must also manage the contractual
With that foundation in place, the Contractor expects relationship with the shipowner’s representatives more ag-
that it should be able to proceed with its planning, engi- gressively in order to restrain them from asking for more
neering, procurement, production and testing with only min- than they have the contractual right to do.
imal interference from the Purchaser. At the same time, the It is appropriate to recall part of the introduction to this
Purchaser believes it has the right to expect that the Con- chapter:
tractor will provide all the plans, schedules and documen-
. . . But there is another form of disaster involving ships;
tation supporting the design, construction and testing in a
namely, contractual disasters, situations in which the ship-
timely manner, and expect that the Contractor will construct
yard and ship shipowner are both terribly harmed due to
and deliver the ship on time.
mismanagement of the shipbuilding contract.
These two sets of expectations suggest that, aside from
engineering and production work, there is not much for ei- It is noted that disasters result from mismanagement of
ther party to do besides watch the ship being designed and the shipbuilding contract. This means that the contractual
built. That perception is not only wrong, but also danger- disasters can originate not only with poorly developed con-
ous. In fact, there are a tremendous number of contract man- tracts, which development is part of contract management,
agement activities that must be addressed by both parties but that contractual disasters can also evolve from improper
during contract performance. If one party or the other takes or unsuitable management during contract performance.
the attitude that it shouldn’t have to do much contract man- In other words, situations arise in which one party or the
agement now that the contract has been signed, then that other, Contractor or Purchaser, are not managing the con-
party is likely to pay a severe price for not having actively tract, but instead are either expecting to maintain a relation-
managed the contract. ship with the other party while operating contrary to the rules
In other words, those are theoretical expectations, and of the contract, or are simply neglecting their responsibility
are not fully achieved in practice. Sometimes actual prac- to actively manage their side of the contract. The risks asso-
tice varies considerably from those theoretical expectations ciated with such actions are often translated into an aban-
due to either or both parties’ mismanagement of the con- donment of the rights of one party or the other in order to
tract during contract performance. avoid litigation, or may result in litigation or arbitration. By
developing a clear understanding of each party’s contract
management responsibilities during contract performance,
9.4.2 The Origins of Contract Mismanagement and then fulfilling those responsibilities, both parties are as-
Shipowners’ on-site representatives sometimes believe that sured of achieving what they bargained for during contract
the Contractor has the attitude that the shipyard will follow formation and the described adverse risks can be avoided.
the spirit of the Contract Specifications and Plans, but will
not always meet certain exact requirements as stated therein.
This, in the eyes of the shipowners’ representatives, under- 9.4.3 The Contract Management Team
mines the contractual requirements and dilutes the effort that The actual management of the contract for each of the Con-
was put into defining the Specifications and Plans. If that sit- tractor and the Purchaser is usually accomplished by a num-
uation is developing, shipowners’representatives must man- ber of specialists who, collectively, constitute the contract
9-42 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

management team. Depending on the size, complexity, A more appropriate means of measuring a contract man-
uniqueness and schedule of a shipbuilding project, and pos- agement team’s performance is to have regular opportuni-
sibly depending on other factors, too, the size of the con- ties to alter the emphasis and re-allocate resources being
tract management team after the contract is executed may applied to the contract. This is comparable to a ship navi-
be as large as several dozen individuals, as in large navy gator’s course correction at regular intervals. In that situa-
projects or cruise ships, for example, or as few as one in- tion, the navigator determines the ship’s actual position
dividual occasionally aided by consultants, as in a small relative to its anticipated position at that time, and then es-
pilot boat, for example. tablishes the new, corrected course and speed which should
Some shipowners undertake a sufficient number of ship- get the vessel to its objective in a timely manner.
building contracts to warrant having a full-time staff of con- Similarly, the contract management team for both the
tract management specialists; and other shipowners use an Purchaser and the Contractor establish waypoints in each
outside team of specialists or consultants. Usually a shipyard’s of the functional areas that are discussed below. Periodically,
contract management team consists of its own staff members, the actual contract progress in each of those functional areas
but occasionally the shipyard will utilize specialist consult- is compared to the baseline or planned status that should
ants if the ship type is unique or new to the shipyard, if the have been achieved by that time. If appropriate, the team
shipyard is experiencing a temporary surge of business, or to can then reassign resources within those functional areas
mitigate risks when contracting with certain shipowners. that appear to be impacting or close to impacting the proj-
Regardless of the type and size of the Purchaser’s con- ect. This applies to the contract management teams and re-
tract management team, it is important that the remainder sources for both the Contractor and the Purchaser.
of the Purchaser’s organization give prompt, effective sup-
port to the team whenever such needs arise. If there is any
shipowner-furnished equipment, the most important group 9.4.5 Managing the Entire Contract
to provide support will be the shipowner’s purchasing de- In this chapter, the importance and the role of technical per-
partment. A lack of expediency and/or accuracy in order- sons in formation of the Agreement, as well as in the for-
ing the OFE can easily result in major contract problems. mation of the Contract Specifications and Contract Plans,
Sometimes the additional support from the Purchaser’s has been discussed and emphasized. Too often, however, the
organization may be the timely need for information from contract management team focuses on management of the
the vessel operations department, or it may be to consent Contract Specifications and Contract Plans, and leaves aside
to the temporary use of specialist consultants when dealing management of the Agreement. Perhaps this situation arises
with some particular design or construction problem. An- because the Agreement looks too legalistic or has been mod-
other form of support for the contract management team may ified and formatted by attorneys. Nevertheless, the entire
be the need for approval from senior management of the de- contract has to be managed, including the Agreement as
ferral of changes requested by the operations department well as the technical aspects of the contract documentation.
until a subsequent drydocking or ship repair period in order The business managers and lawyers of the two contracting
to cease requesting change orders from the Contractor near parties are not involved in the daily contract management
the end of the construction phase. tasks. Thus, abandoning to organization’s business man-
agers or lawyers the management of the Agreement is equiv-
alent to not managing the Agreement at all. That is, if the
9.4.4 Effective Management contract management team does not manage the Agreement
An important question on which to focus at the outset of a as well as the technical documents, then the Agreement will
shipbuilding project for both shipyards and the shipowners not have been managed, creating unnecessary risks and
is: how will the success of the contract management effort likely incurring unnecessary costs.
be measured? Some contract management teams have A maritime industry contract management-training pro-
waited until the project was completed, and then with hind- gram (3) usually starts in the following manner: “Read the
sight considered how much the budget grew during the proj- Contract. Nearly every answer you may need, regardless of
ect and how much later than the original contract Delivery how the question is phrased, is found in the Contract.”
Date the ship was delivered. For some organizations, that Of course, the Contract includes all of the contract doc-
may be an acceptable form of measurement, but it does not uments, including the Agreement. Many of the answers
lend itself to actually managing a contract; rather, the par- needed during the project are found in the Agreement but
ticipants having that perspective are essentially observing not in the technical documents. Accordingly, members of
developments, not managing a contract. the contract management team should familiarize them-
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-43

selves with the table of contents of the Agreement, so that

when questions arise, they can easily refer to and study the
relevant sections of the Agreement as easily as they do with
the Contract Specifications.

9.4.6 Contract Management Phases

There are numerous non-maritime books on contract man-
agement, but a reader of them from the maritime industry
has to be aware that actual contract management practices
vary between industries. Thus, the direct adaptation of the
recommendations of generic contract management books
may create difficulties within the maritime industry. A di-
rectly relevant paper, A Shipowner’s Management of Ship
Construction Contracts (5), addresses shipbuilding contract
management from a shipowner’s perspective.
That paper views shipbuilding contract management in
five phases:
1. pre-contract management functions,
2. early management functions,
3. continuous Management Functions,
4. intermittent management functions, and
5. later management functions.
As illustrated in Figure 9.4, those phases occur at vari-
ous times relative to project initiation, contract execution,
physical construction, ship delivery, and end of warranty.
Within those five phases of contract management, the Figure 9.4 Five Phases of Contract Management
cited paper lists a total of 38 managerial activities relevant
to many shipbuilding contracts. Although that paper is writ-
ten from a shipowner’s perspective, it is recognized that mechanism. For example, if the Contractor is producing de-
shipyards have reciprocal or initiating functions associated tail drawings that are to be reviewed by the Purchaser in ad-
with each of those shipowner’s management activities. A vance of construction, the transmittal of those drawings is
brief description of those 38 management activities is given the communication that evidences the status of the Con-
in the Appendix to this chapter. tractor’s design development. If the Purchaser then sends
The progress of nearly all aspects of a shipbuilding proj- comments pertaining to those drawings to the Contractor,
ect can be tracked by the communications between the Con- the transmittal of those comments is the communication that
tractor and the other parties, including the Purchaser, evidences the Purchaser’s review of the design development.
regulatory agency and classification organization. Nearly As another example, if there will be some shipowner-
every step of progress is accompanied by a communication furnished equipment (OFE) as part of the project, its arrival
from the Contractor, and followed-up by a communication at the shipyard will result in a delivery receipt and possibly
from one of the other parties. an inspection report upon opening of the crate. Since both
parties, Contractor and Purchaser, will get copies of both
the receipt and the inspection report, those communications
9.4.7 Contract Communications serve to evidence the arrival of the OFE and its condition
Equally, if there is any shipowner-furnished information, upon arrival.
equipment or materials, the delivery of such items to the
shipyard is also accompanied by a communication. Thus,
tracking the actual communications will create an under- 9.4.8 Functional Areas of Contract Management
standing of the status of each aspect of the project. Both the In order to create an orderliness out of the hundreds or thou-
Contractor and the Purchaser can employ this fundamental sands of communications that will be created during a ship-
9-44 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

building project, the communications can be divided into consider how to temporarily increase the rate of electrical
functional areas, as illustrated in Table 9.VIII. The status of installations by assigning more electricians or by the judi-
each of those functional areas generally can be determined cious use of overtime, among other possibilities. The Pur-
with adequate accuracy by tracking the communications be- chaser may have similar responsibilities. For example, if
tween the parties pertaining to each of those functions. the review of detail drawings by the Purchaser’s engineer-
ing consultants or staff is not keeping apace with the ship-
yard’s submittal of them, in order to not lose the right to
9.4.9 Contract Management Procedures timely comment on the drawings, the Purchaser would con-
The tracking of communications to monitor the status of each sider a temporary increase of the drawing review staff.
functional area is the first step in active contract management
during contract performance. Recall the analogy, above, to
the ship navigator’s course corrections. The first step was to 9.4.10 Functional Spreadsheets
determine the position and current course of the ship. The generally described contract management procedures
Similarly, the status of the contract work, in each func- rely on both the Contractor and the Purchaser having an ex-
tional area, including both the Contractor’s and Purchaser’s pected status or target against which to measure the actual
roles, can be reasonably determined from the communica- status in each functional area identified in Table 9.VIII.
tions being tracked. Many of those targets can be developed in both form and
The second step in the previously stated navigator’s anal- content in advance, and the form of others can be developed
ogy is to determine where the ship should have been at the in advance but completed as to content during contract per-
time of measuring its actual location and course. In contract formance. For example, an advance drawing schedule iden-
management, a review of the project’s schedule and the an- tifies each of the drawings, and the target date for completion
ticipated status of each functional area relative to that sched- of each, that the shipyard will develop to suit its needs. Also,
ule serve to establish the progress that should have been the shipyard will have a detailed planned schedule devel-
made since the last course correction. This assumes that oped in advance for construction and testing.
the project schedule has sufficient detail, is a valid repre-
sentation of all activities in the project (engineering, purchas-
ing, production and testing), and is not merely a showpiece
prepared to satisfy a contractual requirement. TABLE 9.VIII Functional Areas of Contract Management
In the analogy, as the final step, the navigator would then
determine how the ship’s course and speed should be ad-
justed in order to assure timely arrival at the intended des- Equipment Purchase Orders
tination, if possible. Similarly, the contract management Engineering Analyses and Reports
team considers the difference between the actual status in Weight Control
each functional area and the intended status at that same
time, and then evaluates what reallocation of resources are
appropriate to correct any untoward variations. Classification
Of course, even without reference to communications, Regulatory Authority
the Contractor tracks the actual physical progress of the Owner Furnished Information
ship construction relative to the planned and updated sched-
Owner Furnished Equipment (or Materials)
ule. Whenever a discrepancy arises between actual and the
latest-planned schedules, the Contractor must evaluate Secondary Contracts
whether that schedule slippage will have any subsequent im- Change Orders
pact on ship delivery or the availability of resources that may Inspection by Shipowner
be in short supply, such as, having a limited number of work- Inspection Deficiency Reports
ers in a particular craft available for the project. The Con-
Test and Trials
tractor may then redirect the use of its resources to avoid
the developing impacts. Invoices and Progress Payments
This process of course correction is equally applicable Spare Parts and Hardware Deliveries
to both the Contractor and the Purchaser. For example, re- Paper/Computerized Deliverables
lating to the Contractor, if it is determined that electrical in-
Warranty Items
stallations are falling behind schedule, the shipyard would
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-45

The content of some functional areas cannot be defined ties can use for continuing or concluding the management
in advance. For example, the number and subject of in- of that functional area.
spection deficiency reports cannot be anticipated, but the As another example, nearly all of the inspections to be
means of communicating about such deficiencies can be performed by the shipowner’s representatives can be listed
planned in advance. in an inspection spreadsheet long before actual construc-
The anticipated and the routine contract management tion commences. The approximate target date of such in-
procedures for ship construction are achieved with the aid spections can be inferred from the Contractor’s detailed
of spreadsheets in each of the functional areas that pertain schedule. The spreadsheet then performs two functions: 1.
to the particular project. Some contract management teams it ensures that the shipowner’s representatives do not over-
use checklists, but it is recognized that a checklist is a lim- look any intended inspections, and 2. it tracks the timeli-
ited form of spreadsheet, not suitable for easy updating and ness of the Contractor’s preparations for inspections.
the addition of other information. A spreadsheet, on the Similar use is made of all the other spreadsheets devel-
other hand, whether manual or computerized, allows for oped for each of the other functional areas listed in Table
multiple data entries for each line item. 9.VIII as well as any other functional areas appropriate to
As an example, the column headings for a spreadsheet the specific project.
for inspection deficiency reports (I.D.R.’s) are listed in Table
9.IX. Upon inspection, if the shipowner’s representatives
identify a deficiency relative to the Contract Specifications 9.4.11 Active versus Passive Contract Management
or Contract Plans, an I.D.R. is sent to the Contractor. The theme of this section on the Management of Contracts
The Contractor may acknowledge that it constitutes a de- During Performance is captured by a principle of contract
ficiency and correct it then or at some other time; the Con- management stated in (3):
tractor may dispute that it is a deficiency; or the Contractor “Both parties to a contract must be active participants
may offer a credit if correction of it is waived by the Purchaser. during performance; passive contract management is taxed,
The spreadsheet has to be capable of addressing each pos- active contract management is rewarded.”
sible outcome, as well as have as its final column the date It was noted above that passive contract managers are
of closeout, when the issue was resolved between Con- no more than observers of the project’s events, having no
tractor and Purchaser due to either correction or waiver- influence on any adjustment in how the responsibilities of
with-credit. Any special retainages associated with the each party are being fulfilled. However, once a decision is
deficiency are noted in the same spreadsheet. made instead to be active contract managers, mechanisms
Thus, at a glance, the contract management team for ei- have to be developed to measure the success of that active
ther Purchaser or Contractor will know the status of all the contract management. As discussed in the prior section, the
identified I.D.R.’s. This forms a status report that both par- use of spreadsheets, either manual or computerized, asso-
ciated with each applicable functional area has been found
to be an effective means of monitoring the effectiveness of
such management.
TABLE 9.IX Spreadsheet Column Headings for
The initially developed spreadsheets constitute the tar-
Inspection Deficiency Reports
gets for performance by both the Contractor and the Pur-
I.D.R. Number chaser. The up dating of the spreadsheets establishes the
Date of Inspection actual point of progress in each functional area. Noting the
difference between target and actual progress, the relevant
Specification Item Number
party can redeploy or reallocate its available resources, or
Date Acknowledged by the Shipbuilder supplement those resources if appropriate, to get the proj-
Intended Correction date by Shipbuilder ect back on course to the extent needed.
Date of First Reinspection if Not Final It should not be forgotten however, as quoted earlier
from (3), that “Contract management should commence the
Date of Second Reinspection if Not Final
moment a contract is contemplated, not after it is signed.”
Date Disputed by Shipbuilder As discussed in the prior subchapters on formation of the
Amount of Credit for Waiver key components of the contract, that stage of contract man-
Amount of Special Retainage agement is the most important, as it creates the contractu-
ally-binding foundation for all subsequent participation by
Date of Closeout
both parties.
9-46 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

9.5 REFERENCES of the prime contract. Generally, the Purchaser has respon-
sibility for the performance of the secondary contractors,
1. Clarke, M. A., Shipbuilding Contracts, Comité Maritime In-
and the Contractor has responsibility for the performance
ternational, Lloyd’s of London Press, London, UK, 1982.
2. Fisher, K. W., “Responsibilities Pertaining to Drawing Ap- of the subcontractors.
provals During Ship Construction and Modification,” Specifications—General: Review of specifications to
SNAME Marine Technology, Vol. 28, No. 6, November 1991. maximize Shipowner’s and Contractor’s mutuality of in-
3. Training Program Notebook: Fundamentals of Contract and terpretation of each party’s technical responsibilities and to
Change Management for Ship Construction, Repair and De- identify ambiguous or incomplete aspects of specifications
sign, Fisher Maritime Transportation Counselors, Inc., which may require clarifications.
Florham Park, New Jersey, USA, Revised January 2000. Specifications—Schedule: Development of specifications
4. Daidola, J. and Llorca, M. R., “The Legal Ramifications of to supplement the Naval Architect’s specifications with a
Margins of Error,” Transactions, SNAME, 1999. section or sub-section pertaining to the Contractor’s sched-
5. Fisher, K. W., “An Shipowner’s Management of Ship Con- ule development and schedule-reporting commitments.
struction Contracts,” Proceedings of the Newbuild 2000 Con-
Specifications—Tests and Trials: Development or mod-
ference, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK,
ification of proposed specification pertaining to tests & tri-
October 1995.
als as necessary to maximize pre-delivery verification of all
systems and components modified by the shipyard.
Specifications—Downward Review: Coordination be-
9.A APPENDIX tween specifications and contract plans to maximize con-
sistency between those components of the contract.
9.A.1 Shipowner’s Contract Management Activities Specifications—Upward Review: Coordination between
The following constitutes a brief description, from a ship- agreement and specifications to maximize consistency be-
owner’s perspective, of each of the activities of contract tween those components of the contract.
management, divided into the five phases of contract man- Communications: Review of specifications to identify all
agement identified in Section 4. These descriptions are contractually anticipated communications evidencing com-
adapted from An Shipowner’s Management of Ship Con- pliance with contractual obligations by both Shipowner and
struction Contracts (5). The activities described below start Contractor. (see Deliverables)
with the draft Agreement, draft Contract Specifications and Deliverables Control Spreadsheets: Development of
draft Contract Plans. The corresponding shipyard’s contract computer-based, revisable, detailed lists and related infor-
management activities, in addition to engineering, pur- mation for each party’s communications, approvals, reports,
chasing, production and testing, usually are either parallel other software and hardware deliverables in hard-copy and
activities or mirror images of the shipowner’s activities. electronically.
They are not separately discussed below.
In these descriptions, OFI indicates Shipowner-Furnished
9.A.3 Phase II—Early Management Activities
Information and OFE indicates Shipowner-Furnished Equip-
ment, or Materials. The phrase secondary contract refers Project Kick-Off Meeting—Meet with Contractor’s con-
to a contract let by the ship shipowner to an organization tract management team to develop mutual interpretations
other than the Contractor, but which is meant to support or where ambiguities exist and to discuss other administrative
supply the Contractor. and procedural matters, which may be relevant to a smooth-
running contractual relationship. Some of the other mat-
ters, as identified in reference 2, are:
9.A.2 Phase I—Pre-Contract Management Activities • Avenues for exchanges of documentation and informa-
Organization—Development and structuring of Shipowner’s tion,
contract management organization, including functional • Clarify contract specifications & plans,
and reporting relationships pertaining to prime and all sec- • Clarify precedences, inclusions, exclusions,
ondary contracts associated with the project (contractor, en- • Identify OFI that is needed early to get project started,
gineering, regulatory, classification, suppliers, vendors, • Identify what is not already included in price & work
services, etc.). A secondary contract is one between the Pur- scope,
chaser and a vendor or service-provider other than the prime • Identify unit prices for labor, services, lay days, ma-
Contractor, which secondary contract supports the project terial mark-up,
Chapter 9: Contracts and Specifications 9-47

• Identify crafts and services that will be directly drawings, including bills of material, and preparation of
charged in change orders, comments as appropriate.
• Procedures to control shipowner property (if appli-
• Billing and payment practices, 9.A.4 Phase III—Continuous Management Activities
• Reporting requirements (weights, stability, vibration, Critical Path Network: Review of Contractor’s updates
noise, EMI, others), of the critical path network to ensure that schedule updates
• Change order procedures, including distributed, lim- reflect actual project conditions and events (start, percent
ited authority, complete, finish).
• Number of change order hours that automatically Progress Meetings: Leadership at regular progress meet-
gives one day extension, ings with Contractor and follow-up to ensure all obligations
• Quality control, testing, inspections, compartment by both parties arising there from are timely satisfied.
close-outs, Progress Monitoring: On-site identification of when crit-
• Identify standards that will apply to key inspections, ical path activities have started and finished to monitor Con-
• Turn-around times for condition reports and change tractor’s performance vis-à-vis its own planned schedule.
proposals, Progress Payments: Review of Contractor’s progress in-
• Disposal of hazardous and/or toxic materials, voices to ensure that all invoiced amounts have been earned.
• Spare-parts requirements, Classification: Oversight and review of Contractor’s
• Subcontract, or prime contract) issues, communications with classification organization.
• Where shipowner will inspect the subcontractor’s Regulatory: Oversight and review of Contractor’s com-
work, munications with appropriate regulatory authorities.
• Up dating & release of scheduling information,
• Special retainages for outstanding deficiencies, and
• Fire watch, fire response, pressurized fire main. 9.A.5 Phase IV—Intermittent Management Activities
Contract: Maintenance of up-dated contract including
Schedule: Review of Contractor’s proposed critical path changes to price, technical specifications, contract draw-
network to ensure all elements of the work scope are prop- ings and delivery date.
erly included, such as completion of design, engineering, Change Specifications: Development or review of tech-
procurement, production, subcontracts, tests & trials. nical aspects of proposed changes and Shipowner’s esti-
CFE Procurement: Monitoring of Contractor-furnished mate of cost of changes.
equipment (CFE) having long-lead time procurement win- Change Negotiation: Negotiation of proposed changes
dows. Failure by the Contractor to allow realistic, that is, after review and acceptance by technical staff.
long lead times for major or specially-manufactured equip- Delays: Review of Contractor’s requests for force ma-
ment is a too-frequent problem leading to costly repercus- jeure delays and oversight of other potential causes of delay.
sions in ship construction projects. For that reason, the Extensions: Review of contract extensions requested by
Purchaser should consider monitoring the Contractor’s or- Contractor in association with potential changes.
dering process and its schedule. Rework: Identification and documentation of types, areas
OFI Procurement: Procurement of Shipowner Furnished and timing of Contractor’s own rework necessitated by its
Design Information as required by contract. own errors.
OFI Schedule: Coordination with contractor for timely
delivery of Shipowner-Furnished Information.
OFE Procurement: Procurement of Shipowner Furnished 9.A.6 Phase V—Later Management Activities
Materials & Equipment and associated technical informa- Inspections: Identification of work in progress and com-
tion. pleted items to be inspected and accepted.
OFE Schedule: Coordination with contractor for timely Deficiencies: Development of inspection deficiency re-
delivery of Shipowner-Furnished Materials & Equipment. ports for transmittal to shipyard and follow-up to ensure
Secondary Contracts: Management of Shipowner’s sec- correction of cited deficiencies.
ondary contracts for design, support services and any OFE Tests & Trials: Review of draft agendas for tests and tri-
or OFI. als, oversight of tests and trials, review of final reports on
Drawings: Receipt and review of Contractor’s detail tests & trials.
9-48 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Acceptances: Preparation of notices of acceptance of in- Spare Parts: Development of approved spares lists and
spections, tests and trials, and conveyance of the accept- communications with Contractor to ensure timely arrival of
ance to Contractor. spares.
Compartment Closeouts: Final closeout inspection of Delivery: Development of draft vessel delivery docu-
each compartment upon presentation by Contractor (includes mentation and inventorying and filming of status of ship at
each tank and void space as well as working spaces), and time of delivery.
conveyance of the acceptance or deficiencies to Contractor. Warranty: Accumulation of warranty items identified by
Manuals: Review of draft manuals, including signs and operational staff, transmittal of reports to shipyard and fol-
placards, preparation of comments to Contractor, review of low-up to ensure correction of cited warranty items.
final manuals.
Chapter 10
Cost Estimating

Laurent C. Deschamps and John Trumbule

10.1 NOMENCLATURE G&A General administrative costs that can be isolated

from general overhead. G&A (determined more typi-
Block A structural interim product made from assem- cally for government contracts) identifies administrative
blies, sub-assemblies and parts, which can be joined with costs supporting the given work facility, such as legal
other blocks to form a grand block or can be erected in- and accounting, cost of money, marketing, etc.
dividually. Interim Product A level of the product structure that is the
CER A Cost Estimate Relationship is a formula relating output of a work stage and is complete in and of itself.
the cost of an item to the item’s physical or functional Indirect Cost Costs which are incurred for common or
characteristics or relating the item’s cost to t \he cost of joint objectives and which are not readily subject to treat-
another item or group of items. Examples: ment as direct costs. Indirect costs include overhead,
a. for steel block assembly, 25 man-hours/ton; G&A, and any material burden.
b. for pipe material, $25/meter; and On-Unit Outfitting A method of installing outfit system
c. for shipyard support service, 10% production hours. components and equipment items into a “packaged ma-
Cost Driver A controllable system design characteristic chinery unit” prior to its installation on-block or on-
or manufacturing process that has a predominant effect board.
on the system’s cost. On-Block Outfitting Installation of systems, fittings and
Cost Risk Cost Risk is the degree of cost uncertainty equipment into structural blocks have been has been as-
within an area of a project. It can be measured simply sembled. This work is often called pre-outfit. Pre-outfit
by relating the cost estimate against potential minimum often is performed in two distinct phases: Pre-outfit hot
and maximum cost values or by probabilistic distribu- refers to work that must be performed on the unit before
tions. Cost Risk can be impacted by schedule risk, tech- the unit can be painted (steel outfit items, seats, pipe, etc.);
nical risk, performance risk and economic risk. pre-outfit cold refers to work that can be performed after
Direct Cost Any costs which are identified specifically the structural unit has been painted (value fitting, HVAC,
with a particular final cost objective. Direct costs are not electrical cabling, equipment, etc.).
limited to items that are incorporated in an end product. On-Board Outfitting Installation of systems, fittings and
For example, support services that can be specifically al- equipment after the hull structure has been erected. The
located toward a given project may be direct costs. scheduling of on-board outfit activities normally should
Estimate Cost figure developed to anticipate the cost for follow a work plan organized for Zone Sequence Sched-
executing proposed work. The estimate normally be- uling.
comes the production budget less any management re- Overhead An indirect cost that is normally related to di-
serves withheld from the estimate. rect labor costs. Overhead includes such general costs

1 0 -1
10-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

as employee fringe benefits, plant maintenance and util- tionally has been a list of common ship systems (hull struc-
ities, rents and leases, equipment depreciation, etc. ture and outfit, equipment, piping, electrical, paint and fur-
PWBS Product-oriented Work Breakdown Structure: A nishings), augmented by ancillary shipyard services needed
combination of a number of breakdown structures that to support production. A well-known WBS is the U.S. Navy’s
form a hierarchical representation of the products, stage Ship Work Breakdown Structure, or SWBS. Another is the
and work type associated with the shipbuilding process. Maritime Administration’s Classification of Merchant Ship
Stage The division of the shipbuilding process by se- Weights. Other WBS schemes have been developed over the
quence. years by different shipyards some more detailed than others
SWBS Ship Work Breakdown Structure. There are many have. Regardless of the specific WBS, each provides a for-
varieties of SWBS, the U.S. Navy’s SWBS or more re- mat by which a shipyard can collect and organize costs that
cently ESWBS (Extended Ship Work Breakdown Struc- can be used to estimate pricing for new work.
ture) being the most familiar. This is a system-based WBS
Unit The placement of equipment and its related systems
together on a common foundation (seat) such as a pack- 10.2.2 Traditional Bid Estimating
aged machinery unit. Bid estimates have usually evolved at three levels of detail.
Work Center A company department or stage of con- The highest level is to provide only a very rough-order-of-
struction that is assigned specific responsibility and re- magnitude (ROM) cost estimate before any details of the ship
sources needed to perform work. Work centers may also design and manufacturing processes are fully considered.
be assigned to subcontractors. Such high-level estimates have been made on the basis of ship
Zone Physical areas of the ship: bow, stern, mid-body and weight, size and other general performance parameters.
superstructure. Zones can also identify structural blocks The next level is when a Preliminary Design has been
during hull construction: Bow blocks, mid-body bottom prepared and system weights have been estimated, and often
blocks, mid-body deck blocks, etc. used to determine whether a project should be funded.
A more detailed estimate typically follows the comple-
tion of the Contract Design with a pricing process that op-
erates within the WBS format. Traditional bid estimating
usually involves several different approaches to develop the
Shipyards, whether doing ship repair or new construction, pricing information:
typically have to deal with a highly variable product or serv- Hull structure is often priced on the basis of hull weight
ice to perform. This high degree of variation means that and type material (steel, aluminum, etc.). Some estimating
bidding on contracts can be extremely difficult, especially procedures break down the hull structure into definable
in a very competitive market. With minimal profit margins blocks or parts, such as double bottoms, decks, fore peak,
and precious little time available to make bids, the pricing aft section, etc. Each of these blocks has associated differ-
of new work can be hazardous unless there is a quick and ent degrees of production difficulty (for example, man-hours
accurate means for developing reasonable and reliable cost per ton) to build and therefore, different associated costs to
estimates. produce. The more advanced estimating practices break
down these basic hull block costs by stage of construction:
preparation, fabrication, assembly and erection.
10.2.1 Estimating Requirements Unique for Shipyards Major equipment items, such as propulsion diesel en-
The civil construction industry typically bids on work after gines, are usually priced by obtaining vendor quotations,
design has been completed and therefore can perform its es- then applying estimates for labor to install and test. For
timating on the basis of a bill of material takeoff from draw- long-term contracts, price adjustments for inflation and other
ings. Shipyard work, on the other hand, is not nearly so economic effects are added.
formalized and detailed in terms of work specifications. Ship Other outfit systems are estimated either from detail ma-
repair contracts usually identify individual work items to be terial take-off, which are rarely available for new designs,
performed, but rarely with well-developed drawings avail- or by estimating labor or material costs on an average cost
able. Even new construction contracts begin without detailed per parametric unit of issue basis. Historical costs collected
production drawings. Such contracts usually include the by WBS can be compiled with appropriate material size pa-
work to develop such detailed technical information. rameters to provide such pricing factors if such historical data
What usually allows a shipyard to develop rational cost is readily available and compiled for use by the estimator.
estimates is its ability to catalog historical costs by some con- Shipyard support services, including engineering, proj-
sistent work breakdown structure, or WBS. The WBS tradi- ect management and other production support efforts (ma-
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-3

terial handling, temporary services, etc.), are usually esti- (preparation, fabrication, assembly, installation, testing,
mated as percentages of overall production man-hour costs, etc.). Cost estimating can be integrated with detail engi-
taking into consideration the impact of the expected dura- neering trade off studies, that include not only alternatives
tion of the contract, degree of technical difficulty, and other in design, but alternatives in production engineering and
factors that might influence the cost for these efforts. manufacturing processes. The cost estimating at this stage
To complete the basis for a bid pricing proposal, over- can be used as a successful strategy for managing the de-
head is estimated based upon the shipyard’s production back tail design process and will help ensure that the final design
log, which will dictate the distribution of indirect costs to stays within prescribed cost objectives. The costing infor-
the new contract. Profit depends upon anticipated aggres- mation provides the fundamental basis for the Contract Price
siveness of competing proposals for the contract and/or re- and for establishing production budgets. This level is used
quirements of contract negotiations. by shipyards bidding on a design rather than for design
trade-off analysis.


Cost estimating occurs at various phases of ship design de-
velopment. The approach used to develop the cost estimate There is a number of different design and costing strategies
will largely depend upon the level of detail available for the that can impact a cost estimate.
cost estimating process.

10.4.1 Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)

10.3.1 Concept Design (ship type oriented) CAIV is a Department of Defense developed strategy for
The cost estimating possible during concept design is at a acquiring and supporting defense systems that entails set-
very high level and makes rather broad assumptions about ting aggressive, realistic cost objectives (and thresholds)
the ship design, its general mission, and its physical and op- for both new acquisitions and fielded systems and manag-
erational characteristics. Concept design may also make ing to those objectives. The costs objectives must balance
broad assumptions about the general methods and organi- mission needs with projected out year resources, taking into
zation of the design, engineering and construction processes. account anticipated process improvements in both DoD and
This level is used to decide the economic feasibility of the defense industries. This concept means that once the sys-
project. tem performance and objective are decided (on the basis of
cost-performance trade-offs), the acquisition process will
make cost more of a constraint, and less of a variable while
10.3.2 Preliminary Design (ship systems oriented) obtaining the needed military performance (1,2).
The cost estimating during preliminary design remains at a CAIV has brought attention to the government’s re-
relatively high level, but there is more detail information sponsibilities for setting and adjusting life cycle cost ob-
about the ship design with regard to the hull structure, the jectives and for evaluating requirements in terms of overall
equipment and outfit systems. During preliminary design, cost consequences. This is a shift from the traditional De-
cost estimating can be successfully integrated with the de- sign-to-Cost analytical approach.
sign-engineering process to produce high-level tradeoff stud- CAIV and Design-to-Cost have the same ultimate goal
ies useful for developing an appropriate direction for the of a proper balance among RDT&E, production and oper-
ship design. These studies set the basic design parameters ating and support costs while meeting mission needs ac-
for meeting mission requirements within general cost and cording to an established scheduled and within an affordable
schedule constraints. Preliminary design cost estimating may cost. However, CAIV approach has refocused Design-to-
begin to reflect the effects of alternate build strategies. This Cost to consider cost objectives for the total life cycle of
level is often used to evaluate and sanction projects. the program and to view cost as an independent variable with
an understanding it may be necessary to trade off perform-
ance to stay within cost objectives and constraints.
10.3.3 Contract Design (interim product and
manufacturing process oriented)
Cost estimating at this phase of design describes costs on 10.4.2 Design-To-Cost
the basis of production interim products (hull blocks, out- Design-To-Cost is a management concept wherein rigorous
fit modules, and ship zones) and manufacturing processes cost objectives (ceilings) are established (3). The control of
10-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

costs to meet these objectives is achieved by practical trade- the overall cost of a ship, its life cycle costs may need to be
offs involving mission capability, performance and other pro- estimated and evaluated. The life cycle of a ship or a piece
gram objectives. Cost is the overriding criteria throughout the of equipment is divided into essentially four stages:
design development and production stages of the program. Conception stage: All activities necessary to develop
When imposed on a program with a total cost constraint, and define a means for meeting a stated requirement. For
a process of cost estimating is carried out throughout the de- ships and equipment, this normally includes research and
tail design development. Cost, as a key design parameter, is development, design, contract specifications, identification
addressed on a continuing basis and is an inherent part of of all support necessary for introduction into service, and
the design development. In the final analysis, each system, identification of funding required and managerial structure
subsystem and component must be considered with respect for the acquisition.
to its cost and its effect on the cost of the program. Often Acquisitions stage: All activities necessary to acquire
times, the principles of lean design are applied to these sys- the ship and provide support for the ship and equipment
tems and components as a means to reduce their cost by identified in the conception stage.
virtue of simplifying the design, reducing the number of In-Service stage: All activities necessary for operation,
parts and making them easier and less expensive to build. maintenance, support and modification of the ship or equip-
ment throughout its operational life. The in-service stage is
normally the longest stage.
10.4.3 Negotiated Production Rates Disposal stage:All activities necessary to remove the ship
Negotiated Production Rates is a development of time and or equipment and its supporting materials from service.
materials type of contracting where the full scope of work In order to determine the overall life cycle cost for a
is undefined. These contracts negotiate not only traditional ship, costs must be estimated for each of the above stages.
labor rates, but also the production rates applicable to the
contract being pursued. These production rates are based
directly upon the shipyard’s CERs measured to perform a 10.4.5 Total Ownership Costs
variety of different work types and manufacturing processes.
An extension to LCC is the Navy’s Total Ownership Costs
Such cost and pricing methods are used for establishing
(TOC). TOC covers the same cost elements of life cycle
cost management of change orders and other work that can-
costs, but also includes the added costs for the infrastruc-
not be identified in detail and where fixed price contracting
tures required to support training facilities and other activ-
may carry too high a risk for either the shipyard or the
ities normally treated as indirect costs to the ship and its
shipowner, or both.

10.4.4 Life Cycle Costs

Life Cycle Costs (LCC) include design and acquisition (pro- 10.4.6 Return on Investment (ROI)
duction) costs as well as operations and supports costs ROI measures the estimated costs against estimated rev-
throughout the life of the product. Life cycle costs have enues. The balance or profit margin for the shipowner can
often been a major consideration for commercial shipown- make or break a design proposal. It also can form the basis
ers who must look at the bottom line for profit and a return for a design optimization strategy and tradeoff effort that
on their investment. If the cost of design and construction, seeks to maximize the shipowner’s return on investment.
including the cost of money, cannot be recouped within a Another form of ROI measurement strategy is to deter-
reasonable amount of time, the ship will not be built. If the mine required freight rates (RFR) for the ship design pro-
operating and maintenance costs (plus amortized construc- posed for service. Minimizing the RFR also can form the
tion costs) exceed operating revenues, again the ship will basis for design optimization studies.
not be built. Naval ships do not have a bottom line commercial profit
When viewing the life cycle cost breakdown, only about consideration. These ships are put into service only to sat-
25% of the costs may be directly related to acquisition (4). isfy a national security commitment to its citizens. How-
That means 75% of the total cost is operation and support and ever, as limited government funds address an ever-widening
is made up of personnel, maintenance, and modernization. array of government responsibilities, naval ships designs
For naval ships, the largest of these (37%) is personnel cost, now must be developed with an increasing focus on getting
followed by maintenance (21%) and modernization (13%). the biggest bang for the buck. Design and engineering trade-
Therefore, in order to obtain a more complete picture of off studies can minimize costs without sacrificing mission
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-5

capabilities. The objective for these studies is an increase basis for many of the cost estimating relationships (CERs)
in mission capabilities without an increase in cost. used by the cost estimator.
The WBS is a means for summarizing the scope of work
and should provide the format for identifying and cataloging
the details of the cost estimate:
10.5 ORGANIZING THE COST ESTIMATE • manufacturing and assembly operations that can be eas-
Normally, the bid estimate must be organized according ily identified by task (discrete work production work or-
to a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) defined within the ders),
request for proposal from the shipowner. For Navy bids, • production support activities (level of effort work such
estimates typically must be provided according to the as shipyard services),
Navy’s Ship Work Breakdown Structure (SWBS), a break- • technical services (design and engineering),
down of work and material by ship system categories. • subcontracted services, and
Commercial shipowners provide more latitude, but usu- • material and equipment.
ally they too want to review the estimate to some practi-
For new construction, the WBS defines the ship and its
cal summary levels of detail that identifies the basic ship
systems as designed for the owner:
components and systems, especially if there are various
design options to be considered. • hull structure,
But the estimate also needs to reflect the impact that the • propulsion plant,
proposed shipyard’s build strategy has upon the pricing in- • major equipment items,
formation. The concept of modular construction points the • distributed Systems (Electrical, Piping, HVAC), and
way for a need for modular cost estimating. The Product- • cleaning and paint.
oriented Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS) (5) is another
view of the work by ship systems (SWBS), but it also al- The additional efforts, including design and engineer-
lows costs to be packaged in terms of the modular con- ing services and shipyard support efforts, must also be iden-
struction environment. An estimating approach that is tified and incorporated into the work breakdown structure
organized around both a systems-based WBS and the mod- for the estimate:
ular construction concept allows different build strategies • shipyard services, and
to be explored and the consequences these issues have upon • technical services.
the bid proposal pricing.
It is also sometimes required, especially for govern-
ment projects, that the cost estimate be provided to the
10.5.1 Formats of Cost Estimate prospective customer (the shipowner) according to a work
The cost estimate must identify all direct costs (labor, ma- breakdown structure of the owner’s choice. Therefore, an
terial and subcontracted services) within the proposed scope estimating approach that supports multiple work breakdown
of work. Direct costs should include technical, production structures can save a lot of time from the estimator’s point
and all supporting shipyard services that are not considered of view.
indirect by the shipyard (supervision, temporary ship serv- The following describe the more prevalent WBS con-
ices, quality control, planning, project management, etc.). figurations in use today:
Where applicable, miscellaneous expenses such as freight
and transportation, insurance fees and taxes and duties at-
tributable to direct costs also need to be considered. Sepa- 10.5.2 Ship Work Breakdown Structure (SWBS)
rated from direct costs, indirect costs for overhead, material The U.S. Navy’s SWBS is the most familiar of the systems-
mark-ups, and general administrative efforts are necessary based work breakdown structures. However, when systems-
to complete the cost estimate. based structures were the standard for managing ship
The estimate needs to be developed within a framework construction, every shipyard devised their own variation to
that summarizes the costs within prescribed categories that suit their own needs and preferences. Today, ship design
can be monitored as the estimate evolves. The shipyard typ- still largely follows a SWBS format, particularly for weight
ically has its own work breakdown structure that is the basis control and for systems design. The transition to product
for the company’s operating systems that collect and man- and process-based formats is not typically made until de-
age return costs. These return costs provide the historical tail design is underway.
10-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

10.5.3 Product-oriented Work Breakdown Structure 10.6 COST ESTIMATING RELATIONSHIPS

Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs) provide the basic
Once any complex product such as a ship has been designed, means for estimating costs. CERs come in many different
planning and engineering efforts need to be applied toward flavors and varieties. They allow cost estimates to be de-
maximizing production efficiencies. This effort entails or- veloped for various material products, parts and compo-
ganizing work and resources that promote productivity and nents and labor processes including support services.
minimize non-value added costs. The concept of group tech- CERs come in many different levels of detail (Figure
nology, for example, supports this objective and enables en- 10.2). Costs can be estimated at very high levels during con-
gineered ship systems to be broken down into definable cept stages of design or they can be estimated at very low
interim products. These products can exploit significant cost levels from detail bills of material. In between these levels
and schedule savings because they enable the work to be there are CERs that provide perhaps more accuracy possi-
performed under more convenient and more easily per- ble from available design information but without the pre-
formed work conditions. cision of what might be obtained after detail design and
Figure 10.1 illustrates a PWBS that identifies the basic engineering has been completed.
areas of the ship (zones) and a progression of structural A Cost Estimate Relationship (CER) is a formula relat-
blocks assemblies, and outfit units that ultimately constitute ing the cost of an item to the item’s physical or functional
the total ship product. It also shows where the PWBS ele- characteristics or relating the item’s cost to the cost of an-
ments change from a process focus to a product focus. The other item or group of items. Examples:
U.S. Navy’s PODAC program has developed a generic
PWBS, and a user-training program on its formulation is • labor for steel block assembly at 25 man-hours/tonne,
available over the Internet (6). • material cost for pipe at $25/meter; and
• labor for shipyard support service at 10% production
10.5.4 Shipyard Chart of Accounts (COA)
CERs are typically developed directly from a measure-
Each shipyard has its own internal work breakdown struc- ment of a single physical attribute (quantity and unit of
ture used to plan and manage its costs. The COA tradition- measure) for a given shipbuilding activity, and the cost of
ally had been systems-oriented, although every yard had its performing the activity. If the shipyard uses the same at-
own flavor and preference for identifying and categorizing tribute for the same activities for each ship it builds, it can
ship systems. Over the years, shipyards have been replac- compile a database of cost-per-unit of measure for each of
ing their systems-based work breakdown structures with
formats that are more product and process-oriented.
The importance of the COA to the cost engineer is that
the COA is the basis with which the shipyard collects costs
and with which the shipyard measures the cost perform- Cargo Hold Mhrs/M3
ance of its work.
Products and Process Sequence

Block Erection Mhrs/Tonne

Outfit Fittings Mhrs/EA

Outfit Pipe Mhrs/LM

Block Paint Mhrs/SQM

Block Assembly Mhrs/M Weld

Steel Fab Mhrs/Tonne

Steel Prep Mhrs/Tonne

Figure 10.1 Product/Process Configuration & Cost Management Figure 10.2 Possible Levels of Cost estimating Relationships
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-7

its different activities. Some CERs may be developed for a 10.6.5 Standard Interim Products CERs
number of physical attributes. CERs may be developed to An interim product is any output of a production work stage
determine a variety of costs and cost-related parameters, that can be considered complete in and of iteself. It also can
including labor hours, material costs, overhead, weight, be presented as an element within any level of a product
numbers of items, etc. work breakdown structure (PWBS).
While most CERs are simple linear relationships. For ex- As shipyards adopt standard interim products as the pri-
ample, 10 man-hours per pipe straight spool, others can be mary basis for building ships, the interim products them-
more complex formulations. High-level CERs, for exam- selves can form the means for developing high-quality cost
ple, more often exhibit non-linear relationships to accom- estimates.
modate the costs across a wide range of applications and The interim product cost estimate package consists of a
variety of detail requirements, for example, Steel Cost = set of cost items and/or cost item CERs each describing
0.00255∆0.99. labor and/or material costs. The labor costs may be broken
Generally, five types of CERs are used and are defined down into the product’s sequence of manufacturing and as-
separately, which will be described in the following sub- sembly stages. They may also include indirect cost efforts
sections. such as supervision and material handling, as well as related
direct costs such as testing.
The interim products can be defined at any level of the
10.6.1 Manual CERS
PWBS. The higher the level, the more ship type-specific they
Manual CERs are determined from external information are likely to be. These interim products become, in effect,
such as vendor or subcontractor quotations. high level complex CERs because they may include any
number of cost items and these cost items may be para-
metric to any number of different defining characteristics.
10.6.2 Calculated CERS
The use of the standard interim product as a vehicle for
Calculated CERs are determined from a single ship set of cost estimating is sometimes referred to as a Re-use pack-
return cost data based on an actual cost expenditure and its age that can operate with a variety of applications. The im-
associated measurable parameter, for example, labor hours portant aspect of the package used repeatedly as needed in
per square feet of painted area. developing a project cost estimate.
At issue for the estimator is what kind of CER is ap-
propriate at any given stage of the design process. Detail
10.6.3 Predictive CERs
CERs are of little value when few details are known. Sim-
Predictive CERs are developed from return costs from mul- ilarly, high-level CERs are not acceptable when their as-
tiple ship sets or from costs collected from a given manu- sumptions no longer fit the problem at hand. Furthermore,
facturing process where costs exhibit a pattern of change the CER must identify the cost driver for the scope of work
over time. The predictive CER is the trend value of unit cost being estimated. The cost driver is a controllable ship de-
expected to apply for the given contract application. sign characteristic or manufacturing process that has a pre-
dominate effect on cost.
Finally, the real problem becomes this: where does one
10.6.4 Empirical CERs
obtain the data necessary to develop realistic and appropri-
Empirical CERs are developed by collecting a number of ate CERs that can be meaningfully applied at any given
physical attributes (parameters) for a shipbuilding activity, time during the design evolution process?
such as ship type and size, part weight, part area, part perime-
ter, joint weld length, number of processes applied, num-
ber of parts involved, etc., as well as the cost of performing
the activity. If this data is collected for a number of ships,
in the same shipyard, a statistical analysis may determine A cost estimate is only as good as the information support-
the statistical significance of the parameters and the equa- ing the estimate. For shipyards, historical cost information is
tions with coefficients and exponent values for the activity invaluable for developing cost estimates for new work. How-
CER. The equation coefficients and exponent values are ever, historical information needs to be both accurate and
shipyard-dependent and will reflect its level of productiv- collected in ways meaningful to the estimating process. For
ity for the activity. If facility parameters are included, the example, if historical costs cannot be collected in ways that
impact of facilities on productivity will also be evident. identify modular block costs, estimating by modular blocks
10-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

can be difficult and will probably have a relatively high de- amples of executing work by interim product (units, blocks
gree of risk in the accuracy and validity of the estimate. and modules) and by stage (fabrication, assembly and erec-
It is very important that the shipyard have in place a cost tion). These examples of work objectives transform SWBS
planning and data collection system that is capable of or- into a parallel PWBS. This transformation occurs when the
ganizing costs in ways that can directly benefit the esti- systems-oriented ship design information is processed for
mating process. necessary work instructions by production engineering.
In order to provide production cost data that is SWBS-
oriented, some reverse transformation is required. Some ship-
10.7.1 Cost Collection Methods yard production management systems have the capability to
Shipyards collect costs in the following manner: labor costs transform product- and process-oriented work orders so that
(labor hours) are collected from time charges to production ship systems costs can be collected. Methods have been de-
work orders. Material costs are collected from purchase or- vised for allocating or distributing costs that are effective, al-
ders and from stock transactions when applicable. Shipyard though somewhat approximate. One approach is to allocate
work orders generally are organized around work type and costs based upon a planned breakdown of budget by ship sys-
stage of construction, while material often is cataloged (req- tems involved in the work order. Then, when time charges
uisitioned) by ship system. The correlation of material to are entered, they are distributed automatically on a pro rated
work orders can be obtained from issues of material to work budget basis back to the applicable ship systems. Typically,
orders or the requisitioning of bills of material to the PWBS. such work orders are restricted to a single type work process,
From a cost collection perspective needed for cost esti- such as fabricating pipe spools across ship systems. There-
mating, the work orders should identify scope or the phys- fore, the allocation can be a fair and reasonable representa-
ical. That is, material throughput quantity for which the tion of the actual work performed on each system.
work is being done. For example, a work order may pre- Another approach is for the estimator to analyze and
scribe a budget of x-hours to assemble y material items, compile detailed production data and correlate these costs
generally of size z. to some functional characteristic of the ship. For example,
The labor hours and material costs then can be summa- the electrical costs can be summarized and related to ship-
rized up through the PWBS. The units of measure at any wide electrical load, such as kW. Such a CER may be di-
given level of the PWBS will be the most meaningful unit rectly useful for estimating at concept and preliminary stages
of measure. That is, the cost driver for that level. For ex- of design.
ample, the unit of measure for steel fabrication might be A third approach is to develop systems-based CERs from
based upon the number of parts, while ultimately the unit shipyard work standards applied to the ship system’s bill of
of measure for block erection would be best described by material.
a weight or joint weld length unit of measure.
Even though high-level CERs by ship systems are needed
for concept and preliminary design estimating, modern ship
production methods no longer allow costs to be collected
directly by ship systems. The production management soft- Cost estimates should directly reflect the shipyard’s rela-
ware systems implemented at many shipyards can develop tive level of productivity. The shipyard that desires to main-
CERs only by measuring actual costs against known work tain its competitive advantage by reducing costs and contract
order throughput parameters (meter of weld, square meter schedules must find areas where savings can be achieved.
of plate, number of pipe spools, etc.). Many of these ship- Savings can be significant and can come from a variety of
yard systems have little means to transform these product- sources.
and process-oriented CERs into the desired high level, ship The methods used to organize and execute work within
systems and mission oriented CERs. the shipyard can affect work performance and this impacts
costs to a very significant degree. One rule of thumb says
that for every hour required to assemble material in the shop,
10.7.2 Transforming PWBS Costs to SWBS Costs it takes 3 hours to do it on-block and 5 hours to do it on-
Complex products, such as ships, are normally designed board. While this is an overly simplistic assessment, it does
system by engineered system. However, manufacturing does indicate that there are more optimum times during con-
not maximize its cost efficiency and schedule performance struction when work can be undertaken more productively.
if the work is planned and executed system by system. Another impact is the use of alternative manufacturing
Group technology and zone sequence scheduling are ex- processes, including the use of out-sourced services.
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-9

10.8.1 Modular Construction Methods multiple set-up process steps, etc. Group Technology can
In the past, shipyards used to build ships ship system by ship be applied to many different kinds of work. The more clas-
system. The collecting of costs by ship system was a rela- sical example is the fabrication of a large group of same-
tively straightforward procedure. However, better methods size pipe spools. However, the conceptevokes similar time
for more productive organization of work have come into and cost savings with zone sequencing of trade work (sched-
play. The packaging of work now focuses not on the spe- uling a given trade to work uninterrupted and unencum-
cific ship systems, but upon the nature of the work to be per- bered in specified ship spaces or zones or on a specific
formed. The objective is to do the work when the working structural block’s advanced outfitting). Structural panels
conditions are most productive and to eliminate or minimize and sub-assemblies also can be scheduled in ways to max-
any efforts that do not add value to the activity. This means imize the productivity objectives of Group Technology.
that work done in shops are typically more productive than However, from a material management logistical and
if the work were scheduled for on board. To complement handling cost point of view, the group technology approach
this concept, modular construction techniques, including should not be an absolute objective and not necessarily em-
on block construction (Figure 10.3) and advanced outfitting ployed across the entire ship’s structure in one single man-
have become the preferred methods for maximizing pro- ufacturing run (assuming drawings and material are all
duction efficiencies. These methods, however, do require available at this time). World-class shipyards often manu-
more advanced product engineering in order to gain the full facture parts and sub-assemblies in separate batches corre-
potential of efficiencies and cost savings. What was once a sponding generally to hull block requirements and their
ship systems-oriented way of organizing work and collect- production assembly schedules. This limited application of
ing costs has now given way to organizing work and col- group technology also can be seen with deliveries of out-
lecting costs by interim products (sub-assemblies, assem- sourced manufactured parts, since the shipyards require de-
blies, hull blocks, ship zones) and manufacturing processes livery of these items in batches corresponding to the
(cutting, welding, assembling, etc.). As described earlier, the schedules of the hull block construction program.
interim products can be standardized and identified within
10.8.3 Performance Measurement Systems
In order to identify what changes will provide the most sig-
10.8.2 Group Technology Manufacturing nificant levels of benefit, a shipyard must be able to evaluate
Significant cost savings are possible with the application of its operations in quantitative terms. This means that the ship-
group technology to product development and production yard must have implemented a reasonably accurate means
processes. Group Technology is a method for grouping like for measuring cost and schedule performance at appropriate
or similar work together in order to gain the benefits pos- levels of detail. Performance measurement systems should
sible from batch manufacturing, including elimination of provide the visibility of performance that will indicate whether
or not changes are warranted and ultimately if the changes
are proving to be effective. Return cost information from such
systems form the information needed to develop high qual-
ity predictive CERs that reflect not only past cost perform-
ance, but also anticipated performance on new work.


CERs are based not only upon the type of material being
fabricated or assembled, but also upon a prescribed set of
shipyard performance characteristics. These characteristics
may include the specific shipyard facilities, tools and equip-
ment employed; the productivity and skill levels of the work-
ers; the producibility of the design; the approach to
organizing the work, etc. These characteristics for each ship-
yard will vary, and the expected costs to perform these ac-
Figure 10.3 Advanced Outfitted hull Block Construction tivities will vary accordingly.
10-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The following sub-sections discusses various methods estimator can make a comparison between the cataloged
by which the estimator can make adjustments to CERs in CER and comparable historical data from the shipyard or
order to refine a cost estimate with more accuracy to suit other sources known to be accurate. If there are cataloged
the given estimating circumstances. CERs that are for similar work (for example, CERs for dif-
ferent size pipe) and they belong to a relatively consistent
series of cost data, oftentimes the same adjustment factor
10.9.1 Major Types of Cost Adjustments can be used for all of them.
The estimator can obtain CERs from any number of different
sources, including CERs developed from actual shipyard re-
turn costs as well as generic CERs that may be available 10.9.2 Work Center Productivity Factor
outside the shipyard. The cataloged CERs immediately The estimator may wish to review the effects of changes in
available to the estimator may not always accurately reflect the way the shipyard might want to execute the work. Then
the expected costs for the application being estimated. There- the estimator may use another adjustment factor that re-
fore, the estimator can either modify the cataloged CER or flects certain gains or losses in productivity within speci-
define with the existing CER an appropriate adjustment fac- fied shipyard work activities, such as, work centers, and
tor to apply when computing costs. The latter approach may evaluate the changes in the project’s total estimated costs.
be desirable if: Doing this through an estimating process can provide valu-
able insight into a possible positive a return on investment.
• The estimator wishes to preserve the original CER for
Example: If the cataloged CER identifies 2 man-hours
control purposes, and/or
per ton to paint a hull block, including extensive scaffold-
• The estimator wishes to perform a trade-off study to test
ing costs, the shipyard that employs mobile lift wagons may
the impact of a revised CER.
be able to reduce the cost by 50%. Therefore, a productiv-
The following is an example of applying an adjustment ity factor of 0.50 can be used to adjust the cataloged CER.
factor to an existing cataloged CER:
CERadjusted = FWCadj × CERcatalog
CERadjusted = FWCadj × CERcatalog
where FWCadj is the shipyard’s productivity factor for the paint-
where FCERadj is the shipyard’s CER adjustment factor and ing operation and CERcatalog is the existing cataloged CER.
CERcatalog is the existing cataloged CER. It is important to note that when a specific shipyard’s per-
The estimator needs to take into consideration CERs for formance factor has been defined for a specific work process,
the effects of the shipyard’s anticipated cost performance it should be applied to all cataloged CERs that are used to
characteristics. These adjustments fall into the following develop cost item estimates for work in that center.
categories: Additional information can be obtained on the relative
increases in productivity that can be expected by imple-
• cataloged CER adjustments,
menting changes (modern process equipment) in the ship-
• work center productivity adjustments,
yard facilities and operating practices.
• stage of construction productivity adjustments,
• PWBS complexity adjustments,
• economic Escalation adjustments, 10.9.3 Stage of Construction Productivity Factor
• learning Experience adjustments,
Generally speaking, the earlier stages of construction pro-
• high volume business material savings, and
vide reduced cost opportunities to perform work, especially
• Material Waste adjustments.
for material installations.
Example: An industry generic CER might be 12 labor The best working environment exists usually within
hours per tonne to assemble flat steel panel sections, such as, workshops. Here, tools and equipment and other support fa-
deck assemblies. This production rate is based upon a facil- cilities are nearby, material is readily available without
ity using largely manual welding of stiffeners to the plate. undue handling costs, and the working conditions are un-
The shipyard, however, might have an automated panel line affected by weather and location.
where productivity is improved by a margin of 75%. There- In addition, work performed within workshops means
fore, the CER adjustment factor for the shipyard would be that work is done only on relatively small components of
0.25 (100%–75%). When the factor is applied, the adjusted the ship. Little effort is required to get access to these com-
CER for the shipyard computes to be 3.0 labor hours per ton. ponents and little time is lost moving men, equipment and
How is the adjustment factor determined? Usually, the material to the work site.
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-11

On Board Work is the least productive working area.

Here more time is required to access the work, to provide
workers, material, tools, and equipment and support serv-
ices. Adverse climatic conditions also may have a negative
impact upon costs.
On Block Work typically represents an opportunity to
perform work more conveniently and more productively
than on board. The hull block is small relative to the entire
ship’s structure, so accessing it to install various outfit items
is relatively easy (Figure 10.4). The work sites for outfit- Figure 10.4 On Block Outfit
ting hull blocks are usually nearby workshops. Hence, the
cost to supply material, workers, tools and equipment is
much lower than what is needed to support comparable
work on board. If hull block construction can be done under
cover, added costs from weather-related problems can be
essentially eliminated.
On-Unit Work involves the assembly of outfit material
into various forms of outfit units, pre-plumbed pumps and
machinery, equipment consoles, pipe racks, furniture mod-
ules, etc. (Figure 10.5). Outfit units tend to be relatively
small and can be done in workshops. Therefore, they can
be assembled under the most favorable and productive work-
ing conditions. Since outfit units can be installed either on
block or on board, there are cost savings if installed on
Work Orientation also affects costs, whether done on
unit, on block or on board. Down-hand welding and as-
sembly is much easier and far more productive than over-
head work (Figure 10.6). If over-head work requires staging,
costs for these operations can increase significantly. Figure 10.5 On Unit Outfit
Stage of construction productivity factors may be de-
veloped using one of the stages of construction as the base-
line for the costs. The stage of construction productivity
factors must be included in the work center productivity
factor described above. The cost differentials due to stage
of construction become critically important as shipyards try
to implement changes in the way they do business and im-
prove their competitive position in the market place. The
build strategy elected by the shipyard will determine how
much of the work can be done at the earlier, more produc-
tive stages of construction. Over-Head Work

10.9.4 Design Complexity/Density Factor

The stage of construction productivity factor helps deter-
mine cost differentials for work done at different stages of
the construction cycle (in shop versus on block versus on
board). However, an additional factor needs to be intro-
duced for adjusting construction cost estimates for an in-
crease or decrease in the relative complexities of the ship Down-Hand Work
design or interim shipbuilding products. For example, on Figure 10.6 Examples of More Productive Down Hand Work Orientation
10-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

board work may generally require five times more labor TABLE 10.I Typical Added Complexity Of Ship Zone Work
hours than equivalent work done in the shop. But, if the
ship zone is particularly crowded (denser), the work area Ship Zone Added Cost Factor
may be much more difficult to access. The costs therefore
may require even more labor hours to complete the work. On Weather Deck 0%
Table 10.I, exhibits typical added cost margins used by Oil Tanks 25%
ship repair estimators to account for added difficulties for Engine Room 50%
where the work is performed on board ship. Similar prob-
Superstructure 25%
lems exist in new construction where the working condi-
tions vary from ship zone to ship zone, hull block by hull Pump Room 50%
block. The complexity factor should be sensitive to the level Holds 10%
of the PWBS hierarchy. For example, the manufacturing of Double bottom 25%
parts for a particular ship zone may not be affected by the
complexity of the zone, but the installation of those parts
in the zone may be very much affected by the complexity
or confinement of the space on board.
The increase or decrease change in cost is usually treated
as a general percentage. For example, if inflation has in-
creased by 3.5%, then on average, goods and services have
10.9.5 Economic Inflation Adjustment Factor increased in cost by the same amount. Complete tables of these
The estimator applies the complexity adjustments in the changes over a range of years are available from various
following manner: sources (for example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the
Naval Center of Cost Analysis). The Consumers Price Index,
CERadjusted = FPWBSadj × CERcatalog published annually by the Government, compiles these per-
where FPWBSadj is the complexity factor and CERcatalog is the centages into an index so that costs from one year to any other
CER cataloged on the system database. Costs are influenced year in the table can be adjusted (that is, escalated). These
not only by various performance factors within the shipyard, indexes are produced on a monthly basis and are available
but also by factors outside the shipyard. Costs can be influ- over the Internet. Table 10.II provides an example.
enced by inflation/deflation and these effects change over time. Most escalation indexes are provided as historically tracked.
Various economic forces in the marketplace create pres- Index tables will vary from source to source depending upon
sures upon costs to either increase or decrease them over what is the basis for its valuation and what is the base year
time. In a free market economy, increased costs are caused costs being used to compare other year costs in the table. In
by inflation and usually occur when demand outstrips sup- order to perform cost escalations for years beyond available
ply. Decreased costs are caused by the reverse, called de- index tables, the estimator can extend these indexes with es-
flation, and are caused by supply being greater than demand. timates of what these indexes might be in the future.
Similar changes in costs can occur with changes in manu- These indexes allow any CERs to be adjusted for infla-
facturing processes, engineering technologies, etc. tion/deflation. CERs from different periods of time can be
For cost estimating purposes, costs relevant during one individually adjusted so that they all are applicable to the
period of time can be used as costs relevant to another pe- same year, that is, base year, for which an estimate is being
riod in time. However, these costs need to be adjusted to re- developed.
flect the economic conditions of that other period of time. The estimator is cautioned against escalating costs more
This process of adjusting costs from one period to another than several years or across periods where costs changes are
is called cost escalating. Although the term escalating nor- significant. The indexes are provided only on an averaging
mally infers an increasing of cost, a similar process of ad- basis and may not accurately reflect changes in costs for the
justments applies to costs that decrease over time. specific cost item at hand.
To escalate costs, the following elements of information To use escalation index tables, the following definitions
are required: are required:
• the original time and cost known to apply at that origi- • the known cost is called the cataloged cos.
nal time, and • the time period of the known cost is called the cataloged
• the anticipated time and change in cost from the origi- cost year. Typically, cost estimate data is comprised of
nal time to the anticipated time. known costs collected over a range of years. The esca-
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-13

TABLE 10.II Sample Escalation Index Table Fescalation = Indexbase year / Indexcost year

Year Index where Indexbase year is the escalation index for the year cor-
responding to the year in which the project is planned to
1995 1.12710 expend the cost item; Indexcost year is the escalation index
1996 1.1616 corresponding to the year in which the CER costs have been
1997 1.1964 recorded on the database.
With this escalation factor, the cataloged CER can be es-
1998 1.2323
calated for the base year:
1999 1.2693
CERadjusted = Finflation × CERcatalog,
2000 1.3074
2001 1.3466 For the life saving devices example, the 1997 costs can be
escalated, using data presented in the above table to the year
2000 as follows: Find the index values for the base year
(1997), and for the projected year (2000).
lation process must adjust these costs so that they all can Indexcost year = Index 1997
apply to some common (baseline) period of time, = 1.1964
• the cost index recorded for the cataloged cost year is Indexbase year = Index 2000
called the cataloged cost year index, = 1.3074
• the time period whereby all costs are to be developed
The escalation factor that adjusts the 1997 cost to the 2000
for an estimate is called the base year for the estimate.
cost is a simple ratio as follows:
The base year typically is the current year. Costs cata-
loged at years earlier than the base year need to be up- Fescalation = Indexbase year / Indexcost year
dated. One method for updating is to obtain new cost = 1.3074 / 1.1964
information applicable to this base year. Another method = 1.093
is to adjust earlier costs using escalation index tables so Escalation factors less than 1.0 indicate economic defla-
that these costs apply to the base year, tion. Factors greater than 1.0 indicate inflation. Therefore,
• the cost index recorded for the base year is called the in the year 2000, the life saving devices is estimated to cost
base year index. The process of escalating the cost from 1.093 times the cost in 1997.
its cataloged cost year to the base year is: If the projected project year is different than the current
Base Year Cost = (base year index/cataloged cost year calendar year (base year), retrieve the cost items and re-
index) × cataloged cost place their Base Year with the projected project year. If a
project has costs cataloged for different projected years,
• the time period projected in the future for the cost esti- this process will have to be done in yearly stages.
mate is called the projected cost year. Projected costs
are the base year costs advanced to some designated
year in the future. These costs normally are advanced 10.9.6 Composite Performance Factor
using the escalation tables, although some large equip- From the above discussions, the estimator may use a vari-
ment cost items may have projected costs quoted and ety of cost adjusting factors. A composite adjustment fac-
guaranteed by vendors, and tor is simply a straight multiplication of individual
• the cost index recorded for the projected cost year is called adjustment factors:
the projected cost year index. The process of escalating CERadjusted = Finflation × FCERadj × FWCadj × FSOCadj
the cost from the base year to the projected year is:
× FPWBSadj × CERcatalog
Projected year cost = (projected year index/base year
index) × base year cost
Example: If the last price quotation for life saving de- 10.9.7 Learning Experience Adjustment Factor
vices was in 1997, then the CER that defines that cost must The cataloged CERs usually establish costs under a certain
be cataloged with the year of 1997. The CER escalation ad- prescribed set of production circumstances. Traditionally,
justment factor can be computed in the following manner: the CER relates to costs for a prototype or the first of a se-
10-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ries construction program. It is often, but not universally ac- the cost reductions are gained not by an actual learning ex-
cepted that multiple products benefit from a learning curve perience, but more by a diminishing of expensive rework
(7). That is, it is anticipated that for a series of ships each that should not have occurred in the first place.
ship labor cost should decrease from continued improve-
ments introduced over time in the build strategy and man-
ufacturing processes and refinements in production 10.9.10 Multi-Ship Material Cost Advantages
engineering. Besides the benefits of learning curve effects upon labor
costs, multiple ship contracts also can have a positive ef-
CERfollow ship = CERlead ship × Flearn
fect upon material costs. It has been estimated that the prom-
Therefore, when the estimator has developed the cost esti- ise of a larger order backlog can elicit as much as a 15-20%
mate for the lead ship of the series and copies this estimate cost reductions from vendors and suppliers. Busy shipyards
for each of the follow ships, the learning curve factors (Fig- often can gain lower material costs simply because their
ure 10.7) can be applied to each of the follow ship esti- suppliers can rely upon these shipyards with long-term busi-
mates. The theory behind learning curves is that the ness opportunities.
percentage improvement is constant and occurs every time
product quantity is doubled. That is 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. It has
been found to apply more to products that are produced in 10.9.9 Multi-ship Engineering and Planning Advantages
large quantities (100s) and in relatively short times (hours). Obviously, for multi-ship contracts the engineering and
While production costs can decrease as from ship to ship, planning only need to be prepared once, and the cost (non-
some shipyards often experience an increase in engineer- recurring) can be spread over each ship in the series. How-
ing costs for the second ship. This is recognition that the ever, there is still a relatively small engineering and planning
prototype engineering was less successful and that a sec- cost (recurring) for each ship and it must be included for
ond-wind effort is needed to get the series program on a more the follow-on ships.
efficient footing.
While the above learning curves indicate a gradual cost
reduction per ship of the series, examining cost reductions 10.9.10 Material Waste Factor
for standard interim products and manufacturing processes What material is required from an engineering point of view
across all ship types can realize the same experience. As should be reconsidered from a procurement point of view.
shipyards introduce standard interim products as the primary Production often cannot consume 100% of the purchased
means for designing and building ships, learning becomes material without some measure of waste. Therefore, the es-
a less important consideration. This is a good indication that timator needs to account for waste in estimating the cost of
material in the following manner:
LIVE GRAPH Total Costmaterial = Quantity × (1.0 + Fwaste) × CERmaterial
Click here to view
where Fwaste is the estimated waste factor and CERmaterial is
the material cost CER.


When bidding on new contracts, shipyards look at pro-
duction cost and schedule risk. To remain competitive, ship-
yards develop strategies to minimize their exposure without
losing a good business opportunity. This means that the bid
problem needs to be examined and understood to the best
of one’s ability to do so. The bid process requires this ex-
amination to focus not only on the shipyard’s own internal
performance abilities, but also that of the competition and
that of the shipowner’s ultimate objectives and funding re-
Figure 10.7 Typical Learning Curve Factors Risk, or uncertainty, can be associated with any or all
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-15

cost items included within a developing project cost esti- mean cost value, the cost probabilities become less and less
mate. The greater the cost risk, the less likely, or probably, and the distribution of these probabilities is symmetrical
that the cost estimate is realistic. The lower the risk, the about the mean. This model has characteristics similar to
greater is the probability that the cost estimate is valid. that of the triangular distribution model, but obviously re-
Uncertainty can be expressed, or represented, as a dis- quires a good deal more information about the relationship
tribution of cost estimates between certain values. Outside between probability of occurrence and actual cost values.
this range of expected values one would expect that other This is not typically possible or practical for the estima-
values would have very low probability (high risk). A num- tor to determine. However, most cost risk analyses use ap-
ber of different cost probability models are possible. proximate methods in order to provide a reasonable indication
Two popular types of risk analysis methods include of just how risky a particular cost estimate is likely to be.
Monte Carlo Cost Risk and PERT (Project Evaluation Re- In order to achieve maximum benefit, there needs to be
view Technique) Cost Risk. Both the methods summarize a risk management strategy. It starts with collecting and an-
expected costs and levels of cost confidence at the project alyzing known facts about the problem. This is called dis-
level of the work breakdown structure with little additional aggregating the risk. The process involves breaking down
information required from the estimator. a large and unwieldy risk problem into smaller, more man-
The risk can be applied at different levels and thus dif- ageable pieces.
ferent approaches. For example it can be applied to a com- As the problem is broken down, the various elements of
pleted estimate. In this case the risk will either be based on the problem can be risk-minimized by applying to them
historical performance of the shipyard against it’s estimates what is called familiarity advantages. This is the applica-
and used to determine the bid price to give a confidence tion of core competencies to better understand each piece
level of 100% that it would achieve its profit goal. It could of the problem and minimize the risk of the unknown. In
also be based on a predicted distribution of competitors bid other words, when you know what you are doing, you are
prices and then used to determine a bid price for the ship- less likely to make a mistake than when you are trying some-
yard that would give them say an 100% confidence level of thing for the first time.
winning the bid.
It also could be applied at each item level in the estimate
with actual equipment quotations allocated a probability of
1, whereas estimated quantities for both material and labor
being assigned a probability distribution based on estima- There is a number of cost estimating systems available on
tors confidence in the estimate. The completed estimate the market. In addition to the ubiquitous spreadsheets, the
would be a price distribution, from which the shipyard could systems prevalent in use for cost estimating Navy ships are
choose the price it would bid. the following:
Figure 10.8 illustrates a normal probability of cost dis- Advanced Surface Ship Evaluation Tool (ASSET) ad-
tribution. The particular characteristic of this type of distri- dresses all engineering disciplines required for total ship
bution is that there is an average or mean cost value that has design. It is used for new ship design and conversion stud-
the greatest probability of occurrence. Above and below this ies and produces Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) de-
sign information for concept design and feasibility studies.
ASSET has direct program links to the ACEIT cost esti-
mating system.
Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT) is
a joint Army/Air Force program support by the Navy. Pri-
marily SWBS-based, it accommodates indirect costs, es-
calation adjustments and learning curves. The system
produces time-phased life cycle costs
Unit Price Analysis (UPA) estimates time-phased non-
recurring and recurring costs, indirect, and cost of money.
The system offers factors to adjust the SWBS-based CERs
for specific design characteristics and producibility.
PRICE Systems offer a parametric approach to estimating
costs. A variety of adjustment (calibration) factors and em-
Figure 10.8 Normal Probability of Cost Distribution pirical productivity values may be applied to standard CERs.
10-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The PRICE systems are primarily SWBS-based and include 10.12 REFERENCES
functions for estimating life cycle, post-construction costs.
1. Bosworth & Hough, “Improvements In Ship Affordability,”
Product-oriented Design and Construction (PODAC)
SNAME Transactions, 1993
Cost Model is a relational database application that has li- 2. U.S. Department of Defense, “Mandatory Procedures for
braries of CERs and expanded cost item packages that can Major Defense Acquisition Programs and Major Automated
be quickly applied to a cost estimate. The system allows Information Systems Acquisition Programs,” DoD Instruction
costs to be generated by various work breakdown structures 5000.2-R, 1996.
including ship systems SWBS, by product and manufac- 3. Leopold, Jons and Drewry, “Design To Cost Of Naval Ships,”
turing process (PWBS) and by the shipyard’s own internal SNAME Transactions, 1974
chart of accounts (COA) as well as by contract line items 4. Duren, B.G. and Pollard, J.R., “Building Ship as a System: An
(CLINs) and repair item or specification paragraph. The Approach to Total Ship Integration,” ASNE Journal, Septem-
system uses escalation tables, learning curves, and a vari- ber 1997
ety of cost adjustment factors to accommodate differences 5. Chirillo, L. D. & Okayama, Y., “Product Work Breakdown
Structure,” National Shipbuilding Research Program, Revised
in process efficiency, design producibility, etc. The system
provides a cost risk analysis. Shipyard return costs can be
6. PODAC IPT & Lamb, T., “Generic Product-Oriented Work
linked directly into the database. A statistical analysis ca- Breakdown Structure (GPWBS), A Programmed Learning
pability enables the estimator to analyze a wide cross-sec- Course,” U.S. Department of the Navy, Carderock Division,
tion of labor and material cost data and develop new CERs Naval Surface Warfare Center, 1996
at various levels of detail. 7. Spicknall, M. H., “Past and Present Concepts of Learning: Im-
There also are ship design systems that have cost esti- plications for U.S. Shipbuilders,” Ship Production Sympo-
mating capabilities. Design synthesis tools employ design sium, 1995
and cost estimating algorithms for specific ship types. These 8. Trumbule, J. C. & PODAC IPT, “Product Oriented Design and
systems are useful for developing concept-level ship design Construction (PODAC) Cost Model—An Update,” Ship Pro-
characteristics and measuring the impact on cost from trade duction Symposium, 1999
off studies. Examples of synthesis tools include the PODAC
system empirical cost models, the USCG buoy tender, off-
shore cutter and patrol boat models. Synthesis models also 10.13 SUGGESTED READING
are available from the University of New Orleans for con-
tainer ships and tankers. Boyington, J. A., “The Estimating And Administration Of Com-
While synthesis tools employ high-level, generalized mercial Shipbuilding Contracts,” Marine Technology, July
design and costing algorithms, there are other ship design 1985
Boylston, J., “Toward Responsible Shipbuilding,” SNAME Trans-
tools with cost estimating capabilities that operate at more
actions, 1975
detailed levels of analysis:
Carreyette, J., “Preliminary Ship Cost Estimation,” RINA Trans-
• Parametric Flagship, a system developed under a actions, 1977–78
Maritech ASE project, links various ship design and Chirillo, L. D. & Johnson, C. S., “Outfit Planning,” National Ship-
naval architecture analysis systems directly with the building Research Program, 1979
PODAC cost model (8), Chirillo, L. D., “Product Oriented Material Management,” Na-
tional Shipbuilding Research Program, 1985
• Intergraph’s multiple discipline GSCAD system also
Department of Defense, “Parametric Cost Estimating Handbook,”
linked with the PODAC cost model, and Joint Government/Industry Initiative, Fall 1995
• as of the time of this writing (2001), the Navy’s ASSET Fetchko, J. A., “Methods Of Estimating Investment Cost Of Ships,”
design tool is being linked to the PODAC Cost Model. University of Michigan, June 1968
Work also has been done developing systems for simu- Harrington, R. A., “Economic Considerations In Shipboard De-
sign Trade-Off Studies,” Marine Technology, April 1969
lation-based acquisition (SBA). These systems dynamically
Hutchinson, B., “Application Of Probabilistic Methods To Engi-
link applications of design, analysis and evaluation soft-
neering Estimates Of Speed, Power, Weight And Cost,” Ma-
ware and enable the designer to optimize a given product’s rine Technology, October 1985
performance, cost and deployment schedule. The goal for Lamb, T. and A&P Appledore International Ltd, “Build Strategy
these systems is not only to provide quantitative design, Development,” National Shipbuilding Research Program,
cost and schedule responses to a range of design and con- NSRP 0406, 1994.
struction alternatives, but probabilistic responses of the in- Landsburg, A. C., “Interactive Shipbuilding Cost Estimating And
herent risk. Other Cost Analysis Computer Applications,” ICCASS, 1982
Chapter 10: Cost Estimating 10-17

Mack-Florist, D. M. &. Goldbach, R., “A Bid Preparation In Ship- Ramsden, “Estimating For A Changing Technology,” Marine
building,” SNAME Transactions, Vol. 104, 1976 Technology, January 1990
Mansion, J. H., “A Manual on Planning and Production Control SPAR Associates, Inc.,
for Shipyard Use,” National Shipbuilding Research Program, “Cost Savings Using Modular Construction Methods & Other
1978 Common Sense,”1998
Maritime Administration, “A Study Of Shipbuilding Cost Esti- “Guide for Estimating New Ship Construction,” 1998
mating Methodology,” MarAd Report, 1969 “Guide for Identifying CERs,” 1998
McNeal, “A Method For Comparing Cost Of Ships Due To Al- “Guide For Life Cycle Cost Estimating,” 1999
ternative Delivery Intervals And Multiple Quantities,” SNAME “Planning New Construction & Major Ship Conversions,” 1999
Transactions, 1969 Summers, “The Prediction Of Shipyard Costs,” Marine Technol-
PODAC IPT and SPAR Associates, Inc., “Risk Analysis In the ogy, January 1973
PODAC Cost Mode,” U.S. Department of the Navy, Carde- Telfer, Alan J., Zone Outfitting in a Canadian Great Lakes Ship-
rock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, 1999 yard, Collingswood Shipyards, 1995
Chapter 11
Parametric Design

Michael G. Parsons

11.1 NOMENCLATURE DWTC cargo deadweight (t)

DWTT total deadweight (t)
AM submerged hull section area amidships (m2) E modified Lloyd’s Equipment Numeral, equa-
AP after perpendicular, often at the center of the rud-
tion 33
der post
Fn Froude number = V/√(gL), nondimensional
AW area of design waterplane (m2)
FP forward perpendicular, typically at the stem at
AX maximum submerged hull section area (m2)
the design waterline
B molded beam of the submerged hull (m)
FS free surface margin as % KG
BMT transverse metacenteric radius (m)
F∇ volumetric Froude number = V/√(g∇1/3)
BML longitudinal metacenteric radius (m)
g acceleration of gravity (m/s2); 9.81 m/s2
C coefficient in Posdunine’s formula, equation 5;
straight line course Stability Criterion GMT transverse metacentric height (m)
C distance aft of FP where the hull begins its rise GML longitudinal metacentric height (m)
from the baseline to the stern (m) hdb innerbottom height, depth of doublebottom (m)
CB block coefficient = ∇/LBT hi superstructure/deckhouse element i height (m)
CBD block coefficient to molded depth D K constant in Alexander’s equation, equation 14;
CB´ block coefficient at 80% D constant in structural weight equation
CDWT total deadweight coefficient = DWTT/∆ circle K traditional British coefficient = 2F∇√π
CI transverse waterplane inertia coefficient KB vertical center of buoyancy above baseline (m)
CIL longitudinal waterplane inertia coefficient KG vertical center of gravity above baseline (m)
CM midship coefficient = AM/BT i length of superstructure/deckhouse element i(m)
Cm coefficient in non prime mover machinery weight i component i fractional power loss in reduction
equation, equation 42 gear
Co outfit weight coefficient = Wo/LB L molded ship length, generally LWL or LBP
CP longitudinal prismatic coefficient = ∇/AXL Lf molded ship length (ft)
CS wetted surface coefficient = S/√(∇L) LBP length between perpendiculars (m)
C∇ volumetric coefficient = ∇/L3 LCB longitudinal center of buoyancy (m aft FP or
CVP vertical prismatic coefficient = ∇/AWT %L, + fwd amidships)
CWP waterplane coefficient = AW/LB LCF longitudinal center of flotation (m aft FP or
CX maximum transverse section coefficient = AX/BT %L, +fwd amidships)
D molded depth (m) LCG longitudinal center of gravity (m aft FP or %L,
Der depth to overhead of engine room (m) +fwd amidships)

11-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

LOA length overall (m) ηp propeller behind condition efficiency

LWL length on the design waterline (m) ηr relative rotative efficiency
MCR maximum continuous rating of main engine(s) ηs stern tube bearing efficiency
(kW) ηt overall transmission efficiency; just ηg with
circle M traditional British coefficient = L/∇1/3 gearing only
MD power design or acquisition margin σ fraction of volume occupied by structure and
MS power service margin distributive systems
Ne main engine revolutions per minute (rpm) ∇ molded volume to the design waterline (m3)
PB brake power (kW) ∇T hull volume occupied by fuel, ballast, water,
PD delivered power (kW) lube oil, etc. tankage (m3)
PE effective power (kW) ∇LS hull volume occupied by machinery and other
PS shaft power (kW) Lightship items (m3)
r bilge radius (m) ∇U useful hull volume for cargo or payload (m3)
R coefficient of correlation
R̂ Bales’ seakeeping rank estimator
RFR required freight rate ($/unit of cargo)
RT total resistance (kN)
s shell and appendage allowance In the early stages of conceptual and preliminary design, it
S wetted surface of submerged hull (m2) is necessary to develop a consistent definition of a candi-
SE standard error of the estimate date design in terms of just its dimensions and other de-
SFR specific fuel rate of main engine(s) (t/kWhr) scriptive parameters such as L, B, T, CB, LCB, etc. This
t thrust deduction or units in tonnes description can then be optimized with respect to some
T design molded draft (m) measure(s) of merit or subjected to various parametric trade-
Treqd required thrust per propeller (kN) off studies to establish the basic definition of the design to
V ship speed (m/s)= 0.5144 Vk be developed in more detail. Because more detailed design
Vk ship speed (knots) development involves significant time and effort, even when
w average longitudinal wake fraction an integrated Simulation Based Design (SBD) environment
WC&E weight of crew and their effects (t) is available, it is important to be able to reliably define and
WFL weight of fuel oil (t) size the vessel at this parameter stage. This chapter will
WFW weight of fresh water (t) focus on the consistent parametric description of a vessel
WLO weight of lube oil (t) in early design and introduce methods for parametric model
WLS Lightship weight (t) development and design optimization.
WM propulsion machinery weight (t)
WME weight of main engine(s) (t)
Wo outfit and hull engineering weight (t) 11.2.1 Analysis of Similar Vessels
WPR weight of provisions and stores (t) The design of a new vessel typically begins with a careful
Wrem weight of remainder of machinery weight (t) analysis of the existing fleet to obtain general information
WS structural weight (t) on the type of vessel of interest. If a similar successful de-
γ water weight density; 1.025 t/m3 SW at 15˚C; sign exists, the design might proceed using this vessel as the
1.000 t/m3 FW at 15˚C basis ship and, thus, involve scaling its characteristics to ac-
δ% distance between hull structure LCG and LCB count for changes intended in the new design. If a design is
(%L, + aft) to be a new vessel within an existing class of vessels; for ex-
∆ displacement at the design waterline (t) ample, feeder container ships of 300 to 1000 TEU, the world
ηb line bearing efficiency fleet of recent similar vessels can be analyzed to establish
ηc electric transmission/power conversion effi- useful initial estimates for ship dimensions and characteris-
ciency tics. If the vessel is a paradigm shift from previous designs,
ηg reduction gear efficiency such as the stealth vessel Sea Shadow (see Chapter 46, Fig-
ηgen electric generator efficiency ure 46.17), dependence must be placed primarily on physics
ηh hull efficiency = (1 – t)/(1 – w) and first principles. Regardless, a design usually begins with
ηm electric motor efficiency a careful survey of existing designs to establish what can be
ηo propeller open water efficiency learned and generalized from these designs.
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-3

For common classes of vessels, parametric models may sible design, it may not produce a global optimum in terms
already exist within the marine design literature. Examples of the ship design measure of merit, such as the Required
include Watson and Gilfillan (1) for commercial ships; Eames Freight Rate (RFR).
and Drummond (2) for small military vessels; Nethercote Other designers have advocated a discrete search ap-
and Schmitke (3) for SWATH vessels; Fung (4) for naval proach by developing in parallel a number of early designs
auxiliaries; Chou et al for Tension Leg Platforms (5); infor- that span the design space for the principal variables, at least
mal MARAD studies for fishing vessels (6), offshore supply length (11,14,19). A design spiral may apply to each of these
vessels (7), and tug boats (8); etc. Integrated synthesis mod- discrete designs. The RFR and other ship design criteria are
els may also exist for classes of vessels such as in the U.S. often fairly flat near their optimum in the design space. Thus,
Navy’s ASSET design program (9). Overall design process the designer has the latitude to select the design that balances
and vessel class studies also exist within the marine design the factors that are modeled as well as the many other fac-
literature, for example Evans (10), Benford (11,12), Miller tors that are only implied at this early stage. Lamb (20) ad-
(13), Lamb (14),Andrews (15), and Daidola and Griffin (16). vocated a parameter bounding approach in which a number
Any design models from the literature are, however, always of designs spanning a cube in the (L, B, D) parameter space
subject to obsolescence as transportation practices, regula- are analyzed for DWTT and volumetric capacity.
tory requirements, and other factors evolve over time.
Schneekluth and Bertram (17) and Watson (18) are excellent Set-based design
recent general texts on the preliminary ship design process. The design and production of automobiles by Toyota is gen-
This section presents thoughts on the overall approach erally considered world-class and it is, thus, the subject of
to be taken for the initial sizing of a vessel and methods for considerable study. The study of the Toyota production sys-
parametric description of a vessel. Section 11.3 presents tem led to the conceptualization of Lean Manufacturing
example approaches for the parametric weight and centers (21). The Japanese Technology Management Program spon-
modeling. Section 11.4 presents example methods for the sored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research at the
parametric estimation of the hydrodynamic performance of University of Michigan has more recently studied the Toy-
a candidate design. Section 11.5 presents methods useful ota approach to automobile design (22). This process pro-
in the analysis of data from similar vessels determined by duces world-class designs in a significantly shorter time
the designer to be current and relevant to the design of in- than required by other automobile manufacturers. The main
terest. Rather than risk the use of models based upon ob- features of this Toyota design process include:
solescent data, the preferred approach is for each designer
• broad sets are defined for design parameters to allow
to develop his or her own models from a database of ves-
concurrent design to begin,
sels that are known to be current and relevant. Section 11.6
• these sets are kept open much longer than typical to re-
presents a brief introduction to optimization methods that
veal tradeoff information, and
can be applied to parametric vessel design models.
• the sets are gradually narrowed until a more global op-
timum is revealed and refined.
11.2.2 Overall Strategy—Point-Based versus This design approach has been characterized by Ward
Set-Based Design as set-based design (22). It is in contrast to point-based de- Point-based design sign or the common systems engineering approach where
The traditional conceptualization of the initial ship design critical interfaces are defined by precise specifications early
process has utilized the design spiral since first articulated in the design so that subsystem development can proceed
by J. Harvey Evans in 1959 (10). This model emphasizes concurrently. Often these interfaces must be defined, and
that the many design issues of resistance, weight, volume, thus constrained, long before the needed tradeoff informa-
stability, trim, etc. interact and these must be considered in tion is available. This inevitably results in a suboptimal
sequence, in increasing detail in each pass around the spi- overall design. A simple example is the competition be-
ral, until a single design which satisfies all constraints and tween an audio system and a heating system for volume
balances all considerations is reached. This approach to under the dashboard of a car. Rather than specify in advance
conceptual design can be classed as a point-based design the envelope into which each vendor’s design must fit, they
since it seeks to reach a single point in the design space. can each design a range of options within broad sets so that
The result is a base design that can be developed further or the design team can see the differences in performance and
used as the start point for various tradeoff studies. A dis- cost that might result in tradeoffs in volume and shape be-
advantage of this approach is that, while it produces a fea- tween these two competing items.
11-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The set-based design approach has a parallel in the The design sizing must be iterated until the displacement
Method of Controlled Convergence conceptual design ap- becomes equal to the total of the estimates of the weight
proach advocated by Stuart Pugh (23) and the parameter the vessel must support. A typical design strategy would se-
bounding approach advocated by Lamb. These set-based lect L as the independent variable of primary importance,
approaches emphasize a Policy of Least Commitment; that then select a compatible beam and draft, and select an ap-
is, keeping all options open as long as possible so that the propriate block coefficient based upon the vessel length and
best possible tradeoff information can be available at the speed (Froude number) to establish a candidate displace-
time specific design decisions have to be made. Parsons et ment. Guidance for the initial dimensions can be taken from
al (24) have introduced a hybrid human-computer agent ap- regression analyses of a dataset of similar vessels as de-
proach that facilitates set-based conceptual ship design by scribed in Section 11.5 below. Target transverse dimensions
an Integrated Product Team. might be set by stowage requirements for unitized cargo;
for example, a conventional cellular container ship using
hatch covers might have beam and depth of about 22.2 m
11.2.3 Overall Sizing Strategy and 12.6 m, respectively, to accommodate a 7x5 container
The strategy used in preliminary sizing will vary depend- block within the holds. Parametric weight models can then
ing upon the nature of the vessel or project of interest. Every be used to estimate the components of the total weight of
design must achieve its unique balance of weight carrying the vessel and the process can be iterated until a balance is
capability and available volume for payload. All vessels achieved. Depth is implicit in equation 1 and is, thus, set
will satisfy Archimedes Principle; that is, weight must equal primarily by freeboard or discrete cargo considerations.
displacement: An initial target for the displacement can be estimated
using the required total deadweight and a deadweight co-
∆ = γ LBT CB (1 + s) [1]
efficient CDWT = DWT/∆ obtained from similar vessels. This
where the hull dimensions length L, beam B, and draft T can be used to help establish the needed molded dimen-
are the molded dimensions of the submerged hull to the in- sions and guide the initial selection of block coefficient.
side of the shell plating, γ is the weight density of water, CB Generally, the coefficient CDWT increases with both ship
is the block coefficient, and s is the shell appendage al- size and block coefficient. Typical ranges for CDWT defined
lowance which adapts the molded volume to the actual vol- relative to both cargo deadweight and total deadweight are
ume by accounting for the volume of the shell plating and shown in Table 11.I for classes of commercial vessels.
appendages (typically about 0.005 for large vessels). Thus, If the vessel is volume limited, as are most other vessels
with dimensions in meters and weight density in t / m 3, today, the basic sizing will be controlled by the need to pro-
equation 1 yields the displacement in tonnes (t). vide a required useful hull volume ∇U. Watson (18) notes
The hull size must also provide the useful hull volume that the transition from weight limited to volume limited
∇U needed within the hull for cargo or payload: comes when the cargo (plus required segregated ballast)
stowage factor is about 1.30 m3/t or inversely when the cargo
∇U = LBD CBD(1 – σ) – ∇LS – ∇T [2]
(plus required segregated ballast) density is about 0.77 t/m3.
where D is the molded depth, CBD is the block coefficient The size of some vessels is set more by the required total
to this full depth, and σ is an allowance for structure and hull or deck length than the required volume. On military
distributive systems within the hull. When the upper deck vessels, the summation of deck requirements for sensors,
has sheer and chamber and these contribute to the useful weapon systems, catapults, elevators, aircraft parking, etc.
hull volume, an effective depth can be defined (18). Wat- may set the total vessel length and beam. The vessel sizing
son (18) also recommends estimating CBD from the more must then be iterated to achieve a balance between the re-
readily available hull characteristics using: quired and available hull volume (or length), equation 2.
Parametric volume as well as parametric weight models are
CBD = CB + (1 – CB) [(0.8D – T)/3T] [3]
then needed. The balance of weight and displacement in
Equation 2 is symbolic in that each specific design needs equation 1 then yields a design draft that is typically less
to adapt the equation for its specific volume accounting; here than that permitted by freeboard requirements. The overall
∇LS is the volume within the hull taken up by machinery and approach of moving from an assumed length to other di-
other Lightship items and ∇T is the volume within the hull mensions and block coefficient remains the same, except
devoted to fuel, ballast, water, and other tankage. that in this case hull depth becomes a critical parameter
If the vessel is weight limited, primarily dry bulk carri- through its control of hull volume. Draft is implicit in equa-
ers today, the primary sizing is controlled by equation 1. tion 2 and is, thus, set by equation 1.
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-5

From a design strategy viewpoint, a third class of ves- Note that one could choose to change the length, beam, or
sels could be those with functions or requirements that tend block coefficient to achieve a 1% change in the displacement
to directly set the overall dimensions. of the vessel. The amounts of these incremental changes that
These might be called constraint-limited vessels. Ben- are changes in the steel, outfit, and machinery costs are also
ford called some of these vessels rules or paragraph ves- shown. One can see in Table 11.II that a 1% change in length
sels where a paragraph of the regulatory requirements, such results in about a 1% change in capital cost.
as the tonnage rules or a sailing yacht racing class rule, dic- Further in Table 11.II, a 1% increase in beam increases
tates the strategy for the primary dimension selection. Wat- the cost 0.78% for the ore carrier and 0.58% for the VLCC.
son and Gilfillan (1) use the term linear dimension vessel A 1% increase in depth increases the cost 0.24% for the ore
when the operating environment constraints or functional carrier and 0.40% for the VLCC. The 1% block coefficient
requirements tend to set the basic dimensions. Watson in- change is only about one fifth as expensive as a 1% length
cludes containerships in this category since the container change. The relative cost of a 1% speed change is a 1% ship
stack cross-section essentially sets the beam and depth of cost change for the ore carrier and only a 0.5% ship cost
the hull. Classic examples would be Panamax bulk carri- change for the relatively slower tanker. Thus, it is five times
ers, St. Lawrence Seaway-size bulk carriers, or the largest more expensive in terms of capital cost to increase displace-
class of Great Lakes bulk carriers. These latter vessels es- ment by changing length than by changing block coefficient.
sentially all have (L, B, T) = (304.8 m, 32.0 m, 8.53 m), the Ship dimension, block coefficient, and speed changes
maximum dimensions allowed at the Poe Lock at Sault Ste. will obviously affect hull resistance, fuel consumption, and
Marie, MI. operating costs as well as vessel capital cost so a complete
assessment needs to consider how the Required Freight Rate
(RFR) would be affected by these changes. Table 11.III
11.2.4 Relative Cost of Ship Parameters shows the incremental change in vessel RFR that would re-
In making initial sizing decisions, it is necessary to consider sult from a 1% change in length, beam, depth, block coef-
the effect of the primary ship parameters on resistance, ma- ficient, or speed. A 1% change in ship length would result
neuvering, and seakeeping performance; the project con- in a 1.2% increase in RFR for the ore carrier and a 1.1%
straints; and size-related manufacturing issues. It is also change in the RFR for the VLCC. A 1% increase in beam
necessary to consider, in general, the relative cost of ship pa- increases the RFR 0.9% for the ore carrier and 0.6% for the
rameters. This general effect was well illustrated for large VLCC. A 1% change in depth and block coefficient have,
ships by a study performed in the 1970s by Fisher (25) on respectively, about 0.27 and about 0.20 as much impact on
the relative cost of length, beam, depth, block coefficient RFR as a 1% change in length. Thus, if one of these designs
and speed of a 300 m, 148 000 DWT, 16.0 knot diesel ore needed 1% more displacement, the most economic way to
carrier and a 320 m, 253 000 DWT, 14.4 knot steam VLCC achieve this change would be to increase block coefficient
crude oil tanker. Fisher’s Table 11.II shows the incremental 1%, with a 1% beam change second. The most economic
change in vessel capital cost that would result from a 1% way to decrease displacement by 1% would be to reduce
change in length, beam, depth, block coefficient, or speed. the length 1%. When the impact on fuel cost and other op-
erating costs are considered, a 1% change in ship speed will
have greater impact resulting in about a 1.8% change in
TABLE 11.I Typical Deadweight Coefficient Ranges RFR for either type of vessel.

Vessel Type Ccargo DWT Ctotal DWT

11.2.5 Initial Dimensions and Their Ratios
Large tankers 0.85–0.87 0.86–0.89 A recommended approach to obtain an initial estimate of
Product tankers 0.77–0.83 0.78–0.85 vessel length, beam, depth, and design draft is to use a
Container ships 0.56–0.63 0.70–0.78 dataset of similar vessels, if feasible, to obtain guidance for
the initial values. This can be simply by inspection or re-
Ro-Ro ships 0.50–0.59 —
gression equations can be developed from this data using
Large bulk carriers 0.79–0.84 0.81–0.88 primary functional requirements, such as cargo deadweight
Small bulk carriers 0.71–0.77 — and speed, as independent variables. Development of these
Refrigerated cargo ships 0.50–0.59 0.60–0.69 equations will be discussed further in Section 11.5. In other
situations, a summation of lengths for various volume or
Fishing trawlers 0.37–0.45 —
weather deck needs can provide a starting point for vessel
11-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 11.II Effects of Incremental Changes in Parameters on Capital Cost (25)

Percent of Total L B D CB Vk
Category Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker
Steel 28 41 0.47 0.81 0.30 0.43 0.24 0.38 0.11 0.17 — —
Outfit 26 22 0.27 0.06 0.27 0.04 — 0.02 — 0.01 — —
Machinery 30 20 0.29 0.14 0.21 0.11 — — 0.07 0.04 1.01 0.50
Misc/ovhd 16 17 — — — — — — — — — —
Total 100 100 1.03 1.01 0.78 0.58 0.24 0.40 0.18 0.22 1.01 0.50

Incremental changes in Total Capital Costs as percent of Origianl Capital Cost due to a 1% increase in the parameter.

TABLE 11.III Effects of Incremental Changes in Parameters on Required Freight Rate (25)
Percent of Total L B D CB Vk
Category Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker Carrier Tanker
Capital 62 54 0.84 0.63 0.59 0.32 0.17 0.21 0.12 0.11 0.98 0.36
Fixed 21 22 0.20 0.20 0.14 0.11 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.26 0.11
Voyage 17 24 0.18 0.26 0.15 0.17 0.09 0.01 0.10 0.05 0.54 1.30
Total 100 100 1.22 1.09 0.88 0.60 0.32 0.30 0.25 0.20 1.78 1.77

* Including crew, stores and supplies.

Incremental changes in Required Freight Rates as percent of origianl Required Freight Rate due to a 1% increase in the parameter, using CR(15%,
10 years) = 0.199.

length. Since the waterline length at the design draft T is a can be selected. The initial draft can then be selected. In all
direct factor in the displacement and resistance of the ves- cases, of course, dimensional constraints need to be con-
sel, LWL is usually the most useful length definition to use sidered.
in early sizing iterations. Watson (18) notes that with a target displacement and
The typical primary influence of the various hull di- an acceptable choice of vessel length-beam ratio, beam-
mensions on the function/performance of a ship design is draft ratio, and block coefficient based upon vessel type and
summarized in Table 11.IV. The parameters are listed in a Froude number, equation 1 becomes:
typical order of importance indicating an effective order for
L = {[∆ (L/B)2 B/T)/(γ CB (1 + s)]}1/3 [4]
establishing the parameters. Of course, length, beam, and
draft all contribute to achieving the needed displacement for This approach can provide a way to obtain an initial esti-
the hull. The primary independent sizing variable is typi- mate of the vessel length.
cally taken as length. With length estimated, a beam that is A number of approximate equations also exist in the lit-
consistent with discrete cargo needs and/or consistent with erature for estimating vessel length from other ship char-
the length can be selected. With a candidate length and beam acteristics. For illustration, a classic example is Posdunine’s
selected, a depth that is consistent with functional needs formula:
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-7

TABLE 11.IV Primary Influence of Hull Dimensions peller. Figure 11.1 from Watson (18) shows the relationship
of L and B for various types of commercial vessels. Note that
Parameter Primary Influence of Dimensions
in this presentation, rays from the origin are lines of constant
L/B ratio. From this Watson and Gilfillan (1) recommended:
length resistance, capital cost, maneuverability,
longitudinal strength, hull volume, seakeeping L/B = 4.0, for L ≤ 30 m
beam transverse stability, resistance, = 4.0 + 0.025 (L – 30), for 30 ≤ L ≤ 130 m [6]
maneuverability, capital cost, hull volume = 6.5, for 130 m ≤ L
depth hull volume, longitudinal strength, transverse They also noted a class of larger draft-limited vessels that
stability, capital cost, freeboard need to go to higher beam leading to a lower L/B ratio of
draft displacement, freeboard, resistance, transverse about 5.1. Watson (18) noted that recent large tankers had
stability L/B ≈ 5.5 while recent reefers, containerships, and bulk car-
riers had L/B ≈ 6.25. This guidance is useful, but only an
indication of general design trends today. Similar informa-
tion could be developed for each specific class of vessels
L (m) = C [Vk/(Vk + 2)]2 ∆1/3 [5]
of interest. Specific design requirements can lead to a wide
where displacement is in tonnes and the speed is in knots range of L/B choices. Great Lakes 300m ore carriers have
(as indicated by the subscript k) and the coefficient C can L/B = 9.5 as set by lock dimensions.
be generalized from similar vessels. Typical coefficient C Icebreakers tend to be short and wide to have good ma-
ranges are 7.1 to 7.4 for single screw vessels of 11 to 18.5 neuverability in ice; and to break a wide path for other ves-
knots, 7.4 to 8.0 for twin screw vessels of 15 to 20 knots, sels leading to L/B values of about 4.0. Similarly, the
and 8.0 to 9.7 for twin screw vessels of 20 to 30 knots draft-limited Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCCs) have had
The frictional resistance of a hull increases with length L/B ratios in the range of 4.5 to 5.5. The recent Ramform
since the wetted surface increases faster with length than acoustic survey vessels have an L/B of about 2.0 (see Chap-
the frictional resistance coefficient declines with Reynolds ter 42, Subsection and Chapter 30, Table 30.II). At
number. The wave resistance, however, decreases with the high end, World War II Japanese cruisers, such as the
length. The net effect is that resistance as a function of ship Furutaka class, had an L/B of 11.7 and not surprisingly ex-
length typically exhibits a fairly broad, flat minimum. There- perienced stability problems due to their narrow hulls.
fore, since the hull cost increases with length, an economic
choice is usually a length at the lower end of this minimum Beam–depth ratio B/D
region where the resistance begins to increase rapidly with The next most important non-dimensional ratio is the beam-
further length reduction. Below this length higher propul- depth ratio B/D. This provides effective early guidance on
sion requirements and higher operating costs will then off- initial intact transverse stability. In early design, the trans-
set any further reduction in hull capital cost. verse metacentric height is usually assessed using:
GMT = KB + BMT – 1.03 KG ≥ req’d GMT [7] Length-beam ratio L/B
Various non-dimensional ratios of hull dimensions can be where the 3% (or similar) increase in KG is included to ac-
used to guide the selection of hull dimensions or alterna- count for anticipated free surface effects. Using parametric
tively used as a check on the dimensions selected based models that will be presented below, it is possible to esti-
upon similar ships, functional requirements, etc. Each de- mate the partial derivatives of GMT with respect to the pri-
signer develops his or her own preferences, but generally mary ship dimensions. Using parametric equations for form
the length-beam ratio L/B, and the beam-depth ratio B/D, coefficients and characteristics for a typical Seaway size
prove to be the most useful. bulk carrier for illustration this yields:
The length-beam ratio can be used to check independent
∂GMT/∂B = +0.48
choices of L and B or with an initial L, a choice of a desired
∂GMT/∂D = –0.70
L/B ratio can be used to obtain an estimated beam B. The
∂GMT/∂T = –0.17
L/B ratio has significant influence on hull resistance and ma-
∂GMT/∂L = +0.00
neuverability—both the ability to turn and directional sta-
∂GMT/∂CB = +1.34
bility. With the primary influence of length on capital cost,
there has been a trend toward shorter wider hulls supported The value of the transverse metacentric radius BMT is
by design refinement to ensure adequate inflow to the pro- primarily affected by beam (actually B2/CBT) while the ver-
11-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 11.1 Beam versus Length (18)

tical center of gravity KG is primarily affected by depth so ily draft-limited designs. The beam-draft ratio correlates
the B/D ratio gives early guidance relative to potential sta- strongly with residuary resistance, which increases for large
bility problems. Watson (18) presents data for commercial B/T. Thus, B/T is often used as an independent variable in
vessels included in Figure 11.2. residuary resistance estimating models. As B/T becomes
From this data, Watson and Gilfillan (1) concluded that low, transverse stability may become a problem as seen
weight limited vessels had B/D ≈ 1.90 while stability con- from the above example of partial derivatives. Saunders
strained volume limited vessels had B/D ≈ 1.65. Watson (26) presented data for the non-dimensional wetted surface
(18) noted that recent large tankers had B/D ≈ 1.91; recent coefficient CS = S/√(∇L) for the Taylor Standard Series
bulk carriers had B/D ≈ 1.88, while recent reefers and con- hulls that is instructive in understanding the influence of
tainerships had B/D ≈ 1.70. Extreme values are Great Lakes B/T on wetted surface and, thus particularly, frictional re-
iron ore carriers with B/D = 2.1 and ULCCs with values as sistance. Saunders’ contour plot of CS versus CM and B/T
high as 2.5. is shown in Figure 11.3. One can see that the minimum wet-
Early designs should proceed with caution if the B/D is ted surface for these hulls is achieved at about CM = 0.90
allowed to drop below 1.55 since transverse stability prob- and B/T = 3.0. The dashed line shows the locus of B/T val-
lems can be expected when detailed analyses are completed. ues which yield the minimum wetted surface hulls for vary-
ing CM and is given by: Beam–draft ratio B/T
B/T|min CS = 5.93 – 3.33 CM [8]
The third most important nondimensional ratio is the beam-
draft ratio B/T. The beam-draft ratio is primarily important In their SNAME-sponsored work on draft-limited con-
through its influence on residuary resistance, transverse sta- ventional single screw vessels, Roseman et al (27) recom-
bility, and wetted surface. In general, values range between mended that the beam-draft ratio be limited to the following
2.25 ≤ B / T ≤ 3.75, but values as high as 5.0 appear in heav- maximum:
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-9
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Figure 11.2 Depth versus Beam (18)

(B/T)max = 9.625 – 7.5 CB [9] becomes less significant. The ability of the hull to resist pri-
mary bending depends upon the midship section moment
in order to ensure acceptable flow to the propeller on large
of inertia, which varies as B and D3. Thus, the ratio L/D re-
draft-limited vessels.
lates to the ability of the hull to be designed to resist lon-
gitudinal bending with reasonable scantlings. Classification Length–depth ratio L/D society requirements require special consideration when
The length-depth ratio L/D is primarily important in its in- the L/D ratio lies outside the range assumed in the devel-
fluence on longitudinal strength. In the length range from opment of their rules.
about 100 to 300 m, the primary loading vertical wave bend-
ing moment is the principal determinant of hull structure.
In this range, the vertical wave bending moment increases 11.2.6 Initial Hull Form Coefficients
with ship length. Local dynamic pressures dominate below The choice of primary hull form coefficient is a matter of
about 100 meters. Ocean wavelengths are limited, so be- design style and tradition. Generally, commercial ships tend
yond 300 meters the vertical wave bending moment again to be developed using the block coefficient CB as the pri-
Click here to view

Figure 11.3 Wetted Surface Coefficient for Taylor Standard Series Hulls (26)
Click here to view

Figure 11.4 Watson and Gilfillan Recommended Block Coefficient (1,18)

Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-11

mary form coefficient, while faster military vessels tend to sign has latitude certainly within at least the ± 0.025 band
be developed using the longitudinal prismatic CP as the form in selecting the needed CB, but the presentation provides pri-
coefficient of greatest importance. Recall that through their mary guidance for early selection. To facilitate design,
definitions, the form coefficients are related by dual iden- Towsin in comments on Watson’s sequel (28) presented the
tities, one for the longitudinal direction and one for the ver- following equation for the Watson and Gilfillan mean line:
tical direction, they are:
CB = 0.70 + 0.125 tan–1 [(23 – 100 Fn)/4] [12]
CB ≡ CP CX [10]
(In evaluating this on a calculator, note that the radian mode
CB ≡ CVP CWP [11] is needed when evaluating the arctan.)
Watson (18) notes that a study of recent commercial de-
Thus with an estimate or choice of any two coefficients in
signs continues to validate the Watson and Gilfillan mean
either equation, the third is established by its definition. A
line recommendation, or conversely most designers are now
designer cannot make three independent estimates or choices
using this recommendation in their designs. Schneekluth
of the coefficients in either identity.
and Bertram (17) note that a recent Japanese statistical study
yielded for vessels in the range 0.15 ≤ Fn ≤ 0.32: Block coefficient CB
CB = –4.22 + 27.8 √Fn – 39.1 Fn + 46.6 Fn3 [13]
The block coefficient CB measures the fullness of the sub-
merged hull, the ratio of the hull volume to its surround- Jensen (29) recommends current best practice in Ger-
ing parallelepiped LBT. Generally, it is economically man designs, which appears to coincide with the Watson and
efficient to design hulls to be slightly fuller than that which Gilfillan mean line. Figure 11.5 shows the Watson and Gil-
will result in minimum resistance per tonne of displace- fillan mean line equation 12 and its bounds, the Japanese
ment. The most generally accepted guidance for the choice study equation 13, and the Jensen recommendations for
of block coefficient for vessels in the commercial range comparison. Recent Japanese practice can be seen to be
of hulls is from Watson and Gilfillan (1) as shown in Fig- somewhat lower than the Watson and Gilfillan mean line
ure 11.4. This useful plot has the dimensional speed length above Fn ≈ 0.175.
ratio Vk/√Lf (with speed in knots and length in feet) and The choice of CB can be thought of as selecting a full-
the Froude number Fn as the independent variables. Ranges ness that will not result in excessive power requirements for
of typical classes of commercial vessels are shown for ref- the Fn of the design. As noted above, designs are generally
erence. The recommended CB is presented as a mean line selected to be somewhat fuller than the value that would re-
and an acceptable range of ± 0.025. Watson’s recom- sult in the minimum resistance per tonne. This can be il-
mended CB line from his earlier 1962 paper is also shown. lustrated using Series 60 resistance data presented by Telfer
This particular shape results because at the left, slow end in his comments on Watson and Gilfillan (1). The nondi-
hulls can have full bows, but still need fairing at the stern mensional resistance per tonne of displacement for Series
to ensure acceptable flow into the propeller leading to a 60 hulls is shown in Figure 11.6 as a function of speed length
practical maximum recommended CB of about 0.87. As a ratio Vk/√Lf with the block coefficient CB the parameter on
practical exception, data for the 300 m Great Lakes ore curves. The dashed line is the locus of the minimum re-
carrier James R. Barker (hull 909) is shown for reference. sistance per tonne that can be achieved for each speed-length
At the right, faster end the resistance becomes independ- ratio.
ent of CB and, thus, there appears to be no advantage to Fitting an approximate equation to the dashed locus in
reducing CB below about 0.53. Figure 11.6 yields the block coefficient for minimum re-
In his sequel, Watson (28) noted that the recommended sistance per tonne:
values in the 0.18 ≤ Fn ≤ 0.21 range might be high. This re-
CB = 1.18 – 0.69 Vk/√Lf [14]
sults because the bulk carriers considered in this range rou-
tinely claim their speed as their maximum speed (at full This equation can be plotted on Figure 11.4 where it can be
power using the service margin) rather than their service or seen that it roughly corresponds to the Watson and Gilfil-
trial speed as part of tramp vessel marketing practices. In- lan mean line – 0.025 for the speed length ratio range 0.5
dependent analysis tends to support this observation. Many ≤ Vk/√Lf ≤ 0.9.
designers and synthesis models now use the Watson and One of the many classic formulae for block coefficient
Gilfillan mean line to select the initial CB given Fn. This is can be useful in the intermediate 0.50 ≤ Vk/√Lf ≤ 1.0 re-
based upon a generalization of existing vessels, and pri- gion. Alexander’s formula has been used in various forms
marily reflects smooth water powering. Any particular de- since about 1900:
11-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1
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Figure 11.5 Comparison of Recent Block Coefficient Recommendations

Click here to view

CB = K – 0.5 Vk/√Lf [15]

where K = 1.33 – 0.54 Vk/√Lf + 0.24(Vk/√Lf)2, is recom-
mended for merchant vessels. Other examples are available
in the literature for specific types of vessels. Maximum section coefficient CX and midship

section coefficient CM
The midship and maximum section coefficient CM ≈ CX
can be estimated using generalizations developed from ex-
isting hull forms or from systematic hull series. For most
commercial hulls, the maximum section includes amidships.
For faster hulls, the maximum section may be signifi-
cantly aft of amidships. Recommended values for CM are:
CM = 0.977 + 0.085 (CB – 0.60) [16]
CM = 1.006 – 0.0056 CB–3.56 [17]
Figure 11.6 Resistance per Tonne for Series 60 (28)
CM = (1 + (1 – CB)3.5)–1 [18]
Benford developed equation 16 from Series 60 data.
Equations 17 and 18 are from Schneekluth and Bertram ommendations attributed by Schneekluth and Bertram to
(17) and attributed to Kerlen and the HSVA Linienatlas, re- van Lammeren. If a vessel is to have a full midship section
spectively. Jensen (29) recommends equation 18 as current with no deadrise, flat of side, and a bilge radius, the maxi-
best practice in Germany. These recommendations are pre- mum section coefficient can be easily related to the beam,
sented in Figure 11.7 with a plot of additional discrete rec- draft, and the bilge radius r as follows:
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-13
Click here to view

Figure 11.7 Recommended Midship Coefficients

CM = 1 – 0.4292 r2 / BT [19] more full hull possibly with parallel midbody over a signif-
icant portion of the hull. If the design uses CB as the princi-
If a vessel is to have a flat plate keel of width K and a
pal hull form coefficient and then estimates CX, CP can be
rise of floor that reaches F at B/2, this becomes:
obtained from the identity of equation 10. If CP is the prin-
CM = 1 – {F[(B/2 – K/2) – r2 / (B/2 – K/2)] cipal hull form coefficient, the remaining CB or CX could then
= + 0.4292 r2}/BT be obtained using equation 10.
The classic principal guidance for selecting the longitu-
Producibility considerations will often make the bilge
dinal prismatic coefficient CP was presented by Saunders
radius equal to or slightly below the innerbottom height hdb
(26), Figure 11.8. This plot presents recommended design
to facilitate the hull construction. In small to medium sized
lanes for CP and the displacement-length ratio in a manner
vessels, the bilge quarter circle arc length is often selected
similar to Figure 11.4. Again, the independent variable is
to be the shipyard’s single standard plate width. Using B/T
the dimensional speed length ratio (Taylor Quotient) Vk/√Lf
= 3.0 and an extreme r = T, equation 19 yields a useful ref-
or the Froude number Fn. This plot is also useful in that it
erence lower bound of CM = 0.857. Using B/T = 2.0 and r
shows the regions of residuary resistance humps and hol-
= T giving a half circle hull section, this yields CM = 0.785.
lows, the regions of relatively high and low wave resistance
due to the position of the crest of the bow wave system rel- Longitudinal prismatic coefficient CP ative to the stern. Saunders’ design lane is directly compa-
The design of faster military and related vessels typically rable to the Watson and Gilfillan mean line ± 0.025 for CB.
uses the longitudinal prismatic coefficient CP, rather than Saunders’ recommendation remains the principal CP refer-
CB, as the primary hull form coefficient. The longitudinal ence for the design and evaluation of U.S. Naval vessels.
prismatic describes the distribution of volume along the hull A quite different recommendation for the selection of
form. A low value of CP indicates significant taper of the CP appeared in comments by D. K. Brown on Andrews
hull in the entrance and run. A high value of CP indicates a (15). The tentative design lane proposed by Brown based
11-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1
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Figure 11.8 Saunders’ Design Lanes for Longitudinal Prismatic and Volumetric Coefficient (26)

upon minimization of Froude’s circle C (total resistance per tion of its volume along the length of the hull for normal
tonne divided by circle K squared) is shown in Figure 11.9. hull forms with taper in the entrance and run. But, neither
This shows a recommended design lane for CP versus the of these reveals a third important characteristic of a hull
Froude’s circle K and volumetric Froude number F∇ de- form. Consider a unit cube and a solid with unit cross-sec-
rived from tests at Haslar. Note that Brown recommends tion and length 10. Each would have CB = 1 and CP = 1, but
significantly lower values for CP than recommended by they would obviously have significantly different proper-
Saunders. ties for propulsion and maneuvering. The relationship be-
tween volume and vessel length, or its fatness, also needs Displacement–length ratio and volumetric to be characterized. There are a number of hull form coef-
coefficient C∇ ficients that are used to describe this characteristic. The tra-
The block coefficient describes the fullness of the submerged ditional English dimensional parameter is the
hull and the longitudinal prismatic describes the distribu- displacement-length ratio = ∆/(0.01Lf)3, with displacement
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-15

Click here to view

Figure 11.9 Brown’s Recommended Design Lane for Longitudinal Prismatic (15)

in long tons and length in feet. Others use a dimensionless respectively. With a CWP estimate, the identity equation 11
fatness ratio ∇/(0.10L)3 or the volumetric coefficient C∇ = can be used to calculate a consistent CVP that can be used
∇/L3. Traditional British practice uses an inversely related to estimate the vertical center of buoyancy KB of the hull.
circle M coefficient defined as L/∇1/3. Saunders recommends There is a catalog of models in the literature that allow
design lanes for the first two of these ratios in Figure 11.8. estimation of CWP from CP, CB, or CB and CM. These mod-
Some naval architects use this parameter as the primary hull els are summarized in Table 11.V. The first two models are
form coefficient, in preference to CB or CP, particularly in plotted in Figure 11.10 and show that the use of a transom
designing tugboats and fishing vessels. stern increases CWP by about 0.05 to 0.08 at the low CP val-
ues typical of the faster transom stern hulls. It is important Waterplane coefficient CWP to be clear on the definition of stern types in selecting which
The waterplane coefficient CWP is usually the next hull form of these equations to use. Three types of sterns are sketched
coefficient to estimate. The shape of the design waterplane in Figure 11.11. The cruiser stern gets its name from early
correlates well with the distribution of volume along the cruisers, such as the 1898 British cruiser Leviathan used as
length of the hull, so CWP can usually be estimated effec- the parent for the Taylor Standard Series. Cruisers of this
tively in early design from the chosen CP, provided the de- time period had a canoe-like stern in which the waterplane
signer’s intent relative to hull form, number of screws, and came to a point at its aft end. Cruisers of today typically
stern design is reflected. An initial estimate of CWP is used have “hydrodynamic” transom sterns, for improved high-
to estimate the transverse and longitudinal inertia proper- speed resistance, in which the waterplane ends with a finite
ties of the waterplane needed to calculate BMT and BML, transom beam at the design waterline at zero speed. Lead-
11-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1
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Figure 11.10 Estimates for Waterplane Coefficient CWP

TABLE 11.V Design Equations for Estimating Waterplane

Equation Applicability/Source
CWP = 0.180 + 0.860 CP Series 60
CWP = 0.444 + 0.520 CP Eames, small transom stern
Figure 11.11 Types of Sterns
warships (2)
CWP = CB/(0.471 + 0.551 CB) tankers and bulk carriers
ing to further potential confusion, most commercial ships CWP = 0.175 + 0.875 CP single screw, cruiser stern
today have flat transoms above the waterline to simplify CWP = 0.262 + 0.760 CP twin screw, cruiser stern
construction and save on hull cost, but these sterns still clas- CWP = 0.262 + 0.810 CP twin screw, transom stern
sify as cruiser sterns below the waterline, not hydrodynamic CWP = CP 2/3 Schneekluth 1 (17)
transom sterns. CWP = (1 + 2 CB/CM 1/2)/3 Schneekluth 2 (17)
The fourth through sixth equations in Table 11.V are plot- CWP = 0.95 CP + 0.17(1 – CP)1/3 U-form hulls
ted in Figure 11.12. The effect of the transom stern can be
CWP = (1 + 2 CB)/3 Average hulls, Rid-
seen to increase CWP about 0.05 in this comparison. The dlesworth (2)
wider waterplane aft typical with twin-screw vessels affects
CWP = CB 1/2 – 0.025 V-form hulls
the estimates a lesser amount for cruiser stern vessels. The
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-17
Click here to view

Figure 11.12 Estimates of Waterplane Coefficient CWP—Effect of Stern Type

nineth through eleventh equations in Table 11.V are plotted with hull wave damping in heave and pitch, thus, low val-
in Figure 11.13. The choice of a V-shaped rather than a U- ues of CVP and corresponding high values of CWP produce
shaped hull significantly widens the waterplane resulting in superior vertical plane seakeeping hulls. If a designer were
up to a 0.05 increase in CWP. V-shaped hulls typically have to select CVP to affect seakeeping performance, identity
superior vertical plane (heave and pitch) seakeeping char- equation 11 can then be used to obtain the consistent value
acteristics, but poorer smooth water powering characteris- for CWP.
tics leading to an important design tradeoff in some designs. This characteristic can be illustrated by work of Bales
(30) in which he used regression analysis to obtain a rank Vertical prismatic coefficient CVP estimator for vertical plane seakeeping performance of com-
The vertical prismatic coefficient is used in early design to batant monohulls. This estimator R̂ yields a ranking num-
estimate the vertical center of buoyancy KB needed to as- ber between 1 (poor seakeeping) and 10 (superior
sess the initial stability. The vertical prismatic coefficient seakeeping) and has the following form:
describes the vertical distribution of the hull volume below
R̂ = 8.42 + 45.1 CWPf + 10.1 CWPa – 378 T/L
the design waterline. [21]
= + 1.27 C/L – 23.5 CVPf – 15.9 CVPa
Since conventional hull forms typically have their great-
est waterplane area near the water surface, a CVP approaching Here the waterplane coefficient and the vertical prismatic
0.5 implies a triangular-shaped or V-shaped hull. A CVP ap- coefficient are expressed separately for the forward (f) and
proaching 1.0 implies a full, extreme U-shaped hull. Small the aft (a) portions of the hull. Since the objective for supe-
Waterplane Twin Hull (SWATH) vessels would, obviously, rior seakeeping is high R̂, high CWP and low CVP, corre-
require a unique interpretation of CVP. sponding to V-shaped hulls, can be seen to provide improved
The vertical prismatic coefficient CVP inversely correlates vertical plane seakeeping. Note also that added waterplane
11-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1
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Figure 11.13 Estimates of Waterplane Coefficient CWP—Effect of Hull Form

forward is about 4.5 times as effective as aft and lower ver- Vertical center of buoyancy KB
tical prismatic forward is about 1.5 times as effective as aft An extreme U-shaped hull would have CVP near 1.0 and a
in increasing R̂. Thus, V-shaped hull sections forward pro- KB near 0.5(T); an extreme V-shaped hull would be trian-
vide the best way to achieve greater wave damping in heave gular with CVP near 0.5 and a KB near .667(T). Thus, there
and pitch and improve vertical plane seakeeping. Low draft- is a strong inverse correlation between KB and CVP and CVP
length ratio T/L and keeping the hull on the baseline well aft can be used to make effective estimates of the vertical cen-
to increase the cut-up-ratio C/L also improve vertical plane ter of buoyancy until actual hull offsets are available for hy-
seakeeping. Parameter C is the distance aft of the forward per- drostatic analysis.
pendicular where the hull begins its rise from the baseline to Two useful theoretical results have been derived for the
the stern. This logic guided the shaping of the DDG51 hull KB as a function of CVP for idealized hulls with uniform
that has superior vertical-plane seakeeping performance com- hull sections described by straight sections and a hard chine
pared to the earlier DD963 hull form that had essentially been and by an exponential half breadth distribution with draft,
optimized based only upon smooth water resistance. respectively. These results are useful for early estimates for
actual hull forms. The first approach yields Moorish’s (also
Normand’s) formula:
11.2.7 Early Estimates of Hydrostatic Properties
The hydrostatic properties KB and BMT are needed early in the KB / T = (2.5 – CVP)/3 [22]
parametric design process to assess the adequacy of the trans- which is recommended only for hulls with CM ≤ 0.9. The
verse GMT relative to design requirements using equation 7. second approach yields a formula attributed to both Pos-
dunine and Lackenby:

KB / T = (1 + CVP)–1 [23]
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-19
Click here to view

Figure 11.14 Estimates of Transverse Inertial Coefficient CI

This second approximation is recommended for hulls with BML = IL/∇ [28]
0.9 < CM. Posdunine’s equation is, thus, recommended for
In early design, the moments of inertia of the waterplane
typical larger commercial vessels.
can be effectively estimated using nondimensional inertia
Schneekluth and Bertram (17) also present three re-
coefficients that can be estimated using the waterplane
gression equations attributed to Normand, Schneekluth, and
coefficient. Recalling that the moment of inertia of a rec-
Wobig, respectively:
tangular section is bh3⁄ 12, it is consistent to define nondi-
KB/T = (0.90 – 0.36 CM) [24] mensional waterplane inertia coefficients as follows:

KB/T = (0.90 – 0.30 CM – 0.10 CB) [25] CI = IT/LB3 [29]

KB/T = 0.78 – 0.285 CVP [26] CIL = IL/BL3 [30]

There is a catalog of models in the literature that allow
estimation of CI and CIL from CWP. These models are sum- Location of the metacenters
marized in Table 11.VI. The next to last CI equation repre-
The dimensions and shape of the waterplane determine the
sents a 4% increase on McCloghrie’s formula that can be
moments of inertia of the waterplane relative to a ship’s
shown to be exact for diamond, triangular, and rectangular
longitudinal axis IT and transverse axis IL. These can be
waterplanes. The seven models for CI are plotted in Figure
used to obtain the vertical location of the respective meta-
11.14 for comparison. Note that some authors choose to
centers relative to the center of buoyancy using the theo-
normalize the inertia by the equivalent rectangle value in-
retical results:
cluding the constant 12 and the resulting nondimensional
BMT = IT/∇ [27] coefficients are an order of magnitude higher (a factor of
11-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 11.VI Equations for Estimating Waterplane Inertia Coefficients

Equations Applicability/Source

CI = 0.1216 CWP – 0.0410 D’Arcangelo transverse

CIL = 0.350 CWP2 – 0.405 CWP + 0.146 D’Arcangelo longitudinal

CI = 0.0727 CWP2 + 0.0106 CWP – 0.003 Eames, small transom stern (2)

CI = 0.04 (3 CWP – 1) Murray, for trapezium reduced 4% (17)

CI = (0.096 + 0.89 CWP2)/12 Normand (17)

CI = (0.0372 (2 CWP + 1)3)/12 Bauer (17)

CI = 1.04 CWP2/12 McCloghrie +4% (17)

CI = (0.13 CWP + 0.87 CWP2)/12 Dudszus and Danckwardt (17)

12). It is, therefore, useful when using other estimates to 11.15 shows Benford’s acceptable and marginal ranges for
check for this possibility by comparing the numerical re- LCB as a percent of ship length forward and aft of amid-
sults with one of the estimates in Table 11.VI to ensure that ships, based upon Series 60 smooth water powering results.
the correct non-dimensionalization is being used. This reflects the correlation of CP with Froude number Fn.
This exhibits the characteristic form: forward for low Froude
numbers, amidships for moderate Froude number (CP ≈
11.2.8 Target Value for Longitudinal Center of
0.65, Fn ≈ 0.25), and then aft for higher Froude numbers.
Buoyancy LCB
Note that this acceptable range is about 3% ship length wide
The longitudinal center of buoyancy LCB affects the re- indicating that the designer has reasonable freedom to ad-
sistance and trim of the vessel. Initial estimates are needed just LCB as needed by the design as it proceeds without a
as input to some resistance estimating algorithms. Like- significant impact on resistance.
wise, initial checks of vessel trim require a sound LCB es- Harvald includes a recommendation for the best possi-
timate. The LCB can change as the design evolves to ble LCB as a percent of ship length, plus forward of amid-
accommodate cargo, achieve trim, etc., but an initial start- ships, in his treatise on ship resistance and propulsion (31):
ing point is needed. In general, LCB will move aft with ship
design speed and Froude number. At low Froude number, LCB = 9.70 – 45.0 Fn ± 0.8 [31]
the bow can be fairly blunt with cylindrical or elliptical This band at 1.6% L wide is somewhat more restrictive
bows utilized on slow vessels. On these vessels it is neces- than Benford’s acceptable range. Schneekluth and Bertram
sary to fair the stern to achieve effective flow into the pro- (17) note two similar recent Japanese results for recom-
peller, so the run is more tapered (horizontally or vertically mended LCB position as a per cent of ship length, plus for-
in a buttock flow stern) than the bow resulting in an LCB ward of amidships:
which is forward of amidships. As the vessel becomes faster
for its length, the bow must be faired to achieve acceptable LCB = 8.80 – 38.9 Fn [32]
wave resistance, resulting in a movement of the LCB aft
LCB = –13.5 + 19.4 CP [33]
through amidships. At even higher speeds the bow must be
faired even more resulting in an LCB aft of amidships. This Equation 33 is from an analysis of tankers and bulk car-
physical argument is based primarily upon smooth water riers and is shown in Figure 11.15 for comparison. It may
powering, but captures the primary influence. be linear in longitudinal prismatic simply because a linear
The design literature provides useful guidance for the regression of LCB data was used in this study.
initial LCB position. Benford analyzed Series 60 resistance Watson (18) provides recommendations for the range of
data to produce a design lane for the acceptable range of LCB in which it is possible to develop lines with resistance
LCB as a function of the longitudinal prismatic. Figure within 1% of optimum. This presentation in similar to
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-21

Click here to view

Figure 11.15 Benford’s Recommended Design Lane for Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy LCB

Benford’s but uses CB, which also correlates with Froude pendiculars and its midpoint amidships. Using these rec-
number Fn, as the independent variable. Watson’s recom- ommendations with LWL that is typically longer than LBP
mendation is shown in Figure 11.16. Since a bulbous bow and using its midpoint, as amidships, which is convenient
will move the LCB forward, Watson shows ranges for both in earliest design, will result in a position further aft rela-
a bulbous bow and a normal bow. This recommendation tive to length between perpendiculars, thus, approaching
also exhibits the expected general character. The design lane the power minimization location.
is about 1.5% L wide when the LCB is near amidships and
reduces to below 1.0% for lower and higher speed vessels.
Jensen’s (29) recommendation for LCB position based upon
recent best practice in Germany is also shown in Figure
Schneekluth and Bertram (17) note that these LCB rec- To carry out the iteration on the ship dimensions and pa-
ommendations are based primarily on resistance mini- rameters needed to achieve a balance between weight and
mization, while propulsion (delivered power) minimization displacement and/or between required and available hull
results in a LCB somewhat further aft. Note also that these volume, deck area, and/or deck length, parametric models
recommendations are with respect to length between per- are needed for the various weight and volume requirements.
11-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1
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Figure 11.16 Watson’s (18) and Jensen’s (28) Recommended Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy LCB

Some of this information is available from vendor’s infor- Ship Work Breakdown Structure (ESWBS) defined in (32).
mation as engines and other equipment are selected or from The total displacement in commercial ships is usually di-
characteristics of discrete cargo and specified payload equip- vided into the Lightship weight and the Total Deadweight,
ment. In this Section, parametric models will be illustrated which consists of the cargo and other variable loads.
for the weight components and their centers for commer- The U.S. Navy ship breakdown includes seven one-digit
cial vessels following primarily the modeling of Watson weight groups consisting of:
and Gilfillan (1) and Watson (18). It is not a feasible goal
here to be comprehensive. The goal is to illustrate the ap- Group 1 Hull Structure
proach used to model weights and centers and to illustrate Group 2 Propulsion Plant
the balancing of weight and displacement at the paramet- Group 3 Electric Plant
ric stage of a larger commercial vessel design. See Watson Group 4 Command and Surveillance
(18) and Schneekluth and Bertram (17) for additional para- Group 5 Auxiliary Systems
metric weight and volume models. Group 6 Outfit and Furnishings
Group 7 Armament

11.3.1 Weight Classification U.S. Navy design practice, as set forth in the Ship Space
Classification System (SSCS), also includes five one-digit
The data gathering, reporting, and analysis of ship weights area/volume groups consisting of:
are facilitated by standard weight classification. The Mar-
itime Administration has defined the typical commercial Group 1 Military Mission
ship design practice; U.S. Navy practice uses the Extended Group 2 Human Support
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-23

Group 3 Ship Support effective variables or first principles can be used to estab-
Group 4 Ship Machinery lish candidate variables. For example, the structural weight
Group 5 Unassigned of a vessel could vary as the volume of the vessel as repre-
sented by the Cubic Number. Thus, many weight models
In small boat designs, a weight classification system simi-
use CN = LBD/100 as the independent variable. However,
lar to the navy groups is often followed. The total dis-
because ships are actually composed of stiffened plate sur-
placement is then as follows depending upon the weight
faces, some type of area variable would be expected to pro-
classification system used:
vide a better correlation. Thus, other weight models use the
∆ = WLS + DWTT area variable L(B + D) as their independent variable. Sec-
m n tion 11.5 below will further illustrate model development
= Σ Wi + Σ loadsj + Wmargin + Wgrowth [32] using multiple linear regression analysis. The independent
i=1 j=1
variables used to scale weights from similar naval vessels
Focusing on the large commercial vessel classification were presented for each three digit weight group by Straub-
system as the primary example here, the Lightship weight inger et al (33).
reflects the vessel ready to go to sea without cargo and loads
and this is further partitioned into: Structural weight
WLS = WS + WM + Wo + Wmargin [33] The structural weight includes (1) the weight of the basic
hull to its depth amidships; (2) the weight of the super-
where: structures, those full width extensions of the hull above the
WS = the structural weight basic depth amidships such as a raised forecastle or poop;
WM = propulsion machinery weight and (3) the weight of the deckhouses, those less than full
Wo = outfit and hull engineering weight width erections on the hull and superstructure. Because the
Wmargin = Lightship design (or Acquisition) weight margin superstructures and deckhouses have an important effect on
that is included as protection against the under- the overall structural VCG and LCG, it is important to cap-
prediction of the required displacement. ture the designer’s intent relative to the existence and loca-
tion of superstructures and deckhouses as early as possible
In military vessels, future growth in weight and KG is in the design process.
expected as weapon systems and sensors (and other mis- Watson and Gilfillan proposed an effective modeling ap-
sion systems) evolve so an explicit future growth or Ser- proach using a specific modification of the Lloyd’s Equip-
vice Life Allowance (SLA) weight margin is also included ment Numeral E as the independent variable (1):
as Wgrowth.
The total deadweight is further partitioned into: E = Ehull + ESS + Edh
DWTT = DWTC + WFO + WLO + WFW+ WC&E + WPR [34] E = L(B + T) + 0.85L(D – T) + 0.85 Σ ihi [35]
E = + 0.75 Σ jhj
where: j

DWTC = cargo deadweight This independent variable is an area type independent vari-
WFO = fuel oil weight able. The first term represents the area of the bottom, the
WLO = lube oil weight equally heavy main deck, and the two sides below the wa-
WFW = fresh water weight terline. (The required factor of two is absorbed into the con-
WC&E = weight of the crew and their effects stant in the eventual equation.) The second term represents
WPR = weight of the provisions. the two sides above the waterline, which are somewhat
(0.85) lighter since they do not experience hydrostatic load-
ing. These first two terms are the hull contribution Ehull. The
third term is the sum of the profile areas (length x height)
11.3.2 Weight Estimation of all of the superstructure elements and captures the su-
The estimation of weight at the early parametric stage of perstructure contribution to the structural weight. The fourth
design typically involves the use of parametric models that term is the sum of the profile area of all of the deckhouse
are developed from weight information for similar vessels. elements, which are relatively lighter (0.75/0.85) because
A fundamental part of this modeling task is the selection of they are further from wave loads and are less than full width.
relevant independent variables that are correlated with the Watson and Gilfillan (1) found that if they scaled the
weight or center to be estimated. The literature can reveal structural weight data for a wide variety of large steel com-
11-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

mercial vessels to that for a standard block coefficient at 80% ture of this model. If there are two deckhouses, a similar
of depth CB´ = 0.70, the data reduced to an acceptably tight approach can be used by removing one deckhouse at a
band allowing its regression relative to E as follows: time from E.
A comparable approach would directly estimate the
WS = WS(E) = K E1.36 [1 + 0.5(CB´ – 0.70)] [36]
unit area weights of all surfaces of the deckhouse; for ex-
The term in the brackets is the correction when the block ample, deckhouse front 0.10 t/m2; deckhouse sides, top and
coefficient at 80% of depth CB´ is other than 0.70. Since most back 0.08 t/m2; decks inside deckhouse 0.05 t/m2; engine
designers do not know CB´ in the early parameter stage of casing 0.07 t/m2, and build up the total weight from first
design, it can be estimated in terms of the more commonly principles.
available parameters by: Parallel to equation 38, the weight estimate for a single
superstructure can be estimated using:
CB´ = CB + (1 – CB)[(0.8D – T)/3T] [37]
WSS = WS(Ehull + ESS) – WS(Ehull) [39]
Watson and Gilfillan found that the 1.36 power in equa-
tion 36 was the same for all ship types, but that the constant These early weight estimates for deckhouse and superstruc-
K varied with ship type as shown in Table 11.VII. ture allow them to be included with their intended positions
This estimation is for 100% mild steel construction. Wat- (LCG and VCG) as early as possible in the design process.
son (18) notes that this scheme provides estimates that are
a little high today. Machinery weight
This structural weight-modeling scheme allows early First, note that the machinery weight in the commercial
estimation and separate location of the superstructure and classification includes only the propulsion machinery—pri-
deckhouse weights, since they are included as explicit con- marily the prime mover, reduction gear, shafting, and pro-
tributions to E. The weight estimate for a single deckhouse peller. Watson and Gilfillan proposed a useful separation of
can be estimated using the following approach: this weight between the main engine(s) and the remainder
of the machinery weight (1):
Wdh = WS(Ehull + ESS + Edh) – WS(Ehull + ESS) [38]
WM = WME + Wrem [40]
Note that the deckhouse weight cannot be estimated
accurately using Wdh(Edh) because of the nonlinear na- This approach is useful because in commercial design, it is
usually possible to select the main engine early in the de-
sign process permitting the use of specific vendor’s weight
and dimension information for the prime mover from very
TABLE 11.VII Structural Weight Coefficient K (1, 18) early in the design. If an engine has not been selected, they
provided the following conservative regression equation for
Ship type K mean K range Range of E
an estimate about 5% above the mean of the 1977 diesel
engine data:
Tankers 0.032 ±0.003 1500 < E < 40 000
Chemical tankers 0.036 ±0.001 1900 < E < 2500 WME = Σ 12.0 (MCRi/Nei)0.84 [41]
Bulk carriers 0.031 ±0.002 3000 < E < 15 000 where i is the index on multiple engines each with a Max-
Container ships 0.036 ±0.003 6000 < E < 13 000 imum Continuous Rating MCRi (kW) and engine rpm Nei.
The weight of the remainder of the machinery varies as the
Cargo 0.033 ±0.004 2000 < E < 7000
total plant MCR as follows:
Refrigerator ships 0.034 ±0.002 4000 < E < 6000
Coasters 0.030 ±0.002 1000 < E < 2000
Wrem = Cm (MCR)0.70 [42]
Offshore supply 0.045 ±0.005 800 < E < 1300 where:
Tugs 0.044 ±0.002 350 < E < 450 Cm = 0.69 bulk carriers, cargo vessels, and container ships
Fishing trawlers 0.041 ±0.001 250 < E < 1300 = 0.72 for tankers
Research vessels 0.045 ±0.002 1350 < E < 1500 = 0.83 for passenger vessels and ferries
= 0.19 for frigates and corvettes when the MCR is in kW.
RO-RO ferries 0.031 ±0.006 2000 < E < 5000
Passenger ships 0.038 ±0.001 5000 < E < 15 000 With modern diesel electric plants using a central power
station concept, Watson (18) suggests that the total ma-
Frigates/corvettes 0.023
chinery weight equation 40 can be replaced by:
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-25

WM = 0.72 (MCR)0.78 [43] Deadweight items

The cargo deadweight is usually an owner’s requirement or
where now MCR is the total capacity of all generators in
it can be estimated from an analysis of the capacity of the
kW. These electric drive machinery weight estimates take
hull. The remaining deadweight items can be estimated from
special care since the outfit weight included below tradi-
first principles and early decisions about the design of the
tionally includes the ship service electrical system weights.
The selection of machinery type and prime mover per- Outfit weight
mits the estimation of the Specific Fuel Rate (SFR) (t/kWhr)
The outfit includes the remainder of the Lightship weight.
for the propulsion plant so that the fuel weight can be esti-
In earlier years, these weights were classified into two groups
mated using:
as outfit, which included electrical plant, other distributive
auxiliary systems such as HVAC, joiner work, furniture, WFO = SFR × MCR × range/speed × margin [45]
electronics, paint, etc., and hull engineering, which included
the bits, chocks, hatch covers, cranes, windlasses, winches, Early general data for fuel rates can be found in the
etc. Design experience revealed that these two groups var- SNAME Technical and Research Bulletins #3-11 for steam
ied in a similar manner and the two groups have been com- plants (34), #3-27 for diesel plants (35) and #3-28 for gas
bined today into the single group called Outfit. Watson and turbine plants (36). For diesel engines, the SFR can be taken
Gilfillan estimate these weights using the simple model (1): as the vendor’s published test bed data with 10% added for
shipboard operations producing a value of about 0.000190
Wo = Co LB [44]
t/kWhr for a large diesel today. Second generation gas tur-
where the outfit weight coefficient Co is a function of ship bines might have a SFR of about 0.000215 t/kWhr.
type and for some ship types also ship length as shown in In equation 45, the margin is for the fuel tankage that
Figure 11.17. can be an overall percentage such as 5% or it might be 10%
Click here to view

Figure 11.17 Outfit Weight Coefficient Co (18)

11-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

for just the final leg of a multi-leg voyage. Overall this es- ments. The structural weight can be separated into the basic
timate is conservative, because the vessel may not require hull and the superstructure and deckhouse weights using
full MCR except in the worst service conditions and there equations 38 and 39. The VCG of the basic hull can be es-
are margins both in the SFR and on the overall capacity. This timated using an equation proposed by Kupras (38):
conservatism can cover generator fuel that can be estimated VCGhull = 0.01D [46.6 + 0.135(0.81 – CB)(L/D)2]
separately in a similar manner as the design evolves. + 0.008D(L/B – 6.5), L ≤ 120 m
The lube oil weight can be taken from practice on sim- [50]
= 0.01D [46.6 + 0.135(0.81 – CB)(L/D)2],
ilar vessels. This usually depends upon the type of main = 120 m < L
machinery. Overall recommendations (37) include:
The longitudinal position of the basic hull weight will
WLO = 20 t, medium speed diesel(s) typically be slightly aft of the LCB position. Watson (18)
= 15 t, low speed diesel gives the suggestion:
As an alternative, an approach like equation 45 can be LCGhull = –0.15 + LCB [51]
used with the vendor’s specific lube oil consumption data
with tankage provided for the total consumption in about where both LCG and LCB are in percent ship length, plus
50 voyages. forward of amidships.
The weight of fresh water depends upon the designer’s The vertical center of the machinery weight will depend
intent relative to onboard distillation and storage. Modern upon the innerbottom height hbd and the height of the over-
commercial vessels often just carry water for the entire voy- head of the engine room D´. With these known, Kupras (38)
age and eliminate the need to operate and maintain water- notes that the VCG of the machinery weight can be esti-
making equipment with a small crew. Naval vessels and mated as:
cruise vessels obviously have much higher capacity de- VCGM = hdb + 0.35(D' – hdb) [52]
mands making onboard distillation more of a necessity. On
which places the machinery VCG at 35% of the height within
the basis of using 45 gallons per person per day, the total
the engine room space. This type of simple logic can be
water tankage weight would need to be:
adapted for the specific design intent in a particular situa-
WFW = 0.17 t/(person × day) [47] tion. In order to estimate the height of the innerbottom,
minimum values from classification and Coast Guard re-
with perhaps 10 days storage provided with onboard dis-
quirements can be consulted giving for example:
tillation and 45 days provided without onboard distillation.
The weight of the crew and their effects can be estima- hdb ≥ 32B + 190√T (mm) (ABS)
ted as: or
WC&E = 0.17 t/person [48] hdb ≥ 45.7 + 0.417L (cm) (46CFR171.105)
for a commercial vessel’s crew and extranumeraries, while The innerbottom height might be made greater than in-
a naval vessel might use 0.18 t/person for officers and 0.104 dicated by these minimum requirements in order to provide
t/person for enlisted (33). greater doublebottom tank capacity, meet double hull re-
The provisions and stores weight can be estimated as: quirements, or to allow easier structural inspection and tank
WPR = 0.01 t/(person × day) [49] maintenance.
The longitudinal center of the machinery weight depends
for the provisions, stores, and their packaging. Naval ves- upon the overall layout of the vessel. For machinery aft ves-
sel standards provide about 40 gallons water per person or sels, the LCG can be taken near the after end of the main
accommodation per day and provisions and stores at about engines. With relatively lighter prime movers and longer
0.0036 t/(person × day) (33). shafting, the relative position of this center will move fur-
ther aft. Lamb (14) proposed a scheme that separated the
weights and centers of the engines, shafting, and propeller
11.3.3 Centers Estimation at the earliest stage of design in order to develop an aggre-
The estimation of centers of the various weight groups early gate center for WM.
in the design process can use parametric models from the The vertical center of the outfit weight is typically above
literature and reference to a preliminary inboard profile, the main deck and can be estimated using an equation pro-
which reflects the early design intent for the overall arrange- posed by Kupras (38):
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-27

VCGo = D + 1.25, L ≤ 125 m based upon the preliminary inboard profile arrangement and
= D + 1.25 + 0.01(L-125), 125 < L ≤ 250 m [53] the intent of the designer.
= D + 2.50, 250 m < L
The longitudinal center of the outfit weight depends upon 11.3.4 Weight Margins
the location of the machinery and the deckhouse since sig-
Selecting margins, whether on power, weight, KG, chilled
nificant portions of the outfit are in those locations. The re-
water, space, or many other quantities, is a matter of im-
mainder of the outfit weight is distributed along the entire
portant design philosophy and policy. If a margin is too
hull. Lamb (14) proposed a useful approach to estimate the
small, the design may fail to meet design requirements. If
outfit LCG that captures elements of the design intent very
a margin is too large, the vessel will be overdesigned re-
early in the design process. Lamb proposed that the longi-
sulting in waste and potentially the designer’s failure to be
tudinal center of the machinery LCGM be used for a per-
awarded the project or contract. There is a multiplier effect
centage of Wo, the longitudinal center of the deckhouse
on weight and most other ship design characteristics: for
LCGdh be used for a percentage of Wo, and then the re-
example, adding one tonne of weight will make the entire
mainder of Wo be placed at amidships. Adapting the origi-
vessel more than one tonne heavier since the hull structure,
nal percentages proposed by Lamb to a combined outfit and
machinery, etc. must be enlarged to accommodate that added
hull engineering weight category, this yields approximately:
weight. Most current contracts include penalty clauses that
LCGo = (25% Wo at LCGM, 37.5% at LCGdh, [54] enter effect if the vessel does not make design speed or
and 37.5% at amidships) some other important attribute.
A typical commercial vessel Lightship design (or ac-
The specific fractions can be adapted based upon data for
quisition) weight margin might be 3-5%; Watson and Gil-
similar ships. This approach captures the influence of the
fillan (1) recommend using 3% when using their weight
machinery and deckhouse locations on the associated out-
estimation models. This is usually placed at the center of
fit weight at the earliest stages of the design.
the rest of the Lightship weight. This margin is included to
The centers of the deadweight items can be estimated
protect the design (and the designer) since the estimates are
being made very early in the design process using approx-
imate methods based only upon the overall dimensions and
parameters of the design.
TABLE 11.VIII U.S. Naval Weight and KG Margins (39) Standard U.S. Navy weight margins have been developed
from a careful statistical analysis of past design/build ex-
Acquisition Margins (on Lightship Condition)
perience (39) following many serious problems with over-
Total Design Weight Margin, mean 5.9% weight designs, particularly small vessels which were
Total Design Weight Margin, mean plus one 17.0% delivered overweight and, thus, could not make speed. These
Standard Deviation studies quantified the acquisition margin needed to cover
increases experienced during preliminary design, contract
Total Design KG Margin, mean 4.8% design, construction, contract modifications, and delivery
Total Design KG Margin, mean plus one 13.5% of Government Furnished Material.
Standard Deviation Military ships also include a future growth margin or
Service Life Allowance on weight, KG, ship service elec-
trical capacity, chilled water, etc. since the development and
Service Life Allowances (on Full Load Departure) deployment of improved sensors, weapons, and other mis-
VESSEL TYPE WEIGHT MARGIN KG MARGIN sion systems typically results in the need for these margins
Carriers 7.5% 0.76 m during upgrades over the life of the vessel. It is sound de-
Other combatants 10.0% 0.30 m sign practice to include these margins in initial design so
that future upgrades are feasible with acceptable impact.
Auxiliary ships 5.0% 0.15 m
Future growth margin policies vary with country. Watson
Special ships and craft 5.0% 0.15 m (18) suggests 0.5% per year of expected ship life. Future
Amphibious warfare vessels growth margins are typically not included in commercial
Large deck 7.5% 0.76 m designs since they are developed for a single, specific pur-
pose. Typical U.S. Navy total weight and KG margins are
Other 5.0% 0.30 m
shown in Table 11.VIII.
11-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

11.3.5 Summation and Balancing Using Spreadsheets based only upon the dimensions, parameters, and intended
The summation of weights and the determination of the ini- features of the design. An early estimate of resistance is
tial transverse metacentric height GMT and trim, are key to needed in order to establish the machinery and engine room
the initial sizing and preliminary arrangement of any ves- size and weight, which will directly influence the required
sel. This task can be effectively accomplished using any overall size of the vessel. Maneuvering and seakeeping
number of computer tools. Within the teaching of ship de- should also be checked at this stage of many designs since
sign at the University of Michigan extensive use is made of the evolving hull dimensions and parameters will affect this
spreadsheets for this purpose. By their automatic recalcu- performance and, thus, the maneuvering and seakeeping re-
lation when any input parameter is changed, spreadsheets quirements may influence their selection. This Section will
are valuable interactive design tools since they readily sup- illustrate this approach through public domain teaching and
port trade-off and iterative design studies. design software that can be used to carry out these tasks for
The WEIGHTS I spreadsheet for Parametric Stage displacement hulls. This Windows software environment is
Weight Summation is shown on the left in Figure 11.18 as documented in Parsons et al (40). This documentation and
an illustration. This spreadsheet is used to the support de- the compiled software are available for download at the fol-
sign iteration needed to achieve a balance between weight lowing URL:
and displacement, determine an acceptable initial GMT, and
establish the initial trim. At this stage the longitudinal cen-
ter of flotation (LCF) is usually not estimated so the trim is 11.4.1 Propulsion Performance Estimation
not resolved into draft forward TF and draft aft TA. The Power and efficiency definitions
WEIGHTS I spreadsheet supports the inclusion of a design The determination of the required propulsion power and
Lightship weight margin, free surface margin FS in per- engine sizing requires working from a hull total tow rope
cent, and a design KGmargin. The weights and centers are resistance prediction to the required installed prime mover
processed to obtain the total VCG and total LCG. The de- brake power. It is important to briefly review the definitions
sign KG used to establish GMT is then obtained using: used in this work (41).
KGdesign = VCG(1 + FS/100) + KGmargin [55] The approach used today has evolved from the tradition
of initially testing a hull or a series of hulls without a pro-
The designer can iterate on the initial estimates of the di- peller, testing an individual or series of propellers without
mensions and block coefficient CB. At this stage of design, a hull, and then linking the two together through the defi-
the hydrostatic properties, BMT, KB, BML, and LCB are se- nition of hull-propeller interaction factors. The various pow-
lected or estimated using parametric equations as presented ers and efficiencies of interest are shown schematically in
in Section 11.2. The trim is obtained from the total LCG Figure 11.19. The hull without a propeller behind it will
using: have a total resistance RT at a speed V that can be expressed
trim = TA – TF = (LCG – LCB)L/GML [56] as the effective power PE:

To facilitate early design studies, the weights and cen- PE = RT V/1000 (kW) [57]
ters estimation methods outlined in this Section are imple- where the resistance is in Newtons and the speed is in m/s.
mented on the linked Weights and Centers Estimation for The open water test of a propeller without a hull in front of
Weight I spreadsheet shown on the right in Figure 11.18. it will produce a thrust T at a speed VA with an open water
The resulting weights and centers are linked directly to the propeller efficiency ηo and this can be expressed as the thrust
italicized weights and centers entries in the WEIGHTS I power PT:
spreadsheet summary. Inputs needed for these design mod-
els are entered on the linked Weights and Centers Estima- PT = TVA/1000 (kW) [58]
tion spreadsheet. These results for the hull without the propeller and for
the propeller without the hull can be linked together by the
definition of the hull-propeller interaction factors defined
11.4 HYDRODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE in the following:
ESTIMATION VA = V(1 – w) [59]
The conceptual design of a vessel must utilize physics-based T = RT/(1 – t) [60]
methods to simulate the propulsion, maneuvering, and sea-
keeping hydrodynamic performance of the evolving design ηP = ηoηr [61]
Figure 11.18 WEIGHTS I Parametric Stage Weights Summation Spreadsheet

Figure 11.19 Location of Various Power Definitions

11-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

where: PD = PT / ηP = PT/(ηoηr) = PE/(ηhηoηr) [64]

w = Taylor wake fraction The shaft power PS is defined at the output of the reduction
t = thrust deduction fraction gear or transmission process, if installed, and the brake
ηP = behind the hull condition propeller efficiency power PB is defined at the output flange of the prime mover.
ηr = relative rotative efficiency that adjusts the propeller’s When steam machinery is purchased, the vendor typi-
open water efficiency to its efficiency behind the hull. cally provides the high pressure and low-pressure turbines
and the reduction gear as a combined package so steam
Note that ηr is not a true thermodynamic efficiency and may plant design typically estimates and specifies the shaft power
assume values greater than one. PS, since this is what steam turbine the steam turbine ven-
Substituting equations 59 and 60 into equation 58 and dor must provide. When diesel or gas turbine prime movers
using equation 57 yields the relationship between the thrust are used, the gear is usually provided separately so the de-
power and the effective power: sign typically estimates and specifies the brake power PB,
PT = PE (1 – w)/(1 – t) [62] since this is what prime mover the prime mover vendor must
provide. The shaft power PS is related to the delivered power
from which we define the convenient grouping of terms PD transmitted to the propeller by the sterntube bearing and
called the hull efficiency ηh: seal efficiency ηs and the line shaft bearing efficiency ηb by:
ηh = (1 – t)/(1 – w) = PE/PT [63] PS = PD/(ηsηb) [65]
The hull efficiency can be viewed as the ratio of the work The shaft power PS is related to the required brake power
done on the hull PE to the work done by the propeller PT. PB by the transmission efficiency of the reduction gear or
Note also that ηh is not a true thermodynamic efficiency electrical transmission process ηt by:
and may assume values greater than one.
PB = PS / ηt [66]
The input power delivered to the propeller PD is related
to the output thrust power from the propeller PT by the be- Combining equations 64, 65, and 66 now yields the needed
hind the hull efficiency equation 61 giving when we also relationship between the effective power PE and the brake
use equation 63: power at the prime mover PB:

Figure 11.20 Propulsion Trials Propeller Design Match Point

Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-31

PB = PE/(ηhηoηrηsηbηt) [67] Commercial designs typically have a power service mar-

gin of 15 to 25%, with the margin increasing from relatively
low speed tankers to high-speed container ships. In princi- Power margins
ple, this should depend upon the dry docking interval; the
In propulsion system design, the design point for the equi-
trade route, with its expected sea and wind conditions, water
librium between the prime mover and the propulsor is usu-
temperatures, and hull fouling; and other factors.
ally the initial sea trials condition with a new vessel, clean
The power output of a diesel prime mover varies as N´
hull, calm wind and waves, and deep water. The resistance
= N/No at constant throttle as shown in Figure 11.20, where
is estimated for this ideal trials condition. A power design
N is the propeller rpm and No is the rated propeller rpm.
margin MD is included within or applied to the predicted re-
Thus, diesel plants need a relatively larger power service mar-
sistance or effective power in recognition that the estimate is
gin to ensure that adequate power is available in the worst
being made with approximate methods based upon an early,
service conditions. The service margin might be somewhat
incomplete definition of the design. This is highly recom-
smaller with steam or gas turbine prime movers since their
mended since most designs today must meet the specified tri-
power essentially varies as (2 – N´)N´ and is, thus, much less
als speed under the force of a contractual penalty clause. It
sensitive to propeller rpm. The power service margin might
is also necessary to include a power service margin MS to
also be somewhat lower with a controllable pitch propeller
provide the added power needed in service to overcome the
since the pitch can be adjusted to enable to prime mover to
added resistance from hull fouling, waves, wind, shallow
develop maximum power under any service conditions. Con-
water effects, etc. When these two margins are incorporated,
ventionally powered naval vessels typically have power serv-
equation 67 for the trials design point (=) becomes:
ice margins of about 15% since the maximum power is being
PB(1 – MS) = PE (1 + MD)/(ηhηoηrηsηbηt) [68] pushed hard to achieve the maximum speed and it is used only
a relatively small amount of the ship’s life. Nuclear powered
The propeller is designed to achieve this equilibrium naval vessels typically have higher power service margins since
point on the initial sea trials, as shown in Figure 11.20. The they lack the typical fuel capacity constraint and are, thus, op-
design match point provides equilibrium between the en- erated more of their life at high powers.
gine curve: the prime mover at (1 – MS) throttle and full It is important to note that in the margin approach out-
rpm (the left side of the equality in equation 68), and the line above, the power design margin MD is defined as a frac-
propeller load with (1 + MD) included in the prediction (the tion of the resistance or effective power estimate, which is
right side of the equality). increased to provide the needed margin. The power service
The brake power PB in equation 68 now represents the margin MS, however, is defined as a fraction of the MCR that
minimum brake power required from the prime mover. The is reduced for the design match point on trials. This differ-
engine(s) can, thus, be selected by choosing an engine(s) ence in the definition of the basis for the percentage of MD
with a total Maximum Continuous Rating (or selected re- and MS is important. Note that if MS were 20% this would
duced engine rating for the application) which exceeds this increase PB in equation 68 by 1/(1 – MS) or 1.25, but if MS
required value: were defined in the same manner as MD it would only be in-
MCR ≥ PB = PE(1 + MD)/(ηhηoηrηsηbηt(1 – MS)) [69] creased by (1 + MS) = 1.20. This potential 5% difference in

Commercial ship designs have power design margin of

3 to 5% depending upon the risk involved in not achieving
TABLE 11.IX U.S. Navy Power Design Margins (42)
the specified trials speed. With explicit estimation of the air
drag of the vessel, a power design margin of 3% might be Category Description MD
justified for a fairly conventional hull form using the best
parametric resistance prediction methods available today. 1a Early parametric prediction before the plan 10%
The power design margin for Navy vessels usually needs and appendage configuration
to be larger due to the relatively larger (up to 25% compared 1b Preliminary design prediction made from 8%
with 3-8%) and harder to estimate appendage drag on these the model PE test
vessels. The U.S. Navy power design margin policy (42) in-
2 Preliminary/contract design after PS test 6%
cludes a series of categories through which the margin de- with stock propeller and corrections
creases as the design becomes better defined and better
3 Contract design after PS test with model 2%
methods are used to estimate the required power as shown
of actual propeller
in Table 11.IX.
11-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the sizing the main machinery is significant. Practice has The Holtrop and Mennen model also include three sep-
been observed in Japan and also occasionally in the UK arate models for the hull propeller interaction:
where both the power design margin and the power service
1. wake fraction w,
margin are defined as increases of the smaller estimates, so
2. thrust deduction t, and
precision in contractual definition of the power service mar-
3. relative rotative efficiency ηr.
gin is particularly needed when purchasing vessels abroad.
The user needs to make a qualitative selection between a Effective power estimation traditional closed stern or more modern open flow stern for
The choice of vessel dimensions and form parameters will a single screw vessel or select a twin screw model. The
influence and depend upon the resistance of the hull and the method also includes a rational estimation of the drag of
resulting choice of propulsor(s) and prime mover(s). The each appendage based upon a first-principles drag estimate
choice of machinery will influence the engine room size, the based upon its wetted surface Si and a factor (1 + K2i) that
machinery weight, and the machinery center of gravity. Early reflects an estimate of the local velocity at the appendage
estimates of the resistance of the hull can be obtained from and its drag coefficient. The PPP program implements both
SNAME Design Data Sheets, scaling model tests from a a simple percentage of bare hull resistance appendage drag
basis ship or geosim, standard series resistance data, or one model and the more rational Holtrop and Mennen appendage
of the resistance estimation software tools available today. drag model.
The most widely used parametric stage resistance model The input verification and output report from the PPP
for displacement hulls (F∇ ≤ ≈ 2) was developed by Holtrop program are shown in Figure 11.21 for illustration.
and Mennen at MARIN (43, 44). This model has been im- The output includes all components of the resistance at
plemented in the Power Prediction Program (PPP), which a series of eight user-specified speeds and the resulting total
is available for teaching and design (40). This resistance resistance RT; effective power PE; hull propeller interaction
model is used as the principal example here. Hollenbach w, t, ηh, and ηr; and the thrust required of the propulsor(s)
presents a parametric resistance model intended to improve Treqd = RT/(1 – t). The design power margin as (1 + MD) is
upon the Holtrop and Mennen method, particularly for mod- incorporated within the reported total resistance, effective
ern, shallow draft, twin screw vessels (45). power, and required thrust for design convenience.
The Holtrop and Mennen model is a complex, physics- The model includes a regression model for the model-
based model for which the final coefficients were obtained ship correlation allowance. If the user does not yet know
by regression analysis of 334 model tests conducted at the wetted surface of the hull or the half angle of entrance
MARIN. (This particular model applies to displacement of the design waterplane, the model includes regression
monohulls with characteristics in the ranges: 0.55 ≤ CP ≤ models that can estimate these hull characteristics from the
0.85; 3.90 ≤ L/B ≤ 14.9; 2.10 ≤ B/T ≤ 4.00; 0.05 ≤ Fn ≤ other input dimensions and parameters. This resistance es-
1.00.) The model as implemented in PPP estimates re- timation model supports design estimates for most dis-
sistance components using a modified Hughes method as placement monohulls and allows a wide range of tradeoff
follows: studies relative to resistance performance. In the example
run shown in Figure 11.21, it can be seen that the bulbous
RT = (RF + K1RF + RW + RB + RTR + RAPP + RA + RAIR) (1 + MD) [70]
bow sizing and location do not produce added form drag
where RT is the total resistance, RF is the frictional resist- (RB ≈ 0) and the flow clears off the transom stern (RTR →
ance, K1RF is the majority of the form drag, RW is the wave 0) above about 23 knots. The air drag is about 2% of the
making and wave breaking resistance, RB is the added form bare hull resistance in this case.
drag due to the mounding of water above a bulbous bow
that is too close to the free surface for its size, RTR is the Propulsion efficiency estimation
added form drag due to the failure of the flow to separate Use of equation 69 to size the prime mover(s) requires the
from the bottom of a hydrodynamic transom stern, RAPP is estimation of the six efficiencies in the denominator. Re-
the appendage resistance, RA is the correlation allowance sistance and hull-propeller interaction estimation methods,
resistance, RAIR is the air resistance, and MD is the power such as the Holtrop and Mennen model as implemented in
design margin. Holtrop and Mennen added the two special the PPP program, can provide estimates of the hull effi-
form drag components RB and RTR to achieve effective mod- ciency ηh and the relative rotative efficiency ηr. Estimation
eling of their model tests. The RAIR and the power design of the open water propeller efficiency ηo in early design
margin were incorporated into the PPP program imple- will be discussed in the next subsection. Guidance for the
mentation to facilitate design work. sterntube and line bearing efficiencies are as follows (41):
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-33

ηsηb = 0.98, for machinery aft where ηgen = electric generator efficiency, ηc = transmission
= 0.97, for machinery amidship and power conversion efficiency, ηm = electric motor effi-
ciency, and ηg = reduction gear efficiency (equation 72)
The SNAME Technical and Research bulletins can provide
The SNAME bulletin (35) includes data for this total
guidance for the transmission efficiency with mechanical
transmission efficiency ηt depending upon the type of elec-
reduction gears (35):
trical plant utilized. In general, in AC generation/AC motor
ηt = ηg = ∏ (1 – i) [72] electrical systems ηt varies from about 88 to 95%, in AC/DC
i systems ηt varies from about 85 to 90%, and in DC/DC sys-
where i = 0.010 for each gear reduction, i = 0.005 for the
tems ηt varies from about 80 to 86% each increasing with
thrust bearing, and i = 0.010 for a reversing gear path. Thus,
the rated power level of the installation. Further, all the bear-
a single reduction, reversing reduction gear with an inter-
ing and transmission losses increase as a fraction of the trans-
nal thrust bearing used in a medium speed diesel plant would
mitted power as the power drops below the rated condition.
have a gearing efficiency of about ηt = 0.975. Note that
since test bed data for low speed diesels usually does not Propeller design optimization
include a thrust load, ηt = 0.005 should be included in di- The open water propeller efficiency ηo is the most signifi-
rect connected low speed diesel plants to account for the cant efficiency in equation 69. The resistance and hull-pro-
thrust bearing losses in service. peller interaction estimation yields the wake fraction w and
With electric drive, the transmission efficiency must in- the required total thrust from the propeller or propellers,
clude the efficiency of the electrical generation, transmis-
sion, power conversion, electric motor, and gearing (if Treqd = RT/(1 – t) [74]
installed): assuming a conventional propeller is used. Alexander (46)
ηt = ηgenηcηmηg [73] provides a discussion of the comparable issues when using

Figure 11.21 Sample Power Prediction Program (PPP) Output (40)

11-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

waterjet propulsion. For large moderately cavitating pro- for the optimum rpm propeller when the diameter is set by
pellers, the Wageningen B-Screw Series is the commonly the hull and clearances (49) and for the optimum diameter
used preliminary design model (47). An optimization pro- propeller when a directly connected low speed diesel en-
gram which selects the maximum open water efficiency Wa- gine sets the propeller rpm (50). In using these design charts,
geningen B-Screw Series propeller subject to a 5% or 10% the cavitation constraint has to be imposed externally using
Burrill back cavitation constraint (41) and diameter con- Keller’s cavitation criterion or Burrill’s cavitation constraints
straints is implemented as the Propeller Optimization Pro- (41, 51) or a similar result.
gram (POP), which is available for teaching and design (40). Initial propeller design should also consider the trade-
This program utilizes the Nelder and Mead Simplex Search off among blade number Z, propeller rpm Np, open water
with an External Penalty Function (48) to obtain the opti- efficiency ηo, and potential resonances between the blade
mum design. A sample design run with the Propeller Opti- rate propeller excitation at ZNp (cpm) and predicted hull
mization Program (POP) is shown in Figure 11.22. natural frequencies. Hull natural frequencies can be esti-
The program can establish the operating conditions for mated in the early parametric design using methods pre-
a specified propeller or optimize a propeller design for given sented by Todd (52).
operating conditions and constraints. A sample optimiza-
tion problem is shown. This provides an estimate of the
open water efficiency ηo needed to complete the sizing of 11.4.2 Maneuvering Performance Estimation
the propulsion machinery using equation 69. The maneuvering characteristics of a hull are directly af-
Useful design charts for the maximum open water effi- fected by its fundamental form and LCG as well as its
ciency Wageningen B-Screw Series propellers are also avail- rudder(s) size and location. Recent IMO requirements rec-
able for two special cases. Bernitsas and Ray present results ommend performance in turns, zigzag maneuvers, and stop-

Figure 11.22 Sample Propeller Optimization Program (POP) Output (40)

Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-35

ping. Thus, it is incumbent upon the designer to check basic Norrbin’s index is obtained by solving the simpler first-
maneuvering characteristics of a hull during the paramet- order Nomoto’s equation of motion for the same result. It
ric stage when the overall dimensions and form coefficients can be calculated as follows:
are being selected. This subsection will illustrate a para-
P1 = | ψ/δ | t´=1 = |K´|(1 – |T´| (1 – e –t / |T´|)) [77]
metric design capability to assess course stability and turn-
ability. This performance presents the designer with a basic where K’ and T’ are the rudder gain and time constant, re-
tradeoff since a highly course stable vessel is hard to turn spectively, in the first-order Nomoto’s equation:
and vice versa.
T´dr´/dt´ + r´ = K´δ [78]
Clarke et al (53) and Lyster and Knights (54) developed
useful parametric stage maneuvering models for displace- where r´ is the nondimensional yaw rate and δ is the rud-
ment hulls. Clarke et al used the linearized equations of mo- der angle in radians. Values for a design can be compared
tion in sway and yaw to develop a number of useful measures with the recommended minimum of 0.3 (0.2 for large
of maneuverability. They estimated the hydrodynamics sta- tankers) and the results of a MarAd study by Barr and the
bility derivatives in terms of the fundamental parameters of European COST study that established mean lines for a
the hull form using regression equations of data from 72 sets large number of acceptable designs. This chart is presented
of planar motion mechanism and rotating arm experiments in Figure 11.23.
and theoretically derived independent variables. Lyster and Clarke also noted that many ships today, particularly
Knights obtained regression equations of turning circle pa- those with full hulls and open flow to the propeller, are
rameters from full-scale maneuvering trials. These models course unstable. However, these can still be maneuvered
have been implemented in the Maneuvering Prediction Pro- successfully by a helmsman if the phase lag of the hull and
gram (MPP), which is also available for teaching and de- the steering gear is not so large that it cannot be overcome
sign (40). In MPP, the Clarke hydrodynamic stability by the anticipatory abilities of a trained and alert helmsman.
derivative equations have been extended by using correc- This can be assessed early in the parametric stage of design
tions for trim from Inoue et al (55) and corrections for fi- by estimating the phase margin for the hull and steering
nite water depth derived from the experimental results gear and comparing this to capabilities found for typical
obtained by Fugino (56). helmsmen in maneuvering simulators. Clarke derived this
Controls-fixed straight-line stability is typically as- phase margin from the linearized equations of motion and
sessed using the linearized equations of motion for sway concluded that a helmsman can safely maneuver a course
and yaw (57). The sign of the Stability Criterion C, which unstable ship if this phase margin is above about –20 de-
involves the stability derivatives and the vessel LCG po- grees. This provides a valuable early design check for ves-
sition, can determine stability. A vessel is straight-line sels that need to be course unstable.
course stable if: Lyster and Knights (53) obtained regression equations
for standard turning circle parameters from maneuvering tri-
C = Yv´ (Nr´ – m´xg´) – (Yr´ – m´)Nv´ > 0 [75]
als of a large number of both single- and twin-screw ves-
where m’ is the non-dimensional mass, xg´ is the longitu- sels. Being based upon full-scale trials, these results
dinal center of gravity as a decimal fraction of ship length represent the fully nonlinear maneuvering performance of
plus forward of amidships, and the remaining terms are the these vessels. These equations predict the advance, trans-
normal sway force and yaw moment stability derivatives fer, tactical diameter, steady turning diameter, and steady
with respect to sway velocity v and yaw rate r. speed in a turn from hull parameters.
Clarke (53) proposed a useful turnability index obtained The input and output report from a typical run of the
by solving Nomoto’s second-order in r lateral plane equa- Maneuvering Prediction Program (MPP) is shown in Fig-
tion of motion for the change in heading angle resulting ure 11.24. More details of this program are available in the
from a step rudder change after vessel has traveled one ship manual (40). The program estimates the linear stability de-
length: rivatives, transforms these into the time constants and gains
for Nomoto’s first- and second-order maneuvering equa-
Pc = | ψ/δ | t´=1 [76]
tions, and then estimates the characteristics described above.
This derivation follows earlier work by Norrbin that defined These results can be compared to generalized data from sim-
a similar P1 parameter. Clarke recommended a design value ilar ships (57) and Figure 11.23. The example ship analyzed
of at least 0.3 for the Pc index. This suggests the ability to is course unstable since C < 0, with good turnability as in-
turn about 10 degrees in the first ship length after the initi- dicated by Pc = 0.46, but should be easily controlled by a
ation of a full 35 degree rudder command. helmsman since the phase margin is 2.4º > –20º. Norrbin’s
11-36 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Click here to view

Figure 11.23 Norrbin’s Turning Index versus |K´| and |T´|

turning index can be seen to be favorable in Figure 11.23. desired. From this, typically only the three restored motions
The advance of 2.9 L and tactical diameter of 3.5 L are well of heave, pitch, and roll and the vertical wave bending mo-
below the IMO recommended 4.5 L and 5.0 L, respectively. ment are of interest in the parametric stage of conceptual
If these results were not acceptable, the design could be design.
improved by changing rudder area and/or modifying the
basic proportions of the hull. Early estimates of motions natural frequencies
Effective estimates can often be made for the three natural
frequencies in roll, heave, and pitch based only upon the
11.4.3 Seakeeping Performance Estimation characteristics and parameters of the vessel. Their effec-
The seakeeping performance (58) can be a critical factor in tiveness usually depends upon the hull form being close to
the conceptual design of many vessels such as offshore sup- the norm.
port vessels, oceanographic research vessels, and warships. An approximate roll natural period can be derived using
It is only secondary in the parametric design of many con- a simple one degree-of-freedom model yielding:
ventional commercial vessels. The basic hull sizing and
Tφ = 2.007 k11/√GMT [77]
shape will affect the seakeeping capabilities of a vessel as
noted in the discussion associated with equation 21. where k11 is the roll radius of gyration, which can be related
Thus, it may be incumbent upon the designer to check to the ship beam using:
the basic seakeeping characteristics of a hull during the
k11 = 0.50 κ B [78]
parametric stage when the overall dimensions and form co-
efficients are being selected. This subsection will illustrate with 0.76 ≤ κ ≤ 0.82 for merchant hulls and 0.69 ≤ κ ≤ 1.00
a parametric design capability to assess seakeeping per- generally.
formance in a random seaway. Coupled five (no surge) and Using κ = 0.80, we obtain the easy to remember result
six degree-of-freedom solutions in a random seaway are k11≈ 0.40B. Katu (59) developed a more complex parametric
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-37

Figure 11.24 Sample Maneuvering Prediction Program (MPP) Output (40)

model for estimating the roll natural period that yields the located at 4.85T1–1 with T1 the characteristic period of the
alternative result for the parameter κ, seaway. An approximate pitch natural period can also be de-
rived using a simple one degree-of-freedom model yielding:
κ = 0.724√(CB(CB + 0.2) – 1.1(CB + 0.2)
= × (1.0 – CB)(2.2 – D/T) + (D/B)2) Tθ = 2.007 k22/√GML [81]
Roll is a lightly damped process so the natural period can where now k22 is the pitch radius of gyration, which can be
be compared directly with the dominant encounter period related to the ship length by noting that 0.24L ≤ k22 ≤ 0.26L.
of the seaway to establish the risk of resonant motions. The An alternative parametric model reported by Lamb (14) can
encounter period in long-crested oblique seas is given by: be used for comparison:
Te = 2π / (ω – (Vω2 / g) cosθw) [80] Tθ = 1.776 CWP–1√(TCB(0.6 + 0.36B/T)) [82]
where ω is the wave frequency, V is ship speed, and θw is Pitch is a heavily-damped (non resonant) mode, but early
the wave angle relative to the ship heading with θw = 0º fol- design checks typically try to avoid critical excitation by at
lowing seas, θw = 90º beam seas, and θw = 180º head seas. least 10%.
For reference, the peak frequency of an ISSC spectrum is An approximate heave natural period can also be de-
11-38 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

rived using a simple one degree-of-freedom model. A re- a 1% probability of exceedance. These design moments can
sulting parametric model has been reported by Lamb (14): be used in the initial midship section design.
The Seakeeping Prediction Program (SPP) can be used
Th = 2.007 √(TCB(B/3T + 1.2)/CWP) [83]
in two ways in early design. With only ship dimensions and
Like pitch, heave is a heavily damped (non resonant) mode. hull form parameters available, the program will approxi-
Early design checks typically try to avoid having Th = Tφ, mate the Section Area Curve and the Design Waterline Curve
Th = Tθ, 2Th = Tθ, Tφ = Tθ or Tφ = 2Tθ which could lead to for the hull using 5th-order polynomial curves. In its cur-
significant mode coupling. For many large ships, however, rent form, the model can include a transom stern, but does
these conditions often cannot be avoided. not model a bulbous bow, which will have a relatively sec-
ondary effect on the motions. This modeling is effective for Vertical plane estimates for cruiser stern vessels hulls without significant parallel midbody. The program can
Loukakis and Chryssostomidis (60) used repeated sea- also accept station data for the Section Area Curve and the
keeping analyses to provide information for parameter stage Design Waterline Curve if these have been established by
estimation of the vertical plane motions of cruiser stern ves- hydrostatic analysis in the early design process.
sels based on the Series 60 family of vessels. Because the linear seakeeping analysis uses an ideal fluid
(inviscid flow) assumption, which will result in serious un- Estimates by linear seakeeping analysis derprediction of roll damping, the user can include a real-
While most seakeeping analysis codes require a hull design istic estimate of viscous roll damping by inputting a fraction
and a set of hull offsets, useful linear seakeeping analysis of critical roll damping ζ estimate. This is necessary to pro-
is still feasible at the parameter stage of early design. The duce roll estimates that are useful in design. A value of ζ =
SCORES five degree-of-freedom (no surge) linear sea- 0.10 is typical of normal hulls without bilge keels, with
keeping program (61) has been adapted to personal com- bilge keels possibly doubling this value.
puters for use in parametric design. This program was The input and selected portions of the output report from
specifically selected because of its long period of accept- a typical run of the Seakeeping Prediction Program (SPP)
ance within the industry and its use of the Lewis form trans- are shown in Figure 11.25. More details of this program are
formations to describe the hull. The Lewis Forms require available in the SCORES documentation (61) and the SPP
the definition of only the Section Area Curve, the Design User’s Manual (40). In this particular example, the heave
Waterline Curve, and the keel profile for the vessel. Hull and pitch natural frequencies are almost identical indicat-
offsets are not needed. ing highly coupled vertical plane motions. The vessel ex-
The SCORES program was adapted to produce the Sea- periences a 6º significant roll at a relative heading of θw =
keeping Prediction Program (SPP), which has been devel- 60º in an ISSC spectrum sea with significant wave height
oped for teaching and design (40). This program supports Hs = 2.25 m and characteristic period T1 = 10 s (Sea State
the description of the seaway by a Pierson-Moskowitz, ISSC, 4). This ship will, therefore, occasionally experience roll as
or JONSWAP spectrum. It produces more accurate esti- high as 12º in this seaway. If these predicted results were
mates of the roll, pitch, and heave natural periods. It also not acceptable, the design could be improved by adding
performs a spectral analysis of the coupled five degree-of- bilge keels or roll fins or by modifying the basic propor-
freedom motions and the vertical wave bending moment, tions of the hull, particularly beam, CWP, and CVP.
the horizontal wave bending moment, and the torsional wave
bending moment. Since SPP is intended for use in the ear-
liest stages of parametric design, only the results for roll,
pitch, heave, and the three moments are output (sway and
yaw while in the solution are suppressed). The statistical The parametric study of ship designs requires models that
measures of RMS, average, significant (average of the 1/3 relate form, characteristics, and performance to the funda-
highest), and the average of the 1/10 highest values are pro- mental dimensions, form coefficients, and parameters of
duced for all six of these responses. An estimated extreme the design. Various techniques can be used to develop these
design value is also produced for the three bending mo- models. In pre-computer days, data was graphed on Carte-
ments using: sian, semi-log, or log-log coordinates and if the observed
relationships could be represented as straight lines in these
design extreme value = RMS √(2ln(N/α)) [84]
coordinates linear (y = a0 + a1x), exponential (y = abx), and
where the number of waves N = 1000 is used, typical of geometric (y = axb) models, respectively, were developed.
about a 3 1/2 hour peak storm, and α = 0.01 is used to model With the development of statistical computer software, mul-
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-39

Figure 11.25 Sample Seakeeping Prediction Program (SPP) Output (40)

tiple linear regression has become a standard tool for de- tween the dependent variable and the independent variables.
veloping models from data for similar vessels. More re- The effectiveness (goodness of fit) of the modeling can be
cently, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have begun to be assessed by looking at the following statistical measures:
used to model nonlinear relationships among design data.
1. R = Coefficient of Correlation which expresses how close-
This Section provides an introduction to the development
ly the data clusters around the regression curve (0 ≤ R ≤ 1,
of ship models from similar ship databases using multiple
with 1 indicating that all the data is on the curve).
linear regression and neural networks.
2. R2 = Coefficient of Determination which expresses the
fraction of the variation of the data about its mean that
11.5.1 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis is captured by the regression curve (0 ≤ R2 ≤ 1, with 1
indicating that all the variation is reflected in the curve).
Regression analysis is a numerical method which can be
3. SE = Standard Error which has units of the dependent
used to develop equations or models from data when there
variable and is for large n the standard deviation of the
is no or limited physical or theoretical basis for a specific
error between the data and the value predicted by the re-
model. It is very useful in developing parametric models for
gression curve.
use in early ship design. Highly effective capabilities are
now available in personal productivity software, such as The interpretation of the regression curve and Standard
Microsoft Excel. Error is illustrated in Figure 11.26 where for an example
In multiple linear regression, a minimum least squares TEU capacity is expressed as a function of Cubic Number
error curve of a particular form is fit to the data points. The CN. The regression curve will provide the mean value for
curve does not pass through the data, but generalizes the data the population that is consistent with the data. The Standard
to provide a model that reflects the overall relationship be- Error yields the standard deviation σ for the normal distri-
11-40 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

bution (in the limit of large n) of the population that is con-

sistent with the data.
The modeling process involves the following steps using
Excel or a similar program:
1. select independent variables from first principles or past
successful modeling,
2. observe the general form of the data on a scatter plot,
3. select a candidate equation form that will model the data
most commonly using a linear, multiple linear, polyno-
mial, exponential, or geometric equation,
4. transform the data as needed to achieve a linear multi-
ple regression problem (for example, the exponential
and geometric forms require log transformations),
5. regress the data using multiple linear regression, Figure 11.26 Probabilistic Interpretation of Regression Modeling
6. observe the statistical characteristics R, R2, and SE, and
7. iterate on the independent variables, model form, etc. to
provide an acceptable fit relative to the data quality.
required vector of training outputs in a minimum root mean
square (RMS) error sense. The neural network design task
involves selection of the training input and output vectors,
11.5.2 Neural Networks data preprocessing to improve training time, identification
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a numerical map- of an effective network structure, and proper training of the
ping between inputs and output that is modeled on the net- network. The last issue involves a tradeoff between over-
works of neurons in biological systems (62, 63). An ANN training and under training. Optimum training will capture
is a layered, hierarchical structure consisting of one input the essential information in the training data without being
layer, one output layer and one or more hidden layers lo- overly sensitive to noise. Li and Parsons (67) present heuris-
cated between the input and output layers. Each layer has tic procedures to address these issues.
a number of simple processing elements called neurons (or The neurons in the input and output layers usually have
nodes or units). Signal paths with multiplicative weights w simple linear transfer functions that sum all weighted inputs
interconnect the neurons. A neuron receives its input(s) ei- and add the associated biases to produce their output signals.
ther from the outside of the network (that is, neurons in the The inputs to the input layer have no weights.
input layer) or from the other neurons (those in the input The neurons in the hidden layer usually have nonlinear
and hidden layers). Each neuron computes its output by its transfer functions with sigmoidal (or S) forms the most com-
transfer (or activation) function and sends this as input to mon. Neuron j with bias bj and n inputs each with signal xi
other neurons or as the final output from the system. Each and weight wij will have a linearly combined activation sig-
neuron can also have a bias constant b included as part of nal zj as follows:
its transfer function. Neural networks are effective at ex- n
tracting nonlinear relationships and models from data. They zj = Σ wij xi + bj [85]
have been used to model ship parametric data (64, 65) and i=1
shipbuilding and shipping markets (66). A linear input or output neuron would just have this zj as
A typical feedforward neural network, the most com- its output. The most common nonlinear hidden layer trans-
monly used, is shown schematically in Figure 11.27. In a fer functions use the exponential logistic function or the hy-
feedforward network the signal flow is only in the forward perbolic tangent function, respectively, as follows:
direction from one layer to the next from the input to the
yj = (1+ e–zj) –1 [86]
output. Feedforward neural networks are commonly trained
by the supervised learning algorithm called backpropaga- yj = tanh(zj) = (ezj – e–zj)/(ezj + e–zj) [87]
tion. Backpropagation uses a gradient decent technique to
adjust the weights and biases of the neural network in a These forms provide continuous, differentiable nonlinear
backwards, layer-by-layer manner. It adjusts the weights transfer functions with sigmoid shapes.
and biases until the vector of the neural network outputs for One of the most important characteristics of neural net-
the corresponding vectors of training inputs approaches the works is that they can learn from their training experience.
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-41

15 vessels for the final model evaluation and comparison.

The modeling goal was to develop a generalized estimate
of the total TEU capacity for ships using the four input
variables: L, B, D, and Vk.
The total TEU capacity of a container ship will be re-
lated to the overall vessel size and the volume of the hull.
Perhaps the most direct approach would be to estimate the
total TEU capacity using L, B, and D in meters as inde-
pendent variables in a multiple linear regression model. This
analysis was performed using the Data Analysis option in
the Tools menu in Microsoft Excel to yield the equation:
TEU = –2500.3 + 19.584 LBP + 16.097 B + 46.756 D [88]
(n = 67, R = 0.959, SE = 469.8 TEU)
Figure 11.27 Schematic of (4x4x1) Feedforward Artificial Neural Network
This is not a very successful result as seen by the Stadard
Error in particular. Good practice should report n, R, and
Learning provides an adaptive capability that can extract SE with any presented regression equations.
nonlinear parametric relationships from the input and out- The container block is a volume so it would be reason-
put vectors without the need for a mathematical theory or able to expect the total TEU capacity to correlate strongly
explicit modeling. Learning occurs during the process of with hull volume, which can be represented by the metric
weight and bias adjustment such that the outputs of the neu- Cubic Number (CN = LBD / 100). The relationship between
ral network for the selected training inputs match the cor- the TEU capacity and the Cubic Number for the training
responding training outputs in a minimum RMS error sense. set is visualized using the Scatter Plot Chart option in Excel
After training, neural networks then have the capability to in Figure 11.28.
generalize; i.e., produce useful outputs from input patterns The two variables have a strong linear correlation so ei-
that they have never seen before. This is achieved by uti- ther a linear equation or a quadratic equation in CN could
lizing the information stored in the weights and biases to provide an effective model. Performing a linear regression
decode the new input patterns. analysis yields the equation:
Theoretically, a feed forward neural network can ap- TEU = 142.7 + 0.02054 CN [89]
proximate any complicated nonlinear relationship between (n = 67, R = 0.988, SE = 254.9 TEU)
input and output provided there are a large enough number
which shows a much better Coefficient of Correlation R
of hidden layers containing a large enough number of non-
and Standard Error.
linear neurons. In practice, simple neural networks with a
The vessel speed affects the engineroom size, which
single hidden layer and a small number of neurons can be
competes with containers within the hull volume, but could
quite effective. Software packages, such as the MATLAB
also lengthen the hull allowing more deck containers. It is,
neural network toolbox (68), provide readily accessible neu-
therefore, reasonable to try as independent variables CN
ral network development capabilities.
and Vk to see if further improvement can be achieved. This
regression model is as follows:
11.5.3 Example Container Capacity Modeling
TEU = –897.7 + 0.01790 CN + 66.946 Vk [90]
The development of parametric models using Multiple Lin- (n = 67, R = 0.990, SE = 232.4 TEU)
ear Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks
which shows a modest additional improvement in both R
will be illustrated through the development of models for
and SE.
the total (hull plus deck) TEU container capacity of hatch
covered cellular container vessel as a function of L, B, D, Although the relationship between total TEU capacity
and Vk. A mostly 1990s dataset of 82 cellular container and CN is highly linear, it is still reasonable to investigate
ships ranging from 205 to 6690 TEU was used for this the value of including CN2 as a third independent variable.
model development and testing. To allow a blind model This multiple linear regression model is as follows:
evaluation using data not used in the model development, TEU = –1120.5 + 0.01464 CN
the data was separated into a training dataset of 67 vessels + 0.000000009557CN2 + 86.844 Vk [91]
for the model development and a separate test dataset of (n = 67, R = 0.990, SE = 229.1 TEU)
11-42 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

which shows, as expected, a small coefficient for CN2 and and output TEU. The ANN has four linear neurons in the
only a small additional improvement in SE. input layer, one hidden layer with four nonlinear hyperbolic
To illustrate an alternative approach using simple design tangent neurons, and a single linear neuron output layer.
logic, the total TEU capacity could be postulated to depend This neural network was trained with the MATLAB Neural
upon the cargo box volume LcBD. Further, the ship could Network Toolbox (68) using the 67 training container ships
be modeled as the cargo box, the bow and stern portions, used to develop the linear regression models. This ANN de-
which are reasonably constant fractions of the ship length, sign evaluated nets with 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 hidden layer neu-
and the engine room that has a length which varies as the rons with 4 giving the best results. The ANN was trained
speed Vk. This logic gives a cargo box length Lc = L – aL for 500 through 5000 epochs (training iterations) with 2500
– bVk and a cargo box volume LcBD = (L – aL – bVk)BD giving the best results.
= (1 – a)LBD – bBDVk. Using these as the independent To evaluate the performance of the regression equations
variables with CN in place of LBD yields the alternative re- and neural network using data that was not used in their de-
gression equation: velopment, the final 15 test ships were used to test the neu-
ral network and the five regression equations presented
TEU = 109.6 + 0.01870 CN + 0.02173 BDVk [92] above. They were compared in terms of their RMS relative
(n = 67, R = 0.988, SE = 256.1 TEU)
error defined as:
which is possibly not as effective as the prior two models 15
primarily because the largest vessels today are able to carry RMSi = {Σ [(TEUj – TEUij)/TEUj]2/15}1/2 [93]
containers both on top of the engine room and on the stern. j=1
For comparison, a (4 × 4 × 1) neural network was de- where index i indicates the model and index j indicates the
veloped by David J. Singer using inputs L, B, D, and Vk test dataset vessel. A summary of these results is shown in

Click here to view

Figure 11.28 Total TEU Capacity versus Metric Cubic Number

Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-43

Table 11.X. The most effective regression equation for this The typical formulation for nonlinear programming op-
test data is equation 90, which had the highest R and nearly timization with λ objectives would be as follows:
the lowest Standard Error. The ANN performed similarly.
Note that for this highly linear example, as shown in Fig- λ
ure 11.28, the full capability of the nonlinear ANN is not min F = Σ wi fi(x) [94]
being exploited. x i=1

subject to

11.6 PARAMETRIC MODEL OPTIMIZATION equality constraints hj(x) = 0, j = 1,…, m

inequality constraints gk(x) ≥ 0, k = 1,…, n
The parametric models presented and developed in this
chapter can be coupled with cost models and then optimized with
by various optimization methods for desired economic meas- fi(x) = cost or objective function i
ure of merit and other cost functions. Methods currently wi = weight on cost function i
available will be briefly outlined here.
This optimization problem can be solved by many numer-
ical procedures available today. An example of the one of
11.6.1 Nonlinear Programming the most comprehensive packages is LMS OPTIMUS (69).
Classical nonlinear programming methods were reviewed It has a convenient user interface for problem definition and
in Parsons (48). Nonlinear programming is usually used in uses Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) for the nu-
early ship design with a scalar cost function such as the Re- merical solution. Solver in Excel also has excellent capa-
quired Freight Rate. A weighted sum cost function can be bilities.
used to treat multiple objective problems by converting the Small design optimization problems such as that im-
multiple objectives fi(x) to a single scalar cost function. plemented in the Propeller Optimization Program (40) can
These methods can also be used to obtain a Min-Max so- utilize much simpler algorithms. In this particular example,
lution for multicriterion problems. the Nelder and Mead Simplex Search is used with the con-
The phrase Multi-discipline Optimization (MDO) is strained problem converted to an equivalent unconstrained
often used to apply to optimization problems involving var- problem min P(x,r) using an external penalty function de-
ious disciplinary considerations such as powering, sea- fined as:
keeping, stability, etc. Nonlinear programming applications n
in early ship design have done this for over 30 years. Note P(x,r) = f(x) – r Σ min[gk(x), 0] [95]
that MDO is not synonymous with the Multicriterion Op- k=1
timization described below.
where r is automatically adjusted by the code to yield an
effective penalty (48). If the equality constraints can be
solved explicitly or implicitly for one of the xi this allows
TABLE 11.X Maximum and RMS Relative Error for the number of unknowns to be reduced. Alternatively, an
Regressions and ANN equality constraint can be replaced by two equivalent in-
equality constraints: hj(x) ≤ 0 and hj + 1(x) ≥ 0.
Max. Relative RMS Relative
Model Error Error
11.6.2 Multicriterion Optimization and Decision Making
Regression Equations
In recent years, effort has been directed toward methods
equation 88 0.771 0.3915
that can be applied to optimization problems with multiple
equation 89 0.088 0.1212 criteria that can appear in marine design (70-72). In most
equation 90 0.037 0.0979 cases this is a matter of formulation where issues previously
equation 91 0.059 0.1185 treated as constraints are moved to become additional cri-
equation 92 0.069 0.1151
teria to be optimized.

Artificial Neural Network The analytical hierarchy process

There are a number of ship design optimization and design
ANN (4×4×1) trained for 2500 epochs 0.123
selection problems that can be structured in a hierarchy of
11-44 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

influence and effects. The Analytical Hierarchy Process Goal programming
(AHP) introduced by Saaty (73) can be used to treat these An alternative optimization formulation for multiple crite-
problems. This method is well presented by Saaty (73) and rion problems is called goal programming (70-72,76). This
Sen and Yang (72) and will not be presented further here. approach treats multiple objective functions and selected
Marine applications are given by Hunt and Butman (74). constraints as goals to be approached or met in the solution.
AHP has also been used in ship design tradeoff studies to There are two approaches for formulating these problems:
elicit relative values, see Singer et al (75). Preemptive or Lexicographical goal programming and
Archimedean goal programming. These two can be blended Pareto and min–max optimization into the same formulation when this is advantageous (72).
The optimization with multiple criteria requires a careful Preemptive or Lexicographical goal programming solves
definition of the optimum. The classical approach seeks a the problem in stages. The solution is obtained for the first
Pareto optimum in which no criterion can be further im- (most important) goal and then the problem is solved for
proved without degrading at least one of the other criteria. the second goal with the added constraint that the first goal
In general, this logic results in a set of optimum solutions. result cannot be degraded, etc. The process continues until
This situation is shown for a simple problem that seeks to all goals are treated or a single solution results. The ap-
maximize two criteria subject to inequality constraints in proach restates the traditional objective functions as goals
Figure 11.29. The figure shows the objective function space that are treated as additional equality constraints using pos-
with axes for the two criteria f1(x) and f2(x). The feasible itive slack or deviation variables dk± defined to achieve the
constrained region is also shown. The set of solutions that equalities. The cost function Z then involves deviation func-
provides the Pareto Optimum is identified. At ends of this tions hi that are selected to produce the desired results rel-
set are the two separate solutions f1˚ and f2˚ that individu- ative to satisfying these goals.
ally optimize criteria one and two, respectively. Engineer-
ing design typically seeks a single result. The Min-Max Formulation:
solution provides a logical way to decide which solution min Z = [P1 h1(d1–, d1+), P2 h2(d2–, d2+), ...,
from the Pareto optimum set to use. x [100]
Pn+m hn+m(dn+m–, dn+m+)]
A logical engineering solution for this situation is to use
the one solution that has the same relative loss in each of subject to goal achievement
the individual criteria relative to the value achievable con- fi(x) + di– – di+ = bi, i = 1,…, n
sidering that criterion alone fi˚. The relative distance to the
fi˚ are defined by the following: and constraints

zi´(x) = | fi(x) – fi˚ |/|fi˚ | [96] gj(x) + dj– – dj+ = 0, j = 1,…, m

zi´´(x) = | fi(x) – fi˚ |/|fi(x)| [97]

where the first will govern for a minimized criterion and the
latter will govern for a maximized criterion. The algorithm
uses the maximum of the these two measures:
zi(x) = max[zi´(x), zi´´(x)] [98]
The Min-Max optimum y(x*) is then defined by the fol-
lowing expression:
y(x*) = min max [zi(x)] [99]
x i

where the maximization is over the objective criteria i and

the minimization is over the independent variable vector x.
The resulting solution is shown in Figure 11.29. This solu-
tion will usually achieve any of the fi˚, but is a compromise
solution that has the same relative loss with respect to each
of the fi˚ that bound the Pareto set. This yields a reasonable
engineering compromise between the two competing cri-
teria. Figure 11.29 Illustration of Pareto and Min-Max Optima
Chapter 11: Parametric Design 11-45

with wk± = weights for goal i or constraint j, k = i or n + j,

underachievement or overachievement deviations
fi(x) = goal i
bi = target value for goal i In formulating these problems care must be taken to create
gj(x) = constraint j ≥ 0, ≤ 0, or = 0 a set of goals, which are not in conflict with one another so
dk– = underachievement of goal i or constraint j, k= i that a reasonable design solution can be obtained. Refer to
or n + j, dk– ≥ 0 Skwarek (77) where a published goal programming result
+ from the marine literature is shown to be incorrect prima-
dk = overachievement of goal i or constraint j, k= i or
n + j, dk+ ≥ 0 rily due to a poorly formulated problem and ineffective op-
Pi = priority for goal i achievement, Pi >> Pi+1 timization stopping.
The priorities Pi are just symbolic meaning the solution for
goal 1 is first, with the solution for goal 2 second subject to 11.6.3 Genetic Algorithms
not degrading goal 1, etc. The numerical values for the Pi The second area of recent development in design opti-
are not actually used. The deviation functions hi(di–, di+) are mization involves genetic algorithms (GAs), which evolved
selected to achieve the desired optimization result, for ex- out of John Holland’s pioneering work (78) and Goldberg’s
ample, engineering dissertation at the University of Michigan (79).
These optimization algorithms typically include operations
Form of hi Function
modeled after the natural biological processes of natural se-
Goal /constraint reached exactly lection or survival, reproduction, and mutation. They are
hi(di–, di+) = (di– + di+) (= bi goal or = 0 constraint) probabilistic and have the major advantage that they can
have a very high probability of locating the global optimum
goal minimization/constraint approached from below
and not just one of the local optima in a problem. They can
hi(di–, di+) = (di+) ( min. toward bi or ≤ 0 constraint)
also treat a mixture of discrete and real variables easily.
goal maximization/constraint approached from above GAs operate on a population of potential solutions (also
hi(di–, di+) = (di–) (max. toward bi or ≥ 0 constraint) called individuals or chromosomes) at each iteration (gen-
eration) rather than evolve a single solution, as do most con-
Archimedean goal programming solves the problem just ventional methods. Constraints can be handled through a
a single time using a weighted sum of the deviation func- penalty function or applied directly within the genetic op-
tions. Weights wi reflect the relative importance and vary- erations. These algorithms require significant computation,
ing scales of the various goals or constraints. The deviation but this is much less important today with the dramatic ad-
functions are defined in the same manner as in the Pre- vances in computing power. These methods have begun to
emptive approach. be used in marine design problems including preliminary
Formulation: design (80), structural design (81), and the design of fuzzy
decision models for aggregate ship order, second hand sale,
min Z = [h1(w1–d1–, w1+d1+) + h2(w2–d2–, w2+d2+) and scrapping decisions (66,82).
+ … + hn+m(wn+m–dn+m–, wn+m+dn+m+)] [101] In a GA, an initial population of individuals (chromo-
subject to goal achievement somes) is randomly generated in accordance with the un-
derlying constraints and then each individual is evaluated for
fi(x) + di– – di+ = bi, i = 1,…, n its fitness for survival. The definition of the fitness function
and constraints can achieve either minimization or maximization as needed.
The genetic operators work on the chromosomes within a
gj(x) + dj– – dj+ = 0, j = 1,…, m generation to create the next, improved generation with a
with higher average fitness. Individuals with higher fitness for
survival in one generation are more likely to survive and
fi(x) = goal i breed with each other to produce offspring with even better
bi = target value for goal i characteristics, whereas less fitted individuals will eventu-
gj(x) = constraint j ≥ 0, ≤ 0, or = 0 ally die out. After a large number of generations, a globally
di– = underachievement of goal i or constraint j, k= i or optimal or near-optimal solution can generally be reached.
n + j, dk– ≥ 0 Three genetic operators are usually utilized in a genetic
dk+ = overachievement of goal i or constraint j, k= i or algorithm. These are selection, crossover, and mutation op-
n + j, dk+ ≥ 0 erators (66,79). The selection operator selects individuals
11-46 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

from one generation to form the core of the next generation and Economy, Second Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Ox-
according to a set random selection scheme. Although ran- ford, UK, 1998
dom, the selection is biased toward better-fitted individu- 18. Watson, D. G. M., Practical Ship Design, Elsevier Science
als so that they are more likely to be copied into the next Ltd, Oxford, UK, 1998
generation. The crossover operator combines two randomly 19. Murphy, R. D., Sabat, D. J., and Taylor, R. J., “Least Cost
Ship Characteristics by Computer Techniques,” Marine Tech-
selected parent chromosomes to create two new offspring
nology, 2(2), April 1965
by interchanging or combining gene segments from the par-
20. Choung, H.S., Singhal, J., and Lamb, T., “A Ship Design
ents. The mutation operator provides a means to alter a ran- Economic Synthesis Program,” SNAME Great Lakes and
domly selected individual gene(s) of a randomly selected Great Rivers Section paper, January 1998
single chromosome to introduce new variability into the 21. Womack, J. P., Jones, D. T., and Roos, D., The Machine That
population. Changed the World, Macmillan, NY, 1990
22. Ward, A., Sobek, D. II, Christiano, J. J., and Liker, J. K.,
“Toyota, Concurrent Engineering, and Set-Based Design,”
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Mass Properties

William Boze

12.1 INTRODUCTION sign and construction. The cumulative effect of a relatively

small number of minor errors in the weight engineering
The use of the term mass properties by the shipbuilding in- process can lead to unsatisfactory ship performance and
dustry when referring to the weight engineering process is thus threaten a shipbuilding program. Major errors can at
now commonplace. In modern shipbuilding, mass proper- best cause serious delays and at worst could cause the pro-
ties engineering as a discipline encompasses all of the func- gram to be abandoned. The veracity of these statements is
tions previously grouped under the more traditional generic hard to question considering that each of the whole ship at-
term weight estimating. A variety of terms such as weight tributes in the following list is in some way dependent upon
engineering, weight control, and others, continue to be used or influenced by the ship’s weight and center of gravity:
interchangeably with, and mean essentially the same as,
weight estimating even though they are different. Weight • overall cost,
estimating is the derivation of the weight of a ship during • hull proportions and lines,
design whereas weight control is broader and includes the • draft, trim and list,
management of the weight of a ship during design and pro- • hull girder strength,
duction. Similarly, the term weight report is routinely used • reserve buoyancy
interchangeably with the more generic term weight esti- • intact and damage stability,
mate. • dynamic stability,
However, the term mass properties is the appropriate • powering,
term to use because by definition it includes technical as- • maneuverability, and
pects of moments, center of gravity, and other relevant phys- • seakeeping.
ical and geometric properties of both individual parts and Therefore, during the design process it is imperative that
of the whole ship. Nevertheless, traditional terminology is engineering personnel understand the contribution that their
still a part of the shipbuilding lexicon and as such for con- particular system makes in achieving acceptable overall
venience has been retained in this text and is in various ship design characteristics. Meeting weight and moment
forms interspersed throughout the chapter. In this regard, requirements for systems, components and equipment is as
any such use of traditional terminology should be inter- significant a requirement as any of the technical perform-
preted as meaning mass properties in that the intent is to ance measurements that are used for other forms of design
address not just weight, but weight and center of gravity, as validation.
well as mass moments of inertia. During the initial stage of design, the ship’s weight, center
Reliable initial determination and diligent oversight of of gravity, and with increasing frequency, radius of gyration
a ship’s mass properties are crucial to successful ship de- (gyradius) are estimated either empirically or parametrically

12-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

using data from earlier similar ship designs (see Chapter 11 equipment. Clearly, all such risk mitigation options must
– Parametric Ship Design). Adjustments are made to account be analyzed for impact on ship performance and also for
for departures from typical features or to satisfy particular impact on design and construction costs and schedules.
performance requirements. Hierarchical classification sys- When the program reaches the detail design and con-
tems such as the U.S. Navy’s Expanded Ship Work Break- struction stage it is normal practice to upgrade the weight
down Structure (ESWBS) (1), or the Maritime Administrations and center of gravity data in the weight estimate with more
(MARAD) Classification of Merchant Ship Weight’s (2), to- reliable and more detailed information. Working drawings
gether with historical records from earlier similar ship designs with comprehensive bills of material and more mature ven-
facilitate the weight and moment estimating process by pro- dor information is developed during this phase and the in-
viding a detailed breakdown of the ship’s functional systems formation generated is available for use in refining the weight
in a convenient manageable format. estimate. The increased use of three-dimensional product
Reference material such as the Society of Allied Weight models capable of providing detailed information on indi-
Engineers (SAWE) Weight Engineering Handbook (3) pro- vidual piece parts together with relevant manufacturing in-
vides weight estimating methods for lightship and loads, as formation can provide a rich source of up-to-date weight
well an assortment of other useful information such as con- information for upgrading the weight estimate. Design and
version tables, material properties and sectional properties engineering personnel, the customer, equipment and ma-
of geometric shapes. chinery vendors, suppliers of raw material, the shipyard’s
As the design progresses through its various stages, more planning and construction departments and even the ship’s
reliable information becomes available in the form of schemat- crew can influence the ship’s weight and center of gravity
ics, diagrams, scantling plans, arrangement drawings, equip- during detail design and construction. Each of these involved
ment lists, system sizes and layout, and now, more frequently, parties, especially the designers and engineers, can have a
computer product models. Weight and center of gravity data significant and directly measurable effect on the eventual
are updated to reflect the development and availability of this total weight and center of gravity of the ship. Ships tend to
more reliable information. When the design reaches an ap- grow in the wrong direction during design and construction.
propriate level of maturity a contract weight estimate is pre- They inevitably get heavier and the vertical center of grav-
pared as part of the contract package that is used for bidding ity has a tendency to creep ever higher. Given this tendency
purposes. Reliable weight and moment information is very towards involuntary augmentation, it is incumbent upon all
important and according to D’Arcangelo (4) the effort needed involved to be ever sensitive to whole ship mass properties
to maintain quality data could be as much as 10% of the de- needs and to resist the temptation to pad specific systems or
sign budget. Though this percentage might be considered components by making them more robust than they need to
high today, shortchanging this effort none the less can lead be. The opposite approach of underestimating the early
to unanticipated inclining experiment results, which in turn weight estimates to suit the political goals of the marketing
can encumber the ship with undesirable operating restric- group or program manager must also be strongly resisted.
tions. In addition, poor weight and moment control can cause To help ensure that a successful ship is delivered to the
cost increases or construction delays or both due to the de- customer, margins or allowances for acquisition are applied
sign changes needed to recover weight or to adjust the posi- as a hedge against any propensity for weight and vertical
tion of the ship’s center of gravity. center of gravity growth during design and construction.
It is important for weight and center of gravity data to This tendency to grow continues throughout the ship’s op-
be checked to ensure that whole ship values are reasonable. erational life, a situation that must be considered during de-
Although not always possible due to budgetary constraints, sign by including a service life allowance. For commercial
independent validation by a separate agency, perhaps using ships the issue of in-service growth is less significant than
an alternative estimating approach is highly desirable and for military ships, especially combatants. This is because a
recommended. Also, applying risk management techniques commercial ship will generally spend its life in the trade it
to the data is a strategy that is becoming increasingly pop- was designed for and not undergo extensive conversion.
ular, especially with military ships. Risk management in- Also the maximum draft and thus displacement of the typ-
volves assessing the probability of undesirable trends in ical commercial ship is governed by its loadline assignment,
weight growth and in the location of the ship’s center of grav- and it is likely that if any major refits or conversions occur
ity occurring and identifying and evaluating appropriate during its service life it would involve reclassification and
risk mitigation options. The risk mitigation options may in- a new loadline assignment. On the other hand, Navy sur-
clude such things as weight reduction initiatives or design face combatants have very specific requirements for serv-
changes that rearrange significant items of machinery or ice life growth for both weight and vertical center of gravity.
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-3

During the course of the typical surface combatant’s use- token, if there is a significant discrepancy but it can be shown
ful life it is likely to experience several significant upgrades that due diligence has been applied to the weight and cen-
to its key systems. In addition to conversion and upgrades, ter of gravity control process, appropriate steps can be taken
experience has shown that naval ship weight and vertical to correlate the data in the most efficient way possible. High
center of gravity grows over its life due to unauthorized levels of confidence in the weight and center of gravity data
growth. In fact, substantial weight and vertical center of will enable the decisions necessary for expedient resolu-
gravity increases have been observed in U.S. naval ships due tion of the discrepancy. However, if oversight of the weight
to this unauthorized growth, not to authorized ship alter- and center of gravity control process has been less than dili-
ations. To accommodate this, the U.S. Navy requires the gent, the resulting lack of confidence in the data could ne-
service life allowances specified in NAVSEA Instruction cessitate re-inclining the ship, which is both disruptive and
9096.6B (5). It is important to note that available service costly. Clearly, the objective is to get good correlation. The
life allowance at delivery is a key indicator of how well the best way to achieve this objective is to conduct both the de-
ship meets contract requirements. This is why service life sign and construction weight control process and the in-
allowances must be monitored continuously and accounted clining experiment with due care and diligence.
for as an integral part of the mass properties engineering
Assigning acquisition margins or allowances during de-
sign and construction will not, in and of itself, ensure a sat-
isfactory ship. The monitoring and reporting of acquisition When applied to a ship, the term mass properties refers to
margin consumption as design and construction progresses those physical characteristics that are defined by or derived
must be an integral part of an effective weight and center from the magnitude, and distribution of the ship’s weight.
of gravity control program. This is undeniably true for mil- As such, mass properties include:
itary ships and although the actual process of weight and
• weight,
center of gravity control may be less stringent, it is true for
• centers of gravity and moments,
commercial ships as well. The typical military shipbuild-
• moments of inertia, and
ing program requires that the ship’s weight and vertical,
• radius of gyration (gyradius).
longitudinal, and transverse coordinates of the center of
gravity be monitored and reported on throughout all stages In order to determine a ship’s mass properties, every
of the design and construction process. Contractors involved component of the ship must be accounted for, which rep-
in typical U.S. Navy new ship programs are in more and resents a huge data management challenge. The weight and
more cases resorting to the use of goal-setting techniques, moment (mass properties) database is in effect a compre-
technical performance measurements and trend charting as hensive listing of all of the components that constitute the
a means of preserving the ship’s mass properties charac- complete ship. Each line item describes the component and
teristics. Activities of this type support the early detection locates it relative to a standard 3-axis orthogonal coordinate
of undesirable trends, which in turn facilitates timely cor- system. The database is organized by category and sub-cat-
rective action. egory in a hierarchical system. There are many such sys-
When the vessel is substantially complete, for both com- tems in use throughout the world but in the U.S. either one
mercial and military vessels, an inclining experiment and of two commonly used classification systems is used. The
deadweight survey is conducted that establishes the weight United States Navy uses the Expanded Ship Work Break-
and vertical, longitudinal and transverse coordinates of the down Structure (ESWBS) (1), and commercial ships built
centers of gravity of the lightship. The inclining experiment in the U.S. typically use the Maritime Administration
and deadweight survey is described in detail in reference 6. (MARAD) Classification of Merchant Ship Weights (2). The
The value in maintaining a reliable weight and center of classification system categorizes each component accord-
gravity control process is readily apparent when the results ing to type and sub-type and compiles the data according
of the inclining experiment and deadweight survey become to a hierarchical numbering system. Table 12.I shows the
available. Ideally, the values for lightship weight and cen- top-level ESWBS categories that are used for organizing
ter of gravity predicted by the weight control process will database information. The ESWBS system manages the
closely match those obtained by the inclining experiment huge number of individual components in a mass proper-
and deadweight survey. This being the case, a high level of ties database by assigning unique numbers at the compo-
confidence can be placed in the final lightship values used nent level, the system level and the ship level. In this way
to prepare the various delivery documents. By the same all components for a given sub-system define a system and
12-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

several systems constitute a ship category. For example, The recommended sign convention is for the LCG to be
ESWBS category 1 is hull structure, which breaks down positive for all items aft of the referenced origin; the VCG
into a number of structural systems such as Decks and Plat- to be positive for items above the reference origin; and the
forms, Watertight Bulkheads or Foundations. TCG to be positive for all items on the port side of the cen-
Similarly, each system is broken down into a number of terline.
individual components such as Plating, and Frames and Rotational motion should be defined also in accordance
Stiffeners. In the ESWBS system, each component is as- with this same coordinate system as follows, but with the
signed a five-digit number. The first three digits identify in- origin at the center of gravity of the ship:
dividual ship systems in a major one-digit category. For
• roll about the X- axis,
example, in the ESWBS element 622, the 6 identifies the
• pitch about the Y-axis, and
item as part of an outfitting category, the first 2 identifies
• yaw about the Z-axis.
the component as being part of the hull compartmentation
system and the second 2 identifies the item as being floor Regular reporting of mass properties characteristics is a
plating and gratings. The fourth digit in a five-digit ESWBS requirement for military programs. The content and pres-
identifier is not normally used for weight accounting. The entation of these reports is in accordance with established
fifth digit identifies redundant systems within the three-digit formats. Acceptable weight report formats and types of
group. For example, 62211 identifies floor plates and grat- weight estimates, reports and other useful information can
ings inside the machinery space. ESWBS 62212 identifies be found in Standard Guide for Weight Control Technical
floors and gratings outside of the machinery space. Requirements for Surface Ships (9). The use of spreadsheet
Classification systems offer a convenient and reliable software is ideal for this type of periodic reporting in that
way to manage the huge amounts of data that comprises a the huge amount of data that constitutes a typical mass prop-
typical mass properties database. Also, the permanent record erties database can be conveniently and systematically man-
created by the database classification method is a valuable aged and is easily updated.
source of information when developing initial weight and
moment estimates for new ship programs.
Generally speaking, the MARAD classification system
is functionally similar to ESWBS in that it offers the com-
mercial shipbuilder a means for compiling, grouping and The naval architect, when designing a commercial or naval
managing reliable weight and moment data. The main clas- ship, is concerned with ship motions. Accelerations due to
sifications for the MARAD system are shown in Table 12.II. ship motion can be severe enough to overstress the ship’s
The two classification systems discussed here are rep- structure, systems and payload and can also be hazardous
resentative of what is used routinely in the U.S. However, to crew and passengers. Associated costs in terms of time
other classification systems do exist, an example being and dollars from breakage and injury as well as from de-
Weight Classification for U.S. Navy Small Craft (7). graded performance of the crew can be significant. Also, se-
Center of gravity, and the corresponding moments and vere motion can force ship operators to reduce speed and
inertia must be referenced to an established coordinate sys-
tem. At present, there is no system universally used in the
U.S. However, the Standard Coordinate System for Re-
porting Mass Properties of Surface Ships and Submarines
(8) suggests an industry standard that should be considered.
The recommended coordinate system for U.S. ships mass
properties data is shown in Figure 12.1. It originates at the
intersection of the forward perpendicular (FP), the baseline
(BL) and the centerline (CL) so that:

• the longitudinal center of gravity (LCG) is measured

along the X-axis,
• the transverse center of gravity (TCG) is measured along
the Y-axis, and
• the vertical center of gravity (VCG) is measured along Figure 12.1 Isometric View of a Submarine Using the SAWE Recommended
the Z-axis. Coordinate System.
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-5

change direction, which again adversely affects operating information, values for gyradius can be approximated or
costs. calculated. Parametric approximation techniques exist that
A thorough discussion of the complex subject of ship are reasonably accurate for similar ship types with similar
motions is addressed in reference 6. Suffice to say, hull geometries and stability characteristics. However, caution
form, proportions, freeboard and natural periods of roll, must be exercised when the stability characteristics, light-
pitch and yaw all influence the motion of a ship in a sea- ship weight or load distribution differ noticeably from that
way. of the base ship. The preferred method for determining gy-
Natural periods of roll, pitch and yaw, are each depend- radius is by calculation using equations that show clearly
ent upon the radius of gyration, or gyradius, about its as- the relationship between mass properties and ship motions.
sociated axis. Depending on the availability of relevant The equations for calculating gyradius relative to the con-
ventional three-axis coordinate system are:
kroll = Ixx / W
TABLE 12.I ESWBS Classification
kpitch = Iyy / W
ESWBS Description
kyaw = Izz / W
1 Hull Structure
2 Propulsion Plant where
3 Electric Plant Ixx = weight moment of inertia of the ship in the roll direc-
4 Command & Surveillance tion
5 Auxiliary Systems Iyy = weight moment of inertia of the ship in the pitch di-
6 Outfitting Systems
Izz = weight moment of inertia of the ship in the yaw di-
7 Armament rection
M Margins, Acquisition W = total weight of ship
F Loads, Departure The weight moment of inertia in these equations is ex-
pressed in units of weight times length squared.
Cimino and Redmond (10) developed rule-of-thumb val-
ues for the gyradius of different ship types, which are shown
TABLE 12.II MARAD Classification
in Table 12.III. These rule-of-thumb values may be used in
MARAD Classification Description the early stages of design when lack of detail or system def-
inition precludes more detailed analysis. However, care
0–0 to 9–9 Hull Structure should be taken with these values when applying them to
10–0 to 19–9 Outfitting unconventional ships or hull forms. In these cases, it is rec-
ommended that some form of independent validation be
20–0 to 29–9 Machinery
used if available. A method for calculating the weight mo-

TABLE 12.III Estimated Gyradius Values

Roll Pitch Yaw
Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Ship Type % Beam (% Beam) % Length (% Length) % Length (% Length)
Conventional Monohull 37.8 ±1.5 24.9 ± 0.4 24.8 ± 0.4
Advanced Vehicles (LCAC) 39.4 ± 5.7 27.2 ± 3.3 29.1 ± 3.8
SWATHs 43.5 ± 0.1 29.7 ± 1.5 31.8 ± 1.7

Tolerance based on one standard deviation.

12-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ment of inertia of a ship or a submarine is included in Stan- Itz = sum of the transference weight moments of inertia for
dard Coordinate System for Reporting Mass Properties of all the elements about the axis parallel to the z axis
Surface Ships and Submarines (8), which was derived from through the ship’s center of gravity
Cimino and Redmond (10). Some of the more pertinent in- Iox = sum of the item weight moments of inertia for all the
formation from the SAWE document is duplicated in these elements about an axis parallel to the x axis
pages as a convenience to the reader. However, it is rec- Ioy = sum of the item weight moments of inertia for all the
ommended that users of this text avail themselves of the elements about an axis parallel to the y axis
SAWE document, which is readily available on the SAWE Ioz = sum of the item weight moments of inertia for all the
web site at, and use elements about an axis parallel to the z axis
it in conjunction with the material provided herein. wn = weight of the nth element
The data required for calculating the weight moment of xn = longitudinal distance of the nth element from the ves-
inertia of a total ship is essentially the same as that contained sel’s overall center of gravity to the item’s center of
in a typical weight estimate, with the exception of added gravity along the x axis
mass due to entrained water which must be included when yn = transverse distance of the nth element from the vessel’s
calculating the natural periods of ship motion. Therefore, overall center of gravity to the item’s center of grav-
as more detail and more reliable information becomes avail- ity along the y axis
able and is incorporated into the weight estimate it follows zn = vertical distance of the nth element from the vessel’s
that the weight moment of inertia calculation can be re- overall center of gravity to the item’s center of grav-
fined. However, one difference that must be respected that ity along the z axis
relates to the calculation of roll and yaw gyradius is the ioxn = weight moment of inertia of nth element about an axis
need to separate items that are identical port and starboard. parallel to the x axis and passing through the center
Such items must be entered as separate database line items. of gravity of the nth element
Reference 8 expresses the weight moment of inertia ioyn = weight moment of inertia of nth element about an axis
about the three rotational axes as: parallel to the y axis and passing through the center
of gravity of the nth element
Roll inertia
iozn = weight moment of inertia of nth element about an axis
I xx = I tx + I ox parallel to the z axis and passing through the center
of gravity of the nth element
I xx ∑ ( w n ( y 2n + z 2n ) ) ∑ i ox n A simplified representation for calculating the weight
moment of inertia of a ship in the roll direction is shown in
n n
Pitch inertia Figure 12.2. The item weight moment of inertia is calcu-

I yy = I ty + I oy
I yy ∑ ( w n ( x 2n + z 2n ) ) ∑ i oy n TRANSFERENCE INERTIA ITEM INERTIA
n n
Yaw inertia
I zz = I tz + I oz
I zz ∑ ( w n ( x 2n + y 2n ) ) ∑ i oz n
n n
Itx = sum of the transference weight moments of inertia for
all the elements about an axis parallel to the x axis
through the ship’s center of gravity I tx = ∑ i tx I ox = ∑ i ox
Ity = sum of the transference weight moments of inertia for
i tx = w  y + z 2  i ox = 12 ( a 2 + b 2 )
2 w
all the elements about the axis parallel to the y axis
through the ship’s center of gravity Figure 12.2 Elements for Calculating Roll Gyradius
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-7

lated assuming a homogeneous component of rectangular are replaced at regular intervals with more reliable data.
shape. This upgraded information may be no more than a refined
The accuracy of this method depends on the significance estimate. Most likely, though, it will have been derived by
of the population of individual items used to calculate Iox, calculation using current engineering data. Some items may
Ioy or Ioz. Cimino and Redmond (10) predict that the accu- have been weighed. The weight and moment control process
racy of overall ship Io would be within 0.5% of a full cal- for the typical military program is highly structured with
culation if the population of individual items actually used upgraded weight reports being prepared at regular intervals.
includes all those that weigh 0.1% of the ship’s displace- Each subsequent iteration will see more and more of the es-
ment or greater. timated values for individual components and parts replaced
During detail design and construction the weight and with calculated, measured or weighed values. Properly con-
moment database should contain sufficient information to ducted, the process will result in progressively more reli-
calculate Io. However, during the early design stages when able whole ship mass properties data that will eventually
less detail is available, Io can be approximated using the fol- correlate well with the inclining experiment and deadweight
lowing equations. survey results and ideally represent a contractually com-
pliant ship. Although less structured, a similar series of it-
For roll
erations aimed at keeping weight and moment data current
Ixx (proj) = Itx + ( Iox (calc) × (W/ Wc) – 0.175 × Iox (calc) should be utilized for commercial projects.
× (1 – (Wo/W)) The level of effort required for an effective mass prop-
erties program is substantial. The line item count for rela-
For pitch
tively simple commercial ships such as tankers or bulk
Iyy (proj) = Ity + (Ioy (calc) × (W/ Wc)) carriers can run into the thousands. For bigger highly com-
plex military ships such as aircraft carriers, the number is
For yaw
in the tens or hundreds of thousands. Ultimately, the size
Izz (proj) = Itz + (Ioz (calc) × (W/ Wc)) and complexity of the ship, any special design requirements
and the extent to which unconventional technologies have
where: been used will influence the required level of effort. In the
final analysis, the quality of the mass properties program
Iproj = total projected inertia
will only be as good as the level of effort applied to it.
Io(calc) = sum of the item weight moments of inertia for all
There is a variety of weight estimating and weight cal-
the elements
culating methods in use throughout the industry. The meth-
It = sum of the transference weight moments of inertia
ods most commonly used in the shipbuilding industry to
for all the elements
determine component weights and centers of gravity are
Wc = total weight of items used to calculate Io (calc)
limited to:
W = total weight of the ship
• estimates using parametric or ratiocination techniques,
• estimates from initial design documentation, such as sys-
12.4 DETERMINATION OF COMPONENT WEIGHT tem diagrams, scantling plans, and preliminary arrange-
AND CENTER OF GRAVITY ment drawings,
• calculations based on detailed construction drawings or
Determination of the ship’s mass properties (weight and
product models,
moment data) as design and construction progresses from
• actual weighing using certified equipment,
stage to stage is an iterative process. Initial estimates com-
• certified vendor data, or
piled during concept design are usually derived from a com-
• a combination of these.
bination of empirical data associated with earlier ships,
parametrically generated data again using earlier similar Selection of the appropriate method requires careful con-
ships as the model, the use of generic estimating formulae sideration. The type of application, degree of complexity,
and, as often as not, educated guesswork by experienced available detail, and the time and cost needed to do the
mass properties personnel. As the design progresses, initial analysis are issues that need to be considered.
estimates are replaced with estimates from design docu- During the early stages of design when information is
mentation and available equipment weight. limited and budgets and schedules are usually tight, the use
After contract award, as the design matures, estimated of simpler more empirical methods is appropriate (see Chap-
values for component weight and center of gravity location ter 11 – Parametric Design). As the design develops and
12-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

more information becomes available, more sophisticated tested in order to obtain the best-fit curve, that is, the least
techniques come into play (see Chapter 5 – Ship Design standard deviation. Kern demonstrated the effectiveness of
Process). The configuration of a particular item may be quite the method experimentally by using it to prepare three par-
similar to a previous design in which case the use of para- tial weight group summaries for three ships. A comparison
metric methods would be appropriate. Complex items with between the results obtained using the Best-Fit program and
little or no design history to draw upon often require a more the actual Final Weight Report summaries served to vali-
detailed method to achieve the desired degree of accuracy. date the method. Kern concluded that this type of statisti-
Regardless of the method used, the mass properties engi- cal method of estimating weights during early design is an
neer must determine which weight drivers are accounted for acceptable alternative to ratiocination. Reference 11 is one
and which are not. Specific design requirements and the use example of how statistical methods can be used to improve
of non-traditional technologies are either explicitly or im- weight estimating during the early stages of design. The
plicitly accounted for by the estimating method itself. If a system can also be used to estimate center of gravity data.
particular design criterion or the level of technological in- However, statistical systems are dependent upon the avail-
novation is different from anything that is intrinsic to the ability of data for a suitable population of appropriate ships.
calculation method, the impact of those differences must be The statistical data used by Kern was derived from fifteen
taken into account. U.S. Navy surface ships built over a period of fifteen years.
Mass properties engineering during concept design re- It is possible that a reasonable database of commercial ship
lies to a large extent on the use of parametric methods that information could be accumulated in less time.
use similar objects or components as models from which As design development progresses, more reliable infor-
to extrapolate the required data. Within the past two or three mation becomes available, which is incorporated into the
decades ratiocination techniques have been introduced to mass properties database as a part of the iterative process
the mass properties engineering community. In addition to discussed earlier in this section. More reliable information
applying the basic principles of parametrics, ratiocination comes from a number of sources, examples of which in-
also brings certain elements of methodical and logical rea- clude:
soning to the estimating process. The Society of Allied
• enhanced, more complete system descriptions, diagrams
Weight Engineer’s Weight Engineers Handbook (3) de-
and arrangement drawings,
scribes three different ratiocination techniques in terms of
• more complete bills of material,
their application to individual weight classification groups
• parts standardization,
according to their dependence upon the amount of reference
• improved vendor information, and
material available. In using ratiocination techniques, as with
• computer models.
other parametric methods, it is important to account for vari-
ations in design requirements and any technological dif- As an example, during preliminary design the mass prop-
ferences between the model design and the new design. erties characteristics of a typical piping system would prob-
Several attempts have been made to apply statistical ably be derived parametrically. Subsequent development of
methods to weight estimating during the early stages of de- the system diagram and ship arrangement drawings and then
sign. An approach that utilizes standard empirical curve fit- the detailed construction drawings will result in progres-
ting routines to develop equations including standard sively more reliable information becoming available that can
deviation values is described in reference 11. Using the be inserted into the mass properties database as part of the
computer program, Best-Fit, Kern demonstrates how an iteration process. Unit weights for piping, fittings and equip-
array of statistical data consisting of fifty observations, each ment would typically be derived from vendor’s catalogs,
having a maximum of eight independent variables can be company standards, or historical records. These company
reduced to equations of the following form: standards and historical records typically reflect or reveal mill
or casting tolerances, or weld and paint allowance factors.
W = K ⋅ V1P 1 ⋅ V2P 2 V8P 8
Fittings would include flanges, hangers, elbows, tees, cou-
The program produces the factor K and exponents P plings, gages and thermometers. In addition to valves, equip-
from inputs of W and V where W is weight as the depend- ment includes strainers, freestanding tanks, air flasks,
ent variable and V are independent variables, which are se- demineralizers, etc. In more progressive commercial ship-
lected from the various ship parameters that are typically yards, pipe details, fittings and equipment are for the most
available very early in the design process. Independent vari- part captured in company design standards that in addition
ables include length overall, waterline length, beam, depth, to material, configuration, and installation data also include
draft, etc. Various combinations of these variables were weight and center of gravity information. Variables, such as
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-9

pipe length and location and the number and location of siders the allocation of acquisition margins an essential el-
hangers and fittings would be derived using the method most ement of ship design that mitigates risks associated with fail-
consistent with the maturity of the design, that is, paramet- ure of the ship to meet the required mass properties
rically in the early stages with calculated, measured or characteristics at delivery. The NAVSEA margin allocation
weighed values being inserted, as the information becomes process accounts for historical patterns of weight and KG
available. Insulation weight would be based on the pipe growth, unique ship features, injudicious application of mar-
length and the unit weight of the insulation material. gins and variations in acquisition strategy and policies.
The use of finite element methods for analyzing struc- In addition to acquisition margins, which as a general
ture and piping systems and the increasing use of 3-D prod- rule, are consumed prior to delivery, ships procured by the
uct models for composite arrangements provides another U.S. Navy must be delivered with an additional allowance
useful source of information for the mass properties engi- in accordance with the requirements of reference 5. This ad-
neer. Generally speaking, these types of computer-gener- ditional allowance called the service life allowance (SLA)
ated data become available somewhat later in the process. is intended to account for reasonable growth in weight and
Nevertheless, used properly, this information provides ex- KG during the ship’s service life without unacceptable com-
cellent validation of weight and moment data very quickly promise of the ship’s principal naval architectural charac-
and easily and as such can be very useful. However, a note teristics and performance. These weight and KG SLAs must
of caution to the user of this information is in order. Care be incorporated during the earliest stages of design and con-
must be taken to ensure that the computer models reflect struction and must be continuously accounted for to ensure
the level of detail required for the recovery of realistic weight that they are available at delivery. The concept of a SLA is
data. For example, finite element models, depending on the normally not applied to commercial ships. The displace-
size of the model and the coarseness of the mesh, will often ment at which the commercial ship operates is governed by
omit details like minor brackets, chocks, access openings the loadline assignment. Typically, unless the ship is re-
and perhaps lightening holes. Similarly, the 3-D product classified for some reason, the loadline won’t change, which
model is unlikely to include such things as fasteners, paint, obviates the need for a weight service life allowance. If a
underlayment and other types of deck coverings. Therefore, commercial ship experiences an unexpected increase in
when using such data it is important for the mass proper- lightship KG due to some form of modification, an inclin-
ties engineer to know what is and what is not included in ing experiment and deadweight survey would be required
the model. and a new stability letter would be issued. The revised sta-
bility letter may or may not involve new or modified oper-
ating restrictions.
An essential step that must occur during the early stages
of design is the determination of the maximum permissible
Experience has shown that a ship regardless of type, size or KG and the limiting draft, and, by association, the limiting
complexity has a tendency to grow during design and con- displacement. These vitally important naval architectural
struction. Inevitably it seems, the lightship weight will in- characteristics are dependent upon hull form, watertight
crease and the vertical center of gravity will climb. The subdivision, compartmentation and intact and damaged sta-
longitudinal and transverse centers also will wander to some bility. Once set, these characteristics are almost impossible
extent but the consequences of this happening are typically to change without major disruption to the program. Figure
not as serious, although such situations should not be ignored. 12.3 shows graphically how the four components of weight
Acquisition margins are assigned early in the design process and KG, that is, lightship, loads, acquisition margins and
as a means of coping with these tendencies. The usual ac- service life allowance, constitute the total ship weight and
quisition margin included in the contract weight estimate for KG. Figure 12.3 also illustrates the break out of the acqui-
commercial ships, such as tankers, general cargo ships, cargo- sition margin into four subcategories, which would be typ-
liners and container ships is 3% of the lightship weight in con- ical of a U.S. naval ship. It can be seen from Figure 12.3
junction with 0.3 m rise in vertical center of gravity. that the combined weight and KG for the four weight com-
Several margins are assigned to U.S. military ships that ponents must not exceed the limiting whole ship values.
are referred to collectively as acquisition margins. These ac- From this it follows that any growth in lightship, load or
quisition margins are described in reference 5 and consist acquisition margin will result in a corresponding decrease
of Preliminary and Contract Design Margins, Detail De- in service life allowance. Should this situation occur it would
sign and Build Margins, Contract Modifications Margin, almost certainly result in a contractually unsatisfactory ship
and Government Furnished Material Margin. NAVSEA con- at delivery.
12-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• equipment model changes,

CONTRACT DESIGN • material substitution, and
• actual tolerances in raw material such as steel and pipe.
Generally speaking these potential margin-consuming
situations are at least to some extent manageable. However,
there are situations and unauthorized departures from con-
struction drawings that are almost impossible to manage.
GOVERNMENT The prudent mass properties engineer should try to recog-
nize these situations and take appropriate steps.
As noted earlier, design margins for commercial ships
Figure 12.3 Constituents of Limiting Displacement and KG usually follow the essentially empirical values of 3% of
lightship weight and 0.3 m for KG. However, the process
by which acquisition margins for military programs are es-
tablished is much different. NAVSEA Instruction 9096.6B
The only means for recovering service life allowance (5) provides ranges for each of the margin types discussed
would be to either take weight off of the ship or to make earlier in this section. These ranges are presented in Table
radical configuration changes to the ship that would increase 12.IV. The actual values used in the mass properties process
the limiting values for draft and KG. Neither option is re- are usually arrived at through negotiation between the con-
alistically feasible considering that this type of situation tractor and the customer. The negotiations traditionally re-
would almost certainly occur very late in the program. This volve around the accepted weight estimate, which is the
situation serves to emphasize the importance of responsi- document that defines the not-to-exceed characteristics of
ble mass properties management and a high quality initial the ship at delivery. The contractor will negotiate in terms
weight estimate. Even though service life allowance is a of what he is best capable of achieving; the customer from
device used after delivery to best serve the customer’s needs the position of what he wants to see in the delivered prod-
it is inescapably the contractor’s responsibility to ensure uct. Both sides of the negotiation will utilize risk assess-
that the SLA required by contract is in fact available. ment tools to support their objectives. The contractor’s past
As previously discussed, acquisition margins provide a performance will also play a significant role in this process.
hedge against the tendency for growth in both the lightship Under the U.S. Navy’s acquisition reform strategy, the
weight and lightship vertical center of gravity during de- traditional program phases (Preliminary Design, Contract
sign and construction. An important aspect of mass prop- Design, and Detail Design/Construction) have been replaced
erties management is the judicious and controlled with a timeline approach that is geared to key program mile-
consumption of these margins. In order to manage margin stones. The differences between the two approaches will
consumption mass properties personnel need to recognize have an impact on the margin selection ranges shown in
situations that could result in growth in lightship weight or Table 12.V necessitating changes that will be reflected in
KG and as a consequence consume margin. Growth in light- subsequent revisions to reference 5. Generally speaking, it
ship weight and KG occurs for a variety of reasons, exam-
is safe to say that actual margins will reflect the level of in-
ples of which are listed as follows:
herent risk associated with specific programs. Also, under
• underestimated or overly optimistic initial estimates, acquisition reform, the contractor is performing early stage
• undetected error accumulation, design and now derives acquisition margin as early as the
• changes in the approach used to design certain systems, conceptual design stage.
• unregulated increases in the size and number of certain SLA requirements for U.S. Navy ships are predetermined
types of components, in the contract language. In most cases SLAs will be in ac-
• ship arrangement or configuration changes that are not cordance with the requirements of reference 5. Exceptions
a part of an adjudicated contract change, would be on a case-by-case basis.
• unexpected development problems that are not a part of As previously alluded to, risks associated with design
an adjudicated contract change, and construction are important considerations when estab-
• change in customer requirements that are part of an ad- lishing acquisition margin values. Multiple risk areas must
judicated contract change, be assessed and their combined impact captured in a single
• overly demanding schedules that place constraints on margin value, which is a difficult undertaking requiring con-
the design optimization process, siderable care. Typically, margin consumption is reviewed
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-11

periodically to ensure that remaining margin is consistent moment characteristics, a likely consequence will be un-
with known residual risks. During the early stages of de- satisfactory mass properties characteristics.
sign, the review is based on one-digit ESWBS weight cat- Effective mass properties control in accordance with a
egories, during later stages on the three-digit level. Risk defined management plan is invoked as a matter of policy
surveys of the type discussed by Redmond (12) are useful on most military programs. Cost and schedule constraints
when setting margin values. Basically the method rates av- tend to limit the extent to which similar practices are em-
erage risk values according to a scale of 0–10 creating a fac- ployed on commercial projects. Nevertheless, the prudent
tor that is applied to the margin ranges shown in Table 12.V. commercial ship builder will employ some form of man-
Additional material on the subject of margins and allowances agement control.
can be found in reference 13 and also at the SAWE web- In order to ensure that weight and center of gravity is-
site: sues are properly considered during new construction pro-
grams, the U.S. Navy typically requires that the contractor
prepare a weight control plan that includes coverage of the
management methods to be used. References 9 and 14 pro-
vide useful guidance on the development of a weight con-
trol plan.
If design and construction issues are resolved on the strength The following list of recommendations for achieving
of decisions that do not fully consider the ship’s weight and successful mass properties control is extracted verbatim
from reference 15. The author, F. Johnson, believes that the
key techniques and requirements for a successful mass prop-
erties control program are:
TABLE 12.IV Service Life Allowances for U.S. Navy 1. an accurate and timely weight and balance status that
Surface Ships projects trends,
2. knowledge of the design conditions that are driving the
Weight %1 KG2 Feet
weight and the requirements that cause them,
3. a cadre of innovative conceptual design engineers and
Combatants 10.0 1.0
Carriers and Large Deck 7.5 2.5 4. a management team that sets priorities, makes timely
Amphibious Warfare decisions, is accessible, and is willing to take accept-
Other Amphibious Warfare 5.0 1.0 able risks,
Auxiliary 5.0 0.5 5. an informed customer with leadership that wants to be
Special Ships and Craft 5.0 0.5 part of the design team instead of a specification po-
liceman, sets priorities among its own specialties and
1. Weight percentage based on the predicted full load departure dis- is willing to accept specification trades,
placement at delivery. 6. open communication between the customer and com-
2. KG values based on the predicted full load departure KG at delivery. pany technical specialists,

TABLE 12.V U.S. Navy Acquisition Margin Selection Ranges

Weight – Percent of Lightship KG – Percent of Lightship
Acquisition Phase Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Preliminary/Contract Design 0.8 4.4 2.7 6.1
Detail Design and Construction 4.5 9.8 1.7 5.1
Contract Modifications 0.4 2.1 0.9 1.9
Government Furnished Material 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.4
12-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

7. rapid identification of potential weight and balance Typically, the IPT will conduct periodic evaluations of the
trends, TPM results to establish the overall status of the program.
8. informal goal setting and monitoring, The IPT findings serve to keep individual system owners
9. an assertive mass properties control plan supported by apprised of the mass properties characteristics of their par-
management, ticular system and to alert the appropriate program person-
10. sub-contractor control, nel when there is a demonstrated need to pursue initiatives
11. adequate staffing of skilled engineers and a schedule that for reducing weight or KG or both.
allows for design iteration, The IPT will allocate specific and achievable weight
12. mass properties control down to the engineering job and/or KG goals for each functional group or system. The
level, and exact methodology of how the allocation is determined
13. flexibility of approach. would be decided by the IPT. An objective is to make this
allocation a goal that is reasonable and therefore, achiev-
Although this list emanates from the aerospace indus- able. The groups assigned a weight target will be required
try, it is readily applicable to shipbuilding where adherence to meet that goal as they would any other design require-
to these thirteen techniques and requirements could be of ment. The work on the component or system will not be con-
help when striving to conduct an effective mass properties sidered complete unless the assigned weight goal has been
control program. met as well.
Overall responsibility for weight control is usually as- In some cases it is reasonable for sub-contractors and
signed to a Mass Properties Manager whose functions tra- vendors to be invited to participate in the activities of the
ditionally include the following: Mass Properties IPT. Sub-contractors and equipment ven-
• develop, compile and maintain the weight and moment dors also should be allocated mass properties goals. When-
database, ever possible, throughout the design process, sub-contractor
• develop and administer periodic weight reports, and vendor performance should be monitored to ensure their
• coordinate the weight control feedback system, and projected final weight values will be met. The shipbuilder’s
• oversee and coordinate the weighing program. procurement documentation should require vendors and
sub-contractors to provide calculated weight, scaled weight,
In May 1995, the U.S. Secretary of Defense directed the and center of gravity information according to a defined
implementation of Integrated Product/Process Development mutually agreed to schedule.
(IPPD) throughout the Department of Defense acquisition For both commercial and military projects the mass prop-
process. IPPD is a management methodology that incorpo- erties control process begins once a Baseline Weight Esti-
rates a systematic approach to the early integration and con- mate (BWE) has been established. The BWE serves as the
current application of all the disciplines that play a crucial starting point in a design phase for comparative analysis
role throughout the life cycle of a system. This process seeks with subsequent estimates. Once a detail design and con-
to use multi-disciplinary teams known as Integrated Prod- struction contract is awarded, the key U.S. Navy document
uct Teams (IPT) to optimize the design, manufacture and sup- that defines the agreed upon values for the ship’s mass prop-
port of a system through the application of quality and system erties characteristics is the Accepted Weight Estimate (AWE)
engineering tools and by utilizing industry best practices. In or Allocated Baseline Weight Estimate (ABWE).
this regard, the U.S. Navy’s acquisition reform strategy has These weight estimate reports establish weight and ver-
bestowed an additional function on the mass properties man- tical, longitudinal and transverse center of gravity locations
ager, which is to head a Mass Properties Control IPT. Em- with and without acquisition margins for the lightship and
ploying the IPPD management methodology is a requirement for selected conditions of loading. Reference 14 includes
for U.S. military programs. No such requirement exists for definitions of these weight estimate reports, lightship and
commercial projects. However, adopting some means of of the various loading conditions. The weight estimate re-
sharing the responsibility for mass properties between the ports also include load summary sheets that show the ship’s
key design and construction disciplines and the owner is rec- basic naval architectural characteristics such as drafts, dis-
ommended. In the world of military shipbuilding, the Mass placement, trim and list for each loading condition speci-
Properties IPT will identify design constraints, set weight fied by the contract. The AWE or ABWE, besides being the
and center of gravity goals and support individual system documents of record for identifying the agreed initial ac-
goals to help achieve overall whole ship goals. Technical quisition margins, also records initial service life allowance
Performance Measurement (TPM) techniques are used to predictions either by establishing not-to-exceed values for
assess the effectiveness of the mass properties control effort. weight and KG or by stating actual weight and KG service
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-13

life allowance values. The equivalent process for commer- By determining the percentage of the overall mass prop-
cial programs is usually less formalized than what has just erties database that is based on a specific estimating or en-
been described for military ships. Nevertheless, it is aimed gineering method and assigning a confidence level to each
at achieving similar levels of understanding between con- method, a sense of the overall maturity of the mass prop-
tractor and customer relative to oversight of the ship’s mass erties database can be established. The concept is best il-
properties characteristics. lustrated by an example. Figure 12.5 shows a pie-chart
The mass properties control process required for U.S. presentation of the breakdown by method for a typical mass
Navy programs is highly structured and involves signifi- properties database where each slice of the pie represents
cant management effort. During the design and construc-
tion phases, the baseline mass properties data is continuously
and progressively refined and updated until the initial esti-
mated value for each line item has been replaced with more
reliable data. Refinements include better estimates, calcu- Limiting Displacement or KG
lated and measured values and whenever possible data from
actual weighings. This process is tracked over time with the
fluctuations in whole ship characteristics resulting from the Service Life
mass properties control effort being regularly reported to Margin
the customer via quarterly weight reports or QWRs. The for-
mat and content of the QWR is essentially the same as the Acquisition Margin
weight estimate reports described earlier. Each QWR in-
cludes the current summary status of the acquisition mar-
gins in terms of how much has been consumed and hence
how much remains. Tracking this particular element of the
QWR over time can identify trends in acquisition margin
consumption, which in turn can show the mass properties
management team whether remedial action is or is not re- Lightship + Loads
quired. For example, undesirable trends would be a warn-
ing that acquisition margins are being consumed too quickly
and as a result service life allowances may be in jeopardy.
On the other hand, a desirable trend would tell management
that mass properties control techniques currently in use have Design & Construction Phase Service Life
so far been effective or that initiatives instituted to recover
either weight or KG margin appear to be having the desired Full Life Cycle
effect. Figure 12.4 is a simplistic representation of how, Figure 12.4 Margin and SLA Depletion
over the ship’s life, the acquisition margins are consumed
during design and construction leaving the service life al-
lowance for consumption after delivery. The shape of the
acquisition margin portion of the curve could be indicative
of the occurrence of an unfavorable trend that has been suc-
cessfully compensated for by an offsetting weight reduc-
tion initiative leaving the SLA intact at delivery.
Obviously, if an undesirable trend develops late in a pro-
gram the cost and schedule impacts from any remedial ac-
tion cannot be avoided and must be factored into
management’s decisions. As a general rule the earlier an
undesirable trend is detected the less the disruption will be
to cost and schedule.
The management process can maintain oversight of the
residual level of risk and uncertainty by evaluating the ma-
turity of the mass properties information contained in the
current QWR. Figure 12.5 Weight Report Maturity
12-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the percentage of the whole that has been determined using Such capabilities significantly improve the overall quality
one of the following methods: and hence reliability of the mass properties process.
The limiting values assigned to draft (and hence dis-
Est-1 = Ratiocination from a similar ship,
placement) and KG as a result of the design process must
Est-2 = Engineering estimate based on system descrip-
be adhered to rigidly. Both characteristics are inextricably
tions and engineering specifications,
linked to the magnitude and distribution of ship weight.
Est-3 = Estimate based on system diagram, scantling
Even with the most careful oversight from everyone in-
drawing or similar information,
volved it is likely that at some point in the design process
Est-4 = Based on final preliminary design products, such
there will be a need to reduce weight, or to redistribute
as completed system arrangements or prelimi-
weight in order to reduce the KG.
nary product models.
The difficulty is identifying those candidates that have
Calc = Based on detailed construction drawings or com-
the highest level of compatibility with the overall program
puter product model
goals and objectives. In addition to design and construction
Vendor = From certified vendor-supplied information
goals the overall program usually sets performance goals
Weighed = From actual weighing of component or unit
relative to budgets, schedules and quality, which must be
using certified weighing equipment.
considered when strategizing a weight or KG reduction ini-
The reliability of the methods range from low to high, tiative.
with ratiocination being at the low end and methods based When overall program goals have been set and priori-
on calculation and weighing at the high end. Therefore, it tized, the individual weight and KG reduction initiatives
follows that the distribution of methods is an indicator of can be evaluated for compatibility with them and the results
the level of maturity of current mass properties data. of the evaluation can be used as a basis for selecting which
Big high reliability slices and small low reliability slices of the initiatives to implement.
indicate higher degrees of maturity which, when correlated The success of any design and construction project de-
with the status of the acquisition margins, can be used to pends in large part on how well the program goals are met.
assess the overall state of ship’s mass properties character- Program goals are typically concerned with achieving de-
istics in terms of acceptability and residual risk. Routine sign and construction schedules, managing construction
database management techniques can be used to determine costs and engineering man-hours, and preserving key prod-
the percentages by assigning a unique flag to each method uct characteristics such as the ship’s performance which is
so that the system can use it to calculate percentages. influenced by lightship weight, lightship KG, list, trim, in-
The same approach can be used to track the weight and tact stability, etc. Accordingly, a system is required that is
KG performance of specific major components or systems. capable of evaluating how well a reduction initiative satis-
Systems or components that due to their size and com- fies a wide range of goals, which in turn requires a system
plexity could seriously impact whole ship mass properties that can prioritize the program goals relative to each other.
must be considered high risk. This is especially true when The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is de-
substantial design development that must be accomplished scribed in reference 16, is an example of just such a system
in parallel with whole ship design remains to be completed. (see Chapter 5). AHP is a proven method that prioritizes
In situations like this it is normal to set weight and center goals through the use of pair-wise comparisons. It derives
of gravity goals that will help guide the system designer’s priorities in terms of percentages that indicate the relative
decision-making process, and also help to enhance the over- value of each of the ship attributes evaluated. Because the
sight capabilities of the mass properties manager. AHP uses ratio scaling in its calculations, it provides more
As an example, a typical computer-based monitoring reliable data than other methods. An application of AHP to
system could produce graphical data that would track the a ship design is described in reference 17. Menna demon-
mass properties characteristics of a major component or strates how results for goal prioritization might look some-
system over time relative to the assigned goals. The system thing like those shown in Figure 12.7.
also could assess the overall quality of the data by tracking After project goals have been identified and prioritized,
the percentage of calculated versus estimated data. Figure the degree to which each candidate weight or KG reduction
12.6 is an example of a typical tracking curve that shows initiative contributes to achieving those goals must be as-
system weight and percentage calculated over time. sessed. Organizing each of the candidates in a matrix and
Electronic tracking is a valuable management tool that recording their relative scores against each goal as shown
provides all the information needed to continuously assess in Figure 12.8 provides an overall indicator of how well the
the quality of mass properties data and to identify trends. candidate contributes to optimum whole ship design ob-
Click here to view
HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS WEIGHT TRENDS (ESWBS: 55600 55620 55630 55632 55633 55634)
120 100


110 80



100 60


90 40


80 20


70 0

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Weight Long Tons AWE % Calculations

Figure 12.6 Typical Trent Tracking Chart

Criterion Value
entryisis EQUALLY
important asas
important column
entry 11
entryisis MODERATELY
moreimportant than
important column
than columnentry
entry 33
row entryisis
moreimportant than
important column
than columnentry
entry 55
moreimportant than
important column
than columnentry
entry 77
entryisis EXTREMELY
moreimportant than
important column
than columnentry
entry 99

Priority Value
MostFavorable ++99
Engineering M anhours

Construction Schedule

Favorable ++33
M anufacturing Cost

Priority Percentage
Norm alized Sum s

Favorable ++11
Unfavorable ––11

Unfavorable ––33

Unfavorable ––99

Candidate A +9 +9 –1 +3 +1 3.9 –0.1 3.8

Construction Schedule 1 3 3 1/3 1/3 7 1.15 19% Candidate B –1 +3 +9 +9 +3 5.3 –0.2 5.1

Manufacturing Cost 1/3 1 1 1/3 1/3 5 0.62 10% Candidate C –1 +3 +9 +1 1.3 –0.2 1.1

Candidate D +3 +3 –1 +9 –1 2.9 –0.4 2.5

Engineering M anhours 1/3 1 1 1/3 1/3 3 0.54 9%
Candidate E +1 +1 –9 +9 0.9 –2.0 –1.1
Weight 3 3 3 1 3 5 2.08 35%
Candidate F –3 +3 +9 –3 3.4 –1.0 2.4
KG 3 3 3 1/3 1 3 1.36 23%
Candidate G +3 –9 –1 +9 +1 2.3 –0.8 1.5
Seakeeping 1/9 1/5 1/3 1/5 1/3 1 0.25 4%
Candidate H +9 +3 +1 +9 +1 4.2 0.0 4.2

Totals 7.8 11.2 11.3 2.5 5.3 24.0 6.00 100% Priority Percentage 19% 10% 9% 35% 23% 4%

Figure 12.7 AHP of Organizational/Project Goals Figure 12.8 Matrix of Candidates and Associated Values
12-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

jectives. Each optimization indicator can then be coupled vailed when they were developed. The relative merits of
with its relative prioritization percentage from the AHP pri- each system should be evaluated on the basis of the built-
oritization matrix to compute a rational total prioritization in features it incorporates. Some systems emphasize data-
value for the candidate initiative. base management and report generation more than others
By using scores of -9 through +9 it is possible to objec- and have the capability to work with different hierarchical
tively assess each candidate based upon ratio scaling. Mul- classification codes. Other systems emphasize initial weight
tiplying each score with the priority percentage derived in estimation based on large databases of similar ships or sys-
Figure 12.7 (and shown as the bottom line of Figure 12.8), tems. The strength of the basic weight estimating routine
and summing them produces the weighted values shown in may be a significant issue depending as it does on how ef-
the weighted plus and weighted negative columns of Fig- fectively empirical and parametric methods are used to gen-
ure 12.8. erate the data. The use of regression analysis and statistical
data may also be relevant when evaluating a particular sys-
tem. Recommending specific software is not appropriate
within the context of this work. However, end users should
consider all of these issues based on their specific needs
The requirements of the typical mass properties program when making a selection.
and the capabilities of the computer are an almost perfect Modern three-dimensional product modeling systems
match. Managing vast amounts of alphanumeric data and often can provide weight and center of gravity information
processing huge numbers of highly repetitious arithmetic at the component, system and total ship level very quickly.
functions is what the computer does best. This innate com- A design synthesis program, of this type, that contains a
patibility was recognized soon after the appearance of the mass properties module can, when used carefully, be of con-
first mainframe machines and shipyards and design firms siderable benefit to the weight control engineer. The calcu-
began developing proprietary weight engineering software. lation of weight and center of gravity data for components
Over time, these early, rudimentary products have evolved and systems is virtually a push-button proposition. How-
into highly sophisticated full management systems mounted ever, considerable care is required to ensure that the data ex-
on desktop networks. Some indications of the trends in mass tracted from the system is complete. The weight and moment
properties engineering as it is being conducted in today’s data produced by the system can only reflect the condition
ship building environment are described in, references 18 of the model. Therefore, steps must be taken to ensure that
and 19. preliminary information isn’t mistakenly used and that when-
Modern systems increase the efficiency with which the ever applicable, allowances are made for such items as:
mass properties process is accomplished and significantly
• weld material,
improve the reliability of the data generated. Estimates, cal-
• mill tolerances or casting allowances,
culations and reporting are all enhanced as a result of com-
• fasteners,
puterization. The typical full service modern system is
• surface treatments (such as paint, insulation or deck un-
capable of most if not all of the following:
• producing initial estimates using empirical and para- • system liquids,
metric methods, • loads such as tank liquids, and
• analyzing the mass property characteristics of individ- • missing items (components not yet modeled).
ual parts, systems and the total ship,
The development and consistent use of standard oper-
• generating a full range of reports in appropriate formats
ating procedures is strongly recommended as a way of min-
and classifications,
imizing risks of this type.
• producing system or product structured reports,
• developing weight distribution curves,
• calculating the inertia and gyradius of individual parts,
systems and the total ship, 12.8 RISK AND RISK MANAGEMENT
• performing uncertainty analyses,
Identifying and managing risk is another practice that has
• performance measurement, and
been promoted by the U.S. DoD acquisition reform strategy.
• material forecasting.
Although, consideration of risk and uncertainty in the
The strengths and weaknesses of available software sys- design and manufacture of military and commercial sys-
tems tend to vary depending on the circumstances that pre- tems is not in itself a new concept, the degree of focus now
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-17

directed at this aspect of the acquisition process is much • establishment of risk management as a primary man-
greater than ever before. A direct quote from the president agement technique to be used by Program Managers
of the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) serves to ex- (PMs).
plain why this is so. Part of the DAU president’s preamble
As a result of the working group’s activities the DoD
to DoD Publication Risk Management Guide for DoD Ac-
5000 documents referred to in the 1996 working group re-
quisition (20) states:
port were superseded by a new set of DoD 5000 policy doc-
Acquisition reform has changed the way the Department uments issued in late 2000 and early 2001.
of Defense (DoD) designs, develops, manufacturers, and Reference 20, based on the material developed by the
supports systems. Our technical, business, and manage- DoD Risk Management Working Group, is a comprehen-
ment approach for acquiring and operating systems has, and sive compilation of risk management information and should
continues to, evolve. For example, we can no longer rely be considered an essential reference for everyone involved
on military specifications and standards to define and con- in the acquisition process. Reference 20 is also an excellent
trol how our developers design, build, and support our new information resource that provides definitions for a variety
systems. Today we use commercial hardware and software, of risk management terms. Definitions of terms like risk,
promote open systems architecture, and encourage stream- risk event, technical risk, cost risk, schedule risk, risk rat-
lining processes, just to name a few of the initiatives that ing, and others are included. A common thread runs through
affect the way we do business. At the same time, the Of- these definitions that suggest that risk, in an overall sense,
fice of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) has reduced the should be assessed from two perspectives. First, there is the
level of oversight and review of programs and manufac- risk associated with the inability to achieve certain program
turers’ plants. or process objectives. Second, there is the consequence or
While the new acquisition model gives government pro- impact of failing to achieve one or other or all of those ob-
gram managers and their contractors broader control and jectives. The mass properties control process is decidedly
more options than they have enjoyed in the past, it also ex- amenable to this concept. For example, the mass properties
poses them to new risks. OSD recognizes that risk is in- control process has very clear objectives that in turn are an
herent in any acquisition program and considers it essential essential component of the overall program objectives. In
that program managers take appropriate steps to manage essence the overriding objective of the mass properties con-
and control risks… trol function is to ensure that the mass properties charac-
teristics of the lightship at delivery are such that when the
The level of attention now being given to the subject of
designated loads are applied the resulting loaded ship’s
risk management stems from the mid 1990s when the DoD
naval architectural characteristics fall within contractually
established a Risk Management Working Group. This group
acceptable limits. An obvious program objective is to de-
included in its membership staff from the OSD, represen-
liver a ship that is contractually acceptable in every respect.
tatives from the services, and personnel from other DoD
Clearly, the consequences of failing to achieve the basic ob-
agencies involved in systems acquisition. In July 1996 the
jectives of the mass properties control function is a ship
working group concluded that Industry has no magic for-
with one or more design deficiencies, each one potentially
mula for Risk Management, and recommended that the De-
catastrophic in terms of its impact on the overall program
fense Acquisition Deskbook contain a set of guidelines for
sound risk management practices. The working group also
The use of acquisition margins in the mass properties
recommended that the deskbook contain a set of risk man-
control process is discussed in Section 12.5. Section 12.6
agement definitions that are comprehensive and useful to
discusses management of the mass properties control
all of those involved. Finally, the working group concluded
that the risk management policy contained in DoD 5000.1 process. The issue of risk assessment is intrinsic to both of
series documents was less than comprehensive. This led to these sections in that acquisition margins are established
the recommendation that DoDD 5000.1 be amended to in- on the basis of inherent risk and an essential element of the
clude a more comprehensive set of risk management poli- management process is control and oversight of the rate at
cies that focused on: which the margins are being consumed, which itself is an
indicator for residual risk assessment. It can safely be as-
• the relationship between the Cost as an Independent Vari- sumed that overall program objectives and mass properties
able (CAIV) concept and Risk Management, objectives are in jeopardy when the rate at which acquisi-
• requirements that risk management be proactive (for- tion margin is being consumed outpaces overall progress.
ward looking), and The iterative nature of the mass properties control process
12-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

is discussed in Section 12.4 in terms of how initial data is A simple substitution of the words space vehicle with the
compiled and how that initial data is progressively, over word ship or submarine and this description becomes appli-
time, refined by substituting increasingly more reliable line- cable to the marine industry. Reference 21 goes on to say,
item values for component weight and center of gravity lo- “[M]ass properties uncertainty analyses shall be conducted
cation. The level of confidence that can be placed in the when mass properties dispersions are required for other analy-
initial mass properties data strongly influences the alloca- ses, or when the uncertainties may cause mass properties lim-
tion of acquisition margins. Although initial levels of con- its to be exceeded.” This statement is also readily adaptable
fidence are likely to be somewhat subjective they should to the emerging needs of the shipbuilding industry.
support a reasonable assessment of initial risk. Assuming In essence, uncertainty analysis uses a statistical ap-
this to be the case, residual mass properties related risk, as proach to predict the probability that the final weight and
the program progresses from stage to stage can be assessed center of gravity characteristics of specific weight sensitive
according to the level of maturity of the current mass prop- items will fall within predefined limits of acceptability. The
erties data. Ideally the maturation process will serve to con- basic premise being that this type of increased confidence
firm data values, which would justify a reduction in assessed justifies reduced risk. A more detailed discussion of uncer-
risk. The possibility exists, however, that the process will tainty analysis is beyond the scope of this chapter. How-
reveal a problem area requiring remedial action. Risk man- ever, expanded use of the technique can be expected as the
agement, therefore, must be ready to contend with a vari- requirements for military procurement become more strin-
ety of possibilities involving various levels of risk as they gent. Additional information on the subject of uncertainty
emerge. Reference 20 provides comprehensive guidance on analysis can be found in references 22 and 23.
what is required to accomplish this. Generally speaking, Generally, the practice of risk management, at least in a
the options available for reducing risk get less and less over formal sense, is not routinely applied to the typical com-
time. It follows, therefore, that early identification of po- mercial program. However, as worldwide competition for
tential risk areas is becoming increasingly desirable. A pri- major commercial projects continues to intensify, the use of
mary objective of risk assessment is to establish as high a such devices can be expected to become more commonplace.
level of confidence as possible as early as possible and to
retain that confidence level for the duration of the program.
The use of weight and KG reduction initiatives as a
means of recovering margin and bolstering confidence is dis-
cussed in Section 12.6. Weight and KG reduction initiatives Although the ship’s predicted mass properties characteris-
tend to be reactive devices that are used to respond, after tics are closely tracked throughout the design and con-
the fact, to the emergence of unfavorable weight and mo- struction process, actual validation of these predictions and
ment trends. Often such trends are caused by unexpected of the system used to make them doesn’t happen until just
weight increases or rearrangements in areas of the ship before delivery. The inclining experiment and deadweight
where design development issues have hampered timely de- survey is conducted close to delivery when the ship is as
cision-making. As a means of proactively dealing with sit- complete as possible. Comparing the results of this proce-
uations of this type, the aerospace industry and to some dure with the values for lightship weight and center of grav-
extent the offshore industry are applying uncertainty analy- ity location that are predicted by the mass properties database
sis in order to enhance confidence levels relative to achiev- provides a level of mutual validation for both sources of
ing program objectives on weight sensitive programs. The this information. Generally speaking, good correlation be-
Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Recommended Prac- tween these two sets of very differently derived data is taken
tice No. 11 (21) describes mass properties uncertainty analy- as an indication that the inclining experiment/deadweight
sis in the following terms: survey has produced reliable values for lightship weight
and center of gravity location. However, poor correlation
Knowledge is required of the accuracies of mass proper- presents a peculiar problem that has no immediately obvi-
ties data used in space vehicle performance, stability, con- ous solution. Deciding on which of two sets of data, that
trol, and structural analyses. This is true not only for the are supposed to describe the same entity, is correct requires
total space vehicle but also for elements of the space ve- an assessment of the confidence levels that can be placed
hicle such as fluids, deployables, and independently mov- in each data source. The results of this assessment may re-
ing parts. Mass properties approaching a limit may require quire a second inclining, or a detailed review of the weight
an uncertainty analysis. In some cases, the accuracy of the and moment database.
combination of certain mass properties may be required. The previous sections of this chapter have discussed in
Chapter 12: Mass Properties 12-19

some length the methods and techniques usually used in Weights,” Department of Transportation, MARAD, January
order to achieve a reliable mass properties database. Sec- 1995
tion 12.8 discusses the issue of risk management in terms 3. Weight Engineer’s Handbook, Society of Allied Weight En-
of enhancing confidence through the identification and re- gineers, dated May, 1986
4. D’Arcangelo, Ship Design and Construction, SNAME, 1969
duction of risk.
5. NAVSEAINST 9096.6B “Policy for Weight and Vertical Cen-
Reference 24 is one of several documents that provides
ter of Gravity above Bottom of Keel (KG) Margins for Sur-
comprehensive instruction on how to conduct a reliable in- face Ships,” dated August 16, 2001
clining experiment and lightship survey. Reference 25 ad- 6. Lewis, E. V., Principles of Naval Architecture, Society of
dresses the issue of inclining accuracy. Even when reliable Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1988
methods are used, the accuracy of the end results is influ- 7. “Weight Classification for U.S. Navy Small Craft,” NAVSEA
enced by a number of factors. For instance, the ship dis- S9009-AB-GTP-010, Naval Ship Engineering Center—Nor-
placement at the time of the inclining is determined by folk Division, 1978
measuring drafts and freeboards so that the displacement 8. “Standard Coordinate System for Reporting Mass Proper-
can be read from the ship’s hydrostatics data. The accuracy ties of Surface Ships and Submarines,” Society of Allied
of this one ship characteristic is influenced by a number of Weight Engineers, Recommended Practice (13), June 5, 1996
inherently imprecise data points. The overall accuracy of 9. “Standard Guide for Weight Control Technical Requirements
for Surface Ships,” ASTM F 1808–97, 1997
the hydrostatic data, how well the ship matches the lines,
10. Cimino, D., and Redmond, M., “Naval Ships Weight Moment
how accurately the draft marks have been installed and how of Inertia—A Comparative Analysis,” Society of Allied
carefully the drafts and freeboards have been measured all Weight Engineers Paper No. 2013, May 1991
contribute to the overall integrity of just one key charac- 11. Kern, P. H., “A Statistical Approach to Naval Ship Weight
teristic. Inaccuracies can creep in and affect other aspects Estimating,” Society of Allied Weight Engineers Paper No.
of the inclining. Inaccurate pendulum lengths and inclin- 1237, May 1978
ing weights and discrepancies with tank soundings can all 12. Redmond, M., “A Methodology for Selecting Naval Ship Ac-
introduce error significant enough to adversely affect the quisition Margins,” Society of Allied Weight, Engineers Jour-
final results. The deadweight survey itself is one of the more nal, Spring 2001
error prone tasks and even unexpected weather changes can 13. “Weight Estimating and Margin Manual for Marine Vehi-
be a factor. The list goes on, making it very difficult to de- cles,” Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Recommended
Practice No. 14, Issued May 22, 2001
fine accuracy when applying the term to the inclining ex-
14. “Weight Control Technical Requirements for Surface Ships,”
periment and deadweight survey. Nonetheless, if the
Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Recommended Practice
difference between the predicted values and the inclining No. 12, Revision Issue No. B., May 21, 1997
results is enough to bring serious doubt into the picture any 15. Johnson, F., “Myths of Weight Control,” Society of Allied
attempt to assess relative levels of confidence should in- Weight Engineers Journal, Winter 1990
clude consideration of all of these potential discrepancies. 16. Saaty, T., Decision Making for Leader, RWS Publications,
Clearly, poor correlation between the mass properties 3rd Edition, dated December 1999
database predictions and the inclining results could cause 17. Menna, D. R., A Ship Design Application of Quality Func-
major disruptions late in the program. Re-inclining the ship, tion Deployment Techniques in Weight Reduction Decision-
an expensive and time-consuming proposition, could be the Making, 61st Annual Conference of Society of Allied Weight
only way to resolve the issue. Resorting to the use of the Engineers, Inc., May 2002
18. Aasen, R., “Shipweight: A Windows Program for Estima-
most conservative values might be an acceptable solution
tion of Ship Weights,” Society of Allied Weight Engineers,
if the discrepancy is not too severe but in the final analysis,
Paper No. 2441, 1998
the surest way to minimize the risk of anything undesirable 19. Ray, D., and Filiopoulis, C., “Total Ship Weight Manage-
happening is to conduct both processes very carefully. ment Computer Program for Today’s and Tomorrow’s Ap-
plication,” Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Paper No.
2466, 1999
20. Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition, Fourth Edi-
tion, February 2001
1. “Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure for all Ships and 21. “Mass Properties Control for Space Vehicles,” Society of Al-
Ship/Combat Systems,” NAVSEA, S9040-AA-1DX-010/ lied Weight Engineers, Recommended Practice No. 11, dated
SWBS 5D and S9040-AA-1DX-020/SWBS 5D (I and II), June 3, 2000
February 1985 22. Fessenden, R. D., Morgan, J. J., and Windham, J. N., “Mass
2. “Maritime Administration Classification of Merchant Ship Properties Uncertainty Analyses of Aerospace Vehicle Hard-
12-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ware,” Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Paper No. 694, ship Survey and Inclining Experiment) to Determine the
May 1968 Lightship Displacement and Center of Gravity of a Vessel,”
23. Wiegand, B., “The Basic Algorithms of Mass Properties ASTM F1321–92, February 1993
Analysis and Control (Accounting, Uncertainty, and Standard 25. Hansen, E. O., “An Analytical Treatment of the Accuracy of
Deviation),” SAWE paper No. 2067, May 1992 the Results of the Inclining Experiment,” Naval Engineers
24. “Standard Guide for Conducting and Stability Test (Light- Journal, 1985
Chapter 13
Computer-Based Tools

Jonathan M. Ross

13.1 NOMENCLATURE OLP Off-Line Programming

OODB Object-Oriented Database
AI Artificial Intelligence OOP Object-Oriented Programming
AP Application Protocol PID Process and Instrument Diagram
CAD Computer-Aided Design PMDB Product Model Database
CAE Computer-Aided Engineering SBD Simulation Based Design
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product
CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning Model Data
CD-ROM Compact Disk—Read-Only Memory
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CIM Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
DAT Digital Audio Tape 13.2 INTRODUCTION
DXF Data EXchange Format
EDI Electronic Data Interchange 13.2.1 Background
FEA Finite Element Analysis The shipbuilding industry has used computer-based tools
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air since the early 1950s, initially in accounting, and expand-
Conditioning ing during the early 1960s to certain design and fabrication
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification activities, then by the early 1970s to the first CAD and CAM
ISO International Standards Organization turnkey commercial systems (1,2). Perhaps the most strik-
IPPD Integrated Product and Process ing element in this evolution is the short time span in which
Development Model it has taken place compared to, for example, the present age
IPDE Integrated Product Data Environment of shipbuilding. Table 13.I illustrates the point. While the
IT Information Technology birth of industrialized shipbuilding can be set in the middle
MARITIME Management and Reuse of Information of the last century, a century and a half ago, the birth of ship-
Over Time building CAD/CAM can be dated from the early 1970s, just
NC Numerical Control over a quarter of a century ago. Significantly, the use of
NEUTRABAS Neutral Product Definition Database for computer-aided tools in shipbuilding is not the sole domain
Large Multifunctional Systems of larger yards but is fast becoming common in mid-size
NIDDESC Navy Industry Digital Data Exchange and small yards and in virtually all design firms (3,4).
Standards Committee The table shows the evolution of shipbuilding computer
NURBS Non-uniform Rational B-Splines aided tools in general. Not every shipyard evolves through

13-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 13.I Evolution of Ship Design and Construction Computer-aided Tools (Expanded from (2))
Year Hardware Software End Users

1972–78 Big computing centers, Main frames, Independent programs, Sequential Big shipyards
Punched cards and alphanumeric terminals files, Batch processes
1979–86 Medium computing centers, Midi/Mini computers, Integrated programs, Medium level Big and mid-size
Alphanumeric terminals and graphic terminals independent databases, Interactive processes shipyards
1987–94 Local area networks, Workstations, Fully integrated programs, Single database, Big, mid-size and
X-terminals, PCs Interactive graphic processes, Open systems small shipyards
1995–03 Remote networks, PCs, Workstations, Windows environment, Object oriented All sizes of
Parallel processors programming, Improved inter-program shipyards,
data exchange Design firms

each step of the process. For example, a shipyard may jump TABLE 13.II Average Percentage Savings Resulting from
from a simple CAD program to a product model program Upgrading To 3D Product Modeling for Three Small
and experience not just an evolutionary step but also a quan- Shipyards (11)
tum leap in capability (5).
Computer based ship design and construction is an im- Element Percentage Saving
portant aspect of making a shipyard more competitive in the
world commercial market. Modern computer-aided systems Design Labor Hours 30–40
can help address inefficiencies such as the following (6,7): Material Cost 20–25
Production Labor Cost 30–35
• Multiple systems used within a single discipline, ne-
cessitating the storage of the same data in different places. Construction Schedule 25–30
Integration of work and ensuring consistency are diffi-
• 2D drafting systems, causing difficulties when pro-
ceeding to the actual 3D ship design.
• availability of a product model to enhance concurrent en-
• Separate hull and outfit designs, making integration of
gineering and production planning activities,
the final design and inclusion of future changes difficult
• more flexibility in making design modifications,
and open to errors and no integrated planning during de-
• a more controlled environment to help support stan-
• Aging of the skilled workforce and difficulty in finding
• improved cost control,
young workers willing to work in the traditional dirty,
• elimination of many tedious manual and repetitive cal-
difficult and dangerous shipbuilding environment.
• Inability to meet ever increasing demands by owners for
• less rework in production,
ships of higher quality and shortened delivery times.
• less skilled labor needs in production,
A counterpoint to the aging problem is that young work- • storage of lifecycle data for the ship, and
ers are more oriented toward the use of computers in their • configuration arrangement of changes through design
daily work and are often more willing and capable to use and life of the ship.
CAD/CAM/CIM in ship design and construction than older
As shown in Table 13.I computer-aided tools may be
workers accustomed to little or no use of computers.
used to great advantage even in small shipyards if those
Advantages to a shipyard using computers in ship de-
shipyards follow modern shipbuilding practices, such as the
sign and construction include the following (10):
use of block construction instead of stick building. A recent
• quicker response to requests for quotes and shorter de- poll of three privately owned European shipyards using 3D
sign and construction lead times, product modeling for design found dramatic cost savings
• increased accuracy, compared to traditional CAD or manual drafting techniques.
• availability of a reference database, Savings are presented in Table 13.II (11).
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-3

13.2.2 Scope of this Chapter

This chapter presents computer-based tools for ship design
and production. The following topics are addressed: com-
puter-aided design, computer-aided engineering, computer-
aided synthesis modeling, computer-aided manufacturing,
computer product models, computer-integrated manufac-
turing, computer systems integration, computer implemen-
tation, and future trends. Also provided are listings of
computer systems, projects and initiatives, along with the
organizations involved and their nationalities. Computer
programs mentioned in this chapter are typically menu
driven. Many run real time, although certain functions may
be more typically run in batch mode, and virtually all have
graphical display capability. In order to improve chapter
flow, specific software programs are cited in only one sec- Figure 13.1 Computer-Aided NURBS Hull Design
tion, though the programs may apply to several sections.
The field of computer based ship design is one of fre-
quent and substantial advances. Thus, while this chapter
will provide a general overview, the reader is encouraged
to consult professional journals and conference proceed-
ings to gain a current understanding of the technology.


13.3.1 General
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is a direct outgrowth of the
traditional drafting board approach to ship design. CAD de-
picts geometry and dimensions on a computer monitor and
not directly on paper, though an important output of CAD
is still paper drawings. Sophisticated CAD systems are much
more powerful than computer versions of drafting boards. Figure 13.2 Computer-Aided Design of Distributed System
They may have extensive parts libraries, cut-and-paste ca-
pabilities, and efficient, menu-driven user interfaces.
Stand-alone CAD is most appropriate for relatively sim-
ple designs such as those developed in the smaller ship- as planes within the hull. Included are corrugated bulkheads
yards. For more complex designs, CAE and product model and deck-to-deck ramps and the inclusion of camber, sheer,
programs are more appropriate. knuckles and breaks.
Compartmentation: The hull is divided into separate,
identifiable compartments. Compartmentation can be based
13.3.2 Typical Capabilities of CAD Systems on spatial analysis.
CAD systems have some or all of the following capabili- Profiles and arrangements: Outboard and inboard pro-
ties, running the gamut from 2D line drawings to 3D solid files are developed, as well as arrangements for cargo spaces;
geometry (5,12,13): machinery spaces; crew, passenger, and associated spaces;
Hull design: Hull design may include the development tanks; and miscellaneous spaces.
of hull geometry, hull form, and castings. NURBS or B- Distributed systems: Design of electrical, piping and
Spline approaches may be used for fairing. A screen cap- HVAC system one-line diagrams is carried out at the dia-
ture of a computer aided hull design of a naval combatant grammatic level of detail (as shown in Figure 13.2) and at
is shown in Figure 13.1. a level of detail sufficient for production and installation.
Decks and bulkheads: Decks and bulkheads are defined Drawings: 2D and 3D drawings may be produced in or-
13-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

CAD-Link—Albacore Research, Canada—structural mod-

eling within 2D and 3D context (14).
Excel—Microsoft, United States—a general purpose
spreadsheet program applicable to many ship design cal-
FastShip—Proteus Engineering, United States—hull, ap-
pendage and superstructure design and hydrostatics.
HICADEC—Hitachi Zosen, Japan, and Odense Steel Ship-
yard, Denmark—arrangement design, electrical diagrams,
hull structure and piping diagrams and layout (12).
HFDS (Hull Form Design System)—United States Navy—
hull design and fairing (15).
Maxsurf—Formation Design Systems Pty, Australia—hy-
drostatics, hull design and fairing, and hull structure (10,16).
Figure 13.3 CAD Design NauShip—NAUTICAD sarl, Italy—hull structural design
and NC structures cutting tape generation (17).
Pro/ENGINEER—PTC, United States—2D and 3D de-
thogonal and isometric formats to show hull form, lines, signing (18).
body plan, sections, outboard and inboard profiles, water-
ShipGen—Defcar Naval Engineering, Spain (19).
lines, schematics and other views of the hull and outfit (Fig-
ure 13.3). Included may be dimensioning, text callouts and
the generation of tailored title blocks. In addition, drawings
may be used to show ship’s curves of form and floodable 13.4 COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING
length curves. 13.4.1 General
Engineering analysis: CAD is commonly used to cal-
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) automates various
culate cross sectional properties such as section modulus
ship design calculations in the areas of hull and equipment.
and moment of inertia. CAD may also be used to calculate
While the more typical CAE programs specialize in spe-
tank areas and volumes, weight distribution diagrams for
cific areas, such as ship structure, some are modules of more
loading, and hydrostatics and stability data.
integrated ship design programs and represent an evolu-
Early stage design: Certain CAD systems possess the
tionary link to product model programs.
capability to quickly develop a design to support market-
ing and proposal efforts. Included are hull, structure, out-
fit, build strategy and production planning. In addition, CAD 13.4.2 Typical Capabilities of CAE Programs
may be use to extract profile lengths and plate sizes for early
CAE systems have some or all of the following capabilities
part standardization and material orders.
Pipe thermal expansion: An analysis is conducted on
13.3.3 Examples of CAD Programs steam pipe systems to determine thermal expansion and
stress. Finite element methods are typically used.
Available CAD programs include the following:
Pipe and pressure vessel pressures: Pipe flow pressure
AJISAI CAD—Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries drops, buckling and water hammer forces (on pipe walls,
Co., Inc., Japan—for structure (AJISAI-H) and outfitting flanges and hangers) are calculated. Compliance with in-
(AJISAI-F)(12). dustry standards may be checked.
Hydrostatics and stability: Calculation of hydrostatics
AutoCAD—AutoDesk, United States—2D and 3D de-
for intact and damage stability, and subsequent generation
of output such as hydrostatic values, Bonjean curves, dead-
Autoship—Autoship Systems, Canada—hydrostatics, hull weight scale, cross curves of stability, freeboard, floodable
design and fairing, and hull structure (8). lengths, curves of section areas and half-breadths.
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-5

Volumes and cargo capacity: Calculation and organiza-

tion by category of the volumes of a ship’s compartments,
including generation of sounding and ullage tables, volu-
metric grain heeling moments and tonnage.
Loading conditions: Calculations may be carried out for
lightship weight, stillwater equilibrium waterplane, maxi-
mum allowable grain heeling moments and weight and cen-
ter of gravity for modular cargoes (for example, containers
and pallet cargoes) and break bulk cargoes.
Speed/power: Using regressions with test series or using Figure 13.4 Fast Ferry Full Ship FEA Model
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ship resistance and
speed for given power input is calculated.
Plate bending: Calculating forces or line heating re-
quirements for bending curved plate.
Electrical loading: Electric load and fault analyses, as
well as cable size calculations.
Weights and centers: Based on the CAD design, weights
and centers of gravity may be calculated for the complete
ship and for individual elements of structure and outfit.
Structure: Analysis of strength in smooth water and in
waves and (for contained liquids) hydrostatic loading; op-
timization of weight, vertical center of gravity optimiza-
tion; cost optimization; fatigue analysis; shock analysis;
oil-canning calculations; and predictions of natural and Figure 13.5 Oblique Seas, Seakeeping Visualization
forced vibration frequencies. Data may be presented in static
and animated multicolor 3D models that show stresses, ad-
treatments such as isolation mounts and enclosures are cal-
equacy parameters and displacements of affected structure.
Figure 13.4 shows such a structural model.
In a class by itself are computer programs for the initial
Maneuvering and control: Calculations are carried out
design and cost estimation. These programs are usually para-
of rudder geometry and ship maneuverability and control
metric, and produce their technical and cost estimates based
characteristics. Included is consideration of force, moment
on historical data. Some are quite sophisticated, with many
and motion in the horizontal plane for surface ships and the
input parameters. Their accuracy depends upon the validity
same considerations in three dimensions for submarines.
of the parametric relationships, and they are useful only
Propeller: Propeller selection, geometry and calculation
within their range of historical data. These programs are
of the propeller characteristics, such as thrust.
used to produce initial designs for trade-off analysis, and for
HVAC: Flow, heating and cooling calculations are carried
quick initial response to shipowner inquiries.
out to help size fans, ducting and other HVAC components.
Launching: Calculations for launching over an inclined
slipway may include (in a stepwise fashion) ship position, 13.4.3 Examples of CAE Programs
buoyancy, reaction of ground ways and rising and tipping
Presently operating CAE programs include the following:
moments. Static and dynamic stability and longitudinal
strength may be calculated at the pivoting point and for the BASCON—Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean
ship afloat. Engineering, Korea—integrated system to develop ship con-
Seakeeping: Ship motions in a seaway are predicted in cept designs (25).
six degrees of freedom moving forward at a fixed speed.
NavCad—Hydrocomp, Inc., United States—for resistance
Strip theory is typically used, with roll damping of ap-
and power predictions and optimum propeller determina-
pendages taken into account. Maneuvering with rudder is
calculated. Figure 13.5 shows a visualization of a seakeep-
ing analysis of a ship in oblique seas. GHS—Creative Systems, Inc., United States—for deter-
Noise: Airborne and waterborne noise levels are calcu- mination of ship hydrostatics, stability and longitudinal
lated for noise sources located in the ship. Effects of noise strength.
13-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

HICADEC-P—Hitachi Zosen, Japan, and Odense Steel

Shipyard, Denmark—used for pipe systems calculations,
such as pressure drop (12).
HFDS (Hull Form Design System)—United States Navy—
develops predictions for powering, seakeeping, maneuver-
ing and stack design through series data, parametrics and
computational fluid dynamics (15).
MARINE (Mitsubishi Advanced Real-time INitial design
and Engineering system)—Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,
Japan—Carries out initial design, naval architecture and
ship performance calculations to support rapid response of 13.6 Ship Weight Distribution Visualization
marketing and proposal efforts (12, 26).
MAESTRO—Optimal Structural Design, United States—
structural design, analysis and optimization program tai-
lored to stiffened thin skin structures of ships. 13.5.2 Typical Capabilities of Computer-Aided
NASTRAN—National Air and Space Administration (Orig- Synthesis Modeling
inal Version), United States—general purpose FEA pro- Computer-aided synthesis models range from the simple to
gram that may be used for ship structural analysis (12). the complex. Models have been developed to address a wide
range of naval and commercial ships and vessels, and a
POSEIDON—Germanischer Lloyd, Germany—software
number of models include iterative capabilities to optimize
to develop structural design from a rules-based or rational
results. Some synthesis models are initialized with a par-
(FEA) approach to aid in the classification process (27).
ent hull, while others consider trends of a number of hulls
SafeHull—American Bureau of Shipping, United States— of similar ship types. The models may address design, op-
rationally-based FEA program to verify yielding, buckling eration, and cost issues, as described below (33, 35):
and fatigue strength of ship structures (28, 29). Ship design: Ship design elements may include hull
geometry, hull subdivision, aviation support, deckhouse,
ShipWeight—BAS Engineering, Norway—estimates and
hull structure, appendages, resistance, powering, machin-
follows up (during construction or design changes) weight
ery, auxiliary systems, and weight (33).
and center of gravity of a vessel (30). A screen capture of
Ship operation: The following elements may be ad-
this program is shown as Figure 13.6.
dressed: cargo deadweight, cargo tank and hold capacities,
Weightprog—Germanischer Lloyd, Germany—estimates service speed, and voyage length and duration (33).
steel and light-ship weights (31). Cost information: Cost may be estimated for ship ma-
terials, shipyard production, and ship operation (33).
Examples of initial design programs include the following:
Vision (Virtual Integrated System for Shipbuilding Inno-
vation)—Was developed by NAMURA Shipbuilding of 13.5.3 Example Computer-Aided Synthesis Modeling
Japan to respond quickly to inquiries from shipowners (32). Programs
ASSET (Advanced Surface Ship Evaluation Tool)—United
States Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division—
13.5 COMPUTER-AIDED SYNTHESIS MODELING used in the exploratory and feasibility design phases of naval
surface ships (33).
13.5.1 General
PASS (Parametric Analysis of Ship Systems)—Band Lavis
Computer-aided synthesis modeling uses trends from ex-
Associates, United States—used to support ship and vessel
isting design data to approximate a design of a new vessel
synthesis designs (34).
or a modification to an existing vessel. This approach is
quick and inexpensive, and supports marketing, budgetary GCRMTC Ship Synthesis Model—Gulf Coast Regional
cost estimation, and initial production planning. Synthesis Maritime Technology Center/M. Rosenblatt & Sons—
modeling also provides a design baseline for preliminary iterates parent hull forms to generate design and cost esti-
design. mates (35).
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-7

Commercial Ship Design Synthesis Model—University robot motion planning data (torch orientation and adapta-
of Michigan, United States—used for ship design and op- tion techniques to avoid interferences and manufacturing in-
erating economics (36). accuracies).
Production management support: Cutting, welding, ma-
terial control, fabrication and erection processes may be
13.6 COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING simulated, tracked, documented and monitored on interac-
tive screen displays and in batch print-outs. Included may
13.6.1 General be what-if studies of part or all of the ship construction
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) programs help process. Also, data on production, cost and quality assur-
bridge the gap between ship design and construction. CAM ance may be collected and statistically analyzed. Data may
programs develop data for use in areas such as welding, cut- be exchanged with planning and technical programs to im-
ting, lifting, bending, forming, planning, and monitoring. prove production processes.
Lifting planning: Calculates lifting and rigging require-
ments for structural assemblies so that the assemblies may
13.6.2 Typical Capabilities of CAM Systems be properly sized to be within the capabilities of a ship-
CAM systems have some or all of the following capabili- yard’s cranes and other lifting devices.
ties (6,7,12,23,37-41): Paint design and monitoring: Planning for automated
Accounting for weld shrinkage: Automatic calculations painting, including coating definition by surface to be
are made (and avoidance instructions may be developed) painted and prediction of coverage over the item to be
for angular distortion and buckling of plates (especially thin painted.
plates, 10 mm) caused by gas cutting and by welding stiff- Part coding and Hierarchy: Assigns numbers to piece
eners and other structure to a plate. Traditionally, calcula- parts, and often links parts, subassemblies, assemblies, etc.,
tions have been empirical, based on experiments; more in a hierarchical fashion.
recently, numerical techniques have been introduced. Weld Nesting: Arrangement on gross plates for cutting of plate
shrinkage is characterized as in-plane distortion, and is a shapes may be made, along with the definition of NC cut-
critical element in a shipyard attaining the capability for ting paths. Similar capabilities may be present for arrang-
neat cut fabrication techniques. Out-of-plane distortion may ing and cutting profiles and pipe.
occur as well as in-plane distortion. Out-of-plane distortion Plate and profile forming: Data may be generated to
is commonly corrected by flame straightening and me- form curved plate. The data gives the pin heights of the jig
chanical rework. The out-of-plane distortion as well as the bed, together with a graphic illustration of the plate posi-
corrective measures may exacerbate the in-plane distortion tion and reference dimensions for checking purposes. In a
and contribute to weld shrinkage of a plate (1). like manner, data may be generated for bending templates
Dimensional control: Important dimensions for hull and for plates and profiles.
outfit interfaces are monitored with technologies such as Pipe bending: Data may be generated to bend pipes,
infrared and photogrammetry. allow for spring-back, and define positioning of hangers
Interface between product model and robots: Data in- and end fittings. The data may be NC, to feed directly to
volving geometry, welding, cutting, assembly, testing and automatic bending machines, or in the form of isometrics
painting are transmitted from the product model to open ar- and sketches that include material, dimensional and toler-
chitecture controllers that develop robot path programs. ance information.
Commonly, robot functions are simulated in a computer for Cable lengths: Data may be generated to define cable
refinement prior to actual production. lengths and cable installation work orders.
Robotic programming: Programming may be off-line
programming (OLP) and may be agent based. The pro-
gramming is designed so that the robot avoids collisions, 13.6.3 Examples of CAM Programs
gains access to weld locations and optimizes tool (for ex- Presently operating CAM programs include the following:
ample, welding torch) orientation. For repeated details, such
AMROSE (Autonomous Multiple Robot Operation in
as collars, a macro may be developed; each time the detail
Structured Environments)—Odense University and Odense
is called for, the macro is used. Needs for automatic robotic
Steel Shipyard Ltd., Denmark—off-line programming sys-
programming include geometric information (definition of
tem for welding robots (41).
ship structural surfaces and interfaces), welding data (weld
size, filler metal type, direction and order of welding), and CIPS 2000—Norddeutsche Informations-Systeme GmbH,
13-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Germany—rule-based system for manufacturing of piping 13.7 PRODUCT MODEL PROGRAMS

systems (12).
13.7.1 General
DINCOS—Norddeutsche Informations-Systeme GmbH, A product model program supports the analysis and infor-
Germany—links product design, production and produc- mational needs for the engineering, design, construction
tion planning (42). and maintenance of a ship. The product model database
HICADEC-H—Hitachi Zosen, Japan, and Odense Steel contains geometric information such as hull form definition,
Shipyard, Denmark. nesting, as well as parts naming (12). and non-geometric information such as equipment weights.
The information is contained in a central database and is
LASC—Hitachi Zosen, Japan—provides an analysis of the available as graphical displays, hardcopy printouts, and as
paint spray created by nozzles placed in 3D space. May also electronic files for use by NC production equipment. The
be used to check the effectiveness of tank cleaning arrange- database provides a single source for complete, updated and
ments (12). consistent information to all involved in the design and pro-
duction processes (46,47).
Lead Control—Norddeutsche Informations-Systeme Early versions of this concept were usually tailored to a
GmbH, Germany—a shop floor system for controlling pro- specific project and were not broadly enough based to ad-
duction equipment, such as robots, transportation systems dress the general integration of design data and process in-
and NC machines (12). formation that together define a ship. More modern versions
LIPSS—Hitachi Zosen, Japan—simulates the lifting of as- of the concept are tailored to ship design and construction,
semblies and arrangement of lifting pads, considering stan- yet are general enough to be used for different ship proj-
dard crane rigging components, such as spreader beams and ects (48).
variable length cables. Blocks’ weights and centers are cal- An important aspect of product model programs, is their
culated (12,43). three dimensionality, as shown in Figure 13.7. Traditional
ship design is carried out in 2D in the preliminary stages
MONMOS—Odense Steel Shipyard, Denmark—carries and extended to 3D in the detailed stages. The extension
out dimensional control using infrared technology (12). from 2D to 3D results in a large expenditure in time and
labor (49). Product models enable the designer to either
NC-Pyros Pro—Albacore Research, Canada—converts
begin in 3D or to easily progress from 2D to 3D, realizing
CAD drawings to NC code for 2D burning tables (13).
savings over the traditional approach.
PROHITS (Production-Oriented Hull Information Tech- Product model programs make possible an integrated
nology System)—Daewoo Shipyard, Korea—supports parts
hierarchy, material control, bills of material, nesting and
quality control (44).
PMS (Product Management System)—Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Japan—Used for planning, scheduling and track-
ing subassembly and block progress and labor loading in
the shops with plan views and Gantt charts (12).
ROB-IN—Odense Steel Shipyard, Denmark—uses data
from product model to generate NC instructions for robots
(for example, for flat panel welding robots)(12).
RoboPlan—Norddeutsche Informations-Systeme GmbH,
Germany—off-line programming system for welding ro-
bots (12,40,45).
ShipCAM—Albacore Research, Canada—pin jigs, inverse
bending curves, and shell plate development (13).
TOPOS—Hitachi Zosen, Japan—provides for viewing of
an assembly to be coated with paint and the definition of
the paint coating for each surface (12). 13.7 Steelwork Graphical Display from a Product Model Program
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-9

approach to ship design and construction within a multi-user Graphical user interface with consistent format: In-
environment. This integration is that existing within the cluded may be features such as:
product model program (not the integration among differ-
• multi-window graphic system with user-controlled zoom
ent product model programs, which is discussed elsewhere
functions for each window,
in this chapter) and implies elements such as the following
• ability to reproduce previous session activities and com-
mands through journal files, and
• the designer works in a fully interactive 3D graphic en- • look and functionality of the graphical user interface is
vironment, consistent among all modules of a program.
• information about hull form, decks and bulkheads is al-
Topological (associative) relationships among compo-
ways available to all designers using the product model,
nents: Logical connections are present among related ele-
• a designer working in a zone or block of the ship has
ments in the hull. With topology, a change to one element
available the information of other zones or blocks (con-
(for example, ship beam) automatically generates changes
tiguous or not),
to related elements (for example, width of decks). This ap-
• outfitting designers in a zone use the last updated infor-
proach increases the ease by which designers can make
mation of the hull structure, available in the product
changes to a design. In the area of outfitting, the change of
model database, and
a pipeline diameter will result in proportional updates to all
• automatic references to the hull, decks, bulkheads, and
individual pipe segments, flanges, valves and other com-
frame system or to any ship part can be obtained when
ponents in the pipeline, all through a single command. By
generating drawings for production (for example, plan
using approaches such as topology and parametrics instead
drawings, pipe isometrics and perspective drawings).
of pure geometry representation, the ship may be modeled
The product model approach enables designers to use in a very compact form, saving database storage space.
the same model of a ship, from the earliest stages of design Topological modeling may be used in hull structure defini-
all the way to production, helping to maximize consistency tions to facilitate design alterations and new product de-
of data throughout the design process. Advantages of prod- velopment based on derivatives from previous designs.
uct models include: decreased design hours, reduced lead Macros: Small software routines may be provided to
time, increased productivity, early detection of interfer- carry out common, repetitive tasks in the design process.
ences, ease in making changes, a drastic reduction of in- Parametric definitions: Cutouts, brackets, lightening
formation errors, a primary source of design information, holes and the like are defined by means of set dimensions
and the availability of production-oriented data. This tech- and angles (for example, a U-shaped cutout may be defined
nology may include expert systems and artificial intelli- by the radius of the curved section and the height of the
gence (48,51,52). straight section; thus, the cutout is completely specified by
two numbers).
Open data structure: An open data structure allows for
13.7.2 Typical Capabilities of Product Model Programs data retrieval to support add-on programs, such as numer-
ically controlled cutting and bending; purchasing; material
Product model programs have some or all of the following
handling and tracking; robotic interfacing; development of
capabilities (5,12,18,53-56):
build strategy; and project management.
Single integrated database: The product model database
Generation of structural penetrations: Piping and stiff-
is common to all modules that make up the program and is
ener penetrations through structural plate and profiles are
thus shared by all modules; there is no need for data con-
automatically generated based on standards resident in a li-
version between modules. Each piece of data is represented
brary (see also, Libraries below).
in one place in the database. Other features of a single data-
Visualization of geometric model: The ship hull and out-
base may include:
fit geometry may be viewed in 3D, with the capability for
• simultaneous access of users and control of access au- the viewer to rotate, scale, change shading, zoom, and
thorization, change viewer position.
• integration of hull and outfit, Build strategy: Assembly information is assigned in a hi-
• automatic maintenance of information consistency and erarchical fashion to parts, subassemblies, assemblies and
cross references, blocks (and other intermediate structures) to enable visu-
• control of information integrity, and alization and construction sequence planning.
• integrated design and production planning. Generation of drawings: Based on the product model
13-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

database, drawings are generated and printed on various Structural shape and piping attributes may include def-
sizes of paper for structure and outfit in the form of 2D, 3D initions of bending contours and of end treatments, such as:
and isometric drawings. Drawings may show the complete Hull/outfit integration: Integration is present between
ship or separate elements, such as structural assemblies and the hull and outfit portions of the product model as shown
pipe spools. Included is the ability for the user to tailor for- in Figure 13.9.
mats to include information such as stiffener end cuts, drain Interference checking: Interferences of structure and out-
holes, pipe bending information and orientation of welded fitting elements are checked; either real time or batch, and
flanges on pipes (following the bending operation). descriptive warnings are provided to the user. This capability
Nesting: Plate, profiles and pipe may be nested, and NC may also be used to notify the user of manufacturing short-
cutting instructions may be generated for transmission to comings of the design. For example, in the design of a pip-
NC cutting equipment. ing spool, a warning may inform the user that there is
Bill of materials: Bills of materials are automatically insufficient straight length of pipe at each side of a bend to
generated for structure and outfit as the design progresses. permit clamping the pipe in the bending machine.
Walkthrough: A simulated 3D walkthrough may be car- CAD/CAM Capabilities: Product models commonly in-
ried out, in which the viewer moves through the product clude the types of capabilities found in CAD and (to a more
model to, for example, check interior spaces such as pas- limited extent) CAM programs, such as developing struc-
sageways and engine rooms to ensure sufficient maintenance tural and outfitting arrangements, designing distributed sys-
clearance is available (Figure 13.8). This is a graphics- tems, carrying out naval architectural calculations, and
intensive capability. providing input to drive NC cutting machines.
Part data: Each part may have associated with it data Multi-User Capabilities: Product model programs may
such as weight, material type and quality, marking lengths, support design-build teams whose members are located at
ship construction block number, shaping flags, cutting different geographical sites.
lengths and parameters for profile end cuts and geometry. Features may include:
This capability is also known as attribute information.
• ability to carry out concurrent development of designs,
Libraries: Located in the database may be libraries of
structural plates and shapes; weld types; parts (standard and
• conferencing, with communication through text, audio
parametric); and outfitting components, all with attributes
and video.
such as material type and dimensions, including space for
operation/maintenance/repair in place. Outfitting compo- Production support: Standard methods may be generated
nents may include additional attributes such as power rat- for cutting, bending and fabricating profile and plate parts,
ings for motors and flow ratings for pumps. tailored to the shipyard’s capabilities. The resulting data,
for individual piece parts and assemblies, may be trans-
mitted to automated and robotic production equipment such
as cutters, welders and benders.

Figure 13.8 Simulated Walkthrough in a Ship’s Generator Room Figure 13.9 Example of Integrated 3D Model of Hull and Outfit
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-11

13.7.3 Examples of Product Model Programs construction, including design, engineering, testing, pro-
Presently operating and under-development product model duction planning and production control, all using a com-
programs include the following: mon database. The most advanced shipyards today operate
in an interfaced, but not totally integrated, CIM environment.
CATIA/CADAM—Dassault Systemés (developer— A major objective of CIM is to minimize redundant oper-
France), IBM (distributor—United States) (54). ations within and between computer programs, particularly
CSDP (Computerized Ship Design and Production Sys- with regard to manual data input (7,46,65,66).
tem)—Korean Research Institute of Ships and Ocean En- Particular goals of CIM include the following (67):
gineering, Korea (56). • flexibility to support multiple product lines (for exam-
EPD (Electronic Product Definition) Computervision Cor- ple, tankers as well as containerships),
poration, United States (12,53). • support of small-lot as well as series production runs,
• reduction of production lead-time,
FORAN—SENER Ingenieria y Sistemas, S.A., Spain
• fast processing of information to help enhance design,
GODDESS (GOvernment Defence DEsign of Ships and production and administration efficiency,
Submarines)—Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom (58) • minimization of inventory levels, and
HICADEC—Hitachi Zosen Corporation (Japan) and • quality improvement, leading to techniques such as neat
Odense Steel Shipyard (Denmark) (12). fit-up of assemblies and blocks.

GSCAD (Global Shipbuilding Computer Aided Design)— During the introduction of CIM within a shipyard, it is
Intergraph Corporation and the Global Research and De- recommended that the yard focuses on one or two of the
velopment Company, Inc. (GRAD) international consortium goals, and then expands in steps to the others.
(59). Although the concept of CIM has been around for some
time, its successful implementation in shipyards only re-
MATES (Mitsubishi Advanced Total Engineering system cently has become practical, based on computer capabili-
of Ships)—Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan (26). ties. Problems associated with successful implementation
NAPA (the Naval Architectural Package)—Napa Oy, Ltd., of CIM in a shipyard may include the following (67,68):
Finland (51)
Conflicting definition of CIM: Different parts of the or-
NUPAS-CADMATIC—Numeriek Centrum Groningen
ganization may view CIM in different ways, resulting in a
B.V., (Netherlands) and Cadmatic Oy (Finland) (3,60,61).
lack of coordination and misunderstandings.
PHI (Product Model by Hitachi Zosen)—Hitachi Zosen Indiscriminate copying of other CIM systems: The se-
Ariake Works, Japan (62). lected CIM system may work well for another shipyard or
PROMOS (PROduct Model of Odense Shipyard—Odense within another industry, but important technical and cul-
Steel Shipyard Ltd., Denmark (63). tural elements particular to the implementing shipyard are
not considered.
Pro/ENGINEER Shipbuilding Solutions—PTC, United Misunderstanding the CIM system: For example, the se-
States. lected CIM hardware and software may be inadequate or
TRIBON M1—Tribon Solutions, Sweden (64). inappropriate to the particular shipyard environment. Also,
shipyards may not set progressive goals, but attempt to at-
These programs are representative of today’s state-of- tain all possible CIM benefits simultaneously. Careful plan-
the art in the product model approach. The programs, or at ning and balance are parts of a successful implementation
least the modules which comprise the programs, have been of CIM.
developed over a period of years and are still being im- Omitting consideration of human factors: The mix of
proved (48). worker skills is different in a CIM environment than in a
traditional shipyard environment. Workers in a CIM ship-
yard are not cogs performing well-defined, unchanging,
13.8 COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING repetitive tasks but rather must be flexible in their approach
to shipbuilding and must possess advanced skills in prob-
13.8.1 General lem solving and interactions with other workers.
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), is an integra- Omitting consideration of shipyard organization: An-
tion of all data processing that supports ship design and other way to state this problem is too much attention placed
13-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

on the CIM hardware and software and not enough on the ning and detailed resource and workshop planning. Expert
organization. Shipyards often do not consider changing processes may be introduced, which can (70):
their management-worker organization. The traditional steep
• reduce the skill level demanded of a planner,
hierarchical organization is often ineffective in the envi-
• reduce planning time, and
ronment of advanced manufacturing processes, where rapid
• simulate the production sequence.
change is the norm. Better suited are flatter organizations
in which members adaptively form virtual teams to address In this case, knowledge needed to carry out production
problems as they arise. planning manually, such as production rules, would be con-
Omitting process improvements: Shipyards may not un- tained in the expert process program:
derstand that the successful adaptation of CIM must include Production Automation: Automation through produc-
an improvement of shipbuilding processes. All design and tion-oriented data that is used in automated process equip-
production processes should be reviewed, then changed, ment, including robots for processes such as cutting, welding
deleted or added to in order to best function within the CIM and painting.
system. Purchasing: Regarding vendors, ship material and equip-
ment specifications and purchase orders may be directly
transmitted between yard and vendor. In addition, initia-
13.8.2 Typical Capabilities of CIM Systems tives are being carried out with an aim to improve ship-
CIM systems have some or all of the following capabilities yard/vendor communications (see below) and to establish
(7,12,66): strategic relationships. Such supply chain integration has
Integration: The hallmark of CIM is a high level of com- been extremely successful in the automotive industry and
munication and information management within and be- steps are being taken in this direction by the United States
tween technical and administrative programs and aircraft industry. Potential payoffs include cost reduction and
maintaining the information on a common database. shorter cycle times (71,72).
Management: Management is enhanced through in- Data States: Data states may be associated with each
creased capabilities in communication, tracking and re- part or component in a ship during the course of a project.
porting, within the shipyard and with customers, regulatory During design, the data state may move from conceived, to
bodies and vendors. decided (by designer) to broadcast (for review), to approved
Material Control: This applies to hull and outfit, at all (by project management). Once approved, the data state
stages of design and production, and may include procure- may be on hold, or it may progress to planned (purchase
ment and inventory control and marking (for example, bar and installation), to implemented (installed), to tested, and
codes) (23). finally, to as-built.
Scheduling: Schedules may be developed and modeled
for overall ship construction purposes, management track- 13.8.3 Examples of CIM Programs
ing and shop floor use. Graphical presentation is typical. By
Typically, CIM programs comprise interfaced combinations
using the CIM context, scheduling may be made more ef-
of stand-alone programs. Examples of such programs in-
ficient than when it is carried out as a separate function. For
clude interfaced combinations of programs described in pre-
example (69):
ceding sections as well as the following:
• information necessary for design and process planning
MHI’s CIM—Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan—
is likely to be acquired at an earlier stage of design as
an interfaced combination of MARINE, selected CAE sys-
compared with a non-CIM system. Thus, the size of the
tems, MATES, Factory Automation/Robotics systems,
workload can be grasped earlier,
DAVID, and Production Management System (26).
• possible differences among the scheduling for different
terms, such as that between the long and medium terms, SUMIRE—Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan—an
can be more easily adjusted, and interfaced combination of conventional CAE systems,
• scheduling can be more accurately carried out in a Dem- SUMIRE-VPS, Basic Design System, Steel Material Pro-
ing plan-do-check cycle in controlling the performance curement System, SUMIRE-H, CAM systems, SUMIRE-
of work. F, Production Planning System, and Fittings and Equipment
Procurement System (73).
Production Planning: Included is consideration of time,
resources, cost estimation, shop areas, and tracking by trade. MACISS (Mitsui Advanced Computer Integrated Ship-
Presentations may be graphical, especially for activity plan- building System)—Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-13

Co., Ltd., Japan—addresses hull design, outfitting design, 11. build strategy: Development of section, unit and block
assembly procedures, scheduling of jobs, process control divisions; set-up of sequence of operations for fabrica-
and distribution control of parts and components (74). tion and erection; development of detailed piece part
and subassembly diagrams; production of preliminary
IHI’s CIM—Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,
build schedule.
Ltd., Japan—composed of four major subsystems: AJISAI
12. quality program: Development of quality specifications
(Advanced Jointless Information System by Assimilation
in the form of a manual and recording of accuracy in-
and Inheritance), PE (Production Engineering), KLEAN
formation during construction.
(Kure LEAN production scheduling) and the FA (produc-
13. high-level scheduling: Development of a milestone
tion data information system for Factory Automation) (75).
schedule to support the contract delivery date of the
An ambitious example of a CIM system is the effort ship within the constraints of the shipyard facility (man-
begun in fiscal 1989 and carried out by seven Japanese ship- ufacturing resources).
builders through the Shipbuilders Association of Japan, the 14. short-term scheduling: For time spans between one day
Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan and the Ship and one week, at the level of individual persons and in-
and Ocean Foundation. This project is aimed at developing dividual NC machines. Feedback is provided, based on
a General Product Model Environment (GPME) and then actual production progress, and this is fed to the high-
advanced CIM. The GPME system specification (called a level schedule.
frame model) covers 15 application systems (5,12,65,76): 15. material control and tracking: Defines material needs
and provides reports, and tracks material from arrival
1. fabrication production management: Uses rule-based at the warehouse to process and assembly areas.
techniques and historical production data to develop
construction, erection and fabrication schedules. The GPME is viewed by its developers, not simply as a
2. design management: Develops and tracks the design computerized way to carry out business using today’s
development schedule, ensuring that designs are pro- processes, but rather the introduction of fundamentally new
duced in a timely manner in order to support produc- processes. This in turn reflects on the GPME program re-
tion. quirements, which must be tailored with the new processes
3. project information: Development of plans and arrange- in mind. This is of course an interactive effort of refining
ments drawings. An automated approach is used so that the program and the processes, which those programs sup-
changes may be incorporated easily. port.
4. resistance and powering: Resistance and powering cal-
culations based on initial hull values with updated cal-
culations to reflect design changes.
5. hull structural design: Structural calculations of the
hull, including the midship structural materials and 13.9.1 General
structural parts. While CIM addresses integration from the perspective of
6. outfitting equipment listing: All ship’s outfit from the the individual shipyard, integration is also of great value be-
contract specification. tween different organizations and between different com-
7. outfitting Equipment Arrangement: The arrangement puter systems. For example, design and production efficiency
of all ship’s outfit, including working spaces, engine will be enhanced if there is a high degree of integration
room and accommodations. Develops equipment bill of among members of organizations that join together to carry
materials for use by purchasing. At the system level, a out a large or complex project. Members may include ship-
rule-driven feature assists the design process. yards, suppliers, classification societies and owners. This
8. distributed systems design: Distributed systems (for ex- inter-organizational integration is made immeasurably eas-
ample, duct, cabling and piping) design, based on ma- ier if there are interfaces among the computer systems of the
chinery arrangement and hull size. Assembly various member organizations.
information is produced for piping and ducting. There are different levels of integration:
9. painting design: Structure and outfit painting design Manual integration: The results of one program (for ex-
(dry film thickness, number of layers and paint name). ample, CAD drawings) must be keypunched to another pro-
10. steel plate processing: Definition of type and quantity gram (for example, bill of materials). In reality, this is “no
of steel plate, and development of NC and robot infor- integration.”
mation for cutting and shaping. Module Integration: Various modules of a program share
13-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

data with one another. For example, hull form data is com- for the specific programs and not intended as general stan-
municated to the module that calculates ship stability. User dards for data exchange.
interfaces may differ from module to module, and com- There is also a need for a neutral robot programming lan-
monly this type of integration cannot support combining guage. Presently, each robot vendor has it’s own language.
results from among the various modules to make a unified Progress in this area appears less active than in the CAD/
presentation. A program with this level of integration is CAM area (7).
sometimes characterized as an interfaced system rather than The development of interfaces among computer pro-
an integrated system. Typically, each module has its own grams must, in the long run, be based on standards. Devel-
database, oping standards in an internationally competitive industry
Product model integration: A more advanced level of in- such as shipbuilding is a sometimes-controversial process.
tegration is by means of a product model, a detailed, 3D de- There are numerous advantages to using standards for data
scription of the ship and its major systems. The product exchange, including increased speed, fewer errors, and a
model has a common database that is shared by all the mod- resultant reduction in design labor and procurement costs.
ules; that is, there is no need for data conversion among the Also, standards enable the user to select best in class soft-
modules. ware for each step in the design process. Disadvantages in-
Enterprise integration: More advanced yet is integra- clude a potential for widespread problems if there are defects
tion of not only the design, engineering and construction in the standards, restricting software innovation that extends
aspects encompassed within the product model program, but beyond the scope of the standards, and limiting the user to
programs addressing shipyard management and third par- the lowest common denominator features among the pro-
ties. Enterprise integration may focus on a single shipyard grams being linked (8).
(as with CIM) or may extend to several shipyards and their The present trend in the shipbuilding industry is toward
associated vendors, customers and regulatory organizations. further international standardization, mainly because of the
In the end, integration necessitates linking multiple data- international nature of the industry. This trend is not only
bases. This is frequently quite challenging. At least eight evident in the highly industrialized shipbuilding nations,
semantic inconsistencies may arise between data in multi- but also in the emerging Chinese yards, where international
ple databa ses (77), standards are credited as a very important factor in suc-
cessful international market penetration and as a vehicle for
1. name conflicts,
increasing yard efficiency (9).
2. data type/representation conflicts,
3. primary/alternate key conflicts,
4. referential integrity behavior conflicts, 13.9.3 Examples of Computer Systems Integration
5. missing data and null values, Initiatives
6. level of abstraction,
Examples of computer systems integration initiatives in-
7. identification of related concepts, and
clude the following:
8. scaling conflicts.
CALS Technological Research Association—Seven
Further discussion is presented in the following sections Japanese shipyards, the classification society NK, and the
regarding computer integration in the shipbuilding indus- ship owner NYK—A massive initiative aimed at setting up
try and progress to date. an electronic web, using the Internet, for exchanging ship-
building data, especially relating to product models (52).
NIDDESC (Navy Industry Digital Data Exchange Stan-
13.9.2 Interfaces Among Programs dards Committee)—A United States Navy and United States
The need to communicate among programs is a traditional marine industry working group, NIDDESC has been work-
need of users. However, even though the international com- ing on product model standards since 1986. It has devel-
munity has been devoting efforts to develop standards for oped proposed standards for ship structure, ship piping, ship
communication, achievements to date have generally been ventilation, ship cabling and wireways, and ship outfitting
limited to the exchange of 2D and 3D graphical data with and furnishings. NIDDESC is the UNITED STATES coor-
associated text, characteristic of CAD drawings. For ex- dinating body for STEP (80).
ample, geometric and graphics data is commonly trans- STEP (Standard For the Exchange of Product Model
ferred in IGES or DAT standards (78,79). Data (STEP ISO 10303)—This is an application-specific
A number of proprietary (non-standard) interfaces have neutral file for representing and exchanging product model
been developed, both one- and two-way, between programs, data. STEP is being developed under the auspices of ISO
including product models. These are limited in nature, meant (International Standards Organization). The goal of STEP
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-15

is to develop standards, called application protocols (APs). (United Kingdom), MARIN (Netherlands), Det Norske Ver-
In 1993, a cooperative effort between NIDDESC (for the itas (Norway), and Instituto Superior Tecnico (Portugal)—
United States) and NEUTRABAS and MARITIME (for Eu- Building on the results of previous projects, such as
rope) was initiated. The effort resulted in approval by ISO NEUTRABAS, MARITIME, Shipstep and Kactus, this proj-
to develop five application protocols for ship product model ect aims to develop a complete product model, define the in-
data exchange. These five are: formation requirements for a data exchange and management
architecture, and integrate the STEP product model appli-
AP 215 – Ship Arrangements,
cation protocols. It is to provide European shipbuilders and
AP 216 – Ship Molded Forms,
their associates with a way to facilitate the reuse and mi-
AP 218 – Ship Structure, and
gration of data throughout the ship life cycle (82,89,90).
AP 227 – Plant Spatial Configuration (Piping, HVAC, and
MariSTEP—A team composed of United States mem-
bers Avondale Industries, Bath Iron Works, Electric Boat
Possible future APs will address mission systems, out- Corporation, Computervision Corporation (since purchased
fitting and furnishings. Each AP specifies the scope, con- by PTC), Ingalls Shipbuilding, Newport News Shipbuild-
text, information requirements, representation of the ing, the University of Michigan Transportation Research
application information, and conformance requirements. Institute and the Swedish company Kockums Computer
STEP goes beyond the Initial Graphics Exchange Specifi- Systems (now Tribon Solutions). This is a United States
cation (IGES) by defining the processes, information flows MARITECH project undertaken to implement product
and functional requirements of an application. The defini- model data exchange capabilities among United States ship-
tion and development of a STEP AP includes thoroughly yards through a neutral file approach and to develop a United
documenting the information requirements and processes States marine industry prototype product model database
which support the application, understanding in detail the (PMDB). The PMDB is to facilitate the implementation of
CAD and CAM systems, and developing a consensus within translators and product model data architecture by United
ISO. After acceptance, the ISO Central Secretariat handles States shipyards and CAD system developers (83,91).
publication. (10,58,79,81,85). Manufacturers’ Technical Information—The Marine
ESTEP (Evolution of STEP)—A team made up of Machinery Association and the United States Maritime Ad-
American Bureau of Shipping; Atlantec Enterprise Solu- ministration with assistance from the MARITECH program
tions; Electric Boat Corporation; Intergraph Government are developing methods of electronic commerce that will allow
Solutions, Intergraph Corporation; STEP Tools; Ingalls manufacturers to present technical information, prices and
Shipbuilding; Litton Ship Systems Full Service Center; M. availability to the customer via computer. The project aims to:
Information Engineering; and Naval Surface Warfare Cen-
• revise the standards of marine information,
ter, Carderock Division—ESTEP is a task within ISE (see
• develop a standard technical information system,
below) building upon the work of the MariSTEP consor-
• create electronic vendor catalogs, and
tium and the NIDDESC standards development efforts. The
• research and improve electronic communication for the
purpose of ESTEP is to validate product model standards
marine industry.
for the shipbuilding industry, implement product model data
translators, and to further the development of shipbuilding Information is to be made available first on CD-ROM
APs 216 (Moulded Forms), 218 (Ship Structure), and 227 and then on the Internet (89).
(Plant Spatial Configuration) (86). MARIS (Maritime Information Society), co-lead by the
EMSA (European Maritime STEP Association)—A European Commission and Canada, is an organization de-
group of ship yards, software vendors, classification soci- signed to keep the international shipping industry updated
eties, ship owners, model basins and research institutes that (92). The major objectives of MARIS are to:
is promoting and supporting technical development, de-
• establish a worldwide maritime information system,
ployment and industrial use of STEP within the European
• promote the operability and connectivity of existing in-
maritime sector (87,88).
formation systems worldwide,
SEASPRITE (Software Architectures for Ship Product
• demonstrate the possible benefits of maritime informa-
Data Integration & Exchange)—A consortium that includes
tion technology, and
Lloyd’s Register (United Kingdom), British Maritime Tech-
• support the worldwide standardization in the maritime
nology (United Kingdom), Kockums Computer Systems
(now Tribon Solutions)(Sweden), Napa Oy (Finland), SIN-
TEF (Norway), Odense Steel Shipyard (Denmark), Kvaerner ISE (Integrated Shipbuilding Environment)—A multi-
Group (Norway), Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering year program carried out by a team of shipyards, design
13-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

firms, a classification society, and academia. It is a National based. In other words, the technology of the computer-based
Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Advanced Ship- tools must align with the business objectives of the organ-
building Enterprise (ASE) partnership between government ization (95).
and industry. ISE is focused on the development and vali- Thus, a selection methodology is needed. The details
dation of integrated product and process models to integrate will vary by organization and by the type of programs being
the efforts of shipyard, designer, shipowner, marine supply purchased. In general, the steps are as follows (see Figure
chain, and classification society. ISE builds upon the les- 13.10) (5,7,95):
sons learned in previous MARITECH programs, including
1. Conduct business assessment: The real objective of the
organization is business results, so the organization’s
SHIIP (Shipbuilding Information Infrastructure Pro-
goals are first defined. This is commonly a task of top
ject)—This is another multi-company NSRP ASE partner-
management and the results are stated in the form of a
ship between government and industry. This shipyard
strategic plan, considering elements such as the follow-
initiative has the goal of supporting the integration of sys-
tems technologies within the U.S. shipbuilding industry
through standards based protocols (94). • market leadership goals,
• strategic direction of the organization,
• planned response to market needs,
13.10 COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION • costs of implementing the programs,
• design and construction processes within the organiza-
13.10.1 General tion,
Computer implementation involves two important deci- • relationships with suppliers and vendors, and
sions: • relationships with customers.
1. whether to use computer based tools, and, if it is decided 2. Define new processes: New process or variations of ex-
to use computer based tools, and isting processes will be necessary as a result of the new
2. which tools to use. direction defined in Step 1. Old processes, even with
new tools, will yield old results, or at best, less than op-
To use or not to use computers, and to what extent, com- timum results. A clear understanding of the needed or-
monly involves a step into unknown territory and raises se- ganizational changes is essential. It has been noted that
rious financial, organizational and corporate culture concerns. the same programs will lead to different results if intro-
The process can feel threatening. duced into different organizational environments, and
Fortunately, more and more examples exist of shipyards for success, substantial departmental changes may be
successfully implementing computer-based tools. Indeed, necessary (41). Thus, the affected parts of the shipyard
the trend is progressing from the large yards, which have must be reorganized to meet the challenges of the new
had some sort of computer-based tools for decades, to mid- situation, with new problems, new focuses and new so-
size and even small yards. However, computer tools and ca- lutions. External consultants commonly are needed to
pabilities are always changing. As the programs and guide this process of reorganization at the planning and
hardware change, the yards must change, if they are to re- implementation stages.
main competitive on the world market. The challenge of
dealing with change is not a one-time event but rather a
process itself. In the traditionally conservative shipbuilding
industry, this is a serious challenge.
1. Conduct business assessment

13.10.2 Program Selection 2. Define new process
Each shipyard or design firm that considers purchasing new ⇓
computer based tools or upgrading those tools already in 3. Identify priorities
place will make decisions that will determine, among other ⇓
things, the level of sophistication of the programs; the costs 4. Select requirements
of purchasing and maintaining the programs; user training; ⇓
and whether certain design and construction processes must 5. Select program
be changed. Ultimately, the decisions must be business Figure 13.10 Selection Methodology
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-17

It is important to define the whole project as coop- quired to tune the system and the organization to best po-
eration among all personnel in the organization, from tential. An implementation period is required, and its length
shop floor operators to top management. This will result and cost should not be underestimated (5,7).
in an atmosphere of shared ownership and help in gain- Finally, the new computer programs must be managed.
ing acceptance of the new situation and minimize re- Usually there are opportunities for improving a process or
sistance to necessary changes. Communication is improving the program to enhance its value to the organi-
essential. In addition, worker motivation and education zation. Owning and using all but the simplest computer
must be addressed. based tools is an ongoing process of refinement.
3. Identify priorities: Identify problem areas in design and
construction processes. Eliminating or alleviating those
problem areas will remove constraints from processes 13.10.3 Selecting Requirements for a CAD/CAM/CIM
and improve efficiency. Program
4. Select requirements: Select appropriate requirements Selecting requirements (Step 4 of the selection process de-
that will address the priorities of Step 3. Requirements scribed in the preceding section) is deciding “what” the
for a CAD program will be different from those of a computer system must be capable of doing for a particular
product model program; thus, the requirements must be organization. It is tempting to skip Step 4 and proceed di-
tailored to the needs of the organization within the con- rectly to Step 5 and review candidate computer programs.
text of the computer-aided tools under consideration. However, selecting programs prior to deciding exactly what
5. Select program: Using the requirements of Step 4 as a is required can result in confusion and increase the proba-
guide, a survey of available programs is carried out and bility of purchasing a system that will not prove to be sat-
the best program is selected. An alternative is to use the isfactory. This said, selecting requirements is a daunting
requirements of Step 4 as the basis for in-house devel- task. The following paragraphs attempt to make the task at
opment of a program. For any but the simplest program, least practical by outlining a requirement selection process.
this is usually not a wise option because of the high de- First, a word about the definition of requirements. Re-
velopmental costs of programs. quirements are not to be thought of as comprising modules
of, for example, a product model program. Rather, re-
Again, the selection methodology is business driven and quirements should be thought of as features, which are to
not technology driven. Organizations may be tempted to be found within a program.
purchase new programs without thinking through the im- Again, the requirements do not tell how to design the
plications at the business level. program, they simply state the needs the software must ful-
In conjunction with this selection methodology, organ- fill: what the program must be capable of doing. Thus, var-
izations are well advised to ensure that the expectations of ious programs may exist, each of which may meet the
affected personnel are realistic. Changes in processes mean requirements, but in different ways. In many cases there is
that changes in behavior and organization are often neces- not a right solution, but several candidates, each with
sary. For example, product model programs may eliminate strengths and weaknesses.
the need for a lofting department. Loftsmen may find them- As part of a National Shipbuilding Research Program
selves part of a design team or they may be shifted to pro- Project, a set of requirements was developed for a future-
duction. oriented product model program (5). The requirements were
In either new role, the experience gained in the lofting organized to be consistent with United States shipyard typ-
department would be applied to a part of a new process. The ical practices. All requirements were first grouped into the
loftsmen would be expected to learn and contribute to the general areas of Design, Production, Operations Manage-
new process and understand that it is different from the ment and Umbrella, as shown in Table 13.III.
process they had participated in prior to the adaptation of Initially, a detail area entitled Quality Control and As-
the product model program. Generally, everyone involved surance, SQC was included under Operations Management.
in computer based tool changes must be aware of the ex- The final version of the requirements omits specific qual-
pectations placed upon them, from top management to shop ity requirements, opting to make quality inherent in the
personnel. overall system, much in the manner of European and Japan-
The implementation of any but the most focused and ese shipyards.
simple computer programs can be complicated and time The full list of requirements is shown in Table 13. IV,
consuming. Implementation of a CIM system can be quite grouped in the two-tier manner presented above. These re-
complicated. Detailed knowledge and experience are re- quirements may serve as the basis for defining what a prod-
13-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

uct model program must do for a shipyard or design firm. TABLE 13.III Future Requirements for Product Model
Depending on the needs of the organization, some require- Program
ments may be added and others omitted from this list. Fur-
General Area Requirement
ther details of each requirement are provided in (5).
Design • Conceptual/Preliminary Design
13.10.4 Example Using Selection Methodology • Functional Design
• Detailed Design
The following paragraphs present a hypothetical example
of how to use the five-step selection methodology presented Production • Fabrication Processes
above, including the selection of requirements: • Joining and Assembly
• Material Control
1. Conduct business assessment: In this example, the or- • Testing and Inspection
ganization is in the market of designing and constructing
Operations Management • High-Level Resource Planning
high-speed aluminum ferries to transport passengers and
and Scheduling
vehicles between ports over potentially rough waters, such
• Production Engineering
as those of the North Sea. The organization is well es-
• Purchasing/Procurements
tablished in the high-speed ferry market and has earned
• Shop Floor Resource Planning
a good reputation for its willingness to customize ferries and Scheduling
for the needs of each owner. The organization’s top man-
agement has discussed how to improve business results. Umbrella • Umbrella
Discussion has revealed that the competition, which in
the past only offered stock designs, is now successfully
customizing its ferries. Thus, a previous market advan-
tage, willingness to customize, has been compromised. Top ity of optimizing structural weight when switching from
management decides on a strategy of optimization to re- a rules-based process to a computational engineering
gain their overall business advantage. They understand process. The two requirements are: i) Concept/Prelimi-
that high-speed ferries are weight critical, and decide to nary Design Engineering Analysis Tools: This require-
optimize ferry structural weight in their ferry designs. In ment addresses engineering tools to assist in structural
this case, optimize means minimize structural weight, analysis (including optimization), such as hull girder
while maintaining strength to safely meet design loading. analysis, finite element analysis, and weights and cen-
2. Define new process: Investigation shows that significant ters calculations, and ii) Detail Design Engineering
weight savings cannot be achieved as part of the exist- Analysis Tools: This requirement addresses the subject
ing shipyard production process. Production simply cuts of dynamic hull loading and fatigue analysis. Fatigue
the parts as defined by the design, and there is no op- analysis is an attractive feature to the organization, be-
portunity for decreasing weight at this stage. Thus, the cause its ferries are constructed of aluminum, which is
focus turns to design. The organization’s present design subject to fatigue, especially in rough waters. Through
approach uses classification society rules to generate study of relevant technical literature associated with the
structural designs. Engineering and design management requirements, the organization becomes familiar with
point out that this rules-based approach provides little the present state of the art and the structural optimiza-
opportunity for future weight savings, and they set about tion programs on the market.
finding a new process that will enable the organization 5. Select program: The organization contacts vendors and
to optimize the structural weight. The new process is de- selects the program and hardware most suited for its own
fined as computational engineering methodology. weight optimization process for its aluminum ferries. As
3. Identify priorities: Personnel from engineering and de- part of this process, the organization opens a dialogue with
sign management note that manual optimization the classification societies and ensures that the proposed
processes are too time consuming to be practical. Man- program is acceptable to the classification society.
ual optimization would hold up the design process as a
whole. Thus, the organization identifies the need for a Typical considerations relevant to the selection process
computer-based approach as its priority. include determining the following:
4. Select requirements: Two requirements (from among • what specific features are necessary or desired for the
those listed in the preceding section) address the prior- selected software,
TABLE 13.IV Full List of Future Requirements for Product Model Program
Design: Conceptual/Preliminary Production: Joining and Assembly Operations Management: Production
Design Processes Engineering
1. Concept/Preliminary Design 26. NC Programs for Joining and 46. Development of Production
Engineering Analysis Tools Assembly Packages
2. Reusable Product Model 27. Automated Subassembly/Assembly 47. Development of Unit Handling
3. Develop Initial Build Strategy, Cost Processes Documentation
and Schedule Estimates 28. Programmable Welding Stations and 48. Parts Nesting
4. Classification/Regulatory Body and Robotic Welding Machines 49. Development and Issue of Work
Owner Compliance Support 29. Locations Marking for Welded Orders and Shop Information
30. Definition of Fit-Up Tolerances
Design: Functional Design 31. Control of Welding to Minimize Operations Management:
5. Connectivity Among Objects Shrinkage and Distortion Purchasing/Procurement
6. Tools to Develop Standard Parts, 32. Programming for Automated
Endcuts, Cutouts and Connections 50. Material Management
33. Definition of Fit-Up Tolerances for
Block Assembly Joints
Design: Detailed Design Operations Management:
7. Automated Documentation Shop Floor Resource Planning and
8. Detail Design Engineering Analysis Scheduling
Production: Material Control
Tools 51. Provision of Planning and
9. Design for Fabrication, Assembly 34. Capabilities for Material Pick Lists,
Scheduling Information to Shops
and Erection Marshalling, Kitting and Tracking
52. Work Order/Work Station Tracking
10. Linkage to Fabrication Assembly 35. Tracking of Piece/Parts Through
and Control
and Erection Fabrication and Assembly
53. Detailed Capacity Planning for
11. Automatic Part Numbering 36. Communication of Staging and
Shops and Areas
12. Interference Checking Palletizing Requirements to
54. Collect and Calculate Costs for a
13. Linkage to Bill of Material and Suppliers
Major Assembly
Procurement 37. Documentation of Assembly and
14. Weld Design Capability Subassembly Movement
15. Coating Specification Development 38. Handling and Staging of In-Process
and Completed Parts
Umbrella: Umbrella
16. Definition of Interim Products
17. Consideration of Dimensional 55. Datacentric Architecture
Tolerances 56. Computer-Automated as Well as
18. Context-Sensitive Data Production: Testing and Inspection Computer-Aided
Representations Guidelines 57. Interoperability of Software
58. Open Software Architecture
39. Testing and Inspection Guidelines
59. Accessible Database Architecture
Production: Fabrication Processes 60. Remote Networking Capability
19. Processes to Cut/Form Structural 61. Full Data Access (Read Only) to All
Operations Management: Project Participants
Plates and Shapes
High-Level Resource Planning and 62. Assignment of Data Ownership
20. Documentation of Production
Processes Scheduling 63. User-Friendliness
21. Information Links to Production 40. High Level Development of Build 64. Enterprise Product Model
Work Centers Strategy 65. Integration With Simulation
22. Piece and Part Labeling 41. Order Generation and Tracking 66. Information Management
23. Creation of Path or Process Pro- 42. Performance Measurement 67. Scalability
grams for NC Machines and Robots 43. Production Status Tracking and 68. Transportability
24. Development of Interim Product Feedback 69. Configuration Management
Fabrication Instructions 44. Inventory Control 70. Compliance With Data Exchange
25. Simulation of Fabrication Sequences 45. High Level Planning and Scheduling Standards.
13-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• what hardware and program configurations are suitable wood. In addition, production simulation allows manage-
for integration with the organization’s existing system, ment to predict the effectiveness of processes and combi-
and nations of processes in the two shipyards, helping to make
• what start-up time and cost factors are drivers, for ex- a smooth transition between design and production. Great
ample, training? savings are realized in this integrated process. For instance,
the quantity of different part numbers on the Seawolf sub-
marine, designed by Electric Boat and Newport News ship-
building uses on the order of 100 000. On the New Attack
Submarine, there are projected to be 12 000 parts, a reduc-
13.11.1 General tion by nearly an order of magnitude.
As previously mentioned, the field of computer-based tools Production simulation allows management to predict the
is one of constant change. While change cannot be predicted effectiveness of processes and combinations of processes
with certainty, there are a number of trends, described in in the shipyard. Production simulation is most frequently
the following paragraphs, which give indications as to di- used in industries involved in mass production. Such in-
rections of future enhancements in the field. dustries often have a streamlined production, repetitive op-
erations and well-defined products. This is not the case in
shipbuilding, which can be characterized by:
13.11.2 Simulation
• one-off or relatively small series production,
Simulation uses computers to mimic and predict processes
• many different work disciplines,
of design, production and operation outside of the real-
• large number of different work tasks,
world constraints of space and time. Instead of waiting seven
• high degree of manual work, and
to ten years to test a new naval combatant prototype, for ex-
• work activities difficult to identify and quantify.
ample, a simulation would be developed in a fraction of that
time, modeling design, production and operation of the ship Thus, with production processes more complicated and
(7,96,97). production parameters more difficult to quantify, produc-
Design, production and operation simulation techniques, tion simulation is not as far along in the shipbuilding in-
already in use to a limited extent, are expected to increase dustry as in certain other industries. In shipbuilding,
in functionality and sophistication in coming years. production simulation may include the shipbuilding process,
Presently, this technology is used mainly by the defense in- in which assembly and schedule are simulated (for exam-
dustry; future trends are expected to include a jump in use ple, robotic welding) (7,37).
in the commercial arena. Simulation technology is im- Operation simulation enables the user to test the ship,
proving through higher-performance hardware, lower hard- and variations of the ship, as it is intended to be used, in a
ware prices, development of standards (often de facto), and realistic environment with real humans at the controls. Using
improved software products (98). operation simulation as a guide, the design may be refined
Design simulation, utilizes virtual reality (adding move- to better meet the needs of the customer. This approach has
ment and animation to the product model) to enable users been successfully demonstrated, an example being the de-
to “walk through” the interior and exterior of a ship. De- sign of a bridge for a frigate (96,99).
sign dimensions, geometries, attributes and arrangements
may be viewed and checked without the traditional need to
construct a physical model. The user may view the ship on 13.11.3 Enhanced Communication
a computer monitor or by means of more immersive virtual For enhanced communication among product model pro-
reality techniques such as head-mounted displays, stereo grams, STEP may be the most promising alternative, be-
glasses or an immersive workbench (29,98). cause of the high degree of international cooperation being
An example of design simulation is found in the U.S. focused on its development.
Navy’s New Attack Submarine Program, being carried out Enhanced communication among shipyards, vendors,
by Electric Boat Corporation and Newport News Ship- design firms and classification societies may be achieved
building. Simulation programs mimic and predict processes through closer working relationships, enhanced software
of design, production and operation for the complex nu- and improved Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) remote
clear-powered submarine. Design dimensions, geometries networking capabilities (5,100). The Internet is likely to be
and arrangements are viewed and checked without the tra- increasingly used as a way to exchange data. For example,
ditional need to construct a physical model of plastic and designers could drag standard parts from suppliers’ on-line
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-21

catalogues and drop them directly into their standard de- 13.11.7 Object-Oriented Programming
signs (101). Object-oriented programming (OOP) is emerging as a pop-
Related to the element of enhanced communication is ular choice for developing programs that are centered on
the capability to use several programs in concert to address the development, management and sharing of data. In this
a design task. For example, a CAD program may be used context, objects are pieces of code that are self-contained
with a spreadsheet program, taking advantage of features in a way similar to that in which sub-routines are self-
such as linking and cut-and-paste (5). contained in procedural computer languages. Examples of
OOP languages include Simula, SmallTalk and Java (12,13).
An Object-Oriented Database (OODB) contains objects
13.11.4 Portability
that possess attributes of almost any nature. The database
Portability is the ability to use a program on several differ- manager can query the information carried by the objects,
ent hardware platforms. The term portable implies that the and new information can be attached to objects. OODBs
software is intended for several platforms from inception offer a powerful way to store complex data structures (such
and that this factor is considered throughout the design and as those of an entire ship). The object-oriented structure al-
implementation of the program. Portability is different from lows programmers to build programs in a highly modular
porting or migration. These involve making an existing pro- way with abstract data types. Thus, changes to a program
gram run successfully on a new platform and can often re- normally involve only one or several objects and not (as is
sult in replacing one set of code with another (58). often the case in procedural computer programming) ex-
tensive or wide-ranging re-writing.
The use of expert systems and the OODB approach to
13.11.5 User Friendliness
product modeling is aimed at facilitating the development
The program is easy to learn and to use, with features such of designs consistent with producibility considerations, be-
as carefully designed graphical user interfaces, seamless ginning at the early stages of the design process.
integration of program modules into a conceptual whole,
immediate feedback, and a natural program operation. Ad-
vances in AI are expected to enhance user friendliness in 13.11.8 Artificial Intelligence
areas such as spoken-language human-computer interfaces Artificial Intelligence (AI) traditionally has focused on de-
and natural language technology (5,102). veloping programs that do what humans do. While this is
still an aim in AI programs, other aims have been developed
as well that can improve ship design and construction. AI
13.11.6 Expansion of Program Scope
of the future may (12,102):
Programs may be further extended beyond the narrow ship
design limits traditionally set, and encompass areas such as • enhance machine vision systems for gauging, guiding
production, cost estimation and program management. This and inspecting during the manufacturing process,
expansion is either through in-house software development • improve intra- and internet systems to simplify the pres-
and addition to the baseline program or by links to second entation of large amounts of information,
party programs. • assist the development of spoken-language human-com-
An example of expansion is for a product model to in- puter capabilities,
clude sophisticated document management capabilities, in- • enhance robotic systems, including robotic vision sys-
cluding vendor data. Another example is the ability to model tems, and
ships outside of the purely graphics environment, for ex- • help improve shipyard production process planning.
ample, by developing a relationship between an engine and
its volume, weight and output power, and thus assist in re-
ducing design time through enhancing concurrent engi- 13.11.9 Ship Life-cycle Data Support
neering (5). Certain ship owners, such as the United States Navy, main-
Another example is development of capabilities to au- tain control of the entire life of their ships, from initial de-
tomatically route piping and electrical lines and arrange sign and construction through an operational period that
their associated components in a 3D shipboard design en- may last upwards of 50 years. Unlike most commercial
vironment. Included is the capability for optimization for owners, the Navy often alters its ships to keep pace with
cost or other functions (103). A final example is automatic advances in technology and changes in mission require-
optimization of ship hull forms based on CFD (24). ments. In order to maintain a knowledge base of all ship-
13-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

related data and keep control of a ship’s configuration, the CAD/CAE/CAM in Engineering for Production,” Proceed-
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13.11.10 Virtual Partnerships 6. Martin, D., Hale, W., Lovdahl R., and Scott, B., “Imple-
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7. Pedersen, E. and Hatling, J. F., “Computer Integrated Ship
such as those between Alcoa and Northrop Grumman in the
Production,” Ship Production Symposium, San Diego,
aircraft industry, have reduced cycle time between order- 322–332, 1996
ing and delivering. The stability inherent in such partner- 8. Autoship Systems,
ships can lead to other benefits, such as predictable business 9. Gang, H, “Standardization in the Chinese Shipbuilding The-
loading. This in turn can enable suppliers to buy more ef- ater,” Ship Production Symposium, 1996, San Diego,
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Wiley & Sons, Inc., 6:349–363, 1996 building,” Proceedings, 10th International Conference on
68. Lee,Y-Q and Shin, H-J., “CIM Implementation Through JIT Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, Cambridge, USA,
and MRP Integration,” Proceedings, 18th International Con- 1:341–355, 1999
ference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 86. Gischner, B., and Kassel, B., Lazo, P., Wood, R., and Wyman,
31(3/4):609–612, 1996 J., “Evolution of STEP (ESTEP): Exchange of Shipbuilding
Chapter 13: Computer-Based Tools 13-25

Product Model Data Using STEP,” Ship Production Sympo- Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Computer Ap-
sium, Williamsburg, VA, 2000. plications in Shipbuilding, Bremen:13.39–13.57, 1994
87. Rabien, U. and Langbecker, U., “Practical Use of STEP Data 97. Jones, G. and Hankinson, T., “Simulation-Based Design for
Models in Ship Design and Analysis,” Proceedings, 9th In- Ship Design and Acquisition,” Proceedings, 8th Interna-
ternational Conference on Computer Applications in Ship- tional Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuild-
building, Yokohama, 1:553–568, 1997 ing, Bremen:13.31–13.37, 1994
88. EMSA News, 4(2) European Marine STEP Association, c/o 98. Alonso, F., P. Brunet and García, L., “Virtual Reality and
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London, September 1997. Ship Design,” Proceedings, 9th International Conference
89. Summary of an Electronic Communication Workshop, Of- on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, Yokohama,
fice of Naval Research European Office, London, October 2:121–135, 1997
1996. 99. Werkhoven, P., “The Virtual Ship: A Powerful Tool for
90. Kendall, J., “Product Data Integration and Exchange for Ship Human Factors Engineers,” Proceedings, 9th International
Design and Operation,” Proceedings, 9th International Con- Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding,
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hama,1:569–587, 1997 100. Løvstad, M., “Nauticus and Computational Ship Analysis
91. Schaffran, R., and Dallas, A., “MARITECH Advanced In- Applied for Preliminary Design,” Proceedings, 9th Inter-
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dustry,” Proceedings, 9th International Conference on building, Yokohama, 1:193–213, 1997
Computer Applications in Shipbuilding,Yokohama, 1:11–29, 101. Autodesk Design Transfers Via the Internet, Naval Archi-
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ment,” Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Com- 102. Rethinking Artificial Intelligence, Briefing, Massachusetts
puter Applications in Shipbuilding,Yokohama, 1:1–10, 1997 Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, September 1997.
93. 2000 Systems Technology State-of-the-Art Report, Com- 103. Smith, N., Hills, W., and Kewin, J., “A New Approach to
piled for the MARITECH A.S.E. Systems Technology Panel, the Layout Design of Ships and Offshore Systems,” Pro-
August 2000. ceedings, 9th International Conference on Computer Ap-
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structure Project (SHIIP),” Proceedings, 10th International 104. Government Concept of Operations in a Digital Data Envi-
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95. Marks, P. and Riley, K., “Aligning Technology for Best Busi- 105. Whitley, N., “Software Applications for Shipbuilding Op-
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96. Jons, O., “Virtual Environments in the Development of Ships,” versity of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, January 1997.
Design /Production Integration

Thomas Lamb

14.1 INTRODUCTION 7. design parts that cannot be installed incorrectly, and

8. maximize part symmetry if possible or make parts ob-
It is hard to conceive that anyone would deliberately design viously asymmetrical. The similarity with the DFP guide-
something that could not be built. Yet the author has seen lines can be seen from the list in subsection 14.3.1.
many cases of ship design that either could not be manu-
factured as designed, or else was very costly to build. That The author contrasted the two extremes of design/pro-
this situation is even broader than shipbuilding can be seen duction integration as Isolated Engineering and Integrated
from the proliferation of Design for X, where X can be Man- Engineering a long time ago (4). Today they would be called
ufacturing, Production, Assembly, Maintenance, etc. In the Stove Pipe Operation and Concurrent Engineering (CE)
United States this resulted, in part, through the introduction (see Chapter 5 – The Ship Design Process).
of Scientific Management by engineers such as Taylor (1) The improvement claims for CE and Integrated Product
and Fayol (2), who persuaded managers to organize their and Process Development (IPPD), such as 30% improve-
companies into specialized units and to even specialized ment in productivity and 50% improvement in build cycle;
skills within the units. While this was successful in many in- show just how bad an impact this lack of integration has had
dustries with many repetitive tasks at that time, and it has on companies and industries over the past 50 years.
been credited with the rise of mass production and the great British Shipbuilders found that they had a problem in
increase in U.S. productivity in the early 20th century, it also having their designers adequately consider the production
resulted in the current lack of design/production integration. needs for their designs and prepared a formal Design for
Design with a production friendly focus is not unique to Production (DFP) Manual (5) in the 1970s. The U.S. had
shipbuilding. Design for Assembly (DFA) has been applied this problem as well and had A&P Appledore prepare a Pro-
to other industries, particularly the automotive industry for duction Guidance Manual for bulk carriers (6), in 1980, and
many years. It has been credited with significant benefit and the first conference on DFP was held at the University of
improvement in performance. A well known book on DFA
Southampton in 1984 (7). Unfortunately it was too late to
is by Dewhurst et al (3). They identified eight guidelines
save British Shipbuilders. However, some of the developers
including the order of importance as follows:
of the original manuals became consultants and eventually
1. reduce part count and part types, prepared Design for Production Manuals for the U.S. (8,9).
2. strive to eliminate fitup/adjustments, In 1987 the author prepared a book for the NSRP titled En-
3. design parts to be self-aligning and self-locating, gineering for Ship Production (10), which described the need
4. ensure adequate access and unrestricted vision, for design/production integration and the application of DFP.
5. ensure the ease of handling parts from bulk, That this subject was of prime concern to the U.S. ship-
6. minimize the need for reorientations during assembly, building industry can be seen from the forming of one of

14-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the National Shipbuilding Research Program panels as the The integration of design and production depends on a
SP-4 Design/Production Integration Panel. This panel ceased great amount of information. Today, this is enabled through
its operation in 1998 when the NSRP was reorganized to fit the use of 3-D product models and different information
in the new NSRP—Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise technology systems. Some Computer Aided Design (CAD)
(ASE). However, the subject has remained in the forefront systems, used by shipbuilders, provide most of the required
of the concerns of two new panels, namely the Product De- capability, but have not yet reached the totally integrated
sign and Materials Technologies and the Shipyard Produc- system or Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).
tion Process Technologies panels.
Design/production integration includes the following
• focus on Design for Production (DFP)
The format of engineering information, including the con-
• preparation of all design/engineering information in the
tent of drawings, has developed over many years. Changes
most suitable way for Production,
and improvements have occurred very slowly, and in some
• feedback of needs/preferences from Production to En-
shipyards and design offices, not at all. Traditionally, ship-
yards were craft-organized and only required the minimum
• direct communication and collaboration between Engi-
number of drawings for which accuracy was not essential.
neering and Production,
The loft prepared the templates and made everyday deci-
• providing each other with the knowledge and informa-
sions on structural details. The pipefitters worked from di-
tion they require to do the best possible job for each
agrammatics and developed their own pipe templates from
the ship being built. This system was also true for the other
• establishing the best information transfer between them
shipyard crafts.
thus eliminating unnecessary reworking of the informa-
The changeover from a traditional craft-organized ship-
tion by Production to suit their needs, and
yard to one of advanced technology has obviously had a
• standardization and documentation of processes, infor-
tremendous effect on all shipyard departments. It should
mation flow, and all relevant attributes of the interim
have had its second greatest impact on the engineering de-
partment. However, many engineering departments did not
These can be seen in the following current shipbuilding rise to this challenge and, therefore, lost what might have
practices: been a lead position for directing and controlling change.
Engineering simply ignored the needed changes and left
• use of 3-D product model as design/ production inte-
them to be incorporated into the shipbuilding process after
their work was completed in the traditional manner. Ship-
• Product-oriented Work Breakdown Structures (PWBS),
yards responded to this problem by getting the necessary
• intermediate product catalogs/databases,
production information from other sources, usually new
• development of Shipbuilding Policies,
groups that may have been called industrial or production
• use of Build Strategies,
engineering or perhaps from an existing planning group.
• preparation of engineering as workstation information
Some shipyards even accepted the fact that engineering in-
formation was inadequate for production and left it to pro-
• use of Concurrent Engineering and associated teams to
duction workers to perform as best they could. This situation
ensure design/production integration, and
often resulted in the same work being done many times be-
• the use of design and build plans by the most recent de-
fore it was reluctantly accepted by the inspectors.
sign/planning teams for proposed new U.S. Navy pro-
Production performance depends largely on the quality,
quantity, and suitability of technical information supplied
Concurrent Engineering is briefly discussed in Chapter by engineering. By organizing for integrated engineering
5 – Ship Design Process. It is covered in greater detail in and preparing design and engineering for zone construction,
references 11 to 13. This chapter will only address it in the engineering can take its proper place and play an essential
way it enables design/production integration. This chapter role in the improvement of shipbuilding performance. This
will focus on DFP and how engineering should be prepared section discusses how this can be done, but first considers
to best suit and support production and a number of ap- what is production-compatible engineering (integrated en-
proaches that can assist/enable this to happen. gineering) by comparing it with traditional engineering.
Chapter 14: Design/Production Integration 14-3

14.2.1 Traditional Engineering The preparation of traditional engineering structural

Usually all the visual information used by a shipyard pro- drawings has really not advanced much from the days of
duction department today is not prepared solely by the en- the iron ship. That is, they still prepare structural drawings
gineering department. Most shipyards still have various as item drawings, such as tank top, shell plating or expan-
preparation phases divided in a way developed and used 30 sion, decks, bulkheads, and frames.
to 40 years ago. At that time, the following division of labor Traditional engineering piping drawings are for indi-
made sense because of the methods used: vidual systems for the complete ship. They may or may not
show pipe breaks, hangers, and some production-added in-
• Engineering formation. The same is true for HVAC and electrical, ex-
– design and working drawings cept that electrical drawings are sometimes little more than
• Loft pictorial concepts with no locating dimensions for equip-
– full-size fairing of lines ment.
– layout of structural parts Usually interference control in traditional engineering
– template construction is provided by space composites, although engineering mod-
• Pipefitters els are also used extensively for this purpose. A major prob-
– pipe templates and sketches lem with this approach is that in some shipyards the electrical
• Sheet metal workers crafts go ahead and complete their hot work before many
– layouts, developments, and templates of the other detailed systems and composites are completed.
• Shipwrights The work is performed in the easiest location without check-
– full-scale layout on ship ing it or even feeding it back to engineering to locate it in
However, most shipyards have been improving their pro- the composites. Apparent production work progress is
duction processes for years, and their information needs achieved early in the project, and everyone is happy until
have changed during that time. Some shipyards utilize struc- the interference problems start and extensive rework is re-
tural block construction, pre-outfitting, advanced outfitting quired. This problem is avoided in those shipyards that uti-
and, more recently, zone construction. To perform these lize 3-D product models in which the electrical system is
tasks from traditional engineering is not impossible, but it included
requires additional planning and even more design and en- Traditional engineering usually includes the bills of ma-
gineering to be prepared after traditional engineering is terial on the drawings or as a sheet of a multi-sheet draw-
complete. This system obviously involves wasted effort, ad- ing. It also makes use of large drawings, often up to 4 m in
ditional man-hours and does not assist the move to short length. Figure 14.1 graphically portrays the problem this sys-
build time. tem creates on the ship compared to the smaller sheets of

Figure 14.1 Large Drawing Handling Problem

14-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 14.2 Basic Design Process Flow

the proposed Engineering for Ship Production booklet. Since of the drawings marked up with production data by the plan-
each drawing is for the total ship, but is required each time ning/production control groups for incorporation into the
part of it is used in each module or zone, the drawing must original drawings before formal issue. Others provide the
be printed and issued many times, resulting in wasted paper required production information on unique additional doc-
and duplicated effort. Also when reissued because of a re- uments to the traditional engineering drawings.
vision, planning and production must spend time to deter- The traditional engineering practice of referencing draw-
mine how many modules or zones are impacted by the ings, ship specification, standard specifications, and other
revision. data on the drawing, instead of including the information,
Traditional engineering drawings contain little produc- is a serious problem to production. To expect production
tion-required information such as module weights, module workers or even their supervisors to have access and knowl-
breaks, system breaks, lifting pad locations, bolting torque, edge of the references is impractical. Because of this situ-
pipe hanger locations, system testing, tolerances, and qual- ation, items are often ignored and the work is not done to
ity requirements. spec.
Some shipyards attempt to provide some of this infor- Traditional engineering is not suitable for high produc-
mation on traditional engineering drawings by having prints tivity, short-build cycle shipbuilding, and therefore has no
Chapter 14: Design/Production Integration 14-5

Figure 14.3 Product Engineering Process Flow

place in today’s struggle to maintain some semblance of’ all other material and equipment. A work station drawing
competitive shipbuilding. shows all the work that occurs at one location, either shop
or ship zone. It can be one sheet showing the completed
product at the end of all work at a given work station with
14.2.2 Production-compatible Engineering written sequence instructions, or it can be a booklet of draw-
The first break from the traditional systems drawings oc- ings (see Figure 14.1) showing the sequenced buildup for
curred when some shipyards introduced structural block the product from its received status to its completed status
drawings. The next stage was the use of subassembly, as- for the work station.
sembly, and module-sequenced drawings, but these were ini- This process of design and engineering is integrated with
tially prepared in addition to the structural module drawings. construction planning and is in constant participation and
Next, the outfit drawings were prepared for zones. Fi- communication with the production department. This inte-
nally, pipe sketches or drawings for pipe assemblies were gration can be seen in Figure 14.2, which shows the process
prepared by engineering, first manually and later by com- flow during contract and functional design. Figure 14.3
puter-aided design. shows the process flow during transitional design and work
Currently computer-aided design/computer-aided man- station/ zone information preparation. Note that all planning
ufacturing is being used to provide production information is completed during contract and functional design and in
for both pipe and sheet metal products. Today the goal for the proposed approach this includes advanced outfitting
optimum data transmittal is to have an engineering infor- planning.
mation package for each workstation (including zones On- The use of the Build Strategy Approach, with its Ship-
board the ship). This is not only for structure, but also for building Policy and Build Strategies, is a very effective if
14-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

not essential tool to the proposed engineering approach all sides by major structural divisions, such as deck/flat/tank
(14,15). It is further beneficial if all manufactured and pur- top, transverse bulkheads, side shell, and longitudinal bulk-
chased material to construct the ship is categorized within heads.
a standard classification system (product definition). If the Zone design arrangements are similar to the traditional
production methods to be used (product processes) are de- composites. However, they are prepared from distribution
fined, workstations can be decided. system routing diagrammatics developed during functional
All this information will be contained in the Shipbuild- design. The traditional composites are prepared from com-
ing Policy to be used by engineers and planners when prepar- pleted system arrangement and detail drawings. Traditional
ing the contract design and the building plan. The product composites are drawn as an interference-checking tool and,
definition can be based on a group technology classifica- for this purpose, are slices through the compartment, show-
tion and coding system, or it can be a simple listing of major ing only the items in the immediate layer below. Zone de-
product. The product processes will be based on a process sign arrangements show all the visible items seen from the
analysis for each product and the available workstations. It viewing plane. All products should be included no matter
is easy to see that this is a worthwhile tradeoff. their size. The traditional engineering practice of exclud-
Suggestions on how engineering can best be provided ing pipe below 40 mm diameter is no longer acceptable.
to the production department will be presented for each of When the zone design arrangements are prepared manu-
the individual groups within the engineering department, ally, the backgrounds can be provided by the Computer-
even though it is obvious that standardization of data prepa- aided Lofting (CAL) system. Manually prepared zone design
ration is the ultimate goal. arrangements could be drawn with single line pipe repre-
sentation. However, it is preferred to show double line, in-
cluding insulation where appropriate. Once the zone design
14.2.3 Benefit arrangement is completed, the products are identified as fol-
With the traditional engineering approach, construction can- lows: zone or unit, pipe assembly, vent assembly, wireway,
not be started until a number of item drawings are complete foundation, and floor plate group.
(Figure 14.4). In an actual case, one block required 13 draw- The required zone/unit material quantity is also devel-
ings to be completed before the block could be lofted. With oped at this time. By accumulating the material quantities
the zone approach, construction can commence when the as zone design arrangements are prepared and deducting the
first block drawing is complete (Figure 14.5). Also, it is material from advance material orders, effective material or-
necessary for someone (production planning) to prepare dering control is possible. A list of all the products in a
block parts lists and sequence assembly sketches. zone/subzone provides an accurate compartment check off
With the zone approach, production can use engineer- list.
ing prepared drawings directly, thus saving additional ef- Obviously, during the preparation of zone design arrange-
fort and time. On-unit advanced outfitting has been ments, all systems are developed for interference avoidance
demonstrated to be a significant productivity improver. and checked for interference as the work progresses.
By integrating all system diagrammatics in a given space, It should be obvious that the use of CAD for this design
the grouping for piping of various systems can be consid- phase has many advantages. Three-dimensional solid mod-
ered. Also, knowing that the diagrammatics are more ac- eling CAD systems enable a true prototype to be modeled
curate allows material to be ordered with greater confidence, and all working, maintenance, and access requirements to
which reduces the need for margins. More complete dia- be checked prior to any construction.
grammatics are acceptable for complete owner and classi-
fication approval; that is, it is not necessary to send detailed
production drawings for approval. 14.2.5 Workstation/Zone Information
Many successful shipyards claim that their success is based
on better work organization. This is accomplished through
14.2.4 Transitional Design
better planning and better instructions/information and work
The transitional design can be likened to building a proto- packages. The work package concept is the division of a total
type, except that it is constructed on paper. If CAD is used, task into many work packages for small tasks. A typical
the prototype is effectively modeled in the computer. The guide is that a work package should be as follows.
most important task in transitional design is the selection
of the zone/subzone breakdown for the design effort. For • 2-week duration maximum;
example, a subzone could be a compartment surrounded on • 200 hours of work maximum;
Figure 14.4 Traditional Detailed Design and Construction Appoach Time Cycle

Figure 14.5 Block and Zone Approach Time Cycle

14-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• work for a maximum of three workers; For burning plate: Nest tape sketches and CNC infor-
• include only (but all) the information required by work- mation (Figure 14.6),
ers to complete the work package tasks, including draw-
For cutting shapes: Process sheets, CNC information,
ings, parts lists, and work instructions; and
and sketches (Figure 14.7),
• include production aids such as N/C documentation,
templates, and marking tapes. For processing plate or shapes: Process sheets and tem-
The first three items are difficult to adhere to for certain
shipbuilding tasks on the berth but are achievable for most For subassembly: Subassembly drawing and parts list,
shop work.
For assembly: Assembly drawing and parts list,
Engineering can effectively participate in preparing some
of this information and, in doing so, eliminate a lot of cur- For block construction: Block assembly sketches and
rent duplication of effort. Planning will select the tasks to parts list,
meet the first three requirements. Engineering can prepare
For on-block outfitting: Block outfitting sketches and
the information covered in the last two.
parts list, and
For this approach, it is proposed that separate worksta-
tion information be prepared for each work package. Work- For block erection: Hull block erection drawing and
station information should be prepared on the following moving and lifting instructions.
Figures 14.8, and 14.9 show the workstation informa-
• information should show only that necessary for a given tion packages for typical subassembly, and block, respec-
workstation. tively. Note that for the assembly and module, the parts lists
• information should consist of sketches and parts list. are separate from the drawings. The parts list should be se-
• complete information for the tasks must be given. quenced in the way the product is to be constructed. Again,
• no referencing allowable. the product/phase chart can be used to develop the se-
• separate work packages should be prepared for each craft quencing.
(trade). Sketches and parts lists should not mix work that It is important to remember that all the information re-
must be done by different crafts. quired by the workers to perform a work package should
• sketches should be prepared to show work exactly as be included in the package. The worker should not have to
workers will see it. For equipment, piping, or other prod- obtain or look at any other drawing, work package, stan-
ucts that will be installed on an assembly when it is up- dard, etc., to complete the task.
side down, the sketch should be drawn that way rather
than for the final attitude plan view. Outfit workstation/zone information
• a reference system should be used, and all dimensions The workstation/zone information will be provided for
should be from the reference system planes. shops, assemblies, modules, and zones. The product/stage
• information should be prepared so it can be issued on chart is helpful in deciding the work packages. Workstation
A4 sheets. information for shops for both processing and assembly
will be required for hull fittings, pipe, sheet metal, founda- Structural workstation information tion structure, joiner, paint, and electrical work. It is sug-
Today most shipyards use integrated CAD/CAM to prepare gested that zone be used instead of the term workstation for
the lofting and to develop the necessary production aids for all the logical breakdown of the total machinery space de-
construction of the ship structure. This system eliminates sign and engineering, and the provision of workstation/zone
the need for manual measuring and layout of plates. There- information packages in place of traditional working draw-
fore, the drawings used for subassembly, assembly, and ings. The machinery arrangement becomes a series of major
module construction need not contain any dimensions other pieces of machinery, units, and connecting system corri-
than check (accuracy control/dimensional tolererance) and dor/floor plate units. However, the quantity of information
quality assurance control dimensions. What is needed is a provided to production is vastly increased in scope compared
way to provide required information that is completely com- to traditional engineering, plus all systems are given equal
patible with the way in which it will be used in various depth of consideration and are shown to the same detail. Fig-
stages of construction of the structural hull and deckhouse. ure 14.10 shows a typical work station/zone instruction
This can be effectively and efficiently accomplished by sketch for outfit.
using the following data packages: Workstation information for shops for both processing and
Figure 14.6 Structural Plate Process Sheet
14-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 14.7 Structural Section Process Sheet

assembly will be required for foundation structure, pipe, sheet product/stage chart approach to work station parts list prepa-
metal, paint, and electrical work. Workstation information will ration.
also be required for machinery installation, etc, for units. A major requirement to ensure success of any material
Electrical fixtures in accommodation spaces should be definition system is a detailed preparation and issue sched-
located on the joiner work zone information sketches. All ule compatible with the material ordering and material re-
distribution panels, controllers, junction boxes, and other ceipt requirements to construct the ship to plan. This
electrical equipment must be shown and located on instal- integration of schedules must be a dynamic system, chang-
lation sketches. The support connections to the structure ing as circumstances change. It is not a once-prepared sched-
should be included in the structural assembly and/or mod- ule that is followed even when it makes no sense.
ule workstation sketches. Material requirements

Figure 14.11 summarizes the material definition approach
for Engineering for Ship Production. It shows how the major It is possible to obtain significant increases in productivity
equipment is defined by purchase technical specification in existing shipyards without large investments in plant by
during contract design. The majority of raw material is de- redefining the ship design approach and planning the ship
fined by advance material order per system during func- construction at the same time the contract design is being
tional design. prepared, thus being able to influence the design to suit the
During transitional design, all material remaining to be intended building approach.
defined is identified. Also, through the product/stage chart This demands that ship designers become more pro-
approach (Figure 14.12), the preparation of the zone/unit duction conscious as they design future ships. Design for
lists is started. The sorting function, shown in Figure 14.11 Production applied to shipbuilding is really Design for Min-
under workstation/zone information, corresponds to the imum Cost of Ship Production through ease of production.
Figure 14.8 Structural Subassembly Workstation Information
Figure 14.9 Structural Block Workstation Iinformation

Figure 14.10 On-board Advanced Outfitting Unit Installation Workstation Information

Chapter 14: Design/Production Integration 14-13

This is accomplished by using the most efficient methods

of construction while satisfying the many compromises re-
sulting from the conflicting requirements between the
shipowner, regulatory and classification rules, and the need
to be competitive with other shipyards.
The need is obvious and it should not have been neces-
sary to develop a new science (DFP) to achieve it. However,
it seems that ship designers have not, in general, changed
with the changes in ship production and satisfactorily re-
sponded to the new needs. Many ship design groups continue
to work in isolation from shipyard production influence and
do not take into account the producibility of their designs.
This is most unfortunate, as it is at this stage in the over-
all ship design and production process that the cost is being
established and where there is the greatest opportunity to
favorably, and vice versa, affect it. This is clearly seen from
Figure 14.13, which shows that as the process moves from
design into engineering, then planning and actual con-
struction, the ability to influence cost, and therefore, achieve
Figure 14.11 Material Definition Phases cost savings, diminishes. It is therefore essential that ship

Figure 14.12 Product/Stage Chart

14-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

if it is not, the effect on production costs can be fatal to a

shipyard. Today’s ship designer has both the opportunity and
the obligation to design production-friendly ships. The ship
designer in isolation cannot seize this opportunity. It is only
possible through an awareness of the shipyard facilities and
methods used in the shipyard that will build the design. This
necessitates continual interface and cooperation between
the engineering, planning, and production departments.
The principal problem for Design for Production is the
development of this knowledge for the ship designers. This
can be accomplished by the development of Shipbuilding
Policy for each shipyard and Build Strategy for each ship
to be built (see section 14.4). Ship designers constantly refer
to the ship’s Contract Specifications for the technical and
quality requirements of the ship. It is suggested that they
should likewise refer constantly to the Shipbuilding Policy
and the Build Strategy for how the ship is to be constructed
and to design accordingly. More details on both can be found
Figure 14.13 Potential Cost Influence as Design and Build Phase Progresses
in (15). While the Contract Design is progressing, the Build
Strategy would be developed in parallel. The completion of
the design during the Functional Design phase must obvi-
ously be in accordance with the Build Strategy.
design agents develop a way to correct the current lack of
Two recent papers (16,17), by the same authors, on Ship
production considerations in their designs for all future con-
Structural Design for Production, state that its application
tracts in which they are involved. At the start of any con-
is ineffective without a meaningful merit factor and that
tract design they should find out from the customer the
such a factor must be based on a production costing tech-
shipyards that will be invited to bid for the contract, and
nique capable of taking into account different physical de-
spend time with the planning and production staffs of these
sign differences as well as production processes. While
shipyards to develop an understanding of their facilities,
much can be gained from the intuitive approach by knowl-
planning and preferred construction approaches and any
edgeable and experienced designers, with and without input
standards developed by the shipyards.
from planning and production, it is still subject to differ-
To accomplish this, the ship designer must become better
ences of opinion, and the danger of errors of omission. That
educated in ship production processes and their relative costs.
is, some aspect, process or work task can be left out of the
More recently, Design for Production has been defined
consideration. It would obviously be better to use an in-
as the deliberate act of designing a product to meet its spec-
dustry, or at least, a company, accepted Merit Factor for the
ified technical and operational requirements and quality so
basis of the analysis. Unfortunately, there is no merit fac-
that the production costs will be minimal through low work
tor currently available, and it is only necessary to try to dis-
content and ease of fabrication and assembly.
cuss this matter with an experienced ship construction
Design for Production is not:
estimator to appreciate the extent of this problem.
• improvements in facilities, Most Ship Cost Estimating systems do not consider the
• improvements in materials, and design or construction tasks in sufficient detail to be able to
• alterantive shipboard equipment; be used as a Design for Ship Production Merit Factor. For
example, for structure the cost estimating system may use
combinations of total ship or block steel weight, complex-
• DFP was the major driver in bringing about the change.
ity factors, average weight per unit area and joint weld length.
It is simply addressing the fact that today’s ship design- These are not enough for a merit factor that will allow
ers have a commitment to assess their ship designs for high changes in detail to be compared. What is required is a
productivity. To do this, they must consider the relative ef- method that takes into account all the design and production
ficiencies of available production processes and construc- factors that can differ. At the present time such a method does
tion methods. This places additional responsibility on the not exist, nor is there an existing historical data library from
designer. However, it must be willingly accepted, because which it could be developed. It is necessary, therefore, to de-
Chapter 14: Design/Production Integration 14-15

velop an approach, and then collect the data required to use Most ship designers will not have either the experience
the approach. This is where the application of Work Mea- or the time to use such techniques in their normal design
surement and Method Study techniques can help. decision process. However, if an Industrial Engineering ca-
From the previous description, it should be obvious that pability exists in their shipyard, they should take every op-
what is proposed is not a simple exercise. Significant effort portunity to benefit from it. If possible, they should work
would be involved as well as the potential to interrupt nor- with the Industrial Engineers to arrive at the best design for
mal work in a shipyard. Nevertheless, it is necessary that their shipyard. If such a capability does not exist in the ship-
the approach be completely developed if full benefits are to yard or it is too busy with the many other areas they are in-
be obtained from the use of Design for Ship Production. volved in, and it is not reoriented by management, Design
This has been attempted by J. Wolfram (18), for welding for Ship Production can still be performed. The ship de-
man-hours in a shipyard panel shop. The resulting equation is signer with a team from planning and production can de-
velop the different ways to design a detail and rank it on the
Welding Man-hours = 2.79 × NPS + 0.0215 × JLFB
basis of producibilty and cost aspects.
× tFB + 0.097 × JLCB × t CB
When complete, the selected best design and the selec-
+ 0.017 × JLF × FCSA
tion analysis can be sent to the other departments that are
where involved in the process, for their review and concurrence.
It is strongly recommended that a Design for Ship Produc-
NPS = number of panel starts
tion team be established to review and maintain a shipyard’s
JLFB = joint weld length of flat panel butts
existing standards, and at an early stage of all new ship de-
tFB = thickness of flat panels
sign development to ensure that the design will be the most
JLCB = joint weld length of curved panel butts
producible and cost-effective design for their shipyard. Table
tCB = thickness of curved panels
14.I is suggested as a minimum procedure for applying De-
JLF = joint weld length for fillet welds
sign for Ship Production based on experience and intuition
FCSA = cross-sectional area for fillet welds
of such a team.
The same approach could be used for all other ship- In some shipyards, the only design that is performed in-
building processes with the final system becoming an ef- house, is the Production Design, such as working drawings
fective labor estimating tool for both new construction cost for the shipyard and any calculations necessary to prepare
estimating and trade-off analysis. Until such an approach them, which will be based on an owner provided Contract
is fully developed for all processes, a less precise but sim- Design and Specifications.
ilar approach could be used by applying known data and The subject of ship design is well covered in many books
guesstimates to the various design and production factors and in the transactions of the naval architecture and marine
for each design alternative. Figure 14.14 shows a form that engineering professional societies. It will be discussed only
can be used to perform a manual calculation for work con- to the extent necessary for the incorporation of Design for
tent and cost for a structural part. Ship Production.
Similar forms would be used for sections, subassem-
blies, assemblies, blocks and the erection and joining of the
blocks. Obviously, the calculation could be programmed 14.3.1 DFP Principles
and run on a computer, and it is even feasible to link the There are two main principles for DFP for ships, namely
computer program with an interactive computer graphics
system, which would present the desired merit factor for 1. all design should strive for simplicity, and
each design detail, as it was developed. Similar forms, or 2. all design should be the best suitable for a given ship-
programs, could be developed for all other ship systems and yard facility.
production processes.
These can be further expanded as follows:
Design for Ship Production can, therefore, be applied in
a number of ways, varying from a simple ease of fabrica- Simplicity in Design
tion gut feeling decision to a very detailed analysis using • minimum number of parts,
work measurement and method study techniques. The lat- • minimum number of parts to be formed,
ter are considered the domain of Industrial Engineering, but • reduction of part variability,
a good understanding of them will improve the ship de- • reduction in joint weld length,
signer’s ability to prepare the best production oriented de- • part standardization,
signs for a given shipyard. • minimum fitting/fairing of erection joints,
14-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 14.14 Structural Work Content and Cost Calculation Form

• elimination of need for highly accurate fitting, design than one which is designed to make best use of a ship-
• integration of structure and outfit, yard’s facilities. Obvious shipyard imposed requirements are:
• elimination of need for staging, and
• consideration of access. • ship dimensions and limits,
• block maximum weight,
Matching to Shipyard Facilities • block maximum size,
• checking that blocks and machinery package units and • panel maximum size, and
outfitted blocks are within shipyard lifting capability, • panel line turning and rotating capabilities.
• assembly and block sizes fit panel line, workstations and
door openings, Obviously, a shipyard would be unwise to attempt to
• use maximum plate sizes and corresponding block breaks build a ship which was longer or wider than the building
to minimize connecting joint weld length, and berths and/or docks, or higher than the cranes could reach.
• maximize design for in-shop versus on-ship work. Of course, this would not be so if part of the building plan
was to improve the facilities.
The block maximum weight can be dictated by berth or
14.3.2 Tailoring Design to Facilities shop crane capacity, and/or transporter capacity; also, by
While it is beneficial for a shipyard to be able to build any advanced outfitting and any temporary bracing and lifting
ship design, it is a well known fact that such general capa- gear used for the lift. The block maximum size will depend
bility will increase the cost to build the shipowner’s custom on access throughout the shipyard for the blocks from as-
Next Page

Chapter 14: Design/Production Integration 14-17

TABLE 14.I Application of Design for Ship Production in building the ship. Heavy concentrated weights, such as
propulsion engines and gears, and independent LNG tanks
1. Examine Existing Design
may not be able to be installed until the ship is afloat. The
a) count the number of unique parts spread of the launchways should be matched by basic ship’s
b) count the total number of parts structure, such as longitudinal girders, in order to eliminate
c) count number, type and position of joints the need for any additional temporary strengthening, which
d) evaluate complexity of design
only adds to the work content. Likewise, the structure of
the ship in way of the area subjected to maximum way end
– simple measurement pressure and the fore poppet should be designed to with-
– simple manual layout stand these loads without the need for additional temporary
– complicated manual layout structure.
– CAD/CAM applicability Whatever the facility requirements on the design, it is
obvious that they must be fully industrial engineered, well
– required manual processing
documented and communicated to the designers. The use of
– required machine processing computer simulation techniques (19) can serve as both an
e) Producibility aspects educational and informational tool to give ship designers a
– self-aligning and supporting better understanding of the capabilities of a shipyard. The
already stated concept of Shipyard Specifications of paral-
– need for jigs and fixtures
lel importance and applicability as the usual Contract Ship
– work position Specifications would also be an effective way to accomplish
– Number of turns and moves the transmission of the information to the ship designers.
– Aids in dimensional control However, it would not in itself assure production-oriented
– Space access and staging
designs. To assure this, it is essential that the ship designers
be educated and trained in the field of Design for Ship Pro-
– Standardization duction.
– number of compartments entered to complete work
2. Examine Alternative Design(s) in same manner 14.3.3 Design for Production in Basic Design
3. Select the Design that meets the objective of Design for Pro- Basic Design covers all design from Conceptual through to
duction, which is: The reduction of production cost to the at least Contract Design, that is concept, preliminary, and
minimum possible through minimum work content and ease contract design. It is proposed that it should also cover
of fabrication, while meeting the design performance and Functional Design. Functional design is the phase where
quality requirements. the contract design is expanded to encompass all design
calculations, drawings, and decisions, thus defining all sys-
tems and required material.
Design for Production must be applied during basic de-
sembly to erection, shop door sizes and the shipyard’s max- sign. The structural breakdown definition as well as zone
imum plate size. The panel maximum size will depend on and advanced outfitting On-umit, On-block, and On-board
panel line limits as well as any access limits. It will also be definitions must be decided during this phase.
impacted by whether the panels need to be turned and/or The other phase of design, conducted after contract
rotated. A panel line with no rotation capability can achieve award, is usually called Detailed Design. It usually covers
the same results by vertical plate straking of shell and bulk- all remaining activities to document the design. It usually
heads when the ship is transversely framed and the bulk- does not incorporate production considerations. The author
heads vertically stiffened. uses the term Product Engineering to differentiate between
Not so obvious and often ignored requirements are: the traditional Detailed Design and production-oriented doc-
• maximum berth loading,
Product Engineering covers all tasks required to prepare
• spread of launchways, and
the technical information to be transmitted to production and
• maximum launch pressure on the hull.
other shipyard groups to assist and direct the construction
The maximum berth loading could affect the extent of of the ship. It is divided into two phases. The first, transi-
outfitting before launch and thus the productivity achieved tional design is the task of integrating all design informa-
Chapter 15
Human Factors in Ship Design

Scott R. Calhoun and Sam C. Stevens

15.1 Introduction drilling rig Ocean Ranger. These maritime incidents re-
sulted in 250 deaths and the loss of hundreds of millions of
Human Factors, Human Centered Design, Ergonomics… dollars of physical assets. All of these events were the re-
these are examples of terms that have been used inter- sult of a long chain of human errors that resulted in human
changeably to describe the practice of designing a system factors oversights. These well-publicized events represent
with the human operator as the central focus. Although these but a few of the many mishaps that can be attributed to
terms and the principles they embrace are not new, they are human error.
critical aspects of engineering design. Traditional marine The true significance of human error caused by ignor-
design and operation has not employed these concepts to ing human factors is reflected in the following statistics.
the full extent possible. Therefore, this chapter was written These values signify the considerable degree to which
to broaden the ship designer’s understanding of human fac- human error was either the root cause or a major contributing
tors and to introduce design elements and principles that factor:
have significant effects on the shipboard human operator.
• 65% of all airline accidents,
This is important to an engineer because addressing human
• 80% percent of all maritime casualties,
factors in ship design significantly reduces production and
• 90% of all auto accidents, and
operation costs and improves overall safety.
• 90% of all nuclear facility emergencies.
Decades of engineering practice have undoubtedly
proven that the human operator is a complex variable that The long list of mishaps that make up these statistics
warrants significant consideration during the first stages of have a common factor, they involved systems and equip-
design and throughout the entire operational lifetime of a ment that failed because the human operator was a sec-
system. However, human factors are frequently neglected ondary consideration in the design process. This design
during the design process and during the systems opera- practice results in equipment or systems that are not well
tion. When human factors are not adequately addressed, designed to meet a human being’s physical or cognitive ca-
people make errors and safety is severely compromised, the pabilities, and therefore, forces individuals to adapt to the
consequences of which are well documented. system. This practice is exactly what human factors attempts
Chernobyl, Bhopal, and Three Mile Island, which re- to prevent. Designing a system or creating an organization
sulted in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, are ex- that incorporates human factors into the design criteria from
amples of major industrial mishaps that resulted from the earliest stages creates an optimal environment for max-
insufficiently addressing human factors in a system’s design imum human performance and has a direct impact on pre-
and operation. Maritime examples include the loss of the venting mishaps.
North Sea platform Piper Alpha (Figure 15.1) and the Preventing mishaps is not the only positive effect of ad-

15-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ature. For the purpose of our discussion, Human Factors is

the comprehensive term that covers all biomedical and psy-
chosocial considerations applying to the human in the sys-
tem. Human factors, addresses human engineering and also
life support, personnel selection, training and training equip-
ment, job performance aids, and performance measures and
evaluations (1). Human factors is concerned with every con-
sideration of the human in the system, that is, reasons for
being in the system, functions and tasks, the design of jobs
for various personnel, training and evaluation.
The importance of human factors can be observed by the
recent efforts within both government and industry to sup-
port and embrace the concepts of human factors and sys-
tems engineering. For example, human factors have been
incorporated into programs such as Human Systems Inte-
gration (HSI) within the U.S. Navy, MANPRINT in the
U.S. Army, Crew Systems Integration in NASA, and Pre-
Figure 15.1 Piper Alpha Disaster vention through People (PTP) within the U.S. Coast Guard.
The term Human Factors Engineering (HFE) is only one
of the many aspects of design that are addressed within
human factors. HFE mainly attends to the issues of layout,
dressing human factors in systems design. Human factors equipment design, and workplace environment. HFE also
also provides significant increases in job performance and address human-machine interface, including displays and
improves decision making, in addition to reducing costs by controls. Human Factors Engineering in ship design in-
decreasing training and maintenance requirements. Cost cludes:
has always been a major design constraint for most systems
• techniques to define the role of the human in complex
and incorporating human factors into a system’s design may
significantly reduce it. Many people view human factors
• simulation and modeling of crew workloads for manning
and hiring Human Factors Engineers as an added cost. How-
reduction and assessing operator/maintainer workloads,
ever, it has been proven that addressing human factors in
• advanced man-machine interfaces and decision aids to
systems design actually reduces costs. This is the result of
reduce human error and accidents and enhance human
many factors, including reduced manning, reduced need for
performance and safety, and
training, and improved maintainability.
• ship design methods and data.
This chapter discusses areas such as environment, equip-
ment, and training to explain how human error can be sig-
nificantly reduced if human factors are adequately 15.2.1 Historical Perspective
considered in the design and operation of a system. The
There exists a select group of individuals and historical
purpose of this chapter is to describe and discuss human fac-
events that mark the rise and progression of human factors.
tor requirements, challenges, design approaches, and tools
According to Burgess (2), Human Factors Engineering and
to be used in the design of marine systems. More impor-
Ergonomics are relatively new terms that were first used in
tantly, the chapter emphasizes the need to incorporate human
the 1940s, but human factors work had been done well be-
factors into the design process from the very beginning.
fore that. The following items are a small sampling of some
of these events:
• in 1832, Charles Babbage laid out the methods for mak-
15.2 Human Factors
ing workers’ jobs easier and more economical in his
Before continuing with a discussion of human factors, it book, Economy of Machinery and Manufacture.
may be useful to present a more formal definition of the con- • in the 19th century, Frederick Taylor, who is perhaps the
cept and some of its history. Human Factors, Human Fac- first human factors engineer, developed a number of tools
tors Engineering, Human Engineering and Ergonomics have and methods to increase production. In 1898, he con-
all appeared interchangeably throughout engineering liter- ducted studies to find the most appropriate designs for
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-3

shovels, and his experiments in lifting and carrying heavy • people behave on the basis of homeostatic behavior (that
loads improved overall production and reduced worker is, the least amount of energy is expended to accomplish
fatigue (2,3). a given task in a perceived safe manner),
• during World War I, United States and United Kingdom • equipment designs and procedures can induce even the
governments directed significant attention to military most safety conscious person into committing unsafe
personnel selection and training. Their prime target ef- acts,
fort was fitting the man to the job. In 1918, the U.S. es- • equipment designs and written procedures that do not
tablished laboratories at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base match the operator /maintainer’s cultural expectations
and the Brooks Air Force Base to perform human-fac- will eventually result in a user error,
tors-related research. Since then, these labs have per- • if printed procedures or hazard identification signs are per-
formed research on areas such as complex reaction time, ceived to be too complex, lengthy, or frequent, people tend
perception, and motor behavior (4). to avoid reading them. Conversely, if they are perceived
• in the 1920s and 1930s, the Gilbreaths studied various to be too simple, people also tend to ignore them,
methods that could allow physical tasks to be performed • humans make guesses as to what a label, operating in-
with less effort and greater speed. In 1911, Frank B. struction, maintenance step, etc., says if it is not com-
Gilbreath’s analysis of bricklaying resulted in the in- plete and readable.
vention of scaffolding which could be raised and low- • ease of equipment maintenance positively affects its re-
ered quickly, allowing bricklayers to work at the most liability,
suitable level at all times (2,5). • equipment susceptibility to operational misuse or poor
• in World War II, human factors applications became maintenance increases as the amount of physical or com-
municative interaction between two or more people in-
widespread when machines increased in their complex-
ity and poor human engineering resulted in the loss of
• people often make judgments about how a control/dis-
lives and equipment (2). According to Dhillon (5), the
play works based on the control/display shape, size, and
years between the two world wars saw major growth in
orientation, and
industrial psychology and industrial engineering.
• the musculo-skeletal system controls the direction and
• within the military and the manned space programs of
amount of force that can be applied by a person in com-
1950s and 1960s, human factors truly emerged as a spe-
pleting an operational or maintenance task.
cialty, according to Huchingson (1).
With these qualities in mind, the next issue to address is
This abbreviated collection of historical events within
the relative objectives and the subsequent payoffs of im-
the human factors discipline clearly indicates that it is not
plementing a human factors approach to design. Huching-
a fledgling subject in design. Even so, it is an area that is
son (1) effectively summarizes the objectives of a successful
frequently not given the attention that it deserves.
human factors program as follows:
• improved human performance as shown by increased
15.2.2 Human Factors: Objective, Characteristics, speed, accuracy, and safety, and less energy expenditure
and Payoffs and fatigue,
• reduced training and training costs,
When classifying a ship as a system, one observes that the
• improved use of manpower through minimizing the need
central component essential to the success and operation of
for special skills and aptitude,
the system is the human being. Granted, in today’s highly
• reduced loss of time and equipment as accidents due to
advanced world, computers and automated systems have
human errors are minimized, and
replaced humans in many functions. However, the fact re-
• improved comfort and acceptance by the user/operator.
mains that humans ultimately are responsible for a ship’s
safe and effective operation. It is with this mentality that Bost (6) also points out that human factors engineering
the designer needs to consider how the human will be able addresses the design of human-machine interfaces, which
to perform within this system called a “ship.” are defined as any direct contact with software, equipment,
According to Bost (6), there are several inherent quali- manuals, signs, etc., that use any of the human’s sensory
ties of humans that govern the way in which ship design- receptors or motor responses. The navigation bridge of a
ers must account for in their designs. The following qualities vessel is a useful illustration of this human-machine inter-
are key ideas within human factors: face (Figure 15.2).
15-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The end result of incorporating a design, which accounts

for human abilities and limitations, is a system, piece of
equipment, or facility, which is:
• easily usable,
• quickly learnable,
• more repairable and supportable,
• more survivable,
• safer and more secure, more effective, and
• more adaptable to user needs.
From a wider perspective, Human Factors Engineering
results in more economical and affordable systems, equip-
ment, and facilities with reductions in: system costs, ac-
quisition costs through a reduction of the costs of software Figure 15.2 Cruise Ship Ocean Majesty
redesign, acquisition costs through more effective man-
machine interface design, life cycle costs through reduction
of system manning, and life cycle costs through reduction
of training (6). Examples of common systems include a ship’s naviga-
As an example, the Navy has been modifying their ac- tion or propulsion system and the human nervous system.
quisitions criteria to include Total Ownership Cost (TOC). The components within each of these systems are interde-
This is a significant departure from the traditional method pendent and not necessarily linearly related. Moving up a
of obtaining the required system performance for the low- dimension, the systems that comprise the ship as a whole
est procurement cost. TOC incorporates all funding for life are not designed in a vacuum only to be pulled together at
cycle costs and includes those costs related to training, per- the end. Rather, they must be coordinated at all stages of
sonnel, maintenance, disposal, etc. This shift of focus to- the design process and human factors must be considered
ward TOC is more cost effective since it considers human at each phase of the design.
tradeoffs from the very beginning, as well as throughout, Humans interact with systems in many ways. From the
the design process. drawing board to the scrap yard, humans have a significant
It must be kept in mind that human factors engineering, effect on a system’s effectiveness and safety. Meister (7)
just as any engineering discipline, is an iterative process refers to a system more specifically as an organization of
that requires continuous measurement and evaluation. machine components that interact both with each other and
Burgess puts it best: with the human operator. The components not only inter-
act with each other physically, but also interact with the op-
Human interactions occur throughout the life of the ma-
erator by providing signals. There is also a behavioral
chine or equipment and the operational product must be
component to the system, as these signals are interpreted
repeatedly interfaced throughout its life.
by the operator and acted upon. The human operator may
Usually, the first indication of a human factors design be regarded as either an internal or external element in a
problem is when a user determines that other people are systems design, both of which can be argued equally valid.
making the same mistakes, suggesting that poor design is For the purposes of this chapter, the human operator is con-
the issue rather than training. It is at this point that the de- sidered an internal component of a system’s development
signer looks for alternative methods for designing the equip- since this is most applicable to the naval architect.
ment or conducting the procedure, and these new approaches With a better understanding of systems and system de-
are tested to determine which is the better design solution. velopment, designers can more effectively address human
factors issues in the design process. There are a variety of
excellent sources addressing human factors in systems de-
15.2.3 Human Factors: Systems Concepts sign and they are provided as references at the end of this
Addressing human factors in ship design requires some un- chapter.
derstanding of systems and systems design. There are many Prior to designing and operating an actual system, a
definitions of and approaches to describing a system, how- model and framework for analyzing the system must be de-
ever, it is generally agreed to be a set of components that veloped. This model helps the design team understand how
work together to achieve a common goal(s). to design the system so that it is compatible with the human
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-5

operator. There are numerous variables to be addressed that • Organizational factors have a significant effect on human
depend on the complexity of the system. Meister (4) lists error. Management plays a major role in developing and
several examples of system variables as follows: administering policy, creating corporate safety culture,
and ensuring operational procedures are in place and
• system organization,
practiced. The organization is also responsible for en-
• personnel,
suring that the design of their systems pays close atten-
• inputs,
tion to human factors.
• outputs,
• Personnel on an individual level also play a significant
• performance criteria, and
role in human error. Examples of factors influencing
• environmental factors.
human error on the individual level are fatigue, inatten-
Personnel are extremely important variables since opti- tion, carelessness, inexperience, poor training, stress,
mizing the number of personnel within a system is often a etc. Although these factors result from human error at
primary goal. This is a complex issue for the designer since the individual level, many of these factors are within the
a balance must be attained between how the ship functions control of the Organization, as described above.
are allocated between the people and the machinery or au- • Environmental factors including poor equipment design,
tomation. There are also many considerations regarding the inadequate maintenance, poor workplace layout, weather,
amount of experience and training the operator may need. personnel interactions, etc., may contribute to human
Workload and human performance are also directly re- error.
lated. This relationship must be considered in the design of a • Knowledge at the organizational and individual level af-
system since insufficient workloads tend to decrease per- fects human error. For example, the general technical
formance from lack of interest and boredom, while excessive knowledge that exists, along with knowledge of the sys-
workloads can fatigue the operator and quickly surpass any tem’s operation and proper operational procedures, all
human’s abilities. It is incumbent upon the designer to find an play a role in human error (9).
adequate balance between workload and performance.
By addressing the above factors during the early design
Designing and operating a system with human factors in
stages, relevant problem areas and concerns may be changed
mind pays great dividends. The overall cost of the system
quite easily. Neglecting to account for these criteria leads
can be significantly lowered and the humans within the sys-
to later realization that a system is not human-friendly or
tem are more safe and productive. However, failure to ad-
requires significant amounts of training, thus adding con-
dress human factors usually results in a significant increase
siderably to the cost.
in human error, which can lead to catastrophic mishaps.

15.2.4 Human Factors: Human Error 15.2.5 Human Factors: Human Performance
The subject of human error is well documented and refer- Optimizing human performance relates directly to issues of
enced within the literature. This chapter is not intended to knowledge superiority, effective decision-making, and bet-
make the reader an expert in human error analysis; how- ter end-results regardless of the type of system. Human per-
ever, it is beneficial to possess a brief understanding of formance is affected by such factors as situational awareness
human error and how it influences human factors in ship and workload and it’s essential to ensure that those tasks
design. assigned to people are those that they can do well. For those
Bea (8) defined human error, including organizational tasks that are not conducive to humans’ performance, they
error, as should be automated. For example, requiring a person to only
monitor screens is a poor choice. This is a non-stimulating
a departure from acceptable or desirable practice on the part
mental task that is usually somewhat boring, allowing the
of an individual or group that can result in unacceptable or
operator’s attention to wander. It’s important to note that
undesirable results. Human Error refers to a basic event in-
when the decision is made to automate certain functions, it
volving a lack of action or an inappropriate action taken
must be done so that the operator is fully aware of the sys-
by individuals that leads to unanticipated and undesirable
tem’s status and has the ability to intervene when necessary.
Human performance must be measured by considering
There are many factors that increase the likelihood of workload, attention, situational awareness, and the timeli-
human error. These factors can generally be classified into ness and accuracy of actions. The designer must ensure that
categories, such as the following: none of the operator modalities, including cognitive, audio,
15-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

visual, or psychomotor, discussed in Section 15.3, are over- soning, verbal comprehension and reasoning, and visual per-
loaded. This can have a serious impact on situational aware- ception. Humans’cognitive processes are responsible for re-
ness and therefore decision-making ability, creating an end ceiving and analyzing this information received by the senses,
result that may be far from optimal. and although there are five sensory transmission pathways,
90% of all sensory input is received through only two senses:
sight (70%) and hearing (20%). According to Burgess (2),
humans have limitations on their information processing ca-
15.3 Human Capabilities and Limitations
pabilities, which stem from a variety of factors:
Before embarking on the principles and guidelines that em-
body human factors engineering, it is necessary to briefly • expectancies,
outline the central focus of this discipline: the human. Huch- • memory and data processing,
ingson (1) notes that by studying and acquiring knowledge • emotionalism,
of basic human capabilities and limitations, the designer • boredom, and
may create an environment that better suits human limita- • sensitivity to stress.
tions, both functionally and physically.
Human beings come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, Expectancies
and ages and thus a wide scope of abilities. The human op- Human expectancies regarding the way things operate are
erator has limitations on sensorimotor and information-pro- a significant influence to the decisions people make. Huch-
cessing capabilities, which must be considered in design. ingson (1) even states that population stereotypes are the
Each particular sensory organ responds to a specific energy single most important concept in the interpretation of dis-
system and is sensitive only to a certain range and magni- played information, and that when design practices conflict
tude of stimulation within the different classes of stimuli with ingrained responses, the potential for human error dra-
encountered in machine environments. Therefore, humans matically increases. Cultural expectations, or population
are inherently limited by cognitive and physical attributes stereotypes, can be defined as the act of expecting certain
in their response capabilities. things to always work in a fixed manner, or associating
Cognitive capabilities are those that involve mental tasks meaning to colors, shapes, etc., because one’s culture has
and intellectual abilities, for example, reasoning, judgment, assigned such relationships.
memory, audio/visual stimuli, and mental processing of Typical examples for North American culture include:
events. Physical attributes include hand-eye coordination, • reading text from left to right, and top to bottom,
strength and speed of muscular contraction, flexibility, and • interpreting the color red to mean danger,
motor control. With this in mind, it is not the authors’ in- • expecting valve handles to open in a counter-clockwise
tent to turn naval architects into human physiologist and direction, and close in a clockwise direction, and
behaviorists; however, an abbreviated understanding of some • expecting T-bar handles as an invitation to pull, and
of these characteristics and limitations will better equip the mushroom head buttons as an invitation to push.
designer with crucial information necessary to optimize
human performance and minimize human error. In addition to people’s expectations, people often make
One factor that significantly affects human performance judgments about how a control or display works based on
and increase human error is fatigue. Fatigue impairs per- its shape, size, and orientation (6). Therefore, it’s crucial to
formance in many ways and this will be discussed later in account for the spatial relationships in design. In other
the chapter. Also, design considerations that reduce and pre- words, place multiple but separate components of a system
vent human fatigue will be discussed. This will provide the together so it is visually obvious that they are related and
ship designer with an understanding of design elements that used together. Design and place panels, consoles, and work
influence fatigue as well as the consequences of ignoring stations, and the individual controls and displays on these
fatigue-inducing situations. panels, so that the displays and controls are arranged, as
viewed by the operator, in the same spatial relationship as
is the actual equipment or system installed in the structure
15.3.1 Cognitive Attributes (6). During times of stress, it is especially important to con-
Tasks on board ships today, whether they include tracking a sider cultural expectations because it is during these times
blip on radar, writing a sentence, listening to a direction, or when humans typically revert to what they have learned and
adding a set of numbers to plot a course, require human cog- come to expect.
nitive and psychomotor abilities such as mathematical rea-
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-7 Memory and data processing 15.3.2 Physical Attributes

A person’s memory and data processing ability is limited Like any machine, the human machine has physical limi-
by short-term memory and information encoding/transfor- tations within which it must operate. These limits encom-
mation capabilities. In other words, extensive time, train- pass structural characteristics such as the maximum force
ing, and rehearsal are necessary to interpret, translate, and or velocity a muscle contraction can induce a limb to move,
process information in making complex decisions or per- the physical dimensions of the human, and operating ranges
forming multiple operations in a given time period. Ac- within various environmental conditions such as light in-
cording to Huchingson (1), the magic number seven is tensity and visible spectrum, temperature, and noise.
suggested as a limit for processing information in one stim-
ulus dimension. For example, it was found that listeners Anatomy and anthropometry
could sort pitch tones into about seven different pigeon- The human anatomy inherently affects both speed and ac-
holes, regardless of the number of different tones given or curacy in performing various types of movements. Huch-
where they appeared on a frequency scale. ingson (1) points out that human joints have a limited range
of movement and, in conjunction with limb length, they limit Emotionalism and boredom the maximum reach capability. With tasks that require repet-
Emotionalism and boredom also limit a human’s informa- itive lifting motions or lifting heavy objects from awkward
tion processing capability. For example, social tensions and positions, localized muscle fatigue limits strength and en-
conflicts are likely to impair or degrade performance, as are durance. Flexibility of movement and posture is limited by
long duty cycles and repetitious tasks. Inadequate or poor the construction of the skeleton, that is, the manner in which
quality sleep can also negatively affect a person’s perform- the bones are connected at the joints. Therefore anatomy
ance. More on this subject will be discussed in following constrains our angular movements and reach capabilities.
sections. When designing workspaces and sizing equipment and
clothing, physical dimensions of the body are a critical fac- Sensitivity to stress tor. Because humans are constructed in a variety of shapes
Finally, an individual’s sensitivity to stress is directly cor- and sizes (tall/short, strong/weak, heavy/slim, old/young,
related to information processing capabilities. Moderate male/female, etc.), it is difficult to quantify the average per-
levels of stress are generally stimulating, or enhance per- son. Engineers face a significant challenge in designing each
formance. Response to these levels of stress varies with a piece of equipment so that it can be operated and main-
person’s background and individual skill level. Decision tained by any user that might be expected to work within
performance accuracy will generally decrease when the op- that particular system.
erator is required to respond more rapidly than he or she is Anthropometry is the study of the size and proportions
capable of responding (speed stress) or when required to of the human body. Anthropometric data is usually pre-
respond at the same rate but to a greater number of stimuli sented as 5th, 50th, and 95th percentile values, and systems
(load stress) (1). are generally designed to accommodate those values oc-
In terms of a process, humans: curring between the 5th and the 95th percentile. For exam-
ple, when determining the amount of force necessary to
• receive information through their senses,
operate a particular device, it must be operable at the 5th
• process that information, and
percentile value to allow the smallest user to generate an
• then respond to what is processed.
adequate amount of force. Similarly, when considering clear-
After action has been taken, humans use their senses ances for openings or passages, the 95th percentile value
again to collect data, process the accuracy of the actions must be used as the minimum limiting value to allow pas-
taken, and then continue with a given action. This system sage for the largest user.
may be referred to as a closed loop system may be inter- As illustrated by Figure 15.3, anthropometric data com-
rupted between any of these actions. For example, sensory prehensively includes all dimensions and range of move-
information may be delivered, but in such a way that it is ment capabilities of human beings. For instance, a joint’s
imperceptible to the human (inaudible noise frequencies, range of motion is measured between the two extreme po-
ultraviolet/infrared light waves). Under these circumstances, sitions and is expressed in total angular degrees, or angu-
the operator must make certain assumptions, which may or lar degrees from a null position before forming the angle.
may not be correct, in order to continue. It is at these breaks It’s important to note that if the data were given in linear
in the sensory loop that accidents and errors are most likely measures rather than degrees, subject variations in trunk
to occur. and limb length would affect the maximum capabilities (1).
Figure 15.3 Selected Anthropometric Measurements (U.S. Army Population)
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-9

Although most U.S. anthropometric design data is com- ited by the torquing forces applied at articulation points,
piled from and refers to military populations, various at- and the counterbalancing of body-member weights applied
tempts have been made by commercial and civilian firms against the load or resistance force. The lumbar spine (lower
to estimate body dimensions of the current U.S. civilian back) and the torquing forces applied to it also largely limit
population. One such estimate is presented in the Hand- humans’lifting capabilities. Those factors that primarily in-
book of Human Factors (10). Military anthropometric data fluence maximum static arm force are the plane in which
is presented in the American Society for Testing and Ma- the force is exerted relative to the body, the direction of the
terials (ASTM) Standard F 1156 (11). force, and the degree of arm extension.
Human body dimensions vary with age, sex, race or eth- Additional generalized human strength characteristics
nic group and occupation, and it is essential that the par- are that people are much stronger in pushing and pulling
ticular user population be defined before referring to motions than in either up/down or in/out directions (Figure
anthropometric. An additional factor to consider when se- 15.4).
lecting anthropometric data is that body dimensions change Other factors influencing strength include posture (seated
from generation to generation, therefore requiring ascer- is better than prone), the bracing of a person’s back and
taining the applicable publication date of the reference data feet, the seat back angle, and distance from midsagittal
(2). Finally, depending on the particular system to be de- plane, or midline (1). Huchingson (1) also points out that
signed, it is often possible to predict the type of user oper- weight lifting studies show other important factors to be the
ating the system, which in turn points the designer to the distance between the weight and the floor (best when be-
most relevant data source to use. tween the hip and shoulder), the dimensions of the con-
Huchingson (1) presents a useful guide, step by step, of tainer (compact is best), and the distance of the moment
the proper stages to conduct when using anthropometric from the center of gravity of the body (close to the body is
data. The first step is to determine the relevant dimension best).
for the problem. For example, the maximum distance a per- A final concept relating to human physical capabilities
son can reach to operate an overhead control knob while is that of the energy cost of work. The maximum force lim-
seated at a workstation, or the minimum sized hatch open- its outlined above apply to one-time, high effort tasks; how-
ing for an emergency egress from a machinery space. ever, during repetitive-type work in which the operator is
Second, it is necessary to determine the user popula- required to conduct the same task several times per day a
tion for the particular system in question. For instance, an different measure is required. Work physiologists work
older population would be expected on a cruise ship, within human factors to determine the energetic effects of
whereas a younger, fit population would be expected on a typical work and the demands it imposes on the worker.
naval warship. The third step is to select the range of users Davis, et al (12) observes that there is no single meas-
to be accommodated (typically this is 5th percentile fe- urement technique that can be used to measure the effects
male to 95th percentile male). This range is only presented of all types of loads on an individual. For example, in some
as guidance and is typically used because of its cost-ben- cases, measures of physiological response (heart rate, oxy-
efit relationship. gen consumption, blood pressure) may be appropriate while
In other words, including a larger range of users signif- in others, a secondary loading task or visual acuity test may
icantly increases the cost without an adequate increase in be better. Motion economy principles, when employed dur-
benefit. ing the design process, help to reduce movement and ef-
The fourth step is to extract the percentile date from the fort, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. These principles
appropriate anthropometry table, ensuring that it is appli- should also be applied to workplace design, fatigue reduc-
cable by population type and date of publication (select ref- tion, safety engineering practices, and workplace er-
erences are provided at the conclusion of the chapter). gonomics.
Finally, corrections should be added or subtracted, if needed, The following motion economy principles are provided
for clothing and posture restrictions. by Huchingson (1): Work and strength characteristics • use two-handed operations that are symmetrical and si-
Coincidental to the many shapes and sizes of humans, the multaneously away from or toward the body,
amount of work and force a human can generate is also • use a motion that uses few stops; ballistic movements are
widely varied. Strength and lifting capacity can be classi- faster and more easily carried out than slow, controlled
fied as either dynamic or static force. According to Burgess ones. Continuous, curved motions are preferred to
(2), lifting and force capabilities are biomechanically lim- straight-line motions with abrupt changes in direction,
15-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 15.4 Design Values for Maximum Force (1)

• keep elbows close to the body. Finger motion conserves that the visual work items are close and so that frequently
energy more than arm and body motion. Use limbs and used controls are accessible,
digits that are most appropriate for the task and arrange • provide for safety and comfort in the environment,
work to permit an easy and natural rhythm, • schedule work pauses to reduce fatigue and eliminate
• provide fixtures to hold parts so that hands are not wasted boredom, and
as a holding device, that is, avoid static work, • promote orderliness and cleanliness.
• eliminate unnecessary movements by employing grav-
ity or mechanical devices as in drop-delivery of work A complicating issue in the design of ships with respect
items or belt conveyors, to the energy cost of work is that the very environment in
• arrange workspaces as much as possible so that a move- which the work is conducted moves. Ship motions influ-
ment does not have to be made against the force of grav- ence a crew’s ability to conduct their prescribed duties in a
ity, number of ways. Wertheim has classified the impediments
• arrange parts for easy access without long arm reaches to performance based on their actions on individuals and
or movement, he differentiates between general and specific effects of a
• preposition tools and materials to eliminate searching given motion.
and selecting, General effects refer to any task or performance carried
• alternate sitting and standing if possible, out in a moving environment. These effects influence a per-
• arrange the height of the workplace and seat to provide son’s motivation levels (motion sickness), their overall en-
for the comfort of the worker; arrange the workplace so ergy levels (motion-induced fatigue caused by added
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-11

muscular effort to maintain balance), or biomechanically (focal point) of the retina and are used for color and day-
limit their ability to conduct their job (interference with task time vision.
performance due to loss of balance). Frequency detection concerns the humans’ sensitivity to
Specific effects are defined as those that interfere with wavelengths between approximately 380 and 760 nanome-
specific human abilities such as cognition or perception ters. This covers the spectrum of violet on the shorter wave-
(13). Suffice it to say that these effects all combine to make length to orange and red on the longer wavelengths. It
a given task more difficult than the same task conducted generally takes about 30 minutes for the eyes to completely
ashore in a stationary environment. For a more thorough dis- adapt from daytime to nighttime vision. Table 15.I also sum-
cussion of the performance implications of ship motions, marizes the range of sensitivities of the visual sensory
refer to Stevens (14). modality.
Discrimination is the ability of a person to differentiate
a stimulus, either relatively or absolutely. Relative dis-
crimination involves comparative judgments with sensed
15.4 Human Sensory Limitations physical standards, whereas absolute discrimination is based
upon pure recall with no standards other than past experi-
In the previous sections, various physiological and cogni-
ence as a guide to estimation. Many more relative than ab-
tive human capabilities and limitations were discussed. The
solute discriminations are possible. For example 570
reader will note that several senses were not discussed,
differences in white light brightness are recognizable when
specifically vision, hearing, and temperature control. Al-
the person can compare the lights simultaneously, while
though these senses are both cognitive and physical in na-
only 3 to 5 brightness’s can be differentiated on an absolute
ture and could have been appropriately discussed in the
basis when the lights are presented one at a time.
preceding sections, they warrant a more comprehensive dis-
Acuity is the ability to resolve details. The lens of the
cussion addressing relevant design issues (lighting, noise,
eye is responsible for focusing images on the retina of the
general arrangements, etc.) in concert with the respective
eye; however, lens shape abnormalities cause such vision
human sensory function.
problems as near- and far-sightedness and astigmatism.
Field of view is about 130 degrees vertically and 208 de-
15.4.1 Illumination and Vision grees horizontally, assuming the neck to be stationary and
the eyes to be fixated straight ahead. The field of color vi-
Vision is usually considered one of the stronger human ca-
sion is restricted within this overall field due to the eye’s
pabilities and accounts for as much as 70% of humans’ in-
physiological makeup as discussed above. Obviously, neck
formation acquisition. In general, the visual modality is
and eye movements increase the field of view accordingly.
comprised of the following distinct characteristics, described
Visual search has to do with humans’ ability to recog-
by Huchingson (1): intensity detection,
nize a target sighted with fovial vision several times smaller
• frequency detection, than a target sighted with peripheral vision. This is a char-
• discrimination, acteristic of the eye’s tendency to successively fixate on dif-
• acuity, ferent points in an area at a rate of three points per second.
• field of view, This fixation time is a useful measure for establishing the
• visual search, and conspicuity or targets.
• distance/speed/acceleration estimation. Distance, speed, and acceleration estimation is our abil-
ity to estimate these quantities in absolute terms. Accord- Characteristics of vision modality ing to Grether and Baker (15), without familiar objects to
Intensity detection refers to the minimum amount of elec- reference these values, humans are generally not very pro-
tromagnetic energy necessary for human detection of light. ficient at determining distance, speed, or acceleration in ab-
Light sensitivity is influenced by many factors including solute terms. However, humans generally develop skill in
age of the individual, duration of light exposure, contrast estimating relative speeds, for example, a skilled baseball
of light with the background, and the specific region of the hitter knows when to swing the bat even though the hitter
retina stimulated. The retina of the eye is composed of spe- would find it difficult to determine the exact speed of the
cialized receptor cells called rods and cones, thus named ball (1).
because of their shape. Rods are more abundant in the pe- Designing systems that account for the human’s visual
riphery of the retina and are responsible for black/white and abilities entails providing lighting systems that are com-
night vision, while cones are centralized around the fovea patible with the diverse seeingneeds of humans. This in-
15-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 15.I Human Sensory Modalities and Ranges of Sensitivity (2)

Modality Classification Range of Sensitivity Peak Sensitivity
Auditory Rapid pressure oscillations in 20 to 20,000 cycles per second at an 500 to 5,000 cycles per second
a transmitting medium intensity of 0.001 to 1000 dynes
per square centimeter

Visual Wavelengths of light 400 to 760 millimicrons at intensities 520 to 620 millimicrons
from 10–10 to 104 foot candles

Skin Pressure Physical imprint of structural Two milligrams of soft-point pressure Occurs at areas with the greatest
indentation on the skin surface. on the skin. Pain erupts w/ hard sharp number of pressure points—
points at around 2 grams of pressure. fingers, palms, tongue, etc.

Skin Temperature Physical/structural contact with 4°C to 50°C. Pain occurs 3°C to 12°C for “cold.” 45°C
skin surface having varying beyond these levels. to 50°C for “hot.”
degrees of temperature.

Smell Gaseous molecular structure. One 460-millionth of a milligram. First 3 to 4 minutes after odor
Odor fades rapidly with increasing detection.

volves considering sources of illumination, the technology • use indirect lighting when possible,
of the particular luminary design and its placement, reflec- • install polarized shields to prevent glare,
tion from surfaces, glare reduction methods, and the inten- • install multiple small lights rather than a few bright ones
sity of illumination required for particular tasks. Other to control glare intensity, and
qualitative factors to bear in mind are glare control and • use non-reflective surfaces with less than 30% reflect-
brightness contrast, and the control of direction, distribu- ing values for floors, equipment, and work surfaces.
tion, diffusion, and uniformity of the light source. Huch-
ingson (1) notes that improperly designed lighting systems Lighting and human performance
may contribute to eye fatigue, increased errors, and increased More than simply providing illumination for the environ-
accident rates. ment, lighting characteristics have a profound effect on hu-
Ideally, some type of natural lighting should be incor- mans’biological clocks and sleep cycles. Light is an integral
porated into the design wherever possible. However, as in part of the human body’s biological clock or, in other words,
most systems, this is simply not always feasible. Artificial it is a determining factor in how the body regulates its cir-
lighting is most prevalent, especially within the confines of cadian rhythms. Obviously, sunlight was originally intended
the ship, where natural lighting is impossible to attain. Ar- to cycle the human’s biological circadian clock; however
tificial lighting varies from totally direct to totally indirect. with the advent of electricity, electric lighting has become
Direct lighting is most efficient in terms of output per elec- the primary regulator.
trical power, but it also has the problems of glare, contrast, On a ship, the majority of the crew spends their day
and shadows. Conversely, indirect lighting provides a more below deck where electric lighting is all that is available.
even distribution of illumination, but requires more electric This is problematic and usually creates an irregular and fre-
power for the same amount of illumination. quently changing sleep cycle that can easily lead to fatigue.
Various levels of light intensity are required to perform Additionally, the 24-hour schedules of shipboard operators
specific perceptual motor skills. For instance, when speed frequently change and individuals work under incandescent
and reading accuracy are required, high visual contrast is or fluorescent lighting throughout the night. Shipboard light-
necessary; when sharp vision is necessary, blue colored il- ing is generally not sufficient to stimulate the human’s bi-
luminants should be avoided. The following is a brief set ological clock, and as a result, fatigue becomes a significant
of suggestions to incorporate into the design of lighting (1): issue during the early morning hours.
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-13

There are ways to adapt humans to working at night and lumination levels 20 times less than daylight. Adjustments
advances in lighting technology have been successfully used to the natural circadian rhythm as much as one-hour were
in many 24-hour operations to shift circadian rhythms and attained with as little as three days of five-hour exposures
improve alertness. Currently, the United States Coast Guard per day.
is developing a commercials maritime Crew Endurance In order to effectively implement human factors into the
Management Program that uses improved lighting (only design of lighting systems, the designer needs to account
one of many shipboard environmental improvements) in for these human performance issues. Current lighting guide-
conjunction with a well-planned and implemented en- lines and standards issued by class societies are specifically
durance management program. task oriented. In other words, the suggested illumination
levels for various areas are based on task performance and Advances in lighting energy consumption not particularly on human health and
Lighting has greatly improved over the years. Higher in- well-being. Although natural sunlight has the most pro-
tensity bulbs are more readily available as well as improved found effect on the body clock and a person’s health and
lighting spectrums. Some current studies are also looking well-being, full spectrum higher intensity artificial lighting
at low level monochromatic lighting that can be used to has been found to have positive effects on fatigued opera-
shift the human biological clock. tors and to increase human performance and should be strate-
One example of a lighting advancement that is commer- gically located throughout a ship.
cially available is referred to as Circadian Lighting Systems.
These systems have made it possible to alter the biological
clock so that watch standers remain alert at night and sleep 15.4.2 Noise and Hearing
well during the day. Circadian lighting systems come in Hearing is regarded as the second most used sense. From a
many forms, ranging from a single set of lamps measuring mechanical perspective, the hearing mechanism responds
600 by 1000 m to whole-room systems. These systems have to rapidly oscillating air, solids, or liquid mediums that are
variable light outputs under either manual or computer con- excited by a sounding body (1). Forces and frequencies out-
trol. The computer-controlled systems track each worker’s side humans’auditory limits are either not detectable, or can
shift schedules and can make changes accordingly. The high be painful and damaging to the hearing mechanism. The bin-
light output (~10 000 lux) is 10 000 times greater than any aural structure of the ear is also limited in its directional sen-
level suggested by current maritime standards. sitivity, being most easily confused from the front and rear,
In most shipboard applications 10 000 lux is too bright and above and below. Table 15.I, included earlier in this
and lower levels must be used. This is mainly due to the low chapter, provides the range of, and peak sensitivities of the
overhead heights. The bulbs are too close to the eyes and auditory modality.
can become very annoying. However, it is also sufficient to Noise is basically defined as unwanted or undesirable
increase illumination levels to something more reasonable sound. It is present in most compartments of a ship and it
(~1000 lux). These systems are ideally placed in strategic is virtually impossible to escape from. Noise comes from
areas such as the engine control room. High intensity light- countless sources including engines, generators, pumps, air
ing systems are recommended in areas where crewmembers
work and relax, for example, berthing areas, passageways,
recreation rooms, and office spaces. Though these systems
TABLE 15.II Typical Illumination Levels for Various
are initially expensive, the long-term fatigue-mitigating ef-
fects greatly improve crew well-being and safety.
A comparison of some typical illumination levels for Typical Range (Lux) Condition
various conditions are provided in Table 15.II.
High intensity lighting has been used successfully to 100 000 Bright sunny day
alter individuals’ sleep cycles. Research indicates that light 10 000 Cloudy day
has a greater effect on the human biological clock than pre-
viously believed. 1000–2000 Watch repairman’s bench
Recent studies have also shown that the quantity of light 100–1000 Typical office
required to affect this clock is much less than previously 200–1000 Night sports field
theorized. 1–10 Residential street lighting
Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that
0.25 Cloudy moonlight
a clock resetting effect could be accomplished, even at il-
15-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

conditioners, and other marine equipment. There are a num- TABLE 15.III Noise Level and Performance Degradation
ber of human physiological and physical impacts of noise (2)
in the work environment and they all negatively affect human
Noise Performance Degradation/
performance and cause fatigue.
Level (dB) Hearing Protection Required
Noise characteristics can be defined as either impulse
or steady state. Steady state machinery noise may be clas- 110–130 dB Cannot communicate; protection needed
sified as the continuous, as in the steady drone of a piece
of equipment. Impulse noise may be periodic as in the op- 100–121 dB Only earphone communication possible; pro-
tection needed
eration of a pneumatic drill or of an impact nature as in a
drop forge or the firing of a weapon. Impulse noise is meas- 86–110 dB Loud shouting necessary; protection needed
ured as a sound pressure level by frequency or Hertz, with
duration and annoyance factors indicated. Conversely, 81–106 dB Raised voice necessary; discomfort experienced
steady-state noise is constant and is measured in terms of 65–75 dB Normal voice up to five feet away
potential hearing impairment dangers and levels of dis-
comfort, speech interference, and performance degrada-
tion. Excessive noise can easily cause short term (recovery
in a few days), and even permanent, hearing loss. Noise
levels exceeding 120 dB in the octave bands between
300–600 Hz can lead to discomfort in few seconds and lev- ues for longer periods of time, the factors begin to compound
els that exceed 136–140 dB are quite painful (1). Table and relaxation becomes increasingly difficult. Even when
15.III is presented to summarize general guidelines for a person is sleeping, these changes occur, impairing the
human noise tolerance and safety levels. body’s ability to recharge and resulting in fatigue.
When the noise exposure is long-term, the human body Noise and performance is kept in a constant state of agitation and the physiologi-
Noise does not have to be extreme or damaging to induce cal responses continue to occur even if the noise is not per-
performance degradations. As Huchingson (1) observes, ceived as aggravating. It has been suggested that these
noise can also be a source of annoyance in instances where responses build upon one another, leading to what is re-
the noise level is well below exposure limits, but creates an- ferred to as diseases of adaptation.
noying effects and degrades concentration. Some of the diseases include asthma and high blood
Though these physiological effects are less perceptible pressure. A more complete list follows:
than those described above, they can have a tremendous im-
• neuropsychological disturbances (headaches, fatigue,
pact on human performance via noise induced fatigue. Bost
insomnia, irritability, neuroticism),
(6) presents a useful table illustrating the performance char-
• cardiovascular system disturbances (hypertension, hy-
acteristics of humans in response to varying levels of noise
potension, cardiac disease),
(Table 15.IV).
• digestive disorders (ulcers, colitis),
Guidance on noise levels is available but focuses on the
• endocrine and biochemical disorders, and
prevention of hearing damage from high intensity noise.
• sleep disturbance.
However, low intensity noise must be considered because
it also affects human performance and can severely affect The level of noise that causes the human body to respond
sleep. The designer concerned with human factors in the varies from person to person. Mariners working in a noisy
shipboard environment should therefore address the phys- environment often experience moodiness, irritability, in-
iological effects of lower intensity noise. creased stress, inability to effectively deal with minor frus-
These physiological effects are the result of the human trations, and impaired decision-making abilities. Noise also
body’s fight or flight response. The body perceives noise as affects the sleep patterns of shipboard personnel, significantly
a threat or warning of danger and continuously responds, contributing to fatigue. Noise makes it difficult to fall asleep,
even at low noise levels and while a person is asleep. Al- can wake a person throughout the night, and pulls a person
though most noise is not a sign of impending danger, the from deeper to lighter sleep stages. Nightly interruptions can
body continues to interpret it as such. become so frequent that someone may begin to forget that
Typically the blood pressure rises along with the heart they were even awoken and return to sleep more quickly. This
and breathing rates, metabolism accelerates, and a low-level pattern is particularly dangerous because the person is get-
muscular tension takes over the body. If the noise contin- ting insufficient sleep and will be drowsy the next day.
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-15

TABLE 15.IV Noise Levels and Human Performance (6) The levels at which sleep disturbance can occur are typ-
ically lower than guidelines acknowledge. Studies have
shown that noise levels as low as 40 to 50 dBA (lower than
Level, dB Performance Effects
a casual conversation) have increased the time to fall asleep
100 Serious reduction in alertness. Attention lapses by as much as one hour. As the sound levels increased, in-
occur. Temporary hearing loss occurs. creasing numbers of subjects had difficulty falling asleep.
These studies have also shown that 70 dBA is enough to
95 Upper acceptance level for occupied areas. change the sleep patterns of most subjects. It should also
Temporary hearing loss often occurs. Speech
be noted that noise duration also affected sleep, for exam-
extremely difficult, and people required to shout.
ple, short signals tended to awaken more subjects than a long
90 Half of the people judge the environment as being and steady noise.
too noisy. Some momentary hearing loss occurs. Unfortunately, examples of poorly designed general
Skill errors and mental decrements will be arrangements abound in which sleeping quarters are placed
frequent. Annoyance factor high, and certain under flight decks, over and adjacent to major machinery
physiological changes often occur (for example, spaces, and along high traffic passageways. Although it can
blood pressure increases.) be challenging to design general arrangements that reduce
85 Upper acceptance level in range from 150 to 1200 noise levels in sleeping quarters, proper placement of sleep-
Hz. Some hearing loss occurs. Considered upper ing quarters and crew recreation compartments is critical
comfort level. Some cognitive performance to crew performance.
decrement can be expected, especially where
decision-making is necessary. Noise reduction
80 Conversation is difficult. Difficult to think clearly Noise reduction management is a significant criterion in the
after about 1 hour. May be some stomach design of any ship. In order to reduce shipboard noise and
contraction and an increase in metabolic rate. the associated problems, designers must have a clear un-
Strong complaints can be expected from those derstanding of what noise is and how to reduce its effects.
exposed to this level in confined spaces. Audible noise categorized into two classes, airborne and
75 Too noisy for adequate telephone conversation. A
Airborne noise is what causes stress and hearing loss,
raised voice is required for conversations two feet
whereas structure-borne noise causes damage to machin-
apart. Most people judge the environment as too
noisy. ery and marine structures.
A discussion by Huchingson (1) indicates that there are
70 Upper level for normal conversation. Unprotected three different methods of reducing and minimizing the effects
telephone conversation difficult. of noise: source control, path control, and receiver control.
65 Acceptance level for a generally noisy • Source Control: Sources of noise occur from vibration,
environment. Intermittent personal conversation impact, friction, and turbulence. Vibrating machinery
acceptable. Half of the people will experience noise may be reduced by techniques such as balancing
difficulty sleeping.
rotating parts, using rubber mountings, employing sur-
60 Upper limit for spaces used for dining, social face damping, tightening loose parts, reducing speeds,
conversation, and sedentary recreational activities. and avoiding resonance frequencies. Impact noises
should be eliminated where possible; however, if the
55 Upper acceptance level for quiet spaces. Raised equipment or process cannot be modified in such a way,
voices required to converse over distance greater the noise may be reduced by using resilient materials and
than 8 feet.
proper lubrication, enclosing the impact area, or reduc-
50 Acceptable to most people where quiet is ing the forces that are used. Friction noise can be re-
expected. About 25% will be awakened or duced by lubrication and by providing smooth contact
delayed in falling asleep, Normal conversation is surfaces, rolling contact, precision gears, etc. Finally,
possible at distance up to 8 feet. turbulence noise from pipes and ducts may be reduced
by streamlining the flow within the piping and ducts, re-
40 Very acceptable to all. Recommended upper level
moving obstacles to flow, lining air ducts, sizing the
for quiet living spaces.
valves properly, and reducing velocities of flow.
15-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• Path Control: Between the source and the receiver, the • Content: The information displayed should be limited
noise must travel through a transmitting medium. In path to what is necessary to perform specific actions or make
control, this medium is altered to reduce spreading noise. decisions.
This might involve increasing the distance between the • Precision: Information should be displayed only to pre-
source and listeners, enclosing the source in a sealed cision necessary.
compartment or using intervening structures, or using • Format: The information should be in directly usable
baffles, mufflers, and absorbing materials to channel the form, that is, no transposition, computation, interpola-
noise away. tion, or translation into other units should be required.
• Receiver Control: The receiver (human) always has the The format of a display may be either analog or digital:
option of using hearing protection. This is by far the in general, humans process analog displays more effec-
most uncomplicated method of controlling noise, but tively for most processing and monitoring functions,
not always the most effective. First of all, it relies on the while digital displays are more effective when precise
user’s discretion and sensibility to wear the hearing pro- information is required.
tection, and secondly it does not address the underlying • Redundancy: Displayed information should not be re-
problem of the noise in the first place. peated unless it is necessary for reliability.
• Failure: Any breakdown or malfunction of a display or
Although noise is an unavoidable issue in ship opera-
display circuit should be immediately apparent.
tions, steps can be taken in the design stages to decrease its
• Unrelated information: Information such as trademarks
effects. Post-production measures can also be taken to re-
should not be displayed on a panel face.
duce noise levels and increase the quality of life for the
human operators. The current standards for noise exposure Auditory information is most often conveyed via alarms
are acceptable for decreasing the chances of permanent and is most effective for use in warning situations or where
hearing damage but are inadequate for protection against multiple visual inputs overburden the information process-
subtle physiological effects of long-term low intensity noise ing abilities of humans. Auditory information is also more
exposure. rapidly conveyed than the visual information since the ears
are omnidirectional. According to Huchingson (1), audi-
tory information permits operators to detect the presence
15.4.3 Guidelines for Visual and Audio Displays or absence of a signal or an alarm state, to discriminate two
or more signals, or to identify the class of a particular sig-
It naturally follows from the preceding discussions that the
nal. Usually, auditory displays should be used to relay one-
human operator is responsible for a multitude of informa-
dimensional information since the retention of long and
tion arriving from the auditory and visual sensory modali-
complex auditory messages is difficult unless the message
ties. Audio and visual displays must therefore be carefully
is repeated several times. Table 15.V is provided to sum-
designed and thoroughly reviewed.
marize the criteria used to determine when each of the dis-
When determining the need for a display, the designer
play types is more appropriate.
must first determine the function and nature of the display.
Alarms are the most prevalent type of auditory display
This is a widely varied science which cannot be fully pre-
and must be selected based upon their relative ability to at-
sented here; however, a basic understanding of these con-
tract attention and to penetrate noise. These characteristics
cepts will help to point designers in the right direction and
are based upon the intensity, frequency, periodicity, and
ask the right questions. Grether and Baker (15) discuss five
phase differences of the noise, as well as the type of back-
distinct functions of displays, listed as follows:
ground noise and its masking effects. For instance, some
• continuous system control (tracking/steering a vehicle), alarms are intended for outdoor use or transmission through
• monitoring systems status (warning light for engine pa- barriers while others are suited for indoor used when back-
rameters), ground noise is at a minimum.
• briefings (maintenance checkout sequence), McCormick (16) has outlined a set of auditory display
• search and identifications (pattern recognition in recog- principles that are presented here:
nizing targets on photographic or radar displays), and
• Compatibility: Encoding signals should exploit popula-
• decision making (trouble shooting malfunctioning equip-
tion stereotypes such as increasing pitch to suggest higher
altitude, or a wailing sound to suggest emergency. Newly
Huchingson (1) also presents several guidelines for con- installed signals should be carefully designed so that
structing visual displays. These are listed as follows: they do not conflict with previously learned signals.
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-17

TABLE 15.V Guide to the Use of Auditory and Visual mitted through supporting surfaces to parts of the body such
Display (1) as the buttocks and feet, but also visual implications when
they vibrate instruments or panels that to the point of im-
Use auditory displays when the…
pairing visual performance.
• message is simple and short Huchingson (1) indicates that the parameters of vibra-
• message calls for immediate action tion to be considered are frequency (rate of oscillations),
• message will not be referred to later amplitude (maximum magnitude of cyclic displacement),
• message deals with events in time
and acceleration (second derivative of displacement). It is
also noted that, as with other environmental stresses, there
• operator’s visual system is already overloaded are proficiency limits, comfort limits, and health and safety
• illumination limits vision limits.
• job requires moving about frequently Mariners experience shipboard vibrations that are caused
• stimulus is acoustical in nature by machinery, marine equipment and the ship’s response to
the seaway. The vibration resonant throughout the hull struc-
Use visual displays when the… ture and the entire crew is continuously affected. The prop-
agation of these vibrations along the decks and bulkheads
• message is long and complex
subject the crew to whole body vibration and noise. Short-
• message does not require quick action term exposure can lead to headaches, stress, and fatigue.
• message will be referred to later Long-term exposure can eventually lead to hearing loss and
• message deals with locations in space constant body agitation. The current vibration guidelines do
keep vibrations to safe levels but do not give enough con-
• operator’s auditory system is overloaded
sideration to human fatigue and stress.
• location is too noisy The effects of whole body vibration are well studied and
• job permits operator to remain in one position documented. There are a number of ill effects of vibration
• stimulus is visual in nature on the human body. Some of these effects are long term,
such as musculoskeletal injuries, back disorders, and bone
degeneration. These problems are typically avoided if de-
signers follow the established acceptable vibration guide-
lines. An example of these guidelines is shown in Figure
• Approximation: This refers to using a signal to attract 15.4.
attention, and then employing another signal for more There are more serious effects that occur from whole
precise information. body vibration and these are the ones that most operators
• Dissociability: This refers to the use of signals that are are confronted with. These effects are more serious because
highly discernable from ongoing audio input, for ex- they cause physiological changes that lead to fatigue and a
ample, do not use bells when other bells are ringing decrease in human performance. Below is a list of these ef-
often. fects:
• Parsimony: This suggests limiting input signals to just
those that are necessary.
• Invariance: This refers to standardization of signal mean- • cardiac rhythm increases,
ing. • respiration rhythm increases,
• blood circulation increases,
• vasoconstriction,
• endocrine secretions, and
• central nervous system affected.
Comfort and Performance:
The vibrations below the audible range, between 1 and 100
Hz, are those vibrations generally caused by operating ma- • pain,
chinery that are transmitted through structural components • nausea,
of the ship directly to whole-body surfaces or to particular • vision problems,
parts of the body such as the head or limbs. These vibra- • posture,
tions have physiological implications when they are trans- • movement and coordination decline,
15-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• force, and tion layered with an appropriate outside covering will min-
• perceptions altered. imize pipe and muffler shell noise.
One of the largest interior surfaces is the ceilings, and
Figure 15.5 illustrates the vibration frequencies at which their acoustical importance can be significant. Just as in a
typical side effects occur. house with no furniture, carpets, drapes, etc., noise echoes
Many effects noted in the previous paragraphs can go from one hard wall to another, so does the same echo or re-
unnoticed and are sometimes imperceptible to the operator. flection take place in a ship that has hard finished walls and
They also occur at much lower vibration levels than those overhead. A ceiling, which will absorb interior noise, is def-
currently treated as problematic. Many of the larger vibra- initely superior to one that will simply bounce noise. On
tions created by engines, generators, and pumps can be re- the floors, carpets with acoustical underlayment will sup-
duced through damping and isolation. press noise from below, as well as absorb vibration energy
Just as sound vibrations can be reduced and controlled, that’s in the floor.
discussed in Sub-section, whole body vibrations There are many procedures and materials that can be
can be similarly controlled: used to keep noise levels under control in commercial ships.
It is important to understand what can be accomplished
• Source Control—Reduce vibration intensity, avoid res-
within a given ship or with a particular noise problem. One
solution simply will not apply to all of the problems, hence
• Path Control—Limit exposure time, reduce vibration
sound level reduction must be initiated with knowledge of
transmission (structural dampening), use vibration iso-
the individual ship and its owner’s, operator’s or designer’s
requirements understood. Designers will have to consider
• Receiver Control—Use vibration isolators, adapt pos- the added weight and cost while also understanding the
ture, and reduce contact area. added benefits. It is also necessary to reevaluate the current
Vibration noise is best treated through the isolation of standards that define acceptable vibration levels, looking
the machinery from the hull. There are a number of ways more at well being than what is comfortable.
to do this including rubber padding to spring or rubber
mounts. If the vibration energy cannot be isolated at the
15.5.1 Ship Accelerations
source than it should be dissipated along its path by using
dampers. Though usually not considered in regard to vibrations, the
Insulation is used to combat the airborne noise and is large-amplitude, low frequency oscillations below 1 Hz are
designed to perform three functions:
• block noise from escaping the engine room,
• absorb noise in the engine room, and
• dampen the vibration energy in the deck and overhead.
Vibration noise can be reduced and contained by using
high density and mass lead sheeting placed between two re-
silient materials. The resilient materials also absorb much
of the noise. Acoustical foam or fiberglass can be used as a
decoupler for the lead barrier, as well as being the absorp-
tion material.
Absorption is accomplished by dissipating the noise en-
ergy as it passes through to the lead and as it is
bounced back towards the noise source. Generally, lead
core insulation is used on surfaces behind which people will
be, and absorption-only material (no lead) is used on sur-
faces like hull sides, tanks, bulkheads against a fish hold, etc.
Outside of the engine room there are additional steps
that can be taken to control both vibration and noise. Often
in smaller ships the dry exhaust piping radiates significant
noise, as well as heat. High temperature fiberglass insula- Figure 15.5 Vibration Frequencies and Effects
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-19

significant factors affecting human performance. These are porarily abandon their allotted task to pay attention to keep-
the motions due to the hull/sea interaction of the ship (Fig- ing upright. According to Baitis et al (18) and Crossland
ure 15.6), and are responsible for a host of physiological, and Rich (19), MIIs include three distinct phenomena, 1)
biomechanical, and psychological responses that can se- stumbling due to a momentary loss of postural stability, 2)
verely degrade performance. sliding due to the forces induced by the ship overcoming
Although motion sickness often is accepted as a common the frictional forces between moveable objects (for exam-
element of the maritime environment, and a malaise that one ple, the individual’s shoes) and the deck, and 3) the very
is expected to deal with, it is a debilitating condition that de- occasional and potentially the most serious conditions where
grades human performance to a significant extent. The mo- lift-off occurs due to motion forces exceeding the restrain-
tions of a ship at sea induce a variety of physiological and ing force of gravity.
biomechanical events that can quickly reduce even the best Guidance on MIIs is given in terms of a frequency of
of efforts to a fraction of what they would be ashore on a MIIs per unit of time; however, approximating MIIs from
stable platform. Ship motions limit a crews’ ability to per- preliminary hull forms is a difficult task. They are more eas-
form essential command, control, and communications func- ily measured within ship motion simulators or field tests,
tions, navigation tasks, maintenance responsibilities, and and therefore are a difficult criteria to base design upon.
even the preparation of food. Additionally, and more im- More information on MSI and MII theory and criteria may
portantly, emergency situations may become more threat- be found within Stevens (14).
ening in a situation where only a portion of the crew is able There are design considerations that may be employed
to respond effectively. to moderate the effect of ship motions on personnel, or re-
Current guidance regarding motion characteristics of duce ship motions altogether. Anti-rolling devices and sta-
ships centers on Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI) rates and bilizers such as bilge keels, anti-roll fins, and anti-rolling
Motion Induced Interruption (MII) rates. MSI is a term de- tanks may be used to reduce the rolling of a ship for crew
veloped by McCauley and O’Hanlon (17), which refers to comfort. Bittner and Guignard (20), in a study of two work-
the incidence of vomiting personnel as a percentage of those stations for the U.S. Coast Guard, recognized five potential
exposed to motion. Current research continues in this field engineering approaches to enhance seakeeping through pre-
to determine how to apply this quantity to the design of a vention and mitigation of adverse motion effects on per-
ship, but for now it is accepted that the vertical component sonnel as follows:
of motion at a frequency of 0.157 Hz is the most nau-
seogenic. A Motion Induced Interruption is defined as an • Locate critical stations near the ship’s effective center
incident where ship motions become sufficiently large to of rotation: Studies have shown the vertical component
cause a person to slide or lose balance unless they tem- of motion to be extremely nauseogenic, and at off cen-
ter locations on a ship the rotational motion components
give rise to substantial vertical displacements. The mag-
nitude of this motion is proportional to the distance from
the center of the ship and when combined with the ship’s
natural heave motion, seasickness frequency can be ex-
pected to increase at these off-center locations.
• Minimize head movements: Although this may be ac-
complished through individual behavior, there are also
design considerations as well. By locating primary
displays and controls on a central panel, the necessity
for frequent, rapid, or large-angle head turning may
be minimized, thus preventing seasickness (21). Ad-
ditionally, consideration should be given to methods
of stowing tools and other items so that they remain
within close reach. For example, picking up a dropped
item such as a pen requires large and complex head
movements, which may provoke sickness. Work in a
ship motion simulator conducted by Wertheim (13)
revealed that subjects required to carry out various
Figure 15.6 MV Winter Water takes Heavy Seas on the Bow. tasks involving bending down to pick objects up had
15-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

higher incidences of seasickness than those who were 15.6.1 Temperature and Humidity
simply seated. The human body has the ability to thermoregulate itself in
• Align operator with a principal axis of the ship’s hull: different environments, but this is somewhat limited. Phys-
Because motion sickness is amplified by complex or off- iological changes such as perspiration, changes in blood
axis angular motion inputs to the vestibular system (inner flow to skin, shivering, and goose flesh allow the body to
ear), alignment with the ship’s longitudinal axis is pre- adapt to environmental temperature changes. Humans can
ferred over a transverse orientation, and both of these are also regulate temperature through behavioral and environ-
preferred over diagonal or off-axis orientation. mental changes (1). Behavioral modifications include adding
• Avoid combining provocative sources: Current literature or removing clothes, and resting in warmer temperatures,
indicates that multiple provocative sources tend to be while exercising in cooler temperatures. Environmental
additive. Therefore, a variety of visual distortions can be changes can be affected by altering air temperature, hu-
expected to combine with ship motion to increase the midity, air velocity (for example, fan), and radiation from
likelihood and severity of seasickness. In terms of de- the sun and other sources.
sign considerations, optimizing the layout of sleeping Because our ability to regulate our own temperature is
quarters may improve sleep during rough seas and would somewhat limited, a thermoneutral environment is desired.
be expected to reduce seasickness development. The de- This is the condition in which core temperature is normal
sign of visual display terminals also has important im- and rate of body heat exchange is zero. This set point is af-
plications in the onset of motion sickness and warrants fected by several factors including work rate, clothing, and
attention during the design process. acclimatization (1). The following are some examples of
• Provide an external visual frame of reference: This has other considerations:
long been recommended as an effective method to coun-
teract the effects and onset of motion sickness. It is a • the band of temperature and humidity that humans can
commonly known remedy for seasickness to observe a efficiently operate in is relatively narrow,
stable horizon through a porthole or from above decks. • surface contact temperatures above 35°C requires that
Without delving into too much physiology, suffice it to the skin be protected,
say that conflicting visual and vestibular information is • in ambient air temperature over 29°C, performance will
reconciled to some extent by viewing this stable hori- deteriorate and optimum performance temperatures in
zon. Since this cannot often be accomplished within the light clothing should be between 21 and 27°C, and
confines of a ship the use of an artificial horizon pro- • because evaporative heat loss is severely limited by high
jected within a workspace has been studied and found relative humidity or moisture in the air, relative humid-
to be quite effective. Rolnick et al (22) used a rapidly ity within these temperature ranges should be between
rotating mirror that moved in synchrony with the ship’s 30 and 75%, with lower values necessary for comfort in
pitch and roll movements to project an artificial hori- higher temperatures. However, relative humidity lower
zon to the bulkheads of a ship’s cabin. They found sig- than 15% can cause excessive skin drying.
nificant decreases in relative motion sickness and Bost (6) presents a useful table (Table 15.VI) outlining
decrements to well being among the 12 subjects used the effects of temperature on human performance. Although
for the study. Studies aboard the M.V. Zeefakkel by Bles not generally a significant consideration on ships, wind chill
et al also implemented an artificial horizon in which a is a separate element of temperature control that needs to
stabilized light was projected to the upper half of a cabin be accounted for. Wind chill is the condition in which evap-
within the ship. It was found that 85% of the seventeen orative heat loss is significantly increased by air velocity.
subjects reported the artificial horizon as beneficial to This becomes an especially important issue in cold weather.
well being. Ship designers may account for this phenomenon by de-
signing exposed portions of weather decks with adequate
protection from wind.
LIMITATIONS 15.6.2 Atmosphere
The other sensory modalities that the designer should be Related to, but not dependent upon temperature, is the ship-
aware encompass skin temperature and pressure, and odor. board atmosphere. Adequate supplies of fresh air free of
Table 15.I, from Sub-section 15.4.1, listed above summa- pollutants must be maintained for effective human per-
rizes the range of, and peak sensitivities of these senses. formance since this has a direct effect on humans’ physiol-
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-21

TABLE 15.VI Effects of Temperature on Human Performance (6)

Effective Performance
Temperature (°C) Effects
32 Upper limit for continued occupancy over any reasonable period of time.

27–32 Expect universal complaints, serious mental and psychomotor performance decrement, and physical fatigue.

27 Maximum for acceptable performance even of limited work; work output reduced as much as 40–50%, people
experience nasal dryness.

25.5 Regular decrement in psychomotor performance expected; individuals experience difficulty falling asleep and
remaining asleep.

24 Clothed subjects experience physical fatigue, become lethargic and sleepy, and feel warm; unclothed subjects
consider this temperature optimum without some type of protective cover.

22 Preferred for year-round sedentary activity while wearing light clothing.

21 Midpoint for summer comfort; optimum for demanding visual motor tasks.

20 Midpoint for winter comfort (heavier clothing) and moderate activity, but slight deterioration in kinesthetic
response; people begin to feel cool indoors while performing sedentary activities.

19 Midpoint for winter comfort (very heavy clothing), while performing heavy work or vigorous physical

18 Lower limit for acceptable motor coordination; shivering occurs if individual is not extremely engaged in
continuous physical activity.

15.5 Hand and finger dexterity deteriorates, limb stiffness begins to occur, and shivering is positive.

13 Hand dexterity is reduced by 50%, strength is materially less, and there is considerable shivering.
10 Extreme stiffness; strength applications accompanied by some pain; lower limit for more than a few minutes.

Note: These temperature effects are based on relatively still air and normal humidity (40–60%). Higher temperatures are acceptable if airflow is
increased and humidity is lowered (a shift downward from 1 to 4°), lower temperatures are less acceptable if airflow increases (a shift upward
of 1 to 2°).

ogy, health, and well-being. Common air pollutants include skin responds to a pressure stimulus of approximately two
carbon monoxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxides and aldehy- milligrams of pressure whereas upper levels of pressure only
des. In concentrated doses these can be lethal, causing brain elicit general sensations of compression or pain.
damage, tissue and organ damage, and at the same time, se-
verely degrading human performance. Concentrated odors
of a non-pollutant nature are can negatively affect per-
formance and diminish concentration. This is important be-
cause odors can be initially detected at very faint molecular Although not entirely physical or cognitive, fatigue is a per-
levels. formance factor that merits further discussion.
Mariners are exposed to many mental and physical stres-
sors when working in a shipboard environment. These stres-
15.6.3 Skin Pressure sors significantly affect their ability to perform their duties
Though not of significant concern to the designer, the skin and when these stressors are not controlled, the likelihood
pressure sense is briefly presented for informational purposes. of human error dramatically increases. Fatigue is one par-
When compared to the magnitude of the stimulation possi- ticular factor worthy of its own discussion that greatly im-
ble for the skin, the sensory response is quite minuscule. The pairs performance and causes human error.
15-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Controlling human fatigue in a marine environment is gencies. Ship helmsman and anyone who must remain sta-
very challenging. In addition to operational management tionary to perform a task that is not stimulating or does not
techniques, it requires a concerted effort in shipboard en- require high levels of attention most commonly exhibit such
vironmental design. Many opportunities exist throughout the behavior, 2) Micro Sleep is the most dangerous and scary
design process to ensure that an adequate shipboard envi- behavior because the person actually falls asleep for ten to
ronment is created. The naval architect and marine engineer fifteen seconds. Micro sleep is what often causes car acci-
have direct control of these design aspects and must con- dents and kills people on dangerous job sites, 3) Sleep In-
sider them throughout the design process, including areas ertia is that groggy feeling that someone experiences for up
like lighting, noise reduction, controlling vibration, ship to a half-hour after waking up. Managers and Safety Ob-
motions, etc. servers must be aware of sleep inertia and should take ac-
tions to prevent someone from performing tasks immediately
after waking up. This is a very common problem because
15.7.1 What Is Fatigue, What Causes It, and Why Is It it always affects someone, whether they are fatigued or not.
Important to a Designer? Waking up from a deep sleep simply requires time in order
Fatigue is a widely prevalent condition familiar to most peo- to become oriented and to raise awareness, and 4) Chronic
ple. However, it is frequently over-simplified to a simple lack Fatigue is the result of sleep deprivation and also a lower-
of sleep resulting in mental and physical exhaustion. Feel- ing of the quality sleep needed for one to become refreshed.
ing fatigued is not easily defined and different people de- Behaviors exhibited by someone with chronic fatigue are
scribe its feelings in many differing terms. For example, tiredness, irritability, and mood swings.
some may describe it as an uncontrollable urge to sleep or It is not necessary within the context of this chapter to
rest, while others express it as that fog that envelopes the present many more specific details of fatigue. However, it
brain at certain times of the day. There are many physio- is necessary for the designer to understand and incorporate
logical and psychological causes of fatigue including high those design considerations previously discussed which
workload, stress, harsh environmental conditions, physical moderate the onset of fatigue and promote optimum levels
condition, poor design, time of day, hours of sustained wake- of human performance.
fulness, etc.
Fatigue’s involvement in accidents has been implicated
in a number of different industries. Major accidents within
the transportation industry include the Exxon Valdez and
World Prodigy accidents as well as the DC-8 aircraft crash
in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Additional examples include Technology advances at an incredible rate. Modern ships
Three Mile Island, Bhopal, and Chernobyl. These signifi- require computer-controlled systems to operate the vastly
cant mishaps further emphasize the need for designers to improved marine equipment and machinery and operating
consider the issue of fatigue and how it falls within the these systems can be complex (Figure 15.7). The engi-
human factors concept of ship design.
After realizing that a person can experience decreased
levels of alertness, it is important to be aware of how this
affects their performance. Fatigue has been attributed to the
impairment of mental abilities, inappropriate risk behavior,
impaired learning, and decreased logical reasoning and de-
cision-making. It also decreases human physical abilities
such as strength, speed, response time, coordination, and
balance. Although individuals handle their performance dif-
ferently, there are commonly exhibited behaviors frequently
seen in someone suffering from fatigue. Four types have
been recognized by Sirois and Moore-Ede (23) and they are
listed as follows, 1) Automatic Behavior Syndrome is what
is known as “sleeping with your eyes open.” It usually oc-
curs at night but can happen when a person is fatigued. This
type of behavior causes a person to go into a daze and greatly
reduces their ability to recognize danger or deal with emer- Figure 15.7 Typical Modern Engine Control Room
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-23

neering design challenge lies in determining how to most Machines surpass humans in:
effectively assign job task between computers and human
• responding quickly to control signals,
• applying great force smoothly and precisely,
Using automation and designing Human-Machine (H-
• storing information briefly and erasing information com-
M) environments onboard maritime ships poses a unique
ship design challenge. Adequate H-M designs allow for re-
• reasoning deductively,
duced manning requirements, but there are safety con-
• performing repetitive and routine tasks, and
straints, mainly due to the unique operational characteristics
• handling high complex operations.
of ships. A ship is unlike any form of transportation because
it operates thousands of miles away from land and remains This list is controversial among experts who claim that
at sea for many days. This requires that the ship and its crew it only compares the abilities of humans and machines and
be a self-sufficient entity, able to deal with any number of than decides which is best for each function. Despite this
possible accidents and emergencies. debate, there are a number of combinations of functions
Using automation reduces manning requirements but that can be assigned to both humans and computers. Many
there is a point where the crew is just too small to remain solutions have been theorized but considering the number
alert and diligent, and able to safely operate the ship. Op- of variables and unforeseeable occurrences, it is unlikely
timizing manning and designing effective human-machine that this will ever become perfectly clear. However, many
environments is challenging but can be achieved through useful approaches and tools have been developed to opti-
proper function allocation. mize function allocation.

15.8.1 Function Allocation: The Challenge of 15.8.2 Successful Approaches in H-M Design
Job Tasking Two approaches can logically be taken to generalize the de-
Function allocation can be defined as the assigning of re- sign process of human-machine systems, 1) adapt humans
quired functions to instruments, computer/automated sys- to technology, or 2) adapt technology to humans.
tems, and human operators (24). Perhaps neither of these is as good as the following pro-
It also can be looked at as the assignment of human op- posal: optimize the adaptation of both humans and ma-
erators or systems to required functions. Each interpreta- chines simultaneously. In other words, a successful
tion results in a similar outcome and both are equally critical human-machine design should give heavy consideration to
factors in the design of human-machine systems. both the human operator and the machine, and the designer
Assigning functions to available resources appears to be should tailor the system so that both are able to operate ef-
a very rational and logical process, but it is debatable. ficiently and effectively.
There are a number of variables and considerations that Human-Machine systems should be designed so that
must be taken into account when considering function al- both the operator and the machine perform at an optimal
location. Examples of such factors include economics, man- level. This can only be accomplished when both the human
power, technology, morale, motivation, fatigue, and operator and the machine have been analyzed and their
monotony. There are also issues in considering what re- strengths and weaknesses are known. The human factors,
source is best assigned to a task. Humans and machines per- such as fatigue, make it extremely difficult to come up with
form functions differently and with varying degrees of a foolproof design that can completely eliminate human
effectiveness. Paul Fitts, a world-renowned engineering psy- error. Coupled with the fact that the environment in which
chologist from the 1950s, devised a list of some of these these systems operate is extremely dynamic, and that both
ideas: humans and machines can be very unpredictable, design-
ing a successful human-machine system is a challenge.
Humans surpass machines in:
Fortunately there are tools to help designers meet the
• detecting visual, auditory, or chemical energy, challenge of constructing human-machine systems. The
• perceiving patterns of light or sound, tools come in the form of system analysis and innovations
• improvising and using flexible procedures, in automation. Understanding how to use these tools can
• storing information for long periods and recalling ap- help designers optimize the systems and its outcomes.
propriate parts, The human operator should be perceived as an infor-
• reasoning inductively, and mation processing system that gathers and interprets infor-
• exercising judgment. mation to make decisions in any given situation. The
15-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

decisions and actions taken by an operator can therefore be One particular automation debate concerns the use of
related to the quality and correctness of the information automation in an aircraft that had the ability to automati-
given. Bad decisions are typically the result of poor infor- cally balance the fuel in the left and right wing tanks. The
mation; good decisions follow the same logic. Looking at system was able to sense a difference in fuel levels without
it from this perspective means that designers must pay close any input from the pilot and it could automatically transfer
attention to details such as information presentation, inter- fuel in order to balance the weight. In theory this was an
face, and operator sensory perception. excellent idea because it decreased the number of tasks with
Fatigue and other human factor variables require special which the pilots dealt. However, a leak in one tank caused
attention in the design of complex human–machine sys- the system to transfer all the fuel from the good tank to the
tems. One of the main goals of this type of system design leaking tank. The pilots were completely unaware as the
is best stated as the prevention of skill breakdown under automated system performed its function and the plane
threats from unplanned and uncontrollable aspects of the crashed. This situation provides an example of how quickly
work environment, such as stress states or extreme levels of an innovation in fuel management automation can turn into
demands (25). One aspect of this approach has been to use a major catastrophe. It also provides a situation that can be
automation to make life easier. The idea that automation analyzed in order to avoid such costly errors. Two ideas pre-
enhances safety and decreases human error seems to be a sented by Blackman et al (26) in the same automation de-
reasonable assumption but this is can be debated. bate were related to this problem, namely,
1. automation will reduce workloads, and
15.8.3 The Use of Automation 2. automation will reduce human error.
The world relies heavily on automation to make things work. The two benefits that automation is believed to provide
The use of automation has in some cases become necessary
are two areas that also cause a number of problems for
in order to perform complicated tasks or to operate com-
human operators. A reduction in workload is beneficial to
plex machinery. A major problem with this is that automa-
the human operator in terms of task management but tends
tion doesn’t always work. Blackman et al (26) cite the
to pull the operator out of the loop. Using automation to mon-
following technology failure related statistics from 1971 to
itor systems, such as in nuclear plant or industrial plants,
eases the supervisory burden of such operators but can de-
• 10 227 deaths/injuries from 150 airplane crashes, crease the operators understanding of the systems status. In
• 6998 deaths/injuries from 22 ship disasters, a high workload environment, operators can quickly lose
• 5353 deaths/injuries from 24 industrial explosions, control of a system if steps taken by automation are not
• 2046 deaths/injuries from railroad accidents, and readily displayed and understood. The automated system can
• 231 million gallons of oil spilled into the oceans. quickly perform a number of tasks and this leaves the op-
These events were all the result of shortfalls and failure erator without a clear understanding of what happened in
in technology. These statistics give rise to many questions the transition or what is going to happen in the system.
about the use of automation in safety critical operations. Using common risk assessment tools, such as a Fault Tree
There are two basic schools of thought on this: Analysis, and designing redundancy in the system are two
approaches that need to be taken to combat automation re-
1. pare down or limit the use of automation, and liability problems.
2. pursue even greater advances in the use of automation The use of automation to decrease human error also con-
(24) tributes to the loss of an operator’s system status awareness.
This is another situation where finding a happy medium Computer controlled systems perform thousands of com-
between the two may be the best answer. plex algorithms a second and their outcome may not always
Finding a workable level of automation in human-ma- be apparent to the operator. The lack of understanding by
chine systems is not a simple task. The aviation industry the operator gives them a disadvantage in emergency situ-
has struggled with this problem for years. Advances in avi- ations. When emergencies do occur, the operator may have
ation have left designers with planes that cannot even fly little or no idea about what has happened or where there
without computer assistance. The airline industry also is was an error in the automation due to poor system control
faced with operating larger planes and covering longer dis- design. This lack of information and understanding quickly
tances. The use of automation in this type of environment puts the operator in a dangerous and sometimes hopeless
is a necessity and it does not come without problems. situation.
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-25

15.8.4 Automation—Too Much of a Good Thing? sion avoidance systems cargo planning aids, automatic route
Advanced automation often requires continual monitoring following, and maintenance diagnostic aids. In some cases
by human operators. Even the most advanced technologies these types of automation have reduced crew sizes from 30
can fail. Although their failure is a rare occurrence the con- to 40 crewmembers to 15 to 21 (27). Automation has turned
sequences can be high. many mariners into managers, responsible for coordinating
Automation tends to lead to the use of unmanned sys- and monitoring multiple automatic systems.
tems, which can be inherently dangerous. Blackman et al The use of automation on ships has had impacts on both
(26) provide the following arguments why this type of au- the deck department as well as engineering. The advances
tomation is unacceptable: made on the bridge have occurred in radar and progressed
to radar enhanced with automated radar plotting aids
• this type of automation is complex and therefore modes (ARPA) and more recently electronic chart display infor-
of failure are not always predictable, mation systems (ECDIS). Many countries are working on
• as automation gets smarter, human operators will have developing fully integrated bridges. The idea is to use mul-
higher workload—especially sharper workload transients tiple automated systems to produce a massive integration
if failure occurs—and therefore have more difficulty tak- of navigation and ship control systems, possibly requiring
ing over control, and the use of only one mariner on the bridge to acts as helms-
• for such systems, people will continually demand higher man, lookout, and watch officer. Changes in the engine room
and higher performance and standards of safety. have been no less dramatic (Figure 15.8).
The old system of engine room management mainly con-
Blackman et al (26) conclude by stating,
sisted of a wiper, a water tender, an oiler, a fireman, and an
insofar as human plus computer can do even marginally engineer. Modern ship design looks to use minimal person-
better than computer alone, people will continue to demand nel in the engineering spaces. As of late, automation has en-
that a human be there. abled many engine rooms to go unmanned. The machinery
and spaces can be remotely monitored with engineers work-
It is his opinion that there is no choice but to deem au-
ing there during the day and going “on call” during the night.
tomation by itself as inherently unacceptably safe for those
This has definitely reduced costs in terms of manning but has
circumstances where human life is at stake.
greatly increased levels of stress among crew and especially
Hockey et al (25) carried out a study to test the com-
captains. Lee and Sanquist (27) provide a comment from one
pensatory control model, which predicts performance main- ship’s captain who said that having an unmanned engine room
tenance under stress at the expense of effort and increased during voyages greatly increased his stress levels.
selectivity. The study looked at the effects of sleep depri- The problems associated with fatigue and automation
vation on performance in an automated process control task. have been discussed. Lee and Sanquist (27) have provided
The results of the experiment provide insight into the use further examples of some of the problems associated with
of automation in maritime operations and just where fa- automation:
tigue comes into the picture. It seems that fatigued opera-
tors had better success when they had more control over the
system and were able to take a preventative approach. When
not able to do so, operators had less knowledge of plant sta-
tus and could not react accordingly. Automation that can or
must be continuously monitored and has the ability for op-
erators to practice preventative maintenance gives operators
a better chance of overcoming fatigue. This is not the cur-
rent trend of using automation in the marine industry.
The current economics of maritime operations has led
the maritime industry into taking a large interest in crew re-
duction and unmanned operations. There have also been a
number of technological advances that have led to major
changes in the role of human operators, many of which re-
move the operator from the systems control. Some of these
advances have been listed and include automatic data log-
ging, position fixing aids, restricted navigation aids, colli- Figure 15.8 Typical Engine Room Control Panel
15-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• skill degradation, designed system and ill-managed operation, that is, an ac-
• inadequate feedback resulting in misunderstanding, cident waiting to happen.
• miscalibration in trust of automation, leading to misuse, The authors therefore hope that this information will
• fewer physical demands but greater cognitive load, provide the naval architect and marine engineer with a new
• enhanced workload peaks and troughs outlook and different perspective regarding the design
• inadequate and misleading displays, and process. The marine environment is like no other, and the
• reduced opportunity for learning. demands placed upon humans necessitate their full con-
sideration within the design process. Through this effort, a
Many of these examples are aggravated by fatigue. For
more habitable environment can be attained, and one that
example, fatigued operators with a low skill base will have
serves to optimize the skills and abilities of the people op-
less of an understanding in how to react in an emergency.
erating the system.
Inadequate feedback does not enhance the ability of either
a fatigued or refreshed operator. When fatigued, an opera-
tor can benefit from physical activity such as inspecting ma- 15.10 REFERENCES
chinery and reading gauges. The use of automation has
1. Huchingson, R. D., New Horizons for Human Factors in De-
eliminated this and transferred the physical workload to the
sign, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981
cognitive workload. This is especially a problem because 2. Burgess, J. H., Designing for Humans: the Human Factor in
decision-making and reasoning ability are greatly affected Engineering, Petrocelli Books, Princeton, NJ, 1986
by fatigue. Lastly, the increase in workload peaks and 3. Chapanis, A., Man-Machine Engineering, Wadsworth
troughs are not controllable and both are detrimental. Publishing Company, Inc., Belmont, CA, 1965 [Cited within
After looking at the information on human fatigue, 6]
human-machine interface, and automation, it is clear that 4. Meister, D. and Rabideau, G. F., Human Factors Evaluation
these issues require further research. One thing for certain in System Development, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965
is that ship designers and operators will continue to be faced [Cited within 6]
with innovations and advancing technology that may or may 5. Dhillon, B. S. (1986). Human Reliability with Human Fac-
not make maritime ship operation easier and safer. Being able tor, Pergamon Press, New York, 1986
6. Bost, J. R. and Miller, G. E., “Human Factors and Safety En-
to identify what types of automation and system interface
gineering Course,” Society of Naval Architects and Marine
are most useful are important skills that designer’s must
Engineers, 2001
posses when looking at the future. The human-machine en- 7. Meister, D., “The Role of Human Factors Engineering in
vironment can be very unpredictable and dynamic and is System Development,” Human Factors Engineering in Sys-
even more so when designed to operate in the most unpre- tem Design, Crew System Ergonomics Information Analy-
dictable and dynamic system of them all, Mother Nature. sis Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1997
8. Bea, R. G., “The Role of Human Error in Design, Construc-
tion, and Reliability of Marine Structures,” DOT Technical
Report sponsored by Ship Structure Committee. NTIS #
15.9 WHERE TO GO FROM HERE PB95–126827, 1994
9. United States Coast Guard Human Factors Engineering Train-
Naval architects and marine engineers have the ability to ing Participant Guide, 2000 Edition. Developed for USCG
positively affect the final product of marine design. This Vessel Compliance Division (G-MOC-2), USCG Headquar-
chapter will hopefully provide the reader with a good un- ters, Washington, DC
derstanding of the importance of adequately addressing 10. Salvendy, G., Handbook of Human Factors, John Wiley and
human factors in the ship design process. Sons, Inc., 1987
It cannot be stressed enough that designing for the human 11. ASTM F1156–95, Standard Practice for Human Engineer-
from the ground up is essential to effective system design ing Design for Marine Systems, Equipment, and Facilities,
and operation. This type of approach ensures that the human
12. Davis, J. L., Faulkner, W. T., and Miller, C. L., “Work phys-
operators are able to perform their duties safely and effec-
iology,” Human Factors, 11(2). 1969[Cited within 1]
tively. The long-term benefits of increased health and well 13. Wertheim, A. H., “Working in a moving environment,” Er-
being promote safe operations and reduce costs. The cur- gonomics, 41(12): 1845–1858., 1988 [Cited within 15]
rent trend of attributing the blame for accidents and mishaps 14. Stevens, S. C., “Effects of Motion at Sea on Crew Perfor-
to the human is shifting to the very nature (design) of the mance: A Survey,” Marine Technology, 39(1), 2002
system the human is required to operate. In other words, 15. Grether, W. F. and Baker, C. A. “Visual presentation of in-
human error is more often than not the result of a poorly formation,” in H. P. Van Cott and R. G. Kinkade, (Eds.), Human
Chapter 15: Human Factors in Ship Design 15-27

Engineering Guide to Equipment Design, U.S. Government Mil HDBK 46855, Human Engineering Analysis for Equipment,
Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1972, [Cited within 1] Systems, and Facilities.
16. McCormick, E. J., Human Factors in Engineering and De- DOD-HBK-763 (1987). Human Engineering Procedures Guide.
sign, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976 MIL-STD-1472, DoD Design Criteria Standard: Human Engi-
17. Hanlon, J. F. and McCauley, M. E., “Motion Sickness Incidence neering.
as a Function of the Frequency and Acceleration of Vertical Si- MIL-STD-1477, Symbols for Army Air Defense System Dis-
nusoidal Motion.” Aerospace Medicine, 45: 366–369, 1974 plays.
18. Baitis, A. E., Holcombe, F. D., Conwell, S. L., Crossland, P., MIL-STD-1787, Aircraft Display Symbology.
Colwell, J., and Pattison, J. H., “1991–1992 Motion Induced DOD-HDBK-743A Anthropometry of U.S. Military Personnel.
Interruptions (MII) and Motion Induced Fatigue (MIF) Ex- MIL-HDBK-759B Human Factors Engineering Design for Army
periments at the Naval Biodynamics Laboratory.” Technical Materiel.
Report CRDKNSWC-HD-1423–01. Bethesda, MD: Naval MIL-HDBK-761A Human Engineering Guidelines for Manage-
Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, 1995 ment Information Systems.
19. Crossland, P. and Rich, K. J., “A Method for Deriving MII MIL-STD-1295A Human Factors Engineering Design Criteria
Criteria.” RINA International Conference, Human Factors in for Helicopter Cockpit Electro-Optical Display Symbology.
Ship Design and Operation, 2000 MIL-STD-1794 Human Factors Engineering Program for Inter-
20. Bittner, A. C. and Guignard, J. C., “Human Factors Engineer- continental Ballistic Missile Systems.
ing Principles for Minimizing Adverse Ship Motion Effects: MIL-STD-1908 Definitions of Human Factors Terms.
Theory and Practice.” Naval Engineers Journal, 97(4): 205–213, MIL-STD-882C Systems Safety.
1985 [Cited within 15] NASA Safety Standard 1740.14.
21. Guedry, F. E., “Factors Influencing Susceptibility: Individ- NASA Standard 3000 “Man Machine Integration.”
ual Differences and Human Factors.” AGARD (Advisory NUREG 0700 Human-Systems Interface Design Review Guide-
Group for Aerospace Research and Development) Lecture Se- line, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ries 175: Motion Sickness: Significance in Aerospace Oper- NUREG/CR-5908 Advanced Human-Systems Interface Design
ations and Prophylaxis, 1991, [Cited within 15] Review Guideline, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and
22. Bles, W., De Graaf, B., Keuning, J. A., et al. “Experiments Brookhaven National Laboratories.
on motion sickness aboard the M.V. Zeefakkel,” TNO Human DOT/FAA/CT-96/1 Human Factors Design Guide for Acquisition
Factors Research Institute, Report IZF-1991-A-34., 1991, of Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Subsystems, Non-De-
Soesterberg, The Netherlands. velopmental Items (NDI), and Developmental Systems.
23. Sirois, W. G. and Moore-Ede, M., Review Article: Prevent- Critical Process Assessment Tool (CPAT) for Human Factors En-
ing Fatigue and Human Error in Around-The-Clock-Opera- gineering (Defense Acquisition Deskbook).
tions, Cambridge, MA, Circadian Technologies, Inc., 1996 The Surface Warfare Program Manager’s Guide to HSI (2001).
24. Lee, J. and Moray, N., “Trust, Control Strategies and Allocation USCG Human Factors Engineering Training Manual
of Function in Human-machine Systems.” Ergonomics. Uni-
versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Me-
chanical and Industrial Engineering, 35(10): 1243–1270, 1992 15.10.2 Industry Standards
25. Hockey, G., et al. “Effects of Sleep Deprivation and User In- ASTM F 1337–91 (1991). Human Engineering Program Re-
terface on Complex Performance: A Multilevel Analysis of quirements for Ships and Marine Systems, Equipment, and
Compensatory Control.” Human Factors, University of Hull, Facilities, American Society for Testing and Materials.
UK, 40(2): 233–253, 1998 STCW, (1995). International Convention on Standards of Train-
26. Blackman, H. S., Sheridan, T. B., Van Cott, H. P. and Wick- ing, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
ens, C. D. Smart Automation Enhances Safety: A Motion for (STCW), Seafarers Training, Certification and Watchkeep-
Debate. Ergonomics in Design, 19–23, October 1998 ing Code, International Maritime Organization, STCW 6/Circ
27. Lee, J. D. and Sanquist, T. F., Chapter 17: Maritime Au- 1, July.
tomation. Automation and Human Performance: Theory and SOLAS (1992) International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Applications. 365–384 Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum As- Sea.
sociates, Publishers, 1996 ANSI FS-100 “Human Factors Engineering for Visual Display
Terminal Workstations” The Human Factors and Ergonom-
ics Society.
15.10.1 Human Factors Government Standards and ANSI Z 490.1, “Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health,
Guidebooks and Environmental Training.”
MIL STD 1472, Human Engineering Design Criteria for Equip- ISO-9000–1 “Quality Management and Quality Assurance.”
ment, Systems, and Facilities. ISO 9241 Ergonomics of VDT Workstations.
Chapter 16

Robert L. Markle

16.1 PREVENTION A broader view of prevention is needed, a view, which

takes into account what might occur rather than simply what
Safety is a key element to the design, construction and op- has occurred.
eration of any ship or vessel. No one wants to design or To do this, the human element, the people who will be
construct an unsafe vessel, but the key to prevent doing using the vessel must be taken into account. Without tak-
that is to design in safety features that will prevent acci- ing the human element into account, we create systems that
dents and injuries that can occur during construction or op- will be more likely to cause an accident or injury. The other
eration. While this book is about designing and constructing key element to remember is the people who will be work-
ships, the use to which these structures will be put cannot ing on and with these vessels. Prevention is the key, be-
be ignored. The most important safety consideration on cause it is easier and cheaper to prevent accidents rather
any ship is the prevention of accidents. Over the years ac- than trying to minimize the consequences of an accident.
cidents have been investigated to discover why the partic- Designers affect how the ship is constructed, and whether
ular incident occurred, and to prevent that particular type the workers in the shipyard will have a hard time building
of event from reoccurring. Accident investigators look at it. They affect the price too, because if a ship is more diffi-
the chain of events leading up to an accident, and the events, cult to build, the yard will spend more man hours and thus
which occur after it. Designers try to develop engineering need to charge more. In addition, if a section of the ship is
solutions to safety problems that are found. Often engi- too hard to build, short cuts may be taken that can weaken
neering solutions try to break the chain immediately be- the structure. Designers also affect the operation and main-
fore the accident occurs, or shortly afterward in order to tenance of the vessel. If machinery is shoehorned into a dif-
mitigate the effects of the accident (Figure 16.1). Prevent- ficult to reach place, then maintenance and repairs may not
ing accidents requires that the chain be broken at the be- be properly completed. It also makes the ship difficult to
ginning, by getting at the root cause—the error that led to inspect to ensure its safety. The design also can affect the
the accident in the first place. That error might be an or- costs and ease of decommissioning a vessel or structure.
ganizational error, perhaps the way the organization trains Consider the problems that exist today with scrapping
or assigns its personnel. It might be due to fatigue or phys- an old ship built with asbestos throughout. Admiral J. C.
ical impairment either as a result of an organizational error Card, in his unpublished address to Webb Institute of Naval
or a lifestyle choice made by an individual. It might be a Architecture in March 25, 1997, Keep accidents from hap-
design-induced error; perhaps a poorly designed control pening—build a safer ship, stated that:
station. Therefore, prevention involves not only the tech-
nological side of ship safety, but also the people and the too often this problem is solved by scrapping the ship in a
organization involved in operation of the ship. country where a low priority is placed on safety.

16-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Equipment, and Facilities, which provides guidelines for

designing the person into the system. What kinds of con-
siderations go into good human factors design?
Here are a few examples:
• During a human factors survey of a ship under con-
struction, one of the items noted was that the “trick
Figure 16.1 Chain of Events of an Accident wheel” for the emergency steering gear faced the star-
board bulkhead. Ideally, controls should operate in a
“logical” direction, which in this case would have re-
quired relocation of the wheel. But, this installation did
16.2 THE HUMAN FACTOR not even include any signs or markings to indicate which
way the rudder would turn when the wheel was moved.
What can a ship designer do to take the human factor into
This would be vital knowledge in the event of an emer-
account? It is important to remember that people are in-
volved throughout the life of the ship, from design, through
• Writing on signs should be large enough to read quickly
construction, operation, modification, and scrapping. Crews
in an emergency. Colors and symbols used should be
cannot be expected to compensate for poor design or inad-
consistent with accepted standards.
equate technical documentation for the life of the ship. De-
• There should be sufficient clearance in a passageway for
sign teams should include human factors engineers, or at
someone to walk along without hitting his or her head
least engineers who have been well trained in human fac-
on an overhead pipe.
tors principles (see Chapter 15 – Human Factors in Ship De-
Many studies have shown that, statistically, the engine 16.2.1 Error-tolerant Design
room is the most dangerous area on a vessel. It’s also one
In spite of flawless system design, and extensive crew train-
of the most critical components of effective accident re-
ing and readiness, people will occasionally make mistakes.
sponse with controls for pumps, power and propulsion.
These errors arise from:
Therefore, it stands to reason that a well-designed engine
room will be more inherently safe and will contribute to the Lapses—Forgetting or confusing the proper procedure.
overall safety of the vessel. The International Maritime Or-
Slips—Physical errors where a proper action was intended.
ganization (IMO) has developed guidelines for engine room
design, layout and arrangements (1). The purpose of these Mistakes—Mental errors.
guidelines is to provide to vessel designers, owners, oper-
Violations—A willful circumvention of the proper proce-
ators and crewmembers information to enhance engine room
safety through design, layout, and arrangements. The rele-
vant factors that the guidelines address are: Ship systems should be designed so that errors or equip-
ment failures are evident when they occur, and that a sin-
• familiarity (the standardization of engine rooms so that
gle problem does not lead to a series of additional errors or
crewmembers new to a ship can become proficient in its
a catastrophic result. In 1995, the cruise ship Royal Majesty
operation quickly),
ran aground off of Nantucket 10 miles from shore and 19
• occupational health,
miles off its intended track. The National Transportation
• ergonomics,
Safety Board traced the cause of the grounding back to an
• minimizing risk through layout and design, and
antenna failure for the Global Positioning System (GPS).
• survivability (which addresses that crew’s capability to
The GPS signal fed into the integrated bridge system, which
survive and counteract an engine room emergency).
steered the ship along a preprogrammed track line. The GPS
But, the engine room is not the only place on a ship defaulted to dead reckoning (DR) when it lost the satellite
which requires attention to good human factors design. Peo- signal, and sent that DR position on to the integrated bridge
ple interact with the ship system from bow to stern. The system. For its part, the integrated bridge system ran its own
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), has DR to check the position input, unfortunately using the same
developed a human factors design standard based on mili- speed log and gyro input as the GPS used. The result was
tary standards and research, ASTM F 1166-88, Standard two computers running DRs using the same data and, as a
Practice for Human Engineering Design for Marine Systems, result, tracking perfectly. Unfortunately, set and drift were
Chapter 16: Safety 16-3

not accounted for, the radar was on a three-mile range, and 16.3.1 Conventional Construction
the officer on watch did not recognize that the lights visi- Both the U.S. and international regulations for cargo ves-
ble on Nantucket shouldn’t have been. Further, the GPS sels, tankers, and large passenger vessels require the hull,
failure alarm was a beep beep like you might hear from superstructure, and structural components to be constructed
your wristwatch, the DR mode indicator was an obscure of steel or equivalent material. One of the basic premises of
light on the operation panel, and the system was located this requirement is that the material be noncombustible as
back in the chart room. This was a good ship, operated by defined by a very stringent marine-specific test procedure.
a good company, and manned by good officers, yet over- This includes materials used in the hull, superstructure, bulk-
reliance on technology and a lack of understanding of what heads, decks, ceilings, linings, stairs, doors, and windows.
went on inside those black boxes led to complacency and Another important premise is that the material shall not
the endangerment of hundreds of passengers. be heat-sensitive or else shall be insulated to maintain a pre-
A systematic human factors approach requires evaluat-
determined core temperature criterion. Heat-sensitive is de-
ing the standards for implementing new technology, in-
termined by exposure of a material to a representative fire test,
cluding using risk tools such as a failure modes and effects
which produces the same time-temperature curve used in the
analysis, considering the work environment of the mariner
shore side building industry. For a one-hour exposure, the
so that critical signals are received and understood, re-
material will be exposed to temperatures in excess of 900ºC.
viewing the activities, training and motivation of the mariner,
Materials like aluminum, although not combustible, will melt
and examining the management of the vessel to ensure that
during the fire exposure, and thus are heat-sensitive and must
complacency does not allow accidents to occur.
be insulated to perform in a manner similar to steel.
Other materials used for furnishings, finishes, or deco-
16.2.2 Construction and Equipment rations may be combustible but have significant limitations.
These limitations may include total volume, total mass,
The culture within the marine industry is changing toward
one that incorporates safety as a primary consideration in thickness, calorific value, or flame spread or flammability
the routine performance of business—a safety culture. This characteristics. The requirements vary by ship type, ship
is embodied in IMO’s International Safety Management service, or individual compartment designation. For exam-
Code, which is now mandatory for ships on international ple, the international regulations place restrictions on sur-
voyages. The same considerations need to govern the de- face flammability of all interior finishes of accommodation,
sign and construction of ships. service, and control spaces of passenger vessels while U.S.
Sometimes, however, even the best designed ship manned regulations only make such restrictions on corridors, stair
by a highly competent crew will be involved in a casualty towers, and certain low risk accommodation spaces.
that will require surviving a fire, or if everything else fails, In general, the insulation requirements for decks and
abandoning the ship. The remainder of this chapter dis- bulkheads are related to the expected hazard based on the
cusses lifesaving measures to deal with fire, and ship aban- compartment use. For example, the integrity of a bulkhead
donment. may require resistance to the passage of flame and smoke
for one hour if the compartment is used for machinery or
stowage of cargo. On the other hand, a compartment, which
uses fire-resistant furnishings and maintains a reduced total
16.3 FIRE SAFETY CONSTRUCTION amount of combustibles, might only require a barrier rating
Fire at sea can be especially difficult to control and extin- of thirty minutes. The above examples are an oversimplifi-
guish because there is no dedicated professional fire de- cation, and the factors, which affect the barrier requirements,
partment, and the problem is complicated by the complex are substantially complex. Engineers who are responsible for
structure of modern large merchant vessels. Therefore, it is ensuring compliance with either the U.S or international reg-
important to make sure that incipient fires are contained at ulations must be very familiar with all of the requirements.
their origin. Specifically, the structure should not add to the Besides barrier integrity and material properties, other
fire severity and the structure should contain the fire to the structural fire protection requirements include fire door in-
room of origin. This is most easily accomplished by using tegrity, ventilation damper integrity, cable penetration fire
noncombustible materials for the ship’s structure. In addi- stops, window fire integrity, and structural insulation to pre-
tion, the use of materials, which do not readily ignite or are vent heat transfer through the steel divisions. All of these
proven to resist the spread of flame, should be used in the items would degrade the integrity of divisions if not prop-
outfitting and furnishing of the vessel. erly constructed.
16-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

If the ship’s structure is noncombustible, barrier integrity struction with fire-resisting bulkheads. In 1934, the pas-
is maintained, and materials used in outfitting the vessel are senger ship Moro Castle burned off the coast of New Jer-
resistant to ignition and flame propagation, then the ship’s sey resulting in the deaths of 124 persons (Figure 16.2).
structure from a fire safety standpoint will be effective in Public outcry from the incident led to the creation of a
reducing loss to life and property. special subcommittee by the Senate and subsequent U.S.
ratification in 1936, of the 1929 SOLAS Convention. The
subcommittee included a Fireproofing and Fire Prevention
16.3.2 Advanced Materials group set up to consider measures to avoid the rapid spread
Although there is a host of advanced materials available of fire up and down stairways, along corridors, and through
for marine construction, the majority of these materials are accommodation spaces that occurred on the Morro Castle.
not practical for commercial applications simply because They determined that the best method of controlling fire
they are not competitive with steel or aluminum. The most spread would be construction of such nature that it would
affordable and therefore the most promising materials are confine any fire to the enclosure in which it originated. This
fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) (see Chapter 21 – Compos- view has become one of the fundamental principles of struc-
ites). As the name implies, FRP consists of resins, rein- tural fire protection reflected in both U.S. and international
forcement fibers, and sometimes core materials. Some of regulations today. It is important to note that the subcom-
the typical FRP materials that may be utilized in marine mittee’s philosophy relied on the nature of construction.
construction are listed in Table 16.I. (1,2). These materials
can be used in various combinations and formulations de-
pending on the specific application.
The current U.S. and international regulations require
ship construction materials to be non-combustible. This re-
striction has prohibited the marine industry from fully ex-
ploiting the advantages of FRP in vessel construction. The
bulk of these regulations were developed before FRP was
considered as a primary material for ship construction and
they need to be re-examined in light of the state of the art.
A brief discussion of the history of the development of reg-
ulations, an overview of existing regulations, and a discus-
sion of the future of FRP materials is provided below. History
The current international and domestic requirements for
structural fire protection on vessels have a long history dat-
ing back to the Second International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) in 1929 which required con-

TABLE 16.I FRP Construction Materials

Resins Fiber Types Core Materials

Polyester E-glass End Grain Balsa

Vinyl Ester S-Glass Linear PVC
Epoxy Aramid Cross-Linked PVC
Phenolic Carbon Nomex
Polyamide Ceramic Ceramic
Bismaleimide Metallic Aluminum
Thermoplastic Thermoplastic None
Figure 16.2 Morro Castle
Chapter 16: Safety 16-5

This means that in confining the fire to the space in which These principles are reflected in the prescriptive re-
it originated, reliance on any automatic or manual systems quirements of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
of control was eliminated, and the structure itself could be the international SOLAS Convention, and the Code for the
relied on to contain the fire. The subcommittee’s view was Construction of High Speed Craft (HSC Code). The pre-
that this philosophy, which is known today as passive fire scriptive requirements (with the exception of the HSC Code)
protection, was the most foolproof means of confining a fire. that address the first five principles listed above were de-
Starting in 1936, a series of fire tests were conducted on veloped before the advent of advanced composite materi-
board the test ship SS Nantasket that resulted in the devel- als. For the most part, these five principles are met through
opment of a form of construction in which combustible ma- prescriptive codes requiring passive fire protection con-
terial was eliminated to such an extent that combustion could struction.
not be sustained by any part of the ship’s structure. In April
of 1948, many of the findings from the SS Nantasket test- U.S. regulations (3)
ing were incorporated into international regulations at the Following the passive fire protection philosophy discussed
third SOLAS Convention. The 1948 Convention was fol- previously, the U.S. regulations generally require the hull,
lowed by two later conventions, SOLAS 1960 and SOLAS structural bulkheads, decks, and deckhouses to be con-
1974, which added further improvements to international structed of steel unless an arrangement of other materials
structural fire protection requirements. can be shown to perform equivalent to steel. This is illus-
Today, the structural fire protection philosophy is based trated in Table 16.II, which contains excerpts from the Code
on many full-scale tests and experiences and can be sum- of Federal Regulations (CFR). It is clearly the intent of the
marized by the following SOLAS principles: regulations that ships be constructed from materials that are
non-combustible and tolerant of high temperatures.
• division of ship into main vertical zones by thermal and Historically, the U.S. Coast Guard defined steel equiv-
structural boundaries, alence as being a metallic or non-combustible material hav-
• separation of accommodation spaces from the remain- ing a melting point not less than 925ºC. This definition is a
der of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries, major obstacle to the increased use of advanced composite
• restricted use of combustible materials, vessel construction. As demonstrated in the table, the reg-
• containment and extinction of any fire in the space of ulations are somewhat more lenient for small passenger ves-
origin, sels carrying 150 passengers or less.
• protected means of escape and access for fire fighting, These vessels may be constructed of fiber reinforced plas-
• readily available fire extinguishing appliances, tic provided the material system is shown to be fire retardant
• minimized possibility of flammable cargo vapor ignition, when tested to military specification MIL-R-21607 or if it is
and found to have a flame spread rating of 100 or less as meas-
• detection of any fire in the zone of origin. ured in ASTM E-84, Surface Burning Characteristics of Build-

TABLE 16.II U.S. National Structural Fire Protection Regulations

Vessel Type Regulation Cite Construction Requirement

Tank Vessel 46 CFR 32.57-10 Steel or other suitable material having in mind the risk of fire

Large Passenger Vessel 46 CFR 72.05-10 Steel or other equivalent metal

Cargo Vessel 46 CFR 92.07-10(a) Steel or other suitable material having in mind the risk of fire

Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit 46 CFR 108.133 Steel or equivalent material

Small Passenger Vessel >150 Passengers 46 CFR 116.415(a)(1) Steel or equivalent material

Small Passenger Vessel <150 Passengers 46 CFR 167.10-5(a) Minimize fire hazards insofar as reasonable and practicable
Oceanographic 46 CFR 190.07-10(a) Steel or other suitable material having in mind the risk of fire
16-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ing Materials test. These vessels are also permitted to be con- Future direction
structed of composite materials that do not meet the above As demonstrated previously, the international and domes-
tests provided the vessel meets several other requirements, tic regulations essentially require steel construction unless
including a fixed extinguishing system in the engine room. some other system can be shown to perform in an equiva-
lent manner. Traditionally, equivalence to steel has been in- International regulations (4) terpreted as meaning a non-combustible material, which by
The international requirements governing the use of mate- itself or due to insulation provided has structural and in-
rials in ship construction are primarily defined in the Inter- tegrity properties equivalent to steel. These regulations were
national Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). developed in light of the technology available at the time.
This international treaty has, in the past, permitted con- Today, the development of advanced composite materials
struction with combustible materials if an automatic sprin- promising high performance and reduced maintenance, de-
kler system was installed (known as method III). In 1994, mands that regulations developed in the past prohibiting
however, due to casualty history, the SOLAS requirements these new materials, be examined and altered in light of
for passenger vessels were amended to require construc- current technology. Indeed, the world community appears
tion with approved non-combustible materials and auto- ready and willing to accommodate new materials provided
matic sprinkler systems. Recognizing the need for that a thorough and technically sound analysis is completed
lightweight, high-speed ferry type craft (Figure 16.3), the that ensures the current level of safety is maintained.
international community developed the International Code Excerpts from the preamble of the HSC Code are evi-
for the Construction of High Speed Craft (HSC Code). The dence of this in stating:
HSC Code allows the use of combustible construction but
The traditional method of regulating ships should not be
only when the materials meet very strict definitions (dis-
accepted as being the only possible way of providing an
cussed in Section for fire-restricting materials.
appropriate level of safety, nor should it be assumed that
The Test required for materials to be classified as fire-
another approach, using different criteria, could not be ap-
restricting are very difficult for composites to meet. Cur-
rently, there are no structural composite material systems
Management of risk through accommodation, arrange-
that can meet the requirements and still competitively com-
ment, active safety systems, restricted operations, quality
pete with aluminum construction.
management and human factors engineering should be con-
This leniency is allowed because the HSC Code requires
sidered in evaluating safety equivalent to current conven-
the vessels to meet very strict operating, management and
tions. Application of mathematical analysis should be
evacuation requirements.
encouraged to assess risk and determine the validity of
Some non-structural composites have successfully met the
safety measures.
fire-restricting material requirements in the HSC Code. Table
16.III identifies the applicable International Requirements. Advanced materials construction
and the HSC code
To date, no vessels have been constructed with a substan-
tial amount of composite materials that meet the HSC code.
The main reason for this is the requirement that combustible
materials be fire restricting. This requires that they meet
strict criteria in the ISO 9705 standard (room corner test).
Currently, composite materials typically used in the con-
struction of marine vessels cannot meet the requirements
(heat release and smoke production being the disqualifying
factors) without some form of insulating media. The addi-
tion of insulation to the hull, superstructure, structural bulk-
heads, decks and deck-houses, results in weight and cost
penalties that eliminate composites when competing with
aluminum construction. Aluminum vessels only require in-
sulation in areas classified as fire-resisting divisions; com-
posite (combustible) constructed vessels not only require
Figure 16.3 High Speed Craft insulation in these areas, but also everywhere else, in order
Chapter 16: Safety 16-7

TABLE 16.III International Structural Fire Protection Regulations

Vessel Type Regulation Cite Construction Requirement

Tank, Cargo, or Passenger Vessel SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Regulations 3.2.1, Steel or equivalent material
3.43, 9, 11.2, 18.3.1
High Speed Craft HSC Code, Non-combustible or fire restricting materials

to qualify as fire-restricting. This is the Achilles’ heel of In order to overcome the fears and further the use of ad-
composites use on HSC Code compliant vessels. vanced composite materials aboard ships, the fire perform-
ance issues must be addressed through rigorous technical Advanced materials construction analysis and design. The results of these types of analyses
and SOLAS vessels will encourage the safe and effective use of these materials
The use of composite materials for the construction of in marine construction. There is much work currently being
SOLAS vessels is made difficult by the SOLAS requirement performed in both the United States and other countries by
that materials of construction be non-combustible. The first both private and government constituents and agencies. As
step towards allowing the use of advanced materials con- a result of these research activities, the use of composites
struction of these types of vessels is by beginning with ves- will be significantly expanded in marine vessel construc-
sel structural components. Numerous components have been tion in the near future. As the verse below suggests, once
identified that could be used for SOLAS vessels. For ex- the fire safety issues are adequately addressed, the advan-
ample, cargo hatches, vehicle ramps, deckhouses, helicop- tages of marine composites including low initial cost,
ter decks, platforms, rudders, masts, etc. Although SOLAS weight, corrosion resistance, long-term life cycle costs, etc.,
does not allow combustible construction, the precedent has will significantly expand the use of these materials in ma-
already been set for the use of combustible components. rine construction.
Regulation 16 of Chapter II-2 allows the use of combustible
Of rust you will not see a bit
ventilation ducting in certain areas.
For everything is plastic
And if by chance a rock is hit Fire concerns We bounce off like elastic (5)
As demonstrated previously, much of the current body of
regulation was developed prior to the advent of advanced
composite materials. The maritime regulatory bodies are
exercising extreme caution with regard to the use of ad- 16.4 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS
vanced materials because their fire performance is not yet In spite of careful attention to fire safety construction, fires
completely understood. One summation that succinctly cap- still occur on ships, and ships have to be equipped to fight
tured the fire concerns of the maritime industry stated that: them. Different types of fire fighting systems are used, de-
fire, in particular provides no end of hang-ups, as every- pending upon the space and hazard to be protected.
one who has thrown a plastic bag on the fire is utterly con-
vinced that composites offer no fire protection whatever.
They are shown a film of the lower part of the shuttle glow- 16.4.1 Fire Mains, Hydrants, Hoses and Nozzles
ing red, then white as it re-enters the earth’s atmosphere. Water for fighting fires throughout the ship is supplied
They are told of demonstrations where a composite tank through the fire main. The fire main provides water to the
of water heated in a 2000ºC fire for two hours with the tem- hydrants each of which is equipped with a length of fire
perature rising less than one degree and the tank unaffected hose and a fire hose nozzle. The hydrant, hose and nozzles
by the inferno. There are fire tests where composite fittings must have the same thread throughout the ship to be inter-
on aluminum survive unscathed where the surrounding changeable, usually National Standard thread.
structure vanishes entirely. Just as advocates of wood con-
struction in the 1800’s spoke of the dire consequences of Hydrants
building ships of iron, advocates of steel today speak the Hydrants consist of a control valve, a hose connection, and
same way of composites (5). a hose rack (Figure 16.4).
16-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ings and is not intended for the wear and tear of regular duty
by fire department personnel and vessel crews. Nozzles
The traditional U.S. Coast Guard combination fire hose noz-
zles have three positions: straight stream, fog, and off. The
fog outlet is intended to be fitted with a bent applicator
whose function is to provide a fine fog for protection of fire
fighting teams and for being able to reach around corners.
Based on a determination that their performance was equiv-
alent to that of the traditional nozzles, the Coast Guard has
approved certain adjustable nozzles, which neither need nor
incorporate applicators. While the traditional nozzles may
continue to be used, Coast Guard regulations were recently
revised to permit the approval of adjustable nozzles, which
comply with ASTM F1546.

Figure 16.4 Hydrant with Hose and Nozzle 16.4.2 Sprinkler Systems
Sprinkler systems consist of a water supply, piping network
and spray nozzles intended to deliver water to an area for
Hydrants must be sufficient in number and so arranged the purposes of fire suppression. Shipboard sprinkler sys-
that two effective streams of water can be directed into all tems can be divided into two categories: automatic and man-
portions of the vessel accessible to passengers and crew. ual. Automatic sprinkler systems usually consist of thermally
One of the streams must be from a single length of hose. actuated spray nozzles and a piping network, which is con-
The hose must be long enough to direct water into all por- tinuously charged with water. Automatic systems have the
tions of the space and not just long enough to get the noz- advantage of providing water at the exact location of a fire
zles to the door. Except for hose on the weather deck of without the need for human action.
tankers, all hose of the same diameter should be of the same Open spray nozzles are used in manual sprinkler systems,
length, to assure that hose of the proper length will be re- which are intended to provide water to large areas such as
turned to each hydrant after being removed for testing or open vehicle decks for the purposes of preventing fire spread
cleaning. Hydrants are tested to determine that they meet and minimizing heat transfer from burning objects.
minimum pressure requirements by using smooth bore noz-
zles, not combination or adjustable fire hose nozzles. Automatic systems
Historically, automatic sprinkler systems have not been used Hose on U.S. registered vessels; however, they were used on
U.S. regulations require fire hose either of the 38 mm or 64 SOLAS vessels which were constructed in accordance with
mm size of 15 m length, and must be connected to the hy- Method II (Method II allows the use of combustible con-
drant at all times. The larger diameter hose is used on larger struction in conjunction with automatic sprinklers, and is
vessels. However, since it is difficult to handle the larger no longer permitted on SOLAS passenger ships, but it is
size hose particularly in interior spaces, for interior loca- still permitted on SOLAS cargo vessels other than tank ves-
tions, the 64 mm hose may be replaced by a Siamese con- sels.) However, recent changes to domestic and interna-
nection to 38 mm hose. One hose of 38 mm diameter of not tional regulations have brought about an increase in sprinkler
more than 16.5 m is sufficient. When the hose may be dam- installations. Small passenger vessels, which carry more
aged by heavy weather or when it interferes with the han- than 150 passengers and which are fitted with either an
dling of cargo, it may be temporarily removed from the atrium or a balcony with an opening area less than 93 m2
hydrant and stowed in an accessible location nearby. The must be fitted with a sprinkler system. Also, the 1992 amend-
hose must be rubber-lined fire hose labeled UL 19, as typ- ments to SOLAS require automatic sprinkler systems on all
ically used by municipal and industrial fire departments. new passenger ships and all existing passenger ships by ei-
Another common fire hose, labeled UL 219, is not accept- ther 1997 or 2005 (or 15 years after the vessel’s build date,
able since it is intended only for use by occupants of build- whichever is later) depending on whether or not the vessel
Chapter 16: Safety 16-9

complies with SOLAS 74 as applicable to ships built on or Deluge systems are rarely found on ships. They use open
after May 25, 1980. sprinklers and a valve, which is kept closed until it is opened
Automatic sprinklers are essentially heat detectors, which by a supplemental detection system. This valve is identical
operate after being heated to their activation temperature. to the type used in a preaction system.
This results in a very efficient water delivery since water is Design of automatic sprinkler systems is beyond the
only delivered where it is needed. Typically, water discharge scope of this chapter. However, there are several good ref-
from automatic sprinklers is less than water discharge from erences on the subject (6,7). Like any engineering system
fire main systems due to the relative speed of operation of design, the design of automatic sprinkler systems can be
sprinkler systems when compared to manual application of complex and should be performed by experienced proces-
water from fire main systems. Since an automatic sprinkler sionals.
operates more quickly than water can be manually applied,
the fire is at an earlier stage of development, which requires Manual systems
less water for suppression. However, this advantage disap- Like deluge systems, manual systems employ open sprin-
pears when systems are designed to require human inter- kler heads. However, the flow of water is initiated manu-
vention to initiate water flow, such as by installing normally ally. Large areas may be divided into smaller zones to limit
closed valves. water supply requirements. Also, manual sprinkler systems
There are four types of automatic sprinkler systems: typically do not use the pressurized water tank used in au-
tomatic systems. Activation of the system operates a
1. wet pipe,
pump(s), which serves as the sole water supply.
2. dry pipe,
The primary application of manual sprinkler systems is
3. preaction, and
vehicle decks of ferry vessels. The system is intended to
4. deluge.
achieve three goals:
Wet pipe systems, which are most commonly used on
1. complement the vessel’s structural fire protection sys-
ships, employ a pressurized water tank to maintain a pres-
tem by cooling space boundaries,
sure head in the piping and to provide an initial water sup-
2. confine a fire to the location of origin, usually the vehi-
ply. After operation of sprinkler(s), a sensor detects the loss
cle of origin, and
of pressure in the water tank and starts a pump, which takes
3. wash flammable liquids to a safe location.
suction from the sea.
In dry pipe systems, which are typically used in areas,
which may be subjected to freezing temperatures such as
exterior areas, piping is filled with pressurized air. A dry pipe 16.4.3 Gaseous Extinguishing Systems
valve holds back a pressurized water supply until operation Gaseous fire extinguishing systems are evolving rapidly.
of sprinkler(s) allows the pressurized air to bleed off. For The original gaseous extinguishing media, carbon dioxide
small interior areas, which are subject to freezing temper- (CO2), is still sometime used in machinery space fire pro-
atures, such as cold storage rooms, wet pipe systems may tection. CO2 needs to be stored in its liquid phase in order
be used with dry pendant sprinkler heads. Dry pendant sprin- to reduce volume to a minimum, so that either low tem-
kler heads employ a nipple with a seal at the end of the con- perature or high-pressure storage is needed. High-pressure
nection to the water supply, which is held in place by a rod CO2 systems use banks of cylinders to store CO2 at pres-
connected to the sprinkler’s fusible element. Operation of sures around 14 to 21 MPa. Low-pressure systems store
the sprinkler causes the rod to release pressure on the seal CO2 at low temperatures, so a refrigeration system is needed
and water to enter the nipple and discharge through the in addition to a large pressure vessel.
sprinkler. For many years, Halon was seen as the ideal gaseous ex-
Preaction systems are used in areas where there is a par- tinguishing agent. It was effective as an extinguishing agent,
ticular concern about accidental discharge of water. Preac- clean, reasonably affordable, and low enough in toxicity
tion systems are similar to dry pipe systems, except that that it would put out fires in spaces without presenting an
water is only introduced into the piping after operation of immediate danger to persons in those spaces. Halon is a
a supplemental detection system. However, since the prob- halogenated hydrocarbon implicated in the depletion of the
ability of accidental operation of sprinklers is extremely re- ozone layer. The Montreal Protocol ended production of
mote, and proper installation and pressure testing of piping halons in industrialized countries in 1995. Even though
can eliminate leaks, the added cost of a preaction system is halon banking and recycling of existing halon stocks is per-
typically not necessary. mitted under the Protocol, IMO has taken the additional
16-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

step of prohibiting new halon system installations, thus has- The hoses are used to supplement the monitors and apply
tening the search for replacement clean agent extinguish- foam in areas, which are difficult to reach with the moni-
ing systems. tor, such as in close proximity to the fire fighting stations.
For a while, it appeared that CO2 systems would enjoy The design application rate, that is, the amount of foam
new popularity, and to some extent, that has been the case. per tanker deck area or cargo tank area is prescribed by reg-
However, CO2 is a greenhouse gas and therefore has its own ulation, and exceeds the fire test application rate by a safety
environmental drawbacks. Furthermore, it is toxic, as has factor. The design application rate takes into account the size
been tragically illustrated with deaths occurring during ac- of the entire deck cargo area, the size of the largest cargo
cidental CO2 extinguishing system discharges. tank, and the size of the largest area protected by a monitor.
There are now numerous halon replacement extin- The foam system must be able to apply foam for at least 20
guishing agents available, and they are starting to be in- minutes if the ship also has an inert gas system for the cargo
stalled on ships in place of halon systems. None of them tanks, 30 minutes if no inert gas system is installed. If the
are quite as effective as halon, and all are somewhat more fire is not controlled within this period of time it is gener-
toxic, and more expensive. That means that larger volumes ally considered to be not controllable by the ship’s crew.
of gas are required to extinguish comparable fires, but care The single most important component of the system is
must be given not to use too much in manned spaces. In any the foam itself. It extinguishes fires by forming a continu-
case, personnel working in spaces protected by gaseous ex- ous blanket over the burning liquid, separating the com-
tinguishing agents must recognize both intentional and un- bustible vapors from the oxygen necessary for combustion.
intentional discharges, and the need to evacuate areas in Since foam contains water dispersed in a very thin film, it
which discharges occur. also has some cooling ability.
Mechanical foam is produced by introducing a specific
amount of foam concentrate (either 3% or 6%) into a flow-
16.4.4 Water Mist Systems ing stream of water through a foam proportioning system.
Another extinguishing method gaining in popularity is water The resulting foam solution is expanded mechanically
mist. These systems use high-pressure water delivered through the mixing with air at the nozzle into foam, which
through nozzles that create a fine mist to extinguish the fire. is then discharged onto the tanker deck through fixed mon-
These systems can be effective in extinguishing machinery itors and hand nozzles.
space fires, and can also replace standard sprinkler systems. The effectiveness of the foam concentrate is established
They can be an attractive way to retrofit sprinkler systems through fire and burnback tests intended to demonstrate the
in existing ships because smaller piping can be used, as following:
compared with conventional sprinkler systems. Therefore,
• fire extinguishing effectiveness,
water mist may be the system of choice for many passen-
• ability to prevent re-ignition of flammable liquids for a
ger ships faced with sprinkler retrofit requirements under
period of time, and
the SOLAS Retroactive Fire Safety Amendments.
• ability to resist foam breakdown and provide a seal
against hot metal.
16.4.5 Foam Systems Foam concentrates are formulated individually by their
Foam is an effective means of extinguishing and, for a pe- manufacturers to be effective on certain groups of flamma-
riod of time, protecting flammable liquids in depth against ble liquids, and are not interchangeable without verification
re-ignition in areas open to the atmosphere. Other agents of their compatibility. Regular foams such as protein or flu-
may extinguish fires in flammable liquids, but generally oroproteins are formulated to be effective on hydrocarbon
lack the ability to prevent re-ignition of flammable liquids type flammable liquids such as crude oil, diesel, gasoline,
in unconfined areas. That is why tank vessels are required aviation fuel, etc. Tankers carrying alcohols and other chem-
to carry fixed foam fire fighting systems to protect their icals generally referred to as polar solvents, have a different
cargo decks. These foam systems protect the tanker’s cargo problem since these chemicals break down regular foams,
deck through a series of fire fighting stations spaced gen- and such ships must therefore be equipped with foams spe-
erally along the centerline of the ship on the cargo deck, cially formulated to be effective on polar solvents. Some
where they can be quickly placed into operation. Each sta- chemicals break down foams so rapidly that even polar sol-
tion contains one fixed foam monitor and at least one hose vent foams must sometimes be discharged at a higher rate
with a portable foam nozzle. The system relies on the mon- than foams protecting only hydrocarbon cargoes.
itors to provide the bulk of the foam (a minimum of 50%). The need to be able to carry both hydrocarbons and polar
Chapter 16: Safety 16-11

solvents on the same ship has resulted in the development observed even in severe fires with large life loss. The be-
of foam concentrates, which are effective on both regular havior, which is actually observed, is more accurately de-
and polar solvent cargoes. Most recent marine foams are scribed as fear or anxiety (8). Additionally, an emergency
aqueous film forming foams formulated to be effective on evacuation of a passenger vessel, which was pier side, was
both, but sometimes a higher concentration and significantly described as not exhibiting panic as defined above (9).
higher application rate is required for polar solvents. Many terms, which have been used historically to de-
Foam concentrates have limited shelf lives, and must be scribe evacuation in shore, side codes and standards are be-
evaluated periodically for their continued usefulness. This ginning to work their way into shipboard requirements.
is accomplished by sending concentrate samples to the sys- Some of these terms are egress, exit, exit access and exit dis-
tem manufacturer for certification that the concentrate is charge. Means of egress is the term used to describe escape
still suitable for fighting fires. routes. An exit access is a path to an exit, an exit is a pro-
Current problems result from the fact that significant tected path, and an exit discharge is a path leading from an
amounts of chemicals (additives) are being added to gaso- exit to a protected area such as a muster station, a survival
line, sometimes stretching the ability of the regular foam craft embarkation area or an area of refuge. These terms are
system originally designed for hydrocarbon cargoes to ad- defined more completely in National Fire Protection Asso-
equately protect the new gasoline/additive blends. Fires in- ciation Standards 101 and 301.
volving the latter are typically more difficult to extinguish
than gasoline fires alone.
16.5.1 Egress Route Design
SOLAS Regulation II-2/28-1.3, which was added follow-
ing the sinking of several RO-RO passenger ferries, calls
for an evacuation analysis early in the design process. This
In the event that shipboard emergencies cannot be controlled, regulation highlights the importance of a well-designed
evacuation becomes necessary. Shipboard evacuation consists egress system, and is intended to ensure that the egress paths
of several steps: are not simply fitted into available space after other areas
of the ship are designed. Although this regulation only ap-
1. notification of evacuation,
plies to SOLAS passenger vessels, the same philosophy
2. movement of people through egress routes,
should be applied to all passenger vessels.
3. mustering of passengers while the crew attempts to end
Egress routes convey people from areas on a ship to pro-
the emergency or prepare survival craft, and finally
tected areas such as muster stations, areas of refuge, and
4. boarding of survival craft.
survival craft embarkation areas. Egress routes should be
Not all of these steps will occur in each emergency. For plentiful and wide enough such that the required safe egress
example, vessel crew may successfully take corrective ac- time falls within the available safe egress time, configured
tion while passengers are mustered on a passenger vessel. such that they are protected and accessible, dimensioned
The basic tenet of evacuation system design is to ensure
that the available safe egress time (ASET) is longer than the
required safe egress time (RSET). Measurement of ASET
begins at the occurrence of a hazard. For example, at the
time a fire begins burning or at the time flooding begins.
RSET is measured from the time the order to evacuate is
This subtle difference underscores that the egress sys-
tem is part of a larger safety system. If for a given hazard
scenario there is a certain ASET, improvements in detec-
tion or occupant notification can be used to lengthen the
ASET by giving the evacuation order earlier. A relative com-
parison of ASET and RSET is indicated in Figure 16.5.
Numerous studies have been conducted where people
were interviewed who survived serious shore side fire in-
cidents to gain insight into behavior during the fire. These
surveys have shown that panic, as defined previously, is not Figure 16.5 Comparison of ASET and RSET (Not to Scale)
16-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

such that they can be easily and comfortably used, and re- tinuously illuminated signs are more visible than flashing
liable so as to ensure that they will be available when needed. signs (11). Ideally, exit signs should be placed such that at
The number and width of egress routes is proportional least one sign is visible from any point in an egress route,
to the time needed to evacuate a vessel. The speed at which and exits from large spaces are obvious.
people move along egress routes is inversely proportional Exit route signage in SOLAS vessels is governed by
to the number of people using the path per unit area within IMO Assembly resolution A.760 (18); the requirements con-
the path (9). Therefore, for a given path width, the evacua- tained in U.S. regulations applicable to vessels in U.S. do-
tion speed decreases with the number of people who use mestic services are not as detailed. Since most passengers
the path. This speed can be increased by increasing the path will be more familiar with the signage used in buildings,
width. similar signage should be used where possible.
There are tools, which can be used to estimate evacua-
tion time; however, they are beyond the scope of this chap-
ter. It is noteworthy that these tools do not consider the effect 16.5.3 Low Location Lighting
of shipboard motions or list on passenger movement, and The 1992 Amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
therefore should be used with caution. Convention established tougher standards on fire safety and
Additional information has been published by the Soci- arrangements for passenger ships carrying more than 36 pas-
ety of Fire Protection Engineers (10). Egress routes also sengers on international voyages. The amendments apply to
should be reliable and configured to ensure that they will both new and existing passenger ships and establish, among
be readily accessible in the event of an emergency. The max- other requirements, standards for placing lighting at or near
imum distance to exits and exit accesses should be mini- the deck to assist passengers and crewmembers escaping
mized. A greater number of exits and exit accesses will have from a smoke filled environment. The lighting used for such
the effect of limiting travel distance and increasing the re- systems is similar to that used in theaters aisles and on com-
liability of the evacuation system. This is especially true if mercial airliners to assist people in finding the escape exits.
exits and exit accesses are widely separated from each other. The lighting may be electric or provided by photolumines-
Although not considered by current regulations, these con- cent materials, which glow in the dark. There are pluses and
cepts should be considered during egress system design. minuses for each type of system. Whereas photoluminescent
Additionally, features such as dead end corridors will de- materials require no external power source, electric lighting
crease the reliability of the egress system by potentially in- is very bright and can penetrate smoke better. However, in
creasing the distance traveled to find a safe exit. A dead end either case, the increased guidance will better assist people
corridor of length x could potentially increase travel distance attempting to escape a smoke filled area and avoid such traps,
by 2x, since a person could walk down a dead end corridor, as dead-end corridors in route to an escape exist.
realize that there is no exit, and walk back. Another simi-
lar concept, which is just now being introduced into the ma-
rine community, is common path of travel. Common path
of travel is defined as “that portion of exit access that shall
be traversed before two separate and distinct paths of travel On passenger ships and on other ships where significant
to two exits are available.” (10). These concepts are graph- numbers of passengers or other persons are carried who are
ically illustrated in Figure 16.6. not mariners and do not have assigned emergency duties, it
Egress routes should be designed with ergonomics in
mind. They should be tall enough to ensure that most peo-
ple will have sufficient headroom, wide enough to ensure
that most people will have enough room to move comfort-
ably. Stairs should be designed with even treads, which are
only separated by landings to ensure that the stair treads do
not create a possible tripping hazard.

16.5.2 Escape Route Signage

Escape signage should be readily visible to guide people to
exits. Large signs are more visible than smaller signs,
brighter signs are more visible than dimly lit signs, and con- Figure 16.6 Dead-end Corridors and Common Path of Travel
Chapter 16: Safety 16-13

is important to have adequate muster or assembly stations. a rate 25 times faster than air at the same temperature. For
These are the areas where passengers report when the alarm this reason, temperatures that would seem moderate in air
is sounded. There they are counted and instructed on what are dangerously cold for long-term immersion in water.
to do. Passengers will normally remain in the assembly sta- Temperatures that seem merely cold in air are immediately
tion until the emergency is brought under control, or a de- life threatening in water. Water-soaked clothing, and the ac-
cision is made to abandon ship. SOLAS requires that tion of waves, which flush water through loose clothes, ham-
assembly stations provide sufficient clear deck space to ac- pers the maintenance of a warm water layer next to the skin.
commodate all persons assigned to muster at that station, For this reason, survivors of a marine accident, which re-
but at least 0.35 m2 per person. Once the decision to aban- quires abandonment of the ship, must stay out of the water
don ship is made, passengers need to be directed quickly to and as dry as possible, except in those situations where the
the embarkation area where they will board a survival craft. water is relatively warm and rescue is close at hand.
For this reason, assembly stations should be close to em-
barkation stations, and in some ships the assembly stations
and embarkation stations will be the same location. As- 16.7.1 Lifeboats
sembly stations should provide reasonable access to several Modern lifeboats bear little relationship to the open pulling
embarkation stations, so that the crew can have flexibility boats of just a generation ago. All lifeboats built today in-
in loading survival craft. clude permanent enclosures to protect the occupants from
the sea and the hazards of hypothermia. Partially enclosed
lifeboats are used on passenger ships (Figure 16.7). Their
rigid enclosures include wide openings to enable rapid
boarding. When the boats are underway, these openings can
Assuming that direct transfer to another vessel is not pos- be shut with curtains of waterproof fabric. Cargo ships carry
sible, abandonment takes place via the survival craft, usu- totally enclosed lifeboats, covered with a full rigid canopy
ally lifeboats and liferafts. Modern lifeboats are totally or and hatches, which can be, latched shut. On gas carriers, a
partially enclosed craft, which are seaworthy and dry. They pressurized air system is added to enable the boat to travel
are the preferred method of abandonment in the open sea. through toxic or explosive gas atmospheres for up to 10
Inflatable liferafts are usually arranged to automatically
float free of a sinking ship, and they can be used on smaller
ships that don’t have room for lifeboats. Inflatable liferafts
also provide an important part of the survival craft com-
plement on most passenger ships.
The primary cause of death in disasters at sea is hy-
pothermia, not drowning, though drowning is often the ul-
timate cause of death as a complication of hypothermia.
Hypothermia is the lowering of body temperature through
transfer of heat to a person’s surroundings. Normal body
temperature is 37º C, and human metabolism requires that
excess heat produced by the body be transferred away from
it. A naked human being is comfortable in air about 10º C
lower than normal body temperature, or around 27º C. This
is in the range where the body can easily maintain thermal
equilibrium. As air temperatures get higher than body tem-
perature, strategies such as sweating or fanning may be nec-
essary to increase heat transfer to the surrounding air. As
temperatures get lower than that at which thermal equilib-
rium easily can be maintained, shivering, a strategy, which
increases metabolism, will begin. To avoid this unpleasant
and ultimately unsustainable condition, humans wear clothes
to provide insulation, trapping a layer of warm air next to
the skin.
Water, however, transfers heat from the human body at Figure 16.7 Partially Enclosed Lifeboat for Passenger Ships
16-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

minutes. On tanker lifeboats, in addition to an air system, totally enclosed lifeboats allow boarding the boat at the po-
a water spray system is added to protect the boat during sition in which it is stowed, and launching directly from
transit through fire on the water. that position using a control that is operated from inside the
Development of today’s lifeboats goes back to the 1960s, boat.
when the transportation of oil by ship grew dramatically, as SOLAS Chapter III requires such a system on cargo
did the size of the ships carrying the oil. Offshore oil ex- ships and tankers. Lifeboats on passenger ships may need
ploration and development also expanded with the deple- to be lowered an embarkation deck for loading, but once
tion of onshore oil reserves and the development of drilling loaded, lowering of the boat is controlled from a position
rigs capable of operating in deeper water. Concern grew for inside the lifeboat.
the safety of a ship’s crew in a casualty that ignited the No longer is it necessary for the winch operator to stay
cargo, or a rig’s crew in a blowout and fire. on board a sinking ship in order to launch the lifeboat, then
A number of countries began working on totally en- attempt to scramble into the lifeboat at the end of a long
closed lifeboats that would be able to travel through fire on rope ladder.
the water. After a number of designs were tried, the totally The new SOLAS requirements also establish minimum
enclosed lifeboat made of fiberglass reinforced plastic or launching speeds based on the distance between the deck
aluminum, equipped with an exterior water spray system and light waterline. These launching speeds may be as high
and interior air supply system for the engine and occupants, as 1 m/sec. That’s about twice as fast as many previous con-
was found to be the best solution (Figure 16.8). ventional launching systems, and is intended to prevent the
These countries began to require lifeboats of this type lifeboat from being battered against the hull of a rolling
on their tankers and drilling rigs. In the early 1980s, a com- ship as it is being lowered. In spite of improvements in
plete revision of Chapter III (Lifesaving Appliances) of launching systems, skillful boat handling is still required
SOLAS made totally enclosed fire-protected lifeboats when releasing a boat in heavy seas.
mandatory on all new tankers, starting in 1986. The framers
of the new chapter recognized that the hypothermia pro- Free-fall lifeboats
tective benefits of totally enclosed lifeboats had the poten- The risks with conventional lifeboat systems have been sub-
tial to save even more lives on ships where cargo fires were stantially reduced by the free-fall concept, which allows the
not a great concern. lifeboat with its full complement onboard to be launched
As a result, totally enclosed lifeboats were required on by falling freely into the sea. During the free-fall, kinetic
all new cargo ships, and partially enclosed lifeboats were energy is generated. This kinetic energy is used to propel
required on all new passenger ships starting in 1986. the lifeboat away from the distressed vessel during and after
The most modern and efficient launching systems for water entry. The lifeboat moves away from danger even if
the engine does not operate.
The first reference to a free-fall lifeboat was an 1897 patent
issued to A. E. Falk of Sweden. The patent drawing depicts
an enclosed lifeboat that can slide off the stern of a ship. The
free-fall height was approximately three meters (12).
In 1939 Captain White of the Bay and River Navigation
Company proposed the concept of a free-fall lifeboat (he
called it a non-sinkable submarine lifeboat) to the Bureau
of Marine Inspection and Navigation of the United States
Department of Commerce. This concept was reviewed by
the Bureau, which concluded that:
His means of launching lifeboats appears to be inadequate
and dangerous, and can in no respect be considered equiv-
alent to the present method of launching such boats. [The
lifeboat] would strike the water at a terrific speed and would
cause considerable shock to the passengers.
Twenty years later, in 1959, a Dutch sea captain con-
Figure 16.8 Totally Enclosed Lifeboat for Cargo Ships and Mobile Offshore cerned about safety on board his ship approached Joost Ver-
Drilling Units hoef about the possibility of building a safer lifeboat for
Chapter 16: Safety 16-15

evacuating ships. Verhoef was a yacht builder in Aalsmeer, ized. As such, the focus of this discussion is free-fall lifeboats
Holland and founder of Verhoef Aluminium Scheepsbouw on cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units.
Industrie. He designed and tested a free-fall lifeboat that The requirements of SOLAS Chapter III for cargo ships
looked very much like a submarine. This lifeboat went into require that lifeboats having aggregate capacity for the total
service on a ship in 1961. It had a free-fall height of about number of persons on board be placed on each side of the
six meters and was made of aluminum. ship.
The concept again lay dormant until 1973 when two se- However, the regulation permits use of one or more free-
rious ship disasters occurred. After these accidents, the fall lifeboats capable of being free-fall launched over the
Nordic maritime authorities commissioned the Norwegian stern, with aggregate capacity equal to the number of per-
Ship Research Institute to begin development of an im- sons on board. This provision effectively reduces by a fac-
proved lifeboat launching system. The result of this effort tor of two the number of lifeboat systems that must be
was a 10.3 m long free-fall lifeboat that was tested in Hardan- purchased and installed if free-fall lifeboats are used.
ger Fjord in 1976 at free-fall heights of up to 20 meters. The Installation space for free-fall lifeboats with adequate
first manned launch from the stern of a Norwegian ship, the capacity for the number of persons on most cargo ships is
M/S Tarcoola, occurred in Oresundsvarvet Shipyard in 1977. readily available. As such, on cargo and tank ships, a sin-
This installation was formally approved in September 1978. gle free-fall lifeboat typically is placed on the stern of the
Today, free-fall lifeboats are manufactured in several ship as shown in Figure 16.10.
countries by many manufacturers. A typical free-fall lifeboat For a free-fall lifeboat to be placed on the stern of the
is shown in Figure 16.9 during water entry. The materials ship, the deckhouse needs to be located aft so that the lifeboat
used in the manufacture of the lifeboats include fiberglass, is accessible from it without having to pass through cargo
steel, and aluminum. Free-fall lifeboats are being actively spaces. The space beneath the lifeboat can be used for equip-
marketed and are quickly gaining universal acceptance. Cur- ment and deck storage. to pass through cargo spaces. The
rently, free-fall lifeboats are in use on cargo ships, tankers, space beneath the lifeboat can be used for equipment and
mobile offshore drilling units, and fixed production plat- deck storage. On some ships the swimming pool is located
forms. The heights of free fall range from approximately in this area.
six meters on smaller ships to over 30 meters on fixed oil When installed on mobile offshore drilling units and off-
production platforms in the North Sea. shore platforms, the typical arrangement is different. The
Despite their widespread acceptance on cargo ships, free- rules for these units do not permit a reduction in the num-
fall lifeboats have not yet been used on passenger ships. It ber of free-fall lifeboats as compared to conventional
is generally believed that sufficient free-fall carriage ca- lifeboats because of the nature of the structure and its op-
pacity cannot be provided and still enable safe launching erations. The lifeboat generally projects from the side of the
of the lifeboats. facility as shown in Figure 16.11.
Also, it is generally believed that special training is nec- Often several lifeboats must be used to accommodate the
essary for the full safety of a free-fall lifeboat to be real- number of persons on board the facility. When used in this

Figure 16.9 Free-fall Lifeboat during Water Entry Figure 16.10 Free-fall Lifeboat Installed on the Stern of a Vessel
16-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

manner, caution must be exercised during launch so as not

to have a boat free-fall into another boat that is already in
the water.

16.7.2 Liferafts
Liferafts are unpowered survival craft. Although rigid lif-
erafts exist, inflatable liferafts are by far the most common
type, providing lifesaving capacity in a compact form. They
do not replace lifeboats, but they do complement them. On
cargo ships, liferafts arranged to automatically float free of
a sinking vessel provide an opportunity for survival in the
event a vessel sinks so quickly that the lifeboats can’t be
launched. Small liferafts are also used at the ends of large
ships remote from the accommodation spaces where the
lifeboats are located, so that crewmembers in those loca- Figure 16.11 Free-fall Lifeboats Installed on Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
tions have a survival craft readily available in case of a ca-
sualty. On passenger ships, some percentage of the lifesaving
capacity can be provided in liferafts, and the rest in lifeboats.
When liferafts have to be boarded from a high freeboard
location, some means must be provided to either lower a
loaded liferaft from the embarkation deck, or else safely
transfer the passengers from the embarkation deck to the
liferaft on the water. Davit-launched liferafts, such as shown
in Figure 16.12, are the conventional approach to this prob-
lem, but marine evacuation systems are becoming more
common as shown in Figure 16.13. Davit-launched liferafts
have a practical capacity limit of 25 to 35 persons. Larger
liferafts are simply too hard to design so that they remain
rigid when suspended and loaded to their full capacity. Since
survival craft on passenger ships have to be launched within
a 30-minute period, the practical limit for davit-launched
liferafts is about six rafts per davit.
Marine evacuation systems consist of either a slide or
chute system that convey passengers from the deck to a plat- Figure 16.12 Davit-launched Inflatable Liferaft
form on the water, from which they can board liferafts on
the water (see sec. 16.7.4). Since the liferafts can be dropped
from their stowage locations into the water in an uninflated
condition, they can be larger. A marine evacuation system
can handle two to three times as many people in 30 min-
utes, as a davit-launched system requiring a similar amount
of deck space.
Inflatable liferafts are required to be equipped with
canopies to provide hypothermia protection for the occu-
pants, and to prevent the liferaft from being swamped in
waves. Ironically, as lifeboats have become enclosed as a
rule, liferafts without canopies have come into wider use in
recent years. These liferafts, shown in Figure 16.13, known
as open reversible liferafts internationally, or inflatable buoy-
ant apparatus in the United States, can be used in protected
waters such as rivers or lakes, or even in coastal ocean wa- Figure 16.13 Open Reversible Liferaft (Inflatable Buoyant Apparatus)
Chapter 16: Safety 16-17

ters where rescue is close at hand. The IMO High Speed ther be reversible, or would automatically self-right if cap-
Craft Code allows the use of these open reversible liferafts, sized before they could be boarded.
but high-speed craft operations are limited, and operators Automatically self-righting liferafts have a hull form,
must have a search and rescue plan, so that in the event that which is generally oval or elliptical in form. Inflated arch
the high-speed craft has to be abandoned, rescue will come tubes, which support the liferaft’s canopy, are much higher
swiftly. than on conventional designs. The canopy can either be
stretched over the arch tubes, or suspended from them. In Liferaft Stability either case, the high arch tubes make the liferaft unstable
The capsizing of the ferry, Estonia, in the Baltic in 1994 in the capsized position, causing it to turn right side up
with the loss of over 900 lives raised some important ques- should it be capsized for any reason.
tions about the adequacy of the life-saving systems in a Reversible liferaft designers have more options in the way
rapid capsizing accident involving a roll-on/roll-off (RO- they meet the requirements. One design provides a second
RO) ferry. The assumed 30 minutes evacuation time was not canopy on the underside of an inflatable liferaft. The floor
available for an organized abandonment. The few survivors of the liferaft is suspended between two main buoyancy
that were able to make their way to the open deck had to tubes, rather than on the bottom.
jump into the water to escape the sinking ship. Inflatable Another type of reversible liferaft has two main buoy-
liferafts floated free as the ship sank and although designed ancy bodies with sidewalls between them surrounding the
to inflate in the upright position, many of them had capsized, passenger space. On the water, one of these buoyancy bod-
by the time people in the water reached them. There may ies serves as the floating hull, and the other as the top of the
have been several reasons for this, including capsizing by liferaft. This design seems to simplify some of the design
wind and waves, or inflation initiated under water rather problems posed by the dual canopy concept, but at the price
than on the surface, as intended. Of the individuals who of higher weight and an increased inflation gas charge.
found their way to the liferafts, some may have been too
weak to climb aboard. Others who were able to climb aboard
found themselves on the bottom of capsized liferafts where 16.7.3 Rescue Boats
they were still exposed to the cold water, wind, and waves. A rescue boat is designed to perform man-overboard res-
Some of those who managed to get to these liferafts died cues, assist other ships in distress, and to tow liferafts short
of complications due to hypothermia. distances in order to move them away from danger near the
This and other casualties involving RO-RO ferries, in- scene of a casualty, and to gather them together to await res-
cluding sinkings and fires, prompted IMO’s Maritime Safety cue. Figure 16.14 shows a typical rescue boat.
Committee to appoint a Panel of Experts to recommend ac- Rescue boat requirements were introduced into SOLAS
tions to be taken to prevent such RO-RO ferry disasters in in the 1983 amendments, in recognition of the fact that not
the future, or at least limit the number of lives lost. The
Panel met and developed recommendations during the first
half of 1995, and by the end of the year, an international
SOLAS Conference had adopted a number of new SOLAS
requirements for RO-RO passenger ships. A number of these
resulted in new lifesaving appliances for ro-ro passenger
ships, and a requirement for those ships to fit the new equip-
ment over a five-year period.
SOLAS requires liferafts to be arranged so that one per-
son can right them. Normally they have a righting strap fit-
ted to the bottom of the liferaft.
Seafarers are trained to understand that capsized lifer-
afts can be righted. However, in a rapid capsize accident,
trained crewmembers will not always be available. Cold
and disoriented passengers would have difficulty in the first
place understanding that the liferafts were capsized, or fur-
thermore, in understanding how to right them. Ultimately,
the SOLAS Conference adopted a requirement for RO-RO
passenger ships to carry liferafts be of a type that would ei- Figure 16.14 Rescue Boat
16-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

all lifeboats would be suitable for these functions, espe-

cially with the development of the totally enclosed lifeboat,
which might restrict access for rescuing people in the
water. Under the SOLAS requirements each cargo ship
must have at least one rescue boat. The requirements are
written in such a way that a properly designed lifeboat
could be counted as both a lifeboat and a rescue boat, but
new boats intended specifically as rescue boats are being
designed and built.
Some countries may require purpose-built rescue boats on
their ships in addition to the required lifeboats and liferafts.
Fast rescue boats differ from conventional rescue boats
in that they are capable of operating at speeds of at least 20
knots for a minimum of four hours. Conventional rescue
boats only need to be capable of operating at 6 knots. More
importantly, fast rescue boats are required to be more sea-
worthy than conventional rescue boats. Their prototype test-
ing requires operation in waves at least 2 meters high in a
wind of at least force 6. They can accommodate at least six
persons, including one lying down.
These fast rescue boats are another one of the require-
ments for RO-RO ferries adopted in 1995, and are coupled
with launching appliances specially designed for high per-
formance in rough seas. Their motion-compensating
winches are required to keep the fall wire from going slack.
The fall wire also includes a shock-absorbing component.
The winch is high-speed, capable of recovering the rescue
boat at a speed of at least 0.8 m/s. Boats of this type have
also been used by search and rescue services, and on standby Figure 16.15 Slide-type Marine Evacuation System
vessels in the North Sea oil fields.

16.7.4 Marine Evacuation Systems liferaft. When the liferaft is full, it is lowered to the water
The 1983 SOLAS amendments established a new standard and released, where a rescue boat or one of the motor
for lifesaving equipment on short international voyage pas- lifeboats takes it in tow and moves it away from the side of
senger services, requiring a minimum of 30% capacity in the ship. The launching crew on deck hauls the hook back
lifeboats, and the rest in liferafts. This rule effectively re- and repeats the process with the next liferaft. The largest
duced the number of lifeboats required on these ships, off- davit-launched liferafts carry 35 persons, and the practical
setting the capacity reduction with liferafts. The amount of limit for liferafts loaded and launched in the allotted 30-
lifesaving equipment required was the limiting factor on minute period is 6. This means that up to 210 persons can
some ship designs, so that many owners and designers wel- theoretically be handled at one liferaft station. That is greater
comed the additional passenger capacity that a higher lif- than the capacity of the largest lifeboats available, but the
eraft/lifeboat ratio brought. liferaft launching station requires only about one-third of
At the time, the standard method of launching liferafts the deck space required for one large lifeboat. However, at
was with liferaft davits. Passengers cannot be expected to least one crewmember must be aboard each liferaft, and
jump from the deck to a liferaft in the water. Descending a two or more have to supervise boarding and launching of
ladder is time-consuming and dangerous. The conventional the rafts from the deck.
solution is to use a small davit and winch to launch several Higher capacity passenger ships and lower manning re-
liferafts. The raft is hauled from its container and over the quirements brought pressure to design lifesaving systems
side where it is inflated and secured to the side of the ship. that were more efficient than davit-launched liferafts in
Passengers walk to the edge of the deck and right into the terms of space and manpower. Inflatable slides like those
Chapter 16: Safety 16-19

slide and large liferafts, one manufacturer expects to be able

to handle 500 people in 30 minutes.
A conference on escape slides and chutes, in Japan in
January 1991, marked the beginning of the development of
marine evacuation system (MES) standards eventually
adopted by IMO in 1996. Today, MESs not only include in-
flatable slides (Figure 16.15), which can currently be used
from as high as 25 m above the waterline, but also vertical
chute systems (Figure 16.16). This is a tube of fabric, which
hangs vertically from the embarkation deck to the inflatable
platform floating on the water. The launching and loading
of liferafts are handled from the inflatable platform just as
with the inflatable slide. The chute itself contains either a
series of funnel-like structures, or loose folds of fabric in-
side an outer sleeve.
The evacuee’s drop into the opening at the top of the chute,
and the interior structures control their descent to a safe speed
until they reach the opening at the bottom on the platform.
These can be used for heights of 25 m or more. They were
originally developed as escape systems for high-rise build-
ings. One chute system is approved for 400 people in 30 min.
Double-track slides are capable of similar capacities.
An MES requires about as many crewmembers to oper-
ate as a davit-launched raft installation, but can handle two
to three times as many people. There are advantages in the
water, too, since 50 person, 100 person, and even larger rafts
can be used. Therefore, fewer crewmembers may be needed
to supervise the rafts. Even so, on many high-density serv-
Figure 16.16 Chute-type Marine Evacuation System and Reversible Liferafts ices, catering staff and, sometimes even, concessionaires are
needed to fully man the survival systems. Since 1986,
SOLAS has allowed persons specially trained in liferafts in
lieu of lifeboatmen to operate and supervise the liferafts.
used for aircraft evacuation have been around for years, but
in marine applications were troublesome in high winds and
heavy seas. When the surface of the slide got wet, it could 16.7.5 Survival Craft and Rescue Boat Requirements
be extremely slippery, leading to very high speeds. When Table 16.IV summarizes the international survival craft and
the unfortunate person on the slide hit the inflated platform rescue boat requirements for different types of ships and mo-
at the bottom of the slide at high speed, they could be cat- bile offshore drilling units (MODUs). The requirements for
apulted right over the side and into the water. These designs ships come from SOLAS and the MODU requirements from
were perfected in the mid-1990s. They are stable in high the IMO 1989 MODU Code. Percentages refer to the total
winds and seas, and the surface of the slide is a mesh ma- number of persons permitted on board.
terial, which does not absorb water, and allows any water
hitting the slide to drain through. At the bottom of the slide,
there is an open inflatable platform. Crew members on deck 16.7.6 Lifejackets and Immersion Suits
drop the liferafts to the water near the platform, while crew In addition to primary lifesaving equipment (lifeboats and
members on the platform inflate the rafts and secure them liferafts), ships are also required to carry personal life-sav-
to the side of the platform for boarding. Because these lif- ing appliances, designed for the use of only one person at
erafts are not designed to be suspended from a hook with a a time. SOLAS requires lifejackets for everyone on board,
full load of people on board, there are fewer design limita- plus additional lifejackets to accommodate children, crew
tions on liferaft size. Liferafts to hold 50 people are now who are on watch; those who rely on remotely located sur-
available, and larger sizes are possible. With a dual track vival craft, and arrangements where the basic allowance of
16-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 16.IV International Requirements for Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
Lifeboats Liferafts Rescue Boats

Cargo ships 100% capacity each side or 100% 100% capacity float-free (on One (May be a lifeboat if the boat
(incl. Tankers) free-fall stern-launched ships with free-fall lifeboats, meets all lifeboat and rescue boat
the liferafts must be served by performance requirements)
launching appliances or marine
evacuation systems)

Passenger ships 70% capacity, evenly distributed on Sufficient capacity to ensure, that One on vessels under 500 tons gross
either side or for short international together with the lifeboats, 125% tonnage, two on all other ships
voyages only—30% capacity, capacity in survival craft is provided.
evenly distributed on either side Liferafts must be arranged for float-
free operation and be served by
launching appliances or marine
evacuation systems

Additional — Liferafts must be self-righting Rescue boats must be fast rescue

requirements or reversible boats with motion-compensating
for RO-RO launching appliances
passenger ships

MODUs Sufficient to ensure that 100% 100% capacity float-free One (May be a lifeboat if the boat
capacity is available if all of the meets all lifeboat and rescue boat
lifeboats at any one location are performance requirements)
lost or rendered unserviceable

Note: Source SOLAS Convention for ships, IMO MODU Code for MODUs.

lifejackets may become inaccessible. The 1983 SOLAS tion at marine escape systems are at high risk of exposure
Amendments included new standards for lifejackets, which to cold. Passengers and crew alike rely on these crewmem-
have resulted in an increase in buoyancy for many designs, bers to affect rescues and coordinate evacuations. Life-
and in improved performance for most. Subsequent refine- jackets do not provide as much exposure protection as do
ments to the performance requirements in the 1996 SOLAS immersion suits or thermal protective aids, which are specif-
Amendments and the LSA Code have further improved the ically designed to minimize the loss of body heat. SOLAS
ease of donning of lifejackets. recognizes this, and requires that vessels have immersion
SOLAS provides standards for inherently buoyant life- suits or anti-exposure suits available for these crewmem-
jackets, inflatable lifejackets, or a hybrid of both. Inherently bers. Vessels that operate solely in warm climates (between
buoyant lifejackets use foam, kapok, or other low-density 32 degrees north latitude and 32 degrees south latitude for
materials for buoyancy. Inflatable lifejackets rely entirely U.S. vessels) are exempt from this requirement.
on gas-filled chambers to provide buoyancy. Hybrid life- Lifejackets and immersion suits must be stowed in read-
jackets provide minimum inherent buoyancy that is sup- ily available locations. That means passengers and crew
plemented by inflated chambers. Inflatable and hybrid should have easy access to them somewhere along the way
lifejackets must have established maintenance programs. from their accommodations or work spaces to their muster
All lifejackets have retro-reflective markings and individ- areas. Immersions suits, adult lifejackets, and child life-
ual lights attached to them to make it easier to find survivors jackets must all be stowed separately, and the stowage spaces
in the water at night. They also have whistles attached so marked accordingly. Since inflatable and hybrid lifejackets
that persons in the water can signal to rescuers. are designed to be deflated when stored, they take up less
Rescue boat crews and those assigned to assist evacua- space than inherently buoyant ones.
Chapter 16: Safety 16-21

16.7.7 Life Buoys 16.8 REFERENCES

Life buoys are the immediate means to provide buoyancy 1. International Maritime Organization
to a conscious person overboard. Thus, life buoys should 2. Cripps, D., “The Use of Composites in Commercial and Military
be stowed in a way that allows for rapid deployment on any Applications,” Marine Composites Symposium: Applying Com-
open deck that extends to either side of the vessel, and at posites in the Marine Environment, Savannah GA, November 1993
least one buoy must be located at the stern. Life buoys should 3. Greene, E. “Design Guide for Marine Applications of Composites,”
not be attached to the vessel in any way. SOLAS requires Ship Structure Committee, Contract DTCG23-94-R-E01010, Eric
that two should be stowed so that they can be quickly re- Greene Associates, Inc., Final Report
leased from the navigating bridge without striking the ves- 4. Cox, P. J., and Letourneau, R. M., “Development of Fire Safety
sel when released. Common attachments that aid in locating Standards for Composite Materials used in Commercial Marine Ap-
and rescuing persons in distress are self-igniting lights, self- plications,” Marine Composites Symposium, November 1993
5. “View Point” article in the December 11, 1996 issue of Lloyd’s List
igniting smoke signals, and buoyant lifelines.
6. Kennedy, John F., in a poem entitled “Ships to Come.”
7. Fleming, R. P. “Automatic Sprinkler System Calculations,” SFPE
16.7.8 Alerting and Locating Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, Second Edition, Soci-
Ships in international service carry satellite Emergency Posi- ety of Fire Protection Engineers
tion Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB). These EPIRBs start 8. National Fire Protection Association, Automatic Sprinkler Systems
broadcasting a distress signal automatically when they are Handbook, Milosh T. Puchovsky, Edition
9. Manthey, T., Presentation given at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the
thrown into the water or when they automatically float-free
Passenger Vessel Association, New Orleans, LA., January 1997
from a sinking vessel. Satellite EPIRB signals are picked up
10. NFPA 301, Code for Safety to Life from Fire on Merchant Vessels,
by U.S. and Russian polar-orbiting satellites, and relayed to National Fire Protection Association
ground stations which can identify the ship and its location from 11. Nelson, H. E., and MacLennan, H. A., “Emergency Movement”
the EPIRB’s digital signal. This EPIRB provides position in- The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 2nd Edition:
formation so precise that rescuers can fly directly to the scene. 3-286-3-295
When help is close by, the parachute flares carried on the bridge 12. Jin, Yanada, Kawai, and Takahasi “Evaluation of the Conspicuous-
can alert potential rescuers to a ship in distress, or can help res- ness of Emergency Exit Signs,” 3rd International Association for
cuers locate the ship more quickly, especially at night. Fire Safety Science Symposium
Structural Arrangement and Component Design

Bart Boon

17.1 INTRODUCTION analyses, finite element modeling and analyses, etc. (see
Chapter 18 – Analysis and Design of Ship Structure and
The design of a ship starts with determination of the vessel Chapter 19 – Reliability-based Structural Design). Most
operational characteristics (see Chapter 7 – Mission and classification societies have structural analysis systems that
Owner’s Requirements), its main dimensions (see Chapter they make available to the designers using their rules (see
11 – Parametric Design), the general layout, and the hull Chapter 8 – Regulations and Classification Requirements).
shape. But it really becomes a ship only after all of this is Finally, there are today a number of research developed
translated into actual components that can be fabricated in structural optimization programs (see Chapter 18 – Analy-
the shipyard. The translation of a general design into struc- sis and Design of Ship Structure).
tural components is the genesis of the structural design of In the past, most naval architects received instruction
a ship. and practice for steps 1 and 2 and were thus able to com-
The design of the structure of a ship, or an offshore bot- plete the structural design of ships. Today, they are given
tom-mounted or floating platform, is a complicated process. little instruction or practice in steps 1 and 2; instead they
However, the structural designer can benefit from the ex- receive a generic engineering education in structural analy-
perience of other designers and classification societies. In sis. This has resulted in specialization where practical de-
the past it consisted of two steps: signers develop the structural arrangement and structural
1. design of the structural arrangement, and engineers perform the structural analysis for the designer-
2. the derivation of the scantlings (sizing of the structural prepared structural arrangement. This is very inefficient.
components). This chapter attempts to reintegrate the separated parts,
but it will focus mainly on step 1.
Until recently most scantlings were based on simple clas- The structural design process involves choice of the con-
sification rules, even when these rules were based on sig- struction material, the location, shape and dimensions (scant-
nificant analyses and research. Today the trend is toward lings) of the plates and profiles used. This is followed by
calculations based on first principles and modern comput- analysis of the structure arrangement to establish that it will
ing tools. However, the decisions on the structural arrange- perform its functions in a satisfactory way and possibly to
ment are still human-based even if they have been embedded optimize shapes and dimensions in order to reach the best
in an expert system. Steps 1 and 2 are still followed, except result possible in economic and/or technical terms.
that the preliminary determination of structural component Obviously when setting up the design of a ship’s struc-
scantlings is derived primarily from a rule-based spreadsheet ture it is important to realize what the function of the vari-
provided by the classification society. Steps 1 and 2 are then ous components may be. And that can be other than the
followed by further steps such as structural first-principle commonly considered role of providing strength and stiff-

17-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ness. Although the various functions can be of equal im- used today in the more common ship types such as container
portance, emphasis in design and analysis work, and also ships, tankers and bulk-carriers. Much can be learned from
in the presentation in this chapter, is generally on strength damages that occurred in practical use of ships. Mano et al.
and stiffness. (5), the Tanker Structure Cooperation Forum (6,7) and IACS
For many years fulfilling that structural role led to more (8) describe many failures and the repairs/improvement of
or less standardized structural components. Many details the failing structural details.
found in ships built in the early 20th century are basically
similar to some still used today (disregarding for a moment
the impact of the riveting to welding change). For many
common details those described by Stiansen in the 1980 17.2 STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENT DESIGN
edition of Ship Design and Construction (1) can still be
Step 1 is still required today before any of the other steps can
be started. Also as structure is a large weight component, the
Several recent developments make a revision of the chap-
structural scantlings are required as soon as possible to en-
ter in reference 1 desirable. First of all new types of ships
able the structural weight to be calculated. Fortunately, the
have entered the shipbuilding industry in rapidly increas-
structural arrangement design can start as soon as the prin-
ing numbers. Also, jack-ups, semi-submersibles and sin-
ciple characteristics, preliminary general arrangement and
gle-point moored production vessels in the offshore industry
compartmentation are decided. The exact location of the
are now an important part of the units to be designed by the
major structural components is decided by the general
naval architect. The variation in transport ships may even
arrangement designer.
be more rapidly evolving as is shown in high-speed cata-
Therefore, the general arrangement designer should be
maran ferries, heavy cargo float-on float-off ships, vessels
aware of the impact of his decisions on the structural arrange-
with specialized cargo handling systems, etc. They place re-
ment and must take into account such requirements as:
quirements on the structural design not thought of before.
All of these vessel types are characterized by the fact that • frame spacing,
the traditional simple beam as a representation of the ship • web frame spacing,
hull is no longer adequate. New materials such as steels • minimum double bottom depth based on classification
with a high yield strength (HYS), aluminum and fiber re- society requirements, and
inforced plastics (FRP) offer new possibilities for structural • other similar requirements.
concepts to the designer. Combining this with new fabri-
Many decisions on main structure placement, such as
cation techniques resulted in new components such as steel
peak bulkheads, double bottom, double sides, longitudinal
sandwich panels. All of this is combined with a continuous
bulkheads, etc., are defined by law.
improvement of the analysis methods leading to mini-
Fortunately, the structural arrangement of typical ships
mization of the structural weight and/or the fabrication cost.
has been established over time and is a good starting point
This, however, also leads to failure mechanisms becoming
for new designs. It is only where departures are made from
important for the structural design that were far less so up
the proven approach for new ship types or offshore struc-
until recently, such as fatigue and buckling. Finally an in-
ture that there is a need for original development and trade-
tensified concern for safety of people and protection of the
off analysis when preparing a ship’s structural arrangement.
environment has had its impact on the structural design of
However, even with this good start, there is still a lot of op-
ships. All of this necessitated the writing of the present chap-
portunity to develop production friendly/cost effective struc-
ter and adding structural arrangement to its title.
tural arrangements. Vice versa there is still the risk of
This justification for writing the present chapter has al-
preparing bad structural arrangement design.
ready made it clear that the emphasis in its contents has
The structural arrangement designer has to decide the
changed when compared to that of the previous edition. The
following characteristics while developing the structural
large variety in possible details leads to a generic approach
arrangements (some of which may have already have been
to structural design where understanding the functioning of
decided by the general arrangement designer):
the various components is attempted rather than trying to
present a comprehensive description of all structural com- • spacing of main transverse and longitudinal bulkheads,
ponents of the ship. For that type of description reference • width of side tanks,
1 can still be used. Many other books and journals show de- • tweendeck height(s),
tails as used in present-day ships. In particular the books • hatch width,
by Smolla (2), Taylor (3) and Eyres (4) give many details • deadrise,
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-3

• bilge radius, The structural design process commences by recogniz-

• tank compartmentation, ing those characteristics that already were defined in the
• single or duct keel, general ship design. The structural designer must be aware
• molded line (plate/stiffener orientation), of the reasons why each structural component exists, or the
• connection details (brackets), function it has in the ship. A choice of the material will be
• longitudinal/stiffener to web frame), etc. made if this has not already been done in the first stages of
the design. Additional structural components, which must
Many structural arrangement details, including the as-
be provided, such as web frames, stiffeners, etc., will be
sembly and block definition, are developed as standards for
considered. This includes a decision on structural arrange-
a shipyard and will be documented in the shipyard’s Ship-
ments, such as longitudinal versus transverse framing. Basic
building Policy (see Chapter 14 – Design/Production Inte-
decisions such as stiffener spacing or web depth will be
made. All such decisions will mostly be based upon expe-
Section 17.10 presents examples of structural arrange-
rience of the designer, earlier built ships of similar type and
ment and components. It should be clear that the structural
general rules and regulations laid down by classification so-
arrangement designer and the structural engineer (if not the
cieties. For less common ship types first decisions will be
same person) must be members of an integrated design team.
taken on additional strength bulkheads, bracing systems for
Neither can operate independently of the other, otherwise
semi-submersibles and other special structural members.
there is a risk of an adverse outcome involving extra effort
Subsequently simple first analyses will be made to de-
for reworking the design (sometimes called iteration) and
cide upon initial structural member dimensions or confirm
longer design development time. Integrated product teams
those that were already assumed based upon experience,
(IPTs), integrated product and process development (IPPD)
hand estimates or classification rulebook. It is necessary to
and concurrent engineering (CE) are approaches that at-
make such initial analyses because without those no further
tempt to ensure that such isolation and its resulting adverse
analyses based upon more sophisticated methods are pos-
impact on design and construction do not occur (see Chap-
sible. The simple analyses in this situation for instance will
ter 5 – Ship Design Process).
use only water pressure in combination with stiffener spac-
ing to decide upon initial plate thickness. This can be done
from simple formulas as given by classification societies or
with elemental formulas from engineering mechanics. In the
latter case it is sometimes difficult to decide the allowable
design stress.
Already in the earliest stages of the design of a ship, struc- Only when the conceptual design of the structure, that
tural components appear in the drawings. The shape of the is the structural arrangement, and a first estimate of its di-
shell is shown, position and overall dimensions of trans- mensions (scantlings) is available, can a more thorough
verse bulkheads are fixed, and the layout of the accommo- analysis of loads and responses be made. A full description
dation dictates the location of its partitions. All of this of this analysis is given in Chapters 18 – Analysis and De-
generally is determined without explicitly having in mind sign of Ship Structures. Such analyses may be used in order
the design of the structure itself. In the early design, the to optimize the structural design and to give a final all-en-
structure only implicitly plays a role by an estimate of the compassing assessment of the structural reliability. In gen-
structural weight (generally including a choice of the main eral such analyses are not needed (and should not be used)
material used) and the location of its center of gravity. Some- for setting up the structural arrangement and conceptual
times structural considerations may play a role for instance choices.
in the choice of the exact location of bulkheads. In refer-
ence 5 the position of the bulkhead between the tank part
of the hull and the engine room is decided such that the still
water bending moment is minimized. Vessel types for which
structural considerations play a decisive role in the design,
such as jack-ups, exist, but are exceptions. Characteristics The structure of a ship and hence the structural components
of the structure that have less relation to aspects of the gen- exist because they have to fulfill certain roles for the ves-
eral ship design, such as plate thickness, stiffening systems sel as a total system. Many different functions are possible
and detailed shapes are not normally part of the early ship and often a component must perform more than one role si-
design. multaneously. The roles include:
17-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• provision of hull shape in order to comply with the se- been the case to start with, it may be the result of the other
lected main dimensions, stability and resistance charac- roles. For instance once a plate structure has been decided
teristics. Generally very little input is possible for the upon for the funnel out of pure aesthetic grounds, its very
structural designer, although developable hull forms and existence requires that it must be strong enough to withstand
even hull forms consisting of flat plate elements have loads resulting from wind and ship motions whilst at the
been used in view of reducing fabrication costs, same time the structure must be stiff enough to prevent local
• watertight envelope and subdivision (shell, watertight vibrations.
bulkheads, tank bulkheads), Important as the other roles may be, the present chapter
• oiltight subdivision (tank bulkheads), will concentrate on the last seven of these functions, that is,
• gastight subdivision, those related to strength and stiffness of the structure. Often
• functional subdivision and separation (cabin bulkheads, only these functions are meant when structural design is
store bulkheads, etc). Mostly these components have to discussed. Incorrect as that may be from the point of view
perform sound and heat insulation roles at the same time of importance of the various functions, it certainly is true
as their separation function, must have a nice appearance that the strength and stiffness function more than the other
etc. Therefore elements fulfilling these roles often con- functions, needs attention to be properly explained and
sist of materials different from that used for the main hull taught.
construction such as described in reference 9,
• fire subdivision (galley walls, blast bulkheads in offshore
• noise and vibration insulation,
• provision of aesthetics (funnel, cruise liner superstruc-
ture), Often the main material for the hull structure is not explic-
• corrosion allowance or allowance for mechanical dete- itly chosen. For most vessel types it will be steel without
rioration, wear. This generally is not provided as a sep- any further consideration. Only the grade of the steel and
arate component, but as an increase in thickness over sometimes whether or not high-strength steel will be used
that necessary for the normal function of the component. is an explicit decision in the design process. Other materi-
With the growing use of direct calculations instead of als such as aluminum or fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) also
rule-based design a separate treatment of this sort of often are chosen as natural for the subject type of vessel and
thickness increase has become more essential. as the obvious material for the shipyard in view of their nor-
• load introduction (concentrated or distributed), mal production process. In other words, very often no ex-
• load transmission from one point (area) to another, plicit choice of material is made.
• load transfer from one structural component to an adja- The material of components generally is the same as the
cent one: connections and joints (brackets), main material for the hull, but sometimes different materi-
• reduction of local stresses (stress concentrations), als are chosen based upon particular considerations. For ex-
• provision of stiffness to prevent buckling (stiffeners, trip- ample the material for liquefied gas tanks can be aluminum
ping brackets, bracket flanges), because of its good toughness at low temperatures when
• provision of stiffness to prevent deflections (load ramps, compared to steel.
mechanical systems), and In situations where a choice between several materials
• provision of stiffness to reduce vibrations. can be made the first consideration will be how suitable
each material is for the function considered. The gas tank
Still more roles are possible such as shown by structural just mentioned is an example where only a limited possi-
components of which the dimensions are chosen based upon bility exists for alternative materials. In other situations fab-
the effect in view of regulatory requirements. Coastal ves- rication cost or lifetime cost are the main dictating
sels in Holland in the past had extra deep web frames be- considerations. Lifetime cost includes cost for repair, main-
cause gross tonnage, and hence manning requirements and tenance and operational costs for fuel and additional pay-
harbor duties, were based upon the volume within the inner load resulting from a different hull structure weight. Other
side of the frames. Similar considerations still play a role aspects may be availability and delivery time for the mate-
today in the U.S. as illustrated by the framing chosen for rial during construction and when repairs may be needed,
the high-speed ferry Tricat (10). behavior in damage situations (reserve strength), appearance
Most structural components will have to play several of (for yachts), etc.
those roles simultaneously. Even when that would not have A comprehensive discussion of various materials may
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-5

be found in Chapter 20 – Hull Materials and Welding and advantages of such steels also reduced such as its low notch
Chapter 21 – Composites. toughness. Taking into account the reduction in weight and
in weld content the use of TMCP high strength steels in
many cases is hardly more expensive than the traditional
17.5.1 Mild Steel steels or may even be cheaper. As a consequence recent
Ever since the end of the 19th century mild steel is the ubiq- years have seen a rapid increase in the use of these steels,
uitous material for constructing ships. Obviously it is a ma- also in vessels where it was not used hitherto.
terial that offers many advantages. It is cheap, easy to work, An introduction to the various high-performance steels
light (at least when compared to its predecessor, wood), and their welding is given in reference 11.
available everywhere, is quite forgiving with respect to qual-
ity deficiencies during fabrication and small damages dur-
ing operation, has a good reserve strength after serious 17.5.3 Aluminum
damage has been sustained and repair of steel structures is Aluminum is a material that has similar or only slightly less
easy. It is the material that will be used whenever there are strength than traditional mild steel but with a specific weight
no special reasons to use an alternative material. that is about one third. This is the main reason for using alu-
Steel characteristics were improved over the years in minum. Other advantages are better mechanical performance
order to obtain better material properties such as notch at (very) low temperatures (such as the tank for liquefied gas
toughness in order to reduce the risk of brittle fracture, mentioned earlier), better corrosion resistance and a nicer ap-
which had caused many ship losses in, and after, World War pearance. Its main disadvantage is its cost, both for the basic
II. Ship construction, in particular welding, was made eas- material and for its fabrication. Other disadvantages are the spe-
ier by refining the material’s microstructure, for instance, cial workmanship required for fabrication, less general avail-
in Thermo-mechanical Control Process (TMCP) steel. ability in some places, deterioration of mechanical properties
Special steels were produced which have special char- after welding, more weld deformation, its relative fatigue-
acteristics. Stainless steel is less susceptible to corrosion proneness, and risk of corrosion when in contact with steel.
and attack of various chemicals. In Japan special steel has Like steel, aluminum is available in plates and sections.
been developed with improved crack arresting properties at Design and fabrication of aluminum structures is generally
low temperatures. similar to that of steel, albeit with differences in detail. Sec-
tions are produced by a different method, that is, by extru-
sion rather than rolling. This process allows complex section
17.5.2 High Yield Strength Steel shapes, including hollow ones that may be specifically de-
For many years steels have been used with high to very high signed for a special application. An example is the use of
yield strength, say 320 to 700 MPa. Also ultimate strength extruded profiles for helicopter decks, where the profile
generally was higher, but not to the same amount as yield combines plate and stiffener and sometimes even tubular
strength. This characteristic was mainly obtained by in- lines for fire fighting. Use of such profiles reduces fabrica-
creasing the amount of carbon in the steel and special heat tion cost, improves fabrication time and gives a better fin-
treatment by the steel manufacturer. It meant that the steel ish to the end product (remains more flat).
had to be pre-heated for welding with higher fabrication
costs for the ship as a consequence. Also other properties Example 1—The use of extruded aluminum profiles. Figure
of the steel were negatively influenced, such as its notch 17.1 shows a deck constructed using extruded aluminum
toughness. Application was limited to special situations, as profiles. Note the incorporation of anti-slip ridges and spe-
for naval ships where low weight was important and the cial edges of the section allowing easy fit up and welding.
disadvantages of HTS (high tensile strength steel) were ac- Further examples are shown in Figure 45.39.
ceptable. In terms of tons used the even more important ap-
plication was in very large ships such as tankers and bulk The material used for producing plates and that for sec-
carriers. Use of normal strength steels led to plate thickness tions differ in their metallurgical content and the heat treat-
that were no longer practical in the fabrication process in ment used in the fabrication process. Different material
the yard. High-strength steels were a solution to that prob- behavior follows. Extruded sections are less suitable to be
lem. Recently the TMCP process (see section 17.5.1) is used in direct contact with seawater and therefore are used
used for fabrication of high yield strength steels as well. The mostly inside the hull or in decks.
cost of welding this material is substantially less than for In the past the main connection method for aluminum
the older high strength steels. At the same time other dis- was riveting. This was replaced by electric fusion welding
17-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

fabrication. The weight advantage becomes much more pro-

nounced when the composites are used as skins of a sand-
wich with an even much more lightweight core (see section
17.9.4 on sandwich panels). Generally fabrication makes use
of male or female molds, which adds to the cost of the end
product. This effect is somewhat reduced when the molds
are used to produce a series of craft. Small sailing boats
therefore are often built in plastics. Luxury yachts use com-
Figure 17.1 Extruded Aluminum Profiles Used for a Deck posites because they can be shaped very easily in complex
three-dimensional forms such as in superstructures. Spe-
cial high-strength fibers and corresponding matrix materi-
als are used in high performance racing yachts, whether
some time ago. Some modern welding methods are partic- sailing or motor driven. Other advantages of composites are
ularly suitable for aluminum and offer interesting new pos- the smooth finish, not very prone to damage, good repara-
sibilities for the structural design. Laser welding makes it bility and easy to be maintained.
possible to weld through the thickness of the plate thus al- Disadvantages are the generally poor fire properties in-
lowing designs that with traditional welding could not be cluding the danger of emission of noxious gases. Special-
fabricated because of inaccessibility (see examples given ized companies and techniques are needed for fabrication.
in section 17.9.4 on sandwich panels). Friction stir weld- In some places in the world repair may not be easy given
ing (FSW) makes welds of a much smoother appearance the skills of the available local work force.
and a better mechanical strength after welding.
This process presently is used mainly for pre-fabrication
of large deck panels assembled from a series of extruded 17.5.5 Concrete
profiles. Concrete has been used for building ships during the two
As with steel, aluminum also has seen metallurgical de- world wars in the 20th century. The main reasons for the
velopments that significantly raised the strength both of the use were shortage in steel supply and the possibility to em-
parent material as well as after welding. Such materials ploy workers, companies and building sites not already in-
presently are available in plate form only, not in extrusions. volved in building (steel) ships. Since then the material has
When using high-strength aluminum, fatigue becomes even been promoted on and off. Some recreational craft used it
more of a main issue in the structural design than hereto- mainly because of its cheap fabrication and because it needed
fore. very little maintenance. In the 70s and 80s several fixed off-
Summarizing: aluminum is mainly used where weight shore oil and gas production platforms used concrete as its
is at a premium such as in high-speed craft (whether motor construction material. Again fabrication and maintenance
powered or sailing). Another important application is in the cost were major considerations, but in this case an added
superstructures of ships that have a high center of gravity advantage was the high weight as the platforms were grav-
like cruise vessels. In gas tankers aluminum is used for tanks ity based (see Chapter 43 – Offshore Drilling and Produc-
because it remains notch-tough even at very low tempera- tion Vessels, Figures 43.18–43.20).
tures. In summary the advantages of concrete as a structural
More information on the use of aluminum in ships can material for ships are its low fabrication cost, its general
be found in Chapter 44 – Catamarans, in books such as ref- availability, the workforce employed in the fabrication needs
erence 12 and in proceedings of conferences such as refer- not to be very highly skilled, the material is non-corrosive,
ence 13. hence the maintenance costs are low, the constructional de-
tails are not very fatigue-prone, it can withstand low tem-
peratures, and sometimes the high weight is an advantage
17.5.4 Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) (such as to reduce motions in floating oil production sys-
A widely used material nowadays is fiber reinforced plas- tems, FPSOs).
tic (FRP). A comprehensive description of this material and Notwithstanding this last statement structural weight of
its applications is given in Chapter 21 – Composites. The concrete in general is considered to be a major disadvan-
material consists of reinforcing fibers of glass, carbon or sim- tage. The development of high-strength and thus (relatively)
ilar embedded in a polyester or other matrix. Such struc- low-weight concrete holds some potential in this respect.
ture is light compared to steel and relatively cheap in Although concrete is used very little, its potential is rec-
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-7

ognized over and over again. In particular this is so for sta- trusions (FRP). Plate can be smooth or with a raised pat-
tionary applications such as in FPSOs (in particular for gas) tern on one side such as diamond plate. It can also be ex-
and very large floating structures as airports and the mobile panded by a process that cuts slits in the plate and then pulls
offshore base (MOB). But even for ships is sometimes is it apart to expand it.
considered a viable alternative (14). Figure 17.2 shows typical profiles that are used in ship-

17.5.6 Wood
For millennia wood was the ubiquitous material for small
boats and large ships. It was generally available and could
be worked well with the tools then available. The 19th cen- A ship, even the simplest one, is a very complex structure
tury saw its replacement first by iron and then steel. The main consisting of many different parts connected in various
reasons were that the wood supply in Europe, became some- ways. This structure must be capable of accepting a large
what exhausted, vessel sizes grew, wood structures could variety of loads, static, dynamic, as well as transient. If not
not easily comply with the concomitant increased strength adequate or loaded in an accidental way the structure may
requirements, and finally it was found that structural weight fail in many different modes.
and space were considerably less for steel than for wood. Structural design must result in a vessel that reliably can
Wood continued to be used for smaller vessels for a long cope with all those different aspects. At the same time the
time and in many parts of the world it still is an important resulting design must be economic to build, operate and
shipbuilding material today. In mine sweepers wood was maintain and it may have to comply with still other re-
long preferred because of its non-magnetic properties but quirements.
now it is replaced by fiber reinforced plastics and non-mag- It is obvious, therefore, that the structural design process
netic steels. itself is complicated. It starts from some elementary out-
Today the main application of wood is in recreational lines as given in the operational specification of the vessel
craft, often in combination with plastics. Sometimes (balsa) and its preliminary design (see Section 17.3 and Chapter 5
wood is used as core material in sandwich structures with – Ship Design Process).
composite or aluminum skin plates. In the early stages of the structural design many deci-
sions must be taken by the designer that determine the con-
cept of the structure. Decisions taken in this stage are to a
17.5.7 Titanium large extent the main factors for the adequacy of the end re-
Titanium is as strong as, or even stronger than steel and as sult in technical, safety and economic terms. As shown later
light as aluminum. Its strength-to-weight performance is (example 6 of the brace system of a semi-submersible in
probably best of all structural materials available for ships section 17.7.5) incorrect decisions may not become obvi-
today. But the material is extremely expensive. Its use for ous until when, in a further stage a detailed numerical analy-
structures, therefore, is confined to very special applica- sis of the structure is undertaken. Or, worse still, the incorrect
tions. Naval and civil submarines for deep diving depths may decision even then, may not become obvious and an unno-
use titanium alloys (see Chapter 55). ticed non-optimal structure will be the result. The main help
the structural designer can get in this stage is from his knowl-
edge about structural and material behavior, his insight, his
17.5.8 Basic Structural Material Configuration experience, and example ships (see the structural descrip-
The structural material as delivered to a shipyard generally tions in the ship type chapters in Volume II). Descriptions
consists of plate, profiles, pipe, forgings and castings. For of actual damage cases are most instructive. See for instance
certain materials they can be extrusions (aluminum) or pul- papers like references 15 and 16 or books like references
5, 6, 7 and 8. But important above all is the capability of
the designer to look upon and think about structures and their
behavior a systematic way. To that end a structure must be
modeled in the mind (think models). Basically it is the same
way in which structures are modeled when analyzed using
standard mechanical engineering approaches as described
in textbooks like (17). In general think models remain fairly
Figure 17.2 Shipbuilding Profiles simple. Beams, simple plates or trusses with a variety of end
17-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

conditions are often used to represent (parts of) the com- Example 3—A point to distributed load. The vertical load
plex structure of a ship. In actual structural analyses such of a heavy load placed on the deck of a transport barge (see
models do have a limited accuracy but for setting-up con- Figure 49.23 in chapter 43 – Heavy Lift Ships) results in an
ceptual designs this kind of models generally serves its pur- increase of draft and a change in trim of the barge. This in
pose. Finite element models used in analysis will increase turn results in a change in water pressure over the bottom
the accuracy of the result, but are not needed when design- of the barge such that the integration of that distributed extra
ing the concept of a structure. However, the pictorial rep- load is in equilibrium with the weight of the load placed on
resentation of finite element analysis results often may be the deck.
quite helpful in training the mind to recognize possible be-
havior and failure modes of a structure. Example 4—A distributed to distributed load. A wave ex-
The think models continuously change with regard to erts a distributed load over the immersed part of the hull of
their viewing position. At one moment the complete vessel a cargo vessel. This load results in rigid body linear and ro-
is considered as a beam loaded over its length (as in the tra- tational accelerations of the hull. Each mass particle of the
ditional longitudinal strength assessment). The next moment hull under influence of the accelerations will exert a force
only the deck is considered as being the upper flange of such on the ship, which, when combined, together represent the
beam. That flange then may be considered as a plate loaded reaction force to the wave action force.
in its plane by tension or compression. This, for instance, Note that in the above examples sometimes it is obvi-
allows the study of stresses around a deck opening on the ous which load to call action and which reaction. In other
basis of stress concentration factors around openings in sim- examples this is less so. In general there is no need to call
ple plates. Such zooming in and zooming out in models is a load either action or reaction. Both are possible and the
essential in setting-up the concept for any ship structure. decision should be based upon the situation under consid-
Fundamentally this is possible as an application of eration.
St.Venant’s Principle stating that the influence of a local
disturbance at some distance is independent of the details
of that local disturbance. In this case it means that the ef- 17.7.2 Force Transmission and Transfer
fect of a deck opening is restricted to its vicinity and that The previous section discussed how any load exerted on a
the overall response of the hull (the beam representing the ship is in equilibrium with a reaction load. It can be said
hull girder) is not influenced by that deck opening. that the load is transmitted from the point of application to
the point where the reaction force is exerted (note that the
points of action and of reaction may be considered vice-
17.7 TRANSFER AND TRANSMISSION OF LOADS versa as mentioned in the previous section). Under influ-
ence of that load the structure will show a response in the
17.7.1 Equilibrium of Loads form of stresses and deformations as dealt with by me-
The well-known Newtonian principle that action equals re- chanical engineering. It means for instance that if the struc-
action states that any force (or moment) exerted upon a ture would be sectioned at any point the total (internal)
structure will be in equilibrium with another force (or mo- force resulting from the distributed stresses is in equilib-
ment) having the same load line, being of equal amplitude rium with the (re)action force.
but having the opposite direction. The reaction force can be A ship structure is a complex assembly of many com-
a concentrated force, a distributed force (such as water pres- ponents and basically all of them participate in the force or
sure) or a virtual force. The latter is the case when the struc- load transmission. The series of components taking part in
ture under influence of an external load starts to move as a the transmission of a load generally is called the load path.
rigid or flexible body. In that case the reaction force is an
acceleration force loading the mass just as gravity forces Example 5—A load path. For example 3 given in the pre-
albeit with a different direction and magnitude. vious section the load path may be as follows. The module
weight is transferred via special foundations into the web
Example 2—A point-to-point load. A shuttle tanker moored frames of the barge. They transfer that load via the vertical
to the stern of a floating production unit (FPSO) exerts a webs into the shell plating and the longitudinal bulkheads.
load to the stern of the FPSO hull because of current forces The shell plating distributes the force over all bottom trans-
(see Figure 30.7 in Chapter 30 – FPSOs). A reaction force verses, which in turn redistribute the load over all bottom
coming from the single point mooring system near the bow longitudinals. These finally transmit the load to the bottom
of the FPSO unit counteracts this load. plating where the load is in equilibrium with the local ad-
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-9

ditional water pressure resulting from the change in draft plication changes. The magnitude of the displacement and/or
(under influence of the exerted module load). rotation of one point relative to the other depends on the
The load path thus consists of many different compo- load type, the dimensions (in particular the length) of the
nents and the forces must be transferred from one compo- beam and its cross sectional properties and on the material
nent to another. Generally this occurs via local welds composing the beam. If that deformation is large the beam
connecting the two components. Note that the word trans- is called flexible. Conversely, if the relative deformation is
mit is used to indicate how a load is brought from one point small, the beam is stiff. Formulas to relate the beam defor-
to another point that is spatially located elsewhere. The word mation to the loads exerted may be found in many standard
transfer is used to describe how a load is brought from one books on engineering mechanics such as Gere and Timo-
structural component into another, something that basically shenko (17).
occurs at one location. This distinction between transmit and Whenever a virtual section across a loaded beam is con-
transfer is adhered to in this chapter but, it should be noted, sidered, internal forces and moments and stresses and strains
it is not generally accepted. resulting from these can be distinguished. Internal forces
Also sometimes specific structural components may and moments and deformations at any point of the beam are
serve to transfer loads from one component to another. The related to each other and in general can be found by inte-
bracket connecting a deck beam to the vertical frame on the gration of loads and stresses and strains over the beam length
shell serves to transfer the load. At the same time such and over its cross section as applicable. All together this is
bracket may be seen as a component transmitting a force called the beam theory in engineering mechanics. Standard
from one side of the bracket to the other. Again this is a mat- textbooks such as reference 17 deal with this extensively.
ter of modeling where one can zoom in (load transmitting For the present chapter it is assumed that the reader is com-
component) or zoom out (transfer element between hori- pletely familiar with this beam theory.
zontal and vertical web). Beam theory gives, by far, the most important think
As can be seen in the example of a module onboard a model used by the designer of ship structures. It is used
barge the load path is not always unique. In the given case both for small components of the structure such as a deck
there is not only one bottom transverse and one bottom lon- beam as well as for a ship’s hull in totality. It is important
gitudinal, there are several of them. They form parallel load to note that the theory is based upon certain assumptions
paths that together transmit the load from one point to an- concerning the behavior of the beam under load. The de-
other. There is no need that all parallel load paths transmit signer must be fully aware of the following assumptions:
the same percentage of the total load. How much will go
through one and how much through another is an impor- • cross sections remain plane under load and perpendicu-
tant matter in Subsection 17.7.5. lar to the neutral axis,
• cross sections remain undeformed under load (their shape
does not change), and
17.7.3 Ways of Load Transmission and Beam Theory • the magnitude of the bending stresses is linearly related to the
A structural component can serve to transmit a load (force height of the point under consideration in the cross section.
or moment) from one point to another (or several other Later in this chapter it is shown that this is not always
points or a distribution). Often these points are the ends of the case. Such situation may have a major impact on the
the component or member under consideration. If the mem- structural design. This is so for instance when an open ship
ber is a beam such transmission can be in various forms: is loaded in torsion and prevention of warping (deforma-
tension, compression, bending, torsion or a combination. tion of the cross section) is one of the ways to accommo-
Note that different forms may exist at the two ends, for ex- date the torsional load (see section 17.10.6).
ample, a moment at one end and a force at the other end. From the general formulas in beam theory the follow-
Engineering mechanics show how such loads are related ing aspects may be derived of which the designer of ship
and the relevant formulas will not be repeated here (see structures should be well aware, especially as these char-
Chapter 18 – Analysis and Design of Ship Structure). For acteristics often are the first ones dictating the structural de-
simple beams the relation depends solely on the magnitude sign:
of the loads and the overall dimensions of the beam (not on
its cross sectional properties). • a beam loaded in tension provides the stiffest (or least
Also from engineering mechanics it is known that such flexible) transmission possible. The stiffness in com-
a beam will deform under influence of the loads. The rela- pression is the same, but may soon reach a limit in case
tive position and orientation of the two points of load ap- of a slender beam when the buckling strength is reached,
17-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• a beam in bending is far more flexible than one in ten- For the transmission of lateral loads the plate may be con-
sion; the flexibility increases with the third power of the sidered to act as a series of parallel beams of rectangular
beam length when transfer of a concentrated load is con- cross section with a height equal to the plate thickness. The
sidered or even with the fourth power of the length when transverse load will translate into bending moments just as
a distributed load exists. In bending, the smaller of the is the case with ordinary beams. It is important to note that
upper and lower flanges is dictating for the stiffness, but generally the structural concept will be such that lateral load
even more important is the web height, which contributes transmission by plates is limited to a relatively short dis-
with its square, tance, say typically never more than 30 times the plate thick-
• shear lag and the resulting effective breadth may reduce ness. Otherwise the deflection of the plate and the bending
the effectiveness of the flanges in particular for short stresses developed would become unacceptably high. More
beams (see Chapter 18 – Analysis and Design of Ship details are given in section 17.9.1.
Structure and reference 18), A plate sometimes transmits in-plane loads just as a
• when loaded in shear mainly those parts of the beam are beam transmits tension or compression forces. In that case
effective which are parallel to the plane in which the the stresses are equally distributed over the cross section of
shear force works. Often this will be the web plate of a the plate. Similarly a plate may transmit an in-plane bend-
beam. The stiffness then is directly related to the cross ing moment by a linear stress distribution over its (then nec-
sectional area of that (web) plate and linear with the essarily limited) width. So far the plate behaves like a beam.
length of the beam, An essential difference however is the possibility of a non-
• the flexibility under shear and under bending for a beam linear stress distribution. This will occur whenever discon-
depends on the ration between beam height (depth) and tinuities are present leading to stress concentrations, shear
length. According to reference 5 the contribution of shear lag etc. The best illustration is by means of stress lines as
and bending will be about equal if the ratio is around 14. described in section 17.9.2. Note that in beams non-linear
For shorter beams (which is normal for ships), shear flex- stress distributions may also exist, but normally they are
ibility governs and for longer beams, bending. Yet in prac- disregarded.
tice bending is more commonly considered than shearing, Generally plates carry lateral loads through bending and
• when loaded in torsion a closed cross section is effec- in-plane loads by in-plane tensile and compressive stresses
tive; an open cross section is in general very flexible as described. However in some situations lateral loads may
when loaded in torsion, and be carried by in-plane membrane stresses. This may be the
• the end conditions of the beam, whether free, simply case when deflections of the plate are large relative to the
supported, clamped or flexibly supported have a large plate thickness or when the plates already initially possess
impact upon the internal forces and moments and upon a deformed shape (see section 17.9.5).
the resulting deflections. Whenever thinking in models,
good insight as to the end conditions and their effect is
essential. 17.7.5 Series and Parallel Load Paths:
Stiffness and Deflection
The previous section explained that the structure transmits
17.7.4 Load Transmission Through Plates forces from one point to another. This may be done in var-
The previous section discussed load transmission through ious forms such as through bending, tension, or torsion. The
structural components that can be modeled as beams. The examples given in the previous sections show that a load
other important way of load transmission is by means of path might consist of several components each transmitting
plates or structures that may be modeled as plates. the load in a different way. The total deformation of the
A plate is characterized by two dimensions (length and load path is the sum of the individual deformations of its
breadth) that are large compared to the third dimension, the components. The flexibility is the relative displacement of
plate thickness. Two ways of load transfer exist, in-plane one end to the other, including the so-called tail effect, di-
forces and out of plane (lateral) loads. In-plane moments vided by the applied load. The tail effect means that the de-
(that is around an axis perpendicular to the plate) translate formation of one element influences the displacement of
into in-plane stresses which are unevenly distributed over the end of an attached component, which is rigidly con-
the plate surface. Out of plane moments (around an axis in nected to the first one. For instance, rotation of the end of
the plane of the plate) are closely related to lateral forces, one element makes the next element rotate, hence its end
as will be seen. Because of their relative thinness, plates are displaces, even when that second element does not deform
much stiffer for in-plane loads than for lateral loads. itself. In summary, a load path may be considered to exist
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-11

of several load paths in series (compare to electric circuits) design becomes clear. That is, when alternative parallel load
and is characterized by the total flexibility being the sum paths exist, the stiffer ones carry most of the total load. The
of the individual flexibilities. load is distributed over parallel load paths in direct relation
Similarly a structure may offer more than one load path to their respective stiffness.
in parallel. The model of the example shows that without braces the
total tension force and the bending moment in the upper pon-
Example 6—Load transmission in a semi-submersible. A toon are fully determined by the magnitude and location of
semi-submersible consists of two lower pontoons each sup- the splitting force. If those are accurately known, the inter-
porting one or more columns that in turn support a box-like nal forces (including moment) in the upper pontoon are com-
upper platform as shown in Figure 17.3. A decisive type of pletely determined. It does not say anything of the distribution
hydrodynamic load for this sort of structure is the so-called of those internal forces over the complete structure of the
splitting force. This is a pair of forces working on the in- upper pontoon. In structural design, often the integrated in-
side of the two pontoons, trying to push them apart. Note ternal loads of a beam are completely determined but the ac-
that the total splitting load on the structure, as a whole, is tual distribution is not. Sometimes the distribution of the
zero. Similar to the splitting load there is a squeezing force, stresses may be fairly accurately estimated. For instance,
that is, a load acting on the pontoons from the outside in- consider the same semi-submersible model now with brace
wards. Such load generally is less onerous for the structure. system. The total tension force over a cross section of the
The vessel structure will transmit the splitting load from complete model (including both upper pontoon and braces)
one pontoon to the other. A tubular brace as indicated is the is the same as before. However, the distribution over brace
obvious structural design and will directly transmit the load and upper pontoon depends, as mentioned, on the relative
as a beam in tension. Omitting the brace in a think model stiffness of the two load paths. From that it can easily be seen
will immediately show that a second load path uses bend- that nearly all the tension force will be accommodated by
ing of the columns and the upper platform (and loading the the brace; only a small proportion will go through the upper
upper platform in tension at the same time). From the gen- pontoon. If the latter must be estimated, the stiffness or flex-
eral observations regarding beam theory it will be clear that ibility of the two load paths must first be estimated with the
this alternative load path is far more flexible than the one help of the formulas from beam theory.
offered by the direct brace connection. Of course when the Note that this example is also a good illustration of think
brace is part of the structure the alternative load path also models. Here the cross section of the semi-submersible is
exists and has to deform in the same way as the first load thought of as a two-dimensional series of beams. The fact
path through the brace. For that deformation, only a small that in the actual structure more than one parallel brace will
load is needed. Both load paths attract load. However, the be provided is not visible in the think model. Neither is the
stiffer load path carries more than the flexible one. The total fact that at each lower pontoon probably more than one col-
load is distributed over the two paths in relation to their umn is constructed. The model as presented serves one pur-
stiffness. pose: to be able to take a decision on whether or not to
provide a horizontal brace system. To that end a number of
From this example a very important aspect of structural braces and columns may be lumped into one brace and two
columns. If other aspects of the structural concepts must be
studied, different models are needed, each adapted to the
question under consideration.
Example 6 also shows that the upper pontoon will trans-
mit a bending moment and a tension from one side of the
semi-submersible to the other. In order to establish the roles
of deck and bottom (single or double) of the upper pontoon
in this load transmission, different think models will be nec-
essary. Note that a total tension force may be found in, for
instance, the bottom plate of the upper platform. This ten-
sion results from both the total tension force that is present
in the upper platform and from a tension force correspon-
ding to the bending moment in the upper platform. Such ten-
sion force will not be distributed equally over the full width
Figure 17.3 Principle of a Brace in a Semi-submersible of the plate (which width in this case would correspond to
17-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the, probably longer, length of the upper pontoon). Shear The hull structure consisting of decks, bottom, shell, lon-
lag and effective width of the plate (see section 17.9.10) play gitudinal bulkheads and transverse bulkheads, plays the
a role where the loads are transmitted from the columns to main role in redistributing vertical, horizontal and torsional
the upper pontoon. In order to study these effects it will be loads over the length of the vessel in order to equalize them
necessary to think of the upper platform or its component with the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads acting on the
deck or bottom in terms of a flat plate. ship. This hull structure is often called the backbone of the
ship, or the hull girder. The analysis of this total structure
is called the overall strength analysis. The local strength
17.7.6 Superposition and Decomposition of analysis covers the load path from its application point to
Loads and Responses the backbone, or even a shorter path for details. The possi-
The formulas for beam and plate behavior given in standard bility to superpose and decompose loads and responses is
textbooks all show that the response of a structure in the fundamental in making conceptual decisions for a ship struc-
form of deflections, deformations and stresses is linearly de- ture and allows a fairly accurate analysis without necessar-
pendent on the magnitude of the applied load. Implicitly this ily modeling the complete ship. In doing so the designer and
has been used already when describing alternative parallel the analyst must be aware of the assumptions that underlie
load paths, as in example 6 in the previous section. this approach such as linearity and beam theory. The de-
For linear systems the response to the sum of various signer must be aware that deviations from these assump-
loads is equal to the sum of the responses to the individual tions often occur and he must be able to judge when this
loads. This fundamental property of linearity is important implies that more refined calculations and assessments may
in setting up and analyzing ship structures. It means that the be necessary. In the present chapter several examples are
response of a structural item may be determined by sum- included to show when this may be the case.
ming the responses to individual loads. In the example 5,
considering the load path of a module weight on the deck
of a pontoon to finally the water pressure on the bottom
plating, all structural components not only participate in
this particular load transmission, but in many others at the
same time. In particular this is so for major parts of the hull A limit exists for the magnitude of the loads that a struc-
structure such as the shell plating and longitudinal bulk- ture can carry. Beyond that limit the structure will fail. The
heads. The stress component resulting from the example structural designer must be well aware of the various fail-
load transfer is only a small part of the total stress in the ure modes that may exist and how to prevent them. The de-
shell plating. The same holds true for the water pressure load signer must design in such a way that the possibility of
on the bottom plating, which is the sum of many vertical failure for the final structure under the anticipated loads will
loads on the total vessel. Adding all those vertical loads is be kept at an acceptably low level. The way in which this
the same process that traditionally is used to determine the can be analyzed is described in Chapters 18 – Analysis and
draft and trim of the ship. It means that the total water pres- Design of Ship Structures and 19 – Reliability Based De-
sure on the bottom structure can be determined far more eas- sign, but before that, at the stage of the first setting up of
ily from such an integral calculation of the vessel than from the structural design, recognition of the failure modes will
individual load paths. Taking all of this together we may have a major impact. The exact level of safety is less im-
conclude that in general no need exists to analyze load paths portant for the structural concept than awareness of the var-
completely over their full length. Generally the analysis is ious failure modes themselves.
performed only up to the point where the stress (or defor- The failure modes are directly related to the kind of load
mation) of a particular load represents a small portion of to which the structure is subjected. Tensile forces may lead
the total stress in a component. The support for the module to rupture of the structure when the tensile strength of the
on the deck of the transport pontoon will be analyzed up to material is surpassed. But before that a limit may some-
the point that its effect on the local stresses becomes small. times already be reached with the yield strength. This may
Mostly this is until the load is distributed over the shell and result in unacceptably large deformations of the structure.
longitudinal bulkheads, and, for bending, over the deck and That is, unacceptably large in view of safety (infrequent),
the bottom of the barge (or ship). Similarly the total load operability (in particular where the structure has to interact
on the bottom structure may be considered as load input in- with mechanical systems) or nice appearance. For the struc-
dependent of the details of all the loads they originate from. tural concept it is less important in general whether the fail-
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-13

ure would be the result of exceeding the ultimate strength 17.9 CONCEPTS OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS
or the yield limit; in any case, it would be in tension.
Generally, in view of the safety margin the allowable 17.9.1 Laterally Loaded Plates
stress would probably be related to yield strength. Safety Without any doubt the most typical structural component of
against failure under tension usually requires sufficient cross a ship is the transversely loaded plate. The watertight enve-
sectional area. In exceptional cases the material and struc- lope of the vessel, the shell, consists of that type of structure
ture behavior after yield will play a role in the concept. This and so do many other components such as tank bulkheads.
is for instance the case where redundancy after failure of a The plate transmits the lateral load from the points of
member is important (see subsection 17.9.8) or where a application (which often are distributed over the full area
structure is designed for its behavior after damage (see sub- of the plate) via bending to the plate support, generally a
section 17.12.3 for an example). stiffener. A two-dimensional situation is where an infinitely
In compression a limit may be reached when yield or ul- long plate panel of limited width is supported at two sides
timate strength is exceeded. But more common is that a by stiffeners. Already from symmetry considerations it will
structural component under that load will fail due to over- be clear that the load path may be considered as a series of
all or local buckling. More than cross sectional area, over- parallel elementary beams of width ∆x. Each elemental
all and local stiffness (moment of inertia) and the end beam acts as any standard beam and complies with the beam
conditions (clamped, simply supported, etc.) of the struc- formulas provided by the use E /(1 – ν2) with ν being Pois-
tural component are important. son’s ratio instead of the normal Young’s modulus E. This
Also excessive shear loads may lead to overall or local is because contraction of the elementary strip is prevented
buckling. Shear stresses may be the result of simple shear by the adjoining strips (20). From considerations of sym-
forces in plates as well as stemming from torsion loads in metry and anti-symmetry it follows that the elementary
open or closed cross sections. Books such as reference 19 beams are simply supported by the stiffeners in case the
clearly describe buckling of beams and plates. beam stops at those supports. If beam and loading continue
Vibrations generally may be prevented by sufficient over- beyond the stiffeners the support may be considered to be
all and sometimes local stiffness. It may even be necessary clamped. A continuous beam with non-continuous loading
to install additional stiffeners, struts or pillars just to pre- behaves in an intermediate way.
vent vibrations by changing the natural frequency of the Note that the maximum bending moment in the plate in-
structure. creases with the square of the distance between the sup-
Sometimes the role of structural elements is not to carry ports (its unsupported span). In order to accommodate the
loads directly but to assist other components in doing so same maximum bending stress the section modulus needs
without failing. Stiffeners to prevent buckling are a clear to be increased, which means increasing the plate thickness
example of this. This shows that the structural designer must in direct relation to the unsupported span. In other words
be fully aware of all the failure mechanisms that may take the desire for minimum weight of the structure will lead to
place in a structure and of the impact any failure may have the use of a small unsupported span. On the other hand the
on the overall reliability of the structure. This leads to a dis- desire for minimum fabrication costs will lead to a reduced
tinction between component failure and global failure. Ques- number of stiffeners and hence increase the stiffener spac-
tions are important such as whether component failure is ing. Experience shows that a stiffener spacing ranging from
progressive and leads to global failure on short or longer about 0.5 meter for small ships to 1.0 meter for larger ships
notice and whether structural redundancy exists (see Sub- generally seems to be optimal for normal situations.
section 17.9.8). The designer must rely upon his knowledge Consider a square plate supported by stiffeners at all
and experience and that of others such as classification so- four sides. From symmetry considerations it will be obvi-
cieties. In the conceptual design phase assessing the risks ous that the load at, say, the center point of the plate will be
is qualitative. A quantitative assessment may take place later transmitted equally to all four supports of the panel. In other
by a full probabilistic approach such as described in Chap- words the load path to one support will carry only half the
ter 19 – Reliability Based Design. Note that this concep- load it would carry in the two-dimensional case. Because
tual knowledge in prevention of structural failure and risk of linearity of the system it follows that the responses of the
assessment is different from the often-used assessment on plate panel to the loads will also be half of what it would
the basis of for instance allowable stresses. The latter has be in the two-dimensional case.
many implicit assumptions regarding failure prevention that If the panel is not square the distance of its center to one
the structural designer must recognize explicitly. support will rapidly increase compared to the distance to the
17-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

other support. From beam theory we see that the flexibility

between the two load paths increases to the fourth power with
that distance. The shorter load path rapidly attracts the major
part of the total load transfer. This is completely in line with
the earlier statement that stiffness attracts load. The aspect
ratio a/b, of a panel length a and width b, determines the be-
havior compared to that of an infinitely long plate. Already
for an aspect ratio of 2 the results both for maximum de- Figure 17.4 Stress Lines Around a Hole in a Plate
flection and for bending moment in the plate are different
only to a few percent from that for the infinitely long plate.
For conceptual design normally we can think in terms of the
two-dimensional case, as the aspect ratio of plate panels gen-
erally will be well above 2 (see also subsection 17.9.7).
The results for the two-dimensional and for the square
panel are fully in line with the full plate theory as given for
instance in Chapter 18 – Analysis and Design of Ship Struc-
tures or in Hughes (18).

17.9.2 In-plane Tension of Plates

As mentioned earlier a distinctive feature of plates loaded
in-plane is that the magnitude of the stresses is not always
linearly distributed over the length and width of the plate.
Stress concentrations and shear lag will occur wherever
there are discontinuities in the shape of the structure or in
sudden changes in the applied load. Practical aspects of
stress concentrations and shear lag will be dealt with in Sub-
sections 17.9.9 and 17.9.10. Figure 17.5 Major Stresses Around Hatch Openings in a Container Ship
The stress distribution in a plate can be conveniently vi-
sualized by stress trajectories, also called stress lines. These
are lines, which at each point of the plate are parallel to the
direction of the principal stresses in that point. The distance
between the stress lines is related to the inverse of the mag-
nitude of the principal stresses. Note that basically two or-
thogonal sets of stress lines exist in any plate representing
the two major stresses. Figure 17.4 shows the stress lines
around a circular hole in a plate. Clearly visible is the stress
concentration. With post-processors combined with finite
element calculations it is easy to get an impression of the
stress lines in an analyzed plate by plotting the direction and
Figure 17.6 Hatch Coaming Continuity
magnitude of the two major stresses in the centers of any
of the elements as in Figure 17.5 from Reference 35. Often
for clarity only one of the two sets of stress lines is repre-
sented. It can be shown that the stress lines in a plate are
similar to the non-rotational flow of a fluid through a chan- between the hatches of a container vessel because of passage
nel with the shape of the plate and any openings like small of pipes, etc. The optimal shape from a variety of solutions
islands. This hydrodynamic analogue is a useful think model is shown in Figure 17.6 from (5). This result was found using
when designing a plate structure. finite element simulations. But the hydrodynamic analogue
makes this obvious even without detailed calculations. Use
Example 7—A hatch coaming. The hatch side coaming can- of that analogy obviously can help to decide upon alterna-
not be continuous over its full height (as would be preferable) tives that are worthwhile to be investigated further.
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-15

Failure of plates in tension may be the consequence of stiffeners preferably (but not exclusively) in a direction par-
local excess of the ultimate strength of the material, but allel to the compressive stress. The amount of stiffeners and
more general, is the result of fatigue. A small localized crack their spacing follows from the general theory on plate buck-
generally is no problem strength-wise (unless this results ling as described in Chapter 18 and in other referenced books.
in spill of oil or ingress of water into the hull) because local
yielding will allow the structure to deform. Repeated load- Example 9—Buckling of a tanker crosstie. Buckling oc-
ing will lead to crack growth until the crack reaches its crit- curred in the crosstie of a tanker as shown in Figure 17.7
ical length. Assessment of such situations is the domain of from (5). The tie obviously could not transmit the horizon-
fracture mechanics. For the structural designer it is impor- tal transverse load without buckling. A simple additional
tant to realize that structural steels in general are rather for- stiffener parallel to the load at half height of the tie, possi-
giving with respect to local damages and small stress bly only over the wider part of the web plate, might have
concentrations and that this may have an impact on the con- prevented this damage. In this situation the damage will not
ceptual design. immediately impair the vessel reliability but repeated load-
ing alternating between tension and compression could re-
sult in fatigue cracking. The crack probably would grow
17.9.3 In-plane Compression; Plate Buckling relatively quickly and lead to a situation that is dangerous
When in-plane stresses are compressive the situation is com- for the vessel.
pletely similar to that with tensile stresses till the moment
that plate buckling occurs. Free plate edges are particularly sensitive to buckling.
Buckling starts when the structure becomes unstable, Edge stiffening generally is provided to prevent this when-
that is, when the plate deflection may take on any non-zero ever the unsupported width of the free plate exceeds some-
value. This is comparable to the situation where a column thing like 30t (t being the plate thickness). Note that such
starts to buckle under a compressive load. However, once edge stiffening may easily be confused with a faceplate pro-
initial buckling has been reached, the load on the plate may vided to accept tensile (or compressive) stresses. Some-
continue to increase without getting infinite deflections. This times such stiffening may play both roles at the same time.
is typical for plate buckling; it is not so for buckling of a
column (often called Eulerian buckling). It makes plate
buckling generally less onerous than column buckling, and 17.9.4 Sandwich Panels
therefore, in exceptional cases sometimes acceptable. In Subsection 17.9.1 the behavior of laterally loaded plates
was discussed. The plate bends under influence of that load
Example 8—Buckling in the side of a superstructure. The and experiences stresses which are linearly distributed over
window openings in the side of the superstructure of a small its thickness. From this it is obvious that the extreme fibers
ferry showed a situation where buckling occurred (which of the plate (those at its surfaces) play the major role in ac-
could be expected using the hydrodynamic analogue as just commodating the bending moment. The effectiveness of
described). However, the load could further increase with-
out endangering the safety of the vessel. After the buck-
ling took place other parts of the structure (parallel
bulkheads) took over the load-carrying role and the prob-
lem was mainly aesthetical. If the subject plate would not
have been visible possibly the buckling would have been
acceptable. However, if many load reversals take place
(putting the vessel from a hogging into a sagging situation
and vice versa) the buckles will be stretched again and
thereafter buckle again. In such situation a risk of initia-
tion of fatigue cracks exists. How long this situation can
be accepted is a separate discussion, but generally such
cracking is considered unacceptable.
Note that plate buckling may be the result of compres-
sive stresses as well as of shear stresses (after all, this in-
volves compressive stresses under 45°).
The general way to prevent buckling is to add buckling Figure 17.7 Buckling of a Tanker Crosstie
17-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the outer fiber increases with the square of its distance to

the plate mid-plane because both the stress magnitude and
the moment arm increase linearly. The middle part of the
plate is far less effective. But its weight per unit thickness
is the same.
Sandwich structures were developed to improve this sit-
uation. The principle shown in Figure 17.8 is that two thin
load-bearing skin plates are provided at the outer faces of Figure 17.8 Principle of Sandwich Construction
the total sandwich structure. Those skin plates are kept at a
distance by a relatively lightweight core. Together they act
as one plate. The distribution of the bending stress and the
shear stress over the thickness is influenced by the relative
properties of the core and the skin materials.
The core has low shear stiffness, either because the ma-
terial has a low shear modulus or because the core does not
consist of solid material but of foam or distributed solid el-
ements such as honeycomb or lateral plate strips. Assume
a linear deformation (one of the basic assumptions of beam
theory) as in Figure 17.8. Because the Young’s modulus of
the skin material is much higher than that of the core, the
resulting stress distribution is no longer linear, but as shown
in the figure. Note that the core not only serves to keep the Figure 17.9 Shear Fracture at Connection of Sandwich Panels
skins at distance, but also plays a significant role in ac-
commodating the shear force. Overlooking this is one of the
main causes for failure of sandwich structures.
Sandwich structures are very effective in accommodat-
ing lateral plate loads in bending with minimal structural
weight. They are far less effective when it comes to ac-
commodating in-plane tensile and compressive loads.
Stresses then will be mainly transmitted through the skin
plates, which are not especially light. Note that this means
that sandwich structures also are not particularly effective
in accommodating lateral loads by means of membrane
stresses as described in the next section. The core does not
play an important role in transmitting in-plane stresses be-
cause often the material will have a rather low modulus of
If non-solid material is used for the core (honeycomb,
lateral plate strips) a problem exists in connecting the cores
of two adjacent sandwich plates also making such cores in-
effective for, at least, tensile loads. At such connection shear
Figure 17.10 RO-RO Ramp Made from Aluminum Extrusions
forces must be transferred from the core to the skin plates
and then transferred to the next panel only by the skin plates
(Figure 17.9 from Reference 21). If this transfer is over a
short distance the problem may remain limited, but in other plastic or aluminum foam, paper or aluminum honeycomb,
situations it can become more important. or balsa wood as core. Thanks to laser welding it is possi-
Sandwiches exist in different materials. Best known are ble today to fabricate all-metal sandwiches with plate strips
those in composites where the skin plates consist of fiber as core.
reinforced or non-reinforced plastics. The core may consist Sandwich plates have more failure modes than a tradi-
of plastic foam, balsa wood, plastic, paper honeycomb or tional solid plate. Shearing of the core already was men-
similar. Alternatively the skin plates may be aluminum with tioned. Other failure modes are wrinkling of the skin plate,
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-17

tear-off of the skin from the sandwich, punching of the skin

plate by a concentrated lateral load and so on. Some of these
failure modes are elaborated upon in Chapter 18 – Analy-
sis and Design of Ship Structure and 21 – Composites.
In general sandwiches are more expensive to fabricate
than an equivalent structure in steel. Typically they are used
in weight-sensitive vessels such as high-speed ferries and
high performance sailing and motor yachts.
Some examples of recently developed sandwich struc-
tures will now be described. Figure 17.11 Stack of 40 mm Thick Steel Sandwich Panels

Example 10—Trailer ramp. In Figure 17.1 the use of ex-

truded aluminum sections for a deck was illustrated. Fun-
damentally this is a sandwich structure. In Figure 17.10 the
incorporation of such a deck in the ramp of a Ro-Ro vessel
is shown.

Example 11—Laser welding. Laser weldingallows welding

through the plate thickness to a second plate underneath.
This enables welding of structures that hitherto could not Figure 17.12 Cross Section of Aluminum Sandwich Panel with End
be welded (see reference 22), and this makes the construc- Connectors
tion of all-metal sandwiches possible as shown in Figure
17.11 for steel and in Figure 17.12 for aluminum. Even bi-
metallic sandwiches are proposed with one steel skin and
the other aluminum.
In order to connect adjacent panels special edge provi-
sions must be provided (Figure 17.12). These provisions
generally do not connect the core structures of the two pan-
els. Thus the cores does do not contribute to the transmis-
sion of in-plane loads. Lateral shear loads can be transmitted
only by the contact between core and edge stiffener. At the
moment this limits the application of this type of sandwich
structure to local, laterally loaded structures that do not par-
ticipate in overall strength. Examples are staircases, water-
tight and non-watertight division bulkheads, landing
platforms, tweendecks and similar. The use of aluminum
sandwich panels in a modern large sailing yacht is illus-
trated in Figure 17.13.
Advantages in addition to the low weight are the small Figure 17.13 Aluminum Sandwich Panels Used for Decks and Bulkheads in a
construction height, smooth exterior thanks to the laser Sailing Megayacht
welding, reduction of noise and vibration and possibly bet-
ter fire protection characteristics.

Example 12—Bonding. Recently a new product appeared

on the market where steel skin plates are bonded by a solid
elastomer (23,24). The latter is injected after the skin plates
are in position. The system is meant to replace traditionally
stiffened steel plates.
The application shown in Figure 17.14 shows the span
between two web frames or similar. A traditional steel struc-
ture would require 3 or 4 stiffeners, which now can be omit- Figure 17.14 Support for Sandwich Panel
17-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ted. The number of structural components and the amount sists of rather narrow steel strips. Welding is from the out-
of welding thus is minimized. side using slots and backing strips because of inaccessibil-
An additional advantage of the system is the fact that ity of the rudder for the welder (Figure 17.16 from reference
the core material is injected after the skin plates are in- 25).
stalled. It means that the core consists of one continuous A double bottom, a double shell or even a complete ship
material. The core material has a better shear strength than (over its full height) may be considered as a sandwich with
several more traditional core materials. Together this means material at its extreme fibers arranged so that accommoda-
that the sandwich plate is more suitable to transmit shear tion of bending is maximized. Shear forces will then be
forces than some other sandwich structures. The number transmitted via plates perpendicular to the extreme fibers.
of fatigue and corrosion-prone details is significantly re- But normally such large structures will not be called sand-
duced which makes maintenance easier. Added advantages wiches.
may be better damping characteristics for noise and vi-
bration and a good impact resistance. For repair of exist-
ing structures the fact that the system can be retrofitted 17.9.5 Membranes
using the existing stiffened plate as one of the skins is an Earlier it was mentioned that distributed transverse loads on
important advantage for certain applications. Figure 17.15 plates may also be carried by in-plane stresses if the deflec-
shows the application in the repair of an existing Ro-Ro tions of the plate are large compared to its thickness or when
ferry deck. The mass density of the solid core must be con- a large out-of-plane form of the plate has been built in.
sidered in design and, in the case of repair where weight
is added, the hydrodynamic stability of the ship should be Example 13—Sails. Sails are a good example of the use of
checked. membrane strength. Most people intuitively know the way
As with all structural laminates, tension forces across the in which these transmit the wind forces to the ship. Figure
laminate should be avoided unless direct design calcula-
tions show otherwise. Connectors like epoxy embedded an-
chors can be used to transfer small tensile forces directly
into the core to engage the entire sandwich plate without
Note that the term sandwich generally is applied to pan-
els consisting of two skins with an intermediate core, to-
gether having a limited thickness and generally supplied
Existing plate
complete by an independent fabricator. Structurally the same
principles apply to some items normally fabricated by the
shipyard. A good example is the rudder. Here the core con- Figure 17.15 Structural Repair Using Elastomer Injected in Place

Figure 17.16 Cross Section through a Rudder

Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-19

17.17 shows the transverse and longitudinal sails of the clip-

per Stad Amsterdam recently built in the Netherlands. The
wind pressure is transmitted to either the edge ropes of the
sail or immediately to the spars or mast by membrane stresses
that exercise a distributed transverse load to those ropes or
spars. The transverse load to the edge ropes will result in only
tensile forces in a way similar to that in which lateral pres-
sures are translated into membrane forces for the sail.
The in-plane force components that are inescapably con-
comitant to membrane forces then will be transmitted by
the edge ropes (in tension only) and the spars (in compres-
sion and/or bending) back to the other side of the system.
The total system of sail, edge ropes and spars transmits only
the total wind force to the vessel. But within the system
some very large forces may be present in components.
From this example it is clear that the use of the mem-
brane principle requires that at the edges of the plate a struc-
ture must be provided to accommodate the in-plane
component of the membrane stresses. An exception exists
where loads are applied inside or outside a closed near-cir-
cle. In that case the membrane stresses may be in equilib-
rium within themselves.

Example 14—Membrane shell. Large tankers for transport

of fresh water and similar non-polluting liquids were con-
sidered in the mid-90s. They would be built from flexible
reinforced plastic sheets with an appropriate cross section
(attained automatically) to guarantee membrane stresses
only as shown in Figure 17.18 from reference 26. The idea
does not seem to have been pursued since then.
Figure 17.17 Stad Amsterdam Showing Sails Experiencing Membrane Strength
The principle of accommodating lateral loads in mem-
brane stresses is shown in Figure 17.19. A distributed pres-
sure can well be accommodated by a smoothly curved plate
(or membrane like a sail). No bending moments are neces-
sary but there is a direct relation between the pressure ap-
plied and the local deformation of the plate (sail or rope,
etc.). The consequence is that concentrated loads can be ac-
cepted only in this way if there is a concentrated deforma-
tion of the plate, a knuckle (as a result of the load or built
in from the start). If the point of application of the load is
not always the same, changing deformations and hence fa-
tigue may be the result (unless very flexible material is used
such as in sails). Use of membrane stresses to support lat-
eral loads, therefore, is limited to some rather special struc-
tures and to situations where the load is accidental. Implicitly
it sometimes is used to allow higher stresses than otherwise
would be the case such as for the plate thickness of shell
plating. In the case of watertight bulkheads development of
a permanent deformation after accidental loading (flooding
of a compartment) is accepted. Figure 17.18 Flexible Membrane Shell Tanker
17-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the beam is free, fixed, simply supported or spring-supported

on one or two ends, the bending moment distribution sim-
ply shifts up or down. This characteristic makes it possible
to adapt the shape and dimensions of the beam to the re-
quirements from the end support conditions. Those end con-
ditions in turn may also be adapted by the designer. He may
design the structure such that the end is simply supported,
Figure 17.19 Principle of Membrane Stresses to Absorb Lateral Load fully clamped or is characterized by a flexible support.

Example 15—Impact of end conditions of a beam. A beam

with a constant load per unit length is supported at its ends
17.9.6 Transversely Loaded Beams Including End in two ways: clamped and simply supported. The shear force
Supports distribution is identical, but the bending moment line of the
Transversely loaded beams are doubtless the most gener- clamped beam is identical in shape but shifted upwards by
ally used components in any ship apart from the plating it- an amount of ql2/12. The maximum bending moment
self. Their main function is to transmit a lateral load from changes from ql2/8 to ql2/12. More important is the loca-
the point of application to the point where those beams are tion of the maximum bending moment, which changes from
supported, mostly at one or both ends of the beam. The ap- mid-span to the end of the beam. The maximum load at
plied force can either be distributed, quasi-distributed or mid-span now is ql2/24, being the difference between ql2/8
concentrated. Distributed loads are typically those exerted and ql2/12. The point of the maximum shear force remains
by water pressure via the plating onto the stiffeners. A quasi- the same, that is, at the end of the beam; at mid-span the
distributed load consists of a series of concentrated loads shear force equals zero.
coming close to a continuous distribution, such as the loads
transferred by deck longitudinals into a deck transverse web As already stated, the beam design may be adapted to
frame. An example of a concentrated load is the load in- the distribution and bending moment. In areas of high shear
troduced from a rigging tie via a pad-eye into a stiffener. load the total web sectional area must be maximized, mean-
The load exerted on the beam is transmitted to its supports ing that manholes and cutouts should be minimized. Such
(generally at the beam ends) by means of bending and si- openings preferably must be located where the shear load
multaneously by shear. These two methods of load trans- is minimal. Where the bending moment is large, the distance
mission may be considered as two different (albeit between the extreme fibers (effective plate and flange or
inseparable) load paths. Following the principle described faceplate area) should be maximized and openings such as
in section 17.7.5 the two methods share the total load in ratio cutouts for crossing stiffeners in those areas should be min-
to their stiffness between the point of application of the load imized.
and the support.
A detailed description of the distribution between bend- Example 16—Bottom transverse of a large tanker. The cross
ing and shear is given in reference 5. In general in may be section over the central tank of a large tanker is shown in
stated that in long, not very high beams, such as stiffeners, Figure 17.20 from reference 5. The transverse web frame
bending is the dominant transmission mode. In shorter, high may be considered as a beam loaded by a series of con-
beams, such as web frames, shear transmission soon be- centrated loads introduced by the longitudinal stiffeners.
comes dominant. As stated earlier, for the gross behavior of the beam such
From the basic formulas of beam theory, such as in ref- series of point loads may be considered as an equally dis-
erence 17, it follows that in case the reaction forces at the tributed load as shown.
beam-ends remain the same, the shear force distribution in The load is transmitted to the hull girder partly via the
the beam depends only on the distribution of the applied longitudinal bulkheads, partly via the center girder. The dis-
loads. The shape of the bending moment distribution in turn tribution over these two supporting members depends on
depends only on the distribution of the shear force, hence the relative stiffness between the center girder and the lon-
the load distribution. However, the complete bending mo- gitudinal bulkheads. In this representation the bulkheads
ment line can be shifted up or down by a constant value de- are considered infinitely stiff, whereas all the difference in
pending on the end conditions of the beam (assuming that stiffness between the center girder and the longitudinal bulk-
the end conditions do not change the vertical reaction forces heads is combined in considering the center girder to be
as, for instance, in the case of a symmetric load). Whether supported by a spring with spring stiffness k. With k equal
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-21

to zero the center girder does not support the transverse at because the hatch coaming, possessing an open cross sec-
all; with k infinitely large the center girder and the longitu- tion, cannot provide the bending moment needed for a
dinal bulkheads participate in the same amount. This is re- clamped end condition. At the shell end of the beam a con-
flected in the distribution of the shear force as indicated. dition exists between simply supported and clamped. This
Note that the distribution of the shear force in the indi- is because any moment at the end of the beam would have
vidual sections of the transverse web frame depends only to be transferred to the side shell stiffener. The end of that
on the end conditions of the beam. side shell frame would rotate under influence of the moment
The shape of the transverse web frame is adapted so that and thus not be similar to a clamped end condition.
the shear area, the web sectional area, is maximized where Note that in this example the designer can change the
the shear force is at its maximum. This is done by increas- end conditions if, for whatever reason, it is desired to do so.
ing the height of the web plate. Note also that manholes in A hatch coaming with a closed cross section could accom-
the web may be provided near the center girder in case k is modate in torsion a bending moment coming from the deck
small. When k is large the shear force near the center girder beam. The end condition would then come close to a clamped
is appreciable and such manholes should preferably be lo- or fully fixed situation. Similarly a deep web on the side
cated halfway between the longitudinal bulkhead and cen- shell instead of a side shell stiffener of normal dimensions
ter girder. At the same time the increased height of the could accommodate a much larger bending moment being
transverse web frame makes the section modulus of the transferred from the deck beam. Again the end condition in
beam larger at the point where the bending moment is at its this way could come close to being fully clamped.
maximum. But in the given example this probably is less
important, and shear will be dictating. The previous example clearly shows that bending mo-
ments (or any other load forms) must be transferred from
Example 17—End conditions of a deck transverse. The sec- one structural component onto another one. A bending mo-
ond example concerns a traditional transverse deck beam of ment must be transferred from the deck beam into the side
a tweendeck of a general cargo ship (Figure 17.21). The shell shell frame. If the two elements are of similar dimensions
and the hatch side coaming support this beam. The beam end it is possible to transfer such end moments directly.
at the hatch coaming must be considered simply supported The connection between the two components, the deck
beam and the side shell frame, is shown in Figure 17.22. The
webs of the two profiles are attached back to back with the
flanges pointing in opposite directions. The bending stresses
in the deck beam are to a significant amount concentrated in
the flange of the profile. Similarly the bending stresses of the
side shell stiffener are concentrated in the flange of that stiff-
ener. All those stresses must be transferred from one flange
to the other by means of the weld connecting the two pro-
files. Without going into a detailed consideration of how this
is performed, it will be obvious that the connecting weld will

Figure 17.20 Tanker Wing Tank Transverse Web Connection to Center

Vertical Keel Figure 17.21 Traditional Transversely Framed Cargo Ship Midship Section
17-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

experience very high stresses or, in other words, this will re-
sult in a very high stress concentration.
When the load is more or less static, such high stress con-
centration may be acceptable considering that the highly
stressed area is limited in size and that that part will yield
to some extent (thus showing a non-linear stress-strain re-
lation) and hence the stress will be redistributed. In general,
however, such stresses will fluctuate in magnitude and the
risk of fatigue will be high. Therefore, the design shown in
Figure 17.22 is generally not acceptable. In particular it will
be difficult to see an effective way to accommodate the
bending moment over the diagonal cross section A-A.
A better design is to use a bracket in order to transfer Figure 17.22 Simple Bracketless Beam/Frame Connection
the bending moment from the deck beam to the side shell
stiffener (Figure 17.23). The bracket’s role is to assist in the
transfer of the bending moment. Now the diagonal cross sec-
tion is quite effective in accommodating the bending mo-
ment. The height of the cross section is more than both that
of the deck beam and that of the side shell stiffener. Also a
flange can be provided at the lower edge of the bracket as
described hereafter.
Finally the bracket already starts to transfer the bending
moment at a point of the beam more inward; in other words
the unsupported span of the beam is decreased. It is help-
ful to illustrate the effect of the bracket by considering the
force transmission by stress lines as mentioned in section
17.9.2. Immediately it is clear that a careful design of the Figure 17.23 Beam/Frame Bracket
connection between bracket flange and flange of the beam
is needed in case of large bending moments. Discontinuity
in the material may lead to high local stresses and conse-
quently the risk of fatigue. On the other hand it may be that
the location of the beginning of the bracket is such that the
bending moment at that point of the beam is not high. As a
consequence it is possible that no flange is needed. Also the
height of the bracket over its A-A diagonal cross section
again may be sufficient to eliminate the need for a flange.
But even in that situation a flange will often be provided to
prevent buckling of the otherwise unstiffened bracket edge
loaded in compression. In this situation it is quite accept-
able that the flange is not continuous with the flanges of the
deck beam and the side shell stiffener. The classification
societies allow the use of flangeless brackets but require the
bracket to be thicker than the same size bracket with a flange.
Note that the flange of a bracket offers a clear example
of how seemingly similar structural components may play
quite different roles in accommodating loads and stresses.
It also illustrates the different failure mechanisms that the
structure may experience. All those differences make de-
tails acceptable in one situation, which are completely un-
acceptable in other situations. Figure 17.24 Deformation of Asymmetrical Longitudinals at Web Frame
Sometimes consideration of space (or the cost involved Intersection
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-23

in use of a large number of components) would preferably imization of the scantlings and the use of high-strength
not use bracketed connections. steels are the main cause of the fatigue cracks.

Example 18—Bracketless end connection. In a car ferry or Asymmetrical profiles may not only have problems at
car transport ship space is at a premium in order to allow their end connections. Because of the eccentric loading the
the maximum number of cars with a limited building height. risk of lateral-torsional buckling, the so-called tripping, is
The connection between deck and side shell webs may be also increased. This means that tripping brackets will be
designed without brackets. A careful design and analysis of sooner required than is the case for symmetrical profiles.
the connection is necessary to prevent the risk of overload- This may be even more so when the load is obviously ec-
ing and crack initiation. In this situation additional stiffen- centric such as when a concentrated load is on a deck on
ers may have to be used to make an effective transmission one side of the stiffener.
of the bending moment possible. Figure 17.25 shows typical arrangement for the inter-
section of a stiffener with a web frame. For the asymmet-
Many beams do not have a symmetrical cross section. ric profile a non or single connection chock is needed.
In that case the shear center is not positioned in the same The symmetric section used two chocks in the past, but
vertical plane as the attachment of the beam to its related today the trend is toward the slot connection with no chocks.
plating. Consequently any load on the beam will exert a tor- It now is possible to slide the sections through the accurately
sional moment, which in the beam theory as normally used, cut openings in the web plate (see Tee 6 in the figure). In
is not taken into account. This torsion moment may cause the past this was not possible. What is true for stiffeners is
large stresses in addition to the normal bending stresses. If also true for brackets.
fluctuating this may cause fatigue. Traditionally brackets were attached overlapping the
stiffeners as in Figure 17.23. This makes for easy fit-up in
Example 19—Torsion from asymmetric stiffener. Longitu- fabrication (and thus was another argument in favor of non-
dinal side shell stiffeners of tankers showed many cracks in symmetric profiles). However, when the bracket must trans-
the 1980s at their connections to web frames. Figure 17.24 fer a bending moment, as described earlier in this section,
from reference 27 shows the deformations as calculated in the eccentricity of the bracket plate relative to the stiffener,
a finite element calculation. The additional torsion stresses causes a secondary bending moment perpendicular to the
caused by the eccentric load on the stiffener, due to its asym- plane of the bracket and the stiffener. Again this causes ad-
metry, are obvious. They are caused by the water pressure ditional stresses and the risk of fatigue. In optimized struc-
exerted on the vessel’s side shell. The fluctuating character tures, therefore, brackets are preferred that are symmetrical
of these deformations and stresses in combination with min- to the (then generally also symmetrical) stiffeners.

Figure 17.25 Typical Longitudinal/Web Frame Intersection Arrangement

17-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Note that the arguments for symmetrical stiffeners and system) as shown in Figure 17.26 from reference 2. The de-
brackets apply even more to aluminum than to steel struc- signer can select the number of element types, the unsup-
tures because this material is more fatigue-prone. Also alu- ported span and the distance between similar elements more
minum generally is used for high performance vessels where or less at will. Apart from general layout considerations, the
weight is at a premium and the structure is generally more choice is mostly dictated by minimization of either fabri-
optimized. This shows how the material selection impacts cation cost or structural weight or a compromise for both.
on details of the structural design. Most normal ships optimization studies, and past experience,
show that stiffener distances of 0.5 to 1.0 meter offer prac-
tical values (the larger figures for larger ships), web dis-
17.9.7 Orthogonally Stiffened Plate Panels tances (and thus unsupported spans for the stiffeners) Laterally loaded orthogonally stiffened realistically are 2.5 to 5.0 meters. Web spans (and thus dis-
plate panels tances between longitudinal bulkheads) often are around
The previous section dealt with the ubiquitous use of trans- 10 to 12 meters. Note that gradually the increase of the un-
versely loaded beams and their end connections. Most of supported span becomes smaller. This means that the rela-
the examples showed situations where the vertical load at tive importance of bending compared to shear is more for
the end of the beam is transferred into a structural member the smaller elements than for the larger. For the bulkheads
that itself has a direction more or less parallel to the load shear often is dominant. In aluminum high-speed vessels
exerted on the beam. Often in ship structures a different sit- those values for the stiffener spacings may be smaller.
uation exists. The beams transfer their load into members A characteristic for an orthogonally stiffened panel is that
lying in the same structural plane, which in itself is also most members extend over more than one supporting mem-
perpendicular to the loads. These members in turn may ber. Figure 17.27 from reference 2 shows a deck longitudi-
transfer their loads to still other members in the same plane nal supported by several web frames. When the longitudinal
being again perpendicular to the previous members (and is loaded over its full length by a constant deck load (here
hence parallel to the original first members). represented by a load per meter length) considerations of
symmetry indicate that the longitudinal, at each webframe,
Example 20—Orthogonal stiffening. The work deck of a experiences a bending moment, but does not experience a
semi-submersible support vessel is designed for a distrib- rotation under influence of the load. The longitudinal at that
uted load of, say, 10 tons/m2. The load will be transmitted point may be considered to be clamped. Contrary to the sit-
by the deck plating to the longitudinals (see Section 17.9.1). uation as described in the previous subsection this bending
The longitudinals transmit the load to the transverse deck moment now is counteracted by the bending moment in the
webs in the way described in the previous section. In a sim- adjacent part of the same longitudinal. This means that no
ilar way these webs in their turn transmit the load to the lon- bending moment is transferred into the supporting member,
gitudinal bulkheads. They again transmit the loads to the web frame, and consequently no brackets or similar con-
transverse bulkheads, which finally transmit the load to the nections are needed to transfer the bending moment. The
vertical members of the columns connecting the upper pon-
toon of the semi-submersible to its lower pontoons. In the
lower pontoons in a similar way the load is distributed via
longitudinal and transverse bulkheads to the webs, bottom
stiffeners and finally bottom plating to equalize with the
water pressure on the bottom.

In example 20 a repeated transfer of the load to elements

of an orthogonal stiffening system is described. Each sub-
sequent elemental system level has a larger distance and
unsupported span, but also a larger moment of inertia. It is
obvious that the system with some five types of elements
as described in the example is quite complicated. Often the
number of elements is not more than 3, that is, longitudi-
nal stiffeners, transverse webs and longitudinal girders and
other edge supporting structure (assuming that the longitu-
dinal shell plating is not considered to be an element of this Figure 17.26 Orthogonally Stiffened Deck Panel
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-25

Figure 17.27 Longitudinals Extending Over Many Webframes

instance when that member in itself would be fixed nearby.

The rotation over a short distance then could create high local
stresses. In particular when the deflection is fluctuating this
can create fatigue problems. In-plane compressive loading of orthogonally

stiffened plate panels
Plate panels, including orthogonally stiffened panels, often
are loaded in their plane. When such loading is tensile the
Figure 17.28 Torsionally Buckled Stiffeners stiffening members do not play any specific role. The cross
sectional area of members parallel to the load adds to the
cross section of the plate itself and thus reduces the maxi-
mum stress.
shear force from the longitudinal, however, must be trans- It is different, however, in case of in-plane compressive
ferred into the web frame. loads. For a given plate thickness the buckling strength of
A typical way to do this is illustrated in Figure 17.25 the plate panel depends in particular on the free plate length,
where chocks connect the longitudinal to the web and trans- that is, the distance between its stiffeners. As mentioned in
fer the shear force. Sometimes an additional stiffener on Subsection 17.9.3 stiffeners in the direction of the applied
top of the longitudinal is also provided to transfer this shear load are the more effective but stiffeners perpendicular to
force. Note that this shear connection must transfer the shear that load are also possible (see the referenced books on en-
force coming from the longitudinal at both sides of the sup- gineering mechanics for more details). Generally it is as-
porting web frame. The force exerted on the web thus is dou- sumed in plate buckling that the stiffeners will provide a
ble what it would have been if the longitudinal ended at the simple support to the plate, that is, no displacement per-
webframe. In many situations the load on the stiffeners is pendicular to the plate is assumed, but rotation is possible.
not continuous as was assumed until now. For instance on In special cases this may be avoided by using stiffeners with
the deck of a work vessel it is quite possible that a load is a closed cross section that can resist torsion, such as square
applied only on one side of the supporting member. In such tube.
a situation the assumption of symmetry around the support It is obvious that the stiffeners more or less parallel to
is no longer valid. the load when in compression will be subjected to a buck-
The longitudinal between its supports cannot be con- ling load. More than one buckling mode will be possible
sidered as clamped. It is not simply supported either, but for stiffeners in this condition. But the most likely form of
flexibly supported. The maximum bending moment is not buckling will be tripping, that is, local torsion of the stiff-
1/12ql2 as for the clamped situation or 1/8ql2 as for the sim- ener around its attachment to the plate (see Figure 17.28 from
ply supported condition, but something in between, say in reference 28).
the order of magnitude of 1/10ql2. The longitudinal at its Such stiffener buckling is prevented by the orthogonally
supports will experience a rotation under the load. In gen- arranged support, such as webframes. In this case the web
eral this cannot be prevented by the supporting member be- frame distance is decisive for the buckling strength of the
cause that does not possess the torsional rigidity to do so stiffener. If that distance is too large and consequently the
(unless specifically designed to prevent rotation). Some- buckling strength of the stiffener insufficient, the use of in-
times this creates a problem in the supporting member, for termediate tripping brackets will be necessary. Tripping
17-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

brackets sometimes are replaced by tying in two adjacent

stiffeners with one carling. Grids
The orthogonally stiffened panel is characterized by a hi-
erarchy of members with increasing span and cross sec-
tional stiffness. Such system sometimes is also called a grid.
It would be better, however, to restrict this term for the
not very common situations where loads can be transmit-
ted into more than one direction because stiffeners or other
members of similar stiffness run in different, often orthog-
onal, directions. The load path then consists of two parts.
A good example is the double bottom of a bulk carrier as
described in example 39 in section

17.9.8 Longitudinally Loaded Beams and Trusses

By far the majority of all ship structures consists of stiff-
ened plate panels loaded laterally or in-plane. In the former
case the load is generally a distributed one acting on the
plate, which transfers this load into the stiffeners as de-
scribed in Subsection 17.9.7. But sometimes structural el-
ements are line members. These practically always are
loaded at their ends, mainly with compressive or tension
loads in line with the element. Often this is combined with
a secondary bending moment, and in that case also a trans-
verse shear load. Beams that carry a lateral load over a major
part of their length mostly form part of a larger structure.
They are described in Subsection 17.9.6. Figure 17.29 Heavy-lift Floating Sheer-leg
Generally the reason for using a beam-like longitudi-
nally loaded structural element is that this is the most weight-
efficient way to transmit a force, as mentioned in section
17.7.3. Added advantages may be found such as mini-
mization of hydrodynamic resistance or keeping as open a
view as possible.

Example 21—Floating shear-legs. Figure 17.29 shows a

heavy-lift floating shear-leg. Obviously the hoisting wires
are elements in pure tension. Other elements, such as the
A-frame, are compression members. The latter have a more
substantial cross section. Not necessarily so in cross sec-
tional area, but in moment of inertia. This is necessary to
avoid buckling of such members. Note that the length of the
tension members is adjustable in order to provide the de-
sired lifting height and outreach. Also note that the arrange-
ment is such that some, but probably relatively little, side
load can be accommodated by the structure. Clearly it will
be difficult to find a more weight optimized structural con-
cept than the one shown.

Even in traditional ships many structural elements still

exist that are longitudinally loaded. Typical examples are Figure 17.30 Typical Pillar-to-Deck Connection
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-27

masts, davits, supports for bridge deck extensions, and, in members being the more effective cross section. Unfortu-
particular, pillars in the hull and the superstructure. Gener- nately, round tubular members do not fit well into the nor-
ally the pillars serve to transmit the weight of ship structure, mal ship structure, which consists of orthogonal flat plates
outfitting items and cargo to a lower part of the ship struc- and stiffeners. Continuity of material is difficult to attain.
ture and finally to the bottom structure (where it will equal- When loaded in compression the solution found generally
ize with the water pressure). When such members are loaded uses either intermediate plates loaded in bending and/or
in tension, only their cross sectional area is important. Loaded brackets inserted in the column (Figure 17.30 from (2). Note
in compression, however, they may buckle as a column. This that two opposite brackets preferably should be one contin-
means that the moment of inertia, the column length and its uous member in order to avoid rotation of the individual
end conditions are important to obtain an adequate structure. bracket into the tubular plating. This would create a hard
For that reason pillars are often constructed from tubular point in that plating and might easily lead to cracking.
Sometimes pillars are loaded in tension instead of com-
pression, such as when a pillar must transmit a tension force
for instance when located underneath the aft end of a winch.
But other linear members also exist such as the connection
tie between a tanker’s side shell and its longitudinal bulkhead.

Example 22—A tanker cross section. Tankers, whether dou-

ble- or single-hulled, often have crosstie beams connecting
longitudinal bulkheads and shell structure in the side tanks
(Figure 17.31 from reference 5).
They reduce the unsupported span of the webframes
along the bulkheads/shell by transmitting some of the trans-
verse load to the opposite side in the shortest way possible.
Note that generally these line members are built up from
plates and stiffeners rather than being tubular members.

Tension in pillars is also found when wave impact pushes

the bow structure of a container vessel upward (5). But ten-
sion may also be the result of overall deformations.

Figure 17.31 Midship Section of 480 000 TDWT Single-hull Tanker with Side Example 23—Tension pillars in a long superstructure. The su-
Tank Crossties perstructure of a passenger cruise liner must deflect with the

Figure 17.32 Longitudinal Bending of a Cruise Liner

17-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 17.33 The Semi-submersible as a Space Frame

ship’s hull when it is flexing under wave action. Figure 17.32 early example of a semi-submersible drilling platform
from reference 29 shows that the pillars in the forward and aft clearly shows the use of a space frame (Figure 17.33 from
region of the superstructure will be loaded in tension in order (30), but basically modern semi’s as described in Chapter
to assure that the superstructure follows the hull deformation. 45 also use the same structural principles, although less vis-
Use of a doubler plate in the design of the end support ible.
for a pillar loaded in tension, is not acceptable. Special de- The legs of a jack-up platform (Figure 17.34) offer an-
signs must be used with continuous material such as brack- other example. Also many parts of offshore units such as
ets instead. crane booms, loading arms, personnel bridges, and drilling
derricks, make use of trusses. Sometimes a truss is also used
In novel ship type structures the use of longitudinally as a reinforcing and stiffening system in a hull instead of
loaded members is far more common. For instance trusses bulkheads (see for instance Figure 49.13 where this is done
or space frames are often used in the offshore industry. An for a heavy-lift ship).
Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-29

Figure 17.34 Legs of a Self-elevating Jack-up Platform

The main reason for using a truss is that it provides for

a very weight-effective structure to transmit forces. The
principle of a plane truss is illustrated in Figure 17. 35. The
truss can be thought of as one beam. A lateral load P is
transmitted by the truss/beam to the end supports. The shear
force and bending moment distributions are as indicated.
In a traditional beam this results in bending and shear stresses
in the cross section as described in Subsection 17.7.3. The
truss at the same location along length must accommodate
the same shear force and the same bending moment. The
latter is accommodated mainly by a compression force in
the upper beam (in trusses generally called upper chord) and
a tensile force of the same magnitude in the lower chord
with the height of the truss as moment arm.
The shear force is transmitted via the diagonal and ver-
tical members, generally called braces, alternately with ten-
sion and compression forces. If the bending stiffness of the Figure 17.35 Principle of Plane Truss
17-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

individual beams is very small it may be assumed that the Some set-off is beneficial for fabrication but detrimental to
members only experience axial forces (tension or com- the stresses. The designer should be well aware of effects
pression) and no bending. As indicated earlier, this type of like these.
force transmission is by far the most weight effective. The
joints between the individual members then may be con- A truss allows an optimal use of material. Members are
sidered to be pinned and not capable of transferring bend- provided only when they are necessary for force transmis-
ing moments from one element to an adjacent one. sion. However, at the same time this makes them vulnera-
Sometimes this behavior is assured by providing actual ble in case of damage. Damage may be caused by external
pinned connections at the joints. incidents such as collision or a dropped object, or may be
Often a vertical brace at mid-length would be provided the result of fatigue initiation and subsequent crack growth.
in the concept as indicated with the dotted line in Figure If any of the members in Figure 17.35 fails, the frame can
17.35. Note, however, that such a member basically would no longer fulfill its load-carrying role, as the structure is not
not participate in any of the load transmission previously redundant. By providing additional members, such as di-
described and thus would be redundant. agonal braces in the other direction in Figure 17.35, some
A plane truss means that all members (or their centroidal amount of redundancy can be provided. Damage of the
axes) are in one plane and may be called 2-dimensional. upper or lower chord would still cause collapse of the truss
Many trusses are 3-dimensional and are then called space and hence also in that concept it is not fully redundant. Note
trusses or space frames. The legs of the jack-up shown in that in general plate structures are considered a lower risk
Figure 17.34 are a clear example. in terms of redundancy because crack growth may take
Trusses may be built up from any type of profiles such much more time before a critical crack length is reached.
as angles, I-beams or square tubes. However, for underwa-
ter applications (jack-up legs, semi-submersible braces) Example 25—A non-redundant semisubmersible. The ac-
generally round tubes are used because of weight and fab- commodation semi-submersible Alexander Kielland in 1978
rication cost considerations. Round members have the added developed a fatigue crack in one of its horizontal braces
advantage of generating low hydrodynamic forces when in (Figure 17.33) that went undetected. In a storm the crack
current or waves or wind resistance. To increase the weight reached its critical length and the bracing member severed.
advantage for some applications the trusses are designed in The remaining structure had to accommodate the splitting
high-strength steel (yield 360 or 420 MPa in semi-sub- force exerted on the floats and columns by means of bend-
mersibles) or very high strength steel (yield 510 or 690 MPa ing in the remaining braces. Those could withstand that for
in jack-up legs). only a short period and one complete column broke off.
As previously mentioned, ideally truss joints are pinned This meant loss of stability for the remaining structure. It
or may be considered as such, but in many situations real- toppled over with many lives lost. The accident meant to
ity is far from this. Bending of the members between the the industry a complete rethinking of the subject of redun-
joints then must be taken into account. Such bending can dancy. Classification societies and governmental regulatory
be caused by transverse loads on the members between the bodies drew up requirements in this respect. Today most
joints such as by the hydrodynamic forces acting on the legs semi-submersibles possess upper platform and lower pon-
of a jack-up. The effect of this type of load is generally quite toons and columns built up as stiffened plate structures.
small compared to the effect of overall loading. But often Those major parts of the structure are closely integrated
a major reason for bending moments between the joints is (Figure 17.37). The bracing system may consist of hori-
the overall deformation of the space frame. This may cause zontal transverse tubes only. Redundancy in those designs
a rotation between adjacent members at the joint. But when is far less of a problem than for the older space frame semi-
the joint is not really pinned the continuous members can submersible designs.
accommodate such rotation only by secondary bending.
The design of tubular joints is particularly important. Local
Example 24—Effect of eccentric joints. The importance of stress concentrations are difficult to avoid. If fatigue crack-
this can be seen from Figure 17.36 taken from reference 31. ing in semi-submersibles or jack-up legs exists, it is often
The stresses taking bending into account are much higher caused by such stress concentrations at tubular joints. In par-
than when this is not done. Partly this can be the conse- ticular when such types of vessel are used for production of
quence of the conceptual design. hydrocarbons (see Chapter 43), with their inherent long ex-
In the example the axis of chord, diagonal brace and posure to sometimes very harsh environment at one location,
transverse brace may or may not intersect in the same point. fatigue may be dictating for the design of details.
Next Page

Chapter 17: Structural Arrangement and Component Design 17-31

Figure 17.36 Bending of Fixed Truss

Joints must transfer stresses from one member to another.

Continuity of material is sometimes difficult to attain and
forces may have to be transmitted by bending of the tube
wall. In addition weld toes may create local stress concen-
trations. Round tubulars of a smaller diameter are particu-
larly vulnerable in this respect. Figure 17.38 from reference
31 clearly illustrates these points. The connection of round
members to plated structure also is sometimes rather com-
plicated. Nearly always they make use of well-rounded brack-
ets in line with the axis of the tube. The brackets slot into the
tube walls and line up with plate members in the plated hull
structure. The brackets are cut back deeply so as to minimize
the stresses at the bracket toes, in order to reduce as much as
possible the risk of fatigue. The brackets may be completely
inside the structure or be visible from the outside.
Insight into the behavior of trusses can also assist in de-
signing normal stiffened plate structures. Modeling in the
designer’s mind a structure as a truss may help to find an
effective and optimal structure.

Example 26—Optimal stiffening. Figure 17.39 shows the

bulkhead of the pontoon used to raise the Russian sub-ma-
rine Kursk. The pontoon had to be modified and it was found
that the subject bulkhead was overloaded in shear. Instead Figure 17.37 Heavy-lift Semi-submersible
Chapter 18
Analysis and Design of Ship Structure

Philippe Rigo and Enrico Rizzuto

18.1 NOMENCLATURE m(x) longitudinal distribution of mass

I(x) geometric moment of inertia (beam sec-
For specific symbols, refer to the definitions contained in tion x)
the various sections. L length of the ship
ABS American Bureau of Shipping M(x) bending moment at section x of a beam
BEM Boundary Element Method MT(x) torque moment at section x of a beam
BV Bureau Veritas p pressure
DNV Det Norske Veritas q(x) resultant of sectional force acting on a
FEA Finite Element Analysis beam
FEM Finite Element Method T draft of the ship
IACS International Association of Classifica- V(x) shear at section x of a beam
tion Societies s,w (low case) still water, wave induced component
ISSC International Ship & Offshore Structures v,h (low case) vertical, horizontal component
Congress w(x) longitudinal distribution of weight
ISOPE International Offshore and Polar Engi- θ roll angle
neering Conference ρ density
ISUM Idealized Structural Unit method ω angular frequency
NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
PRADS Practical Design of Ships and Mobile
RINA Registro Italiano Navale
SNAME Society of naval Architects and marine The purpose of this chapter is to present the fundamentals
Engineers of direct ship structure analysis based on mechanics and
SSC Ship Structure Committee. strength of materials. Such analysis allows a rationally based
a acceleration design that is practical, efficient, and versatile, and that has
A area already been implemented in a computer program, tested,
B breadth of the ship and proven.
C wave coefficient (Table 18.I) Analysis and Design are two words that are very often
CB hull block coefficient associated. Sometimes they are used indifferently one for
D depth of the ship the other even if there are some important differences be-
g gravity acceleration tween performing a design and completing an analysis.

18-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Analysis refers to stress and strength assessment of the entific, powerful, and versatile method for their structural
structure. Analysis requires information on loads and needs design.
an initial structural scantling design. Output of the structural But, even with the development of numerical techniques,
analysis is the structural response defined in terms of stresses, design still remains based on the designer’s experience and
deflections and strength. Then, the estimated response is on previous designs. There are many designs that satisfy the
compared to the design criteria. Results of this comparison strength criteria, but there is only one that is the optimum
as well as the objective functions (weight, cost, etc.) will solution (least cost, weight, etc.).
show if updated (improved) scantlings are required. Ship structural analysis and design is a matter of com-
Design for structure refers to the process followed to se- promises:
lect the initial structural scantlings and to update these scant-
lings from the early design stage (bidding) to the detailed • compromise between accuracy and the available time to
design stage (construction). To perform analysis, initial de- perform the design. This is particularly challenging at
sign is needed and analysis is required to design. This ex- the preliminary design stage. A 3D Finite Element
plains why design and analysis are intimately linked, but Method (FEM) analysis would be welcome but the time
are absolutely different. Of course design also relates to is not available. For that reason, rule-based design or
topology and layout definition. simplified numerical analysis has to be performed.
The organization and framework of this chapter are based • to limit uncertainty and reduce conservatism in design, it
on the previous edition of the Ship Design and Construction is important that the design methods are accurate. On the
(1) and on the Chapter IV of Principles of Naval Architec- other hand, simplicity is necessary to make repeated de-
ture (2). Standard materials such as beam model, twisting, sign analyses efficient. The results from complex analy-
shear lag, etc. that are still valid in 2002 are partly duplicated ses should be verified by simplified methods to avoid errors
from these 2 books. Other major references used to write this and misinterpretation of results (checks and balances).
chapter are Ship Structural Design (3) also published by • compromise between weight and cost,
SNAME and the DNV 99-0394 Technical Report (4). • compromise between least construction cost, and global
The present chapter is intimately linked with Chapter owner live cycle cost (including operational cost, main-
11 – Parametric Design, Chapter 17 – Structural Arrange- tenance, etc.), and
ment and Component Design and with Chapter 19 – Reli- • builder optimum design is usually different from the
ability-Based Structural Design. References to these owner optimum design.
chapters will be made in order to avoid duplications. In ad-
dition, as Chapter 8 deals with classification societies, the
present chapter will focus mainly on the direct analysis 18.2.1 Rationally Based Structural Design versus
methods available to perform a rationally based structural Rules-Based Design
design, even if mention is made to standard formulations There are basically two schools to perform analysis and de-
from Rules to quantify design loads. sign of ship structure. The first one, the oldest, is called
In the following sections of this chapter, steps of a global rule-based design. It is mainly based on the rules defined
analysis are presented. Section 18.3 concerns the loads that by the classification societies. Hughes (3) states:
are necessary to perform a structure analysis. Then, Sections In the past, ship structural design has been largely empir-
18.4, 18.5 and 18.6 concern, respectively, the stresses and ical, based on accumulated experience and ship perform-
deflections (basic ship responses), the limit states, and the fail- ance, and expressed in the form of structural design codes
ures modes and associated structural capacity. A review of or rules published by the various ship classification soci-
the available Numerical Analysis for Structural Design is per- eties. These rules concern the loads, the strength and the
formed in Section 18.7. Finally Design Criteria (Section design criteria and provide simplified and easy-to-use for-
18.8) and Design Procedures (Section 18.9) are discussed. mulas for the structural dimensions, or “scantlings” of a
Structural modeling is discussed in Subsection 18.2.2 and ship. This approach saves time in the design office and,
more extensively in Subsection 18.7.2 for finite element analy- since the ship must obtain the approval of a classification
sis. Optimization is treated in Subsections 18.7.6 and 18.9.4. society, it also saves time in the approval process.
Ship structural design is a challenging activity. Hence
Hughes (3) states: The second school is the Rationally Based Structural
Design; it is based on direct analysis. Hughes, who could
The complexities of modern ships and the demand for be considered as a father of this methodology, (3) further
greater reliability, efficiency, and economy require a sci- states:
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-3

There are several disadvantages to a completely “rulebook” Hopefully, in 2003 this is no longer true. The advantages
approach to design. First, the modes of structural failure of direct analysis are so obvious that classification societies
are numerous, complex, and interdependent. With such include, usually as an alternative, a direct analysis procedure
simplified formulas the margin against failure remains un- (numerical packages based on the finite element method,
known; thus one cannot distinguish between structural ad- see Table 18.VIII, Subsection In addition, for new
equacy and over-adequacy. Second, and most important, vessel types or non-standard dimension, such direct proce-
these formulas involve a number of simplifying assump- dure is the only way to assess the structural safety. There-
tions and can be used only within certain limits. Outside fore it seems that the two schools have started a long merging
of this range they may be inaccurate. procedure. Classification societies are now encouraging and
For these reasons there is a general trend toward direct contributing greatly to the development of direct analysis
structural analysis. and rationally based methods. Ships are very complex struc-
tures compared with other types of structures. They are sub-
Even if direct calculation has always been performed,
ject to a very wide range of loads in the harsh environment
design based on direct analysis only became popular when
of the sea. Progress in technologies related to ship design
numerical analysis methods became available and were cer-
and construction is being made daily, at an unprecedented
tified. Direct analysis has become the standard procedure
pace. A notable example is the fact that the efforts of a ma-
in aerospace, civil engineering and partly in offshore in-
jority of specialists together with rapid advances in com-
dustries. In ship design, classification societies preferred to
puter and software technology have now made it possible to
offer updated rules resulting from numerical analysis cali-
analyze complex ship structures in a practical manner using
bration. For the designer, even if the rules were continuously
structural analysis techniques centering on FEM analysis.
changing, the design remained rule-based. There really were
The majority of ship designers strive to develop rational and
two different methodologies.
optimal designs based on direct strength analysis methods
using the latest technologies in order to realize the
shipowner’s requirements in the best possible way.
When carrying out direct strength analysis to verify the
Design Load
equivalence of structural strength with rule requirements,
Direct Load Analysis it is necessary for the classification society to clarify the
strength that a hull structure should have with respect to
Stress Response each of the various steps taken in the analysis process, from
Study on Ocean Waves
in Waves
load estimation through to strength evaluation. In addition,
Structural analysis by
Effect on
whole ship model
in order to make this a practical and effective method of
Wave Load Response operation
analysis, it is necessary to give careful consideration to more
Response function Stress response rational and accurate methods of direct strength analysis.
of wave load function
Based on recognition of this need, extensive research
has been conducted and a careful examination made, re-
Short term Design Short term
estimation estimation
garding the strength evaluation of hull structures. The re-
Sea State
sults of this work have been presented in papers and reports
Long term Long term regarding direct strength evaluation of hull structures (4,5).
estimation estimation The flow chart given in Figure 18.1 gives an overview
of the analysis as defined by a major classification society.
Nonlinear influence Note that a rationally based design procedure requires
Design wave Wave impact load
in large waves
that all design decisions (objectives, criteria, priorities, con-
straints…) must be made before the design starts. This is a
Structural response analysis major difficulty of this approach.
Modeling technique Direct structural Investigation on
analysis corrosion

18.2.2 Modeling and Analysis

Strength Assessment
General guidance on the modeling necessary for the struc-
Yield Buckling Ultimate Fatigue tural analysis is that the structural model shall provide re-
strength strength strength strength
sults suitable for performing buckling, yield, fatigue and
Figure 18.1 Direct Structural Analysis Flow Chart vibration assessment of the relevant parts of the vessel. This
18-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Structural drawings, analysis should be combined with static loads in order to

mass description and form the basis for the yield, buckling and ultimate strength
loading conditions.
checks. All the relevant load conditions should be examined
to ensure that all dimensioning loads are correctly included.
Structural models A flow chart of strength analysis of global model and sub
including necessary Hydrodynamic/static
load definitions loads models is shown in Figure 18.2.
of model/
18.2.3 Preliminary Design versus Detailed Design
Verified structural Load transfer to
model structural model For a ship structure, structural design consists of two dis-
tinct levels: the Preliminary Design and the Detailed De-
of load sign about which Hughes (3) states:
Sub-models to be The preliminary design determines the location, spacing, and
Structural analysis used in structural
analysis scantlings of the principal structural members. The detailed
Verification design determines the geometry and scantlings of local struc-
of response
ture (brackets, connections, cutouts, reinforcements, etc.).
Transfer of Preliminary design has the greatest influence on the
displacements/forces Yes structure design and hence is the phase that offers very
to sub-model?
large potential savings. This does not mean that detail de-
sign is less important than preliminary design. Each level
is equally important for obtaining an efficient, safe and re-
liable ship.
Strength Assessment
During the detailed design there also are many bene-
• Yeilding
Design fits to be gained by applying modern methods of engi-
• Buckling
• Ultimate Strength neering science, but the applications are different from
• Etc. preliminary design and the benefits are likewise different.
Figure 18.2 Strength Analysis Flow Chart (4) Since the items being designed are much smaller it is
possible to perform full-scale testing, and since they are
more repetitive it is possible to obtain the benefits of mass
is done by using a 3D model of the whole ship, supported production, standardization and so on. In fact, production
by one or more levels of sub models. aspects are of primary importance in detail design.
Several approaches may be applied such as a detailed Also, most of the structural items that come under detail
3D model of the entire ship or coarse meshed 3D model sup- design are similar from ship to ship, and so in-service ex-
ported by finer meshed sub models. perience provides a sound basis for their design. In fact, be-
Coarse mesh can be used for determining stress results cause of the large number of such items it would be inefficient
suited for yielding and buckling control but also to obtain to attempt to design all of them from first principles. Instead
the displacements to apply as boundary conditions for sub it is generally more efficient to use design codes and stan-
models with the purpose of determining the stress level in dard designs that have been proven by experience. In other
more detail (for fatigue). words, detail design is an area where a rule-based approach
Strength analysis covers yield (allowable stress), buck- is very appropriate, and the rules that are published by the
ling strength and ultimate strength checks of the ship. In ad- various ship classification societies contain a great deal of
dition, specific analyses are requested for fatigue (Subsection useful information on the design of local structure, structural
18.6.6), collision and grounding (Subsection 18.6.7) and connections, and other structural details.
vibration (Subsection 18.6.8). The hydrodynamic load
model must give a good representation of the wetted sur-
face of the ship, both with respect to geometry description
and with respect to hydrodynamic requirements. The mass 18.3 LOADS
model, which is part of the hydrodynamic load model, must Loads acting on a ship structure are quite varied and pecu-
ensure a proper description of local and global moments of liar, in comparison to those of static structures and also of
inertia around the global ship axes. other vehicles. In the following an attempt will be made to
Ultimate hydrodynamic loads from the hydrodynamic review the main typologies of loads: physical origins, gen-
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-5

eral interpretation schemes, available quantification proce- Loads, defined in order to be applied to limited struc-
dures and practical methods for their evaluation will be sum- tural models (stiffened panels, single beams, plate panels),
marized. generally are termed local loads.
The distinction is purely formal, as the same external
forces can in fact be interpreted as global or local loads. For
18.3.1 Classification of Loads instance, wave dynamic actions on a portion of the hull, if Time Duration described in terms of a bi-dimensional distribution of pres-
Static loads: These are the loads experienced by the ship in sures over the wet surface, represent a local load for the hull
still water. They act with time duration well above the range panel, while, if integrated over the same surface, represent
of sea wave periods. Being related to a specific load con- a contribution to the bending moment acting on the hull
dition, they have little and very slow variations during a girder.
voyage (mainly due to changes in the distribution of con- This terminology is typical of simplified structural analy-
sumables on board) and they vary significantly only during ses, in which responses of the two classes of components
loading and unloading operations. are evaluated separately and later summed up to provide
Quasi-static loads: A second class of loads includes the total stress in selected positions of the structure.
those with a period corresponding to wave actions (∼3 to In a complete 3D model of the whole ship, forces on the
15 seconds). Falling in this category are loads directly in- structure are applied directly in their actual position and the
duced by waves, but also those generated in the same fre- result is a total stress distribution, which does not need to
quency range by motions of the ship (inertial forces). These be decomposed.
loads can be termed quasi-static because the structural re-
sponse is studied with static models. Characteristic values for loads
Dynamic loads: When studying responses with fre- Structural verifications are always based on a limit state
quency components close to the first structural resonance equation and on a design operational time.
modes, the dynamic properties of the structure have to be Main aspects of reliability-based structural design and
considered. This applies to a few types of periodic loads, analysis are (see Chapter 19):
generated by wave actions in particular situations (spring-
• the state of the structure is identified by state variables
ing) or by mechanical excitation (main engine, propeller).
associated to loads and structural capacity,
Also transient impulsive loads that excite free structural vi-
• state variables are stochastically distributed as a func-
brations (slamming, and in some cases sloshing loads) can
tion of time, and
be classified in the same category.
• the probability of exceeding the limit state surface in the
High frequency loads: Loads at frequencies higher than
design time (probability of crisis) is the element subject
the first resonance modes (> 10-20 Hz) also are present on
to evaluation.
ships: this kind of excitation, however, involves more the
study of noise propagation on board than structural design. The situation to be considered is in principle the worst
Other loads: All other loads that do not fall in the above combination of state variables that occurs within the design
mentioned categories and need specific models can be gen- time. The probability that such situation corresponds to an
erally grouped in this class. Among them are thermal and out crossing of the limit state surface is compared to a (low)
accidental loads. target probability to assess the safety of the structure.
A large part of ship design is performed on the basis of This general time-variant problem is simplified into a
static and quasi-static loads, whose prediction procedures time-invariant one. This is done by taking into account in
are quite well established, having been investigated for a the analysis the worst situations as regards loads, and, sep-
long time. However, specific and imposing requirements arately, as regards capacity (reduced because of corrosion
can arise for particular ships due to the other load cate- and other degradation effects). The simplification lies in
gories. considering these two situations as contemporary, which in
general is not the case. Local and global loads When dealing with strength analysis, the worst load sit-
Another traditional classification of loads is based on the uation corresponds to the highest load cycle and is charac-
structural scheme adopted to study the response. terized through the probability associated to the extreme
Loads acting on the ship as a whole, considered as a value in the reference (design) time.
beam (hull girder), are named global or primary loads and In fatigue phenomena, in principle all stress cycles con-
the ship structural response is accordingly termed global or tribute (to a different extent, depending on the range) to
primary response (see Subsection 18.4.3). damage accumulation. The analysis, therefore, does not re-
18-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

gard the magnitude of a single extreme load application, but resultant force along the vertical axis of the section (con-
the number of cycles and the shape of the probability dis- tained in the plane of symmetry), indicated as vertical re-
tribution of all stress ranges in the design time. sultant force qV; another force in the normal direction, (local
A further step towards the problem simplification is rep- horizontal axis), termed horizontal resultant force qH and a
resented by the adoption of characteristic load values in moment mT about the x axis. All these actions are distrib-
place of statistical distributions. This usually is done, for uted along the longitudinal axis x.
example, when calibrating a Partial Safety Factor format for Five main load components are accordingly generated
structural checks. Such adoption implies the definition of a along the beam, related to sectional forces and moment
single reference load value as representative of a whole through equation 1 to 5:
probability distribution. This step is often performed by as- x
signing an exceeding probability (or a return period) to each
variable and selecting the correspondent value from the sta-
VV (x) = ∫ q V (ξ) dξ [1]
tistical distribution.
The exceeding probability for a stochastic variable has
the meaning of probability for the variable to overcome a
M V (x) = ∫ VV ( ξ ) dξ [2]
given value, while the return period indicates the mean time 0
to the first occurrence. x
Characteristic values for ultimate state analysis are typ- VH (x) = ∫ q H (ξ ) dξ [3]
ically represented by loads associated to an exceeding prob- 0
ability of 10–8. This corresponds to a wave load occurring, x
on the average, once every 108 cycles, that is, with a return
period of the same order of the ship lifetime. In first yield-
M H (x) = ∫ VH ( ξ ) dξ [4]
ing analyses, characteristic loads are associated to a higher
exceeding probability, usually in the range 10–4 to 10–6. In x
fatigue analyses (see Subsection, reference loads M T (x) = ∫ m T (ξ) dξ [5]
are often set with an exceeding probability in the range 10–3 0
to 10–5, corresponding to load cycles which, by effect of both
Due to total equilibrium, for a beam in free-free condi-
amplitude and frequency of occurrence, contribute more to
tions (no constraints at ends) all load characteristics have
the accumulation of fatigue damage in the structure.
zero values at ends (equations 6).
On the basis of this, all design loads for structural analy-
These conditions impose constraints on the distributions
ses are explicitly or implicitly related to a low exceeding
of qV, qH and mT.
VV (0) = VV (L) = M V (0) = M V (L) = 0
VH (0) = VH (L) = M H (0) = M H (L) = 0 [6]
18.3.2 Definition of Global Hull Girder Loads
The global structural response of the ship is studied with M T (0) = M T (L) = 0
reference to a beam scheme (hull girder), that is, a mono- Global loads for the verification of the hull girder are ob-
dimensional structural element with sectional characteris- tained with a linear superimposition of still water and wave-
tics distributed along a longitudinal axis. induced global loads.
Actions on the beam are described, as usual with this They are used, with different characteristic values, in
scheme, only in terms of forces and moments acting in the different types of analyses, such as ultimate state, first yield-
transverse sections and applied on the longitudinal axis. ing, and fatigue.
Three components act on each section (Figure 18.3): a

18.3.3 Still Water Global Loads

Still water loads act on the ship floating in calm water, usu-
ally with the plane of symmetry normal to the still water
surface. In this condition, only a symmetric distribution of
hydrostatic pressure acts on each section, together with ver-
tical gravitational forces.
If the latter ones are not symmetric, a sectional torque
Figure 18.3 Sectional Forces and Moment mTg(x) is generated (Figure 18.4), in addition to the verti-
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-7

cal load qSV(x), obtained as a difference between buoyancy At an even earlier stage of design, parametric formula-
b(x) and weight w(x), as shown in equation 7 (2). tions can be used to derive directly reference values for still
water hull girder loads.
q SV (x) = b(x) − w(x) = gA I (x) − m(x)g [7]
Common reference values for still water bending mo-
where AI = transversal immersed area. ment at mid-ship are provided by the major Classification
Components of vertical shear and vertical bending can Societies (equation 8).
be derived according to equations 1 and 2. There are no hor- C L2 B (122.5 − 15 C B ) (hogging)
izontal components of sectional forces in equation 3 and ac- Ms [ N ⋅ m ] = [8]
cordingly no components of horizontal shear and bending C L2 B ( 45.5 + 65 C B ) (sagging)
moment. As regards equation 5, only mTg, if present, is to
where C = wave parameter (Table 18.I).
be accounted for, to obtain the torque.
The formulations in equation 8 are sometimes explicitly
reported in Rules, but they can anyway be indirectly de- Standard still water bending moments
rived from prescriptions contained in (6, 7). The first re-
While buoyancy distribution is known from an early stage of
quirement (6) regards the minimum longitudinal strength
the ship design, weight distribution is completely defined only
modulus and provides implicitly a value for the total bend-
at the end of construction. Statistical formulations, calibrated
ing moment; the second one (7), regards the wave induced
on similar ships, are often used in the design development to
component of bending moment.
provide an approximate quantification of weight items and
Longitudinal distributions, depending on the ship type,
their longitudinal distribution on board. The resulting ap-
are provided also. They can slightly differ among Class So-
proximated weight distribution, together with the buoyancy
cieties, (Figure 18.5).
distribution, allows computing shear and bending moment. Direct evaluation of still water global loads
Classification Societies require in general a direct analysis
of these types of load in the main loading conditions of the
ship, such as homogenous loading condition at maximum
draft, ballast conditions, docking conditions afloat, plus all
other conditions that are relevant to the specific ship (non-
homogeneous loading at maximum draft, light load at less
than maximum draft, short voyage or harbor condition, bal-
last exchange at sea, etc.).
The direct evaluation procedure requires, for a given
loading condition, a derivation, section by section, of ver-
tical resultants of gravitational (weight) and buoyancy
forces, applied along the longitudinal axis x of the beam.
Figure 18.4 Sectional Resultant Forces in Still Water
To obtain the weight distribution w(x), the ship length is
subdivided into portions: for each of them, the total weight
and center of gravity is determined summing up contributions
from all items present on board between the two bounding
sections. The distribution for w(x) is then usually approxi-
(a) mated by a linear (trapezoidal) curve obtained by imposing

TABLE 18.I Wave Coefficient Versus Length

(b) Ship Length L Wave Coefficient C

90 ≤ L <300 m 10.75 – [(300 – L)/100]3/2

300 ≤ L <350 m 10.75
Figure 18.5 Examples of Reference Still Water Bending Moment Distribution
350 ≤ L 10.75 – [(300 – L)/150]3/2
(10). (a) oil tankers, bulk carriers, ore carriers, and (b) other ship types
18-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the ship in lightweight condition (hull structure, machin-

ery, outfitting) but also the distribution of the various com-
ponents of the deadweight (cargo, ballast, consumables).
Ship types like bulk carriers are more exposed to uncer-
tainties on the actual distribution of cargo weight than, for
example, container ships, where actual weights of single
containers are kept under close control during operation.
In addition, model uncertainties arise from neglecting the
longitudinal components of the hydrostatic pressure (Fig-
ure 18.7), which generate an axial compressive force on the
Figure 18.6 Weight Distribution Breakdown for Full Load Condition hull girder.
As the resultant of such components is generally below
the neutral axis of the hull girder, it leads also to an addi-
tional hogging moment, which can reach up to 10% of the
total bending moment. On the other hand, in some vessels
(in particular tankers) such action can be locally counter-
balanced by internal axial pressures, causing hull sagging
Figure 18.7 Longitudinal Component of Pressure moments.
All these compression and bending effects are neglected
in the hull beam model, which accounts only for forces and
moments acting in the transverse plane. This represents a
source of uncertainties.
Another approximation is represented by the fact that
buoyancy and weight are assumed in a direction normal to
the horizontal longitudinal axis, while they are actually ori-
ented along the true vertical.
This implies neglecting the static trim angle and to consider
an approximate equilibrium position, which often creates the
need for a few iterative corrections to the load curve qsv(x) in
order to satisfy boundary conditions at ends (equations 6). Other still water global loads

In a vessel with a multihull configuration, in addition to
Figure 18.8 Multi-hull Additional Still Water Loads (sketch) conventional still water loads acting on each hull consid-
ered as a single longitudinal beam, also loads in the trans-
versal direction can be significant, giving rise to shear,
the correspondence of area and barycenter of the trapezoid bending and torque in a transversal direction (see the sim-
respectively to the total weight and center of gravity of the plified scheme of Figure 18.8, where S, B, and Q stand for
considered ship portion. shear, bending and torque; and L, T apply respectively to
The procedure is usually applied separately for differ- longitudinal and transversal beams).
ent types of weight items, grouping together the weights of
the ship in lightweight conditions (always present on board)
and those (cargo, ballast, consumables) typical of a load- 18.3.4 Wave Induced Global Loads
ing condition (Figure 18.6). The prediction of the behaviour of the ship in waves repre-
sents a key point in the quantification of both global and Uncertainties in the evaluation local loads acting on the ship. The solution of the seakeep-
A significant contribution to uncertainties in the evaluation ing problem yields the loads directly generated by external
of still water loads comes from the inputs to the procedure, pressures, but also provides ship motions and accelerations.
in particular those related to quantification and location on The latter are directly connected to the quantification of in-
board of weight items. ertial loads and provide inputs for the evaluation of other
This lack of precision regards the weight distribution for types of loads, like slamming and sloshing.
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-9

In particular, as regards global effects, the action of waves cation societies provide a statistically based reference values
modifies the pressure distribution along the wet hull sur- for the vertical component of wave-induced bending moment
face; the differential pressure between the situation in waves MWV, expressed as a function of main ship dimensions.
and in still water generates, on the transverse section, ver- Such reference values for the midlength section of a ship
tical and horizontal resultant forces (bWV and bWH) and a with unrestricted navigation are yielded by equation 10 for
moment component mTb. hog and sag cases (7) and corresponds to an extreme value
Analogous components come from the sectional result- with a return period of about 20 years or an exceeding prob-
ants of inertial forces and moments induced on the section ability of about 10–8 (once in the ship lifetime).
by ship’s motions (Figure 18.9).
190 C L2 B C B (hog)
The total vertical and horizontal wave induced forces on M WV [ N ⋅ m ] = [10]
the section, as well as the total torsional component, are −110 C L B ( C B + 0 . 7 ) (sag)
found summing up the components in the same direction
(equations 9). Horizontal Wave-induced Bending Moment: Similar for-
mulations are available for reference values of horizontal
q WV (x) = b WV (x) − m(x)a V (x) wave induced bending moment, even though they are not
q WH (x) = b WH (x) − m(x)a H (x) [9] as uniform among different Societies as for the main verti-
cal component.
m TW (x) = m Tb (x) − I R (x) θ
In Table 18.II, examples are reported of reference val-
where IR(x) is the rotational inertia of section x. ues of horizontal bending moment at mid-length for ships
The longitudinal distributions along the hull girder of hor- with unrestricted navigation. Simplified curves for the dis-
izontal and vertical components of shear, bending moment tribution in the longitudinal direction are also provided.
and torque can then be derived by integration (equations 1 Wave-induced Torque: A few reference formulations are
to 5). given also for reference wave torque at midship (see ex-
Such results are in principle obtained for each instanta- amples in Table 18.III) and for the inherent longitudinal
neous wave pressure distribution, depending therefore, on distributions.
time, on type and direction of sea encountered and on the
ship geometrical and operational characteristics. Static wave analysis of global wave loads
In regular (sinusoidal) waves, vertical bending moments A traditional analysis adopted in the past for evaluation of
tend to be maximized in head waves with length close to wave-induced loads was represented by a quasi-static wave
the ship length, while horizontal bending and torque com- approach. The ship is positioned on a freezed wave of given
ponents are larger for oblique wave systems. characteristics in a condition of equilibrium between weight
and static buoyancy. The scheme is analogous to the one de- Statistical formulae for global wave loads scribed for still water loads, with the difference that the wa-
Simplified, first approximation, formulations are available terline upper boundary of the immersed part of the hull is
for the main wave load components, developed mainly on no longer a plane but it is a curved (cylindrical) surface. By
the basis of past experience. definition, this procedure neglects all types of dynamic ef-
Vertical wave-induced bending moment: IACS classifi- fects. Due to its limitations, it is rarely used to quantify wave
loads. Sometimes, however, the concept of equivalent static
wave is adopted to associate a longitudinal distribution of

TABLE 18.II Reference Horizontal Bending Moments

Class Society MWH [N ⋅ m]

ABS (8) 180 C1L2DCB

BV (9) RINA (10) 1600 L2.1 TCB
DNV (11) 220 L9/4(T + 0.3B)CB
NKK (12) 320 L2C T L − 35 / L
Figure 18.9 Sectional Forces and Moments in Waves
18-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 18.III Examples of Reference Values for Wave Torque

Class Society Qw [N . m] (at mid-ship)

ABS (bulk carrier) [

2700 LB 2 T ( C W − 0 . 5 )
] 

e 0 .14  0 . 5 
+ 0 .1  0 .13 − 
D T  

(e = vertical position of shear center)

 250 − 0 . 7 L  3 
190 LB 2 C 2W  8.13 − 
 
 125 

pressures to extreme wave loads, derived, for example, from Φr = radiation component due to the ship motions in calm
long term predictions based on other methods. water
ΦFK = excitation component, due to the incident wave Linear methods for wave loads (undisturbed by the presence of the ship): Froude-
The most popular approach to the evaluation of wave loads Krylov
is represented by solutions of a linearized potential flow Φd = diffraction component, due to disturbance in the wave
problem based on the so-called strip theory in the frequency potential generated by the hull
domain (13).
The theoretical background of this class of procedures This subdivision also enables the de-coupling of the ex-
is discussed in detail in PNA Vol. III (2). citation components from the response ones, thus avoiding
Here only the key assumptions of the method are pre- a non-linear feedback between the two.
sented: Other key properties of linear systems that are used in
the analysis are:
• inviscid, incompressible and homogeneous fluid in irro-
tational flow: Laplace equation 11 • linear relation between the input and output amplitudes,
∇2Φ = 0 [11] • superposition of effects (sum of inputs corresponds to
where Φ = velocity potential sum of outputs).
• 2-dimensional solution of the problem When using linear methods in the frequency domain,
• linearized boundary conditions: the quadratic compo- the input wave system is decomposed into sinusoidal com-
nent of velocity in the Bernoulli Equation is reformu- ponents and a response is found for each of them in terms
lated in linear terms to express boundary conditions: of amplitude and phase.
— on free surface: considered as a plane corresponding The input to the procedure is represented by a spectral
to still water: fluid velocity normal to the free surface representation of the sea encountered by the ship. Responses,
equal to velocity of the surface itself (kinematic con- for a ship in a given condition, depend on the input sea char-
dition); zero pressure, acteristics (spectrum and spatial distribution respect to the
— on the hull: considered as a static surface, corre- ship course).
sponding to the mean position of the hull: the com- The output consists of response spectra of point pres-
ponent of the fluid velocity normal to the hull surface sures on the hull and of the other derived responses, such
is zero (impermeability condition), and as global loads and ship motions. Output spectra can be
used to derive short and long-term predictions for the prob-
• linear decomposition into additive independent compo- ability distributions of the responses and of their extreme
nents, separately solved for and later summed up (equa- values (see Subsection
tion 12).
Despite the numerous and demanding simplifications at
Φ = Φs + ΦFK + Φd + Φr [12] the basis of the procedure, strip theory methods, developed
since the early 60s, have been validated over time in sev-
eral contexts and are extensively used for predictions of
Φs = stationary component due to ship advancing in calm wave loads.
water In principle, the base assumptions of the method are
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-11

valid only for small wave excitations, small motion re- ∞

sponses and low speed of the ship. m ny = ∫ ω n S y (ω)dω [13]
In practice, the field of successful applications extends
far beyond the limits suggested by the preservation of re- This information is the basis of the spectral method,
alism in the base assumptions: the method is actually used whose theoretical framework (main hypotheses, assump-
extensively to study even extreme loads and for fast ves- tions and steps) is recalled in the following.
sels. If the stochastic process representing the wave input to
the ship system is modeled as a stationary and ergodic Limits of linear methods for wave loads Gaussian process with zero mean, the response of the sys-
Due to the simplifications adopted on boundary conditions tem (load) can be modeled as a process having the same char-
to linearize the problem of ship response in waves, results acteristics.
in terms of hydrodynamic pressures are given always up to The Parseval theorem and the ergodicity property es-
the still water level, while in reality the pressure distribu- tablish a correspondence between the area of the response
tion extends over the actual wetted surface. This represents spectrum (spectral moment of order 0: m0Y) and the vari-
a major problem when dealing with local loads in the side ance of its Gaussian probability distribution (14). This al-
region close to the waterline. lows expressing the density probability distribution of the
Another effect of basic assumptions is that all responses Gaussian response y in terms of m0Y (equation 14).
at a given frequency are represented by sinusoidal fluctua-
e (
tions (symmetric with respect to a zero mean value). A con- 1 − y 2 / 2 m 20 Y )
f Y (y) = [14]
sequence is that all the derived global wave loads also have 2π m0Y
the same characteristics, while, for example, actual values
of vertical bending moment show marked differences be- Equation 14 expresses the distribution of the fluctuating
tween the hogging and sagging conditions. Corrections to response y at a generic time instant.
account for this effect are often used, based on statistical From a structural point of view, more interesting data
data (7) or on more advanced non-linear methods. are represented by:
A third implication of linearization regards the super- • the probability distribution of the response at selected
imposition of static and dynamic loads. Dynamic loads are time instants, corresponding to the highest values in each
evaluated separately from the static ones and later summed zero-crossing period (peaks: variable p),
up: this results in an un-physical situation, in which weight • the probability distribution of the excursions between
forces (included only in static loads) are considered as act- the highest and the lowest value in each zero-crossing
ing always along the vertical axis of the ship reference sys- period (range: variable r), and
tem (as in still water). Actually, in a seaway, weight forces • the probability distribution of the highest value in the
are directed along the true vertical direction, which depends whole stationary period of the phenomenon (extreme
on roll and pitch angles, having therefore also components value in period Ts, variable extrTsy).
in the longitudinal and lateral direction of the ship.
This aspect represents one of the intrinsic non-lineari- The aforementioned distributions can be derived from
ties in the actual system, as the direction of an external input the underlying Gaussian distribution of the response (equa-
force (weight) depends on the response of the system itself tion 14) in the additional hypotheses of narrow band re-
(roll and pitch angles). sponse process and of independence between peaks. The first
This effect is often neglected in the practice, where lin- two probability distributions take the form of equations 15
ear superposition of still water and wave loads is largely fol- and 16 respectively, both Rayleigh density distributions (see
lowed. 14).
The distribution in equation 16 is particularly interest- Wave loads probabilistic characterization ing for fatigue checks, as it can be adopted to describe stress
The most widely adopted method to characterize the loads ranges of fatigue cycles.
in the probability domain is the so-called spectral method,
p  p2 
used in conjunction with linear frequency-domain methods fP ( p) = exp  −  [15]
for the solution of the ship-wave interaction problem. m0  2m0 
From the frequency domain analysis response spectra
Sy(ω) are derived, which can be integrated to obtain spec- r  r2 
fR ( r ) = exp  −  [16]
tral moments m n of order n (equation 13). 4m0  8m 0 
18-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The distribution for the extreme value in the stationary

period Ts (short term extreme) can be modeled by a Pois-
son distribution (in equation 17: expression of the cumula-
tive distribution) or other equivalent distributions derived
from the statistics of extremes.

 1  p2  
( )
F extrTs p = exp  −
 2 π
exp  −  Ts  [17]
 2 m 0  

Figure 18.10 summarizes the various short-term distri-

butions. Figure 18.10 Short-term Distributions
It is interesting to note that all the mentioned distribu-
tions are expressed in terms of spectral moments of the re-
sponse, which are available from a frequency domain
solution of the ship motions problem. of significant wave heights and mean periods. Such scatter
The results mentioned previously are derived for the diagrams are catalogued according to sea zones, such as
period Ts in which the input wave system can be consid- shown in Figure 18.11 (the subdivision of the world atlas),
ered as stationary (sea state: typically, a period of a few and main wave direction. Seasonal characteristics are also
hours). The derived distributions (short-term predictions) available.
are conditioned to the occurrence of a particular sea state, The process described in equation 18 can be termed de-
which is identified by the sea spectrum, its angular distri- conditioning (that is removing the conditioning hypothesis).
bution around the main wave direction (spreading func- The same procedure can be applied to any of the variables
tion) and the encounter angle formed with ship advance studied in the short term and it does not change the nature
direction. of the variable itself. If a range distribution is processed, a
To obtain a long-term prediction, relative to the ship life long-term distribution for ranges of single oscillations is
(or any other design period Td which can be described as a obtained (useful data for a fatigue analysis).
series of stationary periods), the conditional hypothesis is If the distribution of variable extrTsy is de-conditioned, a
to be removed from short-term distributions. In other words, weighed average of the highest peak in time Ts is achieved.
the probability of a certain response is to be weighed by the In this case the result is further processed to get the distri-
probability of occurrence of the generating sea state (equa- bution of the extreme value in the design time Td. This is
tion18). done with an additional application of the concept of sta-
tistics of extremes.
n In the hypothesis that the extremes of the various sea
F(y) = ∑ F ( y S i ) ⋅ P(S i ) [18] states are independent from each other, the extreme on time
i= 1 Td is given by equation 19:
( ) [ ( )]
Td /Ts
F extrTd y = F extrTs y [19]
F(y) = probability for the response to be less than value
y (unconditioned). where F(extrTdy) is the cumulative probability distribution
F(ySi) = probability for the response to be less than value for the highest response peak in time Td (long-term extreme
y, conditioned to occurrence of sea state Si (short distribution in time Td).
term prediction).
P(Si) = probability associated to the i-th sea state.
n = total number of sea states, covering all combi- Uncertainties in long-term predictions
nations. The theoretical framework of the above presented spectral
method, coupled to linear frequency domain methodolo-
Probability P(Si) can be derived from collections of sea data gies like those summarized in Subsection, allows
based on visual observations from commercial ships and/or the characterization, in the probability domain, of all the
on surveys by buoys. wave induced load variables of interest both for strength
One of the most typical formats is the one contained in and fatigue checks.
(15), where sea states probabilities are organized in bi-di- The results of this linear prediction procedure are af-
mensional histograms (scatter diagrams), containing classes fected by numerous sources of uncertainties, such as:
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-13

Figure 18.11 Map of Sea Zones of the World (15)

• sea description: as above mentioned, scatter diagrams Contrary to strength verifications of the hull girder, which
are derived from direct observations on the field, which are nowadays largely based on ultimate limit states (for ex-
are affected by a certain degree of indetermination. ample, in longitudinal strength: ultimate bending moment),
In addition, simplified sea spectral shapes are adopted, checks on local structures are still in part implicitly based
based on a limited number of parameters (generally, bi- on more conservative limit states (yield strength).
parametric formulations based on significant wave and In many Rules, reference (characteristic) local loads, as
mean wave period), well as the motions and accelerations on which they are
• model for the ship’s response: as briefly outlined in Sub- based, are therefore implicitly calibrated at an exceeding
section, the model is greatly simplified, partic- probability higher than the 10–8 value adopted in global load
ularly as regards fluid characteristics and boundary strength verifications.
Numerical algorithms and specific procedures adopted
for the solution also influence results, creating differences 18.3.6 External Pressure Loads
even between theoretically equivalent methods, and Static and dynamic pressures generated on the wet surface
• the de-conditioning procedure adopted to derive long of the hull belong to external loads. They act as local trans-
term predictions from short term ones can add further verse loads for the hull plating and supporting structures.
uncertainties. Static external pressures
Hydrostatic pressure is related through equation 20 to the
18.3.5 Local Loads vertical distance between the free surface and the load point
As previously stated, local loads are applied to individual (static head hS).
structural members like panels and beams (stiffeners or pri-
mary supporting members). pS = ρghS [20]
They are once again traditionally divided into static and In the case of the external pressure on the hull, hS cor-
dynamic loads, referred respectively to the situation in still responds to the local draft of the load point (reference is
water and in a seaway. made to design waterline).
18-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Dynamic pressures nal velocities can arise in the longitudinal and/or transver-
The pressure distribution, as well as the wet portion of the sal directions, producing additional pressure loads (slosh-
hull, is modified for a ship in a seaway with respect to the ing loads).
still water (Figure 18.9). Pressures and areas of application If pitch or roll frequencies are close to the tank reso-
are in principle obtained solving the general problem of nance frequency in the inherent direction (which can be
ship motions in a seaway. evaluated on the basis of geometrical parameters and fill-
Approximate distributions of the wave external pressure, ing ratio), kinetic energy tends to concentrate in the fluid
to be added to the hydrostatic one, are adopted in Classifi- and sloshing phenomena are enhanced.
cation Rules for the ship in various load cases (Figure 18.12). The resulting pressure field can be quite complicated
and specific simulations are needed for a detailed quantifi-
cation. Experimental techniques as well as 2D and 3D pro-
18.3.7 Internal Loads—Liquid in Tanks cedures have been developed for the purpose. For more
Liquid cargoes generate normal pressures on the walls of details see references 16 and 17.
the containing tank. Such pressures represent a local trans- A further type of excitation is represented by impacts that
versal load for plate, stiffeners and primary supporting mem- can occur on horizontal or sub-horizontal plates of the upper
bers of the tank walls. part of the tank walls for high filling ratios and, at low fill-
ing levels, in vertical or sub-vertical plates of the lower part Static internal pressure of the tank.
For a ship in still water, gravitation acceleration g gener- Impact loads are very difficult to characterize, being re-
ates a hydrostatic pressure, varying again according to equa- lated to a number of effects, such as: local shape and ve-
tion 20. The static head hS corresponds here to the vertical locity of the free surface, air trapping in the fluid and
distance from the load point to the highest part of the tank, response of the structure. A complete model of the phe-
increased to account for the vertical extension over that nomenon would require a very detailed two-phase scheme
point of air pipes (that can be occasionally filled with liq- for the fluid and a dynamic model for the structure includ-
uid) or, if applicable, for the ullage space pressure (the pres- ing hydro-elasticity effects.
sure present at the free surface, corresponding for example Simplified distributions of sloshing and/or impact pres-
to the setting pressure of outlet valves). sures are often provided by Classification Societies for struc-
tural verification (Figure 18.14). Dynamic internal pressure
When the ship advances in waves, different types of mo-
tions are generated in the liquid contained in a tank on-
board, depending on the period of the ship motions and on
the filling level: the internal pressure distribution varies ac-
In a completely full tank, fluid internal velocities rela-
tive to the tank walls are small and the acceleration in the
fluid is considered as corresponding to the global ship ac-
celeration aw.
Figure 18.12 Example of Simplified Distribution of External Pressure (10)
The total pressure (equation 21) can be evaluated in terms
of the total acceleration aT, obtained summing aw to grav-
ity g.
The gravitational acceleration g is directed according to
the true vertical. This means that its components in the ship
reference system depend on roll and pitch angles (in Fig-
ure 18.13 on roll angle θr).
pf = ρaThT [21]
In equation 21, hT is the distance between the load point
and the highest point of the tank in the direction of the total
acceleration vector aT (Figure 18.13)
If the tank is only partially filled, significant fluid inter- Figure 18.13 Internal Fluid Pressure (full tank)
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-15 Dry bulk cargo the flat part of the hull and the water free surface, presence
In the case of a dry bulk cargo, internal friction forces arise and extension of air trapped between fluid and ship bottom
within the cargo itself and between the cargo and the walls and structural dynamic behavior (18,19).
of the hold. As a result, the component normal to the wall While slamming probability of occurrence can be stud-
has a different distribution from the load corresponding to ied on the basis only of predictions of ship relative motions
a liquid cargo of the same density; also additional tangen- (which should in principle include non-linear effects due to
tial components are present. extreme motions), a quantification of slamming pressure
involves necessarily all the other mentioned phenomena
and is very difficult to attain, both from a theoretical and
18.3.8 Inertial Loads—Dry Cargo experimental point of view (18,19).
To account for this effect, distributions for the components From a practical point of view, Class Societies prescribe,
of cargo load are approximated with empirical formulations for ships with loading conditions corresponding to a low fore
based on the material frictional characteristics, usually ex-
pressed by the angle of repose for the bulk cargo, and on
the slope of the wall. Such formulations cover both the static
and the dynamic cases. Unit cargo

In the case of a unit cargo (container, pallet, vehicle or other)
the local translational accelerations at the centre of gravity
are applied to the mass to obtain a distribution of inertial
forces. Such forces are transferred to the structure in dif-
ferent ways, depending on the number and extension of con-
tact areas and on typology and geometry of the lashing or
supporting systems.
Generally, this kind of load is modelled by one or more
concentrated forces (Figure 18.15) or by a uniform load ap-
plied on the contact area with the structure.
The latter case applies, for example, to the inertial loads
transmitted by tyred vehicles when modelling the response Figure 18.14 Example of Simplified Distributions of Sloshing and Impact
of the deck plate between stiffeners: in this case the load is Pressures (11)
distributed uniformly on the tyre print.

18.3.9 Dynamic Loads Slamming and bow flare loads
When sailing in heavy seas, the ship can experience such
large heave motions that the forebody emerges completely
from the water. In the following downward fall, the bottom
of the ship can hit the water surface, thus generating con-
siderable impact pressures.
The phenomenon occurs in flat areas of the forward part
of the ship and it is strongly correlated to loading condi-
tions with a low forward draft.
It affects both local structures (bottom panels) and the
global bending behaviour of the hull girder with generation
also of free vibrations at the first vertical flexural modes for
the hull (whipping).
A full description of the slamming phenomenon involves
a number of parameters: amplitude and velocity of ship mo- Figure 18.15 Scheme of Local Forces Transmitted by a Container to the
tions relative to water, local angle formed at impact between Support System (8)
18-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

draft, local structural checks based on an additional exter- the stern region, thus generating an exciting force for the
nal pressure. structure.
Such additional pressure is formulated as a function of A second effect is due to axial and non axial forces and
ship main characteristics, of local geometry of the ship moments generated by the propeller on the shaft and trans-
(width of flat bottom, local draft) and, in some cases, of the mitted through the bearings to the hull (bearing forces).
first natural frequency of flexural vibration of the hull girder. Due to the negative dynamic pressure generated by the
The influence on global loads is accounted for by an ad- increased angle of attack, the local pressure on the back of
ditional term for the vertical wave-induced bending mo- blade profiles can, for any rotation angle, fall below the
ment, which can produce a significant increase (15% and vapor saturation pressure. In this case, a vapor sheet is gen-
more) in the design value. erated on the back of the profile (cavitation phenomenon).
A phenomenon quite similar to bottom slamming can The vapor filled cavity collapses as soon as the angle of at-
occur also on the forebody of ships with a large bow flare. tack decreases in the propeller revolution and the local pres-
In this case dynamic and (to a lesser extent) impulsive pres- sure rises again over the vapor saturation pressure.
sures are generated on the sides of V-shaped fore sections. Cavitation further enhances pressure fluctuations, be-
The phenomenon is likely to occur quite frequently on cause of the rapid displacement of the surrounding water
ships prone to it, but with lower pressures than in bottom volume during the growing phase of the vapor bubble and
slamming. The incremental effect on vertical bending mo- because of the following implosion when conditions for its
ment can however be significant. existence are removed.
A quantification of bow flare effects implies taking into All of the three mentioned types of excitation have their
account the variation of the local breadth of the section as main components at the propeller rotational frequency, at
a function of draft. It represents a typical non-linear effect the blade frequency, and at their first harmonics. In addi-
(non-linearity due to hull geometry). tion to the above frequencies, the cavitation pressure field
Slamming can also occur in the rear part of the ship, contains also other components at higher frequency, related
when the flat part of the stern counter is close to surface. to the dynamics of the vapor cavity.
Propellers with skewed blades perform better as regards Springing induced pressure, because not all the blade sections pass si-
Another phenomenon which involves the dynamic response multaneously in the region of the stern counter, where dis-
of the hull girder is springing. For particular types of ships, turbances in the wake are larger; accordingly, pressure
a coincidence can occur between the frequency of wave ex- fluctuations are distributed over a longer time period and
citation and the natural frequency associated to the first peak values are lower.
(two-node) flexural mode in the vertical plane, thus pro- Bearing forces and pressures induced on the stern counter
ducing a resonance for that mode (see also Subsection by cavitating and non cavitating propellers can be calculated with dedicated numerical simulations (18).
The phenomenon has been observed in particular on Great
Lakes vessels, a category of ships long and flexible, with com- Main engine excitation
paratively low resonance frequencies (1, Chapter VI). Another major source of dynamic excitation for the hull
The exciting action has an origin similar to the case of girder is represented by the main engine. Depending on
quasi-static wave bending moment and can be studied with general arrangement and on number of cylinders, diesel en-
the same techniques, but the response in terms of deflec- gines generate internally unbalanced forces and moments,
tion and stresses is magnified by dynamic effects. For re- mainly at the engine revolution frequency, at the cylinders
cent developments of research in the field (see references firing frequency and inherent harmonics (Figure 18.16).
16 and 17). The excitation due to the first harmonics of low speed
diesel engines can be at frequencies close to the first natu- Propeller induced pressures and forces ral hull girder frequencies, thus representing a possible cause
Due to the wake generated by the presence of the after part of a global resonance.
of the hull, the propeller operates in a non-uniform incident In addition to frequency coincidence, also direction and
velocity field. location of the excitation are important factors: for exam-
Blade profiles experience a varying angle of attack dur- ple, a vertical excitation in a nodal point of a vertical flex-
ing the revolution and the pressure field generated around ural mode has much less effect in exciting that mode than
the blades fluctuates accordingly. the same excitation placed on a point of maximum modal
The dynamic pressure field impinges the hull plating in deflection.
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-17

components; a longitudinal one FWiL, and a transverse one

FWiT (equation 22), and a moment MWiz about the vertical
axis (equation 23), all applied at the center of gravity.

FWiL,T = 1 / 2 C F L,T ( φ Wi ) φ A Wi VWi 2 [22]

M Wiz = 1 / 2 C Mz ( φ Wi ) φ A Wi L VWi 2 [23]

φWi = the angle formed by the direction of the wind rela-
tive to the ship
CMz(φWi), CFL(φWi), CFT(φWi) are all coefficients depending
Figure 18.16 Propeller, Shaft and Engine Induced Actions (20)
on the shape of exposed part of the ship and on
angle φWi
AWi = the reference area for the surface of the ship exposed
to wind, (usually the area of the cross section)
In addition to low frequency hull vibrations, components VWi = the wind speed
at higher frequencies from the same sources can give rise
to resonance in local structures, which can be predicted by The empirical formulas in equations 22 and 23 account
suitable dynamic structural models (18,19). also for the tangential force acting on the ship surfaces par-
allel to the wind direction.
Current: The current exerts on the immersed part of the
18.3.10 Other Loads hull a similar action to the one of wind on the emerged part Thermal loads (drag force). It can be described through coefficients and
A ship experiences loads as a result of thermal effects, which variables analogous to those of equations 22 and 23.
can be produced by external agents (the sun heating the Waves: Linear wave excitation has in principle a sinu-
deck), or internal ones (heat transfer from/to heated or re- soidal time dependence (whose mean value is by definition
frigerated cargo). zero). If ship motions in the wave direction are not con-
What actually creates stresses is a non-uniform temper- strained (for example, if the anchor chain is not in tension)
ature distribution, which implies that the warmer part of the the ship motion follows the excitation with similar time de-
structure tends to expand while the rest opposes to this de- pendence and a small time lag. In this case the action on
formation. A peculiar aspect of this situation is that the por- the mooring system is very small (a few percent of the other
tion of the structure in larger elongation is compressed and actions).
vice-versa, which is contrary to the normal experience. If the ship is constrained, significant loads arise on the
It is very difficult to quantify thermal loads, the main mooring system, whose amplitude can be of the same order
problems being related to the identification of the temper- of magnitude of the stationary forces due to the other actions.
ature distribution and in particular to the model for con- In addition to the linear effects discussed above, non-lin-
straints. Usually these loads are considered only in a ear wave actions, with an average value different from zero,
qualitative way (1, Chapter VI). are also present, due to potential forces of higher order, for-
mation of vortices, and viscous effects. These components Mooring loads can be significant on off-shore floating structures, which
For a moored vessel, loads are exerted from external actions often feature also complicated mooring systems: in those
on the mooring system and from there to the local sup- cases the dynamic behavior of the mooring system is to be
porting structure. The main contributions come by wind, included in the analysis, to solve a specific motion prob-
waves and current. lem. For common ships, non-linear wave effects are usu-
Wind: The force due to wind action is mainly directed in ally neglected.
the direction of the wind (drag force), even if a limited com- A practical rule-of-thumb for taking into account wave
ponent in the orthogonal direction can arise in particular sit- actions for a ship at anchor in non protected waters is to in-
uations. The magnitude depends on the wind speed and on crease of 75 to 100% the sum of the other force components.
extension and geometry of the exposed part of the ship. The Once the total force on the ship is quantified, the ten-
action due to wind can be described in terms of two force sion in the mooring system (hawser, rope or chain) can be
18-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

derived by force decomposition, taking into account the integrated according to equations 1 and 2 to derive vertical
angle formed with the external force in the horizontal and/or shear and bending moment.
vertical plane.
qVL(x) = w(x) – bL(x) – fC(x) [26] Launching loads This computation is performed for various intermediate
The launch is a unique moment in the life of the ship. For positions of the cradle during the launching in order to check
a successful completion of this complex operation, a num- all phases. However, the most demanding situation for the
ber of practical, organizational and technical elements are hull girder corresponds to the instant when pivoting starts.
to be kept under control (as general reference see reference In that moment the cradle force is concentrated close to
1, Chapter XVII). the bow, at the fore end of the cradle itself (on the fore pop-
Here only the aspect of loads acting on the ship will be pet, if one is fitted) and it is at the maximum value.
discussed, so, among the various types of launch, only those A considerable sagging moment is present in this situ-
which present peculiarities as regards ship loads will be ation, whose maximum value is usually lower than the de-
considered: end launch and side launch. sign one, but tends to be located in the fore part of the ship,
End Launch: In end launch, resultant forces and motions where bending strength is not as high as at midship.
are contained in the longitudinal plane of the ship (Figure Furthermore, the ship at launching could still have tem-
18.17). porary openings or incomplete structures (lower strength)
The vessel is subjected to vertical sectional forces dis- in the area of maximum bending moment.
tributed along the hull girder: weight w(x), buoyancy bL(x) Another matter of concern is the concentrated force at
and the sectional force transmitted from the ground way to the fore end of the cradle, which can reach a significant per-
the cradle and from the latter to the ship’s bottom (in the centage of the total weight (typically 20–30%). It represents
following: sectional cradle force fC(x), with resultant FC). a strong local load and often requires additional temporary
While the weight distribution and its resultant force internal strengthening structures, to distribute the force on
(weight W) are invariant during launching, the other distri- a portion of the structure large enough to sustain it.
butions change in shape and resultant: the derivation of Side Launch: In side launch, the main motion compo-
launching loads is based on the computation of these two nents are directed in the transversal plane of the ship (see
distributions. Figure 18.19, reproduced from reference 1, Chapter XVII).
Such computation, repeated for various positions of the The vertical reaction from ground ways is substituted in
cradle, is based on the global static equilibrium (equations a comparatively short time by buoyancy forces when the ship
24 and 25, in which dynamic effects are neglected: quasi tilts and drops into water.
static approach). The kinetic energy gained during the tilting and drop-
ping phases makes the ship oscillate around her final posi-
BT + FC – W = 0 [24]
xB BT + xF FC – xW W = 0 [25]
W, BT, FC = (respectively) weight, buoyancy and cradle
force resultants
xW, xB, xF = their longitudinal positions
In a first phase of launching, when the cradle is still in
contact for a certain length with the ground way, the buoy- Figure 18.17 End Launch: Sketch
ancy distribution is known and the cradle force resultant
and position is derived.
In a second phase, beginning when the cradle starts to
rotate (pivoting phase: Figure 18.18), the position xF cor-
responds steadily to the fore end of the cradle and what is
unknown is the magnitude of FC and the actual aft draft of
the ship (and consequently, the buoyancy distribution).
The total sectional vertical force distribution is found as
the sum of the three components (equation 26) and can be Figure 18.18 Forces during Pivoting
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-19

tion at rest. The amplitude of heave and roll motions and Governing equations for the problem are given by con-
accelerations governs the magnitude of hull girder loads. servation of momentum and of energy. Within this frame-
Contrary to end launch, trajectory and loads cannot be stud- work, time domain simulations can evaluate the magnitude
ied as a sequence of quasi-static equilibrium positions, but of contact forces and the energy, which is absorbed by struc-
need to be investigated with a dynamic analysis. ture deformation: these quantities, together with the response
The problem is similar to the one regarding ship mo- characteristics of the structure (energy absorption capacity),
tions in waves, (Subsection 18.3.4), with the difference that allow an evaluation of the damage penetration (21).
here motions are due to a free oscillation of the system due Grounding: In grounding, dominant effects are forces and
to an unbalanced initial condition and not to an external ex- motions in the vertical plane.
citation. As regards forces, main components are contact forces,
Another difference with respect to end launch is that developed at the first impact with the ground, then friction,
both ground reaction (first) and buoyancy forces (later) are when the bow slides on the ground, and weight.
always distributed along the whole length of the ship and From the point of view of energy, the initial kinetic en-
are not concentrated in a portion of it. ergy is (a) dissipated in the deformation of the lower part
of the bow (b) dissipated in friction of the same area against Accidental loads the ground, (c) spent in deformation work of the ground (if
Accidental loads (collision and grounding) are discussed soft: sand, gravel) and (d) converted into gravitational po-
in more detail by ISSC (21). tential energy (work done against the weight force, which
Collision: When defining structural loads due to colli- resists to the vertical raising of the ship barycenter).
sions, the general approach is to model the dynamics of the In addition to soil characteristics, key parameters for the
accident itself, in order to define trajectories of the unit(s) description are: slope and geometry of the ground, initial
involved. speed and direction of the ship relative to ground, shape of
In general terms, the dynamics of collision should be the bow (with/without bulb).
formulated in six degrees of freedom, accounting for a num- The final position (grounded ship) governs the magni-
ber of forces acting during the event: forces induced by pro- tude of the vertical reaction force and the distribution of
peller, rudder, waves, current, collision forces between the shear and sagging moment that are generated in the hull
units, hydrodynamic pressure due to motions. girder. Figure 18.20 gives an idea of the magnitude of
Normally, theoretical models confine the analysis to grounding loads for different combinations of ground slopes
components in the horizontal plane (3 degrees of freedom) and coefficients of friction for a 150 000 tanker (results of
and to collision forces and motion-induced hydrodynamic simulations from reference 22).
pressures. The latter are evaluated with potential methods In addition to numerical simulations, full and model
of the same type as those adopted for the study of the re- scale tests are performed to study grounding events (21).
sponse of the ship to waves. LIVE GRAPH
As regards collision forces, they can be described dif- Click here to view
ferently depending on the characteristics of the struck ob-
ject (ship, platform, bridge pylon…) with different
combinations of rigid, elastic or an elastic body models.

Figure 18.19 Side Launch (1, Chapter XVII) Figure 18.20 Sagging Moments for a Grounded Ship: Simulation Results (22)
18-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

18.3.11 Combination of Loads 2D versus 3D models

When dealing with the characterization of a set of loads Three-dimensional extensions of linear methods are avail-
acting simultaneously, the interest lies in the definition of able; some non-linear methods have also 3-D features, while
a total loading condition with the required exceeding prob- in other cases an intermediate approach is followed, with
ability (usually the same of the single components). This boundary conditions formulated part in 2D, part in 3D.
cannot be obtained by simple superposition of the charac-
teristic values of single contributing loads, as the probabil- Body boundary conditions
ity that all design loads occur at the same time is much lower In linear methods, body boundary conditions are set with
than the one associated to the single component. reference to the mean position of the hull (in still water).
In the time domain, the combination problem is ex- Perturbation terms take into account, in the frequency or in
pressed in terms of time shift between the instants in which the time domain, first order variations of hydrodynamic and
characteristic values occur. hydrostatic coefficients around the still water line.
In the probability domain, the complete formulation of Other non-linear methods account for perturbation terms
the problem would imply, in principle, the definition of a of a higher order. In this case, body boundary conditions
joint probability distribution of the various loads, in order are still linear (mean position of the hull), but second order
to quantify the distribution for the total load. An approxi- variations of the coefficients are accounted for.
mation would consist in modeling the joint distribution Mixed or blending procedures consist in linear methods
through its first and second order moments, that is mean val- modified to include non-linear effects in a single compo-
ues and covariance matrix (composed by the variances of nent of the velocity potential (while the other ones are treated
the single variables and by the covariance calculated for linearly). In particular, they account for the actual geome-
each couple of variables). However, also this level of sta- try of wetted hull (non-linear body boundary condition) in
tistical characterization is difficult to obtain. the Froude-Krylov potential only. This effect is believed to
As a practical solution to the problem, empirically based have a major role in the definition of global loads.
load cases are defined in Rules by means of combination More evolved (and complex) methods are able to take
coefficients (with values generally ≤ 1) applied to single properly into account the exact body boundary condition
loads. Such load cases, each defined by a set of coefficients, (actual wetted surface of the hull).
represent realistic and, in principle, equally probable com-
binations of characteristic values of elementary loads. Free surface boundary conditions
Structural checks are performed for all load cases. The Boundary conditions on free surface can be set, depending
result of the verification is governed by the one, which turns on the various methods, with reference to: (a) a free stream
out to be the most conservative for the specific structure. at constant velocity, corresponding to ship advance, (b) a
This procedure needs a higher number of checks (which, on double body flow, accounting for the disturbance induced
the other hand, can be easily automated today), but allows by the presence of a fully immersed double body hull on
considering various load situations (defined with different the uniform flow, (c) the flow corresponding to the steady
combinations of the same base loads), without choosing a advance of the ship in calm water, considering the free sur-
priori the worst one. face or (d) the incident wave profile (neglecting the inter-
action with the hull).
Works based on fully non-linear formulations of the free
surface conditions have also been published.
18.3.12 New Trends and Load Non-linearities
A large part of research efforts is still devoted to a better Fluid characteristics
definition of wave loads. New procedures have been pro- All the methods above recalled are based on an inviscid
posed in the last decades to improve traditional 2D linear fluid potential scheme.
methods, overcoming some of the simplifications adopted Some results have been published of viscous flow mod-
to treat the problem of ship motions in waves. For a com- els based on the solution of Reynolds Averaged Navier
plete state of the art of computational methods in the field, Stokes (RANS) equations in the time domain. These meth-
reference is made to (23). A very coarse classification of ods represent the most recent trend in the field of ship mo-
the main features of the procedures reported in literature is tions and loads prediction and their use is limited to a few
here presented (see also reference 24). research groups.
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-21

18.4 STRESSES AND DEFLECTIONS • Stresses in the plating of stiffened panel under lateral
pressure may have different origins (σ2 and σ2*). For a
The reactions of structural components of the ship hull to stiffened panel, there is the stress (σ2) and deflection of
external loads are usually measured by either stresses or the global bending of the orthotropic stiffened panels,
deflections. Structural performance criteria and the associ- for example, the panel of bottom structure contained be-
ated analyses involving stresses are referred to under the gen- tween two adjacent transverse bulkheads. The stiffener
eral term of strength. The strength of a structural component and the attached plating bend under the lateral load and
would be inadequate if it experiences a loss of load-carry- the plate develops additional plane stresses since the
ing ability through material fracture, yield, buckling, or plate acts as a flange with the stiffeners. In longitudinally
some other failure mechanism in response to the applied framed ships there is also a second type of secondary
loading. Excessive deflection may also limit the structural stresses: σ2* corresponds to the bending under the hy-
effectiveness of a member, even though material failure drostatic pressure of the longitudinals between trans-
does not occur, if that deflection results in a misalignment verse frames (web frames). For transversally framed
or other geometric displacement of vital components of the panels, σ2* may also exist and would correspond to the
ship’s machinery, navigational equipment, etc., thus ren- bending of the equally spaced frames between two stiff
dering the system ineffective. longitudinal girders.
The present section deals with the determination of the • A double bottom behaves as box girder but can bend lon-
responses, in the form of stress and deflection, of structural gitudinally, transversally or both. This global bending in-
members to the applied loads. Once these responses are duces stress (σ2) and deflection. In addition, there is also
known it is necessary to determine whether the structure is
adequate to withstand the demands placed upon it, and this
requires consideration of the different failure modes asso-
ciated to the limit states, as discussed in Sections 18.5 and
Although longitudinal strength under vertical bending
moment and vertical shear forces is the first important
strength consideration in almost all ships, a number of other
strength considerations must be considered. Prominent
amongst these are transverse, torsional and horizontal bend-
ing strength, with torsional strength requiring particular at-
tention on open ships with large hatches arranged close
together. All these are briefly presented in this Section. More
detailed information is available in Lewis (2) and Hughes
(3), both published by SNAME, and Rawson (25). Note
that the content of Section 18.4 is influenced mainly from
Lewis (2).

18.4.1 Stress and Deflection Components

The structural response of the hull girder and the associ-
ated members can be subdivided into three components
(Figure 18.21).
Primary response is the response of the entire hull, when
the ship bends as a beam under the longitudinal distribution
of load. The associated primary stresses (σ1) are those, which
are usually called the longitudinal bending stresses, but the
general category of primary does not imply a direction.
Secondary response relates to the global bending of stiff-
ened panels (for single hull ship) or to the behavior of dou- Figure 18.21 Primary (Hull), Secondary (Double Bottom and Stiffened Panels)
ble bottom, double sides, etc., for double hull ships: and Tertiary (Plate) Structural Responses (1, 2)
18-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the σ2* stress that corresponds to the bending of the lon- tect deals principally with beam theory, plate theory, and
gitudinals (for example, in the inner and outer bottom) combinations of both.
between two transverse elements (floors).
Tertiary response describes the out-of-plane deflection 18.4.2 Basic Structural Components
and associated stress of an individual unstiffened plate panel Structural components are extensively discussed in Chap-
included between 2 longitudinals and 2 transverse web ter 17 – Structure Arrangement Component Design. In this
frames. The boundaries are formed by these components section, only the basic structural component used exten-
(Figure 18.22). sively is presented. It is basically a stiffened panel.
Primary and secondary responses induce in-plane mem- The global ship structure is usually referred to as being
brane stresses, nearly uniformly distributed through the plate a box girder or hull girder. Modeling of this hull girder is
thickness. Tertiary stresses, which result from the bending the first task of the designer. It is usually done by model-
of the plate member itself vary through the thickness, but ing the hull girder with a series of stiffened panels.
may contain a membrane component if the out-of-plane de- Stiffened panels are the main components of a ship. Al-
flections are large compared to the plate thickness. most any part of the ship can be modeled as stiffened pan-
In many instances, there is little or no interaction be- els (plane or cylindrical).
tween the three (primary, secondary, tertiary) component This means that, once the ship’s main dimensions and
stresses or deflections, and each component may be com- general arrangement are fixed, the remaining scantling de-
puted by methods and considerations entirely independent velopment mainly deals with stiffened panels.
of the other two. The resultant stress, in such a case, is then The panels are joined one to another by connecting lines
obtained by a simple superposition of the three component (edges of the prismatic structures) and have longitudinal
stresses (Subsection 18.4.7). An exception is the case of and transverse stiffening (Figures 18.22, 23 and 36).
plate (tertiary) deflections, which are large compared to the
thickness of plate. • Longitudinal Stiffening includes
In plating, each response induces longitudinal stresses, — longitudinals (equally distributed), used only for the
transverse stresses and shear stresses. This is due to the design of longitudinally stiffened panels,
Poisson’s Ratio. Both primary and secondary stresses are — girders (not equally distributed).
bending stresses but in plating these stresses look like mem-
brane stresses. • Transverse Stiffening includes (Figure 18.23)
In stiffeners, only primary and secondary responses in- — transverse bulkheads (a),
duce stresses in the direction of the members and shear — the main transverse framing also called web-frames
stresses. Tertiary response has no effect on the stiffeners. (equally distributed; large spacing), used for longi-
In Figure 18.21 (see also Figure 18.37) the three types tudinally stiffened panels (b) and transversally stiff-
of response are shown with their associated stresses (σ1, σ2, ened panels (c).
σ2* and σ3). These considerations point to the inherent sim-
plicity of the underlying theory. The structural naval archi-
18.4.3 Primary Response Beam model and hull section modulus
The structural members involved in the computation of pri-
mary stress are, for the most part, the longitudinally contin-
uous members such as deck, side, bottom shell, longitudinal
bulkheads, and continuous or fully effective longitudinal
primary or secondary stiffening members.
Elementary beam theory (equation 29) is usually uti-
lized in computing the component of primary stress, σ1, and
deflection due to vertical or lateral hull bending loads. In
assessing the applicability of this beam theory to ship struc-
tures, it is useful to restate the underlying assumptions:
• the beam is prismatic, that is, all cross sections are the
same and there is no openings or discontinuities,
Figure 18.22 A Standard Stiffened Panel • plane cross sections remain plane after deformation, will
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-23

Figure 18.23 Types of Stiffening (Longitudinal and Transverse)

not deform in their own planes, and merely rotate as the

beam deflects.
• transverse (Poisson) effects on strain are neglected.
• the material behaves elastically: the elasticity modulus
in tension and compression is equal.
• shear effects and bending (stresses, strains) are not cou-
pled. For torsional deformation, the effect of secondary
shear and axial stresses due to warping deformations are
Since stress concentrations (deck openings, side ports,
etc.) cannot be avoided in a highly complex structure such
as a ship, their effects must be included in any comprehen-
sive stress analysis. Methods dealing with stress concen- Figure 18.24 Behavior of an Elastic Beam under Shear Force and Bending
trations are presented in Subsection as they are
Moment (2)
linked to fatigue.
The elastic linear bending equations, equations 27 and
28, are derived from basic mechanic principle presented at
Figure 18.24. Hull Section Modulus: The plane section assumption to-
gether with elastic material behavior results in a longitudi-
EI (∂2w / ∂x2) = M(x) [27]
nal stress, σ1, in the beam that varies linearly over the depth
or of the cross section.
The simple beam theory for longitudinal strength cal-
EI (∂4w / ∂x4) = q(x) [28]
culations of a ship is based on the hypothesis (usually at-
where: tributed to Navier) that plane sections remain plane and in
the absence of shear, normal to the OXY plane (Figure
w = deflection (Figure 18.24), in m
18.24). This gives the well-known formula:
E = modulus of elasticity of the material, in N/m2
I = moment of inertia of beam cross section about a σ = M / (I / C) = M / SM [29]
horizontal axis through its centroid, in m4
M(x) = bending moment, in N.m
q(x) = load per unit length in N/m M = bending moment (in N.m)
= ∂V(x)/∂x σ = bending stress (in N/m2)
= ∂2M(x)/∂x2 I = Sectional moment of Inertia about the neutral axis
= EI (∂4w/∂x4) (m4)
18-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

c = distance from the neutral axis to the extreme mem- using both the hogging and sagging moment curves four
ber (m) curves of stress can be obtained; that is, tension and com-
SM = section modulus (I/c) (m3) pression values for both top and bottom extreme fibers.
It is customary, however, to assume the maximum bend-
For a given bending moment at a given cross section of ing moment to extend over the midship portion of the ship.
a ship, at any part of the cross section, the stress may be ob- Minimum section modulus most often occurs at the loca-
tained (σ = M/SM = Mc/I) which is proportional to the dis- tion of a hatch or a deck opening. Accordingly, the classi-
tance c of that part from the neutral axis. The neutral axis fication societies ordinarily require the maintenance of the
will seldom be located exactly at half-depth of the section; midship scantlings throughout the midship four-tenths
hence two values of c and σ will be obtained for each sec- length. This practice maintains the midship section area of
tion for any given bending moment, one for the top fiber structure practically at full value in the vicinity of maximum
(deck) and one for the bottom fiber (bottom shell). shear as well as providing for possible variation in the pre-
A variation on the above beam equations may be of im- cise location of the maximum bending moment.
portance in ship structures. It concerns beams composed of Lateral Bending Combined with Vertical Bending: Up
two or more materials of different moduli of elasticity, for to this point, attention has been focused principally upon
example, steel and aluminum. In this case, the flexural rigid- the vertical longitudinal bending response of the hull. As
ity, EI, is replaced by ∫A E(z) z2 dA, where A is cross sec- the ship moves through a seaway encountering waves from
tional area and E(z) the modulus of elasticity of an element directions other than directly ahead or astern, it will expe-
of area dA located at distance z from the neutral axis. The rience lateral bending loads and twisting moments in addi-
neutral axis is located at such height that ∫A E(z) z dA = 0. tion to the vertical loads. The former may be dealt with by
Calculation of Section Modulus: An important step in methods that are similar to those used for treating the ver-
routine ship design is the calculation of the midship section tical bending loads, noting that there will be no component
modulus. As defined in connection with equation 29, it in- of still water bending moment or shear in the lateral direc-
dicates the bending strength properties of the primary hull tion. The twisting or torsional loads will require some spe-
structure. The section modulus to the deck or bottom is ob- cial consideration. Note that the response of the ship to the
tained by dividing the moment of inertia by the distance overall hull twisting loading should be considered also a pri-
from the neutral axis to the molded deck line at side or to mary response.
the base line, respectively. The combination of vertical and horizontal bending mo-
In general, the following items may be included in the ment has as major effect to increase the stress at the ex-
calculation of the section modulus, provided they are con- treme corners of the structure (equation 30).
tinuous or effectively developed:
• deck plating (strength deck and other effective decks).
(See Subsection for Hull/Superstructure Inter-
• shell and inner bottom plating,
• deck and bottom girders,
• plating and longitudinal stiffeners of longitudinal bulk-
• all longitudinals of deck, sides, bottom and inner bot-
tom, and
• continuous longitudinal hatch coamings.

In general, only members that are effective in both ten-

sion and compression are assumed to act as part of the hull
Theoretically, a thorough analysis of longitudinal strength
would include the construction of a curve of section moduli
throughout the length of the ship as shown in Figure 18.25.
Dividing the ordinates of the maximum bending-moments
curve (the envelope curve of maxima) by the corresponding
ordinates of the section-moduli curve yields stress values. By Figure 18.25 Moment of Inertia and Section Modulus (1)
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-25

Mv Mh an element of side shell or deck plating may, in general be

σ= + [30]
(I v cv ) (I h ch ) subject to two other components of stress, a direct stress in
the transverse direction and a shearing stress.
where Mv, Iv, cv, and Mh, Ih, ch, correspond to the M, I, c This figure illustrates these as the stress resultants, de-
defined in equation 29, for the vertical bending and the hor- fined as the stress multiplied by plate thickness.
izontal bending respectively. The stress resultants (N/m) are given by the following
For a given vertical bending (Mv), the periodical wave expressions:
induced horizontal bending moment (Mh) increases stresses,
Nx = t σx and Ns = t σs stress resultants, in N/m
alternatively, on the upper starboard and lower portside, and
on the upper portside and lower starboard. This explains N = t τ shear stress resultant or shear flow, in N/m
why these areas are usually reinforced.
Empirical interaction formulas between vertical bend-
ing, horizontal bending and shear related to ultimate strength σx, σs = stresses in the longitudinal and transverse direc-
of hull girder are given in Subsection tions, in N/m2
Transverse Stresses: With regards to the validity of the τ = shear stress, in N/m2
Navier Equation (equation 29), a significant improvement t = plate thickness, in m
may be obtained by considering a longitudinal strength
In many parts of the ship, the longitudinal stress, σx, is
member composed of thin plate with transverse framing.
the dominant component. There are, however, locations in
This might, for example, represent a portion of the deck
which the shear component becomes important and under
structure of a ship that is subject to a longitudinal stress σx,
unusual circumstances the transverse component may, like-
from the primary bending of the hull girder. As a result of
wise, become important. A suitable procedure for estimat-
the longitudinal strain, εx, which is associated with σx, there
ing these other component stresses may be derived by
will exist a transverse strain, εs. For the case of a plate that
considering the equations of static equilibrium of the ele-
is free of constraint in the transverse direction, the two
ment of plating (Figure 18.26). The static equilibrium con-
strains will be of opposite sign and the ratio of their ab-
ditions for a plate element subjected only to in-plane stress,
solute values, given by | εs / εx | = ν, is a constant property
that is, no plate bending, are:
of the material. The quantity ν is called Poisson’s Ratio and,
for steel and aluminum, has a value of approximately 0.3. ∂Nx / ∂x + ∂N / ∂s = 0 [33-a]
Hooke’s Law, which expresses the relation between stress
∂Ns / ∂s + ∂N / ∂x = 0 [33-b]
and strain in two dimensions, may be stated in terms of the
plate strains (equation 31). This shows that the primary re- In these equations, s, is the transverse coordinate meas-
sponse induces both longitudinal (σx) and transversal ured on the surface of the section from the x-axis as shown
stresses (σs) in plating. in Figure 18.26.
εx = 1 / E ( σx – v σS) For vessels without continuous longitudinal bulkheads
εS = 1 / E ( σS – ν σx)
As transverse plate boundaries are usually constrained
(displacements not allowed), the transverse stress can be
taken, in first approximation as:
σs = ν σx [32]
Equation 32 is only valid to assess the additional stresses
in a given direction induced by the stresses in the perpen-
dicular direction computed, for instance, with the Navier
equation (equation 29). Shear stress associated to shear forces

The simple beam theory expressions given in the preced-
ing section permit evaluation the longitudinal component
of the primary stress, σx. In Figure 18.26, it can be seen that Figure 18.26 Shear Forces (2)
18-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

(single cell), having transverse symmetry and subject to a of the shear flows at two locations lying on a plane cutting
bending moment in the vertical plane, the shear flow dis- the cell walls will still be given by equation 34, with m(s)
tribution, N(s) is then given by: equal to the moment of the shaded area (Figure 18.28).
However, the distribution of this sum between the two com-
N (s) = 
V(x)  ponents in bulkhead and side shell, requires additional in-
m (s) [34]
 I(x)  formation for its determination.
and the shear stress, τ , at any point in the cross section is: This additional information may be obtained by con-
sidering the torsional equilibrium and deflection of the cel-
V(x).m(s) lular section. The way to proceed is extensively explained
τ(s) = (N / m 2) [35] in Lewis (2).
t(s) I(x)
where: Shear stress associated with torsion
V(x) = total shearing force (in N) in the hull for a given In order to develop the twisting equations, we consider a
section x closed, single cell, thin-walled prismatic section subject
s only to a twisting moment, MT, which is constant along the
m(s) = ∫o t ( s ) z ds , in m , is the first moment (or moment
length as shown in Figure 18.29. The resulting shear stress
= of area) about the neutral axis of the cross sectional may be assumed uniform through the plate thickness and
area of the plating between the origin at the cen- is tangent to the mid-thickness of the material. Under these
terline and the variable location designated by s. circumstances, the deflection of the tube will consist of a
This is the crosshatched area of the section shown twisting of the section without distortion of its shape, and
in Figure 18.26 the rate of twist, dθ/dx, will be constant along the length.
t(s) = thickness of material at the shear plane
I(x) = moment of inertia of the entire section
The total vertical shearing force, V(x), at any point, x,
in the ship’s length may be obtained by the integration of
the load curve up to that point. Ordinarily the maximum
value of the shearing force occurs at about one quarter of
the vessel’s length from either end.
Since only the vertical, or nearly vertical, members of
the hull girder are capable of resisting vertical shear, this
shear is taken almost entirely by the side shell, the contin-
uous longitudinal bulkheads if present, and by the webs of
any deep longitudinal girders.
The maximum value of τ occurs in the vicinity of the
neutral axis, where the value of t is usually twice the thick-
ness of the side plating (Figure 18.27). For vessels with con- Figure 18.27 Shear Flow in Multicell Sections (1)
tinuous longitudinal bulkheads, the expression for shear
stress is more complex.
Shear Flow in Multicell Sections: If the cross section of
the ship shown in Figure 18.28 is subdivided into two or
more closed cells by longitudinal bulkheads, tank tops, or
decks, the problem of finding the shear flow in the bound-
aries of these closed cells is statically indeterminate.
Equation 34 may be evaluated for the deck and bottom
of the center tank space since the plane of symmetry at
which the shear flow vanishes, lies within this space and
forms a convenient origin for the integration. At the
deck/bulkhead intersection, the shear flow in the deck di-
vides, but the relative proportions of the part in the bulk-
head and the part in the deck are indeterminate. The sum Figure 18.28 Shear Flow in Multicell Sections (2)
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-27

Now consider equilibrium of forces in the x-direction for Twisting and warping
the element dx.ds of the tube wall as shown in Figure 18.29. Torsional strength: Although torsion is not usually an im-
Since there is no longitudinal load, there will be no longi- portant factor in ship design for most ships, it does result
tudinal stress, and only the shear stresses at the top and bot- in significant additional stresses on ships, such as container
tom edges need be considered in the expression for static ships, which have large hatch openings. These warping
equilibrium. The shear flow, N = tτ, is therefore seen to be stresses can be calculated by a beam analysis, which takes
constant around the section. into account the twisting and warping deflections. There
The magnitude of the moment, MT, may be computed can also be an interaction between horizontal bending and
by integrating the moment of the elementary force arising torsion of the hull girder. Wave actions tending to bend the
from this shear flow about any convenient axis. If r is the hull in a horizontal plane also induce torsion because of the
distance from the axis, 0, perpendicular to the resultant shear open cross section of the hull, which results in the shear cen-
flow at location s: ter being below the bottom of the hull. Combined stresses
due to vertical bending, horizontal bending and torsion must
MT = r N ds = N r ds = 2 NΩ [36] be calculated.
In order to increase the torsional rigidity of the contain-
Here the symbol indicates that the integral is taken en- ership cross sections, longitudinal and transverse closed
tirely around the section and, therefore, Ω (m2) is the area box girders are introduced in the upper side and deck struc-
enclosed by the mid-thickness line of the tubular cross sec- ture.
tion. The constant shear flow, N (N/m), is then related to From previous studies, it has been established that spe-
the applied twisting moment by: cial attention should be paid to the torsional rigidity distri-
N = τ. t = MT /2Ω [37] bution along the hull. Usually, toward the ship’s ends, the
section moduli are justifiably reduced base on bending. On
For uniform torsion of a closed prismatic section, the the contrary the torsional rigidity, especially in the forward
angle of torsion is: hatches, should be gradually increased to keep the warping
MT .L stress as small as possible.
θ= (in radians) [38] Twisting of opened section: A lateral seaway could in-
G Ip
duce severe twisting moment that is of the major importance
where: for ships having large deck openings. The equations for the
twist of a closed tube (equations 36 to 38) are applicable
MT = Twisting moment (torsion), in N.m only to the computation of the torsional response of closed
L = Length of the girder, in m thin-walled sections.
Ip = Polar Inertia, in m4 The relative torsional stiffness of closed and open sec-
G = E/2(1+ν), the shear Modulus, in N/m2 tions may be visualized by means of a very simple example.
Consider two circular tubes, one of which has a longi-
tudinal slit over its full length as in Figure 18.30. The closed
tube will be able to resist a much greater torque per unit an-
gular deflection than the open tube because of the inability
of the latter to sustain the shear stress across the slot. The
twisting resistance of the thin material of which the tube is
composed provides the only resistance to torsion in the case

Figure 18.29 Torsional Shear Flow (2). Figure 18.30 Twist of Open and Closed Tubes (2)
18-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

of the open tube without longitudinal restraint. The resist- The angle between a deck beam and side frame tends to
ance to twist of the entirely open section is given by the St. open on one side and to close on the other side at the top
Venant torsion equation: and reverses its action at the bottom.
The effect of the concentration of stiff and soft sections re-
MT = G.J ∂θ/∂x (N.m) [39]
sults in a distortion pattern in the ship deck that is shown in
where: Figure 18.31. The term snaking is sometimes used in refer-
ring to this behavior and relates to both twisting and racking.
∂θ/∂x = twist angle per unit length, in rad./m, which can be
approximated by θ/L for uniform torsion and uni- Effective breadth and shear lag
form section.
An important effect of the edge shear loading of a plate
J = torsional constant of the section, in m4
s member is a resulting nonlinear variation of the longitudi-
= 1/3 ∫0 t 3 ds for a thin walled open section nal stress distribution (Figure 18.32). In the real plate the
n longitudinal stress decreases with increasing distance from
∑ b i t 3i for a section composed of n different
1 the shear-loaded edge, and this is called shear lag. This is
3 in contrast to the uniform stress distribution predicted in
i =1
= plates (bi= length, ti = thickness) the beam flanges by the elementary beam equation 29. In
many practical cases, the difference from the value pre-
If warping resistance is present, that is, if the longitudi- dicted in equation 29 will be small. But in certain combi-
nal displacement of the elemental strips shown in Figure nations of loading and structural geometry, the effect referred
18.30 is constrained, another component of torsional re- to by the term shear lag must be taken into consideration
sistance is developed through the shear stresses that result if an accurate estimate of the maximum stress in the mem-
from this warping restraint. This is added to the torque given ber is to be made. This may be conveniently done by defin-
by equation 39. ing an effective breadth of the flange member.
In ship structures, warping strength comes from four The ratio, be/b, of the effective breadth, be, to the real
sources: breadth, b, is useful to the designer in determining the lon-
1. the closed sections of the structure between hatch open- gitudinal stress along the shear-loaded edge. It is a function
2. the closed ends of the ship,
3. double wall transverse bulkheads, and
4. closed, torsionally stiff parts of the cross section (lon-
gitudinal torsion tubes or boxes, including double bot-
tom, double side shell, etc.). Racking and snaking

Racking is the result of a transverse hull shape distortion and
is caused by either dynamic loads due to rolling of the ship
or by the transverse impact of seas against the topsides. Trans-
verse bulkheads resist racking if the bulkhead spacing is close
enough to prevent deflection of the shell or deck plating in Figure 18.31 Snaking Behavior of a Container Vessel (2).
its own plane. Racking introduces primarily compressive and
shearing forces in the plane of bulkhead plating.
With the usual spacing of transverse bulkheads the ef-
fectiveness of side frames in resisting racking is negligible.
However, when bulkheads are widely spaced or where the
deck width is small in way of very large hatch openings,
side frames, in association with their top and bottom brack-
ets, contribute significant resistance to racking. Racking in
car-carriers is discussed in Chapters 17 and 34.
Racking stresses due to rolling reach a maximum in a
beam sea each time the vessel completes an oscillation in
one direction and is about to return. Figure 18.32 Shear Lag Effect in a Deck (2)
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-29

of the external loading applied and the boundary conditions w = α ( M L2/EI ) [41]
along the plate edges, but not its thickness. Figure 18.33
where the dimensionless coefficient α may be taken, for
gives the effective breadth ratio at mid-length for column
first approximation, as 0.09 (2).
loading and harmonic-shaped beam loading, together with
Actual deflection in service is affected also by thermal
a common approximation for both cases:
influences, rigidity of structural components, and work-
be k L manship; furthermore, deflection due to shear is additive to
= [40]
b 6 b the bending deflection, though its amount is usually rela-
tively small.
The results are presented in a series of design charts, The same influences, which gradually increase nominal
which are especially simple to use, and may be found in design stress levels, also increase flexibility. Additionally,
Schade (26). draft limitations and stability requirements may force the
A real situation in which such an alternating load dis- L/D ratio up, as ships get larger. In general, therefore, mod-
tribution may be encountered is a bulk carrier loaded with ern design requires that more attention be focused on flex-
a dense ore cargo in alternate holds, the remainder being ibility than formerly.
empty. No specific limits on hull girder deflections are given in
An example of the computation of the effective breadth the classification rules. The required minimum scantlings
of bottom and deck plating for such a vessel is given in however, as well as general design practices, are based on
Chapter VI of Taggart (1), using Figure 18.33. a limitation of the L/D ratio range.
It is important to distinguish the effective breadth (equa-
tion 40) and the effective width (equations 54 and 55) pre- Load diffusion into structure
sented later in Subsection for plate and stiffened The description of the computation of vertical shear and
plate-buckling analysis. bending moment by integration of the longitudinal load dis-
tribution implies that the external vertical load is resisted Longitudinal deflection directly by the vertical shear carrying members of the hull
The longitudinal bending deflection of the ship girder is ob- girder such as the side shell or longitudinal bulkheads. In a
tainable from the appropriate curvature equations (equa- longitudinally framed ship, such as a tanker, the bottom
tions 27 and 28) by integrating twice. A semi-empirical pressures are transferred principally to the widely spaced
approximation for bending deflection amidships is: transverse web frames or the transverse bulkheads where
Click here to view

Figure 18.33 Effective Breath Ratios at Midlength (1)

18-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

they are transferred to the longitudinal bulkheads or side one-third). Further details on the design considerations for
shell, again as localized shear forces. Thus, in reality, the deckhouses and superstructures may be found in Evans (27)
loading q(x), applied to the side shell or the longitudinal and Taggart (1).
bulkhead will consist of a distributed part due to the direct In addition to the overall bending, local stress concentra-
transfer of load into the member from the bottom or deck tions may be expected at the ends of the house, since here the
structure, plus a concentrated part at each bulkhead or web structure is transformed abruptly from that of a beam consist-
frame. This leads to a discontinuity in the shear curve at the ing of the main hull alone to that of hull plus superstructure.
bulkheads and webs. Recent works achieved in Norwegian University of Sci-
ence & Technology have shown that the vertical stress dis- Hull/superstructure interaction tribution in the side shell is not linear when there are large
The terms superstructure and deckhouse refer to a structure openings in the side shell as it is currently the case for upper
usually of shorter length than the entire ship and erected decks of passenger vessels. Approximated stress distribu-
above the strength deck of the ship. If its sides are coplanar tions are presented at Figure 18.35. The reduced slope, θ,
with the ship’s sides it is referred to as a superstructure. If for the upper deck has been found equal to 0.50 for a cata-
its width is less than that of the ship, it is called a deckhouse. maran passenger vessel (28).
The prediction of the structural behavior of a super-
structure constructed above the strength deck of the hull
has facets involving both the general bending response and 18.4.4 Secondary Response
important localized effects. Two opposing schools of thought In the case of secondary structural response, the principal
exist concerning the philosophy of design of such erections. objective is to determine the distribution of both in-plane
One attempts to make the superstructure effective in con-
tributing to the overall bending strength of the hull, the other
purposely isolates the superstructure from the hull so that
it carries only localized loads and does not experience
stresses and deflections associated with bending of the main
hull. This may be accomplished in long superstructures
(>0.5Lpp) by cutting the deckhouse into short segments by
means of expansion joints. Aluminum deckhouse con-
struction is another alternative when the different material
properties provide the required relief.
As the ship hull experiences a bending deflection in re-
sponse to the wave bending moment, the superstructure is
forced to bend also. However, the curvature of the super-
structure may not necessarily be equal to that of the hull but
depends upon the length of superstructure in relation to the
hull and the nature of the connection between the two, es-
pecially upon the vertical stiffness or foundation modulus
of the deck upon which the superstructure is constructed.
The behavior of the superstructure is similar to that of a Figure 18.34 Three Interaction Levels between Superstructure and Hull (1)
beam on an elastic foundation loaded by a system of nor-
mal forces and shear forces at the bond to the hull. z
The stress distributions at the midlength of the super-
σr(z) = θ × σ(z)
structure and the differential deflection between deckhouse
and hull for three different degrees of superstructure effec- Passenger deck
tiveness are shown on Figure 18.34. σ(z) = (M / I) z
The areas and inertias can be computed to account for Neutral axis
shear lag in decks and bottoms. If the erection material dif- x
fers from that of the hull (aluminum on steel, for example)
the geometric erection area Af and inertia If must be reduced
according to the ratio of the respective material moduli; that Figure 18.35 Vertical Stress Distribution in Passenger Vessels having Large
is, by multiplying by E (aluminum)/E (steel) (approximately Openings above the Passenger Deck
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-31

and normal loading, deflection and stress over the length foundation theory, 3) grillage theory (intersecting beams), and
and width dimensions of a stiffened panel. Remember that 4) the finite element method (FEM).
the primary response involves the determination of only the Orthotropic plate theory refers to the theory of bending
in-plane load, deflection, and stress as they vary over the of plates having different flexural rigidities in the two or-
length of the ship. The secondary response, therefore, is thogonal directions. In applying this theory to panels hav-
seen to be a two-dimensional problem while the primary ing discrete stiffeners, the structure is idealized by assuming
response is essentially one-dimensional in character. that the structural properties of the stiffeners may be ap-
proximated by their average values, which are assumed to Stiffened panels be distributed uniformly over the width or length of the
A stiffened panel of structure, as used in the present con- plate. The deflections and stresses in the resulting contin-
text, usually consists of a flat plate surface with its attached uum are then obtained from a solution of the orthotropic
stiffeners, transverse frames and/or girders (Figure 18.36). plate deflection differential equation:
When the plating is absent the module is a grid or grillage
of beam members only, rather than a stiffened panel. ∂4w ∂4w ∂4w
a1 + a 2 + a 3 = p (x,y) [42]
In principle, the solution for the deflection and stress in ∂x 4 ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂y 4
the stiffened panel may be thought of as a solution for the
response of a system of orthogonal intersecting beams. where:
A second type of interaction arises from the two-di- a1, a2, a3 = express the average flexural rigidity of the or-
mensional stress pattern in the plate, which may be thought thotropic plate in the two directions
of as forming a part of the flanges of the stiffeners. The plate w(x,y) = is the deflection of the plate in the normal di-
contribution to the beam bending stiffness arises from the rection
direct longitudinal stress in the plate adjacent to the stiff- p(x,y) = is the distributed normal pressure load per unit
ener, modified by the transverse stress effects, and also from area
the shear stress in the plane of the plate. The maximum sec-
ondary stress may be found in the plate itself, but more fre- Note that the behavior of the isotropic plate, that is, one
quently it is found in the free flanges of the stiffeners, since having uniform flexural properties in all directions, is a spe-
these flanges are at a greater distance than the plate mem- cial case of the orthotropic plate problem. The orthotropic
ber from the neutral axis of the combined plate-stiffener. plate method is best suited to a panel in which the stiffen-
At least four different procedures have been employed for ers are uniform in size and spacing and closely spaced. It
obtaining the structural behavior of stiffened plate panels has been said that the application of this theory to cross-
under normal loading, each embodying certain simplifying stiffened panels must be restricted to stiffened panels with
assumptions: 1) orthotropic plate theory, 2) beam-on-elastic- more than three stiffeners in each direction.
An advanced orthotropic procedure has been imple-
mented by Rigo (29,30) into a computer-based scheme for
the optimum structural design of the midship section. It is
based on the differential equations of stiffened cylindrical
shells (linear theory). Stiffened plates and cylindrical shells
can both be considered, as plates are particular cases of the
cylindrical shells having a very large radius. A system of
three differential equations, similar to equation 42, is es-
tablished (8th order coupled differential equations). Fourier
series expansions are used to model the loads. Assuming
that the displacements (u,v,w) can also be expanded in sin
and cosine, an analytical solution of u, v, and w(x,y) can be
obtained for each stiffened panel.
This procedure can be applied globally to all the stiff-
ened panels that compose a parallel section of a ship, typ-
ically a cargo hold.
This approach has three main advantages. First the plate
Figure 18.36 A Stiffened Panel with Uniformly Distributed Longitudinals, 4 bending behavior (w) and the inplane membrane behavior
Webframes, and 3 Girders. (u and v) are analyzed simultaneously. Then, in addition to
18-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the flexural rigidity (bending), the inplane axial, torsional, water outside the ship or liquid or dry bulk cargo within.
transverse shear and inplane shear rigidities of the stiffen- Such a loading is normal to and distributed over the surface
ers in the both directions can also be considered. Finally, of the panel. In many cases, the proportions, orientation, and
the approach is suited for stiffeners uniform in size and location of the panel are such that the pressure may be as-
spacing, and closely spaced but also for individual mem- sumed constant over its area.
bers, randomly distributed such as deck and bottom gird- As previously noted, the deflection response of an
ers. These members considered through Heaviside functions isotropic plate panel is obtained as the solution of a special
that allow replacing each individual member by a set of 3 case of the earlier orthotropic plate equation (equation 42),
forces and 2 bending moment load lines. Figure 18.36 shows and is given by:
a typical stiffened panel that can be considered. It includes
uniformly distributed longitudinals and web frames, and ∂4w ∂4w ∂ 4 w p (x,y)
+ 2 + = [44]
three prompt elements (girders). ∂x 4 ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂y 4 D
The beam on elastic foundation solution is suitable for a
panel in which the stiffeners are uniform and closely spaced where:
in one direction and sparser in the other one. Each of these E t3
D = plate flexural rigidity =
members is treated individually as a beam on an elastic foun- 12(1 − ν )
dation, for which the differential equation of deflection is, t = the uniform plate thickness
p(x,y) = distributed unit pressure load
EI + k w = q (x) [43] Appropriate boundary conditions are to be selected to
∂x 4
represent the degree of fixity of the edges of the panel.
where: Stresses and deflections are obtained by solving this equa-
w = is the deflection tion for rectangular plates under a uniform pressure distri-
I = is sectional moment of inertia of the longitudinal bution. Equation 44 is in fact a simplified case of the general
stiffener, including adjacent plating one (equation 42).
k = is average spring constant per unit length of the Information (including charts) on a plate subject to uni-
transverse stiffeners form load and concentrated load (patch load) is available
q(x) = is load per unit length on the longitudinal member in Hughes (3).

The grillage approach models the cross-stiffened panel Local deflections
as a system of discrete intersecting beams (in plane frame), Local deflections must be kept at reasonable levels in order
each beam being composed of stiffener and associated ef- for the overall structure to have the proper strength and
fective plating. The torsional rigidity of the stiffened panel rigidity. Towards this end, the classification society rules may
and the Poisson ratio effect are neglected. The validity of contain requirements to ensure that local deflections are not
modeling the stiffened panel by an intersecting beam (or gril- excessive.
lage) may be critical when the flexural rigidities of stiffen- Special requirements also apply to stiffeners. Tripping
ers are small compared to the plate stiffness. It is known brackets are provided to support the flanges, and they should
that the grillage approach may be suitable when the ratio be in line with or as near as practicable to the flanges of struts.
of the stiffener flexural rigidity to the plate bending rigid- Special attention must be given to rigidity of members under
ity (EI/bD with I the moment of inertia of stiffener and D compressive loads to avoid buckling. This is done by pro-
the plate bending rigidity) is greater than 60 (31) otherwise viding a minimum moment of inertia at the stiffener and as-
if the bending rigidity of stiffener is smaller, an Orthotropic sociated plating.
Plate Theory has to be selected.
The FEM approach is discussed in detail in section 18.7.2.
18.4.6 Transverse Strength
Transverse strength refers to the ability of the ship struc-
18.4.5 Tertiary Response ture to resist those loads that tend to cause distortion of the Unstiffened plate cross section. When it is distorted into a parallelogram shape
Tertiary response refers to the bending stresses and deflec- the effect is called racking (see Subsection We
tions in the individual panels of plating that are bounded by recall that both the primary bending and torsional strength
the stiffeners of a secondary panel. In most cases the load analyses are based upon the assumption of no distortion of
that induces this response is a fluid pressure from either the the cross section. Thus, we see that there is an inherent re-
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-33

lationship between transverse strength and both longitudi- than comparative purposes. Ideally, the entire ship hull or
nal and torsional strength. Certain structural members, in- at least a limited hold-model should be modeled. See Sub-
cluding transverse bulkheads and deep web frames, must section 18.7.2—Structural Finite Element Models (Figure
be incorporated into the ship in order to insure adequate 18.57).
transverse strength. These members provide support to and
interact with longitudinal members by transferring loads
from one part of a structure to another. For example, a por- 18.4.7 Superposition of Stresses
tion of the bottom pressure loading on the hull is transferred In plating, each response induces longitudinal stresses, trans-
via the center girder and the longitudinals to the transverse verse stresses and shear stresses. These stresses can be cal-
bulkheads at the ends of theses longitudinals. The bulk- culated individually for each response. This is the traditional
heads, in turn, transfer these loads as vertical shears into the way followed by the classification societies. With direct
side shell. Thus some of the loads acting on the transverse analysis such as finite element analysis (Subsection 18.7.2),
strength members are also the loads of concern in longitu- it is not always possible to separate the different responses.
dinal strength considerations. If calculated individually, all the longitudinal stresses
The general subject of transverse strength includes ele- have to be added. Similar cumulative procedure must be
ments taken from both the primary and secondary strength achieved for the transverse stresses and the shear stresses.
categories. The loads that cause effects requiring transverse At the end they are combined through a criteria, which is
strength analysis may be of several different types, de- usually for ship structure, the von-Mises criteria (equation
pending upon the type of ship, its structural arrangement, 45).
mode of operation, and upon environmental effects. The standard procedure used by classification societies
Typical situations requiring attention to the transverse considers that longitudinal stresses induced by primary re-
strength are: sponse of the hull girder, can be assessed separately from
the other stresses. Classification rules impose through al-
• ship out of water: on building ways or on construction
lowable stress and minimal section modulus, a maximum
or repair dry dock,
longitudinal stress induced by the hull girder bending mo-
• tankers having empty wing tanks and full centerline tanks
or vice versa,
On the other hand, they recommend to combined stresses
• ore carriers having loaded centerline holds and large
from secondary response and tertiary response, in plating
empty wing tanks,
and in members. These are combined through the von Mises
• all types of ships: torsional and racking effects caused
criteria and compared to the classification requirements.
by asymmetric motions of roll, sway and yaw, and
Such an uncoupled procedure is convenient to use but
• ships with structural features having particular sensitiv-
does not reflect reality. Direct analysis does not follow this
ity to transverse effects, as for instance, ships having
approach. All the stresses, from the primary, secondary and
largely open interior structure (minimum transverse bulk-
tertiary responses are combined for yielding assessment.
heads) such as auto carriers, containers and RO-RO ships.
For buckling assessment, the tertiary response is discarded,
As previously noted, the transverse structural response as it does not induce in-plane stresses. Nevertheless the lat-
involves pronounced interaction between transverse and eral load can be considered in the buckling formulation
longitudinal structural members. The principal loading con- (Subsection 18.6.3). Tertiary stresses should be added for
sists of the water pressure distribution around the ship, and fatigue analysis.
the weights and inertias of the structure and hold contents. Since all the methods of calculation of primary, sec-
As a first approximation, the transverse response of such a ondary, and tertiary stress presuppose linear elastic behav-
frame may be analyzed by a two-dimensional frame re- ior of the structural material, the stress intensities computed
sponse procedure that may or may not allow for support by for the same member may be superimposed in order to ob-
longitudinal structure. Such analysis can be easily performed tain a maximum value for the combined stress. In performing
using 2D finite element analysis (FEA). Influence of lon- and interpreting such a linear superposition, several con-
gitudinal girders on the frame would be represented by elas- siderations affecting the accuracy and significance of the re-
tic attachments having finite spring constants (similar to sulting stress values must be borne in mind.
equation 43). Unfortunately, such a procedure is very sen- First, the loads and theoretical procedures used in com-
sitive to the spring location and the boundary conditions. puting the stress components may not be of the same ac-
For this reason, a three-dimensional analysis is usually per- curacy or reliability. The primary loading, for example, may
formed in order to obtain results that are useful for more be obtained using a theory that involves certain simplifica-
18-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

tions in the hydrodynamics of ship and wave motion, and will not always be immediately obvious, but must be found
the primary bending stress may be computed by simple by considering the combined stress effects at a number of
beam theory, which gives a reasonably good estimate of the different locations and times.
mean stress in deck or bottom but neglects certain localized The nominal stresses produced from the analysis will be
effects such as shear lag or stress concentrations. a combination of the stress components shown in Figures
Second, the three stress components may not necessar- 18.21 and 18.37.
ily occur at the same instant in time as the ship moves
through waves. The maximum bending moment amidships, von Mises equivalent stress
which results in the maximum primary stress, does not nec- The yield strength of the material, σyield, is defined as the
essarily occur in phase with the maximum local pressure measured stress at which appreciable nonlinear behavior
on a midship panel of bottom structure (secondary stress) accompanied by permanent plastic deformation of the ma-
or panel of plating (tertiary stress). terial occurs. The ultimate strength is the highest level of
Third, the maximum values of primary, secondary, and stress achieved before the test specimen fractures. For most
tertiary stress are not necessarily in the same direction or shipbuilding steels, the yield and tensile strengths in ten-
even in the same part of the structure. In order to visualize sion and compression are assumed equal.
this, consider a panel of bottom structure with longitudinal The stress criterion that must be used is one in which it
framing. The forward and after boundaries of the panel will is possible to compare the actual multi-axial stress with the
be at transverse bulkheads. The primary stress (σ1) will act material strength expressed in terms of a single value for
in the longitudinal direction, as given by equation 29. It will the yield or ultimate stress.
be nearly equal in the plating and the stiffeners, and will be For this purpose, there are several theories of material
approximately constant over the length of a midship panel. failure in use. The one usually considered the most suitable
There will be a small transverse component in the plating, for ductile materials such as ship steel is referred to as the
due to the Poison coefficient, and a shear stress given by von Mises Theory:
equation 35. The secondary stress will probably be greater
( )
in the free flanges of the stiffeners than in the plating, since σ e = σ 2x + σ 2y − σ x σ y + 3 τ 2 2
the combined neutral axis of the stiffener/plate combina-
tion is usually near the plate-stiffener joint. Secondary Consider a plane stress field in which the component
stresses, which vary over the length of the panel, are usu- stresses are σx, σy and τ. The distortion energy states that
ally subdivided into two parts in the case of single hull struc-
ture. The first part (σ2) is associated with bending of a panel
of structure bounded by transverse bulkheads and either the
side shell or the longitudinal bulkheads. The principal stiff-
eners, in this case, are the center and any side longitudinal
girders, and the transverse web frames. The second part,
(σ2*), is the stress resulting from the bending of the smaller
panel of plating plus longitudinal stiffeners that is bounded
by the deep web frames. The first of these components (σ2),
as a result of the proportions of the panels of structure, is
usually larger in the transverse than in the longitudinal di-
rection. The second (σ2*) is predominantly longitudinal.
The maximum tertiary stress (σ3) happens, of course, in the
plate where biaxial stresses occur. In the case of longitudi-
nal stiffeners, the maximum panel tertiary stress will act in
the transverse direction (normal to the framing system) at
the mid-length of a long side.
In certain cases, there will be an appreciable shear stress
component present in the plate, and the proper interpreta-
tion and assessment of the stress level will require the res-
olution of the stress pattern into principal stress components.
From all these considerations, it is evident that, in many
cases, the point in the structure having the highest stress level Figure 18.37 Definition of Stress Components (4)
Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-35

failure through yielding will occur if the equivalent von states. A more elaborate description of the failure modes and
Mises stress, σe, given by equation 45 exceeds the equiva- methods to assess the structural capabilities in relation to
lent stress, σο, corresponding to yielding of the material test these failure modes is available in Subsection 18.6.1.
specimen. The material yield strength may also be expressed Classically, the different limit states were divided in 2
through an equivalent stress at failure: σ0 = σyield (= σY). major categories: the service limit state and the ultimate
limit state. Today, from the viewpoint of structural design, Permissible stresses (Yielding) it seems more relevant to use for the steel structures four
In actual service, a ship may be subjected to bending in the types of limit states, namely:
inclined position and to other forces, such as those, which
1. service or serviceability limit state,
induce torsion or side bending in the hull girder, not to men-
2. ultimate limit state,
tion the dynamic effects resulting from the motions of the
3. fatigue limit state, and
ship itself. Heretofore it has been difficult to arrive at the
4. accidental limit state.
minimum scantlings for a large ship’s hull by first princi-
ples alone, since the forces that the structure might be re- This classification has recently been adopted by ISO.
quired to withstand in service conditions are uncertain. A service limit state corresponds to the situation where
Accordingly, it must be assumed that the allowable stress the structure can no longer provide the service for which it
includes an adequate factor of safety, or margin, for these was conceived, for example: excessive deck deflection, elas-
uncertain loading factors. tic buckling in a plate, and local cracking due to fatigue.
In practice, the margin against yield failure of the struc- Typically they relate to aesthetic, functional or maintenance
ture is obtained by a comparison of the structure’s von Mises problem, but do not lead to collapse.
equivalent stress, σe, against the permissible stress (or al- An ultimate limit state corresponds to collapse/failure,
lowable stress), σ0, giving the result: including collision and grounding. A classic example of ul-
timate limit state is the ultimate hull bending moment (Fig-
σe ≤ σ0 = s1 × σY [46]
ure 18.46). The ultimate limit state is symbolized by the
where: higher point (C) of the moment-curvature curve (M-Φ).
Fatigue can be either considered as a third limit state or,
s1 = partial safety factor defined by classification societies,
classically, considered as a service limit state. Even if it is
which depends on the loading conditions and method
also a matter of discussion, yielding should be considered
of analysis. For 20 years North Atlantic conditions
as a service limit state. First yield is sometimes used to as-
(seagoing condition), the s1 factor is usually taken be-
sess the ultimate state, for instance for the ultimate hull
tween 0.85 and 0.95
bending moment, but basically, collapse occurs later. Most
σY = minimum yield point of the considered steel (mild
of the time, vibration relates to service limit states.
steel, high tensile steel, etc.)
In practice, it is important to differentiate service, ulti-
For special ship types, different permissible stresses may mate, fatigue and accidental limit states because the partial
be specified for different parts of the hull structure. For ex- safety factors associated with these limit states are gener-
ample, for LNG carriers, there are special strain require- ally different.
ments in way of the bonds for the containment system, which
in turn can be expressed as equivalent stress requirements.
For local areas subjected to many cycles of load rever- 18.5.1 Basic Types of Failure Modes
sal, fatigue life must be calculated and a reduced permissi- Ship structural failure may occur as a result of a variety of
ble stress may be imposed to prevent fatigue failure (see causes, and the degree or severity of the failure may vary
Subsection 18.6.6). from a minor esthetic degradation to catastrophic failure re-
sulting in loss of the ship. Three major failure modes are
18.5 LIMIT STATES AND FAILURE MODES 1. tensile or compressive yield of the material (plasticity),
2. compressive instability (buckling), and
Avoidance of structural failure is the goal of all structural
3. fracture that includes ductile tensile rupture, low-cycle
designers, and to achieve this goal it is necessary for the de-
fatigue and brittle fracture.
signer to be aware of the potential limit states, failure modes
and methods of predicting their occurrence. This section Yield occurs when the stress in a structural member ex-
presents the basic types of failure modes and associated limit ceeds a level that results in a permanent plastic deforma-
18-36 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

tion of the material of which the member is constructed. This ocean structures is of such a nature that the cyclical stresses
stress level is termed the material yield stress. At a some- may be of a relatively low level during the greater part of
what higher stress, termed the ultimate stress, fracture of the time, with occasional periods of very high stress levels
the material occurs. While many structural design criteria caused by storms. Exposure to such load conditions may
are based upon the prevention of any yield whatsoever, it result in the occurrence of low-cycle fatigue cracks after an
should be observed that localized yield in some portions of interval of a few years. These cracks may grow to serious
a structure is acceptable. Yield must be considered as a serv- size if they are not detected and repaired.
iceability limit state. Concerning brittle fracture, small cracks suddenly begin
Instability and buckling failure of a structural member to grow and travel almost explosively through a major por-
loaded in compression may occur at a stress level that is sub- tion of the structure. The term brittle fracture refers to the
stantially lower than the material yield stress. The load at fact that below a certain temperature, the ultimate tensile
which instability or buckling occurs is a function of mem- strength of steel diminishes sharply (lower impact energy).
ber geometry and material elasticity modulus, that is, slen- The originating crack is usually found to have started as a
derness, rather than material strength. The most common result of poor design or manufacturing practice. Fatigue
example of an instability failure is the buckling of a simple (Subsection 18.6.6) is often found to play an important role
column under a compressive load that equals or exceeds in the initiation and early growth of such originating cracks.
the Euler Critical Load. A plate in compression also will The prevention of brittle fracture is largely a matter of ma-
have a critical buckling load whose value depends on the terial selection and proper attention to the design of struc-
plate thickness, lateral dimensions, edge support conditions tural details in order to avoid stress concentrations. The
and material elasticity modulus. In contrast to the column, control of brittle fracture involves a combination of design
however, exceeding this load by a small margin will not and inspection standards aimed toward the prevention of
necessarily result in complete collapse of the plate but only stress concentrations, and the selection of steels having a
in an elastic deflection of the central portion of the plate away high degree of notch toughness, especially at low tempera-
from its initial plane. After removal of the load, the plate tures. Quality control during construction and in-service in-
may return to its original un-deformed configuration (for spection form key elements in a program of fracture control.
elastic buckling). The ultimate load that may be carried by In addition to these three failure modes, additional modes
a buckled plate is determined by the onset of yielding at some are:
point in the plate material or in the stiffeners, in the case of
• collision and grounding, and
a stiffened panel. Once begun, yield may propagate rapidly
• vibration and noise.
throughout the entire plate or stiffened panel with further
increase in load. Collision and Grounding is discussed in Subsection
Fatigue failure occurs as a result of a cumulative effect 18.6.7 and Vibration in Subsection 18.6.8. Vibration as well
in a structural member that is exposed to a stress pattern al- as noise is not a failure mode, while it could fall into the
ternating from tension to compression through many cy- serviceability limit state.
cles. Conceptually, each cycle of stress causes some small
but irreversible damage within the material and, after the
accumulation of enough such damage, the ability of the
member to withstand loading is reduced below the level of 18.6 ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURAL CAPACITY
the applied load. Two categories of fatigue damage are gen-
erally recognized and they are termed high-cycle and low- 18.6.1 Failure Modes Classification
cycle fatigue. In high-cycle fatigue, failure is initiated in The types of failure that may occur in ship structures are
the form of small cracks, which grow slowly and which generally those that are characteristic of structures made up
may often be detected and repaired before the structure is of stiffened panels assembled through welding. Figure 18.38
endangered. High-cycle fatigue involves several millions presents the different structure levels: the global structure,
of cycles of relatively low stress (less than yield) and is typ- usually a cargo hold (Level 1), the orthotropic stiffened
ically encountered in machine parts rotating at high speed panel or grillage (Level 2) and the interframe longitudi-
or in structural components exposed to severe and prolonged nally stiffened panel (Level 3) or its simplified modeling:
vibration. Low-cycle fatigue involves higher stress levels, the beam-column (Level 3b). Level 4 (Figure 18.44a) is the
up to and beyond yield, which may result in cracks being unstiffened plate between two longitudinals and two trans-
initiated after several thousand cycles. verse frames (also called bare plate).
The loading environment that is typical of ships and The word grillage should be reserve to a structure com-
Next Page

Chapter 18: Analysis and Design of Ship Structure 18-37

posed of a grid of beams (without attached plating). When — plate induced failure (buckling)
the grid is fixed on a plate, orthotropic stiffened panel seems — stiffener induced failure (buckling or yielding)
to the authors more adequate to define a panel that is or- Mode IV and V: Instability of stiffeners (local buck-
thogonally stiffened, and having thus orthotropic properties. ling, tripping—Figure 18.44c)
The relations between the different failure modes and Mode VI: Gross Yielding
structure levels can be summarized as follows: • Level 4: Buckling collapse of unstiffened plate (bare
plate, Figure 18.44a).
• Level 1: Ultimate bending moment, Mu, of the global
structure (Figure 18.46). To avoid collapse related to the Mode I, a minimal rigid-
• Level 2: Ultimate strength of compressed orthotropic ity is generally imposed for the transverse frames so that an
stiffened panels (σu), interframe panel collapse (Mode III) always occurs prior to
overall buckling (Mode I). It is a simple and easy constraint
σu = min [σu (mode i)], i = I to VI,
to implement, thus avoiding any complex calculation of
the 6 considered failure modes. overall buckling (mode I).
• Level 3: Note that the failure Mode III is influenced by the buck-
Mode I: Overall buckling collapse (Figure 18.44d), ling of the bare plate (elementary unstiffened plate). Elas-
Mode II: Plate/Stiffener Yielding tic buckling of theses unstiffened plates is usually not
Mode III: Pult of interframe panels with a plate-stif considered as an ultimate limit state (failure mode), but
ener combination (Figure 18.44b) using a beam-col- rather as a service limit state. Nevertheless, plate buckling
umn model (Level 3b) or an orthotropic model (Level (Level 4) may significantly affect the ultimate strength of
3), considering: the stiffened panel (Level 3).
Sources of the failures associated with the serviceabil-
ity or ultimate limit states can be classified as follows: Stiffened panel failure modes

Service limit state
• upper and lower bounds (Xmin≤X≤Xmax): plate thickness,
dimensions of longitudinals and transverse stiffeners
(web, flange and spacing).
• maximum allowable stresses against first yield (Sub-
section 18.4.7)
• panel and plate deflections (Subsections and, and deflection of support members.
• elastic buckling of unstiffened plates between two lon-
gitudinals and two transverse stiffeners, frames or bulk-
heads (Subsection 18.6.3),
• local elastic buckling of longitudinal stiffeners (web and
flange). Often the stiffener web/flange buckling does not
induce immediate collapse of the stiffened panel as trip-
ping does. It could therefore be considered as a serv-
iceability ultimate limit state. However, this failure mode
could also be classified into the ultimate limit state since
the plating may sometimes remain without stiffening
once the stiffener web buckles.
• vibration (Sub-ection 18.6.8)
• fatigue (Sub-ection 18.6.6)
Ultimate limit state (Subsection 18.6.4).
• overall collapse of orthotropic panels (entire stiffened
Figure 18.38 Structural Modeling of the Structure and its Components plate structure),
Chapter 19
Reliability-based Structural Design

Bilal M. Ayyub and Ibrahim A. Assakkaf

19.1 INTRODUCTION • human factors,

• the definition of certain variables or parameters, for ex-
19.1.1 Structural Design ample, structural performance (failure or survival), qual-
The main objective of structural design is to insure safety, ity, and skill and experience of construction workers and
functional, and performance requirements of an engineer- engineers, and
ing system for target reliability levels and a specified time • defining the interrelationships among the parameters of
period. As this must be accomplished under conditions of the problem.
uncertainty, probabilistic analyses are needed in the devel-
opment of such reliability-based design of panels and fa- Reliability and risk considerations are vital to the analy-
tigue details of ship structures. The reliability-based sis and design of an engineering system. The reliability of
structural design formats are more flexible and rational than the system can be stated in reference to some performance
their counterparts, the working stress formats, because they criteria. The need for reliability analysis stems from the fact
provide consistent levels of safety over various types of that there is a presence of uncertainty in the definition, un-
structural components. Such a design procedure takes into derstanding, modeling, and behavior prediction of the model
account more information than the deterministic methods (models) that describes the system. The objective of the
in the design of ship structural components. This informa- analysis is the assurance of some level of reliability. Because
tion includes uncertainties in the strength of various ship there are numerous sources of uncertainties associated with
structural elements, in loads, and modeling errors in analy- an engineered system, the absolute safety cannot be guar-
sis procedures. anteed. However, a likelihood of unacceptable performance
Uncertainties in an engineering system can be mainly can be limited to a reasonable level. Estimation of this like-
attributed to ambiguity and vagueness is defining the vari- lihood, even when used to compare various design alterna-
ables and parameters of the system and their relations. The tives, is an important task for a practicing engineer.
ambiguity component is generally due to noncognitive The design, analysis, and planning of any engineering
sources (1). These noncognitive sources include: system require the basic concept that the supply should be
• model uncertainties, which result from simplifying as- greater or at least satisfy the demand. Depending on the
sumptions in analytical and prediction models, type of problem at hand, different terminology is used to
• statistical uncertainties of the parameters and variables, describe this concept. For example, in structural engineer-
and ing the supply can be expressed in terms of the resistance
• physical randomness. (strength) of the system (or component, that is, a beam), and
the demand can be expressed in terms of the applied loads,
The vagueness sources, on the other hand, include: load combinations, and their effects (that is, dead and live

19-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

loads). In hydrology engineering, the height and location use of load amplification factors and resistance reduction
of a dam to be built across a river may represent the capacity factors (partial safety factors), as represented by
(supply). On the other hand, annual rainfall, catchments n
areas, vegetation, and other rivers or streams flowing into
the river may represent demand (2).
φR ≥ ∑ γ iLi [1]
i =1
The notion here is no matter how the supply and demand
are presented or modeled, a variety of engineering problems
must satisfy this concept. Ship structural design must pro- φ = the resistance R reduction factor
vide for adequate safety and proper functioning of a struc- γi = the partial load amplification factor
tural element regardless of what concept of design is used. Li = the load effect
Structural elements must have adequate strength to permit
In fact, the American Institute of Steel Construction
proper functioning during their intended service life.
(AISC) and other classification societies in this area have
implemented this format. Also, a recommendation for the
19.1.2 Need for Reliability-based Ship Design use of this format is given by the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology (3). The AISC (4) has introduced the
In recent years, reliability-based design and analysis for
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specifications
ship structures has received increasing interest. Numerous
in 1986 after the adoption of several American, Canadian,
efforts have been made to implement the theory or at least
and European organizations of reliability-based design spec-
develop the basis for the analyses of some aspects of de-
ifications. The development of the AISC LRFD code was
sign stages. As it is common with other industries and clas-
based on a probability-based model, calibration with the
sification societies, we see that reliability and risk 1978 AISC Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Specifications,
methodologies are at least being considered. Examples of and expert sound engineering judgment based on previous
such efforts are the recent works of the U.S. Navy (USN), design experiences. In developing the specifications, it was
the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), and others to de- necessary to change the design practice from working stress
velop reliability-based standards and guidelines for such to limit stress, and from allowable stress to ultimate strength,
design approaches. which was reliability-based.
Such design approaches take into account more infor- Currently, the American Association of State Highway
mation than deterministic methods in the design of ship and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specifications have
structural components. This information includes uncer- been revised to an LRFD format. The National Coopera-
tainties in the strength of various structural elements, in tive Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has published
loads and load combinations, and modeling errors in analy- the third Draft of LRFD Specifications and Commentary in
sis procedures. Probability-based design formats are more 1992 entitled Development of Comprehensive Bridge Spec-
flexible and rational than their counterparts the working ifications and Commentary. The AASHTO LRFD (1) code
stress formats because they provide consistent levels of closely follows much of the AISC code. Many of the indi-
safety over various types of structures. In probability-based viduals that were instrumental in the development of the
limit-state design, probabilistic methods are used to guide AISC LRFD code were involved with the AASHTO effort.
the selection of strength (resistance) factors and load fac- Other marine and offshore classification societies that
tors, which account for the variability in the individual re- are in the process of revising, or have already revised and
sistance and loads and give the desired overall level of updated their codes to LRFD format include the U.S. Navy
reliability. The load and resistance factors (or called partial (USN), the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the Amer-
safety factors) are different for each type of load and re- ican Petroleum Institute (API), the Association of Ameri-
sistance. Generally, the higher the uncertainty associated can Railroads (AAR), Lloyd’s Register (LR), and Det
with a load, the higher the corresponding load factor; and Norske Veritas (DnV).
the higher the uncertainty associated with strength, the lower As we will see in the subsequent sections, the First-Order
the corresponding strength factor. Reliability Method (FORM) can be used to evaluate the
Ship designers can use the load and resistance factors in partial safety factors φ and γi (appearing in equation 1) for
limit-state equations to account for uncertainties that might a specified target levels of reliability. This method was used
not be considered properly by deterministic methods with- to determine the partial safety factors associated with the
out explicitly performing probabilistic analysis. For de- recommended strength models for ship structural compo-
signing code provisions, the most common format is the nents as demonstrated in this chapter.
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-3


19.2.1 Hull Girder
One of the fundamental concepts of engineering is that of a
system, which can be anything from a simple beam or de-
tail to complicated multilevel subsystems. A ship obviously
falls into the category of a relatively large and complex sys-
tem. The ship consists of several subsystems, which are es-
sential to the integrity of the whole system. Examples of
these subsystems are the hull girders, unstiffened and stiff-
ened panels, and structural fatigue details. Probably the most
essential part of a ship design is the hull girder system or
model. Environmental loads, either static or dynamic, that Figure 19.1 Hull Girder Model of a Ship (5)
are due to sea environment and ship’s motion are functions
of the hull shape. However, much of these loads are rela-
tively independent of the substructures (subsystems) such as
unstiffened and stiffened plate elements, that is, they are not
affected by the structural layout and shape or by scantlings.
Therefore, the design of the hull girder is the first step to-
ward designing the other substructures of a ship because
much of the overall load effects on the hull girder can be used
for designing these substructures or subsystems.
In a large structure, such as a hull girder, both the load-
ing and the response are extremely complex, and therefore,
the response analysis must be performed in two stages (5),
1) an analysis of the overall structure, and 2) a separate and
more detail analyses of different substructures. Figure 19.2A Hogging Condition of a Ship Due to Sea Waves
Many of the load effects from the overall analysis con-
stitute the loads and boundary conditions at the substruc-
ture level. The overall structure of a ship is essentially a
floating beam (box girder) that internally stiffened and sub-
divided, and in which the decks and bottom structure are
flanges and the side shell and any longitudinal bulkheads
are the webs. External forces and moments on a hull girder
are those forces or moments that are applied on a beam such
as vertical shear force (fy), longitudinal bending moment in
the ship’s vertical and horizontal planes (My and Mz), and
longitudinal twisting moment Mx. The most significant of
all these forces and moments is the vertical bending mo-
ment of the hull girder about the z-axis as shown in Figure
19.1. This load affect is due primarily to the unequal dis- Figure 19.2B Sagging Condition of a Ship Due to Sea Waves
tribution of the weight (W) of the ship and buoyancy (BF)
along the length of the ship due to waves as shown in Fig-
ure 19.2. For many ships, the maximum value of the hori-
tures. Hull girder bending can be caused by either hogging
zontal moment My is much smaller than the vertical moment
or sagging depending on the curvature due waves as shown
Mz, typically 19% or less (5).
in Figure 19.2. The hull girder analysis and design assumes
The vertical bending moment varies along the length of
that the hull girder satisfies simple beam theory that im-
the ship. It can take values from zero at the ends to a max-
plies the following assumptions (5):
imum at or near the midlength of the ship. This maximum
value of the vertical moment for hull girder is the single most • Plane cross sections remain plane,
important load effect in the analysis and design of ship struc- • The beam is essentially prismatic,
19-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• Other modes of response to the loads do not affect hull bars, while the transverse stiffeners are typically T-beam
girder bending and may treated separately, and sections. This type of structural configuration is commonly
• The material is homogeneous and elastic. called gross stiffened panel or grillage (6). Besides their
use in ship structures, these gross stiffened panels are also
widely used in land-based structures such as box and plate
19.2.2 Ship Steel Panels girders.
The structural components that make up the hull girder are The overall collapse of a gross panel involves global de-
the panels or plate elements. Ship panels, in general, can be flection of both longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. How-
divided into three distinct categories, 1) unstiffened, 2) stiff- ever, except for lightly stiffened panels found in
ened, and 3) gross panels or grillages (Figures 19.3 and superstructures, this type of failure rarely occurs because
19.4). most ship structures are designed to prevent the overall
These panels (or called plates) are very important com- mode of collapse (7,8). In most cases local plate buckling
ponents in ship and offshore structures, and, therefore, they is the weakest failure mode. Global failure of a stiffened
should be designed for a set of failure modes that govern panel can be partially controlled by careful design of strength
their strength. of the plate elements (unstiffened panels) between stiffen-
They form the backbone of most ship’s structure, and ers. The most common mode of failure of the whole panel
they are by far the most commonly used element in a ship.
They can be found in bottom structures, decks, side shell,
and superstructures. The modes of failure, which govern
the strength of these panels, can be classified to produce two
distinct limit states, strength and serviceability limit states.
Strength limit states are based on safety consideration or
ultimate load-carrying capacity of a panel and they include
plastic strengths, buckling, and permanent deformation. Ser-
viceability limit states, on the other hand, refer to the per-
formance of a panel under normal service loads and are
concerned with the uses of unstiffened and stiffened plates,
and gross panels. They include such terms as excessive de-
flections and first yield. Also, strength limit states require
the definition of the lifetime extreme loads and their com-
binations, whereas serviceability limit states require annual-
extreme loads and their combinations.
The primary purpose of a panel is to absorb out of plane
(or lateral) loads and distribute those loads to the ship’s pri-
mary structure. It also serves to carry part of the longitudi-
Figure 19.3 Portion of the Hull Girder Showing the Gross Panel and a
nal bending stress because of the orientation of the stiffeners.
The amount of in-plane compression or tension experienced Longitudinally Stiffened Subpanel (5)
depends primarily on the location of the panel within the
ship. Deck panels tend to experience large in-plane com-
pression and small lateral pressures, while bottom panels
can be exposed to large in-plane tension and compression
with a significant amount of lateral pressures.
The main type of framing system found in ships nowa-
days is a longitudinal one, which has stiffeners running in
two orthogonal directions (Figure 19.3). Deck and bottom
structures panels are reinforced mainly in the longitudinal
direction with widely spaced heavier transverse stiffeners.
The main purpose of the transverse stiffeners is to provide
resistance to the loads induced on bottom and side shell by
water pressure (6). The types of stiffeners used in the lon-
gitudinal direction are the T-beams, angles, bulbs, and flat Figure 19.4 Unstiffened Panel Subjected to In-Plane Stresses
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-5

involves the collapse of the longitudinally stiffened sub- 19.3 RELIABILITY, RISK, SAFETY, AND
panel. Choosing the size of the transverse stiffeners so that PERFORMANCE
they provide sufficient flexural rigidity to enforce nodes at
the location of the transverse stiffeners can prevent the col- Reliability of a system can be defined as its ability to ful-
lapse of longitudinally stiffened subpanel. If the transverse fill its design functions for a specified time period. This
stiffeners act as nodes, then the collapse of the stiffened ability is commonly measured using probabilities. Relia-
panel is controlled by the strength of the longitudinally stiff- bility is, therefore, the occurrence probability of the com-
ened subpanel. plementary event to failure resulting into
A typical longitudinal stiffened subpanel, as shown in Reliability = 1 – Failure Probability [2]
Figure 19.3, is bounded on each end by a transverse struc-
ture, which has significantly greater stiffness in the plane Based on this definition, reliability is one of the compo-
of the lateral load. The sides of the panel are defined by the nents of risk. The concept of risk is used to assess and eval-
presence of a large structural member that has greater stiff- uate uncertainties associated with an event. Risk can be
ness in bending and much greater stiffness in axial loading. defined as the potential of losses as a result of a system fail-
Structural members such as keels, bottom girders, longitu- ure, and can be measured as a pair of the probability of oc-
dinal bulkheads, deck girders, etc., can act as the side bound- currence of an event, and the outcomes or consequences
aries of the panel. When the panel is located to be in a associated with the event’s occurrence. This pairing can be
position to experience large in-plane compression, the represented by the following equation:

[ ( p1,C ),( p 2 , ),..., ( p x ,C ) ]

boundary conditions for the ends are taken as simply sup-
ported. The boundary conditions along the sides also can Risk ≡ 1 C2 x [3]
be considered simply supported. In this equation px is the occurrence probability of event x,
In ship structures, there are three primary types of load and cx is the occurrence consequences or outcomes of the
effects that can influence the strength of a plate-stiffener event. Risk is commonly evaluated as the product of like-
panel (negative bending moment, positive bending moment, lihood of occurrence and the impact of an accident:
and in-plane compression or tension). Negative bending
loads are the lateral loads due to lateral pressure. They cause  Consequence 
RISK   =
the plate to be in tension and the stiffener flange in com-  Time 
pression. Positive bending loads are those loads that put the [4]
 Consequence 
Event 
× IMPACT  
plating in compression and the stiffener flange in tension.  Time   Event 
The third type of loading is the uniform in-plane compres-
sion. This type of loading arises from the hull girder bend- In equation 4, the likelihood can also be expressed as a
ing, and will be considered positive when the panel is in probability. A plot of occurrence probabilities that can be
compression. The three types of loading can act individu- annual and consequences is called the Farmer curve (9).
ally or in combination with one another. The risk assessment process answers three questions in-
To evaluate the strength of a stiffened or gross panel el- cluding,
ement it is necessary to review various strength prediction 1. what can go wrong,
models and to study their applicability and limitations for 2. what is the likelihood that it will go wrong, and
different loading conditions acting on the element. Although 3. what are the consequences if it does go wrong?
stiffened plate strength has been studied for many years,
several advanced strength models have been developed dur- In order to perform risk assessment several methods have
ing the last few decades. These advanced models take into been created including: Preliminary Hazard Analysis
account the effects of initial distortion; weld induced resid- (PrHA), HAZOP, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
ual stresses, and various parameters concerning strength (FMEA), Failure Modes Effects, and Criticality Analysis
prediction. Some of these models are empirical in nature (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), and Event Tree
but they are highly representative of real world scenario be- Analysis (ETA). Each of these methods of risk assessment
cause they were developed on the bases of experimental is suitable in certain stages of the system life cycle. The
data. An exact stiffened panel-strength prediction can only characteristics of these methods are shown in Table 19.I.
be achieved by a method of analysis, either numerical or In-depth description of risk management, methods for re-
experimental, in which all the characteristics of the panel liability and consequence analysis and assessment are de-
and the loading variables are presented and are properly ac- scribed in references 10 and 11.
counted for in the method. Safety can be defined as the judgment of risk accept-
19-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 19.I Risk Assessment Methods (9)

Safety/Review Audit Identify equipment conditions or operating procedures that could lead to a casualty or result in
property damage or environmental impacts.

Checklist Ensure that organizations are complying with standard practices.

What-If Identify hazards, hazardous situations, or specific accident events that could result in
undesirable consequences.

Hazard and Operability Identify system deviations and their causes that can lead to undesirable consequences.
Study (HAZOP) Determine recommended actions to reduce the frequency and/or consequences of the

Failure Modes and Effects Identifies the components (equipment) failure modes and the impacts on the surrounding
Analysis (FMEA) components and the system.

Failure Modes Effects, and Identifies the components (equipment) failure modes and the impacts on the surrounding
Criticality Analysis (FMECA) components and the system, and criticality of failures.

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Identify combinations of equipment failures and human errors that can result in an accident.

Event Tree Analysis (ETA) Identify various sequences of events, both failures and successes that can lead to an accident.

Preliminary Hazard Identify and prioritize hazards leading to undesirable consequences early in the life of a
Analysis (PrHA) system.
Determine recommended actions to reduce the frequency and/or consequences of prioritized

Consequence Assessment and Assess consequences and scenarios leading to them.

Cause Consequence Diagrams

ability for the system making it a component of risk man- requirements stated in terms of tests and measurements of
agement. how well the system serves various or intended functions.
After performing risk and safety analysis, system im- Reliability and risk measures can be considered as per-
provement in terms of risk can be achieved by one or more formance measures.
of the following cases:
• consequence reduction in magnitude or uncertainty, 19.3.1 Measures and Assessment of Reliability and Risk
• failure-probability reduction in magnitude or uncertainty,
Traditionally, the reliability of engineering systems has been
achieved through the use of factors of safety (FS) in the so-
• reexamination of acceptable risk.
called working stress (or allowable stress design, ASD) for-
It is common in engineering that attention is given to fail- mats. The safety factor, whose value provides a quantitative
ure-probability reduction in magnitude or uncertainty be- measure of reliability or safety, differs from one design spec-
cause it offers more system variables that can be controlled ification to another and from one type of structure (that is,
by analysts than the other two cases. As a result, it is com- beam, column, plate, etc.) to another. It reflects the degree
mon to perform reliability-based design of systems. How- of reliability and risk associated with that particular com-
ever, the other two cases should be examined for possible ponent. For example, this value can range from 2 to 4 for
solution since they might offer some innovative system im- land-based structural systems, and from 3 to 5 or even 6 in
provement options. geotechnical engineering applications, depending on the type
The performance of a systems can be defined by a set of of structural system or component under consideration.
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-7

This measure of reliability or safety was intended to re- index β and target reliability index β0. Target reliability
flect the probability of failure of the system and the risk as- index values are used by the classification societies to set
sociated with it. the standards for code provisions to meet the design re-
The traditional approach is difficult to quantify and lacks quirements of various structural components (or systems).
the logical basis for addressing uncertainties. Therefore, the These values can vary depending on the type of structural
level of reliability or safety cannot be evaluated quantita- component being analyzed and the risk associated with its
tively. Also, for new systems in which there is no prior basis design. On the other hand, computed reliability index val-
for calibration, the assurance of performance can be a very ues are used to check the adequacy and performances of ex-
difficult task. isting structures. In this approach, the computed value of
In reliability-based design and analysis approaches, the the safety or reliability index is compared with the target
measure of reliability or safety is accomplished through the reliability index.
use of reliability (safety) index β. In this respect, the role If, for example, the computed value of the reliability
of β is to reflect the reliability level used in the analysis. index β is greater than the target reliability index β0, then
In practical structural analysis, β can be computed using the structural component under study is adequate to with-
structural reliability theory and knowledge of the first and stand the prescribed load effect.
second moments statistical characteristics (that is, mean Table 19.II and III provide examples target reliability
and COV) for both the strength and load variables. Some- levels used in the industry, while Table 19.IV gives target
times in more rigorous analyses, the distribution types of reliability index values for ship structural components.
these variables are needed. Also, a definition of a per-
formance (or criterion) function is required. For two vari-
ables and linear performance function, the reliability index 19.3.2 Selection of Target Reliability Levels
β can be defined as the shortest distance from the origin to As was alluded to earlier, target reliability levels, β0s, are
the failure line as shown in Figure 19.5. Mathematically, used by the classification societies to set the standards for
it can be expressed as code provisions to meet the intended design requirements
µR − µL of various structural components (or systems).
β= [5] These target levels can vary depending on the type of
σ 2R + σ 2L structural component being analyzed and the risk associ-
ated with its design. Reliability-based design guidelines and
where rules for ship structures require establishing these target
µR = mean value of strength R levels for the design and analyses of the structural compo-
µL = mean value of the load effect L nents. The selected reliability level determines the proba-
σR = standard deviation of strength R
σR = standard deviation of the load effect L
TABLE 19.II Target Reliability Levels (13)
The reliability index according to this definition is com-
monly referred to as the Hasofer-and-Lind index (12). Target Reliability
A distinction should be made between the reliability Structural Type Level (β0)
Metal structures for buildings 3
(dead, live, and snow loads)
Metal structures for buildings 2.5
(dead, live, and wind loads)
Metal structures for buildings (dead, 1.75
live, and snow, and earthquake loads)
Metal connections for buildings 4 to 4.5
(dead, live, and snow loads)
Reinforced concrete for buildings
(dead, live, and snow loads)
ductile failure 3
brittle failure 3.5
Figure 19.5 Performance Space in Reduced Coordinates
19-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 19.III Target Reliability Levels Used by excluded. The modes of failure for ship structural compo-
Ellingwood and Galambos (14) nents have serious consequences such as the entire loss of
the ship, loss of lives, and environmental damages (water pol-
Target Reliability
lution in case of tankers or chemical carriers). Accordingly,
Member, Limit State Level (β0)
the second method seems to be the proper one to be adopted
Structural Steel for selecting target reliability levels since there are a lot of
Tension member, yield 3.0 data available from currently used design codes that resulted
Beams in flexure 3.0
in safe structures with adequate reliability.
Column, intermediate slenderness 3.5
Reinforced Concrete
Beam in flexure 3.0
Beam in shear 3.0 The reliability-based design of any structural system re-
Tied column, compressive failure 3.5 quires the consideration of the following three components
1) loads, 2) structural strength, and 3) methods of reliabil-
Masonry, unreinforced ity analysis.
Wall in compression, uninspected 5.0 These three components can be presented in the form of
Wall in compression, uninspected 7.5
several blocks for each to show their logical sequence and
interaction. The reliability-based design procedure also re-
quires the probabilistic characteristics of the strength and
load basic random variables as well as defining perform-
TABLE 19.IV Recommended Target Safety Indices ance functions that correspond to limit states for significant
Relative to Service Life of Ships (13) failure modes. There are two primary approaches for reli-
ability-based design (9), 1) direct reliability-based design,
Tanker β0 Cruiser β0 and 2) load and resistance factor design (LRFD).
The direct reliability-based design approach can include
Hull girder collapse 4.0 5.0 both Level 2 and/or Level 3 reliability methods. Level 2 re-
Hull girder initial yield 4.5 5.5 liability methods are based on the moments (mean and vari-
Unstiffened panel 3.0 3.5 ance) of random variables and sometimes with a linear
approximation of nonlinear limit states, whereas, Level 3
Stiffened panel 3.5 4.0
reliability methods use the complete probabilistic charac-
Fatigue teristics of the random variables. In some cases, Level 3 re-
Category 1 (Not Serious) 2.0 2.5 liability analysis is not possible because of lack of complete
Category 2 (Serious) 2.5 3.0 information on the full probabilistic characteristics of the
Category 3 (Very Serious) 3.0 3.5 random variables. Also, computational difficulty in Level
3 methods sometimes discourages their uses. The LRFD
approach is called a Level 1 reliability method. Level 1 re-
liability methods utilize partial safety factors (PSF) that are
reliability based; but the methods do not require explicit
use of the probabilistic description of the variables.
bility of failure of the ship structural component being an-
The many advantages and benefits of using reliability-
alyzed. The following three methods can be used to select
based design methods include the following:
a target reliability value, 1) agreeing upon a reasonable value
in cases of novel structures without prior history, 2) cali- • they provide the means for the management of uncer-
brating reliability levels implied in currently used success- tainty in loading, strength, and degradation mechanisms,
ful design codes, and 3) choosing target reliability level that • they provide consistency in reliability,
minimizes total expected costs over the service life of the • they result in efficient and possibly economical use of
structure for dealing with design for which failures result materials,
in only economic losses and consequences. • they provide compatibility and reliability consistency
Since the development herein is limited to ship structural across materials, such as, steel grades, aluminum and
components that are not novel structures, the first method is composites,
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-9

• they allow for future changes as a result of gained in- Reliability of structural components
formation in prediction models, and material and load The reliability of a structural component constitutes the
characterization, basis for performing system reliability of larger structure.
• they provide directional cosines and sensitivity factors In general, a component can fail in one of several failure
that can be used for defining future research and devel- modes. The treatment of multiple failure modes requires
opment needs, modeling the component behavior as a system. In addition,
• they allow for performing time-dependent reliability the system can be defined as a collection or an assemblage
analysis that can form the bases for life expectancy as- of several components that serves some function or purpose
sessment, life extension, and development of inspection (15). A multi-component system can fail in several failure
and maintenance strategies, modes. Once the reliability or probability of failures for all
• they are consistent with other industries, AISC, ASHTO, of the components that make up the whole systems is eval-
ACI, API, ASME, …, etc, and uated, system reliability can be performed on the overall sys-
• they allow for performing system reliability analysis. tem. The theory of system reliability is beyond the scope
of this chapter. Numerous excellent books and references
have been written for the subject, and the reader is encour-
19.4.1 Fundamentals of Reliability-based Design aged to read references (1,9,15,29,31).
The design of any structural system or element must provide The reliability of a structural component can be defined
for adequate safety and proper functioning of that system or as the probability that the component meets some specified
element regardless of what philosophy of design is used. The demands. For example, the reliability of a structural com-
structural systems or elements must have adequate strength ponent such as a beam can be defined as the probability that
to permit proper functioning during their intended service structural strength of the beam (that is, ultimate moment ca-
life. For example, the performance of a ship hull girder as pacity) exceeds the applied load (that is, moment due to the
presented in the chapter is defined by a set of requirements total combined loads). The first step in evaluating the reli-
stated in terms of tests and measurements of how well the ability or probability of failure of a structural component is
hull girder serves various or intended functions over its serv- to decide on specific performance function g and the rele-
ice life. Reliability and risk measures can be considered as vant load and resistance variables. The generalized form of
performance measures, specified as target reliability levels the performance function can be expressed as
(or target reliability indices, β0s). The selected reliability lev-
els of a particular structural element reflect the probability of g=R–L [6]
failure of that element. These levels can be set based on im- or
plied levels in the currently used design practice with some
calibration, or based on cost benefit analysis. g = f(X1, X2, . . . Xn) [7]
For ship structures, the reliability-based design ap-
proaches for a system start with the definition of a mission
and an environment for a ship. Then, the general dimensions g = the performance function
and arrangements, structural member sizes, scantlings, and X1, X2, …, Xn = n basic random variables for R and L
details need to be assumed. The weight of the structure can f(.) = a function that gives the relationship be-
then be estimated to ensure its conformance to a specified tween R and L and the basic random vari-
limit. Using an assumed operational-sea profile, the analy- ables.
sis of the ship produces a stochastic still water and wave-
induced responses. The resulting responses can be adjusted The failure in this case is defined in the region where g is
using modeling uncertainty estimates that are based on any less than zero (see Figure 19.6) or R is less than L, that is
available results of full-scale or large-scale testing. g = < 0.0 or R < L [8]
The reliability-based design procedure also requires defin-
ing performance functions that correspond to limit states for whereas the reliability is defined in the region where g is
significant failure modes. In general, the problem can be greater than zero (Figure 19.6) or R is greater than L, that is
considered as one of supply and demand. Failure of a struc- g = > 0.0 or R > L [9]
tural element occurs when the supply (that is, strength of the
element) is less than the demand (that is, loading on the el- The limit state is defined when g = 0.
ement). On the other hand, the reliability of this element is Due to the variability in both strength and loads, there
achieved when the supply is greater than the demand. is always a probability of failure that can be defined as
19-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Pƒ = P(g < 0.0) = P(R < L) [10] First-order reliability method
The First-Order Reliability Method (FORM) is a conven-
The reliability of a structural component can be defined
ient tool to assess the reliability of a ship structural element.
as the probability that the component meets some specified
It also provides a means for calculating the partial safety
demands for a specified time frame.
factors φ and γi that appear in the LRFD design formula of
Mathematically, it can be given by the following ex-
equation 1 for a specified target reliability level β0. The sim-
plicity of the first-order reliability method stems from the
Rc = P(g > 0.0) = P(R > L) [11] fact that this method, beside the requirement that the dis-
tribution types must be known, requires only the first and
where Pf = probability of the system or component and Rc
second moments; namely the mean values and the standard
= reliability of the component. According to probability the-
deviations of the relevant random variables. Knowledge of
ory, since failure and non-failure (or success) constitute two
the joint probability density function (PDF) of the design
complementary events, therefore,
basic variables is not needed as in the case of the direct in-
Pƒ = 1 – Rc [12] tegration method for calculating the reliability index β. Even
if the joint PDF of the basic random variables is known, the
For the general case, where the basic random variables can
computation of β by the direct integration method as given
be correlated, the probability of failure for the component
by equation 13 can be a very difficult task.
can be determined by solving the following integral:
The development of FORM over the years resulted in
∫ f x ( x1 , x 2 , x n ) dx 1 dx 2 many variations of the method. These variations (29) include
Pf = ∫ dx n [13]
such methods as the first-order second moment (FOSM)
over g ≤ 0
and the advanced first-order second moment (AFOSM).
where fX is the joint probability density function (PDF) of Both of these methods use the information on first and sec-
the random vector X = [X1, X2, …, Xn]; and the integration ond moments of the random variables, namely, the mean
is performed over the region where g = f(.) < 0. The com- and standard deviation (or the coefficient of variation, COV)
putation of Pf by equation 13 is called the full distributional of a random variable. However, the FOSM method ignores
approach and can be considered the fundamental equation the distribution types of the random variables, while AFOSM
of reliability analysis (29). In general, the determination of takes these distributions into account. Clearly, the AFOSM
the probability of failure by evaluating the integral of equa- method as the name implies produces more accurate results
tion 13 can be a difficult task. In practice, the joint proba- than FOSM. Nevertheless, FOSM can be used in many sit-
bility density function fX is hard to obtain. Even, if the PDF uations of preliminary design or analysis stages of a struc-
is obtainable, evaluation of the integral of equation 13 re- tural component, where the strength and load variables are
quires numerical methods. In practice, there are alternative assumed to follow a normal distribution and the perform-
methods for evaluating the above-mentioned integral ance function is linear. In these cases, the results of the two
through the use of analytical approximation procedures such methods are essentially the same.
as the First-Order Reliability Method (FORM), which is The importance of FORM is that it can be used in struc-
the focus of our discussion in the next section. tural analysis to compute the reliability index β, and also to
determine the partial safety factors (PSF’s) in the develop-
ment of various design codes. The reliability index was de-
fined earlier as shortest distance from the origin to the failure
line as shown in Figure 19.5. For normal distributions of
the strength and load variables, and linear performance func-
tion, β can be computed using equation 5. The important
relationship between the reliability index β and the proba-
bility of failure Pf is given by
Pf = 1 – Φ(β) [14]
where Φ(.) = cumulative probability distribution function
of the standard normal distribution. It is to be noted that
equation 14 assumes all the random variables in the limit
state equation to have normal probability distribution and
Figure 19.6 Frequency Distribution of Strength R and Load L the performance function is linear. However, in practice, it
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-11

is common to deal with nonlinear performance functions In general, the nominal value of the strength is less than
with a relatively small level on linearity. If this is the case, the corresponding mean value, and the nominal value of the
then the error in estimating the probability of failure Pf is load effect is larger than its mean value. For example, if
very small, and thus for all practical purposes, equation 14 both SR and SL equal to 2, the nominal value of R would be
can be used to evaluate Pf with sufficient accuracy (3). 2 standard deviations below the mean, and the nominal value
The nominal values of partial safety factors (PSFs) ac- for L would be 2 standard deviations above its mean value.
cording to the linear performance function given by equa- If SR and SL have zero values, then equations 15 and 16 es-
tions 6 and 7, and for normal distributions of the strength sentially result into the mean values of the partial safety
– –
and load variables can be calculated using the following factors φ and γL, respectively. The nominal values of par-
two expressions as suggested by Halder and Mahadevan tial safety factors can be used in LRFD design format of the
(16): type
φRn ≥ γ1L1 + γ2L2 + . . . γnLn [20]
For single load case:
For purposes of design, this relationship needs to be satis-
1 − εβδ R fied.
φ= [15]
1 − SRδ R It is to be noted that equations 15 and 16 apply only for
linear performance function with two variables (strength
and one load effect) having normal distributions, while equa-
1 + εβδ L tion 18 applies for multiple linear case. For a general case
γL = [16]
1 + SLδ L of nonlinear function with multiple random variables hav-
ing different distribution types (that is, lognormal, Type I,
where etc.), an advanced version of FORM should be used. De-
tailed algorithms of advanced FORM version as well as
σ 2R + σ 2L procedures for calculating and calibrating the partial safety
ε= [17]
σR + σL factors using FORM can be found in Appendix A. It is to
be noted that the version of FORM given in the appendix
and in which, σR = standard deviation of strength R, σL = is the advanced first-order second moment (AFOSM). This
standard deviation of the load effect L, δR = coefficient of version of FORM applies for a general case of nonlinear
variation (COV) of the strength R, δL = COV of the load ef- performance function and for any distribution type of the
fect L, and SR and SL are parameters used by some classi- random variables.
fication societies and the industry to approximate the
nominal values of the strength and the load effect, respec-
tively. Typical values for SR and SL range from 1 to 3.

For multiple load case:
The nominal reduction factor φ of strength can still be com- Given:
puted from equation 15. However, the nominal load factors A tension member in a truss has an ultimate strength T with
γis for the ith load effect become (22) a mean value of 623 kN and standard deviation of 53 kN.
The tension load L applied to the member has a mean value
1 − εβδ R of 400 kN kips and standard deviation of 111 kN. If nor-
1 − SRδ R mal distributions are assumed for T and L, what is the reli-
ability index for this member? What is its failure probability?
1 − εβδ R Solution:
φ= The following parameters are given:
1 − SRδ R
µ T = 53 kN
and in which, σ 2L , σ 2L , , σ 2L = standard deviations µ L = 111 kN
1 2 n1
σT = 623 kN
of the load effects (L1, L2, . . ., Ln ) and δLi = COV of the
σL = 400 kN
load effect Li, and SLi = parameter used to approximate the
nominal value of load effect Li. Using equation 5, therefore,
19-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

623 − 400
σ R = 1137.8 
β= = 1.81 12.4 
= 56.9 kN − m
( 53 ) + (111)
2 2  248 
The probability of failure according to equation 14 is δR = = 0.05
Pf = 1 – Φ(1.81)=1 – 0.9649 = 0.035 σD 0.044
δD = = = 0.14
Note: Φ(1.81) can be obtained from Tables that provide val- µD 0.315
ues for the cumulative distribution function of standard nor- σL 0.16
mal. δL = = = 0.36
µL 0.438

For simply supported beam, the applied maximum moments

EXAMPLE 19.2 at its mid-span can be computed as follows:

Given: w D L2 0.315 ( 915 ) 2

MD = = = 329.7 kN − m
The fully plastic flexural capacity of a beam section can be 8 8 (100 )
estimated as Fy Z, where Fy = yield strength of the material
w L L2 0.438 ( 915 ) 2
(steel) of the beam and Z = plastic section modulus. If the ML = = = 458.4 kN − m
8 8 (100 )
simply supported beam shown in Figure 19.7 is subjected
to mean values of distributed dead and live loads: wD and Denoting the total moment due to applied dead and live
wL, respectively; and if Z and L are assumed to be constant, loads as M, its mean, standard deviation, and COV can be
develop the nominal and mean partial safety factors for this estimated:
beam and the corresponding LRFD-based design formula
for a target reliability index of 3. Assume that the nominal µM = 329.7 + 458.4 = 788.1 kN – m
values are one standard deviation below the mean for the µMD = 329.7(0.14) = 46.16 kN – m
strength, and one standard deviations above the correspon- µML = 458.4(0.36) = 165.02 kN – m
ding mean values for both the dead and live loads. The prob- Therefore,
abilistic characteristics of the basic random variables are as
provided in Table 19.V. σM = ( 46.16 ) 2 + (165.02 ) 2 = 171.4 kN − m
Solution: δM = = 0.22
For this analysis, the following linear performance func-
tion is considered: Using equations 17 and 19, the parameters ε and εn are cal-
culated as follows:
g = MR – MD – ML
The plastic moment capacity of the beam Mp can be con- ( 56.9 ) 2 + (171.4 ) 2
ε= = 0.79
sidered the mean moment capacity, thus 56.9 + 171.4
g = ZFy − M D − M L
M R = M P = ZFy
= ( 4588 × 10 −6 )( 248 × 10 3 ) TABLE 19.V Probabilistic Characteristics of Random
= 1137.8 kN − m Variables for the Beam Problem
Variable µ σ Distribution

w +w
D L Fy 248 MPa 12.4 MPa Normal
Z 4588 cm n/a n/a
L 915 cm n/a n/a
wD 0.315 kN/cm 0.044 kN/cm Normal
wL 0.438 kN/cm 0.16 kN/cm Normal
Figure 19.7 Beam Design for Example 19.2
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-13

TABLE 19.VI Probabilistic Characteristics of Random

( 46.16.24 ) 2 + (165.02 ) 2 Variables for Example 19.3
εn = = 0.81
46.16 + 165.02
Variable µ σ Distribution
According to equations 15 and 18, and noting that SR = SD
= SL = 1 for both the strength and load effects, the nominal Fy 248 MPa 12.4 MPa Lognormal
partial safety factors (PSFs) are obtained as follows: 3
Z 4588 cm n/a n/a
1 − 0.79 ( 3 ) ( 0.05 ) L 915 cm n/a n/a
φ= = 0.93
1 − (1)( 0.05 ) wD 0.315 kN/cm 0.044 kN/cm Normal
1 + 0.79 ( 0.81) ( 3 ) ( 0.14 ) wL 0.438 kN/cm 0.16 kN/cm Type I
γD = = 1.11
1 + (1)( 0.14 )
1 + 0.79 ( 0.81)( 3 ) ( 0.36 )
γL = = 1.24
1 + (1)( 0.36 ) 19.4.2 Direct Reliability-based Design
The direct reliability-based design method uses all available
Thus, the LRFD-based design formula is given by information about the basic variables, including correlation,
0.93R ≥ 1.11D + 1.24L and does not simplify the limit state in any manner. It requires
performing spectral analysis and extreme analysis of the loads.
The mean values of the partial safety factors can be found In addition, linear or nonlinear structural analysis can be used
using equations 15 and 18, with SR = SD = SL = 0. The re- to develop a stress frequency distribution. Then, stochastic
sults are: load combinations can be performed. Linear or nonlinear
– structural analysis can then be used to obtain deformation and
φ = 0.88
– stress values. Serviceability and strength failure modes need
γD = 1.27 to be considered at different levels of the ship, that is, hull

γL = 1.69 girder, grillage, panel, plate and detail. The appropriate loads,
strength variables, and failure definitions need to be selected
for each failure mode. Using reliability assessment methods
such as FORM, reliability indices βs for all modes at all lev-
EXAMPLE 19.3 els need to be computed and compared with target reliability
indices β0́s. Equation 14 gives the relationship between the
Given: reliability index β and the probability of failure.
Develop the mean values of partial safety factors for the
simply supported beam of Example 19.2 using the proba-
bilistic characteristics for the random variables as provided 19.4.3 Load and Resistance Factor Design
in Table 19.VI. The second approach (LRFD) of reliability-based design
consists of the requirement that a factored (reduced) strength
Solution: of a structural component is larger than a linear combina-
In this example, we note that the distribution types of the tion of factored (magnified) load effects as given by the fol-
random variables are no longer normal. We have a mixture lowing general format:
of distributions for these variables. Therefore, the simpli-
fied methods of this section cannot apply directly even m
though the performance function is the same, that is φR n ≥ ∑ γ i L ni [21]
i =1
g = ZFy – MD – ML
where φ = strength factor, Rn = nominal (or design) strength,
To compute the mean values of the partial safety factors, γi = load factor for the ith load component out of n compo-
the general procedure of FORM, as outlined in Appendix nents, and Lni = nominal (or design) value for the ith load
A, should be utilized. The results are as follows: component out of m components.
– In this approach, load effects are increased, and strength
φ = 0.97
– is reduced, by multiplying the corresponding characteris-
γD = 1.05 tic (nominal) values with factors, which are called strength

γL = 2.63 (resistance) and load factors, respectively, or partial safety
19-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

factors (PSFs). The characteristic or nominal value of some final design stages and for checking the adequacy of the
quantity is the value that is used in current design practice, scantlings of all structural members contributing to the lon-
and it is usually equal to a certain percentile of the proba- gitudinal and transverse strength of ships. Equation 21 gives
bility distribution of that quantity. The load and strength the general form of the LRFD format used in this chapter.
factors are different for each type of load and strength. Gen-
erally, the higher the uncertainty associated with a load, the
higher the corresponding load factor; and the higher the un-
certainty associated with strength, the lower the corre-
sponding strength factor. These factors are determined Given:
probabilistically so that they correspond to a prescribed Suppose that the simply supported beam of Figure 19.7 has
level of reliability or safety. It is also common to consider a rectangular cross sectional area as shown in Figure 19.8
two classes of performance function that correspond to below. If this beam is subjected to nominal dead (including
strength and serviceability requirements. beam weight) and live uniform loads of intensity 0.5 and
The difference between the allowable stress design 0.76 kN per centimeter (kN/cm), respectively, design the
(ASD) and the LRFD format is that the latter uses dif- web depth dw using, the LRFD design format developed in
ferent safety factors for each type of load and strength. Example 19.2, and the ASD (working stress design) given
This allows for taking into consideration uncertainties in by equation 22 with a factor of safety equals to 2.
load and strength, and to scale their characteristic values Assume that the length L of the beam is 5.5 m, and the
accordingly in the design equation. ASD (or called work- yield strength of the steel is 248 MPa.
ing stress) formats cannot do that because they use only
one safety factor as seen by the following general design Solution:
format: LRFD Design According to LRFD design philosophy, the
ultimate capacity of the beam is the fully plastic flexural ca-
∑ Li
R pacity Fy Z.
≥ [22]
FS Assume that the plastic neutral axis is at the base of the
i =1
flange, therefore,
where R = strength or resistance, Li = load effect, and FS
= factor of safety. In this design format, all loads are assumed 38.1(dw) = 254(50.8) = 12 903 mm2
to have average variability. The entire variability of the
strength and the loads is placed on the strength side of the
equation. The factor of safety FS accounts for this entire
In the LRFD design format, ship designers can use the
load and resistance factors in limit-state equations to ac-
count for uncertainties that might not be considered prop-
erly by deterministic methods (that is, ADS) without
explicitly performing probabilistic analysis. The LRFD for-
mat as described in this chapter is concerned mainly with
the structural design of ship hull components under com-
binations of different effects of environmental loads acting
on a ship. As was noted earlier, these loads are considered
primary loads acting on the hull girder of a ship, and in most
cases they control the design of various structural elements.
They include load effects due to still water, waves, and dy-
namic vertical bending moments on the hull girder (see Fig-
ure 19.1). Other load effects such as horizontal bending
moments, static (dead), live, cargo, and their combinations
with the primary environmental loads can also be incorpo-
rated in an LRFD design format. The intention herein is to
provide naval architects and ship designers with sample re-
liability-based LRFD methods for their use in both early and Figure 19.8 Cross Section of Simply Supported Beam for Example 19.4
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-15

or I 374.4 × 10 6
S= = = 1.394 × 10 6 mm 3
dw = 338.7 mm c 268.6

The section modulus can be computed as follows: ( )

M y = F y S = 248 1.394 × 10 −3 = 345.7 kN − m

Z = 254 ( 50.8 ) ( 25.4 ) + 38.1( 338.7 ) 

338.7  According to ASD design format of equation 22,
 2  My
= 2.51 × 10 mm
6 3 ≥ ( M D + M L = 476 kN − m )
( )
M n = F y Z = 248 2.51 × 10 −3 = 623 kN − m My
= 172.9 kN − m
FS 2
The maximum moment for a simply supported beam is lo-
172.9 < 476 unacceptable
cated at the mid span of the beam. Therefore, the maximum
moments due to the dead and live loads are calculated as Try now dw = 619 mm, hence
Area = (254)(50.8) + (38.1)(619) = 36, 525 mm 2
wD L2 0.5 ( 5.5 ) 2
38.1( 620 ) 
MD = = × 100 = 189 kN − m 620 
8 8 + 254 ( 50.8 ) ( 645.4 )
 2 
w L L2 0.76 ( 5.5 ) 2 36 , 525
ML = = × 100 = 287 kN − m
8 8 = 428.5 mm
Based on the partial safety factors of the design equation from tip of web.
of Example 19.2, the reduced strength is
38.1( 428.5 ) 3 38.1(191.5 ) 3
0.93Mn = 0.93(623) = 579.4kN – m I= +
3 3
254 ( 50.8 ) 3
and the amplified load is + + ( 254 ) ( 50.8 ) ( 216.9 ) 2
1.11MD + 1.24ML = 1.11(189) + 1.24 (287)
= 1.698 × 10 9 mm 4
= 566KN – m
∴ (0.93Mn = 579) > 566 acceptable I 1.698 × 10 9
S= = = 3.963 × 10 6 mm 3
c 428.5
Select dw = 338.7.5 mm
( )
M y = Fy S = 248 3.963 × 10 -3 = 982.7 kN − m

According to the ASD design format of equation 22,

ASD Design In this design approach, the moment capac-
ity of the beam is based on elastic strength of the beam. The My
≥ ( M D + M L = 476 kN − m )
elastic moment capacity of the beam is given by FS
My = FyS My 982.7
= = 491.4 kN − m
FS 2
where S = elastic section modulus. In order to find S, we
have to perform elastic calculations: 491.4 > 476 acceptable
Assume that dw = 340 mm., therefore,
Area = (254)(50.4) + (38.1)(340) = 25, 756 mm 2 Select dw = 619 mm.
38.1( 340 ) 
340 
+ 254 ( 50.8 ) ( 365.4 )
 2 
y= = 268.6 mm
25, 756
from tip of web. STRUCTURES
38.1( 268.6 ) 3 38.1( 71.4 ) 3 254 ( 50.8 ) 3 The design of ship structural elements is controlled by the
I= + +
3 3 12 relevant agencies and classifications societies that set up the
+ ( 254 ) ( 50.8 ) ( 96.8 ) 2 = 374.4 × 10 6 mm 4 rules and specifications. Even if ship structural design is not
19-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

controlled by these specifications, the designer will proba- ence to the function of the member or component, and not
bly refer to them as a guide. Ship design specifications, which necessarily to its degree of fracture (18). Some of the more
are developed over the years by various organizations and common modes of failures are summarized in Table 19.VII.
classifications societies, present the best opinion of those A well-written design code for ship structures, whether it
organizations as to what represents good practice. The main adopts the traditional deterministic approach for design or
objective of ship structural design is to insure safety, func- reliability-based LRFD format, must consider all of these fail-
tional, and performance requirements of the components ure modes in its provisions. However, it is recognized that
and the overall system of a ship. Traditionally, the so-called no matter how the code or the specification are written, it is
deterministic methods such as the allowable stress design, impossible to cover every possible case.
ASD, (also called working stress design, WSD) have been As a result, the ultimate responsibility for the design of
the primary methods for ship design and analyses. Because a safe structure lies with the structural engineer.
it is difficult in these methods to quantify and address un- To insure public safety and proper functioning of the
certainties in a rational manner, and also to provide consis- structural components, modern reliability-based LRFD
tent levels of reliability among various structural compo- codes such as of the AISC (4), AASHTO (19), and API (20)
nents, there has been an increased interest in reliability-based usually incorporate some of these failures modes in their
design and analyses for ship structures. As was mentioned provisions. As was mentioned earlier, the load and resist-
earlier, numerous efforts have been made to implement the ance factor design, or LRFD, is based on a limit states phi-
theory or at least develop the basis for the analyses of some
aspects of the design. This chapter is part of these efforts to
provide the reader with sample reliability-based load and re-
sistance factor design (LRFD) guidelines for surface ships. TABLE 19.VII Modes of Failures for a Structural
Like any other design methods, reliability-based LRFD Component (18)
approach requires identifying the loads and their combina-
tions, selecting a strength model, and the associated modes Type of Failure Description
of failure of the structural component being analyzed or de-
Fracture For brittle material, failure by fracture is
signed. This section provides, for demonstration purposes,
usually sudden and complete in nature and
the needed ingredients for the design and analysis of ship
likely to be initiated with crack in or near
structural components through the use of partial safety fac- an area of high stress concentration. For
tors in reliability-based LRFD formats similar to equation ductile material such as steel, failure
21. One of the advantages of the LRFD is that it does not re- usually occurs as a result of excessive
quire performing probabilistic analysis. Ship designers can inelastic behavior (or called collapse
use the load and resistance factors (or called partial safety mechanism), which leads to very large
factors) in the limit-state equations to account for the uncer- deformation long before fracture.
tainties that might be considered properly by deterministic General Yielding This type of failure applies to ductile
methods without explicitly performing reliability analyses. material. When an element fails by general
yielding, it loses its ability to support the
19.5.1 Design Criteria and Modes of Failure
Buckling Buckling is considered as structural
Ship structural steel elements, like any other structural ele- stability problem. This type is the cause of
ments found in land-based structures, can fail in different failure for many structural elements that
modes of failure depending on the type of the element and are long and cylindrical in nature. Failure
the type of loading exerted on the that element. Failure can by buckling can occur when a member or
occur when a member or component of a structure ceases to structure becomes unstable.
perform the function it was designed for. Fracture is a com- Fatigue This type of failure is referred to as fatigue
mon and important type of failure, however every failure is failure. It is a fracture type of failure that
not due to fracture. Some failures can occur before inelas- can be caused by repeated loading on the
tic behavior or permanent deformation of the structural com- element or structural detail of high stress
ponent is reached. For example, it is possible for a structural concentration, and for thousands or mil-
component to cease to perform its function due to excessive lions of load cycles. Usually this type fail-
ure is initiated by a crack within the
elastic deformation. Therefore, it should be realized that fail-
ure of a member or component must be defined with refer-
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-17

losophy. The limit state describes the condition at which the is, water pollution in case of tankers of chemical carriers).
structural system (element) or some part of the system ceases Accordingly, only strength limit states that take into ac-
to perform its intended function. These limit states can be count the ultimate capacity of ship structural element are
classified into two categories, considered in this chapter for demonstration purposes. In
fact, most of the strength models for ship structural ele-
1. strength limit states, and
ments as provided in the subsequent sections are based on
2. serviceability limit states.
the ultimate strength capacity of the member, and therefore,
Strength limit states are based on safety consideration strength limit states are used.
or ultimate load-carrying capacity of a structure and they
include plastic strengths, buckling, and permanent defor-
mation. Serviceability limit states, on the other hand, refer 19.5.2 Design Loads and Load Combinations
to the performance of a structure under normal service loads
Load determination in a random sea environment, in which
and they are concerned with the uses and functioning of the
a ship operates, can be a challenge to ship designers. Ade-
structure. They include such terms as excessive deflections,
quate load determination is crucial to any ship structural
first yield, slipping, vibration, and cracking (6). Also,
design effort, and must be given a great deal of considera-
strength limit states require the definition of the lifetime ex-
tions. When using any design code, the structural designer
treme loads and their combinations, whereas serviceability
should be aware of any simplifying assumptions made in
limit states require annual-extreme loads and their combi-
load calculations in order to permit recognition of those in-
stances in which these simple models do not apply. Because
The LRFD specifications usually focus on very specific
of the large variety of loads that may act on a single struc-
requirements pertaining to strength limit states and allows
tural member, it is sometimes important to define the con-
the engineer or designer some freedom or judgment on serv-
ditions under which these loads occur and the frequency of
iceability issues. This, off course, does not mean that the
their occurrences.
serviceability limit state is not significant; rather the life
Loads of ship structures are categorized into two pri-
and safety of the public are considered to be the most im-
mary types (9),
portant items (6). The modes of failure for ship structural
components have serious consequences such as the entire 1. loads due to a natural environment, and
loss of ship, loss of lives, and environmental damages (that 2. loads due to a man-made environment.

Figure 19.9 Hull Structural Load Categories

19-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

The main groups of loads for ship structures and their Stillwater loads can be predicted and evaluated with a
categories are shown in Figures 19.9. These loads are fur- proper consideration of variability in weight distribution
ther subdivided into four main types, along the ship length, variability in its cargo loading con-
ditions, and buoyancy. Both wave loads and dynamic loads
1. basic loads,
are related and affected by many factors such as ship char-
2. loads due to the sea environment,
acteristics, speed, heading of ship at sea, and sea state (waves
3. operational, environmental, and rare loads, and
heights). Waves height is a random variable that requires
4. loads due to combat environment.
statistical and extreme analyses of ship response data col-
The basic and sea-environment loads can be considered lected over a period of time in order to estimate maximum
in load combinations; whereas operational and combat loads wave-induced and dynamic bending moments that the ship
are beyond the scope of the LRFD methods presented in this might encounter during its life. The statistical representa-
chapter, and should be treated individually. tion of sea waves allows the use of statistical models to pre-
Basic or gravity loads are applied to all ship structural dict the maximum wave loads in ship’s life.
elements regardless of environmental influences and oper- Procedures for computing design wave loads for a ship’s
ational conditions. These loads include, for example, dead hull girder based on spectral analysis can be found in nu-
and live loads, liquid loads in tanks, and equipment loads. merous references pertaining to ship structures such as
Live standard loads represent cargo, personnel, and minor Hughes (5), Sikora et al (23), and Ayyub et al. (9).
equipment. Table 19.VIII provides an example distribution,
intensities, and the applications of this type of load. Design loads
Liquid/Tank loads are the loads that are due to the hy- The design load effects that are of concern in this chapter
drostatic force caused by the head of liquid inside tanks and used for developing reliability-based design ship struc-
(such as ballast, fuel, cargo, and fresh water). tural elements are those load effects resulting from ship hull
The loads acting on the ship’s hull girder can be cate- girder vertical bending and their combinations. As indicated
gorized into three main types earlier, the loads acting on the ship’s hull girder can be cat-
egorized into three main types: still water loads, wave loads,
1. stillwater loads,
and dynamic loads.
2. wave loads, and
The calm water or still water loading should be investi-
3. dynamic loads.
gated in design processes although it rarely governs the de-
The load effect of concern herein is the vertical bending sign of a ship on its own. The ship is balanced on the draft
moment exerted on the ship hull girder. load waterline with the longitudinal center of gravity aligned
with the longitudinal center of buoyancy in the same verti-
cal plan. Then, the hull girder loads are developed based on
the differences between the weights and the buoyancy dis-
TABLE 19.VIII Example Standard Live Load Distribution tributions along the ship’s length. The net load generates
(17,22) shear and bending moments on the hull girders. The re-
sulting values from this procedure are to be considered the
Live Loading
Type of Compartment (kPa) design (nominal) values in the LRFD format for the still
water shear forces and bending moments on the hull girder.
Living and control space, offices and Wave-induced bending moment is treated as a random
passages, main deck and above 3.6 variable dependent on ship’s principal characteristics, en-
vironmental influences, and operational conditions. Spec-
Living spaces below main deck 4.8
tral and extreme analyses can be used to determine the
Offices and control spaces below main deck 7.2 extreme values and the load spectra of this load type dur-
Shop spaces 9.6 ing the design life of the ship. The outcome of this analy-
sis can be in the form of vertical or horizontal longitudinal
Storeroom/Magazines 14.4a bending moments or stresses on the hull girder. Computer
Weather portions of main deck and O1 level 12.0b programs have been developed to perform these calcula-
tions for different ships based on their types, sizes, and op-
a. Or stowage weight, whichever is greater. erational conditions (23).
b. Or maximum vehicle operating load (including helicopter operational Spectral and extreme analyses can be used to determine
loads), whichever is greater. the design value of the dynamic and combined wave-in-
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-19

duced and dynamic bending moments on a ship hull girder Sagging Condition:
during its design life (23).
 21200 
k D = Exp   [26] Load combinations and ratios
Reliability-based LRFD formats for ship structural elements
 158 LBP −0.2 + 14.2 LBP 0.3 LBP  )
presented in this chapter is based on two load combinations where LBP = length between perpendiculars for a ship in
that are associated with correlation factors as presented in feet. Values of kD for LBP ranging from 90 to 305 m can be
the subsequent sections (24). obtained either from Table 19.IX or from the graphical chart
The load effect on a ship hull girder or any structural el- provided in Figure 19.10.
ement such as unstiffened or stiffened panel due to combi-
nations of still water and vertical wave-induced bending
moments is given by 19.5.3 Limit States and Design Strength
fc = fSW + kWDfWD [23] The design of ship structural component for all stations
along the length of a ship should meet one of the following
where fSW = stress due to still water bending moment, fWD conditions; the selection of the appropriate equation de-
= stress due to wave-induced bending moment, fc = unfac- pends on the availability of information as required by these
tored combined stress, kW = correlation factor for wave- two limit state equations:
induced bending moment and can be set equal to one (24).
The load effect on ship structural element due to com- Limit State I
binations of still water, vertical wave-induced and dynamic φRu ≥ γSWfSW + γWDkWDfWD [27]
bending moments is given by
Limit State II
fc = fSW + kW(fW + kDfD) [24]
where fW = stress due to waves bending moment, fD = stress φRu ≥ γSWfSW + kW(γWfW + γDkDfD) [28]
due to dynamic bending moment, and kD = correlation fac- where Ru = ultimate strength capacity of ship structural
tor between wave-induced and dynamic bending moments. component (that is, force, stress, moment, etc.), φ = strength
The correlation factor kD is given by the following two cases reduction factors for ultimate strength capacity of the struc-
of hogging and sagging conditions (7, 22,24): tural component being analyzed, γSW = load factor for the
Hogging Condition: load due to still water bending moment, fSW = load effect
due to still water bending moment, kWD = combined wave-
  induced and dynamic bending moment factor, γWD = load
53080 
k D = Exp  [25]
( )
 158 LBP −0.2 + 14.2 LBP 0.3 LBP  LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view

TABLE 19.IX Correlation Coefficient of Whipping Bending

Moment (kD) for LBP between 90 and 305 m (7, 24)
Length of Ship,
LBP (meters) kD(sag) kD(hog)
27.9 0.578 0.254
37.2 0.672 0.369
46.5 0.734 0.461
55.8 0.778 0.533
65.0 0.810 0.591
74.4 0.835 0.637
83.6 0.854 0.675
Figure 19.10 Correlation Coefficient of Whipping Bending Moment (kD) for 90
92.9 0.870 0.706
< LBP < 305 m (7, 24)
19-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

factor for the stress due combined wave-induced and dy- f2x = γSWfSWx + kW(γWfWx + kDγDfDx) [35]
namic bending moment, fWD = load effect due to combined
f1y = γSWfSWy + kWDγWDfWDy [36]
wave-induced and dynamic bending moments, kW = load
combination factor, can be taken as 1.0, γW = load factor for f2y = γSWfSWy + kW(γWfWy + kDγDfDy) [37]
the load effect due waves bending moment, fW = load ef-
fect due to waves bending moment, kD = load combination f1τ = γSWfSWτ + kWDγWDfWDτ [38]
factor, can be taken as 0.7 or obtained from Figure 19.10 f2τ = γSWfSWτ + kW(γWfWτ + kDγDfDτ) [39]
and Table 19.IX, γWD = load factor for the load effect due
to dynamic bending moment, and fD = load effect due to The nominal (that is, design) values of the strength and
dynamic bending moment. load components should satisfy these formats in order to
For cases of unstiffened panels where the limit state is achieve specified target reliability levels. The nominal
formulated to take into account various combinations of uni- strength for various structural components of a ship can be
axial, biaxial, edge shear, and lateral pressure load effects, determined as described in the subsequent sections. It is to
the design of these panels for all stations along the length of be noted that these strength models are provided herein in
a ship should meet one of the following conditions: a concise manner without the detailed background of their
bases. The interested reader should consult (9,20,22,26).
2 2
 f1 x   f1 y   f1 x   f1 y 
φ  +
φ  − ηb 
φ  φ  ≤1 [29]
 R ux R ux  R
 R uy uy  R R
 R ux ux   R uy uy  Design strength for unstiffened panels
 
 f2 y 
   f2 y 
An unstiffened panel of ship structures is basically a plate
f2 x f2 x
φ  +  − ηb     ≤1 [30] element as shown in Figure 19.4. The design strength of un-
 R ux R ux   φ R uy R uy   φ R ux R ux   φ R uy R uy 
stiffened panels (plates) can be computed using formulas
2 2 2
 f1 x   f1 y   f1 τ  that correspond appropriately to their loading conditions.
φ  +
φ  +  ≤1 [31]
 R ux R ux  R
 R uy uy   φ R uτ R u τ  This section provides a summary of these formulas. They
2 2 2 must be used appropriately based on the loading conditions
 f2 x   f2 y   f2 τ 
φ  +  +  ≤1 [32] of the plate between stiffeners. Both serviceability and
 R ux R ux   φ R uy R uy   φ R uτ R u τ 
strength limit states are provided herein although only the
where Rux, and Ruy = ultimate strength capacity of a plate that strength limit states were considered in the paper for com-
depends on the loading conditions (that is, uniaxial stress, edge puting strength reduction factors.
shear, etc.) for the unstiffened plate element, and φRux and φRuy
Uniaxial compression: The ultimate strength fu of plates
= strength reduction factors correspond to the ultimate strength
under uniaxial compression stress can be computed from
capacity Rux and Ruy, respectively, φRuτ = strength reduction
one of the following two cases (27,28):
factor for plates in shear, Ruτ = ultimate load capacity of plate
in shear, f1x = magnification of the applied stress in the x-di- For a/b > 1.0:
rection for limit state I, f2x = magnification of the applied  π2
stress in the x-direction for limit state II, f1y = magnification  Fy if B ≥ 3.5
of the applied stress in the y-direction for limit state I, f2y =  3 (1 − ν 2 ) B 2
magnification of the applied stress in the y-direction for limit  2.25 1.25 
state II, f1τ = magnification of the applied stress in the τ-di- f u =  Fy − if 1.0 ≤ B < 3.5 [40]
 B B2 

rection for limit state I, f2τ = magnification of the applied 
stress in the τ-direction for limit state II, and  Fy if B < 1.0
 0.25 α ≥ 3.0
 For a/b < 1.0:
 α − 3
η b =  0.25 − 
 2  [
3.2 e −0.35 B − 2.25 ] 1.0 < α < 3.0 [33]
  1 
 3.2 e −0.35 B − 2 α = 1.0 f u = Fy  αC u + 0.08 (1 − α )  1 + 2   ≤ Fy [41]
  B 
in which α = aspect ratio of plate (a/b), and B = plate slen- where
derness ratio. The magnified stresses f1x , f2x, f1y, f2y, f1τ, and
f2τ can be determined according to the following equations: Fy = yield strength (stress) of plate
a = length or span of plate
f1x = γSWfSWx + kWDγWDfWDx [34] b = distance between longitudinal stiffeners,
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-21

Fy whether the plate under pure shear is simply supported or

B= b , plate slenderness ratio clamped, respectively:
t E
α = a / b, aspect ratio of plate For α ≥ 1.0:
t = thickness of the plate
E= the modulus of elasticity  5.35 + 4.0
for simple supports
ν = Poisson’s ratio  α2
kτ =  [47]
 8.98 + 5.6
and for clamped supports
 α2
 π2 For α ≤ 1.0:
 if B ≥ 3.5
 3 (1 − ν ) B
2 2
 2.25 1.25  4.0 + 5.35 for simple supports
 α2
Cu =  − if 1.0 ≤ B < 3.5 [42] kτ =  [48]
B B2
  5.6 + 8.98
 for clamped supports
 α2
1.0 if B < 1.0
The yield stress in shear (Fyτ) is given by

Edge shear The ultimate strength fuτ of plates under pure Fy

Fyτ = [49]
edge shear stress can be computed as: 3
Fuτ = Fcrτ + FPτ [43] where Fy = yield stress of plate. The post-buckling shear
strength FPτ is given by
where Fcrτ = critical or buckling stress and FPτ = post-buck-
ling strength using tension field action. The buckling strength
Fy − 3Fcrτ
can be computed based on one of the following three con- FPτ = [50]
ditions that correspond to shear yield, inelastic buckling, and 2 1 + α2
elastic buckling (25): where α is the aspect ratio of plate (a/b). If the aspect ratio
 α exceeds 3.0, tension field action is not permitted. In this
 F yτ if B ≤ m 1 case, the ultimate shear strength of a plate shall be based
 on elastic and inelastic buckling theory such that:
 π 2 F y F pr
 Fuτ = Fcrτ [51]
Fcrτ =  k τ if m 1 < B ≤ m 2 [44]
 12 (1 − ν 2 ) B 2 where Fcrτ can be computed from equation 44.
 π 2 Fy
k if B > m 2
Lateral pressure: The ultimate strength fup of plates under
 τ 12 (1 − ν 2 ) B 2 lateral pressure is given as (12):

where Fyτ = yield stress in shear, Fpr = proportional limit in  1 

 3 
shear which can be taken as 0.8Fyτ, and  wu  
2222 Fy2   b  
f up =   + 1 [52]
π 2 Fy Fpr EB 2     B E  

kτ    0.004 + 0.02 tanh  60 
Fy    
12 1 − ν 2 )   

 

m1 = [45]
where Fy = yield strength (stress) of plate, b = distance be-
tween longitudinal stiffeners, or plate width, B = slender-
π 2 Fy
m2 = kτ [46] ness ratio of plate, α = aspect ratio of plate, a = length or
12 1 − ν 2 Fpr ) span of plate, t = thickness of the plate, E = the modulus of
elasticity, and wu = specified permanent set. Values for the
The buckling coefficient kτ can be obtained from Figure ratio of the permanent set to plate width (wu/b) or the per-
2 or from the following two expressions depending on manent set to plate thickness (wu/t) varies with both the ma-
19-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 19.X Ranges of the Ratio wu/b (17)

Aluminum or Steel Type Yield Strength Fy (MPa) Top Side Lower Shell/Tank Flooding/Damage Control

AL5086 193.0 0.000 0.000 0.009

AL5456 227.5 0.000 0.001 0.032
MS 234.4 0.000 0.009 0.128
HTS 324.0 0.000 0.006 0.098
HY80 552.0 0.000 0.001 0.021
HY100 690.0 0.000 0.000 0.019

TABLE 19.XI Ranges of the Ratio wu /t (17)

Aluminum or Steel Type Yield Strength Fy (ksi) Top Side Lower Shell/Tank Flooding/ Damage Control

AL5086 193.0 0.000 0.005 0.821

AL5456 227.5 0.000 0.066 2.792
MS 234.4 0.002 0.801 11.282
HTS 324.0 0.001 0.553 8.658
HY80 552.0 0.000 0.114 1.822
HY100 690.0 0.000 0.037 1.692

terial type and the location of a plate within the ship. When Biaxial compression and edge shear: The ultimate strength
using equation. 52, these values can be obtained from Ta- fux, fuy, and fuτ of plates under biaxial compression and edge
bles 19.X and XI, respectively. shear stresses should meet the requirement of following inter-
action equation as adopted by the API (20) and the DnV (30):
Biaxial compression: The ultimate strength fux and fuy of
plates under biaxial compression stresses should meet the 2 2 2
 fx   fy   f 
requirement of following interaction equation (12,29):   +  + τ  ≤1 [54]
 f ux   f uy   f uτ 
2 2
 fx   fy   f   fy 
  +  − ηb  x   ≤1 where fx = the applied stress in the x-direction, fy = the ap-
 f ux   f uy 
 f ux   f uy  plied stress in the y-direction, fτ = the applied shear stress,
fux = the ultimate strength of a plate under compressive nor-
where ηb as defined by equation 33, α = a/b, the aspect ratio
mal stress in the x-direction acting alone, fux = the ultimate
of plate, fx = the applied stress in the x-direction, fy = the ap-
strength of a plate under compressive normal stress in the
plied stress in the y-direction, fux = the ultimate strength of
y-direction acting alone, and fuτ = the ultimate shear stress
a plate under compressive normal stress in the x-direction
when the plate is subjected to pure edge shear. The ultimate
acting alone, and fux = the ultimate strength of a plate under
stresses fux, fuy, fuτ can be computed from equations 40, 41,
compressive normal stress in the y-direction acting alone.
and 43, respectively.
The ultimate stresses fux and fuy can be computed from
equations 40 and 41, respectively. It should be noted that Other load combinations with lateral pressure: The load-
when using equations 40 and 41 for calculating both fux and ing conditions for unstiffened plates that are covered in this
fuy, the length of plate a, is assumed to coincide with the chapter are the combined in-plane and lateral pressure loads.
x-direction and the aspect ratio α is greater than unity. If, Lateral pressure in combination with the other cases of load-
however, α is less than unity, then fux and fuy should be in- ing presented in the previous sections can lead to a number
terchanged in equations 40 and 41. of loading conditions that can have an effect on the overall
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-23

strength of plates. In such situations, the designer should a concise manner, and they were evaluated in terms of
consider the following cases: their applicability, limitations, and biases with regard to
ship structures. A complete review of the models used by
• lateral pressure and uniaxial compression,
different classification agencies such as the AISC (4),
• lateral pressure and biaxial compression,
ASSHTO (19), and the API (20) is provided in (17,22).
• lateral pressure, uniaxial compression and edge shear,
Axial compression: Based on reevaluation of 215 tests
• lateral pressure, biaxial compression and edge shear, and
by various researchers and on empirical formulation, Her-
• lateral pressure and edge shear.
zog (31) developed a simple model (formula) for the ulti-
The effect of lateral pressure on the ultimate strength of mate strength of stiffened panels that are subjected to
plates subjected to in-plane loads is so complex that there uniaxial compression without lateral loads. The ultimate
are no simple models (formulas) available to predict the strength Fu of a longitudinally stiffened plate is given by the
strength of plates under these types of loading. However, following empirical formula (31):
there are design charts available for some of these load com-
binations. For example, large deflection solutions for case    Fy  
 m F y  0.5 + 0.5  1 − ka b
  for t ≤ 45
4 (lateral pressure, biaxial compression, and edge shear)    rπ E  
 
exits, but the results cannot be put in the form of a simple Fu =  [55]
formula as those given in the previous sections. Researchers    ka Fy   b
demonstrated that the lateral pressure has negligible effect  mc 1 F y  0.5 + 0.5  1 −
π   for t > 45
 
  r E  
on both the uniaxial and biaxial compressive strength of
plates when b/t is less than 50. However, for values of the where
ratio b/t greater than 50, the lateral pressure can have a neg-
ative impact on the biaxial strength (case 2). Also, they – F A + F yp A p
pointed out that a clear understanding of the influence of Fy = ys s , mean yield strength for the
As + A p
pressure on strength of plates subjected to in-plane loads is
entire plate-stiffener cross section
lacking and that additional testing and research on the sub-
Fyp = yield strength of plating
ject deemed to be appropriate to clarify some of the aspects
Fys = yield strength of stiffener
involved. Therefore, it is recommended to treat lateral pres-
E = modulus of elasticity of stiffened panel
sure as an uncoupled load from other in-plane loads, and to
Ap = bt, cross sectional area of plating
design for them individually and separately.
As = tf fw + tw dw, cross sectional area of stiffener
A= As + Ap, cross sectional area of plate-stiffener Design strength for stiffened and gross panels
tf = stiffener flange thickness
A stiffened and gross panel of ship structures is basically
fw = stiffener flange width or breadth
a stiffened panel element as shown in Figure 19.3. The de-
tw = stiffener web thickness
sign strength of stiffened and gross panels can be computed
dw = stiffener web depth
using formulas that correspond appropriately to their load-
a = length or span of longitudinally stiffened panel
ing conditions. In this section, a summary of selected
b = distance between longitudinal stiffeners
strength models that are deemed suitable for LRFD design
t = plate thickness
formats is presented. These strength models are for lon-
I = moment of inertia of the entire cross section
gitudinally stiffened panels subjected to uniaxial stress
and combined uniaxial stress with lateral pressure. Three r= I , radius of gyration of entire cross section
strength models for stiffened panels that are deemed ap- A
propriate for reliability-based LRFD format are those of m = corrective factor accounts for initial deformation
Herzog (31), Hughes (5), and Adamchak (32). Herzog’s and residual stresses
model can be applied for stiffened panel under axial stress k = buckling coefficient depends on the panel end con-
loading, while both Hughes and Adamchak models are straints
c1 = 1 − 0.007  − 45 
suitable for predicting the ultimate strength of stiffened
t 
panel when it is subjected to combined axial stress and lat-
eral pressure. A formula for performing reliability (safety) Values for m and k for use in equation 55 can be obtained
checking on the design of gross panel, which is based on from Tables 19.XII and XIII, respectively.
the transverse and longitudinal stiffness of stiffeners, is also The 215 tests evaluated by Herzog belong to three dis-
provided. These strength models are presented herein in tinct groups. Group I (75 tests) consisted of small values
19-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 19.XII Recommended m Values (31) 2. lateral load causing positive bending moment of the
panel, and
Degree of Imperfection and Residual Stress m
3. in-plane compression resulting from hull girder bend-
No or average imperfection and no residual stress 1.2 ing.
Average imperfection and average residual stress 1.0 The sign convention to be used throughout this section
Average or large imperfection and high value for 0.8 is that of Hughes (5). Bending moment in the panel is con-
residual stress sidered positive when it causes compression in the plating
and tension in the stiffener flange, and in-plane loads are
positive when in compression (Figure 19.11). The deflec-
tion, w0, due to the lateral load (that is, lateral pressure) M0
TABLE 19.XIII Recommended k Values (31) and initial eccentricity, δ0, is considered positive when they
are toward the stiffener as shown in Figure 19.11. In beam-
End Condition k
column theory, the expressions for the moment M0 and the
Both ends are simply-supported 1.0
corresponding deflection w0 are based upon an ideal col-
umn, which is assumed to be simply supported.
One end is simply-supported and the other is clamped 0.8
Disregarding plate failure in tension, there can be three
Clamped ends 0.65 distinct modes of collapse (Figure 19.11) according to
Hughes (5), 1) compression failure of the stiffener (Mode
I Collapse), 2) compression failure of the plating (Mode II
Collapse), and 3) combined failure of stiffener and plating
TABLE 19.XIV Statistics of 215 Tests Conducted on
(Mode III Collapse).
Longitudinally Stiffened Plates in Uniaxial Compression
The ultimate axial strength (stress) Fu for a longitudi-
nally stiffened panel under a combination of in-plane com-
Number Mean Standard pression and lateral loads (including initial eccentricities)
Group of Tests Value (µ) Deviation (σ) COV can be, therefore, defined as the minimum of the collapse
(ultimate) values of applied axial stress computed from the
I 75 1.033 0.134 0.130 expressions for the three types (modes) of failure. Mathe-
II 64 0.999 0.100 0.100 matically, it can be given as
III 76 0.981 0.162 0.169 Fu = min(Fa,uI, Fa,uII, and Fa,uIII) (56)
All 215 1.004 0.136 0.135
where Fa,uI, Fa,uII, and Fa,uIII correspond to the ultimate col-
lapse value of the applied axial stress for Mode I, Mode II,
and Mode III, respectively. The mathematical expressions
for the collapse stress for each mode of failures are provided
in references 5 and 24.
for imperfection and residual stress, Group II (64 tests) had Adamchak (32) developed a model in 1979 to estimate
average values for imperfection and residual stress, while the ultimate strength of conventional surface ship hulls or
the third group (Group III, 76 tests) consisted of higher val- hull components under longitudinal bending or axial com-
ues for imperfection and residual stress. The statistical un- pression. The model itself is very complex for hand cal-
certainty (COV) associated with Herzog model of equation culation and therefore it is not recommended for use in a
55 is 0.218. The mean value µ, standard deviation σ, and design code without some computational tools or a com-
COV of the measurement to prediction are given in Table puter program. To overcome the computational task for
19.XIV. this model, Adamchak developed a computer program
(ULTSTR) based on this model to estimate the ductile col-
Axial compression and lateral pressure: According to lapse strength of conventional surface ship hulls under lon-
Hughes (5), there are three types of loading that must be gitudinal bending.
considered for determining the ultimate strength of longi-
The recent version of the ultimate strength (ULTSTR)
tudinally stiffened panels. These types of loading are:
program is intended for preliminary design and based on a
1. lateral load causing negative bending moment of the variety of empirically based strength of material solutions
plate-stiffener combination (the panel), for the most probable ductile failure modes for stiffened
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-25
Click here to view

sign concepts involving representatives of the Massachu-

setts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Ship Structural
Committee (SSC), and navy practices in general. Longitu-
dinally stiffened panel elements can fail either by material
yielding, material rupture (tension only), or by some form
of structural stability. The instability failure modes for this
model include Euler beam-column buckling and stiffener
lateral torsional buckling (tripping). Euler beam-column
buckling is actually treated in this model as having two dis-
tinct types of failure patterns as shown in Figure 19.12. Type
I is characterized by all lateral deformation occurring in the
same direction. Although this type of failure is depended
on all geometrical and material properties that define the
structural element, it is basically yield strength dependent.
Type I failure is assumed to occur only when either lateral
pressure or initial distortion, or both, are present. On the
other hand, Type II failure is modulus (E) depended, as far
as initial buckling is concerned. This type of failure can be
initiated whether or not initial distortion or lateral pressure,
or both, are present. Type III failure is a stiffener tripping
or lateral-torsional buckling.
Figure 19.11 Interaction Diagram for Collapse Mechanism of a Stiffened Therefore, the ultimate axial strength (stress) for longi-
Panel under Lateral and In-plane Loads (5) tudinally stiffened panel under various types of loading (in-
cluding material fabrication distortion) is the minimum
value of the axial compressive stress computed from the
expressions for the three types (modes) of failures, that is:
Fu = min(FuI, FuII, and FuIII) [57]
Detailed mathematical expressions for the three modes
of failures as implemented in the program ULTSTR can be
found in references 17 and 33.
Gross panels and grillages: To perform a a reliability
(safety) checking on the design of gross panel, the reduced
ratio of the stiffness of the transverse and longitudinal stiff-
eners should at least equal to the load effect given by the
geometrical parameters shown in the second hand term of
the following expression:
Figure 19.12 Types of Beam-column Failure (2)
Iy ( n + 1) 5  b
φg ≥ [58]
Ix  2   a
nπ 2  0.25 + 
 N3 
and unstiffened plate structures. The probable ductile fail- where Ix = moment of inertia of longitudinal plate-stiffener,
ure modes include section yielding or rupture, inter-frame Iy= moment of inertia of transverse plate-stiffener, a = length
Euler beam-column buckling, and inter-frame stiffener trip- or span of the panel between transverse webs, b = distance
ping (lateral-torsional buckling). The program also accounts between longitudinal stiffeners, n = number of longitudi-
for the effects of materials having different yield strength nal stiffeners, N = number of longitudinal subpanels in over-
in plating and stiffeners, for initial out-of-plane distortion all (or gross) panel, and φg = gross panel strength reduction
due to fabrication, and for lateral pressure loading. factor. A target reliability level can be selected based on the
The basic theory behind this model (or ULTSTR) orig- ship type and usage. Then, the corresponding safety factor
inated preliminary in a joint project on ship structural de- can be looked up from Table 19.XXI.
19-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1 Design strength for hull girder Se = Miner’s equivalent stress range,
The ultimate bending strength capacity for a section at any φ∆ = reduction safety factor corresponds to fatigue
station can be estimated using the incremental strain ap- damage ratio ∆L,
proach by calculating the moment-curvature relationship φA = reduction safety factor corresponds to the intercept
and as the maximum resisting moment for the section. This of the S-N curve,
approach calculates the moment-curvature relationship and γks= amplification safety factor for fatigue stress
the ultimate bending capacity of a ship’s hull girder cross uncertainty, and
section using strength and geometry information about γse= amplification safety factor for Miner’s rule
scantlings of all structural members contributing to the lon- equivalent stress range.
gitudinal strength. The ultimate strength for hull girder can It is to be noted that the nominal Se is the best estimate
be given as (13) resulting from spectral analysis. The nominal (that is, design)
Mu = cFuZ [59] values of the fatigue variables should satisfy these formats
in order to achieve specified target reliability levels.
where Z = section modulus of the hull and c = is a buck-
The probabilistic characteristics and nominal values for
ling knockdown factor. The buckling knockdown factor c
the strength and load components were determined based
is equal to the ultimate collapse bending moment of the
on statistical analysis, recommended values from other spec-
hull, taking buckling into consideration, divided by the ini- ifications, and by professional judgment. These factors are
tial yield moment (13). determined using structural reliability methods based on
The ultimate collapse moment can be calculated using a the probabilistic characteristics of the basic random vari-
nonlinear finite element program such as ULTSTR or using ables for fatigue including statistical and modeling (or pre-
software based on the Idealized Structural Unit Method (13). diction) uncertainties. The factors are determined to meet
Approximate nonlinear buckling analysis may also be used. target reliability levels that were selected based on assess-
The initial yield moment is simply equal to the yield strength ing previous designs. This process of developing reliabil-
of the material multiplied by the section modulus of the hull ity-based LRFD rules based on implicit reliability levels in
at the compression flange, that is, at deck in sagging condi- current practices is called code calibration.
tion, or at bottom in hogging condition. The default values The LRFD design for fatigue, as given by equation 61,
for the buckling knockdown factor c may be taken as 0.80 requires partial safety factors and nominal values. The par-
for mild steel and 0.60 for high-strength steel. tial safety factors (PSF’s) are provided in Tables 19.XXIII
and XXIV according to the following requirements: Fatigue strength • Target reliability levels in the range from 2.0 to 4.0,
Assessment of ship structural capacity for fatigue and frac- • Fatigue strength prediction methods based on Miner’s
ture was provided in greater detail in Chapter 19. This sec- linear cumulative damage theory and on the character-
tion summarizes fatigue strength in the context of structural istic S-N curve, and
reliability. Reliability-based LRFD design format requires • Selected details of the British standards (BS 5400).
the use of partial safety factors (PSFs) in the limit state
equations. The PSFs are both for strength and load vari- A target reliability level should be selected based on the
ables. They are commonly termed strength reduction and ship class and usage. Then, the corresponding partial safety
load amplification factors. factors can be looked up from Tables 19.XXIII and 19.XXIV
The structural detail or joint element of a ship should based on the appropriate detail for joint for selected details.
meet the following performance functions or limit state: Similar tables can be developed for other details.

 ni b
γ Se Se ≤   [60] 19.5.4 LRFD-based Partial Safety Factors for Ship
 φ A Aγ k k sb φ ∆ ∆ L
b  Structural Components
 s  Load factors
where This section provides load factors for different categories
of hull structural members. The factors can be used in the
nb limit state equations for the design of these elements, and
Se = m ∑ f i S im [61] also for checking the adequacy of their strength capacity.
i =1 The load factors are tabulated by load type and load com-
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-27

binations for selected target reliability levels β0s as shown states as provided in Section 19.4.3 for hull girders, un-
in Table 19.XVII. The ranges of target levels depend on the stiffened, stiffened, and gross panels, respectively. Recom-
type of structural member under investigation. Recom- mended target reliability levels for the design of these various
mended target reliability levels for various hull structural hull structural components are provided in Table 19.XVI.
elements are provided in Table 19.XVIII. Tables 19.XVII through 19.XXII provide nominal strength
The factors are provided for the load effect of still water reduction factors for the design of unstiffened, stiffened,
SW, wave-induced W, dynamic D, and combined wave-in- and gross panels; and hull girders and fatigue details of ship
duced and dynamic WD bending moments for target relia- structures. These factors can be used in the strength limit
bility levels (β0) ranging from 3.0 to 6.0. These load factors state equations as provided in Section 19.5.3.
can be used in the limit states and the load combinations
presented in Section 19.5.3. The target reliability, β0, should
be selected based on the ship type and usage. Then, the cor-
responding load factors can be looked up from Table 19.XV
for the load combination of interest. The following examples demonstrate the use of LRFD-
based partial safety in the limit state equations for design- Strength factors ing and checking the adequacy of structural components of
This section gives strength (resistance) factors for different a ship:
categories of hull structural members. The factors can be
used in the limit state equations for the design of these el-
ements, and also for checking the adequacy of their strength
capacity. The strength factors can be used in the limited EXAMPLE 19.5: UNSTIFFENED PANEL DESIGN
A 122-cm × 61-cm × t unstiffened plate element is to be de-
signed at the bottom deck of a ship to withstand a uniaxial
TABLE 19.XV Nominal Load Factors compression stress due to environmental bending moment
loads acting on the ship. The stresses due to the environ-
Target Reliability Load Factors
mental loads are estimated to have the following values:
Index (βο) γSW γW γD γWD 82.7 MPa due to still water bending, 33.1 MPa due to waves
3.0 0.74 1.40 1.10 1.45
bending, and 12.4 MPa due to dynamic bending. If the yield
strength of steel is 235 MPa, design the thickness t of the
3.5 0.74 1.55 1.10 1.50 plate assuming target level of 3.0.
4.0 0.74 1.70 1.10 1.55
4.5 0.74 1.90 1.10 1.60 Solution:
5.0 0.74 2.05 1.10 1.63 For unstiffened panel under uniaxial compression, the
strength is given by equation 40 as
5.5 0.74 2.30 1.10 1.66
6.0 0.74 2.50 1.10 1.70  π2
 Fy if B ≥ 3.5
 3 (1 − ν 2 ) B 2
 2.25 1.25 
f u =  Fy − if 1.0 ≤ B < 3.5
TABLE 19.XVI Recommended Target Reliability Levels  B B2 

(B0) for Reliability-based LRFD Format 
 Fy if B < 1.0
Structural System or Element Ranges of β0 

Hull girder collapse 4.0–6.0 Assume that t = 6.5 mm, and the modulus of elasticity for
Unstiffened panel 3.0–4.0
steel is 190 GPa, therefore
Stiffened panel 3.5–4.5 b Fy 61 235
Gross panel 2.0–3.0 B= = = 3.22
t E 0.65 200 , 000
Fatigue 2.0–4.0
TABLE 19.XVII Nominal Strength Factors for Unstiffened Panels
Strength Factors (φ) and Target Reliability Index (β)
3.0 3.5 4.0
Loading Condition EQ. φ φτ φ φτ φ φτ
Uniaxial Compression 27 0.75 N/A 0.70 N/A 0.64 N/A
28 0.83 N/A 0.79 N/A 0.79 N/A

Edge Shear 27 N/A 0.70 N/A 0.64 N/A 0.59

28 N/A 0.77 N/A 0.73 N/A 0.68

Lateral Pressure 27 0.39 N/A 0.36 N/A N/A 0.34

28 0.47 N/A 0.46 N/A 0.44 N/A

Biaxial Compression 29 0.54 N/A 0.40 N/A 0.29 N/A

30 0.61 N/A 0.51 N/A 0.42 N/A

Biaxial Compression and Edge Shear 31 0.68 0.70 0.60 0.64 0.53 0.59
32 0.84 0.77 0.82 0.73 0.80 0.68

TABLE 19.XVIII Nominal Strength Factors for Stiffened Panels

Strength Factors (φ) and Target Reliability Index (β0)

Loading Condition Limit State Equation 3.5 4.0 4.5

Axial Compression 1 0.56 0.51 0.46
2 0.61 0.57 0.54

Axial Compression and Lateral Loads 1 0.61 0.54 0.50

2 0.66 0.61 0.58

TABLE 19.XIX Nominal Partial Safety Factor for the TABLE 19.XX Nominal Strength Factors for Hull Girders
Stiffness Ratios of Gross Panels
Target Reliability Index (β0)
Target Reliability Gross Panel Strength Limit State
Index (β0) Reduction Factor (φg) Equation 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

1 0.62 0.58 0.53 0.50 0.46

2.0 0.82
2 0.70 0.67 0.63 0.62 0.58
2.5 0.78
3.0 0.75
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-29

TABLE 19.XXI Nominal Partial Safety Factors for Fy

b 61 235
Category B of the British Standards (BS 5400) B= = = 2.1
t E 1.0 200 , 000
β0 φ∆ φΑ γks γS

f u = Fy 
2.0 0.55 0.60 1.09 1.10 2.25 1.25 
− 2
2.5 0.48 0.53 1.11 1.12  B B 
 2.25 1.25 
3.0 0.42 0.48 1.13 1.15 = 235  −  = 185.2 MPa
 2. 1 ( 2.1) 2 
3.5 0.37 0.43 1.15 1.18
b Fy 61 235
4.0 0.32 0.38 1.17 1.21 B= = = 3.22
t E 0.65 200 , 000

φ fu = 0.83(185.2) = 153.7 MPa

TABLE 19.XXII Nominal Partial Safety Factors for = γSW fSW + kW (γW fW + γD kD fSW)
Category W of the British Standards (BS 5400) = (1.05)(82.7) + (1)[1.4 (33.1) + (1.1) (0.7) (12.4)]
β0 φ∆ φΑ γks γS = 142.7 MPa
(φ fu = 185.2 MPa ) > 142.7 MPa; this is acceptable
2.0 0.52 0.57 1.07 1.08
Hence, select PL: 122 × 61 × 1 cm
2.5 0.45 0.50 1.09 1.10

3.0 0.39 0.45 1.11 1.12

3.5 0.34 0.40 1.13 1.15
4.0 0.29 0.35 1.14 1.17
Suppose that the unstiffened plate element of Example 19.5
is to be checked for the effect of lateral pressure. Would this
plate be adequate to withstand the lateral pressure gener-
ated by the environmental loads?.

f u = Fy 
2.25 1.25 
− 2 Solution:
 B B  For unstiffened panel under pure lateral pressure, the strength
 2.25 1.25  is given by equation 52 as
= 235  − 2
= 135.9 MPa
 3.22 ( 3.22 )   1 
 3 
The design of the plate should meet the requirement of the  wu  
2222 Fy2   b  
reliability-based LRFD format and the partial safety factors f up =   + 1
   0.004 + 0.02 tanh  B E 
EB 2
as given in Tables 19.XV and XVII for the limit state under 
consideration and the appropriate partial safety factors for    60

Fy    
β0 = 3.0, that is,     
 
φfu = γSW fSW + kW (γW fW + γD kD fD) For MS Steel, and Lower Shell/Tank, Table 19.X gives
φfu = 0.83(135.9) = 112.8 MPa
= γSW fSW + kW (γW fW + γD kD fSW) = 0.009
= (1.05)(82.7) + (1)[1.4 (33.1) + (1.1)(0.7) (12.4)]
= 142.7 MPa With B = 2.1 as computed in Example 19.5, therefore,

(φfu = 112.8 ksi ) < 142.7 MPa; this is unacceptable

Try a value of t = 10 mm., therefore
19-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

2222 ( 235 ) 2 a fw
f up =
200 , 000 ( 2.1) 2 tf
 1 
 3  dw tw
  
× 
0.009  + 1
   2.1 200 , 000    
   0.004 + 0.02 tanh      b
   60 235    
  Figure 19.13 Stiffened Panel Design
= 247 MPa
The design of the plate should meet the requirement of the
LRFD method and the partial safety factors as given in Ta-    Fy 
bles 19.XV and XVII for the limit state under considera-  m F y  0.5 + 0.5  1 − ka b
  for t ≤ 45
tion and the appropriate partial safety factors for β0 = 3.0,    rπ E  
 
that is,
   
φfup ≥ γSW fSW + kW (γW fW + γD kD fD)  ka Fy
Fu =  m F y  0.5 + 0.5  1 −
rπ 
φ fup = 0.47(247) = 116.1 MPa  
  E  

= (1.05)(82.7) + (1)[1.4(33.1) + (1.1)(0.7)(12.4)]  × 1 − 0.007  b − 45   for
> 45
= 142.7 MPa   t   t

(φ fu = 116.1 MPa ) < 142.7 MPa; this is unacceptable
Assume an initial value for t = 0.5 cm, and for a = 195 cm,
Hence, the plate will not be adequate for lateral pressure.
A new plate should be designed.
A p = bt = 61( 0.5 ) = 30.5 cm 2
A s = t f fw + t w d w
= 0.95 ( 4.5 ) + 0.52 (11.5 ) = 10.26 cm 2
Fys A s + Fyp A p
Given: Fy =
A stiffened panel, pinned at the ends, whose dimensions As + A p
are shown in Figure 19.13 is to be designed at the bottom 248 (10.26 ) + 235 ( 30.5 )
deck of a ship to withstand a uniaxial compression stress 10.26 + 30.5
due to environmental bending moment loads acting on the = 338.3 MPa
ship. The stresses due to the environmental loads are esti- Check the slenderness ratio b/t:
mated to have the following values: 1.035 MPa due to still-
water bending, 31.0 MPa due to waves bending, and 15.2 b 61
= = 122 > 45
MPa due to dynamic bending. If the yield strength of steel t 0.5
is 235 MPa for the plating and 248 MPa for the stiffener Therefore, the following equation applies:
(that is, web & flange), and the dimensions of the panel are
as shown in Table 19.XXIII, design the thickness t and   ka Fy 
length a of the plating assuming a target reliability level of Fu = m F y  0.5 + 0.5  1 −
rπ 
4.0. Note that the length of the plating is not to exceed 195 
  E  
cm, and not to be less than 122 cm.
 
× 1 − 0.007  − 45 
  t  
For stiffened panel under uniaxial compression without lat- The radius of gyration r for the cross section can be found
eral pressure, the strength model as given by equation 19.55 when the moment of inertia I has been established. To com-
(Herzog) applies. pute I, the location of neutral axis must be calculated:
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-31

TABLE 19.XXIII Given Dimensions of the Stiffened Panel Now try t = 0.65 cm and a =195 cm, hence,
Variable Value (cm) A p = bt = 61 ( 0.65 ) = 39.7 cm 2
Width of plating, b 61.0
A s = t f f w + t w d w = 10.26 cm 2
Stiffener web depth, dw 11.50
Fys A s + Fyp A p 248 (10.26 ) + 235 ( 39.7 )
Fy = =
Stiffener flange breadth, fw 4.5 As + A p 10.26 + 39.7
Stiffener web thickness, tw 0.52 = 337.7 MPa
Check the slenderness ratio b/t:
Stiffener flange thickness, tf 0.95
b 61
= = 94 > 45
t 0.65
Therefore, the following equation applies:

1  0.5 ( 61) ( 0.5 )   ka Fy 

y= Fu = m F y  0.5 + 0.5  1 − 
10.26 + 30.5  2 rπ

  E  
+  0.5 +
11.5 
(11.5 ) ( 0.52 )  
 2  × 1 − 0.007  − 45  
  t  
+  0.5 + 11.5 + ( 0.95 ) ( 4.5 ) 
0.95 
 2   Again, the radius of gyration r for the cross section can be
= 2.41 cm from the base of the plating. found when the moment of inertia I is established. To com-
pute I, the location of neutral axis must be calculated:
Therefore, I = 717.2 cm4, and
1 0.65
I 717.2 y=
10.26 + 30.5  2
( 61) ( 0.5 )
r = = = 4.2 cm
A 10.26 + 30.5
+  0.65 +
11.5 
Assuming m and k both equal to one (see Tables 19.XII and  2 
(11.5 ) ( 0.52 )
XIII), we have
+  0.65 + 11.5 + ( 0.95 ) ( 4.5 ) 
0.95 
Fu = (1)( 338.3 )  2  
  205 338.3   = 2.1 cm from the base of the plating.
×  0.5 + 0.5  1 −
  ( 4 .2 ) π 200 , 000  
Therefore, I = 758.4 cm4, and
 
× 1 − 0.07  − 45   = 106.1 MPa
  I 758.4
 0 . 5  r = = = 3.9 cm
A 10.26 + 39.7
In reference to Tables 19.XVII and XX, and for a target re-
Assuming m and k both equal to one (see Tables XII and
liability index β0 = 4.0 as given, the following partial safety
XIII), we have
factors are obtained for use in the design equation:
φ = 0.57, γSW = 1.05, γW = 1.7, and γD = 1.1 Fu = (1)( 337.7 )

Therefore,   205 337.7  

×  0.5 + 0.5  1 −
  ( 3.9 ) π 200 , 000  
φFu = 0.57(106.1) = 60.5 MPa
 
× 1 − 0.007  − 45  
= γSW fSW + kW (γW fW + γD kD fD) 61
  0.65  
= (1.05)(1.035) + (1)[1.7(31) + (1.1)(0.7)(15.2)]
= 65.5 MPa = 145.8 MPa
(φ Fu = 60.5 MPa ) < 65.5 MPa; this is unacceptable φFu = 0.57(145.8) = 83.1 MPa
19-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

= γSW fSW + kW (γW fW + γD kD fD) 3. Ellingwood, B., Galambos, T. V., MacGregor, J. G., Cornell,
= (1.05) (1.035) + (1) [1.7(31) + (1.1) (0.7) (15.2)] C. A., “Development of a Probability Based Load Criterion
= 65.5 MPa for American National Standard A58,” National Bureau of
Standards, Special Publication No. 577, 1980
(φ Fu = 83.1 MPa ) > 65.5 MPa; this is acceptable 4. Manual of Steel Construction, “Load and Resistance Factors
Design,” American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC),
Hence, select t = 6.5 mm, and a = 195 cm
Inc. 1986
5. Hughes, O. F., “Ship Structural Design, A rationally-Based,
Computer-Aided Optimization Approach,” The Society of
EXAMPLE 19.8: Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Jersey City, NJ, 1988
ADEQUACY CHECKING FOR GROSS PANEL 6. Vroman, R. H., “An Analysis Into the Uncertainty of Stiff-
ened Panel Ultimate Strength,” USNA, Trident Scholar Re-
Given: port Project, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD,
Assume a target reliability level of 2.5, check the adequacy 1995
of the following gross panel: 7. Soares, C. G., “Design Equation for Ship Plate Element under
Uniaxial Compression,” Naval Architecture and Marine En-
Ix = 666 cm4
gineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Elsevier Science
Iy = 1103 cm4
Publishers Ltd, England, Printed in Malta, 1992
N=5 8. Bruchman, D. and Dinsenbacher, A., “Permanent Set of Lat-
n=3 erally Loaded Plating: New and Previous Methods,” SSPD-
a = 152 cm 91–173–58, David Taylor Research Center, Bethesda, MD,
b = 61 cm 1991
9. Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I., Atua, K., Engle, A., Hess, P.,
Solution: Karaszewski, Z., Kihl, D., Melton, W., Sielski, R. A., Sieve,
For gross panel, the strength is given by equation 19.58 as M., Waldman, J., and White, G. J., “Reliability-based Design
of Ship Structures: Current Practice and Emerging Tech-
Iy ( n + 1) 5  b
nologies,” Research Report to the US Coast Guard, SNAME,
φg ≥
2  a
nπ 2  0.25 + 3 
Ix T & R Report R-53, 1998
 N  10. Ditlevsen, O. and Madsen, H. O., Structural Reliability Meth-
ods, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
For target reliability index of 2.5, Table 19.XXI gives φg = 11. Kumamoto, H., and Henley, E. J., “ Probabilistic Risk As-
0.78, therefore, sessment and Management for Engineers and Scientists,”
Second Edition, IEEE Press, NY, 1996
Iy 1103 12. Hasofer, A. M. and Lind, N. C., “Exact and Invariant Sec-
φg = 0.78 = 1.29
Ix 666 ond Moment Code Format,” Journal of Engineering Me-
chanics, ASCE, 100(EM1): 111–121, 1974
( n + 1) 5  b
13. Mansour, A. E., Wirsching, P. H., White, G. J. and Ayyub, B.
2  a
nπ 2  0.25 + 3  M., “Probability-Based Ship Design: Implementation of De-
 N  sign Guidelines,” SSC 392, NTIS, Washington, D.C., 190
( 3 + 1) 5  61 
pages, 1996
= 14. Ellingwood, B. and Galambos, T. V., “Probability-Based Cri-
 2   152  teria for Structural Design,” Structural Safety, 1: 15–26, 1982
( 3 π 2 )  0.25 + 
 ( 5)3  15. Ang , A. H-S., Tang, W. H., “Probability Concepts in Engi-
= 1.35 neering Planning and Design,” Vol. II Decision, Risk, and Re-
liability, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1990
Since 1.29 < 1.35, the gross panel will be inadequate. 16. Haldar, A. and Mahadevan, S., “Probability, Reliability and
Statistical Methods in Engineering Design,” John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., NY, 1900
19.7 REFERENCES 17. Assakkaf, I. A., “Reliability-based Design of Panels and Fa-
1. Ayyub, B. M., and McCuen, R. H., “Probability, Statistics tigue Details of Ship Structures,” A dissertation submitted to
and Reliability for Engineers,” CRC Press LLC, 1997 the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Mary-
2. Faulkner, D., “A Review of Effective Plating for Use in the land, College Park in partial fulfillment of the requirements
Analysis of Stiffened Plating in Bending and Compression,” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1998
Journal of Ship Research, 19(1), 1–17, 1975 18. Byars, E. F., and Snyder, R. D., “Engineering Mechanics of
Chapter 19: Reliability-based Structural Design 19-33

Deformable Bodies,” Third Edition, Thomas Y. Crowell Com- sign,” Third Edition, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc. 1990
pany Inc., 427–430, 1975 26. Atua, K., Assakkaf, I. A., and Ayyub, B. M., “Statistical Char-
19. AASHTO LRFD Manual, “AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design acteristics of Strength and Load Random Variables of Ship
Specifications,” Published by the American Association of Structures,” Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Relia-
State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1994 bility, Proceeding of the Seventh Specialty Conference,
20. API Bulletin 2V, “Bulletin on Design of Flat Plate Struc- Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, 1996
tures,” American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, 1993 27. Bleich, F., “Buckling Strength of Metal Structures,” Mc-
21. McCormac, J. C., “Structural Steel Design, LRFD Method,” Graw-Hill, 1952
Second Edition, HarperCollins College Publishers, NY, 1995 28. Frieze, P. A., Dowling, P. J., and Hobbs, R. W., “Ultimate Load
22. Atua, K. I., “Reliability-Based Structural Design of Ship Hull Behavior of Plates in Compression,” International Sympo-
Girders and Stiffened Panels,” A dissertation submitted to sium on Steel Plated Structures, Crosby Lockwood Staples,
the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Mary- London 1977
land, College Park in partial fulfillment of the requirements 29. Valsgard, S., “Numerical Design Prediction of the Capacity
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1998 of Plates in Biaxial In-Plane Compression,” Computers and
23. Sikora, J. P., Dinsenbacher, A., and Beach, J. A., “A Method Structures, 12: 729–939, 1980
for Estimating Lifetime Loads and Fatigue Lives for Swath 30. DnV, “Rules for the Design Construction and Inspection of
and Conventional Monohull Ships,” Naval Engineers Jour- Offshore Structures,” Appendix C., Steel Structures, Det
nal, ASNE, 63–85, 1983 Norske Veritas, 1322 Hovik, Norway, 1977
24. Mansour, A. E., Jan, H. Y., Zigelman, C. I., Chen,Y. N., Hard- 31. Herzog, A. M., “Simplified Design of Unstiffened and Stiff-
ing, S. J., “Implementation of Reliability Methods to Marine ened Plates,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 113 (10):
Structures,” Trans. Society of Naval Architects and Marine 2111–2124, 1987
Engineers, 92: 11–19, 1984 32. Adamchak, J. C., “Design Equations for Tripping of Stiff-
25. Salmon, C. G., and Johnson, J. E., “Steel Structures, Design eners under Inplane and Lateral Loads,” DTNSRDC Report
and Behavior, Emphasizing Load and Resistance Factor De- 79/064, Carderock, MD, 1979
Chapter 19 Appendix: 1. Assume a design point x*i and obtain x' *i in the reduced
coordinate using the following equation:
First-Order Reliability Method x ∗i − µ X i
x '∗ = [A2]
The First-Order Reliability Method (FORM) is a conven- i σXi
ient tool to assess the reliability of a ship structural element.
It also provides a means for calculating the partial safety where, x' *i = α*i β, µXi = mean value of the basic random
factors φ and γi that appear in Equation 1 for a specified tar- variable, and σXi= standard deviation of the basic ran-
get reliability level β0. The simplicity of the first-order re- dom variable. The mean values of the basic random vari-
liability method stems from the fact that this method, beside ables can be used as initial values for the design points.
the requirement that the distribution types must be known, The notation x*and x' * are used respectively for the de-
requires only the first and second moments; namely the sign point in the regular coordinates and in the reduced
mean values and the standard deviations of the respective coordinates.
random variables. Knowledge of the joint probability den- 2. Evaluate the equivalent normal distributions for the non-
sity function (PDF) of the design basic variables is not normal basic random variables at the design point using
needed as in the case of the direct integration method for the following equations:
calculating the reliability index β. Even if the joint PDF of
the basic random variables is known, the computation of β
by the direct integration method can be a very difficult task.

X = x −Φ
µN −1 F ( x ∗ ) σ N
X X ( ) [A3]

In design practice, there are usually two types of limit and

states: the ultimate limit states and the serviceability limit
states. Both types can be represented by the following per-
( Φ −1 ( FX ( x ∗ ) ) )
formance function: X = [A4]
fX ( x∗ )
g(X) = g(X1, X2, ..., Xn) [A1]
where µNX = mean of the equivalent normal distribution,
in which X is a vector of basic random variables (X1, X2, σNX = standard deviation of the equivalent normal distri-
..., Xn) for the strengths and the loads. The performance bution, FX(x∗) = original (non-normal) cumulative dis-
function g(X) is sometimes called the limit state function. tribution function (CDF) of Xi evaluated at the design
It relates the random variables for the limit-state of inter- point, fX(x∗) = original probability density function (PDF)
est. The limit state is defined when g(X) = 0, and therefore,
of Xi evaluated at the design point, Φ(⋅) = CDF of the
failure occurs when g(X) < 0 (see Figure 19.A1). The reli-
standard normal distribution, and φ(⋅) = PDF of the stan-
ability index β is defined as the shortest distance from the
dard normal distribution.
origin to the failure surface in the reduced coordinates at
the most probable failure point (MPFP) as shown in Figure 3. Compute the directional cosines at the design point
19.A1. (α*i , i = 1,2, ..., n) using the following equations:
As indicated in this chapter, the basic approach for de-
veloping reliability-based design guidelines and rules re-  ∂g 
 ' 
quires the determination of the relative reliability of designs  ∂x i ∗
based on current practices. Therefore, reliability assessment α ∗i = for i = 1, 2, ,n [A4]
n  ∂g 
of existing structural components of ships such as the hull
girder and its structural elements is needed to estimate a rep- ∑  ∂x 'i 
i =1 ∗
resentative value of the reliability index β. The first-order-
reliability method is very well suited to perform such a where
reliability assessment. The following are computational
steps as described in [3] for determining β using the FORM  ∂g   ∂g 
 =  ∂x  σXi
N [A5]
 ' ∗
method:  ∂x i ∗ i
Chapter [(H1F)]: [(H2F)] 19-35

L` = reduced coordinate of
g( R , L ) = 0.0

Most Limit State in Reduced

Probable Coordinates
Failure Point ( R *, L* )
R = resistance or strength
L = load

R` = reduced
g < 0.0 of R
Figure 19.A1 Space of Reduced Random Variables Showing the Reliability Index and the Most Probable Failure Point

4. With α*i, µNXi, and σNXi now known, the following equa- the load effects, and coefficient of variation of the strength,
tion can be solved for the root β: the mean value of the resistance and the partial safety fac-
tors can be determined by the iterative solution of Equations
g µ N
 X 1
− α ∗X σ N
1 X1
β , ) , ( µ NX n n n
N β  = 0
− α ∗X σ X
[A6] A2 through A7. The mean value of the resistance and the
design point can be used to compute the required mean par-
5. Using the β obtained from step 4, a new design point can tial design safety factors as follows:
be obtained from the following equation:
φ= [A10]
x ∗i = µ N ∗ N µR
Xi − αi σXi β [A7]
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 until a convergence of β is achieved. γi = [A11]
The reliability index is the shortest distance to the fail-
ure surface from the origin in the reduced coordinates The strength factors are generally less than one, whereas
as shown in Figure A1. the load factors are greater than one.
The important relation between the probability of failure and
the reliability (safety) index is given by Equation 14.
A.1 PROCEDURE FOR CALCULATING PARTIAL In developing design code provisions for ship structural
SAFETY FACTORS (PSF) USING FORM components, it is sometimes necessary to follow the cur-
The first-order reliability method (FORM) can be used to rent design practice to insure consistent levels of reliabil-
estimate partial safety factors such those found in the design ity over various types of ship structures. Calibrations of
format of Equation 21. At the failure point (R*, L*1, ..., L*n), existing design codes is needed to make the new design for-
the limit state of Equation 21 can be rewritten as mats as simple as possible and to put them in a form that is
familiar to the users or designers. Moreover, the partial
g = R ∗ − L∗1 − ... − L∗n = 0 [A8] safety factors for the new codes should provide consistent
levels of reliability. For a given reliability index β and prob-
or, in a general form ability characteristics for the resistance and the load effects,
g ( X ) = g ( x 1∗ , x ∗2 , ..., x ∗n ) = 0 [A9] the partial safety factors determined by the FORM approach
might be different for different failure modes for the same
For given target reliability index β0, probability distri- structural component. Therefore, the calculated partial safety
butions and statistics (means and standard deviations) of factors (PSFs) need to be adjusted in order to maintain the
19-36 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

same values for all loads at different failure modes by the tial safety factor can be revised for a given set of load
strength factor φ for a given set of load factors. The fol- factors as follows:
lowing algorithm can be used to accomplish this objective: n
• For a given value of the reliability index β, probability dis- ∑ γ `i µ L i
tributions and statistics of the load variables, and the coeffi- φ` = i =1 [A12]
cient of variation for the strength, compute the mean strength µR
needed to achieve the target reliability using the first-order where = revised strength factor, and µR are the mean val-
reliability method as outlined in the previous sections. ues of the loads and strength variables, respectively; and,
• With the mean value for R computed in step 1, the par- γ `i = 1, 2, ..., n, are the given set of load factors.
Figure 20.1 Design for Wood versus Design for Steel for Barrels and Ships
Hull Materials and Welding

Volker Bertram and Thomas Lamb

20.1 INTRODUCTION sign details, material selection, joining, and quality assur-
ance requirements. This chapter cannot completely cover
20.1.1 General all aspects of the subject, but the references can be read to
This chapter is an update of the corresponding chapter in the deepen the designer’s knowledge.
previous edition of this book (1). This is possible because The following materials are predominantly used in ship-
much of the material has not changed. This is not to suggest building:
that there have been no significant changes in the materials
used in ship construction or in the welding processes used to • rolled plain steel for usual applications (plates and pro-
join the many parts of a ship together. Where such changes files for ship hull, foundations, etc.),
have been introduced over the past 20 years they are addressed. • rolled special steel (high-tensile steels, low-temperature
Structural design requires a solid understanding of ma- steels e.g. for LNG tankers, corrosion resistant steel for
terials, production processes (Chapter 25), loads and struc- product tankers, non-magnetic steel for compass area),
tural behavior (Chapter 18). Progress in materials and • cast steel (parts of rudder, stern, stem),
production methods has always (with some delay) resulted • forged steel (parts of the equipment like anchors, chains,
in changes in structural design. A classical example is the rudder shaft),
faired shape of wooden ships towards hulls avoiding dou- • nonferrous metals, particularly aluminum (compass area,
ble curvatures and maximizing flat plates in largely robot- superstructure, boats) and copper-nickel alloys (pipes),
ized steel shipbuilding (Figure 20.1). Often, the introduction and
of a new type of design drives the development of a new • plastic and wood (interior equipment, boats, pipes).
type material or analysis to permit the new design to achieve Steel continues to be the dominant material for ship-
a safe life. By the early 2000s, shipbuilders are faced with building despite increasing use of alternative materials such
continuous innovation, such as laser welding, adhesive bond- as aluminum, fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP), and other
ing, and composites. composite materials. Table 20.I by Wilckens (2) gives ex-
amples of steel plate consumption for some ship types. Ma-
terial costs (2002) are typically, (2):
20.1.2 Materials in Shipbuilding
• $ 500/ton for shipbuilding steel,
To meet the challenges presented by new developments, the
• $ 2900/ton aluminum,
ship designer must understand and apply principles from
• $ 7500/ton FRP, and
metallurgy, welding engineering, nondestructive testing,
• $ 15 000/ton composites.
and the materials sciences. Knowledge of the basic princi-
ples of these fields will provide more efficient and reliable The higher value materials are predominantly used for
ship structural designs through selection of appropriate de- high-speed craft, yachts and naval ships. In the former So-

20-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 20.I Typical Steel Plate Consumption and

Material Thickness for Several Ship Types
Required plates Plate thickness

Tanker (280 000 tdw) 42 000 t 13–58 mm

Tanker (200 000 tdw) 28 000 t 13–55 mm
Bulker (150 000 tdw) 20 000 t 14–55 mm
Tanker (120 000 tdw) 17 000 t 12–48 mm
Containership (4500 TEU) 14 000 t 13–78 mm
LNG tanker (50 000 tdw) 11 000 t 9–48 mm
Containership (1000 TEU) 5000 t 12–65 mm

viet Union, titanium was used as a shipbuilding material,

particularly for submarines. Titanium has also been used on
some highly loaded hydrofoil joints, but is otherwise far
Figure 20.2 Typical Tension Test Specimens (1)
too expensive.

20.2 MATERIAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS Proportional and elastic limit tests are not usually required
in structural material production testing, but are useful to
20.2.1 Tensile Properties designers.
The most commonly used properties for design calculations As stress increases above the proportional limit, a given
and material acceptance are determined from the tensile increase in stress produces a relatively greater amount of
test. Specimens and procedures for tensile testing vary be- strain. For ordinary strength structural steels, a stress is
tween different products. Those described in this chapter reached where an increase in strain occurs without any in-
are applicable to hull steel plate. Classification Societies crease in stress. In some cases a decrease in stress may occur
Rules and Navy specifications generally provide applica- as the material stretches. The stress at the first point of in-
ble requirements for conventional designs. For other mate- creased strain without increased stress is designated as the
rials and/or for more complete requirements and details, yield point. Not all materials have this behavior. Alternate
read the American Society for Testing and Materials methods for determining conformity to a yield point re-
(ASTM) specifications E8 and A370 covering the test meth- quirement, which are generally accepted in testing normal
ods applicable to the specific material of concern. Figure strength hull steel, are the divider, extension under load,
20.2 shows typical tensile specimens (rectangular 200 mm and drop of the beam methods.
gage length and round 50 mm gage length). Figure 20.3 Materials such as high-strength steels and non-ferrous
shows the behavior of such specimens under applied load. alloys do not exhibit a definite (yield) point at which strain
Gage refers to the distance between two marks punched occurs without increased stress. For these materials, a re-
onto the specimen prior to tensile test. lated value of yield strength is pertinent. Yield strength is
When a tensile load is applied to a specimen, it produces the unit stress (force/area) at which a material exhibits a
a proportional amount of stretching (the engineering term specified limiting deviation from the proportionality of stress
is strain) between the gage points. The maximum unit stress to strain; the strain is usually expressed in terms of a 0.2%
at which the strain remains directly proportioned to the offset or as a 0.5% extension (strain) under load.
stress is known as the proportional or elastic limit, and Tensile strength refers to the maximum unit tensile stress
marks the upper limit of elastic strain. that a material is capable of sustaining. It is calculated from
The slope of the stress-strain plot from zero to the elas- the maximum load divided by the original cross sectional
tic limit represents the modulus of elasticity. Short duration area of the specimen. Percent elongation and reduction in
elastic strain returns to zero when the stress returns to zero. area are calculated on the percent difference in gage length
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-3

or cross section area, respectively, of the specimen before

and after test. Tensile strength is independent of specimen
dimension. Percent elongation and percent reduction in area
are highly dependent upon gage lengths and specimen di-
mensions and should be determined with specimens of ap-
propriate standard dimensions.

20.2.2 Material Tests

The bend test is a qualitative method of measuring ductil-
ity in which a specimen is bent around a mandrel of a spec-
ified diameter. The bend test has been eliminated as a hull
steel specification requirement, although it is still widely
used for evaluation of weld joints in procedure and opera-
tor qualification tests. In such tests a rectangular bar is bent
around a mandrel, which varies in diameter depending on
the elongation requirement for the weldment. The higher
the strength, the greater the diameter. For ordinary strength
steels a 38 mm wide by 9.5 mm thick specimen and a 19
mm radius mandrel are used.
Hardness tests determine the hardness of steel is deter-
mined by indenting the surface with an indenter having a spe-
cific geometry under a specific load, and measuring the
resultant impression. A softer material will indent more than
a harder material. The Brinell Test measures the diameter of
the impression made by a steel ball. The Rockwell test in-
dicates the hardness directly from the depth of an impres-
sion from a diamond cone or steel ball indenter. In both tests,
different loads and indenters are used for different hardness
levels. Both tests may be used to estimate tensile strength in
steels, to check the uniformity of a material, to indicate the
thermal effects of heat treating or welding on the base metal,
as well as to determine hardness where abrasion is of con-
cern. Table 20.II indicates the general relationship between
hardness values and tensile strength of steel. As all the stan-
dard hardness tests methods measure surface hardness, there
can be inaccuracies in relating these values to the material
strength. Materials with surface hardness treatments, such
as cold rolling, carburizing, nitriding and thermal surface
hardening, may have tensile strength values lower than pre-
dicted using the comparisons shown in Table 20.II. Design-
ers are cautioned to use tensile testing to determine the Figure 20.3 Stress-Strain Graphs of Ordinary Steel (top) and High-strength
strength of materials, not hardness testing. Steel (bottom) (1)
Fatigue tests determine fatigue properties of a material
(see Chapter 18 – Analysis and Design of Ship’s Structure).
A wide variety of specimens ranging from the small ro-
tating beam and flat cantilever (Kraus) specimens to full- tests for ship structures are by nature limited to relatively
scale models are used in fatigue testing. Fatigue tests are small details, which already require considerable effort to
usually limited to base material and individual welds. Due to test. The fatigue life of laboratory material specimens and real
the stochastic nature of fatigue, it is necessary to test always ship structures of complex three-dimensional design and
several specimens, particularly for welded structures. Fatigue multi-axial stress conditions may differ considerably.
20-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 20.II Approximate Relationship Between

Hardness and Tensile Strength of Steel
Hardness Strength
Brinell1 Rockwell B2 Rockwell C3 MPa

293 — 31 1000
285 — 30 965
273 — 28 931
262 — 27 896
255 — 26 862
245 — 24 827
235 99 22 793 Figure 20.4 Idealized Charpy V-notch Energy Curve (1)
224 97 21 758
217 96 — 724
207 95 — 690
rate of loading, notch acuity, flaw size, structural and local
197 93 — 655
restraint, alloy microstructure, and nature of the loading. Pre-
187 91 — 621 vailing practice is to use an empirically established tough-
173 88 — 586 ness criterion that can be related to service performance.
163 85 — 552 The Charpy V-notch Test (CVN) is the most widely used
154 82 — 517 empirical toughness test and forms the basis for evaluation
of many ship steels. An extensive background of CVN data
143 79 — 483
is available which relates hull steel toughness to service
130 72 — 448 performance. In addition, it is a rapid, simple and econom-
121 70 — 414 ical test that is accepted worldwide. A disadvantage of the
CVN test is that it is only indirectly related to fracture me-
1. Brinell Hardness for No. 10 mm Standard Ball. chanics concepts and cannot be used quantitatively in de-
2. Rockwell B using 100 Kg load & 1.6 mm Ball. sign. Also, the significance of a specific test energy value
3. Rockwell C using 150 Kg load & Brale Penetrator. varies for different families of alloys and strength levels.
However, because of its advantages, the CVN test is the
principal toughness test specified for materials and welds
in shipbuilding as well as in most structural and pressure
20.2.3 Toughness Properties vessel codes.
Investigations of brittle fractures in ship hulls during World The CVN specimen is supported as a cantilever beam
War II revealed that steel which fractures in a fibrous (duc- and broken by a single blow of a swinging pendulum weight
tile) mode with the absorption of a large amount of energy released from a fixed height. The difference between the ini-
will, at some lower temperature, fracture in a crystalline tial height of the weight and the height to which it rises after
(brittle) mode with the absorption of very little energy (Fig- breaking the specimen is a measure of the energy absorbed
ure 20.4). The range in which the fracture mode changes in breaking the specimen. In some instances the lateral ex-
from ductile to brittle is referred to as the transition tem- pansion of the specimen in the area of the fracture may be
perature range. Within this range a specific transition tem- used as the criterion. In general, for a given steel and strength
perature value is determined by an arbitrary level of level, lateral expansion will be proportional to energy ab-
performance in a selected toughness test. Numerous tests sorbed. Fracture surface percentage appearing crystalline
have been devised to measure transition temperature and re- may also be reported for information. CVN values are sen-
late transition temperature and energy absorption to serv- sitive to plate rolling direction (higher parallel to rolling di-
ice performance. Transition temperature, however, is not a rection, lower transverse to rolling direction).
material constant since it is influenced by factors such as In the Drop Weight Test (DWT), the specimen with a
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-5

notched brittle crack starter bead is subjected at various test factor KId for dynamic or impact loading. KId can be re-
temperatures to an impact load from a falling weight. The lated mathematically to applied dynamic stress, crack geom-
highest temperature at which a crack forms and propagates etry, crack size, and the configuration in the immediate
to a specimen edge is defined as the nil-ductility tempera- vicinity of the crack front. Using the DT test energy at a
ture. The nil-ductility temperature represents the highest given temperature (such as the lowest expected service tem-
temperature at which a material will exhibit brittle per- perature), the designer can estimate the tolerable flaw size
formance in the presence of a small flaw at low levels of for structural members at an assumed dynamic stress. Con-
applied stress. For normal strength hull steels, at a temper- versely the design stress level appropriate for an assumed
ature approximately 33°C above nil-ductility temperature, flaw size in the structure could also be calculated.
the applied stress must generally exceed yield strength for Another test used extensively in hull structural materi-
fracture propagation; at approximately 67°C above nil-duc- als research is the Crack Opening Displacement (COD) test.
tility temperature, fractures are fully ductile when tensile This test applies a static load to the specimen. It can be used
strength is exceeded. The Drop Weight Test is often ac- to establish a critical stress intensity factor KIc. This factor
cepted as an alternative to the CVN test. Some of the fac- can be used in static loading relationships in the same man-
tors that limit its use are: ner as KId is used for dynamic loading.
In addition, large-scale tests such as the explosion tear
• test facilities are not as available as for the CVN tests,
test, explosion bulge test and various notched wide-plate
• it does not provide information as to energy absorption,
tests have been used to study fracture.
Steel transition temperature increases with loading rates.
• the background of service-related experience is not as
A steel which exhibits a ductile performance and high frac-
extensive as that of the CVN.
ture-energy absorption at a given temperature at a slow load-
In addition, anomalous behavior may occur in a mate- ing rate may fracture in a brittle manner with little or no
rial, which develops a tough heat-affected zone (HAZ) at energy absorption with a faster rate of imposition of the
the edge of the crack-starter weld bead used in the test. The same load at a different temperature. Similar differences in
principal advantage of the test is that it can accurately es- fracture performance are associated with increases in notch
tablish the nil-ductility temperature on a wide variety of fer- acuity. These factors should be taken into account in com-
ritic steels. This nil-ductility temperature is more directly paring results of different fracture toughness tests, and in
related to design analyses involving fracture mechanics con- projecting results of such tests to service performance.
The need to characterize fractures and fatigue crack prop-
agation in terms of parameters which could be incorporated
into design analyses, such as stress and flaw size, has gen-
erated a variety of tests derived from fracture mechanics 20.3.1 Metallurgy
principles. A number of such tests have been applied to ship The properties of steel are determined by its microstructure.
structure research. Special fracture mechanics tests are par- This is influenced by the metallurgical composition, rolling
ticularly useful for evaluating new hull materials or new technique and heat treatment. Modern steel rolling equip-
material applications where correlative data between the ment allows detailed control of temperature and rolling pres-
CVN properties and service performance is insufficient or sure. The time history of pressure and temperature (together
not available. Special fracture mechanics tests have been with the chemical composition of steels) determines the
used for evaluating suitability of candidate high strength- crystalline structure and thus its properties.
to-weight ratio steel, aluminum and titanium alloys. Spe- The microstructure of shipbuilding steels consists of
cial tests have been used for predictions of crack growth in iron-carbide (cementite) dispersed in a matrix of ferrite (the
9% nickel steel and aluminum for tanks in liquefied natu- metallographic name for one form of iron in steel). As the
ral gas carriers, the estimation of crack arrest capabilities temperature of steel increases to a transformation temper-
of various steels, and for some failure analyses. ature, the iron, which is in the ferrite phase, transforms to
The Dynamic Tear (DT) Test has proven to be a con- another form of iron (austenite) in which the cementite is
venient and useful test to characterize fracture behavior. highly soluble. Upon cooling below the transformation tem-
The test measures the energy absorbed in fracturing a spec- perature, the austenite with dissolved cementite reverts back
imen held at a specified temperature by a falling weight or to ferrite and precipitated cementite. A laminated mi-
swinging pendulum. Relationships have been developed be- crostructure of cementite and ferrite, referred to as pearlite,
tween DT fracture energy values and the stress intensity is a major constituent of the common ship steels. In gen-
20-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

eral, the carbon content and rate of cooling influence the D, DS, CS and E are the most extensively used group of
microstructure, which in turn determines the strength and shipbuilding steels. The properties of these plain carbon
hardness of the resulting steel. Most hull structural steels steels depend on their chemical content and microstructure.
are cooled in air after hot rolling or heat treatment. How- In addition to carbon, these steels contain manganese, sili-
ever, some high strength hull steels above 350 MPa yield con, phosphorus, and sulfur. Minor amounts of other ele-
strength are water quenched from above their transforma- ments may also be present. Higher strength steels with yield
tion temperature and then tempered by heating to a tem- strengths up to 390 MPa, such as IACS grades AH, DH and
perature well below the transformation temperature. This EH are increasingly used. The higher working stresses per-
quenching and tempering treatment produces a mi- mitted with these steels allow reducing section thickness and
crostructure called tempered martensite, which is charac- weight. A major difference between these steels and ordi-
terized by high strength and toughness. nary strength steels is that the higher strength steels have
In low carbon steels, in the absence of deoxidizers, the special additions such as aluminum, niobium, and vana-
reaction of carbon with oxygen produces carbon monoxide dium, which promote microstructural improvements and
during ingot solidification. The resulting ingot has an outer strengthening. High strength low-alloy steels with yield
rim free of voids, and an inner zone containing voids de- strengths in the 415 MPa to 690 MPa yield strength range
rived from shrinkage and occluded gases. Such steels, which are occasionally used in marine applications. These steels
are identified as rimmed steels, are generally not used as hull utilize alloy additions and usually a quench and tempering
steels in thickness over 13 mm, because of their relative heat treatment to achieve the specified strength level. A va-
low quality. Semi-killed steels, derived from ingots that are riety of toughness levels is provided by controlling the man-
partially deoxidized, are better quality than rimmed steels ganese to carbon ratio, requiring deoxidation, grain refining
and are commonly used as hull structural steels. Killed steels and heat treatments or, in some cases, by requiring impact
which are completely freed of the gassing reaction by ad- testing of each plate or heat.
ditions of strong deoxidizing agents such as silicon or alu- Profiles and bars are generally made to the same chem-
minum, are the best quality of the three steel types. Fine ical composition and mechanical property requirements as
grain practice is the addition of elements such as aluminum, the corresponding grade of plate steel. However, the most
niobium, or vanadium to limit grain size during the period frequently used Grade A shape may have a slightly higher
of grain formation. Steel quality may be further enhanced maximum carbon content (0.26% versus 0.23%), the man-
by subjecting the steel to a normalizing heat treatment, ganese requirement is waived, and the upper limit of the ten-
which homogenizes and refines the grain structure. Nor- sile strength range is higher. These modifications make it
malizing involves reheating steel to a temperature above its compatible with those of the ASTM structural steel Grade
transformation range and cooling in air. Fine grain prac- A36, which is the most widely used and available indus-
tice, fully killing and normalizing enhance steel quality. trial structural steel shape. In the case of cold flanging steel,
requirements for tensile strength range and minimum yield
point are reduced approximately 10% as compared to or-
20.3.2 Classification Society Steels dinary plates.
Each of the individual classification societies have material Heavy structural members of complicated shapes such
specifications for structural steels which are intended to as rudder parts, anchor bolsters, hawse transitions and pro-
provide steels with adequate toughness without being ex- peller shafting supports are generally produced as steel cast-
cessively costly and which can be readily fabricated with ings. The grade of steel casting specified in the ABS Rules
shipyard equipment, processes and welding techniques. An for Building and Classing Steel Vessels is substantially sim-
attempt was made to unify material specifications in 1959 ilar to the ASTM A27 Grade 60–30, which is readily weld-
(3) and that effort continues today under the auspices of the able and has mechanical properties that approximate those
International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). of ordinary steel. Higher strength steel castings are usually
Classification Society Rules (4) contain tables with the purchased to the requirements of ASTM or other recog-
relationship of the various treatments to grade and thick- nized commercial specifications. In designing large com-
ness of hull steels and impact characteristics. Grades of plex castings, it is often advisable to confer with foundry
higher strength steel are designated by a letter followed by personnel to assure that the final design selected is com-
a two-digit number indicating the yield strength in kp/mm2, patible with the foundry techniques necessary to provide
for example AH36 has a yield strength of 36 kp/mm2 = 355 sound castings. It may be desirable to divide a large cast-
MPa. ing into simpler units to allow for optimum casting and then
Ordinary strength hull steels such as IACS Grades A, B, weld the units together. In spite of these precautions, cast-
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-7

ings are likely to be non-homogeneous. At the shipyard, the service condition for the section involved. Forgings
cracks, sand inclusions, gas holes, and internal shrinkage are also likely to contain non-metallic inclusions, which
may be revealed. The extent of repairs required in such cases are generally elongated in the direction of the forging and
must be determined by consideration of the service condi- of relatively small cross section. Inclusions of moderate
tions and the location and extent of the non-homogeneous size and concentration are not particularly harmful. When
areas in each individual case. Because of their potent stress encountered, inclusions should be evaluated by size, con-
increasing effect, cracks should be excavated completely centration, and location.
and the area repaired by welding. Rounded discontinuities
caused by internal shrinkage, sand and gas holes are less
objectionable in this respect, and complete excavation may 20.3.3 Further Relevant Specifications
be unnecessary when they occur in sections of low stress. Certain ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materi-
However, these defects are likely to interfere with sound als) grades of steel have been used as substitutes for IACS
welding and weld NDT. If castings will be incorporated steels and to meet requirements for strength levels above
into the hull structure by welding, they should be examined those provided by the classification society steels. Steels
closely and conditioned (repaired) in the welding areas. with yield strengths from 350 MPa to 690 MPa have been
Prompt fabrication and inspection of castings upon receipt found particularly advantageous for:
at the shipyard are necessary because of the time delay in
• container ships, where relatively small deck areas are
procuring large castings. If the initial castings received prove
available for the development of required hull girder
to be unsuitable to the extent that repair welding is uneco-
nomical, the time required for replacement may interfere
• the legs of jack-up drilling units where the strength to
seriously with building schedules. Steel castings used for
weight ratio of the leg structure may be particularly im-
critical applications, such as stern frames and rudder horns
portant, and
may be subjected to nondestructive test examination. The
• combatants, where their resistance to damage is needed.
designer may have to require supplementary nondestructive
tests for castings in critical welded assemblies to assure In considering use of the high-strength steels, fabrica-
soundness in way of welded connections. To improve weld- tion and cost trade offs and the proportion of increased
ability and reduce residual stress, castings may be required strength that can effectively be utilized in the design should
to be subjected to a homogenizing annealing or normaliz- be taken into consideration.
ing heat treatment before welding or delivery. There are a series of standards corresponding to the
Forgings are used for applications where the shape is ASTM Standards (ISO—International), (BSI—British),
comparatively simple (such as anchors and rudder stocks), (CSA—Canadian), (DIN—German), (NF—French), (JIS—
but not sufficiently so for adaptation to a rolling process, Japanese). Ross (5) relates ASTM and foreign steel grades.
and where there is a desire for better homogeneity than Military specifications cover steels analogous to those
can be obtained in castings. While forgings are made in a of IACS and ASTM grades. In addition, expensive high-yield
wide variety of alloy steels of different mechanical prop- steels provide yield strength levels of 550 MPa to 900 MPa
erties, those used for structural applications are usually of and provide superior fracture toughness. However, welding
low-carbon steel (0.35 maximum), of welding quality, and these higher strength steels require special precautions such
with mechanical properties about the same as those of as preheat, additional nondestructive testing, strict weld
structural plates and shapes. Hull steel forgings are usu- electrode control, as well as strict limitation of heat input
ally annealed or normalized and tempered to ABS or the and interpass temperature. Line heating is restricted, and
comparable ASTM A668, Grade BH requirements. Large forming and machining are more difficult and expensive.
forgings are made directly from a cast ingot and unless a Degradation of material properties adjacent to the welds
sufficient amount of work is done in forging to close and may offset the benefits of the higher yield in the base metal.
weld the porosity of the ingot, evidence of this condition
may appear in the forging. ABS Rules require the forging
to be less than one third the area of the ingot, except for 20.3.4 Ordered Material
large flanges, palms, and similar enlargements which may The steel used in shipbuilding comes in plates or profiles.
be not more than two thirds the area of the ingot. If the in- Plate dimensions differ from shipyard to shipyard. The max-
terior of these enlargements is exposed, as by machining, imum plate dimensions depend on external factors, for ex-
some of the ingot porosity may be evident. When this oc- ample railway limitations, and internal factors such as crane
curs, the condition must be evaluated as to its extent and facilities, and plate storage. Thickness of plates is increased
20-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

in steps of 0.5 mm. Actual plate dimensions follow from more susceptible to fold over, but they offer more section
many aspects: modulus per mass (important e.g. for reefers). The rela-
tively thin flange of the L-profiles allows easier longitudi-
• maximum possible dimensions,
nal butt welds than for HP profiles. Built profiles from flat
• volume sections,
steel are employed for large stiffeners (longitudinal deck and
• necessary steps in forming plates, and
bottom stiffeners in large ships, etc.) and in exact manu-
• scrap, etc.
Typical dimensions for standard plates that may be kept Naval ships have traditionally used symmetrical profiles
in storage at a shipyard are: such as Tees.
• 8000 x 2400 x 5…6.5 mm, and
• 12 000 x 2700 x 7…12 mm 20.3.5 Special Steels
Plates are delivered by steel manufacturers within mar- The common structural steels are intended for the service
gins of accuracy such as shown in Table 20.III. The plates normally encountered by most ships and marine structures.
can thus have considerable initial deformations. Special steels with enhanced properties are available where
Rolled or built profiles are used as stiffeners of plates in service conditions involve exposure to unusual tempera-
shipbuilding. The most popular profiles are Holland profiles tures, corrosion, or loading conditions. The use of special
(HP) following requirements such as EN 10067, angular steel may be mandated by requirements of a regulatory
profiles following national norms, and built profiles from agency or a design selection for improved serviceability.
flat steel welded using fillet welds. Profiles are ordered like Standard IACS grades can be applied as long as the serv-
plates following standard lengths or ordered to a certain ap- ice temperature lower limit is primarily related to the lowest
plication. Usually only one profile form (often Holland pro- possible sea temperature. Special steels for low-tempera-
files) is kept on stock to simplify storage management and ture applications are employed where extraordinary cool-
assembly plans. HP and L profiles are used for small and ing effects exist for example in refrigeration ships and
medium stiffeners, as they are cheaper than built profiles. liquefied natural gas carriers. They may also be used where
L-profiles are less available in qualities required in ship- steel temperatures are not moderated by ocean tempera-
building and feature a stronger asymmetry making them tures, as in the case of upper structure of mobile offshore

TABLE 20.III Admissible Deviations from Ideal Plane for Standard Plates, Euronorm EN 29
Nominal Measured Admissible deviation from plane for nominal plate width
Thickness Length
mm mm <1500 ≥1500 – <2000 ≥2000 – <2500 ≥2500 – <2750 ≥2750 – <3000 ≥3000 – <3250 ≥3250 – <3500 ≥3500 – <4000
≥3 – <4 1000 7 8 10 — — — — —
2000 14 18 22 — — — — —
≥4 – <6 1000 7 7 8 10 — — — —
2000 14 16 21 25 — — — —
≥6 – <8 1000 7 7 8 8 8 — — —
2000 14 14 16 17 20 — — —
≥8 – <10 1000 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 —
2000 13 13 14 15 16 18 20 —
≥10 – <20 1000 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9
2000 12 12 12 13 13 16 18 20
≥20 – <50 1000 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9
2000 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 16
≥50 1000 Individually agreed
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-9

drilling units (6). The special requirements associated with weldable type with high carbon, manganese, or chromium
submersibles and related underwater systems have led to the is not generally used for structural applications. The weld-
promulgation of special rules for such service (7). able type, similar to steels covered by ASTM A514, is avail-
The major structural application of corrosion resistant able in the standard structural condition or quenched and
steels in merchant ships is to provide a surface, which is re- tempered to high hardness levels for superior abrasion re-
sistant to chemical action from a liquid cargo. It is commonly sistance. For special cases where localized wear is en-
used in the form of a 1.3 mm to 2.5 mm protective cladding countered, hard facing structural steel with local weld
on ordinary steel plates. However, it may be used in solid overlays may be considered (10).
form for relatively thin plates and for shapes where the clad
product is not available. In cases where cargo tanks are also
used as ballast tanks, consideration should be given to the 20.4 NONFERROUS ALLOYS
corrosive effects of both media. Welding of stainless steels
can produce carbide precipitation in the Heat Affected Zone 20.4.1 Aluminum Alloys
(HAZ), which in turn reduces corrosion resistance. Using The advantages of aluminum alloys over steel are low den-
steel with extra low carbon minimizes this adverse effect. sity, high strength-to-weight ratio, and corrosion resistance
In some marine applications, such as the intersections in certain environments or retention of toughness at low
of principal members of mobile offshore drilling units, loads temperature. Aluminum alloys are frequently used in su-
are imposed perpendicular to the plate surfaces either as perstructures, and for the entire hull structure of some fer-
service loads, or by residual welding stresses. ries and small boats such as those serving the offshore
The strength properties of rolled steel are not isotropic, industry. The low density of aluminum alloys makes them
but depend rather on the rolling direction. Conventional particularly attractive for applications where high strength-
steels thus exhibit a much lower strength in perpendicular to-weight ratio.are of particular concern as in high-speed
direction to the plate, which is evidenced by laminar tear- craft.
ing, Figure 20.5 (8,9). Since aluminum alloys increase in strength and main-
Steels with improved through-thickness strength are pro- tain toughness as temperature decreases, they have proven
vided by means of a variety of special melting practices; particularly suitable for cryogenic services such as con-
the degree of resistance achieved is dependent on the par- tainment of liquefied natural gas. Aluminum alloys for
ticular practice used. plates, extrusions, forgings and castings are shown in Table
Attempts have been made to use ultrasonic nondestruc- 20.IV-A and Table 20.IV-B. Details of compositions, prop-
tive testing to assure adequate through thickness properties. erties and methods of inspection are contained, for exam-
Such methods may be useful for those cases where weak- ple, in the publications of the American National Standards
ness is due to gross plate laminations. They are not useful Institute (ANSI) (11).
for cases where the weakness is related to metallurgical The most widely used alloys for marine structures are
components in the microstructure. non-heat-treatable aluminum-magnesium alloys of the
The most common application for abrasion resistant 5XXX series. Plates are normally mildly strain hardened
steels is for components associated with the loading and (cold worked giving an H temper designation) to provide
unloading of bulk cargo. Two types of materials are avail- the desirable combination of strength and corrosion resist-
able for abrasion resistance in such applications. The non- ance. The 5454 alloy is used for applications where serv-
ice temperatures above 65°C are anticipated. Higher strength
forms of the 5XXX series, attained either by additional cold
work (up to fully hard) or by magnesium contents over 5%,
are not generally used, since they tend to exhibit an unde-
sirable increased susceptibility to stress corrosion. Where
special corrosion problems are anticipated, for example, in
stagnant bilge areas, the alloys may be provided in special
tempers (5083-H116, 5086-H117, 5454-H116), which are
particularly resistant to exfoliation. Exfoliation is a form of
intergranular corrosion, which produces delamination. Weld-
ing aluminum presents problems the designer must keep in
mind. In general, the base plate in the vicinity of welds in
Figure 20.5 Laminar Tearing (8) non-heat treatable alloys, such as the 5XXX series, is trans-
TABLE 20.IV-A Mechanical Property Limits of Sheet and Plate Aluminum— Non-Heat-Treatable Alloys
Ultimate Tensile Minimum Yield
Strength MPa Strength MPa
Alloy and Temper Thickness (mm) min. max. min. max. in 50 mm %

5052-0 3.0–6.5 172 214 66 — 20

6.6–75.0 172 214 66 — 18
5052-H32 3.0–6.5 214 262 159 — 9
6.6–12.5 214 262 159 — 11
12.6–51.0 214 262 159 — 12
5052-H34 3.0–6.5 234 283 179 — 7
6.6–25.0 234 283 179 — 10
5052-H112 6.5–12.5 193 — 110 — 7
12.6–51.0 172 — 66 — 12
51.1–75.0 172 — 66 — 16
5083-0 1.5–38.0 276 352 124 200 16
38.1–76.5 269 345 117 200 16
5083-H112 6.5–38.0 276 — 124 — 12
38.1–76.5 269 — 117 — 12
5083-H116 4.5–38.0 303 386 214 296 12
5083-H117 38.1–76.5 283 386 200 296 12
5083-H323 1.5–3.0 310 372 234 303 8
3.1–6.5 310 372 234 303 10
5083-H343 1.5–3.0 345 407 269 338 6
3.1–6.5 345 407 269 338 8
5086-0 1.5–6.5 241 303 97 — 18
6.6–51.0 241 303 97 — 16
5086-H112 4.5–12.5 248 — 124 — 8
12.6–25.5 241 — 110 — 10
25.6–51.0 241 — 9 — 14
51.1–76.5 234 — 97 — 14
5086-H116 and H117 1.5–6.5 276 324 193 — 8
6.6–51.0 276 324 193 — 12
5454-0 3.0–76.5 214 283 83 — 18
5454-H32 1.5–6.5 248 303 179 — 8
6.6–51.0 248 303 179 — 12
5454-H34 4.0–6.5 269 324 200 — 7
6.6–25.5 269 324 200 — 10
5454-H112 6.5–12.5 221 — 124 — 8
12.6–51.0 214 — 83 — 11
51.1–76.5 214 — 83 — 15
5456-0 1.5–38.0 290 365 131 207 16
38.1–76.5 283 359 124 207 16
5456-H112 6.5–38.0 290 — 131 — 12
38.1–76.5 283 — 124 — 12
5456-H116 and H117 4.5–15.5 317 407 228 317 12
15.6–32.0 317 386 228 310 12
32.1–38.0 303 386 214 296 12
38.1–76.5 283 386 200 296 12
5456-H323 1.5–3.0 331 400 248 317 6
3.1–6.5 331 400 248 317 8
5456-H343 1.5–1.0 365 434 283 352 6
3.1–6.5 365 434 283 352 8
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-11

TABLE 20.IV-B Mechanical Property Limits of Sheet and Plate Aluminum—Heat-Treatable Alloys
Thickness Minimum Tensile Minimum Yield Minimum Elongation
Alloy and Temper Type (mm) Strength (mm) 0.2% Offset MPa in 50 mm %
6061-T4 Sheet 0.5–6.3 207 110 16
6061-T451 Plate 6.4–25.4 207 110 18
25.4–76.2 207 110 16
6061-T6 Sheet 0.5–6.3 290 241 10
6061-T62 and T65 Plate 6.4–12.7 290 241 10
12.7–25.4 290 241 9
25.4–50.8 290 241 8
50.8–76.2 290 241 6

formed to an annealed condition by the welding heat. The be taken to avoid arrangements that could induce crevice
effect is to reduce tensile properties in the vicinity of the corrosion in wet spaces, including particularly corrosion
weld to the annealed or non-work hardened values. resistant material, sacrificial anodes or cathodic protection
Heat treatable aluminum alloys such as 6061-T6 develop systems.
strength by heating to an annealing temperature, water Compared with steel, aluminum alloys have relatively
quenching and then reheating to a lower temperature to low melting points and tend to lose strength rapidly upon
achieve a controlled precipitation of intermetallic compounds. exposure to elevated temperatures. Aluminum does not burn
The 6061-T6 alloy is occasionally used in marine service, par- in an exothermic reaction in the presence of flame. How-
ticularly for extrusions, since it extrudes more readily than ever, a fire in a compartment can heat the deck above, quickly
the 5083 or 5086 non-heat treatable alloys. The strength of weakening the deck sufficiently to let heavy objects fall
the 6061-T6 alloy is higher than that of the 5083 or 5086 al- through. In considering use of aluminum, due considera-
loys; however, in the 6061-T6 alloy, the strength, ductility and tion should be given to applications where retention of struc-
corrosion resistance of the area in the vicinity of welds are tural integrity would be required in fire exposure. The use
severely degraded by the heat of welding limiting the appli- of appropriate insulation protection should be considered
cability of the 6061 alloy for welded applications. for such applications (12).
Aluminum alloys generally do not experience excessive
corrosion under normal operating conditions. However,
aluminum alloys are anodic to steel and most other metals, 20.4.2 Copper-Nickel Alloys
that is aluminum and steel with a galvanic solution (such Copper-nickel alloys have been used as solid plate to 10
as salt water) between the two materials will result in the mm thick, and as copper-nickel clad steel over 10 mm in
aluminum sacrificing. thickness for small boats. The use of copper-nickel alloys
Such conditions may occur between faying surfaces of for ship hulls due to their inherent antifouling properties was
aluminum and other metals, between aluminum hulls and promoted in the 1970s with several demonstrator boats, but
non-aluminum piping or when non-aluminum piping passes the ease and cost advantages of applying effective antifouling
through aluminum bulkheads, decks, etc. In such cases, alu- paints to steel hulls have rendered copper-nickel alloys as
minum should be isolated from the other metal by means non-competitive for hulls. However, copper-nickel alloys are
of suitable non-water absorbing insulating tapes or coat- widely used in parts of the ship, which are in contact with
ings or gaskets or by use of special pipe hangers or fittings. seawater, but difficult to coat once installed, such as pipes,
The 1974 SOLAS Convention contains certain stipulations seawater coolers, etc.
on the use of aluminum. Aluminum in contact with wood,
insulating materials or concrete should be protected against
the corrosive effects of impurities in these materials by suit- 20.4.3 Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP)
able coverings or coatings; concrete should be free of ad- The main lightweight materials used in ships besides alu-
ditives for cold weather pouring. Suitable precautions should minum alloys are fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP), (13,14),
20-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

(see Chapter 21 – Composites). FRP include the special classification society rules, for example, Det Norske Veri-
case of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP). FRP is used both tas (DnV).
in single-skin and sandwich configurations. Current appli-
cations of FRP in ships are mainly related to high-speed fer-
ries, patrol and rescue craft, smaller navy vessels (e.g. mine 20.4.4 Concrete
countermeasure vessels), pleasure craft and sailing yachts. Concrete consists of a mixture of stone aggregate bonded
They are also increasingly popular in superstructures of by a hardened cement. The aggregate consists of sand,
cruise ships and larger naval ships, as well as secondary gravel, and crushed stone. Specific gravity of concrete nor-
structures and components for all types of ships, from masts mally varies between 2.2 and 2.5, primarily depending upon
and casings to movable vehicle ramps and decks. In the the sizes and density in the stone mixture. The long-term
main hull structure, FRP has been used for craft with length durability of concrete in seawater has been well established
up to about 50 m. The advent of new, approved fire protec- (15). While concrete exposed to sulfate in soils or fresh
tion systems has made FRP also a viable and safe alterna- water may react with the sulfate and degrade, seawater min-
tive to aluminum for ferry applications. imizes or prevents such deterioration. Where sulfate dete-
Advantages of FRP materials are [communication of rioration is of concern, special sulfate resistant concrete is
Det Norske Veritas (DnV)]: used.
Ferrocement uses layers of steel mesh to reinforce con-
• good strength-to-weight ratio,
crete. The material has been used for making small boats
• readily formed into complex shapes,
up to 50 m with skin thickness of 10 mm to 40 mm in times
• seawater resistant with little or no corrosion; the mate-
of war, in third-world countries, (15), and for amateur boat
rial is virtually maintenance-free, compensating high
initial costs by low maintenance costs,
Reinforced concrete consists of cement reinforced by
• stress concentrations are less critical than with metals,
structural grade steel bars. It is usually used in thicknesses
provided continuous fiber reinforcements are used.
of 90 mm or greater. In compression, both concrete and
Hence fatigue cracking is less of a problem,
steel are effective in providing the required compressive
• low thermic conductivity; effects of fire can thus be more
strength. However, cement provides no significant resistance
easily contained than with metal structures,
to the tensile forces. Its application to ships therefore re-
• non-magnetic (important for mine countermeasures) and
mains only of historical interest with concrete ships up to
transparent to electromagnetic waves (except when re-
7500 tdw being operated in World War II. Reinforced con-
inforced with carbon fibers). Carbon reinforced plastics
crete has been more extensively used for very large offshore
can have good absorption properties with regard to elec-
structures, which are floated into place, then ballasted down
tromagnetic waves, giving good stealth properties, and
to sit on the bottom. With the advent of pre-stressed con-
• sensors can be readily integrated into FRP structures.
crete, use of reinforced concrete diminished.
Disadvantages are: In prestressed concrete, high-strength reinforcing wires
(up to 2070 MPa tensile strength), prestressed well in ex-
• high initial cost (except for mass produced items)
cess of 860 MPa, replace the structural grade bars used in
• need for adequate fire protection
reinforced concrete. The wires impose a high compressive
• low elastic modulus (about 1/10 that of steel) leading to
load on the concrete. With the application of alternate cyclic
relatively large deflections
loading, the force on the concrete will vary between higher
• low through thickness strength.
and lower compression, but always remain in compression.
Hulls and decks in FRP are often realized in sandwich Thus the threat of cracking of the concrete from tensile load-
structures. Additional advantages of FRP sandwich in- ing is eliminated. Concrete resists imposed shear and com-
clude very good flexural stiffness and strength for low pression loads. Prestressed concrete develops several
weight, a high margin against catastrophic failure or pen- attractive properties as a result of its heterogeneous pre-
etration because of the two skins, additional buoyancy, stressed wire/cement structure. Loads imposed locally are
good built-in thermal insulation, and the ability to build dispersed through the structure via the numerous support-
both large and small structures without costly moulds. ing metallic wires, thereby preventing or minimizing dam-
Sandwich structures generally allow the lowest level of age from concentrated shock loads, that is, the structure is
stiffeners to be dispensed with, giving smooth surfaces highly resistant to fracture propagation. This and the rela-
and a compact structure. tively heavy thickness and large mass associated with pre-
Details of the requirements are available in the form of stressed concrete structures make the material an attractive
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-13

candidate for applications where resistance to shock, colli-

sion damage or sudden failure is of concern. Prestressed
concrete also has high damping properties, which are ben-
eficial in minimizing vibration. Prestressed concrete has
been applied to liquefied natural gas storage at –160°C.
Brittle fracture of the reinforcing wires does not occur at
cryogenic temperatures because of the thinness of the wire’s
cross section, and the supporting concrete matrix.
The relatively thick sections required of reinforced con-
crete and prestressed concrete structures as compared to
steel, are obstacles to their use for many marine applica-
tions. However, concrete has been successfully used in fixed
offshore structures and guides for such use are available.
Figure 20.6 Development of Welding Methods in Shipbuilding (16)

20.5.1 General
Welding continues to be the dominant technique to join ship
structures. Over the decades, there has been a steady evo-
lution from manual to mechanized to automatic and robotic
welding (Figure 20.6) (16). Changes in welding processes
have been driven by the quest to reduce production costs
for reliable joints in structures. This includes all attempts
to avoid costly post-processing and correction of unac-
ceptable deviations and internal stresses due to welding dis-
tortion and shrinkage.
Welding is one of the major, if not the major single user
of production man-hours for typical commercial ships. One
source stated that it is 70% of the structural man-hours. As
it is so important it is essential that the ship designer has a
basic knowledge about welding. Its importance was recog-
nized in the formation of a Welding Panel in the National
Shipbuilding Program (NSRP) over 20 years ago and has
resulted many publications. One of the more useful to ship
designers is reference 17.
Hydrogen bearing compounds such as water or organic
compounds present on the filler metal surface, in electrode
coverings, or on base metal surfaces may dissociate in the
welding arc to form atomic hydrogen. The atomic hydro-
gen penetrates and is highly soluble in molten steel weld
metal and the zone of adjacent heat affected steel, which
has been transformed to a phase known as austenite. The
austenite forms when the HAZ of steel is heated above a
critical temperature, (approximately 900°C for structural
steels). As the solidified weld metal and austenitized HAZ
cool to ambient temperatures, they are transformed into
non-austenitic phases, which release most of the dissolved
hydrogen from solution, since hydrogen is practically in- Figure 20.7 Effect of Welding Heat on Hardness and Microstructure of Arc-
soluble in these phases (Figure 20.7). Welded Steel (18)
20-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

When hydrogen is released from solution in the presence hardness and residual stress. Recommendations for select-
of a hard zone in the microstructure and a high residual ing electrode types and preheat conditions for the various
stress field, hydrogen cracking may occur. Since the time ship steels as well as other steels are available in the tech-
of such cracking varies from immediate to several days or nical literature (19), and classification society rules.
weeks after the completion of welding, the phenomenon is The most widely used stainless steels in marine con-
also known as delayed cracking. The tendency for such struction are readily weldable by inert gas metal arc, flux
cracking varies directly with the magnitude of hydrogen cored arc and shielded metal arc welding with standard tech-
concentration, local metal hardness, and residual stress. niques, using filler wires of compatible composition. Extra-
Ordinary strength shipbuilding steels are usually read- low carbon varieties are generally recommended for welded
ily weldable with normal procedures. Because of the rela- construction. When such low carbon grades of base plate
tively low strength, and the absence of hardened areas in are to be welded, filler metals used should also be of extra
the HAZ, the tendency for hydrogen cracking under most low carbon grade.
conditions is minimal. However, for very thick or very cold Aluminum alloys used in marine construction are read-
work pieces, the accelerated quench rate would tend to pro- ily weldable with the inert gas arc welding processes, such
duce a harder HAZ with increased residual stress levels; as gas metal arc and gas tungsten arc (see subsection 20.5.3).
high residual stresses also occur in welds in highly restrained The gas metal arc process predominates because of its
structures. Under such conditions consideration should be higher production speeds and greater economy. In welding
given to precautionary measures such as the use of low hy- aluminum, particular care should be taken to see that all sur-
drogen welding processes (use of low hydrogen electrodes faces in the way of welding are clean and free of contami-
in shielded metal arc welding) and preheat to minimize ad- nants, such as water stains, oxide films, and anodized layers.
verse quench effects and reduce residual stresses. Preheat Preheat is not generally needed except when welding ex-
is usually not required for processes such as submerged arc ceptionally thick sections, under conditions of high restraint,
or electroslag welding where the higher heat input rates and when humidity is very high, or when temperatures are below
relatively large area heated in the weld vicinity provide con- 0°C. For the 5000 series alloys, prolonged preheating or ex-
ditions analogous to some degree of superimposed preheat. posure in the 65°C to 200°C range should be avoided, since
When cracking occurs at elevated temperatures, the crack it could sensitize the alloys to corrosion. Requirements and
is usually intergranular (between grain boundaries). Such recommendations for welding in aluminum hull construc-
hot cracking is associated with excessive solidification and tion are contained in the rules of classification societies.
cooling stresses acting on constituents present at the grain Welding of the 5000 series alloys, where strength is usu-
boundaries, which are relatively weak at elevated temper- ally derived from work hardening, produces a zone within
atures. The weakened grain boundary may consist of spe- approximately 13 mm to 25 mm of the weld where yield
cific low melting constituents such as sulfides in steel. In and tensile strength of base metal are reduced to values ap-
other cases the deposition of a weld bead of unfavorable
geometry may impose excessive cooling stresses on the hot
weld deposit, which has relatively low strength at elevated
temperature. For example, in submerged arc welding, weld
beads such as those shown in Figure 20.8a, would tend to
form a center section, which solidifies last and remains at
an elevated temperature after the surrounding metal has so-
lidified and cooled. The low strength at the grain boundaries
of the material at elevated temperature is inadequate to re-
sist the thermal stresses, and hot cracking occurs. Such
cracking, can usually be readily prevented by changing weld
parameters to produce a bead of more favorable contour
(Figure 20.8b).
This will prevent hydrogen cracking by reducing possi-
ble hydrogen contamination from condensed moisture. As
steel strength increases, sensitivity toward hydrogen in-
duced cracking increases and the need for preheat and re-
(a) (b)
duced moisture content (hydrogen source) of electrode
Figure 20.8 Effects of Weld Geometry (1)
coverings increases. Preheat tends to reduce weld and HAZ
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-15

proximating annealed base plate properties. This zone of re- In semi-automatic processes, the electrode is manipulated
duced strength must be taken into account in design calcu- manually and all other welding parameters including rate
lations. In the case of heat treatable alloys, tensile and yield of electrode feed are controlled automatically. In automatic
strength as well as ductility and corrosion resistance are se- processes, all parameters including electrode manipulation
verely degraded. are automatic.
The possibility of adverse effects resulting from galvanic Continuous improvement over the decades has ensured
corrosion should be considered whenever dissimilar met- that arc welding in its various forms has remained the fa-
als are joined. The most common dissimilar metal combi- vored welding technology being well proven, robust and
nations used in shipbuilding are stainless steel to carbon relatively inexpensive.
steel, and aluminum to carbon steel. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) is a process where
In welding stainless steel to carbon steel appropriate pre- heat is produced by an electric arc between a covered metal
cautions should be taken to minimize harmful effects asso- electrode and the work. The arc melts the metal of the elec-
ciated with dilution of the stainless steel by the carbon steel trode and the spray of droplets formed transfer across the
base metal. Excessive dilution can produce crack-sensitive arc to coalesce as a molten pool before solidifying as weld
weld metal near the carbon steel interface. When stainless deposit. The formulation of the cellulose or mineral base
steels are joined to carbon steel, nickel-rich stainless filler types of electrode coverings assures that the covering will
metals are generally recommended for any stainless steel decompose or melt in the arc in an appropriate manner and
weld layers, which come in contact with the carbon steel. rate, and accomplish the following:
When butt welding stainless clad steels, the carbon steel
• provide a gas or slag shield between the molten metal
side is usually welded first with the appropriate carbon steel
and the atmosphere during metal transfer and solidifi-
filler metal; particular care must be exercised to prevent the
carbon steel weld deposit from impinging on the stainless
• establish a favorable electrical environment for arc sta-
steel overlay. The second side (stainless steel side) is then
welded with a nickel-rich stainless steel filler wire. If the
• provide a slag covering for the deposited molten weld
carbon steel layer is relatively thin, the entire weld may be
metal which refines the metal and may, in some cases,
made with the nickel-rich stainless steel filler. Similar pro-
provide alloying additions, and
cedures are used for welding other clad carbon steels, i.e.
• influence the fluidity of the molten weld metal, which
deposition of carbon steel filler metal on the cladding is
in turn influences the shape and contour of the deposited
avoided, and a filler metal that is compatible with the
weld bead. Since the covering has a great influence on
cladding and the underlying base metal is used.
the transfer and nature of the resulting weld deposit, cov-
Aluminum is not weldable to steel by conventional weld-
erings must be kept free of contaminants such as mois-
ing methods. An intermediate composite plate material con-
ture or grease, which could alter their characteristics.
sisting of aluminum and a steel layer or strip is used for
welded joints between aluminum and steel. Special manu- Manual SMAW has been increasingly replaced by semi-
facturing processes such as explosion bonding provide the automatic methods like GMAW in modern shipbuilding.
bond between the aluminum and steel in the composite alu- Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) is an automatic or semi-
minum-steel plate. Each plate side is then welded to simi- automatic process in which a welding arc is formed between
lar material. This type of connection has certain advantages the work and bare electrode. The electrode is continuously
in weather areas as regards corrosion compared to bolted fed from a spool, which may weigh up to 500 kg. A gas
or riveted connections. More recently, adhesive bonding shields the arc and molten weld area from the atmosphere;
has become an alternative to join dissimilar materials. such shielding is analogous in function to that of the cover-
Selection of welding filler metals is based on the prin- ing in the SMAW welding. CO2, O2, hydrogen, argon, he-
ciple that the weld deposit should be comparable in prop- lium, or a combination of gases is used for shielding.
erties to the base metal being joined. The filler metals Combinations of gases allow combining the advantages of
applicable to the different grades of steels are specified by the different options. For steel welding, argon is usually al-
classification societies (20), and navies. ways added to the active gases. The most common combi-
nations of inert gases are often better known under their
brand names like Corgon, Krysal, Argomix, or Tycon.
20.5.2 Welding Processes GMAW is the most important welding technology of mod-
Figure 20.9 shows the welding processes commonly used ern shipbuilding with applications to stainless steels, alu-
in shipyards, which will be discussed in more detail below. minum, other nonferrous alloys, and also low-alloy steels.
20-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1



Figure 20.9 Shipbuilding Welding Processes (1,21) A) Sheiled Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). B) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). C) Gas Tungsen Arc Welding (GTAW) D) Flux
Core Arc Welding (FCAW). E) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW). F) Electrogas Welding. G) Friction Stir Welding. H) Laser Welding I) Stud Welding

Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) is a semi-automatic or au- welding speeds (up to 27 kg/h), high deposition rates, sig-
tomatic process where an arc is maintained between a con- nificant melting of base metal, and deep weld penetration
tinuously fed spool (usually in wire form) and a work area. can be achieved. SAW with two- or three-wire electrodes in-
The welding zone is completely buried and shielded under stead of a single wire provides even higher welding speeds
a granular flux provided from an independent feed tube. The and deposition rates. SAW is frequently used for joining
flux, when molten, maintains an electrical path of high cur- plates. Modern shipyards often make SAW welds with sound
rent density, which generates a great quantity of heat. The roots from one side only using a specialized one side butt
insulating characteristics of the flux concentrate the heat in welder, thereby eliminating the cost and time consumed in
the weld area and induce significant melting of base metal subassembly turning and re-welding the second side. This
as well as welding electrode. Under such conditions, high form of the process designated as one-side welding requires
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-17

close control of joint fit, plate waviness, and weld parame- beam to penetrate deeply and thus vaporizes more material.
ters. Additionally, a special backing or tape on the back side This allows deep, narrow welds with practically parallel
of the joint is usually necessary to contain the molten weld sides with small thermic loads and small HAZ even for rel-
metal at the root so that it forms a sound weld deposit of sat- atively thick plates. For very narrow gaps and precise edge
isfactory contour. The drive for accurate manufacturing has preparation, no additional weld material is needed. Alter-
motivated some modern shipyards to return again to two- natively, weld filler material may be added. Two types of
sided welding which reduces distortion and shrinkage. Also laser can be used in ship construction applications, namely
some shipyards using one-sided welding have had to per- CO2 laser and the Nd:YAG (neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-
form a lot of weld repair to the underside of the weld. garnet) laser. The CO2 laser has been available longer and
Electroslag Welding (ES) and Electrogas Welding (EW) delivers higher power. However, its higher wavelength only
are high-deposition rate processes analogous to SAW and allows the beam to be delivered to the work piece via mir-
GMAW respectively, except that the molten weld pool is rors, which cause problems for larger distances. YAG lasers
contained within movable copper shoes at each side of the can be delivered using fiber optics, which greatly increases
weld joint. A variation of ES uses a consumable guide tube flexibility of delivery. Laser welding has been particularly
instead of a permanent tube. Because of the exceptionally popular for the manufacturing of sandwich panel structures
high deposition rates and large molten weld pools, arrange- for lightweight decks and similar structures. This applica-
ments are only available for vertical welding. In ES, a bar tion exploits the ability of the laser to perform a stake weld
or strip is occasionally substituted for the one or more elec- joining two elements by welding through them both.
trodes. Materials in excess of 400 mm may be welded in a Meyer Shipyard in Germany developed a hybrid laser
single pass. ES allows also relatively high rates of welding technique, combining laser welding with GMAW to join pre-
speeds. Because of their relatively high heat input rates, ES fabricated steel panels up to 6 m2 in area and from 4 to 15
and EW cause a greater degree of grain growth and other mm thick. The metal inert gas welder fuses filler metal to
metallurgical changes in the weld HAZ than other processes, the seam edge of the panel, while the laser tracks behind it,
restricting the applicability of this technique. melting through the seam root and penetrating deeply into
Friction-stir Welding (FSW) is a relatively novel process, the metal. The main advantage of the system is that the pan-
which relies on the friction between two metallic parts (or els can be welded from only one side instead of from both
two parts and a metallic piece) to generate sufficient heat sides simultaneously. The result is a significant savings in
to soften the metal and provide a joint (21). The process has time and reduced use of welding material. The machine
been adapted to aluminum welding in shipbuilding. In FSW, completes a 20 m weld in less than 10 minutes inducing very
a cylindrical shouldered tool with a profiled pin is rotated little distortion.
and slowly plunged into the joining area between two pieces A disadvantage of laser welding is the relatively large
of plate material, which are to be joined together. The parts brittleness of the narrow HAZ. By the early 2000s, plates
have to be clamped to avoid them being forced apart dur- up to 15 mm could be welded without major problems.
ing the process. Frictional heat between the wear-resistant Laser welding technology is still under development and typ-
welding tool and the work pieces softens the work pieces ical structural designs in shipbuilding do not yet exploit the
without reaching the melting point. The plasticized mate- advantages of the new technology fully. European classifi-
rial is transported to the tool pin’s trailing edge where it cation societies have passed Guidelines for Laser Welding.
cools down leaving a solid phase bond between the two In Stud Welding (SW) an arc is maintained between a
pieces. FSW can be used to join aluminum sheets without stud or similar piece and the work, for a predetermined time
filler wires or shielding gas. High-integrity welds with low so that both are properly heated. The stud is then brought
distortion can be achieved even in those aluminum alloys to the work by spring pressure. A ceramic ferrule is some-
considered difficult to weld by conventional fusion-weld- times used to provide partial shielding and some contour.
ing techniques. FSW has been employed for example for The process is accomplished with an automated welding
aluminum deckhouses on offshore platforms. gun, power source, and control panel; the control panel reg-
Laser Welding in shipbuilding started only in the late ulates electrical parameters, welding arc time, arc distance,
1990s. In the laser beam welding process the laser beam fo- and the imposition of pressure between stud and work at
cuses via welding optics (mirrors) on the surface of the the end of the welding cycle. The process is widely used in
work piece. After reaching the vaporization temperature, a shipbuilding for attaching studs, clips, and hangers, insu-
steam capillary (keyhole) is formed in the work piece ab- lation pins to structural members.
sorbing almost the complete energy of the laser beam. The The use of different methods for a typical ship is shown
metal steam flows away upwards, which allows the laser in Figure 20.10.
20-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 20.10 Typical Use of Welding Processes (16)

20.5.3 Design for Welding • accelerated corrosion attack on a carbon steel located
Economy in ship construction and improvements in the adjacent to an area overlain with a stainless steel, and
serviceability and service life of ship structures can be en- • loss of ductility and toughness in materials subjected to
hanced if several principles basic to welded construction are excessive cold forming.
observed in the design process. These principles are derived
Hard spots appear in structural designs if structural mem-
both from service experience and from studies of the causes
bers of considerably different stiffness are connected with
and prevention of structural failures in ships.
fillet welds. This produces local stress concentration peaks
The mechanical toughness and corrosion properties of
associated with early fatigue crack initiation. Careful design
the base metals selected should resist excessive degrada-
reduces the danger of fatigue cracks considerably. Brackets
tion from welding and forming practices.
should never end in a soft area (Figure 20.11). Stiffeners and
This precaution is particularly applicable to materials
profiles should not end abruptly (Figure 20.12).
with properties enhanced by heat treatment or cold work.
The attainment of a sound weld joint and its proper in-
When materials of widely differing corrosion resistant char-
spection require appropriate clearances depending on the
acteristics are joined, possible adverse galvanic corrosion
production weld process and inspection method. The pro-
effects should be considered:
vided access determines the degree and facility for weld au-
• loss of toughness in the HAZ of some steels; particu- tomation and thus production cost.
larly some higher strength steels, where weld procedures Excessive welding may result in excessively high inter-
with excessively high heat input rates have been used, nal stresses, costs, and thermal distortion cost.
• loss of strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance in the Since most conventional hull steels are not provided with
HAZ of the heat treatable aluminum alloys, minimum specified through thickness properties, they may
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-19

When plans form the basis of a contract, omission of

any special requirements in respect to extent of penetration,
finish, post weld nondestructive test examination etc. could
lead to disputes between the purchaser and fabricator. When
such details are omitted in final fabrication plans of the ship-
yard, such omission may allow for inadequately penetrated,
finished or inspected welds.

20.5.5 Qualification Tests

Weld procedure qualification tests determine whether the
welding process and procedure will produce welds of sat-
isfactory soundness and properties. Procedures may be qual-
ified on the basis of proven satisfactory use for similar work
Figure 20.11 Brackets in Soft Fields (shaded) Creating Hard Spots [adapted under similar conditions. In other cases, formal procedure
from (8)] qualification tests are required by classification societies.
Where an approved filler metal is not used, additional all
weld-metal tensile and Charpy V-notch tests may be re-
quired to establish the adequacy of weld deposit properties.
Depending upon the application and the process; all weld-
metal tension, Charpy V-notch impact, macro-etch, and
hardness tests may be required for special high-strength or
low temperature steels or for certain processes, for exam-
ple, ES welding.
Welder qualification or performance tests determine
whether an individual welder has the required skill to make
satisfactory welds. Welders are generally qualified on the
basis of their ability to fabricate welds, with the procedures,
welding positions and general type of base metals of con-
cern, that will either satisfactorily pass guided bend tests or
Figure 20.12 Profile Ends: Design with (left) and without (right) Hard Spots
alternatively exhibit satisfactory soundness upon radi-
[adapted from (8)]
ographic examination. Additional welder qualification tests
may be required if there is a change of welding process,
change of welding position, or doubt relative to the ability
of the welder. In the case of automatic welds, the ability of
exhibit weakness under such a loading condition. Where the machine operator may be determined. In the interests
through thickness loading in a structure cannot be avoided of economy and convenience many regulatory agencies have
by a design modification, special materials with enhanced similar qualification requirements, and in most cases each
through thickness properties should be considered. may accept the qualifications of the other.
A standardized system of symbols for welding and non- In addition to the above, production welds may be sub-
destructive testing provides the designer with a means of jected to nondestructive tests or sampled and tested for me-
communicating complete welding information on drawings chanical properties. Such a requirement may be imposed
(21) (Figures 20.13 to 20.16). In many cases, only a few of for certain applications such as welding for some low-tem-
the elements of the symbol are required for a particular ap- perature service applications.
plication. A similar system is also available for specifying Supplementary to the mechanical weld tests, appropri-
nondestructive testing requirements. The requirement for de- ate production control tests verify that the conditions, ma-
tails increases as the development of plans progress from terials, and procedures of qualification tests are maintained
the preliminary design to working plan stages. during production. Visual examination determines the qual-
Detail design plans, when used in the shipyard, should ity of prefabrication fits, and final weld appearance and
contain complete details of the welds and any nondestruc- sizes. As required, weld soundness may be verified by non-
tive tests that may be required. destructive evaluation.
Figure 20.13 Generalized Welding Symbols (1)

Figure 20.14 Basic Weld Symbols (1)

Figure 20.15 Supplementary Symbols (1)

Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-21

Figure 20.14 Basic Weld Symbols (1)

20.5.6 Nondestructive Evaluation Completed welds are examined for surface soundness, reg-
Nondestructive evaluation is widely used in shipbuilding to ularity, geometry, and alignment. Promptly reported defi-
assess the soundness of welds during construction and re- ciencies allow timely correction of production operations.
pair. A nondestructive testing schedule is frequently re- Magnetic Particle Inspection magnetizes the base metal
quired for new designs or where new or unusual service (steel plate) by passing a superimposed electrical current
requirements are anticipated. It may also be included in through. Then finely divided magnetic particles are applied
drawings where the designer desires to achieve increased to the plate surface. A flaw at or near the surface will form
structural reliability by specifying a greater extent of non- a pair of magnetic poles, which will attract the particles. The
destructive testing. technique is highly directional in sensitivity. It is most sen-
All welds are subjected to Visual Inspection, ranging sitive to flaws approximately parallel to the direction of the
from the casual inspection of the welder to a formal in- imposed current and practically insensitive to flaws per-
spection by a qualified weld inspector or ship surveyor. Vi- pendicular to current direction. Magnetic particle inspec-
sual inspection, when properly accomplished, is considered tion is used in shipbuilding to verify the soundness of root
by many to be one of the most important methods of qual- passes, intermediate weld passes, back-gouged areas as well
ity assurance, since it provides important information not as completed welds and to inspect large steel castings and
readily available from other methods. Visual inspection of forgings. It is most widely used for the inspection of fillet
the weld joint prior to welding will prevent welding in joints, welds, since such welds are not ordinarily subjected to ul-
which have been improperly cleaned, prepared, or fitted. trasonic or radiographic inspection.
20-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Dye Penetrant Inspection uses a liquid penetrant of low spection is particularly difficult in borderline cases of ac-
surface tension to penetrate surface cracks. After excess ceptability where disagreements between recognized ex-
penetrant is removed from the surface, a suitable developer perts are not unusual.
is applied which draws the liquid penetrant from the crack Radiographic inspection of ships is carried out mainly
and holds the wetted developer; the remainder of developer in important locations such as intersections of butts and
is freely released from the area. The indication will appear seams in sheer strakes, bilge strakes, deck stringer and keel
as an accumulation of developer around the crack or fissure plates, and butts in and about hatch corners in main decks,
and, depending on the system used, may be white, colored and in the vicinity of breaks in superstructures. In other ma-
or fluorescent under ultraviolet light. Dye penetrant sys- rine structures, it is mainly carried out in highly stressed
tems are used for surface inspection of non-magnetic ma- areas, and at butt and seam intersections. Complete (100%)
terials such as non-ferrous alloys (aluminum) and corrosion radiography is usually used only in specialized cases such
resistant steels. They may also be used for inspection of as for liquefied gas containment or the shell of a submersible.
steels in lieu of magnetic particle inspection. Ultrasonic Inspection is used as an alternative to radi-
Radiographic Inspection is used for the examination for ography for the examination of welds, castings and forg-
internal soundness of welds, castings, and forgings. This ings; it is also used to measure thickness and detect
method employs x-rays or gamma rays capable of penetrat- laminations in plate. An ultrasonic impulse generated by a
ing the thickness of material under investigation; a suitable crystal is transmitted at a prescribed angle through the ma-
film records the amount and pattern of radiation transmitted. terial being inspected; the impulse continues until it reaches
Discontinuities in the material such as cracks, porosity, lack a surface from which it is reflected back to the crystal. Any
of fusion, as well as areas containing low density material discontinuity in the path of the impulse will also act as a
(such as entrapped slag) will present less of a barrier to the signal reflector; the size, orientation, and geometry of the
radiation; the greater amount of radiation through such sites discontinuity will determine the proportion of impulse re-
will be indicated by denser (darker) areas on the film nega- flected back to the crystal. For base metal examination the
tive. Entrapped materials higher in density than base metal beam is usually transmitted perpendicular to the plate sur-
(such as tungsten in aluminum welds) will appear as less face (compression or longitudinal wave technique) and for
dense (lighter) areas. Some of the more important factors to weld examination, angles of 45º to 70º are used (shear wave
be taken into account in radiographic examinations include: technique). As in radiography, use of qualified personnel and
procedures is essential. One of the limitations of ultrasonic
Safety: Both x-rays and gamma rays present potential haz- inspection is that it is highly dependent upon the skill and
ards to the operator and to other personnel working in the interpretations of the technician, and errors relative to im-
area of exposure. In addition, special precautions and reg- proper transmissions of sound impulse or interpretation of
ulations are applicable to the storage, handling, and dis- the signals received cannot usually be reviewed. In addi-
posal of the radioisotope used as a gamma ray source. tion, permanent records of the sensitivity attained or of the
indication, analogous to those of the penetrameter and ac-
Selection of Appropriate Source: The penetrating charac- tual discontinuity indication in a radiograph are not usually
teristics of the radiation source selected must be appropri- provided. However, the convenience and economy of in-
ate for the density and thickness of the material being spection offered, as well as its greater sensitivity to impor-
examined. The sensitivity of the procedure is decreased sub- tant linear discontinuities such as cracks, make it an attractive
stantially if the penetrating characteristics are excessive or alternative to radiography.
insufficient. Rules for all nondestructive techniques for inspection of
ship hulls as well as pertinent references relative to quali-
Radiographic Technique: The penetrameter, which consists fication of operators, equipment, techniques, and accept-
of a series of holes in strips of various thickness or a series ance standards are issued by appropriate regulatory agencies,
of wires of graded diameters, is superimposed on the work classification societies, and technical societies such as ASNT
during exposure and is indicated as a set of graded images (American Society of Nondestructive Testing) and ASTM.
on the final film. It provides a permanent indication of the In some cases a given weld will be found to meet the ap-
sensitivity of the inspection. plicable hull inspection standard for one method and not
meet the applicable standard of the other. In such cases, un-
Interpretation of Indications: The interpretation of the re- less there are specific stipulations, the results of the in-
sults involves subjective judgments for which appropriate spection procedure selected as the primary inspection
training and experience are required. This facet of the in- method usually governs, unless the indications revealed by
Chapter 20: Hull Materials and Welding 20-23

the supplemental method are shown to represent a signifi- 11. American National Standards Institute “Standard Specifica-
cant threat to the integrity of the structure. tion for Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate,” ANSI/ASTM
B-209–77, 1977
12. N.N. “Aluminum Fire Protection Guidelines,” SNAME T&R
Bulletin 2(21), 1974
13. Smith, C.S. “Design of Marine Structures in Composite Ma-
1. Taggart, R., (Ed), Ship Design and Construction, SNAME, 1980 terials,” Elsevier Applied Science, 1990
2. Wilckens, H. “Technologie der Schiffkörperfertigung,” Hand- 14. Shenoi, R.A., and Wellicome, J. F., “Composite Materials in
buch der Werften XXIII, Hansa-Verlag, Hamburg, pp.113–155 Maritime Structures,” Cambridge University Press, 1993
(in German), 1996 15. Morgan, R. J. “History and Technical Development of Con-
3. Boyd, T. M., and Bushel, T. W., “Hull Structural Steel – The crete Ships,” The Naval Architect, January 1977
Unification of the Requirements of Seven Classification So- 16. Boekholt, R. “Welding Mechanization and Automation in
cieties,” RINA, Transactions, 103, 1961 Shipbuilding Worldwide,” Abington Publishers, Cambridge,
4. American Bureau of Shipping, “Rules for Building and Class- 1996
ing Steel Ships” 17. “Design and Planning for Cost Effective Welding,” National
5. Ross, R. B., “Metallic Materials Specification Handbook, ” Shipbuilding research program, Report No. 0339, October
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1972 1991
6. American Bureau of Shipping “Rules for Offshore Mobile 18. The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding, The Lincoln Elec-
Drilling Units” tric Company, 10th Ed., 1973 Quenec Welding Book
7. American Bureau of Shipping “Rules for Building and Class- 19. Ott, C. W., and Snyder, D. J., “Suggested Arc Welding Pro-
ing Underwater Systems and Vehicles” cedures for Steels Meeting Standard Specifications,” Weld-
8. Lehmann, E. “Grundzüge des Schiffbaus,” AB 3–06, TU ing Research Council Bulletin 191, 1974
Hamburg-Harburg (in German), 2000 20. “Approved Welding Electrodes, Wire-Flux and Wire-Gas
9. Australian Welding Research Association “Control of Lamel- Combinations,” yearly publication by ABS
lar Tearing,” Technical Note 6, 1976 21. Bruce, G.J. “Efficient Welding: A Key Feature of Modern
10. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers “Guide Shipbuilding,” Naval Architect, pp.58–63, February 2001
for High Strength and Special Applications Steels for Ma- 22. American Welding Society, “Symbols for Welding and Non-
rine Use,” SNAME T&R Bulletin 2(20), 1976 destructive Testing,” AWS A2.4–76, 1976
Figure 21.1 49 m LOA Motor Yacht
Chapter 21

Albert W. Horsmon, Jr.

21.1 NOMENCLATURE Plastic (GRP) was a frequently used term but is out of date
because of more common use of Kevlar and carbon rein-
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials forcements. Fiberglass or just glass is still used to refer to
CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic the same group of materials. With many different types and
FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic fabric weave arrangements for the common fibers, many
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic formulations of the basic resin types, and vastly different
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutants properties achieved from various fabrication methods, even
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride the seemingly narrow field of marine composites includes
SAN Styrene Acrylo-Nitrile an almost infinite choice of materials.
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds Many books have been written on the subject of com-
posites. Quite a few universities offer full courses of study
in the subject through the doctoral level. Countless short
courses, conferences, symposia, and trade shows are de-
voted to composites. Therefore, only a brief introduction to
Composites are two or more distinctly different materials the materials, their usage, design, and manufacture, will be
combined into (but not dissolved into) one structure to per- presented in this chapter.
form a function neither material is capable of doing inde-
pendently. Steel reinforced concrete is a composite material,
but not one normally considered for marine use. However, 21.2.1 Short History
ferro-cement yachts, powerboats and barges have been built Composites have been used in marine structures since just
in limited numbers with a certain level of success. Metal after World War II. Scott (1) and Greene (2) cover more of
matrix composites use small amounts of very high strength the early developments. As each established publication
fibers, such as boron, in a metal matrix, such as steel or alu- gets dated, the technology advances. Developments and ad-
minum. However, these composite types are not common vances in composite materials and structures, as measured
to applications found in marine use. by market share, are growing at 6%-10% a year, whereas
For common marine industry use, composites are mostly steel and aluminum usage is fairly constant.
E-glass reinforcements in a thermoset plastic polymer ma- The motor yacht shown in Figure 21.1 is over 47 m LOA,
trix, usually polyester or vinyl ester resin. Kevlar or carbon with a fiberglass hull and deckhouse, and is fully deserving
fibers are used more recently as specialized reinforcements, of listing in a book on ship production. This vessel is fully
and epoxy is used more as a matrix. Fiber Reinforced Plas- self-sufficient and is classed for open ocean voyages. Twenty
tic (FRP) is a common referring term. Glass Reinforced years ago a vessel of this size was on the ship side of the

21-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

scale. Now that composite vessels are this large, they are After the materials are woven or stitched into a fabric and
often still considered boats. combined with resin, the actual properties of the finished
Marine composites have been used for limited applica- laminate vary drastically and are quite dependent on the
tions on large steel ships, both in combatant and commer- method of fabrication.
cial types. FRP is used on submarines for flooded nose Table 21.II is a comparison of some of the basic prop-
fairings, diving planes and non-pressure hull decks. A erties for various fabrics laminated with different fabrica-
weapons enclosure prototype (3) has been developed for tion methods and different resins. One would expect the
use on a destroyer. A similar size composite director room unidirectional polyester resin laminate to be much stronger
room was designed, built and tested for U.S. Aegis class de- than the WR polyester laminate, but the glass content ref-
stroyers (4). The U.S. Navy Osprey class 57m coastal mine erenced (6) is approximate and the possible differences in
hunters (MHCs) are all-composite structures as are many structural qualities of different grades of polyester resins can
European minehunters. A composite mast is being used on be significant. However, the superiority of a vinyl ester resin
the new amphibious ships. Even the older U.S. Navy wood laminate with 70% glass content can be seen.
mine countermeasure vesselsare sheathed in FRP, have nu- Conversely, poorly prepared (low glass content—high
merous FRP extrusions for rails, ladders and other minor resin content) laminates can have poor physical properties.
attachments, and have their entire stacks of FRP. Note in Table 21.II how the properties of the laminated uni-
Due to fire protection regulations, use of composites on directional fabrics compare to the raw fiber properties in
commercial passenger vessels in the U.S. has been limited Table 21.I.
to small passenger carrying no more than 149 passengers. Instead of going into great detail here, interested read-
Larger FRP passenger vessels are in service abroad. The ers are referred to the readings from Scott and Greene (1,2).
Swedish have built the 72 m VISBY class corvette of car- The two references cover the subjects fairly well, and ad-
bon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP). ditional information is available in the references of those
Most lifeboats on ships are FRP (see Chapter 16 – two books. However, a brief introduction to the materials
Safety). is in order.
FRP hatch covers are used on dry cargo barges for in- E-glass fibers, the most common reinforcing material,
land transportation but are not used on ocean-going ves- go from filaments to strands to rovings. For mat, continu-
sels. Pre-formed FRP deck gratings are used on raised ous rovings are cut back to either continuous or chopped
catwalks on oil tankers, offshore platforms and aircraft car- strands. Different weight rovings are woven, bonded and
riers. Composite pilings have proven to be stronger than the stitched into a wide variety of fabrics. The listing in Ap-
wood ones they replace (5). However, widespread use of pendix A of Greene (2) is just a sampling of the different
composites on ocean-going commercial vessels has not yet types available. Going deeper into the reference material,
occurred. even more types will be found. Woven roving at 800 gm/m2
alternating with layers of 450 gm/m2 mat was the common
construction material, and is still in fairly common use.
This combination is often referred to as a pair. Even de-
signers and builders familiar with high strength materials
Most ship production books, references, and research are refer to two pairs to define alternating layers of mat and
based on steel construction, most of which is transferable woven roving of these weights. If strength was needed in
to aluminum. Composites are a bit different, so some di- an off axis direction, the normally 0/90 woven roving could
gression for a brief look at material properties is in order. be laid at that angle. However, production boat builders can
Manufacturing aspects are discussed in Section 21.5. pay just a bit more for a combination material, with the mat
already bonded to the woven roving, and save the labor of
cutting and bonding in an extra layer of mat. This material
21.3.1 Reinforcing Fibers is often designated a 2415, with an 800 gm/m2 woven rov-
The most commonly used composite reinforcements in the ing bound to 450 gm/m2 with a soluble binder.
marine industry are E-glass fibers, with aramid or carbon Standard woven roving is an inexpensive roll fabric, but
fibers used for local reinforcement or special applications. because of the weave pattern, the full strength of the glass
Table 21.I shows the raw fiber properties of some of these fibers is not able to develop. Each of the rovings is woven
materials. Table 2-4 in Greene (2) has more data on the over and under those fibers in the opposite direction. Thus
fibers. Note that these are just fiber strengths. The as-lam- the rovings are in a wavy pattern and cannot be pulled quite
inated composite strengths are much less by 50 to 85%. straight and tight. But that is only in tensile and compres-
Chapter 21: Composites 21-3

TABLE 21.I Reinforcement Fiber Properties

Fiber Tensile Strength MPa Tensile Modulus GPa Ultimate Elongation Cost U.S.$/KG

E-glass 3450 72 4.8% 1.70 to 2.60

S-glass 4600 87 5.7% 13
Kevlar® 3600 124 2.9% 57
Spectra® 900 2600 117 3.5% 50
Carbon 2400 to 4800 230 to 390 0.38 to 2.0% 20 to 80

TABLE 21.II Laminate Properties

Tensile Tensile Compressive Flexural Interlaminar Shear
Laminate Strength mPa Modulus GPa Strength mPa Strength mPa Strength mPa
Wet Layup 800 gm/m2 323 22 270 360 23
WR E-glass 50% Poly

Wet Layup 800 gm/m2 241 15 255 448 —

0/90 Biax E-glass 50% Poly
SCRIMP 800 gm/m2 464 31 290 461 31
70% Poly WR

SCRIMP 800 gm/m2 489 32 473 620 50

70% V.E. WR
Wet Layup 450 gm/m2 86 8 156 164 —
Mat–30% Poly
Wet Layup–900 gm/m2 508 24 304 754 —
Uni E-glass 50% Poly
Wet Layup–300 gm/m2 1607 130 315 1197 —
Uni Carbon 58% Epoxy

Wet Layup–400 gm/m2 126 9 151 216 —

Double Bias (+/–45) w/ 250 gm/m2
mat E-glass 45% Poly

50% = 50% glass content by weight, POLY=Polyester resin, V.E. = Vinyl Ester resin, WR is Woven Roving, SCRIMP™ = Seemann Composites Resin
Infusion Molding Process

sive loading. If the laminate experiences out of plane load- Infusion Molding Process, which is discussed in Subsec-
ing, perpendicular to the surface, flexural stiffness is usu- tion on a 16m or so sailboat uses a stitched fabric
ally desired and the woven roving develops thickness and heavy enough to do both skins of a sandwich in one layer.
stiffness faster at a lower cost. Woven fabrics are also avail- This is a 580808 fabric, with four 490 gm/m2 unidirectional
able in different weaves that can reduce some of the strength layers stitched together on each of the four major axes (1960
development problems. gm/m2 total), with a layer of 225 gm/m2 mat bound on each
However, as long as production efficiency is considered, side. This material would be very difficult to laminate by
the use of even heavier material is possible. One builder hand or even to get through an impregnator.
using the SCRIMP method (Seemann Composites Resin Mat is usually thought of as a necessary element be-
21-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

tween the layers of woven roving or unidirectional to in- reaction generated heat. A high catalyst ratio for the weather
crease interlaminar adhesion. However, a number of builders conditions, or building up laminate thickness too quickly,
have produced large boats of woven roving in multiple lay- can cause excessive exotherm which in turn causes shrink-
ers without mat between the woven roving. The interlami- age in the laminate, gives poor physical properties, and can
nar shear strength may not be the best, but it is quite adequate damage molds.
as failures are unheard of in these hulls. If the layers are Moisture: Most standard resins are sensitive to mois-
compacted tight enough in the lamination process, usually ture. Special formulations are needed for high humidity
resulting in high glass content, the successive layers of glass areas or shop humidity must be controlled.
start to lay in between each other in an effect known as To demonstrate the consideration of resin variables, a hy-
bundling, and the interlaminar strength is increased. Vari- pothetical exchange between a builder (B) and a resin sup-
ous lamination processes that give better bundling and higher plier (S), typical of a builder’s decision process on resin
fiber content are discussed in Subsection 21.4.1. selection follows:
At the other end of the scale, it seems that the cost of
B: I want an inexpensive resin that does the job,
carbon would be prohibitive for a large vessel, but in Swe-
den they found that the comparative cost disadvantage of S: ortho(phthalic) polyesters are inexpensive,
carbon was offset by the use of much less material for the
B: But ortho’s are brittle and have low blister resistance,
structure in their 72 m naval vessels. Their weight, per-
formance, and cost optimization routine showed lower cost S: epoxies are strong but flexible,
as they increased the amount of carbon in the structure.
B: but I’m not building an expensive race boat, just an or-
However, this is a naval vessel with extreme performance
dinary 19m cruising yacht,
requirements, and the structural needs justify the use of
carbon reinforcement. Boats of ordinary size and per- S: nothing is (or should be) ordinary about a $2 million
formance, built of properly oriented E-glass, can be quite boat,
B: but the competition sells boats for the same price with
The driving force in laminate selection is to specify the
polyester resin, but then I need a cost-effective combina-
laminate that meets the requirements for the structure and
tion of resins to give me the performance I need in selected
the conditions of strength, weight, cost, production method,
and the builder’s and owne’’s preferences. The possible
combinations of fabric, resin and lamination process are Cost and quality conscious builders will likely use a
nearly endless. vinyl ester skin coat to make a good permeation barrier, an
iso polyester as the main structural resin to give better phys-
ical properties, and go back to the vinyl ester for better sec-
21.3.2 Resin ondary bonds. They can use a sandwich laminate and build
The choice of resins seems as endless as the choice of re- a quieter, lighter boat that is naturally insulated so it will
inforcements. As with reinforcements, choices are based on use less resin anyway, thus relegating resin cost to a sec-
cost and performance. Scott (1) and Greene (2) cover the ondary consideration.
basics very well. Many of the problems in the manufactur- This is a typical scenario that leads to the use of a vinyl
ing side of boat production come from improper handling ester skin coat/iso polyester combination, a very popular and
or use of resins. Among those are: viable choice of resins for this size boat. Larger and higher
Improper catalyzation: The catalyst for poly and vinyl performance yachts might use all vinyl ester laminates, or
ester resins is a very small percentage (1.5% to 3.0%) in re- more advanced production techniques that produce higher
lation to the resin and must be thoroughly mixed. Poor cat- strength laminates but use less of the high priced resins.
alyzation results in improper cure, poor physical properties Smaller vessels, which are trailered or stored on lifts more
and potential blister formation. In hot weather, some lam- often, and are not usually built in sandwich, can probably
inators cut back on the catalyst too much to give more work- get by with the lower performing, less expensive resins.
ing time.
Shelf life: Resins and catalysts are reactive polymers,
some more than others, and can degrade over time. They 21.3.3 Specialized Resins and Putties
must be stored in a relatively cool place and kept sealed Resins can be blended and filled to give a number of fea-
until ready for use. tures required beyond normal fabrication. Some of these
Excessive exotherm: Most resins are cured by chemical features include:
Chapter 21: Composites 21-5

• fairing, Balsa is now supplied in end grain form for boats. This
• liner bonding, gives very good rigidity, much better bonding surfaces, and
• strake filling, is still light and inexpensive.
• core bonding, However, a balsa-cored laminate needs to be very stiff
• gap filling, and in relation to the expected loads because it has a lower strain
• hull-to-deck joint bonding. to failure and can fail when severely overloaded. All of the
primary marine core materials behave well in normal load-
These putties can be formulated for mixing by hand or,
ing conditions. The resistance to overloads and ability to
for higher volume and production applications, pumping
absorb energy is related to a core’s shear elongation. This
from drums through guns.
information is not provided in earlier referenced books, so
some basic data on shear elongation is provided in Table
21.3.4 Core Materials
It turns out that the relative cost of the cores is similar,
Core materials used for boats come basically in two forms: but not directly related to the shear elongation. Therefore,
foam and balsa. There are a number of other materials in the issue of survivability becomes important because each
the references that are considered as core materials, but first core’s shear elongation is closely related to the damage tol-
it is necessary to go through the steps of defining the re- erance when a sandwich is loaded beyond the expected or
quired attributes for a core material; then these other mate- normal loads.
rials can be categorized better. Following is a description of core material physical per-
formance criteria from Karl Brandl, who some like to call Sandwich functions the father of foam sandwich construction as extracted from
The primary purpose of a low density core material is to an out of print book (7) produced by Airex in 1973:
separate the FRP laminate skins so that the resultant sand-
The main function of the core material is to distribute local
wich composite has better out-of-plane stiffness with less
loads and stresses over large areas. Local stresses applied
weight than a monolithic built up laminate. Most people in
to one side of the sandwich have only a reduced local ef-
the industry refer to single skin (many built up layers of
fect because of the exposed skin and the core will distrib-
laminate) as solid construction. However, that infers that the
ute the loads to a larger area of the sandwich. Because of
sandwich construction is something other than solid. More
this fact, a sandwich structure generally exhibits superior
often than not, the sandwich is more solid than the single
behavior under bending, torsion, impact and compression,
skin. The term monolithic is more fitting.
parallel or perpendicular to the skins. Beside its function
The core carries shear loads and some compressive
of a spacer and connecting unit between the skins, a core
stresses. As always, cost is a consideration. Both the mate-
material for boat building must therefore exhibit enough
rial cost and the installation cost must be considered. Scott
resilience to absorb impact stresses. Its ability to cushion
(1) lists some other desirable attributes as:
and absorb shocks in alternating stresses and torsion loads,
• good shear strength, passing from skin into the core, as they occur in a boat
• rigidity, under practical conditions, is a necessary requirement of
• good bonding surfaces, the core. Such dynamic stresses as well as impacts due to
• light weight,
• survivability in the marine environment, and
• sufficient crushing strength (compressive strength).
Shear strength used to be the only major physical factor TABLE 21.III Core Shear Elongation
considered in deciding core selection, in widely accepted
classification society and engineering texts. The higher the Core Type Shear Elongation (%)
shear strength, the less core material one needed in a sand-
wich panel. Balsa was the obvious choice to satisfy that re- Balsa 5
quirement, plus it was a lot less expensive. However, some Cross-linked PVC 15–20
early sandwich vessels were built with long grain balsa, and Ductile cross-linked PVC 45
a small leak or crack in a laminate would quickly expose a Linear SAN 55
lot of balsa to the water, which would get into the balsa and
Linear PVC 80
initiate rot and water-logged hulls.
21-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the lack of resilience of the core can result in severe dam- lightweight criteria. Plywood is often used as a high-den-
age and eventual destruction of the entire structure. A boat sity insert for handling high local loads in an otherwise low
or ship should, with all required stability and homogenous density cored sandwich. Transoms in outboard powered
stiffness, not be an inflexible structure. boats are a popular use of plywood. But plywood is about
It should be a mechanically stabilized structure, which 600 kg/m2 and a high-density core that can take high local
still allows movements within the elastic range of its ma- loads is around 200 kg/m2. Plywood is less expensive, but
terials. It should further exhibit the characteristic to with- one must be careful to seal the exposed surfaces to avoid
stand short term overloading without destruction and lasting water exposure and rot. Newer treated plywoods mostly
damage. prevent the degradation. It is also more difficult to bond to
Generally, one can encounter unexpected loads and smooth surfaced plywood.
stresses by two alternatives. One is to design to such a limit Laminate bulking materials are used in a similar fash-
that the structure will in every case be many times stronger ion to core materials, and in relatively flat panels they be-
than the unexpected loads, i.e., the structure would have to have, and must be designed, similar to the mainstream cores,
be over-designed (above the usual factor of safety). but they are not thick enough and light enough to be used
A more advanced engineering concept is to counter the as mainstream sandwich materials for large marine panels.
unexpected loads by a structure, which, having sufficient These also are used as print blockers, an extra layer of ma-
mechanical strength and stiffness, is still in a position to terial that prevents the heavier fabrics under a smooth, gel-
withstand peak loads without damage of serious conse- coated surface from printing when the resin post cures. Use
quences to the structure. In order to realize this concept, a of proper resins and cure cycles can prevent printing also.
rigid elastic structure is a prerequisite design criterion. Sprayed-in core materials, basically falling into the filled
Apart from the lightweight, the latter is a more profes- resin or putty category, can be useful for small highly shaped
sional and probably a more economical approach. The basic sections that need some stiffening. However, at 600-700
concept of the sandwich principle in the boat building in- kg/m3, they rather fail the lightweight test. Used conserva-
dustry rests on the aforementioned premises. tively where needed they can be a useful tool.
The processing and operating temperature of a cored
So there it is, be absolutely stiff enough to handle all the laminate can be a limitation. Some vessels have dark col-
loads, both normal and overloads, or be stiff enough to han- ored decks that can soak up a lot of solar heat in the trop-
dle the normal loads, and resilient, damage tolerant, and ics. This heat can be enough to reduce the physicals of some
strong enough to handle the overloads without failure. of the foam and plastic honeycomb cores. Structural per-
formance in the heat of a fire is also a concern in some ap- Not regular marine cores plications. This is one area where balsa really works well.
A number of materials are listed in Greene (2) in the same Performance of a hull in the water is often not the limit-
context as core materials, but the author prefers to con- ing factor; survivability of a thin-skinned sandwich on a few
sider them in a different category because they fail some blocks in a boatyard, or on the rollers of a trailer, can be a
of the basic requirements for a regular marine structural more critical design load. High ambient temperatures, such
core material. as found when a boat on a trailer is sitting on a hot, dark as-
Honeycombs are quite light and very stiff, but the open phalt-paved parking lot, can compound this problem. Proper
cell structure invites water migration over time, even with- trailer design details that avoid this situation are necessary.
out any skin damage. The water vapor molecule is very
small and can penetrate the relatively thin-skinned sand- Core bonding
wich hull structures, even with some of the best epoxy resins. Core bonding used to be done with a layer of mat soaked in
This is not to say honeycombs cannot be used in the ma- resin. This method is still used with some success, but has
rine environment. America’s Cup racing yachts use hon- a couple of drawbacks. Resin can drain from vertical sur-
eycomb hulls, but they are pulled out of the water after faces, leaving those cored areas starved for enough resin to
every use and are not air conditioned, so the conditions for affect a proper bond. Some of the plastic foam cores are very
water vapor migration are not present. A number of the sensitive to styrene migration, so the normally styrene-rich
honeycombs, including paper, coated papers, aluminum resin in a thin bond line can lead to styrene migration prob-
and plastic, are good for interior floors, bulkheads and non- lems. Mat and resin cannot fill irregularities between the
structural parts (8), but these specialties will not be con- laminate and the cores, so gaps may be left in the bond line.
sidered in this chapter. Most of the major core suppliers offer bonding putties
Plywood is often listed as a core material, but it fails the that do a much better job of ensuring the critical bond be-
Chapter 21: Composites 21-7

tween the skin and the core. Some of the core bonding com- of another 2D fabric to achieve the desired strength. It is
pounds require the use of a priming resin applied directly very difficult to get composites to exhibit the quasi-isotropic
to the core before it is placed into the putty, which is ap- behavior of metals, but that is a big advantage of compos-
plied to the FRP skin. Properly catalyzed to cure in a thin ites. The fibers (most of them) can be oriented in the direction
bond line at the same time as the putty, a strong bond is ef- of stress. Symmetry usually is not needed, and is rarely
fected. achieved in standard marine laminates.
Some of the desired features of this bonding layer are: The charts of different properties in various directions
from Scott (1) illustrate the variability seen in most all areas
• the putty can hang on a vertical surface,
of composites. Even though all of these data are all based on
• putties can fill and bridge gaps in laminate overlaps and
the mat/woven roving laminates, the same variability is ex-
hibited in knitted biaxial materials, unidirectional materials,
• putties can rise to fill gaps and kerfs in the core,
and combination materials. Those considerations also apply
• for the most part they have a better adhesive bond to the
to the properties in Appendix A in Greene (2). Also consider
already cured FRP part,
that Appendix A is mostly based on a 50% glass content. The
• for the most part they have a lower exotherm when cur-
glass content achieved by different manufacturing methods
ing to keep from post curing, shrinking and causing print-
varies from 30% to 70% as listed in Table 21.IV.
through of the outer skin, and
With this basic knowledge and good references, a rea-
• most can be used for hand lay-up or vacuum bagging
sonable estimate can be made of the strength of a mixed lam-
(preferred) the core into the laminate.
inate. A designer is not always given a choice of materials,
Some builders manufacture their own putties from filled just as with metal boats. For example, if the potential owner
laminating resins, but the performance features fall short of wants a steel boat for a city park canal boat that needs 4 mm
the specialized bonding compounds from the core suppli- steel, and gets 5 mm steel donated, the designer must re-
ers, who use specialized resins and fillers to achieve the de- work weight, balance and weld details to suit. If someone
sired properties. These are for the poly and vinyl ester resins. gets a great deal on 6061-T6 aluminum plate for a boat hull,
Epoxy is a bit easier to formulate into a workable putty. even though the as-welded ultimate tensile strength is 50%
The number of choices of cores, and limitations on core less than original, that sets the design parameters.
selections increases the number of variables in the com- Similar material decisions are made with composites.
posite design problem. It does make it quite interesting and Choices for fabrics and resins often are made by econom-
gives a number of options to use to create the right struc- ics and timing, not necessarily engineering.
ture for the intended loads, overloads, and the desired per- Mixed laminates come from builders who prefer to use
formance criteria. certain materials (or can get excess from a distributor) and
The use of core materials, problems with them, and heated let the engineer determine how much is needed.
debate on how best to design sandwich panels, has been car- Or, some builders and/or designers have certain preferences
ried on in Professional Boatbuilder magazine (9,10) partic- for material stacks, such as laminates listed in Table 21.V.
ularly over the last few years. This particular builder wanted a little bulk and balance

TABLE 21.IV Glass Content
21.4.1 Laminate Properties
Lamination Method Glass Content by Weight
Scott (1) describes in great detail the orthotropic nature of
mat and woven roving laminates. Alternate layers of woven
Low Quality Hand Lay-up 30%
roving material at +/- 45º could be used to even out the
humps in the directional strength chart in Scott’s Figure 10, Good Quality Hand Lay-up 40%
to try to achieve a more isotropic laminate, but there may
Lower Quality Impregnator, 50%
be problems with large lumps when the laminate overlaps
bunch up.
Keep in mind these orthotropic properties are only in- Higher Quality Impregnator and 60%
plane properties. Out-of-plane properties are quite differ- Wet Bag, SCRIMP, VARTM
ent and somewhat less. There are special 3D knitted fabrics
Autoclave 70%
that have a large number of strands sewn through the plane
21-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 21.V Typical Laminate Schedule in the laminate. The fabrics are commonly available and
the laminate exceeds the classification society requirements
Weight Thickness
for this size and type of craft. The topsides were a simple
Hull Bottom gm/m2 mm
reduction of this schedule by dropping an EB 600 from each
Paint 450 0.5 skin. The as laminated weights are indicative of stitched uni-
Cloth 340 567 0.43 directional fabrics wet bagged in epoxy.
One program used for sandwich panel analysis needs
EBX 600 1000 0.81
the flexural modulus of the laminate, estimated as shown
EB 600 1000 0.81 Outer Skin in Table 21.VI for a mixed layer laminate. This estimate is
EB 600 1000 0.81 2.86 mm not totally accurate as it is the reinforcement fraction that
should be used in the calculation, but it is conservative and
Priming Resin 950 0 Core t the results are close to the actual testing for this type of con-
A550 Core-Cell 2515 25 25 mm struction.
EB 600 1000 0.81
EB 600 1000 0.81 Inner Skin 21.4.2 Test Methods
EBX 600 1000 0.81 2.43 mm Greene (2) gives a good explanation of the various test meth-
ods and what mechanical laminate property is actually being
10 482 30.79 determined. Table 21.VII gives examples of problems that
+5% skin overlaps 10 880 are related to test methods.
= 10.9 kg/m2 The hydromat test jig was developed separately to test
marine panels. It is shown in Greene (2), Figure 3-87 on
page 180. The hydromat test has been developed into ASTM
D6416. In some cases, it returns results similar to 3-point
TABLE 21.VI Flexural Modulus bend tests, but it gives more reliable results for a wider range
of large marine panels subject to lateral loads.
Flexural Weight Multiple With sandwich composites, the laminates and cores are
Item Modulus-GPa Fraction GPa tested, both separately and together. Core testing brings it’s
own set of problems. For example, making a compressive
225gm mat 5.5 .273 1.5
test sample square instead of round can give lower results
2 X 600/225 11.7 .373 4.4 for some cores. The rate of testing can be varied within the
KB 440/225 13.8 .159 2.2 parameters of the test methods, but some cores are strain
540/225 13.1 .191 2.5 rate sensitive and show different results at different rates.
Sum 10.6
The SNAME HS-9 Panel is addressing these problems and
others, but progress is slow.

TABLE 21.VII Test Method Problems

Problem Solution
Samples are fairly small, boats are big. Use larger samples, adapt the test method, and consider the hydromat
panel test.

Samples are often made up in a lab on a table. Boats Take the sample from a cutout on a boat, or make the sample in the
are built out in a shop in hot, dusty conditions. shop alongside the boat.
A sample, cut 5% off axis from a panel, will result in a Cut carefully; larger samples reduce considerably the source of errors.
15% reduced strength for some tests.

Testing usually returns an average value; most design Know the statistical spread on the test results. Adjust the safety factor
criteria call for some minimum value. to account for the unknowns.
Chapter 21: Composites 21-9

Concise, repeatable material properties that show up con- For vessels over 30 m, longitudinal bending in waves
sistently in the tests should not be expected. However, as must be considered. Even with low modulus E-glass lami-
stated in the references, and in ABS and other classification nates, this is usually not much of a problem up to 55m hulls.
society guides, testing is necessary to support the design, Past that length special consideration needs to be given to
prove the capability of the builder and confirm assumptions. the design.
Testing is also a form of quality control, buteven better The ABS Guide (14) has reasonable design criteria for
if used as process verification. If testing is used as quality the various aspects of composite vessels, as do most of the
control, it normally will be done too long after the lamina- other classification societies. Variations in safety factors
tion. Then it is too late to change a laminate or laminating and loading criteria are responsible for the differences be-
process when it is shown to have low physical properties. tween the rules and guides. However, as hull length ap-
If the process is verified by testing under conditions simi- proaches 50 m, hull girder stiffness must be studied carefully.
lar to those in the shop before lamination begins, then small Discontinuities in main deck structure due to stair towers,
sample tests can be used to verify that the larger part will steps in decks, routing the stiffening structure around other
actually be built as expected. obstacles, etc., can combine to reduce hull girder stiffness.
Racking loads also must be considered, carefully espe-
cially in low modulus composite vessels. Usually bulkheads,
21.4.3 Local Loads and well-placed web frames or ring frames, will handle
Local loads on a boat are basically the pressure loads from these loads. Transferring this structure through continuous
the vessel pushing through or bouncing over the waves. decks to support and hold the deckhouse in place requires
These can be static head pressures, impact slamming pres- special details that are in keeping with the manufacturing
sures or hydrodynamic pressure. The vessel must be de- process and sequencing.
signed to handle the worst case of these loads. For a planing
vessel that has a speed to length ratio greater than 9, the full
impact pressure should be applied to the whole bottom area 21.4.6 Connections to Non-composite Structure
because the boat can become airborne and slam down on In a shipbuilding infrastructure dominated by steel for large
any part of the bottom. (The speed/length ratio is the speed structures, attaching composites is a difficult but achievable
in knots divided by the square root of the waterline length task. Deck to hull joints, including FRP house to metal hulls
in meters). For a pleasure yacht, this is rarely the case and and metal to FRP hulls are the largest and most important
impact pressures need only be applied to the forward parts types of joints. These joints usually are made by a combi-
of the vessel. Scott (1) has a full explanation of all the likely nation of bolting (in slotted holes to allow some differen-
local load cases. tial expansion and contraction) and bonding (with an
elastomer that retains its seal but allows some movement).
The retrofit attachment of a composite director room onto
21.4.4 Concentrated Loads the steel deckhouse of an Aegis class destroyer (4), shown
Some concentrated loads also are considered in the local in Figures 21.2 and 21.3, is a highly loaded rigid attachment
load set. Special local loads that must be accounted for are requiring thorough engineering and testing. There is ongo-
trailer bunks or rollers, davit bases, mast mounts, stays, ing research into the use of adhesive bonding of composite
chain plates, etc. For thin-skinned sandwich panels, local structure to steel structure and if successful this would elim-
compression inserts and additional laminate are usually inate the need for bolting.
needed to handle these loads. For lesser attachments, self-tapping wood screws can be
used. Adhesives such as methyl-methacrylates and high
strength epoxies will make adhesive joints as strong as the
21.4.5 Global Loads composite base laminate. Again, managing the local con-
The global loads on a composite hull must be considered a centrated load of the attached item(s) must be considered.
bit differently because of the low modulus of the commonly
used E-glass material. Generally, for a normally propor-
tioned vessel under 30 m LWL, hull bending is not critical 21.4.7 Details
and the local pressure loads are the most critical loading case. The key to making composite structures work is in the de-
One exception is in the case of burying the bow in large tails. It is common knowledge that composites do not cor-
waves, the foredeck captures a big compressive load, and rode, have high strength for low weight, have low panel
the design needs to account for that. stiffness that can be solved with sandwich structures, etc.
21-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Despite these advantages, composite construction has some • stringer with putty fillets—separate tabbing,
features that require special details. Following is a partial • stringer on foam pad—separate stringer tabbing,
list of details from a sandwich core manufacturer’s design • stringer with putty fillets, inside skin tabbing,
guide (11): • stringer on foam pad, inside skin tabbing,
• stepped chine, high density insert,
• bulkhead detail with putty fillets,
• stepped chine, foam wedge,
• bulkhead detail on foam pad,
• stepped chine detail—putty radius,
• solid centerline detail,
• stepped chine detail—putty radius,
• cored centerline detail,
• hard chine with laminate overlaps,
• hard chine with high density insert,
• hull to deck joint detail #1,
• hull to deck joint detail #2,
• through hull fittings,
• winch pads,
• mast step and keel bolts, and
• chain plates.

Many of these details are extensions of details required

by classification society guides and rules expanded to cap-
ture the experience of various builders and manufacturing
processes. A sampling of these details is shown in Figures
21.4, 21.5, 21.6 and 21.7.
Figure 21.4 shows a typical method of laminating a
stringer to the hull (or other panel) shell. A foam pad is used
at the base to avoid hard laminating acute angles. The tab-
Figure 21.2 Director Room Attachment bing laminates are wrapped from each side of the stringer,
over the top and stopped. This sequence makes laminating
easier and doubles the thickness of the layers at the top,
where the strength is needed.
Figure 21.5 shows a chine/spray rail detail. The bottom
outside skin is carried though the chine and up the side a
bit, the side skin is carried down through the chine and onto
the bottom a bit. Then the bottom and side core is installed
with an extra wedge inside to stiffen the chine, and then the
inside skins are similarly carried through the chine.
Figure 21.6 shows two methods of attaching through-
hull fittings to a sandwich structure. On the left, the posi-
tion of the fitting is preplanned and a section of high-density
core material inserted in place of the fitting. Then the hole
for the fitting is drilled and the fitting inserted with appro-
priate bedding compound. On the right, the fitting is in-
serted into an existing low density cored sandwich laminate
by drilling the location, routing out the core, filling the hole
with a high density putty, then re-drilling the hole and in-
stalling the fitting.
Figure 21.7 shows how a winch can be attached to a
sandwich deck. High-density core is installed and the skin
laminates locally doubled to distribute the loads from the
winch. These local reinforcements are faired out into the
rest of a panel or to major stiffening members. With a large
Figure 21.3 Director Room Attachment Detail backing plate, the winch can be bolted on. If the backup to
Chapter 21: Composites 21-11

Cap Stringer with Unidirectional

material in Middle of Overlays

1/2" Radius - Mininum

Wrap overlays around Core-Cell Wedge of same
Top of Stringer Stringer Pad - density as Topside Core
Fabricate from 1"
Core of same
density as Stringer - Core-Bond Adhesive
Overlap Overlays Bevel Edges at 45
3" onto Hull Degrees
If Inside Skin And Taper in
Consists of Minimum of 2"
Multiple Overlap Laminates in way
Laminates, Use
of Chine for Minimum of
Last Layer as
Beam/15 or as specified by
Stringer Tabbing
Core-Bond Adhesive Classification Guidelines

Additional Fiberglass
Tape under Stringer
Pad for Minimum of 2"
either side of Pad

Figure 21.4 Composite Girder/Longitudinal Detail Figure 21.5 Composite Chine/Spray Rail Detail

Washer Core-Bond
Nut — Do Not
Over Tighten
(to Point of Nut

Adhesive / Adhesive / Sealant

Sealant Additional 3m 5200 or Similar
3m 5200 or Reinforcement
Medium Density
Medium Density Poly Bond
Core-Cell High Density Core-Cell B-46
A500 or A600 Core-Cell A500 or A600

Figure 21.6 Through-hull Fitting Attachment

the bolts is only washers, a tubular insert is recommended beyond the scope of this chapter but can be found in many
to take up the compression loads from the bolts. of the references. Molds: female and male

Female molds are the most common method of establish-
21.5 MANUFACTURING METHODS ing the shape for composite parts. They are usually made
by applying fiberglass with special tooling resins over an-
21.5.1 Forming the Shape other part or a temporary male shape. Female molds also
There are many different ways to form composites. A com- can be made directly from combinations of wood frames
plete structure may use a number of these methods. Only and sheets covered by fairing and mold compounds.
the basics are covered here. Full coverage of all systems is To allow easier worker access, some female molds for
21-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1


Adhesive / Sealant
3m 5200 or similar
Winch Base
Additional Reinforcement
Core-Bond Adhesive
A500 or A600


Stainless or Solid Locking

Nuts Additional Reinforcement
FRP Pipe Insert

Washer Dia = 3D Backing Plate

Thickness = D/3 High Density (Preferred)
Core-Cell A1200
Figure 21.7 Concentrated Load Detail

boat hulls are made with a split seam down the centerline. temporarily over and nailed to the battens. When the planks
Each half-side of the hull can be laminated more easily are all fitted, with the butts and seams bonded, they are at-
down hand, leaving some of the laminate layers out of the tached to the battens from the inside with wood screws. The
keel and stem area. Then the molds are bolted back together temporary outside nails or screws are removed and the holes
and the rest of the laminates are used to join the hull half- plugged. The outside of the foam can be faired as necessary
sides together. and is now a foam plug. The required fiberglass skins are
Matched female molds are used for resin transfer and resin laminated to the outside and faired. Then the whole assem-
injection molding. These are heavily formed tools to take the bly of wood, foam and fiberglass is turned over and placed
pressure of the laminating methods. The extra tooling can be into and secured to a sturdy cradle. The wood forms and
justified by multiple runs of smaller parts, roughly 1 m2. wood screws are removed, and the inside skin is laminated.
Male molds are, simply enough, just the opposite of fe- With the one-off method, the hull shell (or other part) is
male molds. As it is the outside surface that is usually the formed without going through the time and expense of mak-
exposed show surface, the mold does not need to be finished ing a male plug and female mold that may be used only
nearly as nice, so it is easier to make the male mold. How- once or twice.
ever, the outside surface must then be faired and painted. A natural extension of this method is the bead and cove
Male molds seem to be popular for mid size sailboat con- method perfected by Bilodeau (12) and shown in Figures
struction as many of these are custom projects, and work- 21.8 and 21.9. With a new kind of SAN (Styrene Acrylo-
ing over a 10-20 m hull is easier than making a female mold Nitrile) linear structural foam, Bilodeau discovered that the
for one project and working inside. foam could be machined easily and reliably into different
width bead and cove planks (Figure 21.8). The sections are One-off and custom methods made into the male frame based on the thickness and den-
A number of methods are available for making one-off and sity of foam used. No battens are necessary. Each bead and
custom composite parts. Generally, if three or less parts are cove plank is bonded to the previous plank line with spe-
to be made, it is more cost-effective to use a one-off method. cially made putty that is strong enough to bond the foam
An early one-off method was described by Johannsen (7) but soft enough to fair the foam shape.
(also illustrated in Chapter 5 of reference 2). Sections at reg- As each line of planks is bonded together, the foam shell
ular stations are cut out (usually wood) and placed on a sturdy becomes quite stiff, eliminating the need for battens.
frame. Battens are nailed over the stations to form a male Some temporary fasteners are used, but many fewer than
shape. Then structural foam sheets or planks can be formed with the previously described method. Wider planks are
Chapter 21: Composites 21-13

used in areas of less curvature. Plain flat sheets are used in Modular construction
flat or mostly flat areas. The foam is faired and the lami- The same kind of advanced and reliable adhesive technol-
nates applied as before. One-off construction requires extra ogy that allows one-off methods such as Duflex also allows
fairing and painting, but is still efficient for custom work. modular construction in composites. The VISBY corvette
(13) is being built with flat sandwich panels with some ma- Build-up from panels terial held back at the butts and seams. Then additional ma-
Large parts also can be made by joining a number of flat or terial is placed into the joints and they were infused with
nearly flat panels. Westport Shipyard in Westport, Wash- vinyl ester resins. A similar method is used to join major
ington used to make 3 m x 9 m gelcoated FRP panels on a hull sections.
large flat glass table. They could pick this panel off the table Some key optimization decisions need to be made to de-
and place it into a basic female slat frame. Some laminates termine if the structure is to be built as large parts or mod-
were left out of the butts, which were joined later with ad- ular units later joined together. Continuous laminating FRP
ditional layers, similar to joining hull halves. Then they had allows large parts with an uninterrupted smooth surface.
a finished outer skin in a female frame to which they could Steel parts must be built up from limited plate sizes that can
apply core material, the inner skin, and the rest of the struc- be butt-welded efficiently and quickly. Composite parts usu-
ture. They had variable beam bow molds, hinged at the stem, ally require additional reinforcements at large joints.
to allow the building of a number of different sized hulls A compromise solution is for large hull parts to be man-
from the same tools. ufactured in a continuous fashion with smaller parts such
ATL Composites in Queensland, Australia have devel- as bulkheads, deck sections and superstructure sections
oped the Duflex® system to build [mainly boat] structures planned into separate assemblies or blocks. Modular con-
out of joined, prelaminated, flat sandwich panels. Standard struction is a relatively recent feature for most large yacht
panels are 1.2 m × 2.2 m with a Z-Joint machined into the builders, although Vosper Thrornycroft, in the UK, used it
edges. This joint has a 15/1 scarf in the top laminate, a extensively in the construction of the Royal Navy’s mine
square butt for the core, and another scarf for the bottom hunters.
laminate. They can be NC cut at the factory into numbered One type of modular construction used by many pleas-
pieces that are joined at the job site using epoxy adhesives. ure boat builders and fabricated (multiple) parts suppliers
There are many variations of the methods mentioned. is to use molded grid sections for the framing system. A sep-
Easily formable composite materials are an enabling tech- arate mold is made to include the longitudinal and trans-
nology. verse framing system for a boat. It is generally easier to

Figure 21.8 Bead and Cove Planks Figure 21.9 Bead and Cove Construction
21-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

laminate on this mold than down inside a female mold. Then better, but it is still necessary to keep track of the many vari-
the liner or grid is removed from the mold and bonded to ables. Thus the use of internal mix laminating equipment
the shell to form the stiffened part. Some of these grid molds is becoming more popular.
are male molds that also contain a partial liner for the hull. Epoxy resins are easier to mix, as they are more nearly
When installed, there is a smooth gelcoated surface on the equal parts of resin and hardener. Epoxies give off fewer
inside. Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), but exposure can sensi-
Most of the advantages of steel or aluminum block con- tize workers to the point they can no longer be around the
struction, such as inside shop construction, zone outfitting, resin.
and zone painting can be realized with composites. The
main consideration for composite blocks is that they are Sprayup
likely to be less stiff than similar sized metal blocks, so The most basic of the lamination methods is to spray the
heavy outfitting attachments and rigging for movement must resin from a mixing gun into (or onto) the mold. Some guns
be specially considered. chop and blow short glass fibers into the stream, chopper
Accuracy control can be a problem as the various ther- spray gun (see next Subsection). Some are just used to get
moset resins used for most polymer composites will shrink resin onto the part to wet out the dry fabrics. Older guns
some after lamination. However, the edges are easy to trim mix the catalyst in the air outside the nozzle. Newer tech-
and the butt and seam joining adhesives and laminations nology mixes the catalyst in the gun near the nozzle to give
can fill moderate gaps of a well-designed scarf joint. better mixing. This provides for quick easy coverage of the
mold or part. However, all the tiny droplets also present a
lot of surface area to the atmosphere and produces higher
21.5.2 Material Application HAPs. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) was the pre-
One of the nice advantages of composites is that they can vious defining negative term for the airborne byproducts of
be formed easily into complex shapes. The materials are laminating with organic resins. Either way, reduction of air-
applied with a liquid resin that, with the right fabric for the borne pollutants is quickly changing the lamination meth-
job, can be sprayed easily or applied to a mold surface. Spe- ods of the composites industry.
cial spray fillers and putties can fill or build up more diffi-
cult places. A brief look at the different material application Chopper Spray gun
methods follows. Scott (1) and Greene (2) have more in- A chopper gun is a special spray gun that has rotating knives
depth descriptions with multiple photographs and diagrams. that chop continuous glass strand rovings into short glass
fibers. It is easy to form these wetted fibers into various Resin mixing shapes. Typical of products produced solely from chopper
Polyester and vinyl ester resin mixing can be done a num- guns are fiberglass bathroom fixtures and hot tubs. Because
ber of ways. The simplest and most common is to measure there are no binders with chopped glass as there is with
the proper volume of resin into a bucket, then measure the fiberglass mat, there are advantages of having a chopped skin
right amount of catalyst out and stir it into the bucket. On coat on a boat for blister protection. A chopped laminate
a nice 21oC day, the laminator may get 1/2 to 3/4 hour work- generally has a low glass content (see Table 21.IV) and low
ing time before the resin starts to gel. That is IF the proper strength, but is quite economical, apart from controlling the
amounts were measured, the resin is really at room tem- HAPs.
perature, the catalyst chart was read properly, and the cat-
alyst is fresh, all among other variables. This is often where Hand layup
the laminating process, which seems simple from the out- Hand layup is characterized by manually wetting dry fab-
side, becomes a bit complicated. rics and consolidating this wetted fabric into the mold. Fab-
Catalyst ratios for poly and vinyl ester resins are usu- rics can be back wetted, where resin is first applied to the
ally on the order of 1.5% to 2.5% of Methyl Ethyl Ketone part, then the dry fabric laid in, then a serrated roller used
Peroxide (MEKP), sometimes Benzoyl PerOxide (BPO), to force the fabric down into the resin so that the resin flows
adjusted for the shop temperature and laminating method. up through the fabric and forces the air out. Resin drainage
Too much catalyst, and the resin can kick too quickly, lose before fabric application must be watched to make sure
some of its physical properties and cause too much exo- there is enough resin to properly wet the upper portion of
therm. Too little and the resin will not cure right. The resins a vertical surface is another variable that must be taken into
can react differently with different makes of catalyst. Mix- account. The resin can be formulated with a thixotrope to
ing by weighing the liquids instead of judging volumes is keep it from draining too fast,. Glass content can be any-
Chapter 21: Composites 21-15

where from 30% to 50% depending on the type of fabrics lease film, bleeder cloth and vacuum bag (or sealing bag
used and the skill of the laminators. for an autoclave) is placed over the part, vacuum is pulled
With the messiness involved in hand laminating meth- (or pressure is applied) and heat is applied. Cure tempera-
ods, workers are usually clothed in throw-away protective tures can range from 80 to 135oC for anywhere from 1 to
suits (Tyvek coveralls are popular) including booties. Most 10 hours, depending on time, temperature and pressure.
wear some kind of respirator. Prepregs yield high reliable glass contents. They are the
most expensive form of material, but there is little waste. Impregnators Additional adhesive films must be used to provide the extra
Resin impregnators are sets of rollers that hold a pool of resin to bond to core materials. As a closed molding sys-
catalyzed resin. As the dry fabric passes through the resin tem with very little extra solvent for the resin, there are no
pool, it gets wetted and is passed down through the ma- HAPs.
chine ready to be placed into or on the mold/part. From a
manufacturing point of view, the best approach with these
machines is to mount them on overhead cranes with rotat- 21.5.3 Quality Control
ing turrets so wetted fabric can be placed at any angle in a Quality Control in composite construction is more chal-
mold. Fabrics can be cut to strips and dropped down on top lenging than for steel or aluminum mainly because non-de-
of stringers also. HAPs are reduced, as there is no spraying structive test (NDT) methods for metals are fully developed
and less exposed resin. Glass content is higher than hand and cost effective. The outward appearance of a weld is a
layup and can range from 45% to 65% glass by weight, de- fairly good indication of its quality. The outward appear-
pending on the type of machine, the type of fabric, and how ance of a multi-layered composite E-glass laminate reveals
the machine is set. Worker exposure is reduced, but pro- that the surface layer has a reasonable glass content and that
tective measures are still usually needed. there are an acceptable number of air inclusions in the sur-
face and first subsurface laminates. Past that, there are no Resin infusion economical NDT means of determining the quality and
With infusion, dry fabrics and/or cores are situated in the strength of the laminate. Hammer testing is a crude way of
mold then enclosed in a vacuum bag. The vacuum pulls cat- testing for voids and lack of bonds. Moisture meters can
alyzed resin into the fabrics and core, from many ports for check for water content of the laminate. Thermography can
large parts, until the whole part is totally wetted out. This see through a laminate to the core but not past it. X-rays
method gives a high glass content (60 to 70%), a generally and certain ultrasound techniques can show some additional
void free laminate and a reliable bond to the core in a sand- defects. Special fibers can be bonded into a laminate to show
wich laminate. However, infusion is not for the unskilled a degradation in strength beyond a norm.
and the weight savings in the skins is partially offset by the However, the better methods are not cost effective for
weight gain in the core. the majority of builders. Basically, the marine industry can-
The most common of the infusion methods is the Seemann not afford the level of QC common in the aerospace indus-
Composites Resin Infusion Molding Process (SCRIMP). This try. The best QC is to ensure quality in the building process.
is a patented process that uses a number of vacuum and resin The latest guide from the American Bureau of Shipping
ports along with a distribution medium to pull resin into the (14) has an extensive section on QC measures needed to
part. There are a number of variations on this theme, but the achieve quality construction.
basic principle is the same. Infusion reduces HAPs and makes
for a worker-friendly environment.
21.6 REPAIR Prepregs
With pre-impregnated fabrics, the catalyzed resin is already Repair of composite structures is not that much different than
in or on the fabric. Some forms of prepregs must be refrig- of other structures. It is just that the repair materials and the
erated until they are placed in the mold, but then they cure bond may not be as good as original (a primary bond), so
very slowly at room temperature resulting in a lot of work- special consideration must be given to the nature of the
ing time. They are usually supplied with epoxy resins and damage, the repair procedure, and the intended loading for
carbon fiber reinforcements, and used in more advanced the damaged area.
projects such as aircraft and racing yachts.
The basic approach with prepregs is to apply the fabrics
to the part in multiple layers to suit the design. Then a re-
21-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

21.6.1 General Repair Guidelines damage is related to structural inadequacy, the repair should
A primary bond is that bond achieved in a window of usu- be in excess of the original and the rest of the structure re-
ally 1 to 3 days after the preceding laminate was completed. assessed.
In the primary bond window, the chemicals in the resins still
achieve a good amount of chemical cross-linking. A pri-
mary bond is usually maintained in the continuity of new
construction. With a secondary bond, the window has passed 21.7 SUMMARY
and the next laminate is only adhesively bonded to the ex- The use of composites in the marine industry has a long and
isting laminate. Some resins are better at secondary bonds varied history. Few doubt the advantages of composites for
than others. Vinyl esters are usually better than polyesters. small craft. The hanging question is how large can a FRP
Epoxies are usually better than vinyl esters. Epoxies can have vessel be and still be a small craft. The 57 m U.S. Navy
a problem if the base laminate is a poly or vinyl ester lam- MHCs are surely not small craft. Sweden has extended the
inate and is not fully cured. composite size range up to 73 m with the VISBY Corvette.
The biggest concern in composite structure repairs is Over 30 years ago a GRP freighter was researched (18).
that the vessel or structure has been in operation for a num- There were a number of problems identified; the main ones
ber of years, the laminates are old, and the bond to the old were fire protection and global stiffness. Fire, smoke and
laminates definitely will be a secondary bond and not nearly toxicity protection concerns have been addressed in mod-
as good as factory original construction. Proper laminate ern passenger and military vessels (19) where the need for
preparation and use of better materials can make a properly high speed encourages the use of light-weight composites,
designed repair just as good as the original structure, often albeit with additional safety measures. Global stiffness can
even better. be addressed by a number of means, including rearranging
Composites also can be used to repair steel vessels. the structural shape to be stiffer (20) or through extensive
Around 1990, the San Diego Maritime Museum was faced use of carbon fiber (13).
with losing the Coast Guard certificate for its old steam Composite vessels can be lighter and better performing
yacht MEDEA due to deteriorated steel hull plating. She than aluminum (21). There are obviously certain advan-
was saved and permanently repaired using a foam core tages and disadvantages to every material. The evolution of
bonded to the outside of the steel with a vinyl ester resin, composite materials, design, and products continues.
and a new FRP skin over the foam (15,16). This chapter is only an introduction to FRP design and
One thing to avoid in repair is the temptation to make construction. The interested reader is encouraged to inves-
the repaired structure better than the original. The repaired tigate additional information in the references and related
area would then be so much stiffer and stronger than the ex- materials.
isting structure, that a hard spot can be accidentally inserted
into the structure, possibly causing more problems.

21.6.2 Repair Joint 21.7 REFERENCES

Coast Guard NVIC 8-87 (16) shows a typical repair joint, 1. Scott, R. J., Fiberglass Boat Design and Construction,
reproduced in Figure 21.9. The damaged area is cleaned SNAME, 1996
out, the damaged core material is routed out, the edges are 2. Greene, E., Marine Composites, Ship Structures Committee
tapered into a scarfed joint, a temporary backing plate is used Report SSC -360, June 1990, revised to a 2nd edition by Eric
Greene and Associates, Annapolis, MD, 1999
as a mold, the outside skin is laminated, new core is bonded
in, and the inside skin is laminated. This is an old picture,
but shows that many of the basics have been around for a
long time. This repair assumes access from the inside of the
Blind repairs can be made from the outside using a lost
mold inside. Depending on the loading on the damaged
area, some additional reinforcement may be necessary to
assure adequacy. If the original plans are not available, a
burnout test on a sample of the damaged laminate should
be done to determine the original laminate schedule. If the Figure 21.9 Repair Joint from USCG NVIC 8-87
Chapter 21: Composites 21-17

3. Cahill, P., “Composite Materials on Naval Surface Combat- 13. “VISBY Class Corvette, The True Stealth Vessel,” Kockums
ants: The Integrated Technology Deckhouse Project,” Jour- Karlskronavarvet, Karlskrona, Sweden, http://www.kock-
nal of Ship Production, February 1992
4. Bohlmann, R. E. and Fogarty, J. H., “Demonstration of a 14. American Bureau of Shipping Guide for Building and Class-
Composite to Steel Deck Joint on a Navy Destroyer,” Ma- ing High Speed Craft, 1997, ABS Americas, New York, NY
rine Applications of Composite Materials, MACM 2002, 15. Horsmon, A. W. Jr., “Permanent Composite Cladding of De-
Melbourne, Fl, 2002 teriorating Steel Hulls,” Journal of Ship Production, May
5. “Opening the Gates of Opportunity for Composites on the 1992
Waterfront,” Composites Technology, 5(2): 27 to 31, 1999 16. De Fever, A., “Restoration of the Riveted Steel Hull of the
6. Nguyen, L. B., Kuo, J. C., Critchfield, M. O. and Offutt, J. Steam Yacht MEDEA,” SNAME San Diego Section April 3,
D., “Design and Fabrication of a High-Quality GRP Ad- 1991
vanced Material Transporter,” ASNE Small Boats Sympo- 17. “Navigation and Inspection Circular 8–87 – Notes on Design,
sium, May 26–27, 1993 Construction, Inspection and Repair of Fiber Reinforced Plas-
7. Johannsen, T. J, “One-Off Airex Fiberglass Sandwich Con- tic (FRP) Vessels, USCG, 1987
struction,” Chemacryl Plastics, Toronto, Ontario, 1973 18. Scott, R. J. and Sommella, J. H., “Feasibility Study of Glass
8. “Of Material Interest,” Advanced Materials & Processes, Reinforced Plastic Cargo Ship,” Ship Structures Committee
142(1):4, July 1992 Report SSC–224, 1971
9. Mazza, Robert and Lou Codega, “The Cored Bottoms Con- 19. Høyning, Bjørn, “Meeting Commercial and Military Re-
troversy,” Professional Boatbuilder, 51, February/March 1998 quirements for Passive Fire Protection of Composite High
10. Fox, John, “Selecting Structural Cores,” Professional Boat- Speed Craft,” Marine Applications of Composite Materials,
builder, 52, April/May 1998 MACM 2002, Melbourne, Fl, March 2002
11. Johannsen, T. J., Horsmon Jr. A. W., Mazza, R.,and Benkel- 20. Horsmon, A. W. Jr., “Composites for Large Ships,” Journal
man, J. R. D., ATC Core-Cell Design Manual, ATC Chemi- of Ship Production, November 1994
cals Inc., Oakville, Ontario, February, 2001 21. Horsmon, Albert W. Jr., and Bernhard, B., “The Advantages
12. Bilodeau, A., “Building Your Hull with the Bead & Cove of Advanced Sandwich Composites over Traditional Alu-
System Using Core-Cell Foam,” Published by the author, St. minum Constructi on,” FAST 99 Conference, Seattle, WA,
James City, FL, 1998. August 1999
General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings

Hans Hofmann and Thomas Lamb

22.1 INTRODUCTION Section 22.7 discusses the design arrangement and in-
stallation of battens, dunnage and cribbing in cargo spaces.
This chapter contains a general discussion on general Section 22.8 discusses deck coverings including the large
arrangement design, and descriptions and illustrations of variety of current materials used and a typical material se-
hull outfit equipment and fittings in sections 22.2 through lection and installation.
22.10. Section 22.9 describes the design and installation of join-
It has drawn extensively from the previous edition of erwork, insulation and lining systems. It includes discus-
this book (1), Chapters IX and XII, as much of the infor- sions of the regulatory body requirements and other design
mation has not changed. However, the information has been rules and practices. However, insulation for fire integrity is
updated where necessary and new illustrations have been covered in Chapter 16 – Safety.
used when appropriate. Section 22.10 discusses the requirements for furniture,
Section 22.2 describes the basic development of general furnishings and steward spaces. It describes the design and
arrangements. All of the specific ship type chapters in Vol- use of furniture, including upholstery, drapery, carpets and
ume II show typical general arrangements for each of the linens, as well as descriptions of typical commissary equip-
types covered in the chapters. Only the basic aspects that ment.
are applicable to all of them are covered in this chapter.
Section 22.3 describes accommodation arrangement de-
Section 22.4 describes closures such as watertight doors,
including large vehicle access doors, and similar joiner and The design of a ship’s general arrangement can be a very
weathertight doors. Cargo hatch covers, access hatches, rewarding one, especially if the designer gets the opportu-
manholes, and other small closures are also discussed. A nity to see the product as it is being constructed as well as
description of other openings such as freeing ports and cargo when it is finished.
hold ventilation openings is provided. The arrangement of a ship is dictated by the service it pro-
Section 22.5 discusses anchoring and mooring arrange- vides. For example there are basic arrangements for tankers,
ments and deck fittings including mooring fittings, bulwark, bulk carriers, container ships, car carriers, cruise ships, off-
safety rails, and vertical and inclined ladders. This section shore supply vessels, ocean-going tugs, harbor tugs and fish-
also describes stores handling equipment, deck storage fit- ing vessels (see the specific ship type chapters in Volume II).
tings and lashings, as well as the stowage of spare parts. They have all developed over time to provide the best com-
Section 22.6 describes pilot boarding equipment and its promise for the safe and efficient operation of the ship. While
arrangement and design, and includes a discussion of reg- it is unlikely that a ship design will be a failure as long as the
ulatory requirements. basic arrangement is followed, arrangement design can make

22-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

the ship more of a success and a pleasure to operate. A su- National (U.S.)
perior design needs to be a well-analyzed and excellent com- The USCG enforces compliance with the following na-
promise between the various individual systems and tional laws:
configuration requirements for the specific ship.
• Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). CFRs are on the In-
There are a limited number of books available that cover
ternet and also available as hard copies from the U.S.
general arrangement design, but not in the English language.
Printing Office. Typical CFRs dealing with general
Previous editions of the present book have covered the sub-
arrangement design are:
ject, but only in a brief overview. There have been a few
technical papers given to professional societies (2-9) on the – 46 CFR Transportation
subject and also in ASNE for space analysis and relation- – 49 CFR Hazardous Material
ships for naval ships (10-13). The U.S. Navy has also – 35 CFR Panama Canal
developed guides for the preparation of General Arrange-
• NVIC Navigation and Inspection Circulars. These are is-
ments (14-16).
sued by the USCG as an advanced notice for pending
The design of the general arrangement of a ship is one
new regulations and are preliminary guidance documents,
of the most important design aspects and one that must be
which are usually canceled when the new requirements
decided early in the design process. Even in the Concept
are formally incorporated into the appropriate CFR.
Design stage it is likely that a Sketch General Arrangement
• U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Pub. 393, Hand-
will be prepared. This is because all other design aspects de-
book on Sanitation of Vessel Construction. This book-
pend on and must be integrated by the general arrangement.
let delineates the requirements for Food Services, Potable
Structure must be arranged to suit the general arrangement
Water Generation and Stowage, Marine Sanitation De-
layout of holds, tanks, machinery space, and deckhouse. The
vices, HVAC and Deratization.
cargo handling gear must be located for efficient loading
• International Labor Organization (ILO) Regulations on
and unloading of the cargo and be integrated into the struc-
Crew Accommodation, and
tural arrangement to ensure adequate support, and so that the
• Regulations issued by Country of Registry Maritime Ad-
loads can be distributed into the hull structure.
However, the general arrangement designer has to un-
• Labor Union Agreements, Crew Numbers and in some
derstand the structural designer’s need for structural mem-
cases details of Accommodation Amenities are some-
ber continuity, and the smooth distribution of load
times governed by these agreements. These requirements
throughout the structure, and thus select the correct loca-
vary between shipowners and usually provide higher
tion for the major boundaries of the spaces (see Chapter 17
standards than CFR 46.
– Structural Arrangement and Component Design). The
major compartments have to be arranged to provide ac- It should be noted that the country of registry regulations
ceptable trim on the various operating conditions the ship can be stricter than the SOLAS and ILO regulations.
will experience in service. The smooth flow of the crew as So how does a ship designer learn the art of ship arrange-
they perform their work functions, and those necessary in ment design? The usual way is through working with oth-
any emergency is essential. Finally, recognizing that the ers experienced in the art and learning from them. The
crew will spend most of its life onboard the ship, a high stan- nuances in developing accommodation arrangements can
dard of crew comfort must be provided. be written down, but the need for, and best solutions re-
Thus the general arrangement designer must work closely garding different crew and officers not using each others pas-
with the other designers to ensure that the design is fully sageways in their daily activities is something that can only
integrated. be learned by practice. Today, ship’s crews are multi-national
There are national laws and international agreements and multi-sex, and this can increase the challenges found
that must be met in the design of general arrangements for in the development of effective accommodation arrange-
merchant ships. These requirements are: ments. Recent merchant ship designs provide single state-
rooms for all crew members with either individual toilet
International and shower (T&S), or as a minimum individual lavatories
• SOLAS, International Convention for Safety of Life at with a T&S shared by two adjacent staterooms. These
Sea 1974, including the Protocol and all Amendments. arrangements provide inherent gender segregation and,
• IMO, International Maritime Organization therefore, ease the accommodation of mixed gender crews.
• Panama Canal Company Rules A good way to gain experience in ship arrangements de-
• Suez Canal Rules sign is to review and analyze the ship drawings presented
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-3

in the marine magazines and Technical Journals. Typical The development of general arrangements for a ship has
arrangements for commercial designs can be seen in the to result in the best possible combination of all required
RINA Significant Ships publication. Things that should be systems into a single efficient system of systems that pro-
looked for are: vides an efficient ocean transport. The designer should al-
ways remember that the reason the shipowner invests in a
• any innovate departures from the normal ship type
ship is to make a profit when providing the offered serv-
ices. Thus while crew access and amenities are important,
• how are areas related to each other?
the arrangement for the cargo or service that the ship will
• is there anything that does not appear to make sense?
carry or provide must be the driving focus. That this is so
• what would you have done differently and why?
can be seen from recent ship arrangements that have lo-
• how are the different crew members located in the deck-
cated the deckhouse as far aft as possible on commercial
ships. Every naval architect knows that the best place to be
• how good is the access/flow for crew members to their
on a ship in a seaway, relative to motions and propeller noise
work, lifeboat muster stations, food service lines and
and vibration, is amidships at waterline level. Yet today
leisure spaces?
many ships are designed, as previously mentioned, with the
• is the machinery casing internal or external of the deck-
deckhouse as far aft as possible. This provides the best so-
lution from the cargo point of view and also brought about
• is noise generating equipment adequately segregated
the use on ships of the free-fall single lifeboat instead of
from crew work and living spaces?
two lifeboats in davits, which cannot be located aft of a cer-
• what cargo handling gear is used for the commodity to
tain distance forward of the propeller(s) as delineated in the
be carried?
46 CFR. The extreme aft location of the deckhouse may not
In addition: be the best from the point of view of crew comfort but is
usually the best for the cargo arrangement. Therefore, it can
• develop a collection of ship arrangements that are par-
be seen that the best arrangement will be a compromise be-
ticularly liked/admired, and note on them the date of the
tween many conflicting requirements, which the ship gen-
design and what is special,
eral arrangement designer must address.
• review ship’s furniture manufacturer’s catalogs to de-
When developing the deckhouse configuration the de-
velop an understanding of item sizes,
signer must check that the conceptual structural configura-
• become familiar with standard accommodation lining
tion provides the required continuity of the bulkheads, girders
and ceiling systems,
and stanchions from the hull into the deckhouse. The de-
• become familiar with standard cabin module concept
signer must also determine whether the HVAC designer in-
and a manufacturer’s line of modules,
tends to use a conventional or a Higher Velocity HVAC system.
• become familiar with cargo handling gear and systems,
The higher velocity system uses smaller cross section ducts,
which allow the arrangement designer to use lower individ-
• become familiar with regulations influencing arrange-
ual deck heights while still maintaining the required interior
ment design.
headroom. In addition to the weight savings this also lowers
The ship arrangement designer has to deal with the the combined deckhouse center of gravity, which of course
shipowner’s preferences and merge them with the prospec- helps the stability. The deckhouse designer must develop fire
tive shipbuilder(s) build strategy and production method- zones and should discuss with the structural designer the lo-
ologies. The best way to develop the necessary good cation of steel bulkheads in the deckhouse and their possible
understanding of the shipowner’s preferences is to establish use as fire zones. The machinery arrangement concept must
a close liaison with the shipowner’s technical representa- be reviewed to assure that the engine air intake and exhaust,
tives and obtain arrangement drawings of the shipowner’s as well as the engine room ventilation system, are well inte-
most recently acquired ships; but again it is important to grated into the deckhouse. This is important even if at the pres-
note the date of the design. This is important because of the ent time the stack is a separate structure aft of the deckhouse
numerous changes of pollution and safety requirements that to provide best noise attenuation.
have occurred in the recent past and are still occurring at a The designer of the deckhouse must consider the re-
rapid pace. Little things like inclined ladders fore and aft or quired locations of the Navigation Lights to assure there
athwartships can be gleaned from the drawings. If drawings are proper mounting points available on the house and mast.
are not available, visits should be made to the shipowner’s These mounting points must have good access for mainte-
ships and both photographs and video taken for later review. nance.
22-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

At this point it is prudent to determine the eye height re- U.S. shipowners will be the same for foreign owners. For
quired for the helmsman to obtain proper visibility from example, bars are prohibited in officers and crew lounges
the bridge. For a stand-up helmsman the eye height above on U.S. and Islamic owned ships but are common on all oth-
the bridge deck is 1.6 m. From this eye height the helms- ers, including British and European warships. If the Chief
man must be able to see the water surface at a point 1.5 ship
lengths forward of the forward perpendicular (FP). This is
considered the minimum.
The arrangement of the wheelhouse is usually a com-
bined effort of the shipowner, shipbuilder and the classifi-
cation society. Today all classification societies will give
guidance for and special class notation if the wheelhouse
is designed to suit their rules. Figure 22.1 (a) shows a dia-
gram from Det Norske Veritas Rules for wheelhouse equip-
ment layout and Figure 22.1 (b) shows photographs of the
bridge for a recently delivered ship and (c) shows a proposed
one-man bridge arrangement.
The arrangement of the crew on the various decks can
follow a number of concepts as shown in Table 22.I. The
captain’s accommodation should always have a side view
to starboard.
If the ship design is for a foreign shipowner certain cul-
tural aspects of the intended crew will need to be known. It Figure 22.1 (a) Modern Bridge Design—Arrangement of Wheelhouse
is obviously wrong to assume that what is acceptable for Equipment Based on Det Norske Veritas

Figure 22.1 (b) Modern Bridge Design—Typical Bridge

Figure 22.1 (c) Modern Bridge Design—Arrangement of Wheelhouse Equipment Based on Det Norske Veritas
22-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 22.I Typical Deck Arrangements for Accommodation

Wheelhouse Wheelhouse and Captain’s Cabin Wheelhouse
Captain’s Deck (with Chief Engineer) Officers Deck Captain’s Deck (with Chief Engineer)
Officers Deck Lounge and Mess Deck Officers Deck (with Lounge and Mess)
Lounge and Mess Deck with Galley Crew Deck and Galley Crews Deck (with Lounge and Mess)
Crew Deck Stores and Workshops in Hull Galley and Stores (Upper Deck)
Stores and Workshop Deck (Upper Deck) Workshops in Hull

TABLE 22.II Typical Ship Design Stowage Factors

ballast in the Full Load is not acceptable in a design unless
Stowage Factor beam restrictions combined with high vertical center of
Ship Type Range m3/t DWT gravity cargo necessitates it. The designer must remember
that the merchant ship is first and foremost a revenue-gen-
Bulk Carrier 1.24 erating tool and any operating cost savings make the ship
Car Carrier 0.35 car/t DWT more productive. The most important characteristics are
Container Ship 0.8 TEU/t DWT Deadweight (DWT), Cargo Capacity, and Fuel Consump-
Crude Oil Tanker 1.22
tion; DWT being the weight of cargo carried, the capacity
is related to the cargo deadweight by the Stowage Factor.
Cruise 0.7 – 0.3 pass/t DWT Typical stowage factors are given in Table 22.II, but the ship
Cruise Ferry 0.45 – 0.37 lane m/t DWT type chapters in Volume II should be referred to for exact
LNG Carrier 2.02 values. Also it is normal for the stowage factors to reduce
Ore Carrier 0.54 as ship size increases. So in the table the lower value when
a range is given is for the larger ship.
Orange Juice Carrier 0.74
The ship should be designed to have the lowest possible
Multipurpose Cargo 1.70 fuel consumption, as fuel cost today may be as much as
Product Tanker 1.35 55–60% of annual operating cost.
Reefer 1.35 Today’s ballast system is, of course, segregated from all
other tanks. This means only clean seawater in and out.
RO/RO 0.33 – 0.25 lane m/t DWT
Smaller fuel service and settling tanks are usually heated
and require locations away from the normally cold shell.
The designer should also take care to avoid adjacencies of
manned spaces to heated tanks.
Engineer’s cabin is not on the same deck as the Captain’s The current focus on ballast water exchange as a way to
it should be located on the deck level below the deck offi- prevent transport of foreign marine species from one area
cers with all the Engineers with similar arrangement to the of the oceans to another must be considered in the design.
Captain’s. The SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 7-3 (18)
The sizing of the holds, tweendecks and tanks are often states:
simply what results from the logical structural major mem-
The general arrangement design is documented by the gen-
ber location or it may be a deliberate balancing of cargo
eral arrangement drawings. The general arrangement draw-
quantity and handling gear to take the same time at each lo-
ings define design requirements that are described pictorially
cation. This prevents the situation where all spaces are
rather than in the written specifications. The final general
loaded/unloaded except for one space that takes signifi-
arrangement drawings must reflect only those details that
cantly longer (17).
are required as part of the final contract package.
All merchant ships are equipped with ballast tanks but
the designer must assure that they are used only when the The General Arrangement drawings include the outboard
ship is either partially loaded or empty of cargo. When the and inboard profiles and the deck arrangement drawings.
ship is in the Full Load Condition it should not require any An external bow view, stern view, and top view are also
ballast. The cost of transporting non-revenue-generating sometimes included in the later stages of design. The bow
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-7

should always be shown to the right. The nomenclature for Table 22.III has been liberally adapted from reference
the stages of ship design is that used in Chapter 5 – Ship 12 by Professors Parsons and Lamb at the University of
Design Process. The General Arrangement drawings are Michigan.
functional design development and communication tools
throughout the design process from the feasibility studies,
concept and early preliminary design stages. They evolve
to become more formal contractual documents beginning
in preliminary design and then finally when issued as a for- In state-of-the-art ships all crew resides in the deckhouse.
mal product of the contract design. Typical content and de- The deckhouse is usually constructed in one or two blocks,
tails at the different design stages evolve as the purpose of pre-outfitted and lifted on to the hull (Figure 22.2). In a re-
the drawings changes through these stages of design as cent U.S. Government ship design the deckhouse configu-
shown in Table 22.III, and in the following discussion. ration consisted of combinations of standard rooms of
identical size. Where rank justified more space, such as cap-
Feasibility Studies: At this early stage, a typical Gen- tain and chief engineer, three adjacent rooms were provided.
eral Arrangement might consist of sketches or simple draw- These were outfitted as captain’s office in the center and
ings showing the arrangement of, or below, the main deck captain’s stateroom to one side and sitting room to the other
and the inboard profile. A section through the hull may also side. The chief engineer’s quarters were arranged likewise.
be included, particularly in commercial designs, to show Crew members were each allocated one room. When this
hull/cargo arrangement approach is used the standard stateroom size and arrange-
ment should be such that the prospective joiner manufac-
Concept Design (cD): In the concept design phase, the turers panel size can be used either whole or half, no slivers.
typical General Arrangement drawing includes plan views It is prudent for the designer to establish a liaison with
and an inboard profile. The plan views are cuts made just at least two prospective joiner and furniture vendors since
below the deckhead of the level of a particular deck and show shipbuilders usually subcontract out the detail design and
the arrangement of spaces on that deck level. On a com-
mercial design at this stage, there might only be a single
plan view taken just below the main deck to show the major
subdivision and space use within the hull. The inboard pro-
file is a cut made at the ship centerline showing the arrange-
ment just to the port side of the centerline, unless special
provisions and notations are made. The arrangement might
just show space blocks allocated by function rather than all
the individual compartments and spaces. The drawings need
to include baseline, centerline, and longitudinal coordinates
and be prepared at a consistent scale throughout.

Preliminary Design (PD): In the preliminary design phase

(which may be blurred with both or either concept and con-
tract design), the typical General Arrangement drawing in-
cludes more detail and a definition and identification of all
compartments or spaces. The principal pieces of machinery
might be included on the General Arrangement drawings.

Contract Design (CD): In the contract design phase, the

General Arrangement drawing becomes a formal contrac-
tual document. It needs to show requirements of the design,
but only those that are intended to be formally required.
Some design development detail may be deleted from ear-
lier versions and more detail may be added in other areas.
Details of navigation lights, mission specific equipment,
and mooring arrangements are defined. Figure 22.2 Complete Turn-key Subcontracted Deckhouse Block
TABLE 22.III Typical Details to be Shown on General Arrangement Drawings
Plan View(s) External Views
below Main Deck Outboard Profile,
or on All Decks Inboard Profile Bow, Stern, Top
Detail cD PD CD cD PD CD cD PD CD

Baseline x x x x x x x x —
Baseline x x x x x x — x x
Centerline x x x x x x — x x
Longitudinal scale bar x x x x x x — x x
Identification of AP & FP x x x x x x — — —
Shell x x x x x x — x x
Decks — — — x x x — — —
Structural bulkheads x x x x x x — — —
Joiner bulkheads — — x — — x — — —
Frames or frame spacing — x x — x x — — —
Hatches x x x x x x — — —
Arches in structure — x x — x x — x x
Fire and watertight doors — — x — — x — — x
Joiner doors — x x — — x — — —
Trunks x x x x x x — — —
Equipment removal plates — x x — x x — x x
Major structural members — — x — — x — —
Stanchions — x x — x x — — x
Masts — — x — — x — — x
Deck/platform heights — x x — x x — — —
Sheer and camber — — — x x x — x x
Capstans/winches — — x — — x — — x
Chain lockers — x x x x x — — —
Anchors — — x — — — — — x
Compartment titles — — x — — x —
Bitts/chocks/fairleads, etc. — — x — — x — — x
Ladders/stairs — — x — — x — — x
Gratings — x x — — x — — x
Antennas (Navy vessels) — — — — — x — — x
Navigation lights — — x — — x — — x
Mission equipment x x x x x x — x x
Main engines/gears — x x x x x — — —
Propellers/shafting — — — x x x — x x
Rudder — — x x x x — x x
Definition of tanks x x x x x x — x x
Boats/rafts — x x x x x — x x
Cranes/Cargo gear — x x — x x — x x
Windows/portlights — — x — — x — — x
Identification of major items — — x — — x — — x
Typical cabin arrangements — — x — — — — — —
Consistent use of line types x x x x x x — — —
Table of principal particulars — — — x x x — — —

Note: cD = Concept Design PD = Preliminary Design CD = Contract Design

Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-9

Figure 22.3 Accommodation Arrangement for a U.S. Military Sealift Command Ship

construction of this effort. Mess rooms, galley and stores addition to interior inclined stairway towers and exterior
are usually located in the lower tiers of the deckhouse. Ranks inclined ladder access, tall deckhouses are provided with a
are segregated into different tiers and where possible lounges personnel elevator.
are provided for each rank at their stateroom locations. In Figure 22.3 shows the accommodation arrangement for
22-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 22.4 Accommodation Arrangement for a Commercial Ship

a recent U.S. military sealift ship. It carried both civilian sider. For example some shipowners/designers advocate
and military personnel. Figure 22.4 shows the accommo- that sanitary spaces should not be located on exterior bulk-
dation arrangement for a recent commercial ship design. heads to avoid condensation problems. Today with toilet
Photographs of typical commercial ship cabins are shown modules this problem does not arise. However, many de-
in Figure 22.5, and typical modern commercial ship cabin signers locate the modular toilets inboard adjacent to the
arrangements as well as arrangements of mess rooms, gal- passageways, so that access panels can be arranged to as-
ley, and lounges are shown in Figure 22.6. It should be noted sist in maintaining the sanitary systems. When developing
that all berths are arranged fore and aft. This is the gener- the arrangement the sanitary spaces at each level should be
ally preferred arrangement, except on the Great Lakes where vertically aligned. When minimum crew cabin area is de-
the standard is athwartship berths. sired the sanitary spaces are located outboard as shown in
Some shipowners provide a choice to the crew by pro- Figure 22.6(b).
viding full-length settees in the cabin, arranged athwartships. Figure 22.7 shows crew cabins for a recent U.S. Gov-
Then the crewmember can shift to the settee to sleep when ernment ship manned by civilian crew. It can be seen that
the ship motions make it desirable. Today, on commercial they are more austere than the typical modern commercial
ships, all cabins will have private toilets. crew cabins. For instance they generally share a toilet and
Adjacency of spaces is an important condition to con- shower and often the cabin is for two crewmembers. The
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-11

Figure 22.5 Typical Cabins and Passenger Areas on a Commercial Ship

furniture is usually a government standard sheet metal de- in a berth along a deckhouse side, the side of the body near-
sign based on providing the basic necessary amenities. They est to the deckhouse side is hotter/colder than the side fac-
also have athwartship berths and berths on the ship/deck- ing into the cabin depending on whether the temperature
house side. Some countries prohibit the arranging of berths outside is hotter/colder than the cabin temperature.
against the ship or deckhouse sides for commercial ships. The national laws state minimum clear deck areas in
It is also a better arrangement considering heat/cold flow cabins for crew and officers, and a number of design pub-
from the side and for access to the window or airport. One lications give required minimum guidance areas, but today
of the authors can personally attest to the fact that sleeping they are both usually exceeded for commercial ships. This
22-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

(a) (b) (c) (d)


Figure 22.6 Typical Modern Commercial Ship Accommodation Arrangements. a) Dining Room, Mess Room and Galley. b) Crew Cabins. Minimum Area
Arrangement (Top); Toilet Arranged Inboard (Middle); Deckhouse End Arrangement (Bottom). c) Officer’s Cabin. d) Officers and Crew Lounges. e) Captain’s/Chief
Engineer’s Accommodation.

refrigerated containers that are located adjacent to the gal-

ley. The obvious advantage of this arrangement is that the
stores can be loaded as quickly as any other container.
An effective arrangement for integrating the stairway
and elevator and providing a service access trunk is shown
in Figure 22.8. Special care is required to ensure that each
space; stairway, elevator trunk and service trunk, are each
surrounded by the regulatory specified fire bulkheads and
that the doors to each space are fire doors.
Officers and passengers commonly share a dining room
or saloon equipped with tables, chairs, and sideboards. The
crew mess is likewise provided with tables, chairs, side-
board, and a drinking fountain. Various small appliances
Figure 22.7 Typical Recent U.S. Government Ship Accommodation such as a coffee maker, a 2-burner warming unit, a toaster
Arrangements and a small refrigerator are provided for use when the
pantry/servery is closed.
Integral with the accommodation spaces are control
rooms such as the wheelhouse, machinery and cargo con-
is because it is necessary to provide superior amenities on trol centers. These are the main spaces in which the ship’s
board ships in order to attract people to a life at sea and sat- crew works, so they spend a lot of time in them. All these
isfy Union Agreements. spaces focus on human factors to develop the best man-
So rather than try to design to the minimum areas it is machine interface and to try and assist in the increasing
better to design arrangements in accordance with today’s amount of information that is available to the crew. Today
best practice. wheelhouses are being designed for one-man operation and
Note that on some container ships the usual built-in dry machinery control centers are being designed for unmanned
and refrigerated storerooms are being replaced with dry and engine rooms. The wheelhouses of today’s ships have al-
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-13

Requirements for closures may be divided into two gen-

eral categories:
1. closures which are routinely opened and closed while at
sea, such as access and escape doors in accommodation
and work spaces, and
2. cargo space closures including hatch covers, sideports,
sluice gates, conveyor belt gates, etc., which normally
remain secured while at sea. Closures operated while at sea

These doors, hatches, scuttles and manholes are designed
to the requirements of regulatory bodies and the classifica-
tion societies, of strength equivalent to the surrounding
structure. Class 1 hinged doors are fitted above the bulk-
Figure 22.8 Stairway, Elevator and Service Access Trunk Arrangement head deck. Sill heights and coaming heights are prescribed
in the International Load Line Convention and in the clas-
sification society rules. Sliding watertight doors, Class 2 or
most duplicate machinery control consoles as found in ma- 3, are fitted in subdivision bulkheads below the bulkhead
chinery control centers, excluding the switchboards. The deck only where unavoidable. These sliding watertight doors
classification societies have special rules for Bridge de- are usually found in machinery and steering gear room bulk-
sign, and each of the major wheelhouse equipment/controls heads. They require an open/closed indicator on the bridge,
suppliers have studied the ideal arrangement for the wheel- as well as remote closing control.
house. The perimeter shape of the wheelhouse has changed Closures secured while at sea
to improve the capability of reduced manning on the bridge
Cargo hatches, sideports, and RO/RO bulkhead doors, must
to function efficiently. The arrangement of the wheelhouse
meet regulatory body subdivision requirements and must be
windows to reduce parallax distortion as shown in Figure
classed as closures in a watertight bulkhead. Thus, gasket-
22.3(c) is just one example. On some ships there is no
ing and dogging must be designed to provide a watertight
longer a steering wheel, being replaced by a joystick.
seal under a head of water, the same as for bulkheads. The
The ship general arrangement designer should recognize
only instances where absolute watertight requirements are
that this aspect of the accommodation design is specialized
not strictly followed are in the case of tanker free-flow sluice
and should work with the equipment/controls supplier to de-
gates which are Drop Tight, Class 2 and Class 3 sliding
sign the best bridge for the ship taking into account its serv-
doors and watertight conveyor gates on self-unloading ves-
ice, manning scenario and system to be installed.
sels, which are built to specified leakage limitation re-
quirements. Even though not strictly classified as watertight,
owners and regulatory bodies, now favor use of conveyor-
22.4 CLOSURES belt doors, which are designed to reduce the maximum leak-
age when closed and secured around the rubber conveyor
22.4.1 General
belts to approximately 25 percent of the capacity of the
For commercial ships, closures to openings in the main hull, bilge system serving the flooded compartments.
deck houses, tanks, subdivision bulkheads, and elsewhere af-
fecting the safety of the ship, or persons aboard, are subject
to the regulations of the International Maritime Organization 2.4.2. Watertight Doors
(IMO) which are administered by country of Registry Reg- Watertight doors include those required for personnel ac-
ulatory Body (in the U.S. it is the U.S. Coast Guard), and clas- cess on weather decks and through watertight bulkheads,
sification society with which the ship is classed. and those required to move cargo into or out of a ship.
The applicable standards of construction are adequately
described in these regulations and thus will not be dupli- Deckhouse access
cated here, but individual details may be highlighted. How- Hinged watertight metal doors are fitted at all exterior deck-
ever, the sketches and descriptive material which follow are house openings on the weather deck level as required by
representative of standard practice in accordance with the the regulatory bodies for the particular ship and service.
regulatory bodies as applicable to most commercial ships. These types of doors are fitted with a neoprene type gasket
22-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

and secured with suitably spaced individual, or gang (quick (a) (b)
acting) hand-operated dogs, which may be manipulated
from either side of the door (Figure 22.9). They have a cer-
tain minimum sill height depending on the space protected,
the height above the assigned load waterline, and distance
from the bow. Watertight bulkhead access

Watertight doors also are fitted in subdivision bulkheads
below the ship’s bulkhead deck. The number, location, and
method of closing such doors are determined by the regu-
latory bodies in accordance with the characteristics, num-
ber of passengers, and service of the ship.
Figure 22.10 shows a mechanically operated, sliding wa-
tertight door which must be used in place of a hinged door,
when the door sill is less than the prescribed distance above
the subdivision load line, or when the size of the opening
Figure 22.9 Hinged Watertight Doors. a) Dogged Watertight Door, and
is too large to make a hinged door practicable. If a remote
controlled door, located in the lower part of the ship, is to b) Quick Acting Watertight Door.
be opened while at sea, the sliding watertight door is manda-
tory. The most common case is a door from the machinery
space to the shaft alley or other adjacent space. The door
must be operated remotely, locally and from above the bulk-
head deck with open/closed indicators in the wheelhouse. Sideport access, stores, and fueling doors

Sideports are also used to provide access to a cargo hold,
personnel or vehicle embarkation, and stores spaces where
overhead access cannot be fitted conveniently. Fueling doors
have been the cause of some RO/RO ship accidents and fu-
eling access is now from the deck above. All side ports are
required to be located above the deepest subdivision load
line and watertight. Sideports doors can swing either in-
board or outboard.
Figure 22.10 Mechanically Operated Sliding Watertight Door
Sideports ordinarily are fitted at the upper tweendeck
level. Cargo is run through the port by forklift truck, con-
veyor, or other means and then lowered to the decks below
by elevator, vertical conveyor, or a hoist acting through a
hatch opening. As a general rule, the type of cargo thus han-
dled is limited to small packaged units (pallets) such as
canned goods and refrigerated cargo, easily moved on con-
Construction in way of a side port opening must be the
equivalent of the adjacent ship side structure. Thus the open-
ing in the shell must be adequately compensated, by heav-
ier structure, as required by the classification society.
Figure 22.11 shows a hydraulically operated inboard swing-
ing sideport door including the closely spaced dogs, which
force the door against a gasket making a watertight seal.
Recessed sideports, which swing inboard, are less vul-
nerable to damage from docks, or barges tied alongside, but Figure 22.11 Hinged Cargo Loading Sideport
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-15

must be reinforced with strong backs in addition to dogs. Stern doors generally are hinged up above the loading
Hinged sideports up to approximately 1.2 m width are built deck level but sometimes the door and the ramp are com-
in one section; wider openings are generally fitted with ar- bined and so they hinge down, and are secured against neo-
ticulated hinges that swing the door open parallel to the prene gaskets around the boundaries of the stern opening
shell. Double doors are infrequently used due to sealing to form a watertight closure.
problems. Other variations in sideport construction partic- The raising and lowering of the stern door is normally
ularly for large-size openings include horizontal and verti- accomplished by hydraulic cylinders actuated by controls
cal sliding power-operated doors. Such doors are frequently suitably located at the stern. Since stern doors must with-
used in RO/ROs where door size and deck space limitations stand the impact of seas, they tend to become rather mas-
often do not permit use of swinging hinged doors. sive structures.
Figure 22.12 shows a typical stern ramp and door Cargo stern ramps and doors arrangements.
On RO/RO ships, ferries, and military vehicle carriers with
stern ramps, a stern loading door is usually fitted, off cen- Bow doors
ter or at the centerline of ship through a flat, transom stern. Bow doors are fitted on ferries to simplify the loading and
The stern door is usually the primary loading/offloading fa- unloading operations. The door is often part of a system
cility for RO/RO ships. consisting of side hinged bow doors or a hinged bow visor,

Figure 22.12 Typical Stern Watertight Doors and Ramps

22-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

with another watertight door inside and aft of the bow as

shown in Figure 22.13. Figure 22.14 shows an arrangement
with a bow visor.

22.4.3 Miscellaneous Type Doors

Miscellaneous type doors include gastight, weathertight,
and non-watertight doors. Gastight doors

Gastight doors are of lighter construction (similar to weath-
ertight doors) but must meet more exacting tests for tight- Figure 22.13 Bow Door Arrangement
ness than watertight doors, and are usually limited to the
hinged type suitable for installation in the boundary bulk-
heads of a space containing hazardous or objectionable
fumes, such as a battery and sewage treatment room. Weathertight doors

Weathertight doors may be fitted at exposed deckhouse
openings where a watertight door is not required by regu-
lations. Such doors usually consist of steel or aluminum, so
built and drained as to exclude driving rain and spray, and
capable of withstanding the impact of a boarding sea (Fig-
ure 22.15).
A fixed light should be provided in all doors opening to
the weather deck. Hinged doors are most commonly used
but sliding doors are often used for wheelhouse sides, as
they are effortless to open against wind and weather. The
openings into deckhouses are often recessed inboard of the
house side for protection from the weather, and to avoid ob-
structing the passageway when open. Hinged exterior doors
Figure 22.14 Typical Bow Door and Visor
always should be fitted with the hinges on the forward, out-
board side so that wind or sea striking the door will tend to
close it.
Today, steel or aluminum doors with painted finish are
more frequently used in lieu of wood doors. They perform
the same function and meet the same general requirements
as wood doors and require less maintenance. They are ei-
ther similar in construction to steel watertight doors, but of
somewhat lighter construction, or are of double-skin insu-
lated designs. Both have fewer securing dogs. Stainless steel
doors are easier to maintain than ordinary steel doors, but
are considerably more expensive. On ships with open bridge
wings, stainless steel sliding doors are used since their open-
ing is not affected by wind. These doors have large windows
the same size as wheelhouse windows and with the doors
in the open position the door windows line up with the
wheelhouse windows for proper visibility.

Figure 22.15 Weathertight Doors

Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-17 Non-watertight steel doors for stores and shops thick, heat treated in exposed locations on seagoing vessels,
Non-watertight doors of dished construction or made up of and of regular glass on inland vessels in locations and on
a 5–7 mm thick plate, suitably stiffened, and installed at en- runs where there is no danger of water impact from the seas.
trances to stores spaces and working areas. Either type of Deadlight covers are made of cast bronze, aluminum, or
door can be secured with a padlock rather than a rim lock. steel; they hinge upward and inboard, in which position
they are secured with a keep chain. Non-watertight joiner doors for
Metal joiner doors are used extensively for staterooms, san- (a)
itary spaces, and living quarters where fire-protection reg-
ulations prohibit the use of joiner wood doors. Such doors
are formed of light gauge sheet steel and are specially in-
sulated for soundproofing, to prevent drumming, and to
meet fire resistance requirements. Kick-out panels in the
lower part of the door often are arranged as ventilation lou-
vers. Magnetic holdback and self-closing devices are used
on passageway fire doors, remote controlled where required
by the rules for fire control. Door hardware should be of
substantial steel or bronze construction.

22.4.4 Windows, Airports, and Fixed Lights

Rectangular windows with cast or extruded bronze or alu-
minum frames with steel retaining clips are usually fitted
in lieu of airports, in the upper levels of a superstructure, (b)
and the wheelhouse. In the wheelhouse they are fitted with
wire-inserted heat-treated plate glass, at least 6 mm thick
for protection. The glass may be tinted to exclude solar glare
in all locations except the wheelhouse. The sliding win-
dows descend vertically into a metal pocket or drain pan
below the window and the pan is drained to the exterior. Two
or more of the front windows in the wheelhouse are usu-
ally fitted with wipers, and/or rotating disc inserts know as
clear views, for visibility in rain or snow.
Wheelhouse windows are canted out at the top to pro-
vide protection from sun glare, as well as avoid parallax dis-
tortion when looking down over the bow. Typical windows (c)
are shown in Figure 22.16, and airports and fixed lights in
Figure 22.17.
Large view windows in passenger vessels in lake, bay
and sound service are commonly fitted with double pane
windows with an air space to minimize heat loss.
Hinged airports, complete with air scoops and screens,
are fitted in superstructures and lower levels of deckhouses.
In the past, above the main deck, the passengers or crew
could open airports at will. However, today most accom-
modation spaces are air-conditioned so fixed lights or fixed
windows are fitted.
Airports and fixed lights generally have frames con-
structed of cast bronze or aluminum fitted with steel re- Figure 22.16 Typical Marine Windows. a) Fixed Window. b) Opening Hinged
taining clips. They are fitted with plate glass at least 6 mm Window. c) Vertically Sliding Window.
22-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ally fitted with counterbalance weights or springs with hold-

back hooks to prevent them from closing accidentally and in-
juring personnel. The covers (Figure 22.18) are constructed
of steel plate, fitted with dogs and resilient gaskets. Weather
deck hatch coamings are 610 mm high or less, depending upon
the location, as specified in the IMO regulations.
Manholes are fitted where infrequent access to tanks,
cofferdams, and void spaces is required. To insure two means
of escape and to facilitate ventilation, it is standard prac-
tice to provide two manholes to each tank or void space, lo-
cated at diagonally opposite corners, but for relatively small
spaces one manhole is acceptable.
Manholes are either oblong or round depending upon the
adjacent stiffener spacing and the configuration of the space
available for the installation. The covers are bolted down
on resilient gaskets for access to small ballast tanks and
other spaces, where required to be watertight. Neoprene
gaskets are used for oil-tight applications. The minimum
clear opening for a round hole should not be less than 460
mm or oblong holes 580 by 380 mm. These dimensions
were established by the U.S. Admeasurement Rules. Today,
with all international trading ships, the admeasurement fol-
lows the 1970 International Tonnage Regulations developed
by IMO; so larger holes can and should be fitted.
The only ships that need to maintain such small open-
Figure 2.17 Typical Airports and Fixed Lights ings are those operating within the coastal waters of a
country serving only domestic trade, which can still be ad-
measured using the country’s old Admeasurement Regula-
tions. For all modern ocean-going commercial ships the
Eyebrows are fitted over opening windows and airports on openings can be whatever the operations require. For ex-
the outside of the hull and deckhouses to drain water away from ample the International Tanker Association recommends
the opening. If the airports spigots project at least 19 mm past that openings into tanks be suitable for passage of injured
the shell, eyebrows may be omitted. Drip pans, with exterior personnel on stretchers.
drains, are provided under opening windows and airports. Manholes can be flush, raised, recessed or hinged. Typ-
Any portlight having a sill below a line 2.5% of the beam ical manhole covers are shown in Figure 22.19 and consist
above the deepest subdivision load line must be fitted as a of flat steel plates secured with bolts or studs.
fixed light (Current USCG Rules). Portable manhole guards, made of 6 to 10 mm plate, are
fitted over manholes in cargo holds, workspaces, etc., where
the cover might be damaged, and are secured by bolts or studs.
22.4.5 Companionways, Access Hatches, and Manholes Freeing ports are provided in bulwarks to rapidly drain
Companionways are used to provide a sheltered landing the enclosed deck areas of green water. The ports consist
when the space below is reached by means of an inclined of rectangular openings 150 to 200 mm high by 600 to 1200
ladder or stairway from a weather deck. A hinged watertight mm long, to fit the frame spacing in the bulwark plating at
steel door with a 460 or 610-mm sill and a fixed light, is stan- deck level. Vertical guard bars or top outboard-hinged cover
dard for a weather deck companionway. Full headroom is plates are usually fitted. The ends of the freeing ports have
provided over the landing inside the companionway. a radius shape equal to the height.
Hatches are fitted on weather decks over boson’s stores, Rope scuttles are fitted through the weather deck on
workspaces, steering gear, and other spaces where access ships where a stores hatch to the stowage space below is
from the weather deck is essential and/or entrance cannot be not available or is not suitably located for passage of heavy
made conveniently from below deck. For ease of operation mooring lines. The construction of a rope scuttle is basi-
the covers of access hatches, if frequently used, are gener- cally similar to a hinged raised manhole, as discussed pre-
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-19

viously, except that it need only to be large enough to per- ing winches are located below the weather deck or where
mit easy passage of a steel or fiber rope-end eye splice. Also, the weather deck would be too high, in relation to the moor-
the inside surfaces of the coaming are rounded to ease the ing bitts on the pier, to afford a proper slope to mooring lines
passage of ropes as well as to avoid damaging them. To fa- below the horizontal.
cilitate passing heavy wire ropes, rollers are frequently fit- Through-hull mooring ports are of generally similar con-
ted inside the scuttle coaming, similar to a roller chock. struction to the rope deck scuttles described previously, but
hinge inboard and are dogged tight against a gasket from
the inside. Heavy roller fairleads are built integral with the
22.4.6 Miscellaneous Hull Opening Closures port opening since the mooring lines are lead through the
Through-hull mooring ports are watertight closures in the opening, directly to the mooring winches.
shell plating, used in mooring arrangements where the moor-

22.4.7 Cargo Hatch Covers

Today the use of wood or steel cargo hatch covers that need
to be covered by tarpaulin sheets, battened and dogged
around the edges has become extinct. Hatch covers on mod-
ern vessels generally consist of a variety of types such as
single-piece lift-off pontoons, hinged pontoon sections
which fold to the open position, rolling covers, (fore and
aft or athwartship), and cover sections which stow on a
drum. In all cases the covers are made weathertight by dog-
ging with gasketing against a usually stainless steel hatch
coaming seal bar.
Figure 22.18 Watertight Hinged Hatches Single-piece pontoon covers
Pontoon covers for containerships and modern break-bulk
(a) (b) cargo ships usually consist of large steel sections of suffi-
cient size to cover the entire hatch opening in one piece.
The pontoon is open on the under side and is designed to
take the span of the hatch width without the aid of auxil-
iary beam supports. Lifting fittings are attached to each pon-
toon, which is then handled by ship, or shore cranes.
Large, single-piece pontoon covers are preferred aboard
container and heavy-lift ships where special crane facilities
are available for handling large units. In both cases, opened
cover sections are stowed on top of adjacent or nearby hatches
which need not be worked simultaneously with cargo gear
or alongside on the pier. Containership pontoon hatch cov-
ers are equipped with lift fittings simulating the container
corner fittings to permit the spreader on the container crane
to lift the covers without the need of any special attachment.
Figure 22.19 Typical Manhole Covers. a) Raised Manhole Cover, and b) Flush These containership pontoon covers are usually weight lim-
Manhole Cover. ited to the gross weight of the 40-foot containers, namely 30
tonnes. Lift-off covers are generally similar to that of the steel
pontoon cover shown in Figure 22.20. Mechanical covers

Mechanically operated hatch covers are of two basic types;
those used on weather decks which are weathertight and ei-
ther mounted on raised coamings or flush with the weather
Figure 22.20 Steel Pontoon Lift-off Hatch Covers deck, and those used on lower decks which are non-weath-
22-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

ertight and flush with the surrounding deck area. Typical

mechanical hatch covers are illustrated in Figure 22.21. This
type of cover is fitted with natural or synthetic rubber gas-
keting, cross joint wedges at the panel joints and quick act-
ing dogs around all sides to attain a weathertight seal.
Automatic mechanical dogging mechanisms are frequently
built so as to be integral with the hatch closing mechanism
on large hatch covers, thus eliminating manual dogging. Rolling covers

End or side-rolling hatch covers, of similar construction, are
usually arranged to split at the center, with half-rolling to
each side or end of the hatch on permanently fitted wheels
and rails. After undogging, but before rolling, the covers
must be raised by special jacking mechanisms built into the
cover or coamings, or by portable hand jacks, in order to
clear the gasketing from the seal bar on the hatch coaming.
The cover is then rolled to its stowage location, as shown
in Figure 22.22. Because of the large deck areas occupied
by the cover when the hatches are open, the side and end Figure 22.21 Mechanical Hatch Cover
rolling covers are normally fitted only on dry bulk and Ore-
Bulk-Oil carriers (OBO). (a) Hinged and folding covers

Ships handling break-bulk general cargo or containerized
cargo, frequently have hinged, power-actuated steel hatch
covers in order to obtain fast economic operation (Figure
Weather deck hatch covers of this type are constructed
with integral gasketing at all cross-joints and the periphery,
which makes a weathertight seal when the covers are in po-
sition and dogged down. Tweendeck hatch covers are not
required to be weathertight, thus have no gasketing, and are
fitted flush with surrounding deck area to facilitate vehicle
handling and the use of forklift trucks for moving cargo to
and from the hatch square and wings of the hold.
Hinged, folding hatch cover installations are made up in Figure 22.22 Rolling Hatch Covers. a) Side Rolling Covers, and b) Lift and Roll
a multiple number of panels. The number of panels is de- Covers.
pendent upon the length of hatch opening and the horizontal
and vertical clearance at hatch ends in which to accommo-
date the cover panels when stowed in the open position.
Cover-actuating mechanism: Hinged folding hatch cov-
ers externally mounted on the ship’s decks or coamings, are
actuated by hydraulically powered mechanisms accommo-
dated within the hatch covers. The former are driven by one
or more electro-hydraulic power stations either centrally
located or near the respective hatchways.
In order to minimize the installation of hydraulic inter-
connecting piping aboard ship, compact built-in electro-hy-
draulic power units are sometimes fitted within the hatch
covers. Hydraulic control stations are usually located on Figure 22.23 Hinged Folding Hatch Cover
Chapter 22: General Arrangement Design, Hull Outfit and Fittings 22-21

winch platforms and frequently on each deck level to pro-

vide the operator with a clear view of each hatch cover dur-
ing operation. As might be expected, the hinged folding
hatch covers are generally more expensive than the single-
piece types previously described. Hydraulically powered
multi-leaf covers are more expensive than non-hydrauli-
cally powered types, but are preferred by ship operators for
their ease, flexibility, and convenience of operation. Me-
chanical dogging devices make the closing and opening of
these hatches entirely automatic in operation. Single pull cover Figure 22.24 Single Pull Hatch Covers
Single pull covers for weather deck hatchways consist of
multiple, interlocking, gasketed, rolling sections, which by
application of a continuous pull from a wire rope or driven
electro/hydraulically by chain are readily drawn to one or
both ends of the hatch, where they disengage and tilt to a
vertical position and stow compactly on a rack (Figure 22.24).
Closing action follows a reverse sequence. The primary ad-
vantages of this type of cover are speed of opening and clos-
ing, plus the unlimited length of hatch to which they can be
applied. As in the case of end and side-rolling covers, they
must be jacked off the coaming gasket before rolling.
More sequenced operations and external mechanisms
are, therefore, required than is the case with hinged folding
covers, but this installation is, in most instances less ex-
pensive than hydraulic folding covers.
Figure 22.25 Drum Stowage Hatch Covers Drum stowing covers
Hatch covers, which stow in the open position on a drum,
at either the fore/aft end or port/starboard side of the hatch
opening, can be fitted to ships or barges. They can be fitted
for weathertight service. The undogging/uncleating from
the closed to open position and dogging/cleating from the
open to closed position is accomplished automatically with
the opening/closing operation (Figure 22.25). Watertight, oiltight, and special type cover

Small watertight or oiltight cargo hatch covers are fitted at
hatch openings of holds, which are used alternatively for
dry and liquid cargo, or water ballast. To withstand the in-
ternal pressure, such hatch covers are fitted with synthetic
rubber gaskets and the securing bolts are more closely spaced Figure 22.26 Typical Cargo Oil Hatch
than typical for weather deck weathertight hatches.
In the past, tonnage regulations prescribed the maximum
size of hatch openings in ballast tanks, which are exempted
from tonnage measurement, but this has been overcome by 22.4.8 Ventilation System Terminals
the 1970 International Tonnage regulations. Weather deck ventilation fittings, or terminals, are used to
On tankers and OBOs a larger oiltight hatch is generally provide a ship with adequate air intakes and discharges,
permitted as shown in Figure 22.26. Various types of suitably located and protected from boarding seas. All ven-
patented oiltight and watertight hatch covers are in use. tilators are provided with wire-mesh screens for protection
Next Page

22-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

against insects and rats. The vent terminal openings for oil dicates that louvers must be replaced several times during
tanks must be fitted with fire screens. Ventilation fittings the life span of the ship.
are generally constructed of welded steel and are of suffi- Ventilation ducts or openings penetrating subdivision
cient strength to withstand normal shipboard wear and tear, bulkheads below the Margin Line must be fitted with wa-
plus corrosion due to exposure to the elements. Steel parts tertight closure devices, operable from above the Margin
are usually galvanized after assembly. The height and sup- Line, and must be provided in accordance with USCG re-
port of coamings as well as the closing arrangements must quirements.
be approved as a condition of the ship’s freeboard assign-
ment. Air lifts
Air lifts are used in place of louvers at points on deck ex- Cowls posed to seas. They consist essentially of a steel box with
Cowls are used for natural air supply to and exhaust from a central baffle plate over which the stream of air must pass.
cargo holds or storage spaces, not fitted with a mechanical Any water entering the box is excluded by the baffle plate
ventilation system. A cowl can be turned into or away from and drained out of the box back onto the open deck.
the wind, as required to provide a positive means of supply
or exhaust.
The cowl head is fitted with a weathertight damper, which
can be closed during bad weather. With the increased use 22.5 ANCHOR AND MOORING ARRANGEMENTS
of mechanical ventilation this type of terminal is becoming AND DECK FITTINGS
obsolete, and is seen only on small vessels. 22.5.1 General
The term deck fittings, includes a broad assortment of items Goosenecks
consisting of structure and hardware, attached to the hull,
Goosenecks can be used for both natural and mechanical
normally on the weather deck, to perform various ship func-
ventilating systems, supply or exhaust. They are used for
tions, as noted in the following sections.
venting spaces rather than ventilation and can be provided
with watertight covers, secured by dogs.
22.5.2 Anchor Arrangements Mushrooms
All ships are required to carry at least one anchor for an-
The standard mushroom can be used for either natural or
choring in a seaway. If the ship is classed it will meet the
mechanical supply or exhaust terminals. This type provides Equipment requirements of the classification society. For
adequate protection against rain but should not be used ocean-going classed ships generally two anchors are re-
where exposed to boarding seas, since it is not feasible to quired to be carried in an easily releasable arrangement
incorporate a watertight closure in its design. (usually hawse pipes), and a spare anchor is stowed on the
The screw-down type of mushroom (bucket type) is used weather deck. The size of the anchor and its chain includ-
exclusively for ventilating small compartments and can be ing the length of chain is determined from the classifica-
used in exposed locations. Watertight features are provided tion society rules (18,19).
by means of screw-down-type top, operated above and below There are a number of different anchor types as shown
deck. in Figure 22.27. It should be noted that the classification
societies allow lighter weight for extra holding power an- Louvers chors. The anchors are normally stowed in hawse pipes, al-
Louvers may be used for air supply intakes for all types of though some innovative alternative arrangements have been
ventilation systems. They are installed in weather bulkheads used in large commercial ships.
and provide protection from rain, but must be restricted to Figure 22.28 shows how an anchor and chain assembly
protected locations, not vulnerable to seas. They are gen- is made up.
erally used for large- volume systems, such as the engine The chain is led from the anchor to the anchor windlass
room ventilation, are of sturdy construction, consisting of or capstan and then to chain pipes that direct the chain into
frame and louver blades set at about 45 deg with 50 mm (2 the chain locker (Figure 22.29). The end of the chain (bit-
in.) openings, and are provided with wire-mesh screens. It ter end) is secured to a double padeye and pin in the chain
is advisable to construct louvers of non-corrosive materi- locker that is designed for the pin to break (shear), should
als and design them to be removable, since experience in- the anchor run away and pay out free-fall, thus allowing the
Chapter 23
Ship Preservation

Miles Y. Kikuta and Michael J. Shimko

23.1 INTRODUCTION The goal of ship design and construction is not to pro-
duce a vessel free of corrosion, but to produce a vessel that
The purpose of this chapter is to present the principles of reduces corrosion in a cost effective manner through, in
ship preservation system selection and application. most cases, traditional methods of corrosion control, rec-
The primary purpose of ship preservation is to reduce ognizing that corrosion control decisions may be second-
life-cycle operating costs of the ship by preventing or re- ary to other decisions. The best example of the secondary
ducing degradation of the ship’s structure, systems, and level of importance associated with corrosion is material
components which tend to occur as a result of using refined selection for structural components. The factors involved
metals in a corrosive environment. Secondary reasons for in the selection of structural components include material
using preservations include maintaining desired appear- properties, ease of use in production, availability, and cost
ance, minimizing abrasion damage, and reducing fouling (1,2). Material properties include strength, strength to
of the underwater hull. weight ratio, ductility, fracture toughness, and corrosion re-
sistance. Of these factors, corrosion resistance of the ma-
terial is frequently not a prime consideration for two
reasons. First, making corrosion resistance in a marine en-
vironment the most important factor in selecting structural
The cost of corrosion to an industry is difficult to determine materials would make most shipbuilding cost prohibitive.
accurately. Probably the most extensive effort to date to de- Second, corrosion resistance can be addressed by methods
termine the cost of corrosion was performed in 1978 by the other than the selection of corrosion resistant materials,
Bureau of Standards and Battelle Columbus Laboratories such as the use of specific coatings. For these reasons, the
and updated in 1995. This study, which was not industry material used for the vast majority of marine vessel hull
specific, estimated the total cost of corrosion to the United and other structural components is carbon steel which is
States economy was 350 billion dollars, or about 4.2% of prone to severe corrosion in the marine environment, has
the Gross National Product (GNP) using 1995 data. This moderate strength, but is easily fabricated and has rela-
high cost is not totally preventable for two primary reasons. tively low costs. Aluminum alloys, which have significantly
First, it is not practical to eliminate all corrosion. Second, lower corrosion rates than carbon steel in a marine envi-
it is often significantly more cost effective to reduce corro- ronment, are sometimes selected for use in small craft and
sion rather than eliminate corrosion (in those rare cases high performance craft not for it’s corrosion resistance, but
where elimination is practicable). The economically pre- for it’s higher strength to weight ratio. Both steel and alu-
ventable cost due to corrosion is estimated at between 25% minum alloys rely on coatings to prevent or reduce corro-
and 33% of the total cost of corrosion. sion in the marine environment.

23-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

23.2.1 Corrosion Theory water), with associated reactions at both the anode and cath- Definition ode. The reaction at the anode is the corrosion reaction,
Corrosion is most frequently defined as the degradation of called oxidation.
a material, usually a metal, due to interaction with its envi- There are several requirements for electrochemical cor-
ronment. It is difficult to totally eliminate corrosion in the rosion to take place. There must be an anode and cathode,
marine environment for two reasons. First, the inherently both must be in contact with a common electrolyte, there must
corrosive nature of seawater, and second, most materials be an electrical connection between the anode and cathode,
used for engineering applications, including steel and alu- other than the electrolyte, and there must be a thermody-
minum, are thermodynamically unstable. Most metals are namic tendency for electrochemical reaction(s) to occur. If
found in nature in the form of oxides and hydroxides. In the these requirements are present, corrosion will occur. Elim-
refining process, energy is expended to convert these natu- inate any one of these elements, and corrosion will not occur.
rally occurring ores to the elementary metal forms that are These requirements are shown schematically in Figure 23.1.
used in industry. The refined metal is unstable, or, more cor-
rectly, meta-stable, compared to the naturally occurring ox- Forms of corrosion
ides and hydroxides. This provides the thermodynamic While there is no single agreed method of grouping the var-
driving force to the corrosion process. ious types and forms of corrosion, those listed in this sec-
tion are in reasonable agreement with most acknowledged Electrochemical nature of corrosion corrosion experts (3-6) and are presented in a manner that
Nearly all corrosion reactions in the marine environment are is easily understood.
electrochemical in nature, i.e., electrical current is associ- Galvanic corrosion is the form of corrosion most easily
ated with the chemical reactions of corrosion. The driving understood and occurs when dissimilar metals are in elec-
force of corrosion can be considered the electrical poten- trical contact and in an electrolyte forming the electro-
tial difference between two states of matter. In most marine chemical cell shown in Figure 23.1. For example, if nickel
corrosion processes, electrical current passes between two is in electrical contact with steel, and both are wetted or im-
sites (an anode and a cathode) through an electrolyte (sea- mersed by a common electrolyte, oxidation (corrosion) oc-

Figure 23.1 Electrochemical Cell

Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-3

curs on the steel, whereas reduction (and no corrosion) oc- ing of brasses to occur, ammonium ions and a tensile stress
curs at the nickel site. The steel, being more active, cor- are required. Finally, stray current corrosion is corrosion
rodes, whereas the nickel does not corrode. This is the caused by the unwanted passage of electrical current. Re-
principle of sacrificial anode cathodic protection discussed ferring back to Figure 23.1, the oxidation of the anode oc-
later in Section 23.2.2. curs when current passes from the anode into the electrolyte.
In a strictly technical sense, all common forms of ma- Current merely passing through a metal, as in a copper wire,
rine corrosion are galvanic corrosion in that corrosion oc- or even a copper-nickel pipe, does not cause corrosion. Cor-
curs because of an electrochemical reaction between an rosion occurs only when current exits the metal and enters
anode and a cathode. The metallurgical attribute that causes the electrolyte.
or allows the anode and cathode sites to be formed is how
corrosion is categorized. Galvanic series
General corrosion occurs somewhat uniformly over the A galvanic series is a listing of metals and alloys in order of
surface of a single metal, such as steel. The anode and cath- relative activity in a given environment. An example of a
ode are created by electron density differences at the atomic galvanic series for flowing seawater is shown in Figure 23.2.
level; with one region having a higher density of electrons Some galvanic series also provide the potential, or potential
than an adjacent region providing a potential difference and range, of the metals listed, but this is not a requirement. The
thus the driving force for oxidation and reduction reactions. primary utility of a galvanic series is predicting which metal
Other forms of corrosion arise when slight differences in in a pair of metals will suffer from galvanic corrosion, and
the environment, as in crevice corrosion and pitting, or met- which will be cathodically protected. To use a galvanic se-
allurgy, as in intergranular corrosion and de-alloying, cause ries, you must note the noble (cathodic) end of the series, or
the slight potential difference needed to start the corrosion conversely, the active (anodic) end. Relatively inert metals
process. Environmental assisted cracking, which includes such as gold and platinum will identify the noble end, if the
both stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement, series is not labeled, and common active metals such as zinc
is a form of corrosion that requires stress along with a spe- and magnesium will identify the active end.
cific ionic species. For example, for stress corrosion crack- For any given pair of metal listed in the series, the metal
closer to the active end will galvanically corrode, while the
metal closer to the noble end will be cathodically protected.
Although useful for predicting which metal will corrode,
Anodic or Less Noble (Corrodes) the galvanic series should not be used to predict the rate of
Magnesium corrosion. Rates are dependent on the kinetics of the elec-
Aluminum trochemical reactions, while the galvanic series is based on
Zinc thermodynamics. Attempts to use the galvanic series to pre-
Cadmium dict corrosion rates often result in erroneous decisions.
Iron or Steel
Stainless Steels (active)
Soft Solders 23.2.2 Corrosion Control Methodologies
Tin For the purposes of this chapter, methods for controlling cor-
Lead rosion are grouped into five categories. While not univer-
Nickel sal, these categories are commonly found with only slight
Brass modifications by most corrosion control references (3,5,7).
Bronzes The five methods of controlling corrosion are material se-
Nickel-Copper Alloys lection, design, barrier coatings, cathodic protection, and in-
Copper hibitors. In discussing each of these methods, the reader
Stainless Steels (passive) should recall the requirements of corrosion described in
Silver Solder Section 23.2.1, and consider the principle that if one or more
Silver of these corrosion requirements are affected, the corrosion
Titanium reactions are also affected.
Platinum Material selection
Cathodic or More Noble Material selection is choosing a material for the specific en-
Figure 23.2 Galvanic Series vironment and application so that the resultant corrosion, if
23-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

any, is maintained within acceptable limits. Acceptable lim- rificial anode, or may be incorporated into the chemistry of
its is determined by the ship owner and designer, and may coating such as in zinc rich coatings. In the other method
allow for periodic replacement of a part or component over of cathodic protection, commonly called impressed current
the lifetime of the system for economic reasons. Take, for cathodic protection, the active metal is replaced by a direct
example, copper-nickel (CuNi) alloys which are often used current (DC) power source that serves to make the struc-
for seawater piping systems. CuNi has relatively low uni- ture the cathode. Cathodic protection and coatings are usu-
form corrosion rates (typically less than 25 µm/yr, or 0.001 ally recommended to be used together for corrosion
inches (mil) per year (mpy)), but may be subject to local- protection of immersed components and structures, such as
ized erosion corrosion and pitting, at sharp bends and under underwater hulls, external propulsion gear, and ballast tanks.
deposits respectively, which may require replacement of pip-
ing system components. CuNi’s susceptibility to localized Inhibitors
erosion and pitting, however, is usually preferred over the Inhibitors are substances that, when added in small quanti-
alternative of upgrading the piping material to a more cor- ties to the environment, inhibit one or more of the steps in
rosion resistant material, such as inconel or titanium. the corrosion process. Inhibitors are commonly used in three
Most materials considered corrosion resistant, especially ways. First, inhibitors are used in closed loop fluid systems,
to seawater environments, do in fact corrode, but do so in a such as boiler steam systems and automobile cooling sys-
manner that results in very low corrosion rates. This is due tems, where the concentration of inhibitor in the liquid can
to the formation of thin, tightly adherent compounds, often be maintained. Second, inhibitors are used in the form of
oxides, that effectively eliminates further corrosion. Materi- Vapor Phase Inhibitors (VPI) to reduce atmospheric corro-
als that gain their corrosion resistance through the formation sion in closed spaces. Third, inhibitors are used in coatings.
of these passive films, as they are called, include aluminum, In practice, the methods of material selection and design
stainless steels, and nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys. are best accomplished before the system or component is
fabricated. The last three methods (barrier coatings, ca- Design thodic protection, and inhibitors) are employed after fabri-
Designing for corrosion control addresses factors that can cation is completed, and often in combination. For example,
lead to corrosion such as eliminating crevices, eliminating as just mentioned, coatings may contain inhibitors to either
standing water, allowing for drainage, and also includes supplement or replace the barrier function of the coating.
providing allowances for corrosion. The latter is frequently Similarly, coatings may employ sacrificial cathodic pro-
considered for seawater piping, including the CuNi mate- tection, usually in the form of zinc dust or zinc flakes, to
rial previously mentioned. improve the corrosion protection of the structure. Barrier coatings

Barrier coatings act by physically separating the metal from 23.2.3 General Preservation Principles
the effects of the environment (electrolyte) thus removing Coatings and coating types
an essential factor for corrosion. All coatings act as a bar- A coating is any material that will form a continuous film
rier to some extent, but some coatings act only as a barrier. over a surface; whereas paint refers to a general type of
Barrier coatings include greases and oils, as well as com- coating in which a mixture of pigment and vehicle together
mon organic coatings (paints). form a liquid or paste that can be applied to a surface (8),
and is organic in nature. Coatings is a broad category that Cathodic protection includes paints (organic coatings), as well as inorganic
Cathodic protection is an electrical technique, which uses, metallic and non-metallic coatings.
in the natural method, a more active metal to protect the The components that make up an organic coating are
ship’s structure or component. The more active metal is resins, pigments, fillers, and solvents. Resins are solid or
placed in electrical contact and in the same electrolyte with semi-solid products with no definite melting point, and are
the metal to be protected. The active metal becomes the generally of high molecular weight. Pigments are additives
anode of the electrochemical cell and corrodes, the site of such as coloring agents and inhibitors. Fillers increase the
the oxidation reaction, while the structure to be protected bulk of the coating, improve density, and can improve abra-
becomes the cathode. This natural form of cathodic pro- sion resistance. Solvents are often used as the dispersing
tection is called sacrificial anode cathodic protection since medium, which transport the other components to the sub-
the active metal sacrifices to protect the structure. The ac- strate, and may play a role in the drying and curing of the
tive, sacrificial metal may be provided in the form of a sac- coating. Two other terms that will be used later in this chap-
Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-5

ter are curing and drying. Drying is the evaporation of the tremely resistant to most organic substances such as acids,
vehicle, whereas curing is the ultimate reaction of the com- alkalis, oils, and alcohols as well as water. It should not be
ponents. Curing may be by atmospheric drying, baking (tem- surprising that vinyls are one of the most widely used classes
perature activated), or catalyst activated chemical reaction. of coating in severe industrial environments, including
Organic coatings are most commonly categorized by chemical storage facilities.
resin type, cure mechanism, or a combination of the two,
but they can also be described by the major additive, and/or Epoxy: Although the epoxy resin may be combined with oils,
specialized properties. epoxy coatings are most often two-component coatings, in
Organic coatings include asphalt, oil, alkyd, acrylic, which two liquids (generally called the base and the hard-
vinyl, epoxy, and urethane. Special purpose coatings in- ener, an oil fatty acid) are mixed and chemically react to
clude anti-fouling coatings and zinc-rich coatings. Non-or- form the epoxy ester, which is an extensively cross-linked
ganic coatings include concrete, glass, and ceramics, referred film. This extensive cross-linking results in some of the
to as inorganic non-metallic coatings, metal coatings, and most desirable coating properties. Epoxies must, however,
conversion coatings. This section provides only a sufficient be mixed and applied properly, and are somewhat sensitive
overview of these coating types to support other section to the surface preparation and cleanliness of the substrate.
topics. A more comprehensive text such as Munger (7) Urethane: Urethanes are also formed by the reaction be-
should be consulted for an in-depth discussion of coating tween a base (isocyanate) and a hardener (a hydroxyl com-
types and cure reactions: pound). Although often used for a variety of exterior and
Asphalts: Asphalts are derived from petroleum and coal immersed applications, the properties of urethane coatings,
residues and include natural asphalts and coal tars. Asphalts as a class, can be varied more widely than almost any other
may be used alone or mixed with other materials. These organic coating (9).
coatings are typically inexpensive, heavy, and do not re- Anti-Fouling: Anti-fouling paint is a classification by spe-
quire extensive surface preparation. They degrade in sun- cial property. Anti-fouling paints are designed to prevent the
light and may not dry hard. attachment and growth of biological matter on structures
Oils: Oils are based on naturally occurring oils such as lin- and hulls. This is most commonly accomplished by the in-
seed, tung, pine, and fish oils and provide a stable film when corporation of mild toxins into the coating. Tri-Butyl-Tin
oxygen from the air reacts with oil molecules to harden the based toxins were very effective and popular in the 1970s
film and produce limited cross-linking. Atmospheric drying and early 1980s, but usage has been restricted and now
of most oils is somewhat slow, with obvious consequences. banned in most locations due to it’s adverse effect on the
environment. Copper compounds provide the anti-fouling
Alkyds: The alkyd resin (also called polyester) offers great ingredient in most current anti-fouling coatings.
versatility and replaced oils as the predominant easy ap-
plied coating early in the 20th century. Alkyds derive their Zinc-Rich Coatings (inorganic/non-metallic): Inorganic/
versatility (and economy) from the variety possible in the Non-metallic zinc coatings utilize zinc in the coating struc-
basic raw material (fatty acids and alcohols) from which the ture. These coatings are most often used as primers, either
alkyd resin is produced. Alkyds have good color stability stand-alone or in conjunction with topcoats and provide ca-
and are suitable for use in most atmospheric and mildly in- thodic protection to the substrate.
dustrial environments, but should not be used in strongly Metallic Coatings: Metallic coatings provide a metallic
acidic or alkali conditions. layer over the substrate. The metal coating may be anodic
Acrylics: There are two major categories of use for the (active) or cathodic (noble) to the substrate. In anodic metal
acrylic resin. First, acrylic resins are used in conjunction coatings, the coating metal is less corrosion resistant (an-
with other resins, for example, epoxies and vinyls, to im- odic) than the substrate and provides sacrificial cathodic
prove appearance in exterior applications, and second, protection, whereas in cathodic metal coatings (such as
acrylics are used in the preparation of latex water based nickel plating), the coating is more corrosion resistant (ca-
paints. Latex paints are used extensively for interior appli- thodic) than the substrate.
cations where appearance considerations are equal to or ex- The method of application is frequently used to further
ceed durability requirements. categorize metallic coatings. Electroplating uses electric
current to deposit a thin layer of metal, usually a noble metal
Vinyl: Vinyl coatings are based on the same molecule as such as nickel or gold, onto a surface. Because electroplated
common PVC (poly-vinyl-chloride) piping, and are ex- coatings are applied as very thin coats, electroplating is
23-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

most frequently used for non-corrosion control purposes, method, dating back to prehistory, yet remains a vital op-
such as enhancing electrical connections or appearances. A tion in any painting application. Brushing is often preferred
molten bath is commonly used to apply zinc and other ac- for difficult to reach areas, as well as for local touch-up.
tive, or sacrificial materials. Hot-Dip-Galvanizing is one Rolling requires only marginally more skill than brushing
common example in which (usually) small parts are dipped and is often used for large flat areas.
into a molten zinc bath and then removed, leaving a rela- Most other application methods are primarily for in-shop
tively thick zinc coating. Weld Cladding is used to build up use, such as electrostatic and flame spray. In electrostatic
even thicker layers of metal on the substrate, although this spray, the coating particles are electrically charged and di-
method is usually used for limited areas, such as gasket or rected toward the substrate that is oppositely charged. With
seal contact areas. Finally, wire and flame spray can be used electrostatic spray there is little over spray and coverage is
to apply metals to large areas of the substrate. In wire or very uniform, including edges, making this a popular ap-
flame spray, the coating metal (usually in the form of wire, plication method in mass production shops. Flame Spray is
although powder is used in some apparatus) is fed through a technique where metals and sometimes thermoplastics are
a heat source that also propels the molten metal onto the fed into a heat source (typically a flame or electric arc)
substrate surface. Flame Sprayed or Wired Sprayed alu- where the coating is melted, and propelled to the substrate
minum and aluminum-zinc mixtures are the most common in small particles.
form of metal-sprayed coatings. Metal spray coatings are
usually anodic, providing cathodic protection to the sub-
strate. Metal spray coatings tend to be very porous, requir- 23.2.4 Safety Considerations and Requirements
ing a sealer and/or topcoat to reduce the rapid corrosion of Like all shipyard and other production shop type opera-
the metal spray. Although these coatings may be applied over tions, there are safety considerations in preservation oper-
various surface preparations, top performance requires op- ations that if not addressed, can result in equipment
timum surface preparation (see Section 23.3). Metal sprayed malfunction, personnel injury, rework, and loss of produc-
coatings are not recommended for immersion of frequently tion time. Local, States, and Federal regulations for mate-
wetted areas as the sacrificing of the metal spray, when it rial handling and storage, and worker safety must be
occurs, acts to rapidly undercut large areas of otherwise in- reviewed and adhered to. Some of the general safety con-
tact topcoats. siderations that apply to all localities are discussed below.
Site Preparation: This aspect does not imply surface
Conversion Coatings: These coatings convert the surface preparation as in abrasive grit blasting, but rather a general
of the substrate to provide the desired affect. Processes in- cleaning of the site, erection of containment, and setup of
clude anodizing, phosphating, and the most common, chro- proper ventilation. Surface preparation, whether by abra-
mating. Wash primers is a special type of chromate sive grit blasting, power tools, or hydro blasting, has the po-
conversion solution, which is not actually a primer, but pro- tential to create contamination for equipment, tools, and
duces a film that provides an excellent base for most sub- personnel. All non-essential tools and equipment should be
sequently applied coatings. removed from the worksite, and permanently mounted
equipment should be fully wrapped to protect this equip- Application methods and practices ment from dirt, dust, water and/or paint spray. Containment
Although there are many methods for applying coatings, is recommended for all but small-enclosed spaces to mini-
three principle methods (brush, roller, and spray) dominate. mize the release of dirt and dust, and ventilation is obvi-
Air spray uses an air stream to pick up and break up the coat- ously required for worker safety, and also to prevent the
ing into small particles and carry these particles to the sub- buildup of flammable vapors.
strate. Airless spray uses a pressure on the paint pot along Material Storage and Handling: Many of the materials
with specially designed nozzles to produce a fine spray of used for painting operations must be handled and stored as
the coating onto the substrate. Spray application (air and air- flammable materials. Proper personnel protective equip-
less) provides more uniformity in coating thickness and ment (PPE) should be worn during the handling, mixing,
fewer imperfections and thus is usually the preferred ap- and application of paints and coatings. Proper PPE usually
plication method. Airless spray has several advantages over implies goggles or full-face shield, respirators, gloves, and
air spray including less over spray, less chance of dry-spray, hearing protection with full face/air supplied respirators re-
and less volatiles are released to the atmosphere. Airless quired for most abrasive grit and paint spraying operations.
spray is the most common application method in today’s Spills, if they occur, should be cleaned up immediately. Ma-
shipyards. Brushing is probably the oldest application terial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be provided by the
Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-7

manufacturer and/or supplier and should be referred to for preservation system, the service conditions in which the
specific explosion, safety, and toxicity requirements. preservation system will be expected to perform, and the
Equipment Operation: Airless paint sprayers typically degree of surface cleanliness achieved prior to the use of
operate at 6,900 kPa or greater and should be equipped with the preservation system (11).
automatic or visible manual safety devices which prevent The selection of the type of preservation system used is
the operator from engaging the sprayer without releasing based on several criteria. They include any known per-
the manual safety. Alternatively, some sprayers are equipped formance of the preservation system for similar applica-
with a diffuser nut to prevent high velocity release while tions, known chemical composition and physical properties
the nozzle tip is removed, plus a nozzle tip guard to prevent of the preservation system, results of exposure tests of
the nozzle tip from coming into contact with the operator preservation systems under consideration, and anticipated
(9). All pressurized equipment (which includes conventional environmental and service conditions.
and airless spray equipment, abrasive grit blasting equip- The service conditions in which ships operate are severe
ment, and water hydro blasting equipment) should be con- from a corrosion and preservation perspective. The corro-
structed following the specifications of the ASME Unfired sive elements of nature are basically oxygen and water.
Pressure Vessel Code and the National Board Code. Addi- These elements are typically abundant in the marine envi-
tionally, safety relief valves for all pressure equipment ronment. Generally, little or no corrosion will occur unless
should be tested daily, and all should be equipped with re- both elements are readily available and in contact with the
mote control deadman valves. substrate. Other elements of nature are also damaging to the
metals and preservation systems used onboard ship. They
include salts, sunlight, particularly ultraviolet wavelengths
23.2.5 Environmental Regulations which are especially damaging to topside coating systems;
Preservation operations are effected primarily by the Clean wind and wind-born particles and chemicals; biodegrada-
Air Act, and sometimes by the Clean Water Act. The Clean tion by fungi and bacteria; and alternate extremes of hot
Air Act aims at reducing releases to the atmosphere. More and cold which can occur during an extended construction
recently, the Clean Air Act was amended to include Na- period.
tional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Experience indicates that the majority of coating failures
(NESHAP), with specific requirements for Shipbuilding can be attributed at least in part to inadequate surface prepa-
and Ship Repair Operations (10). The purpose of NESHAP ration (12). Factors which contribute include: improper cus-
is to reduce emission of Volatile Organic Hazardous Air tomer supplied specifications, failure of the coating
Pollutants (VOHAPs) through use, control, and reporting applicator to follow proper specifications, and inadequate
procedures, which ensure compliant marine coatings are inspection of the prepared surface to ensure that the surface
used and the use of thinners is minimized. NESHAP regu- preparation standard specified has been met.
lations apply only to facilities considered to be a Major Af-
fected Source (MAS) by virtue of the facility’s Clean Air
permit. All painting operations at a MAS must comply with 23.3.2 Application Factors
NESHAP regulations and the facility’s NESHAP imple- Surface Preparation
mentation plan. This could have the effect of restricting Surface preparation is the most important factor in the per-
coatings and thinner usage. The shipbuilder should be formance of a coating (11). For this reason, it is extremely
queried as to their MAS status, and what restrictions, must important that proper surface preparation be attained when
be adhered to, if any. coating a ship. Surface preparation includes inspection of
the surface to be cleaned, inspection of fabrication defects
of the substrate, pre-cleaning which may for example in-
23.3 IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF clude a water wash, inspection for uncorrected fabrication
PRESERVATION SYSTEMS defects, cleaning and inspection for cleaning defects (Fig-
ure 23.3) (13).
23.3.1 Critical Factors in Preservation System Mechanical surface preparation has been the traditional
Performance approach to preparing metal substrates prior to application
Though there are a multitude of factors, which determine of a coating system (12). Surface preparation methods vary
the performance of a preservation system, three specific from the most rudimentary hand scraper to laser beams.
factors are predominant in the degree of success of a preser- The broad spectrum of tools available suggests that surface
vation system. They are: the proper selection of the type of preparation is a complex process and requires a good un-
23-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• rust on the surface,

• loose or broken mill scale which can cause early coat-
ing failure and tight mill scale which can cause later fail-
ure due to flaking,
• anchor tooth pattern (profile) which may be so rough
that peaks cannot be protected by the millage of paint
used or not rough enough causing coating failure due to
loss of adhesion,
• sharp ridges, burrs, edges, corners, and cuts which pre-
vent or reduce adequate coating coverage over peaks,
• surface condensation which if coated may result in blis-
tering and delamination of the coating, and
• old coatings, which have poor adhesion to the substrate,
are incompatible with the new coating systems, or too
deteriorated to recoat.
The future pursuit of newer surface preparation meth-
Figure 23.3 Preparation of Surface ods depends largely on the regulatory authorities. Almost
all the newer techniques are more costly and less produc-
tive than abrasive blasting. For situations in which air con-
tamination (dust and lead paint particles) is a major problem,
derstanding of the mechanical surface preparation process the use of some form of wet-blasting or hydro blasting tech-
and job parameters that dictate the selection of the process. nique appears to be the best choice at present.
The selection of the surface preparation process is de-
pendent upon many factors. They include job location, con- Cleanliness requirements and standards
dition of the surface, required degree of cleanliness, profile, There are a number of standards for types and degrees of
and environmental conditions. Job location is an important surface preparation, including those described by NACE
parameter. In the beginning of a ship’s construction, the International, formerly the National Association of Corro-
preferred method will likely be an automatic centrifugal sion Engineers, the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC),
abrasive wheel machine for in-shop production line work. formerly the Steel Structures Painting Council, and the
However, if outside fabrication will be used, portable hand Swedish Standards Association (SSA). The NACE surface
and power tools and manual abrasive blast machines will preparation standards cover four levels of abrasive blasting
be used. If the job is located in an area where soluble salts and one level for water-jetting. They are:
could be a surface contaminant, then hydro blast cleaning
NACE 5 Water Jetting
(water-jetting) may be required.
NACE 4 Brush Off Blast Cleaning;
The condition of the surface also dictates which surface
NACE 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning;
preparation method should be used. For the construction of
NACE 2 Near White Metal Blast Cleaning; and
ships, the structural plates are normally cleaned prior to the
NACE 1 White Metal Blast Cleaning.
application of the primer coat by means of production line
abrasive blasting equipment. The required degree of clean- These specifications are available from NACE Interna-
ing typically determines whether abrasive or hand/power tional P.O. Box 218340 Houston, TX 77218-8340.
tools will be used. If small areas of a surface need to be The SSPC surface preparation standards include several
cleaned of loose rust or other localized surface defects, then levels of cleanliness achieved by different methods. They
hand/power tools are usually used. However, if an entire are:
surface needs to be cleaned to a defined degree of cleanli-
SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaning;
ness, then blast cleaning is normally prescribed.
SSPC-SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning;
Many factors in surface preparation contribute and af-
SSPC-SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning;
fect the service life of a coating system (11). They include:
SSPC-SP 5 White Metal Cleaning.
• residues such as oil, grease, or soil which can weaken ad- SSPC-SP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning;
hesion or the mechanical bond of the coating to the sub- SSPC-SP 7 Brush Off Blast Cleaning;
strate, or various chemicals which can induce corrosion, SSPC-SP 10 Near White Metal Cleaning;
Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-9

SSPC-SP 11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal; and and other atmospheric contaminants increase atmospheric
SSPC-SP-12 Water Jetting corrosion by enhancing the electrolytic properties and sta-
bility of water particles that condense from the atmosphere.
All the listed specifications are available from SSPC
A combination of high humidity, high average temperature,
4516 Henry Street Suite 301 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2786.
and the presence of industrial pollutants or air-entrained sea
The SSA surface preparation standards are:
salt increase atmospheric corrosion rates. Vernon (14) was
Sa 1 Brush Off Blast Cleaning; the first to discover that a critical relative humidity exists
Sa 2 Commercial Blast Cleaning; below which corrosion is negligible (15). Typical corrosion
Sa 21⁄2 Near White Blast Cleaning; behavior of iron as a function of relative humidity of the at-
Sa 3 White Metal Blast Cleaning; mosphere has been shown. Heating the air or better still, re-
St 2 Thorough Power Tool Cleaning; and ducing the moisture content can serve to reduce relative
St 3 Very Thorough Power Tool Cleaning. humidity. Lowering the relative humidity to 50% suffices
in many cases. If the presence of unusually hygroscopic
Recent cooperative efforts by NACE International and
dust or other surface impurities is suspected, the value should
SSPC have resulted in combining many of the NACE and
be reduced still further. Humidity levels also affect the cure
SSPC standards, and as of the writing of this text, the fol-
of most coatings. Humidity should generally be maintained
lowing standards have dual NACE-SSPC titles:
below 85% during the cure of epoxy coatings and below
SSPC-SP 5/NACE 1 50% for some extended performance epoxies, whereas in-
SSPC-SP 6/NACE 3 organic zinc silicate coatings require a minimal level of at-
SSPC-SP 10/NACE 2 mospheric moisture for proper cure.
23.3.3 Design Factors
These standards are similar, but not identical, to the corre-
Designers must consider the total ship structure. Coatings
sponding SSA standards.
can seldom, if ever, correct the effects of poor design.
The selection of which surface preparation level to
Preventive control, beginning with design, offers the best
achieve is dependent upon the expected service life re-
answer to the difficult problem of corrosion as stated in Sec-
quirements of the coating system, the coating system se-
tion 23.2.
lected for use, and the cost of each surface preparation
method. For example, if the section to be cleaned is part of Geometry
the ship’s inner bottom and tankage area, the surface clean-
The geometry of a structure is extremely important in de-
liness level of near white metal blast in accordance with
termining the service life of the component and the preser-
NACE Grade 2 or SSPC-SP 10 or Sa 2-1/2 should be de-
vation system used. The effects of geometry directly
lineated in the specification. Or, if the purpose were to re-
influences corrosion in three primary ways. They are time
pair imperfections such as weld spatter, flux and rough
of wetness, environment, and drainage (16). The time of
welds, a more appropriate process would be to use a power
wetness can be increased by the presence of features that
trap and hold liquids by contact with absorbent materials,
or by features, which inhibit drying of the surfaces after Ambient environmental conditions they are wet. Geometry can affect the environment, which
Environmental conditions are extremely important during is present on the metal surface or can produce a different
the application of a protective coating system. Relative hu- environment between various sites on the metal. Complete
midity, ambient temperature, and the substrate temperature drainage is as important in structures as it is in fluid han-
are the most important parameters. Humidity can affect the dling and storage systems. Crevices are the primary cause
corrosion of prepared but not yet painted steel as well as for trapped liquids and they are frequently the result of de-
the cure of applied coatings. Humidity is necessary for at- signs, which lead to poor drainage. When crevices cannot
mospheric corrosion. A thin layer of condensed water de- be eliminated, the risk of corrosion in the crevice area must
posits on the surface to provide the electrolyte needed for be minimized by careful matching of the materials to the
electrochemical corrosion. Although necessary, humidity service environment, by preventing ingress of corrodent
alone is not sufficient. Even in very humid environments, into the crevice, or by other means of preventing crevice at-
corrosion of uncontaminated surfaces is often relatively low tack, such as a change in the environment or the applica-
in non-marine and unpolluted atmospheres. Pollutants, salts, tion of cathodic protection.
23-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Geometry parameters, which reduce the propensity for

corrosion, include (12,16):
• simple shapes are usually less susceptible to corrosion
than more complex shapes and are usually less affected
if corrosion does occur (Figure 23.4),
• corrosion prone areas must be made accessible for in-
service maintenance and repair,
• prevent trapping liquids and absorbent solids within the Figure 23.4 Simple Shapes Are Less Susceptible to Corrosion
structural assembly (Figure 23.5),
• design the geometry of structures to prevent condensa-
tion and accumulation of corrosive media in joints and
other spaces,
• avoid laps and crevices in structural design. If unavoid-
able, the laps must face down on exposed surfaces and
such connections must be well sealed (Figure 23.6),
Figure 23.5 Prevent Entrapment of Liquids
• do not use back-to-back angles that are bolted or inter-
mittently welded, and
• minimize horizontal runs of welding especially if those
are not accessible for cleaning, grinding, or blasting. If
possible, design in a slight angle to horizontal runs to
allow for drainage. Material compatibility

Among the most fundamental design activities, the appre-
ciation and evaluation of materials of construction take the
lead. The designer must be concerned about compatibility.
All inter-material properties must be properly appreciated
and evaluated before any final design decision is taken. This
evaluation must take into account problems caused by di-
rect contact between dissimilar metals or induced by changes
of polarity, by transport of electrons through a medium, by
transport of metallic particles in the environment, by stray
electrical currents, or by any other adverse effect, arising Figure 23.6 Eliminate Crevices
from the proximity of incompatible materials.
Considerations for material compatibility includes (12):
• faying surfaces of dissimilar materials should be de-
signed for effective separation. Separation of materials
of suitable shape, thickness, consistency, and mode of
application should be used such as, gaskets, butyl tape,
and sealant,
• insulation must be sufficiently thick and cover sufficient
areas of bi-metallic joints to prevent conductive medium, Figure 23.7 Key Structural Unit Made of More Corrosion Resistant Material
usually condensation, from by-passing the insulation
and reaching the faying surface of the connection,
• contact between structural metals and plastics can create
very tight crevices, which have a propensity for corrosion
(crevice and chemical attack). Test for compatibility,
• large cathodic areas of metals with small anodic areas
must be prevented in design of structures exposed to cor-
rosive environments, Figure 23.8 Protect Edges of Clad Metals
Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-11

• key structural units, especially if smaller in size than ad- 23.3.4 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
joining units, should be made of more corrosion resist- The importance of quality assurance (QA) and quality con-
ant metals provided mechanical requirements allow trol (QC) is without question (see Chapters 4 and 5 for ad-
(Figure 23.7), ditional discussions on QA). However, it must be recognized
• less corrosion resistant structural members in bi-metal- that any inspection, even the most casual kind, is an ex-
lic structures should be larger or be of thicker metal form pense for the shipbuilder and ship owner. Even during the
to allow for corrosion waste and sacrificial protection of performance of work, fundamental inspection requires time.
cathodic members, Inspection, in its simplest form, occurs when the worker
• design for easy replacement of anodic structural mem- stops after a certain portion of the work is completed, and
bers, examines the completed work for adequacy. Formal in-
• design to conduct moisture away from bi-metallic joints, spections are significantly more costly. Inspection proce-
• edges of clad metals in corrosive environments must be dures must be written, and the quality of work witnessed
well protected (see Figure 23.8), and documented on a periodic basis. The inspector must
• select materials for their functional suitability and abil- have access to the work area, and be allowed sufficient time
ity to maintain their functional safely for an economical to complete the inspection. Often the inspection process is
period of time at a reasonable cost, performed at the expense of production. Although other
• specify accurately and test on delivery for conformance tasks can be performed during the inspection, the net result
to specifications, is that the more stringent the inspection requirements, the
• select more corrosion resistant materials for critical struc- longer it will take to complete the task. Inspections are an
tural members or where relatively high fabrication costs insurance against the possibility of a highly expensive pre-
are involved, mature failure of the task at hand. There are a multitude of
• compromise where necessary—trade-off mechanical ad- QA and QC requirements for the construction of vessels.
vantage for corrosion protection, However, the largest number of inspections during the con-
• do not mix long and short life materials in sub-assem- struction of vessels is associated with the preparation of the
blies that cannot be repaired, and substrate and application of the coating system (12).
• do not use materials producing corrosive or toxic fumes
for steel structures, which are subject to fire hazard. Stresses, vibration, and fabrication 23.3.5 Fabrication Practices and Production
Many manufacturing processes can, if improperly per- Sequencing
formed, affect the properties of a material as much or more Without a doubt, the optimal time for the application of
than its composition. Hot work such as welding and cold coating systems and other corrosion prevention measures
working such as bending, both induce residual stresses. is during construction. All areas of the vessel are more ac-
Some stresses are caused, not by deficiencies in the mate- cessible. Also, during construction, conditions are more
rials used, but by the improper use of fabrication practices. suitable for superior surface preparation and coating than
During the fit-up process of ship construction, stresses can at any other time during the ship’s service life. When a ship
be induced by either the poor fit of components, which are is being constructed, areas to be preserved are usually as-
then drawn into conformance with attendant residual stress sembled and sufficient time is allocated for the preparation
or through the thermal effects of joining by welding. and application of the preservation system, normally a coat-
If unprotected corrosion can result from the resulting ing. When coating systems are selected, the overall cost ef-
cathodic action between the changed material and the base fectiveness should be studied, including the cost of
material. maintenance, repair, and out of service costs. Surface prepa-
Vibration can induce corrosion in two principle ways, ration and coating application are traditionally scheduled
fretting corrosion and vibration-induced fatigue. The avoid- last and the least considered operation of ship construction
ance of excessive vibration is good practice from both a (12). Coating during the modular stage of construction has
mechanical and a corrosion perspective. Fretting corrosion partially relieved some of the problems associated with a
occurs when there is relative motion at the interface be- hastily applied coating system. However, preservation of
tween two surfaces. This relative motion can either cause areas marked or damaged during erection of blocks and
accelerated corrosion through the removal of protective final coating is still dependent on the work schedules and
films or through direct abrasion effects. Fretting can also completion of other crafts. Therefore, efficient planning and
remove protective coatings, such as paints or plating. operation must be maintained if costs are to be limited and
23-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

controlled. Coatings are the primary method used to pro- mediate benefits, such as learning a technique that makes
tect surfaces. The type of coating applied, surface prepara- their job easier,
tion and film thickness will to a degree, depend on expected • learning and retention rates increase with active in-
service conditions, such a salt-water immersion, fouling, volvement by the student which includes immediate
and atmospheric exposure. practice and continued use of the skills learned,
The underwater hull area of a ship can be one of the most • adults build new learning on their previously acquired
critical areas for protection. Because it is observed only when knowledge and experience,
the vessel is in dry dock or through periodic diver inspections, • informal learning environment, and
coating systems and other methods of corrosion control such • increased retention if information is presented in several
as cathodic protection, become increasingly important. Hull ways, which includes making a strong impression on the
roughness caused by corrosion adversely impacts on ship’s five, senses, especially seeing and hearing. Lectures, vi-
speed, fuel consumption, endurance, and operational costs. sual aids and group discussions have proven to be ef-
fective teaching methods.
Once a training program has been implemented, the ef-
23.3.6 Training fectiveness of the program must be assessed in terms of
In the coatings industry, the use of high performance coat- time and expense. One evaluation method is to measure the
ings, the critical need for effective surface preparation and job results. Did the program address the specific areas iden-
paint application, and the continued development of so- tified by the company? Have costs decreased and produc-
phisticated equipment make it necessary to have ongoing tion and/or quality increased? Are rework requirements
training programs for workers. decreasing? Concurrent with the tangible benefits of a suc-
Training programs make good economic sense. It is sim- cessful training program, other qualitative benefits may
ply too costly for most companies to have their employees arise. These include improved morale, a greater sense of loy-
learn by trial and error. Anticipated higher prices for raw ma- alty to the company, and decreased organizational tensions.
terials will increase the cost of the paint, which makes it in-
creasingly expensive to waste materials. Training can also be
used to target and eliminate specific or recurring problems.
For training to be effective, training must be accepted 23.4 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS
throughout the company. Management must understand the
Since the purpose of protective coatings is primarily eco-
need and objectives of training and support it. Once the em-
nomic, no practical treatise on protecting the structure is
ployees have been trained, they must be allowed to prac-
complete without a discussion of comparative costs. Ac-
tice to obtain the greatest benefit.
cess to basic information and procedures identifying can-
The training needs to be focused on the problems faced
didate systems that are suitable in the specific environment,
by the company. To determine the specific training needs,
costing each, making a selection, and then justifying the
four approaches are recommended. They include perform-
choice is essential.
ance reviews, records, patterned interviews, and surveys.
One methodology is to use paint and coatings as basic
Once needs are identified, a logical step is to determine
expense items without salvage value or depreciation con-
whether training can solve the problems, or whether pro-
siderations (17). They are, however, tax deductible, in most
cedural changes would be more effective. Training objec-
instances. Only a few calculations are needed to compare
tives should be outlined. Up and down the company’s
one system with another and measure each system’s true
organization, all employees can benefit from training, but
cost in comparable dollars. In most cases, cost comparisons
only if the training program is designed to meet the specific
are performed based on the service life costs of each sys-
needs identified. It cannot be over emphasized that the causes
tem to one another. For each system used or considered,
of problems and not their symptoms must be carefully de-
simply list the timing, number, and cost of painting opera-
termined and analyzed before training objectives are set and
tions required to protect the structure for its projected life.
a determination is made on which employees will benefit
This should include such items as original painting, touch-
most from a training program.
up, touch-up and full coats, and full repainting. The cost of
Training should be compatible with the way adults learn.
each painting operation should be calculated in three cate-
Suggested guidelines include (12):
gories: at current cost levels; at net future value (NFV) lev-
• adults must want to learn, els—the current cost with inflation included; and at net
• adults learn only if they feel a need and can see the im- present value (NPV) levels- the present worth of the inflated
Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-13

cost (NFV) in monies today invested at current interest rates.

For a detailed presentation on the application of these eco-
nomic factors, see Chapter 6 – Engineering Economics.
By making these calculations for each of the system’s
painting operations, the true cost and number of painting
operations can be compared and the coating selection based
on a comparable cost basis. A system may be cheaper to in-
stall initially, but if it has a shorter life and requires frequent
repainting, its life cycle cost will be greater because of the
more frequent repainting, and the impact due to paint dis-


Engineered structures should be designed so as to provide
the desired functional qualities for the required period of Figure 23.9 Proper Design Configurations
service. Therefore, a structure should not be over or under
designed. Thoughtful design requires more than the provi-
sion of adequate strength. The part must also last for a given
period of time. But, designing for too long a life may con-
stitute over design if it involves the use of higher cost ma-
terials or costs more.
Crevice corrosion produces the greatest number of
failures of equipment due to poor design, which produce
concentration cell action (6). Examples include gasketed
flanges, rolled joints between tubes and tube sheets in heat
exchangers, and faying surfaces between tanks and sup-
porting structures. The two major design deficiencies caus-
ing such attack are the presence of crevices and pockets,
which retain deposits on a metal surface. Moisture and
chemical solutions may be trapped within crevices and be-
come stagnant. These chemical differences in environment
cause potential differences essentially similar to those en-
countered in galvanic corrosion. Much has been written on
the subject and sketches of proper design configurations
have been available. Some of the more common recom-
Figure 23.10 Proper Design Configurations
mendations, which continue to be germane, are illustrated
in Figures 23.9, 23.10, and 23.11 (12,16).
The galvanic series (Figure 23.2) can be very useful to
the designer, even though the positions of the metals in the
galvanic series can change somewhat with varying envi- For example, if the anode is one-half the area of the cath-
ronmental conditions and temperature. The designer should ode, the corrosion rate will be doubled compared with the
always consider the relative areas of the cathode and the corrosion rate when both areas are the same. Conversely, if
anode before selecting dissimilar metals. A rule of thumb the area of the anode is double that of the cathode, the cor-
that may be used in designing for dissimilar metals is called rosion rate will be half. The area rule only applies when the
the Area Ratio Rule (18), which states that the rate of cor- cathode controls the corrosion reaction. Since there are dif-
rosion will vary with an increase or decrease in the area ferences in the various galvanic series, the safe procedure
ratio of the more noble metal to the less noble metal when for the designer is to specify that the anode and cathode be
connected together in an electrolyte. totally electrically insulated from each other.
23-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• when specifying that paint be used to insulate one mem-

ber of a couple from the other, never specify painting of
the anode only. Either paint, both the anode and the cath-
ode or just the cathode.
When designing for protective coatings, it is essential
that the surface to be coated be prepared properly to accept
the protective coating. Otherwise, the protective coating
will not achieve the intended service life. To assure that the
design of the ship structure is amenable to the coating sys-
tem, the following design recommendations should be taken
Figure 23.11 Proper Design Configuration
• eliminate sharp corner and edges,
• use butt welds instead of lap welds—lap welds are po-
There are however many environments or designs in tential sources for crevice corrosion,
which insulation is not feasible, such as high temperature • remove weld spatter,
or aggressive solutions where the insulation will deteriorate. • provide drainage in recessed zones,
In these cases, the more noble metal should be used for join- • specify the removal of rough surfaces by sanding, grind-
ing or fastening the less resistant metal. There have been ing, or other means,
many applications of dissimilar couples where excellent • specify that welds be continuous with no intermittent
service life has been realized, even though a study of the welding,
galvanic series chart would indicate that such couples might • specify the rounding of all corners and edges,
fail. The reason for the success was that the designer fol- • eliminate difficult to reach places—consider life cycle
lowed the Area Ratio Rule and made the anodic side of the maintenance of the compartment,
couple much larger in area than the cathodic side of the cou- • specify surfaces be easily accessible;
ple. Practical examples are stainless steel bolting on alu- • provide a continuous and even surface to allow com-
minum alloy equipment and Monel bolts used to hold plete bonding of the coating to the metal surface,
together parts of steel condensers exposed to brackish cool- • when a thick plate is to be joined by a thinner plate, de-
ing water. sign the surface to be coated to be flat,
Protective coatings on joints can be specified to insulate • relocate if possible internal stiffeners or structural sup-
couples from each other, but this can sometimes be a rather ports for tanks on the outside of the tank, leaving the in-
dangerous procedure. For example, the less noble (anodic) side surface smooth. If the stiffeners must be located
materials should not be painted without also coating the inside the tank, the coating will be correspondingly more
more noble materials. Painting the anodic material without difficult to apply,
painting the cathodic material would, ideally reduce the an- • do not incorporate crevices or pockets in the design.
odic area to zero, while the cathodic remains large. How- Where crevices cannot be avoided, specify that they be
ever, any coating failure or coating holiday in the anodic welded and welds be ground prior to the application of
area results in a very large adverse area affect and becomes the coating system,
a concentrated area for current flow and subsequently the • remove mill scale from the steel surface. Mill scale is
corrosion will be concentrated in this small area. cathodic to steel and may spall, thereby taking the coat-
What can the ship designer do to prevent galvanic cor- ing system with it, and
rosion in their design? Recommendations include (18): • provide easy access for tanks, vessels or piping for coat-
ing application and inspection (Figure 23.12).
• review designs to assure no galvanic couples have been
inadvertently included, The design of a structure is frequently as important as
• use galvanic series tables to select suitable couples, the choice of materials of construction. A design should con-
• when possible, electrically separate the dissimilar met- sider mechanical and strength requirements together with an
als with an electrical insulator; allowance for corrosion. In all cases, the mechanical design
• when insulation is not practicable, follow the Area Ratio of a component should be based on the material of con-
Rule and specify that the area of the anode be much struction. In other words, design corrosion out of the sys-
larger than the area of the cathode, and tem instead of waiting until the equipment fails in service.
Chapter 23: Ship Preservation 23-15

This is enhanced by close communications between de-

signers and corrosion engineers and all major projects in-
cluding funds for utilization of corrosion engineers. Fontana
(3) believes corrosion engineers should also sign off on
equipment drawings, not only the design engineers. Some
design rules that should be followed are (3,16):

• weld rather than rivet tanks and other containers. Riv-

eted joints provide sites for crevice corrosion as dis-
cussed in Section 23.3.3,
• design tanks and other containers for easy draining and Figure 23.12 Design in Easy Access
easy cleaning. Tank bottoms should be sloped toward
drain holes so that liquids cannot collect after the tank
is emptied (Figure 23.13),
• design systems for easy replacement of components that
are expected to fail rapidly in service. Frequently, pumps
in chemical plants are designed so that they can be read-
ily removed from a piping system,
• avoid excessive mechanical stresses and stress concen-
trations in components exposed to corrosive mediums.
Mechanical or residual stresses are one of the require-
ments for stress corrosion cracking as discussed in Sec-
tion 23.3.3. (This recommendation should be followed
Figure 23.13 Design for Easy Drainage
especially when using materials susceptible to stress cor-
rosion cracking),
• avoid electrical contact between dissimilar metals to pre-
vent galvanic corrosion as described in Section 23.2.1.
If possible, use similar materials throughout the entire • avoid heterogeneity. Dissimilar metals, vapor spaces,
structure, or insulate different materials from one an- uneven heat and stress distribution and other differences
other, between points in the system lead to corrosion damage.
• avoid sharp bends in piping systems when high veloci- Hence, attempt to make all conditions as uniform as pos-
ties and/or solids in suspension are involved, sible throughout the entire system.
• provide thicker structures to take care of impingement
• ensure materials are properly selected;
• list complete specifications for all materials of con- 23.6 REFERENCES
struction and provide instructions to ensure specifica- 1. Storch, R. L., Hammon, C. P., Bunch, H. M., and Moore, R.
tions are followed all the way through to final inspection, C. Ship Production, Second Edition, SNAME, Jersey City,
• be sure relevant codes and standards are met, NJ, 1995
• set realistic and scheduled dates for delivery of equip- 2. Chawla, S. L., and Gupta, R. K., “Materials Selection for Cor-
ment, rosion Control,” ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1993
• specify procedures for testing and storage of parts and 3. Fontana, M. G., Corrosion Engineering, Third Edition, Mc-
equipment. For example, after hydraulic testing do not Graw Hill, Inc., New York, 1986
4. Davis, J. R., Sr. Ed., Metals Handbook, Ninth Edition, Vol-
let the equipment sit full or partially full of water for any
ume 13 Corrosion, ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1987
extended period of time. This could result in microbial
5. Jones, D. A., Principles and Prevention of Corrosion,
corrosion, pitting, and stress corrosion, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1992
• specify operating and maintenance procedures, 6. Corrosion Basics, An Introduction, National Association of
• design to exclude air. Oxygen reduction is one of the Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, 1984
most common cathodic reactions during corrosion, and 7. Munger, C. G., Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coat-
if oxygen is eliminated, corrosion can often be reduced ings, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston
or prevented, and TX, 1984
23-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

8. Lapedes, D. N., Editor on Chief, McGraw Hill Dictionary of 13. Det Norske Veritas Classification AS, “Guidelines for Cor-
Scientific and Technical Terms, McGraw Hill Book Com- rosion Protection of Ships,” No. 94-P005, April 1994
pany, New York, NY, 1978 14. Vernon, W., Transactions, Faraday Society, 1927
9. Appleman, B. R., Ed., Steel Structures Painting Manual, Vol- 15. Uhlig, H. H. and Winston,R. R. Corrosion and Corrosion
ume 2, (SSPC-Vol 2) Seventh Edition, Systems and Specifi- Control an Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engi-
cations Steel Structures Painting Council, Pittsburgh, PA, 1995 neering, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1985
10. Clean Air Act, Section 112, National Emission Standards for 16. Designing for Corrosion Control, NACE International, Hous-
Hazardous Air Pollutants (40 CFC Part 63), Federal Regis- ton, TX, August 15, 1990
ter, December 15, 1995 17. Brevoot, G. H. et al., “Updated Protective Coating Costs,
11. Protective Coatings and Linings, NACE International, Hous- Products, and Service Life,” Materials Performance, Febru-
ton TX November 1, 1989 ary 1997
12. Keane, J. D., Ed., Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 18. Landrum, R. J., Fundamentals of Designing for Corrosion
1, (SSPC-Vol 1) Third Edition, Good Painting Practices, Steel Control—A Corrosion Aid for the Designer, National Asso-
Structures Painting Council, Pittsburgh, PA, 1993 ciation of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, 1989
Chapter 24
Machinery Considerations

Alan L. Rowen

24.1 NOMENCLATURE requirements. This chapter will be confined to the machin-

ery in the power plants of modern merchant ships. For fur-
ADGT aircraft-derivative gas turbine ther discussion of ship machinery see references 1 through
bkW brake power, in kilowatts 3. The power plants in common use today in merchant ships
bSFC brake-specific fuel consumption are those based on diesel engines and steam turbines. Gas tur-
DFM distillate fuel, marine bines are only infrequently used in merchant ships, but are
HDGT heavy-duty gas turbine likely to become more common in the near future, and are
HFO heavy fuel oil included here. Nuclear power plants are used in many sub-
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning marines, in a limited number of large warships, and in a class
LNG liquefied natural gas of Russian Arctic icebreakers, but are not generally consid-
MCR maximum continuous rating ered viable for merchant ships, and will not be discussed in
MEP mean effective pressure this chapter. Gasoline engines are widely used in small boats
MGO marine gas oil, a light distillate fuel and in pleasure craft, but are rare in other marine applications,
No. 2-D diesel fuel, a light distillate fuel and also will be excluded from this chapter.
NOx oxides of nitrogen
RCGT regenerative-cycle gas turbine
rpm revolutions per minute 24.2.2 Descriptions of Power Plants
SCGT simple-cycle gas turbine Typical machinery arrangements are listed in Table 24.I and
SFC specific fuel consumption shown in Figures. 24.1 to 24.3.
skW shaft power, in kilowatts
SSDG ship’s service diesel generator Diesel plants
TG turbogenerator Diesel propulsion predominates for merchant ships of all
types and sizes today. Diesel engines divide into groups as
low-speed, medium-speed, and high-speed engines.
24.2 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Low-speed engines are very large. They are specifically
designed for ship propulsion, with crankshaft rpm low enough
24.2.1 Introduction to enable direct drive of the propeller. There is therefore one
The power plant of a ship generally provides for both its engine per propeller, mounted on the tank top, in line with
propulsion and for ship’s services, which include steering the propeller shaft, and centrally located for a single-screw
gear, deck machinery, navigation and communication equip- ship. Unless a controllable-pitch propeller is fitted, the en-
ment, the hotel load, and support of cargo, trade, or mission gine must be direct reversing. Low-speed engines have from

24-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

TABLE 24.I Merchant Ship Power Plants

Coal-Fired Aircraft- Heavy-Duty,
Oil-Fired Steam Steam Medium-Speed High-Speed Derivative Simple-Cycle
Turbine Turbine Low-Speed Diesel Diesel Diesel Gas Turbine Gas Turbine
Power Range, Kw up to 60 000 per unit up to 60 000 3000 to 100 000 1000 to 25 000 per up to 4000 per up to 50 000 per up to 40 000 per
per unit per engine engine engine turbine turbine
Typical Ships LNG ships; older some ore and most merchant ships merchant ships; smaller ships of warships; fast some fast ferries
ships of all types coal-carriers naval auxiliaries all types ferries
Current Status unlikely for new ships feasible most common for increasing use in dominates in dominates in increasing use in
merchant ships merchant ships smaller ships warships fast ferries
Acquisition Cost high higher than highest fairly high lowest in power lowest at high high
oil-fired steam range power
Minimum Fuel Quality residual coal heavy blend intermediate blends light distillate light distillate selected light blends
Fuel Consumption high high lowest lowest low high high
Maintenance on least high low high low low at sea, moderate
Minimum Quality Fuel but high overall
Mass and Volume moderate moderate high moderate low lowest low

four to twelve cylinders arranged in-line, with power output necessarily steamships. In addition, many older, oil-fired
ranging from less than 3000 kW to over 60 000 kW. steamships remain in service, some of which have been ex-
Medium-speed and high-speed engines are more com- tensively modernized.
pact than the low-speed engines, but must drive the pro- The typical steam plant, of which Figure 24.3 is an ex-
peller through gearing or by electric drive. These engines ample, has two boilers side-by-side, supplying steam to a
have four to ten cylinders in-line, or as many as 24 cylin- cross-compound propulsion turbine comprised of separate
ders in a V-configuration. The rated power output of high-pressure and low-pressure turbines, the power outputs
medium-speed engines ranges from under 1000 kW to more of which are combined at the reduction gear to drive the pro-
than 20 000 kW. High-speed engines cover the power range peller. Astern running is achieved by admitting steam to sep-
from less than 100 kW to over 3000 kW. In fact, there is no arate astern stages within the casing of the low-pressure
clear difference between smaller, higher rpm, medium-speed turbine. Steam is also supplied to one or more independent
engines, and the larger, lower rpm, high-speed engines, with turbo generators, as well as to the turbo-feed pumps, but
the distinction mostly in the perceptions of the designers most other auxiliaries are driven by electric motors. Exhaust
and users. Medium- and high-speed engines are often com- steam is condensed using large quantities of seawater, and
bined in pairs, side-by-side, geared to a single propeller returned to the boiler via a series of feed-water heaters. Some
shaft. Some medium-speed engines can be directly reversed. plants use scoop-circulation of the condenser when the ship
For other engines reversing is provided by the gear set, by is moving ahead at speed, which requires carefully designed
a controllable-pitch propeller, or by electric drive. With ducts to be integrated into the hull structure, usually with a
diesel-electric drive, the output of several diesel-generator lip at the overboard discharge to induce the flow. On tankers,
sets can be combined. cargo pumps are generally driven by steam turbines, and
In all but the smallest diesel plants two, or more com- large quantities of steam may be used at sea for cargo heat-
monly three or more, independent diesel-generator sets are ing. Standby diesel generators are common. Plants with sin-
fitted. An attached generator, driven directly by the main en- gle boilers, single-casing turbines, attached auxiliaries, or
gine, may be fitted as well. A waste-heat boiler, recovering turbo-electric drive are all practical but not typical.
heat from the engine exhaust, is common. With low-speed
engines and the larger medium-speed engines the auxiliaries Gas turbine plants
are independently driven by electric motors, but the smaller Gas turbines can be divided between aircraft-derivative units
the engine, the more common are attached auxiliaries. (ADGTs) and heavy-duty gas turbines (HDGTs), originally
designed for stationary power production, and can be fur- Steam plants ther divided between simple-cycle units (SCGTs) and re-
Steam plants are completely dominant among liquid natu- generative-, or recuperative-cycle units (RCGTs). Few of
ral gas carriers in current service, and coal-fueled ships are the merchant ships built a generation ago with gas turbine
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-3

Figure 24.1 Low-speed Diesel Machinery Arrangement

propulsion remain in service with their original machinery, merchant-ship applications have tended to be those where
but simple-cycle, aircraft-derivative gas turbines have be- high power density is useful, as in high-speed ferries. This
come the prime movers of choice for a wide range of naval fact favors the simple-cycle gas turbine over the regenera-
vessels (4). In most of these naval vessels, it is the high tive-cycle gas turbine, although an advanced-cycle machine
power density of simple-cycle gas turbines, which is their now under development, which uses an intercooled com-
principal advantage, which has driven the selection. Newer pressor and a compact regenerator, may redress this issue.
24-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Marine gas turbines of 40 000 kW and more are avail- Advantages of gas turbines over other prime movers are:
able, but only at the discrete power levels at which they are
manufactured. The larger gas turbines are usually supplied • high power density and low specific weight, especially
and installed in an acoustic enclosure of approximately con- for ADGTs;
tainer dimensions. In most applications they are geared to • manufacture as standardized units, with a broad base of
the propeller, but electric drive is also feasible. Two units experience in other applications;
may be fitted side-by-side, geared together to drive a single • little requirement for on-board maintenance;
propeller shaft. Astern power must be provided by the gear • rapid start and assumption of load; and
set, by a controllable-pitch propeller, or by electric drive. • low exhaust emissions, especially of NOx.

















Figure 24.2 Medium-speed Geared Diesel Machinery Arrangement

Figure 24.3 Steam Plant Machinery Arrangement
24-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Disadvantages are: when their sources of suction are also elevated. Many tank
locations are therefore related to pump locations, and are
• sensitivity to fuel quality;
also subject to considerations that may include gravity fill-
• high fuel consumption, especially at less than full power;
ing or drainage, venting, or static-head requirements.
• high air and exhaust flows;
Most machinery is grouped by system to limit piping runs
• sensitivity to losses in air and exhaust ducts;
and to simplify construction and operation. The location of
• reduced performance at high ambient-air temperatures;
pumps and tanks therefore determines the locations of con-
• high maintenance cost, especially for ADGTs;
nected equipment. With similar logic, generators, switch-
• no inherent or simple reversing capability; and
boards, distribution panels, and transformers are arranged
• output at high rpm, which requires speed-reducing trans-
to limit cable runs. On the other hand, some machinery is
missions for propeller drive.
grouped by type rather than by system, for example, fuel-
The combustion air must be drawn from the weather, so oil purifiers are often grouped with lubricating-oil purifiers
the plants are characterized by very large intake and ex- to enable common facilities to be shared.
haust ducts. Attached generators, driven from the reduction Access for operation, inspection, maintenance, repair,
gear, may be fitted. Independent generators may be driven overhaul, and renewal is generally of paramount impor-
by gas turbines or diesel engines. Waste-heat boilers are tance, with lifting gear, removal routes, and spare-parts stor-
feasible, but because they add to the volume, weight, and age all considered in the design process. Provision for
complexity, they are not common. Most auxiliaries are in- removal ashore of such items as turbine and generator ro-
dependently driven by electric motors. tors, gear elements, large electric motors, and main-engine
components, is typically required. Direct access routes for
normal stores handling, usually using a ship’s stores crane,
24.2.3 Machinery Arrangements are normally provided. Work areas are usually located close
Several examples of machinery arrangements are shown in to equipment requiring frequent disassembly, including pu-
Figures 24.1 to 24.3. Regardless of machinery type, the rifiers, strainers and filters, diesel-engine injectors, and boiler
equipment in a properly designed plant is arranged to allow burners. A central machine shop is normally provided, and
for such factors as the following: in keeping with the intended maintenance philosophy, may
be extensively equipped, with designated areas for specific
• safety considerations, including fire hazards;
• requirements for suction, gravity flow, static head, air in-
A central control station is typical whether or not ma-
take, and mechanical connection;
chinery is normally attended or is fully automated. Gener-
• access for operation, inspection, maintenance, repair,
ally this station is in a control room located in or immediately
overhaul, and renewal;
adjacent to the engine room, together with switchboards
• ship’s structure;
and distribution panels. In some ships with fully automated
• simplicity of construction;
machinery, however, the machinery- control station is placed
• noise and vibration.
in an integrated ship-control center remote from the engine
These factors are discussed below, and their effects are room.
evident in the illustrated arrangements. Because of their high noise level, diesel generators are
When the machinery space is located aft, the after-most often isolated from the general machinery space by acoustic
position of the propulsion machinery is determined by the bulkheads. Gas turbines are usually fitted with acoustic en-
hull form, by the width of the machinery, and, usually, by closures.
the need to withdraw the tail shaft inboard. Inboard with- Other machinery, for example, purifiers and fuel serv-
drawal of the tail shaft is normal with fixed-pitch propellers; ice systems, may be isolated to facilitate ventilation and fire
outboard withdrawal is normal with controllable-pitch pro- suppression. To further minimize fire risks, oil tanks are not
pellers and can be arranged in any case, although it may re- located over boilers or incinerators, or close to uptakes.
quire the removal of both the rudder and propeller. Fire-hazardous equipment is kept clear of equipment criti-
Pump suction criteria affect most machinery systems, cal to ship control and damage control. Fire pumps are kept
usually forcing fuel-transfer pumps, lubricating-oil circu- distant from each other.
lating pumps, seawater cooling pumps, bilge pumps, bal- Large tanks in or adjacent to the engine room normally
last pumps, and fire pumps to be located on the lowest level. include those for fuel settling and service, lubricating-oil
Other pumps, including boiler-feed pumps and fuel-serv- storage and treatment, and reserve-feed storage. Engine-
ice pumps, may be located on intermediate flats, but only room double-bottom tanks may be used for main-engine
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-7

and reduction-gear oil sumps, distillate-fuel storage, reserve deliver their maximum rated power continuously. As a re-
feed, waste oils, untreated bilge water, or ballast. sult, if all else were equal, a ship with a diesel plant would
appear to have more installed propulsion power than an oth-
erwise identical ship with steam or gas turbines.
24.2.4 Criteria for Power Plant Selection
Characteristics of modern merchant-ship power plants that Type of fuel
should be considered in selection of machinery are dis- Most ships’ power plants use petroleum fuel oils. Distillate
cussed below. A summary is presented as Table 24.I. fuels (which include gas oil, No. 2-D, and DFM) are the
easiest to use but are the most expensive, while residual Acquisition cost fuels are the cheapest but most difficult to use. Intermedi-
A marine power plant is a system comprised of components ate fuels are produced by blending distillate fuels with resid-
which include the main and auxiliary machinery, founda- uals, and generally have all of the difficulties of residuals
tions, shafting, piping, ducting, cabling, automation and although to a reduced extent. Because of their lower den-
controls, access and overhauling gear, etc. The acquisition sity, distillate fuels are considered light fuels, with blended
cost referred to here is the cost to the ship owner of the com- and residual fuels all being heavy fuels. The heaviest fuels
plete system, and includes the costs for components and must be heated to reduce their viscosity before they can be
materials, engineering, fabrication, installation, commis- pumped, and all heavy fuels must be heated further before
sioning, and testing, including labor and overhead costs. they can be burned. Heavy fuels generally contain impuri-
Comparison of the total cost is clouded by such factors as ties, including solid particles, water, sulfur, vanadium, and
different shipyard practices, labor costs in different regions, sodium, and tend to leave deposits of carbon during com-
or the eagerness of component manufacturers to market bustion, all of which contribute to the deterioration of the
their products. Deviation from a pre-existing local practice machinery. Distillate fuels contain little, if any, of these im-
can have an overwhelming effect. If influences such as these purities, do not generally require heating, and do not nor-
could be removed, there would be little difference in ac- mally leave carbon deposits. In addition, the heating value
quisition cost for complete power plants that are of differ- (the energy content) of the heaviest fuels is typically five or
ent type, as long as they are equal in their quality of outfit. six percent below that of the distillates.
With these caveats, acquisition costs for complete plants of Low-speed diesel engines are more likely than the higher-
equal outfit are likely to be within about ten percent of the speed engines to operate on heavy fuels without excessive
mean. At all power levels, low-speed diesel plants and coal- maintenance costs. Most medium-speed engines are capa-
fired steam plants are likely to have the highest acquisition ble of operation on heavy fuels, although maintenance costs
costs. At lower power levels where high-speed diesel plants are almost always higher when compared to those of low-
are practical, they generally have the lowest acquisition speed engines operated on heavy fuels, or in comparison to
costs. As power levels rise progressively, the lowest acqui- those of medium-speed engines operated on distillate fuels.
sition cost is likely to be for medium-speed diesel plants, Some medium-speed engines and all high-speed engines
then for oil-fired steam plants, and then for simple-cycle gas- require distillate fuels. Oil-fired steamships are generally
turbine plants. designed for residual fuel, but would have somewhat re-
Examples of changes in the quality of outfit that can dis- duced maintenance requirements if lighter fuels are used.
rupt the expected order of acquisition cost include changes Some heavy-duty gas turbines have been operated suc-
in the level of automation, the addition of waste-heat re- cessfully on carefully selected heavy fuels, and others are
covery, the addition of an attached generator with speed or considered suitable for light-intermediate fuels. Aircraft-
frequency regulation, or the use of a controllable-pitch pro- derivative gas turbines must be run on distillate fuel.
peller. Even in power plants in which heavy fuels can be used,
the choice of fuel is mostly an economic decision, requir- Margins and ratings ing that a balance be struck between the lower cost of the
Diesel engines are normally selected to operate at an aver- heavier fuels and the inconvenience and increased costs of
age power output of 70% to 90% of their maximum con- fuel treatment and machinery maintenance. The power plants
tinuous rating (MCR). This practice helps to ensure that of most sea going merchant ships are run on heavy fuels,
predicted ship performance will be achieved in service as but most coastal, river, and harbor craft, most fishing boats,
the hull and propeller foul, and in rough seas, and is in keep- and most naval vessels use distillate fuels.
ing with expected lives of engine components. On the other Coal is used in some trades, where its much lower cost,
hand, steam plants and gas turbines are often intended to well below that of even residual fuel oil, justifies the diffi-
24-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

culties inherent in its use. Coal has lower heating value and The SFC for a steam plant is usually obtained from a
density than fuel oil, resulting in much larger volumes and heat balance performed in accord with a standard which en-
weight penalties for coal-fired ships than for oil-fired ships sures reasonable margins and allowances, which includes
of similar range. Coal-fired ships are necessarily steam ships, energy required for auxiliaries and ship’s services, which
with coal-storage arrangements, coal-transfer systems, and includes transmission losses to the shaft power level, and
boilers all specifically designed for the particular grade of which is based on the intended fuel, usually a residual fuel.
coal that will be used. The SFC is thus an all-purpose value, achievable in service
Where natural gas is available, it is an attractive fuel that on heavy fuel, as long as the plant is operated in general ac-
burns cleanly in boilers, diesel engines, and gas turbines; re- cord with the heat balance, and as long as it is well main-
ducing maintenance costs and exhaust emissions of atmos- tained. Multiplying the SFC of a steam plant by the shaft
pheric pollutants. Difficulties associated with natural gas for power gives a reasonably reliable value of the ship’s fuel
marine use are in the gas-storage and handling arrangements. consumption.
Natural gas is the principal fuel for liquefied natural-gas car- Typical values of all-purpose SFC for geared steam-tur-
riers, where it is available as boil-off from the cargo. Because bine plants run on heavy fuel, for the plant ratings stated,
of the reduced exhaust emissions, natural gas use in coastal, with the plant running within about 10% of its rating, are:
river, and harbor craft is likely to increase.
15 000 skW or higher 260 to 300 g/skW-h Fuel consumption 10 000 skW 280 to 320 g/skW-h
Power plants are often compared on the basis of their spe- 5000 skW 320 to 360 g/skW-h
cific fuel consumption, or SFC, which is the quantity of fuel
consumed per unit of power delivered. It should be noted, For operation at part power the SFC is higher, as in Fig-
however, that raw SFC data can be terribly deceptive, as the ure 24.5.
values usually cited for steam plants are all-purpose SFCs, In contrast to steam plant practice, SFCs for diesel en-
on the intended fuel, and including transmission losses and gines are usually given for distillate fuel, and may include
margins, while those most often cited for diesel engines and a deduction referred to as the tolerance. These SFCs are usu-
gas turbines are for the engine alone, often on higher-qual- ally based on brake power (without transmission losses) of
ity fuel than will be used, and usually without transmission the bare engine without attached auxiliaries. The values are
losses or margins. Allowances for these differences can eas- only minimally affected by ambient conditions. To calcu-
ily add 15% to 20% to the quoted SFCs. For purposes of late the fuel consumption the SFCs of diesel engines may
comparison, therefore, SFCs of diesel engines and gas tur- first have to be corrected by a factor of 1.02 to 1.03 to re-
bines must be adjusted as explained below. store the tolerance, then further corrected by the ratio of fuel-
Typical values are cited in the following paragraphs for oil- heating value, up to 1.06 if the engine is to be run on heavy
fired plants, in units of grams of fuel per hour per kW. The fuel. Then the brake power must be determined from the
coal consumption of coal-fired plants is not addressed here shaft power to the propeller: first by adding any gear- or
because it is dependent on the heating value of the particular shaft-driven loads, and then, for direct-connected, low-speed
coal to be used, which varies widely among grades. With coal- diesel engines, the total shaft power must be multiplied by
burning methods currently used in marine boilers, they are about 1.005 for thrust bearing loss, to yield brake power sup-
about five percent less efficient than oil-fired boilers, but ad- plied to the shaft; alternatively, for geared diesels the total
vanced coal-firing methods becoming well established ashore shaft power is multiplied by about 1.02 to allow for gear
can redress this disparity. In addition, the parasitic loads of a losses (which include thrust bearing loss). Then the power
coal-fired plant, principally for coal and ash handling, are to any attached loads driven directly by the engine must be
greater than for oil, and are reflected in the all-purpose fuel added to yield the total brake power required from the en-
consumption. Natural gas consumption rates are not discussed gine. Finally, multiplying the total brake power by the cor-
here because they are also case-specific, again depending on rected SFC yields the fuel consumption of the engine.
gas quality and on combustion technique. In general, when However, the result is not the all-purpose fuel consumption
compared on the basis of energy consumption to their oil- of the plant unless electrical and heating needs are met by
fired counterparts, natural gas boilers, reciprocating engines, the attached generator or by waste-heat recovery. The ad-
and gas turbines are similar in efficiency. However, efficien- ditional fuel consumed by oil-fired boilers or independent
cies with natural gas are slightly higher for gas turbines if the diesel generators must be added.
firing temperature can be increased, and are slightly lower for Typical values of SFC for diesel engines, which must be
some air-limited reciprocating engines. adjusted as described previously, are:
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-9

low-speed diesels 160 to 180 g/bkW-h fected by high ambient temperatures and by high intake-
medium-speed diesels 165 to 210 g/bkW-h and exhaust-duct losses.
high-speed diesels 200 to 250 g/bkW-h When simple-cycle gas turbines are operated at part load,
SFCs increase sharply, as shown in Figure 24.4.
In general, for each class of engine, the larger-bore,
An advanced gas turbine now under development with
lower-rpm engines have SFCs near the bottom of the range,
an intercooled compressor and a compact regenerator, with
and smaller-bore engines, near the top. Diesel engines have
a rating of about 25 000 bkW, will offer an SFC of about
fairly constant SFC above about 50% of their rating, as
200 g/bkW, approximately constant from about 40% rating
shown in Figure 24.4.
to full power. This fuel-consumption pattern is similar to
For gas turbines, SFCs are usually based on distillate
those of diesel engines, although without the ability to burn
fuel and on brake power, but are likely to include all directly
heavy fuels.
driven accessory loads. (When the gas turbine is capable of
When electric drive is used instead of reduction gear-
operation on heavy fuel, the SFC will likely increase by
ing, fuel consumption is five to ten percent higher. See Fig-
more than the ratio of heating value, since the firing tem-
ure 24.6.
perature may have to be reduced, a matter outside the scope
Even after all the corrections are made, it is usually found
of this chapter which will not be further addressed here.)
that diesel plants have significantly lower fuel consumption
The brake power must be determined from the shaft power
than other power plants, with an economic effect likely to
to the propeller: first by adding any gear- or shaft-driven
be heavily compounded when heavy fuels can be used.
loads, and then, for geared turbines, the total shaft power is
multiplied by about 1.02 to allow for gear and thrust-bear- Volume and Mass
ing losses. Multiplying the total brake power by the corrected
The volume occupied by a ship’s power plant is not im-
SFC will yield the fuel consumption of the gas turbine.
portant if the space is available in any event, as on large rel-
However, the result will not be the all-purpose fuel con-
atively slow ships with heavy cargoes, such as tankers and
sumption of the plant unless electrical and heating needs
ore carriers. These ships often have larger engine rooms
are met by the attached generator or by waste-heat recov-
than required, even when fitted with low-speed diesel en-
ery. Additional fuel consumed by oil-fired boilers or inde-
gines. A similar situation obtains with deck-loaded ferries,
pendent diesel-generators must be added.
where the hull is largely empty, leaving far more space than
Typical values of SFC for simple-cycle gas turbines,
needed for the high-speed diesel engines that are likely to
which must be adjusted as described above, are shown in
Figure 24.5. The values are adversely and significantly af- LIVE GRAPH
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170 350
150 300
100 200
80 150
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 24.4 Variation in Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) with Load for Steam Figure 24.5 Typical Values of Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (bSFC) of
Plants, Values Shown are for All-purpose Fuel Consumption; for All Others, Simple-cycle, Marine Gas Turbines Operated on Distillate Fuel, at Rated
Values are for the Engine Alone Conditions
24-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1
Click here to view

95 TABLE 24.II Volume and Mass Guidelines

AC/AC Power Plant m3/skW kg/skW


90 low-speed diesel 0.35 to 0.7 60 to 130
DRIVE medium-speed diesel 0.12 to 0.35 25 to 90
high-speed diesel 0.07 to 0.2 10 to 35
85 oil-fired steam 0.25 to 0.6 30 to 90
simple-cycle gas turbine 0.04 to 0.15 7 to 35

0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 24.6 Electric Drive Efficiency at Rated Shaft Output (1) room proportions. Low-speed diesel plants represent one ex-
treme in their lack of such flexibility: there must be one en-
gine per shaft, mounted on the tank top, and aligned with
the vertical and transverse center line of the propeller shaft-
be used. The guideline values cited in Table 24.II are in- ing. The length of the engine may determine the minimum
tended to indicate the gross engine-room volume required, length of the engine room. In addition, low-speed engines
and the total machinery mass. Gross engine-room volume are very high, and minimum engine-room height is deter-
is defined here as the volume from the tank top (or bottom mined by adding the overhaul height to the height of the
shell, if there is no double-bottom) to the top of the engine engine. Such height may be difficult to accommodate in a
room, including any trunk above the main deck, but ex- shallow hull, or it may interfere with arrangements of ve-
cluding shaft alleys and casings (for intake and exhaust), hicle ramps of roll-on, roll-off ships.
while including space, as appropriate, for auxiliary ma- On the other hand, considerable flexibility exists in
chinery, workshops, control rooms, spares storage, and en- steam-plant arrangements. For example, in contrast to the
gine-room tankage, for efficient arrangements with typical short engine room shown in Figure 24.3, a low engine room
auxiliary outfit. Total machinery mass, as used here, is the can be achieved by mounting the boilers forward of the tur-
mass of the entire content of the machinery spaces, plus bines, on the tank top.
shafting, bearings, and propellers, including all auxiliaries, The power plants that offer the greatest flexibility in
foundations, ducting, uptakes, piping, cables, engine-room arrangement are usually electric drive, especially with high-
ventilation, workshop equipment, control equipment, spares, speed diesel or gas turbine driven generators, which, because
and liquids contained in machinery and piping, but not in- of their low weight, can be located almost anywhere aboard
cluding fuel in day tanks, settling tanks, or bunker tanks. the vessel, including the superstructure.
For the diesel plants, the lower values in each range are
appropriate for the higher-rpm engines with the most aus- Lubricating oil consumption
tere level of auxiliary outfit. For steam and gas turbine While small amounts of lubricating oil are lost in steam tur-
plants, the lower values are associated with the higher-pow- bine and gas-turbine plants, all diesel engines actively con-
ered plants. For a discussion of coal-fired plants, see Sec- sume lubricating oil in significant amounts. The following
tion 24.5. are guideline rates for specific oil consumption for all pur-
An important point to consider when comparing mass poses for diesel engines of each type. Total oil consump-
and volume of these plants is the effect of fuel consump- tion for a plant would include oil consumed by the main
tion, since stored fuel is not included in the values given engines and the auxiliaries, including auxiliary engines:
above. For example, if machinery is heavy or bulky but of
low-speed diesels 0.5 to 1.1 g/bkW-h
high efficiency, the difference in the mass and volume of
medium- and high-speed 0.7 to 1.7 g/bkW-h
fuel necessary for a long voyage may yield a lower overall
mass or volume.
Although lubricating oils are consumed at a much lower Flexibility in arrangement rate than fuel oil, lubricating-oil consumption is a signifi-
This term refers to the extent to which major machinery cant operating-cost component because the unit costs of lu-
items can be shifted to accommodate constraints on engine- bricating oils are usually five or ten times those of fuel oils.
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-11 Maintenance requirements order of 98% to 99%. Gearing is also lighter and less ex-
Maintenance requirements include inspections and trend pensive. However, electric drive offers certain advantages:
monitoring, routine servicing, and overhauls, and involve
• precise speed control;
costs for labor and parts, some accruing continuously, oth-
• rapid reversing, with full power available astern;
ers concentrated at intervals. On a life-cycle basis, per unit
• high torque at low rpm;
of power output per unit time, the list below represents an
• flexible machinery arrangements;
attempt to rank marine power plants in order, from lowest
• ability to combine the output of multiple prime movers;
maintenance cost to highest:
• oil-fired steam plant on residual fuel, • flexible load management.
• any diesel plant on distillate fuel at modest output,
The last items listed are particularly useful where the
• low-speed diesel plant on heavy fuel at modest output,
power requirement for the ship’s mission or trade rivals or
• low-speed diesel plant on heavy fuel at high output,
exceeds the propulsion load, so that the effect of high propul-
• heavy-duty gas turbine plant on distillate fuel,
sion losses is diminished. With multiple generating sets, the
• coal-fired steam plant,
number in use can be matched to the load, enabling each to
• medium-speed diesel plant on heavy fuel at modest output,
be run close to its best efficiency, further compensating for
• medium-speed diesel plant on heavy fuel at high output,
transmission losses.
• high-speed diesel plant on distillate fuel at high output, and
With reference to Figure 24.6, when the incentives for
• aircraft-derivative gas turbine plant on distillate fuel.
electric drive include speed control and high torque at low
Too many factors can affect the maintenance require- speed, as might be the case with research ships, ice break-
ments for this list to be taken as more than guidance. ers, cable layers, and commuter ferries, AC/DC drive is the
likely choice. Shuttle tankers, long-distance ferries, and pas- Manning and automation senger ships are candidates for AC/AC drive.
Modern merchant-ship power plants of all types are normally
built with sufficient automation for unattended routine op- 24.2.6 Controllable-pitch Propellers
eration at sea, under bridge control.
Compared to fixed-pitch propellers, controllable-pitch pro-
Traditional engine watches are normally not necessary,
pellers are much more expensive, more complex, and less
a major factor in enabling the low levels of manning that
efficient at their design rpm. However, because the thrust
have come to be expected. Some older ships are not up to
can be varied independently of rpm, from full ahead to full
this standard. Exceptions among modern ships include those
astern, controllable-pitch propellers offer advantages that
built to suit specific labor practices which inhibit reduced
can justify their use in ships of all types. These advantages
manning, some passenger vessels, and vessels that are op-
include the following:
erated in congested waters, or are so frequently maneu-
vered, that continuous watch standing is preferable. • Maximum thrust is available at low ship speed, which
With normally unattended machinery, engine-department is especially helpful for tugboats and trawlers with diesel
crew levels are determined by the number necessary for oc- engines, and for icebreakers with diesel engines or gas
casional attendance during maneuvering or emergencies, turbines.
who are thus normally available for routine tasks such as reg- • The propeller pitch can be adjusted to match different
ular maintenance and inspection, fuel transfer, and record prime movers clutched to its drive shaft. This feature fa-
keeping. Even in a large and complex power plant, a chief cilitates combined diesel or gas turbine plants, and en-
engineer and one or two assistants may be sufficient, with ables single-engine operation of diesel plants with paired
additional help available when needed from dual-qualified engines geared to a single screw.
officers and seamen who are normally assigned to deck • The propeller can provide reversing capability for non-
watches. Under such circumstances increased use is made reversing engines, which is particularly useful for gas
of contract work gangs for more major maintenance tasks turbines.
in port, or even traveling with the ship for parts of a voyage. • Rapid maneuvering is possible without stopping the en-
gines or using clutches.
• Since shaft rpm can be held constant, independent of
24.2.5 Electric Drive versus Gearing ship speed, attached generators can supply electricity at
Overall efficiencies of electric-drive systems are shown in constant frequency without constant-speed transmissions
Figure 24.6; for comparison, gearing efficiencies are on the or frequency-rectification equipment.
24-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Controllable-pitch propellers are normally flanged to of the main engine, and second, a means of maintaining
their propeller shafts, which are therefore drawn outboard, constant frequency. Both issues can be resolved with addi-
an operation which might require removal of the rudder. tional equipment. Increases in acquisition cost and plant
The shafting is hollow to accommodate the hydraulic lines mass will be significant if the main-engine rating must be
or rods that operate the hub. higher to accommodate the attached generator, and espe-
cially if frequency or speed correction is necessary, but fuel
costs will be reduced. If the alternative normal source is a
24.2.7 Waterjets continuously run diesel generator, maintenance costs are
Waterjets offer advantages over propellers in some cases. likely to be reduced as well.
For shallow-draft vessels, the impeller of a water jet can be
more easily protected from foreign-object damage than a
propeller. For high-speed vessels, water jets can be more
efficient than propellers, in part because of better hydrody-
namic performance of the hull forms that are possible with While Section 24.1 provided information that might lead to
water jets, but not with propellers. a selection of diesel machinery over steam or gas turbines,
Waterjets are usually fitted with rotating nozzles or thrust and perhaps towards a preference for low-speed or higher-
deflectors for steering, making rudders unnecessary. Gen- speed engines, this section addresses significant character-
erally, they are also fitted with thrust-reversing deflectors, istics of diesel plants that must then be considered.
eliminating the need for reversing gearing or engines. Nev-
ertheless, reversing gears are sometimes fitted when water
jets are used for shallow-draft vessels, to enable back flush- 24.3.1 Review of Engine Types
ing of the intake. To summarize and amplify the information in Section 24.1,
The range of waterjet rpm at rated performance is from diesel engines fall into either a low-speed category or the
over 3000 rpm at the lowest power levels, to about 500 rpm medium- and high-speed categories. Low-speed engines are
for high-power applications. Direct-drive from medium and generally intended for the direct drive of ships’ propellers
high-speed diesel engines is possible, although optimum without any speed-changing device and are therefore re-
performance of both the water jet and the diesel engine usu- stricted to an rpm range for which efficient propellers can
ally requires reduction gears. For gas-turbine drive, reduc- be designed, generally well below 300 rpm and possibly as
tion gears are normally necessary. low as 55 rpm at rated power. Low-speed engines are clas-
sified as two-stroke, crosshead engines. They normally have
four to twelve cylinders in-line, and are always turbocharged.
24.2.8 Electrical Generating Plant These engines are heavy and very large, but they are well
Regulatory-body requirements generally demand a mini- suited to operation on low-quality fuels and generally re-
mum of two ship’s service generators, each of sufficient ca- quire only modest levels of maintenance.
pacity to carry the essential sea load. For ocean-going ships, Medium- and high-speed engines, because of their higher
conservative practice calls for an increase in the number of rpm, must drive propellers through reduction gearing or by
ship’s service generators to at least three, one or two of electric drive. With few exceptions, these are four-stroke,
which should be driven independently of the main propul- trunk-piston engines, which have up to ten cylinders in-line
sion plant, usually by diesel engines. These ship’s service or up to 24 in a V-configuration. Most are turbocharged.
generators are in addition to the emergency source (usually The upper limit of the medium-speed category, and the start
another generator), which must be self contained and located of the high-speed category, is generally placed in the vicin-
outside of the engine room. ity 1200 rpm, but there are no clear physical features that
An attached generator can serve as a ship’s normal source enable the distinction to be made. These engines tend to be
of electricity at sea, as an alternative to one ship’s service lighter, more compact, and lower in acquisition cost than
generator. A main engine may drive an attached generator low-speed engines of comparable power output. Many of
directly or via the reduction gear or the propeller shaft. The these engines have a proven heavy- fuel capability, but most
concept is applicable to plants of any size or type, although, evidence indicates that maintenance costs are higher than
for circumstantial rather than technical reasons, it has seen those of low-speed engines that are run on fuels of similar
widespread use only for diesel plants. Two considerations poor quality. Some engines, especially those in the higher-
are, first, the provision of an immediately available standby speed category, are restricted to distillate fuels.
source to allow for unanticipated maneuvering or stopping A notable exception to the typical characteristics of low-
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-13

speed engines is a group of four-stroke, trunk-piston engines iaries, shafting, and reduction gearing are based on the
that are designed to be directly connected to propellers. This reduced engine rating, there is limited likelihood that a de-
class of engine is indigenous, in both manufacture and ap- rated engine could be rerated to its normal rating.
plication, to the Far East. These engines are built with six or
eight in-line cylinders; they are rated for 70 to 700 kW per Limits of engine performance
cylinder at speeds of 200 to 500 rpm. Limits defining the operating envelope for an engine are
A notable and common exception in the medium- and identified in Figure 24.7. Limited operation outside the
high-speed category is the series of two-stroke, trunk-pis- operating envelope will generally result in decreased com-
ton, medium-speed engines produced in turbocharged and ponent durability, which is reflected in increased require-
mechanically blown versions that dominate their field of ments for inspection and maintenance. A catastrophic
application in American waters, despite their requirement failure of a properly maintained engine under these con-
for distillate fuels; these are built only in a V-configuration. ditions is unlikely because of the design margins, and be-
The highest rated of these engines, with twenty cylinders, cause periodic scheduled inspections reveal such effects
has an output of more than 3500 kW at 900 rpm. as burning, cracking, or distortion in time for component
renewal. The mean effective pressure (MEP) is a param-
eter that expresses limiting air availability and thermal
24.3.2 Margins and Rating stress on an engine. The MEP is directly proportional to Engine ratings the torque that is applied to the driven load, so that the prod-
The rating of an engine is generally given as a continuous uct of MEP and rpm is directly proportional to brake power
power output at a specified engine speed, and is usually output. Therefore, as Figure 24.7 shows, within the limit
called the maximum continuous rating (MCR). The rating of rated MEP, an engine can achieve its rated power out-
reflects the confidence of the manufacturer and the regula- put only at, or above, its rated rpm; at a lower rpm the
tory bodies that the engine is capable of reliable perform- power that an engine can develop is limited by the MEP,
ance at that level. However, if reasonably long component or torque. Sustained operation above rated MEP is likely
lives and service intervals are to be achieved, the engine to result in poor combustion, carbon deposits, smoke, high
will have to be matched to its load so that, on average, sub- exhaust gas temperatures, high metal temperatures, and re-
stantially less than the MCR is normally delivered. Such con- duced component lives.
siderations sometimes lead to the definition of a continuous An important characteristic to note is that the engine can
service rating that is perhaps 80% to 90 % of the MCR. be forced into a condition of excessive torque and MEP
An engine may be given different ratings for different without exceeding rated power if the engine is forced to run
applications, for example, a high-performance rating may at reduced rpm.
be given to an engine that is intended for an application in Minimum engine rpm is typically 25% to 40% of rated
which the engine may be operated under conditions of sus- rpm, below which operation would be erratic, with poor
tained high power for limited periods of time, but with re- combustion resulting in carbon accumulations. Except when
duced intervals between overhauls. This might be in contrast
to a lower rating assigned to the same engine for a differ-
ent application, where the engine will be operated for long
periods at a more modest power output, and with longer
component lives and service intervals. The MCR of any MCR: RATED POWER
particular model of engine may be increased over time to
reflect component improvements or service experience. REGION OF

An engine may be derated, that is, assigned a rating AIR LIMIT LOWEST SFC
lower than normal, to optimize it for a particular applica-

tion, usually to reduce maintenance costs, to reduce fuel


consumption, or most important for low-speed engines, to

a lower rpm to permit the use of a propeller of higher effi-
ciency. However, a derated engine will be larger, heavier,
and have higher acquisition cost than an alternative engine
that provides the required power at its normal rating. Der-
ating may or may not result in engine components that are ENGINE RPM
different from the standard design, but as long as auxil- Figure 24.7 Diesel-engine Performance Limits
24-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

an engine that drives a fixed-pitch propeller is run at a mod- The rpm of a fixed-pitch propeller is almost directly pro-
est overspeed on trials in order to maximize the load, op- portional to the ship speed at a particular draft and trim at
eration beyond rated rpm is unusual. any given time, but in service, as the hull and propeller
Generally, diesel engines are so matched to their loads roughen and foul and drag increases, the rpm required at
that the power delivered in service is in the range of 80% to any given ship speed rises slightly (the slip increases). This
90% of the MCR. This region of operation usually coincides trend is beneficial in terms of power available, as it dimin-
with the lowest specific fuel-consumption, and with antici- ishes the rate at which MEP rises as the hull fouls.
pated component lives and service intervals. The difference The difference between the MCR and the power required
between the power at MCR and the power level established to achieve service speed on trials is therefore a total power
for normal operation in service is the engine margin. reserve, and, from Figure 24.8, is equal to the sum of the
engine margin and the service margin. In practice, the power Matching engine to propulsion requirement reserve that is incorporated in the engine margin up to the
In Figure 24.8, a ship’s speed-power curves are superim- limiting MEP is available to meet required service speeds
posed on the engine-performance curves of Figure 24.7. as the hull performance deteriorates and as sea conditions
The curve labeled average ship performance in service re- worsen.
flects the fact that more power is required for a given ship In fact, the division between engine margin and service
speed to be achieved in service than on trials by an amount margin is not consistently defined, since the continuous
called the service margin. An engine is normally limited in service power is arbitrarily determined. The important con-
its power output by the constraints on air availability and sideration is that the total margin must be adequate if the
thermal overload that are expressed as the MEP limit. ship is to achieve its expected performance.
The MEP, like the torque, is proportional to the power To select an engine for a particular ship, the power re-
developed divided by the rpm. If the ship is operated ini- quired to drive the propeller, allowing for transmission and
tially in service at a certain speed corresponding to an rpm shafting losses, at loaded draft and trim, with the hull and
below the rated rpm of the engine then, as the hull resist- propeller clean, plus the power required by attached auxil-
ance increases in service, more power is required to main- iaries, is divided by an appropriate match point percentage,
tain the same propeller rpm, and the MEP progressively typically 80% to 90%. An engine is selected which can de-
increases. Eventually the MEP limit is reached, and rpm liver the resulting power at its MCR, at its rated rpm. A
must thereafter be progressively reduced as the hull resist- match point of 80% to 90% will usually result in adequate
ance continues to rise. margins, but a lower value is appropriate if:
If an engine were matched to deliver its full MCR at trial
speed when the hull is clean, then in service, as the hull • the ship must maintain rigorous schedules;
fouls, the engine would reach its limiting MEP sooner. • the long-term effects of increased hull and propeller
roughness and fouling are expected to be large;
• the ship is expected to be drydocked infrequently;
• a large allowance for adverse weather conditions is nec-
MEP LIMIT essary; or
MCR • the intended trade will take the ship into warm seawater
CLEAN SHIP ports or anchorages, where increased hull fouling is
ENGINE MARGIN PERFORMANCE likely, for extended stays.

"MATCH POINT" The higher the MCR of the selected engine relative to
SERVICE MARGIN the power required at rated rpm under trial conditions (that
is, the lower the match point), the higher will be the aver-
age power output that can be utilized in service. The higher

average power output will enable higher ship speeds to be

IN SERVICE achieved. However, more power must be installed, and so

acquisition cost and plant weight will be higher. As a fur-
ther consequence, in single-screw, single-engine installa-
ENGINE RPM tions, even if the ship can be ballasted down to loaded draft
Figure 24.8 Diesel-engine Performance Map with Ship Speed-power Curves on trials, it may not be feasible to achieve MCR without over-
Superimposed speeding the engine.
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-15

24.3.3 Moments, Forces, and Vibrations couple, but a severe second-order pitching couple and a
The loads imposed by a diesel engine on its foundation and severe sixth-order roll couple;
on connected equipment are disturbances that are predictable • engines with seven or more cylinders usually have mod-
in nature, amplitude, and frequency, and are among the data erate or negligible first- and second-order pitching cou-
available from the manufacturer. Whether trouble will arise ples and moderate roll couples at an order equal to the
depends on the response of connected structure and equip- number of cylinders; and
ment to these disturbances. If the frequency of a distur- • eight- and twelve-cylinder engines may have racking
bance, or of any of its harmonics, is close to the natural moments in the horizontal planes sufficient to require
frequency of connected structure or equipment, then even countermeasures, typically at third, fourth, and fifth or-
a disturbance of small magnitude can excite a resonant re- ders.
sponse. For four-stroke in-line engines:
Engine-imposed disturbances may be divided between,
1) external forces and moments, which can excite a response • four-cylinder engines usually have a severe second-order
from hull structure, and 2) torsional vibration in the propul- vertical force, and a severe second-order roll couple;
sion drive train, which usually affects only shaft-connected • five-cylinder engines usually have a moderate first-order
equipment. Generally, forces and moments internal to an pitching couple, but a severe second-order pitching cou-
engine are absorbed by the engine itself. ple and a severe 2.5-order roll couple; and
The frequencies of engine-imposed disturbances are re- • engines with six or more cylinders usually have moder-
lated to the rpm of the engine, and are defined relative to ate or negligible first- and second-order couples and
that rpm by their order; i.e., their frequency as a multiple moderate roll couples at an order equal to half the num-
of engine rpm. Fractional orders are encountered in the case ber of cylinders.
of four-stroke engines.
For four-stroke V-engines: External forces and moments • eight-cylinder engines are balanced in regard to first and
External forces and moments arise from the reciprocating second-order pitching and yawing couples only if the
motion of the pistons and running gear, and would cause an bank angle is equal to the firing interval of 90 degrees;
unrestrained engine to pitch, yaw, roll, or rack. With the en- the smaller bank angles that are more common in ma-
gine installed in the ship, these disturbances can excite a re- rine engines can result in first-order disturbances suffi-
sponse from the hull structure. If necessary, the first- and cient to require correction;
second-order components of the pitching and yawing dis- • ten-cylinder engines usually have moderate first and sec-
turbances can be countered, completely or in part, with ad- ond-order pitching and yawing couples and a moderate
ditional counterweights on the crankshaft or on balance 2.5-order roll couple;
shafts carrying pairs of opposed counterweights rotating in • 12, 16, and 24-cylinder engines are generally balanced
opposite directions, often driven by the engine itself. The in regard to low-order pitching and yawing couples, but
larger, low-order components of roll couples and racking have moderate roll couples at an order equal to a quar-
moments can be countered by horizontal bracing to adja- ter of the number of cylinders; and
cent structure. Higher-order components of the disturbances • 24, 18, and 20-cylinder engines usually have moderate
are usually, though not always, of sufficiently low magni- or negligible first- and second-order pitching and yaw-
tude to be left uncorrected. ing couples as well as moderate roll couples.
External forces and moments are summarized below for Two-stroke V-engines in marine propulsion service are
typical marine diesel in-line engines without additional predominantly of a single design, built only as V8, V12,
counterweights. V16, and V20 engines. These engines have no first- or sec-
For two-stroke in-line engines: ond-order disturbances by design, which includes the use
• four-cylinder engines usually have severe first and sec- of camshaft counterweights.
ond-order pitching couples and a severe fourth-order roll
couple; Torsional vibration
• five-cylinder engines usually have a moderate first-order Torsional vibration arises from a periodically varying torque
pitching couple, but severe second-order pitching and superimposed on the steady torque being transmitted by an
fifth-order roll couples; engine to its load. The sources of this varying torque include
• six-cylinder engines usually have no first-order pitching the discrete power strokes of the engine, which generate
24-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

torque pulsations once per crank throw per cycle, and at meet only part of the demand with steam from the waste-
higher orders of this frequency. In ships with direct-con- heat boiler, it may still be economically justified, with the
nected low-speed diesels, this is usually the dominant source balance of the electrical demand met by supplemental steam
of torque variation. Torsional-vibration calculations are re- from oil-fired boilers, or with an attached generator or diesel
quired at an early stage in the design process, as soon as the generators. In addition to the reduction in fuel consumption,
engine has been selected and the configuration of the ro- a properly designed and maintained waste-heat steam plant
tating system, including shafting, couplings, clutches, gear- can have lower maintenance costs than a continuously run
ing, bearings, and propeller, is known. The rotating system diesel generator. Increases in acquisition cost, plant com-
may be susceptible to low-frequency excitation, such as that plexity, mass (especially the topside mass of the boiler) and
produced when a cylinder is taken out of service. Conse- volume are likely to be significant.
quently, torsional vibration calculations are usually required
for operation with a cylinder out of service, and additional Attached generator
barred speed ranges then may be imposed. An attached generator driven from the main engine, the re-
duction gear, or the line shaft can serve as a ship’s normal
supply, as discussed above in Section 24.1.
24.3.4 Electrical Generating Plant
It is feasible to combine prime movers for a single ship’s
While the usual prime mover for a ship’s service generator service generator. An example is an attached generator
in a diesel plant is a diesel engine, refinements and alterna- driven through a constant output-speed transmission by the
tives are described under separate headings in the following. main engine, which also accommodates input from a waste-
In the simplest case, all ship’s service generators will be heat steam turbine.
identical to simplify maintenance and provide flexibility in
operation. Generally, one generator is normally in service,
with at least one diesel generator on automatic standby. 24.3.5 Steam Generating Plant
During maneuvering periods two diesel generators may be
run in parallel. Peak loads are met by operating two or more Most diesel plants of significant size are fitted with waste-
generators. Because diesel generators should not be loaded heat recovery systems to generate steam for heating re-
to less than about 35% of their rated output in sustained op- quirements, which are likely to include heating of heavy fuel,
eration, where there is a disparity between loads at sea and as well as hotel needs and heating of lubricating oil. (An
in port, or between loads on one leg of a voyage and an- alternative to steam is a thermal-fluid system, often used on
other, differently rated units may be installed to meet the uninspected vessels.) Where sufficient waste-heat is avail-
differing demands, or units might be operated in parallel rou- able, a waste-heat turbogenerator may be fitted (see item 2
tinely during periods of high demand. above). The waste-heat boiler and oil-fired boilers are inte-
Because of the high noise level of diesel generators, and grated into the steam system, which is usually designed to
because one or more will be running in port even when the function automatically to maintain steam pressure even as
main plant is available for maintenance, diesel generators the main engine is maneuvered or stopped. On tankers,
are often located behind an acoustic partition or in a sepa- where steam may be required for cargo heating, cargo and
rated machinery space. ballast pumping, and for tank cleaning, and in any plant
where maximum heat recovery is intended, the steam plant Heavy fuel can be very sophisticated. Despite the automation, routine
Where ship’s service diesel generators are to be the normal procedures are necessary to avoid corrosion, to maintain
electrical source, there is often an economic incentive to fit water quality, and to avoid soot accumulation that can lead
generator engines suitable for heavy fuel, with the neces- to uptake fires. Neglect of these simple procedures has some-
sary support systems. There will be increases in acquisition times resulted in failures, giving the steam systems of diesel
cost, plant mass and volume, and maintenance requirements. plants an undeserved reputation for unreliability. Steam turbogenerator

Where the main-engine output is large enough and/or the 24.3.6 Fuel and Lubricating Oil Tankage
electrical needs are sufficiently limited, enough steam can Diesel plants on ocean-going ships, especially those using
be generated by the main engine exhaust gases in a waste- heavy fuel, usually require tankage for a diverse range of
heat boiler to enable a turbogenerator to serve as one of the fuel and lubricating oils, within or adjacent to the engine
ship’s service generators. Even where the turbogenerator can room.
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-17 Fuel oils riodically replaced, and stored quantities might have to be
Before fuel is used in a diesel engine on a large or ocean- increased to reflect this requirement.
going ship, it is normally passed through centrifugal separa- To accommodate the oil drained from medium- and high-
tors, necessitating a two-stage handling procedure. Fuel is first speed engines until it can be discharged ashore, there must
transferred from bunker tanks distributed through the vessel be a used-oil tank located low in the engine room. For low-
to a settling tank, where it is held, undisturbed, long enough speed engines, and sometimes for medium-speed engines,
for most solids and water to precipitate. It is then passed there will be a settling tank, equal to the capacity of the
through the separators to the day tank, from which the en- drain tank, but normally empty, to store oil replaced but
gine is supplied. The settling and day tanks are usually of 24- suitable for re-use after treatment on board. The settling
hour capacity. To enable gravity flow to the pumps and tank is usually located adjacent to the system-oil storage tank
separators, the tanks must be at or above floor-plate level. to simplify piping.
When heavy fuel is used, two settling tanks are preferred, In addition to main and auxiliary engines, other equip-
so that one can remain undisturbed after filling, while the ment that may require oil to be stored in sufficient quantity
other is in use. The fuel in the settling tanks is heated, and to justify fixed tanks might include reduction gearing and
to avoid convection currents caused by cold surfaces, the stern tubes.
tanks should be separated from the side shell.
When multiple grades of fuel are used, for example, if
the ship’s service generators are run on distillate fuel while 24.3.7 Intake and Exhaust Considerations
the main engine is run on heavy fuel, settling and day tanks Diesel engines are best supplied with intake air at weather-
must be provided for each grade. Even when all engines are ambient pressure and near weather-ambient temperature,
normally run on heavy fuels, storage must be provided for free of excess moisture. The quantity required will be in the
distillate fuel, typically equivalent to a three-day supply for range of 6 to 8 m3/kW-h. In the usual arrangement, main
the main engine, to be used when maintenance practices, and auxiliary engines draw air directly from the engine
exhaust emission controls, or other operational considera- room. The engine room ventilation system is designed to
tions dictate. deliver fresh air to the vicinity of the engine intakes, and
vent fans and ducts must be sized to deliver the engine-in- Lubricating oils take air in addition to the ventilation air. When the engine
Lubricating-oil storage tanks must be located above the tank room is small relative to the intake-air requirement, a di-
top, and below a weather deck to facilitate filling, but are rect intake from the weather may be justified. In this case,
most often located on an upper flat within the engine room. engine performance will benefit from the lower air tem-
Low-speed diesel engines require two types of lubricat- perature, but will be adversely affected by excessive intake-
ing oil: cylinder oil, which accounts for most of the oil con- duct pressure losses.
sumed (see, and system oil. A three- to six-month The source of the air supplied to the engines must be lo-
supply of cylinder oil is typical, stored in two tanks to allow cated to preclude intake of exhaust gas, ventilation-system
two grades of cylinder oil to be carried. exhaust air, seawater spray, or flammable vapor from tank
Different diesel engines require different grades of sys- vents or other sources.
tem oil. In particular, main-engine system oil will most Each engine must have its own independent exhaust up-
likely be different from that of ship’s service generator en- take led to the weather, as must each boiler and each in-
gines. Ocean-going ships carry sufficient system oil to re- cinerator. Except on smaller vessels where engine exhaust
fill the system or drain tank of each engine at least once, is piped overboard through the side shell or transom, all of
plus sufficient margin to meet miscellaneous consumption. the uptakes are led through the casing and through the top
System oil in all diesel engines drains to a sump at the of the smokestack.
base of the engine. In high-speed engines and in the smaller
medium-speed engines, the oil is recirculated directly from
this sump, but in larger engines the oil then drains to a sep- 24.3.8 Maintenance Considerations
arate tank, built into the double bottom directly below the Diesel engines, especially those operated on heavy fuels,
engine, but separated from the bottom shell by a cofferdam. require considerable maintenance. In general, major ma-
The capacity of this drain tank may be on the order of 0.5 chinery maintenance tasks aboard ship are staggered to pro-
to 1.0 kg/bkW of engine rating. Drain tanks are shown in vide a manageable amount of work during each port visit.
Figures 24.10 and 24.11 as integral parts of the foundations. Classification societies offer continuous machinery survey
For medium- and high-speed engines, the system oil is pe- provisions to suit this practice. On the other hand, opera-
24-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

tors of ships in seasonal trades usually attempt to restrict required, and limited component lives with frequent re-
all planned maintenance to the lay-up period, when com- building may be necessary, relative to the simpler but more
plete overhauls are more conveniently undertaken. robust heavy-duty designs. In the aircraft application, there
Major engine maintenance involves disassembly. For all is no consideration of any fuel but the cleanest distillate, or
but small high-speed engines, mechanical lifting gear is nec- of add-on equipment to utilize waste heat. These charac-
essary, and designated landing and storage areas, designated teristics carry through to the ADGTs used for ship propul-
access routes from weather decks, and sufficient room for sion. However, the high power density, low specific weight,
access must be allotted in the early design stages. Sufficient and stand-alone features of ADGTs, which have established
height must be provided over the main and auxiliary engines them as the preferred prime mover for many naval vessels,
to remove the pistons. Main engines that are tall relative to are attractive characteristics for some commercial vessels
the depth of the hull may require a trunk above the main as well, despite the relatively short component life and high
deck level. For large main engines, a gantry crane is installed fuel-quality requirement.
overhead. Lifting beams with trolleys are fitted for smaller HDGTs are designed without the emphasis on low weight,
engines, including diesel generators. At least one of the ship’s which results in easier operating conditions and more robust,
stores cranes should be arranged to allow the direct transfer simpler components, with longer lives and a higher toler-
of parts and stores to the storeroom levels of the engine room, ance for fuel quality. The lower performance parameters for
often through a hatch on deck and a vertical trunk. which HDGTs are designed encourage the use of added-on
For ocean-going ships, a considerable inventory of spare heat-recovery equipment, but result in high fuel consump-
parts and special tools and equipment will be carried on tion for simple-cycle HDGTs, relative to ADGTs.
board, most often stored or installed in the vicinity of the
engines. Selected spares are kept in an overhauled, partly
assembled condition, ready for use, to expedite both emer- 24.4.2 Regenerative-cycle and Combined-cycle Gas
gency repairs and staggered maintenance schedules. A used Turbines versus Simple-cycle Gas Turbines
component that is withdrawn from the engine is either re- The high temperature, and therefore high energy, of gas tur-
conditioned to become the next spare or is scrapped. bine exhaust gas makes waste-heat recovery attractive in the
right circumstances. In simple-cycle gas turbines, the ex-
haust heat is not recovered, or it may be recovered for aux-
24.3.9 Maneuvering Considerations iliary use. If the waste heat is returned to the cycle, or
Diesel engines can provide equal torque and power to the otherwise added to the shaft power of the gas turbine, it will
propeller whether it is running ahead or astern, and the pro- improve the efficiency and fuel consumption significantly,
peller must be designed to accept this load. especially at part-power levels. Examples of heat-recovery
Diesel engines cannot be run reliably at speeds below gas turbines include recuperative cycles (also called regen-
about 25% to 40% of their rated rpm. Therefore, in fixed- erative cycles) for HDGTs, intercooled-regenerative cycle
pitch propeller installations, dead-slow speeds must be ADGTs, and combined cycles in which the exhaust gas is
achieved by alternately running the engine at this speed and used to generate steam for a steam turbine, the output of
then coasting. For ships operated for extended periods at which is then combined with that of the gas turbine. How-
dead-slow speeds, a controllable-pitch propeller may be ever, any of these improvements must be traded-off against
justified. the added weight, the reduced power density, and the higher
complexity, all of which are in contradiction to the usual
reasons for using gas turbines in the first place. In addition,
24.4 GAS TURBINES initial cost and maintenance requirements will be increased.
In general, the heat-recovery gas-turbine plant does not
24.4.1 Aircraft-derivative Gas Turbines versus Heavy- have the advantages of the simple-cycle gas-turbine plant
duty Gas Turbines in power density, specific weight, or simplicity; nor does it
Although aircraft-derivative gas turbines (ADGTs) and have the advantages of the diesel plants in fuel consump-
heavy-duty gas turbines (HDGTs) run on the same basic tion or fuel-quality tolerance.
thermodynamic cycle and have the same general configu-
ration, they differ in performance parameters and design
philosophy. The emphasis in aircraft engines is on high 24.4.3 Intake and Exhaust Considerations
power-to-weight ratios and therefore on high performance. Gas turbine power output and specific fuel-consumption
Expensive materials and manufacturing processes may be both suffer significantly from high intake-air temperature
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-19

and depressed intake pressure. The large quantities of air for sound reduction and thermal insulation, and silencing
required, typically 10 to 20 m3/kW-h, must be drawn di- baffles may be fitted. The temperature-suppression equip-
rectly from the weather. The inlet must be carefully situ- ment often fitted to exhaust outlets of naval-vessel gas tur-
ated to minimize ingestion of seawater spray. A location bines, to reduce their thermal signature, would not be fitted
high on the ship is usually sought for this reason, and fil- in commercial applications.
ters and baffles are fitted for removal of water droplets as Because of the inevitable proximity of the air intake and
well as solids. To minimize pressure drop in the duct, it exhaust outlet, care must be taken that the exhaust gas can-
must have a fairly straight run and must be large enough to not be drawn into the intake.
limit velocities to 12 to 23 m/s. The straight run and large
size make the duct suitable as a removal path for the gas
turbine when a unit exchange is necessary (see 24.4.4). 24.4.4 Maintenance by Replacement
Often, intake ducts are fitted with a porous or mesh acoustic In the concept of maintenance by replacement, a complete
lining, and silencing baffles may be fitted (which must be unit is removed from the ship and is exchanged with an al-
removed for unit exchange). ready-rebuilt unit. This concept has proven to be particu-
Power output and specific fuel consumption both suffer larly adaptable to the ADGTs in naval vessels, and is likely
from back pressure at the exhaust. Exhaust temperatures to prove equally desirable in many high-performance com-
for most gas turbines are 450 to 600°C, so that the volu- mercial vessels, for these reasons:
metric flow will be some 2.5 to 3 times that of the intake
• the ship’s crew is relieved of many routine maintenance
flow. Exhaust ducts are usually sized for a maximum ve-
tasks better handled by trained technicians in specialized
locity of about 45 to 60 m/s. Exhaust ducts are usually fairly
facilities ashore;
straight, usually of circular cross-section, and generally of
• time out-of-service is minimized;
stainless steel. Exhaust ducts are commonly lined internally
• the large air-intake duct provides a natural removal route,
as shown in Figure 24.9;
• an ADGT is compact, light, and easily handled.
The ship and gas turbine installation are designed for
maintenance by replacement from the beginning, with eas-
ily disconnected piping, wiring, and mechanical attach-
ments, and with rails or pad eyes in the ducts, and access
ENGINE AUX hatches at the intake.

24.4.5 Combined Prime Movers

A gas turbine is often combined with another gas turbine
SOFT PATCH or a diesel engine to drive the same propeller shaft. Some
of the more common configurations are listed below:
• two gas turbines, usually identical, operated together to
achieve high ship speeds, in an arrangement called
GAS TURBINE EN ROUTE COGAG, for COmbined Gas turbine And Gas turbine,
• two gas turbines, one a small engine of low rating for
REDN GEAR AND cruising speeds, the other a high-powered gas turbine
for high speeds, in a COGOG arrangement, for COm-
MAIN DECK bined Gas turbine Or Gas turbine, and
NORMAL POSITION OF • a diesel cruise engine, and a high-powered gas turbine
ENCLOSURE for high speeds, in a CODOG arrangement for COm-
bined Diesel Or Gas turbine.
Usually, a controllable-pitch propeller is fitted with these
arrangements in order to match the different operating con-
ditions for each prime mover.
Figure 24.9 Frigate, showing Gas Generator Removal via Intake Duct In addition to providing a measure of redundancy, and,
24-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

for COGAG systems, providing high total power, the ad- of this chapter, but it should be noted that all marine nu-
vantages of combined prime-mover plants are principally clear plants have been steam plants, a situation that is
in fuel consumption at part power. A small gas turbine op- unlikely to change in the near future.
erated at high power is likely to be more efficient than a large
gas turbine operated at part power (see Figures 24.4 and
24.5), while a diesel engine is even more efficient. 24.5.2 Particular Requirements of LNG Ships
Apart from cargo machinery, which is discussed separately, the
machinery of LNG ships differs from that of other steam ships
24.4.6 Reversing Arrangements principally in the boil-off gas supply system for the boilers. The
Reverse thrust for ships with gas-turbine propulsion may boilers are dual-fuel boilers, capable of operation on residual fuel
be provided by controllable-pitch propellers, by water jets, oil alone, or on a combination of gas and oil. Early practice re-
by electric drive, or by reversing gearing. quired that the gas never be burned without oil, which served as
pilot fuel to ensure continuity of combustion, but currently, full
gas firing is allowed at sea and, under some circumstances, while
maneuvering. Fuel oil is also used to supplement the amount of
24.5 STEAM PLANTS gas boiled off from the cargo when schedules call for high voy-
24.5.1 Reasons for Continued Use of Steam Plants age speeds. When discharging cargo, a quantity of liquefied gas
is retained to keep the cargo tanks cold on the ballast voyage, so
Despite the high fuel consumption of steam plants relative
that boil-off is available at all times. Boiled-off gas can be re-
to diesel plants, many steam ships remain in service, and
tained in the cargo tanks for a limited time, as the tank pressure
new steam ships continue to be ordered, for reasons that de-
rises toward the relief-valve setting, but normally the boil off is
pend on the specific application. Some examples are listed
consumed in the boilers. Therefore, a steam-dump line to the
main condenser is fitted, to enable boil-off gas to be consumed
• at moderate fuel prices, the fuel-cost savings of a diesel for steam generation even when the main turbines are stopped.
ship will take many years to balance the cost of a re- The boilers do not differ in general configuration or dimensions
placement vessel or of a conversion. Thus there may be from oil-burning boilers.
little economic incentive to a ship owner to shift away Boiled-off gas is drawn from the cargo tanks by com-
from continued operation of an existing steamship. This pressors driven by steam turbines or electric motors, and
situation is particularly true in trades restricted to U.S.- compressed to two or three atmospheres, then heated to am-
built or U.S.-flag ships, since most U.S.-flag ships were bient temperature in steam-to-gas heat exchangers. Com-
built as steamships well into the 1970s. In some cases pressors and heat exchangers are usually located in a
the economic circumstances have justified extensive hull midships deckhouse. The gas then flows to the boilers
reconstruction and machinery modernization, but not through a double-walled pipe, usually configured as a gas
new construction or conversion to diesel propulsion, pipe inside a larger-diameter, thin-walled circular duct. The
• coal is a low-cost fuel wherever it is available in abun- gas pipe cannot pass through the accommodation, and is usu-
dant supply, cheaper than even residual fuel oil. Coal- ally led to the engine room along the main deck, passing
fired ships using established technology are necessarily outboard of the accommodation block.
steam ships, Inside the engine-room, the double-walled pipe carries
• all currently operating and all recently built LNG ships the gas to closet-like hoods at each boiler front, which com-
are steamships. Economic considerations generally dic- pletely enclose the burners and all of the gas piping and
tate that the boiled-off cargo be consumed as fuel, rather valves. The hoods are open at the bottom, and vented to the
than be re-liquefied. While natural gas is an excellent fuel weather through ducts to motor-driven exhaust fans. The
for both diesel engines and gas turbines, and while the fans draw a continuous flow of air through the hoods, and
technology exists for the disposal of the boiled-off gas also through the connecting annulus of the double-walled
while maneuvering or in port, these plants would still be pipe. Any gas leaked from the gas pipe or from fittings at
innovative for the trade. On the other hand, the gas-fired the burners will therefore be vented. Gas detectors at the fan
steam plants are highly evolved and represent the safe, intakes will sound alarms and shut off the gas compressors.
well-established, low-risk choice. However, the poten- An inert-gas generator will be fitted, burning distillate fuel
tial savings in fuel cost may eventually provide suffi- to ensure clean product, for inerting cargo tanks when nec-
cient incentive for a change, and essary (normally only during inspection or maintenance cy-
• nuclear propulsion is considered to be beyond the scope cles), and for inerting void spaces where required. In addition,
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-21

liquid-nitrogen storage or a nitrogen generator will be fitted 24.6 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS

for purging gas piping and for sealing compressor glands.
24.6.1 Planning for Production
Modern ships are generally built in accord with the princi-
24.5.3 Particular Requirements of Coal-fired Ships ples of production planning, which require that the ship, in-
Coal-fired steamships differ from oil-fired steamships be- cluding machinery spaces, be assembled of pre-outfitted
cause of the volume and deadweight penalties of the coal- blocks that integrate structure with machinery and other
storage and coal-transfer systems, the larger boilers, and outfit. The overriding goal in production planning is an in-
the increased size and number of auxiliary systems (5). crease in productivity. The advantages of production plan-
ning are well established and are described in detail in Coal storage and transfer systems references 6 and 7. Properly executed, production planning
Current-technology coal-transfer systems are pneumatic. The results in ships that are better built than they would other-
coal is loaded from shore into hopper-bottomed bunkers; at wise be, with machinery that is likely to be more carefully
the bottom of each hopper is a rotating valve, which allows arranged, installed, and commissioned. However, the fu-
clusters of coal to fall into a pipe carrying a stream of com- ture operability of a vessel must not be adversely affected
pressed air. The air stream carries the coal horizontally or by productivity improvements. Some considerations are:
vertically as required. Coal is usually transferred daily to day • adequate space for access in service for operation, main-
bunkers above the furnaces, to which it flows by gravity. tenance, and repair must be provided, even though the in-
The size of coalbunkers is large relative to oil tanks, tent may be to fit equipment into standard-sized modules,
mostly because of the lower heating value of the coal, and • where machinery and connecting subsystems are pre-
also because the plant efficiency is lower. To facilitate fill- assembled into modules by a manufacturer, care must
ing, the storage bunkers are best concentrated in a single be taken to ensure that the module maintains the princi-
location. The bunkers are elevated above the double bottom ples of system integration. For example, services for the
to accommodate the hopper bottoms and the transfer sys- module (such as cooling water) should be provided from
tem. If placed amidships, the bunkers will have less effect central sources. The introduction of auxiliaries or fit-
on the trim of the ship as coal is consumed, but will divide tings of performance similar to, but of different manu-
the cargo capacity of the ship; if the bunkers are placed aft, facture from other equipment to be provided, should be
transfer is simplified. controlled to avoid a proliferation of equipment that will
complicate logistics in service, and Boilers • machinery is most obviously grouped by system and type
Current-technology boilers are spreader-stoker fired, trav- to simplify construction and normal operation. However,
eling-chain grate types. These boilers occupy five to eight contingency operation, for example, to enable equipment
times the volume of oil-fired boilers of similar steam-gen- of one system to stand by for similar equipment of an-
erating capacity. Each boiler requires multiple fans for air other system, or to facilitate recovery from flooding or
supply. Exhaust is through large-volume, stationary-cyclone fire, may require like machinery items serving a single
particle separators and induced-draft fans. Electrostatic pre- system to be separately located.
cipitators could be added at the separator outlets if neces-
sary, adding to the volume. The boiler efficiencies are four
to six percent less than oil-fired boiler efficiencies. 24.6.2 Foundations
Fluidized-bed boilers are likely alternatives, offering The discussion in these paragraphs is limited to foundations
lower overall volumes and higher boiler efficiencies. If fit- for propulsion machinery. Foundations for auxiliary equip-
ted with a limestone beds and limestone storage, washing, ment and other machinery do not usually affect ship design
and circulation systems, emission control is inherent. The or construction.
technology is well established ashore. Rigid mounting Auxiliary machinery Most machinery is rigidly mounted. Figure 24.10 is a trans-
The high-capacity air compressors used for coal and ash han- verse section through the foundation of a rigidly mounted
dling, and the multiple forced- and induced-draft fans all medium-speed diesel engine. The foundation consists of
impose an electrical load 2 or 2.5 times that of oil-fired longitudinal and transverse members, fully integrated into
steam plants of similar output, requiring a correspondingly the bottom structure, which support a horizontal seating
larger electrical generating plant. flange. The mounting flange of the engine is bolted to the
24-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

seating flange through chocking, which provides solid con- is formed as an integral part of the double-bottom struc-
tact between the flanges. Traditional chocking consists of ture, such as shown in Figure 24.10. Figure 24.11 shows
a series of individual cast iron or steel chocks, each span- typical medium-speed diesel examples of engine founda-
ning two hold-down bolts, which are individually machined tions, viewed in transverse section. The seating flanges for
to precisely fit each location after the unit is aligned on tem- low-speed engines are usually insert plates in the tank top;
porary supports. Alternatively, continuous chocking may flanges for medium- and high-speed engines are usually el-
be formed of an epoxy resin, which is poured in place after evated above the tank top, and for geared installations, are
the unit is aligned on temporary supports, and which then usually integral with the foundations of the gearing and pro-
hardens, after which the hold-down bolts are tightened.
For most machinery, fitted bolts, dowels, or keys are
used to positively secure one end only, while other bolts
have clearances to accommodate thermal expansion. To
maintain transverse alignment of diesel engines and other
machinery as required, side stops, visible in Figure 24.10,
are welded to the seating flange of the foundation, along each
side of the engine, but clear of the engine to permit the in-
sertion of tapered keys. When the engine has been aligned,
the keys are tack-welded to the stops. Resilient mounting

Resilient mounting is used when necessary, to reduce the
structure-borne vibration or noise which the mounted ma-
chinery would transmit to the hull. Common candidates in-
clude medium- and high-speed diesel engines and gas
turbines, and complete generator sets. In principle, resilient
mounting substitutes a flexible material or device for solid
chocking. Resilient mounting is feasible only where the unit
to be mounted is, by itself, sufficiently rigid in bending and Figure 24.10 Typical Low-speed Diesel Engine Foundation
torsion. This rigidity is usually present with medium- and
high-speed diesel engines (but not low-speed engines) when
they are mounted alone, but for complete generator sets,
and for gas turbines; the units are first mounted on a stiff
base plate, which proves the necessary rigidity. The base
plate is then mounted to the hull through the resilient mounts.
A resilient mount may consist of upper and lower steel or
cast iron plates that are separated by a resilient element,
comprised of springs or elastomeric material. The upper
plate is bolted to the engine or base plate, and the lower one
to the foundation. Alternatively, the resilient mounting may
comprise an elastomeric material in sheet form that is cut
to fit the contact area between the engine or base plate and
the foundation. Resilient mounts are loaded principally in
compression. Extreme motions, such as those caused by
ship motions, are limited in all directions by solid stops. Diesel engines

A foundation for a diesel engine must be sufficiently stiff
to absorb forces and moments generated by the engine,
while precluding the transfer of bending moments from the
hull to the engine. Low-speed propulsion engines are nor-
mally seated on the upper flanges of a rigid box girder that Figure 24.11 Typical Medium-speed Engine Foundation
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-23

peller thrust bearing, as in Figure 24.2. Low-speed direct- Shims rather than chocks are fitted at the mounting bolts
connected engines, with the main thrust bearing built into to achieve alignment. Resilient mounts are not used in mer-
the engine bedplate, transmit this thrust to the foundation chant ships. Turbine shafts are attached to their pinions by
through fitted bolts, brackets, or end stops. flexible couplings that, however, can absorb only limited
All low-speed engines are rigidly mounted. Medium- alignment discrepancies.
and high-speed engines can be mounted resiliently when cir-
cumstances warrant. Gas turbines
Gas turbines are normally mounted at the factory to a stiff Gearing steel base plate in a manner that will allow thermal expan-
Reduction gearing must be supported in isolation from bend- sion. The base plate is in turn mounted to the foundation
ing and twisting of the hull. To obtain the necessary rigid- rigidly or resiliently, as called for by circumstances or by
ity, deep longitudinal and transverse members are used, turbine manufacturer’s recommendations. The turbine foun-
fully integrated with the hull structure. The main-thrust dation may be integrated with that of the gearing, elevated
bearing may be independent or incorporated in the gear above the tank top as for medium-speed diesel engines (Fig-
case. When the thrust bearing is independent but adjacent ure 24.11). Where multi-plane gearing requires an elevated
to the gear case, the thrust foundation is usually integrated turbine position, the lightweight of the turbines permits the
with the gear foundation. Although naval vessels often have necessary elevation to be achieved using pedestals or par-
resiliently mounted gearing to reduce noise transmission tial bulkheads. In this case, a folded configuration may be
and to provide shock protection, in merchant-ship practice used, with the turbines aft of the gearing, and the propeller
gearing is generally rigidly mounted. shafting passing below the turbines.
Casings of smaller gear sets may completely enclose the
gearing, and are best supported from mountings close to
the horizontal centerline through the bull-gear bearings. 24.6.3 Alignment
Casings of larger gear sets generally terminate in mount- The objective in an alignment procedure is to ensure that
ing flanges below the bearing housings of the bull gear. In when the system is in service, the bearings are properly po-
either case the foundation must rise above the tank top to sitioned in all three planes, with each bearing carrying its in-
provide a seating surface for the mounting flange on the tended share of the load, so that rotating elements are
gear case. As long as it is properly supported, the structure adequately supported and properly engaged with meshing or
of the gear case can usually be assumed to be sufficiently connecting elements. For diesel engines this means that when
rigid to maintain alignment of the pinions in mesh with the the engine is in service and under load, its crankshaft axis
bull gear and, of gears and pinions upstream of these. will be straight, with almost uniform bearing loads; for gear-
Shims rather than chocks are fitted at the mounting bolts ing it means that in service and under load, the bull-gear bear-
to achieve alignment. Resilient mounts are not used in mer- ings will be carrying almost equal loads; for propeller shafting,
chant ships. Turbine shafts are attached to their pinions by which is normally aligned to a calculated curve intended to
flexible couplings that, however, can absorb only limited reflect the shaft attitude in service, it means that all bearings
alignment discrepancies. will be carrying loads close to the design values.
The principle complications in alignment of propulsion Steam turbines machinery are the flexibility of the hull relative to the pro-
Foundations for geared steam turbines that are arranged in peller shafting, the fact that the foundations of gearing and
the typical multi-plane layout, with the condenser below the engines contain lubricating-oil drain tanks, which raise the
turbines, are shown in Figure 24.12. A partial transverse bulk- foundations as the oil temperature rises in service, and the
head is located forward of the condenser to support the for- fact that the journals run eccentrically in their bearings
ward ends of both turbines. The aft end of the high-pressure under load. The shafting alignment itself is complicated by
turbine is most often supported from the gear case, often the weight of the propeller that overhangs the after-most
using longitudinal girders to bridge the span to the partial bearing, and of the off-center axial load imposed by the pro-
bulkhead. The aft end of the low-pressure turbine is usually peller thrust. Final alignment of propulsion shafting and
supported by pedestals or a by a second partial bulkhead, machinery would ideally, therefore, be made with the ship
aft of the condenser. The after footing of each turbine cas- afloat in its normal load condition, with all heavy equip-
ing is fixed in position with dowels, keys, or fitted bolts, ment in place, and with the surrounding hull and founda-
while the forward footing mounts through slotted holes or tion at service temperatures, so that only the dynamic effects
includes other provision for thermal expansion. require calculated corrections. This set of conditions is,
Figure 24.12 Geared Steam-turbine Foundation
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-25

however, not often feasible. Practical considerations usu- ment is satisfactory, the line-shaft bearings, and the main-
ally require that the alignment be undertaken in stages, thrust bearing (if independent), the reduction gear, or the
using calculated allowances to account for deviations from direct-connected engine can then be permanently installed:
service conditions and for deviations resulting from fur- hold-down bolt holes are bored, chocks or shim sets are fit-
ther welding and assembly. ted or resin chocks are poured, hold-down bolts are tight-
The methods by which alignment is achieved vary, not only ened, and side and end-stops are welded in place.
between shipyards, but also even from ship to ship, depend- For geared installations, the turbines or engines are then
ing on configuration and production schedules. In one likely aligned in a similar fashion: jackscrews or temporary chocks
sequence, the stern tube, struts, line-shaft pedestals, and foun- are adjusted to place the turbines or engines in calculated
dations for the thrust bearing, reduction gear, and engines are positions, alignment is checked by appropriate methods, and
installed early in the hull construction period. Because of the then permanent chocks or shims, with dowels, keys, and
weight of the propeller, the after-most bearing slopes down- hold-down bolts, are installed. See reference 8 for details.
ward from fore to aft to align to the shaft, an attitude which Because of the uncertainties inherent in these proce-
is achieved by slope-boring the bushing in place, or by align- dures, confirmations of the final alignment, after comple-
ing a pre-bored bushing to the required slope, and setting it tion and again after trials, are recommended. In practice
in place with epoxy chocking. Shaft alignment therefore com- these confirmations are often limited to checks of gear-tooth
mences before the ship is afloat, with the installation of the contact and to measurement of diesel-engine crankshaft de-
stern tube bearings, outboard bearings, stern-tube shaft, out- flections.
board shafting, propeller, and shaft seals.
The gear set and engine are installed complete, or erected
in place, supported on jackscrews or temporary chocks, as 24.6.4 Storage During Construction
are the line shafting and bearings. The jackscrews or tem- To facilitate scheduling or because of construction delays,
porary chocks are used to adjust the position of the engine machinery may be delivered to a shipyard well in advance
or bull-gear bearings longitudinally, transversely, and ver- of installation, or may be installed long before commis-
tically until the calculated positions are reached. Preferably, sioning. Machinery must be protected from deterioration
only after the ship is essentially complete and afloat, is final during these storage periods. The deterioration may be
alignment and permanent installation of the shafting, gear- caused by corrosion, by extreme heat or cold, by infiltra-
ing, and engine undertaken. However, if the line shafting is tion by dust, blasting grit, organisms, or animals, by vibra-
sufficiently long, there is little risk in permanently installing tion from nearby machinery, or by pilferage. Much of the
the reduction gear at an early stage, since the length of shaft- deterioration can be avoided if the machinery can be stored
ing can be relied upon to provide sufficient flexibility to in climate-controlled warehouses, but in many cases, it will
meet constraints that will then be present at both ends. This be stored in open sheds or yards. Reference 9 contains pro-
flexibility is not present with short shaft lines. The direct- cedures for boilers in particular, which can be applied as
connected diesel engine represents the more difficult align- well to other components.
ment problem because of the multiple main bearings that Depending on the type of machinery involved, and on
must be positioned to lie in a straight line and therefore be the storage conditions anticipated, machinery internals might
equally loaded in the service condition. be protected with desiccants or by charging with nitrogen,
After the ship is afloat and essentially complete with re- or with oil, grease, or other corrosion-inhibiting coatings.
gard to welding and major weight additions, the line-shaft In any event, openings and connections are plugged or
couplings are made up, usually working forward towards capped. External surfaces should be primed or painted, and
the engine or gear set, usually using gap and sag measure- even large items might be wrapped with plastic. Manufac-
ments to check against calculated values, adjusting bearing turers can prepare machinery for storage if the storage pe-
positions as necessary. When the shafting is complete up to riod is anticipated. However, such preparation, which may
the gear or direct-connected engine, gap and sag are checked, involve additional cost and can interfere with installation
and if necessary, engine or bull-gear bearing positions are and commissioning, is not always advantageous to all of the
adjusted, before this last coupling is made up. With all cou- parties involved, and may be avoided even when in the long-
plings made up, jacks or strain gages are then used to de- term interest of the ship owner.
termine bearing loads, and the calculated cold alignment is Once machinery has arrived at the shipyard, and espe-
achieved, normally by adjusting only the vertical positions cially after it has been installed, protection may be more dif-
of the line-shaft bearings, but, if necessary, the engine or ficult. Some machinery can be protected by arranging fans
gear bearing heights are adjusted again. When the cold align- and ducts to circulate air through dehumidifiers in closed
24-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

circuit, or by dehumidifying whole spaces after sealing remote and local controls, and safety devices, is checked
them. Limited protection can be provided by strategically within practical limits. Although dock trials are conducted
placed heaters, by closing openings, and by covering equip- mostly in the builder’s interests, some machinery can be ac-
ment with tarpaulins or plastic sheets. cepted at that point by the ship owner, thereby alleviating
the pressure on owner’s representatives during sea trials.

24.6.5 Testing and Commissioning

Testing and commissioning of all equipment follows a care- 24.6.6 Sea Trials
fully developed plan of procedures and scheduling. Detailed Sea trials are undertaken to demonstrate the operability and
guidance can be found in references 10 and 11. performance of the ship, including all of its machinery, and
Most machinery, but not all, is tested by the manufac- to gather baseline data for future reference. Detailed guid-
turer prior to shipping, with instrumentation calibrated, and ance can be found in references 11 and 12.
control equipment and safety devices set and tested. Diesel A ship builder may elect to run a preliminary set of
engines and generating sets are likely to be tested up to full builder’s trials in advance of the sea trials, as a dress re-
load, as may be some pumps and other auxiliaries, but hearsal. As with the dock trials, if machinery can be tested
propulsion turbines and reduction gears are likely to be shop satisfactorily during builder’s trials, it may be to the owner’s
tested without load. These shop tests are generally intended advantage to accept it as proven.
to check assembly and manufacturing, rather than per- Sea trials represent the final opportunity before the ship
formance. Nevertheless, useful baseline data, such as vi- is handed over to the owner to demonstrate that the equip-
bration signatures, can be collected. ment and systems, as installed and prepared, will operate
As equipment is installed and systems are completed, as intended. Therefore, except for machinery already ac-
preparation begins for initial testing. Procedures are differ- cepted, and except for machinery which must be tested sub-
ent for each system but in general, systems are rigorously in- sequently, all equipment is operated under observation for
spected inside and out, piping and wiring connections are sufficient time to demonstrate that it can achieve and sus-
checked, and tanks, piping, and other components are thor- tain intended performance at all levels from no load to over-
oughly cleaned internally. Boilers are boiled out with an al- load, under all modes of operation including emergency as
kaline solution. (Like any other components subjected to well as normal, and under automatic control as well as man-
chemical cleaning, they must then be neutralized and flushed ual control, and all safety devices are proven.
repeatedly.) Systems are pressure tested and flushed or blown Machinery that cannot be adequately tested during sea
through. Flushing procedures for the more critical systems, trials might include HVAC equipment, which must await
in particular lubricating-oil systems and hydraulic systems, an appropriate climate, and cargo systems on some types
are necessarily elaborate, with recirculation loops, tempo- of ships, which may have to be tested at the first loading
rary strainers fitted at key points, and bearings and other sen- port. For LNG ships and other ships with gas-fueled propul-
sitive components initially bypassed. Machinery is started sion plants, trials of the gas-fuel systems might be similarly
and safety devices and control equipment are tested by demon- postponed. Under these circumstances the usual practice is
stration. Instrumentation is verified at one or more operating for the owner to accept the ship conditionally, with excepted
values. Automation is set and tested to whatever extent is fea- systems to be proven at the first convenient opportunity.
sible. All equipment within each system is operated up to the Diesel propulsion engines of single-engine, single-screw,
limits imposed by the prevailing circumstances of continu- dry-cargo ships with fixed-pitch propellers cannot normally
ing construction, to prove that it functions as intended. be tested to rated power when the hull is clean and at bal-
Once machinery has been commissioned it must be treated, last draft, even if the engine is run up to its over-speed limit.
as it would be in service. Temperatures of idle machinery, The usual practice in such cases is to estimate the data for
fluid levels, chemical treatment, and other parameters must maximum performance of the engine and supporting aux-
be maintained at levels that will prevent deterioration. If iliaries by extrapolation from the highest levels achieved dur-
equipment is to be idle for periods of days or longer, recom- ing the trials, to provide a basis for the owner’s acceptance
mended lay-up procedures should be followed. of the vessel.
When the ship is afloat and all systems are complete, After sea trials, some machinery is normally required to
dock or basin trials are undertaken, usually as a final check be opened for internal inspection. A typical inspection list
prior to running the sea trials that follow. Normal and alter- might include propulsion boilers, diesel-engine crankcases,
native operating procedures are tested, and all equipment, reduction gearing, and main oil sumps, as well as oil filters
including standby equipment, bypasses, cross-connections, and strainers. Reduction gears are opened to check tooth con-
Chapter 24: Machinery Considerations 24-27

tact, and main-engine crankshaft deflections are measured 4. Horner, J. E., “Considerations in Applying Gas Turbines for
as checks on shaft alignment. Usually, one or more cylin- Ship Propulsion,” IMAS 91, IME, 1991
ders of diesel propulsion engines will be disassembled for 5. Fukugaki, A., S. Fukuda, S. Nakamura, and Y. Sakamoto,
inspection of wear patterns. “Design of a New-Generation Coal-Fired Marine Steam
Problems revealed during sea trials or post-trial inspec- Propulsion Plant,” Trans. SNAME, Vol. 90, 1982
6. Storch, R. L., Hammon, C. P., Bunch, H. M., and Moore, R.
tions may require immediate rectification before the ship is
C., Ship Production, 2nd edition, SNAME, 1995
handed over, or the owner may accept the ship condition- 7. Jaquith, P. et al, “A Parametric Approach to Machinery Uni-
ally, with repairs to be completed subsequently. tization in Shipbuilding,” Ship Production Symposium, 1997
8. “Guide to Propulsion Reduction Gear Alignment and Instal-
lation,” SNAME T&R Bulletin No. 3–43, 1987
9. “Guidelines for the Preservation of Marine Boilers and Boiler
Components,” SNAME T&R Bulletin No. 3–30, 1980
10. “Guide for Shop and Installation Tests,” SNAME T&R Bul-
1. Harrington, R. L., (Ed.) Marine Engineering, SNAME, 1992. letin No. 3–39, 1985
2. Hunt, E. C., (Ed.), Modern Marine Engineer’s Manual, 2, 11. Norris, A., “Commissioning and Sea Trials of Machinery in
2nd edition, Cornell Maritime Press, 1990 Ships,” Transactions, Institute of Marine Engineers, 1976
3. “Marine Diesel Power Plant Practices,” SNAME T&R Bul- 12. “Guide for Sea Trials 1989,” SNAME T&R Bulletin No.
letin No. 3–49, 1990 3–47, 1990
The Shipbuilding Process

Mark H. Spicknall

25.1 INTRODUCTION desired related to specific types of shipbuilding facilities,

process lanes, work cells, or tools.
In order to clearly understand the shipbuilding process, it
is instructive to first examine where ship production fits in
the context of the range of possible overall production ap-
proaches, and why. This is done by examining the product 25.2 GENERAL PRODUCTION APPROACHES
characteristics that dictate the overall production approach 25.2.1 Comparison of Products Based on Attributes
for any type of product, and then comparing ships and ship- Related to Production
yards along these dimensions to some other products and
their production systems, respectively. This section examines the ship production process in the
From this discussion the production approaches appro- context of the range of possible production approaches—
from low-volume custom and job shop production to con-
priate for different shipbuilding scenarios become apparent.
tinuous-flow manufacturing—in order to make it clear when
Key product, product structure, and production system char-
and why particular production approaches are appropriate
acteristics are identified for each scenario, and key opera-
for building ships.
tions planning and management principles are also
Following are key production system characteristics that
discussed. For the predominate Group Technology-based
dictate what type of overall production approach is most ap-
shipbuilding approach, additional discussion of operations
propriate for any type of product:
planning and management practices is provided. Finally,
capacity and inventory strategy is discussed in the context • product demand,
of lean manufacturing principles and aggregate production • demand variability and predictability,
planning practices. • product complexity,
Although much of this material will be covered in the • product mobility,
context of commercial shipbuilding, the vast majority of • material types and associated joining technologies,
this information applies to both commercial and military • product variety within a single production system, and
shipbuilding. • degree of customization/variation among products of any
Also, this chapter focuses on the overall process and single type.
principles of shipbuilding and shipyard operations man-
agement. Specific production facilities, processes, and tools Demand and its variability and predictability
within a shipyard are described in the next chapter. There- Commercial shipbuilding demand is currently relatively
fore, the reader may find it helpful in reading this chapter high, resulting in an average production rate for commer-
to refer to Chapter 26 when more detailed information is cial shipyards of about ten ships per year. A few of the most

25-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

cost-competitive and largest commercial shipyards are pro- installation on-site. Substantial subassembly and modular-
ducing up to 40 ships per year. Short-term demand vari- ization can be done off site. But the size and weight of these
ability for any given yard is usually moderate and fairly subassemblies and modules are still constrained to what can
predictable. However, medium- and long-term demand vari- be transported over the road and/or lifted by limited-ca-
ability can be substantial and unpredictable. pacity mobile cranes at the construction site. These limita-
This type of demand variability is also common for other tions on the extent of possible subassembly, modularization,
types of complex industrial capital goods like factories and and early systems installation are reflected in a relatively
commercial aircraft. This dictates that production systems broad and flat product structure.
for these types of products, including most shipyards, must Within the domain of production operations manage-
allow for significant expansion and contraction of overall ment, the term most associated with this type of production
capacity in the medium-term. is construction. In construction, much of the primary struc-
ture is erected piece-by-piece or from small sub-assemblies, Product complexity, mobility, and material type and much of the systems installation work must be carried
Even the simplest ships are large and complex products. out on and within this erected structure. Post-erection sys-
The primary hull structure of a ship is most often steel and/or tems installation work is often hindered by poor work ac-
aluminum. Welding technology allows for the modulariza- cess and working position. Also, in support of post-erection
tion of this primary structure, which, in turn, facilitates par- work within the structure, substantial effort is required for
allel structural assembly work and easier systems installation installation and removal of temporary production support
prior to the final assembly of the primary structure. This early services.
installation of ship system components is commonly re- The commercial building and factory construction in-
ferred to as pre-outfitting. dustry in the U.S. utilizes between $0.15 and $0.20 worth
A ship is mobile when it is completed. This allows a ship of fixed capital assets to generate $1 of value added per
to be built in a facility with permanent large-scale shops, year—less than half the capital intensity of the U.S. ship-
tools, material handling systems, and services that are ded- building and commercial aircraft manufacturing industries.
icated to specific stages of production and types of work, Not surprisingly, labor productivity in construction envi-
that support very large-scale modularization, and that fa- ronments is less than half that of world-class shipyards and
cilitate efficient material flow. The ability to build modu- commercial aircraft manufacturers—$65–75 000 versus
larly within dedicated large-scale facilities results in many $130–180 000 value added per employee per year (2).
dependent stages of assembly and a deep product structure. Value Added is defined as follows:
The associated work breakdown structure shows the work
• Manufacturing industries—Value of Shipments (sales)
tasks and their dependencies through the many stages of
minus Cost of Materials, and
production. This is often called a “product work breakdown
• Construction industries—Net Value of Construction
structure” or PWBS within the shipbuilding industry (1).
minus Cost of Materials, Components, Supplies, and
Shipbuilding and large commercial aircraft manufactur-
ing are quite similar with regard to the use of these types of
production facilities and modular production approaches. For Manufacturing industries, subcontracting is included
This is reflected in the fact that that these two industries have in Cost of Materials. For Construction industries subcon-
a similar level of capital intensity, with these industries in tracting is subtracted from Value of Construction Work
the U.S. utilizing between $0.35 and $0.45 worth of fixed (sales) to obtain Net Value of Construction. All italicized
capital assets to generate $1 of value added per year (2). terms are as defined by the U.S. Commerce Department,
Office buildings and factories are also very large and Census Bureau.
complex products. But buildings and factories are not mo- The construction-oriented production approach reflects
bile—they must be built in place. This single fact has major traditional or pre-WWII shipbuilding, when ships were built
implications for the associated production system and ap- virtually piece-by-piece, and system-by-system according
proach. If the final product cannot move, the production to a system-oriented work breakdown structure or SWBS.
system must be mobile and temporary, and its use will be There are still some unique circumstances when a con-
limited to only one product/project at a time. This neces- struction-oriented approach is appropriate for building com-
sarily limits the scale and specialization of production fa- plex marine systems—these will be discussed later in the
cilities, tools, material handling equipment, and support chapter. But for the reasons just described, most modern
systems. This, in turn, greatly limits the scale and degree shipyards are capitally intensive facilities that utilize a large-
of possible subassembly, modularization, and early systems scale modularized approach to production, similar to that
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-3

used for the manufacture of other mobile and complex en- series of seven or greater with the largest series of standard
gineered products. ships being twelve (3).
Also, during a trip to the Samsung and Hyundai ship- Product variety and degree of customization/ yards in early 2002, the author asked shipyard managers and
variation between similar products shipowners about the degree to which owners request
Some shipyards specialize by product type while others changes from standard designs. It was found that owners
produce a variety of ship types simultaneously. It is not un- often provide their own designs. When standard shipyard
usual to see crude oil tankers, product tankers, LNG and LPG designs are used as a baseline, significant changes are al-
tankers, and container ships being built all at the same time most always made to outfitting specifications, often to steel
in some of the world’s most competitive commercial ship- specifications, and sometimes to principal dimensions. These
yards. It is also fairly common to see commercial and mil- shipyards highlighted the fact that they consider their abil-
itary ships being built simultaneously in shipyards in the U.S. ity to give owners exactly what they want to be a major
and overseas. competitive advantage.
Some substantial variability is also common between So at a minimum, a typical shipyard must be able to deal
ships of the same type and size being built in the same ship- with some significant degree of variation among ships of a
yard. For military ships, technology upgrades from ship to type, and could very well also require the flexibility neces-
ship of a class are very common. Technology is evolving sary to handle multiple product types.
ever more rapidly, and the military wants the latest tech- This contrasts with the typical commercial aircraft pro-
nology available as early as possible. duction system. Commercial aircraft manufacturers also
A myth exists in some circles that the commercial ship- produce a variety of products. But this variety is limited.
building market consists primarily of large series of stan- Each product type is designed in-house, and though there
dard ships. is some variation within each product type, potential work
Those seriously involved in the commercial shipbuild- content variability is limited to less than 15% on average
ing business know this not to be true, but lets look at some (4) by a limited set of potential options. There is typically
hard evidence. Figure 25.1 shows the number of commer- enough volume of each product type to justify the creation
cial ships contracted in large and medium-size Japanese of specialized production facilities for each. So a typical air-
shipyards between 1998 and 2000 by the number of ships craft production facility would be configured to produce
in standard series. A standard series could consist of ships one product type with some limited degree of potential vari-
within a single contract or ships from multiple contracts ation between individual products.
and owners. This data shows that one third of the ships con- On the other hand, building and factory construction is
tracted during that period were unique one-offs. Over 76% similar to shipbuilding along the dimensions of product va-
were part of a series of four or fewer ships. Less than 15% riety and variation. Most commercial construction compa-
of the total ships contracted during that period were part of nies build a variety of products. And the vast majority of

Figure 25.1 Number of Ships Contracted Per Number of Ships in Series, Japan 1998–2000
25-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

large-scale buildings and factories are truly custom prod- are building only standard ships of a single type in large num-
ucts. Even among construction products of the same type bers. But the substantial majority of shipyards are building
there is typically a significant degree of variation. An owner some significant number of ships simultaneously with some
typically has a unique design created by an architectural variety in ship type and some significant variation among
firm and then contracts a construction company to build it. products of each type. These three different situations re-
quire somewhat different production approaches.

25.3 SHIP PRODUCTION APPROACHES 25.3.1 Marine Product Construction

The deep product structure of a typical ship is similar to that The important factors that dictate the use of a construction-
of a commercial aircraft, reflecting many stages of sub- oriented strategy in a marine context are that product-to-
assembly, modularization, and pre-outfitting. This contrasts product variation is very great, and only one or a few of each
with the relatively flat product structure of a typical stick- will be built. So a substantial capital investment in a per-
built building or factory. Also, the capital intensity of a typ- manent production system that can handle even somewhat
ical shipyard is similar to that of a typical commercial aircraft similar products cannot be justified.
manufacturing facility, and much higher than that of a com- Because of the great similarity of this work to commer-
mercial building or factory construction system. Yet the cial building and factory construction, many commercial
product variety and variability within shipbuilding is much construction companies also do work in marine construc-
closer to that of commercial building and factory con- tion. In the marine domain the construction approach is
struction. most prevalent in the production of complex offshore sys-
So what type of production strategy or approach is most tems such as the semisubmersible Crazy Horse shown in
appropriate for shipbuilding? The answer to this question Figure 25.2 and the Balal platform shown in Figure 25.3.
is dependent primarily on production volume and variabil- Complex marine systems construction is carried out in
ity. At one extreme of the shipbuilding industry, a few ship- essentially the same way as commercial building and fac-
builders are building highly customized products, one or a tory construction and pre-WW II shipbuilding. A produc-
very few at a time. At the other extreme, a few shipyards tion site is identified that is large enough for the project, that

Figure 25.2 Semisubmersible Crazy Horse Figure 25.3 Balal Platform

Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-5

allows for launching the product, and that is reasonably completed, the product is launched usually by skidding or
close to the product’s required destination. A temporary by flooding a building basin. For a ship or relatively small
production system is defined and put into place. offshore product built in this manner, in-the-water outfit-
Construction tasks and their interdependencies are de- ting and systems testing and trials are then completed and
fined, and the resulting task network is used as the basis for the product is delivered to the customer. For many large off-
project scheduling using critical path methods (CPM) and shore structures, shore-based construction is used to com-
project management. Production operations management plete the largest major assemblies. These assemblies are
for construction is entirely project-oriented because the pro- then towed or transported by barge or heavy lift ship to their
duction system is focused on a single project. There are nu- operations site where on-site launching, assembly, final out-
merous references available on construction management fitting, and testing are completed. Photos and videos show-
and CPM (5–7). The predominate network scheduling tools ing the construction and the on-site launching and final
utilized for project management are Primavera and Artemis, assembly sequence for an offshore structure are available
but there are many others available, as well. at
As described earlier, the primary structure is built mostly
piece-by-piece or from small subassemblies with relatively
little structural modularization. System/outfit modules and 25.3.2 Group Technology-based Ship Production
components are installed on and within the structure as it is Overview of the group technology-based
erected, and are constrained in size and weight to what can
shipbuilding approach
be handled by limited facilities and mobile cranes at the site.
The vast majority of shipbuilding involves the simultaneous
Tools are positioned around the final assembly site as
production of multiple products of different types with some
space allows, minimizing to the greatest extent possible the
distance that parts and subassemblies must be moved for significant variation within product types. A key to this type
final installation on and within the erected structure. When of production is to recognize that even given product vari-
and where subassembly is done, the associated tools are ety and variation, there is a very high degree of similarity
laid out to provide as logical a material flow as possible between most ships’ intermediate products. Intermediate
given the constraints of the construction site. products are the sub-products that are produced and then
Mobile cranes with 75 tons of lifting capacity or less are concatenated through multiple production stages to create a
most common on ship and offshore construction sites, al- final product.
though larger cranes are used occasionally. It is also some- For example, even though a shipyard might be simulta-
times possible to utilize floating cranes with thousands of neously building tankers, bulkers, and container ships, each
tons of lifting capacity. Figure 25.4 shows a typical offshore of these ship types have major structure made up of stiff-
product construction site. ened steel panels that are quite similar in terms of the
After shore-based assembly and some system testing are processes that are required for their production.
Another key is to recognize that even though the volume
of ships being built simultaneously might be relatively low
as compared to the production volume of other industries,
in most cases the volume of similar intermediate products
is substantial. For example, if a yard is concurrently build-
ing only a handful of ships at any given time, it might have
a fairly steady weekly demand for hundreds of similar struc-
tural stiffeners and pipe spools, and dozens of similar plate
parts and stiffened structural panels.
These two key factors taken together, similarity and vol-
ume of intermediate products, provide the foundation for a
Group Technology-based production system. The objective
of Group Technology (GT) is to exploit the similarities of
intermediate products to gain production economies of scale
for non-standard products even when produced in moder-
ate volume.
Within a GT-based production system, intermediate prod-
Figure 25.4 Offshore Product Construction ucts of every type and at every level are examined and
25-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

grouped into families based on the physical attributes that

dictate their production process (Figures 25.5 and 25.6).
Demand for each intermediate product family is evalu-
ated to determine if the creation of a dedicated process lane
or work center can be economically justified. This often re-
sults in the reconfiguration of a production system from a
job shop layouts to a flow-based layouts (Figures 25.7 and
The development of GT-based process lanes and work
centers results in facilities, tools, and worker skills that are
specialized for the production of specific intermediate prod-
uct families. Work within each process lane or work cell be-
comes fairly repetitive, resulting in substantially higher
productivity and resource utilization than a traditional or job-
shop-oriented production approach. This specialization of
Figure 25.5 Example Intermediate Products and Associated Production
work by intermediate product family also creates the op-
portunity for increased use of semi-automatic and automatic
machines and tools, which can improve productivity even
more. The following section lists typical shipbuilding GT-
based intermediate product families. See the next chapter
for descriptions of many of their associated shipbuilding
production processes. Typical intermediate products for a GT-based

shipbuilding approach
Following is a list of the intermediate product families that
are most common to GT-based shipbuilding:
• Structural piece-parts
– Large parallel parts from plate
■ Flat
■ Simple Shaped
■ Complex Shaped
– Large non-parallel parts from plate
■ Flat (Figure 25.9)
Figure 25.6 Example Intermediate Products Grouped into Production Families ■ Simple Shaped
■ Complex Shaped (Figure 25.10)
– Small internal parts from plate
– Stiffeners from stock structural shapes/profiles
■ Straight (Figure 25.11)
■ Simple Shaped
■ Complex Shaped
– Built-up stiffeners
■ Straight
■ Simple Shaped
■ Complex Shaped
• Structural subassemblies and sub-blocks made from
structural piece-parts
– Large flat stiffened panels (typically shell, decks, bulk-
Figure 25.7 Job Shop Layout and Associated Example Intermediate Product heads, tank tops, double bottoms) (Figure 25.12)
Flow – Medium-sized flat stiffened panels (typically large webs)
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-7

– Large curved stiffened panels (curved shell)

– Small flat stiffened panels (small webs, floors, inter-
nal structure) (Figure 25.13)
– Structural outfitting components (simple foundations,
supporting framework for outfit units, ladders, etc.)

Figure 25.11 Straight Fabricated Stiffeners

Figure 25.8 Process Lane Layout for Example GT-based Intermediate Product

Figure 25.12 Large Stiffened Flat Panels

Figure 25.9 Flat Non-Parallel Plate Parts

Figure 25.10 Plate Part with Complex Curvature Figure 25.13 Small Stiffened Panels
25-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

• Blocks, sometimes called structural units, sections, or

– Flat (Figure 25.14)
■Special/irregular (hatch coamings, large founda-
tions, casings, etc.) (Figure 25.15)
– Curved (Figure 25.16)

• Outfitting parts and components
– Pipe spools (Figure 25.17)—classified by material
type, size, number and type of bends and end prepa- Figure 25.14 Flat Blocks
rations, and surface preparation or coating require-
– HVAC ducting spools—classified by size, and num-
ber and type of bends
– Joinery—classified by material type, size, and shape
– Electrical cables—classified by type and length
– Pipe hangers—classified by type and size
– Wireway hangers—classified by type and size
– Machined components and assemblies—classified by
required machining and assembly operations
• Outfit units/assemblies/modules
– Machinery units
■Large (Figure 25.18)
■Small (Figure 25.19)
– Pipe units (Figure 25.20)
■Small Figure 25.15 Large Special Foundation Blocks
– Electrical units
– Accommodation units
• Hot or Stage 1 outfitted blocks (blocks with all required
welding work completed and any piping and machinery
installed that can withstand blasting and painting)—clas-
sified by type of outfitting required
• Blasted and painted blocks—classified by type of coat-
ing system required, size, and whether open or closed
• Grand blocks (sets of blocks joined together after blast
and paint and prior to cold outfitting and erection)
– Flat
– Special flat
– Curved
– Special curved
– Superstructure (Figure 25.21)
• Cold or Stage 2 outfitted blocks and grand blocks (with
as much outfitting installed as possible prior to erection) Figure 25.16 Curved Blocks and Start of Curved Panel
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-9

Figure 25.17 Pipe Spools Figure 25.19 Small Machinery Outfit Unit

Figure 25.18 Large Machinery Outfit Unit Figure 25.20 Pipe Outfit Unit

(Figures 25.22 and 25.23)—Classified by type of out- firefighting, radar, etc.)—classified by type of testing
fitting required work required
• On-board outfit zones (spaces onboard the ship that en- • Integrated systems (for trials stage; propulsion, naviga-
close discrete and logical sets of required on-board out- tion, etc.)—classified by type of integrated testing work
fitting work) required
– Classified by type of space, which determines the pre-
dominate type of outfitting required The facilities and equipment required for the production
■ exterior of many of these intermediate product families are described
■ cargo in detail in the next chapter. Note that for Stage 2 on-block
■ accommodations outfitting and on-board outfitting, the blocks and outfit zones
■ machinery are stationary and specialized work crews move from block

electrical (Figure 25.24) to block or from zone to zone based on block or zone outfit
■ tank classification. In these later stages of outfitting, GT classi-
• Ship systems (for the system testing stage of produc- fication serves as the basis for defining and managing these
tion; fuel oil, lube oil, auxiliary power, high pressure air, specialized work crews as opposed to work centers or process
25-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 25.21 Superstructure Grand Block Figure 25.23 Large Outfitted Engine Room Block

Figure 25.22 Stage 2 On-Block Outfitting Figure 25.24 On-Board Electrical Outfit Zone

lanes. For example, a work crew specializing in accommo- plate, stiffeners, and pipe, to assembled blocks and outfit
dations outfitting would move between accommodation units, and even completely outfitted deckhouses, can be pur-
zones as the zones become available for outfitting. Likewise, chased from commercial suppliers. The cost of purchased
a work crew specializing in the outfitting of machinery blocks materials and intermediate products can account for as much
would move from machinery block to machinery block as as 70% of the cost of a ship. Production versus purchasing
these blocks become available for Stage 2 outfitting. strategy, and supply chain management will be discussed
later in this chapter. Typical material flow in group technology-based Note that while most structural piece parts become part
shipbuilding of structural sub-assemblies, some piece-parts are installed
Figure 25.25 shows the typical material and work flow within during block assembly, grand block assembly, ship erec-
a Group Technology-based shipyard. Primary flows are tion, and on-board outfitting. Likewise, while most struc-
shown with bold lines. Note that purchased materials and tural subassemblies are used for block assembly, some like
components are installed throughout the production process. foundations are installed during Stage 1 on-block outfitting
Everything from raw materials such as paint and stock and others like small decks and partial bulkheads that can-
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-11

not be adequately supported within a block might be in-

stalled in a grand block or within a zone on the ship.
Most outfit parts and components are installed in outfit
units/assemblies or on-block. Some outfit parts and com-
ponents are installed during on-board outfitting, including
make-up pieces for distributive system that cross erection
breaks. The largest purchased outfit components such as
main engines, gensets, propellers, rudders, and cranes are
typically erected on the ship. GT-based shipyard operations management

The key to minimizing the cost and lead-time for individ-
ual ships in a GT-based shipyard is to most efficiently and
cost effectively utilize production resources across all ships
being built at any given time. All planning and scheduling
must be based on this aggregate perspective. Key contract
dates tied to cash flow are still critical, but the management
of individual ships and contracts (project management) is
secondary. This operations management approach is very
similar to that used in commercial aircraft production and
even automobile manufacturing, and is fundamentally dif-
ferent from construction management, which focuses pri-
marily on individual products or projects with their own
production resources.
Many shipyards that have evolved from traditional ship
construction practices have modified their use of project man-
agement/network scheduling tools to suit this aggregate plan-
ning approach (7,8). In this regard, most modern network
scheduling/project management tools support the use of multi-
project networks, the sharing of production resources among
multiple projects, and the generation of resource-specific
schedules that include all associated tasks independent of
contract/project. Other shipyards have implemented mate-
rial requirements planning (MRP) or manufacturing resources
planning (MRP II) systems that essentially accomplish the
same aggregate planning objectives from the perspective of
intermediate products rather than tasks. Some shipyards have Figure 25.25 Typical Shipyard Material and Work Flow
attempted to integrate these two approaches (9).
One must be careful utilizing an MRP system for the pro-
duction planning and scheduling of an extremely complex
engineered product like a ship, however. There are two rea- play a role in the formation of several on-board outfitting
sons for this. First, the number of part numbers for a ship zones. Similarly, there can be many-to-many product struc-
is extremely high compared to that for other products, and ture relationships between on-board outfitting zones and
some MRP systems may not be able to deal with this level ship systems—i.e., a single outfitting zone can contain por-
of data management. Second, MRP assumes a purely hier- tions of several ship systems, and a single ship system can
archical product structure, but the upper levels of a ship’s pass through several outfitting zones (Figure 25.26).
product structure are not purely hierarchical. For example, For planning to be complete and accurate, all of a ship’s
there can be many-to-many product structure relationships intermediate products and their interdependencies must be
between blocks and on-board outfitting zones—i.e. a sin- captured. MRP does not support this for a ship above the
gle on-board outfitting zone might result from the erection level of major assembly erection in the product structure,
of several blocks, and the erection of a single block might whereas there is no problem capturing these many-to-many
25-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 25.26 Example of Many-To-Many Relationships Within the Upper Levels of a Ship’s Product Structure

relationships in the form of a work breakdown in network Therefore, greater emphasis is being placed on supply
form within a network scheduling/project management tool. chain management. Fundamental to good supply chain man-
As in most production operations, capacity and resource agement is:
planning, and work scheduling are carried out at three lev-
• the establishment of longer-term relationships with fewer
els of detail matching different time horizons:
vendors/suppliers based on mutual long-term cost, sched-
1. long-range (time horizon extending to at least two times ule, quality, and improvement benefits, and
the anticipated life cycle of current products), • the rapid and accurate communication of product, de-
2. medium-range (time horizon extending through existing mand, and schedule information between customers and
and likely planned work), and vendors/suppliers.
3. short-range (time horizon extending through the end of
There are various efforts underway to improve supply
existing work that is not likely to change in priority and
chain modeling, planning, and integration within the ship-
building industry (11–14).
The planning units used in long-range planning are ships, Internal material control is also critical. All major ship-
and the resources addressed at this stage include those few yards today utilize computer-based material control sys-
that have historically been most critical. The planning units tems to track material location and status. Bar coding is
most often used for medium range planning include the high now common for the identification of intermediate products.
level intermediate products (blocks and grand blocks, out- Some shipyards have developed and evolved in-house ma-
fit units, on-board outfit zones, ship systems) that utilize terial control systems while others have purchased and
any production resources that might be critical. adapted commercially available tools.
All intermediate products are considered in short-range Critical to internal production process control is control
or shop floor planning, with work package definition, se- of intermediate product and associated process cost and
quencing, and scheduling carried out by intermediate-prod- productivity, and lead and cycle times. Most shipyards have
uct-specific production resource. in place cost and cycle time monitoring systems for each
The GT-based shipbuilding environment consists of work center, process lane, and specialized work team. These
many interdependent stages of production. Excellent ma- systems can be used to continuously track cost and cycle
terial, process, and quality control are essential for pro- time variance by individual intermediate product, or inter-
duction to flow smoothly from stage to stage. mediate product type/work center or team.
This control starts with supply chain management. As Many shipyards also utilize earned value analysis/man-
shipyards and many other industries seek to focus on their agement, or what is sometimes called a cost-schedule con-
core competencies; the amount of purchasing and subcon- trol system, CS2. Using earned value analysis, the overall
tracting has increased. budgeted cost of work completed to date for each project is
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-13

compared to the actual cost of work completed to date and resulting from the greater level of intermediate product vari-
the budgeted cost of work scheduled to date to obtain proj- ability.
ect cost and schedule variances and projections. Note the
project orientation of this approach that might shift focus
away from the more important issues of aggregate operations 25.3.4 Applicability of Lean Principles and Aggregate
performance. The Project Management Institute is currently Production Planning to Shipbuilding
documenting standard earned value management practices There has been a great deal of talk about Lean Shipbuilding
(15). The U.S. Defense Systems Management College also over the last few years, particularly in the U.S. (32). Lean is
has available extensive information on the U.S. Defense De- a term coined by a team at MIT to describe the Toyota Pro-
partment’s earned value management practices (16). duction System of the 1980s (33). They state, “The princi-
Quality control is also critical to GT-based production. ples of lean production include teamwork, communication,
If parts and subassemblies do not fit or function properly, efficient use of resources and elimination of waste, and con-
rework or replacement is required causing increased mate- tinuous improvement.” In addition, lean production is de-
rial and labor costs and cascading schedule disruption scribed to include the following principles and methods:
throughout the production system. Statistical quality/process • collaborative product design,
control methods (SQC/SPC) developed in the 1930s (17, • production process design and analysis,
18) have been employed with great success in the ship- • elimination of non-value-added work,
building industry since the use of GT-based shipbuilding ap- • work standardization,
proaches became widespread in Japan in the 1960s (19–31). • demand balancing and resource leveling,
Every world-class shipyard today has well-established • process control,
SQC/SPC processes. • preventative maintenance,
• supplier and employee involvement,
• mistake proofing,
25.3.3 Series Production of Standard Ships
• workplace cleanliness and organization,
There are a few shipyards that produce only standard ves- • visual communications and controls,
sels in large volume. Standard ships will obviously have • flexible resources,
identical intermediate products. However, GT will still play • one-piece flow, and
some significant role in such a production system because, • pull.
for example, not all flat stiffened parallel panels or straight
pipe spools are going to be identical even within a standard Virtually all of these principles and methods predate the
ship. However, because of the much greater number of iden- concept of lean, and have deep roots in manufacturing, op-
tical intermediate products, this production system will erations management, industrial engineering, and quality
likely be somewhat more tightly integrated than a fully GT- management, not to mention common sense. To become a
based production system, and will have potentially greater world-class manufacturer, one should, of course, strive to
application of automation because of reduced need for pro- apply such principles and methods in an integrated and sen-
duction flexibility to accommodate more typical interme- sible manner. Indeed, all world-class shipyards have effec-
tively uses most of these principles and methods for decades
diate product attribute variability.
to continuously improve performance. Be that as it may,
A good example of this type of shipyard is Odense Lindo,
the recent attention given to lean production within the U.S.
as it was configured to build several identical VLCCs in the
shipbuilding industry makes it important to examine its core
1990s. The long parallel mid-body of a VLCC results in
principles and their applicability to ship production.
many identical structural parts, subassemblies, blocks, and
Lean advocates distinguish lean production as a coordi-
grand blocks. This yard was very highly automated to take
nated use of the principles and methods identified above to
advantage of these large numbers of identical structural in-
continuously strive to minimize waste. There are many kinds
termediate products and minimize the impact of high labor
of waste in manufacturing, but the pursuit of lean produc-
tion is ultimately characterized by a focus on reducing in-
For standard products, planning and scheduling are much ventory and excess production capacity. Therefore, to
less complex. However, production control becomes more become lean a manufacturer, one should use the concepts
critical because the various sequential production processes and methods identified above to continuously strive to:
and stages are more tightly integrated than in a typical ship-
yard where there is some excess capacity and/or inventory • minimize purchased material and components invento-
buffers between processes to absorb performance variance ries, work-in-process inventories (WIP), and finished
25-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

goods inventories so as to minimize material manage- One approach would be to always have enough capac-
ment and other inventory-related costs, and ity ready to deal with this worst-case scenario when it oc-
• balance capacity and improve process control and qual- curs. This would require a capacity of (42 × 4.2 × 1.05) / 38
ity so as to minimize both idle capacity costs and capacity = 4.9 resources. If having a fractional resource is not pos-
wasted on rework. sible, we must round this up to five required resources.
Given that average demand, work content, resource per-
In principle these seem to be reasonable objectives. But formance, and resource availability are exactly the same as
is it true for all industries and for all business environments before, this results in an average resource utilization of 80%
and scenarios that production should continuously strive to (160 resource-hours per week average demand and 200 re-
reduce excess inventory and production capacity? Let’s con- source hours per week capacity). So maintaining excess ca-
sider a simple production system example. pacity to deal with those times when production cannot keep
A production system has a constant demand rate of 40 up with demand due to production system variability, we
products per week. All products to be produced have ex- have on average one idle resource that we are paying for.
actly 4 resource-hour of work content. Process perform- This is not lean.
ance for the associated production resource is constant with Another possible approach for dealing with times when
a work time of exactly 4 hours per product, and each pro- production cannot keep up with demand due to variability
duction resource is available and working exactly 40 hours is to keep capacity equal to what is necessary to meet the
per week. long-run average demand (four), and then utilized them at
Given that there is absolutely no variability within this 100%. The result is that during those times when demand
production system, it makes sense to strive for a constant is lower than capacity due to some combination of product
capacity of four production resources operating at 100% demand being lower than average, product work content
utilization (demand for resource-hours = 40 products per being lower than average, process performance beings bet-
week × 4 resource-hours per product = 160 resource-hours ter than average, and resource availability being higher than
per week; number of resource required = 160 resource- average, the production system produces extra products that
hours per week / 40 hours of weekly capacity per resource then must be kept in inventory to be sold during the times
= 4 resources). Utilization equals demand divided by ca- when production capacity is less than demand. This, how-
pacity. ever, results in inventory-related costs and is also not lean.
Also, because there is no variability in this production Alternatively, one could attempt to adjust resource ca-
system, there is no fear of product shortages and thus no pacity through the use of overtime, hiring and firing, and
need for inventory. So in the absence of variability, it makes subcontracting to exactly counteract the system’s variabil-
sense to continuously strive to reduce inventory and excess ity and thus exactly meet demand without any build-up of
production capacity. inventory. But this approach will result in costs associated
But what happens if even just a small amount of vari- with more rigorous forecasting, more detailed production
ability is introduced into this production system? Let’s vary planning and scheduling, and greatly increased production
the demand rate, product work content, resource perform- resource management. Also, there are costs associated di-
ance, and resource availability each by only plus or minus rectly with overtime, hiring and firing, and subcontracting.
5% and examine the impact on this production system. The So although this approach is lean, with no excess capacity
demand rate can now vary from 38 to 42 products per week. or inventory, it does not come for free.
Product work content can now vary from 3.8 to 4.2 resource- This example is intended to help demonstrate that a fun-
hours. Resource performance can now vary from 0.95 to 1.05 damental prerequisite to successful lean production is the
times the product work content. And resource availability minimization of variability in the enterprise. This includes
can now vary from 38 to 42 hours per week. Note that av- demand variability, product and intermediate product work
erage demand, work content, resource performance, and re- content variability, process performance variability, and
source availability are exactly the same as before. variability in resource availability. As variability is mini-
But now we have an occasional worst-case situation of mized, production process capacities can be balanced, ex-
having to deliver 42 products per week, with these prod- cess capacity can be minimized, and inventory buffers can
ucts having 4.2 resource-hours of work content, production be dramatically reduced, creating a truly lean manufactur-
resources performing at a rate of 1.05 times work content, ing enterprise.
and resource availability of only 38 hours per week. How Substantial problems occur if one attempts to continu-
can the production system meet demand during these worst- ally reduce inventory and excess capacity in a production
case occasions? system that has any significant variability. If this is done,
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-15

work disruption will increase and starved resources will be- planning process. APP uses linear programming methods
come prevalent, resulting in greatly decreased resource uti- to solve for the least cost periodic combination of internal
lization and throughput. This is why it is necessary to allow resources, overtime, subcontracting, and inventory levels
inventory to vary, and/or to allow for some excess and vary- to meet anticipated periodic and overall demand through the
ing capacity within production environments with inherent medium-range-planning time horizon. This type of opti-
variability of one kind or another—to absorb the system’s mization can be done using a spreadsheet and its solver, or
variability so as to maintain production output, and mini- specialized mathematical modeling and optimization soft-
mize disruption and overall production cost. Such inten- ware. The APP process has been used for many years by
tional use of inventory and excess and varying capacity is many industries, and the methodology is covered in most
fundamentally not lean. basic operations management textbooks. Narasimhan et al
A shipyard can and should do everything possible to im- (36) and Chase et al (37) each do a good job of introduc-
prove process performance and minimize variability within ing the subject.
the enterprise. Standard materials, components, and mod- Full-scale APPs can incorporate multiple trades and trade
ules should be used whenever possible (34,35). Where stan- classifications with associated varying costs and produc-
dards are not possible, group technology should be tivity levels, any type of production resource or subcon-
implemented to the greatest extent possible. Then block tractor, overtime, different types of inventory with different
boundaries should be defined such that different blocks of associated holding costs, and purchasing discount mecha-
each type have a similar amount of assembly work content. nisms to shift demand between periods, and other factors,
Subassembly and fabrication work packages for particular as well.
work centers should be defined to include similar amounts Following is a simple APP example that includes a sin-
of work. Sequencing and scheduling can be improved to gle trade and a single subcontractor with identical capabil-
minimize resource-specific demand variability. In addition, ities. The objective is to derive the lowest-cost aggregate
other world-class-manufacturing practices identified ear- production plan or strategy for producing the required quar-
lier can be employed to improve and minimize the vari- terly output of this trade by cost-effectively utilizing and
ability of process performance. changing in-house employment, subcontracting, and in-
Bur even after doing all of these things, intermediate ventory levels throughout this time period. This example is
product attribute variability within a typical shipyard is still done using Excel and its add-in solver.
going to be significantly greater than that within the ma- In this example, demand, inventory, and output are all
jority of other industries. In addition, demand variability represented in labor-hour content. Required demand for this
can be substantial for a typical shipyard, particularly at the particular trade over the next eight quarter is estimated as
individual work center and resource level. For these reasons, follows:
the fact is that there is substantial inherent variability within
Quarter 1 236 000 labor hours
the typical shipbuilding enterprise. This inherent variabil-
Quarter 2 247 000 labor hours
ity will fundamentally limit the degree to which the typical
Quarter 3 252 000 labor hours
shipyard will be able to minimize excess capacity and/or
Quarter 4 259 000 labor hours
inventory while cost effectively maintaining output.
Quarter 5 250 000 labor hours
So the relevant question for a typical shipyard is not,
Quarter 6 243 000 labor hours
how do we become lean, but, in what way, and how much,
Quarter 7 252 000 labor hours
should we vary capacity and inventory through time to meet
Quarter 8 259 000 labor hours
demand at a minimum overall cost?
First of all, discrete events simulation tools can be uti- Initial resource levels are 490 in-house employees and
lized in the initial design of facilities to define inventory zero subcontract workers. Salaries and subcontracting costs
buffer sizes and the capacity of specific resources so as to are calculated for each quarter based on each quarter’s em-
minimize overall disruption and production costs for the ployment and subcontracting levels, respectively. The ex-
anticipated mix of products and intermediate products. There ample assumes 480 labor hours per worker per quarter.
are numerous commercially available simulation tools that Hiring and firing costs for each quarter appear if there is
can be used for this purpose, including GPSS, Arena, Pro- any difference in employment levels from the previous quar-
Model, Quest, and Simple++. ter. Inventory costs per quarter are calculated based on the
For an operational facility, Aggregate Production Plan- average inventory for that quarter, which, in turn, is calcu-
ning (APP) can be used to help derive an optimum inven- lated as the average of the current and the previous quar-
tory and capacity strategy as part of the medium-range ters’ end-of-quarter inventories. End-of-quarter inventory
25-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

is determined by subtracting the current quarter’s required tion derived for this scenario. Another lean approach would
demand from the available output. Available output that can be to work off the initial inventory as quickly as possible
be used to meet demand each quarter is the sum of labor and then vary in-house labor as necessary to exactly meet
hours used in that quarter (in-house plus subcontracting) and demand without the use of subcontracting. However, this
the previous quarter’s end-of-quarter inventory. approach would be $1.8 million more costly than the solu-
Totals costs through the eight quarters are calculated for tion derived for this scenario.
salaries, subcontracting, hiring and firing, and inventory, Another shipyard might have different constraints. For
and then these are totaled to determine overall plan/strat- example, assume another yard has higher inventory-related
egy cost. The solver is set to minimizing this overall plan/ costs because of the scarcity and higher cost of space and
strategy cost. Each quarter’s available output must be greater a higher cost of capital—say $2.50 per labor hour of in-
than or equal to its associated demand. Additional con- ventory per quarter. All other costs are the same as those in
straints entered into the solver are that internal labor, sub- the previous scenario. The resulting least-cost plan/strat-
contract labor, and inventory levels must each be greater than egy, Figure 25.28, is very different from that of the first sce-
or equal to zero for each quarter (cannot have negative em- nario, and is, in fact, one of the lean solutions identified
ployees, subcontractors, or inventory). above. In-house employment is kept constant. Inventory is
In the initial scenario, labor cost per in-house employee reduced very quickly and kept out of the system because of
per quarter is $20 000. Hiring cost is $27 500 and firing cost its high cost. And varying subcontracting is used to absorb
is $12 000. Cost per subcontracted laborer per quarter is all system variability. The alternative lean approach, vary-
$24 000. Initial inventory is 15 000 labor hours or about four ing in-house labor as necessary and using no subcontract-
days work for the current workforce. Inventory-related cost ing, would be $1.8 million more costly. This is because the
is $1 per labor hour of inventory per quarter. The results, cost of hiring and firing in-house employees as necessary
Figure 25.27, show that given this particular scenario the over time would be substantially greater that the premium
least-cost plan/strategy is to immediately hire 25 employ- being paid for the required subcontracted workers.
ees, then use the resulting periodic excess in-house capac- If hiring and firing costs were lower, however, this strat-
ity together with minimal subcontracting to produce egy might change. Say a third yard has the same high in-
inventory as necessary to absorb the variability in demand. ventory cost but substantially lower hiring and firing costs,
In fact, substantial additional inventory is built initially, and say $9000 and $0, respectively, due to the higher availabil-
then it is worked off and then increases again through time. ity of skilled labor and no union. The resulting least-cost
One lean approach to meeting demand would be to work plan/strategy, Figure 25.29, initially and quickly reduces
off the initial inventory as quickly as possible, maintain con- inventory levels, but then variability is absorbed through
stant in-house labor, and then vary subcontracting as nec- in-house hiring and firing, together with some later inven-
essary to exactly meet demand. However, this approach tory. In this case, the lean solution of eliminating initial in-
would be about $9000 more costly than the non-lean solu- ventory and varying subcontracting to exactly meet demand

Figure 25.27 Example Aggregate Production Planning Scenario 1 Results

Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-17

would be $457 000 more costly than the derived non-lean ber that relevant constraints can change through time, so a
solution. And the lean solution of eliminating initial inven- shipyard’s strategy for the use of capacity and inventory
tory and varying in-house labor to exactly meet demand should be reevaluated as constraints change.
would be $358 000 more costly than the derived non-lean
These examples demonstrate, and, in fact, real-world ex-
perience confirms, that different situations call for differ-
ent strategies for the use of capacity, capacity variation, and The primary product characteristics that drive the ship-
inventory. Scenarios one and three above show that given building process are demand and demand variability, size
particular constraints, excess capacity and inventory can be and complexity, mobility, material, variety and variability.
beneficial. The second scenario resulted in a lean enterprise The appropriate shipbuilding process will depend on the
with no excess capacity or inventory. But this solution was combination of product attributes present.
derived from the objective consideration and economic For very unique and low-volume complex marine prod-
analysis of relevant constraints, not from some philosoph- ucts, a construction approach is most appropriate. The con-
ical desire to become lean. It is also important to remem- struction approach has a low level of capital intensity

Figure 25.28 Example Aggregate Production Planning Scenario 2 Results

Figure 25.29 Example Aggregate Production Planning Scenario 3 Results

25-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

because product and intermediate product volume by type greater opportunity to obtain lean objectives in the few ship-
is not sufficient to justify large expenditures on specialized yards that produce standard products.
production equipment and facilities. This necessarily lim-
its the amount of subassembly and modularization possi-
ble and results in much stick-building and outfitting on and 25.5 REFERENCES
within the final structure, similar to commercial building and
factory construction. Labor productivity is also similar to 1. Chirillo, L., “Product Work Breakdown Structure,” 2nd edi-
tion, National Shipbuilding Research Program, Aug. 1988
that of the commercial building and factory construction
2. Spicknall, M., Unpublished research in comparative indus-
try performance, 2002
For standard ships built in high volume, a tightly inte- 3. KP Data
grated manufacturing approach is most appropriate. Such 4. Boeing, Commercial Aircraft Prices,
a production system has many levels of subassembly and commercial/prices/index.html, 2002
utilizes a great deal of structural and outfitting modular- 5. Pierce, D. R., Project Scheduling and Management for Con-
ization. This production approach is similar to that used for struction, 2nd edition, Robert S. Means Co., 1998
commercial aircraft manufacturing. Because of the high de- 6. Hinze, J. W., Construction Planning and Scheduling, 1st edi-
gree of product and intermediate product standardization and tion, Prentice Hall, 1997.
the high production volume, significant investment in spe- 7. O’Brien, J. J. and Plotnick, F. L., CPM In Construction Man-
cialized production facilities and equipment can be justi- agement, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1999.
fied. Labor productivity on average is about 2.5 times that 8. Gribskov, J., “A Group Technology Approach to Master
Scheduling of Shipbuilding Projects,” Journal of Ship Pro-
of the marine product construction approach. Shipyards that
duction, 5(4), November 1989
build standard ships in high volume make up only a very
9. Neumann, R. J. and McQuaide, D. J., “Application of PC-
small portion of the shipbuilding industry because the mar- based Project Management in an Integrated Planning
ket for standard ships is quite small. Process,” Journal of Ship Production, 8(4), November 1992
The vast majority of shipyards build multiple ships si- 10. Neumann, R. J., “Network Scheduling in an MRP II Envi-
multaneously with some variety in ship type and some vari- ronment,” Journal of Ship Production, 10(4), November 1994
ability between ships of the same type. These shipyards 11. Fleischer, M., Kohler, R., Lamb, T., and Bongiorni, H. B.,
utilize a GT-based approach to production in order to ex- “Marine Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Ship Pro-
ploit to the greatest extent possible the similarities between duction, 15(4), November 1999
non-identical products and intermediate products. The GT- 12. Bolton, R. W., Horstmann, P., Peruzzotti, D., and Rando, T.,
based ship production system is similar to the system used “Enabling the Shipbuilding Virtual Enterprise,” Journal of
for standard ships, with virtually identical material and work Ship Production, 16(1), February 2000
13. Bolton, R. W., “Enabling Shipbuilding Supply Chain Virtual
flow, and degree of subassembly and modularization. How-
Enterprises,” Journal of Ship Production, 17(2), May 2001
ever, the GT-based shipbuilding system is somewhat less
14. Sauter, J. A., Parunak, H. V. D., and Brueckner, S., “Agent-
tightly integrated with additional excess capacity and in- based Modeling and Control of Marine Supply Chains,” Jour-
ventory buffers to absorb the inherently greater degree of nal of Ship Production, 17(4), November 2001
demand and work content variability in the system. A GT- 15. PMI, Project Management Institute , Earned Value Manage-
based shipbuilding system will also employ somewhat less ment Standards Initiative,
automation than a shipyard building standard ships because evm.htm
of the need for greater flexibility. Labor productivity in a 16. DSMC, U.S. Defense Systems Management College, Earned
GT-based ship production system is 1.5 to 2 times higher Value Management Department,
than that of the marine product construction approach. educdept/evm%5Fdept.htm
Most world-class manufacturing principles apply to ship- 17. Shewhart, W., Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured
building just as well as they apply to any other industry. Products, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1931, and American
Society for Quality Control, 1980
However, the fundamental lean objectives of simultane-
18. Shewhart, W., Statistical Methods From the Viewpoint of
ously minimizing inventories and excess capacity apply
Quality Control, University of Washington, Department of
only to a limited degree to the vast majority of shipbuild- Agriculture, 1939
ing enterprises because of the inherent variability that is 19. Yokata, T., Minamizaki, K., Hori, S., Shimomura, T., and
common to their production systems. In these situations, ag- Miyazaki, M., “A Study of Accuracy Control In Hull Con-
gregate production planning techniques should be utilized struction Work,” Japanese Society of Naval Architecture,14,
to determine optimal levels and types of capacity and in- pp. 242, 1996
ventory to minimize overall production cost. There is much 20. Levingston Shipyard and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy In-
Chapter 25: The Shipbuilding Process 25-19

dustries (IHI), “Accuracy Control Planning for Hull Con- ing Construction Tolerances,” Journal of Ship Production,
struction,” U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Ad- 3(3), August 1987
ministration, 1980 30. Spicknall, M. and Kumar, R., “Evaluation of Software Tools
21. Storch, R., “Accuracy Control Variation Merging Equations: Used to Analyze the Impact of Dimensional Variation on
A Case Study of Their Application in U.S. Shipyards,” Na- Complex Assembled Products and to Optimize Tolerances
tional Shipbuilding Research Program, Ship Production Sym- During Product Design,” Journal of Ship Production, 15(3),
posium Proceedings, 1984 August 1999
22. Storch, R. and Gribskov, J., “Accuracy Control in U.S. Ship- 31. Spicknall, M. and Kumar, R., “A Dimensional Engineering
yards,” Journal of Ship Production, Vol. 1 No.1, February 1985 Process for Shipbuilding,” Journal of Ship Production, 18(2),
23. Storch, R. and Giesy, P., “The Use of Computer Simulation May 2002
of Merged Variation to Predict Rework Levels on Ship’s Hull 32. Liker, J.K., and T. Lamb, A Guide to Lean Shipbuilding, Na-
Blocks,” Journal of Ship Production, 4(3), August 1988 tional Shipbuilding Research Program and National Steel
24. Storch R., Anutarasoti, S. and Sukapanpotharam, S., “Im- and Shipbuilding Company, 2000
plementation of Variation Merging Equations for Production 33. Womack, J., Jones, D., Roos, D., The Machine That Changed
Data Collection in Accuracy Control: A Case Study,” Jour- The World, The Story of Lean Production, HarperCollins
nal of Ship Production, Vol. 15 No.1, February 1999 Publishers, 1990
25. Storch, R. and Sukapanpotharam, S., “Piping Assembly Vital 34. Ichinose,Y., “Improving Shipyard Production with Standard
Point Determination Using Variation Merging Equations,” Components and Modules,” SNAME STAR Symposium,
Journal of Ship Production, 15(2), May 1999 April 1978
26. Chirillo, L. and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (IHI), 35. Jaquith, P.E.; Burns, R. M.; Duneclift, L.A.; Gaskari, M.;
“Process Analysis Via Accuracy Control,” Revised, National Green, T.; Silveira, J. L.; Walsh, A., A Parametric Approach
Shipbuilding Research Program, 1985 to Machinery Unitization In Shipbuilding, SNAME Ship Pro-
27. Hunt, E., “A Monte Carlo Appraoch to One-Dimensional duction Symposium, 1997
Variation Merging for Shipbuilding Accuracy Control,” Jour- 36. Narasimhan, S., McLeavey, D. and Billington, P., Production
nal of Ship Production, 3(1), February 1987 Planning and Inventory Control, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall,
28. Upham, T. and Crawford, W. M., “Decentralization—The 1995
Management Key to Effective Accuracy Control,” Journal of 37. Chase, R., Aquilano, N. and Jacobs, F. R., Production and
Ship Production, 3(2), May 1987 Operations Management—Manufacturing and Services, 8th
29. Butler, J. and Warren, T., “The Establishment of Shipbuild- edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1998
Chapter 26
Shipyard Layout and Equipment

Thomas Lamb

26.1 INTRODUCTION yard layouts also had to suit the natural environments in
which they were placed.
It is obvious that the ship designer should know and ap- Most shipyards are located on riverbanks or the shores
preciate the capabilities and constraints of a shipyard in of bays, protected from the open sea. The method of mov-
order to ensure that the best design is prepared for that ship- ing the ship from land to the water depended on tide and
yard. It is wrong to assume that the same design can be built shipyard configuration.
with the same productivity, in a number of different ship- Drydocks (Graving Docks) were used for building ships
yards, unless the shipyard facilities and building practices as early as the 16th century in Venice and for the building
are identical. of the Royal Navy’s large ships of the line in the 18th cen-
It is, therefore, necessary for ship designers to have an tury. Side launching of ships (Figure 26.1) goes back to an-
appreciation of shipbuilding facilities and the equipment tiquity with two famous side launched ships being Cleopa-
utilized by them. There is a wide range of shipyard layouts tra’s Barge and Brunell’s Great Eastern. Nearer home, most
and they can influence the design and the efficiency with of the Gulf Coast and Great Lakes shipyards use the side
which it is built. launch method.
The shipbuilding practices also vary, but there is a basic Many of the Great Lakes large bulk carriers were side
process used by all of them, but to varying degrees, which launched, though in the last 20 years they have almost all
is discussed in Chapter 25. Like wise there is equipment that been built in a drydock.
will be found in most shipyards, but again its use can vary. End launching (Figure 26.2) is equally old and until the
The purpose of this chapter is to describe some of them modern development of drydocks for shipbuilding, which
so that the reader can identify and better appreciate the im- started in the 1960s, was the most common methods used
pact of the shipyard layout and equipment of their shipyard by the world’s shipbuilders. Launching by floating dock
on their designs. and ship elevators is a relatively recent (since 1960s) de-
Additional information on shipyard layout can be found velopment.
in Ship Production (1) also published by SNAME. The natural land topography found along riverbanks in-
fluenced the shipyard layout. Figure 26.3 shows the basic
layouts based on shape and material flow within the ship-
yard. Some shipyards were developed where there was re-
stricted water frontage but lots of depth, such as shown in
Shipbuilding practices and the layout of the shipyards have Figure 26.3a. This naturally led to a straight-line flow of ma-
developed over a long period of time as both the ships being terials, thus this layout is called deep, narrow or straight-
built and the production technology have changed. The ship- line flow type.

Figure 26.1 Side Launch Figure 26.2 Traditional End Launch

Fitting Out Quay


Steel Outfitting Shop

Stockyard Berth A
Processing Steel Fabrication and
Assembly Shops

Berth B

Berth C

Machine Shop
Outfitting Shop

Fitting Out Quay

Fitting Out Quay Fitting Out Quay


Outfittin Steel






Processing Steel

Machine Fabrication and

Shop Assembly Shops

Figure 26.3 Basic Shipyard Layouts. (a) Deep, Narrow or Straight Line Flow Arrangement, and (b) Lateral, Wide or Turning Flow Arrangement
Chapter 26: Shipyard Layout And Equipment 26-3

Figure 26.4 Avondale Shipyard, New Orleans

Where there were steep hills or rocky cliffs, shipyards galls Shipbuilding in the U.S. These shipyards tended to se-
were sFqueezed onto the banks or shore and stretched along lect their sites without natural constraints, so that the best
them to provide the needed land area, as shown in Figure shape and layout could be used.
26.3b. It also developed as some shipyards grew to multi- The new shipyards were developed to best suit the
ple berths, sometimes as many as 4 to 8. This layout is called planned product range and building process and a preferred
by various names, such as wide, lateral and turning flow layout was developed. This was based on straight continu-
(for obvious reasons). It is easy to see that material flow was ous flow of material and the two classic cases are the B&W
not ideal, especially as shipbuilding adopted large block shipyard in Copenhagen (2) (Figure 26.5) and the Arendal
construction. Many of the U.S. World War II shipyards were Shipyard in Sweden (Figure 26.6). These new shipyards
of this type with over 20 slipways. A current example of generally adopted drydocks in which to build their ships as
this type is the Avondale shipyard in New Orleans, as shown shown in Figure 26.7. In some cases the building docks
in Figure 26.4, which has the additional problem of having were deliberately longer than needed to build one ship, so
to transport the structural blocks up to and over the Mis- that tandem building could be performed where a whole
sissippi River levee. Also Avondale used both the side ship and a partial ship could be built in the same dock. In
launching and floating drydock methods of launching. They this case a movable intermediate dock gate, as shown in
now only use the floating drydock approach. Figure 26.8, was provided to enable the launching of the
Where the river was not wide the building berths/launch- complete ship without disturbing the partial ship until it was
ways were set at an angle to the river in order to build and ready to be moved.
launch as large a ship as possible. Where the river was even In some cases the tandem method was used, but with-
narrower, shipyards used side launching. out an intermediate dock gate and the incomplete ship was
Over time other industries, and housing developed sufficient for it to float and be moved into the final build-
around these shipyards and as ships increased in size, the ing position when the completed ship was launched from
shipyards were constrained by their surroundings. How- the drydock. Another variation of this is the notches at the
ever, many shipbuilders found it necessary to develop en- end of the dock where the sterns are built and moved side-
tirely new shipbuilding facilities in the 1960s, including ways into the building dock when a completed ship is
Mitsubishi and many others in Japan, Gothenburg Ship- launched.
building in Sweden, Odense Steel Shipyard in Denmark, In- There are some modernized shipyards that still build
Figure 26.6 Arendal Shipyard, Sweden

Figure 26.5 B&W Shipyard, Copenhagen, Denmark

Figure 26.7 A Building Dock

Figure 26.8 Movable Dock Gate

Chapter 26: Shipyard Layout And Equipment 26-5

their ships on inclined building berths (Figures 26.9) and as shown in Figure 26.14, but uses a floating dock for launch-
traditionally end launch them as shown in Figure 26.2. The ing whereas most of the other examples used graving docks.
B&W shipyard used part of its existing shipyard for the It is unique in its shipbuilding approach having process lines
steel preparation and fabrication and was not a true straight- for the different portions of a ship, as shown in Figure 26.15,
line flow. However the Arendal shipyard was designed from where the flow of the ship portions can be clearly seen as
the start as a continuous straight-line flow layout, as shown they move from right to left.
in Figure 26.10. It also utilized the ship extrusion approach. In the mid-1970s the original ship factory was devel-
It is sad to say that both shipyards are closed. oped by Appledore in Devon, England and was later used
Most other shipyards are variations of this type trying to modernize two other larger shipyards in the same ship-
to seek a happy medium of shape to suit their location. Many building family in Sunderland, in the North East of Eng-
Japanese shipyards are almost square as shown in Figures land (3). The layout of the ship factories is shown in Figures
26.11 and 26.12. In addition the Japanese shipyard layout 26.16 and 26.17.
is either a T or a U layout (Figure 26.13). The compactness as well as the covered building dock
Ingalls’s shipyard in Pascagoula is also square in shape were hallmarks of this type.
While Korea has continued to build new shipyards as well
as expand the facilities of existing shipyards, the only other
new shipyards are being built in China. Germany has com-
pletely renovated some of the existing East German ship-
yards (Figure 26.17 and 18) while many West German
shipyards have closed down.
All existing shipyards have undertaken significant reor-
ganization in order to stay in the highly competitive inter-
national shipbuilding market, which is driven by low prices
due to over capacity. That is, there are too many shipbuilders
chasing too few ship orders.
Other non-equipment improvements that parallel the
equipment improvements are weld through primer, imme-
diate repair of process damaged primer by process worker
and elimination of need to re-blast block before final block
Figure 26.9 An Inclined Building Berth The new and remodeled shipyards concentrate on in-

Figure 26.10 Arendal Straight-line Production Flow

26-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

stalling new equipment that helps them improve in four

areas of shipbuilding, namely,
1. structural fabrication and assembly (steel shops),
2. pipe fabrication (pipe shop),
3. advanced outfitting (package unit shop), and
4. building berth.
The improvements in steel shops include:
• laser cutting and marking
• both wet and dry plasma cutting and marking of plate
• automatic cartridge stowage systems for structural pro-
• robot profile line,
• one sided welding,
• laser welding,
• panel cutting (perimeter) and marking,

Fitting Out Quay

Building Dock
Steel Fabrication and
Outfitting Shop

Machine Shop

Assembly Shops

Fitting Out Quay

Figure 26.11 Square-shaped Japanese Shipyard with T Layout (Oppama)

Building Dock

Outfitting Shop

Machine Shop

Steel Fabrication and

Assembly Shops

Figure 26.12 Almost Square-shaped Japanese Shipyard again with T Layout

(Mitsubishi) Figure 26.13 T and U Flow Shipyard Layouts
Figure 26.14 Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Systems (Ingalls) Shipyard (Pascagoula)

Figure 26.15 Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Systems (Ingalls) Shipbuilding Ship Construction Flow
26-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 1

Figure 26.16 Layout of the Pallion Ship Factory

• large and small panel lines with robot stiffener welding,

robot welding for web frames,
• pin jigs on movable platform to provide limited panel
line flow to curved block construction, and
• grand block construction.

The enclosing of the building berth, slipway or dock, as

shown in Figures 26.9, 26.18 and 26.19, is the most recent
trend, mostly in countries affected by significant bad
weather, such as Northern Europe.
Figures 26.20 and 26.21 show typical current steel shop
Figure 26.17 The Second Ship Factory (Austin & Pickersgill Pallion Shipyard)
layout and processing lines.
There has been a general trend to move as much work as
possible into the steel shops and minimizing time on the build-
ing berth. This requires larger covered areas for structural and
advanced outfitting work. Another trend in European shipyards
is the compact shipyard where all the shops are connected to-
gether with minimum buffer space as shown in Figure 26.22,
which is the remodeled MTW shipyard in Wismar, Germany.
In some ways this is similar to the Ship Factory concept
developed by Appledore (Figure 26.16), and even the steel
shop arrangement at Odense Steel Shipyard shown in Fig-
ure 26.23, even though, in this case, the building dock is
not adjacent to the shops.
Figure 26.18 MTW Compact Shipyard in Wismar, Germany Recent new Korean shipyards still follow the expansive
Chapter 26: Shipyard Layout And Equipment 26-9

Figure 26.19 A. P. Moller Volkswerft Stralsund Shipyard, Germany

layout where there are great spaces between the fabrication

shop, the assembly shop, the paint halls, and the building
berth as shown in Figure 26.24, which is the Samho heavy
Industries shipyard. The paint sheds along the upper bound-
ary are far removed from the steel shops and the building
berth, requiring extensive travel by transporters.
An older Korean shipyard is Samsung shown in Figure
26.25. Actually it is two shipyards. The original shipyard
with two building docks and one repair dock is located at
the upper middle of the photograph.
The newer (1997) part can be seen at the lower part of
the photograph with only one very large building dock and
separate new steel processing facilities.
Figure 26.20 Typical Steel Shop (Panel Line)
Recent Japanese shipyard developments are the use of
dedicated process lines for double bottom/side blocks and
the automatic curved plate shaping machines.
Some shipyard pipe shops are totally automated, al- high volume pipe fabrication. Figure 26.26 is a photograph
though most shipyards seem to keep some manual work, to of a typical pipe shop and Figure 26.27 shows the layout of
take care of large, unique or difficult pipe pieces. Robot a shipyard automated pipe shop.
pipe cutting, flanging, pultrusioning and bending are all re- Advanced outfitting (See Chapter 25 – The Shipbuild-
quired to achieve competitive productivity in moderate to ing Process) is being used by most shipyards although there
Figure 26.24 Samho Heavy Industries Shipyard in Korea Showing the Large
Size and Space between Shops, Paint Halls and Building Dock

Figure 26.21 Flat Panel Line

Figure 26.25 Samsung Shipyard, Korea

Figure 26.22 MTW Compact Shipyard Layout

Figure 26.26 Typical Shipyard Pipe Shop

Figure 26.23 Odense Steel Shipyard Steel Shops

Next Page

Chapter 26: Shipyard Layout And Equipment 26-11

are a few that do not utilize it. Such shipyards usually uti- side the building hall. Second, when the building berth is
lize significant turnkey subcontracting (for all pipe, insula- remote from the shops, the approach is to build grand blocks
tion, electrical, HVAC and coatings). It is easier to manage (Figure 26.30) from 700 to 1000 tonnes for crane lift and
these sub-contractors if the ship is completed to a certain up to 3000 tonnes when positioned on the building berth by
stage before the turnkey subcontractor starts his work rather transporters (Figure 26.31) and/or elevators (Figure 26.32).
than trying to integrate them with the shipyards workforce These grand blocks are formed from smaller blocks of up
and planning to accomplish advanced outfitting. to 200 tonnes.
When advanced outfitting is utilized the trend is for larger When the second approach is utilized, it must be decided
and more complete machinery packaged units, often many whether to advance outfit the smaller blocks or wait until
levels high, such as the approach developed by Thyssen (4) the grand block is constructed, the former being preferred.
Shipyard in Germany and NASSCO in the U.S. (5), such Finally, most successful shipyards recognize that both
as shown in Figures 26.28 and 26.29, respectively. steel and ship throughput are important criteria. Although
There appears to be two trends in block sizes. First, where there are many small shipyards that are successful in their
the building berth is integrated into the main buildings, the product range, to attain the highest productivity, a shipyard
approach is to build blocks up to 250 tons. requires a minimum throughput of steel, such as 60 000
However, some of the renovated East German compact tonnes and a minimum number of ships per year, such as 4.
shipyards have crane capacity to lift up to 800 tonnes in- The key is that the shipyard facilities must be matched

Figure 26.27 Automated Pipe Shop Layout

Figure 26.28 Thyssen Machinery Space Unit Figure 26.29 NASSCO Machinery Space Unit
Figure 27.1 Multipurpose Philosophy in Advanced Shortsea Shipping – Artist’s Impression of a Design Proposal for Indonesian Inter-Island Cargo Shipping (With
containers, trucks, horses and cattle on deck)
Chapter 27
Multipurpose Cargo Ships

Horst Linde

27.1 DESCRIPTION the specialization in ship and cargo typology, resulting in

liquid and dry bulk on the one hand, and unitization or
27.1.1 Mission
standardization of nonbulk cargoes on the other hand, the
Early phases of modern marine cargo shipping, that is, latter making use, for example, of container technology
until late cargo-carrying sailing ships and the beginning of and horizontal handling of wheeled cargo. Nevertheless,
engine-driven vessels in the late 19th and early 20th cen- world marine dry cargo shipping today obviously still
tury, had to live with widely non-homogeneous types of needs a multipurpose ship flexible solution, available for
cargo, since there was no technological basis for any spe- many dry-cargo types. However, still taking into account
cialization, as far as types and/or physical-technical shape consideration of modern developments, such as palletiza-
of cargoes were concerned. An early development into spe- tion, containers, dry bulk and neobulk (larger, homoge-
cialization started with crude oil (the first tank steamship neous quantities of dry cargoes of lower to medium value,
Glückauf built in 1886 in England). In the wide field of dry usually shiploads, not appearing as dry bulk in the classic
cargoes, it appeared quite logical that an early type of an sense). In many trading regions, typical shipping quantities
ocean-going, cargo-carrying ship could only be a multi- do not justify operation of specialized ships, for example
purpose cargo ship, in the desire to be able to carry all dry bulk carriers, container or full RO-RO ships. This situ-
types and shapes of available cargoes. ation occurs in contract shipping, a shipping pattern or-
Figure 27.1 shows a concept for a modern multipurpose
cargo ship and Figure 27.2 shows an early version. Car-
goes appeared in the traditional stowage category of break
bulk, representing a wide, non-homogeneous range of
sizes, forms, handling and stowage characteristics, not yet
showing any modern tendency toward unitization. Dry
bulk shipping, in the sense of homogeneous, loose, un-
packed stowage of dry bulk goods, such as coal and grain
(analogous to liquid bulk shipping in afore-mentioned
tankers) was already practiced in multipurpose holds, even
in sailing ships. However, there were some safety prob-
lems, caused by shifting cargoes (for example, the famous
loss of the German sailing ship Pamir in 1957).
Since then many factors, including increasing cargo
quantities and need for rationalization of transport, drove Figure 27.2 Early Multipurpose Cargo Ship (German Steamer built in 1917)

27-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

ganized by various forms of chartering contracts, and also

in liner shipping, where it is not yet fully transferred to
container or RO-RO technology. Until the late 1960s and
early 1970s, world liner shipping actually was still domi-
nated by this classic type of ship (Figure 27.3).
In contract shipping, available cargoes for multipur-
pose cargo ships are mostly dry bulk and neobulk com-
modities, for example, grain and grain products, all minor
bulk cargo, steel/metal raw and semifinished products,
metal scrap, all forest products (Figure 27.4).
In liner shipping, there are various higher-value indus-
trial, agricultural and other finished and semifinished prod-
ucts, appearing as traditional break-bulk, or in palletized or
other unitized forms (Figure 27.5), also shares of dry bulk,

Figure 27.5 Typical Liner Shipping Cargoes (Traditional breakbulk pallets,

other unit loads)

Figure 27.3 Classic Multipurpose Liner Ship (Germany, 1971) neobulk, and perhaps even special liquid bulk commodi-
ties, which require a versatile transport solution.
The result is a multipurpose cargo ship (or a RO-RO
ship for horizontal cargo handling might be an alternative,
particularly in shortsea shipping); even so, in the case
where containers do not yet dominate, it is important to re-
alize that there is actually no liner trade which today does
not contain considerable quantities of containerized cargo.
Therefore, a modern multipurpose cargo ship has to offer
a reasonable container capability as an important part of its
flexible stowage concept (Figure 27.6). This includes, for
example, reefer containers (with integrated refrigeration
unit) and tank containers, having replaced conventional
reefer holds and liquid cargo tanks, as often provided on-
board subject ships in the past. Heavy lift and large volume
cargoes are also often available for carriage on these ships,
if not taken by highly specialized heavy lift ships (see
Chapter 51 – Heavy Lift Ships).
In contract shipping, loading conditions are mostly
characterized by homogeneous shipments of cargo tending
into bulk categories. In liner shipping, more non-homoge-
Figure 27.4 Stowage of Neobulk Cargo (Reels of newsprint) neous, widely varying loading conditions are more typical.
Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-3

Figure 27.6 Multipurpose Cargo Ship with Extensive Deck Stowage of Containers

It is interesting to note that the multipurpose cargo ship smaller to medium-size units of this type are operated in
is actually the only type of merchant ship operated in both the short sea trades in Germany and South East Asia (the
organizational modes of marine transport, contract and traditional coaster or Kümo, the German Küsten-Motor-
liner shipping, and so far is still proving its exceptional op- schiff). In other words, an important part of this type is in
erating flexibility. shortsea shipping, much more so than in other types, even
The overall importance of contract employment today with the considerable fleets of coastal tankers, shortsea
seems to be gradually higher and still stable, whereas the RO-ROs and container feeder ships.
role of liner shipping, at least in deepsea liner shipping, is In 2002 the world fleet of multipurpose cargo ships,
decreasing, as the replacement by full container ships is larger than 300 gross tons, based on information prepared
continuing. by Lloyds Register of Shipping (1) and the Institute of
Geographically speaking, multipurpose cargo ships, in Maritime Economics and Logistics Bremen (2), including
contract shipping, are operated worldwide. Liner shipping multideck and single deck ships, (as long as the latter are
operation is concentrated in so-called north-south and not counted as dry bulk carriers), was about 14 100 ships
south-south trades. That is, liner shipping runs between in- of 78.5 million tonne DWT, or 37.2% in number and
dustrialized regions of Europe, North America and East 10.9% in DWT of the overall world merchant fleet. The av-
Asia on the one side, and less developed countries in Latin erage size was about 5600 tonne DWT. Speaking in num-
America, Africa, Asia on the other side, or between the lat- bers, this was by far the largest type fleet (tankers 24%, dry
ter. Today, ships of this type are hardly any longer found in bulk carriers 15%), and in terms of deadweight, tankers are
eastern-western liner trades between highly developed and ranking 42%, dry bulk carriers 34%, container ships 7%,
industrialized countries. and reefer ships at not more than 1%. The fleet is still
As far as sailing distances are concerned, it is signifi- growing at about 7% per annum as an average of the years
cant to realize that the multipurpose cargo ship is a vehicle 1993 to 1997 (based on deadweight). In comparison,
for deepsea as well as for shortsea shipping (the latter cat- tankers are growing by about 2%, dry bulk carriers 5%,
egory describes shipping at shorter distances in coastal and container ships 11%.
areas; typical distances in Europe between 100 and 3000 Figures like this indicate the present state and the
nautical miles, with no clear separation between contract medium-term development of the relative importance of
and liner shipping in this area). A very large number of the multipurpose cargo ship. The relevance of shortsea
27-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

shipping can be further emphasized by the fact that Ger- • heavy lift, large-volume cargoes, and
man shipowners, who are the world’s largest specific • wheeled cargo units, optionally in partial stowage
shipowning group, are managing a fleet of about 800 ships areas.
of 2.3 million tonne DWT, indicating that most of their
The design characteristics of multipurpose ships, dis-
ships are of less than 3000 tonne DWT in average.
cussed in the following text, can be considered major per-
formance factors of the multipurpose concept.
27.1.2 Unique Features and Capabilities Size/capacity
First of all, it is advisable to differentiate the multipurpose Deadweight capacities range 100 tonne DWT up to about
cargo ship from the following other more specialized dry- 30 000 tonne DWT, and, in a very small number of excep-
cargo types: tional cases, up to more than 40 000 tonne DWT. The dom-
• Dry bulk carrier (no tweendeck(s), widely homoge- inating group is from 15 000 to 20 000 tonne DWT. Groups
neous cargo hold utilization, larger typical sizes, lower of 12 500 to 15 000 tonne DWT and 25 000 to 30 000 tonne
typical speeds, mostly with no onboard cargo gear). DWT also represent high shares. Deadweight shares of
• Full container ship (fixed cell-guide structure for con- other groups are obviously smaller. However, the numbers
tainer stowage, mostly with no onboard cargo gear). of ships within groups of 10 000 to 12 500 tonne DWT,
• RO-RO ship (horizontal cargo handling and stowage as 7500 to 10 000 tonne DWT, 5000 to 7500 tonne DWT, 2500
dominating loading method; partial RO-RO capability to 5000 tonne DWT, and even less than 2500 DWT are sig-
is a possible option for multipurpose cargo ships). nificant. Ships beyond 20 000 tonne DWT are mostly oper-
• Reefer ship (fully refrigerated cargo capacity of con- ated in deepsea contract shipping. Deepsea liner shipping,
ventional type. That is, no reefer containers or reefer still using this type, mostly prefers medium sizes, between
containers additionally on deck; partial reefer capacity 10 000 and 20 000 tonne DWT.
is a traditional option for multipurpose cargo ships in Smaller ships are mostly found in shortsea shipping,
liner operation). many of them below 5000 tonne DWT, but there is also a
• Heavy-lift ship (highly specialized type, mostly of trend of introducing larger ships in this area, for example,
smaller size, for heavy-lift/large-size project cargoes, in Europe, up to 10 000 tonne DWT or even 15 000 tonne
large vehicles or machines, industrial plants, based on DWT (Figure 27.7).
vertical and/or horizontal handling; see Chapter 49 –
Heavy Lift Ships). Stowage factor
Since many of the relevant cargoes have comparatively
This typological differentiation only becomes unclear high stowage coefficients, that is require high cargo hold
in case of some smaller ships, for example small bulk car- volume, the ratio of volume to deadweight is generally
riers and small container ships without cell guides. With high in comparison to dry bulk carriers or tankers, and is a
these exceptions, the multipurpose cargo ship is not a dry
bulk carrier, a full container ship, a RO-RO ship, a reefer
ship, or a heavy-lift ship, even if parts of its capability are
overlapping to some degree with those types, and so dif-
ferentiation is not always fully clear. The unique feature, or
the overriding principle of the multipurpose cargo ship, is
simply its high level of transport flexibility and versatility,
including its own cargo handling gear in deep sea ships.
The multipurpose cargo hold and cargo handling con-
cept is able to be used for a wide variety of types and phys-
ical shapes of dry cargo, summarized as follows:
• dry bulk commodities,
• neobulk commodities,
• nonbulk dry cargoes in break-bulk shape,
• nonbulk dry cargoes in unit load shape,
• ISO containers (all sizes, standard/special types, for ex- Figure 27.7 Medium-Size Short Sea Multipurpose Cargo Ship (Carrying vari-
ample, including reefer containers), ous shapes of cargo on deck)
Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-5

significant feature of multipurpose cargo ships. High stan- lar, is limited loading capacity by vertical stacking, in case
dard liner operation ships are designed with stowage fac- of many break-bulk or unit loads.
tors in the range of 1.7 to 2.1 m3/t (based on grain Separation in vertical direction leads to an arrangement
stowage). Others, in contract shipping, are between 1.3 and of at least one tweendeck, separating a lower hold of
1.7 m3/t, some even lower at 1.1 to 1.3 m3/t. Since con- comparatively high net loading depth (for example, in the
tainers are often of higher importance, and usually carried order of 3 to 6 m depending on ships’ size and overall
on deck, deck stowage container capacities actually have depth) from a tweendeck (or more than one) of compara-
to be included, and are considerably effective in increasing tively small net loading depth, for example, about 2.5 to
stowage capacities and factors. This has quite often re- 3.5 m. Smaller (shortsea) ships with a molded depth of
sulted in design conceptions of low underdeck hold capac- about 6 m, do not have a tweendeck. On the other hand,
ity (stowage factors in the above-minimum range and even past large ships of this type, especially if intended for liner
below), with minimum freeboard, which can have some services, had more than one, perhaps even three, tween-
unfavorable consequences for transverse (heeling) stabil- decks. This arrangement has almost disappeared today, be-
ity and deck cargo safety. cause of high investment, and since separation require-
ments gradually decreased, due to the increasing use of Speed containers and other larger units. Tweendecks can be rep-
Typical speeds of multipurpose cargo ships, defined under resented by fixed steel structures, or can be formed by re-
certain given conditions, for example trial conditions and movable hatch covers.
at full or partial load, depend on the wide range of size and Separation in longitudinal direction means subdivision
operating conditions of this type. If defined under trial con- into a number of cargo holds. Cargo hold separation often
ditions, sustained service speeds, as needed under liner is a compromise between a high cargo diversification, a
conditions, will be lower, depending on the selected power reasonable single hold capacity, the absolute dimensions
reserve. of larger cargo units, such as containers, heavy-lift and
Medium to larger ships for contract operation have a large-volume cargo, watertight subdivision, and invest-
speed range of 14 to 16 knots, which has not changed much ment costs. In the past, large ships, especially those in liner
during recent decades. Since liner shipping basically re- service, had high numbers of holds (five to seven). Today,
quires higher service speeds, traditional multipurpose medium to larger ships show a tendency toward moderate
cargo ships, when they still dominated the world deepsea to smaller numbers of holds, often three to five, depending
liner shipping, that is, in the 1950s and 1960s, were de- also on engine room location. In case of many medium to
signed at comparatively high speed ranges of 17 to 20 smaller (mostly shortsea) ships, the desire for cargo sepa-
knots, and even increasing up to 27 knots. This has in recent ration has been decreasing, for example because of in-
years completely changed, for various reasons (fuel costs, creasing importance of neobulk and containers, and the
replacement by full container ships). Medium to larger dominant desire for minimum building cost. This has lead
ships in the liner services have moderate speeds, but still to comparatively long, unsubdivided holds (one to two),
higher than those for contract operation, mostly in the range leading to a problem with safety after damage and respec-
of 16 to 18 knots. Smaller ships for shortsea operation nat- tive regulations (discussed in Subsection
urally are running slower, often at speed ranges of 12 to 15 The other fundamental condition for advanced cargo
knots, but sometimes even as low as 10 to 12 knots. hold design is rationalization of cargo handling and
stowage (that means best possible vertical accessibility of Cargo hold arrangement cargo holds by hatch openings). The principle of vertical
The design of the multipurpose cargo ship cargo hold area, main cargo flow is a basic feature of the multipurpose
has to consider a wide range of cargo features and condi- cargo ship, even if partial implementation of horizontal
tions for handling, stowage, and treatment of cargoes. This cargo handling techniques has gained some importance, as
can only be the best possible compromise between partly discussed in the following text. There can be no doubt that
competing and contradictory requirements. A design fac- the practice of spot loading, that is, of placing a cargo unit
tor of basic importance is the high level of cargo separa- right at the final stowing location, should be followed as far
tion, that is, separation of limited quantities of different as possible (Figure 27.8), and that secondary horizontal
cargo types, port-to-port requirements, physical shape, cargo flows in tweendecks and lower holds should be min-
and, perhaps incompatible characteristics and interrela- imized, even if it is mechanized to some degree by using
tions between cargoes. A further important reason for forklifts, etc. There are situations where this is basically
cargo hold separation, in the vertical direction in particu- impossible; for example, in case of containers or other
27-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 27.9 Open Twin Hatch Arrangement of a Large Multipurpose Liner

Figure 27.8 Cargo Spotting (Enabled by open hold arrangement and large Ship
hatch dimensions)

deck cargo, fast, flexible opening and closing by safe, reli-

larger units. This has created the principle of the open ship, able, and uncomplicated mechanical means have become
that is, hatch openings of the largest possible length and increasingly important. Fortunately, advanced technology,
width, and also suitable for containers. Open hold arrange- mechanically operated hatch cover systems are available,
ments were first initiated in the late 1950s and early 1960s but a selection decision has to be made for a specific design
by U.S. shipowners, and greatly promoted by theoretical purpose.
investigations by Wendel in Germany (3). The principle of
the open ship certainly is one of the most important and far Container stowage
reaching innovations in this type. Ships based on a multipurpose concept, but designed for
Today, experience has confirmed that savings in cargo high container capability, can stow containers in under-
handling and stowage time and costs more than compen- deck holds without cell-guides. That is, they cannot make
sate for the considerable additional investment required for use of the advantages in handling, stowage and securing
open hold arrangement. The question should only be the provided by cell guides (partial arrangements of cell
extent and design of openness in each case, a matter de- guides were tested in the past in a number of cases, but
cided in the preliminary design process (Figure 27.9). seem to be incompatible with a multipurpose cargo ship
A decision of significance is whether to subdivide wide philosophy). In order to avoid extensive single securing
hatch openings in athwartships direction into multiple and lashing provisions, containers have to be stowed more
hatches, or to provide an undivided single hatch. or less in homogenous blocks with corner fittings, with
From a point of view of construction and investment for block lashing and securing against ships’ motions (Figure
covers and moving devices, the latter option is preferable. 27.10).
It is the wide range of non-homogeneity of liner cargoes Efficiency and flexibility of underdeck container
(smaller partial quantities, high numbers of port/port rela- stowage (handling time, danger of damage, variability of
tions), which dictates a high level of flexibility of cargo container sizes, flexibility of disposition) are usually lower
disposition, and therefore, not too large single hatch sizes. than those of full cellular container ships. However, this
Consequently, ships with higher preference for liner oper- appears to be an acceptable compromise in order to carry
ation mostly show a twin hatch arrangement, whereas considerable, but not exclusive quantities of containers.
ships for contract operation mostly are tending to single
hatch arrangements. Cargo handling facilities
In this connection, the question of closing hatch open- Requirements for cargo handling influence the cargo hold
ings by hatch cover systems is also of high relevance for design, and they also, of course, are a basis for provision of
cargo handling and stowage efficiency. As hatch openings cargo handling facilities, in port and/or onboard. Gener-
are becoming larger and larger, requirements for safe wa- ally, port cargo handling systems can develop the highest
tertight closing, high carrying capacity hatch covers for performance and efficiency and best time utilization. On-
Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-7

The level of performance, efficiency and flexibility of

today’s onboard cargo gear is basically very high. The time
of just providing cheap, simple systems for low demand
are gone. Considering the state of the art, a wide range of
advanced technology cargo handling systems for onboard
arrangement is available. Systems are basically designed
for operating flexibility, that is, for a wide range of cargo,
or are designed for specific trade requirements (extreme
specialization, for example, in case of heavy-lift cargo
gear). The container (fully loaded 40-foot units, plus lift-
ing spreader necessary for mechanized container handling)
is normally the basis for defining maximum lifting capac-
ities. Advanced crane systems, in single or twin arrange-
ment, mostly at fixed positions (Figures 27.6, 27.9, 27.12),
but sometimes travelling in longitudinal direction, are
Figure 27.10 Underdeck Block Stowage of Containers (No cell-guides, most popular, and have completely replaced traditional
portable lashing) derrick systems, with the exception of heavy-lift derricks,
which are available with lifting capacities up to some hun-
dreds of tons, and are still the most competitive solution
board arrangements should only be taken into considera- for advanced heavy-lift handling (Figure 27.11).
tion if there is a particular need in the owner’s require- Fixed slewing cranes are traditionally located at the
ments. In the case of the multipurpose cargo ship, many of ship’s centerline. This gives symmetrical cargo handling
the cargoes carried have a high level of handling require- characteristics in both athwartships directions. Considering
ments and need extensive handling provisions, in order to correlation between crane and possible cargo landing spots,
keep handling times and costs within reasonable limits. this location leads to high amounts of rotating load motions,
The most extreme situation is given with traditional instead of straight translatory ones, resulting in longer, in-
non-homogeneous break-bulk configurations, but also direct horizontal load motions in comparison to shortest
many forms of potential unitized cargo still require exten- possible ones. So the traditional centerline location is not
sive handling equipment. This is the one reason why mul- necessarily the optimum arrangement. A few years ago, the
tipurpose cargo ships have to be provided with onboard idea was proposed to locate slewing cranes non-symmetri-
cargo gear, regardless of available port facilities. Parallel cally, at the outside edge of the deck, mostly on the port
operation of onboard and port cargo handling gear is often side, and usually directly connected to a longitudinal side
used, even in modern, well-equipped ports.
It should also be remembered that many ports in the
world are not highly developed, or are not called at fre-
quently enough to justify port cargo handling facilities. So,
ships with onboard cargo handling gear of sufficiently high
performance and operating flexibility with regard to cargo
types, size, and shape, are the most suitable for such trade.
Therefore, the provision of onboard cargo gear, designed
for vertical cargo handling, and covering 100% of a given
cargo hold area, is a further multipurpose cargo ship-
specific feature.
This is true for all ships, regardless whether operated
under liner or contract conditions. The only exception is the
traditional coaster of very limited size, which to some de-
gree is sailing without onboard cargo handling provisions,
and calls at ports that are suitably equipped. However, even
here, the trend is for the increasing introduction of geared
ships, instead of non-geared ones, as confirmed by recent
studies in the field of European shortsea shipping. Figure 27.11 Heavy Lift Derrick
27-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

box girder. This offers a lot of freedom of hatch arrange- this type have frequently been installed as longitudinally
ment, such as very long unsubdivided hatch openings, and travelling cranes onboard container ships, and could per-
of correlation of cranes to cargo stowage areas on the other haps be used for high-container capability multipurpose
hand. If the ship is berthed with the starboard side to the ships.
quay, load motions often can be transversal, instead of ro- A relatively small fleet of smaller size ships is designed
tating, as horizontal load motions are often the shortest. with a high priority for carrying specialized unit loads,
This arrangement should be applied for ships with beams such as paper reels, other units of paper products, and other
up to about 22 m, since maximum crane outreach should palletized cargoes. Handling of those strictly standardized
not be much higher than about 28 m (Figure 27.12).
Slewing cranes of standard design, regardless of their
lifting capacity, are carrying their load on one single cargo
runner (consisting of one or multiple ropes). That means
control of the cargo position around a vertical axis is not
possible. Mechanically operated load rotating devices will
not work in this case with heavier loads hanging at one sin-
gle lifting point. This does not offer highest container han-
dling efficiency, when specifically positioning containers
in an accurate longitudinal direction, and requires manual
assistance in container positioning. Cranes with twin cargo
runner arrangement, which gives a positive guidance to the
load around the vertical axle, are available, either in con-
nection with translatory gantry cranes, or even in case of
slewing cranes where a counter-rotating, automatically
synchronized twin-runner topspreader is fitted to the top of
the crane outrigger giving the load a constant turning
angle, and avoiding any uncontrolled rotation of the load Figure 27.13 Counter-Rotating Top-Spreader Fitted to the Jib of a Travelling
around the vertical axis (Figure 27.13). Slewing cranes of Slewing Crane

Figure 27.12 Side Arrangement of Cranes

Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-9

units can perhaps be rationalized by installation of fully ceutical products, etc.), in the shape of conventional units
mechanized handling systems, based on lifts or elevators, or containers, belong to the spectrum of products shipped
fitted to the side of the ship (accessed by side doors), ver- by the multipurpose cargo ship. Technical means for se-
tically connecting tweendeck(s) and lower hold, and lective high-grade cargo hold ventilation is available. Con-
loaded from the pier, or from the hold, by forklifts. Spe- tainers, to be ventilated by active (integrated mechanical
cialized ships of this type, which are still to be used for ventilators) or passive provisions (ventilating openings),
multipurpose operation, will need other cargo gear for ver- can be stowed in underdeck holds when high-level hold
tical handling of other available cargo, that cannot be han- ventilation is provided, or at selected deck positions.
dled by the highly specialized side-loading systems. A
small number of pure side-loading ships do exist, but Refrigerated cargoes
should not be characterized as true multipurpose ships in Traditional multipurpose liner ships in former times often
the classical sense. had partial reefer capabilities (holds, tweendecks, parts of
tweendecks). These compartments have been provided Partial RO-RO facilities with mechanical refrigeration designed to meet the re-
Wheeled cargo, that is self-rolling units (vehicles of any quirements of all available reefer cargo. Today reefer
kind), or units made rolling by mechanical means, for ex- cargo, if not carried in large bulk quantities by traditional
ample, by stowing on rolling flats (Figure 27.14), can full reefer ships, is preferably shipped in reefer containers.
occur within the cargo pattern of a trade where multipur- The type of the self-supplying reefer container fitted with
pose cargo ships are favorably occupied, and full RO-RO an integrated single refrigeration unit is the most used so-
ships cannot be justified). Arrangements have been devel- lution. The containers require provision of electric energy,
oped to make a tweendeck, and/or a weather deck of a ship, and can be carried on deck of multipurpose cargo ships
which are basically designed for vertical access, horizon- (with electric sockets distributed within the deck area).
tally accessible by provision of a stern ramp, elimination Underdeck stowage has only a limited capability, as long
of transverse bulkheads in the tweendeck area, and design- as reefer units are air-cooled, because of requirements for
ing the deck and hatch covers for carrying rolling loads. In heat removal and air exchange, which is the same situation
spite of additional investment needed, the overall perfor- with full container ships.
mance and flexibility of multipurpose ships can be im-
proved by options such as this. Liquid bulk cargo
Small to medium quantities of special liquid bulk com- Ventilated cargo modities of high value, for example, vegetable and animal
Cargoes with high ventilation requirements, either for oils and fats, were in the past often carried in integrated
cargo protection (agricultural products, food products, cargo tanks (deep tanks) of multipurpose cargo ships in the
livestock, etc.) or for safety reasons (chemicals, pharma- liner trades. Again in this case, the container technology
has offered the advantage of integrated transport chains by
tank containers (heated or cooled as necessary), and has
widely replaced traditional solutions. Dangerous cargo

Various kinds of dangerous cargo, according to the re-
spective IMO Code (4), represent important market shares
in marine transport, both in liner and contract shipping.
The multipurpose cargo ship is able to meet the specific re-
quirements for carrying dangerous cargo by additional
separation, ventilation and other protection. Containers
loaded with dangerous cargo, including liquid cargo, can
be stowed on deck, and offer additional transport options
in this respect. Grain cargo

Figure 27.14 Rolling Flats with Large Volume Cargo Units Handled at a The specific problem of carrying grain in bulk (reduced
Shortsea RO-RO Ship stability resulting from the grain-free surfaces and the dan-
27-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

ger of cargo shifting) is solved by portable provisions

(portable longitudinal grain bulkheads, and utilization of
tweendeck covers as grain bulkheads, portable grain feeder
cells in tweendecks, and the option of covering bulk
stowage by bagged cargo in accordance with the respective
rules of SOLAS (5)). However, the multipurpose cargo
ship, in general, cannot offer the same level of perfor-
mance as the higher specialized dry bulk carrier. It offers a
reasonable alternative for smaller to medium quantities of
grain and grain products. In specific cases, the provision of
a double side hull, a side box girder in way of the tween-
deck, and a fixed longitudinal bulkhead in way of lower
hold and/or tweendeck, thus limiting the possible breadths Figure 27.15 River/Coastal Multipurpose Ship (Rhine-Coaster)
of free grain surfaces, can enable the carriage of grain
without the need for portable subdivision.
Ships of that type are unusual today, due to mission and Inland waterways operation schedule incompatibility problems and lower cargo trans-
Extending the coastal shipping operation into larger inland port efficiency (Figure 27.16).
waterways, offers the chance for extending coastal trans-
port into the waterways, and eliminating one series of un- 27.1.3 General Arrangements
loading and loading cargo handling processes, thus saving
Previous sections have described, in outline, typical fea-
transport time and costs. In Europe, developments like that
tures and specific cargo transport capabilities of the multi-
have received considerable importance (rivers Rhine,
purpose cargo ship. These will be illustrated further in the
Seine, Rhone, Danube, Swedish and Finnish canal sys-
following by selected examples of pictures and general
tems, and large Russian waterways). A specific subtype of
arrangements of existing ships, covering liner and contract
the multipurpose cargo ship has been developed, and is
operation, deepsea and shortsea employment, covering
characterized by limited size, shallow draft (typically up to
most typical sizes, as shown in Figures 27.17 through 27.33.
about 6 m), and retractable bridge and or telescoping/
This selection only comprises a limited number of
folding mast to cater to the small fixed height above water
typical examples, and therefore cannot claim to be fully
(air draft). More than 200 of this type of ship are managed
representative in a statistical sense. Main characteristics
by German shipowners (deadweight range about 1000 to
of these and a number of other ships are presented in Sec-
4000 tonne). Considerable fleets also are found in the
tion 27.3.
Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Russia (the latter of
larger sizes due to huge Russian rivers and canals). These General arrangement summary
ships offer more or less the same multipurpose transport
Summarizing this review of existing older and newer or
performance, even if slowly reduced because of their
planned ships, representing both standard designs and
smaller size, compared with the classic deepsea or shortsea
larger newbuilding series, some development factors can
type (Figure 27.15).
be confirmed and identified more precisely: Passenger transport • large multipurpose cargo ships clearly intended for
Passenger transport by cargo ships, according to SOLAS deepsea liner operation still exist. However, there have
rules, is restricted to 12 passengers. The demand for pas- been no newbuilding activities in recent years, and they
senger travel on sea voyages onboard multipurpose cargo are slowly losing their global importance,
ships has become quite active again. So larger multipur- • shortsea shipping is still developing very actively. The
pose cargo ships, mostly operated in liner services often multipurpose cargo ship here still is the dominating
make use of this option to provide additional revenue, and type, and the trend is from traditionally small sizes to
are provided with accommodation for 12 persons. Cargo medium and moderately larger sizes, and to increasing
transport performance here is not reduced, in contrast to onboard high-performance cargo gear,
former combined cargo/passenger ships, with capacities of • in all fields of employment, transport of containers has
100–200 passengers and significantly larger accommoda- continued to increase in importance for multipurpose
tion volumes. cargo ships. Parts of the fleet are actually operated in
Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-11

Figure 27.16 Combined Cargo/Passenger Ship

Figure 27.17 Traditional Liner Ship (Early traditional post-war liner ship, built 1950 in Germany, about 4000 tonne DWT, 11 knots, 4 holds, engine room midships,
tweendeck, traditional hatch sizes and covers, and traditional derrick cargo gear)
27-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 27.18 SD 14 Standard Type (Earliest post-war standard type mostly for contract operation, traditional basic design, number of new buildings in 1960s to
1980s, built in the U.K., about 15 000 tonne DWT, 14.5–15.0 knots, 5 holds, engine room 2/3rd aft, tweendeck, traditional hatch sizes with mechanical folding cov-
ers, traditional derrick cargo gear, including heavy-lift derricks)

exclusive container transports, but others of identical 27.1.4 Hull Structure

configuration are partly or exclusively employed in The main criteria for designing the steel hull structure of
neo-bulk, dry bulk, other unit loads. That means, their the multipurpose cargo ship are, first of all, the same as for
identification as multipurpose is still justified, even if a other types of merchant ships, minimum steel weight, pro-
clear differentiation from full container ships, or from duction friendly, sufficient safety against all expected dam-
bulk carriers, so-called conbulkers in particular, is age, long lifetime, sufficient safety against wear and tear,
sometimes unclear. Some of the examples given are ac- internal and external corrosion, reasonable maintenance
tually positioned at the periphery of classic understand- and repair conditions. A further specific requirement of
ing of the multipurpose ship, relatively high importance for this type, since cargoes
• for all purposes stated, the trend to the open ship, that is come into contact with steel hull structures, is the compat-
open cargo hold arrangements with large hatch dimen- ibility of steel structure with the cargo transport mission,
sions, appears very obvious, because of the significant that is no negative interference with cargo handling,
advantages in cargo stowage and handling, in spite of stowage and treatment. This means that the steel structure,
the higher investments, and in way of the cargo hold area, and cargo hold arrangement,
• special cargo handling solutions, such as combination have to be considered in close interrelation.
with RO-RO handling and side-loading systems, play
only a marginal role, but they cannot be completely ig- Longitudinal structure
nored. As far as the main longitudinal members are concerned,
the following three midship sections should be considered
Some standard designs prepared by shipyards, mainly as the most typical, and the structure discussion will be
in the 1960s to 1980s, had considerable success. Most of concentrated on these standard cases:
the deepsea standard types in the meantime have lost most
of their importance, because they are becoming obsolete 1. double bottom/single side shell/upper deck/tweendeck
by technological development. A certain type of standard- with single hatch opening of traditional width (50 to
ization, in a more flexible way, is now again offered by 70% B) and length (Figure 27.35),
some yards, for shortsea rather than deepsea shipping, and 2. Double bottom/single side shell/upper deck/tweendeck
their performance should be closely observed. with single or twin hatch opening of moderately in-
Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-13

Figure 27.19 Liner Ship of the Early 1970s (deepsea liner ship of modernized multipurpose concept. 4 ships built 1970 to 1971 in Germany, about 27 knots, 16 000
tonne DWT, 24 000 m3 grain, vegetable oil tanks, reefer compartments, 6 holds, engine room 2/3rd aft, 2 continuous tweendecks, partial 3rd tweendeck, open hold
arrangement, triple hatches with mechanical folding covers, combined modernized cargo gear, with combination of traditional and heavy-lift derricks, single slewing
cranes, moderate container capability)

creased width (70 to 80% B) and length, with longitu- double bottom, resulting in fewer but larger fuel tanks with
dinal side box girder in way of tweendeck (Figure smooth inner surfaces which aids in cleaning the tanks). Ad-
27.36), and ditional open longitudinal girders and transverse floors will
3. Double bottom/double side shell/upper deck and be fitted in container stowage areas, in way of container cor-
tweendeck with single, twin or triple hatch opening of ner positions, to carry the container point loads. Pipe tun-
large to maximum width (80 to 85% B) and length nel(s) when used, are arranged as wide as possible. The dou-
(Figure 27.37). ble bottom height will be in the normal range and not
extraordinarily deepened. The inner bottom will have to be
In all cases, the double bottom, according to the current strengthened for heavy cargo, if carried, such as ore cargo
practice, will be extended from side to side, will be longi- and for handling by grab buckets.
tudinally framed (mainly for reasons of longitudinal In all cases of single side shell, it will preferably be
strength), and fitted with transverse plate floors, more transversally framed, with no additional longitudinal gird-
widely spaced than the frames for transverse framing. ers, so as to avoid reduction in bale capacity, and to get a
Center and side girders are provided, depending on uniform inner hold surface suitable for fitting wood side
ship’s size, forming bottom tanks for fuel oil or ballast water sparring and efficient stowage of breakbulk and unit loads
(in some cases the fuel is carried in deep tanks outside of the (a longitudinal framing system will not be advantageous,
27-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 27.20 Liner Ship of the Late 1980s (deepsea liner ship with high container capability, about 10 ships built 1987 to 1989 in Germany, about 16 knots, 18 000
tonne DWT, 25 000 m3 grain capacity, 900 TEU, six holds, engine room 2/3rd aft, tweendeck, maximum open hold arrangement, container-adapted twin hatches
with hydraulically operated folding covers, high-standard cargo gear – 25 tonne single and twin slewing cranes)

from a point of view of transverse strength, as it will re- ited hatch openings, transverse hatch end deep beams are
quire additional transverse webs of larger depth than the provided in way of transverse hatch coamings, and an ad-
side frame). The presence of a tweendeck is a positive fac- ditional longitudinal deck girder will run under the longi-
tor in this connection, acting as a horizontal support for tudinal hatch coaming, both intended to participate in car-
transverse side frames. rying hatch loads, in particular at the upper deck, but also
In Figure 27.34 case (a), the decks, the upper deck par- at tweendecks. The depths of these hatch end beams and
ticularly, will most likely be longitudinally framed, to get girders will be critical for clear stowage heights of tween-
the most contribution to longitudinal strength. Vertical decks and lower holds, and therefore should be minimized
bending will be primarily relevant for the upper deck struc- as far as possible. Underdeck pillars, used in the past for
ture, as in the upper part of the midship section, the contri- carrying deck loads, are avoided today, to provide unre-
bution of as many longitudinal members as possible will stricted stowage conditions. A longitudinal centerline
be most essential to meet a required section modulus. For bulkhead, with pillars at the ends of the hatch, can still be
typical multipurpose cargo ships, longitudinal torsion will provided in the lower hold between the hatchways, to act
not be a problem and need not be specifically investigated, as support for the portable wood grain bulkheads, or
but it depends on the ship size and hatch width. tweendeck covers that are used for grain bulkheads.
In this connection, it is important to recognize that Corner connections between decks and side shell, and
maximum bending moments, as an input for required between side shell and inner bottom in conjunction with
bending strength, has to consider not only homogeneous the frames, have to provide sufficiently rigid connection,
cargo distributions, but non-homogeneous distributions but should not reduce square-shaped hold sections more
(single empty holds, varying deck loads, ballast conditions than necessary, and should provide some means of load
may be critical) will have to be carefully considered in the transfer between longitudinal frames of decks and double
early design. bottom and transverse frames of side shell. A number of
Cargo loads and local load distributions and green sea popular solutions are available for a flush-welded connec-
loads in case of the upper deck, will be responsible for tion between the deck stringer plate and shell sheerstrake.
defining carrying capacities of decks, and determining the In Figure 27.35 case (b), longitudinal torsion, as well as
scantlings of deck structures. In the case of decks with lim- vertical bending, is receiving increasing consideration. A
Figure 27.21 Liner Ship of the Early 1990s (Deepsea liner ship with high container capability, 3 ships built 1991 to 1992 in Germany, about 16 knots, 21 000 tonne
DWT, 1200 TEU, 4 holds, engine room aft, tweendeck, low depth and draft, maximum open arrangement, container-adapted twin hatches, double hull, longitudinal
bulkhead, highly container-suitable cargo gear, 36 tonne single slewing cranes)
Figure 27.22 Very Large Liner Ship (Largest existing multi-deck liner ship, operated in deepsea liner service, high container, dry bulk and neo-bulk capability, series
of 4 ships built 1984 to 1985 in Finland and UK, about 16.5 knots, 42 000 tonne DWT, 57 000 m3 grain capacity, 1700 TEU, seven holds, engine room aft, two tween-
decks, holds Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 without tweendecks, without cell-guides, open hold arrangement, double hull, triple hatches without longitudinal hatch girder, Nos. 1, 2,
7 single hatches of conventional width, pontoon lift-on/lift-off covers, Nos. 1, 2, 7 hydraulically operated folding covers, high-performance cargo gear, 36 tonne con-
tainer-suitable single slewing cranes, 41 tonne travelling container gantry crane)
Chapter 27: Multipurpose Cargo Ships 27-17

Figure 27.23 Freedom, Friendship and Fortune Standard Types (Most successful standard designs for contract and liner operation, high dry bulk, moderate con-
tainer capability, large number of new buildings in 1960s to 1980s in Japan, about 300 F-type ships built in total, about 14–15 knots, 17 000–24 000 tonne DWT,
21 000–28 000 m3 grain capacity, five holds, engine room aft, tweendeck, open hold arrangement, single hatches with upper deck hydraulically operated folding
covers, highly flexible cargo gear, 25 tonne single and twin slewing cranes, optionally with horizontally travelling monkey)
Next Page
27-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 27.24 Fantasy Standard Type (New design for contract and liner operation, high container, dry bulk, neo-bulk capability, 12 new buildings in 1996 to 1998 in
China, about 14 knots, 30 000 tonne DWT, five holds, engine room aft, no tweendeck, open hold arrangement, double hull, single hatches with hydraulically oper-
ated folding covers, 30 tonne twin and single slewing cranes)

Figure 27.25 C-Box Standard Type (New standard design for liner and contract operation, high container, dry bulk, neobulk capability, new buildings 1998 in Ger-
many, about 16.5 knots, 20 500 tonne DWT, 25 000 m3 grain capacity, 1300 TEU, five holds, engine room aft, no tweendeck, open hold arrangement, double hull, sin-
gle hatches with pontoon covers, 60 tonne single slewing cranes at side, combined operation)

reasonable answer is a longitudinal box girder at the side side shell structure is the most preferable solution, to en-
of the tweendeck, which can also be used as passageway sure sufficient torsional rigidity. The other major advan-
and/or pipe tunnel. tage of the full double hull is that it offers smooth, unre-
In Figure 27.36 case (c), where the upper deck is re- stricted inner hold surfaces and fully square-shaped hold
duced to narrow strips of about 7.5 to 10% of the breadth, sections, and best possible stowage conditions, not only
or, in absolute dimensions, to about 1.5 to 2.0 m, vertical for containers (without cell guides), but also for all types
bending will keep its importance, but torsion will need spe- of unitized cargoes and for dry bulk cargoes. Since tanks
cial consideration for structural design, almost as much as provided by double shell side structure can be used as fuel
in the case of full container ships. Consequently, a double or ballast tanks, the inner shell and transverse tank end
Figure 28.1 A Stylish Reefer Ship of the 1950s

Figure 28.2 A Reefer Ship of the 1990s

Chapter 28
Reefer Ships

Allan M. Friis

28.1 DESCRIPTION 2. Pure pallet ships, the designation used for those ships,
which are specially arranged to carry palletized goods
Large reefer ships have generally been regarded as the
in all cargo spaces, and
beauties among cargo ships. Easily recognised by their
3. Freezers; ships specially intended for carriage of fish
characteristic smart hull lines with usually more raked
and other frozen goods.
stems than other cargo ships they express power and speed
and in their full right. Add to that white painted hulls and
Reefer Containerships, containerships exclusively in-
superstructures and one easily thinks of the South with sun
tended to carry integral refrigerated containers in holds
and fresh fruit. And not least when such a ship is observed
and on deck (Figure 28.2).
Fruit Juice Carriers, which have special cargo tanks.
Reefer ships is short for refrigerated ships, that is, ships
Ships of groups 2 and 3 are larger on average than
designed to carry perishable goods at specified tempera-
group 1 ships but represent only a small segment of all
tures usually between 27 and +13 degrees Celsius. The
groups (Table 28.I).
first mechanically powered ships on which perishable
The traditional reefer ships have no vertical boundaries
goods were shipped were naturally dry cargo ships with
in way of longitudinally and transversely curved ship sides
tweendecks. When provided with large capacity cargo
and have usually clear tweendeck heights of less than the
hold ventilating fans, such ships, without either cargo hold
2.20 m required for pallets.
insulation or refrigeration machinery, could carry various
The fleet of traditional reefer ships has diminished dra-
vegetables and fruits in temperate climate zones over quite
matically from 33% to 8% of the total capacity of the world
some distances. These were the forerunners of the real
reefer fleet between 1990 and 2000 (Table 28.I), which in-
reefer ships, which were not introduced until the early
cludes ships with cargo capacities in excess of 100 000
1930s when the required refrigeration technology had be-
cubic feet.
come available from experiences with plants ashore. Today
However, this change is due to a combination of scrap-
(2000) there are three main types for shipment of perish-
ping, the deployment of many new ships designed for car-
able goods, colloquially called reefer cargoes:
riage of standard pallets (pure pallet ships) and not least
Reefer Cargo Ships (Figure 28.1), a designation used in
conversion of many traditional reefer cargo ships to adapt
this chapter to distinguish this type from the other two
them to palletized goods.
main types but ordinarily just called reefer ships. They all
The Pure Reefer Ships in Tables 28.II and 28.III refer to
carry cargo on the tanktop (lower hold) and on the tween-
the three upper groups in Table 28.I.
deck(s). This type, however, includes three ship groups:
The freezers are a large, but gradually diminishing
1. traditional ships for carriage of reefer cargoes in bulk, group of reefer cargo ships. Through the 1990s the total

28-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 28.I World Reefer Fleet Capacity by Segment TABLE 28.III Pure Reefers and Freezers by Size

Total capacity of types in per cent Ship Size in No. of Pure No. of
Reefer Ship Types of total of the world fleet capacity 1000 cubic feet Reefer Ships Freezers
(with individual at the beginning of years:
capacities exceeding 100–199 130 230
100 000 cubic feet). 1990 2000 200–299 170 60

Traditional break bulk 33 8 300–399 150 19

reefer cargo ships with 400–499 155 61
deck heights < 2.20 m 500–599 102 19
Traditional break bulk 23 61 600–699 62 4
reefer cargo ships con-
verted to pallets plus Total number of ships 769 393
Pure pallet carriers
Reefer container ships 3 5
Other (fruit juice carriers 1 3 3. Freezers purposely built to carry frozen cargoes. Also
and cargo ships able to called primarily frozen goods carriers.
carry reefer cargoes) Older freezers and freezers of the past often had pipe
Freezers 40 23 coolers for natural convection and radiation in their holds,
Total number of ships 1237 1178 whereas modern freezers have coolers and forced ventila-
tion as have the traditional reefer cargo ships and the pure
pallet ships. The modern freezers of the last freezer group
(primarily frozen goods carriers), the traditional reefer
cargo ships and the pure pallet ships are so similar that they
TABLE 28.II World Reefer Fleet by Age by Year 2000 will be dealt with under the common heading of Reefer
Cargo Ships in this chapter. The first two groups of freez-
Types → No. of No. of
ers will not be discussed further. Reefer containerships for
Delivery Year Pure Reefer Ships Freezers
carriage of integral refrigerated containers is a type intro-
–1964 1 11 duced about 1990 and is in essence a containership type
with additional electric power for supplying the con-
1965–69 7 40
tainer’s integral refrigeration machinery through plugs
1970–74 39 45 connected to ship sockets and for the hold ventilation. Very
1975–79 120 75 few ships have been built until 2000. Some from 1999 are
1980–84 163 80 hatchless.
1985–89 148 65
Fruit juice carriers as newbuildings were first intro-
duced in the 1980s. Up to that time fruit juice concentrates
1990–94 200 50 had been shipped in barrels on board reefer cargo ships.
1995–99 91 17 Only a handful of these special tankers have been built up
to 2000.
Other ships with parts of the cargo holds being arranged
for refrigerated cargoes comprise some general cargo ships
and some coastal line vessels and inter-island coastal ves-
capacity of this group was reduced from 40% to 23% of the
sels all generally with small capacities not exceeding
total world reefer fleet (Table 28.I).
100 000 cubic feet.
The freezer type group also comprises three subgroups:
Since reefer cargo ships are volume carriers their size
1. vessels purposely built to carry mainly frozen fish and is primarily expressed as their cargo hold capacity mea-
sometimes other frozen cargo. Also named fish carriers, sured in volume (m3 or cubic feet). The deadweight seems
2. vessels built as fishing and/or fish processing vessels to be of second order. Recent years overwhelming switch
(also named fish factory vessels), but potentially able to from reefer cargoes being carried in break bulk to being
carry frozen cargoes, and palletized has meant that the total cargo deck area in square
Chapter 28: Reefer Ships 28-3

meters (m2) or alternatively the number of pallets has be- TABLE 28.IV Some Typical Reefer Trades
come an equally important parameter. However, as newer
reefer cargo vessels are also fitted to carry containers, the Commodity From To
slot capacity of containers both under deck and on upper
decks has consequently become another important param- Bananas Ecuador, Venezuela, U.S., Japan West-
eter when describing a reefer cargo ship. Also the number Caribbean Isles ern Europe
of reefer plugs for which sockets are available on board is Citrus fruits South Africa, N.W. Western Europe,
an important parameter. For reefer containerships the slot Africa, Mediter- Japan, South Asia,
capacity and for fruit juice carriers the tank capacity are ranean Countries, Russia
matters of record. U.S., New Zealand
Apples, pears Argentina, US, Aus- Western Europe,
tralia, Mediterranean South East Asia
28.1.1 Missions of Reefer Ships Countries, South
Africa, New Zealand
Reefer ships are like other cargo ships operated in tramp as
well as in long term liner-like trades. The tramp trades may Meat Argentine, Uruguay, Western Europe,
typically be seasonal fruit trades whilst an example of a Australia, New U.S., Japan
liner-like trade is banana cargoes from Central America to
the U.S. In the latter trade reefer cargo ships and reefer Fish (on smaller From fishing Many countries
containerships owned by some of the large fruit companies vessels) vessels at sea
are employed as part of their total logistics system ranging Orange juice Brazil U.S., Western Eu-
from plantations to consumers. For instance, carrying or- concentrates rope
ange juice concentrates in bulk, in fruit juice tankers, is an
example where the routes are predetermined between pre-
established tank storage in a producing country and simi-
lar tank storages built in receiving ports. Onwards trans- For details on temperatures and stowage rates, see Table
portation to juice manufacturers for further processing in 28.V.
various countries takes place by road tankers.
Unfortunately, reefer trades are to a large extent one
28.1.2 Unique Features and Capabilities
way traffic operations unless triangle schedules can be
arranged. Example: reefer cargo on one leg, other reefer All the types except reefer containership have insulated
cargo or other non-reefer cargo on the second leg and bal- cargo spaces. Reefer cargo ships are designed with many
last on the third leg, thus minimizing the time in ballast. tweendecks to provide a maximum of cargo deck area.
Non-reefer cargo may be ordinary general cargo including Being relatively high value cargoes and besides perishable,
for instance new cars for which the large deck areas are at least as far as the live commodities are concerned, rela-
suitable. Other commodities ideal for stowage on board tively higher speeds of reefer ships compared to general
reefer cargo ships include palletized goods such as fertiliz- cargo ships have always been justified.
ers, grain and sugar in bags. Also, non-reefer containers on Consequently higher freight rates per volume unit than
newer ships where securing fittings are available. Tramp obtainable for most dry cargo commodities are necessary
reefers outside fruit seasons may of course also carry non- and generally also obtainable. The required large refriger-
reefer cargoes. In the fruit seasons, chartering of a number ation machinery capacity is a unique feature of any reefer
of ships for a number of consecutive voyages is normal. ship. To secure the large electric power supply required to
Without being listed in any particular order, some typical operate the refrigeration machinery, the hold ventilation
reefer trades are listed in Table 28.IV. and possibly reefer containers a large alternator installa-
Reefer cargoes comprise two groups, chilled and frozen tion with redundancy is necessary.
also named:

• Live commodities; those transported at temperatures 28.1.3 General Arrangements

about or above the freezing point, typically fruits, and Reefer cargo ships
• Dead commodities; those transported at temperatures In this ship type the location of the engine room and the
about or below the freezing point, such as meat, butter, main deck house has over the years moved from amidships
fish and fruit juice concentrates. to aft. Traditionally, an arrangement with the engine room
28-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 28.V Stowage Factors and starboard side amidships with a watertight bulkhead in be-
Transport Temperatures tween which extends across the ship, as illustrated in Fig-
ures 28.7 to 28.10. By this arrangement the total cargo hold
Stowage factor length is split into two holds, which according to the above
Typical range in Transport should not exceed 30 m each.
commodities m3/tonne temperature in C° The Lpp range of side loaders with two holds, which is
the common, is thus limited and is normally less than some
Bananas in break 3.26 13.3 87 m. The side loader is also suitable for calling at ports
with very short piers or just pier heads. A pallet lift
Bananas on pallets 3.26–3.40 13.3 arrangement of the pallet swinger type is shown in Figure
Citrus (oranges and 3.26–3.40 4.5–9 28.7. This type is able to operate over a large range of quay
lemons) in boxes on heights and ship draughts.
pallets Other non-swinging types of pallet lifts are somewhat
Apples in palletized 3.26–3.40 0–2 retracted into the ship and are used in combination with a
boxes side ramp which lands on the pier and over which shore-
Meat 1.7 –20 or lower based fork lift trucks can drive and deliver pallets to the lift
and vice versa. Doubling as a side shell door this ramp with
Shrimp in boxes on 3.26–3.40 –18 or lower
pallets its associated lift requires more inboard space. It is used
not only on reefer cargo ships of the side loader type, but
Fish 2.55 –18 or lower
also on coastal route ships including ships having some re-
Orange juice con- about 1.33 about 12 frigerated cargo space(s).
centrate Traditionally, reefer cargo vessels over 100 m in length
should according to port facilities and stevedore proce-
dures in ports preferably have four holds because there
and the deckhouse amidships, two holds forward and two were usually four gangs of longshoremen called out to
holds abaft the engine room, was common for many years handle the cargo. To facilitate optimal loading and unload-
as on dry cargo ships. Later, an arrangement with one hold ing, however, all holds should preferably be loaded and
abaft the engine room gained popularity (Figures 28.3 and discharged respectively simultaneously within the same
28.4). It provided squarer holds amidships. This arrange- number of hours, which would require all holds to be of as
ment disappeared on new ships in the 1980s when the all equal size as possible.
aft arrangement of engine room and accommodation deck- The forward hold (No. 1), however invariably is smaller
house became popular (Figures 28.5 and 28.10). This pro- because of the wedge-shaped forebody of particularly
vided the best possibilities for square hold areas over a fair reefer ships over 100 m in length. Even if that hold is made
length of the otherwise highly shaped hulls with narrow considerably longer than the remaining it will still be
forebodies and eliminated the highly shaped tweendeck smaller. This is partly due to the fact that the lowest part is
cargo spaces above the shaft tunnel (Figure 28.4). This too narrow to be utilized as cargo spaces and is instead
arrangement became the 1990s standard, especially as it used as ballast tanks (Figures 28.4, 28.5 and 28.17). Obvi-
was also even cheaper to build. The hold subdivision of ously, an appreciable amount of water ballast in the fore
this generation of ships comprises two to five holds with ship is required to obtain a proper trim on ballast voyages
from one to four tweendecks depending on ship size. in the all aft ships.
The length between perpendiculars of reefer cargo In an effort to increase the capacity of No. 1 hold, fit-
ships ranges from about 60 m to about 165 m on contem- ting of a long forecastle extending over that hold will pro-
porary ships; the majority, excluding freezers exceeding vide some additional cargo capacity and is commonly used
100 m. Freezers are on the other hand normally less than (Figures 28.3, 28.5, 28.11, 28.12 and 28.17). In ships with
90 m. The apparent length restrictions are to some extent five holds the combined capacity of No.1 and No. 2 holds
linked to the number of holds and their individual lengths, might be very similar to the capacity of each any of the
because effective hold ventilation cannot be accomplished other holds. This should facilitate the loading and dis-
in holds exceeding about 30 m in length. Damage stability charging respectively of these two holds could be carried
rules may also point to shorter lengths of holds. out after each other by one of the four gangs of longshore-
The side loader is a small version of the reefer cargo men mentioned above within approximately the same time
ship. It mostly features a twin pallet lift arrangement at the as is used to handle the cargo in the other holds. Thereby
Chapter 28: Reefer Ships 28-5

Figure 28.3 A Reefer Cargo Ship with Three Holds Forward and One Abaft the Engine Room. Older Type with Kingposts with Derricks and No Containers
28-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 28.4 A Reefer Cargo Ship from 1979 with Three Holds Forward and One Abaft the Engine Room (Note semi-cranes have replaced derricks. The shaded nar-
row transverse areas at the ends of each hold and tweendeck compartment are the cooler spaces)

the desired four gangs should suffice for a five-hold vessel spectively. Since decks may sink slightly when loaded and
as well. However, five hold vessels, such as Figure 28.13, as some inaccuracy may occur during actual construction
are not very common. Also on the pure pallet carrying work it is recommended to increase this height slightly to
ships with short turn-around times, four gangs are normal. 2.25 m in the design stage.
Tanktops and tweendecks in reefer cargo ships are nor- The clear height of 2.20 m is a consequence of how
mally always covered with gratings (Figure 28.14) to en- high cargo on pallets may be stowed and it allows pallet
sure adequate ventilation and cooling distribution (see trucks to operate with a minimum of clearance over the
Sub-section Gratings were originally made of palletized cargo thus saving space. For more details re-
wood. Modern gratings, however, are made of special alu- garding hold and tweendeck spaces refer to Subsection
minium profiles, which are more suitable for pallet trucks
with their loads and are easier to keep clean. Aluminium Although sizes of the largest reefer cargo vessels have
grating heights are about 0.13–0.16 m. The clear height of grown over the last decades, there seems to be an upper
lower holds on tanktop and of tweendecks has over the last limit, perhaps due to what can be loaded and discharged
decades of the twentieth century gradually been standard- within a reasonable time, port facilities and associated lo-
ised at 2.20 m. This measurement is taken between top of gistics considered. The largest ships at the turn of the cen-
gratings and underside of overhead ship structures (deck tury have capacities in the order of about 800 000 cubic
girders) or ceilings covering the overhead insulation re- feet. For principal dimensions, capacities, power and speed
Chapter 28: Reefer Ships 28-7

Figure 28.5 A Reefer Cargo Ship from 1990 with All Aft Arrangement (Note cranes and containers)
28-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 28.6 A 194 000 cb. ft. Reefer Cargo Ship

are built as other containerships, that is, as single deckers.

The capacity range today (2000) is approximately 700 to
2000 TEUs. Fruit juice carriers

Purpose built ships have general arrangements of the all aft
type (Figures 28.15 and 28.16). One fruit juice carrier with
one hold abaft the engine room is a converted reefer cargo
ship. Newbuildings typically feature four insulated holds.
The tanks in the holds may be integral or cylindrical and
non-integral with the hull and are of stainless steel of
shapes fitting the holds in which they are arranged. As
tankers they have no cargo hatches and tweendecks. The
newbuildings of the 1990s are provided with fittings for
carriage of containers on deck. Fruit juice tanker capacities
by year 2000 range from about 280 000 to 440 000 cb. ft.
or about 8000 to 12 500 m3.


28.2.1 Hull Form, Propulsion and Performance
Being relatively high-speed ships, reefers have, as men-
tioned before, slender hulls. That is are relatively long with
a relatively small block coefficient and a small midship co-
efficient. The latter ensures that buoyancy of the hull to-
Figure 28.7 A Pallet Lift or Pallet Swinger Arrangement on a Side Loader wards the stem and the stern is sufficient to avoid excessive
(Ship with side loading arrangement for pallets) pitching in a seaway. Due to their relatively large volume
and correspondingly large depth as well as a relatively
of all three types of reefer ships refer to Section 28.4 Ship small draft, reefer cargo ships have large freeboards. With
Characteristics. their slender hulls and high bows they are able to maintain
relatively high service speeds even in adverse weather con- Reefer containerships ditions.
The general arrangements of this type mostly feature the Service speeds vary considerably. They range from 12
all aft arrangement. They are generally longer than reefer to 13 knots for the smallest ships to 19 to 23 knots for the
cargo ships as can be seen in Table 28.X. Structurally they largest. The fastest have higher Froude numbers than tra-
Figure 28.8 A Side Loader from 1985 with Twin Pallet Lifts behind Twin Side Doors Amidships (Note Robson System Air Channels at ship sides and the insulated
pillars extending from the upper deck to the tanktop in each hold)
28-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 28.9 A Side Loader from 1990 Provided with Twin Pallet Lifts behind Shell Doors in the Starboard Side Amidships (Note the side mounted cranes on port
side in way of half-length of the hatches and that the latter are not arranged in the ship’s center line)

Figure 28.10 Photo of the Same Ship as Shown in Figure 28.9

Next Page
Chapter 28: Reefer Ships 28-11

Figure 28.11 A 564 000 cb. ft. Reefer Cargo Ship with Long Forecastle

Figure 28.12 A 623 000 cb. ft. Reefer Cargo Ship with Long Forecastle

Figure 28.13 A 765 000 cb. ft. Reefer Cargo Ship with Five Holds and Hatchways Two Abreast
Figure 29.2 MUREX: 5010 DWT Tanker Constructed by William Gray & Co.,
West Hartlepool for Samuel Marcus in 1892
Figure 29.1 MUREX: 278 000 DWT Tanker Constructed by Daewoo Heavy In-
dustries for Shell International Trading and Shipping Company in 1995
Chapter 29
Oil Tankers

R. Keith Michel and Michael Osborne

29.1 OIL TANKER DESCRIPTION lutions. White oils include the lighter, more refined prod-
ucts such as gasolines, jet fuels, and kerosene. Black oils
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) MAR-
tend to be more viscous and more persistent, making han-
POL convention defines an oil tanker as a ship constructed
dling of the oil more difficult and complicating cleanup ef-
or adapted primarily to carry oil in its cargo spaces and in-
forts following oil spills. White oils are generally more
cludes combination carriers and chemical tankers when
volatile than black oils, except for crude oils, which tend to
they are carrying a cargo of oil in bulk (1). Oil is defined as
be highly flammable.
petroleum in any form, including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge,
Crude oils are liquid hydrocarbon mixtures that occur
and oil refuse and refined products. This chapter describes
naturally in the earth, and their physical and chemical prop-
design considerations for dedicated oil tankers, including
erties vary considerably with origin. The components of
crude oil carriers, shuttle tankers, and product tankers.
crude oils have different flash points and vapor pressures,
resulting in a mixture that is typically flammable at moder-
ate to low temperatures. Most crudes have a flash point
29.1.1 Mission Requirements and Design Optimization
below 27° C and a vapor pressure between 42 and 84 kPa.
Tanker design is influenced by a number of diverse and Most crude oils have pour points below 15° C, although
sometimes competing factors. Independent shipowners some crude oils have pour points above 35° C. The API
control about 70% of the tanker tonnage, and most of these gravity for crude oils varies from about 10 (specific gravity
ships are on the spot market. These owners tend to build of 1.00 at 15° C) to 40 (specific gravity of 0.82 at 15° C).
versatile vessels that are less likely to become obsolete as As a consequence of the wide range of crude oil prop-
markets and conditions change. This practice has led to a erties, refineries are designed to handle certain crudes and
commonality in sizes and configurations, particularly for not others. Crude oils have contaminants such as sulphur
large crude carriers. On the other hand, specific require- and vanadium compounds, which tend to accelerate corro-
ments related to the type of oil carried, the environment the sion and can pose environmental hazards. Crude oils with
vessel will be operating in, and the intended service en- high and low sulphur contents are referred to as sour and
courage specialized designs optimized about a specific set sweet crude oils respectively. Other components separate,
of requirements. Shuttle tankers, lightering vessels, and leaving sludge and residues that must be removed. Paraf-
coastwise product carriers often fall into this category. fins and asphalt components cling to the interior of tanks.
Although most crude oils can be loaded at ambient tem- Types of oil peratures, certain more viscous crudes (for example, those
Oils are often categorized as black or white. Black oils in- located in Indonesia, West Africa and Venezuela) may re-
clude crude oils, crude oil blends, fuel oils, and asphalt so- quire tank heating.

29-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Refined products tend to have a wide range of physical Types of oil tankers
properties, ranging as they do from asphalt and residuals to Tank vessels can be divided into the following types:
gasoline and jet fuel. For instance, jet fuels can be highly
• Crude oil carriers are arranged for the carriage of crude
volatile with flash points below 20° C, whereas heavy fuel
oils from the production fields to the refineries. The
oils must typically be maintained at temperatures of 70° C,
voyages are generally longer in length, and these ships
and asphalt at 150° C. When carrying products, effective
are therefore generally larger in size. Crude oil carriers
segregation is critical, and tanks and systems must be de-
are typically designed to carry up to three grades of oil.
signed and maintained to ensure that their quality and pu-
• Product tankers move refined products from the re-
rity is maintained.
fineries to the consumer. Clean product carriers are de-
signed for the carriage of clean products such as gaso- Movement of oil line and lube oils. Common features include coatings in
In 1999, average daily production of oil was about 75 mil- the cargo tanks, heating systems for the cargo oil, and
lion barrels per day. Forecasts indicate a rise in demand of segregated piping systems allowing for the carriage of
2% to 3% per year through the year 2020. Marine trans- a number of grades of cargo. Dirty product tankers
portation and pipelines are the principal means for moving move black oils such as residual products.
oil from the oil producing regions to the refinery and from • Lightering vessels and shuttle tankers have additional
the refinery to the consumer. Pipelines have proven cost ef- requirements unique to their specialized trades. Ligh-
fective when a steady flow of oil movement is anticipated tering is the mooring of two vessels for the purpose of
over an extended period of time. Such pipelines include the transferring cargo oil. The vessel to be lightered may be
SUMED (from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean), and the a floating storage unit that is permanently moored and
TAPS (Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System to Valdez). How- connected to production facilities, or a vessel, that is
ever, pipelines have practical limitations related to the ex- too large or has too deep a draft to enter the port where
tent and depth of water to be traversed, as well as political the cargo is to be delivered. The receiving vessel, re-
considerations. Tankers offer greater versatility and com- ferred to as the service vessel, may be a tanker specifi-
paratively lower capital costs. Roughly 50% of the total cally designed for lightering, or an all-purpose vessel
crude oil production is shipped to consuming countries by specifically outfitted for lightering. Lightering involves
sea. Principal tanker trading routes are illustrated in Figure a series of operations, including the approach maneuver
29.3. and mooring, hose connection, cargo transfer, hose dis-
Interregional movements are comprised of 1) crude oil, connection, and un-mooring. Special equipment neces-
2) unfinished petroleum products intended for blending or sary for safe transfer includes well-designed mooring
further processing, and, 3) finished petroleum products. systems to secure the vessels to each other, effective
Approximately 80% of the oils moved in tankers are crude fendering to keep the vessels from touching, and hoses
oils. Crude oils are generally shipped on larger tankers, and hose handling equipment. Purpose-built shuttle
whereas products move on smaller, more specialized prod- tankers are often arranged with bow or stern loading fa-
uct carriers. cilities and dynamic positioning, to allow these vessels
to offload crude oil from fixed platforms and floating
storage units during heavy weather conditions.
• Coastal tankers, typically smaller tankers used for the
coastwise movement of products and crude oils, as well
as lightering service vessels are frequently subject to
size and draft restrictions. These vessels often transit
confined waterways, and therefore effective navigation
systems and good maneuverability are critical to their
safe operation.
• Tank barges have been effectively used in the U.S.
coastal and inland trades, and are responsible for about
60% of the U.S. waterborne movement of residual
products. These vessels include barges, designed to be
towed or pushed, as well as integrated and articulated
Figure 29.3 Principal Tanker Trading Routes tug and barge systems.
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-3 Factors influencing the size of tankers sharp price rises in the late 1970s, the major oil companies
The shipment of oil in barrels commenced shortly after the lost their dominant position in the industry and were no
discovery of oil in 1859. Delivered in 1886, the steamship longer able to ship cargoes of virtually unlimited size. The
Gluckauf was the first ship specifically designed for the ULCCs thus had to call at several load and discharge ports
carriage of oil in bulk. The period from 1900–1940 saw a to take on a full cargo, the costs of which adversely af-
gradual growth in both marine oil transportation and the fected their operating economics. Nevertheless, the in-
size of tankers. During World War II, the need for in- crease in vessel size coupled with the overall improve-
creased tonnage was supplied through the construction of ments in efficiency, have allowed the transportation cost of
more than 400 of the 16 800 DWT T2 tankers. oil to remain constant at about $1.00 per barrel in unad-
As shown in Figure 29.4, the demand for oil climbed justed dollars. Whereas in the early 1950s marine trans-
steeply and continuously from the mid-1950s until 1980. portation comprised about half of the price of oil delivered
This increased consumption coupled with political events to the receiving dock, current costs are between 5 and 10%
including the closure of the Suez Canal in 1967 led to the of the delivered price.
demand for more and larger tankers. The Jumbo size 5000 The sizes of modern tankers are dictated by the type of
DWT tankers of the mid-1950s were succeeded by 100 oil carried, the voyage length, the physical limits of ports
000 DWT tankers in the mid-1960s, VLCCs by the later and canals, and the preferred parcel sizes.
1960s, and ULCCs in the 1970s. By the late 1970s, the
world fleet had peaked at more than 300 million DWT, in-
• Products are carried in smaller parcels, and often
cluding tankers up to 550 000 DWT in size. Following the
moved coastwise or on shorter voyages. These vessels
tend to be smaller in size, generally not exceeding
50 000 DWT, and usually have more but smaller tanks.
• Crude oils tend to be moved over longer distances,
which favors larger ships. These designs are generally
configured with as few tanks as practical.
• Crude oil transactions are typically arranged in 500 000
and 1 000 000 barrel allotments, leading to designs
which carry a multiple of these basic parcel sizes. The
reader is referred to section for a discussion of
preferred tanker sizes.
• Port restrictions often involve limits on draft, and some-

times length, beam, and airdraft. For instance, larger

tankers cannot enter the shallow waters of Gulf of Mex-
ico ports. Crude oil from the Middle East will generally
come on VLCCs or ULCCs, and then is either lightered
to smaller service vessels or offloaded to the Louisiana
Offshore Oil Port (LOOP). Physical restrictions such as
the common draught limit of 12.2 meters at most U.S.
Gulf Coast and East Coast ports limit tankers to Afra-
max (about 80 000 DWT) size or smaller. For certain
trades, shallow draft tanker designs with proportions
modified to allow greater payloads at limiting drafts
can provide competitive advantages.
• Transiting canals can significantly reduce voyage
lengths, but often leads to restrictions in vessel size. For
instance, Suezmax tankers (about 150 000 DWT) are
the largest tankships that can transit the Suez Canal
when fully laden. Loaded VLCCs going westbound
from the Persian Gulf can only transit the Suez Canal
by discharging part of their cargo to the SUMED
Figure 29.4 Growth of Oil Demand and Tanker Size pipeline for collection by themselves or another ship at
29-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

the northern end of the canal. VLCCs in the light ballast 29.1.2 Tanker Unique Features and Capabilities
condition can transit southbound through the Suez Historical perspective to the design and
Canal, whereas ULCCs cannot. Similarly, the beam and regulation of tankships
draft restrictions of the Panama Canal limit tankers to Environmental and safety concerns related to the water-
about 40 000 DWT to 45 000 DWT when transiting the borne transportation of oil have led to the adoption of nu-
canal. merous regulations and industry-sponsored guidelines.
There are international conventions as well as port state Environmental considerations statutes, and the classification societies have rules covering
To fulfill its mission, a tanker must operate safely and structural design, construction, and inspection standards.
maintain a high level of environmental performance. Inter- Industry groups such as the Oil Companies International
national and national regulations together with the Classi- Marine Forum (OCIMF), the Tanker Structure Co-opera-
fication Society rules serve to establish a minimum stan- tive Forum (TSCF), and the International Association of
dard, but many owners recognize a need to build and Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO) have also
operate their tankers to a higher standard. For instance, the published guidelines on a variety of topics including moor-
depth of the double bottoms and width of the wing tanks ing equipment, double hull tanker structure, and tank
on modern tankers are frequently in excess of MARPOL coatings.
requirements, providing deeper ballast drafts and in- Due to the global nature of the tanker trade, most reg-
creased protection in the event of a collision or grounding. ulations governing the design and construction of tankers
Vessels dedicated to trading in environmentally sensi- are international, whereas local regulations generally per-
tive regions may go a step further. For instance, recent tain to domestic trade routes or are limited to operational
newbuildings for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System requirements. International regulations are developed
(TAPS) trade between Valdez, Alaska and the U.S. West under the auspices of the International Maritime Or-
Coast have enhanced maneuvering characteristics and ganization (IMO), which is the United Nations agency
fully redundant main propulsion plants. Tankers often uti- responsible for maritime safety and environmental protec-
lize vapor recovery whereby the hydrocarbon vapors dis- tion of the oceans. The IMO regulations dealing with
placed from the tanks during loading are returned to the pollution prevention from tankers are primarily contained
shore tanks for processing or disposal instead of being in the International Convention for the Prevention of
vented to the atmosphere. This recovery minimizes VOC Pollution from Ships, 1973, and its Protocol of 1978
emissions in port, and is mandated at certain ports. A cost (referred to as MARPOL 73/78). As discussed in the fol-
effective approach for reducing VOC emissions at sea is lowing text, MARPOL 73/78 and its amendments were
needed, and undoubtedly will be the subject of future re- implemented in the wake of a number of serious tanker
search. Methods that have been considered include burn- casualties.
ing VOCs in the main engines, and increasing the inert gas The TORREY CANYON ran aground on Seven Stones
pressure in cargo tanks. Reef off the south coast of England in 1967. The accom-
Ballast tankage and piping can be arranged for more ef- panying spill of approximately 900 000 barrels of crude oil
ficient ballast water management practices, both to mini- severely impacted a region dependent upon fishing and
mize the amount of dirty ballast required for storm condi- tourism, and brought to the public attention the potentially
tions, and to facilitate the exchange of ballast at sea. damaging effects of pollution from tankers. This event had
Vessels operating in Arctic conditions may be built to ice far-reaching effects, and led to the adoption of the MAR-
class notation, and reinforced to withstand impacts from POL convention. To reduce operational discharges, re-
floating ice. To reduce the risk of brittle failure, such de- quirements for slop tanks, segregated ballast tanks (SBT),
signs typically incorporate more extensive use of notch and crude oil washing (COW) were introduced. Pollution
tough steels. Equipment on these tankers must be designed from accidents is addressed through requirements for
for the harsher environment, and de-icing is typically damage stability, hypothetical outflow and tank size limi-
arranged in the way of personnel access and workstations. tations. Inert gas requirements were also mandated in re-
Vessels dedicated to trades transiting exceptionally severe sponse to a series of explosions in VLCCs during the late
sea conditions are frequently designed with greater hull 1960s.
girder strength margins and increased ballast drafts to min- Tankers constructed prior to the 1973 MARPOL Con-
imize slamming. The weather conditions specific to the an- vention, referred to as pre-MARPOL tankers, have some
ticipated trade route are generally factored into the analy- tanks which alternate between carrying cargo on laden
sis of fatigue and structural response. voyages and ballast on ballast voyages (Figure 29.5). On
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-5

Figure 29.5 Typical Tanker Arrangements

departure from the ballast discharge port, ballast is put into flow in the event of a collision or grounding, the Protocol
the so-called dirty tanks. During the voyage, other cargo of 1978 introduced the concept of protectively located
tanks (the clean ballast tanks) are water washed and filled (PL) spaces. This regulation requires the ballast tanks to be
with clean ballast so that it can be discharged into the wa- positioned in defensive positions, extending over a certain
ters of the load port. In the meantime, the ballast from the percentage of the side or bottom shell. However, the re-
dirty ballast tanks is, after decanting, discharged back to quirement for protective location did little to correct the
the sea. Inevitably, small quantities of oil are sometimes poor outflow performance of SBT tankers for certain
discharged with the ballast. Permanent ballast tanks are grounding scenarios, setting the stage for the next water-
also provided. These never carry oil, being used for ballast shed event in the regulatory process.
on the ballast voyage but left empty for trim and strength In March of 1989, the EXXON VALDEZ grounded on
reasons on the laden voyage. Bligh Rock in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The spillage
MARPOL 73 required new tankers of more than 20 000 of over 260 000 barrels of crude oil into this pristine envi-
DWT to have completely segregated cargo and ballast sys- ronment once again brought tankers to the forefront of
tems (referred to as segregated ballast tank or SBT de- public attention, and spurred the U.S. Congress to take
signs), to mitigate discharge of oily residues in ballast quick action. Within six months, Congress had passed the
water. To accommodate the extra ballast capacity needed Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). The intent of OPA 90
in an SBT tanker, the vessel size increased substantially was to mitigate pollution through improvements in tanker
without a corresponding increase in full load displace- design, operation, and spill response preparedness. OPA
ment. Whereas Pre-MARPOL tankers are deadweight-lim- 90 mandated that all new tankers trading into U.S. water
ited, SBT tankers are cubic-limited. The extra cubic was must either have double hulls or an alternative arrange-
most economically achieved through an increase in depth, ment exhibiting equivalent performance. As of August
which led to lower draft to depth ratios. With the oil sitting 2003, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) had not ac-
higher out of the water, the expected outflow in the event cepted any alternative designs as equivalent to the double
of bottom damage increased by 30% or more. hull standard.
A series of tanker accidents in the 1970s renewed pub- Following intensive study by IMO to assess the effec-
lic interest in reducing pollution from tankers. In response tiveness of double hulls and alternative arrangements, the
to the grounding of the AMOCO CADIZ in 1978, SOLAS 1992 amendments to MARPOL 73/78 were implemented.
requirements for steering gear redundancy were intro- MARPOL Regulation 13F established double hulls or their
duced. To provide a measure of protection against oil out- equivalents as an international standard. This regulation
29-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

sets minimum dimensions for double hull clearances, as non-oil double hull spaces or provided with an equivalent
well as requirements for ballast distribution, piping within means of protection against accidental oil spillage from
cargo tanks, and raking bottom damage assessment. Under collisions and groundings. For conventionally piped cargo
MARPOL, the mid-deck design is considered an accept- systems, a pump room is located between the cargo tanks
able arrangement. Rather than an innerbottom, the mid- and the forward engine room bulkhead, with access pro-
deck design has an intermediate oil tight deck, dividing the vided from the main deck. The trend towards minimum
cargo space into upper and lower tanks. The level of the in- manning together with the International Convention on
termediate deck is selected so that the internal head exerted Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for
by the cargo oil at the bottom shell is less than the external Seafarers (STCW) and other work standards encourage a
head exerted by the sea. This arrangement reduces the ex- high degree of automation in the cargo and ballast systems.
pected outflow for high energy grounding events. MAR- Modern tankers are frequently arranged for remote control
POL regulations also include a probabilistic-based oil out- of routinely operated valves and equipment. Control and
flow analysis procedure for assessing the equivalency of monitoring of the cargo and ballast systems is typically pro-
alternative designs to the double hull standard. vided from the cargo control room. As far as practical, the
cargo control room should have an unobstructed view of the Tanker functionality manifold station, and is normally located at the forward end
Many systems contribute to the overall functionality of a of the house, at the main deck level or one deck above.
tanker and the fulfillment of its mission, to carry oil safely The pump room houses the ballast and cargo related
and economically. The ineffectiveness or failure of any one systems including the cargo and ballast pumps, stripping
of these systems can seriously degrade the entire opera- pumps and eductors, and crude oil washing pump and
tion. The various functions and systems are interrelated, heater. The pump room has a hazardous environment, and
and therefore a system’s approach is needed to develop a extra care must be taken to mitigate the risk of fire
successful design. and explosion.
Systems related to the storage and transfer of cargo in- Cargo oil is loaded from ashore via loading arms and
clude the cargo tanks, tank gauging, cargo piping, tank hoses, through a manifold amidships and by gravity into
heating, tank cleaning, inert gas and cargo tank venting. the cargo tanks. To offload the cargo, the cargo or stripping
Cargo tanks are located within the cargo block, the space pumps take suction from the cargo tanks and discharge
extending from the aft end of the aft-most cargo tank or slop the cargo oil at the manifold. The number of pumps and the
tank to the collision bulkhead (Figure 29.6). In accordance arrangement of piping are primarily influenced by the
with the regulations, this space must be fully surrounded by number of grades of cargo that must be carried simultane-

Figure 29.6 Typical Configuration of a Crude Oil Carrier

Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-7

ously. Each segregation is independently piped and ser- 150 000 tonnes and a payload of about 1 million barrels.
viced by its own cargo pump, to prevent contamination be- They may be arranged for multiple grades (three segre-
tween grades. gated grades is common), and are sometimes fitted for
Tankers are fitted with crude oil washing (COW), heating of the heavier crudes.
which utilizes the natural dissolving action of crude oil to About 200 000–310 000 DWT: Very Large Crude Car-
reduce clingage and residue. The oil is circulated back into riers (VLCCs) are designed for the carriage of crude oils
the tanks through rotating spray guns suspended from the on longer voyages. Vessels in the traditional 270 000 to
deckhead and mounted on the tank bottom. Hot and cold 310 000 DWT range have a payload of about 2 million bar-
tank water washing is also provided, for use when the rels. Vessels for the Japanese trade tend to be slightly
cargo tanks need to be cleaned prior to inspection or dock- smaller (200 000 to 250 000 DWT) due to the limits at
ing. Slop tanks, used to retain on board oil residues and some Japanese terminals.
slop generated by tank washings, are located at the aft end About 310 000–550 000 DWT: Ultra Large Crude Car-
of the cargo block adjacent to the pump room. All dis- riers (ULCCs) have payloads in excess of four million bar-
charges of effluent from the cargo system must pass rels. The payload of ULCCs exceeds the storage facilities
through a discharge monitoring system, that automatically at most receiving ports, and the size of these vessels limits
shuts down in the event the oil content in the effluent ex- the number of ports that can be called. The increased oper-
ceeds 15 parts per million. ating costs related to multiple load and discharge port calls
A principal hazard associated with oil cargoes is the risk diminishes the economies of scale offered by these large
of fire and explosion. All tankers and product carries must ships.
have an inert gas system, which maintains an oxygen defi- The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) enacted by the
cient atmosphere in the cargo and slop tanks so that U.S. Congress and the 1992 Amendments to MARPOL
combustion of vaporized hydrocarbon gases cannot occur. signaled the end of single hull tanker construction. Al-
Flue gas is treated in the main or auxiliary boilers, inert though hull proportions have changed somewhat with the
gas generators, or other sources, and typically distributed to move to double hull tankers, the overall size of the double
the cargo tanks through a common inert gas and vent hull replacement vessels is comparable to the segregated
system. ballast single hull tankships built to MARPOL’78 regula-
tions. Preferred tanker sizes
Mission requirements such as the preferred parcel sizes, Oil tanker design process
beam and draft restrictions together with the need for in- There are several techniques that can be used for the de-
dependent shipowners to have designs suitable for the spot velopment of the design. At one end of the spectrum is the
market, have led to a few favored sizes of tankships: complete voyage simulation model, a computer model of
About 35 000–45 000 DWT: Generally referred to as the ship’s expected activity over its planned lifetime. Vari-
Panamax tankers, vessels in this size range are normally ous voyage cycles can be modeled. The model would use
configured for transit through the Panama Canal when the first estimate of the ship’s dimensions, a powering pro-
loaded to their design condition. Panamax tankers are typ- gram, weather data for the routes the ship is expected to
ically designed for the carriage of products, or crude oils trade, estimates of hull and propeller deterioration, dry
on shorter trade routes. The maximum deadweight of a dock intervals and estimates of all the costs (including cap-
Panamax tanker at its scantling draft may be 60 000 tonnes ital costs) and their variation over the ship’s lifetime. Some
or more, but in this condition it is unable to transit the estimate of earnings must also be included so that proper
Panama Canal. credit is given for higher speeds and larger cargo capaci-
About 70 000–120 000 DWT: Aframax tankers were ties. By running the program with different dimensions
originally configured to obtain the best rates under the oil and service speeds a design can be identified which pro-
companies’ old Average Freight Rate Assessment scale, vides the best financial return over any range of scenarios.
which benefited tankers just under 80 000 DWT. Hence, a If it is desired to optimize only a single design parame-
proliferation of ships of 79 999 DWT occurred. Nowadays ter, such as speed or capacity, a simple Required Freight
the term is applied to any tanker between about 70 000 and Rate (RFR) analysis can be carried out. RFR is the daily
120 000 DWT. earning rate needed for the ship to cover its costs and is cal-
About 120 000–165 000 DWT: Configured for transit culated by summing all the annual operating costs and di-
through the Suez Canal when loaded to their design condi- viding by the expected number of days in service. Gener-
tion, Suezmax tankers typically have a deadweight of about ally speaking, the lower the RFR for a certain functional
29-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

specification, the better the design. Also, the less peaky the
RFR curve the better. A peaky curve is characteristic of a
highly optimized design, which will become expensive to
operate in off-design conditions.
Optimization of a tanker design is really only possible
if it is going to operate under predictable conditions all its
life. In practice, the majority of tankers operate on the spot
or time charter markets and it is rare that a liner type trade
is available with fixed load and discharge ports. Some of
the oil companies are able to operate some of their ships on
dedicated routes but these are very much the exception.
The LNG business is a better example of dedicated ships
Figure 29.7 Typical Ballast Tank Configurations
being used within a closed system to service a particular
market, but there are already signs that these trades are
starting to move towards more spot trading. A ship that is However, there are a number of drawbacks to U tanks. In-
optimized for specific market conditions can become very creased scantlings are frequently required in way of U
expensive if those conditions vary. A good example of this tanks, as higher internal pressures are imposed during
is the turbine-powered VLCC design of the 1970s. These rolling. Also, much larger free surface effects are intro-
ships were very successful and profitable when freight duced. S or side tanks are located in the wing tanks above
rates were high and fuel costs were low. When the reverse the double bottom level. These tanks improve the vessel’s
occurred in the early 1980s many of these tankers became survivability when subject to raking bottom damage.
so expensive to operate that they were scrapped or laid up. The cargo tank arrangements shown in Figure 29.8 are
The half million tonne tankers of the same period, de- representative of tankers built during the early and mid
signed for economy of scale, were put out of business by 1990s.
changes in the trading pattern of crude oil. Tankers should The number and sizes of cargo tanks in coastal tankers
be expected to have a life of at least 20 years, during which and product carriers are generally governed by segregation
there will be many unpredictable political and commercial requirements and expected parcel sizes, rather than the
changes that will affect their operating economics. A suc- IMO design regulations such as hypothetical outflow and
cessful tanker design is therefore one that can be operated damage stability requirements. To control construction
economically over a wide range of scenarios. costs and facilitate tank cleaning, it is desirable to mini-
The risk exposure of the tanker owner is many faceted, mize the number of tanks in larger crude oil carriers. Crude
ranging from the uncertainty of the market place and the oil carriers under 120 000 DWT generally have single-
volatility of tanker charter rates to the assumed liability re- tank-across or two-tanks-across cargo tank configurations.
lated to pollution incidents. Many shipowners are naturally Most Suezmax tankers have two-tanks-across arrange-
reluctant to further increase their exposure by deviating ments, and most VLCC’s have three-across cargo tanks. As
substantially from industry practice. The significant sav- discussed in Section 29.3, the intact stability regulation
ings realized by series construction further encourages adopted in 1997 and accidental oil outflow regulations
standardization. Therefore, it is likely that most of the under development at IMO will likely restrict the use of
newbuildings in the coming years will be conventional single-tank-across arrangements in the future.
shipyard designs. The exceptions will be specialized ves-
sels such as shuttle tankers and coastwise tankers that are Principal particulars
either owned by the oil producers or protected by long- Once the mission requirements are established, the princi-
term charters, and the occasional design put forward by the pal dimensions can be developed. Statistical data from
innovative independent owner seeking a competitive edge. previously built tankers provide a good starting point for
developing the particulars, hull fullness, and double hull Cargo tank arrangement dimensions. The accompanying plots are based on data for
Typical double hull tanker ballast tank configurations are approximately 100 double hull tankers, all of which were
shown in Figure 29.7. L tanks, which are fitted on more constructed since 1990.
than 90% of today’s double hull tankers, are the most com- To a large extent, the required cargo oil capacity estab-
mon arrangement for ballast tanks. U tanks reduce asym- lishes the size of the tanker. As illustrated in Figure 29.9,
metrical flooding, and are generally used when L tank there exists a close correlation between the cubic number
arrangements fail to satisfy damage stability requirements. and the cargo capacity.
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-9
Click here to view

Figure 29.9 Cubic Number vs. Cargo Capacity

Click here to view

Figure 29.10 LBP vs. Cargo Capacity

initial projections of design displacement, draft, and block

The engine room length and the length of the fore and
aft peaks can be estimated from similar designs, and later
refined. The cargo block should be laid out taking into ac-
count mission requirements, structural considerations, and
Figure 29.8 Typical Cargo Tank Configurations regulatory requirements. Again, a review of previous de-
signs is quite helpful when making initial assumptions.
General arrangements for six representative designs are
The length, beam, and depth can be estimated from provided in Section 29.1.3. The RINA publication, Signif-
Figures 29.10 through 29.12. Then, these values can be icant Ships (2), is an excellent source for information on
matched against the initial estimate of cubic number, and the arrangement and particulars of ships, as are the various
adjusted as appropriate. trade magazines.
As described in the following sections, the lightship The next step is to generate a rough set of lines, confirm
and design deadweight can now be estimated, leading to cargo and ballast capacities, and assess trim, stability, and
29-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2
Click here to view

TABLE 29.I Principal Particulars For

Representative Double Hull Tankers
Panamax Tankers Minimum Maximum Average
DWT, Design (tonnes) 36 000 47 000 41 000
LBP (m) 168.6 198.7 174.4
Beam (m) 27.4 32.3 31.4
Depth (m) 14.9 19.5 17.5
Draft, Design (m) 10.9 12.7 11.3
Cargo Capacity (m ) 51 000 56 000 54 000
LBP / Beam 5.24 7.24 5.57
Beam / Depth 1.65 2.15 1.81
Draft / Depth 0.57 0.76 0.65

Aframax Tankers Minimum Maximum Average

DWT, Design (tonnes) 80 000 105 000 89 000
LBP (m) 210.0 242.0 229.7
Beam (m) 36.8 45.6 41.9
Depth (m) 17.2 23.2 20.3
Draft, Design (m) 11.2 14.9 13.1
Cargo Capacity (m ) 92 000 125 000 113 000
LBP / Beam 5.15 5.78 5.48
Beam / Depth 1.75 2.48 2.08
Figure 29.11 LBP/Beam vs. Cargo Capacity Draft / Depth 0.57 0.72 0.65
Click here to view
Suezmax Tankers Minimum Maximum Average
DWT, Design (tonnes) 127 000 144 000 137 000
LBP (m) 245.4 267.0 260.8
Beam (m) 41.5 50.0 45.8
Depth (m) 21.8 25.2 23.6
Draft, Design (m) 15.2 16.9 15.9
Cargo Capacity (m ) 138 000 173 000 164 000
LBP / Beam 5.08 6.13 5.71
Beam / Depth 1.80 2.11 1.94
Draft / Depth 0.65 0.69 0.67

VLCC's Minimum Maximum Average

DWT, Design (tonnes) 269 000 310 000 288 000
LBP (m) 314.0 327.0 318.6
Beam (m) 56.0 68.0 58.4
Depth (m) 28.0 31.8 30.9
Draft, Design (m) 19.1 22.7 21.1
Cargo Capacity (m ) 328 000 358 000 345 000
LBP / Beam 4.66 5.82 5.46
Beam / Depth 1.76 2.17 1.89
Draft / Depth 0.65 0.73 0.68

Figure 29.12 Beam/Depth vs. Cargo Capacity Lightship

The first estimate of lightship can be taken from Figure
29.13 or the following formula:
LS = 25.8 (CN)0.853 + 1.9 (1.36 P)0.62
strength. Refer to Section 29.3 for a discussion on double
hull clearances and other design issues, which should be where:
LS = lightship in tonnes
As shown in Figure 29.11 and Table 29.I, the length/
CN = (L)(B)(D)/100
beam ratio typically lies between 5.0 and 6.0 for larger
P = installed power in KW
tankers, increasing up to 7.0 for tankers below 20 000 tons
L = LBP in meters
DWT. As shown in Figure 29.12 and Table 29.I, the
B = Beam in meters
beam/depth ratio typically lies between 1.8 and 2.2, with
D = Depth in meters
the Aframax tankers tending to have higher B/D ratios and
Panamax carriers with their restricted beams having lower The lightship will vary depending on many factors, in-
B/D ratios. cluding the number of tanks, propulsion arrangement, ex-
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-11
Click here to view

TABLE 29.II Lightship Estimate for Suezmax Crude

Oil Carrier

Figure 29.13 Lightship vs. Cubic Number

tent of higher strength steel, and type of tanker. Shuttle

tankers, which typically have twin screw propulsion and a
high level of outfitting may be as much as 25% above the
trend line, whereas crude oil carriers employing 70% to
80% higher strength steel in the hull structure may fall 5%
below the line.
As the preliminary design progresses, the weight esti-
mate should be continuously refined. A summary of prin-
cipal weights for a Suezmax crude oil carrier is shown in
Table 29.II. Detail should be sufficient to produce a light-
ship weight distribution curve, for use in calculating hull
girder bending moments. If the design is conventional, it is
generally sufficient to estimate the lightship KG and LCG
based on comparison to similar ships during the early de-
sign stage, to be later verified by more detailed calcula-
tions. Deadweight
As a first estimate, the deadweight can be taken from Fig-
ure 29.14.
A nominal cargo oil density representative of the types be double-hulled, an increasing number of owners are pro-
of cargo oils to be carried is used to develop the design viding double hull protection for all oil tanks.
deadweight. Mission requirements will dictate the en-
durance and subsequently the volumes and weights of con- Service speed and hull fullness
sumables. Typical quantities of departure consumables are Economics dictate relatively slow speeds and full hull
listed in Table 29.III. The deadweight estimate should also forms for tankers. As illustrated in Figures 29.15 and
include a constant to cover items such as crew and effects, 29.16, most modern tankers have service speeds between
stores, and miscellaneous tanks. Typical values for the con- 14 knots and 16 knots and block coefficients between 0.81
stant range from 100 to 400 tonnes, depending on ship size. and 0.84. Some vessels on shorter routes such as shuttle
Consumables are generally arranged in tanks within the tankers may have block coefficients between 0.85 and
engine room. Although regulations do not require bunker 0.88. Coastal tankers, which are generally under 20 000
tanks located abaft of the forward engine room bulkhead to tons deadweight, tend to be finer (Cb = 0.70 to 0.80) and
29-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2


Click here to view Click here to view

Figure 29.14 Deadweight vs. Cargo Capacity

Figure 29.16 Block Coefficient (Cb)
TABLE 29.III Typical Consumables LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view

Figure 29.17 Design Draft vs. Cargo Capacity

tankers are frequently freeboard limited, this is usually not

the case for double hull tankers above 40 000 tons dead-
weight. The optimal design draft is selected taking due
Figure 29.15 Service Speed (knots) consideration of required payload and consumables,
Click here to view speed-power characteristics, and any mission related draft
limitations. The scantling draft is typically set between 0.5
somewhat slower than the larger product tankers and crude m and 1.5 m deeper draft than the design draft. This allows
oil carriers. for carriage of cargoes heavier than the nominal design
density. For small vessels, freeboard requirements may Trim and stability limit the scantling draft. For larger vessels, the IMO MAR-
The design draft/depth ratio for recent double hull tanker POL raking bottom damage requirement (refer to Section
designs is shown in Figure 29.17. Whereas single hull 29.3) is often a limiting factor.
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-13
Click here to view
Oil tankers generally tend to trim by the bow in the full
load, departure condition and by the stern in the ballast, ar-
rival condition. This effect is most pronounced in twin-
skeg designs, which tend to have fuller stern sections.
Therefore, it is advantageous to maximize the cargo ca-
pacity of the aft cargo tanks and slop tanks by reducing the
wing tanks clearances as far as possible. Some designs
have deep tanks between the forward-most cargo tanks and
the collision bulkhead, shifting the cargo volume aft and
improving trim for both the cargo and ballast conditions.
The ballast capacity of double hull tankers is plotted
against the cargo capacity in Figure 29.18. The ballast ca-
pacity must be sufficient to satisfy the IMO MARPOL
draft requirements (refer to Section 29.3). It is not unusual
to provide for ballast drafts well in excess of IMO require-
ments, particularly for ships operating in severe environ-
mental conditions such as the Alaskan Gulf and the North
Sea. As discussed in Section 29.3, the design must also Figure 29.18 Ballast Capacity vs. Cargo Capacity
comply with the various regulations concerning intact sta-
bility, damage stability, double hull dimensions, and acci-
dental oil outflow. tom depth are each set at the minimum rule requirement of
Still-water bending moments will, of course, be influ- 2.0 m.
enced by the arrangement of the cargo and ballast tanks. The cargo oil system is designed for carriage of up to
The full load condition will be a sagging condition, and the ten grades of cargo oil. Cargo handling is by means of hy-
ballast condition a hogging condition. The ballast condi- draulically driven, submerged pumps: eight pumps are
tion hogging moment will generally exceed the full load rated for 300 m3/hr and twelve are rated for 550 m3/hr. All
sagging moment, and drive hull girder section modulus re- cargo tanks are epoxy coated, and cargo oil heating is pro-
quirements. As a result, some designs have deep ballast vided for all cargo oil tanks through deck-mounted heaters.
tanks located amidships. The main propulsion engine is a Sulzer 6RTA52U slow
speed diesel engine, directly connected to the line shaft
and fixed pitch propeller. Deadweight at the 11.3 m design
29.1.3 General Arrangement draft is 39 871 tonnes. Service speed at the design draft is
General arrangements of six double hull tankers con- 14.5 knots.
structed during the middle and late 1990s are shown on the Shell International Trading and Shipping Company op-
following pages. Principal particulars for these vessels are erates the vessel, principally around the Australian coast. A
summarized in Section 29.4. The product tanker Helix, the Schilling rudder and 1200 kW bow thruster are fitted, as
Suezmax crude oil carrier British Harrier, and the VLCC the vessel’s service calls for maneuvering and docking
Murex are representative of designs developed for general with limited tug assistance.
trading. The North Sea shuttle tanker Stena Alexia, the
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) trade crude oil car- M/T BRITISH HARRIER
rier POLAR Endeavour, and the shallow draft VLCC Stena The M/T British Harrier (Figures 29.20 and 29.21) is a
Vision are specialized tankers designed for specific trades. conventional Suezmax crude oil carrier, with enhanced
structural integrity and safety features. The cargo and bal- M/T HELIX last tank arrangements are typical of Suezmax double hull
The M/T Helix (Figure 29.19) is a Panamax-beam product tankers. The double bottom is 2.55 m deep and the wing
tanker, designed for carriage of products such as toluene tanks are 2.80 m wide. Cargo tankage consists of 6 long ×
and lube oils as well as crude oil. The vessel’s twenty cargo 2 wide cargo tanks plus three slop tanks, with a total ca-
tanks, arranged 10 long × 2 wide, and two slop tanks have pacity of 170 000 m3 (1.07 million barrels). The cargo sys-
a total capacity of 54 000 m3 (340 000 bbls). Ballast tank- tem is designed for three cargo segregations, with transfer
age consists of five pairs of L tanks in way of the cargo by means of 3 × 3700 m3/hr steam-driven centrifugal
block plus the peak tanks, providing a ballast capacity of pumps. Ballast of 54 000 tonnes can be carried in the six
about 21 400 tonnes. The wing tank width and double bot- pairs of L tanks plus peaks tanks. 2 × 3700 m3/hr ballast
29-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 29.19 General Arrangement of M/T HELIX

pumps are housed together with the cargo pumps in the

pump room located immediately forward of the engine
To enhance fatigue life, scantlings are increased above
minimum class requirements, careful attention is paid to
structural connections, and the use of higher strength steel
is reduced to about 40% of the hull steel. Notch resistant
Grade D steel is used for the side shell and upper deck
throughout the cargo block.
Walkways and ladderways are arranged in the ballast
and cargo tanks to allow close-up inspection of critical
areas. To mitigate explosion risk, gas detection sampling
points are fitted in the ballast tanks in way of the cargo
block, and these tanks can also be connected to the inert
gas system.
A B&W 6S70MC slow speed diesel engine with a max-
imum continuous rating of 15 225 kW (20 700 PS) drives
a fixed pitch propeller. Deadweight at the 15.85 m design
Figure 29.20 M/T BRITISH HARRIER Section Amidships draft is 137 000 tonnes. Service speed at the design draft is
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-15

Figure 29.21 General Arrangement of M/T BRITISH HARRIER

14.5 knots. Auxiliary power is provided by three 870 kW M/T STENA ALEXITA
diesel generators. The M/T STENA Alexita (Figures 29.24 and 29.25) is a
twin screw shuttle tanker designed primarily for operation M/T MUREX in the North Sea. Cargo is loaded through a combined bow
The M/T Murex (Figures 29.22 and 29.23) is a VLCC built mooring and loading hose connection forward, or at the
by Daewoo Heavy Industries for operation by Shell Inter- midships manifolds. A dynamic positioning (DP) system
national Trading and Shipping. The vessel has a tank con- is provided, and the vessel is assigned the DnV notation
figuration typical of modern VLCCs. Cargo tanks are
arranged 5 long × 3 wide with two slop tanks, and ballast
is arranged in five pairs of L tanks plus the fore and aft
peaks. The vessel has a cargo capacity of 345 000 m3
(about 2.2 million barrels) and a ballast capacity of
102 300 tonnes. The cargo piping system and three 5 000
m3/hr steam-driven centrifugal pumps allow for carriage of
three grades of cargo.
The vessel is designed for a fatigue life of 25 years.
Higher strength steel comprises only 26% of the hull steel,
with HT32 steel limited to the upper and lower hull girder
structure. Symmetrical structural Ts are used extensively
within the double hull and transverse bulkheads.
A Sulzer 7RTA84T slow speed diesel engine with a
MCR of 26 478 kW drives a fixed pitch propeller. Dead-
weight is 277 800 tonnes at the 20.8 m design draft. Ser-
vice speed at the design draft is 15.5 knots. Auxiliary
power is provided by three 940 kW diesel generators and
one 940 kW main engine driven alternator. Figure 29.22 M/T MUREX Section Amidships
29-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 29.23 General Arrangement of M/T MUREX

Dynpos-AUTR. Helicopter landing facilities are arranged

The vessel’s deadweight is 127 466 tonnes at the 15.73
m summer loadline draft. Cargo tanks are arranged 6 long
× 2 wide with two slop tanks, and ballast is arranged in six
pairs of L tanks, a pair of engine room wing tanks, and aft
trim tanks. The wing tanks and double bottoms amidships
have minimum clear dimensions of 3.1 m and 2.9 m re-
spectively. The cargo oil capacity is 141 783 m3 (about 890
000 barrels) and the ballast capacity is 56 888 tonnes. The
two steam and one electric motor driven cargo pumps are
each rated for an average pumping rate of 4000 m3/hr. The
two electric driven ballast pumps are rated for 2500 m3/hr
each. A vapor recovery system is also fitted.
Each power train consists of a MAN B&W 7S50 MC
engine driving a controllable pitch propeller, providing a
laden service speed of 14.6 knots with 15% service mar-
gin. Four thrusters, 2 × 2000 kW bow thrusters and 2 ×
1000 kW stern thrusters, together with two articulated flap
Figure 29.24 M/T STENA ALEXITA Section Amidships Becker rudders are controlled by the DP system.
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-17

Figure 29.25 General Arrangement of M/T STENA ALEXITA M/T POLAR ENDEAVOUR

The M/T POLAR ENDEAVOUR (Figures 29.26 and.29.27)
is a crude oil carrier designed primarily for carriage of
crude oil from Valdez, Alaska to the U.S. West Coast and
primarily the Puget Sound region. The vessel has a scant-
ling deadweight of about 141 700 tonnes but, in accor-
dance with regulatory requirements, will operate at its de-
sign deadweight of 127 000 tonnes when calling Puget
Sound. The vessel is arranged with two independent en-
gine rooms and propulsion systems. The hull structure is of
predominantly mild steel, and designed for a fatigue life of
30 years in the TAPS trade environment.
Cargo tanks are arranged 6 long × 2 wide with two slop
tanks, and ballast is arranged in six pairs of “L” tanks, a
forepeak tank, a pair of engine room wing tanks, and aft
trim tanks. The wing tanks and double bottoms amidships
have a minimum clear dimension of 3.0 m. The cargo oil
capacity is 161 200 m3 (about 1 million barrels) and the
ballast capacity is 62 400 tonnes. The four electric motor
driven cargo pumps are each rated for an average pumping Figure 29.26 M/T POLAR ENDEAVOUR Section Amidships
29-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 29.27 General Arrangement of M/T POLAR ENDEAVOUR

rate of 2985 m3/hr. The two electric ballast pumps are rated
for 2860 m3/hr each.
Each power train consists of a MAN B&W 7S50 MC-
C engine driving a controllable pitch propeller. Each en-
gine room is arranged with an 8600 kW PTO generator,
1000 kW power converter unit, 1000 kW diesel generator,
and associated switchboards. The CP wheels, high perfor-
mance rudders, and a 2200 kW bow thruster provide a high
standard of maneuverability. The vessel is assigned the
ABS R2-S+ notation for propulsion redundancy. M/T STENA VISION

The M/T Stena Vision (Figures 29.28 and 29.29) is a shal-
Figure 29.28 M/T STENA VISION Section Amidships
low draft VLCC specially designed to service refineries on
the Delaware River without having to lighter offshore. The
beam of 70.0 m is about 12 m wider than the typical dou-
ble hull VLCC, enabling the Vision to carry about 30% The vessel complies with DnV’s RPS (redundant
more cargo than standard VLCCs at limited drafts. Cargo propulsion separate) requirements. All systems for propul-
tanks are arranged 5 long × 3 wide with two slop tanks, and sion and maneuvering, including engines, shafts, genera-
ballast is arranged in five pairs of L tanks and the fore and tors, steering gear, rudders, propellers, and control systems
aft peaks. The vessel has a cargo capacity of about 351 700 are fully redundant. The twin-screw, twin rudder vessel has
m3 (about 2.2 million barrels) and a ballast capacity of 109 excellent maneuvering characteristics, achieving a tighter
900 tonnes. The piping system is design to permit three turning circle than most Suezmax tankers.
cargo segregations. Three 5500 m3/hr steam-driven cen- Two MAN B&W slow speed diesel engines, each with
trifugal cargo pumps and two 3000 m3/hr electric-drive a MCR of 15 785 kW, drive fixed pitch propellers. Dead-
centrifugal ballast pumps enable rapid loading and dis- weight is 268 000 tonnes at the 16.76 m design draft. Ser-
charge of the crude oil cargo. vice speed at the design draft is 16.9 knots. Electric power
Chapter 29: Oil Tankers 29-19

Figure 29.29 General Arrangement of M/T STENA VISION

is provided by two 1 180 KW and 2 800 KW diesel gener- The bilge radius is kept small, usually at or below 2 m,
ators. in order to maximize displacement and provide sufficient
structure in way of the hopper connection. The parallel
midbody is carried as far as practical fore and aft, while
avoiding harsh shoulders in the hull.
29.2 OIL TANKER SYSTEMS Bow shapes for tankers are predominantly of three
Because of the nature of the cargo, safety of personnel is of types: cylindrical bows, spoon-formed bows, and bulbous
paramount concern on oil tankers. To minimize the risk of bows (3,4). Cylindrical bows are less efficient and seldom
accidental oil spillage, structural reliability is critical. Ship used in recent years. Spoon-formed bows are lower cost al-
systems are designed with a high level of redundancy. ternatives, as they require less forming of plate. The bul-
bous bow provides the best efficiency, although the spoon-
formed bow can provide favorable powering performance,
29.2.1 Hull Form, Propulsion and Performance particularly at shallow draft in calm water. A bulbous bow Hull form performs significantly better than the spoon-formed bows
Optimization of the hull form involves trade offs between in head seas, and is the bow form selected for most mod-
hull efficiency, maneuverability, seakeeping, and pro- ern tankers. To insure proper assessment of overall effi-
ducibility. The relatively short, beamy hulls typical of ciency, propulsion tests should be carried out in addition to
tankers give designers a challenge in producing a hull with resistance tests, and tests should be carried out in waves.
low powering requirements combined with good maneu- Current practice is to install a relatively narrow bulb
verability and course keeping. It must also be remembered with a sharp entrance angle. This has the traditional ad-
that the component of resistance due to waves is propor- vantage of bulbous bows in reducing wave making resis-
tional to the cube of the beam, so the greater the beam, the tance, is effective in wave breaking in head seas, and ex-
higher the speed loss when sailing through head seas. tends the ballast waterline providing improved efficiency
Next Page
29-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

at the ballast draft. For modern tankers, the speed at ballast

draft is typically 0.8 knots to 1.5 knots faster than the de-
sign speed.
Modern single screw tankers usually have a trapezoidal
stern shape in which the buttocks rise in a straight line to-
wards the transom. A bulbous gondola arrangement in way
of the shafting reduces the resistance through the water but
also reduces hull efficiency by reducing the wake fraction.
The largest propeller compatible with the engine rpm will
give the highest propeller efficiency and the shape of the
gondola must be carefully tuned to give the best combina-
tion of high wake fraction, low thrust deduction and low
Figure 29.31 Hull Form for Twin Gondola Stern
Twin screw ships with exposed shafts and brackets are
usually less efficient than single screw ships because of CFD has proven to be a valuable tool for optimizing
lower hull efficiency (lower wake fraction) and the pro- ship hull forms. Potential flow calculations are particularly
peller open water efficiency being lower because of their good for optimizing the bow where the boundary layer is
smaller diameter. This is of lesser concern in a ship such as small. In the stern, where the boundary layer is thick, the
a shuttle tanker, which does not carry out long ocean pas- potential flow calculations are not accurate enough for hull
sages, but on a VLCC, for example, it will seriously affect form design. However, the potential flow results provide
the operating economics. A solution that has gained favor useful prediction of the overflow over the underside of the
in recent years is the twin-gondola stern. This configura- skegs on twin skeg designs, and hence advice in designing
tion provides excellent powering performance, although the main direction of the skegs.
the complexity of the stern shape does have a significant
impact on construction costs. Based on testing of over 200 Propulsion and power
twin skeg hull forms by the Swedish model tank facility,
Tankers require power for propulsion, cargo and ballast
SSPA, optimized twin skeg tanker designs were found to
handling, and other ship systems. Figure 29.32 presents
require about 2% less shaft horsepower than good single
the installed main engine power for recent tanker new-
screw designs. Figures 29.30 and 29.31 show representa-
buildings. Most tankers are single screw, powered by a sin-
tive single screw and twin-gondola lines.
gle slow speed diesel engine connected to a fixed pitch pro-
On twin skeg hull forms, the rise of the tunnel between
the gondolas must begin towards the aft end of the cargo LIVE GRAPH
and slop tanks, so that the IMO required clearance between Click here to view
the shell and cargo tank is maintained. However, the rise of
the stern and the tapering of the skegs must be sufficiently
gentle to avoid flow separation.

Figure 29.30 Hull Form for Single Screw Tanker Figure 29.32 Installed Power (kW)
Figure 30.1 Profile of a Modern FPSO
Chapter 30
Floating Production Storage and
Offloading (FPSO) Vessels

Peter A. Ridley

FSO A Floating Storage and Offloading Unit can
API GRAV- An alternative way of expressing the spe- be ship shape or barge configuration, used
ITY cific gravity of a product. An arbitrary grav- to store crude in conjunction with other
ity of 10.0° is assigned to fresh water. fixed offshore production facilities. The unit
Numbers above 10.0° indicate products is moored at a specific location for extended
lighter than fresh water: those below, periods of time with stored crude being pe-
heavier. API Gravity = (141.5/Specific riodically offloaded with offtake or shuttle
Gravity)  130.5. tankers.
BBLS Barrels, a unit of oil measurement. FSU A Floating Storage Unit is generally a trad-
BS&W Basic Sediment and Water is residue re- ing tanker temporarily moored at an off-
maining at the bottom of tanks after product shore loading terminal for periods of days
removed. rather than the more permanent FSO. Once
CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring is one type the trading tanker is loaded, she departs for
of Single Point Mooring system, which a designated market.
could be used as an offshore terminal. It is GAESP SIGTTO Guidelines for the Alleviation of
characterized by a floating buoy moored to Excessive Surge Pressures on ESD—
the seabed by 6 to 8 anchor legs laid out in 1987.
large scope catenaries. HAWSER The mooring line connecting two floating
DICAS Differentiated Compliant Anchoring System vessels, comprised of synthetic rope, chaf-
is a spread mooring system for FPSOs with ing chains, and buoys.
different mooring stiffness at the bow and HOSE The flexible conduit through which cargo is
stern. Allows partial weathervaning of ves- transferred from one vessel to another.
sel (yaw angles of 25 to 80°). HSE Health and Safety Executive of the United
FLEX Non-bonded reinforced flexible flowlines Kingdom.
RISERS used to connect the subsea development to HSIT OCIMF—Guidelines for the Handling,
the FPSO. Storage, Inspection and Testing of Hoses in
FPSO A Floating, Production, Storage, and Off- the Field, 1995.
loading vessel, which often is ship shaped ICS International Chamber of Shipping.
and can be either a converted tanker or ISGOTT International Shipping Guide to Offshore
new construction specifically for this Terminals and Tankers.
service. ITOL Industry Taskforce on Offshore Lightering.

30-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

LIGHTER- (or offloading vessel) these are usually compasses the structural elements located
ING vessels of opportunity used to load from within the vessel hull, large diameter bear-
VESSEL the FPSO facility. ings, as well as receptacles for the mooring
MEG OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines legs and subsea risers. The ship process
1992. equipment piping and subsea risers are
MMS Mineral Management Service regulates off- joined in a manifold at the turret.
shore oil and gas activity in the Outer Con- WORK The re-entry of a well for maintenance pur-
tinental Shelf of the USA. OVER pose. This may involve the use of a drill rig
MTFPEE OCIMF Guide on Marine Terminal Fire or other equipment and procedure, for well
Protection and Emergency Evacuation, intervention.
NMD/NPD Norwegian Maritime Directorate/Norwe-
gian Petroleum Directorate
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum. 30.2 MISSION
PMS RISK The function of probability of an occur- The mission of a Floating Production Storage and Off-
rence and the magnitude of the threat, Risk loading Vessel (FPSO) installation is to be a self-sustain-
= Material Hazard × Accident Probability × ing seaworthy platform to produce oil of a required speci-
Release Probability × Event Consequences. fication, continuously over the life of the oil field.
SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring, type of Single This has to be achieved in a safe, environmentally
Point Mooring system for an offshore ter- sound, and reliable manner.
minal. The system is characterized by the
mooring buoy being connected to the
seabed via a single taut anchor leg. 30.2.1 Description
SCR Steel Catenary Risers hard pipe risers con-
necting the wellhead/bottom flowlines to FPSOs in their simplest form are based on a conventional
the FPSO. crude tanker with a crude stabilization process plant
SHUTTLE A specialized vessel dedicated to serving a mounted on the main deck. These vessels incorporate
TANKER specific FPSO or area. The vessel is nor- many of the design features and systems of the conven-
mally employed for a regular trade route. tional tanker, however, in addition, there are several new
SMOG OCIMF Single Point Mooring Maintenance systems, which require special consideration. This chapter
and Operations Guide. deals mainly with these additional requirements.
SPM Single Point Mooring, open water berth for Figures 30.2 and 30.3 show an early conversion and a
marine vessels having one mooring point recent new FPSO, respectively.
only, usually connected to the vessel bow.
Product is generally transferred through
floating or jumper hoses. 30.2.2 Background
STBL Ship to be lightered, usually the FPSO. At present there are more than 80 Floating Production
SS Service Ship, generally the shuttle or off- Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units operating around the
take and tanker. world. The vessels range from purpose built new units to
TOPSIDES Pertains to the processing equipment conversions of 1970s built VLCCs and other tanker hulls.
mounted above the vessel main deck. Gen- There is little commonality between the units other than
erally contains Well Test Separator, two or hull form.
three stage production separation, separated To make philosophical design decisions, it is necessary
gas and water treatment and disposal equip- to understand the characteristics required of an FPSO hull
ment as well as process controls and and how they differ from the conventional ship/tanker hull
fire/safety equipment. The success of an FPSO is dependent on producing oil
TURRET Means by which FPSOs can be moored to and gas of a required specification, continuously, over the
the seabed and allowed to weathervane life of the field.
about a neutral axis in response to environ- FPSOs are, therefore, designed to remain afloat in
mental forces. Generally the term turret en- the field without dry-docking for extended periods of up to
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-3

Figure 30.2 FPSO Conversion Cora

25 years. This presents unique challenges to the hull de- lized crude oil and the delivery of natural gas. The revenue
signer. flow mirrors the above production curve. From the curve
we can see that revenue trails off toward the end of the
FPSO life.
It should be noted a maintenance interruption early in
the field life would be most costly, conversely a significant
maintenance interruption late in the field life may prove
The economics, which drive the operation of an FPSO, dif- to be un-economic, as regards repairs,and lead to prema-
fer radically from those of a trading vessel. Typical charter ture field shut down and under recovery of the field re-
rates of vessels, (tankers) engaged in the transportation of source.
oil may be measured in terms of thousands of dollars per More and more FPSOs and FSOs are being designed
day. An FPSO working in an oil field producing thousands for a specific field (Figure 30.5). These units typically have
of barrels of oil per day may be considered to be operating no independent means of propulsion, and are maintained
with a cash flow measured in millions of dollars per day. on location by sophisticated mooring arrangements. These
Therefore the cost differential effect on earnings due to a units are also equipped with a unique process system tai-
service interruption is considerably more for the FPSO, lored to fit the crude oil and gas characteristics and pro-
when compared to a trading vessel. cessing requirements of the field.
Figure 30.4 represents a typical 20-year field produc- The sophistication of these new generations of FPSOs
tion curve. Production is measured in Barrels of Oil Per requires extensive engineering and construction programs
Day (BOPD) and Million Standard Cubic Feet Per day and therefore, cannot be temporarily substituted. Should
(MM SCFD). The trading vessel earns revenue by loading there be a requirement to remove the FPSO for major
transporting and unloading cargo. These freight or charter maintenance, the oil field has to be shut down. This is an
revenues are comparatively consistent over the vessel’s important consideration when selecting the FPSO. An FSO
economic life. The FPSO earns currency on the basis of, might be more easily substituted as there is essentially no
through put, receiving, processing, and offloading stabi- process equipment required.
30-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 30.3 Recent FPSO New Construction: Glas Dowr

Figure 30.5 FSO Shallow Water Field Development

Figure 30.4 Typical Oil Field Production Rate

Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-5

Shut down of the oil field should be avoided wherever the coating begins to fail and accelerated corrosion is
possible, as damage can occur to the reservoir and wells. starting to take place. The double hull configuration should
Those using down hole ESPs (Electric Submerged not therefore be discounted for long term FPSOs. The
Pumps), which may fail to restart and consequently lead to double hull configuration also provides advantages such
costly well workovers. as heat retention, sand and sediment management, and
will ease cleaning requirements for de commissioning.
When or if a shipyard visit is required the double hull
configuration may allow the tanks to be cleaned more
With the realization of the effects which uncontrolled
development has had on our environment it is essential,
that features, which promote Health, Safety and Environ- 30.5.2 Collision Bulkheads
mental impact, are designed into the FPSO from the earli- With the use of Tandem mooring type off-loading systems,
est stages of the project. An Environmental Impact Study the FPSO or FSO is more likely to experience a collision
may be carried out at the beginning of the project to assess from the stern than the bow. To mitigate the risk from col-
the potential impact on the environment made by the lision a second collision bulkhead could be incorporated
new facilities and the site operations during the life of the aft.
Considering the previous information, the FPSO hull 30.5.3 Main Deck
should be primarily designed to fit the field environmental
conditions with predicted long-term storms and market re- With the installation of the process equipment on deck, the
quirements. main deck will require strengthening to support the point
A philosophy of design, which promotes ease of opera- loads imposed from the process deck. Note that during the
tion, reliability, and maintainability, should also be initial field development and process design, deck loadings
adopted. The remote location where these facilities are may change often. It is therefore essential such changes be
generally sited requires keen attention to personnel safety communicated in a timely fashion to the naval architect
issues onboard the vessel as well as access to and from the during design and the construction yard prior to the sec-
vessel. tions being started. It may also be considered prudent to
allow additional strength (10 to 15%) in the deck as a con-
tingency to cover any unexpected increase in the process
equipment weight.
30.5.1 Regulations 30.5.4 Accommodation
Current regulations allow for exemption from MARPOL Separation between process deck and the accommodation
13F and 13G, which require secondary boundary protec- quarters is of utmost importance with 100 feet or more be-
tion of cargo oil tanks. Some administrations have indi- tween the two being preferred. In North Sea installations,
cated requirements for Double Sided vessels. It is gener- the accommodations must have a fire safe wall facing
ally considered FPSOs are unlikely to suffer from the process systems. This safety provision is recommended in
effects of grounding since they remain on the same loca- all FPSO installations as the accommodations are also
tion for the field life as opposed to trading vessels that designated as a personnel safe haven. The location of the
are constantly sailing. In reality, however, a case may accommodation module determines the location of the
be presented that most sporadic structural pollution inci- turret and the main machinery space (underneath the ac-
dents from large tankers (VLCCs) have in the past oc- commodation). As this block has such an impact on the
curred through the bottom plating, either through general final configuration of the FPSO. Experience has shown
wastage, erosion, or pitting corrosion. This problem is that an FPSO with an accommodation block at the bow re-
aggravated in older vessels, which used cargo tanks for quires the turret to be located further aft, towards mid-
ballast control in some situations and from the multi- ships. This center of rotational location for the mooring
surfaces created by complicated structural configuration decreases the natural weather-vaning tendency of a turret-
in tank bottoms. This normally starts to become problem- moored vessel. Stern thrusters become necessary to assist
atical from years 15 to 17 onward. This is the time when the vessel in alignment into the predominant seas. An aft
30-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

mounted accommodation block allows the turret location 30.6 SYSTEM DESIGN
to be moved closer to the bow (normally 10 to 30% of the
vessel length aft of the forward perpendicular) and thus
30.6.1 General Arrangement
creates a longer rotational moment arm. Some work has Figure 30.6 shows the general arrangement of a recently
been done to compare the relative effect of the accommo- delivered FPSO. It should be referred to as the system
dation location on the proportion of the vessel available for components are described in the following subsections.
oil storage.
30.6.2 Hull Form
30.5.5 In-hull Process Tanks A barge-shaped vessel can often be the most efficient hull
The FPSO may include integral crude process tanks for the form for the FPSO. As the FPSO is a permanently moored
separation of water from the crude. The in hull tanks will stationary vessel the requirements for hull form are re-
be of much larger volume than deck mounted process duced. The major criteria for consideration during the hull
treaters. The advantage of the increased volume allows an design are vessel motion, towing, site-specific conditions,
increased residence time for the crude/water separation and storage requirements. These are discussed later in this
process. chapter.

Figure 30.6 General Arrangement: Griffin Venture

Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-7

30.6.3 Towing ferences dictated by hull motions on separators, etc. The

The detailed analysis methods and towing arrangements American Petroleum Institute (API) design and equipment
shall meet the requirements of the recognized classifica- recommended practice should provide a sound starting
tion society, regulatory body or recognized certifying point for developing the FPSO process facilities (topsides)
agency. A third party marine surveyor shall verify towing design.
arrangement compliance prior to sail out on behalf of the API, ASME, ANSI, NFPA, and NEC standards and
owner/operator and/or their insurer. practice also may be utilized as a design basis in areas
A detailed Towing Plan of the FPSO should be pre- where no local or regional standard has been established.
pared by a naval architect in conjunction with the towing If the installation is for one of the major oil operators, use
contractor. of such internationally recognized standards are common
These specifications and recommended practices may
30.6.3 Design Basis need tailoring; they do however provide standards for in-
This is a formal project document developed in the initial strumentation, electrical, ESD and controls, piping, weld-
stages of the project and becomes the basis on which the ing, QA/QC, coatings, safety, vendor data and structural.
vessel design is established. This document shall include In addition to the standards set forth, specific require-
field oceanographic and environmental data specific to the ments of coastal governments or the flag state must be met.
FPSOs intended location, as well as crude properties, an Requirements of a classing society may be necessary
indication of the type and scale of the oil field develop- should the FPSO be classed as a Floating Production,
ment, and a requirement for production, storage and of- Storage and Offloading System. For an FPSO anticipated
floading capacities. In addition the design basis will high- for US waters, current guidelines stipulated by USCG and
light other criteria such as: MMS will have a direct bearing on the process design,
equipment selection, and associated operational safety and
• sub-sea topography,
health issues.
• earthquake (when applicable),
• water depth
• survival condition (100 year environmental event), 30.7.3 Equipment and Equipment Mounting
• ice condition (50 year event or lower) (when applica- Considerations
ble), and
Unlike the integrated deck platform topsides, FPSO top-
• operational condition (1 year event)
sides are generally more modularized. In the UK and Far
East, the common term for these modules is PAUs or Pre-
assembled Units. These PAUs range in size from a few
tonnes to 2000 tonnes. The maximum size lifts alongside
30.7.1 Marine and Process Systems Interface the FPSO outfitting yard pier is generally below 200
The marine and process system interfaces have become an tonnes for the installation of the PAUs with standard yard
obvious focal point for discussions when delays or cost cranes.
overruns have been incurred. The difference in standards Should a graving or drydock be available, 600-tonne
of the shipbuilding industry and the offshore process in- lifts could be made utilizing normal gantry cranes sta-
dustry lead to system requirements on an FPSO, which are tioned over the dock. Dry-dock space is extremely expen-
at best inconsistent, and at worst in direct conflict. The ori- sive to utilize for PAU installations as it interferes with the
gins of the individual standards explain why there are sig- joining of large hull sections and therefore must be
nificant differences in the standards requirements. How- planned extremely carefully. Larger lifts can be accom-
ever, the successful FPSO project necessitates that each plished with floating crane/shear leg barges, though the
standard be reviewed in a systematic approach while al- reach over the side of a floating hull generally limits these
lowing the ship hull, systems, and marine equipment to be lifts to the 2000 tonne or less range. It should be pointed
placed on order far ahead of the process facilities. out that not all yards have ready access to this size floating
crane barges.
Obviously, the more complete a PAU is, the less tie-in
30.7.2 General Considerations time will be required aboard the FPSO. The final sizing of
The process systems used onboard FPSOs are for the most the PAUs should be a co-operative effort between the
part the same as those used on platforms save for the dif- process system designer, PAU supplier, construction co-or-
30-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

dinator and shipyard. The natural tendency of platform • coolers, and

topsides designers and schedulers is to overlook the criti- • manifolds.
cality of the maximum PAU size.
Additional hull induced motions on process equipment
and supporting structures creates a significant design fac-
30.7.4 Impact of Vessel Motions and Accelerations tor for all disciplines during the detailed design phase. It is
The basic design premise for any offshore process facility for this reason that FPSO Front End Engineering Design
is Crude Stabilization, which is based fundamentally on (FEED) work must adequately quantify the anticipated
gravity separation. This includes the primary separation of Process Deck motions associated with the FPSO response
oil, gas, and water or the secondary refinement of these to environmental forces.
products in an oil, gas, or water treater. The gravity sepa- The effects of acceleration forces on process equipment
ration process, by its very nature, requires quiescence. The must be included in the design basis, as these forces impact
purpose of the process is to produce crude product for ex- the structural strength of the pressure vessels, and skids.
port, which meets a defined set of quality standards. Gen- Where the hull is a new build, the naval architects must
erally the standard that must be met for transport via export work closely with the process engineers to ensure the com-
tanker is product with BS&W content < 0.5% or a salt con- patibility of the hull configuration with the intended
tent < 57 g/m3, (whichever controls) and stabilized to re- process. Vessel motions can be reduced, within the bounds
duce the absolute vapor pressure to 10 psi or less. of safe engineering practices, by increasing/decreasing the
The major difference in the establishment of the FPSO three primary dimensions of the hull. The governing pa-
process design parameters arises from the requirement that rameters for hull configurations being:
the topsides must be designed to operate under less than
still conditions. The severity of the effect of motion on • anticipated site maximum storm/survival environmen-
process equipment can be subdivided into three major cat- tal conditions,
egories: • anticipated transit environmental conditions, and
• storage volume required.
Motions have significant effect on performance: Pri-
marily refers to equipment with liquid/liquid interface
30.7.5 Shuttle Tanker Transfers
such as:
Hydrocarbons are often transferred from the FPSO into
• three-phase separators, shuttle or offtaker tankers by one of the following transfer
• oil treaters, schemes:
• Water treaters,
• rayed contact towers, and • alongside (side-by-side) transfer,
• process controls such as level indicators/controllers, • tandem transfer, and
etc. • pipeline (via single point export buoy).
Figure 30.7 shows both alongside and tandem transfer
Motion have less effect on performance: Primarily from the same FPSO.
refers to equipment with gas/liquid interface such as:
Alongside transfer: Alongside, (or side-by-side), trans-
• two-phase separators,
fer of hydrocarbons is often used for offloading from a ship
• cyclonic separation systems,
shaped FPSO in areas with mild weather conditions. This
• gas scrubbers,
method involves berthing or mooring a shuttle tanker
• surge tanks,
alongside the FPSO, as shown in Figure 30.8.
• packed contact towers, and
Hydrocarbon products are then transferred through ma-
• heaters.
rine type hoses or loading arms to the shuttle tanker amid
ship manifolds.
Motions have minimal effect on performance: Primar-
Pneumatic or foam-filled fenders are installed between
ily refers to equipment with single-phase or mixed two-
the two vessels to dampen hull impacts. The shuttle tanker
phase fluids such as:
is secured to the FPSO by mooring lines usually passed
• heat exchangers, over from the offloading tanker.
• pumps/prime movers, Alongside transfer is probably the most weather-lim-
• compressors, ited method of exporting crude oil because of its high sen-
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-9

Figure 30.7 Offloading Alongside and Tandem Transfer Schemes

Figure 30.8 Alongside Transfer

30-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

sitivity to wave and wind effects. Particularly when radi- mended for use on each side of the FPSO. Smaller sec-
cally different hull dimensions and shapes are involved. ondary fenders may be provided on the bow and stern for
Excessive wave height is a major cause of downtime for additional protection against impact from the shuttle
alongside transfer. A wave height of 2.5 to 3 meters has tanker while approaching or leaving the FPSO.
been recommended as the maximum design condition for Fenders may be tended by cables attached to retractable
allowing safe mooring of two tankers side-by-side. davits mounted on the main deck of the FPSO, or by cables
However, this wave height limitation may vary depend- rigged, through fairleads and rollers, to the FPSOs moor-
ing upon the following conditions: ing winches. Where davits are not used, other means
should be provided for hoisting each fender from the water
• type of FPSO,
to the main deck of the FPSO, or onto a service vessel for
• differences between FPSO and shuttle tanker sizes and
maintenance or repair. This is especially important for an
hull shapes,
FPSO that may be subjected to severe weather conditions.
• relative wind, wave and current direction, speed and
Fender handing equipment should be designed for the
largest size and heaviest type fender to be used. An impact
• weather-vaning capability of the FPSO,
factor for dynamic loading of the fender davits and associ-
• adequacy of fenders and mooring equipment,
ated cables should be at least 2.0. The davits and fender
• transfer equipment design, and
lifting lines should be designed and built in accordance
• availability of thruster assist.
with API Spec 2C Specification for Offshore Cranes, latest
The design of the FPSO mooring system should con- edition. Local buckling of the hull shell plating, in the
sider the offloading configuration as an operating condi- fender area, should be checked and appropriate design
tion. considerations should be applied.
The environmental limits for alongside transfer opera- Tandem transfer: Tandem transfer is a commonly used
tions can be verified by analysis or model basin testing. low-pressure crude oil export system, which involves off-
Designers and operators should use increased caution if loading of hydrocarbon from an FPSO to a shuttle tanker
using a shuttle tanker that has larger dimensions, draft that is moored in-line with the FPSO as shown in Figure
ranges, and/or hull displacement than the FPSO. Geome- 30.9. Both vessels can be arranged bow-to-bow or bow-to-
try may make the side-by-side mooring difficult and result FPSO-stern, and the transfer of hydrocarbons can be made
in a condition, which may not have been considered in the through an above-water hose boom, a floating or catenary
design of the offloading equipment. Consequently, the de- submerged hose, or a hard pipe and swivel joint boom to
sign basis for the FPSO mooring and export systems could tanker system. Compared to the alongside transfer method,
be dominated by the offloading condition.Alongside trans- the tandem transfer method can be used in harsher envi-
fer from a spread-moored FPSO is rarely used and is nor- ronments.
mally not recommended. However, if properly planned, The system offers better possibilities for quick discon-
both the FPSO and its mooring system can be designed to nection and further separation between the vessels. Tan-
absorb the maximum mooring and impact loads caused by dem transfer can be adapted for use with either a weather-
the shuttle tanker, and at the same time allow the offtake vaining or a spread-moored FPSO.
tanker to safely clear all of the FPSO mooring legs during The offloading tanker can be moored to the FPSO by
berthing and unberthing operations. one or more hawsers. A dynamically positioned (DP),
Fenders used for alongside offloading of an FPSO thruster assisted, or supply boat/tug assisted offtake tanker
preferably should be of a rubber, floating type filled with may improve the operational safety of the transfer opera-
air or foam. Fenders should be designed to absorb the im- tion. DP capabilities on both vessels may also increase the
pact of the largest planned offloading tanker berthing operational limits.
alongside the FPSO, and should also be positioned to The tandem transfer method can allow transfer of crude
spread the impact force as evenly as possible along the oil in environments with higher wave intensities than the
sides of the FPSO. The number and size of fenders depend alongside transfer method. Experience has shown that, if
upon the maximum size of the offloading tanker expected DP is employed to reduce hawser snapping, tandem
to call on the FPSO, and on its anticipated maximum ap- transfer can be designed for five meters significant wave
proach velocity and angle when coming alongside. Re- height.
gardless of the offloading tanker’s size a minimum of three The actual limiting wave height for mooring and load-
equally sized and spaced primary fenders are recom- ing operations may vary, depending upon the following:
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-11

Figure 30.9 Tandem Floating Hose Offloading

• distance between FPSO and offload tanker, any surface-piercing platforms in close proximity to the
• size of shuttle tanker and FPSO, FPSO or FSO.
• crosswind and current conditions,
• type of FPSO mooring system,
• maneuvering space at the site, 30.8 HULL STRUCTURE
• offload tanker station-keeping capabilities, As the FPSO is permanently moored at a specific site, the
• degree of automation in the hawser and offloading con- hull structure can be designed for the specific environmen-
nection, tal conditions of the site. It may be possible to reduce
• experience and skill of the operator, scantling for the vessel operating in a restricted benign en-
• FPSO station-keeping capabilities (fishtailing and vironment.
surge control), and
• availability of DP or thruster assist. Fatigue life: It is a concern of the naval architect to in-
sure the design of the FPSO hull has a sufficient fatigue life
Offtake tankers with side thrusters and/or dynamic po-
to withstand the rigors of uninterrupted service in the field.
sitioning systems can withstand higher wind and wave lim-
Small enhancements are recommended such as additional
its than vessels without these systems. Such vessels are
brackets at the attachment of the side and bottom longitu-
also the only types of shuttle tankers recommended for use
dinals to the transverse web frames, and bulkheads. The ef-
with an above-water hose/boom transfer system or boom/
fects of fatigue and prediction of remaining fatigue life are
hard pipe system with swivel joints.
a major concern when trading tankers are converted to
Reverse thrust may be required while mooring an of-
FPSOs for long life fields.
floading tanker to an FPSO to provide directional stability
in cases where environmental conditions make the two-
vessel system unstable or unsafe. Reverse thrust may be 30.9 OUTFITTING
provided by the shuttle tanker itself or by a tug. Accom-
modations for emergency disconnection of the tanker 30.9.1 FPSO Mooring System
should be provided. Mooring design code
CALM export buoy: Similar to the CALM Mooring Mooring systems are designed according to recognized in-
mentioned earlier, the FPSO might export hydrocarbons dustry design codes. API RP 2SK Recommended Practice
via a submerged pipeline to an export buoy. This buoy will for Design and Analysis of Station-keeping Systems for
be equipped with a fluid transfer unit (swivel), which al- Floating Structures is the most widely used design code
lows weathervaining of the export tanker, around the buoy. for mooring systems. It covers strength and fatigue design
The advantages of this design are that the FPSO and Ex- for steel (chain and wire rope) moorings. For fiber rope
port tanker can operate in different water depths, and in- moorings, API RP 2SM is applicable. For operations in
creased safety as a result of the distance between the ves- Norwegian water, NMD/NPD Rules and DNV standard
sels, and other oilfield installations. This also decreases the Position Mooring will govern. Other classification soci-
risk of collision between the large offloading tankers and eties such as ABS, BV, and Lloyds also have issued rules
30-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

and regulations covering mooring design. ISO has devel-

oped a draft mooring code, which is included in the docu-
ment ISO/WD 13819-4 (draft).
Mooring design: The mooring system for an FPSO
generally falls into one of the following categories: spread
mooring, tower mooring, turret mooring, catenary anchor
leg mooring (CALM), dynamic positioning (DP), or
thruster assisted mooring. Description and discussion on
these systems are presented below.
Spread mooring: In a typical spread mooring system
(Figure 30.10), groups of mooring lines are terminated at
the corners of the FPSO, holding a stable heading for the
Since a ship shaped vessel is sensitive to environmental
directions, the mooring system is subjected to much higher
environmental loads when the vessel is exposed to beam Figure 30.11 Differentiated Compliance Anchoring System
Application of spread mooring system is normally lim-
ited to areas of mild environment because the environmen- The system is a spread mooring system with different
tal loads are not minimized from the vessel weathervaning. lateral mooring stiffness at the bow and stern of the FPSO,
While originally employed only in shallow water, spread allowing the FPSO to partially weathervane. Because of
mooring systems are being considered for greater water this feature, production swivels and turrets are not needed,
depths (330 meters). This is due primarily to the fact that, leading to a reduction in the mooring capital cost.
the cost of a spread mooring is lower than other mooring
types because it does not include a turret structure and as- Turret mooring
sociated equipment. A turret mooring system is defined as any mooring system
where a number of mooring legs are attached to a turret, The differentiated compliance anchoring which includes bearings to allow the vessel to rotate 360°
system (DICAS) around the anchor legs. Turret moorings are used primarily
DICAS is a new mooring system that was developed by for monohull d vessels, allowing the vessel to weather-
Petrobras for their specific FPSOs (Figure 30.11). vane.
This configuration will minimize environmental loads
on the vessel by heading into the prevailing weather. The
turret can be mounted externally from the vessel bow or
stern or internally within the vessel. The mooring system
can be permanent or disconnectable and the mooring legs
in a catenary, or semi taut configuration. The different
types of turrets are shown in Figure 30.12.
External turret: In this configuration the turret is
mounted external to the hull at the vessel’s bow or stern.
The connection is typically made through the use of a can-
tilever rigidly attached to the main deck for the single can-
tilever system or to the main deck and bulbous bow in the
case of a double cantilever system.
The simplest form is a cantilever extending from the
main deck, with the bearings, mooring lines, and risers at-
tached above the water surface.
The main design concerns are that sufficient cantilever
height and length must be provided to avoid interference
between the hull and mooring lines, and the exposure to
Figure 30.10 Spread Mooring the environments and wave slamming loads. Because of
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-13

Figure 30.12 Turret Types

this design constraint, this system is normally limited to vessel via a cantilever beam extending from the main deck.
shallow water depths and mild environments. This sys- Disconnection takes place between the top of the column
tem’s main advantage is its simplicity and minimal re- and the cantilever beam at a set environmental threshold.
quirement for integration into the hull, which results in a This system can be used in deep water since the moorings
lower conversion cost and reduced project schedule. and riser are connected to the column below the water line
A variation on this concept is the bow-integrated turret. mitigating interference issues with the vessel.
This system is secured to the vessel through double can- The system may be used in severe environments and
tilever system. In this system, one cantilever extends from subject to disconnection criteria established by the design-
the main deck while the other extends from the bow of the ers. However the turret is still exposed to wave loads and
vessel below the water line with the turret extending over slamming issues.
the height of the vessel. The mooring lines and risers attach Internal turret: In this configuration the turret is
below the water line, eliminating the interference issue. mounted inside the hull, typically in the forward half of the
This allows the systems to be used in deepwater appli- ship. The turret location significantly affects the vessel’s
cations. However, the direct exposure to wave loads capability to weathervane. Turrets of existing FPSOs are
and slamming tends to limit the system to a mild environ- located 5% to 45% of the vessel length from the forward
ment. The increased complexity of the connection in- perpendicular (FP). When the turret is far away from the
creases the cost of the vessel conversion and turret FP, thrusters may be required to control the vessel heading
construction. and minimize environmental loads. The turret consists of a
A third variation is the disconnectable riser turret moor- large cylindrical structure rotating in a moonpool in the
ing. The turret consists of a buoyant column to which the FPSO hull. The mooring lines attach to the base of the tur-
risers and mooring attach and remain attached during all ret below the water surface avoiding interference with the
environmental conditions. The column is attached to the vessel. The bearings can be placed at the deck level above
30-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

the water line where they are readily accessible, however sel design or by dedicated tug units in order for the FPSO
the turret may be subjected to higher loads and moments to expeditiously seek safe refuge from extreme environ-
from the mooring loads. Alternatively the bearings may be mental conditions.
located inside the moonpool below the water surface
where the applied moments will be less, but access for in- Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM)
stallation and maintenance will be more difficult. The CALM system consists of a large buoy, which sup-
With the turret integrated inside the hull, the exposure ports a number of catenary chain legs anchored to the sea
to severe environmental loads, slamming issues, and colli- floor (Figure 30.13).
sion risks are eliminated allowing the vessel to work in Riser systems or flow lines that emerge from the sea
more severe environments and deepwater applications. floor are attached to the underside of the CALM buoy.
Another advantage is the ability to handle a larger number Some of the systems use a hawser, typically a synthetic
of risers and flowlines compared to the external turret con- rope, between the vessel and the buoy. Since the response
figuration. These advantages are gained at the expense of a of the CALM buoy is totally different than that of the ves-
more complex turret structure, complex integration into sel under the influence of waves, this system is limited in
the hull, loss of cargo storage area, and consequently a its ability to withstand environmental conditions.
higher cost. When sea states attain a certain magnitude, it is neces-
Disconnectable versions of the internal turret exist, and sary to cast the vessel off. In order to overcome this limi-
consist of a submerged spider buoy connected to the keel tation, rigid structural yokes with articulations are used, in
of the vessel. Once disconnected, the buoy sinks to a pre- some designs, to tie the vessel to the top of the CALM
determined depth, while still supporting the mooring lines buoy. This rigid articulation virtually eliminates horizontal
and risers. This allows the turret to be designed to a certain motions between the buoy and the vessel. The predominant
environmental threshold and provides the ability to leave use of the CALM system is for offloading operations. Very
station in severe environments. The buoy is recovered few FPSOs utilize a CALM system, opting for the more ro-
through a system of floating and pick up lines. bust turret mooring, which offers greater flexibility to
FPSOs with disconnectable turret systems also require arrange flow risers and a more secure long-term permanent
a means of propulsion, which may be integral with the ves- mooring.

Figure 30.13 CALM System

Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-15 Dynamic positioning (DP) errors in the control system. Drift-off and drive-off inci-
Dynamic positioning is a technique of automatically main- dents have declined in recent years because of develop-
taining the position of a floating vessel within a specified ment of double or triple redundancy control systems.
tolerance by controlling onboard thrusters, which generate Since the early 1990s dynamic positioning has become
thrust vectors to counter the wind, wave and current forces, widely used on shuttle tankers, drilling, heavy lift and div-
as shown in Figure 30.14. ing support vessels, offshore supply and accommodation
Because of recent advancement in DP technology, DP vessels. However, DP alone is seldom used for permanent
is now established as a reliable means of maintaining a station keeping of FPSOs because of high fuel consump-
vessel’s position and heading over a long period of time. tion and the high dependence on the DP and GPS (Global
DP also has the advantages of better station-keeping accu- Positioning System) navigation systems working together
racy and flexibility, allowing the operator to change the for extended periods.
vessel’s position and heading quickly. These advantages
can be particularly significant for deepwater drilling and Tower mooring
workover activities, or in early production systems for The FPSO may moored to a tower structure comprising the
marginal fields, where the vessel has to move quickly or following major components:
frequently off station.
Power system, control system, and thruster system are • the tower substructure: the jacket structure, together
all elements of DP. Unlike a passive mooring system, DP with piles, risers, riser clamps, boat landing, etc.,
has high operation costs including fuel consumption, re- mounted on the seabed to support the surface facilities,
pairs, and maintenance. Also equipment failure and human • the tower superstructure: the mooring devices, piping
error may result in incidents of drift-off and drive-off. A and swivel assembly (including ancillaries such as nav-
drift-off incident may occur after a thruster failure or aids, interconnecting hoses, supports for electrical ca-
power loss, when the DP system is no longer able to keep bles, etc.), which are mounted on the tower substruc-
the vessel on location. ture,
A drive-off incident may occur when one or more • mooring arms: to physically connect the tower to the
thrusters accidentally fall into the full-on position due to vessel, and

Figure 30.14 DP System

30-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

• mooring support structure: mounted on the FPSO to • vertically loaded anchor (VLA), and
allow connection of the mooring arms to the FPSO. • suction embedded plate anchor (SEPLA).
Computer analysis and Model tests are performed, for
both survival and operating conditions (Figure 30.15). 30.10.1 Drag Embedment Anchor
These are to determine the vessel/mooring system forces Drag embedment anchor technology has advanced consid-
and the vessel motion characteristics at various loading erably in recent years. Engineering and testing indicate
and environmental conditions, they are required to confirm that the new generation of fixed fluke drag embedment an-
the adequacy of the SPM system design and to comply chors develop high holding power even in soft soil condi-
with the aforementioned provisions. The tower mooring is tions.
suitable for shallow water depths, up to 50 meters. A high efficiency drag embedment anchor is generally
considered to be an attractive option for mooring applica-
tions because of its low cost, easy installation, and proven
30.10 ANCHORING SYSTEMS performance. In fact, a majority of the existing permanent
moorings use drag embedment anchors. Disadvantages of
The options that are available for anchoring FPSOs in- drag embedment anchors are:
• suitable only for catenary mooring systems due to lim-
• drag embedment anchor, ited vertical load capacity,
• pile anchor, • economic depth limit of approximately 2500 m,
• suction anchor, • large mooring footprint,

Figure 30.15 Model Testing Tower Mooring System

Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-17

• final position of anchor not as predictable as piles be- VLAs attempt to function as drag embedment anchors dur-
cause of uncertainty in drag distance for setting anchor, ing penetration, and as plate anchors once installed to de-
and sign depth.
• proof loading required.
30.10.5 Suction Embedded Plate Anchor
30.10.2 Pile Anchor The Suction Embedded Plate Anchor or SEPLA is a newly
Pile anchors can be designed to develop high lateral and developed anchor system patented by Aker Maritime Con-
vertical resistance, and be very stable over time. Piles are tractors (AMC). The SEPLA combines two fully devel-
generally installed using driving hammers although other oped anchoring concepts in a novel manner. The SEPLA
methods such as jetting and drilling and grouting tech- uses a so-called suction follower, which is little more than
niques have been used. Application of driven piles in deep- a reusable suction pile with its tip slotted for insertion of a
water is limited because it requires an expensive derrick plate anchor. The suction follower is immediately retracted
barge installation. Also without technology extension, once the plate anchor is brought to design soil depth and
driven pile installation techniques are limited to about can be used to install additional plate anchors indefinitely.
1250 m of water. The plate anchor is embedded in a vertical orientation.
Once the proof load is applied, however, the plate anchor
rotates to an angle between 25° to 40° off vertical. At this
30.10.3 Suction Anchor time, the plate anchor is ready to develop its full pullout ca-
A suction anchor is installed by using a suction embed- pacity. Deeply embedded plate anchors are geotechnically
ment technique. It can take many forms, ranging from a very efficient as the anchor’s bearing surface is concen-
gravity base with skirts to a no ballast caisson, which re- trated at a depth where the soil’s shear strength is maxi-
sists all applied loads by soil friction and lateral resistance. mized. Depending on mooring line configuration, soil
Generally, a suction anchor is technically feasible for soft properties and line tensions, SEPLA may require keying
to medium hard soils. Suction anchors may not be suitable flap along its upper edge. If during the keying process the
for hard or calcareous soil, and sandy drainage layer may anchor attempts to return up its installation track.
prevent installation. When lowered to the seafloor, the an- This keying flap is passively tripped by soil pressure,
chor will penetrate to a certain depth by its own weight and greatly increasing the anchor’s end bearing area.
create a seal to allow the suction operation to commence.
Water is evacuated from inside the caisson with a sub-
mersible or surface vacuum pump through an umbilical at-
tached to the top of the anchor. This causes the pile to pen- The fluid and power transfer systems between seabed flow-
etrate into the seabed. Suction piles can be extracted for lines and the weathervaning FPSO are accomplished with
reuse. a multi-product fluid swivel or a drag chain arrangement.
Because of its low cost and easy installation, suction Most existing FPSOs are equipped with turret swivel
anchors are widely used for permanent moorings that are units, which allow continuous 360° endless rotation of
subjected to vertical anchor loads. Suction anchors can be the vessel around a fixed point. This arrangement negates
installed in up to 3250 meter water depth with current tech- the requirements for thruster heading control, allowing the
nology. Suction anchors of up to 5 m × 28 m in size can be vessel to weathervane. Vessel motions and mooring loads
installed with anchor handling vessels. However, installa- are reduced significantly with this arrangement.
tion of large suction anchors for FPSOs in harsh environ- Multiple Product Fluid Swivels have been utilized for
ments may require a derrick barge. several decades and can handle oil, gas, electrical power,
and electronic signals. They are relatively small, highly re-
liable, and expensive due to the precision machining of
30.10.4 Vertically Loaded Anchor surfaces to very close tolerances. One segment will be
Two vertically loaded anchor designs have been devel- fixed with the ocean floor, while the other segment rotates
oped: namely the Stevmanta by Vyrhof Ankers BV and the with the FPSO as the vessel weathervanes. Flexible pipe
DENLA by Bruce Anchor Ltd. The Stevmanta system uses risers attach to one end of the swivel, while hard piping
a bridle system to convert from its installation configura- runs from the swivel to the deck piping.
tion to its plate anchor operational orientation, whereas the The drag chain system is relatively new, with only four
DENLA uses an articulated shank. In simple terms, both FPSOs have been equipped with the system. This approach
30-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

includes a very large carousel (say 50 feet in diameter) that discovered are associated with external wear of the flexible
supports multiple layers of flexible pipe that spool on or off pipe where it comes in contact with the carousel.
the carousel as the FPSO weathervanes. The Drag Chain
system does not transfer the mooring loads, but only pro-
vides a rotating fluid path. The drag chain allows only 270°
rotation in each direction and therefore requires thrusters
for heading control and rewinding the flexible pipe. Drag The process deck, as shown in Figure 30.16, supports all the
chain systems have encountered a problem of excessive process facilities. Depending on the field production rates
abrasive wear on the flexible pipes. The drag chain system these facilities can weigh from 5000 to more than 20 000
requires low maintenance, which does not affect the pro- tonnes. The minimum distance between the FPSO main
duction. This system also provides the possibility for deck and the underside of the equipment and any piping
drilling or workover through the turret. Problems recently containing hydrocarbons should be at least three meters.

Figure 30.16 View of the Process Deck

Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-19

This three meter space is recommended for two reasons. moored to the FPSO. The Discharge Hose hangs free from
First, it places the process deck for the most part outside the the FPSO and is connected to the Offtake Tankers Bow or
storage area hazardous zone. Second, this space should Midship manifold.
allow sufficient access room for the tanker and process sys- The SDS may be equipped with an Emergency Release
tems to be installed with a minimum of interface conflict. (Quick Release) system for both the Discharge Hose and
In addition to the structural weight of the deck and the Mooring Hawser. The initiating of the Emergency Re-
equipment, the process deck foundation must also be de- lease may be performed from a Watchman Cabin located
signed for the dynamic loading resulting from FPSO mo- aft or from the Central Control Room. Additional features
tions while in transit to the site or while on location. include non-return valves installed at the Discharge Hose
The minimum acceptable design criterion for either sit- End to minimize oil spillage in the case of an Emergency
uation is generally the FPSO exposure to the 100-year Release.
storm conditions.
Ideally the foundations and supporting structures for Typical operational limitations
the process decks would be positioned on the main deck The SDS equipment is typically designed for offloading
immediately over the cargo tank intersections (that is operation subject to the following limitations:
transverse bulkheads, web frames, and longitudinal bulk-
heads). Structurally, these are the strongest areas of the Significant waive height: 3.5 m
hull and generally do not require any additional stiffening Mooring forces: 300 tonne ULS
below the main deck. Practically however, not all process Wind speeds: 15 m/sec
deck foundation supports align with these stiffened points.
To compensate for the lack of hard points, the process sup- Crude offloading hose
port structures and main deck may require additional struc- The discharge hose is constructed to withstand internal and
tural members in these areas. external pressures, as well as tension, and chemical com-
position of the crude.
The discharge hoses may be buoyant or catenary:
30.12.1 Metering
Single Carcass: Single walled
As the FPSO offloads crude while moored in an open sea Dual Carcass: Double walled
while simultaneously loading produced oil the conven- Double Carcass: Double walled with leak
tional ullage techniques or cargo measurement may not be detection
sufficiently accurate for the transfer of cargo custody at the
point of sale. (Measurement for sales and taxation pur- Discharge hose should be electrically continuous/dis-
poses) Therefore, offloaded crude oil is metered onboard continuous to meet the OCIMF guidelines.
the FPSO with a system capable of metering the maximum A Hose Termination Piece is bolted to the discharge
cargo discharge rate (Figure 30.17). hose and is equipped with a non-return valve to reduce oil
The meters are normally of a positive displacement spillage in case of an emergency disconnection. The hose
type and include an additional redundant capacity. termination piece is connected with a coupler and is
A prover loop is used to test and calibrate the meters at equipped with a manually operated bypass valve for en-
regular intervals and is included in the metering skid de- abling flushing/purging of the hose.
sign. The metering skid may also be referred to as a LACT The Offtake tanker hose termination connection is a
unit (Lease Automatic Custody Transfer). standard midship manifold camlock assembly consistent
with the OCIMF guidelines.
The hose can be flushed/purged when it is stored with a
30.12.2 Stern Discharge System (Tandem Mooring) flushing media, which is flushed through the export crude
The Stern Discharge System (SDS) used in conjunction line and to the slop tank. After flushing, the Hose is purged
with a tandem offloading arrangement, consists of a moor- with inert gas.
ing system and a crude transfer system located aft on the
vessel. The offloading hose may be stored onboard either Hawser
on a reel (Figure 30.18), in a chute, or freefloating. The The hawser or mooring rope used for berthing a shuttle
SDS is a system for offloading crude oil from one vessel to tanker (for tandem offloading) is typically of a nylon,
another. During offloading operations the Offtake Tanker is polypropylene or polyester material, and of a braided
30-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 30.17 Meter Prover Skid

eight-strand construction. The hawser will incorporate a to compensate for the excursions and other motions of the
weak link on the ship end, with floatation devices, and one FPSO.
or two chafing chains. A ship shaped FPSO should be
equipped with a quick-release hawser assembly connec-
30.12.4 Inert Gas System
tion. Hawsers should be sized and specified in general con-
formance with Classification Society rules. Use of a The inert gas (IG) system supplies inert gas to the process,
hawser tension load monitor is recommended for harsh stern discharge system, chemical, crude oil, and slop tanks.
environments. Arrangements are included to allow inerting of ballast
tanks. The inert gas generators should be dual fuel (diesel
oil and fuel gas), and capable of automatic capacity con-
30.12.3 Production Risers trol. It is recommended the FPSO system include provision
Flexible pipe risers are normally utilized to transport the for two inert gas generators. For each IG system each fan
produced oil, gas, and water from the subsea wellhead to should be dual speed and capable of operation at either
the FPSO. The flexible pipe is suitable for very high oper- 50% or 100% capacity. These two fans should be mani-
ating pressures (10 000 psi) and safe for handling gas or folded to permit either fan to operate with either inert gas
other hazardous fluids. Various configurations are utilized generator. Generators should be capable of operation with
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-21

Figure 30.18 Stern Discharge System (SDS)

either fan speed. The fans are also used for supplying fresh main, and the other as a clean supply and vent main. Each
air to the tanks. The openings for portable tank cleaning line is connected to all crude oil, slop, methanol and chem-
machines may also be used for gas freeing with portable ical tanks by an isolating valve and sight flange. Both
fans. Fan sizing shall take into account the requirement to mains should be connected to separate IG risers. A liquid
purge and gas free the largest crude oil tank in not more filled PV breaker is fitted to each line and both lines shall
than 24 hours. Under normal operating conditions the oxy- incorporate a mechanically operated PV valve looped
gen content in the produced inert gas shall be less than 2% around the control valve. A pressure control system should
and the moisture content minimized. be provided for each main. Provision should be included to
Water-filled deck seals must be locateded on deck for connect from the clean main to the ballast tanks using a
each of the two inert gas systems. Two 100% capacity portable hose. Both IG risers terminate at the foot of the
pumps shall be provided to supply seawater to both gener- flare boom. Drain valves to the deck should be located in
ators. Two 100% capacity pumps shall also be provided to each line at the foot of the flare boom.
supply water to both deck seals.
30.12.6 Flue Gas Blanket
30.12.5 Inert Gas Supply Consideration may be given to installing a flue gas system.
Two inert gas mains are recommended, each capable of The cargo tanks may be provided with a blanket of flue gas
handling 200% capacity (that is both IG fans output). One in place of inert gas. Suitable arrangements are made to re-
should be designated as a dirty supply and normal vent ceive fuel gas from the production facilities into the cargo
30-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

and slop tanks during offloading. For loading, the flue gas Each tank penetration must be provided with a sight
will be returned through a closed loop system to the flange. Individual tank purge lines and the purge header
process facilities through compressors and separator. must be sized to handle 2 × 100% inert gas fan operation.
In an emergency, cargo tank flue gas is piped to atmos- The crude oil/slop/chemical tanks purge header must
phere and the flare boom. The existing inert gas system terminate at the foot of the flare boom. Drain valves at the
will be retained and maintained operational in the event it deck level are located in the line at the foot of the flare
will be necessary to gas-free the tanks for maintenance. boom.

30.12.7 Nitrogen Supply 30.12.9 Vapor Recovery

A single nitrogen distribution system may be provided for Currently there are no FPSO installations equipped for
the methanol and chemical tanks to permit nitrogen blan- vapor recovery. It is likely the first requirements for such
keting. These installations should have a fail safe control systems will originate with the use of FPSOs in the U.S.
valve in the supply line to each tank to permit pressure con- Gulf of Mexico (GOM). As shuttle tanker operations in the
trol within pre-set limits. A connection also can be pro- GOM are essentially similar to lightering (which use
vided at the forward and aft ends of the main deck process tankers of convenience), there is a precedent set that the
pipe rack to permit nitrogen supply to topsides. offtaking tanker will not be required to be equipped with a
Connections should be provided on the nitrogen main vapor recovery system, and that fugitive vapors may be
to allow the connection of portable hoses to permit clear- considered uncontrolled emissions. Incorporation of such
ing of the deepwell pump columns for final stripping. a system into the FPSO will present unique challenges for
the future.
30.12.8 Tank Purging System
Purge pipes may be installed in each crude oil, slop, 30.12.10 Cranes
methanol and chemical tank. They should be located at the Deck cranes on the FPSOs are designed where possible to
opposite end of the tanks from the inert gas inlet. The accommodate all maintenance lifts, of machinery and
purge pipes from the crude oil and slop tanks should be equipment from the vessel and process decks. These
connected to a purge header, each through a manual isola- cranes may be ram or rope luffing pedestal (Figure 30.19)
tion valve. Purge lines from the methanol and chemical or king post type cranes (one FPSO was fitted with a gantry
tanks should be connected into the crude oil purge header crane). The major difference between FPSO and other
via a manual isolation valve. fixed platform cranes is the requirement to incorporate a

Figure 30.19 Rope Luffing Pedestal Crane

Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-23

dynamic load factor (Ref Section 3 of API Spec 2C, API topsides. Medium VAC power feeds should be delivered
Spec for Offshore Cranes). It is also necessary to consider from the power module to vessel HV transformers then
which type of power source, (diesel/hydraulic, or electro/ transformed down for low voltage users. Transformers uti-
hydraulic) is to be utilized. lize a high resistive grounding system to allow the facility
The FPSO designer also should determine if a ram or to remain online upon detection of a ground fault.
rope luffing arrangement is most suitable for the applica- When the main electrical generator is not available
tion. The Ram luffing type crane should be used in harsh electrical power should be supplied from an essential
environments as the boom has less tendency to bounce service diesel generator located in the machinery space.
when compared to the rope luffing type. For rope luffing The essential service generator should have sufficient ca-
cranes at short lifting radii there is a danger of the boom pacity for maintaining safety systems, essential lighting,
coming hard against the stops. (Ram luffing seems to be essential ventilation, for providing emergency ballast
the preference in the North Sea). For the longer reach pumping facility and a black start capability for the main
boom (50 m) rope luffing provides a greater support to the power plant.
boom allowing the boom to be of lighter structure. Some An emergency generator should also be provided to
administrations and or operators require classification of comply with the requirements of SOLAS for an emergency
these cranes. source of electrical power supply and for maintaining es-
Pedestal and king post type cranes usually exert high sential safety systems.
bending moments at the attachment to the deck. The post The battery bank and battery charger combinations
or pedestal is usually continued below deck. The cranes are should be provided for safety systems, communications
mounted at the intersection of a longitudinal bulkhead and systems, and monitoring and control systems.
transverse bulkhead or web-frame.
For the FPSO it is essential that a single electrical phi-
losophy and single set of standards be adopted throughout 30.13 DESIGN ISSUES
the installation to ensure that integration, repair and main-
tenance procedures can be applied consistently and safely. 30.13.1 Stability and Safety
Equipment design also should be consistent, with the min- Vessel stability
imum of suppliers involved, to achieve maximum inter- Though the added weight of the process facilities is in-
changeability of components. stalled above the vessels main deck, the decrease of meta-
Electrical equipment located on the open deck outside centric height (GM) does not generally reduce the overall
of the hazardous areas (Zone 0 or 1) should be of a type stability and operating conditions of the FPSO. The two
certified for use in Zone 2 as defined by IP 15. major impacts of adding process equipment to the vessel
stability result from wind heel moments in lightship con-
dition and free surface effects of liquids in partially filled
30.12.11 Electrical System tanks. Both of these elements are detrimental to the FPSO
Design of equipment intended for hazardous areas should intact stability.
be in accordance with IEC 60079. Certificates issued by a The moments induced by wind (wind heel moments)
recognized testing authority should be provided for intrin- acting on the side area (plane) of the process deck com-
sically safe, flameproof, increased safety and other safety bined with the water plane area of the lightship hull may
type equipment. Certified electrical equipment should be result in a large metacentric height and long roll periods
coded and identified by an engraved tag. Records of rele- (slow rolling motion) of the FPSO. The other case is added
vant information on this equipment, including shunt diode effects of free surface when each cargo and ballast tank
safety barriers and other interface devices, should be kept. is only partially filled. As a result of this condition these
The following documents are recommended to assist the partially filled tanks will cause some loss of positive sta-
topsides designer with his electrical design (that is, fault bility. Although the FPSO may not become unstable, these
analysis, generator loads): effects do cause very long roll periods, which affect the
equilibrium and ultimately the capabilities of the crew.
• an electrical load analysis for marine/cargo systems,
Prolonged crew discomfort is a very real safety and opera-
tional consideration for some environmental conditions
• hull electrical one-line diagrams
and vessel configuration.
Electrical power for consumers may be supplied from a Long period roll motions do not necessarily affect the
multi-fuel power plant, which may be located within the operations of the process facilities if the required gas-to-
30-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

liquid interfaces are maintained. Indeed the shorter period mize the corrosion effects of acidic water precipitating
roll motions may actually cause more physical damage to from the stored crude.
vessels as a result of internal liquid momentum and higher Ballast tank coating should be in compliance with mod-
acceleration forces. Additionally, the short period roll mo- ern tanker practice, that is, tanks are fully coated with sup-
tions of the FPSO tend to agitate the production stream (in plemental anodes installed. When selecting ballast tank
some cases creates a tighter emulsion), leading to reduced coating materials the temperature of the stored crude
process efficiencies. should be taken into account, as in some instances the tem-
perature of crude stored on the adjacent bulkhead may ex-
ceed the maximum allowable working temperature for the
ballast tank coating.
30.13.2 Hull Girder Stress Management
As the FPSO is continually operating (loading and dis-
charging) in a seaway the maximum availability of storage 30.13.3 Fire Safety
tankage is required. The naval architect should consider
the stresses imposed on the hull during various load cases The FPSO accommodation must include a temporary safe
to which the FPSO is exposed. Note: There may be opera- refuge area that is protected from fire and explosion on, or
tional requirements arising from a process plant upset con- around, the process facilities. Externally the accommoda-
dition, where loading cannot follow the ideal sequence. tion bulkhead, that faces the process facilities, needs addi-
During such a condition it may be necessary to divert the tional fire protection. This bulkhead must be of a Class
flow of off spec oil to an empty tank. Consequently a flex- A60 rating. Any windows facing the process decks should
ible ballast tank arrangement is necessary to maintain the be A60 rated glass or fitted with a hinged steel deadlight
vessel hull within the allowable stress limits. Some tanks that can be rapidly closed an emergency.
within the hull will be maintained in a permanently full It is recommended that the accommodation bulkhead
condition that is specialized service, process oil and water facing the process deck be extended out-board to each side
tanks. The position of these tanks and the loads they im- at the FPSO vessel side and to a height that affords the
posed, should be considered early in the initial design of lifeboats and personnel a level of protection when board-
the vessel tank layout. ing boats in the event of a fire on the process deck.
Coatings: The protective coating systems employed on Consideration should also be given to making the ac-
the FPSO will be critical to the vessels successful pro- commodation wall/bulkhead facing the process facilities
longed performance and endurance in the field. With the into a blast wall and having this rated as H60. The remain-
standards of current paint technology it is not unreasonable ing outside bulkheads can be rated to A60. The blast wall
to expect a minimum coating life of 10 years, relatively should have no windows or doors facing the process plant.
maintenance free. To satisfy the requirements for the coat- This configuration would necessitate increased TV cover-
ing to remain effective over the vessel life will most likely age of process and deck areas.
necessitate the vessel operator to instigate a regular main-
tenance regime. Fire water and deluge system
The FPSO hull should be provided with a suitable cor- A major difference between fire fighting systems of an
rosion/antifouling protection system, for the design life of FPSO and a conventional tanker is that the FPSO piping is
the vessel without requiring off-station servicing. The cor- continually pressurized. When designing the piping sys-
rosion protection system should include a combination of tem the selection of pipe couplings requires special con-
paint, anodes and impressed current. Localized areas sub- sideration as they are continually under pressure and sub-
jected to excessive abrasion should have suitable addi- jected to mechanical movement of the piping due to the
tional coating protection. When selecting the cathodic pro- flexing in the seaway.
tection system due consideration should be given to the The firewater extinguishing system supplies firewater
mooring protection system to insure both systems are com- to all areas both on the upper deck and hull. The firewater
patible. pumps should supply firewater from sea chest to the fire-
Vessel cargo tanks are coated in accordance with mod- water ring main on the upper deck. The fire main system
ern tanker practice that is coated in the bottom one-meter, should be constantly pressurized (approximately 0.2 bar)
and the upper two meters (including internal structure). In by means of a jockey pump. Loss of pressure should acti-
addition upper horizontal surfaces of cargo tank stringers vate the main fire pump. The system should include a fire-
web frames, and crossties, should also be coated to mini- water hydrophore tank of adequate capacity to ensure con-
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-25

tinuous water supply to the process deck deluge system • automatically on detection of abnormal process or op-
until main water supply is activated. eration conditions on the FPSO or process plant equip-
There should be at least two independent emergency ment items,
fire pumps, the locations for which are normally at oppo- • automatically on the FPSO for the fire area concerned
site ends of the vessel. in case of fire, via inputs from the fire and gas detection
system, or Deck foam system • by manual intervention from emergency shutdown
Consideration should be given to the design of the deck push button in the control room.
foam system. Conventional foam monitors may be unsuit- The system permits the sequential startup and inter-
able if their projection capability is severely restricted by locking of pumps and compressors. To accomplish this, the
the process equipment. system uses a PLC or substation of the Safety Automation
System computer net to implement the functions. Fire and gas detection The ESD panel is installed in the central control room
This system consists of smoke, flame and/or heat detectors and is powered from an Uninterruptible Power Supply
in enclosed or congested spaces, common areas, kitchen (UPS) system.
and stores, large ceiling and floor voids, that is, switch-
board rooms or CCR, etc. Special areas, such as the pump 30.13.4 Comfort, Motion, Noise, Vibration
rooms and the process facilities, should have redundant de-
tection capability. Noise levels in the accommodation, machinery areas and
A single detector signal will raise an alarm. In certain working areas of the vessel must not exceed the limits de-
areas the detectors using two out of number (n) voting fined in the IMO (A468 XII). In addition to the above re-
logic will: quirements noise levels in living spaces should not exceed
the limits shown in Table 30.I.
• shut down HVAC (supply fans only in accommoda- It is recommended that a noise and vibration prediction
tions), and analysis be conducted at the preliminary design stage to
• shut down oil pumps confirm that noise and vibration criteria can be met. For
design purposes the following criteria are recommended: Manual fire alarm push button • the noise radiated from topsides should not be more
Actuation of a pushbutton will give alarm only, and does than 85dBA (reference sound pressure 2 × 10-5 N/m2)
not actuate automatically any of the extinguishing sys- 1m from the face of the accommodation, and
tems. When operated the push button will cause a visual • the vibration radiated from the topsides in the region of
and audible alarm in the central control room, which lo- the accommodation should not be more than the RMS
cates the area where the switch has been activated. accelerations associated with the limits for General
Flammable Gas Detection: Detectors must be located Work Areas in the UK HSE Guidance Notes or similar
above the inlet points on the utilities, and at the main air in- standards.
lets on the accommodation area.
In addition to CH4 detectors, H2 detectors will be re- The noise and vibration levels specified should not be
quired in the battery rooms. exceeded in any operating condition including pumping of
The system will work on two out of three voting sys- crude oil or ballast. Noise levels emanating from the hy-
tems and will: draulic power units should not exceed 85dBA measured
immediately adjacent to the room with the door closed.
• raise the alarm in case of single detection, Noise levels emanating from the hydraulic systems must
• shut down the ventilation system, and not exceed 85dBA at any location on deck, measured at
• initiate the automatic shutdown system for the area in 1 meter above the deck.
case of dual detection at 60% LEL. The set point of
these detectors will be 25% and 60% LEL of CH4.
30.13.5 Human Factors Management
The FPSO has a different manning structure than the con- Emergency shutdown (ESD) system
ventional merchant vessel primary functions are:
The emergency shutdown system ensures the dependable
and effective shutdown of the production, storage and • process operations,
loading facilities by any of the following methods: • marine operations,
30-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 30.I Noise Limits ically flag the vessel as the coastal governmental adminis-
trations laws and regulations will by default apply.
Noise limit
Storerooms 70
As previously mentioned current regulations allow for ex-
Workshops 60 emption from MARPOL 13F and 13G. In addition certain
Galley 60 administrations have indicated requirements for Double
Changing Rooms/Public Toilets 60 Sided vessels.
Central Control Room 55
All operations of the FPSO should however be con-
ducted in accordance with MARPOL regulations and in
Central Equipment Room 55 such a manner as to preclude pollution of the waters of ad-
Laboratory, Laundry Spaces 55 jacent streams and navigable waterways.
Mess Room 55 The disposal of liquid waste materials must be limited
Office/Areas 50 to saltwater and other materials that have been adequately
treated for the removal of oil or other contaminents that
Lounges Rec Rooms 50
may be harmful to aquatic life or injurious to life and prop-
Conference Room 45 erty. Effluent must conform to the provisions of MARPOL
Quiet Rooms, Hospital 45 and the local coastal state administration laws.
Cabins 45 The FPSO is equipped with a pollution control boom,
which can be deployed to limit the spread of any spillage
Notes: on the sea. Absorbent materials are also supplied for clean
1. Noise levels in corridors must be no more than 5 dBA greater than up purposes. The FPSO is also equipped with a workboat
the noise limits specified for adjoining rooms and in all cases shall to aid with the deployment of the containment booms and
not exceed 60 dBA. the cargo transfer hose.
2. Noise levels are to be achieved with the deepwell hydraulic power
packs operating at full load.
3. Vibration levels in the accommodation and working spaces must be 30.16 VESSEL CHARACTERISTICS
below the upper limit of the curve defining the area comments not
probable of ISO 6954. Technical characteristics of a number of recent FPSOs are
presented in Table 30.II.
FPSOs are mainly characterized by:
• maintenance operations, • storage capacity, and
• communications, and • process capacity.
• catering and housekeeping.
The FPSO should be divided into departments, which 30.16.1 Storage Capacity
deal with the various aspects of the operations. These de- Figure 30.20 shows that the overall increase in average stor-
partments come under a single supervisor that is com- age capacity for FPSO storage capacity is a function of pro-
monly called the Offshore Installation Manager (OIM). duction and distance to market (long haul crude transporta-
The facility usually is supported from shore where tion requires larger parcel size). In general storage capacity
other functions of the offshore field operation are normally is approximately ten times the maximum production rate.
carried out. Examples are Commercial Transactions, Engi- This allows offloading tankers to be easily scheduled and
neering Procurement Administration and Human Resource also provides some reserve capacity to prevent field shut-
Management, etc. down, for example, in the case of bad weather delay.

30.14 REGISTRY 30.16.2 Process Capacity

This may be further subdivided into:
The FPSO may or may not be flagged. An FPSO is usually
dedicated to a particular field within the territorial juris- • oil processing capacity (BOPD),
diction of a particular country. It is not necessary to specif- • gas processing capacity (MMSCFD),
Chapter 30: FPSO Vessels 30-27

TABLE 30.II FPSO Characteristics

Balder FPU Berge Hugin Griffin Venture Schiehallion RAMFORM Banff

CLASSIFICATION DNV + 1A1 OPSV DNV + 1A1 Tanker LRS +100AT(1), Not Classed but DNV + 1A1 OPSV,
(N), EO, for Oil, ESP, OSV (N), Moored Oil Process- equivalent to LRS EO, HELDK(SH),
POSMOOR, EO, HELDK(SH), ing and Storage 100A1, Processing CRANE
HELDK, CRANE, CRANE, Dynpos AUTR, Tanker,+LMC, UMS, and Storage
Loading, F-AMC IWS

LENGTH O. A. m 211.10 253.00 240.65 244.81 120.40

LENGTH B.P. m 200.60 233.00 230.60 228.40 107.80
BREADTH MLD. m 36.00 42.00 41.80 45.00 53.4
DEPTH TO MAIN DECK 20.80 23.20 22.90 27.25 16.00
DESIGN DRAFT m 14.00 15.00 14.17 11.02
DESIGN SCANTLING m 15.00 15.85 14.62 11.52
DOUBLE HULL SIDE WIDTH m 3.60 — — 5.40
PROPULSION MACHINERY Diesel-Electric Diesel-Electric GT-Electric GT-Electric Diesel-Electric
POWER kW 4 × 5920 4 × 5430 5 × 6300 2 × 43 000 2 × 3860
FUEL CONSUMPTION 58 t/day 5,040 kg/hr
5012 Nm3/hr
PROPULSOR 3 xAZ Single Propeller 2 × AZ 2 × AZ 3 × AZ
7.8 m Diameter 3 × 2,800 kW
12 000 kW
Diesel/HFO 2 × 5.4 t/hr 2 × 12 t/hr 2 × 7.5 t/hr — —
Fuel gas 1 × 9 t/hr
Exhaust Gas 4 × 2.2 t/hr
MANUEVERING 1 × Ret AZ Fwd 2 TT Fwd 2 × AZ Aft 2 × 2,500kW 2 × TT Fwd
2,830 kW 2 × 1,500kW 3 × AZ Aft
2 × AZ Aft
2,830 kW
CRANES 3 × 15 tonnes 2 × 15 tonnes 2 × 10 tonnes 1 × 20 tonnes 2 × 45 tonnes
1 × 15 tonnes
MOORING EQUIPMENT 5 × Double 2 × Windlass 4 — 10 Line turret
Windlasses 4 × Mooring
92mm Chain
SPEED knots — 13.9 8.5 11.0
DISPLACEMENT t 86 968 — 120 858 194 785 30 280
DEADWEIGHT t 61 839 95 900 97 962 152 360 20 800
Cargo m3 56 957 101 600 130 602 144 786 19 656
Heavy Fuel m3 2659 2,800
Diesel Oil m3 685 4048 3448 1500
Water Ballast m3 42 200 49 000 44 334 70 112 12 669
Oil Processing Capacity BOPD 80 000bls/day 154 000 bls/day 60 000bls/day
NUMBER OF CARGO TANKS 10 14 7 + 2 Slop 14 + 2 Slop 5 + 2 Slop
TANK COATING No — Upper areas only Partial Top and Stainless Steel
CARGO PUMPS 10 × 1050 m3/hr 2 × 2500 m3/hr 9 Submerged 14 × 700 m3/hr 6 × 1250
Hyd. Submerged 2 × 500 m3/hr 2 × 500
Centrifugal Hyd. Submerged 2 × 100
GROSS TONNAGE 46 244 66 538 62 956 85 000 not assigned 18 488
CREW 60 55 40 38 + 33 Hook 40 + 20 Repair Crew

Abbreviations: TT: transverse tunnel thruster; Ret AT: retractable azimuth thruste; GT: Gas Turbine; Bls: barrels
30-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 30.20 FPSO Oil Storage Capacity

• water processing capacity (BWPD), and dozens of papers that describe FPSOs and FSOs. Some
• total fluid capacity (BFPD). general papers that may be of interest are listed here.
1998 Offshore Technology Conference: OTC Paper 8771,
Generally, water production and total fluid capacity
“Reliability of Tanker Based FPSOs for Deepwater
are not mentioned in favor of the more commercially at-
tractive Oil and Gas production figures. Produced water
1997 SNAME Deepwater Symposium: “Technical Suit-
is either returned to the reservoir via injection wells or
ability of Tanker Based FPSOs for Deepwater Fields in
discharged overboard. (Note MARPOL requires confor-
the Gulf of Mexico.”
mance with the local Coastal Administration environmen-
1993 SNAME Symposium on FPSOs: “History of
tal laws).
1986 Offshore Technology Conference: OTC Paper 5250,
“Design and Analysis of Turret Mooring Systems for
Tanker Based Storage or Production Systems.”
1984 Offshore Technology Conference: OTC Paper 4787,
The annual proceedings of the Offshore Technology Con- “Suitability of Tankers for Floating Production Systems
ference (OTC) and other industry conferences include in Hostile Environments.”
Figure 31.1 Stolt Innovation, a 37 000 Tonne DWT Chemical Tanker
Chapter 31
Chemical Tankers

Matthew R. Werner

31.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter will not repeat the subjects that are non-
chemical tanker specific nor will it reiterate the general
Modern chemical tankers are arguably the most techno-
tanker design information that is provided in Chapter 29—
logically advanced vessels of all the major commercial
Oil Tankers.
ship types. The complexity of these vessels results from
the wide range of cargoes that they are designed to carry
and the diverse nature and characteristics of these cargoes. 31.1.1 Mission
Many of the cargoes carried on the modern chemical The chemical tanker’s mission is to transport liquid chem-
tanker are considered hazardous materials that require icals in bulk via the world’s waterways while protecting
careful handling. Other cargoes are of high value in nature life, property, the environment, and the quality of the car-
and require special care when transported to ensure cargo goes being carried. Chemical tankers, as commercial ves-
quality. The varied and often demanding requirements of sels operating in a competitive global market, must carry
the cargoes drives the use of advanced materials and out their mission while providing their shipowners/opera-
equipment for cargo containment, cargo handling and care tors with measures of economic benefit.
systems, and safety systems.
This chapter will focus on the design of oceango-
ing chemical tankers that are to operate with an Interna- 31.1.2 Cargoes
tional Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous The design of a chemical tanker may allow the vessel to
Chemicals in Bulk (COF). These vessels are often called carry hundreds of different liquid cargoes ranging from pe-
chemical parcel tankers, as they are designed to carry many troleum products, to inorganic acids, to fish oil, to spe-
different small lots, or parcels, of liquid cargo simultane- cialty chemicals. The hundreds of cargoes that can be car-
ously. Alternatively, there are ships known as chemical/ ried on the modern chemical tanker have properties that
product tankers, which are less sophisticated than the can vary greatly from one cargo to the next. For example,
chemical parcel tanker as they are designed to transport the phosphoric acid (85%) has a specific gravity of approxi-
full range of petroleum products as well as what are known mately 1.69 while methanol has a specific gravity of ap-
as easy chemicals, such as octane and xylene. Chemical/ proximately 0.79. This wide range is representative of the
product tankers typically operate with a Noxious Liquid breadth that any specific characteristic may vary from
Substance Certificate (NLS) rather than a COF, which per- cargo to cargo.
mits them to transport certain chemical cargoes with lim- The cargoes transported by chemical tankers can be cat-
ited hazardous properties. These chemical/product tankers egorized in several different ways. The cargoes may be di-
will not be specifically covered in this chapter. vided into groups based on their chemical composition,

31-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

such as inorganic and organic chemicals. Figure 31.2

shows the breakdown of trade volume of four chemical
cargo categories.
In CFR 46 Subchapter O, Part 150, the USCG divides
all of the chemical cargoes currently being transported on
ships in bulk into thirty-six groups and then uses these
chemical groups to determine cargo compatibility for
stowage purposes (2).
Alternatively, the chemical cargoes may be divided into
the following four groups based on their origin and a spe-
cific heavy group (3):

1. petro-chemical products,
2. coal tar products,
3. carbohydrate derivatives,
4. animal and vegetable oils, and
5. heavy chemicals.

Petro-chemical products are those oil products and

chemicals that are derived from the refining of crude oil
and natural gas. Figure 31.3 illustrates the typical products
derived from petroleum and natural gas.
Coal tar products are derived from the carbonization of
coal. The coal tar that results from this process is a source
of hydrocarbons used for industrial purposes. Figure 31.4
Figure 31.3 Petroleum and Natural Gas Derivatives (3)
illustrates the products that can be derived from coal and
coal tar.
Carbohydrate derivatives include molasses and various
forms of alcohols. Alcohols are used in the manufacturing
of various chemicals and products as well as in the bever-
age industry. Animal and vegetable oils include oils and
fats directly extracted from plants and animals. Cargoes of
this nature include fish oil, marine oil, tallow, rapeseed oil,
palm oil, and sunflower seed oil. Also falling under the an-
imal and vegetable oil category are various fatty acids and
esters of alcohol. Heavy chemicals are common chemicals
that are widely produced for use in a variety of industries.

Figure 31.2 Breakdown of Seaborne Chemical Trade by Volume, 1997 (1) Figure 31.4 Coal Tar Derivatives (3)
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-3

The term heavy results from the high specific gravities

of the chemicals. Examples of heavy chemicals include:
• sulphuric acid,
• caustic soda,
• caustic potash,
• phosphoric acid,
• nitric acid, and
• sulphur.
Cargoes can also be categorized by their intended use,
or by their stage in the product chain. With regard to regu-
latory issues, the cargoes can be categorized in terms of the
safety hazards associated with their transportation or by
the level of marine pollution associated with the cargo. Figure 31.5 3550 Tonne DWT Stainless Steel Inland Chemical Tanker
These categorization schemes are found in The Interna-
vessel. These vessels are commonly used in the intra-
tional Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Europe, intra-southeast Asia, and the north-central-
Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), and
south American markets (Figure 31.6).
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollu-
• Deep Sea Tankers—10 000 to 50 000 tonne DWT.
tion from Ships, 1973, and Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL
These ocean-going vessels typically have a large num-
73/78), respectively.
ber of segregations and have either stainless steel tanks
Finally, cargoes may be broken into groups based on
or a mix of stainless steel and coated tanks. These ves-
the requirements for carriage. Examples include easy
sels operate on the major trade routes between North
chemicals, sophisticated chemicals, and clean and dirty
and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia
products. This grouping is used in the determination of the
(Figure 31.7).
freight rate for the transportation of a specific cargo. This
categorization scheme together with the regulatory catego-
rization is most important to the vessels operators and thus
to the chemical tanker designer.

31.1.3 Types of Chemical Tankers

Chemical tankers can be categorized in a number of dif-
ferent ways. In common with most vessels, size can be
used as a means of classifying chemical tankers. Unlike oil
and product tankers there is no universally accepted size
categorization of chemical tankers, however modern ves-
sels typically fall into one of the following three cate-
• Inland Chemical Tankers—500 to 4000 tonne DWT.
Figure 31.6 6400 Tonne DWT Stainless Steel Coastal Chemical Tanker
Typically in the form of self- propelled barges. Com-
monly used in the river systems of northwestern Europe
to load cargo from larger tankers or coastal terminals
and transport the material to inland industrial facilities
(Figure 31.5).
• Coastal Chemical Tankers—3000 to 10 000 tonne
DWT. These small tankers, also referred to as short sea
tankers, are used to transport chemicals coastwise and
to transship cargoes into ports and terminals where
larger tankers are unable to call because of any number
of restrictions. These tankers may load or discharge
cargo from a shore terminal or directly from a larger Figure 31.7 37 500 Tonne DWT Stainless Steel Ocean-Going Chemical Tanker
31-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Alternatively, chemical tankers can be grouped by the

level of cargo containment designed into the vessel, known
as Ship Type (ST).
The IBC code defines three specific ship types, with ST
1 providing the greatest level of containment for the trans-
portation of the most hazardous cargoes. Conversely, ST 3
provides minimal containment for carriage of the least
hazardous cargoes covered by the IBC Code. Chemical
tanker designs typically fall in one of three ship type
1. ST 1/2 Figure 31.8 Chemical Tanker Market (2002)
2. ST 2
3. ST 2/3
The definition of the different ship types and their im- range from raw materials to highly processed specialty
pact on design is discussed further in Subsections materials, the trade routes include port calls in both indus-
and trialized and developing nations. In the case of highly spe-
Commercially, the lining of the cargo tanks can be used cialized chemicals that are produced in a limited number of
to categorize chemical tankers. The tanks may be mild locations, the trade routes are fairly regular and fixed. Con-
steel in construction and covered with a specially formu- versely, the trade routes of commodity chemicals, which
lated tank coating, or they may be constructed or lined with are produced in a variety of locations, vary with changes in
corrosion-resistant stainless steel. Some vessels have a economic and product pricing factors. As a result of chem-
combination of both coated and stainless steel tanks. The ical production and consumption being spread throughout
cargo tank lining partially determines which cargoes a ves- the world, chemical tankers carry cargo in both directions
sel can carry. Certain cargoes, because of their inherent of their round voyages and rarely sail on extended voyages
properties or aggressive nature, cannot be stowed in tanks in a ballast condition.
lined with certain tank coatings. Similarly, many charter- The customers of the chemical tanker operators include
ers demand stainless steel cargo tanks out of a concern for both major chemical producers and oil companies. The
cargo quality when it would otherwise not be required. customer pool also includes chemical consumers of all
The term chemical tanker is occasionally used loosely sizes as well as international commodities traders who
to refer to product tankers or chemical/product tankers that play a major role in the international movement of com-
carry an NSL certificate. The NSL certificate allows these modity chemicals including benzene, xylene, and styrene.
vessels to carry those products listed in Chapter 18 of the Chemical tanker operators serve the needs of their cus-
IBC Code and assigned the minimum pollution risk, Cate- tomers through a combination of long-term contracts and
gory D, by MARPOL 73/78. These types of vessels will spot fixtures.
not be discussed in this chapter. The cargoes carried by chemical tankers find their way
into countless consumer and industrial products. The rela-
tionship between the chemicals carried and their ultimate
31.1.4 Chemical Tanker Market use results in a seaborne trade that is highly dependent on
In 2003, the marine transportation market for liquid chem- worldwide economic conditions. A downturn in the world-
icals is valued at approximately $2.5 billion a year (4). wide economy will negatively affect the chemical tanker
This market is dominated by four large shipowner/opera- market, as the amount of chemical products shipped will
tors, that together control approximately 65% of the total decline in response to the reduction in the demand for fin-
market (4). The remaining 35% of the market is divided ished goods.
between numerous smaller shipowner/operators (Figure The reduction in demand for chemical tanker shipping
31.8). At the end of September 2002 the chemical tanker will force average freight rates lower. This downward pres-
fleet was estimated at 1713 vessels totaling 24.4 million sure on the freight rates resulting from a worldwide eco-
deadweight tons. nomic downturn can be compounded by the ability of
The seaborne chemical trade is worldwide, with car- lower-cost product tankers with NLS certificates to shift
goes moving from producing regions to consuming re- out of the petroleum product shipping market and begin
gions (Figure 31.9). As the chemicals transported by sea trading in easy chemicals, increasing the supply of tankers
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-5

Figure 31.9 Trade Patterns

and competition in the chemical shipping market, which

reduces the freight rates.
The chemical tanker industry, like the oil tanker indus-
try, has experienced cyclical conditions within the market
with highs and lows tied to international events. Much like
the oil tanker market, the chemical tanker market has also
been negatively affected by the over-supply of vessels.
Figure 31.10 is a graph of the average annual freight rates
from 1977 to 2002 for the transportation of both easy and
sophisticated chemicals from the port of Houston to a
major port in Europe. This graph clearly shows the cycli-
cal nature of the chemical tanker market with pronounced
highs in the late 1970s and mid-1990s and lows in the mid-
1980s and between 1998 and 2000.

31.1.5 Commercial Considerations

In order to succeed commercially, chemical tankers must
operate efficiently while operating safely and protecting Figure 31.10 Average Annual Freight Rates—Houston to Europe from 1977
the environment. A combination of good management,
to 2003
qualified and well-trained seamen, and well-designed and
maintained vessels are key components of long-term com- into a vessel’s design to reduce the chances that such
mercial success. events will occur.
As with oil tankers, chemical tankers operate in a mar- A modern chemical tanker is a very expensive vessel to
ket place that is rapidly approaching zero tolerance with build when viewed in terms of cost per deadweight tonne.
regard to accidents and pollution incidents. The naval ar- For example in 2001, a European shipyard quoted a price
chitect must strive to incorporate technologies and features of approximately $40 million for the construction of a
31-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

19 000 tonne deadweight ST 2/3 chemical tanker with vessel is in service. Any steps taken by the naval architect
thirty-eight duplex stainless steel cargo tanks. To offset the in the design phase to reduce or control costs in the area of
large capital cost outlay, chemical tankers are typically de- maintenance will enhance a vessel’s ability to succeed
signed to have a greater life span than is normal for com- commercially in the challenging market place.
mercial vessels. Planned life spans in excess of thirty years Like maintenance costs, other operating costs can be af-
are common. The naval architect must take this life span fected by the choices made by the naval architect and the
requirement into account when developing a new design. vessels shipowner during the design phase. Chemical
Issues of structure fatigue life and service factors have to tankers are considered hard working ships by the seamen
be carefully addressed. Sufficient flexibility must be pro- who operate them. Listed below are typical events on a
vided in the design so that the vessel can be modified over typical voyage:
time allowing it to remain current with the ever-tightening
regulations. An examination of the changes in the chemi- • loading and discharging numerous parcels at the same
cal tanker industry over the last thirty years can provide the port,
designer with an appreciation of how much can change • loading and discharging numerous parcels at the same
over the planned life of the vessel. berth,
A chemical tanker’s ability to succeed in the market- • loading or discharging cargoes to a terminal and barges
place is often dependent upon the operational flexibility or other tankers simultaneously,
that is designed into the vessel. The greater a vessel’s op- • calling at multiple ports at each end of the voyage,
erational flexibility, the fewer constraints that are placed • calling at multiple berths in the same port resulting in
on its operation, allow the vessel to carry out its mission in numerous docking and undocking evolutions in the
a more economical and efficient manner. A vessel that is same port call,
highly flexible in operation permits the shipowner/opera- • cleaning multiple tanks in port in order to back load
tors to manage the vessel based more on commercial fac- cargo in the same port, and
tors rather than the vessel’s physical limitations. Opera- • undergoing any number of customer or regulatory in-
tional flexibility entails the ability to: spections while cargo operations are ongoing.
• carry a wide range of cargoes, The naval architect’s ability to incorporate features and
• stow cargoes in an economical manner, technologies into the designs that will make the operation
• operate in wide range of loading conditions, and of the vessels easier for the crews will contribute both to
• load and discharge cargoes in an economically efficient the commercial success of the vessel as well as to the over-
manner. all safety onboard.
The operational flexibility of a chemical tanker is de- Because of the importance that the design has on the
pendent on its arrangement, cargo systems’ design and maintenance and operations of a vessel, it is important that
components, and the vessel’s structural design. With the naval architect has a good understanding of how the
greater flexibility comes greater complexity and higher ac- vessels are operated in practice. Discussions with those
quisition and operational costs. When designing a chemi- who sail onboard chemical tankers are an invaluable re-
cal tanker the naval architect must work with the ship- source. Similarly, chemical tanker designs utilize specialty
owner to analyze the tradeoffs between flexibility and cost equipment, and the suppliers of this equipment can provide
to determine the appropriate level of operational flexibility. very useful information throughout the design process.
The complex nature of chemical tankers greatly affects
the cost of maintaining these vessels to standards that are
satisfactory to flag state, port states, and charterers. Thirty 31.1.6 Historical Perspective
or more cargo pumps, numerous cargo monitoring and The chemical tanker as a ship type has its origins in the late
support systems, crucial safety systems, and kilometers of 1940s and early 1950s. The first chemical tankers were de-
piping on deck result in a substantial list of items that need veloped to meet the needs of a growing petrochemical in-
to have continual attention and spare parts and consum- dustry on the gulf coast of the United States. As the petro-
ables that must be available. The commercial reality that chemical industry grew and the demand for its products
the vessels do not carry out ballast legs on their voyages surged it became impractical to continue to ship chemicals
and are almost always carrying hazardous or flammable in drums or relatively small tanks. The practice of carrying
cargo often prevents the crew from carrying out hot work, chemicals in the deep tanks of freighters was unsafe for
and otherwise complicates onboard maintenance while the cargoes with hazardous properties. The first dedicated
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-7

chemical tankers were oil tankers modified to provide a these rules and regulations have over many aspects of an
greater number of cargo tanks, additional double bottom individual chemical tanker’s design.
ballast tanks, and deepwell cargo pumps.
The first seaborne trade of chemicals on chemical
tankers was between the chemical producers on the gulf 31.2.1 Safety
coast of the United States to the manufacturing centers Because of the nature of the cargoes carried onboard a
along the United States east coast. Not long after this trade chemical tanker, safety is of primary concern. Safety fea-
was established, chemical tanker trading began between tures of a given vessel are dependent on the cargoes that
the United States and Europe. As the trade expanded, the the vessel is being designed to carry. The safety features of
features of the vessels evolved with increased cargo segre- the modern chemical tanker are driven by a combination
gations, coated cargo tanks, and cargo heating systems be- of the international regulations, flag state regulations, clas-
coming common. These vessels were able to carry a wide sification society rules, and industry requirements as im-
range of liquid cargoes including chemicals, petroleum posed by major charterers. As with every type of vessel,
products and vegetable oils and animal fats. In the early the safety features required on chemical tankers are con-
1960s the first purpose-built parcel tankers began trading. tinually being made more demanding by regulations and
These purpose-built vessels expanded on the design fea- rules promulgated from any number of sources. With the
tures that had been implemented on the earlier converted inherent danger of bulk chemical transportation being
vessels, further increasing the number of cargo tanks, still quite obvious, chemical tankers are among the first to be
using double bottom ballast tanks to provide improved impacted by the continually growing body of international
containment and cargo protection, and utilizing different regulations and rules covering the design and operation of
tank coating systems and stainless steel in cargo tanks. ships.
These vessels also included safety systems and alarms to The level of safety achieved aboard any given chemical
better accommodate the hazardous nature of the cargoes tanker is based on a combination of the vessel’s design and
being transported. how it is operated. In order to develop a safe design the
Over the next forty years the chemical transportation naval architect should possess an understanding the indus-
industry continued to expand and evolve. The innovations try’s best practices with regard to safety. An overview of
and developments were fueled by the needs of the shippers operational safety procedures and considerations can be
and their cargoes as well as by the desire of the shipown- found in references 7 and 8.
ers to operate more efficient vessels. These innovations
and technologies were developed by a joint effort of the
chemical tanker shipowners and operators, ship designers, 31.2.2 International Regulations
equipment manufacturers, shipbuilders and classification Chemical tanker design and operation is principally gov-
societies. The growing body of international regulations on erned by three documents issued by the International Mar-
ship design and operations provided additional impetus. A itime Organization (IMO). The first and most specific to
more detailed account of the historical development of chemical tankers is The International Code for the Con-
chemical tankers can be found in references 5 and 6. struction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) (9). The International Con-
vention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
(SOLAS) (10–12) includes more general regulations gov-
erning commercial vessel design. Finally, The Interna-
Two major forces drive the design of the modern chemical tional Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
tanker. The first is the mission of the vessel as determined Ships, 1973, and Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) (13)
and described by the shipowner. The vessel’s intended provides regulations that affect the design and operation of
market and trading patterns, coupled with the shipowners chemical tankers with regard to pollution prevention.
operating philosophy, practices, and vision of the future of These international regulations are the foundation for
the industry provides the definition of the need that the the majority of the flag state regulations and classification
naval architect must satisfy. The second factor driving the society rules relating to the design of chemical tankers.
design is the wide ranging set of rules and regulations that This section will focus on the international regulations
are placed on chemical tanker design and operation by var- governing chemical tanker design and operations and will
ious organizations. It is the dangers inherent in transport- not specifically address the regulations of the major flag
ing chemicals in bulk that result in the strong influence that states or the rules of the major classification societies.
31-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2 SOLAS crew and to the environment, having regard to the

The purpose of SOLAS is to provide regulations govern- nature of the products involved.
ing the design, construction, and operation of commercial
vessels with a focus on maximizing safety. SOLAS defines The IBC code applies to any size vessel that is engaged
a chemical tanker as: in the carriage of dangerous or noxious liquid chemical
substances in bulk, not including petroleum or similar
a cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage products. The substances covered by the code are defined
in bulk of any liquid product listed in either: as:
Chapter 17 of the International Code for Con-
struction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Danger- • products having significant fire hazards in excess of
ous Liquid Chemicals in Bulk. . . those of petroleum products or similar flammable prod-
Chapter VI of the Code for the Construction and ucts, and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Liquid • products having significant hazards in addition to or
Chemicals in Bulk. . . other than flammability.

Based on these definitions, most petroleum products

Chemical tankers are required to meet many of the
such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and solvent naphtha are
generic safety regulations included in SOLAS that are ap-
not required to be carried on chemical tankers as defined
plicable to all types of vessels such as radio and navigation
by the IBC code. The products covered by the IBC code
equipment. The SOLAS regulations specific to chemical
are also defined as possessing a vapor pressure equal to or
tanker design and operations are located in Chapter VII
less than 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 37.8° C. This
part B, titled Construction and Equipment of Ships Carry-
guideline excludes liquefied gases from the auspices of the
ing Dangerous Liquid Chemicals in Bulk. This section
IBC code as they are covered by The International Code
does not contain specific technical requirements or a list of
for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
cargoes to which it applies, but rather differs from the IBC
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).
code. The section requires that all chemical tankers built
The cargo hazards other than flammability that are con-
after 1 July 1986 comply with the requirements of the IBC
sidered by the IBC code include health hazards, reactivity
code as well as with the applicable survey requirements
hazards, and water, air, and marine pollution hazards. Spe-
spelled out in Chapter I of SOLAS. The text of the chapter
cific health hazards considered are the toxic, irritant, and
also requires that the chemical tankers built after 1 July
sensitizing effects of the material. With regards to reactiv-
1986 be surveyed and certified as per the IBC code.
ity, the materials reactivity with itself, water, and other
products are considered. In terms of water pollution the IBC code hazards considered are human toxicity, water solubility,
The IBC Code contains the IMO regulations that specifi- the odor and taste, and the materials relative density. The
cally govern the design, construction, and outfitting of new air pollution hazards taken into account include toxicity,
built or converted chemical tankers. The IBC code was vapor pressure, vapor density, solubility in water, and rel-
adopted by the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) ative density of the product. The marine pollution hazard
in 1983 and by the IMO’s Maritime Environmental Pro- takes into account the bioaccumulation risks, the damage
tection Committee in 1985. The IBC code replaced the to living resources, the hazard to human health, and the re-
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carry- duction of amenities.
ing Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code), which ap- The IBC code defines three ship types, ST 1, ST 2, and
plies to chemical tankers built or converted before 1 July ST 3. The ship type determines the type of cargoes, with
1986. The purpose of the IBC code as stated in its pream- regard to safety and environmental hazards, that a vessel
ble is: may transport based on the vessels design and equipment.
The IBC code defines the three ship types as follows:
. . . to provide an international standard for the
safe carriage by sea in bulk of dangerous and nox- • A ST 1 is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chap-
ious liquid chemicals listed in chapter 17 of the ter 17 products with very severe environmental and
Code by prescribing in the design and construction safety hazards, which require maximum preventive
standards of ships, regardless of tonnage, involved measures to preclude an escape of such cargo.
in such carriage and the equipment they should • A ST 2 is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chap-
carry so as to minimize the risk to the ship, to its ter 17 products with appreciably severe environmental
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-9

and safety hazards, which require significant preventa- nature of the cargo the rules governing their carriage is left
tive measures to preclude an escape of such cargo. to the discretion of the flag states and classification soci-
• A ST 3 is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chap- eties. For example a cargo listed in Chapter 18 may have a
ter 17 products with sufficiently severe environmental high melting point and will, therefore, have to be heated in
and safety hazards, which require a moderate degree of transit, similarly, another cargo may be incompatible with
containment to increase survival capability in a dam- certain cargo tank coatings and may only be carried in a
aged condition. vessel’s stainless steel cargo tanks. The classification soci-
eties have addressed the cargoes not covered by the IBC
Chapter 17, of the IBC code contains a list of all the code through their issuance of the vessel’s COF and ap-
chemicals covered by the code. Annually, the IMO pub- proval of the vessel’s Procedures and Arrangement manual
lishes a Provisional Categorization of Liquid Substances on behalf of the flag state.
list to provide guidance on new products that are to be cov- The IBC code includes regulations that govern the fol-
ered under the IBC code. The provisional categorization lowing areas of chemical tanker design:
list is valid until the next revision of the IBC code is pub-
• intact stability and freeboard,
lished. For each of the chemicals included on these lists,
• damage stability,
the code assigns one of three ship types. Therefore, a ST 1
• location of cargo tanks,
vessel is designed to carry those products that present the
• vessel arrangements,
greatest overall hazard. A chemical assigned to ST 1 in
• cargo containment,
Chapter 17 is deemed to present the greatest combined
• cargo transfer,
threat to safety and the environment. As the ship type num-
• construction materials,
ber increases the overall threat that the chemical presents
• cargo tank venting and gas freeing,
diminishes and the rules governing the ship design become
• environment control of cargoes,
less stringent.
• electrical installations,
For each ship type there are specific design criteria that
• fire protection and extinction,
must be met such as double bottom height and double side
• mechanical ventilation in cargo area,
width. The list in Chapter 17 also identifies eleven differ-
• instrumentation,
ent categories of requirements that must be incorporated
• personnel protection, and
into a ship’s design and/or operation so that it may carry a
• operational requirements.
given cargo. These requirements range from tank gauging
systems to requirements for construction material. There- The specifics of the individual regulations are often de-
fore, the ship type alone does not qualify a ship to carry a pendent on the ship type or the cargoes that are to be car-
specific cargo. In addition to the ship type the vessel must ried. A discussion of the regulations will be included in the
also be outfitted with the equipment that the IBC code re- applicable sections of this chapter.
quires for the specific cargo. Included in the list in Chapter Finally, the IBC code requires two pieces of documen-
17 are product hazard categories and pollution category tation unique to chemical tankers. The first document is the
designations. The pollution categories (A, B, C, D) are de- International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of
rived from the regulations set forth in MARPOL 73/78, Dangerous Liquid Chemicals in Bulk or COF. The COF
Annex II. Since the total hazard, safety and environmental, provides a list of all the chemical cargoes that the vessel is
is considered when assigning a ship type to a cargo there is approved to carry based on its design and equipment car-
no direct correlation between ship type and the MARPOL ried. In order for a vessel to carry any particular cargo that
pollution category. For example, methacrylonitrile is a is listed in Chapter 17 of the IBC code or any cargo that is
MARPOL D cargo and is categorized a ST 2 and tallow is designated as pollution category D and is listed in Chapter
also a MARPOL D cargo however the IBC code does not 18 of the IBC code it must be listed on the vessels COF.
apply to tallow because it is consider to be minimally haz- The COF is typically issued and maintained by the classi-
ardous by the IBC code’s standards. Chapter 18 of the IBC fication society on behalf of the vessel’s flag state. The
code includes a list of the products for which the code does COF is an internationally accepted document that indi-
not apply, such as tallow. The code does not apply to these cates that a vessel meets the requirements of the IBC code.
cargoes as it has been determined that they do not present The second piece of documentation required by the IBC
a sufficient hazard to warrant their inclusion. This does not code is the vessel’s Procedures and Arrangements (P&A)
imply that there are not special carriage or handling re- Manual whose purpose and required format is outlined in
quirements related to the cargo but rather because of the the MARPOL 73/78 Annex II regulations.
31-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2 MARPOL 73/78 ther marine resources or human health or cause serious
The stated purpose of the MARPOL convention is: harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea
and, therefore, require some attention in operational
to achieve the complete elimination of intentional conditions.
pollution of the marine environment by oil and other
harmful substances and the minimization of acci- The Annex includes regulations regarding the amount
dental discharge of such substances. of cargo residues that may remain in a tank after discharg-
ing is complete. This requirement affects the design of the
Annex II of the convention are the Regulations for the vessels cargo tanks, cargo piping, and pumping systems.
Control of Pollution by Noxious Substances in Bulk and Based on the current regulations for new chemical tankers,
applies to design and operation of chemical tankers. In a tank designated to carry a Category B cargo must not re-
MARPOL 73/78 a chemical tanker is defined as: tain a residue of more than 0.1 cubic meters in the tank’s
pump suction well or the associated piping at the comple-
. . . a ship constructed or adapted primarily to
tion of discharge. To achieve this level performance, spe-
carry a cargo of noxious liquid substances in bulk
cial attention must be paid to the design of the piping and
and includes an oil tanker as defined in Annex I of
pumping systems to effectively strip the tank. This re-
the present Convention when carrying a cargo or
quirement has lead to the use of specially designed pumps,
part cargo of noxious liquid substances in bulk.
pump wells, and stripping systems. To promote these re-
The Annex provides specific regulations aimed at pre- quirements the Annex calls for testing of the system to be
venting pollution from the discharge of both chemical carried out and approved by the flag state. The test proce-
cargo residues and cargo tank washings. These regulations dure and associated calculation methods are included in
address both operational procedures and the unloading the appendix to the Annex II regulations. Requirements for
arrangements of vessels. The regulations are applied based the locations and size of the underwater discharge ports for
on a cargo categorization system. This system places each tank washings are also stipulated by the Annex.
noxious liquid cargo into one of four categories (A, B, C, The Annex provides regulations for the discharge of
and D) based on the threat that the cargo poses to the ma- cargo and tank washing residues that remain on board. Cat-
rine environment. The Annex defines the categories as: egory A materials can never be discharged into the sea
while limited amounts of Category B, C, and D materials
• Category A: Noxious liquid substances which if dis- can be discharged in certain areas provided certain condi-
charged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting tions are met and certain operational procedures have been
operations would present a major hazard to either ma- carried out. The limitations on the disposal of tank wash-
rine resources or human health or cause serious harm to ings may require a vessel to sail for a period of time with
amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and, there- slops onboard. The length of time the slops will have to be
fore, justify the application of stringent anti-pollution held onboard is dependent on where the ship is operating
measures. and the material included in the tank washings. The ability
• Category B: Noxious liquid substances which if dis- to carry these slops without sacrificing large volumes of
charged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting cargo space must be given consideration by the naval ar-
operations would present a hazard to either marine re- chitect in the design phase.
sources or human health or cause serious harm to The Annex requires that each vessel carrying noxious
amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and, there- liquid substances carry certain documentation that proves
fore, justify the application of special anti-pollution compliance with regulations. Each vessel is required to
measures. maintain a Cargo Record Book that lists all cargo-related
• Category C: Noxious liquid substances which if dis- activities that are carried out on an individual cargo tank
charged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting basis. Activities that are required to be listed include the
operations would present a minor hazard to either ma- loading, transferring, and discharge of cargoes, tank clean-
rine resources or human health or cause serious harm to ing, disposal of residues to shore, and discharging of tank
amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and, there- washings at sea. The Annex requires each vessel be pro-
fore, require special operational conditions. vided with a Procedures and Arrangement Manual (P&A
• Category D: Noxious liquid substances which if dis- Manual) that provides specific guidance on how the vessel
charged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting is to be operated to ensure compliance with the regulations
operations would present a recognizable hazard to ei- set forth in the Annex. This manual is a design document
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-11

that is produced by either the vessel designer or ship- and safety are maintained. These rules impact both vessel
builder and approved by the flag state. Typically the ves- operation and design. The trading rules set forth by FOSFA
sels class society will review and approve the P&A manual do not permit the use of thermal oil to heat cargoes. Thus
on behalf of the flag state administration. The Annex also for a ship to carry any cargoes under FOSFA’s trading rules
requires that chemical tankers be provided with a Ship- it must have tanks with water-based cargo heating systems.
board Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP), which Similarly, individual cargo shippers or receivers may also
provides guidance to the vessels operators in the event of a have specific conditions that must be followed when their
pollution incident. commodities are to be transported by sea. If these require-
It should be noted that most chemical tankers are de- ments can be incorporated into the vessel’s design, the ves-
signed so that they can carry petroleum products as well as sels operational flexibility will be greater.
chemicals. These vessels must meet the applicable re- The following is a list of port state regulations and in-
quirements of both Annex I and Annex II of MARPOL dustry standards that were incorporated into the recent de-
73/38. sign of a 19 000 MT DWT IMO 1/2 chemical tanker:

• Suez Canal Navigation Regulations,

31.2.3 Commercial Constraints • Panama Canal Regulations,
Because of the ramifications of accidents and pollution in- • St. Lawrence Seaway Regulations,
cidents, the major charterers of tankers, both oil and chem- • Kiel Canal Regulations,
ical, have developed rules and requirements that affect the • Maritime Traffic Safety Law of Japan,
design and operation of tankers. Out of an interest for • OCIMF—Rules for Mooring Equipment,
cargo quality, certain industry groups and international or- • OCIMF—Standards for Tanker Manifolds,
ganizations such as the Federation of Oils, Seeds, and Fats • US Port and Tanker Safety Act,
Associations (FOSFA) and the National Institute of • US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90),
Oilseed Products (NIOP) have produced trading rules that • USCG 46 CFR 39—Vapor Control Systems, and
affect the design of chemical tankers. Various port states • Exxon Minimum Safety Criteria.
also have created unilateral regulations that must be met if
the vessel is to operate in that country’s ports. One such ex-
ample of a port state regulation effecting chemical tanker 31.2.4 General Arrangements
design is the USCG regulations concerning vapor control Figure 31.11 shows the general arrangement of the 37 000
systems. The failure to consider the various rules and reg- MT DWT Stolt Innovation, which was built at the DAN-
ulations in the design phase can limit the operational flex- YARD Shipyard in Denmark in 1996 and is representative
ibility of the vessel. of a modern IMO ST 1/2 chemical tanker.
Major oil companies have developed requirements for The outboard profile of the Stolt Innovation is similar to
vessel design and operation that are used to determine if a the profile view of a modern product tanker with the ex-
vessel is suitable to carry their cargoes or utilize their ter- ception of the large amount of cargo-related equipment lo-
minal facilities. Some of these requirements have been de- cated on the main deck in way of the cargo tanks. The hull
veloped unilaterally while others are developed by the oil form is a typical tanker hull form with a bulbous bow and
industry through the Oil Companies International Marine bow thruster forward and a single screw and Becker Flap
Forum (OCIMF). The OCIMF’s members utilize a ship- Rudder aft. The vessel has a forecastle and poop with an aft
vetting program, known as the Ship Inspection Report accommodation block and machinery space. The location
Programme (SIRE), to evaluate vessels and ensure that of the accommodation and machinery spaces are dictated
their equipment and operation meets their requirements. by the IBC code that requires that all accommodations,
The chemical industry has developed a similar system service stations, and control stations be located outside of
through the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI). Vetting the cargo area and that no cargo or slop tank be located aft
inspections performed through the CDI program allow of the forward end of any accommodation. Similar to prod-
chemical shippers and terminal operators to determine if a uct tankers, the vessel has a midship cargo manifold and a
vessel’s design, equipment, and operation are satisfactory raised centerline catwalk that runs from the poop deck to
for their use. the forecastle.
Industry groups involved in the trading of materials to The inboard profile of the Stolt Innovation reveals a
be used in food products have developed rules regarding large number of transverse bulkheads that together with
how their cargoes are to be carried to ensure their quality the two sets of inboard longitudinal bulkheads result in 42
31-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 31.11 General Arrangement of Stolt Innovation

Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-13

cargo tanks located in the hull. The spacing between trans-

verse bulkheads is not consistent, in order to create a num-
ber of different sized cargo tanks. The number and size of
tanks and their overall arrangement is based on several fac-
tors including IBC code ship type and the trade in which
the shipowner intends to employ the vessel. Like a modern
product tanker, the modern chemical tanker has a double
bottom that is used for ballast tanks. The height of the dou-
ble bottom is dictated by the IBC code dependent on the
ship type.
The plan views of the Stolt Innovation illustrate further
similarities and differences between chemical and product
tankers. The similarities include double sides and external
framing of the main deck in way of the cargo tanks. The
width of the double side is a function of the IBC code ship
type and MARPOL Annex I regulations. It is important to
note that if a chemical tanker will be used to transport pe-
troleum products in its outboard cargo tanks, the width of
the double sides must meet the double hull requirements as
put forth in regulation 13F of MARPOL Annex I. Like the
double bottom spaces the double sides are used as ballast
The deck frames are located on top of the main deck
over the cargo tank producing a flat underside to the deck,
which reduces residual cargo in the tank and facilitates
more efficient and effective tank cleaning. The plan view
of Deck 1 shows cofferdams located between the cargo
area and the forward spaces and the machinery spaces aft.
The IBC code requires these cofferdams to further segre-
gate the cargo area from non-cargo spaces including ac-
commodation spaces, machinery spaces, and potable water Figure 31.12 Main Deck of Chemical Tanker Showing Piping and Vent Stacks
storage. A pump room can be used rather than a cofferdam
to provide the required segregation. It is common practice handling equipment, tank cleaning materials and equip-
for a ballast pump room to be used to segregate the aft ac- ment, and nitrogen gas are also provided on the main deck.
commodation and machinery spaces from the cargo area. A rather unique feature on the Stolt Innovation is the
The most prominent deck feature that distinguishes the vessel’s gantry crane located on the catwalk level. The
Stolt Innovation from a product tanker are the four deck crane’s ability to move fore and aft allows it to perform
mounted cargo tanks. These tanks are classified as inde- general hose handling functions as well as servicing the
pendent tanks by the IBC code, as they are not integral to cargo pump stacks located in each cargo tank. A fixed
the vessel’s structure. Another distinct feature of the mod- hose-handling crane located on the vessel’s centerline
ern chemical tanker deck are the cargo tank vent stacks that close to the cargo manifold is more commonly used than a
rise above the main deck. As there is one vent stack per gantry crane. The major oil companies require that the
cargo tank there may be as many as forty stacks or more. cargo hose handling crane have a capacity of at least
The vent stacks are bundled together in groups. 5 tonne.
Chemical tankers typically have four groups of cargo
tank vent stacks located at the forward end of the cargo Cargo tank arrangements
area port and starboard and at the aft end of the cargo area The types of cargoes the vessel is designed to carry drive
port and starboard. The large quantity of piping and tank the arrangement of the cargo tanks. The IBC code provides
openings located on the main deck in way of the cargo requirements for the location of cargo tanks that are to
tanks is another distinct feature of the chemical tanker carry ST 1, 2, or 3 cargoes. The required locations are
(Figure 31.12). Means for storing cargo samples, cargo- based on damage assumptions provided in the code. Figure
31-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

31.13 illustrates the required distances that a tank’s bound-

aries must be from the ships shell plating to carry a given
ship type cargo.
There are no requirements for a double hull for ST 3
cargoes. Therefore, a ST 3 cargo can be carried in a cargo
tank whose boundaries are common with the shell plating.
A ST 2 cargo must be carried in a tank whose bound-
aries are a distance from the molded line of the shell plat-
ing at the centerline equal to or greater than the vessels
beam divided by 15. The minimum permissible value for
this distance is 760 mm and the maximum required value
for this distance is 6 m. The transverse distance of the tank
boundaries from the molded hull line of the shell plating
must also be no less than 760 mm. In a ST 2 cargo tank the
pump well is permitted to protrude below the minimum re-
quired distance between the shell plating and the bottom of
the tank provided it does protrude more than 25% of the re-
quired distance.
A ST 1 cargo must be carried in a tank whose bottom is
at a distance from the molded line of the shell plating at the
centerline equal to or greater than the vessels beam divided
by 15. The minimum permissible value for this distance is
760 mm and the maximum required value for this distance
is 6 m. The transverse distance of the tank boundaries from
the molded hull line of the shell plating must be equal to or
greater than the vessel’s beam divided by 6 or 10 m, which-
ever is greater. Unlike the ST 2 tank, the pump well of a ST
1 tank may not protrude below the minimum required dis-
tance between the shell plating and the bottom of the tank.
The distances indicated in Figure 31.13 also control the
ship type cargo that may be carried in a deck tank. Clearly
the double bottom height is not an issue but the distance
between the tank boundary and side shell is relevant, as the
vertical extent of side damage is assumed to be upwards
without limit.
The requirements placed on tank locations together
with commercial considerations, lead to standard ap-
proaches to cargo tank arrangements. The Oil Pollution
Act of 1990 (OPA90) has affected tank layouts signifi-
cantly. Prior to OPA90 there were three basic approaches
to tank layouts that produced ships that were capable of
carrying a combination of ship type cargoes. The cargo
tank layouts illustrated in Figure 31.14 are samples; actual
tank layouts may vary but will be a modified version of one
of the three samples.
Ship A has a double bottom and port, starboard, and
center cargo tanks. The outboard boundaries of the port
and starboard tanks are common with the shell plating;
therefore, only ST 3 cargoes can be carried in these tanks. Figure 31.13 Ship Type Tank Boundaries
The width of the port and starboard cargo tanks and the
height of the double bottom permit the center tanks to
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-15

the height of the double bottom permit the port and star-
board cargo tanks to carry both ST 2 and ST 3 cargoes.
The combined width of the double sides and the port
and starboard cargo tanks together with the double bottom
height permits the center tanks to carry ST 1, 2, and 3 car-
The transverse bulkheads dividing Ship C’s center
tanks do not always line up with transverse bulkheads di-
viding up the port and starboard cargo tanks. This arrange-
ment results in a total of sixteen center cargo tanks and
only nine port and nine starboard cargo tanks. Conversely,
the transverse bulkheads dividing the port and starboard
tanks always line up with a transverse bulkhead dividing
up the centerline tanks. Aligning the port and starboard
tank bulkheads with centerline bulkheads is done to pro-
vide structural continuity and also to maximize stowage
flexibility when incompatible cargoes are carried Figure
31.15 illustrates the effect of transverse bulkhead locations
on the stowage of incompatible cargoes.
In cargo tank layout 1, the transverse bulkheads be-
tween 3P and 4P and 3S and 4S line up with the transverse
bulkhead between 6C and 7C. Similarly, the transverse
bulkheads between 4P and 5P and 4S and 5S line up with
the transverse bulkhead between 8C and 9C. If cargo A is
stowed in 4P, a cargo that is deemed incompatible with
cargo A cannot be stored in tanks 3P, 5P, 7C, and 8C as in-
dicated by the X. Note that tanks that share a common cor-
ner, such as 4P and 9C, by regulations, are not considered
adjacent tanks when stowing incompatible cargoes.
In cargo tank layout 2, the transverse bulkheads be-
tween 3P and 4P and 3S and 4S do not line up with the
Figure 31.14 Cargo Tank Layouts transverse bulkhead between 6C and 7C. Similarly, the
transverse bulkheads between 4P and 5P and 4S and 5S do
not line up with the transverse bulkhead between 8C and
carry both ST 2 and ST 3 cargoes. The port and starboard 9C. If cargo A is stowed in 4P, a cargo that is incompatible
cargo tanks of this vessel do not meet the regulations of with cargo A cannot be stored in tanks 3P, 5P, 6C, 7C, 8C,
OPA 90 and MARPOL Annex I, which requires petroleum and 9C as indicated by the X. The lack of alignment of
products to be carried in double hull tankers. bulkheads in cargo tank layout 2 results in two more tanks
This type of cargo tank layout is no longer used on new being unsuitable for stowing a cargo that is incompatible
chemical tankers. The vessel’s inability to carry petroleum with cargo A. Layout 1 provides for greater flexibility.
products in the port and starboard tanks severely limits the The issue of lining up transverse bulkheads also applies
operational flexibility of the vessel. If Ship A is to carry pe- to ballast tanks. Some cargoes are reactive with water and
troleum products, they would be required to be carried in are not permitted to be stored in tanks adjacent to ballast
the center tanks, where they would compete for space with tanks containing ballast water. To avoid a situation similar
higher paying ST 2 cargoes. to that in cargo tank layout 2, the transverse bulkheads of
Ship B has a full double hull, and has port and starboard wing and double bottom ballast tanks should line up with
cargo tanks. The width of the double sides and the height the transverse bulkheads of the cargo tanks. For example,
of the double bottom permit all the cargo tanks to carry in cargo tank layout 1, the forward transverse bulkhead of
both ST 2 and ST 3 cargoes. the ballast tanks lines up with the bulkheads between cargo
Ship C has a full double hull, as well as port, starboard, tanks 3P and 4P, 3S and 4S, and 6C and 7C. Likewise, the
and center cargo tanks. The width of the double sides and aft transverse bulkhead of the ballast tanks in the sketch
31-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

in which the shipowner plans to employ the vessel. The

IBC code limits the maximum quantity of cargo of a cer-
tain ship type that may be stored in a single tank. The max-
imum amount of ST 1 cargo that may be carried in a single
tank is 1250 m3. The maximum amount of ST 2 cargo that
may be stored in a single tank is 3000 m3. The code does
not limit the maximum quantity of ST 3 cargo that may be
stored in a single tank. These limits are on cargo quantity
and not on tank size. However, if the volume of a cargo
tank that is designed to carry ST 1 cargoes is greater that
1250 m3 it will have to be loaded in a slack condition when
used to carry a ST 1 cargo. Loading tanks significantly
below capacity reduces the total volume of cargo that a
vessel can carry on a given voyage. Therefore, to maintain
maximum operational flexibility the size of ST 1 tanks and
ST 2 tanks are effectively limited to approximately 1250
m3 and 3000 m3, respectively. Chemical tankers carrying
flammable cargoes that are listed in the IBC code, Chap-
ters 17 and 18, are exempt from the SOLAS regulations re-
quiring tankers to be fitted with inert gas systems, provided
that the individual cargo tank capacities do not exceed
3000 m3, that the nozzle capacity of any single tank wash-
ing nozzle does not exceed 17.5 m3/hour, and that the sum
of all the washing machine nozzles in a single tank does
not exceed 110 m3/hour. Depending on the vessel’s dead-
weight, a chemical tanker may not need to be fitted with a
fixed inert gas system if it is to carry crude or petroleum
products with flash points not exceeding 60° C.
The trade in which the shipowner plans to employ the
vessel will also drive the size of the cargo tanks. To maxi-
mize operational flexibility and cargo carrying capacity on
any given voyage the standard parcel sizes and typical
Figure 31.15 Impact of Cargo Tank Layout on Cargo Stowage
cargo specific gravities must be taken into account. An
analysis of the cargoes shipped and the parcel sizes that are
line up with the bulkheads between cargo tanks 5P and 6P, common in a given trade can provide the naval architect
5S and 6S, and 9C and 10C. with guidelines for selecting the practical cargo tank sizes.
A chemical tanker’s double-hull ballast tanks may be Figure 31.16 illustrates the breakdown of parcel sizes
arranged as L, J, or S tanks. The arrangement of L, J and S by percentage of total number of cargoes carried during a
tanks can be seen in Figure 29.7 of Chapter 29 – Oil two-year period on a fixed trade route. The chart indicates
Tankers. A pair of S tanks located near the vessels center that the most common parcel size was 500 tonne, which
of flotation can be used as list control tanks. These tanks accounted for nearly 30% of all parcels shipped. The num-
allow for ballast to be used to offset the unsymmetrical ber of parcels sized 1000 tonne or less equaled 68% of the
loading of cargo that occurs as a result of different cargo total parcels shipped over the two-year period.
specific gravities, different levels of cargo in tanks, and the Based on this analysis the optimum tank sizes would be
number of different parcels being carried. Using smaller S based on parcel sizes of 500, 750, 1000 tonne. To deter-
tanks for this purpose allows the vessel to be returned to a mine the required tank volume to handle these parcel sizes
zero-heel condition without sacrificing a large amount of a similar examination of the specific gravities of the car-
deadweight or creating a large free surface if the tanks are goes carried must be performed. For example a 500 m3
not filled to full capacity. cargo tank is too small for a parcel of 500 tonne of cargo
The locations of the cargo tank bulkheads determine the with a specific gravity of 0.86. A 500 tonne parcel at a spe-
individual cargo tank sizes. The tank sizes for a given de- cific gravity of 0.86 would require a minimum tank size of
sign are based on international regulations and the service approximately 593 m3 when filled to 98% of capacity. In
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-17

Figure 31.16 Breakdown of Parcel Sizes

practice cargo tanks are typically filled to a maximum of

Figure 31.18 Openings in Accommodations (15)
98% of capacity to allow for thermal expansion of the
cargo during carriage.
Figure 31.17 illustrates the breakdown of the specific tanks placed between larger center tanks. The smaller
gravities of cargoes carried by percentage of the total num- cargo tanks are sized for the carriage of smaller sized
ber of cargoes carried during the same two year period on parcels without leaving large amounts of unused cargo
the same fixed trade route. This chart indicates that the tank volume. The placement of these small cargo tanks be-
most common cargo specific gravity was approximately tween larger cargo tanks allows them to be used as buffers
0.9 at 21% of the total cargo carried, and that 62% of the between larger cargo tanks. For example, if one of the ves-
total number of cargoes carried had specific gravities be- sel’s large tanks is used to carry a reactive cargo that is in-
tween 0.8 and 0.95. compatible with the other cargoes to be carried on the ves-
Utilizing the type of information provided in Figures sel, the adjacent small tank can be left empty, sacrificing a
31.17 and 31.18 the naval architect could select various relatively small amount of revenue generating space.
tank sizes that best fit the needs of the vessel’s intended If a small cargo tank were not placed between the two
trade. With the desired tank sizes in hand the tank arrange- large tanks, one of the large tanks would have to be left
ment can be developed. The arrangement of the cargo empty, which would sacrifice a much larger amount of rev-
tanks should maximize the operational flexibility of the enue-generating cargo tank volume.
vessel and meet the needs of the shipowner. The cargo tank Rather than using small tanks as buffers, some vessels
layout of Ship C in Figure 31.14 has small center cargo are designed with cofferdams between certain cargo tanks
to allow for the stowage of reactive or high temperature
cargoes without concern for adjacent cargoes. Incorporat-
ing cofferdams into a tank arrangement results in a reduc-
tion in the total volume available for cargo and creates ad-
ditional spaces that need to be maintained and monitored.
The loss of volume is a matter of operational philosophy.
With a cofferdam, there is a small known quantity of lost
cargo volume on every voyage. Alternatively, the use of
small buffer tanks could lead to a greater amount of lost
revenue- generating volume on a given voyage if a com-
patible cargo is not available to be stowed in the buffer
tank. However, cofferdams can present a hazard if toxic or
flammable cargo or vapors are able to enter the space. Sys-
tems must be installed to monitor the atmosphere of the
cofferdam to ensure that a hazardous condition does not
Figure 31.17 Breakdown of Cargo Specific Gravities exist within the space.
31-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

If a chemical tanker is designed to carry MARPOL The IBC code requires that all spaces located in the
Annex I cargoes as well as chemicals, it is required to have cargo area be accessible from the open deck. Further
an oil discharge monitoring and control system and a des- guidelines are provided for accessing double bottom tanks.
ignated slop tank or tanks. The designated slop tanks are The IBC code provides requirements for the arrangement
small, with their required volume being a function of the of bilge and ballast systems. These systems are required to
vessels overall cubic capacity. The slop tanks may be cargo be totally segregated from cargo systems. Bilge and ballast
tanks and often deck cargo tanks are designated as a ves- systems that run immediately adjacent to cargo tanks are to
sel’s slop tanks. be arranged to ensure they do not provide a path for cargo
or cargo vapors to enter machinery or accommodation General arrangement considerations spaces. The IBC code provides regulations for the arrange-
The IBC code includes additional regulations that apply to ment of permanent bow and stern loading and unloading
the ship’s arrangements. These regulations cover: systems. The use of such arrangements is not permitted for
ST 1 and toxic cargoes.
• provisions for cargo segregation,
• the arrangement of accommodation, service, machin- Hazardous locations
ery, and control stations, The IBC code defines certain locations in the cargo areas
• the arrangement of cargo pump rooms, as hazardous locations. The defined locations and the car-
• the arrangement of access to spaces in the cargo area, goes carried determine what types of electrical equipment
• the arrangement of bilge and ballast systems. can be used in certain areas of the ship. The areas defined
• provisions for pump and pipeline arrangements, and as hazardous locations include the entire length of the
• the arrangement of bow or stern loading systems. cargo area from the bottom shell plating to a height above
the main deck, holds containing independent cargo tanks,
The IBC code requires that cargoes that react in a haz- cargo pump rooms, pump rooms in the cargo area, and
ardous manner be completely segregated from other car- areas above cargo tank outlets, vapor outlets, ventilation
goes. This regulation applies to cargo handling systems as openings, and cargo pipe fittings. Consideration must be
well as cargo stowage. These reactive cargoes must be pro- given to the mechanical systems that are installed in the
vided with separate pumping, piping, and tank venting hazardous locations. Like the electrical components, the
systems. The cargo piping used to handle a reactive cargo mechanical components employed in the hazardous areas
cannot pass through other cargo tanks containing incom- must not present a source of ignition.
patible cargoes. The cargo piping is not to pass through any The carriage of toxic products results in additional haz-
accommodation, service, or machinery spaces with the ex- ardous areas that extend 15 m in all directions from the ex-
ception of pump rooms. No cargo subject to the code may haust openings of tank venting systems. No accommoda-
be carried in the aft or fore peak tanks. The design of the tion or service spaces may be located within this hazardous
modern chemical tanker satisfies these regulations by mak- area. Figure 31.19 illustrates the extent of the hazardous
ing each cargo tank a self contained, completely segre- areas that must be taken into account in the development of
gated system. Complete segregation is created by the in- a chemical tankers’ general arrangement.
stallation of a deepwell cargo pump in each tank, dedicated
cargo piping, manifolds, and vent lines. All cargo piping is
run above the main deck to avoid passing through other 31.3 SYSTEM DESIGN
cargo tanks or ballast tanks.
The hazardous nature of the cargoes carried aboard 31.3.1 Hull Form, Propulsion and Performance
chemical tankers requires that special consideration be Hull form and principal particulars
given to the locations of openings and intakes to accom- The service speed of chemical tankers typically falls be-
modations and service, machinery and control stations. tween 12 and 16 knots. This speed range, which is a func-
The IBC code forbids the entrances, air intakes and other tion of the markets governing economics, allows for the
openings to these spaces from facing the cargo area. The use of full hull forms similar to product tankers. Concern
IBC code requires that all openings should be located at for ballast condition speed is minimal as chemical tankers
least 4% of the length of the ship, or 3 m but no more than rarely sail in ballast condition for long distances. Block
5 m, from the forward end of the superstructure or deck- coefficients for chemical tankers range from 0.80 to
house that faces the cargo area. These requirements are il- 0.85 with some smaller ocean-going vessels having finer
lustrated in Figure 31.18. hull forms with block coefficients below 0.80. Chemical
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-19

Figure 31.19 Hazardous Zones (15)

tankers typically employ bulbous bows and trapezoidal 12 to 16 knots with large vessels tending to have higher
sterns. Model tests and CFD analysis are employed when service speeds.
developing new chemical tanker hull forms. Figure 31.21 illustrates the relationship between vessel
Figures 31.20 through 31.25 were developed from an deadweight and cubic capacity. The graph indicates that
analysis of approximate 500 chemical tankers ranging be- cubic capacity in cubic meters is greater than deadweight
tween 9000 and 50 000 tonne DWT that were constructed in metric tons. This relationship results from the majority
after 1990. Figure 31.20 clearly shows the speed range of of cargoes having a specific gravity less than 1.0. The data
31-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2
Click here to view LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view

LIVE GRAPH Figure 31.20 Design Speed Versus Deadweight Figure 31.23 Breadth Versus Deadweight
Click here to view LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view

Figure 31.21 Cubic Capacity Versus Deadweight Figure 31.24 Draft Versus Deadweight
Click here to view
sampled had an average cubic to deadweight ratio of 1.13
with a minimum ratio of 0.92 and a maximum ratio of 1.48
with the larger vessels tending to have higher cubic to
deadweight ratios.
Figures 31.22 through 31.25 show the relationships be-
tween deadweight and length, breadth, and draft. There are

Figure 31.25 L/B Versus Deadweight

two definitive break points for the breadth of chemical

The first break point is at approximately 23 m, which is
LIVE GRAPH the maximum beam permitted in the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Click here to view The second breakpoint is at 32.3 m, which is the beam re-
Figure 31.22 Length Overall Versus Deadweight striction of the Panama Canal.
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-21

The graph of draft versus deadweight also reveals two system the main engine is used to produce electrical power
break points. The first is at 10 m, which is related to the in port by disengaging the propeller and driving the shaft
limiting drafts in both the United States Gulf of Mexico generator alone. The principal advantage of this system is
ports and ports in the Far East. The second break point is a reduction in maintenance requirements and diesel gener-
at approximately 12.25 m. Figure 31.25 shows that the ator size. This approach results in a simpler system than a
length to beam ratio typically fall between 5.50 and 7.0. diesel-electric system and provides the opportunity for re-
dundancy by allowing the shaft generator to be operated as Propulsion a secondary propulsion motor.
The most common propulsion system for chemical tankers
has been a slow-speed diesel engine driving a fixed pitch Maneuverability
propeller. This arrangement often includes a shaft-driven On a given port call a chemical tanker will often call at
generator to provide electrical power during the sea pas- more than one berth. On a given voyage a chemical tanker
sage and three or more auxiliary diesel generators to pro- will typically call at a number of load and discharge ports.
vide power for the in-port electrical loads. These two factors result in chemical tankers spending up to
As the focus on safety and environmental protection 40% of a total voyage’s time in port (17). These factors
continues to dominate the tanker industry, shipowners make it crucial that the vessels have good maneuverability.
have begun to look for alternative propulsion systems that A maneuverable vessel will be more efficient in port as
provide a higher degree of redundancy. In 1996, the Stolt docking and undocking can be completed more rapidly
Innovation became the first chemical tanker with a diesel and require less assistance from tugs. Furthermore, good
electric propulsion system. The Stolt Innovation’s electri- maneuverability provides an additional level of safety in
cal power is produced by four medium-speed diesel gener- the congested waters of many of the largest chemical han-
ator sets and the ship is propelled by a variable speed dling ports. The maneuverability of chemical tankers is en-
propulsion drive system. The variable speed propulsion hanced through the use of large bow thrusters and high ef-
system includes a 12-pulse synchro-converter feeding ficiency rudders such as Becker Flap and Schilling
power to a 10 MW synchronous electric motor that drives Rudders.
a fixed pitch propeller via a coaxial gearbox. The system
provides several benefits including propulsion redundancy, 31.3.2 Cargo Systems
as there are four sources of propulsion power rather than The cargo systems of chemical tankers are what truly dif-
one. The systems allows for a shorter engine room which ferentiate them from product and crude tankers. A vessel’s
increases the cargo volume for a given ship length. It is cargo system, together with its cargo tank arrangement and
claimed that the Stolt Innovation’s propulsion system has safety systems determines the cargoes that the vessel can
the same propulsive efficiency as a slow speed diesel en- or cannot carry. A chemical tanker’s cargo system includes
gine system because of the better utilization of exhaust tanks, pumping systems, piping, venting systems, cargo
gases while producing 30–50% less NOx emissions than a monitoring systems, environmental control systems, and
slow speed diesel engine of equal power (16). tank cleaning systems.
Diesel electric is not the only system that has been used
to provide redundancy to the propulsion systems of chem- Cargo Tanks
ical tankers. Some shipowners have turned to take home The IBC code provides for four types of cargo tanks: inde-
systems in their new vessels. In the event of a main engine pendent, integral, gravity, and pressure tanks. The bound-
failure this type of system allows the shaft generator to be aries of an independent tank are not part of the hull struc-
used as a secondary propulsion motor, taking power from ture and, therefore, do not contribute to the structural
the generating sets and turning the main shaft. These sys- strength of the vessel. Independent tanks are designed to
tems are not large enough to drive the vessel at service eliminate the transfer of stress from the vessels structure to
speed but do provide sufficient power to maintain forward the tank structure. On chemical tankers, independent tanks
progress and maneuverability in a seaway. The shaft gen- typically taking the form of deck tanks. The deck tanks
erator, when run as motor can also increase the power de- used on the Stolt Innovation are examples of independent
livered to the main shaft when run in parallel with the main cargo tanks (Figure 31.1 and 31.12). On the other hand, the
engine. boundaries of an integral tank are formed by the hull struc-
Another alternative to the typical slow-speed diesel ture and the subdividing of the hull in the cargo area cre-
plant is the use of a large shaft generator, a declutchable ates the individual integral tanks. Integral tanks are the
propeller, and a slow-speed diesel engine. With this type of most common type of tank used on chemical tankers.
31-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Gravity tanks are designed for a maximum pressure of

0.7 bar gauge at the top of the tank and may be of the inte-
gral or independent type. Pressure tanks are designed for
pressure greater than 0.7 bar gauge and are not typically
used on chemical tankers. The majority of cargoes covered
by the IBC code carried by chemical tankers can be stored
in integral gravity tanks. The boundaries of both integral
and independent cargo tanks can be stainless steel or
coated mild steel. The cargo tank coatings that are used on
chemical tankers are primarily of the epoxy or zinc silicate
type. The cargo tank coating or grade of stainless steel that
makes up the cargo tank’s boundary partially determines
which cargoes can be stored in the tank. There are certain
cargoes that are incompatible with stainless steel and can-
not be stowed in stainless steel tanks but can be stored in
coated tanks. Conversely, there are many more cargoes that
can be stowed in stainless steel tanks but not coated tanks.
Stainless steel tanks provide for the greatest operational
flexibility in terms of the number of cargoes that can be
carried in the cargo tank. Stainless steel tanks are also eas-
ier to clean after cargo discharge than coated tanks. Cargo pumping and piping systems

The cargo pumping and piping systems are the principal
systems in determining a vessel’s operational flexibility.
Although the IBC code allows for a cargo pump room and
shared piping systems, these features are no longer used in
modern chemical tankers. The modern chemical tanker is
based on the concept of the complete segregation of car-
goes. Each cargo tank and its associated systems are inde-
pendent from the vessel’s other cargo tanks.
At the heart of the complete segregation approach is the
deepwell cargo pump (Figure 31.26). As its name suggests
a deepwell pump is submerged in the fluid that it is pump-
ing with its impeller placed in a well in the cargo tank tank-
top. Deepwell cargo pumps are of the centrifugal type and
are driven by either a hydraulic motor located in the tank
with the impeller or by an electric motor that drives a shaft
that runs from the deck down to the impeller in the tank.
Hydraulically driven pumps of this type are more pop-
ular on chemical tankers than the electrically driven pumps
because the electric motors can be eliminated from the
cargo area, and because variable speed control makes them
attractive. Submerged hydraulic pumps are available with
cargo flow rates ranging from 50 m3/h to 2000 m3/h and
discharge heads in excess of 160 mlc. Since centrifugal Figure 31.26 Hydraulically Driven Deepwell Pump
pumps do not pump high viscosity cargoes well, ships that
have centrifugal deepwell cargo pumps and that frequently positive displacement type, with screw pumps being used
carry high viscosity cargoes, such as molasses, are typi- most often.
cally outfitted with a deck-mounted booster pump to assist Power for the hydraulic pumps is provided by electri-
in the discharge process. These booster pumps are of the cally driven hydraulic power packs that are typically lo-
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-23

cated in an enclosed space forward or aft of the cargo area. tems, and pump well designs currently being installed on
The aft location is preferred as it conveniently locates the ships easily surpass the IBC code requirements for cargo
hydraulic machinery in the vicinity of the vessel’s machin- stripping performance.
ery spaces. Hydraulic power packs tend to be very loud One cargo pump is required per tank, and when com-
with noise output in the higher frequency range. If they are bined with an independent cargo line and a dedicated man-
to be located near accommodations or workstations, ifold it results in a completely segregated cargo system. To
acoustic insulation must be employed to limit the trans- maintain the segregation of the cargo system the tank’s
mission of the operating noise into the adjacent spaces. venting arrangements must also be independent of the
The size of the power packs is dependent on the quan- venting system of all other cargo tanks. With completely
tity of hydraulic flow required. The hydraulic flow required independent systems, the chance that two different cargoes
by the cargo pumping system is dependent on the size of can come in contact during loading and discharging is
the pumps installed on the vessel and the maximum cargo nearly non-existent. Likewise the independent piping and
discharge rate required. The individual pump sizes can be pumping system allows for a very high level of operational
determined by how fast the tank is to be emptied. There- flexibility.
fore, small tanks are fitted with smaller cargo pumps and Cargo is discharged to shore and loaded aboard the ship
large tanks are fitted with larger cargo pumps. The number via the cargo manifold. A fully segregated ship has a man-
of cargo pumps that are to be run simultaneously sets the ifold line for each cargo tank and each manifold line is ac-
overall discharge rate. The required hydraulic flow rate is cessible from each side of the vessel. The arrangement of
the sum of the flow rates required by each of the pumps to the cargo manifold should follow OCIMF guidelines
be operated simultaneously. Contracts for the carriage of a where practical (18).
shipload of a single clean petroleum product cargo often The cargo line is then run from the manifold to the tank
require that the entire cargo be discharged in twelve hours where it connects to the pump discharge line. The cargo
or less. This requirement can be used as a benchmark for lines should be run completely above the main deck to
selecting the maximum discharge rate that the pumping eliminate the possibility that a leak in a cargo line could
system should be able to produce. Different trades may contaminate a cargo tank through which the cargo line
have different benchmarks that can be used to select an ap- runs. Some cargo systems load the cargo tank by passing
propriate maximum discharge rate. the cargo back through the pump outlet and others utilize a
The hydraulic power packs are made up of at least three separate drop line that delivers loading cargo directly to the
electric-motor/hydraulic-pump combinations to provide tank bottom. If a drop line is utilized it must be connected
redundancy in the system and efficiency at reduced loads. to the cargo line running from the manifold to the cargo
The size of the power packs may be affected by other ves- pump outlet. The drop line is beneficial in that it can be
sel systems that utilized the output from the power packs. used together with the cargo pump to re-circulate the cargo
The power packs may be used to drive submerged hydraulic in a single cargo tank. This is useful when a cargo contains
ballast pumps, a hydraulic bow thruster, hydraulic mooring a large amount of particulate matter that will settle to the
equipment, and hydraulic deck cranes. The larger the hy- bottom of the tank if the cargo is permitted to remain sta-
draulic power pack, the greater its demand on the electrical tionary. By connecting the pump outlet directly to the
system. The electric motors on the power pack are the cargo drop line, a loop is created that will allow for the
largest consumer of electrical power in port and, therefore, cargo to be continually circulated by running the cargo
drive the sizing of the vessels auxiliary generators. pump and returning the cargoes to the tank via the drop
The hydraulic fluid is delivered from the power packs to line.
the cargo pumps via high-pressure hydraulic piping. Once Chemical tankers are often fitted with one or more large
at the pump the fluid enters a flow control valve, which de- cargo lines or manifolds known as common lines or col-
termines how much hydraulic fluid is delivered to the hy- lecting manifolds. These lines are used to facilitate the
draulic motor. After passing through the hydraulic motor, loading and discharging of large parcels that are stowed in
the hydraulic fluid returns to the power packs via lower several cargo tanks. Each cargo tank can be connected to
pressure hydraulic lines. Submerged deepwell pumps are the common line and either load or discharge the cargo
typically equipped with stripping lines that allow for the through the same large common line and manifold.
more complete removal of cargo from the tank. In some in- To protect against corrosion, all of the cargo pipes and
stances a second stripping line is installed and is used to- manifolds are made of solid stainless steel. This is true for
gether with a vacuum system to remove any unpumpable coated chemical tankers as well as stainless steel tankers.
cargo from the pump well. The cargo pumps, stripping sys- The IBC code provides a formula for determining the min-
31-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

imum required scantlings of cargo pipes based primarily The pv valves relief setting is dependent on the cargoes
on the internal pressure and the pipe diameter. All pipe to be carried. Highly toxic cargoes require that the relief
joints are required to be welded except where valves and pressure be set at 0.2 gauge. The relief pressure is directly
expansion joints are fitted. Pipe joints located in the piping related to the structural design of the cargo tanks and de-
runs are generally butt-welded, but slip-on weld joints and termines the vacuum and pressure conditions that the tank
screw joints are acceptable in limited circumstances. These could encounter in operation. The pv valves also dictate
latter joints should be used sparingly as both are suscepti- the maximum loading and unloading rate for each tank.
ble to crevice corrosion. Flanges should be of the welded- The requirements on the location and height of the vent
neck type, the slip-on type, or, in limited situations, the stacks and pv valves are outlined in the IBC code. The
socket-welded type. All flanges are to comply with recog- most stringent requirements for the placement of the vent
nized industry standards. stacks must be met when highly toxic cargoes are carried,
To control the flow of cargo into and out of a tank, stop and should be followed to ensure maximum operational
valves are required at each hose connection and on the fill- flexibility. The vents must be designed to prevent the accu-
ing line where it enters the tank. The valve on the filling mulation of cargo vapors on deck. The required height of
line is to be manually operated. The requirement for a stop the vent stacks can be reduced if high velocity pv valves
valve at each hose connection requires that a stop valve be are used (Figure 31.27). A pv valve must produce an unim-
placed at the outboard ends of each manifold. peded jet with a velocity of 30 m/s to be considered a high-
velocity venting valve. Flame screens must be fitted to the Cargo venting systems vent to prevent flames from entering the vent stacks when
All chemical tankers must be provided with a cargo tank flammable cargoes are to be carried. Provisions must be
venting system that is designed to prevent the development made to ensure that the flame screens do not clog.
of high pressures or a vacuum in a cargo tank during load- Recent revisions to the IBC code require that chemical
ing, discharging, or sailing. The code provides for two tankers be fitted with a secondary means of venting the
types of tank venting systems. An open tank system offers cargo tanks. In lieu of installing a second venting system a
no restriction to the free flow of vapors to and from the
cargo tank, but is limited to vessels that carry only low-
hazard cargoes.
Controlled venting systems are required when haz-
ardous cargoes are carried. A controlled tank venting sys-
tem utilizes a pressure and vacuum (pv) valve to control the
flow of vapors into and out of the cargo tank. A controlled
tank venting system prevents the release of hazardous va-
pors, limits cargo evaporation, and prevents the over or
under pressurization of the cargo tanks. A controlled vent-
ing system is required if an inert gas system is to be em-
ployed. To provide the greatest amount of operational flex-
ibility, controlled venting systems should be installed, as
they are required by a large majority of the cargoes covered
by the code. To maintain complete segregation an inde-
pendent vent system must installed for each cargo tank.
The vent piping and pv valves should be made of cor-
rosion resistant materials such as stainless steel to prevent
damage from cargo vapors. The vent line connects to the
top of the cargo tank and must be self-draining back to the
cargo tank. The vent lines must not contain shutoff valves
that could isolate the pv valve. The tank vents must be
arranged to prevent the entrance of water into the cargo
tanks. Provisions must be made to prevent the cargo from
rising up inside the vent stack and exceeding the test head
of the tank. This issue can be addressed by the installation
of high level and overflow alarms. Figure 31.27 High Velocity Vent Valve (15)
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-25

tank pressure monitoring and alarm system may be in- ing independent vapor return lines can improve a vessel’s
stalled in all of the cargo tanks. operational flexibility.
The IBC code requires that a vapor return system be Chemical tankers are also fitted with tank ventilation
used when highly toxic cargoes are being loaded to prevent systems. These systems are used to gas- free cargo tanks
the toxic vapors from being discharged into the atmos- after a cargo has been discharged and dry cargo tanks after
phere (Figure 31.28). they have been washed. Tank ventilation can be performed
Local port state rules also require the use of vapor re- using portable tank fans or a fixed tank ventilation system.
turn systems when loading certain cargoes. The United Portable tank fans are driven by either compressed air
States has detailed regulations regarding the design and or water and can be placed over small cargo tank hatches
used of vapor return systems by chemical tankers operat- to blow air into or suck air out of a tank. Fixed tank venti-
ing in U.S. waters (19). The vapor return system is de- lation systems include a large ventilation fan and a main
signed to allow cargo to be loaded without the discharge of ventilation duct. Large flexible hoses are then used to route
cargo vapors into the atmosphere by collecting the dis- air from the duct to cargo tank openings. Fixed systems
placed vapors and returning them to the loading terminal may also include dehumidifying or heating systems. These
for processing. The vapor return system works with the additional components are useful as they allow tanks to be
venting system, not in place of the venting system. A vapor dried quickly and provide the crew with the means of
return line is run from the vent line before the pv valve and maintaining a low humidity atmosphere in a cargo tank, as
is connected to a vapor return manifold located near the required by certain cargoes.
midship cargo manifold. A hose is used to connect the
ship’s vapor return manifold with the terminal’s vapor re- Cargo monitoring and control systems
turn system. The vapor return system must be designed so Proper cargo monitoring is a key component of cargo care,
that it does not lead to pressure buildup high enough to operational safety, and environmental protection. The type
open the pv valves. of cargo monitoring system that is required on a particular
The number of cargoes that the vessel must be able to chemical tanker is based on the cargoes that it will carry.
discharge simultaneously while utilizing a vapor control is The monitoring sytems must be more advanced if the car-
determined by the shipowner. At the present time the use goes the vessel will carry are more hazardous. The IBC
of vapor return systems is limited. However, it is likely that code provides requirements for tank gauging, high-level
greater restrictions will be placed on the release of cargo alarms, overflow control systems, temperature measure-
vapors, which may require that vapor return systems be ment, and pressure measurement.
used on a wider range of cargoes. If this occurs the ability Chemical tankers that are designed to carry hazardous
to discharge multiple cargoes simultaneously while utiliz- cargoes are required to be fitted with a closed gauging de-

Figure 31.28 Vapor Return System

31-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

vice such as float-type systems and tank radar. Closed de- quires that the temperatures of certain cargoes be con-
vices can be used without the contents of the tank being re- trolled to prevent the creation of hazardous conditions.
leased. The information from these systems is fed directly Likewise, the IBC code requires the inerting of tanks to
to a cargo-monitoring computer that records and tracks the provide an additional layer of protection against fire, ex-
measurements on a regular basis. The gauging devices must plosion, or adverse chemical reaction. Often cargo manu-
be completely independent from the high-level alarms and facturers and cargo shippers require that the temperature of
the overflow control systems, or high-high level alarms. their cargoes be controlled, not for safety reasons, but to
Likewise the high-level alarm system, set at 95% full, is to protect the quality and ultimately the value of the cargo.
be totally independent to the high-high alarm system, set at Chemical tankers do not use combustion gases to inert
98% full. cargo tanks and void spaces because the constituents may
Recent revisions to the IBC code require that all vessels react with or contaminate the chemical cargoes. Therefore
fitted with controlled venting systems be fitted with a sec- chemical tankers use nitrogen gas to inert cargo tanks.
ondary means of tank venting or a pressure sensing and Certain charterers require that the cargo tanks be
alarm system. The pressure information can also be sent to purged with nitrogen before their cargo can be loaded.
a cargo-monitoring computer. Once the cargo is loaded the cargo is blanketed with nitro-
Operationally, cargo samples must be taken of all gen and the crew is required to maintain the nitrogen blan-
loaded cargoes. Sampling of non-hazardous cargoes can ket for the length of the voyage. These requirements are for
be taken directly from an open cargo hatch. Special provi- cargo quality and protection purposes.
sion must be made to allow for the collection of samples of Two different nitrogen systems can be utilized to meet
hazardous cargos. Closed sampling systems must be in- the requirements of the IBC code and of the vessel’s cus-
stalled on all vessels carrying hazardous cargos or cargoes tomers. The simpler of the two systems is a nitrogen bottle
loaded under a nitrogen blanket. system that uses bottled nitrogen gas stored in the cargo
Temperature sensors are important from the standpoint area. The bottles are connected to a manifold through
of both cargo care and safety. Closed temperature measur- which the gas from the bottles can be injected into the re-
ing systems and temperature alarms are required for ships quired tank to maintain a nitrogen blanket. This approach
carrying the most hazardous cargoes. The temperature in- provides a very limited supply of nitrogen. In operation,
formation should also be sent to the cargo-monitoring cargo tanks are purged and initially blanketed with nitro-
computer. For many products careful control of tempera- gen from a shore source and then the nitrogen bottles are
ture is crucial in preserving quality. Other cargoes can be- used only to maintain the nitrogen blanket.
come extremely dangerous if the temperature is permitted The alternative approach is to outfit the vessel with a ni-
to become too elevated. trogen generator and nitrogen accumulator. This type of
The information from the various monitoring and alarm arrangement provides a greater available quantity of nitro-
systems is collected in the cargo control room. The cargo gen. A nitrogen generator produces nitrogen gas from
control room usually contains the cargo monitoring com- compressed air. The nitrogen generator can produce nitro-
puter and the vessels loading computer. Often they are one gen gas of different qualities with the output being in-
and the same, with the loading computer receiving direct versely proportional to the purity of the gas. The required
input from the monitoring systems. The controls for any re- purity will determine the required nitrogen quality. A ni-
mote operated or automatic cargo systems should be located trogen generator of adequate size can supply enough nitro-
in the cargo control room. The ship’s monitoring and con- gen to meet the needs of the cargoes being loaded and car-
trol systems should provide the officer working in the cargo ried without a shore-side source.
control room with an up-to-date picture of the cargo sys- There are two common methods of heating cargoes
tem operation and the status of each of the cargoes. The in- aboard a chemical tanker. The first involves circulating the
formation should be presented to the officer in an organized heating medium through heating coils located at the bot-
and consistent manner. Figure 31.29 is a schematic illustra- tom of the cargo tank. The second involves using the cargo
tion of an integrated cargo control and monitoring system. pump to circulate the cargo through a deck-mounted heat
exchanger (Figure 31.30). The IBC code provides basic Cargo environmental control systems guidelines for cargo temperature control systems. The
Cargo environmental controls include the heating and heating or cooling medium must be compatible with the
cooling of cargoes as well as the inerting of cargo tanks. cargoes it is serving. The heating or cooling system is to be
The maintenance of cargo environments is important from arranged with isolation valves for each tank. The pressure
both safety and cargo care standpoints. The IBC code re- of the heating medium should always be greater than the
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-27

Figure 31.29 Cargo Monitoring and Control System

maximum pressure of the cargo being heated to prevent heated in a primary heating exchanger by hot water or ther-
cargo from entering the heating medium circuit. Heating or mal oil from the engine room. Alternatively a secondary
cooling toxic cargoes must be performed with a closed- boiler or heater could be provided outside of the main ma-
circuit system. There are three choices for heating media: chinery spaces and could be operated on a closed loop with
thermal oil, hot water, and steam. Steam and hot water the tank heating system.
cannot be used to heat cargoes that are incompatible with The required output of the tank heating system is de-
water. pendent on several variables including the temperature to
Thermal oil may not be used to heat a cargo that will be which the cargo must be heated, how much cargo will be
directly used in a food product. To select the proper heat- heated to the maximum temperature, and how long should
ing medium the vessel’s planned trading pattern must be it take to raise the temperature to a design level. Heat trans-
taken into account. Some vessels are fitted with a certain fer calculations must be performed to determine how much
number of tanks heated by thermal oil and the rest heated heat transfer area is required.
by steam or hot water. Provisions for cargo cooling are encountered less often
To satisfy the requirement that toxic cargo must be than for cargo heating. The IBC code requires that cooling
heated by a closed-circuit system, an intermediate (sec- arrangements be provided for only a small number of car-
ondary) fluid, water or thermal oil, is circulated through goes. These cargoes typically have high vapor pressures at
the cargo heat exchanger or tank heating coils after being ambient temperatures and must be maintained at a lower
31-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

temperature to limit cargo evaporation and the develop-

ment of high internal pressures within the cargo tanks.
Figure 31.31 illustrates a cargo cooling system arrange-
ment. This arrangement allows for the in-tank cooling
lines to be removed from the tank when they are not in use. Tank cleaning systems

The nature of the chemical tanker trade requires that cargo
tanks must be cleaned between the discharging of one cargo
and loading of the next. The cleaning process is a function
of both the discharge cargo and the cargo to be loaded into
the tank. MARPOL Annex II regulations require tanks that
have carried MARPOL A and high viscosity MARPOL B
cargoes to be pre-washed before tank cleaning can com-
mence. The washings from such a pre-wash must be dis-
posed to a suitable shore facility. Table 31.I outlines the
Annex II requirements for cleaning and disposal of tank
washings for category A, B, C and D substances.
Tank cleaning procedures may require the use hot or
cold seawater, hot or cold freshwater, solvents, detergents,
and steam. The tank cleaning process varies from cargo to
cargo with most requiring a multi-step process. The fol-
lowing is an example of a tank cleaning procedure:
Figure 31.30 Deck Mounted Heat Exchanger (20) • hot seawater wash—15 minutes,
• detergent wash—10 minutes,
• fresh water rinse—5 minute,

Figure 31.31 Cargo Cooling System (20)

Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-29

TABLE 31.I MARPOL Annex II Regulations Regarding Tank Cleaning

• steaming—5 minutes, and Portable machines are manually inserted into the cargo
• drying. tank at the end of a hose from the tank-cleaning main, and
must be raised and lowered manually. The cleaning head
Further information on tank cleaning can be found in turns and the nozzles spin to produce a 360° spray pattern.
reference 21. Fixed tank-cleaning machines are preferred over por-
The first four steps of the tank cleaning procedure are table equipment as they require less manpower to set up
carried out using the vessel’s tank-cleaning machines. and operate achieving more consistent results. A ship out-
These machines perform the actual tank-cleaning by fitted with fixed tank-cleaning machines should also carry
spraying the tank-cleaning media at high velocity from a small number of portable tank-cleaning machines to be
spinning nozzles on the machine’s cleaning head. Tank- used in the event that a fixed machine malfunctions or ad-
cleaning machines can be either fixed or portable. Fixed ditional cleaning effort is required in a given tank.
tank-cleaning machines are mounted in individual tanks. Both the portable and fixed tank-cleaning machines
The number of fixed machines per tank varies, as the num- used in chemical tankers must be constructed of stainless
ber installed in a particular tank is determined by the tank’s steel to prevent them from being corroded by hot seawater,
size, shape, and structural arrangement. The number of aggressive cargo residues, and cleaning solvents.
machines installed in a tank must be sufficient to ensure The tank-cleaning machines are supplied by tank-
that the combined spray patterns reach all areas of the cleaning pumps and tank-cleaning heaters. The tank-
cargo tank structure. Fixed tank-cleaning machines are cleaning pumps supply fresh water or seawater to the
often programmable, allowing them to carry out a prede- tank-cleaning machines at a high flow rate. The size of the
fined spray pattern that will effectively clean all areas of tank-cleaning pumps is dependent on the number and size
the tank. Some fixed tank machines are set at a fixed dis- of tank-cleaning machines that are to be operated simulta-
tance below the under side of the deck while others can tel- neously. Similarly, the size of the tank-cleaning heaters is
escope and automatically extend and retract in the tank based on the required temperature and flow rate of the
while the cleaning head turns and the nozzles spin. The se- tank-cleaning water. The tank-cleaning system should be
lection and arrangement of fixed tank-cleaning machines arranged to permit the tank-cleaning machines to be sup-
should be made with the assistance of the manufacturer of plied at times with tank-cleaning media directly from the
the tank cleaning equipment. cargo pump rather than from the tank-cleaning pump. This
31-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

arrangement allows detergent or solvent solutions to be cal cargoes currently being transported on ships have spe-
mixed in the cargo tank, pumped to the tank cleaning ma- cific gravities ranging from below 0.7 to over 2.0.
chines by the cargo pump, and then sprayed back into the The design specific gravity is dependent on the trade in
cargo tank via the tank-cleaning machines. which the shipowner intends to employ the vessel. De-
As steam is also used in tank cleaning, a steam line signing the structure of a vessel to carry cargoes with the
should be provided on deck with fittings to allow the con- highest specific gravity when the vessel will never be used
nection of flexible steam hoses. in a trade where the highest density are carried will result
Annex II of MARPOL provides guidance on the loca- in an unnecessary increase in acquisition costs and a re-
tion and size of underwater discharges that are used when duction in the vessels deadweight because of the excessive
disposing of tank washings. The underwater discharge is structural weight. The selection of the design specific grav-
required to be located within the cargo area in the vicinity ity must also take into account the range of cargoes that the
of the turn of the bilge and its arrangement should be such vessels arrangements, cargo systems, and safety systems,
that the discharged materials are not drawn into the ves- can support. The structural design affects the range of car-
sel’s seawater inlets. goes that a vessel can carry and the amount of operational
flexibility incorporated in the design. Thus the design spe-
cific gravity cannot be selected without consideration for
31.3.3 Hull Structure the vessel’s design as a whole.
Partial filling of a cargo tank combined with the mo-
The design of a chemical tanker’s hull structure follows
tions of the vessel results in cargo sloshing in the tank. The
conventional practice but in way of the cargo tanks is com-
dynamic loads that result from the sloshing of cargo can be
plicated by the variability in the physical properties and
very large with their magnitude being dependent on sev-
carriage requirements of the cargoes to be carried and the
eral factors including the severity of the ship motions, the
numerous possible loading conditions. The design and
geometry of the tank, and the specific gravity of the cargo.
analysis is also made more complex by the desire to have
The absence of structural members in the cargo tanks con-
all cargo tank boundaries free of structural elements. The
tributes to the sloshing problem, as structural members in
use of corrugated bulkheads in both longitudinal and trans-
tanks tend to damp the sloshing. To properly design the
verse directions requires special attention in the design
vessels structure, the dynamic loads caused by sloshing
phase to avoid structural problems when the vessel is in
must be quantified and incorporated into the design
operation. Adding to the scope of the analysis is the use of
process and analysis. The nature of ship motions results in
mild steel, high strength steel, and stainless steel structural
the dynamic sloshing loads being greatest on deck tanks.
elements in the same design. Because of the complex na-
In the case of a deck tank, these loads affect both the
ture of the analysis the naval architect must utilize finite el-
strength of the tank and the structural arrangements that se-
ement modeling techniques to properly evaluate the struc-
cure the tank to the deck.
tural design.
In some instances the dynamic loads caused by cargo
The cargo characteristics that affect the structural de-
sloshing can be significantly large in certain loading
sign include the specific gravity of the cargo, the vapor
conditions. Rather than designing the structure to with-
pressure, and cargo temperature. Of these cargo character-
stand these forces, the designer has the option of placing
istics the most important to the structural analysis are the
limitations on the vessel operations. Sloshing curves
cargo’s specific gravity and cargo temperature. The impact
can be developed for cargo tanks that communicate these
of the cargo’s vapor pressure is less pronounced because of
limitations. The sloshing curves indicate the ranges of
the protection provided by the vessel’s pressure vacuum
tank filling where the dynamic loads would be excessive
(pv) valves and the tank pressure monitoring system. The
for a given cargo specific gravity. For example a tank struc-
importance of the cargo’s temperature is related to the de-
ture may be designed for a maximum specific gravity of
velopment of thermal stresses and the temperatures effect
1.5 at 100% of capacity. However, because of the dynamic
on the material properties of the structural members.
loads caused by the sloshing of the cargo, the sloshing
curves may dictate that a cargo with a specific gravity of Cargo specific gravity 1.5 cannot be carried in the tank at filling levels between
The specific gravity of a cargo dictates the hydrostatic 45 and 85% of capacity. The sloshing curves may also be
loads that it will place on the structure of a cargo tank. The used to provide guidance for partial loading of a tank with
naval architect’s dilemma when designing the structure of cargoes whose specific gravities greater than the design
a chemical tanker is which specific gravity to use. Chemi- limit.
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-31

The specific gravity which the vessel is designed for tanks to achieve a desired trim or heel condition. The car-
and the manner in which the dynamic loads will be ad- goes and their properties can vary from one cargo tank to
dressed will greatly impact the operational flexibility of the next. All of these variables can change from voyage to
the vessel. The greater the design specific gravity and the voyage creating different loading conditions. A vessel’s
fewer filling restrictions placed on the loading of cargo operational flexibility is tied directly to the range of load-
tanks, the higher the operational flexibility of the vessel. ing conditions that its structural design can accommodate.
This flexibility comes at a cost of greater steel weight and In order to provide the level of operational flexibility re-
increased acquisition costs. quired in the intended trade the naval architect needs to
work with the shipowner to develop an appropriate range
of loading conditions for which the structure is to be de- Cargo temperature
signed. If the loading range is made excessively large the
The loading, discharging, and carriage temperature of car-
vessel’s structure will be over-designed leading to excess
goes affect the structural design. The temperature range of
steel weight and higher vessel acquisition costs. Alterna-
cargoes transported aboard a chemical tanker can be sig-
tively, if the loading range is too narrow then the opera-
nificant. Some specialized waxes must be heated to a tem-
tional flexibility will be limited.
perature above 90° C while other cargoes may have to be
To allow for the structural design to be developed and
cooled during transit. Ballast water adjacent to cargo tanks
analyzed the range of loading conditions must be reduced
may be near 0° C in the North Atlantic during the winter
to a manageable number of worst-case load conditions.
months. The greater the temperature differential between
These worst-case conditions must take into account all of
structural components, the greater the magnitude of ther-
the cargoes that the vessel is designed to carry. Once the
mal stresses incurred by the structure. The development of
worst-case loading conditions are established the structure
significant thermal stresses is exacerbated by the use of
can be designed to meet the demands placed on it by this
both stainless and mild steel structural components, as the
limited number of worst-case conditions. If the range of
thermal expansion of some stainless steel is significantly
loading conditions is not well-defined before the structure
greater than mild steel. These thermal stresses must be
is designed, it may not permit the vessel to meet the com-
accounted for in the design and analysis of the vessels
mercial needs of the shipowner. Therefore, an early defini-
tion of the loading conditions is crucial.
Elevated temperatures also impact the mechanical
After the vessel is designed, the issue of loading condi-
properties of structural materials. For example the maxi-
tions ceases to be a design issue and becomes an opera-
mum design stress for 2205 duplex stainless steel is re-
tional issue. To ensure that the vessel is never operated be-
duced by over 20% when its temperature is raised from
yond the design range of loading conditions, a chemical
room temperature to 100° C. This degradation of mechan-
tanker must be outfitted with a loading manual and a load-
ical properties caused by high cargo temperatures must be
ing computer that can be used by the cargo officer to eval-
taken into account when designing and analyzing the
uate planned loading arrangements. When evaluating a
loading scenario, the cargo officer must evaluate the load-
Because of the effects of elevated cargo temperature on
ing condition over the length of the voyage to ensure that
the vessel’s structures operational restrictions may have to
at no time during the voyage will the structure be over
be placed on a vessel in terms of the combination of high
stressed because of cargo stowage and operations.
cargo temperatures and high specific gravity. For example,
a tank designed for a maximum cargo specific gravity of
1.85 may be limited to a maximum cargo specific gravity 31.3.4 Structural Arrangements
of 1.5 when cargo temperatures exceed 60° C.
Figure 31.32 shows the midship section of an IMO 2/3
stainless steel chemical tanker under construction. Like Loading conditions other modern tankers, chemical tankers are double hulled
The nature of the chemical tanker trade and the range of and longitudinally framed in way of the cargo area. The
different cargoes carried by these vessels produce a wide uniformity and continuity of the structure is maintained
range of loading conditions in which a chemical tanker whenever possible. Generic guidelines for the local struc-
may be expected to operate. During any leg of a voyage, a tural elements of double hull structures are followed when
chemical tanker is likely to sail with some cargo tanks full, developing the structural design. Special attention is to be
while others are partially filled, and others are completely paid to design details in high stress areas. Fatigue life must
empty. Ballast may be loaded in any of a number of ballast be carefully considered because of the long design life of
31-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 31.32 Chemical Tanker Midship Section Looking Aft

chemical tankers and the potential ramifications of cargo area the deck structure is longitudinally framed with deck
leaking from fractures in the vessel’s structure. longitudinals and girders welded to the underside of the
The double side structure is made up of horizontal deck plating. In way of the cargo tanks provisions are taken
stringers and side shell and inner shell longitudinals. The to remove all structural members from the cargo tank
double bottom structure is made up of longitudinal floors boundaries. The most common structural arrangement
and bottom shell and inner bottom shell longitudinals in used is to place the deck longitudinals and deck girders on
the double bottom. The inner side shell joins the inner bot- the topside of the deck plating. With this arrangement the
tom shell via a sloped hopper structure, which adds stiff- web frames are also placed on the top of the deck plating
ness and strength to the connection. A typical web frame in way of the cargo area. To maintain structural continuity
can be seen in Figure 31.32 in the starboard ballast tank. it is important so that the framing on top of the deck plat-
The web frame is reinforced between each horizontal ing lines up with the longitudinal and transverse bulkheads
girder by vertical stiffeners and has access openings be- located below the deck plating.
tween each horizontal girder. The horizontal stringers in An alternative to the externally framed deck is the cor-
the double side and the floors in the double bottom also rugated deck. This arrangement eliminates all deck longi-
have access openings cut in them. tudinals and girders in way of the cargo tanks by using
Together, these access openings provide the required transversely corrugated deck plating. The web framing still
access to the ballast tanks for maintenance and close up in- runs atop the deck plating in such an arrangement. This ap-
spection as stipulated by the Oil Tank Structure Coopera- proach is not as common as the externally framed deck but
tive Forum (22). has been used in smaller ocean-going chemical tankers.
The deck structure varies depending on location. In Regardless of the type of deck structure used, the de-
way of the ballast tanks and forward and aft of the cargo sign of the deck structure must take into account the pres-
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-33

ence of large numbers of openings in the deck plating. whenever possible because of the negative impact on tank-
Each cargo tank has numerous deck openings such as the cleaning performance.
main tank hatch, tank-cleaning hatches, penetrations for Vertically corrugated bulkheads are the most common
ullaging and sampling equipment, penetrations for tem- form of bulkhead used in chemical tankers. A vertically
perature, level, and pressure sensing devices, and openings corrugated transverse bulkhead can be seen in Figure
for cargo pumps and piping. These openings can greatly 31.32. Vertically corrugated bulkheads can be of a much
reduce the strength of the main deck structure and struc- larger size without the need for stiffening than a compara-
tural reinforcement such as doubler plates and local stiff- ble horizontally corrugated bulkhead. When vertically cor-
ening are provided. Furthermore the openings should be rugated bulkheads are used in the longitudinal direction
staggered and elliptical in shape with their major axes in the vessel may need to be trimmed slightly to ensure com-
the longitudinal direction. plete drainage of the cargo to the pump well.
One means of strengthening the main deck is the addi- Regardless of the type of corrugated bulkhead used spe-
tion of a deck trunk running along the main deck at the cial attention must be paid, during both design and con-
centerline, from the poop deck to the forecastle. The deck struction, to bulkhead intersections and joints between
trunk is designed as a continuous structural member that bulkheads and the tank top and main deck plating. The in-
adds to the hull’s section modulus. The trunk acts as a shel- tersection of corrugated bulkheads and plane structures,
ter for the piping run along the deck, providing these com- such as the tank top, must be backed by continuous struc-
ponents with protection from the elements and reducing tures such as longitudinal floors or web frames. Bulkhead
routine maintenance tasks, such as painting and chipping stools and boxes can be used to simplify and strengthen the
deck piping. The top of the trunk serves the function of the intersections of bulkheads with other bulkheads as well as
catwalk providing unimpeded access to the bow and a lo- with the deck and tank top. Bulkhead stools and boxes, like
cation for the hose-handling crane and firefighting equip- double-plate bulkheads, consume revenue-generating vol-
ment. An enclosed space of this type is required to be me- ume while creating spaces that are difficult to inspect and
chanically ventilated in accordance with the IBC code, and maintain. These void spaces can also become dangerous if
also results in increased steel weight and acquisition costs. hazardous cargoes or cargo vapors collect within them.
To maintain cargo tanks free of structural elements, the
bulkheads used in the cargo area are typically of the dou-
ble plate, horizontally corrugated, or vertically corrugated 31.3.5 Stainless Steel
type. It is not uncommon for a chemical tanker to utilize at Stainless steel is a key component of the modern chemical
least two of the different types of bulkheads. The use of a tanker. The corrosion-resistant properties of stainless steel
cofferdam between two cargo tanks produces a plane bulk- allow chemical tankers to safely transport hundreds of
head in each tank. Bulkheads in the ballast tanks are of the highly corrosive cargoes that are unsuitable for mild steel
plane type. and for many specialized tank coatings. Stainless steel’s
Double-plate, or sandwich, bulkheads are less common properties allow for easy tank cleaning and protect the
than corrugated bulkheads as double plate bulkheads con- quality of the cargo being transported while maintaining
sume valuable revenue-generating volume. The area be- the vessels structural integrity. For these reasons stainless
tween the two plates of a double-plate bulkhead is also dif- steel has become the material of choice for chemical tanker
ficult to inspect and maintain. Furthermore, the space cargo tanks and cargo systems. The price of stainless steel
between the plates can collect dangerous cargo or cargo is significantly higher than that of mild steel, and stainless
vapors because of leaks. Such leaks are difficult to detect. steel requires a higher level of skill in its fabrication. How-
Both horizontally and vertically corrugated bulkheads ever, when compared to the cost applying and maintaining
are both used in chemical tankers. When used as longitu- a high quality cargo tank-coating system, the initial cost of
dinal bulkheads, horizontally corrugated bulkheads con- stainless steel cannot be considered excessive in light of
tribute to the longitudinal strength of the vessel whereas the benefits it provides.
the contribution a vertically corrugated bulkhead would be Several grades of stainless steel are currently being uti-
negligible. The span of an un-stiffened horizontally corru- lized aboard modern chemical tankers. These grades must
gated bulkhead is limited by the amount of deflection that resist the cargoes that the ship is to carry as well as the sea-
results from the hydrostatic forces exerted by high specific water that is used to clean the cargo tanks and lines. Tradi-
gravity cargo. The deflections can be alleviated by the tionally, austenitic stainless steel grades such as 316L,
use of a vertical frame placed along the span, but reinforc- 317L, 316LN, and 317LN were used. The properties of
ing cargo tank bulkheads with frames should be avoided these austenitic stainless steel grades make them well-
31-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

suited for use in chemical tankers. Along with the good lists will also indicate if any special conditions must be
corrosion resistance comes workability, weldability, and met if a cargo is to be stowed in a stainless steel tank.
good ductility. Solid and clad stainless plates of austenitic
stainless have been used in chemical tankers. Clad stain- Stainless steel and corrosion
less, which is a composite plate made up of a thick plate of Stainless steel is corrosion resistant but not corrosion
mild carbon steel to which a thin layer of stainless steel is proof. There are cargoes that are transported by sea in bulk
bonded, is rarely utilized on new chemical tankers. Until that are not compatible with the stainless steel grades used
recently, solid 316LN stainless steel plate was most com- in chemical tankers. Other cargoes that can be carried in
monly used for cargo tank plating. Cargo piping and other stainless steel tanks can lead to corrosion when the right
cargo system components including cargo pumps are also conditions exist. An examination of the types of corrosion
produced with austenitic stainless steel. Recently, duplex to which stainless steels are susceptible reveals design fea-
stainless steel grades have become the material of choice tures, fabrication mistakes and operational errors which
for cargo tank plating. Duplex stainless steel, which is an should be avoided. Issues relating to stainless steel fabri-
austenitic-ferritic stainless steel, has greater overall corro- cation are discussed in Subsection 31.4.4.
sion resistance and higher strength than the austenitic Stainless steel’s corrosion resistance is primarily be-
grades while maintaining good forming and welding char- cause of the development of a passive layer of chromium
acteristics, and is becoming widely available at a moderate oxide on its surface. Provided an oxidant is present to oxi-
cost. The duplex grade currently being used for cargo tank dize the exposed steel the passive layer will repair itself if
plating is designated as 2205. Many of the mechanical it becomes damaged or is removed. However, if there is in-
properties of 2205 are closer to those of carbon steel than sufficient oxidizing power available at the steel’s surface,
are the mechanical properties of either the 316L or 316LN the passive layer cannot be maintained or repaired.
grades of stainless steel. The greater strength of duplex General corrosion removes material uniformly over
stainless steel as compared to austenitic stainless steel per- large areas of the surface and occurs when the stainless
mits a reduction in the scantlings of the stainless steel steel is exposed to mineral acid, non-oxidizing acidic solu-
plates used for the cargo tank boundaries. The reduction of tions, and hot caustic solutions (Figure 31.33). These sub-
scantlings translates into reduced steel weight and in- stances remove the passive film and do not permit the sur-
creased cargo capacity. This benefit must be included in face to be repassivated leaving it vulnerable to corrosive
the analysis when comparing the costs and benefits of attack. General corrosion can occur in areas where the
using duplex stainless in place of the austenitic grades. stainless steels corrosion resistance characteristics have
Cargo piping and equipment, such as pumps and heat- been reduced, such as where welding and grinding burns
ing coils, are available in 316L stainless steel. Cargo remain on the surface.
tank fittings such as tank hatches and hatch coamings Pitting corrosion results from a local breakdown of the
and cargo tank ladders are also required to be corrosion re- passive film and the inability of the passive layer to reform
sistant. These items are available in the austenitic grades (Figure 31.34). With a local area of unprotected material
with 316L being the most commonly used material. The
cargo pump manufacturers produce their submerged cargo
pump systems in both 316 and 316L stainless steel. The
components of the tank cleaning that are exposed to the
cargo are also available in corrosion resistant stainless
Stainless steel manufacturers can provide the naval ar-
chitect with a wealth of information regarding the use of
stainless steel in chemical tankers. These organizations
have played an important role in the evolution of stainless
steel chemical tankers. Their knowledge of and experience
in the use of stainless steel in chemical tankers spans from
the design and construction phase to vessel operations. Of
great use are the cargo resistance lists that these organiza-
tions have developed for their particular stainless steel
grades. These lists indicate which cargoes can and cannot
be carried in tanks of a specific stainless steel grade. The Figure 31.33 General Corrosion (23)
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-35

avoiding other features and fasteners in the cargo tanks and

piping that create crevices.
Stress corrosion cracking results from exposure of
austenitic steels to mechanical stress, elevated tempera-
tures and liquids containing chlorides (Figure 31.36). For
stress corrosion cracks to develop the temperatures must
be above 60° C. Typically stress corrosion cracking results
from the heating of seawater or cargoes containing chlo-
Heating coils have been most susceptible to this type of
corrosion. Duplex stainless steels are considered to be im-
mune from this type of corrosive attack.
Figure 31.34 Pitting Corrosion (23)
A final type of corrosion attack to which stainless steel
is vulnerable is intergranular corrosion (Figure 31.37).
exposed, a rapid corrosive attack will occur producing a This type of corrosion is a result of weakened corrosion re-
deep cavity in the material. sistant areas resulting from heating and contamination by
This cavity will trap the corrosive liquid below the sur-
face of the steel and allow the corrosion to spread unde-
tected beneath the surface of the material. Areas where this
type of corrosion might occur include connections with
sharp gouges or dents in the surface or where the surface
of the stainless steel has been contaminated by iron parti-
cles or rust. Pitting corrosion is also likely to occur in areas
where solids and sludge from cargoes accumulate. Good
cargo tank and piping system designs eliminate areas
where solids from cargoes may collect.
Crevice corrosion occurs in narrow crevices like those
found in flanged and threaded connections (Figure 31.35).
A breakdown in the passive layer within the crevices
leaves the surfaces within the crevice susceptible to rapid
corrosion that is often undetectable outside of the crevice. Figure 31.36 Stress Corrosion Cracking (23)
Crevice corrosion typically occurs in the presence of solu-
tions containing halogen ions such as chlorides.
Crevice corrosion can be avoided by not placing
threaded and flanged joints inside cargo tanks and by

Figure 31.35 Crevice Corrosion (23) Figure 31.37 Intergranular Corrosion (23)
31-36 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

substances like oil or grease. This type of corrosion usually Both the stainless steel and carbon steel surfaces must be
results from mishandling of the material in the shipyard. properly coated. If the stainless steel is left uncoated and
Utilizing solid stainless steel plates for cargo tank small areas of the carbon steel become uncoated, these ex-
boundaries presents an additional area of concern with re- posed areas of the carbon steel will undergo rapid corro-
gard to corrosion. When a solid stainless steel plate is used sion. The corrosion will increase in scope as larger areas of
for the inner bottom plating or the inner side plating, a gal- the coating on the wasting carbon steel fail. This type of
vanic cell is created in the ballast tank as the shell plating corrosion is not a problem on chemical tankers that are fit-
and stiffeners are typically carbon steel (Figure 31.38). ted with clad stainless steel bulkheads as the carbon steel
If the stainless and carbon steel surfaces in the ballast face of the bulkhead is directed toward other carbon steel
tank are left uncoated, the less noble carbon steel will un- structure.
dergo rapid galvanic corrosion. To prevent this all of the
surfaces of the ballast tank are covered with a paint coat-
ing that will act as insulation and stop the current flow. 31.4 DESIGN ISSUES
31.4.1 Stability and Damage Safety
In the area of intact stability, the IBC code does not provide
any specific requirements and defers to the International
Convention on Load Lines for the assignment of a mini-
mum freeboard, and defers to the flag state for stability re-
quirements. Like other tankers, chemical tankers tend to be
inherently stable. The IMO’s guidelines on tanker intact
stability require a minimum GMt of 1.5 m in all operating
conditions and a minimum amount of righting energy in
the seagoing conditions. The subdivision resulting from
the large number of cargo tanks allows chemical tankers to
easily comply with intact stability requirements.
The IBC code provides specific guidance on design
damage cases, flooding assumptions, and damage stability
and survival requirements. Table 31.II outlines the damage
assumptions provided in the IBC code to be applied to the
design of chemical tankers.
The standard of damage that is applied to a vessel de-
Figure 31.38 Galvanic Corrosion in Ballast Tank (23) sign is dependent on the ship type. The standard of damage

Table 31.II IBC Code Damage Assumptions

Bottom Damage
(For 0.3*L from the Bottom Damage
Damage Location Side Damage Forward Perpendicular) (Any other part of the ship)

Longitudinal Extent 1/3*L2/3 or 14.5 m, 1/3*L2/3 or 14.5 m, 1/3*L2/3 or 5 m,

whichever is less whichever is less whichever is less
Transverse Extent B/5 or 11.5 m, whichever is less B/6 or 10 m, B/6 or 5 m,
(measured inboard from whichever is less whichever is less
the ship’s side at the level of
the summer load line)
Vertical Extent Upwards without Limit B/15 or 6 m, whichever is less B/15 or 6 m, whichever is less
(from the molded line of the (measured from the molded (measured from the molded
bottom shell plating line of the bottom shell plating line of the bottom shell
at centerline) at centerline) plating at centerline)
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-37

is most extreme for ST 1 and is least demanding for ST 3 IBC code includes regulations that take the place of regula-
vessels. In order to comply with the IBC code the follow- tions 60 through 63 of chapter II of SOLAS. The regula-
ing conditions must be met. In any stage of flooding the tions of the IBC code are more demanding than the SOLAS
waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel, and trim, must regulations that they supercede. The applicable SOLAS
be below any openings that may permit downflooding. regulations address basic fire detection, fire protection, and
The maximum acceptable heel angle during flooding is fire extinguishing apparatus including fire detectors, struc-
25°. This may be increased to 30° provided that no deck tural fire protection, portable fire extinguishers, and fixed
immersion occurs. The residual stability during flooding fire-main systems. The IBC code includes specific regula-
must be satisfactory to the vessel’s flag state. tions covering the fire protection and extinguishing systems
Once the vessel has reached equilibrium after the flood- required in cargo pump rooms and the cargo area of chem-
ing has completed, the following additional conditions ical tankers.
must be met: The rules governing the fire protection of cargo pump
rooms will not be discussed in this Subsection, as pump
• the emergency power must be capable of operating, rooms are not typically used on modern chemical tankers.
• the righting lever curve must have a minimum range of Chapter 11 of the IBC code requires that all chemical
20° beyond the equilibrium position, tankers be fitted with a fixed deck foam system in the cargo
• the vessel must have a righting lever of at least 0.1 m in area. The type of foam used aboard chemical tankers is de-
the 20° beyond the equilibrium position and the area pendent on the cargoes to be carried. Multipurpose and
under the righting arm curve in this area must not be alcohol-resistant foams are most popular on chemical
less than 0.0175, and tankers as they are effective on the widest range of cargoes.
• unprotected openings must not be immersed within the The code specifically forbids the use of regular protein
20° beyond the equilibrium position. foam in the deck foam systems. Foam manufacturers pro-
duce various grades of foam that can be used in shipboard
The IBC code provides flooding assumptions that are to applications. The foam type selected for use on a particu-
be included in the damage stability studies. The assump- lar chemical tanker should be effective on the largest pos-
tions provide the permeabilities that are to be used for the sible number of cargoes that the vessel is intended to carry.
various spaces aboard the vessel. Vessels should only carry one type of foam to prevent the
possibility of using the wrong foam on a fire involving an
incompatible cargo.
31.4.2 Fire Safety If a vessel is to carry a flammable cargo against which
The importance of fire safety on a chemical tanker is aug- its foam system is ineffective, additional fire fighting sys-
mented by the hazardous and often flammable nature of the tems must be fitted. Certain cargoes that fall under the IBC
cargoes carried. The IBC code addresses the fire safety is- code require that special firefighting systems be fitted in
sues related to flammable cargoes in a number of ways. order for them to be carried. These systems include water
First, the IBC code provides specific guidelines for the spray and dry chemical systems. When these firefighting
containment of flammable cargoes. Second, the IBC code systems are fitted along with a foam system, the vessels
places restrictions on the type of equipment that can be COF must provide guidance as to which firefighting sys-
used in the cargo area to eliminate potential sources of ig- tem is to be used for each particular cargo.
nition from areas that may contain flammable cargo or va- Conversely, chemical tankers that will be used to carry
pors. Finally, the IBC code includes requirements for fire- a limited number of cargoes are permitted to substitute al-
fighting systems that are to be installed. The details of the ternative firefighting systems for the deck foam system in
firefighting systems that are required in the cargo area of the cargo area provided the alternative system is effective
the vessel are dependent on the cargoes that the vessel is on the cargoes that are to be carried.
designed to carry. The greater the number of cargoes a ves- The IBC code provides guidance for the arrangements
sel is designed to carry the more advanced must be the and operational capabilities of the deck foam system. A
cargo firefighting systems. typical fixed deck foam system is illustrated in Figure
The regulations governing the fire protection and extin- 31.39.
guishing systems aboard chemical tankers can be found in The foam system design and layout must allow the sys-
SOLAS and the IBC code. Chemical tankers covered by the tem effectively fight a fire anywhere in the cargo area. To
IBC code are required to adhere to the requirements for this end, the foam system control station is required to be
tankers given in chapter II-2 of SOLAS. Chapter 11 of the located outside the cargo area and be readily accessible in
31-38 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 31.39 Fixed Deck Foam Firefighting System (15)

the event of a fire in the cargo area. The foam system ap- function. In order to augment the fire fighting capability of
plicators and monitors are required to be able to reach the the foam system, both the foam system and the fire main
entire deck in way of the cargo area and into each cargo system are designed for simultaneous operation at their de-
tank, assuming that the tanks are ruptured. The required sign capacity. Water may not be an effective means of
rate of foam supply to the monitors is dictated by the IBC fighting fires of many chemicals but it can be used for cool-
code, as is the quantity of foam that is required to be stored ing purposes to help prevent the spread or reignition of
on the vessel. The vessel is required to have sufficient foam cargo fires, and to protect personnel.
concentrate available to operate the foam system at the
maximum required capacity for thirty minutes.
The deck foam system is required to have fixed foam 31.4.3 Environmental and Regulatory Issues
monitors located in the cargo area to provide complete The trends in the regulatory environment of the last thirty
coverage of the cargo area. years show no signs of changing their course. There is no
Two additional foam monitors must be located on the reason to believe that international bodies and port states
port and starboard sides of the vessel at the front of the ac- will cease passing new and more demanding regulations
commodation block facing the cargo area. The foam sys- that affect the design and operation of all ship types, in-
tem is required to have hose connections in the cargo area cluding chemical tankers.
that allow for the use of portable foam applicators to pro- Specific to the chemical tanker trade, more stringent
vide flexibility in fire fighting with the foam system. cargo handling requirements are to be expected. New car-
The IBC code requires that each ship carry a minimum goes falling under the IBC code will continue to be evalu-
of four portable foam applicators. Like tanker fire main ated closely with regard to ship type and operational and
systems, the foam main should be fitted with stop valves equipment requirements. The IMO and individual port
immediately forward of all monitors. These valves allow states will require that more cargoes be loaded and dis-
damaged sections of the foam main forward of an intact charged utilizing an approved vapor return system to con-
monitor to be isolated so that the system can continue to trol cargo vapor emissions.
Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers 31-39

At the time of this writing (2003), discussions of the re- rication of stainless steel components should be stainless
vision of the MARPOL Annex II regulations are under- steel to avoid contamination of the material, and should be
way. The result is likely to be more stringent requirements dedicated to stainless steel fabrication.
on the disposal of cargo residues and tank washings, and The effort to protect the surface of the stainless steel
possibly the creation of more special areas that restrict ves- must continue throughout the construction process. Dents
sel operations. and scratches may be created from the movement of equip-
In response to all these changes, the chemical tanker ment and structural components as well as the installation
industry will continue to evolve with new technologies and of scaffolding. All dents and scratches have to be ground
operational methods. and smoothed out before delivery, but it is best to prevent
the damage before it occurs. Welding can result in several Construction with stainless steel sources of damage to the corrosion properties of the mate-
The benefits realized from the incorporation of stainless rial: lack of fusion, porosity, and slag particles in the
steel into a vessel’s design can be lost unless special atten- welds, along with weld spatter, oxidized film, and heat
tion is paid to the handling and fabrication of stainless steel marks on the plate can all reduce the corrosion resistance,
components in the building yard. Improper handling and the surface of the material can be contaminated by the iron,
construction techniques can result in localized areas where rust, and carbon steel particles as well as by paint, dirt, oil,
the stainless steel loses its corrosion resistant properties. and grease; intergranular corrosion that can result from the
This type of localized failure can lead to serious problems combination of heat and surface contaminants around
while the vessel is in service, including structural failure, welds. Temporary welds on the stainless steel should be
cargo contamination, and pollution. If the localized prob- avoided. Coverings should be used to protect the stainless
lems are identified before the ship leaves the construction steel during construction and all exposed stainless steel
yard, they can be rectified but delays and additional costs surfaces should be kept clean of debris.
are almost certain to result. If damage to the stainless steel Stainless steel can be cut using guillotine shears,
goes undetected and is not repaired prior to delivery corro- plasma burning, band saws, and hack saws. Gas cutting
sion problems will require the vessel to be taken out of ser- and carbon arc cutting are not to be used on stainless steel
vice so the repairs can be carried out. because of the affect of the heat input on the materials
Proper storage of stainless steel will protect the surface properties.
from contamination and mechanical damage, which can Forming of stainless steel plate can be performed using
ultimately result in pitting and intergranular corrosion. standard carbon steel forming equipment. Contact points
Stainless steel materials should be stored in protected areas between the stainless steel and the equipment should be
to prevent contamination by carbon steel dust, from the by- made of stainless steel to avoid surface contamination. The
products of stainless steel fabrication, and from oil and material properties of stainless steel must be carefully con-
grease. If possible the stainless steel should be stored in- sidered when forming. The rapid work hardening of stain-
doors or under a roof, separate from carbon steel, to pre- less steel and its spring back in bending requires more
vent contamination that can occur when carbon steel equipment to have more bending power than would be re-
comes in contact with stainless steel. To prevent physical quired for bending carbon steel of similar thickness.
damage stainless steel components should be left in the The stainless steels currently used in chemical tankers
packaging in which they were shipped, and wooden bat- have good weldability. Provided the proper welding proce-
tens should be placed between stacked plates. dure is followed and the correct welding material is used
Stainless steel components should be handled with care the corrosion resistance properties of the base material will
to avoid mechanical damage. Actions that result in bends, be maintained. Stainless steel manufacturers and welding
dents and scratches in the surface of stainless steel leave supply manufacturers can provide all the necessary infor-
the material more prone to corrosive attack in localized mation on welding preparations, materials, and proce-
areas. Special care should be taken to prevent the damage dures. Shipbuilders should recruit the assistance of these
or contamination of plate edges that are prepared for weld- manufacturers at the earliest stages of the construction
ing. Clean equipment and tools that are free from dirt, planning to avoid the possibility of making costly mistake.
grease, oil, and carbon steel dust must be used if contami- Grinding of stainless steel done to remove surface de-
nation of the stainless steel is to be prevented. Individuals fects can lead to reduced corrosion resistance. Grinding
handling stainless steel components should use clean discs or aluminum oxide or silicon oxide can be used to re-
gloves and should not walk on stainless steel plates. All move weld splatter, stains, and dents from the surface of
clamps, fixtures, lifting gear, and all tools used in the fab- stainless steel. Grinding must be done carefully to avoid
31-40 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

local overheating of the material or the removal of too 5. Newton, John, A Century of Tankers: The Tanker Story, In-
much material. When grinding, the areas being worked tertanko, 2002
should be ground smooth and blended into the surrounding 6. Grey, Michael, Chemical and Parcel Tankers: Their car-
area to avoid the creation of creases or ridges that can pro- goes, their design, and their markets, 3rd Ed., Fairplay, Lon-
mote pitting corrosion. Adjacent areas of stainless steel don, 1984
7. Tanker Safety Guide, Chemicals, 3rd ed., International
should be protected from the sparks generated when grind-
Chamber of Shipping, London, 2002.
ing. As with all tools used on stainless steel, grinding 8. International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals,
wheel should not be used on both stainless and carbon 4th ed., International Chamber of Shipping, Oil Companies
steel. After grinding is completed the area should be International Marine Forum, International Association of
cleaned to remove the grinding dust. Ports and Harbors, London, 1996
Prior to the vessel’s delivery, the stainless steel is to be 9. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of
cleaned, pickled, and inspected. Intermediate inspections Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, International
should be carried out between stages to ensure that the re- Maritime Organization, London, 1998
sults of each stage are satisfactory. The cleaning process 10. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
includes both mechanical cleaning and washing of the and its Protocol of 1988, Consolidated Edition 2001, Inter-
stainless steel surface. Mechanical cleaning includes national Maritime Organization, London, 2001
grinding and wire brushing of the surface in way of surface 11. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
and its Protocol of 1988, Amendments 2000, International
defects and welds. Tanks should be washed with a power-
Maritime Organization, London, 2001
ful detergent to remove surface contaminates such as 12. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
grease, oil, and paint, then pickled with a strong acid com- and its Protocol of 1988, Amendments 2001 and 2002, In-
pound to further clean the surface of the material. Once the ternational Maritime Organization, London, 2003
acid wash is completed the surface of the stainless steel 13. Articles, Protocols, Annexes, Unified Interpretations of the
must be rinsed with hot fresh water and detergent to ensure International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
that all traces of the pickling compound have been re- from Ships, 1973 as Modified by the Protocol of 1978, Con-
moved. The pickling and rinsing process will allow the solidated Edition 2002, International Maritime Organiza-
surface to oxidize and produce a new passive layer that tion, London 2001
provides the corrosion protection. After the cleaning and 14. Magelssen, W., “Product Tankers and Chemical Tankers—
pickling is completed a thorough final inspection should be Some Notes on Design,” DNV, Paper Series No. 2000-P011,
carried out to check that the stainless steel surfaces are October 2000
15. Farrell, T.R., Baras, C. and Goodwin R.A., “Modern Chem-
without flaws or defects.
ical Tankers,” SNAME Transactions, 102, 1994 (Proceed-
ings, SNAME 1994 Environmental Symposium “Ship De-
sign and Operation in Harmony with the Environment,”)
31.5 SHIP CHARACTERISTICS 16. “Why Stolt Favoured Diesel-electric instead of Slow
Table 31.III shows the design characteristics for a range of Speed,” Marine Engineers Review, August 1996
typical chemical tankers. 17. Wijnolst, N., Innovations in Chemicals Shipping: Ports and
Slops Management, Delft University Press, Delft, 1994
18. Recommendations for Oil Tanker Manifolds and Associate
Equipment, 4th Edition, OCIMF, London, 1991
19. Code of Federal Regulations, 46 Parts 39, National
1. Chemical Trades: Products and Players, Marine Engineers Archives and Records Administration, Washington, October
Review, December 1997 2001
2. Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 140 to 155, National 20. Framo Cargo Pumping System, Frank Mohn AS, Bergen
Archives and Records Administration, Washington, October 21. Tank Cleaning Guide, 6th edition, Dr. A Verwey, Rotterdam
2001 22. Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double
3. Farrel, T. R., “Chemical Tankers—The Quite Evolution,” Tanker Structures, Tanker Structure Cooperative Forum,
Transactions, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 117, London, 1995
1975 23. Leffler, Bela, and Carlsson, Staffan, “Cut, Form, & Weld:
4. The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company Inc., New Good Practice in the Building of Stainless Steel Cargo
York, February 21, 2003 Tanks,” Avesta Sheffield AB, Degerfors, 1993
Table 31.III Characteristics of Chemical Tankers

Stolt Multitank United

NAME Katriana Jo Alder Jo Selje Innovation Botany Triumph Brasila Stolt Sea Anton

DATE BUILT 1991 1991 1993 1996 1997 1997 1999 1999
SHIPSHIPOWNER Mai Ship- Petronavi Selje Stolt Product Calm Sea Ship- Tankreederie Stolt Prod- United
ping K/S SRL Italy Shipping JO Tankers, Inc., ping Australia Ahrenkiel uct Tankers, Tankers AB,
Norway Norway USA Gmbh Inc., USA Sweden
LOA m 101.52 139.00 182.30 176.75 148.44 99.94 162.60 144.05
LBP m 95.52 126.40 176.10 168.50 139.30 94.83 154.10 133.08
BREADTH Mld. m 17.50 21.25 32.00 31.00 23.00 16.50 23.72 23.00
DEPTH Mld. M 8.00 10.45 14.00 15.60 13.95 8.30 13.35 12.40
DRAFT m 6.10 8.05 11.00 11.80 9.96 6.80 10.12 8.70
GROSS 4094 7990 22 500 24 623 12 145 3726 14 916 11 375

Chapter 31: Chemical Tankers

DEADWEIGHT tonnes 6330 12 600 38 000 37 015 19 299 5846 22 375 15 531
CARGO CAPACITY m3 7440 14 300 39,260 40 361 19 821 6070 25 224 19 500
WATER BALLAST m3 1749 5010 15 131 16 501 8,340 2439 — 7850
BUNKERS m3 HFO/DO 323/67 800/70 2334/292 1698/154 1095/82 363/54 1460/ 550/
SERVICE SPEED 10.20 14.50 15.50 16.50 14.75 15.00 15.20 15.00
@ 85% Knot
SHAFT POWER 4000 8,160 10570 10,000 7240 4165
100% kW
INSTALLED POWER 4000/750 2 10, 570/117 1 × 2430 7240/127 4165/145 1 × 635 6480/550
kW/RPM ×4080/750 3 × 3645 2 × 7,188
PROPULSION Geared Geared Direct Diesel Electric Geared Diesel Geared Diesel Diesel Elec- Geared
MACHINERY Diesel Diesel (2) Diesel tric Diesel
PROPELLER TYPE CPP CPP Fixed Pitch Fixed Pitch CPP CPP Fixed Pitch Fixed Pitch
PROPELLER — 6.20 7.40 5.20 4.10 6.30 5.40
PROPELLER RPM 204 117 81 127 145 100
BOW THRUSTER kW 410 450 1200 1100 535 300 736 588
RUDDER TYPE Schilling — Schilling Becker Flap Becker Flap — Becker Flap
AUXILIARY 3 × 435 2 × 1000 2 × 950 — 3 × 715 2 × 675 — —
ELECTRIC kW 1 × 1200
CARGO TYPES IMO Up to SG 1&2 2&3 1,2 & 3 1 & 2, 2 1&2 2&3
1.5 Up to SG 2.15
CARGO TANKS 10 + 2 25 37 42 + 4 34 20 36 + 4 12 + 2
Slops on Deck on Deck Slops

Table 31.III Continued

Stolt Multitank United

Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

NAME Katriana Jo Alder Jo Selje Innovation Botany Triumph Brasila Stolt Sea Anton

CARGO PUMPS 3 × 500 25 × 250 2 × 600 17 × 300 34 × 230 20 × 100 40 × 220 12 × 300
No × m3/hr 1 × 80 4 × 500 29 × 200 2 × 150
Strpg 15 × 300
10 × 200
6 × 125
COMPLMT 9/7(3) — 13/16(3) 11(2)/20(2) 28 5/10(4) 16
Tanker for 100A1,1AQ +100A1, Tanker for Oil Products and Chemical Tanker for W1, OC,
Oil products 1,1Cst, Tanker for Products and Chemical Tanker, Tanker Type Oil Prod- EO, ETC,
and Caustic (LR), Cst, Chemicals, Chemicals, Ship type 1, 2/Oil Tanker, ucts and a2, b3, c3,
Soda, Ice C, (LR+)P, Tanker for ESP, OPP-F, CR(S.ST), SG +MC, E3, Aut. Chemicals, V2, StrO,1,
EO NAV, 1L, Oil Prod- EO, F-AMS, 2.15, CSP, IWS, Inert. Finnish ESP, EO, ICE, 1A
ABS +A1 ucts, CCO, W1, PCWB6, PL, Ice Class 1A Inert, ETC,
(E), +AMS, +LMC, VERSUSC2, SBT/PL(LR), Ship Type
+ACCU UMS, IGS HL, ETC, +LMC, UMS, 1, a2,b3, c3,
(a) Moss Rosenberg Spherical

(b) Independent Structural

(c) Membrane

Figure 32.1 LNG Ship Tank Types

Chapter 32
Liquefied Gas Carriers

Hirohiko Emi, Takashi Fujitani and Akinori Abe

32.1 NOMENCLATURE over the oceans of the world. The gases are liquefied, by
subjecting them to pressure and/or low temperature. As
GDZ Gas Dangerous Zone
such liquid gas carriers are only a part, but an important
LNG Liquid Natural Gas
part, of the gas production, delivery and use chain. They
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas
may also only represent a relatively small part of the total
LAG Liquid Ammonia Gas
investment cost of a total gas system.
LEG Liquid Ethylene Gas
In general terms, a liquefied gas is the liquid form of a
LH2 Liquid Hydrogen Gas
substance, which at normal ambient temperature and at-
IGC International Code for the Construction and
mospheric pressure would be gas. Typical liquefied gases
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
transported by sea are shown in Table 32.I with their prin-
Gases in Bulk
cipal properties.
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
The consumption of liquefied gases such as Liquid Nat-
SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and
ural Gas (LNG), and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), ammo-
Terminal Operators Ltd.
nia and petrochemical gases in the world has continued to
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
expand steadily since the later half of the 1950s and the fleet
SPB Self-standing Prismatic Tank
of liquefied gas carriers has increased correspondingly.
The carriage of liquefied gases in bulk began by trans-
32.2 DESCRIPTION porting pressurized butane and propane in the late 1920s,
and subsequently refrigerated and pressurized liquefied
32.2.1 Mission gas carriers were in service through the development of re-
Natural gas, like oil, is produced from gas fields that are frigeration techniques and materials suitable for contain-
often far from the consuming customer. While pipelines, ment at low temperature. By the mid-1960s liquefied gas
both on land and in the sea, can deliver the gas in gaseous carriers with refrigerated LPG at atmospheric pressure
form, over relatively short distances, another means to were in service, ethylene and LNG carriers had also en-
transport the gas in larger quantities over longer distance is tered service. In the meantime ammonia had become a
required. The most effective and practical way to transport common cargo, and chemical gases such as butadiene also
gas between continents is in liquid form by ships. Ships became commercially important.
have been designed and built to transport liquefied gases The most significant cargoes in terms of tonnage moved
since the 1920s. This is the mission of LPG and LNG are LNG, LPG (butanes, propane and mixtures of these),
ships, that is, the mission of Liquid Gas Carriers is to and ammonia. Other cargoes of commercial significance
safely transport liquefied gases from source to customer, are butadiene, butylene, ethylene, and vinyl chloride. Apart

32-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 32.I Typical Liquefied Gases

Atmospheric Liquid density Vapor pressure

boiling point: at BP at 45°C Ship type by
Name BP (°C) (kg/m3) (Mpa absolute) IMO Code Remarks

Ammonia, anhydrous –33.4 681 1.78 2G/2PG

Butadiene –5 650 0.51 2G/2PG
Butane (n-,i-) –0.5 (n-) 601 (n-) 0.43 (n-) 2G N - normal butane
–11.7(i-) 595 (i-) 0.52 (i-) 2PG I - iso butane
Chlorine –34.6 1557 0.126 1G
Ethane –89 546.7 5.4 2G
Ethylene –103.7 570 4.24 @ 0°C 2G
Methane –161.5 425 4.21 @ –86°C 2G LNG
Propane –42.1 583 1.57 2G/2PG
Propylene –47 606 1.87 2G/2PG
Vinyl chloride –13.7 965 0.68 2G/2PG

from LNG and ethylene, all these gases can exist as liquids engaged in the transporting of a wide variety of cargoes,
at normal ambient temperatures. such as LPG, petrochemical gases, ammonia, and some-
In accordance with the afore-mentioned considerations times ethylene. In this case, the cargo tank is of a cylindri-
and their economical transportation, the most common cal, spherical or bi-lobe type pressure vessel designed typ-
types of the liquefied gas carriers are as follows: ically for a maximum pressure between 0.3~0.6 Mpa,
gauge and a minimum temperature between –10 and –104° Pressurized liquefied gas carriers C. The ships range in size such as between 2000 and 8000
This type of ship carries a cargo as pressurized liquefied m3; common size, up to 30 000 m3.
gas at ambient pressure and it is called as a fully pressur-
ized liquefied gas carrier. The ships tend to be small be- Refrigerated LPG/ammonia carriers
cause they use cylindrical or spherical pressure vessel as
This type of ships primarily carries a cargo as refrigerated
the cargo tanks according to the high vapor pressure of the
LPG at or near atmospheric pressure, and some of the ships
cargoes, which can be as much as 18 Mpa, gauge. The
carry also liquefied ammonia gas. In this case, the ships
most common cargo capacity ranges from 1000 to 3000
have normally independent prismatic tanks, type A with
m3, and the maximum capacity is about 5000 m3. They are
design temperature –48° C. The ships range in size be-
used to carry primarily LPG and ammonia.
tween 5000 and 80 000 m3. Pressurized and refrigerated liquefied
gas carriers Ethylene carriers
This type of ship primarily carries a cargo as pressurized This type of ships is exclusively used for carrying liquefied
and refrigerated liquefied gas with a moderate temperature ethylene gas. The ships are divided into the following
and pressure to the ship’s plants. It is called semi-pressur- types:
ized/refrigerated gas carrier. Some of the ships carry car-
goes as pressurized liquefied gases with ambient tempera- • a refrigerated and pressurized ethylene gas carrier with
ture where the vapor pressures of the cargoes are lower pressure vessel tanks for design temperature –33° C
than the design pressure, or refrigerated liquefied gases at and design pressure 20 Mpa, gauge, and
atmospheric pressure where the cargo temperatures are • a refrigerated ethylene gas carrier with independent
higher than the design temperatures. The ships have been prismatic or cylindrical or spherical tanks, or mem-
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-3

brane tanks design temperature –104° C at or near at- ships are normally dedicated to a specific transportation
mospheric pressure. The ships rage in size from 1000 to project where they will remain for their entire contract life,
30 000 m3. As mentioned, some of the pressurized and which may be between 20 and 25 years, though recent con-
refrigerated gas carriers can also carry ethylene. tracts are for shorter periods. Typical LNG ships are shown
in Figure 32.1. LNG carriers The second largest fleet of the liquefied gas carriers,
LNG carriers are special ships built to transport large vol- based on tank capacity, is refrigerated LPG carriers. Some
ume of LNG at its atmospheric pressure boiling point of these ships have also been engaged in Liquefied Am-
of 163 °C. These ships are now typically of between monia Gas (LAG) transportation.
120 000 and 130 000 m3. Apart from a few notable excep- Liquefied Ethylene Gas (LEG) carriers tend to be
tions built during the early years of LNG commercial built for specific trades. LEG is normally carried as refrig-
transportation these ships are of four types: erated cargo at its atmospheric pressure boiling point of
–104° C.
1. Gaz transport membrane,
Pressurized LPG carriers tend to be small with maxi-
2. Technigaz membrane,
mum tank capacities of about 4000 m3 because the design
3. Moss spherical independent tank type B, and
pressure of the cargo tanks is extremely high (1.7 Mpa
4. IHI SPB tank type B.
gauge). These ships are the simplest of all liquefied gas
The composition of the fleet of the liquefied gas carri- carriers in terms of containment systems and cargo han-
ers in the world, at the end of 1996, is shown in Table 32.II. dling equipment. Therefore, the pressurized liquefied gas
As most of liquefied gas cargoes are LNG and LPG, LNG carriers are the largest fleet based on number of ships.
and LPG carriers account for about 90% of the fleet. Pressurized and refrigerated gas carriers (semi-refriger-
The largest fleet of liquefied gas carriers is LNG carri- ated gas carriers) have evolved as the optimum means of
ers, based on tank capacity, and the rate of growth in ship transporting the wide variety of gases, such as LNG, LEG,
size has been phenomenal, beginning with the 5000 m3 of LPG, LAG, and liquefied vinyl chloride.
tank capacity Methane Pioneer in 1959, the first LNG car- Advanced technologies related to LNG carriers have
rier, leaping to the 27 400 m3 Methane Princess in 1964, been developed by the many companies and their main
and to the 120 000–130 000 m3 carriers in 1970s. These themes are:

Table 32.II Liquefied Gas Carrier Fleet Composition (1996)

Pressurized and
Pressurized type refrigerated type Refrigerated type Refrigerated type
(LPG, others) (Semi-refrigerated) (LPG, others) (LNG) Total

Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank

Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
m3 No. m3 No. m3 No. m3 No. m3 No. m3

Up to 999 71 47 304 8 7242 3 2230 82 56 704

1000–4999 345 689 624 131 390 238 12 27 812 488 1 107 674
5000–19 999 21 129 729 132 1 190 408 14 213 627 2 38 401 169 1 572 165
20 000–59 999 5 113 000 66 2 550 416 8 221 277 116 2 378 397
60 000–99 999 87 6 677 589 14 1 093 611 101 7 771 200
100 000– 1 100 947 71 9 133 487 72 9 234 434
Total 437 866 657 276 1 700 888 183 9 572 621 99 10 701 306 995 22 841 472

The above is based on the Gas Carrier Register 1997 published by Clarkson Research Studies, London
32-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

• Optimum ship size: Designs up to 300 000 m3 LNG studies on LH2 gas carriers. Examples of concept design of
carriers have been prepared by the companies. future LH2 gas carriers are shown in Figures 32.4 and 32.5.
• Reliquefaction: To date, reliquefaction plants have not
been fitted to LNG carriers because, the necessary 32.2.2 Unique Features and Capability
equipment is expensive, and it has been more economic
to burn the boil-off gas in steam turbine propulsion The overall layout of liquefied gas carriers is similar to that
plants. However, future designs of LNG carriers will of the conventional oil tanker from which it evolved, such
tend towards the provision of greater tank insulation as discussed in Section 32.1.3. The cargo containment and
and a reliquefaction plan. its incorporation into the hull of the liquefied gas carriers,
• Diesel engine for main propulsion: Diesel engines to however, is very different due to the need to carry its cargo
burn duel fuels, oil and boil-off gas, have been devel- under pressure, or refrigerated or a combination of pres-
oped, but not yet installed in an LNG carrier. How- sure and refrigeration. Liquefied gas carriers designed for
ever, this approach is being considered for new LNG pressurized cargoes can usually be readily identified by
carriers. their cylindrical or spherical tanks, which may project, and
for some of the tanks may be entirely, above deck. Simi-
Researchers estimate that in the year 2010, the natural larly the LNG carriers with spherical tanks can be easily
gas supply and demand situation will be tight enough to recognized. Liquefied gas carriers designed to carry their
justify gas development where environmental conditions cargo at atmospheric pressure in prismatic configuration
are harsh or even hostile. The development of a mobile tanks are not easily distinguishable from the oil tankers
floating LNG plant to make small gas fields profitable, other than that the freeboard is significantly greater be-
which could not be achieved by conventional exploitation cause of the cargo being of relatively low density.
technology, is being considered today. The concept of the To examine the design of these ships in greater detail it
floating production, storage and off-loading unit (FPSO), is convenient to consult the International Code for the Con-
is shown in Figure 32.2, which was discussed seriously struction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
more than a decade ago. An example of an FPSO is shown Gases in Bulk (IGC code) which has been incorporated
in Figure 32.3. into the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention.
In the future, it is expected that liquefied hydrogen gas The rules of the major classification societies have been
carriers (LH2 gas carriers) will appear for transporting a rewritten to incorporate all the requirements of the IGC
new energy source. The parties concerned have carried out code.

Figure 32.2 LNG Production Flow with LNG FPSO

Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-5

Figure 32.3 Example of LNG FPSO

32-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 32.4 Concept for Future LH2 Gas Carrier with Prismatic Tanks

Principal factors to be taken into consideration, which According to the IGC code, the ship types and cargo
affect the design of the liquefied gas carriers, are as fol- containment systems are determined with the first two fac-
lows: tors, such as shown in Table 32.III.
The IGC code divides liquefied gas carriers into four
• types of cargo to be carried,
ship types in respect of damage survival capability and
• condition of carriage, that is:
tank location in the event of collision or grounding. The
– pressurized at ambient temperature (fully pressur-
ship types 1G, 2G, 2PG and 3G reflect the hazard rating of
the cargoes to be carried.
– pressurized and refrigerated at optimum tempera-
For example, type 1G ships, where the cargo tanks are
ture and pressure (semi-refrigerated), or
located at the greatest distance from the side shell, and may
– refrigerated at or near atmospheric pressure (fully
also be restricted in capacity, must be used for cargoes pre-
senting the greatest hazard, for example, chlorine.
• a diagram of pressure/temperature relationships and
Ship type 2G/2PG and 3G can carry cargoes, which
carriage condition for typical liquefied gases is shown
represent progressively decreasing environmental hazards
in Figure 32.6.
and therefore progressively less stringent construction re-
• types of trade, which in turn determines the degree of
cargo handling flexibility required by the ship, and
The IGC code or classification society’s rules should be
• terminal facilities available when loading or un-
referred to, for the detailed construction requirements for
each category of ship. General layout, hull structure and
At the first stage of design of liquefied gas carriers, ship cargo containment system, and propulsion engine and
type and cargo containment system are determined taking cargo handling equipment of liquefied gas carriers are de-
into account all of these principal factors. scribed in Sections 32.2.3, 32.2.4 and 32.2.5 respectively.
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-7

Figure 32.5 Concept for Future LH2 Gas Carrier with Spherical Tanks

32.2.3 General Arrangement dations are, in most cases, arranged aft in liquefied gas car-
In order to discuss the general arrangement of liquefied gas riers, as in oil tankers. This is to separate the deckhouse
carriers, it is reasonable to use a sample of self-standing from the gas dangerous zone (GDZ) for obvious safety
prismatic tank design as shown in Figure 32.7, because this reasons.
design is one of the most popular among various liquefied
gas carriers in the world, and the most simple for clear un- Cargo Tanks: Cargo tanks are arranged forward of
derstanding. The specific elements of the general arrange- propulsion machinery space and deckhouse. The number
ment of liquefied gas carrier are indicated in the figure. of cargo tanks is an important factor of cost and operating
As for other ship types, in the final stage of the design, economy of liquefied gas carriers. If the number of tanks
it is necessary to adjust and finalize the arrangement by increases, the cost of liquefied gas carriers become expen-
checking naval architectural aspects of the arrangement sive. The number of cargo tanks and their capacity is de-
such as hull lines, trim, stability, longitudinal bending mo- termined to satisfy the purposes of the ship in principle
ment, etc. such as types of liquefied gases to be loaded simultane-
ously, the volume of the liquefied gases to be transported, Specific elements etc.
Specific elements of the general arrangement of liquefied Another important factor is to satisfy the requirement
gas carriers, shown in Figure 32.7, are explained as fol- of the damaged stability requirement of IMO-IGC code.
lows: In case of the liquefied gas carriers, such as LNG carri-
ers, only one type of cargo is to be transported, so the num-
Propulsion Machinery Space and Crew Accommoda- ber and arrangement of cargo tanks are determined, in
tion: The propulsion machinery space and crew accommo- most cases, to satisfy the damaged stability criteria re-
32-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2
Click here to view

only full or empty condition, and never allowing the inter-

mediate level loading. Actually, after delivery, once the
ship is in service, the tanks are never completely empty as
a small amount of liquefied gas is always left in the tank,
even on ballast voyages, to maintain low temperature in the
tanks. Some containment system designs have dedicated
tanks that are designed for partial loading of LNG.
Hull strength is one of the important items to be
checked, but it is seldom that the hull strength should de-
termine the tank arrangement practically.
Tanks of any type; prismatic, cylindrical, spherical,
membrane, bi-lobe, etc. are required to be accommodated
in the hull, keeping the necessary distance from the side
shell and bottom shell of hull from the view point of colli-
sion and grounding.
All insulated tanks are either installed below the deck
A: Pressurized and refrigerated LEG carrier, which car- or above deck covering to protect the insulation from hu-
ries liquefied ethylene gas at temperature –33° and at midity.
a pressure 2 Mpa absolute. Hull: All liquefied gas carriers have double bottom
B: Pressurized LPG carrier, which carries pressurized below the tanks. The hull structure at sides of LNG carrier
LPG at ambient temperature. is also required to be double skin, while that of LPG car-
C: Multi-purpose liquefied gas carrier (pressurized and rier can be single as long as the tank is of the self-support-
refrigerated liquefied gas carrier), which can carry ing type.
several cargoes, for example, butane or VCM gas at The transverse bulkheads in the hull in way of cargo
ambient temperature, ammonia at temperature 20° and space are designed as single for both LPG and LNG carri-
at pressure 9 Mpa absolute. ers but they are double in LNG carriers of membrane type.
D: Refrigerated LPG/LAG carrier The double hull space is usually arranged as water bal-
E: Refrigerated LNG carrier last tanks or fuel oil tanks.
Figure 32.6 Pressure/temperature Relationships and Carriage Condi- For LPG carriers, it is usual to arrange the tanks in the
tion for Liquefied Gases double bottom and additionally in the upper shoulder part
below the deck.
The requirement to have double skin hull around cargo
tanks results from the old concept that the cargo tanks
quired by the code. In general, the capacity of each tank is should be capable of being completed surrounded by
designed about equal, mainly because the cargo pumps of flooded tanks and cofferdams, to protect the hull from ex-
same size are installed in each tank, and cargo unloading posure to low temperature, in case of cargo leak from the
of all tanks is started and finished at the same period in nor- tank. This requirement has disappeared for LPG carriers
mal voyage. with self-supporting type tanks. For LNG carrier of mem-
Of course, there are exceptions in the case of the lique- brane type tanks, however, the flat plane of double skin
fied gas carriers, which transport various types of cargo to hull including double skin bulkhead is fundamentally nec-
different ports such as multiple purposes gas carriers. In essary in order to install the membrane tank and its insula-
such a case, the number and capacity of the tanks are de- tion. For LNG carrier of self-supporting type, both spheri-
termined to satisfy the planned voyage requirements. cal and prismatic, as insulation attaches to tank itself, it is
Another consideration, which restricts tank size, is how not necessary for the surface of inner structure to be flat.
to restrict the free liquid surface to avoid excessive slosh- So the design of an LNG carrier with single skin side shell
ing phenomena. This either restricts the length and/or is technically feasible and may be seen in future.
breadth of cargo tank or requires the arranging of swash Cargo Piping and Dome: Cargo piping is arranged on
bulkheads in the tank to divide the free liquid surface. the weather deck, and, in principle, led into the tank di-
In some LNG carriers, when larger size and smaller rectly from weather deck. There can be no pipe penetra-
number of cargo tanks are adopted, the excessive sloshing tions into the cargo tank in the surrounding hold space for
phenomena is avoided by limiting LNG cargo in tank to obvious safety reasons.
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-9

TABLE 32.III Example of Ship and Tank Type Section

Cargo containment system

Kind of cargo Ship type Carriage condition Cargo tank Insulation Secondary barrier

Chlorine Pressurized — —
Ethylene oxide 1G Pressurized/refrigerated Independent type C Necessary —
Refrigerated Necessary —
Methane Pressurized/refrigerated Independent type C Necessary —
Ethane 2G Refrigerated Independent type B Necessary Partial
Ethylene Independent type A Necessary Full
Membrane Necessary Full
Ammonia Pressurized Independent type C —
Butadiene 2PG Pressurized/refrigerated MARVS>0.7Mpa,g Necessary —
Butane (Lf<150 m) Refrigerated Min Temp>—55°C Necessary
Propylene Independent type C Necessary
Vinyl chloride 2G Refrigerated Independent type B Necessary Partial
Independent type A Necessary Full
Membrane Necessary Full

Note: IGC code specifies ship type 3G for Nitrogen and Refrigerant gases.
MARVS: Maximum allowable relief valve setting of cargo tank

In most cases, the top of the cargo tank extrudes par- factor of the arrangement that must be studied at initial de-
tially through the weather deck for the pipe penetration, sign stage of liquefied gas ship in order to gain the safe
and this is called the dome of the tank. berthing, because the hull lines of liquefied gas carriers are
In general, the location of the dome is located either at comparatively fine.
the center or at the aft end of cargo tank for the cargo han- Cargo Pumps: Cargo unloading pumps of liquefied gas
dling convenience. Domes for prismatic shape tanks are carriers are generally of the deep well type or the sub-
normally arranged aft, while for spherical tanks they are merged type and installed in each cargo tank near the bot-
arranged at center. tom to discharge liquefied gas only in that tank. This is be-
Ship to Shore Connection: The cargo manifold is ar- cause that the tank is independent from hull in most cases,
ranged at about amidships on the weather deck for ship to and it is not permitted to connect tanks with pipes at the
shore connection for loading and unloading cargoes. There bottom part in the holds from safety viewpoint.
are some special cases where the cargo manifold is ar- Deckhouse for Cargo Machinery: In general, a deck-
ranged at aft or fore end of the ship. These arrangements house for cargo machinery is arranged on upper deck. Re-
are determined to suit the terminal facility, and in parallel liquefaction compressors for LPG or fuel gas compressors
with the mooring dolphins, and pipe connecting arms. The for LNG, heat exchangers and other cargo machines are in-
conformity of these interfaces must be confirmed carefully stalled in this space. The driving motors of these machines
in early design stage with all ports or terminals where the are installed in an adjacent space separated by a gas tight
ship is going to visit. In most cases for LNG carriers, the bulkhead. For gas carriers, which are small or have narrow
manifold arrangement of ship to shore connection should deck space, cargo machines are arranged in the fore part or
satisfy the recommendation of OCIMF/SIGTTO, includ- at the side of deck.
ing size and location of presentation flanges, height above Gas Dangerous Zone (GDZ): The gas dangerous zone
deck, spacing between liquid/vapor manifolds, etc. is the zone where it is considered that gas potentially ex-
The constant contact of the dolphins at the terminal ists. IGC code defines the gas dangerous zone, which the
to the flat zone of side shell of ships hull is an important arrangement of gas carrier has to satisfy in such a way to
32-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 32.7 General Arrangement with LPG & LNG Sections

install only intrinsically safe machines in gas dangerous accommodation, and air intake for the propulsion machin-
zone. That is, the equipment must be designed so that it ery space must be arranged outside of the gas dangerous
does not have sufficient electrical power to produce a zone.
spark. Normal electrical motors and lighting cannot be de- Vent riser: Discharge from the safety relief valves of
signed to meet this criterion. Consequently, explosion- cargo tanks is led to vent riser through vent line on deck.
proof electrical equipment, designed and tested to extin- According to IGC code, the location of vent riser has to be
guish internal ignition, is permitted in gas dangerous at least 25 meters from living quarter. In case of large ships
zones. the vent riser is installed one for each tank because the size
The GDZ includes the hold space accommodating of vent pipe is comparatively large. But for the aftermost
cargo tanks, the space separated by a single wall from tank, which is too close to the crew accommodation, vent
cargo hold, the zone up to 2.4m height above weather deck, line is extended forward and set near the vent riser of the
3m beyond the cargo pipe flanges, 25m from vent riser next forward tank.
outlets, 3m beyond the cargo area at each end, etc. Open- Side thruster: Some liquefied gas carriers, especially
ings such as the entrance door of deckhouses with crew the expensive LNG carriers, install side thruster(s) to im-
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-11

prove the maneuverability in port or at an offshore moor- popular types of refrigerated liquefied gas carrier struc-
ing. The location of side thruster is similar to other ships tures are listed in Table 32.V and shown in Figures 32.16
like container ships. to 32.21.
Independent tanks are completely self- supporting and Typical general arrangements do not form part of the ship’s hull nor do they contribute to
Some examples of liquefied gas carriers, including refrig- the hull strength. Depending mainly on the design pres-
erated type LPG carriers, ethylene carrier, pressure type sure, there are three different types of independent tanks
LPG carrier, self-supporting tank LNG carriers (spherical for liquefied gas carriers, type A, B and C.
and prismatic types), and membrane tank LNG carrier are Independent tanks type A is normally constructed pri-
shown in Figures 32.8 through 32.13 in photographs and marily plane surfaces with prismatic configuration. The
general arrangement plans. maximum allowable tank design vapor pressure in this
type is 0.07 Mpa, gauge, this means cargoes must be car-
ried in a fully refrigerated condition at or near atmospheric
pressure (normally below 0.025 Mpa, gauge).
32.2.4 Hull Structure and Cargo Containment System Figure 32.16 shows an example of refrigerated LPG/
Structural types of liquefied gas carriers are completely de- Ammonia carrier with independent tanks of type A. Inde-
pended on the cargo containment system and the cargoes pendent tanks of type B can either be constructed of plane
to be carried. They can be broadly grouped into three types surface with prismatic configuration or pressure vessel
and in detail into six or more types such as described in type with revolution configuration. The design vapor pres-
Table 32.IV. sure of prismatic tank is to be less than 0.07 Mpa, gauge.
Pressurized liquefied gas carriers are normally fitted The tanks of type B are subjected to a much more ac-
with independent tank type C of spherical or cylindrical curate type of strength analysis compared with to the type
pressure vessels. The tanks are normally constructed of A. Such analyses must include fatigue life and crack prop-
mild steel pressure vessels with design vapor pressures agation analysis with extensive and accurate strength
higher than 1.7 Mpa, gauge. In case of the small ships (ship analysis, and are so-called as design by analysis. An ex-
length below about 60 m), the cargo tanks are protected by ample of the design by analysis is described in Section
a single hull structure, but the comparatively large ships 32.1.5. The tanks of type B require only a partial second-
have a double bottom with a single side hull. No thermal ary barrier and are almost exclusively applied to LNG car-
insulation and no secondary barrier are required, and the riers. Figures 32.17 and 32.18 shows an example of LNG
upper half of cargo tank is exposed above the upper deck. carrier with the independent prismatic tanks type B and
Figure 32.14 shows a section through a typical pressurized Figure 32.19 shows an example of LNG carrier with the in-
liquefied gas carrier. dependent spherical tanks type B.
Pressurized and refrigerated liquefied gas carriers are Independent tanks of type C are normally spherical or
normally fitted with independent tank type C of spherical, pressure vessels with design vapor pressure higher than
cylindrical or bi-lobe-type pressure vessels. Design tem- 0.2MPa gauge.
perature and pressure of the cargo tanks are dependent on This type is normally used in pressurized and pressur-
the carriage condition of the cargoes, and the design tem- ized/refrigerated liquefied gas carriers, and also used for
peratures are normally between –33° C and –104° C and refrigerated transport provided appropriate low tempera-
the design pressures are normally between 0.5 and 0.8 ture steels are used in the tank construction. The tanks,
Mpa, gauge. Insulation is necessary but a secondary bar- type C, are designed and built to conventional pressure
rier is unnecessary. The cargo tanks are protected by a sin- vessel codes and, as a result, can be subject to accurate
gle side hull and a double bottom where the cargo temper- stress analysis, and no secondary barrier is required where
ature is not below –55° C, or a double side hull and a this type is used.
double bottom where the cargo temperature is below –55° Membrane tanks are non-self-supporting tanks, which
C. A tank cover is provided above the deck. consist of a thin layer (membrane) supported through the
A section through a typical pressurized and refrigerated insulation to the adjacent hull structure. The design vapor
liquefied gas carrier is shown in Figure 32.15. pressure of membrane tanks is not to normally exceed
There are many structural types of hull structures and 0.025 Mpa, gauge. The membrane tanks are almost only
cargo containment systems in the existing refrigerated liq- applied to LNG carriers. Examples of the membrane tanks
uefied gas carriers as shown in Table 32.III. Further, the are shown in Figures 32.20 and 32.21.
Figure 32.8 1730 m3 LPG Carrier
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-13

Figure 32.9 39 270 m3 Multi-LPG Carrier

32-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 32.10 75 400 m3 LPG Carrier

Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-15

Figure 32.11 89 880 m3 LNG Carrier with Self-standing Prismatic Tanks

32-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 32.12 127 500 m3 LNG Carrier with Spherical Tanks

rary containment of any envisaged leakage of liquid cargo

through the cargo tank and to prevent the lowering of the
temperature of the hull structure to an unsafe level. The
IGC code defines two types of secondary barrier, that is,
full secondary barrier and partial secondary barrier.
Where the cargo temperature at atmospheric pressure is
not below –55° C, the hull structure may act as a second-
ary barrier provided that:

• the hull material be suitable for the cargo temperature

at atmospheric pressure as required for the tank materi-
Figure 32.13 135 000 m3 LNG Carrier with Membrane Tanks (GazTransport als, and
Type) • the design is such that this temperature will not result in
unacceptable hull stresses.

The IGC code addresses integral tanks, semi-mem- Thermal insulation is normally fitted to refrigerated and
brane tanks and internal insulation tanks, and in 1970s, refrigerated/pressurized liquefied gas carriers for the fol-
tanks of these types were constructed, but thereafter they lowing reasons:
have not been constructed because of their high cost.
A secondary barrier is a liquid-resisting outer element • to minimize heat flow into cargo tanks and thus reduce
of a cargo containment system designed to afford tempo- boil-off, and
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-17

TABLE 32.IV Types of liquefied gas carriers

Kind of liquefied Tank type by Design Example of

gas carrier ICG code Configuration standard Barrier type actual ship

Pressurized l Independent tank Spherical Pressure vessel No insulation and no Small LPG carrier
Type C secondary barrier and others
Pressurized and Independent tank Spherical Pressure vessel Insulation and no Multi-purpose gas
refrigerated Type C secondary barrier carrier and others
Independent tank Spherical Pressure vessel Insulation and no Comparatively small
Type C secondary barrier LNG carrier
Refrigerated Independent tank Spherical or Design by Insulation and partial LNG and LPG
Type B prismatic analysis secondary barrier carriers
Independent tank Prismatic or Deep tank or Insulation and full LPG carrier
Type A spherical pressure vessel secondary barrier
Membrane Prismatic Design by Insulation and full LNG carrier
model test secondary barrier

• to protect the general ship structure around the cargo

tanks from the effects of low temperature.

For use aboard liquefied gas carriers, the insulation ma-

terials should possess the following main characteristics:

• low thermal conductivity,

• non-flammable or self-extinguishing,
• ability to bear load,
• light weight, and
• material should not be affected by cargo or vapor.

Polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, perlite and balsa

Figure 32.14 Midship Section of Hull and Cargo Tank of Pressurized Liquefied wood have been commonly used for the liquefied gas car-
Gas Carrier riers.
In determining the insulation thickness (insulation ca-
pacity), due regard is paid to the minimum allowable tem-
perature for the hull structures and the amount of accept-
able boil-off in association with the reliquefaction plant on
board, main propulsion machinery or other temperature
control system. Examples of the insulation capacity are
shown in Figure 32.22.
The choice of the cargo tank materials is dictated by the
minimum service temperature and, to a lesser degree, by
compatibility with the cargoes carried. The most important
property to consider in the selection of cargo tank materi-
als is low temperature toughness as most metals and alloys
(except aluminum) become brittle below a certain temper-
ature (See Chapter 20 – Hull Materials and Welding).
Fine grain treatment of carbon steels can be used to
Figure 32.15 Midship Section of Hull and Cargo Tank of Pressurized and Re- achieve low temperature characteristics and IGC code
frigerated Liquefied Gas Carrier specifies low temperature limits for varying grades of the
32-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 32.V Popular Types of Refrigerated Liquefied Gas Carriers

Independent tank

Type A prismatic Type B prismatic Type B spherical Membrane

Example of cargo LPG, Ammonia LNG, Ethylene

Minimum temperature –55°C –165°C
Tank material Carbon steel for low 9% Ni steel 36% Ni steel
temperature 5083 Aluminum alloy SUS 304L
Secondary barrier Hull structure Partial Full
Insulation Polyurethane foam Polyurethane foam Polyurethane foam Perlite, balsa wood,
Polystyrene foam Polyurethane foam
Deck Flat With highly extruded With trunk deck
tank cover
Hull Side Single skin Double skin
Bottom Double bottom

Figure 32.16 Refrigerated LPG/Ammonia Carrier with Independent Prismatic Figure 32.18 A View of an Independent Prismatic Tank Arrangement
Tanks, Type A
carbon steels down to –55° C. Normally, 9% Ni steel,
SUS304L stainless steel or A5083 aluminum alloy is used
as the tank materials for cargo temperature below –55° C.

32.2.5 Cargo Piping and Machinery Arrangement

There are several kinds of liquefied gas carriers, among
which the refrigerated type is most popular. The design of
the cargo piping of liquefied gas carrier is most clearly
seen in the refrigerated type. Therefore, cargo piping of re-
frigerated type liquefied gas carriers such as LPG, and
LNG is mainly discussed in this chapter. Specific features

The specific feature of the piping arrangement of liquefied
gas carriers, is that there are two main cargo lines, that is a
Figure 32.17 LNG Carrier with Independent Prismatic Tanks, Type B liquid line and a vapor line while the ordinary oil tanker
Next Page
Chapter 32: Liquefied Gas Carriers 32-19

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Figure 32.22 Examples of Insulation Capacity of Liquefied Gas Carriers

Figure 32.19 LNG Carrier with Independent Spherical Tanks, Type B

Figure 32.23 Basic Piping

has only cargo liquid line. The basic piping diagram of liq-
Figure 32.20 LNG Carrier with Membrane Tanks (Gaz Transport Type) uefied gas carrier is as shown in Figure 32.23.
The liquefied gas is kept liquid at refrigerated or pres-
surized condition but it evaporates and generates huge vol-
ume of combustible vapor when it is released to atmos-
pheric condition and mixed with air. In order to avoid the
vapor from mixing with air, liquefied gas is loaded or un-
loaded from the ship to shore terminal or from shore ter-
minal to the ship in closed cycle as shown in Fig. 32.24.
That is the reason why liquefied gas carriers have two main
cargo lines, liquid and vapor.
Figure 32.25 shows the schematic piping diagram of
the simplest refrigerated type LPG carrier that was actually
built in early 1960s. There are two cargo plants, one for
cargo pumping and the other for re-liquefaction of the
Figure 32.21 LNG Carrier with Membrane Tanks (Technigaz Type) gaseous vapor, which can be seen in the diagram.
Chapter 33
Bulk Carriers

Hang Sub Urm and Jong Gye Shin

33.1 DESCRIPTION 33.1.3 Types of Bulk Carriers

33.1.1 Definition of Bulk Carriers Types of bulk carriers by size in deadweight are widely
used in the industry. Four typical sizes are classified de-
According to the SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) Chapter
pending on the deadweight. That is, Capesize bulk carriers
XI-Reg.1, a bulk carrier is defined as a ship which is con-
over 80 000 deadweight tons, Panamax bulk carrier be-
structed generally with single deck, topside tanks and hop-
tween 50 000 and 80 000 tons, Handymax bulk carriers be-
per-side tanks in cargo spaces. A bulk carrier is intended
tween 35 000 and 50 000 tons, and Handysize bulk carri-
primarily to carry dry cargoes in bulk, and includes such
ers between 10 000 and 35 000 tons. Handymax and
types as ore carriers and combinations carriers (1). Modern
Handysize bulk carriers are often referred to as Handysize
conventional bulk carriers have been built based on the
bulk carriers.
SOLAS definition.
Bulk cargoes are categorized depending on consump-
Terminology used by the major classification societies
tion sectors. Steel-related, agriculture-related, energy-re-
is that a bulk carrier is a vessel designed for the carriage of
lated, and other sectors. Iron ore, coaking coal, steel, scrap,
bulk cargoes, or a seagoing vessel having single deck with
and pig iron cargoes are included in the steel related sector.
machinery aft for carrying bulk dry cargoes. The SOLAS
Wheat, coarse grains, soyabeans, meal fertilizers, and
definition is relatively limited, and thus general cargo ves-
minor cargoes are categorized as agricultural-related car-
sels, containerships carrying bulk cargoes, and double-
goes. Steam coal is used for energy-related sector, while
skinned bulk carriers are not included in the definition. In
bauxite, alumina, timber, minerals are used for particular
general, a bulk carrier means a ship carrying dry bulk car-
purposes. There are five major dry bulks among them,
goes such as ore, coal, grain, and having topside and hop-
which are iron ore, coal, grain, bauxite and alumina, and
per-side tanks with corrugated transverse bulkheads.
phospahte rock. Iron ore and coal are the raw materials for
making steel. Grain is required for making many food
products and the raw material for farming of cattle. Baux-
33.1.2 History of Bulk Carriers ite and alumina are the raw materials for aluminum mak-
The origin of modern bulk carriers is not known explicitly. ing. Phosphate rock is the bulk fertilizer for crop produc-
It is known that the first modern-type bulk carrier had top- tion. Shipping of the major cargoes has significantly
side and hopper tanks similar to modern dry bulk carriers influenced the types of bulk carriers in the market.
(2). Before the introduction of the modern concept, double As shown in Figure 33.1, bulk carriers of 70 000 dead-
bottom structure was adopted for single deck ships in weight tons and above carry most of the bulk cargoes in-
1890. Triangular-shaped topside tank structure was intro- creasingly in recent years, while handysize bulk carriers
duced for a cantilever-framed ship in 1905. show continuous reduction since 1975. This single com-

33-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Source : Fearnly
Figure 33.1 Cargo Size in the Bulk Carrier Charter Market

modity of bulk cargoes are carried under long-term con- is fitted with hydraulically operated gates. Large size self-
tracts. unloaders can be used at shallow draft in order to transport
As shown in Figure 33.2, Handysize bulk carriers carry cargoes to most ports in the world. The vessel operation is
more other cargoes than iron ore, coal, and grain, while less affected by congested port facilities and unloading
panamax and capesize bulk carriers mostly transport coal rates are very high (3).
and iron ore.
There are some variants of bulk carriers, such as open
hatch bulk carriers, geared bulk carriers having cranes on 33.1.4 List of Bulk Cargoes
deck, self-unloaders, and so on. Open hatch bulk carriers, Bulk carriers transport a wide range of bulk commodities.
having box-shaped midship sections similar to conven- Usually, bulk cargoes are defined in terms of stowage rate,
tional containerships, have been developed for carrying i.e., cubic foot per pound or cubic meter per ton. Stowage
forest products. Onboard gantry cranes are equipped for rate stipulates how many cubic meters of cargo hold will
efficient cargo handling. Since open hatch bulk carriers be used by a ton of any given cargo. Dry bulk cargoes vary
transport damage-prone cargoes such as paper roll, it is from ore of 3.49 ton/m3 to 0.36 ton/ m3 in general. A list of
very important to have smooth surfaces of cargo holds. typical bulk cargoes is shown in Table 33.1 and further de-
Care should be taken to avoid stress concentration on tails can be found in reference 4.
squared hatch corners if rounded corner or necessary Since the density of cargoes varies, ship designers
brackets are not installed. should be careful for cargoes to be carried. For a ship car-
A geared bulk carrier has deck machinery in order to rying heavy ore cargoes, cargo volume is not a primary de-
discharge cargoes. If cargoes are unloaded without shore sign criterion. For a ship carrying grain or light density car-
equipment, a geared bulk carrier may efficiently be used goes, cargo volume becomes an important design
for multi-purpose operation by using grab and crane com- requirement. Repose angle should be considered to calcu-
binations. For loading and unloading operations at smaller late the load acting on internal surfaces of the cargo hold,
harbors, Handysize bulk carriers up to 50 000 deadweight due to the effect of friction within the cargo and inclination
tons are widely employed. of the cargo hold surfaces against which the cargo rests.
Self-unloading bulk carriers were invented for efficient Figure 33.3 shows international sea borne bulk cargoes in
unloading of cargoes over grab methods in case of short 1997 for different sizes of ships.
voyage to specific ports. The vessels have a gravity-fed There are five major dry bulks among them, which are
belt conveyor. The bottom of a hold has hopper tanks and iron ore, coal, grain, bauxite, and phosphate rock. Iron ore
Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-3

Source : Fearnly
Figure 33.2 Bulk Carrier Fleet Sectors

TABLE 33.I Typical Bulk Cargoes

Commodity Stowage factor, ft3/long ton Stowage factor, m3/long ton Specific gravity, ton/m3

Iron Ore 12–15 0.34–0.42 3–2.42

Coal 42–48 1.2–1.36 0.85–0.75
Grain heavy 42–56 1.2–1.42 0.85–0.72
Grain light 55–60 1.56–1.7 0.65–0.6
Bauxite 28–35 0.79–0.99 1.29–1.03
Phosphate/rock 33–34 0.91–0.96 1.12–1.06
General 24–29 0.69–0.82 1.47–1.24

and coal are the raw materials for steel production. Grain coal, and grain, while Panamax and Capesize bulk carriers
is required for many food products and is the raw material mostly transport coal and iron ore.
for farming of cattle. Bauxite is the raw material for alu- Bulk cargoes are also categorized depending on con-
minum production. Phosphate rock is the bulk fertilizer for sumption sectors, such as steel-related, agriculture-related,
crop production. Shipping of major cargoes has signifi- energy-related, and other sectors. Iron ore, coal, steel,
cantly influenced types of bulk carriers in the market. Coal scrap, and pig iron cargoes are included in the steel-related
and iron ore are usually carried under long-term contracts. sector. Wheat, coarse grains, soybeans, meal fertilizers,
Handysize bulk carriers carry other cargoes than iron ore, and minor cargoes are categorized as agricultural-related
33-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 33.3 International Sea Borne Trade in 1997

cargoes. Steam coal is used for energy-related sector, are identical in hull form, general and structural arrange-
while bauxite, timber, and minerals are used for particular ments, and others regardless of their sizes in general.
purposes. Bulk carriers carrying single commodity such as, ore,
and coal are operating between two pre-defined ports
based on a long-term contract. The port condition signifi-
33.1.5 Stowage Rate
cantly influences the ship’s draft and length.
Stowage rate stipulates how many cubic meters of cargo Principal dimensions of bulk carriers are also influ-
hold will be used by a tonne of any given cargo. Since the enced by geographical locations such as canal, draft of
density of cargoes is different, the ship designer is con- port, port facilities, and operation area. Draft of vessels
cerned with cargoes to be carried. For a ship carrying transiting Panama Canal or St. Lawrence Ways is limited
heavy ore cargoes, cargo volume is not a primary design by requirements from the corresponding authorities con-
criterion. However, for a ship carrying grain or light den- trolling the canals.
sity cargoes, cargo volume becomes an important design Figure 33.4 shows possible LBP/B ratios of bulk carri-
requirement. Repose angle should be considered to calcu- ers with respect to deadweight, obtained from feasibility
late the load acting on the internal surfaces of the cargo studies and an actual bulk database. It is found that the ra-
hold, due to the effect of friction within the cargo and in- tios range from 5.0 and 7.0. Figure 33.5 shows possible
clination of the surface against which the cargo rests. Re- LBP/D ratios for different dead weights. The LBP/D ratios
duction of pressure in horizontal direction is normally are located between 11.0 and 12.0. Figure 33.6 shows pos-
taken into account. It is often assumed that the natural re- sible B/D ratios with respect to deadweight. It is seen that
pose angle is the same as internal friction angle and ne- the ratios are scattered between 1.6 and 2.1 with some ex-
glecting the friction between the cargo and the hull surface ceptions.
contacted. Some simplified equations have been used de- Figure 33.7 shows possible cargo capacity of bulk car-
pending on classification societies. riers in m3 with respect to deadweight. It shows a trend that
cargo capacity is almost proportional to deadweight except
33.1.6 Unique Features and Capabilities for few very large size bulk carriers. Characteristics of bulk carriers
Design of bulk carriers is determined by cargo types to be General arrangement
transported. For operation of heterogeneous mixture of The general arrangement of a bulk carrier requires a com-
commodities, multi-port operation is required in a single promise among many conflicting requirements. General
voyage. Dry bulk carriers have been increased in size, but arrangement should satisfy all functions of a ship and
Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-5
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Figure 33.4 Relationship Between Deadweight and LBP/B Ratio

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Figure 33.5 Relationship Between Deadweight and LBP/D Ratio

balance various demands within the limited spaces. An op- For dry cargo bulk carriers, required volume of cargo
timized general arrangement enhances the efficient opera- space and required volume and length of machinery space
tion of a ship. Cargo space and machinery space arrange- are basic requirements. Preliminary lines plan is necessary
ments are major arrangement concerns. Crew space of a to check that main engine and machinery space is suffi-
bulk carrier is not different from that of other ship types, cient at the design stage for general arrangement. Required
and the arrangement and facilities largely depend on the volume of fuel oil tanks, ballast tanks, and fresh water
owner’s preference. Watertight subdivision and adequate tanks are also considered to satisfy the minimum draft and
stability are important requirements, while designers maximum cruise range. The minimum number of trans-
should always take into account of structural integrity and verse bulkheads is defined in the classification rules.
easier production. Shipowners usually determine principal dimensions since
33-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

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Figure 33.6 Relationship Between Deadweight and B/D Ratio

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Figure 33.7 Cargo Capacity, m3 per Deadweight Tonne

the dimensions are often related to port conditions and the Access is one of dominant design parameters for the
shipowner’s economic feasibility study of the operation. general arrangement to enable the crew to perform their
Cargo space of a dry bulk carrier consists of regular length duties and to escape in an emergency situation. The Mar-
holds having hatches for handling of cargoes by grab or by itime Union of Australia regulations specifically defines
blower for grain cargoes. Lower transverse bulkhead stool the requirements for a means of access in cargo holds of a
is an important parameter to decide uniform length of the bulk carrier, such as clear opening size, ladder dimensions,
cargo space. stairways, cleats, passage ways, and so on.
Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-7

Figure 33.8(a) General Arrangement of 44 000 DWT Bulk Carrier (Handymax) with Cargo Handling Gear

Figure 33.8(b) General Arrangement of 75 000 DWT Bulk Carrier (Panamax)

Figure 33.8(c) General Arrangement of 170 000 DWT Bulk Carrier (Capesize)

Figure 33.8 shows general arrangement of typical bulk nent inspecting measures due to characteristics of bulk
carrier sizes. carrier. Rules and regulations

Similar to the other types of vessels, bulk carriers should 33.2 SYSTEM DESIGN
be classed by a classification society and must be regis-
tered to a national flag. There are many rules and regula- 33.2.1 Hull Form, Propulsion, and Performance
tions applied to vessels including bulk carriers as compul- Hull form
sory requirements. It is compulsory to comply with Hull forms of bulk carriers have the characteristics of com-
international convention such as International Maritime paratively slow, large block coefficient, long parallel mid-
Organization (IMO) resolutions, International Convention dle body, and rectangular shape of the midship section.
on Load Lines, 1966, SOLAS, MARPOL 73/78, and so on. Simple hull forms with long parallel middle body con-
IMO resolution MSC 23(59), International Code for the tribute to easy manufacturing because of flat and single
Safety Carriage of Grain in Bulk and IMO Resolution curvature lines.
A715, International Code of Safety Practice for Ship’s The installation space for propulsive machinery is usu-
Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes 1991 are major interna- ally secured in aft engine room area. Fuel oil tanks are usu-
tional regulations for bulk carriers in particular. It is re- ally arranged in the engine room area so as to avoid instal-
quired to have an Enhanced Survey Program (ESP) nota- lation of additional piping lines to double bottom tanks in
tion for bulk carriers for proper inspection purposes by the cargo hold region. Most modern bulk carriers have bulbous
classification surveyors, as it is difficult to arrange perma- bows for the reduction of wave resistance.
33-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2 Lightweight Main engine

One of most important design step is to estimate light- Main engines are selected by similar criteria as used in
weight and its distribution along the ship length. Figure other types of vessels. Figure 33.10 shows a trend of main
33.9 shows possible lightweights for different ship sizes in engine output with respect to ship size built in between
deadweight tons, based on a feasibility study and actual 1990 and 1996.
bulk carrier database. Lightweight accounts for about 20 Figure 33.11 shows a trend for output of diesel and
percent of deadweight for Handymax size bulk carriers and main-engine driven alternators. For Panamax bulk carriers,
about 12 percent of deadweight of very large bulk carriers. the alternator is designed to produce about 1500 kW.
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Figure 33.9 Lightweight – Deadweight Relation of Bulk Carriers

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Figure 33.10 Main Engine Output in PS with Respect to Ship Size in Deadweight Tonne.
Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-9

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Figure 33.11 Output of Alternators Driven by Diesel and Main Engines

33.2.2 Payload Related System of double bottom structure. Transverse bulkheads are of Hatch opening size corrugated type with flat upper and lower stools. Shape of
Hatch opening size should be as large as possible. Large corrugation can be determined from both strength and the
size hatch opening contributes easy loading and unloading minimum weight design point of view by changing pitch
of cargoes, while reduction in deck area induces weight in- and depth of the corrugation. Lower and upper stool struc-
crease due to the requirement of hull girder section modu- tures support transverse bulkheads to reduce the span of the
lus. Large hatch length limits the width of deck strip be- bulkhead. Slanted type lower stool is common, but either
tween hatches. For a load condition with two adjacent straight type or slanted type is adopted for upper stool
holds loaded, deck structure between hatches should have mainly depending on the size of bulk carriers. The number
sufficient buckling strength. Hatch size depends on hold of girders is determined according to the allowable mean
length and breadth of the ship. Hatch breadth ranges from shear stress level of each girder, while thickness and num-
approximately 45% to 60% of ship’s breadth and hatch ber of girders also influence sectional properties of the ship.
length ranges from approximately 57% to 67% of hold
length. For bulk carriers having large opening size, tor-
sional stresses due to warping deformation may be taken 33.2.4 Structural Behavior of Bulk Carriers
into account. Hull material
Requirements of hull material for the construction of ma-
rine vessels are well specified in classification societies’
33.2.3 Hull Structures rules. In general, steel for bulk carrier construction is cate-
Figure 33.12 shows a typical mid-body structure of a single gorized as mild steel, higher tensile (HT) steel, casting
side bulk carrier. Ballast tanks are arranged in double bot- steel, and forged steel.
tom, hopper, and topside wing tank structures. Since most For hull structures, mild and HT steels are commonly
cargoes are supported by double bottom and hopper tank used for main structures, while casting steel and forged
structures, the structures should be reinforced extensively. steel have been used for stern frame and rudderstock, re-
A duct keel is arranged for piping and passage in the center spectively. Detailed requirements of material properties
33-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 33.12 Typical Midship Section

are defined in the classification societies’ rules. In recent tions, air draft condition if required, and dry docking con-
years, HT steel has been extensively used for hull struc- dition. All of these conditions are considered for departure
tures to minimize lightship weight under competitive in- and arrival states as the typical load conditions.
ternational market environment. Extensive use of higher Usually, the ballast condition and alternate ore load
tensile steel for all longitudinal members and transverse condition generate highest hogging and sagging still water
bulkheads may result in some losses in stiffness of hull and bending moments, respectively. Since vertical wave bend-
less corrosion margin. ing moment follows the International Association of Clas-
It is a usual design practice that higher tensile steel is sification Societies Unified Requirement (IACS UR), the
employed for longitudinal members at deck and bottom ship designers tend to focus on the design criterion that
parts and transverse members where higher stress is ex- the actual still water bending moment should not exceed
pected in order to have maximum benefits of higher tensile the allowable vertical still water bending moment of the
steel. Mild steel has been used for the other structural vessel. In order to reduce the still water bending moment,
members to provide proper stiffness and corrosion margin. ballast adjustment of aft peak and fore peak tanks in the
In view of fracture toughness, there is A to E grades cat- ship is a common approach.
egorized by chemical composition, deoxidization practice,
and thickness (5). Grade C is rarely used for commercial Section modulus calculation
ship construction. Material grade selection for longitudinal Longitudinal strength of bulk carriers is one of the major
members is defined in most classification rules with re- concerns of the bulk carrier design. Once the principal di-
spect to locations and thickness. mensions, configuration of the midship section, structural
arrangement of the cargo holds are determined, longitudi- Longitudinal strength calculations nal strength of each section is to be checked with respect
Longitudinal strength is to be examined with respect to typ- to minimum section modulus requirement of the classifi-
ical extreme load conditions that a vessel will experience in cation society. Local scantling requirements can be satis-
her life. Typical load conditions during the voyage are; light fied for given structural arrangement based on an assumed
ballast condition, normal ballast condition, homogeneous section modulus. Iteration is necessary to minimize the
cargo condition at the design draft, homogeneous cargo difference between the assumed and actual modulus. Usu-
condition at the scantling draft, alternate ore load condi- ally, the section modulus of deck is smaller than that of
Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-11

bottom due to fact that local scantling requirements for crease. Brackets connected to hold frames should have suf-
bottom structures are severe. In order to increase deck sec- ficient strength to prevent fracture due to rotation of side
tion modulus, it is a common practice to increase deck shell structure.
plate thickness and to use higher tensile steel in the mini- To eliminate fractures at the welding seam lines or deck
mum zone defined by classification rules. corners, abrupt thickness changes between deck plating
and transverse deck strip are to be avoided. Intermediate Shear strength calculations thickness may be inserted if difference in two plate thick-
The side shell is carrying major proportion of vertical ness is more than 18 mm. Additional stiffening of deck
shear force, when the alternate hold loading conditions are strip is sometimes required if buckling is anticipated when
employed. Shear force carried by the side shell plating two adjacent cargo holds are loaded simultaneously.
should be corrected due to high rigidity of double bottom Double bottom connection to lower stool is a very cru-
structures and transverse bulkheads. This correction of cial area since rotation of transverse bulkhead and double
shear force has been examined according to the classifica- bottom cause higher stress concentrations. Soft-toe type
tion society’s requirement. To prevent shear buckling and brackets are fitted at the interconnection between longitu-
to keep the allowable shear stress level of side shell plat- dinals and transverse frames below lower stool.
ing, calculations of the local shear flow are necessary. Direct calculations
A recent trend is that the finite element analysis has in- Heavy cargo loading creasingly been used for the ship structural design. An ex-
Double bottom structures with girders and floors are rein- ample of a finite element model for a cargo hold is shown
forced in way of transverse bulkheads and girders due to in Figure 33.13. Usually, a model for two cargo holds or
shear forces of heavy cargo loading. Bottom plating in three cargo holds is widely used for the examination of
empty holds needs to be reinforced against buckling for the strengths of double bottom and transverse bulkhead struc-
alternate hold loading condition. It is usually found that tures. Depending on the requirements of classification
every third frame is larger than the others for bulk carriers societies, various load conditions must be considered in-
built in the 1970s and hopper transverse webs are matched cluding dynamic pressure. Major classification societies
with transverse webs of topside wing tank. It is a new trend introduce PC-based computer programs to carry out the
that equal-sized hold frames are arranged in cargo holds cargo hold analysis based on their standard procedure of
and side hold frames are independent of the location of direct calculations. The analysis procedure comprises stan-
topside tank transverse webs for modern bulk carriers. dards for finite element modeling, load conditions, bound-
ary conditions, evaluation criteria, and so on depending on Local scantlings the classification societies. Heavy ballast and heavy ore
Since alternate load conditions allow a bulk carrier to carry load with adjacent hold empty are among load conditions
heavy iron ore cargoes, double bottom plating and longitu- to be checked.
dinals are reinforced against heavy cargo loading. Plating Bottom and inner bottom plating are to be checked in
and stiffeners of transverse bulkheads and hopper struc- view of buckling strength when ballast or ore cargoes are
tures within about 1.5 m in the vertical direction are also loaded. Since most cargo weights are transmitted to double
reinforced. Inner bottom structure is reinforced against bottom structures, the shear strength of longitudinal gird-
heavy grab discharge. ers and transverse floors must be sufficient. Higher shear
It is a normal practice that scantlings of inner bottom stresses of floors are usually anticipated near the hopper
plating and longitudinals in ore holds are heavier than those tank. Higher shear stresses are usually found at girders
in adjacent empty holds in the alternate load conditions. near the lower stool of transverse bulkheads.
Floor spacing in duct keel and at the bilge is a half of Buckling strength of deck plating between hatches is to
the ordinary frame spacing for many cases. A bilge keel is be checked when two cargo holds are loaded simultane-
fitted onto bilge strake. Due to welding problems at block ously. Bending strength of transverse bulkhead is primary
joints, usually an intermittent type of bilge keel tends to be concern of designers. When water ballast is loaded in a
adopted. For such a type, ends of the bilge keel should cargo hold, laminar tearing of inner bottom plating near to
carefully be designed to avoid cracks. Side hold frames are lower stool should be taken into account.
usually made with integral brackets to avoid structural dis- Since the cargo hold analysis should check strength of
continuities and have T-type flange to minimize stress in- primary structures, such as double bottom and transverse
33-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 33.13 An Example of the Finite Element Cargo Hold Model

bulkhead, stress concentration of local structures such as tures. Small breadth may cause access problems during
double bottom longitudinal connection to lower stool construction and operation stages.
should be checked as well. Although rule scantlings of Figure 33.14 shows a typical ballast piping diagram for
local structural members cover typical local structural be- a 70 000 deadweight tons bulk carrier. It is usual that top-
haviors based on some assumptions, double bottom bend- side ballast tanks are interconnected with bottom ballast
ing, relative deflections between primary structures and ef- tanks via trunk or pipe at side shell for large size bulk car-
fect of brackets should be considered in addition. For this riers. For small size bulk carriers, it is common that sepa-
purpose, the fine mesh analysis of local structures is nec- rate ballast lines are arranged for topside ballast tanks and
essary in way of inner bottom connections to lower stool there is no trunk or pipe between topside ballast tanks and
stiffeners, especially where straight type lower stool is double bottom ballast tanks.
adopted. Machinery arrangement 33.3 DESIGN ISSUES

Piping arrangement depends on the installation of water
ballast line, bilge line, fuel oil transfer line, steam line for 33.3.1 Stability and Damage Safety
fuel oil heating, and valve control line. The size of duct Trim and stability booklet
keel and the depth of inner bottom are influenced by the The trim and stability booklet is prepared by shipyards to
piping system with minimum passage breadth. Pipe diam- give information to ship designers and ship operators. At
eter for water ballast is a primary design point. For exam- the design stages, a preliminary trim and stability booklet
ple, diameter of 300 mm is normally used for a Panamax is made to examine hydrostatic stability, trim, longitudinal
bulk carrier. holds should be considered. strength, and so on.
For Handymax size vessels, the breadth of duct keel is Principal particulars, limitations of operation such as
usually about 1600 mm. The of breadth duct keel is from allowable maximum shear force and bending moment, sta-
2400 to 2600 mm for the other sizes of bulk carriers de- bility criteria, drafts for each load condition, and maxi-
pending on longitudinal spacing of double bottom struc- mum allowable VCG curve are contained in the booklet.
Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-13

Figure 33.14 Ballast Piping Diagram of a 70 000 Deadweight Tons Bulk Carrier

Tank capacity, cargo hold capacity, hydrostatic tables, • BC-C : for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk car-
cross curves, and others are also included. goes of cargo density less than tonne/ m3.
Hull girder vibration may be caused by bow flare slams Typical loading conditions
and unsteady pressure field due to surface waves. The un-
Typical load conditions such as, normal ballast, heavy bal-
steady fluid pressure applying to shell plating of a bulk car-
last, homogeneous load, heavy ore, grain load, and dry
rier in seaways may cause two-node vibration. It is noted
docking conditions are calculated in the trim and stability
that the springing phenomenon affects the fatigue life of a
calculations for departure and arrival states, respectively.
bulk carrier such as lake size bulk carriers. Several efforts
For bulk carriers having an air draft restriction, partial-
have been made to avoid these dynamic problems of ships.
flooding of cargo holds should be considered. Still water
Prediction of wave exciting forces and calculations of ve-
shear force and vertical bending moment distributions are
locity-dependent terms involving derivatives of added
calculated along the ship length.
mass and damping should be made for such vessels.
For scantlings of hull structures, the following standard
loadings in IACS UR are taken into consideration. (7) Damage stability
• BC-A : for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk car- Subdivision and stability of cargo ships built before 1992
goes of cargo density 1.0 tonne/m3 and above with should satisfy the International Convention on Safety of
specified holds empty in addition to BC-B conditions. Life at Sea of 1974 (SOLAS74) and the International Con-
• BC-B : for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk car- vention on Load Lines of 1966 (ICLL66) as amended for
goes of cargo density of 1.0 tonne/ m3 and above with reduced freeboard vessels. In 1982, IMO introduced a reg-
all cargo holds loaded in addition to BC-C conditions. ulation for freeboard for dry cargo ships based on a proba-
33-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

bilistic analysis procedure. Furthermore, the SOLAS proper measures should be made for maintenance of ves-
Chapter XII became effective by giving additional safety sels and for level of safety in design. Among the measures,
measures for bulk carriers on or after July 1, 1999. International Society of Classification Societies (IACS) in-
troduced new Unified Requirements, called as IACS UR,
on overloading, transverse bulkhead scantlings, and so on
33.3.2 Comfort, Motion, Noise, and Vibration (7). Compared to oil tankers, bulk carriers have a lack of Springing structural redundancy and operating conditions are severe.
For lake size bulk carriers, operating in Great Lakes in Cargo handling practices during loading and unloading in-
America, have high ratio of length to depth, which is a risk duces damage of hold frames and transverse corrugated
of springing. This is because of lack of stiffness of hull bulkheads by pneumatic hammers, and damage of inner
girder. Springing is defined as the resonant hull girder re- bottom structures by heavy weight grab and bulldozers.
sponse to the unsteady pressure field in the fluid (6). Coal, containing high sulfur, is the cause of corrosion at
bracket ends of side hold frames. Figure 33.15 shows an ex-
ample of severe corrosion in way of side frames.
33.3.3 Environmental Issues One of scenarios for the casualties is that lower end of Recent damages and counter measures brackets attached to hold frame in number 1 cargo hold are
by IACS corroded and damaged. This results in the ingress of sea-
During the past 10 years there have been many losses in water into number 1 cargo hold, which induces sudden in-
lives and cargoes due to casualties of bulk carriers. In some crease in hull girder bending moment and progressive col-
cases, bulk carriers having such damage or corrosion were lapse of watertight transverse bulkheads, which causes
disappeared without any signal and survivors. Several at- sinking of the vessel.
tempts have been made to prevent bulk carrier casualties by The IACS UR require reinforcements for existing bulk
classification societies and IMO. It is widely accepted that carriers having single skin of 150 m in length and carrying

Figure 33.15 Corrosion in Way of Side Frames

Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers 33-15

bulk cargoes with bulk density of 1.78 t/m3 and above. The goes. Double skinned bulk carriers have advantages over
strength of the after corrugated bulkhead and the double single hull bulk carriers. Damage by grabs, bulldozers, and
bottom structure in way of the foremost cargo hold is given corrosion can be significantly reduced since the inner skin
a special consideration. Damage stability must be exam- of cargo holds is smooth. Coating of holds is a quicker and
ined for the condition that the foremost cargo hold is cheaper solution. The additional longitudinal member con-
flooded. The typical loading sequence should be devel- tributes hull girder strength and protects hold flooding
oped, paying attention to the loading rate, the de-ballasting from side damage. However, higher initial building cost,
capacity, and applicable strength limitation. The sequence some deadweight reduction, and higher port and canal
should be included in the existing loading manual. ICAS dues because of increased measured tonnage, are disad-
requires that a loading computer be installed on board in vantages. As such disadvantages are not of primary con-
order to calculate longitudinal strength for various loading cern over the safety issues of bulk carriers, double skinned
conditions regardless of bulk density or type of side struc- bulk carriers become an alternative to single hull bulk car-
ture. Figure 33.16 shows the locations where the IACS UR riers (8).
is to be applied.

33.3.4 Future Trend of Bulk Carriers 33.4 PRODUCTION ISSUES

One of the weakest points of single hull bulk carriers is the As modern dry bulk carriers have a typical structural shape
side shell structure compared to hopper tank and topside as shown in Figure 33.12, that is, triangular shape of top-
tank structures. A side shell is subject to dynamic pressure side and hopper tanks and corrugated transverse bulk-
in a seaway and damaged from cargo grabs and by hy- heads. The triangular-shape structures require more re-
draulic hammer from the sea. It is also difficult to protect sources for production than rectangular-shape of double
the structure against corrosion from sulfur-rich coal car- bottom. Additional efforts are necessary to support topside

Figure 33.16 Locations where the IACS UR is to be applied

33-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

structures during the block erection stage. Corrugated during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers: Resolu-
bulkheads are usually fabricated by pressing plates into the tion A.744(18) adopted on 4 November 1993, London,
required shapes. It becomes more difficult to press thicker IMO, 1993 (A 18/Res.744)
plates due to the capacity of a press or bending machine. A IMO, 1996 amendments to the guidelines on the enhanced
corrugation length is limited by the capability of the press program of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers
or bending machine. Additional welding seams result in and oil tankers (Resolution A.744(18)) (Adopted in ac-
increase of fabrication costs. Precise control of block joints cordance with article VII of the International Conven-
between two corrugations of different thickness is also a tion for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974): Certified true
difficult task. copy signed on March 18th, 1997, London, IMO, 1997
IMO, Guidelines on the enhanced program of surveys for
bulk carriers, London, IMO, 1993 (MSC/Circ.628)
IMO, Guidance for planning the enhanced program of in-
33.5 SHIP CHARACTERISTICS spections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil
Table 33.II presents characteristics for typical bulk carriers. tankers, London, IMO, 1994 (MSC/Circ.655)
IMO, Guidelines on the means of access to structures for
inspection and maintenance of oil tanker and bulk car-
riers, London, IMO, 1995 (MSC/Circ.686)
33.6 REFERENCES IMO, Guidelines for the selection, application and mainte-
1. International Maritime Organization, SOLAS Chapter XI, nance of corrosion prevention systems of dedicated
Reg. 1 seawater ballast tanks. Resolution A.798(19) adopted
2. Jacobs, C. L., “Development of Specialized B/Cs,” Marine on 23 November 1995
Technology, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 1983 DET NORSKE VERITAS, Bulk carrier losses. Hovik: Det
3. Vaughan, W. R., “Update on Self-Unloading Dry Bulk Ves- Norske Veritas, 1991
sels,” Marine Technology, Vol.15, No. 3, July 1978 DET NORSKE VERITAS, Cost benefit analysis of exist-
4. Dorman, W. J., “Combination Bulk Carriers,” Marine Tech- ing bulk carriers: A case study on application of formal
nology, October 1996 safety assessment techniques, Hovik, DNV, 1997
5. Alia, B. L. and Wheatcroft, M. F., “Structural Material for
(Paper Series No. 97-P008)
Marine Applications,” Marine Technology, Vol.13, April
6. Skjordal, S. O. and Faltinsen, O. M., “A Linear Theory of TION SOCIETIES (IACS), Bulk carriers: Guidance
Springing,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 24, No.2, June and information to shipowners and operators, London,
1980 IACS, 1992
7. International Association of Classification Societies, Uni- INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLASSIFICA-
fied Requirements, 2002 TION SOCIETIES (IACS), Bulk carriers: Guidelines
8. International Maritime Organization, Maritime Safety for surveys, assessment and repair of hull structure. 3rd
Committee, 76th Session, MSC 76/23, 16 December 2002 ed., London, Witherby and Co. Ltd, 1995 (ISBN : 1-
TION SOCIETIES (IACS), Bulk carriers: Guidance
and information on bulk cargo loading and discharging
IMO, International code for the safe carriage of grain in to reduce the likelyhood of over-stressing the hull struc-
bulk (International Grain Code), London, IMO, 1991. ture, London, IACS, 1997
IMO, Code of safe practice for solid bulk cargoes (BC TION SOCIETIES (IACS), Bulk carriers: Handle with
Code), 1998 edition (IMO-260E) care, London, IACS, 1998
IMO, BLU Code. Code of practice for the safe loading and INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLASSIFICA-
unloading of bulk carriers. 1998 edition. (IMO-266E) TION SOCIETIES (IACS), Bulk carrier safety. In: In-
IMO, SOLAS – International Convention for the Safety of ternational Association of Classification Societies
Life at Sea, 1974: Resolutions of the 1997 SOLAS (IACS) – The IACS Briefings 1996-1998, London,
Conference relating to bulk carrier safety, 1999 edition. IACS, 1999 ( IACS Briefing No. 5, September 1997)
IMO, Guidelines on the enhanced program of inspections TION ASSOCIATION (ICHCA), The loading and un-
Table 33.II Characteristics of Typical Bulk Carriers

DWT 1 000 Tonnes 41 42 44 65 65 75 114 114 150 150 150 170 170

LOA, m 190.0 190.0 190.0 224.0 230.0 230.0 266.0 266.0 274.0 274.0 289.0 289.0 289.0
LBP, m 181.0 181.0 181.0 214.0 220.0 220.0 256.0 256.0 264.0 264.0 278.0 278.0 278.0
Beam m 30.5 30.5 31.5 33.2 36.4 36.0 40.5 40.5 45.0 45.0 47.0 45.0 45.0
Depth m 16.6 16.6 19.5 18.1 16.9 18.8 21.2 21.2 23.2 23.2 24.0 25.0 25.0
Draft m 10.7 10.7 12.0 12.5 11.3 12.8 14.5 14.5 16.9 16.9 15.3 17.9 17.9

Chapter 33: Bulk Carriers

Cb 0.823 0.828 0.793 0.824 0.823 0.843 0.841 0.842 0.821 0.821 0.836 0.837 0.837
Speed knots 14.5 14.2 14.5 14.8 13.5 14.5 14.0 14.3 13.5 13.8 15.0 15.0 15.0
LCB m Forward 3.41 3.0 2.41 3.30 3.41 3.12 3.12 8.52 3.56 0.0 0.0
LWT Tonnes 8500 8200 11 300 11 889 11 300 12 750 16 035 15 305 19 200 19 200 21 500 22 000 22 000
Hatch Size m 18.9 × 18.8 × 18.6 × 16.8 × 16.8 × 14 × 14 × 13.8 × 14.6 × 15.3 × 15.3 ×
16 15.2 26.8 13.8 16 18.6 13.5 15.3 21.4 20.4 20.4
Crew 28 24 26 33 28 36 27 27 26 24 30 30 30
No of Holds 5 5 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Cargo Capacity 1000 m3 56 55.2 60 79.9 80 91 136 136 168 168 190 189.3 189.3
MCR kW/RPM 11 270 × 9700 × 11 640 × 13 000 × 11 000 × 14 340 × 16 200 × 16 200 × 15 450 × 17 450 × 22 920 × 22 920 × 21 300 ×
126 127 127 117 120 90 82 82 80 88 91 91 106
NCR kW/RPM 9580 × 8904 × 9890 × 11 700 × 9350 × 12 200 × 13 770 × 13 770 × 13 910 × 15 710 × 19 480 × 20 630 × 19 220 ×
119 123 120 113 114 86 78 78 75 85 86 88 102
F.O. Consumption 28.9 26.5 29.9 37.1 28.3 36.6 40.8 40.8 41.6 46.9 58 61.6 57.4
Cruising Range 1,000 NM 16.5 18 18 21 22.5 18.5 20 20 21 18.5 23.4 23 23

Legend: DWT: Deadweight tons, O/H: Open hatch carrier, LCB: Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy, LWT: Lightship weight tons, MCR: Max. Continuous Rating, PS × RPM, NCR:
Normal cruise rate, PS × RPM.

33-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

loading of solid bulk cargoes, London, ICHCA, 1998. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STAN-
(ISBN : 1-85330-096-9) DARDIZATION (ISO), Ships and marine technology:
INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF SHIPPING (ICS), Bulk carriers: Construction quality of hull structure,
Ship shore safety checklist for loading and unloading Geneva, ISO, 2000. (ISO 15401)
dry bulk cargo carriers, London, ICS, 1996 BES, J., Bulk Carriers: Practical guide to the subject for all
INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF SHIPPING (ICS) et connected with the shipping business. 2nd ed. London,
al, Bulk carrier checklists, London, ICS, 1996 Barker & Howard Ltd, 1972
Chapter 34
Car Carriers

Y. Torii, H. Hohga, K. Nishimura, and H. Uetani

34.1 DESCRIPTION between adjacent decks, ventilation ducts, stairways and

pillars. Some decks are of the portable type, which enables
34.1.1 Mission
the PCC to accommodate different height of cars by
The Pure Car Carrier (PCC) is a specially designed vessel changing to predetermined heights of the portable deck.
for transportation of cars. The first PCC was built in the
middle of the 1960s and at time of writing about 300 PCCs
are under operation on international voyages. 34.1.3 General Arrangement
The arrangement of the PCC is optimized for efficient
A typical general arrangement of a 5500 unit type PCC is
roll-on/roll-off loading and unloading of cars and for max-
shown in Figure 34.1. Note that:
imizing the number of loaded cars.
The main PCC cargo has been the sedan-type family • the fixed and/or portable car decks are arranged above
car. However, high roof type and/or heavy vehicles such as and under the main deck with minimum clear height
recreation vehicles, trucks, buses and bulldozers have be- above each deck. Upper part of forward mooring space
come one of the main cargoes in recent years and the can also be used as car deck space,
PCTC (Pure Car and Truck Carrier) has become more • the stern ramp is equipped as the main ramp for loading
popular than the PCC. and unloading cars by roll on/roll off operation. In ad-
dition, side ports may be provided port and starboard
near amidships,
34.1.2 Unique Features and Capabilities • the car embarkation deck, on which the stern ramp is Loading and unloading system mounted, is the freeboard deck,
Loading and unloading of a PCC is carried out with roll • the machinery space is arranged aft in the vessel under
on/roll off operation. A car drives onboard the vessel and the embarkation deck (freeboard deck). The engine cas-
onshore over a main ramp arranged at stern part of the ves- ing is normally arranged near the ship’s centerline and
sel. Additional side ramps near amidships on both port and pass through car decks above,
starboard sides are provided on many PCCs. • the accommodation house is arranged on the uppermost
deck with one or two tiers. The wheelhouse shall be lo- Multi-deck cargo space cated forward of the accommodation house taking the
Many decks for cargo space, more than ten decks for large requirement for visibility from the wheelhouse into
PCC, are arranged under and above the main deck. consideration,
Each car deck is designed to accommodate as many • double side hull configuration below the freeboard deck
cars as possible by optimizing arrangement of inner ramps is normal, which is used for water ballast tanks and/or

34-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 34.1 Typical General Arrangement

fuel oil tanks. They are also necessary to comply with In general, the PCC is categorized in the medium speed
damage stability requirement of SOLAS, and trans- range and wave-making resistance reaches around 15% or
verse watertight bulkhead(s) may be arranged in cargo higher, of total resistance, so that optimization of Cp-curve
space also for this purpose, and and bulbous-bow design are inevitable for the hull form
• bow thrusters are provided on many PCCs to assist ma- design of PCCs. Today optimization of hull form will be
neuvering in port. investigated by use of the Computer Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) technique as shown in Figure 34.2. The stern profile
of underwater hull form should be carefully designed to
34.2 SYSTEM DESIGN have enough propeller-hull clearance with relatively large
diameter of propeller to prevent hull vibration by propeller
34.2.1 Hull Form, Propulsion and Performance surface force. Optimization of wake contour at propeller Hull form plane should be investigated to reduce propeller surface
The required deadweight for a PCC is relatively small in force.
comparison with the large cargo capacity (car deck area), An example of the hull form of a PCC is shown in
which results in small block-coefficients (Cb), approxi- Figure 34.3.
mately around 0.6 or less. With this small Cb, large bilge
radius and rise of floor are normally adopted for the mid- Propeller
ship section to obtain, not only good propulsive perfor- The propeller of PCCs shall be designed to have small sur-
mance, but also a large car deck area and large metacentric face force as well as high efficiency so that vibration is one
height. of the main design issues for PCCs, because of the large
Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-3

ballast is necessary to keep GM sufficient for intact/dam-

age stability requirement.
The actual amount of water ballast must be decided at
the early stage of basic design to determine the design
deadweight. Design load for car deck and ramps

The strength of each car deck shall be designed based on
wheel load of intended cars on the deck. Actual design
value of axle load, especially of heavy cars, should be con-
firmed with the ship owner. The ramp shall be designed
based on the largest wheel load of vehicles to be loaded.

Figure 34.2 Wave Pattern by CFD (TUMMAC)

34.2.3 Hull Structure Car deck structure
Structural Arrangement: The car deck structure generally
consists of thin deck plates, deck longitudinals, deck trans-
verses, deck girders and pillars as shown in Figure 34.4.
The longitudinal framing system is generally adopted
on car deck structure. Deck longitudinals are supported

Figure 34.3 Example of Hull Form

superstructure and heavy stern ramp, adoption of relatively

large diameter of propeller and wide flat hull surface above
the propeller. For this purpose, highly skewed and wake-
adapted type propellers have been used on PCCs, and tip-
unloaded pitch distribution may also be considered.
Five bladed propellers are normally applied to PCCs to
allow a small diameter. However, the selection of blade
number must be carefully decided taking the natural fre-
quency of hull and local structure into consideration.

34.2.2 Deadweight and Design Load of Car Deck Deadweight
Design deadweight of PCCs consists of the following
• cargo,
• fuel oil,
• fresh water,
• water ballast, and
• deadweight constant
The percentage of cargo weight in design deadweight is
relatively small, because a considerable amount of water Figure 34.4 Car Deck Structure
34-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

by deck transverses and deck transverses are supported

by deck girders, which are supported by 1 or 2 rows of pil-
lars. Car deck heights are determined to keep minimum
clear deck height considering height of car, depth and de-
flection of deck supporting members. Therefore, structural
arrangements and rigidity of car deck supporting members
such as deck transverse, deck girders and pillars, are im-
Strength Against Wheel Load: Car decks shall have
enough strength against wheel loads of cars with their
inertia force, which act on the car deck through tire print
areas on deck panels. Although car deck plates are thin, for
example 5 mm, they have sufficient strength against car
deck loads. Car deck plates are usually designed based on
the plastic design and car deck longitudinals are designed
as continuous beams based on the elastic design.
Classification societies also have specific requirements for
this design aspect.
Strength Against Design Uniform Load: Design Figure 34.5 Intermittent Welding and Arc Spot Welding
uniform load is prescribed for each car deck, which is a
decisive factor for deck supporting members. The uniform
load also affects racking deformation, which shall be
discussed later.
Buckling Strength/Effective Width: Since plate thick-
ness of the car deck is thin, it is susceptible to buckling
elastically against compression stress in transverse
direction due to bending of deck transverses. Effective
width of deck plates as upper plate flanges of deck
transverses is determined considering the post-buckling
behavior. Transverse strength of car deck structure is
examined using this effective width. This design method is
one of special features of structural design of PCCs.
Welding of Car Deck Structure: Much effort has been
made to reduce weld deformation of thin car deck plate.
The car deck plates are usually welded on car deck
longitudinals by slit welding in order to reduce weld
deformation (1). Figure 34.6 Arc Spot Welding
For the welding of car deck plates and deck transverses,
intermittent welding is usually applied except for connect- Longitudinal strength
ing parts of deck longitudinals and deck transverses. For The hull girder section modulus of PCCs has generally suf-
the welding of car deck to the deck longitudinals, the in- ficient safety margin, since the vessel has large depth and
termittent fillet welding has been applied, but recently arc many decks. For the calculation of hull girder section mod-
spot welding is widely applied to minimize welding defor- ulus, thin car deck plates, which do not have enough buck-
mation (Figures 34.5 and 34.6). The welding can be ap- ling strength against hull girder bending moment, are usu-
plied for the down-hand for lap joints of thin plates and has ally neglected.
the following better features, compared to intermittent fil- Concerning still water bending moment, it should be
let welding: noted that hogging moment is dominant and sagging mo-
ment does not usually occur under normal loading condi-
• no special requirement for welder’s ability, tion.
• efficient welding time, and Since a large bow flare is generally incorporated into
• small welding deformation. the hull forward to provide large car deck area, wave-
Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-5

induced sagging moment may increase due to large impact In order to confirm adequate transverse racking
loads on bow flare and nonlinear change of immersed bow strength, the following two-step calculations are usually
area. carried out:
Under these circumstances, buckling strength of deck
Step 1: The global transverse racking deformation in
and side shell of upper part against wave induced sagging
heeled condition is calculated by using a beam or a
moment should be examined.
coarse mesh FEM model extending over the complete
length of the vessel. The car load and self-weight of car Transverse racking strength
deck including inertia force and hydrodynamic pres-
In order to achieve effective stowage of cars, a minimum
sure in heeled condition are considered as shown in
number of transverse bulkheads are desirable for PCCs.
Figure 34.8.
Due to this limitation of bulkhead arrangement; transverse
Step 2: The 2 or 3 dimensional FEM analysis of transverse
racking strength becomes critical for PCCs under heeled
bulkheads, partial bulkheads and strong web frames
with transverse racking deformations, which are ob-
Strong web frames and partial bulkheads instead of full
tained by Step 1, are carried out to confirm that stresses
transverse bulkheads, as shown in Figure 34.7, are arranged
are within the allowable limit.
to prevent racking deformation. The stress becomes high
around corners of big openings in such transverse members Care should be taken to design rational arrangements
due to the racking deformation, and they may become po- and detail of corners in primary transverse members.
tential problem areas for cracks. Thick insert plates are arranged around stress concen-
trated part and the configuration of corners shall be of
smooth shape to minimize stress concentration.

34.2.4 Hull Outfitting Mooring arrangement
PCCs have larger windage area above water line than other
type of vessel, so that mooring arrangements should be de-
cided considering wind force acting on the vessel.
At both of the forward and aft part of the vessel, deck
machinery usually is arranged on the freeboard deck or one
deck above it.

Figure 34.7 Transverse Members of PCC Figure 34.8 Load Condition

34-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

In the case of meeting the regulations for the Panama type may be applied on some PCCs for flexible loading/
Canal, recessed bits shall be arranged in the side shell unloading by lining up with a few car decks.
above the loaded water line. The maximum slope angle of the side ramp is designed
to be within approximately 10 degrees. The side ramp is Ventilation system for car decks also used as a side ramp opening cover.
Regulation: SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation 53.2, pre- Inner Ramp: The internal ramps from deck to deck are
scribes fan type and capacity for car decks on sea going generally of the fixed type and/or movable type inner
condition as follows: ramp(s) and are provided on each car deck. While a fixed
type is usually provided on a fixed car deck, a movable
• Number of air change of car space to be more than 6
type is provided on a portable car deck and on a fixed car
times per hour without cars or 10 times per hour with
deck, which separates compartments above and below the
deck, which forms a gastight boundary.
• The fan type is to be an explosion-proof and exhaust
The arrangement of inner ramps on each car deck is de-
cided to optimize loading/unloading operation and car
In addition, CO and NOx content during loading and deck area. The maximum slope angle of the inner ramp is
unloading are prescribed in some countries. For example; designed to be within approximately 10 to 12 degrees.
Sliding Doors: Sliding doors of gastight or watertight
U.S.: Less than 50 ppm for CO content.
type are provided in tight transverse bulkheads where nec-
Sweden: Less than 60 ppm for CO content and less than
essary for access.
5 ppm for NOx content.
A gastight type sliding door is provided for the purpose
Fans: Fan type is usually of a reversible (exhaust/sup- of separation of compartments from the viewpoint of the
ply) type; because supply ventilation is applied during fire fighting and a watertight type sliding door is provided
loading and unloading operation, whereas exhaust ventila- for damage stability.
tion during seagoing condition. Portable Car Decks: Portable car decks are arranged be-
Fan capacity and number are usually designed based on tween some deck levels for the purpose of flexible loading
the air change of 20 to 25 times per hour considering the of different height of vehicles on or below the deck. The
requirements for CO and NOx content during loading and portable deck shall be designed taking production accuracy,
unloading. Static pressure of the fan is designed based on clear height after lifting, thickness of the deck, deflection
duct arrangement for car decks. after loading, etc. into consideration. Lifting winches or
Arrangement: In general, fans for car decks are in- lifting forklifts are used for changing position of the deck.
stalled in fan house arranged on the port and starboard
sides of the uppermost weather deck with ventilation duct Car lashing
to each car deck located inside of side shell. Example of D-rings, clover leaf recesses or crinkle bars are provided
ventilation duct arrangement is shown in Figure 34.9. on car deck for securing cars with lashing fittings, such as
Side Ramps: The side ramps are designed with the same a clamp belt, steel wire or chain with a turn buckle. An ex-
concept as the stern ramp; however, a vertically movable ample of lashing equipment is shown in Figure 34.11.

Figure 34.9 Ventilation Duct Arrangement

Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-7

Figure 34.10 Ventilation Duct Arrangement

34.2.5 Machinery Arrangement

Machinery aspects that must be considered during the de-
sign preparation are covered in Chapter 24. However, be-
cause of the special requirements involved in PCCs ma-
chinery must be given special attention. Major check points for machinery arrangement

The machinery room of merchant vessel is generally de-
signed and constructed with ever decreasing volumetric
space to minimize construction costs (initial cost) and to
maximize space available for cargo.
The size of machinery room is exacerbated further for
PCC with a relatively low car embarkation deck and stern
However, the optimal size of an engine room or ma-
chinery space has to be decided based on not only these
economic aspects but also following factors:
• ease of construction (avoiding complex hull block sec-
• ease of machinery installation and other installation
work (cable and pipe work),
• easy maintenance and inspection,
• storage and transportation of stores and spare parts.
• lowering center of gravity of machinery part*,
• distribution of weight in engine room, i.e. symmetrical,
arrangement of port and starboard sides*, Figure 34.11 Typical Lashing Equipment
34-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

• the requirements of rules, regulations and shipowner’s Determination of Length of Engine Room: The hull
specification, form of PCCs at engine room is usually narrower than
• low level of vibration and noise, other kinds of merchant vessels. Therefore, the position of
• effect of ship motion, roll and pitch, the main engine and subsequently the length of the engine
• minimizing number of pipes and sizes, room shall be determined by the clearance between main
• minimizing number of installed equipment, facilities engine bed and hull web frame (B) rather than the normal
and simplifying systems, criteria of clearance (A), which allows for propeller shaft
• safety considerations such as provision of sufficient and withdrawal, as shown in Figure 34.13.
adequate escape routes and stairways*, and Method of Withdrawing Propeller Shaft: There are
• consideration of welfare and working environment for some methods of withdrawing propeller shaft into the en-
personnel, such as maintaining sufficient head room, gine room are shown in Figure 34.14.
clear walkways and providing control rooms and work- Position of Engine Room Aft Bulkhead: The position of
shops which reduce exposure to noise, heat and vibra- aft bulkhead is determined with consideration for con-
tion. struction, however it can also be influenced by the need for
a passageway or access at (E) a shown in Figure 34.15. Review of engine type Space Around the Main Engine: The arrangement has
Figure 34.12 classifies the types of main engines. to ensure sufficient space around the main engine. The
In general, the economic propulsion solution chosen for major factors influencing the actual required space are as
merchant vessels including PCCs, has been of small to follows:
medium bore slow speed diesel engines.
In some cases, very large bore, short stroke, slow speed a. Opening in each deck with clearance for main engine
or medium speed type geared diesel engine has been installation—Loading space for the main engine instal-
adopted on PCCs as a solution to the following problems: lation with clearance of approximately 300 to 500 mm
as shown in Figure 34.16.
• limitation of height of machinery room due to the re- b. Floor level space for inspection—Maintenance and/or
quirement of lower level of embarkation deck with replacement of large engine components such as con-
stern ramp, and necting rod as shown in Figure 34.17.
• limitation of propeller diameter and revolution. c. Under the floor level—Access space for inspection and
overhaul of holding down bolts. Pipe and cable routing Determination of optimum length and space of must not block this access and working area at the level
machinery room of the engine foundation.
The length of machinery room has a substantial influence d. Engine top platform—Lay down area for major engine
on vessel’s performance, hull form, hull structure of ma- components, space for countermeasure for engine vi-
chinery room part, so that the final arrangement is nor- brations and movement of engine top by top bracing as
mally decided only after completion of detailed and re- shown in Figure 34.18. The so-called guide force mo-
peated study. ment is caused by the transverse reaction forces on the
crossheads due to the connecting rod/crankshaft mech-
Gas turbine e. Engine room height—Sufficient height for removal of
Turbine propulsion piston, cylinder liner, cylinder cover and through stay
Steam turbine bolt (Figures 34.19 and 34.20).
f. Frame spacing in machinery room—The spacing of
Diesel propulsion Medium speed main engine frame can not normally follow the same
Slow speed frame spacing as the main structure in the rest of the
Multi-geared diesel double bottom, because the position of engine frames
Electric propulsion are determined not to conflict with the position of the
Figure 34.12 Main Engine Classification holding down bolts (Figure 34.21).

Number and height of decks

a) Number of decks: Generally, the number of intermedi-
*Especially relevant to the machinery arrangement of PCCs, because of
high lightship center of gravity and the multiple car decks.
ate decks is determined by the amount of machinery and
Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-9

Figure 34.14 Shaft Withdrawal Methods

equipment installed in engine room, space for installation

and inspection, maintenance and replacement.
In case of PCCs, there are normally only two decks, low-
est floor and middle deck due to lower height of the engine
room limited by the car embarkation deck and stern ramp.
b) Height of each deck: Position of deck is determined
by the following factors with consideration of the depth of
deck transverse web beam:
• Provision of sufficient height for overhauling of auxil-
iary diesel engines and purifiers, etc. as shown in Fig-
ure 34.22.
• Since the deck height is fixed by the structural arrange-
ment, it is important that the machinery shall be se-
A: Withdrawing space of propeller shaft lected to suit the available height. For example, Vee
B: Clearance between web frame and main engine bed at the aft end of main type engine for auxiliary diesel, which requires less
engine. The minimum clearance to be determined taking space for engine height for maintenance than straight-line type engine.
maintenance, clear passage way and pipe routes into consideration. • Deck height necessary for passage way must consider
C: Length of main engine height used by services such as ventilation and piping,
D: Forward space of machinery room for pipe routing, passageways, general as shown in Figure 34.23.
access to tanks, cofferdams and double bottom tanks.
The middle deck height shall be determined with con-
Figure 34.13 Determination of Engine Room Length sideration of engine top grating to give area for easy oper-
ation and maintenance as far as possible.
34-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 34.17 Typical Engine Maintenance Component Withdrawal Space

Figure 34.15 Position of Engine Room Aft Bulkhead

Figure 34.18 Engine Top Bracing

c) Other factors: Each deck height shall be arranged so

as to correspond with the height of side longitudinal gird-
ers, as far as possible. Height of engine room shall be
enough for overhauling of the main engine. From the view-
point of hull construction, it is preferred that each deck is
arranged with equal spacing. Arrangement of diesel generators

The types of electric generators are classified as shown in
Figure 34.16 Engine Installation Clearance Figure 34.24.
Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-11

Figure 34.19 Engine Room Minimum Height

Figure 34.21 Holding Down Bolts Influence on Engine Room Frame Spacing

Figure 34.22 Deck Height in Way of Generators

Figure 34.20 Influence on Engine Room Height of Stay Bolt Lifting Require-

Location of diesel generators is decided for each kind

of vessels and/or in accordance with ship owner’s prefer-
ence, which is summarized in Figure 34.25.
Diesel engines or diesel generators shall be arranged as
pattern A, as shown in Figure 34.26 with the advantage of
high stiffness/rigidity due to the short span support, which
is typical arrangement of diesel generators on a PCC. Location of special rooms and areas

There are many reasons and ideas behind the location of
special rooms within machinery space. The following con-
cepts are typical and are offered as guidance: H1: Necessary clear height for passage way and maintenance
Position of engine control room: H2: Space for piping, ducts and electrical cables
H3: Depth of web beam according to structural design
• Easy watch/lookout for main engine, auxiliary boiler
and diesel generator, Figure 34.23 Deck Height in Way of Passageways
34-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Low speed At intermediate shaft • Near emergency control stand of main engine, and
Shaft gen. High speed In front of main eng. • Far from large vibration and high noise source.
With frequency At reduction gear

Turbine gen. Gas turbine Near upper platform of main engine at port side
Steam turbine Position of engineers’ workshop:
Diesel gen. In-line type • Close to engine control room,
Vee type
• Near spare parts storage space, and maintenance space
Figure 34.24 Classification of Electric Generators of main engine.

Saving of initial cost –Installed near the main switch- Near upper platform of main engine at port side
board. Position of engine store room:
Improved monitoring –Installed near the by personnel
control station. • Near engine workshop, and
• Convenient location for transportation and handling
(Conflicting requirements) parts
Position of electricians’ workshop:
Protection from noise –Arranged to be as and vibration
far from control station as possi- • Electricians’ workshop normally to be combined with
ble. engine workshop.
–Isolated space to be provided for Position of electricians’ storeroom:
control station.
–Control station to be arranged • Electricians’ storeroom normally to be combined with
away from machinery room. engine storeroom. The room to be located adjacent to
engine workshop or engine control room, if provided.
Figure 34.25 Shipowner’s Preference for Location of Generators
Storage space for large spare parts:
• Following large spare parts to be positioned in service
area under hoisting crane in order to lift up directly.
Exhaust valve
Piston with rod
Cylinder cover
Cylinder liner (adjacent to wall)
Turbocharger rotor (adjacent to wall or pillar)

Forward or aft side of the main engine in engine casing Determination of engine room casing size

Engine casing: Sufficient space on main engine for main-
tenance and/or handling of large engine components is
prime consideration in determining the engine casing
width (Figure 34.27).
Hoisting crane: The service area of the crane and the
location of the major engine parts are determined by the
traveling and traversing considerations (Figure 34.28).
Port side – Enabling pistons to move to an overhauling po-
sition, which typically is located at the port side of the
Figure 34.26 Diesel Generator Arrangement main engine upper platform.
Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-13

Figure 34.27 Minimum Casing Width

Starboard side – Covering centerline of turbo charger for Figure 34.28 Example of Hoisting Crane Service Area and Location of Engine
its overhaul and/or replacement. Parts
Height: In some cases, there is insufficient lifting
height for the crane because of the restricted height of the Intact stability, which corresponds to IMO Res.A160
machinery room due to the car embarkation deck and inner and A562, is required by classification society, which may
ramp. In this case, special arrangements for main engine be easily satisfied for normal PCCs.
overhaul have to be considered. Examples of such special Damage stability is required by SOLAS Part B-1 Sub-
arrangements are as follows: division and damage stability of cargo ships. Compart-
mentation of PCCs by watertight bulkheads and/or decks
• installation of a low hook type-hoisting crane as shown
should be carefully investigated for compliance with the
in Figure 34.29, or
damage stability requirement.
• installation of a double-jib type-hoisting crane.
Double hull configuration below the freeboard deck, Summary adoption of watertight inner ramp covers on freeboard or
The optimization of the engine room arrangement depends above deck and/or installation of watertight transverse
on how a combination of many functions, systems and cri- bulkhead(s) in car deck space up to freeboard deck is nor-
teria are satisfied. Any proposed arrangement needs to be mally considered. Location of ventilator openings from car
analyzed in depth to achieve a satisfactory solution using deck space, which is normally open at sea, and air pipes of
the design flow chart shown in Figure 34.30. tanks must be given attention for preventing progressive
flooding though these openings.
34.3.2 Fire Safety
34.3.1 Stability and Damage Safety Fire fighting system is generally provided according to the
PCCs should conform to the stability requirement of the IMO regulation. Applicable system and quantity are pre-
country of registration, classification society and interna- scribed by SOLAS Chapter II-2 Regulation 53.2, as fol-
tional regulation such as SOLAS. lows:
34-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Fire detecting system: The sample extracting type of

fire detecting system is normally used. Some countries of
registry have special requirements on fire safety of car
deck space and the detail of the requirement should be con-
firmed at design stage.

34.3.3 Noise and Vibration Noise
Noise will not be major design issue for PCCs because ac-
commodation space is located far from engine room where
source of noise such as main engine and auxiliary diesel
engines are installed.
However, same attention as other kinds of vessels must
be given to noise reduction in engine control room located
in engine room.
In case of PCCs, fan houses for cargo deck ventilation
are normally located on uppermost weather deck near ac-
commodation, which may become a source of noise in ac-
commodation space. Therefore, not only arrangement of
fan houses but also inlet/outlet direction should be care-
fully designed to prevent excessive noise level in accom-
modation space. Vibration
Figure 34.29 Low Hook Hoisting Crane In general, it is considered that vibration of deckhouses is
low level, since PCCs have lower deck houses compared
with other kinds of vessels.
However, high vibration responses of car decks are oc-
casionally reported due to low rigidity of car decks. Car
decks have normally many high order natural frequencies
near excitation frequencies of the main engine as shown in
Figure 34.31, which is an example result of excitation test
of a car deck. It is difficult for all natural frequencies to
avoid excitation frequencies.
Therefore, it is recommended that car deck structures
be designed to avoid the resonance of the natural fre-
Click here to view

Figure 34.30 PCC Engine Room Design Chart

Fixed fire extinguishing system: When CO2 fire extin-

guishing system is used for the car space, required quantity
of CO2 for each car deck must not be less than 45% of the
car deck volume. High expansion foam system may be
used in place of CO2. Figure 34.31 Result of Excitation Test
Chapter 34: Car Carriers 34-15

quency, which gives maximum response, according to the consideration. However, operator should pay careful atten-
prediction of vibration responses of car decks. tion to the effect of wind force on vessel’s maneuverability
It is also reported that vibration responses of car decks especially at voyaging through narrow channel or berthing
in full car loaded condition becomes much less than those condition.
in condition without cars. From that, it is considered that
vibration responses of cars are negligibly small, since nat-
ural frequencies of cars are far from those of car deck 34.3.5 Environmental Issues
structures. There are no major items to be discussed on environmen-
Figure 34.31 shows the result of excitation test. tal issues for PCCs, because PCC cargo normally does not
have hazardous material resulting in environmental pollu-
tion except for small amounts of gasoline in the cars.
34.3.4 Human Factors To prevent explosion of gasoline in the cars, sufficient
In comparison with other kinds of merchant vessels, PCCs ventilator capacity and explosion-proof-type electrical
has relatively large superstructure above water line for car equipment are installed for each car deck. However, rigor-
deck space, which effects on maneuverability in rough en- ous attention to preventing explosions is indispensable for
vironmental condition with heavy wind. PCCs shall have a operators.
rudder with enough area taking large superstructure into



Loa m 199.90 180.00 157.50 144.42 99.90

Lbp m 190.00 170.00 150.00 133.00 93.00
Breadth m 32.26 32.20 27.00 24.00 20.50
Depth m 32.70 32.67 27.15 23.40 13.00
Draught m 10.00 8.80 8.12 7.30 5.60
Deadweight tonne 22 138 13 977 7902 6787 3222
Gross tonnage Tons 58 684 47,579 34 887 19 220 8659
Number of cars units — 4 759 2505 1450 805
Main engine MCR kW × rpm 13 980×109 10 810×110 8970×95 5980×176 3180×210
NSR kW × rpm 12 580×105 9730×106 7330×89 5380×170 2700×199
Service speed knots 19.3 19.0 18.7 16.0 14.15
Complement person 32 34 22 25 16
Cruising range N.M. 24 000 15 900 23 900 15 200 10 000

1. Yamashita, Y., “Welding of Car Deck of P.C.C.,” Vol.813,
Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 1997
Cutaway of Totem Ocean RORO

Totem Ocean Midnight Sun – NASSCO Built RORO for Alaska Service

USS Pomeroy – NASSCO Built Strategic Sealift Ship

Chapter 35
Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships

Thomas Lamb and Markku Kanerva

35.1 DESCRIPTION 35.1 shows the different types of road trailers and their typ-
ical dimensions.
35.1.1 Mission
The road truck and trailer system is the obvious RORO
The mission of roll-on/roll-off ships (ROROs) is to trans- cargo. However, it offers options such as complete unit
port cargo that is capable of being rolled on to and off (tractor and trailer) or just the trailer after it has been
ships, thus eliminating the need for onboard or dockside dropped off at the port. Where the complete unit is trans-
lift-on or lift-off equipment. ported it is usually on a ferry with drive-through capability
Obviously any ship that used rolling of cargo onboard (bow and stern doors and ramps). So the pure deep sea
could be considered in a Chapter on ROROs. It would in- RORO usually only handles the trailers. Containers can
clude such ships as multipurpose cargo ships, railcar fer- also be carried on RORO ships. There are two options, first
ries, car and truck ferries, trailer ships, car carriers, and containers are carried on the uppermost (weather) deck
any of these that also carry passengers, such as RORO/Pas- and loaded/unloaded by conventional container cranes,
senger ships (ROPAX), cruise ferries, etc. Fortunately and second by loading the containers on cassettes 1 or 2
many of these are covered in the following chapters in this high which are loaded onto the ship as RORO cargo (Fig-
book: ure 35.2). Special cassettes have been developed to carry
Chapter 27 – Multipurpose Cargo Ships, specific cargoes such as paper rolls and steel reels.
Chapter 34 – Car Carriers, The MAFI trucks and trailers were among the earliest
Chapter 38 – Ferries, RORO cargo handlers (Figure 35.3). Over time it was
Chapter 52 – Heavy Lift Ships, and found satisfactory to use forklift trucks to move the trailers
Chapter 53 – Forest Product Carriers. (Figure 35.4).
Shorter, but overnight freight ROROs have been devel-
This chapter will only consider these ships that are oped and include cabins for the tractor drivers.
today identified as RORO ships. A special type of RORO Sea-going ROROs must secure the trailers in position
has been developed to carry processed forest products such to prevent shifting in heavy seas, with equipment such as
as finished lumber, plywood and paper reels. These will lashings and/or special support and locking trestles (Figure
not be included in this chapter as they are described in 35.5). Securing fittings are installed in the decks to which
Chapter 52 – Forest Product Carriers. the trestles and lashings are secured. Figure 35.6 shows the
ROROs are an important link in the intermodal trans- ROLOC trailer locking system developed and patented by
portation network. ROROs can accommodate almost all Totem Ocean.
types of intermodal and some heavy lift project cargoes. The number of RORO and RO-PAX ships delivered
Road trailers are the dominating cargo for ROROs. Figure each year has averaged about 30 for recent years. The

35-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.3 MAFI Truck and Trailer

Figure 35.4 MAFI Trailer with Forklift Truck

Figure 35.1 Typical Road Trailers

Figure 35.2 Marine Cassette

Figure 35.5 Trailer Securing System
Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-3

Figure 35.6 ROLOC Trailer Trestle

RORO has an average of 2400 lane meters and a service still railcar ferries/ROROs in operation around the world,
speed of 21 knots. although those on narrow passages are steadily being re-
A modern RORO will have a capacity of 3000 lane placed by bridges or bridge/tunnel combinations.
meters, flexibility to carry trailers, cassettes, cars and con- Some of the earliest custom built RORO ships were for
tainers, clear tweendeck heights of 6.8 and 8.1 meters, a military operations. The WWII tank landing craft are obvi-
number (100) reefer plugs, hoistable internal ramp to up- ous examples and it is interesting that some of the earliest
permost deck, clear (pillarless) cargo spaces, stern ramp Cross Channel RORO routes were operated using landing
able to load/unload all trailer decks simultaneously (<18 craft after WWII ended. Soon after WWII ended the U.S.
meter width), with 250 tonne capacity, decks strengthened had a multipurpose ship, USS Comet that used a RORO ap-
for heavy project cargo, and the ability to carry dangerous proach for wheeled vehicles, although most of its cargo
cargo below deck. was still loaded by derricks. This ship can claim to be the
RORO ships with up to 10 000 lane meters have been first ocean-going RORO, which for its time was innova-
designed. tive, incorporating many of the cargo transfer system/ap-
proaches that are on current RORO ships (Figure 35.7).
The USS Comet was a twin screw cargo ship with 2 full
35.1.2 RORO Development History decks and 2 platform decks; 6 holds with 6 weather deck
During the 1950s many innovations in cargo handling fo- hatches and 15 flush tweendeck hatch covers; a stern ramp
cused ship designs were developed. The RORO was one of and door leading to the lower deck; 5 fixed internal ramps,
them that were successful. However, it could be said that 2 hinged internal ramps, 7 watertight bulkhead doors; and
the original roll-on/roll-off ships (ROROs) or boats were 4 side double doors (2 per side forward and aft). All of the
the wooden floating platforms built to ford streams and cargo access equipment was engineered and supplied by
carried both people and wheeled vehicles. They were pro- MacGregor-Comarain, Inc.
pelled by hauling on a rope, stretched across the stream. The particulars for the USS Comet are provided in
Sometimes the passengers were required to help propel Table 35.II, and Figure 35.7 also shows the general
(haul on the rope) the floating platform across the river. arrangement of the ship.
These floating platforms were eventually named ferries. The first ships to be designed and built as ROROs were
The next stage in the development of ROROs was the the MV Floridian and MV New Yorker for service between
railcar ferries which started in the late 1800s. There are Jacksonville, Florida and New York in 1960. They incor-
35-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.7 USS Comet: The original RORO Ship

porated many of the innovations that would become nor- development of designing ferries to carry trailers in the
mal for later ROROs. However the cargo (17 × 8 × 8 con- 1960s is of note. In 1967 an all aluminum 225 foot trailer-
tainers) did not directly roll on and off. The containers ship was built in New Orleans and operated between
were lifted into the cargo space and stacked 2-high by a Miami and San Juan carrying 35 foot road trailers. It was
fork lift truck. All containers were loaded and unloaded as much an experiment to show that large ships could be
over a stern ramp. The early European short sea ROROs constructed of aluminum as to provide a viable RORO ser-
had bow loading doors. vice. One of the earliest technical papers on ROROs was
An important event in the development of ROROs was the 1972 presentation on the jumboizing of the original
the delivery of the Undine to Wallenhus lines in 1966 and ship (1).
the three sister ships that quickly followed. The ships The shipping companies in Scandinavia were in the
had a large stern ramp able to adapt to tidal change and a forefront and use of ROROs and the companies in the
scissor elevator for loading the lower deck. The parallel Mediterranean soon followed.
Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-5

The next important development in ocean going outboard part. The inboard part was trapezoidal shaped ex-
(transatlantic) ROROs was the formation of the Atlantic tending to a width of 26 meters (Figure 35.9). Since then
Container Line an alliance between Wallenhus (Sweden), there have been new ramp arrangements developed but
Transatlantic Shipping Company (Sweden), Swedish most ROROs today have large jumbo quarter ramps. These
America Line, Compangie Generale Maritime (France), ramps weigh up to 400 tonnes and require substantial sup-
Incotrans (Holland) and Cunard Steamship Company port structure. This is often provided by a goal post or an
(UK) who jointly ordered 10 new RORO ships that could A frame structural arrangement often using the stack as one
carrier containers on the weather deck and rolling cargo of the posts, though single pedestal mast types have been
below. used. Recently lattice type frameworks have been used for
The first ROROs to use the stern quarter ramp was the stern quarter ramp support to save weight.
Paralla built for Rederi AB Transatlantic in 1970 (Figure Port based multilevel loading ramps have been pro-
35.8). Four ships of this design were built for States Line posed to eliminate the need for an internal ramp to the up-
in the U.S. in the early 1970s. permost cargo deck (usually the weather deck) from the
While the major focus of the development of the ships main deck (loading deck) (Figure 35.10). However, few
described previously was their improved RORO handling, ports are so equipped and if a RORO ship was designed for
there was also development of other onboard systems. For such service without onboard stern and internal ramps, it
example most of the early ROROs used medium speed could only be used on the dedicated route between such
diesels as the propulsion engines to minimize the adverse ports.
impact of the machinery influence on cargo deck access. At the beginning of the 1970s, when the containership
However, with the significant increase in fuel cost in the was already well established in most transcontinental
mid 1970s, the worsening of the fuel quality, and the move trade, only a few true RORO routes were in operation and
to cheaper heavy fuel oil, the desire to use slow speed these were mainly short sea routes in Scandinavia and
diesel engines for propulsion was eventually accepted and Northern Europe carrying trucks and other wheeled vehi-
enabled by the RORO designers by incorporating an inter- cles, with the one exception being the New Zealand to
nal ramp on the centerline over the engine to the uppermost Australia and Europe route (2).
cargo deck from the main (loading) deck. ROROs received their impetus from the oil shocks of
Another major system development was the introduc- the early 1970s which resulted in a significant increase in
tion of the Jumbo quarter ramp. This was a 50-meter long wealth of the Persian Gulf and African oil producing coun-
multisection ramp with a 12-meter wide roadway in the tries. These countries used the new wealth to purchase

Figure 35.8 Second Generation RORO Paralla Figure 35.9 Jumbo Quarter Ramp
35-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

stowage can be significantly simplified compared to a

• a continuous two-way flow of cargo over the ramps, if
RORO access equipment is properly designed,
• loading and unloading can be performed at the same
time with minimum interference with each other, and
• heavy project cargo, which is usually limited by lift ca-
pacity, can be wheeled onboard, with axle loads and tire
print pressures the only real limitation.
Unfortunately, these advantages come with disadvan-
tages, and again, the list of disadvantages, presented here,
is from reference 3 with some editing by the chapter au-
thors, as:
• high acquisition cost because of the adverse stowage
Figure 35.10 Dual Level Port-based Ramps with Matching Dual Level Ship-
factor compared to other ships (VLCC 1.2, cargo ship
borne Ramps
1.3, containership 1.8, and RORO 3.0 m3/t),
• design imposed problems due to low available engine
goods from the developed, oil importing countries, which room height, flatness and fatness of aft run, lack of
resulted in a shipping boom from the developed countries transverse bulkheads, etc.,
to the Gulf countries. The established ports in the oil pro- • very heavy aft RORO equipment and supporting struc-
ducing countries could not handle the relatively sudden in- ture causing vibration problems,
crease in cargo flow and ships often waited for months to • deck structure designed for heavy vehicles,
get a port berth for unloading of cargo. This congestion ex- • high noise level when loading/unloading RORO cargo,
tended beyond the docking of ships to the piers and ware- • increase hazard and accident possibility compared to
houses where cargo would stay for months due to lack of other ships because crew, as well as stevedores, work
equipment to move it from the port. within the ship,
To attempt to circumvent this problem some Scandina- • very short turn-around time can be detrimental to crew
vian shipowners used RORO ships and their advantages morale and not provide enough time to perform main-
that addressed the specific problems in these ports became tenance/repair in port,
obvious. Reference 3 lists these advantages, somewhat ed- • expensive and sophisticated cargo access and transfer
ited by the chapter authors, as: equipment, fire prevention and detection, ventilation of
cargo space, etc., and
• needs very little space at the pier when moored stern to, • RORO ships are usually equipped with additional (ex-
• can load and unload without the need for shore cargo pensive) maneuvering equipment such as multiple bow
handling facilities, and stern thrusters, high lift rudders, controllable pitch
• each unit of cargo wheeled across its ramp to the shore propellers, to allow tug-free approach to underdevel-
was, on the average, heavier and larger than carried by oped ports and to take full advantage of quick turn-
conventional cargo or container ships at that time, around. These units also require maintenance and re-
• no time is spent lifting the cargo from the holds over the pair.
side of the ship to shore as the ramps to shore are, by
necessity, at a low level as close to the pier as possible It should be obvious that a RORO ship is not the best
and thus minimum effort in loading or discharging solution to every marine transportation need. Clearly the
cargo is required, success of any transportation system will depend on how
• once ashore the wheeled cargo can freely move away well it has been researched, defined, alternative solutions
from the congested port areas, and in many cases di- developed, and the correct selection criteria used. Refer-
rectly to the consignee, ence 3 describes in detail the factors to be considered and
• cargo does not need to be uniform box size, as in the the steps to be followed.
case of containerships, Today ROROs are operating on all of the major trade
• exact location of each cargo unit within a RORO is not routes in the world. Some shipowners chose to have their
essential, and the logistics of cargo movement and ships to be combination RORO/Container, in that they car-
Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-7

ried a significant quantity on containers on the weather The unique features for ROROs are:
deck that were loaded/unloaded by normal vertical lift
• access ramps at the bow and/or stern as well as the
dockside container cranes. The most recent trend is not to
sides, but not necessarily all of them on a RORO ship,
acquire new ships with this combination as it was found
• internal access ramps or elevators to load decks other
that the combination ships could not financially compete
than the entry level,
with dedicated ROROs and containerships.
• long clear decks,
Figures 35.11 through 35.14 show the RORO develop-
• high tweendeck heights, and
ment trends over the years since 1960 for annual building
• many ventilators on uppermost deck to extract exhaust
rate and scrapping rate, size and speed. The annual build-
fumes from self-propelled vehicles as they load and un-
ing rate and scrapping figures show that the situation has
been one of replacement rather than growth in recent years.
A RORO must be as horizontally wide open as possible.
This requires the elimination or minimization of transverse
35.1.3 Unique Features and Capabilities obstructions, machinery casings, pillars or other internal
ROROs are an important part of the intermodal transporta- structure. This has resulted in most ROROs having wing
tion network. ROROs can accommodate almost all types tanks below the subdivision deck, mainly to meet damaged
of cargo, provided it is supported on a rolling base. Road stability requirements but also utilized for structural
trailers, with or without the tractor, are the dominating strength.
cargo for ROROs. A means of rolling the cargo on and off the ship, by
ROROs are ships that handle their cargo by rolling it on stern, bow or side ramps, and between decks within the ship
and off over a single or series of ramps. The ramps can be by fixed or hinged ramps or elevators, must be provided.
either on the ships (Figure 35.15) or on the dock (Figures In addition to normal wheeled cargo (cars, trucks, cas-
35.16 and 35.17). To accomplish the loading and unload- settes) heavy cargoes and project cargoes are often carried
ing of the different decks in the ship requires a system of in ROROs. Also on some routes where it is not competitive
internal ramps. It also requires the maximum extent of to use pure car carriers, ROROs will be used to carry auto-
clear (pillarless) cargo spaces. mobiles, which have low wheel loading and half the height

Figure 35.11 RORO Annual Building Rate

35-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.12 RORO Annual Operating, Built and Scrapped

Figure 35.13 RORO Size (Deadweight) Trend

Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-9

Figure 35.14 RORO Speed Trend

Figure 35.16 Port Ramp for Stern Loading

Figure 35.15 Ship-borne Ramp

Figure 35.17 Port Ramp for Side Loading

35-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

of trucks. A solution that has been used is to install stow-

able (hoistable) car decks.
Some ROROs have tweendeck clear heights of 6.8 m,
or more, to allow the stowage of double-stacked containers
loaded on RORO cassettes (Figure 35.18), but in most
ROROs the tweendeck clear height is only 3.8 m based on
that required to stow a trailer. Thus on most ROROs only
one container can be loaded on a cassette. The load capac-
ity of a typical RORO cassette is 60 tonnes.
These unique features make ROROs ideal for the trans-
port of military materiel. Some of the largest and most re-
cently delivered ROROs are for military use (Figure 35.19).
It is generally easier to resolve the RORO needs on a
larger ship than a smaller one. This is obvious as the RORO
cargo does not change in size, so it is easier to move it
around on the larger ship. Also the percentage of volume
lost due to internal fixed ramps will be greater on small
Because of the inherent movement of cargo by man-
controlled equipment, it is essential that obstructions of any
kind should be eliminated. Surfaces of bulkheads, casings,
pillars, and even the ships sides should be smooth with no
stiffening. Vent ducts and piping should either be strong
enough to withstand occasional contact with the moving
cargo or be protected by adequate structure around them.
Variations on the RORO theme are Roll-On/Lift-Off
(ROLO) ships. They are obviously equipped with equip-
ment, such as cranes to lift off the cargo as necessary. They
will not be covered in this chapter.

35.1.4 RORO Equipment

The RORO concept would not be possible without the
availability of special equipment such as ramps and eleva-
tors that permit both the loading from shore to ship and dis-
Figure 35.19 NASSCO Built Sealift RORO
tribution of the trailers, cars, cassettes, or pallets within the

Smaller ROROs use elevators to move cargo between

decks as there is insufficient length of cargo space to fit in
the long internal inclined ramps plus the required deck
length at either end of the ramps to permit efficient han-
dling of the RORO cargo.
Some ROROs are fitted with movable car decks but this
is infrequent in that ROROs focus more on trailers than
cars, and leave the transport of cars to pure car carriers (see
Chapter 34 – Car Carriers). This subsection will concen-
trate on equipment unique to ROROs. Reference 4 should
be consulted for a complete expose of ship related-cargo
Figure 35.18 Double-stacked Containers on a Cassette handling equipment.
Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-11 Ramps
Ramps are used both at the entrance to the ship to facilitate
loading and unloading, and inside the ship from deck to
deck. Those at the entrance can be bow, stern or side
ramps. Internal ramps can be fixed or hinged.
Stern ramps are the most common. Even here there is a
wide variety. The earliest ROROs had ramps symmetri-
cally arranged across the stern of the ship. The ramps were
hinged at the bottom and provided the platform to carry the
RORO cargo. They may also form the watertight boundary
when closed, or there may be a separate watertight door
(hinged at the top) (Figure 35.20). There are a variety of
stern ramp types as shown in Figure 35.21, and sizes (Fig- a) Symmetrical Bottom Hinged Ramp and Door
ure 35.22).
Bow ramps usually associated with bow doors are more
common of ferries rather than commercial RORO ships.
Because of their location the bow door has to be designed
and constructed to withstand the extreme loads that it can
encounter in rough seas. The bow doors can be hinged on
each side (Figure 35.23) or hinged at the sides but at the
top to swivel upwards such as the visor door shown in Fig-
ure 35.24. The bow ramp may be extended out from the
ship as shown also in Figures 35.24 and 35.25. A version
of the side hinged bow door is the forward sideways pivot-
ing door shown in Figure 35.25
Side ramps are provided on ROROs for special applica-
tions/service and are usually for forklift loading/unload- b) Dual Pivating Ramps
ing. A typical side ramp is shown in Figure 35.26.

c) Multiple Ramps

Figure 35.21 Stern Ramp Types

Internal ramps can be fixed (Figure 35.27) or hinged

(Figure 35.28). They are usually for a single trailer width
but two trailer-wide internal ramps have been used. The
hinged ramps can be designed to be watertight when closed
thus eliminating the need for watertight doors at the ends.
Figure 35.20 Stern Ramp and Door Arrangement Also with the hinged type an additional trailer can be loaded
35-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.22 Stern Ramp Sizes and Load Capacities

Figure 35.23 Side Hinged Bow Door

Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-13

Figure 35.26 Side Ramp

Figure 35.24 Visor Bow Door and Hinged Ramp

Figure 35.27 Fixed Internal Ramp and Cover

Figure 35.25 Forward and Sideways Opening Bow Door

an internal ramp arrangement that efficiently permits un-
loading as well as loading the trailers, etc.
on or under the ramp when closed, depending on the load-
ing arrangement. The slope of internal RORO ship ramps Elevators
must be less than 9 degrees for the loading of trailers. Elevators are an alternative way to get the trailers to other
ROROs do not generally have bow ramps, permitting decks from the loading deck (Figure 35.29). They are used
flow through loading and unloading, and thus have to have to get trailers to lower decks because the shape of the hull
35-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.28 Hinged Internal Ramps

prevents an inline ramp, at sides, arrangement. Elevators

also take up less space but are slower loading, or multiple
elevators would be required and prevent the need for
unique loading sequencing. Elevators are mostly used on
train ferries where it is not possible to run the rolling stock
to the other decks and on RORO ships that plan to carry
heavy load cargo on lower decks.
Cargo elevators on ROROs should have a capacity of 80
tonne. They can be either wire or chain for multideck type
or scissor for one deck type. The operating method is usu-
ally hydraulic motors or cylinders for each type respec-
tively. Bulkhead Doors

RORO ships are being designed without transverse bulk-
heads, so there is no need to install bulkhead doors that
RORO cargo can pass through. However, some ships have
been built with transverse and/or longitudinal bulkheads
and had bulkhead doors. Also some ROROs with aft deck-
houses have installed bulkhead doors in the deckhouse
front. Bulkhead doors should be at least 4.25 m high by 3.5 Figure 35.29 Elevator
m wide. Figure 35.30 shows typical bulkhead doors. Internal Fixed Ramp Doors Internal Fixed Ramp Covers
It is necessary to close off the internal fixed ramps to both Internal fixed ramp covers are fitted where a watertight
the weather and lower decks to meet safety requirements. deck is required. A typical hinged fixed ramp cover is
This is done with either hinged or guillotine doors, pow- shown in Figure 35.32 in its partially open and closed
ered by hydraulics. Figure 35.31 shows such doors. position.
Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-15

Figure 35.30 Bulkhead Door

35-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.31 Internal Fixed Ramp Door


Typical general arrangement drawings of RORO ships are
shown in figures 35.33 to 35.40. The particulars are given
in the Ship Characteristics Table 35.IV. Technical papers Figure 35.32 Internal Fixed Ramp Cover
on the design, building and operation of specific ROROs
such as references 3 and 5 should be read to further the stern and internal hinged ramps as well as elevators will not
readers understanding of RORO ship arrangement design. function beyond a heel angle of 4°. This problem is critical
for the smaller ROROs but becomes less important as the
35.3 DESIGN ISSUES ROROs increase in size. Never the less it is normal for a
RORO, irrespective of size, to have both trim and heel con-
35.3.1 Basic Design trol tanks with automatic control of valves and pumps that
The hull form design is influenced by the need for the wide activate automatically to maintain the heel angle to less than
stern ramp at the stern. This drives the design toward a flat 1.5° and the trim angle to less than 1°.
bottom aft (or buttock flow) design. This is a special prob-
lem for high speed ship. Next the draft of even large ROROs 35.3.2 Payload Related Systems
is limited to below 10 m. This, in turn, restricts the diame-
The basic sizing of a RORO can be established by using
ter of the propeller(s) which is further exacerbated by the
the following ratios of RORO characteristics:
high delivered power required by the high-speed. All of this
leads to a low propulsive efficiency due to the high blade Lane Length/Trailers = 13
loading, high propeller speeds (rpm) and cavitation. LBD/Lane Length = 27
The trim and heel must be kept to a minimum in ROROs LBD/Trailers = 360
because of the special hull form performance problems, and DWT/Trailer = 40 to 55*
also to maintain the internal ramp angles that the RORO Stowage Factor =3
cargo must navigate. Also, movable equipment such as * The larger number is for smaller ships
Chapter 35: Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships 35-17

Figure 35.33 Short–sea RORO Bore Sea

Next Page
35-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 35.34 RORO Finnmaster

Figures 35.41 to 35.42 give data for ROROs that can be tanktop to stow RORO cargo which involves arranging a
used to assist in preliminary design dimension and power- ramp down to the tank top level. Because of the shape of
ing selection. the relatively fine hull the stowage space on the tank top is
Reference 6 presents a state of the art discussion of spe- only a small portion of the total. This has resulted in a
cial RORO design topics and is an essential addition to this number of designers deliberately not using the tank top for
chapter. The reference specifically addresses how the effi- RORO cargo and instead having tanks and void spaces
ciency of ROROs can be improved by out-of-the-box only below the entry deck level. This has a number of ad-
thinking for ROROs, as well as the use of CFD as a design vantages in the areas of damage stability and cost. At first
tool to aid the development of superior hull forms. it may seem that the cost would be greater because the ship
must be larger to provide the same lane meters. While the
ship may be larger the construction is easier and the end re-
35.3.3 Arrangements sult can be a lower cost design.
The arrangements of ROROs are dominated by the provi- The deckhouse of ROROs can either be forward, such
sion of efficient RORO cargo flow. Unless the RORO op- as shown in Figures 35.34 to 35.36, or at the 2/3rd aft lo-
erates on a route with multilevel port-based ramps it must cation (Figures 35.37 to 35.39). An all aft arrangement,
have either fixed or hinged internal ramps so that the cargo such as shown in Figure 35.33 is unusual today and maybe
can be moved to and from all decks. Most ROROs use the still only seen for small ROROs. For the 2/3rd aft deck-
Figure 36.1 APL C11 Post-panamax Container Ship
Chapter 36
Container Ships

Peter F. Zink and Eugene Van Rynbach

36.1 DESCRIPTION gin. Unique features of container ships are inherently as-
sociated with maximizing cargo stowage and with the sys-
Since the late 1950s the ocean cargo container has revolu-
tems required to safely stow and secure cargo containers.
tionized the seaborne and inland transport of general cargo
These features are highlighted in the following subsection
throughout the world. The specialized container ship is a
and are discussed in detail in Section 36.2 covering system
key element in an intermodal system developed to effi-
ciently transport standard sized ocean freight containers.
Containers are transported within cargo holds outfitted
with vertical cells and on deck utilizing specially designed Container cell guides
securing equipment. Containers stowed below deck, and sometimes at locations
above deck, are stacked one on top of another within ver-
tical cell guides consisting of angles or fabricated tees. An
36.1.1 Mission important component of the cell guide system is the flared
A container ship is designed for the requirements of the in- entry guide at the top of the cell angles, which assists the
tended service, including required service speed, number crane operator in lowering the containers into each cell or
of containers by size and type and projected cargo weights. stack. A properly designed system will facilitate container
Container capacity is maximized within the available vol- stowage, speed up crane cycle time, and will minimize the
ume of the ship. Features are provided to enhance port pro- potential for damage to the containers and the ship struc-
ductivity by allowing for faster loading and discharge. If ture during loading operations.
shore side cranes are not available in some ports of the
intended service, the ship may be equipped with self- Container securing on deck
sustaining capability. While container features are impor- Above the weather deck, containers are typically stowed in
tant, competition necessitates that the ship be reliable, stacks with the long dimension oriented fore and aft and
efficiently powered and constructed and operated econom- the stacks spaced about 20 to 25 mm apart, athwartship.
ically. Container stacks may be secured to the weather deck struc-
ture using a variety of schemes. The most common method
utilizes lashings to secure each stack independently. In
36.1.2 Unique Features and Capabilities some cases, deck stowed containers are secured in cell
A container transport system differs from a break bulk op- guides.
eration in that cargo stowage is accomplished at a con- Elevated platforms or lashing bridges may be provided
tainer cargo terminal or by the shipper at the point of ori- between bays of containers on deck to permit the stowage

36-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

of an additional tier of containers or heavier containers in tion unit requiring provision for electrical power. It is es-
the upper tiers. sential to have access to each reefer container to monitor
and maintain each refrigeration unit. Services with re- Pontoon hatch covers designed for quirements for transporting large numbers of reefer boxes
container stowage may necessitate stowing some boxes below deck. One or
Most container ships are outfitted with pontoon type hatch more cargo holds may be outfitted with large ventilation
covers. Depending upon the height of the hatch coamings systems to provide ambient air for cooling and with access
above the freeboard deck and distance aft from the bow, for inspection and maintenance. Such reefer loads require
the hatch covers may be either fitted with gaskets or a a large supply of electrical power and the ship’s generators
labyrinth type system. Typically, there are two or three must be sized accordingly.
hatch covers across the full breadth hatch opening.
Hatch covers are designed for the intended container Provisions for self-loading and
stack weights as well as for class requirements for water self-unloading capability
head. The primary structural elements are typically longi- Container ships that serve ports without crane facilities
tudinal girders located between adjacent stacks. must have the capability to load and discharge cargo
Container hatch covers may be shifted with either the containers and thus be self-sustaining. Such ships may be
shore side gantry cranes or with the ship’s cranes and they outfitted with either pedestal type jib cranes or gantry
are typically fitted with ISO lifting sockets that are suitable cranes.
for the container spreader securing fitting. Therefore, the
weight and size of the covers may be dictated by the capa-
bility of the container handling cranes. 36.1.3 General Arrangement
The general arrangement for three types of container ships, Container pedestals a self-sustaining feeder ship, a mid-size container ship and
In order to maximize container stowage on deck and still a post-panamax size container ship are presented in Fig-
permit fore and aft access on the weather deck for person- ures 36.2–36.4. The mid-size container ship shown is a de-
nel, the outboard stacks of containers are often supported sign that has longitudinal hatch girders in the holds.
on pedestals fitted with lashing points. Elevated platforms
are provided to facilitate handling and installation of the
lashing equipment by stevedores. 36.2 SYSTEM DESIGN Hatch cover-less container ships Container ship capacity is normally expressed in Twenty-
Cellular ships without hatch covers (open top) may be uti- foot Equivalent Units (TEU). The TEU capacity is the ca-
lized in feeder services and on shorter trade routes for pacity of the ship as if all containers were 20 ft containers.
which port loading and discharging operations are a sig- A 40 ft container is equivalent to two TEU. Since container
nificant portion of the voyage. Such ships have container ships generally carry more 40 ft containers than 20 ft con-
cell guides extending from the inner bottom tank top to tainers, capacity in Forty-foot Equivalent Units (FEU) is
the uppermost container tier levels. Container stacks sometimes used.
above the weather deck and outboard of the hatch open-
ing may also be secured in cell guides. Due to the
36.2.1 Speed/Power Considerations
open cargo holds, hatch cover-less container ships are de-
signed with enhanced bilge systems and unique fire sup- Container ship designs cover a broad spectrum of ship
pression and containment systems. The features and re- sizes and speed requirements, ranging from small feeder
quirements for open top container ships, as well as the ships to 10 000 plus TEU line haul ships. Speed-power re-
advantages and limitations, are discussed more fully in quirements for a particular container ship may be guided
Section 36.2.15. by an economic evaluation of the intended service and the
projected container cargo volumes. An optimum design, Refrigerated container stowage within the parameters set by the service, will yield the
Depending upon the trade route, container ships may greatest return on investment and the lowest freight rates
transport large numbers of refrigerated boxes, commonly inclusive of initial capital costs, maintenance costs and
referred to as reefer containers. These containers are typi- daily operating costs. It will also provide a high degree of
cally self-contained in that each box has its own refrigera- reliability. However, competition for market share on spe-
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-3

Figure 36.2 Self-sustaining Feeder Ship

Figure 36.3 Mid-size Container Ship

36-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 36.4 Post-panamax Size Container Ship

cific trades may dictate that the speed requirements for a ment continues with preliminary design work and research
new ship meet or exceed the capability of existing ships. for 10 000 TEU and larger ships. While there are some
Most new buildings are single screw ships powered by twin screw container ships, current diesel engines are sur-
a direct coupled, low speed, two-stroke diesel engine. In passing 100 000 hp, allowing even the largest ships to be
general, container ships tend to be fine in hull form and single shaft.
fast. For liner ship companies, speed selection may not be The two curves presented in Figures 36.5 and 36.6 il-
driven by the lowest freight rate, but rather by the fastest lustrate trends in basic container ship characteristics as a
delivery time and other customer service considerations.
Timely delivery periods allow distributors and retailers
to minimize inventory and warehousing requirements. The
total transit may involve two or more modes of transport
with linked schedules and, therefore, maintaining a sched-
ule is very important. As a result, a strong emphasis is
placed on speed and speed make up capability that will
allow the ship to maintain its schedule even in heavy
weather or in light of other unforeseen delays.
New designs for line haul ships reflect significant in-
creases in size and a continuing effort to provide faster
transits. Previous experience and design limitations with
regard to the size of low speed diesel engines, after body
hull lines, propeller design, and the amount of power that
can be delivered through a single shaft and propeller are LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
constantly being challenged and improved. New develop- Figure 36.5 Block Coefficient versus Speed
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-5
Click here to view Click here to view

Figure 36.6 Speed versus TEUs Figure 36.8 Installed Power versus TEUs


Click here to view Click here to view

Figure 36.9 Lightship Weight versus TEUs

Figure 36.7 LBP versus TEUs

developments in container standards and the design
changes in container systems is presented in reference 1.
function of speed. The curve in Figure 36.7 presents LBP Development of the transportation system and develop-
versus total TEUs. The curve in Figure 36.8 presents in- ment of the container standards were closely related.
stalled power versus container ship capacity in TEUs. The Methods for transport and handling containers could not
data plotted in Figure 36.9 presents light ship weight as a be fully developed until the characteristics and strengths of
function of ship capacity in TEUs. The data points in these the containers were defined. The basic criteria for the de-
curves represent a small sample of recent new ships cover- sign of containers could not be formalized until the re-
ing a broad spectrum of sizes and types. quirements of the entire transportation system were under-
stood. As a result, the process was an iterative one.
The first industry standards were developed by the ASA
36.2.2 Container Characteristics and Standards (American Standards Association, now ANSI, American
Containerization and the development of container sys- National Standards Institute) and closely coordinated with
tems began in the late 1950s. Even in the early stages, it ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
was recognized that standardization of container sizes While the units throughout this book are presented in the
would be crucial for this mode of cargo transport to be- metric system, containers lengths are sized in feet through-
come widely used. A brief review of the history of the early out the world. In order to avoid confusion container lengths
36-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

will be stated in feet with the metric measure shown in or 2.9 m high, there are also shorter containers in service
parenthesis immediately after. such as half height (1.45 m) flat racks and open top con-
Two companies, Sea-Land Service and Matson Naviga- tainers, as well as taller containers used for shipping auto-
tion, responsible for early containerization efforts, each mobiles and other special cargoes.
developed their own standard size containers, 35 feet While the majority of all containers that move in inter-
(10.67 m) long and 24 feet (7.32 m) long, respectively. national trade are dry cargo containers, there are a great
Later, the first standard for container size promulgated number of specialized containers, many of which require
by ASA was for 10, 20, 30 and 40 feet (3.05, 6.1, 9.14 and special features onboard container ships. These include re-
12.19 m) long containers with a 2.44 m width and height. frigerated, ventilated, insulated, dehumidified, liquid tank,
Although ASA/ANSI was originally responsible for de- dry bulk, ammunition, garment, open top, tilt sided, fold-
velopment of container standards (2), containerization was ing, cattle, car, flats and other types.
an international process and the leadership quickly shifted Note that the IMO requires that every container ship
to the ISO TC-104 committee. The ISO standard presents have a Cargo Securing Manual onboard.
basic container terminology, dimensions and tolerances,
ratings, strength, testing, handling and securing, fittings,
identification and markings (3,4). 36.2.3 Container Cell Guides and Entry Guides
Cargo containers are generally certified by the classifi- Container cell guides
cation societies. The rules published for their certification, Containers are commonly stowed below deck and some-
such as reference 5, also provide a summary of the basic times on deck within fixed vertical cell guides. A typical
dimensions and the minimum strength ratings for standard cell guide angle is 150 × 150 mm with a thickness of 15
containers. Containers moving in international trade must mm. The size and thickness of the angles may vary by de-
be designed and inspected in accordance with the Customs sign and with the spacing of the horizontal support struc-
Convention (TIR) and the International Convention for ture. The angles and support structure should be designed
Safe Containers (CSC) and must carry a plaque indicating for the transverse and longitudinal loads associated with
this. the ship’s motions, as well as the impact loads experienced
Since container strength ratings may limit permissible during cargo loading. The former may be estimated from
stack weights, some operators specify that new containers the classification society guidelines for calculating design
meet higher standards in order to maximize stowage. For accelerations as presented in references 6 and 7. The latter
example, ship operators may require containers to have a may be approximated from the crane lowering speeds and
higher permissible gross weight or a strength rating greater the geometry of the entry guide. Cell angle thickness
than the ISO standard. Two characteristics that are often should also reflect some margin for the anticipated corro-
upgraded are corner post tension and corner post compres- sion and wear experienced in service as the containers ride
sion. Containers that meet higher standards are frequently up and down within the bosom of the cell angle.
referred to as class A boxes by the classification societies. Container cell guide systems may include features to
It should be borne in mind that container standards are provide flexibility for stowing different size containers.
voluntary. As road transport regulations change to permit Moveable cell guide structures may be installed to enable
longer, wider, higher and heavier units, some operators, in alternate length stowage. Holds may be fitted with guides
order to gain a competitive edge, elect to utilize larger con- and cones to permit the stowage of paired 20 ft containers
tainers. While 45 ft (13.72 m) long, 8 in.-0 ft. (2.44 m) within fixed 40 ft cell guides (see Subsection
wide containers have become widely used in North Amer- Designs may include features to facilitate future conver-
ica since their introduction in the late 1980s; 8 in.-6 ft. sions should changes in service or cargo warrant. For ex-
(2.59) m wide 48 ft (14.63 m) and 53 ft (16.15 m) contain- ample, slim 20 ft container cell guides may be installed
ers are typically utilized on special services. Until 48 ft and within fixed 40 ft cell guides to provide initial 20 ft slot ca-
53 ft containers are used more widely, they will present de- pacity that may be readily converted should the additional
sign challenges for stowage on deck and especially under 40 ft container capacity be needed.
deck due to the need for stowage flexibility. Horizontal spacing of the four vertical cell angles in
There has been a general increase in container height one stack includes a margin over the dimensions of the
from the original 2.44 m high standard to 2.59, 2.74 and container. The typical margin is 38 mm longitudinally and
2.90 m high boxes. 2.90 m heights are commonplace for 40 25 mm transversely. Examples of the clear, inside to inside
ft and 45 ft containers and they are generally referred to as dimensions and the tolerances specified for 20 ft and 40 ft
high cube containers. Although most containers are 2.59 m container guides are given below:
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-7

40 ft Cell Length, Fore/aft: 12 225 mm +/– 5 mm or the entry guides to the crane operator. A minimum trans-
12 230 mm +0/–10 mm verse spacing between adjacent container stacks for con-
20 ft Cell Length, Fore/aft: 6090 mm +/– 5 mm or ventional entry guides would be about 125 to 150 mm. The
6096 mm +0/–6 mm entry guide should, preferably, have a slope of at least 4 to
Cell Width Transverse: 2460 mm +/– 3 mm or 1 in both directions. A steeper entry guide lessens the im-
2463 mm +0/–6 mm pact damage and enhances loading operations by guiding
the containers into the cell angles more smoothly. A typi-
Diagonal measurements are typically not to differ by more cal double entry guide is illustrated in Figure 36.10. Note
than 12 mm for 40s and 8 mm for 20s. that the fore/aft peak of the entry guide projects beyond the
Horizontal support structure for the vertical cell guides container cell angle, back toward the mating entry guide at
is often provided at a vertical spacing of 1.3 to 1.45 meters the other end of the hatch in order to facilitate capturing the
or roughly one half of the container height. In some de- container by not allowing the container to rotate within the
signs, horizontal support spacing equal to the container gap between opposing cell guides.
height has been successfully used in conjunction with An advantage of the high/low system is that it facilitates
heavier cell angles (19 mm) and with intermediate chocks loading operations for designs with reduced transverse
to functionally stiffen the cell angle by marrying it to the spacing. The lower entry guide peak allows the crane op-
adjacent one. In this scheme the horizontal support points erator to use a portion of the space adjacent to the target
are located between each tier in way of the container cor- stack to lower the container. Once below the higher entry
ner castings, which contact the cell angles. guide, the operator can shift it transversely, up against the
Out-of-true, excessive or insufficient clearances and ex- cell angle of the higher entry guide before lowering it into
cessive flexibility in container cell supports can lead to the cell. Although the longitudinal peaks are staggered in
containers jamming in the cells during loading or dis- height, it is important to maintain the fore/aft sloping sur-
charging. faces in the same plane, across the entire hatch opening.
This ensures that the container is guided in the longitudi- Container entry guides nal direction first before the crane operator swings the con-
An important component of the cell guide system is the tainer transversely against the higher longitudinal peak. An
entry guide at the top of the cell angles, which assists the illustration of a high/low entry guide system is shown in
crane operator in lowering the containers into each cell. A Figure 36.11.
properly designed system will facilitate container stowage, For a high/low system with small transverse container
thus increasing cargo-handling productivity, and will min- spacing, container stowage may be hampered if the ship is
imize the potential for damage to the containers and the allowed to heel beyond the limit of the cell guides. In this
ship structure during loading operations. There are two scenario, the higher entry guide peak overshadows the cell
basic types of entry guides. Conventional entry guides pro-
vide flare in both horizontal directions and are positioned
at the same level across the hatch opening. The other type
of entry guide system is often referred to as a high/low sys-
tem because the height of adjacent longitudinal peaks is
staggered. The latter type allows for a reduction in the
transverse spacing of container stacks and has seen in-
creased utilization as a result.
The flare or gather for conventional entry guides, both
longitudinally and transversely, should provide the crane
operator with the largest target possible. If the spacing be-
tween adjacent container stacks is reduced to maximize
stowage below deck, transverse gather will be reduced, as
well, and crane productivity may be adversely affected.
Productivity is also related to the vertical distance separat-
ing the crane operator and the container entry guides. For
example, for an open top container ship with cell guides
that extend well above the main deck, a smaller transverse
spacing may be successful due to the close proximity of Figure 36.10 Typical Container Double Entry Guide
36-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 36.11 Example of a High/Low Type Entry Guide System

and reduces the available opening, possibly to the point often reinforced for the stowage of two 20 ft containers
where the container contacts the lower peak and cannot be within the 40 ft cell guides. Fixed container cones are in-
stowed. The maximum allowable heel angle is defined as stalled at the 40 ft landing points to position the bottom tier
the arctangent of the sum of the transverse gather plus the 20 ft containers in the fore/aft direction while guides are
transverse cell clearance divided by the difference in installed mid-hatch between stacks to provide transverse
height between adjacent peaks. Ships with a high/low sys- restraint and to guide the free end of the 20 ft container into
tem and a small transverse container spacing will often in- position. Additional tiers of 20 ft containers are positioned
clude an automatic heel control system to prevent the ship using stacking cones. Do to the lack of support at the mid
from exceeding a defined heel angle during cargo loading hatch end of the 20 ft containers, stack weight limitations
operations. should be carefully investigated.
Due to the repetitive impact loads that occur when load- Figure 36.12 shows a typical hanging stacker. It has a
ing containers into the cell guides, it is most important that locking mechanism to secure the upper portion in the con-
the entry guides and the cell angles just below the entry tainer corner casting above. The lower cone is rigid and
guides are well supported to avoid damage. Entry guides provides a shear connection only, without a locking mech-
should be supported or reinforced along all free edges. anism.
Horizontal support structure should be provided along the
top of the entry guide and just below the connection to the
cell angles. An additional horizontal support for the cell
angles should be provided within 600 to 1000 mm of the
bottom of the entry guide. Container entry guides are typ-
ically fabricated from 19 mm or thicker plate.
Minimizing container ship surge at the pier is impor-
tant. The use of constant tension winches and correctly lo-
cating breast and spring mooring line chocks aids in hold-
ing the container ship in position, simplifies spotting the
containers over the cells and enhances the rate of loading
and unloading. Paired 20 ft container stowage below deck

Twenty ft containers are 19 ft–10 1/2 in. long and two 20s
are thus 3 in. or 76 mm shorter than one 40 ft container. To
provide alternate stowage capability, the inner bottom and
stepped wing tank structure in the 40 ft container holds are Figure 36.12 Typical Hold Hanging Stacker
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-9

Figure 36.13 Typical Arrangement of Required Fittings for 20 ft Container Stowage in 40 ft Cell Guides

Figure 36.13 shows a typical arrangement of the fittings

utilized to stow 20 ft containers within 40 ft cell guides. In
compliance with regulations in some countries that limit
access to the top of stacks, and to improve productivity,
hanging stackers are normally inserted and removed pier

36.2.4 Container Securing Systems and

Fittings On Deck
Deck container-securing systems are most often com-
prised of fixed and portable lashing fittings that restrain the
container stacks from tipping and from translation in the
horizontal plane. Alternatives are fixed above deck cell
guides and systems that are mechanical in nature. Since
conventional container lashing systems restrain each stack
independently they offer more flexibility for cargo stowage
Container stacks are supported at the four bottom cor-
ner castings and are secured to base sockets using twist- Figure 36.14 Single Wire Pull Semi-automatic Twistlock
lock stackers. Each subsequent container tier is secured to
the lower one using twistlock stackers. Safety regulations
in many countries do not permit stevedores to work on top moved) on the pier by twisting the upper cone and insert-
of container stacks to insert conventional twistlocks. To ing it into the lower container corner casting, usually with
avoid this requirement, a securing device referred to as a the container hanging from the crane. The lower cone au-
semi-automatic twistlock was developed. tomatically twists and engages when lowered into the top
Figure 36.14 shows a typical single wire pull semi-au- corner casting of a container below, onboard the ship. The
tomatic twistlock. This type of twistlock is inserted (or re- lower cone can be released by pulling on the wire thus al-
36-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

lowing the twistlock to stay with the container above when lengths. The upper lash runs from the lashing point at the
it is discharged. Twist lock technology is still evolving base to the lower corner casting of the third tier. The lower
and designers should check with gear manufacturers and lash is secured to the lower corner casting of the second
with the latest regulations before selecting a securing tier container. An alternative system is a paired lash sys-
system. tem, which uses an upper lash to the bottom corner casting
Application of the lashing system components is de- of the second tier and a lower lash to the top corner casting
pendent upon the container tier weights. A light stack or of the first tier. Although the resulting stack weights using
stacks that are one or two tiers high may typically be se- this system are slightly less than for the previously de-
cured using only twistlocks. Stacks with three or more tiers scribed cross lash system, it is often favored operationally.
of containers may also be secured using twistlocks but The shorter lashing rod may be used for either the upper or
with weight limitations. To achieve higher stack weights lower lash and the shorter rod is much easier to install and
for stacks with three or more tiers, transverse restraint is to handle than the longer upper lash rod shown in Figure
typically provided with a cross lashing system. 36.15.
The system includes one or two cross lash assemblies, It is essential that all slack be removed from the lash-
each consisting of a rod and a turnbuckle. The cross lash ings and that the turnbuckle design include a fitting to en-
system illustrated in Figure 36.15 utilizes two different rod sure that it doesn’t loosen in a seaway. Otherwise addi-
tional large dynamic loads may be imposed on the securing
Guidelines for the design of container securing systems
or for the determination of permissible stack weights are
provided by the classification societies in publications
such as reference 6. Permissible stack weights are based on
the condition and characteristics of the ship, the location of
the container stack, the strength and stiffness of the con-
tainers, and the strength of lashing system components.
Empirical formulas are given for determination of the hor-
izontal and vertical accelerations. A severe wind pressure
is also assumed to act on the vertical surfaces of outboard,
exposed stacks. The combined forces, including the wind
load and the individual container weights times the verti-
cal and horizontal accelerations, are supported by both the
container structure and the lashing components.
Permissible stack weights are generally limited by the
container strength in racking, corner post compression or
corner post tension. Maximum stack ratings can be im-
proved with the utilization of stronger containers. If an op-
erator maintains a database with the characteristics of the
various series of containers in their system and can plan the
stowage with stronger boxes in the lower tiers of a stack,
then higher stack weights are achievable. In a cross lash
system the vertical component of the lashing assembly re-
straining force contributes to corner post compression and
may reduce allowable tier weights for some stack condi-
tions. For this reason side lashing systems or systems that
reduce the angle of the lashing assembly, such as a lashing
bridge system or a system utilizing longer rods secured to
a wider base, reduce corner post compression and allow
higher tier weights to be stowed.
In contrast to panamax containerships, which are gen-
erally stability limited, post-panamax container ships offer
Figure 36.15 Typical Double Cross Lash System good static stability characteristics that allow heavier con-
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-11

tainers to be stowed in the upper tiers on deck. These ships and provide horizontal restraint. The frames rotate down
are often fitted with lashing bridges between container after each tier is loaded and up after the tier above is dis-
bays. The lashing restraint provided from the elevated plat- charged. This type of a mechanical securing system offers
forms is applied to the upper tier stacks at more effective a reduction in stevedoring costs. Drawbacks include the
angles, thus permitting an extra tier and increased stack initial cost and the reduced container stowage flexibility
ratings. Since torsional warping of the ship’s hull causes associated with constraints in both height and length.
the hatch covers and container stacks to move relative to The following suggestions are offered to enhance con-
the ship’s structure, lashing bridge-securing systems must tainer stowage productivity on deck.
be designed to account for this relative movement.
Classification guidelines limit the design lashing loads • where possible, maintain the standard transverse spac-
to 50% or 60% of the minimum breaking strength of the ing for container stacks on deck (20 to 25 mm) in order
securing component to account for reductions in strength to facilitate loading by allowing the crane operator to
due to minor damage and wear experienced in service, as use the adjacent container as a guide when stowing a
well as to provide a margin on the assumed design loads. container,
For a container ship that will utilize a conventional • install a guide on the outboard pedestals to assist the
lashing system, the arrangement should provide adequate crane operator when stowing the first container in the
access for the stevedores to move the lashing equipment to first tier on deck, and
the container stacks and a safe workspace to install the • use semi-automatic twistlocks that can be installed in
gear. Where space permits, the storage racks and bins for the bottom four-corner castings before the containers
the lashing equipment should be located close to the loca- are loaded to the ship.
tion at which they will be utilized. When space between
container bays does not permit the lashing equipment to be
stowed locally, the racks and bins are often located along 36.2.5 Container Design Loads for Container Securing
or outboard of the longitudinal hatch coaming. and Container Supports
Bins for container semi-automatic twistlocks should be Containers are supported at the corner castings only, mean-
capable of being removed to the pier for installation or re- ing each container applies loads to the structure or con-
moval by the longshoremen as the containers are loaded or tainers that support it at these discrete points. Design loads
discharged. are derived from the gross weight of the containers and the
Deck stowed containers may also be secured using me- anticipated accelerations due to the ship’s motions. Classi-
chanical systems such as stacking towers and frames and fication societies have developed guidelines for the design
hydraulically operated hinged stacking frames. Such sys- of container securing systems (6,8). Empirical formulas
tems generally require that all boxes in a tier be the same are provided to estimate accelerations due to the coupled
height, thus limiting stowage flexibility. For systems that motions of the ship in pitch, roll, surge, sway and heave
are designed for high cube boxes, it may be possible to ac- (7). These may also be determined by direct analysis.
commodate standard height containers with extension fit- There are two primary mechanisms for this dynamic
tings. loading. One is the vertical loading associated with maxi-
In a stacking frame system, each layer of containers is mum pitch and heave conditions. The other is the trans-
restrained by horizontal frames that in turn are secured to verse and vertical loading associated with the accelerations
a buttress tower at the forward and aft ends of the container due to the coupled motion of the ship in roll and heave. Ap-
bay. Key advantages include lower stevedoring costs and plication of the resulting accelerations to the design con-
fewer restrictions on container weights since permissible tainer stack permits an estimate of the loads and forces in
stack weights would be limited by the support structure the container structure, container securing equipment and
and ship stability. Disadvantages include reduced flexibil- container support structure.
ity for stowage of alternate height containers, additional In addition to the acceleration loads, stacks that are ex-
crane time required to handle the stacking frames and the posed to the weather are subjected to a wind pressure that
requirement for space on the pier or ship for stowage of the is applied to the profile or lateral side of the container.
stacking frames during cargo operations. Computer programs have been developed to calculate
For a hinged frame securing system, transverse towers the dynamic loads in the container structure and securing
are installed between container bays. Hinged truss type components in accordance with class criteria or an owner’s
frames are installed between tiers and are fitted with cones criteria. Results are evaluated against permissible con-
and twistlocks that connect to the container corner castings tainer strengths and the allowable loading for container se-
36-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

curing devices. The resulting loads may also be used to However, since an adjacent stack may be empty, the struc-
evaluate container support structure. tural brackets just below the twistlock foundation should
The transverse load associated with the roll motion consider the maximum vertical load.
coupled with heave typically governs the design of cell The design of container support structure such as hatch
guides, on deck pedestals, hatch cover shear chocks and covers and decks at the base of cell guides should also be
lashing systems. A significant component of the lateral ac- evaluated for the vertical forces resulting from vessel max-
celeration (parallel to baseline) is the force of gravity act- imum pitch and heave. The vertical accelerations in this
ing at the maximum roll angle. condition vary along the length of the ship, with the lowest
The following accelerations have been calculated for values occurring at the vessel pitch center and the higher
containers stowed in the first and fourth tiers on deck for a values at the vessel ends. Values for vertical accelerations
panamax container ship, based on reference 6. can range from about 1.2 g near midship to 1.75 g near the
bow or stern. Concurrent longitudinal accelerations are on
GMt 0.4 meters the order of 0.23 to 0.27 g.
Estimated maximum roll angle 21.6 deg.
Roll period 18.5 sec.
Transverse acceleration due to gravity 0.55 gs 36.2.6 Vessel Beam and Hatch Opening Width
Total transverse acceleration – 1st tier 0.60 gs In order to maximize cargo stowage, the breadth of a con-
Total transverse acceleration – 4th tier 0.68 gs tainer ship is normally a multiple of the container spacing
Maximum vertical acceleration 1.25 gs on deck. Transverse spacing between adjacent deck stacks
Maximum longitudinal acceleration 0.25 gs is often 25 mm and therefore the ship breadth is typically
a multiple of 2463 mm with some additional margin.
Note that the accelerations calculated from the classifi- In the 1970s and early 1980s, the breadth of large con-
cation guidelines are predicated on the assumption that the tainer ships was typically the maximum breadth permitted
ship is rolling at or close to it’s natural period. In order to for transiting the Panama Canal, roughly 32.2 meters.
experience synchronous rolling at normal operating GMs, These ships, commonly referred to as panamax container
the encounter frequency must be relatively low and the di- ships, permitted 13 stacks of containers to be stowed across
rection of the seaway would typically be from the stern or the ship on deck. Most shore-side cranes were designed
stern quarter. with an outreach to handle the outboard most stack of a
Severe roll accelerations can occur at encounter fre- panamax ship. During this period, greater container capac-
quencies other than the natural roll period. Model testing ity was achieved by increasing ship length and by enhanc-
has shown that large amplitude roll motions can occur ing above deck securing systems to permit containers to be
when the wave encounter period is one half the natural pe- stowed in stacks four and five high. Eventually, the pana-
riod of roll in head or bow seas for very fine ships with a max size ship faced limitations in stability and longitudinal
high degree of bow flare. Such events have been recorded strength and some ships were designed with high density
in service for some post-panamax container ships (9). fixed ballast in the midship double bottom tanks.
Container stacks are typically lashed so that each stack Further advances in capacity came about in two ways.
is independent and free standing. The container structure, One significant change was the increase in beam. The first
the lashing assemblies and other securing components, post-panamax beam ships, the C-10 designated class for
such as twistlocks and twistlock foundations, resist the lat- American President Lines, were delivered in 1988. With a
eral forces generated by vessel accelerations. The over- beam of 39.4 meters, these ships permitted containers to be
turning moment created by the horizontal forces is coun- stowed in 16 stacks across on deck and 12 across below
teracted by the horizontal component of the lashing rod deck. Since 1988, other container ships have been deliv-
tension and a moment formed by the vertical forces at the ered with larger beams permitting containers to be stacked
base of the stack. 17 wide on deck. It is anticipated that future new buildings
When designing the support structure for a lashed con- will have even greater breadths and that total capacities of
tainer stack, the large vertical forces exerted by the lashing 10 000 TEUs or more will be achieved.
tension and the overturning moment need to be considered. The second significant design change was to increase
For adjacent container stacks, when one corner of a stack the number of below deck stacks by widening the hatch
is under maximum compression conditions, the adjacent opening, by decreasing the spacing between containers
stack corner is under maximum tension conditions, reduc- and by either eliminating the longitudinal girders that sup-
ing the total vertical force on the surrounding structure. port the hatch covers or reducing their width. Increasing
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-13
Click here to view

below deck capacity lowers the center of gravity of the

cargo and enhances the overall efficiency by providing ad-
ditional useable capacity.
Increasing the hatch width tends to lower the neutral
axis of the longitudinal hull girder and leads to a design
with increased depth or to the utilization of high strength
steels in order to meet longitudinal strength requirements.
Large hatch openings also reduce the torsional rigidity of
the ship and increase torsional deflection and warping
Watertight transverse bulkheads are designed to sup-
port the maximum water head load associated with a dam-
aged condition. Elimination of the inboard longitudinal
hatch coaming girders and the associated longitudinal sup-
port structure increases the span and structural require-
ments of the transverse bulkhead, upper box girder. Figure 36.17 Beam/Depth versus Total TEUs
A series of panamax container ships delivered in the LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
late 1990s permits stowage of 12 stacks below deck, one
less than on deck. The width of the port and starboard wing
spaces is approximately 1.1 meters. In light of the struc-
tural and operational challenges of this design, it will be in-
teresting to see if it is successful and will be followed by
similar ships.
The approximate relationship between the beam and
container capacity may be seen in Figures 36.16–36.18
which present LBP/Beam, Beam/Depth and cubic number
(LBP × Beam × Depth/100 in meters) versus total TEUs
for a range of recent new container ships.
Note that quoted container capacities can be misleading
since they often represent the total slot capacity or the total
number of spaces in which a standard height container may
be stowed rather than the actual useable capacity. The true
operating capacity is a function of the service and the an- Figure 36.18 Cubic Number versus TEUs
ticipated distribution of container cargo weights.
Click here to view 36.2.7 Vessel Depth
A typical container ship has a length to depth ratio of about
12, with lengthened vessels having ratios ranging upwards
to 15. Reducing the length to depth ratio by increasing the
vessel depth increases hull girder section modulus and
may allow a reduction in the thickness of the main deck
and bottom plates, as the top and bottom flanges of the hull
girder become more effective. However, other design is-
sues must be considered in determining the design depth.
An increase in depth increases the gross and net tonnages
thereby increasing vessel port fees. Depth affects the
height of the center of gravity of the lightship, and an in-
crease may adversely affect stability. A deeper ship may
have a greater hull steel weight if the reduction in main
deck and bottom plating does not offset the increase in
Figure 36.16 LBP/Beam versus Total TEUs transverse structure.
36-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Container ship depth is closely related to the number of the years lift-on/lift-off pontoon type hatch covers with
tiers of containers to be stowed below deck. The distance discrete support points have become the industry standard.
from the baseline to the top of the hatch coaming is equal Because the hatch covers are an integral part of the
to the height of the double bottom plus the clear height container stowage system, there are many issues that need
available for containers. The clear height reflects a mix of to be addressed when designing or specifying the hatch
high-cube and standard height containers and a small mar- covers.
gin for clearance to the underside of the hatch cover.
The relationship between the number of tiers and ves- Design loads
sel depth can be illustrated in the following example. A There are two primary design loads for a hatch cover. One
typical 275 m long container ship would have a double bot- is the evenly distributed water-head load based on the load
tom height of about 1.7 m and a coaming height of about line regulations (10). For position one locations from the
1.5 m. Assuming a clear height for seven tiers of standard stem to L/4, the load is 1.75 t/m2 and for position two lo-
height containers plus one high cube and a small clearance cations from L/4 to the stern, it is 1.30 t/m2. This design
to the underside of the hatch cover equates to a depth of load normally determines the tertiary and secondary stiff-
21.3 to 21.4 m, which is typical for a panamax size con- ener scantlings and can influence the primary longitudinal
tainer ship. Provision for additional high cube boxes with- girder scantlings, depending on the container loads.
out loosing a tier would necessitate increasing either the The primary loads acting on the hatch covers in day-to-
upper deck height or the coaming height. day service are the forces from the containers stacked
For deep ships with 8 or more tiers, permissible stack above. Methods for calculating the container forces are de-
weights must be evaluated based upon the structural limi- scribed in Section 36.2.5. The container loads are applied
tations of the inner bottom and container strength ratings. to the hatch cover structure at the container base sockets
Figure 36.19 presents the approximate relationship be- and at the lashing plates or D-rings. Cover supporting
tween LBP/Depth and total TEU capacity for recently con- loads are applied at the structural contact points to the
structed new container ships. hatch coaming, including the bearing pads, shear chocks
and vertical securing points (for example, drop bolts).
Note that for some arrangements it may be necessary to
36.2.8 Hatch Cover Design apply both the container load and a water-head load.
Container ship hatch covers have multiple requirements,
but the primary functions are to provide a weathertight Arrangements and structures
covering for the cargo hold and to support the stacks of Hatch covers for early container ship designs were sup-
containers above. Operationally, they need to be easily ported directly on the perimeter skirts. This arrangement
shifted and stacked by the container-handling crane. Over led to maintenance issues associated with the cover skirt
wearing a groove in the coaming top and with damage to
LIVE GRAPH the skirt plate. Current designs normally support the cov-
Click here to view
ers at discrete points or bearing pads. The design consists
of brackets attached to the skirt plate that support a bearing
pad fitted either externally or internally to the cover. The
bearing pads rest on steel blocks or stools installed on top
of the coaming. The bearing pads are typically fitted with
liners or wear plates. Due to the large relative movement
and the potential for significant wear, most large container
ships use synthetic low friction materials or bearing pads
that allow flexibility.
The intent in designing a hatch cover is to make it struc-
turally efficient and relatively light. The primary girders
are typically aligned with the container corners and the
bearing pads are located at the ends of the girders. In this
way, the heavy container loads are transferred in a direct
manner to the coaming structure. The scantlings of the top
Figure 36.19 LBP / Depth versus TEUs and side structure can be relatively light, suitable for the
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-15

design water-head load. However, specific areas of the containers are to be carried on deck or if the structural, 20
cover such as in way of lifting sockets, hatch cover guides ft container stack weights limit the number of tiers. The
and shear chocks need to be robust due to contact and nor- disadvantage of paired 20 ft stowage is that the 20 ft con-
mal handling requirements. tainers can not be lashed at the mid hatch location, limiting
For ships without longitudinal hatch girders, it is oper- the 20 ft stack to effectively three tiers. The alternative de-
ationally beneficial to align the break between adjacent sign is to separate the 20 ft containers by roughly 800 mm
hatch covers with the cell guides below deck. This will fore and aft. This arrangement requires that a second set of
permit access to all vertical cells below any single hatch 20 ft container deck sockets be installed at one end of the
cover. cover. It does allow lashing of the 20 ft containers at both
Where possible, container stacks should not span over ends and up to five tiers high on deck. However, no over-
the longitudinal joint between adjacent covers. The two stow of 40 ft containers is possible. This arrangement
covers will move relative to one another in a seaway caus- should be used when a large number of 20 ft containers are
ing significant displacement and the potential for rapid to be carried.
wear of the deck socket and twistlock fitting. The first tier
container may also experience additional strain. Contain- Hatch cover fittings
ers spanning the gap between covers can be avoided if both Ease of handling of hatch covers and frequency of mainte-
the below deck and above deck containers are an even nance are affected by the type of fittings installed on the
number or odd number across. When a container stack covers. Two high maintenance items are the gaskets and
does span a gap between hatch covers or spans from a the bearing pads.
hatch cover to pedestals, sliding deck sockets or deck sock- Gaskets are used to provide the weathertight seal re-
ets with elongated holes may be used to accommodate the quired by the load line regulations. Traditionally, the gas-
relative fore and aft movement. ket has been installed in a channel or angle bar retainer
along the periphery of the hatch cover and seals against a Twenty ft container stowage on hatch covers stainless steel bar installed on the coaming. This design re-
Stowage of 20 ft containers on a 40 ft hatch cover places a quires control of the alignment and height of the cover off
significant load at mid span and increases the required the coaming in order to maintain the correct compression
scantlings for the hatch cover main longitudinal girders of the gasket by the sealing bar. As the cover supports
due to the increased bending moment. An alternative to wear, the gasket tends to over compress and become per-
strengthening the longitudinal girders, which may increase manently deformed. In addition, after the gasket becomes
the weight and the depth of the covers, is to install trans- over compressed, the relative motion between the cover
verse beams with coaming supports at mid span. In this and the coaming may result in damage to the gasket. Gas-
way the 20 ft containers are directly supported at midspan. kets may also be damaged when covers are stacked one on
This is commonly done when the hatch opening is fitted the other. The cover fittings or twistlocks on the lower
with longitudinal hatch girders. For designs without longi- cover can hit and damage the gasket and gasket retainer on
tudinal hatch girders, midspan transverse girders can be fit- the lower side of the upper cover. As a result of the many
ted to support the outer 20 ft container stacks of the out- sources of damage, repair and replacement of gaskets is an
board covers. Inboard container stacks must rely solely on ongoing and expensive maintenance item. Furthermore,
the strength of the longitudinal girders. Hatch cover damaged gaskets can allow ingress of water into the cargo
weights are often limited to the maximum gross weight of holds, leading to accelerated corrosion and coating failure
a 40 ft container. This design goal and the longitudinal within the holds.
girder strength requirements limit 20 ft container stack Alternatives to the gasket and sealing bar arrangement
weights, which are typically 60 to 80 tons while 40 ft stack may be used to reduce or eliminate the associated mainte-
weights are 90 tons or more. nance problem. Container ships with a large freeboard,
A second design issue with 20 ft container stowage on such as panamax or larger ships, may by class regulations
hatch covers is whether to stow the 20 ft containers in a 40 eliminate the gasket provided the cover and hatch coaming
ft slot, separated by 76 mm at the mid point, or to space are fitted with a simple labyrinth to restrict water ingress
them apart longitudinally. Stowing two 20 ft containers in into the hold. A second solution is to use an improved gas-
a single 40 ft slot provides greater stowage flexibility be- ket design. Some cover manufacturers have developed de-
cause the 20 ft containers can be overstowed by 40 ft con- signs that eliminate the sealing bar and allow the gasket to
tainers. This is beneficial if only limited quantities of 20 ft rest on the coaming directly. This design eliminates the
36-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

problem of maintaining alignment of the gasket and seal- low friction liners. Uneven distribution of loading on the
ing bar and is more forgiving of differences in degree of liners can lead to overloading of the part of the liner in con-
compression. tact and cause premature failure. Some low friction liner
Hatches without inboard longitudinal girders present a systems include a rubber shim to allow more tolerance in
unique design condition. For gasketless covers, a small gap alignment.
is provided between adjacent covers and a gutter bar is in- The transverse and longitudinal container loads associ-
stalled along the length of both covers to channel any water ated with the ship’s motions in a seaway are transmitted
forward and aft to the transverse coamings. Alternatively, from the cover to the coaming by a fitting called a shear
the covers can be fitted with an inflatable type of gasket or chock. Hatch covers are aligned and positioned on the
a rubber flap type seal for the longitudinal joint between coaming using a fitting called a cover guide. The functions
covers. Such designs have an advantage over an overlap- of these two fittings are frequently combined. The com-
ping sealing arrangement since they do not require se- bined shear chock and cover guides are normally fitted at
quencing of the covers. the transverse ends of the covers. One or two of the com-
Hatch cover support systems have been an ongoing and bined fittings are installed at each end depending on
difficult maintenance issue on container ships for years. whether the arrangement and design of the fittings provide
The traditional steel on steel system consisting of a support support in one or both directions.
bracket with a bearing pad resting on a steel block on the Hatch cover guides should be designed to insure that
coaming has been found to wear excessively in very short that the cover will always contact the guide first, before
periods of time, particularly on panamax and larger ships. contacting other fittings or the adjacent cover, when the
On smaller vessels, particularly feeders that are often not cover is stowed. Replaceable shims should be fitted to the
in heavy weather, the steel on steel bearing wear pads can guide to allow precise centering and alignment. The guides
have a reasonable life expectancy of 5 years or more. A and associated hatch cover fittings must be robust in design
bearing pad is considered worn when the clearance be- and well supported to withstand the rough handling expe-
tween the cover skirt and the coaming is eliminated and the rienced in service.
skirt rests directly on the coaming. The difficulty in repair-
ing the bearing pads is the careful fit-up required to main-
tain good contact at all pads. In addition, if the bearing 36.2.9 Container Pedestals
pads are fitted internally on the cover access staging is re- All available spaces on the hatch covers and upper deck
quired. Both aspects make this a difficult job to do with the that are reasonably safe from exposure to heavy weather
ship in normal service. A further problem with steel on damage can be utilized for container stowage. Deck areas
steel bearing pads is the large friction force created when that are needed for passage or for mooring may be kept
the cover moves relative to the coaming in a seaway. This clear by installing pedestals to raise the container stacks
horizontal force can range up to 50% of the vertical force and to provide suitable headroom. Figure 36.20 illustrates
and can, if not properly supported, damage the coaming the typical arrangement of pedestals outboard of the hatch
support blocks or the covers. The steel bearing pads should coamings.
always be designed with wear pads that are the same size
so that the wear is even and level. Utilization of wear pads Types of pedestals
allows for easier removal and replacement. Pedestals are typically installed along the edge of the upper
The life expectancy of bearing wear pads can be im- deck outboard of the hatches so that the top of the pedestal
proved by using corrosion resistant and abrasion resistant is level with the hatch cover. In a typical arrangement, the
materials. However, wear still occurs and the problems outboard side of the outboard container stack is supported
created by friction still exist. Another solution is to install on pedestals and the inboard side rests on the hatch cover.
a low friction, long life liner material at the contact surface. In some areas of the ship, such as the forward part, the
The mating face to the low friction liner is larger in area hatches are farther inboard of the side shell and several
and normally stainless steel in order to keep a smooth con- rows of pedestals are often installed.
tact surface. The key factors in evaluating the suitability of Container pedestals can be either stayed or self-sup-
such a material are its durability under high pressures and porting. The stays are provided to support transverse and
toughness to withstand the rigors associated with the han- longitudinal container loads and are often fabricated from
dling of the covers and the harsh marine environment. pipes or other structural sections. A typical stayed pedestal
Good alignment and contact is important for all types of is fabricated from a 250 mm or 300 mm pipe stood on end
hatch cover bearing pads, but is critical with some types of and topped with a heavy flat plate. The container deck
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-17

socket and lashing plates are installed on the top plate. The
stays normally consist of two smaller diameter diagonal
pipes, one oriented fore/aft and one oriented transversely.
A variation of this design uses square tube sections rather
than pipes. Adjacent pedestals can be connected by a hor-
izontal strut in order to utilize a common diagonal brace.
The self-supporting, unstayed pedestal is usually rec-
tangular in shape and has adequate cross sectional area to
withstand all the forces exerted on it by the container stack.
A similar top plate is provided on which are fitted the deck
socket and lashing plates.
Regardless of the type of pedestal, a means to access
the top surface is needed for releasing twistlocks and for
carrying out lashing operations. One way to do this is to fit
a small platform to the pedestal and to install a ladder for
access. An alternative is to install a platform that extends
from the pedestal to the hatch coaming and allows access
from there. The latter arrangement is preferred since it pro-
vides a better workspace, across the front of the container
stack, to install and remove lashings. Handrails must be fit-
ted at the outboard edge and along unprotected edges of
the platforms for safety. At locations that are suitably re-
moved or clear of container handling, fixed railings can be
used. In close proximity of container stacks, a fold down or
removable railing should be installed. Railings are fre-
quently damaged during container handling and tend to be
a high maintenance item.
Pedestals that are installed over aft mooring spaces or
over deck areas where there are no hatches can range from
several containers wide up to the full beam of the ship.
They frequently are constructed of a horizontal beam with Figure 36.20 Design Loads on Container Stack Supported by Outboard
vertical stanchions in line with the container corners. Plat- Pedestals
forms are fitted at the level of the horizontal beam for lash-
ing and general access. Deck sockets and lashing eyes are
installed on the top flange of the horizontal beam. Diago- lashing tension. On the uphill side, the pedestal must sup-
nal braces are installed to provide longitudinal and trans- port the maximum corner post tension and the maximum
verse support. lashing loads.
A key assumption when designing single type pedestals Design loads is the distribution of the transverse container stack loads to
Loads exerted on pedestals in way of the container deck the four bottom corners. The distribution of the load will
sockets and the lashing securing points are a combination be a function of the potential transverse movement of the
of the static stack weight and the dynamic forces created hatch cover, the flexibility of the pedestal and the slack in
by the ship’s motions as described in Section 36.2.5. Fig- the bottom container securing fittings that would allow the
ure 36.20 illustrates the container and lashing loads for the stack to slide. Consider the condition where the inboard
up-hill conditions, when the vessel is rolling away from the side of the container stack lands on a well-secured hatch
pedestal. When the vessel is rolling toward the pedestal cover while the outboard side lands on a single pedestal.
the horizontal forces are in the opposite direction and the Using an assumption of equal load distribution to the four
lashing tension pulls on the opposite corner. On the down- corners, the single pedestal would support a transverse
hill side, the pedestal must support the maximum 1st tier load that is a significant contributor to its size and cost.
container-racking load and the maximum corner post com- In order to reduce the required pedestal strength, more
pression load, which includes the vertical component of load must be supported by the well-secured inboard side of
36-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

the stack. The pedestal is designed to be flexible enough to tem. A rule of thumb used by some designers and ship-
bend under the transverse loads, without overstressing, and yards is 60 to 90 m3/minute of ventilation for each reefer
thus able to shed the transverse loads across the container. container stowed below deck. This has been found to be
Because of concerns about the strength of the container adequate ventilation for worldwide trading, including ser-
bottom structure and the slack between the twistlock and vice in tropical areas. Less ventilation may be installed,
the container and deck sockets, this concept should be particularly if the vessel is primarily intended for colder
carefully evaluated. waters and climates. Heat transfer calculations can be
In addition to checking the adequacy of pedestals under made to obtain estimates of the heat generated by the
transverse loading conditions, they should also be checked reefer containers, the ability of the hold to dissipate heat
under maximum pitch and heave conditions that develop and the required air exchanges per hour to maintain an ac-
the highest vertical loads. This assumed condition also de- ceptable temperature rise in the hold. Ventilation can be
velops the maximum longitudinal loads on the pedestal. ducted to each container or to the hold as a whole. Ducting
Longitudinal loads are generally about one third the mag- to the vicinity of each container is more effective and
nitude of transverse loads. No lashing restraint is provided avoids the potential build-up of heat in local areas that
in this direction. The under deck support structure should might cause refrigeration units to trip on overload. The
be checked for the same design loads as the pedestals, par- bulkhead and coaming structure for a reefer cargo hold
ticularly the maximum vertical loads. should be designed to allow room for access, for ventila-
tion ducting, intakes and outlets and for storage of spare
parts. The access, hatches and equipment should consider
36.2.10 Refrigerated Container Stowage the need to handle heavy parts such as compressors.
Refrigerated cargoes are important to carriers because of Not all under deck reefer systems require the containers
the higher freight rates that they command. The traffic in to have self-contained refrigeration units and large ventila-
refrigerated containers, commonly called reefer contain- tion systems to dissipate the heat generated in the cargo
ers, is increasing as a result of the growing trade in fresh hold. One such alternative is the Conair system. Large re-
fruits and vegetables and frozen products throughout the frigeration units are installed in the engine room where the
world. The reefer container is also gaining market share heat can be dissipated more efficiently using salt water
from the dedicated reefer ship as it offers great flexibility coolers. The refrigerant is piped to air chillers in the cargo
of shipment and reduced handling. holds. Cooled air is distributed to individual containers via
The reefer container is commonly a 40 ft container, al- fans and a ducting system with terminations that are con-
though some trades use 20s and a few 45s are being intro- nected to each insulated reefer container. This type of sys-
duced. Many newer boxes are 2.9 m high (high cube type) tem eliminates the need to dissipate the heat generated by
in order to provide more available volume. The reefer ma- the reefer machinery in self-contained units. It is used
chinery is recessed into the front panel at the forward end mostly on vessels intended to carry large quantities of
of the container. Most modern reefer containers have an reefer containers with common products. It requires a large
electrically driven self-contained refrigeration unit with inventory of unique reefer containers, special outfitting
sophisticated features and controls. They can maintain and machinery on board the ship and special attachable
constant temperature, carry frozen or chilled cargo, circu- units for cooling the reefer containers when they are off the
late air through the container, maintain special atmos- ship. Another alternative method is to supply chilled air to
pheres, and record internal temperatures. The transport of the hold. It requires that the cargo hold be insulated and
reefers impacts the design and operation of container that all of the cargo be of a similar type. The coolant can be
ships. In addition to electrical power, reefers need ventila- chilled water or a refrigerant.
tion, a means to dissipate generated heat and access for Due to the high value of refrigerated cargo, it is impor-
maintenance and for monitoring temperatures. tant for the crew to verify that each refrigeration unit is op-
Since reefer containers are generally air cooled, the pre- erating properly and maintaining the cargo within an al-
ferred stowage location is on deck. When large numbers of lowable temperature range. Refrigeration units can be
reefers are to be carried, then consideration should be monitored manually or remotely by using an electronic
given to adding below deck stowage. Forty ft reefers tend system that either transmits conditions over the power sys-
to weigh over 20 tonnes and stowing some of them below tem or broadcasts them by a transponder. It is essential to
deck can improve stability. have access to each refrigerated container should the re-
If reefers are stowed below deck, then the cargo holds frigeration unit require maintenance and repair, particu-
have to be provided with a suitably sized ventilation sys- larly over a long ocean passage. For below deck reefers,
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-19

access is normally provided by installing platform gratings problem especially when many different hazardous car-
at each tier. goes are transported.
In a projected service with a large number of reefer con- The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code,
tainers the peak electrical power requirements for the re- commonly referred to as the IMDG Code, regulates the
frigerated cargo will impact the size and number of ship’s packaging, handling, segregation, stowage location, label-
generators. A reefer container operating in the full chill ing, environmental and fire fighting aspects of the transport
mode uses between 10 and 13 kW of power. For frozen of dangerous goods. It includes specific regulations for
cargoes electrical power usage is typically less than 10 kW. most dangerous commodities that are regularly transported
Not all reefers are at full power simultaneously because the and divides them into nine classes, with most classes fur-
reefers normally cycle on and off. When designing electri- ther divided into sub-categories. The classes are as follows:
cal systems diversity factors ranging from 0.6 to 0.75 are
typical, but the designer should be careful to examine the Class 1 Explosives
proposed service and equipment as this factor may vary. Class 2 Gases
Reefer containers are normally fitted with a long elec- Class 3 Flammable Liquids
trical cord and an end plug that may be inserted into stan- Class 4 Flammable Solids
dard receptacles mounted on the hatch coaming for above Class 5 Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides
deck reefers and along the access gratings for below deck Class 6 Toxic and Infectious Substances
reefers. Both the plug and receptacle are constructed ac- Class 7 Radioactive Materials
cording to standard codes, which allow interchangeability Class 8 Corrosives
between shipping lines. The most common standard for Class 9 Miscellaneous Substances
plugs and receptacles is the 440 V, 60 Hz, 32A, CEE 17.3h Each dangerous commodity has an identifying number,
standard (11). Four to six receptacles are commonly commonly referred to as its UN number. This number is
ganged together in a stainless steel box. Each receptacle marked on the outside of the container so that everyone
has its own circuit breaker, usually 30 amps. The recepta- dealing with the container is aware of its contents and can
cles are fed from distribution panels mounted below deck take proper precautions when handling it, or if there is a
in protected locations. fire or leak in or around the container, can take proper fire
Providing generator capacity to meet peak loads with fighting and personnel safety measures.
high volumes of reefers can be costly both for a new ship Besides the requirements contained in the IMDG, many
or when upgrading the number of reefers on an existing nations have their own national regulations. These prima-
vessel. A builder is naturally inclined to reduce costs and, rily control dangerous goods entering or originating in the
therefore, might utilize a low diversity factor or a low country. In the U.S. these regulations are contained in
power requirement per box in the design of a reefer sys- Chapter I of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations
tem. The resultant capacity may be misleading with regard (CFR), commonly referred to as the DOT regulations.
to the actual reefer capacity in summer and tropical condi- Regulations relating to the transport of dangerous goods
tions. Operators prefer that the electrical system have on ships are in Part 176.
ample margins to meet all weather conditions and for pos- Regulations prescribing the vessel equipment and out-
sible future upgrades to increase the number of reefer re- fitting required to carry dangerous cargoes are given in
ceptacles. During the design phase, reefer capacity and SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation 54. Some of the major
power requirements should be defined and agreed upon by requirements applicable to container ships are:
the customer, designer and shipyard.
Cargoes that are sensitive to high and low temperatures • a system of hold cooling by water spray or equivalent
may be carried in reefers or in insulated containers. for Class 1 explosive cargo,
• certified safe electrical fittings in holds for any class of
cargo that is explosive or flammable,
36.2.11 Transport of Dangerous and Hazardous Cargoes • a bilge system that is independent of the engine room
Like reefer cargoes, dangerous cargoes command higher for any cargo that is flammable or toxic,
freight rates than dry cargo and are increasing in volume • ample water supply by fire hose,
and as a percent of cargo transported. Because of their na- • two additional sets of breathing apparatus and four
ture, these types of cargoes must be transported with great chemical resistant protective suits, and
care and in accordance with international and national reg- • a hold ventilation system with two or six air changes
ulations. Proper segregation is a difficult stow planning per hour. The lower number is applicable to specific
36-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

classes of dangerous cargoes that are carried in closed sents the midship section and midship web frame for a
freight containers. panamax container ship. Framing is longitudinal through-
Each vessel that is outfitted in accordance with Regula- out the midship section. The location of the longitudinal
tion 54 is issued a Document of Compliance by the flag bulkhead is defined by the below deck container stowage
administration or their designated issuing agent. This will arrangement and the width of the hatch opening. The large
list the specific holds and deck areas of the ship that are hatch openings effectively make the container ship an open
suitable for the designated classes of dangerous cargo. section with reduced torsional rigidity. The sidewalls are
normally about 2 to 2.5 m wide. In order to increase the
36.2.12 Container Ship Structure number of container cells within the existing beam, some
Container ship structure is designed to suit cargo contain- designs have attempted to reduce this to 1 to 1.5 m. The re-
ers that have fixed dimensions and discrete support points sulting narrow side tank creates many structural and access
and to provide special features that facilitate cargo issues that need to be carefully considered.
stowage, such as large hatch openings. Many structural In the double bottom, the spacing of the longitudinal
components need to be designed with care to avoid prob- side girders matches the spacing of the containers in the
lems in service. Figure 36.21 illustrates some of the poten- hold above. In this way containers land on or adjacent to
tial problem areas. the girders. The side girders and floors form a grillage type
structure that supports cargo hold container loads and ex- Midship section ternal hydrostatic forces between bulkheads. Similarly, the
The typical modern container ship has a double hull struc- web frames and stringers in the side structure form a gril-
tural arrangement in the midship area. Figure 36.22 pre- lage to support the ship’s side between bulkheads.

Figure 36.21 Areas of Interest for Container Ship Structure

Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-21

Figure 36.22 Typical Midship Section of a Panamax Container Ship Longitudinal box girders moved the coaming from the hull girder section and re-
The large hatch openings that typify container ships reduce duced some of the stresses in the coamings, problems oc-
the available width of continuous main deck plating or top curred with cracking in way of the transitions to the upper
flange of the hull girder. Longitudinal strength is provided deck. A continuous coaming will contribute to longitudinal
by a continuous box girder that runs the full length of the strength and permit a reduction in main deck thickness. As
hatch openings and is fabricated using thick plate. It is a result, most modern designs incorporate continuous lon-
formed by the main deck outboard of the hatch openings, gitudinal hatch coamings.
the sheer strake, the upper strake of the longitudinal bulk- It is important to design the coaming with good conti-
head and the second deck. The stiffeners within the box nuity, well radiused corners and tapered longitudinal tran-
girder are typically slab plate longitudinals so that they sitions to avoid cracking. Material should be equivalent to
may effectively contribute to the hull girder section modu- or higher in strength than the main deck steel.
lus as well. The amount of high strength steel utilized in
the midship section varies from design to design. As a min- Longitudinal hatch girders
imum, most new designs incorporate high strength steel in Container ships normally have two or three hatch covers
the longitudinal box girder structure. Special attention spanning across the hatch opening. Traditionally, this re-
should be paid to the design details used in the box girders. quired one or two longitudinal hatch girders to support the
inboard sides of the covers. The tops of the girders are level Longitudinal hatch coamings with the tops of the hatch coamings. The girders may be ei-
Longitudinal hatch coamings experience significant ther structurally continuous or non-continuous.
stresses and deflections because of their distance from the Continuous girders should be designed with special at-
neutral axis. Some early generation container ships were tention to the transverse bulkhead connection because of
constructed with non-continuous coamings. While this re- the propensity for cracking at this connection. Non-contin-
36-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

uous girders avoid this potential cracking problem, but

pose design issues related to the expansion joint or in pro-
viding a weathertight seal in way of the flexible joint. In-
stallation of longitudinal hatch girders increases the over-
all width of the hatch opening for the designated number
of containers. Elimination of the girders may allow an ad-
ditional container cell and increase below deck stowage.
However, hatch girders do offer some advantages. They
make it easier to seal the longitudinal joint between hatch
covers and to support 20 ft containers on the covers. Hatch corners

Large angular deflections of the hatch opening caused by
torsional moments acting on the container ship’s open sec-
tion create large strains in the main deck hatch corners. As
a result, this structural detail is one of the most critical in a
container ship. Hatch corners at the coaming top level are Figure 36.24 Typical Elliptical Design with a Large Initial Radius of 900 mm
also important, particularly when the longitudinal coam-
ings or hatch girders are continuous. For these corners a
large, generous radius should be provided.
Three examples of common hatch corner designs are
shown in Figures 36.23–36.25.
Circular and elliptical hatch corner details lower the
stress concentration in the main deck. In order to further
reduce stresses, a thicker plate may be inserted in the main
deck in way of the corner. Typically, these inserts range
from 10% to 40% thicker than the surrounding main deck
plate. Thickness transitions in way of inserts should have
at least a 1:4 gradient. The plate edge of the hatch corner

Figure 36.25 Typical Keyhole Type Design for Highly Stressed Corners Such
as Forward of the Engine Room

should have a smooth surface free of gouges or nicks,

preferably ground, and with no weldments or attachments.
Hatch corner design is particularly important on post-
panamax ships because their large breadth and correspon-
ding large hatch openings make them very soft torsionally.
Figure 36.23 TypicalHatch Corner with Deck Insert and 300 mm Radius They experience large warping displacements and the
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-23

structural details for hatch corners at the main deck and be fitted in holds adjacent to stepped structure to protect
hatch coaming levels must be well designed for flexibility personnel.
and with minimal stress risers.
An alternative hatch corner design is to provide a face- Structural transitions
plate. Achieving a good weld in way of the connection to The large hull deflections and high cyclical loadings asso-
the main deck may be difficult because of the constrained ciated with high-speed container ships, together with the
geometry. The potential for weld defects in a flanged hatch extensive use of high tensile steel for purposes of mini-
corner, as well as the stress riser associated with the weld mizing weight, increase the importance of using good de-
itself, may result in a shorter fatigue life than a higher sign details at structural transitions. Good details include a
stressed, radius-cut corner with a smooth, ground edge. generous radius at corners, gently tapered changes in sec-
tion, avoidance of abrupt endings, good continuity of Transverse bulkhead design structure and avoidance of hard spots. Specific structural
Transverse bulkheads in the cargo holds are arranged to transitions that need to be developed with attention to de-
suit container stowage and to support both the double bot- tail are:
tom and the side structure. Not every transverse bulkhead
needs to be watertight. Adequate subdivison for 40 ft con- • termination of the longitudinal box girder,
tainer holds can frequently be achieved by making every • connections of longitudinal hatch girders to bulkheads,
other transverse bulkhead a watertight bulkhead. • terminations of double bottom longitudinal side gird-
Transverse bulkheads are often designed as a flat plate ers,
and stiffener grillage with the primary structural elements • longitudinal coaming transitions and terminations,
arranged to suit container stowage below deck. The webs • transitions from longitudinal to transverse framing, and
of the vertical girders are spaced to align with the inner • terminations of decks, flats, stringers and longitudinal
bottom side girders and, therefore, with the container cell bulkheads in way of stepped holds.
angles. Horizontal webs are spaced vertically at every tier
or second tier. At the top of the bulkhead there is typically
a transverse box girder of the same depth as the longitudi- 36.2.13 Tank Arrangements and Piping Systems for
nal box girder plus the coaming height. Fuel Oil and Salt Water Ballast
The non-tight bulkhead between container bays is an Tank arrangements can have an impact on ship stability
open bulkhead and is frequently referred to as a midcell and the effective utilization of the upper tiers for loaded
structure. Fore/aft width of this structure is typically less containers. A common arrangement is to use the forepeak,
than that of a watertight bulkhead. Similar to the watertight aft peak, forward deep tanks, double bottom tanks and
bulkhead, the non-tight bulkhead structure is intended to some wing tanks for salt water ballast. Fuel is carried in the
support the cell angles as well as the double bottom, the wing tanks. Because they transport a large amount of cargo
side shell structure and the transverse coaming above. Re- on deck, panamax size and narrower container ships can be
quired support for the double bottom is frequently pro- stability limited. It is important to be able to ballast tanks
vided by plating in the lower part of the non-tight bulk- that have the largest impact on stability, such as the double
head. The upper portion of the non-tight bulkhead is a bottom tanks. In addition, during the voyage it is desirable
transverse box girder that is similar to the watertight bulk- to minimize the impact of fuel burn off on stability and the
head. need to compensate by filling ballast tanks. Wing tanks are
well suited for use as fuel bunker tanks in two ways. First Stepped hold structure at vessel ends their center of gravity is closest to the center of gravity of
The holds at the vessel ends, particularly forward, have a the loaded ship and second, they typically have a small free
stepped shape. The steps are dimensioned to coincide with surface effect. Therefore, as fuel is consumed over the
the container cells and tiers and are formed by a series of course of a voyage the impact on GM is not as significant
flats, stringers, transverse webs and intermittent longitudi- as for a double bottom tank or a deep tank.
nal bulkheads. To avoid creating hard spots and discontinu- For large, deep container ships it may be preferable to
ities in the structure, continuous stringers and flats should split some of the wing tanks horizontally to create an upper
be used to the extent possible. These should align, where and a lower wing tank. For this arrangement, selection of
possible, with flats and stringers in the bow structure and in either the upper or lower tanks for fuel oil storage will be
the midship portion of the hull. Radiused transitions or based on the type of cargo that will normally be carried. If
brackets should be used at square corners. Handrails should a container ship is intended for trades with primarily heavy
36-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

cargo and vertical stratification is practical, then the lower possible due to cargo and trim and stability requirements.
wing tanks should be used for fuel tanks. In this loading The ballast piping system should allow for the internal
plan it is assumed that some of the double bottom or lower transfer of salt water between tanks to provide more oper-
wing ballast tanks will not be filled at departure. These can ating flexibility and therefore to reduce the likelihood of
then be filled to compensate for the loss in stability caused the discharge of non-indigenous species.
by fuel consumption. One pair of salt water ballast wing tanks may be de-
If it is desired to optimize the ship for lighter contain- voted to the control of ship heel. Such systems may include
ers, then it can be advantageous to carry fuel in the upper a cross-connecting pipeline with a separate pump and con-
wing tanks and utilize the lower wing tanks for ballast. trol system that automatically adjusts the ships heel during
Combining these lower wing ballast tanks with the double cargo loading and discharging operations.
bottom ballast tanks results in the maximum possible bal- Wherever possible, manholes and bilge wells should
lasting capability for the vessel. The center of gravity of not be located below stowed containers.
the fuel tanks will be close to or possibly above the center
of gravity of the vessel so there will be no adverse impact
on stability from fuel consumption. 36.2.14 Container Handling Cranes
Fuel tanks may also be located in way of the transverse Small to mid-size container ships that serve ports without
bulkheads between container bays. This option provides shore crane facilities are often outfitted with either revolv-
the greatest protection against fuel spills from collisions ing jib type pedestal cranes or portal type gantry cranes.
and groundings. It is more practical in container ships with Figures 36.26 and 36.27 illustrate typical examples of each
sufficient fore and aft spacing between container bays to type.
allow the installation of structural fuel tanks, such as ships Jib boom cranes are more commonly used and typically
with pedestal jib cranes. Most other container ships would cost less. A series of jib cranes are positioned along the
have to be built slightly longer to accommodate the wider hull to provide minimal loss of container slots, good out-
bulkheads and this would increase the construction cost. reach to serve the intended cargo holds and some redun-
Double hull protection of HFO tanks is under considera- dancy or overlap of the areas served. Cranes are normally
tion by IMO and may be required in the future. on centerline to service each side of the ship equally. On
Tank arrangements and hull piping system designs can smaller vessels cranes are sometimes installed at the side
strongly impact each other. A primary reason is the need to
segregate the fuel oil and ballast systems so that fuel pipes,
vents and sounding tubes are not run in ballast tanks and
vice versa. This is more difficult if the fuel tanks are widely
spread along the sides of the vessel. Several solutions have
been developed to address this problem. One option is to
utilize the wing tanks forward and aft of the engine room
for the full fuel capacity of the vessel so that all of the fuel
oil transfer pipes can be run through wing fuel tanks.
Another possible piping arrangement is to fit a pipe tun-
nel in the double bottom and to run the fuel mains in the
pipe tunnel. Branch pipes to the wing tanks can be run
above the tank top in way of the bulkheads. Valves would
all be remotely operated. The advantage of this arrange-
ment is that the piping is protected from side collisions. Al-
ternatively, the fuel oil wing tanks may be extended in-
board to the pipe tunnel in way of the inner bottom floors
that correspond to the transverse bulkhead frames.
Salt-water ballast systems for new container ships
should consider either a treatment system or a ballast ex-
change system to reduce the risk of discharging non-in-
digenous marine organisms in harbors. Most ship’s officers
strive to ballast tanks at sea where there are lower concen-
trations of marine organisms. However, this is not always Figure 36.26 Typical Pedestal Mounted Jib Boom Crane
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-25

outboard of the longitudinal coaming and containers may

only be stowed outboard of the hatch covers when loading
and discharge is accomplished with shoreside cranes. Con-
tainer stowage on the hatch covers is also limited by the
maximum height of the gantry crane spreader.

36.2.15 Hatch Cover-less Container Ships

The unique features of hatch cover-less container ships
favor feeder services and trades with short ocean transits,
for which more time is spent in port loading and discharg-
ing cargo. A fully cellular, hatch cover-less or open-top
ship permits a reduction in stevedoring costs since labor is
Figure 36.27 Small Container Ship with a Gantry Crane not required to install or remove lashing gear for above
deck container stacks. Port productivity may be enhanced
since valuable crane time is not spent handling or stowing
of the ship to be less intrusive to the cargo stowage. The re- hatch covers to gain access below deck. Other merits and
sultant weight offset must be balanced with cargo or tank detractions of hatch cover-less container ships as well as
liquids. The cargo stowage arrangement is limited in the key design points are discussed in the following para-
self-sustaining mode to the capabilities of the crane with graphs.
regard to lift and outreach. Cargo stowage must also allow
for proper stowage and securing of the booms. Container capacity
Gantry cranes are used on fewer ship types and are Differences in cargo stowage between a conventional ship
often unique in design. As a result, they are costly and and a comparable open-top design are illustrated in the
often comprise a significant portion of the total ship cost. midship sections in Figure 36.28. Stowage of standard
They generally have a higher productivity rate in loading height and non-standard height containers below deck on a
and discharging containers than jib boom cranes and, de- conventional container ship is limited by the clear height to
pending on the service, may be justified for this reason. the underside of the hatch cover. If an optimum mix can-
The gantry crane moves forward and aft on rails located not be achieved, some space may be lost. The open-top

Figure 36.28 Conventional and Open Top Midship Cargo Arrangements

36-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

ship permits a reduction in the center of gravity of the deck cover-less ship dangerous goods stowed above deck, but
stowed containers equal to the depth of the hatch cover within the hatch opening, can leak into holds, making
plus any lost space below the hatch cover. On deck, the stowage segregation a more difficult task.
conventional container ship may utilize the full breadth for Container stowage on the hatch cover-less, fully cellu-
container stowage with a smaller spacing between stacks. lar ship may also limited by container corner post com-
pression. The bottom container must be capable of sup- Crane productivity porting the weight of the containers stowed above it.
Cargo operations on an open-top container ship offer both Containers certified by the classification societies (5) are
a gain and a reduction in crane productivity. Time require- typically rated for a maximum stacking load equal to nine
ments to handle hatch covers and to install semi-automatic times the maximum gross weight of the container. It is
twistlocks in the bottom corner castings of containers on based upon a six high stack and an assumed maximum
deck are eliminated. The close proximity of the entry vertical acceleration of 1.8 gs. For stacks greater than 6
guides and the shorter wire length from the trolley pulleys high, the average container weight would be less than the
to the spreader pulleys facilitates the crane operator’s task maximum gross weight. Increased stack weights may be
of guiding the spreader into the cell guides. Offsetting achieved by using containers with higher corner-post com-
these savings is the additional time required for the con- pression strength ratings. A detailed ship motion analysis
tainer crane spreader to travel to and from the top of the of the ship and the service intended may yield a combined
cell guides for each container stowed or discharged below pitch and heave vertical acceleration that would permit a
the upper tier. reduction from the assumed 1.8 gs and higher stack rat-
For the conventional ship, the spreader vertical travel ings.
may be abbreviated once above the hatch coaming. Time
studies of cargo operations for two Matson Navigation Water ingress
Company ships converted to an open-top configuration in- The hatch coaming height above the design waterline must
dicate that overall productivity improved slightly after be verified by model tests to limit green seas ingress to
conversion (12). a volume of less than 400 mm per hour of water depth
times the area of the hatch opening for any hatch. Detailed Container stowage flexibility requirements for the seakeeping tests are given in refer-
A hatch cover-less, fully cellular container ship has some ence 13.
limitations in container stowage flexibility but does offer The bilge system must be designed with the capacity to
some advantages. handle water ingress into the cargo holds for the most se-
For either type of design, stowage is enhanced by strat- vere of the following design conditions (13):
ification, which is placing heavier boxes in lower tiers and
lighter boxes in upper tiers. Cell guides, however, offer the • green seas ingress determined from seakeeping model
capability to stow the occasional heavy container in an tests,
upper tier. On a conventional ship, utilization of an upper • green seas ingress for the dead ship condition in beam
tier slot is governed by the capabilities of the lashing sys- seas, multiplied by a safety factor of 2.
tem. • severe rain conditions equal to 100 mm per hour, and
A conventional container ship provides alternate • four thirds of the amount of water required for fire-
stowage for different size containers on deck and, there- fighting purposes in the largest hold.
fore, more flexibility than a hatch cover-less ship. This is a
concern for operators on services with seasonal cargo con-
siderations and variations in the volume of different length 36.2.16 Post-panamax Container Ships
containers. The fully cellular ship can provide 20/40 ft Growth in container ship capacity continues and is associ-
flexibility by offering paired 20 ft container stowage ated with the economic advantage that size offers in re-
within 40 ft cell guides. ducing the average cost to transport a container, typically
Variations in the mix of other length container sizes, measured in cost per TEU mile. Operators and designers
such as 40s and 45s, are more difficult to achieve. Also the strive to maximize cargo stowage for all ships, but partic-
fully cellular ship does not offer the flexibility to handle ularly, for line haul container ships operating in very com-
growth in non-standard or new container sizes. Conven- petitive services with large ocean transits.
tional container ships with hatch covers can stow danger- For post-panamax ships on long ocean transits, speed
ous goods on deck, segregated from the holds. For a hatch and the ability to maintain schedule are very important.
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-27

Delivered power requirements continue to push the design larger beam, the lashings must also be designed with con-
envelope with regard to the amount of power that may de- sideration for the hatch distortion and the movement of the
livered by a low speed diesel engine through a single shaft hatch covers relative to the coaming.
and propeller.
Fine hulls with low block coefficients are essential to
achieve the required service speeds. However, the aft por- 36.2.17 Multi-purpose Container Ships
tion of the hulls often has a high degree of shape to maxi- Ships other than dedicated container carriers are used to
mize container stowage on deck. There are, therefore, rel- transport significant quantities of containers. These multi-
atively flat portions of the hull above and in the vicinity of purpose ships include specially outfitted bulk carriers,
the propeller. The propeller must be designed to minimize specially outfitted general cargo ships and combination
vibrations without significantly reducing efficiency. Due to RO/RO container carriers.
the high power levels involved, the aft structure in the Combination container/bulk carriers and container/
vicinity of the propeller and just forward should be care- general cargo carriers typically have hatch openings that
fully designed to insure that plate stiffener panels are de- are larger than conventional bulk or general cargo ship
tuned from the first and second harmonics of the propeller designs. The hatch covers and deck areas are normally
induced vibration. strengthened and outfitted to carry containers. Below deck,
The large breadths of these ships combined with the some ships may have removable type container cell guides,
fine underwater hull form result in bows with a high degree but most ships are not fitted with cell guides and the con-
of flare. The local structure in way of the flare is suscepti- tainers stowed in the holds are secured using special fit-
ble to water impact loads in severe seas. The highly flared tings. These special fittings secure the containers vertically
bow will also generate large torsional loads in bow quar- into stacks and also horizontally between adjacent stacks
tering seas. in order to effectively provide a large interconnected block
A number of post-panamax container ships have expe- of containers. There are some disadvantages with this sys-
rienced very large roll angles with short periods in head tem of stowage. The installation of the securing fittings re-
and bow seas. This phenomenon is known as head seas quires stevedores to work below deck, within the cargo
parametric rolling. It occurs when the ship’s metacentric hold. Productivity during loading and unloading opera-
height is such that the natural roll period is approximately tions is less than with cell guides. Lastly, there is more po-
twice that of the wave encounter period. In a large seaway, tential for damage to the containers due to a failure of the
the bow flare may be submerged, generating a large right- securing fittings or while loading and discharging.
ing moment. At the next wave encounter the ship has rolled The combination RO/RO container carrier has a stow-
to the opposite side (one half of a full roll cycle). Submer- age arrangement that provides lift on/lift off container
sion of the bow flare on the opposite side develops a right- stowage typically in way of the upper deck, but possibly
ing moment in the opposite direction thus reinforcing and also in cargo holds fitted with hatch covers and fixed cell
also accelerating the motion. Unlike a roll motion with a guides. The container hatches may extend to the bottom of
forcing function acting at the natural roll frequency, this the ship or they may have RO/RO decks below them. In
roll motion is directly coupled with the ship’s pitch, devel- some designs the container hatches are located forward
oping both high vertical and transverse accelerations. The and the RO/RO stowage is aft. A few combination vessels
resulting motions are severe and very violent. See refer- have been built with a standard weather deck container
ence 9 for an in depth discussion of this phenomenon. At stowage arrangement and RO/RO decks below that are fit-
the time of this writing, class guidelines for securing con- ted with hatches that allow conversion from RO/RO decks
tainers do not yet account for these severe motions. De- to container holds. Combination RO/RO container carriers
signing the hatch covers and container securing systems can offer reduced port times if both modes of stowage can
sufficiently robust to withstand these large loads would be be carried out simultaneously.
costly and less practical than taking steps to insure that the
ship is detuned and avoids conditions of operation when
this might occur. 36.2.18 High Speed Container Ships
The bearing support pads for the hatch covers and In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in
coamings should be designed to allow for the significant container ships with service speeds over 30 knots. The pro-
relative movement between them. If elevated lashing tow- posed vessels generally have unconventional shapes and
ers are installed to permit the higher stack weights that can power plants. The higher the speed, normally, the more ex-
be handled with the increased stability associated with the otic the hull shape. The machinery plants in these vessels
36-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

tend to incorporate high power to weight engines, such as these displacement hulls have a narrow beam, which re-
gas turbines and high-speed diesels. duces deadweight and stability and, therefore, cargo dead-
Liner shipping companies strive to reduce transit times weight and potential earnings. Engines are typically gas
in order to provide better service and a marketing advan- turbines for larger and faster designs and high or medium
tage. In the early 1970s, when fuel was relatively inexpen- speed diesel engines for smaller and slower designs.
sive, competition amongst container shipping companies An alternative design is the semi-displacement hull,
led to the development and construction of a series of which develops some lift at higher speeds. As a result, it
higher speed container ships. Best known of these are the rides on top of the waves, thus reducing pitching and other
eight fast container ships built for Sea-Land Service, re- motions. Vessels of this type tend to have more beam and
ferred to as the SL-7 class. The SL-7 had a maximum ser- a wider transom then a comparable displacement hull.
vice speed of 33 knots with a corresponding fuel con- Water jet propulsion has been proposed for these designs
sumption of about 600 tonnes per day. The interest in with power provided by multiple gas turbines or diesel
high-speed ships quickly diminished when fuel prices in- engines.
creased dramatically in the mid 1970s. Service speeds for For speeds over 50 knots, conventional displacement or
large liner type container ships dropped to the 21 to 23.5 semi-displacement designs are not very suitable and de-
knot range, increasing in recent years to about 24 to 25.5 signs based on the surface effect concept have been pro-
knots for the typical panamax and post-panamax size ves- posed. The surface effect ship uses air pressure to support
sels, ranging from 4000 to 6000 plus TEUs. the vessel above the water surface thus allowing it to avoid
Relatively low fuel prices, new developments in hull the speed-power restrictions of the displacement hull.
shape design, and improvements in the power and effi- However, available cargo deadweight tends to be lower for
ciency of gas turbines and diesel engines, have revived in- the size of the vessel due to the energy needed to lift and
terest in the high-speed container ship. The potential mar- support the vessel.
ket is the transport of high value, time sensitive cargoes for High-speed vessel concepts only merit consideration if
shippers interested in a lower cost alternative to airfreight. a concurrent system is developed for expedited handling of
Several interesting concepts have been developed to the containers at both the loading port and the discharge
improve the performance of the high-speed ship and to port. Expeditious handling must start at the cargo shipment
make it more reliable in all types of weather. One concept origination point and continue with transport to the port,
is the slender monohull with a wave-piercing bow. See quick entry into the terminal and fast loading onboard. At
Figure 36.29 for an illustration of a proposed design. The the discharge port similar expeditious handling and ground
wave-piercing bow is rounded in shape with reverse shear transport is needed to insure prompt delivery of the cargo
and more closely resembles a submarine bow than a con- to its destination.
ventional ship bow. It is designed to penetrate through There are several considerations that have limited de-
waves rather than ride over them. This reduces the ten- velopment of high-speed container services. One is that the
dency of the vessel to pitch and heave, making it easier to cost per TEU is significantly higher than a conventional
maintain speed. One concern with this concept is that on container ship. Second, providing competitive service with
deck containers must be located well aft, behind a large several arrivals and departures per week requires a signifi-
breakwater, for protection from impact by the seas riding cant investment in multiple ships. Third, unless the expe-
over the bow. In addition, to achieve the required speeds dited landside handling and transport of the containers are

Figure 36.29 High Speed Container Ship with Wave Piercing Bow
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-29

fully developed, the timesavings achieved at sea could be transfer. An automated heel control system is often pro-
diminished by the slow handling and transport of the con- vided to enhance port productivity.
tainer ashore. However, as the volume of container trans-
port increases on the major trade lanes, there may be a
sufficient amount of high value, time sensitive cargo to 36.3 DESIGN ISSUES
support a high-speed service between specific ports within
a trade lane. 36.3.1 Stability and Trim Considerations
Container capacity on deck for a conventional container
ship is a significant percentage of the total, ranging from
36.2.19 Machinery Arrangements 45% to as high as 65%. Utilization of upper tier slots for
The conventional arrangement for mid and large size con- cargo stowage may be limited by stability and must often
tainer ships is to place the engine room at a location be offset by ballasting the double bottom tanks. Maximiz-
roughly three quarters of the length aft of the forward per- ing container capacity below deck and keeping the base
pendicular. For small vessels a common arrangement, par- height of each individual stack as low as possible helps to
ticularly for European designs, is to place the accommo- lower the center of gravity of the cargo, reducing required
dation and engine room fully aft. In either arrangement the ballast and thereby increasing cargo capacity and operat-
engine room protrudes into the cargo space. In the three- ing efficiency.
quarter aft arrangement the engine room and shaft alley are For a ship that is stability limited, useable slot capacity
under the holds aft of the house and in the fully aft arrange- will be a function of the average container weight, the
ment the engine room protrudes into the hold forward of range in container weights and the potential for stratifica-
the engine room. tion of the cargo. These factors are dependent upon the ac-
The low speed diesel is almost universal as the main en- tual service. Lacking this data, a good assumption for the
gine for the modern conventional container ship except for cargo weight is within the range of 8 to 14 tonnes/TEU.
the smallest sizes, which can have medium speed engines. The stability may be conservatively evaluated by assuming
As container ships tend to have high speeds and high a homogenous stow. However, operators can often stratify
power requirements for their size, the low specific fuel cargo to increase the number of containers that can be
consumption of the low speed diesel make it well suited for carried and to reduce the required ballast, thus enhancing
this type of vessel. In addition, container ships generally revenue and fuel efficiency. A reasonable assumption of
have the full depth of the hull available for the engine stratification, either above or below deck, would be to in-
room, so the required overhead clearance for a long stroke, crementally reduce the container weight from a bottom tier
low speed diesel is available. weight equal to 1.2 to 1.25 times the average up to a top tier
The container ship generally has a conventional engine weight equal to 0.75 or 0.8 times the average. Average con-
room layout. Ballast, bilge and fire pumps, seawater and tainer weights on deck are influenced by refrigerated con-
fresh water circulating pumps and purifiers are generally in tainers, which are heavy and typically stowed in the first
the lower engine room or on the lower platform deck. The two tiers. For stability reasons, among others, transport of
control room, compressors, fresh water generators and large numbers of refrigerated containers may require that
workshops are generally on the second deck and upper some be stowed below deck.
platform decks. The auxiliary boiler may be on one of the Stowage below deck is generally designed for a mix of
platform decks or in the casing. The waste heat boiler is standard height (2.59 m) and high cube (2.90 m) contain-
normally in the engine casing above. ers. For a conventional container ship, this assumption de-
Electrical power is generally provided by diesel gener- termines the underdeck clear height and the height of the
ators, supplemented on some ships by shaft generators. hatch coaming. In turn, this decision also establishes the
Since modern diesel generator engines burn heavy fuel and base height for the majority of the container stacks on deck.
have specific fuel consumptions close to that of low speed It affects the stability of the ship in that each additional high
diesels, there is generally not an economic basis for fitting cube container raises the center of gravity of the stacks
a shaft generator. Diesel generators are generally located above the hatch cover by 0.3 m. Not providing enough high
on a platform deck, either adjacent to the main engine or cube (2.90 m) container slots can mean that a slot will be
aft of it under the hold. Because of the large electrical lost for each additional high cube container stowed in a
power requirements for reefer containers, container ships stack. The design mix of standard height and high cube con-
have larger electrical plants than many other types of ships. tainers should reflect the current inventory in the operator’s
Most container ships have an automated engine room with fleet, current trends and the anticipated market. High cube
bridge control and remote operation of ballast and fuel boxes are more desirable for specific trades and markets.
36-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Double bottom tanks are generally utilized for salt- sues. Much of this work involved the analyses carried out
water ballast for stability reasons. Wing tanks and deep by ABS of the hull structure of the Sea-Land SL-7 class
tanks are used for either ballast or fuel oil storage. Fuel oil (15,16).
storage tanks may be located throughout the ship, but lo- In recent years, many of the new panamax and larger
cating them forward of the engine room will permit SWB size container ship designs have been extensively analyzed
tanks to be used to compensate for changes in trim and sta- by FEA. The FEA process is becoming a standardized
bility as HFO is consumed. process, even though new developments are always refin-
ing it.
The FEA process normally begins with a ship motions
36.3.2 Applicable Standards and References analysis to determine the input hydrodynamic loads. The
for Statical Stability ship motion analysis should have several wave loading
Reference 14 is the current IMO criteria for the intact sta- cases. For container ships these include maximum hogging
bility of general cargo and passenger ships. It includes the loads, maximum sagging loads and maximum torsional
previous standards given in IMO resolutions A167 (stabil- loads at several points along the hull. The latter are associ-
ity criteria) and A562 (weather criteria) as well as a new ated with oblique sea conditions. In more advanced types
form factor adjustment for A167 that is applicable to con- of analyses, such as the ABS Dynamic Load Analysis
tainer ships. (DLA), not only are the wave loadings determined but the
dynamic loadings from internal loads such as containers,
ballast and fuel and the local hydrodynamic loads from the
36.3.3 Structural Analyses waves and ship motions are also determined. In this way
The complex nature of container ship structural response the loadings applied to the finite element model are more
means that the simple or empirical formulas traditionally representative of the actual loadings on the ship’s hull.
used for ship design cannot accurately estimate the loads The overall hull structural responses are determined
and stress distributions resulting from the simultaneous from a three-dimensional (3D) coarse mesh model of the
application of torsional, horizontal and longitudinal bend- entire ship. Figure 36.30 shows an example of a typical
ing moments on the open section of a container ship. Ac- model that incorporates all of the major structural elements
curate calculations of hull deflections, warping stresses of the ship. Applied to the 3D model are the loadings de-
and cross deck and hatch corner stresses can only be made termined in the ship motion analysis for each of the load
using modern numerical calculating techniques. As a re- cases analyzed. Outputs are the deflections and stresses at
sult, container ship design has benefited from these tech- each of the finite elements.
niques and is closely associated with the development of In order to determine the deflections and stresses in lo-
modern computerized analyses to determine hull structural calized areas of the hull, a fine mesh model is created of the
responses. area to be analyzed. Depending on the configuration of the
structure, this can either be a two-dimensional (2D) or 3D Finite element analyses model. The boundary input displacements for the fine
The finite element analysis (FEA) technique has become mesh models come from the 3D coarse mesh output. Ex-
an important tool in determining container ship structural amples of critical areas where fine mesh models are used
responses. Some of the early developmental work in FEA are hatch corners, coaming corners, continuous centerline
applications was commissioned in the 1970s by the Ship girders, longitudinal coaming transitions and other areas
Structure Committee to resolve container ship design is- where it is important to have detailed knowledge of the lo-

Figure 36.30 3D Coarse Mesh Model of a Container Ship

Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-31

calized stresses. Figure 36.31 shows a 2D fine mesh model • major equipment foundations,
of a hatch corner. The same FEA model used for the struc- • bow structure for the high wave loadings on higher
tural analysis can be used for vibration analyses typically speed container ships, and
carried out for the full ship, deckhouse and aft hull. • bulkhead structure for container loading. Other types of finite element structural Class rules using PC-based structural analyses
analyses Class Rules for structural design have been updated to take
In a typical container hold the perimeter of the double bot- advantage of the ever-increasing computing power of the
tom structure is supported by the transverse bulkheads, for- personal computer. Examples are the ABS SafeHull Pro-
ward and aft, and by the outboard longitudinal bulkheads. gram, Lloyd’s ShipRight Program and DNV Nauticus Hull
Due to the long spans involved it is often desirable to eval- Program. Most of these programs have modules designed
uate the adequacy of this structure for the intended loads. specifically for container ship structure. In many cases ap-
The intersecting transverse floors and longitudinal girders plication of the program is the primary means of design re-
in the double bottom form an indeterminate structure suit- view and approval of the container ship’s structure by the
able for a grillage analysis. The analysis should be based on classification society. A simplified FEA module in the pro-
a combination of hydrostatic buoyancy loads, double bot- gram usually checks the determined scantlings. In the ABS
tom tank fluid loads and discretely applied container loads. SafeHull program a three hold model is used, one at mid-
Several load conditions are typically analyzed. One condi- ship and a second one, if needed, in way of the aft end of
tion is at maximum draft with minimum container and tank the main open hatch portion of the hull (engine room for-
loads and another is at maximum container and ballast ward end), a highly stressed area. For complex designs the
loads with minimum draft. These two conditions or vari- simplified FEA contained in the class program may not ad-
ances of them develop the envelope of secondary stresses in equately model the responses. In this case the more tradi-
the double bottom. In some analysis procedures wave crests tional complete FEA analysis described previously should
in way of the analyzed hold are assumed or the vessel is as- be carried out.
sumed to be rolling to a set angle or both. As with the full
ship FEA, the results have to be evaluated against criteria 36.3.4 Fire Safety
appropriate to the program being used.
In container ship cargo holds, the typical fire-fighting
The FEA process is also used for analysis of other
medium is CO2. Similar to other ship types it is typically
structural components of a container ship. Examples are:
released from a central storage system. Fires are detected
• hatch covers for container loading, by a system that analyzes the air in each hold for smoke.
• hatch coamings in areas prone to cracking, Frequently the same pipes used to deliver the CO2 are used

Figure 36.31 2D Fine Mesh Model of Hatch Corner

36-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

to sample the cargo hold air. On deck, water from fire from structural damage, and to contain the fire to the bay
hoses, portable foam generators and fire extinguishers are of origin. Reference 13 specifies that the water spray sys-
used for fighting and extinguishing fires. tem shall be capable of spraying the outer vertical bound-
Note that current guidelines require additional CO2 ca- aries of each container bay in an open hold and that the ap-
pacity for container ship cargo holds having non-weather- plication density should not be less than 1.1 liters/min/m2.
tight hatch covers are being considered. These would in- The water spray system must be capable of evenly distrib-
clude hatch covers with labyrinth seals or gaps between uting the water over the areas to be protected.
adjacent covers at a hatch.
Hatch cover-less container ships have open holds that
make a conventional CO2 fire suppression system imprac-
tical. Water spray systems are installed on open-top ships Table 36.I presents the main characteristics of recent con-
to protect the tank top and vertical sides of the cargo holds tainer ships.

Table 36.I Characteristics of Recent Container Ship Designs

Geared Feeder Mid-Size Panamax Post-panamax

LOA, m 150.8 209.9 294.0 304.2

LBP, m 140.4 197.1 281.6 292.2
Beam, m 27.5 32.2 32.25 40.0
Depth, m 14.3 19.4 21.4 24.2
Draft, Design, m 10.0 11.0 12.0 12.0
Draft, Scantling, m 10.0 12.5 13.5 14.0
Capacity, Volume in TEU 1399 2746 4388 6175
Capacity, 14 t/TEU 1000 2180 3230 4975
Number of Reefers 70 150 300 500
Below Deck TEU 528 1218 2229 3075
Above Deck TEU 871 1528 2159 3100
Below Deck Stowage 9w×5h 11 w × 7 h 11 w × 8 h 14 w × 9 h
Above Deck Stowage 11 w × 5 h 13 w × 5 h 13 w × 5 h 16 w × 6 h
Below Deck Hi-Cube Tiers 1 2 1 1
40 ft Bays 8 12 17.5 18
Design Speed (knots) 18.2 22.5 24.5 25.6
Main Engine Type LS Diesel LS Diesel LS Diesel LS Diesel
MCR, kW 10 440 28 880 43 500 57 100
Daily HFO Cons., t/day 42 112 169 225
Accomm. Persons 29 24 28 28
Accomm. Location Aft 3/4 Aft 3/4 Aft 3/4 Aft
Cranes 3 × 40 tons None None None
Bow Thruster, kW 880 1300 2000 2500

NOTES: Volumetric capacity is based upon IMO visibility requirements. Above and below deck stowage = number of rows
wide x number of tiers high based upon volumetric capacity. Design speed = service speed on design draft at 90%
MCR, 15% sea margin. LS diesel = low speed, direct coupled diesel engine. Daily HFO cons. = main engine daily
heavy fuel consumption at 90% MCR.
Chapter 36: Container Ships 36-33

36.5 REFERENCES 10. ICLL 66, International Convention on Load lines, IMCO,
London, 1966
1. Harlander, L. A., “Container System Design Developments 11. IEC Standard 60309- Plugs, Sockets and Couplers for In-
over Two Decades,” Joint California Section Meeting, 1981 dustrial Purposes, International Electrotechnical Commis-
2. Basic Requirements of Cargo Containers, ANSI MH 5.1 – sion
1971 12. Alman, P. and Fisher, P.A., “The Open-Top Containership –
3. ISO 668: 1995, “Series 1 Freight Containers – Classifica- A U.S. Experience,” SNAME Transactions, 1995
tion, Dimensions and Ratings” 13. Interim Guidelines for Open-Top Containerships, Interna-
4. ISO 1496-1: 1990, “ Series 1 Freight Containers – Specifi- tional Maritime Organization (IMO) Marine Safety Com-
cation and Testing – Part 1: General Cargo Containers for mittee (MSC) Circular 608/ Rev. 1, 5 July 1994
General Purposes” 14. IMO Resolution A.749(18), Code on Intact Stability for All
5. Rules for Certification of Cargo Containers, American Bu- Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments, 1995
reau of Shipping, 1987 15. Elbatouti, A. M., Liu, D. and Jan, HY, “Structural Analysis
6. Guide for Certification of Container Securing Systems, of SL-7 Containership Under Combined Loading of Verti-
American Bureau of Shipping, 1988 cal, Lateral and Torsional Moments using Finite Element
7. DNV Rules Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 4B, Design Loads – Techniques,” SSC-243, Ship Structure Committee, May
Ship Motions and Accelerations, 2000 1974
8. DNV Classification Note 32.2, Strength Analysis of Con- 16. Hatch Corner Study for SL-7 Containerships, Technical Re-
tainer Securing Systems, July 1983 port OE-79001, American Bureau of Shipping, 1979 (Pro-
9. France, William N., et. al, “An Investigation of Head-Sea prietary Report)
Parametric Rolling and Its Influence on Container Lashing
Systems,” SNAME, MT Volume 40, Number 1, January
Figure 37.1 Cruise Ship Costa Atlantica Delivered in 2000
Chapter 37
Passenger Ships

Kai Levander


The IMO SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) convention de-
fines a passenger ship as a vessel which carries more than
12 passengers. Passengers are all persons on board other
than the crew members, regardless of whether they pay
for the sea voyage or not. The international, national and
classification society requirements for passenger ship de-
sign and construction depend on the size of the ship, num-
ber of passengers, the operating area and length of the
route (1).

37.1.1 Passenger Ship Types Figure 37.2 Passenger and Car Ferry Normandie
Passenger ships can be divided into three main types:
1. Cruise ships are related to leisure activities. The voyage
lasts several days and usually the ship returns to the port
of departure. Figure 37.1 shows a typical cruise ship.
2. Ferries sail on short routes transporting both passen-
gers and vehicles. The trip lasts for some hours or at the
most for one night. Ferries traveling on overnight routes
can have a large passenger area, with cabins, restau-
rants and lounges. They are then called cruise ferries
(2). Figure 37.2 shows a typical passenger and car ferry.
For a detailed discussion on ferries, see Chapter 38.
3. Fast ferries operate on short routes and use their high
speed to reduce the transit time. The trips last normally
less than 4 hours. To reach a high speed these ferries
must be light and have very powerful machinery. IMO
has developed a new regulation The Code of Safety for
High Speed Craft (3). For fast ferries, see Chapter 44. Figure 37.3 Fast Ferry Bonanza Express

37-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2 Cruise ship types

Cruising in the form we see today was born in the early
1970s. The cruise business has very little to do with ship-
ping. The transport mission of the old ocean liners is gone
and the cruise passenger is a tourist traveling by sea sim-
ply for the fun of it (Figure 37.4). The cruise ships compete
successfully against land based tourist attractions. The size
of the cruise ships and the capacity of the fleet have been
growing fast (Figure 37.5). Several cruise segments have
emerged with their own passenger target groups. This is re-
flected in the size of the ship, the spaciousness of the pas-
sengers facilities, the service standard and the interior and
exterior styling of the ship. Each segment has its own de-
mands (4).
Figure 37.4 Ocean Liner Queen Elizabeth II
The latest trend in cruise ship design can be studied by
examining the newbuildings ordered in the 90s. The rapid
increase in ship size is evident, but also smaller vessels
have been ordered. Most newbuildings have been of Pana- troduced more innovative solutions in the Niche segment,
max size, which means that their dimensions are close to like sailing cruise ships or twin hull designs, to catch the
the limitations of the canal. The Gross Tonnage of a Pana- interest of the passengers (Figure 37.6).
max ship is 70 000 to 100 000 GT. Several new orders ex-
ceed 100 000 GT and can no longer use the Panama Canal. Cruise market
Most of the growth has been directed to the Contemporary The cruise ship design must be based on a good under-
and Premium segments. Many ships follow very similar standing of passenger needs and expectations. Today the
design concepts, even if their operators compete with each duration of a cruise vacation is typically one week, but
other for passengers’ interest. New entrepreneurs have in- short cruises of 2 to 5 days have increased their market
Gross Tonnage

Figure 37.5 Cruise Ship Development

Chapter 37: Passenger Ships 37-3

Figure 37.7 Length of Cruise

Figure 37.6 SWATH Cruiser Radisson Diamond

share as shown in Figure 37.7. The interest in cruises

longer than 18 days is very small. Few persons have time
and money for a trip lasting several weeks. The average
length of cruises is now about 6.5 days (5).
The dominating cruise area is the sea around the
Caribbean Isles and Bahamas. These islands are visited
year round, while Alaska, Mexico West Coast and Mediter-
ranean area can be used for cruising only for a part of the
year. Cruises are arranged to many other destinations as Figure 37.8 Cruise Areas
well, even to such exotic places as the Amazon River,
North-West Passage or Antarctica. The cruise concept is ex-
panding from the American market and new cruise busi- The passenger ship mission
nesses have been created in Europe and the Far East, serv- The passenger capacity and onboard service are the most
ing the local people as shown in Figure 37.8. important requirements for the design. The comfort and
One of the latest and largest cruise ship is the Voyager service required varies significantly with the length of the
of the Seas (Figure 37.9). voyage. The passenger spaces and passenger service func-

Figure 37.9 The World’s Largest Cruise Ship Voyager of the Seas of 137 300 GT, Delivered in 1999
37-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

tions typically required in ferries and cruise ships can be fresh water, fuel and lubrication oil. Deadweight is, how-
listed based on the length of the trip (Figure 37.10). On ever, not a good indicator of the capacity of a passenger
short routes no cabins are needed, only a seating area. ship. The lightship weight of the ship includes the weight
When the time spent on board increases, the passengers of the structural hull, machinery, passenger cabins, public
want more space and better service. On many international spaces, galleys, storerooms, offices and all crew spaces. In
routes tax-free shopping is provided on board, because it fact the payload in a passenger ship could be described as
gives the operator a good possibility to increase the rev- a fully outfitted hotel. The deck areas and internal volumes
enue. On trips lasting more than 12 hours, cabins should be needed for this hotel are the main factors in passenger ship
available for all passengers. In cruise ships good dining design. Cabins, messes and day rooms must also be pro-
and entertainment are major attractions. vided for both the deck and engine crew and for the hotel
The deadweight in a passenger ship includes the weight personnel. The breakdown of the interior area distribution
of the passengers and crew, and their luggage, provisions, is shown in Figure 37.11.

Figure 37.10 Passenger Functions

Figure 37.11 Interior Area Demand

Chapter 37: Passenger Ships 37-5

37.1.2 Passenger Ship Unique Features Passenger capacity Passenger ship functions The number of passengers is the base for the passenger
The passenger ship functions can be divided into two main ship design. The passenger capacity is expressed differ-
categories, hotel and ship functions. ently for cruise ships and ferries. In a cruise ship the num-
ber of lower beds in the passenger cabins is used. Instead
1. Hotel functions consist of passenger cabins, restau- of lower beds the capacity is sometimes given as double
rants, lounges, bars and shops. Adequate traffic lanes occupancy, meaning two persons per cabin. In most cases
have to be provided between these spaces such as cor- these numbers are the same. Many cruise ships have addi-
ridors, halls, stairways and lifts. Outdoor spaces, like a tional beds in their cabins, either as upper beds, Pullman
sun deck and promenade decks are also important fea- beds or sofa beds. For passenger ferries the capacity is
tures. For the service functions offices, galleys, given as the total number of passengers, including both
pantries, laundries and stores are needed. Crew cabins, lower and upper beds in cabins, as well as the deck pas-
messes and dayrooms are also part of the hotel func- sengers. For both ship types the total number of passengers
tions. In cruise ships the service personnel have sepa- must be used when determining the capacity of life-saving
rate corridors and stairways, because only crewmem- appliances and the means of escape. The cruise ship oper-
bers in uniform are allowed to be seen, in passenger ators abbreviate passengers as pax and this practice has
spaces. been followed in this chapter.
2. The ship functions are related to carrying the hotel part
safely from port to port. The propulsion machinery and Passenger ship design process
the fuel storage tanks are vital systems. The ship pro- The most common way used to describe the ship design is
duces electricity, conditioned air, cold and hot water by a spiral model, capturing the sequential and iterative na-
and has sewage treatment and waste handling for the ture of the process. See Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion
hotel part as shown in Figure 37.12. of the ship design process. The task structure is design-

Figure 37.12 System Description for Passenger Ships

37-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

evaluate-redesign. This model easily locks the naval archi- mensions of the ship be selected and the general arrange-
tect to the first assumption and will results in a patch and ment is prepared early. The hotel and ship functions are
repair to this single design concept rather than generate al- listed and for each of them the required deck area and vol-
ternatives (6). An approach that better supports innovation ume are calculated as shown in Table 37.I. The area for the
and creativity should be used (7). The design should start passenger cabins is obtained from the number of cabins
from the mission specified for the ship. There are two types and their sizes. Restaurants and lounges are calculated
of input data, demands that must be followed and prefer- based on the number of seats and the space needed for each
ences that describe goals. Dividing the requirements into seat. The volumes are calculated based on the height be-
musts and wants makes it possible to straighten the design tween decks. The gross height from steel to steel is used.
spiral and reduce the number of loops needed to find a For some of the systems the naval architect requires statis-
technically feasible and economically preferable solution tical data from previously built ships to be able to calculate
as shown in Figure 37.13. This design process is described their areas and volumes.
in references 8 and 9, and is: Statistical values for coefficients in the system based de-
sign process are calculated backwards (reversed engi-
Function → Form → Performance → Economics
neered) from existing ship designs. The same system de-
The starting point is the mission and the functions of scriptions are used as in the calculation model for a new
the ship. All systems needed to perform the defined tasks design. The system descriptions are in principle similar for
are then listed. The areas and volumes needed in the ship all ship types, but every ship function must be included. In
to fit all systems are calculated. This system design method the passenger ship model the hotel function includes a
does not need pre-selected main dimensions, hull lines or group called Task Related Facilities as listed in Figure
standard layouts. System based design is like a checklist 37.12. There the systems required only in this vessel type
that reminds the designer of all the factors that affect the should be specified. For passenger ferries, for example, the
design and records his choices. It gives the possibility to car deck spaces are included. Other examples could be stor-
compare the selections with statistical data derived from age space for tender boats or equipment for water sports. All
existing, successful designs. The result is a complete sys- areas and volumes are taken from steel to steel to include
tem description for the new ship, which will act as the base space lost behind ceilings and interior bulkheads.
for further design work. System summary The system-based design process When the areas and volumes for all systems are summa-
System-based ship design is a design tool for the concept rized, as shown in Table 37.II, the size of the ship is de-
phase (10). The process does not demand that the main di- fined. Also the allocation of deck areas and volumes be-

Figure 37.13 The System-based Design Process

Chapter 37: Passenger Ships 37-7

TABLE 37.I System Based Design of Passenger Spaces

Number of Size Height Total Total
Cabin Category: Cabins m2 m Area m2 Volume m3

Owner’s Suites 2 40 2.8 80 224

Suites 10 32 2.8 320 896
Delux 30 24 2.8 720 2
Outside with balcony 200 16 2.8 3200 8960
Outside 250 16 2.8 4000 11 200
Inside 250 15 2.8 3750 10 425
Handicapped/Disabled 8 20 2.8 160 448
Cabin corridors, wall lining 25% of cabin area 2.8 3058 8439
Passenger Accommodation 750 10.19 m2/lower bed 15 288 42 608


m2/lower Height Total Total
Name/Use of Space: Seats m2/seat bed m Area m2 Volume m3

Dining Rooms 900 2.2 1.33 3.4 1991 6769

Sun Deck Café 600 1.8 0.72 3.0 1080 3240
Main Show Lounge 800 1.6 0.85 7.0 1280 8960
Other Lounges/Bars 1200 2.2 1.76 3.6 2640 9504
Cinemas/Conference 200 0.9 0.12 3.4 180 612
Casino and Games 0.50 3.6 750 2700
Health and Beauty 0.40 2.8 600 1678
Children and Teen’s 0.12 3.4 180 612
Entrance Hall, Arcades and Shops 1.00 3.6 1500 5400
Passenger Public Spaces 6.80 m2/lower bed 10 201 39 475


m2/lower Height Total Total
Name/Use of Stairway: Decks m2/deck bed m Area m2 Volume m3

Main Stairway 10 175 1.17 3.0 1750 5125

Openings in Atrium (no decks) 6 –100 –0.40 0.0 –600 0
Forward Stairway 9 150 0.90 3.0 1350 4023
Passenger Stairways 1.67 m2/lower bed 2500 9238
TOTAL PASSENGER FACILITIES 18.66 m2/lower bed 27 990 91 320

tween the different functions is described as shown in Fig- good way of checking that the system description is com-
ure 37.14. plete and the space demand calculated is realistic. Figure
The total volume in cubic meters given by the system 37.14 shows the numbers of passengers and crew.
description is translated into Gross Tonnage by formula 1. The area and volume per passenger are important indi-
cators of the comfort and service standard of the ship. They
GT = ( 0.2 + 0.02  logV )  V [1]
also have a direct influence on the building cost. The Gross
where V is the total volume of all enclosed spaces (m3) Tonnage per passenger is called space ratio. Based on this
The calculated Gross Tonnage can now be compared the cruise ships are divided into market segments as shown
with statistical data from built cruise ships (11). This is a in Figure 37.15.
37-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 37.II System Summary

SPACE ALLOCATION m2/lower bed M3/lower bed Area m2 Volume m3

Passenger Facilities 18.7 60.9 27 990 91 320

Crew Facilities 5.2 14.7 7800 22 080
Ship Service 0.5 1.4 690 2067
Catering 2.7 8.5 3986 12 709
Hotel Service 1.3 3.7 1932 5565
Total Furnished Spaces 28.4 89.2 42 398 133 741
Machinery and Engine Spaces — 10.7 800 18 400
Air Conditioning 1.8 4.9 2625 7350
Other Technical Spaces in the Accommodation 2.3 6.6 3450 9900
Total Technical Spaces — 22.2 6875 35 650
TANKS AND VOID SPACES — 7.9 — 11 900
OUTDOOR DECK SPACES 6.1 3.5 9200 5200
TOTAL VOLUME 124.3 186 500

Click here to view LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view
GT / Number of Lower Beds
Number of People

Figure 37.14 Passengers and Crew as Function of GT

Figure 37.15 Cruise Ship Space Ratio Lightship weight and deadweight on statistical data from built ships to give the necessary ac-
The first weight estimate can be based on the system de- curacy as shown in Table 37.III.
scription. The lightweight calculation in the concept de- The steel weight of the hull and the superstructure are
sign phase is based on 6 to10 main groups. As the design calculated based on their volume. Interior outfitting is
process proceeds and more information becomes avail- based on the furnished area as shown in Figure 37.16. For
able, each main group is further divided into sub groups ship outfitting the total volume is used and for machinery
and sub-sub groups. The weight calculation must be based the installed power.
Chapter 37: Passenger Ships 37-9

TABLE 37.III Lightweight and Deadweight Calculation

Unit Coefficient Weight
Weight Group: Unit Value tonne/unit tonne

Hull Hull Volume 100 000 m3 0.080 8000

Superstructures Suprstr. 86 500 m3 0.040 3460
Interior Outfitting Volume 42 400 m2 0.170 7208
Ship Outfitting Area 186 500 m3 0.007 1306
Machinery Outfitting Volume 40 000 kW 0.065 2600
Installed Power
Total Volume 186 500 m3 0.121 22 570
Reserve % 5 1130
LIGHTSHIP WEIGHT Volume 186 500 m3 0.127 23 700

Unit Coefficient Weight
Item: Unit Value tonne/unit tonne

Passengers and Crew Persons 2200 persons 0.10 218

Provisions and stores Persons 2200 persons 0.20 440
Fuel Oil Consumed/trip 544 tonne/trip 2.20 1198
Lub Oil Consumed/trip 4 tonne/trip 10.00 41
Fresh water Consumed/trip 3850 tonne/trip 0.50 1925
Sewage in Holding Tanks Produced 1155 tonne/trip 0.25 289
Heeling and Trimming Water 500
Water in Swimming Pools 200
Miscellaneous 200

The deadweight calculation is based on the demanded The calculated lightweight and deadweight are then
payload and performance. The passenger and crew weight checked and compared with the values from built cruise
is normally taken as 100 kg per person. Provision and ships as shown in Figure 37.17.
stores depend on the number of persons and the length of
the cruise. Fresh water and sewage is calculated in the Selecting main dimensions
same way. In cruise ships fresh water is often produced on- As a base for the general arrangement, a first estimate of
board by evaporating seawater; so all the fresh water con- the ship’s main dimensions is required. The statistics of
sumed during the trip need not be included in the dead- previously built ships is a good starting point (Figure
weight. Similarly sewage is treated and discharged 37.18) (11). The available deck area is the key factor in
overboard at sea, but it must be stored during port stops. passenger ship design. The easiest way of increasing the
Fuel and lubricating oil stores are based on the length of area is to add more decks on the top of the vessel. This
the route, the average speed and the specific consumption raises the center of gravity and the number of decks that
of the installed engines and refueling policy. can be used is limited by the stability criteria. The most
37-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2
Click here to view Click here to view
Furnished Area [m2]

Length [m]
Figure 37.16 Furnished Area
Click here to view
Click here to view
Deadweight [ton]

Breadth [m]

Click here to view
Figure 37.17 Deadweight

significant factor for the stability is the breadth of the hull

Draugth [m]

at the waterline.
The selected main dimensions and the number of decks
define the areas and volumes available in the hull and in the
superstructure. The areas and volumes must then be com-
pared with the system description to check the space bal-
ance. Also the weight balance, stability and propulsion
power can now be checked based on the selected dimen-
sions (Figure 37.19).
Vhull + Vsuperstructure ≥ ∑ Vsystem description [2]
Deck areas:
Figure 37.18 Main Dimensions of Cruise Ships
Ahull + Asuperstructure ≥ ∑ Asystem description [3]
Chapter 37: Passenger Ships 37-11
Click here to view

vertical layout similar passenger spaces are located on top

of each other. In the horizontal solution the spaces are lon-
gitudinally distributed over the full length of the ship.
Today the horizontal layout is becoming more common,
mainly due to a new lifeboat regulation, which recom-
mends that lifeboat davit shall not be more than 15 meters
Power [MW]

from the waterline (see Section 37.3). In large passenger

ships several passenger decks will then be located above
the boat deck. There must be direct access to the lifeboats
from all fire zones and the boat deck therefore often ex-
tends from bow to stern. This divides the ship horizontally
and forms a natural base for a horizontal arrangement of
the other spaces. The vertical layout is today used only in
smaller cruise ships as shown in Figure 37.21. Many other
examples of passenger ship design and general arrange-
ment layout can be found in different publications (12,13). Outside/inside cabin ratio

Most passengers prefer an outside cabin with a window
Figure 37.19 Installed and Propulsion Power
and are willing to pay a higher ticket price for that. When
the ship grows in size, the breadth of the hull increases and
Displacement: more cabins have to be located on the dark, inside part of
decks. In small yachts 100% of the passenger cabins can
∆ = L × B × T × CB × 1.025 ≥ LWT + DWT [4] have windows, but in large wide body ships maybe only
Stability: 60% can have windows as shown in Figure 37.22.
New solutions must be used to keep the outside/inside
GM = KM – KG ≥ intact and damage stability [5] ratio as high as possible. In the cruise ship Royal Princess
Machinery Power: Kvaerner Masa-Yards introduced the patented all-outside
solution, with most of the cabins in a narrow deckhouse.
Pinstalled ≥ Ppropulsion + Photel load [6]
Another interesting design was introduced in the cruise The Panamax cruise ship ferry Silia Serenade. In this ferry the superstructure is lon-
Any constraints to the main dimensions must be observed gitudinally divided and the inside cabins have windows
in the design process, such as the maximum draught al- facing an indoor arcade.
lowed in ports or the free height of a bridge on the route. Today many passengers want to have not only a win-
Many cruise ship operators want a ship that can sail through dow but also a balcony in their cabins. Balcony cabins can
the Panama Canal, where the maximum length allowed for only be located in the superstructure. The hull of the ship
cruise ships is 294.0 m, maximum breadth 37.3 m and max- must be watertight up to a 40° angle of heel, in an emer-
imum draught 12.65 m. This is shown in Figure 37.20. gency situation.
From the cruise ship statistics (Figure 37.19) it can be Figure 37.23 shows Post-Panama (Superwide) cruise
seen that it is the breadth limitation that mainly affects the ship design, in which very wide decks can be used, pro-
cruise ship design. For a Panamax design the Gross Ton- vides possibilities to introduce new solutions like a divided
nage will be below 100 000 GT and the passenger capac- deckhouse with an open courtyard in the middle of it. Pas-
ity below 3000 lower beds. Both the length and breadth are senger cabins with balconies are facing both outward to the
then close to the dock limits. The decks in the superstruc- sea and inward to the courtyard.
ture and the lifeboats can overhang the hull if they are lo-
cated above the towing locomotives running along the
37.1.3 General Arrangement
dock walls. Grandeur of the Seas Arrangement of passenger spaces The 74 000 GT Grandeur of the Seas is shown in Figure
The design of the general arrangement can be based either 37.24. She is designed for the contemporary market seg-
on a vertical or horizontal arrangement of spaces. In the ment and makes 7-day Caribbean cruises with Miami as
37-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 37.20 Cruise Ship in the Panama Canal

Chapter 37: Passenger Ships 37-13

Figure 37.21 Vertical and Horizontal Arrangement

Next Page
37-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Click here to view

Figure 37.22 Influence of the Hull Breadth on the Outside/Inside Cabin Ratio

the terminal port. The ship has 975 passenger cabins and
1950 lower beds (double occupancy). Maximum passen-
ger capacity including 3rd and 4th berth passengers is 2240
persons. The number of crew is 760 persons.
The ship has 11 decks for passenger use. The passenger
functions starts on Deck 1, which is at the quay level. Most
of Deck 1 and all decks below that, however, are intended
for the crew and service functions. In the middle of the ship
is an atrium hall with stairs and lifts from Deck 1 to Deck
11 (Figure 37.25). A smaller stair- and lift-tower is in the
forward part of the ship.
The general arrangement is shown in Figure 37.26.
Decks 2, 3 and 4 have both outside and inside passen-
ger cabins. Decks 7 and 8 have outside cabins with bal-
conies and some inside cabins. The outside/inside cabin
ratio is 59% and the balcony ratio 22%.
Many public spaces are on Decks 5 and 6, with a show
lounge forward and a 2-level dining room in the aft part of
the ship. On Deck 5 is an outdoor promenade all around
the ship, which is also the embarkation deck for the
lifeboats. The sun deck and pools are on decks 9 and 10,
with a veranda cafe forward and a health center aft. On Figure 37.23 Post Panama—Concept Superwide
Figure 38.1 World’s Largest Multi-purpose Ferry Skåne
Chapter 38

Jennifer Knox

38.1 DESCRIPTION OF FERRIES ferries far outstrips passenger only ferries. And with eco-
nomic development this is increasingly so.
38.1.1 Mission That ferries carry out a routine and continuous transport
The role of a ferry is the routine and continuous transport function for passengers and their vehicles is seen in Figure
of people, their associated baggage, vehicles and trains. 38.2 where the major European distribution for 1996 is
This is a transport role though entertainment and shop- graphed with passenger and car numbers in thousands.
ping opportunities may be part of the marketing tools. Over 100 million passengers and 18 million cars were
Ferry payloads range from passengers only to vessels car- transported on these routes alone in that year. While on
rying passengers plus their accompanying cars, trucks, some European routes the arrival of a fixed link has lead to
trailers, and trains. Figure 38.1 shows a conventional the demise of ferry operations, on others, ship operators
multi-purpose (passenger, vehicle and train) ferry as is typ- have invested heavily and introduced new ship types and
ical in the Baltic Sea. Some ferries operate only nighttime newbuildings of conventional tonnage to remain competi-
services with full passenger/crew sleeping accommoda- tive. This is good news for the designers and shipbuilders.
tion; others operate a continuous 24-hour service with lim- A recent significant feature of the vehicle ferry market
ited sleeping facilities. The majority of ferries, however, is the emergence of the relatively large car-carrying fast
operate as day ferries with no sleeping accommodation for ferry. If only passenger vehicles are to be carried, that is
passengers. Ferries travel in sheltered waters, on the open cars, campers and coaches then the fast ferry option must
ocean and in ice conditions. Their safety conditions are be considered. One only has to study the passage times of
subject to IMO Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) or the newer conventional vessels to see the obvious appeal of fast fer-
IMO High Speed Craft (HSC) Code and in Northern Eu- ries to car travellers. A premium is usually charged to
rope to the Stockholm Agreement for water on the vehicle travel on these craft. On certain routes the premium can be
deck. high though generally it is in the order of 10 to 15%.
In Europe alone, more than 100 million people travel Of course the hovercraft have been crossing the Chan-
every year on car ferries. There are millions more travel- nel at 50 knots since 1967 but it is only in the 1990s that
ling as commuters on passenger only ferries. This chapter the fast ferry concept has spread with the introduction of
will provide some material on low-wash passenger ferries simpler designs including catamarans, wave-piercing cata-
for inland waterways. However the main focus is on the marans and large monohulls. The interest in these vessels
design and construction of vehicle ferries. This type of far outstrips their current operational numbers fewer than
ferry is characterized by having one or more unobstructed 100 worldwide in 1997, with about 75% of those perma-
decks for Ro-Ro cargo in almost the full length of the ves- nently in European waters. About 16% by number of car
sel. On a global basis annual revenue generated by vehicle- ferry newbuilding projects underway in early 1997 were

38-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 38.2 Major European Passenger Traffic Routes, Passengers and Cars in Thousands (1)

for HSC Code ferries. These fast ferries take their lead the North Sea between Harwich (England) and Hoek van
from the airline industry in catering style and maintenance Holland (The Netherlands). Skåne operates on the Trelle-
schedules. borg (Sweden) to Rostock (Germany) route.
As the road systems in urban areas become increasingly The concept of the Transport Factor (2), which relates
congested with commuter vehicles the inland waterways, the utility of each design when performing its transport
rivers and canals are being looked at to provide a contribu- task, is added to the two Tables of Ship Characteristics, Ta-
tion to commuter transport. At the same time environmen- bles 38.V and 38.VI. In general there is a unique non-di-
tal concerns regarding noise and wash must be considered. mensional characteristic for each design given by:
The demand for high-speed, low-wash, low-noise ferry de-
signs for urban waterways is increasing. TF = 
It is proposed in this chapter to focus on four contem- 
porary designs. Two of these, the PR-97 and the Seajet 250 VS
were designed to operate an hourly service on routes of where:
similar length but with two completely different solutions.
W is the weight of interest, which may be full-load weight,
The other two are a seagoing conventional monohull
payload weight, fuel weight or lightship weight, tonnes
multi-purpose ferry, Skåne and the HSS 1500, the first fast
SKWTI is total installed power for propulsion and lift but
ferry to completely replace conventional tonnage on a excluding hotel loads, kW
major ferry route. Four ships of the PR-97 design now op- VS is design speed, m/s
erate on the six million passengers per year Bird Flight K is non-dimensionalizing constant, which in the case of
route between Denmark and Germany. Two ships of the the SI units equals g m/s2
fast semi-SWATH SEAJET 250 design operate on the
shortest route between Zealand the main island of Den- There are some exclusions from this chapter. First, ves-
mark, and peninsular Jutland. The total traffic on a number sels designed for the exclusive carriage of freight vehicles
of routes there is over 15 million passengers per year. Two will be covered in Chapter 35 RO-RO and RO-LO Ships.
of the three HSS 1500 operate on the Irish Sea, the third on Second, the design of Night/Cruise ferries is covered in
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-3

Chapter 37 Passenger Ships. Finally, ferries based on ad- To facilitate this transport the importance of flow cannot
vanced marine craft are covered in Chapters 44, 45 and 46. be overestimated. The goal of successful ferry operators is
The term conventional is used for want of a better word to provide a seamless travelling experience. Vehicles re-
to describe ferries whose safety standards including dam- quire easy access to vehicle decks, which in turn demands
age stability are ruled by SOLAS. This is to differentiate unique vehicle handling capabilities. Ramps, hoistable
them from those ruled by the HSC Code. Some conven- platform decks and vehicle lifts may be required. Catering
tional ferry designs show great innovation. services must be operated on a non-stop basis while waste
removal, replenishment and cleaning must be done during
38.1.2 Unique Features and Capabilities Fast ferry designs where emphasis has been placed on
Successful ferry designs focus on efficient turnaround of streamlining turnaround activities have produced particu-
passengers, vehicles, catering and waste. Ferries designed lar innovations in replenishment and waste removal. The
for a specific route where there is an investment in infra- HSS 1500 and Seajet 250 designs are interesting examples.
structure in way of ramps, and customised catering and Fast docking benefits all types of ferries and now auto-
waste removal facilities will enable the quickest turn- mated mooring equipment which may be radio-controlled
around, less stress for crew and maximum resource uti- or use lasers or differential GPS for guidance is found on
lization. Often a ferry provides the rest stop facility while both conventional and fast ferries. The Fry Design NorEnt
transporting the traveller forward. Most ferry routes are system for example first found on the Seajet 250 has been
quite short. Of the 100 million journeys mentioned previ- incorporated on a number of conventional ferries.
ously more than 50% were on routes of less than 25 nauti- Conventional ferry design requires incorporation of a
cal miles and more than 80% were less than 100 nautical flexibility to alter attributes over time and with competing
miles (Figure 38.3). The overwhelming majority of car fer- modes of transport. The design may be prepared with fore-
ries operate on point-to-point services with a few triangu- sight as to possibilities for future conversions. These pos-
lar routes on Baltic and Mediterranean services. sibilities could include lengthening, additional passenger

Figure 38.3 Number of Journeys against Length of Voyage (1)

38-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

capacity, inserting of additional car decks or fitting of rail- Typically, compliance with certain intact stability crite-
way tracks. ria also was required, for example IMO Res. A.167 rec-
High levels of passenger comfort are necessary. Ac- ommended for ships above 100 m length. Many national
ceptable noise and vibration outcomes are essential. In ad- intact stability requirements went beyond that recommen-
dition, good seakeeping is a fundamental design parameter dation.
for those designs operating in relatively unprotected wa- The damage stability requirements provided by the
ters. While passengers appear to be prepared to gladly SOLAS 1948 convention were modest. In short, the final
trade some of their comfort for a high-speed passage the damaged condition should not have a negative GMT, the
early problems with seakeeping affected wholehearted margin line should not be submerged and the angle of heel
customer acceptance of the fast ferry concept. Most fast due to unsymmetrical flooding should not exceed 7 de-
ferries now incorporate some form of active ride control grees. The length of the rectangular damage was 3.05 m
system. plus 3% of the rule length and the transverse penetration
The seakeeping capability of ferries operating in open depth was to the B/5 line. Vertical extent of the damage
waters will affect the reliability of service. On certain was unlimited, except that damage of the double bottom
routes reliability will be affected by manuevering capabil- was not required. SOLAS 1960 sharpened requirements a
ity. Ferries must have superior manuevering capability to little in prescribing a GMT of not less than 0.05 m and
enable them to berth unaided in all weather conditions. damage of the double bottom became a principal require-
Low speed harbor manuevering requires both fore and aft ment.
lateral forces together with reversing force. Studies of subdivision and damage stability carried out
Fuel economy is more important for a ferry, which is in the sixties and early seventies under IMO (IMCO at that
one of the passenger ship types, than for a cruise ship. time) led to a probabilistic set of rules, IMO Res.
A.265(VIII), which was approved as a total alternative to
the deterministic standard. Residual GMT and freeboard of
38.1.3 Stability the damaged condition as well as range of heel to immer-
Initial requirements were concentrated on the subdivision sion of openings are the basic stability parameters in the
standard expressed by the factor of subdivision, F and evaluation of the survival factor. Although spoken of as a
proven in the permissible length diagram according to the probabilistic standard Res. A.265(VIII) also contains de-
detailed rules in SOLAS. Then, for the required subdivi- terministic elements with prescribed B/5 side damages to
sion standard of 1-, 2- or 3-compartment flooding, compli- survive with a survival factor of unity.
ance with certain damage stability criteria should be satis- Res. A.265(VIII) opened up possibilities for more flex-
fied using quasi-static flooding calculations. This is known ibility in ship design as it allows a combination of trans-
as the deterministic method. verse and longitudinal subdivision. However, the practical
For a given length of ship, F varies according to the na- implementation of this probabilistic alternative has
ture of the service for which the ferry is intended, whether demonstrated great difficulties in achieving the required
it is evaluated as pure passenger transport or generally subdivision index on a deep garage Ro-Ro vessel if a
combined with cargo. The nature of service covers short higher number of passengers are to be carried. It is also the
and long international voyages. The accommodation and general opinion that the deterministic rules as set out in
also the life-saving equipment for the passengers are of im- SOLAS are easier with which to work. Hence, SOLAS
portance for the determination of F. Finally the required 1960 and its successor SOLAS 1974 as amended has been
floodability is demonstrated in a diagram with actual com- the chosen standard for almost all new designs.
partment lengths and permissible compartment lengths ac- It is important to know this background as many ships
cording to the detailed rules. Over the years F has been of today’s world fleet were built to the specifications con-
maintained as the key parameter in determination of the tained in the earlier SOLAS regulations. One should ob-
subdivision standard. serve that several national administrations and also several
The overwhelming majority of modern Ro-Ro passen- shipowners found the early SOLAS requirements too mod-
ger ships comply with the damage stability standard for est and introduced additional requirements. Additional re-
flooding of two adjacent compartments in passenger mode quirements could be a certain magnitude and range of the
and possible single-compartment flooding for a cargo residual righting lever curve, a GMT margin and certain
mode with deeper draught. The damage stability require- heeling moments to take into account.
ments are transformed into limiting curve(s) of initial GMT Following the introduction of SOLAS 1974, IMO,
or KG. worked on a definition of what would provide sufficient
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-5

static stability expressed in terms of the residual righting flicts with increasingly stringent requirements for residual
lever curve for each damage case. Due regard was to be stability of passenger ships in case of damage both under
paid to heeling moments caused by wind, crowding of pas- SOLAS and regional requirements. The 1995 SOLAS
sengers and the launching of life saving equipment on one Conference introduced a number of changes. These in-
side of the vessel. The STAB 80 criteria (1984) were clude:
widely accepted. They were the less demanding of alterna-
tive proposals made by the SLF Subcommittee in the early • A timetable for all existing Ro-Ro passenger ships to be
eighties. upgraded to meet the SOLAS 90 requirements in addi-
The subsequent capsize of the Herald of Free Enter- tion to the previously covered newbuildings and partial
prise led to extensive research for more adequate criteria coverage of existing ships,
than STAB 80. Ironically the criteria that emerged from • A requirement for phasing out of the one-compartment
this research work were close to the proposal that had ear- standard for passenger ferries carrying more than 400
lier been discarded in favour of the STAB 80 criteria. passengers (3).
These proposed new criteria were adopted by IMO and Those dates of compliance with SOLAS 90 which re-
SOLAS 1974 amended accordingly. Being adopted to late to the A/Amax survivability index now have now been
enter into force for new ships in 1990 the new criteria was advanced again under the regional agreement by Northern
called SOLAS 90. The simultaneous introduction of light- European flag states (Table 38.I).
ship weight surveys at 5-year intervals was also an impor- Research studies carried out in the U.K. and confirmed
tant safety measure. by the Panel of Experts when reporting prior to the SOLAS
IMO has produced its Weather Criterion to address the 1995 Conference concluded that only those ferries operat-
intact stability problem of severe wind and rolling. This ing in an area where the significant wave height was less
was issued as a recommendation by IMO Res. A.562(14), than 1.5 m would be afforded an adequate standard of pro-
1985 and is now included in the Intact Stability Criteria for tection under the SOLAS 90 criteria (4). The SOLAS 1995
all ship types, IMO Res. A.749(18), 1995. Conference passed a resolution allowing for regional
IMO realized the danger of large unobstructed Ro-Ro agreements covering international routes. Consequent to
decks and decided to drop the grandfather clause for this this in February 1996 the Stockholm Agreement, which
type of vessel. An upgrading scheme for Ro-Ro ships built covers passenger ships operating between or to or from the
to previous standards was introduced, whereas Res. northern European states of Denmark, Finland, France,
A.265(VIII) with its different concept remained an ac- Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United King-
cepted equivalent. The simplified method was developed dom, was concluded. This agreement sets a standard of
by MSC(59) and published in MSC/Circ.574, whereas the survivability with up to 50 cm of water on the vehicle deck,
official timetable for upgrading was issued by resolution the so-called SOLAS 90 + 50 standard (5). The ship must
MSC.26(60). This was the origin of the A/Amax ratio as a first satisfy SOLAS 90, and then a height of water is cal-
simplified method to expresses the degree of compliance culated as a function of the minimum freeboard after dam-
with SOLAS 90. It provides an index based on the geome- age and the significant wave height in the area of operation.
try-based probabilistic elements from Res. A.265(VIII) Based on a 4 m significant wave height (< 10% ex-
combined with a survival factor based on the stability cri-
teria of SOLAS 90. Vessels with a ratio not less than 95%
would not be subject to further upgrading. The timetable
was chosen deliberately to span several years in order not TABLE 38.I Compliance Dates for SOLAS 90 (3 & 5)
to boost demands on yard capacity and at the same time fa-
cilitate upgrading of those with the lowest degree of com- SOLAS 95 STOCKHOLM-96
pliance first.
A/Amax value SOLAS-90 II-1/8 Compliance
The tragic capsize and sinking of M/S Estonia in Sep-
tember 1994 with the loss of more than 900 lives demon- <85% 1 Oct 1998 1 April 1997
strated the inherent threat to stability of the large open ve-
85%–90% 1 Oct 2000 31 Dec 1998
hicle deck. The repercussions from this loss, which
succeeded the Herald of Free Enterprise capsize forced 90%–95% 1 Oct 2002 31 Dec 1999
some major changes to safety requirements for new and 95%–97.5% 1 Oct 2004 31 Dec 2000
existing ships. The operational requirement for a large >97.5% 1 Oct 2005 31 Dec 2001
open vehicle deck with minimum subdivision now con-
38-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

ceedance), the height of water on deck is 50 cm if the min- work done on various fast freight proposals the existing
imum residual freeboard after damage is 0.3 m or less and craft operating under the HSC Code are all passenger fer-
0 cm if the minimum residual freeboard after damage is 2.0 ries both with and without vehicle capacity. The formula-
m or more, intermediate values to be determined by linear tions of safety requirements for ferries operating under this
interpolation. For ferries operating in restricted waters HSC Code were seen to have certain anomalous and oner-
where the Hs value is less than 4 m the height of water on ous consequences for certain design types and materials,
deck is 0 cm if Hs is 1.5 m or less, intermediate heights for for example, the application of the design criteria for cal-
1.5 m > Hs > 4.0 m to be determined by linear interpola- culation of gcoll, the provision of safety equipment for
tion. Damage stability criteria are as set out in paragraph Class A vessels and the use of composites for ship struc-
2.3 of the SOLAS 90, II-1/8 criteria. Compliance is to the tures. The requirement for the testing of Marine Evacua-
same timetable as the full SOLAS 90 set out in Table 38.I tion Systems (MES) under severe sea conditions was
under Stockhom-96. As an alternative to the calculation another area of debate. Conversely, there were safety mea-
method, which includes some amount of water on deck, sures required under SOLAS, for example an inner bow
the model test procedure complying with the Appendix door on the vehicle deck, which were not required of HSC
Model Test Method, SOLAS/CONF.3/46 is regarded as an Code ferries. The Code underwent a review by a number of
equivalent method to prove survivability. Numerical simu- groups co-ordinated from within IMO (10). A revised edi-
lation of the model test procedure is under development. tion, 2000 HSC Code now has been published (11). The
While current results indicate that model testing demon- 2000 HSC Code following the IMO tacit acceptance pro-
strates improved vessel survivability over calculated re- cedure, will apply to craft for which the keels are laid or
sults, it is not without its critics who suggest failings in as- which are at a similar stage of construction on or after
pects of the method itself and variability in the sea-state 1 July 2002. There are significant changes in this new ver-
created in different sized tanks (6). The body of work car- sion. This situation of regulatory change might be ex-
ried out since the introduction of the Stockholm agreement pected in such a fast growing industry with a newly in-
suggests that vessels built to comply with SOLAS 90 may troduced code and with many new vessel types being
in fact survive in sea states higher than 1.5 meters (7). considered. Many of the changes of significance concern
Increased freeboard is seen as the main element of a de- damaged stability, in particular the extent of damage and
sign, which improves survivability. Design choices which residual stability requirements. Extensive longitudinal bot-
preference side rather than center casings, making those tom-raking damage is specified. Category B craft must sat-
casings water-tight and preventing access of water to isfy specific residual stability requirements with a raking
below the main deck by making access possible only from damage to 100% of the length. These new requirements
the deck above are seen as important contributors. At the likely will effect watertight subdivision. Regulations for
same time studies are underway within IMO sub-commit- inner bow doors, and methods of exemption also have been
tees, which seek to harmonize the damage stability provi- introduced.
sions in IMO instruments (8). These studies seek to com- The customer base of ferries is made up of experienced
bine the probabilistic analysis of Res. A.265 (VIII) as travellers particularly when compared to the other main
contained in the SOLAS section for Dry Cargo Ships with passenger ship type, the cruise ship. The utilitarian basis to
the damage stability criteria of SOLAS 90 as amended. their travel has contributed to the success of the fast ferries,
There are many items to be addressed in this harmoniza- which have been enthusiastically welcomed by customers.
tion proposal, but it should not be forgotten that it is har- While the ride may sometimes be less comfortable than
monisation of existing rules. Thus many questions brought on a conventional ferry the fact that the voyage takes
up during recent research work necessarily have to be left around half the previous time guarantees a broad customer
out in the first version. interest.
The fast ferry industry has brought new maintenance
philosophies, which have more in common with the airline
38.1.4 High Speed Craft Code industry than with conventional ferry methods into the
On 1 January 1996 the HSC Code became mandatory market. The use and maintenance of gas turbine propulsion
under SOLAS Chapter X for all new-buildings of craft engines and large aluminium alloy structures subject to
having a maximum speed in meters/second equal to or cyclic stresses did of course originate in the aircraft indus-
greater than 3.7*V^0.1667 where V = displacement volume try. The diesel engine installations operate at a fast ferry
at design waterline in m3 and travelling on international rating of 100% MCR for 85% of the time which is a very
routes (9). While there has been considerable development demanding loading. The engine noise when running and
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-7

the confined spaces in the engine rooms of fast ferries do ative interior design should not be neglected on short
not allow maintenance to be carried out underway. Nightly routes. Swedish interior designers developed one of the
inspections of hull and machinery are common. These in- most innovative interiors for the catamaran Felix which
spections may on occasions include the use of divers to in- was designed to operate on a 20-minute passage between
spect the hull for any cracking of the aluminum in critical Denmark and Sweden. The new wider platform of the mul-
areas. tihull has allowed designers to develop within a new type
of space exploring the advantages of a single deck, or of a
mezzanine arrangement as on the HSS 1500 (12). Some
38.1.5 General Arrangement high-speed craft have high vertical accelerations in for-
Capacity, flow and passenger safety are the guiding princi- ward part of vessel, which will limit the passenger accom-
ples for general arrangement. While the dimensions of the modation to aft of this area. The need to preserve a pas-
vehicle deck will to a large extent determine the overall di- senger-free zone under the HSC Code can limit the
mensions of the ship, beam will be influenced by stability forward extent of the passenger accommodation. The code
requirements and draft will be limited by harbour access. also contains some requirements as to seating arrange-
In the first stage of design certain elements should not be ments related to the likely gcoll forces in event of a high-
overlooked. Adequate space must be blocked in for venti- speed collision or grounding, refer Chapter 4 HSC Code,
lation, engine casings, stairways and lifesaving arrange- Section 4.4 Accommodation design. In 2000 HSC Code
ments. The normal requirement for car deck ventilation is the requirements concerning passenger-free zone and de-
six air changes per hour when the vessel is under way and sign acceleration levels have been modified.
thirty air changes per hour in harbor conditions while load- Most modern car ferries offer a choice of refreshments
ing/unloading. Ventilation from vehicle decks also re- ranging from à la Carte to cafeteria. Fast ferries have cer-
quires considerable space and volume to handle noise re- tain limitations on galley installations however they are
duction. Both interior and exterior noise levels must be still capable of offering excellent selections of pre-pre-
considered. Stairways and lifesaving arrangements must pared foods. Public accommodation must provide areas
be well thought out for flow. Under SOLAS 95 the place- both for relaxation and entertainment. There is often a
ment of accommodation is restricted to above the deepest video lounge; children’s play area and amusement area
water line for crew and above all cargo spaces for passen- with computer games. Both open sun decks and forward
gers. A maximum of two decks distance is required to open facing windows are very attractive features of passenger
deck or muster stations from accommodation spaces. En- accommodation spaces.
gine casings of adequate size both for intakes and exhaust A proportion of ferry passengers are travelling for rea-
are required. Damage stability requirements will deter- sons other than transport. For residents of countries with
mine bulkhead positions both below the main deck and on high tax regimes an international ferry route offering tax-
the vehicle deck(s). Fire boundaries must longitudinally free entertainment, for example gambling and tax-free
align with stability bulkheads. Investment in integrated liquor has great appeal. Frequently shopping opportunities
shore facilities will maximize carrying capacity and mini- in neighbouring countries are the reasons for travel. These
mize turnaround time. When vessel freeboard is increased requirements need consideration by designers as they pre-
to meet new damage stability criteria then new on-shore sent revenue opportunities for operators. On-board tax-
ramps will be required. It is likely that replacement ramps free shopping, previously a major revenue earner on cer-
will anyway be required to meet changed traffic patterns, tain European routes, was phased-out within the European
for example fewer trains and more trucks and cars. Union (EU) from July 1999. Certain of these routes have
Catering flow must be efficient in both onshore access been affected, with route changes to include a non-EU port
for supply to the galley and on-board from galley to dining where possible, while mergers of competing companies
areas. Waste removal may follow the reverse path. Increas- have occurred on other routes. At the same time there is a
ing automation is being developed to handle these tasks. stated EU policy to move more traffic off the roads and
The HSS1500 for example employs a unique system with onto the waterways to relieve congestion. Shopping op-
stores containers being hoisted over the stern and driven portunities on tax-paid products have been developed to
along a set of tracks on the top of superstructure to two po- replace the revenue from tax-free sales similar to trends in
sitions from where they are lowered down inside the su- airport terminals. If passengers are travelling to save
perstructure. money then conventional ferries may be less expensive
Interior design must focus on providing streamlined than fast ferries where there is usually a premium on the
passenger traffic flow, comfort and a sense of scale. Cre- fare.
38-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

The subject of cabin design for night/cruise ferries is (Figures 38.1 and 38.4 through 38.6) are shown in Figures
discussed in Chapter 37 – Passenger Ships. On vessels 38.7 through 38.10.
classed under the HSC Code no enclosed sleeping berths
for passengers are provided. This is one of their operating-
cost advantages as the absence of cabins means that far 38.2 SYSTEM DESIGN
fewer crew are required in emergency situations to evacu-
ate the passengers. 38.2.1 Hull Form, Propulsion and Performance
Crew facilities will be dependent on length of route and Conventional Ferry Hulls
operating philosophies. While it was usual to find crew- The most common hull form selected for conventional fer-
sleeping cabins on older conventional ferries operating on ries is a monohull of low to medium block coefficient with
long routes they were far less frequent on the short routes a bulbous bow and a broad stern propelled by twin screws
where daily crew changeovers occurred in the homeport. supported by brackets and twin rudders. Less common is
More recently operators driven by their desire to increase the split stern, which may have better propulsion efficien-
crew productivity have required sleeping quarters suffi- cies but higher building cost. The double-ended form is
cient for a single shift. The operators of the PR-97 for ex- chosen more for short routes or where use of a standard
ample have by including crew cabins halved their crew re- hull form would require lengthy stern maneuvering. Draft
quirement to 2.5 × 13 persons per ship. Fast ferries usually is often restricted by shallow harbors. Considerable beam
only have day rooms for the crew as their operating cycle is used for the space it provides on the vehicle deck and for
allows return to the home port each evening and as weight ease of loading particularly where turning of vehicles is re-
is always an issue. quired. It also contributes positively both to form stability
General arrangements on passenger ferries always will (resistance to heel) and residual stability in case of dam-
be driven by required subdivision and safety standards. age. Many older ships have had sponsons added to produce
Ventilation trunking, escapes and stairways must be verti- this same effect on damage stability. Damage stability re-
cally positioned within in the same compartment. SOLAS quirements in SOLAS 95 and the Stockholm Agreement for
95 stipulates a maximum of two decks distance to an open water on deck require increased beam to provide for higher
deck or muster stations. The means of escape from below residual freeboard after damage, for higher initial GMT
the vehicle deck must emerge above the vehicle deck. Gen- and for the shifting of accommodation volume from below
eral arrangements for the ferries shown in photographs the main deck to the superstructure levels. A broad stern

Figure 38.4 Scandlines PR-97

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-9

Figure 38.5 STENA HSS 1500

Figure 38.6 Mols-Linien Seajet 250

provides good vehicle access. Low L/B and high B/T ratios the usefulness of a V-form hull and fixed control fins to im-
have however downside affects both on power require- prove course stability of double-ended hull forms of low
ments and course stability. Increased power requirements aspect ratio see Kristensen (13,14).
require larger engines, higher displacement and increased With regard to propulsion systems, many advances in
fuel costs. For all conventional monohulls an excess of ini- propeller design are proving of particular benefit to the
tial stability will create unwanted roll accelerations with ferry architect. A thorough efficiency analysis for any
problems for passenger comfort. An initial GMT of about particular route might see the selection of propellers for
3.5-4 meters is considered the maximum desirable. For a reasons other than maximising propulsion efficiency. Su-
discussion on the development of double-ended hulls and perior maneuvering characteristics or a significant contri-
38-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 38.7 Skåne General Arrangement

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-11

Figure 38.8a PR-97 Section

bution to flexible arrangements and increased space for pellers. A fixed-pitch propeller in contrast to a controllable
payload may be more important. For the standard single- pitch cannot absorb full engine power in bollard pull con-
ended vessel with controllable-pitch propellers, propulsion ditions. When reversing, the main propellers may reduce
efficiencies at service speed are in the range of 0.63 to the effect of a stern thruster. Maneuvering simulation de-
0.68. veloped from model test data is often the key to a success-
Twin screws are the most common form of propulsion ful design. It gives insight into the development of control
for reasons of restricted draft and adequate manoeuvring surfaces, which will interact effectively with the hull and
capability. They are usually of controllable pitch. The twin propellers. This is in addition, of course, to the possibilities
screws combine with flap rudders and bow thrusters for such simulation provides for training and development of
low-speed manoeuvring. Normal practice when berthing is manuevering strategies (15,16).
to have one propeller generating forward force balanced by The most interesting recent advances have been in the
the other propeller generating reversing force. The lateral development of steerable propulsion units including pod-
force aft is produced by using the slip stream on the rudder ded propulsors, which place the electric motor in the
behind the propeller going ahead to generate the lateral propeller hub, directly driving the propeller. Azimuthing
force while the other propeller by backing is simultane- thrusters always have offered manoeuvring advantages due
ously generating a sufficient backing force. to their ability to direct the water flow at ninety degrees to
The increase of drag with area has a more positive ef- the centerline for maximum lateral force. Overall propul-
fect at low speed on maneuverability. While it is important sive efficiency developments including power generation
that the rudders be of sufficient size it is very difficult to together with reliability improvements have made the
calculate the flow around a rudder in a low-speed manoeu- thrusters a realistic choice despite their increased cost. The
vring situation. In particular the slipstream is very complex combination of diesel-electric drive with azimuthing pro-
to predict. Shallow water effects must also be considered. peller creates great design flexibility as it removes the link-
At times with the rudder-propeller-hull-berth interaction it age between the main engines position and drive shaft
is possible to induce a suction force between the berth and lines. Engine room size is reduced which allows maximum
the ship. As the berthing is conducted at very low speed the vehicle deck space. The new TT Line vessels Peter Pan
only flow over the rudders is that developed by the pro- and Nils Holgersson are examples of this concept. The
38-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 38.8b PR-97 General Arrangement

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-13

Figure 38.9a SEAJET 250 General Arrangement—Profile and Weather Decks

diesel-electric azimuthing propeller currently has several In a number of recent Scandinavian new building proj-
forms including: ects the higher efficiencies of these new propulsion systems
have been used to balance the low efficiencies of the dou-
• Kvaerner/ABB AZIPOD® a podded propulsor with an ble-ended hull form. The low hull efficiency of the forward
electric motor housed in a pod on an azimuthing shaft. propeller/s has always been one of this hull-form’s draw-
The pulling variety of these is said to be very low noise; backs. The overall efficiencies can be as low as 0.38 for four
• Siemens-Schottel SSP twin propeller unit with two ducted propellers on a very low L/B hull. The designers of
fixed-pitch propellers mounted on a common shaft and the PR-97 double-ended ferry showed great innovation in
rotating in the same direction with guidance fins, fitted introducing the concept of fore and aft bulbs. This innova-
with a Permanent Magnet Motor in the pod, see Figure tion when combined with the installation of four CONTAZ
38.12. contra-rotating propellers mounted on faired pods, which
38-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 38.9b SEAJET 250 General Arrangement – Decks

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-15

Figure 38.10 HSS 1500 General Arrangement

38-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Click here to view
followed an extensive model-testing program, produced a
12% reduction in required power. Figure 38.11 illustrates
the reduction in power from the original double-ended
model with conventional propellers through the same
model with azimuthing thrusters to the final combination of
azimuthing thrusters and fore and aft bulbs. High-speed car ferries

When a high-speed car ferry is required a wide choice of
hull forms present as possibilities. Perhaps this reflects the
newness of the concept. As various designers and builders
seek to exert their leadership in the fast ferry market dif-
ferent solutions are offered as being the answer (See Chap-
ters 44, 45 and 46). Perhaps the answer for a high-speed
ferry is that there is no single design-solution, though tech-
nical convergence is likely to occur over time. The indus-
try could be likened to the early days of the aircraft indus-
try when various designs were put forward, for example
bi-planes, air-ships etc. It is certainly an area of much de-
bate and considerable mis-information appears to be
spread in support of various claims. There have certainly
been design failures in terms of hull performance. Opera-
tors also have different priorities. Some owners/operators
appear for example to be far more demanding of ride com- Figure 38.11 PR-97 Speed and Power Prognosis
fort for their passengers than others. If the ferry is to oper-
ate on a specific route then the route characteristics will

Figure 38.12 Siemens-Schottlel SSP on Nils Holgersson

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-17

TABLE 38.II Comparison of Two Fast Ferries reduce slamming. This flattens towards the stern to alle-
viate the effects of squat. The hulls have a single chine.
Design Aquastrada Seajet 250 These hulls are simple to construct, have good resistance
qualities and adequate seakeeping, which is improved by
Hull-form Deep-V monohull Semi-SWATH the addition of an active ride-control system. The mini-
Length o.a, m 101.75 76.10 mum system for the active ride control is an aft pair of
Length w l., m 85.30 62.50 trim-tabs with the addition of a forward pair of T-foils gen-
erally being required for ride comfort. The original wave-
Breadth mld, m 14.50 23.40
piercer concept considered the total package including
Hull Draft, m 2.05 3.54 economic aspects where the design goals were to provide
Deadweight, t 232 236 a capable design at a reasonable operating cost, which
Passengers 450 450 must include low fuel costs, and be simple and hence low-
cost to build. It arrived at a time when the existing fast craft
Cars 126 120
were either complex, (hydrofoils) or easily damaged (hov-
Buses 4 + 106 cars No ercraft) and hence expensive to operate. The wave-piercing
Service Speed, knots 43 43.6 catamaran has developed into a generic design with ves-
Installed Power, kW 27 930 24 800 sels, which move from the southern to the northern hemi-
Ride Control Yes No
sphere from the Channel Isles to the Baltic.
The semi-SWATH (see Chapters 44, 45 and 46), and the
deep-V monohull have now joined the wave-piercing cata-
suggest the best solution. In Table 38.II the main particu- maran as the three predominant hull forms. The semi-
lars of the semi-SWATH Seajet 250 and the Deep-V mono- SWATH hull has a long fully submerged bulb, SWATH-
hull Aquastrada may be compared. like forward sections which blend into catamaran-like aft
Here one finds two high-speed ferries of similar speed sections as the waterline breadth gradually increases. This
and payload. The new building price, not included in the kind of hull offers significant advantages in seakeeping
characteristics table was much in favor of the Aquastrada qualities. The center of motion moves forward to within
while lower power requirements certainly favor the SEA- one third of the length from FP in head seas. Greatly re-
JET 250. Ride comfort though route dependent would be duced accelerations are experienced in the forward part of
expected to be on the side of the semi-SWATH, and perhaps the ship while accelerations at the AP are about equal to
the higher power demands of the monohull relate to the ap- that of an ordinary catamaran. Thus the overall vertical ac-
pendage resistance at the high service speed. A multi-hull celeration level is reduced significantly. Natural pitch peri-
vessel also offers high initial stability and potential for good ods are considerably longer than for ordinary catamaran
maneuverability through separation of thrust. The funda- type hulls. This longer natural period is the likely cause of
mental difference in requirements in this case was that the the shifting of the maximum acceleration response in head
Aquastrada design was required to service a route more seas towards longer wave periods. The downside of the
than three times as long as that of the Seajet 250. With turn- form is the additional wetted surface area, which increases
around time being a non-critical element the two car decks frictional resistance the predominant resistance compo-
of the monohull could be unloaded with no operating nent at high speed. At service speed of 40 knots the fric-
penalty. Short routes however favour multi-hulls with their tional resistance of a typical semi-SWATH is about 55% of
increased deck capacity per deck and their wider beam, total resistance. Of course if one can design a hull that re-
which make turning easier. For the operators of the Seajet quires no active ride control system then the potential to re-
250 offering the hourly service was the most important fac- duce appendage resistance, which may be substantial at
tor. This demanded a very fast turnaround. high-speed, is considerable. The hull will not have to be
International Catamarans (Incat) 74-meter wave-pierc- strengthened to take the loads of the ride control system
ing catamaran led the first generation of large fast car- and the added resistance in waves also will be diminished.
ferries. This distinctive Australian design combines demi- Seakeeping tests on the Seajet 220, the initial hull form in
hulls, which have very little reserve buoyancy in the for- the SEAJET development program, show a drop of less
ward sections, hence the name wave-piercer, with a central than 1-knot speed in 1-meter waves and about 2 knots in
buoyant hull. This central hull only submerges in case the 3 m waves when running at speeds in the 30 to 40 knot
bow buries into a seaway, most particularly into the back range in head seas. For an interesting discussion on semi-
of a wave when travelling in a following sea. The demi- SWATH hull form development see Schact (17). The final
hulls are V-shaped with a deep-V in the forward sections to amphora section is said to have reduced resistance over the
38-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

initial hull form by 7% at 40 knots, produced a more con- erated, Leroux-and-Lotz-constructed Corsaire 11000 (18).
stant LCB position over various loading conditions, and These tests, expensive and with a long lead-time were car-
further reduced vertical accelerations in the accommoda- ried out to provide verification to the owner prior to build-
tion area. Both vertical and lateral accelerations at the ap- ing. All large high-speed monohull ferries currently oper-
proximate center of the passenger space were specified for ating have active ride control systems fitted.
the Danish operators not to exceed 0.5 m/s2 in 1.4 m sig- The success of fast ferries owes a great deal to the de-
nificant wave height and 4.50 seconds zero crossing at a velopers of ride control systems. These systems are some
speed of 39 knots in full-load condition. An unusual fea- combination of forward T-foil/s, aft trim-tabs or intercep-
ture of that contract was the requirement to perform a tran- tors and aft fins the latter to control both roll motions and
sit voyage in a specified time in specified conditions rather to provide course stability in following seas. Figure 38.13
than the more usual trial speed requirement. The semi- shows a typical ride control arrangement.
SWATH fast ferry hull currently has two well-developed The usual contractual standard for specifying accept-
hull forms, the “amphora” shape of the Seajet 250 and able vertical accelerations is ISO 2631/3-1985 (E) Evalua-
what might be described as the more direct development tion of Human Exposure to Whole-body Vibration – Part 3:
bulb of the HSS 1500 and HSS 900. The Seajet 250 has a Evaluation of Exposure to Whole-body Z-axis Vertical Vi-
fixed aft fin on each hull for low-speed manoeuvring in fol- bration in the Frequency Range 0.1 to 0.63 Hz.
lowing seas. The HSS 1500 has long fixed fins similar to Levels of acceleration, which will limit the onset of sea-
bilge keels fitted on the aft hull sections. sickness to less than 10% of passengers for voyages of 30
For those favoring monohulls, sea-keeping at high- minutes and 2 hours, and a tentative 8-hour level are
speed is always going to be a challenge. The Deep-V hull shown. The O’Hare and McCauley seasickness criteria,
form as first commercially developed by Rodrigues in the namely the Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI), sometimes
Aquastrada design seems to offer the best possibilities. replace this ISO standard. This MSI corresponds to the es-
This form certainly predominates in the current designs. timated percentage of passengers suffering seasickness
The hull has a very fine entrance forward, a deadrise angle after a certain period of exposure. Both these measures
of 20 degrees at amidships, a flat immersed transom and a plot vertical accelerations, m/s2 or g against encounter fre-
narrow waterline. For an equivalent deck area a monohull quency, Hz (center frequency of one-third octave band).
may have a larger displacement and it will of course have Unless the operator wishes to validate the seakeeping at
a longer waterline length than a catamaran. The monohulls model scale, then testing of the bare hull in irregular waves
currently operating have service speeds which give them a for 100 to 200 wave encounters should be included in the
Froude number average of around 0.6 to 0.7, the highest at model testing program for the purposes of validating the
0.765 is the CODAG powered Aquastrada-class Guizzo. motion simulation program in support of ride control sys-
Certainly one driver of the push into monohulls is the tem performance prediction by the system manufacturers.
building price which may be around 75% of a similar ca- Looking to the future fast ferry designers should set
pacity catamaran. Much work has been done on ride- their sights on providing a ride of quality equivalent to
control for fast monohull ferries including the innovative other competing transport modes, for example air and
program of model scale testing for the pair of SNCM-op- road. They would be foolish to continue to use the sea-

Figure 38.13 Illustration of Ride Control System Arrangement

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-19

sickness criteria as the standard when it is certainly not the tions in very shallow water, h/T < 2, can produce very dra-
standard for the competition. It has been suggested that the matic effects on hull behavior, with extreme trimming and
seakeeping of large catamarans can be improved by in- rapid trim reversal when passing through the transcritical
creasing the Length/Beam, Length/Beamdemi-hull and slen- speed range of 0.9 < Fnh < 1.2 for hulls not optimised for
derness ratios and reducing the pitch gyradius by bringing such conditions. True SWATH hull forms in particular
the accommodation superstructure closer in to the LCG have large increases in resistance in the transcritical speed
position. However rather than trying to eliminate all hull range and can take on a dangerous bow-down trim at su-
motions the answer for the future may be in active suspen- percritical speeds (20).
sion with the superstructure being mounted on hydraulic The steerable waterjets with reversing buckets as fitted
rams (19). in a majority of fast ferries are very good for manoeuvring.
There have been a number of designs for fast vehicle In some catamaran ferries the wide separation of hulls al-
ferries based on a stabilizer-assisted monohull hull form lows sufficient turning forces to be generated with the
(Trimaran). While the use of the long slender main-hull waterjets alone. The semi-SWATH and monohull fast car-
stabilized by small outriggers may have advantages only ferries are equipped with bow thrusters for slow speed ma-
one has recently been constructed as a ferry (see Figure neuvering. The operators of Seajet 250 discovered the ef-
46.23 in Chapter 46). fect of bow-thrusters in twin hulls is such that when
The water-jet is currently the universal choice for thrusters are placed in line it is only the thrust of the one
propulsion systems for all large fast car-ferries. The fol- nearest the berth that is effective as the thrust from the in-
lowing fourth-order polynomial, adapted from information stallation in the other hull which is directed towards the
supplied by KaMeWa, is useful for initial estimation of center line of the ship hits the hull adjacent to the berth. A
propulsion efficiency of water-jets. Here v is boat speed in conclusion from this discovery is that if a vessel is always
the range of 10 to 80 knots and η is jet efficiency: docking with the same side adjacent to the berth then the
outboard thruster is redundant.
η = av3 + bv2 + cv + d
In mid-1998, the large fast car ferry fleet operating or in
where construction is divided roughly into one third monohulls,
built by five yards and two-thirds catamarans including
a = 2.963e–19
semi-SWATHs, built by six yards. Only one yard, the
b = –0.0003
Spanish Bazan has built both monohull and catamaran de-
c = 0.0295
signs. Of the catamaran designs many are in essence
d = –0.0250
lengthenings to increase payload, for example Austal Au-
Developments of other propulsion systems may in the toExpress 79 m, 82 m and 86 m versions, Incat
future threaten the currently ubiquitous water-jet installa- Wavepiercer 74 m, 76 m, 78 m, 81 m, 86 m and 91 m ver-
tion on the basis of weight and efficiency. Some form of sions. Generally in the Mediterranean there are monohulls
azimuthing thrusters has been suggested as these provide operating and at higher European latitudes catamarans and
the necessary axial flow into the propeller. semi-SWATHs are more popular.
Most ferries operate in shallow water. For high-speed
ferries the critical depth Froude affects must be taken into Low-wash ferries for urban waters
account. The difficulty occurs when the ferry needs to ac- The choice of hull form is driven by the environmental
celerate over the shallow water to reach its service speed. constraints of wash and noise. Service speeds in the range
In very shallow water the power required is easily supplied of 20 to 30 knots are required to provide a service compet-
because the critical depth Froude resistance hump occur- itive with cars and other modes of public transport servic-
ring at Fnh equal to unity occurs at such a low speed. How- ing commuters. Initially only the height of the waves were
ever in depths of about 10 meters where the speed is close considered as relevant to riverbank damage and disturbing
to 20 knots the power will be significantly more than is re- to other users. The criteria for example for an early 1990s
quired at that speed in deep water. low-wash ferry introduced in the upper reaches of Sydney
The ability of the waterjet to generate sufficient power Harbour specified a maximum wave height of 200 mm in
as the ferry passes through this depth-effect hump must be sensitive reaches of the rivers and a more generous maxi-
considered. For the Seajet 250 this required the selection mum of 300 mm in less sensitive though still confined
of a larger size water jet to generate sufficient power when areas (21). However it has since been shown that it is wave
accelerating than would be required if it were to travel only energy, which has the highest correlation with riverbank
in deep water. Sea trials for the Seajet 250 showed the erosion. Wave energy varies as (Height × Period)2. The
hump actually occurred in 12 m depth. High speed opera- specialized class of fast low-wash ferries that have devel-
38-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

oped in response to demand over the past decade are cata- TABLE 38.IV Average Vehicle Space Requirement
marans with very slender hulls, slenderness (L/ ∇ 1/3) ra-
tios of the demi-hull being in the range of 10.5 to 12.3. Vehicle Type
These very slender hulls are suited for operations in the
sheltered waters of rivers and canals where seakeeping de- Car Coach Trailer +
mands are generally limited. The need for the low wave m m Prime Mover m
heights to be propagated over the full range of operating
speeds has precluded other possible solutions, for example Length of space 4.5–5.25 12.3 15.8–18.3
planing hulls. Excessive noise in what is usually a residen- Breadth of space 2.2–2.35 3.2 3.1–3.2
tial precinct precludes others e.g. hovercraft. Propulsion Free height 2.0 –2.4 4.2 4.5–4.8
systems may be draft limited in which case either waterjets Weight, t 1.44–1.7 17 2.5/m
or an arrangement of azimuthing propellers between the
hulls will be suitable. In deeper rivers, propellers have
been used. dimensions for vehicles, which can access public roads, is
Table 38.III shows wake period and wake height pre- provided in Table 38.IV. These spatial dimensions include
dicted for a 25-meter 108-passenger low-wash catamaran the distance between vehicles.
ferry in 3-meter depth (22). The upper height estimate is It also may be necessary to provide for the use of ter-
scaled directly from model test data while the lower height minal vehicles, which can have much higher shaft loads
estimate is adjusted by a scaling factor from previous ex- such as mafi-trailers with solid rubber tyres, cassette carri-
perience. Fnh = 1 when speed is 11 knots. ers, tug masters, terminal trailers and forklift trucks. Tug
masters for example, may have axle loads of up to 21 tons.
38.2.2 Vehicle Decks An example of vehicle deck design loads is shown in Fig-
ure 38.14.
The dimensions of the vehicle deck will be a primary de-
If only cars and camper vans are to be carried then these
terminant of the overall dimensions of the ship. The two
can be accommodated on a single deck height. If the ferry
crucial considerations in designing a vehicle deck are ca-
carries other vehicles, for example buses and trailers then
pacity and turnaround time. Capacity may be measured in
a minimum of two deck heights will be needed. Here
lane meters or in the case of cars only, then often in num-
hoistable platform decks can provide some flexibility. The
bers. The first parameter to determine is the mix of vehi-
inclination of platform and external access ramps depends
cles to be carried.
on the type of vehicle. Trailers require a less steep angle
Average vehicle sizes can vary between countries and
than cars. Ramp inclination should be minimum 1:7 for
continents, the length of cars in particular being quite vari-
private cars, 1:8 for small lorries and 1:8.5 to 1:10 for trail-
ers (if 1:8.5 then S-curve in drive lane to be provided). The
The PR-97 design uses a Personal Car Unit of 4.55 m ×
second element in the design consideration is the schedule
1.75 m with spacing between cars of 0.25 m. Clarification
of loading and unloading. The greater the turn-around time
of vehicle sizes is an early requirement. A table of average
available the more use can be made of internal ramps and
platform decks.
TABLE 38.III Wake Data for Low-wash Ferry
Vehicle decks can have either a drive-through or a
Wake Height, mm drive-around arrangement. The drive-through must have a
bow door, which is often combined with a ramp. The de-
Boat Speed, Wake Period, Lower Upper sign of ramp/door arrangements has been modified since
Knots Seconds Estimate Estimate the Estonia tragedy. The changes as set out in SOLAS 95
II-1/10 provide for separation of the inner and outer bow
5 1 42 60 doors to prevent any damage to the inner door by a dam-
10 3 84 120 aged outer door. Within the two main arrangement cate-
11 7 210 300
gories there are several variations.
15 7.5 112 160 Drive-through same gates on each level
20 6 98 140 Discharge then load through same gates, direct external
25 5.5 84 120 access on two levels, cars and campers enter and depart
from upper vehicle deck level, trucks, coaches and trains
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-21

Figure 38.14 PR-97 Vehicle Deck Design Loads

enter and depart on lower level. This arrangement is exem- nal platform decks, as there is insufficient time in the
plified in the PR-97. It is the most flexible arrangement for hourly schedule to allow for the raising/lowering of plat-
a mixed vehicle load. The PR-97 uses end loading on both forms. The free height on the upper deck is 3.2 m to allow
decks. There are variations on this theme with hoistable for campers; on the main deck it is 4.80 m for trains, trucks
platform decks for cars accessible by internal ramps on and trailers. The length of the vehicle deck is determined
both vehicle deck levels. The two-level loading requires by the requirement to take 2 × 58.8 m InterCity IC-3 train
two on-shore ramps at each harbour. This is a common units. On each end of the main deck is both an inner down-
arrangement in northern Europe. The PR-97 has no inter- ward-pivoting watertight door, which closes prior to the
38-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

vessel leaving the jetty and an outer visor, which closes as nal ramp. This arrangement is best exemplified in the HSS
the ferry pulls away from the jetty. A variation of this 1500. There is stern only access on one level. Stern only
arrangement also suitable for mixed traffic is seen on the access has become quite widespread since the Estonia
Stena Jutlandica III, which has simultaneous loading from tragedy. It is found in a number of the fast ferry designs
opposite ends on two levels. It combines both end and side though it would appear to have limitations for fast turn-
loading with bow and stern ramp/doors on the main vehi- around unless the deck is wide. The HSS 1500, which has
cle deck used by trains, trailers and cars and port side for- this arrangement, can exchange a total 750 cars in less
ward and aft doors used by cars and trailers to access the than half an hour. The HSS 1500 uses a link-span arrange-
upper deck. There is a hoistable platform deck on the upper ment with an upper covered walkway for walk-on passen-
deck level to increase car accommodation. This arrange- gers. Drive-around eliminates the cost of a bow door and
ment has only a single upper deck ramp on-shore. This is of a dedicated on-shore bow ramp. One might question
another common arrangement in northern Europe. whether the use of a drive-around arrangement on a narrow
fast monohull ferry is an efficient use of resources. With a Drive-through gates at both ends stern-only access and a narrow vehicle deck there would
Discharge, simultaneous loading from opposite ends on seem to be no way of avoiding a quite lengthy process of
one level. This, the fastest of all arrangements is exempli- maneuvering the vehicles or in some cases reversing off.
fied by the Seajet 250 where a total 240 cars can be ex- Capacity also may be reduced due to the difficulty of turn-
changed in 7.5 minutes. It combines double lane side dis- ing in the tight spaces although this problem is not totally
charge with four-lane end loading through the wide bow limited to monohulls.
doors as can be seen from Figure 38.15. It has been used The great advantage of a drive-through arrangement is
only with cars and requires two dedicated on-shore ramps that no on-board turning or maneuvering of vehicles is re-
in each harbor. The bow doors are wide to overcome the quired. Trains are most easily loaded and unloaded by a
hesitancy of drivers when entering a confined space. The drive-through arrangement. While cars are maneuverable
use of good lighting and white surface panelling on the drivers are sometimes hesitant when confronted with
the vehicle deckhead and walls also greatly improves tight turning in confined spaces. Conversely while the driv-
driver confidence. ers of heavy commercial vehicles are experienced their ve-
hicles are more difficult to maneuver. When preparing a Drive-through same gate only one level drive-around design it is very important to have accurate
Discharge then loads through same gate, external access turning circle data (Figure 38.16). A single stern ramp is
on one level, and vehicles access upper decks via internal cheapest in terms of on-shore infrastructure cost.
ramps. This arrangement requires the simpler infrastruc- Some ferries use their doors either bow or stern as the
ture installation of a single on-shore ramp at each harbor. loading ramps. This then requires no dedicated on-shore
infrastructure, which increases flexibility at the cost of in- Drive-around creasing the lightship weight. The desirability of using
Discharge, simultaneous loading possible through a sec- lower holds rather depends on turnaround times required.
ond stern gate, cars access the platform deck via an inter- A large vehicle hold below the main deck also can be oner-

Figure 38.15 SEAJET 250 Car-deck Arrangement

Chapter 38: Ferries 38-23

however frequently cut by long staircases, which can result

in inadequate transverse stiffness. Ice strengthening of
framing and shell envelope plating is required on many
conventional ferries for year round operation. For example
PR-97 has Bureau Veritas Ice Class 1C annotation. Figure
38.17 shows PR-97 Midship Section.
There are considerable demands for detailed structural
design for Ro-Ro access equipment. This may include
tilting internal ramps, hoistable platform decks, vehicle
lifts, integrated bow-doors/bow-visors, stern doors, shore
ramps, watertight inner doors and flood control doors on
vehicle decks. In particular on the large car ferries the use
of watertight inner doors and flood control doors on vehi-
cle decks has been a recent new feature. Bow impact loads
can be severe.
The structural design of large fast car ferries, in partic-
Figure 38.16 Turning Circles ular the large catamaran, has presented many challenges.
The large hydrodynamic loads, torsional and slamming,
ous in terms of damage stability though it will lower the experienced by these new kind of structures using new ma-
center of gravity of the deadweight. terials and driven by weight considerations has resulted in
A noticeable feature of the vessels now constructed by the writing of entire new Classification Society Rules. In
the most prolific builder of the large wave-piercing cata- this regard the Classification Societies have played a sig-
marans is the lack of any passenger accommodation in the nificant role in supporting the development of the fast ferry
forward 40% of the vessels. While this is said to be due to industry. They have for example constructed global finite
excessive vertical accelerations in this area it has lead to an element models of these new large craft and carried out ex-
unusual vehicle deck arrangement with up to four levels of tensive model testing and full-scale monitoring programs
car spaces accessed through a spiral arrangement of ramps. to measure loads. The Fire Test rules in the HSC Code are
Both capacity and turnaround times must suffer from this under review so as not to prejudice the use of composites
arrangement. It is also labor intensive. for structural purposes. Aluminum is currently the material
almost universally used although the first composite struc-
ture HSC Code ferry, Iris 6.1, was launched in November
38.2.3 Hull Structure 1997. The structural development of the fast monohulls
The vehicle deck, which operates most efficiently and of- has not been so revolutionary. Many of them have origi-
fers most flexibility as to vehicle mix, is the large unbroken nated in European yards with previous defense experience
open space. This desire for an unbroken space has been the with high-speed naval craft. A number have high tensile
most influential determinant on ship structure. The typical steel hulls. Now the first fast ferry has being designed with
ferry-related structural problems concern the transverse limited ice capability for maneuvering in broken ice in har-
stiffness of this large open garage and the large pillar-free bor and transferring in a broken ice channel between port
areas forward and aft of centerline casings. An unsupported and open sea. This capability is given recognition in the
transverse span of 24 to 28 meters has been used in recent Class Certificates of the new Leroux & Lotz fast monohull
designs. This span length can be recognized in the beam di- for Swedish operators, which has Lloyd’s Special Service
mension of several ferries in Table 38.V. Transverse web Craft G3 Ice Strengthened annotation.
depth will normally be between 4% and 7% of unsupported Vibration levels are an important element on all passen-
span length depending on payload, pillar loads from decks ger vessels. Global Vibration Analysis is becoming a stan-
above, loads from platform decks etc. The increasing use of dard part of the design process and now also a regulatory re-
longitudinal bulkheads to meet the SOLAS 90 + 50 re- quirements of some Scandinavian Maritime Authorities.
quirements will certainly effect these structural determina- The objective of the analysis is to calculate the vibration
tions. The vehicle decks themselves will require differing levels on board the ship and thus identify possible vibration
structure depending on whether they are to carry cars, trail- problems. The analysis is based on an extensive three-di-
ers or railway carriages or some combination of these. mensional Finite Element model of the entire ship, calcu-
Lighter weight structures employ rows of pillars while cas- lating natural frequencies, mode shapes and the induced vi-
ings are also used for vertical support. These casings are bration levels. These are large models. The model for the
38-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 38.V SOLAS Vehicle Ferry Particulars

Stena Maren &

Jutlandica PR-97 Mette Superfast
Name Skane III 2 ships Hamlet Mols III & IV

Type Ro-Pax Double Double Ro-Pax

Train ended ended
Length o.a. m 200.00 182.50 142.00 111.2 136.40 194.30
Length p.p. m 186.20 134.00 125.30 176.00
Length w.l. m 169.05 134.00 106.36 125.30
Beam mld. m 29.00 27.80 24.80 27.60 24.00 25.00
Depth to main deck m 9.30 9.40 8.50 7.75 8.00 9.10
Depth to upper car deck m 15.30 15.20 14.05 13.85 14.50
Depth to passenger deck m 17.70 20.00
Design draft m 6.20 5.80 5.80 5.30 5.50 6.40
Deadweight tonnes 7864 6300 2400 2860 4030 5650
Service Speed knots 21.0 21.5 18.5 14.65 19.2 28.5
Passenger capacity 600 1500 900 1000 616 1400
Cabin capacity, passengers 150 176 nil nil nil 750
Cars2 4763 294 240 — 6554
Trailer lane meters 2100 2111 580 553 1240 1852
Trains, effective track length m 1050 571 118 nil nil nil
Upper Deck Free Height m 4.90 3.20 4.80/2.30
Main Deck Free Height m 4.90 4.30 5.30 5.00 4.50
Car Axle Loads tonnes 2.0 1.0
Trailer Axle Loads tonnes 3 × 13, 3 × 12,
2 × 16 2 × 15
Main Machinery Geared Geared Diesel- Geared Slow speed Geared
Diesel Diesel electric Diesel diesel Diesel
Installed Power kW 29 000 25 920 17 6001 6120 11 700 42 240
Propellers 2 CP 2 CP 4 FP Contaz 4 CP 2 CP 2 CP
Bow Thrusters 2 2 N/a N/a 2 2
TFP = g*Dwt/(PI/VS) 28.72 26.36 15.91 34.53 38.36 19.24

1 5 × 3520 – one generator is redundant.

2 Car capacity includes the use of trailer lanes, three trailer lanes approx = four car lanes.
3 Includes 144 Upper Platform Deck car-only spaces.
4 Includes 160 lower deck- & hoistable platform deck-spaces.
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-25

Figure 38.17 PR-97 Midship Section

PR-97 analysis for example contained a total of 15474 ele- (0.4– 1.6 Hz) as a possible source of resonance problems
ments divided into plate (46.6%) and beam (48.8%) ele- due to coincidence of those wave excitation frequencies
ments with a small number of point mass elements (4.6%) and natural frequencies of the structure. The very high RPM
(23). The calculations are carried out for a loaded condition of the gas turbines and the high blade passing frequency of
of the ship. Such analyses when applied to propeller driven the water jets resulted in high frequencies, which were
ships use the induced pressure pulses from the propulsion identified as not being a source of vibration levels which
system, determined from cavitation testing as the excitation might significantly affect comfort on board. The subse-
forces. Interestingly in the analysis carried out on the PR- quent Global Vibration Analysis calculated the lowest nat-
97 design the contra-rotating propellers were a combina- ural frequency as 2.4 Hz (25). Subsequent on-board meas-
tion of 4- and 5-blade propellers. In this case the blade fre- urement found extremely low vibration levels on the Seajet
quency components were mainly of 4th order, whereas the 250 (26). A specialist company carried out both these
2 × blade frequency components were of 9th order. As the analyses. The standard for vibration levels most widely
main engines and auxiliary diesel engines were resiliently used in contract specifications for passenger ferries is ISO
mounted they did not require consideration. In the case of 6954-1984 (E) Guidelines for Overall Evaluation of Vibra-
the PR-97 the analysis identified excessive vibration levels tion in Merchant Ships.
on the saloon deck induced by vertical thruster excitation at
blade passing frequency. Structural modifications in the Examples of Class Notations
form of additional bulkheads on the main deck were then PR-97: Bureau Veritas 1 3/3 E Passenger Ferry Deep Sea,
introduced. An initial vibration assessment carried out for Ice Class 1C, MACH, AUT-MS, CNE-E
the Seajet 250 (24) identified only the risk of resonant wave Seajet 250: Det Norske Veritas +1A1 HSLC R2 PASSEN-
excitation from the very low wave encounter frequency GER Car Ferry A EO ICS NAUT
38-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

38.2.4 Outfitting itation are the most common source of vibration problems
Interior outfit standards can vary from basic row seating to on conventional ferries. The use of Global Vibration analy-
cruise style luxury with custom woven carpets and decora- sis during the design process has been discussed in Sub-
tive features. Specialist interior designers are often em- section 38.2.3.
ployed to provide an aesthetic style of appeal to customers. Multiple high-speed diesel engines driving multiple
Some owners employ their own in-house interior design- waterjets through reduction gearboxes have been the most
ers. Certain shipowners, for example STENA, maintain a common form of main machinery installation on the HSC
sense of continuity across their fleets while others will ferries. The number four has featured prominently with
have different standards of outfit across their fleets with each diesel engine independently driving a single waterjet.
often a higher standard on their international routes. While However the move to services speeds above forty knots has
different markets may have differing expectations, with seen a number of gas turbine installations either COGAG
thousands of customers using the facilities every day, ease (most common) or CODAG. The propulsion machinery in-
of maintenance and toughness of materials are essential. stallation of the Seajet 250 couples each of the two
The fast ferry represents a new style of sea travel being a LM1600 gas turbines to a single helical double reduction
transport experience rather than a ship experience. While gearbox with twin output shafts, which delivers power to
emphasis is on lightweight most fast ferries have pro- two steerable waterjets per hull. The gas turbine units are
gressed from the straight rows of airline seats that pre- not contained within housings rather they are resiliently
dominated in the early designs. Some shipyards subcon- mounted onto the hull structure. The HSS 1500 couples
tract out the entire accommodation supply and fit-out one LM1600 gas turbine unit and one LM2500 unit per
process. hull through a single gearbox to two 1600 mm diameter
water-jets, which offers great flexibility in power delivery.
In fact the HSS 1500 has a choice of three operating speeds
38.2.5 Machinery Arrangement depending on which combination of turbines is engaged.
The most common choice of power system for conven- The HSC Code requires redundancy of installation in sep-
tional ferries is multiple four-stroke diesel engines with re- arate engine rooms for Class B vessels. Catamarans of
duction gearboxes to controllable-pitch propellers plus course intrinsically satisfy this requirement. Waterjets may
bow thrusters powered by shaft generators and auxiliary be of the steerable type with reversing buckets or the
generators for the hotel load. The restricted height under straight booster type, which is lighter.
the main deck and the lower cost of equivalent smaller Large vehicle ferries must incorporate some form of
units has in the past lead to multiple main engines installa- anti-heel/trim system to perform loading and unloading of
tions. The resultant shorter engine room has benefits for often-heavy vehicles. Depending on their service route
damage stability. The current demands for higher free- they also may be fitted with roll-stabilizing fins for pas-
board to cope with the more stringent damage stability re- senger comfort and cargo security at sea. The multi-
quirements are lifting this height constraint though it is too faceted Ride Control Systems utilized on most large fast
early to see any discernible trends away from multiple ferries has been described in Subsection 38.2.1.
four-stroke diesel installations. There has been a certain
shift towards diesel-electric propulsion driving some form
of azimuthing thrusters. This arrangement offers both ma-
noeuvring and damage-stability advantages. Diesel-elec- Many of the most successful ferry designs are those built
tric generators can be placed in side casings, which can be for a specific route where information on customer prefer-
beneficial for the new subdivision arrangements. The PR- ences, sea and harbor conditions etc. are either already
97 has diesel-electric propulsion with a total installed known or can be thoroughly researched. When the Seajet
power of 17 600 kW in five generators, one standby, which 250 semi-SWATH was chosen by an established Danish
drive four azimuthing thrusters with contrarotating fixed ferry company their fundamental priority was to establish
pitch propellers via a single joystick control. a fast ferry service able to achieve a turnaround schedule
Azimuthing thrusters can have either diesel or electric of 60 minutes between their two harbors. With two vessels
drives. There have been a number of interesting new styles there is a sailing from each terminal every hour on the
emerging, which are described in Subsection 38.2.1. Most hour. The simple message of Short and Good when added
of these new formats have been fitted to recent ferry new- to the knowledge of hourly departures has proved a suc-
buildings. The pressure pulses derived from propeller cav- cessful marketing tool. The route length is 26 nautical
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-27

miles. The primary capacity was 120 cars. Put together etrate beyond the B/5-line. Note that the PR-97 has no
these required a vessel with a service speed of above 40 B/5 bulkheads except in way of the engine rooms where
knots, an ability to maintain that speed in wave heights up the inboard boundary of the heeling tanks is inside the B/5
to 2.5 meters and a very well designed vehicle deck to en- line.
able very fast turnaround times. The vessels have been a There have been changes incorporated into SOLAS 95,
tremendous success. It is more difficult to develop a which cover safety issues other than damage stability for
generic design suitable for different markets and condi- conventional ferries. These include fire control, escapes,
tions. evacuations and cargo securing. A Safety Management
The ferry industry is going through a period of signifi- Plan is now required as part of the vessel documentation
cant change. For SOLAS ferries the challenge is safety, in and an Evacuation Analysis will be required for ships con-
particular stability. For HSC Code ferries the challenges structed on or after July 1 1999. IMO Marine Safety Com-
are environmental. mittee (MSC) currently is developing operational require-
With the large passenger numbers safety is a universal ments and performance standards for black box voyage
concern. Most major cases of loss of life at sea have oc- data recording systems. These systems which record a
curred on passenger ferries. In response to a number of range of data including ship position, course and speed,
tragedies the stability requirements are becoming increas- status of hull openings, watertight and fire doors and
ing restrictive for vehicle-ferries operating under SOLAS bridge and engine control room conversation will become
and regional agreements. Many of the changes required mandatory equipment.
will impact on the economy of operation. Existing ferries The HSC Code is rather less proscribed than SOLAS.
are on a timetable to satisfy at least SOLAS 90. The mod- This is recognized in the foreword
ifications usually involve the addition of bulkheads both
The HSC Code . . . is intended to facilitate future
fixed and moveable on and/or below the vehicle deck
research and development of fast sea transporta-
and/or sponsons. Bulkheads reduce capacity. Sponsons ad-
versely affect performance. Application of the SOLAS 90
+ 50 standard to existing ships requires more of such mod- As is noted elsewhere revision of the HSC Code is cur-
ifications and then the SOLAS 95 compliance with its re- rently underway with significant changes under considera-
strictions on the use of space below the main deck requires tion.
additional treatment. Separation of the inner watertight Implications for the ferry industry of the increasing en-
bow door from the bow visor is also now required. In new vironmental concerns being voiced in both Europe and
designs increased freeboard is seen as the basis for in- North America cannot be ignored. Emissions, noise
creasing survivability. Longitudinal or transverse bulk- and wash generation are the critical issues. While conven-
heads will be incorporated into vehicle decks. Longitudi- tional ferries must deal with the problem of emissions the
nal bulkheads are both more flexible than transverse in high-speed ferries have the additional problems of noise
terms of cargo loading and they also can help protect and wash generation. With around 75% of the current
against cargo shift. Stena Jutlandica III, the first ferry de- world operations of fast car ferries being positioned in Eu-
signed to comply with the Stockholm Agreement with 50 rope the significance of the environmental effects may be
cm of water on the main deck has two watertight side cas- profound.
ings on the main vehicle deck. These 100-meter longitudi- Emissions of concern are NOX and CO2. Scandinavian
nal bulkheads are sealed at each end with up-and-over wa- countries have in the past few years introduced NOX emis-
tertight doors. The casings have a clear opening width of sion targets for all ships with Sweden for examples offer-
3.25 meters. Outboard of these casings is a 1.9 meter wide ing financial incentives in the form of discounted port fees
double skin enclosing stairs, elevators and ventilation to encourage early compliance. The limit being established
ducts as well as machinery casings. This watertight enclo- in these countries is 2 gm/kWh. The new IMO regulation
sure widens to 2.3 meters at upper deck level. The ship has contained in Annex VI of MARPOL is less onerous with
a full-load freeboard of 3.6 meters, an increase of 1.5 me- the lowest required limit being 9.8 gm/kWh for engine
ters over the vessel being replaced. In the regulatory treat- RPM greater than 2000. Certain engine manufacturers
ment of damage stability it is highly likely that probabilis- have been making significant progress with low NOX com-
tic analysis will replace deterministic damage case bustion processes, which can reduce the NOX levels sub-
analysis. The damage statistics behind IMO Res. A265 stantially without effecting specific fuel consumption (27).
demonstrate for example that about 50% of damages pen- However for the very low NOx levels of 2gm/kWh the Se-
38-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

lected Catalytic Recycler (SCR) seems to offer the only engine efficiencies can reduce fuel consumption. That the
adequate though expensive solution. SCRs have been part frictional resistance component predominates at high
of the equipment list in a number of recent ferry new- Froude numbers has already been mentioned. Possibilities
buildings for Scandinavian operators, both conventional, for improvement under consideration by fast ferry design-
Stena Jutlandica III, and HSC Code, Gotland Bolaget’s ers include the use of air lubrication and new anti-fouling
Corsaire 11 500GT. PR-97 has a low NOX fuel consump- paints. Generation of aero- and hydro-dynamic lift will re-
tion rate of 187 gm/kWh. NOX emissions levels for the duce wetted surface area. Future propulsion system devel-
high-speed-diesel-driven fast car ferries compare un- opments, which increase propulsion efficiencies, also re-
favourably with conventional ferries because of the high quire development.
relative fuel consumption. The second environmental factor for HSC ferries is
Those fitted with gas turbines, which have NOX emis- noise, which may be generated by the waterjets, gas tur-
sion levels of 4 or 5 gm/kWh have no problems with the bines or high-speed diesels. It is known that certain fast car
IMO protocol and a far less serious problem with more rig- ferries with high-speed diesels have generated low-fre-
orous particular Port State requirements. General Electric quency exhaust noise, which has required attention (29).
is believed to be developing a Dry Level Emission System, The audible and annoying low-frequency humming noise
which will be available by the year 2000 to reduce the al- emitted lead to the setting of regulatory guidelines for low
ready low levels of their gas turbines. The second type of frequency noise from fast ferries by the Danish Environ-
emission that of CO2 must be of particular concern to the mental Protection Agency. These regulations were imple-
entire fast ferry industry. mented during the summer of 1996. According to the reg-
Denmark for example, during the summer of 1998, had ulations total exterior noise in the low-frequency bands of
eleven fast car ferries operating, the largest number of such 10 to 160 Hz measured indoors in residential areas must
craft of any country in Europe. Yet the Danish government not exceed 25 dB(A). Reduction in the amplitude of the
along with the rest of the European Union has become a humming noise, inherent in applying diesel-driven ma-
signatory to the 1997 Kyoto protocol on climate change chinery, was achieved by means of a specially developed
which for them requires a reduction to 92% of 1990 green- exhaust system. The Seajet 250 project set the benchmark
house gas emission levels by 2012. There is much discus- in northern Europe with a contractual obligation to pro-
sion within northern Europe on proposals for some form of duce total noise levels not exceeding 35 dB(A). This limit
carbon tax. A carbon tax could prove very problematic for was to be met during the noisiest half hour at night at a dis-
fast ferries where fuel consumption per passenger-kilome- tance of 270 meters from the vessel, this being the distance
ter can be 2 to 5 times higher than for conventional ferries, to the nearest summer cottage. An initial investigation (30)
the margin depending on service, type of propulsion and identified exhaust outlets from the gas turbines and the in-
operating speed. However, it is not this excess that is really lets for air supply to the gas turbines and the inlets for ven-
the problem, because, where possible, people are likely to tilation of the gas turbine enclosure as being the most sig-
choose to travel on the fastest route. The competition for nificant noise sources. Generally it was noted that meeting
car traffic is really with the fixed link and aircraft on some the 35 dB(A) limit meant that the noise contribution from
routes though of course this latter mode will only transport the 10 most dominating sources must be below 25 dB(A).
the passengers. Various studies have shown that fast ferries The report predicted that the 35 dB(A) limit would be met
use considerably more fuel per passenger-kilometer than with the introduction of special noise reducing measures.
other transport alternatives including the private car (28). These measures were aimed at reducing the noise contri-
Gas turbines with their higher specific fuel consumption bution from other noise sources particularly the numerous
may have to deal with a larger problem of carbon emis- inlets/outlets for car deck ventilation in order to allow for
sions than diesels. Solutions must be found to balance the the substantial noise contribution of the gas turbine instal-
desire of the customer for greater speed with the demands lation. That the limit was met was later verified by actual
of governments acting on the community will to preserve measurement (26).
the environment. Accordingly power requirements must be The service speeds of high-speed ferries often place
reduced and engine efficiencies increased until the fast car them in the supercritical Fnh >1 zone and they will pass
ferry relative fuel requirements are at least equivalent with through the critical zone Fnh = 1, on arrival at or departure
those of car travel. That is the real challenge for the fast car from harbor. A ferry with a service speed in the 35 to 40
ferries when looking for a future into the new millennium. knot range will have a depth Froude number of 1.5 to 1.7
Improvements in hull design and in both propulsion and in 15 meters of water. There are then both the issues of crit-
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-29

ical depth Froude effects and supercritical wave-period ef- sub-index f refers to a fast ferry, sub-index c refers to a
fects on wash generation to be considered. While a special conventional ferry. The so-called decision parameter βb is
type of fast low-wash catamaran, described in Subsection indicated in the equation Hb,f = βb Hb,c where Hb is the
38.2.1, has been developed for urban sheltered-water oper- wave height immediately prior to breaking. If it is assumed
ations many other fast ferries, which are optimised for that βb = 1, i.e. that the wave heights immediately before
open-water conditions, must adequately deal with these breaking are identical for the two types of ferries, and that
shallow water effects. Both wave height and period values these ferry waves have periods of Tc = 4.5 and Tf = 9 s, the
peak at Fnh equal to unity. The more shallow the water, the limit will be Hf = 0.35, when the limit for the wash of the
higher and narrower is the peak in the wave height and the conventional ferry is Hc = 0.5 m.
longer the period. Operational strategies have been devel- The High Speed Craft Code is a restricted service code
oped for certain fast ferry routes to minimize the effects of in that it certifies vessels to operate in a particular sea-state.
wash generation at the critical speed. They generally are If year round operation on particular routes requires oper-
based on rapid acceleration/retardation through the critical ation in sea states outside these limits then conventional,
hump speed, which restricts the generation of augmented that is, SOLAS design will be required. The fast full-dis-
waves. This technique allows rapid transit into the super/ placement passenger Ro-Ro ferry, which operates at ser-
sub-critical speed zone where wave height is reduced. vice speeds of 25 to 32 knots, is now becoming a frequent
While wash wave height can be reduced in this manner choice of design for newbuildings. This design concept
when passing into the supercritical zone, the high value of was earlier developed in Japan for coastal service and in
the period typically 7 to 10 seconds for a 78 meter cata- northern Europe. Since the mid-1990s the performance at-
maran remains with its contribution to wash energy undi- tributes of the hull shape have been further advanced for
minished. This wave period is much higher than conven- the Adriatic routes and the type is epitomized by the Su-
tional ferries, which travel in the sub-critical zone. At high perFast ® Ferries series of vessels. These vessels have cut
speeds there is rapid height attenuation away from the ves- travelling times significantly and are not limited by service
sel. According to Doctors (31) this rapid decay is a func- restrictions as to wave heights. They can be designed to
tion of speed. However while the height of the waves gen- deal with ice conditions if required.
erated by fast ferries diminishes rapidly away from the If carrying freight is a primary requirement then the
ship the period remains steady or increases slightly. When most frequent choice is the Ro-Pax design solution (See
these long waves reach shallow water they will increase in Chapter 35). The Ro-Pax has a much reduced passenger
height again due to shoaling and this increase is signifi- accommodation with consequent reduction in construction
cantly greater than for the shorter waves (4 to 5 second pe- weight and costs and in operational costs particularly
riod) generated by conventional ferries. The effect of through reduced crewing requirements. Their service
shoaling is greatest in water depths less than about three speeds are in the range 20 to 25 knots. The Ro-Pax vessel
meters. Operational strategies to deal with this appear lim- also deals with severe weather and ice conditions.
ited to directing the ferry routes away from areas where The late 1990s sees the fast full-displacement SOLAS
there are big changes in bathymetry, for example sand ferry or the combination of HSC Code car ferry and
banks and reefs where shoaling effects are magnified. Ko- SOLAS Ro-Pax vessel emerging as preferred operational
foed-Hansen (32) suggests a criterion of acceptability for solutions. Depending on the route the HSC Code ferry may
fast ferry wash based on the maximum wave height prior not operate for the full year.
to breaking. The criterion, which is valid in about three
meters water depth and for wave periods greater than 4.5
seconds, may be formulated as;
Hf = βb3/2 c Hc Table 31.VI gives the characteristics for a selection of typ-
Tf ical ferries.
where H and T indicate a maximum wave height in three
meters of water and the related wave period respectively,
38-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 38.VI High Speed Craft Code Car-Ferry Particulars

Design Aquastrada Alhambra Seajet 250 Express 82 WPC 86 HSS 1500

Type Deep-V Deep-V Semi- Semi- WPC Semi-

Monohull Monohull SWATH SWATH SWATH
Builder Rodriguez Bazan Danyard Austal Incat Finnyards
Length o.a. m 101.75 124.70 76.10 82.30 86.27 126.6
Length p.p. m 85.30 110.0 69.50 76.41 107.5
Length w.l. m 85.30 62.50 70.70 76.41 107.5
Beam mld. m 14.50 18.70 23.40 23.00 26.00 40.0
Beam, demi-hull m n/a n/a 4.40 4.38 5.5/7.5
Depth to main deck m 5.40 5.20 8.05 6.70 7.10 12.50
Depth to pax deck m 9.50 11.20 11.10 11.00 18.20
Hull draft m 2.051 2.50 3.54 2.501 3.501 4.6
Deadweight tonnes 232 475 236 340 340 1500
Service Speed knots 43 38 43.6 38 423 40
Installed Power kW 27 930 34 800 24 800 24 000 28 320 66 600
Water-jets 3 5 4 4 4 4
Bow-thrusters 1 2 2 0 0 2
Range n. miles 370 300
Passengers 450 1250 450 600–9002 776 1500
Cars 126 246 120 175 200 375
Cars + Coaches 106 + 4 230 + 4 — 70 + 10 +4 100 + 50
Car Clear Height m 3.85/2.35 2.3 2.0–2.2 2.1
Coach Clear Height m 4.35 n/a 4.4 4.5/4.2
Car Axle Loads tonnes 1.0 0.8–1.0
Coach Axle Loads tonnes n/a 9.0–12.0
TFP = g*Dwt/(PI/VS) 1.80 2.62 2.09 2.72 2.54 4.54

1 T-foil Ride Control Systems fitted which increase total draft.

2 Various passenger capacities delivered.
3 With allowance for added resistance of T-Foil.

4. Report of Panel of Experts IMO Briefing, Ro-Ro ferry
1. Cruise and Ferry Info. Various issues including April 1997, safety, 11 April 1995
No. 4. ShipPax Information, Sweden. Other of their publi- 5. Agreement Concerning Specific Stability Requirements for
cations including Design 96 and Guide 97 were generally Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Undertaking Regular Scheduled In-
consulted ternational Voyages Between or to or From Designated
2. Kennel C., “Design Trends in High-Speed Transport,” Ports in North West Europe and the Baltic Sea. Stockholm,
SNAME Marine Technology, 35(3), 1998 February 1996
3. SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 1997, IMO Publication 6. Allan, T., “Ro-Ro Ferry Safety: Comments from Abroad,”
IMO-110E SNAME Marine Technology 35(2) 1998
Chapter 38: Ferries 38-31

7. Vassalos, D., “An anatomy of the Stockholm Agreement,” 19. Hercus, P., Personal conversation with author, September
STAB2000 Conference, Launceston February 2000 1998
8. Harmonization of Damage Stability Provisions in IMO In- 20. Grollius, W., et al., “Results of Model Tests with Fast Un-
struments. SLF 40/INF.15, July 1996 conventional Ships in Shallow Water,” FAST 95 Lubeck-
9. International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, HSC Travemunde, September 1995
CODE, Resolution MSC.36(63) adopted 20 May 1994. 21. Hornsby, N., Parker, G., Doctors, L. J., Renilson, M. R.,
IMO Publication IMO-187E “The Design, Development and Construction of a 35m
10. IMO SLF Correspondence Group for the Revision of the Low-wash Fast Catamaran River Ferry,” IMAS High Speed
HSC Code. Various Correspondences from March–Septem- Marine Transportation Conference, Sydney, November
ber 1997 1991
11. High Speed Craft (HSC) Code, 2001 Edition, IMO Publica- 22. Brisbane River Ferry Strategy Environmental Assessment
tion I185E Report. Brisbane Transport, February 1995
12. Beijer, N., “The Interiors of the New Large Fast Ferries Rad- 23. Global Vibration Analysis of NB 193 and 194 – Ferries for
ically Depart from Aircraft Styles and Encourage Passenger DSB Rederi A/S, degaard & Danneskiold-Samsoe A/S, Au-
Flow and Spend,” Cruise+Ferry 97 Conference, London, gust 1996
1997 24. Vibration Assessment of SEAJET 250 Semi-Swath Car
13. Kristensen, H.O.H. and Pucill, F., “Development and Opti- Ferry, degaard & Danneskiold-Samsoe A/S, February 1995
misation of a New Hull Form for Double-Ended Ferries,” 25. Global Vibration Analysis of SEAJET 250 Semi-Swath Car
Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft 86, 1992 Ferry, degaard & Danneskiold-Samsoe A/S, May 1995
14. Kristensen, H.O.H., “The Manoeuvrability of Double- 26. Noise and Vibration Measurements – Danyard Newbuilding
Ended Ferries, Design Considerations, Construction and No. 1741 “Mie Mols” Seajet 250, degaard & Danneskiold-
Service Experience,” RINA Ship Motions & Manoeuvrabil- Samsoe A/S, October 1996
ity Conference, London, 1998 27. Marine Project Guide W46 – 1/1996, Wartsila NSD
15. Kristensen, H.O.H. “Low-Speed Harbour Manoeuvring of 28. Foss, B., “Fast Ferries and the Environment – A Challenge
Ferries – Problem Identification, Solutions and Service Ex- to Builders and Operators,” Fast Ferry Conference, Copen-
perience,” Cruise+Ferry 93, London May 1993 hagen, February 1996
16. Chislett, M.S., “Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrabil- 29. degaard & Danneskiold-Samsoe Newsletter, No.3 Autumn
ity,” MARSIM 96 International Conference, Copenhagen, 1996
1996 30. Prediction of External Noise SEAJET 250 Fast Ferry, de-
17. Schact, C., “Research on Semi-SWATH Hull Form,” FAST gaard & Danneskiold-Samsoe A/S.,September 1995
95 Conference, Lubeck-Travemunde, September 1995 31. Doctors, L. J., “Development of Low-Wash Vessels,” Aus-
18. Dussert-Vidalet, R., et al., “CORSAIRE 11000 – Optimisa- Marine 98 Conference, Fremantle, November 1998
tion and Contractual Validation of the Seakeeping Perfor- 32. Kofoed-Hansen, H., “Technical Investigation of Wake Wash
mance of the New Fast Ferry Ship for SNCM,” FAST 95 from Fast Ferries,” Danish Maritime Institute, December
Conference Lubeck-Travemunde, September 1995 1996
Figure 39.1 320 Meter Self-unloading Great Lakes Bulk Carrier
Chapter 39
Inland and Lake Vessels

Joseph P. Fischer and Edward L. Shearer

39.1 INTRODUCTION The differences between inland and lake vessels and
that of unrestricted ocean service will be described in the
As of January 1, 1999, the active U.S. fleet included more
remainder of this chapter.
than 37 700 cargo and passenger ships, ferries, barges, tugs,
towboats and other work vessels. Of this there are 25 698 Environment
barges and 2779 towboats carrying cargo on the inland wa-
The maximum sea state on the Great Lakes is less than
terways, and 206 ships and barges operating on the great
that for ocean service primarily due to the limited depth
Lakes (1). Therefore, over 75% of the U.S. fleet is com-
of water and length of fetch. Waves on the Great Lakes
posed of lakes and river (inland waterways) vessels.
have a shorter wave length and are steeper than ocean
Inland and lake vessels are quite different from their
seagoing cousins. Geographically restricted in range, such
The worst storms on the Great Lakes usually occur in
vessels have developed into highly specialized craft ideally
November. Meteorologists believe the colder air passing
suited to perform a specific task consistent with their
over warmer water creates a velocity gradient that makes
geography and environment.
for higher energy transfer to waves than in other seasons of
There are oceangoing ships that transit into lakes and
the year. Most notable is the storm of November 9, 1913
up rivers as part of their transportation routes, but these are
(Black Friday) in which 10 ships sank and 20 were driven
designed as seagoing ships with special equipment to meet
ashore with a loss of 235 lives. The Armistice Day Storm
the lakes and rivers needs. They will not be considered in
of November 11, 1940 was blamed for 2 ships sunk, 5
this chapter.
driven ashore and 70 lives lost. Other notable casualties
due to wave and weather are the Henry Stienbrenner, sank
39.1.1 What Makes These Vessels Different in Lake Superior on May 11, 1953; the Carl D. Bradley,
sank in Lake Michigan on November 18, 1958; the Daniel
Most vessels are classed by classification societies accord-
J. Morrel, sank in Lake Huron on November 29, 1966, and
ing to their service. For example, the Classification Agree-
the Edmund Fitzgerald, sank in Lake Superior on Novem-
ment used by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
ber 10, 1975.
lists the following intended service:
Some of the first work on Great Lakes waves was pub-
• Unrestricted lished by Sadler and Lindblad in 1922 (2). The most recent
• Great Lakes study of Great Lakes environment was presented at the
• River and Harbor SNAME Spring Meeting in Ottawa, Canada, July 21-23,
• Other 1971 (3,4).

39-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Vessels operating solely in rivers, harbors, lakes, bays Regulatory agencies
and sounds are not subject to large wave actions and their Commercial vessels operating on the Great Lakes are sub-
freeboard is not regulated by the internationally agreed ject to different rules and regulations. The American Bu-
load line regulations. However, barges carrying liquid car- reau of Shipping has separate rules for classing Great
goes (tank barges) operating on the Gulf Intercoastal Wa- Lakes bulk carriers (6).
terway between St. Marks and Carabelle, Florida, are re- Great Lakes vessels are subject to pollution regulations
quired to have a load line assigned by the USCG based on such as MARPOL, but are exempt from other IMO regula-
stability of the barge. In addition, inland service vessels tions. SOLAS regulations are not required for vessels op-
can obtain a Limited Load Line from ABS to operate on erating solely on the Great Lakes and inland waterways.
specific routes on the Great Lakes. The U.S. Coast Guard regulations separate Great
Lakes, lakes, rivers, bays and sounds from coastal and Corrosion ocean operations. Seagoing motor vessels (tugs) over 300
Seagoing vessels are plagued by the water in which they Gross Register Tons (GRT) are inspected (7). Great Lakes
operate. Steel vessels corrode in salt water. Wooden ves- and river tugs, being non-seagoing, are subject to USCG
sels are attacked by teredo worms boring along their grain regulations for uninspected vessels, 46 CFR Subchapter C.
boundaries. All vessels are subject to barnacles and other Special regulations are provided for Great Lakes load line
marine organisms, which require frequent removal. (8) and navigation lights (9). An anomaly exists for Great
The inland and lake vessels operate in fresh water. Lakes barges. Prior to 1994, seagoing barges were in-
While steel vessels in fresh water are not entirely free from spected and Great Lakes barges were not inspected. In
corrosion, the degree of corrosion is dramatically less. 1993, the U.S. Congress passed a law requiring Great
Attention to coatings has become more prevalent in the Lakes barges over 3500 GRT to be inspected. In 1994, the
inland industry in the recent past. The major focal point is U.S. Congress passed a law making unmanned seagoing
the internal void compartments of barges and towboats, barges, not carrying hazardous or inflammable cargo, ex-
which have a tendency to rust from the inside out due to the empt from inspection. This appears to be a political situa-
compartments being unventilated and subject to contained tion and not a technical problem.
moisture. External surfaces on inland vessels subject to op-
eration in salt water environments are given special treat- Navigation
ment. Navigation on the Great Lakes differs from deep sea be-
Great Lakes cargo vessels are known for their longevity. cause of the smaller expanse of water. Keeping the vessel
As a bulk cargo vessel converted to a self-unloading cement off the rocks is a far greater concern for a Master on the
carrier, the E. M. FORD operated for 100 years, having Great Lakes than his ocean counterpart. Navigation on the
been built in 1898. Of the vessels currently in operation, ten Great Lakes is from point to point with separate lanes for
were built prior to World War II and eight were built during upbound (northern or upper) and downbound (southern or
World War II. lower) vessels. A vessel traffic management system is in
The hulls of these older vessels often operated in their place for:
second life, having been repowered by larger engines • the St. Mary’s River and Soo Locks, Soo Control, reg-
and/or converted to self-unloading dry bulk carriers to ex- ulated by U.S. Coast Guard, 33 CFR 161.45,
tend their useful life. Obsolescence occurred in the ma- • St. Clair River to Detroit River Light, Sarnia Traffic,
chinery or in the trade pattern, not in the steel hull. The monitored by Canadian Coast Guard, 33 CFR 162.130,
American Bureau of Shipping Rules adds a corrosion al- and
lowance to shell plate of 2.5 mm for seagoing vessels (5), • the St. Lawrence Seaway, seven sections monitored by
and 1.52 mm for Great Lakes ships (6), based on a 20-year Seaway Traffic Control, 33 CFR 401.60, through
life. 401.65.
Vessels operating in salt water go to great lengths to
sandblast and coat the steel exposed to seawater with a Vessels are required to check in at specified control
primer and epoxy coat as a minimum. Great Lakes vessels points and their speed over the ground is limited in these
use a water blast and a primer when new. Bottoms are sel- locations.
dom re-painted and topsides are painted for cosmetic ap- To navigate the Great Lakes, a licensed pilot is re-
pearances only. Ballast tanks of Great Lakes vessels re- quired. It is common practice for operating companies to
ceive only a primer coat over the base steel. train their deck officers as licensed pilots so no additional
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-3

crew need be taken onboard. Deck department cadets at the given and the whistle light would also show. Vessels were
Great Lakes Maritime Academy at Traverse City, Michi- recognized by their whistle light. This practice has been
gan often get their prerequisite time on the bridge as cadets discontinued at the request of the U.S. Coast Guard.
so they can receive their pilot’s license after passing the In early days, vessel-to-shore communication was done
written portion of the test. This gives them an edge over by Single Side Band (SSB) short wave radio. Stations were
graduates from other maritime academies who do not re- at Buffalo, NY and Rogers City, MI. Because of their short
ceive this training. distance to land, vessels are not required to carry a separate
Early navigation was done by dead reckoning, that is, radio officer. After World War II, members of the Lake
plotting distance by course and speed. Speed was not that Carriers Association initiated a FM radio system with tow-
easy to determine. The Radio Direction Finder (RDF) was ers placed strategically to cover the Great Lakes. The un-
employed to determine a position fix by determining the manned stations automatically responded to a telephone
bearing to two or more different radio stations. Position system and could reach vessels almost everywhere. Shore-
fixing was enhanced by the addition of radar following side callers needed to know which station the vessel was
World War II. near in order to place a call.
Again, technology advanced as vessels were required to Satellite communication (SATCOM) was tried on sev-
have depth sounders. A Master could plot his position on eral vessels, but never became attractive because of the
the chart by: high cost. The advantage of SATCOM is the ability to
transmit data as well as voice. This enables computers on
• dead reckoning, ships and ashore to exchange data or to telefax messages at
• radio direction finder, a faster rate which results in a lower connect time.
• radar, and The most popular system in use today is the cellular
• water depth. phone. The system offers voice communication at a low
Loran C was introduced in the 1970s and is still used in cost. There are, however, certain locations on the Great
many vessels even though federal support for the system is Lakes where cellular phone service is not available.
uncertain. Inland service towboats, like their Great Lakes counter-
Loran C brought a new means of position locating parts, are fitted with bridge-to-bridge radios in accordance
although early charts had to be corrected for local with 33 CFR Part 26. Ship-to-shore communication is
errors. Vessels can eliminate the RDF when fitted with commonly performed with cellular telephones or systems
Loran C. such as WaterCom.
With the advent of the differential Global Positioning
System (GPS), the mariner’s problem of locating his posi- Design constraints
tion has become greatly simplified. GPS allows the Master The size of Great Lakes bulk carriers and inland service
to locate his or her position within a fraction of a ship barges and towboats, follows closely the constraints on
length. draft, beam and length.
Inland service towboats are fitted with radars for navi- For bulk carriers transiting between Lake Superior and
gation purposes. Some vessels are equiped with GPS sys- Lake Huron or Lake Michigan, the locks in the St. Mary’s
tems and electronic river charts are available for some por- River at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Ontario have lim-
tions of the river system. Vessel Traffic Systems (VTS) are ited the size of the vessels. The Poe Lock was opened in
being contemplated for certain congested areas of rivers 1969 with a lock size of 365.76 m long by 33.53 m wide.
and towboats will be equipped with transponders and re- With a guard boom at 30.48 m from each end, vessels
ceivers. of 304.80 m LOA and 32.0 m beam were permitted to tran-
sit the lock. While water depth at the lock sill is about Communication 10.06 m, the connecting channels in the St. Mary’s River
Great Lakes vessels, like other vessels, are required to have have a navigable draft of 8.08 m at mean low water datum.
a bridge-to-bridge radio per 33 CFR, Part 26. Up until re- Twelve vessels were built with these maximum dimen-
cent collision regulations (Colregs) went into effect, most sions.
Great Lakes steamers had a whistle light in the foremast. After several years of operation, the guard boom at the
This was a company logo or sign outlined in white incan- vessel’s stern was not used and the allowable overall length
descent lights that was wired to the ship’s whistle. When was increased to 335.28 m LOA. Unfortunately, the free-
meeting a vessel, the intended passing whistle signal was board tables (8) stop at 304.8 m LBP. One vessel has been
39-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

built with 304.8 m LBP and 308.91 m LOA. ABS rules for materials are not an enhanced commodity, enough raw ma-
hull girder strength (6) extend to 365.76 m. terials are transported during the ice-free navigation sea-
The MacArthur Lock at Sault Ste. Marie and the son, April through December, to stock pile the raw materi-
Welland Canal and St. Lawrence River locks limited ves- als for plant consumption during the winter season.
sels to 222.50 m LOA by 22.86 m beam. Many Canadian The traditional bulk carriers were loaded by gravity
vessels were built to these maximum dimensions. The Sea- chutes from pockets in a trestle (Figure 39.2), which were
way Authority has recently permitted vessels of 225.55 m filled by bottom dump rail cars.
LOA by 23.77 m to transit the Welland Canal and St. Chutes on the trestle were spaced at 3.66 m centers and
Lawrence River. the hatches on the bulkers were spaced to match. Hatches
Many U.S. industries located plants along rivers when were 2.74 m long. This was conducive to 0.91 m spacing
ship size was relatively small. A class of River Vessels de- of transverse frames with a deep arch between hatches.
veloped at 192.02 m LOA by 20.73 m beam for the Cuya- Eventually the transverse frames gave way to a system of
hoga River in Cleveland, OH, the Black River in Loraine, transverse side shell framing, for rubbing against lock
OH, the Buffalo River in Buffalo, NY, the Fox River in walls, with longitudinal framing for the deck and bottom.
Green Bay, WI, and the Saginaw River, Bay City, MI. Re- The latest vessels are longitudinally framed throughout
cent developments in vessel maneuverability, including with web frames at 2.44 m spacing. Hatches are 3.35 m
tug/barge units, have challenged the traditional limits on long and spaced at 7.39 m centers. Deep arches are spaced
size in these rivers. between hatches. This enables vessels to load at chute
The beam and length of inland service barges is dic- docks by loading every other pocket and then shifting to
tated by the size of the locks located on the river system. A pick up the alternate pockets. Some gravity chute docks
tow of barges must be of a size to fit into a lock chamber have been replaced with telescoping belt conveyors spaced
allowing a small but sufficient clearance at the sides and at 7.39 m and 14.63 m centers.
ends. Barges on the Mississippi River system allow for Unloading of bulk carriers was initially done by hand.
total tow widths of 32 to 33 m and tow lengths of slightly Workers would shovel ore into a bucket or skip which
less than 183 or 366 m, the lengths of the lock chambers. would be lifted out of the hold by a shoreside crane. The
The design draft of inland vessels is normally 2.75 m based invention of the Huelett (10) allowed ore to be unloaded at
on the controlled depth of the rivers as maintained by the an average of 1500 tons per hour per machine. Many ports
U.S. Corps of Engineers. However, most operators, de- had three and four Huelett unloaders per berth. To allow
pending on river level, will load barges to deeper drafts to the Huelett unloaders unrestricted access to the length of
carry more cargo. the cargo hold, the bridge and deck crew’s quarters were
located in the bow. This also allowed the pilots to have a
close look when approaching a dock.
The propulsion machinery, stack, and machinery
39.2 TYPES OF GREAT LAKES VESSELS crew’s quarters were located aft. The galley was also lo-
39.2.1 Bulk Carriers cated aft. This gave the vessels that unique look of a long,
The major commodities transported by ships in the Great uninterrupted deck (Figure 39.3). Figure 39.4 shows a typ-
Lakes are dry bulk commodities such as iron ore, lime- ical general arrangement of a Great Lakes bulk carrier.
stone, and coal. The base for this movement is the steel in-
dustry. Traditionally, the steel mills were located in the
Eastern interior of the U.S. near the coalfields. 39.2.2 Self-Unloading Bulk Carriers
Iron ore deposits are located in the northern regions of Supplementing the traditional bulk carriers, self-unloading
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. The move- vessels started in 1959 in the miscellaneous trades trans-
ment of iron ore is from the Upper Lakes to rail centers and porting limestone to the steel mills, chemical plants and
steel mills along the southern shores of Lake Erie and Lake the construction industry and coal to power plants. These
Michigan. Limestone, a required ingredient for making vessels were usually smaller than the captive fleet ore car-
steel in a blast furnace, is found in northern Michigan and riers as they had many calls to obscure ports with unim-
southern Lake Erie. proved docks. A self-unloader could call at a coal burning
Steel companies owned captive fleets of bulk carriers plant, tie to a tree onshore, and discharge 10 000 tonnes of
bringing the raw materials to their mills. As the harbors coal in 4 to 6 hours. Other commodities handled by these
freeze in the winter (along with the cargoes), and the raw independent tramp vessels included sand for foundries,
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-5

Figure 39.2 Great Lakes Bulker Being Loaded at Chutes

Figure 39.3 Bridge Forward Early Bulk Carrier

gypsum rock for the dry-wall industry, potash for the agri- ture content caused it to freeze in railroad cars and ships’
industry and rock salt for local governments in charge of holds making it impractical to transport during the winter
highways. Unloading rates of 2500 to 4000 tonnes per season. The red ore was also very sticky and non-homoge-
hour were common. nous and did not flow freely in gravity type self-unloaders.
High-grade iron ore (hematite) was transported in its As the hematite grew scarce, an abundance of low-grade
natural form as a red, rock-like substance. Its high mois- iron ore (taconite) was left on the iron ranges. A process
39-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 39.4 Typical Great Lakes Bulk Carrier General Arrangement

was developed on the iron range to separate the low grade

ore from its non-metallic mixture and process it into round
balls or pellets of about 16mm diameter. This left the
worthless tailings at the iron range and transported iron-
rich pellets to the blast furnace.
Besides improving the transportation efficiency, round
pellets could now be handled by gravity type self-unload-
A recent development is to ship the limestone to the
taconite processing plant and mix the limestone with the
taconite into a basic or fluxed pellet. Such pellets, when fed
directly into the blast furnaces, improve the iron reduction
process and make the steel mill more efficient. This is
causing a shift in the direction of some limestone north to
the taconite processing plant rather than south to the steel Figure 39.5 A Converted Straight Deck Bulker into a Self-unloading Bulker
mill. The straight-deck bulk carriers were replaced by con-
verting existing vessels to self-unloading and building new Until 1970, most vessels had V shaped bow sections
self-unloading vessels (Figure 39.5). and U shaped stern sections with a single center skeg. The
Charles E. Wilson (Figure 39.6) Bay Shipbuilding Com- Hull form pany Hull 710 (11), was the first vessel whose lines were
A typical Great Lakes self-unloading bulk carrier spends developed using a compass and straight edge. The entrance
about 1/3 of its operating time at reduced power and in features a cylindrical bow, the radius being one fourth of
port. Economic analysis shows an optimal design has a beam. The stem profile is vertical fairing into a torous
moderate speed (horsepower) and a high unloading rate shape at the bottom. The upper tangent slopes downward
compared to trans-ocean vessels. With a low speed-length fairing into a small 508 mm bilge radius. All transverse
ratio (Froude Number) and operating in a more gentle sea sections have vertical sides above the tangent line. The run
state, the Great Lakes bulk carrier has developed into a has a barge rake profile sloped at about 11º with a flat bot-
very full-form vessel. tom, a moderate bilge radius and vertical sides. A vertical-
Table 39.II gives the hull form ratios and coefficients of sided centerline skeg contains the single screw propulsion
typical vessels throughout history. machinery.
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-7

Figure 39.6 Great Lakes Bulker Lines

Twin screw versions (12,13) had a similar form but with chain on each side of the bucket. The buckets were sup-
a small tunnel in the flat of bottom on each side of the cen- ported by wheels running on a track. The chain was driven
ter skeg. by a large sprocket powered by electric motors. Mainte-
The resistance of these full form vessels can be esti- nance on the buckets, wheel bearings and track is high. Un-
mated from a regression analysis of past model tests (14). loading rates up to 4000 tons per hour are common.
The single screw propeller operates in a high, uneven wake The inclined belt is what the name implies, a conveyor
field. Single screw propellers with a large skew have been belt running at an incline. The angle is limited to 16º to 18º
shown to reduce vibration (15). to keep the cargo from running back. While of low main-
tenance, it takes up considerable space. The inclined con- Unloading system veyor can run through the cargo hold where it reduces the
The history of self-unloading vessels is described in the re- cargo hold cubic capacity, or through the aft machinery
cent SNAME historical book (16). The gravity type self- space where a transfer chute and second inclined conveyor
unloader consists of one or more longitudinal conveyor runs the cargo in the opposite direction to the boom con-
belts located under a hoppered cargo hold. Gates in the veyor. Unloading rates of 6000 tonnes per hour are com-
bottom of each hopper meter the free-flowing cargo onto mon.
the hold conveyor belt where it travels to one end of the The Loop conveyor and HAC are similar conveyors
hold. There the cargo is elevated above deck to a hopper wherein the cargo is sandwiched between two conveyor
that feeds a boom conveyor for over-the-side discharge. belts and elevated along a short radius or steep angle. The
Figure 39.7 shows a schematic for a self-unloading bulk sandwich cross section is smaller than the conventional
carrier. conveyor belt and wider belts with faster speeds are used
Throughout the years, many forms of elevating the to develop high unloading rates up to 10 000 tonnes per
cargo have been devised. This includes: hour. The Loop and HAC offer the advantage of a shorter
length than the inclined belt conveyor (Figure 39.7).
• bucket elevator,
The Flex-O-Wall conveyor and Pocket Belt are similar.
• inclined conveyor belt,
The Flex-O-Wall has corrugated side belts and transverse
• loop or C conveyor (17),
lugs vulcanized or bolted to a conveyor belt. The Pocket
• HAC conveyor (18),
Belt has flexible pockets mounted on a conveyor belt that
• Flex-O-Wall conveyor,
act much like buckets on a bucket elevator. Both systems
• pocket belt conveyor, and
are capable of a vertical lift thus saving space in the vessel.
• wheel elevator.
Unloading rates of 4000 tonnes per hour are possible.
Early self-unloaders were fitted with bucket elevators. Two vessels have been built using a large wheel to ele-
This consisted of large buckets mounted to an endless vate the cargo. The wheel has a series of radial diaphragms
39-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 39.7 Self-unloading Bulk Carrier Schematic

or pockets that are filled with cargo using an outer belt to

cover the wheel and an inner belt to retain the cargo until
the discharge point is reached. An unloading rate of 20 000
tonnes per hour is possible but has not been achieved be-
cause of shoreside limitations on receiving the cargo.
Most self-unloaders use a long boom conveyor to dis-
charge the cargo to a shoreside pile or hopper. Boom con-
veyors are 68.5 m to 85.3 m in length with 76.2 m being
the most common (Figure 39.8).
Early boom conveyors were built with steel angles riv-
eted in a rectangular cross section. Topping was done by a
winch with multiple part wire rope. Slewing was accom-
plished by winches using wire rope and blocks to pull the Figure 39.8 Unloading Boom
boom away from center with a tag winch to pull back, thus
keeping the boom under control.
The structural sections had a low compression effi-
ciency requiring many short-spaced panels. The rectangu-
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-9

lar cross section is not favorable to racking loads that tend LBP, corresponding to the maximum table length, and
to distort the cross section. reaching 308.9 m LOA.
Modern boom conveyors are made of welded pipe with
a triangular cross section (this permits longer-spaced pan- Hull strength
els with a rigid cross section). Topping is done with a hy- The hull girder strength of Great Lakes bulk carriers differs
draulic cylinder and fixed rigging or bar, and slewing is ac- from ocean vessels because of their environment and
complished by a hydraulic powered rack and pinion arrangement.
turning at the boom pivot. The traditional method of balancing a hull on a stan-
A few self-unloaders are fitted with a short transverse dard wave having a length equal to the length of the ship
or shuttle conveyor that extends outward from the vessel’s and a height from crest to trough of 1/20 of the wave length
side to discharge into a shoreside receiving hopper. These and having a trochoidal form could not be used as wave
vessels are restricted to piers fitted with receiving hoppers lengths were limited to 91.4m to 99.1 m in length (1). The
and obviously restricts their flexibility. standard bending moment for Great Lakes hulls is:
Special cargo gear rules are published by ABS for self-
BM = 0.86 L2 BT/36 K
unloading boom conveyors (19).
where L is Length Between Perpendiculars, B is Breadth, Load line molded, and T is draft, with values of K given for L from
A history of Great Lakes load lines is given in reference 20. 103.6 m to 182.9 m in reference 10.
Freeboard rules for Great Lakes vessels were first proposed The 1935 Load Line Regulations (22) required the min-
at the Buffalo Convention of 1874–76. In 1920, the United imum hull girder section modulus to be equal to ƒTB in2 ft
States established a Committee on Bulkheads and Free- where T is the vessel’s draft in feet and B is the vessel’s
board under which a Great Lakes sub-committee, chaired by beam in meters and ƒ is shown in Table 45.15-17(c)(5)(ii).
Professor H. C. Sadler of the University of Michigan, in- This formula was applicable for vessels where L/D does
vestigated load lines and freeboard for Great Lakes vessels not exceed 13.5 in vessels of 99.1 m and 19.0 in vessels of
(2). The Lake Carriers Association voluntarily adopted load 182.9 m in length. To be classed, ABS required the mini-
line markings in 1929. The Coastwise Load Line Act of mum section modulus to be 15% great than that required
1935 was enacted by the United States Congress and estab- for load line.
lished mandatory load lines for Great Lakes vessels in 1936. The standard hull bending moment divided by the stan-
These rules are similar to the rules established by the dard section modulus, ƒTB, resulted in a standard stress as
1930 International Load Line Convention for seagoing shown in reference 10.
vessels. Because of its long interrupted cargo hold, with ma-
During World War II and the Korean conflict, an emer- chinery and quarters at the ends, the traditional laker has
gency mid-summer mark was established to allow deeper an excess of weight over buoyancy in the middle which re-
drafts during good weather. The length of the summer sea- sults in a sagging moment when loaded. To reduce the sag-
son was extended for 2 weeks into the intermediate season ging moment, the end holds are usually filled to cubic ca-
at each end of the summer season. pacity with the middle holds slack.
In 1953, the Great Lakes load lines were amended to In light and ballast conditions, the ends have more
permanently establish a mid-summer season. weight than buoyancy and the vessels normally hog. Even
In 1967, the Great Lakes Load Line Joint Technical though the vessel’s draft is less than in the loaded condi-
Committee was established to extend the freeboard regula- tion, this hogging moment is not to be ignored. Both the
tions from 228.6 m to 304.8 m LBP. The results of the Carl D. Bradley and the Daniel J. Morrel broke apart
committee’s work were reported by Mr. G. Almond (21). while in ballast condition.
The results were accepted by Canada in 1970 and in the With the advent of longer locks, longer ships were
U.S. by the 1971 Load Line Regulations (22). In 1973, the planned, and it was evident that the strength criteria of ƒTB
U.S. revised the load line regulations to what is currently could not be extrapolated for vessels beyond 213.4 m in
published (8). length.
It is noteworthy that while strength rules (6) are estab- Joint meetings of the Lake Carriers Association (U.S.)
lished up to 365.7 m, the freeboard tables (8) stop at 304.8 and the Dominion Marine Association (Canadian) in 1963
m LBP. and 1964 recognized the limitations on knowledge of
Since changing the limits in the Poe Lock from 304.8 m waves and vessel response on the Great Lakes. A SNAME
to 335.3 m LOA, only one vessel has been built to 304.8 m task group, HS-1-2, was set up to instrument the Edward
39-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

L. Ryerson with strain gages to record the hull bending include as much framing as possible in the longitudinal
stresses. In 1966, the Canadian Department of Transport hull girder strength.
and the United States Coast Guard formed the Great Lakes The last U.S. flag straight decker built is the Edward L.
Load Lines Joint Technical Committee (G.L.L.L.J.T.C.) to Ryerson (25). The midship section is typical with a tank
establish freeboard and strength requirements for vessels top with a watertight center vertical keel (CVK) and side
from 228.6 m up to 304.8 m. This resulted in the 1968 tanks forming an L shaped ballast tank on each side (Fig-
Strength Standard and is described in the SNAME Spring ure 39.9). The tank top is closely framed with heavy plate
Symposium in Ottawa, 1971, by Mathews (23). This stan- to withstand the pounding of grab buckets. Like the Sykes,
dard separated the total bending moment into Still Water the structure is a combination of transverse and longitudi-
Bending Moment (SWBM), which can be somewhat con- nal framing. The vessel has transverse side frames spaced
trolled by the loading officer, and a dynamic bending mo- at 0.91 m in way of the side tanks for rubbing against piers
ment due to the vessel’s response in a seaway. The dy- and lock walls. The side shell above the side tanks, double
namic bending moment is made up of a low frequency bottom and deck are longitudinally framed. Web and bilge
bending due to waves and a high frequency bending which floors are spaced at 3.66 m and deep arches are located be-
occurs because of a vibratory response to certain wave en- tween hatches spaced at 7.39 m. While of welded con-
ergy. This vibratory response is a two-noded vertical vi- struction, the Ryerson has a riveted seam at the bottom of
bration known as springing and is a phenomenon peculiar the bilge strake, a riveted gunwale bar and riveted connec-
to long vessels with a large mass (displacement and en- tion of the longitudinal side tank bulkhead to the Main
trained water) and a low hull girder stiffness. Tests showed Deck stringer plate.
that when a vessel encountered large waves with high wave The space above the side ballast tank has a watertight
bending, the hull springing was low. The higher springing side tank bulkhead extending to the spar (weather) deck.
stresses occur in relatively short waves where vessel speed This void space is used for wireways and for an underdeck
and wave encounter approach the natural frequency of the passageway between the forward and aft ends.
hull girder for two-noded vibration. The results are empir- A second arrangement of the midship section is that of
ically combined in a standard that takes into account the the self-unloader. While the hatches are still arranged for
vessel’s strength and stiffness. The 1968 strength standard uninterrupted loading, the cargo hold has a hoppered bot-
has been modified slightly by ABS and is the basis for the tom with one to three conveyor belts located above a shal-
Great Lakes Rules (6). low tank top. The tank top and bottom hopper are designed
for a head of water and cargo respectively and need not be Structure strengthened to withstand the beating from grab buckets.
Great Lakes bulk carriers have two distinct midship sec- From 1952 to 1959, four new self-unloading vessels
tions. The first is the straight decker, which was designed were built at Manitowoc, WI, the largest being the Adam E.
to be unloaded by shoreside unloaders such as the Huelett Cornelius (26). These vessels had two conveyor belts and
or by grab buckets. a single bucket elevator with A frame located forward. The
The older vessels built prior to World War II were of vessels had transverse framing throughout spaced at 0.91
riveted construction. Scantlings were determined by Clas- m and were of ordinary strength steel. The vessels were of
sification Society rules. The first post-war bulk carrier was welded construction except for the lower bilge seam, gun-
the Wilfred Sykes built in 1950 (24). This vessel was the wale bar, spar deck between hatches to spar deck stringer
first Great Lakes bulk carrier built with the new ABS grade plate and poop side plating to sheer strake.
of steels established in 1949 with controlled properties for From 1961 through 1971, there were no U.S. flag new-
shipbuilding. The vessel is built of ordinary strength steel. buildings on the Great Lakes.
Nevertheless, old methods were hard to change and the A new shipyard was built at Erie, PA to build modular
vessel was built with a combination of riveting and weld- midbodies. The first vessel built was the 305 m Stewart J.
ing. The shell seams and shell frame flanges are riveted Cort (27). The hull was built in 14.63 m modules in a ver-
along with all connections to the spar deck stringer plate. tical position for automatic welding of seams. Panels were
The shell butts are welded. This vessel had a typical mid- fabricated with single–size stiffeners to suit welding ma-
ship section designed for unloading by shoreside equip- chines, but varied the spacing to account for differences in
ment. The bottom shell, inner bottom, side shell above the loads. The new strength standards were in the interim stage
main deck and the spar deck are longitudinally framed. at the time of design. Higher strength steels were used in
The side tank is transversely framed. The design was in- the upper and lower flanges of the hull girder to reduce the
tended to reduce side damage from piers and locks and still light ship weight (Figure 39.10).
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-11

Figure 39.9 Edward L. Ryerson Midship Section

The self-unloader Charles E. Wilson (11) introduced a Two new Great Lakes car ferries were built in the early
new class of vessels to the Great Lakes. It differs in the fact 1950s. They were twin screw with four-cylinder steeple
that higher strength steels (ABS grades AH32 and AH36) compound uniflow reciprocating engines on each screw.
were used throughout. Grade AH32 was dropped from pro- Each engine was rated at 3000 kW IHP. The vessels had
duction and the following hulls were all AH36. These ves- coal-fired water tube boilers.
sels made extensive use of flanged plates to suit shipyard Except for the large two cycle, four cylinder, Sun-Dox-
production methods (Figure 39.11). ford engine in two Ford vessels built in 1924, diesel engines
were slow to become popular (28). As coal prices rose and Propulsion engines and boilers wore out, repowering steam vessels
Early bulkers were powered by reciprocating steam en- with medium speed geared diesels became popular in the
gines with the steam generated by coal-fired scotch or fire- 1950s through the 1970s (29). This period also saw the in-
tube boilers. Triple and quadruple expansion engines of stallation of non-reversing engines with controllable pitch
900 to 1865 kW IHP were common. Coal was hand fired. propellers and retrofitting of bow thrusters. Such practice
In World War II, sixteen vessels were constructed to a removed the three-watch system of coal passer, fireman and
Maritime Administration design each having coal-fired oiler and replaced them with a single QMED (Qualified
water tube boilers and a 1865 kW IHP triple expansion Maintenance Engine Department) for the diesels.
steam engine. With the newbuilding in the 1970s, all vessels were
Many steamers were converted from coal fired to oil built with diesel propulsion. The major difference is in the
fired (Bunker C or No. 6 oil) with automated boiler con- type of fuel used. The engines in the 800 to 900 RPM range
trols to eliminate the fireman and coal passer. were suited to No. 2 Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) while those
Of the 23 new U.S. bulkers built after World War II in the 450 to 550 RPM range could burn a blend of No. 2
to 1961, all were powered with steam turbines. Sixteen and No. 6 oil (about 3500 Redwood) called Intermediate
had 5220 kW normal SHP, and three had 6340 kW nor- Fuel Oil (IFO). The price difference between MDO and
mal SHP. IFO does not differ as much in the Great Lakes as in inter-
39-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 39.10 Stewart J. Cort Midship Section

national ports such as Rotterdam or Singapore. A debate Electrical systems use 480 volt AC, three phase, 60
still runs today over the pros and cons of MDO and IFO. Hertz for most electric power. A large source of electrical
The vessel burning MDO has less capital cost and annual power is needed for the unloading system on self-unload-
maintenance, but higher fuel costs during operation than ers, which can also be used to power bow and stern
the vessel burning IFO. The experience of the fleet engi- thrusters during maneuvering. Most vessels have a redun-
neer and his influence on company policy seems to deter- dant generator to insure continued operation with minimal
mine the selection. down time.
Most of the vessels built in the 1970s and 1980s were Several of the thousand foot self-unloaders have a sep-
designed with remote monitoring in the engine room with arate 4160 volt AC, three phase, 60 Hertz system to power
a one-man watch, corresponding to ABS Class for ACC. In the large bow thruster motors (1200 kW) and conveyor
service, union contracts rarely permitted a one-man watch, drive motors (750 kW). Such systems are described in ref-
and the engine rooms are manned by two persons on erence 28.
watch; a licensed engineer and an unlicensed crewman.
It appears that future vessels will have the engine room
unmanned at night when out in the open lake and will be 39.2.3 Integrated Tug & Barge (ITB)
classed as ACCU or ABCU by the American Bureau of Tugs and barges are not uncommon on the Great Lakes.
Shipping (ABS) (5). Historically, old sailing schooners were converted to
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-13

Figure 39.11 Charles E.Wilson Midship Section

39-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

barges and towed by steam tugs in the late 1800s. Ships are • the tug and barge are treated as separate vessels for in-
converted to barges to extend their useful life at low cost spection and tonnage.
(30). The main reason for new barge construction is to re-
duce crew costs. An example of a push mode ITB is the Presque Isle
Barges towed on a hawser have a slower speed than (33). An example of a dual mode ITB is the tug Joyce L.
ships with the same power. The combined speed-length van Enkevort (34) and the barge Great Lakes Trader (35)
ratio (V/L1⁄2) for the two hulls (tug plus barge) when added shown in Figure 39.12.
together is greater than the single speed-length ratio of the
ship or a barge with the tug pushing. In addition, most hull Tugs
forms are directionally unstable and tend to yaw when The connection of the tug to the barge may be as simple as
towed on a hawser. To control the towed barge, anti-yaw wire rope. Such a connection cannot withstand even mod-
skegs are fitted on the stern of the barges. This essentially erate seas without the two vessels banging together and en-
increases the resistance of the hull at the aft end (31). dangering the safety of both vessels. Many devices have
Skegs can be fitted with adjustable flaps that can be ex- been designed to improve the tug/barge connection aimed
tended when towing to add drag and placed in line with the at the ability to stay connected in larger sea states.
water flow when pushing to reduce drag. One seaworthy connection in use is the Articouple Sys-
As pushing results in less resistance with more speed, it tem. This consists of a transverse ram mounted on the tug,
is the desired mode of operation. which extends outward with a toothed head to engage a
Connecting the tug to the barge can be simple in good
weather with calm seas. Making this connection in rough
seas is more difficult. To aid in the push mode, a notch can
be located in the stern of the barge to fit the bow of the tug.
The deeper the notch, the easier the connection. Push versus dual mode

Tugs that are specially designed to push a barge as a unit
are defined as an Integrated Tug Barge (ITB). The U.S.
Coast Guard has published guidelines which govern the
inspection, stability and manning of these vessels (32).
ITB units are classed as push mode or dual mode.
The push mode ITB has the characteristics of a ship and
has similar seakeeping capability and remains in the push-
ing mode under all anticipated weather conditions. The
push mode ITB is essentially treated as a ship. The tug
need not meet the towline stability criteria and cannot con-
nect or disconnect under all operating conditions.
The dual mode ITB can both push the barge and is also
equipped to tow the barge on a hawser. The dual mode ITB
has the following characteristics:

• the tug has a hull shape which permits safe hawser tow-
• the tug meets the weather, dynamic and towline stabil-
ity criteria of 46 CFR, Subchapter S,
• the tug and barge are equipped to tow with towline, bri-
dle, towing engine or bitts,
• the tug has the capability to separate safely in a timely
manner at a pre-designated sea state and shift to hawser
towing, and Figure 39.12 Integrated Tug/Barge (ITB)
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-15

vertical rack on the sides of the barge notch. Such a device

is marketed in Japan as Articouple (36) and in North Amer-
ica as the Intercon System (37) and the Bark River Con-
nector. Once connected, the tug has only a single degree of
freedom, pitch, about the transverse axis of the connector
ram. This motion has led to a class of ITB known as Artic-
ulated Tug Barge or ATB. The loads can be estimated from
vessel characteristics or be determined from model tests in
a specified sea state (38).
Another popular method of connection is the Blud-
worth system (39). This system has a clamp on the stem of
the tug that grabs a vertical bar at the center of the barge
notch. The sides of the tug have rubber pads to push
against the sides of the barge notch. The tug pivots about
the clamp at the stem. The moving parts are lubricated to
reduce friction.
The general Arrangement of the tug Joyce L. van
Enkevort (34) shown in Figure 39.13, and the barge Great
Lakes Trader (35) shown in the Figure 39.14.
A special design consideration for a pushing tug is
steering. A tug, towing a barge on a hawser, needs only to
turn the tug and normal rudder sizes are adequate. A tug
pushing a large barge needs a rudder size to turn the com-
bined tug and barge. Should the draft of the tug be less than
the loaded barge, it may become very difficult to obtain
sufficient rudder area. This can result in a rudder with a low
aspect ratio and may also push the propeller forward and
steepen the buttock angle in the run. Consideration should
be given to multiple rudders with higher aspect ratio as a
more efficient steering system with better flow to the pro-
Another problem peculiar to dual mode ITB is stability.
In order to meet the towline criteria when towing, the tug
will need a generous righting arm or metacentric height
(GM). In order to have visibility over the barge when push-
ing, the tug will usually have a high pilothouse. The high
pilothouse will cause a rise in the vessel’s center of gravity
thus aggravating the need for a large GM when towing. So-
lutions are to limit the weight in the raised pilothouse, in-
crease the beam of the tug, or to steer from an enclosed sta-
tion on the barge. A tug with a high pilothouse may also
find excessive motion in the pilothouse when towing on a
hawser or running free. Tugs fitted with both a low and
raised pilothouse or a telescoping pilothouse eliminate this

39.2.4 Cement Carriers

Cement is made by heating crushed limestone (with other Figure 39.13 Tug General Arrangement: Joyce L. van Enkevort
ingredients) in a kiln. The output of a kiln ranges from small
pea-size rock (clinker) to a powder. Clinker can be handled
39-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 39.14 Barge General Arrangement: Great Lakes Trader

by grabs and conveyors, similar to fine gravel or sand. ment pump could receive cement from both forward and
When clinker is ground to a fine powder, it is called cement. aft longitudinal airslides.
Cement can be made practically anywhere there is an Another system used on the inland rivers is a pneumatic
abundant source of limestone. Several large cement plants system where cement is transferred by pressurizing inde-
are located on the Great Lakes and inland rivers near large pendent tanks for discharge ashore by pipes.
limestone deposits. The clinker or finished cement is trans- Larger cement carriers used transverse airslides to feed
ported to the market areas by vessel. Cement is measured longitudinal screw conveyors, which carried the cement to
by barrels, a volume measurement. Cement averages about a cement pump for pneumatic discharge (41). Cement
0.73 m3 per tonne. pumps actually blow the cement with air and have a maxi-
Special purpose cement carriers were built for Great mum discharge rate of about 220 tonnes per hour. Usually
Lakes service as early as 1923. Several old vessels built in two cement pumps are installed to increase the unloading
1892, 1898, and 1904 were converted to cement carriers rate.
(40). The conversion of the S/S Amoco to the cement carrier,
Some covered barges on the inland rivers were fitted S/S J. A. W. Iglemart, which achieved an unloading rate of
with a drag-line scraper system to drag the cement to one about 1360 tonnes per hour by use of transverse airslides
end where a hopper can feed a cement pump by gravity. A to two longitudinal conveyor belts, which in turn feed two
number of inland river barges were built with transverse bucket elevators to bring the cargo above deck. Final dis-
airslides feeding longitudinal airslides, which in turn dis- charge is through a transverse airslide boom which swings
charged into surge hoppers to feed a cement pump. One ce- over the vessel’s side and discharges to a shoreside receiv-
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-17

ing hopper. A shoreside conveyor belt and bucket elevator rated at 1670 kW IHP. Car loading and unloading was done
is required to place the cement in storage silos. As not all through a bow gate. It also carried passengers.
distribution terminals are fitted with the equipment to re- The first rail ferry built for service across Lake Michi-
ceive this rate, the vessel is also fitted with two cement gan was the Ann Arbor No. 1 built in 1892. It carried 22 rail
pumps for pneumatic discharge to silos at a combined rate cars between Kewaunee, WI and Frankfort, MI. There
of 440 tonnes per hour. have been 26 rail ferries built for Lake Michigan service
The conversion of the S/S Alex D. Chisholm from a tra- between 1892 and 1953 (44).
ditional Great Lakes bulk carrier to the cement carrier These vessels operated year round and the hulls were
Medusa Challenger used transverse airslides, a single lon- designed to break ice. The ferries carried four lines of rail
gitudinal conveyor belt, a bucket elevator, and an airslide cars abreast on the main deck. This fixed the beam at about
boom conveyor (41). 17 to 17.6 m. Loading and unloading was done at the stern
A variation of this system using cement pumps instead via a shoreside transfer bridge or apron that could be ad-
of an airslide boom was installed in the ITB Integrity (42). justed for the vessel’s rail height above the ground. Load-
A tank barge was converted to carry different cargoes of ing a single string of rail cars on one side resulted in a large
cement, coal, stone and clinker. The design considered a heeling moment. The connecting apron could withstand a
conventional two-belt conveyor system, a Kvaerner cargo limited angle of heel (about 9º) and the vessel required a
scooper system, a Consilium drag chain system, and a drag large metacentric height (GM) to limit the heel. The rail
scraper system. The Kvaerner cargo scooper was installed cars were clamped to the rails to prevent fore and aft move-
(43). ment and jacked to the deck to take the weight of the car
A design to carry both cement and other bulk materials body off of the springs and provided support against
(coal, stone and iron pellets) was made by R. A. Stearn, rolling.
Inc. in the early 1980s, but was never built. It was difficult The rail car deck was the main deck and freeboard
to find a trade pattern that could utilize the size and versa- deck, but was covered with a non-tight superstructure. A
tility. Cement carriers are limited in size by shoreside re- full bow with flare helped to carry the four tracks well for-
ceiving silos, while bulk carriers benefit from the economy ward. A cut-away fore foot for ice breaking resulted in V
of large size. The economics of a vessel that does all things sections forward. A hinged sea gate partially protected the
poorly is hard to compete against specialized vessels that open aft end from boarding seas. The deck above the rail
carry a single commodity efficiently. car deck was the spar deck and in most ferries had accom-
modations for passengers and crew.
The midship section had a well-rounded bilge with a
39.2.5 Ferries midship coefficient of about 0.87. The lines were finer than
Ferries are normally used to transport people and goods a bulk carrier with a block coefficient of about 0.65 and a
over a body of water that interrupts the normal traffic flow. prismatic coefficient of about 0.75 at the design draft. The
Chapter 38 discusses Ferries in detail. The following dis- waterplane coefficient was about 0.90.
cussion focuses on Great Lakes and Inland Rivers ferries. The distance across Lake Michigan is about 105 kilo-
meters between Ludington, MI and Kewaunee, WI, and Rail ferries about 160 kilometers to Milwaukee, WI. The distance
As railroads developed in the late 19th century, rail cars from Muskegon, MI to Milwaukee, WI is about 160 kilo-
traveling on an east-west route had to go around Lake meters. Service speeds of 13 to 15.6 knots results in a
Michigan. A bottleneck occurred at Chicago, complicated speed/length ratio (Vk/L1⁄2) of about 0.70 to 0.80.
by the fact that the rail lines were owned by many different The car ferries were normally twin screw with the
companies, each wanting a price for use of their portion of shafting enclosed by bossing or spectacle framing for op-
the rail line. eration in ice. The twin screw afforded maneuverability
Cross-river ferries were used between Detroit and when backing into the specialized pier for loading and un-
Windsor and between Port Huron and Sarnia. These were loading cars. The ferries were steam propelled and had
barge-type vessels pushed by small harbor tugs. coal-fired boilers. Coal was loaded into the bunkers by bot-
The Chief Wawatam, built in 1911, was specially de- tom dump rail cars via hatches in the main deck between
signed to link rail cars across the Straits of Mackinaw be- the tracks. Most vessels used reciprocating steam engines,
tween St. Ignace and Mackinaw City, Michigan. It had but two were built with turbo-electric drive. Several car
twin screw propulsion plus a bow propeller used for ice ferries were repowered with medium-speed diesel engines
breaking, each powered by a triple expansion steam engine and one with diesel-electric drive.
39-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2 Auto/rail ferries of the rare instances describing the sea trials with aft, for-
As the automobile became the popular means of trans- ward, and both propellers in operation. The vessel made an
portation, the cross-lake car ferries began transporting au- average of 17.1 crossings per day at an average auto load
tomobiles along with rail cars. Some ferries had the space of 39.1% of capacity. The vessel was put out of service by
between the rails and deck fitted with wood so automobiles the Mackinaw Bridge and eventually sank off the U.S.
could be driven over the rails. Other ferries had special West Coast while being towed to the Far East for scrap.
high ramps built on shore to drive the autos on and off of No discussion of auto ferries would be complete with-
the spar deck. out mention of the cable ferry in Merrimac, WI. This unique
As the number of autos increased, so did the number of ferry crosses Lake Wisconsin, a wide spot in the Wisconsin
passengers. Later ferries were fitted with cabins containing River. The double-ended catamaran ferry carries 12 autos
sleeping accommodations and the vessels were built with on three lanes and pulls itself across the river on a fixed
restaurants, lounge and other amenities to make the pas- cable by means of a hydraulic powered traction winch on
sage more comfortable. the ferry. The hull was built in sections and assembled on-
site in 1963. It serves as much as a tourist attraction as well Auto ferries as an extension of the state highway system.
Auto ferries are the natural extension of roads across bod-
ies of water. Many islands in the Great Lakes are populated 39.2.6 Tankers
and need ferry service for the residents. Examples are:
The number of tank vessels on the Great Lakes has steadily
• Madeline Island, WI, declined as evidenced in Table 39.I. Unlike the bulk carri-
• Washington Island, WI, ers, where a single large vessel replaced several smaller
• Rock Island, WI, vessels, the tanker has succumbed to the pipeline. No new
• Drummond Island, MI, tank vessels have been built since the tank barge Great
• Beaver Island, MI, Lakes in 1982.
• Sugar Island, MI, Most are used for petroleum products with one chemi-
• Harkins Island, MI, cal barge. Petroleum products are further divided into
• Kelly Island, OH, and product carriers (without heating coils) and asphalt and
• Mackinaw Island, MI. heavy oil carriers (with heating coils).
Vessel sizes range from a small 740 m3 tank barge to a
These are usually small, self-propelled vessels, usually
140 000 m3 self-propelled ship. The design and construc-
under 100 Gross Tons, to transport autos, trucks and pas-
tion varies widely.
sengers in a commuter service.
Such vessels are regulated by 46 CFR, Subchapters T
A major problem occurred at the Straits of Mackinaw CHARACTERISTICS
separating Upper and Lower Michigan. Prior to construc-
tion of the Mackinaw Bridge, ferries were the only con- Table 39.II presents characteristics of typical Great Lakes
nection between the two major peninsulas, and large bulk carriers.
queues waiting to cross were common; especially during
deer hunting season. In addition to the rail ferry Chief Table 39.I Number of Great Lakes Tank Vessel
Wawatam, several vessels were converted and two new fer- in Service
ries were built for this service.
The M/V Vacationland was built in 1952 for this ser- Year 1964 1970 1981 1990 1999
vice. The ferry carried 150 autos in eight lanes and was Self-Propelled
certified for 650 passengers. The ferry was double ended U.S. 33 21 13 5 4
eliminating the need to turn around in the 6.3 kilometers Canadian 42 41 35 28 12
crossing. The vessel had two 3.73 m diameter three- Total 75 62 48 33 16
bladed, manganese bronze propellers at each end, for a Barges
total of four. Each propeller was driven by a Nordberg U.S. 48 39 17
8-cylinder 2-cycle diesel engine rated at 2505 kW at Canadian 5 9 7
165 RPM through electric couplings. The paper by Captain Total 53 41 24
Baier (45) not only describes the vessel in detail, but is one
TABLE 39.II Typical Great Lakes Bulk Carrier Characteristics

Adam E. Edward L Stewart J Charles E William R. Sam Mesabi Indiana William J De-
Name Units Armco Cornelius Ryerson Cort Wilson Roesch Laud St Clair Miner Harbor Lancey

Type Bulker 1,2 Self-Unloading Bulker Self-Unloading Self-Unloading Self-Unloading Self-Unloading Self-Unloading Self-Unloading Self-Unloading Self-Unloading
Year Built 1953 1959 1960 1972 1973 1973 1975 1976 1977 1979 1981
Length,overall Feet 647 666.33 730.00 1000.00 680.00 630.00 635.00 770.00 1000.0 1000.00 1013.5
Length for Class Feet 629.25 650.00 712.00 988.50 666.00 610.00 617.00 760.00 990.5 990 1000
Beam, Mld. Feet 70.00 72.00 75.00 104.60 78.00 68.00 68.00 92.00 105.00 105.00 105.00
Depth Feet 36.00 40.00 39.00 49.00 45.00 36.92 40.00 52.00 50.00 56.00 56.00
Draft,Design, Mld. Feet 25.00 26.50 26.50 25.75 26.50 25.33 27.94 27.50 28.00 27.50 28.00
Displacement, Mld. L Tons 26 395 29 107 34 080 68 330 34 260 25 513 29 500 48 503 76 321 75 300 77 427
Displacement, Total L Tons 26 553 29 313 34 135 68 467 34 330 25 564 29 560 48 600 76 475 75 500 77 538
Bilge Radius Feet 3.00 3.25 3.75 1.25 1.67 1.42 1.67 1.67 1.42 1.67 1.42
Tumblehome Inches 9.00 0 9.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Camber Inches 16.00 9.00 18.00 0 0 0 12.00 11.50 6.00 13.125 13.125
Block Coeff. Ratio 8.99 0.854 0.865 0.924 0.893 0.872 0.903 0.906 0.942 0.946 0.942
Midship Coeff. Ratio 17.48 0.997 0.997 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999
Waterplane Coeff Ratio 2.80 0.921 0.895 0.975 0.972 0.931 0.967 0.975 0.973 0.984 0.987
1/2 Angle, Entrance Degrees 51.0 44.5 48.5 Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical
Stern Form Cruiser Cruiser Cruiser Transom Transom Transom Transom Transom Transom Transom Transom
Gross Tonnage Tons 11 654 14 084 12 170 32 930 13 862 10 344 11 619 27 482 34 729 35 932 36 360
Net Tonnage Tons 8675 8915 7637 29 918 9712 6477 8036 22 681 29 629 33 534 32 580
Light Ship Weight L Tons 6262 7320 8080 15 510 6112 5530 5260 8351 15 936 13 389
Brake HP 14 800 7200 5600 7200 10 800 16 000 14 400 16 000
Shaft HP, Normal 7000 7000 9000
Shaft RPM RPM 108 110 105 121 120 110 120 120 120 120
Number of Screws Integer 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Propeller Diameter Feet 17.50 17.50 20.00 18.00 17.5 16.00 17.5 18.50 17.5 17.5 17.5
Number of Blades Integer 4 4 5.00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Stern Design Barge Rake Barge Rake Barge Rake S Rake Barge Rake S Rake
Speed Knots 14.33 14.76 14.55 13.89 13.00 13.37 13.68
Speed/Length1⁄2 Ratio 0.578 0.545 0.442 0.504 0.541 0.433
Unloading Rate LT/HR 5000 20 000 6000 5000 10 000 10 000 10 000
No. of Hold Conv. 2 1 1 1 3 1 1
Boom Conv. Length Feet 250 250 260 250 250 265 250 260
Shuttle Conv. Reach Feet 99

Notes: 1 Prior to Conversion to S-U; 2 Prior to Lengthened

39-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

39.4 INLAND WATERWAYS VESSELS tance due to hull size required for the fourth engine/gear
shaft system was greater than the thrust gains of the fourth
The inland waterways system moves about 60% of the
propeller. Later designs concentrated on increasing the
country’s grain exports, 24% of all chemical and petro-
horsepower of the triple screw designs (47).
leum cargoes, and 20% of domestic coal shipments (1).
Towboats use propeller designs incorporating ducted
Lower Mississippi River ports handle more tonnage than
propellers (Kort nozzles), as shown in Figure 39.17, or
any other port complex in the world, including Singapore
open propellers depending on the application require-
or Hong Kong. The United States has about 42 000 kilo-
ments. Kort nozzles have proven an increase in the propul-
meters of navigable inland channel. In 1994, there were
sive efficiency over open propeller designs at bollard and
approximately 1193 operating transportation companies
low speed ranges, and for this reason, most all heavily
loaded propeller applications will be fitted with Kort noz-
zles. The Kort nozzle also provides some protection to the
39.4.1 Towboats propeller during grounding conditions. Where Kort noz-
Inland service towboats (Figure 39.15) range in size from zles are installed, particular attention must be given to pro-
7.6 × 3 m with single engine propulsion as small as 85 kW peller blade tip clearance to provide the maximum effi-
to 61 × 16.5 m triple screw designs totaling 7840 kW with ciency of the system. Tip clearances should be least
designs on the drawing board of 9000 kW. The name tow- possible allowing for ease of propeller installation and re-
boat, which by definition can mean a vessel used for moval and manufacturing concerns. Normally 9 mm to 13
hawser towing or push towing, will, in this case, define mm is acceptable depending on the diameter of the pro-
vessels that are rigidly attached at the aft end of a group of peller, but tip clearances in excess of 22 mm effectively
barges lashed tightly together (a tow) and push (Figure negate the effect of the nozzle. Kort nozzles also increase
39.16). This type of towing offers the towboat excellent the efficiencies of the steering and flanking rudders by
control over the barges being able to maneuver the tow concentrating the propeller discharge to the rudder blade
along the river system through bridges, in and out of lock surfaces.
chambers, and around tight bends in the river. Maneuverability of towboats is accomplished through a
Although the trend in tug design and construction has system of steering and flanking rudders. Steering rudders
been to introduce Z-drive and cycloidal propulsion sys- on towboats are located behind the propellers, one behind
tems for improved maneuverability, only three such sys- each propeller, in a conventional manner (Figure 39.18).
tems are in commercial operation on the Inland Waterways Two flanking rudders are normally installed forward of
system. each propeller, one on each side of the shaft, to provide the
Several operators have shown interest in the alternate astern maneuverability. The total blade area for steering
types of propulsion, but have been reluctant to invest in rudders as a Rule of Thumb on a twin screw towboat should
new construction or conversions because of maintenance equal 20% of the underwater lateral area of the vessel’s
concerns operating in the heavily silted, occasionally drift- hull. The total area of the flanking rudders should equal
laden navigational channels. that of the steering rudders. Actual rudder areas depend on
However, most naval architects agree that once proven, the position (longitudinally) of the propeller and/or Kort
the more maneuverable systems will be the propulsion sys- nozzle, the diameter of the propeller and the stern buttock
tem of choice. lines defining the entrance to and exit from the propeller.
For maneuverability and redundancy, most towboats Mechanical linkages are installed above-deck connecting
have two engines and twin propulsion systems. There are steering rudders into one system and flanking rudders into
some single screw towboats used for dredge tending and a second and separate system.
other types of harbor work and select applications of 1340 Steering rudder deflections are most effective when in-
to 2090 kW for towing operations. However, this type of stalled for 45° maximum swing either side of centerline
design is the exception, not the rule. Increasing horse- and flanking rudders when installed for 40° operation ei-
power requirements for larger tows of barges requires tow- ther side of centerline. The top edges of the rudders should
boat designs to be equipped with triple screw propulsion be designed to fit the hull in the maximum deflection posi-
systems due to the propeller blade loading in the shallow tion.
draft applications. The application of the quadruple screw Where Kort nozzles are installed, the trailing edge of
design was introduced during the 1950s and although suc- the flanking rudders should be fitted to the leading edge of
cessful, later model tests determined the increased resis- the Kort nozzle with the rudders at maximum deflection.
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-21

Figure 39.15 River Towboat

Figure 39.18 Steering Rudders

Towboats, because of their operation in restricted water

depths and having large installed horsepowers, require tun-
nel stern designs to allow the most efficient propeller de-
sign possible.
The longitudinal position of the propeller and/or nozzle
is dependent upon the exit angle of the tunnel stern, which
is based on the diameter of the propeller and the amount of
immersion of the transom. The diameter of the propeller is
Figure 39.16 Towboat Pushing Barges based on the horsepower of the towboat, the required draft
of the towboat and the maximum allowable loading on the
propeller blades. Tunnels can be as deep as 30% of the
draft above the loaded waterline. The entrance buttock line
to the propeller at tail shaft centerline should be 16° to 18°
and the corresponding exit angle should be 10° to 12°.
Tunnel stern designs pose unique problems to the naval ar-
chitect when considering water flow problems, loss of
buoyancy and hull strength considerations. Each of these
items allow for vibration problems if not treated properly
during the design process (49).
The shape of the hull and structural design in way of the
stern is also a major factor of the level of vibration found
in towboats. Due to the high blade loading, propeller-in-
duced vibration is a common problem. Attention to pri-
mary structure alignment in the hull and superstructure,
both vertically and longitudinally, can minimize potential
problems of vibration transmission and amplification (50).
Figure 39.17 Towboat with Kort Nozzles
In addition to vibration, attention to noise reduction
must be considered. Considerations during the design
phase to treat noise transmission is to place sound barriers
between quarters and noise-producing machinery spaces,
In addition, flanking rudders, when on center, normally as well as acoustic bulkhead and overhead materials, car-
have their leading edges toed out away from the centerline peting along with furnishings. These items, when properly
of the shaft varying from 5° to 12°, depending upon the installed, can contribute to noise abatement. In recent
flow characteristics of the hull design. years, designers have used the European concept of float-
39-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

ing the accommodations as a separate structure effectively has to be made for tidal fluctuations and varying river
isolating the spaces from the noise and vibration sources. stages and wind, current and storm surge loading, where
Crew size for towboats varies with the trade in which applicable.
the vessel is dedicated. Generally, the crew on a normal Design considerations have to be included for access
line-haul towboat consists of a captain, a pilot, a mate, two into the hull compartments, monitoring of leakage of water
to four deck crew, one or two engineers and, possibly, a into the hull and coating systems that may have to last for
cook is aboard to serve three meals per day. The crew is di- extended periods due to the floating casinos never being
vided into two groups standing six-hour watches alternat- able to be drydocked.
ing to complete the four-watch, 24-hour day. Where ves-
sels are involved primarily with towing petroleum and/or
chemical barges, one or more members of the deck crew 39.4.3 Tank Barges
will also be a licensed tankerman. On smaller towboats, Typical inland service tank (liquid cargo) barges range in
one or two deckhands are called utility men and are also re- size from 60 to 91.5 m long, 10.7 to 16.5 m wide with hull
sponsible for the machinery. depths of 3.6 to 4.9 m (Figure 39.19). These barges are de-
Such a crew is aboard a towboat for one to three weeks signed and built for carrying petroleum products, chemi-
with their counterpart on shore on days off. Therefore, cals and/or other regulated, dangerous products in bulk and
habitability is a major factor in design to provide crew are normally equipped with self-contained cargo discharge
comfort in the home away from home in relatively confined systems. Some liquid cargo barges are equipped with
spaces. Reduction of vibration and noise in the quarters cargo heating systems either self-contained or requiring a
and common areas, sufficient lighting, ease of access, eye- heating medium (usually steam) from an outside source
appealing finish to decks, bulkheads and overheads and an (Figure 39.20). Most states require barges carrying prod-
abundance of air conditioning and heating all contribute to ucts emitting VOCs to be equipped with a vapor control
a functional crew. In addition, an abundance of storage system that allows cargo transfer without venting of vapors
areas, water capacity (for showers and laundry), and relia- to the atmosphere. Cargo stripping systems, inerting sys-
bility and/or redundancy of equipment are important to tems and such are found on some liquid cargo barges.
provide a totally self-sufficient plant. Tank (liquid cargo) barges provide about 25% of the
tonnage capacity on the inland waterway system. Most of
the tank barges are 59.5 or 61 m × 10.7 m with hull depths
39.4.2 Permanently Moored Gaming Vessels of 3.7 to 4 m and are normally semi-integrated (raked on
This section deals with permanently moored gaming one end and square on the other) or box-type (square on
(casino) vessels operated in certain states where legislation both ends) with a cargo tank volume of 1590 to 1908 m3.
requires the vessels to float free of land, but not travel.
Self-propelled gaming vessels are covered in another sec-
tion of this chapter. Vessels of this type are located on the
navigable rivers or in moats. They generally comprise a
commercial building erected on one or several rigidly at-
tached barges and permanently moored. Such casinos vary
in size from 73 × 15.2 m to 91.5 × 152 m.
Some casinos are built on existing, converted tank, deck
or hopper barges. Other casinos are built on newly con-
structed barges designed exclusively to support the build-
ing structure. The design effort includes the base flotation,
mooring, supporting the loads from the house structure
and, if necessary, attaching the barges to each other. In
some states, ABS Group, Inc. is the certifying entity for
such casinos and requires intact and damage stability
analyses to be developed and submitted for approval.
Personnel access is via ramps or smaller floating
barges. Mooring of the floating casinos is accomplished by
the use of steel pilings and/or wire cables. Consideration Figure 39.19 A Typical River Tank Barge
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-23

Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers

and Intracoastal Waterways is used as a base during design
with due consideration for the applicable Coast Guard reg-
ulations (51). New tank barges being built to carry petro-
leum, petroleum products and chemicals must be double
skin and the existing single-skin barges must be removed
from service by year 2015.
A typical 35 700 m3 (cargo volume) capacity tank barge
is a 91 × 16.5 × 3.7 m semi-integrated, double-skin barge
Figure 39.20 Tank Barge under Construction Showing the Tank Heating Coils
with the cargo tank extending above the main deck creat-
ing a raised trunk. The barge has six, eight, ten or twelve
cargo tanks arranged in pairs and built integral with the
hull. The hull exterior is designed in accordance with ABS
This type of barge is normally used for transportation of Rules, normally with Reinforcement A or Reinforcement B
chemicals and can easily fit into normal river tows. while the cargo tank structure is designed for a maximum
Larger tank barges are normally designed and built for allowable working pressure (MAWP) of 2.0 MPa. The
transportation of petroleum products, both crude and re- overall hull girder strength of the barge meets the pinnacle
fined, and for some chemicals. Such barges are normally grounding criteria as set forth by Coast Guard regulations.
semi-integrated (raked on the bow, square on the stern) and The hull compartmentation meets Coast Guard regulations
are operated alone or with other similar-sized barges in for a Type II hull, while the intact stability meets the ap-
dedicated service. plicable portions of Coast Guard regulations for vessels
Some larger barges used in dedicated service are de- operating in rivers, lakes, bays and sounds and limited off-
signed as a unit tow consisting of a lead barge (raked on the shore service (no more than twenty miles offshore). Intact
bow square on the stern), one or two box-type barges stability on this type of barge with a large beam/depth ratio
(square on both bow and stern) and a trail barge (square on and centerline cargo bulkhead is rarely a problem.
the bow and raked on the stern). This configuration ap- The barge is equipped with an integral cargo loading
proximates a single, long underwater profile (fully-inte- and off-loading system including a deep well multi-stage
grated hull form) making for higher speed towing. cargo pump driven by a diesel engine. Cargo piping is lo-
Some tank barges are built of hull sizes and cargo ca- cated below deck inside the cargo tanks and has valve con-
pacities as required by the owner/operator. Some liquid trols above the top of the cargo tank connected to the
cargo barges are built with maximum beams of 12.8 m to valves by reach rods. The cargo system is located above
allow transiting of narrow waterways found along the Gulf deck at the stern for connection to shore facilities. The
Coast. shore connections are located over drip pans meeting the
Tank barges are also built with independent cargo tanks requirements of Coast Guard regulations. All piping, fit-
for carrying products under pressure such as butane, tings, valves and flanges, as well as the installation and
propane, butadiene, chlorine, and other LPG and LNG testing, must meet applicable parts of the Coast Guard Ma-
products. Barges of similar design equipped with refriger- rine Engineering regulations.
ation systems carry anhydrous ammonia and other low- A cargo stripping system is sometimes installed with
temperature products. Tank barges are sometimes also lines leading to the low point(s) of each cargo tank, the
designed and built with independent cargo tanks and self- below-deck header, the cargo pump well, the drip pans and
contained heating systems for carrying asphalt, molten sul- the slop tank(s), if fitted. A hydraulic stripping pump is
fur and other products requiring continuous heating during sometimes installed to take discharge from these areas and
transit and cargo transfer. Such designs allow the cargo discharge to the slop tank or to the shore connection.
tanks to thermally expand and contract without inducing The vapor control system consists of above-deck piping
large thermal stresses into the structure of the barge. How- connecting all cargo tanks to the shore connection manifold
ever, tank barges carrying such higher-temperature cargoes at the stern. The shore connection has to meet the require-
are also designed and built with integral cargo tanks. ments of the Coast Guard regulations for barges equipped
The design of tank barges has evolved over the years with vapor control systems (VCS). A pressure-vacuum
based on operating demands and shipyard production valve is fitted on the vapor piping and is sized to prevent
techniques. The American Bureau of Shipping Rules for pressure or vacuum from exceeding the allowable during
39-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

loading and unloading operations. Sight glasses are fitted to suit operational needs (53). This guidance applies to tank
each cargo tank located above the cargo sumps to allow the barges between 53.4 and 91 m in length (barges over 91 m
tankerman to see the level of cargo during cargo transfer in length are required to have a loading manual), have in-
while keeping the access hatches and ullage hatches closed. tegral cargo tanks, are single or double hull, have flush or
Sensors are installed in each cargo tank and are connected raised-trunk decks, are designed and constructed in accor-
to a high level alarm and overfill shutdown system that dance with ABS River Rules and are subject to abnormal
warns of and prevents overfilling of the cargo tanks. As a midship bending stresses.
further safeguard, some barges are fitted with an overfill The Coast Guard has also issued requirements that all
protection device (spill valve) and/or rupture disk for each liquid cargo barges carrying oil or oil products that are
cargo tank. A high level indicating device is fitted to each thirty years old or older upon reaching their next drydock-
cargo tank to visually display the level of the cargo in ing must have their longitudinal hull structure gauged at
each tank during the final topping off operation. A closed specific locations and these thicknesses compared to what
gauging/sampling device for each cargo tank is installed to is required by the American Bureau of Shipping, less a cer-
complete a normal system installation. tain percentage allowance for deterioration. Then, depend-
Two passive electrical systems are normally installed ing upon the type of service, the overall hull girder strength
on a tank barge. One system is 110 VAC to supply power has to be evaluated and compared to the requirements of
from the towboat to the navigation lights on the lead barge ABS.
in the tow, sometimes via other barges in the tow. The other One example of extreme hull girder stresses is that of a
system is 12 or 24 VDC for the tank level sensors that are particular 79.3 × 15.9 m double-tank barge that was used
connected to a junction box and shore connections located for carrying sulfuric acid. The cargo tank configuration
adjacent to the shore connection for the vapor and cargo and location, combined with the deterioration in the struc-
system. Both systems must meet Coast Guard Electrical ture and plating of the cargo tank top, loading conditions
Engineering regulations. and damage to the bottom and lower side plating, resulted
Although the above description is for a 4770 m3 barge, in calculated compressive stresses in the deck structure of
basically the same systems and installation requirements (26 500 psi) MPa. The fix was to renew the cargo tank top
apply to smaller barges. A typical 12 000 to 14 700 m3 plating and structure, repair the damaged areas, and limit
(cargo volume) capacity tank barge is a 59.5 (or 61) × 10.7 the amount of cargo carried (54).
× 3.7 m semi-integrated, double-skin barge with the cargo
tank extending above the main deck creating a raised
trunk. This size barge normally has three cargo tanks built 39.4.4 Hopper Barges
integral with the hull. The hull structural design methodol- Typical inland service hopper barges range in size from
ogy is basically the same as the larger barge previously 53.4 to 79.3 m long, 7.9 to 16 m wide with a hull depth of
mentioned. The hull compartmentation meets Coast Guard 3.4 to 4.3 m (Figure 39.21). These barges are designed and
regulations for a Type II hull and, in some cases, a Type I built as open type for carrying coal, aggregate or other
hull while the intact stability meets the applicable portions products not affected by the weather, or fitted with covers
of Coast Guard regulations for vessels operating in rivers, for carrying products such as grain or finished products
lakes, bays and sounds. Intact stability is an important con-
sideration in determining maximum allowable drafts with
various density cargoes due to the small beam/depth ratio
and free surface considerations due to no centerline bulk-
head in the cargo tanks. These barges are also equipped
with an integral cargo loading and off-loading system and
a vapor control system. Some barges are equipped with a
stripping and, depending upon the type of overfill protec-
tion, possibly an electrical system.
A major factor to consider in tank barge design is hull
girder bending stresses due to cargo transfer and, in some
cases, operating with split loads (52). The Coast Guard is-
sued a guidance for calculating the collapse strength of a
barge and, by knowing this strength, loading procedures
can be developed to maintain safe deck stress levels and Figure 39.21 Typical Hopper Barge
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-25

such as steel. The covers can be steel or fiberglass lift-off forms and tow configurations, spread sheets were generated
type or steel telescoping rolling type covers. As an emerg- and a patent was granted to determine the bow form of a
ing technology, fiberglass telescoping roll-type covers are barge based on economics. Based on the foreseen operating
being designed and fitted to some barges, but steel covers characteristics, the area of operation of the barge(s), and the
are still the most prominent in use. Open hopper barges type of service, an economic model is built and the opti-
provide nearly 50% of the tonnage capacity on the water- mum bow form derived for the barge(s) (60).
way system while covered hopper provides about 25%. Like tank barges, the design of hopper barges has
The standard open dry cargo barge used for carriage of evolved over the years based on operating demands and
coal or aggregate is 53.4 × 7.9 × 3.4 m and is normally shipyard production techniques. The American Bureau of
raked on each end. The size of this type of barge lends well Shipping Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for
to operation on the Kanawha and Monongehela Rivers to Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways is used as a
conform to the sizes of the lock chambers. However, the base during design with most plate thicknesses and struc-
existing small lock chambers are being replaced with tural member sizes being increased to meet owner require-
larger chambers to accommodate larger barges and tows. ments and the rigors of the operating conditions such as
The double-raked configuration allows the barge to be locks, fleets, shallow water, contact with other barges in
towed in either direction along waterways that prohibit multiple barge tows, etc. Bow and stern corners, headlogs
turning the barge around. A few of these barges have been and sternlogs can be as thick as 19 mm (and sometimes
built with steel lift off or telescoping rolling covers, but filled with concrete) to withstand the rigors of operation
most are open type. while the thickness of the interior of the cargo space (hop-
The jumbo dry cargo barge is normally 59.5 or 61 m per) can be 16 or 19 mm on the innerbottom with 8 to 13
long, 10.7 m wide with a hull depth of 3.7 to 4.3 m. These mm on the sides to resist damage from material handling
jumbo barges are normally semi-integrated (raked on one equipment during cargo transfer. The stiffened plating on
end and square on the other) or box-type (square on both the wing deck through midships must be sufficient to with-
ends). These are the barges that are normally fitted with stand the compressive stress occurring during normal op-
covers. eration and cargo transfer. Side, bottom and end plating in
Such a configuration offers increased cargo capacities the cargo space (hopper) is normally 8 mm or thicker.
and increased towing speeds when configured properly in Recently, some operators are analyzing the design of
a tow. The stumbo barge is a relatively recent introduction their hopper barges regarding damage, the cost of repairs
to the industry combining the versatility of a standard with and the loss in cargo capacity for incorporating thick plat-
the increased cargo carrying capacity of a jumbo while still ing and large structural members. Trade-off studies and fi-
allowing maximum utilization of small lock chambers. nite element analyses have been performed to determine
These barges are normally 59.5 × 7.9 × 3.4 m or 3.7 m and the optimum hopper barge for a particular type of service
are double raked or semi-integrated. They also have the ad- to maximize cargo capacity and minimize susceptibility to
vantage of fitting into a tow of jumbos. damage.
The super jumbo is another recent introduction to the The normal economic life of a hopper barge used in
industry with a few companies operating this design. coal or aggregate service is about twenty to twenty-five
These barges are normally open-type with hulls 79.3 × 16 years and one in grain service is about twenty-five to thirty
× 3.7 m and are semi-integrated. Cargo capacity is about years. This assumes only routine maintenance and repair.
twice that of a jumbo with construction costs only about By use of major plating and structural renewals, the life
50% more than a jumbo. Maintenance costs are about the can, for practical purposes, be extended indefinitely.
same as a jumbo. However, these barges do not integrate A major factor to consider in hopper barge design is
well into existing jumbo barge fleets and tows and are nor- local and hull girder bending stress from loading heavy or
mally operated independently or in separate groups of sim- dense cargoes such as steel coils, steel slabs, iron ore, etc.
ilarly sized barges. If not taken into consideration, the structure of a barge can
The bow form of an inland service barge is the subject fail locally causing the barge to fracture and take on water
of much discussion. A short (blunt) bow profile will provide or to cause the hull to buckle and the entire barge (includ-
greater cargo carrying capacity, but not be hydrodynami- ing cargo) to sink (55).
cally desirable. Conversely, a long bow profile with small One example is that of a 59.5 × 10.7 m hopper barge
angle of entrance will be very efficent moving through the that was loaded with pig iron to a 3 m draft. The cargo was
water, but severely restricts the amount of cargo carried. placed in five large piles in the hopper and the innerbottom
Using the results of extensive model tests of various bow plating was visible between the piles. The piles of pig iron
39-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

measured about 2.4 m to 3.0 m high at the peak. Analyses An adaptation of the RV barges is currently operation
showed that the hydrostatic force acting up on the bottom on the inland waterways. The arrangement is a hotel on a
structure between the piles of cargo resulted in stresses in converted tank barge and a services building on another
the structure beyond the yield point. In addition, the force converted tank barge and is certified by the Coast Guard to
of the cargo acting down on the bottom structure at the carry passengers for hire. The two barges and the towboat
maximum height of cargo also resulted in the same ex- offer the passengers a new and unique way of seeing the in-
treme stresses. land waterway system.
Crane barges are basically deck barges that accommo-
date either a permanently mounted or crawler or rubber
39.4.5 Specialty Barges tired-type crane. Such barges are used for construction
Besides hopper and tank (liquid cargo) barges, there are a projects in and around the waterway system, for cargo
myriad of barges designed and built for specific purposes transfer and for specific lifting tasks, such as those found
or cargoes. around shipyards or cargo terminals. Two prime factors
Deck cargo barges that are designed and built for carry- must be considered in the design of these types of barges,
ing aggregate products (sand, gravel, stone, etc.) offer ease maximum allowable deck loading (from the crane) and sta-
in off-loading with conventional material-moving equip- bility when lifting. Structural design is fairly basic using
ment. Bulwarks or coamings are sometimes installed on ABS River rules for determining plating thickness and
the deck to contain the cargo and may have hinged or re- structural member size determination. The stability of the
movable access panels that allow cargo handling equip- barge must be analyzed for different conditions of loads,
ment to be used. boom radius, location of the crane and rotation of the
Deck barges are also designed and built for carrying crane. The maximum heel of the barge in these various
equipment, cargo such as pipe or containers, and heavy conditions may have to be considered in order not to ex-
oversized cargo that cannot be carried by other means. ceed the operating limitations of the crane.
These barges are designed with large allowable deck load- Other specialty barges include dredges, split hull dump
ings and, usually, large beam to depth ratios to increase barges, oil spill response barges, barges built to act as float-
stability. ing mooring facilities (docking barges), anchor-handling
Deck barges typically range from 33.5 to 106.7 m in barges and quarters barges, among others.
length, 7.9 to 18.3 m in beam and 1.5 to 4.3 m in depth. The The Corps of Engineers has a large group of specialty
beam/depth ratio is a major design factor for deck barges barges used for laying the concrete mats on the levees on
due to stability considerations. Because of stability con- the lower Mississippi River. Some of the barges are used to
siderations, a deeper hull depth does not always correlate house personnel while some have the machinery and
with a deeper allowable draft for increased cargo capacity. equipment to secure the individual concrete sections into
There are several barges currently operating which are the mats and then position them onto the levees.
certified by the Coast Guard for carrying recreational ve-
hicles in inland service; basically a floating RV park. The
barges were converted from single-skin tank barges by
adding concrete to level the main deck, water tanks,
sewage tanks, electrical supply from a diesel generator,
life-saving apparatus, emergency lighting, firefighting sys- Table 39.III presents characteristics of towboats and Table
tems and bilge pumps. The recreational vehicle is driven 39.IV of river barges. Even tough this book has presented
onto the barge and parked in a marked space. The recre- all units in metric system, as this data is based on U.S. river
ational vehicle then connects to the barge’s electrical and system vessels the units are maintained in the American
water supply and sewage system. Each barge can carry up system.
to 13 RVs and the tow consists usually of three or four
barges and a conventional towboat.
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-27

TABLE 39.III Typical Towboat Characteristics

A – Towboats

Main Engines Gear Propellers

Length Beam Depth Draft (No.× HP(each) × RPM) Ratio (No. Blades × Dia. × Pitch)

60–0ⴖ 22–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ 6–0ⴖ 2 × 500 HP × 1800 RPM 4.00:1 4 × 58ⴖ × 38ⴖ
84–0ⴖ 26–0ⴖ 9–0ⴖ 6–6ⴖ 2 × 510 HP × 1225 RPM 4.83:1 4 × 69ⴖ × 68ⴖ (N)
73–0ⴖ 28–0ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 7–0ⴖ 2 × 600 HP × 1800 RPM 6.00:1 4 × 72ⴖ × 52ⴖ
60–0ⴖ 22–0ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 7–0ⴖ 2 × 600 HP × 1800 RPM 5.17:1 4 × 62ⴖ × 46ⴖ
65–0ⴖ 25–0ⴖ 7–6ⴖ 5–6ⴖ 2 × 650 HP × 1500 RPM 4.67:1 4 × 66ⴖ × 52ⴖ
82–0ⴖ 34–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ 7–0ⴖ 2 × 671 HP × 1800 RPM 6.11:1 4 × 66ⴖ × 53ⴖ
65–0ⴖ 24–0ⴖ 9–0ⴖ 6–6ⴖ 2 × 675 HP × 1800 RPM 6.00:1 4 × 62ⴖ × 46ⴖ
70–0ⴖ 26–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 2 × 675 HP × 1800 RPM 6.00:1 4 × 68ⴖ × 64ⴖ
70–0ⴖ 26–0ⴖ 11–6ⴖ 6–0ⴖ 2 × 700 HP × 1800 RPM 7.00:1 4 × 74ⴖ × 58ⴖ
70–0ⴖ 24–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 2 × 800 HP × 1900 RPM 6.00:1 4 × 68ⴖ × 54ⴖ
74–0ⴖ 30–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 2 × 850 HP × 1800 RPM 6.00:1 4 × 74ⴖ × 50ⴖ
102–0ⴖ 26–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ 8–3ⴖ 1 × 1800 HP × 850 RPM 3.77:1 4 × 96ⴖ × 84ⴖ
80–0ⴖ 30–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 2 × 900 HP × 1800 RPM 7.00:1 4 × 86ⴖ × 61ⴖ
85–0ⴖ 30–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ 7–6ⴖ 2 × 900 HP × 1800 RPM 7.00:1 4 × 76ⴖ × 71ⴖ
120–0ⴖ 34–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 1335 HP × 750 RPM 3.97:1 4 × 102ⴖ × 84ⴖ
91–0ⴖ 36–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ N/A 2 × 1600 HP × 1900 RPM N/A Z-Drives
120–0ⴖ 34–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 1667 HP × 750 RPM 3.47:1 4 × 102ⴖ × 87ⴖ
120–0ⴖ 34–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 1667 HP × 750 RPM 3.47:1 4 × 102ⴖ × 90ⴖ (N)
136–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 1800 HP × 1200 RPM 5.44:1 4 × 100ⴖ × 76ⴖ
144–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 2100 HP × 850 RPM 4.48:1 4 × 108ⴖ × 108ⴖ
138–0ⴖ 44–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 2800 HP × 900 RPM 4.35:1 5 × 108ⴖ × 115ⴖ (N)
140–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 2800 HP × 900 RPM 4.35:1 5 × 108ⴖ × 115ⴖ (N)
140–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 3000 HP × 900 RPM 4.19:1 5 × 118ⴖ × 110ⴖ(N)
145–0ⴖ 48–0ⴖ 11–6ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 2 × 3000 HP × 900 RPM 4.19:1 5 × 110ⴖ × 104ⴖ
170–0ⴖ 45–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–9ⴖ 2 × 3400 HP × 900 RPM 4.52:1 5 × 114ⴖ × 120ⴖ (N)
168–0ⴖ 50–0ⴖ 11–6ⴖ 9–0ⴖ 2 × 3500 HP × 900 RPM 4.52:1 5 × 117ⴖ × 118ⴖ (N)
188–0ⴖ 48–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 4000 HP × 900 RPM 4.85:1 5 × 122ⴖ × 138ⴖ (N)
180–0ⴖ 48–0ⴖ 11–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 2 × 4200 HP × 900 RPM 4.75:1 5 × 120ⴖ × 132ⴖ (N)
180–0ⴖ 50–0ⴖ 11–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 3 × 2500 HP × 800 RPM 4.07:1 4 × 108ⴖ × 112ⴖ (N)
200–0ⴖ 50–0ⴖ 11–6ⴖ 8–6ⴖ 3 × 2800 HP × 900 RPM 4.35:1 5 × 109ⴖ × 109ⴖ (N)
190–0ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–6ⴖ 9–0ⴖ 3 × 3500 HP × 900 RPM 4.72:1 5 × 120ⴖ × 120ⴖ (N)

(N) indicates vessel fitted with Kort nozzles.

TABLE 39.IV Typical Barge Characteristics

B – Deck Barges

Light Ship Cargo

Length Beam Depth Draft Configuration Weight DWT

350–0ⴖ 60–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Double Rake 1022 ST 5114 STFW

275–0ⴖ 60–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Double Rake 833 ST 3836 STFW
137–0ⴖ 34–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ 8–0ⴖ Double Rake N/A 950 STFW
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 10–6ⴖ 9–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 301 ST 1532 STFW
120–0ⴖ 30–0ⴖ 7–0ⴖ 5–6ⴖ Double Rake 114 ST 412 STFW
110–0ⴖ 50–0ⴖ 7–0ⴖ 5–6ⴖ Semi-Integrated 201 ST 712 STFW
250–0ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 9–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 620 ST 2986 STFW
148–0ⴖ 27–0ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 6–0ⴖ Double Rake 185 ST 496 STFW
195–0ⴖ 40–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 372 ST 1948 STFW
150–0ⴖ 50–0ⴖ 8–0ⴖ 6–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 256 ST 1102 STFW
168–0ⴖ 45–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 401 ST 1869 STFW

C – Tank Barges

Light Ship Cargo Cargo

Length Beam Depth Draft Configuration Weight Vol DWT Notes

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ Semi-Integrated 422 ST 6417 BBL 1624 STFW 2,3

170–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 9–0ⴖ 6–2ⴖ Double Rake 293 ST 6750 BBL 955 STFW 2

250–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 8–11ⴖ Semi-Integrated 611 ST 8236 BBL 2211 STFW 2,3

230–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 527 ST 8275 BBL 2364 STFW 2,3

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–6ⴖ 9–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 377 ST 10 212 BBL 1488 STFW
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–1ⴖ Semi-Integrated 410 ST 10 900 BBL 1453 STFW 5

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–6ⴖ 8–9ⴖ Semi-Integrated 397 ST 10 951 BBL 1415 STFW 5

260–0ⴖ 52–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 827 ST 12 068 BBL 3219 STFW 2,3

260–0ⴖ 52–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 888 ST 12 068 BBL 3158 STFW 2,3,4

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–1ⴖ Box 388 ST 13 569 BBL 1596 STFW
147–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ Box 422 ST 13 940 BBL 1936 STFW
250–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ Semi-Integrated 680 ST 15 491 BBL 2305 STFW 2,3

240–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 605 ST 17 000 BBL 2291 STFW
177–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 548 ST 17 745 BBL 2441 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ Semi-Integrated (Lead) 722 ST 26 000 BBL 3602 STFW
300–0ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 925 ST 27 016 BBL 3799 STFW 4

297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ Semi-Integrated (Trail) 732 ST 27 600 BBL 3834 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 895 ST 28 710 BBL 3784 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 867 ST 28 962 BBL 3797 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 9–6ⴖ Box 730 ST 29 400 BBL 3602 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 921 ST 29 451 BBL 3759 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated (Lead) 834 ST 29 606 BBL 3778 STFW
300–0ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 948 ST 29 737 BBL 4098 STFW 4

320–0ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 9–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 927 ST 29 858 BBL 3284 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 878 ST 30 257 BBL 3802 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated (Trail) 853 ST 30 805 BBL 3946 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 915 ST 31 658 BBL 4089 STFW
297–6ⴖ 54–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 871 ST 32 793 BBL 4140 STFW

Notes: 1 All barges are double skin and suitable for carriage of Subchapter O hazardous cargoes. 2 Flush deck (no raised trunk). 3 Designed for high-
density cargoes. 4 Equipped with self-contained cargo heating system. 5 Type I hull.
Chapter 39: Inland and Lake Vessels 39-29

TABLE 39.IV (Continued )

D –Hopper Barges

Light Ship Cargo Cargo

Length Beam Depth Draft Configuration Weight Vol DWT Covers

260–0ⴖ 52–6ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 580 ST 127 660 Cu. Ft. 3521 STFW None
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 315 ST 87 340 Cu. Ft. 1749 STFW None
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 325 ST 94 904 Cu. Ft. 1863 STFW None
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 288 ST 82 ,455 Cu. Ft. 1779 STFW None
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 308 ST 89 586 Cu. Ft. 1880 STFW None
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 326 ST 73 402 Cu. Ft. 1755 STFW 4

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 330 ST 79 783 Cu. Ft. 1858 STFW 4

195–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 307 ST 65 865 Cu. Ft. 1706 STFW None
195–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 295 ST 70 694 Cu. Ft. 1716 STFW None
195–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 301 ST 70 694 Cu. Ft. 1710 STFW 1

195–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 12–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 298 ST 62 205 Cu. Ft. 1724 STFW None
175–0ⴖ 26–0ⴖ 11–0ⴖ 9–0ⴖ Double Rake 198 ST 27 955 Cu. Ft. 978 STFW None
200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 326 ST 87 340 Cu. Ft. 1738 STFW 1

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 337 ST 94 904 Cu. Ft. 1851 STFW 1

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 299 ST 82 455 Cu. Ft. 1768 STFW 1

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 320 ST 89 586 Cu. Ft. 1868 STFW 1

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 352 ST 87 340 Cu. Ft. 1712 STFW 4

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 14–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 364 ST 94 904 Cu. Ft. 1824 STFW 4

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Semi-Integrated 325 ST 82 455 Cu. Ft. 1742 STFW 4

200–0ⴖ 35–0ⴖ 13–0ⴖ 10–0ⴖ Box 347 ST 89 586 Cu. Ft. 1841 STFW 4

298–0ⴖ 42–0ⴖ 16–6ⴖ 13–6ⴖ Double Rake N/A N/A 4200 STFW 5

Notes: 1 FRP Lift-Off Covers. 2 FRP Telescoping Rolling Covers. 3 Steel Lift-Off Covers. 4 Steel Telescoping Rolling Covers. 5 Covered, self-unloader.

39.6 REFERENCES 10. Arnott, David, Steel Merchant Ships, SNAME, 1955
1. U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administra- 11. Miller, R. H., “Designing and Building the Self-Unloader
tion, “U.S. Merchant Marine Data Sheet,” January 1, 1999 CHARLES E. WILSON,” SNAME Spring Meeting, 1974
2. Sadler, H.C. and Lindblad, A., “Stresses on Vessels of the 12. Miller, R. H., “Great Lakes Thousand Footers,” SNAME
Great Lakes Due to Waves of Varying Lengths and Heights,” Great Lakes and Great Rivers and Eastern Canadian Sec-
SNAME Transactions, 1922 tion, May 1979
3. Ploeg, J., “A Review of the Results of the Wave Climate 13. Bassett, N. L., Kline, R. G., and Miller, R. H., “Design and
Study,” SNAME Spring Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 1971 Operation of a Highly Maneuverable Great Lakes Self-Un-
4. Pore, A. N., “Wave Climate of the Great Lakes from Ship loader,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, Oc-
Observations,” SNAME Spring Meeting, Ottawa, Canada tober 1981
1971 14. Swift, P. M., Nowaski, H., and Fischer, J. P., “Estimation of
5. Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, American Great Lakes Bulk Carrier Resistance, Based on Model Test
Bureau of Shipping, 1998-1999 Data Regression,” Marine Technology, SNAME, October
6. Rules for Building and Classing Bulk Carriers for Service 1973
on the Great Lakes, American Bureau of Shipping, 1978 15. Bassett, N. L., “Effects of Hull and Propeller Design
7. 46 CFR, Subchapter I, Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels, Changes on the Vibration of a Lakes Freighter,” SNAME
Table 90.05-1(A) 1981
8. 46 CFR, Subchapter E, Load Lines, Part 45, Great Lakes 16. Benford, H. and Fox, W. A., “A Half Century of Maritime
Load Lines Technology, 1943–1993,” SNAME 1993
9. Navigation Rules, International – Inland U.S. Coast Guard 17. Yateman, E. W., Janitech, A. D., Vaughan, W. R., “Conveyor
COMDTINST M16672.2B Apparatus,” U.S. Patent 3,805,946, April 23, 1974
39-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

18. DosSantos, J. A., “High Angle Conveyor,” U.S. Patent 36. Yamaguchi, T., “Means of Connecting Pusher Boat and
4,609,097, September 2, 1986 Barge,” U.S. Patent 3,844,245, October 29, 1974
19. ABS Requirements for Certification of Self-Unloading 37. Kuhlman, C. J. and Hill, R. P., “Apparatus For Coupling
Cargo Gear on Great Lakes Vessels, 1991 Tugboats to Barges,” U.S. Patent 4,688,507, August 25,
20. Bonn, W. E. and Tripp, C. E., “Historical Background of 1987
Great Lakes Vessels and Associated Hull Stress Research 38. Fischer, J. P., “Design Notes on Articulated Tug/Barge Con-
Programs,” SNAME Great Lakes Symposium, Ottawa, nections,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section,
Canada, July 21–23, 1971 October 29, 1999
21. Almond, G., “Load Lines For Ships Operating on Great 39. Bludworth, R. A., “Ocean Going Push-Towing Combina-
Lakes,” SNAME Great Lakes Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, tion,” U.S. Patent 4,013,039, March 22, 1977
July 21–23, 1971 40. Downer, H.C., “Conversion of C1-M-AV1 M/V COASTAL
22. Load Line Regulations, Subchapter E, CG176, U.S. Coast DELEGATE to Great Lakes Cement Carrier M/V PAUL H.
Guard (out of print and superseded by 46 CFR, Subchapter TOWNSEND,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Sec-
E) tion, October 2, 1953
23. Mathews, S. T., “The Great Lakes Load Lines (Main Hull) 41. Markussen, B. H., and Stearn, R. A., “MEDUSA CHAL-
1968 Strength Standard,” SNAME Great Lakes Sympo- LENGER, 60,000 BBL Cement Self-Unloader,” SNAME
sium, Ottawa, Canada, July 21-23, 1971 Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, May 4, 1967
24. Williams, E. B., Thornton, K. C., Douglas, W. R., and 42. Mueller, R. A. and Ostrander, G. L., “The Design of the
Miedlich, P., “Design and Construction of Great Lakes Tug/Barge JACKLYN M/INTEGRITY,” SNAME Great
Freighter WILFRED SYKES,” SNAME, Transactions, 58, Lakes and Great Rivers Section, October 3, 1997
1950 43. Munro, P. J., “Conversion of a Tank Barge To The Dry Bulk
25. Tripp, C. E., Souris, J. G., Rankin, G. F, and Miller, R. H., Self-Unloading Barge ST. MARYS CEMENT II,” SNAME
“Great Lakes Bulk Ore Carrier EDWARD L. RYERSON,” Eastern Canadian and Great Lakes and Great Rivers Sec-
SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, October tion, May 6, 1994
1960 44. Zuehlke, A. J., “Development and Design of Lake Michigan
26. Miller, R. H., “Great Lakes Self-Unloader ADAM E. COR- Car Ferries,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Sec-
NELIUS,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, tion, October 1, 1948
September 1959 45. Baier, L. A. and Verian, H. M., “The Michigan State High-
27. Tripp, C. E., and Plude, G. H., “One Thousand Foot Great way Ferry VACATIONLAND,” SNAME Great Lakes and
Lakes Self-Unloaders, Erie Marine Hull 101,” SNAME Great Rivers Section, June 12, 1953
Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, January 21, 1971 46. Grunthaner, G. L., “Commercial Transportation on the In-
28. Wallach, P., “Application & History of Diesel Engines on land Waterways,” SNAME Transactions, 1962
the Great Lakes,” SNAME Great Lakes Section, June 23, 47. Courtsal, D. P., “Developments in Technology as Applied to
1966 River Equipment,” SNAME Symposia, October, 1975
29. Stearn, R. A., “W.W. HOLLOWAY and J.R. SENSIBAR Re- 48. Baier, L. A., “American River Towboats,” International
powering,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, Shipbuilding Progress, 1959
May 23, 1963 49. Christopoulos, D. A, and Latorre, R. G., “River Towboat
30. Stearn, R. A., “Review – Great Lakes Barge Operations,” Hull and Propulsion,” Marine Technology, SNAME, July,
SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, January 31, 1993
1964 50. Gundlach, W., “Structural Developments; Inland Waterway
31. Benford, H., “The Control of Yaw In Towed Barges,” Towboats and Barges,” SNAME Symposia, October, 1975
SNAME Gulf Section, April 1955 51. Shearer, E. L., “Chemical Barge Design,” SNAME Great
32. Navigation and Vessel Circular No. 2-81, Change 1, “Coast Lakes and Great Rivers, January, 1979
Guard Inspection Guidance Regarding Integrated Tug 52. LCDR. Cameron, LT. Nadeau and LT. LoSciuto, “Ultimate
Barge Combinations,” U.S. Coast Guard Strength Analysis of Inland Tank Barges,” USCG Marine
33. Pickersgill, T. C., Sharp, I. D., and Trunick, R. P., “1000 Ft. Safety Center, June 16, 1997
Tug/Barge Combination for Litton Great Lakes Corpora- 53. Navigation and Vessel Circular 1-98, “Loading Considera-
tion,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers Section, May tions for Existing Inland Tank Barges,” U. S. Coast Guard
17, 1973 54. Shearer, E. L., “Thirty Year Old Tank Barge Structural
34. Fischer, J. P., “Design of a Twin Screw Tug For ITB Service Analyses,” National Association of Marine Surveyors
on the Great Lakes,” SNAME Great Lakes and Great Rivers NAMS News, Spring, 2000
Section, May 29, 1998 55. Lt. Miller, M., Lt. Nadeau, J. and White, G. J., “Longitudi-
35. Fischer, J. P., “Design of a Self-Unloading Barge for ITB nally-Stiffened Panels – A Comparative Analysis of the
Service on the Great Lakes,” SNAME Great Lakes and Compressive Strength of Three Common Construction
Great Rivers Section, January 28, 1999 Methods,” SNAME Transactions, 2000
Newfoundland The Steamship Arizona as She Appeared on Her Arrival at St. John’s after Her Collision with an Iceberg, November 7, 1879. Reproduced from
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, December 13, 1879
Chapter 40
Ice-capable Ships

Brian Veitch, Neil Bose, I. Jordaan, M. Haddara, and D. Spencer

40.1 DESCRIPTION Ice environment

Uniform level ice usually occurs only in relatively shel-
40.1.1 Mission tered areas, often adjacent to land, where it is called land Introduction fast ice. Seaward from the fast ice is a transition zone and
Ships whose missions take them into ice-covered waters beyond that is the highly mobile, drifting ice pack. Driven
must be designed to operate effectively in an environment by wind and current forces, the ice landscape is dynamic
distinguished by cold temperatures, often remote location, and has a varied morphology.
and the presence of sea ice. Sea ice can be from a few cen- In some areas, such as the Baltic Sea, ice forms each
timeters to several meters thick, take on a variety of mor- winter season, resulting in first year (FY) ice. First year ice
phological forms, and change on daily, seasonal, and an- grows thicker over the freezing temperature season, after
nual bases. which it decays. Similar situations occur in other sub arc-
The transportation requirements that drive conventional tic regions, for example off the east coast of Canada. First-
shipping demands also prevail in ice-covered waters. Con- year ice also occurs in polar regions, but some of the ice
sequently, the ship types and missions of many ice-capable survives the summer melting season and then continues to
vessels correspond essentially to conventional ships. Ice- grow over consecutive years to form multiyear (MY) ice,
breakers and ice-management vessels are unique ship which may grow to be several meters thick. MY ice is
types that are designed specifically to operate in ice, lower in salinity, has more variation in thickness, and is
usually in support of transportation services or infrastruc- stronger than FY ice.
ture. Where ice is relatively thin, compressive driving forces
Early ice-going ships were basically similar to conven- may result in rafting, which occurs locally when an ice
tional ships with the addition of some hull strengthening. sheet slips over an adjacent sheet. Continued freezing after
Modern commercial requirements to extend the navigation rafting can result in two layers of ice freezing together, or
into areas and seasons with greater ice thickness and cov- consolidating, the effect of which is that the rafted ice be-
erage have led to a commensurate extension of vessels’ ice comes twice as thick as the surrounding level ice.
navigation capabilities. The impact on hull form, structure, Similarly, an ice ridge can form in a compressed ice
propulsion, and auxiliary systems that operating in ice will sheet when, rather than simply rafting, the ice breaks into
have on any particular vessel is a function of its mission. many pieces that are piled up together. Typically, ridges are
To describe the mission of ice-capable ships, the ap- much longer (100s to 1000s of meters) than they are wide
proach taken here is to describe first the environment and (10s of meters). Ice piled above the water surface is called
then typical operational requirements that are unique to ice the sail and ice below the surface is the keel. The size of a
capable ships. pressure ridge depends on the thickness of the parent ice

40-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

sheet and the driving forces: a typical ice ridge in the

Baltic, for example, might have a sail height of 1 m to 2 m
and a keel depth of 7 m to 12 m. In polar regions, keel
drafts may reach 20 m to 30 m or more (1). In any area,
ridges can become grounded if their drafts exceed the
water depth.
Over time, the water between the broken ice pieces at
the interface of the ridge sail and keel will freeze, resulting
in a relatively thick consolidated layer of conglomerated
ice as illustrated in Figure 40.1. With consolidated layers
of about 1.4 to 1.8 times the thickness of the surrounding
ice sheet, pressure ridges are a major and commonly oc-
curring obstacle to navigation (2).
Another ice feature is the rubble field, or hummocked
ice, which consists of piles of broken ice that usually form
at the boundary of land fast ice and the transition zone, or
around grounded ridges as a result of compressive driving Figure 40.2 Pack Ice (3)
forces. Like level ice, rubble fields and ridges that survive
melting seasons also assume multiyear characteristics; that
is, they are composed of relatively strong ice with low
salinity and have generally smooth geometry. MY ridges
can be very thick and constitute one of the most significant
hazards to navigation in ice.
Very thick MY level ice that formed in, for example, a
sheltered bay, can break away and drift in open water as an
ice island. The other massive ice features that occur in
polar and some subarctic regions are icebergs, which orig-
inate at the edges of glaciers. Icebergs and their smaller
cousins, bergy bits and growlers, also present a navigation
The ice environment can be described further in terms
of the extent of ice coverage or concentration. Figure 40.3 WMO Sea Ice Symbols – Egg Code (4)
For example, in a compressed ice field where rafting
and ridging occur, the entire sea may be ice covered so that
the concentration is 100%. Open water between ice floes in cludes characteristics, such as ridging, that are particularly
the pack, called leads, form in response to wind and cur- important for navigation. The egg code, shown in Figure
rent forces. Likewise, the same forces can quickly close 40.3 describes the ice cover concentration, stage of devel-
leads when the pack is compressed. Within the ice pack opment, and form of the ice. With reference to Figure 40.3
any of the above types of ice feature can be found, with and Table 40.I, the total concentration of ice in the obser-
variable snow cover, depending on the geographical area. vation area, in tenths, is given by C; partial concentrations
Figure 40.2 shows an aerial view of pack ice (3). (minimum of 1/10) of the thickest, second thickest, and
The World Meteorology Organization (WMO) system third thickest types of ice are denoted Ca, Cb and Cc; the
for describing ice cover (4) is widely used, although it ex- corresponding stage of development and form of each of
these three categories of ice are represented by Sa, Sb and
Sc, and Fa, Fb and Fc, respectively. Stages So and Sd are
used to describe the stages of any ice type in concentra-
tions less than 1/10: So is reserved for ice thicker than Sa.
The development stages that appear in Table 40.I refer
to the growth of ice and these have standard definitions (4):
New ice refers to loosely consolidated floating ice crystals,
Figure 40.1 Cross Section of a Pressure Ridge which can take the form of frazil ice, grease ice, slush, and
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-3

TABLE 40.I International Sea Ice Symbols (4)

Form of Ice Fa Fb Fc Stage of Development Sa Sb Sc

0 Pancake 1 New (0–10 cm)

1 Brash 2 Nilas (0–10 cm)
2 Ice Cakes (<20 m) 3 Young (10–30 cm)
3 Small Floe (20–100 m) 4 Gray (10–15 cm)
4 Medium Floe (100–500 m) 5 Gray-white (15–30 cm)
5 Big Floe (500–2000 m) 6 First Year (>30 cm)
6 Vast Floe (2–10 km) 7 Thin First Year (30–70 cm)
7 Giant Floe (>10 km) 1* Medium First Year (70–120 cm)
8 Fast Ice 4* Thick First Year (>120 cm)
9 Icebergs 7* Old
x No form 8* Second Year
~C Ice is in strips in which concentration is C 9* Multiyear
/\* Ice of land origin
8 Thin First Year, First Stage (30–50 cm)
9 Thin First Year, Second Stage (50–70 cm)

shuga. When the ice crystals freeze together, a thin elastic solution. This theme is taken up again in Subsection
crust, or nilas, forms. As this initial crust layer thickens, 40.1.2.
the ice progresses first to gray and then to gray-white ice,
both of which are forms of young ice. Under compressive Operational requirements and ice classes
pressure, the likeliest deformation process of a sheet of The missions required of ice-capable ships range from typ-
nilas, gray ice, and gray-white ice is finger rafting, rafting, ical merchant ship transportation to dedicated ice breaking
and ridging, respectively. The next stages of development and ice management roles. Both the anticipated ice envi-
are the three categories of first year ice, which differ ac- ronment and the operational mode of a ship will dictate the
cording to their thickness. The remaining stages, second design in terms of its capabilities in ice and thus its ability
year and multiyear, are forms of old ice. to fulfill its mission.
This brief overview gives an indication of the variabil- The choice of ice capabilities to be incorporated in the
ity of the ice environment. More detail can be found in design of a merchant ship depends on the amount of time
(1,3–5) for example. Geographical regions have their own spent in ice-covered water relative to open water, the ice
characteristic ice environments. conditions on the transportation service route, and on the
Within any area, there are annual differences in clima- availability and associated costs of icebreaker escort ser-
tological conditions, seasonal cycles of growth and decay, vice on specific routes. Operational flexibility and the sec-
and daily, or short-term, changes in driving forces. In the ond hand market might be factors in some cases.
design process, the naval architect and marine engineer For most merchant ships, the effects of ice operations
must become familiar with the characteristics of the ice en- on design are incremental: an increase in scantlings and
vironment along the transportation route or at the opera- propulsion power, and a corresponding higher first cost
tional area in which the vessel will operate. This is, in ad- and loss of cargo capacity. For ships designed for inde-
dition to hydrographical, meteorological, and sea state pendent ice navigation, icebreaking, or ice-management
conditions, data needed for open water ships. All this in- roles, ice has a more fundamental, or defining, impact on
formation is required in order to identify the vessel’s over- design. A survey of some of the operational requirements
all performance requirements and develop the design and of these ship types gives an appreciation of the implica-
features offering the best overall technical and economical tions on the design, particularly with regard to hull form,
40-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

structure, powering and maneuvering, and auxiliary sys- ridges, icebreakers have to be able to provide escort assis-
tems. tance to other, less capable ships. A typical scenario might
Whether the ship is an escort icebreaker, ice manage- involve the following sequence (7). An icebreaker is dis-
ment vessel, or highly capable merchant ship, breaking ice patched to provide assistance to an ice-strengthened mer-
is the most obvious operational requirement. Typically, an chant vessel that is waiting at the ice edge.
ice breaking ship would be expected to make quite good In transferring from its current standby position to the
speed, say 10 to 12 knots, in ice conditions considered the ice edge, the icebreaker travels at 12 knots in medium to
norm in its operational area. Likewise, a lower ship speed, light ice conditions. Once at the ice edge, the escort begins
say 6 knots, might be acceptable in heavier ice conditions. with the icebreaker breaking a path for the merchant ves-
In practice, the ability to break a given thickness of ice at a sel, which follows under its own power some safe distance
minimum continuous speed of about 2 knots is a typical (several hundred meters) behind. Escorts also are arranged
measure, or definition, of performance. as convoys of two or more escorted vessels, with the least
In addition to level ice, normal icebreaking includes capable ship following closest to the icebreaker.
breaking through ridges. While transiting a ridge, the ship The broken channel behind the icebreaker should be
breaks the consolidated layer in the same way as it breaks largely clear, but will still contain significant amounts of
level ice, but the ice blocks piled in the ridge sail and keel broken ice. In mobile pack ice, the channel will close some
must be pushed aside. Ridge keel depths can easily exceed distance behind the icebreaker, depending on the driving
the ship draft and a lot of energy is consumed in submerg- forces. As the vessels proceed into heavier ice conditions
ing, clearing, and frictional resistance. Further, propulsive where the pack is in compression, the broken channel
performance may be seriously impaired due to the pres- closes rapidly and causes occasional jamming, or pinch-
ence of ice pieces at the propellers. Large, consolidated ice ing, of the escorted ship, which has too little power to pro-
ridges that cannot be broken by continuous icebreaking ceed and is prone to structural damage due to increasing
must be rammed. In the ramming process, the ship picks ice pressure loads along its sides. To free the vessel, the
up speed in advance of the ridge and then rams into it, con- icebreaker must perform a cutting-off maneuver, which
sequently coming to a stop. The ship backs into its own can take several forms. The cutting-off maneuvers illus-
channel and repeats the process until the ridge has been trate the importance of excellent maneuverability and con-
penetrated. Similarly, aggressive ramming is sometimes trol characteristics. Each of the examples of cutting-off
required to break thick, multiyear ice floes (Figure 40.4) and other maneuvers shown in Figure 40.5 (8) involves
(6). During this extreme operation, the vessel is effectively breaking ice while backing during a controlled maneuver,
beaching itself on the ridge (or floe). Effective ramming including breaking out of channels. These requirements
operations require short ramming cycle times and high have an important influence on hull form and propulsion
thrust at medium and low speeds (forward and astern),
both of which affect propulsion machinery system design.
The hull structure must be strengthened locally to with-
stand the very high local ice contact pressures. Also, the
global hull girder must be of adequate strength to accom-
modate the bending loads associated with ramming.
Where ships navigate in channels in immobile land fast
ice, repeated icebreaking and refreezing cause a gradual
accumulation of broken ice in the channel and along its
sides. While the progress of all vessels is impeded in ice-
clogged channels, those with shallow bow angles and rel-
atively blunt fore bodies tend to suffer most. Shallow in
this context refers to small buttock and flare angles (see
Figure 40.10). In addition to breaking ice and ramming

Figure 40.4 Ramming a Large Floe (6) Figure 40.5 Cutting-off Maneuvers (8)
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-5

gear arrangements. More maneuvers are illustrated in Fig- TABLE 40.II Class Definitions in Terms of Limiting Ice
ure 40.25. Type and Nominal Ice Thickness
When it becomes impractical for the escorted vessel to
proceed under its own power, the icebreaker must tow it. Nominal
This is done as either an ordinary tow or a notch tow. In an Definition of Nominal Thickness
ordinary tow, the icebreaker’s towing winch cable is at- Class Limiting Ice Conditions (m)
tached to the merchant ship, which is kept some distance
astern. However, some icebreakers have a padded, CAC 1 MY ice —
strengthened notch in the stern into which the towed ves- CAC 2 MY ice > 3.00
sel’s bow is fitted. The vessel is secured fast to the ice- CAC 3 second year ice > 2.00
breaker and notch towing proceeds. Normally, the towed CAC 4 Thick FY ice > 1.20
vessel operates at reduced power so that in order to ad-
vance, the escort icebreaker must have enough power to 1AS medium FY ice 0.70–1.20
both break ice and tow. In addition, it must be able to main- Type A medium FY ice 0.7–1.20
tain a high level of maneuverability during both towing Type B thin FY ice-2nd stage 0.5–0.70
arrangements. Type C thin FY ice-1st stage 0.30–0.50
Another operational requirement of icebreaking vessels
Type D gray-white ice 0.15–0.30
is to manage ice. Ice-management vessels are usually part
of a larger, integrated system, such as at an offshore petro- Type E gray ice 0–0.15
leum exploration or production-drilling site. In this sce-
nario, the icebreaker’s role is to reduce the risk of ice dam-
age or interference on the more valuable or sensitive parts
of the installation. This may be accomplished by ramming strictions. Not all ice class definitions explicitly address
mobile ridges or large multiyear ice floes that approach the operational modes.
site, routine clearing of ice built up along the perimeter of Table 40.II shows ice class definitions in terms of ice
a (stationary) installation, and sometimes towing or other- type and nominal level ice thickness. The Type ship classes
wise deflecting icebergs. Depending on the ice environ- are for ice strengthened merchant ships and are typical for
ment and the risks, these operations can range from rela- the Baltic and other operational areas where only first-year
tively routine to extremely aggressive (9). (FY) ice occurs. For ice breaking vessels, particularly
Many icebreaking and ice-management ships have ad- those that operate in polar waters, a higher class is re-
ditional mission requirements. These can be extensions to quired, such as one of the Canadian Arctic Classes (CAC)
their primary functions, such as supply, crew change trans- or similar classes defined by other regulators and classifi-
portation, navigational aids maintenance, and patrol, or cation societies (see Table 40.III).
they can be quite distinct, thus giving rise to the dual use, For example, a regular, long-term transportation ser-
or multipurpose ship. An example of this is the Fennica vice of, say, paper products between ports in the UK and
class, whose primary mission is to provide escort ice- Gulf of Bothnia might be most economical by using a rel-
breaker service in the Baltic during winter, but which has atively low ice type ship classification and mandatory sea-
a secondary role as an offshore support vessel in the North sonal use of icebreaker escort service. The cost of these
Sea during summer, and a tertiary design requirement to services, and potential schedule delays due to extreme ice
provide support to research and exploration in the arctic conditions or due to tardy provision of an escort, must be
(10,11). Such a range of requirements needs very careful outweighed by other factors, such as more cargo carrying
balancing in the preliminary design. capacity. In other circumstances, an ice class beyond the
An important link between operational requirements normal Type ship classification might be reckoned better.
and the ice environment is made through the choice of the Such could be the case, for example, when delivery sched-
vessels’ ice class. Ships that navigate in ice are regulated ules are critical and can be more reliably met by a vessel
according to the rules of the various classification societies with the capabilities required to navigate independently in
and regulatory bodies. Some of these regulations incorpo- its typical operating area. Likewise, a higher ice class pro-
rate some form of ice regime system, which is a means of vides flexibility for a ship to take on dual roles, such as
relating a ship’s class to the hazard to navigation presented winter season operations in the Baltic and summer season
by prevailing ice conditions (12). The environmental ice operations in the Canadian or Russian Arctic. The class
conditions at the operational area are the basis of class re- definitions of nominal ice conditions are relatively sim-
40-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

plistic and do not accurately reflect the complexity of the

ice environment.
A given ice environment could be more usefully con-
sidered an ice state, characterized by both quantitative and
qualitative features in a manner analogous to sea states for
open water conditions (13). This facilitates an approach
that provides for the estimation of probable, rather than
nominal, exposure of a given vessel to ice loads. Ideally,
the control of shipping by class should limit the severity of
environmental loads to an acceptable limit.
The shipping control system in the Canadian Arctic is a
step in this direction. Under this system, the local ice con- Figure 40.6 Probabilistic Shipping Seasons & Ship Capability
ditions in an operational area are used to estimate the risk
to ship structures. The combination of a relatively detailed
description of prevailing environmental conditions, an es- poses (a probabilistic measure of ice cover extent and con-
timate of the risks these conditions pose, and the given ship centration) can be found in ice atlases. These maps, often
class are used to decide whether shipping is permissible or covering large geographical areas, show weekly or bi-
not (12). weekly data on ice cover based on historical observations
over a period of 5 to 20 years or more. Typically, atlases
map the weekly maximum, minimum, and mean ice ex-
40.1.2 Unique Features and Capabilities tent, and the mean ice coverage concentrations; maps are Ice information and planning complemented by a description that includes freeze-up and
The unique operational requirements of navigating in ice break-up patterns, occurrence of MY ice, icebergs, and ice
impact on hull form, structure, propulsion and maneuver- islands, mass ice movement patterns, and the occurrence
ing, and auxiliary systems. These system features are dealt of polynyas. Atlases of this sort are based largely on re-
with in section 40.2. One of the truly unique features of motely (satellite) sensed imagery using visual, infrared,
ice-capable shipping is its use of ice information. and microwave sensors, but also incorporate visual obser-
Knowledge of past ice conditions and prediction of fu- vations from aircraft and ships, side looking airborne
ture ice conditions are critical ingredients in each stage of radar, and other methods.
an ice-capable ship’s life (14,15). In planning a transporta- Some good starting points for ice environment informa-
tion service consisting of a ship or fleet, the choice of ice tion of historical ice coverage conditions are (16) for the
capabilities has a crucial impact on the economic success Northern Sea Route, (17) for Alaskan waters, (18) for the
of the transportation system solution. Great Lakes, (19–25) for the Canadian Arctic, Gulf of St.
Like shipping in open water, transportation system de- Lawrence, and east coast, (26) for the Baltic, Skagerrak and
sign requires forecasting, say for 25 years, of such things Kattegat Seas, and (27) for Antarctic waters. The Arctic
as the transportation requirements and changes in infra- Ocean and all ice-covered seas in the Northern Hemisphere
structure (for example ports, cargo handling). Planning are covered in (28,29). More detailed local information,
shipping in ice must also include expectations of the avail- when required, might be found in the literature, or may be
ability and capacity of ice breaking assistance. From an- gathered through dedicated observation programs.
other perspective, planning an icebreaker service must in- For operational planning and ship routing, or for oper-
corporate expectations of the volume and type of future ations in a local area, data on ice conditions must be more
shipping. Predictions of this sort, being largely dependent detailed and up to date than historical ice atlases. Strategic
on human affairs, are very uncertain. Predictions of ice and tactical use of ice information imposes a time scale re-
conditions, on the other hand, can be made using available quirement measured in hours, days, and months. Several
historical information. ice information providers (for example,
From a transportation system planning point of view, it, and meet this need by using re-
is important to determine the relationship between the sea- motely sensed imagery of ice and weather conditions,
sonal ice distribution conditions and the ship’s capabilities, along with historical data, to chart and forecast ice condi-
so that the economics of this relationship can be evaluated. tions along various navigation routes.
Figure 40.6 illustrates this. The ice information required Forecasts might be available looking forward 3 months,
for transportation studies and preliminary ship design pur- 1 month, 2 weeks, 10, 5, 3, 2, and 1 day. Ice charts of cur-
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-7

rent conditions, based on satellite observations, might be noteworthy hull form features, such as a wide forward
available every 12 hours, depending on the satellite orbit form incorporating reamers, an ice clearing wedge at bot-
and data processing time. tom, a shallow ice breaking stern, and a rugged arrange-
In addition to satellite imagery, icebreakers carry out ment of the twin rudders and propellers in nozzles (34).
regular helicopter reconnaissance flights and maintain vi- Norilsk is an SA-15 class multipurpose cargo ship de-
sual shipboard observations. The availability of accurate, signed for transportation service in the Russian Arctic, in-
detailed ice information to a skilled master/ice pilot pro- cluding independent icebreaking operations (35). The mul-
vides the opportunity to employ navigation tactics, such as tipurpose Fennica has a large open deck aft and an
route changes to take advantage of leads or to avoid large unconventional bridge (10,11).
MY floes or heavily ridged ice, that can improve the
chances of success on any given voyage.
Taken together, the acquisition and use of ice and me- 40.2 SYSTEM DESIGN
teorological information is a key part of a vessel’s ice ca-
pabilities (30–33). 40.2.1 Hull Form Introduction
The hull form of an ice-capable ship is a compromise be-
40.1.3 General Arrangements tween two largely conflicting requirements: icebreaking
There is nothing common among general arrangements of and open water performance. An appropriate balance be-
ice-capable ships because their missions are so wide rang- tween the two is determined specifically for a ship’s mis-
ing. Cargo ships calling at remote, ill-equipped ports might sion profile. While the focus here is on hull form design for
have their own cargo handling gear. Endurance is also a icebreaking, it must be recognized that improved ice-
consideration for remote operations, which impacts on breaking performance usually comes at the expense of
tank capacities and storage for spares and provisions. The open water resistance and seakeeping.
design should guard against the extreme cold and pro-
longed darkness, for example by providing more interior Icebreaking process
access ways and equipment operating spaces, adequate Icebreaking is a cyclic process of repeated ice failure over
heating, insulation, and air conditioning, and extra light- a range of scales and involving different mechanisms. As a
ing. Exterior decks and outfit should be designed with the ship proceeds into an ice sheet, the ice edge is crushed at
potential for icing in mind. different locations distributed over the hull-ice contact in-
Icebreaking is noisy, due both to the ice impacts on the terface. As penetration continues, the ice sheet is progres-
hull and the powerful machinery. Interior spaces should be sively deflected down as the hull slides over it. The local
arranged with noise and vibration in mind. For example, contact pressure between the ice and hull gives rise to fric-
accommodation spaces should be isolated from machinery tion during the submergence of the ice edge. Local ice fail-
spaces and engine casings. ure at the contact area may continue during submergence.
Escort icebreakers need a clear deck aft to accommo- The bending of the ice sheet results in its failure through
date towing outfit and operations. This may include a stern flexural fracture. The piece of ice cracked off the sheet is
notch. Many icebreakers carry a helicopter and need a hel- then submerged under the moving hull and eventually
icopter deck. Excellent all around visibility from the reemerges and clears the ship. The production of a couple
bridge is an important criterion, especially for escort and of ice pieces by this process is illustrated in Figure 40.8
ice management operations. Some vessels have an aloft ice (36). Figure 40.9 shows a typical pattern of broken ice
piloting observation station to address this, but it is nor- pieces resulting from the penetration (and withdrawal) of
mally addressed through careful layout of the bridge. an icebreaking bow into an ice sheet.
Double skinning requirements, where applicable, affect
capacity and arrangement of cargo, bunkers, and ballast Icebreaking hull form design
water tanks. To break level ice effectively, the bow form should pro-
A few of these characteristics are featured in the sam- mote flexural failure in the ice, rather than crushing. With
ple general arrangements shown in Figure 40.7 of the ships reference to Figure 40.10, this translates into shallow stem,
Oden, Norilsk, and Fennica. Oden is a Baltic escort ice- buttock, and flare angles. This form also eases submer-
breaker with arctic icebreaking capabilities. The profile gence. Shallow waterlines and a fine forward form promote
and decks give an example of a stern notch, helicopter good ice clearance characteristics, although it is difficult to
deck, and open working decks forward and aft. It has some reconcile a good breaking form with superior clearing (38).


Figure 40.7 General Arrangements: Oden (34), Norilsk (after 35) and Fennica (10,11)
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-9

tions and impede, or stop progress. Another aspect of

clearing that affects hull form is associated with ice pieces
that are submerged to the ship’s bottom. These can slide
along the entire length of the ship and reemerge along the
buttocks leading to the propeller(s). Propulsion perfor-
mance can be seriously impaired by propeller-ice interac-
tion. To avoid this, a clearing wedge can be incorporated
into the hull design to promote ice clearing to the sides.
Examples of this can be seen on the Oden and Fennica in
Figure 40.7 and again on the Fennica in Figure 40.11.
To prevent the vessel from becoming beached during
Figure 40.8 The Icebreaking Process (36) aggressive ramming of ridges and thick ice floes, an ice
skeg can be incorporated in the bow form to limit the ex-
tent to which the vessel can ride up on the ice feature.
The transition from the bow to the midbody along the
design waterline should be designed to avoid excessive
crushing at the shoulders during forward ice breaking and
maneuvering. For conventional bows, this means a gradual
transition in the waterline and flare angles. Alternatively,
the bow form can be arranged so that the breaking is done
over a relatively short bow length with extremely shallow
Figure 40.9 Broken Ice Pattern at the Bow (37) buttock and flare angles and a sharp transition from bow to
Some ships have sloped sides (about 8° from the verti-
cal) along the midbody to provide some impetus for ice to
fail in bending rather than crushing. This can improve ma-
neuvering where the midbody might come into contact
with the ice edge, but it is also a safety factor when a ship
is beset in a compressive ice field. Sloped sides complicate
the internal structural arrangement to some degree.
Icebreaking and frictional resistance along the midbody
can be kept to a minimum by a good bow form, which
breaks a channel wide enough for the rest of the vessel to
pass through. This criterion has been met in a dramatic
way by several ships whose bows include reamers so that
the bow is actually wider than the midbody (see for exam-
ple, Oden, Figure 40.7).
The required icebreaking capabilities and the need to
Figure 40.10 Bow Form Characteristics (39) offer protection to propulsion gear guides the stern form
design of an ice going ship. As in the bow, the stern form
A bulbous bow may not be appropriate for ice breaking will have shallow buttocks at the waterline for reverse ice-
ships. A bulb is not effective in breaking ice, has poor breaking. Reamers in the bow intended to provide a clear,
clearing attributes, and presents difficulties for some tow- wide channel are clearly a disadvantage in reverse ice
ing arrangements (that is notch towing). breaking and some auxiliary system, such as a water wash
In the case of vessels that operate primarily in open system, might be used to mitigate this disadvantage.
water and only very occasionally in ice, the potential open The stern form is influenced very much by the propul-
water benefits derived from a bulbous bow may favor its sion system: conventional shafting versus z-drives or pods,
use despite its drawbacks in ice. single, twin, or triple screws, and open or ducted pro-
Clearing is especially important when navigating in pellers. These are discussed in Section 40.2.3.
very close thick pack ice, or in brash ice-clogged channels. A variety of approaches have been taken to protect rud-
Submerged ice can accumulate at the bow in these condi- ders and propellers from ice. For example, ice knives aft of
40-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

rudders are intended to deflect and split ice floes ap- loads, and local structural deflection, which influence the
proaching the rudders and propellers when the ship is run- ice loads.
ning astern. Their additional role is similar to the bow ice These topics are considered in more detail in Subsec-
skeg, that is, to prevent the vessel from excessive ride up tion 40.3.1, but are introduced here in the context of struc-
on an ice feature. tural design to give some necessary background to ice
loads. Ice-capable hull gallery To be useful for structural design, an ice load model
Examples of some hull forms used for ice breaking roles must capture these essential characteristics: the magni-
are shown in Figure 40.11. tudes of design loads correspond to full-scale experience;
the contact areas and corresponding pressures reflect the
40.2.2 Hull Structure pressure-area relationship (that is design pressures are
higher for local structural members than for larger struc- Introduction
tural assemblies – see Figure 40.12); application of the de-
The structure of an ice-capable ship is designed to resist
sign loads accounts for the actual geometry and structural
local loads due to ice contact and global loads associated
arrangement, for example, to model accurately the bound-
with ramming-type operations. Vibration, due to both ice
ary conditions and the effects of structural support to the
breaking and high installed power, is also a concern. The
very low temperature environment necessitates use of spe-
cial steel grades with adequate fracture toughness. The ice
load strengthening criteria result in higher steel weight rel- Structural design criteria
ative to open water ships. To reduce steel weight, it is com- Typically, the structure designed to resist ice loads has a
mon to use higher strength steels than the typical mild steel hierarchy starting with the shell plating, which is locally
(σy=245 MPa) used in shipbuilding. Higher grades of steel stiffened by angle, tee, or similar stiffeners, as shown in
and thicker plates and other structural members put greater Figure 40.13. At this local level, the strength of the plate
demands on fabrication, especially on welding techniques. between frames must resist the concentrated high-pressure
loads due to ice contact. Local stiffening is usually ar- Ice loads ranged so that the stiffeners are as perpendicular as practi-
Ice loads on the hull during ice breaking are transmitted cable to the horizontal ice edge. In conventional terms of
through the contact interface between the hull and ice. One longitudinal and transverse stiffening, this means that the
of the difficulties in hull structural design is associated side shell would be best transversely framed, but that the
with modeling this contact interface accurately. This prob- choice of bow framing system is dependent on the hull
lem has received considerable attention in recent years form: for example, a longitudinal framing system would be
(5,41,42) including several full-scale measurement pro- preferred for a spoon bow or landing craft type bow.
grams (43–46). Using loads from full-scale measurements Shell plating provides watertight integrity for the ship
along with the nominal contact length and ice thickness and as such, should not rupture. Traditionally, first yield
observed when the loads occurred, one could deduce a has been used as the design criterion in much steel con-
nominal uniform average pressure and corresponding load struction. Under this criterion, the load is limited by the
area that could be used as a design case (for future ships). elastic limit of the steel.
Unfortunately, ice does not fail in such a way that the con- More recently, the large strength reserve in ductile steel
tact interface pressure is uniform so this model would be plate due to plastic behavior after first yield has been in-
inaccurate. corporated in the design criteria (49). If the load is in-
For the speeds involved in ice breaking, ice at the inter- creased after the elastic limit is exceeded, then a plastic
face fails in a brittle manner and the contact pressure over hinge will form along the edge of the supporting structure.
a nominal contact area tends to be highly concentrated in Further increases in load will lead to the formation of a
relatively small regions distributed within the nominal central hinge mechanism. Using plastic design criteria,
contact area. This causes localized ice failure and conse- permanent set is acceptable, but rupture should still be
quently rapid changes in the locations of the concentrated avoided. Where membrane tension can build up due to the
high contact pressure. The variability of the mechanical adjacent supporting structure, plasticity spreads through-
properties of ice, which affect failure, complicates the con- out the plate material and provides a reserve of strength
tact loading phenomena further. There are also interaction that can support loads up to several times the load that
effects, for example global body motions due to contact causes the formation of a three-hinge mechanism (50).
Figure 40.11 Icebreaker Hull Forms (9,11,38,40)
40-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Click here to view

Figure 40.12 Pressure/Area Curve (47)

From inspection of equation (1), the consequence of terms of structural hierarchy, these stiffened panels are
moving from elastic to plastic design criteria is a reduction semi-local elements. Failure of support structure can
in required plating thickness t, for a given distributed load take the form of bending, shear failure, fracture, and local
q, and stiffener spacing s. Poisson’s ratio and plastic ratio buckling and tripping instability. To prevent these failure
are denoted ν and νP, respectively. types, each structural member must have an adequate
section modulus, shear area, and fracture toughness. De-
t =s  ; elastic (yield) sign criteria have been established to avoid tripping and
2σY buckling of frames. Effectively, these take the form of min-
imum ratios of web height to web thickness, flange width
t =s  ; plastic edge hinges [1] to web thickness, frame span to flange width, and so on
3σY (49).
Where aggressive ramming is an operational require-
t =s  ; plastic edge and central hinges ment, deck and bottom stresses due to global bending are
4σY kept within permissible limits by ensuring adequate hull
The local stiffeners may be supported by ice stringers girder section modulus.
and these by larger web frames and bulkheads. Floors and Another design criterion for ice-capable ships’ struc-
longitudinal girders support bottom plate stiffeners. In tures is avoidance of brittle fracture. The operating condi-
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-13

ness with higher strength frames of increased spacing com-

pared to conventional icebreaker designs (Figure 40.14).
Structural requirements based on ice loads are depen-
dent on the exposure of the hull to ice loads. Clearly, the
bow is more exposed to higher and more frequent ice loads
than, say the bottom. Damage statistics have been used to
help quantify relative exposure to ice loads on different
parts of ice-capable ships (51). In order of decreasing ex-
posure, the hull can be separated into the ice skeg area,
bow, amidships and stern, and bottom. The area of the hull
near the waterline is also called the ice belt. Hull areas de-
fined according to ASPPR regulations are shown in Figure

Figure 40.13 Structural hierarchy (48)

tions of ice capable ships increase the likelihood of brittle

fracture: low air temperatures of –20° to –50°C and water
temperatures of just under 0°C decrease fracture tough-
ness; ice breaking causes high local stresses and interme-
diate strain rates. Further, plate and supporting structure
are relatively thick, which increases the numbers of flaws,
or defects, which constitute the existing cracks that can
High-grade steels with higher fracture toughness than,
say grade A steel, reduce the probability of brittle fracture
in the base material. Use of high-grade steels has become
a requirement of most classification societies and national
authorities. The minimum fracture toughness requirements
for a given structural element can be related to its type and
thickness, and to the consequences of its failure (50).
Sheerstrakes and strength deck structure, for example,
might require at least grade E steel, whereas decks other
than the strength deck might require only grade B (49).
The most likely sources of defects that can give rise to
cracking are the weld metal and the heat-affected zone of
the base metal. One way to deal with this is to specify
toughness requirements for these areas as well, for in gen-
eral, their fracture toughness will not necessarily be to the
same standard as the adjacent structure.
Use of high strength steels reduces weight and provides
flexibility to the designer. In the designs of Oden and Fen-
nica, for example, extensive use was made of high strength
(σY ⬇ 355Mpa) and extra high strength (σY ⬇ 500Mpa)
steels, which offered potential shell weight savings of about
18% and 30%, respectively, over conventional shipbuilding
steel (σY ⬇ 245Mpa) (11,35). In both cases, the as fitted
structural arrangement combined reductions in plate thick- Figure 40.14 Structural Arrangement on Oden (35)
40-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 40.15 Ice-strengthened Hull Areas (49) Classification requirements In contrast, classification society requirements for ice

Requirements for the structural integrity of ice capable breaking ships have historically varied somewhat, in
ships are specified in the Rules of the various classification terms of definition of hull areas for strengthening and de-
societies, for example. Russian Maritime Register of Ship- sign load intensity relative to design ice and operating
ping, Lloyd’s Register, Det Norske Veritas, American Bu- conditions.
reau of Shipping, and Germanischer Lloyd, and national An approximate correspondence between different
regulatory authorities (Canadian, Finnish-Swedish, and classification societies’ ice classes is shown in Table 40.III.
Russian). These requirements are divided broadly into However, because the rules are different, any attempt to
Baltic Rules for ice-strengthened vessels, and Arctic Class draw equivalencies is somewhat subjective and this can
Rules for ice breaking ships. present serious restrictions on ships that could conceivably
Most classification societies have very similar require- operate in regions governed by different national regula-
ments for ice-strengthened vessels, or ice Type Ships, tions.
which are divided into classes depending upon their design While there are differences, the essential approach
ice thickness of up to 1.2 meters. Local structure design ice taken in the more recently revised rules is to specify max-
pressures depend principally upon the ice class and hull imum design loads that are based on ship-ice interaction
area. models that have been calibrated with full-scale measure-

TABLE 40.III Approximate Equivalencies Between Classes (52)

Classification Society/National Administration Approximate class equivalents

Canadian Arctic Shipping Pollution Prevention CAC 1 CAC 2 CAC 3 CAC 4 Type A Type B Type C Type D
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping LL1 LL2 LL 3 LL 4 ULA UL L1 L2 L3
Det Norske Veritas P30 P20 P10 I15 I10 I05 1A* 1A 1B 1C
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping LR 3 LR 2 LR 2 LR 1.5 LR 1 1A 1B 1B 1C
LR 1.5 1AS 1C
Finnish-Swedish Maritime Administrations 1AS 1B 1B 1C
1A 1C
Germanischer Lloyd E4 E3 E2 E1
Bureau Veritas 1AS 1A 1B 1C
American Bureau of Shipping 1AA 1A 1B 1C
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-15

ments. The design loads depend on displacement and There is an ongoing debate over the comparative ad-
power and are applied to different structural elements ac- vantages of geared diesel and diesel-electric systems. To
cording to a pressure-area relationship. Scantlings are de- avoid damage to the main machinery due to high transient
termined using elasto-plastic design criteria that permit ice torque loads, geared diesel systems use a large flywheel
stresses in excess of yield so that some permanent defor- on the shafting between the main machinery and gearbox.
mation is acceptable. Compared to traditional ship struc- The extra inertia in the flywheel is meant to ensure that the
tural design methods, this leads to a combination of thin- shaft continues to rotate without sudden loss of speed
ner plate, bigger frames, and larger frame spacing. when the propellers mill ice, which can be a problem for a
geared diesel engine. Controllable pitch (CP) propellers
with a rapid pitch control capability can be used in con-
40.2.3 Propulsion
junction with geared diesel systems to further accommo- Propulsion machinery date high ice torque loads. Diesel-electric systems cope
In contrast to hull form and general arrangements, propul- better with ice torque loads by decreasing shaft speed.
sion system design consists more of selecting from avail- Geared diesel systems have higher efficiency than elec-
able components and adapting them to the system. Like tric systems because the losses in gears are less than in
other ships, the choice of propulsion machinery for ice ca- electrical transmission. They are also lighter, more com-
pable ships is based on capital and operating costs, relia- pact, less costly, and simpler, although the means used to
bility, power to weight ratio, and efficiency. Ice-capable accommodate ice loads result in some complications.
ships, particularly icebreakers, also need propulsion sys- Modern diesel-electric systems use diesel generators
tems that are highly responsive for maneuvering and, per- and ac propulsion motors with a cyclo-converter control
haps most importantly, can operate effectively even while system. The resulting ac-ac system improves the efficiency
subjected to repeated, intermittent, high torque loading of earlier diesel-electric (dc-dc, ac-dc) systems, and main-
due to propeller impacts with ice. tains their excellent speed-torque characteristics and flexi-
Determination of the required power, based on resis- bility, both in terms of power output and arrangement. The
tance and propulsion in ice, is discussed in Section 40.3. flexibility of the diesel-electric systems makes them well
Once the required propulsion power has been selected, the suited for ice breaking and other duties, as exemplified by
main decisions are what type of prime mover to use, how the Otso and Fennica classes.
to transmit the power to propulsion, and how many and Flexibility in machinery arrangement is another advan-
what type of propellers to use. tage afforded by diesel-electric systems. Recent develop-
Nuclear powered icebreakers in Russia are really a ments in azimuthing propellers have extended this advan-
class unto themselves: they use steam from the nuclear tage to the extreme by moving the propulsion motors
power plant to drive steam turbines to generate electricity outside the hull and into pods upon which the propeller is
for propulsion motors at the shaft. It is highly unlikely that fitted.
nuclear power will be used elsewhere for ice capable ships.
Gas turbines have been used on occasion, sometimes as Propulsors and arrangements
part of a combination of prime movers, as in the Polar A single centerline screw on a nearly horizontal shaft is the
Class, but these have not had many imitators. This may most common arrangement used on ice strengthened cargo
change if marine applications of gas turbines grow beyond ships. In contrast, most icebreakers have either two or three
the military and into merchant fleets, which they are show- propellers. Twin wing screws are most common. Larger
ing some signs of doing. Gas turbines offer very good ships with high power and enough space can accommodate
power to weight ratios, and are small and light. They use triple propellers: twin wings and one at centerline. Twin
expensive fuel, have 10% to 20% higher specific fuel con- and triple propellers offer redundancy in case of damage,
sumption, and have relatively high maintenance require- flexible use of power, and enhanced maneuverability com-
ments (38). pared with single propellers. The use of bow propellers has
The medium speed diesel engine is the most common ceased, although icebreaking ships that operate in reverse
prime mover used on ice capable ships. These have rela- are effectively using their propellers in much the same
tively good power to weight ratios and fuel consumption, way.
use relatively inexpensive fuel, and are compact and reli- The recent introduction of azimuthing propellers to ice-
able. One problem with diesels is their relatively poor breaking ships, either in ducts or open podded arrange-
overtorque capability (38). This deficiency is dealt with in ment has proved popular amongst operators. These elimi-
different ways depending on the transmission used. nate the need for rudders as the propellers themselves
40-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

rotate about a vertical axis to provide extremely high ma- tions, ice horns and rudders can provide protection. For
neuvering capabilities. Further, shafting and brackets or forward operations, the most common device is a large
bossings are eliminated so that the flow to the propeller is skeg(s). Open shafts with struts are more prone to damage
more uniform. than bossings and skegs. An ice wedge at the bottom can
In comparison with open water propellers, the extra deflect ice to the sides of the vessel so that the ice does not
strength requirements and high thrust loading of ice class flow to the screws. All these devices have drawbacks.
screws results in them having the following characteristics:
high strength material (for example stainless steel, nickel-
aluminum-bronze); thick blade sections (resulting in a re- 40.2.4 Auxiliary Systems and Outfitting
duced hydrodynamic efficiency); large blade areas; large A variety of auxiliary systems have been used at one time
hubs (especially for controllable pitch propellers); little or or another to aid the icebreaking process, reduce resis-
no rake. tance, or improve propulsive performance. One of the sim-
Some fixed pitch propellers (FP) have been designed plest is good low friction paint that resists the abrasion of
with individual blades bolted to the hub. The advantage of ice and reduces frictional resistance between the ice and
bolted connections is that a single blade can be replaced if hull.
damaged. Several other systems designed to reduce friction have
Many of the advantages and disadvantages of CP and evolved, starting with air bubbler systems that pump com-
FP propellers are related to the machinery most commonly pressed air out of small nozzles in the hull at the midbody
used with each: diesel-electric for FP and geared diesel for and bow. The rising air bubbles and water provide lubrica-
CP. To ensure the pitch control mechanism is adequately tion to the ice-hull contact areas and thus reduce frictional
strong and protected, the hub is large for CP screws (35 to resistance, although this tends to be effective at relatively
40% of the propeller diameter). This is at the expense of ef- low speed. A similar system ejects a mixture of com-
ficiency. CP propellers are relatively expensive. However, pressed air and water just below the waterline. A water del-
the CP feature is advantageous for a vessel such as an ice- uge, or water wash system is yet another method to reduce
breaker that operates over a wide range of loading condi- friction. Large volumes of water under low pressure are
tions. A CP propeller can eliminate the need for shaft re- sprayed on the ice from above the waterline at the bow. The
versals, thus avoiding low speed and stopped propeller water wash reduces friction, overburdens the ice, and pro-
conditions under which a propeller is particularly vulnera- motes submergence of broken ice pieces. All of these sys-
ble to ice damage. The trade off, however, is that FP pro- tems require power that could be incorporated alternatively
peller performance in reverse is superior to CP propeller into the propulsion system.
performance. Heeling tanks have become commonplace on ice break-
Ducted propellers offer excellent thrust characteristics ing ships to aid breaking and increase maneuverability,
at low advance speeds and at the bollard condition, which sometimes in combination with unconventional bow form
is exactly where an icebreaker needs high thrust, and they features. Twin tanks, arranged symmetrically at the ship’s
limit the size of ice pieces that can come into contact with sides, are connected by a tunnel fitted with a pump that is
the propeller, thus limiting the impact loads on blades. On used to quickly transfer water back and forth between the
the other hand, the duct and its connection to the hull must tanks to induce heeling. By transferring water between the
be strengthened for ice; ducts are subject to high loads, vi- tanks in rapid succession while underway, the ship can
bration, and fatigue; ducts can become clogged with ice proceed through heavy ice conditions in a duck walk (35).
and require reversing in order to clear them (this detracts The use of heeling tanks in maneuvering is illustrated by
from operational performance and also causes high blade Tue-Fee and Keinonen (9).
loading and vibrations due to both hydrodynamic blockage
and ice impacts); at high ship speed, ducts detract from
Various means can be employed to protect a propeller
from ice damage: use a duct; locate the propeller as deep In this section, several selected research issues are treated
as possible (the most protected area is at the center line; in some detail by the contributing authors. These are ice
wing propellers are more vulnerable than centerline pro- mechanics and its importance to structural loading, model
pellers); reduce the propeller diameter in order to limit test evaluation methods using ice tanks, a method to calcu-
torque loads; use ice deflecting devices (particularly for late propeller-ice interaction design loads, and maneuver-
ducted propellers to avoid clogging). For astern opera- ing capability prediction and evaluation.
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-17

40.3.1 Ice Mechanics

Ice is a brittle viscoelastic solid. It expands upon freezing
and consequently floats in its own melt. It presents a haz-
ard to shipping if collisions are not avoided or taken into
account in design. If the design is done with care, ships can
be built to resist loads imposed by ice, and to break up ice
features. The design strategy may involve avoidance, for
instance of icebergs; it must be ensured that such strategies
work. A probabilistic analysis of these may be necessary.
In order to understand the loads generated during the in-
teraction between a ship and an ice feature, it is necessary
to understand the mechanics of ice as it disintegrates under
load. This is not developed to the point where all of the de-
tails of the failure process can be modeled. There are ran-
dom aspects of ice failure that can dominate the process,
and therefore the limitations of deterministic analyses Figure 40.17 Semilocal and Local Failure Process
must be understood. Ice is a naturally occurring geophysi-
cal material with flaws such as cracks, fissures, brine
drainage pockets, and unusually large grains and associ- being cleared produce moderate pressures, generally less
ated grain boundaries. Under stress, such defects will initi- than 1 to 2 MPa. The high-pressure regions, in which pres-
ate fracture events. Figure 40.16 shows typical large-scale sures up to 70 MPa have been measured in medium scale
ice failure events. field tests on sensors 13 mm in diameter, produce crushed
At the same time, there will be a semilocal and local ice powder in a rather special failure process, described
failure process, illustrated in Figure 40.17. Here, the ice below.
pressure at the interface with the structure varies tremen- The average pressure over the three regions is generally
dously across the interface. calculated using total force divided by the nominal contact
Spalls result in regions of negligible pressure; other re- area, a, defined as the projection of the structure onto the
gions where the products of the fracture processes are original shape of the ice feature (that is disregarding any
spalls and areas where contact is lost when pieces are bro-
ken off during the interaction). This gives the global aver-
age pressure, which tends in general to decline with in-
creasing nominal contact area. Exceptions do occur to this
general rule, for example when the structure makes contact
with solid ice beyond a spalled area.
The idealizations previously described, and in more de-
tail in the following, are based on analyses and interpreta-
tion of many sets of measurements. These include medium
and full-scale observations, as well as laboratory experi-
ments used in measurements made onboard the Kigoriak,
MV Arctic, and Manhattan. With regard to global forces
and pressures, Polar Sea and the Oden have been used; a
list of references on these ramming trials is appended
(46,53). Figure 40.18 shows typical measurements from
the MV Arctic (43). Scatter is a feature of the results:
seemingly identical rams can yield quite different force
measurements. With regard to local pressure, two impor-
tant sets of field measurements were made onboard ves-
sels. They are first, the local pressure measurements of the
Louis St. Laurent (44) during ramming of multiyear ice,
and second, the ramming trials of the Kigoriak (45). Fig-
Figure 40.16 Large-scale Failure Events ure 40.19 shows the results from the first of these, in which
40-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

pressure panel’s 1.67 m2 in area contained pressure sensors εf is the flow (irrecoverable creep). Ship-ice interactions, in
7.94 mm in diameter. The results of local pressure mea- terms of the important peak events when the ice is broken,
surements, approximately 1.67m2 expressed in terms of are of relatively short duration, so that it would be expected
maximum average pressure on a specified area, also show that in this short period of time the ice could be modeled as
similar scatter to that shown in Figure 40.18. These obser- an elastic material. This can be a reasonable assumption,
vations regarding both local and global forces suggest a except for a layer of material that forms next to the struc-
probabilistic approach. ture, in which microstructural processes result in viscous
Global failure, illustrated in Figure 40.16, depends to a deformation at a very high rate. The processes include phe-
considerable extent on the geometry of the ice feature, nomena such as recrystallization and pressure melting.
coupled with the state of stress and the flaw structure in the The global failure modes will depend, as noted, on the
ice feature. The type of ice feature encountered will de- type of ice feature and its thickness. The most common
pend on the geographical region. As described in Subsec- failure mode is bending (flexure). This is relied upon both
tion 40.1.1, the morphology varies considerably from rel- for operational purposes, that is to break through heavy
atively uniform ice in protected areas, to ridged and rafted ice, and as a limit of load in analysis (55). Splitting of ice
ice, to icebergs and ice islands. features also leads to reductions in load and assists in nav-
The variety of situations dictate that care must be exer- igation. Very large features can be difficult to split, and in
cised in applying design rules developed for one region to the design of icebreakers it is common to build in features
another. For example, steel plate thickness developed for that assist in flexural failure, as evidenced in the bow
hulls in the Baltic can be quite similar to those for the east shapes shown in Subsection 40.2.1. The failure modes in-
coast of Canada (54), largely fortuitously, but the vertical volving fracture result from the extreme brittleness of ice.
extent of the ice strengthening required might be quite dif- Measurements of the fracture properties of ice have been
ferent for the ice features (for example small bergs or made by several researchers (56). The fracture toughness
bergy bits) found off Canada’s east coast. is of the order of 0.1 to 0.14 MPa m1/2, leading to values of
Ice responds elastically to stress, followed by time- critical energy release rate of 1 to 2 Jm–2. These values are
dependent deformation. The strain ε under constant stress based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). This is
can be expressed as follows: useful as a general approach, but it should be noted that re-
cent work shows that scale effects exist, and should be
ε = εe + εd = εf [2] taken into account in a detailed fracture analysis (57). With
where εe is the elastic strain, anisotropic for a single crys- regard to flexure, an approximate analysis was conducted
tal, but statistically isotropic for polycrystalline granular in a study on the maximum bow force in interactions with
ice; εd is the delayed elastic strain (recoverable creep); and multiyear ice for arctic shipping (55).
The equation used was as follows:
Click here to view
F = cf σf h2 [3]
where F is the ice force in MN; h is the ice thickness in me-
ters; and σf is the ice flexural strength in MPa.
The parameter cf varies from 0.5 to 1.0; the first value is
appropriate for beaching (quasistatic) loads, and the sec-
ond for the initial impact phase in ice ramming. The ice
strength σf has been measured generally in tests that are
small in scale compared to the scale of the interaction. A
typical small-scale strength is 0.8 MPa (58). Tests and cal-
ibration of flexural failures in full-scale calibration would
be a most helpful direction of future research. In reference
55 flexural failure was included in numerical simulations
of ice forces measured on the Oden. The voyage was not
dedicated to these tests, and the various parameters could
only be estimated approximately. Nevertheless, the impor-
tance of flexural failure, which had been observed to take
place during the interactions, could be seen in the simula-
Figure 40.18 Measurements from MV Arctic tions. Inclusion of this factor resulted in much improved
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-19

estimations of the ice forces, as compared to the results against breaching of the vessel. The high-pressure zones
when flexure was ignored. occur where the ice is relatively flaw-free, and the typical
The regions where the load is applied to the structure geometry is wedge-shaped, with a flat area adjacent to the
(Figure 40.17) include the very important high-pressure structure, as illustrated in the upper part of Figure 40.20. In
zones. These result in requirements for local design, which the lower part of Figure 40.20, birth and disappearance of
must be taken into account in order to provide safety a high-pressure zone is illustrated (42). Due to the shape of

Figure 40.19 Measurements from Louis St. Laurent

40-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 40.20 High Pressure Zones

these zones, the ice is highly confined, and pressures build Results were combined in a single factor α, which is a
up towards the center. The ice is subjected to combinations function of the design area ad and is used to give design
of high shear and pressure, and a layer of micro struc- pressures Z according to:
turally modified material is found next to the structure. The
冢 冢冢 冣冣冣
z – x0 – x1
deformation rates are very high in the layer and are domi- Fz(z) = exp exp –  [4]
nated by inelastic time-dependent processes, with the third α
term in equation (2) being dominant. It should be made where Fz(z) is the cumulative probability distribution of z;
clear that this is not the usual irrecoverable creep measured x0 and x1 are parameters that depend on x1= α (lnµ); where
at low stresses. µ is the expected number of hits in a given time period. The
The material is, as noted, highly modified micro struc- following empirical relationship was developed from data
turally, with extensive micro cracking and recrystallization with α in MPa:
in the region adjacent to the structure, but near the edges of
the zone. The material further away from the free surface,
but adjacent to the structure, is more confined, and this
suppresses micro cracking. Towards the center of the zone,
there is evidence that pressure melting at grain boundaries
assists in the softening process (Figure 40.21). A critical
point is reached when the zone fails with ejection of the
micro fractured material from the edges. The analysis of
this process has been carried out using damage mechanics
(42), and the failure has been simulated numerically. It
should be emphasized that spalls arising from fractures
also occur, as shown in the lower right illustration of Fig-
ure 40.20.
Given the highly random and complicated failure
process discussed above, the randomness of observed data
is to be expected. Consequently, in the formulation of de-
sign rules, resort is made to probabilistic methods. Analy-
sis of local pressure will first be discussed. The data from
the Kigoriak ramming trials were ranked and plotted to
permit the probability of exceedance to be calculated for
pressures on different areas. Figure 40.21 Pressure Melting at Center of Contact Zone
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-21

α = 1.25ad0.7, 0.59 < ad < 6m2; The parameters C and D were modeled as random
a = 1.80, ad < 0.59 m2 [5] quantities, to account for the observed variation in global
forces. Results of force measurements on the Kigoriak, the
This relationship was supported by separate studies, in
MV Arctic, the Manhattan, the Polar Sea, and the Oden
which the high-pressure zones were treated probabilisti-
were used in the calibration, which proceeded iteratively
cally (Figure 40.22). For the Proposed Revisions to the
until good agreement between the observations and the
Arctic Shipping Pollution Prevention Regulations
model was obtained. Figure 40.24 shows the general form
(ASPPR), a time period of one year was used in the safety
of the force-time curve; either the initial or the subsequent
studies (50). Figure 40.23 shows the agreement between
(beaching) peak can represent the maximum load in a par-
the results of the probabilistic analysis and the proposed
ticular case. In general, the first impact load is greater in
revisions for Canadian Arctic Class CAC1 vessels. The pa-
the case of smaller vessels, while the beaching loads dom-
rameter µ reflects the exposure of the vessel, in terms of
inate in the case of the larger vessels. In the latter case,
number of impacts per year, which is a function of Arctic
there tends to be less randomness since the final load does
not depend as strongly on the ice response. Figure 40.24
With regard to the modeling of data on global ice
shows the form of the agreement between observations and
forces, again a probabilistic approach was taken. The
the model for two vessels.
global ice response was modeled using a pressure-area
The approach described was used in formulating the
curve as follows:
Proposed Revisions to the Canadian Arctic Shipping Pol-
p = CαD [6] lution Prevention Regulations (12,49). As noted, the local
pressure formula agreed well with the method outlined
where p is the global average pressure, based on the nom-
above; for the global force a formula was developed based
inal ice pressure α, as defined above.
on the form developed during the studies (12). The equa-
tion developed based on statistical considerations was as

冢 冢 冣冣
P 1/3
Fmax = 4.4D0.7 1 +  [7]
where Fmax is the maximum bow force (MN), D is dis-
placement (kilo tonnes), and P is shaft power (MW).

40.3.2 Resistance in Ice and Model Tank Methods Icebreaking process
Figure 40.22 Array of Random Forces in Random Positions One of the main performance indicators for icebreaking
ships is their performance in level ice. Breaking of level ice
LIVE GRAPH by a ship is a complex process in which energy is con-
Click here to view
sumed in crushing and fracturing the ice sheet, and clear-
ing the broken fragments.

Figure 40.23 Comparison of Model and Observations Figure 40.24 Force-time Curve
40-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

In open water, energy is consumed at a constant rate so these equations are now becoming somewhat dated both in
resistance is also constant. During ice breaking the energy philosophy and in the empirical data used. It is often the
transfer process is by no means constant and ship resis- case that these equations do not include important ice-
tance is highly variable and must be averaged over several breaking parameters. For instance, the flexural strength of
icebreaking cycles. Icebreakers generally break the ice by the ice during a particular full-scale trial may not have
using their kinetic energy to ride up on the ice sheet and been measured or, if measured, collected at only one value,
fail it in downward flexure. A characteristic of most ice- rendering regression on this parameter meaningless. Nev-
breaking ships is a low stem angle and generally low but- ertheless the formulation derived by Lewis and Edwards
tock angles in the bow region. Typically, icebreaking ves- (62) is still popular for providing a quick and easy estimate
sels have stem angles in the 15° to 25° range. of powering early in the design spiral:
Upon contact with the floating ice sheet, the vessel’s ki-
netic energy is partially transferred into potential energy Rim = C0σf h2 + C1ρigBh2 + C2ρiBhV2 [8]
associated with the deflected ice sheet, vessel trim, and
heave. When the ice sheet fails, some of the elastic energy where h is ice thickness, ρi is ice density, V is speed, B is
is released and radiates away as an elastic wave. Similarly, beam, σf is flexural strength, and the coefficients C are con-
hydrodynamic damping of ship motions dissipates some of stants from full-scale data.
the potential energy stored in the ship. Additional energy Keinonen et al (63) extended this philosophy and pro-
losses are incurred during ice crushing and due to friction vided an updated analysis based on a large number of mod-
at the ship-ice contact points. Finally, the ice pieces must ern icebreaking vessels. In this analysis the authors depart
be cleared from in front of the bow. This is generally ac- from the conventional technique of dividing resistance into
complished by accelerating them downward under the components, which is difficult with full-scale data, and en-
hull, which imparts them with kinetic and potential energy deavor to relate thrust to the environment. Their analysis is
that is generally not recovered. Enkvist (59) proposed that limited to predicting the limiting resistance at a speed of
icebreaking resistance should be divided in three primary 1 m/s.
components, 1) energy required to fracture or break the ice
sheet; 2) energy required to accelerate the broken pieces Numerical models
from their resting position, and 3) energy required to sub- Two examples of numerical models in the open literature
merge the broken floes. are those of Milano (64) and Naegle (65). Milano’s model
The influence of the bow buttock angles is important in uses an energy formulation while Naegle uses a time-do-
the icebreaking process (60). Steep bow angles result in main solution of equations of motion in the vertical plane.
high forces, which result in much more crushing at the Naegle’s model assumes the ice fails in cusps and uses
contact points. Crushing leads to additional work done semi-empirical data to describe the cusp geometry. Milano
without flexural failure and hence a larger energy loss. By on the other hand assumes the ice fails as wedges. Both
reducing the bow angles, crushing losses may be mini- models use Nevel’s theoretical solutions for plates floating
mized. Frictional losses, and practical considerations such on an elastic foundation to estimate ice sheet failure loads.
as hull slamming and vessel cost, limit how far one can go Neither model predicts ice resistance particularly well, al-
with this. though Naegles’ model seems slightly superior in this re-
Icebreaking resistance is typically estimated at the de- spect. These models are probably most useful for examin-
sign stage by the following methods: ing sensitivity of resistance to design changes.
semi-empirical equations based on existing ship data;
existing model-scale data; and Model tests
numerical models. Model tests allow icebreaker powering requirements to be
evaluated under controlled conditions (66–68). Model
A good historical review and summary of icebreaking tests are most often used during the final stages of design.
literature, as well as a comprehensive reference list is given Ice basins generally contain aqueous solutions of dilute
in reference 61. salts or other freezing point depressants to weaken the ice
to the desired scale. The most common dopants are sodium Semi-empirical equations chloride, alcohol, and ethylene glycol. Typically, the ice
Equations based upon regression of existing full-scale and sheet is grown to the desired ice thickness and then the air
model tank data are certainly the easiest to use. Some of temperature in the basin is altered to adjust the flexural
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-23

strength of the ice. Testing commences when the flexural this value on the models so their results give good correla-
strength reaches its target value. Until fairly recently paraf- tion. This is often done for several ships and what results is
fin wax was used as a material to simulate model ice. a correlation friction coefficient, which becomes a target
Presently all ice basins use refrigerated ice. Within refrig- value to be used in subsequent model tests. Several large
erated ice there are two main classes: fine grain (FG) ice, basins use a value of 0.05 to represent new hulls. Design-
made by spraying tank water from above; and columnar ers are often called upon to provide a vessel with sufficient
ice, in which the ice grows naturally from below in long power to proceed continuously in level ice of some maxi-
dendritic crystals. Until quite recently ice density was an mum thickness at some average speed. If powering predic-
intrinsic property of the ice. Often the tempering process to tions are made using a value of hull-ice friction of 0.05 for
reduce the strength of the ice resulted in an increase in its new ships then indeed the speed may be achieved while the
density as more melt water was produced. The increased hull is in good condition.
density, coupled with a lower density tank solution, meant Due to the constant abrasion by ice, and corrosion, the
that the buoyancy of the model ice was often only half that hull condition may not remain pristine for long. Ice resis-
required for the prototype scale. tance is quite sensitive to changes in hull-ice friction and
The parameters, most influencing icebreaking perfor- the slope of the ice resistance to speed curve is relatively
mance, are the thickness of the ice, vessel speed, ice shallow, so a modest level of hull deterioration may mean
strength, hull-ice dynamic friction coefficient, and the den- that the vessel does not possess sufficient power to proceed
sity of the ice relative to the sea. In an ice basin the total continuously. Operators might be prudent to require the
icebreaking resistance may be divided into components in builders to install sufficient power so that the vessel can
a manner analogous to that used for calm water resistance. make continuous progress with an in service hull-ice fric-
Similar to open water testing, two basic tests are generally tion coefficient of, say 0.08. First costs will be higher due
conducted: ice resistance and self-propulsion in ice. The to additional main engine power, but operational costs will
ice resistance test quantifies the action of the ice on the hull be lower and the vessel will be more effective. If the hull
while the self-propulsion test quantifies the action of the condition deteriorates to a condition where ramming be-
ice on the propulsion system. While it is possible to obtain comes necessary, the average speed may drop from 2 to 3
powering requirements directly by performing self-propul- knots to a few miles per day. The fuel consumption in-
sion tests with a free model, more detailed information is creases dramatically, which may have an impact on mis-
collected by separating the hull resistance from the propul- sion objectives.
sion system.
Most ice basins conduct bare hull towing experiments Effects of ice density
in level ice to determine the resistance. The model is towed It may be thought that ice density should have little effect
at constant speed through an ice sheet with properties ap- on the breaking or flexural component of ice resistance.
propriate to the scale. Usually the models are free to roll, However, ice buoyancy forces ice pieces up, making it
pitch, and heave, but some basins allow some freedom to more difficult for the hull to submerge them. Thus in lower
surge by using a soft towing system; others allow some density ice there is a higher probability of jamming. A di-
freedom in sway and yaw using a similar system. State of rect consequence of this is that some traditional (high) den-
the art techniques to analyze hull resistance in ice from sity model ice does not realistically simulate this aspect.
model tests have been discussed extensively by commit- Also, certain hull forms, which are prone to ice jamming,
tees of the International Towing Tank Conference (69–72). may unduly benefit from model tests in high-density
The breakdown of components for the purposes of cor- model ice leading to misleading results. Also, this jam-
recting small deviations of ice parameters from target val- ming process leads to more secondary cracking of cusps,
ues is covered in detail in (71). especially large ones, which results in smaller ice pieces. Hull-ice friction Snow

Hull-ice friction is a very important and often overlooked It is clear from analyses of full-scale ship trials that snow
parameter in the ice resistance equation (73). Most major has a major effect on ship resistance. Snow acts as an eas-
ice basins have gone through a correlation phase by which ily compressible layer between the hull and the ice be-
the results of their model experiments are correlated with neath. Also, snow can have less than 50% of the density of
full-scale results. However, hull-ice friction is rarely ice so the buoyancy of snow-covered ice may be much
known during full-scale trials so ice basin operators adjust greater than snow-free ice. Finally, snow may increase the
40-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

friction between the hull and the ice. Bulat (74) investi- Prescriptive design methods have existed for both con-
gated the effect of snow cover on ice resistance based on ventional and ice class propellers in the rules of various
full-scale trials data. A simple classification of snow and classification societies and national authorities. Prior to
description of how the different types affect resistance are 1997, the ice class formulations were all based on the con-
given in (75). cept of a prescribed ice torque, the level of which varied
with the ice class of the vessel. The design of the propeller
blades was based on this prescribed torque in combination
40.3.3 Propeller-Ice Interaction and Design of with a cantilever beam analysis of blade bending.
Ice Class Propellers During the 1990s, design methods for ice-class pro- Introduction pellers were proposed by workers in Canada, Finland and
When navigating in ice, a ship’s propeller encounters sub- Russia (76). This work was focused on updates to design
merged pieces of ice. The propeller-ice interaction that re- rules with an emphasis on harmonizing the approaches
sults can occur during many types of ice navigation mode, proposed.
such as backing, running, maneuvering, and ramming; and
in a variety of ice conditions, including first-year and mul- Limit states relevant in design
tiyear level ice, ice ridges, and navigation channels cov- For a conventional or non-ice-class propeller, the main
ered by broken ice. The propeller-ice interaction can result limit states important for consideration in a design analy-
in extremely high forces on the propeller blades, shafting, sis consist of those for elastic design and fatigue.
seals and bearings, and other propulsion machinery. This In elastic design the stresses arising from extreme op-
raises important strength and safety considerations. erations should be considered in addition to the residual
The forces on a propeller during its interaction with ice stresses in the blade material. Ideally, the stresses over the
have two sources: contact with ice and hydrodynamics. entire propeller blade should be assessed in this extreme
Contact forces are due to the penetration of a propeller operating condition to find the maximum level of the
blade into a piece of ice, and the subsequent cutting of the equivalent stress (using a criterion such as the von Mises
ice by the blade. Of primary importance to this force are or distortion energy method (77)) and the position at which
the blade-ice contact and ice failure processes. Contact is this occurs. This position would then be the limiting case
usually concentrated near the leading edge and extends for design. This latter approach is particularly important
over both the pressure and suction sides of the blade. The for very highly skewed propellers where high stresses are
cutting process is unsteady; that is it involves varying con- often found at the blade trailing edges (78) (Figure 18.6).
tact area and intensity. The extent of contact and the direc- For propeller designs with relatively conventional pro-
tion and magnitude of the resultant load are influenced by portions (especially those concerning skew), it is normally
the relative motion and geometry of the ice body and pro- satisfactory to base design on extreme values of the blade
peller. Depending on the propeller’s operating condition out-of-plane bending moments at the root, and another
and the environmental conditions, the contact force can re- blade spanwise position, to obtain an estimate of accept-
sult in an instantaneous load that is directed either forward able blade section moduli and their thicknesses.
or backward, and the sense and magnitude of the resultant The important stresses to be accounted for in the fatigue
load can change rapidly with time. The main effects of this limit state are those arising from operation of the propeller
loading on the propeller blades are relatively high out-of- in the wake of the ship. The number of cycles to be con-
plane bending moment and spindle torque. sidered can be found from the rotation speed of the pro-
Contributions to the hydrodynamic force are made by peller and the time of operation over the life of the pro-
the regular open water operation of unobstructed blades, peller. As pointed out, this will be in excess of 108 cycles
by the operation of blades in fluid flow that is disrupted by for a propeller rotating at 120 rpm for 250 days a year over
an ice blockage, and by the effects of turbulent, discontin- a 20-year period.
uous fluid flow around the propeller due to close proxim- For an ice-class propeller, at least two additional limit
ity (including a wall effect) and contact between the ice states should be considered: an ice loading limit state
and blade. The resulting contact and hydrodynamic forces under normal operation for the ice class for which the ship
are significantly higher than the regular hydrodynamic is intended; and an exceptional load limit state that might
forces normally encountered by a propeller. In addition to arise from off design operation. The latter might arise from
elevated load levels, the irregular nature of the phenomena impact between the propeller and ice, which may occur
gives rise to oscillatory loads, vibration, and severe cavita- with the ship moving and the propeller stopped. To date
tion. it has not normally been considered possible to design
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-25

against this condition. A design approach for this excep- 0.15 percent proof stress, the ultimate tensile strength or a
tional load limit state was proposed by Bose et al. (79,80). reference value between these two extremes. Ideally, the
The ice loading limit state under normal operation must values of the denominators on the right hand side of the
account for the extreme loads that the propeller blades en- above equation should represent characteristic values of
counter during propeller-ice interaction. From full-scale these strengths (94), whereas the values of the numerators
measurements (79,81–84) model experiments and simula- should be characteristic values of these loads.
tions (85–91) it is known that the blade in- and out-of-
plane bending moment, shear, shaft thrust and spindle Implementation of the design equation
torque loads are unsteady and may have both large positive The complexity of the loading resulting from propeller-ice
and negative components of similar magnitude. Blade interaction means that to get an accurate picture of the
bending moment, for example, may have forward and aft- stress distribution in a blade, it is necessary to do a detailed
ward directed components of about the same amplitude in stress analysis using an analysis such as a finite element
each direction (here the forward and aftward directions method and it is recommended that this is done for all ice-
refer to the primarily forward and aftward directions of the class propellers. However, an approach to obtain blade
blade out-of-plane bending moment). In some conditions, thickness for initial design has been described in (79).
the loads may be primarily in the forward direction, often In cantilever beam theory, which is applied to pro-
they are primarily in the aftward direction, sometimes they pellers in much, especially initial, design work (78,95) and
may be balanced in magnitude in both directions; but for gives acceptable results where blade skew is relatively low,
any propeller over time, these relatively large load ampli- the section modulus of the blade section under considera-
tudes will be experienced in both forward and aftward di- tion, Z, is related to the applied bending moment, M, and
rections. Hence, the ice loading is primarily oscillatory in corresponding stress level, σ, in the form of the beam
nature and should be considered as a repeated load with fa- equation Z=M/σ. The maximum bending moments nor-
tigue implications. mally arise in the blade section out-of-plane direction and,
again where skew is relatively low, the maximum stress oc- Design equation curs at the extreme fibers of the blade material at the posi-
One approach to design is outlined as follows. Putting the tion of the maximum section thickness. For propellers with
exceptional load limit state to one side, a form of interac- low skew, hydrodynamic loading leads to relatively low
tion equation linking the limit states for an ice-class pro- values of in-plane bending moment and torsion, or spindle
peller is suggested by the modified Goodman and Soder- torque, on the blades. During propeller-ice interaction, the
berg criteria in fatigue analysis (92) and used for spindle torque is much larger and cannot be ignored,
conventional propellers (78,93). whereas the in-plane bending moments are normally lower
This is expressed as: than the out-of-plane bending moments and, coupled with
the larger section modulus in the in-plane direction, lead to

冢 冣 +γ
σice σwake υ
(σmean + σres) relatively lower stresses in the blade from this cause.
l = γice  + γwake   [9] The spindle torque leads to a complex stress distribu-
σaice σa mean
tion near the blade root where warping of the section is re-
where the γ terms are partial safety factors (identified by strained by the material in the hub (76). Calculations show
their appropriate subscripts); σice is the amplitude of the that for elliptical sections the maximum warping deflec-
unsteady stress in the propeller blade due to ice loading; tion (and hence the assumed position of the maximum nor-
σaice is the level of stress from the fatigue resistance curve mal stress) would occur at about 0.7 times the half chord
for the material for an appropriate number of cycles for op- forward or aft of the minor axis. For elliptical sections of
eration in these ice conditions for the life of the propeller proportions similar to those of propeller root sections
(related to the exposure of the propeller); σwake is the am- under the levels of loading expected during propeller-ice
plitude of stress in the blade from operation in the shi”s interaction, the absolute value of these restrained normal
wake; σa is the level of stress from the fatigue resistance stresses may exceed those of the absolute value of the
curve for the material for an appropriate number of cycles shear stresses, but are normally lower than the value of the
for operation of the propeller over the life of the propeller; direct stresses due to blade bending. In addition, the root
σmean, σres and σp are the mean stress in the propeller blade section of a propeller blade is not plane, but curved around
from the extreme steady load acting, the residual stress in the boss and it is expected that this factor will have a large
the propeller blade material and a limiting value of the influence on the restrained warping stresses. This geome-
blade material stress, respectively. This latter might be the try complicates the stress picture and the only way to get a
40-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

true picture of the stress distribution is through a detailed Model experiments
stress analysis. It might be possible that these maximum Two approaches can be used to obtain a measure of the ma-
restrained warping stresses would equal or exceed the neuverability of a ship in ice using scaled models. In the
maximum bending stress if the blade chord length was first approach, one can obtain the coefficients in the cou-
considerably larger than the blade span and hence spindle pled equations of linear sway and yaw motions and use
torque from a load concentrated at the leading edge were these to obtain the turning radius of the model. The model
larger than the blade bending moments. turning circle radius can then be scaled up to obtain the
To allow for all these factors, the design equation (9) turning radius of the full-scale ship (96). Different meth-
would be applied at the position of the maximum equiva- ods can be used to determine the coefficients in the equa-
lent stress following a detailed stress analysis on the blade. tions of linear sway-yaw motions of a model experimen-
tally. One choice is to use a combination of straight line
and rotating arm tests. Another is to use a planar motion
40.3.4 Maneuverability in Ice mechanism. Introduction The turning circle radius of a model can be obtained di-
Maneuverability is a basic requirement for all ships. For an rectly, using remotely controlled free-running models in an
icebreaker moving into level ice, good maneuverability is ice tank (97). Edwards et al (96) reported the results of an
even more vital since the ship has to perform turning ma- experimental program to study the maneuverability of ice-
neuvers in its own broken channel. In this case, as the ship breaker models in level ice. Two objectives were cited for
turns it breaks ice. The resulting force has to be added to this study. The first was to correlate model and full-scale
the forces acting on the ship during the maneuver. Another turning circle radii. The second was to study the effect of
condition arises when the ship is advancing in packed ice. block coefficient and ship length on the turning radius and
In this case, the force acting on the ship will only be due to directional stability. The full-scale results used in this
displacing the broken ice. In both cases, forces acting on study were obtained in the winter of 1973 using the CCGS
the ship during a maneuver are random in nature. Two ma- Labrador. To estimate the turning radius of the ship, a
neuvers currently are being used for estimating the ma- 1/36th-scale model of the Wind class icebreakers was used
neuverability of a ship in ice. One is the turning circle to obtain the hydrodynamic derivatives in coupled sway-
maneuver and the other is the so-called Captain’s maneu- yaw motions. These derivatives were then substituted in
ver. The radius of the turning circle, obtained from the first the expression for the turning radius obtained from linear
maneuver, gives a measure of the maneuverability of the theory for a ship turning in open water, namely:
ship. The second maneuver yields the time required for a R Yv(Nr – m xG) – Nv(Yr – m)
ship to turn 180° in its own broken channel.  =  [10]
Maneuverability of ice breaking ships is often a key de- L (Yv N – Nv Y)
sign requirement since these vessels are operating in close where L, m, R, xG , and v, r , Y and N are the length, the
quarters with other vessels, navigating difficult waterways, mass, the radius of the turning circle, the longitudinal co-
etc. Like conventional ships the propulsion system and ordinate of the center of gravity of the ship, the sway ve-
rudder are the key elements in altering the vessel course. locity, the yaw rate, the sway force and the yaw moment
Unlike conventional ships the steering system must be respectively. A subscript indicates a derivative of the sub-
highly effective at very low forward speed. Typically this scripted variable with respect to the subscript. The turning
means that the rudder must be placed behind the propeller radius of the model was then scaled up to obtain the turn-
so that it can redirect the wash for maximum effectiveness. ing radius for the full-scale ship.
A growing trend is to use azimuthing thrusters on ice- Two different types of test were used to determine the
breaking vessels, which provide maximum maneuverabil- hull force and moment derivatives in a model test. The first
ity although propulsive efficiency may be sacrificed some- test was a straight-line test and the other a rotating-arm
times. The other parameter that influences maneuverability test. In the straight-line test the model was towed at a con-
is the hull itself. As an ice breaking vessel essentially tries stant velocity along a straight line parallel to the centerline
to turn in its own broken channel, vessel length is very im- of the towing tank with a drift angle varied between –3°
portant. Vessels with a significant ice breaking mission and 12°. This straight-line towing of a model with a drift
component typically have L/B ratios between 4 and 5 and angle generated a transverse velocity component. The
a large percentage of parallel midbody is generally not de- sway velocity derivatives can then be obtained from the re-
sirable. Bow reamers greatly improve maneuverability by lationship between the measured transverse force and mo-
creating a wider channel for the stern to turn in. ment and the transverse velocity. In the rotating-arm tests,
Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-27

a model was towed along a segment of an arc of a circle in tic. Although the amount of data is limited and the quality
a pure yaw motion. The yaw velocity derivatives then were of some of the measurements was low, they were able to
obtained from the measured force and moment. make some general conclusions. It was found that the turn-
A parametric study was attempted to provide a rela- ing radius in level ice increases with the ice thickness.
tionship between turning circle radii and ship’s parame- They stipulated that the resistance to turning could be di-
ters. Three models with different block coefficients were vided into two components: ice breaking and displacing
used in this study. Although the number of models used the broken ice. They estimated that the icebreaking com-
was limited, some general trends were obtained. It was ponent contributes roughly about 75 percent of the resis-
found that an increase in the block coefficient of the model tance against turning.
results in an increase in the turning circle radius. This was Tue-Fee and Keinonen (9) report on the full-scale ma-
caused by the fact that for the hull with a high block coef- neuvering tests in level ice of the icebreakers Kigoriak and
ficient, the slope of the hull near the midship section is Robert LeMeur. These two icebreakers are equipped with
more nearly vertical than that of the low block coefficient spoon-shaped bows and reamers. Turning circle trials
hull. It also was found that an increase in the length of show that the Kigoriak has superior turning capabilities.
model results in an increase in the turning radius. It was The authors attributed this to the greater power of the
reasoned that this is due to the fact that when a longer ship Kigoriak, her high rudder lift force, and her spoon-shaped
is engaged in a turning maneuver a longer part of the ship bow and reamers. It was observed that heel also improves
side is in contact with the ice cover. It also was concluded the maneuverability of the ship. This may be caused by the
that turning circle radii increase with increase in the ice fact that when the ship is heeled the spoon-shaped bow acts
thickness. A directional stability criterion obtained using like an additional steering device. The paper also describes
linear theory also was used to evaluate the directional sta- the Captain’s maneuver, in which, the ship executes a suc-
bility of the models. Using the hydrodynamic derivatives cession of ahead and astern maneuvers while changing the
obtained from the experiments, the following index was heading slightly from one path to the next as shown in Fig-
calculated: ure 40.25. This maneuver is a measure of the capability of
the ship to turn 180° in her own broken channel.
C = Yv(Nr – m xG) – Nv(Yr – m) [11]
Heeling was found to have a profound effect on the
The model is deemed directionally stable if the index C turning radius of icebreakers. Heeling of the Oden during
is greater than zero. It was found that ships of higher block a turning maneuver was found to reduce the radius of the
coefficient are more stable than ships with lower block co- turn by about 50% (35). It was found that the Oden took 2
efficient and longer ships are more stable in ice than minutes to perform a 180° turning maneuver, while it took
shorter ships. 4 minutes to complete a Captain’s maneuver.
Menon et al. (97) reports the results of an experimental Menon et al (97) reviewed and analyzed data from over
program carried out in the refrigerated ice tank of the In- thirty-five ship trials. The trials were conducted using rud-
stitute for Marine Dynamics, NRC. The objective of the ders only, using rudders and initial heel, and using rudders
experimental program was to model the steady turning ma- and differential thrust. Some of the ships reported were
neuvers in level uniform ice of three icebreakers: the equipped with reamers while others did not have reamers.
Canadian R-Class, the MV Arctic and the U.S. Polar Class. Most of these trials were performed in spring ice or deteri-
The scope of the experimental program included conduct- orating winter ice of one-meter thickness or less.
ing free-running tests using models equipped for self- The investigators introduced the Steady Turning Per-
propulsion and steering. Remotely controlled rudders were formance Index (STPI, ψL) defined as:
used to steer the models in partial turning circles.
360 L
ψL =  [12] Full-scale results 2πR
Full-scale maneuvering trials usually are used to measure
the turning radius of a ship in ice. The use of the Captain’s as a measure of the turning ability of a ship. A ship having
maneuver as a criterion for the maneuverability of an ice- a larger value of the index ψL has better maneuverability
breaker has been reported (9). than a ship having a smaller index. The relationship be-
Few full-scale maneuverability data are available in the tween the index STPI and various parameters such as
literature. Edwards et al. (96) described the full-scale trials length to beam ratio, length of parallel middle body to wa-
of the CCGS Pierre Radison. Kendrick et al. (98) de- terline length ratio, midship flare angle, width of reamers,
scribed the analysis of data obtained onboard the MV Arc- etc., have been given by Menon et al. (97).
40-28 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

thus, the static equilibrium of the forces acting on the ship

during the turn was used to estimate the turning radius. The
model was based on the forces acting on a wedge shaped
bow. The forces were calculated using the mean waterline,
buttock and flare angles. These assumptions limited the ap-
plicability of the model.
Menon et al. (97) reported a numerical model devel-
oped to predict the steady turning radius in level ice for
vessels with conventional ice breaking bows. The ice force
and moment acting on a ship during a steady state turn was
obtained using an adaptation of Carter’s model of ice
breaking resistance (99).
The problem of formulating a reliable mathematical
model to describe the maneuverability of a ship in ice
based on the above mentioned rationale faces three obsta-
cles: randomness of ice forces, difficulty in determining
the hydrodynamic forces, and the lack of an accurate algo-
rithm for ice breaking during a maneuver.
Whether the ship is advancing in level ice or pack ice,
ice forces acting on a ship during a turning maneuver are
random in nature. In the first instance, the random forces
are caused by the change in the ice properties and the
change in area of contact between the hull, especially if the
transient part of the turn is considered. In the second in-
stance, the force of displacing broken ice depends on the
number of pieces and their size, which will impact the hull
as the ship turns. Because of the ice cover, the hydrody-
namic forces obtained from open-water tests will be dif-
ferent from those acting on a ship advancing in ice. Finally,
the changing area and shape of the part of the hull that
comes into contact with ice during a turn makes the ice-
breaking mechanism different from that which is used to
estimate ice forces for a ship advancing along a straight
line in ice.
Due to the previously mentioned problems regarding
Figure 40.25 Maneuvers (9) the present state of the art of mathematical modeling and
physical model tests, a different approach has been sug- Mathematical models gested: use of parametric identification. This method was
Available models for estimating the turning radius theoret- developed to estimate the hydrodynamic forces acting on a
ically are based on extending the maneuverability of a ship ship performing a zigzag maneuver using motion meas-
in open water. The extension involves adding icebreaking urements obtained aboard the ship during the maneuver. A
forces. The hydrodynamic forces are either taken as those full description is given by Haddara and Wang (100).
obtained from open-water tests or they are assumed to be
small compared to ice forces. The hydrodynamic forces
are neglected in the second case. 40.4 SHIP CHARACTERISTICS
An empirical model for predicting the radius of the
turning circle for an icebreaker turning in level ice was de- 40.4.1 Sample of Ship Parameter Data
veloped (9). The rudder lift force, the mid-body side force, A listing of icebreaker characteristics is given in Table
the centrifugal force and the bow net transverse force were 40.IV. In the Figures 40.26 to 40.28, some ship parameter
estimated and used to predict the turning circle radius data are plotted. This is only a small sample of the data that
using an iterative technique. A steady state was assumed, is readily available in databases, for example in references
TABLE 40.IV Ice Breaker Characteristics

Beam, Beam, No. Prop

LOA LBP mld max Depth Draft DISPL Power props type Speed
Name (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (kW) (–) (–) (knots)

Admiral Makarov 130.0 26.0 16.7 20 214 26 500 3 FPP 20

Almirante Irizar 119.3 25.0 9.5 11 810 14 350 2 FPP 18.5
Arctic Ivik 64.7 14.0 5.8 5300 2 CPP 14.1
Arctic Nanabush 44.2 12.2 5.3 5300 2 CPP 15
Arctic Nanook 44.2 12.2 5.3 4800 2 CPP 15
Arctic Shiko 60.9 14.5 6.9 9010 2 CPP 16
Arktika 148 136 28 30.0 17.2 11 23 460 55 100 3 FPP 20.8
Atle 104.6 96.0 23.8 12.1 7.3 8000 18 380 4 FPP 18
Aurora Austrelis 94.9 88.4 20.3 13.3 7.8 1 CPP 13
Bransfield 90.0 18.3 9.5 7011 3700 1 CPP 13.5
Canmar Kigiriak 91.0 78.9 17.9 19.3 10.0 7806 1 CPP 18.8
Danbjorn 68.0 17.0 9.0 3744 7700 4 FPP 14
Drobryynya 62.0 18.0 8.3 2718 4100 3 FPP 14.5
Fennica 116.0 26 12.5 7.0 4800 21 000 2 APD 16
Fuji 90.0 22.0 11.8 9120 8800 2 FPP 17
General San Martin 76.9 19.0 8.6 5301 5200 2 FPP 16
Glacier 90.0 22.6 11.7 8449 15 800 2 FPP 17.6
Hanse 74.0 17.4 3759 5600 4 FPP 16
Henry Larsen 100.0 88.0 19.5 19.8 7.2 8290 17 760 2 CPP 15.5
Ikaluk 78.95 70.0 17.2 9.7 8.1 5107 11 000 2 CPP 12
John A. MacDonald 88.4 21.3 12.5 9160 11 000 3 FPP 15.5
Kapitan Belousov 83.17 77.12 18.7 19.4 9.5 6.2 4500 8827 4 FPP 16.5
Kapitan Chechkin 74.0 16.3 2240 4700 3 14
Kapitan Kasolapov 54.0 15.7 2045 2600 2 FPP 13
Kapitan Sorokin 141.4 130.2 30.5 12.3 8.5 17 270 18 100 3 FPP 18.5
Katmai Bay 42.7 11.3 3.7
Louis S. St. Laurent 112.0 101.8 24.4 13.1 9.4 14 000 3 FPP 17.75
Moskva 122.1 112.4 23.5 24.5 14.0 9.5 13 290 19 120 3 FPP 18.3
Mudyug 88.6 78.5 20.0 21.2 10.5 6.0 5560 9560 2 CPP 16.1
Nathaniel B. Palmer 94.05 85.3 18.3 9.45 6.6 6384 9900 2 CPP 15
Oden 107.8 93.2 25.0 31.1 12.0 7.0 13 000 18 000 2 CPP 17
Otso 99.0 90.0 23.5 24.2 11.3 8.0 8500 21 840 2 CPP 18.5
Otto Schmidt 112 73.0 18.6 19.8 8.3 3700 2 FPP 15
Piere Radisson 98.2 88.0 19.0 19.5 10.8 13 010 2 FPP 16
Polar Shore 51.0 11.8 5.1 3900 2 CPP 13.8
Polar Star 121.6 107.3 24.4 25.5 13.2 8.5 13 235 3 CPP 21
Polarstern 118.0 102.2 24.4 25.0 13.6 10.5 15 000 14 700 2 CPP 16.6
Robert Lemeur 73.0 19.0 7.5 5853 7100 2 CPP 13.5
S.R Humphrey Gilbert 68.9 14.7 6.4 3048 3200 2 FPP 13
Shiraze 134.0 127.0 27.0 28.0 14.5 9.8 18 600 3 FPP 19
Sibir 140.0 30.0 23 460 56 000 3 FPP 21
Sir John Franklin 87.9 19.4 7825 10 000 2 FPP 13.5
Sisu 96.0 23.5 7925 16 200 4 FPP 17
Soya 94.0 15.6 8.0 4000 11 500
Taimyr 150.0 140.6 28.0 29.2 15.2 8.1 19 600 36 800 3 FPP 20.2
Tarmo 82.0 21.2 9.6 5944 8800 4 FPP 17
Terry Fox 88.0 75.0 17.5 17.9 10.0 8.3 6910 17 060 2 CPP 14
Vasilii Pronchischev 67.7 62.2 17.5 18.1 8.3 6.0 3100 3960 3 CPP 14.5
Vitus Bering 159.8 142.4 22.1 22.4 12.0 7.5 16 200 11 460 1 FPP 16.4
West Wind 76.2 19.4 8.8 6515 7500 2 FPP 16
Yermak 135.0 130.0 25.6 26.0 16.7 11.0 20 240 30 420 3 FPP 19.5
Earl Grey 69.7 13.7 6.7 2930 6500 2 FPP 14.3
Sir Wilfred Laurier 78.4 16.2 7.8 4966 5300 2 FPP 15.5
40-30 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Click here to view

Figure 40.26 Power versus Icebreaking Capability

Click here to view

Figure 40.27 Power versus Beam

Chapter 40: Ice-capable Ships 40-31
Click here to view

Figure 40.28 Beam versus Length

38 and101. The plots shown are for icebreakers going back 9. Tue-Fee, K. K., and Keinonen, A. J., “Full-scale Maneu-
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40-32 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

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40-34 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

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84, 364–407, 1976
Figure 41.1 Dutch Fishing Vessel in the Harsh North Sea
Chapter 41
Fishing Vessels

Jakob Pinkster

41.1 NOMENCLATURE P/D Propeller pitch ratio

RPM Revolutions per minute
a.c. Alternating electrical current
rps Revolutions per second
B Beam
T Draft (m)
Bp Taylor propeller coefficient
THP Thrust horsepower (hp)
D Propeller diameter (m)
0.8Rγ Velocity pressure head at 0.8 radius N/m2
Hull depth (m)
VA Speed of advance of propeller (m/s), wake
d.c. Direct electrical current
E Static head due to immersion at the pro-
Vk Speed of ship (knots)
peller shaft (N/m2)
αe Angle of entrance of the Lwl (degrees)
Fn Froude number
δ N’D/VA Taylor advance coefficient
FRP Fiber reinforced plastic
η0 Propeller open efficiency
G Gravitational acceleration
ηR Relative rotative efficiency
GMt Transverse metacentric height (m)
GML Longitudinal metacentric height (m)
GRT Gross registered tonnage
GZ Static stability righting arm (m) 41.2 DESCRIPTION OF FISHING VESSELS
h Head above propeller axis (m)
Fishing vessels can be defined by a number of factors, the
IMO International Maritime Organization
two most important of which are:
km Kilometer
kW Kilowatt • type of fishery or fisheries pursued, and
LWL Length on design load waterline (m) • range of operation of the vessel.
LBP Length between perpendiculars (m)
LCB Longitudinal center of buoyancy (m)
m meter 41.2.1 Introduction
N Propeller revolutions per minute Approximately 67% of the world’s surface is covered with
N 0.98 N rpm corrected for wake fraction water (see Chapter 2 – The Marine Environment). These
NT Net tonnage waters differ from each other in temperature, depth, salin-
p Atmospheric pressure (N/m2) ity, openness, etc., and this leads to many different fish
P Propeller pitch (m) species (as yet not fully known or understood). All over the
PD Delivered horsepower (hp) (= kW/0.746) world where fish are to be found, there have evolved many

41-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

different types of fishing vessels. The reason why there are

so many different types of fishing vessels lies simply in the
fact that they all have there own mission profile(s), operat-
ing area(s), owners, (local) crew, authorities and technical
level of competency.
This diversity can be seen in the many books published
for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United
Nations Fishing Group by Fishing News (Books) Ltd in
the 1950s to 1970s (1–6).
This chapter enhances these points in more detail for
the major types of these vessels.

41.2.2 Mission
The role of a fishing vessel is to catch fish from the sea or
lakes, to contain the catch in an acceptable manner regard-
ing quality and to deliver the catch ashore or to another
vessel for further processing, containment and/or trans-
port. The primary role is that of a hunter with a second, al- Figure 41.2 A Conventional Beam Trawler Fishing in the North Sea
most equally important, role concerning caring for catch garding sustainable development of the industry. The
after it has been caught. Regarding the latter, Total Quality essence of sustainable fishing is to catch only the type of
Management (TQM) (see Section 41.4) is a relatively new fish that is desired. In order to reach this new goal of sus-
(about a decade) extension of the mission of the fishing tainable fishing the fisherman must reduce the by-catch,
vessel of today. Different fish types exist (and may there- that is, the unwanted fish types caught along with the de-
fore also be found) at different depths in the water column sired fish during fishing. Reduction of the by-catch to zero
ranging from the floor of the seabed up to the very surface is one of the ultimate goals of sustainable fishing, as far as
of the waves themselves. the fisherman is concerned.
Fishing vessels when fishing in this seawater column Keeping in mind the points that make up the above-
may therefore catch, as a result, an extremely large diver- mentioned mission profile of today’s fishing vessels, it
sity in their payload types, that is, type of fish, all over the should be appreciated that modern fishing vessels are far
world. Each fish type has its own physical form, external from being fully developed as far as design and operation,
dimensions, speed, and power to resist being hunted and etc., are concerned.
caught. This, in turn, leads to almost just as many different There are, in this respect, many new challenges to be
types of fishing vessels as there are fish in the world seas, met whereby important roles are to be played by the fish-
to suit the type of fish that is to be caught by the fishing ermen, vessel owners, vessel operators, naval architects,
vessel. Also, one should keep in mind that many fishing shipbuilders, fishing equipment manufacturers, govern-
vessels are fitted out so as to be able to fish for different ments, classification societies, educational bodies, scien-
types of fish, generally on different fishing trips. So, today, tists, experimental facilities, etc.
the fishing vessel is far from being fully developed or over-
engineered. Indeed there is still plenty of scope for im-
provement. 41.2.3 Fishing Grounds and Voyage Profiles
These vessels must, above all, be very seaworthy in- Some of the main fishing grounds in the world are shown
deed, as they are out at sea in the harshest of all weather (as in Figure 41.3. This map of the world speaks for itself.
may be seen in Figure 41.1) and need to have a high degree Many of the major fishing grounds are in shallow waters
of stability in order to be able to handle the nets, especially off the shores of the continents. These areas correspond to
when these are filled with fish. Figure 41.2 shows a con- the warmer parts of the oceans, which are rich in phyto-
ventional beam trawler fishing in the North Sea. This is plankton. These tiny microscopic plants live in the ocean
only one of many different types of fishing vessels to be and provide food for fish. Over fishing has reduced fish
found in operation in the world today. stocks to dangerously low levels in some areas. The
Today, another important consideration has been added amounts of fish caught in some of these areas are shown in
to the mission profile of the fishing vessel, namely, that re- Table 41.I.
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-3

Figure 41.3 Main Fishing Grounds in the World

Some fishing vessels, especially the smaller ones,

length 5–11 m (Figure 41.4), operate only a short number Figure 41.4 A Small Fishing Boat, Length < 11 m
of hours every day, for example, to empty local fishing
traps that were laid the day before, or to catch fish with
small nets or a number of fishing lines.
These small boats have in general few or no facilities
for cooling the fish caught during the trip. Others, the
larger ones, length 50–150 m (Figure 41.5), operate world-
wide for months on end in order to become an economi-
cally viable concern. They stay at sea all the time and only
pause from fishing to offload their catch in sheltered waters
(or on calm seas) to other (deep freeze) ships. It is these
(transport) ships that then bring the catch ashore in distant
waters, often far from the fishing vessels own home port,
where it is sold on the open market. These fishing (and
transport) vessels must obviously be fitted out with refrig- Figure 41.5 Fishing Boat, Length 50–150 m
eration systems to guarantee that the fish are kept in good
condition throughout the long voyage to the unloading

TABLE 41.I Fish Catch in the Continents (Thousand Metric Tons, Live Weight).
1991–1995 (Source FAO)

Continent 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

North America 9122 8780 8887 8834 8490

South America 15 386 16 556 17 837 22 727 19 900
Europe 11 455 12 734 12 607 12 896 13 463
Former USSR 9447 6862 5448 4579 5313
Asia 46 587 48 896 52 168 55 243 59 042
Africa 4852 5292 5191 5214 5475
Oceanica 832 916 887 893 1009
Other 117 132 147 152 128
TOTAL 97 797 100 177 103 172 110 538 112 910
41-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

conditions ranging from tropical to ice conditions. The en-

vironmental (sea) conditions can, therefore, vary greatly
for fishing vessels sailing in such diverse waters. This has
its effect on the design of the vessel in question and pro-
duces quite a large range of different fishing vessels.

41.2.4 Types of Fishing Vessels

Worldwide there are around 100 million fishing vessels,
mostly small one-man fishing boats and only around 500
of the larger fishing freezer trawlers. All these fishing ves-
sels together catch around 100 million tonnes of fish a year.
There are also special charter fishing vessels that hire
Figure 41.6 Fishing Boat, Length 10–50 m themselves out to day (or short fishing trips) fishers.
There are even some vessels that only concern them-
In between these extremes (the small boat and the selves with the transportation of (live or dead) fish. Figure
largest ship) are the majority of fishing vessels (see Figure 41.7 shows a number of sister ships especially designed as
41.6) which have a length between 10–50 m, and which fish collection vessels.
typically operate on one-to-five-day missions, and have, The main focus within this chapter will be on the design
therefore, a maximum of a half to a two-day voyage radius and construction of large, medium, and not too small sea-
from their home port. going fishing vessels. In general, this type of fishing vessel
These vessels, therefore, usually have very simple liv- is characterized by having one or more unobstructed decks
ing and sleeping accommodations onboard. Once in the for receiving the catch from the net in almost one third to
harbor, after discharging the catch, all crew members usu- half-length of the vessel.
ally leave the vessel and go home only to come back again On a global basis, annual revenue generated by large
a few hours before the start of a new fishing mission/trip. fishing vessels far outstrips the day only fishing vessels.
This intermediate class of fishing vessel is either a fresh With economic development this is increasingly so as fish
fish or a freezer fish vessel; the fish taken onboard are ei- quotas and sustainability of the fishing industry come into
ther cooled by means of ice, that is, fish surrounded with the picture and the law of the economies of scale invariably
ice flakes placed together in boxes, or deep-frozen by presents itself as the only way around this problem.
means of a refrigeration system. Table 41.II shows the ap- Worldwide, fishing vessels carry out many routine and
proximate relationship between voyage profile and vessel continuous fish-catching expeditions; over 100 million fish
length as well as general cooling/refrigeration require-
ments for the catch.
Fishing vessels carry out their missions in lakes, rivers,
inland estuaries, sheltered waters, on the open ocean and in

TABLE 41.II General Relationship Between Voyage

Profile and Vessel Length as well as General
Cooling/Refrigeration Requirements for the Catch

Vessel Voyage Fish
Length Duration Freezer Processing
(m) (days) Ice Holds onboard

<11 1 — or X — —
10–50 1–5 X X X
50–150 5–30+ — X X
Figure 41.7 Fish Collection Vessels Built by Damen Shipyards
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-5

and 18 million shellfish were caught and transported on 41.2.3 Unique Features and Capabilities
these trips in a recent year. Successful fishing vessel designs focus on some (or all) of
Sustainable development, being what it is, has intro- the following aspects related to efficient ways of:
duced a fixed fish quota and in some European coastal
areas this has obviously led to the demise of fishing vessel • locating,
operations, as these fishing grounds were not economically • catching,
viable. • processing,
On the other hand, it is often stated that necessity is the • containment, and
mother of invention, and this has indeed been the case, as • landing ashore of the fish.
fishing vessel operators have invested heavily and intro-
Of prime importance is, therefore, the type of fish, and
duced new ship types of advanced and conventional ton-
to know your product. By way of an example of this, Fig-
nage to catch fish in far distant waters (thus applying the
ure 41.9 shows the dimensions and weight of horse mack-
economies of scale) to remain competitive. This is good
news for the designers and shipbuilders as it creates wel-
Fishing vessels designed for a specific fish sort (dedi-
comed work as well as consequential challenges. There-
cated designs) whereby there is an investment in location
fore, a recent significant feature of the fishing vessel mar-
equipment, fishing gear, processing equipment, infrastruc-
ket is the emergence of the relatively large fish catching,
ture onboard in way of ramps, tanks, working spaces,
fish processing and fish carrying fast-sailing and high-en-
hatch and hold configurations and waste removal facilities
durance (voyage radius) fishing vessel (Figure 41.5).
will enable the quickest processing, less stress for crew and
Also, the advent of people having more free time in
maximum resource utilization.
many parts of the world has stimulated the demand for
Figure 41.10 shows a Dutch mussel fishing vessel at
more recreational sport fishing. This has resulted in the
work in local waters. Note the dredging pipe, that is, suc-
emergence of the so-called fast fishing boats for day fish-
tion tube on the starboard side with which the catch is
ers (Figure 41.8). If only day recreation fishermen are to be
sucked up from the bottom of the sea floor (shallow wa-
carried, then the fast fishing vessel option must seriously
ters) and the deck space onboard where the catch is imme-
be considered.
diately processed by means of sorting and boiling in pans
One only has to study the passage times of conventional
and thereafter sorting in boxes (for more information on
fishing vessels to see the obvious appeal of fast fishing ves-
dredging systems see Chapter 50 – Dredgers).
sels to day recreation fishermen, especially in today’s fast
When the catch is landed onboard, the real work begins,
world where leisure time is spent as effectively as possible.
that is, sorting the fish, moving the fish to the right pro-
A premium is obviously charged to travel on these craft.
cessing area, processing the fish, moving the fish to the
The premium is generally in the order of 10 to 15% com-
containment area and storing them there under the correct
pared to slower craft, but on certain routes it can be higher.
conditions. Most fishing vessel sailing routes are quite
short. Of the many journeys undertaken by fishing vessels,
more than 50% were on routes of less than 25 nautical
Click here to view

Figure 41.8 A Fast Fishing Boat for Day Fishers Figure 41.9 Dimensions and Weight of Horse Mackerel
41-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2


41.3.1 Introduction
The type of fishery or fisheries pursued may be sub-di-
vided into:
• bottom fishing, and
• surface fishing.
Again, many of these are described in detail in the
books from Fishing News (Books) Ltd. (7 to 11).

41.3.2 Bottom Fishing (Demersal)

Bottom fishing is mainly by trawling achieved by dragging
a large net near or adjacent to the sea bottom. Figure 41.11
Figure 41.10 Dutch Mussel Fishing Vessel at Work in Local Waters shows a typical trawling net configuration for three differ-
ent trawling methods:
miles and more than 80% were less than 100 nautical
miles. a) side trawling,
The overwhelming majority of fishing vessels operate b) beam trawling and
on local fishing missions with a few worldwide seasonal c) stern trawling.
routes for the large fish factory trawlers on the African, When fishing the net is approximately cone shaped
South American and Pacific fishing grounds. with a collection bag (called the cod end) where the fish are
To facilitate this fish processing, the importance of flow ultimately gathered in its end.
cannot be overestimated. The goal of successful fishing
vessel operators is to provide a seamless fish processing
plant. Good fish handling (and therefore fish quality)
means easy and safe access to sorting and processing areas
(decks), which in turn demands unique fish handling capa-
bilities. Chutes, ramps, working platform decks and fish
lifts may be required. Fish processing services must be ca-
pable of operating on a non-stop basis while waste re-
moval, replenishment, and cleaning are carried out in par-
allel with the whole process.
Conventional fishing vessel design requires incorpora-
tion of flexibility to alter fishing system attributes over time
and with competing modes of fishing. The design may also Figure 41.11 a) Typical Side Trawling Net Configuration
be prepared with foresight as to possibilities for future con-
versions. These possibilities could include lengthening,
additional fish capacity, additional crew capacity, inserting
of additional fish processing equipment or fitting of other
fishing gear. Generally, combination trawlers are found in
tropical waters, whereas in arctic waters the trawlers tend
to be single purpose, and often ice strengthened.
Today, high levels of crew comfort and safety are born
of pure necessity. Acceptable acceleration, noise and vi-
bration levels are essential. A safe working environment
for the reduction of crew accidents and the enhancement of
safety is a necessity of the highest order for these vessels.
In addition, good seakeeping qualities are a fundamental
design parameter for those vessels operating in relatively
unprotected waters. Figure 41.11 b) Typical Beam Trawling Net Configuration
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-7

The net is maintained open by trawl doors located be-

tween the ends of the warps and the net wings. These doors
can be simple wooden boards or sophisticated high-lift
paravanes that also maintain the height of the net above the
seabed at a specific towing speed. The head of the net is fit-
ted with floats and the foot with weighed rollers.
The warps leading to the net pass through trawl blocks
port and starboard at the fishing gallows and forward from
there to the trawl winch. Figure 41.11 c) shows a typical
small and a large stern trawler.
Modern vessels, as those shown in the General
Arrangement Plans in Figures 41.38 to 41.41, have large
open after decks, transom sterns and transverse after
gantries. With regard to the storage of fishing nets, some-
times nets are stored on (or below) deck or rolled up on net Figure 41.12 Beam Trawler Ready to Set Her Nets for a Demersal Fishing
rollers. Often vessels are also fitted with a net arena. On Mission
smaller vessels the net is often rolled up on a net roller.
When the net is in the hauled position, the cod end is at
the aft end of the deck and it is then lifted and emptied by
using a gantry and winch, or a boom fitted with a winch.
The released catch is handled either on the open deck and
stored in deck pounds or passed via a hydraulically oper-
ated, deck hatch into fish holding bins in the processing
area. Figure 41.12 shows a beam trawler ready to release
her nets down to the seabed for a demersal fishing mission.
Another trawling activity, which is known as crus-
tacean dragging (crustacea: class of animals, nearly all
aquatic, with jointed legs and hard shells) along the bot-
tom of the sea floor uses rakes (fitted with a cage to catch
the bounty, see Figure 41.13). Figure 41.13 Crustacean Fishing Vessel Dragging along the Bottom of the
These rakes/cage combinations are generally dropped Sea Floor, Uses Rakes or Cages (also known as mussel dredger in The Nether-
down over the stern (or over both stern quarters) using lands)
launching chutes that consist of steel bars. Upon retrieval
of the cage, the catch is released onboard into trays for
sorting and shucking on deck. For an optimum overall propulsion efficiency, the pro-
peller is often designed as a compromise between the free
running and the required towing speeds. The high installed
power in turn leads to high free running speeds, in the
order of Fn 0.33 to 0.39, for the intermediate sized and
smaller vessels.
Of course, in the case of fast day boats, relatively high
engine power is still required in order to be able to operate
in the planing speed region, Froude number (Fn) larger
than 0.45 to 0.50, (Figure 41.14) as these vessels usually
The fishing layout of the smaller vessels has sometimes
naturally led to the engine room, accommodation and
wheelhouse being located forward. This arrangement is
not optimal for a good habitation area for the crew since
the forward part of the vessel has large vertical motions in
a heavy sea (as a result of combination of heave, roll and
Figure 41.11 c) Two Typical Stern Trawlers pitch motions).
41-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

gins again. Some of these vessels do not follow the stern

trawler design in the larger vessels and have the accom-
modation and sometimes engine room aft. Obviously, as
these vessels do not need to tow a fishing net, they can also
operate with lower installed power and the propeller may
be optimally designed for free sailing conditions only.

41.3.3 Surface Fishing (Pelagic)

Surface fishing (Pelagic) is carried out at depths in the sea-
water column above the bottom of the seabed and below
the sea surface.
The following are some of the main surface fishing

• purse seining,
Figure 41.14 Planing Region • pair seining,
• gill netting,
• long lining,
On top of this, an engine room located forward may • hand lining,
also lead to high machinery noise levels in the accommo- • rod (pole) lining, and
dation if insufficient attention is paid to noise insulation. • midwater trawling.
Figure 41.15 shows the total of six degrees of freedom
that a fishing vessel is subjected to, as a mechanical sys- Purse seining
tem, when operating in a seaway. Purse seining involves a large net maintained on the sur-
There have been cases where the engine room is located face by floats with its bottom edge weighted so that it
aft using the after gantry supports as casings for the engine hangs vertically in the water in its initial position. One end
exhausts and the machinery room air intakes. of the net is held onboard the aft deck of the vessel while
Another form of fishing is the so-called crustacean trap- the other end is pulled off by means of a high pulling pow-
ping. This is also a bottom fishery method and is achieved ered seine skiff. This seine skiff is a relatively small-sized
by hauling preset traps, marked by surface buoys, to the boat compared to the purse seiner herself and her goal is to
surface and then removing the catch. After this the fisher- launch the net and tow this around the school of fish. To do
men rebait and reshoot the trap and buoy and the cycle be- this towing the small seine skiff (length approx. 10 m)
must be sufficiently powered; up to around 800 kW
propulsion power is normal for this type of auxiliary fish-
ing boat. The seine net can be a number of kilometers long
in length and a number of hundred meters in depth. Figure
41.16 shows schematically a purse seine net and the se-
quence of steps taken in the fishing process by a purse
seiner to catch the fish. Note thereby the surrounding net
with top and bottom purse strings. Hence the name purse
When the seine skiff has encircled the fish, the bottom
of the net is closed up (pursed) by hauling in the purse
string and the fish are then trapped within the closed net.
The open surface space within the net is then continuously
reduced while simultaneously removing the fish within the
net either with an open impeller fish pump (Figure 41.17)
or brailing by a basket on a boom. The fish are then trans-
Figure 41.15 The Six Degrees of Freedom of a Vessel in a Seaway ferred to on-deck storage or, in the larger vessels, into
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-9

Diameter mm 457/610 305/457 254/356 203/254

Capacity m3/hr 2000–5000 500–2500 300–1500 100–500

Power KW 70–200 40–115 15–55 10–20
Oil Flow L/min 400–1000 300–550 100–200 40–80
Pressure Bar 175 170 180 180
Weight kg 1450 750 250 80

Figure 41.17 Fish Pump to Take the Fish Out of the Net and Onboard

under-deck tanks containing chilled or refrigerated seawa-

ter (RSW tanks) for storage.
The purse seine net is usually hauled in above the aft
deck using a purse seiner hauling arrangement, that is, a
boom-mounted (hydraulic) power block. Figure 41.18
shows a modern version of this system whereby the boom
has been replaced by a hydraulic crane system.
In the past, often when the purse was swaying just
above the aft deck the contents were emptied onto the aft
deck and the catch was then quickly transferred into the
RSW tanks.
After emptying the contents of the purse seine net the
net is generally stacked, using the same power block, on
the aft deck ready for the next shooting. Figure 41.19
Figure 41.16 Purse Seining shows a modern tuna purse seiner. This fast and handsome
vessel is fitted out with a boom-mounted (hydraulic) power
41-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 41.18 Modern Power Block System for Net Handling

Figure 41.20 Gill Netting

side or stern of the vessel. Figure 41.21 shows a modern

gill netting vessel.

Figure 41.19 Modern Tuna Purse Seiner Long lining

The Long line fishing method employs a long main line
supported by floats with shorter lines attached to it with
baited hooks at their lower extremity as shown in Figure
block for net handling during net retrieval, etc. This power 41.22. The lines are hauled, the catch removed, the hooks
block may be seen aft on the ship located at the end of the rebaited, and the line reshot. This is a very work-intensive
large center boom (just above the bow of the seine skiff). fishing method. The main advantages of long lining com-
pared to net and pot fishing is, first, that the selectivity of Gill netting the catch is very high (little or no by catch) and second
Gill netting uses long nets with floats whereby the netting (and probably equally as important) the quality of the fish
hang vertical below the surface in a static mode. As the fish landed is also much better (no bruising, cutting, other dam-
attempt to swim past (through) the net their gills become age, etc.).
enmeshed in the netting as shown in Figure 41.20. Figure 41.23 shows a modern long lining vessel
The nets are recovered on a periodical basis, the catch whereby shooting of the long line is done over the stern
removed from the net and the nets re-shot, either over the (via the small hatch in the vertical stern) and retrieving the
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-11

Figure 41.23 Modern Long Line Fishing Vessel

Figure 41.21 Gill Netter Vessel

Figure 41.24 Hand Line Fishing Vessel

need is a line, a hook and some bait or feather and such.

Figure 41.24 shows the aft part of a hand lining fishing
boat with some fishing line reels. Rod (pole) lining

Rod (pole) line fishing is mostly carried out by the larger
fishing boats/vessels and also by fast fishing vessels (the
charter boats for example). Again the main advantages of
Figure 41.22 Long Line Fishing rod (pole) line fishing, compared to net and pot fishing, are
that of selectivity of the catch and the better quality of the
fish landed. For the sport fishermen the thrill of the man
versus fish struggle, and the actual landing of the fish is
catch onboard is carried out on starboard side (via the man also an unmistakable reason for the choice of this fishing
leaning out of the special opening for this purpose just method. Figure 41.25 shows tuna pole fishing in full action
below the main deck). and Figure 41.26 shows a rod (pole) lining vessel. Hand lining Midwater trawling

Hand lining is mostly carried out by small fishing boats in Midwater trawling is trawling at a depth about half way
the undeveloped countries. This form of fishing is particu- between the sea bottom and the sea surface. The challenge
larly useful in calm and shallow waters. All the fishermen here is, in particular, to find the fish one is aiming to catch
41-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 41.25 Tuna Pole Fishing in Full Action

Figure 41.28 Aft End of a Midwater Trawler Showing the P & S Trawl Doors
and the Clump

41.3.4 By Catch/Selectivity
It is important that only the desired fish type is caught dur-
ing a given fishing mission and that the by-catch (Figure
41.29) is kept at the minimum possible level.
In general, by-catch offers no economic benefit to the
fisherman and is, therefore, usually thrown overboard and
back into the sea again. The by-catch may also be inappro-
priate due to exceeding a given fish quota.
Figure 41.26 Rod (Pole) Lining Vessel Large net mesh openings can be used to minimize the
by-catch by allowing the smaller fish to escape. Another
by-catch minimizing approach is the fish grader (Figure
41.30), which is placed at an angle of approximately 45 de-
and then to shoot the trawl net and maintain the depth of grees to the velocity vector of the net, to launch the un-
the net in the water column where the fish are until the fish- wanted fish through an opening above and out of the net to
ing is completed. freedom.
Figure 41.27 shows a modern Irish midwater trawling It is encouraging to be able to state that the present code
vessel and Figure 41.28 shows a view of the aft end of the of conduct for responsible fishing includes gear selectivity.
same ship where the trawl doors and the clump can be seen
in the stowed position.

Figure 41.27 Modern Irish Midwater Trawler Figure 41.29 The Unwanted By-catch
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-13

• the development and maintenance of effective fisheries

management systems, taking into account all relevant
biological, technical, economic, social, environmental
and commercial aspects, and
• compliance with relevant local and national local laws
and standards and international understandings and
From the afore-mentioned, it should be clear that sus-
tainable development of the fisheries of the world is the
center of attention of many countries (and fishermen)
today. The key to this issue is sought by way of fish quotas
for each fisherman in those areas where the future of the
fish is considered to be in danger. Biological scientists on-
board fishery research vessels monitor the fish stocks at
regular intervals. Also (world famous) research institutes
have joined the challenge to try to find ways to meet the de-
mands for future generations of mankind regarding the liv-
ing resources from the sea, rivers and lakes. Of paramount
importance in order to succeed the quest for sustainable
fishing development is education of the fishermen involved
and the creation of a level playing field for all.
It is definitely unproductive in this respect if unflagged
vessels clandestinely fish for protected stock and, as often
as not, in the middle of (shallow, near to shore and out of
bounds) breeding grounds. Environmental organization,
such as Greenpeace, are involved in bringing such fish
Figure 41.30 Fish Grader Counters
poaching activities to the public attention.
Poach fishing refers to illegal, unregulated and unre-
ported (IUU) fishing. Governments have recognized this
trend as a major threat to marine biodiversity. Poachers op-
erate world-over. Poach fishing vessels move from fishery
The three Ps required for sustainable development, that is, to fishery taking as much fish as they can pull onboard and
People, Planet and Profit, have in this manner a chance to obviously not concerned at all about the impacts inflicted
be satisfied. on fish stocks or any other species caught in their fishing
In some cases such vessels are driving species to ex-
41.3.5 Sustainable Fishing Methods tinction. Dummy companies are utilized to hide vessels
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of owners’ identities and extraordinary measures are taken to
the United Nations in their report The State of World Fish- conceal international trade routes used. The pirate fishing
eries and Aquaculture, 1996, 60% of the world’s fish re- vessels sometimes carry no markings at all to mask their
sources are in need of urgent management and a full 35% identities at sea and some of the companies involved buy
are currently over fished. Today, there is a set of Principles and fly flags of convenience from countries whose flags are
and Criteria for Sustainable Fishing which will be used as for sale with no questions asked. Poach fishing vessel own-
a standard in a third party, independent and voluntary cer- ers do this to avoid fishing rules set by their own countries
tification program. These principles reflect recognition that and the international community.
a sustainable fishery should be based on the following: One of the ways to combat this type of illegal fishing
would be by the introduction and maintenance of a proper
• the maintenance and re-establishment of healthy popu- (electronic, real time, on line) logging of fishing activities
lations of targeted species, and fish catching, etc. Failure to produce such logging
• the maintenance of the integrity of ecosystems, data, at delivery of the fish, results in no sale of fish action.
41-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

41.3.6 Accidents Onboard Fishing Vessels

Fishing vessels, by nature of their work and environment,
are basically dangerous working areas for those onboard.
The Discovery TV channel has documented and the FAO
has confirmed that fishing is the world’s most hazardous
occupation. The weather conditions at most of the world’s
fishing grounds are normally severe and result in signifi-
cant motion of the fishing vessels. This in itself is haz-
ardous as it is difficult to work in such conditions but cou-
pled with the following facts it is even more so.
• fish are by nature slimy, and decks become slippery
when the fish are discharged from the net onto the deck,
• nets, ropes, wires and weights are lying on the deck or
hanging in the boom or derricks (Figures 41.31 and
• the vessel, as well as the deck cargo (fish) and loose Figure 41.32 The Cod End on the Aft Deck Ready for Release of the Catch
nets, etc., are more or less all moving when operating in
a seaway,
• crews work hard long hours catching fish while they are
still there down in the water column. They are, there-
have occurred in Dutch offshore fishing. Table 41.IV
fore, tired and concentration levels start to decline, and
shows the most common occupational accidents with loca-
• freak waves appear and vessel motion induced inter-
tion and aggravating circumstances. In view of the haz-
ruptions or waves breaking over the bulwarks onto the
ardous occupation of fishing, FAO has called for training
work deck launch the un-expecting fisherman into a
for fishermen and thus help save lives and restrict the num-
collision with a steel part of the vessels aft deck (if
ber of injuries.
lucky) or sweep him overboard (if not).
Table 41.V gives a summary of the findings of recent
studies into various topical issues, including safety. This
This is but one reason for the many accidents onboard
important issue will be dealt with in more detail later in
fishing vessels. Table 41.III (12) shows the different occu-
this chapter (see Section 41.4).
pational accident types (during the period 1983–1988) that

41.3.7 Voyage Profiles

Voyage profiles radically affect the vessel design and the
operating profiles may be divided as follows:
a. Day Boats
Leaving early in the morning, retrieving the catch and
returning to port and unloading the catch ashore for
processing. These vessels are in the 7.5 to 11 meter
length range, with semi-planing or full planing hull
forms, and low carrying capacity. Most of these vessels
have hulls of either wood or FRP construction although
in some cases aluminum has also been used.
b. Up to a Week Voyage Duration
These vessels sail to the grounds, fish and then return to
port when loaded. They gut the fish onboard and stow it
in an insulated hold on ice, either in pens with horizon-
tal shelving or in tote boxes. Some holds are fitted with
holding refrigeration. The temperature is maintained at
about –1 to –2° C. These vessels have a length range of
Figure 41.31 Net-mending on Deck of a Beam Trawler 10.5 to 20 meters, have displacement hull forms, and
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-15

TABLE 41.III Occupational Accident Types (During the Period 1983–1988) in Dutch Offshore Fishing
Type Description

Capsizing 1 Capsizing due to unequal strain in tow warps

2 Capsizing due to too high an attachment of tow warps
3 Capsizing due to top heavy gear and catch
Cables and blocks 4 Caught by winch head
5 Pinching of fingers/hand, injury to truck or limbs
6 Hit by breaking cable or detached hook
7 Lashed by cable or chain
Swaying and shifting 8 Hit or crushed by swaying, falling or shifting cod end or gear
Nets 9 Caught between net and bulwarks
10 Dragged along by cod line or net
Equipment, fish, repairs 11 Cuts during gutting
12 Bites or stings from fish
13 Injuries from hand tools
Falls 14 Falling, slipping, tripping on heaving deck
Fish boxes 17 Fish box or pack crushing hand or foot
Miscellaneous 15 Caught in doorways and hatchways
16 Accidents during domestic work
18 Miscellaneous or unknown

[N]: Beamer 2000, Safety-Integrated Re-Design, F. Veenstra, John Stoop, ISBN 90-74549-020.

TABLE 41.IV Most Common Occupational Accidents riods at sea and at times up to more than 320 kilometers
with Location and Aggravating Circumstances offshore.
Some of these vessels have refrigerated holds for the
Workload processed, packaged product with hold temperatures as
Occupational associated with Aggravating low as –18° C and land packaged, frozen fish for direct
accidents the main activities circumstances sale to the market. The hull material for these vessels is
generally steel but FRP has been growing in acceptance
• Falling • Gear handling on • Noise: exposure to in recent years except in areas subject to sea ice. The
• Being struck by the aft deck and noise levels more main propulsion power of these vessels is high, in the
swaying and shift- the stern than 80 dB(A)
order of 710 kW.
ing bulk • Cod end or door • Ship motions: ham-
c. Length 19.8–24 meters (and less than 150 GRT)
• Crushing by a handling on the pers work and in-
fish box or pack stern creased risk of These vessels are employed in a similar manner to
• Being hit by a • Fish processing falling type b but have better seakeeping ability because of in-
lashing cable on the tweendeck • Working rhythm: creased length and reasonable hull form parameters.
• Fish storage in shifts of 4 hours on/ In some countries fishery regulations have estab-
the fish holds 4 hours off lished a maximum length of 19.8 meters and fixed hold
volume for these vessels. To obtain the maximum fish-
ing capacity of these vessels, the hull designs have be-
come distorted with length/breadth ratios well below 3
are built of steel, aluminum, FRP, or wood. The initial and with relatively high depths to accommodate a large
cost of these vessels is comparatively high and, there- fish hold.
fore, shipowners carry out onboard processing and Their upper length is limited by national, IMO and
some add complete shelter decks and larger crews to some classification requirements at 24 meters length.
obtain the added value of marketing processed fish. These vessels have voyage lengths of 2 or more weeks
This in turn has led to these vessels operating longer pe- and process or semi-process the catch and stow this in
41-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 41.V Recent Studies Involving Safety in Fishing Vessels

(re)design requirements Beamer 2000 Trawler 2000

1990–2000 conceptual redesign fresh fish trawler desk study deepfreeze fish trawler

–personal safety and working condi- collective name for a series of projects redesign study 1994–1996 of the Dutch
tions 1988–1998 in fisheries research to im- stern freezer trawlers focussing on the
–fish quality aspects prove the layout, wheelhouse, fish pro- integral quality aspects
–environmental aspects cessing and engine room from an inte-
gral quality point of view

OVERALL DESIGN –fish processing amidships (acceleration) –optimum, cost-effective dimensions

–vision lines (deck/surroundings) –ergonomic wheelhouse layout
–noise control (accommodation) –noise control (fish processing)
QUALITY FISHERY PRODUCTS –time/temperature control –HACCP principles
–mechanization of fresh fish processing, –automization/mechanization catching, pro-
storage, icing and containerization cessing
ENVIRONMENTAL –more selective gears and lesser bottom –better use of sonar and echo sounder data
impact for target species
–energy saving (less exhaust emissions) –energy saving
–Halon 1301 alternatives –Halon 1301 alternatives

the hold with ice and holding refrigeration or a com- HACCP is that it provides for reduced destructive sam-
plete refrigeration system. The hull material is gener- pling of the finished product as compared to the end-prod-
ally wood or steel and the horsepower is similar to b. uct sampling required under traditional inspection sys-
d. Vessels 24–50 meters in length tems. The application of HACCP principles to seafood
These vessels have voyages of 2 to 3 weeks or longer inspection has been adopted by several countries, includ-
and carry out a great deal of processing, preservation ing U.S., Canada, Iceland, and the European Union, and is
and packaging onboard. They can operate on a world- becoming more broadly recognized by the international
wide basis and generally supply either nearby shore community as a mechanism to apply uniform inspection
plants or fish carriers. They are sometimes referred to as procedures. HACCP is a management system in which
semi-factory vessels. food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of
e. Vessels with lengths greater than 50 meters, that fully biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw mate-
process the catch, and land finished product rial production, procurement and handling, to manufactur-
These vessels have large crews and operate on voyages ing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.
as long as necessary and in almost whatever sea and For successful implementation of a HACCP plan, man-
weather conditions they may come across. They harvest agement must be strongly committed to the HACCP con-
not only the standard species but also shrimp. Onboard cept. A firm commitment to HACCP by top management
refrigeration and refrigerated holds are a necessity. provides company employees with a sense of the impor-
tance of producing safe food. This commitment will be
strongly reflected in the design of the fishing vessel in
41.4 MANAGEMENT TOTAL QUALITY question and have consequences for the crew members
working onboard.
41.4.1 Introduction Under the Quality Management Program, the company
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a non- takes on the responsibility of documenting and imple-
traditional, non-continuous inspection procedure. HACCP menting a quality system. Regular audits carried out by
focuses on problem prevention and problem solving, and regulatory bodies such as NOAA will then ensure that the
relies heavily on proper monitoring and record keeping by quality system in place is adequate to control the critical
the industry. One of the primary economic benefits of functions by regular inspections of the system, known as
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-17

audits. These audits will evaluate the quality system by ex- 41.4.5 Processing the Fish
amining product, processes, and records. When fish are brought onboard and immediately iced, then
The HACCP Quality Management Program gives par- there is obviously no processing of the fish. When the fish
ticipants an opportunity to apply their own existing quality are only decapitated it is still not considered processing.
systems more efficiently, receive the management benefits However, when the fish are decapitated and gutted it is
of producing safe, wholesome, and properly labeled prod- considered onboard processing. A further step in the on-
ucts more consistently and obtain the marketing benefits of board processing is filleting the fish.
using quality marks associated with the program.
In summary, the HACCP-based service is consistent
with global activities to harmonize inspection protocols. In 41.4.6 Storing the Fish
addition, one may expect that the service will enhance the Depending on the voyage duration, fish are to be stored ac-
safety, wholesomeness, economic integrity, and quality of cordingly to preserve the quality of the catch. The fish can
seafood available to consumers, as well as improve seafood be stored on deck in pens, in holds iced, in refrigerated
industry quality assurance and regulatory oversight. holds, both iced and frozen and in tanks at sea temperature
Presently modern fishing companies are using an inte- or in low temperature brine to freeze the fish.
grated approach encompassing quality assurance, safety Fish should be processed as soon as possible and con-
and working conditions along with Marine Steward Coun- servation (preparation for stowage) should be completed
cil. An enormous step forward is quality oriented Tracing before rigor mortis sets in, otherwise the fish spoils very
& Tracking, otherwise known as fish to dish. Two leading quickly. Table 41.VI shows the time available for fish pro-
Dutch fresh fish auctions are becoming the pivotal quality cessing depending on the initial catch temperature of the
spill, introducing Internet trading and Quality Index fish in order to retain the food quality. Before processing
Method as well. Also, via Tracefish EU, discussions are the catch it may remain fresh without ice for a while de-
going on to draft criteria and to come up with cost-effec- pending on the temperature of the catch, or kept fresh with
tive solutions. The following part of this chapter will ex- ice flakes for a longer time. The catch may also be directly
plain what is meant by the term From Fish to Dish. deeply frozen via a freezer installation.

41.4.2 Finding the Fish

41.4.7 Unloading the Fish
Finding the fish used to be based on the fisherman’s expe-
There are different ways to unload the fish:
rience, gut feeling, etc. Today it is the large amount of elec-
tronics that track down the fish. There are also even differ- • by hand,
ent finding methods that are (partially) automated via • with booms,
satellite, etc. • with cranes, and
• with conveyor belts.
41.4.3 Catching the Fish Figure 41.33 shows a small fishing vessel manually dis-
Different fishing methods were previously explained in charging her cargo of fish.
Section 41.3.

41.4.8 Fish Buying/Selling

41.4.4 Taking the Fish Onboard This is done down at the local market, at the fish quay, or
The different ways of taking the fish onboard were previ- at the large fish auctions (Figure 41.34). Selling fish via the
ously explained in Section 41.3. Internet is also becoming common practice.

TABLE 41.VI Time Available for Fish Processing

Temperature of Fish (C°) 35 15 10 5 –1

Begin Rigor Mortis 3–10 min 2 hours 4 hours 16 hours 35 hours

Duration for Rigor mortis Process 30–4 min 10–24 hours 36 hours 2–2.5 days 3–4 days
41-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Examples of fish processing machinery are shown in

Figure 41.35, and freezers in Figure 41.36.
A typical modern large fish factory trawler will have a
freezing capacity via her fish processing plant of around
360 tons per 24 hours and is purely dependent on the num-
ber of (plate) freezers and electrical power available.
Today, some fish factory trawlers have been fitted out with
filleting processing units in addition to the packing line for
freezing of round herring and thereby have control of a
complete factory for pelagic production. Such an expan-
sion has been deemed a necessity in order to stay in busi-
ness, according to one fishing manager.


41.5.1 Introduction
The basic design process is the same as that of designing
Figure 41.33 Unloading Day Catch Fish by Hand
any ship with items added to reflect the specific require-
ments of fishing vessels. First and foremost a fishing ves-
sel must possess:

Figure 41.34 Fish Buying/Selling Auction

41.4.9 Shore Containment of the Fish Figure 41.35 Fast Filleting Machine
The landed fish are stored in fish cold stores, that is, large
cold warehouses, such as those found in major fishing ports.

41.4.10 Fish Processing Plant

Each fish processing plant is, in essence, only suitable for
a certain type of fish. Fish processing plants when de-
signed properly are:
• good for TQM,
• saves manpower,
• saves time,
• produces good quality,
• gives fast processing independent of conditions,
• available 24 hours per day,
• high productivity, and
• no extra evening time or weekend time to unload ships Figure 41.36 Vertical Plate Freezers, 2 Horizontal Plate Freezers and a Freez-
at port. ing Tunnel
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-19

• excellent seakeeping qualities (to continue fishing in and these have been used successfully in the design of a
bad weather when other ships have gone to seek a safe number of fishing vessels (for example, EU Recommenda-
haven) and sufficient stability to land the fish, tions).
• minimum noise and vibrations,
• safety of ship, crew, cargo and the environment, 41.5.4 Preliminary Design
• ability to find, track and catch fish,
• ability to bring catch onboard, A preliminary design of a fishing vessel is made based
• ability to process catch, on the prospective vessel owner’s design requirements.
• ability to store catch (refrigerated if need be), and Along with this preliminary design an indication is given of
• ability to deliver the catch ashore or to other vessel at the building costs and time required to construct the vessel.
sea. The time required for this preliminary design may vary
from one day to three months depending on the experience
Operations Research has been applied to fishing vessel of the shipyard involved and the level of design detail re-
design to find the best size and speed for specific fishing quired depending on whether the prospective shipowner
missions (13–20). only requires a rough budget indication as to the vessel de-
sign and price, or wishes to have a detailed design which is
to serve as the basis of negotiations with the bank for a
41.5.2 Design Specifications
monetary loan for the project.
Design specifications often relate to type of fishing meth- Often fishery or marine regulations limit what is
ods used, deadweight, operating radius, vessel free sailing achievable in limiting some of the parameters and hence
speed, port of registration, classification society, approxi- the hydrodynamic design. An example of this is the tubby
mate vessel size, number of fishing crew, number of fish middle distance vessels (Figure 41.37) developed for the
processing crew and any specific design restrictions, such coastal fisheries in the period 1975 to the present day.
as maximum draft, maximum beam, and maximum air Another area of concern is the continuing insistence of
draft. owners requiring unreasonably large fish-hold capacities
Sometimes design specifications are stated on an in- to hold the ever-diminishing catch. Logically the hold
coming fax or email on not more than 1 A4 sheet of paper. should be sized on what can be realistically and economi-
Other times the specifications may be a 200-page docu- cally caught in the foreseeable future.
ment, including detailed design drawings showing system
diagrams, etc. In this latter case it is possible that the de-
sign has already been made by a marine design consultant 41.5.5 Contract Design
or some other shipyard, and that the prospective owner is If the owner is interested in the shipyard’s preliminary de-
shopping around at a number of shipyards. This is under- sign and bid, a contract design, specification and price will
standable from the vessel owner’s point of view, and leads be developed.
to a highly competitive shipbuilding industry. Based upon the preliminary design a design contract is
drawn up between the two parties concerned, namely the
shipyard and the shipowner. This contract is generally
41.5.3 Rules and Regulations
Depending on size and powering, fishing vessels may have
many rules to comply with depending on country of regis-
tration, classification society, national regulations, etc. In
the U.S., regulations concerning fishing vessel design and
construction are minimal, although the USCG does attempt
to apply IMO regulations to them but without follow-
through and control by way of inspection. In Europe there
are quite a number of rules and regulations from IMO, clas-
sification societies, etc. applied to fishing vessels. For ex-
ample, freeboard is determined according to ILLC 1969
(the International Load Lines Convention of 1969) if the
(fishing) vessel has a load line length larger than 24 m.
Regarding workability, there are no hard criteria for the
different sections onboard a fishing vessel. However at-
tempts have been made in the past to quantify such criteria Figure 41.37 Tubby Fishing Vessel for Coastal Fisheries
41-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

signed by both parties and deposited by their lawyers for Figure 41.43 shows hull forms of fishing vessels, which
safekeeping. adheres to the afore-mentioned requirements. It is not
easy to meet all the requirements and it requires a good
41.5.6 Financing knowledge of naval architecture and ship lines develop-
It would not be the first time in history that a vessel design Often a large propeller diameter is required to accom-
had been accepted by all parties concerned, the shipowner modate the high propeller loading which is inherent to fish-
ready and the shipyard eager and ready to start only for all ing vessels that require large pulling power at vessel speeds
to be disappointed by the fact that the financing of the proj- ranging from 3 to 6 knots. In order to fit such a large diam-
ect could not be realized. It may be argued that financing is eter in the screw aperture often the propeller is positioned
equally as important as the technical ability to develop the such that its lower extremities stick out below the vessel
design in question. base line. Of course, the propeller needs to be protected
against the sea/harbor floor, ropes and such and, therefore,
41.5.7 Detailed Design (Engineering) fishing vessels are given a raked keel line running along the
After the design contract has been signed by all parties con- vessel length from forward to aft as shown in Figure 41.44.
cerned, then the detailed design or engineering of the ves- This keel line can end up as a lower support bracket
sel commences. This detailed design consists of all the de- (heel bar) for the rudderstock just behind the propeller and
sign and engineering required to be able to build the ship to also thus neatly protects the lower end of the propeller.
the satisfaction of the shipowner and all external authorities In the quest for high propulsive efficiency, often sought
such as shipping inspectorate, classification societies, na- after by applying a large propeller diameter, the designer
tional and international bodies, etc. This phase costs a lot of must treat the question of propeller clearance with respect
time and runs parallel to the actual building of the ship. to the hull with great respect. Failure to do so generally re-
The final result of this process is the As Built Drawings, sults in high vibration and/or sound levels.
which are delivered along with the ship upon successful
completion of delivery trials, etc.
Fishing is a hard profession and is typified by the heavy
General arrangements for the various fishing vessel types work carried out on the fishing deck, often or not in very
covered in this chapter are presented in Figures 41.38 to difficult sea and weather conditions. Today, the actual fish-
41.42. ing is continued in very severe weather, especially by the
larger fishing vessels. They only stop fishing when the
caught fish sustain unacceptable damage from the severe
motions and collision with the vessels structure. In light of
The hull form of a fishing vessel must meet the following this, a lot of attention must be paid to the deck arrangement
demands: and layout of a fishing vessel during the design process.
Largely the type of fishing method utilized determines
• low resistance,
the deck arrangement and layout. In some cases the ability
• excellent propulsive properties,
to carry out more than one fishing method is required by
• excellent seakeeping,
the shipowner and this leads to very specialized deck
• excellent maneuverability,
arrangements and layouts (Figure 41.45).
• easy to build/construct,
Very often the skipper/shipowner or technical fishing
• good fish routing from deck to the processing and stor-
experts have a very large influence on the actual deck
age spaces,
arrangement and layout and it is imperative that the design
• accommodate all necessary systems, navigational,
office or shipyard realize the importance of the input of
working and living spaces, and
these parties. The general arrangements (GAs) of fishing
• offer a safe and efficient working space with adequate
vessels previously shown in Figures 41.38 through 41.42
(weather) protection to those working out in the open
show a number of different deck arrangements and lay-
spaces on deck.
outs. From these GAs it is obvious that equipment like
Guidance on fishing vessel hull form design is given in fishing net(s), fishing boards, weights, a (large) number of
references 21 to 25. winches and/or drums, many ropes and wires (steel or
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-21

Figure 41.38 Modern Tubby Fishing Vessel

41-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 41.39 Modern Middle-Sized Trawler

Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-23

Figure 41.40 Modern Middle-Sized Trawler

41-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 41.41 Modern Factory Stern Trawler

Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-25

Figure 41.41 Continued

Figure 41.42 Modern Tuna Clipper with Processing Plant and Refrigerated Hold in Additional to Fish Tanks

nylon), gantries, A-frames, gallows, power blocks, pipe If the vessel is suitable for different types of fishing
chutes, etc. are to be accommodated on the decks and then there are often more nets onboard. This leads to more
within the layout onboard of today’s fishing vessels. separate drums for the nets or nets are swapped from net
First and foremost, there must be enough space on the drum to net store or vice versa. This may be done in the
deck to accommodate the fishing gear used. Fishing nets are harbor in between fishing trips or seasons. It is important
often stored in net stores or on net drums, one drum per net. to know how the catch is taken onboard; this could be of
41-26 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 41.42 Continued

extreme importance for the transverse stability of the ves- the landing of the catch onboard and finally the storage of
sel. For example, a purse seiner that takes in the catch the system until the next use thereof.
using the system whereby the fish net is raised high above Special attention should also be given to the run of the
the deck with the aid of a (usually hydraulically driven) wires and ropes, etc., used as part of the fishing gear. It is
power block, will require a high degree of transverse advisable to keep wires and such off the decks or placed
stability as the full weight of the net is effectively working under protective and removable (for maintenance) cover-
at the point of the power block. This point is usually situ- ing, as much as possible and also out of the working area
ated high above the deck and therefore results in an in- of the crew, that is, above their heads, below their feet or at
crease in the height of the center of gravity of the ship, and the sides of them. By doing so, the safety of the crew is in-
this must be adequately dealt with by the provision of a creased and fewer accidents will occur onboard. If wires
suitable initial stability value (GM) at the design stage of cannot be re-routed as such then at least they should be
the vessel. made clearly visible for safety reasons. As far as all this is
Fishing trawl doors, weights such as the center weight concerned, a little more thought during the design stage
(or clump) by a twin rig trawl must also be suitably posi- can produce a far more efficient and safe vessel at little or
tioned onboard to ensure easy and safe use with regard to no extra (building) cost.
the shooting of the fishing gear, the actual fishing process, To this end winches have been built into the deckhouse,
Next Page
Chapter 41: Fishing Vessels 41-27

a) Modern Fisheries Research Vessel

b) Large Stern Factory Trawler

Figure 41.43 Hull Forms of Some Fishing Vessels

and the run of wires have been adjusted accordingly as able for use at sea. It is, therefore, imperative that such
may be seen in Figure 41.46. cranes can carry out the required work at rolling angles up
Today, handling of fishing gear is facilitated with the to 20 degrees or more depending on the vessel type and
aid of small handy hydraulic (telescopic) arm cranes on- size and weather conditions.
board. However, it must be ensured at the outset that these Fishing methods continue to develop and a new trend in
(often originally shore developed) cranes are indeed suit- purse seiners is the combination of shooting the seine net
Figure 42.1 UT742 Combination Pipe Layer/OSV
Chapter 42
Offshore Support Vessels

Richard White

42.1 INTRODUCTION industrial companies who contract to provide specific ser-

vices to a project.
Offshore oil and gas exploration and production became
The requirements of the explorers and producers for
one of the world’s leading economic activities in the late
support vessel services are matched to the vessels available
20th century. As reserves under dry land became more
by a number of different mechanisms. There is a thriving
closely defined, the focus moved to examine the extent to
spot market, which acts as a clearinghouse for relatively
which oil and gas might be recoverable from the sea bed.
short-term contracts. For example, the operator of a semi-
By trial well drilling, and increasingly by seismic survey-
submersible drilling rig may require the services of anchor
ing, the location of reserves under the continental shelves
handling tug supply vessels (AHTS) for a 3-month drilling
is being mapped and the trend has been to move into ever
operation shifting the rig to and from the drilling location.
deeper and more hostile waters.
Numerous vessels of this class operate on the spot market,
To exploit these resources a large industry has grown up
graded by size, capacity and power, with dayrates which
employing floating drilling rigs, ships and moored or fixed
vary according to the capabilities of the vessels and the
production platforms. These various units require different
state of supply and demand in that market sector. For long
types of support operation and to supply this support a
term support of fixed platforms it is more common to en-
range of vessel types has been developed over the years.
gage vessels on multi-year contracts, often with options for
Figure 42.1 is a perspective view of a large multifunctional
renewal or extension. This type of charter may be secure
anchor handling tug/supply and subsea service vessel, the
enough to warrant the building of one or more support ves-
95 m long design UT742 from Rolls-Royce. Sub sea
sels whose characteristics are adapted to the needs of a par-
trenching can be undertaken using the A-frame and the
ticular platform or field. In some cases the support vessel
vessel is shown with equipment for laying flexible pipe
may spend its entire economic life on essentially the same
through one of the two moonpools.
Offshore support vessels are typically operated by
shipowners: either companies set up specifically to own
and operate such vessels or companies which combine off- 42.1.1 Mission and Design Drivers
shore support vessel operation with other activities such as The general mission is the support of offshore oil and gas
towage and salvage, conventional ship owning, or other in- exploration and production. This can be broken down into
dustrial and business activities. Offshore oil and gas ex- a large number of specific missions. A vessel may be de-
ploration and production is in the hands of numerous or- signed to undertake a single specific mission but it is much
ganizations. These range from state-owned oil companies more common to combine several types of activity. Where
through consortia of oil companies and other interests to this involves a compromise, the shipowner must decide the

42-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

best balance between conflicting requirements, and the and chemicals for specialized operations. This supply op-
vessel designer must interpret the mission statement into a eration is typically carried out by platform supply vessels
vessel that meets the operating requirements and relevant (PSV). The design and construction of this type of vessel
safety codes. varies somewhat in different parts of the world and depends
Specific missions include: on the weather conditions, the distance from the shore base,
and whether personnel transfer is also undertaken or if that
• seismic surveys to locate sub sea oil and gas bearing ge- is handled separately by dedicated crew boats or helicop-
ological formation, ters. The PSV loads at a shore base. Liquid cargo is carried
• towing of rigs and fixed platforms to exploration and in double bottom tanks, dry bulk cargoes in special pneu-
production sites, positioning these structures and laying matic pressure tanks and equipment and drill pipe on the aft
anchors and moorings, open working deck. At the rig or platform, liquid and pow-
• supplying rigs and platforms with necessary personnel, der cargoes are pumped up or transferred pneumatically
equipment, consumables, stores, etc. while deck cargo is handled by the rig’s crane.
– pipes The general layout of PSVs has become fairly stan-
– drilling consumables, mud, cement, drill water, etc dardised, with a large open working deck aft and the ac-
– fuel commodation forward as shown in Figure 42.2, which is
– fresh water an example of the popular UT705 platform supply vessel,
– mechanical spares but there are significant variations in detail from designer
– food to designer. Preferred sizes, drafts and deadweights vary
– other stores with operating area.
– crew change Anchor handlers: Anchor handling tug supply vessels,
– removal of waste normally abbreviated to AHTS, form the largest group of
• subsea operations, including offshore support vessels after PSVs. As the name suggests,
– inspection and ROV operation they combine a number of functions in a single hull. These
– diving support including decompression
– subsea completion including trenching and flexible
pipe laying,
– inspection and maintenance,
• safety standby,
• well intervention, and
• a combination of several of the above functions.

Multi-purpose vessels combining offshore support with

other duties such as laying telecommunications cable, ice
breaking, floating storage and production, are becoming
The offshore oil and gas industry is characterised by its
rapid rate of change. Advances in knowledge and technol-
ogy lead to new solutions. These in turn give rise to differ-
ent requirements to which the support vessel industry must
respond. The response may be either to develop new types
of vessel, or to convert suitable existing tonnage for new
tasks. Main types of vessel

Platform supply vessels: Offshore rigs and production
platforms require periodic re-supply with fuel, fresh water
for the personnel, food, equipment and also a number of flu-
ids and powders used in drilling operations. These are typ-
ically cement, baryte and bentonite transported as dry pow-
ders; drill water; of oil or water based liquid mud, methanol Figure 42.2 Platform Supply Vessel Far Superior
Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-3

include handling the anchors and mooring chains and ropes ful vessels. Powers up to 28 000 HP are becoming com-
for drilling rigs, towing of rigs and platforms together with mon for vessels that handle moorings in very deep water.
subsequent positioning on site, and platform supply duties.
The required bollard pull has a powerful influence on Seismic vessels
the design, since this defines the power needed, the pro- Seismic survey vessels are an integral part of the search for
peller size, hull shape and depth aft to give the necessary offshore oil and gas deposits. Geological structures below
propeller immersion. Hull beam and shape will be that the seabed can be presented in two-dimensional, three-di-
needed to give stability, particularly when heavy moorings mensional or 3D/time, form and data is produced by spe-
and anchors are suspended from the stern. cial seismic survey ships.
Anchor handling requires high power, winch capacity, The vessel periodically emits a percussive signal from
deck space aft, storage bins for rig chains, and auxiliary an air gun array, which is reflected from subsea formations.
handling equipment. The supply function is similar to the The returning signals are picked up by arrays of hy-
work of a PSV, involving the transport of liquid, powder drophones and the signals are either analysed onboard or
and solid cargoes, the latter as deck load. stored for subsequent analysis ashore.
A typical AHTS is shown in Figure 42.3. It is a cutaway These hydrophones are fitted in streamer cables which
view of a UT740, showing current thinking on AHTS de- typically comprise lengths of flexible plastic tubing joined
sign. end to end by special connectors, filled with a mineral oil to
The pulling power and required wire/rope capacities of give neutral buoyancy and housing hydrophones and con-
the towing and anchor-handling winch are the principal de- necting and towing cables at intervals along their lengths.
sign driver. Winch design is covered in more detail below. The survey vessel tows a series of these streamers. The
The hull must be stiffened to distribute the winch loads, number of parallel streamers towed has increased over the
and brake forces and direct wire pulls can be more than years. Currently larger vessels operate with up to twelve
650 tonnes and 500 tonnes respectively in the most power- streamers at once and some are capable of handling up to

Figure 42.3 AHTS Multi-functional OSV

42-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

twenty. Vanes are used to spread the streamers so that they ing, that is three-dimensional survey with updates from
trail at a set separation, altogether covering an area of sev- time to time which indicate how oil reservoirs are being
eral square kilometres. The broader the footprint of the sur- depleted and give guidance as to how future wells should
vey the larger the area covered at a given ship speed in a be planned.
given time and the fewer runs required to classify a given Apart from seismic survey vessels deploying streamers
location. on the surface, there are some vessels specialised for bot-
Dedicated seismic survey vessels are highly specialised tom cable surveying.
ships. The working decks are enclosed but typically are Seismic ships typically spend months or years continu-
open at the stern and at a lower level have the air gun han- ally at sea, with replenishment by support vessel and heli-
dling system and storage, and at a higher level the winches copter crew transfers. Most newer vessels now undertake
and storage reels for the streamers. Special guide systems much of the work of analysing data on board. Space must
are installed at the stern opening to ensure that the vulner- therefore be allocated to large computer rooms and meet-
able streamers are safely and correctly deployed. The ship ing areas, and accommodation has to be provided for a
itself must be capable of accurate track and station keeping large number of people in addition to the marine crew.
and the propulsion system must have low radiated noise
and minimal propeller induced noise to avoid interference Crewboats
with the survey equipment. In areas such as the Gulf of Mexico, ferrying of crews and
Because of the requirement to deploy as many stream- light supplies the shore and rigs and platforms has always
ers as possible, the breadth of the stern of the vessel is crit- been important. Crewboats can carry both passengers and
ical. In some cases radical solutions have been chosen, for supplies. The trend is to larger craft such as the 56.4 m
example the almost triangular Ramform. Other operators John B Martin McCall, which can carry 86 passengers,
prefer a more conventional ship form with wide decks at fuel, water, and 350 tonnes of deck cargo, as shown in Fig-
the stern above the waterline, Figure 42.4. ure 42.5.
Highly specialized winch and cable handling systems Relatively fast aluminum craft powered by high-speed
are installed and dominate the internal layout of the vessel. diesels have been the preferred solution. Sizes have in-
The required accuracy of track following and naviga- creased over the years from the 20 m of early boats to 40
tion has increased with the growing interest in 4D survey- m, and more recently to 45 to 50 m. The trend is towards
even larger vessels in the 185 ft range, capable of carrying
80 to 100 passengers and a total load of about 350 tonnes
at 20 to 28 knots. These deadweights and speeds require in
excess of 8000 hp.
Aluminium remains the favored material for hull and
superstructure with a conventional monohull layout,
wheelhouse and passenger cabin forward and an open
weather deck aft, protected by crash rails, on which deck
cargo can be transported.
An important element is the supply of fuel and fresh
water, which is carried in tanks below decks.

Figure 42.4 Seismic Vessel Figure 42.5 Crewboat with Underdeck and On-deck Cargo Capacity
Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-5

To provide the necessary propulsion power, multiple Safety/standby vessels

diesel engines are preferred, each driving its own propeller. It is a requirement on most offshore fields to have vessels
Typically four to six diesel engines are used. There is a constantly on standby to evacuate personnel from rigs and
move towards water jet propulsion, either using jets alone, platforms in the event of an emergency. These vessels are
or in a twin-screw system with a central boost water jet. equipped with reception, first aid and hospital facilities, to-
The economics of crewboats depend on distance from gether with seating and facilities for typically 300 sur-
rig to shore. Relatively short runs, benign weather condi- vivors. To enable casualties in the water to be taken on
tions and groups of rigs/platforms allowing a bus stop op- board, low freeboard areas are provided at about the mid-
eration act in favour of the crewboat. For longer runs and length of the hull, marked and with clear paths to the re-
rough seas helicopters may show an advantage over fast ception area. Fast rescue boats are also provided to enable
boats for crew transfer, but are not effective where signifi- survivors to be brought in.
cant quantities of supplies must also be moved. In the early days most standby vessels were converted
In some cases crewboats can compete on longer routes trawlers as these were cheap and seaworthy. The function
in ocean conditions, but other configurations become of in- is still often carried out by vessels converted from other
terest, for example SWATH (small waterplane area twin roles. Rules have become tougher and there is a trend to-
hull) vessels (See Chapter 46), to obtain acceptable levels wards purpose built craft for safety standby, as shown in
of passenger comfort. Fast launches are favored as crew- Figure 42.6.
boats in some areas, such as West Africa, with limited The function of the standby vessel is to provide a safe
cargo stowage. place for rig and platform crews in the event of an accident.

Figure 42.6 Standby Vessel Type UT719R now working in the North Sea UK Sector
42-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Many PSVs are equipped to carry out this work in ad- Offshore vessels are increasingly the design basis for
dition to their other roles. One advantage of this strategy is emergency towing, pollution prevention and Exclusive
that a supply boat, which has delivered cargo to a platform, Economic Zone (EEZ) protection ships.
can relieve a dedicated standby vessel that needs to return
to port for bunkers, a crew change or dry-docking. Multifunctional vessels
There is also a tendency towards using larger daughter Increasing focus on sub sea work, involving construction,
craft for rescue instead of MOB (Man Overboard Boats) inspection and maintenance, is producing a capable breed
boats. Provided the regulatory framework permits it, by of multifunctional vessel, Figure 42.7 is an example of the
this means one large standby vessel can take care of more Rolls-Royce UT742 multifunctional AHTS and subsea
than one installation. service vessel, also shown in Figure 42.1.
Rules vary considerably from region to region, for ex- Typically these are based on an anchor handler layout,
ample between British and Norwegian sectors of the North with varying degrees of platform supply capability. Multi-
Sea. There has been a move away from prescriptive regu- ple moonpools enable both work and inspection class re-
lations, for example one installation, one standby vessel, mote operated vehicles to be deployed. Power and winch
towards goal setting. This involves the overall safety case capacity is sufficient to allow trenching for pipe or cables
for the installation and gives freedom to propose alterna- to be carried out in deep water, and provision is usually
tive standby solutions, as long as the required degree of made for fitting a stern A-frame and a large (1600 tonne
safety cover is available in the event of a fire or evacuation. meter) heave-compensated offshore crane.

Figure 42.7 Multi-functional Vessel with A-Frame Normand Pioneer

Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-7

Further vessel developments are coming as new tech- can combine cable-laying with offshore service work. It can
niques emerge, for example well intervention from an also be readily converted for platform supply duties.
OSV (see Figure 42.30). In addition to an A-frame, deck cranes and multiple
stern sheaves, specialised cable laying equipment will be Combination vessels installed, including linear and drum cable engines.
Sometimes it can be advantageous to combine offshore Cable laying contracts tend to be cyclical, and at slack
support capability with some completely unrelated func- periods the special cable equipment may be removed and
tion in a single vessel, for example: the ship converted for ROV operation, sub sea inspection
Icebreaker/OSV: A grouping which has proved quite and maintenance, or other work. Some vessels are de-
popular is to build an icebreaker that in summer can earn a signed for conversion to PSVs, and PSVs are sometimes
living supporting sub sea construction. The icebreaking convertible to cable layers.
function must not be compromised, but the stability,
strength and power needed for this application also provide
a good basis for a support vessel, as does the available aft
working deck. 42.2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
Winter icebreaking work in the Baltic, for example,
dovetails well with the weather windows for much North 42.2.1 Rules and Regulations for Vessels and Equipment
Sea oil and gas work, spreading the capital and operating Like other ship types, offshore support vessels are built to
costs over a longer season and avoiding the need for sum- a variety of rules and regulations; international, classifica-
mer lay-up. tion society, national, or flag state. The International Mar-
The hull form of the Finnish-built combined icebreaker itime Organisation (IMO) rules cover many aspects of ves-
and OSV Bonica is shown in Figure 42.8. A new design is sel construction, equipment and operation. The ones most
noted in Subsection 42.3.7. valid to this class of ship are IMO 649, while for vessels
Cable layer/OSV: The laying of telecommunications which carry significant numbers of people in addition to
cable is another example where a principal function can their own marine crews are also covered by IMO 534.
also be combined with offshore oil and gas work. There This is typically the case where additional workers,
is space below decks, also on deck, for cable tanks, allow- passengers, technical staff travelling to and from offshore
ing several thousand kilometers of fiber optic cable to platforms and similar personnel are involved.
be carried and laid. The general layout may will be that The majority of support vessels are built to normal ship
of a multipurpose offshore vessel, but there are usually construction rules, for example Det norske Veritas Rules for
permanent or removable workshops and inspection rooms Classification of Steel Ships or the corresponding rules
either side of the working deck, as can be seen in Figure promulgated by other classification societies such as
42.9, which is a good example of a vessel, built in 1996, that Lloyd’s Register of Shipping or the American Bureau of

Figure 42.8 Hull Form of Combined Icebreaker and OSV Bothica

42-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 42.9 Combined Cable Layer/OSV Maersk Defender (Type UT756)

Shipping. US registered vessels normally also need to com- requirements of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in the
ply with the requirements of the United States Coast Guard. UK or the Norwegian Maritime Directorate in Norway.
Construction rules cover scantlings and a variety of Standby vessels may be dedicated to the job of standing by
other constructional and equipment aspects. For some off- rigs and platforms to take off personnel in the event of a rig
shore vessels double hulls may be mandatory, though de- or platform accident. It is becoming more common to com-
signers such as UT-Design, from Rolls-Royce, incorporate bine a safety standby function in a multi-function vessel,
as much double hull structure as is practicable, for exam- for example platform supply or anchor handler. The MSA
ple in way of the engine room. and NMD requirements are broadly similar but have some
As offshore vessels become more specialised, and new differences, two examples being areas devoted to different
requirements emerge, these needs must be reconciled with functions and required number of crew.
the relevant rules. A case in point is a well test and early
production vessel such as Crystal Sea (described in Sec-
tion Here the storage on board of significant 42.2.2 Class Notations
quantities of crude oil means that the vessel must comply Offshore vessels share many of the same classification so-
with the Crude Tanker rules. Production and storage ves- ciety notations with other types of steel ship. This applies
sels, which may be connected to live wells, must meet a to structure, unmanned engine rooms, one man operated
range of specific regulations. bridges, and similar ship functions. Other notations are
National authorities have their own rules for specific more specific.
types of vessel. For example, safety standby craft operat- FiFi denotes fire-fighting capability and the notation 1
ing in the North Sea will normally comply with either the implies the vessel has fire pumps and monitors making it
Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-9

able to fight fires external to itself while of course having in rough sea conditions. Figure 42.10 shows the UT704
the necessary equipment on board for normal own-vessel Baldur Thorungen operating in typical sea conditions.
security. FiFi 2 is a more comprehensive requirement in- Increasingly, stress is being placed on ship motions.
volving greater fire monitor throw and a self-drench sys- The majority of support vessels, such as anchor handlers,
tem to safeguard the vessel against radiant heat when fight- PSVs and safety standby vessels, are comparatively small,
ing severe fires. 50 to 100 meters long overall. Motions tend therefore to be
inherently rather lively. Careful attention to hull design can
reduce accelerations, but increased size is the easiest solu-
42.2.3 Construction tion, if allowable from other points of view. Guidelines
The majority of offshore support vessels are convention- have been produced for acceptable accelerations vertically
ally built of steel with scantlings appropriate to ships of the and laterally, together with roll angle, which affect the
size range 42–100 metres. Since these are typically com- crew’s ability to work the vessel (See Section 42.2.5 for
plex and fully equipped vessels for their size, there is a details). A distinction can be made between heavy manual
higher premium on outfitting capability than steelwork ca- work, light manual work and intellectual work when set-
pacity in the shipyard. Much use is made of modular hull ting acceptable levels. For the multi-functional vessels that
sections, and increased emphasis is being placed on early are becoming increasingly popular, other criteria come
outfitting of blocks before assembly to avoid installing into the picture. Heave becomes a most important matter if
equipment under cramped conditions later. some types of equipment are to be handled from the ves-
At the design stage attention must be paid not only to sel. Although heave compensation is routinely applied to
global strength, but also to feeding high local loads into the cranes and handling equipment, much can be done by se-
structure, such as those from towing winches, deck cranes lecting hull forms that give minimum heave under speci-
and A-frames. Working decks aft are typically stiffened to fied working conditions. These requirements are increas-
take loads of 5–10 tonnes per square metre, and on anchor ingly being written into specifications.
handlers the aft section is often further reinforced to resist
high point loads.
42.2.5 Stability
Offshore support vessels are notable for the wide range of
42.2.4 Seaworthiness loading conditions under which they operate. On a given
Offshore support vessels in general need to be seaworthy voyage a supply boat may well be carrying half-a-dozen
in the widest sense of the word. Some operating areas are different liquid and bulk cargoes in double bottoms and
not subject to extreme weather conditions, but the growth below decks, and also a selection of cargo on the open
of the North Sea sector has created a need for very sea- working deck.
worthy vessels and the benefits are being reaped now that
operations extend across all Northern waters and also into
open ocean conditions such as offshore Brazil. Early expe-
rience with Gulf of Mexico supply vessels in the North Sea
demonstrated that they were not seaworthy enough—in
particular the freeboard was not sufficient. This realisation
prompted a development process, which still continues.
Oil companies and field operators are demanding high
standards; and the offshore support vessels are not nor-
mally the weakest link in the chain.
Seaworthiness in this context can be taken to include
not only basic structural integrity of the vessel and ade-
quate stability under all permitted loading situations but
also aspects such as machinery redundancy to enable the
vessel to operate safely, even after specified breakdowns.
Offshore support vessels must be operable in severe
weather conditions. Also, the shape and layout should pro-
vide reasonable conditions for people working on the aft
deck during cargo transfer or anchor handling operations Figure 42.10 Offshore Service Vessels Need a High Level of Seaworthiness
42-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Intact stability must be sufficient under all specified op- pitch roll and heave. Resistance may be increased and at-
erating conditions. For a PSV the normal situation is to tention must be paid to the behavior of the water in the
load a variety of cargoes within the allowable deadweight. moonpool with the vessel at rest to ensure that turbulence
It is not possible to fill all tanks and lockers and still carry does not hinder operations. Internal baffling structure is fit-
full rated deck load; a choice must be made. The stability ted in the moonpool to reduce water heave motion relative
booklet for even a rather conventional platform supply ves- to the vessel as shown in Figure 42.11. In some vessels a
sel is a substantial document and may cover at least 20 dif- flap is fitted to control water flow across the moonpool
ferent departure and arrival situations, including loading opening, and this can largely eliminate the added resis-
and discharging at sea. tance.
For an anchor handler, stability calculations become Moonpools may go hand in hand with flexible cable
even more complex. On some of the latest AHTS there may laying equipment mounted on deck, which must also be
be more than 500 tonnes of rig mooring suspended from the taken into account for its effect on stability. The same con-
stern of the vessel on a winch wire running over the stern siderations apply to stern or side mounted A-frames, which
roller. Stability clearly needs to be sufficient to cope with bring not only the matter of their own weight but also the
this type of load and the situation is made yet more com- effect of suspended loads on ship stability.
plicated in operations where the wire may shift from one Unlike many classes of ship, some of the crew of an off-
side of the stern roller to the other. Increasingly, dynamic shore support vessel may have to work on the exposed
stability calculations are made to investigate this situation. weather deck in bad weather. Their safety impinges on the
An anchor-handling tug supply vessel is a complex overall design of the vessel. Freeboard must be sufficient
compromise between conflicting requirements. Apart from to avoid the working deck being swept by seas while bow
supplying rigs and platforms with the liquid, powders and shape and superstructure should give a reasonable protec-
solids they require, the design is heavily influenced by the tion from spray.
towing requirement. Rails and bulwarks around the working deck are a com-
The installed power will be high for the size of vessel. promise. Rails prevent cargo shift and damage to deck
The towing winch and ancillary equipment such as rope valves and fittings. They also provide a refuge for crew
storage reels need to be accommodated and the substantial working on deck. Rails may be tubular, fully plated or a
structural loads imposed by the winch catered for. A large combination of them both.
stern roller will usually be fitted to lead wires, chains and Tubular cargo rails keep the deck cargo in place and
anchors over the stern, and retractable shark-jaws and tow- offer the crew a refuge from cargo and wires under tension
ing pins will be fitted in the aft deck to control wires and but provide little in the way of weather protection. Plated
chains. To obtain a high bollard pull, large diameter pro- bulwarks, as can be seen in Figure 42.12. give good pro-
pellers are needed. These will normally be installed in tection against spray but will trap potentially dangerous
nozzles to give augmented thrust and the propeller immer-
sion must be adequate under all conditions. The hull after-
body must give a good inflow of water to the propellers
while, at the same time, having sufficient buoyancy to sus-
tain heavy vertical loads on the stern roller without exces-
sive trim.
Not content with combining anchor handling and tow-
ing with platform supply, operators have tended to add
other functions to produce multi-functional vessels which
can also undertake a variety of sub sea work such as laying
flexible cables, ploughing the sea bed for pipelines or de-
ploying ROVs (remote operated vehicles). Some of these
requirements have a strong influence on the overall design
of the vessel. This is particularly the case where one or
more moonpools are required, since these represent major
interruptions in the structure of the vessel in the mid body.
Moonpools are openings right through the hull from deck
to bottom, allowing equipment or minisubmarines to be
put into the water at a location on the vessel with minimum Figure 42.11 Water Motion Baffling in Moonpool
Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-11

Figure 42.12 Cargo Rails and Plate Bulwarks

quantities of water on deck unless fitted with adequate is often selected to allow for access for inspection and
freeing ports. Freeing ports where side plating extends painting.
above the main deck are the subject of strict classification
society requirements.
Where plated protection is used, it is normal to provide 42.2.6 Ship Motions
alcoves at intervals on each side of the deck, which offer Criteria, such as that in Table 42.I, are increasingly being
shelter and protection for the deck crew. set for acceptable motions in a seaway. These may be gen-
Support vessels typically operate close to rigs and plat- eral, or specific to one operating area such as the North Sea.
forms, often in bad weather. This has a strong influence on Different criteria may be chosen for different locations
design. Propulsion and manoeuvring systems require a on the vessel, such as intellectual work on the bridge, light
high level of integrity, also redundancy, to prevent single manual work at the aft perpendicular, and heavy manual
failures from crippling the vessel and potentially hazarding work at a quarter of the ship’s length from aft. Proprietary
a platform. If by chance a support vessel suffers structural software may then be used to derive curves for operating
damage then its own survival is important. limits.
At the same time steps must be taken to minimize pol- Many offshore vessels will have to operate at zero
lution damage. Substantial quantities of bunkers and fuel speed using dynamic positioning at any heading relative to
for rigs may be on board, together with other substances. wind and sea. Where roll reduction tanks are fitted these
For the North Sea and many other geographical areas, dou- will be included in the calculations. Normally at least two
ble hull construction is mandatory for damage stability loading conditions will be considered; ballast arrival and
under IMO469. The regulations call for 0.75 m between fully loaded departure. Others may be included where they
outer and inner hulls but in practice a figure of about 1 m are relevant to the vessel’s operating profile.
42-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 42.I Typical Criteria (rms Values) sitioning to one meter or better can enhance the accuracy.
Control of the vessel’s heading and position is nowadays
Light Heavy automatic under computer control but manual intervention
manual manual Intellectual is possible. By suitable manipulation of bow thrusters,
work work work stern thrusters, controllable pitch propellers and high lift
rudders the vessel can be held at the given geographical lo-
Vertical acceleration 0.20g 0.15g 0.10g cation and the required heading even under severe condi-
Lateral acceleration 0.10g 0.07g 0.05g tions. Classification societies and national authorities issue
Roll angle 6 degrees 4 degrees 3 degrees notations which specify the limiting wind and sea condi-
tions and also the degree of system redundancy, both of the
computer control and to cover defects in equipment and
damage to the vessel which puts compartments out of ac-
42.2.7 Station Keeping tion. Table 42.II gives a brief summary showing how nota-
As noted, offshore support vessels frequently need to keep tions from leading classification societies compare.
station at varying headings to wind and sea. Hull form and
the position and size of the superstructure affect the bal-
42.2.9 Machinery Arrangement
ance of the vessel and the size of thrusters required to hold
position under specified conditions. Forces acting on the Propulsion requirements for offshore support vessels vary
ship include wave drift forces, wind force and currents. In widely with the mission of the vessel. There is no single
calculating wave drift forces from irregular waves, a JON- best solution and normally several different machinery
SWAP spectrum with a constant peakedness parameter Y arrangements will have to be evaluated at the design stage.
is normally used. The spectrum is defined by significant With the exception of fast light Gulf of Mexico-type
wave height and peak period. crew boats, which tend to favor high-speed diesels, the vast
Various programs are available to simplify calculation. majority of vessels have a twin-screw arrangement with
As an example, DYNACAP developed by Marintek in compact medium speed diesel engines, such as the Bergen
Norway evaluates static holding power capacity and gen-
erates capability plots and listing of thruster utilisation.
The capability plots are polar plots of the average environ- TABLE 42.II Dynamic Positioning Notation
mental forces relative to the maximum holding power of
the thrusters for different directions of the external forces.
In the holding power capability analysis, a fixed heading of Position control – manual
the vessel is assumed, that is the vessel is not allowed to
Heading control – automatic
adjust its heading to minimise external and yawing mo-
ments. The directions of current, wind and waves can be Class 1 AUT/S P (AM) DPS-1
rotated around the vessel. Position control – auto/manual
Heading control – auto/manual

42.2.8 Dynamic Positioning Class 2 AUTR DP (AA) DPS-2

Offshore vessels required to keep station accurately will be Position control – auto/manual
fitted with a dynamic positioning system. This combines Heading control – auto/manual
position fixing linked to the ship’s propulsion and maneu- Including single fault condition. Two computers.
vering system such that the selected position and heading Class 3 AUTRO DP (AAA) DPS-3
can be maintained under specified environmental condi-
Position control – auto/manual
Position may be fixed by various means, including Heading control – auto/manual
satellites, hydro-acoustic transmitters, laser systems and Including single fault condition and loss of compartment
so on, singly and in combination. Increasingly the system through fire or flood. Two computers, plus fire safeguarded back-
of choice is the differential global positioning system up.
(DGPS). The system provides a high level of accuracy. The
satellite system itself provides a position readout. Using a Note: each notation includes specified maximum wind and sea condi-
shore station signal, giving DGPS instead of GPS, and po-
Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-13

BV12 shown in Figure 42.13. It produces 7200 bhp at 750 Figure 42.14 shows a section through a shaft line with
rpm from twelve 320 mm bore cylinders. engine, coupling, gearbox with power take-off (pto) for a
Early generations of PSV and AHTS experimented shaft generator, shaft and controllable pitch propeller.
with engine location but now the general rule is to locate High lift flap rudder and rotary vane steering gear are
the main engines well forward in the vessel under the su- also indicated. The combination of CP propellers and flap
perstructure, leaving the whole mid body of the vessel rudders gives good manoeuvrability and this is enhanced
clear for cargo tanks and the working deck unobstructed by by two electrically driven 800 hp transverse tunnel
engine room accesses or uptakes. This provides a balanced thrusters in the skeg aft, a 1200 hp tunnel thruster forward
and effective layout at the expense of long shaft lines. US and a swing up azimuth thruster located forward under the
Gulf OSVs often have their engine rooms aft to minimise superstructure and also rated at 1200 hp.
shaft length and run the engine exhausts forward, either Retractable azimuth thrusters at the bow are popular
under deck in a centerline passage or above deck along the because they also provide an independent propulsion sys-
edges. tem as required by the safety standby regulations. In addi-
A platform supply vessel typically has a relatively tion to its normal supply duties, the UT745 may if required
straightforward propulsion system, one popular modern have facilities for 300 survivors.
design, the UT745 for example, is 82.5 m long with a dead- An AHTS presents the designer with a bigger propul-
weight of about 4200 tonnes, a fully loaded speed of 14 sion problem. Towing performance and thus bollard pull is
knots and an economic speed of about 13.5 knots. Two vital. Both the propulsion machinery and the hull lines
medium speed engines will normally propel this design, must be selected to give the best possible results. The issue
each of about 3600bhp, with the option of two units each is complicated by the fact that towing is only one role, and
of 4800hp. The engine room is forward, and long shaft that for supply duties only a fraction of the total installed
lines and reduction gearboxes transmit the power to two power is required, Figure 42.15.
open water controllable pitch propellers. A high lift rudder It is, therefore, common to choose multi-engine instal-
is located behind each propeller. lations, for example four engines on two shafts, to give op-

Figure 42.13 Medium Speed Diesel Engine

42-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 42.14 Typical Propulsion Package with Main Engine, Reduction Gear, Shafting, C.P. Propeller, Flap Rudder and Steering Gear

timum performance and economy under different operating type with a pulling propeller ahead of a streamlined lower
conditions. Four engines of equal power, or a father and son housing demonstrates a high efficiency and requires less
arrangement in which two engines of different powers can steering to maintain a course (Figure 42.16). An alternative
be clutched to a twin input/single output gearbox, may be is the pod thruster in which the electric motor is incorpo-
used. For full output, all four engines are engaged. For other rated in the lower housing, turning a pulling propeller. All
design conditions either the two larger father engines can these units offer vectored thrust, lending themselves to DP
be used or the smaller son units, giving extreme flexibility. operation, and if the hull is suitably designed the flow of
It is very typical for the vessel’s electrical load to be water to the propellers is smoother, an advantage from the
met by shaft generators driven from power take-offs on the point of view of efficiency and reduced noise.
main gearboxes, thus avoiding the need to run auxiliary Diesel electric propulsion can be attractive for offshore
generator sets. support vessels where operation is required in a number of
Diesel electric propulsion can be attractive for some different modes, or where the electrical load for equipment
classes of offshore support vessel. Here a number of diesel is a substantial percentage of the required propulsion
generator sets are operated in parallel, supplying propul- power. Operating the engines on the power station princi-
sion power and the electrical load. Propellers are turned by ple enables the number of engines running at any given
electric motors through an electronic speed control system. time to be tailored to the load for maximum fuel economy.
Great strides have been made in recent years in efficient In the pursuit of reduced exhaust emissions, a few PSVs
solid-state electronic speed control systems and in power have started using liquefied natural gas as fuel, but em-
management, although the idea of diesel electric propul- ploying dual fuel engines that can also burn diesel fuel if
sion for ships is as old as the marine diesel engine. gas is not available.
Azimuthing thrusters for main propulsion come in many Propeller design is important for all OSVs but for
forms. For some applications direct mechanical transmis- AHTS bollard pull is the main consideration. At the design
sion is attractive. The majority of offshore vessels to date stage, the hull proportions selected must allow large pro-
have, however, used thrusters as part of a diesel electric pellers to be adequately immersed.
propulsion system, with electric propulsion motors in the Increased towing power is available if nozzles are fitted
hull coupled to the input gears of the thrusters. Conven- to the propellers. A nozzle of NACA19A section and a fore
tional mechanical azimuth thrusters have pushing pro- and aft length equal to half the propeller diameter is a good
pellers aft of the lower gearhouse, but types with contra-ro- all round compromise between lift and drag. The designer
tating propellers are likely to show better efficiency, and a has to weigh the relative merits of a nozzle supported clear
Next Page
Chapter 42: Offshore Support Vessels 42-15

1. Main engine (each 5300 kW at 750 rpm) 6. Flexible coupling

2. Reduction gear, 750/175 rpm 7. Flexible coupling
3. Controllable pitch propeller in nozzle 8. Step-up gear, 750/1500 rpm, rated at 2000 kW
4. High lift flap rudder 9. Fire pump 3600 m3/h, 165 m head
5. Shaft generator driven by gearbox PTO, 2420 kVA/1200 rpm
Figure 42.15 Typical Machinery Layout for a Twin Engine AHTS (Rolls-Royce UT722) with Conventional Shaftlines

of the hull, which allows circulation around the entire cir- positioning system and controllable pitch propellers. Here
cumference of the nozzle but increases draft for a given propellers may operate for long periods around the zero
propeller diameter, or raising the nozzle and integrating its pitch position.
upper portion into the hull thus trading efficiency for re- One class of offshore vessel where correct propeller de-
duced draft. In each case it is important to have sufficient sign is of the utmost importance is the seismic research
propeller immersion, and as a guide the vertical distance ship. Hydro-acoustic noise from the vessel degrades the
from the top of the nozzle to the local water surface should performance of its sensors. A typical requirement is that at
be at least half the propeller diameter. 5 knots the pressure changes in the water measured 200 m
Improved propeller design procedures and better blade aft of the vessel and 10 m below the surface should not be
forms have raised propeller efficiencies in recent years. For more than 10mu bar. To achieve this requires close atten-
older vessels it may be worth considering fitting new CP tion must be paid to propeller design and to propeller/hull
propeller blades. interaction. In general terms, propellers with a low tip
It may be feasible to optimize propellers for a particular speed will be selected and profile and pitch distribution
operating condition, but for many offshore support vessels chosen to give the highest efficiency at the selected operat-
compromise is necessary. In particular, multi-functional ing speed. The hull form must be such that inflow to the
vessels need to be checked for off-design conditions, one propellers is very uniform and there should be good clear-
example is a vessel that may keep station using a dynamic ance between propellers and hull.
Figure 43.1 The Industrial World Offshore
Chapter 43
Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels

Paul R. Geiger

43.1 DESCRIPTION that can facilitate the conservation of produced hydro-

43.1.1 Mission
Offshore Drilling and production vessels are industrial
vessels primarily utilized in the petroleum industry for ex- Development drilling: the drilling of a large number of
ploration and exploitation of subsea resources. Today the wells through which hydrocarbons flow to a production fa-
variety of platforms involved in the offshore world is great cility for processing, transportation and sale. This activity
as can be seen from Figure 43.1. can be carried out by a pure drilling vessel or can be ac-
In order to accomplish the ultimate mission of recover- complished with drilling facilities installed onboard the
ing hydrocarbons from below the seabed, the following production vessel.
major activities involving offshore vessels must take place,
some of which may overlap: Early production: The production of hydrocarbons
soon after discovery and prior to full development of the
Exploration drilling: The search for hydrocarbons by production field.
drilling a hole (well) into the seabed to determine reservoir This is a process to gain an early cash flow and can be
location and estimate size. The fleet of offshore drilling combined with an extended well testing program in com-
vessels, or MODUs (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) is bination with shuttle tankers for the shipment (or export)
primarily comprised of the following basic types (Figure of produced hydrocarbons if access to an export pipeline is
43.2): not available.

• Jack-up unit, Production: The process of receiving hydrocarbons

• Semi-submersible and fixed height submersible units, from subsea wells, separating out water, oil and gas to
and make the sellable product suitable for export by pipeline or
• surface units, such as ships and barges tanker. The fleet of offshore production vessels is primarily
comprised of the same basic hull types utilized for drilling
Production well testing: To measure production rates of
(either as conversions from existing drilling units or new-
flow from an exploratory well and estimate field life.
builds) in addition to several innovative adaptations (Fig-
The produced fluids are normally disposed of by burn-
ures 43.3 and 43.4 and Section 43.1.6):
ing if accomplished on the drilling vessel due to a lack
of on-board storage capability. If extended well testing • Gravity-based submersible (Figure 43.18)
is undertaken it is carried out using a production tanker • Tension Leg Platform (TLP)

43-2 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 43.2 Major Types of Offshore Drilling VesselsLeft to Right: Submersible, Jack-up, Semi-submersible, and Drillship

• Spar ations were conducted with land rigs set on timber piles or
• FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading man made islands, mostly for the purpose of extending
unit) field boundaries and to recover oil from reservoirs already
defined on shore. Supplies were usually brought onboard
Workover: A maintenance procedure involving the re- by way of trestles connected to the shore or by barge.
entry of a producing well for the purpose of restoring or These early advancements away from solid ground and to-
improving production. wards the influence of the sea brought confrontations with
A common feature of these vessels is that they are mo- many problems not previously encountered. Although reli-
bile, capable of changing location either from the fabrica- able empirical formulae had been developed to determine
tion site to the operating site or from operating site to op- forces on ocean-going ships, virtually nothing was known
erating site as their mission dictates. In the truest sense, about the magnitude of the forces of nature such as impact
whether they are operational afloat, as are the semi-sub- and drag forces of storm waves on this new combination of
mersible, ship, barge or spar, or operational while bottom land and sea installations and many were washed away.
supported, as is the jack-up, submersible or TLP, due to As water depths increased, floating drilling became
their mobility, they are marine vessels with systems nomi- necessary, requiring technology extensions and innova-
nally the same as conventional ships. Due to their mission tions in order to compensate for vertical and lateral mo-
requirements, however, their systems have features that are tions of the drill floor, hold the vessel on location against
quite unique when analyzed by the traditional Naval Ar- the environment and install well safety equipment below
chitect and Marine Engineer, and although these vessels the surface of the water. As each technical challenge was
contain mechanical and electrical components similar to met, the industry advanced further out to open sea and each
those used in conventional ships, they serve different sys- incremental step brought confrontation with new prob-
tems and have unique applications. lems, requiring new methods of analysis and design, new
This chapter will focus on the primary aspects that materials and new equipment. Now the industry has devel-
make offshore drilling and production vessels unique. oped the highly complex technology required for drilling
in water depths up to 3050 m. The success achieved in de-
veloping offshore drilling technology has led to both the
43.1.2 Background need and opportunity for other applications of these ves-
The development of offshore vessels began with the ex- sels, particularly production vessels and those used in the
ploration drilling industry. The first offshore drilling oper- offshore construction industry such as heavy-lift/crane, an-
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-3

Figure 43.3 Major Types of Floating Production Vessels

chor-handling and pipe-lay vessels. In this chapter, how- vessels are, 1) self-elevating unit, 2) column-stabilized
ever, only floating drilling and production vessels are dis- unit, and 3) surface unit.
cussed. Also, the focus is primarily on modern vessels of The term unit as used herein means any mobile offshore
recent design. References 1 and 2 give good descriptions vessel or structure, whether designed for operation afloat
of earlier generation drilling rigs. or supported by the seabed and includes the complete
structure and its components.

43.1.3 Vessel Types Self-elevating unit

Each type of offshore vessel possesses inherent character- These units are commonly referred to as jack-ups. They
istics that determine its suitability for performing in par- have buoyant barge type hulls with sufficient reserve sta-
ticular locations, water depths and combinations of wind bility to safely transport its industrial equipment, power
and sea states. Although some novel designs have been plant, accommodations and supplies to a desired location.
built to suit a particular application, they are, in general, On location the entire unit is raised to a predetermined el-
variations and adaptations of three basic Types as defined evation above the surface of the sea by jacking on self-con-
by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) (3) and recog- tained legs, which are supported by the seabed. The legs of
nized by other class societies and regulatory bodies. Any these units may be designed to penetrate the seabed, may
vessel that is designed for drilling or production service be fitted with enlarged sections or footings or may be at-
that does not fall into one of the three basic categories is tached to a bottom mat.
defined as Other Type (4) and is subject to special consid- The jack-up is one of the oldest mobile platforms and
eration, requiring adherence to a combination of rules, the most popular. Since the first unit constructed in the
codes and recommended practices. The three basic type mid-1950s the jack-up has developed from a unit capable
43-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 43.4 Major Types of Bottom Supported Production Unit (Not Pictured: Gravity-based Structure (Submersible))

of operating in 23 m water depth and a moderate Gulf of of the same drilling equipment in shallow waters as was
Mexico environment to units capable of operating in 122 being used on land. The transit mode of a submersible is al-
m of water and harsh environments such as found in the most exclusively accomplished by towing, either afloat on
North Sea or offshore Canada. Although the jack-up is lim- the lower hull(s) or, for short field moves, on the columns
ited by water depth and is difficult to tow with its barge in the semi-submerged condition. On location, the vessel is
type hull and raised legs, the working platform is essen- lowered to the bottom by controlled ballasting of hull com-
tially motionless on location and does not require special partments while the vertical columns provide their re-
motion compensating equipment as does the other floating quired stability. On bottom, additional ballasting is per-
types. It is the most cost efficient unit within its water formed as required to provide good bearing. To a large
depth range. extent the jack-up unit has replaced the submersible for
drilling applications, while the concept has found a niche Column-stabilized units in the production/process industry through the use of the
Included in this category are the submersible and semi- Gravity Based Structure (GBS).
submersible units. The distinguishing feature of these ves- The most common type of column-stabilized vessel in
sels is their use and dependence on relatively large, widely current use is the semi-submersible (also called semi(s)),
spaced columns for floatation and stability. Generally, the which came into use as drilling operations moved further
columns are connected at their top to a working platform from shore, and it became necessary to drill from float-
or deck that contains the units industrial equipment and/or ing, rather than bottom supported structures. The semi-
accommodations and are connected at the bottom to foot- submersible is utilized primarily for its superior motion
ings or pontoon hulls that provide support to the unit in the characteristics in the semi-submerged condition when
form of bearing area or buoyancy. compared to barge hulls or ships, thus allowing them to
The submersible was the first vessel of this type. It was function under more severe sea and weather conditions.
developed primarily for on-bottom operations to allow use Semi-submersibles incorporating streamlined twin lower
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-5

hulls and outfitted for self-propulsion can economically – Shallow water: to 450 m
transit at speeds of over 10 knots in calm water and operate – Deepwater: 450 to 1600 m
efficiently in the dynamic position mode. – Ultra-deepwater >1600 m
The TLP is a variation of the semi-submersible. It is and
a floating structure held in place by vertical, tensioned • the load or cargo carrying capability – weight and
tendons connected to the sea floor by pile-secured tem- space.
plates for the purpose of limiting its vertical motions. For
classification by ABS, TLPs are treated as Other Type de- Mission, cost and return
signs (4). The economics that drive a drilling vessel selection and a
floating production vessel selection are vastly different. Surface units Drilling vessels are traditionally contracted on a “Day
Included in this category are the mono-hull ship-type units, Rate,” of thousands of dollars per day, whether the contract
barges and spars. Ships offer high load capabilities, long is for a single exploratory well or multiple exploratory or
endurance between logistic replenishment and a relatively development wells. The primary risk is constructing a ves-
high efficiency in the dynamic positioning (DP) mode, al- sel for a particular market – deep water or shallow water,
lowing their use beyond the limits of spread moored semi- benign or hostile environment – in expectation that the
submersibles when operating as exploratory drilling units. market is sustained through payback of investment and be-
Since they can cruise with the speed of a regular commer- yond.
cial vessel, downtime between remote locations is dramat- A production vessel is selected to suit particular field
ically reduced. The major disadvantage of the ship-shaped requirements. Its cost, therefore, can be amortized over the
drill or production vessel is its higher heave and angular life of the field, with primary economic risks being reserve
motions, which reduces its operational efficiency during (amount of recoverable hydrocarbons) uncertainty, pro-
heavy weather conditions. ductivity uncertainty and total cost of field production fa-
Ship-shape vessels utilized in the production industry cilities, of which, the production vessel is a key compo-
are generally called Floating Production, Storage and Of- nent. Offshore engineers and economic specialists
floading (FPSO) facilities. A major advantage of FPSOs is consider these factors, study various options available and
that they can store produced oil in their hull compartments. determine the safest and most economical solution for
Utilizing shuttle tankers, they can be used in areas where each mission.
there is no export pipeline infrastructure.
Barge-type units differ from ship-type units only in that Water depth – drilling vessels
they are not self-propelled and must be towed from loca-
With consideration to location and associated environmen-
tion to location.
tal conditions, the selection of a particular drilling vessel is
Spars consist of a relatively long cylindrical shape.
primarily governed by water depth. Generally, they will be
They float upright, partially extending above the water
in accordance with the following:
level, supporting the decks for production and/or drilling
facilities. Below water level are compartments for buoy- • Up to 26 m: Fixed-height submersible
ancy, ballast and, if required, produced oil storage tanks. • 15 to 122 m: Jack-up
For classification by ABS, spars are treated as Other Type • 30 to 610 m: Semi-submersible or ship, anchored
designs (4). • To 2000 m: Semi-submersible or ship, anchored with
thruster assistance or dynamically positioned
43.1.4 Vessel Selection • Over 2000 m: Semi-submersible anchored with on-
board and preset (off-vessel) moorings, or semi-sub-
The choice of the best vessel for profitable operations off- mersible or ship, Dynamically positioned
shore is dependent upon many factors, including:
• a clear definition of the mission; i.e., drilling, produc- Water depth – production vessels
tion or both, cost and expected return on the investment. Whereas water depth is the primary focus for a drill rig se-
• the intended area(s) of operation, environmental condi- lection, it is not so simple for a production vessel.
tions and vessel or field life For shallow water depths in areas of an established ex-
• water depth at location of operation. For this discus- port pipeline infrastructure, fixed platforms are the estab-
sion, the following definitions of water depth will lished development option. The fixed platform consists of
apply: a jacket (a tall vertical three-dimensional space-frame
43-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

made from large tubular steel members supported by pil- ciency – a factor particularly important to the operator,
ings driven into the seabed) with a deck placed on top, pro- since a low VDL capacity will require frequent supplying
viding space for crew accommodations, a drilling rig and services during operations.
production facilities (topsides). During their lifetime, stan- Typically, semi-submersible drilling units are designed
dardization efforts have resulted in minimal design time, for VDLs of 2000 to 8000 tonnes, depending on water
construction time and cost and concept selection, there- depth and location; jack-ups feature deck loads of 1500 to
fore, is a fairly straightforward process. 3000 and drill ships can be as high as 15 000 to 20 000
For fields located in remote areas with no established tonnes. Typical variable loads for modern offshore drilling
pipe infrastructure, for fields considered marginal in re- units are shown in Table 43.I.
gards to profitability and in deepwater there is no estab- It is important to note that a terminology difference ex-
lished standard for vessel selection. The industry is in a ists among those experienced with the design of fixed plat-
relative infancy and sufficient historical data has not yet forms for supporting production plants and the marine en-
been accumulated to establish standardized lists of con- gineer experienced with MODUs. As stated above, it is
cepts for combinations of water depths and field require- common practice to compare drilling vessels by their vari-
ments. All that is known is that all floating structures have able deck load capability. Deck load to an experienced
minimum water depth limits but maximum limits are yet to fixed platform designer, however, is the weight of all struc-
be determined. tural decks and deck-mounted equipment, including ac-
commodations, facilities, etc., that must be fitted to the top Vessel load carrying capability of the vertical jacket structure and is generally referred to
In addition to its water depth rating, an important selection as Topsides weight. Therefore, it would be more appropri-
feature is a vessel’s cargo or load carrying capacity. In the ate to compare a semi-submersible, for example, by a con-
case of a MODU this is referred to as the variable deck cept of topside potential, that is, the amount of weight that
load or variable drilling load (VDL) and is the semi-per- can be supported on the top of the columns. See Figure
manent weight the unit can transport or carry at a specific 43.6 (5). Topside potential can be calculated from the total
vertical center of gravity without exceeding its stability vertical moment of all fixed steel, equipment and mooring
limits. The VDL is a published number used to compare weights located above the column tops. For example, a
drilling units assumed to be similar in terms of equipment typical harsh environment semi-submersible could have:
and operating capability. It can only be confirmed after the
• a VDL of 5000 tonnes at the drilling draft;
inclining experiment therefore, an effective weight control
• a payload of 8000 tonnes; and
program must be carried out during the detail design and
• a topside potential of 16 000 tonnes.
construction phases to ensure the actual value will have a
close relationship to the value predicted in the conceptual Once the detailed process equipment design is given to
or basic design phase. the floating vessel designer, it can be integrated with the
As illustrated in Figure 43.5, the VDL for a drill vessel marine systems to complete the design. Most process sys-
consists of the weights of bulk materials (mud and ce- tem designs are about 2500 to 3500 tonnes.
ment), chemicals, drill pipe, casing, marine riser, blowout
preventer (BOP), liquid mud, day tank contents, miscella-
neous drilling equipment, operator-furnished equipment 43.1.5 Unique Features and Capabilities –
and drilling tensions imposed by the hook and drilling Drilling Vessels
riser. It does not include liquids in the hull, mooring sys- Most vessels constructed for offshore service have been
tem weights or mooring line tensions. for drilling applications and it should be noted that all
It is common practice to include ice and snow, when ap- types of vessels, including some of novel design, have
plicable, as VDL. Figure 43.5 is also applicable to jack-up been used. The drill vessel is, therefore, the heart of the
rigs and ships, for drilling and/or production operations by offshore industry and a fundamental knowledge of drilling
the mathematical addition or deletion of the appropriate is essential for the Naval Architect and Marine Engineer
weight items. involved with any type of offshore drilling vessel. See Ref-
Sometimes the term payload is used to describe the ca- erences (6–8) for detailed discussions on this subject. Fur-
pacity of a vessel. This includes the variable drilling load ther, for the serious student of offshore technology,
and the consumable items stored below the pipe racks such whether he or she is directly concerned with drilling units,
as fuel oil, bulk materials, potable and drill waters. VDL production units or other aspects of offshore exploration
and payload figures give a good indication of self-suffi- and production, the continuing provision of information
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-7


Lightship Deadweight

Fixed Hull Payloads Marine Growth, Ballast Mooring

Fittings Steel Snow & Ice Loads

Flexible Production Variable Production Variable Liquids in Lower

Riser Tension Deckloads Liquids Hulls and Columns

Hull Outfitting Equipment: Consumables: Miscellaneous: Drill Water Anchors

Foundations Pot. Water Wire
Hull Equipment Drill Pipe Casing Hook Load Fuel Oil Chain
Electrical Equip. Collars Mud Setback Load Base Oil Buoys
Electrical Cables BOP(s) Cement Rotary Load Brine Pendants
Ship Service Piping Drilling Riser Lube Oil Riser Tension Vertical Tension
Drilling Equipment Burner Booms Fuel in Day Tks Guideline Ten.
Drill System Piping Cement Unit Stores Diving Equip.
Production Equip. Well Test Equip. Crew & Affects Helicopter
Prdn. System Piping Etc. Etc. Helicopter Fuel
Forklift Truck

Figure 43.5 Weight Distrubution Diagram – Drilling and/or Production

found in the yearly proceedings of the Offshore Technol- its final depth, electric logs are run to determine the prob-
ogy Conference (9), would be of great benefit. A brief de- able producing zones. Once it is determined that sufficient
scription of the drilling operation follows, however, to pro- quantities of oil or gas exist, the production casing, or liner,
vide a ready reference to understanding the unique features is run and cemented in place. Production tubing is then run
of these vessels. to the zone determined to contain the oil or gas. Only after
Drilling from a bottom-supported vessel, for example, this takes place takes place is the well completed by re-
a submersible, jack-up or fixed production platform, is an moving the BOP stack and installing the Christmas Tree,
extension of land drilling where the Wellhead is located an assembly of valves, gages, pipes and fittings used to
above the water and completely observable. During the control the flow of oil and gas from the wellhead to the pro-
drilling operation the wellhead is protected by a blow out cessing facility. When located above the surface of the
preventer (BOP) stack consisting of a series of hydrauli- water a Christmas Tree is commonly called a dry tree.
cally operated devices assembled into a package unit that When drilling from a floating structure such as a semi-
is used to contain abnormal pressures in the well bore submersible or drill ship, the operation becomes more
while drilling the well. The internal devices can close complex. Heave, roll, pitch, surge and sway of the vessels
around a tubular inside the drilling riser or shear it through, dictate that the wellhead and BOP must be located on the
as the situation dictates. After the hole has been drilled to seabed. (In this case, the Christmas Tree installed after
43-8 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 43.I Typical Drilling Vessel Loads

Jack-up Semi-submersible Drill Ship

(to 120 m WD) (to 2280 m WD) (to 3030 m WD)

Item Transit Elevated Transit Operating Transit Operating

Variable Deck Load:

Sack Materials 375 375 375 375 455 455
Bulk Storage 360 360 360 360 835 835
Drill Pipe & Collars 295 295 320 320 565 565
Casing 145 145 240 240 650 650
Drilling Riser 110 110 2505 2505 3315 3315
BOP Stack(s) 165 165 300 300 320 320
Liquid Mud Storage 700 700 725 1660 2650 2650
Miscellaneous Tank Contents 165 165 300 300 320 320
Drilling Tools 150 150 230 230 320 320
Third Party Equipment 115 115 115 115 390 390
Hook 0 150 0 150 0 150
Rotary 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tensioner 0 0 0 0 0 0
Setback 0 250 0 250 0 350
Crew & Affects 20 20 40 40 50 50
Diving Equipment 0 0 105 105 140 140
Total VDL 2600 3000 5500 6875 10 025 10 575
Hull Consumables:
Drilling Fluids 670 670 745 745 4250 4250
Potable Water 145 145 250 250 705 705
Fuel Oil 260 260 845 845 2915 2915
Total Payload: 3675 4075 7340 8715 17 895 18 445
Ballast 400 0 410 16 660 18 225 19 575

well completion is called a wet tree.) A marine riser is used plete listing of mobile offshore drilling units see references
as a conduit to return the drilling fluids and cuttings back 11 and 12.
to the rig and guide the drill and casing strings (and other
tools) into the hole (Figure 43.7). At the lower end of the Submersibles
riser is the ball joint, a flexible joint that permits lateral de- The first submersible units were barges with land drilling
viation from vertical. (An optional upper ball joint may be rigs set on deck. As long as water depths did not exceed 1.5
used in very deep water.) Located at the upper end of the meters, the barges could be ballasted down to establish a
riser is the slip joint. The slip joint consists of two concen- stable platform.
tric pipes or barrels that telescope together and compen- These primitive shallow steel barges, the first sub-
sate for heave or horizontal displacement of the rig while mersibles, were used for many years. Figure 43.8 depicts
maintaining the integrity of the marine riser. Attached to Kermac Rig 16, built by Kerr-McGee – the first platform
the outside of the riser are the choke and kill lines used to built outside of sight of land in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
control high-pressure occurrences. in 1947. The platform was also the first to have a tender
For more on the early history of vessels types referred vessel. Note the shrimp trawler to the left used to ferry
to in this section, see reference 10. workers and supplies. These steel barges provided stability
In this Section Rig Specifications of particular vessels for the drill floor but later in the decade they provided
are provided as examples of the various types. For a com- something even more valuable – mobility. Shallow water
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-9

Figure 43.6 Concept of Topside Potential on a Floating Structure to Topside Weight on a Fixed Structure

Figure 43.8 Kermac 16 – Barge Submersible

wooden platforms cost nearly $3 million dollars each to

build in the late 1940s. For a gusher, the price was afford-
able, but if the hole was dry, and there were a lot of dry
holes in those days, non-mobile wooden platforms became
prohibitively expensive when water depths surpassed 3
Figure 43.7 Floating Drilling System meters (10).
43-10 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

From the single submersible steel barge to a stacked TABLE 43.II RIG Specifications: Noble Fri Rodli
double barge combination, separated by columns, sub-
mersibles were able to extend their use to deeper and Max. water depth 21.34 m
deeper waters. In 1956, Kerr-McGee built Rig 46, operable Drilling depth 7620 m
in up to 21.3 meters water depth. It used large cylinders at
Design temp. 0º C
the four corners of the platform for ballasting instead of a
standard barge hull. After a sequence of larger units for Hull size 86.6 × 85.3 × 30.5 m
even greater water depth, Kerr-McGee again topped the VDL 1968 tonne
race by building a unit that could work in up to 51.4 meters Quarters 56
water depth. The unit was triangular-shaped and each side
Main engines (3) EMD 12-645-E8, 1650 Hp (ea.)
was 118.3 meters in length, becoming the largest sub-
mersible unit ever built. Main generators (3) EMD A20-T6, 1050 kw each,
But, building larger submersibles that could rest on the 600VAC
seafloor became increasingly expensive as water depths in- Drawworks Continental Emsco, 2000 Hp
creased and the submersible gave way to more economical Mud pumps (2) Continental Emsco FA-1600
solutions, the jack-up and semi-submersible. Today, there Triplex, 1700 Hp
are only nine submersibles actively drilling in offshore wa- Top Drive None
ters. Water depth capabilities range from 2.5 to 26 meters.
Derrick Continental Emsco 43.3 m height,
A typical example is Noble Fri Rodli, owned by Noble 635.2 t capacity
Drilling Co. (Figure 43.9). The rig specifications for this
vessel are givenn in Table 43.II. BOP Shaffer 13 5/8″ – 10 000 psi
Design Transworld Jack-ups
U.S. Navy construction battalions in the waning days of
World War II used quickly installed docks designed by
Leon Delong. The docks were equipped with pilings fas- lifted out of the water to the desired level with continuing
tened to the dock hull after they were jacked down into the stroke of the cylinders. After the war the Offshore Com-
seabed with a pneumatic cylinder. The entire dock then pany contracted with Delong to build a barge expressly
outfitted for drilling. Barge No. I emerged with twelve 1.83
m diameter caissons and was capable of drilling in 12.2 m
water depth. In 1955, the Zapata Company took delivery of
a revolutionary jack-up hull designed by Robert Le-
Tourneau that had three legs instead of the previously in-
stalled 10 to 16 legs and used reversible electric motor
power for jacking. This basic design configuration contin-
ues to this day with technological improvements intro-
duced by various other designers.
Table 43.III provides rig specifications for Global-
SantaFe Rig Constellation I (Figure 43.10) designed for all
year North Sea harsh environment operation in 106.68 me-
ters of water and up to 121.92 meters in less challenging
environments; for example, U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
Going on location and positioning the jack-up involves
a particularly unique set of operations. The legs must first
be jacked down to the seabed followed by a test of the suit-
ability of the seabed as a foundation. The test is made by
pumping water into hull tanks in order to preload the leg
supports so that the vertical leg reaction achieved on each
leg is at least equal to the computed maximum vertical leg
reaction due to maximum gravity plus overturning load of
Figure 43.9 Column-stabilized Submersible Noble Fri Rodli the design severe storm condition. A discussion of the
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-11

TABLE 43.III Rig Specifications: Rig Constellation I

Max. water depth 121.92 m

Drilling depth 9144 m
Design temp. –20º C
Hull size 70.4 × 76.2 × 9.45 m
Leg length (3) 167.3 m
VDL 4537 tonne
Quarters 120
Main engines (5) CAT 3516B, 1855 Hp (ea.)
Main generators (5) 1386 kw each, 600VAC
Drawworks Nat’l. Oilwell 1625, 3000 Hp
Mud pumps (3) Nat’l Oilwell 14-P-220,
Triplex, 2000 Hp
Top Drive Nat’l. Oilwell PS2 650/750
Drill floor/Cantilever load 1180 t, max.
Cantilever reach 22.86 m aft of transom
Derrick 51.82 m height, 726 t Hook
Figure 43.11 Jack-up Unit in Drilling Mode Over a Fixed Offshore Installation
BOP 18 3/4″ – 5000 psi
Design Friede & Goldman JU-2000
platform or other structure (Figure 43.11). These moorings
are only deployed on a temporary basis and are not relied
upon for structural stability. Semi-submersibles
In the early 1950s research into drilling in waters of the
Gulf of Mexico too deep for fixed exploratory platforms
began. Studies of partially flooded hulls conducted earlier
by the U.S. Navy, the University of California and Shell
Oil Co., indicated that it might be possible to partially bal-
last down a large hull and remove most of the motion that
floating vessels experience at the sea surface. Since Shell
Oil Co. had already investigated seafloor wellhead sys-
tems, wellhead reentry and remotely operated vehicles,
this was a logical next step. If the surface motion became
less of a problem it followed that it might be possible to
separate the motion of the well conductor pipe from the
hull and, additionally, move the blowout preventer (BOP)
from the deck to the seabed. The design objective was to
Figure 43.10 GlobalSantaFe Rig Constellation I make the total system relatively insensitive to water depth.
Success in these ventures resulted in vessels capable of
jacking and preload systems is contained in Section 43.2 of drilling in the roughest weather.
this chapter. Semi-submersible drilling units have evolved through
Jack-up rigs are used for exploration, development several generations of development. In fact, it is common
drilling and well servicing (workover) operations. They in the industry to refer to a certain design of semi-sub-
normally utilize spread moorings (three or four leg sys- mersible by its generation number. Since the first floating
tems) for positioning assistance while locating near a fixed vessels were designed for drilling within the limits of the
43-12 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

continental shelf, typically up to 200 meters water depth, TABLE 43.IV Rig Specifications: Rig Development Driller I
they are referred to as first generation units. As technology
developed, exploration proceeded in steps out to the limits Max. water depth 2,290 m
of the slope from the shelf to deep oceans, 2500 to 3050 Drilling depth 11,430 m
meters. These steps in technology and vessel design, are
Design temp. –10º C
generally categorized as follows:
Hull size 70.4 × 76.2 × 9.45 m
1st Generation: Chain or wire, only – 180 to 300 m,
VDL 7000 t
2nd Generation: Chain/wire combination – to 600 m,
3rd Generation: chain/wire combination with thruster as- Quarters 152
sist – to 1100 m, Main engines (8) CAT 3612, 4800 Hp (ea.)
4th Generation: chain/wire combination with thruster as- Main generators (8) 3600 kw each, 11 000 VAC
sist – to 1500 m,
Station keeping Self-contained chain/wire mooring &
5th Generation: chain/wire combination with thruster as- DP 2+
sist, pre-laid moorings or Dynamic Positioning – to
Drawworks Primary: 7000 Hp, AHC* Secondary:
about 3000 m.
4000 Hp, AHC*
An example of a 5th generation drilling vessel is Glob- Mud pumps (3) Triplex, 2200 Hp & (1) Quintuplex,
alSantaFe Rig Development Driller I (Figure 43.12). It is 2000 Hp
designed for exploration or development drilling in up to Top Drive Primary: Dual motor, 907.4 t;
2290 meters water depth, GOM. Secondary: 454 t
The mooring system includes eight traction winch/
Derrick 64 m (to water table), 907.4 t Hook load,
windlass units managing a chain/steel wire rope configu-
Primary; 454 t, Secondary
ration, using as many as two mooring lines per winch
frame. BOP 18 3/4″ – 15 000 psi
Uniquely, the system will allow the vessel to be con- Design Friede & Goldman ExD
nected to either 8, 12 or 16 anchor lines on a pre-laid or
conventionally moored system, providing redundancy and * AHC = Active Heave Compensation
greater flexibility during storm conditions. Table 43.IV
provides rig specifications for this vessel. teristics and sufficient air gap for normal sea state wave
Typically, semi-submersible drilling units have three clearance.
modes of operation, occurring at different drafts as shown Since these vessels often remain on location for weeks
in Figure 43.13. The unit would normally operate in the and even months at a time they are subject to encountering
drilling mode at the Normal Operating Draft, the deepest severe storms and must be elevated to the Survival Draft to
design draft, where the vessel has its best motion charac- increase its air gap and prevent waves slamming into lower
portions of the upper hull or deck. The shallowest draft is
the Transit Draft, which is the elevation at which the vessel
is moved from site to site. The difference between the nor-
mal operating draft and the transit draft is normally about
12 to 15 meters. The difference between the normal operat-
ing draft and the survival draft is normally 4.5 to 6 meters
and is determined by the design storm wave height.
During the operations of exploration and development
drilling, well workover or well servicing by floating struc-
tures it is necessary to hold excursions of the vessel within
maximum limits suitable for maintaining structural in-
tegrity of the marine riser system that connects the vessel
to the well. It is necessary, therefore, to perform a complete
marine riser design and analysis considering vessel motion
parameters and expected operating environment. The de-
sign objective is to maintain a maximum riser angle within
Figure 43.12 GlobalSantaFe Rig Development Driller I 2 degrees of vertical at the lower ball joint of the BOP to
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-13

Figure 43.13 Operating Drafts of a Semi-submersible Drilling Vessel

prevent excessive wear due to the spinning drill pipe inside CUSS I was able to operate in up to 100 meters in the
when drilling. This makes the operation weather depend- roughest weather offered by the Santa Barbara Channel.
ent and forms the primary factor in the design of the sta- After several years of successful drilling, larger vessels
tionkeeping system requiring very large restoring forces. with larger moonpools were purpose-built. Eventually, the
mooring system was dropped when water depths presented Drill ships and barges too many problems. Without a mooring system the drill
The primary difference between a drill ship and conven- ship could drill almost anywhere. Dynamic positioning of
tional vessel is the presence of a center opening (moon- the vessels was aided by the use of a taut wire connecting
pool) through the depth of the vessel for conducting the vessel to the seabed. Tiny changes in wire angle sig-
drilling operations. The same is so for drill barges. naled a series of thrusters to push the vessel back into po-
In the early 1950s, research was started into solving the sition. Watch circles of as little as 150 meters in 450 me-
problem of drilling in deep water off the coast of Califor- ters water depth were possible. With the advent of satellite
nia. The climate offshore is mild but the seabed falls off navigation, the taut wire has become a back-up device.
much faster than in the GOM which has a 200 mile shelf. Today, giant all-weather, wide-beam drill ships exceed-
A group of production companies – Continental (Conoco), ing 150 meters are being constructed with enlarged der-
Union, Shell and Superior – formed the CUSS Group, and ricks, drill floors and moonpools to carry out multiple drill
began to experiment with various forms of a motion-re- floor operations. The primary mission of these giant
stricted, ship-shape, unballasted vessel. One step was the drilling units is to conserve drilling time on projects in
conversion of a large U.S. Navy barge to a drilling unit. 1120 to 2240 meters water depth and surpass the 3050
The barge would become the CUSS I (Figure 43.15). This meter mark when the need arises. Some drill ships are
vessel featured an interior moonpool beneath the drilling arranged with crude oil storage tanks for extended well test
derrick and was tightly moored to six pre-set buoys. A operations. An example of such a drill ship is Deepwater
birdcage shaped drilling base and BOP stack were lowered Pathfinder, owned by Deepwater Drilling L.L.C. (Figure
to the seabed. In order to compensate for the vertical mo- 43.16). Rig specifications for this vessel are given in Table
tion of the hull, a slip joint was installed in the drill string. 43.V.
43-14 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 43.14 Semi-submersible at Drilling Draft

Figure 43.16 Drill Ship Deepwater Pathfinder in Transit Mode

43.1.6 Unique Features and Capabilities –

Production Vessels
Just as the technology used in designing mobile offshore
drilling units developed over many years and been proven
highly successful, so also, in logical fashion, has technol-
ogy been extended to develop the systems necessary to
make production of oil and gas from floating vessels cost
effective, most notably, in subsea completion equipment
and flexible production riser design. Other major advance-
ments have been in mooring design and process equipment
capable of operating while the vessel rolls, pitches and
heaves. Reference to Figure 43.17 will give the reader a
simplified illustration of the production process that re-
ceives crude oil from an underground reservoir and sepa-
rates it into water, oil and gas and exports the products via
a pipeline (where the infrastructure exists) or to a tanker.
Production vessels discussed further in this chapter will
contain all or parts of the equipment shown with the possi-
ble addition of a drilling package for development drilling
Figure 43.15 CUSS I or well workover.
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-15

TABLE 43.V Rig Specifications: Deepwater Pathfinder cations, minimizes time to production and export and re-
duces the cost of field abandonment.
Max. water depth 3050 m Floating production unit (FPU) is a term used herein to
Drilling depth 9144 m refer to all production facilities that float rather than the
traditional fixed platform that is structurally supported by
Design temp. –10° C
the sea floor. Included would be jack-ups, semi-sub-
Hull size, L×B×D 221.5 × 42 × 20 m mersibles, tension leg platforms (TLP), spars and ship or
Operating draft 13 m barge-shaped vessels individually referred to as an FPSO
Displacement at 103 000 tonne (floating production, storage and offloading unit).
Operating draft For more on the early history of vessel types referred to
VDL 7480, plus 12 400 tonne liquids in this Section, see reference 13.
Crude oil storage Segregated, 15 500 cu. m
Quarters 130 Submersibles
Main engine/gens (3) Wartsila 18V32, 7000 kW (each), Although the submersible drilling unit has been virtually
plus (3) Wartsila 12V32, 4700 kW displaced in the industry, the concept has found a unique
(1) ea. in ea. of (3) engine/gen position in the production industry. Commonly titled Grav-
rooms ity Based Structures (GBS), they may be used when the
Power 35 100 kW, total, 11 000 VAC seabed conditions are not suitable for piling support. Most
Stationkeeping DP 3 of these type structures are made from concrete and are al-
Maneuvering (3) Bow and (3) stern thrusters – ternatively called Concrete Gravity Structures (CGS).
4000kW ea. The early development of gravity platforms in the
1970s was driven by the generic requirements to store
Transit speed 10 knots
large volumes of oil and support a heavy topside weight in
Drawworks 6600 Hp (w/6 1100 motors, AC) deepwater. A large number of this type platform has been
Mud pumps (4) Triplex, Nat’l. Oilwell, 2,200 Hp built, characterized by the Olav Olsen Condeep concept.
Top Drive Varco TDS-8S (AC) (Figure 43.18.) This concept consists of two major sec-
tions, the hull and the deck. The hull consists of ballast
Derrick 64 m height, 907.4 t Hook load
tanks and support columns. Each ballast tank is equipped
BOP 18 3/4″ – 5 000 psi with ballast valves and pumps. The valves may be opened
Design Friede & Goldman ExD to admit seawater as ballast and in the early stages of op-
eration they serve as mooring for the platform. Later they
may be pumped free of seawater and used as storage for oil
The primary application for floating production vessels produced by the rig or neighboring rigs without storage
is in water depths greater than that which can be exploited capability.
by conventional fixed platforms. However, since they are Most offshore vessels are fabricated on land, dry, and
mobile and convertible, it can be advantageous in using then spend their lives afloat. Big concrete bottom-founded
them for production in water depths normally occupied by structures are primarily fabricated afloat and spend their
conventional fixed platforms to minimize capital invest- lives grounded. Because they spend a key phase of their
ment risks or to allow multiple deployments. If recoverable existence afloat and have the capability of being rede-
reserves and/or production rates are less than expected ployed, they can be considered a floating structure. Actu-
(marginal fields), the vessels can later be used on other dis- ally, construction of a GBS normally commences in a dry
coveries or converted for other applications. In areas where dock adjacent to the sea (Figure 43.19). The structure is
pipe line infrastructures are limited or unavailable, floating built vertically, from the bottom of its 144 × 161 meter
production operations can be performed on ships, con- skirt to the top of its four support columns. The base has a
verted tankers or barges, due to their large capacities for dry weight of 656 000 tonnes, made up of 245 000 cubic
onboard storage, allowing sufficient time to limit the im- meters of concrete and 100 000 tonnes of reinforcing steel.
pact of weather on shuttle tanker off-loading, or other lo- Topsides weight is 22 500 tonnes.
gistical delays. In summary, floating production opens The tow was 278.4 kilometers through fjords and open
marginal fields to production, allows access to remote lo- sea. Ten of the world’s largest tugs, eight ahead, towing
43-16 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 43.17 The Production Process – Simplified

and two astern, steering were used. At an average speed of is then towed to the field site and filled with seawater to
1 knot, tow time was approximately 174 hours. sink it to the seabed. Structures of this design can store up
A tabular listing of gravity based offshore structures lo- to 3 000 000 bbls of produced oil.
cated worldwide and their rig characteristics can be found
in reference 14. Jack-ups
The Troll A platform shown in Figure 43.20 weighed Jack-ups are a proven workhorse for drilling in shallow
nearly 1 million tonnes (with ballast) during its tow to site waters and since the four-leg jack-up Gulftide, (Figure
off Norway. It is the world’s tallest concrete offshore struc- 43.21) converted for early production system operation,
ture (470 meters tall) and is located in 303 meters water was installed in the Ekofisk field in Norway, a reliable op-
depth. The overall height of the concrete gravity base is erating record has been established for production and pro-
370 meters from the bottom up, to a point where the dock duction/drilling service.
can be flooded and the partially completed structure Jack-ups offer a cost efficient solution for short life
floated to deeper, sheltered water. Further construction to fields when compared to a fixed platform jacket structure
bring it to its final height takes place while it is floating. It or subsea (wet tree) applications. Because they are mobile
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-17

Figure 43.19 GBS in Drydock

Figure 43.18 Condeep Structure

units, installation, hook-up, commissioning and decom-

missioning costs can be significantly reduced.
The main disadvantage of a jack-up is that unless a
pipeline infrastructure is available for export, a FSO (float-
ing storage and offloading unit) with shuttle tankers or a di-
rect shuttle loading (DSL) system is required. The invest-
ment in separate, dedicated storage and shuttling facilities
can be high when compared to using an FPSO with its in-
ternal storage capacity.
Production from Gulftide at Ekofisk began in 1971, 18
months after discovery. The initial field configuration con- Figure 43.20 Troll A During Tow to Site
sisted of four subsea wells tied back to the platform. Since
then production jack-ups have evolved into sophisticated
newbuild units such as TPG 500 installed in 1996 in 120 of 300 plus units. Currently, there are 22 jack-ups fitted for
meters water depth on the Harding field in the central production service. Of these, three are new builds and the
North Sea. The vessel supports a process facility of 65 000 rest are converted units. Operating depths range between 8
b/d (barrels per day) of oil and 1 MMm3/d (million cubic and 110 meters and maximum production rates range from
meters per day) gas. It rests on an 84 000 tonne concrete 3000 b/d of oil to 150 000 b/d and 0 to 560 scfd (standard
gravity base that stores produced oil for shuttle tanker cubic feet per day) gas processing. Table 43.VI provides
transport, eliminating need for a pipeline. rig characteristics for Maersk Giant, (Figure 43.22) one of
Published data (13,15,16) indicates the number of pro- the largest conventional production jack-ups, supported on
duction jack-ups is less than 10% of the total jack-up fleet its spud cans on the seabed.
43-18 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

Figure 43.21 Production Jack-up Gulftide (First Production Jack-up Unit) Figure 43.22 Maersk Giant

TABLE 43.VI Rig Specifications: Maersk Giant References 15 and 16 provide rig characteristics of the
world fleet of production jack-ups.
Max. water depth 107 m
Operating depth 93 m Semi-submersibles
The same features that contribute to making a semi-sub-
Location Norway m
mersible a versatile drilling rig also are applicable to mak-
Design temp. –20º C ing it a strong candidate for floating production. It has a
Hull size 84.43 × 89.92 × 9.45 m large deck area and relatively low sensitivity to topside
Leg length (3) 147.2 m payload arrangement. Also, it is relatively insensitive to in-
creasing water depth with the increased vertical loads of
Facilities weight 1326 t (Equip. plus VDL)
the mooring and riser systems offset by reducing ballast.
Quarters 94 The hull configuration results in a stable platform with low
Installed power 16 650 kW vertical motions that allows production to continue in se-
Max. oil prdn. 38 000 b/d vere sea states. Because they do not need to weathervane
like a ship, they can support a large number of vertical
Max. water prdn 25 000 b/d
Gas processing 0 The main disadvantage of a semi are a lack of onboard
Gas compression 21 MM scf/d storage of any significance, requiring export facilities as
Water injection 38 M b/d discussed for the production jack-up when there is no pipe
Design life at location 8 years infrastructure. Also, the motions of a semi require subsea
completions (wet trees) and flexible risers, which can have
Design Hitachi Giant Class
an impact on field production cost.
The world’s first floating production system was in-
stalled in 1975 in the North Sea Argyll field off the Scot-
tish coast in 83.82 meters water depth. The vessel, Trans-
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-19

world 58, was a first generation semi-submersible unit TABLE 43.VII Rig Characteristics: Åsgard B
with a processing facility consisting of a production mani-
fold, two stages of oil/gas/water separation and an oily Operating water depth 300 m
water treatment system. Location Åsgard Field, Norway
Since beginning their lives as converted drilling rigs
Design temp. –20º C
semi-submersible production platforms have evolved into
high capacity purpose-built designs. Of the current world Hull size 114.9 × 96 × 53.95 m
fleet of thirty-six semi-submersible production units, eight Topsides weight 33617 tonne
are new builds and seven of the new builds are located in Quarters 120
the North Sea. The largest hull displacement is 189 000 Installed power Two LM2500 28.4 MW
tonnes, by the concrete semi-submersible Troll B, operated
by Norsk Hydro A/S at the Snorre field off Norway. Max. oil prdn. 40 000 b/d
Published data indicates that of the production semis in Gas processing 1342 MM scf/d
operation, water depths range from 79.3 to 1738 meters. Design life at location 50 years
Maximum production for these units range from 10 000 to Field life (est,) 30 years
267 000 b/d of oil and 0 to 38 MMm3/d of gas processing.
Station keeping Moored, 16-point to suction anchors
Rig characteristics for Åsgard B (Figure 43.23), a purpose-
built semi (the largest steel hull production semi-sub- Design Kvaerner/GVA Consultants
mersible in the world at 84,400 tonnes displacement) are
shown in Table 43.VII. A complete listing of the world
fleet of production semis with rig characteristics can be
found in references 15 and 16.
Reference 17 is a source of data for history and devel-
opment of semi-submersible production technology from
1975 to 1993. Tension leg platforms

Tension Leg Platforms (TLPs) are a hybrid of a fixed plat-
form type deck and a semi-submersible hull (Figures 43.4
and 43.25). The hull is vertically moored to the seabed pil-

Figure 43.24 Tension Leg Platform (TLP)

ings by an array of very stiff tendons (also referred to as

tethers) held in tension by the buoyancy of the hull. The
tendons, arranged in groups at each corner of the vessel,
are connected to the columns of the hull and to foundations
on the seabed. The system of tendons restrains surge, sway
Figure 43.23 Åsgard B Under Tow to Site and yaw response within acceptable limits yet holds heave,
43-20 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 43.VIII Rig Characteristics: Ursa TLP

Displacement 90 000 tonnes

Location 209.2 km southeast of New Orleans,
Total steel weight 64 320 tonnes
Steel Columns:
Diameter 25.9 m
Height 53.95 m
Ring Pontoons:
Height 8.84 m
Width 11.58 m
Total hull weight 29 060 tonnes
W×L 91.44 × 91.44 m
Figure 43.25 Ursa TLP Height 15.24 m
Total Topside weight 22 760 tonnes
roll and pitch motions to very small amplitudes compared Oil 150 000 b/d (plus condensate)
to semis and spars. Gas 400 MM scf/d
The major advantage of a TLP is that the limited heave Produced water 50 000 b/d
response allows for surface (dry) trees and rigid production Tendons:
risers along with the capability of containing an integral Number 16
development drilling and well intervention or workover Diameter 813 mm
rig. Thickness 38.1 mm
The first TLP was installed in 1984, in 150.6 meters Length 1158 m
water depth of the Hutton field in the northern sector of the Total Weight 16 257 tonnes
UK North Sea. The successful performance of this unit has Pile Anchors:
spawned the design and installation of many others, most Number 16
of which have been installed in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Diameter 2.44 m
Ursa (Figure 43.25), a TLP owned by Shell Exploration & Length 134.1 m
Production Co. (SEPCo) and its partners BP Amoco, Weight 6178 tonnes
Conoco and Exxon is the largest structure installed in the
GOM with a displacement of approximately 99 000 tonne.
The overall height of the vessel is 147.8 meters to the pitch below the wave spectral energy range and those of
crown of the drilling rig, and has a total deck area of over surge, sway and yaw well above the range.
2.1 m2 It is installed in 1158.2 meters water depth, the The size of the tendons is very sensitive to deck struc-
deepest for a GOM production unit, and fully assembled, tural weight, topside payload and water depth.
it is 1306 meters overall height above the sea floor. Addi- Excessive deck load with inadequate ballasting capa-
tional rig characteristics of Ursa are shown in Table bility may result in slack tension in large waves, which
43.VIII. could be catastrophic to the system. Because of this sensi-
All TLPs installed to date are in areas where pipeline tivity to hull loadings TLPs are not normally designed for
export of oil and gas is used except for one, Heidrun, the onboard crude storage. Pending further research and de-
world’s first TLP with a concrete hull, installed in 1995 in velopment, TLPs are limited in water depth to about 2150
the Norwegian North Sea. Although the vessel exports nat- meters due to the system stiffness requirements to keep the
ural gas via pipeline to two land facilities in Norway, oil natural periods (heave and pitch) low. The thickness/diam-
export is primarily by direct shuttle tanker loading. eter ratio of the tendons to accommodate the collapse pres-
The success of a TLP design is in the natural period of sure and tensile load requirements also become more chal-
its tendon system. The tendons are designed to avoid reso- lenging in the ultra-deep waters because the tendons may
nances by putting the natural periods of heave, roll and not be designed as neutrally buoyant. Any net increase in
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-21

the tendon weight in water must be carried by the hull lead-

ing to increased hull displacement requirements.
TLP designs with full drilling and production capabil-
ity and large reservoirs have been joined by the Mini-TLP
concept (Figure 43.4), designed to offer more economic
solutions for processing of smaller reserves in both deep-
water and ultra-deepwater. It is also targeted for use as a
utility, satellite or early production platform for larger dis-
coveries. The mini-TLP is based on the same first princi-
ples as other TLPs, but reconfigured to provide a lighter,
more efficient hull.
One example of the mini-TLP concept is called the
Moses TLP developed by MODEC, Houston, TX (Figures
43.26 and 43.27).
The first application of this concept was for El Paso En-
ergy Partners, L.P. Prince field development operating in
455 meters water depth in the GOM. The platform is the
first mini-TLP constructed to support dry trees and will
serve as a future destination for oil and gas developments
in other areas of the GOM.
This type design differs from other TLPs in that it has a
lower vertical center of gravity (VCG) which when com-
bined with smaller hull columns contributes to reduced
higher order loading effects. Higher order effects manifest
as springing and ringing loads in the tendons, which are
short period tendon tension variations due to resonant mo-
tions of the TLP hull.
Figure 43.27 Moses Prince Mini-TLP
A larger version of the MODEC TLP has been selected
for the Marco Polo project. It will be of similar hull con-
figuration with a displacement of 24 925 tonnes allowing a
12 775 tonnes topside payload. It will be installed in 1310 meters water depth in the GOM, which will be the deepest
water depth for a TLP in the world. Spars
A spar platform is a floating vessel normally consisting of
a single, vertical, large diameter cylinder that supports a
fixed platform type topsides with drilling and process
equipment. The hull is moored as a taut catenary system of
six or more lines anchored into the seafloor, providing lat-
eral station keeping. When configured as such the hull falls
into the category of Classical design (Figures 43.3 and
43.28). A modification of the original classical design is
the Truss Spar, (Figure 43.29), designed by CSO Aker
Maritime, Inc. With the truss spar, the cylindrical midsec-
tion is replaced with a truss section that is similar to the
structural framing of a fixed platform. When onboard stor-
age is not required the truss spar offers a lighter and more
cost-effective alternative while retaining the motion char-
acteristics of the original concept.
By virtue of a very deep draft (spars are sometimes re-
Figure 43.26 Moses TLP Concept ferred to as Deep Draft Caisson Vessels (DDCV), exceed-
43-22 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

TABLE 43.IX Rig Characteristics: Prince Mini-TLP

Displacement 13 124 tonnes

Location 193.1 km south of New
Orleans, LA
Total steel weight (deck and 4963 tonnes
Steel Columns:
W×L 7 × 5.5 m
Height 38.7 m
Octagonal base inside columns:
Diameter across the flats 22.86 m
Height 12.8 m
Total hull weight 3418 tonnes
Deck: W × L 42.7 × 41.1 m
Height 24.7 m
Total topside weight 4842 tonnes
Oil 50 000 b/d (plus condensate)
Gas 80 MM scf/d
Drilling: 1200 HP completion rig Figure 43.28 Genesis Spar

Number 8
Span 65.84 m
Diameter 610 mm
Thickness 20.6 mm
Length ≈ 436 m
Weight 143 tonnes (ea)
Pile Anchors:
Number 8
Diameter 1.6 m
Length 96.4 m
Weight 133 tonnes (ea)

ing 200 meters, they have significantly reduced heave re-

sponse and like the TLP, they can accommodate surface
trees and rigid risers.
In the Gulf of Mexico, the location for all spars in- Figure 43.29 Truss Spar
stalled to date, a large pipeline infrastructure exists to pro-
vide oil export routes, so it is natural that they have been
configured without oil storage. In this mode it is a direct platform located closer to shore where the separation or
competitor to the TLP (18). processing work can take place.
Configured without oil storage and connected to subsea Provided with oil storage and subsea (rather than sur-
wells, the spar can also provide a low cost platform for a face) well completions, the spar is a competitor for the
light topside package of equipment. This topside may con- FPSO, but in general, it is expected that the FPSO would
tain pumps for multiphase pressure boosting to a fixed be cheaper when subsea wells can be installed.
Chapter 43: Offshore Drilling and Production Vessels 43-23

TABLE 43.X Characteristics of Spar Platforms

Caisson Water No. of
Name/Field Dia. Depth Freeboard Size Production Topsides Mooring
(Operator) (m) (m) (m) (m × m) Operation Rates (tonnes) Lines

Neptune (Kerr 21.95 590 16.76 41.45 × 30.78 Production 25 000 bod 5990 6
McGee Corp.) + Workover 30 MM scfd gas (Payload)
Genesis 37.19 790 16.76 70.1 × 57.91 Production 55 000 bod 17 240 14
(Chevron USA) + Full Drilling 72 MM scfd gas (Payload)
Hoover/Diana 37.19 1463 16.76 ≈ 76 × 76 Production 100 000 bod 26 770 12
(Exxon Corp.) + Full Drilling 325 MM scfd gas (Payload)
Boomvang (Kerr 27.43 1052 15.24 ≈ 55 × 55 Production 40 000 bod 7800 (Total 9
McGee Corp.) + Workover 200 MM scfd gas Topsides)
Nansen (Kerr 27.43 1121 15.24 ≈ 55 × 55 Production 40 000 bod 7800 (Total 9
McGee Corp.) + Workover 200 MM scfd gas Topsides)

Characteristics of current spar designs are contained in water can be refitted with a different mooring system to
Table 43.X. Neptune, Genesis and Diana are installed in allow reuse in 600 to 2000 meters in other parts of the
the Gulf of Mexico. Nansen and Boomvang are currently world.
undergoing design and construction for future installation A more thorough and informative discussion on FPSOs
in the GOM. can be found in Chapter 30.
Reference 18 provides additional information on the in-
dividual spar platforms and a history of spar development.
43.1.7 General Arrangements Ship-shape surface units Drilling vessels
Since the first FPSO was installed in 1977 the global fleet Actual arrangements of drilling vessels are as varied as the
has grown dramatically. Beginning with the technology number of vessels operating, primarily due to preferential
developed for Offshore Loading Terminals, which loaded choices of the vessel owner/operating personnel rather
or unloaded tankers while temporarily moored, technical than the design naval architect or marine engineer. Certain
innovations coupled with the vessels’ versatility have components of arrangements, however, are typical to most
driven recent fleet additions. Designers have responded to rigs of a type. For drilling rigs other than jack-ups, the well
operator needs for FPSOs to handle production from larger center, located in the moon pool, is located as close as pos-
fields with greater number of wells in ever increasing sible to the horizontal center of gravity of the vessel to
water depths. This has primarily been made possible by minimize the effect of rotational motions, especially roll
improved flexible production riser, swivel and turret tech- and pitch which would increase any heave motions being
nologies that transmit larger numbers of flow paths from experienced. These motions, when excessive, can seri-
wells on the seabed up into the FPSO for crude processing. ously impair the operational functionality of the vessel by
Just as computer chips get smaller and do more, so have causing damage to the wellhead, down hole tools and top-
turrets shrunk and gained efficiency. side equipment such as that for pipe handling.
FPSOs offer large deck areas and very economical In most cases, the marine drilling riser has been stored
buoyancy when faced with the weight demands of produc- horizontally in racks. With the increase in water depth,
tion risers and mooring lines in deep waters; this includes riser joints are typically 22.86 m long, approximately 1270
deepwater designs where 40 or more risers are possible. mm overall diameter, including buoyancy jackets, and can
Versatility of FPSOs is further shown in their ability to ac- weigh as much as 27.22 tonnes each.
commodate a large range of water depths. For instance, Due to the weight, size and the fact that handling these
some North Sea FPSOs operating in 60 to 200 meters of tubulars is awkward and dangerous, modern catwalks are
Next Page
43-24 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

mechanized, and pipe handling processes from the pipe or drag-way, through a Vee Door, (Figure 43.33) to the
racks is often augmented with a specialized knuckle boom drill floor for make-up at the well center, and subsequent
crane, which will present a tubular to a conveyor located lowering into the well bore. In the case of the deepwater
on the catwalk, for final delivery to the drill floor. Modern semi-submersible or drillship, the concurrent activity ap-
pipe handling mechanisms are usually automated with proach to well bore construction processes is one where a
PLC control systems, which also reduces risk exposure to junior or auxiliary well center can support the senior or
personnel. primary well center by conducting open water operations
The Vee Door on most new deepwater and ultra-deep- without the marine drilling riser deployed. The junior well
water designs is large enough to accommodate two cat- center can also serve as a tubular make-up facility, where
walks for two well centers, supporting the operation re- drilling tubulars can be made up (joined and torqued up)
ferred to as dual or concurrent well activity, where the and stood back vertically in the derrick, off line or off of the
derrick supports two independent travelling assemblies. critical path, which are operations that are being conducted
Most operators now prefer to store and handle riser joints on the senior well center. Table 43.XI illustrates the load-
in a vertical position. The vertical handling approach elim- ing impact on the drill floor and substructure when ar-
inates motion translation(s) from horizontal to vertical and ranged for the concurrent drilling activity approach. Due
back, thereby reducing the potential danger to personnel to the enormous costs that are involved in drilling, testing
involved in the handling process and lessening risk of dam- and completing a deepwater well, any operation that can be
age to the expensive floatation modules, with which the conducted off of the critical path will result in substantial
riser tube and auxiliary lines are encased. cost savings to the operator (19).
Pipe racks are generally located in close proximity to One of the most important systems on a drilling rig is
the drill floor. Drilling tubulars are handled via a catwalk the mud system comprised of processing and circulating

TABLE 43.XI Typical Derrick/Substructure Design Criteria (Semi-submersible Exploration/Development Drilling Unit for Operations in
Deep to Ultra-Deep Waters)


Static Dynamic

Run Heavy Run

BOP Casing BOP Typical Damage Survival Transit

Draft (m) 17 17 17 17 17 15 8.23

Wind (m/sec) 0 0 25.74 36 25.74 51.48 25.74
Heave (D.A.) (m) 0 0 1.52 7.32 0 21.34 9.14
Heave Period (sec) 0 0 8 12 0 15 12
Roll/Pitch (S.A.) (degrees) 0 0 21) 81) 142) 121) 121)
Roll/Pitch Period (sec) 0 0 8 10 0 10 11
Rotary – Senior (tonnes) 0 907.4 0 363 0 136.1 0
Rotary – Junior (tonnes) 0 453.7 181.5 0 0 0
Hook Load – Senior (tonnes) 907.4 0 907.4 0 0 136.1 0
Hook Load – Junior (tonnes) 226.9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Setback (tonnes) 907.4 181.5 907.4 816.7 907.4 816.7 363
Riser Tensioner (tonnes) 0 907.4 0 1089 453.7 453.7 0

1) Roll and pitch motions are not simultaneous.

2) Static heel angle, degrees (Roll and pitch are simultaneous)
Chapter 44
Advanced Marine Surface Craft

Philippe Goubault and John Allison

44.1 INTRODUCTION forms, while commercial applications encompass high-

speed ferries.
This chapter covers the main types of Advanced Marine
A large proportion of powered pleasure craft make use
Surface Craft (AMCS), namely: monohulls, multihulls,
of advanced marine surface craft principles. Some pow-
small waterplane area hulls, hydrofoils, hovercraft and
ered pleasure craft achieve speeds of 70 knots or more,
wing-in-ground effect craft; each in a separate subsection
while offshore racing craft regularly reach speeds in excess
in Section 44.2.
of 200 miles per hour, by the combined use of advanced
Janes High Speed Marine Craft (1), which is published
hull forms and advanced partially submerged super-
annually, covers all known types of AMSC and provides all
caviting propellers. Such craft will not be covered in this
kinds of useful information for the designer of such craft, in-
cluding photos, line diagrams, and general data. However,
The final 20 years of the past century have witnessed a
there is no analysis or discussion of the design of these craft.
rapid growth of interest in the development of Fast (and
Advanced) Marine Vehicles for various applications.
44.1.1 Mission Whereas, up to the 1970s, the design of fast marine vehi-
The description and examples in this Section are meant to cles appeared to be of interest only to navy authorities (and
illustrate the state-of-the-art regarding the advanced con- drug runners), apart from the previously mentioned sports-
cepts mentioned in this chapter. These examples are craft.
merely a snapshot of the state-of-the-art at the time of writ- The various types of innovative ship designs, currently
ing, which keeps evolving with time. It is expected that under development or already in service, can be seen from
there will be continuing progress in this area. It is probable the comprehensive AMV development chart (Figure 44.1).
that new concepts will be developed when readers use this The chart is based on the four main physical concepts lead-
book. Nevertheless, the classification proposed for the var- ing to the force balancing the weight of the ship, namely the
ious type of lift will be applicable and will enable the hydrostatic buoyancy force, the hydrodynamic lift force, the
reader to assess the proposed concept against similar ex- aerostatic, powered fan-lift air force and the aerodynamic
isting advanced craft. lift force. A similar chart concept was introduced earlier by
Advanced Marine Surface Craft are destined for many Mueller-Graf (2). The basic concepts and the derivatives
missions, but will include a requirement for higher speed (hybrids) are filed column-wise according to origin of the
and better seakeeping than can be achieved by conven- major physical force balancing the ship’s weight during
tional hulls. service operation, notwithstanding the fact, that during op-
In the case of military applications, missions of fast pa- eration forces derived from other physical concepts might
trol boats are most commonly found to use advanced hull contribute to their weight balance. For example, the weight

Comments on Chart of Advanced Marine Vehicles and Explanation of Used Acronyms
1. ACV: Air Cushion Vehicle - Hovercraft, excellent calm water and acceptable seakeeping (limiting wave height), limited payload capacity.
2. ALH: Air Lubricated Hull, various developed concepts and patents, see type STOLKRAFT.
3. Deep V: ships with Deep V sections of semi-displacement type acc. to E. Serter (USA) or of more planing type, excellent calm water and payload characteristics, acceptable to good seakeeping, various concepts
4. FOILCAT: Twin hull (catamaran) hydrofoil craft of KVAERNER (Norway), likewise MITSUBISHI (Japan), excellent seakeeping (but limiting wave height) and calm water characteristics, limited payload.
5. LWC: Low Wash Catamaran - Twin hull superslender semi-displacement catamaran with low wave-wash signature of FBM Marine Ltd. (United Kingdom), employed for river and closed harbor traffic.
6. LSBK: Laengs Stufen-Bodenkanalboot- Konzept - Optimized, air-lubricated twin hull with stepped planing demihulls, separated by tunnel, aerodynamically generated cushion, patented in Germany.
7. MIDFOIL: Submerged foil body and surface piercing twin struts of NAVATEK-LOCKHEED (USA).
8. MONOSTAB: Semiplaning monohull with fully submerged stern fins of RODRIQUEZ (Italy).
9. MWATH: Medium Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship, as type SWATH, however with larger waterplane area, increased payload capacity and reduced sensitivity to weight changes, worse seakeeping.
10. SES: Surface Effect Ships, Air Cushion Catamaran Ship, similar to ACV type concept; however, improved seakeeping and payload characteristics.
11. SLICE: Staggered quadruple demihulls with twin struts on each side, according to NAVATEK-LOCKHEED (USA), currently tested as prototype.
12. SSTH: Superslender Twin Hull: Semidisplacement catamaran with very slender long demihulls of IHI shipyard (Japan), similar to type WAVEPIERCER.
13. STOLKRAFT: Optimized air-lubricated V-section shape catamaran, with central body, reduced frictional resistance characteristics, limited payload, questionable seakeeping in open seas, patented by STOLKRAFT (Aus-
14. Superslender Monohull with Outriggers: Long monohull with two small outriggers in the stern part according to KVAERNER-MASA (Finland), excellent calm water performance and payload characteristics, good sea-
keeping in head seas.
15. Superslender Monohull: excellent calm water and payload characteristics, non-validated seakeeping and structural design, EUROEXPRESS of KVAERNER-MASA Yards (Finland).
16. SWATH Hybrids: SWATH type bow section part and planing catamaran astern section (STENAs HSS, Finland, AUSTAL hybrids, Australia), derived from original type SWATH & MWATH concepts.
17. SWATH: Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship, synonym to SSC (Semi Submerged Catamaran according to MITSUI Ltd.), ships with excellent seakeeping characteristics, especially in short period seas, reduced pay-
load capacity, appreciable calm water performance.
18. TRICAT: Twin hull semi displacement catamaran with middle body above SWL of FBM Marine Ltd. (United Kingdom).
19. TRIMARAN: Long monohull with small outriggers at the center, proposed by Prof. D. Andrews - UCL London (United Kingdom), currently tested as large prototype by the UK Royal Navy (TRITON), similarities to the
Superslender Monohull with outriggers concept of KVAERNER-MASA.
20. TSL-F-SWASH: Techno-Superliner Foil version developed in Japan by shipyard consortium, submerged monohull with foils and surface piercing struts.
21. V-CAT: Semi displacement catamaran with V section shaped demihulls of NKK shipyard (Japan), as type WAVEPIERCER.
22. WAVEPIERCER: Semi displacement catamaran of INCAT Ltd. (Australia), good seakeeping characteristics in long period seas (swells), good calm water performance and payload characteristics.
23. WEINBLUM: Displacement catamaran with staggered demihulls, proposed by Prof. H. Soeding (IfS-Hamburg-Germany), very good wave resistance characteristics, acceptable seakeeping and payload, name to the honor
of late Prof. G. Weinblum.
24. WFK: Wave Forming Keel high-speed catamaran craft, employment of stepped planing demihulls, like type LSBK, but additionally introduction of air to the planing surfaces to form lubricating film of micro bubbles or
sea foam with the effect of reduction of frictional resistance, patented by A. Jones (USA).
25. WIG: Wing In Ground effect craft, various developed concepts and patents, passenger/cargo carrying and naval ship applications, excellent calm water performance, limited payload capacity, limited operational wave
height, most prominent representatives the ECRANOPLANS of former USSR.

Figure 44.1 Development of Basic Types and Hybrids of Advanced Marine Vehicles (3)
44-4 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2

of a planing craft is not entirely carried by the hydrody- In some kinds of high speed craft, the speed is high only
namic lift force but to a certain degree, depending on the relatively speaking if, for example, the goal is to maintain
speed of operation and the planing craft hull form. Also by speed in a heavy sea. For example, small waterplane area
hydrostatic forces according to the displaced water volume. vessels are designed to provide a high comfort and small
Trivially, at zero speed, the weight balance for all outlined added resistance in waves, but may not necessarily be in-
types is entirely accomplished by the hydrostatic buoyancy tended for speeds higher than that of conventional vessels
force. All the concepts listed in Table 44.I are globally filed in calm water. Thus, their speed can be relatively high
row-wise according to the degree of their development and when compared to conventional craft in high sea states.
deviation from the original main concept. Historically, Passenger comfort on high-speed ferries is a critical
technological developments are understood to have taken issue and is addressed by most hull forms through the
place from the left upper corner (Archimedean Principle) choice of vessel size and, in some instances, through active
towards the right and downward. means of controlling the motions. Motion control for
high speed ferries is achieved by using various combina- Military missions tions of hydrofoils, fins, trim tabs, and other devices. Sev-
Patrol boats are often required to operate swiftly and pre- eral companies provide specialist service in designing,
sent a significant and unpredictable threat to larger vessels manufacturing and installing ride control systems for high
by carrying missiles or torpedoes at high speed in coastal speed craft.
zones where detection is more difficult than in open Hydrofoils are the most demanding in this regard since
oceans. To further these capabilities, patrol craft are in- the craft is supported entirely by the foils, which are often
creasingly required to make use of stealth technologies. actively controlled. Craft such as Surface Effect Ships
In order to remain operational in rough weather, these have been fitted successfully with active vent valves to reg-
small craft are also required to offer good seakeeping ulate the cushion pressure and, therefore, the motions.
while maintaining speed. These capabilities require the Trim tabs, T-foils and other active ride control systems are
use of advanced hull form concepts such as hydrofoils, now utilized on many types of craft to improve their sea-
air cushion vehicles (ACV), or Surface Effect Ships keeping and ride comfort.
(SES). The growth of high-speed ferries also has been made
Larger vessels such as corvettes, also capable of high possible by advances in propulsion plant technology,
speeds, have been considered for more significant military as lightweight diesel engines and water jet propulsors
missions such as anti-submarine warfare, but have not have become more readily available in larger size and spe-
been built yet for these missions. cific power. Meanwhile, the use of gas turbine propulsion
for larger vessels has become acceptable to operators who Commercial vessels realize the benefit of a lightweight propulsion plant in im-
The common purpose of developing advanced hull forms proving the deadweight capacity and, therefore, revenue
for commercial use has consistently been to provide faster on such vessels.
and/or more comfortable vessels to carry passengers and One benefit of advanced hull forms is their stability
cars. It is notable, however, that with the growth in use of characteristics, which are usually far superior to those of
the generally more stable multihulls, combined with to- conventional monohull ferries. This is achieved with plan-
day’s more capable collision avoidance systems, there has ing monohulls by their wide beam.
been a significant improvement in the safety of operation For multihulls and air cushion vehicles it is because of
of these vessels. their wide beam and high amount of reserve buoyancy
Most advanced hull forms are designed to have low re- provided by the box structure. Another characteristic
sistance at high-speed compared to conventional displace- found in most multihull car ferries is that their car deck
ment monohulls, for example. As the dominant resistance usually sits much higher above the water than in conven-
component at high speed is friction, it is important to re- tional monohull ferries, making flooding of this deck much
duce the wetted surface area as much as possible. This is less likely.
usually achieved by reducing wetted surface by lifting the The few accidents in which advanced ferries were in-
hull entirely or partially out of the water. To achieve this, volved only reinforced the point that they are safer
hydrodynamic lift is used by hydrofoils and planing hulls, than conventional ferries. This, in the end, may be the
while powered aerostatic lift is used by air cushion vehi- most important aspect, which convinces ferry operators to
cles and surface effect ships. turn towards the advanced concepts addressed in this
Wing-In-Ground effect vehicles use aerodynamic lift. Chapter.
Chapter 44: Advanced Marine Surface Craft 44-5

Figure 44.2 Lift Pyramid

44.1.2 Unique Features Hull shape Vessel lift The shape of the hull itself is often what characterizes a
There are essentially four practical ways of providing the high-performance ferry. In the past decade, the emergence
fundamental lifting force for marine vessels. These are hy- of multihulls, especially catamarans, has been significant.
drostatic lift (buoyancy), hydrodynamic lift, aerodynamic Such hull forms are still most often conventional in that
lift and powered aerostatic lift. These means of lift can be they are supported by conventional displacement means
simply represented through the use of the lift pyramid and do not rely on advanced means of lifting themselves
(Figure 44.2), which is usually shown as a simple triangle out of the water. In such cases, the resistance may be re-
when the aerodynamically supported craft (which are still duced instead by the use of fine side hulls, which cut ef-
very few in the marine world) are excluded. This triangle fortlessly through the water. Such fine hulls are not suitable
was originally known as the Sustension Triangle and was for monohulls, as they would not provide adequate stabil-
developed by Dr. David Jewell of the Naval Surface War- ity in roll. This problem is alleviated when used in a mul-
fare Center at Carderock. Every marine vehicle hull form tihull configuration.
investigated can be located in the lift pyramid according to The following list delineates the hull forms discussed in
the type of lift by which it is supported. this chapter:
Note that SES use a combination of powered aerostatic
(air cushion), hydrodynamic, and hydrostatic lift. • monohull: semiplaning and planing,
At the four corners of the pyramid are the vessels, • multihulls:
which rely on a single mode of support. They are as shown catamarans:
in Table 44.I. Any combination of the four modes of sup- displacement,
port results in a hybrid vehicle. It is to be noted that most planing, low wash, and wave-piercer.
high performance craft are hybrids of some sort. Most Trimarans,
high-speed vessels are designed to benefit from some hy- SWATH and other small waterplane area vessels
drodynamic lift even if the vessel is not entirely supported (including semi-SWATH and O’Neill hull form),
by this means alone. • hydrofoil: fully submerged or surface-piercing foils
(monohulls and catamarans) and HYSWAS (hybrid of
TABLE 44.I The Four Pure Types of Hull Forms hydrofoil and small waterplane area single hull),
• air cushion vehicle and SES, and
Static Dynamic • wing-in-ground-effect vehicles (WIGs).

Water Hydrostatic Hydrodynamic For further consideration of the design of catamarans,

Air Aerostatic Aerodynamic see Chapter 45 and for SWATH and Trimarans, see Chap-
ter 46.
44-6 Ship Design & Construction, Volume 2


冢 冣
Fn =  ≥ 0.9
The following sections present a qualitative discussion of 兹苶g苶
the principal strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
or a Volumetric Froude Number of
The text provides an examination of each type of platform
and identifies the most suitable types prior to examining
冢 冣
vessels available on the market. Only those aspects, which FV =  ≥ 3.0.
are particularly important to a given approach, are dis- 兹苶g苶 苶3苶
cussed. Attributes or issues that are not mentioned can be
assumed to be minor for the platform or comparable to For designs in the past, hard chine hulls for boats were
others. always associated with planing craft.
Another characteristic of planing hulls is the occur-
44.2.1 Monohulls rence of complete flow separation at the transom and
sometime the sides. There are many variations of planing
There are numerous types of monohulls; displacement,
and semiplaning monohulls. Figure 44.3 illustrates cross
semiplaning and planing, but this chapter looks only at the
sections of some of these.
last two categories. The technology associated with plan-
The world’s navies have used small combatant ships
ing and semiplaning monohulls is generally mature, but is
and high-speed patrol craft of light displacement, and
still being developed for ocean-going Fastship Atlantic and
round bilge since the early 20th century. For the most part,
other new hull forms. Recent efforts in the development of
these designs finally gave way to hard chine hull forms and
semiplaning monohulls, however, have led to larger
then to double chine hull forms. Most of today’s planing
length-to-beam ratios, pushing high-speed designs toward

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