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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.56.656.425 on 1 June 1980. Downloaded from on February 7, 2020 by guest.

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Postgraduate Medical Journal (June 1980) 56, 425-426

Thyrotoxicosis presenting as orthostatic hypotension

M.D. M.D.
The Department of Internal Medicine 'B', Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, and The Sackler School of
Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel

Summary Investigations revealed normal blood picture,

The patient described, whose symptoms were masked ESR, serum electrolytes, urea, SMA 12 metabolic
initially by the lack of steroids, illustrates an unusual screen and 24-hr urinary catecholamine excretion.
case of orthostatic hypotension due to secondary ECG confirmed sinus tachycardia of 120/min.
adrenal insufficiency, caused by thyrotoxicosis. Examinations of her neurological status and eye
fundi were normal. Skull films and tomography of
Introduction the sella turcica revealed nothing.
Orthostatic hypotension is a relatively common Endocrine studies revealed low plasma ACTH
symptom caused by a variety of aetiologies. The (20 ng/l) in the presence of low plasma cortisols
most common of these are: neuropathies due to (110 ,imol/l) in the morning, 66-2 ,mol/l in the

systemic diseases such as diabetes, amyloidosis and evening) and low 24-hr urinary excretion of free
porphyria; vaso-vagal attacks; hypovolaemia; Shy- cortisol (59 Vg). The 24-hr urinary excretion of the
Drager syndrome (idiopathic orthostatic hypo- 17-KS (ketosteroids) was normal (6-1 mg) and that
tension); adverse effects of anti-adrenergic drugs, of the 17-OHCS (hydroxycorticosteroids) was
L-dopa and dopaminergic drugs; phaeochromo- slightly elevated (17-7 mg). The plasma cortisol
cytoma with prevalent secretion of epinephrine; responses to stimulation by corticotrophin, vaso-
and Addison's disease (Weissler and Warren, 1978). pressin and insulin hypoglycaemia were normal.
A patient is reported who presented with ortho- Plasma aldosterone levels (18-6 ,g/l) while recumb-
static hypotension and who was subsequently found ent and 27-9 ,ig/l after 4 hr walking) as well as 24-hr
to suffer from hypoadrenocorticism secondary to urinary aldosterone excretion (22-8 ,ig) were slightly
thyrotoxicosis. elevated in the presence of normal PRA (plasma
renin activity) (1-5 ng/ml/hr, basal and 6-6 ng/ml/hr,
Case report stimulated). The serum thyroxine (236 nmol/l and
A 42-year-old woman, who had previously been in T3 (5-4 (g/l) concentrations were elevated in the
good health, was admitted to hospital with severe presence of a normal serum TSH (4-9 , which
weakness, palpitations and syncope while standing did not rise in response to TRH stimulation.
or walking. Orthostatic hypotension was diagnosed Because of the low levels of plasma cortisol and the
before her admission and was based on marked clinical picture that was compatible with hypoadreno-
decrease of her systolic and diastolic BP (to 40/0 corticism treatment with prednisone 20 mg daily
mmHg), palpitations and paleness. Her disease had was started. During the following 2 days the patient's
started 3 weeks before admission with headache, clinical picture changed: weakness, apathy and ortho-
fever and orthostatic hypotension, the former 2 static hypotension disappeared and typical symptoms
symptoms subsiding spontaneously within a few of hyperthyroidism, such as excitation, tremor,
days. Examination showed her to be moderately increased appetite, excessive sweating, heat intoler-
obese, pale, with a tachycardia of 120/min. Her ance and ocular signs (bright-eyed appearance,
BP was 110/80 mmHg while supine and 40/0 mmHg positive von Graefe's sign) were observed. At this
while standing. She had mild hyperpigmentation of time 600 mg of propylthiouracil and 160 mg/day of
the eyelids and palm creases, mild exophthalmos DL-propranolol were administered, combined with
(OD =22 mm, OS = 24mm) and negative von Graefe's gradual tapering of prednisone dosage until the
sign. The thyroid was not enlarged and no tremor was complete cessation of therapy with steroids within
noted. a one-week period.
0032-5473/80/0600-0425 $02.00 © 1980 The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.56.656.425 on 1 June 1980. Downloaded from on February 7, 2020 by guest. Protected by
426 Case reports

The patient showed significant clinical improve- with the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis (Hellman,
ment with the above mentioned regime and could Bradlow and Zumoff, 1970). The dynamic tests
be discharged. One month later she was re-admitted performed showed that the hypothalamic-pituitary
for re-evaluation. The endocrine studies performed adrenal axis was normal. The diagnosis was con-
at this time showed normalization of her serum T4 firmed by high T3 and T4 levels and by the flat
(102 nmol/l), T3, 2-2 ,ug/l, as well as of her plasma thyrotrophin (TSH) curve after TRH stimulation.
cortisol concentrations (229-1 t.mol/l morning and Hyperthyroidism accelerates the catabolism of
132-5 umol/l, evening) and 24-hr urinary steroid cortisol (Beale, Croft and Powell, 1973), but its
excretion. plasma levels usually remain within normal limits
(Linquette et al., 1975), so that in most cases thyro-
Discussion toxic patients remain eucorticoid. However, thyro-
Despite the absence of presenting clinical symp- toxicosis does cause limitation of ACTH reserve in
toms there can be little doubt that this patient some cases (Ambrosi et al., 1970). This could not be
suffered from thyrotoxicosis (Labhart, 1974). proved in this patient by the insulin tolerance and
Arterial hypotension in general and orthostatic vasopressin tests although it is conceivable that
hypotension in particular are not presenting signs stress of another kind (febrile illness in this case)
of thyrotoxicosis (Ingbar and Woeber, 1974) but are could be sufficient to turn the unstable adrenocortical
frequent symptoms of hypoadrenocorticism (Lab- condition into clinically apparent insufficiency.
hart, 1974).
The absence of thyrotoxic symptoms in this References
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permissive action for her o-adrenergic receptor- LINQUETTE, M., LEFEBVRE, J., RACADOT, A., CAPPOEN, J.P.
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