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I just did a fresh install of the PBE and realized it's folder is only about 3,5GB while the original game
folder is about 7,5GB in size. I deleted already 2 years of log-files, but that made up only 404MB.
Meaning there are obviously a lot of "junk"- files from the old patches still in the gamefolder. I guess there
are also some additonal files from language changes and files from region changes, since I tried the
game in my country's language once and also have another account on the EUNE server. - Constantly
playing in English now only though.

Now, what can I delete savely from the game? What are the unused folders and the language folders I
don't need anymore?

Btw, yes I googled already to find a good solution and yes, I already looked up the folder structure by
myself - it has got 6383 folders, I would like to know more about it, before I start fiddling around with that
pile. Thanks in advance.

I deleted localisation folders named:
what shrunk the gamefolder to pretty ~3,5GB of size. I thought this would be it, but it seems at least the
folder /lol_game_client_en_gb is needed because I found data from 2013 in it, funny though that I could
start the client without it. - I guess it could cause an error if I would start game or something, so I don't
wanna mess with it. Meaning I put at least the en_GB back to the game.

That makes up the LoL folder to ~5,4GB. I think there is still a huge chunk of data that isn't necessary to
keep in it, if the public game client should have about the same size as the PBE client. Would be nice if
somebody would and could share some wisdom.

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