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Michael Lierz, Prof Dr. med. vet., DZooMed, Dip. ECZM (Wildlife Population Health), Dip.
ECPVS, and Rüdiger Korbel, Prof Dr. med. vet., Dip. ECZM (Avian)

Surgical intervention and painful conditions often apply to avian patients that are presented to veterinary
hospitals. Therefore, anesthesia and analgesia are an important part of the daily routine associated with
avian veterinary practice. These procedures differ from mammal medicine primarily because of different
physiologic composition and different anatomical structures, which are described when relevant to anesthetic
management. This article describes the most common anesthetic and analgesic procedures for birds and
provides recommendations for veterinarians who treat these species. Moreover, there are detailed descriptions
of preanesthetic and postanesthetic patient care and how to monitor anesthetized birds. Advantages and
disadvantages of the different anesthetic techniques and analgesic protocols are also reviewed. If one treats
birds in a veterinary hospital, it is important to have inhalation anesthesia equipment readily available so that
it can be used when needed. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Key words: avian; pain management; preoperative care; postoperative care; monitoring

istorically, birds were thought to have little to no ability to feel pain because they are
unable to communicate those feelings. Therefore, avian anesthetic and analgesic proce-
dures were not performed. The majority of scientific studies investigating analgesic
therapeutic protocols and anesthetic procedures have occurred during the last 20 years.
However, in principle, nociception in birds is similar to that in mammals, as has been
demonstrated by anatomical, functional, and biochemical studies using computer tomography and
electroencephalography. Those studies demonstrated the so-called nidopallium as the corresponding
anatomic structure to the mammalian brain pain center.1-4

In addition to pain relief for surgical interven- BASIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
tion, anesthesia is an important tool for stress
Avian anatomy and physiology varies significantly
reduction in birds. Stressful procedures per-
from that described in mammalian species. There-
formed on avian patients include radiologic, fore, the differences between these 2 groups of ani-
ophthalmologic, and detailed physical examina- mals relevant to anesthesia protocols are discussed.6
tions. Additionally, anesthesia is used for immo- For more specific details regarding anatomy and
bilization purposes, which is required for several physiology of avian species, the reader is advised to
different types of procedures in birds (e.g., explore other published material, especially because
feather imping). Analgesic agents used in birds there are many species-related differences.7
are required before and/or after surgery, and are The avian trachea consists of closed rings
also an important tool for the treatment of any and does not have an epiglottis. Therefore, en-
painful condition. Thus, analgesia is indispens- dotracheal tubes should not be cuffed because
able in avian medicine for ethical reasons and an inflated cuff may result in pressure necrosis
also for psychologically improving the animal’s of the tracheal mucosa, fractured tracheal rings,
ability to withstand the stresses associated with postsurgical bleeding, or stricture formation
surgical recovery and disease conditions.5 within the tracheal lumen. The lack of an epi-

From the Clinic for Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Giessen, Germany; and the Clinic for Birds,
Reptiles, Amphibians and Ornamental Fish, Ludwig-Maximillian-University Munich, Oberschleissheim, Germany.
Address correspondence to: Michael Lierz, Prof Dr. med. vet., DZooMed, Dip. ECZM, Clinic for Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes,
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Frankfurter Str. 91-93, 35392 Giessen, Germany. E-mail:
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

4 4 Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

glottis increases the susceptibility of birds to col used to assess a patient for a procedure in
aspiration of efflux before or immediately after which general anesthesia is used should be a
the anesthetic procedure. Thus, the use of en- general physical examination, and it should in-
dotracheal tubes is recommended for most if clude assessments of the bird’s nutritional status,
not all avian procedures in which general anes- body weight (for correct dosage calculation), and
thesia is used. The mucosal membranes of the hydration status. The general physical examina-
avian trachea produce viscous mucus, which tion should also include an evaluation of the
may lead to the obstruction of the endotra- central nervous system, pupillary opening (e.g.,
cheal tube or trachea while the patient is under anisocoria is a sign of head trauma; note that
anesthesia. The patient should be closely moni- possible reverse pupillary actions [mydriasis after
tored and mucus regularly removed, if present. light stimulation] may occur because of primarily
The avian lung is connected to the thoracic striated rather than smooth internal ocular mus-
walls and is therefore unable to increase its size culature), and ear (e.g., hemorrhage). Collected
to any significant degree. Instead, the air sacs anamnestic data should include any abnormali-
function as bellows pushing air through the ties that might affect the anesthetic risk including
lungs; they do not participate in gas exchange. seizures, polyuria, polydypsia, and discoloration
The cycle of inspiration and expiration is an ac- of feces. As a minimal database,
tive procedure closely bound to muscular activ- the white blood cell count will pro- The minimum
ity. The respiratory cycle is primarily achieved by vide information regarding inflam-
lifting and releasing the sternum through the use matory response to disease, and the protocol used to
of intercostal and pectoral muscles. Lifting of the packed cell volume and hemoglo- assess a patient
sternum, during inspiration, requires strong mus- bin may highlight abnormal hydra-
cle activity, whereas release, during expiration, is tion status and blood loss or may for a procedure
possible without much effort. This exertional re- indicate an impaired oxygen-carry- in which general
quirement should be considered when perform- ing capacity of the blood. Addi-
ing a surgical procedure on an avian patient be- tional liver and kidney values are anesthesia is
cause the bird is often positioned in dorsal re- also useful in determining the over- used should be a
cumbency. The bird should be placed in ventral all health status of a patient. Any
or lateral recumbency as soon as possible after handling should be reduced to an general physical
the surgical procedure has been completed. absolute minimum and restricted examination,
Air sacs form diverticula into certain bones to those procedures that are neces-
that comprise the avian skeleton (e.g., humerus, sary. Detailed descriptions of differ- and it should
femur, cervical vertebrae, sternum, ribs, pelvis, ent handling techniques for avian include
pectoral girdle). Fractures of these pneumatized patients are described in other vet-
bones with subsequent damage of the respiratory erinary medical publications.9 assessments of
epithelium may result in loss of anesthetic gases Any bird that is dehydrated, de- the bird’s
or infection of the air sac due to invading patho- bilitated, or emaciated should be
gens. Because oxygen is a carrier for inhalation stabilized before anesthetic induc- nutritional
anesthetic agents, caution is required when laser tion. Approximately 15 minutes status, body
or radiosurgical devices are used for a surgical before induction, birds should re-
procedure to avoid a flammable event.8 ceive prewarmed lactated Ringer’s weight (for
solution or 5% glucose solution correct dosage
(up to 40 mL/kg subcutaneously).
PREANESTHETIC PREPARATIONS For critical cases, a blood transfu- calculation), and
AND EXAMINATION sion (0.5 mL citrate to 4.5 mL do- hydration status.
Before any anesthetic procedure, the bird should nor blood of the same species;
be examined and properly prepared to lower the transfuse up to 10 mL/kg) may have to be con-
risk of anesthetic incident. As many physiologic sidered. Birds with respiratory distress and/or
parameters of the patient (e.g., complete blood blood loss should be provided with additional
count, plasma chemistry panel) should be as- oxygen.
sessed as possible; however, this is usually re- It is of the utmost importance that every anes-
stricted to an owner’s willingness to pay for the thesia procedure is properly planned and all re-
diagnostic testing. Required parameters do vary quired equipment organized before patient han-
with the clinical history, species, age, and risk dling and anesthetic induction. All emergency
group of the avian patient. The minimum proto- drugs must be prepared within syringes before

Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58 4 5

the procedure to avoid time-consuming dose de- ● Lowering the bird’s body with the head up
termination during an anesthetic emergency. If ● Keeping the bird in this position until fully
severe blood loss is expected during surgery, a conscious
blood transfusion should be readied for possible ● Applying digital pressure on the upper neck in
administration at a moment’s notice. A written the esophageal region during mask induction
anesthesia protocol is compulsory for each pa- reduces regurgitation in vultures.
tient and procedure.
Premedication for Anesthesia
Food Deprivation
Preanesthetic drugs are not commonly used in
Before the anesthetic procedure, birds should be
birds. The advantage of using a preanesthetic
fasted. Fasting avoids regurgitation and aspiration
drug protocol may be nullified by the disadvan-
of food during induction, the procedure, and/or
tages of handling stress induced when the bird is
recovery. Additionally, an empty stomach and
restrained for administration of the preanesthetic
gut reduces the weight load that would restrict
agents. Orally applied sedatives may be appropri-
the respiratory system, especially when the bird
ate for anxious birds or birds removed from large
is in dorsal recumbency. The duration of fasting
cages. When injectable anesthetic agents are
required for an avian patient is dependent on the
used, premedication may reduce the necessary
size of the bird and species. Large species that
dosage of the anesthetic drug itself, resulting in
have a well-developed crop (e.g., birds of prey,
fewer side effects. However, because injectable
not including owls; parrots; and pigeons) require
anesthetics should be restricted to a very lim-
a longer fasting period when compared with
ited number of cases, this advantage is minor.
small insect-eating Passeriformes, in which no
The use of parasympatholytics (e.g., atropine)
fasting is required. Table 1 provides a general
in birds is a controversial subject.11,12 Although
overview of recommended fasting periods in
atropine reduces salivary excretion and mucus
birds with respect to species, size, and body con-
production in the trachea, which results in a
dition.6 In rare cases (e.g., emergency situations,
lower risk of airway or endotracheal tube
crop stasis) fasting is not indicated before anes-
blockage, it has also been reported to increase
thesia. Emptying the crop by lavage might lead
the viscosity of tracheal mucus, which would
to further stress of the patient and therefore is
result in a higher risk of airway blockage.11,12
usually not recommended. In cases in which the
To prevent bradyarrhythmia, especially as a
crop cannot be emptied before anesthetic induc-
result from the ocularcardiac reflex during oph-
tion, the following procedure is recommended10:
thalmic surgery, atropine may be indicated.6
● Intubation of the patient However, if atropine is used to prevent brady-
● Blockage of the pharynx with a gauze sponge arrhythmia, it should be applied during anes-

TABLE 1. Appropriate preanesthetic fasting periods and comments6

Factor Fasting Duration of Fast Comments
Species prone to regurgitation or Yes As long as possible based on Raptors, seed-eating birds,
with extensive crops body condition score and psittaciformes
Surgery of neck, cervical Yes Until crop is empty Tracheal laceration, crop fistula,
esophagus, or crop area laceration repair
Body condition score 1/5 No None Stabilize before procedure
Body condition score 2/5 Yes Short Stable, eating well, gaining weight
Body condition score 3/5 or Yes As indicated based on body Stable, eating well, gaining weight
greater condition score, species, and
Body weight ⬎ 1 kg Yes 12 to 48 hours Raptors, large psittacines, ratites,
galliformes, anseriformes
Body weight 600 to 1000g Yes 6 to 12 hours
Body weight 400 to 600g Yes 4 to 6 hours
Body weight 200 to 400 g Yes 2 to 4 hours
Body weight ⬍ 200 g, stable Yes 1 to 2 hours
Body weight ⬍ 200 g, unstable No None

4 6 Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

thesia and not as a premedication agent be- quires the use of equipment-based monitoring,
cause it may not be active long enough during which includes the capnograph, pulse oximeter,
the entire surgical procedure.13 An alternative temperature probes, electrocardiograph, Doppler
to atropine use is glycopyrrolate, which is a ultrasound, and manometer. When using sophis-
more selective antisecretory drug. Atropine, ticated monitoring equipment, one must con-
however, does have a faster onset of action, sider the time required for setup in relation to
making it the preferred drug in cardiac emer- the estimated anesthetic time required to perform
gencies.14 the procedure, bird size, and practicability.
Because reflexes and manually assessed pulse
ANESTHETIC MONITORING are basic requirements for patient assessment
while patients are under anesthesia, the measure-
Attentive monitoring of vital signs is indispens-
ment of body temperature and heart rate is es-
able to the avian patient when under a surgical
plane of anesthesia. Monitoring a patient’s vital sential. Because of their large air sac system,
signs allows for the adjustment of anesthetic birds are extremely susceptible to hypothermia.
depth and early intervention in the event of criti- Therefore, the patient’s body temperature, using
cal incidents. Generally, anesthetic monitoring either a cloacal or esophageal probe, should be
may be performed with a combination of man- monitored throughout the procedure and range
ual or equipment-based procedures. between 40°C (104°F) and 43°C (109.4°F), be-
The patient’s reflexes are an important visual ing routinely higher in smaller birds.
parameter to monitor anesthetic depth.4 For this When using air sac perfusion anesthesia (see
purpose a reflex scheme was developed that gen- below), some bird species do not breathe. Conse-
erated points for each single reflex to be moni- quently, pulse oximetry is an essential parameter
tored.15 Table 2 provides different stages of avian to monitor.16 The use of an 8-MHz Doppler
anesthesia based on monitoring of physiological transducer, best placed over the tibiotarsal or ra-
parameters and reflexes.6 Although the reflexes dial artery, allows auditory recognition of the
and heart sound provide an empirical assessment rate and quality of the pulse.6 Traditionally, mea-
of the bird, sophisticated avian anesthesia re- surement of blood pressure has been limited to

TABLE 2. Different stages of avian anesthesia6

Anesthetic Expected Physiological
Plane Reflexes Present Reflexes Absent Parameters Comments
I. Induction All: palpebral, pedal, None Sedate, lethargic, eyelids
cere; voluntary droop. Breathing deep
movement of or shallow, rapid and
third eyelid irregular based on
patient excitement.
II. All None, eyes closed Feathers ruffled, head Excitatory phase
hangs down, arousable may occur here;
but does not resist more likely in
handling. Increased large birds.
third eyelid movement.
III. Light Palpebral, pedal and Lack of voluntary Rapid, regular, deep Preferred plane for
cere present but movement, no respirations, no minor
slow. Corneal, response to postural response to sound. nonpainful
withdrawal, pain changes. Some jaw tone present. procedures.
on feather pluck.
IV. Medium Corneal present but Palpebral, pedal, cere Good muscular Preferred plane for
Surgical sluggish. withdrawal, pain of relaxation, slow, deep, surgery.
feather pluck. regular respiration.
Little jaw tone.
V. Deep None, lack of All Respiration is slow and Death ensues,
corneal. shallow to emergency
intermittent. Pupillary pending.

Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58 4 7

scientific work, but there have been attempts in taken to minimize the effects of these proce-
recent years to increase its use in monitoring dures. Care should also be taken not to increase
anesthetized avian patients through indirect mea- the heat support, because this might lead to hy-
surement. Unfortunately, indirect blood pres- perthermia. Ultimately, all of these factors
sure measurement in smaller avian species strongly reinforce that monitoring of body tem-
(⬍ 2 kg) does not correlate to a bird’s direct perature is vital.22 The use of a anesthetic gas hu-
pressure measurements. Direct measurement of midifier and heater is also recommended.4
blood pressure is not practical for the clinical
veterinary practice. Indirect measurement can
be performed by audio-controlled manual as-
sessment similar to the procedure used in hu- Birds should be closely monitored until all re-
mans or mammals, but again results may not flexes return and they are able to perch as nor-
be as reliable as direct measurement.17-19 Gen- mal. For recovery, a quiet, warm (approximately
erally, avian systolic blood pressure should be 25°C; 77°F), and light-reduced environment
maintained above 90 mm Hg.6 should be selected; which allows for visual con-
Capnography provides important data regard- trol of the patient. Patients should be immedi-
ing the respiratory function of the patient. The ately placed in ventral recumbency and loosely
use of capnography is of limited value in smaller wrapped in a towel to avoid wing flapping. Wing
birds. Expired CO2 concentration is the most im- flapping typically occurs when using injectable
portant parameter measured with capnography, anesthetic agents (e.g., ketamine). The towel
but inhaled oxygen and anesthetic gases can also needs to be removed as soon as the bird is lifting
be monitored depending on the machine used. its head and opens its eyes with a concurrent re-
Determination of the expired CO2 allows one to curring pedal reflex. Water should only be of-
estimate the appropriate ventilation of the birds. fered when the bird has regained full conscious-
End-tidal CO2 should be maintained within the ness. The endotracheal tube should be removed
range of 20 to 40 mm Hg when using intermit- when the bird demonstrates spontaneous breath-
tent positive-pressure ventilation.6 ing, general muscle tone, and the ability to move
its head.
For the avian patient in a surgical plane of anes-
thesia, fluid therapy and thermal support are very There are several conditions that may lead to an
important. During prolonged anesthetic events anesthetic emergency including apnea, endotra-
(⬎ 30 minutes), a venous catheter should be cheal tube blockage, hypothermia, regurgitation,
used for constant rate infusion of fluids (e.g., hypovolemia, and cardiac arrest.4,6 The occur-
lactated Ringer’s solution, approximately 10 mL/ rence of an emergency event may be avoided or
kg/h). As an alternative route, intraosseous path- at least reduced by proper anesthetic manage-
ways may be used.20 To avoid loss of body heat, ment (see above) and the use of inhalation anes-
the fluid product that will be used to infuse the thesia. However, the occurrence of anesthetic
avian patient should be warmed to the bird’s emergencies can never be completely avoided.
body temperature before application. Smaller Whenever an emergency situation occurs, flow of
birds (⬍ 100 g body weight) should receive bi- the anesthetic agent should immediately be
carbonate (e.g., sodium bicarbonate: 1-4 mL/kg stopped. Doxapram or caffeine-sodium-salicylate
of isotonic solution) mixed within the fluid may be administered if apnea is present. In the
product because these species are prone to respi- event of cardiac arrest, a direct heart massage
ratory acidosis. (Fig 1) may be helpful in saving the patient. Ad-
Except for very short anesthetic procedures in ditionally, strophanthin or adrenaline should be
large birds, thermal support is indispensable. The provided to the patient experiencing a cardiac
surgical theater should be kept warm and addi- arrest. The intravenous application of emergency
tional heat should be directly applied to the pa- drugs is possible through an intravenous catheter
tient by heating blankets (e.g., electrical, water, (Fig 2). Generally, the same emergency proce-
air-circulating units) or radiant heat lamps.6,21 dures used for mammals should be applied to
Additionally, surgical preparation (e.g., feather avian patients. Table 3 lists common avian
plucking) and the use of disinfectants (e.g., alco- emergency presentations and their appropriate
hol) increases body heat loss, so care should be responses.6,23,24

4 8 Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

of allometric scaling need to be applied.25 The
use of allometric scaling allows for smaller birds,
in many cases, to receive an increased dose rela-
tive to larger species. The authors recommend
that readers review pharmacologic texts on the
specifics of allometric scaling and its application
in avian patients.

Ketamine was used as a monoanesthetic drug for
a long period of time in avian patients. However,
ketamine causes a dissociative anesthesia and its
analgesic potency is insufficient for surgical pro-
cedures. Additionally, it does not result in muscle
FIGURE 1. Heart massage technique in a common buz-
zard (Buteo buteo). relaxation and the bird can become very excitable
during recovery. Therefore, ketamine should not
INJECTABLE ANESTHESIA be used as a single anesthetic agent, but may be
used in combination with an alpha-2-agonist or
The main disadvantage of injectable anesthesia is a benzodiazepine drug.
the inability to modify the effects of the drug
after it has been administered. Species and indi- Alpha-2-agonist
vidual variations toward anesthetic drug sensitiv-
ity are common, making individual adjustment The most commonly used alpha-2-agonists are
to dosages extremely challenging. Additionally, xylazine and medetomidine. In combination
the correct weight of the patient is needed for with ketamine, these 2 drugs are regularly used
dosage calculation. Adverse effects to certain in- outside of the veterinary hospital. Alpha-2-ago-
jectable anesthetic agents have been described nists provide sufficient muscle relaxation and
when birds are stressed, and the application of contribute to a smooth recovery. One major ad-
an additional dose when a bird is not main- vantage when using alpha-2-agonists is that spe-
tained in a surgical plane of anesthesia may be cific antagonists (e.g., atipamezole, yohimbine)
problematic. Because of body condition, and the are available to shorten the recovery period.26-28
fat solubility of certain anesthetic drugs, a second An important drawback of alpha-2-agonists is
dose may be metabolized quickly, making an their cardiopulmonary depressive action; it is im-
overdose possible. Injectable anesthetic agents portant that this is monitored, especially during
are typically metabolized in the liver and elimi- anesthetic introduction. Alpha-2-agonists should
nated through the kidneys. Patients that are diag- not be used as a monoanesthetic agent.29,30
nosed with hepatic and/or renal disease may
have reduced drug elimination, a long anesthetic
recovery period, and concurrent cardiopulmonary
depression. A surgical plane of anesthesia using
injectable anesthetic agents is typically possible
for up to 30 minutes, which can be used primar-
ily for short surgical procedures, sedation for di-
agnostic purposes, and sampling during field
studies. Local anesthesia is not commonly used
in avian patients because small doses of local
anesthetic drugs may have toxic effects and, most
importantly, the patient remains conscious dur-
ing a very stressful procedure. Most anesthetic
drug dosages are empirical, and pharmacokinetic
studies in birds are limited to certain drugs and
species. Table 4 provides dosages of selected an-
esthetic drugs commonly used in avian medicine.
In general, any dose of injectable anesthetic drug FIGURE 2. Venous catheter placement in the medial metatarsal vein
is not only weight dependent, but the principles of a falcon.

Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58 4 9

TABLE 3. Clinical measures and prognosis of common avian emergencies6,20,23,24
Situation Clinical Signs Treatment Prognosis
Apnea Lack of respiration based Confirm apnea, intubate. Confirm Good if appropriate action
on keel movement. level of anesthesia by checking is taken in a timely
muscle tone and reflexes. Turn manner.
off anesthetic gas or reverse
injectable anesthetics. Give IPPV.
Confirm pulse and heartbeat.
Administer doxapram; repeat in
2 min if no appropriate response
occurs. Consider administration
of adrenaline and atropine after
2 min.
Endotracheal tube Difficult, slow, or Remove endotracheal tube and Fair to good if appropriate
blockage nonexistent expiration. replace if necessary. Provide actions are taken in a
Slow recovery. Duration 100% oxygen and reduce timely manner.
of expiration prolonged. anesthetic gas amount if recovery
Upon mechanical is feasible. Use of pre-emptive
insufflation or anticholinergics is controversial.
inspiration, air sacs fill
normally, but during
expiration air sacs empty
slowly or not at all.
Hypovolemia Loss of blood and fluid, Volume replacement with warmed Fair to good, depending on
poor perfusion as isotonic fluids, colloids, or blood volume lost. Birds may
evidenced by thready or as indicated, preferably lose up to 30% of their
weak pulses, prolonged intravenous or intraosseous. blood volume before
capillary refill time. experiencing shock.
Vomiting, Liquid from mouth, in Hold head down to drain liquid, Fair to guarded. Bird
regurgitation anesthetic mask or, clean oral cavity with gauze should be monitored for
worse, in endotracheal sponges or cotton-tipped signs of aspiration
tube. applicators. Ensure choana is pneumonia. Antibiotic
completely cleared of debris. treatment may be
Suction endotracheal tube and considered.
consider replacement of tube
after oral cavity is cleaned.
Hypothermia Body temperature below Increase thermal support, Good to guarded
38°C monitoring.
Cardiac arrest Electrocardiogram flat Intubate and give 100% oxygen Guarded to poor
line, lack of pulse, and IPPV, discontinue or reverse
extremity pallor anesthetics. Alternate keel
compression and caudal
coelomic compression to
simulate normal respiratory rate.
Administer atropine, adrenaline,
doxapram, and dexamethasone
intravenously or intratracheally.
Abbreviation: IPPV, Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation.

Benzodiazepine combination with ketamine, advantages of ben-

Diazepam, midazolam, and zolazepam are the zodiazepines include sufficient muscle relaxation,
most commonly used benzodiazepines in birds. sedative effects, and anticonvulsant properties.
Benzodiazepines are used as preanesthetic agents Additionally, benzodiazepines have minimal car-
and for sedation in birds, but should not be con- diovascular effects. Considerations when contem-
sidered monoanesthetic agents. When used in plating the use of benzodiazepines include mild

5 0 Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

TABLE 4. Common drugs used for avian anesthesia, analgesia, premedication, and emergencies4
Drug Dosage (mg/kg/body weight) Application Indication Comment
Inhalation anesthetic drugs
Isoflurane Induction: 4 to 5 vol.-%; maintenance: Head mask, General anesthesia; air sac Endotracheal tubes without cuff.
according to anesthetic depth 0.8 to endotracheal tube, perfusion: Beware of anesthetic waste gas.
2.5 vol.-% in oxygen; air sac air sac catheter ophthalmoscopic, tracheal Perfusions larger than 0.3l/kg/
perfusion: 0.3l/kg/min surgery min may induce a hypocapnic
Sevoflurane Induction: 5 to 8 vol.-%; maintenance: See isoflurane See isoflurane Shorter induction and recovery
3 to 4 vol.-% times compared with
isoflurane, might be
advantageous in high-risk
Oxygen 50 to 100 vol.-% See isoflurane Carrier gas
Injectable anesthetic drugs
Ketamine 20 to 40 IM Not a monoanesthetic drug; Insufficient analgesia, excitations
may be used as a during recovery, increased
dissociative for nonpainful intraocular pressure, not for
procedures. ophthalmic procedures,
Ketamine ⫹ diazepam 25 ⫹ 7.5 IM Short-term anesthesia Not mixable in 1 syringe;
salivation, cardiac arrhythmia,
decreased blood pressure.
Ketamine ⫹ xylazine K40(50) ⫹ X10(4)/K7 ⫹ X0.2 IM/IV Short-term anesthesia Surgical anesthesia for approx. 20
to 30 min, bradycardia. IV
lower dosages required, well
assessed in raptors.
Ketamine ⫹ xylazine ⫹ 15 ⫹ 2.5 ⫹ 0.3 IM Short-term anesthesia Tested in Guinea fowl.46
Ketamine ⫹ K3 to 5⫹ M0.05 to 0.1; K2 to 5⫹ IM Short-term anesthesia Raptors, psittaciformes, ostriches;
medetomidine M0.75 to 0.1; K5 to 10⫹ M0.1 to 0.2 relaxation and analgesia,
cardiopulmonary depression,
may be antagonized.
Thiafentanil ⫹ 0.175 ⫹ 0.092 IM Short-term anesthesia Remote injection in emus.47
Xylazine 1 to 2 IM, IV Sedation Do not use in debilitated birds
because of cardiac depression,
be cautious when using as a
monoanesthetic agent.
5 1
5 2

TABLE 4. Continued
Drug Dosage (mg/kg/body weight) Application Indication Comment
Ketamine ⫹ climazolam 25 ⫹ 12.5 IM Short-term anesthesia See ketamine/medetomidine.
Diazepam 0.2 to 1 IM, IV Sedation, control of fitting Every 12 to 24 h.
Tiletamine zolazepam 20 to 30 IM Short-term anesthesia Hypothermia, salivation, vomitus
Propofol 3 to 14 (0.5) IV Short-term anesthesia; length Good relaxation, no analgesia,
adjustable by continuous apnea if administered fast,
infusion (dosage in usually IPPV necessary.
Saffan 9 6.75/2.25 mL/kg IV Short-term anesthesia Evaluated in falcons.
Antagonistic drugs
Tolazolin 10 IM Partial alpha-2-antagonist
Atipamezole 5⫻ dose of medetomidine 0.25 to 5 IM, IV 〈lpha-2-antagonist Mainly used as antagonist for
Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

Yohimbine 0.2 to 2 IM, IV 〈lpha-2-antagonist Reversal of xylazine.
Analgesic drugs
Butorphanol 1.0 (to 3.0) IM Moderate to severe pain If opioids required, drug of
control, especially soft choice. Do not use during
tissue pain anesthesia- hypothermia; birds
may become somnolent; may
be used as preemptive
analgesia: apply up to 30 min
before painful procedures;
seems to be toxic in Gyrfalcons;
do not use in owls; isoflurane-
saving effect up to 25% in
cockatoos, 11% in African grey
parrots, none in amazons. Half-
time approx. 2 to 4 h.
Buprenorphine 0.01 to 0.05 IM Moderate to severe pain Overdosage may cause
control, especially soft somnolence, duration of action
tissue pain varies between species: up to
7 h; 0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg
ineffective in African grey
Tramadol 5 IV, oral BID Pain relief not studied Pharmacokinetic study in bald
eagles, no side effects.41
Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

TABLE 4. Continued
Drug Dosage (mg/kg/body weight) Application Indication Comment
Meloxicam 0.3 to 0.5 IM, IV, PO twice per Moderate pain, Drug of choice in birds,
day antiinflammatory, maximum drug level: 30 to 90
orthopedics min post application;
cardiopulmonary depression
discussed if applied during
anesthesia but not confirmed;
postoperative application: 3 to
10 days post operationem (post
surgery). Half-time depends on
species and varies up to 3
Celecoxib 10.0 PO SID See meloxicam. In avian medicine used as
antiinflammatory drug for
proventricular dilatation disease
Flunixin-meglumine — — — Renal toxic effects
Acetylsalicylic acid 5.0 to 10 PO — Maximum 3 days, little
experience available.
Carprofen 2.0 to 4.0 IM, SC, PO twice per See meloxicam. Apply every 12 h; highest drug
day level 1 to 2 h postapplication.
Ibuprofen 5.0 to 1.0 IM Renal toxic effect
Flurbiprofen 0.03% Local Uveitis, conjunctivitis No study available, renal toxic
effects are discussed.
Ketoprofen 1.0 to 5.0 IM, SC Limited experience available,
every 8 to 12 h
Fentanyl 0.01 to 0.02 IV Short half-time: African grey
parrot: 1.3 h
Metamizol 100 to 150 IM Postoperative pain Short half-time
Preanesthetic and
emergency drugs
Adrenaline (1:1000) 0.5 to 1 IM, IV, intraosseous, Emergency Cardiac arrest
Atropine 0.5 IM, IV, intraosseous, Preanesthetic, emergency May reduce salivation before
intratracheal endotracheal tube placement,
Glycopyrrolate 0.01 to 0.03 IM Antisecretory, bradycardia
Dexamethasone 2 to 6 IM, IV Emergency Shock; note that corticosteroids
are immunosuppressive in
5 3
analgesic effects and ataxia in free-ranging or ex-

Abbreviations: IM, Intramuscular; IV, Intravenous; IPPV, Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation; BID, twice daily; PO, by mouth; SID, once daily; SC, Subcutaneously; CPR, Cardiopul-
cited birds.13,14

Respiratory arrest, apnea, CPR,

Telazol, a combination of tiletamine (dissocia-
tive anesthetic agent; see ketamine) and zolaz-

respiratory depression
Cardiopulmonary arrest
epam, was used in the capture of raptors from a

Respiratory depression
large flight cage, but negative side effects (e.g.,
salivation, cardiopulmonary) were described in
red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis).31,32


In recent years, propofol, a short-acting nonbar-
biturate isopropyl phenol, has gained popularity
for its use in birds. Propofol must be adminis-
tered intravenously. Induction is very fast and
this drug provides adequate muscle relaxation.

However, anesthetic duration is short with this

drug; therefore, the placement of an intravenous
catheter is usually required for continued admin-



istration to achieve prolonged anesthesia. If

propofol is administered quickly, apnea may re-
sult.33 Propofol is usually used for anesthetic in-
duction or in fieldwork in which inhalation anes-
thesia is not possible.
IM, IV, intraosseous,

Orally, intranasal

Sublingual, IM


Saffan is a synonym for the drug combination

alfaxalone/alfadolone, which was commonly

used in cats. There has been successful use of this

drug combination in falcons. Consequently, saf-
fan may be considered for short-term procedures
when deciding on an injectable anesthetic proto-
Dosage (mg/kg/body weight)

Per drop, according to action

10 to 30 every 15 min prn

When anesthetizing avian patients, inhalation

anesthesia is the veterinarian’s method of choice.
Inhalation anesthesia should be used whenever
possible. Modern inhalation anesthetic agents
have a low blood-gas solubility, which results in
a rapid induction as well as a rapid recovery.
Per drop
5 to 20

Therefore, the concentration of administered an-

esthetic gas can be adjusted easily.
monary resucitation; prn, as needed.

Basic considerations are similar to small mam-

mal medicine and anesthetic circuits include
nonrebreathing systems, pediatric circles, and
Prednisolone sodium

adult circle systems.6 If necessary, the bird can be

TABLE 4. Continued


ventilated using volume- or pressure-controlled


application systems, the latter having major ad-


vantages because they are patient-size indepen-


The main risk of inhalation anesthesia, espe-
cially in smaller birds, is hypothermia because of
the large surface area of the air sac system. Thus,

5 4 Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

prewarming of anesthetic gases, use of a gas hu-
midifier, and application of external heat
source(s) may reduce the occurrence of signifi-
cant body temperature loss. Usually the anes-
thetic gas is carried by oxygen or an oxygen-air
mixture, which is usually introduced to the pa-
tient by head mask, endotracheal tube, or air sac
perfusion tubes. The head mask is typically used
for anesthetic induction or for short procedures.
The head of the bird is introduced into the head
mask and the anesthetic gas mixture is adminis-
tered. After induction, an endotracheal tube can
be placed past the opening of the glottis into the
trachea. One major disadvantage of the head
mask is the high amount of waste gas created.
Another is that this form of anesthetic adminis-
tration cannot be used during surgical procedures
involving structures on the head. The use of en-
FIGURE 4. Air sac perfusion anesthesia in an African gray parrot
dotracheal tubes is therefore advantageous for (Psittacus erithacus).
prolonged surgical procedures and those involv-
ing the head (Fig 3). If spontaneous breathing of move any remaining isoflurane. Spontaneous
the bird is unwanted and intermittent positive respiratory movements will reoccur within ap-
pressure ventilation is applied, an endotracheal proximately 4 minutes of the oxygen-flushing
tube is necessary. procedure.
In certain surgical cases (e.g., eye, trachea) the Inhalation anesthetics such as isoflurane and
use of air sac perfusion anesthesia (APA) is rec- sevoflurane are not readily metabolized. Conse-
ommended.16 For APA, the air sac is punctured quently, there is minor concern when using these
behind the last rib, cranial to the iliotibialis mus- anesthetic compounds in patients with liver dam-
cle through which an air sac perfusion catheter is age or renal damage because most of the drug is
placed (Fig 4).4 The procedure to introduce the eliminated via expiration. Furthermore, the risk
air sac perfusion catheter is similar to that used of liver damage to personnel through waste gases
for a laparoscopic entrance.35 A constant flow of is minor when compared with gas anesthetic
anesthetic gas mixture of approximately 0.3 l/kg/min agents used in the past (e.g., halothane, me-
is applied to maintain the patient on a surgical thoxyflurane). However, one must recognize that
plane of anesthesia. Because of a CO2-washout the modern anesthetic gas agents pose a poten-
effect, the anesthetized bird may spontaneously tial risk of genetic damage; as a result, adequate
stop breathing, making an anesthetic monitoring measures for the reduction of waste gases should
system (pulse oximetry) indispensable. Further- be applied.36 Reduction of waste gases includes
more, at the end of an APA event the respiratory the use of tight-fitting head masks, endotracheal
tract should be flushed with pure oxygen to re- tubes, and vacuum systems. Additionally, abor-
tion may be a possible adverse effect for preg-
nant personnel in the operating theater, which
further underlines the danger of being in contact
with anesthesia waste gases.36
Sevoflurane may be recommended in emer-
gency patients because of the advantages of very
short induction and recovery periods.15,37,38

The use of local anesthesia in birds is seldom
described and it does not reduce the stress of the
bird when the procedure is performed. Addition-
FIGURE 3. Placement of an endotracheal tube in a com- ally, local anesthetic agents (e.g., lidocaine) ap-
mon buzzard. pear to require high doses in most avian species.

Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58 5 5

These high doses may be toxic and result in ad- Based on studies in psittaciformes, butorphanol
verse neurologic effects.39 Additionally, there ap- is commonly used in birds, whereas other avail-
pears to be significant species differences and able opioid medications (e.g., morphine, bu-
individual variation in local anesthetic agents.6 prenorphine, fentanyl, nalbuphine) are not.2 Use
At this time, with the exception of various oph- of butorphanol, however, may have adverse ef-
thalmologic indications, local anesthetic use in fects in various raptor species such as gyrfalcons
birds is not recommended. (Falco rusticolus) and owls; adverse signs may in-
clude respiratory depression and reduction in
ANALGESIA gastrointestinal tract motility.2 A recently avail-
able opioid drug, tramadol, has been adminis-
There is no question that birds are able to feel tered to bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
pain; therefore, the indications for analgesic use without side effects, but pain relief was not
in avian species is similar to that of mammals. studied.41
Birds do not often demonstrate obvious pain,
and it is important that clinicians
Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs
recognize the following signs asso-
As with almost ciated with pain in birds: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
all ● Acute pain: Getaway or defense are commonly used in avian medicine, especially
pharmacokinetic behavior; screaming; increase of for postsurgical pain relief or in orthopedic cases,
blood pressure, heart, and breath- except for pain in relation to fractures. In addi-
data involving ing rate; numbness. tion to their analgesic effects, NSAIDs reduce in-
birds, species ● Chronic pain: Loss of appetite; flammation via the inhibition of cyclooxygenase
numbness; lethargy; aggression; activity. Various NSAIDs have been used to treat
differences were untypical body posture; lameness; birds for pain, including acetylsalicylic acid,
found with reduced grooming behavior. carprofen, celecoxib, dimethylsulfoxide, flunixin
meglumine, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, meloxicam,
meloxicam, with Whenever the use of analgesic piroxicam, phenylbutazone, and tepoxalin.1,6
medication is required, the body Carprofen and meloxicam are the NSAIDs of
half-life levels condition of the patient should be choice in avian practice. As with all other drugs
of the drug in stable (i.e., sufficient nutrition and within this class, these 2 NSAIDs may produce
fluid support) because birds feeling significant adverse side effects (e.g., renal fail-
chickens and pain often stop eating. Addition- ure).42 In general, the adverse side effects appear
pigeons being ally, the source of pain must be to vary between avian families; therefore NSAIDs
addressed and eliminated. Depend- should be used with care if a dose is extrapolated
3 times as long ing on the source of pain, the anal- from one avian species to another. In particular,
as that in gesic synergistic effect of different diclofenac used in cattle was recently described
drugs may be used. In particular, as a major cause of death in free-ranging vultures
ostriches, ducks, the combination of centrally acting in Asia.43 Celecoxib is regularly used in psittaci-
and turkeys. drugs with peripheral-acting drugs formes with proventricular dilation disease be-
might reduce the required dose lev- cause it appears to reduce the inflammatory ef-
els, thereby reducing possible adverse side effects. fects at the nerve ganglia and slow down the dis-
More detailed information can be found in previ- ease process. Compared with opioid agents, pain
ously published articles.1,4,6,40 relief elicited through the use of NSAIDs may be
less, but the duration of action is usually longer
(up to 12 hours).44 Of the NSAIDs commonly
used in avian medicine, carprofen appears to
Opioids act through their ability to primarily have the widest margin of safety.6 There have
bind to central or occasionally to peripheral opi- been a number of research investigations in
oid receptors. The use of opioid agents is indi- which the effectiveness and pharmacokinetic data
cated in moderate to severe pain and has anes- were evaluated for meloxicam use in specific
thetic-sparing effects. Depending on the opioid avian species. For the species tested, meloxicam
medication administered, it may only be effective appears to have a wide safety margin and was
for a few hours and cardiopulmonary depression found to be effective. As with almost all pharma-
is a common side effect. Therefore, opioid agents cokinetic data involving birds, species differences
should not be used before or during anesthesia. were found with meloxicam, with half-life levels

5 6 Lierz and Korbel/Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 21 (2012), pp 44 –58

of the drug in chickens and pigeons being 3 16. Korbel R, Milovanovic A, Erhardt W, et al: The aerosaccular
times as long as that in ostriches, ducks, and perfusion with isofluran in birds—an anesthetical measure
for surgery in the head region. Proc 2nd Conf Euro Assoc
turkeys.45 Avian Vet, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 9-42, 1993
17. Lichtenberger M: Determination of indirect blood pressure
in the companion bird. Semin Avian Exot Pet Med 14:149-
CONCLUSION 152, 2005
Anesthetic and analgesic procedures in avian 18. Zehnder AM, Hawkins MG, Pascoe PJ, et al: Evaluation of
indirect blood pressure monitoring in awake and anesthe-
medicine have advanced tremendously over the tized red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis): effects of cuff
last 10 years. Veterinary practices accepting avian size, cuff placement, and monitoring equipment. Vet An-
cases should be equipped to use inhalation anes- aesth Analg 36:464-479, 2009
thesia and have an appropriate anesthetic moni- 19. Acierno MJ, da Cunha A, Smith J, et al: Agreement between
toring system. direct and indirect blood pressure measurements obtained
from anesthetized Hispaniolan Amazon parrots. J Am Vet
Med Assoc 233:1587-1590, 2008
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