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Disorders of perception and thinking

1. A 23-year-old man admitted to the psychiatric hospital stated that he had

been upset for at least a year owing to the fact, that he had been hearing
voices when he was no his own and when there were no obvious causes.
He would typically hear two male voices who would talk to each other about
him and who would also sometimes comment on his actions. He had
"realized" that the voices were the result of his being spied on by security
agents, who were plotting to kill him. ​Name symptoms

1Auditory hallucinations

2Persecutory delusions

2. A 28-year-old man had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. He was

found to be suffering from the following symptoms: he believed aliens from
another planet were trying to control his actions and feelings; he also
believed he was being spied upon, not just by these aliens but also by
agents of a foreign power. ​Name symptoms

1 Delusion of control

2. Bizzare delusion

3. Mr. CD., a 27-year-old man. Every morning he began repetitively to

check that lights were out, windows were closed, household appliances
turned off and that his street door was locked. At one level he knew such
checking was silly, but he could not help it. He attempted to resist but this
led to increased feelings of tension. ​Name symptom ​Manic disorder
–obsessive compulsive disorder

Find the correct answer:

4. Persisting response to a prior stimulus after a new stimulus has

been presented is called

A) Echolalia

B) Verbigeration

C) Perseveration

D) Irrelevant answer.

5. Incoherent mixture of words and phrases is called​ ​word salad

6. New word created by the patient, often by combining syllables of

other words is called ​Neologism

Find the correct answer:

7. The term for a false perception of a sensory stimulus in the

absence of a stimulus is

A) Hallucination
B) Pareidolia

C) Delusion.

D) Synesthesia.

Find the correct answer:

8. Circumstantiality is a disorder of

A) Speech

B) Thinking

C) Behaviour

D) Sensation

Find the correct answers:

9. False sensory perception, occurring while falling asleep is called

A) Hypnopompic hallucination

B) Visual hallucination

C) Hypnagogic hallucination

D) Formication.

10. Construct the definition using appropriate words and phrases

from each group:

Blocking is ________________________________________________

a) ​Abrupt​, gradual, transient

b) Continuation, deviation, ​interruption

c) ​In train of thinking, in flow of thought​, in logical connection

d) ​Before​, after

e) Impulse, action, ​thought or idea

f) ​Is finished​, become understandable, would reach a desired goal.

Find the correct answers:

11. Hallucinations that are generally considered symptoms of serious

mental disorders include

A) Auditory

B) Hypnopompic

C) Visual

D) Hypnagogic

Find the correct answers:

12. The patient tries to shake off something from him. He says that he
feels and sees as spiders and bugs are creeping on his abdomen.

Name symptoms

A) Tactile hallucination​.

B) Visual hallucination.

C) Paresthesia

D) Senesthopathy.

Find the correct answer:

13. Distorted perception of real object is called

A) Hallucination.

B) Pseudohallucination

C) Illusion.

D) Derealization

Find the correct answer:

14. The patient woke in the ward after he had been operated under general
surgical anesthesia. He felt that the environment had been changed. The
room was oblong and too long, the furniture was distorted and the faces of
his neighbors were unusual forms. ​Name symptom

A) Autumethamorphopsia

B) Examethamorphopsia

C) Derealization

D) Depersonalization


Find the correct answer:

15. A condition in which the patient feels detached from him- or

herself as though an outside observer is called

A) Derealization

B) Depersonalization
C) Illusion

D) Detachment

Find the correct answer:

16. An example of the thought disorder of the patient: If things turn by

rotation of agriculture or levels in regards and timed to everything: I am
referring to a previous document when I made some remarks that were
facts also tested and there is another that concerns my daughter she has a
lobed bottom right ear, her name being Mary Lou.. Much of abstraction has
been left unsaid and undone in this product milk syrup, and others due to
economics, differentials, subsidies, bankruptcy, tools, buildings, bonds,
national stocks, foundation craps, weather trades, government in levels of
breakages, and fuses in electronics to all formerly "stated" not necessarily

What is the symptom?

A) Verbigeration

B) Symbolic thinking

C) Circumstantial thinking

D) Loosening of associations

Find the correct answer:

17. A fragment of the patient‘s speech: Not knowing that I was ill, I made no
attempt to understand what was happening, but felt that there was some
overwhelming significance in all of this, produced either by God or Satan. ...
The walk of a stranger on the street could be a "sign" to me which I must
interpret. Every face in the windows of a passing streetcar would be
engraved on my mind, all of them concentrating on me and trying to pass
me some sort of message.

What is the symptom?

A) Symbolic thinking

B) Circumstantial thinking

C) Flight of ideas

D) Loosening of associations

Find the correct answer:

18. A fragment of the patient‘s speech: I am like a zombie living behind a

glass wall. I can see that goes on in the world, but I can't touch it. I can't
reach it. I can't be in contact with it. I am outside. They are inside, and
when I get inside, they aren't there. There is nothing there, absolutely
nothing. What is the symptom?

A) Detachment

B) Derealization

C) Depersonalization

D) Symbolic thinking

Disorders of memory, emotions, and will-activity

Find the correct answer:

19. The patient N., actor, has been treating in the mental hospital for 6
months. He told his doctor that he came back from his tour yesterday,
spoke with his wife (but his wife visited him two weeks ago). Name

A) Amnesia.

B) Hypermnesia.

C) Pseudoremenescence​.

D) Criptomnesia.

20. Impulsive drive for roaming is called ​dromomania

21. Substitution of pitchy memory defect by invention (fiction) is



22. Obsessive urge to steal is called​ ​kleptomania

Find the correct answers:

23. The patient was a 28-year-old married worker. After learning that his
wife was having an affair, he went to the basement and hanged himself
with the rope looped over a water pipe. He had been hanging by the neck
for about ten minutes. By the time patient was cut down, he had suffered
pulmonary and cardiac arrest and dilated pupils. The patient was
resuscitated. Mental status examination revealed that patient was oriented
to self but disoriented as to place and time. Reading, writing, and spelling
were not affected. His recent memory was impaired, and he was unable to
recall any three objects after 5 minutes. His distant memory was better, in
that he
remembered his birthplace and some details of his early life, e.g., physical
punishment by his stepfather. He also was able to abstract proverbs. ​Name

A) Anterograde amnesia

B) Retrograde amnesia

C) Disorder of short-term memory

D) Disorientation as to place and time

Find the correct answer:

24. What syndrome is described in the case mentioned above?

A) Cotard‘s

B) Korsakov‘s

C) Capgar‘s

D) Ribot‘s

Find the correct answer:

25. Depressive episode includes all of the following symptoms except

A). Feelings of worthlessness and guilt

B). Thoughts of death, suicidal ideation

C). Fatigue and impaired concentration

D). Flight of ideas.

Find the correct answer:

26. Which of the following is ​not ​conceptualized as an impulse control

A). Alcohol abuse

B). Mania

C). Pyromania

D). Kleptomania

Find the correct answer:

27. Alexethimia is a disorder of

A). Mood

B). Thinking

C). Speech

D). Behavior

Find the correct answer:

28. A person who laughs one minute and cries the next
without any clear

stimulus has

A) Flat affect

B) Euphoria

C) Labile mood

D) ​Labile affect

Find the correct answer:

29. Grandiosity is the best described by which one of the
following statements:

A) It is seen in mania

B) It is typically seen in the depressed disorder

C) It can be associated with flight of ideas

D) ​It can be associated with delusion

Disorders of intelligence, psychomotor activity, and consciousness

Find the correct answer:

30. A 43-year-old woman brought to the hospital by members of

her family

because she had become increasingly frightened and suspicious.

The patient felt that

her upstairs neighbors were threatening her and it was unsafe to

be at home.

She said she had seen babies being lowered from the window of
the upstairs

apartment. Her family stated that these ideas had no basis in


On the first day of hospitalization, the patient's mental status

changed markedly.

It appeared first to improve but then worsened. She became more

agitated and

disoriented. She developed visual hallucinations (she saw her

mother in her hospital
room), illusions (shadows on the wall were misinterpreted as a
person). In addition,

she became tremulous, tachycardiac, diaphoretic, and

hypertensive. Name



A) ​illusion

B) ​hallucinations

C) pseudohallucinations

D) ​disorientation

E) Vegetative disturbances

F) ​fluctuations in course of the disorder

G) ​anxiety

31. What pathological syndrome should be suspected in the

case mentioned above?

____________________​disorder of

Find the correct answer:

32. Pathological imitation of movements of one person by

another is called
A) Stereotype

B) Negativism

C) Echopraxia

D) Repetition

Find the correct answer:

33. Markedly slowed motor activity often to a point of

immobility and seeming unawareness of surroundings:

A) Hypoactivity

B) Catatonic stupor

C) Negativism

D) Abulia

Find the correct answer:

34. Motiveless resistance to all attempts to be moved or to all


A) Mannerism

B) Catalepsy

C) ​Negativism

D) Apathy

Find the correct answer:

35. Repetitive fixed pattern of physical action or speech

A) Automatism

B) Stereotypy

C) Overactivity

D) Hyperbulia

36. Mild degree of mental retardation (IQ of 50-55 to

approximately 70) is


37. Organic and global deterioration of intellectual functioning


clouding of consciousness is called


Find the correct answer:

38. State in which the patient, although not asleep, describes

experiences of vivid imagery akin to that of a dream.

A) Eidetic illusion

B) Delirium

C) Torpor

D) ​Oneiroid

39. A state in which neither verbal not motor responses can

be elicited by

noxious stimuli is called​___________________________

Find the correct answer:

40. Echolalia is an example of

A) Psychomotor retardation

B) ​A speech impairment

C) Monotone speech

D) A rapid rate of speech



Find the mistake:

41. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include all of the



A) Affective blunting and flatting

B) ​Hallucinations of voices speaking to the patient

C) Poverty of thought content

D) Anhedonia

Find the correct answer:

42. Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia is

most likely to be acutely responsive to treatment with

A) Auditory hallucinations
B) Apathy

C) Social withdrawal

D) Anhedonia

Find the correct answer:

43. Schizophrenia leads to changes in

A) Thinking

B) ​Perception

C) ​Affect

D) Orientation

Find the correct answers:

44. Which of the following factors influence prognosis of


A) ​Age of onset

B) Course

C) ​Presence of organic signs

D) ​Prevalence of 'negative' or 'positive' symptoms


45. A 39-year-old woman had first suffered from acute

schizophrenia at the age of 19 and had been treated with
antipsychotic medications ever since. For the past
4 years she had been receiving a depot neuroleptic fluphenazine
decanoate. At interview there was no evidence of 'positive'
symptoms. However, the 'negative' symptoms of apathy, low drive
were noted. What type of schizophrenia should be

diagnosed? _______​chronic or residual


Find the mistake:

46. Hebephrenic schizophrenia is characterized by all of the

following except:

A) Irresponsible and unpredictable behavior

B) Affective changes

C) ​delusional Elaborated system

D) Fleeting and fragmentary hallucinations

47. The form of schizophrenia in which there is an insidious onset


functional decline and 'negative' symptoms develop without

occurrence of'

positive symptoms is called___ _​simple


48. Schizophrenic patient has specific disorder of thinking in which

there is a

preoccupation with inner, private world (a turning inward, away

from the world).

Name symptom______________________ ​autistic thinking​_____

49. The patient‘s disease began with delusion of reference: his

making fun of him by snorting and sneezing when he entered the

classroom. Over

the years his delusions had become increasingly complex and

bizarre: he is

convinced that his neighbors were actually actors, his thoughts

were monitored by

them, and their machine put erotic dreams into his head. He had

hallucinations of voice that harassed him. Name type of

disease_____​paranoid schezophrenia_​_

50. Condition in which schizophrenic patient has two strong but


feelings at the same time is


Find the correct answer:

51. Is the symptom mentioned above positive?


B). No


52. Match:
Group of symptoms Kinds of symptoms

1. Negative – ​a, f, g

2. Positive- ​b, c, d, e,

a) abulia

b) inappropriate affect

c) delusion of influence

d) derailment

e) command hallucination

f) social withdrawal

g) emotional blunting

Find the correct answers:

53. Four ―A-s‖ of Bleuer include the following:

A) ​Autism

B) ​Ambivalence

C) Automatisms

D) ​Affect

E) ​Associations

F) Anxiety

Find the correct answers:

54. Features of catatonic schizophrenia include:

A) ​Negativism

B) ​Stupor
C) ​Excitement with stereotyped behavior

D) ​Catalepsia

E) Amnesia

Find the correct answers:

55. Clinical features of schizophrenia include

A) Psychical automatisms

B) ​Apathy-abulia

C) ​catatonia

D) Amnesia

54. Features of catatonic schizophrenia include: A) Negativism ​B) Stupor

C) Excitement with stereotyped behavior ​D) Catalepsia​ E) Amnesia

55. Clinical features of schizophrenia include A) Psychical automatisms ​B)

Apathy-abulia​ ​C) catatonia​ D) Amnesia

56. Features of simple type schizophrenia include: A)

Kandinsky-Clerambot‘s syndrome B) Stupor with negativism C) Euphoria
D) ​Apathy and abulia

57. The symptoms that suggest that a patient has endogenous depression
rather than reactive are ​A) Presence of initial insomnia​ ​B) Weight loss​ C)
Guilty feeling about the death D) Presence of terminal insomnia

58. A 23-year-old man had been running up and down a street in the
middle of the night, shouting out that he was going to save all humans. His
mother noted that he had been treated for a depressive episode 2 years
previously. It was difficult to question to the patient, but his mother said that
over the past week he had become increasingly elated though at times he
would seem irritable. He had been unable to sleep for more than 2 hours
per night and had been sexually promiscuous. Put the diagnosis ​[Mania]

59. Clinical features of mania include ​A) Elation or irritability​ B) Lack of

sleep C) Reduced weight D) Low attention and concentration

60. A persistent instability of mood involving numerous periods of mild

depression and mild elation is called_​Bipolar Disorder

61. The patient was a surgeon and he complainted of fatigue and hand
tremor. The patient said that 4 months previously he began noticing a
significant worsening of manual dexterity during surgery. He attributed his
difficulties to a fine tremor. He felt guilty about several patients who had put
their faith in him and had suffered for it. He was sad and had lost an
interest to his work. He was sure that people in the hospital were making
disparaging comment about his condition. He reported poor appetite and
weight loss. He had not had sexual relations in 4 months because of his
impotence. Direct questioning revealed early morning awakening. Put the
diagnosis_​Endogenous Deppression

62. The kind of the thinking disorder that occur in mania and is
characterized by rapid continuous verbalization or plays on words produce
constant shifting from one idea to another (the ideas tend to be connected)
is called__ ​Pressure of thought or Flight of Ideas

63. Clinical features resembling a dementia not caused by an organic

condition (caused by depression) are called__​Pseudodementia

64. Drugs which are the most effective treatments for major depressive
disorder ​A) tricyclic antidepressant​ ​B) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
C) β-adrenergic blocking agents D) Behavioral therapy

65. The diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder requires which one of the

following criteria: ​A) Repeated episodes of hypomania and depression​ B)
Comorbid substance abuse C) At least one manic episode D) At least one
major depressive episode

66. Normal range of mood implying absence of depressed or elevated

mood is called_​Euthymia

67. The clinical features of dementia include all of the following features
except A) Insidious onset B) Clear consciousness C) Impaired orientation
D) Fluctuating course over 24 hours

68. Delirium is characterized by all of the following features except A)

Incoherent speech with fluctuating rate B) Reduced consciousness C)
Impaired orientation ​D) Insidious onset

69. Perceptual disorders in delirium include all of the following symptoms

except A) Hallucination of zoological content B) Illusions G) Hallucination of
insect crawling under the skin ​D) Pseudohallucination.

70. Choose kinds of orientation which are disordered in dementia ​A)

Orientation in time B) -//- in. place​ C) -//- in situation D) -//- in person

71. Following a cardiac bypass operation a 57-year-old man, while

recovering in an intensive care unit, suddenly became very agitated. He
complained that the leads and tubes attached to his body were moving like
snakes and he believed the nurses and doctors were trying to kill him.
What psychiatric condition should be suspected? _​Delirium

72. Syndrome that is characterized by prominent impairment of recent and

remote memory with preservation of immediate recall in the absence of
generalized cognitive impairment is called _​Amnesic Syndrome

73. Syndrome that is defined as being a disorder of persistent or recurrent

hallucinations in any modality which occur in clear consciousness without
any significant intellectual decline is called_​Hallucinosis
74. A 58-year-old man was noticed by his wife to have begun gradually to
suffer from forgetfulness over the past few months. He would typically
forget recently learned addresses and telephone numbers even though in
the past he had a good memory. He was no longer always able to follow
conversation. Occasionally he was rather moody. A CT scan of the brain
revealed the presence of enlarged ventricles. What psychiatric syndrome
can be diagnosed? ​Organic amnesic syndrome

75. Which of the following is the most common cause of dementia? ​A)
Alzheimer's disease​ B) Cerebrovascular disease C) Head trauma D)
Thiamine deficiency Find the correct answers:

76. The amnesic disorder is characterized by the following symptoms ​A)

Memory impairment B)​ ​Paramnesic phenomena​ C) Hallucinations in clear
consciousness D) All mentioned

77. An example of specific phobia is a fear of ​A) Horses​ B) Public

transportation А С) Social situation D) Crowds E) Bridges

78. A 30-year-old man complains of panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety.

Which one of the following drugs would be effective for treatment A)
Haloperidol ​B) Fluoxetine​ C) Pentobarbital D) Сarbamazepine

79. Panic disorder is usually treated initially with which of the following
drugs ​A) Diazepam​ B) ​Trifluoperazine​ C) Imipramin D) Secobarbital

80. Obsessions are ​A) Intrusive thoughts or impulses​ B) Anxious thoughts

C) Symptoms of unconscious conflict D) Psychotic symptoms

81. Effective medications for obsessive-compulsive disorder include A)

Lorazepam B) Carbamazepine ​C) Trifluoperazine​ ​D) Fluoxetine

82. Which of the following is most likely to be a dissociative symptom?

A) A 25- year-old man with multiple emergency room admissions for
complaints that initially sound like a myocardial infarction, but never with
ECG or enzyme changes suggestive of myocardial infarction

В) А 35- year-old woman with general malaise, but with normal complete
blood count, serum chemistry, urinalysis, and negative human
immunodeficiency virus and drug screens

С) А 20- year-old woman who, after a boating accident, develops bilateral


D) A 70- year-old man who believes that he has metastatic cancer to all of
his internal organs, but has normal examination and laboratory test results

Find the mistake

83. The relationship between anxiety and depression is characterized by

all of the following statements except

A) Many depressed patients are also anxious

B) Many patients with panic disorder become depressed

C) The same treatments are effective for panic disorder and depression

D) Depression and anxiety usually alternate in patients with both symptoms

84. Pervasive, unfocused fear not attached to any idea is called _​free
floating anxiety_____________________
85. Acute, episodic, intense attack of anxiety associated with overwhelming
feelings of dread and autonomic discharge is called_____​panic

86. A 3o- year-old man was consulted by his internist because of a six
month history of recurrent bouts of sudden extreme fear, accompanied by
sweating, shortness of breath, palpitation, chest pain, dizziness, numbness
in his fingers and toes and the thought that he was going to die. His
internist had given him a complete physical examination, an ECG and
glucose tolerance and other blood tests, and had found no abnormalities.

Because of his attacks, which occurred unexpectedly and in a variety of

situation several times a week, the patient started to avoid driving his car
and going to his job. He felt comfortable only at home. Put the diagnosis​_
panic attack with agoraphobia​_____________________

Find the correct answers:

87. Choose effective methods for the treatment of the described above

​A) Tricyclic antidepressants

В) МАО inhibitors

C) β-adrenergic receptor antagonist

D) Benzodiazepines

Find the correct answers:

88. Which of the following statements are correct for the prognosis of the
described above disorder?

A) Performance at work and family interactions don't suffer

​ ) The excessive intake of caffeine or nicotine may exacerbate the


C) Good premorbid functioning and brief duration of symptoms tend to

have good prognosis

D) Depressive disorders and alcohol dependence often complicate the

course of the disease

89. The patient was a 33- year-old man. His adolescence and young
adulthood were without serious problems until his third year of college.

He then began to become tense and nervous when studying for test and
writing papers. His heart would pound, his hands would sweat and tremble.
He could not understand why he was so nervous about doing papers and
taking tests when he had always done well in those tasks in the past.

Soon after graduation the patient was employed as a salesperson for an

insurance firm. As soon as he began to take on clients, his anxiety
returned. He became nervous when anticipating phone calls from clients.
He said that he was concerned about what the client would think of him.
"The client might sense that I am nervous and might ask me questions that
I don't know the answers to, and I would feel foolish". Put the
diagnosis._​simple phobia & social

Find the correct answers:

90. Which of the following statements are correct for the prognosis of the
described above disorder

A) Patient may have varying degrees of impairment in his social lives

B) The development of substance related disorders can affect the course

C) Antidepressants improve this condition

D) Frequently associated with depression.

Find the correct answers:

91. Choose the effective methods for the treatment of the described above

A) Tricyclic antidepressants

​B) β-adrenergic blocking agents

C) Benzodiazepines

D) Behavioural therapy

Personality disorders

92. Somatization disorder is associated most commonly with

A) paranoid personality

B) histrionic personality

C) dependent personality
D) schizoid personality

Find the correct answer:

93. Factors thought to be involved in the etiology of an antisocial

personality disorder include

A) closed head injury

B) encephalitis

C) an alcoholic father

D) loss of parents

E) low socioeconomic status

Find the correct answer:

94. Personality disorders are almost always

A) manifested during adolescence

B) worse in old age

C) free of genetic biologic influences

D) seen intermittently in adult life*

Find the correct answer:

95. In which of the following circumstances an individual with schizoid

personality disorder may do well:

A) When hospitalized for a medical illness

B) If others reach out to the person affectionately

C) If treated with antidepressants

D) In jobs that require social isolation

Find the mistake:

? 96.​ A 35-year-old man with an obsessive-compulsive

personality disorder is likely to exhibit all of the following symptoms except

A) perfectionism that interferes with performance

B) compulsive checking behaviour

C) preoccupation and concern for rules

D) indecisiveness

Find the correct answers:

97. For each description listed, select the personality disorder which is
most likely to be associated with it

A)dependent personality -​ 2

B)histrionic personality -​ 1

С) obsessive-compulsive personality - ​3

1. illness is often perceived as a threat to physical attractiveness

2. a person urgently seeks another relationship as a source of

care and support when a close relationship ends
3. illness may be perceived by a person as a threat to his
control over impulses and situation; stress increases
behaviour with an intensification of self-restraint

98. The personality disorder, in which the central features are pervasive
and unwarranted suspicion and mistrust of people, hypersensitivity to
others, and an inability to deal with feelings is called


Find the mistake:

99. A person with an avoidant personality disorder is likely to exhibit all of

the following symptoms except

A person

A) is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in

social situations

B) is unwilling to get involved with people unless

certain of being liked

C) is presumed to have a greater fear of being

abandoned or not loved

D) shows restraint within intimate relationships (fear

being shamed)
100. Mrs. A.B. was a 40-year-old woman who was often separated from
her parents during her childhood. Mrs. A.B. herself was an anxious child,
fearful of the dark and if going to school. After school she began working as
a typist who went well as long as she was not expected to work
independently. She got married during her adolescence. In the marriage
she would generally only take everyday decisions following advice from her
husband and would easily feel hurt by his criticisms. When her husband left
her for another woman, she found it very difficult to adjust and became
increasingly depressed and began drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
What kind of the personality disorder should be diagnosed?

Dependent personality disorder

101. Mr. CD. was born to an alcoholic father with an extensive criminal
record who was frequently violent to Mr. C.D.'s mother. Following his
parents' separation during his childhood, Mr. CD. Was taken into care. At
school he frequently became involved in fights, would lie, be destructive
and also set fires. In his early teens he began abusing alcohol and drugs
and getting involved with others in taking and driving away
cars. Put the diagnosis.

Antisocial personality disorder

Find the correct answer:

102. The diagnosis of personality disorder would be appropriate before the


A) 16 or 17

B) 10 or 11

C) 24 or 25

D) 30 or 31

Find the correct answers:

103. For each numbered item, select one lettered option that is most
closely associated with it

A) oversensitivity, suspiciousness, misconstruction of neutral

or friendly actions of others as hostile ​-​ ​3

B) detachment from social relationships and restricted

range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings ​-​ 1

C) hypersensitivity to rejection by others, avoidance of

forming relationships ​- ​2

D) submissive behaviour, passivity, fear of separation ​– ​4

1. schizoid personality disorder

2. avoidant personality disorder

3. paranoid personality disorder

4. dependent personality disorder

104. Emotional coldness, preference for fantasy, introspective reserve,
little interest in having sexual experiences, lack of close, confiding
relationships are characteristic features of ​schizoid​ personality disorder

Find the mistake:

105. Personality can be defined by all of the following statements except

A) totality of emotional and behavioural traits

B) features are usually inflexible and maladaptive

C) relatively stable and predictable

D) features are generally viewed as resulting from development

Find the correct answer:

106. A person with which one of the following personality disorders is less
likely to seek medical care or psychiatric treatment

A) dependent

B) antisocial

C) schizoid

D) obsessive-compulsive

Nonorganic eating disorders

107. Medical complication of bulimia nervosa include all of the following

A) Dental diseases

B) Metabolic acidosis

C) Parotitis

D) Menstrual abnormalities

Find the mistake:

108. Which of the following statements regarding bulimia nervosa is false?

A) There is a prominent focus on body image

B) Wide fluctuations in weight are common

C) 'Binges' may be separated by prolonged periods of normal eating

D) Documentation of some form of purging behaviour is necessary to

establish diagnosis

Nonorganic eating disorders

Find the mistake:

107. Medical complication of bulimia nervosa include all of the following


A) Dental diseases

B) ​Metabolic acidosis
C) Parotitis

D) Menstrual abnormalities

Find the mistake:

108. Which of the following statements regarding bulimia nervosa is false?

A) There is a prominent focus on body image

B​) Wide fluctuations in weight are common

C) 'Binges' may be separated by prolonged periods of normal eating

D) Documentation of some form of purging behaviour is necessary to

establish diagnosis

Find the correct answer:

109. A young woman with anorexia nervosa steadfastly refuses to eat. She
is not yet in imminent medical danger from starvation, and she remains an
outpatient. A logical approach at this point would be to

A) Break off treatment with the patient, refusing to treat her unless she
agrees to eat

B) Set a critical weight for the patient below which she will be hospitalized if
necessary and forced to gain weight

C​) Insist that the patient increases her caloric intake or she will be

D) Try to curtail her physical activities (running, dancing)

Find the correct answer:

110. Which of the following prognoses is most accurate for anorexia


A) ​Most patients recover

B) Most girls recover, but very few boys recover

C) The earlier the onset in life, the better the outcome of the disease

D) By the age of 30 years, 30 % - 40 % of patients die

Find the correct answer:

111. The treatment of bulimia nervosa is most accurately described by

which of the following statements

A) Hospitalization is regularly indicated

B) Adjunctive medications are regularly prescribed

C) Mixed modality treatment appears to offer promising results

D) ​Group psychotherapy is usually the treatment of choice

112. A 20-year-old woman sought outpatient treatment for her binge eating
and vomiting behaviour. Her symptoms began at the age of 17, when she
was a college freshman. Although very bright and attractive, she worried
about whether men would like her. Her weight was normal for height and
age, but she decided to lose a few pounds in the spring in order to be
prepared for bathing suit season'. She went on a diet together with her
roommate, who suggested vomiting after meals. The patient reported
bingeing three or four times a week, usually in the evening and always
when alone. She usually felt depressed and anxious when the urge to
binge became overwhelming. She typically binged on breads and sweets. It
was not unusual for her to eat a half-gallon of ice cream, and a box of
cookies, and when her stomach ached, she induced vomiting mechanically.
The weight fluctuated between 110 and 150 Lb. since the onset of her

Put the diagnosis​.____ Anorexia


Find the correct answers:

113. Treatment approaches of the condition which has been described

above include:

A) Evaluation and treatment of the medical complications associated with

the disease

B) ​Identification of psychological and cognitive underpinnings of the


C) Restoration nutritional balance through normal eating, and

encouragement weight gain

D) Education of a patient regarding the medical dangers of chemical

purgatives such as ipecac and baking soda as well as of diuretic and
laxative abuse

Find the correct answers:

114. Note appropriate statement for epidemiology of eating disorders.

A) Anorexia nervosa is more prevalent than is bulimia nervosa

B) Onset of anorexia nervosa is often later in adolescence than the onset of

bulimia nervosa

C) ​The diseases occur 10 to 20 times more often in females than in males

D) The frequency of the diseases does not depend on social and

professional factors

115. A 17-year old high school senior began dieting to improve her
appearance. She was obsessed with food and exercise and avoided
friends. She saw herself as grotesquely obese. The parents became
alarmed as her weight dropped precipitously and she became cachective.
She wanted to continue dieting and reported that her only concerns were
that she was cold all the time, had trouble, sleeping, and could not
concentrate well.

Put the diagnosis.__ ​Anorexia Nervosa


Find the mistake:

116. Complications of this disorder include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) ​Parotid gland swelling

B) Tachycardia

C) Anemia

D) Personality changes
Nonorganic sexual and sleep disorders

Find the mistake:

117. A 32-year-old woman presents with a history of difficulty in reaching

orgasm with her male partner, despite her initial feelings of arousal. She
says that her partner attempts to keep stimulating her after his orgasm, but
that when she senses his frustration, she loses her arousal. All of the
following are reasonable components of treatment except:

A) Providing information of the patient

B) ​Sensate focus exercises

C) Assessment of medical causes

D) Telling the patient that the problem will resolve with time

Find the correct answer:

118. A 25-year-old male student presents with complaints of premature

ejaculation. The problem is of sufficient severity that it is endangering a
relationship with his partner, who believes that it is a sign of his 'neurosis'.
The best for this man most likely is

A) ​Long-term, insight-oriented psychotherapy to get at the base of his


B) A course of thioridazine

C) A behavioural approach

D) Treatment of his depression

Find the correct answer:

119. A 47-year-old woman presents to her primary care physician

complaining of pain during intercourse. The pain has become increasingly
problematic over the last 6 months. The first item in the differential
diagnosis should be

A) Vaginismus

B) Atrophic vaginitis

C) ​Dyspareunia

D) Major depression

Find the mistake:

120. Psychogenic impotence includes all of the following except:

A) Sudden onset

B) ​Absence of the morning erection

C) Improvement of sexual functioning with other partners

D) Good sexual response in masturbation, but not in sexual intercourse

121. The disorder, in which sexual excitation arises from inanimate objects
or features of objects is called ____​ ​Fetishistic disorder
122. The recurrent preoccupation with fantasies and acts that involve
observing people who are naked or are engaged in grooming on in sexual
activity is called__ ​voyeuristic disorder or scopophilia​ ____

Find the mistake:

123. A poor prognosis for paraphilias is associated with all of the following

A) Early age of onset

B) High frequency of the acts and no guilt or shame about the act

C) Substance abuse

D) ​History of coitus in addition to the paraphilia.

Find the mistake:

124. The criteria of the diagnosis for somnambulism include all of the
following except

A) It occurs in stages 3 and 4 of sleep

B) Adults started this behaviour in childhood

C) ​It is usually remembered the next day

D) It occurs in deep sleep

Find the correct answer:

125. Sleep terrors have all of the following criteria:

A) It occurs in deep sleepers

B) It occurs mostly in 1-2 hours after sleep starts

C) ​Depression or hypnotic withdrawal are causes

D) Can accompany somnambulism

126. Julian, aged 8, presented at a child psychiatric clinic. His parents had
become particularly alarmed when they watched him walk at night to the
garden fish pond and prepare to swim there. They had already taken some
precautionary measures such as locking the back door but were advised to
make doors and windows secure and make sure that Julian could not hurt
himself as he walked around his room. Sometimes he was crying when
sleep screaming and chattering incoherently. Put the diagnosis.____

Behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse

Find the correct answer:

127. The most important feature of addiction is

A) ​Overwhelming involvement in seeking and using a drug

B) Physical dependence on a drug

C) Use of narcotics

D) Antisocial behavior
E) Tolerance, withdrawal, and abstinence syndromes

Find the correct answer:

128. An overdose of narcotics causes all of the following abnormalities


A) ​Dilated pupils

B) Hypotension

С) Depressed reflexes

D) Coma

E) Respiratory depression

Find the mistake:

129. Treatment of alcohol abstinence syndromes involves all of the

following regimens except

A) Thiamine supplementation

B) ​Benzodiazepine administration

C) Caffeine ingestion'

D) Intravenous hydration

E) Neuroleptic administration

Find the correct answer:

130. Which of the following statements best characterizes cocaine?

A) It is relatively safe when used in moderation

B) It causes life-threatening abstinence syndromes

C) It is used primarily in high socioeconomic groups

D) It is usually used alone

E) ​It is highly addictive

Find the correct answer-

131. Medication useful in the treatment of withdrawal from alcohol or other

sedative-hypnotic drugs is

A) ​Diazepam

B) Haloperidol

C) Amobarbital

D) Lithium

Find the correct answer:

132. Which from the following medications is an antagonist of narcotic:

A) Chlordiazepoxide

B) Haloperidol

C) Methadone
D) Phenobarbital

E) ​naloxone

Find the correct answers:

133. Match each clinical situation listed below with the medication most
likely to be associated with it

A) Benzodiazepines

B) Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressant drugs

C) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

D) Barbiturates

E) Antihistamines

1. used as a hypnotic (sleeping pill) in the elderly​- D

2. tend to produce addiction and tolerance- ​A

3. саn be addicting but rarely causes addiction- ​E

4. may cause late abstinence syndromes-​C

5. may be effective treatment for phobias and endogenous anxiety- ​B

Find the mistake:

134. Alcohol delirium is usually characterized by the following symptoms


A) ​Bradicardia
B) Tremor

C) Vivid visual hallucinations

D) Disorientation in place and time

E) It lasts 3 -7 days

Find the correct answers:

135. Severe intoxication by opioids is associated with

A) Dilated pupils

B) Respiratory depression

C) Hypotension or shock

D) Depressed reflexes

E) Coma

F) Pulmonary edema

G) Seizures

136. Transient condition following the administration of a psychoactive

substance resulting in disturbances or changes in the pattern of
physiological, psychological or behavioural functions and responses is

_____​acute intoxications​_______

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