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1. A man had a fight with his neighbor .

The next day he started feeling that police is following him

and his brain is being controlled by radio waves by his neighbor . The history is suggestive of
which psychiatric sign\symptom:

A. Thought insertion

B. Thought withdrawal

C. Delusion of persecution

D. Obsession

2. A man coming from village whose wife died 6 months prior says that his wife appeared to him
and asked him to join her . The diagnosis is :

A. Normal grief

B. Grief psychosis

C. Bereavement reaction

D. Supernatural phenomenon

3. A patient with pneumonia for 5 days is admitted to the hospital in altered sensorium . He
suddenly ceases to recognize the doctor and staff . He thinks that he is in jail and complains of
scorpion attacking him . His probable diagnosis is:

A. Acute dementia

B. Acute delirium

C. Acute schizophrenia

D. Acute paranoia

4. A 60-year man had undergone cardiac bypass surgery 2 days back . Now he started forgetting
things and was not able to recall names and phone numbers of his relatives . What is the
probable diagnosis :

A. Depression

B. Post-traumatic psychosis

C. Cognitive dysfunction

D. Alzheimer’s disease

5. Freud championed___________ concept of psychiatric illness

A. psychodynamic

B. Cultural

C. Conscious
D. Biodynamic

6. Which perspective of psychiatry believes that behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts :

A. Cognitive

B. Behavioral

C. Humanistic

D. psychodynamic

7. Nature is to ________ as nurture is to ________

A. Environment/genes

B. conscious/unconscious

C. genes/environment

D. unconscious/conscious

8. False perception without any external stimulus is:

A. Illusion

B. Hallucination

C. Delusion

D. Phobia

9. A patient see a rope and gets afraid that it is snake.This sign is known as:

A. derealisation

B. illusion

C. hallucination

D. depersonalization

10. I. 'Did you attempt to end your life prior to admission? Is an example of:

A. Open-ended questions

B. Closed-ended questions

C. Summation

D. Empathic statement

11. Psychiatric history taking cannot include:

A. Evaluation of perception

B. Family history
C. Past psychiatric history

D. Past medical history

12. Transition which is an interviewing technique used in psychiatric interview means

A. A brief summary of what the person has said

B. gently inform the person that the interview is going onto another topic

C. Eliciting details and addressing contradictions

D. Giving positive feedback to encourage disclosure

13. What is the most common type of hallucination in non-organic psychiatric disorders?

A. Auditory

B. Tactile

C. Visual

D. Gustatory

14. Delusion is a disorder of:

A. Thought

B. Memory

C. Perception

D. Speech

15. Which one of the following indicates abnormality of perception?

A. Apathy

B. Hallucination

C. Phobia

D. Delusion

16. What term is used to describe the factors that play a role in causing a disease?

A. Prevalence

B. Diagnosis

C. Etiology

D. Classification

17. Asking a patient to interpret a proverb is used as a way of assessing

A. judgment
B. impulse control

C. abstract thinking

D. insight

18. The digit span test is used to assess:

A. Immediate retention and recall

B. Recent memory

C. Remote memory

D. Orientation

19. The development of multiple cognitive deficits manifested by memory impairment and

cognitive disturbances would indicate which diagnosis?

A. Anxiety

B. Depression

C. Dementia

D. Schizophrenia

20. A false belief that one is infected with a disease or has a certain illness is an example of

A. Delusion of grandeur

B. Somatic delusions

C. Delusion of influence

D. Delusion of persecution

21. When the patient believes that his neighbor is controlling him, this is called:

A. Delusion of grandeur

B. Delusion of reference

C. Delusion of control

D. Delusion of persecution

22. Neurotic disorders are characterized by:

A. Gross disturbance of personality

B. impaired reality testing

C. presence of organic causative factors

D. presence of insight
23. False sensory perception in the absence of real external stimuli is called

A. Depersonalization

B. Hallucination

C. Delusion

D. Illusion

24. Which of the following examples best illustrates a delusion of reference?

A. the FBI is plotting to steal my invention

B. The night shift nurse doesn't like me

C. The news announcer on TV is talking about me

D. The food is being poisoned

25. Patient who refuses to eat his meal stating that the food is poisoned is an example of

A. Delusion

B. Hallucination

C. Illusion

D. Elation

26. When the patient believes that someone trying to do harm to him, this is called:

A. Delusion of grandeur

B. Delusion of reference

C. Delusion of influence

D. Delusion of persecution

27. When a person has both positive and negative feelings toward the same object or individual. The
feelings are referred to as

A. Apathetic

B. Ambivalence

C. indifference

D. Inappropriate

28. A patient see a rope and gets afraid that it is snake. This sign is known as:

A. Derealisation

B. Hallucination
C. illusion

D. Depersonalization

29. The term cognition is used to imply about:

A. Affect

B. Perception

C. Thought

D. Speech

30. Emotion is controlled by:

A. Limbic system

B. Frontal lobe

C. Temporal lobe

D. Occipital lobe

31. A schizophrenic patient would not look happy during festivals and did not appear sad when his
mother died is said to have:

A. Apathy

B. Euphoria

C. A labile mood

D. Depression

32. Verbal massage is a mode of communication that includes the following:

A .Tone and pitch of voice

B. Facial expression

C. Gesture

D. Touch

33. Kareem laughs when speaking of the death of his child. The term used to explain this


A. Apathy

B. Incongruent Affect

C. Ambivalence

D. Depression
34. A patient perceives that his face is distorted and his hand is becoming long. The term used to
explain this condition is:

A. Deja Vu

B. Depersonalization

C. Derealization

D. Jamais Vu

35. A person who laughs at one minute and cries the next minute without any clear

stimulus is said to have:

A. Incongruent affect

B. Euphoria

C. Labile affect

D. Split personality

36. Which statement is not true about hallucinations?

A. It is as vivid as a real perception

B. It occurs in inner subjective space

C. It is independent of will of observer

D. It occurs in the absence of any perceptual stimulus

37. Olfactory hallucinations are not seen in:

A. Schizophrenia

B. Alzheimer's disease

C. Temporal lobe epilepsy

D. Generalized Anxiety disorder

38. The following is suggestive of an organic

A. Formal thought disorder

B. Auditory hallucinations

C. Delusion of guilt

D.Prominent visual hallucinations

39. Delusions are not likely to be seen in:

A. Dementia
B. Depression

C. Schizophrenia

D. Conversion disorder

40. Delusion of grandiosity can be seen in:

A. Hypomania

B. Paranoid schizophrenia

C. Kleptomania/Pyromania

D. Cyclothymia

41. The awareness regarding the disease in mental status examination is known as:

A. Insight

B. Orientation

C. Judgment

D. Rapport

42. Impaired insight is found in:

A. panic disorder

B. Schizophrenia

C. Generalized Anxiety disorder

D. Obsessive compulsive disorder

43. If a person is asked, "what will he do if he sees a house on fire"? Then what is being

tested in that person?

A. Insight

B. Judgment

C. Memory

D. Attention

44. Persistent feeling of guilt is seen in:

A Obsessive compulsive disorder

B. Mania

C. Depression
D. Schizophrenia

45. Which one of the following is not true regarding the mental status examination?

A. Racing thoughts are considered part of thought process

B. Blunted is a term used to describe affect

C. Hallucinations are part of thought content

D. Delusions are part of thought content

46. Persistent feeling of guilt is seen in:

A. Obsessive compulsive disorder

B. Mania

C. Depression

D. Schizophrenia

47. The following is one of the cognitive disorders:

A. Intellectualization

B. Depersonalization

C. Dementia

D. Hallucination

48. Disorientation occurs in:

A. Schizophrenia

B. Organic brain syndrome

C. Depression

D. Mania

49. All of the following are normal experiences except

A. Déjà vu

B. Jamais vu

C. Derealization

D. Delusional perception

50. Which of the following is true about concrete thinking?

A. It is usually seen in bipolar disorder.

B. It is diagnostic of schizophrenia.

C. It is diagnostic of organic brain disease,

D. It is a defect of conceptual abstract thought

51. systematic study of facts according to a reliable and correct method of study is called a

a. Scientific Study

b. Biological Study

c. Social Technique

d. Methodology

52. Visual hallucinations are most commonly seen in

A. Late-onset schizophrenia

B. Temporal lobe dementia

C. Antihypertensive treatment

D. Acute organic psychosis

53. Repetitive, voluntary, purposeful movements are called

A. Stereotypy

B. Mannerism

C. Obsession

D. Ritual

54. The diminution of emotional response is called

A. Blunting of affect

B. Flattening of affect

C. Alexithymia

D. Depression

55. Perseveration is most commonly seen in

A. Schizophrenia

B. Organic brain disorders

C. Depression
D. Anxity

56. A patient's imitating of the examiner's movements even when asked not to do so is called

A. Echolalia

B. Echopraxia

C. Ambitendence

D. Waxy flexibility

57. Presence of insight is suggested by all of the following except

A. Patient recognizes that he is ill.

B. Patient recognizes that the illness is of a psychological

C. Patient recognizes that he needs treatment.

D. Patient agrees with all that the doctor says

58. Tactile hallucinations are seen in

A Dermatitis artefacts

B. Alcoholic polyneuropathy

C. Cocaine abuse

D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

59. The most commonly seen symptom in schizophrenia is

A. Delusion

B. Visual hallucinations

C. Auditory hallucinations

D. Thought withdrawal

60. The difference between neurosis and psychosis is:

A. Severity

B. Insight

C. Clinical features

D. Duration of onset
61. Hallucination is a disorder of:

A. Perception

B. Thinking

C. Intelligence

D. Memory

62. Thought disorder is seen in:

A Obsessive-compulsive disorder

B. Anxiety neurosis

C. Schizophrenia

D. Psychopathic personality

63. A false belief unexplained by reality, which is shared by a number of people is:

A. Delusion

B. Obsession

C. Superstition

D. Illusion

64. One of the following is a disorder of thought:

A. Illusion

B. Hallucination

C. Delirium

D. Delusion

65. Deja vu Phenomenon is:

A. Feeling palpable music

B. Feeling nauseating smell

C. Fear of impending doom

D. Families to unfamiliar surroundings

66. Visual hallucinations are seen in:

A. Alcoholism

B. Mania

C. Depression
D. Phobia

67. Delusions of influence are characteristic of:

A. Obsessive state

B. Schizophrenia

C. Depression

D. Dramatization

68. Delusions and hallucinations are known as:

A Psychotic symptoms

B. Neurotic symptoms

C. Behavioral symptoms

D. Psychosomatic symptoms

69. The commonest disorder of perception is:

A. Delusion

B. Hallucination

C. Passivity

D. Compulsion

70. Loss of insight occurs in:

A. Hysteria

B. Schizophrenia

C. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis

D. Somatoform disorders

71. Confabulation is a defect of:

A. Memory

B. Intelligence

C. Affection

D. Concentration

72. 'La belle indifference' is seen in:

A. Dissociative disorder

B. Phobia
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

D. Depersonalization disorder

73. Nihilistic delusion is seen in:

A. Depression

B. Schizophrenia

C. Mania

D. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

74. To become unfamiliar of familiar situation is called:

A. Deja vu

B. Jamais vu

C. Deja pence

D. Deja entendu

75. Psychosis is characterized by all, except:

A. Contact with reality is maintained

B. Positive symptoms are usually present

C. Impaired judgment

D. Insight is lost.

The first symptom for psychosis is a gross impairment in reality testing.

76. Which of the following is most specific of psychosis?

A. Neologism

B. Incoherence

C. Perseverance

D. Pressure of speech

77. A 23-year-old man has a fight with a boy in his neighborhood. The next day he feels two policemen
are following him to arrest him. He is agitated and pales up and down him room. He feels that his
neighbors are controlling his mind by sending waves from an electric device. He is suffering from:

A. Delusions of persecution

B. Though insertion

C. Passivity
D. Depression

78. Early in psychiatric interview, it is important for the physician to:

A. Let patients talk about what is bothering them

B. Obtain information about the patient's mood

C. Record the family history

D. Inform the patient of the fee

79. A subjective sense that the environment is changed or unreal is:

A. Depersonalization

B. Derealizationz

C. Fugue

D. Amnesia

80. In the psychotic patient, the defense mechanisms of projection takes the form of

A. Feelings of persecution

B. Feelings of abandonment

C. Feelings of sadness

D. Feelings of gratification

81. Which one of the following would be listed under thought content in the mental status exam?

A. Obsessions


C. Flight of ideas

D. Circumstantiality

82. Psychiatrist: What's on your mind? Patient: I've been feeling depressed. Psychiatrist: Can you tell me
more about what's been happening? Patient: I haven't been eating as much as I used to. Psychiatrist:
Could you explain to me what you've been going through? The psychiatrist's approach is an example of:

A. Closed-ended questions

B. Open-ended questions

C. Countertransference
D. Detailed mini-mental status exam

83. The following are motor disorder symptoms EXCEPT

A. Mannerism

B. Stereotypic Movement

C. Waxy flexibility

D. Illusions

84. The following are disorders of thought EXCEPT

A. Delusions

B. Phobias

C. Obsessions

D. Hallucinations

85. Concerning history taking in Psychiatry

A. Informant(s) report is not necessary.

B. Assessment should be carried out in an undisclosed setting

C. Confidentiality issues is not important

D. Demographic data is an important part.

86. Mental state examination include the following EXCEPT

A. Appearance

B. Thought

C. Affect

D. Diagnosis

87. In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,______ are to thoughts as _________ are to actions

A. opinions, convictions

B. obsessions, conditions

C. obsessions, compulsion

d. compulsions, obsessions

88. Psychosis is characterized by

A. Loss of touch with reality

B. Prolonged emotional reaction to a given stress

C. Anxiety, fear, sadness, vague aches and pains

D. All the above

89. Neurosis is characterized by

A. Madness

B. Prolonged emotional reaction to a given stress

C. Pain in the head

D. Fits of convulsions

90. Which is not a mental disorder?

A. Gout

B. Epilepsy

C. Neurosis

D. Psychosis

91. A mentally healthy individual has

A. Independent personality

B. Comfortable placing in social hierarchy

C. A purposeful life

D. All the above

92. Summation which is an interviewing technique used in psychiatric interview refers to

A. Empathic repetition of patient's words to show understanding

B. The brief summary of what the person has said

C. Eliciting details and addressing contradictions

D. Giving positive feedback to encourage disclosure

93. An irritable urge to move about with inner restlessness is called:

A. Akathisia

B. Akinesia

C .Tremor

D. Dyskinesia

94. Family structure is a part of:

A. Personal history
B. History of present illness

C. Past psychiatric and medical history

D. Family history

95. Premorbid Personality (PMP) assessment includes the following EXCEPT

A. Interpersonal relationship

B. Use of leisure time

C. Family structure

D. Predominant mood

96. Accurate and consistent reporting of symptoms is known as:

A. Insight

B. Reliability

C. Judgment

D. Rapport

97. Hallucinatory Behaviour includes the following EXCEPT

A. Smiling or crying without reason

B. Muttering or talking to self

C. odd gesturing

D. Eye contact

98. A patient who has a fixed belief of no longer having a brain is likely exhibiting a

particular type of a delusion referred to as:

A. Delusion of poverty

B. Nihilistic delusion

C. Persecutory delusion

D. Somatic delusion

99, Parrot like repetition of words refers to as:

A. Echopraxia

B. Echolalia

C. Paraphasia

D. Word salad
100. The following are disorders of the stream of thought except

A. Flight of ideas

B. Circumstanciality

C. Perseveration

D. Hallucination

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