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SARS infected 8,000 people and caused more than 800 deaths, mostly in China.
Purpose of this Guide
This guide will help people identify and eliminate hazards that exist in their homes, workplace or
in their environment. 

General Guidelines for Hazards

• Identify various home, work, environment hazards that exist everyday.

• Make ways to make the household, workplace and environment safer.
• The most common accidents in your place
• Poisonous substances like asbestos, carbon monoxide, lead, mold, and radon.
• Areas that are dangerous to older adults
• Most Importantly Child safety

Advice for safety:

The more that you practice safety the lesser that you become paranoid but more into having a
habitual safer actions in every single moment.

Assume that every accident is deadly in order to have a cautious way of living and a habit to
check upon things to be certain but less paranoid.

Advice for safety:

Child Safety : never put the baby or children in situations where you as an adult enjoy but puts a
risk of death or injury to the young ones.
ie. Putting a baby or a small child in a hammock. It does make sense that you watch your child
but nonetheless accidents are not only seen and read in the dictionary also it happens even if
your are ready but dumb to think rationally.



The word “home” typically conjures up feelings of warmth, safety, and security. Home is at the
second level of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as showed in the first chapter.

Imagine that you’re in your home list down 5 injuries that you may sustain from the hazards of
your place?
Refer to the next page for the 5 common cause of home injuries

A. Structural Hazard:

Purchasing or building a home is quite difficult but nonetheless exciting. The problem lies in the
thinking of a home owner has. He or she might think of the design but not the safety. The family
would warrant something , even sacrifice safer construction just to achieve the facade of a
grand design.

According to thee Home Safety Council (HSC) a national nonprofit organization dedicated to
preventing home related injuries nearly 20,000 deaths and 21 million medical visits on average
happen each year.

Home owners actually that had their homes decades or even centuries ago due to inheritance
or others may have purchased it need some renovations. Even newly built homes are having
hazards of their own even structurally designed to withstand natural disaster and it is by the time
the occupant decides to literally be unsafe or not cautious enough to live and put potential risk
to themselves and others by their typical habits in their homes. Others due to financial constraint
may have sacrificed the safety of the structure and built a home that can’t stand an earthquake.
A comfort room worth of structural support will save home owners not only a costly renovation
during natural disasters but also their lives.

Now enough of that and let’s talk about the the five leading causes of home injury:
1. Falls
2. Poisoning
3. Fires and burns
4. Choking and suffocation
5. Drowning


Five bones commonly fractured

Lower: Radius
Upper :Humerus
Lower Legs:
There are many different types and patterns of fractures and each requires a different technique
and procedure to repair it. Here are a few types of bone fracture categories:
• Displaced Fracture: bone breaks into two or more pieces and moves out of alignment.
• Non-Displaced Fracture: the bone breaks but does not move out of alignment.
• Closed Fracture: the skin is not broken.
• Open Fracture: the bone has broken through the skin – this is a medical emergency and
you should be seen in the emergency or urgent care department immediately.

In addition to whether the bone is displaced or non-displaced it will be given a fracture pattern
name. Here are several types of fracture patterns:
• Avulsion Fracture: when a fragment of bone is separated from the main mass.
• Buckled Fracture: (or impacted fracture), ends are driven into each other; commonly
seen in arm fractures in children.
• Comminuted Fracture: the bone breaks into several pieces.
• Compression or Wedge Fracture: usually involves the bones in the back (vertebrae).
• Greenstick Fracture: an incomplete fracture in which the bone is bent; occurs most often
in children.
• Linear Fracture: the break is parallel to the bone’s long axis.
• Oblique Fracture: the break has a curved or sloped pattern.
• Pathologic Fracture: caused by a disease that weakens the bones.

Types of fractures

• Spiral Fracture: one part of the bone has been twisted at the break point.
• Stress Fracture: a hairline crack.
• Transverse Fracture: the broken piece of bone is at a right angle to the bone’s axis.


Did you know that boys have a higher percentage of hospitalization related to fracture?
Advice for safety:
Assume that there is a fracture don’t move the part ,have it splinted or secured with a stick and
a bandage but never become a doctor. Pulling an assumed sprain may be treated but fractures
are seen better with x-rays most especially if it doesn’t present obvious signs.

Take the person to the nearest clinic or hospital for proper endorsement and treatment.

People haven’t learned that anything ingested / swallowed is a potential danger. You may not
have consciously been aware but even the food you eat can be a potential harm to you. One
example is eating cassava. Yes it is easy to boil and eat something but did you know that if the
time of the cassava

A Guide to Safe and Proper Usage

As the patient, you play a very important role in your medication therapy. As your health
care providers, we want to ensure that all of our patients are provided with the proper
information to use medications safely and effectively. If you have any questions regarding your
medication therapy, please do not hesitate to ask your nurse, physician, or pharmacist (608-
Things you should know about your medications:
• Ask the names of the medications that you are receiving during your hospital stay.
Always make sure you are aware of both the name and strength of the medications you
• Question anything about your medications that you don’t understand or that doesn’t
seem right. Be especially alert to unexpected changes, such as a change in appearance
or directions.
• Know what each medication you take is for and what to expect for results and possible
side effects. If you are unsure, ask!
• Know how to properly take your medications.
• Know your drug allergies. Be able to identify the signs and symptoms of an allergic
• Keep a personal list of all your prescriptions and over-the-counter medications you take
along with how you take them. Include a list of medications that you cannot take (due to
allergies, etc) and give reasons why. Carry it with you to show to your doctors, nurses,
dentists, and others involved in your care.
• Make sure you understand how your medications should be stored.
• Request any written information that is available about your medications. Ask your nurse
or you may contact a hospital pharmacist at 608-342-4747 for more information. Upon
discharge, be sure that you know what meds you need to continue to take when you go
home. Ask your community pharmacist for help if you are unsure about what to take.
• Get all your prescriptions filled at one pharmacy if possible. Make sure that every
pharmacy you use has a complete list of all your prescriptions and over-the-counter
medications so they can screen for drug interactions, duplication, and allergies. Over-
the-counter medications and herbal products may have drug interactions too. Many
agents need to be avoided in patients with certain medical conditions. Always read the
label before using and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the pharmacist
or doctor.
• Be sure to consult with your community pharmacist regarding refills.
• If you have any questions regarding your medications during your hospital stay and
would like to talk to a pharmacist, call ext. 2247.
• If you are too ill to follow these suggestions, ask a relative or friend to help.
Your health and safety are our top priority. Asking questions is very important. We love
your questions, and look forward to providing you answers.

According to an American Association of Poison Control Centers report, one human poison exposure is
reported approximately every fifteen seconds in the United States, adding up to more than two million
human poison exposures annually.1 Additionally, approximately 56,000 animal poisonings occur each
year. This number of poisonings isn’t surprising, as many homes contain everyday products that are
potentially toxic. And when these substances aren’t stored properly, accidental poisonings can occur.
SafeWise wants to make you aware of these substances and the preventative measures you can take to
reduce the risk of accidental poisoning in your home. Our list includes some of the most common
household poisons, but there are dozens of everyday products that can be toxic to your family and pets.
If you ever suspect human poisoning, immediately call the Poison Control help hotline at 1-800-222-
1222. You can reach Pet Poison Control at 1-888-426-4435.
1. Medication
Over 80% of drug poisoning deaths are accidental, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.2
Nearly half of all drug-poisoning deaths result from a prescription drug overdose, with opioid pain
medications like hydrocodone and oxycodone often being the culprit. What’s more, pain medications like
these contribute to more pediatric fatalities than any other substance reported to Poison Control.3 Over-
the-counter pain medication like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be poisonous, too.
Ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin are some of the most common NSAIDs.
Prevention: Keep all medication out of the reach of children and anyone else who may accidentally
ingest it. Install a Safety 1st Magnetic Cabinet Lock or other high-quality baby-proofing device on any
cabinet that contains medication. Keep medication in its original container, always take medicine
according to instructions, and never use someone else’s prescription medication. Download a medicine
manager app like Medisafe to help remind you how much to take and when to take it.
Symptoms: Symptoms of prescription painkiller overdose range from confusion, mood swings, and
nausea to breathing problems that can result in death.5 There are many NSAID overdose symptoms,
including abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Large amounts of NSAIDs may result in kidney
damage, seizures, or coma.6
Treatment: Call the Poison Control number above or seek emergency care immediately. If possible,
provide medical personnel with the victim’s age, weight, and condition, as well as the name of the
medication, time it was swallowed, and amount consumed.
2. Household Cleaners
It’s not uncommon for cleaning products to contain a range of hazardous chemicals. For example, many
toilet bowl cleaners and tub and tile cleaners contain hydrochloric acid, while sodium hydroxide (lye) can
be found in drain cleaners and oven cleaners. Often, these products aren’t handled and stored
appropriately, which leads to them being one of the top causes of accidental poisoning in children.7
Inhaling certain cleaning products can also result in poisoning.
Prevention: Always use household cleaning products according to directions and put them away
immediately after use. Store products where they can’t be accessed by children or pets—like on the top
shelf of the pantry—then install a KidCo Door Knob Lock or similar device to help secure the pantry
door. For added safety, switch to a less toxic product, such as Biokleen Spray and Wipe All-Purpose
Symptoms: Poisoning symptoms vary depending on what cleaning product was ingested. For example,
swallowing toilet bowl cleaner can cause burns in the esophagus, severe pain in the abdomen, and blood
in the stool.8 Symptoms of drain cleaner poisoning include burns in mouth, difficulty breathing, drooling,
and collapse.9
Treatment: If the victim swallowed either of these cleaning products, have them drink water or milk
immediately—unless they’re having difficulty swallowing. Then call the Poison Control number or seek
medical treatment right away.
3. Topical Anesthetics
Topical anesthetics contain numbing ingredients to help reduce discomfort from things like sunburn, sore
muscles, and insect bites. When applied according to package instructions, topical anesthetics are usually
safe. But using more than the recommended amount or ingesting even a small amount of topical
anesthetic can lead to poisoning.
Prevention: Treat topical anesthetics just like prescription medication or any other over-the-counter
medicine. Store them in a safe place, follow label instructions carefully, and put them back immediately
after use. Also, never apply teething gel to children younger than two years of age. Instead, massage their
gums or use teething rings to help ease pain.
 Symptoms: Poisoning symptoms may include labored breathing, slow heartbeat, drowsiness, and
seizures. Benzocaine is an ingredient often found in teething gels that can cause methemoglobinemia, a
serious condition in which the amount of oxygen in the blood becomes dangerously low.10 Symptoms of
methemoglobinemia include headache, fast heart rate, and bluish coloring of the skin or nails.
Treatment: If you suspect topical anesthetic poisoning, seek professional medical care immediately or
call the Poison Control hotline.
4. Insecticides
The purpose of insecticides is to kill bugs such as ants, roaches, and wasps—but the chemicals used to rid
your home of these pests can also be dangerous to your family. Organophosphates and carbamates are
two common insecticide types that are associated with serious poisonings. Insecticide poisoning can
result from swallowing, inhaling, or absorbing through the skin.
Prevention: Store insecticides in their original containers, locked out of sight and reach of children and
pets. Use the least amount of insecticide  possible and avoid using them in enclosed spaces. Switch to
insecticides that use pyrethrins, as they are made from flowers and aren’t as poisonous to humans and
Symptoms: Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning can cause a variety of symptoms, including
blurred vision, salivation, and vomiting, as well as seizures.11 Additionally, these products can
overstimulate organs and result in them shutting down.
Treatment: In cases of ingestion, do not have the victim throw up. Seek medical treatment right away.
Medical professionals may use the drug atropine to treat serious insecticide poisonings. If the insecticide
came in contact with the victim’s clothing or skin, they should remove their clothes and wash their body
5. Dishwasher and Laundry Detergent
Swallowing liquid or granular dishwasher or laundry detergent can be dangerous, but detergent pods
present a greater risk of serious poisoning. Over a two-year period, US Poison Control Centers received
more than 62,000 calls related to laundry and dishwasher detergent exposure affecting children younger
than six years old—with approximately 60% of these calls triggered by exposure to detergent pods.12
Prevention: Young children and pets can easily mistake brightly colored and pleasantly fragrant
detergent pods for candy. So keep pods in their original container with the lid sealed and store them in a
secure location. Better yet, avoid pods altogether and use a liquid or granular product.
Symptoms: Swallowing liquid or granular dishwasher or laundry detergent can cause vomiting and
diarrhea. Ingesting a detergent pod can result in symptoms ranging from vomiting and drowsiness to
aspiration and respiratory distress.
Treatment: Call the Poison Control hotline or seek other medical help immediately. Do not make the
victim throw up unless a medical professional advises you to.
Who Is at Risk of Accidental Poisoning?
Everyone is at risk of accidental poisoning, but some age groups experience greater incidents of
poisoning than others. Children younger than six years old account for 48% of all poison exposures, with
boys poisoned more often than girls.
Adults account for 38% of unintentional poisonings, and 7% of victims are teens. Among teens and
adults, females are victims more frequently than males. Peak poisoning frequency occurs in children
under two, but poisonings in adults and teens tend to be more serious.
Securely store these, and all other potentially poisonous household products, to help poison proof your
home. SafeWise also recommends installing carbon monoxide detectors as part of your overall home
safety plan to prevent poisoning.
1. Clinical Toxicology, 2014 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers/
National Poison Data System (NPDS): 32nd Annual Report
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCHS Data on Drug-Poisoning Deaths
3. Clinical Toxicology, 2014 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers/
National Poison Data System (NPDS): 32nd Annual Report
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCHS Data on Drug-Poisoning Deaths
5. American Addiction Centers, Symptoms of Opiate Overdose: Vicodin, OxyContin, and Morphine
6. The New York Times, Ibuprofen Overdose
7. Clinical Toxicology, 2014 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers/
National Poison Data System (NPDS): 32nd Annual Report
8. MedlinePlus, Toilet Bowl Cleaners and Deodorizers Poisoning
9. MedlinePlus, Drain Cleaner Poisoning
10. Medscape, Benzocaine-Induced Methemoglobinemia
11. Merck Manual, Insecticide Poisoning
12. AAP News and Journals, Pediatric Exposures to Laundry and Dishwasher Detergents in the United
States: 2013–2014
Choking & Suffocation

Still, most homeowners—especially those with young children—know that they “should” be
doing something. The problem with home safety is that once you realize that you have a
dangerous situation, it’s usually way too late to do anything about it!
"The home is where people feel comfortable and secure, but constant awareness is the key to
keeping families safe," says Nancy Nord, the commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission.
Educating yourself enough to kick-start your personal awareness of home safety is not difficult.
Identify the biggest hazards and deal with them first. In the process, you will be able to identify
and deal with dangers that you never even realized existed. For example, while covering all
outlets and locking up dangerous cleaning supplies to protect your children, you might think to
check your blinds for chords that can be a choking hazard.
Making your home safe is a process that will never be finished. That’s partly because
households are always changing. Your home’s safety needs will change as your family ages, as
your home ages, as you get more stuff, and even as the seasons change. While the process
can seem intimidating, vigilance is the best gift that you can give your loved ones.
Of course, this guide is just an overview of the kinds of things that you need to know to make
your house safe. Seeing as anything in your home can be potentially deadly if used incorrectly,
it’s tough to cover absolutely everything out there that is dangerous. Whole books could be
written (and have been) on any one of the topics covered here, especially child safety.
According to Chrissy Cianflone, the director of Program Operations for Safe Kids USA,”Parents
often overestimate their child's intelligence, and underestimate their abilities." If you already
have kids, you’ve probably noticed that they have a knack for gravitating to the most dangerous
parts of a home almost instantly! This only means that you have to be even more attentive with
young children in the home.
We’ve tried to touch on some of the main points here, but you should definitely spend time
investigating and reading further on your own for even more information. You might even
consider having a professional to come over and do an assessment. Again, this is especially if
you have kids.
A home is supposed to be the embodiment of safety and happiness. Spark your awareness of
home safety and put in a little time and elbow grease to make that idea a reality.
Part 1: Examples of typically unsafe home situations
Situation: Greg and Louise are thrilled to have finally bought a new house together. It’s been a
long road and money and time are short for both of them. They want their house to be as safe
and inviting as possible for friends and family, but are so overwhelmed by the purchasing
process that they aren’t sure where to start.
Solution: Before they do anything, Greg and Louise educate themselves on the top five home
hazards: falls, poisoning, fires/burns, choking and suffocation, and drowning/submersion. As
they don’t have any children or old people—who proportionally suffer from the most accidents—
in the home, their job is much easier. They start by making sure that all staircases and
bathrooms have plenty of grips and railings and are well lighted. Then, they install fire alarms
and fire extinguishers throughout the house. The temperature on the hot water heater is way too
high, so they lower it down to 120 degrees. Lastly, they test for environmental toxins like radon,
mold, and carbon monoxide. As they get more moved in, they’ll do more safety measures, but
this is a good start.
Situation: Chris and Brooke have been saving up for the past year and finally have enough
money in their bank account to put in a new pool. They are excited to have friends over to enjoy
the pool but want to make sure that it is safe.
Solution: After consulting with their pool company, Chris and Brooke realize that the safest
thing that they can do is to install a locking gate that goes around the whole perimeter of the
pool. They have their crew install the gate as the pool is being built. In addition, Chris and
Brooke come up with a set of rules that includes no alcohol in the pool area and no unattended
Situation: Dan and Clara are just about to have their first child. They are excited about having a
new daughter, but want to make sure that they will be able to provide a save environment for
her. They aren’t quite sure where to begin baby proofing their home.
Solution: Initially, Dan and Clara are overwhelmed by all of the baby proofing information out
there. Then, they decide to take it one step at a time and deal with the things that are most
dangerous to their newborn. Their first stop is the baby’s crib, where they make sure that the
mattress and sheets fit securely without any room for the baby to get stuck. Then, they educate
themselves on bathing their newborn and emphasize to one another the importance of never
leaving the child alone in the small baby tub. Lastly, they get rid of any plastic that is not BPA
free that the newborn will come into contact with. Of course, when they baby gets more mobile,
they’ll have a lot more baby proofing to do, but one thing at a time.
Situation: Phil’s dad, Roger, just turned 85 years old and is not totally steady on his feet.
Rather than move into a nursing home, Roger is going to be moving in with Phil and his family.
Phil wants to make sure that his home is safe for his father so that he doesn’t have any
Solution: After doing some research online, Phil decides to start with the bathroom, all stairs,
and all rugs. He buys new rubberized mats for his father’s bathroom and makes sure that there
are plenty of rails and grab holds in the shower and around the toilet. Then, he makes sure that
all stairs in the home are well lighted, have tight fitting rugs, and are free of toys and other stuff.
Lastly, he checks all of the rugs in the home and makes sure that they all have no-slip mats
under them or are otherwise tacked down securely without any bunching. While he wants his
father to feel independent, Phil makes sure to monitor his father’s stair usage and always has a
family member listen in when his dad is in the shower.
Part 2: What are the top home hazards?
Back in 2004, The Home Safety Council completed the most comprehensive study ever done of
the severity and causes of home injury in the United States. Not surprisingly, the rates of injury
are highest among young children and older adults.
While there are literally millions of home hazards that exist, the study was able to separate out
the five leading causes of unintentional home injury. These five leading causes are:
• Falls
• Poisoning
• Fires/burns
• Choking and suffocation
• Drowning/submersion
These five areas are the best place for most homeowners to start their quest to make their
home safer. Below, we have expanded on each topic.
1) Falls
According to the Home Safety Council, falls account for:
• More than 40% of all nonfatal home injuries.
• More than one-third of all injuries resulting in an emergency department visit.
• More than one third of all unintentional home injury deaths.
The simplest of hazards ends up being one of the worst. And as you would suspect, falls are
worse for young children and older adults. Very few deaths from falls occur in adults under 60.
For children, the most severe falls are general associated with three products: baby walkers,
windows, and play equipment including trampolines. Falls down stairs have been implicated in
75% -96% of baby walker-related falls.
Here are a few things that you can do to prevent people in your home from falling:
• Put window guards on all windows. New regulations and free window guard programs in
New York City have resulted in a 50% reduction in falls and 35% reduction in deaths.
• Put soft, protective surfaces under play equipment.
• Pay special attention to staircases. Make sure that they have handrails, are well lighted,
do not have any loose carpeting, and are always clear of toys and other items.
• Use safety gates both at the top and bottom of staircases if children are in the house.
• If you have a dark basement, install a light on the staircase and paint your bottom step a
bright color to make it more visible.
• Always clear outdoor steps of ice and snow as soon as possible.  
• Look out for pets: According to the Center for Disease Control, Pets cause more than
86,000 fall-related injuries each year.
• Make your shower safe: use non-slip rubber mats and install extra rails or grab bars if
necessary. Also, make sure that the existing rails and other supports are in good
condition and can support your weight.
• Make sure that you always use (and have!) sturdy step stools when getting things in the
kitchen or out of closets.
• Do not allow children under six years old to climb on bunk beds.
• If you have small children, install locks on all cabinets and drawers so that they won’t be
able to climb them.
• Require children who are riding skateboards or bikes on your property to always wear
approved helmets.
2) Poisoning:
According to the Home Safety Council, poisoning is the second leading cause of unintentional
home injury deaths in the United States.
While we mostly think of poisoning as something that happens to children when they get into
cleaning supplies and other household products, it’s something that actually affects people of all
ages. You would probably be surprised to hear that most unintentional deaths by poisoning in
the home are due to the following:
• Heroin
• Appetite depressants
• Anesthetics like cocaine
• Also, amphetamines, caffeine, antidepressants, alcohol, and motor vehicle exhaust gas.
Most of these methods of unintentional poisoning are for the most part self-inflicted and can only
resolved by dealing with a person’s underlying chemical dependency issues. That said, effective
prevention efforts generally focus on keeping poison out of the hands of children. While adults
have the highest rates of fatal poisonings, children under 5 have the largest rates of non-fatal
Here are some of the things that children are most often poisoned by:
• Household and cleaning products
• Personal care and beauty products
• Medicines
• Vitamins
• Plants
• Lead
• Carbon monoxide
Here are a few things that you can do to prevent accidental poisonings in your home:
• Place your chemicals high up on shelves rather than down low under kitchen and
bathroom sinks where people commonly put them. If possible, store them out in a
garden shed outside of the house.
• If you have to put chemicals in low cabinets, use baby proof locks and be sure that you
can properly close the doors.
• Never put household cleaners in old drink bottles or food containers that might confuse a
• Get children and pets out of a room before you use pesticides or other chemicals.
• Always close the packaging on a medication or chemical if you are interrupted by the
phone or the doorbell. Many poisonings happen when an adult leaves the room for a
• Don’t trust that childproof packaging on medications will keep children safe. The best
defense is to keep the medications out of children’s hands in the first place.
• Don’t (obviously) store medications on easy to reach tables or counter tops.
• Be aware of where all of the medications in your home are, especially if you have visitors
who might leave them in an open purse or bag.
• Get rid of any old “watch” type batteries as children can easily swallow them. Consider
getting rid of any toys or gadgets that use them.
What should you do if someone does get poisoned?
Call your doctor and poison control (1-800-222-1222) immediately!

3) Fires and Burns:

According to the Home Safety Council, residential fires and burns are the third leading cause of
unintentional home injury deaths and the ninth leading cause of home injuries resulting in an
emergency department visit.
As with poisonings and falls, the death rate is highest amongst senior citizens and children
under the age of five—noticing a pattern here?
And while you may just be thinking that burns just come from open flames, a huge percentage
of burns are actually caused by hot water. 

Here are a few things that you can do to prevent fires and burns in your home:
• Most people have their water heater at a much higher temperature than necessary. If the
temperature is so high that a child (or adult) can be burned when simply washing his or
her hands—it’s on too high. Keep your water heater at a low temperature of 120
• Use the back burners on the stove when possible. Children can’t reach them and there’s
less of a chance of a hot pot getting knocked off of the stove.
• Keep candles and other open flames out of reach of children.
• According to Meri-K Appy, the president of the Home Safety Council, “Cooking mishaps
are the number one cause of fires [and they often happen] when the cook leaves the
stove unattended or becomes distracted.” That said, stay focused in the kitchen and
never walk away from a pot that is in use.
• Install smoke alarms throughout your home. Half of the fire related deaths occurred in
the 5% of homes that don’t have fire alarms.
• Regularly test the batteries in your smoke alarm to be sure that it works. Of homes that
have smoke alarms, 65% of the homes have non-working alarms. Most often this is
simply because of a worn out battery.
• Keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen.
• Keep clothes irons and curling irons out of reach of children and don’t balance them
precariously on counters or ironing boards. Teach children that irons and curling irons
can remain hot even after they have been unplugged.
• Keep space heaters at least three feet away from flammable things like curtains and
• Regularly clean chimneys and dryer exhausts as buildup in both can cause fires.  
• Don’t cook and hold a small baby or child at the same time.
• Don’t eat or drink anything hot while a baby or small child is sitting on your lap.

What to do if there is a fire?

For kitchen fires: Always keep the pot lid handy. In the event of a fire, pop the lid back on the
pot (or use a cookie sheet) to prevent the fire from spreading. Baking soda is also effective in
stopping a fire (it deprives the fire of oxygen).
For whole house fires: Have an escape plan and discuss it with everyone who lives there.
Choose a meeting spot outside of the home so that you can meet up and be sure that everyone
has made it out safely.
How to treat a burn
If it is a first-degree burn where only the first layer of skin has been affected, do the following:
• Hold it under cool water or place it in cool water for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling. Do
not ice it.
• Loosely wrap the wound in a sterile gauze bandage.
• Take an over-the-counter pain medication if necessary.
For all other burns, call 911 and seek medical attention immediately. 

4) Choking and Suffocation:

According to the Home Safety Council, obstructed airway injuries are the fourth leading cause of
unintentional home injury death in the United States. In fact, unintentional choking and
suffocation is the leading cause of death for infants under the age of one. 

The three main types of obstructed airway injuries are:

Suffocation: when the nose and mouth are obstructed by an external item like a plastic bag. 
Because they have limited mobility, infants are at a huge risk for suffocation. 60% of infant
suffocation occurs in beds and cribs when an infant’s face becomes buried in soft bedding or a
pillow or an adult rolls on top of them.
Choking: when something blocks the airways internally. 
This is usually from bits of food or parts of toys. Children, who don’t always chew their food
properly, are especially at risk for choking on small, round foods that perfectly block the airway.
Strangulation: when there is some sort of external compression around the airway from an
object like the chord from a blind. 
Children easily get things wrapped around their necks like drawstrings, ribbons, necklaces,
pacifier strings, and window blind cords. An average of one child a month dies due to
strangulation from a window chord. 
Children can also easily become strangled by openings that trap their heads like spaces in
furniture, cribs, playground equipment, and strollers. 

Here are a few things that you can do to prevent choking and suffocation in your home:
• Don’t place an infant facedown on a soft surface like a waterbed, comforter, or pillow or
on a mattress that is covered in plastic.
• Keep your infant’s crib free of soft items like blankets, pillows, bumpers, and stuffed
• Purchase a crib mattress that fits snugly without any spaces on the sides where your
baby can get stuck. Also, make sure that the sheets fit the mattress snugly and won’t get
wrapped around your baby’s head.
• An infant should not sleep in an adult’s bed, especially if adults are in it. Infants should
also not sleep in the same bed as other children.
• Make sure that crib bars are spaced so that a child cannot get his or her head stuck in-
between them.
• Infants should also not sleep on couches, chairs, or other soft surfaces.
• Keep all plastic bags out of reach of children. That includes shopping bags, sandwich
bags, and dry cleaning bags.
• Keep uninflated balloons out of reach of young children and dispose of the pieces if they
• Put child resistant locks on any airtight spaces that a child could climb into like a freezer.
• Have kids sit and chew their food thoroughly when eating so that they are less likely to
swallow food whole.
• During adult parties, make sure that nuts and other foods are quickly cleaned up and
• Make sure that kids under four don’t have access to hard, smooth foods that can block
their airway like nuts, sunflower seeds, cherries, raw carrots, popcorn, etc.. Also be
careful with soft foods like cheese cubes, hot dogs, and grapes. Make sure to always cut
them into small pieces.
• Regularly, get down on your hands and knees to inspect play areas for small choking
hazards that are within grabbing range like pieces of toys, coins, balloons, balls,
batteries, jewelry, etc.. Also check in couch cushions.
• Frequently check toys for loose or broken parts.
• Make sure that all window treatment cords are tied down and that the ends are cut so
that they do not end in a loop. Better yet, replace them with cordless designs.
• Don’t put necklaces or headbands on your infant.
• Cut all drawstrings out of your child’s hoods, jackets, waistbands, etc..
• Don’t leave babies unattended in strollers as they can become tangled in the straps and
strangle themselves.
• Make sure that an infant child cannot get his or her head stuck between the slats of their
crib. Also make sure that mattress and bedding fits snugly.
• Never tie a pacifier around your baby’s neck or otherwise attach it to their clothing.
• Don’t hang things like bags or purses on a crib.
• Always remove your infant’s bib after mealtimes.
5) Drowning:
While most drownings don’t occur in the home, of those that do, 80% involve children ages 4
and under and most of these occur in swimming pools and bathtubs. Still, drownings are the fifth
leading cause of home injury death in the US.
A few interesting facts about home drownings:
• One third of unintentional home drownings occur in bathtubs and almost half occur in
other locations including swimming pools.
• More than half of all drownings among infants (under age 1) occur in bathtubs. Another
12% of drowning in this age group occurs in buckets.
• More than half of drownings among children ages 1 to 4 are pool related.
• Most children who drown in swimming pools had been missing from their parent’s sight
for less than five minutes.
As far as pools go, the only solution that has proven effective in preventing the drowning of
young children is four-sided fencing around the pool. That fencing should also include a self-
closing and self-latching gate or door. 
Here are a few things that you can do to prevent drowning in your home:
• Keep the gated fence that protects your swim area locked at all times so that children
and others won't accidentally fall into the water.
• Make sure all drain covers are intact and in place every time you use your pool. The
powerful suction in the swimming-pool drain can keep even strong adults underwater.
Hair and bathing suits on children can get caught in the drain causing them to be pulled
under. If a cover is broken or missing, replace it before allowing anyone in.
• Never leave a baby alone in a bathtub for any amount of time. Also never leave young
children alone in a tub.
• Keep your toilet lid down and keep young children out of the bathroom unsupervised.
• Do not keep open containers in the yard or around the house that can fill with water.
• Keep hot tubs covered and make sure that the cover stays in place.
• Refrain from using prescription drugs and alcohol when using bathtubs or swimming
pools. Closely monitor any adults who are using prescription drugs or alcohol and insist
on getting in a pool or bathtub.
Part 3: Household Toxins
In addition to the top five household hazards, there are potentially many toxic compounds hiding
in your home. These harmful chemicals are literally everywhere and you may not realize that
they are making you sick.
While it is not possible to rid your home of all toxins, you can prevent short and long term health
problems by minimizing their existence.
Here are six toxins to look out for:
1) Asbestos
What it is: A natural, fibrous material found in housing insulation, drywall, and toys that has
been known to cause cancer.
What you can do about it: If your house was built before 1980, it’s likely that asbestos was
used in the construction. Go online to familiarize yourself with popular asbestos products like
insulation, floor tiles, and textured ceiling tiles. If you do find asbestos, find a professional to
safely remove it.
2) Lead Paint
What it is: In the past, lead was used as an ingredient for some types of household paint to add
extra sheen. Sanding and scraping this paint can lead to lead dust that can get breathed in or
otherwise ingested.
What you can do about it: If your home was built before the 1970’s, use a home lead test to
test the paint in your home, especially if you have pets or small children. If you do find evidence
of lead paint, check online to find out safe ways to prep the area to remove it. Oftentimes, it’s
probably safer to hire a professional to come do it for you.
3) Carbon Monoxide
What it is: An odorless, colorless, and flammable gas that is poisonous to humans and pets
and can build up due to a faulty stove, furnace, or chimney. According to the EPA, low levels
can cause headaches, dizziness, disorientation, nausea, and fatigue. Higher levels can cause
impaired vision, headaches, vomiting, and even death.
What you can do about it: Install carbon monoxide alarms throughout your home, make sure
that all fuel burning appliances are properly installed and well ventilated, and never let your car
idle in the garage.
4) Mold
What it is: Mold spores can easily grow within 24-48 hours when there’s moisture. It can live on
dust, wood, drywall, paint, paper, cotton, or oil. Mold spores can trigger asthma symptoms and
allergic reactions.
What you can do about it: Keep rooms well ventilated and if necessary, use a dehumidifier to
keep humidity prone rooms below 50%
5) Radon
What it is: A cancer causing radioactive gas, which comes from uranium that is naturally found
in soil. One out of fifteen homes have high levels of the gas.
What you can do about it: Purchase a kit to test for its existence, but leave the cleanup to
6) Bisphenol A (BPA)
What it is: A chemical used in plastic production that can often be found in water bottles, baby
bottles, plastic wraps, and food packaging—especially the liners of canned foods. There is
some concern about its effects on the brains of fetuses and children.
What you can do about it: Look for BPA free labeling and switch to glass when possible.
Part 4: Conclusion
Home safety is a huge part of home ownership. You owe it to yourself and the people who live
in and visit your home to take the responsibility seriously and handle hazards before they come
Just as it is unrealistic to create a guide that covers every single home hazard, it’s unrealistic to
expect that you will be able to remove every single hazard from your home. It’s just not practical
on many levels. That said, your goal should be to minimize the hazards as much as possible.
Start with the top five hazards and then assess your home for any more issues. Then, make
regular sweeps every few months or with every new season—you’ll probably need to anyway as
the hazards in and around your home are often seasonal.
While the responsibility of home safety can be a drag when you consider all of the effort it takes
to think about the potential dangers in your home and all of the effort it takes to take care of
them. And this is, of course, on top of the effort that it takes to stay on top of your mortgage,
bills, insurance, general cleaning, and family schedules.
Nobody ever said that owning a home was going to be easy!
Still, think about it: you’ve already invested this much time and effort into buying and maintaining
a house, you might as well go the extra step to make it into a “real” home by making it safe and
secure for all inhabitants.
Part 5: Additional Resources
Government Sites
A website from the EPA that covers site various types of dangers in the home.
The website of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Contains lots of information on the
dangers of various products that you may have in your home.
Site from the Consumer Products Safety Commission that allows you to search product names
for safety issues and recalls.
The Consumer Products Safety Commission’s site on pool safety for families. 

Organization Sites
The website for the Home Safety Council. It’s a one-stop-shop for all things related to home
A room-by-room tour of your home from the Home Safety Council that points out the hazards
that exist in each room of your home.
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ website with swimming/water safety tips for infants and
young children. 
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ website with general information on the health and
wellbeing of children.
A site from with lots of household safety checklists for each room/area of the

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