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Philippine Science High School – Cagayan Valley Campus

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Name: Julienne Marielle V. Agustin

Grade and Section: 8-Jasmine
Activity 5: Islam and the Islamic Empire

1. Islam


570 AD – Birth
575 AD – Became an God.
orphan; cared by his grandfather Muslims
578 AD – Grandfather dies believe that
590 AD – Married Khadija Allah is One, the
610 AD – First Revelation in the cave where only true God.
angel Gabriel commanded him to recite the Angels. These are created
Qur’an spirit beings often called Allah’s
613 - Took his message public, these would later messengers in the Qur’an.
become the Koran, Islam's sacred scripture. Prophets. Prophets are considered the model
623 - The Hijrah of good behavior and perfect character.
624 - The start of three major battles with the Jesus. Regarded as a great Prophet, born of the Virgin Mary,
Meccans - the Battle of Badr (victory), 625 the Battle Salvation. In Islam, salvation is a complex issue and there are
of Uhud (defeat), and 627 the Battle of the Trench varying perspectives.
628 - The two sides signed a treaty recognising the
Muslims as a new force in Arabia. Meccan allies The source of authority in any religion will affect how people perceive other religions;
breached the treaty a year later. therefore, it is helpful to understand why Muslims value these authorities so highly.
629 - Orders first raid into Christian lands at Muta The original source of authority for Muslims is Allah.
630 – Returns to Mecca The Qur'an: Muslim most holy book, which is approached with reverence and respect.
632 - Returned to Mecca to perform a
The Hadith: The other Muslim holy book is the Hadith, regarded by most Islamic
tradition as important tools for understanding the Qur’an and in matters of religious
632 - Dies in Medina after a brief illness.
practice and law. Hadith were gathered into large collections during the 8th and 9th
He is buried in the mosque of
centuries, and these works are referred to in matters of Islamic law and history to this

2. Islamic Rulers

Rulers Period of Rule Development in Islam

Rightly Guided Caliph 632 CE to 661 CE - Did not create anything that might be called an
(Rashidun Caliphate) empire. The situation changed under the four
caliphs of the Rashidun period – Abu Bakr, Umar,
Uthman, and Ali – who oversaw the rapid
expansion of the Islamic polity throughout the
Near East.
- They elaborated important military, legal, and
economic structures and developed a nascent
imperial apparatus that helped ensure the
success of the Islamic state.
- The Rashidun Caliphate is often considered a
religio‐political golden age, but it also witnessed
many fierce debates about the nature of
authority, the role of the caliph, and the
relationship between religion and politics.
Umayyad Caliphate 661-750 CE The Umayyads made several important
contributions to the Islamic Empire. Many of
their contributions had to do with unifying the
large empire and the many cultures that were
now part of the empire. These included creating a
common coinage, establishing Arabic as the
official language throughout the empire, and
standardizing weights and measures. They also
built some of the most revered buildings of
Islamic history including the Dome of the Rock in
Jerusalem and the Umayyad Mosque in
Abbasid Caliphate 750-1258 CE The early part of the Abbasid rule was a time of
peace and prosperity. Great advances were made
in many areas of science, mathematics, and
medicine. Schools of higher education and
libraries were built throughout the empire. The
culture flourished as Arabic art and architecture
reached new heights. This period is often
referred to as the Golden Age of Islam.

3. Muslim Culture

Science and Mathematics City life

Muslim Culture

Society Arts and Literature

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