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Class 3 EVS
NCERT Solutions
Chapter -7

1. Did you like this game?

Ans. Yes.

2. Did you find it difficult to act without speaking?

Ans. Yes.

3. Have you ever seen anyone talking through actions?

Ans. Yes.

4. When do people need to talk this?

Ans. When people cannot talk or hear then they need to talk like this.

5. This is Aftaab. His favourite toy has fallen down and broken. He is sad. How will his
face look?


6. This is Julie. Her little sister was born just yesterday. She is very excited. How will
her face look.

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7. This is Yamini’s mother. Today, while Yamini was taking out the bottle of pickle from
the kitchen it fell from her hand and broke. Draw the look on the mother’s face.


8. This is Rehana. She is afraid of dogs. While playing, suddenly a dog came in front of
her. How will Rehana’s face look?


9. Has it ever happened that you have had done some mischief and your mother found
out just by looking at your face?

Ans. Yes.

10. Look at the picture in the textbooks at page 49 and make a story of your own. Tell
the story to your friends.

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Ans. A squirrel lived on a tree. One day she gathered some dal and rice and cooked khichdi.
She invited all her friends for lunch. Crow, cuckoo, rat, ants all come to eat the khichadi.
Everyone enjoyed the food.

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