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Ezgi Bulut 2084036

Child Observation Form for November (7-28)

School Name: Nesibe Aydın Çankaya Anaokulu

Intern’s name: Ezgi Bulut

Child’s name: Şanlı

Child birth day: 27.01.2012

Child sex: Male


Social-Emotional Development

In the circle time, in order to express his emotions Şanlı said “I am happy because we
celebrated my mother’s birthdayi, I took a piano class and I went to swim.” He could express
his feelings and could explain the reasons of his feelings clearly. In that they I captured some
moment which he hug his friends and lough with them he totally likes the humour and make
lough friends. He also say thanks to friends several time. One of the child Aras felt down and
he huged Aras and tried to console him. In addition, teacher ask who insist her/his mother for
making cookie and bring the class. It is not appropriate behavior because your parents may
bussy some times and if you insist them they may feel sad. Then Şanlı said I insist my mother.
He always try to honest to teacher.

Cognitive Development

In their English Class they did a house with prepared shapes. Then he was confused how he
put a shape vertical or horizantal and he ask me teacher how should I put this shape “vertical”
or“horizental”. Then I said look at the example. Then he looked the example and said “I got it
it is vertical” He reached the success finally.

Motor Development

He is very moving child, in today he was willing to listen his friends and so he did; however
some times he did not control his movement he swing, turning around or sleep and play with
near friends. I thought in such moments, he needs to some movement and if he did not he did
not focus the activity.
Ezgi Bulut 2084036

Language Development

Today, he sometimes use some meaningles words like “Ya” in his speech. He sometimes wait
in his speech;however in general his talking is quiet understandable and logical.

Self-care Development

In the breakfast, he ate his food in a quick way and he wait for friends.


Cognitive Development

In the first coming, they do free play time and when he come to school he first prefer the
blocks, mostly. Today he again choose the blocks to play. Then he made a dog with blocks.
He also wonder about new learning. One of the friend Güneş said I played org. Then he asked
her what is the org?

Social-Emotional Development

When he played blocks 6 children come and ask can I play with you, and he said yes you can
play. Then the 7 children set a play with the blocks. He showed the dog that he made to
friends and he said it is eye protrusion dog. Today he broght to class some sticker and he
distribute them to friends; when he experiences confusion in class, he said if you do not sit I
did not give the sticker. He likes to be leader and also he like to attention in circle time he sit
in the center of circle today.

Motor Development

Today he run in the classroom and jumped in the stairs. When he was bored he always need to
some movement. Just like the previos week he again swing the chairs. When we went to park
he prefer to play the catching game and he run fast.

Language Development

Self-care Development

He poured some water to his clothes and he easily change his clothes own his own
Ezgi Bulut 2084036


Social-Emotional Development

In the circle time he said I feel suprised because yesterday, my father and I would go
somewhere ;however when I went to near to my father I saw he was asleep. I was very
suprised. He express himself very clearly. Also he was willing to take responsibility today. He
took responsibility in recycle.

Cognitive Development

In the library, teacher read a book which is “Müthiş Dedemin müthiş icatları” today and he
listened carefully and in the book it last a phrase hich is “Okyanusun hakimi” and he ask what
is “hakim” means he opened to learn new words and concepts. When teacher asks is the
fliying like birds is possible? He said it is not possible because we do not have any wings and
we could fell down. Moreover, when children made some noise, he said “here is the library
and in the library we should be quiet”. However he did not control his behavior.

Motor Development

In the library he said he was boring and start to walk around and get some books and play
with some library materials. He did a picture with clouds, sun, flowers.

Language Development

For the picture he did he ask me write summer days and winter days on it. He said this letter is
like to my name’s letter.

Self-care Development


Social-Emotional Development

Today he express his feelings like “I tried to do three blocks and I did it two of them, so I am
happy for this.” Then he said when I slide an upright place I feel too affraid. He again very
clear in his expressing feeling.

Cognitive Development
Ezgi Bulut 2084036

He made a robot in the free play time and he investigate how the robot stand. Then he tried to
the way the robot stand up and found two ways for standing the robot and showed me. On the
other hand, he sometimes did not get his attention the activity. He had some difficulties in
circle time today he listened by lie down and play his feet. In this time it is needed to support
an opportunity to move him.

Motor Development

When he was in the park he tried to skipped on the high place and he reached the success also,
he and his friends again run in around and he prefer to catching game one more time.

Language Development

He sometimes use complex words like vertical and horizental. He said to me I watched a
documentation about basic machine. This can demonstrate us his intellectual level with the

Self-care Development

In his breakfast, today, he said I ate my breakfast;however I will eat something again. He
seems to know the good and balanced nutrition and aware of that topic. He did not experience
hard time with food.

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