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NASA Moon Photo Shows Alleged ‘4-Kilometer Alien Tower,’ UFO Expert Claims

KEY POINTS UFO expert Scott Waring claimed to have spotted an alien tower on the
Moon The photo of the alleged tower was taken by NASA's previous lunar mission
Waring believes the alleged tower was built by aliens at the center of a crater A
UFO expert claimed that NASA’s previous mission on the Moon captured a massive
alien structure on the lunar surface. According to the expert, the alleged alien
tower was built on a prominent crater on the Moon. In his latest blog post, Scott
Waring of ET Data Base referenced a photo featured on the website for the Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC), a series of imaging systems mounted on NASA’s
Lunar Reconnaissance Rover (LRO). The LRO was a robotic spacecraft launched by NASA
in 2009 to study the Moon from its orbit. The photo that caught Waring’s attention
was an image of the Aristarchus plateau, which, according to NASA, is one of the
most geologically diverse regions on the Moon. It was created following a fairly
recent impact caused by a large asteroid or comet. According to the agency, the
impact uncovered a cross-section of subsurface features that measure about 3,000
meters long. This includes the Aristarchus crater, which measures about 40
kilometers wide and 3.5 kilometers deep. In the image captured by the LRO, a dark
object can be seen at the center of the crater. According to Waring, this
mysterious object could be a massive tower that was built by aliens on the Moon.
Based on the size of the object in relation to the crater, the UFO expert estimated
that the alleged alien tower could be about 4 kilometers tall. “Aristarchus crater
is 40 kilometers in diameter, according to NASA,” Waring stated in a blog post.
“The tower at the center stands about 1/10th or 10% of the crater’s diameter. That
means although the crater floor is deeper than the surface of the Moon, this tower
stands a whopping four kilometers tall.” Waring claimed aliens may have used a
combination of the Moon’s gravity and their technology to construct a massive
structure on the lunar surface. Although Waring cited LROC and its images as the
sources for his latest blog post, NASA and the team behind the LRO mission have not
released a statement acknowledging or confirming his claims about the alleged alien
tower.    Sunrise lighting enhances surface texture on Aristarchus crater (40 km
diameter). Northwest (upper left) of the crater is the mysterious Aristarchus
plateau, to the east, southeast, and south lies the edge of the vast mare Oceanus
Procellarum. Small white arrows indicate approximate corners of the NAC panorama,
vertical line on right shows the LRO orbit ground track when this NAC panorama was
acquired. LROC WAC mosaic. Photo: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University

NASA Photo Captures Alleged ‘Shapeshifting UFO’ On The Moon, Expert Claims

KEY POINTS UFO expert Scott Waring claims to have spotted a shapeshifting alien
vessel on the Moon Photos of the alleged alien vessel were captured during NASA's
Apollo 16 mission Waring believes the object was monitoring the mission A UFO
expert claimed that NASA’s previous mission on the Moon captured an alien vessel
hovering over the lunar surface. According to the expert, the alleged alien vessel
was capable of changing its shape. Scott Waring of the UFO-centered blog ET Data
Base stated in a recent blog post that he came across the images of the alleged
alien vessel through the Lunar and Planetary Institute’s website, which features
photos of the Moon taken by NASA’s various missions. The series of images that
captured Waring’s attention was taken during Apollo 16, which is NASA's 10th crewed
mission to the Moon under the Apollo program. Launched on April 16, 1972, Apollo 16
was the fifth NASA mission to land on the Moon. The images feature various photos
of the lunar surface in a panoramic format. After going through the photos, Waring
noticed that they contain an image of a white-colored object. Based on the photos,
the object appeared to be hovering at high speeds over the lunar surface. Waring
noted that it was able to match the speed of the Apollo 16 module as it flew over
the Moon. As he reviewed the photos, Waring noted that the strange object changed
its shape as it traveled over the surface. “At first, I was skeptical and took a
closer look at the craft, noting that the shape of the UFO changed shape several
times,” Waring stated in a blog post. “It is unknown if the cloud is a cloak for
the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves fast and
matches the speed of the Apollo module.” Since the object appeared in several
photos taken by the module, Waring believes that the UFO was following the Apollo
16 spacecraft. Due to its appearance, Waring believes that the strange object was a
vessel used by aliens that inhabit the Moon. “This UFO was clearly following and
monitoring the Apollo 16 module as it flew in orbit around the moon taking photos,”
he stated. “Please notice that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches
its speed with the Apollo module.” Although the photos taken by Apollo 16 served as
the basis for Waring’s blog post, NASA has not released a statement addressing or
confirming his claims. Photo of the lunar surface taken during Apollo 16 Photo:

UFO sighting: Mysterious 'glowing white clouds' on the Moon baffle alien expert

In his opinion, the UFO or unidentified flying object was monitoring the Apollo 16
mission as it orbited the Moon. He said: "Please notice that the UFO moves from the
top of the photo and matches its speed with the Apollo module then at about 450
photos it begins to fall behind, apparently realizing that the Apollo craft was no
threat. "Also there were about 40 to 45 images that had a 100 percent focused cloud
in its location and each of these images are slightly different than the next, not
to mention that the lunar surface below the UFO changes in each photo the Apollo 16
module took." Mr Waring also pulled 458 still images of the UFO, which he arranged
into a video clip on YouTube.

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