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VOCABULARY (Personality Traits)

Gullible: (adj.): [guhl-uh-buh l]: Easily deceived or cheated.

Synonyms: Credulous, Trustful, Impressionable etc.
Use: Many assets were stolen from the gullible people of the village by the politicians.
Gullible students fall prey to the false promises made by coaching classes

Pompous ( adj ): Very showy

Synonyms : Haughty , Domineering , Bombastic ,
Use : The pompous Nagarsevak known for fancy cars and Golden chains used to turn into a lame duck in front of
his wife

Flamboyant : Very stylish

Synonyms : Ostentatious , extravagant ,
Use : Vijay Mallya the once liqour Barron known for his Flamboyant lifestyle because of his imprudent
investments has lost all his fortune

Suave: (adj.): [swahv]: (especially of a man) charming, confident, and elegant.

Synonyms: charming, sophisticated, debonair etc.
Use: She was lucky to find such a suave gentleman as a life partner.
The Sauve and Sexy Hritik Roshan is considered by many to resemble Greek Gods

Sly: (adj.): [slahy]: having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature.

Synonyms: cunning, wily, clever, tricky, deceitful etc.
Use: The pirate was sly enough to keep some secrets with him.

Harried: (adj.): [har-eed]: feeling strained as a result of having demands persistently made on one.
Synonyms: pestered, annoyed, harassed, devastated etc.
Use: The dealer was harried by the customers due to the enquiries about the sales.

Loquacious: (adj.): [loh-kwey-shuh s]: talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative.
Synonyms: talkative, garrulous, voluble, wordy etc.
Use: He had found himself a loquacious bride.
Most Indian Politicians are loquacious and make lofty speeches

Lackadaisical: (adj.): [lak-uh-dey-zi-kuh l]: lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.
Synonyms: careless, lazy, casual, listless, lethargic etc.
Use: People with lackadaisical attitude cannot expect an easy way to success.
The reaspone to online classes during Corona was lackadaisical , as people were unaware of the future .

Boorish: (adj.): [boo r-ish]: rough and bad-mannered; coarse.

Synonyms: coarse, uncouth, rude, discourteous, impolite, ungentle manly, unladylike etc.
Use: His conduct toward the guests was quite boorish.
Owesi is known for Boorish remaks

Blasé: (adj.): [blah-zey, blah-zey; French bla-zey]: bored with life.

Synonyms: Unimpressed, nonchalant, apathetic etc.
Use: Towards the end of life he had become blasé about the materialistic things.

Taciturn: (adj.): [tas-i-turn]: (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
Synonyms: reticent, quiet, unforthcoming, secretive etc.
Use: In the initial days of the college she was a bit taciturn towards her peers.

Stolid: (adj.): [stol-id]: not easily stirred or moved mentally; showing little emotion or animation.
Synonyms: impassive, phlegmatic, unemotional, calm, placid etc.
Use: She won’t give up easily as she is a stolid woman.
I like Irfan khan's Stolid appearance

Affable: (adj.): [af-uh-buh l]: friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.

Synonyms: friendly, amiable, genial, congenial, cordial etc.
Use: The actor is liked by everyone because he is affable.
Everybody finds Tapsi Pannu Affable

Pankaj Gandhi’s Academy
3 Floor, Above Hotel Woodland, Near Sharda Center, Nal Stop, Pune Contact No.: 8600972993, 9850424051
Amenable: (adj.): [uh-mee-nuh-buh l, uh-men-uh-]: open to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
Synonyms: biddable, acquiescent, flexible, tractable etc.
Use: The owner was amenable enough to be deviated from his decision.
There is a misconception that Manmohan Singh was a very amenable PM and was remote controlled ; the Great
PM deserves due respect

Prudent: (adj.): [prood-nt]: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Synonyms: wise, sagacious, shrewd, advisable etc.
Use: If someone is financially prudent, then it is logical for him or her to make big plans.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is known for his prudent investments

Fidgety: (adj.): [fij-i-tee]: restless or uneasy.

Synonyms: impatient, restive, uneasy, nervous etc.
Use: It is quite common to get fidgety before an interview.

Garrulous: (adj.): [gar-uh-luh s, gar-yuh-]: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

Synonyms: voluble, verbose, conversational, loquacious, talkative etc.
Use: Generally he won’t speak much, but he was garrulous about the marriage.
When it comes to MODIJI , Anupam kher is so garrulous that people call him MODIJI's Bhakt

Grouchy: (adj.): [grou-chee]: irritable and bad-tempered; grumpy; complaining.

Synonyms: grumpy, cross, irritable, crotchety, crabby etc.
Use: There is no point in arguing with a grouchy person.

Gregarious: (adj.): [gri-gair-ee-uh s]: fond of the company of others.

Synonyms: sociable, convivial, clubbable, affable, amiable etc.
Use: Her gregarious personality always kept her surrounded by people.
The gregarious Nita Ambani is apple of Media's eyes; but her husband Mukesh is quite reclusive

Immaculate: (adj.): [ih-mak-yuh-lit]: perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.

Synonyms: clean, spotless, pristine, unsoiled, unstained etc.
Use: He had a loyal and immaculate nature which made him more attractive.
It is hard to find politicians in India with immaculate record

Languid: (adj.): [lang-gwid]: having or showing a disinclination for physical exertion or effort.
Synonyms: relaxed, unhurried, unenergetic, slow, slow moving etc.
Use: The students seemed quite languid about the examinations.

Intrepid: (adj.): [in-trep-id]: fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect).
Synonyms: unafraid, undaunted, dauntless, undismayed, bold etc.
Use: An intrepid friend of mine always likes to go on dangerous types of treks.

Caustic: (adj.): [kaw-stik]: severely critical or sarcastic.

Synonyms: mordant, sharp, bitter, scathing, ironic, scornful etc.
Use: Your caustic behaviour might lead you to be abandoned by your friends.
We should never make caustic remarks about any thing especially related to religion and looks

Disparaging: (adj.): [dih-spar-i-jing]: expressing the opinion that something is of little worth.
Synonyms: derogatory, defamatory, snide, unfavourable etc.
Use: The disparaging remarks about his work inspired him instead of discouraging him.
CORONA has made us start respecting many people and professions ; the ones we have been disparaging for
a long time.

Effervescent: (adj.): [ef-er-ves-uh nt]: vivacious and enthusiastic.

Synonyms: buoyant, ebullient, jolly etc.
Use: They selected only the candidates those were effervescent enough to work on field.
The effervescent Madhuri Dixit made people realise the body language and facial expressions are extremely
important aspects of Dancing

Facetious: (adj.): [fuh-see-shuh s]: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour.
Synonyms: flippant, frivolous, waggish, jocular, mischievous etc.
Use: The employee was always very facetious about his work and hence was thrown out of the company.

Conscientious: (adj.): [kon-shee-en-shuh s, kon-see-]: wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
Synonyms: diligent, punctilious, painstaking, sedulous, assiduous, meticulous etc.

Pankaj Gandhi’s Academy
3 Floor, Above Hotel Woodland, Near Sharda Center, Nal Stop, Pune Contact No.: 8600972993, 9850424051
Use: The people that come from a poor background are generally found to be conscientious toward their work.

Xenophobic: (adj.): [zen-uh-foh-bik, zee-nuh‐]: showing a dislike of people from other countries.
Synonyms: racist, ethnocentric, intolerant, prejudiced, jingoistic etc.
Use: The xenophobic people won’t let the others buy apartments in the area.
Indians who are hostile towards fellow Indians from some other states , realise their mistakes when they visit
foreign countries and are victims of Xenophobia .

Virtuous: (adj.): [vur-choo-uh s]: showing high moral standards.

Synonyms: righteous, ethical, upstanding, principled etc.
Use: The freedom fighters showed a virtuous approach toward their purpose.

Obnoxious: (adj.): [uh b-nok-shuh s]: extremely unpleasant.

Synonyms: abhorrent, annoying, disgusting, loathsome, nasty etc.
Use: The crime scene was so obnoxious that they could hardly look at it.
Some Villains like Pran were so good actors that in real life also people found them obnoxious

Quixotic: (adj.): [kwik-sot-ik]: extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.

Synonyms: idealistic, extravagant, unrealistic, unworldly etc.
Use: Watching fictional movies had made him too quixotic to believe the real world.
Many people find Lord Ram's character Quixotic , but it is the kind of behaviour that is needed in today's
materialistic world

Supercilious: (adj.): [soo-per-sil-ee-uh s]: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others.
Synonyms: arrogant, haughty, conceited, disdainful etc.
Use: The supercilious lady condemned all her co-workers and gained hatred in exchange.
Many people whom we respect as celebrities and successful businessmen are in real life are not liked by
people who work with them because of their Supercilious behaviour

Punctilious: (adj.): [puhngk-til-ee-uh s]: showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour.
Synonyms: meticulous, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive etc.
Use: The hosts were punctilious about providing all the facilities to the guests.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali is known for is Punctilious planning of movies ; no wonder his movies are blockbusters

Surly: (adj.): [sur-lee]: bad-tempered and unfriendly; churlishly rude; menacingly irritable.
Synonyms: sullen, uncivil, brusque, irascible, splenetic, choleric, cross etc.
Use: It is difficult to handle a surly person like him.
Though known as Queen of Indian Television , Ekta Kpoor is known for her Surly behaviour

Tenacious: (adj.): [tuh-ney-shuh s]: persisting in existence; not easily dispelled.

Synonyms: persistent, pertinacious, determined etc.
Use: The tenacious players did not give any chance to the opposite team to make goals.
Her tenacious efforts finally yielded the results when she was selected as an IPS officer

Pandemonium: (adj.): [pan-duh-moh-nee-uh m]: wild and noisy disorder or confusion.

Synonyms: tumult, uproar, brouhaha, chaos etc.
Use: The offensive speech by the leader caused a pandemonium amongst the crowd.
The cancelling of trains at last moment turned the crown into pandemonium

Deferent: (adj.): [def-er-uh nt]: showing polite submission or respect.

Synonyms: respecting, obedient, yielding etc.
Use: Today’s generation is not as deferent towards their elders as the previous one.

Zealous: (adj.): [zel-uh s]: showing great enthusiasm or energy in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Synonyms: passionate, ardent, fervent, devoted etc.
Use: The students seemed quite zealous about the new project.

Rambunctious: (adj.): [ram-buhngk-shuh s]: difficult to control or handle.

Synonyms: boisterous, rowdy, raucous etc.
Use: The rambunctious fellow started shooting openly in the public.
The police could handle the Rambuntious crowd after the entry of SALLu

Slovenly: (adj.): [sluhv-uh n-lee]: (especially of a person or their appearance) untidy and dirty.
Synonyms: scruffy, untidy, messy, unkempt, slatternly etc.

Pankaj Gandhi’s Academy
3 Floor, Above Hotel Woodland, Near Sharda Center, Nal Stop, Pune Contact No.: 8600972993, 9850424051
Use: A slovenly poor man entered the hall and everyone present started staring.
one should believe in Simple living and high thinking ; but it does not mean that you should carry yourselves in
slovenly manner

Zippy: (adj.): [zip-ee]: bright, fresh, or lively.

Synonyms: lively; peppy, energetic, speedy etc.
Use: A zippy person like him will complete the work before time.
What people like about Ranvir Singh has always remained an enigma to me ; is it the acting or his Zippy
behaviour ?

Zany: (adj.): [zey-nee]: amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic.

Synonyms: eccentric, bizarre, weird, peculiar etc.
Use: His zany dance made all the children laugh aloud.

Obsequious: (adj.): [uh b-see-kwee-uh s]: obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
Synonyms: servile, ingratiating, unctuous, submissive etc.
Use: They completed their task in time and in obsequious manner.
The obsequies behaviour of our friends and juniors should always ring an alarm bell in our mind .

Pankaj Gandhi’s Academy
3 Floor, Above Hotel Woodland, Near Sharda Center, Nal Stop, Pune Contact No.: 8600972993, 9850424051

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