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Once a companion reaches 5 Progression Points, you may opt to permanently increase the Recruitment
Point cost of that companion to unlock his or her additional customisation. Once selected, the
customisation may not be altered, and the Recruitment Point cost may not be reduced back to the original

Note: This house rule has two goals. The first is to give players something meaningful to do with ‘leftover’ RP. The second
is to stop the “upgrade” of companions from being a no-brainer; A starting companion who survives 10 scenarios will have
10 progression points and two small stat increases but the ranger is likely to be level 7+ by that point with 20 extra RP.
If the ranger started with a small party of ‘elite’ companions, he or she might not fill the party until level 15 or 19. However
in many cases, rangers will start with 5 – 6 companions so additional RP gained from levelling can only be used to hire 1
– 2 ‘additional’ companions before the party is full. As a result, even if a ‘cheap’ companion does last this long, players are
encouraged to swap them out for more expensive (and durable) alternatives to make the best use of RP gained through
levelling. With these customisations, players will have a reason to hang on to their favourite companions even if they aren’t

Arcanist: Dabbler (+5 RP)

The arcanist may learn 1 spell. This spell must be either Smoke or Heal and it can not be swapped out
between scenarios. It will always be the only spell the arcanist knows.

Archer: Pick one (+2 RP)

If there is exactly 1 piece of intervening terrain between the archer and the target when making a ranged
attack, this companion GAINS +1 Shoot instead of the target gaining +1 Fight.
The archer does not grant +1 Fight to the target if the companion moved before making the ranged

Barbarian: Go Down Swinging (+3 RP)

If the barbarian is reduced to 0 Health (or less) by a creature during the Creature Phase and it has not
already activated this turn, do not remove this companion from the table. Instead, the barbarian may
activate as normal but must fight the creature that reduced it to 0 Health. If it is not possible to reach
that creature with a move action and then attack it, the barbarian’s activation immediately ends. At the
end of activation, remove the barbarian as a casualty.

Battlemage: Pyromancer (+3 RP)

Figures that take damage from the Battlemage’s Fireball spell take +1 Damage.

Conjuror: Favoured Spell (+5 RP)

Pick one spell from the list. Any time the conjuror has one or more instances of this spell memorised for
a scenario, that spell may be cast one additional time. Only grants one additional casting no matter how
many times that spell has been memorised.

Guardsman: Keep Them at Bay (+3 RP)

A creature attacking the guardsman suffers -2 Fight if it moved into combat with the companion this

Healer: Physician (+4 RP)

The Healer begins every scenario with 1 dose of Anthalas that does not take up an item slot.
Hound: Heel! (+2 RP)
Once per game, at the start of the hound's activation, it may use this ability to gain +2 Move. However,
any movement action performed by the hound this turn MUST move it back to the ranger via the shortest
route possible.

Illusionist: Showman (+4 RP)

The companion gains +1 Shoot and can equip throwing daggers.

Knight: Monster Hunter (+3 RP)

Once per game, after rolling for combat, this model may add +5 to the Fight Roll against a creature with
the Large trait.

Man-At-Arms: Shield Bearer (+3 RP)

This companion takes 2 less damage from ranged attacks.

Raptor: Fly High (+2 RP)

Once per game, at the start of this model's activation, it may use this ability to race up towards the clouds
and be immediately removed from the table. It does not activate the following turn. During the
Companion Phase of the turn after, the Raptor may be placed anywhere on the board at the start of it's
activation. This ability may not be used if the game would reach the turn limit before the Raptor could
return to the table, or if the scenario takes place in an enclosed location.

Recruit: Pick one (+2 RP)

This companion can equip light armour and a dagger.
This companion can equip a two-handed weapon.

Rogue: Knife in the Back (+3 RP)

If this companion is in a multiple combat and benefits from having another hero participate in the same
fight, this companion gains an additional +2 to their Combat Score.

Savage: Cleave (+5 RP)

If the savage is in multiple combat and wins the Fight Roll against the target, every other evil creature in
base contact with this companion immediately looses 1 Health.

Spy: Well Informed (+4 RP)

Once per game, when this companion is interacting with a clue marker, after rolling or drawing a card to
and checking the result you may re-roll (re-rolling again if you get the same result) or set the card aside,
draw another, then shuffle the first card back into the deck.

Swordsman: Duellist (+3 RP)

The swordsman has perfected the art of using both weapons at once and gains +1 Fight.

Templar: Execution (+4 RP)

Once per game, after making a Fight Roll but before determining the outcome, the templar may choose
to roll a second time as long as the target has 5 Health remaining or less. The companion may pick which
result to keep.

Tracker: Wildland Ghost (+5 RP)

If a creature would move towards the tracker because it is the closest hero in line of sight, ignore this
companion for the purposes of creature movement if there is at least 1 piece of intervening terrain and
the tracker has not already activated this turn.

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