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Year 3

Assessment 3


Name: ……………………………. Class: ……………………………

1. Add the speech marks around the spoken words.

1. We are going for a week said Sara.

2. Where are you going? Asked Tom.

3. I’m very cold, moaned the little girl.

4. Swimming is boring! exclaimed his friend.

5. Look out! Shouted the policeman.

(5 marks)

2. Write the plurals of these nouns.

1. boy - 5. glass -

2. box - 6. city -

3. life - 7. church -

4. lady - 8. tray -

(4 marks)
3. Write a or an to fill the gaps.

1. We can go home in ______ hours.

2. May I have _______ orange?
3. We have to wear _____ uniform to school.
4. I am buying _____ house.
(2 marks)
4. Underline the verb in each sentence.

1. The curtains were hanging over the windows.

2. I worked hard at school.

3. I catch the bus to school.

4. Sam is climbing the stairs.

5. The child was playing with his toys.

(5 marks)

5. Give each sentence a capital letter and a punctuation at the end.

1. when are we going to the museum


2. kylie likes to help her mom cook dinner


3. the gate was creaking in the wind


4. would you like to play tennis with me


(4 marks)

 Read ‘The Oxford English for Cambridge Primary’ page 76 & 77 and

answer questions on A & B

 Read ‘Emily’s Voyage’ page 29 – 50

Make 5 questions of your own and write answers in full.

Year 3

Name: ……………………………….. Class: ………………..

Question 01

How Plants Grow?

All plants need water to live. They do not take in food
as an animal
animal do, but
does, butmake
they their
theirusing waterwater
own using fromfrom
the ground, and carbon dioxide gas from the air.
Water is absorbed through a plant’s roots.

a. Name a word processing program that can be used to create this article.

b. Write down two alignments used in this document.

c. State a font style applied to the heading.

Question 02

1. Write two uses of the Internet.

2. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

Web page Website

Text Search engine

Website Images

a. A collection of web pages make a

b. The information on the Internet is displayed to us in the form of a

c. Hyperlinks can be in the form of or

d. A is a website which lets the user search information

Question 03

1. Write two examples where text and images are used to convey information.

2. Name two storage devices.

3. Name the most suitable device that can be used to do the following tasks.

To print your work on paper

To put pictures into the


To listen to music in a computer

Geography Assessment-Year 3

Please read the Geography text book lesson “The Changing scene”.
Year 3
Assessment 3
Name : ……………………………….. Class: ……………………………

1) Complete the table given by arranging the materials into the three groups.

plastic ruler plastic comb pebbles

cement brick pin rubber band

cotton wool wooden chair Paper

Can bend easily Can bend a little Cannot bend

(1×9 = 9 marks)
2) John wanted to make a healthy bean plant. He set up an experiment as shown below. He
placed them at
in the same room temperature. The
A seed becoming
process a baby
during which plant
a seed is called
grows into a
plant is called germination.
a) Tick () the jar/jars which will have germinated seeds.

(2 marks)

b) John grew a healthy bean plant from the bean seeds. John’s mom asked John to look after
the bean plants.
Underline the place where John should keep the bean plants, to keep them healthy.

(1 mark)
John forgot to look after the plant when he was busy with his studies. It had yellow leaves and
the soil was very dry.

c) What are the two things that are needed for this plant to be healthy?

…………………………………………… ……………………………………………

(1×2 = 2 marks)

3) Circle all the natural fabrics.

cotton polyester rubber

nylon silk linen

(4 marks)

4) Name a fabric that we get from an animal?


(1 mark)

5) Circle a material that we get from the ground.

wool leather cotton iron

(1 mark)
This is relevant only for year 3C, 3D and 3E classes.
Please fill the table on pages 71 and 72 of the Science text book 2 using the information given

4.3 Uses of materials

Raw material Used for
window frame and doors
match sticks
To make glass
Sand to make concrete
To make cookware and utensils
Stainless steel surgical instruments
parts of vehicles
Cotton fabric is used to make dresses,
Cotton bed sheets, pillow cases, towels
bandages, swabs and cotton buds
Making gloves, mattresses, rubber band,
balloons, swim caps and chewing gum
Rubber sheeting Mats, mattresses, cot sheets, rubber carpets
Food packaging
Polystyrene Disposable utensils and drinking cups
Packaging protectors
Tools and iron nails
Used to make steel
Clay Clay pots
Roofing tiles
To make woollen fabric – sweaters, socks,
blankets, carpets, fluffy toys
Year 3
Write the words in Tamil.

1. Yellow ………………………..

2. Sea shell ………………………..

3. Egg ………………………..

4. Squirrel ………………………..

5. Window …………………………

6. Hat ………………………..

7. Key …………………………

8. School ……………………….

9. Nail ………………………..

10. One …………………………

Year 3
Assessment 3

Name:- ……………………………………. Class:- ……………………………………

පිළිතුරු ලියන්න. Write the answers.

 "අ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න. (words without පිල්ලම්)
…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ආ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න. (words with ඇලපිල්ල )

…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ඇ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න. (words with ඇදය )

…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ඈ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න.(words with දිග ඇදය )

…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ඉ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න. (words with ඉස්පපිල්ල )

…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ඊ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න.(words with දීර්ඝ ඉස්පපිල්ල)

…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "උ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න.(words with පාපිල්ල )

…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ඌ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න. .(words with දීර්ඝ පාපිල්ල )
…………………………………………… ………………………………………
 "එ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න..(words with ය ාම්ුව )
…………………………………………… ………………………………………

 "ඒ" ශබ්දයයන් පටන් ගන්නා වචන 2 ක් ලියන්න.(words with ය ාම්ුව හා

හල්ිරීම ) …………………………………………… ………………………………………
Year 3

Name: ________________ Class: ________

1) Underline the odd numbers

31, 20, 16, 45, 28

2) How many grams in 1 kg? ____________g

3) 45 - 30 = ____________

4) Write the missing number

a) 3 x 10 = ______

5) Double of 12 is ______

6) A shop opens at 9.35. Show the time on the clock face.

7) 32 + 4 = ______

8) 1 of 15 =

9) 347 adults and 429 children turn up at the zoo on Sunday. What is the
total number of people who came to the zoo?

10) Colour quarter.

11) Write the fraction that describes the coloured part.

12) The ginger cat drank 163 ml of water. The tabby cat drank 125 ml of
Water. How much did they drink altogether?

13) a) 2 4 b) 4 8
+1 3 +3 1
________ ________
c) 3 3 2 d) 6 2 5
+ 46 + 64
________ ________


2 each

Jack bought 4 animal pictures.

a) How much did they cost? __________________

b) What was Jack’s change from 20 ? _________________

Year 3

Name : ____________________ Class: ________

Underline the correct answer.

1. A person born to a particular country and protected by its law

1) Immigrant 2) refugee
3) citizen 4) emigrant

2. Enter forcefully into a country by attacking it

1) emigrant 2) invade
3) settle 4) immigrate

3. The Vikings invaded Britain in

1) AD 793 2) AD 43
3) AD 410 4) AD 1066

4. The Celts were early settlers of

1) India 2) America
3) Africa 4) Britain

5. The Roman leader who invaded Britain successfully

1) Claudius 2) Alexander the Great
3) Guthram 4) Prasulagus
6. The Roaman
Roman war ships were known as

1) a long ship 2) dragon ship

3) trireme 4) merchant ship

7. The warrior queen of the Celts was

1) Cleopatra 2) Juliet
3) Boudicca 4) Victoria

8. The Roman amphitheatre was used for

1) watching plays 2) keeping out the enemies
3) buying goods 4) washing, swimming and meeting friends

9. A villa is
1) a small house 2) a large house with a farm
3) a village 4) a mud hut

10. Mosaics are made of

1) marble 2) small coloured pieces of stone
3) crystals 4) granite
Match the Roman numbers with the correct number.

A. 5 C

B. 12 D

C. 20 xii

D. 500 v

E. 100 xx
Year 3
Design and Technology
Paste the template on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. Colour it with a lovely design and make the cube.
Year 3
Assessment – 3

Name: ………………………………………… Class: ………………

 Write your name, class and topic at the back of the B4 drawing paper.
 Draw a margin of 3cm on the left.
 Make the drawing colourful.
 Colour the background.
 Use any media. (watercolours / pastels).

Draw a Sun set. Use warm colours.
*Refer the Art text book (unit 11-Colour Moods)

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