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Ladies and gentlemen

free sex for teenagers is a greatest problem not only for Indonesia but also for all over the
world. So, it needs quickly to solve and heal the world by say no to free sex. There are
several ways from me but I need help and support by the government and all the societies as
follows :

1. Increasing awareness and the quality of religion education by giving spiritual lesson
and with my knowledge I would like to giving sex education to the teenagers and
societies who practice free sex.
2. Control from the parents. I would like to make big community for the place of parents
sharing their problems and giving course of parenting class to make them easy in
controlling their children. In this case, control from the parents is very important.
Parents need to instill discipline and religious values in educating their children, and
how to limits interaction between males and females then monitoring of parents for
the children outside home.

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