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The most respectful justice

The excellencies to the committee

Dear all participants in this speech contest

And my lovely virtual audience all over the world

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hello everyone I’m Putri Az-zahra. Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much
for the committee and justice who have given me the opportunity to deliver this English
speech in front of you all today on the theme My Dream and Passion To Create A Better
World. On this occasion, I desire to preach on the title

Heal The World : Say No to Free Sex!

Ladies and gentlemen

Well talking about my dream and passion, as a worker on health and medical
concentration, I’d love to see my sister, my brother, the children, teenagers in my
environment healthy and happy. But in other side I am so sad in seeing some of teenagers
doing bad things that make them got a sick. I have a dream to make the world be better, heal
the world by save the teenagers from bad habituation : of course from free sex. to prevent free
sex for teenagers is very relate with my dream and passion. Why I concern it ? Because
healthy teenagers are potentially to be the world future leader, if the teenager is health they
can create the world to be better. Beside that, if the teenager is sick, the world will lose their
future leader. As we know that, now we are being in free trade era where the free sex more
increase than before eventhought the government of all over the world e.g. United State of
America, Japan, and Indonesia itself had tried to prevent the free sex.

Based on the data of UNICEF 2013 about 200.000 teenagers are trafficked annualy for free
sex in Indonesia and abroad. In 2019 around 800.000 estimated number of adolescents aged
of 10-19 years living with HIV by free sex. 30% of teenager in Indonesia for joining the free
sex and 40.000-70.000 are victims of free sex.

The NGO (Non Government Organization) reported that, 3.000 women per year were
trafficked from East Java to Surabaya and most of them are teenagers. Oh My God ! How
pity the teenagers are.
Ladies and gentlemen

So, What are the effects of free sex for teenagers? Well there are three horrific effects.
What are they? Do you know ladies and gentlemen?

1. Increase pregnancy and miscarriage in teenagers

When the teenagers do the free sex, they are possibility pregnancy. Many teenagers
not responsibility when pregnant after make a free sex. The girls teenagers fell shy to
take a risk son enlarge and the solution to close their shyness is take miscarriage. It
can be effect for their health and risk dead.
2. Risk mental and psychological
When the teenagers make a free sex, it means that they are in a big problem. They feel
depression and disappointed with their life and they take wrong solution, for
example : distraught and suicide.
3. Increasing many diseases
It cannot be denied that, doing free sex make a sexuality transmitted diseases. The
example of the diseases are : HIV/AIDS, bacterial vaginosis, herpes, etc.

Ladies and gentlemen

What is my dream and passion to prevent this problem for the better world ?

I am a young doctor bachelor of medicine from Indonesia who have passion and
dream in advancing the world that I can start from Indonesia, my own country, so that I can
be influential and set an example by the world. I am very concerned with the health of
children and teenagers, with the knowledge and profession that I have I will go slowly to be
able to contribute and have the authority in dealing with free sex for teenagers. After
becoming a medical doctor I want to join the world health organization and want to continue
my study on Australia to become a master of public health in the field of sexual and
reproductive health, then I have a big dream to being the ministry of health in Indonesia to
overcoming free sex for teenagers. Because free sex for teenagers is a greatest problem not
only for Indonesia but also for all over the world. So, it needs quickly to solve and heal the
world by say no to free sex. There are several ways from me but I need help and support by
the government and all the societies as follows :
1. Increasing awareness and the quality of religion education by giving spiritual lesson
and with my knowledge I would like to give sex education to the teenagers and
societies who practice free sex.
2. Control from the parents. I would like to make big community for the place of parents
sharing their problems and giving course of parenting class to make them easy in
controlling their children. In this case, control from the parents is very important.
Parents need to instill discipline and religious values in educating their children, and
how to limits interaction between males and females then monitoring of parents for
the children outside home.

Ladies and gentlemen

Before ending this speech, let me stress the essential points of my speech. Free sex for
teenagers is a crucial thing for all over the world. That’s why, we have to prevent it by
involving whole the societies. So, let’s build our commitment to heal and make the world
better by prevent free sex for our teenagers and nation. Don’t forget, save our teenagers,
nation, world, and then we will find peace and prosperous environment to create better world.

That’s all my speech today, thank you for your attention.

Wasslamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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