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Personal Code of Ethics

1. I will recognize each child’s unique gifts and abilities to help

guide my lesson plans to effectively help children continue to
develop them.
2. I will offer children opportunities to take on small responsibilities
to help them learn of their positive contributions to their
classroom community.
3. I will draw personal attention to a child’s feelings and help them
learn to regulate their emotions in positive ways.
4. I will make sure the child’s caregiver is aware of the curriculum
that is being implemented at a child-care facility to help them stay
involved in their child’s learning.
5. I will give regular reports to caregivers on the child’s
developmental progress on different areas of development
including social, emotional, cognitive and physical.
6. I will coordinate parent-teacher meetings bi-weekly with each
parent or caregiver to discuss how to best help their child in their
development and learning at home.
7. I will attend all meetings, conferences, and other work-related
events and encourage all my colleagues to attend and inform
those who were not able to attend.
8. I will share new ideas for activities to implement in our lesson
plans and share new knowledge about research on healthy child
development practices.
9. I will be highly involved in the law and policy making of the
community to promote child rights and inform others as well.
10. I will work with my colleagues to inform the community and
friends and neighbors of our child-care services.
11. I will work with the community, the state and nation to
advocate for children in the construction of child-oriented
community centers.

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