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Sample Question-01

Class: Six
Subject: English 2nd Paper
Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50
[Answer all the questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full Marks]
Section-A: Grammar (Marks: 30)
1. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (x) where no article is
needed. 0.5  8  4
(a) sun is a star. It rises in (b) east and sets in (c) west. It is (d)
source of all heat. The setting (e) sun presents (f) enjoyable scene. (g)
Moon has no light of its own. It gets light from the sun (h) stars shine in the
2. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps. 0.5  8  4
by at for to in
Sabina has lived (a) Nurgonj all her life. She likes it, there, because it is
a peaceful and unit she has many Friends (b) the village and she likes the
small animals. Every day she goes (c) school (d) Sherpur
(e) rickshaw. She has been a student (f) Sherpur high school
(g)  five years. Now she is (h) class six.
3. Make four sentences from the following substitution table. 0.5  8  4
to know about my preparation for the ensuing
I wanted busy with studies
You am received your letter
have very sorry for not replying to it earlier
4. Read the following text and change the sentences as or directed. 1 5  5
(a) Every rose has a thorn (negative)
(b) I never disagreed with him (affirmative)
(c) He has a vast experience. (Interrogative)
(d) We saw him go there (Interrogative-negative)
(e) they had been playing for two hours (negative)
5. Complete the text using the appropriate words in each gap. 0.5  10  5

Dear John,
Thank you so much for your letter. From your letter I have come to know about
the farmers of year country. Now I am writing to you about the farmers of our
country. The farmers needed to (a) their ways. So they (b) to
gather to make a larger farm. They broke their (c) to make it and called it a
(d) farm. They all (e) together and were able to (f) money and
(g) better (h) and fertilizer thus They grew a plenty of (i) and
changed their (j) .
Yours ever

6. Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs in the brackets question: 0.5  8  4
Every hour we (a) (stop) and drank some water. Then we stopped by a
small river and (b) (eat) our chicken biriyani and cakes. After our picnic,
we (c) rest for half an hour. Then we (d) wall again after two
and a half hours we (e) come to my aunt and uncles village. They (f)
look very happy to see us. “welcome’ they (g) (say)” sit down and (h)
(use verb to have) a rest. You look very tired. “I was very tired but also very
7. Re-write the following passage using capital letters and punctuation marks
where necessary. 4
the teacher said to kamal why are you talling in the class you should behove
yourself kamal replied sir i am sorry i am asking rahim to lend me his pen my pen
has runout the teacher said be attentive and lister to my lecture

Section B: Composition (Marks: 20)

8. Write an application to the head master for a seat in the school hostel. 8
Or Write an mail to your friend inviting him to the marriage ceremony of your
9. Write down a Composition on your aim in life. 12
Sample Question-02
Class: Six
Subject: English 2nd Paper
Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50
[Answer all the questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full Marks]
Section-A: Grammar (Marks: 30)
1. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (x) where no article is
needed. 0.5  8  4
Mita is (a) meritorious student. She is (b) student of class six. She
is always attentive to her (c) studies. Mita always sits in (d) first bench
in the class room. She does not make a noise in (e) class rooms. She is one of
 (f) best students in the class. As she is (g) affable girl,
everybody loves her. She is also (h) honest girl.
2. Choose the correct preposition from the box and fill in the gaps. 0.5  8  4
to beyond with on
below by about beside
Dear Mom
Hope you are fine (a) the grace of Allah. I went to inform you (b) my
new hostel life. It is adjacent (c) my college. There is a big field
(d) our hostel. The beauty of the field in (e) description. There
is a canteen (f) the first floor of the hostel. I have become well 
acquainted (g) almost all my classmates. My study is going (h) well.
3. Make four sentences from the following substitution table. 0.5  8  4
Money money if we want to buy any thing
It is what money does
We need very important for all of us
In fact it required to get any service.
4. Change the following sentences as directed. 1 4  4
(a) I shall always remember you. (Negative)
(b) Kamrul was never lite. (Affirmative)
(c) He liked the late spring. (Interrogative)
(d) The sun sets in the west. (Negative)
(e) The old man was not kind (Affirmative)
5. Complete the text using the words in the box as needed: 1 5  5
well out there goat that
pleased fox foolish water villager
Once a (a) fell in to a well. So he remained (b) all day and suffered
much. Near the well there lived a (c) . He had a goat. The goat was very (d)
The next day the goat went to eat grass beside the (e) . The fox saw the
(f) and called it. He said to the goat (g) the water of the well was very
sweet. The goat was very (h) and jumped in to the well to drink (i) .
The fox got upon the head of the goat and got (j) of the well.

6. Use the right form of verbs within the brackets. 0.5  8  4

(a) The baby started (to cry)
(b) It (to rain) since Monday.
(c) I saw the bird (to sit) on the roof
(d) Why they (to go) there yesterday?
(e) Have you ever (to be) to Cox’s Bazar?
(f) The wind (to blow) gently yesterday.
(g) Would you mind (to open) the window.
(h) I heard him (to say) so.
7. Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary. 5
what a beautiful bird it is do you know which bird it is i would like to take a
picture of it where in my camera give it to me please.

Section B: Composition (Marks: 20)

8. Write an e-mail to your cousin in U.S.A thanking him for wishing you a 8
happy birthday.
9. Write a Composition on “your aim in life”. 12
Sample Question-03
Class: Six
Subject: English 2nd Paper
Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50
[Answer all the questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full Marks]
Section-A: Grammar (Marks: 30)
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. If there is no article, use (x) in
the gap. 0.5  8  4
Once there were (a) ant and (b) dove. One day (c) ant fell down in
(d) water and a tried to come ashore. But it did not succeed because of (e)
waves. (f) dove sitting on a tree let (g) leaf down on water before it.
Then the ant climbed on (h) leaf and thus saved its life.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. 0.5  8  4
Abdur Rahim is a student (a) class seven. He attends (b) school
regularly. He is very attentive (c) his studies. He is fond (d) knowing
different things. He likes studying different kinds (e) books. Because
(f) his well manner and sincerity. His teachers love him very much.
(g) home, he looks (h) his parents and loves his younger.

3. Make four meaningful sentences from the table. 0.5  8  4

Education broadens the backbone of a nation.
It removes compared to light.
is the darkness of ignorance.
our mind.
4. Change the sentences according to the direction in bracket. You will 1 4  4
not change the meaning of the given sentences. (Transformation)
(a) Nobody helps me. (Interrogative)
(b) Only Allah can help us. (Negative0
(c) He is so weak that he cannot work. (Affirmative)
(d) Mahir is the best boy in the class. (Negative)
(e) Who hates him? (Affirmative)
5. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of verb. 1 5  5
There lived a poor (a) honest farmer in a village. He lived (b) very simple
life (c) his wife and there (d) . As he was honest, he worked on his farm (e)
dawn to dusk. One day (f) he was walking to his field, he (g) saw a purse of
gold on (h) road. He carried it home so that he (i) show it (j) his
wife and children.
6. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of verb. 0.5  8  4

be can stumble evaluate fix

find have endow consult have

A proverb goes that a man without an aim is a ship without a rudder. Likewise, a
man without an aim (a) reach his goal. He (b) in his way of life. So,
every man should (c) a definite aim. But nothing is more difficult than
choices of profession. Students (d) it very difficult to choose a suitable
profession. Choosing profession becomes very difficult because there (e)
many paths and courses open to them. They should (f) their aim according
to the abilities they are (g) with. All (h) the same abilities and
7. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
Why don’t you attend class regularly the teacher said to the student you cant
expect good results unless you attend classes i am sorry sir i have offended you
said the student

Section B: Composition (Marks: 20)

8. Write an e-mail to your cousin in U.S.A thanking him for wishing you a 8
happy birthday.
9. Write a Composition on “Your aim in life”. 12

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