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Paper English 9th ( SUBJECTIVE) Total Marks: 75

Q.No.2 Answer any five of the following questions (10)

i. For which ability were the Arabs famous? ii. Why did the Rasool ( ) stay in the cave of Hira?
iii. What are the qualities of a patriot? iv. How will you define Patriotism?
v. How does media provide entertainment? vi. Why was Abu Jehl furious?
Q.No.3 Translate the following paragraphs into urdu (4,4)

(a) Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the country and nation.
For a patriot the sovereignty, integrity, and honour of the country are supreme values on which no
compromise can be made. Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and protection of these values.

(b) Hazrat Asma will always be remembered for her courage, generosity, and wisdom. She had resolute
faith in Allah almighty. Her life would always be becone of light for all of us.

Q.No.4 Write a summary of the poem “Daffodils” (5)

Q.No.5 Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken. (8)
Q.No.6 Use any five of the following words in your own sentences. (5)
(1) Global village (2) Geared up (3) Resolute (4) a mouth piece (5) Kind (6) Impact (7) Enormity
Q.No.7 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. (10)
King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland. He had been defeated many times by the English. He ran
for his life and hides himself in a cave. He had lost all hope to win. As he lay there, thinking if he should
give up his struggle or not. He saw a spider trying to reach its cobweb in the ceiling of the cave. It fell down
again and again but did not give up its effort. At last, the little insect reached its home in its ninth attempt.
This gave courage to King Bruce. He made up his mind to fight and this time he won the battle.
1) By home had Robert Bruce been defeated many times? 2) Where did he hide himself?
3) After how many attempts did the spider succeed? 4) What did he see in the cave?
5) What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider?
Q.No.8 Translate any five of the following sentences into English. (5)

Q.No.9 Change the voice of the following sentences (5)

(1) The boy makes the picture. (2) You take a bath daily. (3) She is buying five video films.

(4) They have bought a house. (5) The match has been won by them.
English 9th ( OBJECTIVE) Marks: 19

Q.No.1 (A) Choose the correct form of verb.

1. The sun __________ in the east. (a) rise (b) rises (c) has rise (d) is rise
2. Good students always__________ hard. (a) work (b) have work (c) works (d) working
3. She ___________ English now. (a) was speaking (b) speak (c) is speaking (d) spoke
4. The girl has _________ the story. (a) wrote (b) write (c) written (d) writes
5. I __________ here for two hours. (a) wait (b) has been waiting (c) have been waiting (d) waiting
(B) Choose the word with correct Spelling.
6. (a) Chaos (b) Choas (c) chaose (d) Choes

7. (a) Intigral (b) integral (c) integrale (d) entegral

8. (a) Journey (b) Journi ( c) Journy (d) Jorney

9. (a) Pleasur (b) Pleasure (c) Plesure (d) Pleisure

(C) Choose the correct option.

10. Devotion means: (a) glamorous (b) Easy to know (c) loyalty (d) difficult to know

11. The students are all geared up. (a) silent (b) ready (c) motivated (d) keen

12. It was so delicate situation. (a) difficult (b) easy (c) sensitive (d) wrong

13. Furiously means: (a) happy (b) angrily (c) Regular (d) see

14. We are a nation, he affirmed. (a) told (b) said emphatically (c) broke in (d) advised

(D) Choose the correct option according to the grammar.

15. Some are born great. The underlined word is an.

(a) reflexive pronoun (b) Indefinite pronoun (c) Possessive pronoun (d) personal pronoun

16. Saqib is leaving ________ Friday at noon. (a) at (b) by (c) from (d) on

17. Valour is an (a) material noun (b) countable noun (c) abstract noun (d) uncountable noun

18. The boy laughs loudly. The underlined word is an.

(a) regular verb (b) Transitive verb (c) intransitive verb (d) irregular verb

19. You are a doctor. The underlined word is a (a) noun (b) verb (c) adverb (d) pronoun

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