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"Spatial Design Theories" Trancik, R (1986) - 3rd week


In the article three approaches are defined for urban design theory such as figure-ground theory,
linkage theory and place theory. When the article was reading, it is seen that while some people choose
place theory and the others may choose other figure-ground or linkage theory for urban spatial design.
However at the end it is obviously appeared that obsessing with one of these theories could cause lack of
some points.For example if an urban complex is designed around the linkage theory, it falls short because
the product becomes nonspatial and therefore nonexperiental.If the place theory is applied without linkage
and figure-ground theory, important connections can be lost and if figure-ground theory is applied user
needs and implementation level has problems.

A- Figure-Ground Theory: In this approach urban environment is composed of solid-void pattern.

While solid defines building masses, void means that gound, open spaces. The objective of this
manipulation is to clarify the structure of urba spaces in a city or district by establishing a hierarchy of
spaeces of different sizes that are individually anclosed but ordered directionally in relation to eachother.
The most known example is Giambattista nolli’s Map of Rome.Because the systems of solid and void is
clearly defined and building coverage is denser than exterior space, so, its believed that building coverage
give shape to public opening. Alvar Aalto is one of the architects of this century and he describes the
problem of spatial design as one of connecting the form of the building to the structure of the site or of
twisting and turning buildig’s facades to create positive exterior space. In this theory, creating positive voids
is important using buildings vertical or horizantal. On the other hand, sequence between public, semipublic
and private domains are important. Susana torre thinks that getting sequences to work, circulation barriers
and gabs in contiunity must be minimized or eliminated.In the context, most cities are built from
combination and permutations of six typological patterns of solids and voids as grid, angular, curvilinear,
radial/concentric, axial and organic.

Urban solids are categorized under three types. First one is public monuments or institutions which serve
as counterpieces in the city fabric. Second one is predominant field of urban blocks and the third type is
formed by directional or edge defining buildings that are generally nonrepetitive, specialised forms, often
linear in circulation. On the other hand, urban voids are defined under five types such as the entry foyer
space as transition points or passages, inner block voids, network of streets and squares, public parks and
gardens, linear open space system commonly related to major water features.

B- Linkage Theory: It is highly popular in 1960s and involves the organisation of lines that connect
the parts of the city and the design of spatial datum from these lines relate buildings to spaces. Linkage is
simply the glue of the city. The important point is to make comprehensible links between dicrete things.
According to Fumihiko Maki, linkage is the most important characteristic of urban exterior space. He
defines three different formal types of urban space; compositional, mega and group forms. For instance,
Kenzo Tange and Norioki Kurukowa study on megaforms. In all three types, Maki stresses linkage as the
controlling idea for ordering buildings and space in design.

C- Place Theory: Difference of place theory from other theories is the cultural and
human characteristics of physical space. While the meaning of “ space” is bounded or purposeful void with
the potential of physically linking things, it becomes “place” when it is given a contextual meaning derived
from cultural or regional content. The understanding of context of place term begins after 1960s. A place is
a space ehich has a distinct character and the role of urban designer is to manipulate form to make space
but to create place through a synthesis of the components of the total environment, including the social.
The aim is to find best profile between the physical and cultural context and the needs of contemporary
users. The perceptiveness of design of places is changing according to time, place and the researchers.
For eample; Ian Mcharg brings the term “ecological approach” to design which depends on discovering and
working with the intrinsic qualities of given local. In 1950, team 10 promotes the idea of the house as a
particular house in a particular place, part of an existing community that should try to extend the laws and
disciplines of that community. Besides these; Hermen Herzberger is known as one of the contextual
designer and he thinks design is nothing more than finding out what person and object want to be. Kevin
lynch studied on the mental mapping process of individuals in the city and he looked at the city in parts in
attempt to define a theory of place . He presents rules for the designing city spaces; 1) Legibility: the mental
mp of the area which held by the users. 2) Structure and identity: The recognizable, coherent pattern of
urban solid voids. 3) Imageability: User perception in motion and how people experience the space of the
city. According to Lynch successful urban spaces can be as well as ınquireing these requirements with the
elements of urban forms as paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. Gordon Cullen has a different
approach for spatial perception with the term “ sequences”. He uses drawings to capture the sensation of
movement through space. In addition to the perception of place and the image of space, he implicitly
addresses the physic content of the exterior city, the relationship between object and movement. According
to his drawings, he brings two dimensional plans to life by sketching perspective sequences that illiminate
contrasts and transitions, emphasizing the powerful effect of the third dimension. Another approach to the
understanding of context is the work of Donald Appleyard. By his “liveable streets project”, he explores the
physical and social complexities of street and developed an ecology of street life. He says people modifies
their environment as a defense against traffic. He takes streets as spatial entity.

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