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NINTH PRINTING Since the first printing of TRANCE was released in September 1995, many of the hard-to-comprehend details have been verified and miraculously managed to Surface through our controlled medias. Please help us ‘any way you can to provide this book to anyone who will further research its contents and thus shine the light of truth on the psychological warfare plan that is being silently waged against humanity. Please remember, for as long as your thoughts remain free, and consider the Psychological annoyance power of a single mosquito in a room with no light. This book will remain in a print until justice prevails, the technolgical antidote for Kelly is provided, and unbi- ased, uncensored mass news media attention is given to the contents of this book. Thank you for your support. FOREWORD by Mark Phillips “., . with liberty and justice for all.” Preamble to the United States Constitution My name is Marquart (Mark) Ewing Phillips, born May 17, 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee. I have no criminal record and I have never been adjudged insane. I am not a scholar, professional writer, or mental health physician. While I lack the Official’ published academic’ credentials, I am Tecognized internationally by meatal health and law enforcement professionals as an authority on the secret science concerning external control of the mind. ‘The purpose of Part I of this book is to locument how this reputation was gained. This brief and highly condensed contribution is intended to ride an understanding of why, when, and where I embarked on a study of the most Secret technology known to man: Trauma-based mind control. Through the iblication of declassified United States Government documents, our U.S. Besecment of Defense (DOD) admits that this ancient wizard's mechanism for control is so dangerous that most information pertaining to it must remain classified as TOP ae . AS - employee of a DOD See with exposure to mind-control research, I was required to sign an oath of secrecy. To this day I am restricted by law from revealing cori specific information that directly pertained to my employment as, among other "sensitive" exposures, a U.S. DOD subcontractor in mind-control research, This super secret technology is an evolved system of remote human physical and psychological manipulation that has only recently been officially recognized accredited mental health physicians for what it is, absolute mind control. . My first encounter with mind-control research began in the late 1960s in Atlanta, Georgia on the Emory University campus at. the Yerkes Primate Center. It was there that I learned about primate behavior modification—-the basis for human mind control. Part I of this book is my attempt to im, \inderstanding of how this and other exposures would prepare me for the ‘Challenge of a lifetime, What I witnessed, in terms of technology, at the Yerkes Primate Center and 7 ‘other government sponsored research facilities, combined with years of personal ‘fesearch into this science of mind manipulation, did not adequately prepare me ‘what I would be exposed to in 1988 through an unexpected chain of events. oT ure came in the form of personal acquaintance with the human results ally entitled by DOD as, among other cryptic file titles, MK-Ultra.' Thave outlined this noxious introduction in hopes that the material provided one MK-Ultra survivor, Cathy O'Brien, will incite a legitimate federal tigation of her claims. | was able to liberate MK-Ultra victims, Cathy O'Brien and her daughter, elly, from the invisible grip of this U.S. Government secret weapon of I. In the process, I also helped Cathy recover her mental and physical ith. However, I have not been successful in enlisting the cooperation of my eer to pursue the justice issue. There isa reason for this failure to tain justice that you, the reader, NEED TO KNOW. I have been told fepeatedly, "Justice is not obtainable, For Reasons Of National Security." 1 ‘This book is primarily the autobiography of Cal ‘Brien, who did not 4 th ff i origed od eo country, but mk used ie caine against her » voluntary for perpetuating criminal activi many so-call loaders within the U.S. Government. These, “tessenone leateact did Jonaiees for poli "service" a Service" to our country. They must be held accountable for their reading this work, you will inspire others to read it. Collectiv on you wil 4 Hlecti i ec make postive afference for Cathy and Kelly, our goverment, ani Constiution does not need to be amended it needs to be‘enforseds et fatten grim reality we must all embrace is that there is, in human terms no . ho revenge adequate to equal what these two, and many other vietims of this U.S. Government secret ttt ont pinks Ras wry Seer wurvivors need to witness is the mass dissominatice of fe ‘and a radical, pouitive bre in their government's management of secrets. This would be an Seen » though belated, substitute for justice. Their hope lies in the belief “Truth lives a wretched i but always survives a ie Anonymous 1 Weinstein, M. Bary Ma. M.D., Prychary And The Cl: Victims Of Mind Controt CHAPTER 1 MIND_CONTROL BY ANY OTHER NAME Sometimes words, or groups of words, found in. the: English tanguage-have many definitions or meanings. Within each ing there may be different ‘logical and literal perceptions of the application of a word, However, the words mind control usually conjure up a single response. This is most Unfortunate du to the vast differences of prepion contained within the For example, if you have access to a late 1980s Random House or later Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary and reference mii |, you will notice there is a conspicuous absence of a listing. Should go one step Bee or wcncarcolines ertomra akig carviol Gore" i To The Mind (Oxford Press 1987), you can reference practically anything concerning research of the mind without a reference to mind control. Perhaps you may now realize that through Random House, Webster and Oxford Press omissions, you are a victim of information control. Mind control is sometimes loosely defined as information control. This being one of many accepted ways to define the term should immediately raise questions of distrust towards your information sources. Since what we think is based on what we learn, manipulation of a mind, or a nation of minds, can be ‘accomplished through control of information. With thought control being a result of information control, many avid researchers of mind sciences simply label it "soft" mind control. These days, we live in a world in which the continued existence of multinational businesses and governments depends upon instant com- munications, However, with consideration to the so-called problem of information overload, it would appear to most people that we hear and see enough to make rational decisions concerning our individual lives. Unfortunately, this is not true. What we don't know, as evidenced by mind- control atrocities, is quickly destroying we have known it. The answer to this problem is glaringly apparent. We, as citizens of a eporey free country, should not permit our government to restrict any 5 Shtee let peepee nepenpaderr apt gor meee orm td Secret know! oe jals power, with the end result being control. Therefore, despite deliberate efforts of those persons in control of national media information management (who are not media empl 3), results of secret mind-control projects gone awry have been leaking out for years through the media. le are literally waking up to the mind-control reality because there is an obvious lack of logical explanation for certain sensational news events. What really happened at Jim Jones' Jonestown and with Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinkley, and Lee Harvey Oswald? And, more importantly, why did it 2 The simple common denominator existing among these persons has ey Sealty emi eet ee In reality, information control is but one component of mind control. Whereas “brain washing," a term coined by an investigative journalist writing ‘about Korean War P.O.W.s around 1951, described the results of what the Chinese regarded as thought reform. The term brainwashing denotes to most le i person’ 5 - the tr ‘ fe nt het am continues to be int by Papp cal Place of ul assi , mind control. In realit: is i i tocliiaues a similar to those used in trauma-based beavis i ee er lg wot es Pe three decades, a significant number of religious groups ree cited by the mainstream news media as destructive cults, eis andom House’ Distonas debcs ea go Sane SE TUS as Its, n ictionary defines cult as “a icular religious worship” By this definition, the word Pn ae a i : ul y cult would vs i » Mought reform, and mind manipulatio: tactics on their believers. However, there is an obvi preacd concern by these same medi ) fail ioumene anaen by ie ere ce ey ‘atl to address the underlying issues of Perhaps the reporting news media can not, for some reaso: i Bi proverbial Pandora's ox. a pape then to coe ee Ny Media and the public, of these d i i icon ae = coe ion 2 government sponsored mindecontmol eee 7 ions » in themselves. properly addressed, would i important answers to this social epidemic involving physical a et abuse, The answers that an in-depth professi te ee i “ fessional in' ition would i could be the first step in resolvin; ikea ae eee sera eller, and sexual chia abusers, thrust ret eee nsumers Of national news medi ied informatic i Accept half-truths which, in this case senarisy is sooty nan pet omnis 0 i pane ae apie picume fe rovide us a glimpse into the future th Ly a ser e that throughout recorded history, ae enn c , returned to a focus on certain of bi wae de Be Sa as Luci religions, Thi tuts forced relic ee cenit minds = ia petal Protected "religions" use trauma to i “control practices within the occult groups (a¢cordi i eee en and — Gate officiels) mane ten Ee ae ap betw ‘N applied science and Shamanism. i a oe Oven oo has been soni for thousands Eevasnenin I 50 ye : sci aggressive ursued the i i aueeiatos hidden within the occult Delict gaat etal eo ae ee to the Random House Dictionary, occultism "is the practice of a eed rece ime nee ~ supernatural agencies which are beyond iow els pie ge: nce again, it is a reminder that secret » the New York Times reported a si on the Central i Pet cee Se eae of whieh was pied ee e y the U.S. Government Printing Office the Freedom of Information Act. This was a report re oe ion Act. 1 to C showed that the CIA was interested in the cause a: effect linc findings Ree 4 spec ttioners. Cannibalism and blood rituals were ranked highest in the order of importance to their research. Behavioral psychology teaches us that control of human suggestibility is recognized as the fundamental building block for external control of the mind. This suggestibility factor alone potentially creates a human rights legal issue when we consider constructing laws to protect people from overt or covert mind-control practices. Consideration to the human suggestibility factor could result in all forms of consumer oriented service for product advertising becoming illegal. Advertising and the marketing of services and/or products through communications can e. justifiably defined as a type of psychological Manipulation, thought reform and/or mind manipulation which results in a form of behavior modification. A patriot friend, Steven Jacobson, published his book entitled Mind control in America in 1985, eloquently exposing the science of mind manipulation through advertising. The basis for successfully modifying human behavior requires mind manipulation techniques that, when expertly applied through advertising media, become a form of "soft" mind control. Factoring in suggestibility through the tactile senses as the “Achilles' heel" ‘of the human race renders everyone vulnerable to becoming, on some level, a victim of soft mind control. The controversy of what is and what is not mind control rages on among Scholars in the schools of law, human rights, and mental health. All the while ihe confusion of issues provides a form of legal protection for practitioners of trauma-based mind control, the only known form of remote human control that ii absolute. All other forms of mind control, including chemical and electronic iianipulations, are considered by mind-control experts as teeny are laws protecting U.S. citizens’ rights to practice their religious beliefs and freedom of speech, There are no laws which specifically protect leaders of destructive cults and/or practitioners of trauma-based mind control. However, because of the U.S. Government's use of mind control and the broad diversity of legal opinion concerning the accepted limits of free speech and feligious practices, the legal loop holes for criminals employing mind-control techniques on their "flocks" for personal gain remain open. For every problem there exists a solution... The formula for problem solving feats firmly on the quality of the supporting research information reece the Wature of the problem. Legeang laws specifically to protect people from Mind-control abuses would be futile. Practically every civilized society in wxistence has some law and/or group of laws which would protect the BY punish the practitioners of mind control. Laws are enforced accor to Wwinakers' interpretations of the specific legal language. The lack of enforcement of laws already on the books that could protect us from mind- yntrol abuses stems from applied legal interpretations and cover-ups of sur- testimony by the CIA and National Security Agency (NSA) For Reasons National Security. Mind-control atrocities, if committed by anyone who could be linked to ee ean: sponsored projects, are typically ignored and covered up. Access the courts by these hapless survivors is thus stonewalled by government paid lied legal experts who receive their orders from the National Security ney. Defining the term "mind control" is akin to defining the limits of the 1947 Mutional Security Act. The basis for the solution to the National Security Wontroversy is simple. It is known as; Truth logically applied. 5 truth that the National Security Act has ty Of military secrets, but instead to meorenry nl with the established rules of military that do not infri upon the or the rights of its allies would result eet 7 ISBN # 0-911485-00-7 | oy revolution, bloody or bloodless, has two phases. The first is the ‘Struggle for Freedom; the second the struggle for power, The phase of the ‘Mruggle for Freedom is divine. He who has participated in it invariably feels, ically, that his best and most precious-inner self has come to the surface. know that being faithful to the TRUTH stands higher than our own ipation in governing the country~and that is why we must not have a that would reject ethical norms in the name of political mirages."s ‘As I was saying to my grandmother, Mamaleen Johnson, "My life has into a nightmare and I'm wide awake,” tears were Soran down my , dripping off my chin onto her patent leather shoes. She fionately ty shoulder as she listened, words we exchanged, the room's wallpaper and furnishings, my i prsodinotiers Manalecay even thes tate of my tears combined with: We overwhelming grief—it is all there etched into my memory. was the summer before I was to enter my second year of school in ‘1950. The first year remains a blur with cause. Life for me and my family had changed dramatically over the previous year. radical a change that it had taken almost a year for me to realize life was not coming any easier to live. My stuttering was getting worse. The rare ‘Moments I could speak coherently were limited to short sentences devoid of the Word “you", and then only to my mother and grandmother. Occasionally when could speak clearly, or when alone in the woods while talking or singing ‘trees. Apparently my frustration with oral communication due to stuttering been intensified by a trauma I experienced the previous year. Little did I then that thi tively and negatively influence my future a of others I would know for-the rest of my life. a hot and sticky Tennessee July day in-1949, my father helped boost first iy Mother, then me, into the saddle astride our four-year-old high-spirited "gift me” Wojac. This was to be my first ride on the back of an animal. The llement of the moment combined with stuttering rendered me, literally, chiess. As I recall and from photographs taken at the time, I was wearing a soaked, pale yellow cotton shirt, dark tan shorts, brown socks, and dirty shoes. At six years old, I was very thin and did not take up the re- saddle space behind my mother. the reins in my mother's hands, the horse responded to her polite Wimand of "Come on, Wojac. Giddyup." He began slowly walking down if driveway to the narrow crushed Rese ron De ney, Upon Siehing the gravel road, the horse turned or was guided left, momentarily pointing me as I knew we were only going for a short ride. It was only ‘4 quarter of a mile to the busy paved intersection that would be dangerous 'eross. (Had my mother decided to go in the opposite direction, we could t ridden for a couple of miles before reaching any automobile traffic.) _ As quickly as the horse made the turn from our driveway onto the country d, my mother nudged his flanks with her heels. With another command of “let's go," the horse responded with a mild jerk of motion and he began a fast trot down the middle of the road. ‘The horse's speed, in retrospect, was too fast for safe travel on gravel, Not knowing this then, I was not scared until I saw the crossroads looming closer, I can hear myself half shouting "BBBBBetter slow down. MMMight BBBBe a CCar CCComing." Before I could enunciate the last words, my mother began a slow sideways slide off the saddle. I could not see her face as she di under the horse, and the reins disappeared with her, The horse bolted full speed ahead. In the blink of an eye, my realization of being alone in the saddle with no way to control the horse washed over me. Quickly, I tugged on his mane to no avail. It was in this instant I determined that the runaway horse was not going to stop for the crossroads. I jumped. As I recall, the fall was swift and my abrupt landing in the sharp rocks was not painful, though it seemed that m body ‘vould never stop rolling. Panicked and with the dust beginning to settle, sat up, blinked the dust and sticky blood from my eyes, and looked about for my mother. She lay in a disorganized heap beside the road. I ran to her, The first mental impression I experienced was that she was just wide-eyed dazed from her fall. Then I noticed her eyes weren't blinking and around her head was a thick puddle of blood, Not wanting to leave her in the road for fear she would be Tun over, and not strong enough to pick her up, I began screaming in the direction of our home in hopes that my father could hear me. Almost immediately he responded by sprinting to us, all the while shouting, "What happened? “What happened?” For the “life remaining in me" I could not answer for, as usual, I was speechless. As he knelt down to speak to my mother, he mid sentence when he peparently saw her eyes in a fixed gaze and that the back of her skull was crushed inward. Instantly he picked her up, and as we were Tunning back to the house, he commanded my eleven-year-old sister to call an ambulance. ‘To this day I cannot recall how we got to the hospital. The grisly scenes of this tragedy were not-my nightmare. It did not play over and over again in my mind, for I had dissociated from it, I had voluntarily and autogenically created a memory barrier of this trauma. This is a normal human response. Had I been tortured after the trauma, I would not have been ae to voluntarily recall either the accident or the torture. Hence the basis of is book. The nightmare began during the subsequent recovery year when we realized my mother would never be herself again. She had lost over a quarter of her brain when the horse stepped into her skull. Permanently gone was her ability to smell, taste, and hear in one ear. These were the physical handicaps she developed. Her resultant emotional condition would become evident to me many years later. Asa child, this new awareness of my mother's condition had minimal impact on me compared to the fear I lived with, moment to moment, due to my Sther's chronic alcoholism. Years later my sister would follow his lead into a losing battle with the bottle. I was safe, as alcohol made me stutter. ing told so many times during my developmental years that my mother's condition was attributable to her brain damage, and that my stuttering was because my brain was not working correctly, it occurred to me at some point to learn about the brain. For years after te accident, I overheard adul! conversations about my mother's brain. My curiosity peaked about the brain and the resultant invisible mind and had set the course for my life's interest. Somewhere in this time period, I Puasid I would learn enough about the Mind and brain to help my mother and myself. 7 _ Asachild, my attention span. was regarded as abnormal. I was considered Very bright, yet my grades in school reflected something different. Although Wot properly diagnosed, I was most likely suffering from what is now termed arte Deficit Disorder (ADD). The handicaps of stuttering and ADD were 16 become my first personal improvement challenges once I was out in the world on my own. ; ‘This “on my own" objective came at an early age. _ 1 was barely sixteen- rs when I left home to begin my pursuit of happiness. My first efforts i in total failure. However, I could not return to my parents’ home « they were now divorced. F , Young, broke and rejected, I was able to determine two things. First, I jist learn how to communicate if I were to enjoy any success in life. I went this task methodically, first by enrolling myself into a local night college. the classroom I studied speech, business law and psychology. At the library, ‘Mudied brain functions and their effect on the mind. I was not degree oriented use I could not earn enough at two jobs to attend the required classes to » but my studies were slowly providing me a usable skill. Secondly, here during this period of learning 1 began to realize I possessed a natural to sell. Perhaps this ability to persuade others resulted from my jood experience of having to "read people" through their body language than talking with them. i‘ _ My first real job in sales was so successful that my client base was reduced employer. I responded to this action by moving on, me ietnam War was heating up and I was eligible for the draft. No in school, I knew that my number would be drawn soon. And it was. ) did I know that my prayers for a deferment would be answered and would me an exemption from military duty. I would soon be working for the x Corporation and with the U.S. Department of Defense in a civilian bity. “the defense work closely associated me with top research scientists in the area of primate and human behavior modification. Ironically, I more about the mind from my casual-relationships with these scientists did working at the various research sites. The sites included teaching ipilals, state mental institutions, military bases, National Aeronautics and Administration (NASA) facilities, and the Yerkes Primate Center. I e following years of my corporate employment: in national and in- onal sales evolved into sales and marketing management positions in an ve capacity. My personal life, in terms of loving relationships, was fin shambles but my career and ongoing mind, brain, human behavior eh was rewarding enough to compensate for my lack of emotional ion. The secrets I had learned so well concerning powers of persuasion, |oonscious and subliminal, had long since become a functioning part of my arsenal of defensive and offensive tools of control. I resolved then and ‘Hol to become a “control freak". Instead, my fantasy was not to learn 'T could control but what was controlling me. my. , around 1986, a peer friend of mine observed that T had arrived in the "comfort zone” in terms of presenting profitable ideas for others to , and advised me to go into business for myself. Shortly thereafter he me an excellent example by resigning his six-figure executive g directorship and nominated me as a candidate for his replacement. Q Ironically, for the first time in my life, the nomination was rejected becau: did Not possess at Icast_a master's degree in business ae communications. His assistant was given the position, and I was subsequently offered the assistant's vacated position with no hope of promotion, which of course I refused, Soon , my friend, free of fis corporate golden handcuffs, established his own firm which became a very successful business. Around this same time a childhood acquaintance, long since socially separated from my life, reappeared long enough to introduce me to his country music entertainment friend, Alex Houston. From this introduction I learned this acquaintance, Ray Myers and his wife, Regina, are alleged pedophiles who reportedly sexually molested Cathy's daughter and their own children. ft seemed that Houston was looking for someone with international business poe es who could assist him in putting together a large enough sales to ce a manufacturing operation. After spending a few days of complimentary consulting time with him, I had made some rather interesting and intriguing observations about the man and his ideas. First of all, Houston did have a legitimate, potentially profitable idea concerning the manufacture of an electrical capacitor device that could increase energy efficiency for large industrial consumers, Secondly, Houston favorably impressed me asa that pian HY. thought, "No oe le intriguing part of this “budding” relationship was Houston's propensity for dishonesty. I felt an ugent teed for legal advice oe how to insure contractual protection from Houston. Within days, Houston and T . I designed a The contracts we entered bound both because of the obvious "honesty type" clauses contained in the the time, in my mind, I had determined that if Houston could heey ieee and fete his role, we would be able to make this company successful. If not, | owned the compan lock, stock, and barrel and could still make it work. = Months later, with business and’ marketin, plans in my briefcase and a emonstration model of the proposed Product in hand, Houston and I boarded ze. airplane to Hong Kong. We were met upon arrival by a tall, well-dressed sateen ets mies aaa ped as William Yoon. He owned an com ‘is ships i i erythi a ae to ae alkwarn missiles all Seder sas ore , Yoon, as preferred to be called, in ing with Far Eastern pees was interested in negotiating a joint Santen with his friends in the most populated nation on Earth, The People's Republic of China, All arrangements had been made by Mr. Yoon's staff for Houston, myself, and him oe ly to Beijing the following day to begin negotiations wit pongo _After several days of exhausting discussions through an interpreter most entirely between myself and the deputy director of the Chinese Mining nae Seles oat ee had a workable deal. ‘anquet was ordered by our gracious Chinese hosts, and it was ties T learned that the Mining Ministry was a part of the Chinese Ministry of nse. Feelings of patriotism welled up in me for the first time in my life. I 10 aware that China was engaged in supplying missiles to pas Middle Bien country with whom the U.S. was in conflict. The ese were ing missiles and other weapons for cheap Lib light crude oil, The were about the only country in the world who dared defy the Reagan inistration's trade embargo. These fleeting thoughts of being involved with Chinese military felt treasonous to me. Although uncomfortable with the of a business venture with such potential for political disaster, I reminded that hundreds of other U.S. companies were already in China, Houston to discuss the subject. ‘During the return flight from Beijing to Hong Kong, I confided my patriotic @oncerns to Mr. Yoon knowing that he would soon become my business . He eloquently relieved my fears of potential disaster with a licated explanation that made sense at the time. This man politely me that we could not lose money as he and I would have interim trol over all product sales revenue generated outside of China. By Chinese / for joint venture companies, 60% of all manufactured product must go ‘Mitside China, ‘Houston and I returned to Tennessee and I briefly met his wife, Cathy, for Td time when she greeted us at the gate, She appeared to me to be young, itiful, very dumb, and dressed like a prostitute. I paced my walk to be ipveral steps away from her as we headed to the ge claim area. ‘Within a few weeks of this visit, a delegation of Chinese electrical engineers Aid finance experts were flown to our Tennessee office for more negotiations Wid to collect technical production data (we held) for future manufacturing cn after the delegation departed for China, I received a mysterious phone from someone at the U.S. pepe of State, aka the State Department. {seems someone in my Chinese delegation had earlier been refused entry into country due to his being identified as an international weapons supplier for . This telephone voice assured me that there were no problems that Would arise and that this information was not to be publicized. I thanked him Wid assured him the information was secure. A couple of months later, my new HongKong partner, Mr. Yoon, invited my wife, Houston and his wife, Cathy, to come to China for the official Briss of the Chinese joint venture agreement. When I asked Houston if he nd fis wife would attend, he flatly replied, "No". He had already booked his i. and could not cancel. I then offered to escort his wife and mine to China. ip. ded "no" again, that it was too far and too expensive for a pleasure t was relieved because I had already learned enough of the Chinese Jan- ] to know our partners did not like or respect him, and Cathy's demeanor , me. I later learned that Houston's "gig" was to “trance- ort"/transport Cathy and little Kelly to the infamous Bohemian Grove for itution. My tip to China with all the pomp and circumstance went well as expected, ough amy te and I were in the process of separating for a divorce. » just before I was prepared to return to the U.S., I received some wdinary information from a man who showed me Chinese Ministry of credentials that gained my full and complete attention. This man was possession of a file on me that could have only been gained through a igh investigation of my past professional associations. His English skills ‘Were only strong enough to roughly, nervously translate some of the file's con- il fent. This man had photographic proof of a U.S. Department of Defense security clearance I once held. He acknowledged that the "Chinese knew all about me”. Thoughts of blackmail raced across my mind. These thoughts instantly disappeared when he began to voice his government's true concerns, Their concerns were about Alex Houston and his involvement with the CIA, drugs, money laundering, child prostitution, and the big one he saved for last, slavery. No mention of mind control was offered, although he did comment that Houston was a "very bad man" and his crimes were "of the White House". Disbelief was in order but not possible, due to the wide array of " Only" stamped and initialed (official) CIA letterhead and U.S. Government doemments he slowly flashed before my eyes, My first response to this "officer" was that Houston was too stupid and crooked to be connected to U.S. "intelligence". ‘This comment was uickly countered with ae wrenching photograph of Houston. He was smiling a demonic grin while apparently having anal sex with a small, very young, frightened Black boy. Later he was identified to me as being Haitian. When confronted with this horrific information and the apparent validity of it, Lasked, "What do you (your government) want me to do?" He replied, "Get rid of him, distance yourself from him and all of his associates", I responded by asking him how he thought I could accomplish this task, He stated, "Any way you choose". T told him that regardless of what he had seen of American television concerning violence, the only way I knew was to force him out by purchasing his company stock, and I needed money to do it. He sald, "Give us the figure and make the arrangements. It is done.” 1 had returned to Tennessee with a Chinese government contract for products valued at thirty-one million dollars. Stapled to it was a telex letter of credit made out to me and the company from Houston's bank connection, the New York branch of the now infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce Intemational (B.C.C.1.). The amount ‘was one million dollars in U.S. funds. The contract was worth approximately ten million dollars in ‘gross profit for Mr. Yoon and me, Given the charge by the Chinese to immediately discharge Houston of his duties, I knew exactly ‘what my plan of action would haye to be. Any other roach to resolving this problem could backfire and all would be lost. And since a former, indirect erupt of mine (when I worked for Capital International Airways), the CIA, was implicated, I knew one mistake and it could cost me my life. A comforting thought prevailed and I reminded myself Houston was not only corrupt, but stupid. The CIA must not have respected him either. Otherwise why would he have had to g0 outside his circle of powerful perverts to recruit me for an international business deal. T drove to my office to begin the process of discovering something Houston “must have done" that would breach the performance contract he and I had signed when we started the company. Houston was out of town supposedly doing one of his entertainment gigs, so I had complete, unobstructed access (0 all files, his included. As I had mentally predicted during the long flight from Hong Kong, the entire ferreting process took about fifteen minutes. It seemed that Houston and the old acquaintance who had introduced him to me were, as they say, “selling out the back door", I collected the shipping bills and, ironically enough, the bank deposit slip Houston had retained when he cashed and deposited the customer's check. There was even a letter copy where ‘ifically instructed the customer not to discuss his account with eee ind soecifealy other than Houston himself or his pervert friend, Ray . Upon this discovery, I phoned the local Korean lawyer (whose es I had been given by Nir. ‘Yoon while in Hong Kong) to begin the stoc! process. With ure, I wrote Houston's letter of resignation, ee With this problem in the process of being resolved, I left the office to vist wh old, dear friend (now deceased) who had maintained powerful U.S. 2 intelligence connections, I needed answers 1 could trust with my life. "retired" Air Force General from the Intelligence division would be my . " " delivered in broken English by the Chinese Intelligence fe dassted io ay oo during the niet ave to a local hotel lobby, a ference place my "spook" pal selected for us to talk in private. In the few ‘Mhort minutes of the drive, I had my questions (for him) mentally noted. I ted so much to gain the most from our meeting, The slavery sox en ‘Wniggered a dark question in my mind, blocking other constructive thought, as Wis not comfortable with introducing the term mind control into. my Hi entation. I knew 1 could speak freely about anything to this trusted ae ited desperately to avoid the words mind control, not for reasons. o! idemnation, but because they represented a secret I had patriotically main- . e x ae Seach e the light chit chat of social niceties had been exchanged en us, the air changed to one of seriousness. I briefed him on my business ent, and began a methodical line of questions concerning the file the se Intelligence officer had presented on me and, especially, on sae ily, my friend interrupted me in mid-sentence, smiled a toothy grin, an Flash, you're still the same, and you know damn well what I mean. es,"Ireplicd, en k was referring to a ‘70s rock ballad titled "Still the Same" by i Bees Seen that was: cegned to me eyes earlier by mutual pele ee 6s who identified with my passion for successful risk-taking. I despi: ibling. My passion was “risk management” and poker gave me a giesitional outlet for it. Although my friends each paid dearly, they some d my poker strategy was not so much “card counting” as it was my ability their body language. This included the micromuscle spasm reps their eyes. Houston also lost to me at cards. The message the Gene “The discussi point directly into the dreaded il trol. After several minutes of listening to de concerning a e san slave trade going on world wide, the talk became more lized to Tennessee. I i Cathy and her little girl were victims fuuima-based mind control. They were slaves and the “soul” property of my Ip Sam. I learned that everything I knew in theory and application about control of the mind was fully operational and encroaching on the ote nab, The first words out of my dry mouth were, "How Sprin; le out of it?" i it smiled aed aid. t wouldnt! What are you going to do with them if get them out?" Before I could answer, he interrupted and said, “Look. still the same, but nothing else is with Uncle. Now most of the CIA, s FBI, and the M me ¢ MOB (Mafia) are the same, and they're making their moves on the I responded, "I already kn onde ly know that, but how do I say * scoop sla Sie eh pe = y ice, hang up call back, ting The lor doe ioe Rona eae ae that this provedure would ain Cathy's full attention, the Homage do anything, 1 mean anything—except ‘ = as 2 command her to do. Remember, God emai Find What so duet, who Knows the Bible and get'a double-bind verse, wd or God's sake. “And, listen, if you do this, you're on your i Red, 4 u |. It'll 1 good guys in the inside busting their asses to stop ones Riga T injected, "No, just mm 5 s ly ass and a couple of siders Soenne' oe Br arth Then we briefly are aero Points SW ti Tend es ‘pally stop Houston from taking her back. I never ing back to my car, I listened again i i ‘ing words, aed my gt ie sd ene ee in my mind to ay ennting 4 ae head were suddenly v ioti ieee aa h ‘ ly very unpatriotic—a far cry ft Toren in China concerning Mr. Yoon's involvenncnt nee : Thal exes to T then consoled myself with the old adage of "first ee Withi a Cesk aoe T had played God and coordinated the move of Cathy mien aac ughter, Kelly, out of Houston's house into nearby ee ee aa Lis totally unbeknownst to Houston, As ius Thess commnnty, Placed the powerful coded suggestions into Cathy's nit wee nt Baal beideed her own amnestic true percept that Alex ee ig k her, ttle did I know that the messagi one ae et en 's former control of her was true, are ie Gee Sent en a to be very disoriented and somewhat Gy an le Meir new, sparsely furnished kitchen, I listened 'Y explain that "God had sent me" to her. She “knea* 14 was true because her hands seemed to sutcmatioally open her King James of the Holy Bible to Psalms, Chapter 37, verse 37, which proclaims for iteral minded, "Mark, the perfect man". jot only had I placed this biblical reference by a covert suggestion in her while playing God on the phone, but just now in her home moments , J had broken the spine on her Bible so that it would "magically" open to faze. She said, "See, God did it again for you to see". Jsing a deprogrammer's language trick, I replied in a "reversed" Te "Well, I'll be damned. You are right. That's the only explanation left-that could explain all this". I was anxious to change the subject so as not to risk wlerting any one of her observant personalities to my well contained laughter. I had been warned that programmed slaves were hyper-observant, _ Tn , 1 could not have had thoughts of being sacrilegious. I was and femain deeply spiritual, but my earlier years of researching religions for life's had turned me enek and cold of man's interpretation of the Bible, and Buddha's teachings. This attitude I privately harbored towards (arganized religions did nothing to squelch the dread I felt wash over me for that moment. In my attempt to change the subject from religion, I had remembered the mind-control. research performed under Himmler’s command on the lies of northern European multi-generational Satanists. Christianity, icularly Catholicism, was Himmler's pick of the religions’ litter for ing "Chosen Ones" for his hideous mind-control experiments. These ‘Ones were to be the robotic leaders of Hitler's New World Order. I asked Cathy what religion she was before she met Houston. She replied, lormon, but I was a good Catholic before then". ‘My mind swirled from that shocking revelation. I again quickly changed the ject and suggested we go out to dinner and discuss her new job as my it ese the following the day. But tonight we would discuss her wrce plans. Later that evening, I began my search for a secure phone to find someone ipa pest associations I knew were CIA connected officer's level. I a get-well-quick formula or a clean mental health referral who could these two wide-eyed unfortunates. I was informed there were none and I knew more about “that mind stuff” than anyone who would talk. Treturned home to find my phone ringing with an anxious Alex Houston, Who had returned from a “vacation” at Boys Town in Nebraska, on the other end exclaiming that he was looking for his wife. She had "di he T faked not knowing anything and suggested he come to my house the next aiternoon to go over some urgent business. The next morning, I located a oe Cathy, and she had Sie diver perks drawn up. afternoon I had Granville Ratclift, a local Sheriff's deputy I partially {fusted, who occasionally watched my house when I was out of town, waiting ide my house to witness and legally serve Houston with the divorce papers lund his termination notice from the company. My last words to Houston which recorded on tape were, "You could get art i you mess with me or them. ex, get out!" (Now, I hope Houston lives to be a hundred years of age.) Getting the legal jump on Houston to protect Cathy reminded me that I ‘needed to attend to my own divorce needs. My wife mutually agreed her life could be more emotionally rewarding without me, She moved to Florida and Lut 4) hs Set up house with her mother. We sell he house ae what remained rae eae sahara le to secure expert help fi ; : intained ea r Ip for Cath id it it fare one ee into my house until it Waa anid ae date ce fee oe . bya neighbor who said he had seen someone ne “ue es gun so taking Pictures of my house, Other such fata ive pean pee olen ae Z was getting real nervous. var a again A operative ew why within ile’ pat ae nes who, days later, 1foRed e to "get nya ee inow i goed a ae wien dead!" When I asked why, he said, "You ise sold quickly and I had alread i Pe decid; walk coe and the one tnillion anny ch de sit we fet “of Horr aca in New York. Mr. Yoon came to Nashville He p tus Were, "Farewell, feeumed Mt. Yoon to the airport, My last wore enn meee a With Bae, Stew nothing of what was going on and I have Tanded the ten eae ‘cue again. That afiernoon I cleaned out my office, foe , closed out my personal and company’ bank fmt tee We next stop in. this underworld haraters 1 had befriended back in ioe ays i tet cove no wi packaging" gambling junkets for these *haract wha nee Cay new! Would protect me at least until I could find oat " ee bike meee ith nding Sperations. One of them flippanty are ae aan cigar, "You can't hide an egg in a hen Rouse, fellas, Bis fa Nn coldly informed that I had become cavalo’ ii T lied to this "wise guy" id needed to be safe while T search ee Pursuit would be Las Vegas, Beno there, an and play like a voiceless cham con” have worked to leon’ it Tetrospect, this spontaneous i e *GAINoS ee me from “red shirting” myself to fecone deen _Cathy and T continued to sta “parked" i a in Las win der Goer from a et minute (epoca CIA ae wa ination ie , Wayne Cox, Later, I would | lly's " aoe fat she had spent Christmas vacation "in hell," ieee ow alone in my mind, scared, and going broke fast. 3 1991 Roman Catholic Weekly 16 Pledge to the Vegas mob. CHAPTER 3 Ly TI ATHY'S M “The greatest gift anyone'can give another is a good memory."* Tt was now the week after Christmas 1988. I was fulfilling half of my With all of our remaining personal belongings Gontainerized and secretly in transit on a different ship, I, my "new family” and ferry-bound for Anchorage, Alaska. The sixteen hundred mile trip pels were Reus jce and snow would take about three days to complete. Unfortunately, it gave me time to think. ees ‘Due to our negative cash flow situation, realistically I knew there was no \ce to run or hide from the CLA. Cathy and Kelly seemed happy and believed were safe. This was my number one priority! For me, I had to trust that ‘my escape plan would convince interested CIA personnel that we no longer ted a threat to their security. The plan was based on an ancient i ological warfare formula developed by the Romans. I wanted to portray piyself as akin to a character in a bad Reagan (western) movie and ride into the never to be heard from again. Thinking to myself that where we were ‘Neaded geographically, there was no sun to set, at least until spring. Late one ght about mid way into our voyage, I sought the solitude that the outside u deck would afford me. I was thankful for the wind-driven sleet and show that stung and closed my eyes and opened my mind for focused thought. Al the time, I was psychologically "strung out" from a combination of rage and ile emoti To safeguard my precious teenage son, Mason, from being hurt and/or ‘ingly used as a pawn to force me to remain silent, I had virtually ‘our fathér/son bond. [loved and missed him yery much, and still do. resultant emotional pain from the-deception and separation seemed to be compounding within me and was consuming-my being. ~~ Thad, in the course of rescuing Cathy and Kelly, shunned and insulted my gon, collapsed my company, simultaneously orchestrated two divorces and sold ate treasures, I worried I would never see my elderly mother again. health was deteriorating, The tailored clothes I wore no longer fit me, as I had lost over forty pounds and looked skeletal. Chronic insomnia, a symptom Of the severe depression I secretly felt, was slowly driving me mad. My own short-term memory was beginning to fail. I had noticed for the first time in Over thirty years that I was stuttering when enunciating certain words. 1 knew ‘was just the beginning of a long and dangerous expedition in search of As I stood alone, with eyes closed, on the ship's ice-covered steel deck, a ‘Strange feeling of relief washed over me. I had somehow managed to remember from where I could draw "emergency strength." I began silently praying for jnner strength and guidance through a meditation technique I'd learned years Immediately, I experienced a feeling of peaceful self-assurance that we ‘would survive to tell our story. Suddenly I became aware that the icy wind was freezing my face and hands. I was elated that I could feel again. Apparently I had repressed my tactile I offered him a cigarette a him and my hand in friendshij i Es luntarily in almost a year. We agreed to may pee os be About two days later, w. ao eam ater, we landed safely at the Junea i %, ae ay 8 captain that it was the coldest day of thea eee a read a minus forty degrees fahrenheit Sees anticipated weather condition, a icipat } and for Cathy and Kelly, ic Goes spt my og an in inways, Geo back then, at see eons, Great Northern Doginee. = oe ua inability bean ; environment, which I loved, but due to pec Hho working for cher ci eee aes tna id top executive positions of authority with ce afesed » a ti sect ba ion of the U,S. Forestry Service, Air America, and Evergreen (CIA) carri- Now I was back in Alas Pa ka, unemployed, and knowit i Be llega Ply ay S i 5 ing much better and the thoughts of being faced, Git pet Seo Lie Sc ara, at i Cathy and I dedicated ever ott outt ‘locate every possible home. pe found a fourplex Dene jie oa ra ie ae: We had to have a heated garage for my thes aie ae eee he ee Sue ne home would never have fistite ae We vee its. This inconvenience never was y le ing into “our place” in the remote i ues mee bee doing normal things. We Sica Kelly a Tetene aoa: Dehn netehbors, and played in the snow, ‘All of Siw ao family Way--something Cathy and Kelly had nevet remaining meager resources were di i . aS sal cost os oe mer eaten that Kelly now requited to ken 3 alt Sealer and fells gh rongly Suspected that much of the reason fo: ie declining peal Wan es x0 See hell" she had recently coal ith an rituals she and her four-year-old step brother eae Sad eee sitieea =" ¥ 10. could not allow raw fear to 18 Fortunately, I had held onto my expensive Nikon camera, guns, and jewelry items. These were the last real assets T had remaining to sell. Sold them and the proceeds paid our living a for five more months \Witil Kelly's health needs and circurnstances us on welfare. During this five-month period, with Kelly in school and no telephone to listract us, I began intensifying my Seproeramiming efforts with Cathy. Most , our work started the moment we returned home from taking Kelly to 1. As soon as Kelly was in bed at night, after dinner and homework, we yesumed our "session". We worked like this day and night, seven days a week, focused intensely on the deprogramming process, until I would pass out from @xhaustion around three o'clock in the moming. ‘The deprogramming formula for putting Cathy's fragmented mind back fate was inherently free of problems. The st problems I did experience ith the formula stemmed from having to “expertly” apply it based on my educated memory of almost twenty years previous. I had no communication jith any recognized authority other’than Cory Hammond to guide the initial y. My single greatest challenge was to learn how to control Cathy's Gonstant state of trance as she journaled her memories. ‘In spite of reporting to the FBI that I was a hypnotist, I knew that if the FBI CIA could prove through my admissions I was using hypnosis on Cathy, testimony in court would be worthless. Therefore, the threat of reprisal the CIA was averted. In fact, through my own intensive research of ‘apy I learned how to control Cathy's trance states. I regarded it as Wohypnotizing her. Eventually T would be regarded by mental health physicians is an “expert” in the application of this little-used clinical tool for recovering memory. ‘Aside from my learned deprogramming skill, the balance of the formula I ee of elements which are actually rules of ethical therapy conduct. therapy rules were strictly enforced. Cathy understood and agreed that, In order for her to have absolute control of her mind, she must place total trust in me and the therapy regime. 1. I maintained a constant vigil to ensure Cathy's physical and psychological from all outside influences. “ee . No memories could be verbalized by Cathy until after they were written her, The only questions I could ask were history oriented and directed to y's presenting personality that was recovering the memory. Those s could only address the who, what, when, how, and where of the iemory. Even if I could have known the answers in advance, I could not ect. Our perceptions would have differed radically and could have created more memory barriers between personality fragments. 3. I fundamentally explained mind control to Cathy and she then understood that what happened to her was not her fault. However, she understood she was becoming responsible for her actions here and now. Through therapy, she was lisserting control over her own mind, 4. We devoted many hours to "intellectual discussions" of Cathy's learned {cligious beliefs and they were "logically" debunked, just as if I were explaining how the illusions of a magician's tricks worked to confuse reality. 5. No expression of emotion by Cathy would be permitted during the Memory recovery and journaling process. I never asked her "how does’ that chs you feel?" This is as important as the safety issue for the rapid recovery memories, _, 6. I provided Cath itami tin ist” adequate food, vitamins, water, and sleep to restore her y tt Cathy how to view. hi i ie h view her memories oj “mii if rather them through the mind's virtua al reali eee 0 id control hypnosis techni reed aimee en pee h s que (some i i eae Place to avoid possible contamination and/or ee ee an es pawn as guided eH +s 'y was not allowed to read books, watch TV, or to discuss with Kelly anything she recalled examined through logical discussion between us All Bena behay is : ; vor Tequired her to wear a wrist watch twenty-four hours over alee me iencing. Losing time, without trauma. Whereas being The met it ii : eae ae Speak ‘Was recovering were horrible Geyond anything I had se @ result of my : on Stockholm Syndrome, began to melt to deteriorate rapidly, Mi a * vomiting, and dare eens _T was experiencing Merling see ulcer sufferers ae Meciog, literally living. on a patent medicine kaowe 13 "lower 48" produced ihe nary cece, Plone call toa doctor friend in the trust, Aware of mi peek name of a | internal medicine Specialist: Le . my behalf for thee cament, my physician friend made the aprointmes ne Using a fiberoptic qo PrePare certain in-office tests, i appointment on asites there ees, Stomach tube, showed that as a result of ; emergency surgery ae in the walls of my. stomach. Fas eto De before surgery”? | T°Plied, "No. How much longer can I live with wna answers to speed Cathy’ ss well connected” associates thoy Theos; Bain I was told by my former my persistence soon pai 7 proverbial "pay oud off as one particular phone call resulted in my striking The medical books i rimental research ee ic on clandestin i issociative disorders mysteriously appeared’ “on told* ‘pr me ms Ge cae 20 iver branch of the Anchorage Public Library. I was covertly alerted to pick thom, Eeens certain day at an exact time. I complied. ‘As 1 was leaving the library, a middle-aged woman with a pecy sack in ‘rms approached me. She asked if the library was open. I thought this odd I was walking out the opened library entrance. My curiosity was short when she asked, "Have you read any good books by Dr. Milton Erickson Teplied, "No, but I am checking one out by (psychiatrist) Dr. William S. entitled Clinical and Experimental My masis,” _ “Oh, yes," she said. “I'm a real fan of r.. Kroger and he is a real fan of , Erickson who you know is considered the father of subliminal mind-control ) research. She began walking away and turned, smiled and said, "Enjoy r books and use the book, Mark. Tassumed she was addressing me by name while referring to the book itself. { also concluded from this comment that she was obviously the person » Soon I learned she was ‘ible for delivering the books to the lib: ig toa bookmark placed inside one of the books which provided me a ely needed communications vehicle. Recorded on the book"mark" was ner free 800# with a time and date to use it. I used this 800# and many others larly provided me for a communications vehicle to covertly access the " (spies) subway to information. For two more years, this method pro- ‘me with telephonic guidance through a maze of mind work with Cathy. _ When I called the bookmark "800" number, it was answered by an ic voice.which said, in part, "Please enter your employee number now". J complied, using a series of numbers that I had been previously “assigned” by ‘omeone who must remain anonymous because I do not know their identity. @ next sound I heard was that of a phone being rung. After exactly eight my call was answered by someone I did not know. He asked, "What's ‘probiem?" J felt like a vacuum cleaner salesman with his foot in the door, ‘ing-a canned sales presentation. I began nervously emphasizing my te need for a quicker therapy regime for Cathy. voice asked, “Have you read the-books?" "Yes," 1 replied. “But many of the clinieal_ terms were foreign to me," instructed me to go back to the library and "pick up a psych The voice ‘yelerence book on term definitions". I then interrupted his instruction to ask if I ld speak with somebody who could make this deprogramming process 20 . He said, "Well, there are only two deprogrammers in this country--one Boston. (Massachusetts) and the other in Phoenix (Arizona) and neither one iid be of much help or be trusted with the kind of information you are getting Cathy)." He hesitated, then said, "You're going to need a referral, Tan't provide. But you know how to do it." Tasked, "A referral for what?" “To have the chance to speak with a doctor who knows about this and might of some value," he told me. “OK," I said, “Who's the doctor?” "Cory Hammond, out of Salt Lake City (Utah)." “Gees,” I said. "That's Mormon hemes and that was the last ious trauma base for Cathy.” "Yes!" the voice continued. "But you can trust this doctor if you're careful ‘wad don’t give up too much (information) on yourself. He's paranoid like all ‘hie rest (who know about mind-control atrocities) but he could be of some help. mm" i jembered them. This man is my Seae pice y's watching this guy so anything you say, they (the bad lous phy Frome reliving the horrors as she rem guys) will know." “Thank you very much," Treplied. Somewhere in the process of finding a referral Professionally acquainted with Dr. Hammond, [ telephoned dissociative disorders Specialist, Dr, Braun, a well-known and Published psychiatrist in Chicago, Illinois. from our conversation that he had an entire hospital unit dedicated to ry for people Ii Cathy and Kelly, T wondered at the time why his name wasn Previously provided to me for 4 Consultation. As a result of this brief telephone fncounter, I leamed that Dr. Braun hada number of patients on a long waiting list for a" ee ee The doctor then provided me the name and telephone number of a “friend” he confided in, People Magazine senior investigative reporter Civia in. Contacting this People/Time Life magazine reporter was to be my biggest Single judgement error in the Pursuit of helpful information. I would soon learn she was indirectly responsible for nearly costing me my life, and did indirectly cost Kelly her chance for “expert” therapy—which is another book in itself, When I first spoke with Civia, she dropped important names like a maple tree drops leaves after a frost. I audio lape recorded Practically all Conversations with this Seemingly well informed source, then and in the years to follow. Civia first ided me the name and phone number of the Boston “deprogrammer," an ex-Moonie programmer by the name of Steve ‘Hassen, Next, she provided the name and phone number to contact Jolyn "Jolly" West at uC! Reluctantly, she gave me the referral I needed to Communicate with Dr. Cory Hammond. later contact being the only “briefly helpful" one with whom T would : Maximizing my PTSD impaired judgement, I telephoned Programmer Steve Hassen, for adviee on how tohelp Kelly (only), which resulted in his coming to our home in Alaska, Apparently, his agenda was to traumatize Cathy by using a well-known code to trigger her to run for her life-from me. The method he employed could have been effective, but fortunately for Cathy and Kelly, is Tesearch for ‘decades. It seems some of Dr. West's CIA Supported research had been exposed by a Congressional investigator of the MK-Ultra Project in the 1970s. However he survived the public scrutiny because the U.S. Government had, in essence, halted investigation of him and his work under the National Security guise. His only reported crime was for killing an tat with an overdose of LSD in the presence of school children. These facts I would learn after Cathy and I spoke with him by phone and Subsequent disaster Struck us. This too is another story in itself, The phone calls between Dr. C; Hammond and myself were informative i He proved himselt to be the single, most valuable live information asset I would know in m quest for expert therapy advice, Later Dr. Hammond delivered to the rmientat’ health community through a symposium presentation in 1991, the whole truth as he knew it on the topic of mind control. His advisory instruction to me on 4 particular Erickson technique for painless, non abreactive memory recovery, calied “revivification", literally saved my pre- 22 in Alaska different i from what 1 was ac- i sTeneaSoe, ‘The Alaskans just fer to it as “break-up”. ae Hihe aniads of cairping bids, 1 Tore te, De melting off everything. The streets had become an ugly brown mi io Fe cd oe oes ete ne ie ey days lowly i The only good news was that the fepiiteliee 1 dit not koow iter tenes Geadoee Stale sakes and behavior were radically ee pone in May, Cathy received a call from Kelly's school Pete ick her up as soon as poss Pee io sia The school nurse said Kelly was having a severe “rl ges ‘respond to the medication she had with her. We picked aa ee aly ee ie her condition seemed to improve miraculously at the sig! 5 ey oo would be short lived. fe Rte mh wing Sunday, Kelly's coughing became almost constant ee ‘our supply of an important asthma medication which ete at nh i mp. I covertly substituted distilled water an Pan ise cl for her breath. Using an sien eee of ee ing her a story about a little girl who huf mountain. The story T told ended with the little or oe BP ariaea only to be ao fired thatahe fall aslecp ina ed 0 flowers. & fesponded by breathing normally and actually falling into a ae bind ; few hours, only to awaken etme her coughing spell. ide and I asked why she coughed. | aor eed bee as ee oan ie "said, "Dad, Wayne (the fal Kil i Twas gonna’ die." and alleged serial killer Satanist) told me said, "Well, he's not a doctor". Sat vec kota” ly continued, "He really did say that over and ov: i ‘hen asked, “When did he say this?’ Mite school's out," she replied. thet "What do you mean? roboti Tepeated, "When school's out." K fee eet Wat e said this to you?" I asked. sia SS ecareeatat ee ren m and then to me. n ser ae aa a clinical technique known as hypnosleep. Alex idii through the program. aed art ad was entering a deep state of at ae . ‘ell, school's not out and tomorrow you will be well enou; Seed Kelly did feel good the next morning and retumed to school. Dey hoses passat tee Cun od Tague cere called, this time by urse who became agitated when Cathy truthfully answered her question, Nt you take her to the doctor?" Said, "No, but we will. ped Later that evening, Cathy, Kelly and I would make the last of oui emergency drives to seek medical help for Kelly. At Anchorage's Humana Hospital, Cathy and I met with the young, very bright and beautiful Physician, Dr. Lorrie Shepherd, who seemed and, perhaps, frightened as to Kelly's unexplainable deteriorating condition. | Tequested a private meeting and she complied, After about thirty minutes of my explaining what Cathy and Kelly had been rescued from, I defined mind control for her. Learning this, Dr. Shepherd then consulted with a local female psychiatrist, Dr. Pat Patrick to evaluate Kelly. ‘The evaluation was completed and Dr. Patrick invited Cath ;, and eventually me, to her office for a consultation. This was to be Kelly's first official evaluation that indicated she suffered from Multiple Personality. Disorder (MPD),* a serious Psychological disorder resulting from severe and repeated traume, I then asked Dr, Patrick if she could arrange for a sexual abuse specialist to verify if Kelly had been abused. i She complied. The results were positive. Dr Patrick and Cathy seemed almost relieved at this validation. The results sickened me. Kelly's asthma stabilized at Humana and she North Psychiatric Hospital for in-hospital care. Dr, the best care she knew, Unfortunately it was inadequate. the State of Alaska welfare authorities began to realize Kelly was not im and her ineffective care costs were mounting by thousands of dollars ws % _ Dr. Patrick, Cathy, and 1, with the cooperation of the Tennessee. Violent Crimes Claims Commission, began i i Medicaid insurance, Finally, one was located in Owensboro, advertised a specialty in working with Titually abused children, Kelly was transferred to this facility and the State of Alaska paid all the bills for her move there. Later we would learn that this elegant hospital facility was nothing more than a human warehouse that collected whatever fees the federal and state govemments would pay them per child resident, A pretty place to see, but the care for Kelly would prove to be "less than nothing". During the summer before Kelly was transferred to this Kentucky hospital, and Cathy was recovering satisfactorily, I felt it was safe to leave their side so that I could find work. We desperately needed Money to travel, to live, and to return to the "lower 48” with Kelly in he winter, I quickly secured a job at Alaska Business College as an interviewer of Prospective students, My sales "performance" Tesulted in my being promoted in | {wo weeks from an admissions representative to Director of Admissions. 1 banked as much money as possible from m earnings over the next five months to provide for our move, to be closer to 'y. The thought of the separation agony that would exist between Cathy and Kelly served as a reminder of my | ongoing. separation from my son, 'y, on ill advi Soon the FBI telephoned Cathy and told her that she needed to "voluntarily* come to the Anchorage FBI office for questioning. Upon arrival, Cathy was 24 whom I had not heard from in almost a year,” | liformed that she was under federal investigation for attempting to extort father, peice A lieved when she heard these charges. Later I ie that oes again knowing for sure she was not “crazy” or and that her father did in fact do those things to her and her brothers and sisters. B mpathetic and reportedly the DOJ "inspired" ani Rages ea doped upon his recommendation. This agent it on to secure a donation through his Mormon church that enabled us & This ees that during this same time, through another special agent at Anchorage FBI office, 1 was serene or wie een Tegarding 2 a ted crime dopey ao ex-wife and her lawyer n Florida. ei know that the FBI was, in effect, attempting to destroy my iafity Bee oe ie Cathy and Kelly through their investigation efforts of ‘Their case against my ex-wife and her lawyer was solyed, and her wyer lice was convicted of first degree murder. My ex-wife became a state's acquitted, eel Pe an later I would "see" my ex-wife being arrested aon iverased Mi the popular national television ow "Unsolved | Mysteries". ‘That invoh nly one homicide and mad ! ¢ ae ae ee Cathy's testimony, with proofs provided eet isa was filed and deliberately covered up-For Reasons of Nationa fall season in Alaska was now quickly giving in to winter and the re pee et qi (ow) was re-coating the Penanalng nen ete oe itely be ‘ing nippy. The change of seasons sig) i erate family. Kelly was going to be transferred soon to the Kentucky i hiatry (V.LP.). ; : ty dat tha bot ese every dollar I could eam during my nee e at Alaska Business College in preparation for our move back to aid ne ii known as i i now that Cathy had gone into a state of recovery uh ". She had long since % switching personalities and ise peceie ae iiful, intelligent, and logical lady. She was no longer susceptible to am a ‘ing her to go against or away from me. She continu atic memories and was professionally adjudged stable. a pees ‘passage on ships and ferries out of Anchorage to Seattle Wee beoked for months ahead. They would only accept freight and/or ‘3 = io two, one-way tickets on Alaska Airlines and brought our ant », oi 176 AMC Pacer, and remaining belongings to the Anchorage doc] Sudden’ and were ready to board our flight, a ogee een oo halisd af a traffic in or ml of Anchorage for oe ‘ing two vets, We waited anxiously for the airport to reopen. < 8 ilild leave first and Kelly and her nurse would soon follow. This wou! Iie first step of what would be an endless journey in our pursuit of justice. to journ; 4 Mark Phillips’ B The term Multiole Personality Disorder (MPD) is naw clinically refered wo by mental ith professionals as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). 6 | My CHAPTER 4 Cathy sppeared to be openly soon have her ee ae chance for that mental health ph % 2 erical c Eppied them by their troubled Patients, inate a mee as conan TeAGI Then oe Contagious, and therefore spread ‘throughout the pr Profession. Many practitioners iyed symptoms of the syndrome” to me, their peers, and patients through fear and chronic Tt was 1990, the it denial. F Nv beginning of the last decade of thi aoe Most mental health physicians ae a State of denial en me Saegce of mind control. Mental health as a science is barely oe teed testing an industry in its infancy in relation to the ue to mental health's infancy and the fact that it is ii i mystical theories of Jung and Freud, combined with the non vagal st overn search tio term " is viewed eee vpn oC on —— Dales The eee who fae esociat is quently refer to the profession as “ Secs oat) ete ‘intentioned Provider as "the rapist". Unfortunately fea a f the care provided, eines hese cruel Tabels are consistent 5 ‘creas I strongly support, in concept, ee of mental health a cold be applied i I ‘nits, I cannot foresee thei ication i meeting the needs of barre is without some radical See our National weuseteae iL teeall witnessing a "mi i" case in point. T was taping of a TOP SECRET eee experiment involving @ young man who had sui brain damage resi from severe » had si som pe eee Patient was ambulatory. He cont not tee = it imself, or for that matter, think. He was not brain dead. oe mind dead. Through the application of a inatic i S 3 0 combination of ert and hi tech electronic technology involving harmonies. his | a wae ad retrained" to Permit constructed thought Processes to commence. The brain a lary procedure and subsequent results of thi i dey me Rete ee record, tape, and dometnes to ee Meni lope were taken by courier to Fort George Meade, % What made this case so memorable was the event that immediately followed. | Overheard the experiment's attending physician complaining bitterly to his (ie colleague that "his" patient in an adjoining ward, who was not a "DOD pig,” through application of this method, could "probably recover". The *s complaint addressed his being prohibited from applying state-of-the-art it for his patient by virtue of his DOD oath of secrecy. This doctor was i at being forced to serve two masters. The DOD being one master contro! over his career through his medical license; liability insurance, and i secrecy oath he had signed. The second master was the doctor's own moral ethical goad, supported by the Hippocratic Oath he had signed upon a cian. us: tiie benefit of the voluminous DOD research findings and isehinology developments, the medical field of mental health is in its learning oe for establishing models to provide patients state-of-the-art care, In other i, mental health providers themselves are quickly becoming the second j of mind/information control victims. i mental health profession is in a state of crisis and has arrived at the jial crossroads of failure and success. The road to success through the of available technologies appears to be blocked FOR ONS ‘TIONAL SECURITY. As a direct result of DOD management of mind research secrets and the ‘Walilling federal information containment practices, mental health providers are the defensive with their patients, the courts, and more recently with certain interest action groups. These groups are attacking the mental health al as a target for destruction. Well-funded organizations with very le agendas, such as the False Memory Foundation (FMF) and the of Scientology, have publicly denounced mental health as a profession. Church of Scientology has emerged as the apparent leader in publicly acing the mental health profession. Through the church's Washington, "human rights" lobby group, it has launched a massive negative it a campaign accompanied by numerous lawsuits against ethical drug (panies and mental health providers. — Solentologists believe their church's “founder, L:~Ron Hubbard, has povered a cure-all for mental illness through behavior modification. luhbard, a successful science fiction writer, allegedly acquired knowledge of Iiiminal mind control through his military service with U.S. Navy .. He named his behavioral modification program Dianetics after his wife, 3 ‘The False Memory Foundation is a lobby group which is primarily utilized y persons charged with sexual abuse. The FMF is desperately attempting to i legislation that restricts therapy for ns suffering from dissociative r as a result of trauma. This organization's stated beliefs include that vi By ern ory is a myth. FMF has found the mental health profession's les’ heel. lg date, the model for developing an effective therapy regime for dis- lilive disorders (which are as a result of repeated trauma) has not been lished by either the American Psychiatric Association or the American ehological Association. The difficulty in developing a model is due to a mber of factors. The primary factor involves national security secrets i ng classified mind-control research. In the present climat ae si peasy for Ueatment would be fanning ans to mental health Wepartment “vice" detectives. ‘Their names were Jeff Bennet and Chuck cate surgery to a ; ing a patient needing | 5 knowledge OF these adieu es blind-folded ‘and fond-cafted: 2 our arrival into Huntsville, these two vice cops escorted us and our Cathy when she professed optimism for ue opinion I withheld from to a local apartment used for staging drug buys. The place was Nevertheless, Cathy was Tee complete y's latest recovery Opportunity. |, complete with audio and video bugs throughout every room. When I were doing all we could at the mea recovery and we both recognized we | Bennet if the “place was bugged,” he flatly denied it.” From this lie I Perhaps identifying “who” with ne or Kelly's needs, With certainty that Cathy and I were there to be specimens for whomever withholding vital medical research findings and government is interested in eek knew "who," and we gave them our best performance to mislead the mental health profession could pro. ide technologies information from action probably saved our lives. From my personal experiences while eongn Soy foundation of understanding. “Afler weeks of "delays,” the two vice cops sat down with Cathy and me for Tf a strong opinion that addresses this Capital International Airways, , She Supplied them a myriad of testimony including detailed physical 's question. However, the answer s of two particular perpetrators, their names, and location maps of they lived and allegedly produced child and adult pornography. The two fying Py , themselves ae policemen, oo mae also helpful assets in the ying Project Paperclip as being the secret ferporation/relocation of Nazi a anal Setennt Fron Crowell. TF Sie aie period. had exhausted all of her recollections, Crabtree and Bennet dus to “leave Huntsville now while we were still alive, and shut up if we to stay that way!" er, Cathy and I would lear that Crabtree and Bennet had notified every forcement officer in over five states to whom we had provided |. _ They: ted that we were a pair of “professional con artist pinals". ‘Perhaps they were able to accomplish this discrediting tactic as a ‘of police reports we filed in other states, which included a reference to "bad experience" with the Huntsville Police Department. In addition, the jwille office of the FBI was responsible for perpetrating Crabtree's and 's discrediting lies. This FBI action ceased after resident-agent-in-charge ‘urser was told by a friendly district attorney that I now could prove the ty and ol those responsible for the character assassination. ‘The ment st i if is interesting to note that ‘Bud’ Crammer would in less than a year, be lu to Congress, Within months after his election, Bud was rewarded for of alleged containment practices. Allegedly Bud-has been covering up tions for the intelligence community, DOD, and of course his number lancial supporier, NASA. @ wife of an Atlanta, Georgia physician, Ms. Faye Yeager, did however ive Bud's wrath in court. Her "crime" was advocating for and protecting a tld who had been horribly abused. This courageous lady had her cay in court . Now she has filed a counter-suit in Federal court. Reeling from ‘second hand" threats to our lives, we returned to Nashville. Here we that the Kentucky V,I.P. hospital administration had suddenly declared State of Alaska medical records "to be in error". V.I.P. said she was ‘This statement was supplemented by "you best come here now and pick or we'll give her to Kentucky Child Services and they will find adoptive o was a terrifying development since Kelly could not function outside a | ive environment. She had been declared suicidal and homicidal by three Wet Wi and/or ists. Cathy and I were homeless. We ght back to Tennessee wi she, Cathy and I stayed in my mother's } Iie betroom home. This living arrangement would not last, Kelly's (program), destined to separate her from her mother, returned within 48 research, rockets i sce Sbee ae the mind, They were placed in positions of authority i bis a uP ee gious universities, colleges, industries and NASA. Pte: Gage ee oe. criminals have directly influenced our society with ane pages ee and mind-control applications though us pinioscony , ae ioe ier ee to Secret Agenda, Nazism, as a Part, as a result of Propet ip , IS alive and destroying 7 can attest to this statement from iste re th n Personal knowledge gained duri n oe at Capital Intemational Airways, which ee as on oe the These were background facts for som hi 1 i as Acted sve ie Seattle Die Suis Us ce ae Tesu ign i bur tnd wep ee yee my telephone campaign in the pursuit of justice T A ur first destination would be Huntsville, Al i destinatio ¢ , Alabai i ae ee ae the NASA wie us Secs ma a, OS dollars Oey es of being home to more Pentagon, black-budget, Ge ten i anyplace in America. Cathy arb y | Forcan Pini et ais town, its police force, and the NASA research eth by Alex Houston for itech (ee he pro teeee penarly ites Porky tim and the production of child and adult age ‘o Huntsville would be different for Cathy, ex yt aspect eee iets ae ae 1 would receive or hee to 4 eas pursui ae enforcement. This was Surprising to me . . The lead-up to this threat began with my Phone call to a Huntsville based hours. We rushed her, i for emergency treatment Apes Knee, © Vanderbilt Hospital i i ; i - : . Again Kelly’ i in Nashville, fjjydit fame. According to Cathy, she had been used repeatedly in pornography critical point, then retumed to normal. sea 2 i We Stine fsctons with Signa over the years and had bonded with this once beautiful Vanderbilt Hospital ph i . an ae ee ons inte lysicians wi i , " ‘Seldina's husband, David Rorick, aka Dave Roe, was then her alleged porcine Tecords recommended at she be mol Pa mca ic handler. It is noteworthy that Roe alle; yerived his training on inc” 80 far, Crocket/ to maintain a slave, using specific tortures, from Alex Houston. Roe liv broken butterflies Cumberland House, the "home for feportedly I loved, with Houston before he met Siding. Cathy ut naively d insurance, at time erry Reed was not involved in his daughter's noe custody. Their demands for custody were Tennessee demanded ment as was Cathy's father. Furthermore, we were convinced that Jerry f moo ‘0 extortion for they had no intenti legally legitimate anc with his numerous connections into politics and the entertainment ee ions of seeking expert therapy could be a powerful ally. This was not to be. rescued Seidina and in minutes after the rescue, she began talking, but not ‘Through a lengthy two- y two-year court proceedit it Wy, We had a partial victory. Kelly was tracierey tye /aMYers Opposing T had discussed my plan i i i hi Ks posing y plan in person with her famous father and his agent at a for tie frst tne ey ee again she didn ae Mo an feat Tennessee restaurant, oes more than enough ise to warn receive genuine : ut that T was armed and on my way to his house. evidences di . Jordan. : empathy from a social worker, Abboi Years later a U.S. Customs Enforcement officer informed me, that 1 had During this period, my |i . ie ‘ ‘3 } me. that , , my life and iberty connected to Reed, possibly Reed himself, suggesting “I might be Metro Police Department.” ‘This ‘neta was, threatened by the Nashville fe im." This "clean" Cann cificer ae Tad rescued Seidina ‘ Roe's lorty Reed, eed and Kelly only had Medicaid i ici . This verbal . hi Homicide Captain Mickey Miller an death threat was delivered b: f , " pt Miller and is fri Meiro enslavement and that I had audio taped all meetings with Seidina, Tommy Jacobs, Miller said, "You oe $y his fiend an sod Li and his wife, Prissy. He was openly concemed fee myaatey and i : 68." Jacobs sai wr rom all was lying so as to frighten me away. with that Kid that her father (Cox care Aenea, There's nothing wrong Within two months after the rescue, Seidina and her mother filed eximinal forget you ever heard of ei { fix. She just has allergies. You'd : in mae kM ie too de” ve di Seas | MN ae nen ean and libert afew months of these threats came others threateni . alerted me to these and the anticipated outcome. No-action was 'y from every branch of law enforcement with’ oe out lives FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. it within the State of = had been prostituted to, among many others, heads of state, and to ‘Seldina, Ambian Ambassador to the U.S., Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. serene to inyolved witnesses of one of her encounters with Bandar (a friend of Bush) she was one of his favorite slaves. We've never heard from f Bee ene ot Hee any See ae This trek through hell in ea justice taught nothing to Cathy that she had not already been told er abusers. For me, I learned the hard-way that our Constitution was only a ul pias that had been stolen, ph , and replaced FOR REASONS [AL SECURITY. , Cathy, Kelly, I, and all true patriots stand at the proverbial ds of revolution or evolution. Through armed revolution, we patriots wish and the emergence of a totally government controlled society will in another period of “dark ages". As a proud gun owner, with julie knowledge, I know we are technologically out-gunned. Whereas if we gl to evolve through the challenges to our psyche that developed jiimunication technologies present we can reinstate. our Constitution and set i people free. Revolution or Evolution—change in life as we know it is _ Bach of us must now take a stand to commit a portion of our individual time ii diminishing resources to support the action groups and individuals who are afraid to work at taking back our government through mass exposure of its fl es seek new leaders who will be committed to doing the most This xe was tot T secured a lawyer, |) SOundless and was subsequently dropped, but only after It was now 1991, and Cath: an 4 thy and I had determi — ae bei of our pursuit of justice through a well eee ia Pee j hp an a it Str Fa olay cae | Iso provi co and rE have always felt uncomfortable eapoting Bede like Bi aoe oe He information as pertains to Gaede | oe 5 ve learned over the years through our public pate Fi ; thrcugn’ dacs * eee a ace we returned from Alaska. The lessons learned toanyone, No person should aire tp eoeien of gue should never be taught asnging over tat Cah, Kelly, and have fed tole ag, n lown portion of 6 ce tae cam 2 our informat inati public Suppor.” She ad eens with an idea she thought could hele et Seidina "Dina" Reed, deep eeeaealy commented that she wanted ieee (J |, daug! of 'actor/singer Jerry Reed of Smokey And The Te emnemmrvonnmny pet mua as quan ppm Ma's Pea, 1981, 30 ai INSERTS: VARIOUS SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS AND PICTURES t ALEX HOUSTON | Phayse plans to open a second manufacturing operation in Nasiwille early next year. Philips ‘says. | is in the process of locating and ng equipment for the plant, which he says will employ approximately 30 people. — by Bonnie Arnett —— ae 34 }) Tne. étty Uni-Pha: February $, 1988 Circle, Su: . TH 37214 ‘ite 310 107 Music Neshville Resignation Rer Gentlemen: I he: Uni. YING HAI Enterprises Ltd. ©. ¥. Chiu President fo 90494 nil. a i en Won hene VERTURE COBTRACT Fi.0'io51 rai 2 For Establishing par Soe SHENZHEN UMI-PAAYSE CO. LTD. Petty At Motaliurgical Inport & Bm Tedeetey & Trade Co. Pepresentecive: Favty Bs Metallargicel Equipment Corp of the Ministry of Wetsllergical Industry of China Hepreoantactves Z ae ve QL ferty GC. Ying Gat feos Ltd, of ong Heptesentetive: Suet Sheashes yo7. rez Wk resignation as an officer and director of Inc., effective immediately. Masiasey of Merallergice! Induiry Metallurgica! Equipment Corp, mEc any LU JUNDA Buconu Chief ZHAI XINTING Prvsident ‘Tel: 55.7051—4586 Canle: S281 Being ‘Toles: 222353 TIMEC CH reby tender “Phayse, q 73 William S.-W. YOON enis Oc a WeFHD67T (S Lise) Teens yg cust Wx (AILS Oceanlink Limited Oceanlins Maritime Led. Singhat Enterprises Sed. i Aslan House 1 Haroeery Ra. Watchal, HK. VFO. Ton 3812 XG FAX: 5-A613413, Mark &. Phillips mers {Slee Cry See Seana. era SYSTEMS & ELECTRONICS ine. Magee ein MATIONAL SALES MANAGIEN senorcat oivision MARK E. PHILties DIRECTOR OF PASSENGER SALES A Genvi1 eit ace == || GReav sonrmery arty Bite 3:60 Archecage. Asta 9835 2480 NTE AIRPORT Mon eastata 930) TELEX a5; Mark Phillips o Baran ee ie) TEE "An toternaional Company ie APP eta mcr Mark E. Philti atl a PO. Box 158252 + one Nashville, TN 37215 Sey Gly Grea” sami Bion O94 EERIE wan Seer P.O. Box 155082 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. eee Nashuiie, TN 37215, The Afirdable | Pleasirable Pig Aisinatice MARK E. PHILLIPS, C. HT. ‘Clnical-Sports Hypnotheraplet Spritaty Nowa Pearaieg ‘Soorts/Ai an ates | Pain Relet/Injury Rensts 36 U.S. Department of Justice United States Attorney Middle District of Tennessee 110 9th Avenue South, Suite A-96T OSTS6-SISE Nashale Tesnaice 7208-300 FIBEset51 September 9, 1991 We. Mark Phillips Dear Mr. Phillips: This letter will advise you of the following matters eerie to testimony before the Federal Grand Jury for which you wave been subpoensed. 2. You are a possible subject of an investigation by the Federal Grand Jury, This means that the United States Attorney's Oflice or the Grend Jury has substantial evidence linking you to fhe commission of a crime and you are, in the judgment of the Wilted States Attorneys Office, a possible defendant. 2. ithe Grand Jury is conducting an investigation of possible Violations of federal lews including Title 18, U.S.C. Section 671, Walling threatening communications. 3. You may xefuse to answer any questions if a truthful @Mower to the questions would tend-to. incriminate you. 4. Anything you do say may be used against you by the Grand sury or in a subsequent legal proceeding. 5. You are entitled to consult with counsel about this Watter. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be @ppointed for you upon your request to the court. 6. If you have reteined counsel. or have been appointed Yfunrel, the Grand Jury will permit you a reasonable opportunity 0 step outside the grand jury room to consult with counsel before ‘uswering questions, if you so desire. Sincerely, i aaa VAN S. VINCENT Assistant United States Attorney “up aq me, 12709) Tout Bekins Grand United States District Court, INESSEE Dismuct oF — To: MARK PHILLIPS SUBPOENA TO TESTIFY BEFORE GRAND JURY 1908 Pamity phate of Marks Cathy, Kelly ‘SUBPOENA FOR: Gerson pocumenrisi on oavecris) de ARE HEREBY COMMANDED ape ar rity befor the Grr Jury oth Unita Ses lei Court the place, dots. and time specified below. "Ws. Courthouse Bth’s Broad Nashville, TN 37203 pore R a 25 Grand Jury Room opt. 19, 1991 = 'YOUAREALSO COMMANDED to bing with youtha following documenta o object You will be ask: ed to provide fingerprints, palmprints, handvriting exeaplar/ and testimony. AS OREN ONER GS RESTATE ATOR VAN VINCENT, AUSA A-961 US. Courthoure Nashville, ™ 37203 615/736-5151 Cathy and Mark, 1995 an 38 Gathy in Cozumel, Mexico prior to prostitution to President de la Nadric, 1986 1987, Cathy and Kelly drug run in Key West Operations with Jefe nerrite St. Thomes, US Virgin Imlands ease Note: Cneney:s; "Ox" hour glass used Cathy ‘ Cathy on NOL’s Stirrup Cay Rear CIA communications 40 34H Bewonr | Estasiisneo 1975 | [\State-of-Tennassee-run "warehouse," the | of broken butterflies," where Kelly's on-going mR: Be political prisoner status began protest of U.6. ine’s federe! protection POBition on Childcare Counei) hile Boxcar Willie! Rutland, Vermont 1935 Thy with pi het 9 b5* Cathy when Gerald Ford! ¥new her UUs © Sparky Anderson, who Kelly named as abuser and who abused Cathy | as a child Cathy, May 7, 19 First Communion The O’Erien Family in 1980 . Carol, Mike, Bill, Cathy, Ear? Tom, Kwiti Jo, Kim, Tim 49 [Cathy“s brother Toa front of 1966 Ford . used to drive Vanderjagt jand Ford in local paradi NASHVILLE DERMATOLOGY ‘SKIN CANCER CLINIC, P.c, DL. SALYER, M.D., FAP, tagnenis TDec Sac SURGICALLY REMOVED CATHY’S HIGH VOLTAGE STUN GUN PROD NOLES FROM FACE ‘TREATED CATHY'S JAM WHICH WG PERMANENTLY DaNAGED THROUGH TORTURE ROBERT ALBERTS, M.D. M.P.H. ALASKA PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES Beene Pas] ‘FIRST PSYCHIATRIST TO DIAGNOSE KELLY MPDwc wi HIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING B. KOHLER, MS. PSTCHOLOGICAL EXAMINER POST OFRCE 60K 40981 NASHMULE JN 372010981 wis /22215 ol AGAINST C.I.A. AND ATE OF TENNESSEE TO DECLARE CATHY LEGALLY SANE AND COMPETENT AS MOTHER. FIRST PSYCHIATRIST 10 EVALUATE CATHY AND KELLY In 1989 Barry MD. Professor of Ciild and Adolescent Pychistry Deparment of Prychintry Vanderbilt Child dt Adalesceat Prychistric Fampital "NOOK Twuany Thint Avene, Sex Nate 720. (618) 371900 « (888) 3-702 ti YOUR WET APPomerWENT Wirth FRANK B. NEISWENDER, M.5.W., LC.S.W. (UCENSED CLIVICA. SOCIAL WORKER 138 POSTWOCO PLACE NAgSOnLLe Tw. 37308 PHONE 615-966-8040 A CHARGE WILL BEE MADE IF APPOINTMENT (5 BT KEPT OR (CANCELLED it ADVANCE. KELLY’S (ALLEGED C.1 SPONSORED) VANDERBILT PSYCHIATRIST AND THERAPIST . PEDIATRIC CONSULTANTS OF ALASKA, INC. ee Clinton 8. Lifibridge, M.D. FAAP. dune 22, 1939 Investigator Jack Chapman Anchorage Police Dept. 4501 5 Bragaw Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RE: RELLY O'BRIEN Dear Wr. Chapman: Kelly O*Brien appeared in my office in the company of her wother, Cathy O'Brien, on 06/12/89. Hother requested evaluation for possible sexual abuse. Gotld appeared somewhat {11 at ease but was fully cooperative and hed a geod sense of humor ~ joking during the examination. CAL, NEENT: She was a rather round face child with Prominent che Twine Degative. BREASTS: Breasts are Tanner Stage © developmont. CHEST: Pine musical wheesen throughout. GU: The genital exam Is Tanner Stage 0 development. The introitus ts intensely red with moderate white discharge. Culture for sexually transuicced dtacases, Regative. The hymen hat a smooth thick edge with a 6 I 8 cx opening. Neginal mucosa appeared normal, RECTAL: Anus has no t ars, no fissures, and no aca EXTREM: Extremities are rather stocky in the proximal PIACHOSISs Large opening in the hymen indicative of sexual Penetration, Ronupecific vaginitis of childhood. chronic asthaa. geo: Vaginitis causes some Swelling of the hymen tissue. ‘swe erably Larne, Presents Ehe opening through the hymen may appear Considerably Larger. The size of the opening itself ie typical for a child who has been sexually penetrated with an object the size of adult finger. This could mot have been caused by an accident ‘because the hymen is recessed beck into the introitws far enough to protect it from damage occurring from falis, splits, etc. 1f the CLINTON B. LILLIBRIDCE, M.D, Pediateiclan ‘i 3 Bo a br. Bruno Kappes wun 1200 Aisport Heights Drive, Suite 230 « Telephone (907) 276-5517 Alaska 99508 Ad INSULTANTS OF ALASKA, INC. “a Saray Lilibridge, M.0., FAAP. ith 4e that was involved w: eee cagt: Wstsat cet Falty./are Wor 9 and 1/2-y “ Decca ste « cult which did mind programming. ee rather intensive treatment for this with salutary effec They have applied for Social had physical findings of chronic asthma. a mine. ty Disability which requires eveluation end expertise beyond mine. of che paperwork is enclosed. se B, LILLIBRIDCE, M.D- tric Gastroenterologist & 9 se 1200 Airport Heights Drive, Suite 230 * Anchorage, Alaska 99508 a Telephone (907) 276-5517 AK CHARTER NORTH HOSPIWAL 2530 DE BARR ROAD + ALAS! (907)-258-7575 KA 99505 ES: Rist Dletseietive Disorder AXIS IT: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder AXIS III: Bronchial asthma AXIS IV: Precipitating stress: COX (O'BRIEN), KELLY DR. PATRICK M.R.@: 00-32-75 ADAISSION DISCHARGE DATE: 09-19-09 DATE: D0-16-89 D.0.8.: 02-19-89 Severe AXIS V: Highest level of function: Pair treatment at Humana Hospital. During her mother and her step-father. The patient's mental indicates an att: shaped faces consistent with ti easily to the examiner whom s! She is animated of her problems she has experien noted in this en and adnits that bright. ractive blonde-haired @ course of steroids. admitted to Charter North Hospital A@eation. The ideation appears to status examination at that time she The patient is because of suicidal/homiciaal be mostly directed tovards herself, was on steroids the time of admission girl vith a slightly moon he use of steroids, he Knows through her oj She relates and engaging. She is quite resistant to explorecins but can fairly easily iced. There are no bizarre or anusu: amination tonight. She does seems she is apprehensive. ADMITTING Di eters a drome and Bronchial Asthma. Social history w essessment that which consisted was good and eye fas obtained tefer to the omewhat agitated She appears to be intellectually Dissociative Disorder OS, Post Traumatic by the unit social worker. it is his she is an engaging and verbal youngster on a superficial, Social level. the writer was able to of a horse personna an contact appropriate. AK “trigger* 1d withdrawal. the patient's defenses Activity level 200 Protessions. Ta. STATE OF LOUISIANA West Monzoe, CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH tiesto gg b eee ree oe Ewes eon = 0 pital 2 rte BRE va ty ge 2 So ~ sof r Po tenR 2 9 1980 Ie Lie ah — ‘ONLY Tn INFORMATION FOR MEDICAL AND, WEALTI peo. — CERTIFY TRAT ABOVE IS A TRUE AMD eer curY A CERTIFICATE OR DOCUMENT 1 Ohoatsrenen wign rm Division UF Vins Weetes oF tae ae Pe Hass 7 ded Solo tesege — i SS a ; “paxipe oumharaq aq 03 wag aesodz0D st pue S122 pezuouine Amnp sy Aq pousis 9q 02 aren stp pome> seq yescion pres op fOasay . SSOUY/Y Uy 761 Pare 30 kep te In Look ot - THE WHITE HOUsE WASHINGTON November 20, 1990 Dear Congressman Clement: Thank you for Your recent letter z rec enclos PhIILIps Of Nashville. aeeeorrom MaEK 29, We appreciate Pe tadpa Totter Withee, in liberty or £ ’ 5 gt have taken officials for fertaae Serre Thank vita. again for your interest in With best regards, 8: ore ‘lure the Pri for Legislative berate” : The Honorabl. fone oF teat Steet Washington, D.c. 20515 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 14, 1990 sman Bob Clement has sent us the copies he received of 1990 letters to President Bush and Attorney . While we have not received yee original , we are forwarding these copies to officials at the of Justice for appropriate consideration. th best wishes, Sincerely, Shirley M. Special Assistant to the President ‘for Presidential Messages and Correspondence Mr. Mark E. Phillips Post Office Box 158352 ‘Nashville, ™N 37215 = 5; on ee OF WESTIGATION icncenwaen ze G NESE ssHuamo cry ta) Yea-an3s "te ia a | Jango Boavo Internation on eee | Snvestigations, Photographic and Aviation eS C.I.A. AERIAL HARASSMENT Services, NGltaria Sales "Equal Jestioe For Victims” PILOT HIRED BY ALEX HOUSTON € YVICTIM’S ADVOCACY ate [Jerey Rinses Ch IZATION THAT WAS re =) FROM JUVENILE ORGANIZED VICTIMS OF VIOLENT CRIME Poe sevenyale Raine PROCEEDINGS | saad oe A |Goodlettoville, Tenn. 37072 (613) 965-3932 Madioon, TN 37118-1221 | ‘ me ee EDITH S. HAMMONS Vitor Candy Comber Hee gsr =| Hot Line (616) 865-4385 President Caring For Children Program JUVENILE tien Al AGENCY WHO ALSO PROTECTS Manager Or vate SB THE STATE TENNESSEE STATE SENATOR TO = = WHOM CATHY SUBMITTED DETAILS ‘Naatwle Bulicing OF KELLY’S POLITICAL PRISONER vm he THELMA M. HARPER STATUS AFTER SPEAKING TO THE snore Pear cise — STATE LEGISLATURE ABOUT THE BILL mar a IN KELLY’S NAME 902 (SENATE) 1462 (HOUSE) AND HER RIGHT TO QUALIFIED REHABILITATION. orsi rav2ass |

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