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IN 2004

Children of Satan

‘Ignoble Liars’ Behind
Bush’s No-Exit War
$ Suggested

Rumsfeld as
‘Strangelove II’
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

This statement was released March 26, 2003

by the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential cam-
paign committee.

he first week of President George W.
Bush, Jr.’s Middle East war sufficed
to unmask the military doctrines of
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Vice-
President Cheney, and their pack of
Chicken-hawks, as the work of fools or,
most probably, worse. Since then, the
Bush Administration’s current Defense
Department’s utopian military policies, are
now ever more widely recognized among
relevant professionals, and qualified other
critics, as combining elementary military
incompetence with several dimensions of
unworldly delusion. The relevant delusions
of Rumsfeld’s, Cheney’s, and Ashcroft’s
flock, are to be recognized as an outgrowth
of the fusion of two ingredients: the first,
the Nietzschean fascism of Professor Leo
Strauss; the second, that imperial, and
frankly satanic, Wells-Crowley-Russell-
Hutchins, English-speaking utopianism of EIRNS/Stuart Lewis

the high-flying “military-industrial com- Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

plex,” which has been the principal, alien
adversary of the Classical U.S. military tradition in statecraft ventive nuclear war. Speaking in terms of epistemology, the
since the closing phase of World War II. “genetically” Nazi-like ideology of a Strauss, was that of a
Predominant control over the present Bush figure whose own writings, like those of his underling Allan
Administration has been secured, until now, by a Cheney-led Bloom, recall those of the Nazi philosopher, Martin
fusion of the combination of Chicago University’s imported Heidegger, who influenced Strauss. Strauss’s dogmas are
fascist—that Professor Leo Strauss—with Wells’ and those of a Nietzschean parody of the wicked Thrasymachus
Russell’s goal of world government through Hitler-like, pre- from Plato’s Republic. That same Strauss is the central ideo-

On The Cover: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: EIRNS/Stuart Lewis; Vice President Dick Cheney; Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: DOD
Photo/R.D. Ward; just-resigned chairman of Defense Policy Board Richard Perle: EIRNS/Stuart Lewis; Deputy Defense Secretary Paul
Wolfowitz: DOD Photo/Helene C. Stikkel.
© Copyright April 2003
Paid for by LaRouche in 2004 L04PA-2003-004

logical figure of that cult of his devotees known as the cur- warned in that January 2001 address, actually came, less
rent Bush Administration’s “Chicken-hawks.” It is these than nine months later, on Sept. 11, 2001. Like Hitler’s
Chicken-hawks who, in Donald Rumsfeld’s Hitler-and-the- Reichstag fire of 1933, the Sept. 11, 2001 attack was exploit-
generals routines, have been the controlling, lackey-like fig- ed by Vice-President Dick Cheney and such followers of the
ures of President Bush’s post-2001 drive toward imperial, Nazi-like Professor Leo Strauss as Attorney-General John
nuclear-weapons-wielding world war.1 Ashcroft, to unleash an attempted step-wise, fascist takeover
The shocking lessons of the first week of the new Iraq of the U.S.A. from within.2 That incident of Sept. 11, 2001
war’s battlefields forced many to look back to the sum-total was then used to unleash a campaign of intended worldwide
of relevant recent weeks’ developments in and out of the warfare, warfare modelled on Athens’ tragic folly of the
UNO Security Council. Increasing numbers are being forced Peloponnesian war, and on such Classically fascist prece-
to recognize that President Bush’s maddened lurch into a dents as those of the Roman Caesars, the Emperor
new Iraq war, was induced and intended by the President’s Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler. Thus, the ideology of
current Chicken-hawk controllers, as a trigger for an that thieving, imperial outlook of Cheney and his fascist
enraged utopian’s Hitler-like, chain-reaction-like plunge into Chicken-hawks, now combines the nuclear “preventive war”
what, unless stopped, will be spread, more or less rapidly, as dogmas of Bertrand Russell with the imported Nietzschean
a new world war. On that account, the French Foreign mode of fascist ideology of Germany’s Carl Schmitt, Martin
Minister Dominique de Villepin’s UNO Security Council Heidegger, and Leo Strauss.
warning against Bush’s proposed war, must be endorsed for More recently, George W. Bush, a U.S. President of stark-
fact, by all reasonable governments around the world, as ly limited intellectual capability, has reacted in a fit of rage
many among them have either stated or clearly implied. Of to the combined effect of both his desperation over a U.S.
that, I say, as I have said in various forms and locations economic situation far beyond his capacity for rational deci-
before this: That new world war, implicit in President Bush’s sion-making, and his anticipation of a then immediately
current Middle East policies, unless stopped soon, will have an imminent political defeat of his war policy in the UN
outcome comparable, on a global scale, to something worse Security Council. That wildly irrational outburst of rage,
than what Europe suffered during the 137 years preceding the orchestrated by “Svengali” Cheney, has triggered “Trilby”
Treaty of Westphalia. Bush’s declaring a needless, lawless, and reckless war
To begin to understand how President George W. Bush, against Iraq, a war in violation of the relevant international
Jr. came to this presently tragic state of his government, code of law. Worse, this is a war for which the policies of
look back to January 2001, shortly before his dubiously con- arm-chair warlords Cheney and Rumsfeld had left existing
trived inauguration. U.S. forces both poorly deployed, and severely under-
Just prior to the January 2001 inauguration of that cur- equipped for the mission assigned to them. Rumsfeld’s play-
rent U.S. President, I delivered, from Washington, D.C., ing “Hitler and the generals” in the Defense Department,
what must now seem to many as a prophetic public address produced the result, that within the lapse of a week of that
to an international audience. In that address, I warned that war, signs of a new “Vietnam War” syndrome could no
the inauguration of that Presidency coincided with the longer be hidden.
U.S.A.’s previous entry into the terminal phase of the col- The President’s lawless doctrine of “regime change”
lapse of the world’s current monetary-financial system. I threatened Saddam Hussein, personally, with preventive
warned that audience, then, that Bush’s inau-
guration, under today’s 1928-33-like condi-
tions of terminal monetary-financial crisis,
coincided with the likelihood that powerful
insider forces behind the scenes would
arrange a thus-threatened, early outbreak of
an incident paralleling the Feb. 27, 1933
burning of the German Reichstag.
That Reichstag burning which I referenced
in that address, was the incident which was
used by the Nazi government to establish the
Hitler dictatorship. The Reichstag event thus
precluded the alternative: that the March inau-
guration of President Franklin Roosevelt
would mean that the similar recovery pro-
grams of Roosevelt and Germany’s Dr.
Wilhelm Lautenbach might be adopted by
Germany instead of Hjalmar Schacht’s. Thus,
by late Summer 1934, some form of World
H.G. Wells in his futuristic
War II had become inevitable, under a world
‘fantasy’ The Shape of Things To
governed by the European leaderships of that Come laid out the monstrous Lord Bertrand Russell: His goal was
time. dream of One World government world government through a kind of
That new “Reichstag Fire” of which I he shared with Bertrand Russell. Hitlerian ‘preventive’ nuclear war.

war against Iraq, exactly as Hitler, in 1938,
had personally threatened Eduard Benes
with “regime change.” Our poor President
was moved to this action by puppet-strings
of lies jerked by a special, Goebbels-like,
Chicken-hawk intelligence unit in
Rumsfeld’s Department of Defense. So, the
President invaded Iraq on the same type of
pretext used by Hitler for his 1939 invasion
of Poland. All this was done under the
influence of a deceased German fascist
emigré, Carl Schmitt-sponsored Leo
Strauss, whose only disqualification for
Nazi Party membership had been the
Jewish ancestry which could not be
expunged from his birth record.
So, the events of the first week of that
war, have made undeniable the delusions
under which the trio of the President, Vice-
President, and Rumsfeld had been operat-
ing, going into the war. As the war entered
its second week, the watching world saw Sgt. Tony DeLeon

proof of that lunatic disregard for elemen- How did President George W. Bush. come to this presently tragic state of his
tary Classical considerations of modern government? The President, flanked by the sinister Vice-President Dick Cheney
warfare and strategy, which is deeply and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
embedded in the “Chicken-hawk” utopians’
“Revolution in Military Affairs.” Although U.S. power could The crux of the matter is, that like a man of kindred
crush Iraq, even despite Rumsfeld’s Hitler-like muddling, Nietzschean disposition, Adolf Hitler, that pack of
sooner or later: yet, as for the 1960s Defense Secretary Straussian Svengalis which has been directing President
Robert McNamara’s Indo-China war, there was no foresee- George “Trilby” Bush’s ongoing imperial world war, is not
able, acceptable exit from the kind of war which the merely misguided; it is, morally and otherwise, functionally
Rumsfeld-Cheney Chicken-hawk set had planned. The only insane. In global terms, that pack’s Nietzschean policies are
solution for President Bush, had he been rational, was to get as evil as Hitler’s in both intent and effect.
out of the war, and return to the UNO process. President Worse, the many, so-called “ordinary” Americans among
George “Flight Forward” Bush has so far lacked the prover- that sizeable minority which still foolishly supports the war
bial “brains and guts” to make such a rational choice. policies, are also insane in the strictest clinical sense of that
There would be an ultimately suicidal outcome for civi- term. As Shakespeare’s Cassius warned Brutus: the popular
lization already looming in failure to abort the Straussian insanity of these foolishly pro-war American populists lies
Chicken-hawks’ imperial strategic policies. These are the not in their stars, but, in themselves, that they think as
policies expressed by both the White House utopians and “underlings.” So many leading members of the Congress
also kindred circles, such as the Conrad Black-backed have also reacted today like the “underlings” described by
McCain-Lieberman-Donna Brazile cabal, the cabal now Shakespeare’s Cassius.
dominating the Democratic Party bureaucracy. That cross- The problem of that typical “underling’s” mentality must
party, Nietzschean flight-forward impulse, is typified by the be recognized and corrected, as a disorder which is spread
war-like flock of the followers of the now-deceased, pro- much wider than the indicated clique of Leo-Straussian
fessed Nietzschean fascist, Chicago University Professor Leo fanatics. What has impelled many wild and foolish
Strauss, whom I have identified, repeatedly, above. This role Democratic Party figures, and others, to support or tolerate
of second- and third-generation followers of fascist fanatics war-mongering fanatics such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, McCain,
Strauss’s and Allan Bloom’s teachings, is typified by Vice- and Lieberman, is a culturally embedded tendency, in popu-
President Cheney’s present brood of Chicken-hawks, the lar entertainment, and otherwise, to submit to the kind of
would-be “little Hitlers,” or “Goebbels” such as Chicago’s neo-Nietzschean existentialist impulses which have taken
Wolfowitz, thieving magpie Perle, slippery Bill Kristol, and over much of that “Baby Boomer” generation which came to
kindred Brechtian beggars’ opera types. adulthood during the period of the 1964-1972 U.S. War in
The Nazi-like, Leo-Straussian pathology of Dick and Indo-China. That heretofore widespread toleration of such
Lynne Cheney’s circles, could be, and must be described in policies, is purely, simply, a case of personal and collective
political-historical, military, and related technical terms. group-insanity shared among those sharing the relevant
Nonetheless, technical analysis of the political-strategic populist (“underling”) mentality. The danger inhering in this
issue, however necessary as far as it goes, still fails to get to global situation will not be overcome, unless that controlling
the more deeply determining, psychological core of the mat- factor of widespread, popular group-insanity is taken ade-
ter. quately into account, and addressed with a certain ruthless-

ness, as the aging Solon addressed his errant Athenians, as I devotees, systemically insane, in the strictest formal use of
do here. the term “insane.” That is to say, that Descartes’ way of
I have now stated the problem. I have situated the para- thinking about the physical universe, was based on subordi-
doxes. Now, I shift to developing the solution. nation of the physical evidence to included axiomatic pre-
sumptions which, in fact, can be found only in a non-exis-
1. What Is Sanity? tent, “ivory tower” universe. President George W. Bush, Jr.’s
My first-approximation definition of sanity, is dedication and former Vice-President Al Gore’s opinions on economic
to discovering and acting according to a principle of discov- and military matters, express, systemically, more or less
erable truth, as Plato’s dialogues define truthfulness, con- extreme versions of the insanity of that same general (“ivory
trary to the schizophrenic word-play of Strauss and Bloom. tower,” utopian) type.
For example, when a typical U.S. politician says that he, or In mathematical physics, this same clinical type of sys-
she is “going along to get along,” he, or she usually means to temic insanity encountered in the follies of Descartes, is
say that one must “learn” to get along in such domains as echoed by Euler and Lagrange, as the latter cases were
politics or public office, in university life, in one among exposed by Carl Gauss’s 1799, correct statement of the
many public-school classrooms, using opinions expressed by Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The same pathological
major new media, or in the company board-room, or in element typical of Galileo, Descartes, Euler, and Lagrange, is
cringing submission to some sitting U.S. Federal Fourth pervasive in classrooms and textbooks still today. Thus, I
Circuit judges, and some Virginia judges I have known. The chose the case of that short, but crucial paper by Gauss, as
theme, in each case, is, one must “put the issue of truth the pivot on which to premise the program of higher educa-
behind us.” tion for the participants in the new youth movement I was
The categorical form of that widespread denial of the effi- sponsoring. My principle was, and is, that, for reasons I shall
cient existence of truth, is the central feature of the inten- explain here, no youth movement among the 18-25 universi-
tionally fraudulent life’s work of that now-deceased ty-age population could succeed in leading society out of the
Professor Strauss, the Nietzschean den-mother of today’s kind of cultural disorientation which grips most of globally
Chicken-hawk brood. 3 It is the core of his fascist, extended European civilization today, unless the partici-
Thrasymachian doctrine, as that of his underling Allan pants in that movement were to proceed from discovery and
Bloom. It is also the dogma of like-minded truth-haters, mastery of an “ivory tower”-free, empiricism-free, elemen-
such as Strauss’s cronies among the German fascists of the tary proof of the existence of knowable truthfulness.
Frankfurt School circles. The latter include such pro-Satanic I explain that connection by successive stages, in the
existentialists as official Nazi philosopher and Strauss men- course of the following pages.
tor Martin Heidegger, and the fascist truth-haters Theodor At first glance, the mathematical definition of systemic
Adorno and Hannah Arendt. insanity which our youth movement’s pedagogical program
The promotion, or acceptance of doctrines, such as the derives from that Gauss example, apparently differs from
fascism of Hitler and Leo Strauss, or preference for popu- the relatively more shallow-minded notion of clinical insani-
lar, or learned opinion, over truth, are also symptoms of ty usually proffered by psychiatrists. Nonetheless, a morally
what is to be defined as a mental disease, a systemic delu- competent psychiatrist, following my argument here, would
sion. Look at phenomena such as support for President feel himself, or herself obliged to nod assent to the direction
Bush’s unlawful, present war-drive, as expressing a form of of my argument, and would probably qualify that assent
mass-insanity. I point to mass-insanity such as that which, with an observation which would be, more or less, to the fol-
for a while, seized the majority of the German voters under lowing net effect.
Hitler. It is a form of mass-insanity which, more recently, To understand the relevant difficulty of the professional
seized the political forces which reduced the list of leading psychologist, ask yourself, what should we mean if we say
2000 candidates for U.S. President to two Chicken-hawk- that some persons are neurotic, or worse? Should we not
linked, known incompetents, each of whom was more or mean, in the case of the neurotic, a person whose judgment
less equally likely to launch world-wide war within a few is often efficient in dealing with many challenges in day-to-
years of his inauguration. day life, but who suffers from the recurrent triggering of
The type of mass-insanity to which I am pointing, is best some emotionally driven, pathological quirk, a quirk which
understood by defining it, first, in terms of some commonly impels that person toward acting in a way contrary to physi-
occurring mental disorders expressed among students cal reality? In one setting, that person appears rational; in
whose judgments have been shaped through drill-and-grill another, his or her behavior is functionally absurd. Typical
in empiricist and, especially, radical-positivist mathematical of such neurotics, is the alcoholic or drug-user, or the ordi-
physics, still today. I now proceed accordingly. nary bi-polar personality, who may be competent at work,
but who beats his wife, or also his children, or, threatens to
Math and Madness do so under certain circumstances, or does so more or less
For our purposes here, let us first define “insanity” as it periodically. The empiricist is categorically insane in a simi-
appears in the guise of even the most elementary forms of lar sense and degree.
dysfunctions in a formal mathematical physics. Speaking in the very broadest terms, there are two gener-
Thus, in those terms, the empiricists Galileo, Thomas al types of practical cases of systemic disorders of individual
Hobbes, John Locke, the notorious Adam Smith, and the judgment. There is, first, the case of simple ignorance, in
famous René Descartes, were, like Bertrand Russell and his which the subject is exposed to a challenge of which he or

she simply lacks relevant elementary tradition, we have inherited the notions
knowledge, like an individual reared in a associated with a Riemannian form of
jungle tribe, trying to operate a bulldozer Classical physical geometry, from which
at first sighting. In a second general type of we have expelled the clutter of all those a
case, the individual, or society, is reacting priori definitions, axioms, and postulates
under the influence of axiomatically false associated with Euclid, of the empiricists
assumptions respecting man and society. in general, and of the Cartesians in partic-
For him, or her, these false assumptions ular. Only what are proven experimentally
function like the “ivory tower” axioms of a to be universal physical principles, are
Euclidean geometry, thus exerting a more allowed.4
or less severe, even deadly, pathological This Riemannian concept of physical
influence over individual, or collective geometry serves not only for what today’s
group behavior. These errors are the typi- convention signifies as “physical science”;
cal origin of insanity, or “non-sanity,” as it also applies to provable principles of
defined from a Classical Greek standpoint those aspects of social relations which
of reference. determine mankind’s effective social rela-
In Euclidean, or Cartesian geometry, as tionship to the universe in which we live.
in the empiricism of Paolo Sarpi’s lackey, As I shall explain below, this same princi-
Galileo Galilei, the victim’s mind is pollut- ple corresponds to the distinguishing prin-
ed by so-called a priori, so-called “self-evi- Nazi ‘philosopher’ Martin ciple of Classical (as opposed to Romantic
dent,” “ivory tower” definitions, axioms, Heidegger, repository of a or Modernist) composition and perfor-
and postulates, each of which, in fact, has Nietzschean mode of fascist mance of art, as it does to physical science
no correspondence to the physical uni- ideology seminal to as such.
verse. In contrast to those popularized, Therefore, as a matter of scientific preci-
Euclidean, empiricist, and Cartesian forms sion, we ought to limit the use of the term
of insanity, in the pre-Euclid, ancient scientific practice of “insanity,” to those sets of practiced belief which are demon-
Thales, the Pythagoreans, and Plato, the principle of physi- strably in efficiently systemic violation of that combined,
cal construction defines the universe as a domain of physical Riemannian physical geometry which encompasses both the
geometry, as a universal physical space-time. With the individual mind’s knowledge of the physical universe around
Fifteenth-Century European Renaissance’s rebirth, as asso- it, and also the efficient and valid universal principles of
ciated with Filippo Brunelleschi, Nicholas of Cusa, and social relations governing society’s coordination of its rela-
Leonardo da Vinci, the mainstream of scientific progress tionship to that same universe.
returned, from the decadence of Latin Romanticism, to the Ordinarily, the teaching and practice of psychology do
Platonic tradition of Classical Greece, that tradition also typ- not attempt to reach such a strictly scientific definition as
ified by the work of Eratosthenes, Aristarchus, and that one. The relatively better practice among that profes-
Archimedes. Out of these Renaissance origins, came the sion, nonetheless seeks to define sanity in terms of definable
work of modern Classical giants most usefully typified by principles, but usually falls far short of recognizing the func-
Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Carl Gauss, and tional significance of rigorously defined, truly universal
Bernhard Riemann. Out of this modern, Classical scientific principles, both truly universal physical principles and also

Library of Congress

Among Leo Strauss’s cronies from Another Strauss-Arendt colleague who Friedrich Nietzsche: Strauss’s
Frankfurt School circles were fascist- contributed to existentialism’s Dionysian dogmas are a Nietzschean parody of
existentialist and Heideggerian Hannah cult legacy: Theodor Adorno. the wicked Thrasymachus from
Arendt. Plato’s dialogue The Republic.

their social correlatives. The young American, for example, must
Usually, among the least competent enter adulthood with a secure mooring
choices of standard for psychology, is of his or her sense of personal identity
the more or less frequent reliance upon in a valid sense of the meaning of truth.
an arbitrary standard of so-called “nor- Not what is prescribed as “truth,” as by
mal behavior.” All true scientific genius- textbooks, or so-called popular opinion.
es of society today, are, by definition, It must be what he or she knows to be
“abnormal.” Therefore, the only compe- truth, by means of nothing but the inter-
tent definition of a sick society, is, nal authority of knowledge, as the exper-
“axiomatically,” one in which its preva- imental validity of an hypothesized uni-
lent standard of sanity is that set of versal physical principle, a principle free
belief which is usually considered “nor- of the encumbrances of “ivory tower”
mal,” or, as in the instance of the wrong definitions, axioms, and postulates sig-
ideas concerning economy, which are nifies actual knowledge of truth. The
rampant in the U.S.A. today.5 The crisis young such American must command
hitting the U.S. today, has been caused valid certainty of at least one such uni-
by what have come to be widely accept- versal principle, as a benchmark from
ed as “normal” forms of belief and mass which to proceed with his or her person-
behavior. To escape that trap, we must al, life-long mapping of the universe.
discard “normal” as a standard, and Leo Strauss, whose influence has Thus, to define a shareable mooring-
choose, instead, a standard which is become so broad in our government. point of that quality, I chose and pro-
provably universal, without use of the He taught that there is no God, that the posed the Gauss paper.
sometimes useful, but always slippery universe cares nothing for men or
mankind, and that all of human history The ‘No Future’ Crisis
notion of “normal.”
is nothing more than an insignificant
For example. In Classical tragedy speck. There were also special, contemporary
since the best work of the ancient considerations compelling me to insist
Greeks, as in the modern productions of Shakespeare and upon that standard at this point in the globally extended his-
Schiller, the root of all that tragedy which corresponds to a tory of current European civilization. I point to the conflict
nation, a people in crisis, lies in the currently prevalent men- between the typical representative of that “Now Generation,”
tal habits of the general population represented. which entered adulthood during an interval of, approximate-
Shakespeare writes, that “there is something rotten in the ly, 1964-1972, the interval of the rise of the “rock-drug-sex
kingdom of Denmark.” It is Hamlet’s fear of that conven- youth-counterculture,” and the so-called “Now Generation’s”
tional rottenness of his society, his terror of the prospect of children. Today, more than a quarter-century later, the for-
immortality, which impels him, like his successor mer “Now Generation” has produced children who became
Fortinbras, to continue the same folly of Denmark which university-age young adults, and adolescents, condemned to
felled the foolish Hamlet. So, it is in Schiller’s Don Carlos,the be part of a “No Future Generation.” Despite the significant,
real-life tragedy of religious warfare which carries the real- smaller rations among both of these generations which are
life Philip II, his followers, and Spain itself, as in Schiller’s more or less exceptions to this pattern, the conflict between
play, into the culturally deserved ruin which Cervantes fore- the two sets of generations, is widespread and deep-going; it
saw, and which Spain thus became in the course of the is a conflict which must be recognized, and overcome, if this
Seventeenth Century. The tragic doom of nations, lies, first, civilization is to find a civilized future during the genera-
as Athens’ Solon warned: in the foolish norms of its current, tions immediately ahead.
decadent culture; and, second, in the nation’s failure to nur- Prior to the rise of “the rock-drug-sex youth-countercul-
ture and select leaders who will lead a tragic people to mend ture,” the typical outlook of that normally moral U.S. or
its foolish customs. So, Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound paints European adult, who was conscious of his or her mortality,
the doom of Greece under a culture polluted by the poly- was a commitment to a brighter future for the children and
morphous perversity of its inhuman Olympian gods. grandchildren of one’s own generation. Most among such
Therefore, especially in times of crisis, we must reject Americans and Europeans were scarcely saints, but they had
that which may happen to appear to be normal, and define that degree of a sense of an efficient personal immortality.
what should have been adopted as normal, instead. As the Most would have tended to accept the New Testament para-
aging Solon rebuked his foolish Athenians, it was always ble of the “talents.” We are each given a mortal existence of
what had come to be accepted as “normal” behavior which uncertain duration. That is our finite talent, called mortal
brought about the subsequent threat of self-inflicted doom. life. Therefore, wisdom says, “Spend it well.”
Such is the more or less indispensable function of redefining Unfortunately, that moral tradition began to be swept
mass insanity in society as I do here. away with the advent of the “rock-drug-sex youth-counter-
Therefore, for related reasons which I shall explain more culture” of the middle to late 1960s. The resulting present
fully here, I chose Gauss’s 1799 paper on the Fundamental moral and economic crisis of America and European society
Theorem of Algebra, in opposition to the empiricists Euler is a reflection of this change.
and Lagrange, as the best choice of standard launching- The “Beatniks” and earlier “rock culture” of the Elvis
point for a modern university or comparable education. Presley generation already echoed the Dionysian cult-legacy

of the European existentialist degeneration of Heidegger, Luther King, Jr., who follows in the imitation of Christ, to
Jaspers, Leo Strauss, Theodor Adorno, Hannah Arendt, and spend one’s mortal life wisely, for the sake of the betterment
such French followers of the Nazi Heidegger as Jean-Paul of future humanity.
Sartre. This corruption, copied from the most decadent ele- The significance of the emergence of rampant, even rabid
ments of Weimar Germany’s post-Versailles 1920s, was sub- existentialism, in the cultural currents of the post-World
sequently carried to an extreme by the “rock-drug-sex youth- War II U.S.A., is that it tended, rather efficiently, to uproot
counterculture” of the mid-1960s. This led, more than a the simple kind of popular morality from the population,
decade later, to the epidemics of “mid-life crisis,” and kin- and national custom in general. The intrinsically immoral
dred, pathetic bleats of “I must change my life-style,” which influence of the cult of the “Now Generation,” the genera-
were among the frequent lawful, middle-age consequence of tion of President George W. Bush, Jr., has tended to uproot
joining a “Now Generation” imagined to dwell on the back- and eliminate that idea of progress, on which all the true
side of a history which had come to nearly its Hegelian- achievements of our U.S. republic had depended. This form
Nietzschean end. of moral corruption typified by the “Now Generation,”
As the Baby Boomer generation’s position within adult became something like an expression of cultural cannibal-
society became more and more dominant, the degeneration ism toward both that generation’s own parents, and own
of the economy and other cultural attributes, into the char- children. The latter victims of the 1960s counterculture, are
acteristics of a so-called “post-industrial,” or “consumption” the present “No Future Generation.” Thus, today’s President
society, accelerated. The economy degenerated under the Bush’s policy-making outlook expresses in the extreme, the
increasing popular influence of post-industrial Baby Boomer same ugly essence of that moral decay, as the explicit, Leo-
fads. Degeneration of the nation’s culture and economy were Straussian, Hegelian-Nietzschean “end of history” doctrine
not recognized as the catastrophe they were in fact, because, of the Baby-Boomer generation’s Cheney-Rumsfeld Chicken-
for the existentialist “Now Generation’s” Baby Boomer cul- hawks.
ture, which was then moving toward the higher ranks of That implicitly awful present conflict among generations
social, economic, and political life, their slide into decadence exists. How might we overcome it? My view, which is cor-
had become “the norm.” roborated in a significant degree by the recent impact of our
What, then, to do with the Baby Boomers’ children? For youth movement’s activity, is: A youth movement of this spe-
the “Now Generation,” their children, such as those matur- cific type is capable of reawakening a sense of a meaningful
ing children entering university age, were an increasingly future among even a large part of the generation which had
uncomfortable reality, just as the senior citizens, their own been sucked into a long sojourn within the ranks of the
parents, were seen by Baby Boomers, such as former “Now Generation.” In that way, we can bridge the gap, and
Colorado Governor Lamm, as becoming inconveniently reconcile the two antagonistic generations around the com-
costly to support. The maturing children of the Baby mon cause—the future—which this youth movement
Boomers, whether adolescent or young adult, found them- already represents. Therefore, we must look more deeply,
selves thrown on the dump of what was implicitly labelled a and with cultural optimism, into the matters just identified.
“No Future Generation.” The latter’s passion for acquiring a
future, clashed increasingly with the contrary cultural 2. Who Is Really Human?
norms of the “Now Generation’s” impulses. The resulting This carries this discussion of mass-sanity into deeper
friction is often ugly, as it is all too often as impassioned as a issues of mass social behavior. Look again at the age-old
racial conflict might be. question: Is there a fundamental difference between man
Under these condition, the apparent “norms” of the “Now and ape? What is that difference? For, example, do the par-
Generation”—or, should we say “degeneration”—are, for the ents of apes believe in future grandchildren? Therefore, is it
“No Future Generation,” worse than useless norms of belief. really an exaggeration, to ask the question: Was that behav-
In this circumstance, mere custom fails as a substitute for ior of Professor Leo Strauss, to which I referred above, actu-
morality; the search for a standard of truth, must replace a ally human, or a product of some kind of “reversed cultural
presently failed, traditional reliance upon invoking custom evolution,” into becoming something less than human?
as an authority for continuing adherence to the tragically Who, then, is really human? Should we not recognize
failed traditions of the mid-1960s cultural-paradigm shifts. that Professor Strauss, Allan Bloom, and their Rumsfeld-
The continued existence of civilization now depends, Cheney-linked Chicken-hawk followers were, and are collec-
absolutely, upon an immediate shift away from the tradi- tively insane: human beings who, like Adolf Hitler, or the
tions of the “Now Generation.” Emperors Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, England’s Richard III,
What might be recognized, in functional terms, as the Spain’s Philip II, Napoleon Bonaparte, and the immediately
morality of a people, occurs in two degrees. On the lower relevant cases of G.W.F. Hegel, and Friedrich Nietzsche,
level, it is expressed as a commitment to the betterment of after him, have reverted to forms of human behavior which
the conditions and persons of coming generations of one’s are essentially unnatural, forming, in effect, a type of pseu-
own, and other nations and peoples. The famous 1648 do-human species? They have become equivalent to a
Treaty of Westphalia, on whose precedent civilized life species whose very existence is morally, and functionally
among modern nations depends, still today, is an example of worse than that of naturally determined lower forms of life.
this simpler expression of morality. On a higher level, we These are not only formal questions of science. As I am
meet the exceptional individual, as typified most simply by emphasizing here: The ideological connections between
France’s martyred Jeanne d’Arc, or the Reverend Martin Adolf Hitler and those Chicken-hawks presently inhabiting

Rumsfeld’s and Cheney’ roosts, demonstrate, that these Biosphere including its fossils; and, c) the Noösphere, phys-
questions I pose here, are foremost among today’s issues of ical effects, including the fossils of such actions, attribut-
national security, including “military affairs.” able solely to those cognitive functions of the individual
To define, and locate the answer to such questions of human mind which do not occur in any other living species.
both science and of national security and its strategy, we In the language of Bernhard Riemann’s celebrated 1854
must find the answer in the axiomatic differences between habilitation dissertation, these three phase-spaces are mul-
the Romanticism of extended European civilization’s mod- tiply-connected, to the effect of defining the known uni-
ern empiricists, on the one side, and the Classical European verse, in a factual reading of the internal history of modern
legacy shared among Plato and the connection of his mod- physical science, as essentially Keplerian and also
ern followers, such as Nicholas of Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Riemannian. The human individual’s function within that
Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Gauss, and Riemann, universe is unique.
with the crafting of the U.S. Declaration of Independence 4. Therefore, the most crucial issue is: What specific act do
and of the world-shaking Preamble of the U.S. Federal human beings perform, which no lower form of life can do,
Constitution. to generate those effects which set the human species, thus,
The working definition of humanity which is crucial for apart from, and above all others?
understanding the cause and cure of that kind of imperial The answer is implicit in Carl Gauss’s referenced, 1799
fascism typified by such followers of the late Professor attack on the willful falsifications of the Fundamental
Strauss as Rumsfeld, Cheney, and their Chicken-hawks Theorem of Algebra by such empiricist ideologues as Euler and
today, runs more or less as follows. Lagrange (and, notably, also Immanuel Kant).
1. The crucial issue is, first: What is the absolute differ- I explain, repeating as briefly as possible what I have said
ence between the human species and each and all species of or written on this subject in numerous locations.
possible members of a class of higher apes?
The empirical evidence is: If the human species were a Perception or Knowledge?
member of the biological class of known, or other higher This brings the continuing quarrel between Lagrange and
apes, that species could not have achieved a total living Gauss into fresh focus. The essential issue was whether or
population of more than several millions individuals under not man is just another, if talking, species of higher ape. In
conditions associated with the ice-age cycles of the recent the domain of physical science so-called, this deep-going
two or so millions years. The living human population issue of personal morality, is whether or not man’s knowl-
today is estimated by some sources as greater than six bil- edge of the universe is limited to a combination of “facts” as
lions individuals. defined by sense-perception, as interpreted according to a
2. The crucial issue is, secondly: Any human society’s abili- set of arbitrary, “ivory tower” definitions, axioms, and postu-
ty to achieve sustainable population-levels depends, in the lates, such as those of Euclidean geometry.
first approximation, on the willful employment of transmis- The empiricist ideologues Euler and Lagrange had gone
sible ideas from an accumulation of that which contempo- to great lengths, even outright frauds such as that of Euler’s
rary notions of physical science identify as technological associate Maupertuis, to insist that mathematical physics
derivatives of known, experimentally demonstrable universal must be limited to a combination of sense-perceptions with
physical principles. a Cartesian sort of ivory-tower set of arbitrary definitions,
The supplementary, crucial answer is, as I have shown axioms, and postulates.
in various earlier locations: No representative of the class The founders of modern physical science, as typified by
of higher apes can generate the Platonic type of hypothe- Brunelleschi, Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Kepler, Fermat,
sis which leads to the discovery of a universal physical Pascal, Huyghens, Leibniz, Bernouilli, Lavoisier, et al., had
principle. each and all emphasized experimental evidence which had
3. The crucial issue is, similarly: Man’s technological proven man’s ability to discover a class of discoverable uni-
progress to that cumulative effect, depends on transmission versally efficient physical principles which are invisible to
of knowledge of the universal principles underlying that direct observation by the human senses. Typical of the lat-
technology, which means the re-experiencing of the original ter is Kepler’s uniquely original discovery of the universal
act of discovery. physical principle of gravitation, as the details of this
The supplementary, crucial answer is: No representative process of discovery are presented in his 1609 The New
of the class of higher apes has shown the ability both to Astronomy. The development of the discovered physical
develop and use a language appropriate for transmission of principle of universal least action, by the successive work of
such conceptions. This is an essential, qualitative distinc- Fermat, Huyghens, Leibniz, and Bernouilli, is, when com-
tion of principle, between the quasi-societies of higher apes, bined with Kepler’s discoveries, the most conclusive basis
and an actual society of the type required for generating, in experimental scientific discovery for the proof that the
transmitting, and employing discoveries of universal physi- arguments of Euler and Lagrange, which Gauss attacked,
cal principle. were hysterical falsehoods, as Gauss’s 1799 paper showed
The knowledge of those three points is reflected in such them to be.
results as geobiochemist V.I. Vernadsky’s division of the To continue to set the stage for the relevant point to be
universe of known geobiochemical effects, among three developed here, add the following background point as a
types of interacting, but experimentally distinct universal matter of clarification.
phase-spaces: a) the abiotic; b) the living as such, the In an attempt to rebut Gauss’s referenced 1799 paper,

Lagrange, and also his faction, insisted, that Gauss had Astronomy, the same pages from whose later English trans-
“cheated” in the 1799 paper, by “bringing in geometry,” not lation, the fanatical empiricist Isaac Newton and Newton’s
sticking to deductive arithmetic. In an argument “genetical- helpers forged their attempted plagiarism of Kepler’s origi-
ly” similar to that of Lagrange, and also that of Lagrange’s nal discovery. Even their plagiarism was not original; they
follower, the plagiarist Augustin Cauchy, Germany’s Felix resorted to an action-at-a-distance fraud by the notorious
Klein came to Euler’s posthumous defense, by crediting empiricist, and teacher of Thomas Hobbes, Galileo Galilei,
what Cusa and others had already proven, the “transcenden- to attempt to cover the tracks of their own forgery.
tal” quality of pi, to the successive work of the empiricist Kepler focussed upon an anomaly arising in more careful
mathematical ideologues Hermite and Lindemann. normalization of observation of the Mars orbit, to recognize
The fraud, or hysterical self-deception of Euler and a common unscientific error in the astronomy of ancient
Lagrange, was their evasion of the fact that the physical uni- Claudius Ptolemy, and also the modern Copernicus and
verse does not correspond to a deductive mathematics of Tycho Brahe. From study of this anomaly, which actually
Cartesian geometry. What Gauss attacked, specifically, was controlled the planetary orbit, Kepler demonstrated the exis-
Euler’s and Lagrange’s fraudulent evasion of the fact that tence of an efficient, but unseen universal physical principle,
their false argument depended axiomatically on “ivory called gravitation, existing outside the pro-Aristotelean,
tower” adherence to the prescriptions of a Cartesian geome- “ivory tower” presumptions common to the practice of those
try. What Gauss had demonstrated in his 1799 paper on the three misguided astronomers. A similar study of an anomaly
fundamental theorem, is that the real universe, the physical contrary to ivory-tower faith in geometry of sense-percep-
universe, does not conform to a mathematics premised on tion, guided Fermat and his successors to Leibniz’s universal
the assumed self-evidence of Cartesian geometric assump- physical principle of least action.
tions, but, rather, a different universe, that of the complex These and comparable successes in discovery of universal
domain, in which Leibniz’s universal physical principle of physical principles, have each and all been accomplished by
least action occupies a central position. that method of hypothesis which is the central feature of
Gauss’s argument was not entirely original. In his 1799 Plato’s method of Socratic dialogue. Any qualified experi-
attack on the fallacies of Euler and Lagrange, Gauss was mental proof of such an hypothesis, defines that proven
restating in modern terms exactly what had been shown by hypothesis as an unseen, but efficient universal physical
such followers of the Pythagoreans as Archytas and Plato, principle. It is through the willful application of such princi-
for the distinction in powers among lines, surfaces, solids, ples, that the human species—a society—increases its power
and physical space-time. Gauss addressed the matter of rela- to command the universe outside man’s skin.
tions of powers among line, surface, and solid as the
Classical Greeks had, but with the context of a modern phys- Classical Art as Physical Science
ical science as defined by such modern predecessors as The same principle just illustrated for the case of what is
Cusa, Leonardo, Kepler, and Leibniz. usually called “physical science,” also defines the principles
That much said on that matter of mathematics as such, distinguishing the methods of Classical artistic composition
we come to the crucial feature of the issue at hand, the dif- from such intrinsically irrationalist modes of composition or
ference between man and ape. performance as the Romantic or the sundry shades of
Knowing or Feeling? The neatest demonstration of that connection, is the case
The sense-organs of the human individual are an integral of the distinction of Classical Greek sculpture from the
part of the physiological processes within the bounds of his tombstone-like, so-called Archaic. As John Keats’ Ode on a
skin. What his senses register is, at best, not the world out- Grecian Urn should inform us, Classical Greek sculpture,
side his skin, but, instead, the reactions of his sense-organs like the revolutionary approach to painting by Leonardo da
to some external stimulus. A formally Euclidean or Vinci and Raphael Sanzio, and by such Rembrandt produc-
Cartesian geometry arises from the assumption that the tions as “The Bust of Homer Contemplating the Blind
individual’s interpretation of the arrangement of his sensory Aristotle,” replaces death-like “stilled life” with a living
apparatus defines, “self-evidently,” the physical geometry of instant of continuing motion. This is no illusion, no magic; it
the physical space-time of the universe outside his skin. is the same principle expressed by the use of the catenary by
The scientific thinker rejects the delusion that such Brunelleschi for constructing the cupola of Florence’s Santa
imaginary geometries define the real physical space-time Maria del Fiore cathedral, as echoed by Leibniz’s discovered
outside his skin. The scientific thinker says, in effect: “I definition of the relationship of the complex domain’s cate-
must assume that the real world, outside what my senses nary to a universal principle of least action.
might lure me into believing, is not as my habits of sense- In poetry and music, the principle of the Pythagorean
perception suggest. Instead of blindly imagining what that comma is a crucial key to artistic and physical scientific
real universe might be, let me attack the problem indirectly. composition. The comma is defined, by the account of
Let me see if I can control that outside world in some sig- Pythagoras’ argument, by a natural difference generated by
nificant degree, and thus force sensible and durably effi- contrasting the most natural (e.g., Florentine) bel canto
cient kinds of changes in a world which, in reality, is invisi- singing voice to the divisions of a lifeless linear monochord.
ble to my senses.” The difference between human and linear music is not a
Turn, then, to the pages of Kepler’s 1609 The New mathematically determined, but a naturally determined

reflection of the difference between a living instrument and me as a universal idea, will never die for me as long as my
a dead one. mind lives. I will therefore fight for their cause. That is the
In Classical poetry, the role of the potentially bel canto- way the good person lives.
trained human singing voice is crucial. Similarly, well-tem- Here lies the undeniable importance of an upward move-
pered counterpoint, as defined with scientific precision by ment of the young, even under the most threatening and
J.S. Bach, defines a distance from the pathetic, “curry depraved circumstances of society in general. It is not a mat-
sausage”-like productions of the virtually brain-dead reduc- ter of feeling good; it is matter of actually being good, in the
tionist Rameau. As Franz Schubert illustrates the point con- manner the principles of the U.S. Federal Constitution’s
cisely and simply with his setting of Goethe’s Erlkönig, it is Preamble prescribe, being good in the sense which the
the apposition of voicings and voices which distinguishes depraved John Locke’s chief adversary, Leibniz, defined, as
the communication of the intent of irony and metaphor— the rightful pursuit of happiness. It is the happiness of living
the which are the essence of expressed human qualities of efficiently, as an historical, thinking being, in past, present,
thought—from both the monotonous run-on babbling of and future, all at once.
teletype-like text, or meaningless Romantic or Modernist For these same reasons, the exceptional political, as well
boom and babble. as scientific and artistic leader remains, to the present time,
The common characteristic of all Classical art and its per- a crucially indispensable leader of society, especially a soci-
formance lies essentially, not with the senses as such, but in ety gripped by a time of self-inflicted tragedy, like the U.S.A.
the shared imagination of speaker and hearer. In the well- today. It is a role, which for lack of qualified substitutes, I
performed Classical drama, such as that of Shakespeare, the am obliged to fill. I present to you, the future. See, here,
audience’s attention is quickly transported from the vision of your children, their children, and those yet to be born.
the stage to the stage of the audience’s imagination, as Protect them from the evil that the likes of Old Wicked
Shakespeare points out in the opening role of Chorus for Witch Strauss’s predatory Chicken-hawks and their wars
Henry V. It is the same for the performance of great works of and thieving schemes represent, for combined past, present,
Classical music, where composer, performance, and witting and future humanity today. Humanity is good. It is the best
audience meet minds together in the common domain of the creature in the Creator’s eternity. Defend it accordingly; be
cognitive powers of imagination. truly human.
The connection between Classical art and Classical sci-
ence, such as that of Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, and 1. Cf. Field Marshall Erich von Manstein, Verlorene Siege (Lost
Gauss, has the purpose of joining the cognitive powers of Victories: The War Memoirs of Hitler’s Most Brilliant General),
Presidio Press, 1994, for a devastating account of foolish fascist
individual members of society together in exertions to a
Adolf Hitler’s comparable, Rumsfeld-like tyranny over his gener-
common end. Through the training of social relations within als.
society, by aid of composition and performance of Classical 2. Not only was Chicago University Professor Leo Strauss’s career
modes of artistic composition, we are best enabled to launched by the sponsorship of Germany’s Carl Schmitt, the
muster individual discoveries of those universal physical designer of that Notverordnung used to award Hitler post-
principles dwelling in the unseen and unheard, into the mis- Reichstag-fire dictatorial powers. The war policy of the Bush
sion-oriented common purposes of the social process Administration, and the “Patriot Act” drafts and Guantanamo
base and related doctrines of Ashcroft, are copies of the Nazi con-
through which mankind conquers external nature. It is by centration-camp and related dogma in law developed by Carl
that means that man rises above the beasts, and distinguish- Schmitt.
es himself from the apes. 3. We meet a related form of truth-hating insanity in the argument
There is more to it all than just that. of U.S. Associate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s prac-
Our mortal life is as but an instant of eternity. To see our ticed doctrine of text. Contrary to the frankly kabbalistic textual-
personal identity merely in terms of our fragile and momen- ism of Leo Strauss and his dupes, the Socratic dialogues of Plato,
the principal target of Strauss’s expressed hatred, are premised
tary mortal existence, would tend to promote despair when-
on experimentally demonstrable principles of construction, like
ever we were confronted with awful circumstances. the same Pythagorean tradition of Archytas and Plato which
However, if we see ourselves as assimilating, enhancing, and Gauss’s 1799 paper puts into the form of the mathematical
transmitting the revolutionary ideas, such as valid discover- physics of the complex domain. With Plato, one need not debate
ies of universal physical principles, from past, to present, the interpretation of the text; one must repeat the experience of
and future, and perhaps adding something to that stock, we the experimental construction which Plato provides. Any debates
over a translation or copying of a Plato writing, are resolved sole-
gain a sense of our personal existence as located essentially
ly through those epistemological methods of construction.
as befits creatures of ideas, in the eternity of past, present, Strauss’s and Scalia’s method of argument from text, are exam-
and future human existence. ples of specifically schizophrenic forms of radically nominalist
Thus, when we think of the benefits we may be transmit- word-play, a demonstration of diagnosable expressions, in the
ting in this way, to our predecessors whose dreams we fulfill form of use of language, corresponding to, and often reflecting
and to the children and grandchildren after us, we are justly schizophrenic thought.
optimistic about ourselves, about our visiting the present, 4. Bernhard Riemann, Über die Hypothesen welche der Geometrie zu
Grunde liegen, H. Weber, ed. (New York: Dover Publications
for whatever the span of our mortal life might prove to be. reprint edition, 1953).
Any person, from any past time, whose original discovery is 5. Among the worst cases of popular misuse of “normal” as a stan-
known to me, or other universally important person of that dard, are instances of threatened or actual violence promoted by
time, such as the peasant girl Jeanne d’Arc, once known to racial and religious bigotry.

The ‘Ignoble Liars’ Behind
Bush’s Deadly Iraq War
by Jeffrey Steinberg

n Sunday, March 16, 2003, Vice President Dick chemical, and, ultimately, nuclear. As Cheney well knew,
Cheney emerged from his cave to appear on the an October 2002 assessment from Central Intelligence
NBC News “Meet the Press” show, for a one-hour Agency (CIA) Director George Tenet, delivered to the
interview with Tim Russert. In the course of the hour, Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee, had pointedly
Cheney all-but-announced that there was nothing that stated that Saddam Hussein would only resort to WMD, or
Saddam Hussein could do to avert an unprovoked and engage with al-Qaeda, if he felt that he was backed into a
unjustifiable American military invasion of Iraq. Cheney corner and facing imminent American military attack.
repeatedly referred to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, as the Repeated efforts by “war party” operatives, like former
“historic watershed” that, for the first time, justified an Director of Central Intelligence and Iraqi National
American unilateral preventive war. Yet Cheney himself, a Congress lobbyist R. James Woolsey, had failed to turn up
dozen years earlier, had embraced the idea of preventive any credible evidence of Saddam-al-Qaeda links, particu-
war—not against a Saddam Hussein who had been armed larly prior to Sept. 11, 2001.
by the Reagan and Bush Administrations with weapons of Perhaps Cheney’s biggest lie—which flew in the face of all
mass destruction, but against any nation or combination of assessments from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency
nations that challenged American global military primacy (DIA), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and State Department
in the post-Soviet world. On the pivotal issue of preventive Middle East experts—was that the military conquest of Iraq
war, Cheney was lying, willfully. But that was just the tip of would be a “cakewalk.” Cheney told Russert, “Now, I think
the iceberg. things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, from the standpoint of
Cheney’s extraordinary hour-long pronouncement was the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as
composed, almost exclusively, of disinformation, which had liberators.”
either already been publicly discredited, or would soon be Russert challenged Cheney’s rosy forecast: “If your analy-
exposed as lies. sis is not correct, and we’re not treated as liberators, but
Cheney asserted that Saddam Hussein was actively pur- conquerors, and the Iraqis begin to resist, particularly in
suing the acquisition of nuclear weapons, when, days earli- Baghdad, do you think the American people are prepared
er, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief for a long, costly, and bloody battle with significant
weapons inspector Mohammed El-Baradei had testified American casualties?”
before the UN Security Council that the allegations were To which Cheney responded: “Well, I don’t think it’s likely
based on documents determined to be forgeries. Indeed, in to unfold that way, Tim, because I really do believe that we
the March 31 issue of The New Yorker magazine, investiga- will be greeted as liberators. I’ve talked with a lot of Iraqis in
tive reporter Seymour Hersh detailed how IAEA investiga- the last several months myself, had them to the White
tors had determined, in just several hours of research, that House. . . . The read we get on the people of Iraq is there is
purported Niger government communiqués confirming the no question but that they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein
sale of 500 tons of “yellow cake” uranium precursor to and they will welcome as liberators the United States when
Baghdad, were shoddy forgeries, drawn up on outdated we come to do that.” Later in the interview, Cheney added,
Niger government letterheads. Hersh wrote that the forg- “If you look at the opposition, they’ve come together, I think,
eries were passed to the Bush Administration, through very effectively, with representatives from Shia, Sunni, and
British MI6, and had probably originated with the British Kurdish elements in the population.”
intelligence service, with the Mossad, or with Iraqi opposi- Towards the end of his performance, the Vice President
tionists affiliated with the Iraqi National Congress (INC) of extended his “cakewalk liberation” forecast, to further assert
Dr. Ahmed Chalabi. that American preventive military action to overthrow
Cheney also repeated the by-then-thoroughly-discredit- Saddam Hussein would stabilize the Middle East. He cited
ed charge that Saddam Hussein had “longstanding” ties to Dr. Bernard Lewis, the British Arab Bureau spook and
the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, and that it was “only a author of the “Arc of Crisis,” “Islamic card” fiasco, as his
matter of time” before Saddam Hussein provided the bin authority: “I firmly believe, along with, you know, men like
Laden gang with weapons of mass destruction—biological, Bernard Lewis, who’s one of the great, I think, students of

that part of the world, that strong, dation fellowship in 1932, to study in
firm U.S. response to terror and to London and Paris, and then took up
threats to the United States would go teaching posts in the United States,
a long way, frankly, towards calming first at the New School for Social
things in that part of the world.” Research in New York, and later at
Almost exactly 80 hours after the University of Chicago.
Cheney’s appearance on NBC-TV, the In Germany of the 1920s and 1930s,
United States launched an unpro- there were Jews who were Nazis, but
voked and unnecessary war on Iraq. who, like Strauss and the Frankfurt
According to Washington-based School gaggle of left-wing
senior Arab diplomatic sources, gov- Nietzscheans (Theodor Adorno, Max
ernments of the Middle East were Horkheimer, Leo Lowenthal, Herbert
told by top Bush Administration offi- Marcuse, et al.), had no chance for
cials, on the eve of the attack, that the party advancement because of Hitler’s
Iraq war would be over in seven to anti-Semitism; and so they chose to
ten days. leave Germany, to pursue more “uni-
versal” fascist ideas and policies
The Straussian Lie abroad, particularly in the United
Vice President Cheney’s lying per- States and Great Britain.
formance on “Meet the Press” was On March 16, Dick Cheney emerged from For Leo Strauss and his disciples,
no mere act of personal hubris and his cave to virtually declare war on the ignoble lie—disinformation—was
folly. His declaration of preventive Saddam Hussein. the key to achieving and holding polit-
war against Iraq—which neo-conser- ical power. And raw political power
vative allies, like self-professed “universal fascist” Michael was the ultimate goal. For Strauss and the Straussians, there
Ledeen, more frankly celebrated as the beginning of a per- were no universal principles, no natural law, no virtue, no
petual Clash of Civilizations war, targeting virtually every agapē, no notion of man in the living image of God.
Arab nation-state in the Middle East—marked the culmina- William Kristol, a leading Washington “Straussian” and
tion of a campaign of more than a dozen years, to perma- the chief public propagandist for the war party in the George
nently redraw the map of the Near East and Persian Gulf, W. Bush Administration, made the point bluntly in an inter-
through unending war and colonialist raw material view with Nina J. Easton, who authored a book-length profile
seizure. of the top leaders of the right-wing insurgency of the 1990s,
Even more than that, it signaled a long-in-the-making Gang of Five (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000). Kristol
policy putsch in Washington by a small group of neo-con- told her, “One of the main teachings [of Strauss] is that all
servatives—a majority of whom were followers of the politics are limited and none of them is really based on the
German-born fascist philosopher Leo Strauss (1899-1973). truth. So there’s a certain philosophic disposition where you
Their policy is to permanently transform the United States, have some distance from these political fights. . . . You don’t
from a Constitutional republic, dedicated to the pursuit of take yourself or your causes as seriously as you would if you
the general welfare and a community of principle among thought this was 100% ‘truth.’ Political movements are
perfectly sovereign nation-states, into always full of partisans fighting for
a brutish, post-modern imitation of their opinion. But that’s very different
the Roman Empire, engaged in mur- from ‘the truth.’ ”
derous imperial adventures abroad, From his perch as editor-in-chief of
and brutal police-state repression at the Rupert Murdoch-bankrolled
home. Weekly Standard magazine, launched
Although a Jew, who was active in 1995, Kristol has perfected the art
in the Vladimir Jabotinsky-led of political deception and the
Revisionist Zionist circles in Goebbels “Big Lie.” The son of two
Germany in the 1920s, Strauss was first-generation postwar neo-conserv-
also a protégé and enthusiastic pro- atives, Irving Kristol and Gertrude
moter of the ideas of two leading Himmelfarb, Kristol was trained at
intellectual figures of the Nazi Party: Harvard from the time of his 18th
existentialist philosopher and birthday by one of Leo Strauss’ lead-
Friedrich Nietzsche-revivalist Martin ing disciples, Harvey Mansfield, Jr.
Heidegger; and Nazi jurist Carl Kristol’s Harvard graduate school
Schmitt, who wrote the legal opinion roommate and fellow Straussian was
justifying Adolf Hitler’s February- Alan Keyes, later a Reagan State
March 1933 post-Reichstag Fire dic- Department official and unsuccessful
tatorial putsch. Schmitt personally William Kristol, editor of the Weekly candidate for the U.S. Senate in
arranged for Strauss to leave Standard, is a leading Washington Maryland (Kristol ran Keyes’ 1988
Germany on a Rockefeller Foun- propagandist for the war party. campaign against Democrat Paul

Sarbanes). His other classmates conservative and Likudnik fellow-
included Francis Fukuyama, later pro- travellers, has operated as an under-
moter of the Nietzschean idea of “the ground network, in and around gov-
end of history,” who came to Harvard ernment, for the past 30 years—await-
following undergraduate studies at ing the moment of opportunity to
Cornell, where he was trained by launch their not-so-silent coup. Sept.
Allan Bloom, another of the inner cir- 11, 2001 provided them with the
cle University of Chicago students of once-in-a-lifetime moment of oppor-
Strauss. Bloom’s life was recounted by tunity, a moment for which they were
fellow Chicagoan Saul Bellow in the thoroughly prepared.
true-to-life novel Ravelstein. As Lyndon LaRouche has written in
his LaRouche in 2004 campaign
Neo-Conservative report, Zbigniew Brzezinski and
9/11 Putsch September 11th, the events of 9/11
Bellow’s tribute to Bloom also could not have occurred without sig-
highlighted another Straussian now nificant inside complicity from ele-
playing a larger-than-life role in the ments of the U.S. national security
Bush Administration inside putsch: establishment, given the total break-
Paul Wolfowitz. DOD Photo/Helene C. Stikkel
down of rudimentary security proce-
Wolfowitz was one of the first of dures and the depth of inside knowl-
Paul Wolfowitz, one of the first Strauss-
the Strauss-Bloom disciples to come Bloom disciples to come to Washington, is edge about those vulnerabilities. The
to Washington. Through Bloom, now Deputy Secretary of Defense and has Sept. 11 attacks could not, LaRouche
while completing his graduate studies been a crucial voice for war. assessed, have been carried out by al-
at the University of Chicago, Qaeda operatives without such com-
Wolfowitz had been introduced to RAND Corporation plicity. Indeed, the attacks constituted a sophisticated act of
founder Albert Wohlstetter and to Paul Nitze, a leading arms military covert irregular warfare, far beyond the capacities
control expert who had served in most of the post-World of the bin Laden apparatus. The idea that Osama bin Laden,
War II governments in senior posts. By the 1970s, Wolfowitz operating out of caves in Afghanistan, could have pulled off
was working his way through the arms control bureaucra- the most significant act of irregular warfare against the
cy—and establishing his ties to other Straussians and United States in memory is, perhaps, the most significant
Wohlstetter protégés who had been planted on various Goebbels “Big Lie” of all.
Senate committee staffs. Among Wolfowitz’s collaborators In his Brzezinski and September 11th report, LaRouche
during this period were Richard Perle, Steven Bryen, and acknowledged that while the details of precisely how the
Elliott Abrams, who served on the Senate staffs of Henry attack was orchestrated involve covert military secrets that
“Scoop” Jackson (D-Wash.), Clifford Case (R-N.J.), and are often the most difficult to unravel, the larger question of
Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), respectively. Perle cui bono—who benefitted—from the attacks is much more
reports that he first was introduced to Wolfowitz in 1969, accessible. To deal with this question, however, requires a
when the two were both sent by Wohlstetter to do a research review of some critical events, dating back, at minimum, to
project for Senator Jackson. the period of the “Bush 41” Presidency.
Among the other Strauss disciples who are currently part
of the ongoing neo-con insurgency are: John Podhoretz, edi- Imperial Preventive War
torial page editor of Murdoch’s yellow tabloid, the New York On May 21, 1991, at the request of then-Secretary of
Post, former editor of The Weekly Standard, and offspring of Defense Cheney, a team of civilian strategists in the Pentagon
first generation neo-cons Norman Podhoretz and Midge policy office delivered an oral presentation to Cheney on the
Decter; Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Attorney subject of the post-Soviet strategic environment and long-
General John Ashcroft; I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, chief of range national security implications for the United States.
staff and chief national security advisor to Vice President The bulk of the presentation was delivered by Assistant
Cheney, who was introduced to the world of Leo Strauss by Secretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz. Other team
his own Yale University professor and mentor, Paul members included: Lewis Libby, who was Wolfowitz’s
Wolfowitz; Pentagon disinformation officer Abram Shulsky; deputy; Zalmay Khalilzad, a RAND Corporation/University of
Gary Schmitt, executive director of the Kristol-led Project Chicago protégé of Albert Wohlstetter, who was at that time
for the New American Century (PNAC); David Brook, anoth- also in Wolfowitz’s Pentagon shop; and Eric Edelman, a
er editor of The Weekly Standard; Werner Dannhauser, a pro- career Foreign Service officer also working under Wolfowitz.
tégé of Strauss, who left academia to assume the editorship Today, all four men hold top posts in the “Bush 43” govern-
of the flagship neo-con magazine Commentary following the ment: Wolfowitz is Deputy Secretary of Defense; Libby is
retirement of Norman Podhoretz; and Robert Kagan, also of chief-of-staff and chief national security aide to Vice
The Weekly Standard, and the son of leading Yale University President Cheney; Edelman is Libby’s deputy there; and
Straussian Donald Kagan. Khalilzad is White House liaison to the Iraqi opposition.
As the Wolfowitz case makes clear, this cabal of Strauss In that 1991 briefing to Cheney, Wolfowitz proposed that
disciples, along with an equally small circle of allied neo- the United States adopt a policy of preventive action to fore-

stall any nation or combination of to produce a book-length promotion
nations from challenging American of the war on Iraq.)
military and economic “primacy” for Fradkin was a student of Allan
the forseeable future, using all means Bloom, and taught at the University of
necessary. When Cheney incorporat- Chicago Committee on Social
ed the Wolfowitz concept in his 1992 Thought. He later went on to launch
Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), the Shalem Center’s Washington
all Hell broke loose. Senior military office, while also serving as director of
officers leaked portions of the the Ethics and Public Policy Center (he
Guidance to the New York Times; replaced Elliott Abrams in that post,
President George H.W. Bush, his when Abrams was brought onto the
National Security Advisor Gen. Brent National Security Council under “Bush
Scowcroft, and his Secretary of State 43”), and as a Middle East scholar at
James Baker III, all rejected the uni- the American Enterprise Institute
lateralism of the Cheney-Wolfowitz (AEI). Hazoney got his PhD at Rutgers
strategy. University under another Strauss disci-
Ultimately the DPG was re-written, ple, Wilson Cary McWilliams, then
and featured only a substantially moved to Israel, where he worked as a
watered-down version of the scheme. EIRNS/Stuart Lewis
speech-writer for Likud leader
But following President Bush’s re- Benjamin Netanyahu. Hazoney is an
Richard Perle: He led the team which
election defeat, in January 1993, prepared the study enunciating the theory unabashed backer of the racist Rabbi
Secretary Cheney and his team deliv- of the Iraq war: ‘A Clean Break: A New Meir Kahane, the late founder of the
ered a parting shot, with the publica- Strategy for Securing the Realm.’ terrorist Jewish Defense League and
tion of Defense Strategy for the 1990s: Kach Movement.
The Regional Defense Strategy, which not only revived the In addition to the Shalem Center and the Foundation
idea of preventive unilateral war, but also promoted the idea for a Constitutional Democracy, launched by leading Strauss
that the United States must develop a new generation of student Paul Eidelberg—an advocate of the permanent
mini-nuclear weapons, appropriate for use against Third annexation of all of “Judea,” “Samaria,” and Gaza by the
World targets. Israeli state—a third Israeli think-tank played a pivotal role
It was no secret that both Cheney and Wolfowitz were in advancing the Straussian/neo-con agenda during the
furious at President Bush for not allowing the U.S.-led Clinton Presidency. The Institute for Advanced Strategic and
“coalition” forces to roll into Baghdad and overthrow Political Studies (IASPS), with offices in Jerusalem and
Saddam Hussein, at the conclusion of Operation Desert Washington, was launched in 1984 as an outpost of the
Storm in 1991. Indeed, associates of Wolfowitz report that “Chicago School” of British System free-trade economics,
he has been obsessed with overthrowing Saddam Hussein promoting the work of Adam Smith, Friedrich von Hayek,
and overturning the entire Middle East chessboard since the and Milton Friedman. Twelve years later, the Institute estab-
late 1970s. Saul Bellow’s Ravelstein reported that Wolfowitz lished a Division for Research in Strategy. By its own
telephoned his Straussian mentor Allan Bloom, back in description, IASPS is a center of Straussian influence in
Chicago, to rant against President Bush for his lack of Israel. An advertisement for the Institute’s Strategic
Nietzschean hubris. Fellowship program in Washington, posted on the IASPS
website, warns applicants that if they are not followers of
The ‘Clean Break’ Leo Strauss, they need not apply.
Largely out of power in Washington during the eight-year In 1996, following the assassination of Prime Minister
Clinton Presidency, the Straussian cabal did not go dor- Yitzhak Rabin, the newly established IASPS Division of
mant. Following the September 1993 signing of the Oslo Research in Strategy commissioned a series of studies on
Accords at the White House, the Straussians and neo-cons how to undo the Oslo Accords, to be presented to incoming
launched an all-out drive to kill the “land for peace” deal. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Several leading disciples of Strauss and Bloom had already The key study in the series, “A Clean Break: A New
migrated to Israel, and they would form the core of an appa- Strategy for Securing the Realm,” was prepared by a team of
ratus inside Israel dedicated to sinking the peace process. American neo-cons led by Richard Perle. Other members of
In 1994, Hillel Fradkin and Yoram Hazony founded the the study group were: James Colbert of the Jewish Institute
Shalem Center, with financing from two American billionaires, for National Security Affairs (JINSA); Charles Fairbanks of
both associated with the little-known but powerful “Mega the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced
Group” of right-wing Zionists—Ronald Lauder and Roger International Studies (SAIS), a Strauss disciple and an inti-
Hertog. Hertog is today part owner, with Lord Conrad Black mate of Paul Wolfowitz since the 1960s; Douglas Feith, now
and Michael Steinhardt, of the New York Sun; and is also a Undersecretary of Defense for Policy; Robert Loewenberg,
one-third owner, with Martin Peretz and Steinhardt, of The President of IASPS; Jonathan Torop of the Washington
New Republic, long a bastion of Straussian political propagan- Institute for Near East Studies (WINEP), the think-tank
da. (New Republic editor Lawrence Kaplan, for example, has spawned by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
recently teamed with The Weekly Standard’s William Kristol (AIPAC), the official Israeli lobby in America; David

Wurmser, then the director of the Middle East project at The Statement of Principle was based on an article co-
AEI, and now the special assistant to State Department chief authored by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, published in
arms control negotiator John Bolton—himself, former Vice the July/August 1996 issue of Foreign Affairs, the journal of
Chairman of AEI; and Meyrav Wurmser, formerly with the the New York Council on Foreign Relations—simultaneous
Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) of with the Perle-Feith-Wurmser release of “Clean Break.”
Sharonist Israeli military intelligence officer Col. Yigal Kristol and Kagan called for a “Neo-Reaganite Foreign
Carmon, and now the director of Middle East programs at Policy.” This was a willfully dishonest choice of terms, given
the Hudson Institute. that President Reagan’s most noteworthy foreign and
The six-page “Clean Break” document was hand-delivered national security policy achievement had been his collabora-
by Perle to Netanyahu on July 8, 1996—two days before tion with Lyndon LaRouche in launching the Strategic
Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress. Defense Initiative (SDI), which Reagan envisioned as a joint,
Most of Netanyahu’s speech consisted of pre-selected cooperative effort with the Soviet Union, to bring about the
excerpts from “Clean Break.” The paper called for a total end of the era of “mutually assured destruction.” When
rejection of Oslo and “land for peace”; a brutal crackdown Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov rejected Reagan’s
and reoccupation of the Palestinian Authority territories by generous offer of scientific and technological cooperation to
the Israeli Defense Forces—to be justified on the basis of the build a global defense against nuclear weapons, the collapse
“right to hot pursuit” of terrorists, leading to Israel’s eventu- of the Soviet empire was guaranteed, as LaRouche forecast
al permanent annexation of the West Bank and the Gaza in 1984, and again in a now-famous October 1988 speech in
Strip; and a war against Iraq, to overthrow not only the West Berlin, in which he anticipated the fall of the Berlin
Saddam Hussein regime in Baghdad, but the Ba’ath regime Wall a year later.
in Damascus. Kristol and Kagan defined their “neo-Reaganite foreign
“Israel can shape its strategic environment,” Perle and policy” as “benevolent global hegemony,” based on a mas-
company wrote, “in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by sive buildup of American military might. The authors were
weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This reviving the 1991 Wolfowitz doctrine of unilateral preventive
effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power war, explicitly stating, “The appropriate goal of American
in Iraq—an important Israeli strategic objective in its own foreign policy is to preserve that hegemony as far into the
right—as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.” future as possible.”
Perle and company penned “Clean Break” knowing full Kristol and Kagan specifically called for the overthrow of
well that in 1990-91, the Bush Administration had launched more than 200 years of American anti-colonialist tradition,
Operation Desert Storm in response to Israeli threats to singling out John Quincy Adams as their particular nemesis:
launch their own war of extermination against Saddam “Conservatives these days,” they wrote, “succumb easily to
Hussein. Israel’s move would have triggered a perpetual the charming old metaphor of the United States as a ‘city on
Middle East religious war, precisely along the lines of the a hill.’ They hark back . . . to the admonition of John Quincy
Clash of Civilizations first spelled out by Dr. Bernard Lewis Adams that America ought not go ‘abroad in search of mon-
in a 1990 Atlantic Monthly article, three years before the sters to destroy.’ But why not? The alternative is to leave
appearance of Samuel Huntington’s more well-known Clash monsters on the loose, ravaging and pillaging to their hearts’
of Civilizations diatribe in Foreign Affairs. The Bush content, as Americans stand by and watch. What may have
Administration caved in to the Israeli threats and pre-empt- been wise counsel in 1823, when America was a small, iso-
ed Israeli strikes on Iraq, by conducting the “Coalition” war lated power in a world of European giants, is no longer so,
and imposing the post-war sanctions, no-fly zones, etc. Now, when America is the giant. Because America has the capaci-
through Perle, Feith, Wurmser, et al. the Straussians were ty to contain or destroy many of the world’s monsters, most
upping the ante. of which can be found without much searching, and
because the responsibility for the peace and security of the
‘New American Century’ international order rests so heavily on America’s shoulders,
In early 1997, William Kristol and Robert Kagan, two of a policy of sitting atop a hill and leading by example
the leading neo-con “Straussian intellectuals” in becomes in practice a policy of cowardice and dishonor.”
Washington, joined forces with collaborators at the AEI to On Jan. 26, 1998, PNAC issued an Open Letter to
shove the “Clean Break” policy down the throat of the President Clinton, calling for immediate “regime change” in
Clinton Administration. Using office space on the fifth floor Iraq, based on the bogus claim that Saddam was about to
of the AEI headquarters, Kristol and company launched a launch weapons of mass destruction against the United
new tax-exempt front group, the Project for the New States and America’s allies. Among the signators on the
American Century (PNAC), specifically to promote the Open Letter were the following individuals, all of whom are
buildup of American military force to unilaterally police the now in the “Bush 43” Administration: Abrams, Richard
globe—starting with the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Armitage, John Bolton, Fukuyama, Khalilzad, Perle, Peter
On June 3, 1997, PNAC released a Statement of Principle, Rodman, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Robert Zoellick. Other
which was signed by Elliott Abrams, Gary Bauer, William signators included Kristol, Kagan, and James Woolsey, who
Bennett, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Midge briefly served as President Clinton’s Director of Central
Decter, Francis Fukuyama, Lewis Libby, Norman Intelligence, and who was, at the time the PNAC letter was
Podhoretz, Peter Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul issued, already the attorney representing the Iraqi National
Wolfowitz, and others. Congress.

Afghanistan, President Bush did
authorize the CIA and the military
to begin developing contingency
plans for dealing with Saddam.

Intelligence Agency’
Is Born
A week after Wolfowitz’s “prema-
ture” war pitch, Richard Perle con-
vened a session of the Defense Policy
Board addressed by British Arab
Bureau veteran spook Dr. Bernard
Lewis, and INC founder Dr. Ahmed
Chalabi, a bank swindler and protégé
of Albert Wohlstetter at the Univer-
sity of Chicago, who was the Zionist
Lobby and the Israeli right wing’s
hand-picked successor to Saddam
DOD Photo/Helene C. Stikkel
Hussein. At the CIA and the State
Department, Chalabi was considered
Just four days after the Sept. 11 attacks, Paul Wolfowitz attended a National Security
virtually persona non grata, and his
Council session with President Bush where he delivered a pitch for immediate U.S.
invasion of Iraq. Here, President Bush meets at the Pentagon with Vice-President INC umbrella was viewed as a collec-
Cheney, Wolfowitz (back to camera), Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and National tion of martini-slurping professional
Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. exiles, with virtually no assets on the
ground inside Iraq. Perle and
In September 2000, on the eve of the Presidential elec- Bernard Lewis had been introduced to Chalabi in the early
tions, pitting George W. Bush against Al Gore, PNAC issued 1980s, and the former banker, who faces a 20-year prison sen-
a lengthy study, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses—Strategy, tence in Jordan for bank fraud and currency manipulation,
Force and Resources for a New Century,” which revived at has been a pet project of JINSA and AEI ever since.
great length the Cheney-Wolfowitz 1991-93 preventive war In a candid moment shortly before Sept. 11, 2001, Defense
strategy. Among the “usual suspects” who contributed to the Secretary Rumsfeld had confided to associates that he was
“Rebuilding” study was Wolfowitz protégé Lewis Libby. He thinking about resigning his Cabinet post and returning to
had just completed a stint as the general counsel to the Cox Chicago. His explanation was revealing: “The Likud has taken
Commission, which was promoting a strategic showdown in over the building,” he told friends, referring to the Wolfowitz-
North Asia with China and North Korea; he would soon be Perle cabal that had run circles around him in the early
Vice President Cheney’s chief of staff. While out of govern- months of the “Bush 43” Administration. Sources familiar
ment, Libby had also been the personal attorney of Marc with Rumsfeld describe the Secretary as a “control freak” and
Rich, the Russian “Mafiya” godfather who had been convict- micro-manager, who had presumed that his participation in a
ed in absentia in Federal court for tax evasion and “trading Clinton-era commission on missile proliferation had suffi-
with the enemy”—Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini—during the ciently offset his quarter-century absence from Washington,
American hostage crisis of 1979-80. Libby was the behind- and that he would be able to maintain a tight grip on the vast
the-scenes Svengali responsible for the disastrous Clinton Pentagon bureaucracy, including the uniformed military com-
Presidential pardon of Rich, working directly with “former” mand, centered at the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Mossad operatives Zvi Rafiah and Avner Azulay. Through the personal efforts of former Secretary of State
Despite the proliferation of Straussians and neo-cons and “Chicago School” ideologue George Shultz, Deputy
inside the George W. Bush national security team, the Iraq Defense Secretary Wolfowitz had been inserted in the inner
war lobby made very little headway until the event that Vice circle of George W. Bush campaign policy tutors, the so-
President Cheney termed “the historic watershed.” called “Vulcans,” which enabled him to bring Perle and the
The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and the whole neo-con crowd to Austin, Texas for personal mis-edu-
World Trade Center triggered an instant response from the cation sessions with the President-to-be. Wolfowitz parlayed
neo-cons in and around the Bush Administration. Just four that personal relationship with the new President, and
days after the attacks, Paul Wolfowitz attended a Sept. 15 staffed Rumsfeld’s office with a veritable army of like-mind-
National Security Council session with President Bush at ed Strauss disciples and Likudniks.
Camp David, where he delivered a pitch for an immediate In June 1988, EIR had revealed that then-Secretary of
U.S. invasion of Iraq. For reasons that still remain in dis- Defense Caspar Weinberger’s general counsel office had
pute, the President, the Vice President, and even Defense compiled a list of suspected members of the “X Committee,”
Secretary Rumsfeld rejected the Wolfowitz proposal as “pre- the network of Israeli spies and agents-of-influence who had
mature.” However, several days later, in a Presidential penetrated the Reagan-Bush Administration’s national secu-
national security order authorizing the attack on rity establishment, and were believed to have directed the

espionage efforts of Jonathan Jay Pollard. Among the dozen the dangerously incompetent “revolution in military affairs.”
leading “X Committee” suspects being probed by the general Michael Ledeen, in his recent book-length rant, The War
counsel team were: Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Wohlstetter, Against the Terror Masters (New York: St. Martins Press,
Fred Iklé, Stephen Bryen, Michael Ledeen, Frank Gaffney, 2002), described Rhode as his “guru on the Middle East for
John Lehman, and Henry Rowen. nearly 20 years.” In 1991, Rhode was in the Pentagon Office
Under Wolfowitz, the “Bush 43” Pentagon once again of International Security Policy, covering Turkey, at a time
became a hub of “X Committee” influence and penetration. that Perle and Feith were running an international consult-
Nevertheless, the intelligence coming out of the CIA, the ing operation, selling Israeli military hardware to the
DIA, and the State Department firmly rejected any evidence Turkish Army. Wolfowitz has described Rhode as his
of linkage between Saddam Hussein and the attacks of 9/11. “Islamic affairs advisor” at ONA; and according to one
The overwhelming evidence also suggested that Iraq posed account, Rhodes, in a meeting during the early months of
no immediate or near-term threat to the United States or any the Bush Administration, had staged a noisy in-your-face
of its neighbors. Early in the Bush Administration, Secretary confrontation with a top Saudi official, vowing that the his-
of State Colin Powell had proposed a revision of sanctions, torical U.S.-Saudi partnership was a thing of the past. The
called “smart sanctions,” recognizing that international sup- incident reportedly cost Rhode a more senior—and visible—
port for the continuing isolation of Iraq was wearing thin. post inside the Wolfowitz-Feith Pentagon bureaucracy.
To seize upon the dramatic shift that occurred on Sept. Rhode, according to several sources, has travelled, on sever-
11, 2001, Wolfowitz and Deputy Secretary of Defense for al occasions, to London, with Richard Perle, Chairman, until
Policy Doug Feith, one of the most rabid of the Jabotinskyites recently, of the Defense Policy Board, to gather “intelligence”
in the Pentagon civilian bureaucracy, launched a secret intel- from INC officials, which has been funneled through Shulsky’s
ligence unit. Its mission was to provide Secretary of Defense shop to Rumsfeld—without first being evaluated and cross-
Rumsfeld—who had abandoned his pre-9/11 plans to retire, checked by CIA or Defense Intelligence Agency professionals.
and was now fully in synch with the Wolfowitz cabal—with a William Luti, formerly an advisor to Vice President
constant flow of “intelligence” to counter the CIA/DIA resis- Cheney, more recently named as the Deputy Under
tance to the “Get Saddam” agenda of the “Clean Break” Secretary of Defense for Special Plans and Near East and
crowd. One of the principal sources of this unvetted “intelli- South Asian Affairs, has been described by a recent visitor to
gence” was to be Chalabi’s discredited INC. his office as a man crazed with the mission to eliminate
Wolfowitz and Feith chose Abram Shulsky to head the Saddam Hussein. “He reminded me of a serial killer, right
secret cell, which was buried in the maze of civilian out of a Hollywood horror flick,” according to the source,
Pentagon bureaucracy under the Assistant Secretary for who described Luti’s Pentagon office as covered from floor
Policy. A Strauss disciple, Shulsky had been a professional to ceiling with desecrated photographs and news clippings
staffer for Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), along of Saddam Hussein and his inner core. A retired Navy
with Elliott Abrams and Gary Schmitt—now the President Captain and pilot who served during Operation Desert
of Bill Kristol’s and Robert Kagan’s tax-front, PNAC. Storm, Luti was described, in a March 11, 2002 New Yorker
Shulsky had served on the staff of the Senate Intelligence story by Seymour Hersh, as “so obsessed with an immediate
Oversight Committee. He had been an underling of neo-con overthrow of Saddam Hussein that he hasn’t thought
wunderkind and Iran-Contra operative Roy Godson at the through the consequences.” Despite these psychological pro-
Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, a project of the files, Luti has been one of the Pentagon civilian point-men,
New York City-based National Strategy Information Center. working with the Iraqi “opposition” on both intelligence and
And Shulsky had co-authored, with Zalmay Khalilzad and operations. According to accounts in the New York Times,
others, a 1999 RAND Corporation study, “The United States Luti was dispatched to London in November and December
and a Rising China,” which promoted the idea that China, 2002, to meet with Chalabi and other Iraqi exiles.
more than any other nation, posed a direct challenge to On Dec. 17, Luti and Maj. Gen. David Barno met secretly
American global and regional military primacy, and would with 11 Iraqi opposition figures in London, and selected the
have to be directly confronted. initial group of Iraqis to be trained in Hungary to participate
in any military operation, as the indigenist “window dress-
Who Makes This ‘Intelligence’? ing” on what would, in reality, be an all-American or Anglo-
Others identified with the Shulsky “chickenhawks intelli- American military invasion.
gence agency” included: In a Washington speech on Oct. 16, 2002, Luti had pro-
Harold Rhode, the Middle East specialist in Dr. Andrew moted, aggressively, the need for the United States to adopt
Marshall’s Pentagon Office of Net Assessments (ONA). a new, imperial interventionist policy, which he dubbed
Marshall was a founder, with Albert Wohlstetter, of the “anticipatory self-defense.”
RAND Corporation at the close of World War II. He was Reuel Marc Gerecht, a retired CIA officer, has been
installed at the Pentagon in 1975 by then-Secretary of identified as one of the secret liaisons between the Shulsky
Defense James Rodney Schlesinger, who created the ONA “chickenhawk intelligence agency” at DOD and the Iraqi
specifically to house Marshall and his team of RAND sys- oppositionists in London and elsewhere in Europe. Based
tems analysis and game theory utopians. At the very outset most of the time in Brussels, along with Robert Kagan,
of the “Bush 43” Administration, Marshall had grabbed the Gerecht is a senior fellow at AEI, and is the Director of the
ear of Rumsfeld, provoking a near revolt of the Joint Chiefs Middle East Initiative at PNAC, working directly under
of Staff, who considered Marshall to be the driver behind Kristol, Kagan, and Shulsky’s close associate Gary Schmitt.

The Secret Kingdom of
Leo Strauss
by Tony Papert
April 5, 2003

ust a decade ago, a friend and I first read through Allan For the rest, all that she would remember was that he was
Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind, and were gray, boring, and very distant.
quite attracted to him. Why? For one thing, his opposi-
tion to the counterculture seemed to come from the heart: Leo Strauss
for example, he described how, as a college professor, he Leo Strauss, born in 1899 to observant Jewish parents in
would take his own recordings with him up into his stu- Kirchhain, Germany, in the province of Hesse near
dents’ dorm rooms, to get them to turn off their rock music Marburg, had lived in the U.S. from 1938 until his death in
and listen to Mozart with him. Bloom also passionately Annapolis, Maryland, in 1973. He had written at least six-
denounced the fact that the universities were teaching noth- teen books. Most of them were long, and had such uninter-
ing; so do I. On the other hand, I also saw that I had dis- esting-sounding titles as The City and Man, or Natural Right
agreements with Bloom, but I was going to give him the and History. I decided I would read Strauss’s book Socrates
benefit of the doubt: maybe they would just turn out to be and Aristophanes, both because I was interested in the sub-
misunderstandings. ject, and also because I now recalled that Bloom had given
My friend and I intended to approach Bloom to join us in me an impression, in one of those dark asides of his, that
Lyndon LaRouche’s campaign. But first, I wanted to find Aristophanes’ lampoon of Socrates in his play, The Clouds,
out more. had been at least partly truthful, while I knew it to be a lie.
As anyone who read it will remember, Closing of the Wading into the beginning of Strauss’s prefatory material
American Mind always left a peculiar mental aftertaste, no to his Socrates and Aristophanes, it all seemed simple, art-
matter where you happened to close the book. In the midst less, and totally dull. Aristophanes wrote a play about
of other matters, Bloom would slip in emphatic, unexpected Socrates. This play, The Clouds is important,—essential, in
statements, apparently off the subject, never followed up, fact,—to understand the issues surrounding Socrates.
but which would stay with you for days afterwards, just for And,—here it is! Strauss lands us smack into his own trans-
that reason. lation of the play. A very pedestrian translation, with the
I still remember two of them. Bloom wrote that at additional burden of lengthy stage directions inserted by
Socrates’ trial, there were men present who wanted him to Strauss, and even directions for what happens offstage,
be acquitted; they were the “gentlemen.” What did he mean which somehow overwhelm the dialogue.
by that word “gentlemen?” I had never heard anyone use it Well and good. At length, having made it through The
in this context before, but Bloom just let it drop after that Clouds, I’m back to Leo Strauss again. As important as this
one sentence, and never picked up the thread again. In play is, he writes, it cannot be understood apart from its con-
another nearby location, he wrote that Socrates was accused text. Ten other plays of Aristophanes have survived. And,—
of not believing in the gods of the city, and inventing other here they are! In dry-as-dust translations by Strauss, complete
gods. Notice, wrote Bloom, that he never denied the charge. with his lengthy stage directions. I put the book away, and
But I remembered, as I thought, that he had denied the with it my project to read long books of Leo Strauss.
charge, and, prompted by my puzzlement at Bloom’s There must be another approach.
remark, I found the words in Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Now, I had a friend with a Classics background, with
where Socrates did deny it. whom I was frequently in touch, who was then leading a long-
And yet this Bloom was supposed to be a Greek scholar running seminar on Plato’s Republic among some of the vol-
and a translator of Plato. Just what was he trying to get at? unteers for Lyndon LaRouche, who was himself in prison at
What did he mean? the time, having been framed up in a rerun of Socrates’ trial
When I learned that Allan Bloom had been a follower of at Athens. I learned somehow that my friend, the seminar
the late Professor Leo Strauss of the University of Chicago, I leader, had studied under the Straussian Stanley Rosen.
decided I had to find out what Strauss had said. My only I had always thought that this Plato seminar was a bit of
knowledge of Strauss at that time, was through another a mixed bag. Some parts, which I think stemmed from my
friend, whose mother had taken his course at the New friend’s own study of the history of Athens, were quite use-
School in New York, where Strauss had taught from 1938 to ful. Others were unexplained and eerie: such as, for exam-
1948. She had marvelled at his command of ancient Greek. ple, his insistence that Socrates “seduced” his hearers. But

more to the point was an indefinable, patriotic, and god-fearing. This is largely
ominous sort of quirkiness which over- how Bloom’s Closing of the American
hung every discussion. Mind was read during its ten weeks on the
Eventually it became clear to me, that best-seller list: as a pile of salutary exhor-
Strauss, through Stanley Rosen, had tations. The mass of people will find noth-
made the same sort of imprint on my ing but pablum. But, the few “intelligent
friend, that Strauss’s teacher Martin young men,”—and it’s always “men” or
Heidegger had made upon Strauss him- “boys,” never “women” or “people,” but
self. In the insightful account of Shadia “men” or “boys,”—the few intelligent
Drury, “Nothing made a greater impact young men will be intrigued by these
on Strauss than Heidegger’s manner of obiter dicta, or these fragmentary remarks,
studying a text. He was totally struck by which are almost always off the subject,—
Heidegger’s analysis of Aristotle’s and they’ll say, “Now, what is that really
Metaphysics; he thought that Heidegger’s all about? I’ve got to get into it; I’ve got to
University of Chicago website
approach laid bare the intellectual sinews understand.” And, then, they’re taken
of a text; and it was unlike anything else Strauss epigone Allan Bloom. ‘The aside, and taught in private, individually.
Allan Bloom whom I and others
he had ever seen or heard. Strauss’s reac- The case is the same as that of the police
had thought we had seen through
tion is not unusual. Heidegger’s style of the pages of his Closing of the infiltrator, who, whenever anything
teaching was reputed to have a totally American Mind, was not the real important comes up in a meeting, says, “I
mesmerizing effect. He has been accused Allan Bloom at all.’ have to talk to you about it after the meet-
of a certain ‘mystical bullying.’ The goal ing.” He will never discuss anything of
was not so much understanding as initiation in a mystical significance in a meeting, but only one-on-one, because he is
cult. This is precisely why Karl Jaspers’s letter to the habitually telling different things to different people.
Denazification Commission advised against Heidegger’s By far the best book on Strauss is Shadia Drury’s 1988
return to teaching after the war. The gist of Jaspers’s letter The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss. It may be that part of its
was that Heidegger’s style was profoundly unfree, and that excellence, is related to her awareness that there is a sense in
the students were not strong enough to withstand his sor- which no woman could be a Straussian. In fact, Strauss said
cery. The youth are not safe with Heidegger until they can that no woman could be a philosopher. But, for many of the
think for themselves, and Heidegger is no help where that is bright young boys, or men, their purpose for studying with
concerned. On a much smaller scale, the same can be said Strauss, was to become “philosophers.”
for Strauss.” [Drury, 1997, p. 77] Illustrative of Strauss’s method, is Shadia Drury’s report
of a debate between two long-time leading Straussians:
Kabbalism in Annapolis Thomas Pangle and Harry Jaffa, which ran in the Claremont
We also have imprints in the LaRouche movement of Review from fall 1984, through Summer, 1985, and contin-
Saint John’s College, in Annapolis, Maryland, and Santa Fe, ued in National Review on November 20 and 29, 1985.
New Mexico, with its “Great Books” program, another off- Pangle had implied that for Socrates (i.e., for Strauss),
shoot of the University of Chicago. moral virtue had no application to the really intelligent man,
I had the chance recently to speak with a relative of one the philosopher. Moral virtue only existed in popular opin-
of our members, who is in effect an evangelist for Saint ion, where it served the purpose of controlling the unintelli-
John’s, and soon he was giving me thumbnail sketches of gent majority. Elsewhere in the debate, Pangle implied that
each of the courses there. When he got to a class on a Plato for Strauss, philosophy had disproved religious faith. As the
dialogue, he said that the teacher had stayed up all night, fight continued, Pangle said that Strauss had characterized
counting each word in the dialogue, so that she could show America’s distinctiveness as “modern,” which for the
her class the central word: word number 25,000 out of Straussians is one of their worst term of abuse.
50,000 words, for example. The notion is that the central Harry Jaffa found “Pangle’s interpretation completely for-
word in this sense, points to the central idea of the work. eign to his own understanding of his teacher and friend of
“It sounds just like Strauss!”, I burst out. Yes, he said, 30 years,” in Shadia Drury’s summary. “Jaffa observes that
Strauss is influential in the Greek classics program at Saint such a vision of Strauss is Nietzschean, and he denounces
John’s. Pangle for having perverted the legacy of Leo Strauss.”
The influence is probably broader. Already in the 1950s, [Drury 1988, page 182]
Saint John’s in Annapolis was headed for years by Strauss’s life- How is this contradiction possible? As Drury says, ”. .
long friend Jacob Klein. Strauss retired from Chicago in 1967, .Strauss taught students such as Jaffa and Pangle different
and spent a year at Claremont Mens College in California. things.” [Drury 1988, page 188] The esoteric, or supposedly
Then, from 1969 until his death in 1973, Strauss was scholar- secret teaching which was inculcated into Pangle, Bloom,
in-residence at Saint John’s at Annapolis. Werner Dannhauser, and many others, including, reported-
Now was it an accident that Strauss’s books, especially his ly, Bloom’s protege Paul Wolfowitz, was indeed pure
later books, were unreadable? No; I came to see that it was Nietzsche. In fact, the version which Pangle represented in
deliberate. The purpose was to ensure that the huge majority that 1984-85 debate, as outrageous as it may have seemed to
of readers will “tune out,” after finding nothing but some Jaffa, was greatly watered down. From Nietzsche to Leo
familiar-sounding exhortations, such as advice to be moral, Strauss, only the names have been changed, as they say. To

begin with, what Nietzsche called the “superman,” or the But the great majority of men and women, on the other
“next man,” Strauss calls the “philosopher.” hand, is so far from ever being able to face the truth, that it
The philosopher/superman is that rare man who can face it virtually belongs to another species. Nietzsche called it
the truth. That there is no God, that the universe cares noth- the “herd,” and also the “slaves.” They require the bogey-
ing for men or mankind, and that all of human history is men of a threatening God and of punishment in the after-
nothing more than an insignificant speck in the cosmos, life, and the fiction of moral right and wrong. Without these
which no sooner began, than it will vanish forever without a illusions, they would go mad and run riot, and the social
trace. There is no morality, no good and evil, and of course order, any social order, would collapse. And since human
any notion of an afterlife is an old wives’ tale. nature never changes, according to Strauss, this will always
In a eulogy for a colleague, Strauss said, “I think he died be so.
as a philosopher. Without fear, but also without hope.” It is the supermen/philosophers who provide the herd with

Allan Bloom Interprets Plato’s Republic

[From The Republic of Plato, ©1968 and 1991, that a man can love the truth without telling it. . .” [pp.
“Interpretive Essay.”] 392-395]
—“. . .thoughtful selfish men. . .” [p. 315] —“The silent lesson would seem to be that it is indeed
—“If the distinction between friends and enemies, and possible to possess intellectual virtue without what later
the inclination to help the former and harm the latter, came to be called moral virtue.” [p. 396]
were eliminated from the heart and mind of man, politi- —“However, he [Socrates] is silent about the charge of
cal life would be impossible. This is the necessary political atheism.” [p. 400]
definition of justice, and Socrates does not simply reject it —“This was not just any city, but one constructed to
as he appears to do.” [p. 318] meet all the demands of justice. Its impossibility demon-
—“Socrates does not suggest that the just man would strates the impossibility of the actualization of a just
want to benefit all men, only that he would want to benefit regime. . . The thinkers of the Enlightenment, culminating
his friends and remain indifferent to the others.” [p. 324] in Marx, preserved Socrates’ ultimate goals but forgot his
—“Socrates’ view is perfectly consistent with stealing insistence that nature made them impossible for men at
from or killing an enemy just so long as he is not made large.” [pp. 409-411]
more unjust.” [p. 325] —“The Republic finally teaches that justice as total dedi-
—“And no reader can be satisfied that Thrasymachus’ cation to the city cannot be simply good for the philoso-
definition [justice is the will of the stronger] has been refut- pher, and that hence it is somewhat questionable for other
ed or that this discussion has proved that there is sufficient men as well. . . . But there is one kind of doing good to
reason to devote oneself to the common good.” [p. 334] one’s friends which is also beneficial to the philosopher.
—“. . .the character of men’s desires would make it There are some young men in whom his soul delights, for
impossible for a rational teaching to be the public teach- they have souls akin to his own and are potential philoso-
ing.” [p. 367] phers;. . . He must always carry on a contest with the city
—“The Socratic teaching that a good society requires a for the affections of its sons.” [pp. 411-412]
fundamental falsehood is the direct opposite of that of the —“Socrates’ political science, paradoxically, is meant
Enlightenment which argued that civil society could dis- to show the superiority of the private life.” [p. 415]
pense with lies and count on selfish calculation to make —“The tyrant and the philosopher are united in their
men loyal to it.” [p. 368] sense of their radical incompleteness and their longing for
—“. . .from the point of view of the healthy city, per- wholeness, in their passion and in their singlemindedness.
haps men like Socrates should be repressed.” [p 377] They are the truly dedicated men.” [p. 424]
—“The soul in which reason is most developed will . . —“Socrates, by curing Glaucon of his lust for tyrannic
. abound with thoughts usually connected with selfish- pleasures, can indulge his own lust for beautiful souls
ness, lust, and vice.” [p 377] while at the same time acting the part of the good citizen
—“. . .if the parallel of city and man is to hold true, then who defends his city’s regime.” [p. 424]
a man, like the city, should be interested only in himself —“. . .the moral problem consists in a simple alterna-
and merely use others for his own advantage,. . . [p. 378] tive: either philosophy or tyranny is the best way of life. .
—“Socrates can contemplate going naked where others . . If philosophy did not exist, tyranny would be the
go clothed; he is not afraid of ridicule. He can also con- desideratum which only a lack of vigor would cause one
template sexual intercourse where others are stricken to reject.” [p. 425]
with terror; he is not afraid of moral indignation. . . . —“So Socrates undertakes to convince Glaucon that the
shame is the wall built by convention which stands soul is immortal. This discussion can hardly rank as a
between the mind and the light.” [pp. 387-388] proof, and there is no attempt at all to show that the indi-
—“The philosopher’s public speech must be guided by vidual soul is immortal. which is the only thing a man anx-
prudence rather than love of the truth;. . . It is obvious ious about his fate after life would care about.” [p. 435]

the religious, moral and other beliefs they require, but which what has been called a “literary monument” to Allan Bloom,
the supermen themselves know to be lies. Nietzsche said that the roman a clef titled Ravelstein. It is a true-to-life biography.
his supermen were “atheistic priests,” and Strauss pretends Bellow may justify his having suppressed some facts about
that their lies are “noble lies.” But they do not do this out of himself, by the need to keep his friend Bloom in the fore-
benevolence, of course; charity and benevolence are mocked ground. Otherwise, only names and minor details have been
by Nietzsche and Strauss as unworthy of gods and godlike changed. Bloom is “Ravelstein,” Strauss is “Davarr” (Hebrew
men. Rather, the “philosophers” use these falsehoods to shape for “word”), and Bellow himself is “Chick” or “Chickie.”
society in the interest of these “philosophers” themselves. From a professor with a taste for luxury, but without the
Now the philosophers require various sorts of people to means to afford it, The Closing of the American Mind made
serve them, including the “gentlemen,” that word which had Allan Bloom an overnight multi-millionaire. Japanese royalties
struck me earlier, when Bloom had used it in speaking of alone were in the millions. Bellow’s book begins with a fabu-
Socrates’ trial. Rather than the “esoteric,” or secret teach- lously expensive, all-night dinner party thrown by Bloom for
ings, the future “gentlemen” are indoctrinated in the “exo- perhaps two dozen people, including Bellow, in the Crillon,
teric,” or public teachings. They are taught to believe in reli- which Bloom had chosen as the best hotel in Paris. Bloom and
gion, morality, patriotism, and public service, and some go Bellow wake up at two o’clock the next day, and go window-
into government. Think of former Education Secretary shopping through expensive Paris shops. Eventually, they pick
William Bennett and his Book of Virtues. Of course, along up a $5,000 yellow jacket, tailor-made for Bloom. Then, in a
with these traditional virtues, they also believe in the cafe, the jittery Allan Bloom accidentally pours an espresso
“philosophers” who have taught them all these good things. down the front of his new jacket. Bellow squirms, and tries to
Those “gentlemen” who become statesmen, will continue assure his friend that the porter at the Crillon will know how
to take the advice of the philosophers. This rule of the to repair his jacket, but Bloom just laughs uncontrollably.
philosophers through their front-men in government, is Instead of a telephone, Bloom’s Chicago apartment fea-
what Strauss calls the “secret kingdom” of the philosophers, tured what was in effect a custom-made, private telephone
a “secret kingdom” which is the life’s objective of many of switchboard. He spent much of his time sitting at the center
Strauss’s esoteric students. of the spiderweb getting telephone calls. With this device he
Now the peculiarities I had found in Allan Bloom’s book, could have a number of people on hold, while presumably
as well as in the Plato seminar I mentioned, resulted not conferencing others in ad-hoc or preplanned discussions.
only from the Nietzscheanism of Strauss and Bloom, but And Bloom, who died in 1992, was one of the first to carry
equally from Strauss’s insistence that the truth must be hid- the equivalent of a cell-phone, so that he could get his
den, which Nietzsche did not share in that form. important calls anywhere.
It is because the truth would destroy society and the One incident describes a call from Wolfowitz in
philosophers alike if it became known, that Strauss said that Washington to Bloom’s device during the Gulf War in 1991.
Plato and the ancient philosophers, like Strauss himself, Wolfowitz tells Bloom that the White House will announce
wrote in a kind of code, whose true meaning only disclosed the next day, that they’re not going on to Baghdad. Bloom
itself to the wise. If the vulgar happened on their books, they denounces them as cowards.
would find only the familiar salutary myths about the And what he did was discuss politics, manage the careers
rewards of virtue, the punishment of vice and the like. of his brood of acolytes, talk about their love lives, and
Strauss gives an example from Al Farabi, another of his about the other guy’s love life, and match people up.
esoteric writers, of how one may tell the truth in words, only Indeed, he helped break up Saul Bellow’s current marriage,
to deceive. In Drury’s paraphrase, “The pious ascetic was while finding him a beautiful young literary assistant, a stu-
well known in the city for his abstinence, abasement and dent of Bloom’s, who then fell in love with Bellow and mar-
mortification, and for his probity, propriety and devotion. ried him.
But for some reason he aroused the hostility of the ruler of Remember that Strauss graduated 100 PhD’s. Bloom
his city. The latter ordered his arrest, and to make sure he graduated many. They in turn graduated others, and so
did not flee, he placed the guards of the city gates on alert. forth. By now, the fourth generation has graduated. And
In spite of this, the ascetic managed to escape from the city. there was a role for each one, whether they were esoteric or
Dressed as a drunk and singing a tune to cymbals, he exoteric, “philosophers” or “gentlemen,” or dissidents or
approached the city gates. When the guard asked him who whatnot. Remember, for instance, that a coveted academic
he was, he replied that he was the pious ascetic that every- job requires ten to twenty totally unreservedly positive rec-
one was looking for. The guard did not believe him, and let ommendations, from others who already have such jobs.
him go.” [Drury, 1988, pages x-xi] Now, this is one thing the Straussians will always do for
No surprise, then, that the Allan Bloom whom I and others each other, regardless of what might seem some very serious
had thought we had seen through the pages of his Closing of the disagreements. And this academic “buddy system” stretches
American Mind, was not the real Allan Bloom at all. You can into the government, through the increasing proliferation of
obtain a truer idea of his real beliefs, through the extracts from think-tanks which bridge between the two. This was the
his “Interpretive Essay” on Plato’s Republic, which follow. bridge crossed by Wolfowitz and many other Straussians.
Indeed, the real Allan Bloom was also, among other things, a Now, a year and a half after September 11, the “secret
promiscuous homosexual whose life was cut short by AIDS. kingdom” seems at last at hand, or perhaps it is already
When he recognized that he was dying, he charged his close here. Something similar probably appeared to Nietzsche
friend, the Chicago University novelist Saul Bellow, to write through the syphilitic ravings of his final days.

Strauss’s Benefactor
Carl Schmitt: The Nazis’
‘Crown Jurist’
by Barbara Boyd

eo Strauss was recognized as an Schmitt’s Campaign
asset to Nazi thinking very early Against the Weimar
on, by none other than the Nazis’ Constitution
“Crown Jurist,” Carl Schmitt (1888-
1985). Born in 1888 to a Roman Catholic
Schmitt drew on a variety of reac- working-class family, Schmitt studied
tionary resources, including Roman jurisprudence at Berlin, Munich, and
law, Napoleon, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Strasbourg, where he took his law
Hobbes, and the Spanish counter-rev- degree in 1910. A self-proclaimed
olutionary Donoso Cortes, to forge a “neo-Kantian” in his youth, Schmitt
synthetic theory of law which subvert- attacked positivism, utilitarianism,
ed the Weimar Republic’s Constitution and philosophical liberalism. Like
and rationalized Adolf Hitler’s legal Romantic conservative moralists
ascension to power. As the world today, Schmitt thought he accurately
Depression hit Germany in 1929, depicted the world around him by
Schmitt was brought directly into gov- declaring it bereft of “soul.” His was
ernment, successively advising the Nazi ‘Crown Jurist’ Carl Schmitt developed an “inartistic, materialistic, relativis-
Brüning and von Papen governments the law theories that underlay the Nazi tic, and capitalistic age,” which ele-
on implementing austerity through state. vated “function” as some grand
rule by emergency decree. As will be means to a “useless and senseless
shown here, Schmitt’s legal analysis of commissarial and goal.” Right had been transformed into power, faith into
sovereign dictatorship, based on Article 48 of the Weimar calculation, truth into a general recognition of accuracy,
Constitution, first formulated in 1922, provided the legal beauty into good taste. In place of good and evil, there was
basis for Hitler’s assumption of power, through the Führer’s a sublime distinction between usefulness and destructive-
declaration of emergency and suspension of rights of Feb. ness. Schmitt attacked the dominant positivist theory of
28, 1933. law as a sterile and proceduralist closed system of norms,
Schmitt then authored the authoritative article justifying which was morally neutral and incapable of inspiring
the Enabling Laws of March 24, 1933, which transformed fidelity or sacrifice in the population. No one would die for
Germany, legally, in Schmitt’s analysis, from a commissarial positivism.
to a sovereign dictatorship. In World War I, Schmitt served under the General Staff,
At the urging of the philosopher Martin Heidegger, administering martial law. From this time forward, Schmitt
Schmitt joined the Nazi Party. Heidegger and Schmitt stood was fascinated by concepts of crisis management, the “state
in line on May 1, 1933 to join, having previously agreed to of exception” or “state of emergency.” According to Schmitt,
do so together. Schmitt proceeded to develop a Nazi theory how the state acted in the face of “concrete danger” or the
of law, including the removal of “man” from the German “concrete situation,” rather than any moral purpose, deter-
civil code. Arrested for prosecution at the postwar mined its legitimacy. Schmitt viewed the spread of the
Nuremberg trials, he was detained for 18 months, but never Russian Revolution as the greatest peril facing Germany.
prosecuted. Schmitt campaigned endlessly, until his death in Plunging into simultaneous studies of Italian Fascism and
1985, to redeem his reputation, portraying himself as an Leninism, he emerged as a Mussolini devotée, claiming that
academic victim of events, a man of ideas only, who sup- Il Duce had effectively united the Church, an authoritarian
ported the boorish Hitler because there were no other state, and a free economy, and created a powerful mythos to
options. motivate the population. Schmitt was also convinced that a

closed system of positive laws and existing democratic social crisis—and see whether any other relationship
norms, was powerless in the face of charismatic political empirically and objectively defines the state’s legitimacy,
movements and the irrational myths employed by the its ability to exist. The most basic definition of the sover-
Bolsheviks to achieve popular success. Democratic “norms” eign, Schmitt adds, is the individual who is able to define
failed in conditions of social upheaval precisely because the exceptional situation, and to define the foe in the
such moments represented non-linear discontinuities and exceptional situation.
“original” moments.
Beginning with his book Political Romanticism in 1919, Weimar’s Article 48
and continuing with major books and speeches every year In proposing solutions to the Weimar Republic’s political
until the demise of the Weimar Republic in 1933, Schmitt paralysis, Schmitt focussed on Article 48 of the Weimar
launched an unrelenting polemical assault on the Constitution, which allowed for temporary rule by decree,
Republic and its Constitution. In his books Political and suspension of rights in emergency situations. Schmitt,
Romanticism, The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy, and taking a page from Roman law and Napoleon III, argued
Political Theology, Schmitt attacked the liberalism, protec- that Article 48 established a commissarial, or temporary dic-
tion of individual rights, and pluralism of the German tatorship, without abrogating the Constitution, and, under
Republic as “Romantic.” His attacks echo those of the crisis conditions, was the only way to govern. The job of the
conservative revolution and populists in the United States temporary dictatorship was to save the existing Constitution,
today. Parliamentary legitimacy rested on the idea that and therefore, rule by the President, under Article 48, did
“endless discussion” could generate truth, Schmitt not establish a sovereign or long-term dictatorship. In his
argued, yet the Weimar Parliament had long ago ceased to campaign to legitimize his theory of Presidential powers
represent the people. Instead, it represented powerful under Article 48, Schmitt won the endorsements of Social
interest groups and partisan political formations which Democratic Party (SPD) member Hugo Preuss, the author of
were incapable of decisive action, particularly when the the Weimar Constitution, and Max Weber, a celebrated
very existence of the state was the issue. Schmitt famously racist sociologist who originated the idea of incorporating
commented that a Social Democrat, when asked, “Christ Article 48 into the Weimar Constitution.
or Barabbas?” would immediately seek consultation and When the Depression hit full force in 1929, Schmitt, then
then convene a commission to study the matter. The liber- a law professor in Berlin, was asked by Chancellor Heinrich
al and Romantic regime had replaced the objectivity of Brüning to advise the government concerning maintenance
God with the subjectivity of the individual, and partisan- of the Constitution under the brutal austerity regime he pro-
ship and interest groups made decisive governmental posed to implement, in response to the economic crisis, over
action impossible. the opposition of a fractured Parliament. In a July 28, 1930
In The Concept of the Political and The Dictator, Schmitt opinion for the government, Schmitt argued that because an
presented his response to liberal democracy and legal posi- economic emergency existed, Article 48 allowed the
tivism. According to Schmitt, the existence of the state pre- President to issue decrees with the force of law—in effect, to
supposes the existence of the political, and the political legislate, without regard to Parliament. As a result of
consists primarily of the relationship between the friend Brüning’s brutal measures against the German people on
and the foe. Look around you—Schmitt instructs a behalf of the banks, Nazi representation in the Parliament
Germany devoured by war, economic breakdown, and rose from 12 seats to 107, in the elections of Sept. 14, 1930.

The Strauss-Schmitt Correspondence

T here are three extant letters from Leo Strauss to
“Professor” Carl Schmitt, without any record of
Schmitt’s view, based on what he calls “oral exchange,”
and gives the clear implication of his agreement with this
Schmitt’s reply. What is evident from these short letters, view. The relevant section goes as follows:
however, is that Strauss relied on Nazi jurist Schmitt’s “The ultimate foundation of the Right is the principle
recommendation—even after Schmitt had publicly come of the natural evil of man; because man is by nature evil,
forward to defend Hitler’s emergency rule—to gain and he therefore needs dominion. But dominion can be estab-
extend his Rockefeller Fellowship to study Thomas lished, that is, men can be unified, only in a unity
Hobbes. against—against other men. Every association of men is
Letter One, dated March 13, 1932, is simply an necessarily a separation from other men. The tendency to
expression of thanks for Schmitt’s recommendation, separate (and therewith the grouping of humanity into
which helped him get his Rockefeller Foundation fel- friends and enemies) is given with human nature; it is in
lowship. this sense destiny, period.”
The only substantive letter of the three, number two, The third letter, dated July 10, 1933, thanks Schmitt
dated Sept. 4, 1932, is instructive, in that it contains again for his help, in that Strauss had just received his
Strauss’s comments on Schmitt’s Concept of the Political. Rockefeller Fellowship for a second year, due to Schmitt’s
In that letter, Strauss summarizes his understanding of approval of his study on Hobbes.

Brüning was dismissed, and replaced in the Chancellorship ject to conform all German law to Nazi theory. The overall
by the intellectually vacant and radically conservative Franz Reich now consisted of three elements, according to
von Papen. Schmitt: state, Nazi movement, and people. The state repre-
When von Papen declared martial law and took over the sented the administrative apparatus; the movement repre-
government of Prussia from the SPD, Schmitt defended the sented the political leadership which acted on behalf of the
Reich before the German Supreme Court, and strongly sup- people; and the people, or civil society, lived free of govern-
ported von Papen’s imposition of harsher economic austeri- mental interference, under the shadow and protection of the
ty measures. These measures emphasized wage cuts and higher political order. To the extent that orders of the
reductions in unemployment benefits. Job creation was to Führer needed democratic legitimacy, they could be voted
be promoted, not through government intervention, but by upon in referenda or plebiscites by the people.
tax relief for business. In a speech to a group of industrial- Schmitt’s description was altered by the Nazis in only one
ists in support of von Papen’s program, Schmitt developed respect. They found his frank admission that the people
the twin themes “strong state” and “free economy,” arguing were to play a completely passive role politically unaccept-
that only an authoritarian state could assure the success of a able, and substituted the populist myth that the people rep-
pure free-market economy. While acknowledging that crisis resented the “vitality” of the Reich. Hitler did, in fact, submit
management had not improved the economic situation, various measures to the population for votes.
Schmitt nevertheless argued for the continued vitality and
employment of Article 48, stating that it was the only means ‘Carl Schmitt Abolishes Man’
to oppose those advocating a “legal functionalism” which In revising the criminal code, Schmitt declared that previ-
stays neutral with respect to truth and values. ous law had served only to empower criminals against the
population, and he levelled a scathing critique at the
The Nazis’ ‘Crown Jurist’ German Supreme Court for failing to impose the death sen-
Schmitt’s next crucial role came in legitimizing Hitler’s tence on those prosecuted for the Reichstag Fire, because
police state. the law making arson punishable by death had only been
As EIR has documented, Hitler was appointed Chancellor passed after the fire. Henceforth, retroactive laws must be
of Germany on Jan. 30, 1933, as a result of the direct sup- available to judges, Schmitt argued, who should be allowed
port of George W. Bush’s grandfather, the Morgan interests, to reach the right result, without the hindrance of abstract
and certain British financiers.1 The last chance for avoiding and irrelevant precedents. Judges could employ “concrete
this result collapsed with the failure of sufficient forces to order thinking” in this process.
support Gen. Kurt von Schleicher’s efforts to implement an Schmitt’s revision of the civil code declared that the “legal
economic recovery. On Feb. 27, 1933, the Nazis, under concept of man conceals and falsifies the differences
Hermann Göring’s sponsorship, staged the Reichstag Fire, between the citizen of the Reich, a foreigner, a Jew, and so
and on Feb. 28, Hitler suspended basic constitutional rights, on. . . . Seeing equal as equal, and, above all, unequal as
and accusing the Communists of sabotage, imprisoned at unequal, and emphasizing the differences among men of dif-
least 4,000 alleged Communists and banned the party from ferent races, nations, and occupational estates in the sense
Parliament. of God-given realities, those are the goals of National
On March 23, the Reichstag passed, by a vote of 444 to Socialist academic jurists.”
94, enabling legislation, which stated that henceforth, the The emigré press, which included many of Schmitt’s for-
Executive, as well as the Reichstag, could pass laws. The mer students, led its coverage of these statements with the
“Act to Relieve the Distress of the People and the Reich,” headline, “Carl Schmitt Abolishes Man.”
effectively legislated Schmitt’s 1930 legal opinion authoriz- Finally, Schmitt justified Hitler’s aggression against other
ing Presidential rule, and installed Hitler’s sovereign dicta- nations of Europe by claiming that Germany was creating a
torship. In an article in the Deutsche Juristen Zeitung of Grossraum, a sphere of influence, just as the United States
March 25, 1933, Schmitt defended the enabling legislation, had done with the Monroe Doctrine. This formulation,
claiming that the Executive prerogative now included the Hitler employed directly in defending his actions.
power to pass new constitutional laws and declare the Such rulings by Schmitt underscore his admission that
Weimar Constitution a dead letter. Schmitt found the new the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes was the central
law to be the expression of a “triumphant national revolu- influence in his theory of the state and theory of justice, the-
tion,” equating it with the German Revolution of 1918. ories in which truth and morality play absolutely no role.
According to Schmitt, “The present government wants to be Schmitt transformed Hobbes’ individual “war of each
the expression of a unified national political will, which against all,” into wars of identified groups, including states
seeks to put an end to the methods of the plural-party state, against other states, claiming that the “Westphalian” order
methods which were destructive of the state and the of Europe had been completely broken by World War I.
Constitution.” According to Schmitt, the Weimar Republic Like Hobbes, Schmitt considered man evil and “danger-
lacked “charismatic leadership,” without which the state ous.” As he put it, “If man were not evil, then my ideas
becomes a directionless “bureaucratic regime.” would be evil.”
During his service to the Nazis, Schmitt reported directly
to Göring and Hans Frank. From his position as a Professor 1. Anton Chaitkin, “Dubya’s Grandpa and Great-Grandpa Helped Put
of Law at the University of Berlin, Schmitt supervised a pro- Adolf Hitler into Power,” EIR, Aug. 25, 2000.

Why the Democratic Party
Failed To Function
In This Crisis
by Anton Chaitkin

n the weeks leading up to the invasion of Christians and Jews come to be represent-
Iraq, the world’s governments and mil- ed, as far as the public sees, by right-
lions in the streets spoke out against the wingers and armageddonists?
impending disaster. Demonstrators protest- The Democratic Party has been hijacked
ed within the United States as well. But by the same fascist faction driving the
except for the LaRouche wing and scattered Bush Administration mad. The identical
individual politicians, the Democratic Straussian neo-conservative clique embod-
Party—the putative opposition—was frozen, ied in the Pentagon and Cheney’s office,
intimidated. Its new controllers had locked now dominates the Democratic Party top-
the former party of Franklin Roosevelt and down. They operate largely through the
John Kennedy into complicity. tiny Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)
Shamefully, key Democratic leaders of Joe Lieberman and Al Gore, and they
had stood publicly at the White House on control the party apparatus through gang-
Oct. 2, 2002, announcing they would give a sters and gangsterism.
“bipartisan” blank check, authorizing an Although some call it the rightist or
insane war on Iraq. Flanking President corporate “wing,” the DLC has never been
Lieberman official website
Bush were Senators Joseph Lieberman an actual faction of the Democrats. It delib-
(Conn) and Evan Bayh (Ind), and Rep. Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman: erately has no rank-and-file members.
Dick Gephardt (Mo) (Bayh was then chair- past president of the Democratic Since 1985 it has increasingly intruded into
Leadership Council and shameless
man of the “Democratic Leadership cheerleader for the Iraq war. and disrupted the party, passing along
Council” and Lieberman and Gephardt money from outright gangsters, Wall Street
were past chairmen), Republican Senator John McCain criminals, and Republicans to party officials, officeholders
(Ariz), and the two Republican official leaders of the Senate and candidates, aiming to silence and break the Democrats.
and House. (The Democratic leader in the Senate, Tom High-ranking Democratic Party officials have told associ-
Daschle, did not initially support the agreement.) ates of Lyndon LaRouche that the DLC was launched in
As the nightmare approached, U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D- order to stop the takeover of the party by LaRouche, as well
WVa) addressed a nearly deserted Senate chamber on Feb. 12, as others who were working to bring the party back to its
warning that “every American on some level must be contem- Franklin Roosevelt orientation.
plating the horrors of war. Yet, this Chamber is, for the most
part, silent—ominously, dreadfully silent. There is no debate, Bury FDR, Bring in the Bull Moose
no discussion, no attempt to lay out for the nation the pros Roosevelt himself, speaking to labor, the poor, Depression-
and cons of this particular war. There is nothing. We stand wrecked farmers, the forgotten man, in his 1933 Inaugural
passively mute in the United States Senate, paralyzed. . . .” Address, blasted “the rulers of the exchange of mankind’s
Once the war began, the Democrats, like whipped dogs, goods. . . . Practices of the unscrupulous money changers
joined in approving a resolution lauding Bush’s leadership, stand indicted in the court of public opinion. . . . Stripped of
unanimously in the Senate, with tiny resistance in the House. the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their
How has this happened—since typical Democratic voters false leadership. . . . [T]he money changers have fled from
overwhelmingly oppose the imperial madness of the Bush their high seats in the temple of our civilization. . . . Our great-
Administration, preferring the humaneness Americans associ- est task is to put people to work. . . . [T]here must be a strict
ate with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy? The supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there
answer is similar to that of the religious question: How have must be an end to speculation with other people’s money. . . .”

The DLC, sponsored by the criminal element Roosevelt It is noteworthy, here, that on his way to the Presidency,
denounced, has boldly announced their intention to bury Franklin D. Roosevelt explicitly repudiated the thuggish
Roosevelt’s Democratic Party. In the September 1998 issue imperialism of his cousin Theodore.
of their magazine, Blueprint, DLC strategists William The DLC announced the Bull Moose scheme in the May
Galston and Elaine Kamarck propounded certain supposed 2002 Blueprint, where Marshall Wittman wrote that “John
“Realities that Will Shape 21st Century Politics,” whose McCain [seeks] to recapture the legacy of President
main premise is that “The New Deal era has ended.” Theodore Roosevelt, by advocating government as an agent
They declare that America has a “declining working of ‘national greatness’. . .” Wittman demanded Bush give up
class”—and that is good for politics. They celebrate the col- any remaining tendency to protect American jobs, as with
lapse of labor unions in the hyper-speculative New Economy, steel tariffs, which Bush had imposed earlier that year.
and applaud “the decline of organized labor as a force within In the same issue, Tod Lindberg praised McCain’s “rogue
the Democratic Party.” The “Hollowing Out of the Middle state rollback” policy, commending John Ashcroft’s
Class” is “mostly for the better”; the “widening gap between “Freedom Corps” (which includes the blockwatch and mass
the wealthy and the poor” is a good development! FBI informants programs) as originally having been a
Shamelessly, they claim: “The . . . middle class is shrink- McCain and DLC proposal.
ing . . . not because poverty is on the march, but because Note again the background of the authors, in this suppos-
millions of Americans are surging into the ranks of the edly “Democratic” magazine.
upper middle class and wealthy.” Marshall Wittman is an adviser to John McCain, and
They cheer that the New Deal-generation voters are dying works for the right-wing Hudson Institute, as does the
off, leaving instead a supposedly “better-educated,” “wired” recently disgraced Richard Perle. Beyond this, the McCain
generation of Baby Boomers and their Bull Moose scheme was explained can-
children, who have never known suc- didly by author Franklin Foer in the
cessful government. New Republic (March 20, 2000):
The DLC says the widening gap “Jewish neo-conservatives have fallen
between the rich and poor must not be hard for John McCain. It’s not just
seen “as grounds for returning to a New unabashed swooner William Kristol,
Deal-style politics,” nor be allowed to editor of The Weekly Standard . . . [but] .
induce the party “to mobilize lower- . . such leading neo-con lights as David
income groups for a new round of inter- Brooks, the entire Podhoretz family
ventionist, centralized government that [etc.]. . . . [In this the neo-cons are fol-
protects Americans against all forms of lowing] their forefather Leo Strauss,
economic insecurity.” The Democrats must the political theorist. . . . Kristol and
not be allowed to think they “can construct Brooks [are] both Strauss disciples. . . .
majorities based on a swelling pool of poor “It’s easy to think that Kristol and
and near-poor Americans waiting to be Brooks are projecting their Straussianism
mobilized by an old-fashioned politics. . onto McCain. . . . Kristol has worked with
.”—since the average American is doing so EIRNS/Stuart Lewis McCain adviser Marshall Wittmann,
much better in recent years! The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the another Jewish neo-con, to cultivate the
Note here the background of the two Benedict Arnold who began burning Arizona maverick. A year ago, Wittmann
authors of this piece. William Galston, down the Democratic Party. gave McCain Standard articles on
senior adviser to the DLC, is a leading ‘National Greatness Conservatism’—the
American follower of fascist Leo Strauss, and a specialist in Kristol-Brooks theory that Republicans should return to the
Strauss’s attack on Plato’s doctrine of truth. Elaine Kamarck domestic activism and foreign interventionism of Theodore
is a long-time enforcer of Wall Street rule in the Democratic Roosevelt. And Wittmann has regularly worked the Standard’s
Party and the wife of an investment banker; she will be rhetoric into McCain’s speeches. . . .”
encountered again in this report. The other Blueprint author, Tod Lindberg, is editor of
But what is to replace Franklin Roosevelt’s party, so as to Policy Review, issued by the Hoover Institution. The current
represent the “newly wealthy”? The DLC projects a third- issue (April-May 2003) of Lindberg’s own magazine carries
party scheme to wreck the Democrats, while blackmailing an article entitled “Leo Strauss and the Conservatives,”
George W. Bush to move to the right, if not to elect the showing the reader why he must “appreciate Strauss’s great-
unsellable Chickenhawk Joe Lieberman. ness.” Lindberg put in his February-March, 2002 issue, an
This scenario is a repetition of the 1912 election. Then, article entitled “Charmed by Tyranny,” on why the great
Theodore Roosevelt (“TR”), who had earlier been President, Strauss should not be blamed for being sponsored by the
ran again on a “Bull Moose Party” ticket, to sink the Nazi Carl Schmitt, since Schmitt’s “pathological anti-
Republican candidate, President Taft, and elect TR’s fellow Semitism was . . . the identity handed him by fate.”
Anglo-Saxon imperial racist, Democrat Woodrow Wilson.
The DLC proposes Lieberman’s closest ally, Republican The Great Betrayal—Moynihan and Nixon
Senator John McCain, as the new Teddy Roosevelt to go up Where did such a “Democratic Party” originate?
against President Bush in 2004 on a third-party ticket. The Facing the true history of this abomination will require
object: maximum mayhem against the Democrats. cutting through such hypocrisy and deliberate memory-sup-

pression as was seen recently in the eulogies for the racist Foundation, Bundy was running racially divisive schemes to
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who died March 26, 2003. pave the way for severe austerity and banker looting against
Recall that FDR won the Presidency by creating a new New York and other cities. At Harvard, under Bundy,
majority coalition of labor, farmers, intellectuals, white and Moynihan could now be audaciously racist.
black, taking the Democratic Party out of the hands of the Thus employed, Moynihan made history on Sept. 23,
London-New York financiers and Southern racists who had 1967 with an explosive, Hitlerian speech to the National
dominated it since the days of Andrew Jackson and slavery. Board of Americans for Democratic Action.
Recall that John F. Kennedy strove to revive FDR’s He ranted, “American liberals . . . have . . . presided over
nationalism and anti-colonialism, resisting the Vietnam war the onset both of the war in Vietnam and the violence in
scenario. The Kennedy assassination allowed financiers American cities. . . . The Vietnam war was thought up and is
such as Morgan, Rockefeller, Harriman, Rothschild, Paul being managed by the men John F. Kennedy brought to
Volcker (Federal Reserve), Felix Rohatyn (Lazard Freres), Washington to conduct American foreign and defense poli-
and McGeorge Bundy (Ford Foundation) to overturn cy. . . .” (Ironically, this must mean McGeorge Bundy.)
America’s whole mission for industrial progress, and move He warned, “Liberals must see more clearly that their essen-
toward erasing the American Revolution itself. tial interest is in the stability of the social order; and given the
Recall, finally, that Richard Nixon’s election campaign present threat to that stability, they must seek out and make
(1967-68) and Presidential term (1969-74) brought in explicit much more effective alliances with political conservatives. . . .”
political racism, free trade to destroy workers’ jobs, and aus- He cursed FDR: “Liberals must divest themselves of the
terity to crush the poor. The Straussian gangsters, now on notion that the nation—and especially the cities of the
center-stage in the current war crisis, originally entered the nation—can be run from agencies in Washington. Potomac
picture in connection with this Nixon “Southern Strategy.” fever became a liberal disease under the New Deal. . . .”
Their main agent, the Benedict Arnold who began burning He ushered in a new, Imperial America: “But the biggest
down the Democratic Party, was Daniel Patrick Moynihan. problem of running the nation from Washington is that the
Back in late 1960s, Moynihan was a bitter man. He had real business of Washington in our age is pretty much to run
been a minor Labor Department official in the Kennedy and the world. That thought may not give any of us great plea-
Johnson Administrations, but neither the Kennedys nor sure, but my impression is that it is a fact and we had better
Johnson liked him or valued his services. Moynihan had learn to live with it. . . .”
issued a notorious 1965 report on the Black Family, claim- With his sissy diction, he spoke for a new White Politics:
ing that the ingrained culture of slavery—not the destruction “Liberals must somehow overcome the curious condescen-
of the industrial economy—caused blacks’ unemployment sion that takes the form of defending and explaining away
and poverty. He left the government in a storm of criticism anything, however outrageous, which negroes, individually
from the civil rights movement. or collectively, might do. . . .”
Democrats shunned him. They mocked his British airs, At that time, Richard Nixon had a law partner named
his affectation since attending the London School of Leonard Garment, a New York lawyer plugged in to right-wing
Economics. Jewish leaders and gangsters such as Max Fisher. Garment
The only “Democrat” to whom Moynihan was ever close, was helping steer Nixon, the former Vice President who had
was banker Averell Harriman, his former boss. This was the lost the 1960 Presidential race to Kennedy, back to the top by
same Harriman who had financed the eugenical racial propa- introducing him to New York politicians and moneymen.
ganda of the early fascists; the same Harriman who, with his Leonard Garment seized on Moynihan’s startlingly evil
banking partner Prescott Bush (grandfather of the current speech, and told Nixon how to use it in his “Southern
President), had financed the German Nazis’ rise to power. Strategy” campaign. Nixon quoted the speech and praised
When Harriman ran for New York Governor in 1954, he hired Moynihan in his address to the National Association of
Moynihan as speechwriter, and then brought him into the Manufacturers (Dec. 8, 1967). Moynihan offered his ser-
Governor’s office as a publicist. Harriman entrusted Moynihan vices. He was brought in as Urban Affairs counselor in the
with writing the authorized history of the Harriman guberna- Nixon Administration.
torial term. Harriman would persist as shadow sponsor of the Moynihan’s notoriety stems largely from his memo to
anti-FDR side of Democratic Party politics. Nixon, urging “benign neglect” as the best racial policy. But
After Moynihan’s debacle in the Labor Department, he he did his real damage as the architect of so-called Welfare
began writing right-wing articles for Reporter magazine, and Reform, or slave labor—which was later a central issue of
became a devoted follower of its editor, the Straussian the Gore-Lieberman DLC. This was the tactic of forcing wel-
Irving Kristol. Moynihan later (in “Pacem in Terris IV,” Dec. fare recipients, under threat of starvation, to go to work for
2, 1975) called Leo Strauss “the foremost political philoso- their sub-minimum welfare checks, while the number of
pher of his time in America.” It is Irving’s son William of the standard-pay industrial jobs was decreasing, thus sabotag-
Weekly Standard who, as we have seen, has concocted the ing the general wage level.
McCain-Lieberman Bull Moose scheme. Congressional Democrats defeated the welfare slave-labor
Thus it was that in 1966, Moynihan was hired as director bill Moynihan crafted. But another law, authorizing creation
of the Ford Foundation’s Joint Center for Urban Studies, at of Health Maintenance Organizations, was pushed through
Harvard and MIT. The Foundation’s boss, McGeorge Bundy, under Nixon by Moynihan and his allies. The HMO Act
had just reversed Kennedy’s decision to get out of Vietnam, imposed Nazi medical standards, closed hospitals, and greatly
immediately after Kennedy was murdered. At the Ford increased suffering and death among the lower social orders.

Again, this “privatization” is a hallmark of the DLC neoconser- popular support. LaRouche and Democratic House Majority
vatives who have since then strangled the Democratic Party. leader Jim Wright of Texas, both demanded the firing of Fed
chairman Volcker. LaRouche associate Steve Douglas got
Timeline: The Battle for the 20% of the statewide vote, and 35% of the Philadelphia vote,
Democratic Party in the Democratic primary for Governor of Pennsylvania on
In 1974-75, Moynihan was Ambassador to the United May 18, 1982.
Nations, with his Republican host Leonard Garment at the At a mid-term Democratic convention soon thereafter,
UN as an aide. Garment’s gangster friend Max Fisher got “Democrats for the ’80s,” the personal committee of Averell
Garment this UN post, and Garment told Moynihan to Harriman and his wife Pamela, was given complete control
accept the ambassadorship. Garment and Norman of the meeting by Bob Strauss, banker Felix Rohatyn, and
Podhoretz taught Moynihan the doctrine of rightwing labor faker Lane Kirkland. Harriman’s group, nicknamed
Zionism, using as a guide the British Arab Bureau’s Bernard PAMPAC, got the franchise to directly issue a “fact book” for
Lewis, who claimed that the Arab view of the matter was all Democratic candidates; they stressed slashing the Federal
merely a product of Soviet propaganda. budget, squeezing Social Security payments to seniors, sav-
Garment and his neo-con friends now convinced ing health-care costs by forcing HMOs on the population,
Moynihan to run for the U.S. Senate. The clique that formed and demolishing U.S. industry to make way for an “informa-
around Moynihan’s 1976 campaign and subsequent Senate tion economy.”
career, later emerged in the core of the fascist war faction Meanwhile, in July 1982, Sen. Moynihan began his
that sabotaged the Democratic Party. assault on LaRouche. Moynihan lied that Mel Klenetsky, a
• Leonard Garment and his law partner Lewis “Scooter” Jewish associate of LaRouche who was challenging
Libby became chief attorneys for Russian gangster godfather Moynihan in the primary election for Senate in New York,
Marc Rich. They and Michael Steinhardt, the DLC’s main was “anti-Semitic.” Klenetsky’s campaign focussed on
financier and Rich’s investment partner, conned outgoing Moynihan’s support for eugenical “race science” theories.
President Bill Clinton into pardoning Marc Rich, by then a In May and June 1983, anti-LaRouche strategy meetings
fugitive from U.S. justice. Recently Clinton said he regretted were held in the home of New York investment banker John
the pardon, citing Libby’s role as chief of staff for Dick Cheney. Train. Among those attending were members of the neo-con-
• The first employee of the 1976 Moynihan election cam- servative clique within Reagan’s National Security Council
paign was Lynn Forester, who was to be the central courte- and Justice Department, rightist billionaire Richard Mellon
san-operative in the DLC’s Bull Moose scheme (see below). Scaife (later funder of the “Get Clinton” campaign), Peter
• As Senator, Moynihan brought onto his staff: Spiro of the New Republic, the Anti-Defamation League
Elliott Abrams—Norman Podhoretz’s son-in-law, later an (which was then crafting the right-wing religious alliance
Iran-Contra criminal, currently chief of Middle East affairs behind Ariel Sharon), assorted neo-conservative media men,
for the Cheney/Rumsfeld-dominated National Security and a representative of rightist spook Leo Cherne.
Council. In 1980, Abrams proposed that Ronald Reagan take This Cherne was Moynihan’s close associate and former
Moynihan as his Vice Presidential running mate. employer, and a government intelligence adviser. Cherne
Abram Shulsky—Straussian, later head of and Henry Kissinger had jointly activated an FBI harass-
Rumsfeld/Feith/Wolfowitz intelligence unit that “cooked” ment onslaught versus LaRouche—on false “national securi-
the Iraq intelligence. ty” grounds, following LaRouche’s meeting and collabora-
Gary Schmitt—later executive director of the Project for tion with the President of Mexico for an anti-imperial bank-
the New American Century (PNAC), which issued the ing program.
September 2000 document outlining the world-conquest In July 1983, Louisiana Congressman Gillis Long and
and regional Mideast strategy of the current war cabal. Harriman operative Bob Strauss began a U.S. tour to pro-
By 1980, the Jimmy Carter-appointed Federal Reserve mote the “National Democratic Caucus,” demanding a right-
chairman Paul Volcker was demolishing the industrial econ- ist turn for the Democrats. Their main advisers were Averell
omy. At the August 1980 Democratic national convention, Harriman and Felix Rohatyn. Al From, who was soon to
the Democratic Party forces associated with Lyndon found the Democratic Leadership Council, was an aide to
LaRouche and with Sen. Ted Kennedy (Mass) pressed for an Gillis Long, a personal protégé of Robert Strauss, and an
open convention, for deliberation on an economic recovery operative of Harriman’s PAMPAC.
program, and on the choice of a new candidate instead of a A New Republic article by Peter Spiro (Feb. 6, 1984),
second term for Carter. But thug operations run by urged a political attack on LaRouche, and an Internal
Harriman political fixer Robert S. Strauss, and led on the Revenue Service prosecution. Spiro warned that LaRouche
floor by banker operative Elaine Kamarck, prohibited dis- Democrats were regularly getting 20-30% of the vote, had
cussion and gooned the opposition. thousands of candidates, and 100,000 dues-paying members
As all had expected, the renominated Carter was defeated by in LaRouche’s National Democratic Policy Committee.
Reagan. After the election, Sen. Moynihan told a press confer- An avalanche of anti-LaRouche slurs now poured through
ence that he would lead a fight to prevent the takeover of the the media, originating in the Train salon meetings. In this
Democratic Party by the “extremist” backers of Ted Kennedy! environment, Al From formed the Democratic Leadership
Moynihan declared that Kennedy is a “cadre” who believes gov- Council on March 1, 1985. The initial group of officeholders
ernment should be strong while America should be weak. receiving DLC funds were predominantly Southern
The LaRouche wing of the party now rapidly advanced in Democrats; they warned Democratic Party officials they must

stop being cozy with blacks if they senior fellow, made the first public
were to hold the South. The creation call for a break with Clinton. In a
and initial funding of the DLC was Wall Street Journal column [Dec. 7,
aided by Heritage Foundation chief 1994], Kotkin argued that the New
Ed Feulner, who worked with DLC Democrats should sever ties with
founder Al From while personally Clinton, back a primary challenge in
shaping the Reagan Administration’s 1996, and even consider leaving the
policies on the model of Margaret Democratic Party altogether. . . .
Thatcher. “The largest . . . sign [of the DLC’s
LaRouche associates won the break with Clinton and the
March 1986 Illinois Democratic pri- Democrats] was its ‘Third Way
maries for Secretary of State and Lt. Project’ . . . . [T]here is some evi-
Governor, with over 50% of the vote. dence that this project was to be the
A Moynihan op-ed in the April 1, beginning of a third-party move-
1986 New York Times stated that the ment. According to Michael
“rise of primary elections has weak- Steinhardt, chairman of PPI’s Board
Yeshiva University Today Online
ened the Democratic Party,” and of Trustees until he resigned at the
demanded party rule changes to Gangsters’ son Michael Steinhardt, one of the end of 1995, the Third Way Project
enforce discipline. Moynihan architects and leaders of the Democratic was to be ‘a new approach to sepa-
Leadership Council.
ordered Democratic chairman Paul rate ourselves from the Democratic
Kirk’s participation in an “Operation Party.’ He explained that the DLC
LaRouche,” which Moynihan had set up in New York State, began to take on a more bipartisan focus, which appealed to
aimed at keeping neo-conservative control of the party. a number of contributors, including Steinhardt himself, who
Pollster J. Michael McKeon, consultant to Moynihan, told advocated the formation of a third party and went so far as
EIR on June 24, 1986, “Sen. Moynihan is the only person in to meet with Bill Bradley to try to persuade him to run for
the Democratic Party who is thinking seriously of how to President in 1996.”
respond to LaRouche. That’s why he brought me to The DLC gang pressed Clinton to fall in line with the
Washington.” McKeon, who had predicted the LaRouche Conservative Revolution. With Dick Morris and other moles,
Illinois victory, said “LaRouche has about a 25% core vote DLC adviser Elaine Kamarck, Gore’s aide, was lead enforcer
through the country.” pushing the President to accept the “Welfare Reform” bill,
Moynihan’s original project, which became a political disas-
The Mob Says: Cement Shoes for the ter for Clinton. The DLCers tried to used the situation to
Democratic Party force Clinton to resign in the Lewinsky scandal. The
Lyndon LaRouche was falsely imprisoned in 1989, fol- LaRouche Democrats successfully counterattacked.
lowing a several-year attack by neo-conservatives corrupting Steinhardt turned over the formal leadership of the DLC
the media and the justice system. in 1995 to his co-factioneer, Connecticut Senator Joseph
The Democratic Leadership Council was now in full Lieberman. But Steinhardt continued to drive forward the
swing, under the leadership of Michael Steinhardt, a second- DLC’s “Third Way” scheming. This Steinhardt project was
generation New York mobster. Steinhardt chaired the DLC co-financed by banker Felix Rohatyn, currently a DLC board
board, and chaired the DLC’s Progressive Policy Institute member, and a longtime controller of the Washington Post.
think tank, personally contributing millions in mob-generat- There is also a trans-Atlantic link, with a fascinating his-
ed funds. Steinhardt’s father, in Sing Sing prison as a fence torical echo.
for Meyer Lansky’s syndicate, had sent his son cash which British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a Margaret Thatcher
Michael turned into a billion through speculation. Steinhardt in “New Labour” pants, had a well-known collaboration
got other funds for investment from fugitive gangster Marc with Bill Clinton. Now Blair, without missing a beat, collab-
Rich, who was then looting Russia and Africa. orates with the war-crazed Bush Administration.
The DLC, jointly with Averell Harriman’s widow Pamela, Steinhardt’s DLC and some powerful friends are behind this
arranged and financed the Bill Clinton-Al Gore ticket in smooth political gender switch.
1992, knowing that Clinton could get votes that their friend During the last period of the Clinton Administration, a
Gore could not. This ticket won election; but Clinton think tank called the Policy Network was created in England
promptly told a gathering at Washington Post owner as an official coordinating agency between the Democratic
Katharine Graham’s house, that they would not like what he Leadership Council and Tony Blair’s advisers. Policy
would do as President. The DLC was “stiffed”—Clinton had Network’s chairman is Blair crony Peter Mandelson, the for-
ambitions to side with the poor, as had FDR. Among other mer Blair Cabinet member (who became known as “Lord
things, under Clinton, Lyndon LaRouche was paroled from Mandy of Rio” following an at-government-expense romp
his false imprisonment as soon as this was possible. through the homosexual haunts of Rio de Janeiro).
The mobsters raged. The DLC’s own, sanitized, autho- This official channel from the DLC to Blair’s “Third Way”
rized history of itself (Reinventing Democrats, by Kenneth S. inner council was funded entirely by Sir Evelyn de
Baer, 2000) relates the public action of one of Steinhardt’s Rothschild, head of Britain’s famous N.M. Rothschild bank.
operatives: “Joel Kotkin, a PPI [Progressive Policy Institute] How did Sir Evelyn get into American gangster Mike

Steinhardt’s DLC scheming, aimed at wrecking the went into the “banana wars” (tariffs, etc.) against Europe on
Democratic Party from the inside? behalf of Lindner’s company.
In the 1990s Steinhardt picked up the assistance of Lynn In about 1995, Lindner made McAuliffe the chairman of
Forester, who had climbed into the big time since her appear- a huge Lindner subsidiary in Florida, American Heritage
ance as a Democrat on Moynihan’s notorious 1976 campaign Homes. For the rest of Clinton’s tenure, McAuliffe was tak-
staff. She first married New York politician Andy Stein, of the ing a chairman’s salary and profits from the Lindner organi-
Roy Cohn/Dick Morris sleaze set. She dumped Stein when he zation—by informed accounts, doing nothing for the money
lost a mayoral bid. Meanwhile she was building a fortune on but providing access to the White House—until McAuliffe
mergers and acquisitions, tutored by Virginia billionaire cor- resigned in October 2000, shortly before becoming
ruptionist John Kluge. She dated the richest and most power- Democratic chairman.
ful men, coached by Henry Kissinger. Along the way she But this was not nearly enough.
befriended Bill and Hillary Clinton. In 1997, McAuliffe was hired as a consultant by billionaire
In 1998 Forester flew on a private plane with Henry Gary Winnick, creator of Global Crossing company and a part-
Kissinger to a Bilderberger meeting in Scotland. There ner with DLC kingpin Michael Steinhardt in Israeli operations.
Kissinger introduced her to Sir Evelyn with a lewd joke. Working out of Winnick’s office in Los Angeles, McAuliffe
Forester brought Rothschild to the U.S. and connected him to made political connections that helped spin up the value of
Steinhardt’s and Rohatyn’s New Economy speculator friends. Winnick’s holdings. As Global Crossing’s phony stock inflat-
With Clinton on his way out, and an economic disaster ed towards its inevitable collapse, McAuliffe sold out at just
shaping up, the DLC crowd hurried to scuttle the the right moment. He turned an original $100,000 stake into
Democratic Party before an FDR reflex set in. Rothschild, an $18 million profit. Investors not on the inside lost tens of
70, married Forester, 46, in November 2000. The couple billions in Global Crossing’s bankruptcy.
were fêted at a party thrown by Sen. Moynihan. On their Later Global Crossing hired Richard Perle to convince the
wedding night they slept in the White House. By this time Defense Department to allow the sale of the company to
Rothschild had contributed an acknowledged £250,000 to Chinese investors. Since Perle was being paid $700,000-plus
the Policy Network, the Steinhardt-Forester Third Way link to lobby the Pentagon, of whose Defense Policy Board he
to Blair. was chairman, this became part of the case leading to his
Lady Lynn de Rothschild, meanwhile, is a top director of forced resignation as chairman of the DPB.
the corporate empire of billionaire Ron Lauder, who has Perle has promised to contribute these particular ill-got-
created the Shalem Center, Israel’s headquarters for Leo ten gains to the widows his war makes.
Strauss’s philosophy and the funding of Ariel Sharon’s poli- Perhaps Terry McAuliffe will now likewise resign and
tics. cough up his loot.
Look, now, at the gangster cartel that sent Democratic
How Did This Elephant Get into chairman McAuliffe to Israel in February 2002: When the
the Parlor? decent elements in Israeli politics were demanding an end
The Democratic Party has now been dragged all the way to Ariel Sharon’s murderous war provocations, when the
back to the slavery days, when it was known as the Party of Labor Party was agonizing over whether they should stop
Treason. The Rothschild family’s official American represen- collaborating with Sharon, McAuliffe showed up—“repre-
tative, banker August Belmont, whom the Rothschilds had senting the U.S. Democrats”!—to support Sharon in his
trained as a British spy, was chairman of the U.S. difficulties.
Democratic Party during and after the American Civil War. Look, now, at the gangster cartel that went in person,
For several decades, in conjunction with the British Empire, Michael Steinhardt and Marc Rich, to Israel in January
Belmont promoted every aggression and secession scheme 2003; they intrigued inside the Labor Party, to fatally under-
of the slaveowner radicals. mine the candidacy of Amram Mitzna that challenged
Against the background presented by this report, the Sharon’s war drive.
observer should now be able to discern clearly how the Gaze, now, at African-American Democrat Donna Brazile,
Democrats’ enemies took over the party. And what such a as she strategizes with Bush adviser Karl Rove on how to
disgraced character as Terry McAuliffe represents, as chair- crush Democratic opposition to the war. As Al Gore’s 2000
man of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), when he campaign manager, Brazile arranged to cancel the South
works to block criticism of the Chickenhawks’ war. Carolina Democratic primary so Democrats would vote for
McAuliffe was DNC Finance Chairman in Clinton’s first McCain (against Bush in the state GOP primary), and has
term. He brought in huge contributions from billionaire Carl since been a McCain-Lieberman mole. Basking in the Ashcroft
Lindner, a leading figure in latter-day American gangster witchhunt atmosphere, Brazile attacks Sen. Daschle for insuf-
circles. Lindner chaired United Fruit/Chiquita Banana, run- ficient hawkishness; she sneers that the Congressional Black
ning that empire along with mobster Max Fisher, and was Caucus members seem to “have their reasons,” for not
considered the godfather and organizer of the entire Michael applauding the war. She says that for President, she could
Milken junk bond swindle. “support Lieberman. Gephardt or Lieberman.”
McAuliffe arranged for the use of the White House In sum, this is why the Democratic Party has failed to
Lincoln bedroom for donors, and personally brought function in the present crisis.
Lindner into the White House. Then the Clinton Barbara Boyd and Mary Jane Freeman contributed to the
Administration, and trade representative Mickey Kantor, research for this report.

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