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Subject: Strategy Formulation – e-Types.

Course Created by: Copenhagen Business School.
Hosted by:
Course Author: Marcus Møller Larsen.
Student: Giorgi Lobjanidze.
Companion Material: e-Types-Strategy Formulation_GL v1.0.pdf


1. What we know from video conversations:

1.1. e-Types do identity. And the full range of identity. It's from graphic design to who the
company is and how they should answer the phone and make a story for the company
they can use in anyway.
1.2. For e-Types TD is prestige client, it’s can be company face on television. It is something
winner we’d like to tell potential clients we’ve done, so e-Types really want to win this one.
A very big deal for e-types if they could win.
1.3. Design competition is not the way e-Types like to work. They like to dig into the soul of a
company. Everyone who is in a competition has to work from the same document, the
design brief. e-Types can't just call up Team Denmark and say, I have a few more
questions, because that would be unfair to the other competitors in the design

2. Situation Problem

2.1. The problems that e-types had two designs, not one. They began with the brief, the
document that described what TD was asking for, in a new logo, in a new identity. This fact
generated a huge controversy. In the end, they came up with three options for how they
thought they might proceed. Present only the edgy design to the client. Probability of
winning the competition if they went this route was only about 20%. And by the way, the
designers agreed that the edgy design was unlikely to win, but they didn't care. They
weren't proud of the other design; they wanted to present work that they were proud of,
that fit their smash the world spirit. Option two, present only the classical design to the
client. Here, they believed, and by the way these numbers are just their own estimates,
they believed that they had an 80%chance of winning the competition if they went with
the classical design. And, again, the designers were adamantly opposed to it, despite it's
high probability of winning. Option three, they could present both designs and let the client
choose which design the client liked.

Solution Design

Company Mission- What they do - is clear: e-Types do identity. But e-Types vision - “Where they
want to be”– in future is not clear. Should they continue to prefer "edgy" work and build a
reputation for that? Or should they "grow up" and broaden their approach to appeal to more
clients? They want to grow large, but growth costs money. In other hand it is a very big deal for e-
types if they could win TD Competition. It is opportunity for company to raise their awareness as a
creative company.

In my opinion they should think about long term relations with TD, for opportunities not only for TD
Logo, but also for Web site, Printed materials; office accessories etc…So e-Types should more
precisely investigate Customer and their stakeholder’s needs and exploit real needs and make
new design according (New solution).

Yes it is problematic to communicate with TD about project details directly, but this issue can
be resolved by researching public resources and industry trends. e-Types should be flexible
against problems. They should create not only edgy / creative products also edgy /creative
relationships with clients. All clients, especially TD, valuable. e-Type should provide client with
great Value and client will be ready to accept proposal. So my advice is creating something
edgy with a classical tone without affecting the TD nature and current positioning - Different,
Blended variant.

Yes, wining the competition is very important, but e-Types can benefit from participation also.
Why not to organize online survey to exploit preferences about subject and Online Voting for
TD Logo’s. It will be great if e-Type will invite competitors to publish their solutions for voting. This
will demonstrate company’s openness and raise its awareness. In other hand public activities
will help TD team break any conservative limitations and make preferences in favor of more
modern design. But it is possible if e-Types have enough time to perform these activities.

But if e-Types have not enough time, my recommendation is Option three, and they could present
both designs and let the client choose which design the client liked. Because in this case still is
chance for edgy design and opened opportunity to work with TD in short distance, this is way to
break TD’s conservative environment, by educating client and implementing other projects. This
should be long term strategy. Don’t forget about income also.

April 10, 2016 Page 2

Both recommendations will keep e-Types employees sufficiently happy and move e-Types in the
direction of future success and growth.

Company should formulate Strategy for e-Types development which can based on the following:

 Values
o Capture Opportunities and make things happen;
o Do things better than anyone else in identity industry;
o Foster openness, respect and create excitement;
o Teamwork, Innovations and Creativity.
o We do Identity.
 Vision
o We will be the most valued business partner of all our customers.

Additional Questions for further investigation

 What is TD Organization structure and ownership?

 Is there any Public Document about TD Values, Mission, Vision, Goals;
 Why TD wants to change?
 How important old logo Components are, what can be changed and what not?
 Available research about TD and their stakeholders preferences (Fans, Sponsors, Team
Members …) have?
 How far is it possible to extend TD’s and their shareholders preferences?
 Is there Option to add specific logos to the different events?
 Who and how makes decision about preferred Solution? Are stakeholders involved and if
yes who and how in the voting process?
 Are TD stakeholders preferences considered in the proposed designs (National Preferences


 e-Types Awards
–The Danish Elite Sport Act.
 Nordic Elite Sport: Same Ambitions, Different Track.

April 10, 2016 Page 3


Strategy formulation is the process of developing the strategy1. As was perfectly explained during the
Strategy Formulation Course2, Business strategy is a critical tool for analyzing the competitive context in
which e-Types operates and for making informed recommendations for what actions it should take to
gain competitive advantage. Strategy formulation (Strategy Plan) refers to the process of choosing the
most appropriate course of action for the realization of e-Types organizational goals and objectives
and thereby achieving the organizational vision.
To formulate e-Types strategy, following questions will be answered:

1. Where e-Types want to compete?

a. In which Design segment e-Types want to compete?
b. Should e-Type enter into new design market or countries?
c. How e-Types diversity into new products?
d. How attractive is environment in which e-Types want to compete?
e. Which is attractive environment for e-Types?
2. How should e-Types compete?
a. How to Position e-Types?
b. How most efficiently exploit e-Types resources?
c. How do e-Types build and sustain competitive advantages?

The process of e-Types strategy formulation (Building Strategy Plan) will involve following steps:

1. Setting e-Types objectives - Because the key component of any strategy statement is to set the
long-term objectives of the organization. Strategy is generally a medium for realization of
organizational objectives. This will be First step in the e-Types Strategy formulation. Once the e-Types
objectives and the factors influencing strategic decisions will be determined, it will be easy to take
strategic decisions.
2. Evaluating the Organizational Environment - Industry analysis findings (Porters 5 Forces3 for Industry
Analysis and competitive intensity), was considered in the
evaluation of company’s environment in (S.W.O.T./T.O.W.S.4
Industry analysis: 1) the threat of
new entry is quite high: if anyone analysis) analysis. From analysis it is clear that for e-Types
looks as if they're making a sustained Competitive Advantage cost advantage isn’t preferable way
profit, new competitors can come
into the industry easily, reducing and company should think in the differentiation advantage for
profits. 2) Competitive rivalry is future success. Analyzing Company’s current portfolio and future
extremely high: if someone raises
prices, they'll be quickly undercut. opportunities (BCG5 matrix) we develop for e-Types SO - "Maxi-
Intense competition puts strong Maxi" - Strategy that use strengths to maximize opportunities
downward pressure on prices. 3)
Buyer Power is strong, again implying
(companion material).
strong downward pressure on prices.
4) There is some threat of substitution. Based on synthesis of collected information we formulate
following needs and vision for e-Types:

2 Strategy Formulation by Marcus Møller Larsen - Copenhagen Business School (via
5 BCG Growth Share matrix -

April 10, 2016 Page 4

1. Values
1.1. Capture Opportunities and make things happen;
1.2. Do things better than anyone else in the identity industry;
1.3. Foster openness, respect and create excitement;
1.4. Synergy, Teamwork, Innovations and Creativity.
2. Mission
2.1. We do Identity.
3. Vision
3.1. We will be the most valued business partner of our customers;

So our recommendation for e-Types strategy is: Listening to the customer and remaining tied
to their core values are both important aspects. Customers should trust them with their
concepts. e-Types must reinforce its existing business perception and culture through. This
will raise Market Growth in the attractive industry and Raise e-Types market share. In
general lack of considering of customers’ needs is source of the sub-optimal strategies and
Companies failing. In this attractive digital market, No Company can control Customers,
Company only can propose valued for customers – (Value – Cost paid and Benefits
received - from customer side of view!). Customer will Vote between proposals otherwise
company will be candidate for List of Failed Businesses and Unsuccessful Companies.

3. E-Types Strategic Objectives - Taking into account all of the steps that are necessary to achieving
each of e-Types goals we draw e-Types strategy Objectives in 3 dimensions: Corporate, Business and
Functional objectives (companion material). They should be prioritized and planned during Strategy
Implementation process.

Subject: Strategy Implementation Plan for e-Types.

Course Created by: Copenhagen Business School.
Hosted by:
Course Author: Nicolai Pogrebnyakov
Student: Giorgi Lobjanidze.



Strategy implementation is the translation of chosen strategy into organizational action so as to achieve
strategic goals and objectives. Оur current goal is e-Types Strategy plan development.

1. Strategy Implementation Plan Focus – From six areas of the strategy implementation: Goals and
Metrics (1), Organizational structure (2), Communication (3), Resistance and Risks (4), Organizational
culture (5), and Power and Informal networks (6), We will focus our attention on the following areas:
(1), (2) and (3).
2. Our Strategy Proposal for e-Types: - In the previous course, for e-Types following strategy was
developed6: e-Types must reinforce its existing business perception and culture through Listening to
the customer and remaining tied to their core values and continually raising customers experience
in the modern design (edgy) directions.

6 Capstone Project: Formulating a Strategy in a 21st Century Creative Company – Link There
April 10, 2016 Page 5
3. Sustainability of the expected state - Proposed strategy will raise Market Growth in the attractive
Identity industry, Raise e-Types market share and positively affect company’s financial balance. In
general lack of considering of customers’ needs is source of the sub-optimal strategies and
Companies failing. In this attractive digital market, No Company can control Customers, Company
only can propose valued for customers – (Value – Cost paid and Benefits received - from customer
side of view!). Customer will Vote between proposals otherwise company will be candidate for List
of Failed Businesses and Unsuccessful Companies
4. Our recommended specific actions in the focus areas:

To Support e-Types new strategy implementation, we recommend following specific actions within that
3 Focus Areas:

Goals and Metrics (1) (Business Growth Perspectives and Sustainability considerations)7

4.1. Financial Perspective

4.1.1. Sustained Shareholder Value - healthy Cost Structure supports e-Types Growth and Shareholders Value Proposition.
4.2. Customer Perspective
4.2.1. Service Excellence – Excellent customer relationship increases Customers value and Opens New opportunities;
4.2.2. e-Types - Trusted Business Partner;
4.3. Internal Business Process Perspective -
4.3.1. Process than enhance and Deliver Edgy products - Continuous process Improvement strategy minimizes strategy
implementation risks and raise company effectiveness.
4.3.2. Process That enhance Customer value – Raisin Customer value supports Company Growth;
4.4. Internal Business Process Perspective
4.4.1. e-Types Human Capital – Continuous Improved e-Types Capital will support Company’s Sustainable Development;
4.4.2. e-Types Informational Capital
4.4.3. e-Types Organizational Capital

Organizational Structure (2)

Organizational structure - is an organization's internal pattern of relationships, authority and

communication. To Company’s Strategic Objectives, E-Types structure should support to develop new
features for new Edgy product, based on feedback from customers, market the new features and
retain ones that are popular with customers, delegate decisions about new product features to
Creative and middle manager and give them the necessary authority.

Structure should consider Centralization – Decision making Degree, Formalization of the rules and
processes that prescribe employees behavior and specifies who and how performs different tasks.
Should be considered Specialization - creating special units which combines exploiting e-Types existing
competencies with pursuing new Edgy products, services and markets. This Unit may have specific
clear Objectives and performance measurements to support e-Types Overall Objectives. Because
Design market is very attractive and disruptive, e-Type should consider to have special workforce which
permanently predicts, detects and reacts to changes in the environment, Customers and competitor’s

Communication (2)

As explained during the course8, for Sustainability of the expected state, it is essential to explain to e-
Types employees the new strategy and how it will be rolled out, explanation should cover:

7 More details in the Companion Material: e-Types-Strategy Implementation_GL v1.0.pdf

April 10, 2016 Page 6
1. Why the company should have a new strategy in the first place. What's the Business Rationale for
this strategy, and why is change needed? What does the new strategy aim to achieve? If the
new strategy should bring new revenue or bring your company to a new line of business or
develop new capabilities.
2. What will be the new organizational structure? Will there be any changes?
3. What will be e-Types managers’ role as the leader of the organization in that structure? Is it to
make all decisions and have a very centralized organizational structure for example?
4. What will be the role of e-Types employees in the new strategy? If we're talking to the Marketing
Department, what will they need to do to help implement the new strategy? And if the strategy
involves layoffs or budget cuts or other bad news say them openly and clearly, otherwise rumors
will start.

The goal of communication is to clear up uncertainty and if there is any bad news this is what many
people in e-Types will care about.

Recommend specific actions within that 3 aspect described in the Companion Material: e-Types-
Strategy Implementation_GL v1.0.pdf

Giorgi Lobjanidze +995 577 613434

April 10, 2016 Page 7

Capstone Project:
Formulating a Strategy in a 21st Century Creative Company


Ideas for today and tomorrow

Strategy Formulation – Company e-Types

Course Created by: Copenhagen Business School
Hosted by:
Course Author: Marcus Møller Larsen - Assistant Professor, Strategic Management and Globalization Department.
Student: Giorgi Lobjanidze

Companion Material: e-Types-StrategyFormulation-ExecutiveSummary _GL v1.0.pdf

27.03.2016 – Tbilisi - Copenhagen

Strategy Formulation Process

For e-Types Strategy formulation, following activities should be performed:

1. Setting e-Types objectives - Because the key component of any strategy statement is to set the long-term objectives of the organization.
Strategy is generally a medium for realization of organizational objectives. This will be First step in the e-Types Strategy formulation. Once
the e-Types objectives and the factors influencing strategic decisions will be determined, it will be easy to take strategic decisions.
2. Evaluating the Organizational Environment - The next step will be to evaluation of the environment in which the e-Types operates and its
organization values. This includes a review of the organizations competitive position, e-Types core ideology and external and internal
factors. According these analysis we can identify e-Types own strengths and weaknesses as well as their competitors’ strengths and
weaknesses. This is often referred to as a SWOT / TOWS analysis.
3. Using BCG Growth-Share Matrix – For a e-Types portfolio planning – Taking in consideration that Market Growth It is a proxy for industry
attractiveness, market share is a proxy for competitive advantage;
4. Perform Synthesis – According collected information set e-Types environment synthesis and recommend new Mission, Goal, Objectives;
5. Formulate New Strategy for e-Types, As a general and also in the Corporate, Business and Functional sub-strategies and objectives.
e-Types current Vision Statement

Here is what e-Types claims before new strategy formulation :

“We challenge your ways and encourage new thinking. We craft bold solutions that inspire people around us. We
don’t follow trends, but work hard to make others follow you. We crystallize big ideas to build strong brands.
Brands that stand out and clearly communicate what they are all about. Brands that move the world forward.
Based on hard thinking, creative edge, extensive experience, and true love of brands we design that one,
visionary idea. The idea that conveys the very core of your brand, that inspires action, guides visual and verbal
communication, and provides meaningful change for your business”.

E-Types Mission - What they do - is clear: e-Types do identity. But e-Types vision - “Where they want to be” – in
future is not clear. Should they continue to prefer "edgy" work and build a reputation for that? Or should they
"grow up" and broaden their approach to appeal to more clients? They want to grow large, but growth costs
money. In other hand it is a very big deal for e-types if they could win TD Competition. It is opportunity for
company to raise their awareness as a creative company.

Now lets go to investigate what happens in reality:

Industry analysis – Porters 5 forces
Threat of New Entry: Competitive Rivalry:
1. Not too expensive to enter; 1. Wide Range of Competitors (Local, Global);
2. Experience needed but training and Employee 2. Low switching cost;
hiring options available; 3. Low customer loyalty;
3. Internet / Dotcom boom – Opens Opportunity for 4. Wide Range of Identity Design Products.
startups and Existing Brands;

Supplier Power Bayer's Power:

1. Internet / Dotcom boom – Opens 1. High Bayer Power;
Opportunity for startups and Existing 2. Possible to Cooperate;
Brands; 3. Conservative Traditions;
2. Suppliers Large; 4. In some cases not possible to obtain
3. Able to substitute; detailed information from buyers;
4. Able to change; 5. Power of Bayer's Bayer's (Shareholders,
5. Low supplier power. Community members …);

Treat of Substitution
1. Internet / Dotcom boom – Opens Opportunity for
startups and Existing Brands;
2. Brand Identity Market is very wide (Brand ID, Website,
Printed Materials …);
3. Edgy/Modern Identity Design not usual for potential
Growth Share Matrix (BCG)
Using BCG Growth-Share Matrix – as a e-Types
portfolio planning model – in the Market Growth
and Market Share dimensions relative to the
Largest Competitor and taking in consideration
5 2 that Market Growth It is a proxy for industry
attractiveness and market share is a proxy for
6 competitive advantage, we have following
picture for e-Types portfolio, where:

8 7 1. Edgy / Modern Identity for Modern Style Clients;

2. Edgy / Modern Identity for Conservative Clients;
3. Conservative Identity for Modern Style Clients;
4. Conservative Identity for Conservative Clients;
5. Edgy / Modern Printed Identity;
6. Edgy / Modern Web Identity;
7. Edgy / Modern for Identity for Global Market;
8. New Identity Trends …

3 4 1
SWOT Analysis
1. Strengths (What do e-Types do well?/ What unique resources can e-Type draw on? What do others see as e-Type strengths? )
1. Talented Staff in the Modern Identity industry Design;
2. Good implemented Modern / Edgy projects portfolio;
3. Team Working Synergy – Producing Joint effect in the approved projects.
4. The e-Types owners like to challenge themselves and their clients to create radical, innovative designs.
5. e-Types challenge Clients edgy ways and encourage new thinking.
6. Stated desire to reexamine and appropriately adapt their activities in a constant “learning” process;

2. Weakness (What could e-Type improve? Where does e-Type have fewer resources than others? What are others likely to see as weaknesses ?)
1. Strategic Thinking Synergy – No agreement about company future.
2. For e-Types owners, money is not as central as their personal satisfaction of doing what they love, the way they love doing it.
3. No clear arguments about Refuse to work on certain jobs;
4. Poor and not organized effort to Reexamine and appropriately adapt their activities in a constant “learning” process;
5. Long time discussions about next steps and no decisions about customers real preferences;
6. Weak habits of value proposition to customer (Value – Cost paid and Benefits received - from Client side of view );

3. Opportunity (What opportunities are open to e-Types? What trends could e-Type take advantage of? How can e-Type turn their strengths into opportunities ?)
1. Internet / Dotcom boom – Opportunity for easy research information about clients and industry trends;
2. Entering in the new market segments: Web Site, Printing materials …
3. Visibility which highlights company vision to the public;
4. Awareness as a Creative, Open and Client friendly Company;
5. Growth via a constant “learning” process”.

4. Threads (What threats could harm e-Type? What is e-Type competition doing? What threats do e-Types weaknesses expose Company to ?)
1. Internet / Dotcom boom – Opportunity for all rivals in the global and local market;
2. Refuse to work on certain jobs, turning down those clients that do not “fit in” with the creative edge e-Types is accustomed to deliver its
3. e-Types partners might send a negative message to their work force that can in turn, distance themselves from their ideals;
4. Risk of losing the “edge” and efficiently compete in a usually saturated market.
e-Types Competitive advantage
Recommended Competitive advantage:
Industry analysis Conclusions:

1) The threat of new entry is quite high: if anyone looks as if From industry and e-Types Environment analysis it is
they're making a sustained profit, new competitors can clear that for e-Types Competitive advantage, cost
come into the industry easily, reducing profits; advantage isn’t preferable way and company should
2) Competitive rivalry is extremely high: if someone raises think in the differentiation advantage for future
prices, they'll be quickly undercut. Intense competition success.
puts strong downward pressure on prices.
3) Buyer Power is strong, again implying strong downward e-Types should offer something which is so unique, so
pressure on prices. sought after so that customers are willing to pay a
4) There is some threat of substitution. premium for their product and only your product,
then Company will have a differentiation advantage.

But e-Type should make effort for value proposition

to customer (Value – Cost paid and Benefits received
- from customer side of view) and avoid Solutions
that aren’t relevant for Customers.
E-Types new Vision Statement and Objectives
Values Business Objectives (5 forces)
• Capture Opportunities and make things happen;
1. Work closely to Clients, promote edgy designs and encourage new
• Do things better than anyone else in the identity thinking;
industry; 2. Promote radical, innovative designs for Customers and Potential
• Foster openness, respect and create excitement; Customers;
• Synergy, Teamwork, Innovations and Creativity. 3. Organize e-Types partners forum (Or some kind of Survey and Feedback
MISSION Solution) where customers can send a positive / negative message
about e--Types work and work force, Customers ideals about different
• We do Identity.
aspects of Company and Design;
Vision 4. Raise Awareness as a Creative, Open and Client friendly and Stable
• We will be the most valued business partner of our Company;
customers. 5. Organize e-Types partners forum (Or some kind of Survey and Feedback
Solution) where customers can send a positive / negative message
about e--Types work and work force, Customers ideals about different
aspects of Company and Design.

Corporate Objectives (BCG) Functional Objectives

1. Benefit from Internet / Dotcom boom – Make permanent clients 1. Develop corporate culture for value proposition to customer (Value –
and industry trends Research; Cost paid and Benefits received - from Client side of view;
2. Work with Conservative and Modern Companies; 2. Adapt e-Type staff activities in a constant “learning” process using
3. Consider Entering in the new market segments: Web Site, Printing various tools (Lessons learnt, Brainstorming for new ideas, Innovations
materials; etc.);
4. Investigate Global Market Opportunities. 3. Motivate e-Type Staff Team Working Synergy;
4. Hire / Work with Talented Designers (Take attention in Students).
Capstone Project:
Strategy Implementation Plan for e-Types



Subject: Strategy Implementation Plan for e-Types.

Course Created by: Copenhagen Business School.
Hosted by:
Course Author: Nicolai Pogrebnyakov
Student: Giorgi Lobjanidze.

Companion Material: e-Types-StrategyImplementation-ExecutiveSummary _GL v1.0.pdf

10.04.2016 – Tbilisi - Copenhagen

Strategy Implementation Plan Development Process

Strategy implementation is the translation of chosen strategy into organizational action so as to achieve strategic goals and
objectives. Strategy implementation is also defined as the manner in which an organization should develop, utilize, and amalgamate
organizational structure, control systems, and culture to follow strategies that lead to competitive advantage and a better
performance. Оor goal is e-Types Strategy plan development.

For e-Types Strategy Implementation plan development following activities should be performed:
1. Recall Strategy Goals and objectives from e-Types Strategy;
2. Evaluate strategy in the Balanced Scorecard System (BSC);
3. Evaluate strategy in the Objectives and Key Results System (OKR);
4. Build Strategy implementation plan in the 6 dimensions: Goals and Metrics (1), Organizational structure (2), Communication (3), Resistance
and Risks (4), Organizational culture (5), and Power and Informal networks (6);
5. Combine previous results and Build General Strategy implementation Plan.
6. As visualized in the diagram Corrective actions can be performed during this process.
E-Types Vision Statement and Objectives
Values Business Objectives (5 forces)
• Capture Opportunities and make things happen;
1. Work closely to Clients, promote edgy designs and encourage new
• Do things better than anyone else in the identity thinking;
industry; 2. Promote radical, innovative designs for Customers and Potential
• Foster openness, respect and create excitement; Customers;
• Synergy, Teamwork, Innovations and Creativity. 3. Organize e-Types partners forum (Or some kind of Survey and Feedback
MISSION Solution) where customers can send a positive / negative message
about e--Types work and work force, Customers ideals about different
• We do Identity.
aspects of Company and Design;
Vision 4. Raise Awareness as a Creative, Open and Client friendly and Stable
• We will be the most valued business partner of our Company;
customers. 5. Organize e-Types partners forum (Or some kind of Survey and Feedback
Solution) where customers can send a positive / negative message
about e--Types work and work force, Customers ideals about different
aspects of Company and Design.

Corporate Objectives (BCG) Functional Objectives

1. Benefit from Internet / Dotcom boom – Make permanent clients 1. Develop corporate culture for value proposition to customer (Value –
and industry trends Research; Cost paid and Benefits received - from Client side of view;
2. Work with Conservative and Modern Companies; 2. Adapt e-Type staff activities in a constant “learning” process using
3. Consider Entering in the new market segments: Web Site, Printing various tools (Lessons learnt, Brainstorming for new ideas, Innovations
materials; etc.);
4. Investigate Global Market Opportunities. 3. Motivate e-Type Staff Team Working Synergy;
4. Hire / Work with Talented Designers (Take attention in Students).
E-Types – Balanced Scorecard
Financial Perspective - (To achieve our goals, how
should we appear to our shareholders?)

• Broaden revenue Mix;

• Enhance Revenue Opportunities
• Improve Operational Efficiency;
• Improve e-Types Financial Health.

• We do Identity.
Internal Business Process Perspective - (To satisfy Vision • Customer Perspective - (To achieve our
our customers and stakeholders, at what business • We will be the most valued business partner of vision, how should we appear to our
our customers.
processes must we excel?) customers?)
• Develop new products; • Capture Opportunities and make things • Service Excellence;
happen; • Trusted Business Partner;
• Understanding Customer Segments; • Do things better than anyone else in the identity
• Provide Valuable Response; industry;
• Value Proposition;
• Cross-Sell the Product Line; • Foster openness, respect and create • Enhance Customer Visibility (Internal and
excitement; External).
• Shift to Appropriate Chanel. • Synergy, Teamwork, Innovations and Creativity.
• Innovative product development cycle.

Learning & Growth Perspective - (To achieve our vision, how

will we sustain our ability to change and improve?)

• Hire key Technical Talent;

• Implement Cross-Training;
• Align Personal Goals;
• Increase Employee productivity;
E-Types – Strategy Map
Financial Value
Improve e-Types Enhance Improve
What are our most Broaden
Financial Health Revenue Operational
important financial revenue Mix
Opportunities Efficiency

Service Trusted Value Enhance
Perspective Customer
Excellence Business Partner Proposition Customer
How should we appear
to customers?

Process That Cross-Sell
Process than Valuable
Process Enhance Customer the Product
enhance and Deliver Response
Perspective value Line
Edgy products
At what do we need
to excel to fulfill
customer Understanding Innovative product Shift to
expectations? Develop new Customer Appropriate
development cycle
products Segments Chanel

e-Types e-Types e-Types e-Types
Human Capital Informational Organizational Customer
How will we sustain our Capital Capital Capital
ability to improve?
E-Types strategy implementation area:
Goals and Metrics
E-Types strategy implementation area:
Organizational Structure
E-Types strategy implementation area:

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