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Q1. A safety officer has taken up duty in a country where he has

never worked before, what are the various sources of information
that he is likely to access?

(a) For managing safety at the work place (4)

(b) For understanding the national standards (4)

(a) What is the difference between standard and regulation . (2)

(b)What is the role of enforcement agencies, Give example. (2)

(c) Outline a minimum of 4 powers, a safety Inspector has (4)

(a) What according to you is the scope of occupational health and
safety (2)

(b) People say that safety is multi disciplinary in nature. Provide

examples of at least 6 fields/ disciplines where you think safety is
of paramount importance. (6)

Q4 An accident occurred on the highway involving a private

luxury bus catching fire as the bus hit a road divider/ culvert at
high speed leading to demise of all 45 passengers.
(a)give the likely insured and uninsured costs ( expenses ) the
owner might incur . (4)
(b)list the direct and indirect costs the owner of the luxury bus
may incur. (4)
ELEMENT 1 -Model Answers

Ans1 (a) The sources of information that a safety officer would

refer to when he starts work in a different county are (1) the rules
and regulations of the country , the policy statement of the
organization (2) the various records and documentation available
related to safety such as accident records ,health surveillance
reports etc.(3) He may access the internet/ intranet of the company
to gather information .(4)Other sources of information can be his
peers or seniors at the work place, the library, the notice boards
,professional bodies , local safety magazines etc

Ans1 (b).The sources of information that a safety officer would

refer to in order to gain a good understanding of the national
standards are (1) The Acts , rules , regulations which are
mandatory as per law and are enforced by the Govt (2) The
standards provided by national institutions like the BSI (British
standards Institution) , Agmark/ ISI of India, etc (3) Approved
Code of Practices which specify the procedures to be followed
while working .National building codes , industry specific building
codes etc.(4) The Internet can be a source of information on
national standards , ILO recommendations, standards of other
neighboring countries , the judgment passed by local and national
courts etc.
Ans 2 (a) The difference between regulation and standards is that
regulation is mandatory while standards to be followed can be
chosen. Regulation is law while a standard is a bench mark.

Ans 2 (b) The role / job of the enforcement agencies is to ensure

that the organizations comply with the acts, rules and regulations.
Example of their work is Prosecution of non complying
organizations, levy of penalties, delivery of citations / notices,
collection of reports etc.

Ans 2 (c) The powers that a safety Inspector can exercise are
The power to enter the premises at any reasonable time.
The power to take photographs and collect samples
The power to stop work / order the closure of certain sections or
the entire company.
The power to have a constable accompany him during inspection.

Ans 3 (a) The meaning of scope is the extent to which it covers/

the boundaries/ the limits in which it functions. The scope of
Occupational Health and safety is wide ranging however is limited
to the health and safety aspects of the work place only. Example
the injuries / health issues related to play or of domestic nature are
considered out of scope of Occupational health & safety.

Ans 3 (b) It is my opinion that safety is of paramount importance

in the following field this does not however mean that safety is not
important in other fields not mentioned below.

1) Space station where the chances of external help are minimal

2) Oil fields / refineries which present various hazards like H2S
gas hazard, fire hazards etc
3) Mining for gold, diamond, mineral, radioactive material etc
4) Nuclear reactors where radiation hazards are most significant
5) Medical and chemical laboratories present different biological
and chemical hazards
6) Transport of people and cargo via aircraft space craft, ships,
submarines road etc.

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