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How To Take Control

Of Your Mind And Win

I, Steve Ira Present, M.S., Personally Promise You That

This Fast Moving Report Will NOT

Bore You or Waste Your Time.
You Will Discover NEW Information, Including:

 The Real Reason You Lose Control (Most traders are surprised when
they hear this at my webinars)

 Why You Can NOT Trade Your Method No Matter How Hard You Try

 The Number 1 Skill You MUST Have In Order To Take Control and Win

 What Works To Fix Even VERY Stubborn Trading Psychology Problems

 And More.

By Steve Present, M.S.
1 (305) 662-6800

From The Desk Of Steve Ira Present, M.S.
Master’s Degree In Clinical Psychology
27 years of private consulting experience
Trading Psychology Specialist
Email Contact
305 662 6800


This Report’s Purpose Is To Help You Take

The Full Profits That Your Method Offers You
Therefore, please heed this warning:

There will be no fluff – I will pull no punches – I will not waste your time.

You will learn unique and powerful “trading mind” information that most traders have never
heard before.

I will talk the straight truth about what it takes to win in the blood sport that we love so dearly: trading.

My goal is not to protect your ego – but rather to cut through all the nonsense and crap that passes for
trading education.

But, if you are easily offended by the truth, I did not want to upset you! And I would request that
you stop reading now.

Additionally, if you are a brand-new trader – if you do not already know how to trade, I do not think this
report will help you at all.

If you are still with me, Dear Trader,

Here is why I think you should pay very close attention to the information I’m about to share in this
quick reading, yet dense with wisdom report.

I am the only trading psychology consultant in the world who guarantees

that my clients love the breakthrough, dramatic progress they make in
their very first session or they get their money back. No questions asked.

So the information you are about to discover does not come from theory,
or books. Rather, this trading wisdom comes from private, one on one
sessions with very stuck traders. Traders for whom I had to deliver
results, or I didn’t get paid. So…

I would recommend you listen carefully – because I think you’re going to learn a lot in the next
few minutes.


Let’s dive right in.

There is only one guarantee in trading:

You will lose 1 out of 3 times!

And how you respond to those losses will either make

or break your trading career!

Please, let me explain:

You, I, and all of us humans have been programmed that losing is bad!

It makes you feel weak, it creates embarrassment, shame, humiliation and more.

In fact, our entire society is built on winning. If you lose you are labeled as a…


Now, please remember this fact: the programs in your subconscious mind have far greater power
than the thoughts and wishes in your conscious mind.

If you doubt this fact, here’s the proof: over one half of the people in the United States eat too much, or
the wrong foods, or both. Despite knowing that they will suffer serious health consequences for doing so.
One in five Americans still persists in the deadly habit of smoking. And countless millions of others are
addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, dangerous intimate relationships, and more.

So if we’re going to have an honest conversation to help improve your trading results, we need to face

You and I and every human being are controlled by the programming in our subconscious mind.

After a loss, and especially after a series of losses in trading, your subconscious programs take over.
Despite your very best attempts to think logically.

And please remember, your subconscious mind controls your emotions. And your emotions are many,
many hundreds of times more powerful than your thoughts. (If you doubt that statement, just quickly
remember the last time you had a fight with your spouse. Still think logic dominates? Case closed.)

So after a series of losses, depending on how you were programed, you may respond with anger, or you
may feel the need to take revenge, and you may need to take back what you lost, as many of my clients
used to do.

Once these emotions take over, you are in serious trouble! Very serious trouble!

Because these emotions will force you to over trade, revenge trade, and impulse trade. These emotions
will practically force you to take virtually random, lame brained, rookie trades that are totally inconsistent
with your method.

These emotional trading outbursts cause your account to blow up.

You may go on a self-destructive binge where you trade way too much size. During that self-destructive
binge, you may lose days, weeks, and even months of hard earned profits in just one day (sometimes in
just one trade!)

You may keep moving your stops further and further away from the market, because you so deeply hate
the feeling of losing. Before they came to me, some of my clients had lost 25% to 50% of their trading
accounts in order to avoid facing the pain of a stop out. Many of these clients’ initially said things like, “if
you knew what I just did to my account, you would think I’m crazy”, or “it’s like some force took over
me, and I lost all control.”

If you fall into this category, you know that despite all your previous success in life – your trading
career is on the rocks.

You are now facing the hidden barrier to success in the wildly lucrative business of trading:

Your subconscious programs…. Which include the following:

 Your hatred of losing.

 Your self-definition as a winner.
 Your over attachment to being seen as successful.
 Your unwillingness to take a loss and walk away. (Because there is more at stake than just
dollars. You are trading your self-esteem. You are seeking proof from the market that you, and
your method, are a winner.)

And here’s the paradox of trading: the more you need to win – the more you will… Lose!

As you know, this doesn’t just apply to trading: anything that you are desperate for will likely elude your
grasp. (Remember those times in your life when you are desperately seeking a partner of the opposite
sex? When you were in that desperate state, how often did that work for you?)

So once again, trading is a reflection of life. We bring who we are as human beings into the brutally
competitive arena of trading.

And when we are under intense pressure – when the market takes our money – our ego, our emotional
needs, get stirred up. They get magnified. They get multiplied – by a factor of 100!

Traders so often tell me, “Steve, I really keep my emotions under control in my work. But when it comes
to trading, I lose it.” Later, I will discuss how to resolve all of this.

Warning: it ain’t easy! But it can be done. The few who enter the winning circle have powerful
dedication, and are willing to do whatever it takes to turn their trading around.

Other traders may respond differently to losses. If you are programed to respond with fear, after 1 loss
or 2, or 3, you will hesitate, overthink, delay. You will miss one good trade after another after yet another!

Then, after watching your method trigger 2, 3, or 4 winners in a row, while you are sitting on the sidelines
kicking yourself, you may lose control. You may chase the market -- usually with an account draining

Additionally, if you are programmed to experience fear, you will likely take premature profits. Which will
devastate your trading results!

Now, let’s go a bit deeper:

You cannot conquer these challenges with willpower!

Willpower is a tool of your conscious mind. So when your conscious mind goes to war with your
subconscious, the effect is the same as a tiny kitten trying to fight a full grown lion. The result is
predestined – even before the contest begins. There is simply no way you will be able to control the
powerful explosions of your emotions with willpower.

Related to this, many traders when they first come to me say “Steve, please help me become more

Sadly, trading psychology problems cannot be conquered with discipline.

Listen up dear trader, because this is crucial “How to Win” information.

In western society we are taught to use power and force to achieve our objectives.

And let’s face the facts: This OFTEN WORKS (although sometimes at a very high price!)

This is why traders believe they need more discipline. Quite understandably, they want to overpower the
emotional subconscious forces that are wreaking havoc with their trading results.

However, this approach of trying to overpower – of trying to discipline yourself – falls flat on its
face in the brutally competitive arena of trading.

Please let me explain: If you have a small fire on top of your stove, by all means, throw a plate on top of it
to snuff the fire out.

But when you throw the same plate on an exploding volcano, that method will surely fail!

So answer this question honestly:

After a series of losses, when you lose control, are you contending with a small fire? Or are you suffering
the consequences of an exploding volcano?

Of course, the answer is you are dealing with powerful emotional forces that create a fire so strong
inside you that you lose control!

So what can you do? In the past 27 years of working with thousands of people who had very serious
problems that were caused by faulty subconscious programming, here’s what I have found:

The answer – the only solution – is to locate and delete the deep subconscious programs that are
creating the problem. You must repeat, you must get to the root cause of the symptom.

This is why so many trading improvement methods fail. This is why audio affirmations and programming
can NOT produce reliable results. If your computer is infected with a virus, it is foolish to think that by
installing a new program, you can overwrite the virus. When of course the proper solution is to delete the

Other methods attempt to give the trader control. Power. And these may work for a very short time – until
temporary power of these methods weakens under the constant barrage of attack from the deeper
subconscious programs.

Because trading forces you to lose often -- in order to win big -- my experience with so many traders have
shown that most traditional and alternative methods do not work for difficult trading psychology
problems. Methods such as NLP, hypnosis, tapping, meditation, EFT, and TFT, are simply not thorough
or deep enough to get to the root cause and create long-lasting change.

What does work, based on my experience is this:

Locate each of the subconscious programs that destroy your ability to follow your trading plans. And then
delete them.

You must find and delete programs such as:

 It’s wrong to lose

 It’s wrong to lose money
 Only weak people lose
 If I lose I’m a failure
 If I lose I feel embarrassed
 If I lose people will think less of me
 A man should not lose!
 When I lose, it triggers memories of previous losses that make me feel weak and powerless
 Only stupid or careless people lose money
 Money does not grow on trees
 And far more programs in the subconscious

Then, there are are deeper programs that many of us suffer from:

a high percentage of traders have a program that subconsciously tell them, “you are not worthy of
winning large amounts of money in a short amount of time. Many were taught that, “money comes only
after much hard labor!”

Others have programs that tell them, “you are not allowed to be powerful.”

Once again, after locating each of these programs in the trader’s subconscious mind, the only way to
achieve breakthrough results is to permanently delete each of these programs. I’ll discuss more about this

Now, get ready, because we are about to discover the number one skill that will transform your

Is the skill that every trader needs in order to consistently win:

A. Discipline
B. Self-control
C. Willpower
D. Technical analysis, or
E. None of the above

If you have been reading carefully you know that answers A-D are wrong.

The correct answer is E, none of the above.

Of course, in order to win, you need an acceptable technical analysis method. Note, it does not have to be
great. It simply needs to give you a decent edge that over a series of trades, will put you substantially in

So now, assuming that you have such a decent technical analysis method…

I have one wish for you. Stop looking for the Holy Grail of trading methodologies. Stop looking for
a 90% method.

Why? Because it probably does not exist.

And even more important, because you don’t need it!

If you win 2 out of 3 times you trade, that means you will lose around 1 out of every 3 trades you enter
(give or take).


far better than the casinos.

After all, the casinos in Vegas make billions

with a mere 2% edge!

So… here is the number one skill you must acquire, and cultivate
in order to turn your trading business into a casino:

You must deeply accept losses.

Read that sentence – 3 times. Right now!

Now read it 3 more times.


I am NOT Joking!

Put in on your monitor. This is a MUST!


Most traders interpret the need to deeply accept losses in the following way:

They start doing positive thinking… they start trying to “man handle” their emotions, they start doing
affirmations, and or other sorts of mumbo-jumbo on their deep negative responses to losses.

They try to outmaneuver, outsmart, and overpower their subconscious mind.

They start telling themselves “I deeply accept losses.”

They tell themselves this even while their hands are shaking – their heart is beating faster – their brain is
shutting down – and anger, fear, revenge or other negative emotions are surging through their body.

Clearly, these well-meaning attempts will not work.

I am speaking about deeply accepting losses, from your heart.

From your guts.

From every inside deep level of who you are as a person.

In other words, stop caring about winning.

Stop caring about losing.

Stop worrying about what others will think about you if they knew you lost (this is a hidden program that
sabotages virtually every trader’s ability to take losses in peace.)

Stop taking losses personally.

Stop giving a hoot!

When you deeply accept losses, your heart rate does not increase – your chest does not tighten – your
stomach does not get tied up in knots.

In short, your body and mind will stay calm and relaxed.

You will not call yourself names like idiot or stupid, or loser.

You will be 100% able to see the market- without bias or distortion. There will be no emotions hijacking
your thinking, conscious mind.

There will be no lasting effects on your thoughts, emotions, or your physiology.

When you deeply accept losses, your conscious mind has full control!

All of your market training about what works – what doesn’t – all of your pattern recognition skills – all
of your wisdom about market structure will now help you win!

Yes, dear trader, your challenge is this:

Do whatever it takes to get to the level of not caring about losing!

That is the Holy Grail!

Please stop what you are doing right now – and put a Post-it note on your monitor.

Word it as you wish, but it should be something to the effect of, “my number one goal as a trader is to
detach from caring about losing (and winning). Because when I do that, the market becomes my personal

By the way, the reason I included winning in the previous sentence is this: if you get too excited about
winning – I guarantee that will destroy your trading results. Because you become like a hungry,
desperate, addict who is seeking a fix:

Only your fix is not an external chemical.

It is…

The fix of winning!

The thrill of knowing that you got what you wanted.

The adrenaline rush of overcoming and winning and conquering.

All of these responses to winning are a bright line indicator that you trade emotionally. Which will
destroy your trading results!

And this leads directly into the one word I strongly recommend you put to work for you.

For sure, I want you to tape this word to your computer monitor.

I want you to refer to this word all day long: especially during trades, but also before and after. I want you
to think of this word before you even think about trading.

The most important word – your most important commitment to yourself -to your trading career-
is this: you must trade in…


Write it on a post it note, and paste in on or above your monitor to remind yourself of the steps below,

Before you enter a trade, during a trade, and after a trade, see if you are in peace.


Listen to your thoughts.

Are you thinking about losing? Are you anticipating a loss? Are you getting excited anticipating a
winner? Are you getting excited anticipating the challenge of trading? (None of those reactions or
thoughts are peace!)

Pay attention to your body: is your heart rate increasing? Is your chest tightening? Is your stomach
tightening or twisting? Is your breathing getting faster – – or more likely is it almost frozen?

Pay attention to your emotional state: are you angry? Do you feel a need to get back losses from the past?
Do you feel a need to strike back at the market?

Now some traders – who are often very intelligent, will not approach these questions the right way. They
will try to “gloss over” what is really going on inside them.

For instance, someone will say “of course I don’t want to strike back at the market, that’s silly. What use
would that be?”

Yes, of course! You and I both know we cannot fight the market. But remember that you and I are
dominated by our emotional subconscious programming.

So no matter how much your smart conscious mind tells you, “I know I can’t fight the market” – if indeed
you find yourself revenge trading, if indeed you find yourself losing control, then your emotions are
taking over!

And your number one job as a trader, once you have an acceptable edge is to do this:

Tune in to what is really happening inside you before, during and after trades.
If you are NOT IN PEACE, then

When you do this successfully, the doors to powerful profitability open. They open – wide!

It’s important to monitor your emotional, physical, and mental states before, during, and after trades.

I recommend you keep a quick trading psychology journal. It can be as simple as an Excel spreadsheet, or
a piece of paper with columns for:

The time of the trade, your thoughts before, during, and after the trade, your physical reactions before,
during, and after the trade, and your emotions before, during, and after the trade.

If you are doing this in a totally honest way – with no bias – with no distortion – with no bowing to your
ego – you will see exactly how your subconscious programs are ruining your trading results!

Here is a powerful method to overcome trading challenges and to install peace:

Based on 27 years of experience with thousands of clients, I have developed a rapid results deletion
technology. Here’s how the method works:

When the trader and I begin our first session by phone, (that’s how 99% of my sessions take place
nowadays), we will first identify a major challenge to their trading success.

Let’s say the trader experiences anger after a loss. Or the need to take revenge.

My next step in the session is to ask the trader to briefly think of times when the market stopped them out
with a loss… times when they got angry, and wanted to get their money back from the market. The trader
will easily connect with that anger – they will be able to remember it – they will be able to feel the anger
and need to get back.

My clients are surprised by what I next say: Because I tell them “your work is done! The rest is up to

I then use my method to locate and delete the causes of that anger and need to make up for the loss. I also
locate and delete the many instances where that anger and need for revenge “infected” their memories.

And now comes the exciting part for the trader:

I ask the trader to go back to specific memories of that anger. And while they are trying to recall a
memory filled with anger…


In most every case, the trader will now feel peaceful. Calm. In total control.

I then ask the trader to try even harder to get back the anger. As you can see, this method does not
rely on hope, or positive thinking. It relies on proof.

When the trader cannot get back the negative emotion, they know that major progress has been

No matter how hard they try to manufacture or experience such negative emotions, in the past or the
future, events that used to be filled with such emotions no longer have any effect on them!

This is a major breakthrough moment for the trader. A disabling negative emotion is not merely
reduced – it is not merely managed – it has disappeared.

Then, we do this:

In order to convince my clients’ conscious minds that this change has really taken place so quickly, after
so many years of suffering, we will review as many memories as they need to – until they know deep in
their heart and in their head that the negative emotion is gone.

Traders tell me they feel a tremendous sense of relief and a deep peace of mind after experiencing these

Now, it’s about time to wrap things up…

While there is much more to say, we have covered a great deal of MUST HAVE information in this

I hope this information has turned on the lights for you. I hope it has helped you understand where you
are, what you are going through, and what needs to be done to turn your trading around.

PLEASE… PLEASE… refocus your efforts to do whatever it takes to get to a state of peace in your
trading. You will be amply rewarded when you do so.

Feel free to email me your questions and your comments. I welcome your feedback!

If you want to know more about if I can help you, email me or call me.

I am very busy, but I promise to reply to you, usually within 1 business day.

Until next time, I wish you the very best in your trading, and your life!

Steve Ira Present, M.S.

Email Contact

305 662 6800


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