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Ummi Kultsum Ratu L1), Danang Adhi K2), Adrianus Priyambodo3), Adi Hendri 4)
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mercu Buana, JAKARTA1) 2) 3) 4)
ummi.kultsumrl05@gmail.com1), dananghiperkes@gmail.com2), priyambodoadrianus@gmail.com3) Adihendri80@gmail.com4)
Abstract, Industry 4.0 is a development of the industrial world, followed by the development of
information systems technology and human needs. The Industrial Revolution affect the company's
needs in either the resources or systematization processing. In this journal will discuss how the
influence of IOT in to meet the needs of companies in facing the Industry 4.0. In general,
Implemantasi IOT in Industry 4.0 are located in different areas of work, diantaraya Transportation
and Logistics, Health, Environmental, Personal and social, Futuristic, Innovation and Revolution. In
Industry 4.0 each company has an organizational structure that consists of two parts. The first is the
Supporting activity, a brief explanation of elements that support the company's stand. The second is
the Primary Activity, a workflow process or penjelesan SOP companies. In practice, companies that
use industry 4.0 on average have a division of Technology Development.
Keywords : Iot, Industry 4.0, Technology.

4.0 Industrial Revolution, supported by the
network and smart devices, technologies and
processes that are connected properly. Vision
Industrial Revolution 4.0 is for cyber-physical
production system that provides digital
representations, intelligent services and interoperable
interfaces in order to support a flexible production
environment and network. smart devices, for example
via the IOT, and centralized control systems in
factories, communications machine-to-machine at the

Figure 1. The Industrial Revolution

Source: Wikipedia Figure 2. History of Industrial Engineering
Source: J. Heizer and Render B. (2011).
And in his application of human beings have a
vision or perspective that is different, whether they IOT development are also required to
see the revolution in general and specific / understand a basic theory, of what will be wearing /
specifications. Examples in general: Automotive developed from a job process flow. Examples of the
technology increasingly facilitates the human, check basic techniques Industry Input-Process-Output. This
the condition of the machine through the application, is discussed in the journal "Internet of Things in The
Technology Marketplace / virtual account payment Context of Industry 4.0: An Overview"About how the
method. Examples specifically: A company has a IOT work in the various parts of the world industry
staff of technology development to support the
production process in order to gain more profit
with examples of the application submitted in general between companies, organizations and other
and easier to understand society entities. In addition, they refer to the
 Transport and Logistic manufacturing, logistics, banking, finance
 Health otoritaspemerintah, etc.
 Living environment  Social Domain: This involves the application
 Personal and social relating to the development and inclusion of the
 Futuristic, Innovation community, the city, and the people and
government services for citizens and other
Another thing with the delivery of the journal community structures etc.
"The Role and Impact of Industry 4.0 and the Internet
of Things on the Business Strategy of the Value 1.1 In the journal "The Internet of Things in The
Chain- The Case of Hungary". Delivery will be more Context of Industry 4.0: An Overview"Library
specific with the theories taught in the subject Studies and a wide range of data analysis and
Industrial Engineering Supply chain process, charts, research in the field. Done in order to get results
diagrams and also methods 5 M. that correspond to the objectives of the topics
1. Man (Human), referring to human labor. they discussed. About picture IOT's role in the
2. machines (Engineering), refer to the machine as world Industry 4.0. They provide real examples
a facility / equipment supporting the activities of of easily understood.
the company both operationally and
nonoprasional. 1.1.1 The topics proposed translation of authors in
3. Money (Money / Capital), refers to the money as the journal:
capital for financing all activities of the  Healthcare and sanitary
company.  Smart Cities
4. method (Method / Procedure), referring to the  Smart environments
methods / procedures to guide implementation of  Transportation and logistics
the activities of the company.  Industry
5. materials (Raw Materials), referring to raw
materials as a key element to be processed until 1.1.2 Industry 4.0 Key Technology Involved In
it becomes a final product to be delivered to the "Digitization of the manufacturing sector, with
consumer embedded sensors in virtually all product
components and manufacturing equipment,
RESEARCH METHODS ubiquitous cyber-physical systems, and analysis of all
Gubbi et al. (2013) classifies the IOT relevant data".
applications in the following domains: 1) personal "Digitizing the manufacturing sector, with the
and home, 2), 3) usability and 4) access, taking into implementation of sensors that can be seen in all
account. The impact to the community, the type of components of the product and tool manufacturing,
network availability, scope, scale, heterogeneity, the overall cyber-physical systems, and analysis of all
repetition and user engagement (Gubbi et al., 2013). the data"
Meanwhile, in their study, Sundmaeker et al. (2010)
grouped into three IOT application domain following 1.1.3 In the context of the ingenuity Manufacturing
application (Sundmaeker et al., 2010): Industry 4.0
 Environmental Domain: This involves the The company's ability to process a process,
application to protect, monitor and develop all expected in tune with the development industry how
natural resources, environmental management they maintain the quality of products and to refine
services, energy management, recycling, methods shorter and efficient
agriculture etc.
 Industry Domain: This domain applications 1.1.4 Resources Free from Threat Iot and Industry
involving financial or commercial transactions 4.0
Most companies experience a positive impact related to the keyword, IOT, industry 4.0, and
in the development of technology, but they should Technology. Reference of this keyword further third
have a stringent regulatory system and strong to
(processed) studied, understood and analyzed and
company goals can be achieved, and each issue must
be managed and easily resolved. In the journal "The searched the corresponding relationships with each
Role and Impact of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of other to further didiskripsikan and drawn
Things on the Business Strategy of the Value Chain-
The Case of Hungary ",Study Library and a wide
range of data analysis and questionnaire survey and
field research. Done in order to get results that Judit Nagy, et al. (2018) conducted a study to
correspond to the objectives of the topics they
determine the use of IOT in the manufacturing
discussed. about the picture
industry in Hungary by conducting questionnaire
surveys and interviews of experts.
 Questionnaires
Questionnaires submitted to the Hungarian
Association member companies in the form of
newsletters, nearly 500 manufacturing and logistics.
The purpose of this questionnaire survey was to
understand how manufacturing companies face the
Industry 4.0 and digitization, what technology they
use, and most importantly what obstacles they face.
Figure 3. Chart Porter In addition to cyber security issues that are
Source: Journal analyzed in detail in the questionnaire, there are other

Submission in this journal more specifically in obstacles that may hamper digitization, such as data
the sense in Industrial Engineering on a wide variety analysis capabilities and human resource issues. The
of charts and data processing. One porter chart of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is not just about the
organizational chart and the activity and the process
application of technology, but also involves a lot of
of SOP companies created in the chart Porter. In the
journal taken a case in Hungary Company. In the No. organization and management problems that must be
3 Materials and methods used as the basis of the solved in order to achieve efficiency and better
results pengambian described what background
performance including competitiveness.
material needed and how they mngambil methods of
questionnaires and received 43 answers about the Questionnaires distributed by online in the
company's turnover of the number of employees and form of links, and starting with questions about
also of the type in what the company moves. Things
company data in common to define the size,
are a means IOT applied to the company: sensors,
RFIDs, cloud storage, large analytics data, CPSs, stroketour of ownership, and also the role of the
CPPSs, robot arms, company in the supply chain. part questionnaire IOT

DISCUSSION made in the form multiple-choice questions about

whether perusapany using IOT technology or not, and
Study of IOT application in industry, 4.0 five important points in assess the usefulness of the
revolution era is done by collecting a few references technology. The online questionnaire available from
the 43 answers that can be evaluated. The benckmark for the construction and development
composition of the sample answers obtained are: industry 4.0 in Indonesia
2 56% of large companies (over 250 employees) From the Journal of The Role and Impact of
3 28% of mid-size enterprises (50-249 employees) Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things on the
4 16% of small businesses (1-49 employees) Business Strategy of the Value Chain-The Case of
HungaryThis questionnaire is considered not
representative, so it needs to be supported by
statistical analysis and interviewing several experts.
The results of the fourth interview informants were
then compared to conclude. Examples of application
of IOT industry 4.0 is shown as a support to further
facilitate in providing an understanding. These results
can then be used as benckmark for the construction
Most of the answers given by industry and development industry and manufacturing in
Mechanical Eng. (23%), but the proportions of food Indonesia.
industry (18.6%) and industrial logistics service
providers (16.3%) is also high. In addition the
questionnaire also contained the question about the
use of new tools (CPS, CPPS, Big Data Analytics, REFERENCES
etc.), Advantages, disadvantages and cause a security
problem that may arise.
Introduction to Engineering industry- History and
But the results of this questionnaire is scope of Industrial Engineering, Hendri. ST. MT
considered not representative, so it needs to be Journal of The Role and Impact of Industry 4.0 and
the Internet of Things on the Business Strategy of the
supported by statistical analysis and interviewing
Value Chain-The Case of Hungary
several experts. Journal INTERNET OF THINGS IN THE


Internet Journal of Things in The Context of

Industry 4.0: An Overview.Giving an example of the
application of IOT industry 4.0 is displayed as a
support to further facilitate in providing an
understanding. These results can then be used as

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