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Table of Contents

Tittle Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------- page

Approve Sheet ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0
Acknowledgement ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Dedication ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
List of Tables ----------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
List of Figures ----------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
List of Appendices ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ix
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------ x

Chapter 1

Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Objective ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Scope and Limitation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Significant of Study ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Definition of Term ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature Study ------------------------------------------------------ 5
Review of Related Studies ------------------------------------------------------ 6
Synthesis and Justification of the Study ------------------------------------------------------ 6


Development Life Cycle ------------------------------------------------------ 7

Software Architecture ------------------------------------------------------ 8
Software and hardware requirement ------------------------------------------------------ 8
Gantt Chart ----------------------------------------------------- 10
Flow Chart ----------------------------------------------------- 12
Data Flow Diagram ------------------------------------------------------ 21
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ------------------------------------------------------ 24
Use Case ------------------------------------------------------ 25
System Evaluation ----------------------------------------------------- 26



Face is one of the most important biometric features of a human, can recognize different faces
without difficulty. And yet, it is challenging task to design a robust computer system for face
Process starts by being able to detect and recognize if they are student in ESSUC - University.
In today’s world, it has been proven that even he/she’s not student can go inside the campus
and that is the problem.
Therefore, system like Entrance Monitoring Using Facial Recognition”, will help the
guard/ESSUC campus to detect either they are student or outsider, because of this system. The
remarkable ability of the human mind to generate near positive identification of images & facial
recognition of individuals the inadequacy of using facial recognition is especially apparent when
compared to our own innate facial recognition ability.
Human perform facial recognition has drawn

considerable attention for searchers to invest time in finding algorithms that will replicate
effective face recognition on electronic systems use by humans.
Wang et al (2015p318) states that the process of searching a face is called face detection.
Face detection is to research for face with different expressions, size and angles in images in
possession of complicated light and background and feedback parameters of face. Face
recognition process images and identifies one or more faces in an images by analysing patterns
and comparing them. An extremely complex visual tasks, almost instantaneously and our own
recognition ability is far more robust than any computers can hope to be. Human can recognize
a familiar individual under very adverse lighting conditions.
This process uses algorithms which extracts features and compare them to a data base to find
match. By doing, came-based surveillance system software to analyse DNA sequences, by
treating a video as a scene that involves same way DNA does, to detect and recognize human
face. This system is not only to improve campus and control during regular classes it will also
possible to detect faces for student entrance purposes.

While research in this area dates back to the 1960’s,it is very recently that acceptable
result have been obtained, however, face recognition is still an area of active research since
completely successful approach or model has not been proposed to solve face recognition

The most challenging task for visual form (‘shape’) analysis and objective recognition is
the understanding of how people process and recognize each other’s face, and the
development of corresponding computational models hence this project aimed specifically to be
a relatively good gender classifier with other proposed functional objectives.
1. To detect the unique face image amidst the other natural components such as;
1.1 wall, background etc.
1.2 characteristics features of a face useful for face recognition.
1.3 faces characteristics such as beard, spectacles, etc.
1.4 Effective recognition of unique faces in a crowd.

2. To automate and update in the database without human intervention

3. To extract the feature of the face.

4. The System should be able to detect student throw entrance within 95% accuracy.

5. To recognise Student stored on a database on the system.

Scope and Limitation:

Gender classification of a person based only a frontal view image is something a human
can easily accomplish. It can be decided by the person’s hair, eyes, mouth, and other
properties with relatively high degree of accuracy.
However this will be a problem when it comes to automating the processing using a
computer program.
This project therefore is to solve this matter, the gender estimation algorithm.
The system that we have developed it has a method and composed of three parts: face
detection, face extraction, and face recognition.
Performance of proposed method will be tested upon the standard face database
namely YALE database.
Another important aspect where we can work is toward creating an online database of
the face recognition and its updating.
Significant of Study:

The ability to recognize face is very important to many aspect of life. It’s not only helps
us to recognise those close to us but also allows us to identify individuals we do not
know so that we can be more aware of possible dangers.

In his 1865 book, Expression of Emotions in man and Animals, Charles Darwin first
proposed an evolutionary explanation for the human fascination with faces. He argued
that critical social cues are expressed through facial gestures during situation of extreme
fear and excitement, strongly suggesting that the face is an important feature of an
ancestral social communication. Today our ability
Definition of terms:

Facial recognition is a way of recognizing a human face through technology. A

facial recognition system uses biometrics to map facial features from a
photograph or video. It compares the information with a database of known
faces to find a match. Facial recognition can help verify personal identity,...


This section gives an overview on the major human face recognition techniques
that apply mostly to frontal faces, advantages and disadvantages of each method
are also given. The methods considered are Eigen faces (eigenfeatures), neural
networks, dynamic link architecture, hidden Markov model, geometrical feature
matching, and template matching.

In 2015, a trio of Google researcher published a paper on face recognition in

artificial intelligence dubbed as Face Net. It claimed to use a highly accurate
method for face recognition achieving a close to 100 percent accuracy on a face
recognition dataset known as Labeled Faces in the Wild which included more
than 13,000 images of faces from across the world. With 260 million image-
dataset fed as training, Face Net performed with over 86 percent accuracy. The
system can give a name to a

In connection with this study. The Reacher’s developed facial Recognition div

The Eastern Samar State University Can- avid

Campus and Entrance Monitoring Using Facial Expression System is designed with a
hand –on approach based on research.
Chapter III methodology

Face and facial components in a scene feature extraction algorithms. Not this
procedures should be neglected, since each components is critical and performs
as a part of face recognition system.

In this paper, we designed a generic modular projection- based face recognition

system and performance evaluation methodology to present the importance of
system design and assessment design methodology. Face recognition system in
consist of processing, presentation, and recognition modules. Since we use
generic method, we can change the implementation method in an orderly manner
and assess the impact of performance of each modification.
Development life cycle

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