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My parents never apologized for making me go

When I was in school, my parents suggest me to be on the swim team. Swimming is a

challenging thing if you are a girl. Every month, if you are on your period whethereither you
have to skip swimming or have to get ready to face the consequences. You might know what its
consequences are and how hard for a swimmer to swim on her period. It wouldn’t have been so
bad if you were allow to wear tampons, but for unmarried girl like me, it is restricted. So every
month, I fight with myself whether or not I had to go to practice.
Every month up to 3-4 days I used to skip the practice but u you can do nothing if u got your
periods when you have swimming completion. I’ll never forget that day, when there was ’s an
interschool swimming completion. My parents didn’t let me skip that one though I was unable to
participate. I wore a pad as I wasn’t allowed to wear a tampon. Wearing a pad is like wearing a
diaper,diaper; everyone can notice it in a swim costume. Well, I had no choice and had to swim
in that diaper like thing.
I dive into the water, but all my mind was roaming around that thing. When I got out of the
water, there was blood running down my legs, everyone was peaking at me. I felt so embarrassed
at that very moment. I went to the bathroom and cried more than an hour. that was The most
unpleasant memories of my life. The worst thing is that my parents never apologized for making
me go. Being a female is a challenge in herself, you have to go through your problem by yourself
and no hand would be raised to help you. What I experienced was worse than a worse, I wish no
female have to experience it again.

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