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-Complete the exercise using As or Like.

1. She looks ________ her mother. 

2. He was appointed ________ a teacher in a high school. 
3. She is ________ an angel. 
4. My brother is ________ me. 
5. Alan qualified ________ an engineer and worked for a French company. 
6. He works ________ a slave to get the project ready on time. 
7. She can swim ________ a fish. 
8. She looks ________ a princess in her beautiful dress. 
9. When he saw the police, he ran ________ lightening to warn his accomplice. 
10. Don't behave ________ a child. 
11. Can you be ________ kind as your sister? 
12. He looks very much ________ his grandfather. 
13. She looks ________ a superstar in her fancy clothes. 
14. I want to join the company ________ a manager. 
15. Here are some tips on how to write ________ a professional. 

Relative Clause That: We use the relative clauses to give more information about a noun.

For example: An artist is a person ​that​ paints portraits.

-Write 5 sentences using the relative clause That. You can use the next picture as a guide.

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