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Can - Could (permission)

We use ​Can​ and ​Could​ to ask for permission.

Can is ​informal​ and Could is ​formal​ (​more polite​).

Can/Could + ​I ​+ ​base verb​. (Please before the base verb is optional).

> Can ​I ​use ​your phone to call my mom?

> Could ​I ​speak​ ​with you for a moment?
Think about how respectful you need to be while completing this exercise. Look at the
examples in ​blue​.
Should - Shouldn’t (advice)

We use should and shouldn’t to give advice. Look at these pictures to study how to use
should correctly.
Now, use this information to give advice in the following situations, what would you tell these

1- I want to quit smoking. What should I do?

2- I found a wallet with RD$15,000 pesos in it, what should I do?
3- I have had a terrible headache for 3 days. What should I do?
4- I hate my body! I want to have plastic surgery. What should I do?
5- My girlfriend left me, I feel really depressed. I don’t know what to do...
6- My son doesn’t want to go to school, he says that all his classmates hate him, what
should I do?
7- My child wakes up very often during the night. He usually sleeps during the day. I haven’t
had any good sleep for weeks. What should I do?
8- I keep losing my credit card. What should I do?
9- I need to learn English much faster, because I am going to the United States in two
months. What should I do?
10- I just moved to Santo Domingo and I want to meet new people and make some friends,
what should I do?

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