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2: Pattern of Development: Definition

A. Objective
“Every new concept first come to the mind in a judgement.” – Charles Sanders Peirce

At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

1. understand the nature and process of defining a word, a concept, an expression, an idea, etc.;
2. know and apply the different techniques, strategies, or methods of defining; and
3. create a full-blown essay using definition as the primary mode of pattern development.

B. Introduction
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C. Warm-Up
Shared Blog:
One of the most complicated concepts to explain in words is emotions. What is happiness? How do you
know when you are happy? Do the things that make you happy, also make other people happy? Below is
a table in which seven emotions are listed. Enumerated the things or events that make you feel the
following emotions. (INSERT PICTURE OF TABLE)

D. Pre-Reading Journal Entry

What is passion? What are you passionate about? What is that one thing you would gladly do even if no
one would tell you to? What is that one thing you would never tire of doing? Without stopping, write
about your passion for five minutes. If you cannot put all your thoughts into words, draw illustrations to
supplement your journal entry. After writing, hold onto these questions and compare and what you
wrote as you contrast them with Barbara C. Gonzalez’s notions of “passion” in the essay

E. Reading
“Appassionato” by Barbara C. Gonzalez

F. Post-Reading:
1. Vocabulary Check
The following underlined words are lifted from the text “Appassionato” by Barbara C. Gonzalez. Try to
figure out what the words mean with the help of context clues.
1. Then we would have been saved from vacillating between deadening dullness and paralyzing panic,
from the trouble of learning on our own that life without passion is like salad without dressing –
safe, healthy, not flattening, and unspeakably drab.
2. When desire smothers diffidence, when we opt for paths less travelled, corners less explored, then
we live life with passion.
3. Analyzing passion is like defining love. We teeter dangerously on the brink of mawkishness.
4. Passion is visceral. It stands outside traditional thinking. It ignores conventions like distance, time,
social acceptance. It dares into uncharted waters. It used to be primarily associated with romantic
5. Because by its etymology (from the Latin word “passus”, past participle of “pati” meaning to suffer)
it brings pain.

2. Comprehension Check
1. What is the etymology of the word “passion”? Which language does it come from? How was it
evolved into how we spell and understand the word now?
2. According to the selection, how are passion and pain related? Is it necessary to feel pain first
before passion? Explain your answer.
3. How does the author compare and contrast love, lust, and pain, each with passion?
4. How is passion applied in work?
5. According to the author, what us a “crime of passion”? How is passion related to crime? Is it
wrong to commit such an act? How so? What are its consequences?

G. Discussion

H. Writing
It is widely known fact the Philippines is the only predominantly Catholic country in Asia. This fact
does not go unnoticed to Gonzalez when she mentions the Passion of Christ in her essay to explain the
concept of appassionato: “Passion comes from the Latin word for “suffering” hence the Passion of
Christ. It implies suffering for a cause deemed noble: Christ believed in His Divine mission and carried
it through to an extremely uncomfortable death.”

Here in our country, we have our own Filipino version of the Passion of Christ. We call it Pasyon. How
do Filipinos observe the Pasyon? Compare and contrast how Filipinos observe the Pasyon and how other
Catholic countries observe the Passion of Christ. What do non-Filipinos do during the Lenten Season? If
yes, how is the Filipinos’ passion of any comparison to Christ’s suffering “for a caused deemed noble”?
if no, how so?

Write a one-page definition essay on the Filipino concept “Pasyon.” Do research. You can opt to read
about the topic, observe your surroundings during the Lenten season, interview people who participate
in the Pasyon, watch documentaries, or do whatever other means of acquiring information for your
paper. Do not forget to utilize the techniques of defining mentioned earlier in this lesson.

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