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City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Third Periodical Test

Science IV

Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Objects at rest have ____________________.

a. potential energy c. radiant energy
b. kinetic energy d. electrical energy
2. Moving objects have _____________________.
a. potential energy c. radiant energy
b. stored energy d. electrical energy
3. Friction is strongest on __________________.
a. smooth surfaces c. wet surfaces
b. rough surfaces d. none of the above
4. Heat transfers from ______________.
a. a cold to hot object c. one object to another
b. a hot to cold object d. all of the above
5. We use ______________ to decrease friction.
a. sand c. oil
b. pebbles d. all of the above
6. Fuel, heat and _______________ are needed to start a fire.
a. oxygen c. carbon dioxide
b. nitrogen d. all of the above
7. Heat travels by conduction through________________.
a. solid b. the sun c. light d. liquid

8. Heat travels by Convection through ________________.

a. solid b. the sun c. light d. liquid
9. Fires can be prevented by _________________.
a. cutting off the supply of oxygen c. screening all windows and doors
b. keeping flammable materials away from the house d. none of the above
10. One safety measures to prevent fire is to ______________.
a. cook outside the house c. use gas as fuel
b keep matches away from children d. none of the above
11. Betty asked Armando to push the cabinet in the cemented floor to the end of the room. What should he do
to push the cabinet easily.
a. scrub the floor c. put wheel or ball bearing in the cabinet
b. tie a rope into the cabinet d. put lubricant on the floor
12. John bought a new pair of shoes last June. Now, the sole of his shoes has worn out. What do you think
have caused it?
a. asphalt b. energy c. friction d. motion
13. which of these is a product of rapid oxidation?
a. decay b. fire c. coal d. rust
14. A metal spoon dipped into hot water will eventually feel hot. Heat is transferred by:
a. combustion b. conduction c. convection d. radiation
15. Which of the following activities contribute to soil erosion?
a. planting trees c. making dams to control the flow of water
b. cutting down trees d. none of the above
16. which is not a composition of the soil?
a. boulder b. decayed plants c. decayed animals d. rock fragments
17. Which layer of the soil is the most fertile?
a. bedrock c. topsoil c. humans d. subsoil
18. Why should we prevent soil erosion?
a. it changes the shape of the land c. it causes plants to die
b. it dries up water system d. all of the above
19. The Talavera Family has huge has a huge farm land. What method of preventing soil erosion is advisable
to preserve the mineral content of their land?
a. crop rotation b. strip-cropping c. contour plowing d. terracing
20. what method of preventing soil erosion is being done by a farmer who plants crops by following the shape
of the hill?
.a. crop rotation b. strip-cropping c. contour plowing d. terracing
21. in what way does wind cause soil erosion?
a. blowing away soil c. carrying away seeds
b. blowing away leaves d. changing rocks to soil
22. Lola noticed that his sweet potatoes had been washed when it rained hard. He decided to plant his sweet
potatoes in row alternately with rows of his corn plants. This is called __________________.
A contour plowing b. riprap c. strip cropping d. terracing
23. Why does a river turn muddy after a heavy rain?
a. because of clouds c. because of soil erosion
b. because of water eveporation d. all of the above
24. How can we prevent soil erosion?
a. by reforestation b. strip-cropping c. contour plowing d. all of the above
25. Where will wind carry more materials?
a. in a dry and barren land b. in a forest c. in a grassland d. in an open sea
26. A strong wind can carry
a. big rocks c. more little rocks and soil particles
b. little rocks and less soil particles d. all of the above
27. Soil erosion results in the loss of_______________.
a. rock material b. soil nutrient c. water d. air in the soil
28. This is a tiny droplets of water in the atmosphere.
a. water vapor b. weather c. rain d. none of the above
29. This is the condition of the atmosphere.
a. clouds b. weather c. rain d. evaporation
30. The scientist who specializes the study of weather.
a. astronomers b. psychologist c. meteorologist d. inventors
31. the hotness or coldness of air.
a. visibility b. brightness c.temperature d. air pressure
32. The thermometer can be read as
a. Celsius b. Fahrenheit c. Calvin d Both A & B
33. The weather newscaster said at a fair weather will be experienced today. What does a fair weather mean?
a. It has a strong wind c. A storm is coming
b. Few clouds are present d. Clouds are present and may produce rain
34. The weight of the air pressing on the earth is called _____________.
a. air pressure b. humidity c. temperature d. all of the above
35. Air pressure measured by:
a. anemometer b. wind vane c. hygrometer d. barometer
36. After PAGASA announced that a super typhoon has entered the country, which is most likely to happen?
a. Flights are cancelled c. Fishermen would not go out fishing
b. People will stay indoor where it safe d. all of the above
37. In which of these landforms would soil be easily eroded?
a. plain b. mountain c. plateau d.valley
38. How does water evaporates when air is warm?
a. slowly b. moderately c. fast d. very slowly
39. When is air temperature at its highest during the day?
a. in the early morning c. in the early afternoon
b. at noontime d. late in the afternoon
40. Why is a weather forecast important?
a. so that you can plan ahead your activities for the day
b. so that you can read a weather map accurately
c. so that you can tell whether the weather will be fine or not
d. all of the above

”Be patient and you will finally win, for a soft tongue can break hard bones.
(Proverbs 28:13)”


Teacher Mina 

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