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1. Answer: B

Sociology is the study of human society, its origins, functions and problems. It focuses on relations among people, groups,
classes, organizations, and cultures (University of Arizona, 2017). The science of society, social institutions, and social
relationships specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized
groups of human beings (Merriam Webster).

2. Answer: A

Enculturation is the process by which an individual learns the traditional content of a culture and assimilates its practices and
values (Merriam Webster). Enculturation is the process of teaching an individual the norms and values of a culture through
unconscious repetition ( By being refined- also means civilized or having a high state of culture and
development both social and technological. (

3. Answer: A

Proverb provides useful insight into people’s value system. Value system of a group of people is the set of beliefs and attitudes
that they all share. Proverb is a short sentence that people often quote, which give advice or tells you something about life; a
wise saying or admonition providing guidance. (Collins Dictionary).

4. Answer: B

In open society, certain inequalities may exist, but individuals have the opportunity to move up to a higher social class or down
to a lower social class. Within this system, individuals can move from one class to another through hard work, demonstrated
unit, luck, or marriage, their status is thus said to be achieved. In closed societies, a person’s social status is assigned at birth and
set for life with no possibility of moving either up or down. This condition is referred to as ascribed status. A caste stratification
system, where individuals cannot freely move one level to another. ( I and IV are
examples of open class society, in which a minority (a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that coexist with but is
subordinate to a more dominant group) becomes the president of a big business enterprise; a boy from elite (people who have
most wealth and status in society, most successful and powerful) group marries a person from working class. II and III are
examples of close class society, in which they have no choice, their social status is set for life and no possibility of moving up or

5. Answer: A

Social norm is a pattern or behavior in a particular group, community, or culture, accepted as normal and to which an individual
is accepted to conform (Business Dictionary). Folkways are traditional behavior of a community or group of people.

6. Answer: B

Values are individual’s beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as guide to human behavior (Ethics
Unwrapped). Norm is a pattern of behavior in a particular group, community, or culture, accepted as standard or a way of
behaving or doing things that most people agree with (Cambridge dictionary). Mores are norms set by society, largely for
behavior and appearance ( Folkways are learned behavior shared by social group that provides a
traditional mode of conduct (

7. Answer: A

Deviant act is an act or behavior that falls outside of society’s norms, departing from usual or accepted standards. Used to
describe a behavior that is not usual and is generally considered to be unacceptable. Innovation is the use of new idea or
method. Invention is the process of creating something new that has never been seen before. (Cambridge dictionary). Diffusion
is the act of dispersing something, spreading it out from a central point (

8. Answer: A

Authority refers to accepted power that is, power that people agree to follow. Max Weber’s 3 types of authority are:
charismatic, traditional, and rational- legal authority. First type discussed by Weber is the rational- legal authority. It is a form of
authority with legitimacy that depends on formal rules and established laws of the state, which are usually written down and are
often very complex. The second type is the traditional authority, which derives from long- established customs, habits, and
social structures. When one power passes from one generation to another, it is known as traditional authority. The third form of
authority is charismatic authority. The charisma of an individual or the leader plays an important role.
( Charismatic leaders are those whose charismatic qualities inspires others to follow them.
Whether such leadership has beneficial results or depends on other aspects of the leader, namely whether their motivation is
self- centered or for good of all, whether they have the ability to develop effective strategies to accomplish their goals, and
whether the content of their message reduces the quality of life members of the society. (New World Encyclopedia, 2014).
9. Answer: A

The factors that affect social change are endogenous and exogenous factors. Endogenous factors are the internal factors like
infrastructural facilities and their distribution among various people in society. Exogenous factors are the external factors which
are beyond the control of the human beings like the natural disasters etc. (Nair, 2015).

10. Answer: C

11. Answer: C

Sanction is a threatened penalty for disobeying the law or rule (Oxford dictionary). Slapping the palms of bad by, sentencing a
murderer to death, and getting a failing mark for cheating in exams are examples of sanction, there is a penalty for wrongdoing
or disobedience to rule or law. Confessing a crime to authorities, in criminal law is giving of statement in which a person
acknowledges that he is guilty of committing one or more crimes, not an example of sanction.

12. Answer: B

Culture has five basic characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, integrated, and dynamic. Culture is learned. It is
not biological; we don’t inherit it. We learn culture from families, peers, institutions, and media. It is a learned behavior, no one
is born with an inherent understanding of their culture; they must learn it as they grow. (Chapter 9: The Characteristics of
Culture). A Visayan girl became fluent in Tagalog after a few years stay in Manila, is an example that a culture is learned. A
vegetarian had to eat pork because there was nothing else to eat is an example of cultural adaptation.

13. Answer: B

Leonardo da Vinci was a true genius who graced this world with presence from April 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519. Leonardo’s impact
on art is tremendous. Through his life, Leonardo avoided the intrigues of worldly ambitions and vanity. He was reserved and
withdrawn man, not concerned with glory, and yet absolutely sure of the value of his abilities. Along with a small band of
contemporary Renaissance figures, Leonardo da Vinci became the center of a movement of artists that has permanently
enriched western culture. ( Comic book, a bound collection of comic strips, usually in chronological
sequence, typically telling a single story or series of different stories. The first true comic books were marketed in 1933 as a
giveaway advertising premiums. In 1960s comic books satirizing the cultural underworld became popular, especially among
college students. Japanese comic books, with their great variation in content and effect, had achieved worldwide popularity, and
comic “zines” represented a thriving subculture. (

14. Answer: A

Society has expectations about how an individual should behave. A norm is a guide or an expectation for behavior. Each society
makes up its own rules for behavior and decides when those rules have been violated and what to do about it
( Stereotype is a commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of an
individual. It is a norm in our society that men are aggressive, strong, center of dominance and control.

15. Answer: C

Subcultures are groups with distinct patterns of learned, and shared behavior (ethnicities, races, genders, age categories) within
a larger culture. Despite these distinctive traits, members of subculture still share commonalities with the larger society.
Subcultures exist in most state level systems because those systems are pluralistic, they encompass more than one ethnic group
or culture. (Chapter 9: The Characteristics of Culture)

16. Answer: A

Pepenski: effective form of social control among Chinese communist is by group manipulation and guilt and shame (Social

17. Answer: C

A bureaucracy is a system of organization noted for its size and complexity. Everything within a bureaucracy- responsibilities,
jobs, and assignments- exist to achieve some goal. All bureaucracies share similar characteristics, including specialization
(workers in bureaucracy perform specialized tasks that call for training and expertise), hierarchal organization (a succession of
tiers from the most menial work in the organization to the highest executive; each level has clearly defined authority and
responsibilities), and formal rules (bureaucracy function under formal rules). In the best circumstances, this characteristics allow
a bureaucracy to function smoothly. (
18. Answer: A

The primary function of religion according to Emile Durkheim is it provides social cohesion and social control to maintain society
in social solidarity.

19. Answer: D

In the social sciences, a social group is two or more human beings who interact with one another, share similar characteristics,
and have a collective sense of unity. A social group exhibits some degree of social cohesion and is more than a simple collection
or aggregate of individuals. Characteristics shared by group may include interests, values, representations, ethnic or social
background, and kinship ties. Sociologists distinguish between two types of groups based on characteristics. A primary group is a
typically small social group whose members share close, personal, enduring relationships. These group marked by concern for
one another, shared activities and culture, and long periods of time spent together. It is a group in which one exchanges implicit
items, such as love, caring, concern, and support. Secondary groups are large groups whose relationships are impersonal and
goal- oriented; their relationships are temporary. Secondary relationships involve weak emotional ties and little personal
knowledge of one another. Secondary groups are based on interests and activities; are groups which exchanges explicit
commodities, such as labor for wages, service for payments, etc. (

20. Answer: B

Fascism is an economic system in which the government controls the private entities that own the factors of production. In a
fascist economy, the role of the government is more than simply regulatory. It has strong influence over controlling investments
and industries. Under this type of economy, the government ensures that the most successful entrepreneurs are supported in
their business ventures while simultaneously dismantle unions. (

21. Answer:

Social class is a group of people of similar status, commonly sharing comparable levels of power and wealth. In sociology, social
classes describe one form of social stratification. When a society is organized by social classes, it is theoretically possible for
people to attain a higher status with which they started. Social classes is not based on birth but on factors such as education and
professional success, it allows for some social mobility ( In Sociology, social interaction is a dynamic sequence
of social actions between individuals (or groups) who modify their actions and reactions due to actions by their interaction

22. Answer: C

Caste system is a social category to which a person belongs involuntarily; a caste contrast with social class. In sociology, caste
system describes one form of social stratification. If a person occupies a low social status, it is difficult or impossible for that
person to achieve a higher status, as typically, one cannot change one’s caste. Class system depend mainly on economic
differences between grouping of individuals- inequalities in possession and control of material resources; a stratified system
based on socioeconomic status in which individuals have potential for mobility. Caste is more rigid (unable to be changed or
bent) stratification system, in which one cannot change one’s caste and it is difficult or impossible for that person to achieve a
higher status.

23. Answer: D

Pottery played an important role in the development of civilization. The old stone age (Paleolithic period) refers to a long period
of time, from roughly 2.6 million years ago until 10,000 B.C.E. For a long time archeologists and paleontologists didn’t believe
people in this time period made pottery. Pottery in ancient times was used for food storage. (Sailus, 2019)

24. Answer: D

Stereotype is a commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of an individual; many people interact
initially with the stereotype rather than with the true person. (Social sciences)

25. Answer: C

Discovery is the act of finding or learning something for the first time; something seen or learned for the first time. (Merriam

26. Answer: B
27. Answer: B

Cliarvoyance is the ability to see or know things without actually perceiving them via senses. It is a form of extrasensory
perception ( Psychokinesis is changing the state or position of a physical object, using only the power of
mind (Cambridge dictionary). Precognition is the ability to actually perceive or see future event through extrasensory perception
or clairvoyance, before it happens ( Mental telepathy is the process of transferring thoughts from one
mind to another, in the absence of any known transmission (
28. Answer: A

Fixation is a concept in human psychology that was originated by Sigmund Freud (1905) to denote the persistence of
anachronistic sexual trait. Freud theorized that some humans may develop psychological fixation due to: lack of proper
gratification during one of the psychosexual stages of development; receiving a strong impression in one of the stages etc.
(www. Repression is like suppression: you restrain, inhibit, or subdue something; holding back or holding down.
Regression is “going back”; is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person abandons age- appropriate coping
strategies, more childlike behaviors. ( Regression is a form of retreat, bringing back a time when a person
feels safe and taken care of ( Identification (psychology) is a process by which an individual
unconsciously endeavors to pattern himself after another. This process is important in the development of personality,
particularly the superego or conscience, which is molded largely on the behavior of adult significant others

29. Answer: D

Illusion is an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience (Oxford dictionary). Hallucinations are
sensations that appear real but are created by your mind, can affect five of your senses ( Auditory imagery
is a mental image that is similar to an auditory perception ( Eidetic imagery is the ability to retain images
in memory that agree almost perfect photographic quality, photographic memory (

30. Answer: D

Affective disorders are set of psychiatric disorders, also called mood disorders. There are three types of affective disorder,
depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorder ( Generalized anxiety disorder is a chronic state of
severe worry and tension. Those with GAD regularly anticipate disaster, often worrying excessively about health, money, family,
work. Merely getting through the day brings anxiety. Panic disorder is characterized by uncontrollable, recurrent episodes of
panic and fear that peak within minutes. Panic attacks are accompanied by physical manifestations, such as heart palpitations,
sweating, dizziness, as well as fear of dying or becoming insane. Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder, its active symptoms
includes delusions (a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined), hallucinations (are sensations that appear real but
are created in mind), trouble with thinking and concentration, and lack of motivation. (

31. Answer: C

Dopamine is one of the brain’s neurotransmitters. Dopamine helps regulate movement, attention, learning, and emotional
responses; it enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them. (
Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline, a hormone produced by adrenal glands, which are located on top of your kidneys. The
hormone is necessary for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system- it makes the heart beat more strongly, and diverts blood
to tissues during times of stress ( Enkephalins are pentapeptides that are produced mainly in central
nervous system. Nerve endings of the central nervous system and the adrenal medulla release these naturally occurring
morphine- like substance. Enkephalins bind to opiate receptors and release controlled levels of pains (
Thorazine is a medication used to treat certain mental/ mood disorders (

32. Answer: D

Minima is relative for minimum; the least quantity or amount possible ( Subliminal perception is derived
from sub (below) and limen (threshold), and it refers to perception so subtle it cannot reach conscious assessment
( Percept is the mental result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of
perceiving ( Stimulus threshold refers to the minimum intensity required from a stimulus to produce a
response from a human or an animal (

33. Answer: D

Sensorimotor stage (18-24 months old) characteristics include motor activity without the use of symbols. All things learned are
based on experiences, or trial and error. Preoperational stage (2-7 years old), memory and imagination are developing, children
are egocentric, has difficulty thinking outside their own viewpoints. Concrete operational (7-11 years old), children are much less
egocentric, is marked by more logical and methodical manipulation of symbols. Formal operational (11 years old and older),
using of symbols to understand abstract concepts, can think multiple variables and come up with hypotheses based on previous
knowledge. (

34. Answer: B

Von restorff effect, or isolation effect, refers to better memory for items that “stand out”. First demonstrated by Hedwig von
Restorff ( Zeigarnik effect, whereby interruption of a task can lead to it being remembered in more
detail; it was found that interruption of task that require focus can in fact improve, rather than heed, a person’s ability to
remember it afterwards. This unexpected effect has implications for the techniques that we might use to learn and to recall
important pieces of information ( Greenspoon effect: It refers to an experimental effect found in
some studies of verbal conditioning in which the speaker's use of certain classes of words may increase in frequency when
reinforced by the listener making appropriate diffident gestures of assent. Muller- lyer illusion is based on the Gestalt principles
of convergence and divergence; the lines at the sides seems to lead the eye either inward or outward to create a false
impression of length (

35. Answer: C

Gestalt psychology was founded by German thinkers Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka and focused on how
people interpret the world. The Gestalt perspective formed partially as a response to the structuralism of Wilhelm Wundt, who
focused on breaking down mental events and experiences to the smallest elements. The law of similarity suggests that things
similar things tend to appear grouped together. Grouping can occur in both visual and auditory stimuli. The word pragnanz is a
German term meaning "good figure." The law of Pragnanz is sometimes referred to as the law of good figure or the law of
simplicity. This law holds that objects in the environment are seen in a way that makes them appear as simple as possible. Law
of proximity, things that are near each other seem to be grouped together. Because the objects are close to each other, we
group them together. The law of continuity holds that points that are connected by straight or curving lines are seen in a way
that follows the smoothest path. Rather than seeing separate lines and angles, lines are seen as belonging together. Law of
closure, things are grouped together if they seem to complete some entity. Our brains often ignore contradictory information
and fill in gaps in information. (

36. Answer: D

Parenting styles is a concept first described by Diana Baumrind (1966) and later expanded by Maccoby and Martin (1983). It
refers to the degree which parents respond to their child’s needs, disciplinary strategies they use, parental expectations for
maturity and control, and the effects that this has on their child’s development. There are four styles of parenting: Authoritarian,
or “too hard”, highly demanding but not responsive parenting. Children are expected to follow strict rules, and not following will
result to punishment. This type of parenting style may lead to children who are obedient and proficient, but less happy and self-
confident. Second, permissive, “too soft”, parenting style depicted as low demands, but highly responsive. Parents who are
permissive, place few demands on the child, allow the child to regulate his or her own behavior, and remain, nurturing and
communicative. This may lead to children who seem spoiled or self- centered, and they do not perform as well in school.
Authoritative, or “just right”, is portrayed as moderately demanding and responsive. Parents set and reinforce limits, but are
much more responsive and willing to listen to questions. When children fail to meet the expectations, they are more likely to be
forgiving instead of punishing, and see discipline as teaching. Children are thought to be most happy, capable and successful.
Uninvolved parenting style is characterized by few demands, low responsiveness, and little communication. Parents seems to be
detached from their child’s life and, in extreme cases, may neglect or reject their child. Their children may lack self- control, have
lower self-esteem, and less competent than peers. ( Permissive, no demands, being firm and
consistent, providing a lot of educational toys but does not mind if the house is disorganized, will produce a spoiled, self-
centered, less happy and self- confident child.

37. Answer: A
38. Answer: D

Subliminal stimulation is a sensory stimulation that is below a person’s threshold for perception. It can’t be seen by a naked eye
and or consciously heard. An example would be visual stimuli that is flashed so quickly on a screen that a person can’t process it
so therefore they are unaware they have seen anything ( Sensory adaptation refers to a reduction in
sensitivity to a stimulus after constant exposure to it. It reduces our awareness of a constant stimulus, it helps free up our
attention and resources to attend to other stimuli in the environment around us. Selective attention is the process of focusing on
a particular object in the environment for a certain period of time. Attention is a limited resource, so selective attention allows
us to tune out unimportant details and focus on what really matters. Just noticeable difference, is known as difference
threshold, is the minimum level of stimulation that a person can detect 50 percent of the time. For example, if you were asked
to hold two objects in different weights, the just noticeable difference would be the minimum weight difference between the
two that you could sense half of the time. (

39. Answer: C

Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who agreed with the main assumption of Abraham Maslow, but added that for a
person to grow, they need an environment that provides them genuineness, acceptance, and empathy (being listened to and
understood). He believed that for a person to achieve self- actualization they must be in a state of congruence. This means that
self- actualization occurs when a person’s “ideal self” (i.e., who they would like to be) is congruent with their actual behavior
(self-image). ( Rogers believed that all behavior is self- motivated by self- actualizing tendencies,
which drive a person to achieve at their highest level. If a person has a positive self- concept, they tend to feel good about who
they are and often see the world as a safe and positive place. If they have negative self- concept, they may feel unhappy with
who they are. (
40. Answer: D

Negative transfer is the obstruction or interference with new learning because of previous learning (
Spontaneous recovery is a phenomenon that involves sudden displaying a behavior that was thought to be extinct. Spontaneous
recovery can be defined as the reappearance of the conditional response after a rest period of lessened response. If the
conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are no longer associated, extinction will occur very rapidly after a spontaneous
recovery. Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through
operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. In the conditioning
process, stimulus generalization is the tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has
been conditioned. For example, if a child has been conditioned to fear a stuffed white rabbit, it will exhibit a fear of objects
similar to the conditioned stimulus such as white toy. (

41. Answer: C

Imaginal desensitization is a technique that allows a person to gradually confront panic triggers by tackling them first in their
imagination. Mowrer (1947) put forward a two process model, to explain how phobias are learned through classical conditioning
and maintained through operant conditioning. According to classical conditioning, phobias can be acquired through classical
conditioning and associative learning. The process of classical conditioning can explain how we learn to associate something we
do not fear (neutral stimulus), for example a dog, with something which triggers a fear response (unconditioned stimulus), for
example being bitten. After an association has formed, the dog (now a conditioned stimulus) causes a response of fear
(conditioned response) and consequently, we develop a phobia of dogs, following a single incident of being bitten. Operant
conditioning explain why our phobias do not decay over time. According to operant conditioning phobias can be negatively
reinforced. This is where a behavior is strengthened, because an unpleasant consequence is removed. For example, if a person
with a phobia of dogs whilst out walking, they might try to avoid the dog by crossing over the road. This avoidance reduces the
person’s feelings of anxiety and negatively reinforces their behavior, making the person more likely to repeat this behavior
(avoidance) in the future. As a result a person will continue to avoid dogs and maintain their phobia. According to these two-
process model, phobias are initiated through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning.

42. Answer: B

Diffusion of responsibility is a psychological phenomenon in which people are less likely to take action when in the presence of
large group of people (

43. Answer: C

Demand characteristic is a subtle cue that makes participants aware of what the experimenter expects to find or how
participants are expected to behave. Demand characteristic can change the outcome experiment because participants will often
alter their behavior to conform to expectations. The Hawthorne effect is a term referring to the tendency of some people to
work harder and perform better when they are participants in an experiments. The term is often used to suggest that individuals
may change their behavior due to the attention they are receiving from researchers rather than any manipulation of
independent variables. The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we
feel and think about his or her character. One of the great example of the halo effect in action is out overall impression of
celebrities. Since we perceive them as attractive, successful, and often likable, we also tend to see them as intelligent, kind, and
funny. Random assignment refers to the use of chance procedures in psychology experiments to ensure that each participant
has the same opportunity to be assigned to any given group. (

44. Answer: B

Heuristic availability is a mental shortcut that helps you make fast, but sometimes incorrect assessments. There are all kinds of
mental shortcuts, but one common one involves relying on information that comes to mind quickly. (
Availability heuristics describes a mental strategy in which people judge probability, frequency, or extremity based on the ease
with which and the amount of information that can be brought to mind ( People make judgements
about the likelihood of an event based on how easily an example, instance, or case comes to mind.

45. Answer: B

46. Answer: C

47. Answer: B

Contrast is a great difference between two or more things which is clear when you compare them (Collins dictionary).
Habituation is what happens when an organism gets used to a certain environment or stimulus. If you live near the airport and
hear planes taking off and landing every day, habituation occurs- eventually you get so used to the noise that you don’t even
notice it. ( Intensity is the quality of being very strong, concentrated or the degree to which something is strong
( Repetition is the action of repeating something that has already been said or written (Oxford dictionary).
48. Answer: D

When one hears a sound, the brain process what is heard. Sounds are converted into vibrations in the middle ear and then to
electrical impulses in the inner ear. These electrical impulses are then relayed to different sites in the brain for interpretation
( Hearing loss can have a major impact on how a child performs in school. Children with hearing difficulties
are at risk for delayed development of vocabulary, sentence structure, speech, social skills, and especially grades. A lack of
hearing ability means it is more difficult for children to pick up speech and language around them. (

49. Answer: A

Psychological projection is developed by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Freudian projection is a defense
mechanism people subconsciously employ in other to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. It involves projecting undesirable
feelings or emotions rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feeling. A classic example of psychological projection
is that of a woman who has been unfaithful to her husband but who accuses her husband of cheating her.

50. Answer: C

In psychology, suppression is the act of stopping yourself from thinking or feeling something. Repression is like suppression: you
restrain, inhibit, or subdue something; holding back or holding down. Regression is “going back”; is a psychological defense
mechanism in which a person abandons age- appropriate coping strategies, more childlike behaviors. (
Regression is a form of retreat, bringing back a time when a person feels safe and taken care of (
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in other to cope with difficult feelings or
emotions. It involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feeling

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